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Date 1/9/15


HEADLINESYesterday's Prophecies - Today's Headlines




TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY http://www.trackingbibleprophecy.org/birthpangs.php

Israeli general says not worried by Palestinian move to join ICC

Dani Dayan: World Leaders Backing Off Two State Solution

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Hamas accuses PA of neglecting Gaza Strip

Majority of Palestinians believe Jews intend to destroy al-Aksa Mosque

Israel approves two pipeline connections for natural gas deliveries to Jordan

Israeli man moderately hurt in suspected Jerusalem terror stabbing

Uruguay: Fake bomb prompted evacuation of Israeli embassy in Montevideo

Iran Activates 'Real Iron Dome' Missile Defense System

Iran-Backed Militias Are Getting U.S. Weapons

Egyptian military doubling buffer zone with Gaza , demolishing nearly 1,220 more homes

El-Sisi becomes first Egyptian president to attend Christmas mass

From Egypt's leader, an ambitious call for reform in Islam

Europe's Islam Debate Erupts as Paris Killers at Large

Sharansky: Paris massacre shows time running out for Europe

34-year-old Paris suspect directly linked to Al Qaeda training camp in Yemen

Terror suspects in Charlie Hebdo massacre were on U.S. 'no fly' list

Muslim Cleric Defends Paris Terrorist Attack

Paris attack heightens European tensions with Muslims

Britain says steps up border security after Paris attack

Al-Qaeda Is Planning to Attack the U.K. and May Succeed, Says Security Chief

Britain's MI5 chief warns al-Qaida in Syria planning mass

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attacks on West

Benjamin Netanyahu Calls on World To Act After Paris Terror Attack

Netanyahu: Israel is standing by Europe, Europe must stand by Israel

Jihadists have declared war, world must respond: Canada's Harper

Syria says Paris attack underlines threat of radical Islamism

French TV star fired after call for Muslims' deportation to avoid 'chaos & civil war'

Senior CNN Man in Bizarre Anti-Israel Tirade after Paris Attack

Joel Rosenberg on ISIS: 'I Believe It's a Demonic Movement'

Islamic State attacks checkpoints in Iraq's Samarra

Bodies 'littered on the streets' after Boko Haram attack on Baga

Pentagon seeks new weapons to counter China's hypersonic missiles

U.S. to cut European military bases as budgets shrink

EMU deflation is the final betrayal of southern Europe

Beijing to host Latin America delegation in bid to flex muscles on doorstep of US

Obama to propose free community college program for up to 9 million students

Govt Considering Using Internet, Smartphones for 2020 Census

Snowden: Cyber war more damaging to US than any other nation

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NSA's Rogers Calls for More Forceful Response to Cyberattacks

Team works to counter a new class of coffee shop hackers

Meteorite turns night into day over Bucharest, Romania

Seismic series prompts Dallas suburb to examine emergency plans

5.5 magnitude earthquake hits near Shibetsu, Japan

5.4 magnitude earthquake hits near Balleny Islands region

5.1 magnitude earthquake hits near Pacific-Antarctic Ridge

5.1 magnitude earthquake hits near Akureyri, Iceland

4.6 magnitude earthquake hits near Hofn, Iceland

Strong but Decreasing Activity in Bardarbunga

Colima volcano in Mexico erupts to 19,000ft

Fuego volcano in Guatemala erupts to 15,000ft

Arctic Cold Blast Continues; Record Lows Set in the East, South

Record-breaking weather: Mobile hits 17 degrees, beating 1886 temperature of 18

Temps in Baton Rouge, New Orleans, Lafayette plunge to historic levels

Experts warn governments to plan for climate change migrants

'Cyborg' spinal implant could help paralysed walk again

Scientists find antibiotic that kills bugs without resistance

Russia Bans Trans People And Those With 'Disorders Of Sexual Preference' From Driving

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Supreme Court Could Decide Fate of Same-Sex Marriage Soon

Republicans Waste No Time Introducing Pro-Life Legislation in New Congress; New Pain-Capable Bill Would Prevent Abortions After 20 Weeks

Kansas Church Invites Community To Come Celebrate 42 Years Of Abortion In America

Atlanta Fire Chief: I was fired because of my Christian faith

Guru probed over alleged castration of 400 followers

Evangelical Mission Organization Says It is Suffering From Lack of Missionaries

NBC omits 'God' from Pledge of Allegiance in show promo



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 (Featured Article at Bottom) 

