r ______________ THI - --V0Ir.-7r NO. 260. < ilTHffllT .iLai . ..Two Students Dead at Stat! University,and Otliers Vio- MlyJH-fronLStrychnine-ir Medicine. . r COI.UMniW. Olilo. Ffli. i OPi-T>ct\ nlti\ trnro of *|r>'<-hnitir. f.mn.l Into InJuy in llio itoninrli of Davlil I,. l’u«. — ;— krn -,of. CauU>u,-<»»lor-<>lilg-Htnt>'-nn1 - v»r«iij- llml,.Ill, wlio .HM lucM.'uly ori fiun.lny itrcJiBlhcnrd tlio brllrf of-uiil- -vpriilly offlplnli llinl'tJir jirt.Ipti .Icnlli .o f l*u»k«ii nii<l iiimtfiM itudont In tlie laat four .Invi nnJ tlic rioli-iit lltnraii ot otiipr atuilPiita, Xa* dire to jiolion, yrabnbty intc-n»orin»v TOnrPil In mf.n. eliio iifi'arnoi'il on ilio rnBmua. . ----- -------^-tt-wiuUr-»nlvmitr-<^tri!xl»-thh liftcriio.in furni'il ilio offlrlnl Invpill- jn>(lon of Dll' •llu.iiluti OVIT (o C'otum- Uua i>olic(> ftutlioritlpa. -- — 7 lo d |o -Co-cipgniUon • UnlvpMltv offlplnl* puep« cvory fn. rility of till- Inatllutlon nt tli« <!Ia]Hiaal o f tlo pollri? una plf.i|tivl L- - opprntlon.— ......................... * I'fMiilcnt tt*. 0 . Tliampaan, aftor U- lulnK a atiilciiipnt Inalatln^ tlint thrrc wni no cnu»f for nlarm or for p.iti'tm -------- fflttidmwiiijj-thrlf rliililrcn from tlio unlvi-raity, dl.t tlica(« lliin)^; l.it.Piti'i:tc<l llint u rorii[ili'l.» pfirm- Jpnl nnnlyaia of ;ill rcmaluliiK mcdlflup of llio kliii] iMiuvd tu -Ihc Aludi-nts nf- ___ /ectod ibuul.l l)(« iniuli-.----------------------- 2.—Onlrrcd tlint.nit furlliPr iaaunnro nf iiirli mpdlrlno rpinninini; lii tlm eoi- . ... IvHO |>liariiiiiey .lUppnanry-iTlifTeit was mado up aliould cuiac. > QuMUoa B u n . Columlm* pollfp offlflnla totiiglit , (jiicalicin'il Dcnn K, V. .VcCnnipboll of tliP fnllt-Ko o Q nCillcuig'l-Qiairiie-Ij. Tlioniiuon, nlao of Canton, llin Jaat ita* (ipjit tiikpn vJolontly 111 , ami nfranifod tomorrow tu quPatluti all atiideiili iii the -------«)ll»80-of-pliiiriruifj-irho-hare-bFnn-oir In-lhc dbpeatary in tfao last two wrck*. Diicovpry o f' (lrftntlo..'JtaEca.L»£ >tryc1inlD(i Jn tho ilotnnpli of PtiikVn' mndo it m lnln that tho noiion wui involved in nt lenit three of the flvo .or ilx moro iprious eiuoii whicli hftvo dovcloppil ilnca Inat Thunday. Dut chPmlcal leati of nearly two-thlrdu of Saaiifil Jo r trratmcnt. at jwlaon cxpppt In one paiwijc. ^hln enp. suliv onp of n iiuDibfr lanup.l to-Titno- tliy J . McCjii'lliy of Krpmont, Ohio, VADilty footbiill plavpr,' Inat wrpk, wa« »aW lo eonlnln noVhlnn tut iHiiioa. It •vlolpJitly HI Inat Tliuradny. ' . Potooa Pettud. ^ Pola6H*Wio wni found In Ihe con* tciila ot the atomaeh of Tliomiuon, who m il tiikon luililrnly 111 yntfruny under f (Conlliiucd on Pagn J, Col. SenatorChallenges President’s Right toNegotiate Pact Ooolidge's Anthoritj in Paris Beparfttions Qaeatioued by ::__ .johniotcrorrjjalifonila -in Speech. WAaHiifOTON;~r«b:-< - c n - ^ e =naathDiitiuf-Prftldcnt -OBMMgh~to~^£ _ Kotl«te tho I'ttcla lapatatlont lelCle* I' nw it without tho ianction of eouKrcii wai ehallenffd fodar bjr p*DHtflrJjilin. — Wn,'TopnbllMn;'CflUfornla, one of the irrMODcUablea in tb(« Vorialllei treaty flgtit' lfom v«r, Bonatar JohtxKm ^rcdlttod U ii^ « -<ha:j-em---lanranmBrf6rprOT , thaMho amenVt M the United fitAte* bar.k into Enropoan nffnira de* S H« the lU tenent of ffeewtary lIuBlie. at It bonad tMa tountty neither l«- — gAHjUior-aouUr-to Uka ttcM-fot-lfan _ coUoetlQJUif"Ui«0«'r«attil«bt -*-----------------Poor-Sxdtihff.~~'— ---------- “ At>d whea they do,” ho mW. “ wa |i ill.wUl aBdhoitlUlr ~ •, "That U what wc'got at Parla for .S ]•« p«r e«nt of aometblnflr that PBy --a et^' prubabljr nevgy will be, pgld. 'Ihnt Hi> niitB wa tut fur aUgftirg ’Tafl r. policy of America, If w« did aUw It —thoiTW -thm EoropMoi elalaj; That fa Ujo-i^m w* KOt forchBBgin* (ho AtafdCa'a.PoKey e m ilaea r‘ooiDti7:to7f:^K0^1iUfc-~»«<r~U*^aRo < beeome-in any »«7_aB5rolW.jB Eoro* t —ItaM-wfalrirU------------ ----------------— j P«rU.C9Bf9r«ne« ia..wU^.tlieiaeoaIag a -a^rftwy-ef-«<atg,"ft«nlr.B.‘glllWar ‘ THE 3 TW MEiUiKii '‘A'TDiT nunnA't; OF CIltCL'lATIONrt _________ . Family ot Six Are ------- Ready for End-of— World; Plans Madi BolioTing: In Prodiotions o! Woman, Man Soils Ooods anc Awaits MiUonninm Friday. PATCiionnK, N. V., r.-b, •» (P) —Six tnPinWt i ot Wu^iprt RpiiU'n ffliitny, fcVr tiinny yon'fit rc"uTi'irt»' of llll* .[ulpt Hull' Umc laland PDiiiiiiiiRiiy, poinpli'ii'il I’ri'pnratiiiii ita tPilay 111 cri'Pt thu liilllcnniuMi, .ini’ 111 lliPlr I.pll.-f, «>mp time .hertly aflrr mUnlR'it. tniiwtinvf iiiKlil. Iv* Itfiilt, kiiuwii aiiioii^ lii> iirljjli. 1>or* HI n fiiri'-1iaii<li-d 111:111, 1.1I1] -in to will mnki' n pilKrimncp-iip-n' npnr-l.y hill.iil II oVl„.-k Tlmra- dny nlRlil to ln> rpiniv for ifnv pventvwUtlc*. Witli Atu' of •Ijaiia, hp Wlili, a rlninl-i'harlot wnuld p.ill f.ir-him nl lln- hill nml lrnn»p.irt lihn, lila wif.- nml tlii-ir f.iiir clilliltpn tn H<,||yw..o,l, Cul,, hnmp .if Mr?_Miifgaict_UL-l:aM,-uii^ f"'- Jrii.fiT^f thi' littiH I,and which • «i> hna altifcfp fallli In lli,> Irulli nf III - hpr-pmlfrtiuirnt7n"i!;.- .-.irth mill "in ..-all iliIiiK* toiii]>ornl .ire tn rn>I the aome (Imc Kflijuv. pa« ------- SMIOIfr im ii aal ______ Ni-------------------------------- r-^— ---------------- Airplane to be Used to Tai<e ;;; Quantity of Antitoxin to Dis- easc-Ridden City. SKATTr.K. Wn.h,, TeU. 4 O W - Of SriOOiOOD uiilii of nnllloxlii on Ihcir iru way to Komp, Aln»k.n,' wlirre nn C]il- ol- ilcmic of diphllierln wna reporlpd Jnn- ■ns uiVry 27, (I20,0fl0 V l i r b o 'l i E F i r i p bv uStjiUm nni\ Hie lemahiJpr by \!nltPil Stntpi mail. Dr. 0. C. Mn(fnidcr, in , clinrije here for ttie UnltPd Slntes "• i.iibllc hcnItU aprvlce, nnnounccd tu- .liiy,............................................................. --ThrrTirattTrTa7rIc3no=nn;rirnl5r '>• down tin- Yukon tlvsT from Jftnnnn, on thP Alniku rnilroad nnd ncroi* thd ''® i.i:‘'._D£_XotloiL-flound.|o-ll.e-»W«rd- o*' pcniniulii, on whifli Nomo ia-iltuntPd. Tho plnnc i»'to bc flown from Fnlr- , bttnk^ .50 iniUi Mat-of-KtTicna'by ffc R «r iW litB , iom of .aaVy^a»iiaUE, jiwl il to pifk nj> thc.ontUoxIn ot.Xcaftiuu T»* Io Pimnt Frnxln* vo , Olio million uull. of tlio antitoxin vo ihipped from Soaillo to Soward on ut the J’aclfli! atrnmul.lp eompflny'a of itpnmcr Admiral W.Hion todnv, wna ol wrnppcd in cotton, cork, wntcr-proof li» tmpTT-nnit-ndhgaire-tnpL ' ta ~ltrrp~ltnr p- •i-rum from freoj;|nfr. One hundred 0- thouiand unll. of untltoxiii parried 10 , bv roluy do« tpami from - Scnana to Dl .Noiuo lait week arrived fro/cn. ^flD llS[ fllllO [IS~ ^noHjuiir Representatives Pass Measure .After Considerable Debate; ^ Sotiool ^ravlsion J^ppxoyed. ------- I»ISR-Prlrt-MV-Tinr-m»rbllt> la lalfoduped io the lower houae of " tho oleliteoi.fi. rdaho leeiainturo toduy y by tho Judletaty eotnnlUto iCDVlnir to n Mwovo -the -Bneonitlinttoiliiirf?Hft?e« _ of tho act of tho_1023 loclila^ure ei'gtt. id Vom»n .wlli^V lia^^^ Jury' iitity si tn-!rtahn-|f tnuio blll VoT «■> U « ...Z 5. eeiiful hpforeiKo'ientite awl tbo gov* „ ernor ni it wni in the houic todny. Thn ‘j inFmcAmf'aS^toMf*^*'” Much oppoiition doveloppd at tho debato RTBw moro interne but a motion . bv Hall of Bear Lake, aiklnR for tlio ii A Ipjriaintor. thouffht that thV lm would *. had the dpbato been nllowed to progrcM further.. .. KbtAlWnsfotlt n .. Ohiof oppoiltler to tho-)irea»urr way - the.«omen o# thoatate worBiof - ilikmir thaflhU ilutjTbo plaeod upon' d tail* conaiiierabie onpleaMntneM aad I, tosonvcuUnce. . ' J iru being advouted by eluh womea r whom hp"ehnrngteri»eJ^;r«^M-hV° ■. t U^Tpiouje or reprneatatlvM. todttT V inuea'iuijaie billi Hui. 6 uud t, ijIbc* t Ing private ithooU ot the ttata on the t lamo level with normal ichoola inio* 0 far ea tho certiflcatlpa of Jeaehen.ia J board ef «dueetloo io flxo tho Teqnire- ^ neata ior-graduelee-of priwtr^ehooli 1 The-fight fef-rw epiitipn-|ffi»~*»»«il » ,t»«g«I5rTraiMir:eotuily. repr«(anU> - • tIreiJa lhaJagliIftti^i».b«^((-«tth« - I JiaLtriod^Jtithaot^n*eaetr»«Ftii8'-Wttt " I be ba actotded tln. pftTiteffei c^ha<>- * t iBf-lta vndiuitei eortiriM a*i feaehan irmLrrMMfiATED ‘"'“T W IN'F^XsriDiUIO, ..•i SISTERS FOO II i-jN-iUSW i"i ______ I”" Search Beginning Last August , 1,. Ends W itti Gruesome Dls- -n ......... coveryrAttacl<cd“and'Siain "’v Is Belief. of lot ... "i'l Loa ANnEi.i:.‘<, ivb. ,.t mo- tito lllllp 'vlio xv.-iiiiti-ti'il nu'iiy frwii __hiimp hrre cin_AilL'u;t lM _kit,~n'itk 1.(1 taken from n Ji;i)iv jiljilcr'j „i bank. «v.-r.- /iiiind_t,„l,iv. rl.-ail. In a »haI!on-, lini'ab.i'fiViTi-.l lii tlic fiiliiirix wiili iiull.Hilinai poiiilint: to llip ponplinion liiiit'lhpv hiid l.i'cii nt- tarkpil ni\d tliPO al.-ilii. I Tlipir niiin.'ii wi-r.' Mnv Miirlin, nffril ____J2i nml Ninn.-aaml-H.----------------------- They w.To til'* .iniiphlpf nf Mm. ------Y-rtiil—Hitin— * fnthpr In >Mdlc , .Marlin.. Hho WUH I B auliRhl o t Iho tinio of lb<-ir itliaii- iicarancu nnil-wm» Inralrd in lloquiaml Wnih., n-orkInK in n luialuT'Vrd. • Miirlln, when fniiiid - nt ltfl<ni!ain fieplpnibpr IS w ld bu wna unnhli’ tn ibrow niiy ll(,'!it on tlip nivaliTv nf ------Thrtntfn!JTl.Virriti,-e,— Hr .Irrfnr'ni thni 3ke ' “‘>t vl'itod Cilifi-riiia. or hia former wifi' diirliij; thi- ]nnt ali moiithi. 'Bodies Identified Todny tlip j^rlpf-mrlrki'ii grand. iiirilhiT uf lli(< littlo t,'irli, Mra, Carrlr J-nvrbfp, friPtii wbnac lioiiiu t)ipv hnil -Of y t ont on ihrir J-iiil_jiiurnfy.-iilcull- hrir il'p bully <U'poiiii>o»,'d Jiodic* by e]i|. thpir rlnthini;. Inn- Tlip ciri* dropped from night ahortly bv nfl'T 'llipy‘hTiil li'ft” rroiiip diirlnR thi-lr i«oUitT'» iibnMSPP. Aa they wnlkpd in down tlip iMrei't, tboy met two jilay- lte» innlc*, Dorotliy nnd llniay Hovilli., niiil tu- Ci've cafh n dlmn from their hnnrd <>f rrnU tnkrn from tlii-lr linb.- «l«. rnlir tcr’TUaiiVV Then thry walked nn. inn, TUnl nlKlil rfbout U o'tlork n jicirIi-' tiji! Iior, Mri. Mlnnfl*' Wdpmnn, uniil ih.' .(rd' bwird-n-ehild'i "crtnm.- AnothcnolRh.' tn], bor «nii|_tbnt iho bnd lern twn rhil. nir. dren who'Inokeil like the Ilttlo Kiirtln 'by *l»tera, leaving n iphool playground in (Hul lu ^ a U , .$wo jronng iwu me«4. ____ • . . ...................................... There the trnll atopped. •xin Oonib HlUa on - ly'g P oIIpb nml deputy ihprlff# combpd iraa l'i''* and r.ivtnea in tbp nplgbbothood .oof and follPd. -................................... ............ llrF —<-*itifen!i —o f —thi^ npighlwrhnnd—iir red wbUh'liro' mlaiiiiiB Bistpm bnd lived, ‘lod l>lAycd and. gouo to achool, hpM n ,0 mnii meeting to prosecutn Ibo icareh further. _________ EVEN THE BEST f y OVEF j he .............. .................. 10* ia „ - .-J- _________ - OT — :------- ^ --------------------------------------- iS --------------- :— --------------- -------- ke ». ~ ~ ll* ----------- -- • .- cK __---- *t ___ ,lZ- gr TEl : at r, • ' ......... - - D PRESS NEWSPAPER I t a a o , . - T H U R S D A -Y -M ORI^r? ... HLLEI\|..TERRY-HONORED -BY BRITISH-KING ---- - -----' ,0 ELLEN' TBRBY.-in private Ilfo Mrt. ., £llen Alice Oaraw. famous old Brit* isb actreas. Is abown reading mei* ngi-il TuZ D^^-Orend-CflJJimand*. rnnr " *«'-^^‘^r»ifiFIIniptrertiit)-iiigtian honor that c u be IxstowM upon an l„j„ untitled BrltUb womatL liam'i SflPPlllHiM «n.i. _ " ■ ■■______. , , ■) Senate After T v>o-Hour Row ' Decides to Consider Conlir- ’ffi mation in'Open Session. IkoJ __ mill WARIIIN-aTOK, P.-b. i C/P}-Aftfr i| <>f two n Iwo.bour tow, tho acnntii volpd _ii»L bt.‘-.to.lnyr-«<}-t<r-tt7r-to-toniia£m:r; morrow in opon expcullve afaalon, iliuj •iRb-' nomination of Attnrnuy (lenernl btono *h.' bo_jiyir^no courtjJu«Hfiv . ____ 'IrIi- 'nisruialon of the nomination was not Phil. rpnplic(l.jill of tlio.timu of tlie exccutivo! irt n .cMion todny .bcia«aakca .up wllh d<^. 'l ill bate jis to whether the dourm should bo takn luch n coorio Bnd'hla ruling-wns «uslnin»d on a rceot^ vote, 4S to 90, TONS AmnXAliJDob.BAOE. | --------TKR PA8, Wnn., F«lj. i </«—Kmilr —lir 6tr-Oot$dardr'19iTinntrth[r-anmial-ti0t- ved, milo non-afop dog derby when bo nr* 1 n rived horo tonight 'a t 0:3S oVIock. irch Goddard waa masbct for J, Hacon't ___ rntry. : - . ------ ST FRIEND JN JHEivORLD- CAN OF LT-FOBJHIIVI 11*1 I , ' * I ■ ^ '^ ^ o v c I ,' OVER a n d m y SOMCyrtlNCi j - - '- .-L HJopyn^ m IN twin falls a iHNG,-FEBRUARr»,~1921 iH illF BiLLiyisr Postal Measure Taking Plac( of One Passed_ by.. Scnati Expected to Get Vote b) ^ Next Tuesday.; y - ----- :____ W.I.IITINOTOX, IM,. .| W)_\VHp _ _ piB{f4u-tm-frTOTr-lntnh.Tp(vr.vl-r iiiul.f ^ II ni'W<,j>u,»f,-iJ pay an,I txU> incrvuM' liil' ij ro _rriilarr>_tliut,paiuciL by llro-«rnati yv(i5_l‘roui:hllout.-today by-tbo liiin«i< Brit* l’‘’"*‘’^f‘PO commiKpc. I.ead.Ta aaid th.-> moi. eipprlisl lo bring It to n vole npxl ched Tuci.tay. IH‘l'fi'Hi’ninjI''5— Krlly— oT“'IVnniyl- l i m « ’H<irV«-i;iiMifno“ tTiem>KT o f tbo pom- Q gjj iiiilli-n nnd offleiala of tho poitofflm di-]inrtnirut catimiili'd Ihnt Ibi- iiieaiurr ----- wnuM ralao npproximnti-ly ♦(11,1)00,OOfi =*= within »7,l)ci0,0t»0 nt thp totnl ncfi-aiwry ip nmount to meet the pny Inrrcniti-* nml 1 almoat .loublo tbo nmoiint tho ilrpnrt- J * niPlit .■alliiintuil wa» Drnvlilrd in tlm J 1“ ipiiuto Umvliic-n tn.» houae Vefiiapd to cniniili-r on thP ground tbnt it wa* ■ W ti'vonuu producing leglalatlon. 0.L ________ Eatlmatod I n c r m ^ ------------- ni Tlm fommiltP<^ rcjiort proaenlpd In ■} the hoiiap Inlo itulfly by Repri'apnlnllvo Muori', rppiibliean, Oblt>, eiliinntcd tho Iaii. na followi: • jOW ..i'lrit.cliiss.iaiiil. * 10, 000,000: second .. clflM—publipationa, |:;,0P8,2.'.:! trad- tir- aipnt, »l,000,000i .third cl»s«, *18,000,. - 001 ),• fourlb pInM »l3,fi00,000:- 2S eenti a[ipplnl delivpry aprvico on pnrpci poit t7.000,UD0; fourth clnii iniurcd lervlrr, 13,039,17-tj C. 0 . I), aervicp, ♦1,10.1,871); /, money ordi-ra >.'l,58L’,4fl0j regiatrv, olpd *•'•'‘*50,000, nnd ipp^jnl dplivffy, tOQO,* ^hv “ The normal growth of the aervle# nnd Snrrenao in bualncaa” anid the rp. ___ Por>,^‘>mid tbniwiifttVcmcnL.in.tooraIo ana Inrrpnied -cfflcloncy of tho per. tivo will .quickly, nliwrb dik. dif/^erento in these totali.” i bo ------------------------- . ulwl - PT-Ayg«a wns VORK, Pcb, 4 M>3—Three New , York-Olnnt plnycri — Pranklo Friich, lloas. Young ond flporgo I<. Kell>%— nnmed by Jimmy O'Connell ns Imjill. cated 111 Ills avlampt lo bilbo IWnlp mile Hand,- Phllndolphin .VatluiinI Icnguu -"Oi- ihortitopi wcrt -cemplptcly ■ cJuncratM nr* by Aaiiatiint Biatrlet Attorney Ueorge ock. N*. Urothoni, iu u rri>ort mud Clo 1)1»- >n's trliil Attorney IJantnn todoy nfter thf CAN’T DO THE REST 5 i»^ COVNTY 1925: - SecomL Cdve-In o f ^ Day Blocks Efforts To Rescue C^ljim Imprisoned Explorer in Kon L ' lucky Still Hold Underground ... Work Desperately. I .......... -O A V f i- ^ ’iTVV'KTT't'^’l ' r ^ - W — Another cuvvln, tin- m-dind o f lhi> ............. lonlKbl, tiln.-king nil cfforii Ilf n-«iivrajii rnicli I'ldyU, I3CC <''>liiii«, IiJiprl«niii-il <.nv.' rijilnror, ncennling lo John fi.-ruld«. ^natc ___ Ucfald»,_a-frlim.l-..f-(.’nHin!i, , eni.rui'd frum tho eavi- ulmrMv ' oy nflrr niliinlglit nnd nniiounpi-d that Ihp lali'ti ciivi-in had oceurtcd j:: or !.'> f.'.a from Collin*. “ I nm thriiiiith," 111 aahl, vinibly dujprlod over till- lati'al turn of ^^Vl'lll1. _ Uv^iMjUmiUud-a-iiatiy-of.MK- iilnI'C iiilo llll) riinii- lit tO:;iO In hop.-a of n- i,ii{ havliiu CoHiim «\ii in uu Iiwir. A irnatn “ ''T -«biub--...viirrnl fbii mnrn. ll „.A i'lg.hail lu-.'ii pirari'il »nt nnd thu 'iiiuae ,i,„ 1they leta victim. fllSKBPit 3fflcu ^ ififSIEIlTII •pnrt. '™ Brother Urges Los Angeles Au- _ _lliorities to-Slar-t-lnquicy-of ;\iJ; Pocatello Citizen's Demise. J Iho ---------- ppomi .AXQEI/EH,-i-cb...d .L«~Ia. traa- •*"' I’f- Rmilh Q 0g Wuolev of I’ornti'Ilii, Id.ibo, Jnniinrv ; ; If. 1922, .who wna found, nlttlng In .liia "I, nffii-e therp with two liullcta in bi< rvlcr ''ftiTl. -TiTBa. revived. liiite.-loiilKbt. by 1 ,871 ); 1^' Wooley, brother of tbo dead "‘llolnnil Wooley enlled on Willinm - - — Hfigli»i-^li>jf—of-tfa’p^iigin4ride ' aiiiiiiil rvlfft *hPrlff’» office, with the dc- iHiHid tlint hr tiucitlon Dr. A. \V. i\ oralo •l“''.''-??£'’t-jICU{Ut._fumioily_of^J.*oe*^ tello, who wan dangerously nnd it U j.Lpi, helieA-e<f fntally injured lit on nuto. moblla'-atdidajjL ni-ar.hcro Ritnday,"" J>r. Jamieaou’a wifo ond mother weff klUtd In tlm ttftili.and his live BtUdwai aerleeaJr hurt - Tho dchttit ll under medical ear* at bis homo in rlieh Wonlea axd fear* nro enter* |Kv-l •nl'ip'i he may-BDf recover. ' " lloland Wooley told Deputy Bhoriff ritiln that hU btalUcr ami Jtntnienon ■ni?u« quarreled In I’orntello, that hii broUterJiad^rivan-JnmleAOti-rRim-hta wrire mint of n gun, thnt 1)1* Jamieaon hud threaleuPd hi* broth. . t),p ||r.'*Jjfpi^nBd^.lhot.the night.bls-brotli- left Tocntcllo. qSENTENCEUM IT ' ISimllBES ~ Forfner Veterans' Bureau-Of - ficial Must Serve Two Years ^andPay'^Fiiie'of’SiaOOOr CinCAOO, Feb* 4 CW—Tho mnxi* ^ ___nmm penally-«cntp_ncjL^f fn-n venrt In the fpilrr^ penitentiary nt I/Cnvi'n^ worth nad flues of »10,000—wni» met*~ M-ouf'toH'harlf»-ltr->SnbespfoTO ___ hend of the ITnlte.l Rlntn. liurpau, nnd John_.W . - .Tbompaon, wealthy Bt. Ix>uis contraetor, Ib fcd- rnl--50urt' hero ' today.” ’ They were ____ponvicted of couwiilmpy to defraud tbo pital contract*. -------- lioUj-TDrbts.. j»ad-Tbonipsoti-- were grantcd~l;tn)nrr^eiPciitlop. that they lengthy denlniil"’of tiiplr gulif. Forbes in declaring hli entiro !n* norenpo of tho chargci of conapiring wltU Thompson dM nied ho 'Wna_llio, viftlm." of rlrruinaliihn-i nn.l*‘would fight lo thn Jiy.t-'ditrli,.-Tllomi)»M' '■ >ftirtie wni <~^irldontnlfv~irnwn ifZ JIIL- Iiiarinruiu 01 itoriimcr'ii Imto for Forbci,” Klias II. Mortimer, the gov* crnment iafotcner, dnd «n« of tbo nl* tetf d ..eOB«pira t o » r ‘‘fin nH ttBn" tWtl' tiinic ___ of the government'e tritlmnnv u pon ----- which-HTo-jury-wtnmpd-ft-vrrdlri-ot eolltyla«r rridiy'aneniooH; ‘ ' ~ HftSONS~WElCOME IDAHO -flRAND:TOSSTERTfryi^ M m y.M aniirl <rf Oidir -Oonrwi* ^ ter of ih p M ^ l^ Iflflgff A. P. and A. JL, a t,a regplflr~eo>it.~ I-.: WM.ft»^oa.by:ahonl800 m*mbe«-«£ ‘ fiuhl. Filer and /and V— tBWMMi frommany Belghbariag townkl . ' p te . ltefreiliiff«nta ware aerVdd ftt tm m = .......... ■-.I..". PRICE 5 CENTS '■jiiifitr" s; SETS lPPIiOl llll <»yil.................... -r— . . ___ Several Iflcasures Originating in House Receive TavoraBIFT '1^' Consideration of Idalio Sen* ate; Memorial Passes. . •lod _____ .• ■■■ ^ l/> n-rmiil thi'!r Imade.l imtelitpdnvrt irn. ti'ftivid. ap|,r..v'il-of thn upper hnuae . 1 .,. li'uialntnrp. Oronka nf Ada ; Pxp!slneiV thfn,lin!Tr?rt!rrM dialriets * puiMT tliry jirviT hnd. Anolhpr mens* iiri- wliifh ],n„nl th- irnnte la bouoe----- _ hill N.I. -IP, which anlhnrizri tliP iMn- r ___nnre uf ri-fiindi»g b.nnla to refund tbo I" ^TIip Itlphmnn.r nu'mnrlhl 'urgltig IbV ld;ihn di'leiratlnn. In Wnabingtnn lo _ '''ilh delrgillri from Oi*.'gon..und. _ j Wnahlngton to bring out Immediate nr* tinn nn tho bnlMing of the Umntilln rapid* hyilro elePtrlo devrlopment proJ* ppt nlao rpceive<l fnvorabb* conililepn* ------- lien. Tha - »uU.^fl‘-^ ^ !^ } ^ e d ~ ^ ^Il '' ^ biill.P-------- ing of tliia reaprvolp wilt flood thn Am. rmnlllln rnpldi nnd mnke the lUenm niivlRabb'- n* well no rpelaln y_Of !*|fu " i M»|i ’""d ^nnd givo powpr ralca. ^ llSe. «<-hool warranls UiiiPd ngnlnit a dc* pli'teil fund will hear T per . ent interest ualH vsvl'J niiUaa trnateei of the di*. —In. I'i'evlouaiy _by_.-rcioluli^.- bnilh ^‘’’"'■ rntp, under tbo'terns o f mnrv I’J' »*-<"Pl(e and Bnrrett 1 bis "I’l’f"'’'’'' hy the upper home. I bl. , ^'"” ‘'>'"'’ '''» ‘'.vChapniaj,'Kn-aMel,r“ " 7 t . l.v 1',''^^' J'ftivUUng tbnt an nuclloneer’a dead T '''* ^ •'‘"‘''•y J'ould bo accepted In other, wai defeated in tho *lY.t : «r>nak£nff.'iio «'"• ;r“ S “Lr'L\“ . - erlff providing for formation of [. three or more.couatios Into it.district • • - , fair aisoeiaUon-was iiiltoduced In tho ,4 ; 'gjafaLof the IfgiHifitnra-thli' . thnt l>y YeHmuun, N o ^ o m b ' and r, 1 . aulhorir« county eou- ;:S: __ defray tho exjKmifa tif lueh fairs. r— W f t f CM r u f ’VBtM.T*” ........ " .'Asip/lationi.will bo.formca.whea'no loM Ihan Cl per ccnt of-tho voters In nny of Iho eountiw affoctcil petition to' Ihe tau6ty eommlliHhlfr,.. A b o a rd jf S directora eonalating of ono from each county is to be apiiolnlcd by tho corn* mlsiloiieri lo lervo ft two-year term. Tho fair dlrccton would m«,wt in May (Continued oti Pugo 3, Co_l,_l). . Service of Tr® i HM 'Responsilile ~ForPre^Growfli~ vcp^ .^siatant Qenerol M aaaggr bf met* lfowB_8^BriC0_OiTC8-Eea80aa _____ 'len, —— fp,,. COLUIIBUS, Ohio, ' mtii;a-u£.tMt}i.^upicd^u,-,a..i,1«l^-.:: .. i»m, is rcaiKinalblo'for.tho pruipority ^ uiJi^pap«a-et4be-wotHr*«>t-eDop -------- aos* or, of .Now York /isilitant general man.*, ligff of the Associated Presa, iojd'howi*'' ' jrere i«p*c jntbilahcrs-Bnd-Bdllorrftra'iafcet^'— • lliey FRjr of Asaoclatlnn of Ohio n-ittlei hnT.- . .. >“ “d uiiii^X ^ ^ ! Uctcribing tho waterlhrsldo of nc'wi^' ■" m* pajK'ra, ho said that truth itripped of r‘ng blai had m.-ido tho ncwapaiwr the tre. .llio. iuondou*.praetieBl;me«rthat'1Hi'l8r-**~ ould Jay, ^ inS! iblo evlJpn^'p/o^'tiilTmaRnTtudo^^^^ ni'* ‘ho Jdealim whleJi mado • -Ot tho dwiroio Inmpoon'flbd'KamrinM- * «my, tho ycarniaff for liower na lv»tl aa tlip HlJil ID.cliit iiA at..iin ally-^f c -""T J strovo to aid in thpi ineorwfattea of ~— * iff ? iS ?S 5 ^S ® 5 iS 5 i™ = := - , --Prom that stago-ofiBemtiBB It paiM ff--,-: > a j .l^o,an.erii whtt9jttVBntiTft:^aaittr«rai..-..Trr ___ : Tnilllfiry-rrimnr^nfVtlfln e m tft'a l.' • -••• 5d X 'a^^ JJ*T ontua duaana zor f le w ip a H n ,'a iO i» ^ T T ” to..Mypiy.the:danwd'-^^HBitiatpU<?^ i-«£ dbI .coit-toitheladirldsial n a te & =sr:==:; and -ne-.fey.iewedvlrUil7-rti».eiw |ee*;«r.^^ m i. aoia^ ft£:(he .ol£tiiB& * a i(o ^

