Objective-C Quinton Palet Department of Computer Science University of Wisconsin-Platteville [email protected] Abstract Objective-C is an object oriented language as well as a strict superset of C and is primarily used in OS X and iOS development. Objective-C originally started in 1982 by Brad Cox and Tom Love in an attempt to make a language which maintained the backwards compatibility of C while also making it more reusable in implementation and software design. Objective-C has recently been growing in popularity due to Apple’s OS X and iOS increasing in popularity, it is currently ranked third on TIOBE programming Community Index which is up from fifth last year [6]. Objective-C is a dynamic language deferring many responsibilities until runtime, allowing it to be more flexible. Objective-C is less versatile than some languages due to its primary development environment Xcode, which can only be ran on OS X. Without Objective-C OS X and iOS as we know it today would be much different. Introduction Initially Objective-C was developed to bring large scale software development the power of the object-oriented approach. The language is comprised of ANSI C and a small set of Smalltalk

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Quinton PaletDepartment of Computer ScienceUniversity of Wisconsin-Platteville

[email protected]


Objective-C is an object oriented language as well as a strict superset of C and is primarily used in OS X and iOS development. Objective-C originally started in 1982 by Brad Cox and Tom Love in an attempt to make a language which maintained the backwards compatibility of C while also making it more reusable in implementation and software design. Objective-C has recently been growing in popularity due to Apple’s OS X and iOS increasing in popularity, it is currently ranked third on TIOBE programming Community Index which is up from fifth last year [6]. Objective-C is a dynamic language deferring many responsibilities until runtime, allowing it to be more flexible. Objective-C is less versatile than some languages due to its primary development environment Xcode, which can only be ran on OS X. Without Objective-C OS X and iOS as we know it today would be much different.


Initially Objective-C was developed to bring large scale software development the power of the object-oriented approach. The language is comprised of ANSI C and a small set of Smalltalk inspired extensions. It inherits much of its syntax from C along with its primitive types such as int and char. Objective-C gets its object oriented constructs from Smalltalk using its message passing.


Objective-C was first developed in the early 1980s by Brad Cox and Tom Love at Stepstone. The original language was an object oriented superscript of C with message passing based off of Smalltalk. In 1986 Objective-C was released by Stepstone.

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In 1985 Steve Jobs left Apple founded NeXT. In 1988 Steve Jobs licensed Objective C license for NeXT from Stepstone [1]. Once NeXT licensed Objective-C they extended the GCC compiler to support Objective-C and built the NeXTStep operating system on Objective-C. In 1996 Apple bought NeXT and Apple rolled the NeXTStep operating system into Mac OS X.

Apple then continued to build onto the Mac OS X thus making all the later versions of OS X Objective-C based. When apple released the first iOS device in 2007 they based it off of OS X making all of the iOS operating systems based off of Objective-C too. Along with releasing iOS is 2007 Apple release Objective-C that automated memory management, allowed for fast enumeration, added garbage collection, and several other features.

Growing Popularity

Recently Objective-C has been growing in popularity; this is shown with Objective-C moving from fifth on the TIOBE programming Community Index last year to third this year [6]. This is due to Apple gaining more market share in the PC market in both personal PCs and business PCs. Besides gaining market share in the PC market, it’s also gained more market share in the tablet market with the iPad and also in the phone market with the iPhone. With the increase in popularity of devices that run Objective-C based operating systems, it also increased the popularity in the development of Objective-C based applications to run on them.


Objective-C can be used across nearly any operating system. The main issue with using Objective-C on any operating systems is the compilers that are available for that operating system and the frameworks that the compiler supports. For Windows you can use GCC under Cygwin or MinGW, the downside to this is that you will not have access to the Cocoa or CocoaTouch frameworks that is necessary to do development for iOS or Mac OS X. For Linux you can use the GNU compiler that was originally written for the GNU operating system, just like for Windows you will not have access to the Cocoa or CocoaTouch frameworks. For OS X you can use Xcode for a compiler that will support more frameworks than what are offered on Windows or Linux, this is due to OS X being written on Objective-C and Apple developing more frameworks.


