Yolume 101 y Kendrick, Lcitah County, Idaho, Thursday, December 23, 1993 e,, - i]~i ge 8 St,ate c~ves 'i +Qf az$ USPS No. G,@0 '( ~pisc u No. 28 Locei News Of Jutilette Shopping Mails, Gambling, Football— Dumb Things All By Donaul Kaul The Sun West Sound, Wash So many dumb things happening; so little time to gripe. Far example: People are signing up for bus tours to go to discount and supermalls to do their Christmas shopping. Are these people well? Do they need help? No and yes. There may be more self-destruc- tive acts for a community than hav- ing its citizens board buses bound for a distant mall in order.to buy toys made in a foreign, country, but it's hard to think of them-without an assist from Dr. Kervorkian, Why don't they just go to their local retailer and kick him or her in the stomach? The effect would be the same, it would save a lot of time and the shoppers wouldn't risk get- ting carsick, How is a local retailer who's been paying his rent all through the lean months of summer, who'. been able to have that item for you when you needed it real quick, who was there to special order it for you'and take it back when it wasn't right sup- posed to stay in business if; at. the peak fo the buying season, customers forsake him or her in ',favor.'f strangers? Do the people of Des Moines, to choose a handy example, think those shops in the Minrieapolis-'Mall-on- Steroids are going td,pay property taxes to help send . their kids to school?. Can they hit them up for a contribution to their. daughters'irl Scout troop? Fat chance. Why go outside '. the community to shop? Oh, yeah, it's cheaper. Give me a break. Even if you count your time as worthless (and you know what you'e worth), once you'e add- ed up all the expenses of a cross- country shopping tour, you'e saving nickels, if that. Plus the fact,. you probably buy the'-'wrong thing. In the wrong'size. And'the wrong color. It's what-hap- pens to people when they'e away from home; their judgment goes on vacation,: too. So stop u'With the long-dhtance trips to shopping and discount mails, already,"You can arrange for. a per- .fectly fine, Christmas for you kids 'at',local. Iitores; and the kid< of the "thefBiahts-,>illwhaie.&--it . - ":-=':~-.. (Contributed) Stopping in at Ray Butlers Sun- day to wish Lura a Happy Birthday were Howard and Peggy Wunderlich, and Virgil and AdaLou Groseclose, all of Lewiston; Gary and Karen Eggers of Bovill; Darek and Laurie Eggers of Deary; Tammi Hitchcock, Betty Hufman and Elvene Wilson. Lura also enjoyed getting special phone calls from Helen Groseclose of Lewiston and Rosemarie Wade from Pennsylvania. Bob and Betty Hufman and El- vene Wilson were early Wednesday evening visitors of Bid and Anna Fairfield. Betty brought her accor- dian and Bob his mouthharp and a special time of music was enjoyed with Bid joining them in playing. Friday, Bob Tschantz from Lewiston and Anna enjoyed the dinner at the Senior Center in Kendrick; Pearl Groseclose visited Bid and Anna Saturday afternoon and Leann Den- nler dropped in for a couple of short visits last week. Milton and Marie Grant were in Lewiston on a business trip ori Thursday and toak her Daij, Wm. Briere, out for .dinner and Christ- mas shopping. Tuesday, Shirlee Ric- hey and Betty Cowger accompanied Marie to the home of Ed and Helen Ulrich at Lewiston for the Kendrick Kanyon Klub's annual Christmas party. Monday evening- Marie and Betty enjoyed the Christmas concert at Kendrick High School and Suri- day evening the Cameron Church cantata was enjoyed by Milt, Marie arid Betty. Esther Mabbot of Craigmont visit- 'ed her nephew, Dick Mabbot and Mllie Stockard last Thursday.'om and Eva Mabbot of Umatilla, Oregon and Dick and Donna Inman of Yaki- ma enjoyed an early Christmas visit with their mother Millie and brother Dick Mabbot over thy weekend." Marjorie Cobb visited with:Gertie. Pederson:ey Monday., 'daline'passman 'ccompanlSei 'ganja Lohinan to Lewiston, on Fri-, day. Sunday, Leila .Hhzeltine" of Clarkston and Edna MSIgee of,Lew- iston stopped'y fol'. 4 short visit with Adaline.'ed and'Blanche Dor- endorf from 'Deary stopped by Ada- line's on their way home from Lew- iston and visited and played cards Sunday-: evening.."-Monday, ~daline- vrent to 'Moscow with Sonja Lohman to keep a doctor appointment. - Kyle,and Kristopher Bogar were , Saturday-overnight visitors; of their graridpa . and . grandma Benjamin. Sunday, Great-grandma Gertie join- ed- them for dinner and their parents Duane and Lori came to take them home Sunday 'afternoon. Viola Johns enjoyed the Chirstmas Dinner at the senior center Fiday and the Kendrick Kanyon Klub Christmas meeting at the Helen Ul- rich home in Lewiston on Tuesday. Thursday Delores Polumsky spent the afternoon with Viola and they worked on art and craft projects. Monday Viola accompanied Wendy Parks, Ro, Vanessa, and Aaron to Lewiston, Christmas shopping. Saturday, Mrs. Carroll from Gen- esee, Jason and Aaron Prince-of Post Falls, an Owen Swanson of Moscow visited with Grace Groseclose. Mon- day, Lee and Nancy Swanson from Moscow visited with her mother. Fonda and Richard Wilson hosted a great birthday dinner for Muriel Hukigard at their. home in Genesee Qse,"15, LoweQ and Marsha Schroef- ~ were also guests. Sunday and Monday Lowell and Muriel were in Spokane visiting fri- ends. Brocke 'Twins Baptized In Moscow Dec. 18 Don and Joyce Brocke attended the memorial 'service at St. -Mark's Episcopal Church in Moscow for -the the 'Brocke children's material great- grandmother Slipp. At the close of the memorial, Kelly Lee Brocke and Robin Lee Brocke were baptized in- to the Church. Following the bap- tism the boys received communion, George Noble, maternal uncle and~ Joyce Brocke, stepmother, were God- parents for the boys.. Also present were Joshua Brocke and Priscilla Noble (the children's mother), Ted Noble (maternal uncle) .Lydia Noble, Grandmother Mary Ellen Welsh and others. The service was -meaningful. Af- ter-wards, W. Gene Brocke, and the twins joined Priscilla and Josh- ua Brocke to go to Spokane where they will spend Christmas and will be returning to Kendrick Dec. 28. Frank True Didn't Mean To Offend Anyone Frank True, the Juliaetta resident whose beautiful holiday lighting ef- forts have been enjoyed this season, was into the Gazette office to say he was worried that some friends may have felt slighted because he did not get to share some extra holi- day decoraitons with everyone he might have liked to. He said he had some decorations left over after he had finished his own place and he had taken these to a few neighbors, mostly senior citizens, to use. He didn't have en- ough for everyone but gave what he did have. Then he became wor- ried that those who did not get any of these extras, might have felt "left out" or slighted. Frank said he never intended to do this he just wanted to share. Everyone would like to thank the Juliaetta Community Church for the lovely caroling Saturday evening. It was very much enjoyed. After the caroling, refreshments were served at the home of Tammie and Rich Hitchcock. Thanks from Rex T.— Thanks to all my friends who have been so thoughtful and kind since my surgery and recovery. I appre- ciate your cards, visits, prayers, and flowers. They are all good medicine! I Rex Taber (Note: Rex is now recovering at the Valley Rehabilitation Center in Lewiston. He would enjoy visits or notes while he receives therapy and treatment. His address is: Valley Re- habiiation Center, 1014 Burrell, Lew- lston, ID 83501. Plant Protection Seminar The University of Idaho's Plant Protection Seminar will be held at the Red Lion Downtowner, Boise, Idaho, from Jan. 4-6, 1994. The Seminar is designed for pro- fessionals working in crop protec- tion such as agricultural fieldmen, consultants, pesticide applicators and farmers. Credits can be earned toward re- certification requirements, To regis- ter, contact Conference Services, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho 83843. Or phone 885-6876. MEAL SITE MENUS 4 DP%S FOR AREA SENIORS Friday, Dec. 24— No Meal Wednesday, Dec. 29— ~~ Birthday Dinner Baked Ham Potatoes & Gravy CauMower 8c Cheese Baked Squash Fruit Cocktail with Bananas French Bread, Buttered Cake and Ice Cream CORRECTION— Esther Shreffler's correct wedding date was 1925. It was given as 1926 in a story in last week's Gazette. DATES TO REMEMBER: Dec. 29: Birthday Dinner. Fiddler All life on earth, scientists say, Fun. depends on naturalradiation from Cedar Ridge News Potlatcb Telephone Of I IIII Buy 'uud Donna Spvuruuu were ~ among those utteudiug u supper that FiiiiilS for QgtjOii honored Sean Syverson and Andrea In an effort to help raise the estimated $ 14,000 needed. to finish i the Kendrick Fire Station, the Pot- latch Telephone Co. has generously offered to donate $ 1,00 for every $ 2 donated, up to $4,000, said man- ager Jerry L. Brown. The new fire station building will house not only the two city fire trucks, but will provide accomodations for the J-K Ambulance and Extrication vehicle, meeting room for training and stor- age, plus space for community meet- ing such as Scouts, 4-H, etc. for not only Kendrick but Juliaetta and all of the surrounding area. Please send any donations, to: 'Kendrick Fire Dept. Box 182, Kendrick 1D 83537 or give your donations to any tire- man'r EMT. For additional information or to arrange a tour of the new facilities, please contact Jerry Brown or Rick McGregor, fire chief. Neary Friday, hosted'by Mabel Sy- verson. Guests of Roger and Sue Syver- son are son Thane and wife Becky Syver son who arrived Thursday from Fort Leonard Wood, Mo,, and will visit until Jan. 1. " Those attending the 'wedding on Saturday of Seari and Andrea were Mildred and Charles Linneman, she is a sister of Roger and Roy; Cheryl Peckin of Seattle; Mabel Syverson of Minnesota; Bill and'Alice Searcy, Erin Syverson of 'oscow, Carmen and Matt Engberg of Moscow, Roy and Donna Syverson. The wedding was at St. Augustine Church in Mos- cow. Butch and: Kathy Earl of Lewis- ton were Sunday guests of Bob Kim- bly. Thelma Cuddy was aslo . among those attending the Syverson-Neary wedding Sa.turday. CNmeroe, $6uttiwick News Community Dance Saturday, January 8 The Kendrick-Juliaetta 'Arts Com- mittee has receive'd a grant from the Latah County Arts and Culture Committee to pay. a- live- band,to come to the Juliaetta Elementary School gymnasium on Saturday, January 8. Playing will be the- all-woman band, -"Santa Fe" from Genesee, that has become very popular in the area for their danceable Western Swing: music. All of us who have been tak- ing line: dancing lessons will be there and we hope that. anyone else,'who knows how to do. line dancing will be piesent. Couples dancing is just . fine, .too. Children are welcome. 'he Kendrick-Juliaetta Arts Com- mittee is hoping to use this'.dance, -to. raise: funds„,to pay, for, future events in. the cvommunity'so we will'-: will be- asking for a donation'at'the door of $ 2 a.persons, $ 3 a couple,'or $ 4 for a family We will alsa be sell- ing soft- drinks and snacks. , To'rotect the:gym floor we have''o. ask that:tnere, be:NO, BOOTS. 'Pli asei-ubririg,~'a:., clean" pair.,of light»" 'oled Shoes,-tapdance. jn. ';", Jiin Stuiman Wins Weekly Football Forecast J'im Sturman of J'uliaetta won for. the second time this season in Kend-'ick- Juliaetta's 'eekly forecast of + NFL Football League action. Jim~: missed on only. 'thiee of last week- end igames and beat out Jerimy, Chase, who keeps finishing in the: 'op three, and Shamra Gleason, a 'elative new-comer. There were only 44 entries in the contest last week,.as the NFL" 'sea- son draws to a close. Last week's contest was sponsored by Pat Henderson Logging. This week's contest is, sponsored .by The Kendrick Gazette:-" '- ay. Son]a Lonmikn and Opal Lohman Saturday, Tom, Gayle and Ben Marek traveled to Nezperce, and Grangeville. The Mareks were din- ner guests of- Howard; Paula, Jeff and Haley Farris of Nezperce. Sandi Flowers, Laura Adamson and Gayle and Ben 'were in Lewiston Monday., Mike and Karen Silf low and child- ren Lindsey and Kimberly were Fri- day overnight guests of Doris and Boy.