˘ ˇˆ˙˝ˇ˛˚ ˙ˇ˜˘˛ ˇ! · 1 day ago  · Chandan Mitra was chief guest. Padma Charan Nayak was born in a simple farmer’s house in Kendrapada district on January 30, 1926

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    Alarge group of men claim-ing to be local residentsclashed with protesting farm-ers at Singhu border on Friday,triggering chaos resulting in theDelhi Police resorting to firingtear gas shells and baton chargeto break up warring groups.

    The protesters hurledstones at each other at the site.

    Delhi Police SHO (Alipur)Pradeep Paliwal sustainedsevere injuries in the violenceafter a man attacked him witha sword, an official said, addingthat several other protestersand policemen sustainedinjuries during the clashes.Police said they have arrestedaccused Ranveer Singh, a res-ident of Punjab, who attackedthe SHO.

    “SHO Alipur, Delhi, inter-vened between rioting pro-testers (MKSC faction) andlocal Singhu villagers, who hadgone to register their protestagainst the happenings onRepublic Day-2021 and con-tinued loss of ordinary liveli-hood for over two months,” theDelhi Police said in a tweet.

    In another tweet, policesaid, “This is how the SHO wasassaulted; he has suffered griev-ous injuries on his hand. Peacehas been restored. Legal actionis being initiated.”

    The group claiming to belocals demanded that the farm-ers vacate the Singhu border,one of the main protest sitesaround the Capital, allegingthat the protesting farmers had“insulted” the national flagduring their tractor parade on

    Republic Day.Armed with sticks, the

    group of locals reached the siteand asked the farmers to leave

    while raising slogans againstthem.

    The protesters at theSinghu border, much of which

    is barred for entry from out-side, came out in large numbers

    to resist the locals.However, they were

    promptly stopped by farmerunion volunteers which helpedthe situation from turning ugly.

    “They are not locals, buthired goons. They were throw-ing stones, petrol bombs at us.They attempted to burn downour trolleys also. We are here toresist them. We won’t leave theplace,” said Harkirat MannBeniwal, 21, from Punjab’sKhana district.

    Thousands of protestingfarmers had clashed with thepolice during the tractor rallycalled by farmer unions onJanuary 26 to highlight theirdemand for repeal of theCentre’s three farm laws. Manyof the protesters, driving trac-tors, reached the Red Fort andentered the monument.

    Some protesters even hoist-ed a religious flag and a kisanunion flag on its domes and theflagstaff at the ramparts, wherethe national flag is unfurled bythe Prime Minister onIndependence Day.

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    Amid boycott by theOpposition of his addressto the joint session ofParliament, President RamNath Kovind on Fridayannounced that theGovernment would respectthe Supreme Court’s decisionto suspend three farm reformlaws and claimed that the lawshave “given new rights” to thefarmers.

    He regretted violence and“disrespect to tricolour” onthe Republic Day saying rightto freedom of expression goeshand in hand with theConstitutional duty to followthe rule of law.

    As many as 16 Oppositionparties, including the Congressand its allies, Left parties, theTrinamool Congress as well asthe AAP, the SAD and the BSPboycotted the address, protest-ing Government’s handling offarmers’ protest.

    Reading the customaryGovernment statement in thejoint session of Parliament,marking the beginning of theBudget Session, the Presidentspoke about border escalationalong Line of Actual Control(LAC) saying “additional forceshave also been deployed toprotect India’s sovereignty over

    the LAC” and that theGovernment was “committedand alert” towards protectingthe country and the Armywas prepared.

    He said that in June 2020,20 of our soldiers made theirsupreme sacrifice in theGalwan Valley to protect themotherland. “Every country-man is grateful to these mar-tyrs,” the President said.

    In his address, he alsotalked about a new beginningin Jammu & Kashmir sayingthe Union Territories con-ducted local bodies polls, firstsince independence, and J&Kis “moving towards a new free-dom”.

    In the middle of President’saddress, Rashtriya LoktantrikParty (RLP) MP HanumanBeniwal showed a placard andraised slogans, demanding therepeal of the three agriculturelaws. SAD party presidentSukhbir Singh Badal alongwith other party members heldplacards on the Parliamentpremises.

    Against the backdrop ofthe farmers’ agitation for the

    complete roll-back of threefarm reform laws, thePresident said 10 crore smallfarmers were immediate ben-eficiaries of reform laws.

    “The biggest benefit ofthese agricultural reforms alsostarted getting to more than 10crore small farmers immedi-ately. Many political partieshad given full support to thesereforms from time to timeonly after realising these ben-efits to small farmers,” he said.

    The President further said“at present, the implementationof these laws has been post-poned by the country’s highestcourt. My government willrespect and follow the SupremeCourt’s decision in full respect.”

    Referring to the violenceon January 26, during “tractorrally”, Kovind said the “insult”to tricolour on the “holy day”of Republic Day “is very unfor-tunate.”

    He said, “The Constitutionwhich gives us the right tofreedom of expression, thesame Constitution teaches usthat law and rule should be fol-lowed equally seriously.”

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    India’s economy is set to wit-ness a V-shaped recovery asthe country’s growth engine isback on track after a coron-avirus-led slowdown, the Pre-Budget Economic Survey saidon Friday.

    The economy may see an11 per cent growth in the nextfinancial year, while GrossDomestic Product (GDP)could see a contraction of 7.7per cent in the current fiscalending March 31, 2021. Indiawitnessed its last annual con-traction of 5.2 per cent in thefiscal year 1979-80.

    Amid farmers’ protestswhich entered the 64 days overthe farm laws, the EconomicSurvey termed the three agri-cultural reform laws as a “rem-edy”, building a case for itsacceptance among the farmcommunity that has stronglyopposed it.

    According to the survey,the agricultural reforms wouldenable farmers to sell wherethey get the “best deal” andthereby, allow competition, anessential condition for the wel-fare for the small farmer.

    The Economic Survey saidthat the Centre’s recent reformsin the agricultural markets will

    enable the creation of “OneIndia, One market” and offermore opportunities to farmers.

    At the same time, services,manufacturing and construc-tion were most hit by the lock-down that was imposed tocurb the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic.

    “After an estimated 7.7 percent pandemic-driven con-traction in 2020-21, India’s realGDP is projected to record agrowth of 11.0 per cent in2021-22 and nominal GDP by15.4 per cent. These conserv-ative estimates reflect upsidepotential that can manifest dueto the continued normalisation

    in economic activities as therollout of COVID-19 vaccinesgathers traction,” the surveysaid.

    The growth will further besupported by supply-side pushfrom reforms and easing of reg-ulations, push for infrastruc-tural investments, boost tomanufacturing sector throughthe Productivity LinkedIncentive Schemes, recovery ofpent-up demand for servicessector, increase in discretionaryconsumption subsequent toroll-out of the vaccine andpick up in credit given adequateliquidity and low-interest rates,it said.


    Chandigarh: Actor-turned-activist Deep Sidhu, who hasbeen booked in connectionwith the religious flag inci-dent at Red Fort, has said heneeds some time to bring outthe truth and will then jointhe investigation. The 36-year-old Sidhu is in the eye ofa storm for being among theprotesters who put up a reli-gious flag atop the Red Forton Republic Day.

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    Ghazipur border on Fridaywitnessed a surge of crowdas around 1,000 farmers fromwestern Uttar Pradesh joinedthe Bharatiya Kisan Union(BKU) members who havestayed put on at the UP Gateto demand the repeal of agrilaws.

