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Методические указания по выполнению контрольной работы и контрольная работа

для студентов заочной формы обучения

Ульяновск 2010

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ББК Ш143.21-9 я7 Р 17

Разговорный английский язык : метод. указания по выполнению кон-

трольной работы и контрольная работа для студентов заочной формы обу-чения / сост. Е. В. Векшин, О. М. Яфарова – Ульяновск : УВАУ ГА(И), 2010. – 55 с.

Содержит методические указания и контрольную работу по дисциплине

«Разговорный английский язык», включающую четыре варианта заданий различного уровня сложности.

Предназначены для самостоятельной работы студентов 2-го курса фа-культета безотрывных форм обучения всех специальностей в период между сессиями и являются формой отчетности текущего контроля знаний.

Печатается по решению Редсовета училища.


Методические указания………………………………………………….......3 Third semester

Unit 1. Family. Appearance and personality………………………………......4 Unit 2. Occupation. Place of residence……………………………………....10 Unit 3. Shopping. Restaurant…………………………………………….......15 Unit 4. Seeing a doctor. Sports event…………………………………….......24

Forth semester Unit 5. Travelling. Customs……………………………………………….....31 Unit 6. English-speaking countries……………………………………….......37 Unit 7. Opening an account. Banking activities……………………………...43 Unit 8. Hotel. Speaking on the phone………………………………………..49 Рекомендуемая литература………………………………………………...54

Ульяновск, УВАУ ГА(И), 2010.

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Данная работа направлена на достижение следующих образовательных, развивающих и воспитательных целей: контроль уровня сформированности монологической и диалогической речи, формирование иноязычной комму-никативной компетенции, формирование основ культурно-страноведческой компетенции, активизация лексико-грамматического материала, расширение активного словаря студентов, формирование мотивационной базы овладе-ния иностранным языком.

Каждый текст сопровождается упражнениями, направленными на разви-тие навыков и умений монологического высказывания; умения сформули-ровать основную мысль речевого сообщения, умения подготовить план сво-его высказывания, умения реализовать данный план в устной и письменной форме в соответствии с нормами иностранного языка. При работе над тек-стом рекомендуется внимательно с ним ознакомиться, уточнить значение неизвестных слов в англо-русском словаре, выписать данные слова и запом-нить. Только после ознакомления с содержанием текста рекомендуется на-чать работу по выполнению предложенных заданий. Особое внимание сле-дует обратить на творческие задания монологической речи. Прежде всего, необходимо правильно и точно понять задание, тщательно продумать пути решения поставленной проблемы средствами иностранного языка. Содер-жание сообщения должно соответствовать предложенному заданию и ре-шать поставленную проблему. Оформление сообщения средствами англий-ского языка должно соответствовать его лексическим и грамматическим нормам. Для контроля и формирования навыков диалогической речи пред-лагаются образцы диалогов, которые имитируют процесс реального обще-ния в речевых ситуациях. Эти образцы являются наиболее типичными для общения по данной тематике.

Е. В. Векшин, О. М. ЯфароваРазговорный английский язык. Метод. указания по выполнению КР для студентов ЗФО

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1. Find the most suitable title for each paragraph of the text.

А. My curiosity Longest-armed man Sir Henry Curtis Two passengers

B. Shooting trips The breath of winds A naval officer Profane language

Among these passengers who came on board were two who excited my cu-riosity. One, a gentleman of about thirty, was perhaps the biggest-chested and longest-armed man I ever saw. He had yellow hair, a thick yellow beard, clear-cut features, and large grey eyes set deep in his head. I never saw a finer-looking man. I discovered afterwards that Sir Henry Curtis, for that was the big man's name, is of Danish blood. He also reminded me strongly of somebody else, but at the time I could not remember who it was.

The other man, who stood talking to Sir Henry, was stout and dark, and of quite a different cut. I suspected at once that he was a naval officer; I don't know why, but it is difficult to mistake a navy man. I have gone shooting trips with sev-eral of them in the course of my life, and they have always proved themselves the best and bravest and nicest fellows I ever met, though some of them use profane language. I fancy it is just the wide seas and the breath of winds that wash their hearts and blow the bitterness out of their minds and make them what men ought to be. This dark man was a naval officer, a lieutenant of thirty-one.

2. Make up your plan of the text using these words and word combinations (not all the words are used):

passengers, his right eye, Sir Henry Curtis, the prime of life, naval officer, gen-tleman, lieutenant, go back, the other man, find a living, hunting shooting trips, the fever, could not remember.

3. Entitle the text.

4. What are some of the qualities of a good parent? Use specific details and examples to explain your answer. Write down 10-15 sentences.

Е. В. Векшин, О. М. ЯфароваРазговорный английский язык. Метод. указания по выполнению КР для студентов ЗФО

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5. Complete the dialogue with the words from the box.

in the center the University children family members English and French a few words does live together retired old

– Could you say … about yourself? – My name is Caitlin Murphy. I'm from Toronto, Canada. I'm twenty five

years old. – And what about your…? – My parents and my sister … in Toronto, we live in a house … of the city.

My sister is a student at the university there, and they all live together. – What do they do? – Both of my parents are now…, however they have worked for many years as

teachers. – And what … your sister do? – My sister is now studying History of Art at … of Toronto.

5. You are discussing your family with your friend. Write down your dialo-gue (10–14 sentences).


1. Find the most suitable title for each paragraph of the text.

А. Three sons First generation Dimpled chin Sonny B. Scandalous behavior Personal magnetism Frederico At age thirty

Standing at the door with him were two of his three sons. The eldest, baptized Santino but called Sonny by everyone except his father, was tall for a first-generation American of Italian parentage, almost six feet, and his crop of bushy, curly hair made him look even taller. His face had even features; the bow-shaped lips were thickly sensual, the dimpled chin in some curious way ob-scene. He was built as powerfully as a bull.

The second son, Frederico, called Fred, was a child every Italian prayed to have. Dutiful, loyal, always at the service of his father, living with his parents at age thirty. He was short and burly, not handsome but with the curly helmet of hair over the round face and bow-shaped lips. Only, in Fred, these lips were not sen-sual but granitelike. He was still a crutch to his father, never disputed him, never

Е. В. Векшин, О. М. ЯфароваРазговорный английский язык. Метод. указания по выполнению КР для студентов ЗФО

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embarrassed him by scandalous behavior with women. Despite all these virtues he did not have that personal magnetism, that animal force, so necessary for a leader of men, and he too was not expected to inherit the family business.

2. Make your plan of the text using these words and word combinations (not all the words are used:

the eldest, strength, at the service, a crutch, generous, information, personal mag-netism, at the door, adoring eyes, a great help, handsome, bow-shaped lips, Fred, reminded, hot temper.

3. Entitle the text.

4. Some people think that the family is the most important influence on young adults. Other people think that friends are the most important influence on young adults. Which view do you agree with? Write down 10-15 sentences.

5. Complete the dialogue with the words from the box.

the city both stay the state born an engineer all able name rela-tives parents

– When and where were you born? – I was… on May, 15th, 1959. I was born in …of Dearborn. – What do your… do? – My father works as…, and my mother works as a secretary at «Ford Motor

Company». – Could you tell us about your parents? – My parents were … born in Detroit, but their parents were born over in Eu-

rope. – Do you know anything about your … who live abroad? – Yes, right now I know I have many relatives in Germany, – Did your mother work or … at home with the children, when you were a

child? – I have two sisters and she worked at home until we were … to go to school

6. You are discussing the problem of families in Russia with your friend. Write down your dialogue (10-14 sentences).

Е. В. Векшин, О. М. ЯфароваРазговорный английский язык. Метод. указания по выполнению КР для студентов ЗФО

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1. Find the most suitable title for each paragraph of the text.

A. Michael The only child In the corner Family friends

B. The proper respect At the wedding Maiden The American girl

The third son, Michael Corleone, did not stand with his father and his two brothers but sat at a table in the corner of the garden. But even there he could not escape the attentions of the family friends. Michael Corleone was the youngest son of the Don and the only child who had refused the great man’s direction. He did not have the heavy face of the other children, and his jet black hair was straight rather than curly. His skin was a clear olive-brown. He was handsome in a delicate way.

Beside him sat the American girl everyone had heard about but whom no one had seen until this day. He had, of course, shown the proper respect and intro-duced her to everyone at the wedding, including his family. They were not im-pressed with her. She was too thin, she was too fair; her face was too sharply in-telligent for a woman, her manner too free for a maiden. Her name, too, was out-landish to their ears; she called herself Kay Adams. If she had told them that her family had settled in America two hundred years ago and her name was a com-mon one, they would have shrugged.

2. Make your plan of the text using these words and word combinations (not all the words are used):

the bride, beside him, cannot claim, the proper respect, Kay Adams, avoid prob-lems, in the corner, handsome, sharply intelligent, each, gift, the youngest son, her name, in the garden, the heavy face.

3. Entitle the text.

4. In your opinion, what is the most important characteristic (for example, honesty, intelligence, and a sense of humor) that a person can have to be suc-cessful in life? Use specific reasons and examples from your experience to ex-plain your answer. Write down 10-15 sentences.

Е. В. Векшин, О. М. ЯфароваРазговорный английский язык. Метод. указания по выполнению КР для студентов ЗФО

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5. Complete the dialogue with the words from the box (not all the words are used).

get together celebration changed themselves every summer strict visit frequently to celebrate

– How often do you… your parents? – I go back to visit my parents…. – How often do your relatives…? – It is not often, that my relatives come together in one place. My family

usually meets for a birthday…. – Not on Christmas? – Christmas people tend …with their own families. – Is divorce common for America now? – Divorce is more common than it used to be, when I was growing up the di-

vorce laws were more…, and now it is very easy to get a divorce.

6. You are discussing the problem of families in your city with your friend. Write down your dialogue (10-14 sentences).


1. Find the most suitable title for each paragraph of the text.

А. Seventeen years' service Hunter Lieutenant Earn my bread

B. Officer's name Medium height Officer's description Eye-glass

I found out that the dark man was a naval officer, a lieutenant of thirty-one. He after seventeen years' service was shot out into the cold world to find a liv-ing... I suppose he doesn't mind it, but for my own part I had rather earn my bread as a hunter. One's halfpence are as scarce perhaps, but you do not get so many kicks.