- Silf low.,Mike and: Karen at- tended a Christmas party in Mos- cow for co-workers of Karen's. Doug .Armitage called 'n Pris'- cilla and Arlie: Armitage on Tues- day. ~ Pastox;Jim'nd Kathy Miller host- ed an open house. at the parsonage Sunday afternoon. Those attending were Dave and Joannie. Wilken'-'and ;Tracy, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hahn, ;Priscilla 'urmitag'e,'-..Ralph" awnd;"Bar„- bara.Mead,':Brenda and Sarah Roet- chiso'ender,'nd Rhoma'Roetchisoen- der and::,children Serina-and Riley and Lois:Galloway. After the gathering .most of the group, attended the cantata in Cam- eron. Kanikkeberg Services Held December 1'I Funeral services for'rs. Mamie Kanikkeberg were held Saturday, December 11, at 11:00 at the Camer- on 'Emmanuei. Lutheran Church in Cameron; Mrs. Kanikkeberg died December 8 at her home in Kend- rick. Officiating were Rev, Robert Ken- Kenyon of'ameron Emmanel and Rev. Mihael Swain of the St. John Lutheran Church in Genesee. Organist was Ruth Slind and solo- ist was Joanne Gertje who sang "How Great Thou Art". Casket bearers were: Donald Mill- ard, Eldon Taylor, Mike Hedler, Ray Polumsky, Gerald Lohman and Dav- id Dudunake. Burial was in the Cameron Ceme- tery. Out on the Limb— Jeff Smith is going to have to win these final two predictions to finish the season with at least a .600 aver- age. Last week Jeff said Tampa Bay would beat the LA Raiders, but they couldn't do it and he dropped back to 7-9 with his Out-on-the- Limb predictions. Trying to get it right, Jeff says Phoenix will beat the Giants at Phoenix. CARD OF THANKS The family of Mamie Kanikkeberg would like to thank everyone for the food, cards, flowers, memorials, prayers, and other acts of love shown to us after the loss of our mother. We especially thank Pastor Bob Kenyon for the comforting service and the ladies of the church for the lunch following. You are all great friends and neighbors. Ozzie and Shirley Kanikkeberg and family, Jordon and Phyllis Kanikkeberg and family, Jack and Donna Lohman and family, Ann Erickson and family LATAH FAIR BOARD NOMINEE NAMES SOUGHT The Latah Board of County Com- missioners seek nominees for ap- pointments tothe Latah County Fair Board. Qualifications for service on this board include: a strong interest in fostering the success of the an- nual fair, the ability to serve a four- year term, and the willingness to work as a volunteer on the govern- ing board responsible for all matt- ers regarding the fair. The Latah County Fair Board handles issues from financial man- agement to the successful operation of this annual 4-day event that cur- rently draws more than 50,000 visit- ors each year. According to Conunissioner Shir- ley Greene, who represents Latah County on the Fair Board, "The work of this volunteer board is so important to Latah County the ded- ication of its members contribute greatly to the continued success of our fair!" To apply, write a letter of inter- est to the Latah Board of County Commissioners, Latah County Court- house, P. 0, Box 8068, 'Moscow ID 83843. A Message From Our 'ocal Churches and Ministers The pastors 'nd churches of the local communities want to wish everyone a very joyous Christmas, and a new year filled with happi- ness, good health and prosperity. We invite you to attend any one of your local churches during this holiday season and each week throughout ihe year. We encourage you to look to Jesus Christ, who is the giver of not only life itseli, but of every good gift I especially the gift of salvation (and eternal life) that is free to all who will accept it. Merry Christmas! Your local Pastors and Churches The Vice Presidency is sort of like the last coo!uie on the plate. Every- body insists he won't take it but somebody ahvays does. Bill Vaughn Venetian blinds were given this name because they wore vvidc!v used in Venice during the 1600s. 'Aib«t S NIf<» A"c.'l p." ~'M".!;., Ciliiiieil bif CaiiCer I Cub Scout Pack 101 huld itu meet l Lg Tuesday, Dec. 14th at the Julia- . A memorial service for Albert ',etta Elementary School at 6:30, con- Stevenson Nye, a Fix Ridge native,;-'ducted by Julie Heimgartner. The was conducted Monday afternoon!fhg ceremony was presented by Den at the Juliaetta Community Church. ':5 and skits and songs were provid- The Rev. Dallas Groseclose of Full,'hd by Den 7, Dareld Hazeltine pre- Gospel Lighthouse at Moscow offi-'':!iented the "Hug a Tree" program. ciated.''Zreats were provided by Den 1. Bert died of cancer Wednesday, I Dec'. 15, at St. Joseph Regional Med-, Awards presented were: ical Center at Lewiston. He was 55.. Lance Hedler: Bear Badge He was born Feb. 17, 1938, at,'att Mitchell:, Bear Badge and Moscow to Sam and Maeci 'Grose-,f'in. 1 gold arrow, close Nye. Steve Cahala; 1 gold arrow for ,He was raised and spent most of, Bear. his life on Fix Ridge near 'Juliaetta. Kelly Brocke; 1 silver arrow for He attended Kendrick.'schools. and 'Bear. graduated from high school at Pal- . Robin Brocke: 1 silver arrow for ouse, Wash. Bear. In addition to farming,.he worked Webelos Awards at Potlatch Forests, Inc. at Lewiston Bryan Jones: Craftsman, for a few years and as::a part-time Ray Vincent: Craftsman logger. He owned and operated Star: Cameron Solberg Craftsman Wood Products, a commercial fire-:: Brian Heimgartner Crafsman wood cutting operatiori Garner Quigley; Craftsman and He enjoyed spending time in the Fitness mountains and at iiis cabin. -He" also, John Schmidt: Chraftsman and ,enjoyed hunting, fishing, boating on Fitness, the Snake River, rockhounding and Service Star Year Piris faceting, photography, gun colle'ct- David, Gilbert; Desmond Grose- ing and was a member" of the Nat-'lose, Billy Arnett, Davey Steele, . ional Rifle Assoc. and the Genesee Devin Lawson, Kyle Pea, Eric Pars- Union Warehouse. '. '..:-::, ley, .Christopher Heier, Lance Hed- , He was the originator of;Walnut ler,. Bryce Henson, James Haynes, Hollow Combat Range, a ..shootirig Travis May, Steve Cahala, Matt range near Juliaetta, and had restor- Mitchell, Denver Quigley, Jon Eich- ed several World War II army -ner, Richard Vincent, Ryan, Vincent, trucks.,-'- .', . „.', " '.' -Bussen Vincent, Robin Brocke, Eely He was engaged to':inarr'y 'Marga-; Brocke, Garner Quigley, Bryan Jon- ret Cyrus of Clarkston.: ' es, Jon Schmidt,',Cameron Solberg, Survivors include three sons, Del-: Ray Vincent and Brian Heimgart- bert Brown of Portlarid; Ore., Andy, ner, Brown of Princeton, Maho,'and Lon-" Leader Year Pins nie Brown of Potlatch, Idaho; ii' year: Alice 'Henson, Dave Jones, . brother, Sam Nye of Panaca,'ev'.;: Connie Hedler and Shari Pea. and'ix. grandchildren..::; .- .', 3 year: Hazel Jones . Cremation: took place and the,4 year: Julie. Heimgartner, Patti , family suggests memorials be sent to Steigers. St. Joseph Family Hospice, P; O,,The next Pack. Meeting will be Box 816, Lewiston, ID 83601, or to, January.25 at the. Elementary school the .Juliaetta Community'hurch. and will be on cake decorating. I Memorial ServIce,Dec.,18' ' ~ ~ '%%g' E Hours-at Post Office Slipp, 92,,a Moscow resident since: Friday, DeCember 24. 1936, were held Saturday 'orningi . -,. The Kendrick post Office will have December 18, 1993, at St. Mark's'open window'ours on .Friday;,';Dec. Episcopal .Church, Moscow, Idaho;24th from:8:00-to 10:00 a.m,; Please'ith pastor Rick- Dunham .. officia",@cali the.; post . office ': and .make. ar- ting~rs;..u Slipp..'died "e'a'r'ly'-,.'Mondayu;r~~~ents foi --. pickup,':of "expect'ed'orning, Dec. 13, at. the Latah.Care 'packages (289-4071)" Center in Moscow, Idaho from age - The post,:office will be closed 'the! related causes. Cremation has take remainder of Friday and on Satur- place and her ashes will be buried day, Chirstmas Day, to allow the by her late husband at the Ferii staff to spend the holiday with.'their Hill Cemetery, St. John, New Bruns- famihes. wick,',CanadL ",, Normal post office hours will be She was born ori May 10, 1901 at resumed on Monday,'ec. 27. St.. John, New Brunswick, .Canaria, The post 'office staff and carriers to Robert E. and Ellen Riide Slipp wish ail a Merry Christmas. She attended her early schooling at St. John, New Brunswick, She at- tended the Havergal,Womens',Col- t,ucky Winner l lege at Toronto, 'Ontario, and Mt. Allison college at Moncton, New Turkey Raffle Saturday Brunsw'ick where she received a de- Twelve lucky families will be en- gree in home economies. She receiv- joying their Christmas turkeys this ed her graduate dgeree in dietetics year compliments of the Kendrick at the Toronto General Hospital Volunteer Fire Dept. an the annual She later received her registered "Turkey Baffle". nurse degree at Peterbent Brigham The names were drawn Saturday Hospital at Boston, Massachusetts. following Santa's visit: She was working as a night sup- Roger and Sue Syverson ervisor at Peterbent Hospital at Bos- Genesis Antiques ton, Mass. where she met and mar- Fred Arnett ried Albert W. Slipp on July 4, Dale Galloway 1929, at St. John, New Brunswick, Sharon Hoogland Canada. The couple moved to Mos- Cec Anderson cow, Idaho in 1936. She worked as a Ross Armitage nurse at the U. af I. infirmary, at Bob Heidenreich at the Gritman Memorial Hospital, Roger and Lori Warner and for a local doctor, until she re- Art Foster tired inthe late 19BOs. She also was'ohn Deobald a Red Cross instructor during WWII Teresa Balistier and was active in the blood drives The firemen wish to thank all in the Moscow area.. who participated in this annaul fund She was a member of St. Marks raising event. Episcopal Church at Moscow, Facul- ty Women's Club, the Homemakers Club, a charter member of the Fine Gh" tm S h I I Arts Club, a member of the 5th Day For Lutheran Churches Club, all of Moscow. She was acti- The following services will be held ive in the church choir and had at Zion and Cameron Fmmanuel several hobbies, sewing, coo ' I.utheran Churches for the Christ- kniting, and crocheting, and Play'" mas season, announces Pastor Bob the piano. Kenyon: Mr. Slipp died in 1959. Dec. 23. Thursday at Zion. 7.00 p. m. Survivors include one daughter, „A Simple Christmas», Cantata Mary Ellen Noble Welsh, Moscow'! and Sunday School program with 3 grandchildren and 4 great-grand-~ communion children. She is the great-grand- Dec 24: Friday Cameron Christmas mother of Joshua, Wayne, Robin Eve «The Best present of All and Kelly Brocke of Kendrick 6 30 Memorials may be given, if de- Dec. 25: Christmas Day service at sired to the Gritman Memorial Hos- Cameron at 10:00 a. m. with Holy pital Auxiliary, Moscow, ID 83&43. Dec. 26: Sunday. Zion at 8:45 and First Security Bank Food Cameron at 11:00 a. m. John Blom Collection Drive a Success preaching, No Sunday School. Call 289-3472, if questions. Patty Kechter said Tuesday after- noon that First Security's staff was very pleased with the results of the Thanks from Santa Claus— drive to collect food for the local I just wanted to say a great big food bank during the month of Dec. ">Thank You" to all the good little ember. Patty reported that over 3 boys and girls to came to see me boxes "i'cally big", she said, were at the new fire station last Saturday given to the local facility. in Kendrick and to say I really ap- Elvene Wilson of Juliaetta was preciated your gifts, cards and let- the lucky winner of the savings bond ters! Thanks also to your mothers from the bank. and fathers who brought you to visit Patty said First Security wishes with me and thanks also to the fire- to thank everyone for their gener- men who helped get me to town and our response to this drive. to the Lions Club people who help- ed me with the caiidy. Only little boys and old men sneer I wish everyone a very Merry at love. Christmas I'l be seeing you soon! Louis Auchincloss Santa Claus