------- SecomL Cdve-In of ^ ..•i SISTERS FOOII s; SETS …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...Inn- Tlip ciri* dropped from night ahortly bv nfl'T'llipy‘hTiil

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Page 1: ------- SecomL Cdve-In of ^ ..•i SISTERS FOOII s; SETS …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...Inn- Tlip ciri* dropped from night ahortly bv nfl'T'llipy‘hTiil

r ______________

T H I■ - --V0Ir.-7r NO. 260.

< ilTHffllT.i L a i

. . .T w o S tu d e n ts D ea d a t S t a t !

U n iv e r s i t y ,a n d O tlie rs V io-

M ly J H - f r o n L S t r y c h n in e - i r

M ed ic in e . • .

r COI.UMniW. Olilo. Ffli. i OPi-T>ct\nlti\ trnro of *|r>'<-hnitir. f.mn.l Into InJuy in llio itoninrli of Davlil I,. l ’u«.

— ;— krn -,of. CauU>u,-<»»lor-<>lilg-Htnt>'-nn1- v»r«iij- llml,.Ill, wlio .HM lucM.'uly ori fiun.lny itrcJiBlhcnrd tlio brllrf of-uiil-

-vpriilly offlplnli llinl'tJir jirt.Ipti .Icnlli .o f l*u»k«ii nii<l iiimtfiM itudont In tlie laat four .Invi nnJ tlic rioli-iit lltnraii o t otiipr atuilPiita, Xa* dire to jiolion, yrabnbty intc-n»orin»v TOnrPil In mf.n. eliio iifi'arnoi'il on ilio rnBmua. .

----- -------^-tt-w iuUr-»nlvm itr-<^tri!xl»-thhliftcriio.in furni'il ilio offlrlnl Invpill- jn>(lon of Dll' •llu.iiluti OVIT (o C'otum- Uua i>olic(> ftutlioritlpa.

- - — 7 lo d |o -Co-cipgniUon •

UnlvpMltv offlplnl* puep« cvory fn. r ility of till- Inatllutlon nt tli« <!Ia]Hiaal o f t lo pollri? una plf.i|tivl

L- - opprntlon.— .........................* I'fMiilcnt tt*. 0 . Tliampaan, aftor U-

lulnK a atiilciiipnt Inalatln^ tlint thrrc wni no cnu»f for nlarm or for p.iti'tm

-------- fflttidmwiiijj-thrlf rliililrcn from tliounlvi-raity, dl.t tlica(« lliin)^;

l.it.Piti'i:tc<l llint u rorii[ili'l.» pfirm- Jpnl nnnlyaia of ;ill rcmaluliiK mcdlflup of llio kliii] iMiuvd tu -Ihc Aludi-nts nf-

___ /ectod ibuul.l l)(« iniuli-.-----------------------2.—Onlrrcd tlint.nit furlliPr iaaunnro

nf iiirli mpdlrlno rpinninini; lii tlm eoi- . . . . IvHO |>liariiiiiey .lUppnanry-iTlifTeit was

mado up aliould cuiac. >QuMUoa B u n .

Columlm* pollfp offlflnla totiiglit , (jiicalicin'il Dcnn K, V. .VcCnnipboll of

tliP fnllt-Ko o Q nCillcuig'l-Qiairiie-Ij. Tlioniiuon, nlao of Canton, llin Jaat ita* (ipjit tiikpn vJolontly 111, ami nfranifod tomorrow tu quPatluti all atiideiili iii the

-------«)ll»80-of-pliiiriruifj-irho-hare-bFnn-oir• In-lhc dbpeatary in tfao last two

wrck*.Diicovpry o f ' (lrftntlo..'JtaEca.Lȣ

>tryc1inlD(i Jn tho ilotnnpli o f PtiikVn' mndo i t m ln ln tha t tho noiion wui involved in n t lenit three of the flvo

.o r i lx moro iprious eiuoii whicli hftvo dovcloppil ilnca Inat T hunday. Dut chPmlcal leati of nearly two-thlrdu of

Saaiifil J o r trratm cnt. a t

jwlaon cxpppt In one paiwijc. ^hln enp. suliv onp of n iiuDibfr lanup.l to-Titno- tliy J . McCjii'lliy o f Krpmont, Ohio, VADilty footbiill plavpr,' Inat wrpk, wa« »aW lo eonlnln noVhlnn tu t iHiiioa. It

•vlolpJitly HI Inat Tliuradny. '. Potooa Pettud.

Pola6H*Wio wni found In Ihe con* tciila o t the atomaeh of Tliomiuon, who m il tiikon luililrnly 111 yn tfru n y under

f (Conlliiucd on Pagn J, Col.

SenatorChallenges President’s Right

— toNegotiate PactOoolidge's Anthoritj in Paris

Beparfttions Qaeatioued by::__ .johnio tcrorrjja lifonila - in

Speech.— W A aH iifO T O N ;~ r«b :-< - c n - ^ e= naathD iitiu f-P rftld cn t -OBMMgh~to~^£_ Kotl«te tho I'ttcla lapata tlont lelCle* I ' n w i t w ithout tho ianction of eouKrcii

w ai ehallenffd fodar bjr p*DHtflrJjilin. — Wn,'TopnbllMn;'CflUfornla, one of the

irrMODcUablea in tb(« Vorialllei trea ty f l g t i t '

l f o m v « r , Bonatar JohtxKm ^rcdlttod U i i ^ « - <ha:j-em---lanranmBrf6rprOT

, th a M h o a m e n V t M the United fitAte* bar.k in to Enropoan nffnira de*

SH« th e lU te n e n t o f ffeewtary lIuBlie. a t I t bonad tMa tountty neither l«- — gA H jU ior-aouU r-to U ka ttcM -fot-lfan _ coUoetlQ JU if"U i«0«'r«attil«bt

-*-----------------Poor-Sxdtihff.~~'— ----------“ At>d whea they do,” ho m W. “ wa

|iill.wUl a B d h o itlU lr ■ ~ •,

" T h a t U w hat w c 'go t a t Parla for .S ]•« p « r e«nt of aometblnflr t hat PB y

--a e t ' prubabljr nevgy will be, pgld. 'Ihn t — Hi> ni itB wa tu t fur aUgftirg ’Tafl r . policy o f America, If w« did aUw It —th o iT W -th m EoropM oi elalaj; T hat

fa U jo - i^ m w* KOt forchBBgin* (ho

AtafdCa'a .PoKey e m ilaea

r‘ooiDti7:to7f:^K0^1iUfc-~»«<r~U*^aRo < beeome-in any »«7_aB5rolW.jB Eoro* t

—ItaM -w falrirU ------------ -— ---------------— j

P«rU.C9Bf9r«ne« ia ..w U ^ .tlie iaeoaIag a-a^ rftw y-e f-«< a tg ," ft« nlr.B.‘ glllW ar ‘


3 T WMEiUiKii ' ‘A'TDiT nunnA 't;

OF CIltCL'lATIONrt _________

. Fam ily ot S ix Are-------Ready for End-of—

World; Plans MadiBolioTing: In Prodiotions o!

Woman, Man Soils Ooods anc Awaits MiUonninm Friday.

PA T C iionnK , N. V., r.-b, •» (P) —Six tnPinWt i ot Wu iprt RpiiU'n ffliitny, fcVr tiinny yon'fit rc"uTi'irt»' of llll* .[ulpt Hull' U m c laland PDiiiiiiiiRiiy, poinpli'ii'il I’ri'pnratiiiii

i t a tPilay 111 cri'Pt thu liilllcnniuMi, .ini’ 111 lliPlr I.pll.-f, «>mp time .hertly

■ aflrr mUnlR'it. tniiwtinvf iiiKlil.Iv* Itfiilt, kiiuwii aiiioii^ lii> iirljjli.

1>or* HI n fiiri'-1iaii<li-d 111:111, 1.1I1] - i n to will mnki' n pilKrimncp-iip-n'

npnr-l.y h ill .iil II oVl„.-k Tlmra- dny nlRlil to ln> rpiniv for ifnv pventvwUtlc*. Witli Atu' of•Ijaiia, hp Wlili, a rlninl-i'harlot wnuld p.ill f.ir-him nl lln- hill nml lrnn»p.irt lihn, lila wif.- nml tlii-ir f.iiir clilliltpn tn H<,||yw..o,l, Cul,, hnmp .if Mr?_Miifgaict_UL-l:aM,-uii^

f"'- Jr ii.f iT ^ f thi' littiH I,and which • «i> hna altifcfp fallli In lli,> Irulli nf

III - hpr-pm lfrtiuirnt7n"i!;.- .-.irth mill "in ..-a ll iliIiiK* toiii]>ornl .ire tn rn>I the aome (Imc Kflijuv. pa« ------- •

S M IO Ifri m i iaal ______Ni-------------------------------- r-^— ----------------

A irp la n e to b e U sed to Tai<e ; ; ; Q u a n ti ty o f A n tit o x in to D is-

e a s c -R id d e n C ity .

SKATTr.K. Wn.h,, TeU. 4 O W -Of SriOOiOOD uiilii of nnllloxlii on Ihcir

iru w ay to Komp, Aln»k.n,' wlirre nn C]il- ol- ilcmic of diphllierln wna reporlpd Jnn- ■ns uiVry 27, (I20,0fl0 V lir b o 'l iE F ir ip bv

uStjiUm nni\ Hie lemahiJpr by \!nltPil S tn tp i mail. Dr. 0 . C. Mn(fnidcr, in

, clinrije here for ttie UnltPd Slntes "• i.iibllc hcnItU aprvlce, nnnounccd tu-

.liiy,.............................................................--T hrrT ira ttT rT a7rIc3no= nn;rirn l5r

'>• down tin- Yukon tlvsT from Jftnnnn, on thP Alniku rnilroad nnd ncroi* thd

''® i.i:‘'._D £_X otloiL-flound.|o-ll.e-»W «rd- o*' pcniniulii, on whifli Nomo ia-iltuntPd.

Tho plnnc i» 'to bc flown from Fnlr- , bttnk^ .50 iniUi M at-of-K tTicna'by ffc R « r iW litB , io m o f .aaVy^a»iiaUE, jiwl

i l to pifk nj> thc.ontUoxIn ot.Xcaftiuu T»* • I o P i m n t Frnxln* vo , Olio million uull. of tlio antitoxin vo ihipped from Soaillo to Soward on ut the J’aclfli! atrnmul.lp eompflny'a of itpnmcr Admiral W.Hion todnv, wna o l wrnppcd in cotton, cork, wntcr-proof li» tmpTT-nnit-ndhgaire-tnpL' ta ~ltrrp~ltnr p- •i-rum from freoj;|nfr. One hundred 0- thouiand unll. of untltoxiii parried 10, bv roluy do« tpami from - Scnana to Dl .Noiuo la it week arrived fro/cn.

flDllS[ fllllO[IS~^noHjuiir

R e p r e s e n ta t iv e s P a s s M e a s u re .A f t e r C o n sid e rab le D e b a te ;

^ S o tioo l ^ r a v l s i o n J^ p p x o y e d .

-------I » I S R - P r l r t - M V - T in r - m » r b l l t>la lalfoduped io the lower houae of " tho oleliteoi.fi. rdaho leeiainturo toduy y by tho Judletaty eotnnlU to iCDVlnir ton Mwovo -the -Bneonitlinttoiliiirf?Hft?e«_ of th o act o f tho_1023 loclila^ure ei'g tt.

id Vom»n .w lli^ V lia ^ Jury' iititysi tn -!rtahn-|f tn u io blll VoT «■> U « . . . Z 5. e e iifu l hpfore iK o'ientite aw l tbo gov* „ ernor n i i t w ni in the houic todny. Thn

‘j in F m c A m f 'a S ^ t o M f * ^ * '”Much oppoiition doveloppd a t tho

debato RTBw moro interne bu t a motion . bv H all of Bear Lake, aiklnR for tlio

iiA Ipjriaintor. thouffht th a t thV l m would *. had the dpbato been• nllowed to progrcM fu rth e r .... K b tA lW n s f o t l tn .. Ohiof o p p o ilt le r to tho-)irea»urr way- the .«om en o# th o a ta te w o rB io f- ilikm ir th a f lh U ilutjTbo plaeod upon'

d tail* conaiiierabie onpleaMntneM aad I, tosonvcuUnce. . '

J i r u being advou ted by eluh womea r whom hp"ehnrngteri»eJ^ ;r«^M -hV ° ■.t U^Tpiouje or reprneatatlvM . todttTV in u e a 'iu ija ie b illi Hui. 6 uud t , ijIbc*t Ing private ithooU o t th e t ta ta on thet lamo level w ith normal ichoola inio*0 f a r ea tho certiflcatlpa of J e a e h e n .ia

J board e f «dueetloo io flxo tho Teqnire- ^ n e a ta io r-graduelee-of p riw tr^e h o o li

1 T h e -figh t fef- rw e p ii t ipn-|ffi»~*»»«il» ,t»«g«I5rT raiM ir:eotu ily . repr«(anU> -• t I r e i J a lh a J a g l i I f t t i^ i» .b « ^ ( ( - « t th « -

I JiaLtriod^Jtithaot^n*eaetr»«Ftii8'-Wttt " I be b a actotded tln . pftTiteffei c^ha<>- * t iB f-lta vn d iu ite i eortiriM a*i feaehan

ir m L r r M M fiA T E D

‘"'“T W I N ' F ^ X s r i D i U I O ,

..•i SISTERS FOOIIi-jN-iUSWi"i ______

I”" S e a r c h B e g in n in g L a s t A u g u s t

,1,. E n d s W it t i G ru e s o m e D ls-

- n .........c o v e r y r A t t a c l < c d “ a n d 'S i a i n

"’v I s B e lie f .oflot . . .

"i'l L o a A N nEi.i:.‘<, ivb . ,.t mo- tito lllllp 'vlio xv.-iiiiti-ti'il nu'iiy frwii

__hiimp hrre cin_AilL'u;t lM _ k it,~ n 'itk1.(1 ■ taken from n Ji;i)iv jiljilcr'j„ i bank. «v.-r.- /iiiind_t,„l,iv. rl.-ail. In a

»haI!on-, lini'ab.i'fiViTi-.l lii tlicfiiliiirix wiili iiull.Hilinai poiiilint: to llip ponplinion liiiit'lhpv hiid l.i'cii nt- tarkpil ni\d tliPO al.-ilii.

I Tlipir niiin.'ii wi-r.' Mnv Miirlin, nffril____J2i nml N inn.-aam l-H .-----------------------— They w.To til'* .iniiphlpf nf Mm.------Y-rtiil—Hitin—* fnthpr In >Mdlc , .M arlin.. Hho WUH

IB auliRhl o t Iho tinio of lb<-ir itliaii- iicarancu nnil-wm» Inralrd in lloquiaml

■ Wnih., n-orkInK in n luialuT 'V rd. • Miirlln, when fniiiid - nt ltfl<ni!ain

fieplpnibpr IS w ld bu wna unnhli’ tn ibrow niiy ll(,'!it on t lip nivaliTv nf

------Thrtntfn!JTl.Virriti,-e,— Hr .Irrfnr'ni thni3 k e ' “‘>t v l'ito d Cilifi-riiia. or hia

former wifi' diirliij; thi- ]nnt ali moiithi.

'Bodies IdentifiedTodny tlip j^rlpf-mrlrki'ii grand.

iiirilhiT uf lli(< littlo t,'irli, Mra, Carrlr J-nvrbfp, friPtii wbnac lioiiiu t)ipv hnil

-O f y t ont on ih r ir J-iiil_jiiurnfy.-iilcull- h rir il'p bully <U'poiiii>o»,'d Jiodic* by e]i|. thpir rlnthini;.Inn- Tlip ciri* dropped from night ahortly

bv n f l 'T 'llip y ‘hTiil li'f t” rroiiip diirlnR thi-lr i«oUitT'» iibnMSPP. Aa they wnlkpd

in down tlip iMrei't, tboy met two jilay- lte» innlc*, Dorotliy nnd llniay Hovilli., niiil

tu- Ci've cafh n dlmn from their hnnrd <>f rrnU tnkrn from tlii-lr linb.- «l«.

rnlir tc r’TUaiiVV Then th ry walked nn. inn, TUnl nlKlil rfbout U o 'tlo rk n jicirIi-' tiji! Iior, Mri. Mlnnfl*' W dpmnn, uniil ih.' .(rd' bwird-n-ehild'i "crtnm.- AnothcnolRh.' tn], bor «nii|_tbnt ih o bnd lern twn rhil. nir. dren who'Inokeil lik e the Ilttlo Kiirtln 'b y *l»tera, leaving n iphool playground in (Hul l u ^ a U , .$wo jronngiwu me«4. ____ • . . .................... ..................

There the trn ll atopped.•xin Oonib HlUa

on -ly'g P oIIpb nml deputy ihprlff# combpd iraa l'i''* and r.ivtnea in tbp nplgbbothood.oof and follPd. -................................... ............llrF —<-*itifen!i —o f—thi^ npighlwrhnnd—iir red wbUh'liro' mlaiiiiiB Bistpm bnd lived, ‘lod l>lAycd and. gouo to achool, hpM n

,0 mnii meeting to prosecutn Ibo icareh further. _________

E V E N T H E B E S T f



he .............. ..................10*ia „ - . - J - _________ -OT — :------- ---------------------------------------

i S --------------- :— --------------- -— -------

ke ». ~ ~ — —

ll* ----------- -- • .-cK __----* t ___ ,lZ -

g r T E l — :a t r, • ' .........- -


I t aa o , . - T H U R S D A - Y - M O R I ^ r ?

. . . H L L E I\|..T E R R Y -H O N O R E D -BY B R IT IS H -K IN G

- - - - - - - - - - '„ ,0 ELLEN' T B R B Y .-in p rivate Ilfo Mrt. ., £ llen Alice Oaraw. famous old Brit*

isb actreas. Is abown reading mei*ngi-il

T u Z D^^-Orend-CflJJimand*.r n n r " * « '- ^ ^ ‘ r» if iF IIn ip tre rt iit) - i iig tia n

honor th a t c u b e IxstowM upon an l„ j„ untitled BrltU b womatLliam'i

SflPPlllHiM«n.i. _ " ■ ■■ ■______. , , ■)

S e n a te A f te r T v>o-H our Row ' D e c id e s to C o n s id e r C o n lir- ’f f i m a tio n i n 'O p e n S e ss io n .IkoJ __mill WARIIIN-aTOK, P.-b. i C/P}-Aftfr

i| <>f two n Iwo.bour tow , tho acnntii volpd _ii»L b t .‘-.to .lnyr-«<}-t< r-tt7r-to-toniia£m :r;

morrow in opon expcullve afaalon, iliuj •iRb-' nomination of A ttnrnuy (lenernl btono*h.' bo_jiyir^no courtjJu«Hfiv . ____

'IrIi- 'nisruialon of the nomination was not Phil. rpnplic(l.jill o f tlio.timu of tlie exccutivo! irt n .cMion todny .b c ia « a a k c a .up wllh d<^. 'l ill bate jis to w hether th e dourm should bo

takn luch n coorio Bnd'hla ruling-wns «uslnin»d on a rceo t^ vote, 4S to 90,

TONS A m nXAliJDob.BAO E. |--------TKR PA8, Wnn., F«lj. i </«—Kmilr—lir 6tr-Oot$dardr'19iTinntrth[r-anmial-ti0t- ved, milo non-afop dog derby when bo nr* 1 n rived horo tonight ' a t 0:3S oVIock. irch Goddard waa m asbct for J , Hacon't ___ rntry. : - • . ------


11*1 I , ' * I ■

^ ' ^ ^ o v c I • ,'OVER a n d m y SOM C y r tlN C i j - -

' - .-L H J o p y n ^

m IN t w i n f a l l s a


i H i l l FBiLLiyisr

P o s ta l M e a s u re T a k in g Plac( o f O ne P a s s e d _ b y .. S cn a ti E x p e c te d to G et V o te b)

^ N e x t T u e s d a y .;y - - - - -- :_ _ _ _

W.I.IITINOTOX, IM ,. .| W )_\V H p _ _ piB{f4u-tm-frTOTr-lntnh.Tp(vr.vl-r iiiul.f^ II ni'W<,j>u,»f,-iJ pay an,I txU> incrvuM' liil' i j ro _rriilarr>_tliut,paiuciL by llro-«rnati

yv(i5_l‘roui:hllout.-today by-tbo liiin«i< Brit* l’‘’"*‘’ f‘PO commiKpc. I.ead.Ta aaid th.-> moi. eipprlisl lo bring It to n vole npxl ched Tuci.tay.

■ IH‘l'fi'Hi’ninjI''5— Krlly— oT“'IVnniyl- l i m « ’H<irV«-i;iiMifno“ tTiem>KT of tbo pom- Q gjj iiiilli-n nnd offleiala of tho poitofflm

di-]inrtnirut catimiili'd Ihnt Ibi- iiieaiurr----- wnuM ralao npproximnti-ly ♦(11,1)00,OOfi=*= within »7,l)ci0,0t»0 nt thp totnl ncfi-aiwry i p nmount to meet the pny Inrrcniti-* nml 1 almoat .loublo tbo nmoiint tho ilrpnrt- J * niPlit .■alliiintuil wa» Drnvlilrd in tlm

J 1“ ipiiuto Umvliic-n tn.» houae Vefiiapd to cniniili-r on thP ground tbnt it wa*

■ W ti'vonuu producing leglalatlon.

0 . L ________ Eatlmatod I n c r m ^ -------------n i Tlm fommiltP<^ rcjiort proaenlpd In ■} the hoiiap Inlo itulfly by Repri'apnlnllvo

Muori', rppiibliean, Oblt>, eiliinntcd tho Iaii. na followi: •jOW ..i'lrit.c liiss .ia iiil. * 10,000,000: second . . clflM—publipationa, |:;,0P8,2.'.:! trad- t ir - aipnt, »l,000,000i .third cl»s«, *18,000,.

- 001),• fourlb pInM »l3,fi00,000:- 2S eenti a[ipplnl delivpry aprvico on pnrpci poit t7.000,UD0; fourth clnii iniurcd lervlrr, 13,039,17-tj C. 0 . I), aervicp, ♦1,10.1,871);

/ , money ordi-ra >.'l,58L’,4fl0j regiatrv, olpd *•'•'‘*50,000, nnd ipp^jnl dplivffy, tOQO,*

^hv “ The normal growth of the aervle# nnd Snrrenao in bualncaa” anid the rp.

