PBjSniDC THEATRE. Broadway ar.'l ;«th S' r £"J. t*r?!r»ili^-K< H:2'>. Kits. T. \u25a0(!•>• and Sat . -' -Greater success than ijefore."—Herald, ETHEL "BARRYMOHE ln Cly pr a ' 3 CAP TAIN JINKS xe\t play— the silver cox. pjlinnAKS -!4th Pt.. East of P/way. HUDSON Hv.v «:1.-.. Mats To-ilay & Sat.. 2:t3. Frederic Th^mrs^n rrffentu KDUAKI) ADEIES. iv BpwsT|ls E liLues«s PQITCCinM TIIEATKE. DroaifWcy and St. UnilLrlUH Ergs. S:l3. Mitin-c Frt. 2:1". FRANK DANIEL'S Tin: TATTOOE!> MAN. Muelc by Victor Herbert Doolt by Barry U. Smltn aril A. N. C. Foster. to A nnjnF/ THEATRE. .".->th P... n»nr Broadway UAKIHUftF-VKs. - \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•' Mll3.M113 . t.. .1.. .--.- Pat.. . •-\u25a0« lti«TII TJJIE MARCH SOCVKMR*. JVM. COLLltilv! " B lu IJAiN «7a| I ftPV'O Broadway arvl r.Oth Strf.et. WflLLftbftOKvr s 1-. Mats. To-day a s»: . 21G 15CTH TIVE 3ZARCII IST. O A Rl\ T*T'*l's* f **H IRK KIv'JI SAM SEBNARS ?ia. iior.«;i:xuKiMEa. KNICKERBOCKER Broadway »nd nsth 5..-«:. EveniDKs s i.-). Mats. To-day end Sat.. L.M.. IVlOiNiliuMtKV d STUNt Hkq'mill. \u25a0jMttlte THE urn lif'UQHSt SAVOY "''if.' -in- .v :-:it. L:!. -THE B3>T lI.AY IN YKAirs."— N. V Si X. mA M- "m: HOUR By <Jcc>rs" Difat. hurst I TIICKSDAt .MAIS., UKSf M-:.\TS, $1.55. Cleanses and beautifios the teeth and purif.es tho breath. Used by peopio of refinement for over a quarter of a century. Convenient for tourists. PREPARED BY OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS. Arsenal tulldlnr. Firth avenue and -!th \u25a0«««*> Eorou»;h of Manhattan, th,- City of ' New York. Sealed bids cr '-\u25a0-ti!r,.->. I .'-5 wIH be r'.*e|ve,i l.v th- Park Eoaid at the above otnea or t:-.o Department of Parks THURSDAY.' MARCH "I. 1007. Boronsn of Manhattan. {Contract No. C> jrty. wot* and «naier>*l for the. installation of plumblrit end draincß" r.ppjar&tus :n: n the New York Public .Library. Astr- Lenox 'and Tll««a Feundatloiw. Fifth avenue. 40th "and 425 streets. The security require,! will be thirty tbcu;and dollar*. The time allowed for doing an.l complctim: the wot -i in this ccntrjr-t win be three years aftrr n otlc« to begin work nt the »aUdlnt ha« been Riven The b!r!s will be compared and the contract awar.lo.l at a !urii> cr flK^reisato sum. 1 p. an ma? be s^en an.l blank firms may be obtained a , ,V office of the Department of Parka. Arjenai. Cen- tral Park. Manhattan, an also ft the \u25a0 \u25a0"'\u25a0" <\u25a0' the «£*" terts. Carrure £Ha :tn 9. So 28 Ea«t tlst street. Man- hattan. . _ . .. For further particular* »cc "City Record. ». MOSES HEIIPMAN. President: JOSEPH I. BERRY. MICHAEL .1 KESSKBT Commissioners 01 Parks. DateC February Otti. \Vft- HtW filHOlLnL'ttlSl of Broadway. Dies. 91S. Certain at 7:43 Sharp. Matlreo Saturday, 2. \u25a0 MB. RICHARD Firet Three U'c-cks ln-Henr* Ibsen's Comedy, PEER OY^T 4TIt (FINAL) WEEK. MARCH IS— . THE SCARLET LETTER: Toe*.: BEAU BRI'MMEL Wed.. A PARISIAN" romance; Thurs Dp' JEKTLJ. AND MR HYDE: Fri.. BEAU PRUM. MEL; Sat Mrittne... THE SCARLET LETTER- Sat. (Farewell, Night. A PARISIAN romance BROADWAY Thestrc. BTway and list E v Mo Mat. Katurtlay. 2:10. SOUVbNIK lAn Imported MATINEE "Teddy Bear TC-DAY <.iven 10 , H.-U.^Y I r.-.ich Lady. ANNA HELD in the PARISIAN 3IODEI . 3 IR£RTY THKAT»i 42d St.. West of irway. E>lDrn I II H'T* 8:1* Mat 3. To-day & Sat 8:11 ELEANOR ROBSON as ;^ MY Jlatlnec To-fay, 2:13. ••MERELY XAJtI ANN." ACADEMY or MUSIC. 1 !th St. & <r-.: Place K'aar & Erlanv;cr"s JCew BEN-HUJR Til -\u25a0•a 25c tn S!.^o- ?Ir.ts. To- lay £i ret.. 2. Eve.. 8. ri/HV'Q THEATRE. H-wnv nn-l ?.'"»th. Zv~n Hls L?AiLI O r-ti-i^.-. To-I^y tad S.-.-. at 2:15 j NEW YOBK lIfKACJ - : smiV^iS! MATJNsc Tfl-Bit." m. vU HA si In "GZORGE WASHINGTON. J. 1." TT7EST POINT. N. V.. FF.nRtWRY 25. 11K.7.— \\ ;..,\u25a0- Rroposal* In triplicate, subject to the usual"oondltionß.tfor furnishing fuel durlnsttho fiscal vonr emllnn Jun» SO lOOS. -Mil he received .here until 12 M April 1. moT; PUPIi fuel b-lns requlrofl for or." year.'" Information furnli>h*a vi on appllcatloc U. «. reservpa th- rtcht to re- 1 or arrppt any or •1' bids '"' any' Dart thereof Envelopes contilnlns proposals Should m2 endo4e.i "Pronosalr for Fuel.;: .addressed to Q. M.. V. S. A. Yinnro^vis for ''NOTHING ano piker coons.— I Tifwrtr^ of thi Interio-. Oin«! of in.lMn Affair*. u-Vii.Ut.nl>. C.. Fcbroary l!'. >W". S< *»'"'l ;roposaln. l, n marked on the outsldo of the envelopes •Propoiiiil foe/efothlns;." nn 1 oddrcoafd to the ••romml«sioner of ....... •: 1 ' 1.. will V' ' ! eel' p.l at March id 107 nnl tlirn opened, for furnishing th* liviin:: sen-Ice with clothlnp and pleco goods Ulds inuat ht made out on , ; .•-.-\u25a0 nt blat) ca Schedules Rlvlns all necessary Information for fcldder* will I." furnl«ihe<l on application to the Indian Ofllre. Washlnston, I>. C; th« I. S. Indian Warehousea at New Vr.rk City; f'hlraso. 111.; St. Lbulu, Mo. and Omaha. Nebr, The Department re- serves tiip r:-;ht to reject am rmi nil I.Ms, or any iv.irt of any l>id. F. C. I'Kni 1 . Commissioner. 1- < .'•-\u25a0[• \u25a0\u25a0: DEPARTMENT. WASHINGTON, I). C, .Tan \u25a0.-\u25a0'• proposals will ho received at thr orl'r.- of tho Purchanlnc Agenl "f this Department un- til Tuesday, the 2<i of April. r.'"7. at 2 0 clo ;\u25a0 m.. fo- reproducing nn.l furnlsalnpi copies of tr«> po.-: -r.vjt-? mnps c\pi: threa months during the four year* from July 1. I!t07.»to Juno :;i). 11*11 . ns may be required by the Postmaster General In exercise of tii^ <ll«c"ret!on con- ferred by law. Specifications. Bivln^ a <Wai!fil sta!^- nwiit of the requirements to be m^t In respect to this work, anrl also th<> number of sh<»etj r< |utred of ?ar"n cdltfon anil glvlns full insiriirtl^nj an to the manner .>? btiMtnf;and conditions t.> iio otmen-eii by bidders, will !e furnished <~-n npi'lli'n'lon to "!i<* Purchasing '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 F'oiit Oifir? Department. Washington. D. i.\ The award will b.-> ma<l^ only to a person or firm having fxp?ri«nce in rhoto!ltli.j?;rar>.".!!>(T an.l ijrintlne mit* »nd established facilltlos thrrcf..r. GEO. I!. CORTELYOU, Postmaster General. I>OST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. Wnshlnxton. D. C. .'..-•. .'1 1907.—Sealed proposals will he received at tho offlce of thi* Purchasing Agent of this Department un- til 2 <<\u25a0!-\u25a0-:-. p. m., March 30, 100T, for furnlshlnß Farinc Slip?. Plain ar.l Printed, as thfy may >*• ordered foi the iirf of the I'.istal Service from \u25a0•••!\u25a0• in^; the fls.:al year beginning July 1. r.x>7. !>n^l ending Jim; Bt*, I9OS, or during the four \<-nrs b^R'.nnini? July I. 1907, an.l ondlns June 80. 1011, as the contract* may b? ena.-lM inks for proposals, with specifications nnl Instructions to bidders: will bo -furnlshe-l upon npoii- c»tinn to the l'ur.ih.i«ins Agent for :!:e r-.«t < vffirr \>». rnr: merit. Washington. D. C. GEO B. CORTELTOU, I 'os t matter General. Lectures. MANHATTAN \ s^ »>.«.> OF GKAMI OPERA ' ' OST*AR HAMMERSTKIN- n\~- -tn' TO-XIGHT. ct R, Verdi'a ZXAIXO IN 38AS- {iiKi:\>The Ma.«kf<l Cilli. Mines. Huss. De l ;s- nero.i. Zoplili; MM Bassi. Satamarcot, Anrr.>n>i!. ..mennj, Keschlyllan. Conductor. *'an^r>anir.l thi 'if* . rzn. ss, Soectal A\inp\cn German Prers Cluh BUet's CAR-MEN. Mmes. Cr«3s:?r-Gia»oii r>ona!.!a. TrenttnL Glaconla; MM Daicwrea \n- cor.a. Gllibert. ItaJd!. Vu^n-z. RuchlElJaa, Con- ituctor r<impan!r.l. " FK!. F.Vii . MCH. IT - Etwr.?!! BDP?araßee of >f.MK..VELHA. Fuoclni^ I. \ KOIIEVE .'f.-«t t'l^ie». Mm«;.' Mfiba. Trentir.l; i!M i:.->nci. Ari- tnorj'ii. Olllbert. GtanoU-GaJlettl, Tecohi. Conduc- tor, -..ara SAT.MAT..MfH. t. at 2 l.\ \>rdi i : \I 1.0 IN SI \->: HERA Th.,. Mark. : C.T.I). Mrr.»s Russ Dc Clsr.cros. :>ppil!l: MM. Uassi. Saramaro, Art-! raon.li. Mu?noz. Hep'-hlplian Coadaetor Cainpaainl SAT. MI.HT.MCU. i. at <i— f'.rr-nd tr<-le til "at r«r>'i!ar pr««-es -- to *:•— rAVAIXERIA Kt^Tl- ( AM. Overturn and M Ac: I)INOS-\H. -Vh Ac* K\IST. NEXT SIMMY EVG.. MARCH 9 (Causual Cvrnt). 3E3C-£^."SrX>iSi f 3S* Peoples Chora; CJ^t^S^-.TPZOIXr £2£m«t 7o'-. : .r, FRANK DAMROSCH. Conductor. ar<\ N T sYM- ri[i>NVORI-HESTRA. PrpulPr ?Tire s . ,Vc. M « !U» MOV. MCH. 4. ,• 9. DOI'RI.E BTl.l.— ns'.inis iv SONNAMfJI I.A. MrtK-s I'tnkf-rt. TrenTir.t. S«verlr.a.; M. Hon-!. Ar!mrvn<!!. ResihltrLlan. Tfc?ht <'or.d Tanara; ar<s Leoncarallo's I e.\r. i »r e 1 Mme. lionalda: MM. BasuL ?aDmir:o. S»vc'.ihi?. V»r.tur- Ini. <".n!! 'Vmpunln!. WEIL. MCIX. S. at S:ls. ?»c^r.,l npp-arar.r> VIE MEI.BA. Pttcelnra LA BOIfEVE. Mx« M?:ba Trentlnl; MM. U"r.r|. Simrnarco. Arlmondl, OiH- bert. GaltMtl-Glanoll, Torch!. Re^chi^l.an Cond Tanara. FRI.. MCH, ». at VI.-.. AVer's FKA CIAVOLO. Mnif*. Pln*»Tt. Oiaconla: MM. B.?nci. Xr'.n'.r.r.di r,'.!if.»rt. Gatlettl-Gtaaolt; Veaturtat Fosaetta, Coai t'.irrnanin! SAT. MAT.. •!( H •• at 2. Bl=?t 3 CAR3ZEX. Mmes. Br->^si«r-<":iaroH. finnaMa, Tr?r.::r.i 'Jtaconla- MB.»D»lmow. S.-,-oi!tiae. GUlb*rt. r>i '.,:•. Mnsmw. R«schls;lrar "Confln'*t'»ri ' anpanini SAT. Nir.IIT. MCH. 9. at 8:15. VerdTs una Min^o. R'i's. I)- CUmtrn?; MM Baasi Ar.ccna. Arj- mop.!|. Te<-.-ht. Cor.Juctor Caxpanlr! Po^-^ia- Prlcea, 75c t.-> $". Spat ~alr for Wo-k Brc. Mi!i 4 Oprn* To-^lorrow (Thor».» 9 A. M. C:h Avi- . 4XI to Mtl St Eves R. 2T>o. to J1 Z'X I>i!ly MattSMi a- 2 «!:arr. i">". M Jt «V "In all th«- world an .how ltkr thN." neptune's DAUGHTER MfrrnuM* I>Uapr*^nrbic In TJral Water. NK v^ l l'Ni" PIONEER DAYS NEXT StTNDAT. Retura Popular <-"--rt. ARTIIIH PItTOR .m.l h'.'J Ain^r'.rr :.i:i.! LYRIC <2d «t .. W. .if irway. T#! K-W Bryaat. LI tilu Evp« tit Jlari::»-» l?aturt!a> at 2 SOTHERN MARLOWE T.»-n!^hr. HAMLET. Thursdiy saJ Frl.'.iy. 1 X"ME.» AND JULIET. , 281 irPTin Broadway mvl SDth. T<. r..v»> .- :s.: s . MMESTIi) ON PAROLE l"rln.-.-« T»l C^4S Mai!. Ev'k?. S:2oi Mats. r.'»-3> v :'o'h.l Thur.«-!ay a^i Saturday at •* -•> MAF.GARITt I Th- r.r--at I'.r.NKY \M.||\ I l>tvlt!e. i AHI.I.EK. OtOllin B*was an'l ."!t:h «. Tel. V'*<\ I?!:-"-"; CASiHO Ki-tK, S.I.V Vftttaf* Sat'irli' at 2:15. I.OCIS MANN ln :::; »Hl n HEN." hßia.J OiJ. . THE ROAD TO -;: "\\ LINCOLN 'SJS^S^E^S^ ETISHNE GiRARDOL Charb/s liHt, siM»\V 8 GRAND COXfEKTS .-.0.-.-,;!..*0 METROPOLITAN OPERA IIOCSE. This Evening at s. RJGOLETTO—SrnbrIch. liomer: j i"aru*'"> Scott!. Jounjet, MuMrr.crn, li*^uV <"o:i!urt>)r, j Vifc-na. Tours. Ev«.. Feb. 2S, nt S:r.<>, Special Perfonnsne* I*A i liOHIIMK \u25a0- I'avallfrl. Alton: Caruso, b'cottl. Journtt. J Sinar"'. Dufrlrhe. Conductor, Vip:n. Fri. Kvz.. Marr'i I. ar T:^. PIE WALKVERE- j c;ad(«'.ii. Krcrnstari, S:!rjTnnn-il"!nk. Alt?n. Wee«l. . MattJ Jacoby, Ralph, ro^hlmnnn: nurs*tHll«»r. V=u j Roojr, Bl»! Conductor. il": '-. :>ut. Aft.. March J. ct _\u25a0. MAYON LESCAITT Cara- Uerl ilur farewell. Caruso. H.-•::'!, Bars, Iirl?!«. Con'l , < V ! \u25a0,' a Sat Kvr. Mnrch 2 .popular VTict^}. at S. ;m>\ma I ntlTTEBFLT— Fnrrar. He-ncr: D!pc«-t Ftrncclir 1 .. ! Iteis«. i>ufr'.-:io. \u25a0 ihlnann Connue'ir. Visna. Sun. Evjf. Mcl .".. Pop. Price* a«. f.:.".0. CHAM) SUNDAY Mi.li: CONCERT. Soloists: Abott, Rappold. Planes Van Roor. f-nd \u25a0 the young Ru«slan Violinist KnJls'.xVy. Kntlre Metrop Oprra llous-i Orchestra, Conductor, Boyy. :.U<n. Erg. Mch 4. at - l'.tor>[ XT r'">- Spmhric*-.. I IloniT. Caru'o. Scotti. .Journ<-;. Mtthlmar.n. EJsu*. Dufrlche Conductor, Visn-v. Wed. Eve. Mch «, r.t 7:45. TRISTAN f.VD ISOT.DK— | Gadskl, Srimmann-!{o!:-.!< ; r;uren?nll»r. Ourltz. Uias-'. i Muhlmann, H^lm. Conductor, ll»rtz. Frl. !\u25a0:\u25a0 r . Mch ». at S. TOSCA—Emma Eime*; : I'ani' Sc^ttl. I'tifr'ciie. Br.ri>. Conductor, Vi(rr:» Th» srl» of reals f -r n<*xt wetk'l performances begins to-morrow (Thurs.>: at ', :i m. WEBCR piano ISFI). IRVIMfi ' l: - ' '•'•"'•• Ever Er 8 nt S:2rt & j * I * w * l^ ! *J' Sat. Mat., Schoenthan'a lit.-M- ComMr. ; •X I. I\ D<»«i: IT l"l. i I I c Itorril' \u0084\u0084, v,. I Fifth FEB'Y 23 Thursday Evg. j Concert. .JT Him SID I (SO j RUSSIAN H ™'iv, •.VOIHCSI- .M.TS! lit1 r.u Conductor I soiois, L.HEVINNE "^ ?c.it» *1..