" \ ~, " n'" .: ... l~ on \ .. PHONE LE. 1162 ;: , M-O-R-E LOCAL CIRCULATION LOCAL ADVERTIJING LOCAL N'EWSMATI'I.R Incumbent Paull. WorEI...,d II the onl,. one of three commlsslonen 1II'bo IS !eekmg re-election. The other two "ho are leavini' their postl alter several yean cl service are Archie Damman and Kenneth Cllnnin,haJL 1 hose who are seeking election ar. Wilham Gillett, 782 Westchester. James McMillan, 796 Bedford roach Elmer F. Ulrich, 1076 Berkshire; ad Gilbert W. Groehn, 1007 Bedford. Ulrich is I returned nteran, haY- ing served in the armed forces 2~ years; McMillan is the SOli of I for. tner village president. 110'lIl' deceased. William Stamman, Yeteran _ ployee of the ..ilIage and clerk for many years, wtIl be opposed tlus yoeu by Charles D. HeISe, 764 Harcourt; the latter has heen serving the yiIJ,o age a! treasurer, an appouuin O&IC" The deadline for the Fal'1!ll for their eleetioll IS next Saturday, Fell. J. 'I Township Primary Election Forced by One Filing Winter Graduation Takes Place Tonigbt at High School Commencement exerCises WIll tab place tfll5 eHnmg at Grosse POinte high school at 8 15 pm, thiS IS the sel enth \\arllme graduatIon clan to IUIe the h,gh school Among the 115 graduates, nIne of them completed theIr \\ork In Aug. ust, 1944, as part ot to1e "artlme ac- celeration program adopled b.l man", schools and colleges m the country. FI' e bo)s of the class WIll recell'. ~t"tr ulf,J:l>fnlll50 In aDsenua tor t.'1C final "'ark of their high schOOl ca;. reers 15 beLng completed In the arll10 ed forces. , Educat,on - A MIghty Force III the \\'orld~ IS thc theme of the com- mencement program. and senior stu_ dents ]amn "'mollr, Belly 101. Fncke a'ld Donald Su',,, an are tr(,di ll~ t 1 .... thtme m the paq, pres- and t J ~Irr "t ... pC"l. d\ r\ A", In fO-"Tl.C"r Irl-J.d latlt1n",. t,e \r (;' H""' ... C III t'~.C'n(1 .... a, m .. '4 on to l-e "rad a'es and tnc.r pa-c'lI ancl I'lend, to atte'ld a'l m:o--nal re- I cep'l"n Irrmedlale \ f0 1 '''''l:1g t'1e c"(rrCI'li('"' I - -- - --- I Seriou. Damage Reaults ill Farm. Hou .. Fire o\r>pfo",m~'rI, ',<rn" tHe \.~n. dred d<>,a"< ...f d.m.!f~ "e,.1 '~d t<'111 a fire 111I,. Dr L H Ba"er"',er I ~:~: :1 :~:~IO~; .~ r~:~ ~.t,,~ :e,~ 1 ha\rment !urnace roo'T! spread to ot 1t. ;>a"t< or t e t,ou<e ... ~-e ,.', l-"l'l .. morn''l1( damaR- I rd , I~' ''1 • , " •• -, nf "e -\ l !'n", "1' r< 'Io,<c a 11J \1 r" \ ( (.. 'r;, '\,Llld e diil""n.ljlt It ~,~ ~""()l th .. e .... .4.5 o' dl 1"'111'1("" I , . or} ,a. "'II n " !!II nrr' Riverside Klwanls Club Tn., a1 I V.Mall Procram Today I '> n (1 , , r'l h \\" r'Tl " t \ klf''''c ( If' , I '. , J , e I A' I, , '! \1 Cited by French SERer. NICKOLAS BENTAS T\\o ho)s \\ere injured thiS past "'eek while l'1dulgmg 1Il the "mter sports at the Farms pier They" ere Ronny Champme of 114 Oak street, \\ho II1Jured his back, and Donald De\Vulf of 708 Hawthorne, who cut his leg, II 1 2 I IJf ,. ,... 'Y1\ Ian urlal en'lnetr oj a B.Ul, {t I I (' n•( I , ' , , \!) \ \ , . , d e II , t - .. .- 1 , ... , , , . Police Apprehend Two Youths for Attacks in Pointe The Amencan Red Cross, Detroit chapter, anl1Dunces that personnel to carry out the 1945 war fund .ohc,ta- tions is now bemg selected, Those WOmen h"Lng in Grosse Pointe wbo arl' able to donate a few hOUri of their time dUring the drIVe are urged to get III touch with the zone chaIr- men listed below Grosse POinte Park, Mrs Harry], ~iack, 1027 Bishop road, TU. 1.1740. Gras,e POlllte Park pollce appre- Grosse POinte Farms, Mrs. Edgar hended t\\O Park )ouths early thiS L Fmk, 252 Vendome road, Tuxedo week for 1Il1 esllgatlOn into reporl5 2.0026, Because of the filing of two recen ed by them of the attackmg of Grosse Pomte Shores, Mn, Ward men on the Republican ticket. Grosse Pomte girls and "omen H. Peck, 860 Lakeshore road, NI, for the office of townshi_ The )ouths, of juveOlie age, ",ere 47~?, , clerk, Grosse Potnte township- picked up after the police "ere told Grosse Pomte Woods, Mrs George faces a primary election. Hrn.- of an attack early Sunday morning ~L Burgess, 1776 Severn road, TU. ry Lavers, incumbent clerk. it. on a young mamed woman as she 2.2173; I being opposed by Winiaaa . was walknig down Kerche\al a-enue City of Grosse POInte, Mn John Fritz for the post. " near Bf.o;hoproad. The woman at this L Kenower, 16844 Vl1laac Lane, Nt. \ All other officers are saek... . ~ t1JlIe was accosted by only one youth. I 3972. . .mg re-eleetioa and are waqp./",:'\" bat throuait subsequent 1ll\estip. DlJrlllg the next, two weeks the posed. They are Carl ~f .:- ... 1:... Ianed that .et(t#d tUtas of workers will 'be foraacd ad ...... •• . '" ,- r--. .~tJi!ltIllaM~_. .., _ ._ _. ~_. . Pit two. The youths, released to their re- spectll'e parents, ",ere referred to the \\ ayne county Juvem1e authon- ties. , . to the Americu Red ,._ ;.-a: -,;..-:=:;.; ; . ""- oyW and Edward Co ~ which needs the .tJPPOrt of eYer," board of review two to be ."merfcan to carryon the t.remel1d- elected. ' ous responsiblhty of ItS wartune pro- It is Ironical that in times of ,I1ram .••• !t.lper drives and paper short- The Grosse POI?te dIStrict chaIr. ages that a primary electioa man for the dTII'e Is Mrs E.dward ~ WII! have to be held because of Park Child Struck Parker and aS5lstan~ chalnnan II the filing of one new caDdldate. b it b 0 1 Wh 0 1 :-'frs, Charles H, Symmgton. Pnntmg of the ballots, alone y lltomo 1e 1e, TWO YOUTHS INJURED will con sum e many, many Playing Near Street AT.FARMs PIER RECENTLY pounds of vitally needed pape~. General cost of holdmg a Pri- mary election is approximate- ly 1\\ 0 htousand dollars. ' 1 , pa )('r drl\ t \, '11ch \\ a ...... p(\n- ,o-rd III (,ro«e P0,.,'e ]"t !\ la' I " •1 r r II d -f n ()l t, r I'll J, 1(' an I lHr,~ l' 11;,(' Hln ... 1r ll lar \) <'0\\ f'l(- 'H't "l"'1n ... ()f 'ne- "'4 \.1~(" C }il"l11~". \I~ g (nele j " ... 1(r 1 (' n((( ,,) o! ... 1)~)1T R' ";:h'e p(l lcr 10 : (' \f ( 10;:... 1 nll ... h \'-h.C a, .. t': ('"At .(ll~" ~1.1" "..t ... I., D('\{'mH" ,('"" ,. rl~l r ~rr;" ":<I" ~i."l fl:)JHlc. ~ n 1)(' C'1:1'lrrc;. I ~ I I., (k "t'1('" .. t H" ("1 rr("'n ~ol" l~ I '"~ C'-rle~ 4, .10 pn 11~, " ".,'r I "')>1rr" lr. I l~l rr~'" 1\ r- (, ('i <. ~n1 1 Ill'" r'T"'lrr ~ "r tf'l'.1 "'("1'"''''' 1 ('1n \ I :. 2:: j r'0 ., i' T~~ t ",. ... "" ~"\ r•r") ~ I \\~\ • l-,.,r" 11~ ""~l"'; t .... 1.. ~l r( ... rtf, ,' ....1\ ""f')('\"1~"" ('l~J('(' '~f'C 1"1 ,to? \.1"1. ~1 t,. ""r,,' r" lrl c,i"l.,..r I~(.. 0" '1rt"'r1 1 ;;loom, dC'<.rtt 11 1 'Z' ') (I)" " (I ~~~ 0t \~rrr r 1 (' I f"A. \ Ann .1('" "':1lt .In I ~,r 1 t ,. eb .:J , , ESt US' III -- lf~~~~ H 11 (" 1":1. ( C \\ l " "III (' J I( BYz==n=rz-- ( , \I \. ' (' II "c J'rl ,t .. I, 1 , 1 _ Rev 0 Ho F 0 Klemme Resigns Pastorate; Named Executive sions were acw'1lplisbed throlllJb iD- strument f1Ylllg weat'her in overload- ed, unarmed cargo planel above hazardous mounta1l1s. The CItatIons for the lour a.,,oards stated In part "LIeutenant Beyer's devotion to duty and hiS degree of eff,CIency above and beyond that normally c-,<pected rellects great credit on hlmselt and On the army aIr forces of the Umted States" be t.,.. T r'"'I I NI ~. txt lS. I, art ~ Clrh~ (l6r OfJ95t Poinfe mCUiCUl M GROSSE POINTE PARK it .\IIU!lL\~, THURSDAY, FEB, 1,1945 , , or .0 e:- sent overseas th! IOnmmetlt bas stored u~ a nine month's supply of food, and we ha,e more troops abroad than ever before, As cwtlian populations are hberated, the neces- Slt\' for feedtng them falls back on us until such tune as they become agalll self.supporting. \Ve must fight thiS war to the hl1lsh, e\Cn thuogh our ammullltion be only packages of vegetable seed Several Fire. Oc:cur in Grone Pointe Park [ W.dnr.d'y Fd, 7- ( V fA Park firemen answered sel'eral alarms this past week Thursday they extmgulshed a small roof fire at 864 I Beaconsfield; Friday afternoon, af. ~ ter several hours, they extmgUlshed a blaze between the "ails at the An- thony M otschall reSidence. 