IN TODAY'S NEWSLETTER...  Watchmen Warning: Is Paris a Warning? Charlie Hebdo - A Commentary The Charlie Hebdo Massacre Shows How

Exceedingly Vulnerable Our Society Is To

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Islamic Terror This week on 'The Hal Lindsey Report' The Daily Jot: Prophecy Clock--US now

arming Iranian militias Daily Devotion: Why We Need Churches Featured Article: Acquaintance or



Watchmen Warning: Is Paris a Warning? - By Hal Lindsey - http://www.hallindsey.com/watchman-warning-192015/   On Wednesday, January 7th, radical Muslims attacked the Paris offices of Charlie Hebdo, a satirical French weekly. As of this writing, ten members of the newspaper staff have died, along with two police officers.  Why did the gunman slaughter a group of mostly cartoonists? Because they occasionally drew caricatures of Mohammed. France has a long tradition of satirical journalism, going back hundreds of years. Charlie Hebdo has been around since 1969. They make fun of all religions including atheism. They ridicule both right-wing politicians and left-wing. Do they show good taste? No! Their slogan is "dumb and nasty." But when did bad taste become a capital offense? Sadly, Wednesday's attack surprised no one. In November 2011, the paper put a cartoon image of Mohammed on its cover along with the title, "Charia Hebdo," a play on their name combined with "Sharia." The cartoon Mohammed says, "100 lashes of the whip if you don't die laughing."  A couple of days after the images were released on the Internet, the paper was firebombed. It has been on al-Qaeda hit lists for years, but it never backed down. Editor Stéphane Charbonnier, known as "Charb," famously said, "I would rather die standing than live kneeling."

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 Charb died in Wednesday's terror attack. On this website and on The Hal Lindsey Report, I have repeatedly warned that the ongoing Islamization of Europe will change everything that Europeans hold dear. Free expression is already under attack. Who will write honestly about Islam if it means death to the writer or his loved ones? The stifling of speech about Islam is happening in the United States, too. A key element has been missing from news coverage of the attacks. Where are the pictures that caused the uproar? On several occasions Wednesday, CNN showed photos of Charb holding up controversial versions of the newspaper, but CNN conveniently kept their own graphics over the actual images from the paper. Those images are clearly a big part of the story, but who can blame media outlets for leaving the pictures out their stories? They have families, too. Nothing's quite so chilling to free speech as the threat of torture and death held against you, your co-workers, and their families. On January 5th, 18,000 Germans marched against the Islamization of their country. But German Chancellor Angela Merkel told people to stay away from such rallies, saying the anti-Islamization leaders have "prejudice, coldness, even hatred in their hearts." She gave humanitarian reasons why Germany must accept refugees from Muslim nations, saying that many are immigrating in order to escape life-threatening situations. "It goes without saying," she said, "that we help them and take in people who seek refuge with us." Her argument applies in a few cases, but, in general, it's a cop out. Her Finance Minister, Wolfgang Schäuble, laid out the real reason for the mass immigration of Middle Eastern Muslims into Germany when he said, "Slogans can't change facts: Germany needs immigrants." In France, Germany, and all across Europe, people are no longer having enough children to sustain their countries. They use their wealth to import other things they need. Why not import people as well? But people are not like electronics or food. People tend to carry with them the social habits that in many cases made their former countries so unbearable. In this case, they bring something dark and hateful. A religion. Islam. And all it takes for the immigrants to become radical is for them to start taking the Koran literal. The radicals are not getting their ideas out of the air. Their practices are clearly in the Koran.

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 And growing numbers of Muslims are beginning to take the Koran and the Hadith literally. The Majority of the Non-radical Muslims are being intimidated into a deafening silence. The western nations need to wake up to the fact that World War 3 has been declared by radicalized Islam and need to deal with it for what it is.   

Charlie Hebdo - By Vernon Gray - [email protected]  France is one of Islam's greatest appeasers. France controlled several Islamic countries in the days of their African empire. Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Sudan, Guinea, Nigeria, Mauritania, Gambia Ivory Coast and Libya were all under French control.  For all its official rhetoric, France has done precious little to stem the growing tide of Jew-hatred and anti-Israelism that has gripped that country.  Mass emigration of French Jewry, prompted primarily by French Islamists, is met with muted response and inaction by French officials who appear either indifferent to their plight or at a loss to devise a coherent strategy to effectively deal with the phenomena. Since the mid-1960s, the French, motivated partly out of greed, partly out of a need to needle the United States and partly out of genuine dislike for the Mideast's only democracy, have done everything in their power to appease tyranny rather than fight it, to prop it up rather than obliterate it. In May 1967 France was the first Western power to unilaterally impose an arms embargo on Israel at a precarious time when Israel was facing existential threats from its Arab neighbours. From Iraq to Algeria, frenzied Arab mobs stoked by their respective venal governments burned effigies of Jews in the streets to chants of Itbach al-Yahud, "slaughter the Jews!"  The world watched with feigned concern as hundreds of thousands of Arabs soldiers backed by modern Soviet T-55 tanks and Mig fighter jets converged on Israel's borders. The French, chose to abandon and betray the Jewish State in a transparent effort to curry favour with the