( u News Mails, 'Aib«t NIf

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Yolume 101


Kendrick, Lcitah County, Idaho, Thursday, December 23, 1993

e,, - i]~i ge

8St,ate c~ves

'i +Qfaz$

USPS No. G,@0'( ~pisc u

No. 28

Locei News

Of Jutilette

Shopping Mails,Gambling, Football—Dumb Things All

By Donaul KaulThe Sun —West Sound, Wash

So many dumb things happening;so little time to gripe. Far example:People are signing up for bus toursto go to discount and supermalls todo their Christmas shopping.

Are these people well? Do theyneed help?

No and yes.There may be more self-destruc-

tive acts for a community than hav-ing its citizens board buses boundfor a distant mall in order.to buytoys made in a foreign, country, butit's hard to think of them-withoutan assist from Dr. Kervorkian,

Why don't they just go to theirlocal retailer and kick him or herin the stomach? The effect would bethe same, it would save a lot of timeand the shoppers wouldn't risk get-ting carsick,

How is a local retailer —who's beenpaying his rent all through the leanmonths of summer, who'. been ableto have that item for you when youneeded it real quick, who was thereto special order it for you'and takeit back when it wasn't right —sup-posed to stay in business if; at. thepeak fo the buying season, customersforsake him or her in ',favor.'fstrangers?

Do the people of Des Moines, tochoose a handy example, think thoseshops in the Minrieapolis-'Mall-on-Steroids are going td,pay propertytaxes to help send .their kids toschool?. Can they hit them up for acontribution to their. daughters'irlScout troop? Fat chance.

Why go outside '. the communityto shop? Oh, yeah, it's cheaper. Giveme a break. Even if you count yourtime as worthless (and you knowwhat you'e worth), once you'e add-ed up all the expenses of a cross-country shopping tour, you'e savingnickels, if that.

Plus the fact,. you probably buythe'-'wrong thing. In the wrong'size.And'the wrong color. It's what-hap-pens to people when they'e awayfrom home; their judgment goes onvacation,: too.

So stop u'With the long-dhtancetrips to shopping and discount mails,already,"You can arrange for. a per-.fectly fine, Christmas for you kids'at',local. Iitores; and the kid< of the"thefBiahts-,>illwhaie.&--it .

- ":-=':~-..(Contributed)

Stopping in at Ray Butlers Sun-day to wish Lura a Happy Birthdaywere Howard and Peggy Wunderlich,and Virgil and AdaLou Groseclose,all of Lewiston; Gary and KarenEggers of Bovill; Darek and LaurieEggers of Deary; Tammi Hitchcock,Betty Hufman and Elvene Wilson.Lura also enjoyed getting specialphone calls from Helen Grosecloseof Lewiston and Rosemarie Wadefrom Pennsylvania.

