! 4A.H,E(Htloli * TH] --------V e b r-1 1 ' N O . . lti — -iiSHHDEIS- "lEGflli EUIII: — -lames-Av^Farrell-peoiarcs - Prolitlsss Merchandising Chief factor In Present i Situation' of Commerce i . .<ny The A ^atfil Preal c l\ With un o p t! in ifl tie I® ' «tntcmcnt on American ° . buflincsH comlitions, tlic nu- tionnl forcfffn tracfe council J todny brought ll« convention j, ^'toacloHC. prcp^wlncssVthom^ f . price cuttintr, as -stilted iiy J«nM A. Parrell, jircjldent of tlie' r — council and of ihe Unllcd Slaw* 8l« l corporaUon, llie foreign trud- ers dealt wUli domestic condltloiui :— #nd*made-no-menlloii oWhe-tariff- - In any way. ' “The chlcf factor In Uie present A iltuatlon U prontlcM mtrciiondit- ^ .-..-.Inj."-rejuUln«.Irom.uii(lu6 iirlce rc. - ductloru. tlio council statcmehl' read; Tliat Dicmbers mnilc no refereiicc to otlier nations raUlnj tliclr Inrlff* waa commented upon by Individuals _ ..ooWde tho.convcnllon.;,:’____' ______ The OfflcUl declarallon waa unanlmotuly adopted al tlie cloiilnc Pc seulon. Il WM empliatlr^d. ns lind nt PtestdCDk<FWT*]lrlliauUu>.«loi»oiil&l'ltii market Is nm l Important-------- ---- co ----------------- EtlmtnitrrlWltF------------ 4n •Utua or the International trade of rr '■th# world If Ullt the «lume of mer- „ - ehandlse sales aliout equals iliat'or i ' A few years ago when buslnew um enjoying substantial prosperity,- p. lald the jleclaratlon. •'Dut prlcc lev- 1,“ els have fallen to Ihe iwlnt where qo, profit luu been largely ellmlnalcd. . m ^ c lilet factor of the present alt- Eugene P. Tlioinas, vice i i S c n t l P® of Ihe Unlled Slatea Steel corpom- - -tlon. suggested lhal by cooperation K m lntematlonarflnanclng-“throu8U the medium of « board, represcui- ' ing banklntt and Industrial Interests. Jn asMclaiIng our banking liistltu- Uons more closely with (lie problems Uiat beset tlio American cxjwrtcr.- v‘<j chase now a siinnly of allver lulll- Ph to be about 300^.000 ounces, val- Mu . ued a t about « 0/)00,«l0- t o relieve »u thc glut of-lhc world's silver mar- Chi keta. T • m e convention last heard Wai'- wH lacc R. Farrington, former governor of. Hawaii and publisher of Uie >"8 K io" .Honolulu the JOM convenllon. ijot • present economio situation Is an ad- wneetn'commodlty prices.” saia the ; T official declaraUon,'.u'hlcli.was pre* pared under the clialrmaa-iblt) of U»l h r . Thomas. -AVlien prices are fall. IBroi Jng bu}-cra tend lo withdraw from' Uie market. It Is rising prices thal Co" stlmQlato buying and contumpilon <'’><1 . and a return of prosperous times, —: Anylhlng, therefore, wlileh lends lo ' postpone' recovery In commMllty -n)rieeOnorcTSi>NTilirTf^Tn?I^ lir nomlo In characier sliould be dls* POWERMMPANY GETS ORDERS TO CUT RATES SALEM, Ore., May 23 M-j-A 10 Tfif per cent reducUon In rato of the • • Paclffo Power and Ught corapaii>- | w u ordered today by Cliarle* M, ■ Hiomas. public uUlltles commls- ii Tstoner of Oregoa Tlie company op. •••" -«r«le« prlnclpally-ln-Oenlral-and ~ — ' eastern Oregon but runs Its lines from Astoria to Pendleton. NI The new-ratei-become'effectlve' •« J July 1. Thomas said rate payers will «"'» u r e I 10J .000 U>U year. out ----- Todays-order-WM-lssued-lnune- ..dUtely on.wnctii»lon.of.8 ,foniial “ jnJ hearing before Ihc commlisloner m ■ nil h»«Arf .wv.*wmKn,<nlt>.n|. , . of.the chief engineer of Uie com- viouj ' VIrgI tONG STRETCH OF IDAHO - Jl HIGHWAY GETS OIL SOON •BOiaB. May M Mvoillng of 33 miles of Uio Old Oregon Trail be- iween Lava Hoi Bprlngi and Soda fUrio efr.««;blgjtft hlghw. olUng Jobs of the seasoa wfll be put *«tJi under conU«ct In Uie nesr future, moot ^I-^m m e r , director of highwap. bring a e u ly to cohipleUcn the olUntf 'or paving of Uie Old Oregon Trail . Thi from tbe east to wut border of the as,pi RUHANiAN AUTHORITIES W DENY-BANNIIIG QUEEN CU BUtfiiARisrTnuBianla. May » EU( (*>—Otflclal denial wa) made to* Arnoti night of reports published abixiad ‘heUi Qmm ilelen. direrced wife-of lodar Co#, had been-ortlered lo l*w,« W w Rumania wlUiln a specified n c^^ l ^ i i u n d e i s i ^ o a joodaBUiorlty. profes j^jerer, that iho <pieea had been Cnllfoi I . AttSOCIATED Piuaa___________ PresidentHpc =PMlg8elWMia " H is fo rrc 'S p S AMERICAN MAYORS ALL -VyANT-LEGIONOPHONOR - PARIS,-May -J w ^ T lie Paris ed- ition of Ibe Clilcago Tribune says dlasallsfacitoii h».v broken oul In Uie iKirly of Atnerlcan mayors over Uio poMlblllly of distinctions beln* conferred by the Prencli goremmeht. Whtn a rumor spread Uiat Maj-or Oeorge L, I|a«'ef. O»;t-gon. oi honor, iho piiper »ays,'olIicn«lir5- ora were reported to have replied. •Ttiere nrc no buck privates In llils group. Btv a» of the ume rank und If one mayor k«* Uie legion of honor «e should all get lU" ' BlFiiiisi EM-B|iiGER|! Amalgamation Controls Bli- j "Jions of -Feetrof White I Pine Timber in Northwest ; SPOKANE. May 29 (n-PolLitch Fore*tj(, Inconwrated, wllh n capital , nt llOJiOOAOO Is Uic result of mere- f liw-threo-W*wrhMUs<«r-Uimber- i companies. Philip Wcyerhneuser,~jr.; * Cleartt-aler/nmbcr 'company, with M.WOM mpltalj.thB reward.'R>it. ledgC’ Timber c o m p a n y , Coeur ii d'Alene, eaplial U.S00.000 nnd the . Potlatch Lumber company,'Potlatch, . nnd Elk lUver, Idaho, capital U,- . 000,00{i. .Tlie combined auels o f . the PTOi^nunommin^ kcnuto of tlielr lioldlngs of billions ^ ot feet of white pine and red cedar in Uic Cleartt-aterdl5trict..__, Under a plan of-seleellve culling tor the PolUtch ForesU. Incorpor- *111 be considered -perpetual,- Wey* ~ rrhaciiscr said, explaining thc Indl* “ ;ldwl companies have been doing ^» «cr( fe .lusser, Muscatine, Iowa; T. J. “ lumblrd, Spokahe, and U lrd Dell, Jhlcago............. ............ . .. Ip. Tlie llumblrd Lumber company, ai I'llh mills Bt Sandpolnt and Koo* hi enal. Idaho, .and NcftTwrt. Wosli* T ngton; .the Dolse-Payetlc Lumber ompany, Emmett nnd Barber, Ida* iO.^QalrallcdJ)y. Weyerliaeuscr,aroJ!: ol Included In the merger. j 'nie new «tup' brings Uie WeyeN aiusc? controlled. Intcrcsu In the = rmted States ' miA tlirn> mnln I — feUps^fotialcii' hre»is>ri?co^^r-' j" led. tl»s Weyerliaeuser Timber ompaitr o{ Weilern Wnshlngton i_ ud llie 'Northwest Paper company ^C ontinued oiTpago ?, Col l) IM ilp : oirosmsi emp.DratureJounts to 88 ’ Degrees in New Yorif anS -Masses Fiock-jo^avens _ NEW YORK, May 3P (,T>)-HoIdlng- ay for Its second-Oarrvvrffie^i- . iiBl heat wave conUnued Uirough* t ^llie East today, causlhg nine al^Uieiu:o.d*yp»rlodand-dU------ **el^‘rlng humanity. . IUS day, T*-o, persons died In Weit rglnla ond oae in New York Clly. in New Vork. with a Uraperature M degrees, an esllmaled million rsons hastened Uielr holiday exo- s in search of.cooling breeres at laliore and raounUln resorts, n New England Uie thermometer ' •ted with Ihe so mark, schools were «<U?.?«?n.aiHljhe.munlclpai t]i TTouses wer? UironTi open a ' nth ahead of schedule; . :-Mton U» temperatigi reached and as foi^orth as PorUand. __ InejTrwUTJn^eTil^eijrngufe or led was 87 aWOitenfWd Masta- "he heaij^ave was felt as far'w«sl Pittsburgh where a temperature n.r^fjrrri .p ;tGON SCHOOL oflaW LA'IMS YOUNQESTDEAN UOENE, Ore, May 39 (.17-Dr, Old Dennett IUU, president of . University of Oregon, announced '/ ly Wayne L. Morse, profesjor of wlll become dean of the school ' i year, sucdetdlng Charles L. -' punter, who resigned to accept a - essonhip at the Unlvenlty of fomla. orKU30yeat«M(LlUUbell«^-Kl — rill be the youngest deaa-of Uw SB CUUULI^i ' .............I ■ THE ONLY'Al ' ..........—■ ' —Vi pover Stops in~^| Reception Extended by Club ~Organl!finffifing Ciili’ War. Striifes Responsive Chord in Chief Executive ln« ______ :ht. tDyTlie AMocIalcd Press) ‘•two years ol fever and tumult tn ‘‘ WiisliliiRton," the reeepUon extend* Ills rd him would be nn "iindoutitrd and ;rk preat cnroufagentenl" lu Ciie (asks ' of ahead. < tipeakiiu! e«icmpcraneoujly In rrr 1 ^ s]>on.>e lo a ^t>eech by Oeorge Slu- , I . who presented the chief execiiltve f wllh n portrait of liimself.Mr. Hoo- ’ ver described the club ns n *saiic- I n luary of the weat tmdltlon of loy- , 'H nlty to Uie governmeni of Ihe Unit* .11 ed States." I *~^-TlW^Sft)1~ IH 5ue club waa formed during the Civil war to eom- > | | . bat orwanltfil sympatliy wlih Uie Southern Malrn. through its inrtaU 4ft Uftve-»l\rtrt” i>»-lhe-neTiuW«sm - presidents of the Unlled Slates since e{ thal time wllli the single exception of President Ilnrdliig. He had ac- . cepled an.lmilatlon.-Ior 0‘w ber j fl U ic iwrlralt. painted, by Phlllde* J . Cpsln. u',<lrefk Btllsl. was cliarac* sentaiion orhiiiMlf'he "liked mucli ll, Speaks al Valley Forge v President llooiTr camc here ear* C Uee lodiy iitejmred (or r voMud of activity to culminate tomorrow In n > ' Memorial day-nddresa nl Valley j^l JCoiilliiued bn Page 3, CoK ^ r " STilKOTEMIIflliy [* Uons sl tlie Oregon swte peniten- I j ISary were described todjy by Fran^ m = )an<|iru«iUiaive£ln:ili^t«Mui:Orir J, lejl'lMMte, u »n'-'o\JlnRe to jv HI ...... 1, Umergan, waking before Ute ,, Portland Cliyclub, laid P3B,cpnvlcU « ,, are huddled Inlo an old structure . built lo accommodate 330 persons. {■< . Tlie lire ha»rd ts serious, hc said. ^ '' "Tlie way the daors and liallwaya • and locks arc arranged up Uierc. If ®^a*ftrc-wtis to-gei-a rTnt'nan.'ItUiT-’ t j dyds rt yw t.mm a \ts m . ' “>“•- j ; I Queer Treai w fw I|" P | -AHD THE OHS THING. ; ) ' ' 'ASSOCIATED PRESS NE ^^^V^H-FAbl-S^10AHQr6A^^-URT l~{ L a s t o f G r e a t jFai A / ^ d l n n wiir*cW ' ' won hts long stand agaliul elv . tn dealh the old clilef fuiniled hi* >|,|k tribal lands near the spo( where the l In Washington slate. . , .inji: -'Tho'only-conccsston-Chlef Long-J IVU was Uie education of his daugfiter. Pi .• lliukell Indlan-school at-LavTtiicr. l ilVt: PrliiccM-Americu a t a tuUoiial Indtsi In 1930 and laler attracted tiaUonal» live nltenUon ax honor guest at the At* lamlc Clly bca^uty contut. After tha arrival of Jesslt Jlm , from Uwrence, .Long Jlm wlll be buried a l his wilderness home on ,u|. Tills wilderness home ot Uu war „„rt tlilef of the Melliow Chelan and Okanogan Indlaru has changed but , little since the first visit ot th* As- “ tor fur.tnden In IBM. Long Jlm , " r took the home afler years of Utter ' luL «tr<ig?le against early setUers. ' ttve One of the long balUu ended q 00* when Indian agents pul him In lall v lie. for nine weeks tor refuul. to give |i rH H Ih iirajrasJioMeiliSdliaE i Jiiry’s Verdict Wilh Sneer JjT— AndrrAttemptsilrGet-awaif: - MINBOLA, N. Y.; Mnj M (fli - ~ WlUt a sattr ie*j'car*old Prtmcls T ir. Crowley loday heard a Jury convict •'( of hint of murder In the flrsl degree i: , n for the slaying of a Long IsUnd po- u ry lleeman—a vcrdia which carries Uie a _ death penalty. - cl Tlirn as he about lo be led from the courtroom, Uw 103-pound oi lungeSilchpoliccInlcrprctcd^an Y ly attempt to obUln Uie officer's pis- ci I ioL The courUoom wM Uirown talo '-| I'-turmoll. .............. ..........III — - A. pollcetnan's flnLfclled Crowley, Crawley, on his feet ogalnin a ^ Ik moment, waa uxjn Ux center.of a lu ff . Ihrilllng fron'd Ol'nnllff. RoTJiTiln-f ^.wlll».xage.hc,balUed.-Ui«-effleers,. /u pwsrt>»e»M-«r05rrMbratiln7ai«l- 'Ui x> finally, baUercd and'bruised, wm ir upon him. ' ' ' ' wl ,e Dragged to hU feel and surround- 13 ed by 1} to 30 policemen lie was iio re husUed to a side room where he said n 3. he merely had made a Qu!ck move to mi Id kiss hls.foiier*moUier, Mrs. Anna i Croa'lcy lo bid her goodbye, at EleetrofoUon Penalty ou A raandaio0 tenlence of dealh In tW-dRiHreisr^onmpSc? ^ Monday morning by Judge Lewis J. u l ■'T't^minued On Psge 3, ~ reatmcnt for Nervous Pfos sm S AFKAro OF. Iff OBE ^ ’EWSPAPEH IN TWIN F. LJ r-UR»A^^IOIt,SMN(r.MA-Y-;l0rTi); iFam jly.of M ia n ^~imMlar^Tr^^^M ........................' ' b -ttiirj Loiw Jlm,'lust nf a great In- led on tlir, latid oi his intiiera today anil u l elvllirjiiinn. •d hi* nmimion lo live und die o’n ancient Bthe Slars imd Stripes was first iinfiirle<l /m g-Jlm -m srtf 10 advancing elvillMlIoii Iter, Prlnrrv. Jc.-jir Jlm. a studcnt'at the eiicr, Knn.w.1. Jim was proclalnied Indtsji congress in 8|»kaiic. Washington, ' lip •.rlk.ia.UKli on U ke Chelan lo . Wtiiir men. Ung Jlm was releaud Jlm when llic coiirtj ruled lie was cn* I be tilled i» n tquare mile of his iribal holdiiik-*. Hul ha\Jng_ controlled a : ----- rnmmtsnt-Ttn-thrCTlumblinlverhc^ refujed lo nccepl the Bllotment. ^ Hiller ncaliul the Wlille man he bul camj> ground 1 :: M mlle.» ra« uf Ihe lake, paying hLi jjL eotiUn Columbln Jlm to move iiiiil leave him in solitary iMssesslon of the wild trnct. He refused to accept ided qiiWiirgoThls Clielan'^holluw'or lall lo^erpi nny money accruln*.from give It. . • I iffllSfiiillH iH IN Il'GUH !E ^Qiiesof:Night;ciiJb:H»slr| !er esses” and Troupe Tali<; 'fly: —Way-Hiito-Frcnctr-Hott:h IWVUE. P r a n c e , May MT^i - ids Texas Ouinaii, sometimes called the flct "QHeen of Nlghl Club Hostetses." re« and her Irouiw ot 30 Droadway girls, po- loniglil were Uie unwilling guesU of Uie a'hotel ciuiioinarlly used for third* class'imlgninU. - | led Yielding lo Uie linpa&sloned plea > md of Miss Oulnan.ana her frietito the 1 ! » Uie commissariat allowed Uie N ^- ' an York fnterWlncr and her "gang” to l<- come ashore to spend Ihe night Jn | llo '-the bunk-housc," whkii live Frencli-^ line malnulnt ___ j ey, EvelTMlts Oulnan herself admit-1 1^. liM llirre-rm twHiIng "H W nlwiit c- her prctenl <iuariers When'she land*' a ed from the liner Paris. However, Uie liostelo' b clean and wholesome. i Ing I Tsrirr Vranfh.aiilliflriilM.had.ra^ rs,. fused to allow Uie troupe to land on-< nd- -tlie-gToina-Uiarurcir nwkliiRC^ < ’M tracts were not In order. Tills brought- < !«■ a auuiiij piutcst'ftoiirMlu uuliuii, '* ' who declared: d- -I am an American citlun and I t as have never been convicted Ota crime. ^ id Tliore Is no scandol ateui me and > ' to my passport Is O. K." n i'a Slie and lier dancers wenl tu bed c at the early liour ot S*P.-M.. worn h out by llte day's controversy. ll in _ u Jtt(uiUhlnkJl's_Eftk_ ____ .>1 c? . “I don't Uilnk It's fair a bit." she -n J . . i ^ J u s l before wlUidrawIng to her ^ (ConUtiued.On Page 3, Col. 4 l.- .'« ’tostratioii' ' | ............... I • - - " 8® r M Q j ' ' i ^ \ I ! AV Adl 1/ wh •II m . v I Tl OragATloNS,^ a , irewM nxSjM bSrsnM M ' FAILS COUNTY......... Boy gcouti^D s D a ^ f r S r l m ] rlenl . _ ------- ''''“ iWcalli'cr Bureau Forecasts thunder. Showers From S Soutiiern New .England III South On National Holiday Wd . - J ___ Ibal (Dy'Tlie A.uociat«l Pri-.vM d a j T TASHjNOTO N .Jlay M-Nlniy. r h r 7~ ’"* Arttn^toircrnietcrywrn'Tires" oralcd today ly boy scouts In prrp- I he aratlon fnr Memnrial doy wrvicw, und '• While rain wa.i proniLwd Inr iJir hLi capital nnd other parti of thr >xm mill Biid .\Ilddle Wesl loinormw, i|,r I of J'l'nUn placed Uieir flags Imlay iinild :ept brllli^siinshlne. Four hundrol l*iy I or Virginia towns mado Uie pilgrimage ■om In bujcs to Uie cemclcry. I'The ttcaUier 'bureau torecajt ------Uiundereliowenffrom muthem .Neu- — IRiglnnd.Uirough Uie Middle Allan* t 'llc stAtcs. over Uie mouiiUlns ot ilift-6oiil}i-AHanH«-rei|lim,-Uie-Ohio- valley nnd Uie lower lake section, Unlll was not expected until aftet- . . . noon In the EasU Showers were 11. prrdicird for Indiana.' Illinois.louUi- -enrMIcliIgan, Mlssourl and ca^tcni IU Texns, I As Preddenl Hoover IraVcled to- ward Valley Korge for o Memorlal .iJda^«dilrMi-tlio-Whl(e' IlmiM-no. llfleilllie-WBshlngloncathcdntthal |. :n mllltnry aide would placea wrcaUi ]|K ' un Woodrow Wilson's tomb In a small , , clifljicl Itiere. Aboul the same time, t c l ‘.‘acfO!.'i tne ein ngr f l m r ifTrHiiiic wiir ibe^|iald.t^Adinlnil Oeorge Dewev. _ btsliop ol the diocese ol W ^ n g to n J Iho will be earrled over a naUon-»1dc rodlo hookupal-io A-.M.-Tlie presi- rl, dent sent a wreaUi also lo the tomb of of Warren Q. Jlardlng, a t Marlon, rd* 0 '“®- I Obsenaitpes begun today wlll the i Page 3, Col. 3) ^ ' IIIIII |lDUC[i[iLO!M[NI kl* I HOUSTON, Texas, May 29 Ml ile Tlie Orollierliood ot HaUraad Train* .ftien v^ r t late ;<^ay.to limit lu ;ht- employment, President a:'P,. Whll- ,11, - i ify i nounced!— ' ■ Tlio rcMtuUon, Uie m u l Impor* 1I tanl act yet announced In Um , le. broUieriiood's Irieniilal .e«nvcnlion id here, limited Uie axirklng hours of > mcniberj In yard service to 2d days X] or 300 hours a monUi; ot-members •n In frelghr«rvlee lo ?SOO miles, or lls equivalent, a monUi; of mem* i ___lyr«,ln pawngrrllser^’IcoMo-WOo. i ID .miles or IU equivalent, a monUv i rr ^President Wliltne^ld thyhana* j -'wlUihjM tlaj^ ---------j --------- ' ------------- 1 I WASHINGTON IMPORTS J . CONVICT-MADE SACKS ‘ OLYMPIA, Waali,, May 20 (ff)- ' Oraln bags manufactured by Calt- —•fomla"convlct~labor m ay ~Mon~be' l Wa.ililnglon grain KroaTrs. ll was re* j vealed at Olj-mpla today.- Pla.T4 of the. Parmcrs' .Natloiul Oraln «,crt:orallon, PorUnnd. to dis- tribute the prison-made bags In this stale were dlseloted In a telegram lo ' AlUniey Oeneral John H. Dunbar asking whetlier Washington laws bar such produeii.------ --------------------- The sute law iierinlu chlpmenU ' Into Uie s',ate, Attorney Oen'bral Dun- bar replied, bul impetM -a severe ' r:nalty on dealers who sell or offer for-»alc juch'Ccods-wlUioufproper Cjlnfccllon and uiile.is i>ermanenlly ' and plainly labeled a.i ccnvlct.made good.i.-'^Tlie name ot Ui6'prison'fii' is ' 'Which the bags are made mutt also ,t 'TIie^ralii-mjwrailoimld'Easiern at WMhln^a^n^'gritl^ tl) COI^PANY IN OGDEN GETS S ■ADA COUNTY BOND ISSUE “ DOISE, Ma; 211 UV-Tlie Flrsl Se- to curity eorporatlon, Ogdcu, was fuc- bu ceisHil bidder today on ti3S,000 ot au Ada couniy refunding bonds, an lifue cu which will retire the remal.ider of He 'W"19IB’higirwayTjondfc------------ -- Ol Ths company bid was luiioo’al 4 " per cent and im ,000 aKU percent. A saving oU<OW nnuttlly In lnla.*>. {T est'Rlirbc made by iticcpuniy as the tni 1019 hsue bears 5 'per « n t •. *a HARBiTOlfSETS-TIME-^ “ cno AiiTn DDAiiniair' . fUJ! BOISE.May33(,1’>-AIvlnItarbour, ^ commissioner of public works; to- day^directed department heads to be pi preiured toon to bring all lUte-pwn* ed automobiles u> ccntral points for branding. Tlie letter u ld Ihe brfinding would D be done by Uie department at Poca* fUir leUo, Shoshone, Boise, Lewiston, les. and Coeur d'Alene. ................. mal I Thelastleglslaturerequlredbrand* ^ ^ng^ot^all sUte^.<TO^^^cars by Mty -j btea b n a M \ too A 1 . uzlinm~ADUii iiuituD'~ ____________ o r cincuijtTioHa Decoi;ate 10,01 >^FBeHd~BiiTiT ington Geinetei aslslAi\«EfilCANFUERDELAl Ygm TRANS-PACIFIC JOUR^ hnri SAMUSHinO DEACII, J,i ifialurday.'Momliigi May30i-T.- |,j-u American nvlntor. Thsiiiss Ash '““J deckled no', lo'i.lart hh non- nisht lo Tacoma. Wa.-ihlngton, day, because o t oflver/e winds ht; ' 'Ash. who plonned lo fly aloni »i^<;IOO:mllc.coiifff-m'cr.llie.lo I'frp* newAiry until lomoiiJw aUew” j tore undertaking Uie perilous }■ r Ihr Ilf}-. since daan Ash had tinkered i llie the big monoplane -Pacific," sui "'■lid vising tireparalloiu. ijEinsiii tlon. - • - Iter- ;™ los Angeips Prosecutor Fa to Uncdvor Reasons F rti--Alteration of Attitdc t h a t --------------------------- ------ - eaUi LOS ANOBLra. May 29 U ^-1 i;"all AlliKsses would not Iduiify Da m‘^. Clark.' cA[idlrifllp fnr ^ylgj»|J ~ ^ a.1 Ihe mnn closeted MUi the w UiH»llUelanrChatl»*-Crawf««H -JUrbert-Siwieeft-magarine-edJl •“ "t Just before lliey- wera faUlly a ‘ ,® laslm k In Hollywood for some r Jofi not yel eiltellshed."......... T° ■Testifying at^Clark's prellmln. ' hearing on charges ot murder, I ot prawtord's office employes, Lu( ___ Pislier, stenographer, and-Itay Rj ) ke, secretary, lald Um youUiful f ___ intr rVpiny iial«-pw»eeulerTeic r n - bledHh^fflce-tisltor who esca; II after.Ihe shooUng, Radke said Cli resembled the man -very cloae l i r In several parlicuUrs, but be woi NI i\ol IdenUfy the defendant outrlg »< Mildred Rohri>aek, pholographe ■; employoe In the building, howev r : . ‘tw(mcd lhallh~B^Icva -Clark~ aln* >i>e ”1&1>dark” man she saw leavl iu atler the nuhed out upon liearl n r r slajia.Tlul liliui lll'ULkuu, wid "win ^-Ui^itoivgol^and-OMn-biw hlU 'AnMer unexpected dettlopmt »r« CrawfonI, brother and body guo Uw ot Uie slain polItlcUn, wlio wl Bpcnctr-had opjxised Clarti'a ra I nlclpal Judgeililp candidacy. RevUes-Tesllmeriy , or Recalled 19 .Uie stand.'C rajfo ;m* u ld Uiat a man who emerged frc 400- an-TiutftmobllirtirlKit' uy if W drtued woman near hla broUier's c 32:. tleg wenl aeroM Uig-tlreet lnilead J»e Inlo Uieoffloe before the shootir - as lie had told detehlves alter tl ^ killings. He gave no explanation the «imdha” tee^'ked*brdefen counsel. Vo The packed, sultry court roo tensely witnessed an hlstrloiilc dt ^ (ConUnued On Page 3. Col. 2) III- • • •- 31 TiTnr>h-rrtrtyrt-n i— :• I : CIBDftfilllfl «r ____1 , * " 400-of-526 Children At tend High School-Desplh S '“ Bossy” Glllls' Threa j ' - NEWDURYEOnT. Mass., May 3; (/n-EIIorta of Mayor AUdrew J lOo3.iy> OlIIU to enforce a tehoo holiday today, so that children mlglii rn atttmLa^elrcav met wlili_only par. fd tlal sucee.«. — ................ - f ___ Pf<H>lte-ili«-w»yoi '« uid'er deelnr Ing the day a schosl holiday, most ol . Uie pupils,obeyed the school aU' I Uioritlejt and reported tor classes ai p usual. .Tlie mayor liils morning rescinded an onler lo police, ln.Mructing them :- to admit only Janitors to scliosi e- buildings, when he learned the sehool ot aulhoriiiCA threatened legal prwc* le cutlon If- Uie order was executed, Jt However, the no-school whlsUe waa - wunatdicbom-moming and-after* noon te.*4ions. . Z Al me high school about 100 of V the 5M students were present and - Su|>«fintc«dtm.nf afhnols,aija.At. King said aboul Ihe rame percentage was reported from oil olher k I iooL i . _ n»i->rn<- nf Uirconlroversy orer the - dotlngJiLtlif schools, Uiose who did no: attend wUi cscaiicTTmBhmrnt: 1 - siipcrintrndeni Klnir said he re- fused to cliM Uie schools becaute - Uiey jJ rt««ly irew -b»>ilnd-H»-f*- '• qulrcd sch'edule of sessions. ; CLARA BOW CONSIDERS r ENDING MOVIE CAREER 1 DENVER, May 29 tflV-Clara Bow. . film actress. wanU lo qiiit the mov- , les and It U probable alie wUI never make anoUier picture, B. P. Schul* berg, a managlnj'dlrtitor'orpro- • ducilon, ^ld here.today, ' *Mlss Bow liai t«Id Ul she wanls - to-qult^aklns-Blbturemud -we are Tnu* debiuiig uiltUKf ID KleaWlia ^ t)C( toatTKtk'* /scbuJb(Ji{ ftid. TODAY: Fair E W 7 8 PAGES--5 cent; ppSiE 5? fl Milt E llTI .AYS . . . IRNEY Sllnv Bcspectkcd' Scien Jaiun. fist Stands Bare-Heade( Under Tyrolean 'Sun ;ti ot."' Answer Reporters’ Querlei lone on _ _ bS - -IC»lWl!llWMIfBl>T lffT 'g ia n /-VHER G M G I,. A ujtrlj. u i=«. M Tyrol, Jl»y 29-A tlln ed illh J>c.spectncle(i h c i c n tisi super* "■"‘'■‘"K Kray auspcnclcru, j wliilo tennis-sliirt anti twcetl ti'on.tm Hlood bare ■ licniled i'f p " 'iililur ifiu i'yrolenn aun here IrG - afternoon telling a dusty AiKiience of newspaper men M 'wlmt he had found'out about the strotosphere on Ids balloon flighl of Wedneiday to an altitude ot al- •piiwn t ir nnilii::-.' '— ^ -------*— '' Although Auguste Piccard li pro- tessor of physics i t tho University ol Fails Bniuels, Uiere Is lltUe of Ibe pro- - . fessorial In his manner wben Inter* • P o r tlewc{LQuesUonsaboutWednesday'a balloon trip Into the outer layer of tddeS tl'e-*ttrth’sratniosphere wero met J .— .ffUQJmDalIcnl,2norU or wlU> iMylsli ------- enthusiasm,-dependiiig-on'wheUicr )-T«o «o him u Ihtelllgent. Darld •'®*'®''*r, ^Id he revert to jo d it »J*«”«smie.cUujooiii ------------- “II was a deep dark blue." he re- He said the mysterious cosmic raya which lie went aloft to »tudy wers decidedly more powerful a l itrato* , sphere, height lhan at'allltodea lest Jl for. ^ 2oIpL#e^^««MtTrd^^rK^ ‘However, until I have lud lime to Study Uie notes of my fllgbt I can* would powerful," 1^ 1,1 lieadded,- Xr-a n«ard tald be htd Ml wever “W difference In Uie wln4 r j-jjj velotllytnd'dltteUons In tile aUatu^ (avlng *P>>«'ernm'Uuae In lower altlludei. p^nt Waflto* Wnfflh the tlnloiphm’ Vuwd roUllon ot earUii he snorted ’'ihti'S' •SaUbosh.;- , -u. AnoUier question amused him: . "How high up did you observe In- sects? Whal wta the maximum aU L ' tltudes of Ihelr fllgbl?* " J'ford “What would they be doing up .from «-»H tn?" ------ ■WIP ?ver, I could tell you a good siory r'aof* aboul a flea.- "Oh n^nfrn^m^■" >.trl.lm>^ ./im . oting, one, -did you find a tlea In Uk alum- r ths inum gondoUT” on of -Oh. no," the sclenllit replied, “I im to wa.^ Ium thinking nf ■> fimnT .inrv feme aboui.fleas.':__ ________ __ AdailU Lock' toom Piccard frankly admitted Ihat It : dls- wBs pure luck or dutlny Uul saved him and his companions from a V , . rocky landing gfter Uielr seventeen . 4iours-night. ___________________ were.'and the flnt hint we had of~ ' touching the earth came with three gentle bumps aboul'O P. M. Wcdnes* I l f day night," Uie scientist uld, Those' yU bumps marked Uie tllghUne^f Plc- *■ card's aluminum ball In a snoWdrift * Instead ol on a rock, and Uiree lm* preulons In the snow still ieittty 10 . &(.' this genUe treatment, J As soon as lie felt Ute bumps Pie* njiA card pulled II10 valve, and sticking his po:kct flashlight out Uie port* ■Mt hole, he yelled "anytwdy IhereT- . - ...i ..He.;oon.lj:omtdJhtk:.w.i»U)lng_ there bul a vast while, lonesome gla- to i B O Ise AUTOi^OBILE fyiAN g DIES IN SALT LAKE CITY r^Y.t T.Aic‘c - c m -.‘ M ,, S3 Wl' ' - ^ Campbell, st, Bolie, dW lurt ay. loday bt complications resulting . „ from a tall WcdnrsdKy at Uie home ot hll parenu, Mr- and Mrs. Robert S. Campbell. Mr. Campbell'a injur- l:s were not thought serious at flnt. iiojl but compUcationi soon developed. 100I »» »“ a-naiire of Logaa. DlaJir;~ M<. and Is a young man Krred u a ted. mUslonarylnlheSwlu-Oeraanmtt- was slogot tUyUtter pyy SalnU church, ter- Up5n'-fiB % ^T o fi>gsn-Ii*?ntef— cd Uie ref(ill clothing business and I of In 1W7 went to Boise lo .<ngajo_ti_. md the auiomoblle busineu. He wai a M retldeni of that ellT untU ^ med. age Funeral senlces will be held fiun- ob. day aflemoon. •OREGON BOARD ?^V O R S re* flMF ilWIVERSITY HFAD st^*b^**^ hj^er*eduoiS^ta *" session here, announced today It had. . committed llaelf to Uie poUcr. ot •D oncanlslng a tingle, unified and co* ordlnated system of higher educa* tlon under one adminlstraUre head. )w, . Tills means Uiat at some future )v- dale, not agreed upon. U» OnlTcr* rer slty ot Oregon, Ore«oo stale coUege. ' 111* and Uie Uiree normal acbools In Um ro-' stale; till be piaeed'under one ae^' " cuUve. Its U was tald unotfldally Uut while ire «n InntltMtlnP. n. . icr junder one head, eacli wUl eoniinui . li to tog tu nm ainapmimt,

* TH ] LJ - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · Prolitlsss Merchandising Chief factor In Present i Situation' of Commerce i. ... rsons hastened

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! 4A.H,E(Htloli

* TH ]--------V e b r-1 1 ' NO. . lti — ‘


"lEG flli EUIII:— -lames-Av^Farrell-peoiarcs -

Prolitlsss Merchandising■ Chief factor In Present i

Situation' of Commerce i

. .<ny The A ^ a t f i l P real • c

l \ W ith un o p t ! in if l t i e I® ' « tn tcm cn t on A m eric an °

. buflincsH com litions, tlic nu- tio n n l forcfffn tracfe council J todny b ro u g h t ll« convention j,

^ 't o a c l o H C .

p rc p ^ w ln c s s V th o m ^ f . p rice cu ttin tr, a s -stilted iiy

J«nM A. Parrell, jircjldent of tlie' • r — council and of ihe Unllcd Slaw*

8l« l corporaUon, llie foreign trud- ers dealt wUli domestic condltloiui

■:— #nd*made-no-menlloii oWhe-tariff- - In any way. '

“The chlcf factor In Uie present A iltuatlon U prontlcM mtrciiondit- ^

.-..-.Inj."-rejuUln«.Irom.uii(lu6 iirlce rc . - ductloru. tlio council statcmehl' read; Tliat Dicmbers mnilc no refereiicc to otlier nations raUlnj tliclr Inrlff* waa commented upon by Individuals

_ ..ooW de tho.convcnllon.;,:’____'______T h e OfflcUl declarallon w aa

unanlmotuly adopted a l tlie cloiilnc Pc seulon. I l WM empliatlr^d. ns lind nt

— PtestdCDk<FWT*]lrlliauUu>.«loi»oiil&l'ltiimarket Is n m l Important------------ co

-----------------E tlm tn itrrlW ltF------------ 4 n

•Utua or the International trade of rr '■ th# world If Ullt the «lume of mer- „ - ehandlse sales aliout equals iliat'or i '

A few years ago when buslnew um enjoying substantial p ro sp e r ity ,- p .lald the jleclaratlon. •'Dut prlcc lev- 1,“els have fallen to Ihe iwlnt where qo,profit luu been largely ellmlnalcd. . m ^ c lilet factor of the present alt-

Eugene P. Tlioinas, vice i i S c n t l P® of Ihe Unlled Slatea Steel corpom-

- -tlon. suggested lhal by cooperation

K m lntematlonarflnanclng-“throu8U the medium of « board, represcui- ' in g banklntt and Industrial Interests.

Jn asMclaiIng our banking liistltu- Uons more closely with (lie problems Uiat beset tlio American cxjwrtcr.- v‘<j

chase now a siinnly of allver lu lll- Ph

• to be about 300^.000 ounces, val- Mu . ued a t about « 0/)00,«l0- t o relieve »u

thc glut of-lhc world's silver mar- Chi keta. T • m e convention last heard Wai'- wH

lacc R. Farrington, former governorof. Hawaii and publisher of Uie >"8

K io "“ .Honolulu the JOM convenllon. ijot

• present economio situation Is an ad-wneetn'commodlty prices.” saia the ; T official declaraUon,'.u'hlcli.was pre*pared under the clialrmaa-iblt) of U»lh r . Thomas. -AVlien prices are fall. I Broi Jng bu}-cra tend lo withdraw from'Uie market. I t Is rising prices thal Co"stlmQlato buying and contumpilon <'’><1

. and a return of prosperous times, — :Anylhlng, therefore, wlileh lends lo ' postpone' recovery In commMllty

-n )rieeO norcT S i> N T ilirT f^T n?I^ l i r

nomlo In characier sliould be dls*



SALEM, Ore., May 23 M-j-A 10 Tfifper cent reducUon In r a to of the • •Paclffo Power and Ught corapaii>- | w u ordered today by Cliarle* M,

■ Hiomas. public uUlltles commls- iiTstoner of Oregoa Tlie company op. •••"-«r« le« prlnclpally-ln-Oenlral-and ~ — ' eastern Oregon but runs Its lines

from Astoria to Pendleton. NI — The new-ratei-become'effectlve' • « J

July 1. Thomas said rate payers will «"'»u r e I 10J.000 U>U year. out

-----Todays-order-WM-lssued-lnune-..dU tely on.wnctii»lon.of.8 ,foniial “ jnJ

hearing before Ihc commlisloner m■ nil h»«Arf .wv.*wmKn,<nlt>.n|. , . of.the chief engineer of Uie com- viouj

' VIrgI


•BOiaB. May M M voillng of 33 miles of Uio Old Oregon Trail be- iween Lava Hoi Bprlngi and Soda fUrio

efr.««;blgjtft h lg h w . olUng Jobs of the seasoa wfll be put *«tJi under conU«ct In Uie nesr future, moot ^ I - ^ m m e r , director of highwap.

bring aeu ly to cohipleUcn the olUntf 'o r paving of Uie Old Oregon Trail . Thi from tbe east to w ut border of the as,pi


■ BUtfiiARisrTnuBianla. May » EU( (*>—Otflclal denial wa) made to* Arnoti night of reports published abixiad ‘heUi

Qmm ilelen. direrced wife-of lodar C o # , had been-ortlered lo l*w ,«

W w Rumania wlUiln a specified n c ^ ^

l ^ i i u n d e i s i ^ o a joodaBUiorlty. profes j^ je re r , that iho <pieea had been Cnllfoi

• I

. AttSOCIATED Piuaa___________

PresidentHpc=PMlg8elWMia" H i s f o r r c ' S p S


- PARIS,-May -J w ^ T lie Paris ed­ition of Ibe Clilcago Tribune says dlasallsfacitoii h».v broken oul In Uie iKirly of Atnerlcan mayors over Uio poMlblllly of distinctions beln* conferred by the Prencli goremmeht.

Whtn a rumor spread Uiat Maj-or Oeorge L, I|a«'ef. O»;t-gon.

oi honor, iho piiper »ays,'olIicn«lir5- ora were reported to have replied.

•Ttiere nrc no buck privates In llils group. Btv a» of the um e rank und If one mayor k«* Uie legion of honor «e should all get lU" '

B lF iiiis iEM-B|iiGER|!

Amalgamation Controls Bli- j "Jions of -Feetrof White I

Pine Timber in Northwest ;

SPOKANE. May 29 (n-PolLitch Fore*tj(, Inconwrated, wllh n capital , nt llOJiOOAOO Is Uic result of mere- f liw-threo-W*wrhMUs<«r-Uimber- i companies. Philip Wcyerhneuser,~jr.; *

Cleartt-aler/nmbcr 'company, with M.WOM mpltalj.thB reward.'R>it. ledgC’ Timber c o m p a n y , Coeur ii d'Alene, eaplial U.S00.000 nnd the . Potlatch Lumber company,'Potlatch, . nnd Elk lUver, Idaho, capital U,- . 000,00{i.