1329 Buckmgham. ExtenSive damage was done. Sparks from a C'lImnel <tarted the ~mall roof fire at the home of Fred Herbst of 1310 Gra} ton last Mon- day n1l1ht, , •I .. L (" r(, () or:: ) Iln!tructor. \ < COMPLETE , " Reoorted Missinr Onl,. The REVIEW Give. Yo. Cover .. e 01 ALL Home. in GrONe Pointe" Gratiot Twp .. VOL. 21 No. 2.6 ,. . \' PFe. J. CORDON BAKER, anI,. ..... 01 Mr, and Mn. Ceorp A. W.lcle, 1025 Nottia ........ baa bee .. report'" mi •• in.. in action .. af Dec. a, 1M4, in Luxembur •. He ...a. _oundecI A••. I, at San Lc>, h ... pital,aec( in En.land, and re- Joined hi. voup On No... 5. Pri. Yat. BaJ.n vadlaattd from Cro ... Pointe IIi.), lehool 1ft January. 1M3 afld w .... t o.ene .. in Oetol,.,r, 1143, y F th 0 the back porch to let a pIece of meat which had been left out a short time - It had dls. appeared. A rush call to the gen- darmes and subsequent ''In-estlga- tlOn" sho",ed camne tracks In the 'DO'VI', Need more be saId? ? ? Refet' Morals CaH to Probation Department q T..tr trli," x co n theatre I tjon: MaJ Charles u Shreve, "hlle sening With the army of the UnIted States, distll1Kulshed h'mself by mer_ itorious ser\lce In connection '" Ith mIlitary operations not mvoh mg particlpatlon m acnal fhght agalllst an enem) of the Lmted States As S.3 of the 12th A 0\ 0\ Group, Major Shreve has been the author of many plans and projects \\hlch ha\e con. " se\tn )e3r old Park child, Allen tnbuted to tne successful opera lion Johnston of 1022 Bishop road, was f h. btH h I n struck b\ a car last Saturday as he otIS group III com a IS Igl I _I ll' d tl h d "as pla\lI1g \\lth other )'oung chl1- te 1Igendce an en lllbslas~ au t e- I dren ncar his home The drh er of ve ope a greal num er U'1 prac Ica solutions to the effICient employ. the car was \\ Ilham Ralph of 1010 The Rev Hubert F Klemme, slllce ment of our '\AA battahons m order Yorkshire. ~fareh, 1942, pastor of Grace E, an- to meet any kmd of a tactical sHua. rill eSltgatlon re\taled that young "ellcal and Reformed church, Kcr tlon. He has ablv directed and Ill. \Hen backed off the curb into the cheul at Lakcpomle, has tendered I Slructed the O!le~atlOns sectlons of I car He "as treated b) a ph) "CIa'! hIS resIgnation as paslor of the the .......... '" batt;!tom In coordll1ated tor brUIses on hIS bock and left 1 Staff ,:,crgt :-"Ick Bentas, hU,ban~ cnureh, and accepted a call to be- SHIRLEY SMITH and correct anll-alrcraft usage and I IHIst lof the former ~! arv Fmnegan 01 come the exeCUllle secretary of tne emplo)men' A large measure ot the I La" Saturda, allernoon I\hlle Leo Grosse Pomte \\ oods, and son 01 commbslon on Chn<tlan SOCial ac- !:.ach HU one I/"lrl is cho,cn b, succcssful operat,on of our Corp~ I \V KUlln of 1150 York,h,re I\aS \Ir and :\Irs C. Bentas of Detro,', tlon of the E\3ngellcal and Reform. the !emor class of each puohc hHi' A.AA Ulllts has been due to l'S pla"< bad m", hIS car near 152.33"-erche, al \\ 110, as a meml,er of the 44lst bomb ed church school In the 'tate a' the Good Clt- and suggestIOns The accomp'lsn. I he rammcd mto a parked car, un' l'luadron I\a, clled by General de Off d Ad I lzen to repre,en, oer sc1001 at t1e ment of the seruce for "h,ct, the I occupied, owned b) C Houle of i85 Gaulle 'Illil the Cron de Guerre for Several New Courses ere u ts state conlerence of the D \R To a\\ard IS recommended ntended Phtl,p 115 outstand,n>: part III lhe prepar~. H " h Sch I dM 0 G P Wood I qual'fv a~ the (Joo~ Cll,un P,l!lrl'l1 irom JIlIlC 12, 1944 to Or' .31, 19441 kuhn rece\\ed a t'cket for not I t,nn and s 'pport oi t1e Alhed offen- at Ig 00 an ason In 0 0 S the candlliate mu,t he o~,qandml1 In and has been completed The senlcel ha\lng hIS car under control el., III Ita', "hlch bellan Mav 11 ------ II dependab,h'" pamn'I'm <en Ice" was pl'rformed III Fro"r~ l'lrlglllm 1944, III attackmg and destro)ing SeICral ne\\ c1a"e, ot mterest to Kmllmg and Crafts ~fn George a-d 'oador,'". I and Holland IPointe Paper Drive "'~"Y (;r"«e pnl-'C~S \\l!l be offered Corhss of the \\ a)ne unllerslty ex-I '1lss Smith' as tal..cn par' III mam P 'f C'- I ,• ' roposcd cltat,on .\ aJ ",at r, v F II FBI III the adult cducatlOn prOllram spon- tensIOn department \\111 be the tn- schoo! actnldcs, h~s been ~,cc- Shreve (armv senal ~o 015819.1),1 a s ar eow sored b) tl,e (,rosse Pomte board of structor ThiS class ,\111offcr .n op. preSIdent of 'ler cld<. and 11 nnl\ hI h f I' " h k I e \\ Ie senmg III t e arm, 0 ,e Prev 0 Month edJCatlO1l <la"t.n,::: the "eek of Feb portunlt) to learn 0... to ma e many ~errctat\ of hrr '~,,,,r cla« ~ le " l dh I US S I nllcd ~tales dl<llllg,'l''lC Im,e. " ThC sc' cdulc fol'o\\' I U,cfll! and dccorall\e artlclc' <; tudcnI \<lnr,a lOll <ecrctar I \' L I I as <;.1 of tnc 12tl1 \ 'I/"rn"P '" Monda., F"b, $- I a'"'on De"", :\Ir, \ Irl/lnla chalTman O' ' r 'enrnr a',o"a ,0' F I' I I ' hd 'I ..J ,. mentOtl0 S 'CiCT\ lce I' ranc(' )C' o\t the I,,~h <eh"nl J ,,',rt r<"~ ,no T1' 0 t" ,""r 'C'''' 0\ 'I'l"amen., .no a mcml,," 0 0\ 'rl\-I ('In, ) I' ' b I trlUm ann Hn l.t.n(' 1"0m me _ (.ro,'c 1'0111c oo"le,a'~ i 10 I'm ta' 01 de"lln \\' I c strrs<ed "tt "',c" a , , mCOJ',. of' 19-44 0' Oc: II I'/.\J II e nnoC' ( , r\j) n~ 1l1r hr~lI1n{""c;; a11 311\,anccd Thurldar. Feb. 8-- ...... l ... \1({' ( .h b", (1"~ dcn" ~. \fl'"... RLl h l£la Ill-- "UC.(I" PC' I r.d",C' .jl,h.lnc('"d \1"'" \f\ft'r ('rnm('n~ a HI c; q \l :;! on \'1'" \ \\lth n. 'I"':H\ opr'""rt 11°... "' .... ;nrq t 1 I tnrm\ t 'l'(T( d mil 'a-\ ... f -\ ht -"'" nil" "len', \\Ill «eclrC' kn '\\ Ildrkn« ""trllCtOr 11", Cia,s " comm,t,((, II-om \lld",:an ,d"o 01 aL' t'pll!, III "I"m(']'a' ... "d. I lor pco, C ",'l a 1." 0'" «1.'1C 011 I) I I ..... (loon (.1 l/t.1 1)1 1~r m" pJ ' ....1(C'd e:;t I(ICll1 ... \\11 ha,c ..n oppor I ~1"HI~c \\"..11 l'l,! to 1n,YO\C tnCLr Pia., I \'" Bo ... want-'> for eyenln. Free I ,'< Or, 1.'1pre rn 0 '0 ,,< 1 ,ea • 11 , Inr <['rcri tn', fnr <n(1"l or d, plrea'e p,~, I) \n P N ••• Ad ' thcllarmd'c"',e " \\C (\ re .. route. 17 ...... - •. Tu".da" Fel>. 6- T le 1n ol\"'K cla<,c< al ~f.<on _ A re<lornt ('>f the (1', "I,() ",< fl dr \1-, \IH" t Harl(n~" ,c',,)(",' i 10 tn 9 ,lO pm I, ~"x Irrellod ()n ""ll ,11 1944 "" a m"f" M d FL. "t an' "" jl .\C' .noJ t(., lfr 1>011, on a" eD. -- Does the Community Want It. Courae in Victory Gardens? all charlO:c .ppcacc<l 11 t Ir \\ a n'l 'Jr In CI,,,IO:C 1 ne 'l,nrlllmcn'a' (11 Pr>(' (,1 "pccch \1-, R. r" u'mt, <lcCnt ro"rt t~10'e )uck' D'G '1>:.,rl p.' \\, ',e ,"c '01 "'dftk ,n,'rLC'M Th. ()Jr,C 1>0111 r\l"d to \ c1 r' (,"\f'r, (JIlinI'd "('rtf!,," (J'j 1"1 "It' e" I,,' "rrl< C"m"l1rrC'~l .... rt :\Ir' \1r;11nJ' oAn a'1 o~port 'n,', 10 OHrcomc rop GtC _,~ ,e tl'l' I Mm, >0. ~1Jcn'~an. II Inll'rl'<;erll T"e dO'cn'h"t \h", \1 L'1ar T"',,,draJ "'_" " a ~r.1~';e "f ".Il' f-,;;"t 10r'1 "r>" to !ttt and f\{)4 ~o're Dame ,q, re c"cd t(> t.c II "e 1")(), of Dt.,,,n T,' od" f) \\,', krrp l"e a'ltn',on of a I1 r l)UP ~o\\ ("loun. P"<"~.:I'I')" <""~::I"~"T'!'"-' f"f'1tf C \ ) •• 1.\1 It opr ,r'1 c >< a f-co 1a'1 e ~n. '" p""prr \ ma,r .'11 rr'pnnd '('> an 11j;( ,.nlrnrc \«' 'n' P'(), r " I I L. " I'" \U "'If" 'nl'" n<;'- V.(lf ln' ()(':L ... {'"~J(")nnn~ () ~1\1(' a Ci or. r(. ~ R"orm illC.q< rrt 1" ",r f~ (' (1 ("101 (,'1 ff' P~.:I:'" (" \f ,,\fa., ;..,. ..rm ")or' 0:..," ~"'l\, tn Or!:lA'r1 1" m~~,........ r Poil,' Tr"rr c an I Of r- Tec',," " "Il \, N", cVn'l1r- ,,1 clrrH' Tue.day, Felo I- ~ 2 r p"el~r 1/1(' r ' 1 1' (,Of i:: ,rrnm('nt In 10 Ir,'()'1< "tort' ~l.n('c; l c. l 71rl1 "ll 11<' r (,1\ r Tr..l 11 nl.t \\11 "-fll 11\{ and (f<lf c \frc ()(,()T'Ii(f" f: " 1 ,~ " 'I 1 pre (' :1" , _..I lr Irr"l 11 'l '11r (. c l~ l l) ... ll .... r If (I' ....... ((IUtrn' J ... Poinl!! AWVS OffIC'l! Localoeo I ,oj ( t 1 ~. 1111 '"I 1 d'" l' t I r h" I ~, o( 1 I \\ I at Neighborhood Club , , I' Wtdn ..aday, F..b 7- I I ~ T \, I l;" I..., II '"" ...... 1,_" or "c I" \I" II( en p .. (', ;l ~ A•l0 \{., 1 r ~ g-" J J it f.' 0' ..... 