The officer's name I found out – by referring to the passengers' lists – was Good – Captain John Good. He was broad, of medium height, dark, stout, and ra-ther a curious man to look at. He was so very neat and so very clean-shaved, and he always wore an eye-glass in his right eye. It seemed to grow there, for it had no

Е. В. Векшин, О. М. ЯфароваРазговорный английский язык. Метод. указания по выполнению КР для студентов ЗФО

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string, and he never took it out except to wipe it. At first I thought he used to sleep in it, but afterwards I found that this was a mistake.

2. Make your plan of the text using these words and word combinations (not all the words are used):

earn my bread, of medium height, an eye-glass, cannot claim, found out, at first, a naval officer, personal, seventeen years' service, took it out.

3. Entitle the text.

4. What are some of the qualities of a good child? Use specific details and examples to explain your answer. Write down 10-15 sentences.

5. Complete the dialogue with the words from the box (not all the words are used).

looks after coincidence name an electronic engineer natural satisfied office live Peter Brook work married two daughters school not yet house

– Your … is George Scott, isn't it? – Yes, it is. I am …. I … and work in New York. And what's your name? – My name is …. I am an editor. I live and … in San Francisco. – You are …, aren't you? – Oh, yes. I am married and I've got …. – What a …! I've got two daughters, too: Helen and Mary. – Do your daughters go to …? – …. Helen is five years old and Mary is three. My wife Joan doesn't work

now. She runs …and …the children. She adores her trade and dreams of going to her …again. But she can't for the time being.

– It's only …. Nowadays very few women are …with being housewives.

6. Your friend and you are discussing his (her) family. Write down your di-alogue (10-14 sentences).

Е. В. Векшин, О. М. ЯфароваРазговорный английский язык. Метод. указания по выполнению КР для студентов ЗФО

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1. Find the most suitable title for each paragraph of the text.

А. Drawing room Upstairs & downstairs Expensive type Semi-detached house В. Side walls Similar houses Terraced house Detached house

A detached house is the most expensive type of home. It stands on its own land and is not attached to another building. A semi-detached house is joined to the house next door by a shared wall. A house of this kind is less expensive than a detached house, but still offers a good standard of privacy and comfort. They usually consist of two floors. Downstairs are the living rooms. They are a drawing room, a sitting room & a kitchen. Upstairs are the bed rooms, a bathroom & a nursery for the children.

A terraced house is usually two or three-storey’s high. It is one of a conti-nuous row of similar houses, joined together by their side walls. Many rows of terraced houses were originally built for workers in nearby factories or coal-mines. A terraced house usually costs less than a semi-detached or detached house of similar size. There are miles of terraced houses in most towns. Over a quarter of British families live in them.

2. Make your plan of the text using these words and word combinations (not all the words are used):

important, two floors, country house, terraced house, have privacy, half of British families, large apartments, costs less, joined to, upstairs, three main types, town-house, many rows, the most expensive, downstairs.

3. Entitle the text.

4. You have the opportunity to buy a private house. What kind of house would you like to buy? Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice. Write down 10-15 sentences.

5. Complete the dialogue with the words from the box.

the past nothing how long in a week six months work for help a lot of travel

Е. В. Векшин, О. М. ЯфароваРазговорный английский язык. Метод. указания по выполнению КР для студентов ЗФО

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– Could you tell me who you … at the moment? – I work at a transportation company. – … have you worked for them? – I’ve been working for … two years. – And how long have your been working in the accounting department? – I’ve been in the accounting department for the past…. – You know this job requires…. Have you done much traveling for business? – I have travelled a lot and have … against it. – That’s interesting. I might be able to… you. Look back….

6. You are looking for a new job. Discuss it with your friend. Write down your dialogue with him (10-14 sentences).


1. Find the most suitable title for each paragraph of the text.

А. Kitchen facilities The cheapest rents Types of apartments Efficiency

В. Furniture Townhouse Garden apartment One-car garage

The term "apartment" is favored in North America, whereas the term "flat" is sometimes, but not exclusively used in the United Kingdom and most other Eng-lish-speaking areas. Apartments can be classified into several types. One being a studio, efficiency or bachelor style apartments. These all are the smallest apart-ments with the cheapest rents in a given area. These kinds of apartment usually consist mainly of a large room which is the living, dining, and bedroom com-bined. There are usually kitchen facilities as part of this central room, but the bathroom is its own smaller separate room.

Depending on location, apartments may be available for rent furnished with furniture or unfurnished into which a tenant usually moves in with their own fur-niture. A garden apartment has some characteristics of a townhouse: each apart-ment has its own entrance, and apartments are not placed vertically over one another. However, a garden apartment is usually only one story high and never more than two stories; they are often one-bedrooms and almost never more than two-bedrooms.

Е. В. Векшин, О. М. ЯфароваРазговорный английский язык. Метод. указания по выполнению КР для студентов ЗФО

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2. Make your plan of the text using these words and word combinations (not all the words are used):

garden apartment, one-bedroom apartments, modern life, several types, one story high, small apartments, at the corner, North America, one-car garage, kitchen fa-cilities, large apartments, drawing room, kinds of apartment, rent.

3. Entitle the text.

4. You have the opportunity to buy a new apartment. What kind of apart-ment would you like to buy? Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice. Write down 10-15 sentences.

5. Complete the dialogue with the words from the box.

position responsibilities market leaders a financial consultant begin attended financial matters a full-time greatest strength

– What type of … are you looking for? – I would like any position for which I qualify. – Are you interested in … or part-time position? – I am more interested in a full-time position. – Can you tell me about your … at your last job? – I advised customers on …. – What is your…? – I am an excellent communicator. People trust me and come to me for advice. – Why do you want to work for Smith and Sons? – I am convinced that Smith and Sons are becoming one of the …

6. You are looking for a new job. Discuss it with your friend. Write down your dialogue with him (10-14 sentences).


1. Find the most suitable title for each paragraph of the text.

A. Significant ways Average person Career path Combination of work roles

B. Occupations Job satisfaction Higher earnings Reasons

Е. В. Векшин, О. М. ЯфароваРазговорный английский язык. Метод. указания по выполнению КР для студентов ЗФО

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One of the most significant ways to positively impact your life is a career change, say some psychologists. Experts now predict that the average person will change careers about four times over the course of his or her work life. Career path refers to the series of any combination of work roles, occupations, or jobs that a person moves through by design and coincidence as their career unfolds.

Reasons can be that you don't enjoy the work as much as you used to or may-be you can't progress further in your career. Some occupations are inherently stressful. After a while the stress can become too much to handle. To preserve your mental and physical health, you may have to find a career that is less stress-ful. You want to earn more money. You may be surprised to learn that money isn't at the top of the list when it comes to job satisfaction. Therefore, don't be surprised if a career that will bring you higher earnings isn't one you will find par-ticularly satisfying.

2. Make your plan of the text using these words and word combinations (not all the words are used):

enjoy the work, higher earnings, choosing a career, career development, profes-sional, positive manner, the top of the list, significant ways, stress, overwhelming process, researches, many situations, average person, advertisements, eye contact, combination of work roles.

3. Entitle the text

4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most impor-tant aspect of a job is the money a person earns. Use specific reasons and ex-amples to support your answer. Write down 10-15 sentences.

5. Complete the dialogue with the words from the box.

quite cheap two-room O.K. a bit noisy a flat a bathroom wrong do a bit

– Where … you live? – In … near my office. – How big is it? – Not very big. It is a …flat. – And what about the rooms? Are they big?

Е. В. Векшин, О. М. ЯфароваРазговорный английский язык. Метод. указания по выполнению КР для студентов ЗФО

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– The living room is, but the bedroom is … small, but it is …. – Is it expensive? – No, it is …but it is not perfect you know. – Oh, what is … with it then? – Well, there is a lot of traffic to the street outside, so it is ….

6. Your friend is going to buy a new flat. Discuss this problem. Write down your dialogue. Write down your dialogue (10-14 sentences).


1. Find the most suitable title for each paragraph of the text.

A. Minute detail Big difference Do not arrive late Application forms B Appearance and communication Fashion style Positive responses Positive manner

An interview is your opportunity to present yourself, your talents and what you can offer potential employers. Know where the company is exactly located. You think this is just a minute detail but it can make a big difference. You do not want to arrive late. Make sure to arrive at the place at least 15 to 20 minutes to al-low yourself to freshen up. Many companies also ask their applicants to fill out application forms prior to the interview proper so the extra time will enable you to accomplish this without pressure.

Your appearance is as significant as your substance. The way you walk, the way you carry yourself and your fashion style speak a lot about you. Researches say that 65 % of communication is nonverbal. Know your talents and potentials. Show a positive manner. This means providing positive responses to seemingly negative-based questions at all times. Never ever give negative criticisms of pre-vious employer/s.

2. Make your plan of the text using these words and word combinations (not all the words are used):

application forms, communication, professionalism, first career change, body lan-guage, minute detail, eye contact, job expectations, make sure, fashion style, posi-tive responses, the right job, appearance, opportunity.

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3. Entitle the text.

4. Some people prefer to work for a large company. Others prefer to work for a small company. Which would you prefer? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice. Write down 10-15 sentences.

5. Complete the dialogue with the words from the box and write it down.

square metres the greater part new flat a bedside table move in south-west all modern conveniences the floor space

– When did you…? – About two weeks ago. Last Saturday we had a housewarming party. – Do you like your…? – Yes. It's a nice flat of three rooms with…. This door leads to the living-

room. – A rather large room, I should say. What's…? – About 23…, I believe. – The windows face…, don't they? – So they do. We have sunshine … of the day. Now here is one of our bed-


6. Your friend is going to buy a new flat. Discuss this problem. Write down your dialogue (10-14 sentences).



1. Read the text and answer the questions below it.

American food Americans have a wider assortment of foods to choose from than consumers in

any other country. Meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts, cereals from various parts of the nation are available throughout the country during any season of the year. Fre-quently, the problem for the consumer is not the lack of variety of brands of food, but rather the bewildering assortment from which one must choose. In addition, the consumer can choose from foods that are fresh, frozen, canned and cooked or

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uncooked. Currently, virtually all food stores have available a wide array of frozen foods especially prepared to be heated or cooked in a microwave oven.