*0 \u25a0 \u25a0 50 r;* .. on salo at H.^x Office. PHILHARMONIC ''SOCIETY of Hew York ! Krl . March l«t. l'-.'.h p. m Pat., Mar.-h .'p.d. 8:13 P. M. ' UA>>II.V safonokf. Conductor. Soiolnr; 01 1. \ «.\.MAISOFF. Men". Pr^Kmin: Orertar*. "Manfred." Sohumar.n; ?ym- | phony. ••Ita!!.in." MrodelßAohn; Pinn>> Concerto, Grieg: j Ov^rturo. "Leonora" N>> T'.'-othov^n BOX OFFICE OPKs- PAILT FROM U TO R. WE FVSl^^SS^^r ! CREAM CITY - :' M&CiG KNIGHT ANOTHER OABRHjOWrTSfH Ita'ITAI- 1 MKM»i:i.HSOII\ HALL. TO-DAY at 3 P. M. ; Th* Itrtllltnt Russian flanlst. OSSIP GABRILOWl OLAZOUNOW. Sonata, Jt Cat niln"-. ,^p . -$ mew) CIIOPIN'. Xocturne. F Major; Mazurka, n Minor. BRAHMS. rntcrtn*ito. E niiiior; K. iari».i(ll<?. E Flat Major I RACHMANINOFF. Prelude U Mlr.rr. or«. (r.?w). TRCHAIKOWSKY, chnnt d'automnf. MOSZKOWSKI. "ITn Butomne," Etude LISZT. Ktu.l-. F Minor. Direction Chirltcu (Mason * HaclUn I Piano t Trkis. .".!>.; to «1.."v Rmx of!W i 10 E lZth. M ENDEI. SS O I! > II A I.I . •n-ir.l Conctrt Thursday r> K . Frb'y ?», ar S:I3. Olive Mead Quartet fAn'Sr^i Miss Alice Giimmmgs Ti-k*-!!"»i|.."st) nt n..x o:n<-.\ M«nd«l*soha Hall Mi:MJr.I-S«ii»llN MALI.. T!>.\:(.iit XT BIS KALTENBORN QUARTET Assisting sit; mi \:> lli:i:/.oi;. pianist Arttvia nit. \u25a0 KKRI1 SMIIII. Organist. t Tickets.' g] >r.B<>J at Boi or?:,-., nn.l 10 East Krh St. , !rtPI II nlll I I!v9> ' : •'\u25a0'•\u25a0. '•""i" "i- LLOYD. < ..l.»n- I 111 Ml I! nn<l Taylor. <;r:.n- Itlc Jt «.... < oloa- i i|WkwiiiHk:".' ,n,, n , Brplflt< rii.- Mr.VanKbtoßS. \ %J Mat. Dally. Sic. «l,l!o A- Stuart. t:tl««*r-. i \u25a0 I UIMDOI Ilv »VESTAL VICTORIA. fll HnlTinnn ' r .I .•..r.liln- ' ->!t>h Ai.- . I mmn HLIIMiIIUiIN •\u25a0-... 'Francis A- Arabs. oth<*r>. Public Notices. toxontrXctors! There is want! every one of those circurn- Ftances of personal gain, furtive secrecy in the commission of the act and of concealment after commission which, ,--\u25a0 essential elements, ordi- narily attend the crime of larceny, and if thcrJ is any evidence hfre it a criminal intent, U is found simply and solely in ihe fact that the officers of the corporation have contributed so&.e of Its fur.ds to an unauthorized purpose. Chi Judge Cullcn. dissenting, says in part: The meritorious character of the objects to which the money was appropriated has no boar- , ing upon the question of larceny. The gist Df that offence Is not tho application of money to a bsd purpose, but taking money that do°s not bci-mg to the taker, to appropriate to an object, good <>r bad. It is the fraudulent deprivation of an owner of his property that constitutes lar- ceny. It Is a crime to steal, even though with the intent to give away In charity and relieve distress. Tho voluntary character of the admission of the act charged against him is doubtless to be considered on the question of his good faith, but the weight to bo. accorded it may depend very much on the circumstances under which it was made. If. when the charge was first publicly made that the money of the company had boon appropriated for a political contribution; tho rv— lator sdmittod tho tact and justified il.i 1 . his con- duct would bo potent if not conclusive evidence In his favor. The offence is charged to have been committed in December. 1004: tho rolator's declaration was made in March. IJKCi. If.•''ur- Ing this interval, there was a complete exposure n{ the transaction, upon evidence tnkon before some tribunal or legislative body, of such a (\u25a0rni- elusive character as to render a denial fmilo and unavailing, the voluntary character of the relator's admission might be deprived of Hs merits Any clever offender might under sim- ilar circumstances, not unnaturally adopt the same course Of the drramstances under which. the stdmission was made wo liavo. however, no knowledge but on a?: examination before th-? magistrate these circumstances would appear. The charge against the relator Is not that he paid money to Bliss and received i' back from the company, by the authority '.•' i he corpora- tion, but that the payment and repayment were made without that authority. Gray, I fudge Gray holds, finally. . Injure, the motive the wrongful pu vere all lacking laid -\u0084. \u25a0 ," and therefore "the warrant and all proa r it were ab- Ail the opinions agree that the expenditure of the money of the Now York Life for cam- paign purposes was illegal and improper. Juduge Gray, in th^ majority opinion, rays: It is unquestionably true that the pun for which the moneys of ihe company wore prom- ised was foreign to the chartered purposes the corporation, but that fact does not make the payment a criminal act. The innocent motive Of * indirectly promoting "\u25a0'\u25a0° corporate af'eirs through the supposed advantage of the contin- uance in powor of the Republican administra- tion pureed the act of Immorality, and it lacked the criminal intent. Further in his opinion. Judge Gray says: A moral obligation should be- none tho less authoritative in the conduct* of life that it is binding only upon the conscience of the person as a duty a"nd is imperfect In law from the ab- sence oflegai sanction. Courts, however, may not sit to judpe the conduct of the defendant by any moral code or rules of ethics. Their sphere is to ascertain If the facts shown establish the crime charged against him. In the facts stated in these depositions I find none upon which criminality can be predicated. The essential element of the "intent to deprive and defraud is nowhere to be found, and there is no Just basis for the inference. That the relntor may have made a mistake of law. which will not re- lieve him from liability in a civil action, may be true and he expressly disclaims in his letter any intention to dispute such a liability: but this was a case where intent or good faith was in if sue. and then knowledge of the law is ma- terial. The ca«=o came up on the relation of Per- kJns agt. Magistrate Moss. Edward Beardon, a peace officer, and the People of tho State, as appellants. Justice Greenbaum dismissed writs of haht-as corpus and certiorari. remanding Mr. Perkins for tri»i, but the Appellate Division reversed this decision. The decision to-day af- firms the order of the Appellate Division, and declares Magistrate Moss without jurisdiction in the case, no crime appearing from tho facts stipulated. \u25a0 •re In it:- characterixatl Court of Appeal? Divided on Cam- paign Contribution Cane. Albany. Feb. 26.—-By \u25a0 •'\u25a0• Ided court, voting 4tn 3. the Court of Appeals tc^day isti in* d the ju'lgment^ of tho courts below that (icorpe W. Perkins, ss \u25a0 vice-president of the New fork Lift Insurance Company, was not K'.:i'fy of larceny in the use of funds of the company for. contributions to the Republican ramjinisn fund i:. 1 *. si« 4 T!i« <srcis!on of tho court sustains also tho exprecsoi opinion of District Attorney Jerome that whatever the moral ar.d ethical asp. eta of Mr. Pcrkir.p's action it was not criminal under any existing statute. Juiprs Cray. O'Brien. E. T. Bartlett and His- cock concur In tho judgment of tho court, the prevailing opinion beinar by Gray, with a con- curring opinion V? Hlseock. Chief Judge Cullen and Judges Werner and Chase «]i«?er.t. Cullen and Werr.r-r writing opinions. Chase concurring with CulJen. XOT GVILTY OF LARt EXY. MIL JEROME PLEASED. fg OPEUB FRIDAY gg aggQHT fga MAD! OH : r^ O SQUARE £s! GARDEN ADM. 50c Work Expected To Be Divided Into Sections for Contracts. [from Th^ Trtbuna Bureau. l Washington, Feb. "C. Tho decision of the President to place the construction of the Pan- ama canal under iii army engineers i-; regarded as offering the surest, safest and quickest solu- tion of vlmt vria becoming a sericus problem; The army engine* have charge of all the river .'Mid harbor work, the construction of the coast defences, and what Is known as military en- gineering. The corps has tho machinery for do- Ing any kin of work under contract, and it has been f r.o of the ambitions of officers of the corps that they v. . .-,::•: be ussign< d to the task of cnni- pleiin? the Panama canal. It is assumed that the project will be divided Into sections and the contracts awarded accord- ingly, after an invitation for bids. This would be the most businesslike method, it la agreed by the army engineers themselves, so far as there j has been any discussion of th? situation from the information at present available. Of course, the problems in engineering will be determined, j as most of them have been already, by the ex- perts. This will leave for th« army eastoeen the work of obtaining bids, passing upon the rela- tive merits of the proposals, determining tha THE PRESEXT COMMISSIi The nominations <>f the present comml pending '\u25a0• fore th Senate include M .-•• I,'ens, Halns, Endlcol . Herrcd. Gor- gas and Jackson Smith. Th<4r confirmation is desir d In order to remove all doubl as to the legalitj of certain acts they have performed In connection \>ith the mak tracts. The retirement of Missis. Shcnta and Stevens will '..*-.••• two vacanclea, so thai there will be two - necessary to make way for l « - - irmy ofßcers and Senator Blackburn. Th>- President for the last si.-; weeks, with taries Taft ;w,c] Root and the officials of the Canal Commission, has been canvassing the bids received January r_' for th# construction of the canal. The advertisement In thai case brought forth four bids, namely, William J. Oli- ver, jr., of Knoxville, In conjunction with Anson 11 Bangs, of-.v.'v York, at 6.75 per cent upon ti'.- estimated '-oh; of the can il; Ge >rge Peirce .X.- i".'. of Massachusetts, at 7.15 per cent; the North American Dredging Com] Califor- i.it. at 28 per cent, and the MacArth 1 ompany, of New Jersey, at 12.5 per cent. Mr. Oliver modified his bid soon after by dropping Mr. Bangs and associating rnith himself a num- prominent contractors and flnancierfl, and the Investigation of the last six weeks has been mainly Into the financial ability and ; 1 [1 nal expert n \u25a0\u25a0 of ; !:^ \u25a0 associate b. MAY ASK BIDS LATER. \u25a0•It is quit t after J . th< I 1"!.I 1 "!. areful tion of the existing lon li- tio:-.:=, he will decide to lei ut tl tract. ther he will think it better to whole, with the of 1 mtra< I to the pub- h a totally diff 1 1 \u25a0•• tr >\u25a0 HI bo left i nttr judg- The army engineers are in the habit of letting out big jobs to the \u25a0 tra .an be I do Ih< ' er the materials . and they will X all pr ibablllty, handle the j v |ect on the Isthmus with the same rare and the sa •"* and success that have characterized their work In every section of the United Stat \u25a0 ; that will ii» gain< d 1 : Ing . \ tineer officers d work," said an official of the administratl v will r;i ahead and build the ca or not. Ti'ir work will be done . yen if every po- . \u25a0 . Building great works Is ;. work for the engine r, 1 Ino matter what 11 I ide or find them 'ther with \u25a0 ••Wallace left chaos on the isthmu It with a magnificent organization in fine ler." the President <s quoted as !;nv- ntly 1 \u25a0 '' ' >rk -T neer. XV] .. tM Mr. Stevens's motive In . :i the \u25a0 that is justly due him for the splendid service he 1 Tned. It was mainly for the reason that the Presi- .. :. . : rr.l continuity of work that the army era were selected to finish it. While the work was In its inception, as it has been dur- ing the last year or bo: while the executive. . .rative forces wer^ being or- . :. and while the type of canal itself was still under discussion, the President wanted the biggest engineers obtainable to bo at the After they had started things and started them right, the work could be taker up and carried on to completion better, more itly and more economically by army ensi- i than by any other class of experts. jlrj lr [itfvpnp leaves the service well organized av.J with all the wheels and cogs of Hie machine in splendid working order. Neither the President nor Secretary Taft are able to pay precissly what led Mr. Stevens to resign but It is suggested In administi eibly Mr. Stevens has received an offer of considerably greater remuneration than he now receives; that he is exceptionally •thin skinned.