Name 3 things you like about being physically active? Life is like exercise. The harder it is, the stronger you will become!

Name 3 things you like about being physically active? Life is like exercise. The harder it is, the stronger you will become!

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Name 3 things you like about being physically active? Life is like exercise. The harder it is, the stronger you will become!Physical Activity

Myth- Fitness is for athletes. Its not something the average person can attain. FACT- Even moderate amounts of regular physical activity, along with a healthy diet, can keep a person fit. For teens this means 60 minutes of moderate physical activity on most days of the week. You can do this activity over the course of a day. It can include any activity, from walking to doing chores or even dancing. Physical FitnessPhysical Activity- is the ability of the body to function at its best. Being fit helps a person meet the physical demands of daily life and have energy left over to enjoy other activities. Theres also a strong link between fitness and mental well-beingStudies show that people are physically fit are less tired and handle stress better.They are more productive at work or school and feel more self-confident.

The RangePhysical activity can be seen as a rangeA sedentary (inactive) lifestyle lies at one end and the high level (very active) training of an athlete is at the other.Most people fall somewhere in between. Even moderate activity is good for health.

For children and teensregular Physical activityHelps build and maintain healthy bones, muscles and joints.Helps reduce stress and worry, and improves overall mood and self-esteem. Helps build lean muscle, reduce fat and keep a healthy weight. Fitness basics Physical fitness is the ability of the heart, blood vessels, lungs and muscles to function at their best. There are 5 components of fitness. Cardiorespiratory fitnessMuscular EnduranceMuscular StrengthFlexibilityBody composition Cardiorespiratory FitnessCardiorespiratory Fitness- refers to how well the body takes in and uses oxygen so that the muscles can work. The level of cardiorespiratory fitness depends on how well the heart and lungs supply oxygen to the cells in the bodyIt also depends on how well the cells use oxygen and get rid of carbon dioxide. Cardiorespiratory Fitness (Cont)Experts agree that cardiorespiratory fitness is the most important aspect of fitness. Research shows that improving aerobic capacity can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Such as heart attack, stroke, and atherosclerosis. The leading causes of death for all Americans. Engaging in aerobic (with oxygen) types of activity on a regular basis is the best way to maintain and improve cardiorespiratory fitness. Aerobic activities cause the muscles, heart, circulatory system and lungs to work hard for prolonged periods. These muscles become stronger and are able to work hard for longer amounts of time. What determines cardiorespiratory fitness? Cardiorespiratory fitness levels depend largely on physical activity habits, but can also be influenced by other factors:Heredity- accounts for about 40% of Cardio fitness potential. Gender- affects Cardio fitness only after puberty. Women average about 3/4s of mens aerobic capacity. (Men have more hemoglobin, and women have more body fat)What determines cardiorespiratory fitness? Age- Aerobic capacity increases through the late teens and early twenties, then slowly declines over time. Inactive people lose 8%-10% per decade. Those who stay fit, can cut that decline in half. Body Fat- Increase are thought to be responsible for about half of the decline in fitness that comes with age. Cardio fitness is measured by dividing the amount of oxygen used by body weight. Weight loss alone can improve aerobic capacity. Target Heart Rate (THR)To find your THR, subtract your age in years from 220 to get your maximum heart rate. Then multiply by .60 and .80. depending on your level of fitness.Examples For a 15 year old setting a THR at 80%:Max heart rate: 220-15 = 205205 x.80 = 164 beats per minute To measure your heart rateFind your radial artery (On the inside of the wrist, near the base of the thumb)Place your index and middle fingertips at one of these locations to feel for a pulse Dont use your thumb to measure pulse rate. Your thumb has a pulse of its own.Once you find a regular pulse, count the number of beats felt in a 30 second period and multiply by 2. Your heart is one STRONG muscle!Put your elbows on your desk with your hands pointed upwards. Squeeze your hands as if you have a stress ball in both of them for 60 secondscount how many times you squeeze your hand..Your heart beats on average a 100,000 times a day.thats 700,000 times a week, thats 3,500,000 a month thats 36,500,000 times a yearMuscular Strength Muscular Strength is the amount of force muscles exert when they contract. It measures how well the muscles work. MS is needed for all movement because specific muscle groups contract to create movement Strong muscles let the body move in more efficient way and do more work. They also help support and protect joints and internal organs.