.Tlie combined auels o f . the

P T O i^ n u n o m m in ^ kcnuto of tlielr lioldlngs of billions ^ ot feet of white pine and red cedar in Uic Cleartt-aterdl5trict..__,

Under a plan of-seleellve culling tor the PolUtch ForesU. Incorpor-

*111 be considered -perpetual,- Wey* ~ rrhaciiscr said, explaining thc Indl* “ ;ldwl companies have been doing ^»

«cr( f e

.lusser, Muscatine, Iowa; T. J. “ lumblrd, Spokahe, and U lrd Dell,Jhlcago............. ............ . . . Ip.Tlie llumblrd Lumber company, ai

I'llh mills Bt Sandpolnt and Koo* hi enal. Idaho, .and NcftTwrt. Wosli* T ngton; .the Dolse-Payetlc Lumber ompany, Emmett nnd Barber, Ida* iO.^QalrallcdJ)y. Weyerliaeuscr,aroJ!: ol Included In the merger. j

'n ie new «tup ' brings Uie WeyeN aiusc? controlled. Intcrcsu In the = rmted States ' miA tlirn> mnln I — feUps^f otialcii' hre»is>ri?co^^r-' j" led. tl»s Weyerliaeuser Timber ompaitr o{ Weilern Wnshlngton i_ ud llie 'Northwest Paper company

^C o n tinued oiTpago ?, Col l)

I M i l p :oirosmsi

emp.DratureJounts to 88 ’ Degrees in New Yorif anS

-Masses Fiock-jo^avens _

NEW YORK, May 3P (,T>)-HoIdlng- ay for Its second-Oarrvvrffie^i- . iiBl heat wave conUnued Uirough* t llie East today, causlhg nine •al^U ieiu:o.d*yp»rlodand-dU------

**el^‘rlng humanity. .

IUS day, T*-o, persons died In Weit rglnla ond oae in New York Clly. in New Vork. with a Uraperature M degrees, an esllmaled million

rsons hastened Uielr holiday exo- s in search of.cooling breeres at laliore and raounUln resorts, n New England Uie thermometer ' •ted with Ihe so mark, schools were «<U ?.?«?n.aiH ljhe.m unlclpai t]i TTouses wer? UironTi open a ' nth ahead of schedule;. :-Mton U » temperatigi reachedand as fo i^orth as PorUand. __

InejTrw UTJn^eTil^eijrngufe or led was 87 aWOitenfWd Masta-

"he heaij^ave was felt as far'w«sl Pittsburgh where a temperaturen.r^fjrrri —.p •

;tGON SCHOOL oflaW “ LA'IMS YOUNQESTDEANUOENE, Ore, May 39 (.17-Dr,Old Dennett IUU, president of . University of Oregon, announced '/ ly Wayne L. Morse, profesjor of wlll become dean of the school '

i year, sucdetdlng Charles L. - ' punter, who resigned to accept a - essonhip a t the Unlvenlty of fomla.orKU30yeat«M(LlUUbell«^-Kl — rill be the youngest deaa-of Uw SB CUUULI i ' — .............I ■

T H E O N L Y 'A l

' ..........— ■ ' —Vi

pover Stops in~ |

Reception Extended by Club ~Organl!finffifing Ciili’■ War. Striifes Responsive

Chord in Chief Executiveln« ______:ht.

tDyTlie AMocIalcd Press)

‘•two years ol fever and tumult tn ‘‘ WiisliliiRton," the reeepUon extend* Ills rd him would be nn "iindoutitrd and ;rk preat cnroufagentenl" lu Ciie (asks ' of ahead. <

tipeakiiu! e«icmpcraneoujly In rrr 1 ^ s]>on.>e lo a t>eech by Oeorge Slu- ,

I . who presented the chief execiiltvef wllh n portrait of liimself.Mr. Hoo- ’

ver described the club ns n *saiic- In luary of the weat tmdltlon of loy- , 'H nlty to Uie governmeni of Ihe Unit*.11 ed States." I*~^-T lW ^Sft)1~ I H 5ue club waa

formed during the Civil war to eom- > | | . bat orwanltfil sympatliy wlih Uie

Southern Malrn. through its inrtaU 4ft Uftve-»l\rtrt” i>»-lhe-neTiuW«sm -

presidents of the Unlled Slates since e{ thal time wllli the single exception

of President Ilnrdliig. He had ac- . cepled an.lmilatlon.-Ior 0‘w b e r j

f l U ic iwrlralt. painted, by Phlllde*J . Cpsln. u',<lrefk Btllsl. was cliarac*

sentaiion orhiiiMlf'he "liked mucli

ll, Speaks al Valley Forge vPresident llooiTr camc here ear* C

Uee lodiy iitejmred (or r voMud ofactivity to culminate tomorrow In n >'Memorial day-nddresa nl Valley j l

JCoiilliiued bn Page 3, CoK ^ r "

STilKOTEMIIflliy[* Uons s l tlie Oregon swte peniten- I j ISary were described todjy by Fran^ m

= )an<|iru«iUiaive£ln:ili^t«Mui:OrirJ , lejl'lMMte, u »n'-'o\JlnRe to jv

HI ......1, Umergan, waking before Ute ,, Portland Cliyclub, laid P3B,cpnvlcU «

,, are huddled Inlo an old structure . built lo accommodate 330 persons. {■< . Tlie lire ha»rd ts serious, hc said. ^ '' "Tlie way the daors and liallwaya • and locks arc arranged up Uierc. If ®^a*ftrc-wtis to-gei-a rTnt'nan.'ItUiT-’ t j dyds rt ywt.mma\ts m. ' “>“ •- j

; I Queer Treai


■ f w

I | " P |-A H D T H E O H S T H IN G . ;

) '


^^^V ^H -F A bl-S ^10A H Q r6A ^^-U R T

l ~ { L a s t o f ’ G r e a t j F a i

A /^ d ln n wiir*cW ' ' won hts long stand agaliul elv

. tn dealh the old clilef fuiniled hi* >|,|k tribal lands near the spo( where the l

In Washington slate. . ,.inji: -'Tho'only-conccsston-Chlef Long-J IVU was Uie education of his daugfiter. Pi .• lliukell Indlan-school at-LavTtiicr. l

ilVt: PrliiccM-Americu a t a tuUoiial Indtsi In 1930 and laler attracted tiaUonal»

live nltenUon ax honor guest a t the At* lamlc Clly bca uty contut.

After tha arrival of Jesslt Jlm , from Uwrence, .Long Jlm wlll be

buried a l his wilderness home on

,u |. Tills wilderness home ot Uu war „„rt tlilef of the Melliow Chelan and

Okanogan Indlaru has changed but , little since the first visit ot th* As- “ tor fu r.tn d e n In IBM. Long Jlm ,

" r took the home afler years of Utter ' luL «tr<ig?le against early setUers. ' ttve One of the long balUu ended q 00* when Indian agents pul him In lall v lie. for nine weeks tor refuul. to give |i

r H H I h

iirajrasJioM eiliSdliaE i Jiiry’s Verdict Wilh Sneer

JjT— AndrrAttemptsilrGet-awaif: -

MINBOLA, N. Y.; Mnj M (fli - ~WlUt a s a ttr ie*j'car*old Prtmcls T

ir . Crowley loday heard a Jury convict •'(of hint of murder In the flrsl degree i:, n for the slaying of a Long IsUnd po- ury lleeman—a vcrdia which carries Uie a_ death penalty. - cl

Tlirn as he about lo be ledfrom the courtroom, Uw 103-pound oi

lungeSilchpoliccInlcrprctcd^an Yly attempt to obUln Uie officer's pis- ciI ioL The courUoom wM Uirown talo '-|

I '-turm oll. .............. ..........III— - A. pollcetnan's flnLfclled Crowley,

Crawley, on his feet oga ln in a ^ Ik moment, waa uxjn Ux center.of a lu ff . Ihrilllng fron'd Ol'nnllff. RoTJiTiln-f ^.wlll».xage.hc,balUed.-Ui«-effleers,. /u pw srt> »e»M -«r05rrM bratiln7ai« l- 'Ui x> finally, baUercd and'bruised, wm ir

upon him. ' ' ' ' wl ,e Dragged to hU feel and surround-13 ed by 1} to 30 policemen lie was iiore husUed to a side room where he said n3. he merely had made a Qu!ck move to miId kiss hls.foiier*moUier, Mrs. Anna i

Croa'lcy lo bid her goodbye, atr» EleetrofoUon Penalty ou “ A raandaio0 tenlence of dealh In

t W - d R i H r e i s r ^ o n m p S c ?^ Monday morning by Judge Lewis J. u l

■'T't^minued On Psge 3, ~

reatm cnt for Nervous Pfos

s m S A F K A r o O F . I f f O B E


LJr-U R»A ^^IO It,SM N (r.M A -Y -;l0rTi);

i F a m j l y . o f M i a n

^~imMlar^Tr^^^M ........................■ '' b - t t i i r j Loiw Jlm,'lust nf a great In- led on tlir, latid oi his intiiera today anil u l elvllirjiiinn.•d hi* nmimion lo live und die o’n ancient B the Slars imd Stripes was first iinfiirle<l

/mg-Jlm -m srtf 10 advancing elvillMlIoii Iter, Prlnrrv. Jc.-jir Jlm. a studcnt'at the eiicr, Knn.w.1. Jim was proclalnied Indtsji congress in 8|»kaiic. Washington,

' lip •.rlk.ia.UKli on U ke Chelan lo . Wtiiir men. Ung Jlm was releaud

Jlm when llic coiirtj ruled lie was cn*I be tilled i» n tquare mile of his iribal

holdiiik-*. Hul ha\Jng_ controlled a

:----- rnmmtsnt-Ttn-thrCTlumblinlverhc^refujed lo nccepl the Bllotment.

^ Hiller ncaliul the Wlille man he bul camj> ground 1: : M mlle.» ra« uf Ihe lake, paying hLi

j jL eotiUn Columbln Jlm to move iiiiil leave him in solitary iMssesslon of the wild trnct. He refused to accept

ided qiiW iirgoThls Clielan'^holluw'or lall lo ^ e rp i nny money accruln*.from give It. . • I

iffllSfiiillHiHIN Il'G U H! E ^ Q i i e s o f :N ig h t ; c i i J b :H » s l r |

!er esses” and Troupe Tali<; 'fly: —Way-Hiito-Frcnctr-Hott:h

“ IWVUE. P r a n c e , May MT^i - ids Texas Ouinaii, sometimes called the flct "QHeen of Nlghl Club Hostetses." re« and her Irouiw ot 30 Droadway girls, po- loniglil were Uie unwilling guesU of Uie a'hotel ciuiioinarlly used for third*

class'imlgninU. - |led Yielding lo Uie linpa&sloned plea > md of Miss Oulnan.ana her frietito the 1

! » Uie commissariat allowed Uie N ^- ' an York fnterWlncr and her "gang” to l<- come ashore to spend Ihe night J n | llo '-the bunk-housc," whkii live Frencli-^

line m alnu ln t ___ jey, EvelTMlts Oulnan herself admit-1 1^. liM llirre-rm twHiIng " H W nlwiit c-

her prctenl <iuariers When'she land*' a ed from the liner Paris. However, Uie ’

liostelo' b clean and wholesome. i Ing I Tsrirr V ranfh.aiilliflriilM .had.ra^ rs,. fused to allow Uie troupe to land on-< nd- -tlie-gToina-Uiarurcir nw kliiRC^<’M tracts were not In order. Tills brought- < !«■ a auuiiij piutcst'ftoiirM lu uuliuii, '*

' who declared:d- -I am an American c itlun and I t as have never been convicted Ota crime. id Tliore Is no scandol ateui me and >' to my passport Is O. K." ni'a Slie and lier dancers wenl tu bed c

a t the early liour ot S*P.-M.. worn h out by llte day's controversy. ll

in _ u J tt (u iU h ln k J l 's_ E ftk _ ____ .>1c? . “I don't Uilnk It's fair a bit." she -n J . . i ^ J u s l before wlUidrawIng to her ^

(ConUtiued.On Page 3, Col. 4 l . - . '«

’tostratioii' ' |

...............I •

- - " 8®

r M Q j ' ' i ^\ I !A V Adl

1 / wh

• I I m . v

I Tl

O r a g A T l o N S , ^ a ,

i r e w M n x S j M b S r s n M M

' FAILS COUNTY.........

Boy gcouti^D

s D a ^ f r S r l m ]

rlenl . _ -------

''''“ iWcalli'cr Bureau Forecasts thunder. Showers From

S Soutiiern New .England I I I South On National HolidayW d . - J ___ •

Ibal (Dy'Tlie A.uociat«l Pri-.vM d a j T TASHjNOTO N .Jlay M-Nlniy.

r h r 7~ ’"* Arttn^toircrnietcrywrn'Tires" oralcd today ly boy scouts In prrp-

I he aratlon fnr Memnrial doy wrvicw, und '• While rain wa.i proniLwd Inr iJir hLi capital nnd other parti of thr >xm

mill Biid .\Ilddle Wesl loinormw, i|,r I of J'l'nUn placed Uieir flags Imlay iinild :ept b rllli^siinshlne. Four hundrol l*iy

I or Virginia towns mado Uie pilgrimage ■om In bujcs to Uie cemclcry.

I 'T h e ttcaUier 'bureau torecajt ------Uiundereliowenffrom muthem .Neu-— IRiglnnd.Uirough Uie Middle Allan*

t'llc stAtcs. over Uie mouiiUlns ot ilift-6oiil}i-AHanH«-rei|lim,-Uie-Ohio- valley nnd Uie lower lake section, Unlll was not expected until aftet-

. . . noon In the EasU Showers were 11. prrdicird for Indiana.' Illinois.louUi-

-enrMIcliIgan, Mlssourl and ca^tcni IU Texns,

I As Preddenl Hoover IraVcled to­ward Valley Korge for o Memorlal

.iJda^«dilrM i-tlio-W hl(e ' IlmiM-no.llfleilllie-WBshlngloncathcdntthal

|. :n mllltnry aide would placea wrcaUi ]|K ' un Woodrow Wilson's tomb In a small , , clifljicl Itiere. Aboul the same time, tc l ‘.‘acfO!.'i tne einngr f l m r ifTrHiiiic wiir

ibe^|iald.t^Adinlnil Oeorge Dewev.

_ btsliop ol the diocese ol W ^ n g to n J Iho will be earrled over a naUon-»1dc

rodlo hookupal-io A-.M.-Tlie presi- rl, dent sent a wreaUi also lo the tomb of of Warren Q. Jlardlng, a t Marlon,

rd* 0 '“®-I Obsenaitpes begun today wlll

the i Page 3, Col. 3)


|lDUC[i[iLO!M[NIkl* I HOUSTON, Texas, May 29 Ml ile Tlie Orollierliood ot HaUraad Train*

.ftien v r t late ;<^ay.to limit lu

;ht- employment, President a:'P ,. Whll- ,11, - i ify i nounced!— ' ■

■ Tlio rcMtuUon, Uie m u l Impor*1 I tanl act yet announced In Um , le. broUieriiood's Irieniilal .e«nvcnlion id here, limited Uie axirklng hours of >

mcniberj In yard service to 2d days X] or 300 hours a monUi; ot-members •n In frelghr«rvlee lo ?SOO miles, or

lls equivalent, a monUi; of mem* i___lyr«,ln pawngrrllser^’IcoMo-WOo. iID .miles or IU equivalent, a monUv i rr ^President W liltn e^ ld thyhana* j

- 'w lU ih jM tla j^ ---------j--------- ' ------------- 1


OLYMPIA, Waali,, May 20 (ff)- ' Oraln bags manufactured by Calt-

— •fomla" convlct~labor m ay ~Mon~be' l

Wa.ililnglon grain KroaTrs. ll was re* j vealed at Olj-mpla today.- •

Pla.T4 of the. Parmcrs' .Natloiul Oraln «,crt:orallon, PorUnnd. to dis­tribute the prison-made bags In this ■ stale were dlseloted In a telegram lo ' AlUniey Oeneral John H. Dunbar asking whetlier Washington laws bar

■ such produeii.------ ---------------------The su te law iierinlu chlpmenU '

Into Uie s',ate, Attorney Oen'bral Dun­bar replied, bul impetM -a severe ' r:nalty on dealers who sell or offer

— for-»alc juch'Ccods-wlUioufproper • Cjlnfccllon and uiile.is i>ermanenlly ' and plainly labeled a.i ccnvlct.made good.i.-'^Tlie name ot Ui6'prison'fii' is

' 'Which the bags are made mutt also ,t

— 'TIie^ralii-mjwrailoimld'Easiern atWMhln^a^n^'gritl^ tl)


DOISE, Ma; 211 UV-Tlie Flrsl Se- to curity eorporatlon, Ogdcu, was fuc- bu ceisHil bidder today on ti3S,000 ot au Ada couniy refunding bonds, an lifue cu which will retire the remal.ider of He'W"19IB’higirwayTjondfc------------ -- Ol

Ths company bid was lu iioo’a l 4 " per cent and i m ,000 aK U percent.A saving oU<OW nnuttlly In lnla.*>. {T est'Rlirbc made by iticcpuniy as the tni 1019 hsue bears 5 'per « n t • . *a

HARBiTOlfSETS-TIME-^ “c n o A iiT n D D A iin ia ir '

. fUJ!

BOISE.May33(,1’>-AIvlnItarbour, ^ commissioner of public works; to- day directed department heads to be p i preiured toon to bring all lUte-pwn* ed automobiles u> ccntral points for branding.

Tlie letter u ld Ihe brfinding would D be done by Uie department a t Poca* fUir leUo, Shoshone, Boise, Lewiston, les.and Coeur d'Alene. ................. mal

I Thelastleglslaturerequlredbrand* ^ ^ng^ot^all sUte .<TO^^^cars by Mty -j

btea b n a M \ too

■ — A 1 .

uzlinm~ADUii iiuituD '~ ____________ o r cincuijtTioHa

Decoi;ate 10,01 > ^ F B e H d ~ B i i T iT

ington GeineteiaslslAi\«EfilCANFUERDELAl Ygm TRANS-PACIFIC JOURh n ri SAMUSHinO DEACII, J,i

ifialurday.'Momliigi May30i-T.- |,j-u American nvlntor. Thsiiiss Ash ' “ “ J deckled no', lo 'i.lart hh non-

n isht lo Tacoma. Wa.-ihlngton, day, because o t oflver/e winds ht;

' 'Ash. who plonned lo fly aloni »i^<;IOO:mllc.coiifff-m'cr.llie.lo

I'frp* newAiry until lomoiiJw aUew” j tore undertaking Uie perilous }■

r Ihr Ilf}-.since daan Ash had tinkered i

llie the big monoplane -Pacific," sui "'■lid vising tireparalloiu.

i jE in s i i itlon. - • -Iter-;™ los Angeips Prosecutor Fa

to Uncdvor Reasons F rti--Alteration of Attitdct h a t --------------------------- ------ -eaUi LOS ANOBLra. May 29 U ^-1 i;"all AlliKsses would not Iduiify Da m‘ . Clark.' cA[idlrifllp fnr ^ylgj»|J ~ ^ a.1 Ihe mnn closeted MUi the w

UiH»llUelanrChatl»*-Crawf««H -JUrbert-Siwieeft-magarine-edJl

•“ "t Just before lliey- wera faUlly a ‘ ,® l a s lm k In Hollywood for some r

Jofi not yel eiltellshed.".........T ° ■ Testifying at^Clark's prellmln.

' hearing on charges ot murder, I ot prawtord's office employes, Lu(

___ Pislier, stenographer, and-Itay Rj) ke, secretary, lald Um youUiful f___ int r rVpiny iial«-pw»eeulerTeicr n - b ledH h^fflce-tisltor who esca; II after.Ihe shooUng, Radke said Cli

resembled the man -very cloae l i r In several parlicuUrs, but be woi N I i\ol IdenUfy the defendant outrlg »< Mildred Rohri>aek, pholographe

■; employoe In the building, howev r : . ‘ tw(mcd lhallh~B^Icva -Clark~ aln* >i>e ”1&1> dark” man she saw leavl

iu atler the nuhed out upon liearl n r r slajia.Tlul liliui lll'ULkuu, wid "win

^-U i^itoivgol^and-O M n-biw

hlU 'A nM er unexpected dettlopmt

»r« CrawfonI, brother and body guo Uw ot Uie slain polItlcUn, wlio wl

Bpcnctr-had opjxised Clarti'a ra I nlclpal Judgeililp candidacy.

RevUes-Tesllmeriy , or Recalled 19 .Uie stand.'C rajfo ;m* u ld Uiat a man who emerged frc 400- an-TiutftmobllirtirlKit' uy if W

drtued woman near hla broUier's c 32:. tleg wenl aeroM Uig-tlreet lnilead J»e Inlo Uieoffloe before the shootir- as lie had told detehlves alter tl ^ killings. He gave no explanation

■ the «im dha” tee^'k ed*brdefen counsel.

Vo The packed, sultry court roo tensely witnessed an hlstrloiilc dt

^ (ConUnued On Page 3. Col. 2) III- • • • — • -3 1 T i T n r > h - r r t r t y rt- n i— :•

I : CIBDftfilllfl« r ____1 , *

" 400-of-526 Children At tend High School-Desplh

S '“Bossy” Glllls' Threa

j ' - NEWDURYEOnT. Mass., May 3; (/n-EIIorta of Mayor AUdrew J lOo3.iy> OlIIU to enforce a tehoo holiday today, so that children mlglii

rn atttmLa^elrcav met wlili_only par.fd tlal sucee.«. — ................ -f ___ Pf<H>lte-ili«-w»yoi '« uid'er deelnr

Ing the day a schosl holiday, most ol . Uie pupils,obeyed the school aU' I Uioritlejt and reported tor classes ai p usual.

.Tlie mayor liils morning rescinded an onler lo police, ln.Mructing them

:- to admit only Janitors to scliosi e- buildings, when he learned the sehool ot aulhoriiiCA threatened legal prwc* le cutlon If- Uie order was executed, Jt However, the no-school whlsUe waa- w unatdicbom-moming and-after*

noon te.*4ions. .Z Al me high school about 100 of V the 5M students were present and- Su|>«fintc«dtm.nf afhnols,aija.A t.

King said aboul Ihe rame percentage was reported from oil olher k IiooLi .

_ n»i->rn<- nf Uirconlroversy orer the- dotlngJiLtlif schools, Uiose who did

no: attend wUi cscaiicTTmBhmrnt:1 - siipcrintrndeni Klnir said he re­

fused to cliM Uie schools becaute- Uiey j J rt««ly irew -b»>ilnd-H»-f* - '• qulrcd sch'edule of sessions.

; CLARA BOW CONSIDERS r ENDING MOVIE CAREER1 DENVER, May 29 tflV-Clara Bow. . film actress. wanU lo qiiit the mov- , les and It U probable alie wUI never

make anoUier picture, B. P. Schul* berg, a m anagln j'd lrtito r'o rpro-

• ducilon, ^ ld here.today,' *Mlss Bow liai t«Id Ul she wanls- to-qult^aklns-Blbturemud -we are T nu* debiuiig uiltUKf ID K leaW lia

^ t)C( toatTKtk'* /scbuJb(Ji{ ftid.


E W 78 P A G E S - - 5 c e n t ;

p p S i E

5? fl Milt EllTI.AYS . . .IRNEY Sllnv Bcspectkcd' Scien

Jaiun. f is t S ta n d s B are-H eade(

U nder T y ro lean 'S u n ; t i

“ ot."' A n sw er R e p o r te rs ’ Q uerleilone on _ _

b S - -IC»lWl!llWMIfBl>T lf f T 'g i a n

/-V H E R G M G I,. A u j t r l j . u i= « . M T yro l, Jl» y 2 9 - A tlln ed illh J>c.spectncle(i h c i c n tis i super* "■"‘'■‘"K K ray auspcnclcru, j

w liilo te n n is - s lii r t anti twcetl t i 'o n .tm Hlood ba re ■ licniled

i ' f p " 'iililur ifiu i'y ro lenn aun here I r G - a fte rn o o n te lling a dusty

AiKiience o f new spaper men

M 'w lm t he h a d fo u n d 'o u t about the strotosphere on Ids balloon flighl of Wedneiday to an altitude ot al-•piiwn t i r nnilii::-.' '— -------*—

' ' Although Auguste Piccard li pro- tessor of physics i t tho University ol Fails Bniuels, Uiere Is lltUe of Ibe pro-

- . fessorial In his manner wben Inter*• P o r tlewc{LQuesUonsaboutWednesday'a

balloon trip Into the outer layer of tddeS tl'e-*ttrth’sratniosphere wero met J .— .ffUQJmDalIcnl,2norU or wlU> iMylsli------- enthusiasm,-dependiiig-on'wheUicr)-T «o «o him u Ihtelllgent. Darld •'®*'®''*r, ^Id he revert to

j o d i t »J*«”«sm ie .cU u jo o iii-------------

“II was a deep dark blue." he re-

He said the mysterious cosmic raya which lie went aloft to »tudy wers decidedly more powerful a l itrato*

, sphere, height lhan at'allltodea lest

Jl for. ^ 2o I p L # e ^ ^ « « M tT rd ^ ^ rK ^

‘ However, until I have lu d lime to Study Uie notes of my fllgbt I can*

would powerful,"1 1,1 lieadded,-X r - a n « a rd tald be htd M lwever “W difference In Uie wln4r j - j j j velotlly tn d 'dltteUons In tile aUatu^ (avlng *P>>«'ernm'Uuae In lower altlludei.

p ^ n t W a f lto * W nfflh the tln lo ip h m ’

Vuwd roUllon ot earUii he snorted ’'ihti'S' • S a U b o s h . ; -, - u . AnoUier question amused him: .

"How high up did you observe In­sects? Whal wta the maximum aU

L ' tltudes of Ihelr fllgbl?* "J'ford “What would they be doing up.from «-»H tn?" ------■WIP ?ver, I could tell you a good siory r'aof* aboul a flea.-

"Oh n nfrn m ■" >.trl.lm>^ ./im. oting, one, -did you find a tlea In Uk alum- r ths inum gondoUT” on of -Oh. no," the sclenllit replied, “I im to wa. Ium thinking nf ■> fimnT .inrvfeme aboui.fleas.':__ ________ __

AdailU Lock' toom Piccard frankly admitted Ihat It : dls- wBs pure luck or dutlny U ul saved— him and his companions from a V , . rocky landing gfter Uielr seventeen . — 4iours-night. ___________________

were.'and the fln t hint we had of~ ' touching the earth came with three

gentle bumps aboul'O P. M. Wcdnes* I l f day night," Uie scientist uld , Those' yU bumps marked Uie tllghUne^f Plc- *■ card's aluminum ball In a snoWdrift * Instead ol on a rock, and Uiree lm*

preulons In the snow still ieittty 10 . &(.' this genUe treatment,

J As soon as lie felt Ute bumps Pie* njiA card pulled II10 valve, and sticking

his po:kct flashlight out Uie port* ■Mt hole, he yelled "anytwdy IhereT- . - . . . i ..H e.;oon.lj:om tdJhtk:.w .i»U )lng_

there bul a vast while, lonesome gla-

t o i B O I s e AUTOi^OBILE fyiAN


r^Y.t T.Aic‘c - c m -.‘ M ,, S3 Wl' ' - ^ Campbell, st, Bolie, dW lurt ay. loday bt complications resulting . „ from a tall WcdnrsdKy at Uie home

ot hll parenu, Mr- and Mrs. Robert S. Campbell. Mr. Campbell'a injur- l:s were not thought serious a t f ln t.

iiojl but compUcationi soon developed.100I »» » “ a-naiire of Logaa. DlaJir;~ M<. and Is a young man Krred u a ted. mUslonarylnlheSwlu-Oeraanmtt- was slogot tU yU tter pyy SalnU church, ter- Up5n '- f iB % ^ T o fi>gsn-Ii*?ntef—

cd Uie ref(ill clothing business and I of In 1W7 went to Boise lo .<ngajo_ti_. m d the auiomoblle busineu. He wai a M retldeni of that ellT untU ^ med.

age Funeral senlces will be held fiun- ob. day aflemoon.


• s t ^ * b ^ * * ^ h j^ e r* e d u o iS ^ ta *" session here, announced today It had. . committed llaelf to Uie poUcr. ot

•D oncanlslng a tingle, unified and co* ordlnated system of higher educa* tlon under one adminlstraUre head.

)w, . Tills means Uiat a t some future )v- dale, not agreed upon. U» OnlTcr*rer slty ot Oregon, Ore«oo stale coUege. '111* and Uie Uiree normal acbools In Um ro-' stale; t i l l be piaeed'under one ae^ ' "

cuUve.Its U was tald unotfldally U ut while ire «n InntltMtlnP. n. .icr junder one head, eacli wUl eoniinui .l i to t o g tu n m a inapm im t,


- ^ ^ ^ r n r m m s

United States Stands : benefit'trdnrppssll;

S tabilization ' Corpoi ■ Purchasing:-^'hen-b

n r FRANK (Auodited Prti

' T T T A S H IN G T O N . May 2 9 -

1)0 b c n c flttc d m ore th a n nny o F o r flJ.T n io n lh s fho dom eat

w U h gov e rn m e n t m oney, Iho■ 'G rftfn Stnb ilizn tion io rpo rn .

tlo n T )uylng.cvcry^ tlmo^ cosh

• 80 centu. A f te r tli is m onth . th i t prciUcllon will bo wllhdriwn

tnd »gtln world p rta* will dcUr.------ mlna American t iIuw.

The Uverpoo) markti k U Ui«• pricc ot wheat In w try lurpUii-pt^

cago, Wlnnlpff and Buenoi Alrei prtee U b«lov UtctpooI bjr an amount e q u l* a J e n l to eiport chirtM- All mtrkalf eictpt Chleaio a rt In that .poililon now a nd .u> _ p tr tl u y tha t were It not tor artl. tleUl vtlutM mtinUlnett by the gor-

- ■■ ■ emmint. Ohlea*o might be piyln* . - ^ ‘^tretm d 60 t®-«e«nU-loMrhMiHn—

i l t td ot about 80 centa.... I t tbe world prloa doei nol im^

p«»e, they tajr. and 11 a itln b#.■T— ^eomer tb r b M U - te - coroputtnr^o—

- mnilo valuM American ioatkeU~

. Into which other maikeli ot Uw.■ world hav® tuBlbltd. ■ • •

' BafUeUof Export Trade '— ■- ■ Anything the eommltteo may do

' to advance th i bate iirlce would be directly reflected by domeitic m tr- keti' whkh... without Bowrmninl mpport, would tuve to depend on

' . ' T d e m ^ baali U u ld lo be out '

' ’ ' °A earrrorer of tbou t' SOO/XK/W buibeli, and pnnpeeU are reported

■ • ta ln d la te another 800^.000-bmh*• cl erop thU year. Blneo .lhU eountry

conium n' only a b o u t 4OJ)O0m0- . biuheU a irum U ittli evident that a

" ^ T q iii nUty ot whT iT WU Mva’ j

• Afr th» i»KfflpmlK IBM w«lrm■:— " u n iw ro rren n m o d itrw o rth B a r# -1

■ ' ' ^ t ? Tr*r ii’» i n i i i i t 'r i'iiiiit * ' • ' American deletatti to the eoa-l!

ferniee. NUi A. OUen. chlet o( the - bureau of asrlcultural economlci.

and Stm A. UcKelrU. fann board ! member r« p n w n U n tg r^ n ,u y lhal , low pricM abroad m akolt vlrtutlty ‘

—Trom N cenU 'and belter lu l

Septesiber, wheat dropped u low u M c ta u a t L lrerM ^ U centi at •

:--------w im u w tM -f r a m r B Twa iigi ■{Alrcf. Baek on thO T am i the price . wai leM than the c u t of production. )


On poundi or non*iupporl, M n < - -rauIlM Tt lui, mother ot a >0*month> I

T ^ p m* Pe7,~obtalBea~a~Ti«BWT)t Tir- \ ... — ->‘eK yA tiigrow rga~tltttrtBCowtei. j

.hearlBi betor« Judf* W Ai Babooek . . lndUW ettounhen]«iUrday-,-ETt- '

dencemdkatad th a t U lu l h id eon* I tributod on)/ H to jupport of tha wUi «Qd chUd durlni the p u t *

. ytar. U rt. TUui'peUUon for dlTorce i w u not eonteated. TIM manrUtfo

--------tooic-pliee a t J iro m e rA u iu in i, IIM l

• An" onler bentofore luued re- qulrinc Horace n . Smith to pay UO a monlh for nipport of hll wUe, Miry j

_ .Blen flmlth, pendln* the outcome f■ of a lu lt fo r.# o rM thal ha itart- «

-— ^ e d "8 t'f lo l* “ fur.'8eptembei—m smodified by Judge O a b ^ Tcitrr> l

-------- day. rM udnt.iherequlitd.monlhly i,piymrat to CO._________ _

-COURT-CLEARS TITLE !------ i::.:i# Q5SKll.L£RHi.l.AP.Sj

'■ ■ - 0 ^ A court order clMrlnc the UUe to

MO acrta of {and In Tain ralli < couhty lor which Fletcher H. 6UIJ- >l

' em and Charlet a Skllem obtained pijitent wai luued'followluf hear* in t beforo Judco W. A. Babcock In ■

_____ dU U ld-courtJm jfatterday-W alle UW. MUler. BuhL wbo purchBWd the Uodi from R, T. MeNtmaia, instl> I tuUdlhaacU oo.naffllQ (John'sm- x era. John Rldintaogb and Bertha G

— ™SkUkm J i - i n u l w *f. the..o»7b t t i Sbeep aitd lAod company, along with * ieTeral«ther penoni a i dtlendtnti. t

■ Tlie actton w u no t conteited. Wil- * tcr^ P t n r and Tlwmin ver& at> 1<

,---------t0iae}i4 e-Mr,-Mlllfl6 ----------- -


- ’ 'a n d lU BltUtatea a t C ^ e l , .M ln v J

, r t w i cooioUdallonli* bdng nade J prtadpaUy becauM of epertUog *

■ .(C q O o ^ to be effected.” tald FhU- * •ip.W tyertaeaier, “The saw eoo- •

- . pany wm ba the largcit prodoeer of * V w ntem ttdccdarpolealnlha.V nll-

- - ed Statea, u w i l t ^ u an Impofant *.{acter I s Uia wbtta pine induflry.- <

: ' ftederlck K. Weyerbaauaar, ^. 'l u a a , anhodoeM 'beadqinitcn!tt >

Uw- Weyerhaenier Salea .oompasy tl

to ii


•m T T T T T T

HEWk~H'gpefuIlv to

- . I . . —

s To Eecelve Greatest lble~Advanceras“Grain Di’ation Plans to Quit tow ei'^slU erT hreaten-

K I W E U in . r tn F u m Editor)—I f th e eom m lttee o f th o in te r- tn c c a t - b o n J o r r liTids-fl-w py-to-:o level, th o U ii i t ^ d 'S l i i tc n n n r o th e r na tion .

i t ie m n rk e t hna been pro tcc tcd

' ■

B i i i iw m m m


> ~ | f -I f f B '

; 8am R. McKelvle" (above) f'B r m-board'member-rflprt*

, scnUnK ^ i n . and Nlbi.A. Oj-1 .. .1.1-» -» I t- . L...___ •Mill C fiie ro riijeT iU friiirv i nj?'

rieuUural economics, were the I United S lates deleu«testq (he I London conference. 'l

T h i B - - 'W ^ t h e r |rOREOAST F O B ^ D A Y |

t M d a l l ^ ^ w n W i n a l n u e

abore m rm al |

tlu ru In the Twin falU rldnlly In' the 34-bour period preceding t P. M. yetterdiy were 794 and 4t.s degren. tc>*nrdlni to the report e( D. B. Cheyne. goremiqent wealhfr ob*- iffver here. Tha day. w u claar a n d '

s e s r t n n n ri r y p .T C = - — - =


Under tennr ot an order that Judte w . A.*Bab6ock luued tn dU* rrlct court here yeilerday, the pump on the William Noh artesian wellneir~AfUilah~Clirua£l-h4r-l>*«riIdle ilnce l u t April 1». It to be putIn oiiemtlon nc it Sunday.-------------

Tliui practical te it l i la bo made ot dUputcd tacU In the lu lt brought by Noh to rwlraln J. It. Bloner and I u«ocla(«i trom operating a ' naw I pu inp±H !l»lt«ll-w hl6hrh»4tttaip dfiliu tliT ia lcr ffomThrKeh-wellT

The court order yeiteiday w u U* I tued folu«rtflg a bearing In wbteh *II WM dlKloud th t t wllh stopping of the pump on Ihe Stoner well, water Itrel In the Noh well m oun ts and Itood ynterday vllhln two feet ofIII torrnjr normal hllfht.

fiutement by Oeorga N. Carter.tormer aUte eommlulontr ot ttela* mallon, tummoned u wltneu for Stoner and aueclalei. indleaUd poi* ilbiuiy ot ’a teak In the Burner wtll wmewliere between « 5 aod’eM^wt trom the kurfaoe, through whlcli l l i va.1'estlm iltd approumalely S31 Inchei ot waler w u eacaplng..

MURDER witnesses ' . _l,_REVlSeJESIIMllKX

bfhdt ot attomeya. She Uurply clipped her haadi to lUuitrate the wunds.ot the tvo f i t i l ihoti. Sbe gol down on the floor lo t ^ tbe po* tlUon In whleh the mortally wound* ed Cnwfcjd wai found.

M is m e r w u foUowd on the wlUMi Itand br Ua, fipenoer. The widow entered tb i courtropo'oo lha ann i ot friendi,’ Her face w u ptla and dnw n and iha K uw m d quit* Uoni with a Tlilble effort.

iflf t a m e n ^ ^ h u i t a M ^ c ( i^ ,

be fm tbe klillngt.

I ■ ■ C L O S I N G P R I i

tO ’ ""CHfCAGt?; a n a

t e ^ p S i

- f cain “ § * V T 7 % T r / A ^u it Y

B oer, mv. oec.S ^ 'WOI I I C h a r t HhuwH re la tion o f do:1 1 pricex m< rcHuk u f K lab ltlta frM d iK on lihued .a fte r M ay. '


■ -nie iloty v u written eipcclally for the K ir by Oe Sytra,-Brown and

e n and-compoieri, who with thU producUon ntika their bow In the dramatlo lljid. ■ The two numben

-■g a £ - a . r g a “ ^Y ouH iK n t Oot LoTe"-pfrm lt the

the h u one of the moit engaging voleei In pleturei. A /plendld lup-

. porttngcutappeataw ltnM liaSnn* •on'a t Ihe Orpheum tbeatre. I t com* priiahtndsome.-debonilr Ben Lyon,

■ pwtonnince

comedy-making, tnd Maude Elbume. WrUa-Wattrcin<l.JJ«w.Kpa?fr.

IjS* -rteo"M cC «ty“ cUre«ed-the-»® 01* in ’ her rtinent oftolrig.. •.'InaU*

tldtdl? well worth atelng. .. •-


picture adapted from a itory by j j n Unula Parrott, the author of "Sx* Mt»! Wlte;- and “fitrangW M ^ Klu."

^ oniy.” A*ip“e ^ d “ e u l‘‘headcr^^ ” *lJbhn Gilbert and fetluring LouU

.[womelm. Anlla Page, Leila Ityami.

."'hi-' le!p>ttiM The KOfT dMlt prtmartlr wtth the'

itrangi fata of a )«ungartUt. reared n In luxury without knowledge of hit

eb* -limlly, wlio ll luddenly pluntinl Into in tt 'M e heart ot a gang war and forted.

. ooc&pUlea the program. “Voiing Sin*A T nen" heralding the return ofS I Thomu Melilian* to Uie tcreen,U I opem a thte#*day run tomorrow.


11^ ‘ (Continued rnxn Page Cne)

2 h r«Kh Iheir ellm u a l noon lomorrow iTri in the-whltft-ampiillheatra'at-Ar* out llotto:i. Veteran'a organUaUona wltl 1 _ .unlie In ceremonlej led.by .Repre* Ida lenUUve Itoyal 0. Jolmion. SouUi

’ Dakota, cltklmian of U>« lu l lunuc J-rf I veterani' committed.„ In Ihe bureau ot prinUng and rn-

. m vlnc. abouLlOOO anembled today i^-fto.pay-trttmtt_to.A¥orKLwar_aeiif l , . j who were Uielr lellow awkera.