11 1 \ " (0 ('R'r r ... \L'l" r 1 \l" rl r ~ i\l hr 1 (' 1Ilt. ... ,('.C'- tcr "11\ "nrk .......... ( j (\ .1"( r r-r ... ('.!In ... ~ ... <. "1 f nrl-iTT"rn- .. , ~1 ~r\\ln~ r" (I ( r 0( 1 i('1" " f" , p Victory ... ns In ~~c ~. ~ITo;rc::e~j~jo:o~n::g ~~fu~~~~rPr: One Commissionerl Grosse POI te Go Reams have been ",ritten on th .. "w life Jack~!, he jOined a group to Be Explained Gros,.!Seeks Re-Electi.on I In'aslon of Le,te, and the nalal!n 1{ one offIcer and selen of hI' sll1l1.1 __ _, From An Air Bue in India. - The R'a>:ernent of Ormoc aay la<1 Dee '."" h" "ere Aoatlllg about In tile The, LI'a~e counCIl of 8 · f 0 D t I~d Fl Co a d ti,e I 2, L t' , I I hd Pointe Fdrms ha\e complcted ar IF Oth Fil 15 Il1gUIS" .I wg r IS n ", but to GeorKe Berlin~er, I, CUD rj een nours ater I 'ey a egging or wners "ir Medal '\1th t"o Oak Leaf C1us ners mate third class t:<;~, it WI' I rangements to hold a meet'l1g for 'our ers e t c tl a a ded t Lleut d! tile purpo~e of expl.,nlllg from a I Fe::d:r~:~ 7 ~e:er, ':f r 179 BOeauprc, ~;cr~, :~lap:s~ti~~:a~~ :::a~~~ ~:1ian~ I practical ~,e\lpomt the proposed re II March is only one month off and and Farms ha\f been resened fori Gro'se Pomle, a palO! \\lth a comhat death of a ~llIp _ his ship, the V'it'l l,rcment "Itcm for lli'age em. I 0\, tl'e de4dline passed Ihls week t d \I a) plo,ee, IHI,en 11 tabled a. requIred 1 ff f' d }.farch means the begmnlng of 1945 cargo group opera mg un ~r ed States destro,er Cooper b 1 lor tIe 0 lCles a commiSSioner In ,pTlng, yet only one.thlrd of the The SItuation, frankl), IS this Gen Georg.e E ~tratemc)er s arnl) OffiCial accounts of ...hat actuallr ) a\\ "llage derk In Grone POinte Park, Victory gardens In the commul11ty Plowing was completed last autumn I an forces In tile India Burma the. lilt her sl,II are not entireh clear! Kno\\ IlIg that 't b ,cr, ddl.cult It I\aS announced that the primary plots of Grosse Pointe Park, CIty on all cxcept part of one commun. alre , Flfty.Ii, e seconds isn't much time to I' for al1l om, readlllg the propo,ed elclllon scheduled for Feb 13 had --------------- I'y plot used In 1944, in order to ex. Accordm>: to t',e cltallon the Dl-l fi"ure thm[Zs out, especially whl'n U'1 plan, as pubhshed, to understand Its been cancelled ThIS IS due to the POI NTE pedlt. as muc~ as possIble the d.sc'l '\., a\\arded for, 'extraordmary night and a ~hlp is split in two.... I effel!, on account of nccessar, lel/dl r.11 Illdl onlY five men nave hied n , n ..", n I. p 1'1' n 1mI!' and nlanhng ~~a,on Ihi, <pr'ng 2~~'e' e-::e.,t L, ..c••• l :1,,.1.( wlulc I ,inkinK fast But H's ~ow it !i1l;iJJ~ 1 phraseologv, the counCIl felt It ad I for the offIce of \Il1age commISsIOner C /\ 1\ /\ \J 1\ /\ J1 ~ The same acreage a5 \\ as worked partlclpatmg in more than selellty- "en I down. That IS the t~lIlg YOOII8 'Isable to arrange such a mee\lOg and t"o for the VIllage clerk la'l year wai prepared If only on~. ti\t supply mISSIons of a nature par. Berlmger remembers and reeO"SI A G Gabnel, an actuanal, ",111 Tbe regular electIon Will take place ~ THE POINTER third of thiS 'pace IS to be used for tlcularl) Iltal to our BWlsh and Chi'] \\ Ilh no small measure of pride TIle make tile practIcal e,<planatlon Mr In the II1Iage March 12. gardens, arrangements \\Ill have to nese allies ,. Cooper \\ent out fighting and wh~ Gabnel \\a, engaged by the VIllage _ Prisoners of \\ar workmg for pri- to gUide the speCial penSIOn commit. Z Ch 0 nte contractori ha,'; earned lI)ore be made for handlmg the other two. d. ~"~"":. Wi' 'I'J ", ba ttle It was. ;: one amnen thirds so that the" Will not remain a'1 j; ;;. ."'". Total darkness, lI'Ccordmg tOo t¥o tee, willch unammously recommend- than sixteen mllhon dollars for the , - " I N ed f Red e) esore to the communitv and a /- d bronzed kid who has island.h:;t,' ed the plan to the, Illage councl . am or US treasury The contractors must «"' , f nuisance to the gardeners The gar. ,~, tl,e SOllth PaCIfic FIghter pla..1 I James K. WatkinS, president, and C D pay the same wage rate per unit 0 'G p' F ri b b ," 1 the board of truslees urge the pub. ross Fund nOve "ork completed as they would pa~ dens m rosse omte arms an ano he;n y om er6 "ere roar J clVlhan labor Pnsoners do not re- those on the BOil Secuor plot in the 0\ erhead Their allack and tnefr i Ii<: to take ad\antage of thIS offer celve the mone" but are paId 80 Cny \\,11 be increased in size provid. bullets formed hellish deSigns a",,8SJ I 1 he meeting ""I! be held at the VII. cents a day m canteen scnpt. mil' fel\er than in 1944. If the same the sky And the s~ells fr.om a III! GM3C GEORCE BERLINCER lage MunicIpal buIlding, 90 Kerby number of people apply for them as destroHr \Hre screaming oIIt road at 7 30 Fnday mghl, Feb. 9, Seasons Mixed Department: did last year. \\ ith the present acre- the Cooper's decks or crashing ~ c, "ched the safety of an island and 1945 \Vhen there IS snow on the ground, age pia" ed there \\ ill not be enough hcr Side< III what turned out 10 ~,",e story of their rescue by one of our thoughts usuall) turn to skatlllg, to go around Please help your an e, e-f~r-an-e) e encounter as t"he I ,:le na\y's PBYs h,as been "''Tuten skIIng and tobaganllmg as the sports ~arden nei~hbors, >our Garden coun. Jap ship blew apart and \lent dO'lJl/ft Recorded but 110t ugned oil' for, af- for wInter Ume, but In tbe Farms c.l and IGur mllnl"pal clerks b) ap- Then the ternfic explOSion, the i ler a 30 day leave .... ith his parents, last welk, two lads must hi, e got plying Immcdiately if "ou want a shUdder that marked the Coopd's, 1fr, and ~{rs, George Berhnger of their seasons mixed One ,~as shoot. community VietorI' garden III 1945 end dS she parted amidships and be- 1142 :-I'm1lort, George hopes to reo ing a beebee gun whIle the other The reg-I'tratinn fee is $J Register gan to dl5appea r Sull her crew Te- turn to the PaCIfic ,lool<lng fon\3rd a bow and arrow - at a home on at Your mUnlc,pal off,ce, mall1ed at their stations and her gUlls tn a new shIp be~nng the ~ame of Tourall1e road An arrow hl! the Those groups planning private "ere stilI blazll1g up to thaI instant j the one he had llled on smce t~e SIde Gf a garage and a \\ indow "as VIctory gardens for 1945 should when men \\ ere belllg washed ovtr_j first dav it put out to sea Anolher broken. The bo) s "'ere recognized make arranKements ImmedIately for board, action halted as all were ~ Cooper _ ""t~ newer tratls to blaze and their parents notified, plowing and dlscing if they ha>e not gulfed In the forcl" of the oil smear- Young Berlmger .,.as a student of Wonder what they'll do "hen alreadl done 50 If vou do not know ed "aves S-J Ambrose school and gr~duated .ummer comes 1 "ho does this \',.ork, ~our muntcipal LIEUT. FREDERICK J, BEYER Young Berlinger" ent then. Witt> f-. the c.ollcg-. prep co~rse Just be- clerk can gh e 'ou the informatIOn nothing more to protect them than f~.be Jomed the navy lD 1943. ' The Air Medal "'Ith two Oak Leaf :....:..:..-..::.....---...:...------~::l'"__::_-~:_--_:::_;__;-- Leg15lation extendmg to 90 days Reliable sources report that the IWn Ann M 0 Custers was awarded for "menton- R 0 A d te y aJOr the period "'Itnm "hlch a veteran food supply outlook for 1945 will be ous achievement while partiCipating ecelVes war m'., apply for relllstatement In hiS th In I"''> -'hen th.. .ardetf Jk Star o e\ en "orse an """ - ID more than one hundred aerial ooze lormer p~ll1on became law on Dec, VIctory garden program was inaugu. , , supply miSSIons Lieutenant Beyer, S' . hG P•t h' ju: a. rated, unless the general public con. . . hlrley Smll, rosse 0111 e ~. O ... zealousness aided greatly lD hu '~hool s-nl- and da-..f.teF of \! aJ Cb U weD tmlJel to shonlt1l'r spades and hoes ,~ ~ v,, '"6" , - Leave. Meat WhEre Dogs The r-'Oll for thi., .ituation are: squadrOll's task of enablmg the and Y:rL Carl SJIIitJs of F,isbet r ,- -~ 1&""""' ~ ' ~~ - a ~~--. , -'

digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/.../45/1945-02-01.pdf · " \ ~," n'" .:... l~ on \ .. PHONE LE. 1162;: , M-O-R-E LOCAL CIRCULATION LOCAL ADVERTIJING

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  • " \ ~,"n'" .:

    ... l~ on \ ..

    PHONE LE. 1162

    ;: ,


    Incumbent Paull. WorEI...,d II theonl,. one of three commlsslonen 1II'boIS !eekmg re-election. The other two"ho are leavini' their postl alterseveral yean cl service are ArchieDamman and Kenneth Cllnnin,haJL

    1 hose who are seeking election ar.Wilham Gillett, 782 Westchester.James McMillan, 796 Bedford roachElmer F. Ulrich, 1076 Berkshire; adGilbert W. Groehn, 1007 Bedford.

    Ulrich is I returned nteran, haY-ing served in the armed forces 2~years; McMillan is the SOli of I for.tner village president. 110'lIl'deceased.

    William Stamman, Yeteran _ployee of the .. ilIage and clerk formany years, wtIl be opposed tlus yoeuby Charles D. HeISe, 764 Harcourt;the latter has heen serving the yiIJ,oage a! treasurer, an appouuin O&IC"

    The deadline for the Fal'1!ll fortheir eleetioll IS next Saturday, Fell.J.


    Township PrimaryElection Forcedby One Filing

    Winter GraduationTakes Place Tonigbtat High School

    Commencement exerCises WIll tabplace tfll5 eHnmg at Grosse POintehigh school at 8 15 pm, thiS IS thesel enth \\arllme graduatIon clan toIUIe the h,gh school

    Among the 115 graduates, nIne ofthem completed theIr \\ork In Aug.ust, 1944, as part ot to1e "artlme ac-celeration program adopled b.l man",schools and colleges m the country.

    FI' e bo)s of the class WIll recell'.~t"tr ulf,J:l>fnlll50 In aDsenua tor t.'1Cfinal "'ark of their high schOOl ca;.reers 15 beLng completed In the arll10ed forces.

    , Educat,on - A MIghty Force IIIthe \\'orld~ IS thc theme of the com-mencement program. and senior stu_dents ]amn "'mollr, Belly 101.Fncke a'ld Donald Su',,, an aretr(,di ll~ t 1 .... thtme m the paq, pres-and t J ~Irr "t ...pC"l. d\ r \

    A", In fO-"Tl.C"r Irl-J.d latlt1n",. t,e\r (;' H""' ... C III t'~.C'n(1 .... a, m .. '4 onto l-e "rad a'es and tnc.r pa-c'lIancl I'lend, to atte'ld a'l m:o--nal re-

    Icep'l"n Irrmedlale \ f01'''''l:1g t'1ec"(rrCI'li('"'

    I - -- - ---I Seriou. Damage Reaultsill Farm. Hou .. Fire

    o\r>pfo",m~'rI, ', n (1

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    r'l h \\" r'Tl

    " t \

    klf''''c ( If' ,I '.

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    I A' I , , '! \1

    Cited by French


    T\\o ho)s \\ere injured thiS past"'eek while l'1dulgmg 1Il the "mtersports at the Farms pier They" ereRonny Champme of 114 Oak street,\\ho II1Jured his back, and DonaldDe\Vulf of 708 Hawthorne, who cuthis leg,

    II 1 2I

    IJf ,. ,....'Y1\

    Ian urlal en'lnetr oj a B.Ul,

    {t I I (' n • ( I

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    d • e II

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    1 , ... ,


    Police ApprehendTwo Youths forAttacks in Pointe

    The Amencan Red Cross, Detroitchapter, anl1Dunces that personnel tocarry out the 1945 war fund .ohc,ta-tions is now bemg selected, ThoseWOmen h"Lng in Grosse Pointe wboarl' able to donate a few hOUri oftheir time dUring the drIVe are urgedto get III touch with the zone chaIr-men listed below

    Grosse POinte Park, Mrs Harry],~iack, 1027 Bishop road, TU. 1.1740.

    Gras,e POlllte Park pollce appre- Grosse POinte Farms, Mrs. Edgarhended t\\O Park )ouths early thiS L Fmk, 252 Vendome road, Tuxedo

    week for 1Il1 esllgatlOn into reporl5 2.0026, Because of the filing of tworecen ed by them of the attackmg of Grosse Pomte Shores, Mn, Ward men on the Republican ticket.Grosse Pomte girls and "omen H. Peck, 860 Lakeshore road, NI, for the office of townshi_

    The )ouths, of juveOlie age, ",ere 47~?, , clerk, Grosse Potnte township-picked up after the police "ere told Grosse Pomte Woods, Mrs George faces a primary election. Hrn.-of an attack early Sunday morning ~L Burgess, 1776 Severn road, TU. ry Lavers, incumbent clerk. it.on a young mamed woman as she 2.2173; Ibeing opposed by Winiaaa .was walknig down Kerche\al a-enue City of Grosse POInte, Mn John Fritz for the post. "near Bf.o;hoproad. The woman at this L Kenower, 16844 Vl1laac Lane, Nt. \ All other officers are saek... . ~t1JlIe was accosted by only one youth. I3972. . .mg re-eleetioa and are waqp./",:'\"bat throuait subsequent 1ll\estip. DlJrlllg the next, two weeks the posed. They are Carl ~f.:- ... 1:... Ianed that • .et(t#d tUtas of workers will 'be foraacd ad ...... • •• . '",- r--. .~tJi!ltIllaM~_. ..,_ ._ _.~_. .Pittwo.

    The youths, released to their re-spectll'e parents, ",ere referred tothe \\ ayne county Juvem1e authon-ties.

    , .to the Americu Red ,._ ;.-a: -,;..-:=:;.; ;

    . ""- oyW and Edward Co ~which needs the .tJPPOrt of eYer," board of review two to be."merfcan to carryon the t.remel1d- elected. 'ous responsiblhty of ItS wartune pro- It is Ironical that in times of,I1ram .••• !t.lper drives and paper short-

    The Grosse POI?te dIStrict chaIr. ages that a primary electioa• man for the dTII'e Is Mrs E.dward ~ WII! have to be held because ofPark Child Struck Parker and aS5lstan~ chalnnan II the filing of one new caDdldate.

    bit b 01 Wh 01 :-'frs, Charles H, Symmgton. Pnntmg of the ballots, aloney lltomo 1e 1e, TWO YOUTHS INJURED will con sum e many, manyPlaying Near Street AT.FARMs PIER RECENTLY pounds of vitally needed pape~.

    General cost of holdmg a Pri-mary election is approximate-ly 1\\ 0 htousand dollars. '

    1 , pa )('r drl\ t \, '11ch \\ a ...... p(\n-,o-rd III (,ro«e P0,.,'e ]"t ! \la' I" • 1r r II d -f n ()l t, r I'll J, 1(' a n I

    lHr,~ l' 11;,(' Hln ... 1rll lar \) f the (1', "I,() ",< fl d r \1-, \IH"t Harl(n~" ,c',,)(",' i 10 tn 9 ,lO pm I, ~"xIrrellod ()n ""ll ,11 1944 "" a m"f" M d FL."t an' "" jl .\C' .noJ t(., lfr 1>011, on a" eD. -- Does the Community Want It. Courae in Victory Gardens?all charlO:c .ppcacc t.c II "e 1")(), of Dt.,,,n T,' od" f) \\,', krrp l"e a'ltn',on of a I1rl)UP ~o\\("loun. P"e not gulfed In the forcl" of the oil smear- Young Berlmger .,.as a student of

    Wonder what they'll do "hen alreadl done 50 If vou do not know ed "aves S-J Ambrose school and gr~duated.ummer comes 1 "ho does this \',.ork, ~our muntcipal LIEUT. FREDERICK J, BEYER Young Berlinger" ent then. Witt> f-. the c.ollcg-. prep co~rse Just be-

    • • • clerk can gh e 'ou the informatIOn nothing more to protect them than f~.be Jomed the navy lD 1943.' The Air Medal "'Ith two Oak Leaf :....:..:..-..::.....---...:...------~::l'"__::_-~:_--_:::_;__;--Leg15lation extendmg to 90 days Reliable sources report that the IWn Ann M 0

    Custers was awarded for "menton- R 0 A d te y aJOrthe period "'Itnm "hlch a veteran food supply outlook for 1945 will be ous achievement while partiCipating ecelVes warm'., apply for relllstatement In hiS th In I"''> -'hen th.. .ardetf Jk Star

    o e\ en "orse an """ - • ID more than one hundred aerial oozelormer p~ll1on became law on Dec, VIctory garden program was inaugu. , ,supply miSSIons Lieutenant Beyer, S' . h G P • t h' ju:a. rated, unless the general public con. . . hlrley Smll, rosse 0111 e ~.O ... zealousness aided greatly lD hu '~hool s-nl- and da-..f.teF of \! aJ Cb U weDtmlJel to shonlt1l'r spades and hoes ,~ ~ v,, '"6" ,- Leave. Meat WhEre Dogs The r-'Oll for thi., .ituation are: squadrOll's task of enablmg the and Y:rL Carl SJIIitJs of F,isbet r

    ,- -~ 1&""""' ~ ' ~~ - a~~--., -'

  • ••




    tu l.Kl40 I'&il14 .... , &

    Properly fitted glassesreI j eve e;re.stl'.in, h e a d.aches and net.vousness.

    Thur~daY, Fehruuy 1, 1945


    Owter Dri". E. uti Ca.bw..,uOSWALD Go L RIESS, P.. tor

    Moccasins, too! Another nay.tuner classic takes good .dTQotage of the return of broWJland whhe. It's a llize.lDlJlimilomg moccuUl that"s all comfort-able U It is good lookiDJ.

