Elias tugged thoughtfully at his beard and frowned at his son. “I don’t want you going off to see Jesus again. He’s a trouble-maker.” Jeremias fidgeted. He didn’t really understand why his father was so set against the rabbi Jesus. All the stories going around their community told of this teacher performing acts of great kindness. He healed the sick. He provided food for those who had followed Him into the Judean hills to listen through the day and into the evening hours. What could be intolerable in a rabbi such as this? The thoughts remained unspoken. Jeremias’s head was bowed subserviently. “Now go back to your studies and remember, do not meddle with those who disrespect our traditions!” Elias was profoundly irritated at what he heard of Jesus’ teachings. He left the house, walking fast to the far corner of the village where several other elders were gathered, awaiting his arrival. The Heart of the Law 愛是律法的總綱 伊萊亞斯一邊摸他的鬍子,一 邊深思著。他皺著眉地看著兒 子。「我不想你再去看耶穌。」 他嚴肅的說。「祂到處生事。」 耶雷米亞斯感到很不自在。他 真的不瞭解他父親為何那麼討 厭猶太教士耶穌。在他們社區 裡所流傳的事蹟,都說這位老 師做了很多仁慈的行為。祂治 癒病人。祂為那些跟隨祂進入 猶大山丘,整天整夜聆聽祂傳 道的人,提供食物。這樣的教 士的行為有甚麼不對呢?他並 沒有說出這個想法,只是卑屈 的低著頭。 「現在回去讀書,並記住,不 要與那些不尊重我們的傳統的 人混在一起。」 伊萊亞斯在聽到耶穌的教導後, 大大地被激怒了。在吩咐兒子 離開以後,他趕忙走出了房子, 到村落遠方的角落。那裡已有 幾位長者在聚集,等候他前來。

愛是律法的總綱 - The Heart of the Law

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Page 1: 愛是律法的總綱 - The Heart of the Law

Elias tugged thoughtfully at his beard and frowned at his son. “I don’t want you going off to see Jesus again. He’s a trouble-maker.”

Jeremias fidgeted. He didn’t really understand why his father was so set against the rabbi Jesus. All the stories going around their community told of this teacher performing acts of great kindness. He healed the sick. He provided food for those who had followed Him into the Judean hills to listen through the day and into the evening hours. What could be intolerable in a rabbi such as this? The thoughts remained unspoken. Jeremias’s head was bowed subserviently.

“Now go back to your studies and remember, do not meddle with those who disrespect our traditions!”

Elias was profoundly irritated at what he heard of Jesus’ teachings. He left the house, walking fast to the far corner of the village where several other elders were gathered, awaiting his arrival.

The Heart of the Law


伊萊亞斯一邊摸他的鬍子,一邊深思著。他皺著眉地看著兒子。「我不想你再去看耶穌。」他嚴肅的說。「祂到處生事。」 耶雷米亞斯感到很不自在。他真的不瞭解他父親為何那麼討厭猶太教士耶穌。在他們社區裡所流傳的事蹟,都說這位老師做了很多仁慈的行為。祂治癒病人。祂為那些跟隨祂進入猶大山丘,整天整夜聆聽祂傳道的人,提供食物。這樣的教士的行為有甚麼不對呢?他並沒有說出這個想法,只是卑屈的低著頭。 「現在回去讀書,並記住,不要與那些不尊重我們的傳統的人混在一起。」 伊萊亞斯在聽到耶穌的教導後,大大地被激怒了。在吩咐兒子離開以後,他趕忙走出了房子,到村落遠方的角落。那裡已有幾位長者在聚集,等候他前來。

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“We are glad you came, Elias. It is time to confront this preacher. He has been seen profaning the Sabbath!”


The midday sun shone brightly, and the ripening stalks of corn swayed in the gentle breeze, giving an appearance of a field of gold. The sky was a beautiful blue, not a cloud in sight. At one corner of the field, a group of young men were gathered under the shade of a tree, munching hungrily on ears of grain as they talked. They stopped talking as the black-robed Pharisees approached. Polite greetings were interrupted by Elias.

“Take a look at this!” he exclaimed. “They’re eating grain! Grain picked on the Sabbath!”