Bob and Betty Hufman and El-vene Wilson were early Wednesdayevening visitors of Bid and AnnaFairfield. Betty brought her accor-dian and Bob his mouthharp and aspecial time of music was enjoyedwith Bid joining them in playing.Friday, Bob Tschantz from Lewistonand Anna enjoyed the dinner at theSenior Center in Kendrick; PearlGroseclose visited Bid and AnnaSaturday afternoon and Leann Den-nler dropped in for a couple of shortvisits last week.

Milton and Marie Grant were inLewiston on a business trip oriThursday and toak her Daij, Wm.Briere, out for .dinner and Christ-mas shopping. Tuesday, Shirlee Ric-hey and Betty Cowger accompaniedMarie to the home of Ed and HelenUlrich at Lewiston for the KendrickKanyon Klub's annual Christmasparty. Monday evening- Marie andBetty enjoyed the Christmas concertat Kendrick High School and Suri-day evening the Cameron Churchcantata was enjoyed by Milt, Mariearid Betty.

Esther Mabbot of Craigmont visit-'ed her nephew, Dick Mabbot andMllie Stockard last Thursday.'omand Eva Mabbot of Umatilla, Oregonand Dick and Donna Inman of Yaki-ma enjoyed an early Christmas visitwith their mother Millie and brotherDick Mabbot over thy weekend."

Marjorie Cobb visited with:Gertie.Pederson:ey Monday.,

'daline'passman'ccompanlSei'ganja Lohinan to Lewiston, on Fri-,day. Sunday, Leila .Hhzeltine" ofClarkston and Edna MSIgee of,Lew-iston stopped'y fol'. 4 short visitwith Adaline.'ed and'Blanche Dor-endorf from 'Deary stopped by Ada-line's on their way home from Lew-iston and visited and played cardsSunday-: evening.."-Monday, ~daline-vrent to 'Moscow with Sonja Lohman

— to keep a doctor appointment.- Kyle,and Kristopher Bogar were

, Saturday-overnight visitors; of theirgraridpa . and . grandma Benjamin.Sunday, Great-grandma Gertie join-ed- them for dinner and their parentsDuane and Lori came to take themhome Sunday 'afternoon.

Viola Johns enjoyed the ChirstmasDinner at the senior center Fidayand the Kendrick Kanyon KlubChristmas meeting at the Helen Ul-rich home in Lewiston on Tuesday.Thursday Delores Polumsky spentthe afternoon with Viola and theyworked on art and craft projects.Monday Viola accompanied WendyParks, Ro, Vanessa, and Aaron toLewiston, Christmas shopping.

Saturday, Mrs. Carroll from Gen-esee, Jason and Aaron Prince-of PostFalls, an Owen Swanson of Moscowvisited with Grace Groseclose. Mon-day, Lee and Nancy Swanson fromMoscow visited with her mother.

Fonda and Richard Wilson hosteda great birthday dinner for MurielHukigard at their. home in GeneseeQse,"15, LoweQ and Marsha Schroef-~ were also guests.

Sunday and Monday Lowell andMuriel were in Spokane visiting fri-ends.

Brocke 'Twins BaptizedIn Moscow Dec. 18

Don and Joyce Brocke attendedthe memorial 'service at St. -Mark'sEpiscopal Church in Moscow for -thethe 'Brocke children's material great-grandmother Slipp. At the close ofthe memorial, Kelly Lee Brocke andRobin Lee Brocke were baptized in-to the Church. Following the bap-tism the boys received communion,

George Noble, maternal uncle and~Joyce Brocke, stepmother, were God-parents for the boys.. Also presentwere Joshua Brocke and PriscillaNoble (the children's mother), TedNoble (maternal uncle) .Lydia Noble,Grandmother Mary Ellen Welsh andothers.

The service was -meaningful. Af-ter-wards, W. Gene Brocke, andthe twins joined Priscilla and Josh-ua Brocke to go to Spokane wherethey will spend Christmas and willbe returning to Kendrick Dec. 28.

Frank True Didn't Mean

To Offend AnyoneFrank True, the Juliaetta resident

whose beautiful holiday lighting ef-forts have been enjoyed this season,was into the Gazette office to sayhe was worried that some friendsmay have felt slighted because hedid not get to share some extra holi-day decoraitons with everyone hemight have liked to.

He said he had some decorationsleft over after he had finished hisown place and he had taken theseto a few neighbors, mostly seniorcitizens, to use. He didn't have en-ough for everyone but gave whathe did have. Then he became wor-ried that those who did not get anyof these extras, might have felt "leftout" or slighted. Frank said he neverintended to do this —he just wantedto share.

Everyone would like to thank theJuliaetta Community Church for thelovely caroling Saturday evening. Itwas very much enjoyed. After thecaroling, refreshments were servedat the home of Tammie and RichHitchcock.

Thanks from Rex T.—Thanks to all my friends who have

been so thoughtful and kind sincemy surgery and recovery. I appre-ciate your cards, visits, prayers, andflowers. They are all good medicine!

IRex Taber(Note: Rex is now recovering at

the Valley Rehabilitation Center inLewiston. He would enjoy visits ornotes while he receives therapy andtreatment. His address is: Valley Re-habiiation Center, 1014 Burrell, Lew-lston, ID 83501.

Plant Protection SeminarThe University of Idaho's Plant

Protection Seminar will be held atthe Red Lion Downtowner, Boise,Idaho, from Jan. 4-6, 1994.

The Seminar is designed for pro-fessionals working in crop protec-tion such as agricultural fieldmen,consultants, pesticide applicators andfarmers.

Credits can be earned toward re-certification requirements, To regis-ter, contact Conference Services,University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho83843. Or phone 885-6876.



Friday, Dec. 24—No Meal

Wednesday, Dec. 29—~~ Birthday Dinner ~»

Baked HamPotatoes & GravyCauMower 8c CheeseBaked SquashFruit Cocktail with BananasFrench Bread, ButteredCake and Ice Cream

CORRECTION—Esther Shreffler's correct wedding

date was 1925. It was given as 1926in a story in last week's Gazette.

DATES TO REMEMBER:Dec. 29: Birthday Dinner. Fiddler All life on earth, scientists say,

Fun. depends on naturalradiation from

Cedar Ridge News Potlatcb Telephone

OfI IIIIBuy 'uud Donna Spvuruuu were

~among those utteudiug u supper thatFiiiiilS for QgtjOiihonored Sean Syverson and Andrea

In an effort to help raise theestimated $14,000 needed. to finish

i the Kendrick Fire Station, the Pot-latch Telephone Co. has generouslyoffered to donate $1,00 for every$2 donated, up to $4,000, said man-ager Jerry L. Brown. The new firestation building will house not onlythe two city fire trucks, but willprovide accomodations for the J-KAmbulance and Extrication vehicle,meeting room for training and stor-age, plus space for community meet-ing such as Scouts, 4-H, etc. for notonly Kendrick but Juliaetta and allof the surrounding area.

Please send any donations, to:'Kendrick Fire Dept.Box 182,Kendrick 1D 83537or give your donations to any tire-

man'r EMT.For additional information or to

arrange a tour of the new facilities,please contact Jerry Brown or RickMcGregor, fire chief.

Neary Friday, hosted'by Mabel Sy-verson.

Guests of Roger and Sue Syver-son are son Thane and wife BeckySyver son who arrived Thursdayfrom Fort Leonard Wood, Mo,, andwill visit until Jan. 1. "

Those attending the 'wedding onSaturday of Seari and Andrea wereMildred and Charles Linneman, sheis a sister of Roger and Roy; CherylPeckin of Seattle; Mabel Syversonof Minnesota; Bill and'Alice Searcy,Erin Syverson of 'oscow, Carmenand Matt Engberg of Moscow, Royand Donna Syverson. The weddingwas at St. Augustine Church in Mos-cow.

Butch and: Kathy Earl of Lewis-ton were Sunday guests of Bob Kim-bly.

Thelma Cuddy was aslo . amongthose attending the Syverson-Nearywedding Sa.turday.


$6uttiwick News Community DanceSaturday, January 8

The Kendrick-Juliaetta 'Arts Com-mittee has receive'd a grant from theLatah County Arts and CultureCommittee to pay. a- live- band,tocome to the Juliaetta ElementarySchool gymnasium on Saturday,January 8.

Playing will be the- all-womanband, -"Santa Fe" from Genesee, thathas become very popular in the areafor their danceable Western Swing:music. All of us who have been tak-ing line: dancing lessons will be thereand we hope that. anyone else,'whoknows how to do. line dancing willbe piesent. Couples dancing is just .

fine, .too. Children are welcome.'he Kendrick-Juliaetta Arts Com-mittee is hoping to use this'.dance,-to. raise: funds„,to pay, for, futureevents in. the cvommunity'so we will'-:will be- asking for a donation'at'thedoor of $2 a.persons, $3 a couple,'or$4 for a family We will alsa be sell-ing soft- drinks and snacks.

