l.Jn<j1 _ "'1IIka1lM 50,000 Rud...- Secood CllIu Posta •• Paid a' Los Cal1t. Publaht'd Wukl.1 Except Last Week ot Y Par IN REMEMBRANCE OF THE WAR DEAD Olrura pa' hL. trlbut. at the ;r D r ton. 'ataonol Cemeler). hlle ,1 bueler cta hus JU t IlnlJht'd placln, the . 'ollonal JAC1. "Teath t Mnor all Amerlcon kllll'd In World War 11 . and ,,5, tho e or Japan se ance try th" Arm) .tand.rd honor WT 5th c r< ny. beh:nd OKura. left to rillhl. are SenalOr D niel Inouye. !\IN • A '" M..n marl, and Natlon I JAC1. Vir. Pre Ident W" m MarulAnl, holdIng umbrdla: ne I I'U". Conlr< .man Spark Ma (;.,n ra! la"<lb L. Dc,'er lo.t row Judge John Also. - EDITORIAL OF THE PACIFIC CITIZEN - Rain or Shine, the Nisei Come Through The ervices honoring Japanese Ameri· (':In nuhtary 'en'lce in World War n were held, in part, in the helter o( :I chapel in Fort Myers last unday because of 3n 13rly summer rain unday washing out the outdoor prognm planned Cor the Fragpole Area adjacent to the Tomb o( the nknowns at Arlington National Cemetery. The laymg of \\Tea.ths at the Tomb, Battleship Maine Monument and gravesl e of 21 'isei who are interred at Arlington were :ondu ted de -pite the downpour It was also a r3Jn} day that July 15, when Presi· dl'nt Truman welcomed back the 442nd Regimental Combat Tealll at the House. It seems falr to 'ay that the loyalty or Japanese Ameri· c:m rcm:llns eadfa t-ram or shine. Enough I:annot btl said here of the gigantic task fac· ing memlx!rs of .. he Washington, D.C., JACL in arranging thi! 113\101131 public tribute and the eflicient dispatch of their reo ponsibilitie The 442nd RCT earned seven Pre denual DIStinguished Unit Citations. similar honors can be instituted in JAC'L and be conCerred upon the D.C. chapter. The rest of the 87 chapters in the nation will surely agree with this • JACL CHAPTER ROLE IN STRUGGLE BY NEGROES fOR EQUALITY AIRED "'SpecIal to the "-Cblc Cat_rr WASIUNGTO.· - ThouCh each JACL chl:)!er charts ,ts 01lo'n cour.se, CCOrnlnl 10 the needs and portJculu climate 01 Its commu· nltY.:-Ia Dal JACL Pre Ident K Patrick Okura Sstl,ll'Cby dectar«l a JACL pllley ststemenl will be prepned 10 de!,ne the role 01 ch.pIers In the current 'egro atrullle tor equal rights The Question "'as a major Jeet at Ihe Eastern D,strlct Coun· "u here this past week· nd 8t Burltngton Hote I. WashlOgton Representauve . !ssaok. stated lbe .' AACP and olber rroups were uking for JACL supporl wbic:h w:JUId. In some In· staotes include 8(.'tive paruclpoatoOo In public demonsuatlo:ls. These rroups, MaJooka said. bave become ImpaLlent wllb pure· Iy le;,isbtlve and judicial aeu"i y. are now lokln, bolder measures. and thererore want more support lTom olber minorIty groups besides leneral lavoring equal riCh . AdYlee: Join Th#m II JACL chapter .... et'" request· t'd La p:.rUc!p31e in a pickel or march with _ ",v,1 nebl< group, .uch as the AACP, Ma.aoka said .... ould lotnln, Ihem. Okura revealed that he has been . fiYe records set at S.f. JACL Olympics SAN FRANCISCO - Living Ion· ;'.ferced JACL claimed the NCo WNDC trophy symbolic of track .upremacy In lbe5e parLi ot the San Franci sco JACL OlympIc. 01 Stachum Sunday In a mee! .... hich laW n!!w recerdl Livlnrston', John K.J • .vora low· ered the B-6OO rccord with his I rn 28. .. ,Iu vlng 2 3. all m rk let by Jerry Kltah mll 01 Lonl Beach .n 1%1 San Jo ., John Kanaya hb own mJrk In 0 n h Igh lump al 8 tlo '. lR 5t>me 12f1 athlele r(!jlrcsenting b nelr rhap era and organ"1I' lion, rl)mll<)ted uncl .. r ,unny slclp", NI.hld3 or SlOckton und B b S"knl I)t Township Irlple "rown wmnen In lb. Open dlvtsion Itkp the h'gh p",nl Iro· phy wllh P ., with WJn In Ihe 100 I I/) 1 I, m 1219 " pnle vault III t " anti runnIng In II8/) reilly won by tockton 11m 4I}t 1 Bob-the one·man Edpn Town hlp te m- ·.,n the dIstance races 140 164 7 ), 880 '2m II r, I and 1 4m 523 •• , Other three roC(>ttl .... ere let In the junior and pet) ." " dlVI I/Jn. lrAmplr" IImmarle 10,11 be ",II). lahed nIUE' w .. k.1 roundlnl out in "&rlous sec ons or the country on the matter. He does not e"pecl 10 bove the statement ready until alter the EDC·:Io1I)C Convention being hosted b.' J ACL from Aug 30 to Sept. 2. since the same question ",111 be a major topic or discussion lbere. Several delelates advised cau· tlon III estabUshing a plllcy during Ihe present explosive situation: one pointed out that 10 join In demonstrations over wbich JACL would lack overall direction may be e"tremely hazardous. fujimura elecled VFW districl head FRESNO. - Devoting as many as Itve nigh n week 10 dlslrici VFW allain, dislrict vice commander Sam FUJimura was elected to serve as comlrl3nder of dJstrlct 11 , the Fresno American Loyalty League Newsletter replrted last week. "We Dre extremely proud of Sam ...... nother hard worker who heips to elevate our plsltion," the JACL newlletter commented. His wile, Fusa. is also active In the d15lrlct auxlUary. Fujlmura is owner and mana,er at lbe Royal Pharmacy. charter member and past commander 01 SIerra Nisei Post 8499. Dlslrict II wiU hnst the annual state VF'W convention June Mrs. Fuji. mun I. the auxiliary convention chairman. Activo Wesl L.A. JACLer Frank Kishi wIll be in.talled as com. mander or American Legion's Commodore Perry Peat 525 tomor- row at 3173 Crenshaw Mrs, Yae IUtwakaml Is Ihe new Auxiliary prc.idenl. C."r,. Kondo wa com· of the Sacramento Nlael VFW Post by John J DJubek, P" I dlltr,ct command.r Gardena Nisei YFW post celebrates 10th annual 0ARDENA - A emblymon Cor. don H Winton. Jr wo_ guell at the IQIh annIversary dinner ar the Fourth 01 Irlcl Ni'e' I VFW Po t 1961 laat Saturday Tht· JACLer '410' the Vf"W d"parlmcnt command,.r who It'rvtd In. .ti tlnll "filter or Ihe NI cl plst. Fr.,m " chnrler .. hlp of 5&, thl! 10Cdi mid VFW pllt today h.. over 200. ot which ,ome 80 hf)ld life membership" Roy S ,Yo. mimura wul Inltalled 8! new Iwo wtltk, BO. PACIFIC" CITIZEN J'PltIfSO Amtrltl11 CIUunt L_ 12' w.lI .. 51., Room 302 Los An9tlu 12, CoIK •• MA 6·4411 - Return lI.eqaeated _ VOL. 56 NO. 23 FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1963 MOURN DEATH OF INFLUENTIAL REP. WALTER, 69, Tribute to Nisei Gis at Arlington dramatic Co·Author of 1952 Act Which Granted Issei Na1uralilat io n - The Eoslcrn DL Irici Council In 'c ,Ion June \.2 authorlnod lit!"" Masao kn 10 end 0 wreath 10 the lunerol or Rep. Wolter nnd 0 telorrum to lhe Speaker DC the House com· munlcatlng the condolence. or th, tour EOC chopter. INew York, Seabrook, Phlladelphlo and Wa hington' and their uppreclation 01 Wolter's works. WASHINGTON - Rep. Franeu E Walter (D., Pol. co·outhor 01 'he Walter·McCarran Immigration ond 'aUonoUI.Y Act of 1952 which repeoll'd the Japane.e e,(eluslon law and e"1ended nalurallzation privileges 10 bsel resldenls, dIed or leukemIa on May 31. Walter. 69, had served In the House .lnce 1933 nnd al deoth rankcod seventh In senIorIty among Democralic members. One or the most powertul memo bers of lbe House, he was choir· mnn oC the Hou se un-AmerIcan Activities Committee and choir· man oC the Democratic patronoge committee. Wolter wos considered an expert parllomentarlon, and olten was se· lected presIde when the House debaled Its most intrlcale bllts. Itu Lec\sllt!ve Monument Wolter considered hIs leglslotlve monument to be the Woller·Mc· C,nron Act 01 1952, tbe flrst major revisIon ot ImmigroUoo lows In a generatJon. It wos passed over PresIdent Truman's veto and was assailed 3S too restricllve by both presl· dentlnl thot year. The act was assolll'd by liberals IContinued on P age 3) Spt'olll to U1. PDdllc Calun .-Rove renl tribute to the memory 01 J apaneae Amerl· cnn wbo rOle obove racial mis- treatment 10 ochluve an Ing milItary rct'l>rd In World War II WOI pold "t commemorative .en'lces nt Arllnllton Notional Cemutery on Sunday. June 2. Approximalely 300 pcroon., In· cludlnll member s 01 ConllYe .. , 01' <embkod to recuU the wartime ,ul. lantry 01 Anterlcan. 