Frameworks are a large part of Objective-C due to standard Objective-C not having many core methods or classes. Frameworks are a collection of classes that can be imported into any class and used. The two most commonly used frameworks are Cocoa and Cocoatouch, this is due to Apples heavy involvement in the development of the frameworks and them being a large basis of

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the Mac OS X operating system. Frameworks will also usually import other frameworks, and some frameworks are just a collection of frameworks making it easy to import all of the necessary classes needed to for a program.

Cocoa and Cocoatouch

The framework that gives OS X and iOS the distinct look and feel often associated with them is Cocoa and Cocoatouch. Cocoa provides most of the look and feel most commonly associated with OS X and Cocoatouch provides the look and feel most commonly associated with iOS.

The Cocoa and Cocoatouch frameworks consist of three main frameworks. In Cocoa the three main frameworks are the Foundation framework, AppKit framework, and CoreData framework. The Foundation framework consists of many classes used for simple Objective-C programs that are from NeXTStep such as NSString, which is Cocoa’s string class since Objective-C doesn’t have a string class [4]. The AppKit framework consists of functions that are used for creating an OS X application and include classes that are used to handle windows, buttons, and other GUI elements. The last framework in the Cocoa framework is the CoreData framework; this is used to handle data within an application and the linking of an application to a database.

The Cocoatouch framework, like the Cocoa framework, has the Foundation framework and the CoreData framework in it. However instead of the AppKit framework it has UIKit framework; this is because the Cocoatouch framework used for iOS application development. Like the AppKit framework the UIKit framework adds classes that are used to handle GUI elements but also includes classes to handle elements unique to iOS devices like maps, gps, gestures, and other elements.


The syntax of Objective-C is a superset of ANSI C extended by providing syntax for defining classes and methods. What sets Objective-C apart from C++, C#, and Java is that you can put C code straight into any Objective-C program and it will compile with no problem. This is because Objective-C is C with just more added on.


Objective-C programs are declared by their file extension. There are three different types of file extensions for Objective-C, two of the most popular ones are .h and .m. The .h file extension similar to C++ is used to declare it as the header file that is used to define the interface of the class. The .m file extension is used to declare the methods of the class which are based off of the methods or functions declared in the interface file. The last type of file extension is .nm which is

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used to similar to the .m file extension but can contain C++ code along with Objective-C and C code.


Objective-C contains support for comments just like any other C based language. In order to comment out a single line you simply start the line with //, and in order to comment out a block of lines you start the block with /* and end it with */. Figure 1 demonstrates both single line commenting and block style commenting.

Figure 1: Example of Single and Block Commenting


Function declarations and calls are very similar between C, Java and Objective-C. Functions can be either value returning or non-value returning. Also, functions can either have parameters or no parameters. Objective-C at its core doesn’t have many functions built in but you can add frameworks into your Objective-C programs that will give you access to thousands of functions and classes. Just like in any other language you can write your own functions. In order to write your own function you must declare the method in the interface of the class which is in the header file which similar to C++ is suffixed by .h.

Figure 2: Example of declarations

The plus sign at the beginning of the classMethod1 declaration in Figure 2 means that the function can be called on the class itself like a static function would in C++. Functions also declared with the plus sign also have no access to instance variables. The minus sign at the beginning of the classMethod2 declaration in Figure 2 means that the function can only be called on a particular instance of the class. You can also see that the classMethod2 has parameters passed to the function; the colon after the function name is what separates the function name from the parameters passed to it.

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The implementation of functions or methods is done in the implementation file that normally has the file extension .m which originally stood for “messages”. Just like in C++ the implementation is done using the interface declaration.

Figure 3: Example of method implementation

Figure 3 demonstrates the implementation of a method that would be in the .m file using declaration from the interface file or .h file. Objective C also allows you to split the name of your method with parameters.

Figure 4: Example of method with split method name

Figure 4 demonstrates how to implement a method call with a split method name. This allows you to make your code in Objective-C more readable than you can in other languages.