, To'rotect the:gym floor wehave''o.

ask that:tnere, be:NO, BOOTS.'Pliasei-ubririg,~'a:., clean" pair.,of light»"

'oledShoes,-tapdance. jn. ';",

Jiin Stuiman WinsWeekly Football Forecast

J'im Sturman of J'uliaetta won for.the second time this season in


Juliaetta's 'eekly forecast of +NFL Football League action. Jim~:missed on only. 'thiee of last week-end igames and beat out Jerimy,Chase, who keeps finishing in the:

'opthree, and Shamra Gleason, a'elativenew-comer.

There were only 44 entries in thecontest last week,.as the NFL" 'sea-son draws to a close.

Last week's contest was sponsoredby Pat Henderson Logging. Thisweek's contest is,sponsored .by TheKendrick Gazette:-" '-

ay. Son]a Lonmiknand Opal Lohman

Saturday, Tom, Gayle and BenMarek traveled to Nezperce, andGrangeville. The Mareks were din-ner guests of- Howard; Paula, Jeffand Haley Farris of Nezperce.

Sandi Flowers, Laura Adamson andGayle and Ben 'were in LewistonMonday.,

Mike and Karen Silf low and child-ren Lindsey and Kimberly were Fri-day overnight guests of Doris andBoy.- Silflow.,Mike and: Karen at-tended a Christmas party in Mos-cow for co-workers of Karen's.

Doug .Armitage called 'n Pris'-cilla and Arlie: Armitage on Tues-day.

~ Pastox;Jim'nd Kathy Miller host-ed an open house. at the parsonageSunday afternoon. Those attendingwere Dave and Joannie. Wilken'-'and;Tracy, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hahn,;Priscilla 'urmitag'e,'-..Ralph" awnd;"Bar„-bara.Mead,':Brenda and Sarah Roet-chiso'ender,'nd Rhoma'Roetchisoen-der and::,children Serina-and Rileyand Lois:Galloway.

After the gathering .most of thegroup, attended the cantata in Cam-eron.

Kanikkeberg ServicesHeld December 1'I

Funeral services for'rs. MamieKanikkeberg were held Saturday,December 11, at 11:00 at the Camer-on 'Emmanuei. Lutheran Church inCameron; Mrs. Kanikkeberg diedDecember 8 at her home in Kend-rick.

Officiating were Rev, Robert Ken-Kenyon of'ameron Emmanel andRev. Mihael Swain of the St. JohnLutheran Church in Genesee.

Organist was Ruth Slind and solo-ist was Joanne Gertje who sang"How Great Thou Art".

Casket bearers were: Donald Mill-ard, Eldon Taylor, Mike Hedler, RayPolumsky, Gerald Lohman and Dav-id Dudunake.

Burial was in the Cameron Ceme-tery.

Out on the Limb—Jeff Smith is going to have to win

these final two predictions to finishthe season with at least a .600 aver-age. Last week Jeff said Tampa Baywould beat the LA Raiders, butthey couldn't do it and he droppedback to 7-9 with his Out-on-the-Limb predictions.

Trying to get it right, Jeff saysPhoenix will beat the Giants atPhoenix.

CARD OF THANKSThe family of Mamie Kanikkeberg

would like to thank everyone for thefood, cards, flowers, memorials,prayers, and other acts of loveshown to us after the loss of ourmother.

We especially thank Pastor BobKenyon for the comforting serviceand the ladies of the church for thelunch following.

You are all great friends andneighbors.

Ozzie and Shirley Kanikkebergand family,

Jordon and Phyllis Kanikkebergand family,

Jack and Donna Lohmanand family,

Ann Erickson and family


The Latah Board of County Com-missioners seek nominees for ap-pointments tothe Latah County FairBoard. Qualifications for service onthis board include: a strong interestin fostering the success of the an-nual fair, the ability to serve a four-year term, and the willingness towork as a volunteer on the govern-ing board responsible for all matt-ers regarding the fair.

The Latah County Fair Boardhandles issues from financial man-agement to the successful operationof this annual 4-day event that cur-rently draws more than 50,000 visit-ors each year.

According to Conunissioner Shir-ley Greene, who represents LatahCounty on the Fair Board, "Thework of this volunteer board is soimportant to Latah County —the ded-ication of its members contributegreatly to the continued success ofour fair!"

To apply, write a letter of inter-est to the Latah Board of CountyCommissioners, Latah County Court-house, P. 0, Box 8068, 'Moscow ID83843.

A Message From Our'ocalChurches and Ministers

The pastors 'nd churches of thelocal communities want to wisheveryone a very joyous Christmas,and a new year filled with happi-ness, good health and prosperity.

We invite you to attend any oneof your local churches during thisholiday season and each weekthroughout ihe year.

We encourage you to look to JesusChrist, who is the giver of not onlylife itseli, but of every good gift—I

especially the gift of salvation (andeternal life) that is free to all whowill accept it.

Merry Christmas!Your local Pastors and Churches

The Vice Presidency is sort of likethe last coo!uie on the plate. Every-body insists he won't take it butsomebody ahvays does.—Bill Vaughn

Venetian blinds were given thisname because they wore vvidc!v usedin Venice during the 1600s.

'Aib«t S NIf<» A"c.'l p." ~'M".!;.,Ciliiiieil bif CaiiCer I Cub Scout Pack 101 huld itu meet

lLg Tuesday, Dec. 14th at the Julia-

. A memorial service for Albert ',etta Elementary School at 6:30, con-Stevenson Nye, a Fix Ridge native,;-'ducted by Julie Heimgartner. Thewas conducted Monday afternoon!fhg ceremony was presented by Denat the Juliaetta Community Church. ':5 and skits and songs were provid-The Rev. Dallas Groseclose of Full,'hd by Den 7, Dareld Hazeltine pre-Gospel Lighthouse at Moscow offi-'':!iented the "Hug a Tree" program.ciated.''Zreats were provided by Den 1.

Bert died of cancer Wednesday, IDec'. 15, at St. Joseph Regional Med-, Awards presented were:ical Center at Lewiston. He was 55.. Lance Hedler: Bear Badge

He was born Feb. 17, 1938, at,'att Mitchell:, Bear Badge andMoscow to Sam and Maeci 'Grose-,f'in. 1 gold arrow,close Nye. Steve Cahala; 1 gold arrow for

,He was raised and spent most of,Bear.his life on Fix Ridge near 'Juliaetta. Kelly Brocke; 1 silver arrow forHe attended Kendrick.'schools. and 'Bear.graduated from high school at Pal- . Robin Brocke: 1 silver arrow forouse, Wash. Bear.

In addition to farming,.he worked Webelos Awardsat Potlatch Forests, Inc. at Lewiston Bryan Jones: Craftsman,for a few years and as::a part-time Ray Vincent: Craftsmanlogger. He owned and operated Star: Cameron Solberg CraftsmanWood Products, a commercial fire-:: Brian Heimgartner Crafsmanwood cutting operatiori Garner Quigley; Craftsman and

He enjoyed spending time in the Fitnessmountains and at iiis cabin. -He" also, John Schmidt: Chraftsman and,enjoyed hunting, fishing, boating on Fitness,the Snake River, rockhounding and Service Star Year Pirisfaceting, photography, gun colle'ct- David, Gilbert; Desmond Grose-ing and was a member" of the Nat-'lose, Billy Arnett, Davey Steele, .ional Rifle Assoc. and the Genesee Devin Lawson, Kyle Pea, Eric Pars-Union Warehouse. '. '..:-::, ley, .Christopher Heier, Lance Hed-, He was the originator of;Walnut ler,. Bryce Henson, James Haynes,

Hollow Combat Range, a ..shootirig Travis May, Steve Cahala, Mattrange near Juliaetta, and had restor- Mitchell, Denver Quigley, Jon Eich-ed several World War II army -ner, Richard Vincent, Ryan, Vincent,trucks.,-'- .', .„.', " '.' -Bussen Vincent, Robin Brocke, Eely

He was engaged to':inarr'y 'Marga-; Brocke, Garner Quigley, Bryan Jon-ret Cyrus of Clarkston.: ' es, Jon Schmidt,',Cameron Solberg,

Survivors include three sons, Del-: Ray Vincent and Brian Heimgart-bert Brown of Portlarid; Ore., Andy, ner,Brown of Princeton, Maho,'and Lon-" Leader Year Pinsnie Brown of Potlatch, Idaho; ii' year: Alice 'Henson, Dave Jones, .brother, Sam Nye of Panaca,'ev'.;: Connie Hedler and Shari Pea.and'ix. grandchildren..::; .- .', 3 year: Hazel Jones .

Cremation: took place and the,4 year: Julie. Heimgartner, Patti, family suggests memorials be sent to Steigers.St. Joseph Family Hospice, P; O,,The next Pack. Meeting will beBox 816, Lewiston, ID 83601, or to, January.25 at the. Elementary schoolthe .Juliaetta Community'hurch. and will be on cake decorating.