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Muslim world. The French sold their morality for oil and a few Francs. It has been rumoured that Nicolas Sarcozy  was funded by Libya's Muammar Gaddafi in his presidential campaign.  France is a humanistic secular state. God has no legal place in France, and this is clearly demonstrated by Charlie Hebdo Magazine. The magazine was run by Atheist Activists and made a mockery of anyone's religion which to their cost included Islam.  Not all French agree with the magazine's methods and philosophy, but almost all of them are now rallying to the side of these spiritually perverse men who hate God with a venomous passion. The editor of the magazine  Stéphane "Charb" Charbonnier's declared... ''I am not afraid of reprisals. I don't have kids, I don't have a wife, I don't have a car, I don't have credit. This may sound a bit pompous but I would prefer to die standing than to live on my knees.'' Prophetic words? It turns out that "Charb" was standing up when he was shot and killed. More importantly is what "Charb" meant by his comment. What he meant was that he would never bow his knee to any god especially the God of the Bible. Unfortunately for him his humanistic atheistic pride WILL indeed one day bow before the King of kings and the Lord of lords.  It is terrible to fall into the hands of the Almighty God. What is even more poetic is that the godless gang  at "Charlie" all came to a knowledge of the truth at the same time. All of them believe now. The media is touting the event as an attack on freedom. Mmm. In the secular humanistic atheist mind "freedom" is a relative term. One man's meat is another man's poison. There is only one place where we as humans can know true freedom, and that is in Christ.The secular version of freedom is a Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas) experience. It makes one feel good for a while and it even dulls the pain, but in the end nothing has changed. We remain shackled to our weaknesses and our fears. 

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In Christianity we are taught and instructed to love our enemies; to pray for those who use us; to do good to those who are ugly to us.  In Islam there is no such sentiment and this was "Charlie's" mistake. In mocking Christianity the magazine picked on a soft lumbering target. A target with a mindset of forgiveness, tolerance and restitution. In the Quran however there is not a single verse of instruction to love anything. There are many verses that instruct the Muslim to make war and kill the "Infidel." The Western myth of the "Religion of Peace" is appeasement at best and in many cases it is treason.  Is it right to condone this mass murder? I think it depends who you are asking. What these murderers did they did in obedience to the Quran. (This is an undisputable fact and I challenge you to check for yourself.)  Cf. Surah 2: 190 - 193 Surah 9: 5Surah 9: 28, 29Surah 9: 123 The above references are accompanied by many others in the Quran.  Do not believe the mealy mouth politicians who tell you otherwise, they have an agenda that does not include your safety or wellbeing. Often the Crusaders are thrown into the argument to justify terror and murder.The problem with this line of argument is that the Crusaders were killing in disobedience to the Bible whereas the Muslims were doing the same in obedience to the Quran. France's duplicitous foreign policies when it came to appeasing two-bit Arab dictators only went from bad to worse.  They helped Saddam Hussein construct an atom bomb plant and supplied the tyrant with massive quantities of Mirage fighter jets, missiles, tanks and artillery. For those who need reminding, this is the same chap who paid lavish sums to the families of Palestinian homicide bombers, who threatened to "burn half of Israel" and employed chemical weapons against his own people. Rather than fighting and combating Islamic terrorists, the French have a nasty habit of paying them off. They released frozen Iranian assets in

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exchange for cessation of Iranian-backed terror attacks against France and paid Palestinian groups protection money in an effort to spare their commercial airliners from the scourge of Palestinian skyjackings.

