WE DID IT FOR OUR COUNTRY'/Rm «v«itu«uadiy npfttJtaO aat4 feanm | MW*«ft

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Page 1: WE DID IT FOR OUR COUNTRY'/Rm «v«itu«uadiy npfttJtaO aat4 feanm | MW*«ft


Page 2: WE DID IT FOR OUR COUNTRY'/Rm «v«itu«uadiy npfttJtaO aat4 feanm | MW*«ft

Human NatureSot•j*lW F“krunl

Uta tMrWaat »•’*»* *a. t.lft (ft ftm* Wl.lt Ittt 4rtftk ft*, M*. •• •’”w" "*u Rft»Uf ft* a. Man* •**

aft *■■» "" *' *•* •*» «-a.»W

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Miiitiftft ***••*

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ti*f| lluw ktiMf® •«■ RMfW

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xmH-C-W* **•*"*•-*flMMlM •* •» **“ * ***

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gg| tumaft »’*•* !■***»'*• *••*

a R.« r^~HT •*•#«•»! 4 iCRrmUA a MftR***i »«*•>•■. Tb* Rwnfft

m.m R* ftkftMftC fftft mHMRMI tfftftw frft •*• •*kft**ftM*4t ftMl ffcMMl R

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K•*•** « JktftM CM tfcte w*R4 ft—I *•*» •** *•*-•' m*R U***.»• *** ♦, **• r-**•»•u .u .*•, ♦«•*«.••• w>«*« R--*•*«• at Ramlfi wt/Ranfftl

(MB ft***- •**•>» b.tafti. aa ♦UR

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>mI »** l*‘“*‘ k a*>r» Ifcftt ft a aftiph**„ •» ■•• •»»•« ft»tft*4ft **«.1 Iftft

...... ............. fcriftaaft Ifca iM.ttkUu*i

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ia.taf.ttou hit titan ht'UI Malka*


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M a* I taftW Rn«tui| ftp«Xto<RM f*M < ++ t**ft L>y*o« AitUMiftr 4 to|k BMMk My

amuttf Whw» *W u*«ry •*« (*fl,rru pft/(la* ‘4 !n*bltorti

Rm «v«itu«uadiy npfttJtaO aat4 feanm| MW*«ft <4*Uft«Mfr U»ta» ftftftftXft aaftkftftM Oy Ukft

aaaft <«—|i«Mi< *M*UUfti <X tfcft (*«||«Hattft ftftkftk w| capuira <*•» Maftkaraaa^

ta^ift** MftdMte to* Um*K p<«j*tu< ka MiaM Ml (aft^quftftMM W 4*4 U«to» cft^Maa* ftR*u<ft' fiaMlUHI*

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m.* wtifrar rJia* ftaufll

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ftMMfo m.| f ft! Httog A oom

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toft toft Utoft 4* *ftftMMHk

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pit Milk, atotl fthU lift Ut.-tr..^ ktftM*

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Page 3: WE DID IT FOR OUR COUNTRY'/Rm «v«itu«uadiy npfttJtaO aat4 feanm | MW*«ft


* » easaa of Ma «Mar TW race »

wtMk BypSklMS of OgMMl* Best praOar-

of Immhmk on prists* awwity B toMra Mb difhwra £ Moy are m» wty token Mm of e» wto «r toft. or toMMSKy *»t nftMS eMMM.

k MM MK MM pOHSKSi ktooB(y to MM*MM6e MbM. MMSK mSH* aewbrim. ?T5fc*> tttoaaa Timm

rasw abos tot adsskaet Mat ■Mbv be MT SB? oMsr tottor osoM MMt Me bwwM mow. sr am Me irtotray

kb May « mmM «f Me yeopto of Me sMMMri mam who bm to stl Mbs bstr to Mb other ewe-tooto for • tattoo aritoO a atpe et Htory sod m be abanaaae to Me presses tytsasL May boat to tototsto Me seceotoMM ftjraatb* of yenoCr bsvabam ■ Me bake rytto Tka » boyriy toosa. etskn Ma syksos. toasoo ynotoettoe sbftby tricoa Me tens df a c-joara oc ky eeaea Ma< abeeb a toad MMt, ood * aaaa- Mato pnCs. aotmktoriof yroocra


flaynaaoki are Matt abos Ma sadbu part w*tr saanee a MB to sari atfra hfttoaotoc Maa beta score Mm May ka> ados *naiM aae good” The* sat Maat abaa Me easytoytoy eMa •be aa women at aB met. aw a toayt «MBtaaeyaMM yeod Mat css be beak « m «ttt c to ever Me seeka of worker! be Case* res asytttom. Stofcot earaae «oo» eaeaaeoa at flat. ask aa oBoraar*.