Unlike in other languages, Objective-C does not allow for operator overloads. In other languages like java you could have three constructor methods, all with the same name but have different parameter types or number of parameters passed in to initialize the object accordingly. In order to do this in Objective-C you must make different names for the methods, this follows around with maintain the readability of Objective-C code. Many Objective-C developers will include the parameter type that they are initializing with in the name of the method, for example a constructor initialized with a string may have the name constructorWithString. Another downside to not being able to do operator overloads is that it doesn’t allow for polymorphism. This can be a major downside to Objective-C if the desired program to develop requires polymorphism.

Data types and Variables

In Objective-C you have access to all of the primitive data types that are found in C with the added in of BOOL. This may not seem like a lot of data types compared to C++ or Java but the advantage Objective-C has is that you can use other frameworks that will give you access to a variety of different classes. One of the most popular frameworks would be Cocoa; the Cocoa framework was developed by Apple various classes from the NeXTStep operating system.

NSString *someString = @”hello world”;Figure 5: Example of defining a variable

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This is shown with many of the commonly used variables beginning with NS, Figure 4 demonstrates how you would define a string in Objective-C with the Foundation framework. The reason you start someString with an * is because NSString is an Object and someString is only a pointer to that object. You can also see in Figure 4 that the literal has an @ prefix before the quotes, this is used to show the difference between a string in C and Objective-C.


Objects are the reason Objective-C was developed. Classes in Objective-C are done very similar to C++ and Java. One of the big differences between Objective-C and other languages is the way objects handle method calls or message passing. In order to call a method within a class you pass a class a message, this is done using bracket syntax similar to Smalltalk.

Object *O = [Object messagePassed: Param];Figure 6: Passing a message

In Figure 5 you can see that the message that is passed to Object is messagePassed with the parameter of Param. Message passing is essential for Objective-C to allow objects dynamic typing. Dynamic typing allows postponing a message’s destination until runtime where as C++ and Java do this at compile time. Message passing also allows the same message to be sent to a variety of classes and those that cannot handle the message silently ignore it.

- (void) setValue: (id) Obj;Figure 7: Example of dynamic typing

In Figure 6 the method setValue the parameter passed in Obj may be of any class, if the method is able to handle the parameter pass in the message it will but if it doesn’t it will silently ignore it.

Memory Management

Objective-C doesn’t have memory management built in, so in order to make an object you would have to allocate or alloc memory for the object. You can then retain the object so that you are able to pass the object from one class to another, but with retaining an object you are responsible to release the object once able to in order to free up resources. Releasing an object frees up resources and was necessary early on when you didn’t have as much memory. An alternative to release is autorelease. Autorelease adds the object to an autoreleasepool that allows you to release all of the objects in the pool with one call. This differs from the majority of other higher level languages that have built in garbage collection or have a library that can be added for garbage collection.

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Objective-C 2.0

In 2007 Apple released Objective-C 2.0 that added in a collection of new features. One of the most notable new features was garbage collection. The garbage collector ran on a background thread and removed the need to retain and release objects. This feature was not available for iOS development though, and was soon deprecated with the release of OS X v10.8 which implemented ARC or Automatic Reference Counting [5]. Unlike the garbage collection ARC did not require an additional thread to manage the resources. ARC is a compile time feature that just like the garbage collector removes the need for the developer to release and retain objects. What ARC does is at compile time it will go through the program and determine when objects are out of scope and will then add in the release statements [5]. As you can see this will add time to compile the program but will in turn make the program much more efficient than if a garbage collector would be running.

Along with ARC another new feature added in with Objective-C 2.0 was properties. Properties introduced a new syntax for declaring instance variables. Property variables have optional attributes to configure the generation of access methods such as getter and setters by declaring the property with @synthesize. You can also opt to not use @synthesize if you wish to have the properties set by other means in which case you use @dynamic to indicate the accessor methods will be created by other means. Properties default to atomic which means by default they can only be accessed by one thread at a time. In order to make a property nonatomic you must declare it as such.

