| NSW Department of Education education.nsw.gov.au Framework for teaching online Stage 3 - Suitable for online, offline and face to face teaching and learning. Week 11 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Morning 9.00-10.50 English EXPLORING SPACE Read text ‘Red Rover: Curiosity on Mars’ Word of the Day Reading/Comprehension Read through the Red Rover text. Take notes about the functions of Curiosity and its purpose on Mars. Complete the comprehension response sheet, justifying responses to questions. Visual Literacy/Writing Students to examine the images on the relevant document and respond English EXPLORING SPACE Word of the Day BTN Mars https://www.abc.net.au/btn /classroom/mars- mission/10532102 Watch the following clip/read the transcript Respond to questions on worksheet Create a comic strip about a space mission to Mars. It could be based on Curiosity’s mission (template available on drive also) Writing Discuss the following point: NASA has spent billions of dollars on Curiosity’s mission to Mars. Do you think this is money well spent? What are the benefits of the mission? Explain your answer. Mathematics This week numeracy will focus on multiplication. In your head work out 14 x 5 = What answer did you come up with?Demonstrate 3 ways that you could solve this. Which way do you think is the most efficient and why? Write out the 3, 4 and 6 times tables. Read them, cover them, say them again and check. How quick can you right down the multiples (answers) of 3, 4 and 6 up to 3x10, 4x10 and 6x10. Have a couple of goes and improve your time. Complete Worksheet 10 and 11 (Doubling) Complete the Nrich task card Pair Products and explain why you believe that your answer is correct? Mathematics This week numeracy will focus on multiplication. Which is larger 9 x 70 or 18 x 35?Explain how you worked it out. Revise your 3, 4 and 6 times tables. Write out the 7, 8 and 9 times tables. Read them, cover them, say them again and check. How quick can you right down the multiples (answers) of 7, 8 and 9 up to 7x10, 8x10 and 9x10. Have a couple of goes and improve your time. Complete Worksheets 12 and 13 Factors and Multiples. Complete the Nrich task card Blocks and explain why you believe that your answer is correct? PDHPE Complete the negative thoughts into positive thoughts activity. It is important we use our mistakes to learn from and we have a growth mindset when things are challenging. Our negative thoughts can cloud or minds and make it hard to see the positive. Break 10.50 11.30

| NSW Department of Education · Framework for teaching online – Stage 3 - Suitable for online, offline and face to face teaching and learning. Week 11 Monday Tuesday Wednesday

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Page 1: | NSW Department of Education · Framework for teaching online – Stage 3 - Suitable for online, offline and face to face teaching and learning. Week 11 Monday Tuesday Wednesday

| NSW Department of Education


Framework for teaching online – Stage 3 - Suitable for online, offline and face to face teaching and learning.

Week 11 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Morning 9.00-10.50

English EXPLORING SPACE Read text ‘Red Rover: Curiosity on Mars’ Word of the Day Reading/Comprehension Read through the Red Rover text. Take notes about the functions of Curiosity and its purpose on Mars. Complete the comprehension response sheet, justifying responses to questions. Visual Literacy/Writing Students to examine the images on the relevant document and respond

English EXPLORING SPACE Word of the Day BTN Mars https://www.abc.net.au/btn/classroom/mars-mission/10532102 Watch the following clip/read the transcript Respond to questions on worksheet Create a comic strip about a space mission to Mars. It could be based on Curiosity’s mission (template available on drive also) Writing Discuss the following point: NASA has spent billions of dollars on Curiosity’s mission to Mars. Do you think this is money well spent? What are the benefits of the mission? Explain your answer.


This week numeracy will focus on multiplication. In your head work out 14 x 5 = What answer did you come up with?Demonstrate 3 ways that you could solve this.

Which way do you think is the most efficient and why? Write out the 3, 4 and 6 times tables. Read them, cover them, say them again and check. How quick can you right down the multiples (answers) of 3, 4 and 6 up to 3x10, 4x10 and 6x10. Have a couple of goes and improve your time. Complete Worksheet 10 and 11 (Doubling) Complete the Nrich task card Pair Products and explain why you believe that your answer is correct?


This week numeracy will focus on multiplication.

Which is larger 9 x 70 or 18 x 35?Explain how you worked it out.

Revise your 3, 4 and 6 times tables.

Write out the 7, 8 and 9 times tables. Read them, cover them, say them again and check. How quick can you right down the multiples (answers) of 7, 8 and 9 up to 7x10, 8x10 and 9x10. Have a couple of goes and improve your time.

Complete Worksheets 12 and 13 Factors and Multiples. Complete the Nrich task card Blocks and explain why you believe that your answer is correct?

PDHPE Complete the negative thoughts into positive thoughts activity. It is important we use our mistakes to learn from and we have a growth mindset when things are challenging. Our negative thoughts can cloud or minds and make it hard to see the positive.

Break 10.50 – 11.30

Page 2: | NSW Department of Education · Framework for teaching online – Stage 3 - Suitable for online, offline and face to face teaching and learning. Week 11 Monday Tuesday Wednesday

© NSW Department of Education, Mar-201

Middle Mathematics This week numeracy will focus on addition and subtraction. If you had $100.00 and you spent half of it on a new PS4 game, then you bought lunch for $17.85, how much money would you have left? Show your working / thinking/ Choose 2 single digits. Write one in the top right hand corner of your worksheet and the other in the top left hand corner. Eg 5 and 6. Add them together and write that at the top in the centre of your page. Create two - 2 digit numbers from the digits you chose eg 56 and 65. Add these together. Now divide this answer by the number at the centre on the top of your page. What answer did you get? Do it all again. What answer did you get? Complete worksheet 6 and 7 Jump strategy


This week numeracy will focus on addition and subtraction.