IDAHO PAVS T tllB im :BOUE. Uay 79 orHldabo't trttmte

Uld ‘fl.* '" *»<* »*“ -*» to-. . rKrrowlnew trclly.tow nandliam - ” let. be It high In Uis hUU or In the

valleyi.Keadi ot palrtoUo organUaltons,

f - lueh u Uie American Legion. Span- ^ lih-Amrrlcin War Veterani and Uie r n Grand Army of Uu lUpubUc re- Mt ported «ftorU-had-been-made-to ” . r : matk all gravei -6t Uielr comrade*. «3 ellher with flagi or flowen:

Perhapa only one grave of Uioif known wUI?be unmarked through

—r th»-ttay.—UlU ' o f Prtvaia n m y Eagan, kllltd In Uie Sbeep*eaUr In* dlan war on AuguitSQ. IBIO. Remote

'm i n UlB wUdunM of Uu Utver Sal- ffloinlrerr-ha-waa-buried far from

__ any hablUUm. A a o au a en t w ii__ si<kUkl~Oh(r iLlI glIII~CUuftlik'icJ

over an Amertcan loldler.(h i The capital d ty program provW- jh . cd for a pande ot all mlllUiy and

patrfoUo organlntloni and tervlea ^ In Uia cemeUriu and In Uie Orand ““ A my haU. ’ , ,

“ J* WANTTOFESLBElTERTOripk ^ a tleuliU gluM iN tl-Soo-Pahm ln. T e ra iuea lthw aterdauyandnauuia • » lm pro«m «t. P b « e « » for de-

Uvery.-Adv. ...........- • • - -

t L W R .m iT .T T fn m u W a t irk. Nat>8oo*Pah Mineral ttealih water.

dally.: -Phone CO.-rAdr,

• r ■

: t w in FA IX S DATL

m i c E S M A Y W M E A T ,


c m ^ / U - . f - w / — \

p E = E = ‘5 = - = =___ L _ j i ___________A

,___Z 3 3 & Z j S "_ M r X '^ ^ EPC£C FSB.. NAR. AM.

f domc.sUc w lical priccti (o foreiRniM f lo i r o p f r jn i i r r t rw h ic h T itr t r b e -

m m M -= ^OTOl1fOWN-P[:AYS=^ TRE- — AT-ROX-Y-SHOWHOUSE-clally Borne penoni lupport • muileal iand . eomedlei, Uiey.are.caUed-^angeli";! oduc- pUien lUpport prlM flghU, Uwy ara

thU ciltedpromoien; .wme lupport doe* n O'e ton. and one ot lh# mott famoui nben gt thete U Joe B. Brown. Brown ei- ■H»» llm .lrt 11.1 H til, dotlorf Mlu a “ l iu piid during hll 20 yean on the i It tAe ,i*je. 30 rean In being funny by

U to t lo Ihl orthetua piano for a conUn* tup* uoui run ot 14 monthi, Tuetday and

Saturday tnallncei, would bo placed com. one top ot each other and let

down to the bottom of Uie'AllanUc O cey It would to*<H»iTed him a

During' Ihe fllmlnir of T o o s p ^ r n m ' Nttional'a muilcii comedy coming to Uie Roxy Uieatre

S S a S u p t m S t S r a n Fny ITM no tua . t alL


in w _ _ _(ConUnued P m PMI One)

money away trom th# Prench. On the contrary 1 ani re*ly 10 give them g ^ ” gney.by ipendlngand living in

I I'y ^ ‘M m ^ ^ e i i i r rnanager w u fnn - -ouU Ucally trying to g it acUon from the

mlnb u y ot Ubor In oider to retcui

ment; Twhnlally ihey were nol al- towed to 'I tn d - ilnce the hotel op- en ted by Uie line Is considered part

’ »'t* ot Ila fleet. 1Into ..U ln .ou lnan .laid lliat alUiough i

the- regveUed- lou- o( ihi- Uiree l ^ monUu’-engagement-. lh - P a ^ r i^ i 11

Itatie to Kwie port on ihe Medll- 81n* temuiean. She even InUmaled Uiey I

might take a trip around Uie.world. ) ^ n , ]|r||U« the entertalnen ws**• ipendlng Ull night In their unoilen- ,

U tleuiquarten. from Tortonl'i wim 111 etongited bar, to the humbler

...... and nore'hardy eiti^llihmenti on -/ c c Uie walerfronU frequented by tail- ' o n and longthoremen, Uia talk w u

mostly of "Texai." f ' (

™ PR_ESiDENT HOOVER 1 '"“I 'ST0“PS‘ 0NT0URNEY 'P.f»' __________________• _ . g^ (ConUnued Prom Pige One). J

Porge. »f " ' The preildenllil party.lrariled on e

“ 1^ » .j^ U I <w>ln •I»iv1ng-W«i>i1n ftn n |tcarly-ln-Uia.aflemooa.. • k

In addition to Pnildent and Mra. Koover, thoie making the trip In* <

. eluded Thwdore Joilln and U w . o “»“!• renca Richey, two of the presldenfi C

lecretirtH: Ciptaln Ruuell Train, t naval aide; Colonel CimpbeU B. g Hodges, ralUUu7 aide, and CtpUln C Joel P. Boone, .Uie While llouk phytlcUn. • .

Nr. ltoo«r«>U motor UieJS mllei ' ■ ^ to valley Porge early tomorrow. HU h . ^ spech U KheduW to b i deJJwred ’r f afgiTOTi'aoewMotniuin-Kanaod « "**• time)' and wItPbe b ro ^eu t over P

?33 " iM .c h le t e x ee u ^ then wui be t ^ l ik e iu n i tour n f.U ia.m ia.p a tt i ^ which h ll be«n created oOt ot UJ^ t - 2 , camp groandi wbera.Oeocge WuhJ* g

Ington and hU army indured In* ^ leme Ailterinir during Uii Revolu* o

l!o n .-a t -w l l l - .v l i l l_ t ta ^ lo a ’a a


, Tom ato P lan ts 1 0 ^ (Pepper P I a n ts .2 0 ^ d o

ripk • A ater PIm J* 2 0 # do:P a n sy PU n U t h w I

d t . T hese p U n ts a re used to th e i A . V . W IL

■« Mile E w t o f 0^ -------------------------- Phons 11

. Only PUce to :


1 ? V lM w


~ U nless U n layo rab lo W ca thei

2 v In le rv e n ss , G ra in G row er:

= = _ | : a c e - S l i l l .L a r ® i L S j ! . r p l y i

— (By Tho Anoclitod P rw )

W A SH IN G TO N , Moy 25 — Unlcws unfavorab le w ea th e r in te rvenes, the

— U nited Stn te.i is e'xiKCted to lAi p r 0 d u c c a b o u t 60,000,000

T v . buahels

7 ' ' N e ^ ^ r o p estlina tc ij tT lH ? ' deiH irtm cnt o t a g r i c u l t u r e “ sliuik’ p roduction to hnve been ^ Increued lo 31 of M M tM grow*"*

— moJt Important Increaiea are 1 _ hi

BOo!»0 bujlicli, M compared with ' r s ’ 1B8.<00.000 l u l year.J £ The total for Uie United BUUa •W.- U- estimated a t «MW3/)00 b u ih ^

Jn 1810 Uie yield w u OMflOOflOO

Both the acnags remaining tor— h«vc*t and Uie eondUlon ot. the

crop are higher lhan la it year.-----------The flril U'eitlmated to be <0.- I «J.OM acrei BB agilMl 3BW,0M \ har;’(sfed In 1039.IT -The condltlon-U reporled a l Uw i i - ’ ni(rh tl«n're otJO J per-cent ot.rnor*

mal." whercM It wai 78.1 per cent___ on May i; 1D30, The 10-year aver*

age condition on that date U 63.1

i ic c .t i« .o iim a i£ d :m im tL .m iliU iiE ttiU counliv a » u t bujli*

,..^1 «■ meexlnaiely WO.-“ ” } OCOJ»0 buiheli more than are rc* I***' qulrtd for domestic consumplloa Of

Uie yean exporta h a « amounted ,0 -.bout 300,000.000 buahcti annu.

moui iiij,.n « - Thus It would appear tliat llie

" 'of a tremendoui lurplui. Tliere U a tr o ^ i p r t r w wheat yet lo be reck*.

nlto* Rt iQto export., and to a- meawre 1 ^ »nJoyi Ihe benefllt of the tariff.

s - m m w *leatre

tons- -WA3HIN(lTONrMar29l4^=WiP Uam P. Sehluing, dairy member ol

____ iheJaniLbQartl. wai reappolntad lo------ r day by Prealdent Hoover for a lU-

year term. .At Uie. lame Ume Charlei C.

'AIL Teagus, the vloe chairman and fruit and vegilablei member, reUni)uUhed

., hU duUei after tervlng a year be* _ yond hU lerm. ■

! On prtvalleduponiyMr.Hoovertocon* iiem ' In £lllc« another, hubeen vice igtn chalrmaci iJnce March. Alexander

nn-- Sr^airtw uiucceedcdby-Jtm et.C Ithe Stone, vice chairman. Sam II. t t ui

I al- enllon. w u appointed to fUl the vi- op- cancy caused by-I.tMe'*rettrement

part One other change on Uie board impend!. Sam R. McKelvle. grain

lUgh. member, now.ln London where heat- hree Wnded-Uie InternaUonal wheat con--ahi terenee.-wlU-reUre-JuneJV^^-i^*

!dll- several have been mentioned to tillUiey Ih vacanelM. ineludlog Bttrdcue c.-Drld. LewU, Florida.tB t • '


I o n ----------- NEW-YORK GUNMAN.tall. :____w u (Continued F re e Page One) ,

' SmlUi, wbo heard Uie ette. Crow- ley immediately wlU be takw by mo­tor to Um deaUi bouie a t Sing Sing

EY * ^ e ctostas'K enTof th# y ^ g. ' gunman'a trial wai In keeping wlUi

the ipectacular manner'in-which ^ he b u appeared In Uw public eye

ilnee Uie deaUi of PaUolman Pred- I on erick Ktnch, of U » Nauua county •tnn Bfihee. whom he ahol down .on A

■ S W tx o , h k n d r a J i n r t r - ^^ra. Tbe lUW contended Uie killing In* wai dene deUbenteJy an'd U)at Uie

tw* ottloer had not even drawn hU gun. n f l Crowley lesUtled. however. Uw rt- *jn, fleer auempted to ihoot, Uiat bli

« gun mUsed t in and o ^ then dkl Uln Crowley tire In lell-defenae:

Afler Uw ihooUng Crowley dtop*

illei ----------------------------- - ^HU hudquarttn .•red Tlw return trip to V ^ l M ^

jver Philadelphia. Mr. Hoover may only a ihort Ume a t the While

'S ^ Uiough he. had not fuUy decided to uhJ* go Ihere when he left Ujo eapitaLIn* Tomerrow’a ip e e c h w f llb e U ie ^

9la* of four me p r td d n t wlU deliver oa’a wlUiln.30.daya.— :------ ---------------

PLAN’fS A L E .I « ) SATURDAY1 0 ^ d o i ^ O * p t r IOO'

f T i f y . i n ft — _ _# d o z . - f i . 0 0 p e r 100 h re« d o z e a fo r 9 1 .0 0 th e n a ta ra l w e a th e r cond itionsW IL L IA M S ................ Vo f C onnty H o sp ita l .

tw aif tO W "" ' ' ....... V'» to .B o y P la n ts , ‘



l i ' ■ '

m r s A ^ ' \ ^

T ^ j k U L . ~s>'. 29 f / S I ' "

Iho Y „ „d to N f Tf- k_■.000 ’ «hcn t \ n .1 = = -------- W \ -' I H f eo« ’V "ture nx n u t n t /UHnu u j \ )ecn ~ ! ^ = g = .**."* D epo rtm en t o f aR rlcu ltu re t i u t 'V hcat crnp a t 633,000,000 bui Tlie 19J0, w i th 2 1 o f th e : i9 p r o d u i

with = = = = = =

s l C i W i :tiE E H iS H H. Uie _____

lo n d o n O e a n - P r e i l l c t s ld e a l

L iv ing C ond itions for

^ E n g l a i i i l - - i n T e a F - 3 0 0 0iver* _____E2,l

---------- L0.‘ID0N .JJur_?l.(^Th8_V erj(r-to- Rn-.-willlam;jl4l»lirInjer3lf#n:iit Tivir BI.-Pbu1'i . leclUrlhS «« "I'H* ^lU K

ot the' Huriian-IUic^,". H tltg.ltayn 4W,. InsUiulion tonlsht, drew a rather

re* rosy picture ot England In tho year LOf 30C0.A. D.. belj’lng hU nickname, nted ‘-Uie gloomy dean.- w u. -In 3000 A. D,. he said, “the popu*

latlon ot Ortnt Britain will have llie been tUfd a t a maximum ot MW.*

iifht ono. Pfonlp will not be allowed to U a l l« In CTOwas..No penoni will be

eck*. allowed to have children wllhout

wre tllncai and an *A J ’ husband cr wtti r. will, bo I I much uught atter a r

wealth and lltlei »re now. Phyilcal • perfectlon’wlll-be-cultlvaud. •

• “The rational'coiiume for both ... sexci. jh e a p ^ b ^ m ^ ln g jin ^ m > ^

§ r . , a ; . .M I " . -

-No More War" _!:war:wUlhiiva.been.eaUnly.al»l* BhedTK inirttrtfrw alU,-M os»-ot

^ Uie naUoni

^ nTSrm y^r nixj. no national debt. . - no foreign polltla and no doles or

nominal. Parllamenl. which will meet for a fortnight or iff every i-Mr. hr a ditnlfled eldffly ten-

^ ^ i e S ^ o r r o S ^ t f l S a U T a d 'renftd' yi.1 busineu men." . ' . '

AlKrtlng lliat IntecUoui disease wlll be completely stomped eul. In

T c 5W0 A. U„ Ueill im« IM W Uul I, Ihli did not include the.common

Uni cold, “which will remain the oppro* brium of medical tdenca'.-

mV rther-g ita t war might ihatter alt u td p ro sper ot clvlllutlon surviving. r*in - lu v i we any reaioii to think

lha t.R uu la would itjck a t anj-, iffl. thing?- he a ik rd .- l t looks.llke-a ■|hr race between' common tense and

fiitfiffophf.""..................— _)>‘>l — --------------- - ■ '

‘ peared lo be heard trom again lh* lollowlng day when a pollce.cordm^ w u thrown nbout an old brown* Blon# rooming house In Nlnellrth Itreel. Manhattan, where poDce

AN. were Informed he andJJelen.Walihi •• 19. were hiding.

Crowley Ignored a police demand lo' turrender and a ilege w u Uld

ow> wlUi hundred! ot police posted In j no- Uie lUeei. a l windowi nnd on roofi.! Ilng Crowley exdianged ihoU unlll h u !..... ammttfltUoa.. w«i_ exhauitfd, then':ung gave up the flghL irlUi Wounded In the legi and armi he ilch collipsed a i police cntered-Uio bul*. eye let*shattercd a p a r l n i e n u I’oUce td - found Uie WaUli girl almwt luiter* nty leal and wlUi them Ralph Durlnger,I fi sought In connKtlon with the. mur*

Ilng iKHtes. and' now on trial In Uia Uie Bronx for her deaUt" ’ w u I t v u contended by liU attorney ot- Ihat Crowley had Uie mentality ol bU a 10-year-old boy, Iwt he w u pro- dkl nounced legally aans by lils'own

allenlsL The Jury deliberated only ap*' 41 mlnutea.


• MOSCOW W - The Sovlel elvll ™ avIilJon «d.Tilnl*lntJon haa tltUi S oul in expedition to Ihe Aretlc ocean

for the' purpoje of orsuiuing new alr-llnea on the Arctic eout.

^ Tbe exp^U on wtll ipend aboul I to ^wo-y««H »-t>>»-"»»lir— -

L COrrAOEBARBERSIlOP.mSod ™ avaK.IIalreoUadlUe.chL3Je.Adv.

healed with Electrical

.Treatments - • Head N oises' ' '


Colon m X m ■ Ir r ig n t lo n ’ ‘ ,

: _ B l t f l J S E j a i L L _Phone 1 2 « ^ C r e r P lx ton ’s

^C, WAY 30, liWl-------------------------------------L-------LJ

, ' J _________________


fifun. M l Alimmtt — i^'miluom er Btutieu j )

iV isW a m '

lu re (H tlm ales pU ce th e 19H1 w it0 bu-shelK. n Rain o f 60,000.0.00 c rodueinir s ta te s s h o ^ n g Increase

i p i l l F D i .

Ideal S ta tis tic ia n s E s tim a te [

fo r j c i t a t . . $ 9 0 ,0 0 0 ,d o o

JOOO ■ " C l0S ih 'r P r io 6 -O a -F u ti

j /e ry cmCAOO,.May 39 (4V-Pcder i c i ^ T f i n a n j '^ ^

nayar fn w to a iy r-^^ — —rather The farm tioard'i groin atabl1 year lion ccrporatlon wai In pcatcJ name, of 200,000,OCo busheU Of grain,

Al thc cluing price of July d. popu* erlei. btatUtlcIini estimated Uio h iv i tlelt a-onld approaeh tDO.OO0,»0

)jno.’ Ib il monthly eam'lng diarec of cd to m m would be gdtled unUl dUi

Ithout Oeorge Mllnor. presldenl of

• wtti lU lement u ld the market for rr a r fulitm.-whlch ended today, close yilcal M*; cenui a bushel, compired '

Mie m:nlmum price ot Bl cent both which Uic corporaUon had •'ilat

anly. .ed'the crop, ■■ ^

4 ^ '■ TUB p ilce-or a ufl-wlirat. Ih.j also h u been malntalned'on a' c

abol* paraUve level irJUj the/olurcJ.-T rti.'ot lie.lald..Uia,corporallfln*hai-m ^up; tahMd iJnlmum pricci for ne t z tgcnm onlh i; while during tliit debt, lod coniumpuon a l equal to or nil

„ than stablUied price, r lha ‘ I t U believed.*' he lald. "lliat a 1,-ort «ge reduction throughout Uio w<

^11 and avenge crop and weaUier CO Uoni wUl ciuso an adjuilmen'

r ^ . produeUon to more nearly a nai .rjAd- b«»lfc-sl*eka^he!d-ln^hU-«ul• . at the end o tthe year will be illgl j t u e "*y* t*'*" * y»w MO-:

imon age reduction'in winter wheit I tall, u I tu confidently believed t Uie caie, then U no' reason why

■ haldln.. N> marb^ in an orderly m anntt a t uiUfao ng.ihlnk ------------:-------------anj-, WOMEN WIN A RIGHT

QUEBEC (^5 _ • Manled J 'o i

them full admlnUtnUon ot I


f f i - nand

“ USEII hu!

« — A nd^Easbul-t - lO aS K o rd T u d o r— — - oUco Sedan£ ; 1929 F o rd s t a n d a r d .......nur. Coupe ;..........................ntci-^ - l oa o T o r d S iiur i------------

C o u p o .................... ...........IM O T udor

y ol S e d a n _________________pf?* 1028 H udsono!," C o a c h ..................... .............

1920 Fo rd T udo r

1928 D ura rit S '^ r telvll R o a d s te r ..........

’»«ed 1025 E s s c k _______ 1_« « 'C o a c h .....______________

1927 F o rd 'Iboul T ouring^.— .......

C o a c h ------ ^!.>«..___1926 F o rd •

= P _____________

T ru ck ....... :____________. .192? M odel AA I T ru ck , 11,4 t o n ________

I , . .1 I t? a y s T

r UnionI - Y m r t ,

' ' . . . - T w l i f

^ General Assembly Mdves 1 d y , Help Relations Betwee .]k - - - . f S t o r s j n l C j n B r e g a J l o j !

prrrsDraoir, M ./M W -, plan of acUon Intended to ^olv# "th

J loreil BplniJn the church," tho re ' ' latloni between tho paston an

Uielr congregatloni, w u ad:>pUd lc 'd a y by Uio genenl assembly of tli

Presl)}lerbn Chureh In Uio Unite SUtei of .Amerl^ .

- ' • ; —-------- -- g«nenU-counell-of-th»-chureh,-«i

_ Ung up.a lyiiem ef boanU of »c a dUtlon to attemiit toeolva nu ton

--------- dUflcultles, brought Uio t in t debitw in te r to' iho Aasembly session, ottered b n n v e r Cleland B. McAfee, New Yorl

u a means ot placing responslbUlt asea. ,or settling sucli questloni, Uie pUi • wajLnttaeked bv tha Rirv. W. A

Powell. Conshohocken.Pcnnsylvanu n whe contended that Uie plan wouli H not solve Uie problem for Uie mln II'. .T UtTy,-ind'iho-Bex.-0.-Pi:VanHarr

H o n e y b ro o k , PennsylvanU. whl

15Ut. Van Hom demanded tha t Ui>

’ plan bo submitted to the Presby n , Uriea as an overture, but his pro

I ' Def* ponl w u ultimately' defeated by ai

W , a t TitfoBjh AuemWy

UtlirCS ^'UndeMhNplannPreibytory boardi on vacancy and lupply woutd b

‘ supplemented by similar boardi li the resjiectlvo synods, which In tun gmild. when ntCfMnry..ffork will thft-similftr-organlianon-or-thray

i t B a y t f c r c C ^■ nhiK.. ' t>o»-1**®. reported 1

dUsatWactfan If thc ministry was not becauie of In wtHclent .pay or theolpglcal dU'

!h. * "“I dltlt^nra r t iTO and the congregations coni

Action attlrmlng.the belief of'tht ttisemblv In-Uif eftlcacy of ChrU' llan principles In sol^lrit U<IU ini

. Indujtrial IIU llkewUe tollowed rec. oroJw KM isirsnifiFsinftffratw tn

P in t itepi In admitting women tt

= ‘ - £ 5 = £ 5 ”

K r u S i C S v i i e r

'*’‘*'“ *'|(iuflte preparaUon ot candidates fn n a c re , toe mlnUtryJwre fruit today in i . Jorid « P « l U »t Preibyteriei. of Un rr« rS i ' chureh had. by dccUlve vole, ap- « n i of proved the rescinding of a conilh i , * ^ . i lullowil r u l e permllUng lo o a :

z s s s i - s t ' s s s r i . i sio I t u «™bly alon# remains lo end the lo- of the evangelUllc sysUm. .........


— ^ mfi3Sm,.*.tedueHoai<a.m,irf compand to 1930 vahiaUoni for taxation purpoiei. were auetied against steam ond electrio rallroadi

a'omen in Waihlngton'today by'Uie lUM 5 ^ ^ to ~ c o m ^ o _ n . r ............

t Uielr . Only one foot ipeclalSt In Tirit PaUs. rboat MO. Dr. Poster. Adv

»w Cost-----D CARSt s y - P a y h i e n t s

— $235:00Z E E = t$295-.00-


..... ....$325.00..... .......$250.00

— J 50;00 . - $5000

_._-$4Q.00= = 3 iM n ^ZZZZZ$395 00'f o S e e y s .F lr s tl . .

Motor Co.tO R D D ealer

— ■ . I ,

(IIE IB K ■ fflOm flESi

------- , Qi

j— i W l i s ^ s r l H y v T i f - S m l a l “

--------Evohls— Cla[ms -Alien-------- llon-Ourina-Busy-WeBk. JJ............- . • • - ,....... ........ Itt

____ N e«)-DurIe} '-»d2j B ^ v n iu JmVe. uii-------lnt]ud«l-*-wl(l9-v»rl*i>W»t-£venU. ___ ..ttila.Twi: nnn. nf-tlir..migt.Bmr. Iu

ittndlns- nf(Blrt w u (lie muilcal proKmm ot M«. E, Corinne.Tcr- , ,

■ Tcrhunc i.rcsciitcd wme ot J(her puplU in it iiLano rrciul nnd

, ■ilcnioii3tratlBn..Thur*day,eYchln«. nl . , Ihe Presbyterian c lm rcli.'H u rt,m

■ 1»rs6 crowd jircjcnl and nn ex. \ '■ celleiii progrsm « tu iiresenled Tlic

•wlectlon eoiMWcd.ot solos, Irloj. and. <]iiartcu. vUh lwo playlne a t v, MCli piano. Scverol &onR» « r d wng . Ijy the clotf and demonstralloni slv- en In sUttil rcatlin*, car tralnlinf. tranji>ojltlon.'playing ot irlndii nnd rhythm. T)io*o Inking part were:

Jtan Denman. Donald Hoi^ird, e n r o l Harpster. VlrRlnla Rln«. ElolM 8*aiwon, Belly Lou PalnUr. »e(yn McKean. Irene DaVWwn, [a, licrnlcc eillwcll. Jean OuiomWde, Z AliM Kosklll. Mnry Troul, Helen

^ Snracue. rtulli Edmundson. Audrey .> T I’arkc. Helen' Oiulomblde. RomIU „

Tlie plnUorm was beaulllully dee- oraled with Turklsti niE* and floor

____UmpLjpilac-hlosi^mi, Irlt nnd.tu-ni« ««Tc'\iied In.mkSHs k b o w , ju

I of (lovers adding lo the enjoyment jof the evtnlnii't fiiicrtnlnmenl. jn_

A larrwcii •urpriu was Rlven'lor nathe Iamlly of Pwcal Adams one evc‘- it,,nine during Ihe In&t « n k . Aboift 40 ,11friends jathered a t ihe Adam* home i

~ lo ipend tho evening before the hafamily departed for Ihelr new home p«;In Great Falls. Montana. Onmes loiwere played nnd rtfruhm enls were h i

■■■«rA'ed.-TlK>« who liad.cliatje o t— »rrangemfnl»-«rp-MeMlitmf»-8.-H. « !

Kunau, K. P. Shiuer, and C., C. (oSelby. ' nu

_ Prtjbyierlnn LndlcV Alt! wclcty tuj^ l - ^ cafJ33iunday.aftcro » n:an iie- toi

had charge of (his tnecilng. Dero- Wilional (icn'Icc was conducted \iy JUMri. C. L. Bareley, tho correspond- !

■ - log ircrciory Ior the Twin Palls noPrtsbyltrlnl. thi

Plan* were formulated for the Hework during the aummer months, cM g I t .

Ihe ehurch. A'cfllllng committee waa i t----- aUo-appolnWd-lo-wll-on-ntw-real- « i

d tn tto f the. city nnd Invite them lo Rcaltend church sen’Iccs. I t was an- m

' nounced that llie next mceUng (h<^ •would be me mlsjlon;iry dlvlilon, to MrW be he ld 'a i the couniry home o( nrj

Wllllani Kwfer. w lt^ a pay I

lowed by tho missionary program, at

the member* of the Harmony bridge puJ party, at her homo Wednesday alt- nei

— a h for the gomes with favora presented y-ct

ty luneh was the clMe'orthe anemoon. Mrs. Olln Baker of (onOaUey will be hostess lo this club luna t the next meeting. era

.The women of tho American Le- J- Kton AuxUlnry tn tl l u t w ttk tind te

laid plans (or the.poppy sole,to bc wll:— ro M L ^« O aL M a q i» P ^y .a Ih e y ; uni.• report & x-ery success(ul onle In by

whleh (hey disposed of KMO popplu Mo netting tlM to bo used In welfare seT<

’ An Jntercrtlng progmm w « giv. ~ en by the ones In charge of tho last formeeUng of the Unlvenlty Guild, low

tr'.L-Tn.iHty-fYfn'ntm At-tho hom# o'f Mrs. E. B. Darlington, lumMrs. O. L..BarcIey.gave.a paper on Spr"Leonardo d« Vlnel" nnd lold ot his ratifamous paintings. -The Doll House,” Aby IbMii.wM tho toplo (or^jieneral Uwdlseuuloo.’Current evenU wero 8(,v- Maj

ton, who recently relumed (rom (nir Blickfoot, w tt ft guett a t Uils meet* a gi Ing. Mrs. John P. Kaekney wlll b« ter hotleu to this crganltaUon a t the pro( next meeUng. A

, -ThrAmerican Bed Crosi society wlU ot Ihlt clly had ft (Itting observance basl

, ..during Uie pasl week, of tho (Iftleth fom ■nnlvenary of.lls founding. A din- Uio aer w u enjoyed a l (he National wen botel with Mrs. Adonis Kcllsen In cord .fliarga of arrangement*. Coven caiT

l l vcro laid for 7i persons a t one long Tl T table beautifully set .wlUi center* cd i ..p lH «.constelln tJ)l.K .bukeL d.rtd Hop

tiillps and red Itghted Upcrs. ,1. a H .I Hansel wns lotsimaster. Thote re- sen.

• • tend ing Included Mayor-X. C. Bar* undi low. Potter Howard and Henry Cori

_Dironhik_JJuslcal_oumbera-were- Ing-l given by several high tcliool itu- tarU dent*. The guest Htt Included all Rok

'ohapter and the heads of all’other mun ij^1e orgsnlzflUons. Audi^Uany picnics, (bhing partlei and Jear

Wek-end \-iJlU go to m'ake up a danc of this week's socUl actUHles. Mrs.

Mn. R. F. Andrew Is planning' an accoi all-day plcnle outing on Saturday EUle rftc aeveral families o( thetr friends, ot tl )ir . and Mrs. F, B. T liom u and son Ing : will. *pend the week-end In and and around Hailey: Held Judd and (am- part; Ift- plan lo motor to Balt Lake city , Mj

- ^ ^ ^ i^^»^Ir<^W ri^I^ igh“ WeIaen IHm atid hec son. Oscar, Twin Palls, and her tjU'Jamlly. will motor to Boise, durii sjiefij they will be, (lie week-end w u i

- ^ - p f Jw-«f»ldoa-Awt-4amUy, edU- Mr. lind Mrs. J. D. Beamer iplan to U n. a ^ n d 'lh e week-end with relatlvn (avoi '« t Hailey. A large crowd will molor luncl 14 Albion lo decorato (he graves o( after rflaUvei, An »ll*day program Is be- Mrluy hv t1'» T>. h»fCjon, w)Ui music and speaking. noon.

^vstess a t a dinner party given In noon •»nor of Mrs. A. T. Chrlstophmon. of U 7 0 it here (rom Pocalello. The oc- game efslon w u thc birthday annlverttry by t!i « the guett-of-honor. f lsc fs were Bprlr njarked for JO guesu. Ttie aiienioon ntloi V * spent InftenaUjf.- A i•Mrs. Joan Nelson was hosteu ^0 tored

her MQ club one aflemoon la*t cnjoj / ^ k . QuetU wero entertained at there I hcoa of Mn. E. Higgtns on s&oui 1 2 * 0 arenue. Ia me garnet. Mr*, gropr

B cl^ ile h e ld ^ lg h d



—DU|{I;:-May-tS-<8p«cl*l-toLTbC-1 N e»i-M r.sndM n.C .O .fitarrhave . announced Uic marrlagt of thclr dauiliter, ML-s Audrey Biarr. to Gcorire Dunn. 8«lt Lake Clly, MarehJ4-^U£«lt-Uk»-Cllyr-wlifr«-i»Ut. {young people are itudent* In thcUnlvcWJy o(_Utah. ______ _‘Mrs. Dunii. n graduate of the Duhl

high Khool .aiiendfd AlWon state norm»lTch«l-fmTtwb-yt«r«rl«(«f- ■ tMclilii* In aanneti and Hazellon. This H her (Iwt vf«r a l the Utah u iiT « rS ii'„ _ ... - . _ Jla r .p to to -vU lU iah l la UieJKIL .f

■ - • V

iNlfBmiMTSi..liiE-miTfiifs;DUHL. May 29 iSpcclal lo The ^

Ncwsi-Vacatlons for Buhl resldfnU .me in order .and will coilllnue during „thc summer momlts.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dennis pUn to leave In the near fulure (or an cx-tended vtilt with relatlvealn Mlnsouri. j,

daujht<TrMr»rDal!a*-Co*, ' v DatU McClujlty lelt Friday '(or ‘

McCall. Idaho, where he wlU Join a [, Jlrt |»lrol (or tlie tummcr monUis. iKaled on Ihe South (ork of the Sal- ,, mon river. Next September he wlll jj resume hi* ttudles a t the University j, ot Idalio, He waa accompanied a a f y u a* CaldweU by his slUer. Ruth, who ^ UIU tiKiid Uie‘ iciiuiliulei' o( tw j ichool term wllh MIm Barah McClus- ky, a student a t (he College o( Idalio. BoUi-ywmg-woivn ,wUUrelum to Duhl ,11 the close ot the college y m . j,

Jtr. n n i Mrs. n . 8 . Reynolds arc- It. HftU... rheri. Mr. Reynolds H n y pauent in the veterans'hospital. Fol- „ lowing an operation Mr. Reynolds will remain a month for trenuncnt. ,,

Mr. and Mn, John Herron who „ have been Ihe guesu o( Mr. Herron'S j, parents, will lenvc In the near future ^ lor CaU(ornls. Mr. Herron, until re- „ c«iaty..wu a naval phafni'aclst. g - ilto -R u th Long. a^'cadiatUia .last ,1 rear in the-Uncoln school; has gone10 Wichita, Kaaus, where Mie wlll ' Htend summer school on thc Omni- tus college. The lour will take In : n i r s o t t U i e r a ^ u t a ^ ^ i A W ^ ;.

y snda lee 'w cX rd . Rupert teacher, ^ JUI also lake Uie ulp. ■ . p

Mr.. and Mrs, Dwlghl Mcncno'. lUmllion,' Montana, ore guest.t a t ,, Ihe home of Mr. apd Mn. J. 8 . Me-

'*ai?(ord DavLwn has gone to Nam- "

l l * * l ly !11 Moscow, June 9 (or Uie summer »ur6erMrtrDavltoit-will-acoompany- - ilcv, and Mrs, 0 . T. Uckle to Kan- aiClty.contlnulngloVlrglnlawhere p ihe wlll spend Uie summer, nev. and Mrs. Leckle-win go lo Memphis, Ten- iMtee.

»nd Mrs. Qlcn ,W. Ilutlon,

)uJplt of the Buhl ChrlsUan church iexiaund|iymomlng(orRev.Bemiy. *'

^ ^ { « ^ g ^ B i b f ^ l i o o i r E u ^ ^ rene. Orfcon. wimDe«fc_6Ltlietve^ !>■ ilng service. Rev. Hutton spoke M- w ore membera of the.lClwanls club a t m uncheou and Mrt. Hulton gave sev* M ■ral muilcal numben. , MMr.andMr».TroyMOorehavegonc ar

0 Ocikelty. CilKorali, where Uwr vlll attend summer sclwol a l the ,einlmsUXwIlieX-Wtf_»Q.comi«nM otly Mr. Moore's mother. Mrs. le,4oore, who wlll vlsll In California (or yeveral weeks. d

” nlor high cijl: white Uie prlie for ci )w score fell to Mn. A. C. Ballty, rj;

inch w u aerved a t two tables. ^

A dellghlful party waa given a t X :ie National hotel Tuesday evening, tay 36. when Uie RoUry club K K ltlis jv p jT ln g J iv e rJ fl^ lh p ^ _ try Anns. ThU lt-an annual-af* i/u «lr alway* looked (orward to wlih " great deal ot pleasure. Mrt. Pot­

s' iroward was chairman o( the rogram.A dinner w u enjoyed a t 7 o'clock. ‘ lUi coTCrt (or t» penons. C ryiul •** iskels full of IrU and columbln# irmed,thB.;ia*ln cenlerpleco .for. .*l- 10 Ubles and >^llow, lighted tapen ero an added (eature. The placo irds and- oUter decmtlons wero >ey lined oul In yellow and purple. »>• Tlie ader-dlnner program consist* 11 of response* by Mn. William Vu oper, Mrs. K. 0 . Batlowi.Urs. A. gn . Bucklln and Mrs. Irtl Oudmund* Jol n. A musical prognm w u given pu :ider the direction o(-Mrs. Elsie Uu Drinne. Terhuno, wlUi Uie (ollow* imi < taking partrall datahtCTKomo^ riant: Miss Jano Daven, Rosclla Th nstcrans, Alice C ^ U . Ilelen Ji'igue, - Mary 'iiout; iiulh"-to* 1 undsen, .Lorralna Smedley and . 1 idrey Parke. The Misses Helen and .yp ah Outomblde gave some fancy iDcti. Mrs, Dan- B. Warren and rt.K .' r . Andrew sang aelectlons companled a t Uie piano by Mn. 4-1 sle Corlnn# Terhune..Tha balancethe evenSng ww cpcav ta dane*

g and se\-rral were guetU o( Mr, ul Mrs. Potter Howard a t a theatre ),

Mf^ Fraok Morgan_tntcrUlncd e mwSben of tha Mejora club a t utIi r eounlry home. Aie afternoon :ring (he Isst-wek. The aflemoon ^ It spent wlUi needlework and sev* U-gu*ulng.gamea-w«re-«n%edr —m

C. Weeks w u presented with a . ' ror (or being Uie beit guessw. A 'I®, ich waj served a t the close of the <mckin. .Mrs. Joaeph-m ies w u hostess (0r nnn<t rliih WMnriHav aftff.. ----on. Mn. J. MalUiews received Uie i / i |

on. Mrs. M. Bingham was a guest |LUl* club. At. Use clow of Uie ”

n u a delicious luneh w u aerved 'the hostess a t three small table*. ^ring blossoms were used u deco- *'«Ions Uiroughout the rooms. . (ert number of Surley* families mo- °>e°

ed to Minidoka dam Sunday to Uloy a plcnlo dinner In the grove ScotTC. On# plcnle w u mad? ut» of E. 'nit '10 families. Another large Whlipp motored to Milner clam.tor Jeai ; dny and enjoyed a plenie dinner coiir tlre'p iik ' Uin«. . '.— 'KiAi

. j n H M ito ’ .■ ____ch

S E m a n m l— f r i t z r I I i i i i i l E c n t I '

jji — W ilh -Jo u rn a l o l Forcslry,-

j ; . i _ & i n l s _ l i u ^ E o s s i l i i l i t i t s . _in. ■ • - - - - - ...................lh . , " ■_____ __- -nOBCOWTUay» (flpecuLto.i'iic " a r Newsi—t(ialio> UtnifodoiLs nf<JibIF i

vacBilfinuis hsve bni’ely been touch­ed. belleiM Eniaiiuel Friti. editor ol lllfc Journal o( Forestry. People In Idaho, hc .'ij*, fall io recognljr thv

• reerestloiiai value of IotmIs In tlirlr IP own^ldlr, ' , . ‘'T -mroiS<«7nTo7uarc■nol-li:nlfoa'lo "

one h(L\ly irfp iluough Uic slate. He was chlrf wtrtlen on the Coeur d'Al-

• cne national forest In 1015 and 19U, Tills .«cfk he vWtcd the school oJ (erestry. and expressed, h it amaze-

"• ment »l the variety and number of researcli [itojecta being condiicted in

“ «stabOTiw:ifj.* ' "California i« my liomc Mate, and ” • hu^been^lor tjvcral

poislbllltteaapparentlyRolnglowa/te ‘• in Idtho." He dwcribfd.ncUve Cali-

' r /ornhui u becomlue Wr«t or foiiic ■ loYMfmltean^lolhe^ parks only to

" find them Jammed wllh • holida)‘J crowds. "I'd like lo get out ahcrc “ Uiereltloisofroom.ioplaccsiiuchai A Ir you have In (daho-awBv Itom esr^ _ " anu Ilow and i>cop.'c.- 0. *l'n«poIlrd AtlraetloDr

Few ttiiloa^ In (he Unlled SUi«. „ can equal Idsho (or IU grtal variely “ o( unsjBllcd naiural attractions, Mr. n

4 Frit^iWlnw-uutrBoirthem Idaho nwr f; ^ wldeJertUc vallr)ii.eultlng tliroii«h U

Uva nmt SUge brusli plains; the Cra- te n of Ihr .Moon; mounulns Jutting

'? up from the level plain. Tlic whole • ^ centnl portion'of .Uw tU te hc de-

tcrlbcd a^ n mountain playground, filled wllh for«l« and streanu. The _ Snake and Salmon river gorges cui- v.

7- “ "ff tllrouKh.lhf«.mountaln5’:rli-al5 .the Orand Csnyon ot ilie Colorado, L,

Mounialna agsln In the PaiUinndlc. hiding hkes large and small. Every- where fliiiliitjnd..hunllng. n o iJo t ^

® nnd grouie to mounlnln goal. *>' Tlie norfli and south highway Mr,

- FVtu de/crlbed as a route—a nicuns gs ofcommunlcaUoiuTobcfullyuilllKd "t

. It should have far more feeder roadsleading (rom It bsck into Uie hills to Wsclccitd cnmpltig ground*. Such « Ti

' program, lie added, would mean care-. La„ ful guarding agnlnsl fires similar to Di^ u n a iiniun in iim iu iiv m n m imu' ce‘ cttuted "national burns.'' l a

1- ----------------------- Cll'• RUPERT MASONS AND .


5 m iP E n T .M .fa ii3 i!r fu iio T ii. |, ■ u Newji-Ruiien Eaitem Star mem- ‘ , ^ ben and Masons Joined In nn an- ^

? a t Odd Ftllows lull.I t Mnn» thnn tnO pfrvfit ii.|Anil>H ®‘‘

f. played (onon-jng n >hort chanter tes>- ^- slon, Cniil taV.e h»wucs Included ^ It memben ot the kcIoI committee^ , , , ’* Mrt. Carl Upps. Mrt. E. t Fisher,

Mrt. Jlm Rou, Mr*, Nettle Randolph ■c and Mn. Annn Hltc.. r Ptlvtt wtni to t*o lwSlvU'aa\ Mi'a , le icorers In each prbjip nnd (hcre-was f one grand door.pflw. Percy Rut:' ledge received it» door prlie. Carl ;

Upps and Mrs. John Bfmslde were . . awarded the bridge prlzet; Mn. ^

r uianciic Bears ana t d wiiimt, ine , pinochle priM; Mr. and Mn. Roy

r Cunningham the Rook prla* and „• Mrt. O.P.Smlth and Frank Forman

Uie ^ ^ ------J?'• Reresliments were K r\fd In the- diningroom al three long Inblei, cnr-, rylng pretty bouquet of tpring n i

nowcrt. Mrs. EUle ftarris was In ,' eharge o( rtlrcshmenls.



JEROME, Mty 39 (Special to Tliu ai! [ N«wi)-A tlmple marritg^ceremony m , took place Tiiurtday V^emoon a t tr. . 4;30o'cloekattheMelhodlstparson- nl , afe bere when Rev. O. L.' Kendall ) , united Mis* Helen acvcland. Bur- wei I ley, and Je tt OUier, Wendell, In Mr , matrimony. * ■ . tur. Thc bride U the daughter of Mn. geli . Vula CkreUnd. Durley and (he too . gncni.U Ihe.son ot Mr..and Mn. . V . John OUier. Wendell, and for thc « n

pasl monthi hat bten employed In Uw-local 8afcway .tion. Only, (he lmmedUte-_(amUlet_of_bolh^-oung people were preient at (he weddlni;. J** The ImprettlTc ring eeremony wm **'’

_____________mnThe J'oung-peo^e left soon after

tbe ceremony for a few days', hon- " J eymoon. They will be at hoi«> at the Elwln apartmenta early In June.