Figure 8: Example of property declaration and implementation

As you can see in Figure 8 this would be an example of a property be declared and implemented. The top line would go in the header file or interface file, and is an example of a property being declared as nonatomic, it also sets the property to read only, and sets the getter method to timestamp. The second line in Figure 8 is the synthesize line that would go in the main file or implementation file. This line tells the compiler at compile time to create the getter and setter methods for the property.

Lastly one of the more interesting features implemented with Objective-C 2.0 would be dot notation syntax. This allows you to call methods similar to the way you would in Java or C++ with the object name followed by a period and then the parentheses with the parameters passed in. The dot syntax doesn’t work for all methods though; specifically it will not work for methods with split method names. This can be somewhat of a dilemma; you can opt to keep your codes readability with the split method name, or you could opt to make it easier for developers not familiar with Objective-C to read/use.

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Objective-C or Java

Many early on developers run into the question of which language to learn first, and due to the increase popularity in mobile devices many narrow their choices down to Java and Objective-C. Both languages have benefits to learning them, but for general development purposes, and early on learning it seems like Java would be the better decision. The reason for this is that Java has a written standard unlike Objective-C. This will make it easier for developers to have access to standardized libraries and documentation on the language easily. Objective-C documentation isn’t consistent depending on the compiler or operating systems you use, which is why most developers use Xcode. This is due to Apples documentation for the Xcode compiler and the frameworks used with the Xcode compiler. Another reason Java is a better language for early on developers to start with is that Java is ran on many more devices than Objective-C, the main devices that use Objective-C are all Apple devices, where as for Java it is used on a great deal more, from phones to majority of PCs to even ATMs. Objective-C does have the ability to be more readable than Java, but this seems to be overcome by using proper naming and documentation.

Another thing to consider when deciding between Objective-C and Java is the amount of resources available for the program to run. Objective-C programs tend to take up more room than Java programs. This is due to Objective-C programs having a dynamic runtime, the compiler isn’t able to remove un used methods at compile time because there is no way of knowing whether or not that method will be used at runtime. So if resource availability is an issue it is usually a better option to go with Java over Objective-C.

While Objective-C may not be a good language for early on development or general development doesn’t mean that it isn’t a good language to learn at all. Apple’s Mac OS X and iOS has been growing in popularity and with that will come the demand for programs to be ran on them. While you can use other languages to develop for Mac OSs such as C++ and Ruby, the programs tend to need the Cocoa framework in order to have the functionality needed for them to run on Mac OS X. This makes it so you would still be developing in Objective-C and just adding another layer between the application and the kernel which can reduce efficiency with the program.


In conclusion, Objective-C has come a long way since its first design in the early 80’s of being only used on a few operating systems. It has become a cross platform, multipurpose object oriented language that can be developed on many operating system. With Apple continuing to grow and having all of their operating systems based off of Objective-C it is most likely that Objective-C will continue to grow in popularity and continue to grow in functionality. Without Objective-C Apple today would be a completely different company with completely different operating systems.

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[1] Kaul, Vivek. (2009, May 11). What Jobs did when he was fired from Apple. Retrieved from http://www.dnaindia.com/money/report_what-steve-jobs-did-when-he-was-fired-from-apple_1254757

[2] Biancuzzi, F., & Warden, S. (2009). Masterminds of programming: Conversations with the creators of major programming languages . Sepastopol, CA: O'Reilly Media.

[3] Apple. (2010, December 13). Cocoa fundamentals guide. Retrieved from https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/CocoaFundamentals/Introduction/Introduction.html

[4] Apple. (2011, October 12). The objective-c programming language. Retrieved from https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/ObjectiveC/Introduction/introObjectiveC.html

[5] LLVM. (2012). Automatic Reference Counting. Retrieved from http://clang.llvm.org/docs/AutomaticReferenceCounting.html

[6] TIOBE Software. (2012, November). TIOBE programming community index for November 2012. Retrieved from http://www.tiobe.com/index.php/content/paperinfo/tpci/index.html