\ ,l lUNOIS SATUI'IDAY, JANUARY 2...2010 \ DAYBOOK lUbe numbers Jobless may face brutal decade Today i"siturdrf, Jan. 2, tne 2na day ot 2010 There are J63 days lel'l l'l lhe '::' ,HIghllgh, l nH.,OOV, _ l---' T ,--, hOBe stilLworking maY_Jt e..e..skimpy PW h.ikes On Jan 2 t960, Sen .)otIn F Kenne!tr' at Massachusetts tsunch8d tvs sue · c esstut bid tho tJl8S1d8rcy as he 3I'Vl()UIU(] t"os I'IIf1flb01jIO 8I1t91 Ihe New Democrallc pmlary Friday lotIlIfY: PO.. Three MoO:Ittt' Q-N Prell Three E\"9nlflQ &0-8' Po. FOUl '-"<iday 8-9 2·7 Prell FO Ul - E..mrng S:1 ·9-0 utile Lotto 00 07 18·20- 36 S-lflllliooo Mega MIIhMS 6-8-27--..10-1 1 ........ DaI 21 Mega J,.1(j.po1 $27 ml"1OI1 .. Tocwt 's Blrttlday , : Counlt'ltroSlC\iln Haro«l Bradley IS &1 Former Speaker 01 thO House Den nis He, tt-'rt IS 68 TV host Jed! 6J Ac!ress Wendy Ph llllp1l lS 56 Actress Gabriella Certefis IS 49 McMe dlrecl Ol Todd'Haynn IS 49 Rebrt'(l "" ·St. 1f pitCher OrA:! Cone IS 47 Ar:1iess lla . Carrere IS 43 Acto! Cuba Good i ng J r. IS 42 Mcro9( Christy TlJrll ngton IS 41 AC10l T aye Diggs IS 39 Rod< mUSICIan 5c'.£n:.UnOrtrwoocI (Tmln) IS 39 RQCio; SIt'i9t" Doug Robb (Hoobastank) IS 35 ActOf 'ds. Snep.attl lS 35 Actress Paz vega IS Country I11USIOOf1 J:hril Hartman IS 32 flodI musaan J«"r'y 0eP1zzo Jr, R I IS'll R&B' SII'IQ(lr Kelton Kauee Kate Botworth IS 21 Aroa calend ar Today" NAt Big Book meeting · 410 PulaskI Logan Bible Fellowah lp • Sloak 'n''':" 51 , Shake. 7 a m CIoMcIBIg BookAArMat!ng -Non' Open AA meet ing _ Non.smoIo.Jf\g, smoIong. 507 PulaskJ S1. 7 p, rn 507', Pulaslu 51, 8 a m Sit! Creek ABATE · LlOCOIn VFW, :1 Kidl CIose1 - Flee ct\IIdrens ctollllng. ()pon Arms Cnnsnan Feb'shIp, 31.1 pm BrOftltNay 9 a m to noon Monday Unci 01 Uncoln AA - 505131oa(tNaV . Department 01 Reh.bl lltaUon 9 a m and 6 P m SeMoH . The OasiS. 9 to 11 a.m. AA meeting 41 0 901 m Lend 01Uncoln ItA - 50S BroalMray. Pel Itdopllon. - lOlJiln County gam and 6 pm Al1Imal ConllO I. 1$I7N Ko.noooS, AA - 41 QPuIasIo$t , 9am 10 a.m. to noon I.4obIIe Health Unh _ H a/tS6Urg. 910 LivIng ute on life', Term. Women', 11 JO a fTJ MMting - 3155 ButlerSI , 4 pm MobIle HNIth Unll - Emden , 110 .u meeting " '0 PulaskI 51 6 p m 3 JO p m NA meeting 41 0 PulasJ..t 51. 8 p m Li ncOln FIr. .nd Pollc. Comml,,1on . L.oQan Cou1ty Safety Sunday CorIllIex. 4p m Lind of Lincoln AA - BroaclW3y. WeIghl WItChln - Jellerson SillHI'! g am and6pm ChnSllallChurdl , 530pm AAmeetlng - 410 PulasklSI , 9am . Rlehm_" CommunIty Club - 'Public Trap · Shoo! _ l incoln Bonanza 5 p m Soottsmen's Club. 1 pm Habttat lor IiurTWlIty • FIM DIM! NA Youth Group _ ..110 Pulaski St. reslallfant. 5to 8 p_m. mooI· adult monIIOfod. 1 pm IOQ t028 N, CoIege, 7 p,m. NonOenomlnatlonil Bible s«v.c. _. M - 4t O Pulaslu St , 3: 30 pm Mary Pal Room AmerICan Lag.on NulrlTl on WOI kshop wilh Dr Dan Post 263. 1740 FII1I'l Sb'ee1 Road, 4 Freesml61 - logan County pm Hi'alth Department , 15 p.m., Area death · F ._ Helen J. Merrelghn II den J - ,\It;n'''l{hn. KI . 1)1 [1I1."ln II lhl't.! .. 1 1I · 1l II m [h"'mhi!r Ilf ll ""l ,d her hum" Mr.. Ml'rTCI,.:hn .... · as ,I hume· maker ----. . Sht .... .... ' Ih I.mcoln ('hnslLan Chuah I'ramkhlldren and ,.: re: 11 I(r:lndch lldren Il er tbughltr K.lOti} Frye. daughltt June Kmok . 11\'e brulh· ers , ;rtd "Huster" W" Jess. Juhn . frank "Btn" and Clayton W.llk Shc mamed Mary Webb \l. -'rrO: lghn O)n On N. 19i6 In and AltHo"a IJOloln. IL IIi:' I Jncoln. , Olher meludc thlldren dea lh Hohen ryr.. Mal')' Frit- JJld lI elen /111 . all "f I. mt:oln._ (.!ha rl es Mrs. Merretghn's funcral .... ,11 ht ld at 10:.10 a m Janu31')' 5 at fncke ·Cal \·ert · . Schrade r Funel1l1 110 mf'. unooln. Inlermenl .... '11 bI! In 7JOn Cemeltry, IJot:oln. I "f Spnnldiekl al'ld John (jnm:.1ey . lOd J oe (imruley, "I! of [Jncoln. step chIldren Ronme lIJI:ane) Ml'rrelgh n of ChTmil,/ Pa l nCla (Leroy) Cuhh . Greg I>:mn} Mel1l' lgh .ind .. k ,R"t)f'rt31 Ml'm:'ll/,hn. all of 1.!ncoln. and IKal hYI Merrelghn Jr ul Ne"' .. II"Uand. 24 and many Itreat .. will he one hour prior Ihto un Tuesday al lhto tuner· a1home . Memuf¥lJs rn:Jy be made t il Ihe Mem!lghn F3mily Fund Coffee cJjats , ..... ".p' I By JUNNINE A IIERSA lilt. 0\. ....... It 1,\ rtl} PNt,SS WAS JII NGTON - Call iI ·ihe rem hlc . The ul'(ade aht-;l u (·"uld he ·a brulal one for Amerk"3's' uncm· plo)/1.od - and fvr people .... , lh jObs hnpln).: for p'lY nuses , 1 \1 be)1. It lake untd the middle of Ihe decadt for the na tlun TO ):l'ritornle cl1"ugh jobs Tu dm'e doY;n Iht' unen:!plorm('flt nile to a !}um1.11 5 ur 6 al'ld keep It (!u'n- ,\I ..... urst. fha! ..... nn·T h3ppe n I,lnll) Imll." lruer - perhaps nUl unlillhi:' nt' ''' dt. 'I. ;lde The and mOSl endunng re.:eSSlOll . 'i llll"e the 1 910s has I>., !cn.'ti ,'nwllt ,'\ work fnr(t' 1111." I IIIt'nlplnyetl numbe r IS ·, mdho,..!' !!e t:l te 15 \II per· rent than 7 million J .1M have Pt 'Uplf-' OUI of work al number a record . 'lfl mll1uln AIllI tHl\l*.hnlU mcu me, IIdjUSfed fur ,n' !:tlmn. h, .... m lhe pasl d('(;lde Job ._kera line up In earty July 2009 for a caNer 'air In Oe" .rook. nllnol .. n. 'ell tM aHeet ••• a glob.1 financial crl.l. turned to tee ... lon aero •• the Unit" Itate. In 200i and 2009. TM .tat.'. unemployment r.t. In Hov.mber wa •• t 10 •• percent e"en a. the lllinol. o.partm.nt of .mploymen. t.curfty .ald tM pac. of lob 10 •••• had elow.d, Must eco nomISTS S3y it could lake ;II least unli! ZIll5 for Ihe unempln}menl raTe to drop down 10 a hL'itoncallv mort-' nnrmal 55 percenl And .... 'I h the job market hkely 10 SI;IY ..... eak. also fore· 'iet' anolht'r decmJe of wage S Tagn lI"n E\'en lhough the tcOnomy Will likely kt'ep grov.ing. Ihe pace is I" tHo plodding That will . make employer.; to hire . Further contrihut mg to high unempkwmenl IS Ihe Itkehh ..liOd of mure peuplr. compellng lor jobs, 1>.1hy OOomen. del ay10g refirement 1100 mlere!!! ralH tdglllg hIgher. Al l Ih ls would t:ome afte.r a deoldt thaT crealed Il!latl\'ely few jobs a TOIa! of jW.1 >ltH. fJOO By conlraSI. 217 milhon new johs were genernled he tween 1 !»I1l and 1999 Economisl DaVid l,.evy. chim · man of Ihe Jerome [ .e\1' Foreca.stmg Cenler. says Ihe cou n· try a new era 01 chmnlcally high unemploymenl . avem.ging II ptl'tent or more (l\'t!r the next decAde. The "New Abnormal ," hecaJl!J il. Thinks Ihe New Abnormal also means alltrage pay will dwin· die. along Wi th consu mer prices. That wou ld make it harder for households 10 pay down debt, he ... m>. fly t he Reserve's reckon· mg. lhe: jobless rate could remai n 8.'J high 8!l 7 6 percent in 201 2. And it would lake two or three years after that for the job market to refilm 10 nonnal, T he Ftd says. II' s possible jobs won't refum 10 pre-t"eCt5lIion Itvels 81 any point O\'tr lbe nelCl 10 years.l.t\')' says . ThIIt' s mai nly bec:aw;e lbe econ· omy's reoovery, sluggish by hisl or· ical isn'T expected To regai n its vigor over The nelCl few years. As 11 resul l, compan ies will tHo In no rush 10 ramp up hiring. Other analysts thi nk the econo- my will rect)\'tr Ihe jobs wiped out by Ihe hy 2013 or 20 14 hu t IhaT Ihe unemployment rat e News of the decade apP'fl1. " I .. u ""''''' more lhan $1 [ billion budget gap. ! r:isi ng lUes and Slid around borrowing bll · to Il'IOOrd lewis It left OUI , .. < spending C1JIs. 1 ·0 1JJ1CA TORNAOO EighI people rangmg in age from 1810 II I died inApn[ 2004 when a lornado struck Utica in nonh· ce ntl1lJ Illi nois. 1l1ey were trapped when lhe sandstone walls of the MUe.'tone Tap restauranl 11'1d lavern crumbled and lhe roof 001, l;tpsed . One sutvr\'or, RIChard IJule, 11 lruck dllller, soiid "You could hear :!Creaming and adulTS screami ng to l ti us know where tbey ..... ere hunt'd al " , will Slay high. They nOfe that tl}e yel enlllsioned could generate a healing economy will calISe mote "'" walle of JOIr.! Yet III the moment. people to stream bKk into Ihe mOST economil.1s aren't bttting tha t tabor force. o,ying fOf too-few jobs. any S1Jch breakThroughs will rescue In addition, baby boomers whose retirement accounls M\'t shrunk rould put off retiring and stay in The work force longer. That wou. 1d [eallt fewer positKms available for the unemployed. Ot her contribuling forces - bUllinesses squeezing more work from employees thty still Milt and relyi ng more on pa rt ·time and O\'enus hel p - ha'le Inlensified And recon J.hiKh ledel>i delkits and the threat of inflation could drive up interest I1ltes: which cOOJd hobble growth a nd reslricI job mat ion . All Ihose fact on cou ld comb ine to keep unemployment high. "It wil l be Ihe mOfhe r of al l job- less predicts rconomic hisl orian John Steel Gordon. On the other hand, it's possi ble sorne technological innovation not THE COURIER 153rd V,.r Llflcotn,l,UI!'IoItc (12656.(17.0 - ..... 0., c.ro.-.. 0.,. _ .. , 0.., "-"""- Iloty UIIIot 0.,-, !"-' 01l'_ 0.,- ...... ,......."..0..,., 7,10, _ .. "11<1 .. - ... . .. 1'61.1 Iobtc .. ", ,,,,, 10., .. '" ..--. 139 S. Main, Mllon City 217-482-9999 Old Dagsl"l Jan. 1 . 4 7 p.m. fri.. Sal & M on 2 & 7 p.m. S un. --- 81111d Sid. Chipmufllls Squ,dqua' sul1jKt to tiN 01 W\!II the labor mOirktt The last lime the jobless rate . reached douhle digit!, in the early 1 9805, it loo k SIX yean 10 bring it down 10 normallt\'els. Une l'llploymen, hit a post.World Wa r II of 10.8 percenT at The end of 1 9112 as the country was emerging from a rectsSk>n, The raIl' 'til to around 5 percent 10 1988. 11 look less Ihan l WO years for lhe number of joo, 10 mum 10 ils pre-re<' essio n In Ihis recollery. tht t!COOOmy is far more fragile . Han:! ,to-get credit is exerting a dl1lg. Wounds from the banking systtm's worst crisis since the Grea! Oepr65ion will take ytats to tully beal. People aod companies, scarred by the crisIJI, are likely 10 restrain bo rrowing. speooing and investing. .. 0uI_ ......... .... ' ' ... ... ,"", "'-"I' .... 0 _' I ..... ........... "' ........... 1]2 - -- ""-- IUSM l ' »oo! O'lOOl'CIo, __ 11'C D.tI>T ........ .... ... )'1. 1' .... -- .......... Do..,. w_, """-- "'- POST ...... SlfA ... """"'". IO PO 800 160 lO'ltCOtl Dill"" Cln.".. .. In .11 ,(.. ,I., ( .,. Nd !, !olIff cunhl\h uf 0 9" tl all of cotfpe: be said. taking a Si p able atmo5phtTe" the mayor pro- fm "W{' \' M ..--...I ......... "