01 Japane •• ance stry who .ervcd In Europt' nnd Ihe PoclCl Asln theoter. trom Peurl Harbor till V.J Day Stendy downpours precedrnll the PRESIDENT KENNEDY'S MESSAGE READ AT RITES Wa shington "It i. with pleolure that ) extend warm greetln/ls to the Japanese American communIty and theIr guests. I am dellllhlLod to convey words throuab Mr. Mlk& Mosooko. Amerlcons or Japanese descent. you may well be proud or your historic heritage and lbe many contrIbutions made by your countrymen. "This year marks the twentieth anniversory of the Cormation of on organlzotion that history hos recorded as one or the most decoroted unlls ever to serve lbe cause of Creedom and our coun· try. Our nation has Cause to be proud ot lbe men who composed the 442nd Reglmentol Combot Team. "At the same Ume. we must olso remember that Japanese Americans 100 served with equql hQnor and distinction in the Pa- cUfc . " With every good wish tor su<> cessful commemorative se rviceS and Cor cooUnulng progress IA the Important work you are do- Ing." JOHN F. KENNEDY et'rem l ny Corced the progrom to be chanlll'<1 lrom the cemetery /llepole oren outdoon to the ForI Myer Chapel just olf Arlington Cemetery lround. Japanele Americon veteran., Gold Stor motHe .. , including tha mother 01 0 Conareaslonol Medal of Honar winoer. mlUtary dliinl. larle, lind Cr lends gathered Cor the aerv!ccs 'sponsored by the Japo· nele Amerlcnn CItizen. •. The OCCUIOD marked the 20th nn· nlver$ory oller military WOl reopened kl JQpdnese Amerl· rans in 1943. litter enllstmenta were holl.t.'<I Collowlng lbe Pearl Harbor ottack. A serle. of lpeakers euklllized the Jnponese Americans who served In the U.S. armed torces In World Wnr H. IThc Poc\!lc Citl· zen will publish lbe text oC the varIous peecbes 111 Corthcomlng weeks). Each slrel5ed the role thele men ployi'd In aolnlng the of the msel by lhe American community. President Wires Tribute The chapel ceremony began with the rea ding 01 a telegram from President Kennedy In whleh he noled the mlUtary ach ievement of Japonese Americans In Europe and the PacUla. As noted by one ot the speakers, Gen. Jacob 1.. Devers. USA ret ., commonder of Am erloan Corces un· der whom lbe Ja panese Americans served, the «2nd suttered 9 ,480 casuoltles, includln, 600 killed In action-more than three times Its orlginnl I nronlry strength. Included In the more thon 18,000 indIvidual decoratloll.! aW:lrded were I Medal oC Honor, 52 Dl stlngulsbl'd ServIce Crosses and 800 Silver Slars. TheIr mllltory record wns ochleved despite the bostuil y, mls· treatme nt and suspicion lbey suf· tered at the ot war. As recalled by K. Patrick Okura, Nalional JACL PresIdent, at the commemorative se rvices: "JUSt 20 sbort years ago. Ameri- cans of Japanese ancestry were eyed with suspIcion by our fellow Amer icans. The majority of us ere contlned in war relooatlon "enters tollowing the mas s evacua· tion ot a ll persons ot Japanese on. cestry torm the West Coa sL" By conlrast, Okura pllnted out lbat ''Today Americans 01 Jepa· nese enjoy the respect aDd tull acceptance ot our fellow men and are fulrilling lbe obUgo· tlons and resplnsibilities as full- Hedged citizens or the UnHed St4tes." MEDAL OF HONOR AWARDEE ASSISTS DEDICATION Hershey H, Miyamura of Gallup, N.M" awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor tor heroism during tbe Korean conflict and a veteran 01 the 442nd Rer durlng World War II, stands In tront ot the Rocky Mountain Nisei War Memorial dedicated May 30 in Denver. In the background are Mr. and Mrs . Pat Okura of Omaha . -Tom Masamori Photo Rocky Mountain Memorial Dedicated BY MINORU YASUJ Special to tho PoetII. ellnon DENVER. - Almost a thousand persons gathered at Fai rmount Cemetery here on May 30, for the Nisei War Dead Memorial monu· ment, which bears the names or 7S Nuel soldiers Crom the Rocky Mountain regloD !Including evac· uees from WRA camps) who have dlt'd in the servIce ot lbe United States during World War 11 and the Korean connict . Y05hlakl Arai and John T. No· guchl, both WW2 veteran s and members ot Cathoy Post 185. AmerIcan LegIon, were co-choIr· men 01 the reglon·wide project to erect this monument In memory ot the Nisei war dead. Henhcy MlyamurCl ot Gallup, SM., Niseldom·. only living win· ncr ot the Clngreulonol Mednl 01 Honor, '4131 the lIuc.I oC honor for the ceremonlos. Natlonol JACL, In the percon of K. Patrick Okura of Omaha, no· tlonal Presldont. the 88 chapters and more than 16.000 mambor, In these solumn riles. BlI! Hosokowa or the Denver Poat, and 1956 wInner oC the Nisei of the Biennium awa rd. authored the Inacrlptlon chlsol<.-<I In IIranlle ' "Deeply awnr" the r.loud at sua· plclon hanging ovor them In the early day. of World War II could be dilp',rsed only by a demonatra· lion 0/ loyalty, AmerIcan 0/ Jftjla- np e de cenl I Nl,elJ pelllloned In 111-12 tor thu rillM to aervu tholr country. America offered lbem the opplrtuni ty, and the NiseI served with distinction and valor In the 4420d Regimental Combat Team in Europe, in military Intelligence units In the Pacific, and else· where. More than 30,000 NiseI bore arms In World War II and Korea, sheddIng theIr blood on such lar- Dung battlefields as the Arno aDd Bruyeres, Myltkyln a nd Porkchap HilL It u to those who made the supreme sacrifiCe In demonslrat· Ing that AmericanIsm Is nOI n mailer of raCe or oncestry thnt this monument is dedlcnted ." More than 15 ot Ihe Gold Star ranlllies were personaUy pr ent lor the dedlcaUon. includIng Mrs. Asao Tanamachl ot San Benllo. Tex.. mother or Saburo TaDamo· chi, and Mrs. M. Aklmoto of Up- land. Collf.. mother oC J ohn Akl· molO and Victor Akimoto. Other relatIves and tam Illes at deceaRL'<I NiseI WClr dead included: M,. no. ""Hookl 01 8rl.hlon •• \.s. at Jimmie Toa.hlO Kokubu; Mn pnd Mr., Harvey K. Coto ot ahl lto , Mrt, M. Kuwllno ot of Roy KIt.,awai Mr. and Mu, Horry Motobu ot Denver. pannt. 01 Mlohlo Motobu, Mro. Chl),o Morl- ahl,_ of mothor ol Jotel>h It Mnrlohl,.. K P.,rlok Oku,. .r OmahAl, broth .. , of Ru.umu Okuru, Mr ond M.... K Shlbat. or Dtnver Ilarf'nll at K nnelh K"nt4ro ShibatA; MN Chh:uko R ShlrDfriiau nf Drnver. wlf. 01 Jomt', Klyolhl Shlramllu; Mrs Aa.1o TlInlmachl of Son Btnllo. Te " mather ut Saburn T.nbmftehl · ",ir. Tlu),o '1'''n.)(11 ut Dt'll\\,M. mOl' htlf at ICo"lInu<.'<1 on Faile 4) Mike Masaoka, Wa shlnglon JA· CL repr eseDtatlve, Who s erved as pl'Ogram c:hairman, underscored the rapid recognition won by Ja· panese Americans when he intro- duced two decorated veterans ot lbe 442nd Combat Team who have been elected to the U.S. ConllYess -Senator Daniel K. InOuYe and Representa tive Spark Motsunaga. Senaler Inouye. a DistiDgulshed Service Cross recipieot who lost bis arm In combat, said in his speech lbat each war dead ''In his own way gave up his Ufe for a grea ter Ufe-lbe lite ot lbe Urtited Slates of America . It Is because ot them that lbe torcb o! freedom still illuminates the dark corners of lbe world and keeps tyranny at bay." Continue Flibt A&-alnat BIas Congress man Matsunaga in his remarks ass ertl'd lbat "lbe flgbt agalnst prejudice Is not conflned to the battle!.ield alone. It Is still here and now wllb us. So long as a si ngle membet of our dti· zenry Is · denied the use 01 pubHc taclllti es and denied the right to earn a decent JIving becau se, and solely beca"se 'Of. lbe color 01 his skin. we w.ho 'fought against prej. udJce and won' ought not sll Idly by and tolerate the perpetuaUon of Injustices ." One ot lbe early supporte rs ot NiseI service at a time when all Nisei were suspec t wos Dillon S. wortlme dIrector ot the War Relocation Aulborlty. As a lIuest speaker, he said that the Nisei wartime recotd lrlgiered Ii breok· through of the " tear. h atred. dis· trust and economic Interest lbat e"lsted in many areas". The record of heroism, which was hIghly publicized, dis· proved the results ot 40 years of "Yellow peril" campalin waiiCd by the Sons of the Golden Wesl ond related groups, Myer declared . "Thonks to Ihose aallant soldiers belnl! honorl'd here today, dis· crimInation hos been lorgely ellml· natl'd by the revIsion ot the 1m· migrati on s totuel lind by action ot the courts ond legislntlve bodies. " Nue11n G-2 Judge John Also or the Los An· iele! Superior Courl, 0 reserve colonel In the Judge Advocole Generals Corps who WIIS dlreclOr or ocodelflla trulnlnl( tor the Mill· tory rntulll".n ce Sorvlcc l.anlluoKC Schab I during WW2. paId tribute TEN CENTS NINE JAPANESE AMERICANS CHAT WITH THE PRESIDENT President Kcnn<.'