 France's abominable foreign policy reared its ugly head yet again when on December 30, it backed a Palestinian resolution at the UN Security Council that imposed dictates on Israel, compelling the Jewish State to withdraw to pre-1967 borders - borders which Israel's former UN ambassador, Abba Ebban, perceptively termed "Auschwitz lines"- without addressing Israel's security needs and territorial claims. The one-sided resolution also gave implicit recognition to the notion that millions of "Palestinian refugees" would be allowed to flood Israel, effectively ending the Jewish character of the state. The Charlie Hebdo attack is a display of hatred. Hatred for anyone who does not agree with Islam. On the other hand the victims hated just as much. In their zeal to mock God, they attacked the Catholic Church, Islam and anyone who believed in a god. Their hatred was matched with hatred, and the result is that the enemies of the God of the Bible are fighting and killing each other in a war of hatred and ignorance.  Ignorance because "Charlie" thought that the Catholic Church represents the God of the Bible, and that Allah is the same God as the God of the Bible. Personally, I believe that the 12 killed in the "Charlie" attack are now believers in the redemptive plan of God through the blood of Jesus Christ on the Cross at Calvary. All in all the world is in a humanistic mess and it is going to get much worse before it gets better.

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 The Charlie Hebdo Massacre Shows How Exceedingly Vulnerable Our Society Is To Islamic Terror - By Michael Snyder - http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/the-charlie-hebdo-massacre-shows-how-exceedingly-vulnerable-our-society-is-to-islamic-terror  If just three crazed jihadists can cause this much worldwide terror, what could thousands or even millions of them do?  We live at a time when our world is becoming increasingly unstable, and thanks to the Internet hundreds of millions of people can know about a major act of terrorism within minutes of it happening.  And that is what Islamic terrorists want.  They want to cause fear, panic and terror, but more than anything else they want attention.  They want the world to know what they did and why they did it.  Even as much of the world recoils in horror in response to the massacre at the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo,

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there are millions of radical Muslims in the Middle East that are greatly celebrating and are hailing these jihadists as heroes.  This is the biggest global news story of 2015 so far, and it is going to encourage other jihadists to commit similar attacks.  And without a doubt, these kinds of attacks have already been increasing.  It is being reported that worldwide suicide attacks by Muslims nearly doubled from 2013 to 2014.  Sadly, what we have seen up to this point is probably just the tip of the iceberg. We live in a society that is absolutely teeming with soft targets.  The United States is literally a "target-rich environment" with thousands of schools, shopping malls, movie theaters, sports stadiums and government buildings to choose from.  The possibilities for Islamic terrorists are endless. And eventually these radical jihadists are going to figure out that they can cause far more terror with bombs, chemical weapons, viruses and dirty bombs than they ever could possibly hope to with just guns. It really is a miracle that we have not seen more Islamic terror on U.S. soil up to this point.  But as organizations such as ISIS continue to grow and become more sophisticated, it is only a matter of time before we see lots more attacks like the one that just happened in Paris. As I write this, two suspects from that attack are still on the loose.  According to Fox News, French authorities believe that they are hiding in a densely forested area...  French police are swarming a 51-square-mile dense forest in their hunt for the Islamist terrorist brothers suspected of carrying out Wednesday's deadly shooting massacre at the Paris office of a satirical magazine. Authorities say the two brothers, identified as Said and Cherif Kouachi, may be hiding out in the Forêt de Retz, a vast woodland described as "larger than Paris," Sky News reported. But whether they live or die, they have already achieved more than they probably ever dreamed that they would be able to. Meanwhile, the threat of Islamic terror in the United States and all over Europe continues to grow.  A big reason for this is the fact that we are importing Muslims from the Middle East at an accelerating pace. Right now, approximately 16 percent of the population of the United States was born outside of the country.  And according to Newsmax,

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about 2.4 million of them are Muslim... The total number of immigrants from primarily Muslim countries in the U.S. was more than 2.4 million last year, compared with 2.1 million in 2010 and 1.5 million in 2000. Of course the vast majority of them do not ever intend to commit acts of terror. But without a doubt we have been bringing people into this country that do believe in jihad.  For example, a Somali refugee named Abdirahmaan Muhumed that was killed in action fighting for ISIS last year legally immigrated to the United States and once cleaned planes at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. And during the Obama administration, the flow of immigrants from Muslim nations has greatly increased.  The following is a brief excerpt from one of my previous articles... ***** According to a survey conducted by Pew Research, "the estimated share of legal Muslim immigrants entering the U.S. each year has roughly doubled, from about 5 percent of legal immigrants in 1992 to about 10 percent in 2012."  And this rise in Islamic immigration has been accelerated by a series of moves by Barack Obama. For example, earlier this year the Wall Street Journal reported on a decision by the Obama administration to bring thousands of additional Syrian refugees into the country by the end of this year... U.S. plans to resettle thousands of Syrians displaced by their country's civil war could hinge on those refugees receiving exemptions from laws aimed at preventing terrorists from entering the country. A U.S. official stated publicly for the first time this week that some of the 30,000 especially vulnerable Syrians the United Nations hopes to resettle by the end of 2014 will be referred to the U.S. for resettlement. Will "refugees" with ties to ISIS or other jihadist organizations be weeded out? ***** But it is not very "politically correct" to tie Islam with terrorism these days, is it?