Memorial ServIce,Dec.,18' ' ~ ~ '%%g'

E Hours-at Post OfficeSlipp, 92,,a Moscow resident since: Friday, DeCember 24.1936, were held Saturday 'orningi . -,.The Kendrick post Office will haveDecember 18, 1993, at St. Mark's'open window'ours on .Friday;,';Dec.Episcopal .Church, Moscow, Idaho;24th from:8:00-to 10:00 a.m,;


pastor Rick- Dunham ..officia",@cali the.; post . office ': and .make. ar-ting~rs;..u Slipp..'died "e'a'r'ly'-,.'Mondayu;r~~~ents foi --.pickup,':of

"expect'ed'orning,Dec. 13, at. the Latah.Care 'packages (289-4071)"Center in Moscow, Idaho from age - The post,:office will be closed 'the!related causes. Cremation has take remainder of Friday and on Satur-place and her ashes will be buried day, Chirstmas Day, to allow theby her late husband at the Ferii staff to spend the holiday with.'theirHill Cemetery, St. John, New Bruns- famihes.wick,',CanadL ",, Normal post office hours will be

She was born ori May 10, 1901 at resumed on Monday,'ec. 27.St..John, New Brunswick, .Canaria, The post 'office staff and carriersto Robert E. and Ellen Riide Slipp wish ail a Merry Christmas.She attended her early schooling atSt. John, New Brunswick, She at-tended the Havergal,Womens',Col- t,ucky Winner llege at Toronto, 'Ontario, and Mt.Allison college at Moncton, New Turkey Raffle SaturdayBrunsw'ick where she received a de- Twelve lucky families will be en-gree in home economies. She receiv- joying their Christmas turkeys thised her graduate dgeree in dietetics year compliments of the Kendrickat the Toronto General Hospital Volunteer Fire Dept. an the annualShe later received her registered "Turkey Baffle".nurse degree at Peterbent Brigham The names were drawn SaturdayHospital at Boston, Massachusetts. following Santa's visit:

She was working as a night sup- Roger and Sue Syversonervisor at Peterbent Hospital at Bos- Genesis Antiqueston, Mass. where she met and mar- Fred Arnettried Albert W. Slipp on July 4, Dale Galloway1929, at St. John, New Brunswick, Sharon HooglandCanada. The couple moved to Mos- Cec Andersoncow, Idaho in 1936. She worked as a Ross Armitagenurse at the U. af I. infirmary, at Bob Heidenreichat the Gritman Memorial Hospital, Roger and Lori Warnerand for a local doctor, until she re- Art Fostertired inthe late 19BOs. She also was'ohn Deobalda Red Cross instructor during WWII Teresa Balistierand was active in the blood drives The firemen wish to thank allin the Moscow area.. who participated in this annaul fund

She was a member of St. Marks raising event.Episcopal Church at Moscow, Facul-ty Women's Club, the HomemakersClub, a charter member of the Fine Gh" tm S h I I

Arts Club, a member of the 5th Day For Lutheran ChurchesClub, all of Moscow. She was acti- The following services will be heldive in the church choir and had at Zion and Cameron Fmmanuelseveral hobbies, sewing, coo ' I.utheran Churches for the Christ-kniting, and crocheting, and Play'" mas season, announces Pastor Bobthe piano. Kenyon:

Mr. Slipp died in 1959. Dec. 23. Thursday at Zion. 7.00 p. m.Survivors include one daughter, „A Simple Christmas», Cantata

Mary Ellen Noble Welsh, Moscow'! and Sunday School program with3 grandchildren and 4 great-grand-~ communionchildren. She is the great-grand- Dec 24: Friday Cameron Christmasmother of Joshua, Wayne, Robin Eve «The Best present of Alland Kelly Brocke of Kendrick 6 30

Memorials may be given, if de- Dec. 25: Christmas Day service atsired to the Gritman Memorial Hos-

Cameron at 10:00 a. m. with Holypital Auxiliary, Moscow, ID 83&43.

Dec. 26: Sunday. Zion at 8:45 andFirst Security Bank Food Cameron at 11:00 a. m. John Blom

Collection Drive a Success preaching, No Sunday School.Call 289-3472, if questions.

Patty Kechter said Tuesday after-noon that First Security's staff wasvery pleased with the results of the Thanks from Santa Claus—drive to collect food for the local I just wanted to say a great bigfood bank during the month of Dec. ">Thank You" to all the good littleember. Patty reported that over 3 boys and girls to came to see me

boxes "i'cally big", she said, were at the new fire station last Saturdaygiven to the local facility. in Kendrick and to say I really ap-

Elvene Wilson of Juliaetta was preciated your gifts, cards and let-the lucky winner of the savings bond ters! Thanks also to your mothersfrom the bank. and fathers who brought you to visit

Patty said First Security wishes with me and thanks also to the fire-to thank everyone for their gener- men who helped get me to town and

our response to this drive. to the Lions Club people who help-ed me with the caiidy.

Only little boys and old men sneer I wish everyone a very Merryat love. Christmas —I'l be seeing you soon!

—Louis Auchincloss Santa Claus

Page 2: ( u News Mails, 'Aib«t NIf
Page 3: ( u News Mails, 'Aib«t NIf

he Kendrick Gazette, Thursday, December 23, 1993Stony point NewsThe Stonypofnt IDrfendshfp Club


Mahe Title PIWII517 Thain Road —Lewiston, ID

WE PAWN your title

YOU DRIVE your cnr

'I -800-949-7909 —746-6546

Jeanne and Jim Black were Mon-day callers in the Andy Zenner homenear Genesee. Qn Tuesday Jeanneattended the Kendrick Kenyon Klubmeeting at Helen Ulrich's home inLewfston. On Wednesday she wasin Lewiston and Clarkston and tookher mother, Helen Hungerford, outto eat.

Gertrude Heimgartner was in Lew-iston Wednesday and had lunch outwith her sister Marie Custer.

Ruth and Wayne Heimgartner vis-

ited Laverne Harri on Wednesdayand brought Wayne's sister, LilyMcCau, home with them. Lily isrecuperating from surgery, and stay-ed with them until Saturday after-noon. Friday morning Wayne andLily visited their brother Lawrencein Juliaetta.

Moriday-Friday 10'a. m. - 6 p, m.Saturday 9 a, m. - 2 p. m.

On Saturday evening Jim andJeanne Black joined a group fromthe Juliaetta Community Church fora hayride and caroling party. which


Phone 289-4971 cir 289-33'11 - Kendrick, idaho(Classifit.ds


.Iecesre ocr I secicl.sALOTTE,SKIN CARE: Call Connie rat 276-3191. Aloette because your Cyou. h


FOR SALE: 2 Traction Tires with Hstuds. P215/75-15. On Ford wheels. d$80. Ph. 276-4781.

2t27c nDROP IN BABYSITTING: My home gr

in Juliaetta. Loving, caring, subs-titu'e teacher wfH provide meals,snacks, activities & stories. Begin-ning Jan. 3. Call Donna; 276-4655.


HOLIDAY SPECIAL; Set of, nails$24.95. Free airbrushing with every Aset. Call Connie at V. J.'s Beauty O

.:, Bar. 289-3291. C5t25p S

,- WANTED TO BUY: Noina liquid Fbubble lights, singles or strings.Dennis Lukecart, 289-5642.

St25c LIF YOU ARE Interested in purchas- D

fng a blow gun or supplies for Pyour blow gun, contact 276-3841, 6

St26c FTHA

NEED THAT LAST MINUTE GIFT Bbut tired of the crowds? We have Fpopguns, $5; wooden basketball APgame, $6; Jacob's Ladder, $2.50; ADream Catchers starting at $4; WHEIndian bear earrings, and much fmore. 276-3841. 't

1t28p 1


Cing mechanical work; welding and Ki'nachine operation. Raymond Tip-ton, 836-5050.


RUSSELL STOVER CANDY: Now tavaQable at Red Cross Pharmacy.

'ompletely new stock in now.tf25c Q


+ MANY NICE CHRISTMAS GlFTS'mell 2-Totn Floor" Jack ......................;..;$42.95

Indian Blanket Seat Covers ...................$3'I.95I':"Just In Case" Tool Kits ......................'.,$30.95 'I

;Car Emergenrcy-Service Kit ......;..........$22.951.2-.V...Cnowleman-Spot L'ighI'start at) .. $ 'I 0.95

, Sood.Stock.of Auto & Household. Heaters'% DIscount- on all Niesi'Tillage Toolsordeied by Dec. 25 for-Soring Derlivery..s: ..

, t

."., Come on in-8 Visit, the. Peanuts ari'Outl


COLEII/IAN OIL CO.Kendrfck: 289-406'I —Deary: 877-1211

FeaturesMoobil Lubricants.Loccil Servicte. Quality pioducts

. to meet the ne'ebs for...


IEii IISLOSE WEIGHT NOW —Ask me howlRenee. 208/285-1284. Free Mos-cow/Pullman call 336-2899.

4t24cYour Car.e Your Truck. Your Equipment.


:$$+- —:..nKI: tinttgttdsgggae5saattsstug.

Your Farm. Your Plant.

- ORDER HOLIDAY PIES, cinnamonrolls, and other breads, etc. CallRachel. 278-7V62.


'O YOU NEED to lose weight, ach- (ieve hetter, health, and/or earnextra Christmas money? —$200 to ($2,000 part-time. Call mef Renee,208/2S5-1284 or Free local Mos- (cow/PuQman.'36-2899.