- and that, therefore, he regarded the questions put to him by Democratic mem- bers of the Interoceanic Canal Commission as highly insulting, and that this "thin skinned- ness" doubtless had much to do with his res- ignation. RUMOR ABOUT BESIGXATION. In Senate circles, where reasonably close at- tention i? paid to canal affairs, an explanation red with considerable positiveneßs. It is there declared that on the toy after the Presi- idvlsed Mr. Oliver that he would have ten flays in which to perfect his bid, a cable >ii-c - 1 was received from Mr. Stevens saying that Mr. Oliver wss far from congenial, and that were he to receive the contract he (Stevens) would resign. Furthermore, it is said that the next mail from the Isthmus from Mr. Stevens confirming his dispatch, asserting his own ability to construct the canal, and declaring that he should be per- mitted to complete the work he had Instituted that no contract whatever should be awarded The tone of the letter was, according ai »rs, such that the President resented it. and replied to it with a cable dispatch the rhar- acter of which can only be surmised, but which brought Mr. tevens's resignation as soon ns cculd flash to Washington. This re- port is. of course, unconfirmed, and is given only for what it is worth, although It would appear , rd with the assertion that Mr. Stevens Is "too thin skinned " ,1 frankness, ho tion on practically all .. j v -ith the ' lon of . \u25a0 ict that, no matter how many \u25a0 1 rsoni \u25a0 ! or tl \u25a0- . work, the digging is to go on without ion. Commissions may come and commis- K o, but work on tht- Panama Canal :s uted vigorously until the waterway : « completed. FREDERICK C. 3TEVENG DROPS OUT. \V.y ToWprapli tj The TrtbiirjcTl Albany; Feb. 26.^-Fredcrlck C Steven^ ;: iperin- t<n<lcnt of the 1 \u25a0 pnrtm of Public Works, ,'.,, of tho financial backers of W. J. Oliver in hia plans for digging the Panama Can said to-night tliAl the rejection of all bids would t.r necessity end his connection with the 1 m ai work. fßei^ng a member of a company fonneJ solely to finance the carrying 1 out nf thin contract to dig the canal, ray connection with the affair ceasoa when the bids are throw:; out," he said Humor in Knoxvillc That lie Will Succci d Shonte. - Knozville, Teni . Feb. -<\. \v .! Oliver, the KnoxviUe contractor, whose Mi for '!: struct! ' : .1 Canal, at R.7r> per cent, was rejected bj tli-- Presideni to-day, lef! Knox- vllle for Washington late iiii ; evening. H Ing Mr Olivei was Informed cision, I \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 President ha i an- i.' un< ed thai cvi nt ually onti may be called upon foi Ihe \u25a0 ake if | speed \u25a0> u< tion. Aske I if in his opinion this meant thai the govi rnment would pfv.- in him or otl er contractors wl work ''ii the canal -is a the government, Mr. Oliver leclined to n Btatemem until he is ofli< me$ \u0084.\u25a0 tnfl ig to Washington primarily on business wl h the Southern !: il-way,i I- way, for which r;<- Is now bull : . mii.-s of n ad. While thi ro, how 1 vcr. he will r with President I Canal Com- mission. Ii is rumored here to-night that President \u25a0• !' will offer Mr. Oliver th< position of chairman of the Ca \u25a0 > \u25a0 \u25a0< .-' '.: 1. Mr. Shonts. it i; pointed r>ul thai aa y.r Oliver has fulfilled the requirements laid down Pri Bident, [n ludl v r rming a with r capital of some .<:.'<• < i->f »,»wmi, fllins a SIi'- (HH)JXH) bond, ajid making the lowest i.i.i ]..' I•, likely to be recognized In the canal construc- tion. OLJVVAI FOR CHAIRMAN? Oliver's Company Mail Try for Con- tract if Another Offer Is Made. John R McDonald, president of the Panama Construction Company, tl-.« mpany formed by William J. Oliver to back hU bid f'«r construct^ insj tho canal, has been <>n a shooting trip in the South for ten days. With him is ex-Judge Mor- Kan J. O'Urien, counsel of the company. Ln their absence none of thoso Interested In the company in this city cared to male" any formal statement last night, (me of the members of tho company remarked, however: "We have thing to Bay about tho rcjoct!on of our bid by the President. He acted entirely within his privileges. I nvj.st say. In Justice to him, that he never held out th<- slightest intima- tion to us that" wo would finally r<m the con- tract, «r\(l every member of tho company under- stood this fully. Of course, much trouble w.ts taken to organize tho company, but it is not tho first tinie that such a thing has been rh>ne with no results." It is thought probablo that tha company will not be dissolved at once. l>ut will remain in a. position to tako the contract IfIt should I"- <!\u25a0 - cided to finish the canal by contract at some later ilate. Major <"•'\u25a0 rge W. Goethals, who succeeds Chief Engineer Stevens, Is a member of the general staff, and one of the ablest officers of the army. and he will have associated with him Major I>;!vM Dv n Gaiilard, also <>F the General Staff. and now on duty 1 t Havana, and William T . Slbert, who is 1 ' and harbor work on the Allegheny, ;.i nongahela and Ohio rivers n< ;ir Pittsl lethalf has had Importani duty in connection with the river and harbor work oi the country, including projects connected with ti:'' Tennessee VaHey and the Connecticul River, In New England :| i most recent work has t,.>, nin coir\u25a0 ' * \u25a0 -r \u25a0 ; tl^ ations, he hav- r of the Taft board vhi vised the so-called Endlcott plan of coasi de- imonly und< rstood to have com- piled \u25a0 of the Tafl board and to have lmuch of the information intended for >ard. He went to Panama on the last trip of Secre- tary Taft, and had much to >'. 1 with getting the Information In regard to the canal for Mr. Tafl nnd Pn sii evelt He has aided •ially In the preparation if all receni execu- tive co up m thai B_ub- j< \u25a0 Majoi Goethals v \u25a0 ippoi ted ' P< in- from X- w Y< rk In 1876. and has ir ai the Academy. t to hlef engineers at the War I \u25a0 has 1 n the engineering br;:;iis- of the General Staff in the last four \u25a0 ars. Major D. ImiF?. Gaiilard W -\u25a0 Point in 1884, and later !••\u25a0 n the engineer . was one of the commissioners >n tlio Mexican boundary Bur\'ey, later (n charge \u25a0• f the aqueduct ivork here; In charge of the break- :\u25a0 >! f ir \u25a0 'neraJ Staff In I Major Wiiliam L. Siberi : from \\'. .< Point In ISB4, and completed a course a 1 er school Most of his service ha :. !v i I s!:-;; tlv:- Kentucky River, and for the last f.'-ir years of the w< rks \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 burg district; served In thi Ith the engineer battalion; now li of ;li" en- gin" ci distrif I of Pittstourg. Secretary Tafl trip to the isthmus I i about March 20 from Xew York. | mpai ensineera of high professional I .. not "o,i in anj \\ ay with I \u25a0 rk. who will advise him I \u25a0 c 1--. >; and Pre 1< ne. ot Ma Te? ; ; ; - fifty fett d ; re ' eing dug alo Bite of the projei ted G itun •:.: I I leir \u25a0::- s] tion. LIKELY TO BID AGAIS. trustworthiness < C 1 : contractors, ami riff contrad I their obligations under the spedfl. ations. This Is the sj I Fed In \u25a0 work and the Installation of the \u25a0 ' n». His Judgment Vindicated, by Deci- mm, Sans District Attorney. District Attorney Jerom* in a \u25a0 itement ma«le to a Tril-une r'-p'>rtpr Last tiient r*».ad in the <l"."i. c lr:ti of the Court of Appeals a confirmation by nine Judges In the various courts lils private judg- ment that Mr. Perk 'md b-?fn >-ntU!<>t3 to th*- l:a- b:as corpus procedure and that he had h\-cv. justi- licd in his doubt as to whether Mr. Perkins had committed a ciim-. On the other hand, Mr. Jerome resd in the decision an 'ndorsetnent by fnur judges of his action in the capacity of District. Attorney, Mr. Jcrom** alto sai<i: "i have bven criticised in certain quarters as having had recourse to the habeas corpus method because Mr. Perkins was a rich man. The records of my oßico for the last livo years, however, will fhow that 1 have resorted to this method in all cases, jicli or poar ni< n, where thor*» was a doubt in my mind. Two cases involving relatively poor men •\u25a0<*!..• to !.i> mm.l in this connection. tin the present i . .-:•• I obtained the best lec;:il talent available for the action in my public .1- pacity—Wallace Macfarlane. }-:'!-.\;:! -i Whitney and SamucT T'r.ierm.v-r. respectively, having rcpre- , ec-nu-d ihc people in the courts. The result, if the »<i:m;; of to-day's decision published in rho tver.inK papers are accurate, is that nine judges in all. against four in the various courts through which the case has passed, have- (sustained my pi ,- vai«- Judgment \u25a0it Mr. Perkins should not, ha vi! lx»en indicted In this ca«e." Kx-Jiids- t-'oh^n. Mr. Perkins's B?r ; lor counsel, toid the reporter that be regarded the decision a i f.uMi-hed-t-mirentiy satisfactory and vs a thorous'.i vfndicktion of his client. Mr. Cohen ?<!t!i-i1: "The majority decision seems to Indorse rriv vi^w and to .Jeclarc that for a Jury to convict of lar- ctny there must be sho<vri a felonious Intent— tr«> action vi,.- : have been .•orr>rnitted with '•blac> . h*>»rt." In short. !n v>w of vest etf lay's opinion I «lo net believe tl'-U there is srour.i". even fur a civil action :ii;..inst Mr. IV-rkins. remembering alwsya t!:ct he n:;id'- t)>e contribution in the !<«-!'ef :l-.at it *.-«« in. i;..- inier^t.-: of t'.:e company Its policyhoiderp." I--^is 1.. DelafletiJ. Mr. Perkins's Junior counsel *"l tan O"Ay nay !•> you that I refjMrl tlie 'l«^-ision as very satisfactory." It:«? just what I expected." I>URSUAXT TO STATUTORY REQUIREMENT mi tlce in hereby Riven thst an «>\u25a0( Aakeiably, printed N V 1 ,-"-'\u25a0, I " t l i No --\u25a0 h *,' t "" C!l P* 3s^ l>>' both ranches of tho Lealclature, ••'\u25a0: 11.., 1 AN ACT '.\u25a0' rO PROVIDE "O!l THE EXPENSE OF WIDENING LIVINOSTON STREET. IN Til.-' ItOROUGH?OP BROOKLYN, CITY OF NEW YORK Further notice Is hereby given thnl a v\:h\u- h--.rinc upon inch bill will be held at the Mayor's office in the City linn, In the city of New York, on Thursday. February •-••;. |H«T, .it ii>:::o o - c:o.-k n m Dated City Hal!, New York. February •_•."» Js»o7 OEOKGE !». m ..i:;.!..\x. ai ij * r. Exravatlon In op* cat I.ft'S.SCO cubic ir«a Refill and embankment CTU.3OO cubic yards. Excavation aril replacSnt ot tnp f.oil fr aurtace onr»^- inj; l^T.iV.a rablo ir4a, Excavation In tunnels 170,000 cable yards, Concrcto masonry for u^ue- diK-t In open cut 211.000 cubic yorda. . Concrete masonry In tunnels IS HIM cubic yards. Portland cement Stc.t>i'i) barrels. St»->1 tor reinforcing con- crete . v:, aop\u25a0 j: |i Stone boundary walia .\u25a0\u25a0 I •*' \u25a0 ii \u25a0 ir foot. Fences and guar.l 1 tl!l ... . C3.000 llntar feet For other l?>*m!< "t-n oon'rart. The bond required for faithful performance of tho rnn- trn.t wIU be Kl\,- Hundred Thousan.l r.»i:n!S .JMioim^, No iiM will be received unless accompanied by either a certified check m«>n a National or sisi.> Bank l"n iho cits of New Wrk. drawn to thp cr.W of the < Vinptrollc- or money, to ih«> amount cf deventy-nve Thousand Dollars '1'•'"" allowed for the cornpletlon cf the work |j 4; months after •liming of contract: pamphlets containing further Information f>r »>•.) !cr» forms for proposal. contta>t. md 1- n.i. .!,\u25a0] v ived by thi Corporation Counsr), -m.) spectftVatlonii . 1.1 t». cbtaln«>.| nt the omce of the Boar-1 <\u0084i >i>pltcatton In person o r by moll, pamphlet o! .ir.:uin KMX M may be obtained on payment J. icmvAnu Simmons, President. CHAP. N. CT?Ar>WICK CIAS. A. SHAW. J. \. .