€¦ · \ ,llUNOIS SATUI'IDAY, JANUARY 2...2010 \ DAYBOOK lUbe numbers Jobless may face brutal decade Today i"siturdrf, Jan. 2, tne 2na day ot 2010 There are J63 days lel'l l'l lhe

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Page 1: €¦ · \ ,llUNOIS SATUI'IDAY, JANUARY 2...2010 \ DAYBOOK lUbe numbers Jobless may face brutal decade Today i"siturdrf, Jan. 2, tne 2na day ot 2010 There are J63 days lel'l l'l lhe



lUbe numbers Jobless may face brutal decade Today i"siturdrf, Jan. 2, tne 2na day ot 2010 There are J63 days lel'l l'l lhe

'::'_ ·,HIghllgh, lnH.,OOV, _ l---'T,--,hOBe stilLworking maY_Jte..e..skimpy PW h.ikes On Jan 2 t960, Sen .)otIn F Kenne!tr' at Massachusetts tsunch8d tvs sue·

cesstut bid ~ tho tJl8S1d8rcy as he 3I'Vl()UIU(] t"os I'IIf1flb01jIO 8I1t91 Ihe New H.~e Democrallc pmlary

Friday lotIlIfY: PO.. Three ~ MoO:Ittt' Q-N

Prell Three E\"9nlflQ &0-8'

Po. FOUl '-"<iday 8-9 2·7

Prell FOUl - E..mrng S:1 ·9-0 utile Lotto 00 07 18·20-36 Lono~t S-lflllliooo Mega MIIhMS 6-8-27--..10-1 1 ........

~tega DaI 21 Mega M~IIOfIS J,.1(j.po1 $27 ml"1OI1

.. Tocwt's Blrttlday, : Counlt'ltroSlC\iln Haro«l Bradley IS &1 Former Speaker 01 thO House Dennis He,tt-'rt IS 68 TV host Jed! ~nnl ls 6J Ac!ress Wendy Phllllp1l lS 56 Actress Gabriella Certefis IS 49 McMe dlreclOl Todd'Haynn IS 49 Rebrt'(l ""·St.1f pitCher OrA:! Cone IS 47 Ar:1iess lla . Carrere IS 43 Acto! Cuba Gooding J r. IS 42 Mcro9( Christy TlJrllngton IS 41 AC10l Taye Diggs IS 39 Rod< mUSICIan 5c'.£n:.UnOrtrwoocI (Tmln) IS 39 RQCio; SIt'i9t" Doug Robb (Hoobastank) IS 35 ActOf 'ds. Snep.attl lS 35 Actress Paz vega IS ~I Country I11USIOOf1 J:hril Hartman IS 32 flodI musaan J«"r'y 0eP1zzo Jr, ~O A R I IS'll R&B'SII'IQ(lr Kelton Kauee ~M)( IIS 29 Kate Botworth IS 21

Aroa calendar Today" NAt Big Book meeting · 410 PulaskI

Logan Bible Fellowahlp • Sloak 'n''':" 51 , ~9m Shake. 7 a m CIoMcIBIg BookAArMat!ng -Non' Open AA meet ing _ Non.smoIo.Jf\g, smoIong. 507 '~ PulaskJ S1. 7 p,rn 507', Pulaslu 51, 8 a m Sit! Creek ABATE · LlOCOIn VFW, :1

Kidl CIose1 - Flee ct\IIdrens ctollllng. ()pon Arms Cnnsnan Feb'shIp, 31.1


BrOftltNay 9 a m to noon Monday Unci 01 Uncoln AA - 505131oa(tNaV. Department 01 Reh.bl lltaUon 9 a m and 6 P m SeMoH . The OasiS. 9 to 11 a.m. AA meeting 410 PuLa~.;SI . 901 m Lend 01 Uncoln ItA - 50S BroalMray. Pel Itdopllon. - lOlJiln County gam and 6 pm Al1Imal ConllOI. 1$I7N Ko.noooS, AA - 41 QPuIasIo$t , 9am

10 a.m. to noon I.4obIIe Health Unh _ Ha/tS6Urg. 910 LivIng ute on life', Term. Women ', 11 JO a fTJ •

MMting - 3155 ButlerSI , 4 pm MobIle HNIth Unll - Emden, 110

.u meeting " '0 PulaskI 51 6 p m 3 JO p m NA meeting 41 0 PulasJ..t 51 . 8 p m LincOln FIr. .nd Pollc.

Comml,,1on . L.oQan Cou1ty Safety Sunday I~ CorIllIex. 4p m Lind of Lincoln AA - BroaclW3y. WeIghl WItChln - Jellerson SillHI'! g am and6pm ChnSllallChurdl, 530pm

AAmeetlng - 410 PulasklSI , 9am . Rlehm_" CommunIty Club -'Public Trap · Shoo! _ l incoln Bonanza 5 p m Soottsmen's Club. 1 pm Habttat lor IiurTWlIty • FIM DIM! NA Youth Group _ ..110 Pulaski St. C~5 reslallfant. 5to 8 p_m . mooI · adult monIIOfod. 1 pm IOQ t028 N, CoIege, 7 p,m.