<Iy greets JACL delegation In cabInet ron", ot WhIte House, June 3. Incidental· Iy, he I. lookIng at hl .to ry oC 442nd book presenl.t.od by Mr •. Nowa Munemorl. fn picture, left to rJg ht , Senator Daniel K fnou· ye, Mra. lItunemorl. lbe Presl· dent, Mi lS Klku Munemorl, Mn . Thoma. Munemori Tamura, Con· gre man Spark Ma una,a, K, Patrick Okur.. Mrs Patrick Okura. Mike Muaoh, Judge John F Alao. -V,ncenl Flnnl,an Phot 'It pays to live long,' says Mrs, Munemori after White House call SpecioJ to the Pacitlc Citizen - Prelldent John F . Kennl'dy welcomed a JACL deleICation to Ihe Wblte House In Cl brlet meellng Mondoy morninll. The Preslden! particularly lin· lied out Mrs. Nowo Munemori, 7G, mother of Pvt. Sadao S. Mune· morl. who won the Congressional Medal of Honor plsthumously In World War II . He described the en tire group a. "dJstingulshed Amerlcan s" . He described the 442nd Rer and NiseI military service In World War II as and one which won for a 11 persons of J apa· nese ancestry 0 permanent place In AmericaD history and hearts of aU AmerIcans. Sen. Daniel Inouye of Hawaii in· troduct'd members ot the delegs· Oon to the President: Mrs. Mune· morl, her dauChters Klku and Mrs. Thomas Tamura, all or Los An· geles: NaLlon,H J ACL Presidenl and Mrs. K. Patrick Okura, t.os Angeles Superior Court Judge John Also: Washinj:ton JACL Repre· aenlntive Mike MQlooka and Con· gressmon Spark MalSunalo. Books on Nlael Mr<. Munemori preseDted the President with a copy of .. Amerl. cana : the Story of the «2nd" Judge Alao pre 'ented a copy 01 "Military IntelUge.nce ServIce Lan· guage School Album" . pre· sented Allen EalOn's "Beauly Be· hind Barbed Wire" PresIdent KeDnedy told the group as photographers and reo porters looked 00 "1 want 10 welcome lbls dl:>- tiDgulsbed famlly bere with Sena· lor lnouye and aU the colleagues. "I appreciate the eltt ot lbe story 01 lbe 442nd combat team which 1 think Is an outstaodlDg story of American courage. and We are glad 10 welcome 10 the House particularly thla oul. standi ng Amerli'an"-relerring to Mrs. Munemori who looked down In sbyness as tbe Presldenl splke. PresIdent Kennedy also lnvited Vice President LyndoD Johnson to meet lbe delegatloD members. The meetJne took In the cabonet room He alao called on precl' dentlaJ 3ul.lant David Power to I;1ke the party an a l)f:clal WhItt House lOur At noon, In the Hawe ot Repro· sentatlve. dlnln, ,'Om, Con,fl:S man Matsun'lID holted the party al a .peclal luncheon In acidJlloD 10 who wen I 10 the Wbltw HoUle were Cold Star J)3rents and l4rl. B. Nagato and dauihter Mrs. H. Mlyata ot Los Anlele;, Mr. and >tt". S. Naltashlm3 of Pocatello, !>fr.. H Nal_no G1 Blackfo..""t, Idaho. and Hisato Sa· kata and Mary Toda 01 the JACL committee. Q).hoslinl the luncheon was Rep. Ra1ph HudJng of Idaho. who called on the party dllring luncheon I.ncluded Jam6 RoosevelL Harlan Hallen, Arthur YounKer aod Gi!orge ),(}l. ler. all of Calilarnta. aod GIeon CunnlDgham of Nebras1ta There· after, cOngr6mtan !>fa4unl.ia took lbe party on a special p.:r. sooa! tour of the Capttol. Washington Newsletter: by Mike Masaoka Commemorative Services WASHrNG'l'ON. - Although an all-day rainslorm Corced the solemn rites indoors at the last minute to Fort Myer chapel, an overDow audience participated In lbe commemorative services bon· oring Japanese Americao military service in World War II. Aside fr om substituting an or· ganist for lbe United States Army Band, the enUre program went oU as schl'duled. As one Gl Is supposed to have remaIked to anolber in helping to arra nge the shift necessitated by the unexpected weather, "After wbat these guys went through in Italy. France and the Pacil lc, a little rain will not slop lbese servo ices tnday." The wbole program, timed to lake an hour, took 75 minutes. Cll\I'N!ssmen Attend CoDgressmeD who attend.ed In spite of the hea vy downpour in- cluded Sen. Frank E. Moss o! Utoh and Reps. Don Edwards. George M. Miller, Edward R. Roy· bal and Lionel Van Deerlln, all of CaUfornla: Thomas P. Gill of Hawaii and Compton I, White of ldabo. All o( them were so impressed to lbe "Nisei of C·2" . Although DOt as well Ialown tor lbeir exploits because of the secret nature of lbeir assignments . lbe Japanese Americans In combat in- telligence served with courage and distinction as combat interpreters a nd translators In the war against Japan. Judge Aiso recalll'd tha.t "Nisei In G-2" work began on Pearl Har· bor Doy and at Botaan and Cor· regidor . "The Nisei member of the beach potrol which captured the Iirsl Jopanese prisoner ot war-the sub- lieutenant thot spied on Peorl Har· bor trom his one-man submarine- participated In his Interrogation on the evening of Dec. 7, And Sgt. Arthur S. Komori of HawaII served as combal linguist for Gen· eral Wainwrlgbl unU I e\lacuated to Australia on General Mae- Arthur's personal order," Judge Also revealed. "As ta st as grnduales could be poured out of Military Intell!· gence ServIce Lnnauage School, their activities extended into every major lbeatre oC operntJons ," Judge Also sllid. Alter thc ceremony in the ch.· pel, wreaths were plllc<.'<1 nt Ihe Tomb ot the Unknowns. al the BattleshIp Maine Monument and ot the groves of the 21 Nlscl WW2 veterons who ure Itltelrl'd In Ar· IIngton. (Co nlIlIued. on Palla 4) with the ceremODY that they de- cided to read into the Congression· al Record at an appropriate time all of lbe outstanding speeches that were presented last Sunday. Even though six different speak. ers paid lribute 10 lbe Nisei who served In World War 11. not one repealed what lbe others bad io say. Among dJstlnguished guests pres- ent were the former William J. Sebald. who was plliti· cal adviser 10 General MacArthur afler the surrender of Japan, and Maj_ GeD. Charles A. Willoughby Iret.l. GeDeral MacArlbur's cbie! of staft for intelligeDce [rom the attack on the Phlllppines In De- cember. 1941, througb the Pacific war to the General's recaU during the Korean contlicL Gold Star parents included :\lr and Mrs . B. NagalO of Los An· geles, Mr. aDd Mrs_ S. Nakashima or Pocatello. Idahn. and Mrs. H. Nagano 01 Blackfoot. Idaho. Three Gold Star molbers came down wilb 3S others in a bus from Sea- brook. N.J. They were Mmes . Rlyo Mukai, MUDe Mioakata aDd Misa· ye FUjikl. Among represeDtatives ot vet· erons organiza lions introduc<!d were Togo Nakagawa of Honolulu. Jon Yamamoto of Los Angeles, Harry Takagi of Seattle. Joe Ka· dowaki and Masy Tashima 01 Cleveland, and James Kono 01 New York. Frank Kelly represent. ed the American Legion national headQuorters and Norman JODes the VeterGns of Foreign War s. Althougb lbe rainstorm persiSI' t'd, more thon 250 observed :-10' tlonal JAC1. President K. P!llrlck Okura present a. wreath al the Tomb of the Unknowns in the Army standanl honor wrealb eor", mony, probably the first time th.3\ lIny Nisei organization has ever been granted tbis honor Subsequentiy. at tbe masthead of the Battleship Maine !'ilonu· ment, Mrs. Nawa Munemoci pre- sented another National JAC1. wrea.th in memory oC the seveD Japaoese who were killed in the deslrllction or the USS Malne in Hovona Harbor in April. 1S98. They were the tlrst persons ot Ja· panese ancestry evcr \0 glve their lives tor the United States In war- time. Mrs . Munemori Is probably the IIrst citizen to make such a presentation ot mODU· ment. Orne Ites Visited Finally, wearing raincoats II thev hod .ome, oth er. carn'ln.!: umbrellDs. more bnrehendt'd. most oC the 250 pnrtlclpanL, in the .lolIlIl'd and lipped In lhe wet grass and mud 01 Arlington mltlog eacb 01 lbe 21 todIvtdual graves where Nisei war heroes 11. In bonored glory, begI.onlne wlth those o! Pvl. NagalO and Tan.- machi. where IS yeaIs a,o almost 10 the day lbey were Ihe flr.l Jap:tnese Americans 10 be IDterred in Arling\on in impressive cere- monies. Princlpal eulogIst the.n was GeD. Jacob L_ Dever., then chief o! the Anny FIeld Force.. The loag afternOJD was ended wilb an informal reception at PI&.· IOn Hall at Fort !.Iyer One would have been proud 10 be a Japanese American al .y. lington last Sundar. and proud 01 Japanese Americans too th3t thy ror in spite or 3 record doWllpwr tbey came out to pay ooJrulga 10 Iheir fellow :'oIlsei who served in World War n and made lbe promising destiny of Americans In lbe Urtited Sbtes U>- day. Special Special acknowledgemeDts 31"e due John C. Metzler, dent 01 Arllnlton :'oIationa.l Ce.me- ten'. Robert VOD Schlemmer of lbe District of WaslllAg . tOD. and Chaplain James A.. Coa· nett for arranging lbe shit\lng ot lbe servlCO$ lJ'om lbe outdoor nOf· plle area 10 Ihe main Fort M.yer cbapel. RecognitioD is a.Iso due members 01 lbe Washington, D.C.. JACL chapter wbo went 3ll..,ut to make tbe.e commemorative seNlces thot outstaDding and impressive sue- eoss lbat they seem 10 have been. Special lbanks, too, go IX> Inouye for arrangU18 i meetlng wiltt the PresldeDt of lb. States tor a select dele!'!· tioo beaded by Mrs. NQwa MUDe- morl. and to CC ClC1'ess.nl3n Spa.rk (ContiDUed on P3ie !I Truman Recalls INDEPE.'lDENCE, lto. - Fi)<'- mer President Harry S. TrumaD, wbo greeted lbe «2nd R_.· mental Combat Te:1m wben It returned tram Europe IR 1945 :1t the White House, told lbe Pllcltlc CItizen: " I well remember lbe aU·'!l1sei Regimeot when they Vlsltl'd lbe WhIte House and lbe grelll Dum- ber of medols 1 was plcllSed to pia on them. " I enjoyed. lbat occasion ,-ery mucb_ They were a line bod..,. o( meh." (The Paclti c ClUzen had kt'd for bls comments In "lew or lbe tribute belna paid tllSt Sunday 10 the NiseI servlna In World War 11 on the 20th oDI\,ersary ot th. activation 01 Ihe «2nd Rer.)