    Bethany Lutheran church has II>,en Ice of d,llne \\ orsillp on Sunrla}mornIng at 10.30 In ne'l! Sundoy's,erllce the sacramcnt of Hoil Com-munion Will be celebrated and t'le,cn "e "'111 he preachcd by Vicar"-eneth Lmd,d} Se, eral choral num-llers, rendered by the senIOr chOIr,III II greatly beautlfl the ,erllce

    At 9 30 a m CllIldren ad parentsmeet tn mered,e their l..no\\ledge oftheIr ,al lor, Jesu> Children of theSunday school \\ 111 see m the ell-alllPle of the \\oman ~[ar), les,onsof devo!lon and love

    To the serllces, as \\CII ai theBlhle c1as.es, all re,ldent~ of thecommunity are lI1\'lled by both pas.lor and congrel1'dtmn You are al.I\a\s IHlcome at Bethany.

    n. [email protected]. M ._~. caWtIte "De E... " .. Browa lM' .....n.. ." ,@u 6ttnllr .h ...







    Gratiot Corner 7 Mile Road

    8M what's here a~aia!

    portrait • commercial • illustrative


    Boy', and M..n', I 0 ..1".. -5,•••4 to 12 SSeo and U ts a Pair

    paul •. brOWI!

    SuPER Sr\DDlESand they're ..•

    n. "Loafeor" 111 riell ..... uti.(lie """"' calf .In"._lie te it... ht aroaad the ... IM.

    Yes, brown and white saddleoxfords, trim and comfortableand euual, as Dayttmera al-ways are. We greeted them WIthcheen, and we know you ,.,ill.too. They're a wonderful hu,..

    :\1 10 a comcd) and \anel} I y g.show. Lon Backman, Bill Kurth, RuB

    ] I Local Couple Entertams:\1hS Kline SOCial chairllla[l of Ill> 0 lnson, Bob Beaupre, ~[ary Asmu5, \\ dd \::';anan \\ ~men's league " t'l~ I ToIn Kane, .\rnold Par~on, Ronny on e Il1g. nnn l:rsarydaugJ!er 01 \Ir, and ~[r"Jo"n E ""'r, Jube \\alton, Simley \\11-1 ~fr and~[r'.Ra)mondVanD)ke"-hnc. 171 Reallprc road !I..ms, Paula Beaupre, ~lar} o\nll pOJ)ular F.rms couple, entertamed

    Backman, Ka\ CurtiS, Pat Arm- at I',e,r s"th \\eddmg annnersarys'rong, Jean Bacolm, Jean SImmons, approxImate!} 51>.:} guests la,t Sun-Jo~n Cronm, Elame Coturo, Dolores dayallernoon Relreshment

  • 16300~fack Ave.a' () .If- I)- H


    M. Evelyn ButlerHAIRDRESSER

    11235 M.ck A_. at T1ane ...TU. 2-38IIt CioMd M...iq

    A p.........eat 01 D~RM('Iine

    A SkiIlfld ()pentol' pa- ..Beat in Mata'ielW. Spec:ialiu ill

    Permanent W.....Cuotom PermaDetl I~

    Cold WI. ..e•• Zeta. er- 01

    Receivea Diamoad PieHarold W Otto, cargo traffic sa.

    perVlsor for American Airlillel illDelrolt was presented with • dia.mond and ruby set lapel pin, b, JackA. TompkinS, dIstrict traffIC mINIerfor the line 111 DetrOIt, In reeocuitioaof 1115 15 years contlDued IenICe\11th the company

    Guide for FuelOil Con.umer.

    O\S a gUIde to userl M IHI oil torhome heatll1g, the Detroit districtofflc:e of OPA said Monday that aomore than 54 per cent of tb. UDUairallot! lhould have been tiled lIP tothiS ume In the DetrOit area.

    Es !ahhshed J8 Years

    Arrives in AfricaBAR BAR A J. S I M 0 N D S,

    c1alll'''ter of Mr .... c1 Mr •• RalpbW. SilDODdl of Z4Z Lewiatoa road,Cro ... pointe Farml, .... arn9edia North Africa to .ern tbe armedforce. al a Reel Cro ... tal! ... iat.&lit.

    Edgar Bergen, Mil) James Stew-art and Lou Costello were Boy~outs,

    Wade has a brolher also servmg\11th the Coa-t Guard m tl,C Pac'fir

    After boot trallllnK of threcmonths Huv, IS sub-* lee! to somc alterallons ",hen made

    SaB Antonio ,(9iatiOD Cadet e-. applicable to army \lomen" meals Ifter, Tex.- At the San AntOniO ","vi- yo~ are 'I"lln~ the mc" hall at theatlon Cadet Center.potentlal pllou, l>rcal..la,l 'lOur. fried potatoes ,,"ould Ibombardle-s and na\ Ij;(ator< are re- not be 0' t le \\ ac me IU as theyctl1ll111; prcfl!" It tra'''111'! to prepare \\o,lld he at a men; mc" acro,s thet lcm for aertal lO,tr~cllon and du- road Toe e ,"1I.,a"on of potatocsties as alrcrew memher, 10 toe army Irom thc breakla a potcntlal ,,\InFr to thc army

    The future Ihers are sl.hJcC1Cd to a 01 $2 im om a \ ear \\ aes prefcrr1"orous lO-\\eek proFrram ot ,.,struc- fr"lt and IruI' J llLe, ,ma'i QuantI-tlOn covcnn1/: pin s,ca!. acadcf\IC and tIe' 01 ~-Icd cercal, toal', o.,e egg,mllltar) t-alOlOj:t At t1C cadet ccnler, and coflee Ia \lnlt 01 the 0\ o\F traln,r" COlT.- i.uncl, 'tme fin~, 'hc \\'ae, ImnRr)mand, thC\ Itud) maps and charts Ihut Ihe, ""uld ral0e" '''hC t'lC dm-aIrcraft Identification sma a'ms ner hour al'er t'lelf da' s v.ork ISand ot"er lull)cc', ,,~,le he -g con- done So tlev ha\e - ",t' \arla-dltloned 1',1' 'a.,-1 \ (, onc-age an,11a llrOllp t"c, are separated ,0, spe- , trc', fr II' lor 10«0-'

    nahud tr"m''lFr I The (.nll( mea' h a'"a\< "ellC:Htr11;, In t c prt"tn" ( :l. .., from h'\lanc('o \\1'\ mr;\' h 1 ('If 'i'r"\U ."'\

    Gr()~,(" r" n"C' Irc H~~ DC'n;;l 1 C1ad. iff' ..." \('~(";(~ r .1:n1...,..., ~ .:l.,rf ml"\\ I< k \\ 000 01 11\(124Cr< n ) ~ Lanc .,- '.1 I \\ a ',0 - I roc f


    * r-r.,((' ''1 "').:1, (\\ ~ I" :::an()' lerPi, G(',,\";;r '1( 11('1 \1 ~l '"l" ~on \l't m Cl """-H c:. _ 1 i \-',,1 '""l(,"-

    'I \lr T',oma, \\".c- ,Port \\ a Radar tramlng is John RabenKtrby, 18, son of Mr and Mn. LarlG. Kirby, 1126 Grayton road,

    John, a seaman, first class is noVoat a navy primary Radar school LnDer Monte Cahf, haVing finished aone-month pre-radio course ill (",-Lago He enlisted 10 t!le navy Idlto\ug 12 and lollowmg several weeKI'of "boot" tramll1g, went to pre-radIOschool. Followmg a Thanksgll Ln.leave at home, he went to Del Mor.te

    A native Detrolter, John was an Ihonor student at Grosse POlDte Illg~school and on graduatIOn In 1943 Yo W,lham Webster, 2126~ IllldmPlon road, Grosse Pomte

    \\ Dad" \I a, gl\Cn hiS Sliver gunner's, I 1\ mg, and promoted to the grade of

    I corporal wilen he c:ompleted the flex-

    i lble g.l~H'cr) cour,=,e lor ra.rj,O' menI at the Yuma 0\ \F th1> week. Priorto hiS trammg- in fleXible gunnery,I Corporal Webster graduated fromthe radIO operators and mechaniCSschool, SOIUX Falls, S. D. He IS agraduate of Grosse Powte highschool

    HaddockSmoked FII..tFreab Cod

    GROSSE POINT' PHONE NIAGARA S_SFIRE'S B''''''''ch.", St __ PhoBeSll.

    Sunshine KriapyCrackers ..... ,lb. box 19c234 Pound Box

    Swansdown Cake Flour 32c

    Hilla Broa.


    U.S. Grade AEggs, in cartonG. &: R McMilIaaButter


    Comlllon aeal. t ..111 '0. tlJ.tmedicin .., to be of ..alue andbeaefit to "011, muat be tak ....- and take.. enctt,. .. di-rected. The dOdOJ' b.. ncel.lent re .. ona for ,I ..ill, tbe ape.CI&C directlona that appear oathe prelcripuoD label. Readthem carefull,.; follow thempreci ... I,.. If the, atate-"Oueteupoon three time. daily"dOD't thlllk that THKt.t.TEASPOONS ONCE DAILYwill ba.... tbe oame reacuoD.AI a matter of ... fet" alwa,..read th.. label On an, medi-cine bottl.. .. a precautionacainlt lakin, the wrol\, pre-paratloa.

    .lb. 36c

    Red SnapfMl'PickerelPerch

    .2 boxes 23c


    New Shipment ...Michigan

    Wbite FilhSalmonH.hI.lIt



    IMtI KERCHEVAL AVENUE_ W_ McN"'h..I.-Ph ..... UN 1-5'"


    California Oranges Ex'';,::'" Sibs. 4ScFlorida Temple • Hubbard Squash .... Ib. 2cOranges .. Ig. SIze, SIbs. 4Sc No Limit on Quantity

    Tangerines F=;;:";:" 2 doz. 2ScSFIRE BROS. - Successors to


    Tomato Soup .3 cans 2ScHeIlman Blue RibbonMayonnaise . , . . pt. 36c

    Crisp SunahineCheezits .

    AgedCheddar CheeseFreshCottage Cheese . , ,.Ib. 19c


    Fancy Prunes ,i:':.':;;~lb. 22c

    Devonshire Topping, It whips like heavy cream .% pt. 22cFresh Shrimp, From the Gulf of Mexico - Buy A Box

    Fresh Ground Dog Food, No POINTS 2 Ibs. 25c



    1SZZ8 Eut Jeffenoa LEnos 18005___. w Swift-SaJder

    Thursday, February 1, 1945

    An Air S..... ice Command Station I course dC>lgned to b lu;,e the gap tlon Lleutenanl Slend attended aIII ED,land. - FIrst Lleut Cart f between tramlJlg In the Slates anr:ll ,efles of lecture, gIVen by veteran,~iellel 1,",'JJlld of Ann R Slenel all omb

  • Grosse Pointe Unit


    .. .... II....