---------- Ed(4 -H H E M 5E R S AWAIT ‘ "S


UO6COV. M ir U (BpccUl (o Tlie New*l—Mutle from Cuban, Mex(- ,,, . canrArgenHpian,-Draxlllan-«nd-Pcr' VVJ .UTlan compoten, played by Uio Unit* cd e u te t lrlarlne band, wlll be the V foatur® of the naUontl 4-H club Neib r o t ic y j ie k e f iu .k O L tin n - f ._ iojli^ E I T p iS S m WlU be lieard In Wa- r ho orer KRQ, Bpdkane. or KOO loci OakUnd. from # ;» to iO;30 A. M„ (en and oi'er K8L, Salt Lake Cl(y. (rom 10:10io n :» A .M .' =

K iM R F H lV p p ip ^ C f l


EIUBERLY. May 29 (SpecUl to Tlie N ew tl-M n. Olenn Whilney en- (erUIned Thunday afternoon for memben of Uw Kimberly Bridge club.

M n. Olenn Friicher, Mn. RoV D. Scott, Mrt. O. L. Rou and M n. F.E. Wilson received award*. Mrs.' Whitney, assUtcd by litr^Uuglner,Jean Mary Whltwy. s e rv ^ a . i» L ^^^c-luncheon at U k ^ J t ^ j


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« A GROUJ* OK A R J iy I 'L A N liS

m ore th a n 650 p lanes, p a r ove r th c flyiiiK fie ld a t D«

l i i K S Pi SESSION JTINDELLC- • , I'n!'id, I — lire'‘e .-.W ENDaL.M uy29i8peclaltoThe

Ncw»)-CIub mcfUnga held a prom- Inenv plaee In •ihc-wclal-actlvlUes -r- ot the WendeU vlclnlly during the »“

f' U!si week. b‘.L Tlte Wendell Dullness and Protes- ^ 3SCiU!iV«ucuiclut»-inciauii*Jiooit-jjj

ncjday evening to r n buslnew ses-l-ri If, slon. Hcctlon of oHlccn and dele- lit galcjtothcstatcconveiillonatCald* ni td well on June 11.12. and 13 resulted H [«; iis follo«: President Xto. Thelma HI to Williams: vlcepr«ldenl.-Mr»..Effle a Tumess: secreUry, Mrs. Lenora Me-

Uughllij: Ireaaurcr, M n. Lctlle A. to Dyar: corre.wnpdlng secretary, Mn. ■ rr lavoHa'B M ith .m w m ia m im H rT —

" Clly meeling. and "Mn, E f H e T u P ^ ness woa chosen aUemate: .

Mr*. Thelma Wllllnmi and M t« ^ T' M ynleTooU treappoSntedm im tm *“*

• o( Uie adulting commlltce.. • "

J ' a bridge dinner a t the home o( Mr.)1 and Mr.._ MufQalvfV.Wednf.mBV eve- “ nlng. At bridge Mr*. Iva Anderson ^ and Leroy Schouwelltr won high ]|?

Austin 'schouwTller, Mr. and Mn. ^

^ Babb, Mr. and Mn. Ira Andenon.7 Mr, and Mn. Coe M.JMce, Mr. and

Mn. Uroy Schouwelltr. Mr*, n . D. Dndshaw, Mn. Frances Brehman H*‘

. and Mn. J . D. Stuart. ' '" SenlorDrldgcclubmetattlielionic “ ot Mrs.-,W, C, Abbott Thurtday-af-

lemoon;------- ----------------------------” Mn. Leroy Scliouweller entertain*J cd (he Junior B r ld y j^ub a l . h e r | ^

* Pollyantia eliib df Orchard Valley ^ ’J met for a bojkel plenlc dinner wllhn ru!

IJ tptiit vbltlng... _ ------------ r r = -------- ^ SC


Joying bualneu tnd pleuure Ulps. lunp Mr. and Mn, Ralph Alexander, o fi*7 Flier, nre nl the hom# of Mr. and of

Mrs. Chester Nelson, w^ere Mr. *eoile Alexander u ns*Utln« v llh the put* colly (Ing In of thc crops. Bill Slater. P l- ta 0

er, a brotlier of Mr*. Nelson, U also of tI- a l the Nelson farm. ley11 Mlsi Vcrda West, who tpenl two Duf'- weeks at Ihe home of her parent*, ry.n Mr, and Mn, Amos West, l iu re- Dec

turned to her studies a t the 1.0s An- (• GI. geles couniy hospital, where she will to te toon campletf her ccursc, • TI. , 11, o . Frecman.hu relumed. Irom mtr e a motor trip (0 Eagle, Idaho, bring*n lng with him hU two daughten, — ( Misses H «ter.jm l Maude Freeman., who have bofii ieachlng_thc-pait-.__r year'nfiliTSevcnth Day AdveiitW ■' Khool ot Eagle. MUs COrtI lYee-

man, another daughter, hu also re* Fi

(ended thc church t^ool. _ _* Mr. tnd Mrs. Te* Durdlck and* two sons have moved back (0 iliclr - ^* farm (rom ihelr wlnler home a t ^

Eden and nlll remain unlll afier-the , J i, busy teaviii. q ,

A. Englnnd, Jerome, Is renovnllng g .) l ; the Khool liutWliig* ftl Dixon, In-

eluding a general clean up of the J Interiors and (umUhIng*. q _ ^

; WEJfDELL— FOUKS-WSIT- —t WENDnj-.May39<SpecUltoThe Orel> N ers)-Two Wendell resident* cn- U - lia:«L,UlP^y■ '‘« »etk.^ . . „ Wn* Rcv. W. M. Barrflt, paAtor of the> local Pre.''byifrtnn church, led yes- In U , lerday _for Portlujd and SlAm. Ortj


Nighthin iin c ln t J b ( i a d«nce — I


I I F i.c h tin .iv P lii i


P h m i ' s i n ; \ i - l i o n a i A r r a .v 1

i.s sliiiu-ti iiltuvu I'lyiiiK in l)ul

, p :trtk 'i|iu toil. Uclow n plane i.<t hI ,t D iiyton.— i;i’) IMiotb.

_ .R U H E R T -P0P -P .Y 4A L & E N 0S ||

, ■ RUI'BRT. MayM tSpecUltoThe New,i> ~ Klnl'slilng the iwppy lulc

,L Wednejdny evening a t th# Commu- .. I'nlty cvrnlng In Rupcri, the Legion'* iirbop of Hoy Scouit completed (he

j,( locnl coiiyan, A tum opproxlmallng J . *83 resulted from the sale, here. . j i„ _Tlic.maln.iwppy-tale.took-pUc« ir c , SatunUy. May M, when (wo groupi n

ot glris.ns.ilsicd In the sale dlrtcled by the Aux’illary. ^

; J Ell7jb«H-Jolm.v>n o (-th e -h ig h -t; ° ^ n c ( ir g T 0W rirt'%tnr]0ry M a i^ ^ ^ 7i

group topjied.the sales, ^

'iiE iin iiii': iii[DS! EmS5

^ nUPERT. May M IBpeclal. to The

E. Marahnll Pa,rt ot Uie**Amcrlcan |5 lu Legton. iiKclal » n 'lc u for Memo'r- 'Z lal day here will feature an address h ^ oi Byron Defcnbacli, former itale

trea'nihr and an -dutttandlng 'ora- rl

J? urday .momlng at tho WlUon Uiea- ire, beginning a l 10:30 o'clock. «

^ ‘t'l,v-iu il.iju i,ii.iu iiu ii,iau iid tif xs nounced Thursday by tsglon men:

’ lncludc4-tlj«-lollowliig-numb*n:___rt,' f - “n n r c a i r 7 o ! in n w ir “XmtHca?’ ,1,

communllyKlngIng led bv John Bow- _ cn; ini-ocation. Rcv. Arthur Stem- ov

bridge; silent prayer, 11 lo l t ;01 A. k. M,: ftdvnn«;mtnt of colon, by Color bearen; commander's add/csi, R, M. ed

. Fagg: vocal solo, Mn. Forrest D*r- y/ ... tow, addrcM, Byron Oefttitwch; pl* i,;

ano tolo, Mn, Edna SInclalri.i'Sinr L lSpap8l$d_naM 2i r . ' . : - V J t e J £ : Cl

Urement of colon, by color bearer*; th J* benediction, ifev. W, J. Agte, and

“Tap*-John tiw.V .“ Allowing Uie. morning Mnice, t •; membera c( tlic American Legion *nd ,, Auxiliary wlll form ft proctstlon to



let • BURLBY,MaVM (ap « l* U a .^e S !• Newa)—Alter organUing M a nosn -j i. luncheon WednMday under direction r. of oeorge W. Lyle. dWrlcl clulrman ^ d of the finance eommltteo o( boy r. scout*, tigh t (eama o( (wa men euh . coUected within IUS of Burley'* quo- . taoflWOforadmlnUintlvepunwea g 0 of th# snake river councl.1. The Bur-

ley dUtrlct Includea four trooja In0 Durley and one each in fitanh-t Ftr-I. ry. Pella, Unity. Springdale. View, = . Declo and Albion. The enUre Quota _. f.'BnakeRlvercounclIareaamounU p.1 10 (6332. -

The Buriey dtstrtcl haa a scout [ a ffiim'bKihlpoUppiMtototly.aM.— U

I, ■ —i ; ___ R e a i .E s fa lb T ra n s le r s h

. FnmUbed by Ibe tatcrasimtatB | r ] ------ r t l» O unauiy' Ceap an?"'" • ( -

1 ^L\V 2* W ; ' Warranty D—E. B, Johnson to f . f W. Slack, t t . Lol M, blk. It, Twin

-- l-alU. ' ^ Quitclaim I J - n . A. Stee* to J, H.

' Stees, t l , E’,4 SW 31-9-18 (Life et- v: tate). •. k

Warranty D—Crawford Moore to *iO. A. Steel, IMOO, Pt. lol 29. Iou 30, o:

: 31, and 33, blk. OS, Buhl, ' _ a '

— ■ ' - B: Oregon, to visit relallws.

Uoyd 'Cochran, who h u been In *- Wjndell (or_w vtfti yean left 'for : K n u o d . where he will (ake a coune ■ In U v <lectrical department ct the, Oregon Institute o( Tfchnolouy. / _

- . '{;■ . I “ 5

^ - tl

v y f■ ^

T D A N C E L A N D j

haWks- » X f o r Ih e E ventn ir

— — -■

l.v W ar (Jam es I

' ' ■ -----------^ .

i 1


i. ■ I

liuHln foi-niution ovur't Dnyloii. 3 iin ill‘lt l llr 'KirccH, comiioscd 0 j Lt Hliovs-n Inyinif a sm oku scrcen fi

p i S E H F l^FiiSMUIlES:lg -KIMDERLY, May 30.l8|>ecUI-tO

. j:iie News)—Kimberly (oik* enjoyed » many vW ia-wlth-frlendnind-rtla- * ;)• lives during thc lasfweck: f

Mr. and M n. Juitln Smith and |l .h- Ortnsted “

Whiuity. Mn, Smith and Mn, Qrln- ^. tUd are cousins of Mr. Whitney. .

Mr. and Mrf. C. H. Upton and ij daughter, Clmrlolte nnd Glntoa

S Ridgeway. left Sunday on nn over- h'land trip 19 Mls.soiirl where they wlll t> vlfli Ihelr'parents.Mft. H, T. W m rflurncd flstur- -

'« failed bv-the |^|nf« nf her mnH'ir _ who Is reported convalcsclng at UiU ”

" lime. • • Nf" Mra, Ernest T tiler, WeUer, Ida- cl w ho. and Mra. Milton Odtm. Red- W

mond, Oregon. s|)cnl tbe wetk-end M

u **Van McGill. 'scotlA City,' Kansas, di

arrived Saturday (or a vlsll In the BlJ- U. !•'. yicclimHinioine:-----!---------n'' . Mr. and Mn. C. M. Fisher and ehll-— rtfim-<»ft-WjnTrrt»y tor~tMlr~Tya«ir; near Hallty,, Mr, FUher will hai-e q

i* owned' by iUmieK and E. B. Wll- kenon.

Mr. and Mra. A. J . WlUon rccetv*!■ ed a mestnse (rom ihclr son, P, H. „ '• WlUon.Tliunday.iaylnghebadbetn j. '* transterred trom Vancouver, DrU* J ^ lull Calumbr*', to Brandon, Manitoba, 0

^ tho Safeway stores. tl

- f i M W t N i = A t t S i f O t t T H — 5


N cw )-Edm und T. Bwhtr, H n of T hom u Becher, a r . Clover, and gmduatfl of TwIri'FalU hUh school,

; h u betn,given a.ixMt.on.tba-UnI* —- veniiy-of-Waahlngton faculty at

Sealtte. acoordlng to «;ord reeelted

^ 'Beclier, 'who starred In dtbafe''' work three y ta n a t Twin FalU high " school, and four yean a t Mo«ow, a t ' th# Unlvenlty o( Idaho, w u a ean*■* dldato (or the Rhodes scholAnhlp ' before taking up leaching work In a

Spokan# high school. He h u been ' an outsUndlng scholar Uiroughoul ] hU unlverslty.carccr......... ........ ..........


" I HATB found tha t using Kri* Ion:’a All-Bkak regularly li Uia aurest way (o ketp lh# memben ef my family from being c4»- atlpated," Mltllon* of usen hava _

miarantecs l u f e ^ e f from both temporary u id - jc ra rr ln g con* lUpaUon. .

Pills and drug*, aa a rule, have -^be-ltken-ir^mounllnff-dAM•——

o r they become uselett.Kellogg’s ALI/-BUH offer*

' you natural, aafo relief from''lha headaches, th# dlxzlness. the' -

tiUhea 1t«ti. »hteh helpt vA

'T r y I t vrith milk o r crum , frulta or honey addd . Ute it in cooking too, '

A t atl i ^ e r t . In thf rtd-and-

IA l l - B r a ^ -

^TAY 30, ”


MOSCOW, Mny 20 '.Spccltljo Tl■ “ Neasr—A '■ fw tn ilf AintljnjruTi

Idaho weekly iicMiwiiers has Ji

dent* under Profeuor Elmei Belh, Each etudeni In the ccnimunl

- nn ic^taw w nnndastnU stipi

: ^ ._SUldratsdlscovctt<l.Uiat-iliejc.ii- i)cn contained nbout 43 per cem u

oiie-flfih of the,mini fonteni, ni editorial matter only 3 prr cent, iiv dlcate or "boiler pUte" material ai-f ngtd 13 per cent. Of the local no iwlltlti and socicty averawd IJ.r cent: agriculture, lOiier ctnt; q w

;- It i)Pr-crntrWiiMtlo|-|-;-8'|>er cen religion.’ per ccnt. Mtulc, srirm hcnlth,bailne«, courts, »e.l<l!n(i,n cldenta, nnd hitman Interest siori wtre seldom printed,

'T he.object of the study," fa Profesnor BeUi, ‘‘a-u to lel studeii (Ind oul (or Uiemaelvcji wliai weekli ccnioln, tnsttwd o( Itunlng 1st booka w lut somebody thlnU ll|

, ^ U l ^ .. .FUTthennorr___Hu.i»:

' ~ »un'ryinjudginganewspaper’sv,H tO'lhe tubscrlbtrs,"

Tlic papera Mudled and tlte it I denu who acconij>lU}inJ the slui

urc: Elk River News-Wtyne ftrle Uolae; Minidoka County Newt-Di

< Plftstlno, Caniu: 8t. Maries Gaiett Record-Jane Robinson, Ccntn

a 'Trtiir W. . H y lln rj - M i»iM .ru ir <>( Moscow; Caldwell News-Trlbune

len 8hlrleyCunnIngliam,Halley;Payct EnttnirUo—Mary L. Kerf. F^tmlni ton; MUsouri; O tnnee News-Eth

= Grow, Moacow.



^ - D L m May 19 (SiKClil to Tt Newai-.EdKiir Pruett, I |. pulled U

-to trlggcr;on what ho ih o u ^ t to be * unlo»d« J 2 calibre rldtaadjtbunc ed.MUa-Vlv-a-Lowe,-15,-daughteri Mr. and &tn. L. W. Lowe, here ye ttrday evtnlng. ofllcer.i who qufj Uoned the boy rcponed lonlght.

^ =3lie=bulJefcentrr«l-Ui«T1rt^^lti

la tHe U th#' son of Watltr Lowe. >1 decUrtd the ahooUng w u aaldenli

. andU uthedfdnolknovthtgunw i loaded when he pulled Uic trigger.

MUs Lowe U convalescing a i Ui er- home of h tr parenu and U u ld I nil be out of d a n rr ,

hU . DIXON. May 39 iSpccUl (0 Un N en )-T h e Ambltlou* 4>H Sewlni

la- club met Wednesday ademoon a Kl- Ih t l»me ot Uie leader, M n. UinU nd Murphy, and flnUhed Uie-flnt proj [r>, ect o( th tlr (qurUi.year club work.

u . delegste lo the short coune al Poe ;h< Btello the l u l ot June. A cooked (001 — W t ua,i miu imi aaiiifiniy-ituw ,i]. noon at Haulton to raUe money.'


DURLEY, Mi7M"(SpceUl to Thl " • Nows) _ in police court Thurtday i*" Hugh Moon w u tcqulUed of Un

&thot a dog, claimed that.he did » to

Ihe canine.IT ThecasewasbtforeaJurylnJudr

Arihur C. Dunn't court. ,


i l i r s f eBall

____________ y jgaithe

1- ■ o fe. i ■ ; i s f i

i n T--------------------------------------- ^

; p u i '

■ F o r dependablerc.siiH.<< b e su re ig Wvou Ret Hnll.in- i i C jtin c V n t y o u r / ■ ■^roccr‘8. i f

D! BlGBi illllEiiiiltiiciiEmroThe BUIlL, May 25 (Bpeclai to Tha BTOT Nt«s)-eauirflrty, auiic o. wuniiariy" I Just 0 , One Hundred BlxlcenlhSnglncert, r« \r - (dnho-Natlonal-aunnl,-wtiremnUn-* Itl F. a t i A, M. (or a two-week training lunlty cninp « Dol-'« barrack*. Duhl ^lll ,'CM>i iiciid-iU.mrii, a lull fj)uu>iiny.,iingfr_ ttudr eomiimnd ot Ca^ilaln-WalterOrBenl—____ JcrLaal,B«:tinriJJtuUnant. Harrr K -ic-iu. Butijcr^ ___________ L „ .Ill Ull- The camp hw been named C tnp_

nnil rommnndliig o((lfcr kUle<t last (all. ,tivn- The barracks hate been Improved.' ni-rr- Each ttn t U flUedUllh a Ixwd (loor. ni'iii. l VIl e<iulpmvni win bc taken.12 per Corporal John G, Roblnion ro*

rentlyhubeenuromolcdtoscrgtant. cent; F in l cIIlw privates, P nnk Katoui^k Irnct, and Fsank Vlllli-r*. hav# been pro- i ,n e - niuwd to cor^wraU,.torics ' ' "

;r;IilNEILLS,lE[ISIII 1 lilGESCiV,Hue nUHL. Mar 20 (8t>cclal lo Tht

' N er«i-A highly n|>|irrcUUv<> audl- ' <tu- ence of muilc lovrn w u preaent (or sludr fhe concert gli-cfi In Uio Duhl Prrs- nrley. byterian church Ttiunday evening by -Den MU* Virginia Mcrrjek and Mis* Jane Kite- Merrick, twin daughter o( Mr. and ntral; r . u ti..m «ttiiiiiri_'o rnr by mim Mar;orte W unltr, Rogtr- une— aon, and Miss Irens Parrott. Twin lyetw i-’alLt. Mn, Effle Hinton. TwW PalU, . niflg- prettnlidtiietaltniedyoungwomen, Ethel who played groups of dlffcrcnipUno


cnto Elude,'''Rubln3leln: "Val.« Brll- \M r lUnce', In E-FIaf," Orum; “Prelude

in c-Sharp Minor," Rachmaninoff: -./.TJ and “Kamenol Osiraw." Rubenileln, - Ttic ' MUa VlrglnU Merrick preaented,

1 the -Solfejjletto," Rach: -Hungarian Man Fanlaiy," SchlcMngtr;-"Ecoaotse,'' und*. nwHim-fn;-l'tliiti»im«n rWtnfgNmn* ero f ber'7,"-Brahmt Bnd “PoUco."-flohm<— yes- MUS Wursier. former Buht girl,

ijufA- aang "Morning." Oley Speaks, and 1. -Calm As the NUhl." Hohm, Mtw Fltfl lmi(n>»lTOtrwi* her accompanist: ndow --------1— - - '


BUHL, May 30' (BpecUl W ‘The . Ntwii-Flve babU* hare arrived In

■<1 Buhl homes this wetk.A daughter w u bom May 21 to Mr.

and Mn. W. M. Jone* and on Ui* r jA um o dav a son arrived to Mr. and

Mr*.' E l i ^ Carieion.----------M»yT3,-t go toiu-werr t» p i.-flg«' tff~Uie Mr. and Mn, Elmer Alexander and

wing 111# aecond lo Mr. and Mr*,' Lewi*1 a t Owslty.arUl On May 23 a daughler w uljom to iroj- Mr.andMra..I.C.Jaco»«on.Jr.---------

Id o nly nne' f ftir r pw uim T biii ‘"Poc- FalU. phone,« # , .Dr, FoiWr. Adr.food

y .' I— P M — p i i ^ _


Iday, W e a rc Cflulpped w ilh spe- Uie c la l cold a to rag e room s toc

;— fu r ttnd f u r ganrien lB ---------

“ " “ T h o s n g i -------------------

^ T W IN P A T J J tF R R D & ^ ^ ICB'CO .

Iidge :

w B e s t -allantine’s. is tho oldest

le market,^with 31 years ■' e x p e r i e n c e b e h i n d i t ' I t .

f i r s t i n q u a l i t y . . . f i r s t

r e p u t a t i o n ■ . ■ t l i e b e s t

urity. .

) ? M A L T S Y R U P^ N O P F L A V O R B ^ ^ -'

- ....... r u g m ic H ,


itr t ic u m o N lu if* .N nU fU iA anev

--------K -IUiflUa w y

— I k ^ & s

'■— j s ^ . i f s s s f s s i s t ^ .— s ^ s a i a - s i ^ T ^....... ekMralM crMlud U .tU i.pw e.ul.M

U* 1(K>I Dli* puWUMl B««B. AU, P4HCM Mwm m o HMHi*.

VT) w m AmotuiH rrm .'. Tb» H m y • (BMUMl ol IM AWIi Bumu el CUCUIUUM m a wwa Ui

. s s - a w f a H r a s ! . ’:--------t«m>upfr»ui^t«< te tu i w w «*»«“ ■

K» rwpaailDUJI; u (npiM.M oibx emuiMM MlUi Arvcln tU B m ltd S (W puuicitua tbouia Ml uw*d U»i« busdiM •orai

‘ la tfo«ui tB4 u ouu M mUUM M oplcvot M nrat MSUti UMfWl.. AM*- lOWU* tCOauBUMWU Oi » « • »IUU* I0| M in »«nOUUUM ■m MlM MAUtM. Vo muiuctipu v u B«

HQ PWIM*. ■ ,________ HAnnwii. ■ m i i in T in t M —

ruuuuci*. u » ( j AMD pavDUiM. Miw r w ^ c y t jo . a u m sM » . u>

MEIIUBULT hu couniry Uulf tht Korld’t

-------- ptdflH.mfnTmrnl_______UlU country h u ‘■rsnouiiKd wtr"

•nd pltdfcd n»rl]r t t l . th t 'o r ld to pMK.-

E v n u tI ; ttie world pr»)i for pcMc. Jlopclulljr'thfi « « ld looU to (hU

---------jriittDii‘rle(«tCTiHt[rtn*th*-i»throf■ptu*. •

L<i Ul not, hokiver, on thU Uim>........ orU|d>r.'Utmlomlnlniluth«obU«

(Aiion th t t wt ove brtve m i t In the _ '{IMt )iAM ’iieemfd /UM tnd

hoooTinort lo'bedMlredUuDp(tc«, ] '— -i-,»nd who hiTc.not b«a_tfr4id to ja i. i

lov'when conviction led throuth tlie i ihimblet. ' > . i

_____ itd e U ty u m th tlrw g ltlc t .th b H f '

world towtrd.IKACC. - i______ ____ _ I

(iUB F o a m o s , O. z.. uoflteltJi, rtetnUf bound ,

over ior trUl on ■ chirts ol mtn- , (ltu|hU r,-io*vl( njnalDc hU e tr , ln io -« iH I-> ll» n n n n rT rtr"o 4h* U lh n y » (ew mllu l u t ct H in r a i l , tUettii by ittldArit |h«t paper leoounu o( the iceldiot pub* lUhcd a t tho time Are "InfUmed, pr*>

______Judle^juaJutl'lod.uainie.", Ite ie t'<)iit.ihe polnHnrcqnnwllwJMttHt

' TXtlUon for a ehanie o( venut in . the cAie u evldcnea o( Impoalbimy

. Ject Id the world where t newipiper Arllelt U lAvolred It U c^ttonury tor penons in MonUlth't petition lo tume tb i t the o e n p ip tr U tctutUd b r mtliw. prtjudlee or aa Inbons

- d e i l r t io«IUur lid oriojure, I t never

' ctaotAnewipAperUmeAiuredloa

% in uncoIorM lieU er Uiit the con* , .. i l t n t And.unremilUn* Aim or etcry -

an IdbA iltjo r'Ju it tuch chir«(i. ■ j ........... Time honored custom puUt'httd. j

. , If Mr. Moolelth c T ^ w onetlo* I ■ lie point In Any Newt Article on th i <

-------iM ^ Jfrtjik ta -W ca riL rtU U h tiA e ti'u ttlh e n d And Announced by the , couatf «<utoritJet, The f / e n will { publlely ipologlie te Mr. Montellh > AndtakeluchlurthertU^MAShemty < <ut|tK to mtke cormtlon And amends. ' ‘ I

1------- ------------ ________ (

- n o Q i i e u , Itm ooi thON who wlU w n - {

d tr erer the acIuU tUuc of Ihi trip, J to Deiutrit* Uw h tiK M to a point

--------- tea mll*».iboi»ihe-sttrfAce o( U« 1e«rth a u i( to rcnntM A< <n (>tn< IoTdinApr ich lm m eot;-------’ •• *

And'oDi of .Uia moM wonderful ,(eAturcs Is lh* fAct IhAt Um two la* i

- ,^ ..trip ld -««plt^ .-|O t-bA C fc. Allvt.-------AccotnpUshaMHU 'e t~ ^ p w ‘

durincUiepAMftvdeetdMAreiueh |M to Izuplri Uit Uipuihl th u tooo i

' UiuewlUbenoUiinilefttodiaeoTtr. {Msoy o( Uie experimenu mtdt, '

• rUk« takea, hAve teenml to Uymra Itobe<hirdlyJuiU(ledbatUilsltonly , becAusi seienn In lU hlgfaer rtAcheiU TlrtuAUy A eloted book t« Ull un- I

• ::_______ .^ w , . d u ^ w r ._ . W j!

Mendasly unlapertAnt, Adds umt- thlof to Uie i u n toU) o f 'h& ^n

. , koowiedft. T o i Is propeis. '

, ■ F A C n-----------:'«rnooiSAT aim npB Worse Orer

« H ai,“ s v n N nr York TioieibeAd.

a this a tU g . A BrtUihir. retently (0 hU bopeUnd ifU r au

____ AfflwleABTUlt^qcpjAlniUJe^tuitloa

^ 0 AW hsrtng-lrylnf Ume* In ^ eountry (ttilAnd), but If one

............ ^«ntflU«o<Aaerlc»todA yAnd^ of BrlUln, ont would wn*

.doi^Kdly Ehooee Use UUer. be-

*«U rtAndi«irtn)ucli»ArerU>e J- - v

c tcoiionilo (SCU Ultn tlit minulic- lu rrn of ihe UiiJlriJ eiali'.’ '

' BometlmM It U dltJicult lo liiicr- l«et A forelsnen » o r i\ but Ihla com-

|)bwrver beUtvti' liU country alicwly- h»» lU (»cl on the BTound nnd U a ficlns lacU wiHBffly, ulillc Aim rlcii L -trtWiHloAUnrinxinttcijortnairtns ^ whAt U wrons nnd Ihrrctotr untt)|c Sf tospplytheremediw.------------------‘ -Jw h s p s he is ftglit, .Tlicre hive• been-lncrrulni erldencw-fevfiitly;

“ 'l -n i t J l 1 ■ ,K- fl la'iM.« -There U«rlAlnl^l»« met*ic x n U tu » ]>UaB.>ntl wnrt i lrHgliUAlk. About coodltloM Ultn tliere »m a

few nionlhs tso. Such comiiiwii asI Ih lt o( Iht friendly ErislWiintii need- noi'dUeoursge u», bul »honld »pur il u ton lo furlhrrcotmmciiv*Hininht• And Action. , -

! h o N U s ty r ia z s v y has• llsrfintton Dnfnon U dc»d «l• Kventy-Mvea Jte n u lh c ofliiiitl ,* "efHcleiicy onn" wito »*iil ifouiid ' from fttlbfylo(»clofythpuii»eniy

■ u(Aciurw» Ulil Uiey could « « mon-• ty ind liictCAM outpul by tlwrt cuu.

He .lit J # hard Ume j*»rMi*diiis Ilicm• and Um tihtn i)jr/ * ti u> »o;i;

ellmlnilini l i t motion he hi^l ts herder time with the vorknirn. Kov . o<liHhitw«mfcnowl ■' Emerwn-tonctrned hlin*el( more ) wl.ui mtnuAl worken than wlUi mt- ' chln’ery. He pointed oul belter ways . ofdolntiuchilm plelhlnisttiliovri*I lng d in And hAiidliiig t ptlni bruth. t Ke-lmprw*d-<ht-ttehDlque..o(aiie.

liAnd-workert tlngly'tod in groups.. ]!p Also eouibt to Arrange muiiinery. (or eAiler. quUker, mow eontlnuoui ! htndllng ot hitierltlt tnd |>roducU.

JJe wo/kedjoward the -tlrslihl. llne producjjon” that (Inslly.UliimplwdunUl.lL.U A wmmonpltce_of_Angl‘! ctn Industry And U'copied In- iluitry everywhere.

v«U, One of them wts LouU P.

now in Uie' United flla l« Supreme court, who WAS to convinced ^f the ne* efficiency lOipel thethe planned «rlouily n t one lime to derole the reJt of fiU Hfe Co pretchlnj K. ll« didn't liivo to. Tilt Ide* toon ctught on si)d awepl everything before lu W 8 4 n nrrte in»?od= tare irtry i«^

: - V I E W S . .

I' iiBbUt U ltm i la t «e BM Mran ^ i r « 4i WIIA tflBiiM Tht

1 THOMAS DEreKBACII - BOT*I lOLWEN' About every move made W ty ou r ithe-olw kcrb^-of-ldA ho-nepublk

canpoUUcf poinU la A comblnatloH Abeut-At ItidteAte H h th o e tpttoii of Uils «rtl:ler.ThAfTbooiAs-WAnl« to succeed himself goes wltliout uylng.- T htt Detenbtch w A n U ta b e g o ^

IireeUeAlly-lliBl Im'i In tlw hAndscf hU friends. Bomewhst trite, per- hsps. bul quite well coiitldered as a mmK'ia B yroni'naf,_8om *.o( hH frkntU Uilak thAtJw knt a eouple of plecu on Uw bOArd vhen b i u ld Uutt noAs lueh A iDod (rlead of hU T n » r ir» u n in -m n n i rT O n t« r o r words Ul th it effect,. But Uw politic* (An thst doesn't M otloaiUy csAke A raUtAke U no pollllcUn. And Byron clAUqi he Un'l.

And (hen Uiere-j '^ lo if s e n of Arto. Bol mAdeli el«in iweep in DoUe i* spuker of the houw, In tho Wty of ^rUndthlps. lie «At popuUr oa both tides of Ute chAmber, poir tlbly ihArlni UiAt dUtlncUon wlUi cne other meiaber-WlUoo of CArl- bou. And Dot showed briln t And competency, loo. ile Arrlvtd. ■

On letvinc BoUe Mr. Bpetker said he WAS throu(h.-8Ald-httiWAnt«d to te l cm of rolllirt tnd becAiW ifAln A.ttunlrr.edllor.-OoubUett:At Uut Ume lie mctnt w htl he tAld. Bui he’t A ftepubUcAa Ibo And we happen lo know Uist he’t a good for|<ll«i'- -T h e liuie cAndldAUt* CArdt u ted in cow iy p<aiiia A ^ W A ruruw ie«* todi "tubjeil to the wlU'Of the ne- pubUcAn (or DemoerAlIc) prtmArln" will now obtAin wlUi a lArger tcopf of AcUoo. Bo U ut evcrythloc Uul msy be u ld now About cAndldetes and thlnis politic mty be Uken “nibject to tlw wilt of the people as U iireued In Iho prlmArtte."

And U ut bringt up Another [ Uiought. A couple of CAmpalgni wltH]

. , E IG H T O 'CLO CK I

A^emorlal S c n lc e


- “THE VOICE (N o te : W alch fo r.n e x

lie- Ilw ttlemlinlexpenie And'work AO' worry iMi’i.soIng to bother our jun

nier- Jor teniitor rrry much, bul mty htvi rom* » lot to do wllll llie IndlvltlusDty o

.ihe finsi TiomlnKi «f boOi nsriln

***’>' narration, bul slw sll tlw wsy dowi lA llie line. Mr. Defenbsch «-on’i mim

iTicit If tome tmsll fry ttke ll Into thel Tf* mn him f^r tti'

, iiomlntllon. In fsci, he might wel coine such u sddlng lo hl« ttrengH

------ In the flnil-conWitrbut hoiBlfhrbihive ri'ulte reluelsnt ^ enter tny .blitf inilyP 'cr*p.for.Uie nomlnsllofi. .. A,.. And BoltoltKn probtbly feeli tlii

is if t ^ y iy - n a u n t ^ niy. nw « -w BoHt AlrtAdrA lesderln Uw youn*.

ond- oe-oUmtntof-iht ItepubtlcAn pArty

T T T ■narannp-Arthtt-rticBofthe-nm e , with everythlnt to loie And lltiU (i “ • ; « n . Tl.. IKuunuil.iovimoT need the crown prinee tny m ort-ln IdS' »pur I'O. _ . . .iijlit Of coune thert art oltiiri. Thl

srtlcU hAs io do with rumort-Aw converMtion. For Insltnee. There' FYtd Lukent. m d It illlln f b id Wtuhlng the ptrsde. Jle’i reii-Uwlni the pmectilon l i t » w y . iU 'd preb'

1 a l A bblyi(ktlobitd5he llntofmArc) iiiisl ~*and might do ll yet. ](o knowi» „„H and hU frlendi know -lh it he’i

about the belt little ilhgle-htndet eniy vole getU r-ln comptny wllh Frenct tran*- wnU BuiHli « ln i»lltl«-tedAyrBqt-h<

i u S ^ n h i n K S y i a r ftlrd fffif -m- enu ffe knovi ih tt under the prl'

’ msry he csn prvbtbly get t nomlns* Uon for Another urm is tecreltry ol

>urk >ut« wJihobt much Irouble. )l( ul s knowt Ih it It Aould bs a mlU more Hov <lll>teuli to t t l the gubernilorlsl

nomlnttlun..^ A..ri 1h»r, o1lirf«. We SllSll non Uavc Ihem for future dlKutslon. But m t- lodsy polllUtl wlteiens sr* pri-

dieting A ticket contailng of Benitoi ThomAs lo tucceed hlmielf, Defen- bACli for Kwemor snd BoUfllfien (or lleuletiAnt-forernor.-ldiho Plonm

oiie.-tOoUei.__ _ _ , .

I'.'TJ o il . WIIERK c ljT o U a LYDA BE?LydA aouthtrd. liuibAnd poltoner,

»ou* Itlll holds the s ii ie wUh one of Uie ucu. ttr tn g e tteu tp fs ever m td t (rom the llni! Idaho prL'on, Gone slncc-ttrly morn*

, lngofMBrJ.-w<Wrumof»o/cIucilfl every p in of the itAte hAvi kept-Uie

«rl- wsnUn. therWU tn d depuUe* run* In”- n lnfA bou t'th fw n lry .B iJ tT rtteri

»he U U tu n ft myiUry.'ExlrAdlUon

Wl*"1 D. nuy ba In BoUe. The alrpUne iK e^ 'S F w n u u . ifuc 'in i w u a uyum

fi55 ica-iW 4m *rw nt«nceT rirvn *'“ * yeArtiolKe.'niiienyeAn.UneArly the up. A pArdonl*er«ifotild have opened

med llie doors of Uie MonUnA prison to .J,, her for another term Al one of her ‘'’® husbAwU died there. She dtred not

(ake the risk, she p rertm d to cflmb ight lhis(onew A ll.TO M y(heleutltw ii . iL Aniesnirlcklol>«okontoU>inf|Wly ' tppolnud wtrden.-Buhl Htrild.

rA K t ClfBXS. At President ) io o m reQinUy

pointed oul, lAX rtducUon m utt be a v iu i element In any procnm (or IndustrlAl And'eeonomie tieblllu-

wide depratilon. Many dlvorjent forcei were toblime. Out U is Almost

~ .m.tnmnH/. f W „fMntmT]|cnt ’ And builneas cannot relum to normal if

^ th Q ^ ± u n t tn e i l : i ! t th :« 7 t< t^ n r ■« snd ^ l s n t l y growing weight ef

|! I t U u'nforiunAle U ut tn times of stress, msny foolish. slUiough well* meant. ptnaccAA Are offered and

» tomellmci An uled. All of Uiem. In OT. one wty or tnoUwr. cost Uu peo­

ple money, And tometime*, for a iln*' ' lie experiment. Uw coat goee tnto I ou hundred* of millions. 'Hie inevllAbSi ib lk tetult U.lilgli^Uaxe*. Thus Uw os* Uo» lenalblD cure f ^ tp r w i lo n becenur

.-•o -.When.government gofAln-fog.Artl» In .. (IcUl And expensive econendoKipir.

Alon 11 Almost ilwAysdoe*(Armen‘ liinti itiin tw d, - N iw pt Leader*


~ * - A wtnilns U u iu id Idiho pe<ite ."H gwwera.uiu units* Uiey i n better

thsn Iht Avenge U>ey mty expect I IMS In the ro w tn i of poUtoe*

Il>c* -nw figures u lubollled show a ce a (us of over MO An act* on potstoM Ton the pAst seAsoa, lo fsr as Uu iver*

i | t grower U concerned, thst U, of provided ill of Ihe production tosU

I in ire Uken Inio eonildentlon. The the plcA u to "best the Avmge.” lUue iU r more thsn tha AverAge And st less yoi- n a . which U lood adtlee ind rlUi ' ‘liicti csii be msde to apply to men *ri. In alt linft of endewvor.^ in order to succeed in Any lino

one niuit be Above the Avenge. Tlie u jd average mattes up Ihe greAt mau. tii 10 l*JDie..buiJhftjnaMei.*r«.n«jttll.tAln ^ ^

edition, th r Above the Aieragc.wiiicjrratkei f tn u c c e a r -------------

” , f It require* effort And lou ot It.Itioushl, (oneenlntlon. itudy nnd

. the' iliUiklng out ct problemi jilui i r «'J9t:«rMrd'w6HnoT>e-at»ve'the'*•* Awrage. l l Is easier to ba Juit Aver- ^ »;iu. ur e im bciuw.-t e a-efforUs^e- *” Quired but the rewards Are grcAter

when one tops the hcAp.Being Above Uie AverAga Is not

lies brougtit About by Just wUhlng loOie. ifn Pev iimei. If ever. U *uc«u met In > AS ii]ai ftay. To be above the average

calls (or A certAln Amount of taal* ^ (ice. It is h* who U wilting lo meet r)Ui|it wlio msket It. T hen U mother

a r a CHRISTIAN m CHURCHM m U b E S C H O o l

■ H — -.Udles* Q o>rt« tJ-------


W lUvill.J.ReynoldB


:e \ 'o ca l D uet


E O F THE AGE” -n e x t S un d ay 's p rog ram

^ ........; L > - ^ ^


F B W sb a n d ^ mK AS STAGE II’- u iP ) . ''down

their r-ttlfr]-------

rength 'ghrbe ^.bltttr .

• l l i i r e |~ire-torj--------------’ount^-—M

E t —

'I m m .towi~

le •Dins*

"slr » 3 r — -------------------- 1 - '— I—

prt- Huicenie l,con tov !eh , fp rm K orned-B y H n w d w iy u n til h

1 .1 '. ehiincc in a u ta rrln ic «>Ie. She K M e of th e y e a r ’s h its . -

----------- ^KKW'VORK, MAy.at M') - TlJe glamor ut tAme;, deUyed (or~'flve toner, yem , citihot now obecuri the ro* >( Uie mtnee of EugenU Leontovlch and m Ihe Gregory lUtoff. Ttwy wenl through Tiorn* UK) mtiiy htdshlpt.iogethrr..

-M ite, twntavlen wm a noted drs.' >t-” ’^ mstle le tn u In Moacow And a K -

vue stir In Pirts, but IhAt meint tirtliiugto'.btAMBroAdwAjrwtwH-Oje- arrived hrre a little nton th tn ( in

I iM « a « J to . S h tju iJw rT led to Rflt^

to J i a J D jM L -------------------!L l“ _U_ , ^ i e . ncxt.flve_yeArt-werc-ttutl

ones (or this womtn who h td been fsmoiw In "tin own country-, -nie

^ u only Jobs sbe could.set vsr* u a r w „ Clwrtu giri In tourlnf'^troupe*, and H not ibere li hirdty a oni*nlght attnd

in this couniry which she did nolit Wlltifiwly nalo(( w u a little more fortu- ild. nsle In gettlnc work becAUie he

, (liiitt(Ilih Ilf h U ^ V e u e n Aftnii,- StnUy ind As-ioon m h* u v td enough, * tb * . . • ------------

East Texas Finds ^ _ l 'ro d u c e A c m ^ y

' fBy The Aa*ocJ*Ud m i l )O T U)NUV1LW, i m May id -» W inr ■Tnu-hM-hAil-ag-yeArt-ot-oll-fUM I t cf extwrieocis. but the e u t T exu itrike

Ku'UkeiilU 'tiliiU 'is UIU4U<1 UtUtir e t of (Iltm All.' wtll* E u t Texas U oil poor." < l The Splndlelop In 1901 tnd

oUier rich dlsc«verlet cime with no Pf®* such overproduction u now exliU K : uiweltlnlown Uie m trkeC The

lih S n*» “ rtlM »as made .In Ihe mldil of preCArious days for Ihe oU In-

^"wifuriUMhw*W AI A g n u In- S s : •Jlux’ of lil^sriPiaM. BflBiltH UH iplr.' ptfinanent rttldenU' seriau i»ob- n o n lenu for u rlng for doKH-And>outen.