~. PACIFIC CITIZEN...bave become ImpaLlent wllb pure· Iy le;,isbtlve and judicial aeu"i y. are now lokln, bolder measures. and thererore want more support lTom olber minorIty groups

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  • l.JnA serle. of lpeakers euklllized the Jnponese Americans who served In the U.S. armed torces In World Wnr H. IThc Poc\!lc Citl· zen will publish lbe text oC the varIous peecbes 111 Corthcomlng weeks). Each slrel5ed the role thele men ployi'd In aolnlng the ~~ceplo n oe of the msel by lhe America n community.

    President Wires Tribute

    The chapel ceremony began with the reading 01 a telegram from President Kennedy In whleh he noled the mlUtary achievement of Japonese Americans In Europe and the PacUla.

    As noted by one ot the speakers, Gen. Jacob 1.. Devers. USA ret., commonder of Am erloan Corces un· der whom lbe Japanese Americans served, the «2nd suttered 9 ,480 casuo ltles, includln, 600 killed In action-more than three times Its orlginnl Inronlry strength . Included In the more thon 18,000 indIvidual decoratloll.! aW:lrded were I Medal oC Honor, 52 Dlstlngulsbl'd ServIce Crosses and 800 Silver Slars.

    TheIr mllltory record wns ochleved despite the bostuily, mls· treatment and suspicion lbey suf· tered at the outbre~k ot war.

    As recalled by K. Patrick Okura, Nalional JACL PresIdent, at the commemorative services:

    "JUSt 20 sbort years ago. Ameri-cans of Japanese ancestry were eyed with suspIcion by our fellow Americans. The majority of us

    ere contlned in war relooatlon "enters tollowing the mass evacua· tion ot a ll persons ot Japanese on. cestry torm the West CoasL"

    By conlrast, Okura pllnted out lbat ''Today Americans 01 Jepa· nese an~estry enjoy the respect aDd tull acceptance ot our fellow men and are fulrilling lbe obUgo· tlons and resplnsibilities as full-Hedged citizens or the UnHed

    ~ St4tes."

    MEDAL OF HONOR AWARDEE ASSISTS DEDICATION Hershey H, Miyamura of Gallup, N.M" awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor tor heroism during tbe Korean conflict and a veteran 01 the 442nd Rer durlng World War II, stands In tront ot the Rocky Mountain Nisei War Memorial dedicated May 30 in Denver. In the background are Mr. and Mrs. Pat Okura of Omaha.

    -Tom Masamori Photo • • • •

    Rocky Mountain Memorial Dedicated BY MINORU YASUJ

    Special to tho PoetII. ellnon

    DENVER. - Almost a thousand persons gathered at Fairmount Cemetery here on May 30, for the Nisei War Dead Memorial monu· ment, which bears the names or 7S Nuel soldiers Crom the Rocky Mountain regloD !Including evac· uees from WRA camps) who have dlt'd in the servIce ot lbe United States during World War 11 and the Korean connict .

    Y05hlakl Arai and John T. No· guchl, both WW2 veterans and members ot Cathoy Post 185. AmerIcan LegIon, were co-choIr· men 01 the reglon·wide project to erect this monument In memory ot the Nisei war dead.

    Henhcy MlyamurCl ot Gallup, SM., Niseldom·. only living win· ncr ot the Clngreulonol Mednl 01 Honor, '4131 the lIuc.I oC honor for the ceremonlos.

    Natlonol JACL, In the percon of K. Patrick Okura of Omaha, no· tlonal Presldont. r~prescnted the 88 chapters and more than 16.000 mambor, In these solumn riles.

    BlI! Hosokowa or the Denver Poat, and 1956 wInner oC the Nisei of the Biennium awa rd. authored the Inacrlptlon chlsoltt". S. Naltashlm3 of Pocatello, !>fr.. H Nal_no G1 Blackfo..""t, Idaho. and Hisato Sa· kata and Mary Toda 01 the JACL committee.