___ Por>, ‘>mid tbniwiifttVcmcnL.in.tooraIoana Inrrpnied -cfflcloncy of tho per.

tivo will .quickly, nliwrbdik. dif/^erento in these totali.”

i bo ------------------------- .ulwl - PT-A yg«a

wns VORK, Pcb, 4 M>3—Three New, York-Olnnt plnycri — Pranklo Friich,

lloas. Young ond flporgo I<. Kell>%— nnmed by Jimmy O'Connell ns Imjill. cated 111 Ills avlampt lo bilbo IWnlp

mile Hand,- Phllndolphin .VatluiinI Icnguu -"Oi- ihortitopi w crt -cemplptcly ■ cJuncratM

nr* by Aaiiatiint Biatrlet Attorney Ueorge ock. N*. Urothoni, iu u rri>ort mud Clo 1)1»- >n's trliil Attorney IJantnn todoy nfter thf


5 i » ^


1 9 2 5 : ‘

- SecomL Cdve-In o f ^Day Blocks E ffo r ts

To Rescue C^ljimImprisoned Explorer in Kon

L ' lucky Still Hold Underground . . . Work Desperately.

I .......... -O A V fi-^’iTVV'KTT't'^’l 'r ^ - W —Another cuvvln, tin- m-dind of lhi>............. lonlKbl, tiln.-king nilcfforii Ilf n-«iivrajii rnicli I'ldyU,

I3CC <''>liiii«, IiJiprl«niii-il <.nv.' rijilnror, ncennling lo John fi.-ruld«.

^ n a tc___ U cfa ld » ,_ a -fr l im .l- ..f - ( .’nHin!i,, eni.rui'd frum tho eavi- ulmrMv

' o y nflrr niliinlglit nnd nniiounpi-d that Ihp lali'ti ciivi-in had oceurtcd j:: or !.'> f.'.a from Collin*. “ I nm thriiiiith," 111’ aahl, vinibly dujprlod

• over till- lati'al turn of ^ Vl'lll1._ Uv^iMjUmiUud-a-iiatiy-of.M K-

iilnI'C iiilo llll) riinii- lit tO:;iO In hop.-a of n- i,ii{ havliiu CoHiim «\ii in uu Iiwir. A irnatn “ ' ' T -«biub--...viirrnl fb ii mnrn. ll „.A i'lg.hail lu-.'ii pirari'il »nt nnd thu 'iiiuae ,i,„1 they leta victim.

fllSKBPit3fflcu ^


' ™ B ro th e r U rg e s L o s A n g e le s A u- _ _ l l io r i t i e s to -S la r - t - ln q u ic y - o f ; \ iJ ; P o c a te llo C it iz e n 's D e m ise .J Iho ----------

ppomi .AX Q EI/E H ,-i-cb...d .L « ~ Ia .traa- •*"' I’f- RmilhQ0g Wuolev of I’ornti'Ilii, Id.ibo, Jnniinrv

; ; If. 1922, .who wna found, nlttlng In .liia"I, nffii-e therp with two liullcta in bi<

rvlcr ''ftiTl. -TiTBa. revived. liiite.-loiilKbt. by1,871); 1 ' Wooley, brother o f tbo dead

"‘llolnnil Wooley enlled on Willinm- - — Hfigli»i-^li>jf—of-tfa’p^iigin4ride ' aiiiiiiil rvlfft *hPrlff’» office, with the dc-

iHiHid tlint hr tiucitlon Dr. A. \V. i \ oralo •l“''.''-??£'’t-jICU{Ut._fumioily_of^J.*oe*^

tello, who wan dangerously nnd it U j.Lpi, helieA-e<f fntally injured lit on nuto.

moblla'-atdidajjL ni-ar.hcro Ritnday,"" J>r. Jamieaou’a wifo ond mother

w eff klUtd In tlm ttftili.and his liv e BtUdwai aerleeaJr hurt - Tho dchttit l l under medical ear* at bis homo in

rlieh Wonlea axd fear* nro enter*|Kv-l •nl'ip'i he may-BDf recover. ' "

lloland Wooley told Deputy Bhoriff ritiln that hU btalUcr ami Jtntnienon■ni?u« quarreled In I’orntello, that hii

broUterJiad^rivan-JnmleAOti-rRim-hta wrire m int of n gun, thnt1)1* Jamieaon hud threaleuPd hi* broth.

. t),p ||r.'*Jjfpi^nBd^.lhot.the night.bls-brotli-

left Tocntcllo. • ™

qSENTENCEUMIT ' ISimllBES~ F o rfn e r V e te r a n s ' B u r e a u - O f ­

f ic ia l M u s t S e rv e T w o Y e a rs “ ^ a n d P a y '^ F i i i e 'o f ’ S i a O O O r

CinCAOO, Feb* 4 CW—Tho mnxi*___nmm penally-«cntp_ncjL^f fn-n venrt

In the fpilrr^ penitentiary nt I/Cnvi'n worth nad flues o f »10,000—wni» met*~ M -ouf'toH'harlf»-ltr->SnbespfoTO

___ hend of the ITnlte.l Rlntn.liurpau, nnd John_.W . - .Tbompaon, wealthy Bt. Ix>uis contraetor, Ib fcd- rnl--50urt' hero ' today.” ’ They were

____ponvicted of couwiilmpy to defraud tbo

pital contract*.-------- lioUj-TDrbts.. j»ad-Tbonipsoti-- were

grantcd~l;tn)nrr^eiPciitlop. that they

lengthy denlniil"’of tiiplr gulif. “■ Forbes in declaring hli entiro !n* norenpo of tho chargci o f conapiring wltU Thompson dM nied ho 'Wna_llio, viftlm." of rlrruinaliihn-i nn.l*‘would fight lo thn Jiy.t-'ditrli,.-Tllomi)»M '

'■ >ftirtie wni <~^irldontnlfv~irnwn if Z JIIL- Iiiarinruiu 01 itoriimcr'ii Imto for Forbci,” Klias II. Mortimer, the gov* crnment iafotcner, dnd «n« of tbo nl*

— tetfd ..eOB«pirato»r‘‘finnHttBn" tWtl' tiinic___ of the government'e tr itlmnnv upon----- which-HTo-jury-wtnmpd-ft-vrrdlri-ot

e o llty la « r rrid iy 'an en iooH ; ‘ '

~ H ftS O N S ~ W E lC O M E I DAHO - f l R A N D : T O S S T E R T f r y i ^M m y .M a n iir l <rf O id ir -Oonrwi*

^ ter of i h p M ^ l ^ Iflflgff

A. P. and A. JL, a t ,a regplflr~eo>it.~I-.:

W M .ft»^oa.by:ahonl800 m*mbe«-«£

■ ‘ fiuhl. Filer and /a n dV— tBWMMi from many Belghbariag townkl

. ' p te . ltefreiliiff«nta ware aerVdd ftt

tm m =— .. . . . . . . . . ■ - . I . . " .


'■ j i i i f i t r "s; SETS lPPIiOl

llll<»yil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - r — . . _ _ _

S ev era l I flc a su re s O r ig in a tin g in H ouse R ece iv e T a v o r a B I F T

'1^ ' C o n sid e ra tio n o f Id a lio S en * a te ; M em o ria l P a s s e s . .

•lod _____ .• ■■■

^ l/> n-rmiil thi'!r Imade.l imtelitpdnvrt irn. ti'ftivid. ap|,r..v'il-of thn upper hnuae . 1.,. li'uialntnrp. Oronka nf Ada; Pxp!slneiV thfn,lin!Tr?rt!rrM dialriets

* puiMT tliry jirviT hnd. Anolhpr mens* iiri- wliifh ],n„nl th- irnnte la bouoe-----

_ hill N.I. -IP, which anlhnrizri tliP iMn- r ___nnre uf ri-fiindi»g b.nnla to refund tbo

I" TIip Itlphmnn.r nu'mnrlhl 'urgltig IbV ld;ihn di'leiratlnn. In Wnabingtnn lo

_ '''ilh delrgillri from Oi*.'gon..und. _ jWnahlngton to bring out Immediate nr* tinn nn tho bnlMing of the Umntilln rapid* hyilro elePtrlo devrlopment proJ* ppt nlao rpceive<l fnvorabb* conililepn*

------- lien. Tha - »uU. fl‘-^^!^}^ed~^ Il'' biill.P--------ing of tliia reaprvolp wilt flood thn

Am. rmnlllln rnpldi nnd mnke thelUenm niivlRabb'- n* well no rpelaln

y_O f !*|fu "iM»|i ’""d nnd givopowpr ralca. ^

l lS e . «<-hool warranls UiiiPd ngnlnit a dc* pli'teil fund will hear T per . ent interest ualH vsvl'J niiUaa trnateei o f the di*.

—In. I'i'evlouaiy _ b y _ .-r c io lu li^ .-bnilh ‘’’"'■ rntp, under tbo'terns o fmnrv I’J' »*-<"Pl(e and Bnrrett1 bis "I’l’f"'’'’'' hy the upper home.I b l . , ^'"” ‘'>'"'’ '' '» ‘'.vChapniaj,'Kn-aMel,r“ " 7t . l.v 1',''^ ' J'ftivUUng tbnt an nuclloneer’a dead T '' '* ^ •'‘"‘ ''• y J'ould boaccepted In o ther, wai defeated in tho

*lY .t : « r> nak£n ff.'iio

«'"• ; r “ S “Lr' L\ “ . -e rlf f providing for form ation of[. three or more.couatios Into it.d is tr ic t • • -

, fair aisoeiaUon-was iiiltoduced In tho • , 4 ; 'g jafaL of the IfgiH ifitnra-thli' .thn t l>y YeHmuun, N o ^ o m b ' andr, 1. au lh o rir« county eou-; : S : __

defray tho exjKmifa tif lueh fairs. • r — W f t f CM r u f ’VBtM.T*” ........"

• .'Asip/lationi.will bo.formca.whea'noloM Ihan Cl per ccnt of-tho voters In nny of Iho eountiw affoctcil petition to'Ihe tau6ty eommlliHhlfr,.. A b o a r d j f

S directora eonalating of ono from each county is to be apiiolnlcd by tho corn* mlsiloiieri lo lervo ft tw o-year term.

Tho fa ir dlrccton would m«,wt in May

(Continued oti Pugo 3, Co_l,_l). .

Service of Tr® i HM'Responsilile~ForPre Growfli~

vcp^ . ^ s i a t a n t Q e n e ro l M a a a g g r b fmet* lfo w B _ 8 ^ B riC 0 _ O iT C 8 -E ea 8 0 aa _____

'len, ——fp,,. COLUIIBUS, Ohio, '

m tii;a-u£ .tM t} i.^upicd^u ,-,a ..i,1« l^-.:: .. i»m, is rcaiKinalblo'for.tho pruipority

^ u iJ i^ p a p « a -e t4 b e -w o tH r* « > t-e D o p --------aos* or, o f .Now York /is ilitant general man.*,

ligff of the Associated Presa, iojd'howi*'' ' jrere i«p*c jntbilahcrs-Bnd-Bdllorrftra'iafcet^'— • lliey FRjr of Asaoclatlnn of Ohio n-ittlei hnT.- . .. >““d uiiii^X !

Uctcribing tho w aterlhrsldo o f nc'w i^ ' ■" m* pajK'ra, ho said tha t truth itripped of

r‘ng b lai had m.-ido tho ncwapaiwr the tre..llio. iuondou*.praetieBl;m e«rthat'1H i'l8r-**~ ould Jay, ^

inS !iblo evlJpn 'p/o 'tiilTmaRnTtudo^^^

ni'* ‘ho Jdealim whleJi mado •

■ -O t tho dw iro io Inm poon 'flbd 'K am rinM - *«my, tho ycarniaff for liower na lv»tl aa tlip HlJil ID .cliit i iA a t . . i in a l ly -^ f c -""T

J s t rovo to aid in thpi ineorw fattea o f ~— *i f f ? i S ? S 5 ^ S ® 5 i S 5 i ™ = : =

- , - -Prom tha t stago-ofiBemtiBB I t p a iM f f - - , - : > a j .l^o ,an .erii w htt9jttVBntiTft:^aaittr«rai..-..Trr

___ : Tnilllfiry-rrimnr^nfVtlfln e m t f t 'a l . ' • -•••

5 d X ' a ^ ^JJ*T ontua duaana zor f le w ip a H n ,'a iO i» ^ T T ”

to . .M y p iy . th e :d a n w d '- ^ ^ H B it ia tp U < ? ^ i-«£ d b I .coit-toitheladirldsial n a t e & = s r : = = : ;

and -ne-.fey.iew edvlrU il7- r t i » . e i w |e e * ; « r . ^ ^ m i. ao ia^ ft£:(he .ol£tiiB& * a i ( o ^

Page 2: ------- SecomL Cdve-In of ^ ..•i SISTERS FOOII s; SETS …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...Inn- Tlip ciri* dropped from night ahortly bv nfl'T'llipy‘hTiil

; P a g e T w o . .

PUTlffOB--a i H U En i f l M i f f i

.P r o s id e n t M a k e s K now n His . S ta n d o n .. A o r ic u l tu re -L c g ls -

la t io n ; H a s D o n e H is D uty T liro ug h C o m m issio n R e p o rt.

iiitil.llly for riinrttiiMit nr fulliirp of trj;- i«lutioQ at aid thr foniieri ia rppirilrd] by I'ri'iililpiit <’oii1lil(;c> n« iii»v resting''

;. -eclljtlv lu tlio linmU of-ronRrrn.- - i Tlir {irc>lc|pii('• )iniillinn, na liinilc'

known y.'.tpr.li.v nl tlio.Wliitd Houju In:____ (llut.-l;ivi&4{.suhiii!tlu4.(liruuHU-tti»-r».:

port of U l iij{firutliiriU fniiiinii<»loii rci-j nnimrnilntloti nx tn furii Ii- ’ialjition uinl tfivon r«ii({rrnN five wprkj ti> them, it !■ iiji lo f»iij;r«'iu ntid i.artirii. Iiirlr ila ncrkiiltiirc roiiiiiiliiic'a lo oli. (nil) rmirtmpiil oMrglalntioii brfarc' nd- Jouriimi'iil ^fiirrti I. {

-------------------PftU nro'to'X nacfTH IlJ. — rKiiiliin' tn oiMct liiUa biisnl un tin'

np-ii-iiKdrnI roiiiiiiiniiiuii'a ri'porl \rill ; be-r<‘jrirdrd liy ttir pnnidfiil nit rvi- j dcncr th:it Mii'..i-iiMKrmiwniil_ciuJUiUl'-i tmMiU'i)!-tvd wiHi farm VnUlnllon )

_ , dn nnt ri>car<! tlip jirpiifnt fnrm aitun--------tioli-a*. of- u»-oiniT({.‘Hfy-nnf,irf-nnd-i

nrpordinfcly hu "'111 not lu' dl»i'o»i'd lo i rail an pilra araaloii of eoiijftcii tu

: ^ t e u « ^ ii r T O t r ^ g|aiiul..________ ..=~ • Homp mviiilipri uf roiit(rpa«, holiling {

. (hnrtmsiaRu of Uiq fiiriii aid liilln ia lni. ,

» t t!ic |iri'iPiit-co»KrcM, luvc |iroi>o»i'd i that tlip prraidi'iit m il u.i]H'einl ac^nloii' , of tho iietr cnu»(r(^a nfu-r .Marrh 4, In | tnkp uv «upU kKlilntlou. Tl\U, It li ,

------- iirntrTitalh, i l r ; l-'oftll.lco-hnjuiHnmi'-i■ tloir of ilultijf, .

. Moot Separately. . iThu ncrirultiiral coiuniittro nf iho <

____ n»il liiili.a------------------mat---M>|wfHl4>|y-|bpforu tho |ironoiinrpinpiit of Mr. Cooi- t idRp’d viowa, Tlio Brn«lo rommiltpp,

^ moctiujf to bcijiii hriirliiBi on tlie bn»l«• o f Ihu nifriculturni roninilwlon'i rcjiorl

'iidjournpd unlll Mondnv wltiiout rail.-------Ol'ia liiiu u -Niin m-

iitiuoutirrd it wax dcridrd to bpnr.inrm. W n uf thn roiiimiiialoa f ln t nml, jii;

. . . Uioil of .ihcm liu<l .roliirnivl lo thHrj* lioMiPi' during n tcni|>ornry ri'p<'a» of thn coiiimlMlnn, iiulhinc could I>u dunu until ncxl rri-k.

llMrlnj^ wcri> rontliiucd by tho hoitao . committco wltli Uei>ro«piiiaiivp \VJ||.

~sainirT i7.H bnem irJnchiffn.i— ii'liJriiiiKr hi* reviaril ro-u]<crnllvu inarkclliiif bill I dcnlRncd to cnrry out th» nifrleulttirnl conimi«iion'i rxrninmciidulloni. Thu .

. roiiiniitlcc dpridcil'to hnvo dniftv<]’ fnr__ '>»«' aB.iyJmiSp o( eomWcratlnn- n liUV

cmbodylni; nil of ibu eonimlnlon'e.UKi . ommrndBtlooi axe«ptin(( tho lUKCPilloni

irlatlvc io tho tariff.■ Two New Moutorei.

Tiro aildllfotml ARricnttiirnl blDa < lujidn thoir o|i}>cnrnncc’duriuR tho dny. ' Uhainunn Iliiugpn of tbv bunae (iKrirul* '

, lu w l fominUtci-, rrpuputcd n uu-a»uro contflinliiff Boint* of,th n frnliirM.of.Uio. ‘ .MeNnn'-llaugcii surplna ninrhctlnit hill ]

/uacil .to ondorw; ■ Hciiator (’nvinT,'r.'. ’ publlriin, Kunaiii, n-iiiiruilurod hia bill ^

ing;’ board «iicb na hn« bwn rcpnuiniciij. ‘ cd by ihr prciiilcnt'« eomm!»»ion. *

rOfiUBR aOVTBKOB 8U£0. ' ‘t o a ANOELEH, Fob. i M>>—fUUbnh f

■-‘ C tttu, now n rc*ldcuf"of Loa Anci'Jc#,!} but fomierly [•o'’” H oro f tho notrhcfii:' tllitrlri o f Lower Ciilifornlai KL'xlco, with Fred A. Dnto, bln bruihvr-in-luK-, Vfpro iiaiiicd dcfciidiuite Iti n luU lo rullrrt ♦1:37,OOQ'fill'd njiiilniit thpni,* by tbci tprrllory ovor tvblrb t'liniu onco-*'

■luU'iir'By uKrwuPnfIb'o caao win'pon*- Unupil until J<ov«ml>or itnil ip thv mean'

tlmo u eo>n(>roiuiM sotitunivnt will bo f nticmiutd. [■

• POlBONtD 'O iNOY CUAMB. “ *'LOH AN(!KLI-><, r«h. 4 W -W liw i •'

Wftk bruuKM into ju .tlfo cqucI today oul)' tt fhsre# of hnvhiff umllc j yolioui'd';!- - - PaiiHy'fi'cr'iIllvnjIirii JTvo’FcNTwTf^'nf.T’'I.uplfa Krrr, it «7i» rovtali'd thal tho fcili'rul KHi'iJ juty J»o» retilruoil a aor- ■

- f K't-liMUH/iii-qt |.i»!<l53Lh[ia>and Jic Tvaa-J turni'd over tn tbp fodi’rnl offlfcr*. ^

injf |»i»oni'(l'cBtiJy through iho mail,

.' . s.’ a sT is SENT OOT . Ji yonroL K T va.,' 't \-b . ti

—. 0 ,'"8: itunv nifl AuwlKiMilv

• Hot Biscuits—- Malce the

f. . "

Grangers Oppoie ' Appropriation for ==jlatem ityJureau& S « i o I a f i o Q ^ M M d ^ j ^ x « o u -I . tlv^e<}ommiUeoo( BtAte Farm ^ Orgu&iiatlon Against Bfaop-

pard Towaor Fund for Idaho.

is . liOI.SK, r<'b, 4.—Ilwolullon* urRinu thnl no appropriation bo nuiilo for tht

>• Iibibn- brnnch o f tho iiiattruHy”T)uftau oiidcr tho Hhpppiird-Townpr net, ha>'c

:y ..... ]>!iMPil Iiy tho riPcullve com'iiuUcp i>( lhi< Idnbo atnte Adacpuiily iiii'iiibrrii niinoimcr. Tho follow*

"J fd tff frnm tm r i’li moro n«fnnry thnn ndvipp lo mothrra wboto thrift

I*; aiTurily frnm. inuro rpliabln aourcpi.■''I "A ihlrp from family dortoro li uiuie ►‘'iaiif 1m' pratlii'al-und roat» nolWtiif, 'jvvbilp ndvlro tiivi-ii nl publip rllnlc* la I'' iiflrn (uo hnnty lo bi' corri'ct and ihc '’’ .itwijiry (laid fur lurh doclon nnd uurai'i '‘*:ia-wu»ud; ['"1 "Unly rarpful tiurilui;, uot advlcp,

aavpa Ihc liven of miilhcri and chll-'f ijjpn

•‘ ivhi'ii n curMiMUnlly rnniiot cart* for j' Un'iiwn )Minr, thp counly bospital will

f>;'’aU'‘'l..'nn|ftnllJvacl..cajiU Trc/Ii'citoiii it]iuri ihu nbilily o f the

II’ fnrmrrn lo miinnKP H"'lr own nffaira.II It mnhrj nioibrri icrm rnrclma and i; tnfumpptrnt whpn in rrnlity thoap L'-uuilicr* u(i>--bur<JmHM|-wiih-t>vfr-w«*rli - n niiiilo nrrcaanry by high taicn.\- " i l furniabri Juba ,to bq calW worn- d-rn"who- kan w -lras-tlian-thr fanapn' • 0 wivra whum llii-y irrk io ndvlac. u “ \Vii rearm Iho rfforlR of iniprnctl.

R furlhor np|iro|irlntloii« to mainUiti (bla 1- miiK-rnlty. burcnu.»— "TTc brTiiMM- ih r' riirnl niothcri ' d prcivcil Ibi'iiiiii-lvi'a diirln(( thi< wnr Jual n aa rrfi<-lpiil im r ily wnmon ntnl wn bp- n liovA furlbrr tbnn rural mntbcri are » rapnWc of nilvirp for thoir■-mmrenBHTa r - und. .b'a iu r - lintu -ILaT '

Riven by thit bureau;I “ Anii Iniilly, mny (loil fobrid thp

0 ruidiiiunncu of thin palcriiiilUm vrblch y-lnftilts-thp-pt'nrnilid'mKinr/TVrAincrF ■ I- fuu bmni'n nnd innthrra."

* ■ ,

MNflUiiET|2_ • '__________

1 D e v e lo p m e n ts U n sa t i s f a c to ry to - ° A m erio an D e le g a tio n a t Con-J - fo re n c e ; H a y R e fu se to S ig n ; ’

OKNIvVA, Kcb. -C 80 uniatii- , fnrlory from Ihc Aniprlpnn ntatulpolnt

w;pfc tudny’a dcvelnpmi'nla at thp'-in- irr;iatinnnl nplum coiifi'rcnco thnl, if

0 they aland na thr-'Inat wnrd of Ihc J drli'finlpa. It mny J ir _im£OM.lb[u_ for1 Ihp AniprIp:m'”dp|p[;nllDn to aljjn thp „-aaq.i»aw.ti«-»4>t>v<i.U<i»,,wl4l,U-4a-n«>»t- - .. nrnr rumpli-iion.I . Kiich. was thc iiiiprc«»lon fndialinR

from thr AmiTtpnu dfU't^iilrt-iunlghi. _ ^ipp hp n'O . I’ortcr, bead of ihu Anicr-

Irnti drlf^pjllnn iiuld Inat iil((bt tbnt bp . thuUBbt-loJav'ii nclloB iv y Ihc moal .

ai*rluii* ihut-bad- oppuir«il. ticpauio ll ulrUi'k. a blow nl Ibo -muat vital clr-

nK'ul4>f tbo Aiiiorlcnii.propdMU, wblr.h .lii i tlmt opium production abnuld he i;llmilpil to m rd ic in a l and Kirntlfic , liccda.’ - UaAbla to A m «J TUc wIiUU ba* l>ffn, ulruRKllii).’ wlib UiU r|iici(inn S i t two ,;innnih« dolefully cnnrludcd lhi" uft- . I’rnoon thnt tliov bad been ntuibb' lo . PRrcc. Ijccauic. o f m ervatlona wado. by J, ftyi' upiiim growing ‘cuuiilrleii. Tur­

key ami I’uraln, jwrticularly, eiplalnpd Ihnt Ibelr pi'uiniiia, rliuao very cx-

- Ulciicc dc{>cii.U-(Mi-lheir-crv]>*'rttn-n<>l - rcn»o riiltivulln}; thi> opium poppv un-

, li-aa ntbpr crop* nre given thrni ift rr-.jujn umUhla coata muBey. M r^ *.utUr. -

^woulU Mcm lo find diffirulty in iIku- I'lnR a runvcnllon which doci not rntlfy jthr-ATnrripnn-prtnPtpli'ii'bfirai3i6"oniiij' ~ I very nalufo itf ble inatructione. •

nic ht j -tn ;g r^ i_ tliii.a tca n iac ^ b a ih -b m - - her prupcllcr and waa hol|ilcM in n loufl'i.nen nbout 100 tiiilti o ff Diamonil bhoali. Tbc cosat ifuard cultiir dro- ■hum waa. d o pnifh i.it .immeUi^tcly_.ta

. the aaaiat.incn of tho iraft but can- _ , Ivot. icasti li«r bc fo it laurnlng.

-for Diniaerr V- - - - - - - - - - -mm

l i ^ t f t e i r id e r


. = 1 0 /

J U R j X J m

— -------------------

I _____

. . ■ i

-------------------------------------------- ■ ■- " -■ 4 " - — M l


m m

^ tS S m S iS B m S a ^

e i i f em m

' . . . . . . . . . . . . .


vym^._ — —A -iL -to o li t t le a

L ---------^ ter n f kitfhprother roorris.of t t

---------- — laiiipgT—B u t in-t;lw orkshop, a ll toe

--------- ef f ic ie n t -l i p i . —

A Kite! isScien

A n a ll whi __________ an orn am en t

^ T h is Dayl:m every corner| p - ------------- ^never-glarinf9 ■ p en etra tes e ^ th a t -w

m ere-^u iek ly . .a n d .a n .6 r n a n

2 "...... - stra in .'


We“ want” eve i ^ ’ lig h ts in h e r h o r

L ig h t s ln .h e r k ib

, . -k itstien=-you-m ay. ■;------------- ea c h -m o n th r-I fuJ-------------to -y o ii-----------------

- - - - -— —--Have one insi


/ ® « ! i

a ®

' '> ' • ■' !

, i I }

^ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I C I E N tmrme a ttention:has;been g iven

' th e .house are p len ty o f lii i“ th'e“kiLclien, the buij^. hoi t oo o f ten there is b u t ,one.

jlien Light 1 ntifieallyRiwhite lig h t—e a s ily k ep t .c 5nt to your k itchen .

ly l ig h t K itchen L ig h t - f l e r w ith cheerfu l, m ellow li in g-in -th e-eyesrb u tn rftgh t- i ev ery nook an d corner . w ill help you do yoiir-v k ly .-an J^ O T 'e-efficien tly— lam ent to your k itch en . -

^y ^ F R E E m 15 DAYSv j ijr r iid u S S ^ e 'lifH o r f iiS 'lo m e .to try one o f th ese ] kitchen. We m ake t h is o fi 8^-Tf- y oUrWiBh' i t to remain i a y j a y - f 5 D t - w M - a m a lI - f-n otT w ew iirrem ovett'a lT i

natalled inTmrltSclieir ^

iBRUARY 5, i'925. ■

--------------------------------- ----

( J_______________________ ______

T f

: y

en th e.m at- _ ____

f lig h ts andH ousew ife’s^"-------- .

ine_dim, ,in-_______ ■-____ ____

: thattight!t .c le a n • '

- flood s JV light,rhfrthat---------------------------------ner. A -.r-work— -------^ ^y— l;httt--------------- — - .... - -

^ - ^ - - - -

iai'" electr ic ' ........ ..se 'D av ljgh t ________offer. U se ' ■

la iii.iu -w u l ': - • :• '■ - "

il no ch arge ' "

TN O W r - - - - - - r r

Page 3: ------- SecomL Cdve-In of ^ ..•i SISTERS FOOII s; SETS …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...Inn- Tlip ciri* dropped from night ahortly bv nfl'T'llipy‘hTiil

SPORT!- i lO f i iB M I

F l e e t F in n a n d T w o O li

id E s ta b l i s h F iv e N e w M arl<i

T c a c k M e e t.