    Notwithstanding theGhaziabad administration’sultimatum to the protesters tovacate the UP Gate protest site,more farmers from westernUttar Pradesh districts such asMeerut, Baghpat, Bijnor,Muzaffarnagar, Moradabadand Bulandshahr reached theUP Gate early morning to jointhe stir following an emotion-al appeal by BKU leader

    Rakesh Tikait. The crowd ofprotesters that had reduced to500 on Thursday night hasnow again increased witharound 1,000 farmers joiningthe stir.Flanked by supporters,Tikait remained at the cen-trestage of the protest site onthe Delhi-Meerut Expressway,which has been barricadedfrom both sides, prohibitingregular traffic movement.

    However, extra securityforces deployed at protest sitehave been sent back. Severalfarmers from parts of Haryanahave also decided to movetowards Delhi borders to jointhe ongoing agitation againstagri laws and held protestsagainst lookout notices to peas-ant leaders and Ghaziabadadministration’s ultimatum tovacate protest site.


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    Tens of thousands offarmers gathered inMuzaffarnagar town onFriday to attend a maha-panchayat in support of theBharatiya Kisan Union-ledprotest against the Centre’snew farm laws in Ghazipur on the Delhi-Uttar Pradesh

    border. A day after BKUleader Rakesh Tikait brokedown at Ghazipur and ten-sion spiralled amid fearsthat the farmers who hadbeen camping there for twomonths would be forciblyremoved by the local admin-istration, all roads in westernUttar Pradesh it seemed ledto Muzaffarnagar.


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    Security apparatus in thehighly sensitive Lutyens’Bungalow Zone went into aspin after an improvised explo-sive device (IED) went off nearthe Israeli embassy situated atDr APJ Abdul Kalam Road inNew Delhi on Friday evening.Police said while no person wasinjured, some cars were dam-aged in the blast.

    A letter addressed to IsraeliAmbassador to India wasrecovered from near the blastsite. The blast took place at thepavement opposite JindalHouse which is three bunga-lows away from the Israeliembassy. External Affairs

    Minister S Jaishankar spoke tohis Israeli counterpart GabiAshkenazi and assured him of“fullest protection” to the jewsnation’s diplomats and its mis-sion.

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    India Justice Report by theTata Trusts, which ranksStates on police, judiciary, pris-ons and legal aid, has placed theOdisha Police at the third posi-tion in 2020. As per the survey,the Odisha Police has beenranked third among 18 largeand medium-sized

    States.“Odisha’s place in policeranking is the result of theState’s efforts to improvedeficits in the policing capaci-ty since 2017.

    It has made efforts toimprove not only the castediversity amongst officers buthas also increased the presenceof women personnel (9% to10%) and the share of women

    officers (8% to 11%),” thereport said. “Over a five-yearperiod (2015–2019), while theState shows a decrease inConstables’ vacancies, it hasregistered an increase in vacan-cies at the officer level. Odishaalso utilised only 10% of itsModernisation Fund over 40percentage points less than in2017,” the report added.

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    All State Government officesin Bhubaneswar andCuttack, which were earlier func-tioning with 50% strength due toCovid-19, have been directed torun with full strength fromFebruary 1.

    The General Administration& Public Grievance Departmentissued an order to this effect onFriday. However, all StateGovernment offices through-out State would remain closed onSaturdays, order said. In case anydepartment or office is con-strained in maintaining physicaldistancing among staff membersas a result of 100% attendance,they may regulate staff strength,as felt necessary, it said.

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    The State on Friday regis-tered 70 new Covid-19cases in 19 districts, the lowest

    single-day count in last sevenmonths. With the new cases,the total caseload increased to3,34,850. Of the new cases, 42were reported from quarantinewhile remaining 28 were localcontact cases. Nuapada districtregistered the day’s highest 11cases. All other districts report-ed below 10 cases.

    The number of total activecases in the State stood at1,224 and the cumulative sam-ple tests at 76,60,563.Meanwhile, 157 more patientsrecovered on the day, increas-ing the total recoveries to3,31,824.

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    The State Government onFriday asked all districtCollectors and MunicipalCommissioners to ensure 100-per cent anti-Covid vaccination

    of healthcare workers byFebruary 10. Raising concernover low percentage of vaccina-tion in some districts, theGovernment asked all concernedofficials to see to it that vaccina-tion is completed by given dead-

    line.“Clear message should begiven that those who do not turnup for vaccination when calledon designated date will forgoopportunity to get free vaccina-tion from Government,” statedorder issued by Government.


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    The Vigilance police onFriday conducted simulta-neous raids on the houses andoffices of former RevenueInspector (RI) Basanta KumarMohanty of Balukhanda RICircle in Puri district on hecharges of amassing dispro-portionate assets (DA).

    Vigilance officials carriedout searches at eight places,including Mohanty’s house atFriends Colony, a three-storiedbuilding at Kumuti Lane, adouble-storied building at

    Penthakata, a relative’s house atBalighat, a house of relative atFriends Lane, a house of anassociate at Penthakata andthe office chamber atBalukhanda RI office, all inPuri. Similar raids were alsoconducted at his paternal houseat Rajnagar in Kendrapada dis-trict. The searches were doneon the strength of search war-rants issued by the SpecialJudge, Vigilance,Bhubaneswar.Sources saidMohanty was engaged in themeasurement and demarca-tion of the heritage corridor

    that is being developed on a 75-metre area from the MeghnadPacheri (boundary wall) of theJagannath Temple in Puri.

    Several allegations includ-ing massive corruption in saleand purchase of land, landmutation and changing theland holding patterns weremade against him earlier andpublished in The Pioneer.



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    In keeping with its commit-ment to the AatmanirbharBharat Mission and inspired bythe Chief Minister’s vision tomake Odisha a 100-MT steelmanufacturing hub, the JindalSteel & Power (JSPL) hasunveiled its Vision 2030.

    The JSPL would make itsAngul steel plant the world’slargest and greenest single-location steel plant, thusputting Odisha on the globalsteel map. It would enhance thecapacity of its 6-MTPA plant to25.2 MTPA through cleanenergy resources with an addi-tional investment of Rs 1.20

    lakh crore by 2030. The com-plex would also house a 12.5-MTPA cement plant to utilisethe blast furnace slag and flyash to produce environment-friendly cement.

    The JSPL initiatives areexpected to create 60,000 plusdirect job opportunities andaround 3,00,000 indirectemployment opportunities.The company’s operations arelikely to generate economicactivity to the tune of nearly Rs1.5 lakh crore annually with theState exchequer getting richerby potential revenues of aroundRs 7,500 crore per annum.Thecompany has requested theGovernment for abolition of

    electricity duty and giving taxbenefits of 15% to brownfieldprojects as it is being given togreenfield projects.

    Chief Secretary SureshChandra Mohapatra hasassured all support from theState Government for settingup a 25.2-MTPA steel plant.“We draw satisfaction fromthe fact that JSPL today is thelargest private investor in thestate of Odisha.

    The State will remain ourpreferred destination for invest-ments and expansions.Substantial part of this invest-ment will come from our inter-nal accruals/equity infusions.Odisha will be the powerhouse

    leading Eastern India’s onwardmarch, and JSPL will play itspart in the same,” said JSPLchairman Naveen Jindal. “Wehave undertaken some of moststate-of-the-art industrial inno-vations at our Angul unit.

    Our objective is to putOdisha on global map, besidesmaking State Eastern India’sjewel,” said JSPL MD VRSharma.