    Q).hoslinl the luncheon was Rep. Ra1ph HudJng of Idaho. Congr~smen who called on the

    party dllring luncheon I.ncluded Jam6 RoosevelL Harlan Hallen, Arthur YounKer aod Gi!orge ),(}l. ler. all of Calilarnta. aod GIeon CunnlDgham of Nebras1ta There· after, cOngr6mtan !>fa4unl.ia took lbe party on a special p.:r. sooa! tour of the Capttol.

    ~ Washington Newsletter: by Mike Masaoka

    Commemorative Services WASHrNG'l'ON. - Although an all-day rainslorm Corced the solemn rites indoors at the last minute to Fort Myer chapel, an overDow audience participated In lbe commemorative services bon· oring Japanese Americao military service in World War II.

    Aside from substituting an or· ganist for lbe United States Army Band, the enUre program went oU as schl'duled.

    As one Gl Is supposed to have remaIked to anolber in helping to arrange the shift necessitated by the unexpected weather, "After wbat these guys went through in Italy. France and the Pacillc, a little rain will not slop lbese servo ices tnday."

    The wbole program, timed to lake an hour, took 75 minutes.

    Cll\I'N!ssmen Attend

    CoDgressmeD who attend.ed In spite of the heavy downpour in-cluded Sen. Frank E . Moss o! Utoh and Reps. Don Edwards. George M. Miller, Edward R. Roy· bal and Lionel Van Deerlln, all of CaUfornla: Thomas P. Gill of Hawaii and Compton I , White of ldabo.

    All o( them were so impressed

    to lbe "Nisei of C·2" . Although DOt as well Ialown tor

    lbeir exploits because of the secret nature of lbeir assignments. lbe Japanese Americans In combat in-telligence served with courage and distinction as combat interpreters and translators In the war against Japan.

    Judge Aiso recalll'd tha.t "Nisei In G-2" work began on Pearl Har· bor Doy and at Botaan and Cor· regidor.

    "The Nisei member of the beach potrol which captured the Iirsl Jopanese prisoner ot war-the sub-lieutenant thot spied on Peorl Har· bor trom his one-man submarine-participated In his Interrogation on the evening of Dec. 7, I~I . And Sgt. Arthur S. Komori of HawaII served as combal linguist for Gen· eral Wainwrlgbl unUI e\lacuated to Australia on General Mae-Arthur's personal order," Judge Also revealed.

    "As tast as grnduales could be poured out of th~ Military Intell!· gence ServIce Lnnauage School, their activities extended into every major lbeatre oC operntJons," Judge Also sllid.

    Alter thc ceremony in the ch.· pel, wreaths were plllcAlthougb lbe rainstorm persiSI' t'd, more thon 250 observed :-10' tlonal JAC1. President K . P!llrlck Okura present a. wreath al the Tomb of the Unknowns in the Army standanl honor wrealb eor", mony, probably the first time th.3\ lIny Nisei organization has ever been granted tbis honor

    Subsequentiy. at tbe masthead of the Battleship Maine !'ilonu· ment, Mrs. Nawa Munemoci pre-sented another National JAC1. wrea.th in memory oC the seveD Japaoese who were killed in the deslrllction or the USS Malne in Hovona Harbor in April. 1S98. They were the tlrst persons ot Ja· panese ancestry evcr \0 glve their lives tor the United States In war-time.

    Mrs . Munemori Is probably the IIrst naturoll~1'd citizen to make such a presentation ot th~ mODU· ment.

    Orne Ites Visited

    Finally, wearing raincoats II thev hod .ome, other. carn'ln.!: umbrellDs. more bnrehendt'd. most oC the 250 pnrtlclpanL, in the s~rvlces .lolIlIl'd and lipped In lhe wet grass and mud 01 Arlington

    mltlog eacb 01 lbe 21 todIvtdual graves where Nisei war heroes 11. In bonored glory, begI.onlne wlth those o! Pvl. NagalO and Tan.-machi. where IS yeaIs a,o almost 10 the day lbey were Ihe flr.l Jap:tnese Americans 10 be IDterred in Arling\on in impressive cere-monies. Princlpal eulogIst the.n was GeD. Jacob L_ Dever., then chief o! the Anny FIeld Force..

    The loag afternOJD was ended wilb an informal reception at PI&.· IOn Hall at Fort !.Iyer

    One would have been proud 10 be a Japanese American al .y. lington last Sundar. and proud 01 Japanese Americans too th3t thy ror in spite or 3 record doWllpwr tbey came out to pay ooJrulga 10 Iheir fellow :'oIlsei who served in World War n and made plsslb~ lbe promising destiny of J3~ Americans In lbe Urtited Sbtes U>-day.

    Special Aclmowled&'~me61<

    Special acknowledgemeDts 31"e due John C. Metzler, ~rinlen· dent 01 Arllnlton :'oIationa.l Ce.me-ten'. ~Q,j . Robert VOD Schlemmer of lbe ~lrull1ry District of WaslllAg . tOD. and Chaplain James A.. Coa· nett for arranging lbe shit\lng ot lbe servlCO$ lJ'om lbe outdoor nOf· plle area 10 Ihe main Fort M.yer cbapel.

    RecognitioD is a.Iso due members 01 lbe Washington, D.C.. JACL chapter wbo went 3ll..,ut to make tbe.e commemorative seNlces thot outstaDding and impressive sue-eoss lbat they seem 10 have been.

    Special lbanks, too, go IX> ~ D3nl~ Inouye for arrangU18 i meetlng wiltt the PresldeDt of lb. Unit~ States tor a select dele!'!· tioo beaded by Mrs. NQwa MUDe-morl. and to CCClC1'ess.nl3n Spa.rk

    (ContiDUed on P3ie !I

    Truman Recalls • • •

    INDEPE.'lDENCE, lto. - Fi)

  • 2-PACIFIC CI"fIZ&N Frdl.y, June 7. 1963

    '5 PACIFIC CITIZEN r'IIblWlrci .. ·eekl:r ueept the lut week of the Y*AZ'

    US Weller 51. 8m. 3Q:!, Loe ~ea U. Calli .• lilA ~n

    JACL HeadquarteN' 1634 Po.tt St .. San rr .. nel.!co 15, CalU. WaSDlnI\ \\ lI!O

    d~'lnon~tT til..' b,,'_ on,l ~In dO\lo\ 'md ,(UC li ... n OD Ih~ \)..llIclldd aIColo I tht.. f-n\nlh, ,.,r our Natlon Io!'\'cn Ih"4th the cn~ln~' I1l1llhl b" 01 0 I

    "'1'1 anL~C"LrY. nw nel.i Ion or th\.~ ,,'.s' Depart.

    mt'n. 10 Jllnu3Q' of 1~1. to ncce;>t

    qulllillro Japln. " .. \merle Os ,m ~ \"olulI',,1 t:mcc u( Amc"c;ln~ of Jaf':l·

    n.t,: l' IIn(\1 to to.'h~' can be (·rc-dil· nt Due 10 mencan CitJ,cns Lcn,c:ue takes ------------- thl

    In carly January 19~ , the loolh was Iransforrro I;) Camp Shelby. ?Ii , .. '9r further training II loll Cnm!' ib"lby on "ugu,l II . IUtS , ~nd 00 Septembar 2 debark, '

    Seattle, Wuh. IIIII" ..... $ ... ~ •• -"·' ...... 4

    Imperial LiJtKlS , r

    2101·22"" Aft. So.. E4st 5-2525 HI'" O-.... .f4 - frtd t:abrll, utI',

    International Realty Co.

    .II./rit> .... WotWtoka " AuoctItft S26 S. Ja

  • ,..----- - "

    • i

    Bill HOj()KAWA: from the frying Pan • •

    Denvor. Colo \ ~rro- - ModeslY prellcmts the columnist 1\ ho ~"uples this

    S cc on .,tern.lle '~ck, from mokllli this report. 50 I~ lllvc$ me pa a~ I •• ure "t "rlt~ the (ory t\ notable but UIlllllh'U,lve ,'.,IWr

    ,·~I!\'our ~IIY' I"'" "'q,:k all3 w.1$, onc 01 (he world', mo,1 distlDllUlshcd ronlrmpo", Y ,"ulplors. Shlnlticlll Tallrl of Burlo. Netherlands. en ~tr Mm~ ./t a rughly suC!cessful eKhlblt In '!'ok),o. Rea>on (or

    "'lib st!'l' hore "" ., reunion with his bNthcr, Lar~y T~Jirl. dr~.nQ ~I "t of The ~t"'~r PL .