NonOenomlnatlonil Bible s«v.c. _ . M - 4t O Pulaslu St , 3:30 pm • Mary Pal Room AmerICan Lag.on NulrlTlon WOIkshop wilh Dr Dan Post 263. 1740 FII1I'l Sb'ee1 Road, 4 Freesml61 - logan County p m Hi'alth Department, 15 p .m .,

Area death · F ._

Helen J . Merrelghn IIden J - ,\It;n'''l{hn. KI . 1)1

[1I1."ln II lhl't.! .. 1 1I ·1l II m [h"'mhi!r Ilf ll ""l ,d her hum"

Mr.. Ml'rTCI,.:hn .... ·as , I hume· maker ----. . Sht .... -;;~ affll ~1 t etl .... ' Ih I.mcoln ('hnslLan Chuah

I'ramkhlldren and ~ll'a l ,.: re:11 I(r:lndchlldren

Iler tbughltr K.lOti} Frye. ~t l'P daughltt June Kmok. 11\'e brulh· ers , ;rtd "Huster" W" Jess. Juhn . frank "Btn" and Clayton

1 ' !~\:-"~I~::'~1 r~;I[n~;! 111~a;~ ~~de:SIST:~ W.llk Shc mamed Frand~ Mary Webb \l.-'rrO: lghn O)n On N . 19i6 In and AltHo"a IJOloln. IL IIi:' ~U"1\'''''ln I Jncoln. , ~::4z~r~

Olher ~U"'l\'ors meludc thlldren dealh Hohen J·ryr.. Mal')' Frit- JJld lIelen /111. all "f I.mt:oln._ (.!harles Mrs. Merretghn's funcral .... ,11 ~

htld at 10:.10 a m T~Sday . Janu31')' 5 at fncke ·Cal\·ert ·

. Schrader Funel1l1 110 mf'. unooln. Inlermenl .... '11 bI! In 7JOn Cemeltry, IJot:oln.

I ,"m~[t') "f Spnnldiekl al'ld John tJ, ,}"<:~) (jnm:.1ey .lOd Joe (imruley, "I! of [Jncoln. step chIldren Ronme lIJI:ane) Ml'rrelghn of Che£Tmil,/ PalnCla (Leroy) Cuhh. Greg

' M r. rri:"~n , I>:mn} Mel1l' lgh .ind I~ .. k ,R"t)f'rt31 Ml'm:'ll/,hn. all of 1.!ncoln. and "'r3nCl~ IKalhYI Merrelghn Jr ul Ne"' .. II"Uand. 24 Itranddllld(~n . and many Itreat

.. VI~ l1allOn will he one hour prior Ihto ~1'\')Ce un Tuesday al lhto tuner· a1home .

Memuf¥lJs rn:Jy be made t il Ihe Mem!lghn F3mily Fund

Coffee cJjats , ..... ".p' I


lilt. 0\. ....... It 1,\ rtl} PNt,SS

WAS JIINGTON - Call iI ·ihe rem hlc TCI!ri.~. .

The ul'(ade aht-;lu (·"uld he ·a brulal one for Amerk"3's' uncm· plo)/1.od - and fvr people .... , lh jObs hnpln).: for p'lY nuses , 1\1 be)1. It t~luld lake untd the middle of Ihe decadt for the na tlun TO ):l'ritornle cl1"ugh jobs Tu dm'e doY;n Iht' unen:!plorm('flt nile to a !}um1.11 5 ur 6 ~rrenl al'ld keep It (!u'n- ,\I ..... urst. fha! ..... nn·T h3ppen I,lnll) Imll." lruer - perhaps nUl unlillhi:' nt' ''' dt.'I. ;lde

The do~pt·, t and mOSl endunng re.:eSSlOll .'i llll"e the 1910s has I>.,t· !cn.'ti ,'nwllt ,' \ work fnr(t'

1111." IIIIt'nlplnyetl number IS ·, mdho,..!'!!e J!)bfe~ t:lte 15 \II per· rent ~l"ft" than 7 million J.1M have \'lIn i~h('d Pt'Uplf-' OUI of work al ka~1 ~IX munth.~ number a record . 'lfl mll1uln

AIllI tHl\l*.hnlU mcume, IIdjUSfed fur ,n'!:tlmn. h, .... ~hrunk m lhe pasl d('(;lde

Job ._kera line up In earty July 2009 for a caNer 'air In Oe" .rook. nllnol .. n. 'ell tM aHeet ••• a glob.1 financial crl.l. turned to tee ... lon aero •• the Unit" Itate. In 200i and 2009. TM .tat.'. unemployment r.t. In Hov.mber wa •• t 10 •• percent e"en a. the lllinol. o.partm.nt of .mploymen. t.curfty .ald tM pac. of lob 10 •••• had elow.d,

Must economISTS S3y it could lake ;II least unli! ZIll5 for Ihe unempln}menl raTe to drop down 10 a hL'itoncallv mort-' nnrmal 55 percenl And .... 'Ih the job market hkely 10 SI;IY ..... eak. ~"me also fore· 'iet' anolht'r decmJe of wage STagna· lI"n

E\'en lhough the tcOnomy Will likely kt'ep grov.ing. Ihe pace is exp..~ed I" tHo plodding That will . make employer.; relu(~ant to hire.

Further contrihutmg to high unempkwmenl IS Ihe Itkehh..liOd of mure peuplr. compellng lor jobs, 1>.1hy OOomen. delay10g refirement 1100 mlere!!! ralH tdglllg hIgher.

Al l Ihls would t:ome afte.r a deoldt thaT crealed Il!latl\'ely few jobs a nt~ TOIa! of jW.1 >ltH.fJOO By conlraSI. 217 milhon new johs were genernled he tween 1!»I1l and 1999

Economisl DaVid l,.evy. chim · man of Ihe Jerome [.e\1' Foreca.stmg Cenler. says Ihe coun· try f~ces a new era 01 chmnlcally high unemploymenl . avem.ging II

ptl'tent or more (l\'t!r the next decAde.

The "New Abnormal," hecaJl!J il. ~ Thinks Ihe New Abnormal

also means alltrage pay will dwin· die. along With consumer prices. That would make it harder for households 10 pay down debt, he ... m>.

fly the F~ra[ Reserve's reckon· mg. lhe: jobless rate could remain 8.'J high 8!l 7 6 percent in 201 2. And it would lake two or three years after that for the job market to refilm 10 nonnal, The Ftd says.

II's possible jobs won't refum 10

pre-t"eCt5lIion Itvels 81 any point O\'tr lbe nelCl 10 years.l.t\')' says.

ThIIt's mainly bec:aw;e lbe econ· omy's reoovery, sluggish by hislor· ical ST~ndards . isn'T expected To regain its vigor over The nelCl few years. As 11 resul l, companies will tHo In no rush 10 ramp up hiring.

Other analysts think the econo­my will rect)\'tr Ihe jobs wiped out by Ihe ~ion hy 2013 or 20 14 hu t IhaT Ihe unemployment rate

News of the decade


" I

.. u


more lhan $1 [ billion budget gap. ! r:ising lUes and Slid

around borrowing bll · to Il'IOOrd lewis It left OUI

, ~uklo", .. < spending C1JIs.

1·0 1JJ1CA TORNAOO EighI people rangmg in age from 1810 II I died inApn[ 2004 when a lornado struck Utica in nonh· centl1lJ Illinois.

1l1ey were trapped when lhe cenlury~1d sandstone walls of the MUe.'tone Tap restauranl 11'1d lavern crumbled and lhe roof 001, l;tpsed .

One sutvr\'or, RIChard IJule, 11 :J7 ·year~ld lruck dllller, soiid "You could hear kJ(l~ :!Creaming and adulTS screaming to lti us know where tbey ..... ere hunt'd al " ,

will Slay high. They nOfe that tl}e yel enlllsioned could generate a healing economy will calISe mote"'" walle of JOIr.! Yet III the moment. people to stream bKk into Ihe mOST economil.1s aren't bttting tha t tabor force. o,ying fOf too-few jobs. any S1Jch breakThroughs will rescue

In addition, baby boomers whose retirement accounls M\'t shrunk rould put off retiring and stay in The work force longer.

That wou.1d [eallt fewer positKms available for the unemployed.

Other contribul ing forces -bUllinesses squeezing more work from employees thty still M ilt and relying more on pa rt ·time and O\'enus help - ha'le Inlensified

And reconJ.hiKh ledel>i budg~ delkits and the threat of inflation could drive up interest I1ltes: which cOOJd hobble growth and reslricI job mation .

All Ihose facton could combine to keep unemployment high.

"It wil l be Ihe mOfher of al l job­less recoveries,~ predicts rconomic hislorian John Steel Gordon.

On the other hand, it's possible sorne technological innovation not

THE COURIER 153rd V,.r

Llflcotn,l,UI!'IoItc (12656.(17. 0

"-"",,,-~ - -' ~_u.cr... <l>'UJo Ilo.joI',_.o.. - ..... 0., c.ro.-.. 0.,. _ .. , 0.., "-"""- Iloty UIIIot 0.,-, !"-' 01l'_ 0.,- ...... ,......."..0..,.,7,10, _ .. "11<1 """,,)&O...,_"''''''~_QtIu .. - .... --~I.-I .. ~.-1'61.1 Iobtc .. ",,,,,, 10., .. '" ..--. ~» ,&

139 S. Main, Mllon City 217-482-9999

Old Dagsl"l Jan. 1 . 4

7 p.m. fri.. Sal & Mon 2 & 7 p.m. Sun. ---81111d Sid.

Chipmufllls Squ,dqua'

Scll«1ul~ sul1jKt to cnin~ ~~se tiN 01 cll"~ W\!II

the labor mOirktt

The last lime the jobless rate . reached douhle digit!, in the early 19805, it look SIX yean 10 bring it down 10 normallt\'els.

Unel'llploymen, hit a post.World War II ~igh of 10.8 percenT at The end of 19112 as the country was emerging from a ~ere rectsSk>n,

The raIl' 'til to around 5 percent 10 1988. 11 look less Ihan lWO years for lhe number of joo, 10 mum 10 ils pre-re<'ession lev~1.

In Ihis recollery. tht t!COOOmy is far more fragile .