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    Delay in Kanpur project isdue to the failure of theGovernment machinery toimplement the RR policyproperly, said PCC chiefNiranjan Patnaik after dis-cussing with the Sub-Collector , Champua at latter's office during his secondvisit to the Kanpur dam atBasudevpur near Joda block.Patnaik earlier had visitedseven rehabilitation coloniesand discussed with the affect-ed people to know about theground zero reality of therehabilitation colonies set upby the Government.

    During his visit , theaffected villagers after wel-coming Patnaik in their tra-ditional way, brought to hisnotice how they were leadinga very miserable life due to

    lack of basic amenities likedrinking water, school, cre-mation ground, Devi ghara(sacred house of village deity)of adivasi people and elec-tricity etc. Some also com-plained that though there wasprovision for the land in lieuof land but the Governmentwas not providing them anyland and the rate which theGovernment was offeringthem was much below the

    price at which the land wasavailable in the local market.

    The affected people alsocomplained against localProject Director(RR), KanpurIrrigation project, of behavingwith them. When he askedthem why they were notmeeting local MLA and MPto air their grievances, theytold him that no body both-ered to visit them to solvetheir problem.

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    SP of Kendrapada MadkarSandeep Sharma felicitateda +3 first year girl studentTruptimayee Bal for her coura-geous act. She fought with twomotor-bike borne miscreants,while the miscreants were try-ing to flee from the spot bysnatching her gold ring nearOstapur on Santasahi -Gandakhia road underKendrapada Sadar police sta-tion on January 25.

    According to sources, whileTruptimayee was returning

    with her bicycle from heruncle’s house at Kansar, twomotorbike borne miscreants,who had sealed their face,

    allegedly made an attempt tosnatch the gold chain and ringof the girl.

    The girl, showing hercourage, started fighting withthe miscreants by holding thehand of the pillion rider.Though she became injured,but she fought courageously fornearly 10 minutes with thelooterers until they fled. But the

    looterers managed to take awaythe vanity bag, in which shehad kept a mobile phone anda sum of Rs 500. “I felicitatedher with a shawl ,flower bou-quet and provided a newmobile phone as a gift by invit-ing the courageous girl and herparents to my office. She shouldbe praised for her courageousact,” said Sharma.

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    Even as wild bear is consid-ered as one of the ferociouscreatures and several violentencounters with bears are wit-nessed in forest areas, friend-ship between humans and wildanimals too exists in the world.

    A rare video shows wildbears consuming Prasad fromlocals instead of attacking themin a temple atop hills in a denseforest under Sadar block inNuapada district.The SalihaForest houses a large numberbears, for which the ForestDepartment has announced itas a bear corridor preventing

    people from entering into thewild. The villagers, who daredto visit the forest have eitherbeen killed or seriously wound-ed in bear attacks. However, ina changing scene, bears are now

    taking coconuts offered todeities every day. A couple ofdays ago, some bears hadstrayed into the temple premis-es while the priest was wor-shipping the deities. The priestpanicked at their sight. Youthspresent there came forward tosave the priest.

    Instead of getting afraid ofbears, they offered themcoconuts that had been offeredto the deities. And the bearshappily went back to the forestafter eating the coconuts with-out harming anyone. Sincethen, the bears are visiting thetemple everyday and receivingPrasad from devotees.

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    Many transgenders includ-ing Soumya Das, Sunita,Bhagyashri and Sajana fromCharampa staged a demobefore the BhadrakCollectorate under the leader-ship of Supreme Court lawyerand human rights activistRadhakanta Tripathy who hasbeen fighting for their rightssince long.

    They submitted a memo-randum citing various prob-lems faced by them over andstepmotherly attitude of the

    administration during theCorona pandemic. As per thedirection of NHRC Case no-976/90/0/2020, administra-tive actions have been initiat-ed all over India. As a part ofsuch initiative, some of thethird genders have got pensionunder Madhubabu PensionScheme and job offer from theBhadrak Municipality.

    They said if the districtadministration would extendits supporting hand towardsthem, they would not involvein different unsocial activitieslike begging and prostitution.A historical pledge was organ-ised before the Collectorate

    under the leadership ofRadhakanta Tripathy. The thirdgenders pledged that, theywould continue their fights tojustify their rights and be notbe involved with any illegalactivities and sacrifice theirlife for social welfare, protec-tion of environment andhuman rights.

    Among others, socialactivist Jagannath Kar, ArpitaPriyadarshini Patra, SunitaMahanta, Samita Patra andmembers of ‘Ardhanari KinnarMahasangha’ were present.After that, they met addition-al Tehsildar of Bhadrak andwere assured that they would

    be included in the beneficiarylist under Vasundhara schemeand would be given houses.They were told to apply inappropriate forms to be includ-ed in beneficiary list to availfacilities under differentGovernment schemes and pro-grammes.

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    Athree-year-old girl wascharred to death while herparents and elder sister sufferedcritical burn injuries when afire broke out in a paddy yardat Okilpal village underRajnagar block in Kendraparadistrict late on Thursday night.

    The mishap took placewhen family was in deep sleepin paddy yard to guard theirharvested crops.Reportedly, thefire broke out in the yard froma kerosene lamp. While minorgirl died on spot, her fatherRamakanta Samal, motherKuni and 12-year-old sisterwere admitted to a nearby hos-pital in critical conditions.

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    The Berhamapur Tax BarAssociation on Friday helda demonstration in support ofthe all-India protest call by theWestern Maharashtra TaxPractitioners’ Association(WMTPA) GST and IncomeTax issues.

    The WMTPA held theprotest against rigid approachof Government against profes-sionals and trade, unstableGST, denial of Input Tax Credit,not allowing revision of GSTreturn, midnight issue of noti-fications, excessive power toauthorities for cancellation ofregistration and blocking ofITC, failed GST portal andIncome Tax utilities not made

    available on time and changedfrequently. Tax Bar Associationmembers including presidentRanjlt Padhi, secretary TrlpatiPatra, PK Nayak, PumaChandra Hota, Rabi Pattnaik,Bljay Choudhury. DebanandaPatra, Sampuma Patra, ShekharKumar, Ranjan Sahu. GyanaRanjan Sahu and PrashantKumar Panigrahi were pre-sent.


    The State Bank of India(SBI), Badasankha Branch,in the city, paid Rs 2 lakh to oneSibaprasad Praharaj ofTiadisahi as insurance moneyunder the Pradhan MantriJivan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJ-BY). The money was given toPraharaj by the bank on thebasis of untimely death of hiswife. Praharaj had beendepositing Rs 330 premium perannum under the PMJJBY inthe name of his wife KuntalaPraharaj.

    However, Kuntala hadpassed away of liver jaundicelast year for which her husbandSibaprasad claimed insurancebenefits from the bank. As perbank sources, the transfer ofmoney to beneficiary whichwas scheduled to be given afterher death, faced undue delaybecause of lockdown for Covidpandemic.


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    The “Lokarpana” (release)function of the book “NijaKatha” authored by formerDeputy Speaker of OdishaLegislative Assembly and vet-eran public figure RamaChandra Panda was held hereon Tuesday.

    The function was followedby a seminar on “Covid-19 andEnvironment” to mark theevent. Panda presided over thefunction. Assembly SpeakerSN Patro graced the event aschief guest in the inauguralfunction.

    Patro in his addressexplained his long associationwith Panda and his contribu-tion to environmental move-ment and to welfare of thefarmers and his utmost con-cern for development of thecommon public.