    SlulIJdchl TaJlrl Is a slight. shy, 'oft''POken young man with a 1I1&D bllck mustache who 11'0w UP ill Sou\hern Cnlltorl'lo. He

    found the CI'l'Jltl',·, lItmo$pher~ he ncedrd in Europe after serving Illere

    Shlnltichi 'ofsl~ brother Jim In Tokyo, sister Yoshiko in the Bay RC!r.oIl . Larry in oo{)en 'er and Vince and Tom in Cb,icago. And aUer \hat It' .. home tp lJoliud.

    Vaguies: by Larry Tajiri

    'Pal SUZUKi's Coming .Back

    , -

    D.C. JACLERS DECORATE NISEI G.I. GRAVES 13:>111 pictures were takeD on Memorial Day as Washlngton,D.C .. JACLers dcC'Orale the graves of 21 Nls~1 war dead Inoorred at Arlington National C~metory. Identllillble In the top pllow nre Mr. and Mu. Jol,m Yoshino at lell. Lower photo shows at 'least 20 J ACLers on their WilY to del!Orate the Individual graves1t~s.

    • •

    Men and Women Behind the Scenes W'ASHlNGTON. - The MemorIal Day weekend here was an e."assage of rcrugee and other Immtgratloll bills at a Ume when thue W;lS them. In nearl.y every instance. be InCluded minor changes in the·tfual bills to provide tor situa Uons called 10 his attention by the JACL.

    Walter leaves hIS wlte aDd two childreo.

    PUldal: Edw:ord F. Wlt .. lI.

    Maj. Gen. the AdJutant C~J

    11'0 be cootinued)

    • • • Elect/'on Returns Invested live persoos with the hlln,

    • • it.:; "omm~nce.m~ot .May 30. Among ,

    scheduled prO; IIIJll1ber of Japan" e AInl!rJ.. cans '''-'me bll ... 1 und',r .uth Mrnc " MJr.r"M6n Thy, were , ~arlnc In ' Wotld 6f Su%ie WtJfJ,.· aerosl .traet 9t tho 8t~urlt . MI:\III 'hll~. T urulto ~ ,tUIlII. Marc Mil""> and

    • .... ~r .. tile e:'it of "A Major· ~ 'Of OI1e" at the Shubert

    "Itte Oriental Ilcqrnt wi\' flO ~1~V'l V411 . "jll (h~t P lifO~d' .... 1111 , ~j"I'", ;\b:, d. '''lh~ I ~' c 1104 !Iff ~

    P:J." a mlisiCal romp of &eishas L.A. City Councll : Two summers mazaki. rector oC St. Mary's E~is, and Gls. "Cry H~ppy" turn¢ up allo. Kango Kunits llgu was among copal Church. Los Allgeles . laler as a ttlm. howeve •. and bad a dozen candIdates for a seat in The hODorary degree Was con· ' ~Iyoshi Umeki. 1,11Iko Taka. Michl th Los Aogeles City Counc il. The ferred lor his outstand\Jlg mlni ~y Kbbi. James Sbia:ec,a aDd others Negro community was anxious W over 20 years and fOl: his spec:Jal iI\ featured roles. Mve one of their own selected to contribution in the ffe1d of hUman

    This season. Ir=ever. the cherry the same seat. But a Caucasian I relations. Father JoM is aclivel.y blossoms are 19lIg gooe from was appolnted. Last fall. Council, en. g;lged .in summer work proiects. Broadway. We were In New York man Ed Roybal or Mexican de· ~etrop n htan plannm.!! and .aCelre· the other day and there was Dot sr;eot retired to take his seat as lations of the Episcopal Church. a sIngle pr~etl9n. OD Broadway U.S. congressman. Gilbert Lind, or off. io which a NIsei acw. was say. a Negri>, was appointed to performiog. althOUgh Yurlko IKl. the vacaocy. Fulbright lectureship k\lchl) aDd her compaoy were do- Last March, Negro altorney Tom SElA'l1TLE. - Dr. George H. Ka).

    fmper;ar Gardens Sulciynlci' Rf"daurant

    1225 Sun •• t Blvd" Hollywood - OL 6-1:750 tm.UIII JlClEJIS - YOUJt HOST: W AG! FURUTa. tOOOlll



    242 E. First Street. L.A. 12, Phone MA 4·7434

    Hours:'lO a.m. to 5 p,m. daily ~t \lJiIla~ ; 10 R.m. to 2 p.rn.

    Free Parking

    Outstanding service from CanaclilU\PacUic's many Japanese-speakiw! sugIroembers will be yours from the time you. fil'St ask about schedules \liltil you alight from your jet in Tokyo.

    And when you fly Canadian Pacific:, it's deslight all the wa-y.Leave Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland or Seattle in the morning and arriv~ in.Tokyo while it's

    • still afternoon. There's no e:drs cost for the connecting flight tQ Vancouver, either. For the first step on your journey to Japan. contact your travlll agent or Canadian

    Pacifi~ Airlines today. MA 2·2118 in Los Angeles, DO 2 ~244 in San ~ciscQ, MA 2·6567 in Seattle, CA 3·2893 in Portland 01; RI 7·8()offi in ~ eoka:Ie.

    FLY/) ~. ~ LtII'la«lIVl (T'tZ lb f. "., / I . l,Ic.~, , .. ' tt J ", • • n ,"O'lU' 'U"C'OII"\I . ou.t~ .. " .O_LD $ IIlOST c;:ott'fI\.II!U TJt""'SJIOllr.lMIif S'fSlflll


    - Fl., ,1

    5AN FI!4N~ISC O JlEAD OFFICE • 64 Sutter St,eet • VU 1·1200 S.F. JAPAN GENTER BRANCH. BuchJoi\l\ & Sultt, Sis . • F16·1600 SAN JOSE BI\ANCH • 1336 N FI"t Sl'ttI • PRQ ... , 298 ·21141 FRESNO BRANCH • 1458 6fm 5t_ • 1'M>1. 2}3·dS

  • 4-PACIFIC CITIZEN T'riday, June 7, 1963

    qu~cn contest ho ISS ss,'CI tile queen's Vt.'rdrobc down to the un· m n\lonabl .

    The souvcnlr booklet su\). S II>-D.:troll commlttec on o..tro.t JACL. bi <

    ··Put I Prol"",,,... tOry has Intervlcw

    of the He"t •• .•• ries ,alor" llIat at" recalled 100 'ucb Ul.SplJ'Rtional p/lrues ar fa t f"r tile reporter to COPy· H,,' ,

    band ,'

    *----Lu' Hill of MI,: There were

    S1 ne'" Ind «ne .... 1 membt'rsblps In til ... 1000 Club for tile I .. , ball "f ).{sy. A erlm Sltu~tIon 15 nOl~ In tile Nnenl SLandlll1' of 1.541 tor May 31 as compar

    FInE ~TH Y&AR t.lard_n. \'IIII.y - ,JOlt K. Kobela Silnt~ .uri .. - H.aroJd Y snlmtzu

    F01:RTSt:Nnl "EAR D.-troll - Pelu FuJLDU

    TRlllT£ESTIl YE.ut Gardma V~U.J" - Tall KU&hlda PI\I .. a.tphlA - S lohn S'"~ .. " 1'd'U~;\\~~~'Tti -;.~ YOkomlZO N .... Yo", - \'1l)'tO 'nIpukl 8aJlbl B.lrb~f'1I - CA8Dr Uyc:s:ak.ll

    TEST" \E.'. PonteUo - Alura Kawamura San rranclK'o - Ke.&aburo Kodil .waI"7TVUI .. - Cf'Orr. Y Okamoto ,.., In ClU ... - H.nryT Omlldll WId·Columbb - R.1 H. &10

    . 'IST" E.Ut Downtown LA. - Te-d I Ak.lhoshl.

    C..,... K ""TaRO

    ~k~n~ ~'!rm~=~ A.I1zoo.a - Tom KadomClto ~lI.·Hi - GUnoru Ya. c=~J _ C~ .... r StJ.ZU.kJ

    t:IGHTU y-.u Sao ' .. manGo VaUey - Fred Y. !-Iuto Wdl Las ~plH - Botn M. NLshJr:\Oto Puadena - H H .. rrta Ouw~

    I\"E"'TB .... -.u New York - KIlT! twasakJ. fJt~J" Kt.