— 2 ^ nltety‘ de!cnaitU. And th* Texu

.OE railroad commlulon was forced (oxate do coniidtrabU Burning In an effort etter lo (is the potenlltl.ipect • Not Uk* Old Dsyi>toe* ]„ the da jt of the SplndJHop'ie-

lUnger Ilnd In weit Texas In 1817 ** * And Durkbumett *nd OesdemonA In “« • I t u And IKO. olt was worth much

mote, llien was no neeeulty tor roiu f"'* “* • '“' ‘itn*Tbe . ' . . t i - , . --------- !..■

dutllly: ■Then.tnust bo a rest Joy ..r i tn work, a sort of fUrce Joy. in or*

der to .wltt..An>-.Job„wlilch Is a drudgery, a lisrd talk wlthoul soma

,j,ji rest a tufsction In AceomplUhment, will not psy much In dividends In

„ cither utU(actlon or hiiirTltl.pro(-

. T ob tiiB n 'g im eirh teenr'in reT tnr TijP, In wJilch men put the/r beij. sre----- «an-bMAUte.Uie;ContAsUntl.iiAVAI It lo do ll; they An won by men who and >o« ihe game, and lhal Is ttie wiy l,lm success U had tn ratlins poisiorA or 'the anythlnc-elw.-Oite-hea to-|iut*ln- r tr- more Uun ene geU out In ordtr-to Hte- r * th> >yit rmm «iwimn1t»hm»i]l. •ater -Id ah o Falls Ttmes-Rrgliter.

:r O R O V E R '

r l j]


I it h t r i u m p h F ^E HAILS NEW STAF

wf ’>■ *


fp rm cr I 'n r l i ia n revue s ta r , waa li l l h t r h u ilu iiil '» f iU h s i « h t r a . Sh« h ilre d 1«, m « l«

- The momy h* bou|ht lh* touring rlghti r''nve to A pUy fo r her,- )0 ro* She could now ipctk English tnd i and Ihe Itft h tr . little roed.comptn) irough muitcAl thow to biccme a ttai

sgnln. In her hutbtnd's pity In Chl< MB8. The critic*; reviews Arrived

v « * in New York Ui«. n ixt day And •* “ lisK do«n m tn tgen went scurry-

ingjm tw ard .irtU uontun iilU htti

Mile. Leontovlch wme lo the ' ^ u ~ DTOdwsy which h id ipum ed het

-(eT-ftTe-yetn-to glre-tht-oulHand*

.c n itl *°' been ust. nionty tnd (smt snd lux* ' urUi w tn hen. T hen w u enly ene

“ • dlappolnuntnl About h tr Irlumptj. ’> {{er huibtnd w u sent lo ChlcAgo «»M to sppesr in a pUy.<* TTiey b tM remedied'tJut icme-

whst. Every Biturdsy night After tortu- lha (inal curtain, she boards a tn lp w he westwird, And in Chicsgo ber hui- d-lBi. hADd bOAriQ.A.Urila.tAit«»nLjnity. •irtS r B R t- lUTllUbuigli' Aitd-^ptnd-Uw. nough wetk-tnd th tn tofethtr. a g = = L S . . . . ' . . . - . ‘. J . — .............. . J S

ids Qil Boom Doesn’t ity-Like In Olden Days) lng of activlilu.

i-(UU .hu.lnenu(id.by.ApproximtUly-M,^ slrlk'e O O Q -^ iijr iln 'S rb in jllBff^rroKf

leeUon.' Rfoenlly a rich find netr GUda*

tnd wtUr .trAni(onftid th t t T lllt|t ot th no 900 InhtbilAnU Into a buiUIng IllUe exliU city of tooo In thre* weeks' Ume. .

The Kilgore's popuittlon Jumped from midst 1000 lo itficn in a ti* wetki, Long- : in- vUw boomed from HOO ui iSMo, m. Uendinon from 3i00 lo HJOO. Joln- I In- ^ U rfro c p ~ n o tti lfy t<rMOO.-Ty{rr

pfob~ “ U nl[SnH i“ w is t T«xu boom' jten. towns.' ih t E u t T exu comauntllei ’the tn .n e i going In (or^exptnslro ptr-

W is ' n iiu n i~ u n n u ru . rexu Balldlngs Are Ftabw d lo Prtme buildings Are being Uirown iffori up"for"Uie emergtney. Although

more subiuntlAl ilructuru mty coow Uler, when Uw qutnllly of

>‘ie - the oil Is more definitely delermln- t lb e edjuid Alter the in trket improves.-

- T haproriitiwi pfogfam»M- sreeg u In to for only a two months' period, on nuch tr(A(. 'afler a ittong group In thc

tor E u t Texas firids'had oppo»d 11 In :ken* iny form ..


'l,° a MANCHESTER; N. H., May 39 toma -UentlDeslshe:hea\7W ilghtwrest.

Itr, defeated Olenn Wide, Nebniki, “ro/) here lonlght. Wide w u unible lo

continue After the ftn t fAll tna : mln-iMnr ntet with-Aieretw Ann lock;---------

sre - - -

who e a e i e e i e i a i i i i i i e i e e i a

IflB E_ Last Times Today

T H E BIG SPE C IA L fro m W . n . B u rn e tt’s Novel

“TheS H E o i L - M a n ! b

A Big CAst Toe



'C AUeAM IckyM cO ilnCW iH y-

g PAtha Ntw* And Mickey Mewe

5 Added Sebjeet MAUate Today



y -IN D IS C H m "B Her LAUet, Biffeat and Bast| m | ..... S c m a PtwiweUao



.Mr*. I . B. VriuiiW . “

Phone JM

------------Tlic—iV im aiu oranca~ o n i' , AmirlcAn AmocIi IIoii ot .Unlveril

_____: Women wiis lioilets to_A dclfgillf(rom Boll* And roctlello « ' luncheon meeting *t the Pirk Hot

___ J. PrIdAy At one o’clock. 'Mrs. 0 .(,bux. pocalellorprestded and * ili

----- aivialflrnrarorganlicdrTha-toltin--------tn g - 'i ta ie -o rf icen—wtre - eiectii— President; Mrs. 0.-E.-Loui, Poctu

L— -tPirm errliw bw i-iecond-vloeprii \ ' dtnt, Mrs. Cecil Jones, LewUloi j \ . correipondlng secreUry, kfri, c . 1 g \ Knngtl. Twin Filli; reoording ki B ;,\. retary, Mri. N. B. Adkison, Bol» H 1 \ tnuuro r, Mrs. H. L. WAlter, T*1 ■ U FatU. covers were Uld for sUU(

At one Urge UbU in .lha bAnqu< room which w u profusely decoratt wllh baiktU And bowU of gsrdc (lewen. T h t cenlrAl decontlon fi Ihe luncheon ttbl* w u a bou<|Ui

■ of lirkspur ind pstnted dslile (Unkad wttli lighted tapen.

Alice Peavey enlertAlned with prtlllly ArrAngfd lunelicon Wtdnei

who U IcAving nexl week with hi H moUur. Mn. T. P. Wlllms to spen

tha summer in Ctlltornli. Red rou V tnd spJrfA formed liie rentcn>Jri W for the Itbles And- llghicd’red csn r dies Added t« the beauty of Ihe er

temble. OAroetwere'enjoyed follo« . lng luneheon am^ the honorei wi

™ jf r tu n n (t^ itli~ in ~ * itn R iv i~ ii( "'*8 The guesu numbered fourteen, e r a • — — •l td " An Allncllve luncheon ^ u give

ThundAy Afternoon At ih i homi c Mr. And Mrs. Edwtrd Jennlngt o

'IghU Fouhh Avanue north honoring Mr: U iix . Tum cf»Z lnno. OkUhomi nlice e( Mr. fennlngt, who wlih.hi

I tnd husband. DiVid TMmer U a houi m cit At the Jennings home. Cover v r * Uld for tlx *nd th e .g u d t

Chi- nowers used to Adorn the UbU (ei rived i i ^ , Uvendir and whiU raetlf,

itrry- t 1i* Womea't.Forelin MUsloosr ItltlE. Sodrty-nf .ihe-MeUiaflUt-Chunl

^ met Thursdty ■fttmoon In ih the churchji(itlQn.DerotlenAUwenlei

■ her by Urs. C. P. Rlstow. her subjec •n d . beli>c-“H er^m -o(-I> f«oer^ t-U i

K n _ h cftrd .sn d .ih a .crtilflcpt j n i“>* nounced th tt esth member u t-

' ene e tm txtrA money durlni the sum mpti. mer (or missionary work and Ul ^cago how It w u 'etmed when tt U pn

lenUd. Mrs. Frsnees Miner hsi MDe* ehATfe of Ihe prsfnm . Mrs. T. f after WAmer rivUwed lha study book am Iralm U n . T om ns and Mft. Miner u n i hut. tvo salKtlons AceompAhUd by Mn

Mn. OAvld Kotnig presided u hoi lets. Mrs. H. W. PAricer o((tre< prayer a t the ctos* of the meeting

..... B n n f w i p n * -iVQ I T U t l v J 3 i T U i t n u v i i

' Plan Boat Racef^ ,n i in i j;Y .M n iM tB p e c lil to Jh i

(row b » r ^ r [ ^ i> 3 h a f f b e n - B u o a iy TOOT n a eoiuM fuf-?mbia r J ' r»cin riiw ’

lor boiU will be five m llu tn length itda* trlansulAT In'liiApe. SUp pUnes An I ot expecUd to be trucked hen froni mUe NunpA, SoUe,'Twln Fails, Americu «. . Ftlls And other «here out- from boa^ motor racing U In vogue, one- The niAlden race between Burley'i IMo two eloop rigged sAllboaU. The Pt' loin- raU And The Sum Runner, U als<

5mT fl” » » r club. --------- -


ley B. Mtyer. veierAQ D iU u polo ■own pUyer, w u Injured fAUOly when hlJ )ugh h m fell with him during a gAtns mty between Uie D tllu Bluei .tnd Uic ’ of n nuichlio teAm of F M Woriti nln- here today.S t " ........................... ..... .............. —7“ ? OYBTERS MAY HELP ANiailA KS" wAaiiiNOTON yn - postiwi

VAlue of the mlnerAl conUnt of oys' w len tn tha treatment of Anemia li

being studied by the' UnlUd SUW _ bureau of fUhertes in co-opereUor

wlUi the Itbontories of Uie SouUi CiroUnA food retcAreh commission.

iW3 ; ,-r, _ - J i L -- --------------------------------

lUu. , ,------- ^ -----------------------

' ' NOW! TODAY! _ _ O n e .D ay O n ly !

Once a aENTLE,>tAN-Alwiyi » GENTLEMAN-even In LOVI

7" Jf-.GIIIIRIl | : - -^"-GewTernonis fofr

. ' Lenls Wolhelm

_ []_M A ria PrevattSif. 1:20 to J_____ JOe ] le In'eW,HCA8T COJIF.DY-

,-ei ----------^ ^ ----------



■ \ s m

ffG ,M A T 3 0 .1 5 ^..........s '

- • - V S M l iTn-tnr P'acilio-Slalsi-Amusei i S l i _0,l(erinB!_Rilurn.:„

‘ o “ eA lisle •. -------

nJiirwTwin Fslls tor A Uilrd eniarem u in 'tn y y ^ trtu n d e r^ e n e a r

l ^ r n o i i r o g t i n ^ i M ^ , to convert I h e ^ l l park here.

sUtterlnt fslrylAad e( lOAXf Doue- rnumlnitlngAVArWyoftmu*

r T ifn feiiurit..ln«ludlng a griAt gAr« s l« « n on* «'wk b<|lnnlng

‘* ^ iih lomi JOO peraons on lli roll, Pacific Bute* thow* wlll

,** hete a number of emertstner i/Km-|K0pJ»a!r«*dy/tr0»W yl lnTwliiPAlls,Andalsominyer MW AUTAcUons wllh Uielr ec menl of show ptopla.

*1,,. . Among niw Amusement fei u w t r t offered UiU m r a

re»t-«lrcui-Ald*.*how-*nd-M m h lr P3’« e of Illusions.

Cyclone Thom pm ts comlpi 7 ^ . i . In clitttio of llio tlhleila lUdlui

with him is Bobby S s ^ n ,

pl'"'- " “ ly “‘ A mlnUiure itt tm tn ln U i*?•“ * ’ /f*{ure}nth«f*nlsn,of/We*,i

I oK-.n fffrit WhllL 'l l . I l . Pteido B titei tlK>w* .oomei

(rom Ogden tn d I t Uiitloaeo!?u ? iihomti ^

'H B D a L i l E S I E? HiL Himilootry . '^ureh - \V B n ilL U -M a y ‘»..lSpeclJ n the The Newi)-Wendetl Americar « n led glon wtll be tn eh trje of Men nibject day exerelset bere-tomorrow-i <Vt-UiA Mon-At-UiA-MeUiodlsUimich ilfloer*- TlrDrOmUADrPUlw .of-Uw.ch Bt_an- will deth-er Uie iddren o( Uie T r i o ’TiiTpnipinnrtH-be-under-Ui !tum - T(Cllono(E.O. Commons, vice Id UU minder o( Uie ooodlnipoit.Is p n - In iddlUon to Uw AddnsA 0 r htd OllllUn, epecUl muilctl nun

T P . are being ATTAngtd (or. A 1 ok and squid tnd a bugler from_Uie 0 r u n g lng CAVilry troop will Uke pA y N n . the ten lce i. Boy tw U wlU tl

ishoi^ 10 veurans bnried-lnIhrtocAi }((tred etery. ■ • ^ „ eetlng. The program will b e u W lo w

vocAlton; ttngtng, "Amfrle*- b; tudlince; reading of Uw p m afUifl Ameriam U?tton.-by D 8. N ^ i : ipectit musU: pr.

i p a a reading. ‘'In Funder’s Fields, I t e s supertnUndent H. P. Downeyi

Jflff, "Dtlle Jlyjnn o( Ute R<

ioaiyr •Amertcan-tegion-ntuHUUft-^ jT iw ' -wUrtrhridT^rhleh-lneludtt-thi engih, Inff o( a SAlute And the loundli

' * ( ^ * ^ T 'o tjan iaU on i and Uw*perican htve been InvlUd toco*op» oul- wlUi Uw ex-senlce men In Uie ■t. Ices. All ex-serrlee men t n etp(urley'a ty urged to be .present. Bus(le PI- house* In WendeU wlU b* closeU also day.ne«n U ■ — ■


ftnoon on Uie Btowh bucbaU mondeutofUietehooIhouse.

A gomi w u pUyed lu t fiu between Uie married men m d

SiiA ~ riiinW m enT fliru tlir wmnlJ ostlble A acore of 4 lo T. Much Intere if oys- belns shown' In lhe*e gAmee ai mia U lATseperccnUgeoftheresldenU SUUs AWend. ___ ____________

SouUi Oaly ooe (oot speeUUil in ' Isslon. FaUs. Pbine S40. Sr. Feitet.

Y! ^

lo v i: ■.

bODWlto < ! ■ ■ ■ .1:W. S:». 61: 0, RDY- ■ 7;W. lUfl F. M.

R f iN G T 0 M 0 n ,R 0 W _ 3

m S m iK m m m m ii


r ~ A oliv ltlns A m on j

\M F O t f R v S

t i u g rgeiflen t

jrqrk-mtklng Aur«ms.-hu encount

le a n lig ; f iee r-w h itty p e ro fH im ia re ta •n rn e la r auluible-foe-virlourf-mAUriAUri -evenlnr- -whAiklndof«imsshouldhou**d :re Into a vsrloui garments sueh u apro lOO'UghU dnssei«ndilipi?’'D[icui8lono(l nunmeni «-H clutw shotl course At PocaIj iTArdan ef hsd a p ir t tn the busineu lessl ing Uon- a t the lu l meeling.

rili*£?^r “ Sunny ««* ''« ctub,JJuhl, D«U 1 n 1 and *»«’ h u worked oul tu pi

/c n l^ riv Mareh 1 with election of oltlcers a ■ ewnpll- .AMitnmenU ot the (Int project. A

conllnulng lo Aujun 37, when dm (cAUircA •* ar* lo be compleled.A N tpo --------

-M oyir't adopled.Uic.dubJUuna.AUtsjtte> Ing Mty IS At the Dosielt ftrm hon

back VUltlng cteh member’s home, I llum and club mipecud etch, member's ci «n, one* snd Also leUcted whsi wu'regird t ehtm- u the beit cow in eacti herd. B< en. Knefel snd Donitd ’Thomeli i

niemben. The next meeting e*, « ^ (0 be s t the fUybom home. June

__________Economy 4-U sewing club, Bu.

JhJ I tani M n;H.W righl.lfider,begintnikl

1 o f ^ whleh WM given oi-er to work on t BaU» club's second'projtcl, tnd contlau

pUnntng for the ouUng lo th« nt meeting a t the leader's home, Juno

1 f f l f l SnakelUvcrDitryclubiNorUnle ' ' •ilM 0, 0 . H irt, l«der, has adopted l i r i lT P plan for e ich . member to m a i r N S ascrtpbook wlUi newipiptr cll I L I I IU pinj»fleAllw»1lbdilrylng,ThocI-----------At lu last-meeting Mty J8«Aulha

, . . I»d tha club pnildent lo appol *cW. lo ».*octtl-to-provide-A-progrtm-f Uan La- ,,e h meeling. Th* next meeling Jemorltl tc nt llie Northvlew school houj

J u m i ;------ -------LChiirrh.

,ld<d m > tooM I»4 ull T U in m m e rt trw id -e -A le is i* -

• Uie 4*H clubs short coune a t Poc i of Dr tello. The lesder, Doris Albee, dei num bm onstnud stocking dtming i t t V llr ln i ' l u t meeling May J3 At Ihe home0 Oood- BUth And JUIen Brooks. ^ M DArt In minting U lo be At Uie E. W. MIU

1 Attend heme, Juna 11.

E iiiS iE J i l l i i l lEpi’A>tri ,

'ids,- by - T “

' r / ^ OOODINO. Msy 30 ( S p c ^

ndlng of “ g g j ^ ' j ^ i ^ j ^ u d c n t i will COI • tribute musle and Kenneth Wcl * o S ^ U S>« redUUon.’n i e Ft»l

f tw iS - S l b » ° ' l S « K ‘o f T o '^ U

SSd^Ill ” ?H3m*<»d ccmeUry liie m'om ment And gravel of toldlen wtU 1 decoreled by Uie » ^ e n o* glon A tl l^ l^ and furUitj Iribu

r a i p : Onrhundred-sUteenlh-oavAtry,—

W E S T '

~to T h e ' ^ ^ = = = 7 ------~jiu i iu u rtU plty J After**u du - / > N .

BundAyindun* C C ’C \ l N \ \ r / T " ' l / y ^

1 0 c ^ 2 5 c

e*. Adv._ _ F.urSta«iO*llr'l:«.J».I.*

z r ------- Big Double iJill .No AilMMB In AdmlHlMi

Sil _ l a s t t i m e s I I TODAY

b : ; r z r A S i C E W H j T E —

[____________. In .

J “ T h e N a u g h t y

- F l i r t ” - '

i i l nnd th a l W ild H orse D r a : W este rn . A ll-Talk ing

..... > - - - _ P ie t 'u r e _____ .r_ .

“The Phantom o i ) th e D e s e r r

^ If you tova anlmtU ste UiU

r u T Coming Tonignt

■ ■ “ T o p S p e e d ”

----- 1 with

. . JO E E . BROW N

That Blg-Maotbed Gey■■ -■ -------- . - ................— -J -

( M u l t i t

T —

i^Jaiiace^K. 1-—Resl-On-Eve-Of I G r i l l i n g C l a s s i

SariK F estiv e S p i r i t Com mo

' T o One of M ost Colorfi

O ccasions in S p o r tsd o i

P re v a ils In In d ia n a Cit

‘ JB y ^ h T A iiio ^ i^ T S in

I N D lA ^A P O L lS . M ny 29- A m crlcn’n atilom oblle ctai K lo» lho 50D>ml1e ruce I

be ru n tom orrow — hrouRfi , Ihounnnds of speed f n n « lo J r

1 A d ianapolis (on lgh t.. ^ T ho B n m o .fc H tiv c uplrl

w hich ha* m ade th c c v c n l on o r ih e n to a l'c o lo rfi ir in Hpnrlt dom prevailed ua (ho v is ito r

I milled iboul In tiokli o r lined iI Ihdr u n a l th« gtttea o( the >p«e<I; w#>%

8(wUng Al 10 o'olKk 111 Um mom 1»M,« « toush.Tjdinj tic e -rtH b« cliiU«n{fl to Ihe iklll and courig« <

. tha40oonleitanl«.Theclementahat not been Und lo (h« 3<i mll« brlc

j courte. Uld [illoti havo (ound neI h tu rd i luiklhi on tho h&lruin c u n t

Undaunted bjr iw ratallllta an______ ollw t.cruhei.ln -pn icU te.Jha.drl

r r t arc prepared to aUacIc tlu ipoc ;<4tcord o( 101.13 mllei an hour m

br Pttff d«-PioiiHn-lP2».4>rjK« U . tnltln. «liwnnil will h._dlitrihula- -------- L»Hh.»aWI00.(ioln*.t©4h^lnn«—

Tho-aurprUlng number of nea

aiarttnc lineup, tho Cummins ol! . bilmlnRi[Kediter,LtonDura>-'alwo

' cycle hope', and Improvementa In th apecUl rac4 Jaba have wmblned I' ailmulat^ Interail In tomorron claiilc. Tb«i« ar* 10 near-ilodc cat In th* rae«.

Attention alto wlll ta riveted ot

and nho *111 be btliind . IhO'iami eiglit-cyllnder front drive,

liouli Merer. American drivlni A champion In IPU, and 1K9, and Wll T - llam iflhorty).Oantlon. *hoIinl*het---------iccond lu i May. . have apeclaf 18

clylnder rac«n that are conildere< moil llkclr to slve Arnold trouble ii tha daah fgr the individual lap priti

I money. 'r ' - Amflia.-T w n i- M n. LmiumLiin ; -------- eoncedtd~to~haw~thB'faiUtt'~cari

' mlagi and right behind Ihctn

A m e r i c a n s D r o p

O a t O f N e t P l a v

George.Lo'tt.Bows.to Irlsh- m an a n a m is s b iizaD ein

— r - R y a n U s t s - t o r S p a i i l a r i i

AUTEUIL. Prance. May' 39 (Jft—■ *n<> t««> ffint^‘n4fM

champlcnihlpa paucd oul of the pic­ture today vlU> the aurprUlng defeat of Oeotte Lott In the quarler>(lnal<

’ ofthsmen'adlvUionandthseUmin- allon of Mlsa Elliabeth Rjiui from

' the vomen'a play.Mlaa Ryan, who hoa lived In Eng*

land ao long alnce leavlnic Caliromia tha t abc tvo« i» m ^a dtllnlU l; alU> ed with lha OrUlih fortca. went dovn befora tba fine atroklng or UlB Bpan<

. l»h champion Senorlta EUa de Alva* i' ret, Spain. S>7.0*3.8>i In Uie quar*

■ 1 ter>(lnal round, but lo u , veteran of r - Uia Amerlean Davla cup aquad and ^-l_i4rorlte to gain Uie final round..went •

down before a comparaUve iinknovn. Hla conqueror va< 0 . P. H ushu..

- 7 -anrlriihm *n-«hrlo» t-to -B lg-B lir . .TUdenin ffiurKtaln thlaanme tour*- nament laA yew. Today Hughes took

' ' advanUge of Lott’a IrTitabillt)' and------ iapartat*oVU^e6nnae«5rto"wIn"ln";■•T-riw-harir«ia;'3-e;;4.«; 0.2, «*<, 0.4.

' Thua tho laat of the Amcrlcgn chai-1iiiugcfi luiiuuNi ii;j ium 01 joiiiuiy'

. Van Ryn yeaterday and for the first ' time In aereral yean Uirre «^U be < ' no ovetsew challenger lo batUe Ute


i. I d a h o F i s h e r m e n

■ T r e k T o S t r e a m s

' ..... B O i^ 'M a y 3# vn^iSMy TdoCT’IwmM were temporarily fatherless

I tonight, and not a.few mot;ier{e35~I for tonotrow la U« openine of Uie 1

^ Uout fhhlng aeaaon I

> ofUie.clty If cnioy Ute comblnaUon . _'_tTO-day_hSlday_whlch .eolncided.

I wlUi Uie opening leuon. ;. F l th ln r* iil begln.at Uin.Wcryfc :

1 moro fiahermcn congregated on 811- 1 ,1 -T E rg ffk , v a r m ilfv Ihnn nn n n r,,

1 .one amall atream in Uia alate. Expe- [ rlenced JUhcnnen esUmate from 1 ; IDOO ID 9000 anglers annually strike I o u ffo r SUvcr'citek on the open*i1

lng day and literally fight for stand* I ; lng room along Uie banks of Uic‘, aprlng.fed itream. i^.SImulUneoualy wlUi the rmli of-l ; fWiermen Into Uia wide open spac« r 3

jn 'wnntalntoBntyofrielals began pre* I [ i paring for-the to ll -p f 'a cc ld e n a ' 1 '»nichaccompanItaUieicajonalnisti ■ i of fUh' hungry horde* xip harrow J

;u d e F l(


£ —ic Stanfonenrful

lom)ity BrW'A^Mlart* { S h

to B & ' i S i S l n i w 9 3 9

ORI MMiaK'' up K W w l f lw K f f j

>* a

iave " ; , ^ g S ^ .» < f r i i n B T iln rnrick

and S S M l i M B iM f ly a l te M f ll r i v - ~ 3 ^ n K K S H B C r« d


i«“f fo r a new worId*« rccord . Th

°.J; i (oum oy, (odiiy, a t I'h iladolp

the ' • STANFORD UNIVERStTV, O W Mny M OlV-flUnford has r gc

mile relay team; Fennu'lvanla h :an another,

on R.; L- ‘Dlnk» Templeton. SU

In flfflflr.BjilfhJini >Mp lirl»r.lfa have nie twd qiflirtcU matcli ilrldi if auch a raeo can bo arranged, du

I . , lng Uie national inlercolitrlales Philadelphia, which itarted olday,

1? . i C t S ' i i . E ' S i . ored !ke and Lei. and Beii Catlman. r : in cenUy ael a yrotld'a record of 3:12 •Itc for Uie four;W avem.

a n p 'T * ~ ^ T r ' ' • • • I ------

:m. m CCUv I U l l l l U l v l l

Seattle, 8 To;y 'W l l d N ln c -ln n in g Rail

h . ! D tc ld es H lsh l C cn tc j

l h ' --------

^ S S ® 8 lira - . . P a d f ie C o a a t L e a g u e -

• ~ ^ a l rottCnd. - — 71 I-

U i Aatrlei —— n- a i? ' i ? H j} m i'«cf»mcnid----- n .«

3 ;!!

*•( . ^ T T L E , May 30 M7-A wlli . nlnlh-innlng raUy. In which Uie Sai Francisco Beals made f l« runa 01

'v fiT e 'h ltra n d ’two erroraTBroke up'i ‘*,3*3 Ue and gave tne vUltora theli [ ; f im victory of tho «rica. 8 to J, hen « tonlghl,1“ •BonncU}-, tribe pllclier. was rC'

placed by Newman-dUflng-Uie'cn' “• ilaught,f:: IT hejsore-i________. _ , . r h . e■ Sanpranclico_030 DOOOCiSlj'l2 ( •- ScalU e----------100 OJO 000-3 7 :* Batteries: DavU and BaldBln;

<•1 SItSSIONS 1, 8010N S';‘: ! SAM fBAffClflCO, May t a u j y y Herman Paiotte, veleran right-hand

, pitcher for Ui# San prancUeo MLv* Alons baseball leam, bested Prelias '® Iff a llghl-pltchlng duel lonlght w

the Mi.ulons defeated Siuramcnio. 3 to 3. Three anappy double plays by Uie Mlstlona helped Plileiie oul ol

- aome Ught placaTand offset ibclr J four errors. • •5 The Kore^. __ R.K .B.. S a c n u n e o io ^ o o ool ooo>3 s . iJ M lM loai------- 100 lOi oqk -j 7 4.3 Balterieaj.Prtlta* and WlrU; H- . I PllleUe and Drtnrcl. ■


I lliTMtnin raUy in U» ninth Inning I fcll'far too ahort to aUve off HoUy

wbod'a fourth aUalght victory lo*■ t>*lht over OaklaM. -nie Irrepres^*

. era for a 7-10-4 triumph.■ IU U £ .' Oakland _I00 000 00V< 7 i. HoUjwood------200 031 O U -7 IS 3I BaUerlM: Hurst, craghead, Phe- . i bus and IWad; Turner and Basidcr.

! rORTLAKD I, ANGELES 2 PORTLAND, Uay 29 «*,-Por{-

. land, made It three out of-foiir from *Lcs Angeles .today,'Wliinins tho

fourth, game. 6 to 3.' Young Joe Bowman'a' p u n lln j;

■rercW baU w u too much for t]io , .AtiKelt'and U»y uorcd only four I

M u^^orilaad .1 aaxly-jeadoff •

[g c k s -To

/ b r ( / K t l a q T e a n

r a B K - '

1 1v js h iI

• t I K £ M a S L E S » L E S H A [

fk-ntlle-rflH y.(enm -w hieh-reeeftH y- . T h c hoys hope lo m c e l I’ennsy lva

ilolphiii. ■ '

If, Cal.. ■■pcmuylvanla's wiuatT won' I r good ml!c lc;l «t (he Penn Relays In H; lia haa but wlille tliLi time Is aiuwrr Un

llmt i>D.>led by Iho Stanford bo; • coach Tcmplcion refuses to ma

capital of tills Biniarent advantat

itrldes, teamvTi siisBS'ed by A d. dur* A*soctntfd Pre.M sports edllor. wou Ues at suit me fine, If il can be arrancitday. so It n-on'flnierffre wllh Interecod of ^ “ »|laUqn qt--An\erlci

»n'r7* "I'l-■.3:12.0 'Tlitre U no mllo relay event lli

cd In tlig nallonal intercqlleelau

rr Wrifstliiig-:.

^ 0 LONUOsTTtriUMPlWl l , 0 omcAOO, May' M (/Pj-Jlmii

, . Londcu; Oretk lifiivyu-elght wtcs. . Ier. defealed ftanl: UrunowicZi'Nc

n . i i , , Vork,lonlght, l.iklng one fall in 40:0'•a iiy diid winning the Kcond' by forfe

fwht n hlaoii|»ii; i in raYuiiltitinqT

. , badly shaken iip by.lhe body sla n te s t employed by Undos in Uiking tl.......... fall. Lohdos weighed IDS, find Urui

ualui 215,Ray Steele, aiendale, Callfoml

a ont-SaU mattb fiom Ml r a i Slclnborn, Oermany. pinning tl I J ; Oerman In 10.43 wlih a Iieadlock.


' jilli Sonnenberg. ’ lieavywclshi *-restl! JW defeated oeorgc 2arynoIf. Rtt'al j 5; two falls out of ihrce. here tonlgli .«# Sonnenberg won the .wond ar ■'iJ third (alls In 11:23 and 40 reconc

. ; |S a{ier|oslngUi»flr»tlni’8.42.Sqnntr berg weighed 205: Zarjuotf IW.

'wild ------eSan ' lUTZ BEATS WAGNER « _JIOLYOKE,-Maa8,-May-20 ,4|*i "NIek-.Liitte. Cnllfornla. b « t “Coi

Wflgtier. ITovldcnce. I • straight falls here tonUhl, Korim , „ Bl 3l;41 wlUi a double ann lock on K rj.. back liold and sU minutes laler *111• a ripping body slam.H E ■T^"".Oeors(>_MflLeod..Iowa ■p . UiKifd, lauis Locw. Prancc, In li ‘5 5 miaiitet wllh. a flying MiHort

— T \ v i n : E a l l s r A n d = :

« _________E a » L C l u f a s - V i (hand --------MLv Twin Palls nnd Paul bafcball nine•elias of Uie Inland league will meet I.u u on exhibition conies; a t Ihe Twi;Ito. 3 PalU ball park Ihls afternoon. Pnu

by |,, lending lho ;lesr« and Buhl anIt ol TwInPallsareUedfortecondplacciIbelr Today's gjffi*. however, will lave nII E bearing on Un sundlnp.'g‘- ; -T o n io n w rflf te rn o o n 'i^ ia im i, ^ »1llgot<>0akleytoplaya»cliedu!e<,. conteat and Paul will play n t BdhL

K e t t e n b a c h L e a d s

s i G o l f e r s O f K d h ooUy . •

M .uoiterr . a ^ u u o i i , took the l*ac

I, p in <igaJlf>-lng round for Uie alaii

’ ' al K»re-.77. ‘i* ■^ The teunvaaienl wlU be opened lO' ' morrow over Uie 38-ho!e route. Six.

teen will be In the ehamplonahlj:flighty

Art eitcy, Lewiston, with 78, and rom ^tho Lynn Nelson. •

The icore: R H BUns Loj Angeles. 000 ICO 010~2 4 -■ o tho Portland — M3 JOO lOx-^ 13 0 our I Batteries: Nelson. MoncUff. and •offjSchultOTBoTOimTuia'PlUJialxief


0 Iix d ia ii

t h l e t e ^ G-TeaiiLSeeks^ntecolleffiaieam

® . ^ i S B S S r ® •

: •■ 'f ig^ •*>:». I S

P V ' ' ■

B VWij ^

H A & L e £ » B^EN I a S T M A I ^

nH y-ne ;:o (a Jerf-th e -d ls ta n co irrftT K ly lvanla 'd ettHlern cham pionah ip qua i!i(iuii uf^ i i nirltuH A iiii ilu u r A thU d

on Ihe but the officials have my penni1 In :;:1B slon to ichtdule one if thry want er Uian see a real race.■<1 boj'*, “A* for ths alower time made 1

'""H '" 'dn ' mojt adm ieT ealh ! • rn “ ndilloni, h» cold and wet. 1 Uilr

rranced c i r e J S iw * “

• ■ every break in the weather. Just Usame I will slrlnc along with it

nt Illl. boys. Pennsylvania has a aweet ten eelaies. bul I think we ean beat Uiem."

-Oregonian Inr w, High-GunHonoWTCSt*

a,'Ncw . -------- .

"rertS Frank , Troeh Takes firs St o Plaee— Inr-ftmpetilioi S ," " .Wilh Tivin Falls 'Mci1 Bron.. - ■ ■ . ■-------

iforala, 00I6E, May a tTVPronk Troeli n MHO forilml. w ltc d off wtUi'hlsU-Wi

. 1, . honors loday In Ihi prcpAraior: 1„ I 5. shoot on Ihe first day of the touma

mcnl.Pred Swelsert.Jr.. Pocalello; fol

“ 8 lowed elois on h b ’heela'wlih Itn

rrestier. 00 entrants, climbed Inlo the 1» Rtwia, ftllhough wm# sealed below ICO. onlKht. Tod.iy'» «lioot was for a dlviiior Id and of $:ciO nml Xi>eclal prizes and hat cconds no bearliiK on either Ihe slalo oi Qontn- tflenraphlc finals whleh will be fhoi 3. • off tomorrow and Sundoy. ,■

Amnns Ihe scorers today were:H POCATKLLO-V. M. Benson, 179;

■ P. L. UwU. 190;_0. P. Barber. 1U7; .T i ” J. D. Coiiiint, l43; R. IL RKtor. mS;

ic^ hi Z*e>Kert, Jr.. W ; A.. TowwciiC

ck'iSrf • oO D nN -a. L. Becker, 17*: if, •r *Hih Tedd.JM:.A,_W.->Ull{r.Jr, IU : J.

W. McCarthy. IBl: Alf ChrHiensen, 1« : C. B, lllirsina, IM; A. P. nige-

10 ‘ n v fALtR-Tom Sproal. 173: John O, DeKloU. 177; E. I.. P.itrtck, 113: Homer Suon . lU ; d . w . ner*

-------- rtMtnTtj;------------:-----------------------— -BALT LAKE CITlf-Wllliam Huff,

V i a - E. C. Clay. 175.- w e - - i*n)iii ■uiht r ' iJLilJiU m’ie- ij . H:

Pedigo, 173. and J 0 . Ankeney, 169. I nines both of Walla Walla: W. o. Ordriei. leet In IM. and w. Fuller. IM, both of win-

Twin cheater. Idaho; J. R. Cniwford, Oro* , Pnul fine, iM; E. Stoddard, 1R4, and Ouy hi and Chleunan, Its, bolh of Lewliton; A. Dlacci A. RIehl. SeaUIe, IH; 0 . P. Ken- ave no ncdy, Deelo. I7fi.

Mrs. WillUm Adolph and Mrs.. Georgrt-Jolinson^bolIi-of-P«n(ello.-

,:rf.!ii7 ™ and llrrespectlvely; of JOO g ” '

d s C o u g a r s D e f e a t ,

j h o — I h s k i e s r t i M

W. P. POLLMAS, May 28 (,TV-Wathlng.Trt.hih I tnn fitv* foivff unlMiwl 'a lir r lf .I lead lo hltung-atuck to defeat Uie'Unl*1 Itate wrsilyof Washington bueball team,

7'to. 1 'in ■' lO -ihnlnn’aclilc coast conference r«mt today,

edlo* T h e i to i f - ' " U,KE., B I . Wnshlngton 301 000 300 1 -8 12 I

Cougar. .......103 100 000 2 -0 14 1• BaUerff«: Dlgnon nnd Pautske;

i_ Nelson, Estlll and NUtchelL .

Art Barnes. Uwlilon. wlUi 80, were. « E second anti Uitrd. wllh Bmy. WUUi., 4 "'0 Wallace, defending champion, ira lld2 0 nghlm B l.H .L .6pjnee.Boiis,a>d' . and I Harold JVIiite. Lewlalon. i:td wtih r ic t ’ j'85'for fUiH qiiaUfylEilwnor*. • j


tia p o lis 1

9 f - F a r ^ VB r o o k l y n ’s N i n e

t e s 4 r o i i n c e s - G i a i i t

^ B y 3 - t o - 2 S c o

| ® | Mel O lt 's E r ro r In Nl

Inning P ro v o s D odd

F a c to r in .R o b in s ’ Fl

V iclory On Polo Groui

y a t io i ia l L eag u e

B ^ s S S —iTiTE■ B B ' ISoilnn-at PhiladelphU3 ^ Wtwkijn a l New V atiSmW *■>- LouUB K ? . . 'Chicago a l riltsbnrgh - .B B (All (lijuble-hudertl ^

I P g g iny n>e AsieclatH rr«t>)

N i :w YOHK. Mny 2i) .U roohlyn Rbblnn dc fa ; e d lh o ( ; in n lH ..1 1 o 2 ,

r j T l day In th c o p e n ln s jn im e t l u l r Hcrlen. wcorln p t h e

. 'I l r a t vlctor>-~of th e yen r .Tilli.O th e tio io jjrounds.

> Mci n t i ’« n rrn i^lnJ )„ v n l fIm e ic s jnninjf wan (he decldlntt foci

j in tho cloMly eon(e.ited ftnr Dennis* I*rcsoo Tliomp»n'a i« > ^ to S'«<le. who I

walked, raced all Uie way ht

naoo oy winning run.The olaniA got boUi tlielr run*

wealher II _____is o '* *3 (lu iin it & i •

aderlhe nuwnn’ir, ih < o ii c i.omi.>tai. c ________i 0 4 (

Just the .y » n ^ P ------- - Z i 0 o i

.-.M Tolsl. ----------- ;-.J4 3 7 JT l(

j j i o r S s


Wlcbw—Shauf#.' M en *T. WUI» 14. CINCmATi »

•— c j i iu i i f yjgitiy/iiuitu

SS ? Vi.


ICO. . ^cmciNNATi. A nn.II allviiion >?,----------- J ind had Hmriclu., ’lb _______ J o.lale or Cuiiop. i t ------ 1.:— a , obefhot cuw nfiio ." 'ji)'Z Z Z :3 • 3

ere: Ii t > . — 1 S I o!r,.lH7:.,Wj«nj,‘p ________ ..I 1,0 0

i’i;!!!!?.;! --------------- « •_______ . ' ?s

7*: V. w .« in ,.V : ___a. 0 S 0

. njge- f t ___ _ ^3_ ,J_o

I. H i! » ! & '■ “-- --------- i. l i’.itrtck, Kautmitin. n ______ i « o 0'. net* ■ - __________ ■ ' ■ -

i Huff. « ^ i; eummi^: two'Imm hiu - MsTf

■y,' 169. Doutlilt: hnmi'funlm fir: iStm bi*i Irdrift —OoutO. Otlberc iierUiert — Aduu

,ui PlaT»~aclb«rt lo vniMn tI Win- Adiuni. h rd to cudonHlo (o lltod I, Oro* lick; iMlni p tu b e ^ u c u .'* 9 ' f j .• CIIICAOoTnRATM J

! pm Botm oii. u i? n m> - aran tham's tumbt* ot Jiirin’ tnnindtr.

