GCU College of Education LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE 03/2014 Teacher Candidate: Grade Level: Date: Unit/ Subject: Instruction al Plan Title Felicea Barr 3 rd Grade 10/13/2017 Number & Operations-Fractions/Explore Equivalent Fractions/Mathematics Pizza Pi I. PLANNING Lesson summary and focus: By the end of this Unit, students will recognize and generate simple equivalent fractions, and be able to explain why the fractions are equivalent with 80% accuracy. Students will have chances to collaborate in small groups, practice making fractions incorporating technology, as well as create materials related to the topic of fractions and equivalent fractions. Classroom and student factors: 1. Only a little over half of the class is at grade level in math performance. There are equally 6 students performing below grade level, as well as 6 performing above grade level. More support, differentiation, and accommodations will be required to address this diversity. 2. Most of the students are in the lower to mid socio-economic bracket, they may have limited access to technology and other outside supports. 3. 5 students have an IEP. There are also students with diabetes, hearing aids, and peanut allergies. The may need support in the form of abbreviated assignments, modifications and accommodations, more frequent breaks, supplemental materials, and assistive technology. The instructor should be informed of medical protocols in cases of emergency. 4. Four students are English Language Learners. They may require more explicit instruction, as well as the use of vocabulary and comprehension enhancement strategies and materials. 5. Six students are in either Tier 2 or Tier 3 in the RTI for Math area. Students who qualify in these areas may require additional instruction and support. National / State Learning National/ State Learning Standard: 3. NF. A. 3. B Recognize and generate simple equivalent fractions, Page 1 of 28

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Teacher Candidate:Grade Level:Date:Unit/Subject:Instructional Plan Title

Felicea Barr3rd Grade10/13/2017Number & Operations-Fractions/Explore Equivalent Fractions/MathematicsPizza Pi

I. PLANNINGLesson summary and focus:

By the end of this Unit, students will recognize and generate simple equivalent fractions, and be able to explain why the fractions are equivalent with 80% accuracy. Students will have chances to collaborate in small groups, practice making fractions incorporating technology, as well as create materials related to the topic of fractions and equivalent fractions.

Classroom and student factors:

1. Only a little over half of the class is at grade level in math performance. There are equally 6 students performing below grade level, as well as 6 performing above grade level. More support, differentiation, and accommodations will be required to address this diversity.

2. Most of the students are in the lower to mid socio-economic bracket, they may have limited access to technology and other outside supports.

3. 5 students have an IEP. There are also students with diabetes, hearing aids, and peanut allergies. The may need support in the form of abbreviated assignments, modifications and accommodations, more frequent breaks, supplemental materials, and assistive technology. The instructor should be informed of medical protocols in cases of emergency.

4. Four students are English Language Learners. They may require more explicit instruction, as well as the use of vocabulary and comprehension enhancement strategies and materials.

5. Six students are in either Tier 2 or Tier 3 in the RTI for Math area. Students who qualify in these areas may require additional instruction and support.

National / State Learning Standards:

National/ State Learning Standard: 3. NF. A. 3. B Recognize and generate simple equivalent fractions, e.g., 1/2 = 2/4, 4/6 = 2/3. Explain why the fractions are equivalent, e.g., by using a visual fraction model.

Specific learning target(s) / objectives:By the end of this Unit, students will recognize and generate simple equivalent fractions, and explain why the fractions are equivalent with 80% accuracy.

Teaching notes:


5 Potential Roadblocks:

1. Students at different Math Tier Levels.2. Incomprehensible Contributions.3. The same students do all the talking.4. Students provide inaccurate answers,

information, or solutions.5. Comprehension and understanding issues

related to English Language Learners.

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5 Potential Solutions:

1. Ask varying levels of questions: How would you describe this equation in your own words? How do you think ____ got his/her answer?

2. Ask probing questions: “How did you arrive at that answer?”, Would you explain a little more to me about what you are thinking?