XRW vnuiv , F.'l), -1 (;P)-Fiv<. w r rro fil, wor.*.i-,|ii1.1ii.lir<l mnl Iwo i mlNw.I l.v o iirfiftli nr II .rri.iiil

-------------- r iiinii A. A. i n r t nin Mailncn fTar.l,.,, t,,,,!;.),!. 1 ;inv<i Nutial a t IHiiinu.;, n,x-..Dl iiiulillii iluianri- .......... ri'tiilo hi" rr'ennl.l,f,';il;lni: f.irni iiml J l l‘.,1 wriiii,l» friJin thi< imlour ii

> ti'T 2 1-4 mill’*. Otilv a- fr.iptliiu . . nrulcil. Jiint-Jrum-H,iw. iwo-milr

Niiri..! rmtpiti'iipc.l tl.o iillliiiiijili Vcnii> lloiiili,. fill

* f tiir lit .l.iliii, il.ijililun wiKvi^Uv,./uM-,1 tr. I,.. |ji,|u.,r, tahlni; iCr,

y plaro „v..r Itinar I'ritu o f tho Tin._ -------------------------

Jtrliiriiiiij; lo tli.' Oiinti'n ft ^vhrri' III’-iim;iMccl ih(> pn,

' of /ii» la u'liriil r.'fr.ril«, N.irmi- - - tr. fcrl ntJiuiiii- anil-Iiioli

nt (fill taniiliin »ioiimill Kliliniit iii>rliitiiii: lit ll.c rii<!.

Willi,' I'llMit iiixl Wiillo ,I1h‘ hIImt 1<, K.a rrr<ri:in t 1,0th in.|o(,r iiii.l

^ iloiir tiiui- fcir Itii- 30(1(1 nn'lor .w

rhninpion. ___


k AccnsttJ Men « liomo Whon SIu m Dwellloif and SaUon II

n tv tra g e , D ta an d Hearing.

nrrnlcninrut WVclno«.hv ni imoii b,-riifi. J . L. iu

■ Uiic' ruiirt. ............... . w!,,jliaiiiri .if Clari'iii;.' K, i'.ir trr . lia i.

. ----- - Frank A lltnfr-TilMiIra- Huiiiy-to fiintT^ "f iiifK-irjiiiVT;^;;!-------------- linuur, :iiiii.{uuUuiim.ry-l..-(irinff in-f

c:i>ic> w.'iH «i't fur ^iiiMclav tiidhiliii;Tho tlircn nmi«.^'mi ii woro at li

\\i:i!rii'»clnj’ tiiurnliiK wlicn Slicriff 3-:, Fiiirl, ntnl <l.']piitl>'» raidcil t chv.'llint; iiiMr tln\ cnriiiT of H.rr iivciiiio mill Fourtli nirci'tii iinrtli,

. m’ix*i.l nj.j.roxiiiK ilrlj-firo-Bnlloinll'|ii(ir coiiL'iincil ]ii a fivp.j.';illi.ii I

- nnr-3a«^ . a ' . r a l l.,.lll.-«.--------

- P O IS O N P 1 .0 T A T O H IO

. J .S C H 0 0 L . I 9 tliy E A R T H

(ConHm]fj~^nm - r n R o - T f ^

pirfiiiii*Innpcii.jffnllar to llioio in- •»otluT rniM. ‘ Hut o lhrr rn]>!iiiti'ii

Tliomji.011 •» ]ion!.<-Mioii' wrrn foutid I).' friH‘ frnm ]mli!on. •

.K ia d riitun of llir iIvalli.nT Cli.-i H. Hi.l» „ f L „ p „ . Olilu, ,vt,„ ,ii,,| :

-------- Hiiliirilriy-in-fonTiilninn^ aml of Uio '______ .k»L-,lll[ii'.«

fill, Oliio, rt *njilii,inorp, Imx not li .Irtrrininnl, (’apiiilrB of tIu’ kind j;i

. ■ jiri’urriln'il for Hinn' rluiloiilB.________ Sytnploma'nimilnr. '_________

I t n l . ’ ........ 1,1 .. ............. .to IvlaiHU. Tliiit uf riiikpn , aflc I'oni.iitorlfin, vvis liii.1 otAiicHlnRltl*

, 11 viriili'iit t)-|ic. Di-aii AloCaiiiiibdl liny I'Xiilalncd f trp ro ii l connicl by i hijj th a t tlip nymiitoirm iu nil llirco

I r a id nre iilmilnr, niiil anvoao of * (liN-o iiiii;hl li t ininliiltcii fo r tho otl

im lrss n il t!i(» fa r ti ia cacli caio « .............d tllu llc ly . kDown,

D R A I N A G E 'B l l - l^ G E T S -


. (Conilnupil frnm rago IJ

.tn tli v f ar nni\ ft Vw^gtt. A)TlFilin'.lln[r*thp' iiinniiiii iim'lvuil fi fair*, oxhll.ltlrtiiii, c tr., tfio eotiii

_______E fllim ie_ rcqu lrtf il- tu -fiirn lili .tho .la.ilnricr of tlio inonry iiccdnl

Tlio iiiim'D nnd miiilii;> coiiimltiro <lar Jntrocliircd a_ muamifo wliirh

' ““finirrs iiil'aiiaurialluiii I 'liH -ittfH m j uptlCtltioOK Uv fUT»Ull lliu JltAln II

------- -iuBiiccton-'n 'P O i)/' of nil boi. . paiii{ilili<ta, cirrulhr I c ttm and ot

nilvprtliinir mnltcr u*i?tl iir tlio nalo VlolnHoim-*#-ll.p-n»l-wlil

~ ’ pntiinlinMu bv n fino nf from <100-----------»fi<H)0,-o rfa y {tiip rlin n n n n in irtm m n

jn ll fo r PO itaya or by both such flnt « Itnjirlwntnctrt.

- Used Cars-1 -Ford -Kottditer. i

-— l -Ford Tocirlpg, ^23,; 87B =l^^¥ori4^O6upe-*22-i=r=fl60

t l.Bnick 4 Tonrlpg. . 300 “r r r r r iu o a g o I^nr la g . . 360

----------- — Tliwo-«ait-iuiv«~}.(H>n-ro-fAn‘.J lU ? 2 £ i4 ln r:s iit-a jn ta h n itT » iid

- ..- - - a n .worth moro nonojr,__ .........

_ n» T - n w ^ y g

^ ‘ Rendait&'Wrighr Auto Co. ■ -- ■■■-Om...................


■ »n U lt of . Local ."muii 8onimoaM- | L umted. S ta u i Graad Jury and 1 1 -1 , Jiuv at Bolso Annoimt^d,

I . ti il Ntati*< i:r,'inil •inry-ln rni'i'riiii j ~L" -Muuilay muniint; n* -Hoist*-irltlrli

r I'lrti niiiiitmiin'cl bv-liip-plrri< of U U lnili.,l .‘;ialM .tl,lri,-t r.mrt, Incll

tlio uiiiii... I.f thr.V T»vli. Vnll*----------7r'n».-wMI,i-n"li»r Cif ■.•;n ■Vi't.'n'mrnWhn>v> •' t>» trial jllrip* raiinl tn, ri’ n i l l f i III H.||,0 F.-I.riinry II. Iii.-liiil.'!i' ,

_ 'iniiiri-rf-t7tlirrTxvIirrHlt!i’ iiMn. . rkS in J'^ia r.iIlH ritin'n* miiillnniii'd

Hi'rvii on lh» cr.in.l jury whioli if •‘oiifllilrr iinlirhiiriilii |>ri-A.-iiIril liy riillri! t5iat('* ill<lpl.-t aii(irnr’y'« of arr A. llrmsraH, .lamcii Hurinri* i’ranl; ,8 . Htajilrv.

’ Thi' vi'nlr.' fur'llio trinl jnrv inrli"771' '>•. i;|

T iT xT ^ r^ l liriirfll ^ M„l:iii,i,.r i ’'"' llnhi. .

'i"Nni'iIh- Ihc-inn.b-Jijimtiiil nml I'la______ nl» .Iniirr mii'.-ta.-l,- i.;.f„^

trark l'“''l‘'’ l‘ t''^' j.’ivi''n'l.V lli.- Innnliin 'hi ■.Mninfi.-hi I'ain rr.t. iii.il.-r Dll' . ni n " ’’f «'"'"T',V.-iitiHh rvnliirv ,•uii 111., ''’-'li" lliuch-ai.liri,.nfp;t--.lnii,'r .-.iiirItiiuUU- I’l'";'' l''Tf Ull J'flituary„1 ■ I'l till' I.nvrriiiK thrntrr, will (iro-c-ia'wrre rich in ik.v.H v. MIm. Mi1-ror.l uliiiiinl lln- iir't nf .lam.- 1 ll <ml- aii'i thi-i I’liiintry. for in

wnlk. y'iif". “ii'l 1‘1’r il.-iiiri- crr’itiiiti" MrikinL'I.V lirifc’ili.'il.— XJn:_l*luj;taiii-

,,,,,„..l., Ihit ritv itinli.,!,.. I i.fi.n.,,,.‘ """'k'lIJ,__llrvli'iviT* III all llll' ritii'S vii

• thi-i "i-aoon hnv.' Iicrii .'Xtnmr.llna.-nthu«ia»lir iivit lliix t;iffr<l .Lmc

TMOR K^ni^alliiir. •nj.^Cluui.t'tir'MtltTmCarTHTnrrnT;iirn tn tin- l.ivrliiu'M I.f;:illH aiiit Ihi'ir aujM'tl...... . m

Shcrtff ••Thry kir|. Ih<- iiinliriii'iv N|.r|lln. Illicit by thr shrrr bcjiiily of Ili<- lliiiii;.”

----------aiofpAY scnooi^uissEg --------aftrr- UNITE IN BOOUL BES81

iu MnnbiT* Ilf (ho Ihrn- iiilnii rinvi\ llll' of thr t'hrinliaii Nuinlay ki-IkioI viiJdm .Ma- a m.rliil limir with piinrK mul rrfnnVjioV iiii'tn* In [111! i;liurcirfiaiIiitfl..\V.ciiHLS<ion of rvoiiliii; folhiwiin; liuniui'-is mri.'tliii;>n-thj-ir rnp|i~pIniT~<‘lrnFrB-]n riti'lp.itHiO'iiik*-. (III! tarli-'a.Bibbi i:la>ia. woiii.gi'i Ht bonu' rIaM (imi lh<- Chaiiiiiina rlaax, whirlif f .M. rnint'runl .<if vnnnj; iiinrri.'ii iirrm

(hrir About 10(1 tirrm.ni w.-ni lirrjriit..rron'l J _____________ I-

-DEATHS, -ll krt;. • ____________

JloHKIITK—Vir^linia Jiiaiiila J rrlH, jvnr* ohl, ilaiij;htrr ..f Mr. ; .Mrs. L. Jlob.'flii, ili.-d" early \\

'IJC n ....... ilavn’ • illncmn c U th.'_f,iiiiiiy rwiduncr. thri-i! mill'* »ui

ra-'t of thin rllv. Fiin.-rai MTvina 1‘ ■wlilfh-nrtflJU'i-meiili wrro .am.If 1)V-

_____ O. A. lllur inorlunry,.ari' to In-'Ji lii-.(lin •' "'•'■'‘'‘I* thi« 'iiftrrnoon in

j„ Chiirrh nf Ihr Urrlhrni; -ronii'r ri<) »n "'''''I'lB '""I I’oiirlli Ktri'Vl noi"" VifKilii.1, who Wll- yoar-. ol.i on .\

l!i»l, »vnii onr .)f a fmiillv of ,i'i,i_, cliililrrn. •nncl, briilil.-r. ..hrr i.a'ri'iii*, i.rvi.,; '•y-f.M tr-hm thrri-nnit f

■ EU M EB A LS - _ _ _ _M.UINKKS— Fnlirral jirrvicM nrr

. — j }.n-l."l.lj.t .;i:pn oVb,,.]; Hii afirrm

fter II .Mnry A. .Mnhnkrn, pioncrr wnnitii of of Koiitlirrn Main., whom- .|r.■dl tu. .„-,i|rrcd last/ Mondav ut hrr hcy My' hore. j ;»> dll->f ---------other, " " ■■ ■■

J o e - K S a y s : ... — ----- ..Kvoii'thiiiiifh tho world i» i

'to *njii yoiir'baiikor.' KIi, wha

lA TE - - - - - - - - - ^ ^ - - - - - - - - - -

____ -M cM a iiii^” 1

NOWCO fo*•h ro-

0 win*. _______boiikji, U ? W B IOtlKr ------

alo of'ill bo — 1 ^ ^ TilM BliW i lifr «100 to'otniT)'' ~Ino or


60i ^^fames-Kifkwood—02- - A ^ he Menjmr -

Robert-Agneu>=^ on- I orge Fawcett—

Roberl-Frazer ~ ~

^ ^ ^ - ^ A - a a o b D ^ o o K g p i

r / :

* ~*«XCTTA r g • TJ g ~HJB5r '7r o a

T'WINFALI- - 1' — V

L L S D A I L Y - N E W S , T W I ^

. . . WHV_wonT VoJ g t V a . M TriS WSUOAWe6)sWLOI

l t> c o v c t ? Y O U « \ A N D I h p i f i ■ ^UNEISAt-CXDCHSCSyMMHlIhr l^rn-------aaOlClL — -----f.^rl . fl \ n -rIMi tni, I f f T ^ S ^

of tlio 'Ijca ,'? aInclmlri & fi' ^ 'l"


• ir i l I" —hv Ihr ■ V -J t ! ir

fiiK'i’ Irr,

i l l J i M o i tDdlted by

M E a £ . B. WILLIAUS _____________ Phona 300__________

-Mm. It. K Cnwlliij; riilrrtalnnl « /i v "'•■"''’•■r^"''f"*hr Wimoilnil'i rltili ' ^ | l a iiin.l attrartiviv Itiiii'liriin \V.-.|ii.'ii'

J l III her 1........ on r.i|iliir avoiiiir. 't'lr^ts Wrto lit ,im> illiKH- »inall t;iiili-!i r.irryini; mil tho '

1 rlalior- rutin.- tnii.r* ill nii o'f tin'. .Irroral

llir I'or- fiirin.-ci Iho ii'iilerjiiiTi'». rrv»lai .'untill' aiK. MirkH tic-cl with r.'^nL’i.lL”'- hdiLry_diib. la(.vri ftnd tlii\ lint iii('4 wrr.' incoiirrrt, r.'il and xvhitr. I’rrity v.ilniliiirH wuary Itl, «iviu an fuvoti. Mt«. (•..wllui;ro"iil a alxl.'i! in Hrrvlni; l.v MrJ. A. K, J|;« Miiiii- aiiii .Mr<. H. II. 'Kaylrr. Hcv.'ritur bolh nu-inbrr w.-ri- pri'iirnl ami llu- fnlh.wr many i;nr-.t»: .Mrs. .1. A. ('nrl«ini, .Mr-i. l):iItl" ari' of I'orali'llo, Mri.. Willlnni Crnvrii i uui—fui. A-flf-vrr-trx

__ lucuil.-l-liuu -futiiUUuU uH'Uwmwiiv -viil(r<l ijiu afirrnnoii.

•.lliiariiy ______"Ti —M-nr,-HnTrr-.TIrYa.i:T.-r 'nniVMr«.'I:

lio Ln.llow wrr.. bo,lr,-r» lo 11........' brri Of Iho Kiniln'riv ...... I rliil. Wi l l " ; “ ■>'I»,V .............. .. , 1, , ......... „r

ft.riL.r I.n .Maiilo iivrim.-. Tl.o ii, \>U!iinr»i,i \vn* trniisai'lrd nnd oflii___.............

rnnrnv .'irir. W. .\l. i'islirr, i.rr.sliiint; Mr., li

r lp ^ n I.ilip, nrr.rrtarv, ami .MK J<-'iMi>y';'i l.onj;. ir.'aaiirvr. An’ iiilrrrntini; | M ir il l l «faiu_wa»_Hlv.iii-lii-..hiiri:.*— ..f— \ .tHL-.lila}' i(nii.h-!;richfon, nsslKti'.t liv M n , I. tliiK* «f nriil MiK. l-imi;. *>n NVnnliinutor., I.n

■frllm^•■^^nT^T;nl^;^II^“ 5!7; ■ w» Uililu i„„j, „{ ,|j,.■vhirh m ,if„.r|,.ioii ilrliclnn» r.-frrnhmrlirr»iiini, „orii flcrved,lit. , ■ ■ " .

^ rl'. llnrrj* SuiorU nnd Mra, Al--------- Hmork rntrrfainrd —thn ' Mnminpi

rlub W.-.lm-ailav aflrriii.oii. hiiriiiK V » n i,' hU'iirrsrii-st.-ir-nrnTrir^Hinr-i-ivr Mr a'u-l f'"-' >•"V Wr.l. .VnCM at "'•''■f''tnry, Mri-. Albrrt 1’<• »unth.. trraatirrr, Miaa IVarl Votinj-. 'I ir“ fnr tlic j.ft.-rno.m wanliV-thr •"'sui(f for'itm.t-X'utr-liT. A t n-1

In-'jirld hi’Ktrasrii nrrvi'il n ddiclin tho t«Y0-c0urw liinchcoit.

•iii'r i.f V -------1 norlh. M u. Alaii 1‘. Hriilor wn" hoatpjn I nn .Mnv w o i: to tho AVViiiirjiIay Pridur rl • of 10 ITiinor fnr hldi acoro was iivvanlril M .'.11., ia K. 11. Wiliam*. ”III fiv? — =— —---------------U..i...NMk*->rr.*r-Jdr..lorl.ii‘»,-wl.«_l

r''i-riil!y arriv.-il in'Twin-I'niln, M N'rlsnii’llavwnrd .'iilrrtainod with ii on 'I'litirMliiy i.flrrniion. -Mra. W. DxvlKht niuL Mrn. (). F. Duvall r;

’.nrr tn saiij* u.j{roiii)'..f'm>nj.^,jtiid Mrii. 1,. trranon N'i^nrn rrmiiTi-d two iiinlrumrntlil in:nr Tff.Va'.— r a r ft 'iril' ArH'M f rbiiT"’liVuiwnnian fully ^piKiintr.l iJiblo havinj; t\ biiwl

r ilralli niarignhla as a rrntrrpirrr and Dph r hotnn with oranRo r.nndlr.i.. Mr*.' Limlrrr

proaldod ut tin- tiildo-nnd Mrs. Dwij

I is snfr-for-ilptnornify, It inn't ii HOoil lika wliair---------

EvwilnB.................-lOc and 300

f o w S H o w r a o

S 9 W '> Whon“ »" Blrl ■{■‘"‘BtarTed fof HgiBBh Ei^Btf: wben ntio lookn tea fea n

dead, bor boauty gona; wbcn all about he r pso jlo ,k o Uflng u

. If they -vero going to die to* morrow ^ d aro afraid tboy'l]

!> | H | mlas lom etb^g—you t)otter bc»—

TRN.REAI- SIAltS — ' f==

V = = M m ^ B i m h ■_ " " '

r ■- N o f i H a S h e a r e r

— - ^ W T n i f f e d J U r y s o n

_ R u t K - S t o n e h o u i e ^ - -

! j a T 3 i n i _ M g W f l - W J S i i i a T ^ = : : :

OK: BAODAD'.'.POa liU h -JOA H O r-qpB aai--

an.i Mh . «ror;;r S|ir:igur a'lUU-.ld U a arrviiiK. Thr I'.iiM ll-t lm-ln,li,|

- ’.rainn l*«Miir..|,, Thi...... lliHirfj-oi.------- n 1’. N ii'rii, laiin.a 1„ W.irrm, M.:(,l 1M A . . Hill,-<;|...h1-M ill..,,_ .I. A. PnrtritlAJLOR (l.crnr .' iir.iKiio, |). I,. Ah j.iml, r,WtOI >1- I’>VI,;!J, U. r . Ilii'.all nnd / ,

«OWN ' i'..‘ Vn~,'i,„~,Tiiil M r , n~-v [S n i* " \i.iiTic rntrrt.-iinnl tin' J’. K O. V'Ij \-_J A hooil 'rnr«,!ny pvrniiiit nl Ihtir rr;;i I bi liirnlhly liiivtliik- at Ihr lu*iii.> of

I - ihr l7ii,i7rr:‘;rinTfln^^^^^>i'Ii'd nvir by llio |,r.>i,lH„i, M„, 1

k ^ Frll. J.i Wft« voti-d In Amrrirnnl7ri!k ' \uirt^ Mxk. Flhrl (itjv rr:ii| an rW . iallv fini- ]>al..-r fiti • ' Ili.Iiituf;,li„

l l ---- Thitty-fiv,- nf.nibrra .lU'l h*i. vUiS> wrrr in allrnilaiirr iiii.l .blii'iini. < ^ *»1 dir' 'Wro «rrvrd diiti'iC Ihr rvi riiii;,*

- Mr.«. Cii.rKo .T.m.i an.l lr•., 0"'■'•■ ho-.tr..ra to tlm \V:iv

I n o Idiil. T.ir-d:0- i.flrfniinii nt tl,r In.in. •JInA* Uu*- f"fi'irr-—‘IwnrmrTr-mrnrrrrr•V W U .„..T,'d |„ rnll rail Milh Ihr .........

fnri'icu id w -s. o( iul> ir»t. After[g' bil-im',.a rr.,inti. Mi5. Ch.... . in

ii|i(iroiiriat.' afirrrh nn ln-Ii:ilf i.f „ rlilb, lirr-rntril thr ritiriiiK |’it.,HidInril thr -’ >‘'‘'‘1" Mni.r.'. ><il1i ii bri.nlInli ^rith Ifav. -Mi,.,- Krnok- -Hrri-diic«il'iv Iradrr Ilf th'' ]>r<i(;r.nil. ai'l^lrd bv nr Til'.- 'Mf"- V(".|iii;i:U ,. ,i,v.J -" f- n:.'-" Ii.iin lutrtr.i

thi) val- ' — —

ua itDTiir — ' ' —

.......J kA ^


TFiTIHr------------i------1.........ni­ul. Wrd-r nr 111.'1.0 uinal

nriiirnln-v w rr r_________________________________dr<. Hrr-:il; Xlr«. __ ______________IK j|.ri.‘ ' Q - t i t ; Dl

l i i i c - I Nothilirt i.i« ~ -o g c a n d s tiS . ' w m / ----------------------------- T H e - tr n y r <

p e tk in g " ! a n ew cen

a. Alida V. E n c r & y - b i •nitllTiidr ............- ------------- tC in S , f l W(} ! } } ' « ____________________t a k c s - o n l yat'Frili- cooklngcc■ht, M r a .----------------------------------------- ..rrt I'llt- inj:. 'nil’an .]»-ntr -n- l a t r -------- .. ' .-.vddidunit

Ihio i M i — M I W Mur rlub.'l'.'.'LMra. . ■ ..


— I~ \>fpg^|J53L r l Jbi.wl of ■ _________

I iiRhtrii I ‘8 * R E E L T, ' " | ! 5 i " I S P E C IA L

Ilka I ^

30C- - l - ^ M y r Ksoo m

H T ' ' m

yean ■ tTi dnU I / T ,i l t i a n - 1 r *m all I ■ .‘5 " 1 - nu, WETHEEELI,e to* ■ _________ ■ _______________

My’ii " I ~ 'J ~■ A girl Just pact tbe flappe I with a pk]uani7 that attrocta

— - l- - 'a D d wW oh- «h#-tuM *M «rd^ I r:lTOVwa,.oi}iy Uca>is6 »?»■

___ ■ thlnkn o f tho eonyanencfti of\ ___ ■ '.Pf;- h « r - l in w ta m '« c t« . adtJ m fl»PI>mt. »ha-btta_hBr_OTO;part___ ^ gnrfftt btrriit]— J-^her-inagOTtljm .----------------------- B Bul t y a g r rrotutuku-ibo i

■ lOHs the n r f tblag aho aoat i


VIN FALLS, IDAHO, THUFTORSDAY MORNING, F IiiU-.l in |;i]..'r» on v.irifin< fnrrlca fniiiil I 'l Mc-a- Hiirtiij; (Iir ».h'i;tl .limif _il;iiuly

M lioil' ' --- -------------------- •ntritt;rr,------------- ANNOtmOBMBNTS— *i.br, W.' •'■i.ii' Thi- I’ylhiau. Sinlu:* So.'ii.U. li.l.-

nii-it I'rid.iv aflirnoun, IMptunfv ( ---------tlrr h.ilin .'T iT -?.rrrT7r,l’.iVr.;.n,'

llrWitL- il^nrll.'. V'l Trr-' ytnill.'-li a i''hn ili'« .‘

rr;.*nr:ir _ _•.if.M ii. Mc-iiibrn nf thr Ui'bcUtih Icdur , Uiirliii; iv'i'l'. jIr'L. lii .iia x l^ -tf ]. » . U.-1.V-i:ri I.n" tniliv ('j'........ nt J oVl.i.-h In ullIm, l/.r l Ihr lumral nf j^i.trr M.'ny A. .Miihninl7riil„n -------- -an Tho Nri-hlintM.rif Wnrd'Taft will !


;; Spanish Instruction111.Ill', nf /'la^coB iiAlfl ).Ainn aru&i laJhV:n~nr' --- i.iaktu..uow irtinff^tgaiua*-iiin.v. I.f ®t- tbo atudy of tho SjianlV f it t lUo UiiguaRo mliU .*iMclal r«(««nc n. in ail to coiivcr'.-iUomiJ ablllly. . To

Infonnation or rtgl-ilratlon plioti M-ai'iVifni ” «7.


n e v ye i S p E e l H

a sensatr o n l y ^ t s tira t~ cobk i r i t o ^th infl else like i t . M cajy ftrariul I s tim u la te d igestion . Never coo

fyrcup-slm pC(i"Darflakcsiinve"r g ‘‘bak ed -in ’^flavor. M ore th a r cer<?fl/“ th e ta s tie s t b reakfast d

-b u ild in g carbohydra tes, tissi I w eaJth-of v ita l m in erals . Am ndy_2_to-3_shQEt-minutes-tO-OC 5 cereal — a s a fla sh !

- f Rc80iarll-OO«t»L ^ t N w .Slyl«_U-0 Oau.(Qjilck>

StBDilaid limUM and H ^tit p l* .- »eHb«.