Han:! ,to-get credit is exerting a dl1lg. Wounds from the banking systtm's worst crisis since the Grea! Oepr65ion will take ytats to tully beal.

People aod companies, scarred by the crisIJI, are likely 10 restrain borrowing. speooing and investing.

=~r.- Il.t ' .. 0uI_ ......... ~

P~·81 .... ' ' ... ... ,"", "'-"I' .... 0 _'I ..... ........... "' ........... 1]2 ~'O' ' ·U ~tllP1OJll --­""-- IUSM l ' »oo! O'lOOl'CIo, __ 11'C

-'""~ D.tI>T ........ .... ~f_ ... )'1. 1' .... -- ..........

Do..,. w_, """--"'-POST ...... SlfA ~_ ... """"'". IO PO 800 160 lO'ltCOtl !I-~OIOO

DL~ Dill"" Cln.".. .. In .11 Audn~UIn.

,(.. ,I., ( .,. Nd

!, ~~.~. ~!~.~. f.~,~I;.~~~

!olIff cunhl\h uf 0 9" tlall of cotfpe: be said. taking a Sip ~Heopened hlSheanl0mt:saJd able atmo5phtTe" the mayor pro-fm "W{'\ ' M ..--...I ......... "

Page 2: €¦ · \ ,llUNOIS SATUI'IDAY, JANUARY 2...2010 \ DAYBOOK lUbe numbers Jobless may face brutal decade Today i"siturdrf, Jan. 2, tne 2na day ot 2010 There are J63 days lel'l l'l lhe

Area deaths 'Be tty L. And! ,.on

",,,.I,,'~ .. n ; t , ., I 1It,...,I" II .. OJ [1 .. 1,,",11 .. , !." , ,

' Ir~ An,I,""'" ... ... h"rn r\u~ 1! 1"11, III ~t''' 11,, 11.1111.1 II ,,,

I t,h .. ! .Uf'\I\Hr' .n.luut' ' ... 11 d.,tllth ,,'n lI.uh 11.:11'01,111 .tOU l un,1 \ \I.rrk l \\ tO il h" lh ,,' 1111. "In hlUI '"0\ \1 .. ,,11 .. 111 II .. oJ Ii .. nm, ~r dUl.lp

h,uh " r l lll,,'\n . \1 ,10.,· tI' lIlII!"" II ,,'h' ",-, ,n ,,' 11, .. 1\"11 An" .... \ 1I.1 .• h. ,m.1 II .:t .rmh h,lIlI"lI "ml II ..,:' . , I 0.: 1,11" \. h.hh " u

\I ,. \Iul",,, ,n, 1110>1111111, ,1 " 'r'\I'" " .11 til h,' l,l " II \\ <.'11111' .\1 ,1\ JJn ti " I I , ,,, ,"n •• 1 Ill. lit' C,'\If'" 'H 'II .td l" 111" " ,.,1 II , ,nit' lin. (lIn

\ "" ,111'11 \\ ,11 h,' I, ,,m II ~ I 1110 1':11 1'1 II<! , ,, 1 h .> , (' 1'\ II" _I' 1 ht' l un .. , .,1 ""II' ,


• I II In AII,lnla. IL al home wllh I}u~lrn ~'u"on of JefhM"sl)n Siree t Chrrstlan Church...-....

WIIII.m A. Rlem.n ~I olland Barry & Ben nen Funeral I ~Hm \\'illiam A Rie mal}. 97, o f linco ln, Home In Llft('O~n WIth Ron Otto ortid·

pa.ue.lla~a)l-bnuar.;..OWDIO..aI_.sI __ atInK B"urral Will follow In Lawndale ofrlciallng

March 6, In

Chicago. IL. the dauj(hl er of Melvin and Eva IPle lchef)

Oara's Manor In lIncoln, IL. Cemetery wllh full milI tary riles Gr .... ulde servIces Will be 2,00 PM Cli fford was born Janu.ry 27, 1937

Th d J 07 2010 N In Uncoln, IllinOIS to the lale Clifford urs ay. anuary , In ew Union cemelery F Su ll ,...an and Hilma (Gibson)

She mar· Sullh'an tie married Linda Wer1h on 1 12. 19 12 I r

Il l'

I I parenls and MelVIn and E ... a Pty]on nf Sheffield, lie was empillyed In Ihe office of

IlHm~t' I U~ ld ! Tremnnl , luw:r . her hush:rnd 1'1'1 1' of Lincol n: Sleb'~ lI a l cherrl!~ (nr 30 yra rs and II .. ~ hrOlhers, Raymond ,Jean) daujl;hl er I.rona lI uKhes and he r hus· employed at Lincol n De ... elopmenta l l ·u lI"n IIf R,It·kaway Beach, MO ,lnd hand John of 11II('l1ln. "bujl;hler Cenler fur 17 yurs I ttr .. n Cllulln of Blollm lnl{ton. II.. 5 I'enn}' Halle}, and hl' r hu~b:rnd Jeff of lie I~ lIul'\'I\'etl~hy sel'e ral niecu , jCrdnd. hlltJren, and 1 grral gr:rndr hll· i.rnwln , tl.lughler Nlkolr Stonenpher -nephews, "real ntrr es. :rnd great drt'n and her hU!ihand Mike tlf I.lIIcoln , ncphe \Oo's

II I" p.I,,·nIS and 1 ~IS l erll preced rd (jranddauKhl l' r~ Nauml Halley. him III d .... rh Fmlly R"bhln\. Isahd Rohhlns. and II I.' w:r ~ precetled ,n dealh by hili odd SI h h 'h T parenlS, 2 ~ 1~ l ers Ceceha Cre" 's lind ',. I, 1·"II"n ', ,""",1 WIlt h' h"ld ,II " Isun. ontclp ~ r . f() er erry h

• l'eYI"n uf ,.·"lmnUlh, M,\ , M~ler Mar"uerrlr Henham and 4 hrnt ~rs lit uu" m \\'I'dnesday. JanUll!)' Ii , Sha run Sm" nf Shefheld. IA. and lIenry, lIermlln, CaCl, and Fred :!U]U .. I rhl.' /rnn Lutheran ("hur(h If! Mark l'eYlun oC 1,1, Mlema n I 1n('"ln Inl.'rmenl Will he III lh~ MI lIollllnd Barrv & Bennett Funeml PulJ,kl Cemr:1erv, MI Pul;"kl , II , Shl' was pret'ed~d In dealh hy her . ~ ., h hid h h . lI ume I~ handling arran,emrnlS fu ll mlll l" !)· fl l .. s heln)l: :rrro rded hy . rUI er .;rrry an tr nep ews Ih .. "mt'm·an I.ejl:lon PUSI .14 1 II f Timmy and Danny CIiHord 'Sonny'

Sonny was a memher of Christian Church wh ere se rved as he wa ~

I. lIIcoln Power Planl , Logan I Ctnle r as Chid Engrneer; llllcoin Correct ional Cenle r.as ChIef Enginee r, and reI ired fr om Rohlnson Correc llonal Cenler as Chief Englllee r In Ihe 1990's

lie was II member of Ihe I.lIIcoln MasoniC I.odge . 210. AASR Spnngfie ld Conslslory, lincoln York Mile , ANSAR Shrme In SprrnJ(field , I ligan CounlY Shrin~ Clu h, Robinson Elks Club. 1188; was a (ormer Logan CounlY Board Memher, a for· mer Logan Counly ParamediCS Hoard ' Memher, and a member of the Clvrt War Sta lue Board

,\l I,lIlIa . I I Memllrr,11 I)"na llll n~ Sulllv.n \""'.Il1nn "Il] be 4 nn·7 , In f'f name II \11 10 I .111 I , I • I

., ___ ~~\~I .~,,~'.~.,:,~,~I,~,;,,~. ,~'~'~"~m~.,~d: .. :,.~!!!::!.!~~~~§~~~~t~~~S~~~-~~h~~~¥I~~~~~:~::~~~~~~~~~~y.~~~~~~-~ ,. • • I Funeral li t/me, 1. lIIl·nln , II 1' 1.1 :rl Ihe funer ,,1 hum!' I , , :~ wlfe nenise of Middll"'_",,": d."h .. " Dona ld E . Cotton Mrmorrab may be madt' Itl ZUtIJ Illida WItS ,I l\Undf" ful Wife, mUlh · Sprrnghcld . lllinors Kim lind her hushand Roh

I ' _. 01<1 I I "1t"1l -. c, '" IUll " ln. JJ d l , oI'l l ~ 11 ,.111 1,II \U.o\ 1, .!IIIII .!t I I,. , 1",, 11 III \ III .• ..:,

I ulhnan Church. lmcol n cr, and II randll1" lher Family WiI~ rhe wtth his wire I.mtla Uncoln : Grandchildren: Jason, Ryan ,

\1, , .. (1 "11 11 ,1". ' ,..rII.·1i ~fI""(\ m .• " II. \\ ,1' II,.. 11\,' I1 ,'~ ' I "llh., \11 , 'ul." I. . h l").: ' ·1 ,,, "I'll " . "" nlll~ , .. 11 """ ",11,', hr""'r\ Itl \lI ,lnl"

iI •. , 1\ , ,I 11\ ,h, \1. ,n n. ' , ·"flr. dur Jnl! \\ '\ 11111 Ih. ·." tllh 1'.11 ,I,.

lh "." 111111" Io ' d .... lIh /1IIn I ulh.·, ,n , l'U lt h III IlIh .. In " ntl " ," , lilt ,,11"'1 "I \nWri t ,11\ 1,'': '' '11 1',,, ,

The mClJrd

Linda M.rde.e M.r.h I ,"d~ M1Ird~ l~ M,lrsh, 6 1. 1)1

l uU'uln , paslil' tl away Jan uary II I. :!IIIU. ,1\ Memllfl .1 Medical (enler In

Sp ringfield. II

A MemOrial {;alheflng \Oo'IJI he Munday, Janu3r}' 4, 201m al ~ 1111 PM ,I I lIoliand Harry &- Hennen ~uner.ll fl ume In Lincoln