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 We are just supposed to use some nebulous term like "extremists", right? Sadly, the truth is that what happened at the offices of Charlie Hebdo did not come out of a vacuum.  In Islamic nations, people do not get to have free speech.  If you criticize Islam or Muhammed you can pay a great price for that. For example, a blogger in Saudi Arabia that criticized Islam online is going to receive 1,000 lashes as a punishment... A Saudi blogger who was sentenced last May to 10 years in prison and 1,000 lashes will be publicly flogged for the first time after Friday prayers outside a mosque in the Red Sea coastal city of Jiddah, a person close to his case said Thursday. Raif Baddawi was sentenced on charges related to accusations that he insulted Islam on a liberal online forum he had created. So what makes that so different from what just happened at the offices of Charlie Hebdo? Does the fact that Saudi Arabia is supposed to be our "friend" make this kind of behavior okay? And according to WND, the top religious authority in Saudi Arabia recently came out and declared that it is okay for grown men to "marry" extremely young little girls... Saudi Arabia's Grand Mufti, Sheikh Abdulaziz Al al-Sheikh, the kingdom's top religious authority in the ultra-conservative Wahhabi school of Sunni Islam, has ruled it's acceptable for men to marry girls so young the West would deem it nothing short of pedophilia and rape. Despite the Saudi justice ministry's failed efforts to date to set 15 as a minimum age to marry a girl in the kingdom, Grand Mufti Abdulaziz declared there is nothing prohibiting Muslim men from marrying girls even younger. So how young is too young? Another very prominent Islamic cleric in Saudi Arabia issued a fatwa in 2011 which stated that grown men could marry little girls "even if they are in the cradle"... 

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Grand Mufti Abdulzaiz's more recent ruling on marrying young girls comes following a similar ruling in 2011 by Dr. Salih bin Fawzan, a prominent cleric and member of the Saudi's highest religious council, who issued a fatwa, or religious edict, that there is no minimum age to marry girls, "even if they are in the cradle." But you never hear the Obama administration criticizing Saudi Arabia even though that nation is at the very heart of the jihadist philosophy that motivates terrorists such as the ones that just attacked the offices of Charlie Hebdo. The ultimate goal of these radical Muslims, whether they belong to "al-Qaeda", or ISIS or the Saudi government, is to bring the entire globe into subjection to Islam. If that were to happen, there would be no more freedom of speech, no more freedom of religion and everyone on the planet would be forced to live their entire lives in strict observance to sharia law. Is that what you want for your children and your grandchildren? The entire world should not only be loudly condemning the jihadists that attacked Charlie Hebdo, but also the philosophy that motivated them to do so. Unfortunately, most of the western world continues to cling to deluded notions of political correctness regarding radical Islam, and in the years ahead we could all end up paying a great price for that.

 This week on 'The Hal Lindsey Report' - Hal Lindsey - www.hallindsey.com   In the last several months, I've received more questions than ever before about why America seems to be collapsing morally. I think the vast majority of us who were born before 1960 are shocked by the accelerating decline we see in our nation.  Most of us can honestly say that the America of today doesn't even resemble the America into which we were born.

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 But the greatest threats to America's survival are not external, they come from within: The degeneration of our Judeo-Christian moral and spiritual fiber; the disintegration of our cultural and religious institutions; and the destruction of the core foundation of any society -- the family.  To understand the magnitude of the collapse the United States is facing, it's essential that we understand that there are certain foundational pillars upon which all successful societies are built. And they're not simply man's inventions. These pillars are designed by God.  I call them "Divine Institutions" and they are all under tremendous attack by Satan and his followers.  A 'Divine Institution' is a fundamental principle God ordained for the preservation of the human race. It may be a custom, a practice, a relationship, or a behavioral pattern of importance in the life of a community or society.  I believe God designed these 'institutions' to benefit all human societies, to produce the best chance of happiness, and to insure their survival. These 'institutions' were not given just for the benefit of those who know the true God, but for all mankind. History confirms that to the extent any human society practices and preserves them, it is strengthened and preserved.  This week, I'll discuss the vital roles some of those 'institutions' play in the stability and survival of our nation. I will look at how these pillars of society are eroding and, in some cases, being forcibly destroyed by the spirit of anti-Christ in America.  In view of the animosities on the rise between various groups within our nation and the lurking dangers evidenced in the recent terrorist massacre in Paris, the decline of the very institutions that make possible a peaceful, stable society should be of urgent concern to every Christian and every citizen.  Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, CPM Network, The Word Network, various local stations, www.hallindsey.com  or www.hischannel.com   