)m t h o T i o V e l MRS. PSRA

X I . ; . l - E E L E Y H E X

apper ag* a man about town. Rich, racta meo. tercEtln^ and handaomo with mo scortingir' hl*’T w itnn«nil-T iirt-BO clan

fatfl Jafo-tlrt'ine«h o f a faacliia PWlculIu Intriyilny,. Mfaa!sil!>Ln9r«ltgl, »caM t-.9l w ry :B 9arj3L J»aska-h iiJtfp ^-----------— befoTB' hU. r«»euo ba comes t>

»lnlJnn anti .n«olting...awalni and l«reaUnia ^ t h & rfgh of -n

oat wanw . at haring oacapod.

r A sn u d film produettoa. A po --------'O r»w ford-lY W »-ltom ~Lo

F E B R U A R Y 5 , 1 5 2 5 : - , '

'iiniilrira. n rrRulnr hu«)nr.» a.'aainii nt H oV X'ftc.iL- In Ihu Wnni«-ii'it t’l«b rn

I'ridny, J-Vl'r\inry--fl.

' T7.(i “CuIKnlir” Wcmri\ *« TTrPKMo in .rt thig afl.'tiioiin ill 2:;iD wiili

.,j„l.-will. :- - - - . -----------

S l r u R N T n..j;.-h;Ul. ------ --------------------------- -. - ••I" .......... I I will ttell at publlt! aiictlon ailuliiihva.

commencing \

— F R I D A Y , Ithe foil

1 clilffonler: n nigs; 3 beds; : jljjl tre»a: l tlrefacr: l dreMiiiB U

net: 1 buffet; 1 llbr.iry table.

.lanl'ii ffljt tahla; mfcllclne cheat; fni«t«r,t Rxe,-hatRta«?, coal \>Mcket.i

j*or iiten«U«. olc,; coal bucket andpi»ii(, ' “ I'

......... ........................ ......................TEIcol. m v n :

t i i r i10Ition in cere► g ra n u la r oatm cair^ ^h u les provide rough- '_______r fcook s tick y or pasty ,................ | | |ve-a“w6 nticrfu!lyTip=----------- I |b a n a n e w o a t m e a l — , ^ s td ls h c i^ c n Ho

;is su c -b u ild in g pro- - — And New S ty le H -0 D -C o o k — t h e - q u i c k c a t ___________ e


uiickf 5

______________________________ _ ! i !


B m U U N E F R E D E R IC K


llcb, In* I'lilI o f the knovledso o f boofc h monoy but not o f tho wilea of womoi IU -pw n~ •rtB~IS?«Bni7“ dItf«pKn~peraoTu •QnrT>RV Tiirenim(inl‘~m jni' «Jie reaSliea at

,11.. . r .-tttalng., hor-and-:.4uwKd-<n—fu

es to a force make of her a famoua wrlt< ^ y ^yiitig flntl • i t Utf i>fw lim* biof « U « ( la to & . ' i)6aQtUu{, - w«U .'gTOoiue

. .woman. • S

A powerful story of today, ailaptM b y Ju lU tt-Locto=?M Bpr:lttne>r«::i«afc-B?»Taf---------

leaeJy, Aewpa T»bltty rutchBBr’a orthwitot

’ ________ ________ r<igo Three

H oVInrk Hu.at. MnMijI»y, 233 Tllir.l ftTnintf ult moms north.r • ^

...* T hfiJV riTm m ^^IIjjlonory-ioticly-ef- 'E«'' WlU \li« nnWUnii MihtpIi - vpSHm c p f- ln Jho ^ i M r t . ihiiffh parlnra Ihli unoniotin nt'Siao.

rURE SALHlon a t .".12 r i f th Avenno N orth, T w in TftlU,':lng rrotnvlly a t 1 o'clock

, r E B H L A R Y 6I following fnmliBte:

tda; 3 kprlnKs; 3 m attreuea; i co t and mat*IB Ublo; I ftowlnff machine; i d ining room table; 3 rockcrs; 1 fern atand; x raoge; l MO\-p; 1 oil bea tn rijd trilgn ta l.ta ;

uachlne; i Hoover vncnnm cleaner; 1 break* fn ilt Jam: Jelly glaweit; m i,j and bollerji

icketa, etc.; oflda said eiida or d l i l i ^ cookUit' ' and shovel; rjuajl Ublo; U.ivenport; alectrlc cooler pact; 3 flower aUnds; i office chair,

small. '

JTEM S 0 A 3B -,^3 -^------ ------ 1-----INYON.AucHoneer



tfiiii'il ' - ' ▼ . .

^ r r . ( P G K C i N ^ ^, O A I S

■ ^ ^ , i C a o l | : i n ; H ... - . . . . .


. I l m Y - 'G C a R D O N l


books, The dangeroua age t a s ailently vomon, CTcpt npoi> him. Lured aw ay from jraouar 1 1 1 ^ :^ 5 3 1 4 , W 3 r M i d » - b j ^98 ahe attractive, but flippant g ir t many

,.r :^ -^ -,T h e n * b ro u * h * - 'fc t im d te f h a U , .4 en t of [ to dlacovCTi i t la only ftw ii t o •

t—JuU- ■ ‘TalieiiHfltO-HiB-aHHflaphaia uf T m i~ w r l tg realness, of which he l i a ’t Jn ,a o y _

'00u»d Uilasa ho Asserted Mon h«com i tbo* - ^____ he mort d e a ^ _ _ _ ^ ______________

Page 4: ------- SecomL Cdve-In of ^ ..•i SISTERS FOOII s; SETS …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...Inn- Tlip ciri* dropped from night ahortly bv nfl'T'llipy‘hTiil


W IN "f a l l s , d a il y n e w ;- ■ i“ U*d o W McVp t M oti^

_________ __ _,aUBtC!UP.T10N. RATE*---------

..... "ij.................MJUDf.l* or_AS8pciATK n_rnKfl8

Tha AMOelated P rs ti w Atcluilvel:

S!S>"^£''rS'p«■ ' f f i »4'

uform illon u lo circulation mnr bs ob uitifKl upon «rolle»llon. I>tlaltr4 Infor Biwlon »Mprtltd toca»T upon

No rMpontlhllltT I* tn u m rd Jriohi^or 0*11*? 'Cnnlrlhulfll matter. Af' nel"i.*ubmlHwJ for pubtlrBiion will l>i ■Md or not « t Itia dliFrtilnn ot lh i f l l lor. iA(I Rd m iinuKrinu will ixi rriumfi Baleu accompanlMl bjr iiM roan ' uoiln<i<

EABTEnN-JlBPunfiBNTAT!%'EB Oaorfu n. TVitW Co.. Itt*.. M»w York

--------- A .-Jt_IC tator^Chlcft«a:—g ttd . L. »«1Companr. 1»b-. SaiTriMciwM.

THE POSTM EN'S BAIBEt n urn nn |iluU»aUtT-l*Hl—ll>“»

-------- i.iB-Jv4i-«AiL£liM__d u a —iuuoi—Ui—UlC• - • ln s r» - |'n - |‘n«ri| in- jKr* • >v-n<ilf'» MJ)

iiir iHrrM’liij; jm»t;il ":iiarii« lhr>-( luiii'lreil iliiHor.t u year. Tln-y jirc Icvi.'.I iu III.- form of lh rn ':i'i'l on rrrlniii kimlt n f iu;ill iiiiilnri' Ii'M tipi-ti (o rritici»iu Ui:ili jirr-vi(ni« Mli'» il<-sij;m'(l fur tin- |iiiipiw-.

Houvi'iilr |m«lriiri|ii. ii ' }h L'l’i'i'rillv

” Ill'll im nnytliiiif; roiilil, iiiii'iiiliili :ii lliry lire uminlly iiiiiirr*-»«ary iiml .nn-

like to fji'cnil tliulr. iiiuiu'v- in lliut wa.v. . Tlitro .i*. .1 f iln c u ,. lou,. Iu ru!- Ii'fliiijj mmii’y fur luialiniu from ii (-1:111* of mail wliicli iiiaki-.i tlio im'l-

I’rivnli* mniliiijr c;inl^ nho, will i'ukI___ ...Ino, ca itsJiiatcjil .nt.jiui-. uiuli;t.,Llilg

iiii'niiiirr.Tlw cc'»t-a-piiiin<l H 'rvid' rliarnii un

iwirri'is will nol -tn- liurilpniniHii'.Tln'iv iito tttijU'T rliniini-ii

" '^ ^ ’ in ni'i-iincl d.'i.'* niiittiT,_ loivi'riiig tin.- Tatr n frni'tioii <if n m il ]ht iumiihI OR. jii'rliiillral rcaillii^ iim lti'r nml rals- ine it n trifk.' on nilvfrtininj: nintlrr.

Tho ]ini"l'<'ct o f (Iio* ponlal ciirrlcm------- - AUiI-4iliirkn-f‘i r - » - ri'iiiioimiil<>-niUi*-Hl.

Innt l« KHO'1, n u ir t l i i ’ jiuMir n-alirr*....... lluil lliii iiicrcato nnil.l n.*V hk I>* nny

innrrt (It'xL-rvin^- rluas uf guvi-rnnii'nl rui(iloyi'«'!i.

T i m .n T .t-rn rw rt tm in iT .

.V utriingo |iorlctit i* miM Io liiivo ■ ti\n>t'iiri?il la NcwriisUf; I'u , l l l« ti ' ulinilimy ln'arl, iiit-n-i'il Iiy n <tii|.’t:>;r

nml tlOiijiliii; htmxl, on tin- wall of llu- jmiicp coiirl. Tlio |>iptiirr is (ifnrrilini

- --m ‘‘. I r r H r tnM ril-in lit.' |Oni>(.‘f Wallntill V.TV ■llHtiiirl." anil .-ff.iri' t.i rub it off 'liavc fiillt'il.

■\Vliy (lurli ii"i.orti-iil'nlioiiM Inv.n.ii’' ^lio ilMiKytilil .•oiirtroom in "hot .'»• jilulupii, iinlcM liy liio «uj;i:''-il>oii lliat

’ ' i t mav li»vii mimi-tlilni.* lo iin tvllli n munliT Piimmlttfil lu tlic ronin tncniy-_______

I t liBftlly ■ |>(i-iii|ilc. lliiil al!ho»t wtnilil wuit {hxl lone tci'jiisi-rt Mmnolf, If Iiv wiint.-ii In luirrnw ii[> ui(-it'n noiilx. N.itUliij; ran l>o ilmui nbnul llinl oil! crime now. \Vh;ili'Vi'f

, ' ' t h o auppmtltloiis mny *n.v, c'nmmtiu------- »un»o-wm-iuaIuUlu-ll.»l.-H..iii» iiiln«

jicrion U I’luylni,’ u iiraelltal jnl;o on N'ow«ai>tli-.

I t tim l in nnV n JiUlo'• 'T«n»wlritt!o ..of lnyrUoloKy will

tliat imnj;inatiTO. bolioldcrf, nioveil 1 -------- 'TuTK^itri'ii,” nto i.eeln«' i.n miiwo

•tpntniis, (IcIiiUcI iili tufc uut of « ni.'tf . ca»u;.l lilur...................................... .. .

I‘raf.'Hsnr Joxi’plt KiuchiTnr, .nrcrlor _ ,,o ( llio XHtlnniil I'.iiillry Iimliliile, liim

rrun iioM iam riiiiri i i iT - '^ n iiF ir f "u irv jie' iliull.hu* nolUlutt l4) .lu u-illi Uj U-.huuI-

- I f y - Q t tUc i'STT' III- llv.a flly “ wMW rK iti" rnnim.md _u' iireiniuni uver

--f-iill |l|'|'lir'-Tent lm|jrci>iluu Ilinl tlii-y are iiii|ii'rior.

Ill lioflluii, nn tliu I'ontraryi l>rown- etfKii .-iro will to !)(,' iii_lli.ij

iJi^lcrijinfn.ey'^.iivu 'u l.etl. r 'flavor.• ■ Tlio alffctenco, I’rofi-iniur KluKliorno

f:^plnlnii. in **nureU~ n mntl.-r ^f iiu-- 7'.ii4oret»fO '^«l” )iar-tiDthliiff—«'inrtiiT(T____ ti.' dg ii tlli..t4mUi.»' t i~.iH.|;b’;tkU

LT-. J!"*''*■many liou»enlvc« iVlll runlliuu- to ])H'-

i^ lik o wbito IcttL'r thnn litutrii; uml■ |ii>Q[iln n^uy I'ju^lliUfi* t<i

Iiro\Tn, Ijcciiuw In thi-ir nibr.iiucioui

— ■ -iiaauMtlQB' w i»tr-ttic lf"*»e<ovctf~t3bBil- hnuM.- - ; .• • -------------

_ ^ tpy ro _ tjto B n i!4 J9 9 B _ a* W

'• U / i i o i j r n iado^to.look nUrnjltVf.

PaffB Four - TWIN f a l l s :


>ri.- ^ inHrlA i i____ 1 I BM I 1 1

— ^ U G O K fr T iO N a - p o R - s o c y rSurt out by niliiiE In tha woi

______ture. Tht»e will give you a tin“ ■ aitaihey in itirn to »lill"oihTr7

«tmo«f-*>^f<l»-«tafting ftt tho num )>iIJ - -. ■ Iw/lJMitJlly or vcrtlull)'or boih

‘ HORIZONTAL"K' t~D oyle« 4_Laro« lak« In fiouth Auttralla ,,,.1 &~Atmo«pher#

12—L«k«, toureo of MiiilMlppl niver

1-1—A noted EnQlljh writer and i b : ____ • (1713-1768}________

17—Odfere ' ' ' IB—Laroe bird <

an- 15—A Turl(l»h'and Persian Javelinrho------21—Isfantls'N-V/njf-SCOttBntf-------liat 22—Word to frJatitcn children .

2J—Shortly 2S:_M«in: low fellowi

“ 20—Telegraphie Iranamllter (abbr.) itl- 29—Qlrl'a namo_______ a2^A-charjctar—In-Shakaapaara'» . Klr.0 Lear

SS-Stopl Holdl ■Mg —a?_T* wither or <ffy

' li: .f# m llla r veoetablo .'40—A metal (abbr.)' ^1—8il»erai per»ort»- in tiu*ine»i—

tOQOlIier (abbr.)___ i2=AJfiU*-muonutIniLiDund____

lln.- 41—Dry, bscranIII,I 44^A lako touchino N.'Nigeria,I, Africa

- 4S—Obiolete ipelllnQ of "at”'■f- 4»—Old llm ei (poet)cm eo—Personal pronoun- „ i ,___ 62—To ----- ----

54—eiymoloflleal <abbr.)

'".V - 55.„X(, ,u r up“ ---------------------- ^fill 81—Calla lo *

83—A groan, , .fl4—A dlvlilon of th a w e e k.....t ^ - A game bird .17—Any Dll of name*

ivo 69—To prixe70—Scrip or refuio

. 71-Q lrl’i name72—A ft!«mher.of.a.f(imeui Engllih

ihe ioelety (abbr.)"•'I VERTICAL

1-AIIohted-liL ■ -------------- ---------


J, K.lil..r T«in Ful!« ' j'•rt Ilinr Sir; |“ I* The fMlliiweri. ..f Mr», .M:tr-i»i'. {.'iiri'I l!o\M'il, wli.i |irofe«g.'i. In In' U ,’i<r jirii|ilii-li'ii», am Inuriii);. ilii-'vnnutry ainl

<ilie> 111 niil.», n|>ri'ii<lii<i: llo'ir .I'roi’ii- 'iiii-Ia. Tlii'ir a iiloi an- bniuM-re.l on

"« i.olli wilii Uiu r-.ibiwiin: u.»i-fi|i“ou liun; - 'T ho Ix>nl U ('inning ri'l>riiary

I'. ll'L’. '. ’’ Al»o eiirh fnr rnrtien a itihn lalliuK MirunnU u tiu-Kajihimi.': ••Tin; I.ofil i< roniiiii; Kelituary il,

_ in lni:i:t illiii.l^________i _ _.TIii-n' iirit|ihf huvu,. itlr» i.l-U M t-l.i^ .«<• inlrri-!it anions tlio |irti].|i’ aijil in ill!.- o r- uiiiiiiit^Juui>i;vtuUi_U»y^V.U.>i»tiKl»-i.r.>

ilolii); tlil< rliuri'li a ({real InjilKlli'e n» many ]>i-o|ili- an- nuili-r llio l'w|ireri<inn tha t' ihin jiroi>:i[jnniln'-l8'Rpri;n.l"by” Uu' RrvrnUt- l»ay—.\’tvrTtlinf itrnnTOtlvttrtnn.

I l-.JiLiL— >U»1|«»«IhH»1. -ItTT tlit.«i> in-(.jile'tiiiV('-tln' lio iir i 'li ' |'(i»(' im

'Of Bevi'iilh Dny •Ailvciiliitn wlicu tlioy iu» nro noini; in u lrirt oi«j«ii<itioa to Ih.’ iptr ««irliinir-»’< - th r-ijc r rn th li.iy--XibTr.i:

int ilrnnminntioR.” ' — • -----------I Till' Si'Vi'iilU Dav A.lvi'iili-I.'. be-

, lli'Ves ainl len.-lie, wbiil the W ir-t of »o.l .a y s Tiann-iv-, ‘ 'NVali'U ihi-r.-f.n.',

I'er for ye know n.'ltli'er thp ilay nor llie

" T M:<lh, “ .Vl.r Aud In Mnll.• ■•Illll o f the ilay' nn.l hour knowi'th

no ........ no, 111.1 .-vi'ii th.* r»ni;el« "f;liij lico lu i. .buU>i .W" 'Illher onlr/*i—. tnl o>‘ lir-re rsp • -15," ‘ ‘" ' ' ‘•‘•t"'t1iCfi‘r‘'rV r'fiirrno t!i'HM'\ii.'’mil • TLMrgfgr.. 1 wi.I .- l.. httyr r r wn^liinr:irafri?Stt4»>P.'jf.fr--lia|.r.'»»toir

- , i.jM i* r 'KA'r. Ih A .ivrn t i . t ^ h '^ hwnx umler the- wroiiK ini|imil<iQ.

'''■ Them itco[ilii nrn rojlecHny lar^c i jy Stnii»'-..if-iiiuii,iy--i}irfiiii;Ji - th i t—pn’P!'*'

i;niiila and aro .loiiiK Ihe Suveiilh Dayl ^ AUvetitUl cliiitcli II Ktviit iiiJuitU'v. I

TOI ' ■ , JO H N WAO.'fKU.Qli Twin Fiilliii K.-brunrv 4,

than 4nBte, tin In tin! cn»u of the wMtj ^ OiJI.r-TV1iore—wKcH r U r l.‘rii^o~tjreml' “li:- or-Hmhnm--brca<l -woul i t ^ r fitiiibiy U

tir,ct0fiu)..,CT-l'lie-floOfC-ul-ta«te-.-alanf, ^ n.it to mrntiftij.lu.juptirior-JijrtluJc. U (]flalillea, i / puu}ilo a te . I t . with Ihoir

l!y. pM .-theT C .'n ro itl^bB -gtiluciT ntu-.tlio-y j ^ ^ u i { . . i w u j « t , :------ ’ • r , ' . -



j u ^ ' f f r r .

~U»i ~ —

H Z O E Z - Z - -

fcym C -C R O S S W O R D 'JU Z 2tE 8~ wordl of which you feel m io n ib ly -

» tlue to other wprdg croitlng them._______lerT. A teller b^ongi b etch whiia numbered iquarei tnd runnlns eltbcf both. . ' * .

2—A drova ef heraat (Spanlah)3—A freih-witar flah

lla *—Thing dona, diedft—Chlld'a ternt for mother

I &—A lake In County Danegili Iralind

I 7—P h o n a l pronoun

the A^^nauta lallid 10—A small bay or eresk .

elln ” —A lake In Central Ireland

15—8eni# organa ._ .. . .20—Perform ?l—Fourth mualeat not*

br.) 22—A tall laka tn Aalatls Ruiila ' 2^Q eglnnera

M'l 25=WaterfalI______________ __________27—A laka In 8 . Australia . <20—An acid gotten from fruit SO—An Egyptian god 31—A Spanlih aeaport In Morflceo, -

' oppoille Qlbralter

' 84^A color___ ail—A lamHiar inaeet _________

3^^om m on namo of tho fo* llT -- Qrltun lalea —

' 37—A mineral aprlng a3-Knaek4&^Ont"6f'tho Houiaa ef'p>arll»-

ment, England (abbr.)- .47—Social clasaat tn India -----------

4B-A groat laka In 8. E. Africa~ -Si-M latakV ------ ----------------— T T -

S2—A flat-bottomed boat •6}—Point ot compass (abbr.)BJ—Man'a n«m« (abbr.) . . . ,6S—Plint used for flavorln0 97—A Turkish unit of monay 9» -T o ojectftO-Scsne of Chrlit'o Hrtt mlracU02—Willingly, fraaly63—Twalvo donna (abbr.)86—Printsra maaaura (pL)•«»-Runlo (abbr.>

- 69—Prefly.iiima-aa-i'ln^!— -----------------

- - -RadiwrPrograms^

Falla countrr, am nsod briefly fo* busy roaSira. TWIN TOCa


,t;ir- KPO, SAN rBANOIflCO.I' il [I. III.—liinly HolKer'i orclifstra.ainl K |,. ttt.— Ilmly Hcluer’a orelieitra."I’"- • 0 It. jn.—Organ iccltnJ. .

."'i . I.!'..!’- i'i.-r‘‘r''Kfn»' ..l'y-C'iUllB..CIiirfl riji- lirani'li »f Ameriruu I’eiiwomvn. lary U )i. ni.—Oi'iio Jnnici' orclnratra.- il • KOW, I»OBTJ.Ain).IUI", Jl. m.—Mtukvl’a wtulliM, nows.' 811.111 iiicht.------------ V /p A T r^ ^M B -O m ,--- ~^,1^-----L}V4II.—j^hnol-of-.lhCTliti [llUUU UUIIFill^-jbiTj rliil.lren's aloryj-Trlunoii codcui*-itre bJu-------------------------- I ---------- II* lii,;!.1 r- ni.—Nichtliawk frolic.-ion . KQO, OAKlj U r o . _______'IhV m.—Couccrt oroliMtra. Jlolel 8 t.inn. tVan^U;—" ----——-—^ ^

I,,0V r a w , LOS ANQELSa.(ll',, 7 Jt. m.—Art lllfkm uu'i orch^M ;

rr,i: ••-0 -p.-ra.~-l*n)Kram-by-'VrtirCoflst lUo------IllelK,------ : ------------------- —---- :-------, II-|>. m.—Art lllekm au’s danco or-

, ’ 1 cliuitrix. — -1 '; - KHD, ST. L O D li ,ih,! !'• Ill'll" hour.

T i r f^ilrln a flr r «:ni) jt. ni.■ KFI. LOS ANOELES.

^ (l:.lfl ]t. in.—Var?ity ilnnrn orehMtfn. Vmi ”* r- H'.—•’Inimical projjrnni by Loula

, Fuiruuuuu. ------ - ---------w o i w . OUAHA.

'"f'" r>:t3 ll. u i.-Iluuduira Jloyut orcliosi

■'H^i.“ m.“'K )rshrilin iirBjfniin. lo (t. m.—Loula Connor nnd lila or-

LJK r— -----

‘"‘ iREftl ESTATE TRUNSFERSTweasuM t r tho M r tU i n u a m . . A & itn c i o o o p u f . -------------^

“ F a b n w 3 . • ,^ U - C ^ O t t ia „ .f a » ^ . .T . . .A > a « w a ,

^ HK S7-10-10.

nne .T"V

W,-a-3yIarr*12M: M rt NB NW holf JB.Mfi. '

Ik?: ~ h o n f^ iJO T itj:,8 h o p p f l. n « « t i r i

.... •_


CASTLEFORD, -Mr. P. L. U tte r» a a down from Twin

Fallf Imt weak on a bttilnfia trip . Mr. and' M n, U tlo r will reluro to tlielrfarm the first of Mnreh..................

— iir . anA Ura. Paul TinKofioh' and _____ ” 'L i‘ tHoPutninn Rome. ’ ' ’______-------10a-IS-oaiiaad»y-*fw>rno«n-tlto-Matr

Jonss club w ai entertained by-iin. 0, 0. Davli o t her home. Mrs. L*. H. Hafdlog KM a ipicsl of tho afifrnoon. The nrjit ncclln{r will bo hol.l a t tho

— - hoaio.ut J lr» ,-IU ukln Hulherford. -M liici R ather,llouk and Wlunlfw.t

Fryer, atudanla at noo41nK eollegr, (font ihft weak, end wllh their puxoata.

Thot ' a . Swllk lia* fouDd It'neeca- ■ary to ]>«laon rabblli oa hla tilaco north of Ouitlefard,

Wy. and A in. A. K. IWIcf nnJ chil­dren siient a fc\r dny* this werk in Twin l*alla-wlth Mr*, Ileller'a luother, who Is Improved.

JrweJl Cox, former barber nt the;____ Ctitleford n<t»l hull, im.

, nio hDlliilnsi bclonKini* to tho lloiio I’AVftle Lunihfr coni|iany onlo a lotadjolnlnir--the- bank - bolhllHC umlopened up a barber ihop for liimnrlf.

.Mejdntnoa II, W. OiiRpr, H. A. Ivin- • yon, J. M. Hudaon, IL Fryer, John

>'(enrh nttrndi'd tbc ronvcntlpn of ttm Jlelhodiiit chureh In Viler b i t week. .

a a . Olltctt'l.arrcl'ur.re.rfrinii'____ 2 i!!l.-J’*rnnclica-«Tjjiirtt-ho-4itt«n.IetMho

aununl conveutlon of wool ffrowprn.Under Iho nimpices of ihc MeIhoJi»l

In.llr* nlil noclcty. Mrn. Wnlter L .----7BhTTiUFwniTn n‘rccli«iTirThiiriidny

I'Venlfll*, »l>niat5-3:; in thnhlfili school ouJilurluu].

Mr. and Mr*. Wnlter Todd anitonncc- the nrrlval of a buby girl Krl.iny. Thn

uiothcr aod dau({hlof are In Gooding nt a lioa|il(al,

Arthur Harti*, of I.elhbrldoe, Catin-' .la, is hero vliiltln|{ with hli hIbUt, Sirs, llarrnw Dnrrow.'•On fifjit Sundny iiinrnlnj; Tlev. Kil-

____ gar I.. White, nf Twin F:tlN will ron-

here.'"' - - At a tneellna of. thc local RrniiKO

____ ^yeilnriitlay ovniini:, lljc folluwliitf reiio-

-.lle«.ilve,lr— That-bliie-Tilrnl-Bhonli!' . , ho auld by, otlicra tliau llccuied-druu-

Rl.t».I’. Thnl nutomobilri pnv iwo-lhlrdi

of tho iirencnt lirrnie ami the four

— '$ -2 .6 ^ »'


^ I

- “7 - : i t ' r N J S W l N S U I

IS- — '

I - J W im ;:— | f A isSETSi

r». ;Paidt6l

SIT ^HrstMjrtgai— - - I - -foolBkllBOwf

R e a l Estates) “'• - I j ___loan£l5HE^ ^ I| ~ ' Bonasi Pej

^ — rCbshinOffli; ia n d Bonks

a 3 |Accnjddlnt«r ',N(^R«rauaimC

_ ^ iA U S ffirAf .Total Row

■lrn. I DeductAsI

BllM. .

— - g - ; - ( P r e g R i B ^ i a

- S - -lBPV#SrC

NW V : • ^

g i S B QjpitT

Z'-‘ ' . . ....