Muscular Strength can vary based on .Gender- Until age 12-14, boys and girls have about equal MS. After this, on average, males have greater MS.The reason is because of in the increase in the male hormone testosterone at puberty. The average male has 10 times the testosterone of the average female. Testosterone is an anabolic steroid that helps muscles get bigger, and muscle size goes along with strength.

Muscular Strength can vary based on .Types of Muscle Fiber- There are main types of muscle fiber Slow Twitch Fast Twitch People generally have a mix of both typesSlow twitch muscle tissue is good at using oxygen to burn energy. It is suited well for endurance sports ( cross country, cycling, swimming, basketball, soccer)Fast twitch muscle tissue uses anaerobic processes to create energy. Its suited for strength based activities. ( sprinting, weight lifting, football)

Muscular Endurance Muscular Endurance is how well a muscle can keep doing an activity or keep performing work. Like Muscular strength, endurance is needed for common tasks, such as mowing the lawn or playing basketball. Endurance is a key to success in almost every sport. Most people improve their skills through practice and repetition, and repetition takes endurance. Training increases the number of capillaries in the muscles. This lets the muscles get more blood during exercise/sportwhich is a good thing. Side note to athletes---This another reason practice is so important! Stopped here 18Muscular endurance continued.Diet- The best endurance comes from a high-carbohydrate diet. Complex Carbohydrates are a great source of energy and include other nutrients and fiber. Diet recommendations for muscular endurance sports/exercises55-60% of calories from complex carbohydratesNo more than 30% of calories from fat10-15% of calories from Protein (recovery)

Flexibility Flexibility- the ability of joints to move through a full range of possible motionMovement at the joints lets people bend, touch their toes or rotate their bodies.Flexibility makes it substantially less likely that muscles will be injured. Flexibility adds to success in all sports.

Flexibility..Flexibility depends on how elastic the muscles and connective tissues are and the condition of the joints. If a person stays flexible, the body is much less likely to be injured in response to movements (sport and exercise)Stretching exercises increase flexibility and improve range of motion. Stretching also improve blood flowFlexibility exercises are important when people train for sports because they help maintain ROM. Flexibility Gender- Affects flexibility greatly. Females tend to be more flexible than males. Age, posture, and amount of fat and muscle also play a part. In general, people become more flexible until the teen years, when levels of flexibility start to decline. Inactive people are less flexible than those who enjoy a variety of activities that require movement. Two main types of stretchingDynamic StretchingInvolves stretching while moving. Research suggests that this is the best way to prepare or warm up muscles before sports or other activities. Static Stretchingis when a muscle is slowly stretched and then held in the stretched position for several seconds (20 seconds). A stretch should never be painful! Body CompositionBody Composition is the ratio of fat tissue and lean tissue It is usually stated as the percent of body weight that is fat. Lean tissue includes muscle, bone, cartilage, connective tissue, nerves, skin and internal organs.The amount of muscle and size of bones most strongly affect the proportion of the body fat is lean tissue. With physical activity, the percent of fat tissue decreases, and the percent of lean tissue increases. Body CompositionFat stores certain nutrients and converts them into energy. Fat insulates the body and protects internal organs. The body uses fat tissue everyday and needs a certain amount of fat to survive. Too much body fat can increase the risk of many diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, and some cancersquality of life decrease and typically length. Body CompositionFemales have more stored fat in their bodies than males.The location of fat on the body is also importantFat around the belly is more of a health risk than fat that collects in other places, such as the hips or buttocks.

Body Mass IndeX (BMI)BMIHealth Risk Based on BMIThe ratio of weight to height BMI is a good indicator of amount of body fat. It may not be as accurate for athletes, body builders, elderly people or pregnant women. Fat- there are 3,500 calories in a pound of fat