3. Cold call other students: “Do you have something to add or another answer? “Why do you think ___did it that way?”

4. Have students check their work: Can you guess and check? Would it help to create a diagram or graphic?

5. Provide Visuals, Manipulatives, and Realia. Supply lists of academic vocabulary, use gestures, facial expressions, and modeling. Provide examples and partially filled in worksheets to allow for differentiation.

DOK Questions:

1. Tell me something you know about fractions and their equivalents.

2. When would you use fractions in your real life?3. An equivalent fraction to ½ might be: _____.4. Are the fractions 1/3 and 2/6 equivalent? Why?

______5. What does the term equivalent mean?6. Are the fractions 1/3 and 2/3 equivalent? Why

not? _____7. What is an improper fraction?8. What is a numerator and where is it located?9. What is a denominator and where is it located?10. Why and how would I use fractions when making

a cake?


The teacher will read aloud the text: My Half Day by Doris Fisher and Dani Sneed.

The teacher will discuss elements from the book, and emphasize the

Formative assessment:The Pizza Pi worksheet, the Pizza Craft along with the corresponding rubric, Depth of Knowledge Questions, Academic Language Frames and the Pizza Pi Exit Slip will be used to measure student understanding. The Pizza Pi Exit Slip will ask the students to answer questions and demonstrate writing equivalent fractions.

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fractions used, and demonstrate equivalent fractions on the SMART Board or whiteboard

The teacher asks students DOK questions related to the concept of fractions and their equivalents.

Learning and Teacher Activities:

Students will travel to the computer lab to practice using fractions and their equivalents using the ABCYA website “Equivalent Fraction Bingo” http://www.abcya.com/equivalent_fractions_bingo.htm

This Bingo game can be differentiated for students at all grade levels, as there are 2 different levels to play, as well as different grid sizes to adjust for students who may need varying levels of support. Allow 45 minutes for this activity.

Next, Students will be divided into small groups. They will use the Pizza Pi worksheets, rubric, pizza boxes, paper plates, coloring materials, and craft items to create a fractional pizza.

Students will be given the Pizza Pi Exit Slip to demonstrate understanding.

Academic Language:Products

Key vocabulary:

Denominator Equivalent Fraction Fourth Fraction Greater Than Half Improper Fraction Less Than Mixed Fraction Numerator Proper Fraction Proportion Quarter Third Whole Number

Function: AnalyzingStudents will participate in tasks and activities that relate to exploring equivalent fractions. Students will produce materials, incorporate technology, and use Academic Language Frames to demonstrate understanding. The Academic Language Frames include:

1. ____ is connected to ____ This is important because…

2. After a thorough analysis of the evidence, we can conclude that…

3. I found out that___ is related to… ___.

4. This ____ is significant because….

5. Given the evidence, we can deduce that….

Form: Students will create a craft fraction “Pizza”, practice fractions by playing “Equivalent Fraction Bingo” on the ABCYA website, incorporate academic language frames, and use the Pizza Pi Assessment to demonstrate their level of depth and understanding regarding the topic of fractions and equivalent fractions.

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Instructional Materials, Equipment and Technology:

My Half Day text by Doris Fisher and Dani Sneed. (One copy to read to students)Pizza Pi activity worksheet, rubric, and exit slips.Approximately 32 pizza boxes, 32 large paper plates, multi-colored construction paper, colored pencils, markers, crayons, scissors, glue.6 boxes or bags of miscellaneous craft items. (Buttons, sequins, dried pasta, pom-poms, candy, etc.)Completed Pizza Pi worksheet and Pizza Craft with a box to demonstrate activity to students.“Equivalent Fraction Bingo” http://www.abcya.com/equivalent_fractions_bingo.htmAccess to the computer lab.The Fraction Bingo game has 2 different levels, along with different grid sizes to assist students below, at, and above grade proficiency levels.Smart Board, Laptop, cell phone, or computer to play fractions-fractions song. (with microphone if available)Fractions-Fractions Song:https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=equivalent+fractions+videos+for+3rd+grade&&view=detail&mid=F1CAF72518F8455CC96DF1CAF72518F8455CC96D&rvsmid=4C9ADBBFD5931505408C4C9ADBBFD5931505408C&FORM=VDQVAP

Grouping: The teacher will use heterogenous grouping by placing high-achieving students with students who need more support. Students will have opportunities to learn in large and small groups, as well as with a partner. The teacher will rotate student groupings during the 3-Day Unit, to encourage diversity during student collaboration.