Complete Cluedo problem. Use the clues to discover the answer.

Complete worksheet 8 and 9

Worded problems and subtraction puzzle

Complete the Nrich task card 3 (DecaTree) and explain your thinking.

English EXPLORING SPACE Comprehension/Reading Students to read through Curiosity Text and write Very Important Points (VIPs) Writing Students to process information from Curiosity text and the Mars exploration schedule Students to create a timeline of Mars exploration starting from 1964. Students can use any format they like e.g. Google Slides, Google Docs etc

English EXPLORING SPACE Word of the Day Other planets tasks


This week numeracy will focus on multiplication.

If I bought groceries from the shop for $13.65 using notes and coins, what might I have used if;

I used only 1 note:

I used 2 notes and 3 gold coins:

Coins only (5 of them were gold):

A mix of notes and coins but none of them were the same: How many different answers can you find for each problem?

Complete worksheet Multiply by 10s, 100s and 1000s

Complete the Nrich task card Blocks and explain why you believe that your answer is correct?

Please show your working.

Break 1.30-2.00 Afternoon Visual Arts

Think about how the colours of the sun and moon are different. View the images to represent different patterns and using a pencil, draft your own version using lines and patterns. Use warm colours to represent the sun (yellow, orange, red).

History Australia as a Nation Read “The Path to Federation” timeline in your resource pack. Keep this sheet for future learning. Read the information sheet in your resource pack title,

Visual Arts View the images of Laika the Space dog and how she is represented in various forms. She was even featured on a postage stamp! Create your own artwork of Laika using any visual arts medium you


Complete the Alphabet Fitness workout. Don’t forget to add it to your fitness diary. Try doing your full name (including a middle name if you have one). Get your

Catch up and submission time for leftover work.

Page 3: | NSW Department of Education · Framework for teaching online – Stage 3 - Suitable for online, offline and face to face teaching and learning. Week 11 Monday Tuesday Wednesday

2Framework for teaching online – Stage 3 sample

Use cool colours to represent the moon (blue, green, purple).

“Fathers of Federation”. Imagine you are a media reporter and prepare 2-3 questions for each politician.

prefer. siblings or parents to join in.

Page 4: | NSW Department of Education · Framework for teaching online – Stage 3 - Suitable for online, offline and face to face teaching and learning. Week 11 Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Stage 3 Week 11 Resources

Page 5: | NSW Department of Education · Framework for teaching online – Stage 3 - Suitable for online, offline and face to face teaching and learning. Week 11 Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Words of the Day- Put each word into two sentences

Sequacious adjective

(Of a person) lacking independence or originality of thought.

“The girl’s ideas were seen to be quite sequacious”

Resilient adjective

able to recoil or spring back into shape after bending, stretching, or being compressed."A shoe with resilient cushioning"

Contradictory adjective

Mutually opposed or inconsistent.

"The two studies came to contradictory conclusions”

Marginalise verb

Treat (a person, group, or concept) as insignificant or peripheral."By removing religion from the public space, we marginalise it"

Loquacious adjective

Tending to talk a great deal; talkative.

"Never loquacious, Sarah was now totally lost for words"

Ostentatious adjectiveCharacterised by pretentious or showy display; designed to impress."A simple design that is glamorous without being ostentatious"

Encapsulate verbEnclose (something) in or as if in a capsule.

"The company would encapsulate the asbestos waste in concrete pellets"

Page 6: | NSW Department of Education · Framework for teaching online – Stage 3 - Suitable for online, offline and face to face teaching and learning. Week 11 Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Number of the day - Each day use the number to complete the activities

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

153 165 174 199 Good Friday

● Write the number in words● 100 more than the number● 20 less than the number● Add 12 to the number

● Round to the nearest 10● Odd or even?● Complete the pattern, add 2:

___, ___, ___, ____, ____● Prime or composite● Write the next five numbers adding 50 each


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Weekly word problems

Page 8: | NSW Department of Education · Framework for teaching online – Stage 3 - Suitable for online, offline and face to face teaching and learning. Week 11 Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Instructions:● Read through the WHOLE text● Take notes as you read● Answer the questions below in this document● Justify your reasons. This means you need to explain

why you have answered the question in this way.

Questions:1. What are some of the functions that Curiosity is

performing on Mars?2. What kinds of things do you think that the rover is

finding and sending back to Earth?3. What are some of the other ‘rovers’ that have been to

Mars before?4. What did the other rovers do while on Mars?5. Do you think it would be easy to live on Mars?

Why/why not?6. In what ways is Mars different to Earth?7. What do you think would happen if Curiosity broke

down or had a part that needed to be repaired?

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MarsWriting: Is Space Exploration Worthwhile?

Discuss the following point:

NASA has spent billions of dollars on Curiosity’s mission to Mars. Do you think this is money well spent? What are the benefits of the mission? Explain your answer.

Expectations:● Plan your ideas;● Write in full sentences and paragraphs;● Clearly state your position and


Create a comic strip about a space mission to Mars. It could be based on Curiosity’s mission (template available on drive also)

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Visual arts3D Art Project





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Looking after our minds and body is really important.

Design a weekly mind and body timetable for the holidays that will help you stay

positive and healthy at home.Must include daily exercise and mind