\: DO! MITH. Houra or Wnter f.ucrlr. J. WALnO SMITH, Chief Knxlneer. VIM>: IIASERTT. i>cretarr. A*, the übovt" place ami hour tho b'.J* will be publicly opened arA r.s.l Th.> award of tho contract. If awar.lei*. will t»» made as soon thereafter as practicable. The principal me la the Eng'.n^er'n estimate of trie w.nk ar« 11follows: MONDAY. MARCH 18, 1907, roit Tin-: constrcction OF portions OP THE twrSKM.I. AQUEDUCT, BETWEEN IIUXTER*9 nilfiflK AND Fnrxr»RY PROOK VALLETS. IX THE TOWNS OF COUTLAXDT AND TORKTOWX. WEST CHESTEII COirXTY. AND PIIIUJPSTOWX. PUTNAM COUNTY. NEW YORK. \u25a0 OF WATER SI ''I':. V »• X on '.'I: 1 - '\u25a0 M., ALEXANDER E. ORR ILL FROM COLD. Alexander E. On% president of the New Fork Life Ir.sutJ.nce Company ami 0 the };,;,,; Transit Commission, who has been confined to his home. No. 102 R«mseti street. Brooklyn, fora week with a sev< •\u25a0 cold, was reported to be In ix favorable condition last night. His physician Mia that, while Mr. Orr wns suffering from an extremely painful sore throat, and would not Ye able to leave his mom for s.v.-ra! days Irs illness be not of a serious nature MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Dlinil^wsVi ' M.irs. To-.ljvur;l Js.it. E\<» - \u25a0-> USUIiU :*•\u25a0•: :ist. LAST Two WEEKS. MISS CROSMAW In .V,^'.V E(; GY . ELSHENDGRF Lenten CWtne. £ "Norway" RFI ASfO '»» : -vr.:K. ;. v ir £%££& \ m HOSt t', 1 , 1 ;, KANCHO TWO SPECIAL n«l If-. MATS.. M(!!l I! Ii £ 21. MADISON by. CARLOTTA MLLSON ggr^yH'^MtS: : in THE 3 of IS. H'AMMERSTEIIi'S 4 Kvrninri TJo. to «U tTfl l»jl!y I Marie Dressier. Tom Nawn. Howard & HQ Mut*. I North. Willy .;:\u25a0 -r.\ in. lireon & ?.V. Mr. | Werni-r, rb< :: \i •\u25a0• \u25a0 .-th^rs. ~ HAPIfETT Mats. Thurs. « Sat. at - \u25a0-•*\u25a0 flAUlVClli.- <:\u25a0 B nCB Qi.l,! me Thea.. 4-'U »l vr. of TVmrnUoS O\aUl < horiM 1.-.Jt ] H@^"^lili3 ' EvS: '-"- Mat. F.Vtu-nr. 2:13. 1 I tin ; IABT WEEK— i "*•'\u25a0*»\u25a0\u25a0 .i VlilHT MONTANA NTCSHT. I E'bjv. 4.-. St. OEXESKE OF THE tlil.L^. NEXT MONDAY— SEATS THfTRSOAT. ! THE MILLS rlTn SODS i;^^,. Gmßden theatre, sati S# BE« GREET PLAYERS rfmt Wk- Merchant cf Venice. Mit. it. Macbeth. I O E St. Nicholas ptnk. li£2 Ft. fIT! ' 1 Col. Are. ?„ rt:. *•')•' - " r ''*fo Seaslcna To-«lay. t-KATIXG. Skater Fr^». MlTltary Bend. CBC|| I CIXEMATOGRAPH uvrsv Misia iII=EC. I Last Week ANDRE Losdoa Co. BCREAU OP {THE frnui." \OMINI.STRATDR OF THE tUUNTV VV NEW YORK. N'". iiv Naeean Street NOTICE IS HEREBY Q*VENVpursuant to Chapter 'j*> NOTi "a IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Chai of the l.iw» of IMW. that tin- statement of the receipts ond expenditure of the Public Administrator during the year tit-x 1 . will be published In the City Record three times each week for thno week*) beginning rebniark- ]!>th 1907 r, w. ... WII4JASI SI. HOES." Tub.lc Administrator of the Cow of Mew York jIINIATURE AUCAXAC. : Bnnrlte 0:37 Sunset 6:50IMooa set* O:2U Mccn-s a-o IB HIGH WATER. A.M.—Sandy Hook T:C3iG3v. teland 7:18;Hc11 ant* »-it | P.M. Bandy Hock rdß.Oov. Uhnd 7:;:- Hell date 0:31 I INCOMING STEAMERS. TO-DAY. 1 •eel. fc^SSs ig^. 1 ": \u25a0 Uouj,, s r<>. F-bruary 17... HoUaad-Am GORDON PLACED IN CHASGE HERE. Detailed Temporally Until Chief Examiner Can Be Appointed from Eligible List. Albany. Feb. Superintendent Kelsey of the Suite Insurance Department announced to-day that Daniel F. Gordon, of Albany, one of the examiner* of the department, had been detailed to take charge temporarily of the New York City office and its examining fnrre until a chief examiner can be ap- points from, an- eligible Hat now under prepara- tion by the State Civil Service Commission. Mr. \u25a0Ocrd'ii;-- will »,»\u25a0 In charge from February 23, on whscn date Rcberi H. Hunter, deputy superin- tendent, rftl:«« irom service with the Insurunco DtPAttaxcst. Steamer Kalscrln Auguste V'lctcrla (Gor), Riiser. Ham- burg Kebruary Ifl, Southampton and Cherbourg 17. t.» the Hamburg American Unc, with 853 cabin and \.*t;\ mon - ap" passengers, ir.alls and md*e. Arrive, i ,-n th.- Mar at ;>:ir. i> in. Bteamer Trlni.U.; tliri. McKenzle Bermuda February 23. to A E Outerbrldfte. & <•<>. «i!h 13 passenger*, malls uni imlso. Al rived at i!r> 1", ir at 4 a in. Steamer st I'atrlck iir). Fortay. Yokohama November K>. Kobe Hi J1"J1 21. Shanvrhnl li>"i>ml»T 4. llonir Ki.n? December 80. Manila 2U, Colombo January 1". J'ort Sold 2il an ! Aiders February \u25a0"• t.. w 11 Tweddell & Co with ir.i'Re. Arrived at the Bar at iTO m m. Steamer Zeetand il'ri. Brobmhead, Antwerp m.try lrt. t.-> th«- H<>.l stnr Mn-. with 17:i cabin and I.3o».steer- aj," 1 paisenzers and :ii<lf.-. Arrived ax i'.:u Car «t li.i;.'.a a rt). Steamer Havana, Stevens, Havana February ":t. t*. .lames X Ward & <'\u25a0\u25ba. with 123 patsenjers, ni.ilis him indse. Arrived at the Bar at 10:30 n in, Ktenmer Navigator (Nor), Jaeobson, llnllfux February 23, to J It Kins & ii>. with i'!(iKt<-r. ArrlvoJ ut tli<» liar ill4:4.. ;\u25a0 m. Bteamer B1 M.>n:o. Freeman, ">:i!v^N'r>n February 10 to the Southern Paclni <•.». with |.a»:wnj,-era and rodse ' I'nssi.i in Quarantine at 6:30 a m. Steamer Navohoe, Hale, (Seorgetown. S C February 21 ci>i Wilmington, \ < ', \u25a0:::, t^> tbe < - iviie s<» i'c. with pas- sengers and md*t. Pa»*ed in Quarantine at 7:r2 » in Steamer Lenin Lurk. n,.i•:, Kay, I'oatzacualcos Febni- ary 7 and PUladelphia 25, t. Dearborn & r.apham with mdse, h"o»Mffi In (Quarantine at H:4ii a m. stennn'r O»«»baw im>i, \\>hl., liniitnn' February to the nrunswlck .-v« \u25a0 '<>. In ballast. Arrived via City island Sn-:i!:ifr Harvard (r.ew). Philadelphia tb* Metropo'U t^n H!< (",.. }'ass"il in fiunly Hook nt l:io p m Bteamer Monroe, HulpheiK, ••«•\u25a0• .- News nnd Norfolk to me '•:\u25a0' Dominion 81 c,.. with paiaongera and in,is t >' Parsed In rfiitnlv Hook nt L:".i ji m. Hteamer Batavla lOer), Schmidt, Hamburg February » to the Hamburg American I. in", with 72 cabin and l TOO ttcera^e passengers iin.i mdse. Arrived at the Bar at 7:1 1 a iii. . s-*;r:im«r Carolyn.- Sullivan, (,\)ntzacra)ros Febru'arv 11 ami Delaware .\u25a0• \u25a0:.\u25a0•... \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -... to the American-Hawaiian to Co. with md»e. v,,,.,. i :.t tho \u0084.,. at i".-4i» » m Band! .1 . N. .1.. ••\u25a0•\u25a0>, l'« D:.".0 p. m.—WlnU''south- oast. llKhl breoso; |).ir:ly elou-Jy and hazy. SAIU Steamers konn Frode <X<"«. port Antorili- SM-in>:> Tuilt-B Islam, etc; Porto Rico. Baltimore- VKronr.rlni Wllbelm •';•-.. Bremen la Plymouth a-.ui Cnerbouri- ; Xl Norte. Galvest mi; -.:.... Norfolk an.l N'ewoorl \-» ltr«M..» il 1 ill. Naples; c-|ty at CoiumbuV> Savannah- Hamilton. Norfolk -an.i Newport News; Maranhens* '(-io" !::ii'.:i.i. \u25a0-. Apache. Charleston ami Jackscnville; Ppi.*rs-. l.tiri! il'.iih3>. R.tttrdar.i and Mbau; I'alnliii.i (Br). Vim;,- America, (Nor), . .>>u»».<, Port of New York. Tuesday, Feb. 26. 1907 T.HE MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. FOREIGN PORTS. mmbu^Peb c:;-?ai>,i. «Minrr Turtlatan >:: r >. paton. DarhaJo*. Feb 2 ; T^-Bclie.J, steamers CuthbVrli ,i -\u0084 roiicV ltac.Br>. ft Bt MlohaeTß, F*jt' 20— Airivpd. s;,>ir.i^r MnitlUa f'itnii \u25a0 \u25a0 •».,\u25a0\u25a0..,,:• f,r New Y.'iii- r, fcS No\v t Vo:'k Ur '\u25a0VUt:K:il:l1 " 1 <<: ">. KHe l: ; iif r. .N,,,,',^ Havre, j>U ap^-Tho r--i»-.rlel sjlMaj (fethV of iteatn«r Horifeaux for-New York was an error »««m«r llull. IVI. 2t—Sallied, steamer Idaho lltr). I. rij,-. New Itlj Janeiro. !\u25a0'•\u25a0 > CS— Arrived. pteairer Tennyxm ,i>, s&w.'yS York: scl!eJ> tttanvr T<rf!lI ° ''' iir > -"y™. Port Natal. i>'.> :*- Arrived, previously, rteamer l»o» combe (Br). WUcom, Now York via St vineim '.-\u25a0' / Prawle I'olr.t Feb EU-'pajied, ateamcr TaWsr^n ' Westcott. New York for I.rndon '™ n (ljT >- Messina. Feb 17— Arrived. Ftramer FcrC3t IIoln« «* Chadwlck. New York vU Algiers. m 8 (I ' r)> Barcelona Feb 21 -Arrived, steamer Manuel ci'vn (Span) Castello. New York via Cadiz. ° (Span >- Clvlta V.vrhia. Feb IT—Arrived, steamer Zafra (IT)- \u25a0"» rork vl*Alston and Naples (Ef >- Antwerp, ! •?. 8f Arrived, steamer v\*eitern!«nd ib»» Turner. Sew York. Naples. leb 2-I—-Mil>. steamers Madonna .(Fr). Joubert York i rk; 21 : "Buenct Atrea (Bpan). Aldan-:*. New Trieste *Feb 21--?ai] ed, " mer Eu enU (Aust), Par»- vtcb, New York. , *T '• THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC LECTURES ON '.'THE X Relations of Israel with Bab: '\u25a0! nn.l Assyria." by the Rev. Francis Brown, D. I', will be six en at t'nlon Theological Seminary. T'tn rjrlt avenue hi 4:::" o'clock: Wednesday, February -7 •\u25a0!>latinns of Re!!ir!o-is rractlce. 11 Friday, Marrii l "Relatlona"' of Religious Relief : Babylonian Mythology. In !»ra.i " Wednesday, Morch 6—' Relations of Religious l!"f: riianiO'Tirtlc 1> -.irln— : ." •Byron .. Rio Janeiro. February 7.. Lamp & 11 It •Ethiopia Glasgow, February lil (Vnchor Hudson !la\rf-. February 9 French Maln» .'; London, February 14 . .At'.antlc-Trars Kati"i.-i.« c"tty .-war.iira. February IS tirlsto! r.hem Bremen. February i>\ '. <". Lloyd Oevlc I.tverp -1. February lS.'.V.Wh'te Bti«r roinrmip lir.V.. February IS \\i>>n Cninra.i.i Mobile. February IS Mall, rv El Rio Qalveston, February 21 So I*ncl(lc THURSDAY. FBBRI7ARY 28. •Tftit.inl.- Llvcrpobl, February "') White Star •Grenada Port Spain February 20. ...Trinidad UHonia Olbraltur, February 13 i"ur.ard iltyof Ma con Savannah, February -'< Savant FRIDAY. MARCH 1 X VV der Grosser':.'iO*noa. FfbnUry. 21. NO I.'oV'l lT!n:»M Irene Gibraltar, February 2> N <'w l.:»*d SATURDAT, March _\u25a0 •Lucanll.. ':.' I.!ver|^"l. F»-I'runr>- 23 '"'inir't \u25a0 '.:\ of A-.:p..-.?a Savanna!!. FebruaiV 2T...'.Savannah •f:r;!is^ rr.a 1 .!. OUTGOING STEAMERS. TO-DAY. VftMl Ve»i*L T*?r. Line Mall e!'"»-s. onliß Oceanic. Liverpool Whit* .-t.»r 1 ::>•> \u25a0« m .Vnoam Bamt&nd. Anf*»rr. Ned P*ar 13:30pm !t:oOptn Mnravil. OranoJa, Trinl.Hi.l. ..'...... .I' l : I "' a m IJSKVitn Wnrtla Haytl Hamburg -American. . . 11:>>n atn 2 \u25a0*> i> rr. Manaa. Trinidad. Q.u«h*c-. II*:*) p m :rnoj, pi Noordnm. K'.tterdmn. Holland -Am Sixain Iroouots. Jacksonville. Clyd* 3:i"t>pin Nuecrs Oalveston. Mallory 3:00 pm \u2666 \u25a0\u25a0r.<*. a. Norfolk, OM D«m!nlon B:<«>:'m T>U!(rI'AV. FEBRUARY a*. !«•» Provence. Itavrei French" ":<»>/> m 1" fl«> a in HelUz <i!«v. i hrisitlaniiand, Scar.d-Ain o:3oam 12:00 m \!»rl'a Havana. \Vi»ril 9:0" atn 13:09 m TJinn-i Campeche; Th«-i.mi I 12:'tfni 3:<>» pm Yumurl Tamplco. Ward * . 3:UOptn Chalmette rJaKeston. Monr»n 8:00 pm Mamtlton. •.\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 StOOptn KntifaH <!tv. Savannah, Savannah ."XT; -. 3:oopm KH! I'AV. M \K'!I !. rrlm IVUIVm V, Haytl.; D vV I II :00am I:Copm Trlnz Slsif iTtur -1. Jamaica: H»ml> Am.ll:80 am 2:00 ptn Ararnhoi-. Ja.-k.sor.'. tl!.\ Clyde 3:»>) p m Colombo Hrunsjrlek Mallory 3:«<>j>in Jamestown, Norfolk. <<M Dom :ir.«>pin TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. Jjestlnatlrn and steamer. ClOfC In New York Hawaii, Japan. Corea, «'hlm» -in.! !".il!- ll'l'li^" l»:;inji (via fin !• rarcl'io) Mongolia March 4. 1230 a m Hawaii ivla Ban Francisco)— Alameda. March r>. 12:30am Tahiti and Marf..c!"H< Is.anji ivla Sun Fr&ncUeo) - M:irl| e»n, March C. 12:30 a m Js;an <exc»[.t parce'n pent ni«l>*), i'<>reu (.(lira an. l Philippine Mlanis vi.i Vancouver and victoria, h O— L"mrre«s of India March 13. fl:or>pm SHIPPING NEWS. I'unia Arenas. Fet> 22— Arrived, stt-ar-.cr Ovid ( L'r>. Cutitt New York via Montevideo for Va.paral a ote * V"ork 44 ~ ArrlV ' d" steamer Aur «ola t»r>. Wat- nOtSHW^£^ ArrlVe<l - Bte ™" r.™s i> <c.er>. Ma? New *YrTk b -'" iiV| - «"U»«t Ithodcslan (Kr> Peck. DOr T'rostr. F New°Vorfc n ~ 3a!!ei1 * *"' :ner Derniu<l!an <*\u25a0**>• Amusements. NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 27. 1907. Proposals. Amusements. G. W. PERKINS WINS. Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder CANAL BIDS REJECTED. Continued tram first pa?? s