laaaaa riaasye are trie -raw abaa Ma voctoog aworay beeo Me aayM tootoaed aaa Meat aaa *P« by Me toousaot toa Maaajb too* ao ec a Mad Man to •• toy » wwu bootees dJrssm » wcacy Mat a* Me yaayw wium Ma soaao aaaa a coaoaos ataaaat aea Mat f -ae yak topM***- work banter sod coombs toot baa th» amt aaaaaM we coeaaaM botnet. Me toyaoaoao css ae sBoatotok or cased. Tba toaptoMs ton Mat Manat Ma ewasous, SMB-Mt Mod* kaoeet an skbag wed. tod toabau laton a ’*» Yeas aas ajorasg 9L009 aun bririoy, vto aaaa rosmaart saaac >• or >• aaa. Ito yaeaaa taaansyearn


at Ma anatara ef aaneo a act electee ba •seoewaaem. eaaa X Mob yraffta MB. Ibsy are aal yaantok abb Mr more veoiab Boo May mart over bape to «*• aaaa. mwocxsim*

Ta <#ey Ma aaearaek vaalM Saae- a< M. May aM yraaaere Me aarttax. aaaaBt Me* eMa jaaaaton, so Mac wbat a feeaeatoa a tbe to tones aad ato ce« be eaM at a toaar ynce » romer a osffer Meet at abntoa< waeM aausceto. for Me

Ebeb ba a kyrrame occurs, is a veatak aa as aapracedetrted cajaaay by Mate as Me mimI’s top, through toe* »«a a if Me oroinary people toed * roee gtHea life style kanaf the beaaa, aak Mtat oate Me wieaaar seegna- Mea bat eabM. > mane w iD apsa prrrai.


la eakktoa io tovarak socsumption aaadarke oaeaspioymeot andtoMVae taek »aya Me eeeMl arttoa of «kjkt ® ff«r» cat oeext xj w -ailed eacbi sen res. The «ate ao« was taaug- wtoai MiKiaky to redvae <*<« and aeeraaae yeafita

yjCuuF? n,*Lcavu Vol.15. Noa.1* 2

Mb av toa to pearMe to aeaK. to lea eeapheetwiwf by Me eaa «r raa toto aortars vto bare bad to Myeto «a M caaker aaeretea of Me sate nyreeaanat of ±e« ex? k>. terv Ta *a»?»Tss«-.Menace or aetfue, abba a Mart tto after becaaiaif fttoiew Vane Mat ba. moat of Mara rare sedeto aKb eaeeaa « defer vbbe acB eemai a “2raf " Tovard the end of Me bae» «nx BT7L Mk bad accncaoieaek la at a*aay of S2.32T per Mrady end aaetsacto aa rtotal, abicb attaeenk ia tocay s aaar ad ooiiar eoaJd be Marry anee ac. fgatwhcari—da).

The tot Mat Me rich vbe yraaaih doer t vorb, get neb a, able Me to ef aocsecy, abicb afvayt eflen W b serr jcea, strjgg.es to stake «cs aer. hetpa to radaoece Met aspaie «?-<; wealth a filched froe the toward? att the coffers at the oatuBf micarrty. Wed era are paid for ther skua, eras t to epead ratio, to kaey Mens e vatof order . far further uea Caag yeeyfc br profits s a ha i bapyeaa, nottoea people.

LBeerto, “soeai eemeeT act to yelee for aibetoies oo wages * rap deprameta The Cased an braacb of to Unked Auto Workers was iwart ot to w h en it reeaotiy pose tec oc t Mat (toak isa auto w orkers wages were &to « hour lower than Me* U.S. coaster pra. partly because Caaadan workers to Medicare. iTtrnraCofoRitt Vt;'S2k Tb» exploiore Qatar* of such bead w* * cone* more otmous abeo flKb pedT • ‘semcra to society” era reduced « to era wc a tsraw of a general fal is P*to Beiawrag such myths as a appoto «s» boo mtereei caa sea aicb aKcbauto* « ‘how can Me government to » *

human?” while sick workas die « tot« admeots waiting to get •» crowded hospitals.

Leftwisf government* to to —e to mg. as they itiesnpt to ns theirs® M B.C., whea Me NDP ftoan®* ■* M office, it coataaied Me abas to hacks that had bees started asto to WAC Bennett Socsd Credit to ward to e end of its resp. The x-£ government <a Saskatchewan bb«, before it was replaced BJ PTogetoTfr-ConoBTStaee.