    Thursday, Februnry to 1945

    elane. Now Formiac In ballet, tapand ball'oom danclOg at the ElaiaeArndt StudIO, 750 Alter road (oneblock south o[ Jefferson) Phone LE3837-Adv.

    Size5 5 to 10 Width5 AAA to EEE

    FRANCES D. SHELDEN, Cbairmau.

    In Appreciation

    The CroNe Pointe Unit of the American Wom.en'. VoluntAry Services is deeply grateful to Henri

    Germain for bis kindncss and generosity in aUow-ing the Unit the uae of his building at 17027Kerche-val Avenue for 10 many montha.


    Civil Service Examinationsfor Firemen for

    Crone Ponite ParkFire~t



    17+11E h.erlG. A__aEV. M. O. BATES, MiaU ..

    Ealt WarreD a.ad Balfo.rREV ENNO G. CLAUS, PutoPMARVIN MARTIN, Vicar

    Eatitled - "OJri.tianSd.ce t Dominion Tbroqb

    Obeclience to Law"By

    ANNA E. HERZOG. C,s.B.01 Colma ...... Obio

    M..... eI the a-r.t eI ~.hip 01 Tloe MotJ-- a...rU, n..F... t Gado 01Griet, Sciaatiat.

    ill ht ....Muaac.h8MtbSisth OJurch Edifice

    Ken:h ..... 1 and MamahquIl A...ea.MONDAY EVENING,FEBRUARY 5, 1945

    At Eight o'ClockThe Pablic 1a Cordially la'rited

    To Attead

    Church school. 10 30 a mSenlee of worSlllp, II 00 amPOlllters cilib 600 pm!llollt!n ROO p 1Il Dr liarold G

    REG~~~~ :~J.~~E~~,": .. tor ••••••••••••••

    ID~tr~.lt.ubut' ~~~.a ';;;e~l;e~ ..oi'P~;~~ prinCipal and mlerest shall be pay- 10 00- a:;;;:' Wouhtp" service with I,ongregalton A jUnior Blble clas~ for able at the Detrolt Trust Company. !ermOn by the pastor.

    , \oun,\[ folks ts taught by Vicar Mar- The bonds shall be a....arded to the 10 00-11 55 am - Church school\In ~lar'ln bIdder 1'0 hose bId produces the lowest for beginners, pr'tlary and jUnior

    A nllr,en is conducted each Sun- IIlterest cost to the VIllage, after de- departmentsday durtn~ the 11 am serllce for dueting the premium off d f 11 15-11 55 am _ Church schoolthe comelllence of parents I'Ilth , , .ere ,I anvchildren under 51>' ) ears of age Par- In determlllmg the net mterest cost, c1anes for Intermediates, youngents may leave the httle ones In the Interest on premIUm WIll not be can. ~k and adults.care of competent mothers of the sldered a! deductible and inte~est on A well eqUipped nursery undercongregallon and attend the servIce bonds Will be computed from Febru. competent leadershIp i. open duriul\'ndlsturbed. 9 1945 h .I ary, to t e respectIVe maturity t~ above mentIoned servIces.

    dates, 7 00 p m.- Youth Fellow5hlp meet-LUTHERAN CHURCH OF No proposal for less than all of the Ing.

    THE REFORMATION bonds WIll be conSidered Tuesda}', 8 00, orchestra concertVernor Hiwhwa, Eaat at Lake ..iew The Village IS authOrized and re- II Ith Hemv S,ellel of the DetrOIt

    REV. C. F. STICKLES, D.D .. PutDP Symphony orchestra as guest solOistqUlfed by law to levy upon all the Roy Lanyon conductlog

    9'30 a m Church school [or chll- taxable property therem, such ad Wednesday - 7 00-10 00 pm -dren of all ages and BIble dass for ulorem taxes as may be necessaryadults RecrealJon Jor teen age )'Qung peo-

    11 00 a m, The pastor Will preach 10 pay the bonds and mterest there. pIe.on the subject, •. \n Audltlon Grant_ on, without hmltallon as to rate or 7 45 pm OffiCial board meehng.ed." With all the Untled Lutheran amount. Thursday, 10 00 am Re.d Crosschurches of Delrolt. Reformallon 15 Em'~bpts containmg the bids sCllmg, Luncheon will be 5ened bytakmg part In an evangehsm VISIta- should be plamly marked "Proposal the 1.0) 011CIrcle of the Women's So.tion program The pastor ,,111 eon- eletyducI an adult class on Sunday after- for Bonds,"noon at four o'dock, beglllnmg Feb A certified check III the amount of GRACE EVANGELICAL11 for those who would hke to unlle 510 of the total par v,alue of the AND REFORMED CHURCH GEORGE J. JAGLOWICZWith the church. bonds drawn upon an Incorporated K.rca....el at La.kepoint. I FLORSHEI'1 SHOE

    6,00 p m. Luther League bank or trust company and pa)able HUBER F. KLEMME, MiDiatep ti STor-10 the order of the Treasurer of the I I - GRATIOT CORl'ol:.R

    The projet and former college glld.Iron star was a Boy Scout,


    Radnor A...eDue al Mac"KENNETH W. VERTZ, PutorThe lillie Idllte church aro Ind the

    corroer althOllllh not, en Impre'SIl eotltllardl}. stili "as a warm and lIel-tome atmo,phere "tlhm for ai, \lhoenter liS ponah DlIllle ,erllce, arlheld e, erv Sunday at 10 45, and Sun.day .c'1ool al 9 30 1\I\h classes for alldge !"roups Our Sundav schoolstaffed bl nall1ed and COn,Clenl!OU,teal her •. Is nel er 100 full to reeell el1e\l member, Ollr c',ureh al,o ,pan.,ors rehgl(lu, tralnlllg cla"e, lorchlld'en a, IIell a, 1dull> IIho dc, Irea helter understandln" ot the funda-mentals of the Chrlstlan religIon1he clllidren's

  • --...


    Same Ownership!


    Same Good Service!

    NIAGARA 9532


    .llnlonbrotllers deCided to chan!le the nameof the ,tdtlOll, U,'llg theIr OIln nameThey Jlad done tl", pre\lOJ'I) 1\ henthey operated a stdlJOn on Grandboule I ard When thel mal ed, theydidn't take the Ume out to changeIt from Central to Houston

    No", they feel that the lime hascome to replace the huge sign boardwith a new one The brothers, '" orlc-mg Side by Side for years. evenfought side by Side m World WarI, the:; were not on:y brothers but Ibuddies as well. ThlS comradeshipstill lIrevall! m the Houston Broth-ers Service ":tation of Grosse Pointe.

    New Floor CoveringShop Opens Here

    t • ,

    ~Thunda)', February t, 1945 ~J THE C R 0 5 S F; P 0 r N T ERE V I E W ~-, -- _._- --- --------_._---------------------- ----- ---- ----f Name of Populart Business Changed

  • 7

    * OiDaer Riaga* Birthatemea* Lockets, Etc.

    Thrill her willi •"A A" quality "'cia-tered gem of perfectblue-white color. Wealso have lovley

    Nragara 3805 Evenin,.

    Thursday, February 1, 1945

    maKllIg bandages ior the Red Cross,kniltlllg sweaters and supportlflillnaval actIVitIes in general, 'jIu or'ganized 30 Units in hflchlgan and 111_dlalla dUring the past two years.

    The installatIon wa, followed bythe presentation m vaude\ Ille underthe dIrection of ~lrs. Rlple}, 6ZZ 1\0.tre Dame, Grosse Pomte, v.hosegroup of talented young performershave appeared at all of the veteranlhospitals In thiS dutflct in the inter-ests of helping and entertaining reoturned wounded veterans. Entertam.ment wa" followed by cake and cof-fee sen ed before the danCing whichended the party



    English Setter"TOP PEERLESS PRIDE"

    LEnox 6740 O.y.

    An excellent Grandson of The Reaowned Field Trial Per.former "CHAMPION SPORT'S PEERLESS PRIDE.""TOP" is a beautiful 55 pound dog with the build and con-formation you would expect to find in a well brec:l EnrliahSetter. He is an all day IlUnt'!!' with e:ed!ent ..viii ... .:eood style on game. He is .trietly Field Bred and Hi, Rq-istration in Field 00, Stud Book is No,3ZZ800. FEE. $25.

    bearers, Other officers installed were~(e,ddllles ~esbll, Ranklll and HIlias tflbtees, lIIesdamls Dye, Doran,BrUler and L.mb as dIrectors; audl'tors are ~(esdames Fowler, Sandersalld \\legerl.

    :llargle Weber acted as the mstall.lIlg mdrshal a"lsted bv :llrs Arthur::, Jones, p.,t state organIzer andpast commander 01 the DearbornUllit No J4() of the Navy MothersUnder the gUIdance of Past Com-mander Ne.lllt, the Alger Unit hasgrown from an ongmal memljershipof 15 members to a present roster of50 Navy ~Iother., a national organ-IZdlton \I 10,e work IS to assist In

    Lions 'Good fellows'Donate $500 toBon Secours Hospital

    Certificate of Cancellation of

    PRIMARY ELECTIONGrosse Pointe Park

    Certificate of Nomination of Park OfficersSTATE OF MICHIGAN,COUNTY OF WAYNE, d.

    Ihereby certify that the following were the only. candidates ~ho,e petiti~n fornomination to Grosse Pointe Park offices were filed WIth me at the time for c10amg ofnominations, to-wit, January 29, 1945



    GILBERT W. GROEHNI further certify that no other namea were placed in nomination for ant Village

    of Grosse Pointe Park office.

    Therefore in accordance with the Statute in such case made and provided thatthere being no' contest for any office. on the ticket, that no Primary Election be heldon the 13th of February, 1945 and that the following be certified at the nominees forthe reapective offices.




    Village Clf"rk.