A Memorral ServIce will he held " und"y al 511) PM abn ,ll lh,' fUnl'r

most InlpurI 1ln1 lhlllt( III hr r She hy hIS side . Heal he r, Kraig Jr., Kris lln, Megan , hllrdly hilt! II frtend Ihal ~h l' dldn 'l V,s llation will be and Mackenlie; Great Grnndchildren r:nnsltt.' r famIl y I 'WI' I~ wh.l. her life Go,e, Urod)', Caden. Jurd, n, and

II h , I-h I II I 5· 7 PM Tuesda, . wa~ a :r IIU III live WI ,\'~ on In Ahb,; and 5i~ ler Linda Tum;ll, 0' Ih I 'h 'h , h. Janu arv 5, 20 10 a l e II'e~ n 1.' .It' po' r,,,n II S .~ RNan, OhiO. Illur:hed lIolla nd Harry & .~

Hcnnell Funeral li e was preceded 11\ dealh by hIS The Camlly wI~ h~ , I .. exlend a spe· lIume in l incol n parenls, and s iSler! Marna and

crallhJnk ynu IlI lhe nur~lIIg !o laff a l Ma"olllc servIces Calherine Ahrah3m I lIIcl)ln MemufilIl 11 1I~p llal Will beJ(1II al 500 and lu Dr W3hah and.hlS ~ I afr for PM Memortal donallons may be made Ihe hlvlIIJ( ('are ynu ,ho ..... ed 10 Lmda 10 LIncoln Chrislian Church or 10 Ihe "nd '" all tlf Ihe f.lmlly Funeral st!"'lce~ Will he Jl) Ufl AM Temple Foundat ion of Ihe I.lncoln

Wetlnesd3Y, Janu,,!)' Ii, lUlO al Masonic Lodge

._------------------- Area calendar

Page 3: €¦ · \ ,llUNOIS SATUI'IDAY, JANUARY 2...2010 \ DAYBOOK lUbe numbers Jobless may face brutal decade Today i"siturdrf, Jan. 2, tne 2na day ot 2010 There are J63 days lel'l l'l lhe

BV the numllers

p",-.. Four M,UtV 2 4 3 3

Pd. f our E'oICIIII'g 1 J -\ -l

LlItlQ W!IO- J OS 01 119-Jl.---­

lon,) ~ II 15 ?3 -l0'il

l Jildo.1...:lL 54 .5 n\~LuIl

~1eg.1 Mil ltorn, J.."ldpo' 5JI nllillon

Too-y" BIr1hdr{I: FormerVoco PrSSlOOflt Waller F. MonciIIe IS 82 AclOI' Rober! Duvall I':> 79 PIO r <)Orball H,1' 01 faille oo.:lCIl Chuck Noll IS 7R King Juan Clno. 01 $p.Ufl lb U lal~ ShOw IlOst Chartle ROM IS 68 !\cIross-drec­!Of DIane KINton IS 6-t Aclor Tild L.a19 1S til Rnvmm-aM-bIuBs mus.can George Mf unky" Brown 1I<00I afld!he Gang) as 6' Rodl n1OSlClat1 Chri, Stein (BIorde) as 60 Forn1er CIA l)"oc1or Georve Tenel lS 57 Ac1roSS Pamela Sue MartIn '5 57 Aclor Clancy Brown IS 51 Songer lri' 0eme0N. 1S -19 Ado, RIctcy PluM Goldin IS -15 AcTor Vinnie Jones IS 45 Aodo. mUSlc\;V\Kall Schellenbllch ILllSOOUS J.o.sonl's·W D,IIlt'tlr ~llOIoogaphe' Carrie Ann INlba IS -1 2 Aches.!; ..... the!' Plige KeoI IS .j 1 Rod! ~r Marilyn Minton 1S .j 1 Ac10f Brlldley Coopat' .s 35 Actress J100arv Jonn 15 32 Aclr8ss Brooklotn Sudano I~ 29

TQday IAobIIe Health Unh Mounl PtMslu Courl1lO1lSe lJnl,! \)U ') m W1C Clanes I , .~11l CounlY f1t!.1I!n IIep;IITITICfl' un.,t 5 t5 "m 'Anti n l Il n rnln .~ I..~ .... _ ~"'"

Mobile HMIth Unl! - A!Iaf1ta. t 10:3:30 pm

TOPS No. 1783 - W,lmer! Lounga, SI John l/f'Illod Church 01 ChnsI, 204 Sevonlh 51 weql M\ ~ 15 to 5 pm , n1OO0ng 5 t 5 P nl


Area deaths

She was bom August 1 L 19811 10 l.Jlchfield. IInnms to Jerry Case and l),onlSC !Lockh(lnJ Wallt''''

",Jlltyn Marie nnd I\eatnn uh:hfICILI. IIhnm_~, her Mndler. l)eruse \\',lltcrs, IIf IJtrhfield, il linois; ht' r Father and Stepmulher. Jeny and Unda C4se of (itilesple. Imnlll~. her Strpfmht'r. Ron Wal1t~n; of IJI\('olll, Illlllllll>, her'fir.md mothcrs, Ruth 1 ~Jl:khan of utchfield. l1linms and Maxine Dlse uf Slaunlun, IlIinms; 2 SISler'S. Amy Case or IJIlhfielti. Ilhnms and IJndsey Waller.. of IJtrhfield, IlhnolS; I BmlhH, Jacob Walters, of iJtr hfield. IIhnol.'>ll St~bo1ers. JessICa Wallets of IJ l'lCuln, Ilhnois, StacllI'! Stahl ilf Goluen, l'ulurauo and Sarah Schweppe tlf (iIUesPIe, IlIm~Jis; I Stepbmlher, Jason Walters IIf IJncoln, llIinul~; and 2 Nephews, Kaleh 1111(1 Kalden Case of IJtchfield, illinoIS, Se\'erJI Stepm~'Ces & Stepnephev.>s also S\.l"W~ Many Aunts, Uncles & Cousirul survwe as well ,

""". The record

fund for her chrltlren, li:ealon Case

Center m llluominglOn

Visilalion wdl he held from 5·7 p m Tuesday (Jan 5) 01 F.astlawn Funeral Home in Bloomington.

Funeral se",ces will he neld at 10 a m on Watnesday at Trinity

Lulheran Church m Hluomtngtun Bunal WIll he fon~11\1: funeral services In f.a5l lawn Memon al Gardens, Billomlllgton

In lreu of f1uwers memonals may he: made 10 TnmlY Lutheran ChutCh or The American Hean A,o;sodatlon.

HOHben on "Pril 2. 19049, in BloOmingion. She IUrvives.

Slanley farmed III the Uncutn. Chenoa and LeKlngton areas. and rellretl from Calerptllar Tradol" Co, MOSSVIlle, III 1989

lie was a veteran of World War II , having seM'd In Ille U S. Navy

He was an al11ve memher of Trilllly Lutheran Chul't'h. Mdnn COIml)' Farm Bureau, Caterplilar Motor spons Club, UAW lncal No. 974, Mended I leans Chapter 250 anti se" 'ed as il Mfnded Heans Hospl.al \'lSi ·

'" Onhoe oondnlences may he submmed'.o

\Io~'W F..aslLa .... 'Tl-Bloomingron com

L . ..to.nn. Overbey LJoanne Overbey of Uncoln passed away

January 04, 2010 a. Maple RldKe Care Centre in Uncoln.

I Funeral ilomein [

Page 4: €¦ · \ ,llUNOIS SATUI'IDAY, JANUARY 2...2010 \ DAYBOOK lUbe numbers Jobless may face brutal decade Today i"siturdrf, Jan. 2, tne 2na day ot 2010 There are J63 days lel'l l'l lhe


Area deaths Jo_n E. Yors_"

F.MPFN - .I, ~m E MIl f')t:m, !);! , Il f t--mdt-n. 1I lI l'...! .I I 7 J.~ II m Janllill)' :'I, b l\~ lltl r\tlnlnttm­... ~ ...... IJrlt~)l n

Jnd :t~ .. Irle. phnn., 1Ipt' r.l!or ~h(l .... ·orkNl :b II Ilt.lUkkt"eper jur M:inen MOI,m> In

I' nul .. n and f'l'Ufl'<l from Fanner­'," tatr Hank I1 f Fmden lIo'hrrt' , hi­w"rk • ..J ... , .. Idler

Sht' .,unnt!\' W;b a ,'onl"'-p' ,n· dent fllrlht Il lo~'mln,lo!l un r anr"j{r .. ph. lm,tlln CnUnl'f, I'l'km 1),lI i)' filii." ,and 1\"" " ;1 Juu m, ,1 St:u

Sh., "as .. tnmlo"l m,I\'" r ,,( Fm!!en r"r I~ ~ ... I'"

JIl.1Il " .I~ ,I I'utuntt't'f lor S!IAII. ~ ,lIu.l lJnrnln FI..:Jd I':,nuy Shr """"~ J mt'mllt'r " l lht' IJ1(lOn Awcilill ry "r Fnht.-n

She 10. ;1, hum t ehru,1f\ ~! . 191 7 In IJOC'ttln. 1I hi ttrlll lind .n-nn te Hndt·mak .. r Ilu. 1\,'0\ k :,hf' mar· 111'tl f· .Ir! h rtll'n. k MUI}("n un ... ~pt 1/ \'H l In l'nllln, ~Il~",,"m lie pft'l" ... h·d h,'f 111 dr.tlh lin Apnl 1'1. 1 ~ 1!12

'illr'O."'U'" mliulit' ,.1It' 1I,IU).thll' f, J~l k lr Urukrt.i IIf IJnculn. IL Il11l'

\l'1I U"n " "~ , r!\ " j Fmden. It; 2 ~randd1!klrf'n ,111(.1 ~ !err,II·grand· • hlltlll'''

110 '( p,u,'w, hll, IM!IU Jnu ' Ull'

hWlhn 1("\111" ,,,1 IIUlht;I..:k. I'Ire· tt'tlc'\! tl'" In dt ,til

" I'> " ,,~. I f1' IUlwml .... ·,1I be h,·t,I .• t ~ "1Il ",., 'nnl •• \,. J.,mlOll)' '1. ~' t ll' .1'''''' 1', h~ 1 I ulh~ r.1O l 'hurch III IlThlo-". II WI th th l' H" \l n .• 11U I lI" f,·t ;,m, talltlj.( !lun;11 .... '11 hi' m H"n)huf¥,lm .. " Ct'ml'le lV. 11.,n,hul):, 11.