Page 4: WE DID IT FOR OUR COUNTRY'/Rm «v«itu«uadiy npfttJtaO aat4 feanm | MW*«ft
Page 5: WE DID IT FOR OUR COUNTRY'/Rm «v«itu«uadiy npfttJtaO aat4 feanm | MW*«ft

u|» w twetow htoWOfl M *toC** Mro ev«Mtard * c .or •••• ”*** y*—fitose W aw wwato >WW tons ’>e "Uh «ua£r taWMWO W<w » ***** ***** WMtWWW Wutodtod to ?*v»l ’• ewe tout cwwttk proepwcs«* totatowd a veto «m atows e VtlbWW *» oflWW MM 3M( SUMA! WWt toTto • • to dtoff mfc.

tai vM( Tmk woodCut-pra^M* by <J’*W

^vaaM* *•**• *• t*1— *» htotae fti-r • tboee ranrbsrs decdma* tavern-

xel raasM to be prostata prodacmaa „ The |*mm wnea cutter debate

aa eatieto Crfea the tot freea<s4s xtoto ttoe«* to toe* usmpemnl v vw.»« 'jautaf* aed mcreato arms peed- A-fnee to cMtoeeea toe ftortad warftera The toetota wtoaews ano fblttag wage XMaJp rang to** other wtasstzwe The ,41,-lie gpreato serve* the world bring* tafdiprtawnw

Vbea there baa been enough humanBinr when more people haw star ad. Atosrrr stuped of wore capttai. foods -vcwo a wuiedwasee. stocks departed iad wages toe low enough to make to •ecsoat more profitable. demana will

s0ua e heed supply. The treat art of aecsete will alow their workers to sup- part them si the near tail employment tarsi again Until the next crisis force* ahaas toto (briber enforced idleness

TVs a the future of the world's wage aad ratary workers while they play a mbordtaata, following role, either as paaalm stoctora. or as material to be —by owe-party police sates.

The seen« brains they use to create eppuleoce for a parasite class can be used to sol w their owa problems and to torwe • life worthwhile, where the means of production and distribution Is com* mealy owned and democratically coo* soiled by humanity to be used solely for the use of the species.

Informed political ecu on to achieve thia hasie social change is nterswry, so that people can consciously control the economy • their destinies. That is. have the hast they want within the abundant potential of e as ting material conditions.


D«taMMM foMow booms M natur­ally m sight follows day. The object of inTrscnent a profit, to • giard capital. The fact that toe oewi don't need more woafth a beesde the point. And they are aot necessarily greedy It a Um nature of the ssearn of production, when it assume* the form of capital. to e v and. Growth is its only reason for e aatence • bat periods of mosd capita. expansions create the coodiuoru tor its contraction. ana see etna.

In the ncma, competiow struggle that ft aa -narneta to the cbeapeet pro­ducer . each product; w a ait e vends u scale of operations regardless of known demand, out memy as an eno at itself. There a no oahanoa. a*! aaits are < am n < .ndependently m a sea of chaos. Too much capitai dewe'ope. there a procuc- tion of too much means of production.

(| lifeline^


312-6527. 47»-2<2«,••2-1027

<eees eannet flow without opendiKuu>on •

VAMCOtiVCR - •••-3250

[rag -wzpptg-cuss?-)

Pie propagpndisw ef eaataww are appearing to be mar* eeafcatotac* these toys w these sttowpw te pnpsta- a te the facade of a atadto chat H<5 • tereet rate* are among (be etangm b metered conditions that rape— oaten «n more to the working people *9*

of the paid prooagendat'» efforts h to other direction

For insance. Mart aaaa (14-MII bad a piece about the proWtrn ehNNa of the ’90‘s exp Laming chat west «f these vie urns of a «kkmm sad ceoto dactory emavnaaeot dida1 coaw ben the “lowsr eh wet”, (bow away Isesr claaaadf) but from the “afOwea?* tha “_wil be crawling ail osar itsdf In jobs into the neon decode" Tbs tad affluent class ef course ■ not lookief for jobs, most ef them twee esear M one and aeear wiQ. bacaaar they dse’t have to. They owa enough caphsl tot they can Ine a style that woriro ealy hear about now and then. ±» Irfeetvie come* from their mtcre*t and or divid­ends of their investments. The gulf ‘hat separates the higher paid section of to working class and their masters b as anmeoae ooe. The salaried part ef to useful class, as MacLsea’i aud. haw Is scramble for jobs, produce profits far a parasite class and suffer the threw «t (or actual) unemployment the so* M the reek MacLean's second instance an to an army officer who wood tod himself looking for a new job to minute he stopped working s<hisamd- erous trade • In return for a glardM wage called a salary.The thrd reference was te the paneh of these so-called affluent kids “.-way with then own economic woes’’ SHcf aa the inability to pay the aew, Mfh interest rates on the home mortfifi renewals. Now that is plain • povaty. or insecurity. Like the rest of the work­ing class these people are dependent on the sale of their skills to the owaag class generally. One ‘middle’’ eba family was reported elsewhere to be complaining that after the increase a the interest on their mortgage raasad they could no longer go for a meal oat at MacDonald’s once a week!