    January 30, 1945

    Sale Waste Fats for Shells

    Newest HosDitalNames PhysiciansAs Its Officers


    CHURCHMeetiJlao ia Richard 5e11oo1McKiaIe, Neer KerchenJ


    Come - Wonhip

    Maraaatba Baptiat OlurchMoraq and R~

    REV. E. A. WAlJ)ECK, Pu_

    u.t.. eo C!tiWra'. BiWot H_11:. ...... Sam""'" - CKL W

    \\' OrshlP service, 11 a m.Church school, 11 am.Youth groups, 7 p mr nday, 7 30 pm. Choir.Tftur,day, 8 pm Church school

    •taff v. III meet In the minIster'sslu(1), 707 Vnn erSIl)"

    The third III a senes of three dis-cu.slons on church ulIlon "ill be held\V ednesda, !light at the home of\fr and ~Irs John W. Smith, 380\lcKtnley. 1ir Scheid will lead thed",cusslOn

    .,4 •

    NItand ao4d scnice. sh rtal!l'-uize ia advaDCe the- toJUequences IIIinterrupted war llfoduetlOn, III thedisruption oi th; Iltie of the COm •munlty. in the breaking of the 110-strike c1ame. and III the t:mon re-Jponsllllhty for the Interrupllon 01electrIC power.

    "Such a threat to Detroit, of allplaces, cannot but aId the enem},morale.

    "\Ve will contlllue to do all we canto obtam a speedy and fair settlement of the matters Invoh ed. III anorderly manner, and to mallltalll unlIlterrupted electriC service.

    "The company assures Its custo.mers that It Will take ever) precau.tlOn and w,lI use every rea,onablemeans to aVOId an JIllerrup'lon 01eleclflc senlce and Will make thenecessary appeal to thegovernmen'to prevent It"

    \\ ()"Tlf"n.c. q7('~ ~ .,.." 11) n 1I I F- T \f ('I ... '" 7(( f, •

    \ \ "r, ~$IUS AND UP

    SixthO.rcb of OrinSciebtilt. Detroit

    14730 Kerchenl AUD'IltSunday Sernce.

    10:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.Sanday School

    Fust SeSSlOD 10:30 a.m.Second Session 11:50 a m.

    Wednesday Enniftg Test~11eetin&' 8:00 P.IIL

    R.eadIav ROOfIJ opetl 1ftt1r: da3'l11 :00 • .m. to 5I:GO '.IlL - Sa4SafZ::I) to 5:GO pm.

    If Form 1.. ia filed. .ctullFc..,..m.r the l&a


    Come in or Wnte for FreeBoolclet "How to K~Warm With Leu Fuel."

    .. 100 sq. ft. $5.30

    Knotty Pine SheetrockSquare Foot 6c

    4lt8.~s Insulation Board $1.40

    7C 50. Foot


    14841 KercLenI A•• IMComer Alter Road LEnox 7812



    12x12 16xl6 or 16x32Panels8, 12, 16 inch by 8 ft. Plank




    If Form 1.. ;, filed, u.iq thelias talIle


    Lumber9941 Hayes Boulevard Near Outer Drive


    1,('11 1ferred to Fort ,IClans lia, h,en n.'lLed for the Bon I) when tlie Gros;,l POinte Lions club

    JUf\l\ed b) ler 'J,b.'11i JOhn E arc ma)..lng I..,am Hu,ton, :>an AlIlonJO, Te" ~elour. ho,pllal. Gro,se POlnte's contnbuted $500~ll'~Ia"" a memher 0' the edll0rnll \fr. S,lmopl'e, 6fl clas> bas Tromol, Trumpet ,\III be out nellt ------___ nelH,t hO'PII,,1 and located at Notre In a letter o[ appreciatIOn to Vic.staff 01 T"e De 'all '\C\I, :>Ie \I., ~ulL,ored a :

  • ..•..







    CITY Hove you ony en 'd-ell---------------- under 1.' _

    A-. you 0 hIgh schoolSTAT ...E PHONE No grodu

  • ,-,



    Thulsday, February I, 19-t5

    T'lawMaF. Feb. 1 - w.t T_TDaifIrt. "Moe Y_ 0.- .......viti. Jeck ea-. Jaae Wr-pbg "E.... Sa- V_Of willaH.... HerIIen, A-. Sa.......SMrt .... jecta - N.... J

    Frio, Sat. F.... 2, J.Gregory ~

    Tamara T01IqI:aIIOvafa .."'DAYS. GIioIlr .

    PbJs ._.RIIy~f~"'1"';~1i.~:.; .

    4;( s ......... JI-6:F. T...-6or

    .......,...S'"• .Irene Dtmae, Alan Marshall



    - a featurette - 'Disney Cartoon

    W n..... Feb. 7.'W ,. Bup.ia M.lDMto at 2

    Tom Neal, Ann Silvagein


    Gloria Jean, Jane Darwenin

    '"l'HE RECKLESS AGE"Short ScbJects - Kews

    James Street. Robe"," SL Jobll,MacKin lay Kantor, Co!"'Robert 1-Scott and HOJI'ard Fast, prODlinllltauthors, were Boy Scouts.

    black ink,The object of tbe competitom it to

    find tbe best new symphonic compo-SItIon by a native born composer ofany of the, 23 western hemispherenalions.

    Each natIOn '\\ III conduct its OM!preltminary competition to lelect anational entry for the internationalaward. The composers of the nahon.ally winning emfles WIll receiyc agold medal, to be known as the"Relchhold Award," in addition tocash prizes, whIch '\\ III be announcedlater.

    The interouional awards, to beannounced by Mr. Relchhold, Noy.I, 1945, Will consist of a $25,000 6rstprize. $5,000 second prize and •$2,SOOthIrd prIZe. 1he three wlUn,ngwnrLrt:: W111 .. ;r~l\.~~ r~,.f""m!t"L'Ce! ~~

    the DetrOit Symphony Orchestra,under its ref{\llar conductor, KarlKrueger, during the season of 1945-46. These performances will bebroadcast in the United States by theMutual network and be short wavedthroughout the western hemisphere.

    Composers must submit their ell-tnes by July I, 1945, as it ia ex-pected that anllOUDn

    "DEAD MAIrS EYES"T.-Ia,., Wedaeoclay. Thanda,.

    FeL........,.I.7 ud IGregory Peck,

    Tamara Toumano\lm


    Martha O'Driscoll,~oah Beery Jr.



    1:...,. T.... ,.. w.........,. ....n.....,. N.a.t.





    Loat Bicycle RetarDed



    J513S MACK AVE.ro.2-Z3Z4

    'I 'R, , - I \." II, cn n.C\\



    1, h 1 r \ I .... .-t .. l,io.,('( l ,,- ,

    r r .... ) I .:0

    "MY PAL WOLF"\\ " 1

    J" f .."on

    Fehru ...., , 7 and 8


    Fri .. SaL Feb. 1, :I"ANDY HARDY'S


    Le\\" Stone BonIta Gram I\'C1'1"

    "'GYPSY WILDCAT"\\ 1.1\

    'LlTJa :-'lon'c1 JO'1 11.11l,)'M Ca n'>"n

    A ZO \1,"\1:e 1'lr.

    S"n .. MDn Feb. 4, 5"CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY"

    \\ Il')

    Deanna Dur"," (,e'1 c k" )Pln;

    r... D..t. '0 tJM L.6ea."......,.,. .... T........ ,. N'r"'.

    SavarineJ * * * ~'.~,-

    , .


    Mrs. Leroy Coleman of m ~(c.Millan, notified Farms pol.te lastweek that her son'. bicycle, stolenfrom the rear of the h~h school onJan. 19. had been recovered.

    The Smitbsonian institute has acollection of more than two thons.and mtlSK:al instruments of primitivetribes.

    IIStirriDg DramaScheduled for NewShores Theatre

    Bio d T ble CaIwieI RicMrd Pre-Leat. M'd Sh In es rou Due. Sabmla" F.. 1. 8J ortage sAndy Hardy at Gabriel Richard council, Kmght, Featured inFilmColony Theatre of Columbus, \\0111 hold ii's.2Jrd ~nnual , at Aloma Theatre

    At the last Dc:ler PTA ~c:ling Snowball danCing party In theIr clu:' Iheld Jan 16, our guesl speaker wa< Mllkey Roon.y I'S assall.d by burdIn" 9375 Amity, at Parkvle'l\ I The hilarious-days of searchinoA stirring drama ",hich may take I R 0 G 1 k - - ..; ~e ev ~\ en ca.r, ~~10 spa e on blonde trouble. in his newest picture and Kercheval, on Saturdav nlghl. lor a maid, also known as the "Maid.

    !irs. place as the ....eademy Award o,t,,3.r onsctlpllon as propose

  • ..


    Real Estate

    (Nexl to aeat ... Ce.)

    Grosse Pointe

    If you wiab to buy or ..... '


    TUxedo 2-2100


    16&40 Kerc:hnaI Nt. tzIlt


    CO.\II'ORTABLE - Four - rOOlllhome. automatic oll hot "..ater

    heat, basement. ~arag~; near Tell\lt1e Road and J eff(rson uchanpfor s",-room house 1ft Gro5se POlnt41\Vooas \\ 111 assume mortgage D(pal ca,h difference Rose\ll1e 1545-J.

    •EXCHA!\GE-Tenanc .... Have lea,.

    e'-Ce'lent Ii\ e-\ car old house, au..cago" finest 'he, tern suburb, In eJItochanll;c for rental of three or folll'bedroom hou,e or terrace In east ~north sub.lrb Can 11 0\ 8792, betv.ed9 am .nd 5 pm

    GRO"c.,E POIXTI: PARK -BCChIXGIIA:-Or. Three bathe

    ulc kllchen. ,. apor steam bi ....fed stoker Sprlllkllngo svstent.\\ ell landSCaped lot 75':er In .Grosse Pomtearea. R 0\. 8.i9Q.

    HELP WANTED-Female

    High School Girl -Steady and depend-

    able, to work in drycleaning plant, 3:30 to7:30. Call TU. 2-3000,ask for Mrs. Mitchell. WANTED-Rea1 Estat. -WO?'[-\?\-Or girl to care for babl' PRI\ATE PARTY-Wants live '"

    four months old T\\o Dlghts a • 51>.. room hrlck In farms or ~"eek \\"111 pal' 75c per hour fnod in- pm ed around $10,000 XI 5102 aftilduded Call :-'1rcecnll\ e pledgeshe".1'1C" ma'1 and \111. I' I 1..14.., I Y •"1'(,1 Io-Ilome O' flat 1111111rTIl,heol o,..t.I ..,"'BIll" F'"

    T',rre hedro0l11< ~ 1" "'hIe Rl ro.1-4ZII 11311 .. M.cII... ml 1\ \ IIN t \1- R, ..,IC 106

    II1'1 I' ... \


    , I



    TimekeepersSchedule ClerksStenographer


    HELP WANTED-Female



    T \ \f.~,~"~ ,U'" rr!l "r ""l"'\~

    jl'Hk 30. ~l1clL

    1365 Cass Avenue

    Employment OffIce


    So Hurry in for An InterVIew

    Must Be EligIble Cnder W M.P.C.

    interesting, pleasant and usential.