    ~~'=~~~k~r~MC;:~" C C~II~no - HIro .b)'od.o. Mn. Alma

    ... Loulo - ~,,~ R

    no.-otown 1..A - Dr. Shunjl K Ikuta. 8en K.. .Mura,.ama

    VI'Qlrr-.CUlver - Dr. 1\11".0 C. K.a..-:a-uml

    M.a.-Hi - John 11. fuuna,.a Snake R wr - Kurv MorUcawa

    FlnH \·UR Canfl'na V.alle), - Dr. HlraIbl Kuwa-

    da ~tt1e _ Elmer Op .... Dr. Terrance

    IoITocIa DowntoWn LA - KtTo V.mato

    ,.O~·aTH YE.\R Detrol! - W.lter ft ~UYAO

    TIUIlD "&AR not.. V"UI'Y - John Artma PonLlnd - Dr- G..aT'lle S R.an CbInCO - YukJo RlISh,-uctu _tl~ - Hmry H. 1411".~. WJlIlJlm

    G. OY .. "lal')'OVlll~ - Ceor.~ N.lroo New Yor - 11wmiu £ N .. tun Do)"tOn - Roy r Su«tmoto

    SECOND YEAR Detroit - Loulll I'Uruu .... C.rdma van ... - r~r.e Yamluc-hl

    rnuT YEAIL DownI4wn L.A. - Ioln.. Gean:" T ~'o

    ~'.::. -:. ~~rMa~fI~~T.IUChl

    In selling. 'Immlck

    Southwest L.A. JACL

    to reveal queen candidate LOO "'''GELES. - Southw~st L.A. JACL tIIis week explained its change for tile date and sit~ of tile annual Queentime Ball as an enor by tile Old Dllde Restaurant management. which had tile JACL dance scheduled for tomorrow

    The chapter will introduce its Nisei Week queen candidate on Saturday. June IS. at the Holly. wood Women's Club. 1749 N. LaBrea. :llanny Gloss and orches· tra will play. Ladies in need of tTansportalion may call Art :\faye-da IRE 3-685J I or Frank Sbima· uki (RE 1-24951.

    Tajiri -(Continued from Page 3)

    Others from tile cast of tile three shows. along witll tile others whicb play

    ing ot show business doors to so many Japanese Americans must go to the late Oscar Hammer~teln and to Richard Rodgers for their inslslence on casting the major roles in "Flower Drum Song" witll players of Oriental descent.

    To form Jr. JACL at Santa Barbara

    SANT .... BARBARA. - It appears tilt: Pnclfie Southwest District Council hDS Q Jr. J ACL In the moking wltll the nppolntment of Amy HirotA and Barbaro Fuku· zowo as co-chairmen by Sontn Barbaro JACL president Geor,e Oh~sbi recently.

    Others serving on the committee In orgnnlze a Jr. JACL (tor youtll under 21 years of Dge) Include :

    Florence T'lunodo. AJclrD YQ.modo.. Ethel SUmida, Mor)' Nl.hhnolo, TokiO

    ~~D~1~truR~:k:"u~~ku~ek~n M~~I~ TO"urnJ, Bt.*rnJcc Oh.1.hl and JDne Uyc-13k •.

    Other appointments are:

    ",,\~7: 1~lffi~~;' ~~lk~bJld~';U:1ra. The board also approved the fol·

    lowing calendar of events: June 3U-JACL picnic. Richard To-

    kumaru. chmn.: Sept. l-f(~hlnJr drr· by. John Suzuki. chmn.: Oct. 2&-Lsse1 rccornlUons dinner. Harold Sumida. t'hmn.: Nov. 4-£1~Uons. Jerry Ka-w"no. chmn.: Dee. 28-Installatlon dLn-nl!'r .. dancc. JACL and Jr. JACL. Mlye Ota. (hmn. DDtu pendln,: colt tournamen~ Dr Yo,hlo NakaJt. cbmn.: bOwUnl tournament.

    June 2 rifes (Continued from Front Page)

    Among the 300 who attended was Mrs. Nawa Munemorl of Los An· geles. motller of Pvt. Sadao S. Munemori. postllumous winner of the CongreSSional Medal or Honor for gaUantry In action during the Halian campaign of 1945.

    Mr. and Mrs. S. Nakashima, who journeyed from their farm in Pocatello. stood in tile driving rain before the graves of their two sons. Roito and Wataru , who are buried side by SIde. Ralto was killed In action in Italy ; bis brotller. a veteran of tbe Italian campaign. died later in Switzer· land. I

    Mrs. Ira Srumasakl of Bethesda, Md., visited the site where her brother. Lloyd Onoye, lies buried. She remembered him wben Lloyd joined up from tile Poston IArlz.) Reloca !lon Camp in 1943 when the all·Nlsei combat team idea was given the go-ahead by President Roosevelt.

    SOUTHWEST L.A. JACL presents: 6th Annual

    Queentime Ball Manny Glass and bls Orchestra

    Sat., June 15, 1963 - 9 p.m. to 1 o.m.

    Hollywood Women's Club

    1749 No. La Brea Avenue Sports Fonnal

    ••• for voting YES on School Bond PropOSition A )

    l:By approving Sc},ool Bond Proposition A in tho May 23 ' .. Iectlon you haVlJ aQUroo the yOllJlg P"Oplo of Los Angeles of tho elementary, juruor and leolor hi,h ochool cla8l1foom,,' they n~ for alull·timeeduClltion. Propooition B, tho Junior-'

    I Coll@Ie Bond i"up, allflolJ/lIt it rluiv,a an oUlrwltelminll majority 01 YES uolu, unrortunately foUnd to receivo tha Jl_ry % approval lor po_gPo On hehaU or the 717000 .tudpn~ in L.A. acboollJ (and tho 100,000 moro who 'wlll

    I enroll by 1966) we es~d our .inCllre thono to the vote .. I of thp. Loo! Ang"ll!8lChool di.trict. And wo olTer 0 Ipre;41 vola I of rrahtud.., to thn many declicatl'd trroUPl and indlvldWlI.

    I Who hrlf>'!d 110 trPMlOu.aly in the campaiPl to win Iho nCO) i forcls roomlpace. I ~JTlZENS COMMITIEE FOR SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION '

    34M WEST IIXlH IlRcr;r, LOa MGlLtllJ I ~~.~

    * ------, Chapter Call Board * Mld·Columbia JACL

    To Uonor Ooads: Mld·Columbln JACL will honor IIraduote. al Wv·En. 1 Ulah School on June IS at' a prime·rlb dinner eater.'

    Tom Vlu\ll. the .. tronout cullin, Ef. ld,nt of the WY'Olll 8tuct"nl p~~dC!n~a~ J::r\j~ftH 'm~~n~c~~r. Carol "akahuhl. W"ahln,;ton Stlte:! colle.t"; Nanc)' UintA. Nanc~ KObe-

    ~~ht~;~~I~w~r:~t ~~:~ . Y·F.q\. Admission will be $2.SO and chll·

    dren of member and tile hlah .chool set will be admitted Cor $1.25 Entortalnment lind dunclng will follow,

    Fowler JACL lleart Disease: Dr. Emma Y.

    Hntnyoma of Del Roy and Fresno will be guest speaker at the Fowler JACL dinner meeUn, June 13, 7 p.m., at Bruce's Lodge. She wlll speak on "Heart Disense nnd Strokes" Reservations ore belna accepted by Horuo Yoshimoto.

    Youth BuebaU: The chapter Is orgonlzlng two bD~eball tenms tor boys. 13 to 18 yenrs of oge, with Thomas Toyomn and Bill Hoshi· moto 08 monallers. Fifty dollors hus been npproprlated for pur· chose oC equipment. Al least 21 ployers have reported.

    S.n M.teo JACL Communlt)' Picnic: Local mer·

    chants arc contributing prizes to be given nwny at the Son Mateo JACL community picnic on June 16 01 the Coyote Point campus of tile CoUege 01 San Mateo. The San Mnteo Buddhist Church, StUl'ge Presbyterian Church and the Gar· deners are co-sponsors.

    Ted lmura nnd Roy Kato. co· chairmen. nrc being assisted by:

    ke~~z ~~nJt~~~JF..l~~~Qng~!I~o~~o~:; i~t°V'om~;U;~hr.-a~)lr .;~ \ht;- t.'~~i. ~~~h TakoYClmo. sound; Fred Inouye. clean-up.

    Memorlal-(Continued trom Front Page)

    John Y. T'Dnaka: Mrs. Haru Futamltn

    ~: ~~?J:ndm~r : .~ t~~~~':d~~mit :;.~ t: on.naO%n.~ati~~n O~aR~~~ltoW~; Denver •• lsteT or Jero Kaneloml.

    Three Japanese churches of Den· ver cooperat

    Rev. Yoshltoka. Tama l and Rev. No· boru Tsunoda. TrloSl.te Buddhist Church; Rev. Jonnthon Fujita. Shup· son MethOdist Church: and £lder A.1. fred Okohlra. JC1pancse Seventh Day AdvenUst Church.

    Major General Joseph C. Mof· fitt. Adjutant General of Colorado, delivered the prinCipal address.

    Greetings were extend

    Alfred Mlyagishima, reUring commander of Cathay Post, under whose administration the project was successfully concluded, made acknowl

    Floyd Tanaka, a combat vet· eran, and an architect. designed the simple but Impressive Nisei War Memorial.