Some newsmen are beginaing to say “so-called” middle class in tot articles, the anomaly being so obvtoas. and a local press writer on daycare centers used the words “widdb rto working people”. Changing condidoot of the system are edueanni the ordinary people that there are only rw' classes, those who produce hut deet own, and the reverse.


Page 6: WE DID IT FOR OUR COUNTRY'/Rm «v«itu«uadiy npfttJtaO aat4 feanm | MW*«ft

The passing show<wBa*B*Ba a* -*• Me tonraa of

» MMM» *« MM* ftft «| #» 1* • *■*»

NMd» •* «• Mft •«.3K **■*Jr. a* -•'*• MdBBB *ft •». WM<a* jb CwCMl Km*« jrwMK aaftL WfeMB »*'** MM MM« < tft MM Mt Mp«t • 3&*b» Oft ftnkftanf*•MB WOM MR Van «f ***** ■**

««MM <b» MMmm v* • Ma*WR Kt MMMM •41

a Ma a - Mrtfc

cbm» « a» • aa Bam. .larycbnBna 9amum*

Tfta aaad wwyafanda • tw Jb» beat Cj«MtfM» G Saatat Ftaawyanfta wtxa imm By F-jyw GfMn XV a JtXS and Mmm mb adBna ocyaa of Mb Hanna CtMateCbnaft

Tftotw MR always naan prepa<- BMMM «j«bw atiaa Ml Mita*. but Ml Ma adwank af saw aaa tobvatonu

arye acat* i Myaart af

BRklto. • i naftant :9*c>x>fOMkl Ma wbb • paeant of Mb

rrMmbm aaa 99 pnwona af Mb •a*k» and Mm eonanraaacMt daas irtTsaoa af nancy bwewean eaatBMMM UM Wto*BTV Mb dMBBBUMBDon af ft- htotooaa, beta rfm mu. half o«Ms M fct »1 W -anad M batoftOa ion absent* warren to f putt capioJ- Bt BBClBCy

' 'Na. Gearyn. IWj aot Mb Mwpcbo. r« Mb O9C*» Tin Weak b


Do ybb neaft raadbf b Mb pspar at M* Ibbb Baade ay Mb Fedaral

Gc»«nsB«nt (Tar? Remove - ao d«uuia (Mb to Obom P»trol«m. War it om baarb ar Cvb biadrad Baflioa ar HUoa? i K3o« ,t va* a hu<B amount to m *Ma aaty eotat aa dotlan and It «aa Mfotatad by Mb Canadian knp«r*l Bank of Cnaaanirrt.

IF. GaUa^ttar. chairman of D>xbb Itooboa Ltd. bi ’979 rerewed uutaad of a aabty. »arabl» eompBMBtaoa of S288.34d„ an 87 percent ncreaae onar 978. Hb at an Mb board of Canadna bparad Baa* of ComaiercB and if hr «afi do**, it pToeed »ery corrvenurat for

«f <>M*n Tub* >wuaa ftw* «rf Vwa .Vw*ft »w ft* *•■•*

«f CaMMM ft ft MMMBiMI * •*■Mb ;t«« Mt «fM«va • wx*..,

b JftfV matf ftp bye *nr>B tW »( OMBBftt «t MM* If**— ft*

t'MMM «lftftB af "MrMB mb r v aff m* fttwa Cannbn* *«•»<IMb Ml BBBBaBMMa 1W aarand. mm» a twewned; ■<«. taaawam jmmiom «r **an team w «r

_____ vbhmbbm FibiIw Lad.Ud MbMmmk nweaftw >mb jmmMM b« of Mn MM sbbmpk ft ft! of MMfc* 09 1M ftMLttft and X Mb •*. ^w .«ba •»•.a 5mir«m. aBanam «r bi mti .x* b a m ?«m*» CBnm a * OSUd. ~9HMM >BMBMt Mr MB MB a m «wbr *

Tftm Maia m Ma Fftftab Suwam MtfbhM ••»BBB BWK eanfjr «M«B« ”** ’’•wad* «nmf ibb»». t bb» #a*t ftt^BBTTTf -Mr«BB« CBBBMbMB M Sa» WBM« « BMBB WH BB MB tod •» rviBBA Bamb ana ae ay by Mb IM* **« af W* lanft ra*» «d a Sa«V VlBMMar bB SbBBBB M W Wr tM Mb MBB M M»M*Vv » rbbMbB mm umbmbu MM»«fMbBMabr vat M» Twiarai: Qi mbbiibi bm ft • ■—M* bMb M»Bn» MbMb aBMM«n B«B BBBPB SB Mt MMB WBBT ♦< M. ft MtoMbB BBB BB« WM M Bf wrerr Mm m Mb Cabax >mbM M> -***• • Mbmb mMbb » *bW Mm Ib air. bb MMam Mb mbbbbm »W» MM* W* • bmb Mbm M» BBBB «B« XUB. |» btBBCB rMB>MI B I MB I»M BB B M 1ft W »PBol mMbb bam bm tiabbt m SMm

