* Masculine * Feminine * Passive * Darkness * Cold * Weak * Earth; Moon * Active * Light * Warm * Strong * Spirit World;Sun

* Masculine * Feminine * Passive * Darkness * Cold * Weak * Earth; Moon * Active * Light * Warm * Strong * Spirit World;Sun

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* Masculine

* Feminine

* Passive

* Darkness

* Cold

* Weak

* Earth; Moon

* Active

* Light

* Warm

* Strong

* Spirit


Yin & Yang Review of Confucius Timeline Confucius Vocabulary Read the Analects & Decide

• What would Confucius do?

Isn’t it a pleasure to study and practice what one learns? Isn’t it a joy to greet friends who come from afar?

Wherever you go in the world, you should treat all those who you meet as if you are receiving a highly honored guest

* 551 – 479 B.C.E.

* Born in the feudal state of Lu.

* most influential thinker in human history.

Confucius founder of Moral Government Confucius and Early Chinese Philosophers

asked: How should humans live? How do we become good?How is everyone going to


Tian Heaven (the order of the universe)

Tian Ming = Mandate (Fate) of Heaven

Dao The Way (you should do something)

Filial Piety --> Respect for your family and respect for society

Li (Lee)--> Rules of proper behavior/action or rituals

Ren (Wren) --> Benevolence, Virtue

Chi (Chee) --> Reciprocity, compassion

Do not do unto others what you would not want others to do unto you.

One must cultivate their Ren (virtue) through Li (rituals) and Filial Piety in order to follow the Dao of Tian (way of heaven) so the Universe is in harmony

1. Ruler


2. Parent


3. Husband


4. Older Brother


5. Friend


• Deep-seated respect for parents and elders

“Nowadays ‘filial’ means simply being able to give one’s parents nourishment. But even dogs and horses are provided with nourishment. If you are not sincerely respectful, wherein lies the difference?”

* The most influential book in the world next to the bible

* In Chinese, it means “conversation.”

* Focus on how society should work so that people get along with each other and government is good.

* Do you want to know what knowledge is? When you know something recognize that you know it and when you don’t know something recognize that you don’t know it.

* Making a mistake and not correcting it is making another mistake.

* The superior man blames himself; the inferior man blames others.

Read Book 1 Chapter 1 Say to yourself What the

Heck!!???? What is Daoism?

* Masculine

* Feminine

* Passive

* Darkness

* Cold

* Weak

* Earth; Moon

* Active

* Light

* Warm

* Strong

* Spirit


Kong-tzu = Master Kong=


Lao = Wise/old

Lao-tzu =

Legendary Person who was probably a group of philosophers to found Daoism in 500-600’s BCE

* The basic text of Daoism. “The Classisc of The Way and Its Virture”Dao =


*Jing =

* The second most translated text into English next to the bible

Dao De Jing:Written by group of people Oldest copies from 200’s BCE 2 Parts:1.How to follow the Dao and be one with Nature2.How government should stay out of the way

Zhuangzi :Written by ZhuangziBetween 300-400 BCE

Critique’s other philosophers especially Confucius Must get rid of “human” limitations to connect with “Tian” and follow the Dao

1. Dao [Tao] It is a force that flows through all life.

2. A believer’s goal is to become one with Dao; one with nature

3. Wu wei --> “non action” “effortless action”

Chen or Zen Buddhism is the combination of Daoist principles with Buddhism

Monasteries, Monks & Nuns were adapted by Daoists in China

Spirits, Gods and Levels of Heavens were adapted from Buddhist cosmology

• Japanese Tea Ceremony, Samurai • Zen & The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance• Sacred Hoops, Way of the Peaceful Warrior• Tao of Pooh• Sport Psychology: Zen & the Art of Archery • Tai-Chi & Qigong: Martial Arts

How should people live in a world so we all get along and are happy

Confucianism --> Moral order and respect in society.

Daoism --> Freedom for individuals and less government, go with

the flow