A. OpeningPrior knowledge connection: Students will use their prior knowledge of fractions and

their equivalents when making connections with the learning target. Students will also incorporate previously learned skills relevant to interpreting fractions, to assist with creating and explaining fractions and their equivalents.

Anticipatory set: This lesson is relevant and valuable to students, as they will use fractions and their equivalents in many areas of their lives. For instance, in areas such as measuring food for recipes, calculating amounts and percentages, building, finance, sports, and shopping.

B. Learning and Teaching Activities (Teaching and Guided Practice):I Do Students Do Differentiation

Opening:1. The teacher begins this

lesson by connecting students’ prior knowledge of fractions by reading the text: My Half Day by Doris Fisher and Dani Sneed.

Opening:1. Students will listen as the

teacher reads the text: My Half Day.

2. Students will answer DOK questions related to the text: My Half Day.

3. The students will listen

1. Special Accommodations and Modifications will be used for students on IEP’s, ELL’s, and for students on 504 plans or for students who may need extra support due to mental, medical or physical exceptionalities.

2. Breaks will be allowed for students who have attention deficit issues, or difficulties with focus.

3. A microphone will be used by the instructor to

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2. The teacher asks students DOK questions relative to the concepts of fractions, and equivalent fractions. Questions might include: What do you think the author wanted the reader to know about fractions?What is an equivalent fraction?

3. The teacher will write a few equivalent fractions on the SMART Board or whiteboard. The teacher will demonstrate how the different fractions are equivalent to one another. The teacher will call on random students to help write equivalent fractions.

The teacher will then play the Fractions-Fractions video song. Next, the teacher will begin the instructional activities.

Learning and Teaching Activities:

The Collaborative Learning Method is incorporated for the learning and teaching activities. The teacher will use cooperative learning strategies when implementing techniques for this section of the Pizza Pi unit.

1. The teacher will pass out the Pizza Pi activity worksheets and rubrics according to student proficiency level. The teacher will ask students to write their name and date on the top of the paper.

2. The teacher will write a fraction and an equivalent fraction on

and write equivalent fractions related to the text as the teacher explains and demonstrates strategies related to fractions and their equivalents.

Learning and Teaching Activities:

1. Students will write their name on the Pizza Pi activity worksheet, and date their papers.

2. Students will observe and listen as the teacher demonstrates fractions and their equivalents.

3. Students will watch and demonstrate equivalent fractions on the whiteboard with prompts and support.

4. Students will listen and follow directions regarding the Pizza Pi worksheet.

5. Students will listen and observe how to complete the Pizza Pi craft and worksheet.

6. Students will break into small groups of 5 students. Students will be grouped according to different levels of proficiency to allow for differentiation.

7. Students will pass out worksheets rubrics, and craft materials related to the Pizza Pi activity.

8. Students will listen to instructions, fill in their worksheets, and complete the Pizza Pi craft. Approximately 90 minutes will be allowed to complete this task. (students will receive recess or break in the middle of the task)

9. Students will demonstrate a fraction and its equivalent they have included from their

assist those with hearing impairments.4. Students with learning disabilities and English

Language Learners will be paired with students who are high achievers.

5. Students who have learning disabilities/ELL’s/low math Tier levels, will be given lists of academic vocabulary.

6. Different Levels of the Pizza Pi Activity worksheets are provided for students at different Math proficiency levels.

7. There are different levels of equivalent fractions and different grid sizes on the ABCYA website to accommodate different Math proficiency levels.