    A host of dignitaries, intel-lectuals and elected represen-tatives who joined the eventinclude the Editor of“Satyabadi” and the Publisherof leading Odiya daily “theSamaj” Niranjan Rath, Editor ofNandighosh TV Sisir

    Bhattamishra, formerCorrespondent of ‘EconomicTimes’ and known free-lancejournalist Nageswar Pattnaik,freelance journalist PrahalladSingh, former Bureau Chief ofSTV Samachar Sanat Panda,former president of GanjamBar Association BhagabanSahu, Chairman of Hi-TechMedical Group of InstitutionTirupati Panigrahi, ChatrapurMLA Subash Behera,Barachana MLA Amara PrasadSatapathy, former BrahmpaurMLA Dr RC Chyaupattnaik ,among others. Rama ChandraPanda welcomed the guests,while academician and lawyerProf KC Panda introduced theguests.

    Editor of ‘Nabin’ Rabi Rath,social worker Rajendra Panda,President of Ganjam BarAssociation KapileswarPattnaik, BJD leader SubashMaharana, Udaynath Pradhan,Uma Nayak, T.Gopi, State BJDsecretary and District MahilaMorcha president SanghamitraDalai, former Ganjam BlockChairman Surath Puhan,Jagannath Sabat and SanskritScholar and writer HaygribaTripathy were present.



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    The Joda police seized theJCP used for illegally load-ing the truck with iron orefines and court-forwardedKartikeswar Saha, a native oflocal Kumar-Joda, and LalMohan Nayak, owner anddriver of the JCP, respective-ly, after arresting them inconnection with the theft ofiron ore fines in the wake ofa story about this published inThe Pioneer on Thursday.

    With this, the number ofthe arrested so far rose toseven, including the fivenabbed on January 26 in thecase.However, one NagenDash of Kalinganagar, Barbil,said to be the middleman inhiring vehicles from West

    Bengal, has been abscond-ing. Joda police sourcesrevealed circumstances inwhich Maa Ambe Enterpriseloaded the iron ore fines fromIndu Ingot and Roller PvtLtd on two trucks having WBregistered numbers and fromwhich sources iron ore fines

    were dumped at the InduIngot and Roller Pvt Ltd with-out obtaining permission ofmining department.

    If required, police wouldcall owners of traders andcrusher units’ owners forinterrogation and verify thetruth.

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    At least 12 ForestDepartment officials,including a Ranger, sustainedinjuries as they were attackedby a group of villagers inMalkangiri district on Friday.

    As per reports, the team ofthe forest officials had gone toNamakonda village to rescuea pangolin when the incidentoccurred. The raid was con-ducted after the officials gotinformation that some people

    are planning to sell the pan-golin and a deal was beingfinalised at the spot. A team of15 personnel led byMalkangiri Ranger BasudevNayak conducted a raid at thevillage.

    However, the team wasattacked by over 25 personsarmed with wooden logs, axeand sticks. Following the inci-dent, a case has been regis-tered at the Malkangiri policestation and further investiga-tion was on.


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    Deputy Director General(DDG), Central TBDivision, Ministry of Healthand Family Welfare, Dr KSSachdeva stated that Indiawould achieve a TB free statusby 2025 irrespective of theCovid setback.

    "Substantial ground hasbeen covered in the last 10months and we are currentlynearing pre-Covid levels, withthe private sector and manyStates having already bouncedback to pre-Covid levels.

    It is imperative to ensureand commit to TB-free work-places in our own set-ups by2021, with all corporates

    achieving this target," toldSachdeva while speaking atthe TB-Free WorkplacesVirtual Round Table organisedby the CII in Odisha on Friday.As the Government has calledfor the elimination of TB by2025, and with a NationalStrategic Plan 2017 – 2025 inplace to help achieve the targets

    set forth, the CII has launchedthe TB free workplaces cam-paign which would continuefor three years to ensure TBfree workplaces. This includesa teaching app, a web portal toengage the industry and a bestpractices compendium whichis live. The objectives of theworkplace TB policy are to pro-

    mote awareness on TB, screen-ing and treatment, statedAdditional Director -HealthServices (TB), Government ofOdisha, Dr Prasanta KumarHota. Convenor, CIIHealthcare Panel Odisha,Sudhir Diggikar said Odishahas been ranked second in thecountry for its efforts towardselimination of TB in the State.Four of its districts have foundplace among the top-10 dis-tricts in the country in terms ofTB control.

    The National TB Reportreleased by the MoHFWrecently stated that Odisha hasa 80% recovery rate against thedisease, with the death rate inOdisha due to TB nearly 5%.



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    The Hinjilicut Dance ArtsResearch Center has pro-duced a film “Ananya”, whichwon national and internation-al awards for its emphasis on‘transparency’ and ‘the impor-tance of education’ as the coretheme of the film.

    The film was directed byKrishna DK. PriyabadPattnayak did the cinematog-raphy while T Srinibas Das isthe story writer of the film. Therole played by artists like,Madusudan Misra, GopalMohanty and Sonam Sahu

    have thrilled the audience andacclaimed national and inter-national recognition andawards for their excellent per-formances with professionalacumen. The full shootings ofthe film took place in theHinjilicut.


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    KOCHI : Former Congress President Rahul Gandhi whorepresents Wayanad in the Lok Sabha refuted the chargesmade by Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan that Centralprobe agencies were harassing honest officers in the Stateby questioning and arresting them on flimsy grounds.

    Addressing leaders and workers of the Congress-ledUnited Democratic Front at Kalpetta late Thursdayevening, the Nehru-Gandhi family scion said the Centralagencies (Enforcement Directorate, CBI, DRI andCustoms) were having a relaxed time in Kerala.

    “This is because the BJP at the Centre has a soft cor-ner towards the CPI(M). The Central prone agencies arehaving a relaxed time in Kerala while they were tor-menting and harassing leaders in States where the oppo-sition was in power,” charged Rahul Gandhi addressingthe UDF delegates in what was being seen as the launch-ing of his election campaign in Kerala.

    “BJP used central probe agencies like the CBI and theED to harass leaders in States where the Opposition wasin power. PNS

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    Kolkata : In a new twist to the chit fund casethe Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI)on Friday carried out raids at the Kolkataresidences of renowned magician PC SorcarJunior. The Central agency is reportedlyinvestigating Sorcar’s connection with theTower Group ponzi group.

    The CBI team raided four premisesincluding the magician’s Mukundapur andBallyguynge houses sources said adding theAgency had found transaction links betweenthe two sides whereby funds had been trans-ferred to his bank account from the chitfund company.

    “The magician allegedly signed a busi-ness deal with the company years ago, andtoday's search operation was carried out toexamine the deal as well as the transactionbetween him and the chit fund company,”a CBI official said adding some documents had also been seized in this con-nection.

    Sources said the fund traced to his bankaccount could be the fees for the works hedid for the chit fund group as a brandambassador. The family members howev-er remained tightlipped about the Fridayraids.

    The star magician had been a BJP mem-ber and fought parliamentary elections fromBarasat constituency on saffron ticket. PNS

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    Hours before Union HomeMinister Amit Shah was toembark on his two-day pre-elec-toral visit of Bengal former StateMinister Rajib Banerjee onFriday quit as a primary mem-ber of the ruling TrinamoolCongress stoking speculationsthat he was joining the BJP dur-ing Shah’s rally in Howrah.