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The Daily Jot: Prophecy Clock--US now arming Iranian militias - Bill Wilson - www.dailyjot.com   The bizarre foreign policy of the United States just keeps getting worse. Bloomberg reports that the US has been inadvertently arming Iranian Islamists who are fighting the Islamic State. This comes on the heels of the occupant of the Oval Office's end-of-2014 proclamation that Iran could become "a very successful regional power" and that he could see the US reopening an embassy there. That the White House is allowing the arming of America's enemies is extremely alarming, but it is nothing new. Since this "president" took office, US tax dollars have been routinely spent on arming Islamic terrorists, likely dating back to before the White House-inspired Arab Spring revolutions in 2010. Rewind to June 15, 2011, when the White House presented a 38 page report attempting to justify the war in Libya. The "president" made a humanitarian case for offensive military action in Libya. House Speaker John Boehner informed the "president" that he would be in violation of the War Powers Act and the Constitution if the war did not end by June 17. US involvement in the Libyan war continued through October 2011. The "president" claimed that he was within his authority to continue the war without Congressional approval. It was revealed that US tax dollars were used to fund al Qaeda operatives to overthrow the Libyan government--many of those operatives had been fighting against US soldiers in Iraq. It didn't stop there. The "president" continued funding revolution throughout the Middle East, using the Muslim Brotherhood and al Qaeda as proxies in attempts to overthrow Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia, and Syria. The Syrian effort became even more muddled as the White House was once again caught sending US arms to al Qaeda-linked "rebels" to oust the Assad government. Then entered the release of Abu Bakr al-baghdadi from an Iraqi prison and the training of Islamic insurgents in Jordan, who eventually united with Bakr to form the Islamic State (IS). Then the "president" made a big show of "bombing" the IS, but in reality it became stronger and is a stronghold for international terror and barbarism. Now, Bloomberg reports that Ambassador Jim Jeffrey, the US envoy to Baghdad from 2010-2012, confirmed that the Iraqi government has been transferring US weapons to Iranian Islamists for years. White House spokesman Alistair Baskey said the administration did not "have any reason to believe" such transfers were occurring. Here we have a

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US "president" arming the enemies of America and of God with impunity. The prophetic impact is enormous as these are the traditional enemies of Israel who are being armed and strengthened by US tax dollars and US leadership. Consequences? In Zechariah 12:9, the Lord says that in that day, "I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem."

Daily Devotion: Why We Need Churches - Greg Laurie - www.harvest.org   And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment, that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ, being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God. -Philippians 1:9-11 The Bible tells us that one of the signs of the last days, among other things, will be false teaching. And the only way we are going to be able to detect false teaching is by knowing what the Word of God teaches. Paul prayed for the Philippian Christians that their knowledge of God's Word would grow. He said, "This I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment, that you may approve the things that are excellent" (Philippians 1:9-10). We need an intelligent, discerning love that does the right thing. The word that Paul used here for approved could be translated "to examine, prove, and analyze." This is an area in which we all need to grow. I think there are a lot of Christians who haven't really formed a proper theology, and maybe one of the reasons is because they jump from church to church. With the various ideas they expose themselves to, they can get a little confused, and they may not really know what they believe about a given subject. I don't think that church hopping is good for spiritual growth. But I do think that every Christian needs a church. I think they need a theology. I think they need a pastor. I think they need to be consistent. And I think they need accountability in a church. Every believer needs to find a church and commit to it. I am not saying

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that we can't ever visit a church if we go somewhere else. What I am saying is to find a church, stay there, be faithful, pray for the pastor, listen to what he says, and support that ministry. Be accountable, and develop and use your spiritual gifts in that place.