*** 午時陽光普照,成熟的玉米在柔和的微風中搖晃,原野一片金黃色。蔚藍的天空,沒有一朵雲彩。在田野的一個角落裡,一群年輕人聚集在樹蔭下,一邊說話一邊飢餓地咀嚼玉米。當穿著黑長袍的法利賽人走近時,他們就停止交談,向法利賽人有禮地問好,然而卻被伊萊亞斯打斷了。 「看看這個!」他喊道。「玉米!他們在吃穀物!在安息日採穀物!」

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Elias turned angrily to Jesus. “Don’t you know it’s against the law given to us by Moses? Why are they breaking the Sabbath by picking grain?”

The men standing before Jesus valued the letter of the law, not its heart. Jesus replied with characteristic calmness, “The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.”

Elias scowled at him and turned back to the other elders. They walked a few paces away, huddling together as they murmured amongst themselves, “Who does this man think he is?” They walked back to the village synagogue, discussing as they went their outrage that Jesus did not accept the supremacy of the Law.

Back in the synagogue, the congregation was gathering for prayer. Elias cast his eye over the crowd. Yes, there was his son. “God be praised,” Elias thought to himself.

The small band from the grain field had also walked back to town and now entered the synagogue. Elias nudged one of the other elders. “Look, he’s here! We’d better keep close and listen to every word he says!” Elias was greatly agitated.

伊萊亞斯憤怒的轉向他們的領導人說:「你知不知道這違反了摩西給了我們的律法呢?為什麼他們要在安息日摘穀物,因而違反律法呢?」 站在耶穌面前的這些長者,比較重視法律條文,而不是其宗旨。祂以他們認識的說法,冷靜地回答他們。「安息日是為人設立的,人不是為安息日設立的。」 伊萊亞斯怒視著祂,並回身看看其他長者。他們一起走開了,站在一起喃喃私語:「祂以為祂是誰啊?」他們走回村莊的猶太教堂,對耶穌不承認律法至上而大感憤怒。 在猶太教堂裡,會眾正聚集在一起禱告。伊萊亞斯看了看人群,看到兒子在那裡。「讚美上帝,」伊萊亞斯這麼想。 原先在玉米田裡的門徒們也回到鎮上,進入了猶太教堂。伊萊亞斯輕輕推了另一位長者一把,說:「看,祂在這裡!我們應密切留意祂說的每句話!」

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It was Amoz that drew Jesus’ attention. Amoz was a gaunt man in his forties. He came from a family of farmers, but had struggled all his life due to his handicap. His right hand was withered and useless. There was no feeling in the fingers, no power of movement in his wrist, no strength whatsoever. His arm hung lifelessly at his side. This was no small problem. His left arm was unusually strong as it was used to doing the work of two; but still, the handicap hindered his labors on the land and Amoz and his family were desperately poor.

Amoz turned as a stranger, who appeared by his bearing to be a teacher, moved in his direction. “Stand over here,” he asked.

引起耶穌注意的,是亞摩斯。亞摩斯是個大約四十歲、身材瘦削的人。他的家人世代是農夫,但由於他右手枯乾、無法使用,那使得他一生都得掙扎。他的手指沒有感覺,手腕無法移動、一點氣力也沒有。他的胳膊無生命地垂在他身邊。這可不是個小問題。他的左手比一般人強壯,因它需要完成二隻手才能完成的工作;但他的殘障仍然妨害了他的工作能力,所以,亞摩斯和家人非常非常的貧寒。 在一個看來像是老師的陌生人來到亞摩斯身邊時,他便轉身往祂的方向看。「請到這裡來,」祂要求──那是個柔和但富權威的聲音。

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It was a gentle but commanding voice. Amoz came over to Jesus. He had never seen him before and didn’t know why he had been called out, but there was a strange feeling rising in his heart. Some indefinable expectation, some hope was leaping up inside.

Jesus was well aware that everything He said and did was being scrutinized by the small group of Pharisees who were now pushing their way through the congregation. They wanted to hear and see everything that went on. Elias stood with the other elders. He glared at Jesus, ready to see what would follow.