\ " ,II"U"11 .... ' 11 hi ' fnJln ..... )"" unltl 1. I'I~m al lh.· chun..h In

I mUt'n pn,.r In Ih,' 'od'\1tt' ,\ rran,.:~m~n1' Iw Fmkr

... h·t'r1 ~hl,j{!,'rfun" f:lI II 'lmt'. [Jfll"ln IL M~m"nab rna\' lit' millie tr. St

,'"I ... LUlhemn Churlh "I Fmden. II t)l"n.,,1 Sloeit'll " I Fmtl" n tl r III !lW(:tlllIll

Harold R. 'Bud' Dirks

Hamid R -Hud" Dtrks.1I7. of I.lnculn. III , hum l:>ettmber 30. " 922. In IJncoln. \II . dll~d Mnnday. J~n u.IJ) ' 'i. ~fl l l) . ,I I Fnem.hhlp Manllr In IJ iw:uln. 1ll

Mr I Ilrk., ~1W'd 111 Ih" U S Mml' I ;.l .~ En~'1nt'f'r Fquillmenr , ·ump,my. dunnt: \\ '" rld W"r \I In

l ' n~l,md , Genn:,n)' Fml1l t' , I kl~urn ~nJ I h ~ I'hIIIPPIIlt! hl.,mb

II" '>t:[".1t I' , ...... ;mh mdudr 2 (>I.'l'rY.,' :-'~[".'l·C liar... Ihl' Aown, ~n (arnp..,~n MI>d:I I. and :he " ,"k! W,nl l VIC10J)' Mt'd;ll

Aft l' r f't' lunll n~ Irom Ihe !>C [".' l'e , 1t,.I[O lld .... ,"ked fm Nabl!>':!! W[".1I.t'!o ~nd Ihen man::J~;:d the • Spurl/,t"I,rUo )rHrl.' 111 Iowa and laler Iho: ~t ',n' 111 I 1Ill llln, II. li t' uplml'C[

Ik was a memher I) f Iht' !lOlly Fl.mll\, Chun:h uf I.Jl1I."o ln

It \' was d('\.~IIt'd 10 hI." [(mnd· chlhln-n ~ he loved I .. trnl'k Ihelr "C111l1lt'S and hrn~f1.I nn them ohl'll

11,ll"\Ild was Pf'e('I'dI'Cl 111 dealh hI hl~ I).J Il'IlI ~. I It'll I)' and Ilelen (Am ho.' 'lt) Otrk.~, hiS .... 'Ie. Bell" I ~'kU1 Dirks, and sc;tl'r, I Jelen M"J)' !t.lmlw

Su!"\'!mnl IIlclude hls .l Mln.~.

llradlcy IJ"y) 1)lrk.~ ,If Vlllpar.lISII, IN, ,lI1d Jefft!1}' (l.Jndall:>t rks uf ~h 1\.LI~kl, It .lnd tl;11I~hler, M ~",\" (1\"lllon) Siull " I Cht!Stnul. 1t: 2'hrofh eN. nen"'l h l'k.~ M I\t1oI\ ml't!. [L and Rrinald DIrks 01 I "Iln)rl lln. 1I , .lI1u 1 ~,~'ers. Phyllis (IJ"y\l ) Lee~man Ilf IJt1('nln. ll. Jnd Joyce Anul'rson IIf SllnnKfidd. " ~ 7 grnrnkhlldrf'n ,md 2 Krl'al 'Kralluchlldn'n

Frwoos m,1)' , all frum !J Oil. W '1I1 am Salurd;,)', Janwuy!t • 'llll l!. al Fnckl'·t:aiver1·SchrJder FlIn ~rnl ll om .. III 1.J f\Cflln. III

Funt-rill SI'I'I'l'e .... , ,, he held at , I it m Saturday, Janual}' 9. 201() ~llhe Holy Family (hufl: h of IJf\COIln .... ·lI h 1hl' Hev Juhn Phitm /) fflt.l~ lIfllo: t'ulumhanum mum· menr wnh full mlht!lJ)' hU1'I01"lt WIll hi:> twld at Arhnj(1lln Nallunal <"em('tery. Arhnf{tllll . Virxtma

Meml .nab may be made 10 Tlw ~ n~nd~hlp M,anur. IJ f'Ol'uln. IL

WIlliam 'Bill' C. Roger.

Wilham -U,U" ( R''K~r.. , snn of Nt!l :!nd Del Rogers. P'I.'l~ ~wuy lin Janu:lry ~nd , ~ r)]O Ull he a ~1' o( Iili fitter .. dlfficu ll stnlAAle .... ' Ih P~ncrea llc C ancer.

11111 was a 15 yellr memherof­R0I31)' Illtemahnn.ll. a graduate of iJncoln Colltge and I1hn015 State Untvt'!f'lilty and had a IOIlIj: caTf!t!r 111 an:nunhng anu finance

lie IS 5U[".W!'d hy hIS WIfe Ela ine ROj(t'f'li , h i~ four chlldr~n Coni, Fnn. NlCule, Sh~nnlll1 and hIS loI.,\·en helO\'ed ~.'mndt.hlldrl!n

11111' ) memonal ..e[".1ce was held J,lIlu.II'I' lilh al 1111' Nal1unal CemHeJ)' IIf Amenra In PhoeniX, ,\Z

H" Sprt."h lIln he m:lde TO Ihe fol, k ..... ,nj( Adurbses. 1\.'i~9 F. Tumt!y Al'e. Smll!>dale, AZ ti.S 251 {·]I\I I)fi!).\ · ltiII9

Ilw! family may alS<1 he CllnT:I(.1 · I'd hy I'mall ill NM<b)('747 " aul com. Sh.mnonclintun " gTTlall cum, fish· rne t>:1CIJ " h' )lm:ul cum. for· ur' J)(ef'li" J(mall rum

By the numlJers Today I. Thuf'ldlly, Jilt . 7. 1he soY ' TocMy" B~.: AuIMr Wllkarn

<>nltl 1i.'lV oI2{) l fl n"" p ;0'" 'l~ tt....... "-t_ III ..... , .~<I" r-~ . _.~ , . ___ .



A m.n ••• reM. throueh loll 1I.lIng. In . IM N.w York at.l. Labor h~rt"""I' . Dlvl.lon 01 .mpJoymenl •• ""'Ic •• In .rooillyn, N. Y., WedIM.Ny. The numIMr of people ol.lmlne ....,.,Ioymem MnetH. for t .... nnt Ume 1I.,.ly ro •• I •• t w .. k, .ft., Iwo w •• k. of aharp II."..., furt .... ' ."ldenc. IMI I.yoft •• ,. ... Ing.

Unemployment-claims data signal job gains are near r ll~ ,\ .'\!>( N, IAn II I' IU.'\S

WASIII NGTON - A gOVl!mmenl repon luday un rJ:IIITt.'l for ul1t!mployment aid signaled th::u layolfs all' easmt: and lhat The economy could be on the I'e'lte of poSlIflR Ihe tiM monthly gllm in Jobs III IWO years.

111e number o( people claIming unemploy. menl benefits fur the first time barely rose last ..... t't!k. afler two ..... eeks of sharp drops. But Ihe four·week average of clairM . .... 'hich srl\OOlhs nuctuatlOns, fell for the l8Ih st raight ..... ~k to 4.')1).250 ThaI figure is nearillg the roughJy ~15.()()lIlhlll mallY \!Conomists ~y would be a s1p1lhe ecollomy .... ' 11 sllIr1 creating jobs.

'Illt! IlIhor Depar1menl will issue a more comprehensive snapshul of the job mllrkl't on Fnday. when It releases the monlhly jobs rel",r1 for December. F..conomis1s forecast the un~mplo)'fllenl rale .... iU nse to 10 I percent from III pen:enT 1100 emplO)'enl WIll hll\'e shed R.OM) job!;

ShU. Ihe sharp drup in·tif'liHime unemploy. ment dalm~ III recenl monlM as .... '('11 as OIher · SIgnS of Imprm-emenl haV! cnused some econ· II mms 111 predict small job gain.s ill December.

If SO, II would be the first nef incre~ III jobs in two yeaf'li ,

The taoor De?artment said initial claims for Jobless benefits rose by 1,000 TO a sdIOnally adjusred 434,00:1 last ~k. That's loY.'tr lhan the -147,000 that analysts expected. according 10 1110mson RtuTers

IniTial clairt'15 are considered a gauge of Ihe pace of layot'f! and an indication of companies' willingness to hire new workt!1"lt As the t(01'IO­

my slO'Aiy recovtrs from the .... '0r..1 receuion since Ihe 19:WS. more hiring iJ key 10 Doost\ng incomes and fueling consumer speooing and economic grov.rth.

111e number of conTinuing chums dmpped I 79,(XXI 10 ~ .8 million, lhe !lep.ar1ment said, 'aut ' lhat figure doesn't Include an additional 5.4 million people who art receiVIng unemploy· ment under federal emergency programs. aJ of the week ending Dec, 19.

A tOial of 10,5 mill ion people were receiving unemployment benefils that w~k, an increase of about 300,00:1 fmm the p~ious ..... eek. Th.al increase is partly a result 0' a dtdJion by Congress in November to extelld benefit. for I

(ourth time lim the rKeUion btgtIn Joblas workm can now reoceive up to 73 w~ks of benefits, paid for by the federal gO\-emment. on top of the 26 weeks customarily provided by tMstatN.