Mpbll I ~ MpbnsttndttttebteollsogIVaOISOOSupdt ~ Deloa6OOmtttett laltttslneougeSALSOOHSdnpg tbttittM ~

Mobfit MobssteagdsMobllrtangHDSdtidg SttditeWtntongeMdbllortsogkttttsd looll ~ IuobltmwlatsskCOHIneCNg r .






Bltie Pea Fowl Hen $35.00Yearling Chicks '20 dc upSlack Shoulder Hen $50.00

1 Saana Billy Goat: FreeIn stock RIR Pullet Chicks will be

laying early spring.Bantams pairs 85 singles. Ducks,

geese & game birdsNow taking orders for summer hatch

Ron's Rocket Shop

Custom'Engile Rebuilding



9'12 E. Nlain


1219 Idaho, LewIston

74~81Evenings, Jnliaetta (208) SMBH

West of Juliaetta nearCounty Line on Hwy S

Phone 276-7268tf22c

,BARN dc FENCE STAIN. $4.49 gal.af Snyder's Home Center in Kend-

; rick. Phone 289-8081.tf5lc

,:IF YOU ARE between 12 and 18 yrs.c1ld, and'ave someone you careabout abusing alcohol, please call

; me, Through .Ala Teen meetings, ypu can learn how to cope with

, your'eeHngs.. Call 276-4971 andask for Karla.

An estimated $14,000 is st'.ll needed.n





DONATED. (U to $4,000}

OPENMonday - Friday

Winter Hours: 10 to 5 p. m.Sautrday 8 Sunday

By Appointment

289-5606Kendrick, Id.


AI'NON: A group of famQy andi:

- frfends of problem drinkersmeet'uesdaysevenings at 7:00 in the

office bebfnsf Red Cross Pharmacy.Call 289-3151.

A. A, meets Tuesday and Fridaynvenfngs at 8:00 p. m. at theKendrick Pire HaH on Main St.Call SVV-13S4 or 289-4694 after B.





—Si.'d Donations to:Kendrick Fire Department

P. Ow Box 'I82

Prescriptions CarefullyCompounded.

Sick Room Supplies~ Cosmetfos

~ Greeting Cards~ Jewelry

~ Gift Wt;ap

~ Foundations~ Retaining Walls~ Sidewalks, Driveways~ Framing. Addftfons,

and Remodel

~ New Construction~ General Contracting

Kendrick, ID &3537CARL'S



Your total communications company

LOOKING FOR A RENTAL't Wehare them in and ouf of town.Buying or Seiffngt Compare our~ervfce before you commif jrt aepnfracf. Need properfy manage-sttenf? We handle aH fypes of pro-perty fncludfng farms. Call 8 6 M

Realfy, 835-5172 or visit 102 W. A

Sj. Troy, Idaho for your realua jato needs


Doug 8c Chris tin eClaytonHOURS:

9 a. m. to 5:45

Backhoe, Dozer, Dumptruck

Gravel, Sand, Fill Dirt

Route 1 —Bpx 106'1


Carl King, Owner

Phone 476-7848

25 Years Experience"No Job Tpo Small"


(208) 476-7675 PHONE 289-5941


IBig Beer Ridge News~

Weekend guests of Gert and Eldon d, B,L /gee 56y ~1yne I'ienini

Hetmgartner were Gene and BettyI ge tire Krdlter arid Butn SIlndI

Heimgartner of Post FaHs. They join-I I

I ed a full house at Cottonwood Creekl

!Community Church Sunday morn- From the Daily News of Dec, B,i ' b"ing who enjoyed and were inspired 93: Surgeon General Jaycelyn El- ce e rated an early Christmas with

y the morning's children's program ers favors drug legalization. U. S..M. d M, Cd I e Nels Sneve family Saturday.

and adult cant ta. The program was istrict Judge Robert. Sweet suppo ts . '~ I


r and Mrs Craig Redmond and

called t'Twinkle and the AH Star it. I suPPort that oPinion based on sister Mrs. Gib Myers, and Kate and

Angel Band" and was presented by the foHowing. A television documen- Nevada Sowle were Sunday dinner

35 children, aH in angel or star cos- tary last summer showed how onet guests of Jerry Galloway,

tume, or part of the manger scene. industralized nation was dealingy loway will be collecting

K ' Ki kh 'd d b its addicts under doctor's guidance g ear Ridge news or A y

i dh'o Ca ol StQfman and and clinical conditions. Peopl~ in aSlife of crime and prostitution were e y a 289-5324, if you have any

ane i 'ams.. e 6-voice c oir, news for the paper.directed by Dave Anderson and ac- now leading . haPPy, useful lfves.

companied by Kristen Kirkham on Crime was reduced at less cost than Orville and Barbara Halseth from

h k b d "0 H l capture and incarceration.,' ton were weekend visitors of~ . ~ . Lew1s 0

N h" tt b J E. P k. I believe the Clinton administra- g d Lee Halseth.. Ti Garnerer ey oar, sang, ne o y gerald annig t wri en y oe ..ar s. from Lewiston is spending the week

Ruth Heimgartner was an exceHent tion and congress should fully study

narrator.; this alternative and report to. th'e Visiting with his grandParents Lee

people. ind Gerald,

Mabel Stelgers and Bill and Mary Statistics -indicate up to 60 per.- 'anna Regan was a Monday visit-

Stefgers visited Nellie Stefgers Sun- cent of violent crime is drug related,M k

dayafternoon. Mabel brought a including Prostitution. and alcoholt

"care box" for NeHie from the Gif abuse. Clearly the Present aPProach .t "bford Friendship Club. is not working. It is not the 'sub- .o e wi aug er ancy an son-

Ray and Kitty Giedl of Orofino s™nce,it is. the abuse thereof caus-the Chirstmas holiday.

and Richard and Kathy Talbott of ing %e Problem.WinCheate, college friends, were Substance abuse is a terminal ca ' l '

d iSunday dinner guests of Kenneth cer in-".our society. ORy a radical ap-

he rt tand Linda Steigers. proach-has a chance of putting it in,' 0 a mire 1s 0 ove.wit t e

remission. I

Kerby Kfrld,am a student at Colo The fute of our country fs in the ' Theophile Gautier

ado School of 'Mines 1n Golden, young people; They need andnde-olorado, is home at the Steve Kirk'erve a charice to become happy When a slice of quartz crystal is

fp h Ch i trna 're k useful - citizens. Society needs . and, echanicauy compressed, it deve-deserves their support as,tthey need.-)ops a positive charge on one .side,

the, Lawrence society'isi support; . 'So'ciety des'erves find a .Tfegatfre charge on the other.eimgartner home this week inclu- freedom. from the fear it now en- this is known's the .pfezoeqectrfc,ed Wayne and Roy Hefmga~er counters. ", Pffectrid Dave and Jo Johnson. Frld y I ask aH to keeP. an


Cynthia Nye brought a large and exPlore aH alternative'olutions.oup. of smaH caroHers to their Chai'les Bower,

ome. The music was very welcome. er;~xrsxavon 'premises " " '226-

L+96[ +ofEceS Ariy business- or non-Profit organf-' @cuff go~geuf-Q, rQ'iezation'serving less than ninety daysduring the year shall pay one-half.


the above rates.ORDINANCE 'NO. 647 - SECTION 2. AH provisions of

N ORDINANCE OP 'HE CITYIpther p1dinances in,,'p

t A MUNI" provisions ofthis Ordinance aiet here-'' ' ASK US ABOUT:IPAL CORPORATION OF, THE

Gby rePealed to the.,extent, of, such', ~..:Bleaching

. inconsistency'.RDINANCE" NO. 630, PROVE MG SECTIQN 3. This Qrdinancep WQl '',' COSmetiC DentiStry.EES FOR THE ISSUANCE QF be inst fuH force and effect''fromICENSES FQR. ~ S~ OF after. its'assag

IQUOR BY THE CITY» PROVI-, PASSED by'the Cfty Cpuncfl andING THAT ALL REMAINING AppROVED by the Mayor thfs 14th 'e-"

Is:.'ay of December, 1993.30 SHALL'EMAIN'N FULL Jerry L Brpwn ..LiCenSed.'PubliC ACCOuritantORCE AND EFFECT) PROVIDING 'ayor ' ',.'- «, ''ACC''UNTIN


PUBLICATION Publish' 2 Tim ''. ' 'AX PRCCOBDING TO LAW. Published Dec. 23 and 30, 1993, . ':Electronics Filing"

REAS, the City Council deemst in the public interest to regulate .... 'erving Your Community .

he sale of beer, wine, and alcoholiciquor within the City;OW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAIN-D.BY THE MAYOR AND CITY -':. 'Idaho'Assoc. Public AccountantsOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF . l National Sdcfety Public Account.ENDRICK AS FOLLOWS:

t SECTION 1. That Section 4 of':hAILT PATTERSON

Kendrick -

ILewistonrdinarice No. 630, and the sameereby is, repeated.and a,new see- ':,2893381 .,1t46 5651ion 4 enacted to read as. foHows