The microwave oven has revolutionized the home preparation of meals. It, along with the supermarket, where virtually any kind of foods are available, make the preparation of food the most time-efficient in the world. A family can make only one trip a week to the supermarket to purchase its food needs for an entire week. Before the turn of the century Americans will have access to computer-based shopping enabling them to make their buying decisions at home and pick-ing up their purchases at the store or having them delivered to their homes.

Since the 1950s fast-food and take-out restaurants have had a phenomenal pro-liferation, first in the US, and more recently throughout the world. The first fast-food chains like McDonalds, Burger King, Arby's and Wendy’s which offer sandwiches, hamburgers, French-fried potatoes, hot dogs, pizzas, pancakes, chili and fried chicken, have been joined by other chains some of which offer Mexican, Chinese and other ethnic foods. The cost of the food in such restaurants is fre-quently cheaper than if one were to prepare similar food in one's kitchen. Conse-quently, an entire family may frequently go to eat at fast food places for conveni-ence and economy.

A more recent development in the American food industry has been the de-mand for healthier foods. The food industry has made available a wide variety of low-fat dairy and meat products. Animals are now being scientifically bred to produce lean meat. Even low fat cheeses and ice creams are being produced. Veg-etable, fruit and cereal consumption are increasing. A second demand is for foods grown and produced free of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. This has led to the development of an "organic food" industry. Of course, the cost of organic foods is substantially higher than for nonorganic food. The market for organic food has nevertheless been expanding.

1. What problem do American consumers face when buying food? 2. How often does a family visit a supermarket to purchase its food for a week? 3. What will enable Americans to make their buying decisions right at home? 4. What is the secret of success of fast-food and take-out restaurants? 5. What is a more recent development in the American food industry? 6. Which food items are very popular now in America?

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2. Find in the text equivalents to the following words and phrases.

1) потребители, 2) изделия из дробленого зерна, 3) типы продуктов, 4) кон-сервированный, 5) полуфабрикат, 6) духовка, 7) подавать на стол, 8) запе-ченная рыба, 9) вегетарианский стол, 10) "быстроешки", 11) постное мясо, 12) ресторан "обеды на дом".

3. Expand the situation introduced by the opening sentences.

Alan: What shall we order? Jack: I leave the choice to you, Alan. Alan: Good. What would you say to some salad, caviar, olives, clear soup,

lamb chop and coffee?

4. Match the definitions in column A with the terms in column B. A B

1. available immediately for sale a) a mark-down 2. sheltered shopping area b) sales tax 3. small temporary structure of c) bargain canvas, wood, used for trade 4. lively outing with much spending of money d) impulse shopping 5. reduction in price e) stall 6. thing acquired on terms advantageous to buyer f) booth 7. sudden tendency to buy without reflection g) out of stock 8. trader's booth h) in stock 9. small fee added to the cost of purchases i) shopping spree 10. not available immediately for sale j) shopping mall

5. Do you prefer to shop in supermarkets or in small shops? Why? Write down 10-15 sentences.


1. Read the text and in the list below cross out things an Englishman doesn't have for breakfast.

Pancakes, vegetable salad, beefsteak, porridge, plum pudding, toasts, prawn salad, cornflakes with milk, chicken, marmalade, baked potato, fried bacon, fried fish, eggs, garlic bread, pasta, mushrooms, coffee, tea, lemon, cream, scrambled

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eggs. cheese, tomatoes, fried eggs, butter, fruits, salad, orange juice, ice cream, nuts, honey, jellied fish, cold cereals, chops.

An Englishman's Diary An Englishman's day – and who can describe it better than an Englishman's

wife? It begins when he sits down to breakfast with his morning newspaper. As he looks through the headlines there is nothing he likes better than his favourite breakfast of cornflakes with milk and sugar (porridge if he lives in the North), fried bacon and eggs, marmalades on toast and tea (with milk, of course) or cof-fee. He in fact gets such a meal if there is enough money in the family to buy it. After breakfast, except on Saturdays and Sundays which are holidays, he goes to work by train, tube, bus, car, motor scooter, motor bike or walks there. He leaves home at about 7:30. At offices or factories there is a tea or coffee break at eleven. Then at mid-day everything stops for lunch. Most offices and shops сlose for an hour from one to two.

Englishmen are fond of good plain food, and they usually want to know what they eat. They like beefsteaks, chops, roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, fried fish and chipped potatoes. There are usually two courses in the mid-day meal - a meat course with a lot of vegetables, a sweet dish, perhaps fruit pudding and custards with tea or coffee to finish. Then back to work again with another break in the middle of the afternoon, once again for tea or coffee, sometimes with a cake or biscuit. The working day finishes at any time between four and six. When an En-glishman gets home he likes to inspect his garden before the evening meal: tea, high tea, dinner or supper. When his evening meal is over, the Englishman may do a little gardening and then have a walk to the “local” (the nearest beerhouse) for a "quick one" (a drink, alcoholic, of course!). There are a lot of people at the "local" and he can play darts, dominoes, billiards or discuss the weather, the local events or the current situation. But if the Englishman stays at home, he may listen to the ra-dio, watch television, talk or read. Then at any time between 10 and 12 he has his "night-cap" – a drink with a snack – and then off to bed ready for tomorrow.

2. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1) День англичанина начинается с завтрака и чтения утренней газеты. 2) Его любимый завтрак обязательно включает поджаренный бекон, тосты с дже-мом и чай. 3) Чай англичане пьют со сливками и сахаром. 4) Каждое утро я

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ем кукурузные хлопья с молоком. 5) В 1100 утра перерыв, когда все пьют чай или кофе. 6) Англичане не пьют чай с лимоном. Такой чай они называют “русский чай”. 7) Англичане предпочитают простую еду: жареную рыбу с картофелем, овощи и какое-нибудь мясное блюдо.

3. Find Russian equivalents to the following:

1) sponge, 2) buckwheat, 3) corned beef, 4) to stew, 5) to carve meat, 6) bream, 7) lamb, 8) sturgeon, 9) parsley, 10) turnip, 11) for the main course, 12) chew, 13) tip, 14) keep to a diet, 15) egg-plant, 16) crockery, 17) chop, 18) do jus-tice to the meal, 19) hearty eater, 20) have a snack.

4. Fill in the blanks with the corresponding words (from the list below).

A word of caution about ... stores and... . Some ... stores are not actually any... than other stores in the area. In others, the merchandise may not be only less ..., but shoddy and not worth the ... charged. Some stores perpentually advertize …, even though they never have sold the merchandise at the "regular" ... A store may ... something at a low price in the hope that if you come into the store, you will not only… that item but other items at ... prices as well. To avoid this kind of trap, … prices at different stores to be sure you are actually getting a.... Do not buy something you do not need or want if you are shopping where some items are on... Avoid … buying. It does not mean that you can not find real ... at ... stores or at...; it means that you must... carefully at all times. price (2), cheaper, purchase, regular, discount (2), compare, advertise, shop, expensive, sale(s) (4), bargain (2), impulse, bargain(s) (2).

5. Do you prefer to do shopping on your own or in company? Why? Write 10-15 sentences.


1. Read the letter and answer the questions below it.

Dear Sir, The Beefeater Restaurant is very poor and I feel very damaging to the hotel in

general. On our first visit, the service was slow, the atmosphere fair and the food fair. We would not have gone back however had it not been for the fact that the restaurant Tower was closed on Sunday evening. However what happened on

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Sunday evening (29th March 1998) was unbelievable. The restaurant was not busy. The service was non existent. After a wait of 15 minutes with nothing ex-cept the bread, the wine and water we had ordered arrived. The wine was poured and taken away, the order was taken. We were unable to attract any attention to get more wine poured, one waiter looked straight through us, and when my com-panion waved his napkin in total frustration to get some service, we watched as the staff ridiculed us by mimicking the action. Eventually we got some more wine poured, then they would not stop and every time we had a sip they refilled the glass. After nearly an hour the starter arrived. It would appear that it had been around awhile. The snails were inedible, not a hint of garlic, the other starter was dried out on the top. We walked out, and went straight to the front desk to register our complaint, and later that evening the manageress of the restaurant provided a half hearted apology. We went out to eat elsewhere.

Although we were quite happy to pay for the drink, we were somewhat amazed that the following day the front desk had no knowledge of our complaint and when I paid our account had charged us for the food.

I am sure that you will agree that this is a poor reflection on an otherwise ex-cellent hotel, and wasted a lot of our valuable time.

Despite the problems encountered in the Beefeater restaurant and to a lesser degree at the front desk, we had an extremely enjoyable stay.

Yours fathfully, Jill Johnosn 1. What was the guests' impression of the restaurant's food and atmosphere

during their first visit of the restaurant? 2. Why did they have to come back to the restaurant on Sunday? 3. How did the guests try to attract the waiter's attention? 4. How did the restaurant staff behave? 5. Were the starters tasty? 6. What was the manageress's respond to the complaint?

2. Fill in the appropriate words from the list below.

What Does it Come Under? If you .... there are certain...you really have to avoid: ...and...are out for a start,

but you can't live forever on ...and …There are men and women who spend their

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entire lives counting...they take in each day. Some national ....make you fat. The Japanese have a high protein diet, while the Swiss eat a lot of....Personally, I'm lucky not to have to diet, but my friend, John, can't eat anything without looking it up in his Calorie Chart. This is carefully organized so that...and ....are under “Fruit”; .... and ...come under “Starchy Foods”, and so on. I entertained John to a nice low calorie...yesterday and at the end I offered him some... «What does "jel-ly" come under?» he asked looking at his chart. «Half a litre of double cream,» I said, pouring the stuff over my plate!

meal, biscuits, tomatoes, jelly, cuisines, strawberries, spaghetti, foods, are di-

eting, the calories, potato, cakes, oranges, milk products, peaches, diet

3. Find the logical order of the following dialogue parts.

Mother: Would you like some bread and ham, Tommy? Tommy: All right, pass me the brown bread, please. M.: Better take some honey. T.: No, thanks. Two soft-boiled eggs would do for me. M.: Another slice of bread, Tommy? M.: I'm afraid these are hard-boiled. But you can have half of the omelette I've

made. I am sure you'll find it to your liking? T.: No, thank you. No more for me. M: Very well. Let me pour it out. Some more coffee, T.: Thanks, the omelette is pretty good. M.: Here your are. T.: May I trouble you for jam? M.: A cup of coffee? T.: Yes, please. T.: Oh, no. I never have honey with coffee.