The many people continuing to reoceive ben· efiTs indicates tha t even as layotT! art dedining. hiring hun'I picked up. That leaves people out of work (or longer and lon~r periods of time.

Initial c\aims.lor jobleu aid have dropped by IOO,IXXI, or 19 ptlUnt. since lite Oc1ober.

Some employers are continuing to lay oN' worurs: Defente rontractor 1JX:kheed Mart in Corp. Aid Wednesday lhat it it tutting 1.21).1 workers, or leu than 1 percent of its work force. as It combines f'NQ electronics 5)'$Iemt bulineues 10 5a\"e COI>U. A1coI lnc said 11 WIll cut 145 jobs al a plant;n Indiana,

Among Ihe states, Pennsylvania reported the largest Increase in daiml, with 9,6.53, which it anributed to layo", in the construction. (ood and Iralllpor1at ion indull riea, Kentucky, Indiana, KanaJ and Ohio had the nex! l&lies! inaellfll. Stlte daTa lap the initial claims data by one 'Neek.

In the war of dogs vs. cats, clear ~inner: dogs B y SUI: M"HHIHQ ·rH~. ASSIK. IA 1'Ft) I' IH.SS

LOS ANGEl.ES - caTI, Dogs, Those mn he figh ting words in '>Omt! Cl fl:le-;

COils 3r-e -na.\1y. 'iflOklllK ~.

tures: '~y~ Mnrk David of WllrrenshurJ( , Mil And dogs? They're IWI~)'. UI5 Npfl\le and "lick you and themse l~'es, · l'ounle~

Snnfurd Rl'lk~ of I Hubville, Ky. C"'arly. lhen- are dot! people

:tnd Ihtr!! are cat people. HUT II'S nOI much of a ollltesT' 74 percenl of people like doft!i a 101. and only ·11 pernmt hkl' cats a 101

Cats Win Ihl' uislike \lOle handi · Iy. aa :ord lOg to an Associated Press·PetSlde com poll FifTeen pen:enl of Ihe adults questioned !>:ild Ihe)' uc;lik1!d (Itls a 101 while lhl' number .... ·ho said lhey d,shked dOKs a 101 was Jusl 2 pen:enl

Juseph Moreus, 61 . of Wb tmlrl.'il t!r, Calif , understands ..... hy dllKS rume IIUI H~ top .. ,'1._, '- _. _ __ _

nil' ASSCJ(:1ATEI> PIlES ~

A Norfolk t.rrt_ 11 •• nor, rI .... , pl.ylng with he, IMW kitty friend, LU' " .. y at ..... P.t a o t ciotti" Ny c.,. 'n Lontl "Mh, C.IH. An "..cl.ted PN .......... .oom poll of ",N7 .duH., .how.d thlll 74 percent I ... dot •• lot, while 4'1 ...,cent IIk.d c •••• 101,-- '

-My hu:.baoo would ha1.-e cht:!.1 palOS AM wOllldn't lell me. But l(illv ..... " ,,1,1 "" ..... ft .. A ,,,,,,I. A'_ •

life to a dog. Two years ago, hit s-~~~.!.d.~~~~~~~~~. ~,h

you a little more freedom but doll ~ ~T!~ oo.mpanioN. said Janet


Page 5: €¦ · \ ,llUNOIS SATUI'IDAY, JANUARY 2...2010 \ DAYBOOK lUbe numbers Jobless may face brutal decade Today i"siturdrf, Jan. 2, tne 2na day ot 2010 There are J63 days lel'l l'l lhe


BV the numbcrs TO<Wy It. Frtday, Jan. a !roe tJI!11lh 0<1', of 2'010 Thole ,tie 357 (1.Jy$1e1l 1ll1'le


Too.y ', Highlight I" History'

1.."o" .~II\·BlIl 1915 I~ n 101 iegL't1{l O.1iPreslt!y was bom on rl4)l'llo. MIss

ThurIocWf l onety. f>o..k Three MlcUIV 1 3 1

Po. ThrllO - EI'9I"" 1 8·3 5

PO. FOtJr - MI();.'<IY 7 9 1·2.

l'odIFoor - E~818-0

Me9,1 " \/Iht.\f\S J.npJI $-'8 million

Too.y. BII1hd.,. • • A.:IOI<OIllOOklll laITY Storch 15 81 Ac10I Ron Moody ~ 66 BlC\do.£.ll,1 j<)UInaIlsl SaMet Van<x:ur 1$ 82 CBS newsman Cn-rtil ~ o.gooa I~ ~1 SIIIQ01' Shlrtey au..., Is]3 Gdme 5110W host Bob EllbMki lS

' ! Culllilly gosptll ~IYH Crt,tv Lane .s 70 Rllythfrhlrd-~ SIOgtII Anthoftv GouroIne ,UtII& AntrlOllV 1111(1 Itle irr4>enai:s ) IS 69 Aclr95S vll'lne 1041m...,. IS toll ~'lSt Sttpheo .......... Ing IS 68 Roo. ~ Robby KrieQer lThe DooI~llS 64 Rodo,-SI'V,JOf DlvId BowIe IS 63 "\'Me OIOClOf John McTiernan IS 59 Actress Hamet Santorn HIm. IS 55 SIflQIlI 'SOf'U' '/oI rtUI Ron So!! llmnh IS 46 Actless Maria Pll ino IS <1 5 Actress Michelle ForbH I~ ~ 5 SlrIQl'I R. Kelly IS 43 A musaoan Jeff Abercrombie (FUIlIjlS 11 Acl ress Ami DoleN: IS '" Rewae SIrI09' Sean PMli IS 37 COUlIry SKIgI!I TIft tMmtI lS ~ 4ctress fOdI su~ JeMy I.ewlt 1$ ~ klless Amber BeoIOl'l IS 33 :\'LIOI Scon Whyte IS \2 s.nger;;ongwnter Erin McCartey IS 31 :\' c ue~ S."h Pollrf 15 31 ActIO!>S RIChe! Nichol • • s 30 AcIress Gab'{ Hortman IS 2tI t10D; musoan OilUhl Lumumbo-Kuongo {Oym Class 1-l{)l«'~1 IS 27 .. '

Area calcndar Today LAnd olliocoin Big Book AA - ~ flrOiIl"M'fiV 6 11111

Open AA meellng - ">07'. PLA"~ " 51 upn,

AAM«!uog ..\I OPLlIi!.~ I St 6pm

NA Meet rng " to f',"' I"'" 51 9 P m

Saturday lOljj. n BI-. Fellowthlp 5reJl< n Sflo). ' • ,1m

Op8f1 A.A ~llng - r ~l smok"19 ',07'. PII I,bkl 51 B ,) on

land 01 Uncoln AA - 'u.. llro..lU'N.ry q ,l rrt "1111.,,,111

AA meeTIng Non sn~mg , ~ 10

PLIldskl5t 9 a III Pel adoptions - loy<lII County Anwn,,\1 Ct)(IIrQl t',,7 N ~"tI1OO 5t­IU d m to noon

l iving life on life', Term, Women',

Area dcaths Janet Sue Jon ••

.I .1I1t·1 ~u~ JI!IL~"'. I~I . ILf IJnc' )ln. p,.~'\.I .I ""'''y J,IIIUllry~ . .tUIII .,I ~I Uar"' ~ Manor

Sht INII~ hllrn In I mt Ill n. IIltmlLS on r-.I" rrh 11 , l!ll!) I,. K"IIIWlh .lIul

- "h,· I , ·. III · ~ h"hllltl'll'" ~btf'r 110,110 .•• ,101111 I 11 ... ·11 "I J 10·,,,1111 ",u~nh k,,~f" Ilhl·nd.I; ," '.u" .Ind "Ill' d'.,nll 1h'.I'" .Ll III 11111'

"I"' " 'knmn .• ll iurr.,h<>n, m.l} I,,·

rn ... 1<'ln!lu..U.III\1·t. , .. t ( ' (,11 ."

\!dnlll ~'~l 'Ith ~Irt~ ·t [Jllc"ln.

I •• •• I'I·~ld,' ... ·I'llt.'~ Will he ... hnJull,,;! .o1 ,11,ltl'r 11.11t·

I luliamt U ... rry & I"'nne" lunt't .ll il lmwrII IlIhlllol~ h.1I1

"IIO~ ... ·IVI! I'~

E. Opal Poffenbarger

r-.n I'I IA..,1\ 1 ~ 0p .. 1 l'"l1"l1h.l~l· r "1 . "f Ml I"ul",kl. II dU·II .,1 111 7 ,m J.ILlU.IIV 7 !I )III .• 1 V"iL!jo>,It,·.h lJI11'1':! · .. m .. r 10 MI 1'\t1 .• ~kl

'11'" 1'"III·nll, lf)(.·" .... d~.1 hUII1I' m.,Ii,·!