8. For high achieving students, and for students who finish early, they may add more elements to their Pizza Craft, or use class computers to play more “Equivalent Fraction Bingo”. http://www.abcya.com/equivalent_fractions_bingo.htm

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the whiteboard or SMART Board.

3. The teacher will discuss fractions and their equivalents with the class. The teacher will call on a few random students to come up to the board and write an equivalent fraction with prompts and support.

4. The teacher will discuss the Pizza Pi worksheet and highlight the fraction example, and discuss how it relates to a pizza topping.

5. The teacher will explain that the worksheet must be complete, and taped to the inside of the Pizza Box. The teacher will show the students a completed Pizza Box craft as an example.

6. Next, the teacher will divide students into 6 small groups of 5. The teacher will use heterogeneous grouping for this activity, placing higher achieving students with students who need more support.

7. The teacher will ask random students to pass out the pizza boxes, the paper plates, colored pencils, markers, crayons, construction paper, craft items, scissors, and glue.

8. The teacher will instruct the small groups to fill in their worksheets, create the equivalent fractions with drawings or crafts on their paper plates, and insert their “Pizzas” into the pizza box with their worksheet taped to the top of the inside lid when complete.

pizza craft. 10. Students use the

information from the Pizza Pi worksheets, to help fill in their Academic Language Frames as a whole-class activity with the teacher.

11. The students will return to their desks and fill out the Pizza Pi Exit Slip.

Academic Language Frames:1. ____ is connected to

____ This is important because…

2. After a thorough analysis of the evidence, we can conclude that…

3. I found out that___ is related to… ___.

4. This ____ is significant because….

5. Given the evidence, we can deduce that….

DOK Student Responses:

1. I know that equivalent fractions are fractions that name the same number

2. I might use fractions in my real life when I am cooking, or cutting a sandwich to share.

3. 2/4 would be equivalent to ½.

4. 1/3 is equivalent to 2/6 as they both represent the same amount.

5. The word equivalent means that the amount is equal in value.

6. 1/3 and 2/3 are not equivalent as they do not represent the same amount.

7. An improper fraction is a fraction where the numerator is greater than the denominator.

8. The number on the top part of a fraction above the line is called the

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Students will be given approximately 90 minutes to complete this portion of the lesson. (Offer recess or a break in the middle of this task.)

9. The teacher will randomly call on a few students at the end of this lesson to share and demonstrate a topping and its fraction and equivalent that they included on their pizza.

10. The teacher will direct the students to use the information from the Pizza Pi worksheets, to help fill in their Academic Language Frames as a whole-class activity.

11. The teacher will have students return to their desks and complete the Pizza Pi Exit Slip.

Academic Language:

Denominator Equivalent Fraction Fourth Fraction Greater Than Half Improper Fraction Less Than Mixed Fraction Numerator Proper Fraction Proportion Quarter Third Whole Number

DOK Questions:

1. Tell me something you know about fractions and their

numerator. The numerator represents how many portions or parts are being considered.

9. The number below the line on a fraction is called the denominator. The denominator represents the whole number of portions or parts in a fraction.

10. You would use fractions when measuring ingredients to put into the cake mix. You could do this by using measuring cups and spoons.

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equivalents.2. When would you use

fractions in your real life?

3. An equivalent fraction to ½ might be: _____.

4. Are the fractions 1/3 and 2/6 equivalent? Why? ______

5. What does the term equivalent mean?

6. Are the fractions 1/3 and 2/3 equivalent? Why not? _____

7. What is an improper fraction?

8. What is a numerator and where is it located?

9. What is a denominator and where is it located?

10. Why and how would I use fractions when making a cake?


Summative Assessment:

See attached Assessment Plan. Differentiation:See attached Assessment Plan.