4. Compose a dialogue, using the key words for the situation given below.

A customer and a shop assistant at the grocery store (Have in stock, two pounds of, Ceylon tea, condensed milk, one tin of mustard, anything else, a bottle of orange juice, all in all)

5. What do you know about special features of Russian cuisine? Write 10-15 sentences.

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1. Read the text and answer the questions below it

Buying food At the weekends, when she has more time to spare, Elinor Lloyd does her

shopping at the big self-service food stores in town, for she can buy a lot of goods more cheaply there than at her local grocer's. These large self-service stores are brightly-lit and usually well laid out. The goods are tidily arranged on trays and long shelves on which the various prices are clearly marked. The shelves are well stocked with a very wide selection of attractively packed goods-everything from quick-frozen food to washing powder, from shoe polish to new-laid eggs, from tinned fish to toothpaste. Elinor walkes from shelf to shelf, filling her wire basket. She has to be careful when shopping in a self-service store, for the goods are so attractively displayed that she is tempted to buy things she does not need or can-not really afford. She puts two large tins of instant coffee into her basket. The same brand costs six pence more at the corner shop, so she has 'saved' twelve pence.

She looks round for a bottle of Worcestershire sauce but she cannot see any. Elinor goes to the cash desk, where there is a short queue. When it is her turn the cashier reckons up the bill on a cash register which automatically adds up the var-ious items. In the meantime another shop assistant packs the goods into Elinor's shopping bag. Elinor pays, carefully puts the receipt and the change into her purse and leaves the shop. Before getting the bus home she goes to the market in search of bargains. The market is large, with well over a hundred different stalls; part of it is covered, part of it open-air. A wide range of clothes, household goods, fruit and vegetables is on sale and prices are often considerably lower than in the ordi-nary shops, for the stall-holders' overheads are relatively low. Elinor buys wash-ing powder 5p a packet cheaper than at her local grocer's, and fresh fruit and vegetables: two pounds of oranges, half a pound of strawberries, two medium-sized grapefruit, a large cauliflower and two pounds of sprouts. She arrives home exhausted but a little proud of having saved forty or fifty pence of the housekeep-ing money.

1. Why does Elinor do part of her shopping at the big self-service stores in town?

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2. Why does she have to be careful when shopping at such stores? 3. How big is the market? 4. What sort of goods are on sale there? 5. What is Elinor proud of?

2. Find in the text equivalents to the following words and phrases.

1) Иметь побольше свободного времени; 2) искать выгодные покупки; 3) то-вары, аккуратно расположенные на подносах; 4) четко проставленные цены; 5) испытывать соблазн; 6) та же марка; 7) значительно ниже; 8) сравнитель-но низкие накладные расходы; 9) деньги на домашнее хозяйство; 10) тща-тельно рассмотреть вопрос.

3. Match up the shop (departments) with the appropriate goods:

1. Knitted wear a. drawing pin, paper clip, blotting paper 2. Haberdashery b. paperback, post stamp, greeting card 3. China and glassware c. vacuum cleaner, bulb, dish-washer 4. Stationery d. living room suite, cabinet 5. Perfumery e. pendant, silverware, candlestick 6. Record department f. cups, plates, vases, teapots 7. Electrical equipment g. muffler, jersey, mittens 8. Newsagent's h. bric-a-brac, silver bell, “Old Master” 9. Furniture shop i. records 10. Hardware goods j. scissors, tape, ribbons 11. Jeweller's k. scent, eye-shade, hand cream 12. Antique shop l. knife, screws, watering-can

4. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word from the list below.

Outside the ... Mary stops to glance at the ..., ..., ... full of fruit and vegetables. Knight, ..., who is just ... some onions, looks up and greets her with friendliness. Mary enters the ... and stands patiently in the ... until it's her... "The next one, please", says one of the ... It's Mary's ... and the ... inquires politely, “What can I get for you, Mary?” — “I'd like ... of Danish butter, ... of tea, ... of blackcurrant jam, a large ... of vinegar, ... of frozen peas, ... of sardine, a medium-sized ... of Оmо, ... of milk chocolate, and ... of lean smoked bacon, please." The shop assistant ... the ba-con, ... it in ... paper and places it on the ... with the other ... Mary has bought.

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"That'll be all", says Mary, giving her ... to the assistant who writes down the ... of the goods and then adds them up. In the meantime Mary ... the groceries into her .... Mary ... her three pound notes and in return receives sixty-five pence .... change, weighing, shop (2), half a pound, queue, turn (2), shopkeeper, crates, boxes, sacks, wraps, shop assistant (2), a tin, packet (2), shopping bag, counter, hands, shopping list, a bar, a quarter, a bottle, goods, a pound, prices, packs, weighs, grease-proof, a pound-jar.

5. Write 10-15 sentences about your family’s favourite dishes.



1. Read the text and answer the questions below it.

A Man with a Bad Heart Dan noticed afterward that Max coughed a great deal and was short of breath.

After about a week Max said, "I tore something loose, I think. It rattles when I breathe. Do you know a good heart doctor from a hospital? I don't want to go to my regular doctor. He's Sharon's doctor too and he'll tell her."

Dan remembered Dr. Flinch, the physician who had helped him so greatly with the patient with the lung cancer.

After his visit Max came directly to the drugstore. He looked sombre. "Is he a good doctor?" "The best I've found so far". "He said it was all right for you to call him. I was so nervous I don’t remember

anything he said". Dan called the physician. The moment he hung up the receiver Max said,

"What did he say?" “You have a double lesion.” "Don't talk to me in medical terms. Tell me so I can understand. What kind of

operation do I have to do?" "It's open heart surgery. They cut the heart open. They put a pump in its place

so that you get oxygen while it's being worked on."

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"Is the heart beating all the time?" "They stop it. It's a dangerous operation but you have no choice."' "I'm not getting any operation until Sharon has the baby." Max opened a jar of pills and took one. 1. Where did Dan and Max work? 2. Why did Max ask Dan to phone Dr. Flinch? 3. What was wrong with Max? 4. Why didn't Max want to get the operation? 5. How are Sharon and Max related?

2. Find in the text equivalents to the following words and phrases.

Задыхаться, кашлять, дышать, врач, свой лечащий врач, пациент, аптека, медицинские термины, опасная операция, операция на открытом сердце, ро-дить ребенка, склянка с пилюлями, специалист по сердечным болезням, ки-слород.

3. Read the text. Translate the words and phrases in brackets.

There is nothing more unpleasant than (заболеть) when you are away from home. If that happens, do you (пойти на прием к врачу) or send for him at once? He will come and (прослушать пульс, измерить температуру, прослушать легкие, осмотреть) you thoroughly. He will (прописать диету) for you and tell you what to eat, and what not to eat, and he will probably advise you to give up drinking coffee, or tea, or both, and to smoke less.

If you want some (лекарство) he will give you (рецепт) that you can get made in (аптека). Going to the chemist's is rather an adventure in a foreign town. Chemist shops, these days, are wonderful places. Besides medicines and all kinds of (таблетки и мази) you can get all sorts of other things there as well, such as soaps, brushes, combs, bottles of every shape and size containing scent, (полос-кание, микстура от кашля) and what not. You can buy tooth-pastes, tooth-brushes and a hundred and one other things required by man, woman or child.

4. Complete the dialogue.

A: I’ve heard that the British are a sport-loving nation. Is that right? B: A: What would you say are the most popular games in England today?

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B: A: I’ve been told that there are no winter sports in England. B: A: What are the most popular outdoor and indoor games in your country? B: A: What kind of sport are you interested in? B:

5. Do you agree that a professional sport ruins health? Write 10-15 sen-tences.


1. Read the article and answer the questions below it.

Extreme ironing What activities are sports? Running and football? Sure. Synchronized swim-

ming? Probably. Ballroom dancing? Maybe. Playing cards? Probably not. Gar-dening? Definitely not. Most people believe that sports must combine physical ac-tivity and competition. If we use this definition, then extreme ironing is a sport.

What is extreme ironing? Extreme ironing is pressing clothes in very difficult places. Ironists must carry their irons, ironing boards, and wrinkled laundry with them to the competition site. Some ironists take electric generators. Others heat their irons on gas stoves. The competitors get more points for the difficulty of the location. However, the quality of the ironing is important, too. Each item must be well pressed.

Extreme ironists compete in some amazing places. Contestants iron while they are climbing rocks, climbing mountains, and climbing trees. They iron in canoes, on the backs of cows, and even underwater. One team ironed while on a kayak in the Atlantic Ocean.

This sport is not a joke.Teams from 30 countries competed in the first world championships in Germany in 2002. Phil Shaw is the inventor of extreme ironing. He says that there are about 1,500 ironists worldwide. Some teams have corporate sponsors. The German corporation Rowenta, an iron maker, pays for Shaw's team. The goal of extreme ironists is to have their sport included in the Olympics. M aybe then they can start using their real names. At the moment, contestants use

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names such as Steam, Cool Silk, and Iron Man. Why? Shaw admits, "Most com-petitors don't want people to know that they are ironists."

1. What items must ironists carry with them? 2. What do ironists get points for? 3. Where do they compete? 4. What do you think of extreme ironing? Is it a sport? Would you like to

participate in it?

2. Read the statements and write true (T) or false (F).

1. The writer believes that sports must be competitive. 2. The writer believes that sports must be dangerous. 3. Extreme ironing is a very old sport. 4. Extreme ironists almost always compete outside . 5. Some companies sponsor extreme ironing teams. 6. Extreme ironists don't like people to know their names.