'uenne* and a iIdiU hr Uoet*

nieiio.-r-rnniars nunBH ni'^iM'Mnntn'opof lOO“»nw'ni»*wajrTw t»o a iifiw twu Puiil W inn UlplHl u. «!.

nma in h » nr»i* h«:t nt tin iimim Krrnirr pllrlifd ihe (nlirp (>me fo

. . tha PlraUa. Udone eppiXKl him >0■ “ ? ,? ,£ & » • ■ " “ H t t o . .

- - a a i ? ' ” — ; i ; i ! I

ia ;: s g y = r i : S -! - i | !■Uni* M .W ' p* ••• ‘ - r ? 1 a team, , ! ? ? ? S !«•«»■< • ^

! W s u ___ ______ 3» * » » i j IL tof UUotw la «*»>«<■

14 1 Onnthim, Jb ______ * 3 J J »S l l \

CamoTMky, tl < o 0 3 '0= :p»!mipi!%— ------- y S I ' j §

with Summur: Twe-bu* hiu ~ tniiuh.


F o r M en

W e s t-S w


core ir m rNlnih'

Bsiding Flrsl

rounds ■

Seattle AtHetes j Lead In Trad am

i il Field CompetititHusklerQuallfyrEvstrM

u Entered and Capli Lion’s Shafo' of'Hom

" J _ Preliminary Heil c f i ia t~ -------------------r -T T - . ----------> 2, to* By FRANK 0 . OOnniE

T.nc n r a l every atW cte <

J n g j r ifa c to r i Ot placca In e igh l ni

lllm ln a ry h e a ta today for t >n'i aln* ^Inolfl o f th e a n n u a l Northc ho had dlvlfilon Pnclfic' eonflt conf< y home encfi iTOck and field m ccl h j

tom orrow .

rum off 1 "»i w »hi!iy,:a-^.-lHuiltlc*.n)ial»Hd nne miia,la.B

^ d 0 heaiioglvoihem tw oenftlM lnl . 1 0 0 finalaof lhal0O*yardduh, 440*yi ,? g g. tun and bsm hurdlei lomoiww.4 0 I : . The Unlveraliy of Oregon galr 1 S S twonienlntheMmuryand330.yi

- I loK-WirdlM inii fine,lli,Uu qiiar 0 t o'm il8ftnd'130-yardhl|hhurtle4,0 0 0 0 gon sta te quaillledlw’ofor-Uit qui

” I ler mUe and High hurdles'ind ont J7 to 11 the 100*yard dash and low hurd:

ihtfi wlifK .M n.tilt

0 qukllfied Jt&uli In tha ihort da - - » " g-^ rcnc w . t '» iTntCTWi r u w'cn» i

a 440*yard run and low liurdlei t ' > failed io land a place.

Oregon't aUr hurdler. Allen, fa 0 ad to place In the high hurdlei w)i

_____0;h» Humbled over ono of Uia aUiJTTTT,! near Uia finish alter leading Ui« fl< o io i-^ In the f in l heal. Lempof Idaho a “ UiDjecond h u t whenV rto7: reii-whiUouilnfranioruiepack.

» 1.. 11 d i , i l i in iie won the firiVMiV Uia quarter raUi In 48.9 weoDdL 1

« » ran eaally and won wlUiout ipurll

IM ihT row ofiemcon with Waalilniton u V - {aY0(lt«-t0 vla-Uvt chiap«yutv hiufli; Waahlngton SUle w u figured to u m*. u wcond until Paul flwlft. sprlni ai

waiuraichcil from Uia lOO and JJ o" -aceount of oore lei

“> “>• Wllh.SwIft oul of lha meet, Or A I gon U doped for leeond place and 4 0 ' Blvcn • pewtble chance to upset ti 0. 0 Huikiea. defending tIUeholdefi.

0 I •_____ •

lj FIH 1_I • s | ■ A I j d u o a N o u tp o in t r g e n a r o

I 0 e l LOUISVILLE. Ky^ MW a m JocUo. Dugan, -LouiivUle-'llgh

J O O ' wilghl. was oworded a newtpap ; 0 .0 dicUIOD over Mickey Ocnaro; Htr I ? 0 (ord, Connectlcul, In in open a I t o : fight ahow here tonight. The li ° " " rounder w jj ll^tleo. Both weigh*

g : ! ■ . j : :Ortam; wlaolt

K liilS S S r ttodsr. t BOSTON AS x n o A :

-----------<-n-n • #' < -TW». ytiTf^-rr-^------------T-n-iTi?T—

>I> « » 1>rtMni. ai> 3 3 1iinlna. < worthlorton. It > 4 1n# for-flhetlr, lb ■ -■ — ■ * e 0 Itn ter- flfj>«lm«leh. r f _____ 4 1 I | '

3 O^taUarr. P ......... . 0 0 '0 0 0

* 0 Klein, ‘if * 0 1 1 9■ 0 0 I aricit. rf — —— 4 0 0 i I

i H i g S ' I ! ! ! ’

{ -----------; ! i ' j i

„ 0 « 0 0 0 0'0 ' ' t o u u --------------- 03 J » JI U (

• Aailfd tor Camiu'lo MTtntlu

> 0-^ ‘ Brteatll; doubli pUn-AncU uTBU'

NG, MAV .10.‘1031_____________ _

m o r ia i ]

tve e p 0 \-Cleyelandprnl

S=Detroitri-!fl In Timers’ 1

> M lohioan A M rea a lio n

f e . L o sse s lo Even

^ ■ In 1 4 S l a r l s liy

^ , p ing F r a y by W ide (

— A m e rfe a n L eag iI p i iS p ^ rlitjojlij^^=!

H oats (By T hl A t t ^ M 1

DUTHOlT. May 2 0 . - tro it- l'ijjc rB -con

d r o p p l ^ ' V t ectFTnT lO'Srtft'the-Glevcland-Ii

Drldgea. an eror by Johiuot confer* rlght-fllder.atrlpleby vosml •cl here double by Sawell. Durln# the

|o ( ihU noUvlty Kamm itc ck tinder >*>” 0 hethlnytnn -

ss'ssri“-===r‘f S n r t 's S . '; = 1S30.yardiamli. c ---------------af w a i w . M ---- -.,,,4

V £ ? « v , ! ‘c i ^ z z z : Sin jla e e a .o m . ------ .

S 'w sa !;“;“ . r = iUrld|n,.p ft

•tn, fall- --------- »“ . f i ••°ua-°-rz— j iUiefleld Tbiait ________ .:..S4 >-a :

mcir Dtireit ________ _ ,_ o a )0 0 :

>S2‘ m

■toMWp. . — --------------------ItoU ke „

D e r n T r o u n c e s

T e x a s _ A t h :

cl, Ore* SALT LAKE CITV. May, 21 a a n d b lm Dem. 20S, Salt Laka Dliy.C ptetUie cdI)!ckRnlne<,215.Teaaa,ln«l if(< {alls In llielr main event wr

match here Uinlght.---------, D em w o rn w n firrtttn irK

ulcs with a Iieadlock and Uia i tn tiK tnlnulu v llh i crab ho • Dean DeUon, Salt U ke Olty

lieavywelght, defeated Bobby I ' ~ ' Watlilngion ttate,'w han'U is_____ w u dltquoUflcd after 33 mlnli^ARO Bobby Samp.ion, San Dleg U {jTv - fcaiea Ralph Morley; Tooele,- -'light* -welicreelsht,lnaooefaUmalirtpapcr

I ; “ A m w i G S n s T u r n

U m | A r g e n t i n e s 3 a (

— O n T e n n i s C oWlBptSK —------------------WASHIMOTOM, May g ~

Beating down a brilliant eahl ^ tju i* of Argenuna tennis by ahecr |

Prank X. Shield, and .Sldn. uidM* I Wood, Jt., today eomplefed Uiai; rj!» a ' gf ,f,j goy,h American ifa 6M * euj. Invaders by. winning Uie do ^ both ! S-4, 8-0. 3-0, S-2.*• 1 Afler winning Uielr two a

0 A 11 matches ytiterday wlUi compa:

1 ' Umli Uxlay to defeat Adriano J It I and Lucllo Del CuUUo,. di * ■» cbimpioniofArgenUne.Thidb t 0 Ura Zappa In pofUcnlar itol


i_ 2 _ ! and convert Uiem Inlo placeme:i r n tfm,-Uiewat«haeorenow*tai

V 9*0 In favof r t -Uie United B tttt

! ^ Ic u id in g iiw f ln a ^ Ue, * | . | . , » p-’«yfd Tnertli^faAmaUer otJiH

,1 I ‘ tomedUteiy after Uie tu t balT ! hllTWar. Bemon s . PrenUce,0 playing UnlKd S U lu captain.0 > nounced Uiat Shields and ' ° ° «ould sail for England Juna fl U n u 0 Oeorge Lou and Johnny Voo

lha European conUnjent ol Mi-s Amerlean DavU cop team-

1 coo-3, TogtUitf they WUl me'cT'tliB bf" ^ ner of the DavU cup play In Uii ji? u £ rcpean«me,and,lfvleUirlout,t n s Uielr slrfngUi against Uib Tti ® S*i-i« irh£«w * of-the m6it.ooreted ^ (p h r o f t tu la i in U w o rM , •

JD ay_Rac• • e e • •

v e r E a s t ’

SbsritoggkBite fo Cwds liroji Park Delegation Looi

ion Runs S la n fo rd O v e rc o m e sT w o !

V b a c k s o f H earl-B reali

ly D rop- ( la iu re ) , c a p lu r ii

te M argin Q nalKylng p ia b is lo L

'Z .. By ALAN GOULD W r > » v (A“ «l»led PrtM UperU U lltI w V n U A N K L I N Y I E L

l l P iH L A Z JE L PH M , « ifflffl , ■ 30 — S h o rtly a f te r B Lail rrt ntlR hty a ir a rm a d a o f 1 • A m e rk a n a rm y h a d roarei f^Ti— in r da ix lliiif f w iiia tton u \e r ' ta :i! premlaeA. th U a fle m o o n .' > -<1 ( rack and fie ld forcea of

1 J4J F a r ,W eat aw ept F rtK U lR fi w ith a B ucceulon o f perfoi

S i m S r S S f S r•go •• yeara.reit Quallfylni leaU In H of thiIngton evenu makinf up the intereoliei



H I " ™ya today. I g H M i tertnr per (fame. 9 B P l f g M m utou. ii

M n riia n t — ■ IH W H W — fled-a-hon>n ^ W B W a /rfftnlankn o m n ’ T g B BgiM B M Ui'aX the chiM jB

due lo a a n d . Stanf f T o m ■ B B B B i A**? wm. Tlier «i«« « M o . bitUe for t w iikanda hooori toothecourw m a U to i lItole two Hlvei.

I hs added Led by Uie rangy and HniaUi — _ flen rjitm an ..T ho .llr8dJip .ta

V is ll^ lv e a ^ In th# «4d w d ii rord runt. Ciaofcrd oTarcome t tuaA*t»«aUnc it tb ie b U c

I 9 ture 16 quoUfrlng p l tm in d I! ! i - ............ - '~ B ~ n :g - T n r ifTdialiraott^t^ iiictr tis nI n I 1 events, quallffiDg (our mtn^ In

: I I discus ond three In tha ahot ii Thalr chancea of baaUng SouUi

r 0 California temorrow were JolUd I!iIeIlmlnaUoiLflL-U«pfaOR

0 Qinlth tn the hurdle* and He; • t » u tng333*yard c hiiUitii>iu .Ti.

•® two lla n failed to recover from . e inJurlS

S southtrn CaUfomla, paeed br i1 I ina Prank Wykoff, wbo is t k x

lOO.)ard*daih record of t*w rt. * * in hU seml.flnil heal, eoliseted• - quallfylni place* with lU-POWO >m im u 3 »»ll*balaneett «uad. Th* T - lana pla»d in ID of Uis U prell

M M ^ 'g Uon lomorrow wltl eome f n i ^ Tolan, Uie betpKlaeltd Nttro a

iipiatd'Bo andonly entry from tha Onlren

lAmtrlcaii ,o o io d w ,iM « K « d » .a tts r* » t----------- h*ti\i»U H td.«»li».taA i».»*Ji

dash. With Djer eilmlnoMd. To: a will be favored to take tbo Nrto , , , . Vaie, witll tew n quaUften a h l P f A Penniylvanla, wtth alx, led Um.B

i»rr. nr r r f p » ylo bl contented tomorrow wtth

Y. a </T)- battle among themielTtt for Ul ,y, defeat* pUce. Harvard. alUiough quallfyl ” ‘ “ * E onlr H m |«™ 1«UI. .I ll b . In ( wruUlng group, along with.Cornell, but I

„ u i - s ; K ? S i s ' S n 2 “to“ tWeilern niih.

: tStuiit* »Ur broad-jum?mK "• “ “ i i

^ s -lo w r t*" trUU-wlUi-a-reeord-leap. ^nlUM, “ 1 ‘"'hea, w he aocount Hero de* for the day't ucond rccord perfon lU,- ifUh.- ttoe. ThU added only 0D**quar1 match... - .stJHllac^-taih? (ormef w y k jif

feol7*8 Inch K t by JesM Uul, eout em California in 1978,

rn ____ ■ i, !'■ I________^

i t “Minor bagues:y w "- ~ ~ ^ K 1 0 A N ABHOLIATIUN" lahlbltion St. rani .MlnneapoUa 7. er power, Kanna Clly 8, MUwaskea 10. Idney B, LoaltvtH* S, iDdUsapelia t . , hair oon* CbaiUnMg*. >, AUant* I. an Davis Only game* schtdaled.! doubles, INTERNATIONAL LKAGUI’

Jersey Cliy 8, Newark L’0 alnglei Tonato i Reeheiicr 1 • sparaUve BilUmart 7, Beadlag B. i—

ao 2appa 8L Joseph 11 OkUhooa CKy I.'doubles Three podponed gonea — w

idbBlnu- greaods.ItOls u tf liOUTUEItN A880CUT10N J»*-«owt —Nf Oiltiiii 8 IHeuiuUIi-*;— ~e te tu n i NashrDle 0 B lm lngban I t.:menti. -

! ' j . “ f f l i i p a U o l d b e r i

S&. in* naah. came baek to t t e 'rtn» wa1 Wood • flw 'oocu j n e a tlo a tonlg fltojoui ‘.O c S S w Ryn, ®fwWrh<latlJ#i*TKiU»rQoadof

o r m lO ^ re o n d b ^ tO o o ty W a a d ..TK BrooByn l» M ia n I li ahU'

*e win* »« **,.“0 hooouu i‘ JonTtml hi UieBu* fe r .tlw eyea,. aad »U h.» batUr I

. V w tJ

- K I W E: U nloading B e g in s in R ails

= = ^ A n i l= E ln a l ly = f o t c n i l s d t t

r T ^ i o S f T f f l T J E i t w a F H S F

' M a rk e ts a t a G lancc

_ ><E\V YORK, May a (T>-• S t o c k s : Wfiut: JnvcslmcnCr brrak to nc* lo»n. '

; Donda: Ino rilar; rails *«aV., Curb: HMvy: olU end Pptdpi"

(let M(t.Forelpi cxeliansw: ln«u iiir ;

flpantafi I)«et4 oRslfi «t .Cotton! Hljlifr; • unl»vorable

wealher.8 t w : ittsher; ilrw gpot a»a-

'------- c o ffc e n il^ ^ * te « d y -U " “ ‘>-b n mKket«.

,, .o ia o A o o ;• wiieat: Steady; bulllih Caiia* dUn weather.

Corn: Ea«'; bearish nerfflRe ; / tttjiw to. _ • ■__________ ^

: . lIOBJ:Jsuady to Iitglicr. _ ,

J»yToiIN lTcO O LEV <Auoelaud Prcst FlnanelAl Writer)

NEW YORK. May W -Tlie utock , I marktt tlw ul wi< „ :

« « of tenehl Kiilng Uxl»y. TJio ■ 1 unleaiUnj bonm In thfl riUli. ovcr-

iloirrd Into Ihc food alwre* aud Iln- . alty rcBChwI th# general a it. «U

thouih wllh the exception of lln i two troupft mentioned ioaxs wero nofr'PvtlcuUxly.toveie,. .

"■"* r«-ho iidV r» ily '*« ined tn thc '__ iuUDC.dutliiEJlie..carly dealings,' but » b m k .ln New York’Central

nwM eh»riicterliied thfl tinal tmiMi.r i t S o n l B*Im c f 3 .IM W lOiarci « F ’I nroxtmaled the Bversft .lunipver o( 'I . tho p«at fortnltlit. . ' . '

There was »o imtnediuie acvelopj- ,ment on whlcli lo lumg tho wJUc. ,

-lieaoC the carrier ftockf. The mar< iket feeU that any tlw In Irelghl ,n le s U ttlll somo dtaUince' away; ,meuiwliUe. tnfrie and eamlnsi nro ,

' a t & lov ebb and unfavonble dlvl- (dendacU oniartp llln jup .ltiflpay- ,

_ w n t on Brio »e«ind prctenyd waa ,

Thfl~mo4tWtou»'reaaon for New IYork C entnl'i 4-potnt break « u i

: tho thrlnkaio In April Income. DaU tI. Umon Uld Ohio, otf 4S. clQKd on (• a 10 pep'cent yleld.bula. Oelawaio |

A trtlion and mnailran^^ 1aw. I

' , ■‘■steel Drop. A*aln' ,


I Tlie prclerred lost * polnUI OeneiB) Motors broke lo ai new 1S31 I mloifflum tn lito Klllnff. Wetting- ' house, Dothlehem, American Can, . I Bcut Roebuck. PannMunt. Radio, i

Keith, Contolklalcd Gas and a few ; olher leaden lost a potnt or allshtly ;

1’ more. Amertam Telephone dropped 3H net, whleh was a iu the lots In . Anierlon tn d f Weltn Power. __ ,

[ ' oUlllta found tbe nurket thtn. Na* :ttoRsJ.BlKuJt, He«tr)(« CTmntry, \

- National -Dairy. -D ^ r ii, 'NaUoiial '— Caih-Bflglittr^nrng, .Profttfr i a l d

Oamble; lu d Loose«Wllea lost.2 to ’i> 4, S elllu of- the dairy iHuet w u i

a ttr ibu te tn tome quarter to met* i ropolltan prlce<ultin» in'lco oetm .

___au o cM In retail, and. wholeule’ trade th k week hare been .nvro«»• too hanow. rtld . Duns, to guaga a :

trend. UiianmUTTCyU lM 'Iiim ttr i branch of busineu apotty, but aboul loldtng lit own,’ although sentiment <

- IU Improved.____ ___________ ft .

.T w In F a l ls 'M a r k e h


- ^ T ' - .... ^ isl - b '— - - iig g jS :

Pealtn '1— s w a s » < \f is = = = e if 1__ i^ w n u atflj, iiw . f c j

' Da&7 't - Butl»rt*t_______ ' llo I' ' . S«fdf I

ao ttr . iuik* '** I= : ■“ a iOrlmm, niu» •’■■f ~ • ■’«> IOitaun. m«a t i t - ■ . joa

! a g - I

r« d ' ■ ttiBi, ewt — av*

• . }P. 1pBkaa. pouna I

!..u te S . - i s 1

I' 5Sfc '™ ‘ - ■ - —'ii ; !gp ln^ .------- -- ■ Ia a F = 4 ; B « s g = = ^ 3 g |

■ ^ i

f t go a t ________ ___________

. JIDV YORK, Uir »■in. iro|))ril|ht, 1»1, Ditiiiltrd rif» romp««n;^ ^

' uitri Tl’’*'.Tnrtiy ___ 'H M *15030 •liU»'I’ler. rt»jr _IOl.M , 71 M ISJIu Wior'MOVin.Ta "79«o i>e3o i

‘Hr^fE'SEi.t?I7iUi-nSS3 .;ilJ#e —MIO-tWMf-’H-.-

llllh, I9M-3J1M in ifl M3l« 35-1>l - '» » -H IM lH.Tg MV) HUi U

OOVEnVMKNT BONPH New York, ftay M (-V^-nonrt a'i->-

tailotis;'Liberty 3Ms W-^V-lKl-O,

_ L lb e rtT .h lV it MH7-1M.1Q. Liberty « h H'l* 3: . 3a - l i ) r i r T - Llberty <lti 4',;* lUt::33-38-.I(HIl. Treasury 45 4l-5t-l«).4.Treasury 3 ilnn.«-10J.n . TreMury 3 3-8j «-«7-lfl3.4. . Treuury 3'3rB» « . 'o - lo : i l .

surrALR NEW YORK. May » ;

fWlrnlvtlr Vpot nml tUlHH'

Iron: Quid; uiichatistrt.Tin: Btfudy; siwl nnil iifurby

»23il3: luture t^ « l; fliMd)'; ^j)ol Nf»‘ York,

M-IS; Easl St. Louis t300.Zliie: Easy; Easl 81. Lou(\ r.p-i'-

anil future t325,. Antimony _________

. . . 2_ ..llA lt KILVKIt ' .NEW YORK. May M M’l - Har

fillvcr qulel and 7-8 loner ul 25c., Tlie aliarp dtellne folttwed ii dnm■ In price In London, wlitre China «a\;• rtiwrU'il M lMvy' tgUff:---------------

MONKV' NEW Y6RK, May 29 Ml-Call

money: Steady; I'-i per rrn i nil day.Tlmo loans: fliciidi': 00 day* I lo

I ' i ; 3.10 i monij«_i.’, to a jji .w 8 monllis l>j lo 1 7-8 percent.

Primo commercial iwper a to 2U. - Dankcn' ucccplancej; UnehaiiKed,

-----------------SUtMIC- --------NEW YORK. May M (,n-W lIh a

CTntlnticd too<rmf|Uify.|f<Mu j eiUicra. and.operatorx. Influrnccd by Uie n if« MasoiiaWc wcaltirr. raw Micar esInM anotlier MU ot n’cent l'xl<‘y< ^ ln g a l w : ts io r » j« U . T lieU W reporKd Included 30,009 bags ol phlllpplnfa tn port a t $330 and COOO bag« or potto Rlcan lor June slil)i* menl ni »333 tn locat refliieni. while an oulport rrUner and operiitora bouglit MflOO bags of Cuban for June alilpment and 30.000 btRs of Plitltp- iiliies due nc« monlli a i 1335,

ihe a b rt: raw lulures wcrc nUuer. rellectliig the aellonof Uie spot mur* kri aud llie more lavorsble London catjlca. with Ilnal prices showing ncl gains of 8 lo 7 points. Approxlmote Mlw were M300 Jons. julj> closed im a ep ie rn b er lU ll. JlllUltfJ'March I1.4S. ind May it J3.

The Ilrmer ruling of rawa led to a lIUlo more active Inquiry lor refined.

c h ic a o o T r o d u c b ' CWesgo, Mar X m - Poultry:

Alive. H trucks; steady: fowU IBHe 10 » c : broilers 31 to Mc: roosters 1>:: turkeys M lo 23c; tpring duckt 18 to 33c; old.ducks ISc; geese 13:, .Dutter: ReceliiU 14.312; llrm:

creamery-cstras <M scotel 2a?ic; su n lu d s IW »«rt.tw |4}s> ji£: **: tnuflriH W >a-g1-KWf)-n^-tg;3c;

. lln u 188 to 89 leorel 31 lo 33c; tee- , oftds 180 to 87 scored 10 lo 30c. •

' Eg'gii RccelpU 37,31<: cuy : txlra

> cum nt recelpU IS to ISc; storage i pscked llrstt IBc; ttonge picked ex*' tras 18Sc.

SAN FRANCISCO rROmiCK_,, SAN PRANCiaCO. May. JO (;11 - , FMeral-stalo markel newt tervlcer net 'whele*6t».prkMi........................

Butter, cjga. and chceic; Un*, clianged.

. LOH ANo £ ^ 1*BODUCB LOS ANOELES.-May 39 b1'>-Pro*

duce cxcliinge itoelpis:Uutler, lOIjWO pounds: cIkcso 87,*

MO-pounds; egg* none.. Duller In bulk lie .

Eggs: Candled tresh clean ex tru IGc; candled fresh clean large stud* ards ICc; candled frrali clean mo-

: dlunis lie; candlcd fresh clean me* i' dlum standards 14c; candled Ireah I clean niialls 13c.

I _K A n VrANCISCO PRODUCE t a JA .tniA N C I8C 0, May M


bro»-ns »3c lo l l : ’ new crop eryxUl ; *iui« wax c ic to 7Sc lug: ZJooehelta r wltlle wax tl.M to 81.60 crate; Mer*

cfd reds 3Sc (o Me luc.I" IWaiofs: tilockton long WIUtM'I tl,iO tfl II.U Cft t , poorer low m OOc

tsck: Wftshi»slon.neUed gem* I t to ; tt,l&; new crop garneu I'.ie to I 'ic ; pounds. No, 3 lover; whllo K e lo ! I 'ic pound.’ Puutuy: Srollcrs 20c: hens IGc* to :<«. _____

I . —I ' • CHICAGO Ln-ESTOCKr -ctt!C AO O r»tar » i/D iU -y p f tv■ Il0gj:ReeelpU 1 8 m Including 8000> dlNcl; steady to inostly jOe higher;; bulkJMto 330 pound* tO.10 to403S:-

lop « JS ; 230 to 350 pounds tiSO. tfl.ni.io; n in tn m ,iv iw ltln f; to n I4>) lo $3.10; good u id chblce I IW to 160 pounds $8 to^730; IW

: JM pounds $S« lo .IfiiJ; 350 to MO I pounds $3.40 to $0: packloK towi I medium and good 37S to 500 poundt ; $1.40 to $5.10; slaughter pigs lOO to < 130 pounds $5,75 lo $»0,- shlppen

took.4000; (sUmaled hoVJovert 3000.Oauie: ReeelpU 3000. o lv e i lOM;

ouiUty.plalnUirm.UQdeitone to ttl clane*; top medium weight tU en $7JS>sajorlty led tteers and year- tlnp .eligible to $8 to $7: few held higher; slaughter cattle and veil*

• n*ntetm w T oaiC !b 'po\itid* MAO' to $7.75;. 1100 to 13W pounds $6.25 to $7,75; 13C0 10 1303 pounda $0 lo,

n V I N FA I.L S u a I l

- [ ' C ''

n o f j ' i ’ P----------------- ' T H e .R A N i


’ ' l l / I


llfl))' - --------


- ■ i flaati; * ' ■ ......... .

inr Tii» I’l'ipp MowAMOclatnl lltMi lllluolt-Cro

Inni Am Chf;ii i t i),t , . l« ni 'AUU Clikl ...........31', Illl tnckflAmerlcttn C«i> . . M Tri &Mn A n>f Krufgrr « 7AmnlMii lladlaior II’! Mu <li Slycii Am iirt UiiiiiMn /

n.l] A m TH ftTfl. . .161', StcKofiport

I lo Aiwcond* CflPi'iT.. 73', Mt^’illl !’«'

IUII ll •rfiifrMmer Jl- iwililfhfm HtMl'?. 4i'i {j*i t'**li 11'

IlmrouihJi A«il - . M>. »■“" * ged. c u i f - | i r t i i i i '- 73 N«i Hiiifir CanadKii l*»cllic..'.' ;S', U J .‘•■V,'?.'*'

__ ri>f-Tnr^ t 'MS ”J i |[ t;

2,1 I K S ' i :• I,. 0 ll I fc I* 7tf*~ TinnrTitmi

i;iirT*i»r co»p It . rciitifr co I6*r e o c foil . . .. IM ‘'imry Cu I lay, Coliim OM A; tJce M

Coni Houm __ _ ;ij I \illmiiH Iniol ran t on D,\ Z S’J ■'*'<' oil •

MOO Cem lfodncu'_<... s;-,,1,,. Ciirttai wtniit J ' , liPTnfllUi To X M It llu ill,n .__lisi;lllle n,u* Ino ........... ... ftS'j Ht L 8*n 11(ora Du font flu Krm.._ 7<'«

*^s3£EEilL Esiii"ncr. nffiH.ii 'r ^ . B • iHiincl nlrtllI*r* Ooia t h u i ..........S4I’. flunci o u aaon Ooodrtir Riihbff... Mli Hunrt O C

noo<l»»»r Huhbtr Df 77 Huiirt O J- nel aresi Nnnn nr pf... « ' i aumi 9» «m e a r m WmI buiu.., 7U mowwsrnt

’ 1300 pounds $5 to $8.35; hclfera 550 « a to 850 pounds $0 ,to $7.35; common ltd. and medium $4iO to $0.35; cows $4

___13,75‘to $4.50: cutter lo iiiedium $3.75~ to $ 3 ^ : vealcb i'liU lo $«; llli!*

dlum $6J0 to $7; cull and common try; $5 to $8i0; stockcr and fe«!ef cat- ju e lie, ileert SOO to 1060 poumis $8 to ters 8T; common and medium $1.75 to $0. ,.v , Sheep: Recelpu 10,000; all clas.v5 n . fully slesdy; rery. mile on sale; ! i . cholcc dipped Inmbs $8,05 to ship* V;'. pern; pltlnrr kinds un.wld: desirable ■*,' native springer* $10 to $10.50; bucks

Inmbs. gOod and choice $0 to $10.50; mnJlum $8 lo »D; common 10 lo $8; ;

«w“ lambs Mli6lltia*'do»-nrgood-andtI2£i rLntrr .8 t« M7.V m w l l M W.lO . •age $8; 01 lo- lOO pounds medium oiVi ex* choice $0JO to $8.00; all welgtils.' . common 15 to $6.75; ewe.s W to ISO

pounds mrdliim lo choln $1.75 to $3; ! _ all welghu, cull and common $1 to $2- I — —vice 8AN mN CIH CO L lY E Sm 'K .r : ----- jmN-T!tANCISeOrMayeH«^«

^ D Ai-IIORS: llecclpu 300: tlow; totid 180 pound Callfornlas $7.10 top; package 330 |<ounds $0.£0; around

^ aleady to IOc higher;, few sale* Utc Tliursday around steady; paekln* sows J5c to SOc lower. $< to $4.50.

*'•* Cattle: Receipts SO; holdover* 79; veo’ few fresh catllb available; lwo cars bock; lond StS pound ho1do\rr

rJ* Arliona grassen $5» ; load hold- ™ over BIS pound ^fex1cans $5.23; loott

sicadjio loe Ipwer; few pack*i:es sl)e J’v stock $3. Calve*: Recelpu none; de-

slrable car lot light vealen quoUbl; $7 lo $8.

•••• - Sheep:-neeetpU-lIOO:-dlrect 143:, holdovers 71: tlow, around steady;* cIcck_55_potmd_wooletl_C»inomlM ' ■“ $7 wllh to per cenl oul 16; Ilve deckt I, lambs and t w deeks ewe* on Mie: “ “} late-'lTiitrsrtaj—p#cks;;c'TJ“ pomid *“ * RwJf.1 CallfomJu 17J0; drtk CO

pound medlimi-$5,78, ............—

TO- — KANSAlrClTV-UVEBTWtt-^Mg KANSAS c r r y . May’ JO o n lO sf to D A) — Hlieep: ReceipU 8000; f«l

lumto and U-Urr grade tpring lamb.1 .'iQ around t v kw rr; common sprlnKcn

o(( 50c: (Mid toU atieep about-about 15( slendy; lopnatlvespringlambstJ,00;

most salrit $8.75 to $9,50; best fed Iambs offi-rrd $T.

n s = =- JU S TKID S

BOO i w i en T>e" M0O*«rtT-

I j i^ r . ' j l - - • [ f

5lce ^ I T j r * 5 ^ V


- / A - f c .

x»; S p


r p i . A 'T 'o M '- 'm -■im o r c c R K s . - M i f / /JTHGRS tJB W / iW / ■ ':• I'M .VJRlTlMG. j';Z '//Y/

| i p f e

W V O I t K

iri™in ...... . * 1’*

'^sitcu 'njii'II i l ’-, !

. .r- ? ? ? “ * !■">■ ?•II r«fific . I*’. ti m»ri --------

Mil 1I»B Wool«orlli Co ...... T

? i K i S r ? r

j^c« PI lui II rf 104;:

j j 'I

E i i s yoi*Aj Ort"; M'* 'ISVrHTMIISrTni'llTll' ’on C»| . _ 3t Cfltt' T.nl Khktn . . SOil N J __ 13 Hwirt Tnl A fl%Oil M Y _.... l l ' i l^roa Till Blisrr. D S‘iivarntf........ B •-Hul,

I 5501 hlglier Utan Tluirtday'a nverage: imon *|)0U up more; top $ii|5 nn 180 to rs $4 330 |»unds; m ut 150 to*«0 pounds 25 10 $5.85 10 $5i)3; StO to 300 pounds a -to . i u n 10 fififl’ aia-i-mm'ty H m

t^ g * $3,75' to " |C b ; vpis^ $s:R l"t^

mioii di'ltle: RecclpU 500,- cnivet 100:' cat- genl'rally-steady; mostly cleanup 18 to iriufo w(tii,.qualliy plain; conunon o$6. Soulh Texas gtOAsera $1 to $1.50;! VMS odd loU butcher coivs 5 3 3 to $>.3}; tale; low cutters and cullera $3 lo $3;. ,hlp.. few TexM cowt $350 to,$33J; veal* ■able e rt mostly $7 doun. few $8.ucks • - ------- '22SI____ST.:iftSlZJLUi:»-STOCK . .

-B T -JO B K l-ll.-M av-a.U i-U l..S - 0.60; D A1-1I0«*: lleccipa -.Wi): slo« ;. ) $8;} around' 10c to 15c higher tlmn yes*: •and 1160 lo 240 pounds J5.75 to |530 ;-a0 - '5 io .to '300 pound,s $3.w ro $3,7G; part 'SriTilond 413 jm iiili $5.Tj; WiAS K ircr.- sh u .' iiomlnaly steuty. $1.35 to $4.75; no I ISO dirccis.) $3; Cattlc: ItecelpU 125, caliw none; o$3<lew lols light yearlings up to $7;

Mrong to 25c higlicr; olher killing ,K claiUKS steady; lew loadi led steers ^ y - $0.10- to $835; load Texa.vgrMMra •

lewle'rs quotable uncluingcd.‘®l’j Sheep: Rccclpu 5500; one load lift*

live rprlngers $10.25 with bucla oul ‘i''« nl $0.25; steady; renialiidrr of rc*, kin« « ip [4 directs.

‘ ■J’ : OODEN .HVKStOCK IWO OODEN. May 29 (/V) (0 S U A )-

Hogs: ncccliH* 3M, IncludiiiR 61 for ‘®‘“* inarket: tnicktoad 186pounderscarlj-

U.lf6: fra- JoU mlxed n'cljlilj'oirr 300 poUKtV $5,75 to $3A5.

Cattle: Recelpu 388, Inclurilng 83 for market; hardly enough done early, to nialo a 'litarkcfr :i'"fllitcpT R^efiiU 70Mr incluilinB-

“ >'• 121 lor markel; no early tales.TilM _____,• ____________________ :


’“'l” Sliceii: Recelpu 3000; » lab> »uj>iily ‘ * consisted of 370 Jiead cJio;ce Ulalto

sprm|rlamhsaveni£c75pounds$l0.’ 50. nnd odd loU of trucked in native

lO B 35c tilglier.f«l Hogs: Rcceli^*B500;^i>fncdiictlve.

unbs now slow, mosilj- 10 to I5c hldierficn than'Thiirfdays Rverage; top $5 onbout 170 to 190 pounders; bull; tCO to !t:05.00; iwund weights $5.65 lo $5iS; JM 10

led 250poundbutchers$5.50lo$5.6S; 250 Io 310 pound averages $5.M lo IS JO;

)10c 310to400pounden$_5lo$j3j;patk*

^ rG O SM -A N C ------- Y U M T X jr:

•( A M C F I i r & - P R E S T O *

T i m i io r a v r m i iA 'V - M e R W N S r

' A ■. lg ' - f l

liu w.'.*! $1J5 to $1.65; smooth llglii MWK iti> to $t.7S; Iccdcr p ip $S.5C to $J.;.i.

Wi:;e.' necelpu 1000, calves 35; slauKli’i'r tteers and the stock actlvc.

>____ slroni:; liiitances fully 25c higher on ____ yearliitiis; complete clearance early;

- 1:;* plain quality Aliort (cds $5 lo $5. 1; : v ! hclfc.-s mosily $5.75 to $8.35; bulk

U beet eoaa $335 lo $435; few loU up

I nietlliiiii bulisS to $335; prutlcst.iffl' ;•! veiiler.i $0.


li D A i-Cattle:.RccelpU lOO;-hold* i,^vi>rf4:d;.sUivii.'()ualltiLtpo^ialilii:.

I lew I'lcaiiup sales about steady: no„___ aiccra.Mld;.lM(LKood_l,170j)ound‘ . ■ cows 54.75; common to medium $335 ™ l o $13.'); cutler gmdes down lo $1J0. ’’c'.'* C^vfr.: ncc>li)U‘50rKtPnarrferBttod

7>, • vi-ulcrs jn: coitmion down to $5. ■ *»:r^ icg5n r< «n« r7 jn ffl.n3 rp{ m nrt twiJ lw.iln }0.;s; good llglii groin feds

qiiclrd around $7.

i ileck (llrcct; no early eales; two TMil. dccks medium lambs lield toward $8.

•• ........- •3* '/ ' PORTLAND LIVESTOCK

POftTLANO. Rfay W t/f1 ( O S D i j 'I At-llci:&:- Rceflpt(.-320;-two-lo«U Jl> dlrecl; talable supply lo* drlvelns;,J * generally steady; odd head 100 to 320

-w«»-t>omm4wt<hw u* fl.‘a 10.17,----------CilCle; KWIHU JX' W Ha 30;-UI''

s rect 33 calves; only few drlvelns of ; S't i>laln quality oKerrd: generally> s‘i iicady; odd lica<l common grass

- steers $5; few medium grade cows = = »50; fijlter and low cuttcr eows

S ' f i mrtlujn walersMM to 320'pounds u n ^ mostly $S 10 tfliO; no other sales and lunri, lew olferlnjR.

?r Sheep: HccelpU «00; four head dl-'I'u't:' n m y . uj:i o i w io iiuuua

a-rs^KSfe^TFcoinvjn ^ limlw ftV lr> 6t iiounders $135 tO $5.

,on. ‘wllll sane w n lo $4; cuu nnn coin- mnn ewes 87 to 118 pounders $l W

11,50;! ------ - ^ 'I133- DENVER SllEEP ,) $3;. DENVER. May 29 l/T) (0 8 D Al veal* Sheep: Recelpu 3600;: run ccnslsu

ot Utah nnd Idaho spring lambt ' gnidliK mostly good to cliolce; held

: 3.1c or more higher, nuolliy consld* m '-'S-dcd:.bfaUield.ti^vfl.tl0.35. .

y es* '" IJQSTONWOOL’;-2M —'.BOSTON, Miiji3fl-(4VBulfcor.the

recent bmliieu In wool market Is on

'J *’*’ lilies. Territory wools ol 86s ond low* , er quallly air grades of fleecys are

slow-with-prices barely tleady at M?,?: levcto quoted earlier In week. Qood ir rS ^fench comtilng « s nnd liner norUi-

.cm Cnllton5ln.wM4 In.orlglwil bags W»vlnp In mf.li»rnto niiantltjfS

111 50 lo 62c scoured b u ll. Short 1 lift. ■ French combln? Ots and Iln<r Arl* I out rona wools In original bags ar« tell* : rc* lng a t 54 lo 50c rcoured basis.


M CHICAGO. Stay M W>)-Pot*loef: R«eelpU: lOOj on tratk 14S: toUl

^ I United fiUUi thlpmenla 10*5; new i,linR.l»loek, UlihUy.weaker, trading J9nlj

fair: Alabama L oultlau tacked DIIm___ : TrlBmphtJl,55JtL.l«.I5,Jew $liO:

Texa* $1JJ t« $1.79, occasional fani .Al.- cy-hl|her;-«ld-»lock,-»**k«rlr*d* il'lily Ing slow? Idaho sacked rwseU No.

tIM 'ta IIM. sprouted 5IJ5 lo J1.4S, eommertlalj few u Iw $13#. -

alive Pntnrrst October 11.48.—

tthe RECORD TODACCO STOCKS Idler nALElOH. N. C. m - E. Y. no)tl.15 on tobacco specUllst, say* the seawnsjiKO sale'Of 600,000.000 pounds of Hue*M 10 cured tobacco In North Carolina In*; 250 dlcates tlm l buj'crs will hive In slor-■sjo; age Ihe lugM t crop of this lobaefoiMk* c- ,

. - A N G Q J C A - ! ; ^ r MADE G ar7A “ ^ IE W y « “ ^ ^ ^ 7 — : '


= M m ie - m t!Pn- € H M


“ Except lor Sudden Coiiapsi 1 “.'; of Mav Corn Prices Lit.

- .tic-Firott'orks Shows Up

[ 1 , . • ny Jon.V pi BOUGIIAS ,o]H. (Auoclatcd Ptcw Mwltel Mltor)

NEW YORK. May M - ■ B ctpl . hq' MinT'StrdflSffTOWpisirof-MajToni Bund P'’'* " ' monlli*end setllenient ol S32i M aycontraeU 'In all-gralns-toal: ll io P’MC today wlUioul fireworks. A

maxlmuni-drop.oUJi.CLfU* a^^ihel • . resulted from almost complete ob-

Miica.ot-bu>'cra-oLAmr.Jom.durhui r„K the Ilnal deallngTwid from.bclated

efforU which holders made lo sell ouu Oovenunent-sponsored agen-

T S J clerwcrramvTInTcfUltRTflTlfTiray ri «S wheat whenever prices advanced. . . . ■ ..Com .cloicd Irrc^Iar, Jfic down

10 (ic gatn; wficol a t !.o decline to _ _ 'ic advance: oats I 'ic oil to ?le up * ? and provisions varj-lng from Sc lel*

l a c t w . tW oMM.-------------------' ' S : Contrttstlhg, with weakness Uut ’ developed In May com w u nervous ——-<5ir»iwUi-i>liown-by-July.fnm maet.ol

the day: DlfUcultJes in eueciiiig purcliasos ol July hoisted ,Uiat month Icmporarlly to. more than 4

” 7 “ cent 0 bushel premium over Sep- tember nnd to I cenl higher Uun July clMc a t yesUrday..