RSDAY MORNING, FEfelV appUed en saa troelors er f a r cnsloei

Bot ured-on hishwsys. rwin T fc t wo nrc n o t I tW favor o f tbo proposed prnportlonmunj

Ilielr bateau.' MJ(i itn rlc Leo cniertalnud Turadnj

and in J'onor o f Mr. and Alrg. A,ffcck. liurley. __________________ •• .Mr. andjM rf, linai- Tni1<l-cntrrtfiln^i]

flCIiimi!iL.Htuiitay .L ir-lhH ,, folU.«lnn f ^ f f u r a t a ! M i.iei Yircle Klnt*, 'nhndi'. Jf Ilowtrinn, K ailer Bboeiuakc, Mnyme, ■ Carrie nni) lleu lo Tod.l, Kiniiin Hmill

and Aiini.. Mllfhell, Mrwrs. I’mil Wil . . Unmi..mdocy_On’cuiby,-Thumu«-Uniilh

E arl Ifi'ldcL leg- Mr. -aud M n . Kaukla Itullm rfoti oata. Mr. ond -Mr*. tX 11. Ilnrdlnj; wcti c«Q|.i<llntier g u riti of .Mr. nnd M ri. C. C ilaee J^uvis on Thundny evruinff.

Mr. nnd Mr*. T. A. Ranilerioa anJ chll- cbllilren spent Humlny nt Jlncrrmnii.: in W nlti'r i tr r ic nnd K. H. Ilnlibn, WItr ther, have been lerviug nn thr ju ry . 'f tin

l.lU lrlcl eiiurt, tctutucd liustn! tl>« fin i th e ;o /. tho week.

— M w rOrr-JI.- DaTli, n f Klititim r - t lfl'l loiio been upL'rnllnjt ihi- wi-vk ut tho lioini' nl

lot her ion, (.'. D;ivl.. Dr. K(-iib*-<il uml Twin Full", wm nl«o u jpitat u t ihi «rir. Unvli honui Kumlay. lvin-| The Lilly(frailn ruad win iinpiiMnblv lohn .in Hundny evenlni;, tiuu to lb« leu j:iin«

tha Ul the bridttc, .I-nwo niuvi'tl

from I . i l h r i r ranch loiiihr.nt f,f town ..n - th o -« u tiitd n y -ren .- . M n, Clrnce KlJrldKe, whn h a i lii'M idluL It pnlierit lit Ihu connty buniiiial, Ih unn _Ji._YisltiUK-.ttl .thu Mui_St*)phuo»-4iumu idny here.hool MiiiM Wilma Koh nnd Oii:ih D.ivLi

/ I ic n t fhe week end a t .\.lliiaii. iincc Wlllinni Lnrk hm movcit i>iito the Thn Frank TriKiirlo rnnch, where ho will g nt fnnn for lli" rnnihi|f year.

j The Inilli'ii of thin comiminily flrc ex-atin- peeled to- ntleinl Ihe ro ..... .. uliutlMrs. «ouriie whirh will bo hehl in Iluhl ..n

February II! nnd in, MI^h iM h rr .M. Kil- Knhle of Ihc sla te ejii-mion dlvlHion,

rnn. will l i n » o i h „ .. .|i.

Arrantti'ineiilnx fur the annnal dinner uiKO of the Kvi'rywiiiitan'ii phib''liavo b.-.-n •e»o- i>rarlicully 6iim|iloleit, Fmir tiiMei will

t e ie rvc if,^ icli luliin re[irim 'nllnu niii' Dnlil' Of the .enionii of ilie v.-a'c. The hon' ruK~-l<>n».» wh.»-wlll-prntidr nf IhMO table*

are Memlam.-ii W. Nlmi, 11. W. Web- ird i ber, Williut Ouii'ley mul (I, I’, llvimvll, four During the d lnner'n I'roi-rnin of intn lr

nTiVimiy:Four.......... " V. '

2 ,8 .5 0 7% s u b a n c b . i n ; f o r c e — 1

S U B A N C 3B I S S U E D I N 1 9 8 4

Z r T c J

s 6 . m 2 at o P o U q > * o l d e r e t a l 9 2 4 ^

= ■ FIFTEmmAimiALlS

^ l t e J E a a l < i l « r o .$ 1 5 9 a 3 0 6 J 8 ! 0 w n ^ H i s e i 4 V d I u o - - - - 1 5 & .9 ^ '6 i J r t e S c J d o n G » i l n i r t - - - . . i a 3 5 6 . 1 8

. 8 3 5 ,6 9 1 7 5 ; -

> T S J i i i p r t B f e i i S t S 3 2 3 Z 4 ^ & « n f e t e g a o t S l . - T T i O ;K 5 ,1 5 r

s i u y C o r f m c o l w — i ^ i 3 9 0 . 6 a i - tfflcf «aZ25.73v hs 5 8 S t 6 2 6 . 8 Z - i - K 8 5 Z 5 5n t « n t o n I i i H s b n s n l s . '- . - 7 £ t 2 7 Z 8 5 s m W iJ G O iA o S t t & m d .a o r , 6 7 1 .8 0 . ■

? M o u r e e S " . ^ - - $ 3 , 3 0 0 , 3 3 i : 2 6 A s s e t s N i) tA lm il l< r i - - . . % 4 0 ? . 1 6 DWmBDMS

........... - ,

jfeRUARY 6,1925. . ^islnes tlio'dinncf tbero will bo-a radio con-

errt;» I- On Thuriday afternoon nf this week imi'nt llin.Methodist Ladira' Aid'wUl^tf fn-

lertnlnfil nt fhe homo nf Jlf«. H, W. , (InRcr. Mn. John Fraiieh nnd Mn.

Aiiiiu innF«-al«<{ ar* hnMrnrt fnr~ih> o o c H b j.- Mr«. Koukla ItulUetfofa 1*

l i i a e a — ~Ihndn .lyme,4mllh __ •■I __ . .

f YourSL'. C.

Money in 1 it: Indicates (

- —^And-is-wet p,;;' Than referS m Prove youiT'li And rightJ,™ _ _ By the ste;>.,vi, i^Ofyourba- ' ^Makeade

nliutl , ‘ . . .

- F»>-st Nati. ■' „ o f T w i

, will _ ^ ___________ .---------------- Wc-8cckrM

abln ■ on OurWeb-.iivll, •nti.lr L — — -----------winj;

lT ^ ^ ~ ^ " P ^ O ^ r E L T lW T O F 'P

Another.Notss 'W IT H ;

T K T E X l ^ E ^

£ 2 0 4 . 1— 13486] POUCYHOLDBRS


Ptolk3*c)Jder0. LiffrA7mmTJM,lI925^ ~— LIABILm^8l Kcsarro ondirfmdasinH)rce«« 3 r R c s e t v o f i r H c a E 6 3 5 $ ^ c r o l l l s ” ; 8 Coupon nd & Inlercst

5’ Poia iftAwunce...........i S ^ A c c r u e d T b y e r C 'U n p d d 'B U l s ’

j R c s m r e - f O T D c a f h d d i m s ' ’ ’ !5 AU Other Uobililies *.•‘IVJ.* * 15 iContin^ncy P -^dl|.Cagtca-$^OOD6 , TOIAlAQMnTEl) SURPLUS ASSl6 TOPBtrrcCTPOLICVHOLDERS**

g e i P B H T , .a ia tr rA ta r .C A im


! 3 ^ D is ix ip ^ a n 9

con- eliairann o f Iho day.M r. anil M n. C. C. P.ivU ipen t Mon*

week' d a y la Twin I'nlla.« fn -' ■ --------------- ■’ ' -

“ filen.ly F reddie," the l n t« t foxtro t, by B»-Idaho bey. Bl-Loi[H» Mu»l«

fll ta 6 t«tc.—tulv. ~________ ______ ______

Standing "n the bank s characterror^h-more--------------- -ferenees. ‘Bur industry ht to credit ^ ~ iteady growth 'bank balance. ' ‘ “deposit To-day.

i t io n a l- jS a B k — — - F a lls i

k-HfonrBusincss------------------------------ ."-■O u rltcco rd . ......................... U ^

H g p ^ O T I ^ H O ..... — -'J- ■y p O U C Y H o t P E R ' S ^ ^ j r ^ l .


i 9 ^ r■ - ' { ' I

f;|■ ■_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ F l

V m e A i N - i l •I OVER W S i^ SI ^

linceo in g> =

;___i _ _Sis....... ll.Z45^6 ' 1 ~ —^ ,-’••'■370,128.49 S t ..

:^:zi J r :niE^3I.I10,63 . 5 t ■.•” .-.V-10,7S«D^ -■ ' - t -

-2W 05-59 s•"--■2aOOOOO 5)TOoor , 1 •AssBis'...' ' ' ' T “ s i ■ ,D R .... 4yTn(Tnrtf>0 - ^

ISDKWCEniME r^^ ^ t O M E - O f g I C E - , g S £ . - -

Arnn‘n\'. ']: ..Mag- ,,CAWfcy.D iiacrh)R3. -

1 ^ 1 - , 1;,. ^ -

Page 5: ------- SecomL Cdve-In of ^ ..•i SISTERS FOOII s; SETS …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...Inn- Tlip ciri* dropped from night ahortly bv nfl'T'llipy‘hTiil

.... .....!I ^ i

- f e - - W

; I 4 ‘ , ■ I' \t | ^ C ~ ^ v M J

- - i ^ i i- - j l L . M j


Advertisements untler this hea 80 far devised of brlnQinothfl-nt

r o B B A ia - ic s o a iL A ] ? B o u s

------------}*t)i( hAJ.i-.—Hltiiti'r fatiary birJi._ _ 1-lK.r.r n:’».:i::_H',|,].jjaim.-------------------

“l - o i l H A l.l> -h vo hone »\etm bollrr in fino condiliop. K o/al Hakery, Twla

> fa ll i._________ ..............................

FOB HALB-COO (om nl/nlfo Imy.

Twin l^illi. . ■ ■ ’“ iXJirBALE—#300 Xor #1200 oiiuUj- la I to lot* on porod itrcet. AddrcM P.

0 . box 831. _________ ■ ■

ffllrrori. ~ pU l4 'aad wiadoir g im ! Mqoiv.'i P a l n t ^ o p —

. . “ j-OirKAI/'k^Hftiry wcrlc-tcam iinil . IiiiriiMt, iiflft'U lu i.'llj loiiiv buy, corn , iiiiil niiti. I’liuiio TiOOlU.

l'X>» HAIiK^A fow hnnilredTool j«w ID-ineli redwood pipo at about l>alf prc-

•vnlling.prlcfl— aKlui & COr.....................t'OB HALE—Oood M «nd Jiaad aing-

c n a t n barratR , B'ngor — •ciiiio 'g 5 :;''i3 i Eftit i a ^ .

I'OU HAL^i>-T»ra cUftit b»»b«r »liop, .I’jcatod la Doaalag'i el tar itoro. Ctiaap

_ M f-taken a t oace. T . Ii. AodtAWf, Je*—- »B ie,.ia tbo . . - - j

. r o |{ - 8 iVLJ>-15.30 tritctor; nwj only ' cbourU tu litfnV In; loSa o l yowtt. U. . W. Peters, Twin Falli, I’lioao <10W. ,

• Ociicr.ll dellvp.fy. __________fX)It HAi-i-; Oli ' ’I’jiTVKE—Ouo ton

Kurd Iriick fur Kuril toiirinf;; Wcntorii . KUtlcic t.li jl 't »yMvi» witl f«:

nluck. "j;i acconil-avt'Jiun I'lml.FOK 8 A l^ -A n v U i, boltlag, bag i, !

p lom blaj ioppUe*, pU eyi.plpe, "now ta d letond h a a d ." 1 S6 e T P. elretrlo tao ta t w ith ita rU fta b*x; 1 I IL 'P . g tit 1 aariDe. Idabo Junk Homo. 182 Beeooad

■ - w aue^ionlb, aOroM i 'o fa wfoe gronad. ^

7 0 B B S m -J T A B ltt ^

iX)U UKNT—doQ,l 80 acro tanch near I Kden. (lood brnn lund. Call Dinmond

Ilnrdxvnrn com|inny.210 AOKKB loUth o f~ Edon. Kontcr

mu>t havo cqulpmeat. Call Walter ___ U«Uu, Edon, ida lia . -

" BItaATIOJCa •WMTtHDMATEBNITY nnnlBg. M n. E . J . ^

a m iw . PbOB> HCBi._______________KXL’m ENUK;) glrl~wntiti hnuao- i

_ ■ 11 DININO AND aiiEEPlN O car.eoa*

in e to r t (» tS to> ; e r ^ e a e t t m a e e e f “

-------S t ^ C . . I o « ABt«l>« - . ~ ~ -_____ y o u OaW SEW , oareulU and o w - -

coaU. AU-wool. i>a1y I p iO . D«Bia- * B«n toaliw r ♦7M150 - a _ i r e e k eaay. W rite: 0trlo-Ooat«r TtUorlag Co., i ' n o p t N-00. OIncianatl. a

W ANTKk>-l.ady-2a-lo C!nRo for poaition nii bouVVrfprr nmi

____w ra ta ry .—Mu»t-tahe-<llHntiftn-tiuirk?rlhilin<] tranaerit>o accuraloly. Mint know

- -— Jmw-to arrnngfl Olid-frtllow 0 - bndcrt; Oivo agr, Iralnlng, cxi>fri#nrf, annie* ^ a l t«feicntf», teStv^o«« in d ad- -

roa BaiTP-vflrPMj™™l oomr, jo

_ BV8at>o.«ai(..M2.BO,pBr a D nU i.-Inquir#-•

K l i iiDUie on Von Botoh. Phonb Ml_or ajply Club Pool «

----- bttU— ^'' ■„ J. > . ' '■• fi

H - ioiUW e m ■■■'■nitui.- M a tn i . . ..... ”

j r t m l A i a f r T B i n n . ’V B O B n a : ^ 5

y mS mP Jo

- t - ~ . - . - T W I N FA T -T ,R T

» <»U1W0( (atHEaW------ftU R & -C S t> r-

M E :te a ;m s S - -w \N (v A > (W 6«. f l t ^L U ,^H e Oiu .WtWlJB.

'ORD PER INSERTION dad ars always alive and active, JeedJtadvertlsers-lo-thB-flttcnU i WAWniD-MlBOBT-TJugBOOB

'*■ Tu ri-nt for caali n iruoj- •4t)T)rfltf.~l*Il&hu •.’ro.TRS:----------------^" ^^ A N T JilJ-C anal comi-niiv . itoek.

Swlln "Sht.

ir.n : ‘V.\-N'tki»-Tu’ |,.,rf„,v „oou- ror >. Ihrec ynir", I’rivi.ie nt.m.-v f i„ t

morlg;,Ko cily jirojicrtr. J.,' Caro ofL — ___»• VA.NTM A >-AK.M il„y..r KiriaThT.- t<Klfift-ncTOrTifTtlOl;B laiid; o t lc r i iSuOj ,1 "n»l. dW n «r|tl. fh„ bnlnirrc thin fnll.„ Bring in ynur iJrui««itiuii.--Ooiitaef I'

Towiitiiti' Ccimi'finy.___ _________ _ . ;

•MOnTqAQB tOANS. s~ \v B ft c o T <

!• jTe ’MONEY for Ioann on iusiUo luj- !

. ,...MO.\KV TO L0A N -<.'iiy p row rty: >1 O- HiiiUh. Haligli liiiilillti;.. I’iititi,. |i}:i 1

I „M .O N E i: jrD X O A N -ra rm -O B d -d tf' -

? IhoM ^aN . ®’ , 1f m X P K K (lE N T -I f you lm « a gooi * ;• farm aad want t a borrow on It, wHt* ,• to me. Box SS. Twla Falli. Idaho. i

1 m s o B U iA m j fu b ^

I , /n O Z E N RADIAT01I8 repnTr^d^^.i l'Idaho Vnleaaixiag Worki, 230 Blioaboai 1

; itrcet w « t. Thoae 720. ilr “ -TOit i'Ol'ATU IJAOB get tl.om f r o i ‘“ 301 Second avoaueno ttb . ’ I Pbone MOW. P. Q. Bot 754._________

' TAKKR u r—jironn tniiro, ll'iiu; riiij: | luno on lilud foot. Owner iiiny recover

• V Pnyl''!: coti o f ndvvrtising nud-fucd. f. II. C. JohtiioD, Ilunii’a. Idaho. >

POTATO OKOWEKS-lInvo for H r snlo certlfli’d enitern l.bil.o gnui’n . r llusjelii and Itiirul lei-.l Buiniilci

-n t Fin^_aa.l_Roberl»-officc. - Call , S63. T. 1). JifcCoy.


W ANTBIM Seveta] good nw d ean.1 ^ White Oe.’ Pbeae 147W. ^

; l i a and #13.60 ’cT ^ oS ot irliropo” '’

■ I-'ALL UUiJBt'K eoio Ford ilro l.at- jl

*2 3 }-othera la

, 0^te-4UlUry-BtaC?92^--ijree^ onU i.,P h oa»-flll.------------ ia

; - - - —o m o s m B . - ---- ---- K'.^FW rB A L l^-K hodo lilam l-lJod i.uU - lota. Phono .’ilO Jll. ‘^ ^ T t l ^ P o t t l t r / o l a ll k ln d ii top !Ij prieea.- H. g noa to r. Pbone fl03W. !


ilAM.MOTll iJKONZE turkoya . o f eo prUe wi>'ninB *Iock. Gold Dank strain, wl Ifra. a L. M^altby, Rogcraon, Idalifc 01

eaa^ro iteek. Pbeae UOW. P . O Box do7M. - ’

i 'o u HAL ;—Puro brriJ LeBhorn nuU ^loUr-Bvcrt^OlrabTrrfn-wnft^ « f t^ e r ^ c rea iw tu y ;' j . x .’ I'citoii; £Jo'nTT|7

for-hntrtilnjrffotn elioico ,Mn- ~ t>9ga»v-«M ;lthoJa:T .i4 ..,t.-ai t . , iK. M . for lao.: JJIslo ilowerdcw, Phono „«BO.-iJ«. ■ . in, l i

fio?*t )5Uro,*l«ed atrala*. Tancrcd and W Hanson a (?. \\\ IjCglioraa;A-Oi-.R. 1; Hi fied* nnd Hatred Itoeks. P rlcei o r aiv i3i3itKB::"AiirJcuiTyBCh'8^^ w w e h - woek. Egga^w eelred eiieh Bat- **

" i o i l - M l B - d O T i m r • S( s r I n a n in t la . t i l l P . W n ». P b .n i K ' 5ITJ1I7----- - M<

Pt’* L'-.

S D A I L Y N E W S r T W T N - F i


W 6 « k N S H » 0 S 1 «i\D N "Ci

f l n l - ujcmuisM N H ------ (c. . » A OH \ ) S -

T M 'W W 'SEW k'KW M s a S ) J W n o u U K ? A.

i B iIN ^ AND .WORTH ITI /e, and constitute the hest meanl

_ FOB BBWT—nT Bim w n r^

'PJ _i'01t.JU:.S’T—Vomiihcd— r o a m r ^ r '_ _ nnrn lioat. I’lione OSD.

runin^; rioie In; 1-hniic 121)7. t i - n i;N'T—FurnUlicd.ronm. 42H U,. aTCmra-avgniirnSTlErThoiio a D ~

FOR JlKNT—I'urnlnhod room, gontle- ?S> p ," f Third nvenuo north.

of lli^UII) ANll iiOOJl _ Clciiilvm^n — ■I’tdLTftili.rli'rlrif liiun.i-u»M-Mr-tf,,»,ger

iuij'l rnifU 'fi.^'r—Kuriilnli<-'il‘ rli(M». 'ci.iT. ill. tirpforri'il. . l!ii:iril_l)V-iiirnr-nr-

li:u^xiri^,v,.,„,e n,(,„o

~ HStALL iworoeni npartcnoat, furn- ‘"Ill'll ((inipkla for-liglit hoiiiekcepiog rnnifnrtnble, elcnn and reasonable. Tlie

~ Oxford, .ISf) Mnin noHh.

iJ7 ki'iipltij; rDOMu, Uowiintnira; clrctrle (i:i licat, 130. Cn!l cvcninpi. -115 Third ni

avenne iiftrth._ I’lipjic .181W>- ______ - -t i Fait*'Ki:.N'l—.Nlfo |.oni(j on i.nvcd

. ilroot.-rutnishcd, S ruumTl and bjith, li- »t<’(’|i|»B iiorcli, gnrn(r<‘. All niodcrn'ex- ?;

*• w l't ■'=• n-'OU KKNT-l-arlly riin.V-ii.’.l huliso {'

nl very ri'nauiiiiUi- lirirc, lu ri({ht niirly i' ^ having siiull family. Well lorat.’.l on n t t slr<'cl; »;arnu'<-. t’iill nt -133 Ij'BS Third nvDimi’ wcKt,‘iir Powvhi liiiil ‘Viinr pj

ili'nlinrl:, 2.'2 .Hi’cuiid iivc-iiuu north. U' i'lLuni' 37.*.


f , noiiHi-: HA^^:Ii^;^;aJ■LvIAVl'7;::rv S• nt ilursi’i ilonio llarn. Twin Fnlli.

- Four inntrhrd tramn, marcs .nnd geld- ))’ 1»K». nui-s lo ti, wclghitur ,1(10(1 to aS.’iO itl

J piT tenin; upan blaek iimloa, 7 and 8 Hi yi'nri, «clKht 2B00. Balo atarta.at 1 ” o'clock. II. J. Hallcv, ()»mcr: Owen

“‘ lUiirlianan, clerk. CoL ilu iiyon , aue- U< llonecr.

I ... IVI = = = = = = = = = = JJ,I 8UQAB.--------

NEW YORK, Feb. ’I OW—Tho ‘raw .""tfnr oiarkcl waa ui.cl.niici’d tu.by

n w ith - liotb Culi.m-'aHil P.Trto' Rican far " jFcbriinry ahlimicnt offered nt 4.03, duly To paid. .No n;ih’.i wero rc|iortc<l.

Aflcr opcaliij; two ]>oluta higher to nl one i>fiiiii l o w , raw aujjir futures C»

Y '•a»ni-feffTiim»~ir:rj£T;un-ri^ariMm ; r •r iiuiiRi- di’iiiitn. I'roriiotcd b y incrcaauil ^ iiffi'rliiKs In thi- diKit iiiarkrt. Final Or '• prlepg-\iTt.-fmrh.T.fir.’7I-np;*w«:;imin«s r~- _ net luwcr. Mnrch rloKcd Mnv 2.07, Hu t- July .1,i:i. K.-pimbcr 3.2.-!.' • Wla , Only iiiodotiilu liuiulrv «-aa .rc|wrtcd t—for^rrfmn p iiugnf 'w lUi^iTT^ri'unao In ”IB qilulntiuiii., Illl. ri-fini'rn urri-|>ting liiiV- ~ .. iUM i-ai -ilir '-sit-ccnts-lcT ri-fur-flnc- K W 'iula ted.......... ................. ■ " 'T Z JIW I

U „.A.Ch»dJtIllllf-ZI0NlT'UX8S XT.- - Fc Send your nano and'nJdreti plainly

- written, together with <5 eonta (and thla *1" P llip ) to Chamberlain Medicine Co., Dea r«‘! . Moines, Iowa, and roeclvo In loturn n >''h

tria l_pndarc,contaiiilng-O U A A lD E ir-. - J r I .A l?H B ^ Q H -ttB M fiD Y- f o r t ou6ha. ♦4 <t eolda, croup, ..broaoblal " f i n " asd 1. whooping couRhi, aad tlek lljig th roat: .(

CHAMBERLAIN’8 TADLET8 t o r « 1 J stomach troublea, Indlgeatlon, n u a ra p a ln a : M o w L - iL o ~ l iM f t , W( DOU and conilipatioai o lio CiIAMBEB> "

LAIN'B SALVE, needed in every fam* ' ■r Py ! 6r bUrrii, leliiai, WflUflfll, ? lU |-aBd ~

’ NOTIOB. I t► -■M>mb cta^ tj> he.’’Aim'r»eiin—Iwxi?” Sjr0 auxiliary who plan to ationd Iho meet- . . i ; Intf. at-tli(^.haiuA-of^r«^'toku-la-Bulil

1 Wii’lon‘ >eekr"Th(! tl7w\lU 1?!ilualncM Woaieu.’a .club At 0:43.~-adv,

‘ w a w T i ' I s T w E N T ' w i a " ST — HE IP -H V IN -F » b a -r -:^‘I - ill> l^ l^ ^ |iingTiW«UI^^ flui

7 bot TTat'ertnd ollvo oU by Ihd axe

i 1 * ; boV Adlerik»TcU on and eScI lnw cc-poK d.and.ram ovea.A ll.ga>..and ai« , peW ni. £xeellDnt ioiLobitLaate e u u d : eon

J CflmyMiy^.<dy.. . . / ■ ju ,

r : F A I i t i f e ^ j D A B 0 . - T m n ? g 7

- B £ j y a u i t s E i p ~

L _ « .....ckuS S 6 '\S ^ 5 * W « " T « v ----- 0ifxrz • « « « fs OT w n - ia y v ,- ^ si.i> f t t jo K - y \

I I m1 S rkeis|m a r k e t s a t , a g l a n c e INKW-YOUK. I}

r " " d snlllhWMt. In j foil* at nfw •

“ •'I-Uff — r - i r - - - - -— Jog. ’

_^iii;iir—Kraturcl.’M. |fUf- — j

— . '-’'" P ™ . F"k. < W l - W h „ , - ^

4 li . . . . . . . . . . . . !»«.•iu.rth, __________ ____________ I


a " i^ i S S E i ' S '

;;;:- - - - - - - «eT.*iu-MAn«er*- - - - - - — :''•0 T1..1- . *!?'? *® Protfue*'-* .

i i i n ----------U w f o c i c •••d Cm?; ........................................... ...... »th , J‘'^ “«^V.'.V.V.V.1V . V . u ' w

™ lln„ .. . . . . . . . .""■ "' •‘’f•lv »'«im ......... .........................J I.faliortm .............................. Iln

aP.th. uuc” l* .............h

"! t e £ ^ . - v . - . - . - . - . - h : ; : ; ; ; ; ; : ; ; ; ! T, c.1 moek 600 t

ar --- ------------U S T a il - P m c B # '-....... «ly I’outom. II., . • -

£ s " s .: ' .”""' •■-■•■•. . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,

d s ti .sa . H utch ' f i j a v cu

: w h e a t m a I t a t w “ “ ®; — M M B S ii l im W L H E A V l S

‘ r a

IT t:mGAQO. P e iT 7 % > _ ^ .- ...- . . (

uTueeute, ordcra at b la ek b o o r ^ M to ^ re *

3 « i ° y i t t ' 11. >*

^ S M Y T I O R N T N ^ T P E B B

Y *W> N W v S f i o t 1 0 \MKiW N o I T T O W O V S WV1 H " W S H T O V . rLODKS:i»M>---B^ ;V1T-5TABE-- 1

- - O B - i H '^ - p ’t H W - a U l t . 'K r - S O SM M «S- 1 H « VlM-ret TOItlW M.H WV’TOOW' MO'i) •56\,UN<

CM«S V)P -n. m Vh g“ S J T O O T srr- HOT t 6 c iB T '-T T O

V I J S T O 'R .T - - I H t W W N M 'B Eaomc-r^


SI market hcro rpcoverri! so dcclilrdivI '‘^ « u ddw>_^tumblp,_In.fl.^hort

imip. May delivery hnd mounted to “ | 2d)0 3.H, or fl l.L>e tinder thc hijjh sea.

toll ri’cof.f ff^^^fr-W1• r.• A t thiir-iKJinl,, however, profit tnklng ir t In nnd

broniiht nbout n sHBhl-rrnefiun whieh waa followwl by another dnrt lo-M -just before tho cloae. CoBimlMion houser were on both aidea of tho market nnd

[the excitement waa kern aa Mnr hov- '« ered near Iho top figures. Offering!

[bcenmo mnre liberal on Ihe rise nnd

“ All ilrlivcrlca of cirn snhl nt a new high on the crop aa a reiult of tiN-eii- Inlivp buying. ' Thcro wns persisleut

t_ buying In aninll lols by enmnilMion- bntiic* -wlildl 'j6U«a orffrinK i-l[^h=^

Onta followed rorn, hul failed to rc- r. tain the early firninesi. "

Proviilona were firmer with forn an.l0 oata.