Bft BBBBBBBB «■» BaM|rt BB BBMMT ?XJBW ’WABUB Lx WBMtM *»BMI|I Mb <br 4MMM| (MtMMMf ««* «««»ba bbnMrae Mr b MBBal «mm mb M Mb

bb Cbmbu MM Mtbbw » MM A MB tbam » ft. Saar'* v*Bt« •mr MBfM <* Mbm rbt mbn» Mb ba bm( W mbbbb Mb bm * mbbr

cbbOmbm*. VWas a MfbBBBt « mbBbb «M*Ma * • MmMm b( Mr wbb.m *ba* <Mm wb Babm Obb b bb m MatBb QMlm

M sex Mt ?b Mr Mb* Mb *mb THX HOtT Or SOLJB m««r

Th« ftBtoan CbMbMb Cbmft hot mtor. ar ft ft Bor* wax ▼aan afn banma sMbbaai vbtb ealsd atom* M«« aanb «► pco»B an Mb badbBg af Mb Cbactt finances 7b<7 frana Mac Mb* muntb Mac* Maa sayMag.

*T*b CaMotic Omvc* bm* ba Bacaruv a ?ainAtl <sna of csatb ur* w a rantls of Ma aam Mat Ma * Jfleu bank • The Lacxaw Sor Mb Wwrb X RebgioB l?ORl - ■ caught a* M eat aaoMa Icalna bank's*

Emerpni aau of Mb lOft1) fraat wealth and fbnnrai pragaatnn cbb oaty jneacaiOB the Vibrant crtoftM dy at a taaa when Pop« Jom Fad 2 haa bBBtt ciaaBat fbaneni Bwni fin i979> and pub(**a« <M -9df| a esrycUcat that dBonaneto the tabaann tty of **npd captfalMa

All ovnr Mb word. Mb tMmi af Mb cBntrai bank of the iuny CaMotic Cb«xa

M MM "*•’ MM. «M M "iMHbftt 1MWHM ft »» *» * WHIM- ’«nx '** J>*»nt'** *»&«n

* maw Ma a wM> w» *'a'bMlMM -ft ** MMMM

< -■»■ NMM^ » .5m*:*** *£M ftfta

Voi. 16, Not 1 ft 2 SOCIALIST FULCftUM

Page 7: WE DID IT FOR OUR COUNTRY'/Rm «v«itu«uadiy npfttJtaO aat4 feanm | MW*«ft

War - Massacre in Lebanon

“We did it for our country, sir”The Israeli •‘peopie” were reported

u> he wandering in a moral wilderness after Israeh army complicity tn the si- tugbter of from 500 to ;X>00 Falestiman me*. women and children i* two Beirut refugee camps.

Despite the absence of evidence to support the fond ideal that nations east to further the well being of ail, the majonry of people at the bottom of the social scale conunue to accept it. When it comes to understanding the nature of present world socity, unfortun­ately. heads are $till in the clouds and feet are not on the ground. It is this absence of awareness that made the hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees who flocked to the fledgling sate of Israel think they were a family which had found a home. Now they can't understand why Mr. Hyde has turned Into Dr. Jekyle.

While the world la united technflog- «aBy, it is diided into competing nation­al spheres. But the culprit responsible for that and ail the other divisions in the human race is the schism of owners and aoo-owners of the means of life w hich characterizes every nation. Every country la a profit making entity, Insol* ing the exploitation of one class by an­other.

It is pure utopia to think that any nation can be a peaceful family, with common interests among indi wduais. In the case of the Israeli dream, Palestin­ians had to be chased out of, or murdered in thesr ancestral territory to make space for the new state, by Jewish terrorist groups 'ike the Irgun and Stern gangs. In the process of settlement, racism reared its head between the Catr-skmaed Ashkere turn Jews from Europe and the dark skinned Sephardic immigrant* from West African and Arabic countries After being shunted to toe hinterlands for the pion­eering work, the Sephardlcs naturaily fait like second 'las* “citizen*”.

The pew Israeli ruling class needed more territory for the safety of tea a qploitati « base. Being a pro < state of Western powers to help secure their oil •uppiiee and influence in the Middle East, it receim lots of aims and other aid, The annexations devioped a despised and feared Arab iampenproleumie. Jewish laborers turned into contractor* foremen.