    Problems for themselves - ri~ht now.

    By takin2' an important job with


    Experienced, CollegePreferred


    Jey know they are speeding victory'"-ll.nd-~ ,J"

    We have several positions from whIch to choose-

    Open 9 00 a m. to !'oo pm Every Dav But Sunday

    Michigan Bell Telephone Company

    The Michigan Bell Telephone Co.

    assurmgfthemselves of a future career that is aIwtys

    Tool Trouble MenGauge InspectorsTool and Fixture InspectorsPowerhouse FiremanBoiler OperatorElectricians

    Tool Room Grinders PaintersGeneral Factory Workers

    Must Have USES Referral

    Architectural DraftsmanMec~anicaJ DraftsmanTest EngineersAutomatic Screw Machine

    OperatorInstrument Repair ManToolmakers

    Continental Motors Corporation12801 E. Jefferson Avenue Detroit, Michigan



    Must" attradive and ambitious rirI with loilia.tift for unusually rood polition.

    New, modem officea; "It workinlr conditions.

    Write Box VLG, coo Grolse Pointe Review15121 Kercheval Avenue, Grosse Pointe Park 31, Michigan

    For Personal Interview

    HELP WANTED-F .....

    Secretary for Executive

    --------- - -- ---------------Situations Wanted-Female I HELP WANTED-Female

    I. \ \Ill Y \\ "'-"1!1'\r. _ \' otl ..,1i re __crs I --LOST- AND FOUND

    Review Want Ad~DRAPERIES





    POWERSLumber " Suppliel

    lt743 Harper Avenue

    Between 7 " 8 Mile Roadl

    Open 8:30 to 1:00Saturday 8.30 to 5.00

    McCoy Carpet Co.15400 Eaat WarrenCarDer B.",eona&eld


    Per LinealYan! ..z.I.Hoar Semee, Cub II: Carry

    Preaent This Ad for 200/0Diac:ounL

    ~~~~ and H.tiDcPLUMBING-Heating repairs. Shop

    on wheels. Expert serv>ee. No jobtoo large, none too small Nt 0833.Joseph c. £ger 15830 Charlevoix.GEORGE M PRICE - 1373 Bu-

    consfield. Lenox 5S42.' masterplumber Plumbmg and heahng re-pairs of all kmds

    •ilr'rotfI1...... ~;-.~

    JUKE BOX - For rent Ideal for ,part,es and v,.eddtngs PR 3183 I


    nJbII1e-n tenicw ~ rdM({wbite 1Dcu. Can Artinctoa 4l9Z.

    WALL WASHING'-High quali:ywork done by white men Drexel


    CCRTAl:\S - l:.."perth laundered9390 C Vernor near Penns) 11 allla

    AI e DR 55.85

    ANY-RepaU' .. ork on homes, .toresor apartments FIrst dau work

    and prompt service. S Eo Barber20380 NesbIt- NIagara 6784

    PANELS - Plywood, recreahonrooms. BUild now Holiday season

    ahead. The perfect g,ft, enjoyed bythe entire famIly. See my finl5hedrooms. Call AR 3160

    ;;I"(N-H~,:-, ,",lid\I~l,h \\1' I,~hll!ccaJ gar. 1 I

    Imenu; over 13 years experIence IALL DECORATI~G. paper nangmgU~I'''''' Ralnn~r,. NI ~ rr TO ')"1'1 t'\"llnt-lI'u"J' O'n:)r~nt ...,.... ,1;, v~".,.c1'-4312 -368 McKmle, ;xpe;;;nce 0 Snt;~~ r~ove-r: '!l1U.------------ 1471 after S.

    Dnek aDd Cement Repairs ------.-----PAINTI~G_And decoratmg F. D.

    BRICK-Repairs All lcmds Specl"l- RelSener, 5260 CourvIlle NI 5944.ing in fireplaces. NL 7932. If not at h()lJ1e call Tuxedo 2.5257.

    IBRICK _ Stone and cement Nell INTERIOR - Decorating. Guarall-and repaIr \\ork Brick \\CJrk a spe- teed workmanship and matenal

    Iclalty TV 1 2450 (plus 30 years experIence). Esti-mates fre~. Hne your work done ICARPENTER WORK now FHA time payments if desiredWIllIam LOADER ~I 4407

    JOHN EVANS & CO.-Interior alldexterior painter. and decor. tOri

    Estimates furnished. AR. 9223.I

    HO,\ORABLY - Dlschaql~d fromU S Army. Bad. In bU5mes< For

    pamting and decoratlDg call ".Ilham[l>:emann All Jobs guaranteed TlJ2-9083

    Fluor .. ceat



    TU. 2-0833




    PLaza 6622

    Aak Your Neighbor

    Thursda)', F(!bruary 1, 1945


    w ......G"ara"leecIPrompt SemeeFor Free E.ti ... t..

    Phone Tuxedo 1.1211


    41H Nottinrham Road

    New ConstructionCommercial ad Shop


    llUi Harper Dear Conner


    S«vlnr This Communityfor 30 YearL

    We Specialize in

    Cleaning CarpetsOIl Your Floor


    Wilbur N. Williams

    AU Electrical

    WITHHAt~~A~~::ETI TEMLOCKl InexpensivePlumbing and DistinctiveHeating I IT INSULATES AS WELL I-------



    ON ALL MAKESSew inK Machines

    and Vacuum !~anersPHONE MR GRAVES

    TUxedo 2-5044at 4174 Maryland



    PIER WORK.We remodel your old car .... witb.ew o'l'erbead do ......Let U Ifi'l'. you IUl edimatei ell-pert warkman.hipi immecliate...me.

    PIANO TUXI~G - Electric c1ean-IDg C L Ed\\ ards, 6111 Unn erslty

    flace TU. 1-3173


    WATER PROOFl~u - HasementlEd Harvey TEmple 2-0753 SERVICES----

    Wuhin, Machine Repajrinlr I SE\yIXG MACHINES-All m~,ke5repaired and guar.nteed. Iwo

    ELECTRICAL - Apphance serVice days' sen ,ee CH 8556"'ashers and vacuums rebUIlt ------------

    CeCil A\hng. Klagara 6248. PAIXT IT - Yourself WIth Dc ...oepamls Pamt spraying eqUipment

    rented \!U\IFORD'S Floor Cov-ering 15006 Harper Arhngton 7080

    ELECTRICAL-'\nd mechanlcd! rc-pamllK or 0\ erhallllllR ::meepcr"

    fans, motors. apphance" S\l III he ..etc. Can m.ke varts If nece'sar)TU.2-9790

    RI fR[(,1 R \TOR-\nd ml'>lor

  • .'i


    14410 E. Jeffenoe

    LEo SISS

    II2t5 Mack at Beclford


    Repair YourBICYCLE


    Avoid the Sprmr RU6hIMMEDIATE SERVICE

    AL'SBICYCLE STOREKercheval and Chalmen

    Lenox SOU

    - See AIFirat-

    IIOOIlKIIP••• saVlCl..._-..::.......:c~~.....,. ..... ..-;;:;-..., -. IUi C "It

    ... ~M. ....... .ua. .... .....


    TOM POTTS~ ~R.

    Reb14ldeling. Porcha. Step.. B.oolttii;Sidi:B,trStona 5uIs. We ~.ita ClI"'1l!IteIIa


    2 - STORES - 2

    We also aemce sew.

    iD I machines andYIlcuuma. Parta forall makes. W. pickup and delivel.




    . AD Kineta of Polilhinr - One-Day Seni~

    WASHER S.rviceNI.,.r. 0991

    eaI ~ • I......-=======- Flow ~AL JARCHOW • ~':""edriaI

    124[)1()SERVICE - CALL NIagara 9616

    RAD 105- WA5HER5Repaired and Serviced

    1.711 Whittier

    ARe 0810 • AR. %710



    Authorized Cadillac and Oldlmobile Seni~143S0 E. Warren, at Chalmers LE. ZItI

    FOR SALE-MiaceD...o..:>f~PLE-llIghch;ur, $4: bathlnetl"

    $~, trallllng chair, $2, oale kltchelltable, $J: to)' movIe projector, $3UJ 2-7687.

    '33 tD '37 S 1%5 to I 311'31 311 to 495'31 471 to 715

    ...... &4S to ll&S'41 771 to 1I.S'Q 1170 to IUS

    '33 tD '37 75 tD 435'31 321 to S4S'31 47S tD ..'40 liS to Si5'41 IZS to 111$'42 IllS to 12M

    '37 It '31 375 to 17.'31 It '41 5M ta ass'41 "'42 ... to 1315'37 .. '3a 3S8 tD 755'31 ...... 711 te lIS'41 "'42 1... to 1515

    FOR SALE-MiaceI&uleou

    Cbeft'DlebChe'fl'OleteChe'fl'OlebChe'fl'Oletec:J.ewoleuCheft"01etaFora.F......F .


    t808 Grand River AvenueNOrthlawfl S_

    Buyer Will CaD

    Bert Baker

    Must Have 500 CarsAT ONCE


    Review Want AdsLenox 1162 For Better ResultJ Lenox 1163

    Y_ D. Not CA..... Sea. tAt u.R y_ e-Try 0. E.Z T.. P.,..t P...



    W. P., More - Cull Waitia,


    FonJ MercuTJ Lincoln-Zephyr Sale. It ~1_1 MACK AVENUE .t Gnyt_ "I ..... _

    Office SupplyTUxedo 2-4375


    CMn. '33 to J7 S 1.3 to S _I Ford. '... ItS tD 1MCIte.r •. '31 3zt to 515 FDrd. '41 WtD JI ..CIte.r •. '31 481 tD 73$1Ford. '42 I.IS to 128Sa.n•. .... MS to Si5 Plym. '37 It '31 375 10 1045a.n•. '41 7,. to 111. Plym. -n"' .... SIt 10 1stCbe ..... '42 11 .. to 12M I Plym. '41 " '42 tit to 13MForch '13 t6 '37 7S 10 43t Pont. '37 It '3ll 3st to 7stFont. '31 313 to 54t Pont. '31"' .... 7.. 10 ...Ford. '3t 475 to aas Pont. '41 '" '42 I'" to IMI



    Near McDoerall PLua MISBUYER WILL CALL



    Ford · Mercury . Lincoln DealerWILL PAY

    ~r~E.PlI-.CI-:-Wa\nut rillllng roo"llJUlte. very ,Ilood c