亞摩斯走到耶穌身邊。他之前從未見過祂,也不知道祂為何會叫他,但他心中升起了一種奇怪的感覺。一些難以解釋的期望,一些希望在他裡面飛躍。 耶穌清楚知道,祂說和做的一切,都會受到一群現在正穿過會眾、往祂走去的法利賽人的審查。他們想聽見和看見正在發生的一切。 伊萊亞斯與其他長者站在一起,怒視著耶穌,準備看看會發生甚麼事。

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Jeremias also edged his way closer. He had wanted to hear Jesus speak again, like he had on the hillside some months previously. He wanted to understand what was different about Jesus’ teaching, and why his father opposed him so vehemently.

Jesus spoke again, this time directly to the Pharisees. “Is it lawful to do good on the Sabbath days, or to do evil? To save life, or to kill?” There was an anger in His voice. He could see that their hearts were hard. They cared more about the days of the week than they did for those in need.

Elias was silent. The other elders also held their peace, watching to see what would follow. Jeremias held his breath.

Jesus turned back to Amoz. “Stretch out your hand.”

Amoz could not do this; his hand was hanging limply. But that mysterious kindling of hope in his heart caused him to want to obey the teacher and he made the effort.

As he did so, there came a tingling in his right arm that he had not felt since he could remember. His hand stretched out firmly—he moved his fingers—his hand was healed! It was a miracle!

耶雷米亞斯也慢慢的靠近。他想再聽聽耶穌講道,正如幾個月前,他在山坡上所做的一樣。 他想瞭解耶穌的教導有什麼不同,還有他的父親為什麼那麼激烈的反對祂。 耶穌再次開口了,這次是直接對著法利賽人說的:「在安息日行善行惡,救命害命,哪樣是可以的呢?」祂的聲音中帶著憤怒,因為祂看得出他們已硬起心來。他們對星期的每一天,比對那些有需求的人還更關心。 伊萊亞斯沈默不語,其他長者也屏息不語,觀看著將會發生甚麼事。耶雷米亞斯屏住呼吸,因會堂裡的緊張氣氛是顯而易見的。 耶穌轉身看著亞摩斯,說:「伸出手來!」 亞摩斯無法這樣做,他的手軟綿綿地垂著。但是他心中那份被點燃起的奇異希望,使得他想要服從這位老師的話,所以他發出努力。 當他這樣做時,他的右手感受到一股他從未有過的感覺。他的手就真的伸直了,他的手指可以動了──他的手痊癒了!那是個奇蹟!

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He raised his right hand—the hand that had been withered away—to his face in wonder. He put both hands together. They were of equal strength! He moved each finger in turn; he twisted his hand palm up, palm down. He flexed his hand. He made a fist, then stretched the fingers. Again he clenched, again he stretched. He stared at his hands, and then looked at Jesus. Words could not express his thanks. Jesus smiled, and stepped back, as the crowd was now pressing forward to see Amoz closer. Jeremias peered over the heads of the throng to get a better view. Exclamations of astonishment could be heard throughout the congregation. His father had stormed out in a silent rage. The Sabbath had been defiled, again!

他舉起那隻曾枯萎了的右手到自己面前,滿心驚奇。他將兩隻手放在一起,發覺它們擁有相等的力量!他移動每根手指,向上、向下扭動手掌,彎曲雙手。他握了個拳頭,然後舒展手指。他又再次握緊,然後又放開了。他凝視著他的手,然後他看著耶穌。言語無法表達出他的謝意。耶穌笑了,並往後站。此時,會眾在往前擠,想看看亞摩斯。 耶雷米亞斯透過群眾的頭窺探,以便看的清楚些。會眾不斷傳出驚訝。他的父親默默而大怒的衝出會堂,想:安息日又再次被褻瀆了!

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Jesus and His followers had withdrawn from the synagogue. Jeremias also made his way outside. One of the followers of Jesus was standing quietly by the well, drinking water. This was a youth of about his age—younger than the others. Jeremias approached him.

“Are you one of His followers?”

“Yes, that is my privilege!”