3. Write the main ideas of each paragraph, then add one detail from each paragraph.

4. Match the phases in column A with those in column B. A B

1. If you break a leg a. you have to be immediately inoculated (against the disease).

2. If you have a high temperature b. you must have it X-rayed and then put in a cast.

3. If you feel pain when swallowing c. you have to be on a diet. 4. If a member of your family has d. you have to gargle your throat.

fallen ill with some infectious disease 5. If you have an abscess e. you have to consult a surgeon. 6. If you have liver trouble f. you have to take some medicine

to reduce temperature.

5. You are a student of 19. You have constant headaches. Your headache is worse in the evening. You came to consult the doctor. Write down a dialogue (10-14 sentences).

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1. Read the text and answer the questions below it.

You and Your Health Symptoms of Illness How do people know they are ill? Often they have symptoms such as pain,

nausea, sore throat, lack of appetite, fatigue, or fever. However a disease may be present without a person knowing it. Sometimes a disease is discovered during a routine health examination.

Illnesses, that can be passed along by an infected person to a well person ei-ther directly or indirectly are called infectious or communicable diseases.

In early 1900s infectious diseases were still a serious public health problem. Today as a result of improved hygiene and living conditions, new drugs, new kinds of medical treatment, and the widespread use of vaccines, the picture has changed. Many diseases such as malaria, yellow fever, scarlet fever, small pox, and diphtheria have been almost wiped out. However, some of these diseases – and others – pose problems in certain areas of the world.

The cold is the most common communicable disease. So far, scientists have identified more than 100 different viruses capable of causing cold symptoms. For this reason, no vaccine exists to immunize against colds.

Some diseases are not caused by disease-producing microorganisms. These diseases cannot be passed from person to person. No immunity can be produced for this diseases. They are called noncommunicable. Among them are most dis-eases of the heart, allergy and a lot of others.

1. What are infectious diseases? 2. Is there any vaccine against the cold? 3. What are noncommunicable diseases? 4. Why no immunity can be produced for these diseases?

2. Find in the text equivalents to the following words and phrases.

условия жизни, тошнота, усталость, отсутствие аппетита, обычный меди-цинский осмотр, инфекционное заболевание, передаваться от больного здо-ровому, проблема общественного здоровья, истребить (о болезнях), пред-ставлять проблему, самая распространенная болезнь, создать иммунитет.

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3. Examining a patient. Match the examination in column A with the in-structions in column B.

Model: I'd just like to examine your throat. Could you just open your mouth as wide as you can?

A В 1. the throat a. remove your sock and shoe. 2. the ears b. remove your top clothing, 3. the chest с. turn your head this way. 4. the back d. open your mouth. 5. the foot e. tilt your head back. 6. the nasal passage f. stand up.

4. Expand the situation introduced by the opening sentences. – Hi, John. I haven’t seen you for ages! – Hello, Eric. – John, I heard that you began to play a professional football, is it true? I re-

member you being only an amateur. – – – –

5. Describe your favourite kind of sport (10-15 sentences).


1. Read the article and answer the questions below it.

What Makes a Sport? What is a sport? In my opinion, there are some activities that are definitely

sports: baseball, football, basketball, hockey, golf, and bowling. And there are some activities that are definitely not sports: cheerleading, dance, figure skating, and gymnastics.

How did I decide? An activity is not a sport if a judge or a group of judges chooses the winner. The competition itself should decide the result. Judges decide the winners of figure skating, cheerleading, dance, and gymnastics competitions. Therefore, none of them are sports.

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In the non-sports listed, judges determine the winners based on their opinions. Judges are human and many things can influence them. Maybe they think one competitor wins too often or not enough. Perhaps they don't like one of the con-testants. Perhaps they just prefer one competitor's music or their clothes. The point is that we can never be certain that the winner was really the best.

Of course, you might say that every sport has judges. Umpires in baseball and referees in basketball make decisions, too. However, one bad decision by an offi-cial doesn't decide the winner of these games. The competition does.

According to my definition, activities like bowling, Ping-Pong, and even curl-ing are sports. The person or team that has more points or finishes first wins. The opinion of a judge is not necessary.

There is one more important point. You can be an athlete and not participate in a sport. Cheerleaders, dancers, gymnasts, and figure skaters are incredible ath-letes. Their activities require a lot of athleticism, strength, and flexibility. They are athletes, but they do not participate in sports. They participate in athletic com-petitions. In addition, you can participate in a sport and not be an athlete. Bowlers and golfers do not have to be great athletes. They are people with a specific skill, but they are not athletes.

There is one exception to my definition. NASCAR is not a sport. It is simply entertainment. And, in my opinion, it's not even good entertainment.

1. According to the writer, what activities are sports? 2. How did he make his decision? 3. Do all athletes participate in sports? 4. Is everyone who participates in a sport an athlete?

2. Match the words and their meanings.

1. result a. people who make sure that competitors follow the rules

2. determine b. physical ability 3. influence c. decision 4. umpires/referees d. take part in 5. athleticism e. affect 6. curling f. decide 7. participate g. a game

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3. Find an adjective in list (b) to match a noun in list (a).

For example: a catching disease. a) person, temperature, throat, chill, cold, headache, heart, pulse, disease, il-

ness, cheek, health, eyesight, equipment, blood-pressure. b) catching, quick, chronic, sick, sore, normal, weak, bad, slight, high, medi-

cal, swollen, perfect, poor.

4. Translate the English phrases into Russian and Russian phrases into English.

1. Я очень плохо себя чувствую. Where can I find a doctor? 2. У меня опух локоть. What doctor can you recommend me? 3. Вызовите, пожалуйста, врача. Where is the nearest polyclinic? Я хочу

проконсультироваться с врачом. 4. Please give me the doctor's phone number. Когда принимает доктор? 5. Что с вами? I have a high temperature. У вас болит горло? No, but I feel

sick and I have rash. У вас все признаки ветрянки. 6. Положите градусник под язык и измерьте температуру. I have no tem-

perature, I've just slight poisoning. У вас расстройство желудка, рвота? 7. Разденьтесь до пояса, пожалуйста. Я хочу прослушать ваши легкие. You

have nothing serious, just a cold. You must stay in bed and take the medicine.

5. Do you agree that if a person goes in for sports, he has less problems with his health? Prove your point of view (10-15 sentences).



1. Find the most suitable title for each paragraph of the text.

А. Border officer U.S. citizen Documents and baggage Personal baggage В. Avoid problems Examples of the limits Importations of food products Meat products

When you enter Canada, a border services officer may ask to see your pass-port and a valid visa. If you are a U.S. citizen, you do not need a passport to enter Canada. As a visitor, you can bring certain goods into Canada for your own use as

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"personal baggage". Personal baggage includes clothing, camping and sports equipment, cameras and personal computers. It also includes vehicles, private boats and aircraft.

Canada has complex requirements, restrictions and limits on the importation of meat, eggs, dairy products, honey, fresh fruits and vegetables, and other food from around the world. For example, the importation of root crops may be regu-lated and that of potatoes is prohibited. You can avoid problems by not bringing these kinds of goods into Canada. The following are some examples of the limits that apply to personal importations of food products: 2 dozen eggs; 20 kilograms of dairy products not exceeding $20 in value and 20 kilograms of edible meats and meat products.

2. Make your plan of the text using these words and word combinations (not all the words are used: examples of the limits, tourist souvenir, certain goods, cannot claim, luggage tick-ets, customs area, complex requirements, customs duties, personal baggage, avoid problems, each gift, your passport, need permits.

3. Entitle the text.

4. You have the opportunity to visit a foreign country for two weeks. Which country would you like to visit? Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice. Write down 10-15 sentences.

5. Complete the dialogue with the words from the box.

one bag pack yourself anyone on the flight hand-luggage how many

– Do you have any…..? – Yes, I have….. – .……pieces of luggage do you have? – Only one. – Did you ….your luggage……? – Yes, I did. – Has ……given you anything to take…..? – No, they haven't. – Do you have any hand-luggage? – Yes, I have one bag.

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6. Summer is coming. You have come to a travel agency, because you want to have a rest abroad. Write down your dialogue (10-14 sentences).


1. Find the most suitable title for each paragraph of the text.

B. Customs limits Arriving passengers False declaration Red and Green Channels C. Limitations Luggage tickets Restricted goods Blue Channel

Customs procedures for arriving passengers at many international airports, and some road crossings, are separated into Red and Green Channels. Passengers with goods to declare should go through the Red Channel. Passengers with nothing to declare can go through the Green Channel. Passengers going through the Green Channel are only subject to spot checks and save time. But, if a passenger going through the Green Channel is found to have goods above the customs limits on them or carrying prohibited items, they may be prosecuted for making a false dec-laration to customs.

Airports within the EU also have a Blue Channel. As the EU is a customs un-ion, travelers between EU countries do not have to pay customs duties. Passengers arriving from other EU countries should go through the Blue Channel, where they may still be subject to checks for prohibited or restricted goods. In addition, limi-tations exist on various tobacco products being imported from certain newly-joined EU member states. Luggage tickets for checked in luggage within the EU are green-edged so they may be identified.

2. Make your plan of the text using these words and word combinations (not all the words are used): may be prosecuted, tobacco products, different countries, import or export, Red and Green Channels, responsible for, management styles, prohibited or restricted goods, green-edged business trips, customs duty, commercial goods, Blue Channel.

3. Entitle the text.

4. Some people like to travel with a companion. Other people prefer to travel alone. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice. Write down 10-15 sentences.

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5. Complete the dialogue with the words from the box.

through trains the price cheaper another a dining car save time leave arrives in will cost a one-way ticket one stop

– I want … to Springfield. When does the next train …? – There's a train at four-ten. There's also … at seven-twenty this evening. – Are they both …? – Yes. The four ten is a fast train and makes only … in New Haven. – Is there … on both trains? – There's a diner on the four-ten. The seven-twenty has just a cafe. – What is … of a ticket? – A seat on the four-ten … you ten dollars. A ticket for the seven-twenty is…. – I think I'll have a ticket for the four-ten. – As you like. Here is your ticket. – Thank you.