BMI CategoryHealth Risk18-24.9Normal25-29Overweight30-34Class 1 obesity 35-39Class II obesity40 and higherClass III obesityDetermining your BMIStep 1: Multiply your weight in pounds by 703Step 2: Multiply your height in inches times itself Step 3: Divide the answer in Step 1 by the answer in Step 2. Or VISIThttp://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/assessing/bmi/Measuring body compositionHydrostatic weighing- Most accurate. It involves weighing a person both underwater and out of water. The higher the weight in the water, the lower the percentage of body fat, and vice versa. (Leaner people tend to sink and fatter people tend to float)Skinfold measurements offer an easier way to get a fairly accurate assessment of body comp. This measures is based on the amount of fat under the skin, or subcutaneous fat, in relation to total body fat. Motivation!People are more likely to be active and enjoy physical activity when they..Are confident of their ability to take partHave or are taught the skills needed for the activityBelieve they will get clear benefits from being active. Have friends and peers who are physically activeSee other being active in the communityHave the equipment, transportation, and access to programs. Fitness How do you rate?Scoring0-7: Not very active- Doing more activity will help reduce your risk of health problems, boost your energy, and improve your quality of life.8-14: Moderately active. This amount of activity will help maintain your present level. More activity could lead to better health and fitness and more energy 15-25: Active. This amount of activity will keep you at a good level of fitness and add to good health and better quality of life.26- ^: very active. This amount will build strength, endurance, and maintain a high level of fitness. It may improve physical skills. Stopped Here 31How active should people be?Adults need at least 30 minute of moderate physical activity most days of the week. This maintains overall health, fitness, and reduces risk of chronic diseases Adults should increase this amount a little at a time to about 60 minutes on most days if.They want to lose weight or keep a healthy weightChildren and teens need 60 minutes of activity on most days.

Increasing physical activityUsing Energy means burning caloriesSitting quietly, a 150 pound person uses about 75 calories each hour. (This energy is needed by the heart and breathing muscles)A person who needs only 1 calorie per minute while resting can use more than 20 calories per minute during heavy exercise. Walking uses about 5 calories a minuteJogging can burn 10 or more per minuteRunning can burn 15 or more

Increasing physical activityA person who spends between 30 and 60 minutes a day doing physical activity will burn about 2,000 calories each week.People who have jobs that are physical or students who are in P.E. or recreational sports may be getting enough exercise during the day to burn this number of calories.but they are only a small portion of Americans. P.A. doesnt have to be hard or boring. Variety helps keep people interested in being active.

Sleep and RestSleep is a big part of a fitness programDuring sleep, people recover from physical and emotional stresses and injuries.Becoming more physically active is often linked to better sleep. Growth hormone helps with the growth and repair of body cellsAlmost ALL of the bodys growth hormone is released during sleep.Dont stay up all night texting/watching t.v./on twitter/facebook. Principles for improving fitnessYou must exercise regularly!To improve fitness, physical activity must be done with enough frequency and intensity and for enough time.The type is also a factor.The acronym FITT can be a helpful way to remember these conditions.FrequencyIntensityTimeType FITTFrequencyRefers to how often an activity is doneFITTIntensityMeans that an activity must be hard enough to require more exertion than normal. FITTTimeRefers to how long the exercise session is. When someone is improving individual components, the length of time an activity is done can be increased a little at a time. FITTTypeRefers to what kind of activity a person does, and what aspect of fitness that activity works on. Improving the 5 componentsCardiorespiratory fitnessMuscular enduranceMuscular Strength Flexibility Body Composition Using the FITT principle, map out a program how you could improve each of the 5 componentsReducing the risk of injuryOver 7 million H.S. students take part in school sports in the U.S.In addition, about 20 million youth do recreational or competitive sports outside of school.High school athletes experience around 2 million injuries, 500,000 doctor visits and 30,000 hospital stays every year. The risk of injury CANT be avoided completely, but it can be reduced! Follow the basic RulesWarm up before activity!Cool down after activity!Dont overdo it!Stop if theres pain! (there is a difference in pain and discomfort!)Think about the effects of the force on the bodyGet INFORMED guidance. Not everyone is an expert, dont always listen to the person in the crowd, or you uncle/aunt who played in high school, etc.

Just the factsAvoid sodas!! These drinks can decrease endurance, because the body makes insulin in response to the sugar. Avoid drinks that contain caffeine, they CAUSE fluid loss! It can help to eat something from 1-4 hours before vigorous activity. Bananas, bagels or fruit juices are broken down quickly and will help provide energy. Foods with high fat content should be avoided! Water is the ideal way to replace fluids, because its absorbed more quickly than any other drinkSports drinks may not offer any more benefits than water, and can often cause nausea! Public Service Announcement!See instructions! Around the Horn ActivityComing soon2013.Print everythingCreate Lesson plansCreate student packet (try to keep it 3-4 pages MAX)Create test! :/MID TERM HEALTH EXAM!