Closure: The teacher asks the students what an equivalent fraction is, and calls on a few random students to demonstrate an equivalent fraction on the whiteboard. The Pizza Pi Exit Slip will be administered at the end of the lesson to measure student comprehension and understanding. Students will be able to transfer the learning target objectives outside of the classroom by incorporating the everyday use of measuring, building, money math skills, calculating sports figures, ratios, proportions, etc.

Homework: This is a drill based exercise that requires students to identify fractions and their equivalents. Students are required to place an equal or a not equals sign when comparing two fractions. Models of the equations are included with the use of a pie chart for each fraction. Key is included.

Comprehensive Assessment Plan

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Students will be working on Exploring Equivalent Fractions using the Analyzing Academic

Language Function in the Pizza Pi fraction lesson. Students will learn about fractions and their

corresponding equivalents. Students will have opportunities to work and learn about this topic by

incorporating the use of technology, creating a fraction craft, and incorporating the use of Depth of

Knowledge Questions along with employing the use of key academic vocabulary and concepts.

Students will work in heterogeneous groups of varying proficiency levels. To further implement

differentiation, the Pizza Pi fraction craft worksheets and Exit Slips have been modified to different

academic proficiency levels. Differentiation is also included in the technology portion, of different

levels and various grid sizes are available to use on the ABCYA website when students are

practicing fractions by playing “Equivalent Fraction Bingo”. Other differentiation strategies are

included in the Differentiation section of the Learning and Teaching Activities. Students will be

using their Academic Language Frames, the Pizza Pi Activity Craft and Worksheet as a formative

assessment, and the Pizza Pi Exit Slip as a summative assessment for this lesson. The Pizza Pi

worksheets, exit slips, rubric, and homework are included at the end of this lesson plan.

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(Modified to below grade level)

Name: ________________________ Date: ________________

For this activity, you will be making a paper plate pizza and placing it inside a pizza box when you are finished. Use the table below to represent 3 different fractions using 3 different toppings of your choice. For each fraction write one equivalent fraction. You may draw, use construction paper, or include craft items to “create” your toppings. Be sure to write what food you used in the Key area. Any food you would like to add is acceptable. Dessert or “Funny” Pizzas are also encouraged. When you are finished with your pizza and your table is complete, tape this paper to the inside lid of your pizza box.

An example is provided.

Fraction Equivalent Fraction


Example: 1/4 2/8 chocolate chips




(Grade Level)

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Name: ________________________ Date: ________________

For this activity, you will be making a paper plate pizza and placing it inside a pizza box when you are finished. Use the table below to represent 5 different fractions using 5 different toppings of your choice. For each fraction write one equivalent fraction. You may draw, use construction paper, or include craft items to “create” your toppings. Be sure to write what food you used in the Key area. Any food you would like to add is acceptable. Dessert or “Funny” Pizzas are also acceptable. When you are finished with your pizza and your table is complete, tape this paper to the inside lid of your pizza box.

An example is provided.

Fraction Equivalent Fraction


Example: 1/4 2/8 olives






(Modified Above Grade Level)

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Name: ________________________ Date: ________________

For this activity, you will be making a paper plate pizza and placing it inside a pizza box. Use the table below to represent 7 different fractions using 7 different toppings of your choice. For each fraction write two equivalent fractions. You may draw, use construction paper, or include craft items to “create” your toppings. Be sure to write what food you used in the Key area. Any food you would like to add is acceptable. Dessert or “Funny” Pizzas are also encouraged. When you are finished with your pizza and your table is complete, tape this paper to the inside lid of your pizza box. An example is provided.


First Equivalent Fraction

Second Equivalent Fraction


Example:1/4 2/8 4/16 Pepperoni

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Pizza Pi Analytic Rubric

Criteria Score of 3 Score of 2 Score of 1 Student Score


Proficient/Accomplished Poor/Inadequate

Pizza Craft

The paper plate pizza and its toppings are included with the correct fractional representations.