6. You are discussing your future trip with your friend. Write down your di-alogue (10-14 sentences).


1. Find the most suitable title for each paragraph of the text.

A. Role of the customs Collecting customs duties Terrorist attacks Organized crime B. New challenges Protecting health and safety The front line Correct balance

Until recently, the role of the customs consisted primarily of collecting cus-toms duties and indirect taxes at import. Numerous developments, including en-largement and the development of e-commerce and the threat of terrorist attacks and the internationalization of organized crime, have altered the environment in which customs operate.

Today, customs are facing new challenges: they must ensure the smooth flow of trade whilst applying necessary controls on the one hand, whilst guaranteeing protecting the health and safety of the Community's citizens. To achieve the correct

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balance between these demands, customs procedures and control methods must be modernized and co-operation between the different services must be reinforced. Customs authorities implement EU policies in almost every field connected with international trade. They are in the front line in the fight against fraud, terrorism and organized crime.

2. Make your plan of the text using these words and word combinations (not all the words are used):

the role of the customs, inconvenient, the correct balance, fight against, certain goods, go beyond, implement EU policies, immigration form, trading space, foundation, new challenges, requirements, 27 Customs, Customs common rules.

3. Entitle the text.

4. You have the opportunity to visit a foreign country for two weeks. Which country would you like to visit? Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice. Write down 10-15 sentences.

5. Complete the dialogue with the words from the box.

– Can I … you? – I want to fly to London next week. I’d like to make reservations for…. – What day are you planning … London? – On the… . – There are three flights to London on that day - at 10 am, at 8.30 and 9 pm.

Do you have … about the time of the day? – I’d rather leave at 9 pm I want to get to London early…. – Are you going to travel … or economy? – I prefer economy.

6. Summer is coming. You have come to a travel agency, because you want to have a rest abroad. Write down your dialogue (10-14 sentences).)

to leave for a reservation meals and refreshments flying a roundtrip

ticket 12th of March help 1st-class any preference in the morning

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1. Find the most suitable title for each paragraph of the text.

B. Return flight At the airline Desk passport Immigration form C. Customs officer Something to declare Customs Channel system

On arrival in the USA the immigration officer will check your visa and the immigration form. You will be given a copy of this form to keep in your pass-port – often they staple it in for you. You are supposed to hand this copy in when you leave the country. This is generally done at the airline desk when you check in for your return flight, as there are usually no passport checks when you leave the USA. The immigration officer will stamp on the immigration form how long you are entitled to stay in the USA. Make sure that he or she knows how long you want to stay.

After immigration comes customs, and somewhere along the line you will be relieved of your customs form. Although there is now a red channel/green channel system (red if the traveler has something to declare, green if he/she doesn’t) as in many other countries, you still actually have to come face to face with the cus-toms officer. It is important to note that you are not allowed to take into the USA any fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, butter, milk, fresh meat or plants.

2. Make your plan of the text using these words and word combinations (not all the words are used):

all aspects, after immigration, check your visa, not allowed, small space, interna-tional trade, make sure, on the plane, copy, different services. at the airline desk, channel system.

3. Entitle the text.

4. Some people like to travel with a companion. Other people prefer to travel alone. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice. Write down 10-15 sentences.

5. Complete the dialogue with the words from the box.

passport here fly flew purpose business to stay for two weeks will

at a hotel before first time declare

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– May I see your … please? – Yes, …it is. – Where did you …from? – I …from Delhi. – What is the …of your visit; …or pleasure? – I'm here on business. – How long are you planning…? – I'll be staying …. – Where …you be staying? – I'll be staying …. – Have you ever been to America…? – No, this is my …. – Do you have anything to …? – No, I don't.

6. Your friend and you are discussing your future trip. Write down your di-alogue (10-14 sentences).



1.Read the text and match these titles with the paragraphs:

Dance music, Worldwide Success, Irish Cinema, Traditional Instruments, Irish Writers.

Ireland. Celtic rules (1) The Corrs' second album, Talk on Corners, was one of the most popular

albums of the nineties. The success of the Irish dance musical, Lord of the Dance, made its creator, Michael Flatley, one of the richest performers in show business. And veteran group the Chieftains, who began playing in pubs, now give sell-out concerts at major venues all over the world. What do they have in common? They are all Irish.

(2) Celtic music is clearly having some of its best moments. In fact, with Irish pubs opening all over the world, Irish music is played from Kiev to Katmandu. Most of the music you hear in them is traditional dance music – and you are

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expected to dance. An Irish music session is not a spectator sport! If you don't par-ticipate, you'll miss out on the 'craic' - the most exciting moments of the evening.

(3) Of course, Irish music has its quieter moods. Some people say that the harp, a national symbol, has magical powers. Another national instrument is the Ulleann pipes, a kind of sophisticated bagpipes, which featured in the film Titan-ic. There is a local saying that it takes “seven years of learning, seven years of practising, and seven years of playing” to master them. The violin, or 'fiddle', is played all over the country.

(4) Music is an important new export of Irish culture, but writers are doing well, too. In the past, Ireland has produced some of the best writers and poets in the English language; people like Jonathan Swift, James Joyce, W.B. Yeats, George Bernard Shaw and Oscar Wilde. More recently, the poet Seamus Heaney won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1995, and Roddy Doyle received praise throughout Europe for his novels.

(5) Not to be left out, the Irish film scene is looking good. The government has created a fund for films about (and produced in) Ireland, and actors such as Liam Neeson and Pierce Brosnan are international stars.

2. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1. The Chieftains have always played to large audiences. 2. The best way to appreciate Irish dance music is to sit and listen. 3. The Ullean pipes are easy to play. 4. Many great names in English Literature were Irish. 5. The Irish government helps the Irish film industry. . . .

3. Match the words from the text with the definitions. Paragraph numbers are in brackets.

veteran (1) a) bar venue (1) b) old and experienced pub (2) c) place for a concert powers (3) d) abilities, strengths praise (4) e) money for a special purpose fund (5) f) expression of admiration

4. Write advice for a foreigner visiting your country (10-15 sentences).

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1. Read the article and match the sections (1-4) with these titles:

Symbols of Wales, Welsh History, Welsh Culture, The Welsh Language. The mystery of Wales

Tо the west of England lies a small, almost secret country called Wales. It is a land of green and grey: green fields, valleys and hills; grey mountains and sky, grey mining villages and grey stone castles.

(1) The story of the Welsh people is one of determined resistance to invaders – the Romans, Saxons, Vikings, Normans and finally the English. After the fall of the Roman Empire in 410 AD, the barbarian Anglo-Saxons invaded Britain. Le-gendary kings and princes, like King Arthur, won important victories against the Saxons, but gradually these original 'Britons' were pushed west, into the hills and mountains of Wales. Welsh princes fought hard against the English, but Wales was finally conquered. In 1301 Edward I gave his son the title of Prince of Wales and in 1536 Wales was united with England.

(2) Despite the conquest, Wales has maintained its unique culture and strong national identity, particularly through its language. Welsh, a Celtic language, very different from English, is one of the oldest languages in Europe. However, in the nineteenth century and first half of the twentieth century, the Welsh language de-clined. The British government made English the official language and English was the only language allowed in schools. The number of Welsh speakers went down from 80% to under 20% of the population. Since the 1960s, though, there has been a revival of the Welsh language. Welsh is also an official language, it is taught in schools and there is a Welsh language TV channel.

(3) A tradition of storytelling, poetry and singing began in the castles of the Welsh princes in the middle ages and continues today. Every year 'eisteddfods' are held around the country. An 'eisteddfod' is a meeting of poets and singers who take part in competitions. As well as literature in the Welsh language, Wales has produced important poets in English such as Dylan Thomas and R.S. Thomas. Famous actors include Richard Burton, Sir Anthony Hopkins and Catherine Zeta-Jones. Wales is a musical nation and choirs are important. Nowadays, when the national rugby team plays in Cardiff, 80,000 voices can be heard singing the Welsh hymn 'Bread of Heaven'.

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(4) The flag of Wales, with its red dragon, is one of the oldest in the world. It was brought to Britain by the Romans. The patron saint of Wales is St David. St David converted Wales to Christianity and established the Welsh church. The leek is another symbol of Wales. According to legend, St David ordered his soldiers to wear them on their helmets before the Welsh fought a victorious battle over the Saxons.

2. What do you know about Wales? Choose a, b or c.

1. The population is a) one million, b) two million, c) three million. 2. The capital is a) Cardiff, b) Swansea, c) Wrexham. 3. The official language is a) English, b) Welsh, c) both English and Welsh. 4. The national symbols are a) a dragon and a leek, b) a lion and a rose, c) a

horse and a tree.

3. Explain why is Wales called an “almost secret” country?

4. Describe any similarities or differences between the history of Wales and your country (10-15 sentences).


1. Read the text and complete the table according to the text.

Location: Languages: Population: Weather:

New Zealand

New Zealand is a democratic country with its own parliament. However, it is part of the British Commonwealth, and therefore the official head of state is Eliz-abeth II, the queen of England, Scotland and Wales. New Zealand was the first country in the world to give the vote to women in 1893, to have old age pensions and the eight-hour working day. New Zealand, in the South Pacific, consists of two large islands plus other smaller island with an area of 270.000 sq km. North Island has a warm climate and there is quite a lot of volcanic activity. South Island is coo-ler and has a higher rainfall. In the South Island there are the Southern Alps with Mount Cook (3754 m) the highest mountain in New Zealand. New Zealand has

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some industry but agriculture is more important - there are 55 million sheep, 8 million cows and 1 million goats in New Zealand! New Zealand was cut off from the rest of the land on Earth for 80 million years and has some unique ani-mals and plants. The tuatara is a reptile that has survived from the era of the di-nosaurs. The weta is the largest and heaviest insect in the world and the kiwi (the symbol of New Zealand) is a large bird which cannot fly. Over 80 % of the 3.6 million people are of European (mainly British) origin. Around 9 % of the population are Maoris – who came to New Zealand from Polynesia in the thir-teenth and fourteenth centuries. The two official languages in the country are English and Maori. New Zealanders who are also known as “Kiwis”, are relaxed people who love the outdoor life. It is not surprising that New Zealand is suc-cessful at many sports. Its national sport is rugby and its team, “The All Blacks”, are often the best in the world. Before every game, the All Blacks perform a “haka”, a Maori war dance, to frighten the opposing team! New Zealand has beautiful landscapes. In North Island, the Bay of Islands has lovely old forests and beautiful beaches and the Coromandel is perfect for sailing and watersports. Rotorua is the centre of Maori culture and has wonderful hot springs. In South Island, the Southern Alps, the West Coast region and the national park of Fiord-land all have beautiful scenery.