New York Tribune (New York, NY) 1907-02-27 [p 8]...PBjSniDCt*r?!r»ili^-K

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Page 1: New York Tribune (New York, NY) 1907-02-27 [p 8]...PBjSniDCt*r?!r»ili^-K

PBjSniDC THEATRE. Broadway ar.'l ;«th S' r£"J.t*r?!r»ili^-K< H:2'>. Kits. T. \u25a0(!•>• and Sat . -'-Greater success than ijefore."—Herald,



xe\t play—the silver cox.pjlinnAKS -!4th Pt.. East of P/way.

HUDSON Hv.v «:1.-.. Mats To-ilay & Sat.. 2:t3.Frederic Th^mrs^n rrffentuKDUAKI) ADEIES. ivBpwsT|ls EliLues«s

PQITCCinM TIIEATKE. DroaifWcy and St.

UnilLrlUH Ergs. S:l3. Mitin-cFrt. 2:1".

FRANK DANIEL'S Tin: TATTOOE!> MAN.Muelc by Victor Herbert Doolt by Barry U. Smltn

aril A. N. C. Foster.

to AnnjnF/ THEATRE. .".->th P... n»nr BroadwayUAKIHUftF-VKs.

-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•' Mll3.M113. t.. .1.. .--.- Pat.. .•-\u25a0«



JVM. COLLltilv!"


«7a| IftPV'O Broadway arvl r.Oth Strf.et.

WflLLftbftOKvr s 1-. Mats. To-day a s»:.21G15CTH TIVE 3ZARCII IST.

O A Rl\ T*T'*l's*f **H IRK KIv'JISAM SEBNARS ?ia. iior.«;i:xuKiMEa.

KNICKERBOCKER Broadway »nd nsth 5..-«:.

EveniDKs s i.-). Mats. To-day end Sat.. L.M..

IVlOiNiliuMtKV d STUNt Hkq'mill.

\u25a0jMttlte THE urn lif'UQHStSAVOY "''if.' -in- .v :-:it. L:!.

-THE B3>T lI.AYIN YKAirs."—N. V Si X.

mA M- "m: HOURBy <Jcc>rs" Difat. hurst

I TIICKSDAt .MAIS., UKSf M-:.\TS, $1.55.

Cleanses and beautifios theteeth and purif.es tho breath.

Used by peopio of refinementfor over a quarter of a century.

Convenient for tourists.PREPARED BY

OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS.Arsenal tulldlnr. Firth avenue and -!th \u25a0«««*>Eorou»;h of Manhattan, th,- City of' New York.

Sealed bids cr '-\u25a0-ti!r,.->.I.'-5 wIH be r'.*e|ve,i l.v th- Park

Eoaid at the above otnea or t:-.o Department of Parks

THURSDAY.' MARCH "I. 1007. Boronsn of Manhattan.{Contract No. C>

jrty. wot* and «naier>*l for the. installation of plumblritend draincß" r.ppjar&tus :n:n the New York Public .Library.

Astr- Lenox 'and Tll««a Feundatloiw. Fifth avenue.40th "and 425 streets. The security require,! will be

thirty tbcu;and dollar*. The time allowed for doing an.l

complctim: the wot -i in this ccntrjr-t win be three years

aftrr notlc« to begin work nt the »aUdlnt ha« been RivenThe b!r!s willbe compared and the contract awar.lo.l

at a !urii> cr flK^reisato sum.1p.an ma? be s^en an.l blank firms may be obtained

a,,V office of the Department of Parka. Arjenai. Cen-

tral Park. Manhattan, an also ft the \u25a0 \u25a0"'\u25a0" <\u25a0' the «£*"terts. Carrure £Ha :tn 9. So 28 Ea«t tlst street. Man-hattan. . _ ...

For further particular* »cc "City Record.».MOSES HEIIPMAN. President:JOSEPH I. BERRY.

MICHAEL .1 KESSKBTCommissioners 01 Parks.

DateC February Otti. \Vft-

HtW filHOlLnL'ttlSlof Broadway. Dies. 91S.Certain at 7:43 Sharp. Matlreo Saturday, 2.

\u25a0 MB. RICHARD

Firet Three U'c-cks ln-Henr* Ibsen's Comedy,


BROADWAYThestrc. BTway and list E v Mo

Mat. Katurtlay. 2:10.SOUVbNIK lAn Imported

MATINEE "Teddy Bear

TC-DAY <.iven 10,H.-U.^Y I r.-.ich Lady.

ANNAHELDin the PARISIAN 3IODEI.3 IR£RTY THKAT»i 42d St.. West of irway.E>lDrnIIIH'T* 8:1* Mat3. To-day & Sat 8:11

ELEANOR ROBSON as; M̂YJlatlnec To-fay, 2:13. ••MERELY XAJtI ANN."ACADEMY or MUSIC. 1!th St. & <r-.: Place

K'aar & Erlanv;cr"s JCew

BEN-HUJRTil-\u25a0•a 25c tn S!.^o- ?Ir.ts. To-lay £i ret.. 2. Eve.. 8.

ri/HV'Q THEATRE. H-wnvnn-l?.'"»th. Zv~n HlsL?AiLI O r-ti-i^.-.To-I^y tad S.-.-. at 2:15 j

NEW YOBK lIfKACJ-:smiV^iS! MATJNsc Tfl-Bit."


TT7EST POINT. N. V.. FF.nRtWRY 25. 11K.7.—

\\ ;..,\u25a0- Rroposal* In triplicate, subject to the

usual"oondltionß.tfor furnishing fuel durlnsttho fiscalvonr emllnn Jun» SO lOOS. -Milhe received .here until12 M April 1. moT; PUPIi fuel b-lns requlrofl for or."

year.'" Information furnli>h*a vi on appllcatloc U. «.reservpa th- rtcht to re- 1 • or arrppt any or •1' bids '"'any' Dart thereof Envelopes contilnlns proposals

Should m2 endo4e.i "Pronosalr for Fuel.;: .addressed to

Q. M.. V. S. A.

Yinnro^vis for ''NOTHING ano piker coons.—ITifwrtr^ of thi Interio-. Oin«! of in.lMn Affair*.u-Vii.Ut.nl>. C.. Fcbroary l!'. >W". S<*»'"'l ;roposaln.l,n marked on the outsldo of the envelopes •Propoiiiilfoe/efothlns;." nn 1 oddrcoafd to the ••romml«sioner of....... •: 1

'1.. will V' ' !eel' p.l at

Marchid 107 nnl tlirn opened, for furnishing th* liviin::sen-Ice with clothlnp and pleco goods Ulds inuat htmade out on ,; .•-.-\u25a0 nt blat) ca Schedules Rlvlns allnecessary Information for fcldder* will I." furnl«ihe<l onapplication to the Indian Ofllre. Washlnston, I>. C; th«

I.S. Indian Warehousea at New Vr.rk City; f'hlraso. 111.;

St. Lbulu, Mo. and Omaha. Nebr, The Department re-

serves tiip r:-;ht to reject am rmi nil I.Ms, or any iv.irtof any l>id. F. C. I'Kni1. Commissioner.

1- < .'•-\u25a0[• \u25a0\u25a0: DEPARTMENT. WASHINGTON, I). C,

.Tan \u25a0.-\u25a0'• proposals will ho received atthr orl'r.- of tho Purchanlnc Agenl "f this Department un-til Tuesday, the 2<i of April. r.'"7. at 2 0 clo ;\u25a0 m..fo- reproducing nn.l furnlsalnpi copies of tr«> po.-: -r.vjt-?

mnps c\pi: threa months during the four year* fromJuly 1. I!t07.»to Juno :;i). 11*11. ns may be required by thePostmaster General In exercise of tii^ <ll«c"ret!on con-ferred by law. Specifications. Bivln^ a <Wai!fil sta!^-nwiit of the requirements to be m^t In respect to thiswork, anrl also th<> number of sh<»etj r< |utred of ?ar"ncdltfon anil glvlns full insiriirtl^njan to the manner .>?btiMtnf;and conditions t.> iio otmen-eii by bidders, will!efurnished <~-n npi'lli'n'lon to "!i<* Purchasing '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0

F'oiit Oifir? Department. Washington. D. i.\ The awardwill b.-> ma<l^ only to a person or firm having fxp?ri«ncein rhoto!ltli.j?;rar>.".!!>(T an.l ijrintlne mit* »nd establishedfacilltlos thrrcf..r. GEO. I!. CORTELYOU, PostmasterGeneral.

I>OST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. Wnshlnxton. D. C..'..-•. .'1 1907.—Sealed proposals will he received at

tho offlce of thi*Purchasing Agent of this Department un-til2 <<\u25a0!-\u25a0-:-. p. m., March 30, 100T, for furnlshlnß FarincSlip?. Plain ar.l Printed, as thfy may >*• ordered foi theiirfof the I'.istal Service from \u25a0•••!\u25a0• in^; thefls.:al year beginning July 1. r.x>7. !>n^l ending Jim; Bt*,I9OS, or during the four \<-nrs b^R'.nnini? July I. 1907,an.l ondlns June 80. 1011, as the contract* may b?ena.-lM inks for proposals, with specifications nnlInstructions to bidders: will bo -furnlshe-l upon npoii-c»tinn to the l'ur.ih.i«ins Agent for :!:e r-.«t < vffirr \>».rnr:merit. Washington. D. C. GEO B. CORTELTOU,I'os tmatter General.




{iiKi:\>The Ma.«kf<l Cilli. Mines. Huss. De l;s-nero.i. Zoplili; MM Bassi. Satamarcot, Anrr.>n>i!...mennj, Keschlyllan. Conductor. *'an^r>anir.l

thi'if*. rzn. ss, Soectal A\inp\cn German PrersCluh BUet's CAR-MEN. Mmes. Cr«3s:?r-Gia»oiir>ona!.!a. TrenttnL Glaconla; MM Daicwrea \n-cor.a. Gllibert. ItaJd!. Vu^n-z. RuchlElJaa, Con-ituctor r<impan!r.l.

"FK!. F.Vii.MCH. IT

-Etwr.?!! BDP?araßee of

>f.MK..VELHA. Fuoclni^ I.\ KOIIEVE .'f.-«t t'l^ie».Mm«;.' Mfiba. Trentir.l; i!M i:.->nci. Ari-tnorj'ii. Olllbert. GtanoU-GaJlettl, Tecohi. Conduc-tor, -..ara

SAT.MAT..MfH. t. at 2 l.\ \>rdii:\I1.0 INSI \->:HERA Th.,. Mark. :C.T.I). Mrr.»s Russ DcClsr.cros. :>ppil!l: MM. Uassi. Saramaro, Art-!raon.li. Mu?noz. Hep'-hlplian Coadaetor Cainpaainl

SAT. MI.HT.MCU. i.at <i—f'.rr-nd tr<-le til"atr«r>'i!ar pr««-es

--to *:•—rAVAIXERIAKt^Tl-

( AM. Overturn and M Ac: I)INOS-\H. -Vh Ac*K\IST.NEXT SIMMYEVG.. MARCH 9 (Causual Cvrnt).3E3C-£^."SrX>iSi f3S* Peoples Chora;

CJ^t^S^-.TPZOIXr £2£m«t 7o'-.:.r,FRANK DAMROSCH. Conductor. ar<\ N T sYM-ri[i>NVORI-HESTRA. PrpulPr ?Tire s. ,Vc. M« !U»

MOV.MCH. 4. ,• 9. DOI'RI.E BTl.l.—ns'.inis ivSONNAMfJI I.A. MrtK-s I'tnkf-rt. TrenTir.t. S«verlr.a.;M. Hon-!. Ar!mrvn<!!. ResihltrLlan. Tfc?ht <'or.dTanara; ar<s Leoncarallo's Ie.\r.i »re1 Mme.lionalda: MM. BasuL ?aDmir:o. S»vc'.ihi?. V»r.tur-Ini. <".n!! 'Vmpunln!.

WEIL.MCIX. S. at S:ls. ?»c^r.,l npp-arar.r> VIEMEI.BA. Pttcelnra LA BOIfEVE. Mx« M?:baTrentlnl; MM. U"r.r|. Simrnarco. Arlmondl, OiH-bert. GaltMtl-Glanoll, Torch!. Re^chi^l.an CondTanara.

FRI.. MCH, ». at VI.-.. AVer's FKA CIAVOLO.Mnif*. Pln*»Tt. Oiaconla: MM. B.?nci. Xr'.n'.r.r.dir,'.!if.»rt. Gatlettl-Gtaaolt; Veaturtat Fosaetta, Coait'.irrnanin!

SAT. MAT.. •!( H••

at 2. Bl=?t 3 CAR3ZEX.Mmes. Br->^si«r-<":iaroH. finnaMa, Tr?r.::r.i 'Jtaconla-MB.»D»lmow. S.-,-oi!tiae. GUlb*rt. r>i '.,:•. Mnsmw.R«schls;lrar "Confln'*t'»ri ' anpanini

SAT. Nir.IIT. MCH. 9. at 8:15. VerdTs unaMin^o. R'i's. I)-CUmtrn?; MM Baasi Ar.ccna. Arj-mop.!|. Te<-.-ht. Cor.Juctor Caxpanlr! Po^-^ia-Prlcea, 75c t.-> $".

Spat ~alr for Wo-k Brc. Mi!i 4Oprn* To-^lorrow (Thor».» 9 A. M.

C:h Avi-. 4XI to Mtl St Eves R. 2T>o. to J1 Z'XI>i!ly MattSMi a- 2 «!:arr. i">". M Jt «V"In all th«- world an .how ltkr thN."

neptune's DAUGHTERMfrrnuM* I>Uapr*^nrbic In TJral Water.

NKv^ll'Ni" PIONEER DAYSNEXT StTNDAT. Retura Popular <-"--rt.ARTIIIH PItTOR .m.l h'.'J Ain^r'.rr :.i:i.!

