Stakeholder’s Interview By Melissa McMahon

“ The biggest thing that I notice as a parent is that I have easy access to teacher’s blogs, assignments and grades via the internet. I also notice

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Stakeholder’s Interview

By Melissa McMahon

How is technology affecting the learning process?

“ The biggest thing that I notice as a parent is

that I have easy access to teacher’s blogs, assignments and grades via the internet. I also notice that my child is having to use the computer programs much more frequently to produce homework assignments.”

When you hear the phrase “technology integration” what does that mean to you?

“What that means to me is that technology is used to promote learning as a tool and not as an end unto itself. It is integrated into the learning process.”

How should technology be used in education?

“Certainly, students need to learn to use common software and learn to create on the internet. They need to become familiar with using the computer and all of it’s resources, but it should not replace content.”

If you were in charge of designing the modern classroom, what would it look like?

“It would probably have a dummy terminal at every child’s desk hooked up to the teacher’s main computer. Of course, there would also be a screen with an LCD projector.”

Are you happy with the level of technology at your school? Why or why not?

“ I think that it is good so far. A couple of years ago, there was a big push for all students to have their own laptops, and I was hoping that would happen. I was disappointed when it did not. I think that the students do not get enough access to the computer lab, and it could be expanded.”

Are you happy with the degree of technology funding at your school? Why or why not?

“I think that Cobb County is fairly progressive in the use of technology. There is always room to spend more money, but compared to many other school systems, we are doing very well.”

How has technology changed the way you work in your classroom and how has it changed your


“ A lot of assignments are completed on the home computer and then taken to school on a flash drive. That is a big change; now flash drive are an item on almost every child’s school supply list”.

How would you assess your teacher’s integration of technology into the classroom?

“ My child has more than one teacher. Some teachers do an excellent job involving technology in the learning process. Other teachers are more traditional in their approach and do not rely on technology as much.”

Do you feel that integration of technology into your child’s classroom has had a positive impact

on their achievement? Why or why not?

“Technology is certainly not going away, in fact it will only increase. Any and all exposure to technology would be very beneficial to my child.”

Can you describe a good example of a lesson where your child’s teacher used technology?

“ My child recently had to create a presentation. The presentations were recorded on a web cam, and then played back for review and for them to critique themselves and each other.”

What technologies are missing from your school? How would these help education?

“I do not think that my child’s school uses enough web training or introduces students to the creation of web pages as much as it could.”