2.Answer these questions:

1. In what ways was New Zealand advanced in the area of human rights? 2. What is the most important part of New Zealand's economy? 3. Why are there some strange animals in New Zealand? 4. What kind of lifestyle do most New Zealanders have? 5. What is there for tourists to see in New Zealand?

3. Find these names in the text.

New Zealand's national rugby team, New Zealand people, the highest moun-tain in New Zealand, the largest insect in the world, the first people of New Zeal-and

4. List five differences between New Zealand and your country (10-15 sen-tences).

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1. Read the text and match the topics a-f with the five paragraphs in the text. There is one extra topic.

a) the history of the city d) nightlife in Auckland b) travel links e) water lover's paradise c) things to see in Auckland f) New Zealand's largest city F.e. a-2


(1) Auckland is the largest city in New Zealand. It has a population of just un-der a million people and is located on North island. This seaport is an important centre for business and industry. It is also the most dynamic and multicultural city in New Zealand.

(2) The history of the city goes back 650 years when the Maoris settled in the area. European settlement began in 1840 when the British arrived. New Zealand's first governor, Captain William Hobson, made Auckland the capital. Later, the capital moved to Wellington, because it was more central. Since 1945 the city of Auckland has grown and it now has large modern suburbs. In 1985 the New Zeal-and government made the whole country a nuclear free zone and since then Auck-land has been a centre for protest against nuclear testing in the Pacific.

(3) Famous sights include Mt Eden, one of many large volcanic hills, as well as the Auckland Harbour Bridge. At the Parnell Village you can visit some of the first European settlers' homes. In the city is the beautiful Auckland Domain which is famous for its large palm trees and exotic plants. You can see Maoris perform their traditional dances at the Auckland Museum.

(4) From wherever you are in the city, you can see the sea. Auckland's nick-name is 'the city of sails' because it has more boats than anywhere else in the world. It has a warm climate with plenty of sunshine - the average temperature in January (summer) is 23.4°C and in July (winter) it is 7.8°C. It has some of the best beaches in New Zealand for doing water sports: swimming, diving, fishing, sailing and windsurfing.

(5) It is easy to travel between Auckland and the rest of New Zealand. There are regular international flights, too. Flights from Europe take over twenty-four hours and are expensive.

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2. Find the equivalents to the following definitions in the text.

1. New Zealand produces iron and steel, machinery, textiles and motor ve-hicles.

2. The original people of New Zealand came by canoe from other Pacific isl-ands.

3. The capital of New Zealand is on the Cook Strait, which separates the two islands.

4. This bridge is one of the city's most distinctive landmarks. It was built in 1959.

5. New Zealand does not allow nuclear materials anywhere in the country.

3. Complete the description with these linking words from the text, also (pa-ragraph 1), as well as (paragraph 3), too (paragraph 5).

Auckland is a modern city. It is a nice place to live and it has good weather (1)_________ . The city has lots of good beaches for water sports (2)_________ lots of good places to fish. It is (3)_________known as the 'City of Sails' because of all the yachts there.

4. Imagine you have a weekend in Auckland. Choose places you would like to visit and things you would like to do (10-15 sentences).



1. Find the most suitable title for each paragraph of the text.

A. Bank closure Financial dilemma Various factors The brink of bankruptcy В. Investor Savings account ATM network Modern world

There are various factors involved with choosing a bank. The first factor is the bank's stability. Investors should check out for news regarding the bank's status. Is it improving? Is it in a financial dilemma? As a general rule, investors should never put their money on an institution that is on the brink of bankruptcy. It is hard to lose money and it would be a shame to lose them all due to bank closure. Location is an important factor in choosing a bank.

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Those who wish to open a savings account with automated teller machine (ATM) cards should also consider the availability of the bank machines. Having a good ATM system is essential in this modern world. The investor may be travel-ing much and would need cash in an instant. Most major bank accounts have a good ATM network which can be found in many locations both locally and internationally.

2. Make your plan of the text using these words and word combinations (not all the words are used):

important factor, sudden need, common features, online banking, need cash, in times past, check out, the brink of bankruptcy, ATM network, various factors, the first factor, automated teller machine, a wide range.

3. Entitle the text.

4. What role do banks play in our life? Use specific details and examples to explain your answer. Write down 10-15 sentences.

5. Complete the dialogue with the words from the box.

minimum non residents procedure the account anytime on your account reasonable need expects

– Do I … to make an initial deposit the day I open the account? – You can if you want. The bank … you to transfer money on you account

within a … timeframe (weeks or even a few months), – Does this mean that no … apply on your account? – Not quite. This means that the bank expects you to maintain a minimum bal-

ance. – Do you open accounts for…? – Yes we do. We have clients in 101 countries. – Can I close my account …? – There are no restrictions. The … is immediate and cost-free.

6. Your friend is going to close his bank account. Write down your dialogue with him (10-14 sentences).

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1. Find the most suitable title for each paragraph of the text.

A. Technological aspect Personal data The user's signature Security B. Regular checking Checking with interest Checking accounts Student checking

Security is always important when dealing with transactions that involve mon-ey. With today's technology, thieves have discovered various ways to steal money using state-of-the-art equipment. Banking over the Internet can be risky especially if the site is able to get the user's personal data. Checking bank accounts use a piece of paper where the user enters his or her personal details, the institution where the money will be given, the amount needed, and the user's signature. Since this type of account does not require any technological aspect, its security is high-er compared to the other bank account types.

The biggest drawback checking accounts face is the issue of bouncing checks. There are various checking accounts offered by many bank accounts. The popular ones include basic banking, student checking, regular checking, and checking with interest. Each of these account types is made for specific spending personali-ties. Those who wish to open a checking account should ask the bank on the vari-ous checking account types available before they make any decisions

2. Make your plan of the text using these words and word combinations (not all the words are used): drawback, checking accounts, the Internet, two hotels chains, bouncing checks, thieves, a wide range, the popular ones, technological aspect, cheap hotels, to identify, ask the bank, security, verifying checks.

3. Entitle the text.

4. Do you like the banking system of Russia? Use specific details and exam-ples to explain your answer. Write down 10-15 sentences..

5. Complete the dialogue with the words from the box.

documents an appointment the same day legal address takes set-up fee a bank account in person

– How can I open … in person?

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– You can make … from Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. – Do I need an appointment to come and open an account…? – If you just walk in, it is probably that we will not be able to open you an

account…. Please call us 2-3 days in advance to set up a meeting. – How long does it … to open an account? – If you come and open your account in person, about 3 hours if we have all

the…. – What documents? – You have to prepare documents proving your identity, your … and the eco-

nomic origin of the money.

6. You want to open a bank account. Write down your dialogue in a bank (10-14 sentences).


1. Find the most suitable title for each paragraph of the text.

A. The habit of saving Online Earning money The first thing C. Cash card Checkbook Current and checking accounts Pay attention

If you start earning money, then it is essential to open a bank account. The first thing you need to consider before opening the bank account is to deter-mine whether to open it online or in person. Saving banks account is a power-ful tool that promotes the habit of saving among people. With the advent of in-ternet, you can find the best online banks saving account now. As there are several saving banks accounts available online, you need to be careful in se-lecting the right one.

The current accounts let you keep your day to day money safely. There are several types of current accounts and many people do not pay attention to things that help them finding out the best current accounts. Some types of current ac-counts offer a checkbook and cash card while some others offer overdraft facili-ties. Comparing all the types can help you in finding out the best current accounts. Checking accounts offered by banks allow you to deposit amount and withdraw funds.

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2. Make your plan of the text using these words and word combinations (not all the words are used):

checking accounts, be careful, activate your account, handle your finances, con-sider, current accounts, checkbook, balance requirements, earning money, per-sonal checks, several types, powerful tool, several options, saving banks accounts.

3. Entitle the text.

4. What role do banks play in our life? Use specific details and examples to explain your answer. Write down 10-15 sentences.

5. Complete the dialogue with the words from the box.

dollars certainly would you like the number sign a savings account bills to take out

– I’d like … some money, please. – …, sir. Is it a checking account? – Well, I’ve got a checking account and …. – And which account … to draw on? – I’d like two hundred …from my checking account. – Do you know … of your account? – It’s 26.575. I’m not sure of it. – I’ll just check the number, sir. It’s 53.875, sir. Could you … here and here.

6. Your friend is going to close his bank account. Write down your dialogue with him (10-14 sentences).


1. Find the most suitable title for each paragraph of the text.

B. Minimum balance requirement Kind of bank account Savings account Checking account C. Familiarize yourself A few days Debit card Terms and conditions

After choosing the right bank, you should then decide what kind of bank ac-count you should get. Will it be a savings account or a checking account? Whi-chever it may be, take the minimum balance requirements as well as fees into con-

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sideration. See if you can afford the minimum balance requirement of a particular account. Not being able to keep within this requirement will cause you to pay fees.

After choosing the bank as well as the kind of account you'd like to open, you then have to familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions of your bank accounts. There are many accounts that limit the number of cheques you write or debit card transactions that you make. Find out whether the bank will charge you with fees when you do Internet banking. You need to know and understand all the limits and fees that come with the account before you set it up. Once you have your account set up, you can then wait for a few days for the bank to acti-vate your account.

2. Make your plan of the text using these words and word combinations (not all the words are used): familiarize yourself, need to know, a wide range, you'd know, activate your ac-count, travel a lot, common features, pay fees, many accounts, several options, balance requirements, various factors, many things, bank account.