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Featured Article: Acquaintance or Bondservant? - By Donna Wasson - http://www.raptureready.com/soap2/wasson146.html    Luke 14:25-30, 33 "And there went great multitudes with him: and he turned, and said unto them, 'If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it? Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it begin to mock him, saying, 'This man began to build, and was not able to finish.' So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.'" It's a brand new year: 2015. What are you going to do with it? What are your plans? Have you got your eye on that new house or new luxury car? Are you hoping for a promotion or a raise from your boss? Are you trying like mad to finish your degree, or praying your kids will pass Algebra so they can get into the right college? Maybe you're planning a long awaited tropical vacation. I'm sure you have something in mind, right?  So, what if God has different plans for your life than you do? What then? Are you willing to bend to His will, or will you feign selective spiritual hearing and do what you want anyway? When is the last time you contemplated exactly what you're willing to surrender to the Lord? You may have done this when you were first all excited about being saved, but what about now?   It seems to me that the vast majority of Americans who profess to be Christians have never done this. They drive their beautiful cars to their beautiful churches every Sunday, wearing their beautiful outfits, and warm their pew, throw some bucks in the offering plate and call it a day. Some of them live perfectly 'good' moral lives; they don't cheat on their taxes or their spouse. Most of the time, they try to practice the Golden Rule and follow the Ten Commandments as best they can.   But they're much too busy to spend time reading the Bible or pray

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every day. Time just slips by and before they know it, it's time to crawl into bed for the night. If God is lucky, they'll quietly mumble a laundry list of needs and wants to the Lord as they fall asleep. And sometimes they wonder if it's enough; if God is pleased with them. Oh, surely He is! After all, they're good people, right? Salt of the earth types. Or are they? Is that all God requires of us to please Him?  I'm afraid not. You see, it's true that salvation is free. BUT, if you want a real relationship with Christ, to have Him as a close, intimate friend, well...that will cost you everything. Absolutely everything. God doesn't want you to know about Him. He wants you to KNOW Him! He wants a bondservant.   What's a bondservant? Translated from the Greek word, doulos, it means: one who is subservient to and completely at the disposal of his/her master. In other words, it's a slave. In Biblical times, that wasn't necessarily a negative circumstance.   Sometimes, people would default on a loan and become the property of the lender, working for him or her until their debt was paid off. Exodus 21 says that a Hebrew had to be set free in the seventh year of their servitude. If that person was married when they became a slave, then the spouse was freed as well.  However, if the master gave the slave a wife or husband and they had children, then the slave would be freed at the appointed time, but the spouse and children would remain with the master.  Exodus 21:5-6 explains "And if the servant shall plainly say, 'I love my master, my wife and my children; I will not go out free': then his master shall bring him unto the judges; he shall also bring him to the door, or unto the door post; and his master shall bore his ear through with an aul; and he shall serve him forever."   Some people were happy with this circumstance. If they served well, sometimes the master would promote the servant to a high position over their household. But, they were never again free to make their own decisions. That was the price they paid in exchange for the security of knowing they, their spouse and children always had a roof over their heads, and food in their bellies.    Fact is, because of original sin, we are all born into slavery. We will serve one of two masters; satan or Jesus. Christ shed His blood and died on the cross to give us the choice whom we would serve. If we don't make a conscious decision to choose Jesus as our Master, then we belong to satan by default. This indecision is the case for the vast majority of human beings born since Adam and Eve. 

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  Now. According to Jesus' own words and standards, choosing to belong to Him involves much more than lip service or pew warming. He wants the same level of devotion He demonstrated towards us. He gave us His very life and He expects our life in return. All of our life. That includes our hopes, dreams, plans, wealth, possessions, family, education, talents, health and body. To put it simply, Christ isn't a cheap date!   He states over and over that He expects us to pick up our cross and follow Him. This means deliberately turning our back on the fleshly things of this world, and living as holy and righteous a life as we can with the help of the Holy Spirit. In order to be successful at this, most Christians have to develop a whole new set of friends. If they continue to hang out with the same old crowd, they'll quickly succumb to the temptation to join in activities displeasing to their Master. Not good.  In the passage from Luke at the top of this article, it says that there were 'great multitudes' following Jesus. Well, heck yeah they were following Him! He was healing their sicknesses and deformities. He was casting demonic spirits out of them. He was teaching them things about YHWH they'd never heard before and taking the arrogant religious leaders of the day to task. He was even cool enough to feed well over 5000 of them a great meal of bread and fish, in the middle of nowhere! What's not to follow?!  But then He turned around and told them what the catch was: He expected them to love Him to such a degree that, in comparison, their love for their very own family would resemble hate! HUH?? He even told them that they weren't 'worthy' of following Him if they weren't willing to die for Him.    Now, most people are willing to die to protect a loved one or maybe a close friend, but who was this guy to demand such devotion? I imagine that once the people received healing or deliverance from Jesus, they were content to go back to their normal lives and give Him little thought. After all, once you've seen a few miracles, the thrill wears off, you know?   Yeah, most folks were willing to participate in the prescribed Feasts, purifications and sacrifices expected of a good Jew, but to accept that this carpenter from Nazareth was the long-awaited Messiah? Uh, no. That was just too much to swallow, especially once the Pharisees started in with their accusations.   Jesus even alienated His more ardent followers with some of His