LIcENsE FEEs: Every person ~'eddingsicensed under the proyisons of this,e,:-Iiaeif 8, WIflte Represrdinance shall pay the City an

annual hcense fee, for each location,,told PailataS RePredaCed

as established'r amended by .Qrdi- ~ Special Assignments KENDRICK CLINICnance or'esolution 'of the Council;Categories of licenses and fees there- pHOM):$ 89 5/4't -: '-

289 3841fore shaH include:LICENSE


Fo'r consumptiori of. beer '- . 'ONDAY:on premises ... $ V5 D; Kottkey ................8 to 5

(2) or s e o e to e . ROGFR'ARNERconsumed, off premises . $ 25

g) For oonsomption .ot.wine.- Did 4(4Li .

on premises '; .'..': $ 25 D. Kottkey ............8 to.54) For sale of wine to be.

consumed "off premises $ 25 Local Dependable Quality ServiceWEDNESDAY5)'- For consumption of,: '


alcoho lic Ifquo» RESIDENTIALDr. Walker ............8 to 12

e coMMERcIAL (2nd Wedg Only)


I Cali 289-8361 Dr. Peterson .........8 to 12TAX PREPARATION ', 'P. O, Box 66 (3rd Thursdays)

Hectronic Fllini,. Kendrick, Idaho FRIDAYS:Reviews and Cenlpllatienrs:--

D. Kctttkey -.------........8 to 2

Page 4: ( u News Mails, 'Aib«t NIf

The Kendrick Gazette, Thursday, December 23, 1993




Buy aChirstm


Hoover 950 SpHoover Conclu

Hoover LegacHoover Elite 6

We haveHoover



Phone: 289-



Commodities will be distributedMonday, December 20 in Orofino,

Weippe and Pierce, The items beingdistributed this month are: butter,huit cocktail and canned pork. InOrofino, the food will be given outat the VFW building between 11 a.in. and 4 p. m. At Weippe, the dis-6lbution will be at Community Ac-tion Agency Multi-Service Centerfrom 11 a, m, to 8 p. m. In Pierce

the hours are from 8 to 6 p. m. inthe Community Center.

Legal Aid will be in ClearwaterCounty on the 3rd of December.The representative will be at theCivil Defense meeting room at thecourthouse in Orofino from 10 to11:30a. m. In Weippe, the Legal Aidrepresentative will be at the Com-munity Action Agency office on'boththe 3rd of December and 19th ofDecember. The hours are between1 and 3 p. m. on both dates. Please


call Community Action Agency formore information.

Energy Assistance applications are,still being accepted through boththe Orofino office and the Weippe!office, of Clearwater County Com-

jmunity Action Agency, The Oro-ifino address is the Post Office, i

Room 309 and the phone number isi476-4949. In Weippe, applicationsi

are being taken at the Multi-Ser-1vice Center at 617 Main St. and the i

phono number there is 435-4414.

Houston at San FranciscoAtlanta at CincinnatiCleveland at LA RamsDetroit at ChicagoIndianapolis at Ncw EnglandI.A Raiders at Green BayNcw Orleans at Philadelphia

NY Giants at Phoenix'Y Jets at BuffaloPittsburgh at SeattleTampa Bay at-'DenverWashington at Dallas

'ansasCity at Minnesota



Miami at San Diego...

This Week's Forecast Is Being Sponsored by:


Fill out this forecast 8 return to the Town 8 CountryDiner before Sunday, Dec. 26 at 9 a. m.

Winner Receives a Sift Certificate

S MIT H'SToson and Country Diner

NEW HOURS: 5 a. m. to 9 n. m. MnEE. to Sat.—6 a. m. to 8 Sundays


Captain's Platter ....................$8.95Featuring Cod, Shrimp, Oysters & ScEEllops —Soup or Salad

at~It««ll~ I~It«««» I««l~ I~ I~ a«tl««1«« l~tta«tt» I» ~t~l~tl~t~~tt«FRIDAY MITE DRINK SPECIAL IN JEFFREY'S LOUNGE

Hot Buttered Rum: $ 'l.75

The Diner Will Be Closed SaturdayMerry Christmas to You All


Breakfast BuHet ....$5.25

$6.25Dinner Special

Chicken Fried Steak ..............ScryeEi Yyitii "All the TE'i»nnin'i" —Soup vr Salad HaE


Kendrick & Juliaetta's Own


OF N. F. L. FOOTBALL GAMESThis Week's Games:


xiii l-.'riii-,j! j!,,,', Idyll::





I a "Big Enough To Serve You-

lgl Small Enough to Know You

Kendrick, Idaho

Sunday: 9a.m. to bp.nL


and will be closed Christmas Day


-AN»ay Spaciala-12 TO 24 LB, Average LB.

Grade 'A'urkeys.... 69c


Boneless Skinless Fryer Breasts $2.69—For the Holidays—

Fresh Dungness Crab —Smoked TurkeysKippered Salmon Chunks —Jumbo PrawnsShrimp & Crab Cocketails —.Salad Shrimp

Prime, Rib RoastsFresh Tom 8 Jerry Batter —Hot Butter Rum

Please Place Special Orders

ProduceJuicy, -Sweet

Navel Oranges,.lresh, Crisp Readysto,USe

Lettuce Salad MixMild Mediums

Yelliw On'ons -:Fresh Solid Heads.

Green Cabbage .Great Stir-Fried or Steamed

Srocco-SlawDieter's Delight

Sean SproutsFresh U. S. No. 1s

Sweet Potatoes,.

~ ~

~ ~

~ ~

~ ~

~ ~

~ ~

~ ~

.3 lbs

3 lbs. 99c

~ $1.39

3 lbs. 99c8 lbs.

3 lbs. 99cPkg.

~ . 79cPkg.



-'Deli Sc Frozen Items—Regular Quarters 1 lb. Pkgs.

Parkay Margarine... ~ 2 for $1Creamy Butter 1 lb. Pkg.

DariguldButter..... $1.19Philadelphia Brand 8 Oz. Pkg.

KraftCream(heese.... 99cFrozen 12 Oz. Tin

Minute Nail Oranijeet... $1.09Assorted Types d: Flavors 8 Oz. Tubs

Cool Whip Topp'ng... $'l.l 5All Flavors 14 Oz, Bags

RuHles Potato Ch.'ps .. 2 for $4

-General Merchandise-Duracell Alkaline Batteries

AAA Size .........,.................4-Pack$2.99AA Size .............l................4-Pack$2.99C or D Size ..........................2Pack 2/$ 5


FILM DEVELOPING SPECIAlS12 Exposure ......'.".................$3»4924 Exposure ..............$5,9936 Exposure ..................$7.99

Special Prices Goocl Dec. 27 to Jan. 3


y jjjjjjjj6jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj4jjj4jjjjjjjjjjjjj4jjj4jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjr

:7!'..4.4Y C.l-:IRIS'..'IIIASDespite the claim by some cynics that the season

has beome too commercialized and too material-istic, there is still something very special in the spiritthat is Christmas. Underneath all the bright lightsand gaudy displays is the reminder of the truemeaning of our observance —the birth of Jesus andhis promise of everlasting life.

This has been a year of great loss to some, of us,and we struggle to find happiness and contentmentwithout some who made our lives more complete..Remembering the true meaning and message thatthe birth of Christ brought to all can be a consola-tion. We hope this proves true.

. Please know that this Christmas brings to youand to yours our very best wishes for .a MerryChristmas with all its joy and promise fulfilled.

Thank you for your patronage andfriendship.'he

Heinen Families

and the staff of Phil's Food City

Western Family

large Grade AA Eggs2-Ply

Scott Family Bath TissueDecorative Prints .

Scott Paper Towels..Oberti Brand

Collosal Olives .Nalley's

Sweet Whole PicklesNew England Style

Mariners Clam Chowder

Dozen .

~ . 79c4 Roll Pack


79c6 Oz. Tin

. 89c

$'l.9915 Oz. Tin

. 59c

NASIKO MACK CRACKERSAll-Flavors —Stock up for th Holidays

Serve with Nabisco Easy Cheese

3 pkgs. $5


~e!ssi FaminySI 6Pepsi —Diet Pepsi —Crystal Clear

Pepsi Free -Mountain DewMix or Match!

12 PACK -12 OZ. CANS

.i /E cases'9.992 liter Bottles Holiday Nixers $1.19

SINGLE 'l2 PACK ....$3.99

y»t«y»»tt »t y» syt»y 20 0» at«

Dole Pineapple...... 98cWestern Family 16 Oz. Tin

Fruit Cocktail...... 79cWestern Family 'l Oz. Tin

Mandarin Oranges . ~ ~ ..79cAuto Drip 39 OL Tin

Yuban Coffee..... $5.99Hunts 46 Oz. Tin

Tomato Juice.... ~ . 79cNalley's 36 Oz. Bottle

LumerbjackSyrup.... $2,19Foster Farms 14.5 Oz. Tins

Chicken Broth.... 2 for 98cMiniature, Jct Puff or Flavored 10.5 Oz. Pkg.

KraftNarshmallows.... 79cJonah Brand 4.25 Oz. Tin

Tiny Shr'mp.... ~ . $1.09For Dishwashers 50 Oz. Pkgs

Cascade Detergent... 2 for $5

Phone: 289-595'ale Prices Good Dec. 22-3'I

Store Hours: Monday.- Saturday 8 to p p. m.