3. Entitle the text.

4. Do you like the banking system of Russia? Use specific details and exam-ples to explain your answer. Write down 10-15 sentences.

5. Complete the dialogue with the words from the box.

permit a month quite near whenever sort of receive a cheque book large sums to open

– I’d like … an account, please. – Certainly, sir. What … account would you like? – A current account, I think. – Have you got any … to deposit? – No, only two thousand francs or so…. Can I take money … I like? – Yes. There are two or three types of account. They … you to withdraw up to

ten thousand francs a month. – Can I … money directly from abroad? – Certainly.

6. You want to open a bank account. Write down your dialogue in a bank (10-14 sentences).

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1. Find the most suitable title for each paragraph of the text.

А. Private bedrooms Private homes Small lodging establishments Overnight accommodation

B. Business travelers Move "up-market" Wireless Internet access Cheese hours

A bed and breakfast (or B&B) is a small lodging establishment that offers overnight accommodation and breakfast. It usually does not offer other meals. Typically, bed and breakfasts are private homes with fewer than 10 bedrooms. Generally, guests are accommodated in private bedrooms with private bath-rooms. Some homes have private bedrooms with a bathroom which is shared with other guests. Breakfast is served in the bedroom, a dining room, or the host's kitchen.

Traditionally, business travellers used B&Bs, but many of these clients now tend to stay in budget hotel chains. However, in holiday areas the B&B and guest house still prevail. Unlike the hotel chains, they provide a more comprehensive service and breakfast is included in the price. They try to improve business and move "up-market". It is not uncommon now to find free wireless Internet access, free parking or nightly wine and cheese hours.

2. Make your plan of the text using these words and word combinations (not all the words are used):

is served, hire staff, to identify, to improve business, private homes, lodging es-tablishment, in times past, business travelers, a secondary source, two hotels chains, no longer.

3. Entitle the text.

4. Describe hotels of your town (any town or city you like).Use specific de-tails and examples to explain your answer. Write down 10-15 sentences.

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5. Complete the dialogue with the words from the box.

repeat walked over as soon as leave a message office calling call

– Hi, this is Jack Mason…. Could I speak to Harry, please? – Mr. Mason, Harry …to the diner for lunch. He should be back soon. Would

you like to … for him? – Yes, could you ask him to … me at 708 429-1850. – I'm sorry; could you … your number please? – Yes, it's 708 429-1850, and my name is Jack Mason. I'll be here at my… un-

til 6:30 tonight. – Thank you Mr. Mason. I'll tell Harry to call you … he gets back.

6. Your friend is on a business trip in London. Phone him and ask to share his impressions with you. Write down your dialogue (10-14 sentences).


1. Find the most suitable title for each paragraph of the text.

A. A short-term basis Television and Internet Additional common features The provision of paid lodging B. Hotel rooms Social function services Serve food Additional guest facilities

A hotel is a place that provides paid lodging on a short-term basis. The provi-sion of basic accommodation, in times past, was only a room with a bed, a cup-board, a small table and a washstand. It has been replaced by rooms with modern facilities, including bathrooms and air conditioning or climate control. Additional common features found in hotel rooms are a telephone, an alarm clock, a televi-sion, and Internet; snack foods and drinks may be supplied in a mini-bar, and fa-cilities for making hot drinks.

Larger hotels may provide a number of additional guest facilities such as a res-taurant, a swimming pool or childcare, and have conference and social function services. Hotel rooms are usually numbered to allow guests to identify their room. Some hotels offer meals as part of a room and board arrangement. In the United Kingdom, a hotel is required by law to serve food and drinks to all guests within certain hours.

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2. Make your plan of the text using these words and word combinations (not all the words are used):

common features, two hotels chains, in times past, Luxury Hotels, the chain of hotels, paid lodging, a wide range, most popular, additional guest facilities, cheap hotels, to identify.

3. Entitle the text.

4. What are the qualities of a good hotel? Use specific details and examples to explain your answer. Write down 10-15 sentences.

5. Complete the dialogue with the words from the box.

gone out expecting returns to speak should be speaking a message

– Hello it's Deryn Kennedy …. – I would like … with Stewart Cox. – Oh, I'm sorry Deryn, he has just … of the office, can I take … or get him to

call you back? – Oh, it's ok. What time are you … him back? – He … here in 20 minutes time. What is your number there please? 090 2349 5668 – Ok, I'll have Stewart call you when he….

6. You want to visit your friend. Phone him and make an appointment. Write down your dialogue (10-14 sentences).


1. Find the most suitable title for each paragraph of the text.

A. The best hotels Different hotels Modern conveniences Guests В. Up to the mark Booking online Cheap hotels General belief

Hotels in London are fully equipped with every kind of modern conveniences to cater to the needs of today’s modern traveller. The city has a wide range of ho-tel accommodation. Guests can choose from different hotels in the city depending upon their taste and budget. The city has some of the best hotels in the world, prominent among them are the Ritz London Hotel, Langham Hotel and Royal Garden Hotel.

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There are various cheap London hotels that specifically meet the demands of budget travelers, students and backpackers. Once you decide, which hotel room you wish you can book it either by booking online or through e- mail. General be-lief is that budget hotels are not good to lodge. A lot of people who have stayed at these hotels consider that Cheap Hotels in London are absolutely pleasing. This is to say that the facilities, services and amenities available in these hotels might not be up to the mark but budget wise, these easy on pockets hotels save a lot of mon-ey.

2. Make your plan of the text using these words and word combinations (not all the words are used):

can choose, up to the mark, a great time, a wide range, can book, Luxury Hotels, self contained apartments, the best hotels, complete homes, absolutely pleasing, no fixed contracts, equipped with, cheap hotels time.

3. Entitle the text.

4. Describe hotels of your town (any town or city you like). Write down 10-15 sentences.

5. Complete the dialogue with the words from the box.

a movie convenient calling well later how busy depends on

– Hi Rohan, … are you? – Oh I'm doing … thanks Deryn. – Would you like to go to see … this weekend? – It … what day and time. – What about Saturday night at 8 o' clock, is that … for you? – Yeah, Saturday night is ok, I am … most of the day but Saturday night is

fine. – Sure that sounds great. Thanks for … Deryn, But I will see you this Saturday

night. – See you … Rohan.

6. Your friend is on a business trip in London. Phone him and ask to share his impressions with you. Write down your dialogue (10-14 sentences).

Е. В. Векшин, О. М. ЯфароваРазговорный английский язык. Метод. указания по выполнению КР для студентов ЗФО

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1. Find the most suitable title for each paragraph of the text.

A. Booking system Apartments Occupants Accommodation for families B. Renting an apartment The length of stay Home away from home Amount of apartments

An apartment hotel is an apartment complex that uses a hotel-style booking sys-tem. Apartment hotels were first created in holiday destinations as accommodation for families that needed to 'live' in an apartment rather than 'stay' as they would in a hotel. The apartments would provide a 'holiday home' but generally be serviced. Later on these apartments evolved to be complete homes, allowing occupants to do everything they would at home, such as cleaning, washing and cooking.

It is similar to renting an apartment, but with no fixed contracts and occupants can 'check-out' whenever they wish. These complexes are similar to a hotel com-plex containing a varied amount of apartments. The length of stay in these apart-ment hotels is varied with anywhere from a few days to months or even years. The people that stay in apartment hotels use them as a home away from home; therefore they are usually fitted with everything the average home would require.

2. Make your plan of the text using these words and word combinations (not all the words are used):

complete homes, a secondary source, are usually fitted with, self contained apart-ments, no longer, no fixed contracts, the length of stay, combines the flexibility, hire staff, include, apartment complex, accommodation for families.

3. Entitle the text.

4. What are the qualities of a good hotel? Use specific details and examples to explain your answer. Write down 10-15 sentences.

5. Complete the dialogue with the words from the box.

a moment the meeting cell phone speak meeting in the corner afraid a message

– Hello, this is Ken. May I … with Andy? – I’m … Andy isn't in at the moment.

Е. В. Векшин, О. М. ЯфароваРазговорный английский язык. Метод. указания по выполнению КР для студентов ЗФО

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– Could you take…? – Sure, just … let me get a pencil... OK. – Great. Can you tell Andy that we're … tomorrow at three o'clock. – Does he know where … is? – Tell him we'll be meeting … office downtown. My … number is 439 908

7754. – Thanks for your help.

6. You want to visit your friend. Phone him and make an appointment. Write down your dialogue (10-14 sentences).


Основная 1. Бонк, Н. А. Английский шаг за шагом : учеб. для студ. неяз. вузов : в 2 т.

Т. 1 / Н. А. Бонк, И. И. Левина, И. А. Бонк. – М. : ООО «Издательство «Рос-мэн-Пресс», 2005. – 558 с.

2. Бонк, Н. А. Английский шаг за шагом : учеб. для студ. неяз. вузов : в 2 т. Т. 2 / Н. А. Бонк, И. И. Левина, И. А. Бонк. – М. : ООО «Издательство «Рос-мэн-Пресс», 2005. – 380 с.

Дополнительная 3. Бонк, Н. А. Английский шаг за шагом. Workbook : в 2 ч. Ч. 1 / Н. А. Бонк,

И.А. Бонк. – М. : ООО «Издательство «Росмэн-Пресс», 2004. – 119 с. 4. Бонк, Н. А. Английский шаг за шагом. Workbook : в 2 ч. Ч. 2 / Н. А. Бонк,

И. А. Бонк. – М. : ООО «Издательство «Росмэн-Пресс», 2004. – 221 с. 5. Шах-Назарова, B.C. Английский для вас : учеб. пособие / B. C. Шах-

Назарова, К. В. Журавченко. – М. : Светотон, 1995. – 656 с. 6. Murphy, R. English Grammar in use with answers: A self-study reference

and practice book for intermediate students / R. Murphy. – Second edition. – Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1988. – 328 p.

Е. В. Векшин, О. М. ЯфароваРазговорный английский язык. Метод. указания по выполнению КР для студентов ЗФО

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Методические указания по выполнению контрольной работы и контрольная работа

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Редактор Т. В. Никитина Компьютерная верстка И. А. Ерёмина

Разработчик электронного учебника Н.В. Цысс

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