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teachings.  John 6 records this.  Verses 53-54 say "Then Jesus said unto them, 'Verily, verily, I say unto you, except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you. Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.'"   Verses 60-61 says "Many therefore of his disciples, when they had heard this, said, 'This is an hard saying; who can hear it?' When Jesus knew in himself that his disciples murmured at it, he said unto them, 'Doth this offend you?'" He knew they'd be freaked out by a statement like that; after all, there were so many pagan religions in that day that featured child sacrifice and temple prostitution, for all they knew he was espousing cannibalism.    He was well aware they weren't even devoted enough to ask Him to explain what He meant by such a strange statement. They wanted His teaching and expectations to be easy to swallow. Because they weren't serious enough about their relationship with Him to investigate what He was talking about, verse 66 tells what happened: "From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with Him." If it was difficult for the average person to be a sold-out disciple of Jesus back when they could literally see Him, talk with Him, hear His teachings and watch His miracles, how much more difficult is it in this day? Since Jesus returned to heaven, we are expected to walk by blind faith. 2 Corinthians 5:7 states this clearly. "For we walk by faith; not by sight."  This faith thing is one reason the Father has such incredible blessings in store for the Bride. He REALLY loves when we humans simply believe that He says what He means, and He means what He says. He goes positively goo-goo when we step out in obedience to the prompting of the Holy Spirit, relying on nothing more than His word.   God jealously guards His reputation, and nothing pleases Him more than our acceptance and belief in what He has said. The Bible tells us God values His own word to us even more than His holy name!  Psalm 138:2 says "I will worship towards thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name." Blind faith in God's word and obedience to His statutes, is the key to pleasing the Father as well as Jesus. How many professing Christians do you know who live their lives this way? HAHAHA! Yep, that's what I thought. I don't know too many either. Apparently, it's rather rare. Jesus even asked in Luke 18:8 "...nevertheless, when the Son of man cometh,

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shall he find faith on the earth?" Romans 10:17   declares "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."  But if you're not taking the time to read the Word, how will your faith have the fuel to grow enough to believe what God says? How will you know what conduct He expects of you? Hebrews 11:6 warns "But without faith, it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." So here's the deal: If your Bible is collecting dust and you fail to spend time seeking a relationship with God, you won't have the faith you need to be obedient in these increasingly evil days. You won't be able to resist the temptations of this world. You cannot muster faith within yourself without the nourishment of the Bible, therefore you will not be pleasing to God.   There is a price to pay for being a disciple of Jesus. It requires your time. It requires some dedication to reading the Bible and talking to your heavenly Father. Believe me, there is NOTHING more important on your calendar than this! Mark off an appointment with the Lord every day if you have to. Shut yourself off from your family in a quiet, private place and spend time with Him.    If you'll make this a daily habit, I promise it will change your life! You won't fear the future. You'll be given the peace that passes understanding in these perilous days. You'll begin to disengage from the things of this wicked world, living with one foot on this earth and the other inside heaven's gate. You'll be obeying what Jesus repeatedly told this generation to be doing: watching and waiting for His return, so we aren't taken by surprise.   You'll be ready to fly home when that trumpet sounds! You'll be able to face the increasing sorrows that are coming upon this earth. Economic collapse? Chem trails? Martial law? Natural disasters? Famine? Pestilence? War? Encroaching filth and threat of islam? Who cares! You'll be standing in the palm of the Father's hand with perfect confidence in His provision, protection and ability to guide you home while the world around you crumbles to hell.  Let me encourage you to completely surrender everything to Jesus. Time is almost up, and the days of playing church and pew warming are over. Count the cost and become the bondservant He wants you to be. Cultivate a REAL relationship with the Almighty God who is soon to pour out His wrath on this country, and do it now! His plans for you far exceed your wildest imagination, so like the old song says, "Trust and

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obey, for there's no other way..."  May the Bride go home in 2015!   


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Maranatha! (Lord Come Quickly)  "On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand, All other ground is sinking sand."  "Let Us make the short time we have left count for all eternity!"  YBIC-Randy