Bruno Fiorentini, Marcus Lim and Brett Johnstone

The international copyright law state’s that copyright protects "original works of authorship" that are Fixed in "a tangible form of expression."

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Page 1: The international copyright law state’s that copyright protects "original works of authorship" that are Fixed in "a tangible form of expression."

Bruno Fiorentini, Marcus Lim and Brett Johnstone

Page 2: The international copyright law state’s that copyright protects "original works of authorship" that are Fixed in "a tangible form of expression."

As per International Bill of Copyright

The international copyright law state’s that copyright protects "original works of authorship" that are Fixed in "a tangible form of expression."

Page 3: The international copyright law state’s that copyright protects "original works of authorship" that are Fixed in "a tangible form of expression."

Individuals Rights

What is copyright› Once a person has created a piece of writing,

drawing or original creation, they have a given right for it to remain their own. If that original idea is taken or recreated under someone else name a copyright law has been broken unless permission has been given for such events to happen.

Page 4: The international copyright law state’s that copyright protects "original works of authorship" that are Fixed in "a tangible form of expression."

Examine the current status and laws of your topic in cyberspace

- New challenges for the law relating to copyright have arose, as a result of digital technology.

- Computers are digital machines and cyberspace is therefore a ‘digital environment’.

- Digital technology has made it very easy to copy and share music and film.

- Another current area of copyright violation involves computer software that is copied and sold without authorization, causing losses of billions of dollars.

Page 5: The international copyright law state’s that copyright protects "original works of authorship" that are Fixed in "a tangible form of expression."

Examine the current status and laws of your topic in cyberspace

The international conventions that ensure any protection given to Australian creative work also apply globally are:

World Trade Organization Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (1994)

WIPO Copyright Treaty (1996)

WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (1996)

Page 6: The international copyright law state’s that copyright protects "original works of authorship" that are Fixed in "a tangible form of expression."

BP vs Woolworth’s

BP's (green) colour mark revoked by Australian Full Court

In essence, to establish that a colour has in fact become distinctive of your goods and services, it is necessary to use that colour alone, as the trade mark.

BP had consistently used green with yellow and so failed to establish factual distinctiveness of its green colour mark.

Woolworths claimed that their change of logo was not linked to taking business from BP and that the color green was originally used for freshness and often linked to green goods, (fruit , vegetables…)

Page 7: The international copyright law state’s that copyright protects "original works of authorship" that are Fixed in "a tangible form of expression."

Future Directions for Copyrights.

-The Berne Convention for the protection of literary and artistic works requires protection for all creative works in a fixed medium be automatic, and lasts for 50 years after the authors death for any work except for photographic and cinematographic works. but not all countries will apply to this rule.

-The Anti-Counterfeiting trade agreement. they will be establishing a new standard for intellectual property(IP) enforcement to combat the high levels of commercial scale trade in counterfeit and pirated goods supplied worldwide.