LYRIC <2d «t.. W. .if irway. T#! K-W Bryaat.LItilu Evp« tit Jlari::»-» l?aturt!a> at 2

SOTHERN — MARLOWET.»-n!^hr. HAMLET. Thursdiy saJ Frl.'.iy. 1

X"ME.» AND JULIET. ,281 irPTin Broadway mvl SDth. T<. r..v»> .- :s.:s.MMESTIi)ON PAROLE

l"rln.-.-« • T»l C^4S Mai!. Ev'k?. S:2oi Mats.r.'»-3> v :'o'h.l Thur.«-!ay a^iSaturday at

•* -•>MAF.GARITt I Th- r.r--at I'.r.NKY

\M.||\ I l>tvlt!e. i AHI.I.EK.

OtOllin B*was an'l ."!t:h «. Tel. V'*<\ I?!:-"-";

CASiHO Ki-tK, S.I.V Vftttaf* Sat'irli' at 2:15.I.OCIS MANN ln :::; »Hl n HEN."

hßia.J OiJ.. THE ROAD TO -;: "\\





METROPOLITAN OPERA IIOCSE.This Evening at s. RJGOLETTO—SrnbrIch. liomer: j

i"aru*'"> Scott!. Jounjet, MuMrr.crn, li*^uV <"o:i!urt>)r, jVifc-na.

Tours. Ev«.. Feb. 2S, nt S:r.<>, Special Perfonnsne* I*A iliOHIIMK\u25a0- I'avallfrl. Alton: Caruso, b'cottl. Journtt. JSinar"'. Dufrlrhe. Conductor, Vip:n.

Fri. Kvz.. Marr'i I. ar T:^. PIE WALKVERE- jc;ad(«'.ii. Krcrnstari, S:!rjTnnn-il"!nk. Alt?n. Wee«l. .MattJ Jacoby, Ralph, ro^hlmnnn: nurs*tHll«»r. V=u jRoojr, Bl»! Conductor. il":'-.

:>ut. Aft.. March J. ct _\u25a0. MAYON LESCAITT—

Cara-Uerl ilur farewell. Caruso. H.-•::'!, Bars, Iirl?!«. Con'l , <

V!\u25a0,' aSat Kvr. Mnrch 2 .popular VTict^}.at S. ;m>\ma I

ntlTTEBFLT—Fnrrar. He-ncr: D!pc«-t Ftrncclir1.. !Iteis«. i>ufr'.-:io. \u25a0 ihlnann Connue'ir. Visna.

Sun. Evjf. Mcl .".. Pop. Price* a«. f.:.".0.CHAM)SUNDAY Mi.li:CONCERT.

Soloists: Abott, Rappold. Planes Van Roor. f-nd \u25a0

the young Ru«slan Violinist KnJls'.xVy. Kntlre MetropOprra llous-i Orchestra, Conductor, Boyy.

:.U<n. Erg. Mch 4. at-

l'.tor>[ XT r'">-Spmhric*-.. IIloniT. Caru'o. Scotti. .Journ<-;. Mtthlmar.n. EJsu*.

•Dufrlche Conductor, Visn-v.

Wed. Eve. Mch «, r.t 7:45. TRISTAN f.VD ISOT.DK— |Gadskl, Srimmann-!{o!:-.!< ; r;uren?nll»r. Ourltz. Uias-'. iMuhlmann, H^lm. Conductor, ll»rtz.

Frl. !\u25a0:\u25a0 r. Mch ». at S. TOSCA—Emma Eime*; :I'ani' Sc^ttl. I'tifr'ciie. Br.ri>. Conductor, Vi(rr:»

Th» srl» of reals f -r n<*xt wetk'l performances beginsto-morrow (Thurs.>: at ', :i m.

WEBCR piano ISFI).


l:-' '•'•"'•• Ever Er8 nt S:2rt & j*I*w *l !̂*J' Sat. Mat., Schoenthan'a lit.-M-ComMr.;

•X I. I\ D<»«i: IT l"l.iI Ic Itorril'

\u0084\u0084,v,. I Fifth FEB'Y 23Thursday Evg. j Concert. .JT Him SID I(SO j

RUSSIAN H™'iv,•.VOIHCSI- .M.TS! lit1 r.u Conductor I

soiois, L.HEVINNE "^?c.it» *1..*0 \u25a0 \u25a0 50 r;*.. on salo at H.^x Office.

PHILHARMONIC ''SOCIETY of Hew York !Krl. March l«t. l'-.'.h p. m Pat., Mar.-h .'p.d. 8:13 P. M.

'UA>>II.V safonokf. Conductor.Soiolnr; 01 1. \ «.\.MAISOFF. Men".

Pr^Kmin: Orertar*. "Manfred." Sohumar.n; ?ym- |phony. ••Ita!!.in." MrodelßAohn; Pinn>> Concerto, Grieg: jOv^rturo. "Leonora" N>> "» T'.'-othov^n



ANOTHER OABRHjOWrTSfH Ita'ITAI-1 MKM»i:i.HSOII\ HALL. TO-DAY at 3 P. M.; Th* Itrtllltnt Russian flanlst. OSSIPGABRILOWl

OLAZOUNOW. Sonata, Jt Cat niln"-. ,^p. -$ mew)CIIOPIN'. Xocturne. F Major; Mazurka, n Minor.BRAHMS. rntcrtn*ito. E niiiior; K.iari».i(ll<?. E Flat

MajorI RACHMANINOFF. Prelude U Mlr.rr. or«. (r.?w).

TRCHAIKOWSKY, chnnt d'automnf.MOSZKOWSKI. "ITn Butomne," EtudeLISZT. Ktu.l-. F Minor.Direction Chirltcu (Mason * HaclUn IPiano t Trkis. .".!>.; to «1.."v Rmx of!W i10 E lZth.

M ENDEI.SS O I!> IIA I.I.•n-ir.l Conctrt Thursday r>K.Frb'y ?», ar S:I3.

Olive Mead QuartetfAn'Sr^i Miss Alice Giimmmgs

Ti-k*-!!"»i|.."st) nt n..x o:n<-.\ M«nd«l*soha Hall

Mi:MJr.I-S«ii»llN MALI.. T!>.\:(.iit XT BIS

KALTENBORN QUARTETAssisting sit;mi \:> lli:i:/.oi;.pianistArttvia nit. \u25a0 KKRI1 SMIIII.Organist.tTickets.' g]•>r.B<>J at •Boi or?:,-., nn.l 10 East Krh St. ,

!rtPI IInlllII!v9>

': •'\u25a0'•\u25a0. '•""i""i-

LLOYD.< ..l.»n-I111 Ml I! nn<l Taylor. <;r:.n- Itlc Jt «.... < oloa- ii|WkwiiiHk:".' ,n,,n

,Brplflt< rii.- Mr.VanKbtoßS. \%J Mat. Dally. Sic. «l,l!o A- Stuart. t:tl««*r-. i


'r .I.•..r.liln-

'->!t>h Ai.-. Immn

HLIIMiIIUiIN•\u25a0-... 'Francis A- Arabs. oth<*r>.

Public Notices.


There is want! every one of those circurn-Ftances of personal gain, furtive secrecy in thecommission of the act and of concealment aftercommission which, ,--\u25a0 essential elements, ordi-narily attend the crime of larceny, and ifthcrJ is any evidence hfre it a criminal intent,U is found simply and solely in ihe fact that theofficers of the corporation have contributedso&.e of Its fur.ds to an unauthorized purpose.

Chi Judge Cullcn. dissenting, says in part:

The meritorious character of the objects towhich the money was appropriated has no boar- ,ing upon the question of larceny. The gist Dfthat offence Is not tho application of money to absd purpose, but taking money that do°s notbci-mg to the taker, to appropriate to an object,good <>r bad. It is the fraudulent deprivation ofan owner of his property that constitutes lar-ceny. It Is a crime to steal, even though withthe intent to give away In charity and relievedistress.

Tho voluntary character of the admission ofthe act charged against him is doubtless to beconsidered on the question of his good faith, butthe weight to bo. accorded it may depend verymuch on the circumstances under which it wasmade. If. when the charge was first publicly

made that the money of the company had boonappropriated for a political contribution; tho rv—lator sdmittod tho tact and justified il.i 1. his con-duct would bo potent ifnot conclusive evidenceIn his favor. The offence is charged to havebeen committed in December. 1004: tho rolator'sdeclaration was made in March. IJKCi. If.•''ur-Ing this interval, there was a complete exposuren{ the transaction, upon evidence tnkon beforesome tribunal or legislative body, of such a (\u25a0rni-elusive character as to render a denial fmiloand unavailing, the voluntary character of therelator's admission might be deprived of Hsmerits Any clever offender might under sim-ilar circumstances, not unnaturally adopt thesame course Of the drramstances under which.the stdmission was made wo liavo. however, noknowledge but on a?: examination before th-?magistrate these circumstances would appear.

The charge against the relator Is not that hepaid money to Bliss and received i' back fromthe company, by the authority '.•' ihe corpora-tion, but that the payment and repayment weremade without that authority.



fudge Gray holds, finally.• . Injure, the motive

the wrongful puvere all lacking

laid -\u0084.\u25a0 ," and therefore "the

warrant and all proa r it were ab-

Ail the opinions agree that the expenditure

of the money of the Now York Life for cam-

paign purposes was illegal and improper. Juduge

Gray, in th^ majority opinion, rays:

It is unquestionably true that the pun forwhich the moneys of ihe company wore prom-ised was foreign to the chartered purposes o£the corporation, but that fact does not make thepayment a criminal act. The innocent motiveOf

*indirectly promoting "\u25a0'\u25a0° corporate af'eirs

through the supposed advantage of the contin-uance in powor of the Republican administra-tion pureed the act of Immorality, and it lackedthe criminal intent. •

Further in his opinion. Judge Gray says:

A moral obligation should be- none tho lessauthoritative in the conduct* of life that it isbinding only upon the conscience of the personas a duty a"nd is imperfect In law from the ab-sence oflegai sanction. Courts, however, may

not sit to judpe the conduct of the defendant byany moral code or rules of ethics. Their sphereis to ascertain If the facts shown establish thecrime charged against him. In the facts statedin these depositions Ifind none upon whichcriminality can be predicated. The essentialelement of the "intent to deprive and defraudis nowhere to be found, and there is no Justbasis for the inference. That the relntor mayhave made a mistake of law. which will not re-lieve him from liability in a civilaction, may be

true and he expressly disclaims in his letter any

intention to dispute such a liability: but thiswas a case where intent or good faith was inifsue. and then knowledge of the law is ma-terial.

The ca«=o came up on the relation of Per-

kJns agt. Magistrate Moss. Edward Beardon,

a peace officer, and the People of tho State, asappellants. Justice Greenbaum dismissed writs

of haht-as corpus and certiorari. remanding Mr.

Perkins for tri»i, but the Appellate Division

reversed this decision. The decision to-day af-firms the order of the Appellate Division, and

declares Magistrate Moss without jurisdiction

in the case, no crime appearing from tho factsstipulated.

\u25a0 •re In it:- characterixatl

Court of Appeal? Divided on Cam-

paign Contribution Cane.Albany. Feb. 26.— -By \u25a0 •'\u25a0• Ided court, voting

4tn 3. the Court of Appeals tc^day isti in*d

the ju'lgment^ of tho courts below that (icorpe

W. Perkins, ss \u25a0 vice-president of the New

fork Lift Insurance Company, was not K'.:i'fy

of larceny in the use of funds of the company

for. contributions to the Republican ramjinisn

fund i:. 1*. si«4T!i«<srcis!on of tho court sustainsalso tho exprecsoi opinion of District Attorney

Jerome that whatever the moral ar.d ethicalasp. eta of Mr. Pcrkir.p's action it was notcriminal under any existing statute.

Juiprs Cray. O'Brien. E. T. Bartlett and His-cock concur In tho judgment of tho court, the

prevailing opinion beinar by Gray, with a con-curring opinion V? Hlseock. Chief Judge Cullenand Judges Werner and Chase «]i«?er.t. Cullenand Werr.r-r writingopinions. Chase concurring

with CulJen.




gg aggQHT


ADM. 50c

Work Expected To Be Divided IntoSections for Contracts.

[from Th^ Trtbuna Bureau.lWashington, Feb. "C.

—Tho decision of the

President to place the construction of the Pan-ama canal under iii army engineers i-; regardedas offering the surest, safest and quickest solu-tion of vlmt vria becoming a sericus problem;The army engine* have charge of all the river.'Mid harbor work, the construction of the coastdefences, and what Is known as military en-gineering. The corps has tho machinery for do-Ing any kin of work under contract, and it hasbeen fr.o of the ambitions of officers of the corpsthat they v.. .-,::•: be ussign< d to the task of cnni-pleiin? the Panama canal.

Itis assumed that the project will be dividedInto sections and the contracts awarded accord-ingly,after an invitation for bids. This wouldbe the most businesslike method, it la agreed bythe army engineers themselves, so far as there

j has been any discussion of th? situation fromthe information at present available. Of course,the problems in engineering willbe determined,

j as most of them have been already, by the ex-perts. This willleave for th« army eastoeen thework of obtaining bids, passing upon the rela-tive merits of the proposals, determining tha

THE PRESEXT COMMISSIiThe nominations <>f the present comml

pending '\u25a0• fore th Senate include M.-•• I,'ens, Halns, Endlcol . Herrcd. Gor-

gas and Jackson Smith. Th<4r confirmation isdesir d In order to remove all doubl as to thelegalitj of certain acts they have performed Inconnection \>ith the mak tracts. Theretirement of Missis. Shcnta and Stevens will'..*-.••• two vacanclea, so thai there will be two-

necessary to make way for • l«- -

irmy ofßcers and Senator Blackburn.

Th>- President for the last si.-; weeks, withtaries Taft ;w,c] Root and the officials of

the Canal Commission, has been canvassing thebids received January r_' for th# construction ofthe canal. The advertisement In thai casebrought forth four bids, namely, William J. Oli-ver, jr., of Knoxville, In conjunction with Anson11 Bangs, of-.v.'v York, at 6.75 per cent uponti'.- estimated '-oh; of the can il;Ge >rge Peirce .X.-i".'. of Massachusetts, at 7.15 per cent; theNorth American Dredging Com] Califor-i.it. at 28 per cent, and the MacArth1 ompany, of New Jersey, at 12.5 per cent. Mr.Oliver modified his bid soon after by droppingMr. Bangs and associating rnith himself a num-• prominent contractors and flnancierfl, andthe Investigation of the last six weeks has beenmainly Into the financial ability and ;

1[1 nal expert n \u25a0\u25a0 of;!:^ \u25a0 associate b.


\u25a0•It is quit t after J• . th< I1"!.I 1"!. areful

tion of the existing lon li-tio:-.:=, he will decide to lei ut tltract. ther he will think it better to

whole, with the

of 1 mtra< I to the pub-

h a totally diff 1 1 \u25a0•• tr >\u25a0

HI bo left inttr judg-

The army engineers are in the habitof letting out big jobs to the \u25a0 tra.an be I do Ih< 'er the materials

. and they will X all pr ibablllty, handlethe jv |ect on the Isthmus with the same rareand the sa •"* and success that havecharacterized their work In every section of theUnited Stat

\u25a0 ;• that will ii» gain< d 1:Ing . \ tineer officers dwork," said an official of the administratl

v will r;i ahead and buildthe ca

or not. Ti'ir work will be done

. yen if every po-

. \u25a0 .Building great works Is ;.

work for theengine r,1 Ino matter what 11 Iide or

find them 'ther • with\u25a0

••Wallace left chaos on the isthmuIt with a magnificent organization in fine

ler." the President <s quoted as !;nv-

ntly 1\u25a0

' ' ' >rk -T


XV]. . tM Mr. Stevens's motive In• . :i the

\u25a0 that is justly due him for the splendid

service he 1 Tned.