The normal employer employee an- agonism n** always been present in Israel Furthermore, the priwUged class there hu been embeiUeiung its profits through an annual Inflation rata of 130 percent. TM davaaratinf effect tnu on real wages haan't enhanced die a/ttfkal co-operation between the loyal srrvanu Who make Up the otalmr/ people and

the upper crust who Ute off their labor - Some family *

In. addition to the Israeli elite’s capital .a vestments within their borders, their go wrnment has borrowed money at low interest rates from supporting nations and reinvested it at high interest rates. The minority which roles Israel has $9 billion in foreign banks. It now imperiaJ- ivticaily exploits “foreign” worker too. Profits are pouring in from outside invest­ments.

la reality, the real foreigners to Jew­ish wage workers are their own financial masters, while the Palestinian workers whom Israeli workers are surreptitiously encouraged to hate are their brothers in that they have interests in common,being members of a world working class who are e jpioited by a world owning class.COMPETITION FOR SALEfPROFlTS, —WAR

“Little has changedjn the world in

toe 40 years since Gen. Hugh Johnson testified: There never was a war at arms that was not merely the extension of a preceding war of commerce grown fiercer until the weapons of commerce seemed no longer sufficiently deadly’ ”. (Sidney Harris, Timei/Colonist 28-9-82).

For instance, when Palestinian peas­ant-workers lost their “homeland ” very few of them owned land, It was monopol­ized by a few indiwduals at the top of their divided social structure. They had no homeland to lose. And to indicate what the future holds if they ever are presented with s. new one, just look at toe conditions of ordinary Palestinians while under the heel of the Palestinian Liberation Organization. Many In Leb­anon ha« been, employed at low wages producing arms and a few commodities for toe leaders and aspiring capitalists of the FLO. The millions of dollars of aid and arms that came from toe rich rulers of Arabic nation* to the PLO were never meant for the welfare of the Palestinian under class, a* their poverty conditions haw testified. The crushing of the Jewish state re&ily meant the liberating of tile riches owned by the Jewish elite to be transferred to segment* of the Arab elite. The useful class on both tides would be left either dead nr holding an empty hag, as usual.

faraah workers and Jews in other countries are appalled that toe answreto Jaw*' persecution -n general, rad tneir oppression by German «.'g/ansion and genocide ha* resulted m a Jewish state doing the smite thing to other*. The

clash between capitalist ideology and reality in this case recalls the analogy of the young, married German worker id a German “baby carriage” factory in the early thirties when Germany was forbid den by the first world war allied powers from manufacturing arms Having a youngster at home, and afflicted by fa* fact that wages ha ve no relation to needs, he appropriated the necessary parts for a baby buggy from his employer’s premis­es . But no matter how he assembled ft* parts at home, the result was always a machine gun.

As the myth of IsraeVaa-a-saactuar/ is now eroding, the rationale now emerg­ing is that “Israel is a state like any other”, (Hadjenberg of France), and Jews muststop pretending that it has any humanit­arian aims. And Newseek has noted that “...Israel has become just another govern­ment, one that uses its military power in much the same way as the United States ha* done in the Third World. Begin iad

Sharon are entitled to ask themselves why, if the United States shapes a regime in Saigon, or San Salvador, they can’t do the same in Beirut?’- Or indeed Russia in Afghanistan, Ethiopia and (through Viet Nam) in Cambodia. Or China fa Tibet, and formerly in Vietnam and Cun bodia ? Thousands of worker* died “far their countries” to protect the profits of their masters.



The political ideology tost *»»*d toe deaths of an estimated 12 000 hue*- inian civilians as morally necessary. so long a* they died among the PLO fore* fighting the Israelis is the same one fact sees wars as being inevitable, good guyi vs. bad guys, etc. And the same one thrt to outed ’’atrocity" when only a Erection of that number of defenseless erriuM* were massacred in isolation from warfw in the Sabra and Shaola refugee camps.

According to toe Globe rad Mail of Aug. 16th/82, as the laneiM adwaced into West Beirut, fleeing civilian* beeuar compressed into smaller spaces, rareaw- tet increased at a geometrical rate, witha single aerial bomb claiming 300 desd injured as whole apartment* buSdbgs collapsed into twisted steel and brek« concrete. The FLO was )u*t a* f*k** by rai ang with toe population fee wide military advantage- The Caoafaw ambassador to Lebanon termed tte situation “a living hell”, before he

ordered out of West Beirut.The same moral contradiction '*•*


Page 8: WE DID IT FOR OUR COUNTRY'/Rm «v«itu«uadiy npfttJtaO aat4 feanm | MW*«ft

accepted dtarwg the aecooa World •» vbea 35.300 prop*". ninety ctdUam aetadtap *oo»e awl ffhWtnw. dtod aombbr ia the Trr atoms af Draadaa, Grassy. trow ailed caveoadtaata botalv tag aids. 7h» was aot regarded as a* ataectty. becwiat We cniiam warn part of the “cnaMT" aad port of a earaaai war. 7W mat unoieuity perawa aa iba • XQ erdttaa daatba a year taser a rfiro- sum*. They were deathsperpesated *n daiaadar of ftaedem tad earn nr Tory. m wta Wa deea of Vi ffoope said ocher aooaeaaa. Tbe bomber piioti reeanaad boar as meom not Moodthraty czamaata

bad BeauL We former tenwnd leader wbo more racantfy reeeeeed Wta

fWkiie Beeps aaetbes the eat am m ■nW We “perne effort*. ’Oa Oct.jMi: €5 War beat aad* The aar » hrnaaoa ma praadad Weabtaftaa with a saw eastaae to Ctamaawa aad wtw We aoaa af »*ana»t & taw da caeeeat paa-Saaat aaace. ’