The paper plate pizza is included with most of the toppings and their equivalent fractional amounts.

The pizza is missing, or there are no toppings or no toppings with the correct fractional amounts.

Worksheet and Key


The worksheet is complete with fractions and their correct equivalents. The key is provided, accurate, complete, and relates to the pizza.

The worksheet is almost complete with a few correct fractional equivalents. The key is provided and mostly relates to the pizza.

The worksheet is missing, illegible, or there are no correct fractional amounts. There is no key, or the key does not relate to the pizza.

Creativity and


The pizza is creatively colored or well-crafted, writing is legible and free from errors.

The pizza is mostly well colored or crafted. The writing is legible and easy to read.

The pizza is missing, not colored or crafted. Writing is illegible.

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Above Grade Level Pizza Pi Exit Slip

Write an equivalent fraction on the line.

An equivalent fraction to 2/5 might be: _______.

An equivalent fraction to 3/8 might be: _______.

Circle the correct letter andfill in the blank with the correct word.

___________means equal in amount or value.

A. Denominator

B. Fraction

C. Equivalent

D. Subtraction

Circle the correct letter andfill in the blank with the correct word.

The number below the line in a fraction is called the: __________.

A. Denominator

B. Improper Fraction

C. Whole Number

Write an equivalent fraction on the line.

An equivalent fraction to ½ is: _______.

An equivalent fraction to 2

3is: _______.

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Grade Level Pizza Pi Exit Slip

Write an equivalent fraction on the line.

An equivalent fraction to 2/5 might be: _______.

Circle the correct letter andfill in the blank with the correct word.

___________means equal in amount or value.

A. Numerator

B. Equivalent

C. Subtraction

Circle the correct letter andfill in the blank with the correct word.

The number below the line in a fraction is called the: __________.

A. Whole Number

B. Improper Fraction

Write an equivalent fraction on the line.

An equivalent fraction to 2

3is: _______.

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C. Denominator

Below Grade Level Pizza Pi Exit Slip

Circle the correct letter and write the correct fraction on the line.

An equivalent fraction to 2/5 might be: _______.

A. 4/10

B. 1/3

Circle the correct letter andfill in the blank with the correct word.

___________means equal in amount or value.

A. Denominator

B. Equivalent

Circle the correct letter andfill in the blank with the correct word.

The number below the line in a fraction is called the: __________.

A. Denominator

Circle the correct letter and write the correct fraction on the line.

An equivalent fraction to 1/2is: _______.A. 1/3

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B. Whole Number B. 2/4

Pizza Pi Exit Slip Key:

Write an equivalent fraction on the line.

An equivalent fraction to 2/5 might be 4/10.

An equivalent fraction to 3/8 might be 6/16.

Circle the correct letter andfill in the blank with the correct word.

___________means equal in amount or value.

A. Denominator

B. Fraction

C. Equivalent

D. Subtraction

Circle the correct letter andfill in the blank with the correct word.

Write an equivalent fraction on the line.

An equivalent fraction

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The number below the line in a fraction is called the: __________.

A. Denominator

B. Improper Fraction

C. Whole Number


to ½ is 2/4.

An equivalent fraction to 2

3is 4/6.

Fractions Homework:

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(2017) Common Core State Standards Initiative. Grade 3 Number and Operations-Fractions.

Retrieved from: http://www.corestandards.org/Math/Content/3/NF/

Fisher, D., & Sneed, D. (2008) My Half Day. Arbordale Publishing. Retrieved from:


Lesson Plan Websites

Equivalent Fraction Bingo Retrieved from: http://www.abcya.com/equivalent_fractions_bingo.htm

Fractions-Fractions Song Retrieved from: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?




Fractions Homework Retrieved from:


Promoting Mathematical Thinking and Discussion with Effective Questioning Strategies Retrieved

from: http://people.westminstercollege.edu/faculty/lpreston/Portfolio/web%20pages/Sample


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