    Banerjee who also quit as aTMC MLA on Friday carriedalong with him a photograph ofChief Minister Mamata Banerjeewho he described as a “motherfigure to me who gave me somuch of opportunity to serve thepeople of Bengal.”

    Banerjee, like his formerministerial colleague SuvenduAdhikari had been speaking ina rebellious tone criticizing theway the Government and theparty had been functioning allthese years and the way the “cor-rupt sidekicks of the top partybrass” always got the front benchin the hierarchy.

    “I do hereby tender my res-ignation as a member of the All

    India Trinamool Congress aswell as from all other positionsheld by me in the party and itsassociates with immediateeffect,” Banerjee, who hadstepped down from the statecabinet last week, wrote in hisresignation letter to the ChiefMinister.

    “I have resigned as MLA ofthe State Assembly and submit-ted my resignation letter to theSpeaker,” he said thanking “partypresident Mamata Banerjee forproviding me with an opportu-nity to serve the masses.”

    Dropping hints about hisfuture plans Banerjee who hasstrong possibilities of joining theBJP in presence of Shah said “Iwant to remain in the politics inorder to serve the people and inparliamentary democracy youcannot do so as an Independentcandidate … so I will have tofind a political platform formyself under which I can workfor the people of my con-stituency and the State.”

    On whether he was joiningthe BJP he said “I gave myselfsome time after quitting the

    Cabinet… now I have decidedsomething and that decision Iwill make known in a couple ofdays,” adding however that hehad yet to speak to the BJP lead-ership. Banerjee is the thirdminister after Adhikari andLaxmi Ratan Shukla to quit theGovernment and the party.

    Banerjee is among a bevy ofTMC MLAs from North andSouth Bengal and an MP haveleft the party in the past coupleof months or so. Apart from himtwo other MLAs includingBaishali Dalmiya --- the daugh-ter of former BCCI presidentJagmohan Dalmiya --- who waslast week expelled from theTMC and Hooghly MLA PrabirGhoshal are also likely to join theBJP in Shah’s presence sourcessaid.

    A third leader RathinChakrabarty the former HowrahMayor too is likely to join thesaffron outfit along with hisother party colleagues thoughthe BJP sources remainedtightlipped about the new join-ing in that party.

    When asked about the

    TMC leaders joining the saffronoutfit in presence of Shah asenior State BJP leader said“there are a number of themwho will join us” in the HomeMinister’s presence.

    The Home Minister whohas visited poll-bound Bengal onseveral occasions in the recentmonths is likely to begin his two-day tour from MayapurChandrodaya Temple ofInternational Society for KrishnaConsciousness (ISKCON) onSaturday before addressing theMatua community at a publicrally at Thakurnagar in North 24Parganas district.

    Erstwhile refugees fromBangladesh the Matua com-munity has more than one mil-lion members and it can influ-ence the voting pattern of Northand South 24 Parganaas as alsoNadia and parts of Burdwam.During the visit, Shah is expect-ed to clear his party’s stand onthe Citizenship (Amendment)Act (CAA) as local BJP MP fromMatua community ShantanuThakur had repeatedly beenraising the issue.

    Later on Saturday Shah willaddress the social media volun-teers at Science City Auditoriumin Kolkata.

    On Sunday he is likely tovisit Sri Aurobindo Bhawan inKolkata and then to BharatSevashram Sangha on RashBehari Avenue in South Kolkata.Shah was earlier scheduled tovisit Ishwar Chandra VidyaSagar’s residence but the pro-gramme was later dropped fol-lowing reports that the TMCsupporters were planning toshow black flags there, sourcessaid. On Sunday he will alsoaddress a public rally atDumurjola in Howrah beforepaying a visit to RamakrishnaMission headquarters, BelurMath.

    Meanwhile, with an appar-ent view to gauge the party leg-islators’ minds the ChiefMinister on Friday called aclosed-door meeting of theTMC MPs and MLAs at herKalighat residence where shereportedly disclosed the party’spoll strategy asking them to hitthe streets from February.

    01�,�#������2��������$�����'���,34Mumbai: Questioning the manner in which fundsare being collected door-to-door for the RamTemple construction in Ayodhya, the MaharashtraCongress on Friday warned that it may be “swindled”off by the unscrupulous elements.

    “Given the background of the Bharatiya JanataParty and Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, the moneycollected in the name of Lord Ram may be siphonedoff by its activists for their personal use instead ofthe Ayodhya Temple,” said Congress spokespersonSachin Sawant.

    Addressing a media conference, Sawant said thatearlier the BJP and its affiliates have already raisedhuge amounts for the Ram Temple, but no accountshave been given about it yet.

    Besides, urging the masses to take adequate pre-cautions before donating money out of devotion forLord Ram, he also called upon the Maharashtra gov-ernment to enquire and verify if the funds collect-ed from the state go for the intended purpose.

    “The Nirmohi Akhada, which fought the RamTemple cause for many years, had accused the VishwaHindu Parishad of looting Rs 1,400 crore. In 2015,the All India Hindu Mahasabha (AIHM) hadcharged VHP with embezzling Rs 1,400 crore plusseveral quintals of gold and a complaint was lodgedwith the Prime Minister's Office on August 4, 2017,”said Sawant. IANS

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    More than ten months afterit suspended the subur-ban train services in themetropolis and its suburbs,the Maharashtra Governmenton Friday allowed the resump-tion of suburban locals for allcategories of people in Mumbaiand the Mumbai MetropolitanRegion (MMR), fromFebruary 1.

    In identical letters writtento the Chief General Managersof Central and WesternRailways, the State chiefSecretary Sanjay Kumarrequested both the Railways toresume local trains with effectfrom February 1, to all cate-gories of the public – from thestart of services for the day to7 am and then again from 12pm to 4 pm, and from 9 pm tothe closure of local train ser-vices for the day with effectfrom February 1, 2021.

    “The local train serviceswill be restricted to the essen-tial services staff only as isbeing permitted currently from7 amto 12 noon and from 4 pmto 9 pm,” Kumar stated in hisletters to the chief GMs of theCentral and Western Railway.

    It may be recalled that theCentral and Western Railways,

    which had suspended all theirsuburban train services in thethird week of March last yearfollowing the announcement oflockdown, resumed opera-tions for those working inessential services from June 15last year..

    The services were graduallyincreased for the convenienceof passengers and to avoidcrowding and to maintainsocial distancing. FromOctober 17, it allowed all ladiesto travel by suburban trains fora specified number of hoursduring a day in Mumbai andMumbai Metropolitan Region(MMR).

    From November 2onwards, the Central andWestern Railways increasedthe number of services byanother 753 and togetheroperated 2,773 suburban trainservices.

    During normal times

    before the lockdown, theCentral Railway (CR) used tooperate 1,774 services daily,while the Western Railway(WR) would run 1,367 serviceson the suburban network.

    Currently, the railwayauthorities are operating 2,985services, about 95 per cent ofthe total 3141 services, onMumbai''s suburban network.Of these, 204 special suburbanservices were added on Fridaymorning

    “Currently 1201 specialsuburban services are beingoperated by Western Railwayfor essential services staff andother categories as notified bythe Maharashtra government.In order to maintain social dis-tancing and to avoid over-crowding, Western Railway hastaken the decision to increasethe number of daily SpecialSuburban services from 1201 to1300 with effect from today byadding 99 additional services

    Before the lockdown, awhooping 80 lakh commutersused to travel daily in suburbantrains on the Main andHarbour lines of the CentralRailway and the WesternRailway to and fro from thedistant suburbs to their offices,a majority of which are locat-ed in south Mumbai.