Ail dm basesa wearer to maMa the paoaasaa af oar mi»er pawar so tawaftbm tar pokes laac wm Wa panmaaa of tar ether a Web caaaaad ao are wtaa w® earnra! We oft am aWor raaouKaa of We taatade Boat

Tweed*® » wliBaa peeper ha » ham kdbd ta 3J enenwsaeam warn a K caaairm ta We JT yam data Wa A beam wm a tamed ;TaMaai Seweatat JBwrtat Cntchrey Oaaamaaa dtatadtaf

warmaamp epdtaar'e peace pcwe ’.feataeri. a —rviag eta tba eepdtafas e»«eei«j la a tattar la • * 5 heaaser be atad “Waat la aaaodp aataataOb aad taoWt b We a ptaon eeaeeaptaata dm a Cjeaptaam aetatr wy mat wd> babe* .<** aaaau." Wade barn tae tpaaeam aapmaoa re aeaaata*. ta awed odaar »»y cm a dtaeaptaaad aaWu ary mat bmew*

War a aa aaiaaaaaa ef we mary day peaaactaae erf paaW aad earaaee Car aae erdfe a tax u» prada da .sWee Mtaetaac '• iaf Get <Mbtad baa mead Wat Wa ieaaad Ctand had mi* eat tarn a Gtabwb- < m **Kmw» way ae party dhappmae* •a Wat meta a ao taapar a Oared .tad aa aaa aaa eaaeaat ataa aeepmt Gotaeie» maapta md ewat d add da tar warn *

3etaamiCaaM d Or taaa ttaa Tbba VoeW War tad barn a propaei etam shea *

The Samdtabaa ad beam farm* *» pmp Weeaph a heap »eas be peearcta cmepeeea to warn We «adf S emrboea

LdC fm t,-----aa <Jdd- JmtmaA^ amna,djfr, vdJtlXdr

Ttmetaaaadm «■¥«.». taaa t Wt

Page 9: WE DID IT FOR OUR COUNTRY'/Rm «v«itu«uadiy npfttJtaO aat4 feanm | MW*«ft

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Page 10: WE DID IT FOR OUR COUNTRY'/Rm «v«itu«uadiy npfttJtaO aat4 feanm | MW*«ft

SOcialistQuarterly journal of the Soeigfet Party of Canada


‘ ONI Y THE TRUTH” ’Sit! Said The Moequito

To The Polar Bear.

15he Profit Motivefulcrum

19847SL. ft . W . 1

et In The Wav. Seem* To I 40eA lot of younger workers who w«.

not around when the United Nation,Neflra Blandon U * 23 ymr-oid censor

^y^Sw^toSaw^guartlte Soctefab » .^e i**n P?!*! formed, may not*betwVedntfeu*^JSrt . d«k m fee terete MmiSy and .ng oat for more than half a ««**>’>*»* body was initiated to promote or nm wear nw proof* of wew^wp** to «ry«< to redress mxbI problem* inside human rights in ail countries aa wefl w ndeet roi>fo»enwa«nt eet**7 reports or the system that causes them hi k>« Prerentt®< war- These younger worke!osy newsmrt considered to b* harmful Our mcgesoone haven t reached enough might not shake their heads in worrit to die Sandiest* proems of national ears. Wort«s are still charging at the ment, if they knew that one of the thxware stillliberation. The Tunes.Coionw of -July brack waU. major signatory nations had an estaFtrf20/82 report named few a “Marxwt-atyla A few years ago, when few buying i million of its “citizens” in forced laboi Mate. Marx wouldn't have agreeo. He once and selling system was stdl in one of its camps at the time.mid chat if a nation it free, the general economic up periods, the spectacle of Which means that there would not be population isn’t, fee two entities having eco freaks complaining whenever a govern- much get excited about over the fact opposing eiteema. That is, fee nation ment stopped financing’.hen antt-pollution tpe Khmer Rouge government ofrepresents whichever owning ruling dam is protests, caused more than raised eyebrows Cambodia held a U.N. seat while it system- comroCiot fee sate at the tee, versus among Socialists. Among other things. atically slaughtered and starved an estaa- the rest of the population os whom hacks government* are the obedient -servant of ated 2 to 3 million of its 7 million inhab- the rulers ride the corporations who do the nature

“We’re fkttWbl guardian* of the defiling in fee name of increasing profits treth,” laid Blandon. aa she echoed bier- by cutting coats. .atcbMt through fee ages, religious or Now the Society Promoting bnvffon- secuiw naaed dictators or rebel fisted mental Conservation has submitted a brief »wij rtghtfl to fee B.C. Utilities Commission favoring

itants from 1975 to 1979.