Wheat showed a, frequent upward■ trend owing largely to lack of ade*

Iquate molsturo for Uw CanadUn drnuirht reulon. Some crop damage Kiwfts irom Nebriiska Wcfi fllWMl iRcetitlve-lfrbuyers-OaUsaggoarwlUl

W the moiiUilV dfiniutu crop summaries 'Usued by Chicago private experts w u out today, and had a bearish Influence. polnUng to likelihood of 48,000,000 busheU

J Al larger liarvesl of winter wheal Uian islsU ia» « a r . Spring wheai 'acreage, imbs though, w u estimated a t 11.5 per held cent decrease, suggcoUng M m m isld* buihcU less tpring wheat produc*____I t l o t i t h a a l j j n o ^

sponslve lo upturns In hog values, t the' _• * — “Ison WtieSt-^'Open’ nigh^Co't'C IO se m g l. Xtoy------- 1».- «■: tOK

a=:K' s;i s;: ss.J « D.C. „ . s : a SI rau m

S ' ........... .... -Arl* r — ;— ^ ^ tell*

/ iW I;‘o**' . y J \

« \ / V / i ? . -t # , . . . ------------------------

— ------------------------, a ju « E -


Istor- ■■ (I E ^ l J lxieeo f f ~ ^ i

. r. . . , f . u n . i ,— u

YUH MADE \X, J B E F O R■ “’v ijH S g i F —— 3 7 ^ ^ 0 M " W a z

^— a v a y FRO^ H 0 ^ ^ 5 T f ^ S I ^ UEARNED I

p o p s s o c k s


1 ®


5 * r o RA( p g : u---------_ s o u . I

________ j f , I

s j —Hl '

ie '^ r s s si:'85III Oats—

Mny ...-20?i 20r; 35'iI i n July .....20‘v 20S 20'.

X 6epl.T..-30-i 28?r 30',IU D -c......... 2S'i 39’. 39

L _ : - CA irOKAINh n c a CIIICAOO. May 39 1/1’r-WI '"PSe No. 1 red 82>ic; No, 1 hard 83

I :i B3';c; Nu. 1 northern iprlng 82 Lil* up; Mn 1 HUI Vt,

. . Com; N a 0 mixed S3»ic; No. 1 5 Up low 57 lo S7i.jc; No. I wlilte a

0*u : No. 1 white SBlic; No.3 i 28c. ' •

Rye: No snlcs. ' ■ lltor) Barley 37 lo 59c,'2»CfPt ■ TImolhy wed. $83} to $8,75.■ V '" ! Clover jeed'llOiO'l'o fl730r ent of ______ • - ■________i^ook i-oRTMND CRAIN • Iwshelf PORTLAND. M a;-» MV-W e libT fiJturM cKaed! May 68; July nnd iuriugimiil«f..g?!iCi-Cfifli <noniliiiiL elated track): Dig. Bemt. blueslem. .0 sell while, wesiem white "Oc; hnrd agen* tcr. norUiem spring, .westernrM sy 87*!t:---------------------------------ced. -OsU: No. 3 38 pounds while down Car recclpU: Wheat 181. Ilou Ine 10 oaulO . :


Uial DOSTON. May 39 fcTV-The I han 4 merclal BiilleUn wlll ray tomoi

Sep- "AlalrlyAteadydemindforft Uun Ing line and lialt-'blood lerrllor)

T exu wools tsjepoded. Othe

pwtrd' malriialned/KIWIfllly dn the r I ode* um wools.jidUn -The manufoclurlng, politic image wlihoui material ctiange. Uie wo m n r m iiis 'w rm « m orrp iin wiiij- rwlUf MffploytarrfifrUieniiomEntrM

,som ec^atol(lalieadfortw om i

ilcago 6ccuplcd'. Bolh branches ttlll ^ and plain of Iho diflliiulty of maki InUng profli on goods yards or tops, iishels 'T he foreign markeU are gi , Uian ally qulel and'pflces are showlr reage, ciuler lendenc}' In the kcoc 5 per markeuofEuropeandlDlheprt: OOJXK) markeU u well, oduc* "In Uie West, ihcre Is corte bi

(nlng of sctlvltles. Texai h u u j f c . IhtLcenlfr of the grenteat move ues. ihU week, with more man :<u,m

(lounds ct llie 13 monthi wool Clflse porledelfaredtodaterofwhlch- • B3'4 two thirds ha* been laken by

58^ level prevails thU week gene 63S throughoul the Wesu

• -Molialr U tlow of sale..wll 54S ccnu the general uklng prlc< S6>i' adult T exu original bag hair.

UGHT . ‘ fi, TURN '

f ^ T r m s '


1/OiXHrOQT -------------- - [ j « w c j| ~ l - - g - ; :^ v s r j T u M W

ffVkjv ' ^ 1 ^ 4 _____ w sm i£

. . r r \ i ^ C T m C^ --------T 7 T r a p »r ¥ V ~— :—

' ' . TEXiCO MTlt


FO RE MY 11 ■GOSm’’- T > W -W a»“TO O K “ fT W O T O n ^ - S l TW M U S ENGAGED T ED M S • - M E S e e i

\- J

S - Z 7 ■


<i 53S hair U tellln: still at 45 to 50 cen S 41'i In llie original sa.»t.'', The buUctln wilt puWlsli the fc» lowlnj quotations;‘ nat! Chi'* Pennsyhanla lleeces ' ’ DeUlnBunwashed24to36cent*;on'

* half bloftj ■combinir 34 to 25 cent . .. _ itirec>«ightht b lM combing 31 c » i H N ^ onc-quarler blood combing 30 cenl -Wheai: ” ‘.M IcIilgaiVunJ' New' YorTneVcS 183li-lo DeIalneunwaslicd33lo34cenu;on I B2ti to half blood combing .33 to 34 cent M,. thr«.'clBlitlis blood 21 cents; on'

Jo. J y ,i . quarler blood 20 ccnu. te S8?ic. ' WUonsln, Mluourl and averai , 3 wlilte Indlanti and New England — On-

' half bIoo<l ID to 30 ccnU; tlirci elghtlis btood 30 to 31 cenU; oni quarter blood IB to 19 cents.

75 ____ Scoured bnsls:55: ' vrxjP-niieMaTiiisniiErrwiemi_______59.to.02.cc«U:.Ilue.tliorkl2.menilJ • 55 I? 58'cents;'fine 8 months 50 -W heat « « " « •md Sep-- -Californiu—Noriliern—SO—to_J )»1 uwt rents: middle county 47 to 49 cent. HI. jg ii souincrn.^ii to 47 «nw . . , ird win* O rrgon-nne and P, M. Maple i cm red to et cenU; line and P. M. Frent

lllle $31. M. clothing SO to 53 cenu; valley N Itour 15, 1,53 to 53 cent*.'

Territory. Kou'r^ basis: ■ Montana and ^lmlltr*-Plne siapi

KNS cl'oice tfl (0 o<ie*hoir blood comi lng6Ji«58ceiiU:.lliree-elghUisbIo;

it U r combing 45 to 48 ccnu; one-quarti ICI/CW blood combing 40 lo 43 cenu.ICV Cll Pulled; DeUlne73 to75cenU; A.,^ - T - 'jij b 'u a m i lllle t m i k m 'ta ■te Comr cenu. A supers 58 to S3 cenu.morrow: .Mojialr!)rcomb* Dcmcsilc. good original bag—Tc:tor>'ond t ; spring 31 to 37 cenu; gcodorlgli thcrwlse al bus Tcuis kid 45 to 50 ccnU; Ar■iLbirflv -nnT»inH tican35to36 centjle medl* prc'gdnrrtoJBcenu.

Domciilc graded - Flrij combir sltloh Is 33 ccnu; good cardtng_23 to 35< iw orsj^ cfl'p^w'lnter^flrst^not^

M m ^ k l d .1 4rtff:47ranurturki monU a fair nverage 35 cenu tin bond,)

SOKCJ -m U LE V6l)' WAIT- »• CHICAOO Ctitcogo rad t gener- s ta ik n h u a 'to n g h iu w riu en w h l iwlng an you »-ali" program of 15 mlnut •contUry jach Friday evening, primary , ------------------------

e broad* ICEUNp'S NAW ON JOB las been »ULL7-EngtsiJd“tA V T hr«-H i. WOTenl trawlers'M ve'bftn delalncd by U

l*h*fi^^' flsWnf Jawi.

11?| T;enerally BERLIN' W - WlUi an expecK

capacity of from 500,000 to 500,» wlUi 35 barreU annuaUy. llie proposed nc irlce fo r, oil reflncrj- a t Hanover clly will 1 air. Kid t Ihe Urgtui In the country.

som W M w r «wfl/iw iimc mc ' ISM cm rtjstM . m m to aom ^s rm r . tHCM t s i M e w a to s m nISM tKm,3l5MMiC*0M10 COtlff filtM Z-m -tK lX itM StSJiM Cltltl U lM UaiR.liJM UfltH .ijM CKtVtL. It M CmtH. 2 M G/Um. iiO M MTH

.to fOtUlCH nit m » CAST rHOM ccnw

•• ftLCKC WCtllM f»CO Tm SOUTH-OH- IIu Gtim .iSM cfuoco,2i».s»>'a, to S tuifna 30 M CUml.SM UKTI, t » CHAVCi-Vl POTliTCH

ATJtT idC US M MXUUM TO MOXff* IV J6$ M «?w .70

-----mfU'fOJ-U-UlCJtUM-' e im .tv sm ccvnic W iw • rn ADt' htrioavs y*M tfttvci.lSM

'UiCiOtM TO IfCISCH’Amm --------fM— nCzt£f/0TH~o^m‘.tr-9S; is—- — „ SOO* MUS • . • .

AC« S •_

m f covfitcws eo-OHntTion of'tni'* ■ HKHWAr OfllKCeM MUS fOSSKC '


\TimL mo jinmrs:® is3f


W T S . .T h e- s « ? c -T O ~ B E - ’— n --------------- --

IkZ—— p ic c e - - —

. u m l _ _ _ .

i f j P . - r POETRV

W ' IN t h a t

T H 0U 6ffl\

l ' . <

. IBM iebioi — _______ ^ - . = r|C 5H tl»Q a~ft« r

STNOrSW: When.CJilnk Dor-. -------- ■ ' m o kUk-8f>ldef” SehUU. John-----------W iy»r« t« rha rF » rtftiJ-< iir i« ittr

ot belli. • e*efpt tw the— )inow.'lhc»«rir(, SHM lUCI- r r ; ----- i t u« m tn ic , h r piMM

Uie bodr of SchUU H cotitcBlon ke»rtnr Dorwn’i juunt-

COAN boen when “LUner D«c" Simon. >IIM C hw ttrt. GBBfflM, Orraf. flchllU and D ow n kid-

- - u p p fd hi* d»M|bl« M d !«»» »<« op. dflnf. aftn- tm hftd la id it

' r*B »«n"i|l'tM ntlT dUmotia »nd oJber X u M r.w d Mn^ WH- IlMi, V tjt't dctKflw*. *ro pK- tended pallenU In Slmon’i non-

. in* h«ne, where « ’v e Iild« and ' o\'ccbc«i 8 ln « a pb tdoc .w K h a

wom»n <0 kUI • pillent. M.rjorlo who rMcmblM Wftre'i ^ u ih l tr . B«oot«rtnr * m « « « # which Jlie womin h»dl htaded the doctor.

Chaptff i l LOVE'S ALCItGMV.

OC » y In t h l i cxcelkni i'*nd e«tretn«ly well-run Kurj-

• ln«-HoBie, Tho Mona»t«iy. I r.svf j A not iipwc, tim# nor <J«lre to t!ll. i

-------- bnl-c{'MaTl«lfr-«< toow OUM Into my llf« nii(L»lt*rc(J «

— . • 'I ttn d m * . ' 3Not InttnllonoUy: not by <iny-

thing the did. but by btlng Marjorie, l

a ir (o u l. . . my r«a Mlf . . . - Mwjorte. tha chUd wh<Jm. for 30 1

• - plMM of illver - or lOfiK plecei rof gold — th tt dog ^wild havi be- c tn je d to ft e n t) '

Marjortf. In oomplet* l(mor*nce. c .• a d to wtthout a word of remon- u

_____tiO T .-and-m erely-by-bfln rM ir- vjo le .- wotktd thto mlmtje. thl» n i^ rltual atehCTiT, and *lowly clvrnffld. a bl«cr^cni«l. murdcrou r and w melul aavage bode Into a ^

-------- atWnl'humiin DcmjT^ ! «8hb' thMBtd- n a t& r e d a td i'.

branded coarict - > m a n who was pjfm-Q-ffiftn— ^ I^n^mngwr^ny *{1

.. ' eatTut« — bock Into.^atleaat. the d «mb!anoe of what iw once had lc

' b « h beJdro tii#' Wow» o l lule had bliKWeoMd hlra to hU im «s. and IJ striclien him down Into the mitt, it

______ ■It-Ii.-I-uflderstftnd.-a-law , of-gip h jv t^ nature tha t iKO thing!! f< cannot occupy th e *amo »t»cc a t «

■ ^ '■ ^ t - w ^ - w n . alowly but au re ly .r . borne In upon my conKkwinets w

thU (hll law applies equnlly to h< tMngt ol the fplrit. “ • '

f " ' I.camo to The Mommtcry- with . my MiuU mean and amall as ll wm. ii;

“ f f H nf •-and murder.'•

tv cn in my • b ille r momenu m wben I «menibcr«l tha t r'Vtn.ire:|M

»ould”bo ^l^m Sjum enU thM r mind w U ’dl*eo»d. decadenl. '

nuodai. and deitrueUve. • ■ hi And nor, Kraduaily. almost fromjwi

tha t tiour. Uie subtle clmnse began, «t and In dual way. cm

Not only h a d . BQ K tnoo'com e joi aiBln Into my life in tho . form ol ne Marjorie lauderdoli. reBwakenIng kll

■— :tn riK * il» r'b riin iT ria 're m o y ™ , an•......^

_ - lome one other than myself.. 6a— -lOradually thought lesa— of for

.Ttngtapca. murd«r 'a n d dettnie- _ j' ' “ (lon. add more o f neip ajio aolva- *nl

Uon; l« a and k a o t the n tfaln of wh th t wTetehtd John • Dacre Waye for Vandetlcur St. Clalri nnd more and Tii more of (hoM o t Marjorla UQder- sin dell. • r

—----- «:rnflw <flttr.i;o*W «tilti«i,'slic i « ------ BftUftHl lo m riK a t which i .t»3J ma

nerer eapecled to ' know again - hea peace, and tha t Joy and happiness j; which only jxaco cdn brlnf. dog

The chatiK la me wa*. oC ccuitm, uaj almost ImpcreepUble, but the day u c dawned when I rcftllaed that I wna A

- no longer waiting a t The Monas- piei ' wry In the roie of Awager. but In con tha t of nwtcclor and rescuer. • , tlw

I WM not biding .my time, mere- heo , ly to choose the occasion for my a

____A .„

__S J a l n l M m ' ! a A m J

t - lJC A T iiu -r .u iJ ti 'O f:,’i ' I I K A u ' in land frcali 'w a ter L-ctlic?, sho '

which- w ill be jo in e d to f o m i F h o t o . _____________

i ■ ' '4 V .

< • ’ •

n i n t t i i ’i i > 'T j , ^ r = = = = = = = =

■ venjf»ncf.Jut_w*l!.lng unlll th< 1 anest and « « u llc n of ChlnkDor- r w ra h o n iir itiT m n m M to 'T n o w ' ^‘‘tliout fear .of arreft — a

r hid bptn brondcast by the police I M that or a suiplcloui itranger I who imd liuiig about a t Wlllierby - EiidAanit-had-mr*l«rlout:y-dUap: ' peired by early, momlng train, lm- ., mediately, after the murder.

PcH.*!l)ly, even If arreaied on suiplclon iinU iirovcd to have been In th o . houso tijat night, I eould clear mj'wlf of.the'chonrt of m ar' der. bul I mlilit aa well be hanged a t K nt back lo live a lingering death In the Amsrlean prlwn from which 1 lud cscuped.

Once CliInk Donoii waa arrcited, found guilty and hanged. 1 could then sen aboul effecUng ^UrJorle'a escape trom hrr pc^tlon of danger.

FOr my o au 'ia te 1 cared.lltlle; e bul what a-ould be the clilld'a ■ fate . jfii»fap}ngL.Xj’e r e j im » i ^ " ^ “j r

company, and ahe .again fell into Uie clutches c t tha t tlie woman, her uncle's wife, and this viler

I man. Charters?• The moment tha t -I saw Mar-> Jorle 1 loved her because she w u , my daughler itoaemary.

. deep devolMd Im’o fee'her. changed I completely, and. while loving her—

1 fell In love with her.> I ean express mjxelf no belter

than Ihlt. and con mako i ^ l f nn clrarrr. .. Women and men ofundersUnd- Ing will understand, un, (o othen, no words of mine eould explain the change lhal gradually came about.

Wo had , a meeilng-place, a k > eluded spot of our oau among tlie anclcnl mini tliat gave tbe_Niir»- ^ng-llofflHlA-namftt—And^Mr*-a'* foilldHnKl i'o eompare notes and make plans.

I t w u Ih ls-that first brought rcalltallon.;^Ui a flood ot.goUen light lining my toul with Joy In- efiame — lor 1 toon round that. In- itead of approaching our tryatlng- place In tlie spirit of ft falher about

doing so In the true spirit of a '•over. .' Before' long. I i-as' like any boy­ish lover who, after-counting the minutes alnce the last^mceting, goes w lih-lrembllnt«ioy to K ethe face, lo hear the voice, to touch the hand of her wKlioul whoa the

^M ."r"lov!d 'lM 'af3orie when " i t taw her. and I fell In love wltb^; her wiien I knew her — desperately

I . . . hopelessly.‘ Oil, .Marjorie. M arjorlel. . . . And i never did you dream of It. .. .

mliid can be tilled a t the tam s'i moment wlih puttsl. most • un- telflsh love - and with deepest.

z2ltn jilth{ru thrm j= .Q ’m = a lfaU E j now teemed but.petty, the more I l j

thoic who would Injure her. L That Charters and his foul ton J

had done hie tbo deadliest wrong ' was not now tiie reoson for my : wrath agalnit them. U waa be­cause or their Intent to Injure Mar- Jorls that I hated th u i, Had I f never wen Marjorb 1 V juld have “ kllled_.lhem_both.liunMwn—a'ay. - and'at my oa-n tlifie. l in in g tallen i' iri6vr-gllh-^tirrl5?iri-warfi-|i1ivS B abandoned my vengeancc (for .jUI t* £ealre for ll had died In m:) but d: tor Ihdr, Wuriilot against . i i t r r r P:

Hut nal tn v;rv’iifrnr-l!nf;: ft mlng to forgiveness o t ihem.for « rhat Ihey had done lo Rosemar}’, <’ 'or tilth}- gold — wiiat did 1 find? n rhal they wers again obout to de-•Iroy her; - ' -------------tl

For Ihls Plot was again .on_.ott pi ?ck_UDen mv nn«^mafv . .. nm<». narj'-MarJorle . . . my chUd. my « leart'i desire. • • . • hi If, for her preservation, these er

logs mu.H die. 1 would be (heir ln layer. Dut In 'no aplrlt of venge- th nee for wronga done to ree.And so. ere long, my role com- ali

'letely changed and I. who had ah ome to kill, remained to save, bu hough. klSjng might .'.well. plky. a m; ecesiary part In saving. m:And these were enxlous da}-a In- ge

Reach O ut to Span Sea

\ui-ora”: iv H u e 'b r id jr e T c ro s F ta ibwTi ns w orkm en p lh c c ,s te e l in I an 800-foot sp a n . T h e to ta l len

------------- -T V V IN -F A I.U D A IL ^

— ’ r ____________

.................... —M E , ------------


---------- - - AMOY-t»U>AP----------^ CO^A^ \

_ L l- W O U i. t iN '- 'r - B R - tO -move--------

* -Yau AUOg < 2 9 0 .0 0 0 ,OJ= 5 F P r5 X v 5 :K S S = 5 fb c K -

ingfT “ ANO t -WXN'l' MY-5M4.RF- lerby • AT WSA^T.Isapi. _ i ^ W S . M « - A ------------- y!!, lm- L - u m t ?

beeH ^ 7 C f i»uld W \ oar*-------■' — ----------— \\y*^


sted, , (I

I r i m iif JMETABIiria r- Sebedaln or raisrager T n lu and » “ Slolar Dttsie* Panlog ThroBgh Twla

iged ------ ■.-■Eailbonndtr— Train 84 leaves________J:10 P. M.

Traln-JSa leaves----- !„„ii7:l0 A. M.lUr ' fVeitbcund.j4l{ TralnMltaves________11M5 A. M.

Train,15J le av e * _____-Jus P. M,------- HKUiiBIUNClJ ----- :

S .........->!>• P. «■“ l Norliiboand

Train 340 arrives .........P. M.HCKWiCK BTAGEB ,

.‘“® ^ -------- Sebedole

niland Arrive from . - ' .

. e u i . , . : ....... J0;0OA.M.-0:10P.M.ght -.4l»lbound Scbedali ' den Leave •_______ _ _ _

ng- wesl ,:,;l.,..,.g';S0 A.‘M.-il;l(J RM.'P A O n C STAGES.

f I Arrive---------- -------- !_9:00 X. H- Leave — ------------------7:00 A. M. 'I

dr.- AtTlte-.:..,:.,. ' • .,.8:30 p. m . ".u . Leave------------ j ____ p. m .'<" Eutboaod 1

S i A W ve,.,„_.JZ— :___ U;40,A.M.JLeave----------------------- 13:00 Nooa .

rJ!’ Arrive ---------------^1J;00 Midnight ‘Leave-------------- ------- iJrJO A. M .'

/ ! ,,r.-.’.UOI5E:tOCAlr^' ------- T: U a v c ----------------------- l;J0 P. M. ** “ Arrive-----------------------3 :« p. M. j<1J TWIN FALLS. JEttO.ME. WES.

, DELL. GOODINO DUSS 'thd Leave-------- ------ - 7;00 A. M ..:

Arrive ........ , ' . .i l ;3 0 a. M.' (

me^Arrtve .......... I . ---------- 11:53 A. M. ’m- OTIIWt STAOE LIKES ;jt. TWIN FALLS'SHOSIIONE '

m w ------- ............ ......H;im A. M. *

.HlReturn ..^....ijao p. M.!

0,1 Leave ...... !.--- -------------1:J0 p. M. ■nj Arrive----------------------- 1:14 P .M .

— [. . deed, for there Is no anxiety to r

r oqual that which a lover feeli on ve behalf of hli beloved. Ily. . j D n a ’y-beJmaglrjd-thal—la tes t— :n no tlms In taking all iwjlble ite ia rs w-tetur>-MarlflrlV.rfaf;ty.-Ti>-lhip- iH utier bewilderment of the seoun-' ut drels In whore power she w a* ,J N

prompUy-Tovtalcd- tlifi- Incredible w tael that 1 knew all aboiii t)i. nintr D even to the exact figures of the 5'

y, turn that was to be the price and “ 17 reward for tiieh- villainy. . .1' :• ; made ll Very dear to .Charters ^- that-any-lnjury to Marjorle would , I t pm ede.hU arresi...by.lii« ^ lefest

ly enough of the past of himself'and m his accomplices lo'bHng his pres- gi

« ent edifice of respectability crash- m ir lng,to tho tround, and iilmssir and w

themtothegallowi. .m Naturally I w u under no lllu- hi

- alon that anything but, my life be d stood between Marjorie and death,!. but, thalik God. 1 had already, for t« a my own)per«nal ends.-so arranged P

matters that aboul Ihe most dan- ,• geroui thing for themseh-es that "

i e a t t i c L a k e S— • " 8 1

•I • V ' . ’,’ ■ v ' ; ; '* ' 1

iM K ijH i p I^ T f a s a E M E w l^ H B



9 P 8 M | ! * * ^ 5 2 S 5 I I 5 *•>tin

jl Inptaco (rom the h ra cnd» 5 ? I Icnslh will lie 2100

“ TT

U L V JJE W S r-T W m -F A L L S rlD A H

r . l a __ ____________________________


^ 'A l^fftBHtds«lire1wd«tln■aBd- -tbey bring Ibe-bt^er.

. M. Pbooe I t -

■ F o r S a l e o r T r i d e

T i r -JWiPBit-OBDAft-Poarr-TjwTJi: for beans. Addreaa J. B. Morae. City.

10 HEAD OP QOOD H0R8E8 AND mulet for u ie or-tr*de. Phone

S 0 8 R -1 .----------- --T —

m O E -K IO -A C R E S-M iaSO T O r '• U. tinibei land: want rooming .bouse

tetflo. e -o 'c r o . Miner. Route I.

M. 'F W TRADB-DO-ALL TRACTOH , M. - ind-CuItlrator ’atUchnient*. for ,M .'eow i. Muat be good one*. E u t of

Maroa achooL n . F. D . Flier, W. L■ M..Brown.____________________ ___oca

" ^ i _ ' Fo h ? 9 l f r ^ » f Y ^M. ------------------ — -------- 1--------- --- 1

,M- FOR SALB-PRES8ED BR0UZR8 ‘ >■ I and hens.-Phone ilBR-s. j

H- wouitt be to put me w *^^ the '» iy " ' Should I Ulsappear, there were. *

" U they knew only too well, a t le u t *

.M .^-Je*s^Jlfe^W 8uld-be-to-flad-out-S;-K hathadn«eom eoJ«c.-----------“ '•M. tCopyilght.l83(l.byFVederlek— j---------------jrtBEcTCo:!--------------- 1

j i _ <To Be Coatmu^edjT

iBUIILErilllliflNIIESfr*tiiBiroin- • BURLEY. May 39 (Spedal to Tiie ir■ r Newt)- A street parade, concgxUne fc jle w llh-BppfotS«U'exthJKSTiRh«TTt ot: Durley eemaierr. will mark Mftneritl _

aay Krvlces held hertf Saturday un- wind der auspice. of the American Legion. »;

The iiarade wlll be headed by the ds.M E<iard and mounted firing - c

squad, the latter In uniform and on beW white hoiwa. n■*'’ Thero will olso'be tiie 3hini and re»^bng!e cflrp.v?rnTmtjrorjfniRarHKr ““ up or 30 memben. of whlfii George n |:s> SianleylslcaderandBliimnkdrum llh- major. J. C. Sabln. tho-only Civil III nd war veleran here, and the OoId Slar

•mothers, epanlsu war veteran*, thcu- high achool bend, boy teout*. mcm- • ■Se ber»ot lheUglonandAuxlllar}•.to•J), gether a-lih representAtlvea of fra-or temal orders, will also appear tn the 1fd parade. • ...................... - Nt„ . At the eemeter)-. exercltca win be P*

in charge or I. H, Harrl*. local com- 'Funiander. The McmorJ» dty addresa soc

= will be delivered by H. C. Hudelson, Ru, Boise, of the veterans’ bureau. Durley P»

— butlneuhoute* win beeldsedairdiy «Jeaturday. eve

IPiffi'fflP]ISiBlCmMjlPAin.: Msy 38 (Special to The reti

.Newii—Teachers of the Paul Khool Mn lefl Saturday for Ihelr vacaUon. Mlu lng Florlne McIntosh departed for her Mn Iiome In Lewliton where, she will iftie spend part ofH^r vacation nnd the M reat Is to b<> spent on the eoatt. Mai

Pat King lefl for hU hom ejn Mrs • Boise, where he alll tpend the sum-

mer. M lK-Peesr-aipplotiieftrfBr “ d her home near Dutley. Other leach- ' era of the force live within driving dlsUnce.

A. E. Hlr«fhler. t uwrlnlAttrt^nl nf tlie Paul school, silted thafthe fae- i S ulty of tt-.e high tchool U to be .Uie

- ja r n n im T r in in n i r i im e T a c h T ^ i n accep'.lng contract* .to slay for the second year. ......

■fir Soda Springs where Mr. DeLong

*5 ~Their wn. Otorge. is a t tbe present time VlsIUng with relatives in yen- tura, CaUIomla. • .

___ .tllrtjrt. !S ^wrnt to Artesian Monday to spend tlM iftenioon^They enjoyed the nf- . . i ? temoon dancing and awlmmlng Uk- ^ IngapIcnlcdlnneralong.Thosepres- .

ient.werei.Mae.Thomu, Faye Hack- man..Dorotiiy Heath. Freda Hack- ..j„ i

"HUO.'ZenaTJonsonrEIma-Meethem. ~uf( Ethel McMillan. Mr. and Mrs, J. D - . o f ' Tridly. W. W .-Plttlngeranddaugh- w»

B A H G rS A T B R D A -^ M O R N IN IW I

________ y ^ . UITTUE . IS^.RK’ - f ‘t ' S '

_____ ± - . (____ SH6-WAa.0P-BV.ER------ -— > WHBN H 5 WAI-mm - A.g.<

Ads-Bar0 For Sale MIsoellaneous' !



FOR SALE-USED SEWINO'MA- chines, Singen and others. »3.i0 to

i:o. Clly Tourist Park.

n ilS T CLASS H ^ 'p O R S A L E - n rst. second, and third euttlng.

— DeUvered. Phone HMJ4. .

FdiTsALE-AUIOST NEW ROYAL ^ portable typewriler-lateil model

-bargain price. Inquire at The News hone • .

ONE JEHkiNS STACKER " a n d 4 ^ - B m g lR T u gwd'M new af M i ^ v i» kay'IUncii. i mile* north ot Peavey. " Qus Landiiohn. Flier. Phone OJIO or

cnn rp n g itramiH,

= = NOW 16 THE TIME TO PUT YOUR ^rj.‘ order In-for Cellar-pole*,-Corral 11 of derricks, fence post*, cto. / . We a rt booking orden every day. '• “ Why not let tu book )-ounr Adams- ......Buhl. Phone in j . DybleiCutWord.— Phone W.

— ,£onoaow-^^ f l r o RT-ANi>- ^ f r___ ~ineii'two'wa7tracwr p;ow wiui C— both in A-I aliape and only MSO.OO. ERS Can gl\-e,8ome termi oa thli. Also

several Itema In good uted garage and muhlne siiop equipment.- Call

— Phone. liOQ or al-Ha Walnut St.

S J t S^ Y g t ^ N E SPOTTTO POL-


. N ew il-R . P. Waller, Denver, chiefengineer of ihe reclamation depart- 1ment, made on inspection Irlit over ,

j C part.of the Burley irrigation district >1 0 T hujaayTln eompapy with Project

SuperlnlendcniE.B.Uarllngton..An |

nie InsUllallon a t the pumping sUUona : lng for Increaeing ihc.voliime.oUnlgai. -

*tirm- waa laken to the aocdlng extension. ^on- where Thuraday'allemoon and Frl- /he w u iiassed In viewing Ihe newly , Ul* compleled work* where water haa con been recently turned Inio the eanal*. ^

Itwaa.Mr-.Waller’aJnlenllonlotiien -

i l i i i i i ? H iriE[IS,IlL.;:o- i:a . . Nhe PAUL, May 39 (Special to The _— Newai-M n. Oscar Nelson and Mrt. “ Im Paul French, Rupert, were hcstessos • n- Tue.iday evening of thc ML«8lcnary■a aodety of the Chrbtlan church ;•< rin, Rupert a t the Oscar Nelson liome In “ ■(y Paul. .TJelldou* refresJrtienia v u t ^»y «Tve(i-alier'lhe“ bU5lil(«-f<ff Uie

evening waa trawacted and,a pleu- P*

Thoso present were Rev. OraJiood.— wlfe-aiw-daughlefr-MargHretT-Mrr —

and Mn. R. A. Whitley. Mr, and Mrs. <

Nd, L. Carlson and daughter. Maur- 1 etU.Mr.cndMn:D.A.John:on,MUa - ' _ Minnie. Browti. Adrian, Ml^aaurl. Mr. i Mjio Mrs. uiirn-uiB aiid Mm, -ntiis'a

. mother. ^ Sullivan, who h u ’Jiut i w returned from a vlsll In Callfomla: J M Mn.AllceRay,Mls*ouri,«halsvblt- < !s lng Mfi, Dean Sullivan; Mr. ana I ir Mr*. C.M.CelU and daughler. Made- Th11 iftie.. • . , I :e Mr*. Anna MePlke and daughter. 1

Mary Anna; Mr*. Tliomas iJeach. oor n Mn. U. B, Reynold*.' Mr*, L. A. hi . n tn e li and daughleta, Wilma. DorU Juc P aBd.aeUyi-Mr.aDdMn.VrTrKlngi ^ . H. J. Qarrity. Mr. and Mrs. V. A. the . Spenaolar. Mr. and Mr*. Lynn Car- »fe

penter. Mn. C. a . Valentine, visiting plc I f?m Calltomla; Mr. and Mn. W. E.. twe . Inrat«T.-MrrH. T. FUk. Hr. and Mft., MeChrUUn, Mnt. Alfli Roe, Mr. and tlfli I Mrfc-Condu*rM»rNln«-niter*nd f>l« , daughter, AJlene. Mn. Oavn*. Mlu tlm

Connie King, Mist Elizabeth John- *^1 . son, M lu Della Thomu and M ia pn:

LvliBeacn. 9 ■ _________- Uir

Legal Advorllsements. ?--------------— ------------------- -------- 8Bt

ANOTtlEB SUMMONS ihlc In the nirtrtet nf tfu. Fl,.v>nth•Jodldal Dlstrtet of the SUU of TwiIdaho. In and for the County of w

--Twla Falls. - . ■ . theKathleen T. SoliUdman. PlalnlUf. diy

Aleunder f t Slwit*: Balf* BlrelU: ( s c> _

the known heln -and or devfiect wal .- orWimamM.Strelu.deoeased.to- J .R

wit: Charlei u , streltt. William Atia t M .uueiu,Jr.,W altcr8tre]lz,0iir- Real

3 r^ fA Y 1 i0 r1 9 3 l--------- --------------- --

e - H - A r N - e - E ^ W - H - A - n

" .R iC iH T - .........: . r ^ - . . ' '•S A V ^R Y SA\AUL CWANtE VER..6ErriA<(..Any-Og-THAT.ftoutrf4- WAV IT - H0U05 ON t o ^ r - .V .5 .e^■5^TE^,J;l^Q M _lT=_ lbS r r I.IK5 .A 3H IP ------------- ------ ~ v;H U M T H F SI^ORE-

rgains-<F o r R f i i l— F u rn lsh id -

iio ^ iis -1 3 1 r r i i flpRTiL rnoN E rop _____________ _



BAKER ROOMS DY DAY OR lag. w eet Piione 1113-J.

----- r£ U I iK l8 H E D -H O O M 8 -M J-^fAL Avcnuo Norlli. Plione 2S4-J.

e w ROOM AND BOARD.' REDDCED' i-ates, clor.e In. 313 2nd Avc. north.

“ 4 FURNTHHED APARTflBira'FOR ric7 -itn t-B ntduced;raw j;::«T 7H iiir vey. y

2-2! FUHNlSHED-PRONI'-ROOMrPOn__ rent, 413.«li Avenue North. PhonelUR _ _ _ _

Lig h t h o u se k e e pin o r oomf ,7 Phone 63(1 or call 3nd Aw.

North.'t'S- - - -■ — --jrd. TWOFURNISUEdROOMaSLEEP-

Ing porcli. boMmenl and gange. m AHamiL

n r ram iflH F.D FRONT BEDROOM, too. clc<e in. C30 No. Main. Plwne VlM Ii54W.

'a ll FURNISHED HOUSE AND T\VO 3-room apaitmenl*. 319 8th Ave.

a r North. ■ ’ ___ ______ _

^ R RENT-MODERN FURNiail- ed apartment, near Clly Park

K E Pii'inrgi^H- _ —---- FOR-nENT-APARTMENT-AND“ “ kllchMWlteaUo bedroom-irdwlM ~ ed. -4i3 (Ith Ave. E.

APARTMENT AtODERN, 3 ROOMS 'T and kJtchenetU. Phone 8MJ. 30

Dluo LtketDoulevard North.

•he FOR RENT-PARni'Y FURNISHED lef three room house. «59 Snd -Ave. rt- West, inquire W3 3nd Ave. Wett . .

i " DOARD AND ROOM FOR, TWO,^ -T w « rtta » n 5 U n cro rR e l . W a .

CongenUl home. Clc« ul Phon? n r i n riM

“ T H R E E R O OM FUnNIflHED ;!'^-X l»nol(nt.liltbliD l water and'new

eTectrIc ranges.^ Builgalow Apart-^ menu.'~piifliifroo:

•I* A PA RT M .B N T B U IL T INly . Kltchenettecomfortable.andciean.M cool and ihady. also nIee sleepingJJl tooma. Phone 6MW.

S4^.lgaR?<'lA ^Q fl f P,W „ ,A Pta: FuniUhed Modem Apartmenu.

oha block No. Poat omce. Phone leoa. Attractive tummer rates. t

I LONO'S AD-4-R00M FURNISH- i ed t33;-4-room fuml*hed 130;'6-

room modem MO: 4-ro»m modern cl31 :3 .rosm houic|lfl.Phone8«.A . 1

. N. Long.le - • ' V

“ ■■ , Help Wanled In SALMLAbiES WANTCD LAhOB ^

departmenl store. Pleaiant work.■n)p-a«Iirr;-Brlghi-tulure for right ^

i. parties. Addres* Box 1. Care Newa. »

L ~ ' Ir, _rle-a«U3eorji-8UeiU,.AniM -M r - t. Slrellz. and 0 . A. SUellx; the uii- . kncwn iiclri and the unknown de- • a - T ^cfW U ilaftiM .S tnlU ,de:eM - C-

t of. SEIi.'aeciJin 8, TSwruhlpVl '7 ; , South. Range 16 E u t. BoUe Meri- . dlan. in Twin FaUa County, Idaho, r t Defendaiiu ■ . ^. The SUle of Idaha send* greetlnga yJ

te tha above nanrd DefeedaaU:, Vou are hereby notllled that a qi , oomptaint h u been filed agalmt i-ou be . In the District Court of the Eleventh - 1 Judldai District of Uie SUte of Ida- Af . h o ^ a a d for-Twln Fallj CJounty.iiy , the above named plaintiff, and you l» , are hereby directed to appear and D.

plead to thc tald complaint within- -

tilled Ihai unleu you to appear and ^ plead-to-ulcl-ctrmplttnrTniaiiniietime herein specified, the plaintiff r : will Uke Judifment i^alnst you u . prated In u ld complaint... ^

Uln a decree cu lttlng jn plalotlff “if agalntt the claim* M all defendanu ^

of Uie Southeut Quarter (NEVt i 8EU) of Section Five (8). In Town- *t 1 ahlp Eleven (11) South, Range Six- nrn t«n-< l9) -EaBTlJotSBnfOWUnrin' Kei Twin FalU County, Idaho. =

W ltneu my hand and-Uie aeal.ot Uie aald DUtrlcl Court Uila lIUi A a ij ot May. 1931. ^ ^ ^ H ^ Y C .P A ^ K S ,C k r k .

_ _ piANK.J.SM rnLDcpuly.. WalUra, parry and Thoman USiJ . R.K *envi, • - ■ Cl

|R «aldp«; Twin FaUs, Idaho. Pali

I .

— ^ o i ^ H n B BE ]


ONE WANTED-PGOLTilY ll.O,UO^ er. Phone 803W.

------^ '^ - r ^ n e '^ -M n S r

WANTED-TEN HEAD OF ; hortea lo puturp. Plione 817

TWO PAeaENOEnS DY WAY___ portlami toLoa Angelet and reUi■5RD. Phonrl.3S2M.

___ WANTED-TO TRADE YOU Nl'CEO' "Turniture for your' old tumlti orih. Phoae 8. Moon’a Pamt and Fur- lurcJlOT.— _____ :____POR --------------------- -- -----------------m n h a v s - p l e n ty - o f - r a n g e - a :

win run learllnga or ewes fo r '

WANTED-PAS3AGE TO h — . Angelea about June L Capa )0 U driver. Piione 3«4<J. Wllbur Wai AW. bum.

----- WANT TO CONTACT THRE8XP- Ing COO aerea Baby Uma Bei ™«8. wKli maa owning Ventura Huller

For'Reht—Unturnishsd'^ 5-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. W. Ave. Smith Real EsUle.

ilT - garage. Phene m -J.

1t6U 8E-FO R-REN T-~CA Ur'____ Jrd Avenue West, phone 1633.

5 ^ OFFICE ROOM FOR RENT OVI 3» Sampson’* Music Store. See W.

' “ Smllh. ______________ •

O-ROOM . MODERN HOUSE Tl Ave. Avenue E u t for reni about June [; Phone 703W.

ivo, FOB RENT - MODERN 4-ROQ[ { ^ - i t tmwr w i r n m - g R a g r ' i r olone and b.’ck porciic*. Inquire' 1 111 Agaii&:aLiafltkag3iE,.i—

m Z Z s i t I ia t io n s .W a n te ( » — .new - r - m j i : ' -

aunlng. Fhoae tfTRt ;iN E3^EiiiENCEb~(7mr. w aot “ng ’>tti East-.

WANTED- FAMILY UONDR - orworSbyhour. Phone flTli. -

au. ^ N T E D - FAM[lY~ LAUNDR me washed and starched 30c a do

638 4th Ave.N. .

ijT- STENOGRAPHER AND BOOK6- keeixr desires position. Pour yeai

frn experience,,Oood reference*. Phoo,A. 1SI9.

