Steeve Iuncker [ ]

[] Steeve Iuncker...G aza withdrawal 2005: 8 000 settlers in a territory inhabited by over 1 000 000 Palestinians, 40 000 troops sent to over-see their departure, 8 000 journalists

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  • Steeve Iuncker[ ]

  • G aza withdrawal 2005: 8 000 settlers in aterritory inhabited by over 1 000 000Palestinians, 40 000 troops sent to over-see their departure, 8 000 journalists andphotographers who flocked here from all corners of theglobe to immortalise “the event”. These figures were thefirst thing that struck me when I first heard about theIsraeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip.

    Everything seemed so unreal, excessive, a huge com-munication exercise, a gigantic political grandstandingcircus staged like a major Hollywood production. I wasanxious to highlight the theatrical dimensions of thisevent where, for example, the almost hesitant youngsoldiers moved in the midst of the never-ending shout-ing and crying of the settlers carrying their childrenand yelling out angry comments, like, “Do you realisewhat they are doing to our people again!” I wanted tophotograph emotions, stage-managed to the point ofcaricature.

    The camera is a Rolleiflex Binocular, with Reala Fujiformat 120 films.

    [ Steeve Iuncker ]

  • Rafah, Retreat of the Gaza strip - August 2005During the Hamas demonstration, the young boys wear military clothes.

    © Steeve Iuncker / Agence VU

  • Shirat Hayam colony - Retreat from the Gaza strip,August 2005 - Israeli soldiers comforting each other

    © Steeve Iuncker / Agence VU

  • Shirat Hayam colony - Retreat from the Gaza strip,August 2005- Demonstration against the retreat

    © Steeve Iuncker / VU

  • Shirat Hayam colony - December 2005 - Moment of prayer

    © Steeve Iuncker / Agence VU

  • Shirat Hayam colony - Retreat from the Gaza strip,August 2005 - At the wall built to separate theIsraeli and the Palestinian territories

    © Steeve Iuncker / Agence VU

  • Jerusalem - Retreat from the Gaza strip, August 2005 -A young boy in front of the wall which separates the

    Israeli and the Palestinian territories

    © Steeve Iuncker / Agence VU

  • Shirat Hayam colony - Retreat from the Gaza strip,August 2005 - Young Israeli boy

    © Steeve Iuncker / Agence VU

  • Neveh Dekalim colony - Retreat from the Gaza strip,August 2005 - Two Israeli men observing

    a demonstration against the retreat

    © Steeve Iuncker / Agence VU

  • Jerusalem - Retreat from the Gaza strip, August2005 - A man with his child go through the officialpassage of the wall which separates the Isreali andthe Palestinian territories.

    © Steeve Iuncker / Agence VU

  • Shirat Hayam colony - Retreat from the Gaza strip,August 2005 - During a demonstration

    against the retreat

    © Steeve Iuncker / Agence VU

  • Shirat Hayam colony - Retreat from the Gazastrip, August 2005 - An Israeli soldier comforts alittle girl

    © Steeve Iuncker / Agence VU

  • Shirat-Hayam colony, Gaza stripWithdrawal from the colonies, August 2005

    While photographers watch on, a doctor from Tsahal talks tochildren and a woman to convince them to leave their homes

    themselves, before they are forced to do so by the army.

    © Steeve Iuncker / Agence VU