! Polish Workers Don’t Do It Hard enough $

nghta gowoniecsC*. ®e ®«v. utilities commission xavoring Production in some areas of the‘Thaw is freedom of expression here" aa electricity rate increase for B.C. Hydro, depressed Polish economy is said to have

- ’ SPSC said: -------- ,J K.................. - - u..but there » no teeoom of ex- SPSC said: “Higher electric rates would receoUy picked up. But the rest of the______for fee counterrevolution,” reduce demand and eliminate fee need for labor camp is in the doldrums despite the

(opposition). Any Stain, Hitler or Mao now generating facilities feat are harmful crackdown of martial law.would say ^Amen” to feat to fee ennronmenr1'. (Times-Colonist, The international bankers of ««

During fee 39 yrera of fee U.&. Sup- June 18/82). West, are nervously hoping for !»«*•poried Somoca dfctatonkip, poor censor- In some areas pollution increases have able returns on their investments » ship didn't exist. At tees fee country’s occurred unprotested, because of the “Communist” Poland. While feey tarnolceet daily, u *ww was shut down, current down period in fee business the carrot would be morebat feat was deemed to be enough cycle, while in other* pollution has dec- motivate Polish workers, they concuranrazeiing to beta keep fee Sonsora famav dined because tome corporations are not their Polish counterpart* of fee ’°‘7rich uri powerfel expanding, os are folding. ruling class that the efforts oi rou#u

But conditions are always changing. So maybe fee eco-freaks. being unable hirelings leaves much to be desired.A new capitalist ciass developed. in co to slow capitalism’s poisoning activities in One stumbling block that fee man* operation wife aeetjona of fee Consemt- fee profit peak, years, should have been of global capitalism cannot «nnmint!» we Chamorros family Independent trying to create a depressfen. nresent depression. Nor couM m«Ti-i *K—* «u.~ *i— V ..* — »— thn hanker*

she raid preanon

buwnemmen allied to fee Federation of When we suggest that their antics foreseen it. Otherwise the baQken *,1 w Chambers of Commerce wanted a new are hair -brained, we are not suggesting not have extended so much loanc*P’ w gevenuneat more favorable to m*«r feat they are below average intelligence, finance Polish industrialprofit interest*, Of course thaw required a Wc are just urging feat they use the same fee future markets to absorb fee res* „ major world power for financial aad trade brains that they use to produce oppulence commodities were non-exirtent . backing rod since fee V.S. door was for their masters, to help solve the socialclosed, state capitals* Russa filled fee problems feat affect all of us. fee vacuum. After a year of bloody fighting majority, who occupy the lower strata of fe« new bosses had their Saadmiata yea- this hianrchal s\ stem.'men a office. That war accomplished in

Since then they torgeat armed force i

nave butt up fee Ceoteai America,

I Motivated By The Dollar {

A recent letter to Ann Landers com-to b^p to sanctify fee property of the plained of cafioua medical doctors. Ana’s new miera. And since fees exploitation reply: “I have been outraged by the mefeodi are progressive, feey couldn’t afeumanuy of some of fee doctors I have totente Somoaa’* Kamng, brain damaged known and heard about They should be

well on Wail Street « selling used ears. The fed, ^mahy eawcated workers to actuate problem, it seems to me, may be the a>™mi . . ** eommcseiaj »itena used to select pre-med students,preeaaara to keep bateoce feeeta m fee Too much empnam ta placed on grades, saic Of course promises to feed suwing Not enough on human qualifies...” peataara, .or few own sake, come fe Why aot tr» a. social svstws where aaady tor w inning a ‘roohiuon’’ But toe doctoring would be for fee use of ail “““•V «««ey7 Whm te °icS

“ Principle of lrfe WfXitd be co-operation T*» today*» roaditwrea, cro eiauad of comp«t»e»on and toarertv9 It

25*® a* by pohUraUy ignorant has never &een found wantinc. It has nevermasses foBowrag teadgra fiaferag saisatton been tried. 1 wanto^ u has never down fee ranteu path. Freedom of aafonw-atie* aad freedoot to diaeuaa for naaeoeud-

fee Polish state capitalist managers been so bold in borrowing. a lot °f

Just another reminder, hfee tee fee system runs those w they are running the system.

EumP^Another Item - *ne , gojr

bankers who are backing ^S^ai gas structure of fee Russia” democrat* line, had to swaUow then d^aipOtnons service when they slave hb«-of fee line are being bud,^’ ^y.

The profit priority won


of fee



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