    Jaipur: Industries Minister ParasadilalMeena said that Rajasthan Governmentis working with a multi-prongedapproach to provide a favourable envi-ronment to the investors in the State.

    With our efforts, Rajasthan willgrow into a majorhub for petrochemicals products, hesaid. Through extensive policy reformsand simplification of rules, we havemade the path of investment easier.

    There are unprecedented possibil-ities of investment and employmentopportunities in the state through the

    Petroleum Chemicals andPetrochemicals Investment Region(PCPIR) being developed in the areaadjoining the Rajasthan Refinery.



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    Continuing its crackdownon the drug peddlers oper-ating in the metropolis andsurrounding areas, the NarcoticsControl Bureau (NCB) Mumbaicarried out a series of raids inNavi Mumbai and recoveredhuge quantities of differentkinds of banned narcotics andarrested three peddlers.

    During its various raids, theNCB also unearthed a novelmodus operandi of the peddlersprocuring LSD — a powerfulhallucinogic drug — through theDark Net for their customers.During the raids during a peri-od over 48 hours, the NCBsleuths seized 336 Blots of LSD(commercial quantity), 6 gramsCocaine and 430 gms Marijuanaat Nerul in Navi Mumbai.

    The NCB identified thethree arrested alleged drug ped-dlers as Arbaaz Shaikh, VineetChandran and SurajSingh.While Shaikh andChandran were intercepted in aChevrolet Beat car and arrest-ed late on Wednesday.

    Based on the inputs givenby Vineet and Chandran, theNCB arrested Singh late on

    Thursday. Singh’s arrest fol-lowed seizure of drugs.

    Three drug peddlers whoare said to be running a thriv-ing network in Navi Mumbaisince long have been arrested.They are: Arbaaz Shaikh, VineetChandran and Suraj Singh, saidNCB Zonal Director SameerWankhede.

    Shaikh and Chandran wereintercepted in a Chevrolet Beatcar late on Wednesday andafter their interrogation, Singhwas nabbed late on Thursday,with the total quantities recov-ered from them.

    Since the NCB entered intothe Bollywood-narcotics mafiaprobe in a big way as a falloutof the death probe of Bollywoodactor Sushant Singh Rajput inJune 2020, it has gone hammer-and-tongs after drug suppliers,financers, agents and streetpeddlers besides customers, inMumbai, Thane, Palghar andNavi Mumbai.

    The NCB registered twodrugs cases in the wake of theinvestigations launched by theCBI into the death of actorSushant Singh Rajput in Junelast year upon the directiveissued by the Supreme Court.



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  • Economic calculations: Chinaaccounts for more than 60 percent of the total FDI in Nepal.Until 2014, India had thelargest FDI share in Nepal butfollowing the then friendlyCommunist Government inNepal, China managed tosurpass India. In the pastthree years, China has tripledits investment in the hospital-ity, tourism, cement manufac-turing and construction sec-tors. Popular tourist destina-tions like Thamel inKathmandu are primarilyleased by Chinese business-men, who have been accusedof sheltering Chinese nation-als involved in scams, traffick-ing and bank fraud in Nepal.With the CCP-NCP nexus inplace, diplomatic immunityhas become the synonym ofChinese interests in Nepal.Strategic Beijing: China’simmediate strategic stakesrest with the Belt and RoadInitiative (BRI), military tiesand an extradition treaty.Beijing has more than 10 BRIprojects running in Nepal,and a non-Oli Governmentmay cost big dimes to Beijing.Also, the People’s LiberationArmy was planning the thirdedition of the SagarmathaMilitary Exercise by 2020 endwith Nepal Army, whichbegan in 2017. Beijing pro-jects the joint military exercise

    as a counter to India’s tradi-tional security ties with Nepal.However, the House dissolu-tion leaves little space forChina to get the Nepal Armyalong for the exercise.

    Beijing also expects anearly conclusion of its extradi-tion treaty with Nepal. DuringJinping’s October 2019 visit,the treaty was almost signedbut human rights advocatesvehemently opposed the move.Amid the protests, the treatywas replaced by the MutualLegal Assistance on CriminalMatters Treaty, similar to extra-dition. An extradition treatywill enable China to prosecuteanti-China and free-Tibetvoices in Nepal as it is home to20,000 Tibetan refugees.Lost traditional space:Traditionally, the United States(US) has followed India’s courseof action concerning peaceand security in Nepal. Thetwo hold a similar position onprotecting the rights of Tibetanrefugees in Nepal, which irksBeijing. To appease the Chinese,Oli has stepped back from ear-lier commitments to join theMillennium ChallengeCorporation (MCC) — aninnovative and independentUS foreign assistance agency tohelp fight global poverty. TheUS Government began work-ing with Nepal in 2012 towarddeveloping an MCC compact.

    With China alleging that theMCC was a US-led military ini-tiative, it has been in politicallurch for a decade now.However, soon after Joe Bidentook over, the US Ambassadorhas held meetings withPrachanda and the Oppositionleaders, indicating a renewedeffort to pursue Nepal for join-ing the MCC.Conclusion: Many in Indiabelieve that our recent efforts tohold talks and the ongoingmedical diplomacy will help easeties with Nepal. Contrary to thisunderstanding, Oli has a clearagenda on the border issuewith India, and he is ready toadvance Nepal’s ties with China.Considering the upcomingpolls, Oli will re-use his anti-India centric ultra-nationalismto appease voters. Therefore,India needs to be cautious ofevery friendly move it makes. AsOli’s anti-India manoeuvringshelp Beijing to assert its positionin Nepal, China would like himto remain in power. Meanwhile,it is the Opposition’s responsibil-ity to make the Nepalese pub-lic aware of Chinese debt trapsand strategic moves that havealready been proved in SriLanka and the Maldives.

    (The author is an ICSSRDoctoral Fellow at the JNU, NewDelhi, and Senior Fellow at theAIDIA, Kathmandu. The viewsexpressed are personal.)



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    Unlike the Economic Survey for 2019-20,which was prepared keeping in mind theambitious target of achieving a $5 trillioneconomy by 2024-25, this time around, the over-arching theme revolves around demonstratinghow brilliantly the Government has managed theCoronavirus pandemic. Through lucid elaborationon the details and modeling with facts and figures— using international as well as inter-State com-parison within India, Chief Economic Adviser(CEA) Krishnamurthy Subramanian has givenample justification for the “early” and “stringent”lockdown from March and thereafter calibrated lift-ing of restrictions from June onward. Tacitly, he hasalso admitted that this led to compression in demand(discretionary spending during this period wasalmost completely exterminated) on one hand, alongwith supply side disruption on the other hand.

    The precipitous decline in the Gross DomesticProduct (GDP) growth by 24 per cent during thefirst quarter of the current Financial Year (FY) end-ing June 30, 2020, and continuing deceleration butat a moderate 7.5 per cent during the second quar-ter ending on September 30, 2020 is the inevitableoutcome of the above strategy that was focused pre-dominantly on saving human lives and keepingother health-related damage to the bare minimum.

    However, there was sharp rebound during thesecond half when the decline was expected to bemarginal at 0.1 per cent. This has to do primarilywith fast normalisation of business activities, a cal-ibrated exit from the lockdown and release of pentup demand (with festive demand acting as the icingon the cake). For the whole year, growth is estimat-ed to be minus 7.7 per cent (against a much sharp-er decline in double digits forecast earlier by manyagencies). For 2021-22, the survey projects thegrowth to be 11 per cent which is also in sync withthe projection by the International Monetary Fund(IMF) at 11.5 per cent.