C ‘n w e a t — o'p^.“ rinjriL^o~w. cimp. . ^ y . . . . . . innvi snO’Ti ips% ihd

J JuJj- ........i«SHl ino ifiT m > ASfrt............15.-H4 i.'S4in 1521); i.'.i'H

1 Oora*—' >tnv ..... - 13(1>H 337T4 13n>«, 137ii- July ....... u b " 1.1 ) 8 ISftdr Hrpt; .......-------------1 71 -13TT5'• -O ata— - — .................. - -'f- Sfny’".:,r;.— (rrt,;— fni?— 02:5;— (12’J7e -I'liy ....... rt’l-H (iV/j ’03% 03T{,; Hn't............ ooTt 01 Go^ c o u

: -------- - CASH 0BA1N.~ ' ----------' CmnAOO. Feb. 4 MV-Wbc.il—Nu.- 7,-^“L‘*yj'3,_li2_Jo_l,Cfl;_JIo_a_lmrU.

♦i.ur i-s to 1.H8.(.'nrn— No. 4 mixed, I1.17 1-2: Ko. 3

yellow I1.20 1-2 to 1,27.**■ . U at*r-Na.-£.whlto (W lo-OIet-No. 3

white 60-to .'>U 1-4e.I M Ry<wOs’o. a, ll.flS 1;2 to l;fi£l.•M llnrlpy—00* lu.*1.03.‘'•„ Timothy aeed—*3.7.'5 lo 0.00..00 Clover aeed—»25 to 33.

Lard—♦in.07. j{|; R ib t- ii .i .s o .

IP POTATO MABKETB.' ^—IDAHO FALIJJ,—Feb.— S:— ({'nitrd 1

■tr Htutei Department of Agricultur.- Mnr- , »' ket Newa Hervlee)—Very light luiul- , , inga here un account of condltlou o f - ,>;g ronds. Light londlngs frum wnrc ] i t houifi. I.igtit «-|rP lnt|ulrv; il.-mnml 7e nnd trading liiniled; murkel sten.ly;

- incked California pack RumcU,' * few , snlea flJSOi wngonloarls euili lo grow. I

OS ora U. a No. 1 Buucta *1.25 to l..in| , « Tueiilay jwonilng, wagonloa.la-cash to *• growers; denlcra offering U. 8 . No. 1

S luiaeta *1.23 to 1.30; prBctlenlly . no ImullnBi px|.c«!tcd on account of.condl-

» V-aklma, .Waihlngion—Cailaaila f. 0. 1 i...u iual-t»rm a{- aaeked-Netl.wl-qenia 4

la U. B. No. 1 35 to 37; combluation grndu 1M M l ta aa__________!---------- ---------z — ]

Greeley, Colo.-J,oading lighti de- 1 Je mand light; :nnrket weaker; wngun- 4 >0 loads oniji to growera; laeked Kurnia t, l pa'tly grudcl CO fn 70c; nioilly 65e. \« ..JL"!ll'i»_cyx=BgiU’Ilcs.Jiberal;_.dc- .

mand uioe.lrutot market atendr; Minne- JJ iT o ia jieu itlver Uliloa ♦1.31) to I,:!.-;: ti

^ b lM g o —Buppliea— ilbeml;—detnnnd i low; niarket dull, .wook; Wiaconiln 11

h» roun.! whitea-ancked mestiv ♦! ta l.n.'Sj y . ^S»'lJ'i«l!cjjJ*Ml|t:*lJl5;ta^.I0i:ilInae--' «

- “> '^ iein d_*i‘».eU.UcJ,tl55.Iduho,JlO. ll- early lales rctwrtcd. I T. . inrt, w^uriii—aupjiUci-TTllhiral: iTi^'4 >■ mand improrlug; market.dull; Idaho e ®t Rurala ♦1.83; Colorado whili-i ♦l.C.*! to>• 1.70 cwt.------------------------- - * • 1a Loa Angelea—Snlea Mondnv; demand » n and' trading.Improvlngi market weak; r d Stoeklon liur1)anka »2..'i0 to 3; tui.itly t > arouail 12.7.*!; Idaho JIuiicta 12.15 t.i r IXAi’-marhet-looka- weaker -iodaV ar- ~r cubnt h»aVy piUilflgj. , ----- ----------“ - B t - L o n lt — Demand-alow; • market0 dull; Colorado Ilusseta »l.7/i; Minne- *■

aota Red Illver Ohioa |l,3 5 lo 1.40: ’. VISMdnalii.Bi>r«la.*i,^.(o 1.30.----------- u

Ban. Pninclieo—Bunjille* m.ernl; de- « ( • ‘cady; '■

2.60; fancy, brnnded bngi *2,00 t o iW ; a Hal(.»:Rita«ria jS .iS ' Wiiibltig'.^ TOB-N c» y j aen .a '4!?.15't6'5 j5 .' ' *

= -• OlHCAOO. Feb. 4. Jf t E o ^ n eronmery extnia flS l^ e; alau«l- •• anil 38 l-4e; extra' firita 37 lo 37 i-2c; ^ B f ln t f 33 to 3®e;-|eooudi-33 lo 34c. d, 7 i' g ordinary flrals 30 to 38c. > J 7Po|olot>*-KaTlf--m ofnlB i{ -Ira a m F “1 aloir]jnuket-«tBad]r;aeeaipU-Sl'eur*4.}~

ff aun aaw u M ey«i m a d wH^

• j o’*'* “; 33e: to'iiiS '"*'r ^

B R O T R Y 1 B j l K " ^ ~ ^

•W OT S t 8 0 -c U “ 'T ' \•- -\W N 6\N t CVEO?KTOV )W \T VO^S ^ M ice A ,.VW<b /

. ................. Z « —

:edly eommun •.*,2.' |o 0.2,'; canncrs, cutlcrs ihort HiloJLl!Svb«f»T».-jjwi.lj*.V»-jH>nnr!s-nr-

to ♦« tu O-.'in; common nn.l nieillum, nil aea. w4ght», ♦4-to fl;-enw.,-goDd-»5,C5’to

Dim. U...II enmmon am! meditim (I ni 5,2.'.: nnd eanucr* nnd ruUers ll.fio lo ,1; |iu||g, liieh gu«,l beef yeflrlliirfu <'*elHd.'d.»4 -l« 4. i0 - ■just common tn mrdlum-fniiiK’trnnd bolognnuser «3 lu 4; ealvea medium lo cholco lllO nml pounds down 48 to 11; cull and common

hov- IKO pounds duwij | i l to H; m.-ilium to Inga choieo IBO to "(10 |Kiunds »7.C0 tn.lO;

't"r 7!”» l“e!iM ^m r'r°.5il,‘'"i‘‘r '' *“

«PW il»K»“ ^'o"iinally sli'adyj no reciiit*! eeii- liravy r,0 lo 2.10 ,i„-,llum,-^oodlent lo eholco »U.73 to 11: medium 2D0 tn 300 "Jon pounds, inedluULguud.«id-tLoico.*10.50:— T T n r r r n ig b T w E ijn in iK r n n a r a u ^■ fo- common, medium, goml nnd rhnlee 111.23

to 11,50; r«fklng-hopi smooth *11,^ to “Id lu; rou«h #1) In O-.lil; hli.nghler piga ISO ___ dow ^ medium, Boo.l-nnd rholec

.ISP. 70 ,0 J.10 |,oil,1,1, eompion meilium. giiud71Z '*"“ •'* ">■ '"'C*! ' A fltul roailing pig* excluded in above

fjuolnlion").Bheep an.l lambs—Nomlimlly ntend.y;

>5^ mrdlnm.to eliolccJu"51t.loJ5.iMllitiav>:.‘ weight !>2 pound* ii|i, medium, tu iirlmo

lail^ 4U -ln-14.iO ;jill »’eiKlif»-eull-a«d-«mi- m.iu ♦11.50 to 15; yearling wclhers m«-

'• -H dium tu prime llu ,,^ to 13; weiiirra liro« .vi'nrs old nn4 over, medium to |irlmc <0

----- to-H ; ewe*-common tfTchnle.i fH-to’IO;eanner and cull 15 in H; (above .iiiotn-

Nu. (Ions, i-ici'pt lambs, on ahum basli),a r d ____________ _________________________

LOS ANOELES UVE8T00K .’• I.OH ANC.Kl.KS, Feb. 4 W -C a t t ln -, 3 -’i'''"": I'f i'-tlcally .nodilrig .done. c.irb':

ifencEiilly tnlking steady; bull: aiccri y.-«terilay JO.tIO In 7.23; tnp J7.00; fai r/»w» loilay mostly smnll loti I t to' I!.2.’i: enniic-ra nnd eutlrrs 42 tn 2.3.'li bulla firm; most liologmn 4n,r.O lo -l.'J,’ : calves slow; prnclically nnlhlng done ou soulhwentetiis; milk veiilers stesdy; others wenk; bulk milk calves fH.7.1 'i„.n .oft,----------- - ■ - • ' ■

, .1 , Jf°K « -A<L‘iv;;..K'-»r.^n)iy,..2.T ,goc ' higher; llglit Kellis show mont ml- viinee; eitrpine top »12.3.', |uili| for • eholco IflO imuud r.ili.railiis; bulk 131 tu ‘ 20.V potind - hntfht‘r*-|lT:7f: t.. 12,20; fpw 2(W iKiunil liutrhera p;ifhlug •,

. Hheet>—Rpi-.-l|ils nine; hile ve^l.'nlnv * , fuiTr'TieiTt* eonimon niMl mnlium 77t "j

pound .,4.'allfornln wools skins IIS- slralghi clioiee handy rcclBlita .luotnble

'"I upward to »17. ' ‘ 'lo • -

OMAHA LIVEBTOOK. dl- OMAIIA, Feb. 4 M>I-1Iors — Re- I

celpin I5,5fl0; nrllve; mn*|ly 10 tu 15c , 0. higher; bulk’200 to .100 t«nud butchw. I

tna ♦m.fio to lO.HOj t n p d e s i r a b l e « idu llio In 2(10 pound weiKlits »10,I5 to— H).(i(); good .140 to J.'.i»-pound-»»«r«fli-» <i Je- VIO to 10,15; parking sows ninstiv iu- 110.10 to 10.25; bulk of all anU-i IUl.20 a ll to lO.BO; avcrugi! ro»t Tu"»diiy 110.15; •

weight 217.lc- —Cat^tl^cecipU-JA^^^ ^

Wj netlve, strong; olhera slow, steadv;— Unality ioiprovwl|-hulk-47-I.M‘,f-n;-vriih - nd I^vp^fIt-ln^rll^^itI5vr^m^^iirVa^T~^«p• * lln medium weight sleets ♦lu,50;. olher \r,- killing cln«sfi-fliid;i.tocker.i and feeders -

no. lidfi:r»_tl.S(Ufl.7.5Q:_caum:fa auiL cut.- _ Irm *2..5n lo 3,7.1; l.olognn linlls *1 to =

ie^ 4..'0; prnclTeTirv<'.l|-tnp-fHt;:5(jyTTocl-ho e n nud feeder* $U4!5 lo 7. to Hlieei^lieceijits .l2,00fi: lamlis etn«ed C

1." In 2ITc. lower; bulk fed weiitiTii lainbs • nd *17.33 lo 17,75; lop tIH; Pihrep weak;* i k; rnrly lop ewes M.aO;_fcudpr»-aUuag; - ;ly top feeding lumbs »17,0.'., {

« • mrTftAfin T.nm qTrMTTf---------- ---

’j» OniOA<tn,-F«l>, 4'M*)—Hogs— -Re- • eeij.|».22.00(l: mostly 10 tn ..15e. higher -

Q. thnn yeiter.lay's elnse; pigs uneven, 1 J . uluuts.*t4y»dy;..lop.«1.10i,|julk-dc»ir. -- If. nblc.'»vei«Ll.u_hutchera *10.80 to _ l l; y . most 170 lo 220 pound kind ♦IK.r.fl tn liL bulk HO lo too ,mil,Id ^’..|cl,t ^

jr0j(L ju ..!'M 0} mu.l «^oiig .•ft-elght ^ •g-; ’iJalitfhlrr-i'TlgT-»»-{5^/><'n-frw 'upward n

.._ 10.35:.csLlmutet| hoMnveri lO.OdO. -" ' ' flheep—Hi-ei-liitu t|>,(in<f- ji1mr; fat" = ^ lamiis grn.-niitV sl.'mfv tn wp.-ik:‘ iiuil< “;i. •i8 --t6-iR ,f!0 : .ini.:;iiB.no;- nr;-pourid -e; Colnrn.Ioa •iH; fnt .sheep nround slon- & ’ dy; -fnt ewca njiwanl ln $10j feeding =

•17.60 to 17.78. :— rr------:— ^ ^ — r r -------------- ?

a|.j_----------------------^WOOl.-..........Ji-Z.-., _■^L - S T O N ,^ r flk =

a ? " u r . r of^ H ' loo’ j ^

^ ? f ^ ® w u o » ^ « 5 t r ^ u v .- . s— biMrt-ieiiinR-nt-11 lUtio niOfirttnDrTtt r

'A f^ f t lM ^ o ld t t tM tg r ^ S

__. '~T‘~

■■; i-

P a ' g p . n t t ' ^

B H P 'o B r o ir w w i> iTi o i f g T t ^ ' ~____ JAOKflOK'T

U liRV.LY ,-r«V r—i w t r t t ' o r i ^ ’ ~SZlaiiutluu ft|ioH fiom *M ornBr.W y»“

.niinjj, at Ihe outlcLuf J ack toa .Iake-— ’reirrvolr jUliVs H a tuHowiny ^qn;.— nunnt!— j j L

■ ■ JttXtoa Lake e to rag# .' • ' A«re-Fe«t.

Ou Jan . 31 ______________ 131,5W : ...-Siima i&U yc’i t &«© ........,_ -8 4 » p W --------Wrvk eadlug.lan. 3 1 '- .... .. B.4W *Hiiiiiu wi-ek yc.->r ngn ...... .. 4.340 ’Infl.iw.Hri.l. l l g J u n . 31___12K.1B0Sniuu iKTinil y rar ogo _____ 105,0»0

Pred'pltaUon a t UoraB. *Inchei.

Week ending Jan. 31 ------------- 1.10Hame week year ni;i» ______ 0.0?From >J..’i.|, I lu Jnn. 31 .... . 13,00^unn- pi’riod year ago — _____7.07

“ S T O C K P R IC E S M O V E

........ - IR R E Q U U R L Y H IG H E R ,

Ball. Oil. Shipping and E qolpm tnt Sharas h fn i Exchange Q uoU tlou to Bettor Soloi Basis.

— - - STOCK M A B K B T ltV E B jtoE fc ^____ Twenty Twenty

tiers ' '\ ''''lii''-ilav ...... ....... 110.80 103.78lu u O a y . ...........--------------------------iVt:1tr-----

„ 1 W.-ek ago ............. 121.03 102.81UiKlt, llJ25 ....T,-,.....- I“S.<t7------- 1111J8------Luw. ll>2' ........... llB .ai 101.5S

luTls, '•’ I*'" almrel.

lann l - e V 4 IM -S lo c k -------,,ifi prirr* moved Irregulnrlv higher today

umler Ihe lrndi.-r"hi|. of tho m il, oil' n to '^''l'l'*"l> eiiuipnient aharea. Jluy-

10. Iiik nrilers wore .lU lribulcd over n 0 lo ll«l, Ihe ■lay’s to ta l trantactloii*

ncni.i (.tri.fjlinir l--JliYUU»-«iK«tft--' ■ __' J 'l fulsleiil rejniru (liat a Biff®'**!® '

■ . »i)HlliWe«lein TalUaaii m erger wn* un-•oiiii »*i’" “ln*'‘d thc b u y in g 'o f ''nno railroad* operating lu that.0.50 'V 'f) ''’.'.'’. . llri-ord h igh ,pricca .w xrcJit.------- -

.“1,1 .Mlsiouri,' Kaunas und Texns cumtnou „■!„ aiid.iirefutfcd a l l a a.4 and «7 .’W.-rei- - -

«[ie<ilvrlyt .MiMonrl I’aeiflc eommon a t ol'ec ° ' '“’•“basil eommon nn.l pro.

lively, the nr'l galna rnngilig f r o t u * ! ^ iiug* fuur.jw lntf.

OOVERwiffiNT BONDS.,ay ; I YOin t; F e k 4 O W -L lborty ■

■avf ' ' « in i-IJ ;tmo First I l i s .... .......... ............101.27Hmt- Jica)Ud_4.U»--------- - Iftlrl----------

T hird 4^ia ______ ____— ....... . 101.14F.iiirlli 4 ', in , ................... ............. 102.

J 45 V . K Uttvtinmrnl 4» _________ HW.20-JO; Unvrrnmcul 4 U a 1 0 ’1.28

' kotT o b .---------- W liTrTdhruary 1 1 will n o t,b e re-- ^

»ponsl\>16 for nay dciita contraelod by , niy wife. ■; '^ i'- —n .I \^ PF.TE KIM DRELL.___ n . .

”'E - L E B A l . A D V E R T IS E M E N T S ;" w i a i ^ ' r O A u J " ‘

one ilu rtaug li, Maho, Janunry 31, 1024, . d q W nrrants of Ihe M urtaugh H ighw ay-. ..

Vliiaive, will h ^ paW Vf Vr^cVwtod~<o GOc Mr. F. J , MarsliaJI,. M u ilrtu e h r ld sh c k .-—

rn terest uu then' warrnnta censea on f<ir i 'cb A ary 15, I02I • ’ r

__________ r ^ J ^ J i A U 8 UAI.li;------ - -- r. Scrre lary-T rcaiurcr'M urtaugh High-.

I"K w ay D i.lrltt.____________________ . '

S BUSINESS DIRM iwT.arm ia n T H

[‘r W aldlng B u i w ' ■ 'i-'c i c u h ls l f t i HoTteshocn

B o iie sa x iB I--------W Seoa.'W ikm ^ . - - - =B tock tm ltliiv Bpziag Wozk>“• Kmi«l KmUm 0».. . . . . . . .... -.SiP io n e 'IS M ■ 't io -a so SM oad BcbU

A genu for Advmeo Bumelcy Line.


I z HTTTTiTmayrn pPTfmAr.n* — Tift.iai-:L=i; A..l)e«ii,~W fl eorreet-all Btodcb4k a i .

li,;. l ?li,Bwnnrt >TeTni> - ffm . :Uip- ■' •lier .OIABBrr, ----------------------------------------la* -WIHBOW’OXJJ*—W l»4-ibl«?d»i'«mht-— ^xiU —nBt-work.-M oen !»-8>wp.-Wiwi»-Cr--------- r ’

F IT ---------- 7— n A w a r o — • . '

,cd OBOjOBB TBANSPHB 0 0 ; n p iJ # W ,. Q rtlia e . S to tice lAd U b « t t r «o*L

.k;‘ «A fcB B B a T kA & O FU A liS ~ it«oS !lg; ...A O B CO>-0»J * f td - » w a .-» t a t - i4 ^ — r r

te- ------------ B H O a-B B P A a n iO ---------—

n l T W IN rASXB r a o B w s p A ja iH a l a i,irl ^

‘to - • • . .— ’— ■' ■ rOiL ............ .... j T O o a n B P ra - - ^

S mobT^ i U r . t i w t : y B i e i « l ^ a ; ^ a i a i a i a ^

MAOAtTLST BBOfl. f t f . b U U i ^ ' .■■■;

r r r . . •

Page 6: ------- SecomL Cdve-In of ^ ..•i SISTERS FOOII s; SETS …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...Inn- Tlip ciri* dropped from night ahortly bv nfl'T'llipy‘hTiil

f lO lT S lS l l l t l l t S : !

P u b l i c D e m o n s tra t io n ai R oundup R a lly F ig u re in P r g ra m fo r F i f te e n th A nn ive s a r y W eok H e re .

*'MnrP*' tlinn L'.’n ' liii'nilifr<_ nf .Jl SfOMl trnii|'« itl fxvln IMN iirr t.i-la]<»rt itl 111" r.1>p<,>rv:iiin' lic-n< iii'Xt vv.

' of Ilic /iflCi'litli juitiivrrxart- u-t..-k Ilip Hc.v Hr'dul* of Airn ririt. Hliirl. iil>rn ii.itloH Wi.lc ...................... wjill l to lie cililcTVi-,1 lirr.- in .-i.rnninii wltU a \irnRram nrracn;i<l Uv 'fwin I'li' xroiit roiiiii-il nml croiii Uvi.liTK.

irrr: 'l'‘nioti»ln;lDn lit ( lC-uUito lie- liiM Tlitirmliiv rxcnliic in tl

; liicli <i-liool nuclitoriiim Ii t» )io ni e f rvi'iil-i n{ JUt* wi i

----- . TleglbnariTeiiddf to^flpeiiit.. . ir. K. Iti«lc'V nf Uni..', ;i ni<-liilirr i

.ilip n o r t ^ i w r M' i " ' ' ' " ! ! I'JCi'.mli hoiinl, in In In' tin' I'rliicip.il «|i<'!iki nn.l IIII .'IikI'' "'■nut i« fn cic'livor n I.i min <l:iv nciilrmii. Tlif iirwlv (iri;iiniri Ili>y Krmil <irrln'>lrn i> innki' id fir jniVllc iipi'i'.Trnnri' nn itiis nVc-mlnii, in rniiii- -coui. nf Twin I'l.lU ar.- lo |.r k.'iit n iroiit iikll. “ A.lKiv in

. Vnnon.lratlniii. ,.r'< In 'l..< kUtii I

firn mnVliii:.- rani|iiiic nml nllii-r b.'oi nfllvili«'«. l’nn'nl« nf uroul* nn.l ll Rfiirnil t’lilille ;iri< Iiivilnt niiil Kroii nre lo nltrnil n* lri>n|> <iri':u<lr.alloa».

........... _.\JI nrllvo iPonln, fnrnipr «fnlll)i [in

' Jl foiinilup rnllv (•• in' ti.0.1 Wnln.'n.b______crculuK In tlio bi(;l> »cli<,..l Rvn.un.u

wilii niimlo Ijy Itir Jlc.v Krmit kiml im n iiroKfoni ut kuui':*. «<■.-«, conl.'.'

invllpii to tliln '1-vi'nl.. Monilav n»il Tiifi.lay nro to l.o <|.

• vnlcil to Irooii nircliiii;" iin.l ti'criiitini

g i i i l f f i fTMEOFll

W a lte r C le a r , P o c a te l lo , T r a c e: 'i - - - - - M o d ern - b u s i n e s s - ^ e v e l o f

m e n t in A d d re s s H oro .

The ctMr* of Tlolnry forinp.l lli Buliji'pt o f nn nildrMK of unniiini Inte

___cU_jBllvan«l-l.»for<**-»lir—^I'wfn-i-'nl:J; llotnry rliili ntnl n riiiinbi'r uf.iuvltc

■■ KUP'I* oil Wciliii'mlay evi-tiiiij; liv_ \V:i :rr— ter Clear, iilum-cr inw liniu of i ’oci

tcilo, anil 1} r!mrt?r nuinbiT of liu- I’l cntullo flui.. •

, , JilT.-XIl>Mif-UnfMl-tltr-dBVplnpmp7it-c tnoilrrn l)U*lnf«il from tlip finie -10 vi-iii ngo. rotali ilarci coii'lurtrj tfmli'upn

---- iw rnlnitiiifuV T T ll K‘t!lUumU i a d nthe huiint'is uf nrlllng Kood". Ilo .Irn from llln iivrii I'XiK-rirnrptnn an niiiircn

" l lc c l cltfrk Ip nil Kiistinirelfv, fnr «3- • omplf-i-of the iirln.-liiI.varBcrilirTiiTili

cuitom c ( mMkSiiK ono of i> ulilj mont o f ){ooila at n |irirn to nffont IcKltininto profit, nnd tli« oilier hnl

'n t a prlro bringing nn fiorbilaiit p il ond.payinjr tbo clerkii n proinluiu ujki

— aU -m W bV I 'f l f p .-----------Tliii, (Icdnrctl tbo. djionKcr, was r<

Rantnl nn <‘ntirflr flhirnl nml thoroiiRl ly n-ipoclubln. Tbu iiclicnuMvllb viirli tiou* wa* prneticpd l>y tb« mnnl xui fPMfnI inorflianlii an<l wns ifcni-rally m ceptod nn tbe ou l/ way in wLlfb t

— • con'diiet n utorr; •

dislnjr wbieli MooU upon tlio prinrli>l •' , .tl i»<..b8UP»ty-W(>*-thi^farat-T>otiry~Tni • - much o f tbu evil* o f tbo-old ini-thoi];___ .d lw p p ija r c i -^ U - lr it r t^ c r c ^ ^" Ituii. tbo p'raelleo o t rigid boiK-ily nn ;^_.inlr.jlaliUK,-4ioV.on.-Ujo-Rr«iuinl-iiI.m

thnt boiiwty_'ffaa-llie-bc»t_oolicv>-U liornuiiB tt wri* the right policy ftiul tli

____JiKtii_tb2ng lp_,<lo^'rdiu-tlil»-|K>liit-;«Clcur traced tbo tonJoncy of inoder

. . miTcbaudlsloR iuta tlio fl«ld \?M >low ' ■ l»y tho ctlilYi of Itnlaryhnd nltfiilar ii

■titutiou* whii'h not only 4>ractIred hoi Ctty-£ur. Jli-4)iui-«ak(S l>ul-w«>iil a-ntr fartbor Olid cndcnvorrd to. jjivft wit

. cath -traniatUon a lU R je fftt nrrrlt------fatHn-rrpnercrf-thiT-rrmi1rn^iTrimr.

trado even n_ffw nhort yearn iRO.■■ Tbo »pc»Vef'>lbto<l •ivilh ii forecfi

Admonition to lila auditors to “ lip enn iu \ in thp nriiaJring o l tbe tblnisi wbic woney-Mn hnt,'imt*to-!o(*e^the tftlnf

■■— w hiehm oncyVannofliiiy.'’- - - i i r . Cltar-inlmlucc«L-by the rlub , nrpftdrnt r r nnnih.-oe«i.ta*.t-4b :.v l>oU«r ,nork<nU«»TtiOurr

-TniTTiyttrefs "llitfn'fit vi(ruTM.t_Att^ ■ '• HorT The nppijtuao upon his eoncli

«loi»-wttt-o<-pnownl-danttitTn.— —


Business (^ -r— i ^ ^ n e y - f o M ' n ^ f r t h 'e : W

^ ^ u l ^ y . o 5 o Q T - i e ( ^ i b ^ ~ & ! ix “ f r f t w dttyii, — t — - ,

r : t > , ; r \ ' . 'P h o n e » : o r . O a l l a t IU


■ T W IN F A tk S ’ C L A IM S FOR • WOOL M ILL G ET R E SP O N i_Df InTMtow amt Ex

Ohaabfr of CDTninerc*. _

Twin r iilh ' induri'mwif* f»r f t n'H ahbw ciii irn i'iv i Ir ,MT

IH I 1'vin K.Tili Ciiiiitrhrr nf 0'i|iliiictr.; ‘ -ii.rini: ti„. f.n;- .m.i.lin,

il Ii'a)ii;n«o Wii.Snn.-lnv i?i tin- fnrni nf .•> 1.1,. -rnni f,.rm \V. I),

a n d - I riii.viyn. Mnlii.« lhal b.,ri[n.'«...iii iiivriinr.1 mill .'Xiierl.

p ™ -v e r - . . . . . . .