    In additlon to the costs of con· struction. the Cathay Post War Memorial committee reported that the goal of $20,000 was surpassed so that there 1s now a permanent scholarship fund for AJAs of this region to grant $200 annual schol· arsblps as a living memorial in memory of the Nisei War Dead.

    Arai and Noguchi tbanked the thousands of individuals and or· ganlzations. including the JACL, for their whole,hearted support and cooperation in making the Rocky Mountain Nisei War Dead Memorial a reality.

    San Francisco JACL .hol .... hlp Fund: Two Dalel

    color IIlma. "Kot~1 no Jljyo" and "Klru" 'chomboru I. are being ~h~wn thl. weekend nl Klnmon Hall for the fifth annunl Son Fran· dlco JACL. .cholarahlp fund There orc IlnKle runs til G 30 tonlsht nnd tomorrow. tIIrcc runa on Sundoy 01 2. 5 ~nd 8 p.m.

    Idaho Foil. JACL

    )'lonlo D.Ie: The annual Idaho Fnll J ACL picnic will be held this Sunday Qt lhe Shelley High School around. from 10 o.m Pro-ceeds of the lpeclal picnic benefll wlU /10 «>word Ihe chopter', quota tor Ihe Hlilory Project. On the committee ore :


    . .... , •• .. "",Ity.1td CUt.adl" • .1& __

    JERRY T. NOMURA 1400 Franklin St., Oakland 12, eanr.

    TEmple bat 4·5733 ...... * .... ,... ... PM •• *

    Stocks • Bonds • Investment Securities ., Llrttd SecurlllH ., Unllsttd StcUrlUH

    ., Ja)llnHt Stocks AOR ., JllJIIneSf

    ., Mutual Fundt DoUtt Bonlls

    ., Montbly Purchase PlinJ


    Y. CLIFFORD TANAKA SaIH and Analysis

    SHEARSON, HAMMILt: i CO 3324 Wlllhire Blvd" Los Angel .. 5, Calif.

    DUnkirk 1.3355 Membm of the Nt ... Yolt St",k ElWll9t

    I/Id olher Iud In; StcurltJ and commodll1 uchang.


    Compl.~ .r.,..1o Ad'lIo~lI' 'o"le' t.od WlokHlq

    301 E. ht. St., LOl Angele. 12 MA 8-3232

    Fukui Mortuary "TUREE OI!NJrn"TIONS OF EXPlmlI!:NCZ"

    707 Turner st., Lo, Antrelel 1010111 tlUKUl

    alA W8!5 'A~ru NAKAGAWA

    Slate senator gives advice to graduates

    Cnrolann Nakamura, dau/lhter 01 III1II .... Ulmlmlhll'-tnml11rnl'll1!Tm11ml!J Mr and Mrs. Karl Nakamurl . 0 C LAS S I FIE DAD S Olympus Hlgh "U ilworded tIIc 1III!1I11mIIllll1!llltnlll .... _*A. __ $100 Mt. Olympu, Kiyo Mal5umorl O .... lIJ.d Rat .. (Cub ... 11b Or40r) Momorinl scholarahlp. 40 Pv wood per lnMrtioll

    IDAHO FALLS. - Sin Ie Sen Tony Noe,le (R., Bonneville County I urged the gradunles beln" hooored nt tile Idaho Falls J ACL dInner lost week "to accept rcspon~l· bUlty" and "be humble enough to slart at the bottom"

    The chapter honored IS high school groduates al a dlnnor May 29 ot Ada', Cnfe

    Sen. Noeille laid . "Things we call our own cannot be acquired wlthout working for It or pnyln, the price: make It your own by carnlng It tIIrough hard work, study and diligence.

    ''00 not lo~e sil/hl of tile re .. 1 value.. take your moral value. hlahly; hold simple virtues.

    "00 not toke your great herllage for sranted-It come to you be· couse your parents establt.hed theIr lote,rlty through honelty. hord work ond gOOd charact.cr Follow tIIelr example," Naeill. advised.

    The 15 grndUotes honored were ;

    s~:a'sc:.k:Q'~h, . HIJ:~I~*u:::~: t yu,.rl~ ehttl1e f"oofe. Dal(' Hondo. Dolnny XI.

    ~·n~ · ~~'.~t~~aQ'~d r;;:.v ~r~~~~~~ tA; Firth HI.h-Jant't Jt'antltt Harada; 8onnt'vlllt': lI~h - KlthY Uay. , Sarah ~~~t1::'''o. Ben urukowa. and Cary No·

    Dinner opened with greeling' from Sach Mlkaml, ch:.pter pres. denl. Mrs. Fred Ochl. member of the Idaho Advisory Commlttt!c to the U.s. Civil Rights Commission. cautioned youtll to watch their ac-tions at all time.. "We will all share In your triumphs ond trlnls." she sold.

    IDC Chairman RU)l(!rt H •• hiya 100 per word per • lnMrUo .. Introduced the 22 hleh school "nd ~~':''7d.r!.I~~:," college ,r.duat« pre.ent. HIIo I- --~:;;':":';''''';'-~'':';'---Okada wa5 emcee Yacko Ike/tami • HELP WANTED and Mrs. Barbara Mit..unalla were --------------evening co·chalrmen

    Ben Lomond JACI. a I.lc>d In the program by pro. entllll( voc.lllt Maxfne Kate>. daughter

    Chlye Tamura and Ruth ~Iyake.

    REAL CHINESE DISHES 320 E. 1st SI. Los Mlfltt

    Phone Orden Taken MA 4-2953

    The chapter. whlcb administer. the Roy Kurosawa MemorIal Ichol· arship and the Sacramento Gar. deners Assn . aw:lrd, named Setsuo Masuda of Hiram Johnson HI,h and Gilbert Yamamoto of Sacra. mento High, respectively. as reel· plents.

    dinner co-chairmen. are being as· ":::::::=.=":::::::::::::::::.=-:~.~b~~_ silted by' .,.

    On tile chapter scbolarshlp com· mlttee werc:

    Dr. and Mn. Ceorl"e T.kab.olhl. Ht':n-ry Taketa. Mn. MAy Shirai. Mr. and Mn. Frank RJyoma and Dlck Uno

    ~'l:~ct·u:~d ~~~~IP~~~I~~,:c~~ 5chool).

    Trl-Cbapler Fele: Salt Lake and Mt. Olympus JACL chapters an· nounced their scbolarshlp winners at the tTi·Utab JACL graduates dance held May 25 at the Terrace Ballroom.

    Gary Nakao. son of Mrs. Dorcas Nakao, of Bountiful High received the $200 Salt Lake scbolarshlp.

    ItodCl an4 Bondi 011 ALL EXCHANGES

    Fred Funakoshi Report. and Studies

    AvaUable on Request

    Rutner, Jackson & Gray lJIo.

    IHVBSfttEN7 BANua.

    - MA ()'1080 -III W. HI> It. Lot ""'_ , Ilea. Phone: AN 14422


    § FULLERTON § § ~ e SAVINCS & LOAN ASSOCI.ATIOH § E = ! 418% ! 5 = C = ~ -Save By Malt- !§_=

    ~ Return POsQgt Guaranleed. :!

    ~ • Current Rata ~ § Paid Quarterly E ~ § § • Inlured Savingl ~ ~ ~

    ChJeklt' f{ayashlda. Takeco KAW..1no • dinner; &>trw. Hlrah.lrn. Mldorl Furu· .hlro. Carol YalUda. dec.; Non O,.a· mi. cona, .. ; CrofEr KoYlm., tlck.ta;

    f~~~~I.~~~ro~~ns:r~~~~ : ?ltv? ke. Rena Yamalhtto. dancf'-: BIl'o sa· ko. polter.

    MARYKNOLL CARNIVAL LOS ANGELES. - Proceed, of tile annual MarylmoU carnival June 7·9 at 222 S. Hewltt are ear· marked for construction of a new school buUdIng. expectlld later tIIis year.

    l!!llIllllillllill lllllllUilil l llillDllilIIIIIUUIUnlilIlIIIllP ~

    = =

    I ~~~i:~:~~~ II ~ 606 E. 1st SL, los Angtles ~ \



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    774 S. Centrll Ave. L. A.-WhoIMlle Tarmln.1 Martt.t • MA 2-8595, MA 7-7038, MA 3-4504


    1. Wheft )'0\1 bvy _""'" dJaI wiI l"'lfor~

    2. Wh,n rr. a necwJty. nol 0 Iuxvry •

    So When lhe be".'" at ~ b wort!> !h. ""t.

    4 When you don't poy _ (or oodlL

    5. Whn wh