It was mainly for the reason that the Presi-

.. • :..:rr.l continuity of work that the army

era were selected to finish it. While the

work was In its inception, as it has been dur-

ing the last year or bo: while the executive.

. .rative forces wer^ being or-

. :. and while the type of canal itself was

still under discussion, the President wanted

the biggest engineers obtainable to bo at the

After they had started things

and started them right, the work could be taker

up and carried on to completion better, more

itly and more economically by army ensi-

i than by any other class of experts.

jlrjlr [itfvpnp leaves the service well organized

av.J with all the wheels and cogs of Hie machine

in splendid working order.Neither the President nor Secretary Taft are

able to pay precissly what led Mr. Stevens to

resign but It is suggested In administieibly Mr. Stevens has received

an offer of considerably greater remuneration

than he now receives; that he is exceptionally

•thin skinned.- and that, therefore, he regarded

the questions put to him by Democratic mem-

bers of the Interoceanic Canal Commission as

highly insulting, and that this "thin skinned-

ness" doubtless had much to do with his res-ignation.

RUMOR ABOUT BESIGXATION.In Senate circles, where reasonably close at-

tention i? paid to canal affairs, an explanation

red with considerable positiveneßs. It is

there declared that on the toy after the Presi-

idvlsed Mr. Oliver that he would have ten

flays in which to perfect his bid, a cable >ii-c-

1 was received from Mr. Stevens saying

that Mr. Oliver wss far from congenial, and

that were he to receive the contract he

(Stevens) would resign. Furthermore, it is said

that the next mail from the Isthmusfrom Mr. Stevens confirming his

dispatch, asserting his own ability to constructthe canal, and declaring that he should be per-

mitted to complete the work he had Institutedthat no contract whatever should be

awarded The tone of the letter was, according• ai »rs, such that the President resented it.

and replied to it with a cable dispatch the rhar-

acter of which can only be surmised, but whichbrought Mr. tevens's resignation as soon ns

cculd flash to Washington. This re-

port is. of course, unconfirmed, and is given only

for what it is worth, although It would appear, rd with the assertion that Mr. Stevens Is

"too thin skinned"

,1 frankness, ho

tion on practically all.. j v-ith the' lon of

.\u25a0 ict that, no matter how many

\u25a0 1 rsoni \u25a0 !or tl \u25a0- .work, the digging is to go on without

ion. Commissions may come and commis-

Ko, but work on tht- Panama Canal :s

uted vigorously until the waterway

:« completed.

FREDERICK C. 3TEVENG DROPS OUT.\V.y ToWprapli tjThe TrtbiirjcTl

Albany; Feb. 26.^-Fredcrlck C Steven^ ;:iperin-t<n<lcnt of the 1\u25a0 pnrtm of Public Works, ,'.,, oftho financial backers of W. J. Oliver in hia plans fordigging the Panama Can said to-night tliAl therejection of all bids would t.r necessity end hisconnection with the 1 m ai work.

fßei^ng a member of a company fonneJ solely tofinance the carrying1 out nf thin contract to digthe canal, ray connection with the affair ceasoawhen the bids are throw:; out," he said

Humor in Knoxvillc That lie Will

Succci d Shonte.-

Knozville, Teni . Feb. -<\. \v .! Oliver, theKnoxviUe contractor, whose Mi for '!:struct!

' • : .1 Canal, at R.7r> per cent,was rejected bj tli-- Presideni to-day, lef! Knox-vllle for Washington late iiii;evening. H

Ing Mr Olivei was Informedcision, I \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 President ha i an-i.' un< ed thai cvi nt ually onti may becalled upon foi Ihe \u25a0 ake if | speed

\u25a0> u< tion. Aske Iif inhis opinion this meant thai the govi rnmentwould pfv.- in him or otl er contractors wl

work ''ii the canal -is athe government, Mr. Oliver leclined to nBtatemem until he is ofli< me$ \u0084.\u25a0 tnfl

ig to Washingtonprimarily on business wl h the Southern !: il-way,i I-

way, for which r;<- Is now bull : . mii.-sof n ad. While thi ro, how 1 vcr. he will rwith President I Canal Com-mission.Ii is rumored here to-night that President

\u25a0• !' will offer Mr. Oliver th< position ofchairman of the Ca •

\u25a0> \u25a0 \u25a0< .-'

'.: 1. Mr. Shonts. it i; pointed r>ul thai aa y.rOliver has fulfilled the requirements laid down

Pri Bident, [n ludl v r rming awith r capital of some .<:.'<• < i->f »,»wmi, fllins a SIi'-

(HH)JXH) bond, ajid making the lowest i.i.i ]..' I•,

likely to be recognized In the canal construc-tion.


Oliver's Company Mail Try for Con-tract if Another Offer Is Made.

John R McDonald, president of the PanamaConstruction Company, tl-.« mpany formed byWilliam J. Oliver to back hU bid f'«r construct^insj tho canal, has been <>n a shooting trip in theSouth for ten days. With him is ex-Judge Mor-Kan J. O'Urien, counsel of the company. Lntheir absence none of thoso Interested In thecompany in this city cared to male" any formalstatement last night, (me of the members oftho company remarked, however:

"We have thing to Bay about tho rcjoct!onof our bid by the President. He acted entirely

within his privileges. Invj.st say. In Justice tohim, that he never held out th<- slightest intima-tion to us that" wo would finally r<m the con-tract, «r\(l every member of tho company under-

stood this fully. Of course, much trouble w.ts

taken to organize tho company, but it is not thofirst tinie that such a thing has been rh>ne withno results."It is thought probablo that tha company will

not be dissolved at once. l>ut will remain in a.position to tako the contract IfIt should I"- <!\u25a0 -cided to finish the canal by contract at somelater ilate.

Major <"•'\u25a0 rge W. Goethals, who succeeds ChiefEngineer Stevens, Is a member of the generalstaff, and one of the ablest officers of the army.

and he will have associated with him MajorI>;!vM Dv n Gaiilard, also <>F the General Staff.and now on duty 1 t Havana, and William T.Slbert, who is 1

'and harbor

work on the Allegheny, ;.i nongahela and Ohiorivers n< ;ir Pittsl

lethalf has had Importani duty inconnection with the river and harbor work oithe country, including projects connected withti:'' Tennessee VaHey and the Connecticul River,In New England :|i most recent work hast,.>, nin coir\u25a0

' *\u25a0 -r \u25a0

;tl^ ations, he hav-• r of the Taft board vhi

vised the so-called Endlcott plan of coasi de-imonly und< rstood to have com-

piled \u25a0 of the Tafl board and to have•lmuch of the information intended for>ard.

He went to Panama on the last trip of Secre-tary Taft, and had much to >'. 1 with gettingthe Information In regard to the canal for Mr.Tafl nnd Pn sii evelt He has aided

•ially In the preparation ifall receni execu-tive co up m thai B_ub-j< \u25a0 Majoi Goethals v \u25a0 ippoi ted


P< in- from X- w Y< rk In 1876. and hasir ai the Academy.

t to hlef engineers at theWar I \u25a0 has 1• • nthe engineering br;:;iis- of the General Staff inthe last four \u25a0 ars.

Major D. ImiF?. GaiilardW -\u25a0 Point in 1884, and later !••\u25a0 n the engineer

. was one of the commissioners >n tlioMexican boundary Bur\'ey, later (n charge \u25a0• f theaqueduct ivork here; In charge of the break-

:\u25a0 >! f ir\u25a0 'neraJ Staff In I

Major Wiiliam L. Siberi : from\\'. .< Point In ISB4, and completed a course a1

er school Most of his service ha:. !vi I s!:-;;

tlv:- Kentucky River, and for the last f.'-ir yearsof the w< rks \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0

burg district; served In thi Ith theengineer battalion; now li of ;li"en-gin" ci distrif I of Pittstourg.

Secretary Tafl trip to the isthmus Iiabout

March 20 from Xew York. | mpai

ensineera of high professional I .. not"o,i in anj \\ ay with I \u25a0 rk. who

will advise him I\u25a0

c 1--. >; and Pre 1< ne. ot MaTe? ;;;

-fifty fett d ; re

'eing dug aloBite of the projei ted G itun •:.: I Ileir \u25a0::-

s] tion.


trustworthiness < C 1 : contractors, ami

riff contrad I their obligations underthe spedfl. ations. This Is the sj I Fed In

\u25a0 work and the Installationof the \u25a0


His Judgment Vindicated, by Deci-mm, Sans District Attorney.

District Attorney Jerom* in a \u25a0

itement ma«le toa Tril-une r'-p'>rtpr Last tiient r*».ad in the <l"."i.clr:tiof the Court of Appeals a confirmation by nineJudges In the various courts lils private judg-ment that Mr. Perk 'md b-?fn >-ntU!<>t3 to th*- l:a-b:as corpus procedure and that he had h\-cv. justi-licd in his doubt as to whether Mr. Perkins hadcommitted a ciim-. On the other hand, Mr. Jeromeresd in the decision an 'ndorsetnent by fnur judgesof his action in the capacity of District. Attorney,Mr. Jcrom** alto sai<i:"i have bven criticised in certain quarters as

having had recourse to the habeas corpus methodbecause Mr. Perkins was a rich man. The recordsof my oßico for the last livo years, however, willfhow that 1 have resorted to this method in allcases, jiclior poar ni< n, where thor*» was a doubtin my mind. Two cases involving relatively poormen •\u25a0<*!..• to !.i> mm.l in this connection.

tin the present i. .-:•• Iobtained the best lec;:iltalent available for the action in my public .1-pacity—Wallace Macfarlane. }-:'!-.\;:!-i Whitney andSamucT T'r.ierm.v-r. respectively, having rcpre-,ec-nu-d ihc people in the courts. The result, if the

»<i:m;; of to-day's decision published in rhotver.inK papers are accurate, is that nine judges inall. against four in the various courts throughwhich the case has passed, have- (sustained my pi,-vai«- Judgment \u25a0it Mr. Perkins should not, ha vi!lx»en indicted In this ca«e."• Kx-Jiids- t-'oh^n. Mr. Perkins's B?r;lor counsel,toid the reporter that be regarded the decision a if.uMi-hed-t-mirentiy satisfactory and vs a thorous'.ivfndicktion of his client. Mr. Cohen ?<!t!i-i1:

"The majority decision seems to Indorse rriv vi^wand to .Jeclarc that for a Jury to convict of lar-ctny there must be sho<vri a felonious Intent—tr«>action vi,.-:have been .•orr>rnitted with '•blac>. h*>»rt." In short. !n v>w of vestetflay's opinion I«lo net believe tl'-U there is srour.i". even fur a civilaction :ii;..inst Mr. IV-rkins. remembering alwsyat!:ct he n:;id'- t)>e contribution in the !<«-!'ef :l-.atit *.-«« in. i;..- inier^t.-: of t'.:e company Itspolicyhoiderp."

I--^is 1.. DelafletiJ. Mr. Perkins's Junior counsel*"l tan O"Ay nay !•> you that IrefjMrl tlie 'l«^-isionas very satisfactory." It:«? just what Iexpected."

I>URSUAXT TO STATUTORY REQUIREMENT mitlce in hereby Riven thst an «>\u25a0( Aakeiably, printed

NV1,-"-'\u25a0, I"tli

No --\u25a0 h*,' t""C!l P*3s^ l>>' both ranchesof tho Lealclature, ••'\u25a0: 11..,1


LIVINOSTON STREET. IN Til.-' ItOROUGH?OPBROOKLYN, CITY OF NEW YORKFurther notice Is hereby given thnl a v\:h\u- h--.rincupon inch bill will be held at the Mayor's office inthe City linn, In the city of New York, on Thursday.February •-••;. |H«T, .it ii>:::oo

-c:o.-k n m

Dated City Hal!, New York. February •_•."» Js»o7OEOKGE !». m ..i:;.!..\x.

aiij* r.

Exravatlon Inop* cat I.ft'S.SCO cubic ir«aRefill and embankment CTU.3OO cubic yards.Excavation aril replacSnt ot

tnp f.oil fr aurtace onr»^-inj; l^T.iV.a rablo ir4a,

Excavation In tunnels 170,000 cable yards,Concrcto masonry for u^ue-

diK-t Inopen cut 211.000 cubic yorda.. Concrete masonry In tunnels IS HIMcubic yards.

Portland cement Stc.t>i'i)barrels.St»->1 tor reinforcing con-crete . v:, aop\u25a0 j:|i

Stone boundary walia .\u25a0\u25a0 I•*' \u25a0 ii\u25a0 ir foot.Fences and guar.l 1tl!l ... . C3.000 llntar feetFor other l?>*m!< "t-noon'rart.

The bond required for faithful performance of tho rnn-trn.t wIU be Kl\,- Hundred Thousan.l r.»i:n!S .JMioim^,No iiM willbe received unless accompanied by either acertified check m«>n a National or sisi.> Bank l"n iho citsof New Wrk. drawn to thp cr.W of the <Vinptrollc- ormoney, to ih«> amount cf deventy-nve Thousand Dollars

'1'•'"" allowed for the cornpletlon cf the work |j4;months after •limingof contract:

pamphlets containing further Information f>r »>•.) !cr»forms for proposal. contta>t. md 1- n.i. .!,\u25a0] v ived by thiCorporation Counsr), -m.) spectftVatlonii . 1.1 t». cbtaln«>.|nt the omce of the Boar-1 <\u0084i >i>pltcatton In person or bymoll, pamphlet o! .ir.:uinKMX M may be obtained on payment

J. icmvAnu Simmons,President.


J. \..\: DO!MITH.Houra or Wnter f.ucrlr.J. WALnO SMITH,

Chief Knxlneer.VIM>: IIASERTT.


A*, the übovt" place ami hour tho b'.J* will be publiclyopened arA r.s.l Th.> award of tho contract. Ifawar.lei*.will t»» made as soon thereafter as practicable.

The principal me la the Eng'.n^er'n estimate of triew.nk ar« 11follows:



OF WATER SI ''I':. V »• X on '.'I: 1• • - '\u25a0 M.,

ALEXANDER E. ORR ILL FROM COLD.Alexander E. On% president of the New Fork

Life Ir.sutJ.nce Company ami 0 the };,;,,;Transit Commission, who has been confined tohis home. No. 102 R«mseti street. Brooklyn, foraweek with a sev< •\u25a0 cold, was reported to be Inix favorable condition last night. His physicianMia that, while Mr. Orr wns suffering from anextremely painful sore throat, and would notYe able to leave his mom for s.v.-ra! days Irsillness be not of a serious nature


Dlinil^wsVi 'M.irs. To-.ljvur;l Js.it. E\<»


USUIiU :*•\u25a0•: :ist. LAST Two WEEKS.MISS CROSMAW In .V,^'.VE(;GY.