J J i J P LI ClilTOSffli i , „ A tto rn e y s f o r M r s .-N e i l ie - L u t l

"Z m a n S eek O rd e rM o Com pi — ~ P r i )B a te C o u r n F f r v C asi

• f / ' t M lnriiry , U r .VWfi- f.uKiim «lvr b.ivo ;.f.|.!i.'.l In W- i\. IMt.-riP■''‘■•r. in .ii.lrirl rn.irl b.r.' fnr ii ,vri1 .

irmiiilamiM tn r.w|iiir,. Jii.Ik,, J . I.- Hn, Kin in ).rnli;ili- .nnrl brrc, niinll in<«iiiti

f'f’t jiirlndiclinn nn.l ttv< th.- r iw nn.l ,i„. ,0 .nniiH-i li.-r -iiv.ir.'.vl bnI'f';; liaiid, cn„iih'. I„ l.,.llnin.i, 10 prnviil

"I’; f.ir Ibr iiuppnrl nf |i,.ri.Of nn.l rhii inidcr ..pruvliiim-1 ...nf . tli.i

Tbe r/i»<i \ra|i .OintrxlMr.l liv .Iiiili; II.nlKiii Tii.'-.Inv wilh otl <'Xiirr/.Miin .i npininii that -Mm. I.iillmau i.|iniii,i,t,nv npplii'il /of rrlii'f tn ibc iHilri.'l m'lii ill t'aisin rnnnty, frhnrc' Ibe dlvrri'f' Wi'

Mrii. I.iitliiian’ii atlormn-i. 'iiieri'ii|in ‘•'“'I ni'i.li. d In Ihr ili.trirl riiiiri f.ir lli<- wri

..f niiiii.ininn>. nr^nniviit nf lb,, npplin tii»L.Vi:lria.Jimti1 Yl f1T |•n ny ;ifUuuuu 1j\- JiuIkc- llabom'i; who rm.rvr.l

, ri inii,.1. W. Tnvhir, rniiniy nllorm.i-, «b

roniliii'tril-fhrrTmp-tifnncbt iiii.i.T th liiry biiihamt b>v at::iinit l.nttinnii I

------ it'»^l>ieinliir to^pftT irl4hA rfliin^fnh------ I'Hihnlr—jii.lcr-ln-dism iwnjr-thr-rniit

Mm. I.iitiniaii, wii« rriin-oeiiltil by-Cic--------W ll) tln r-n f—WWffT-flniT’W mfliiifrai

| . torueyi.


DUtrirt Court Approv.-»i Olvtn Agro«ices Eaachcd WUU VUItota b,B«c«lver for Dflfimct' Concom.

'°P' rKV. Tp.Vm.'rtT'r'.i.ter ^year* .ngo li> ].iirrhn!f -Stock in Ib I'labo Cooperative Ileut Hujfar com

- pany, nott- .lefiim't,.K.To i.cnultted t aettlo tb>'lr ncrouiits on tbix nmro i>

Ibe piiyment of np|irnxinial<-l_v .’id i>cr ren Iter- of niiKiiiiit nf Ibo obligation, iimli'r n: ■'nllii ordrr i.lKmvl nv.tiie>.,!ny bv ■itcd A. Habf....|(, -i.i-,li«trirf eonrt-brrrri kV.-ili thL-Ciun nf lhi> Ujeut-\VV.l..rii Mnrl ocn- gaui' .•iml Loiiii rnmpanv apilnnt ih<> rn I’o. np.Tiitlve rompnny. The. ordrr nlJ>o au

thocltP.l I'. It; <•«, »n irn-ivrr. U. t - o f snetmtbpr-MttlPliii-litirim'Timrr^IFIlmi enra rtirni.TB of tbii di-fiiiirl rnrnorntinn' ip»» Btork. “ ns In hi* jmli;nient may lu- |.

Irru- je.-t t>. the final aiiprovi.l of tbn ronrlrm- Th<, or.l.T nppriive.l nrtllemrnl In tbca- rniK'n nf J. 1{, Ilenm-|t. who bn.J cun

'ihe trneted for purrhniie of wnrlb ollip- sinck: Vrank Itllrbir, Jir-O; K. \Y. Ye1.■>l n In-r, *100; (Tnrl Ili-br. liOO; Tlionia*hnlf Kvnns. »nO(l; X. V. NeI.ion, Jl'r.O; A. IIiiin lloiieh. |7iOj «.'nrne W. Jom'», ♦i:00; (;ilKin K. Himninii5, *:;00.

V A C c iA T io N ■ i s a d v i s e eirlii' * .1 —xue* Hletk aeliool Studenta, In Special Ai■ „p. samWy, ll«»r Arpunent for Precav I to Against Smallpox.

■I.,In neMny aftrrnoon In Ilm biKli in-lin. Tjiirt «»-»-i«p!Bin-to-8tnrlrntit^hr-nPccasit: noils fnf ''lU'ciiialloa nj:ain*t «iniill|.nt. , -ti/i7 el 1111 ent—who—wn«~ tn—i r)innl~'^tnni1n-

alioivod lynijilnuii of (be disensc nni I„„p w aa-ai'iit hooic.— \ ’ne<-innl i o n - - no -liut. ""ylt-.com iiulaory^but-tHvnn^^-i.M h tl,„ liki'llhoml nf liifrrlinu. ll la a .lv iv

-i«r. . hI>_Jj^)lut!ii|..__VEOETABLC OBOWEK8 OHOOSC

f i„. n x m MAN VIOE FSESIDEN'hon- 0 “ '’ rli'i'te.l on

Qt— tli<u,tl,«>..-virc-prhldrntiinifnb iTith V.e«olah|p Oronera noeielv nt tbrlci' '■io'inK leulon tiC U« two-Atvy« isNerUvv f - ' f nl-Doim^jTrfintaTr"Mr.~Otton\'htf~«ni

lo“(mvo nddieMcd tiie norlvty nn “ Tc p»„j Vi'iira of 8uffr»iifiil Oiiioii'Clrowlnp,'

wan imnblc to iittrnit brrniini' uf tliujii: liifb wevtllvU litio uu iVinl i\uv o f-lh

T»in Fnllt.UflniitH‘"<rym«TV>T.Moelf lion of whieh he wns n dirre.lor.

________ riA ga Q P_!m A m ca ---------

iply. llilt ebureb, wlio no ({nii-rously >jav ------ tbeir-lielp-Bn'l-flowm linrlnif the alek

______________ TOM KATnw-.,—Umbiinit anit 8ona.

Q p p o r tu n i ty -worid’S"nwstT)optilinraHd'?fa3t®5trr

- i s ” r e p re sc n £ a t iv Q in ~ c l ^

Boom 61. Porrino Hotel. '

'= r - r r ^ ~ r ■ --------- r - ;v • -

l / L S - D A I L Y N E W S , T W l k

i l N f l L L S r* l t E C I Wi i r l f f la

1 " ................. ............r'. i ; .

H arm o n F o u n d a t io n to E s ta t lisli R c c rc a t io n G ro u n d B e r t W ill Be O ne o f 5 4 In 3 S ta te s .

V mi-nl'M Tniii rn ili, I.hibn.m..» f,nm,5;,1in„ ,,l„v Ji.O.), ..ff

. Hiiliy ......... 'b.Ti- lal.. t.nbiv,Jn r.ii, .-.I ..n,inil,.H nnd | , .« i i / ln .1

I - lu.w !..-.^i a . ,ite ..TI......... iM'rc frnm HHO r.

fiirw;irili-,l tn tin- fniindalln 1,11 foUniviiiB a»n..nilr»mriif in-.Mnr.-h i

Iri.t y.':ir th;il Wliliain K. Iliirninn .1 iYir>Al V.irk (nni ).rnii.|r.i-'#!iill,(iOO fnm p e l tbn |nir, l,:i... o f 'r.b iv ,.| ,icl'1 i ; .1010: — ImvlJii; 11 r . '^ c n l piiiiulnlinn of ii" a se . h':iM :iilfl(l .nd

nn p.T .•.•lit <>r imire fliii.'.' 1»00.Award* Coming

Kiimu ‘vnn i.niiniu.c.l Uv« yUti.-riPk firb li «-.,ul,i Im r lip ib ir for cnnii-r il „f litinn in ;.|| nff.T of .m.n t.Hn.l- i'l' nu.l.. l.v (be foiinilatioii fnr nroc

oiiitin ri'-.' Ill Hiiriiioii fi,-i,i, an.l lIi.- n - M 1,-rviii •'ll." tbi'v H'lulvr ill Ull- ri>l:il)Ji:>b'im'n . b ll- of '" 'v |.l,ivi:riiiiml. inovidi- ........ lion rnniinillr,-. nillmuKb Irhii.l « -i' i'I'iniin! I.i have only fiO jiii.c.'fl

•.<> >-.iiiiil thnl H In Sinlmnilili- t.InilK.. -•xrlmh-n.iv.- ' ' '

"f Towns Belected.)bnvi. Tlie toivmi -.-Irct.-.i f,.||nw«: • rniirl „M.,),ii.. 1,11.1 Tii.r;i|r.,„ri. AJii.j J ’lirn L ^ 'iil i 'iU llU iim H U .IIr^ ii .t^ n n r& T rirA rir . '

Oivnt, Hr:,.-I, ,unl r r n , C a l . i Abiio.:, "■i'on i;„ln.j I 'n ii J.;,ii.l..r.lt.i;-, -In.; Cnnfnn '" • r i l (1,1.1 Twill ia lli , Mnin.; I lan '.'v . ill*. I'lirii- IlirkiiHI.- In.l,!- (Siff.'yvilli- ;m,t -Sou

Hr^hT^-KmwrrTr^tnniiimn'ini' nn.l '^ fav > 'Ir- fi..|.|, Kv.i Alrxiinrla. T)<Ti,l,i,.r aiii . Iloillna, l.:i,; Sr.liilmry, .Md.; Ml.-ke

" iron. .B luiH iw .«..l-K t— .rmTphr-jn. h. >■ thr Pip„u.,;... Wv l St. l-suil mi.l \V »nbb«

*" oln, .Minn; Cluffc-r, .\lii.: K.'urnrviV«-lirt-<-inrTmontp-?.‘T-HT— HrrHmiT—^

ifn h t ' .vVp\V ;ili,)„n,-N.-|>.; 'Uniivrin . 1-Vrmnnt •rnncr R;;5n?771n^“«'apala)m 'iii, Obfo; Nan

iaiiu_iind_libnulCEC,-Okla.i-llpjul,Jixi]’• i:iin; SiTfinI.ni alnl Ntrnild-biirtf. I’li-

llili^in, .Marlioii nud (Iraiiurbiiri;, K____ Klizah.'iiiinn, Marlin and Jiotkwuod

T^ 'iiii: i'orl Wnrih; .>>aii Antnnln nmT L E ,'>'"■0, Ulnh. 'Wind

I ’oiiil riiNKniil. \V. Vn, 1 ,gfoo- Tbe firhli at Mobile lAlii.; .Coffey J by villi'. Kiiii«.'iii; Ornonrliiiri;, H, ('„ nm

Knrl Wnrtb, T eiin , nru lo Im fnr Hii --------iiai> of m-jsrom.'— --------------------^

H ENRY V. W A L L IN G CIRCLE IN ST A LLS N E W , O FFIC ER SMm. Jo.ifph Koofer, Proaldont, am

T ‘'J'- _ o ther-N w ly-U loeU d - O ffic trs-T aki . 01urgfl.of_I.o«a-TJnU,--------------------

o rn .rf i- -o r ^ l•lir■i^\T^^a^lln^^Irrle I.nd'm of th r <ir:iii.| Arm y of Ihe re

" inibli.-, fnr Ihi' rnnili.i; vrnr. wrre In il.llie .l..by. i m . U .-H .-:i* .'('k ,-r..|irli.,

I '” f- ]iri'iii|rnl, nl a luci'tiiig Tiir»ilnv I'vo » iiiiiu' at the home of .\(r«. 1). ll. Al

i"' >" vnr.l, Th- bii.ili'-ii. ai^lsti-il bv l i r a w, H,' r;im]llU'll, r.TVni 'rr[rr»lum'nli a t th.- rio... o f Ibe .-venlnk’. Tin

-onrl. offi,-,,,," di-ul. .\li«. .In,i-ph Ki-i'fer: wnlor vin

cun* prriiilcnt, Mr». Mury Y. N’orloiii ju nl'T virr iirmidrnl, Mrs. .1. U. Wi.e rhnpbilii, Mrs. I), il. i\-rk; trrnmr.-r

f** 'V Mm. li. K. fironmr; «.-rrelary, Mr. A. U. \v, W. Ilmnphfi'v; conductor, Mra. W 0; <!• I). Alvord: mu»irian. Mm. W. A. i'nt . .. . rick;. lultloiU' lii«mwtori-Mrii.-\V; tl

('iiiii|ibrll; r.-Ki«lrnr.-Mra.-C. W'. Mend R P n nmlilor. .Mr«, li. V. Laird; d.'|ri;i,le.

.Mrs. \V. K Camiihrll nud M il. D. D . Alvnr.i; a llrrna t.'., .Mrn. F rank liow i •ecau-

' BEG IN S S E ^ N G SEN T EN C E'-hnni rrsd N. PorklasTwho PtoadM OuU^ ' s s l t r —to~ A lW tiip l^E xi«rtr6n ,‘ I i 'a « « lT O

A aC County JoU n n e .la ijijv .- - - - - - - - - — • ' " ' —

nnd f f i 'd X rerkIii«,.w ho iilon.le.T p im ' -n o t iu tiulted KlMM-TOlftFn^?mTninrt>l?

M h e tn -fb n rj:r“T)f-rtttpmptCil—u )ilo rn o n ~ viv-d mi.iiry ffom J‘. C. M eredith of tb_____— I'laha rarui.lJuvolopBmiil-<'ucipnay, wa

lirotiKbt here late Monilay to begin iicrv 'E iiiK 11 v,t TO ilnya in llie- couiiV >ENI (nil un.Irr srnti-neo imposeil .by Judif I onen b r lonicnco IVfkins Is' to tiny ♦.W fln?

'• .. - ________

" T en ,

i Kffl l l l l S '- O w in g t o ll in f n o V l h i t t

- th o r o - h & a - b e a n m o r o o t -

K a« and It is ourpiUcy to keep,*-'£5: IJEeHVitality-and-oormiaa-^ ~tIon-to IM T at na'T't.,n*. “aro flhipping In oU now-rrrr. . aCCd for thi*. yoof.......... ...

— -^Dtrn'titoTget yon"tonsThavo good aood-to Insnro

— -a good- crop.- OaU lo t'o n ^ rwarohoaee'an d aeleot'tho '


il JliSfflBfwSCEOfflca PhOD# 1323

---■B«^4«ac* -T h M # i2 8 W ' - '

g y . ^ g A L L S , I D A ' H O , - T H U l

; . B R E V f T f E J) , , Vlalior rr'om Buhl—w . 11. l,IndJ.'y

n»bl. fr litnr "'"I”-.' ——'I - ----- -R «nm ii-rrom -O niiIia=Ii; 0,~T:vn

rciurncd Wnlncsdar irtuiUu ilayiilA ilivss iTip to Umiibx

, * On IiOgal Buslnew—Atl'irnvy K. Wnlfr Will n vliill.it on l.gal luiinc

L L U in Uutlry UVdiin.Iny.

To Buy MiUlaery—M i,. Ivn Wlit ]f r c f lh "'r.lnrvhiy inorniiiK for I’oitlaiid . .blciU* a liiiyiDU Uij). for tho llii-y .Miiiinr

H e re ; — _ __ _Dailgbtw Bom—M>. ;,nd Mr«. \V. :

n 3 1 f'hrra nrn Ihe parnitu nf n .lnii(!b|i bnrn Tiii'i.biv, •J’ibrunrv ;i, nt tb*' bo.... .

Rotnm* From Bo«d Show—.1. Ii, Ui

I.I' im* h(H-i, in nll.'a.lnnr.- nt thV Kta

" 1:;;'; . . . . . . . . ,IV. To Attend Albiou Normat-Mj

lu .Tl Vnli'iir itnivl,..fry left Wr,iii.i..inv mnr Intf f.ir AJblun. >iJii-ro i.iin will attw

00 fr- liu- stat,. normal, idallnn __________ Ir.-h of ■ On'BMlnOM Trip—(,',ir| DrI.nne, mn nnn nf fnr th.' Hovir C.nnlni.Mi.n rnr

w.'iiMn Ihirl.'y .-iml llnp.'ft W.-.„y-„„ •_ .

Ith.-of- -P ftr« il8 0 f?fl0n—Mr. .mil-.Mm.-'l’ -I Olinnl.'iid iir.' Iho |i;iri'n1a nf 11 non, lini ’i'li.'riday, K.'brnnry .1, 1,1 tbeir hun.

VUy nmiHiv,iiil »{ tbU cily.

mn 't.i Concludes Virit-^Mn., It. r. Harb.iiroc wbii hni ti.'i'n thP bou..- i;ni»t nf XIli

n.H|,|. Miiini.' Parfiir, li'fl Wnlm'"d;;v mnn■blni-nt i«K fur I1.T iimnr in ................

J, • » —utfb il Visits Sl»t«r Her*—M/*. (lien Wa tiiiK'Cfl, lon rrluriinl Wi'iliiriilnv vVrniiiL' tn hf -TTiTT nnm.' aniiiiHTt nrirr vi.itlii>r li.V iiii ihlr lo Icf, Mf». r. I . \Yilk«, liiTi' for u fl"


On Biulness to Bupwt—.lam.-H H<-iJ’lirn- Ir.v. <li»lri.-l nmn.’iL'LT-fuf_ ihu-Aiimlu,."A'rir.V 'u!itr.rSupir eoini>aiiy, wan a jia.in'iinc bno«;i, !" “ "l"’'l WViliii'iiilay luoriiiuK on bui nufnn, -........... ' ~

Takos Foiltlon Vt Portland—?,rui ■lir,.,-. Hrtm-HnngrrT-ib nRbter-of-^lf. :iuil-.Mn ■ „,;,i \V. K. Haiig.-r, li'fl Wi'drn'miav muri

tuHke- ‘“If I'nrllaii.i, wher.. »bi- »vill iierqi\n .h .; pn«i>ion----------- .

Mi'Ots Willi arowttr*-Alvin llarboiiCTF-Xr

.tt^iicjiliiy frpin Itoli'r, wlierr hr m lrn,I{^iu.-Ti^iTabIo-rrroWcr-' niHwi,

I,jix ii. -------------------

’u*(V; Comes rrom CaldwoU—MIm Kmm[wuod •' 1"'''*'' ''’'■'I'lr-.ilav ffniii Cat,n to vi.ll-lu.f ,i,to f , -.Mr;.: 0 . C.' Wii •\V1iid' popiilinn lu lli

IVfirnv Ib'iLUtv-JiatW*,--------------------

Lflava for Cali/omla— N(r*. A. Iliahn nnd two miu. l.'ft Wrdiicmln

fir Ihu rveiiiiik' fur Arlinj;lon, (’alifnriii: Vbcru-Jhcy-iffll -jiilii-Mr.--Ilnhii - nn

. -. niukn Ihrlr bome tn tbe fiitiiri-.

{CLE Bade From VWt—A. H. Mnrtyn ba « rp Q rcturnrd from n vlnli lo hin miu, lloi

iinrd. in riili.'n,. m .MrMinuville, t)ri gnir, nnd wiih frlrmU in iioiilb.'rn Cai

, and fornia. wbrrr Mr». .Marlvn h to ri'iiiul -Tak# fnra f.'u-u-i..-l.. - ___________-

..... Comw rrom Oirdm—Mr. firi.ri.rlrrle, K. liali-li nn .f hahy hiivr'«rrivi'd frui he ro. Ok,|cii tn join Mr. lialrh, wbo ii muii: re In: gof of the W. 51. WriKbt nnd Hous cou ■lirli'K pan;-iitortrhrre, nnd to tunko tbolMiuiii

I'vr- UII Scvi'utb nvenue eimi. il. Al' - ,

_ fiH nfflM .i v i._tin.=Lmi'nl* diitrlct iupiTliiti'iuU'ul. a f llw Mvllii

The ,11,1 ..biirrii, l.'ft Tiiesdiiy eveni»K'« I’rrni- au -offlrlul -vliit In eiiurrbni at Hli< r vipo fiioi,,., KairfirM, OK-nua I'ctry nud.li »! Jn- teriiii'itinte poliitu, und is to ri-turn bn \Vi«ei Mojulny. iiuri-r, , . , , . .

.Here to Atten* raneraJ—^ rli. VioI<ra. 1). iSjJohiii'nn uf Kalt Lake, XCm. Tbo....• I'«t- HjK-lr*, Mr». J. II. KubUuiI nnd Amp W: ti. nf -TdoeVr'UtaTi, nrrlvrd %Y,-.Mend; •ju'ii.lny to ntlcnd tbu fuueral'of thei 'irii"'*. Iil.trr, tbr Inie Xr». Mnry lluhuliei »• IJ' wblcb will bo brid toduy. ilowg. »

' liOaye n u p lla l—i’atlenta who bn«

OttU ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ;_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ceiVea

f y1county

I,Hnil- ■ ' T ' l k X) f i n ^ - • ine

lt tt_ ----------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - —OT^

lop .ia» ................. -

Be a m o n g the f — ^ n e ^ P i e c e - j ^ i n d s t

■f" . - W e a r e p r o u d i

i k ? : ; ; 2 W e - ' a r e 5 g M ^ o ri_ 2 S l S l a m l N p r t h .

l U R S D A Y - M O R N m R - P f ?

a S M IC M fSdNM IlS. 1 , ' ' ; D ire c to r s L ev y M a in te n a r

- C h a r g e A g a in s t S to c k I n s te i “ o f A g a in s t A c re a g e .

\V II HOLLIflTRn, }'eb. 4.— (Sprrlnl Ii(!b|rri The .Vi'w*)— I)|ffetor» of tbo HalnI tbrir llivrr Cannl e.inijmuy, ntn mrellng b

TuMdnv /\.U,j.ti'd « utiv forI! IViv uialnl..'nanp.' ehnrce nud lev

iiu UM>— ■t^nf-frrr-tbt-mrn'ti'f WhV I' Ki'itr **’ ''Kainiit each nln' o f Mnrk. lii'ri'tofnre lii,. umi'i . iih

bus breli uuuli- nu Ihn.bania of iirre; —MIm " hb'li w hI.t Wii«'ilrllvpr.sl, Tbc- 11 , III,',,,. was nilopli'il In fniiformilv wattrnd "''I’f'’"’'* ‘■‘"'ft drrinlon bnmlr.i ,|o

lain l;mt "priiii; aud in urrofdiinci. w _ p/flviaioua of liiu cnn.ii compan'

• man-I'rnm- ‘''■“pti'"’ <’f llin Mork 1ia»U : ; W .d - ,''‘' ‘* ' | tv » n n r < ’ I 'b a r g i t i l l r e r id r n x l.-ir

niadr iliirinc the eomlng fi-;uouIhuntork-bnfiia.------ ----------------------

I iinrii "'"‘"■'■uiinre eluirijr In to be ilhuiiie I"‘.vuble in fi,|| „n April J, unil.

• Thr dlt'-clom U-vlv.l IKt- ms.iiiti-nni:....... cliarKii iifi.-r they bad ailnpti'd ibeHarb.T I’UdgPl rnraiiiill.'.. «blf Xllm forniuhitrd 011 Ihe prcpeill

ill ftdilvUon \n e*thnnte nf exprn turi-» tbP rrporl contnlnni a nninbrr

Wai- ''■'■"'umeii.lniloiK. nn.... .. wbieb was 0

rr nil' s = s s s = » B S = s a : s s s“ bci'ii dinrbiirtfrd from tbr pouiitv gr

.'fal hniplliil thin. wi'H'inpluilo i l M ., Ur.'iec Kiilridi;e, «vb'> i» n gui-ii nt t

.''"'ll'.U'''. -Vf.>,_-'..J.’.L-icbabi;Lut-Cut , fi./o, and Mr», J. A. ralri.li".', who n<

. L . ■- “ till- hnmr of Mr. nnd .YLN rU ii Ifoywnrd of Allrnilatp.

-MUt* Patient* a t Hospital—I’ntlrnt*. at t

m'utii' thr^^^Omiii : ap irlj iii'n

und .Mt«. K. Cinyburu of Kimberly, w irbotif ’'"'li’fwent nu oprratlon for nppem

n ti.. mill M.ntl Ch.vn _lln‘rrl> ... ... Alrclr, ivbo auliinllU'd lo nn oii.'rati

for niiprlidiriliii. . _

KminnCabI- - .............. -Twh

Sfr. Farmer, looi’n bas

; - E E P A m w o :I Call-

__________ --------- g l . n W S B A I

_____ ,_____ “ SOS SHAIWAQON wo: MAOmHE TXhuillr

, B L A O K S M IT

. w m i u r ~ ^•Icllio-ng'on

•Hlio-ud in- J •tl here A g € \


1 - ■ - - K r e r

P H O N E 1 2 0 2


r a r e lie ri their gip

l e . -

= £Q Q K :m E^Xfm l= E^ e first to drive a 1925-coae dshield-and -Duco-^amt.-d- of the- Newv_Qakland—c

i r d e m o n s t r a t e . : ^ - ^

. J . - , . . . . . . - - - - - ; - i “

EEBEUAEY:5ri92^':::::::::iir r Temperature Climbs

A s Rains ContimP M rorecMt-for t«l4y—Bain.

1] n - tlitbelevels WedopsdRy, wliU* jvreripitn lion Jn the ainoiint of 18 -«nr

iM n /ifl »'»"'ir*-'lths o f an'lneb durjjig Hi. .IldnCB "l-bour period ouding Wr.lnemln; n^tPflrf -*venlnj{-wM ffirnwiTtd nt the gov

ernnient wenlhrr obnrrver’i statioi ■befi". ,Siin»binp appeared for a-fpv biiurs in the forenoon, but akle were gray moni of the ilay am llgbt sbiiwcm frli in Ihn evening

pplal to .Mj'Tpiiry nronled a maximum fo Halmou ''1" 'I'O' at W nhnvr, whirh wan at

Ine brr.' ‘wo di-grri-* nver Tues-lay’, higb nnd Inw wns ri7 abuve

fnr nn- on ndvnuce of two.degrees.Irvii-d ------YVar-Tu ' ,

h nhnrr eniplnyrd drulng lhe ronilnL' vrnr .'imiii'nl ^''ril i ’, ll.'Tlrs wnn r.'-nigng.'d an ri iipre.ig- rrintrnilrflt bin yenrb’ snlary bel)ij« 'be- iii-w' errnoi-.l from (0 »:iOO(l por year ly wllb The direrlors authorixed ininip.lii d dowu lifeimrntioiiK for ncllvitiw of tbe eo ei. w.Ub I'ai'V dnrinc the eouiing aeawti. aoli iipani^* rating, on tho lusU of rejmrls of xt

ngi. and siiowfnll In tho regions nl t nln for hradiv.'itrrs of Halmon rivrr ,a mu nlalrd, Inngrr Irflgalinii «ra«on tbii j; i-nr_tb ni tlTt:

be line

r '" " IN SIST ON E.ON Yt

jp,,,i,j5 I t I* not t is y to f ix the Watnbrr of *"'* uniallf at the mere:van Olil! When your car needs attenti<


o^^ilrn. " l a Y OABOO

S i K T c a s I v1 l>AF>LEAat llio

— M OTOR Ir a O N E 4 8 6 STA

--------- ■ u^itesiu' K m I

t i y Wtook over your spring rieec


HARKS:------- ^ ^ ----------^ G L ;H A ^N E D ____ . _ DOUBlWORK OLEVIlB WOBK BOLTSMITHINO .JIAED1ii “p lo w


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§ The PoppyTues* —

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