“I don’t understand the conflict. Your rabbi seems to do good, but the elders are angry with him. Why doesn’t He respect the Law? Couldn’t He have waited until tomorrow to heal old Amoz?”

The young man looked closely at his questioner. “But why should he suffer a day longer than needed? If you were in his place, wouldn’t you want to be healed as soon as possible?”

“I have heard Jesus speak before, and I hear the stories that people tell, but what does His message really mean?” Jeremias burst out, giving voice to the anxiety and confusion that filled his mind. “I saw His anger today, at my father among others, yet I also saw His compassion. Why does He defy the elders? His performance today aggravated them, but on the other hand, I can’t help but see that He is working miracles. And I cannot

耶穌和祂的追隨者走出了猶太會堂,耶雷米亞斯也跟著走到外面。耶穌追隨者中的一個,安靜地站在井邊飲水。這個年輕人年紀大約與他一樣大,但比其他門徒年輕。耶雷米亞斯羞怯地接近他。 「你是祂的追隨者之一嗎?」 「是,那是我的榮幸!」 「我不瞭解這個衝突。你的夫子似乎在做好事,但長者對他不滿。祂為什麼不尊敬摩西律法呢?祂為何不能等到明天再醫治老亞摩斯呢?」 年輕人觀察他的發問者。「但他為何要多受一天的痛苦呢?若你是他,你會不會想儘快得到醫治呢?」 「我以前曾聽過耶穌講道,也聽過人們流傳的事,但祂想傳達的是什麼訊息呢?」耶雷米亞斯詢問,聲音中充滿了他腦中所感到的焦慮和混亂。「今日我看見祂對我父親和其他人的憤怒,然而也見過祂的憐憫。祂為什麼要違抗長者呢?祂今天的表現激怒了他們;但在另一

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understand how or why God would empower Him to perform miracles when he is obviously a lawbreaker!”

“Jeremias, grace, mercy, love … this is the heart of the law, not the dutiful keeping of every fine detail of the commandments. Isn’t healing Amoz more important than keeping the jot and tittle of Sabbath day law?”


It was late in the evening, and Jeremias was breathless when he made it back to the door of his home. He had hurried over several miles of countryside. He didn’t want his father to know where he had been.

Elias jumped up when his son entered the room. He stared hard at him, as though the scrutiny would reveal his son’s recent whereabouts. “Well, what do you have to say for yourself?” he demanded angrily. Jeremias adopted the meek pose of a dutiful son. But it was an outward show. On the inside, he no longer feared the wrath of his father. No, he would leave everything behind and follow the

方面,我必須承認祂做了很多奇蹟。我無法瞭解的是,祂明明是個違反律法者,上帝為什麼還會給予祂神能,讓祂施行了那麼多奇蹟呢?」 「上帝要我們實踐律法的原則,那就是恩典、憐憫和愛,而不是一板一眼地遵守律法的每個細節。治好亞摩斯,不是比遵守安息日的每個禁忌還重要嗎?」


夜深了,耶雷米亞斯才氣喘吁吁的回到家門。他從鄉下趕了幾哩路,不希望父親知道他曾去過哪裡。當耶雷米亞斯進屋時,伊萊亞斯跳了起來。他目不轉睛的凝視著他,好像這樣就可查出他兒子最近的行蹤似的。 「嗯,你去哪裡了呢?」他憤怒的問。 耶雷米亞斯像個乖兒子那樣,溫順地站在那裡。他因父親的質問,看來羞愧地低下頭,再次的沈默了。但那只是表面的模樣,在心裡,他已不再對他父親的憤怒而感到恐懼。耶雷米亞斯已有不同的志向。他將

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Great Teacher. He too would help the sick, feed the hungry, lift the burdens of the downtrodden, and it wouldn’t matter anymore if that care was bestowed on the Sabbath or any other day of the week. Mercy was more important than sacrificial keeping of ancient rituals and customs. The great commandments, he had learned from Jesus, were to love God and to love his neighbor. Love was the heart of the law, and the love he was learning from the Master would last today and forever!


Story by A.F. May, © The Family International. Illustrations courtesy of http://sweetpublishing.com

雙語兒童的故事 - www.freekidstories.org