    This much-trumpeted V-shaped recovery (alsodescribed as the best among all emerging marketeconomies) has been correlated by the CEA withsynchronised policy action — on the demand sideby way of reducing interest rate, pumping liquidi-ty, tax cuts and so on — and on the supply sidethrough agricultural and labour reforms. This maybe bit of an exaggeration. The recovery has to dooverwhelmingly with the exemplary success inimplementing measures on containing the virus andavoidance of a second wave of infection.

    Pertinently, the survey itself notes: “Contraryto expectations of a faster growth in FY22 helpingto shave off the sharp GDP contractions this year,the Indian economy will take at least two more yearsto return to the growth levels achieved in the pre-pandemic period.” This is also in line with the IMF’sprojections, according to which after touching 11.5per cent in 2021-22, GDP growth will slide to 6.8per cent during 2022-23.

    At the time of taking charge for his second stintin May 2019, Prime Minister Narendra Modi hadset the GDP target for 2024-25 at $5 trillion. Thisby itself was highly unrealistic as it would haverequired an annual growth of 20 per cent (never seenin the past). Now, with the steep decline of 7.7 percent during the current FY, even if 11 per centgrowth is achieved during 2021-22, the GDP wouldhave merely recuperated to the 2019-20 level orabout $2.1 trillion. Starting from here, to reach $5

    trillion in just about three years by2024-25 is next to impossible. Nowonder, even the CEA (unlike lastyear) is only talking of actions in theshort term. Accordingly, theEconomic Survey for 2020-21 hassuggested that “the Governmentshould come up with more fiscalmeasures for short-term support tothe economy and businesses.”

    In other words, he wants theGovernment to go for a more loosefiscal policy notwithstanding thefact that already the fiscal deficit (FD)for the current year is expectedto be about 7.5 per cent. Thisdoes not include off-Budgetliabilities and extra-budgetary resources(EBRs). Once theseare included, thedeficit will increasefurther and will be more than dou-ble the Budget estimate of 3.5 percent.

    While, talking of measures toboost growth, the official think tankneeds to introspect as to why despitea number of fiscal measures (com-plemented by monetary measures)taken during 2020 — branded by theCentre as several mini-Budgets —both consumption and investmentdemand continue to remain weak.For instance, look at the steep cut inthe corporate tax rate to 15 per centon new investment granted inSeptember 2019. Yet it failed to spurinvestment. This has been the posi-tion since the third quarter of 2018-19 (that was much before the pan-demic) leading to a decline in growthquarter after quarter. Spending a few

    thousand crore more or leavingmore money in the hands of the peo-ple (through tax concessions ordirect cash transfer to the poor/vul-nerable) won’t be of much help inspurring demand or even enthusingentrepreneurs to invest. Of crucialimportance is the need to actuallyexecute reforms and make themwork on ground zero. Unfortunately,this is not happening. Here are someexamples.

    Under a stimulus packageannounced last year, �3,00,000 crore

    were to be given to micro, smalland medium enterprises(MSMEs) or identified

    stressed sectors underthe Emergency CreditLine GuaranteeScheme (ECLGS).Under this scheme,

    as against a target of eight millionMSMEs beneficiaries, only four mil-lion got loan aggregating to �1,50,000crore. Likewise, the �65,000 croreadditional amount given for fertilis-er subsidy under the last tranche ofthe stimulus package was meant forclearing pending subsidy dues to fer-tiliser manufacturers. It is not anadditional support to farmers.

    As regards the reforms in thefield of marketing agricultural prod-ucts, we have seen the fate of the threeCentral laws which have the poten-tial of substantially increasing pricerealisation by the farmers and couldhave played a vital role in doublingfarmers’ income.

    As things stand today (rightnow the Supreme Court has put ahold on their implementation), it is

    not clear whether these will see thelight of the day.

    The Modi Government is bettingbig on investment in infrastructure;it is reiterated in the EconomicSurvey, too. That will need massiveresource mobilisation to the tune of�100 lakh crore over the next fiveyears. A whopping 39 per cent has tocome from the Centre and Stateseach and the balance 22 per centfrom the private sector. Till date, wedon’t have a strategic plan of actionon how to do it even as State agen-cies such as the National HighwayAuthority of India (NHAI) and so on,continue to be saddled with theresponsibility to fund the investmentmostly out of borrowings, pushingthem into unsustainable debt.

    Look at the steep cut in corpo-rate tax that makes India one of themost attractive investment destina-tion: At par with even Singapore. Yet,if one looks at the fine print and inparticular, several riders for availingthe benefit, this could end up dis-couraging investors, including for-eign companies, to go for it.

    To conclude, it may be worthrecalling what the CEA had expect-ed the Government to do in the sur-vey for 2019-20. The CEA wanted toexpedite reforms in banking, foodand fertiliser subsidy, land acquisi-tion, enforcement of contracts, elim-ination of bureaucratic red tape,removal of bottlenecks in trans-portation and clearances at the ports.This is a sustainable solution to theproblem of low demand and slowgrowth syndrome. Will Team Modibite the bullet?


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    Voicing outrage over theacquittal of those involvedin the brutal murder of DanielPearl in 2002, the White Househas asked Pakistan to expedi-tiously review its legal options,including allowing the US toprosecute al-Qaeda terroristAhmed Omar Saeed Sheikhand other suspects to securejustice for the American jour-nalist’s family.

    Pearl, the 38-year-oldSouth Asia bureau chief for TheWall Street Journal, was visit-ing Pakistan to report onIslamist militant networks inthe country and on the linksbetween the country’s power-ful spy agency ISI and al-Qaeda following the September11, 2001 terror strikes. He waskidnapped in Karachi, the cap-ital of Sindh, and beheadeddays later.

    Pakistan’s Supreme Courton Thursday dismissed appealsagainst the acquittal of British-born al-Qaeda terrorist Sheikhin the kidnapping and murdercase of Pearl and ordered hisrelease, a judgementdenounced by the Americanjournalist’s family as “a com-plete travesty of justice.”

    The apex court cleared

    Sheikh and his three Pakistaniaccomplices in the case of allthe charges, ordering thatSheikh and others be immedi-ately freed from jail.

    Hours after the ruling,White House press secretaryJen Psaki underlined the newBiden administration’s com-mitment to secure justice forPearl’s family.

    Psaki, during her dailynews conference on Thursday,said: “The United States is out-raged by the Pakistani SupremeCourt’s decision to affirm theacquittals of those responsiblefor Wall Street Journal reporterDaniel Pearl’s kidnapping andbrutal murder which shockedthe world’s conscience in 2002”.

    “This decision to exonerateand release Sheikh and theother suspects is an affront toterrorism victims everywhere,including in Pakistan. Werecognise past Pakistani actions

    to try to hold Mr Pearl’s mur-derers accountable, and we donote that as of right now, OmarSheikh remains in detention inPakistan under national secu-rity authorities.

    “But we call on thePakistani government to expe-ditiously review its legaloptions, including allowing theUnited States to prosecute forthe brutal murder of anAmerican citizen and journal-ist,” Psaki said in response to aquestion on Pakistan’s apexcourt’s decision.