WANTED-TO -DO YOUR- OAR = . penler work, Building remcdellni

etc- dsy or contract, m e esUmala R. H. Fllnn.' Phone 1383J4.

3B 0 ii^M A lciN O ~A N D EXPERI rl; sewing and patchlag of ali klndi rtjt Flisi-clau,-modem meUwdaf-ver

reasonable prices. Call No. 3 Dunga. l^-^AlMrim cnt*. Slh sL Eu I .J6 t1i

“ “ F s f s i i P - s H a f ^S* CERl'IFiEO nUMETSEED POTA n . t-jct. Call PCS V. Hufford. Cale- ^ dohk Hotel...

}} ARRATE BEED DEANS 4 CENTS cltaned and ueked. closing out. L


n FOR BALE - ARRATE STRAIN ■ feed beans priced to seU. Inquire

a Olbb* Dean lIou« or phone Ed Toi- 5U bert. 1383R4,

I . ARRATE STRAIN GREAT NORTH- flf, - f f> -n '‘an;Secd,:For-eale-.at:6cra )U pound. c:e.ined and ucked. Orown by Id D. R. Calhro. Phoae 30JJ1. '

EXTRA GOOD OREAT N pftnT- . —emTeed'beans Aiiate s lia ln rc ilj ,jl be Kcn at Twin FaUs &ed and Ice ^ Oo.-PraRk-HowananrPhonrtlWJ.— [[ HAVE A LITTLE OF THE LEAHY “ - feed left, ThU U the ben Improved- nnrt tilfhr:,!, ylfMIng henn.srown.la I; Ui'e terrltoo'.' 8o Idalio Bean' Orow- 1; erft’-AfjsclatloM. .

T f m aALE-UBEIT-UOHnfiKN 4 seed neans. Arrate Etraln. Inquire• at Gibbs Bean and Elevator, or Inde-• pe_ndrot_Warehou*e^Hinxn._CJl.« Kelly. PhaneMTRi,

t ^ Fo '-.Sale— F u rn itu re -

, SOME HOUSEHOLD FTONITmB- for sale. 333 3rd Ave. NorUL Phooe


CTblntt*. stovei. UUe*. c h ^ rugs

! KffTSovci

g 7 " - "



PA rH E R -lN .«.A W • F o r - q m w \ t m a %

tunitiesJU S -- - . ..

? DCPTnDVzruntuiJrrr' A-l .

Professional....... .re tu r n .___ _____ ; ATT0BNEY8 . _

^ Oloa- Book St«ra.

Fuml- JOHN ff. OKAHAM-Uwyer, Bank —a n d J n a t BuUdlng-Jhoue Wa»W.

rAND ilffRILBY'tfbWEELBl'.-lawyncei ’or tha Moormao Building. - - d.Call = = = = ^

a i S e .7 . .. rLUMB^NQ ^~ ' y ; 'Wuil* nO M I PtUMBINO * HEATINO_____ CO.-ahtni.noom and Sbopa, lU{gajj; 1111111 e u t ,. P to a 283..

D ^ N T m . P L O M O I N Q A


____ AOTO fN8URANCB-APw . o .____ , TRANSFEB

WARBEBQ TRAN8FIS A 8T 0&____ AOB C0.-Coal aod wood. PtooiBEBtt“ ^ C T O tS T T lA K # r* » :* JT O B .. J T C l -M O I— Oarbage- hanled-dally,- 13. Phone 300.- . .


r :iR O W A N -P ,ln llng .papo liin |. tng and uisomuing. 238 eUi tvs.

TTU e u t. Pbone 134W,

FOB PAINTINQ, K A LSQ M B im .------- Paper hanging. caU 839<R. u t l fOOM tu tlo n assured. M. As M. painting t t ^ l^corHIhg'Ca. PaliiUn o< mwlt.

M M l Q . T M C i n i » = ^

------ H D 8BT E. F B « r« 8 * - A e ^ f u d------- -rvtolln-teacftemPlnBrtUJa - . x r -

____ A O T O IO PS rD O D Y W oiS raE ^LMTfl eral repairing. wUriln^ Tilil. *.,<»■_

Bhop. I block E. on Kimberly Road.

F o r S a M e a l B l a t e

6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. BIQ Garage. Terms. <03 6Ui Ave. EuU

— SEE TIII8 AOBEAGB-CLOBB'IN S i ; I building*.--Termi.-PlionB

CHOICE HOME GOOD LOCATION TT* a t a bargain, owner leaving town.

Real EiU lt_________ __ _

atea.’ LAND BAROAIN-76 ACRES,- 79 water tharc* must aell aoon. Euy

— Unni.'3 nille* norUiRleliIldd..Chaa..

very COBNER-LOT #-B L O CK -«rFO fr- iga- taie by absent owner on euy temu, > lo ; no-teuonable.orfir-tefmfd. J.-Van.' .

Brugger. 3 » E Catilllo Bt, SaaU'- ” aarbara.xauf.___ _________ ;_____

TOR 8ALE-1S ACRES 80ME IMV r r . . provements.- No.-th.ef Roek C re» . a l- . tn NEot SE 1-17-11, S17». 1^0 cua

tnJancmvB'yfars',' iiTJ iiiiyud u i , . _ Eugene. Oregon.

LEAVING. WILL SACRIFICE home, 4-roef« home arid l-?oom

__ house, rhicken houte. 9 bearing fru it'\IN trees, lawn, garden, fkiwen. and Hire sliade. 3 lats. Price $740. tVrite Box roi- 316. Klmberl>-.

_ _ FOR SALE — A BAROAIN IN A ' , r a - *lx room modem house, dote I n . .. tra- t>ig-i-iHII-hfa!»h-thi> -oifn?T-mmt— Iby sacrifice this plae'e and ts offering..

It a t tl969.Ml ccmplelely fumlahed.-' ■— HW.OOwlllliandlethls.Can<3. '

anr - ■ -IM OaiC— UIVMWOIV

*• FRESH REGISTERED JERSEVvi [fy cow, >i mUe e u l S mile souUi at— ' fed Sugar Factory. H. P, McKay. « —

^ • Loans” ,

Ire MONEY FOR STnAIORT LOANS le- on modem Sousei tn Twin Paila - A iU ttig b Ofl •

= I AM OFFERptO A VERT OBKAP.*. and desirable farm louL-I *Mnfc it tne o u t fam nao propodtloo evtr ■

— orf^red na the Tnto PalU t r ^ t I t “ wUl P iy sw toaeem abafere .pU cia i:^ .

Tiwr Wan 0 A. Rol.n«>- .

5 ' L o s t T ~ .

4M lSimfJ- p i n i l l :- f l a g r R d a t O ver' d ra v o s ol

■ «i!ro W hile P la n s '(o r Ex-,

. c rc lse s E n te r Final P hase

' VctmiU of AmrrlMn w h , tlctp- Ins in M gniw* In Tb'Hi t'JlU «m - elery. re««l l u t nislil bcnratli ihr

• •• tlflf unfifr whlcli itify ImO ■'tMiltlio nilloa In nrmcd confllcl. Ujwn _

. Mtll of IllCfC KMVM ft IllIK t'UC' T ed re*terOjy to nmk il)f lu t h i t - fi me place of Ilw Joldier ilcml *nd U

r 10 tul(l« tilt bcarc:* ol floiitra *ltli |{ »Mrh cTavi't »lll be rifcor»iftl In i^nn>f'io ti Wllh Hip oti.trvaiiu _ Iimc of Mrmarlnl (Uy, lodny.

Devoled uomfii uorktrt loli> U •.I W fht snllitrlni! Into Karhnil'' ili: j., fIo«cr* mat en Biiprcclallvc pjop!?' suve Kfncraualy for llll^ purixrc. nnri

' early ililJ monilui: t l iw Karlniid' 1*1 ! arr-lo Ijp placfd ou llic RtaVJs tnvr

nlilcli lli: r-n-i 'cflBtlcrr.,'

I n ib llc .w rcHw In olwrvaiice of I ■ ■■tiitTWIBFlal dny «iH l>?Bln promiii- .

ly Rt 30 A. M. with Mrvlctj about• Mw Mmoria) moDuoifnt rrtclcd by >

! _luUonon.llie.courthou» Inwn. Ti'ere Mi rcprcKniailvM of velfnmi and oux* dii

I lllory orKanltallons will place tlielr nu «Tcalhi ut n tribute lo nil ot thc nu

.... nation'* lifrolc dfad. * nr8ffTife a t CVmrUry_______ ^

:-------A iiffliur Kfi'iM SUI w iieiu'uiwai i eii. . Ihe Mmorlat inonumeDl.ctfcW bJl

tho Amerlean War Mothers In Tsm « i . rallictmciery.ftboutuhlchexcrcllfij, 'cj

ftlloflflns thc parade, will cenlcr. ““ Tha parade IS to form on Shojlione “

. ttpctl at Hie cllyprrCTiatngTOgnr • - - OK protaptiriinOTIirxriTTTfillft'k':’

iRglhetetvIeenttheMemoriilmon* ... — umw)t-wv4h»-wwrt-liouM.);K»uidt.

The line of mahli 1$ lo be on Blio- ,Ihone Urtel to Main avenuf. thence da; on Main ATcnue lo Fourlli tireet taal.

. where mtrehlnj; on«nlzatlbii(' will . ; break ranb , and Join the crowd In .lUlotnolllMinoTlns tollie cemelery. p i

Tha Memorial day afldrcu U lo be mi ' dellnred In connection wllh exer* dn

clKi a l tbe ccmefcrr l>r Httry lie- tn

Amcncfn Legion comniltUeiilzn lur Jdalio, wbo for manr I'earl p u t has ih< dellrered Memorial day addrusei en

• each ; n r in olher eommunlller. but api .aercr before a t home. — . <b<

. . Opening lenlees Bt the cemete0. ttr----- Hiif-HtTii-t ^tlllm- nf thf. prg-hYlAf. ^. lan church will offer prayer. Then *«

wretUa u e to be pUc«d on ibe Me-- mfcflitl BiatiMiBi-nt th w . and Mi((or ^

— ^J.^U-Hoftln wlll Tead-O^tm lrLo-

“ • ' l o w l n i t ^ ^ r t t w . 'd c i ^ h i ^ ^ ^• • Ml wTMrt th« rin t Mrmnrlal daT. A I'l

q u irk l led by P. E. Drake li Ihen to ul ' ifn f tn approprfafe lelccdon. and

' tba ipeektr of Ihe day will be Inire* ■ duced. • .

: MlUtatr Honon Idibo national' Ruard' tntlnteri

. WlU fire tbe Utrce-voU*jrmllllary«. > . lule. • COI

'■ ' "AtefHn-an-BlrpianeT-OtptttfarfrJ;lUddock, lormer tm gr arvlator will

- ,-re le« ia -« -mnuiUty-6t-noweiywtft. inc dOTQ upon tne Memorial tnonii>

-------- Hw announctd ordcT-of march Intne parwJo u as loiion ; - m n n u u ^ai hl<h Kbol band; Comptuiy E. Twin ,i„

— «kllirld»ho-nalloiial-Buard engl- ^ . ueen: Orand Anny of.(hg<Repu6ffe

and tadlw -of the Army pt

■ a m :'V ^ r> toitieTii nnd'Daughler^ JS or the American RevoluUon: WoriT

, war velcrana; American Legion Aux> r:,■ Ularx: Boy Bfouls.

. Captain Charlei it. Krengel b lo M coouQaodcr of Ihe '^y .

Builnetf houses and offices gtn- . erally wlll b« closed throughout the h„

■ . ■ ... ' s................. ................ lo


Church Services -ii----------- i iC f tT A c a n i i i rT n o n is T - ’-

EPiscorA L n iu n c i i T^-^'TliY.-ClianM'WrRonk.-paaler •- ;.•!

'10;M A. M^Blble scliool. William --Llndau. supcrmwniitui; , ,, ,„

. . 11:00 A. M. — Memorinl len-ice. Dl —■ Bpeclal music ihe cliolr.., ............ i

3 ;00 P. M W un lo r Bpworlh Lcairw.---- UnTH.' wrwwtinrniiCTffiTnrt«- —


. • 1IAN8EH C M O lU M T r CllUnCH *>*' •, Lev. U ille D. Dailey, p u t t t " •..10:00 A. M.~Clmrch school.

lf:Oa A. W .-Uomlng woftfi/?. , , , fioSoa: "UMons from the Soil.-

, T V Grangers wlll attend ll« ser- tlcetaobstrranceofnaralU fcSun.

r z r f i i jc n io n i’omiinrQuirttL.Tlll:vwtrtrlbu!« special muilc. ' ho

;OOP,’4I.-ETcnlngwor^^:#.J^alf• Vr hour song Kr\'ICQ and Cpwonh |

------IgiM tn^ntv r nniSTlAN. ■ _• CHURCH “ ■

■"lOiM A. MUnfblc KhooL M!

I ' Sermon ty a guest shaker.: 1:00 l \ M ^ h rt i t la n thdeavor j

S:00 P. >L-Ud1oo Memorial, eer- ] TlM t& the Methodist church. I

' — - ___ 8<i

ETUCOFAL CUUBCU »11 . Rer.Bcniy Vaa Valkecburgb paslor . 10:00 A. U_8inulay sehKd. . -Q

J1:00 A, M. - Momlng wonhlp. • „ Sermon, "am er Bi^dlaoct.''. Specif ovi

- m ule. ■ ■ ■ 1 ^ « P.-Mi-Epwottb League, Dls- -<

-cossioo o t c o lk ^ aduutloo. me

• lerrtc# OkU ta d the public m in- . - fM 'B n r . »em c4di|rU de* Um

. Pag* E ight s

n i i i r w u i i r " fI .B/BODEnTQirU.LE.N

gm am E m aEPflM maofflmaect

•now ean j«u m'[htI llie fflltt* In ' eall mr. IIIII "lien .Mint Janr ' an' kl«M mf tUlil In front of >m? |

Iiiis= i i m i |Famous Choir Under-Exiled a■ Prinnr'is Will Presenl;

Program in Twin Falls. J. ■ .. i»

Tlw noral nuwJjin fhonu of JO o.slwcra-anri.riancttra « fltl.l»fl!' t r^» -Margnrlta Agrincva Slavlnrulty, con- i,diiclor. wlll appear a t Ihe lil»li tcliool ,]nudllorlum here June 11 under the ,,nusplcfi of llic T*ln Fall* Busl- |jn r u ' and I’rofciulonnl Women’s ,, club. I t is staled tlml ftUhougli thotlwli U fmimiis fui iis tltuiul liar*- p umy. »'ork of )U HiMiben 1» notconfined lo sliisltig.Tw Uiey nrc very ,, versatile. Hnlf a (|o»ii brllllnntdanccn are inclmleU In thc ofRaii- ,,IzAllon. and a group of Mx of them (,KlUJumWi orchEilraLttccompiiiil- |„ mcnta.on.llin.halnblkii..lliA'ieJiUca:;.shaped, bul bcautlfiil wJUiidliiR Hus- ,,tlan stflngcd InttninienU lhal rc- ^

lultars' and baiijav for aome ol thc ■* dance numbers.

.. ilUtotlc Cliolr, . . ffl Tlw organlutlon of llic original

choir dales batk lo IBto, when Prince Dmilry slavlanAky was com- q| missioned by. tho Ku-ulaii c u r lo g, Srafl IOO of llie-nai(on's best sing- m trs from Uic-Init>crlaroj»eni Iwiue iiKt coiiKTvaiofy w jonii a cholr.~ ^

Lhe leadcrslilp ot thc choir wa* tak- ^ m over by lils daughter, who wlll . ip p w here personally wlUi the :holr, and who la ono of tlie tew In-' tenutlonally rtcognlzed women con* n, iuclors. Musle ulUcs and audiences, u. iccording lo Uie press, haVoaceUliil- '{I !d her ererywhere, as a. genuine 5, jrlneeu, or regal mein, gracious per- ,,


IfiBffWllSlIlP■ WMNSniEis

A. II. Warner,' « . Sacramento. « ranvlclcd of forgery ot a IB.3S cheek R

b r id g e W.'A. Babcock In districtaua j jo ic ^ -t^ »ct^ J Q i i i c s a . “

Warner pleaded gullly on arraign- Pnienwnmrsdayr.:-------------------------i.lie was «Hfs«rto-hftTe lorjed W

liaiik In lhe sum of tO.:s. T»o of ^ Iho cliccks. It was reported, he liadpawed a t local grocery stores In «payment tor small orders, and* he ^ lad nrfientcd Ihc third check a t a^ ^ a r t m e n t store "


Tliree joutig men. cnpluttd while f|| draining nn automobile gas tank a t 0 filct.Tlmnnlny niglit. ifleaded guilty c lo a iw iltjarceny clinrge on ar- c ralgnmcni In probale court here yes- p lerday. and each yoang man w u M Kiilenced by Judge Ouy L. Kinney lo 8 tcrre 10 days In Jail and pay M costs. V

The young men gave the. names ot C Daa. llcii*ss..-ia:_£ugtnt- DArtSci-- man,2r: nml Clyde TJelt.-31. ”

OMict.. of the-car,. g tlgned the complalni. , ’ • y

BROKEN EMERY .WHEEL I m mosomsEovim ;PfKmrnU of lui emery wheel that %

broke «hlle Olio SchwuU waa at ci »crk aith it a t his garage on Sho-»honc fctrcfC east laU- yeslerday af- 11itriicHin sixiiek his face and body rjlni:ic!ing eeme wounds. ' U

OnjL jilfcc of ifie. brokca wheel «tniclc.iindcr lhe 'ri^ fttrti-» n d lev- crKl fvp.umWrof llgamenui. Another Hruck Ihe iTOtr Jaw. culling a gasli tm! loosrnlnR «veral teetli.^ -a iiw .r1 » --K iar iB k tn :td .-h U ::home after receiving medical at- wirmlon. li

He v.ns iL-litg the wheel to grind lc■ n ‘•■•link lhe J} trrlilrnt occurred about C:I5 P.M . >1_____________- iJ- r - - . , 0;

Mil .Ilng aiidT special male quartet

— ------- _ 11.c i l t n c l r OF THK DRETHREN

— liiT. II. tirT-'iii. — 3 10:00 a: M.-flunday school. ' h 11:00 A. M. ~ Morning worship, ll

JermonlopIc.’TheChnsllaQ'sRact." n S frrU na-taranlnind-V jprM ellon s, a1U slng.'Come Every Pious H eart" ti .Tjw Junior Qlrlt' chorus win sing

“Olory to the THune Ood." ciThis serrlc« will be broodcasUd n

jver the local radio sUUon. _ _ ^ 7;OOP.»l-OroupjDeetlngs. ci

-* :00-P.il.-E««aag.»roA hlpJcrT a Don by tbe pastor. ri

Thursday. 3 p . M ;-^unlor girts*i h ^ ------------- — 5. ’Thursday allemoon-Meetlng of a Ibo ; « l l a ‘ iUd societx. ' a

IflyilMTBil m m IRE

_ Riilcs in Favor o( Con- tinuance.- and - Against ChangeofVenue Sought by l‘/lan Held lor Maiislaugtitcr

• ' ' O, E. Moiitrtlli win r.laiid trial In tw in l 'nilt couniy nn i> n’-aiuluugli^- ter charge, It wn« detcniilned when ,hidBc W,-A, IluIjcocK d.-nied his mo­tion for ch»ni!« ol .vViiue, follou-lng :i hearlns In ai.'lffcl court-licre yes­terday.

At lhe Mine iinic Jutljc Babcock ruled In fnvor of toiitliiiiance of the irlnl to Iho 8«|itembcr term of ills-

*• —PnwcnillmrAttonierO.-Wr-Wllli- -1 am Ihereafirr cimicd i,ubi»bcna.i lo

' ' l)c l«tie<l for 19 wltiicKM fur Ihe jiro.'«uJloH III IJ1I.1 io br III al- ifiidaiicc on tlic court hero liext

>lj afiitcmber ‘.!3.Montellh face* Irlal on mi Intor-

mallon>lileli nlleges ihnt lie was

I-' driving recklesOy when his- cnr .(tnick and kllleil Jainta Corbett Ta­bor, n-year-old .Mlwourl boy walk- huj at the edge of lha lilghwiy east 1

20 ol Twin Falls Ull* ewJilflff of Moy fl.2 . MnntrlDi <n»plit removal ot the _ '• Irlol to nnothiT county on grounds 0‘ Ihat public Miitlmcnt In Ihls coun-

ty tras w unfavomblc lo him thnt • il- ho could not oblnln a fair nnd lm- ,

liartlal Irlal here,'® In renly to iicllllons tlgned by ei ^ persons pMcrinm >n Iheir opinion

Afontfllli not rcccJre ft lair trlnl here, lhe iirowciitlng allom rr yesterday Introduced Inlo records of

' ' lhe cate n number of nffldnvlis lo llie cflrct lhal the signers had

'* heard no ouc exiimonny dircct ouls. _ ^ mua-Hi|nliut-MoiilfUli,-nnd-lhat-to - '* (nr a* tlgners luid lieurd und ob-

trrvcd Moiilcllh could have a fair * a i i a liivpartiai 1n.1i in iiii* wmiiij. '

Motiltllli has been ut liberty un­der IMOO bond slnci! ihFltihTf dny

■ ' fflllowhig.the occUcnl. . ..........»l J. II. Pflertoii. I’ocutcllo, counsel h for Monlellh. ntked for contlnunnce '• of Irlal 10 Iho nexl court term on ^ groiniua Ihat hc had not learned un- 1’ III Mny IS that thu prosecuting ot-.e wni.I.l tr., l...m.,ll^tB _

irial und that adaillonal llr tc ^n s ^ W c e « ^ l^ ? n rroper'^liViin8TOgir “ '* and preparation of the case, .“ . 8ub|>oenas for the tirosecutlon's

wllnesses were Issued ns a means of Insuring their preunce a t trial. The list of Ihcte wlinesscs included Rcv.

jiiUfnrv Van ValkenbuBli. Dr. II. N. ^ ' • ^ l e . II. N. Brlggr iC E. Ulgmon.'« Carl Belver, Wilber Jones. Floyd

.Umm » n Kli'B^hiin- *mlrp»JL - “ Flynn. R. Vreiarr.-O. C. Hall. John ~SU>ckamp. aicnn Prllcher."Marcus 'I'POiKHTU'rtyle-aonnirClyde-Pace.- -

Oals Adcock. C. W; Clulc.’ Pale >p

- .

“I MrMa'rkci. Al'O.’ Parker. P.'^O^Daw^In ton. W. M. Dunce. U B. Wall. A. N. le I«Rg- *'n Iluhl Clliirns 8l|n

“ tlgiiPJ by Everett Hall. Ed QuSrT.- Si “ KTi:yonHJ.-(J.'^'U6dah0t:--Wllll^n r Bl

Cuiinliuiham. James WlUon. H W. L;ltmnii. Roy Sliaver. J. M. Walker.

1 Fred Culthalls. Ernest Walker. K ^ Alma Pttfnon. C. E. Bhowaller. W. ca

Rf. Colemnn. J.’J. Riug. E. M. Toni- ■e lliuflii. K, K. Bhnll. C. H. Krelfih. n. at C. Weaver. P. P. Probaseo, M. A. Id ly Co«. J. O'Donnell, D, Lyont. Lester at r- Cnlln)un.-.aeorge_Durgess... W.. Z. - s- Procter. C, J. Llvliigtion. W. D. as Moore, ftank llann. J. J. Finley. i'< lo 8.1111 Jftiiirj, Charles Slevciui. W. I., I* IS. Wlilla^rr. A. E. Woodruff. Cdwlit of Carry. E. H. LandU.’ Oeorge F. Bar- c. Ion. J.iiiir.4 D. Pence. P. H. ekilleni. M

lifSITl-.snl. J. E SchmiaiTo: W. W ir, DavU, AiLAhIm, II. N. flowcull. Dr.

■ xvmmmmiTTTr. h ,' c. osicinnitr’A,'.W. Wllltnnn, R,-D, lleffelflngcr. N. i-

- WeMlerre.-Wi-AWrieh.-JrO.-Ham- ^ llloii. Kvffctt Babcock, J. J, Young, hi

t t A^iUjVtiiiOjlrsn. E,- a j t ic r w i i .E. T. Nrtu,- c; M. Merrick. B. It.

- uimy. I. ti. almmons. Joliii~ i r ? »t fthcmrtj. Sheldon Pulley. D. Bererll- ■'* at cr, Che.iler Ambrose. . H'»- _______________

''MiiESUPi .liESiNramiiiJLs;

------- h(lU :_OrerhsiilnlbTofflfrnonlhfliigli- to (. i^ y ta ith of Buhl TlmrMlaynlghl,

liiree men were brought liere ond id lodged III tlie county Jail to await aiI t prftwtTlInn nn fh a ro t nf H

tlon nnd iransportallpn ot"msier- at - • Inls and equipmrnt for manufatHirc _ of iniotlcaiin'; l|(iiior_ln vloHUciLaL _ m TMeral prombltlon laws. . . J ' et The mrn gave the names of B.-rt- lL L m bo^^a .k^ ..« l., W..and.WIU S • llam MarorJiJ. • ____

■Tlie arw tlng ofllctrs. Denuly oiiiviK A. i'. i^itktr, i’cdcraJ'fUi- hlbltlon Agent Ed Part*, reported oj

p. finding In the car In which lhe three u, men were rldmg. a qusntlty of malt,

two Slone Jars and a lyphon. ^ ec 18 Rkmbo, owner and driver of thc rl

car; had been drInUag. the olflcers . ed reporled. and Lewis, they said, plica- -

ed a pint bottle of liquor out of the carT which lhe federal agent retriev- cd.-unbrokta.Jrom.btnirttn.lsto.blgrocks.

of a t lhe poultry farm which-Lewis ' occupied u t«nu l,


T ^

l iWon- • : y ijw

W ;

hen ^ -------

ockIhc lit- •




u t T i f i i .< i 'r r o u l i ' O- , n'Jit'H {Jio.macJjJfio fc)] n c n r

------- nn iliiB inpft.rpfnni T.r»f|- tnopmxlovy S h irley - 'J , S lio rt,

■at ' ’ ' ■■

^ ^ Crash of. Io n ' ■ f- T ' ...... •tlr ...........r r ------------- -— ..... ...... ...


' - J fK m


jn --

I's ' -i*-of bs*K

Tiii.N ■.ill:; U’UECKAG

:d T h e p liinc 's c rcw o f fo u r m

j BR€V»Tl€S|-10 Makes Btuincts T rip> ^ M. Soule r >'• IsJnaaftXfllreCKycntKirlneM.- j.

VUIUknDutiey-Mrs.Deul«Mur- ui ^ jaK.*tntioDurleyyesUrday 10tpend ^ M e m o r l a W - - - — -:— -

Coe* io W yomiai-Fmnk Q o ld - '^ M man le ll >ttlcrday to visit polnu in ®

w rslttn Wyoming, . .

_ n a > . nn Varallfln-Mlta orace i » T: schOM OTer-left-la«l-<lilim||-lul'., n r m nte o n -e - ra o te K r-— --------

•r. Hnmp From Chleago-Mrs. John ^ T. Klein rttum ed yeslerday from Chl-y. cago after a prclracled<^lt. •

n tier* On V lsll-M la Clara Koster,A. Idaho Fall*. arrlved yeiterday to vlAit rr a t lhe heme of O. T.Kotler.

o ' ■ W u “ bTn-Mr». J. d'. TVcker lefl ,v' yeslcrtlay for JJimpa to vtall her wn. I« I,; L, 8. Tucker lor a Ijw days. •• "

r,' n e rt From r<nnfyf«oU-..\In. W. S’ ,1 M, Rtigers arrived yesterday Irom v! W’aynetborP.'PcnnsylTanla. on a Tbit.

A .TParwai of 8in-rM r. a n d .M rs ^ D| N L. Fralun are lhe parents of a .-fin Z barnA lday.at.a prlvaic sanltarmm w

iR, h e « ._ ........ ‘ !-tf’ Here F «m DoUe-Mta. Dert EtHlis ^i f •nid UH.' I - Sl'Ul'k- Bow, Jll! "J

here vlslUnj their moiher. Mr.vMyr- « . tic Johnson.

L ea w For Omalio-MlM litlie r SmWi le ll yesterday for Omaha W I"- vWt -blends, there and Iri Cedar lUpidi. Nebraska. JP

11 N enda Mao Uere—J. L.’ V\>uls. DelapUln. Nevada. vUlkd friend* here yeslerday cn his way lo Nampa « '

ii- 10 spend M«m ,o r la l^ . . , - . - , ---------

“d iler« From longtlew-Alberl Urie ot: lit arrived'y tstrtday from .Ungvlew,

WP.Oiiimon, 10 vltlt hU parent.y Mr. r . and Mt*. fW

Ja m u D'Jone*, HeWTTr'evada. ar* rived hen >eslerday on thcirwaytb U<

^ Oakley to ylsll friends.___________I

VlslU l*-BB|>erl-Mrt. Lo|s Holf* _^ man, Snn —*■ rtaldenl. woa In Twin Falls jwienlsy ^«> on her way to Rupert to vlsli rela- '

ltr — Wi i i mMC: - companled by her’ daughier. D o it

he will leare early next week for Long:rs . Ia . ------------------------------------------ --he I ■■■— ..■■ ,1 j

M oderij/P lan lnR MillpeneraJ Conlt»eilng.-Mlll Work

■ u d Fleer BBrfaHog ■^ m M A f e . ' nt----------T K n T ja r -‘ij Aarist WellDer J. C. Marphy


•rew o f f l i c Cliicnffo D nily N eivs pl n c n r Gli'n ilU yn. Illino is; d u r in g ni

ri- to r i r i i t ; I tn b e r t .F. G ornilcy, m iw r t, . p i lo l : U ic lin rd K. I'ccK, co-jni

of Newsoaner’s Plane Kii

i 'r.

IKAGE o l 'I'h iXJiieiiBO fiaU y.N civ cranh 111 n 'in e c d a in a c n a im ilic t U u r m en w ere k illed , U irce d y in g in

g ’ Deadly to visit her mother, Mra. Oracc

- / -T TO '\T nnrR ciium :=siriR aT JtJ: uie R. p. Robln.<«n amt Dr, and Mn.

ir- um.

? i = r a r f c l » ^ « ; - A : 4 a U B ^ _ ffM born Mond.iy to Mr. and Mrs. m; ' Albert ueuusr Jarbldge,’Bt'Uie-iiomo.

of-Mrs. 0 . W. Tarr. 328 Third ave- 1 nue eatl.

Co to lIalley-.M'r».P.S. ^ w o o d . ‘" 'R u o e r t . arrived hete \;tslerdBT to ‘“•iv B lt l ^ .-aiiil Mt», fVMl t .W B ^.auU

Day c.\ereltcs. '

'>'• Apply tnr/TieeiliiS^LewU Terry and June Keiinlwn.'bolh of Twin F.'ill!'. iipplltd for a marringe llcenie

|j,l’ nt lhe oftlce cf Ihe county recorder ■ hero yesWrdny.

(I, -TWla'SWers-MlisAlmedaAvant ' g„ I lefl yestcrilcy on « u lp during whitli . ' she will vLMt her sitter. Mrs. Eva May

Johnson. La? Aiifieles. and Mrs. Ada JV. Stula, Phoenix.

j[" ..,LeaTes.lDi:Eatl-Mr.,and Mra. A,. , E. Williams und chlldrcn. Joycc and

A Dob. nre leaving this momlng to v la lf^InU In'Iowi.Ohlo and llllni'

ijn, ols before lelnmlng.

- visit*-Sltler. H e re .- Mrs. C.’w. i(ig T alb o t, Bpobane.. ahJycd yes^rday

erlord. who li recovering alte# nn ; ’ n llu k ot pneumonia.

Leave for U U h-M r. aod M n. A.I- J. peavey and clilldren ara:leaving '

Ihls momlng for Salt U ke Clt; to spend B couplo ot day* .with-Mr. an* Mr*. A. J . Pw ity , jr.

S Su'dpolil Folk. v liil-M n ^ 'Riul ,na Hoag and chUdren. Sandpolnl- I d a - '‘ ho^al* Mslilng Mr>. llaog l parent*. ~ Mr7~aad'llra; 'J . 'E : BelUvUtoTwid-r rie other relatives In Twin Falls. - j

i f PUns Vacation ~ A. D. Belliimy, I — fBiaMg^fgr w a MW Ufa im tm r t r

,th9 Idaho Departmenl store, acoom--] fil. {ipsnled by Mrs, Bellamy an(I-*on. Rod-irrS !irrw n n * K irtM aj’'toW w ^® ™ *'tt) tlon In Illinois. . , . .

If*' 1 ^ —


^ t o A N C B L“ i S a t u r d a

Kimberly S!


■' A b B t I M I '

Bil8fflt« SgS38■8 p lane “ B liic S trc n k " w ere killcil tf nn iil tc in p t to H ct.n:H ptcd nnd ,’, Trieclinnic; L ew is S. K ite , rad io j-jHlot.— (/ly P J io fo T ; ;

K ills Four

^ '• ' ■ '• "'•1 - '

V /^ '’ :

views’ s jicc ially O uhi.si.‘.si|iiio.-iie ;6 lie i* Gliill lillj'Ji. Illiiiuis-g in s ta n tly .— (/I^ Plioto.

ace Ernest Steltlcrond’sons. Norris and . Ellis, and Mr. and Mrs. N. P. An-

derson are leaving Ihls momlng on

U f c x p "^ lg lo bo gone aboul ihree Iflr I

Visit* In rocTtello-Mls* Zela Mil"- ler wenl to Pocalello last night to

jj‘ rr ls iH fltndx. .. 1______________Irt. I

~,>lTk~nrief” Trip-aeom e Rulli- iiart and W. M. Neville went to Ball

__ iMkr City last night lo sjwnd »od.’ lew days, to . ■" » ■

™ ^ar.-Amerlcan-FaHs.-rcwriica lo . her home last night after vlslilng

relatives here, n y - ,

. n m VWl Ponlanil-M lts Ida Wy- [!*' land, tecreiory 10 Principal U. N.

Terry of the Twin PaUs high school, nnd .Mls& Mar)- Ellen Rayi, high scliool Instruclor. plnn lo leare Mon- day for Portland, where they wlU

Ifty tpend two weeks. ___

MISS bHecke'nridge ^ GIVES PIANO RECITAL"0 Mrs. Etric 11. Hlnlon will prtKnt in;- Mlrj-^Lc.Sell-Breckenrtdse In 'a pl-

ano rtcllal Sunday evening. May 31. al 8130 o’clock over station K T F I.

W. Miss Dmkenrldgo IsTgrailtraterot lay , L lndM g^ cc lii8 t.B l..Chnrlia.Mls-

an give two vocal numben. luivlng stu­died wUh Charlet Thomu, New York

. City, lour ycnre. 'A. _______ I___________ .

to -Jr.


' I We wlll l?o open until noon today, for last minute orders

ny,i _________• .

S T W IN F A L ! ^ FLOILVL xl- CO. -^ = 0 1 E U fW I irm t3 rP if i ik -= =

lSS.MslnAvf. W est. Pheai MS

LDANCEa y N i g h t _


G. MAY 30, J931

] IPBIZITIH Mon Who Served in Wars! H ____side-NaliiinaLBn'undaf ..HF m irni— stnijiii

^ Forfliiii Wars of the United 81 ha.s elic»vii' B.<‘ll.% first conimai Edwin A. LAiidon. Veteran of

^ S|ionlth i>ii<l World wars.U Election and Instnlfadon of offl■ ' l« i1 > W f’ ''f« r U18 new-post-■ InsUtuied by O. T. Mahanay.■ * FrancLirb. clilel of staff for the H Rsnluiien In California and Nev

- Ht n iiiretliig or the Initial mem H thip J t Odd FellOKs hall here■ - rvenhi.:. Oul of the M Inlllal m B be/.i. 12 were In attendance at | 9 evenliiR’t meeting. ThrM were Sf H Ish war veterans.H Tlie iiainc Tain Falls' waa adoj

H name ol liltlorleal or dctcrlpUveM nlflcanrc h lo be adopted t«neln prior 10 fhe clnjlng of the pg l cjwrier w »t Seplrmber 3aM Olflcers elected and InstalledK ’ cvenlnit nrc lo serve until the

H year, mxt Novetnbcr. j j j Tlie i:ewly'elected commauder

pointed IU adjutant, Roy Cubit. John 0 . Raimuisen, a World

nnd veleran. was elected tenlor vice c ndio mandef, and Carl J . Domroii------ ■Spanl5:t“ war~velcr«fi—w«8-<lc<

Junior vlcc commander. Olher ol = ers were elected and installed as

lows: W; J. Orayblll, officer of— «layi p . Miller, quarterniai

-. J. Smith, Craig Dncken niHl W. C Ciker. iru'lecs; Jlowaril lloUcr, j

—-— tln tl.----- ...-i. -

There are yet 10 be elected a 1 advflcaic nnd a |<ost surgeon. I'ointUf offices yet to be filled

T — thClOllOtfRiB; ScrKtant major, <ii n - temixiierKrgeani. patristic Intti

I ers. buiilcr. planUt.9 C::nr*des In the service of lheH tlon. assembling here la tl evenlniI lauiK’ii the new'o.'ganlmlon.of'■ eraiu, {e-afflrmed. in their meml I ship obllsatlon. their oalh of all I ance :b Ihe nallob. and rene■ pledges of comrad:hlp.I ,- The organbatlon. which U 0

H Sam's army, navy or marine a I ; “ Tii'wariimprontiiartT inm itw sta'i Is r..;': 'ng rnplil rains m membyj

' and Influence:.Mahanay.caid.HcJ slltuteJ a new p.o!l a t Cald'I I Thursday evening, and Is lo rel I to.Pocatello 10 li}:tltutc.a new'i " » Ibtre'ihis evening. .. .


tfcnieiiir^ lIeT e'T ’ainltrs. Ph iCOW. Adv., , •___________

._I1U Only, ciie f«ol speelallil lii t


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; R Ohool.highdon-. .......................


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w a V B s iif lR ^I'pl-y 31. I__________ __________F L


ttu - t«« IttiSM. C*ar«rt>u« n »^ork '** *'*

^ * 475' ^

, DE LUXE PHAETO^r Ix rmM «MU| SrtTM k u.

K 3 i i ? u - S 5 i - £ i K= = = s « a .= a ir : s = s“ S S S O J i J

— M( t

I jp5JlO-N-JYourF(


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m S B SJ l l i M H I l l F--------- : |_ J ack Hunt, 31. and O e w e Hun

28, under tenicncc ol 11 l-lo*H-yet - , lerm each In tlie. stale prison f«

rs Out- theft of an Uulomoblle. were denle . . a new trial, following hcorlng 0

id a n c s tnelr moUon before Judge V/..J S E w lt ^ h g it a i m i g a i e i g i e i

B i in ic in m tF r™ ---------------- :---------- r - 2 nie-BCSUied mtn were oonvlcle

a f lr ia l.M o n d ^ jrU ie f l 'o t 'a n a u f,f lomoblle J i '{^

fc*u director, lhal vns Uken. free ro f lhe bl* garage a t Buhl Uie .night ,0

” April M. They were arrested In pos teulon of Iho car in ft hilly re«lo;

offfcer* iMfU, of p»yolle. While they wer bclric‘taken ld"jBiral'Tayett«r«Tl

ly. aan thOKTd. the stolen car dlsap the or- pesred. It waa recovered lhe nc* Nevada, (j^y « prultland. lember- i f ,j,e contention' o t Uie ac rrc last futed men that two oUier mer I mem- “Shorly" and ‘'Slim," had pretum a t latt Bbiy jioijn ihe car.

eSpinr Jn denying tho motion for nei trial. Judge Babcock yetlerday indl

idoplcd cated Uiat-the stories lold by thi «rorllyAAc«us«d-m»n-tMtllylne-ln-thclr-owi rs-new^behalfrliad-ftlronathenod-Ute-prote Jve tig- cutlon's case against Uiem. mellme ---------— — -

dcrap- . — — .,t. , ‘ En roule t«' Tlio Dalles. Oregon rid war to lake part In tbe opening of a n«irecom- alrrwrt.ihore today, three widely'irose. a known Portland avlatora wbo sti

? olflc* land, Ohio, In threo airplanes, Irav:u fol- c!cd appfcxlmately 1750 rnllts durof Uit lng. the day and landed aC Twit

waiter: « ln«rt h w last evenbg.

.^cfiSe D o \c m y ^ |e k lately sWnt flyer ai er.scH- Ibf Omnhalllf show; Robert Hofti

and Tex. Rankin.............*Tlicy wtrclo's-pfminhe hlglifheri

■ and resume the trip Uilt momlng n »'*W‘ " e«P K-fuellng a l U

Grande, and arrive a l the Dalits tar; led arc ^M i'l Hetler 1* rrinking U ielrip'lf

the ship tlir

,1, n . piloting ni*w-4hlps from Uie. Oreal2r.,M _________ .

■ Vir.OHO FEItTILIZEIt iiirffi. fer lawn* and shninberj'. Pnone I«I

tn c w i Twin- Falls Fted 4; lec Co.-Adv,.

a com-,

m ^ n - A u to ' .D o o f (JIqsS'; ; .w indshields arid window

:w |)os1 - s la ss ; No chnrRC fo r scl- ----------- :------- r , ; _ - l i . - ] g ------------------

s 4 MOON’S Phone P ain t an d

— ^ —F u rn itu re S to ra —



± J 8430 ^

- ■ _ • 1Wfi_____ ___________________vs

— I fORD PHAHON . ' •^ Am W <u >»U •! r«f4

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M UM4 d-Umrr,

M O T O B ^ C O ^

r O R D D e a l e r

y r i i i F a l l s


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