£ "Norway"

RFI ASfO '»» :-vr.:K. ;. v ir

£%££& \m HOSt t',1,1;, KANCHOTWO SPECIAL n«l If-. MATS.. M(!!lI!Ii£ 21.


H'AMMERSTEIIi'S 4KvrninriTJo. to «U

tTfl l»jl!y IMarie Dressier. Tom Nawn. Howard &HQ Mut*. INorth. Willy .;:\u25a0 -r.\ in. lireon &

?.V. Mr. |Werni-r, rb< :: \i•\u25a0• \u25a0 .-th^rs.~

HAPIfETT Mats. Thurs. « Sat. at-

\u25a0-•*\u25a0flAUlVClli.- <:\u25a0 BnCB Qi.l,! i« meThea.. 4-'U »l vr. of TVmrnUoS O\aUl < horiM 1.-.Jt

] H@^"^lili3 'EvS: '-"- Mat. F.Vtu-nr. 2:13.1 A»Itin ;


i "*•'\u25a0*»\u25a0\u25a0 .iVlilHT MONTANA NTCSHT.I E'bjv. 4.-. St.



Gmßden theatre, satiS# BE« GREET PLAYERSrfmt Wk- Merchant cf Venice. Mit. it. Macbeth.

IO E St. Nicholas ptnk. li£2 Ft. •fIT!'1 Col. Are.?„rt:. *•')•' - "r''*foSeaslcna To-«lay.t-KATIXG. Skater Fr^». MlTltary Bend.


iII=EC. I Last Week ANDRE Losdoa Co.


NOTICE IS HEREBY Q*VENVpursuant to Chapter 'j*>NOTi "a IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Chaiof the l.iw» of IMW. that tin- statement of the receiptsond expenditure of the Public Administrator during theyear tit-x1. willbe published In the City Record three timeseach week for thno week*) beginning rebniark- ]!>th 1907

r, w. ... WII4JASI SI. HOES."Tub.lc Administrator of the Cow of Mew York

jIINIATURE AUCAXAC.: Bnnrlte 0:37 Sunset 6:50IMooa set* O:2U Mccn-s a-o IB

HIGH WATER.A.M.—Sandy Hook T:C3iG3v. teland 7:18;Hc11 ant* »-it|P.M. Bandy Hock rdß.Oov. Uhnd 7:;:- Hell date 0:31


1 •eel.

fc^SSsig^.1": \u25a0Uouj,,s r<>. F-bruary 17... HoUaad-Am


Detailed Temporally Until Chief ExaminerCan Be Appointed from Eligible List.

Albany. Feb. Superintendent Kelsey of theSuite Insurance Department announced to-day thatDaniel F. Gordon, of Albany, one of the examiner*of the department, had been detailed to take chargetemporarily of the New York City office and itsexamining fnrre until a chief examiner can be ap-points from, an- eligible Hat now under prepara-tion by the State Civil Service Commission. Mr.\u25a0Ocrd'ii;-- will »,»\u25a0 In charge from February 23, onwhscn date Rcberi H. Hunter, deputy superin-tendent, rftl:«« irom service with the InsuruncoDtPAttaxcst.

Steamer Kalscrln Auguste V'lctcrla (Gor), Riiser. Ham-burg Kebruary Ifl, Southampton and Cherbourg 17. t.» theHamburg American Unc, with 853 cabin and \.*t;\ mon -ap" passengers, ir.alls and md*e. Arrive,i,-n th.- Mar at;>:ir. i> in.

Bteamer Trlni.U.; tliri. McKenzle Bermuda February23. to A E Outerbrldfte. & <•<>. «i!h 13 passenger*, mallsuni imlso. Alrived at i!r> 1", ir at 4 a in.

Steamer st I'atrlck •iir). Fortay. Yokohama November

K>. Kobe Hi J1"J1 21. Shanvrhnl li>"i>ml»T 4. llonir Ki.n?December 80. Manila 2U, Colombo January 1". J'ort Sold2il an ! Aiders February \u25a0"• t.. w 11 Tweddell & Co withir.i'Re. Arrived at the Bar at iTO m m.

Steamer Zeetand il'ri. Brobmhead, Antwerp m.trylrt. t.-> th«- H<>.l stnr Mn-. with 17:icabin and I.3o».steer-aj,"1 paisenzers and :ii<lf.-. Arrived ax i'.:u Car «t li.i;.'.aa rt).

Steamer Havana, Stevens, Havana February ":t. t*..lames X Ward & <'\u25a0\u25ba. with 123 patsenjers, ni.ilis himindse. Arrived at the Bar at 10:30 n in,

Ktenmer Navigator (Nor), Jaeobson, llnllfuxFebruary23, to J It Kins & ii>. with i'!(iKt<-r. ArrlvoJ ut tli<» liarill4:4.. ;\u25a0 m.

Bteamer B1 M.>n:o. Freeman, ">:i!v^N'r>n February 10to the Southern Paclni <•.». with |.a»:wnj,-era and rodse'

I'nssi.i in Quarantine at 6:30 a m.Steamer Navohoe, Hale, (Seorgetown. S C February 21

ci>i Wilmington, \ < ', \u25a0:::, t^> tbe < -iviie s<» i'c. with pas-sengers and md*t. Pa»*ed in Quarantine at 7:r2 » in

Steamer Lenin Lurk. n,.i•:, Kay, I'oatzacualcos Febni-ary 7 and PUladelphia 25, t. Dearborn & r.apham withmdse, h"o»Mffi In (Quarantine at H:4iia m.stennn'r O»«»baw im>i, \\>hl., liniitnn' February "» to

the nrunswlck .-v« \u25a0 '<>. In ballast. Arrived via City islandSn-:i!:ifr Harvard (r.ew). Philadelphia t» tb* Metropo'Ut^n H!< (",.. }'ass"il in fiunly Hook nt l:io p m

Bteamer Monroe, HulpheiK, ••«•\u25a0• .- News nnd Norfolkto me '•:\u25a0' Dominion 81 c,.. with paiaongera and in,ist>'

Parsed In rfiitnlv Hook nt L:".i jim.Hteamer Batavla lOer), Schmidt, Hamburg February »

to the Hamburg American I.in", with 72 cabin and lTOOttcera^e passengers iin.imdse. Arrived at the Bar at 7:1 1a iii. .s-*;r:im«r Carolyn.- Sullivan, (,\)ntzacra)ros Febru'arv 11

ami Delaware .\u25a0• \u25a0:.\u25a0•... \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -... to the American-Hawaiianto Co. with md»e. v,,,.,. i:.t tho \u0084.,. at i".-4i» » mBand! .1 . N. .1.. ••\u25a0•\u25a0>, l'« D:.".0 p. m.—WlnU''south-

oast. llKhl breoso; |).ir:ly elou-Jy and hazy.


Steamers konn Frode <X<"«. port Antorili- SM-in>:>Tuilt-B Islam, etc; Porto Rico. Baltimore- VKronr.rlniWllbelm •';•-.. Bremen la Plymouth a-.ui Cnerbouri- ;XlNorte. Galvestmi; -.:.... Norfolk an.l N'ewoorl \-»ltr«M..» il1ill. Naples; c-|ty at CoiumbuV> Savannah-Hamilton. Norfolk -an.i Newport News; Maranhens* '(-io"!::ii'.:i.i.\u25a0-. Apache. Charleston ami Jackscnville; Ppi.*rs-.l.tiri! il'.iih3>. R.tttrdar.i and Mbau; I'alnliii.i (Br). Vim;,-America, (Nor), . .>>u»».<,

Port of New York. Tuesday, Feb. 26. 1907


mmbu^Peb c:;-?ai>,i. «Minrr Turtlatan >::r>. paton.DarhaJo*. Feb 2;T^-Bclie.J, steamers CuthbVrli ,i-\u0084 roiicVltac.Br>. ftBt MlohaeTß, F*jt'20— Airivpd. s;,>ir.i^r MnitlUa f'itnii\u25a0 \u25a0 •».,\u25a0\u25a0..,,:• f,r New Y.'iii-r,fcS

No\vtVo:'kUr '\u25a0VUt:K:il:l1"1 <<:">. KHel:;iifr. .N,,,,',^

Havre, j>U ap^-Tho r--i»-.rlel sjlMaj (fethV of iteatn«rHorifeaux for-New York was an error »««m«rllull. IVI.2t—Sallied, steamer Idaho lltr). I. rij,-.NewItlj Janeiro. !\u25a0'•\u25a0 > CS—Arrived. pteairer Tennyxm ,i>,s&w.'yS York: scl!eJ> tttanvr T<rf!lI° '''

iir> -"y™.

Port Natal. i>'.> :*-Arrived, previously, rteamer l»o»combe (Br). WUcom, Now York via St vineim '.-\u25a0' /Prawle I'olr.t Feb EU-'pajied, ateamcr TaWsr^n '

Westcott. New York for I.rndon'™n (ljT>-

Messina. Feb 17—Arrived. Ftramer FcrC3t IIoln« «*Chadwlck. New York vU Algiers. m 8(I'r)>Barcelona Feb 21 -Arrived, steamer Manuel ci'vn (Span)

Castello. New York via Cadiz.°

(Span >-Clvlta V.vrhia. Feb IT—Arrived, steamer Zafra (IT)-

\u25a0"» rork vl*Alston and Naples(Ef>-Antwerp, !•?. 8f Arrived, steamer v\*eitern!«nd ib»»Turner. Sew York.

Naples. leb 2-I—-Mil>. steamers Madonna .(Fr). Joubert•York

i rk; 21 :"• Buenct Atrea (Bpan). Aldan-:*. NewTrieste *Feb 21--?ai] ed, "mer Eu enU (Aust), Par»-vtcb, New York. , *T '•

THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC LECTURES ON '.'THEX Relations of Israel with Bab: '\u25a0! nn.l Assyria."by the Rev. Francis Brown, D. I', willbe six en att'nlon Theological Seminary. T'tn rjrltavenue hi 4:::"o'clock:

Wednesday, February -7—

•\u25a0!>latinns of Re!!ir!o-isrractlce. 11

Friday, Marrii l—

"Relatlona"' of Religious Relief :Babylonian Mythology.In !»ra.i

"Wednesday, Morch 6—' Relations of Religious B«

l!"f: riianiO'Tirtlc 1> -.irln—:."

•Byron .. Rio Janeiro. February 7..Lamp & 11 It•Ethiopia Glasgow, February lil (VnchorHudson !la\rf-. February 9 FrenchMaln» .'; London, February 14 ..At'.antlc-TrarsKati"i.-i.« c"tty .-war.iira. February IS tirlsto!r.hem Bremen. February i>\ '. <". LloydOevlc I.tverp -1. February lS.'.V.Wh'te Bti«rroinrmip lir.V.. February IS \\i>>nCninra.i.i Mobile. February IS Mall,rvElRio Qalveston, February 21 So I*ncl(lc

THURSDAY. FBBRI7ARY 28.•Tftit.inl.- Llvcrpobl, February "') White Star•Grenada Port Spain February 20....TrinidadUHonia Olbraltur, February 13 i"ur.ardiltyof Ma con Savannah, February -'< Savant


X VV der Grosser':.'iO*noa. FfbnUry. 21. NO I.'oV'llT!n:»M Irene Gibraltar, February 2> N <'w l.:»*d

SATURDAT, March _\u25a0

•Lucanll..':.' I.!ver|^"l. F»-I'runr>- 23 '"'inir't\u25a0 '.:\ of A-.:p..-.?a Savanna!!. FebruaiV 2T...'.Savannah

•f:r;!is^ rr.a 1.!.


VftMlVe»i*L T*?r. Line Mall e!'"»-s. onliß

Oceanic. Liverpool Whit* .-t.»r 1::>•> \u25a0« m .VnoamBamt&nd. Anf*»rr. Ned P*ar 13:30pm !t:oOptnMnravil. OranoJa, Trinl.Hi.l...'.......I'l:I

"'a m IJSKVitn

Wnrtla Haytl Hamburg -American. .. 11:>>n atn 2 \u25a0*> i>rr.Manaa. Trinidad. Q.u«h*c-. II*:*)p m :rnoj, pi

Noordnm. K'.tterdmn. Holland -Am SixainIroouots. Jacksonville. Clyd* 3:i"t>pinNuecrs Oalveston. Mallory 3:00 pm

\u2666 \u25a0\u25a0r.<*. a. Norfolk, OM D«m!nlon B:<«>:'mT>U!(rI'AV. FEBRUARY a*.

!«•» Provence. Itavrei French" ":<»>/> m 1" fl«> a in

HelUz <i!«v. ihrisitlaniiand, Scar.d-Ain o:3oam 12:00 m\!»rl'a Havana. \Vi»ril 9:0" atn 13:09 mTJinn-i Campeche; Th«-i.miI 12:'tfni 3:<>» pm

Yumurl Tamplco. Ward* . 3:UOptn

Chalmette rJaKeston. Monr»n 8:00 pmMamtlton. •.\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 StOOptnKntifaH <!tv. Savannah, Savannah ."XT; -. 3:oopm

KH!I'AV. M \K'!I !.

rrlm IVUIVm V, Haytl.; D vV I II:00am I:CopmTrlnz Slsif iTtur -1. Jamaica: H»ml> Am.ll:80 a m 2:00 ptnArarnhoi-. Ja.-k.sor.'. tl!.\ Clyde 3:»>) p mColombo Hrunsjrlek Mallory 3:«<>j>inJamestown, Norfolk. <<M Dom :ir.«>pin


Jjestlnatlrn and steamer. ClOfC In New YorkHawaii, Japan. Corea, «'hlm» -in.! !".il!-

ll'l'li^" l»:;inji(via fin !• rarcl'io)—

Mongolia • March 4. 1230 a mHawaii ivla Ban Francisco)— Alameda. March r>. 12:30amTahiti and Marf..c!"H< Is.anji ivla Sun

Fr&ncUeo)-M:irl|e»n, March C. 12:30 am

Js;an <exc»[.t parce'n pent ni«l>*),

i'<>reu (.(lira an.l Philippine Mlanisvi.i Vancouver and victoria, h O—L"mrre«s of India March 13. fl:or>pm


I'unia Arenas. Fet> 22— Arrived, stt-ar-.cr Ovid (L'r>. CutittNew York via Montevideo for Va.paral a ote*

V"ork44~ArrlV'd" steamer Aur«ola t»r>. Wat-

nOtSHW^£^ ArrlVe<l- Bte™" r.™si> <c.er>.Ma?

New *YrTkb-'" iiV|- «"U»«t Ithodcslan (Kr> Peck.

DOrT'rostr.FNew°Vorfcn~3a!!ei1* *"':ner Derniu<l!an <*\u25a0**>•


Proposals. Amusements.


Tooth Powder

CANAL BIDS REJECTED.Continued tram first pa??