    Sheikh and his three aides- Fahad Naseem, Sheikh Adiland Salman Saqib - were con-victed and sentenced in theabduction and murder case ofPearl in Karachi in 2002.

    The United States, she said,is committed to securing justicefor Pearl’s family and holdingterrorists anywhere account-able for their heinous crimes.


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    Pakistan authorities onFriday filed a review peti-tion in the Supreme Courtagainst the aquittal of British-born al-Qaeda terrorist AhmedOmar Saeed Sheikh and histhree accomplices in the 2002kidnapping and murder case ofAmerican journalist DanielPearl, hours after the USexpressed outrage over thedecision terming it as an“affront” to victims of terror-ism.

    The review was filed by theSindh Government in theSupreme Court after its appealagainst the acquittal verdict ofSindh High Court (SHC) was

    dismissed by the top court onThursday. Pakistan’s SupremeCourt on Thursday dismissedappeals against the acquittal ofSheikh in the kidnapping andmurder case of Pearl andordered his release, a judge-ment denounced by theAmerican journalist’s familyas “a complete travesty of jus-tice.”

    The apex court clearedSheikh and his three Pakistaniaccomplices in the case of allthe charges, ordering thatSheikh and others be immedi-ately freed from jail if notwanted in any other case.

    Pearl, the 38-year-oldSouth Asia bureau chief for TheWall Street Journal, was visit-

    ing Pakistan to report onIslamist militant networks inthe country and on the linksbetween the country’s power-ful spy agency ISI and al-Qaeda following the September11, 2001 terror strikes. He waskidnapped in Karachi, the cap-ital of Sindh, and beheadeddays later.

    Sindh Prosecutor GeneralFiaz Shah, while talking to themedia, confirmed that a peti-tion was lodged to “seek areview and request the court torecall the order of acquittal.

    The Sindh government, inthe petition, pleaded the courtto review its verdict and rein-state their sentences as therewere certain loopholes in the


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    Authorities in Bangladeshsent a third group ofRohingya refugees to a newlydeveloped island in the Bay ofBengal on Friday despite callsby human rights groups for ahalt to the process.

    The Government insiststhe relocation plan is meant tooffer better living conditionswhile attempts to repatriatemore than 1 million refugees toMyanmar would continue.

    On Friday morning, 1,778refugees started their journeyto the island of Bhasan Char infour navy vessels from thesoutheastern port city ofChattogram, after they werebrought from crammed campsin Cox’s Bazar district, said M.Mozammel Haque, a com-mander of the Bangladeshnavy. He said a fourth batchwould be sent to the islandSaturday.

    “Around 4,000 refugeeshave already been sent to the

    island since December, but wehave the capacity of accom-modating 1,00,000. The processwill continue until we fulfill it,”he told reporters.

    Haque said the refugeeswere being treated well on theisland and they would have theoption of generating income byrearing cattle or poultry andcould also engage in makinghandicrafts. He said they want-ed them to contribute to theeconomy, but their repatriationto Myanmar is the ultimate goal.

    “They will be checked byour doctors when they arrivetoday. They will be given foodand accommodation properly,”he said. While human rightsgroups criticised the move, thegovernment of Prime MinisterSheikh Hasina repeatedly saidthe refugees were moving to theisland voluntarily under gov-ernment management.

    Authorities say the refugeeswere selected for relocationbased on their willingness, andthat no pressure was applied.

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    Turkey hopes the UnitedStates will return to thenuclear deal with Iran underUS President Joe Biden’sadministration, TurkishForeign Minister MevlutCavusoglu said on Friday.

    Speaking at a joint newsconference with Iranian coun-terpart Javad Zarif in Istanbul,Cavusoglu said Turkey wouldalso like to see sanctionsimposed on Iran lifted.

    “I hope that with the Bidenadministration, the UnitedStates return to this agreementand cooperation on the(nuclear) issue is restored,”Cavusoglu said. “In this way,God willing, the sanctions andembargoes imposed on broth-erly Iran are lifted.”

    Former US PresidentDonald Trump unilaterallywithdrew America from Iran’snuclear deal in 2018. Under thedeal, Tehran had agreed tolimit its uranium enrichment inexchange for the lifting of eco-nomic sanctions.

    After the US Then rampedup sanctions, Iran graduallyand publicly abandoned thedeal’s limits on its nucleardevelopment. Iranian state TVreported Thursday that Iranhas exceeded 17 kilograms of20 per cent enriched uraniumwithin a month, moving itsnuclear program closer toweapons-grade enrichmentlevels.

    Biden, who was vice pres-ident when the deal was signedduring the Obama adminis-tration, has said he hopes toreturn the U.S. To the deal.

    “The United States unilat-erally withdrew from this com-prehensive course of action,”Zarif told journalists, speakingthrough an interpreter. “It is theduty of the United States toreturn to this agreement and tofulfill its obligations.

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    Mohammed Al Zabidi cel-ebrated in 2017 when helearned he had been selected inthe US green card lottery,which picks people at randomfrom a large pool of applicants.It was a chance to escape hiswar-torn homeland of Yemenand pursue his dreams in theUnited States.

    “I won! I won!” Al Zabidicheered. He borrowed moneyto finance his trip, boughtclothes for his new life inAmerica and packed souvenirsfor friends there. With no USEmbassy in Yemen, he made agruelling journey to Djiboutifor his visa interview.

    But there, after he hadbeen initially approved, hisluck ran out: “CANCELLEDWITHOUT PREJUDICE,”read the bold, black, all-capsstamp on the unused visa in hispassport with a Trump admin-istration travel ban on severalMuslim-majority nations,including his, in place.

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    No decision has been madeabout the future presenceof the US troops inAfghanistan, the Pentagon hassaid, asserting that the Bidenadministration is committed toresponsibly end the war in thestrife-torn country with thediplomatic process.

    The previous Trumpadministration had signed thepeace deal with Taliban inFebruary last in Doha. Theaccord drew up plans for with-drawal of US troops fromAfghanistan in exchange forsecurity guarantees from theinsurgent group.

    As part of the deal, the UScommitted to withdraw its12,000 troops fromAfghanistan within 14 months.There are currently only 2,500American troops left in thewar-torn country.

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    ADutch appeals court isdelivering its judgmentFriday in a long-running civilcase in which four Nigerianfarmers are seeking compen-sation and a cleanup fromenergy giant Shell for pollutioncaused by leaking oil pipelinesin the Niger Delta.

    The decision, which can beappealed to the Dutch SupremeCourt, is the latest stage in acase that is breaking new legalground in how far multina-tionals in the Netherlands canbe held responsible for actions of their overseas sub-sidiaries.

    Royal Dutch Shell arguesthat saboteurs are responsiblefor leaks in underground oilpipes that have polluted thedelta.

    Moscow: After a round of talksin Moscow, the Taliban saidFriday they expect the UnitedStates to fulfill its pledge towithdraw all its troops fromAfghanistan by May.

    Sher Mohammed AbbasStanikzai, who led the Talibandelegation that met with seniorRussian diplomats during twodays of talks, insisted that themovement has honored its endof the deal signed last year onQatar, where the Taliban main-tain a political office.

    White House and U.S. StateDepartment officials have saidthat Biden’s administrationplans to take a new look at thepeace agreement signed lastFebruary with Donald Trump’sWhite House.

    The Pentagon said onThursday that the Taliban’srefusal to meet commitments toreduce violence in Afghanistanis raising questions aboutwhether all U.S. Troops will beable to leave by May as requiredunder the peace deal. AP



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