..,h,· ~ ,,,. I ml'mbo'r IIf liuil,jlu I hmhdn , hu rt h

Meeting - 115 S Bulle,51 " pm

AA mfll"ng • Non smokIng olI O l 'ula~ 1 51 6 p m

NA. · 41!l Pulaslu 5, Spnl

Sunday land 01 lincoln ItA - 5<.Y.I AroactNl!y '1 dm dnd6 pm

AA mMllOg • NOIl·smok11l9 ~ tO

PuIa .... ,51 9 a m

Public Trap Shoot l lllcoln Sporlsll'lonsCluo I pili

NA. Youth Group - 410 Pulaski 5t adult montIorect. I p m

Noo-denomlnalionat Church SeI'VIoe - lJnooIn American l.8gon Post 26J ., pm

NA Big Book meeting - 41 0 Pulaski 51 5pm

CIoNd Big Book AA rMeting - Non· SlilOlooy. 507 '1 PLJiaskI 5t . 1 P m

She W'I.' 1 ~lm Mttn'h III. I!IIK III I l aw~'VlIII.'. I\Y to W~h)" ' r lind Ut'lII .ih <..:r.lljC HUller Sh,· m,'mt:d (I:.car i'otlf'nOOl')Cfr 1ItI. "UK lil. 19:1i1 In ( )(o( alur. II. III.' pn~\etlL'i.I

her 1Il death on [)('Ct'mher l :I. I!~III

SULVlIIIT'>IOI.ludt' 2 S"II~. I"hn IJ;,ntLt' ) P"ffenlwl}(er uf MI I"l.Il: .... kr. n . .. nd J.lmes {( 11"" h I'II ffl'nh.'l):er "f Ml 1'\JI 'i, kl . II . 1 I 1.Il' jChl.·rs. N:mly IBlll1 .'>h:1II11· '11 ' -II l"ula~ kr. II. ,,"d J~nt'l IJuhnl ,'hnT), flf Elkh.lll. II , K ~I;,"d,_ hll

1110'0. 7 grl':" · Kr~ndLhlldrl'o . "nd ! ... II'IlI( rea t ·l(r."Indchlldn'll

Ht'r parl'nt.~ . hu~biJrul. I IIllant d ... u,;hter. Wanda. 6 ~~lel'\.:1 hn~h .. rs ;ond I Kra nili-o ,n precrtl~...t hI·r III ileal h

/I1 rs I'" flenl,., rgl'r's (LllII'ral Will IIl'JlIld .,1 1 11~l alll Munday. Janu.lf)' I I. lllllI at Fr1<"ke·Cal,wT . )(:hr .. def FUfwr.11 Ih.me. MI l'Ula...kl. II ~11 h Hill Shanlt! ,J(1CI­.ITlng Intf'lmenl ~,Il hi: III 1.lk ... Il.onk Ct'lIl1'lt.ry. MI Puh,)k •. II .

VI~l tall' lII WIll he lrulll 9 t.l· 11 1_1 d m M"nday pnm "1'>1:'''''

Mt'ml/nlll ~ m ... y he m •• d,· III /111 l'Uliukl I /11 ~ ur VllntJe rt l~"h I J\'l llg ( 'enter

Experts debate Ohio's

DAYB=O~O~K~.r-______________ __

The rccord P o lice b ea t Multiple chtlrg ••

• 1,",,'ln 11011" • .i1TI'~h· d f,hrand~ K " , . II I IU~Iy. !/I.. ami Kt'lulCIh H (;HtI~)'. JK. both uf til!' !II'" block 01 Nunh If!Kun STA-'et al 6:3ti r rn l'hur..U:iy ,II Ihel r ll"ldence eilrh on a (hlll):" of , tllrnr~l lt.· Mner), ( ifldho.'Y was abio l hal):t'\1 "","h re~1 51U\!: nr Olh lrut1,"!: , I peace ,'lfM"rr

• Muunt l'ullbkl polK't' ,11Tt5 1l-d R.lf:lt~I T

I km"mi"'l .. 19. " I Mount l'ul.l~ki il l I I 1:1 a m \\ ,'ilm'stl,IY .,1 hb ~~Id l'nn' , In a loj;an Cuunty ~ . I rranl for I.ulure UJ apllt'.lr UlI'O(ln

Fire c a ll s Moto! vehicle .ccldent

• I Jrll (Jln fi~fij( hten. n'~Illmdl'(l II) .1 mulur \l:hl~ll' d,'rlllenl ~1th IIlJunl'S at :lU I p m

Wedne5day at the ISOO block oIl11inob Route \0 .. I.Jocoln Ruml fire fighten; respundal to a

moIor vehicle accident 11 3:01 p.rn. Thursday al mdt' marlter 129 on Intersfatt' 55.

a IJnroin Ruml fireflghten; responded to a motor vehicle a~nl at 4:44 p m Thursday at mill' matker 13.1 on Inter.;tale 5.5

a l.Jncoln Rural firdighten; resPllnded mutu· ally ~1th unc=>ln fi re fight ers to a motor vehicle acrlf,ll'n t a\ 6 : ~ I p m. Thursday on Wnndlawn Road.

Corbon mono.let. Incident u ncoln firt'tlghiers responded to a carbon

monoxIde mcidenT al :N lH a m. Wednesday al I~e 2('0 hlock of Soulhgate Sireet.

Good Intent cen IJocntn RU I1lI fi reflghters respondal to a

( good inlent tall at 12'28 lI.m Thursdayal mil4!l maritrr 1!t4 on int~te !}!)--

F.I ••• I.rm • Uncoln flrefrghTrr'S responded 10 an unin­

tent ional alarm Tl1InsmiSiion at 3:21 p.m. Wf(jnesday al the lSOO block nf Finh Street

• Uncoln Rural l'irefighters responde<lTO tire alarm OCIl\'atlon al 2:56 a m friday at The 1700 hlock (I f 12001.h MenuI' Nil fire was reponed.

Rescue run s Aid con.

u nroln fif1!flghters responded .. ith l.ilKan County Panllnedics to me<hcal efll('rKel'lCli!S Ill:

a 1\ rdidtnte m Ihe I[)I) hlock III Sherman Street at 9::17 ~ m Wednesday

• A residence III the 11 110 hlock 01 NOMh Sherman Stret'f at 11 ' 11 p m Wednesday

Wholesale iliYentories, sales post strong Nov gains B~ MAR TIN CRUlSINGER 1111 ,\:-. ... ,,' IA tH I t 'II ~ "'" ,

WASIIINGToN - In\'enIOnl', hdd hy

)!"Jm III ""I'emtlcr ~hll l' o,:all$ !ihn! UI) hy !h" 1.1rp:l'st ,Im"unt III III mllrnlls. IWII ~1j(1I~ Ihal lh,' • ~ WlIlIIUI ",'II\-ery W.1S !:Hlnm.: IrrI~1 1"n 111 Ilw 1.11l

'I'hl' ("mmrfH.' Il,'plI l1ml'nl ~IlJ I nJ,IY Ihal \1 h" h',all' tr1l",n ltlnh f" ' 1.' I OJ ,wr4.t'rll 111

~n ... emllf' r. (. lO udl ~Imngf' r lhllwm~ Ihlln II". If ~ pl"rn·nt limp thm t'CllnmmSIS h .j{I'·~11t't1,'(J :ial .. s iump;.'<i :13 ~rcenl. far hetter th.on Ihe II!I pt'rtl'nt n.-.e Tha t h.ld het<o foroca. .. 1

It rn,Llhod the elghlh ClJOWt."Llltlt· rn"nlh !hLLI .. iii.·, " l1hl' wh{)h'~11e lewl h;l\'I' ItI':I'l:,I~Ttl l1nd

wa~ Illl: la r~e~ 1 1::,111 SUICt' I~ ~ I JanunlY l-:"~,"uml~I'I ht)pt' tha t susl:uned :0.11," nrn~.i 'l'S ~1 11 ,·ooltlmKt· husmesSt.'!o hI n·~t l ... k dl'PI<-II...t ~hl'tI" '~h ""111 III (urn mean higher "ruers III I.,('h,ne. l'hal wliul Li pm\1de , uI' I)orl1 I II

plnnb ~1r1J~hnj( In I'mf.' l'Ke fnnn .1 deep r,>(:c, · $l"n

CLimmelTe .tlso reponed. in another pnslIi\'e ~cmlllmk ~Ign . tlllll Wholesale Inventorie~ tnl. reased hy 0 6 pel'l.'f:nl in October. double Ihe.. estimate Ihe government made .a monlh ago

nes aller d recurU ~1re1 ch ol 13 STra ight deoclines ..... huStnhSt.'S ~Ia~ hf(j the amounT of mvenlori ts they WI'rl.' huldlnj( in lin effun hi Inm t.,.15TlI .

'nil' o\'emll f'lUllOmy grew at an annu:a l raie !If 12 pen'ent 111 Ihe July.Septemher quaner .Ifll'r a ft'Cnlll four consentlwe doclmes tn the 8f"'-;':' tlumesttc product, Ihe l"uUnl ry's IOfal out · pu! of )lood~ und sefVII:es .

Ao even ~I rooger Gnp performa nce IS e1{~1ed f" r the JusH:umplett'd Dclober· [)tt"emher Iluaner. EconnmlslS .... i th illS Global InSigh t believe ihe f'l:unnmy ~'" expand at a ~lulin.: annual rate of ~ I percent 10 Ihe lounh 4u,II1er ~ llh about 3 (lI'rrcnta~inh; of Ihal hur,,1 expected tu renl't1 ;1 S'Ai'ng' f~!lrng tn\'''r\1tme., tu rb10cking ·l1tt elTon to rebuild IIl\'f' nlune~ IS e"pocted 1(1 pnMde nngmng sup· POI1 fllr Ihl' l't~Hlfliny in 20m

Illlwe\·er. there IS 3 ctlocern Ihal lhLS mom en·

lum could De IlemllNi if t'Oi'lSumer spending. whlch accountJi Inr 70 pell:er'll of economic lCt r.ity. falten; In coming month.!i because of oool ln~ hi h u1'l/!m nl levies.

The Labor INpanmenl repol1f(j Friday lhal the nnhon's johless ml(. rt'mttlnt'<i at III percent in December as employers shed 115.001 job!I. Since the fKession began In December 2007. the coonlry h.1~ lOll.' more 1b.1n 1\ mill ion johs

·l1te NO\'emher rise in wholesale inventories pu~hed Ihem III S:II46.26 bill ion. still I I per«nt below where Ihey s.ood io November 2~. ·!1te

rutin of in\'enTOrit's 10 sales dipped 10 1.14 from 1.17 in Octoher. Thai meal\!! il would take 1.14 monlhs 10 deplete inventllries allhf: November Mles pace.

\.Vholes.ale lnv(! nlones are good.s held by dIS· lributor'S whu generally buy fro m manufactur· ers arid se ll Itl retaiJel'i. They make up aboul 25 percent of all business stockpIles. f actorie.; hold another Ihilll of inYl.'ntories and retaile"; huld the rest

Comcast, FCC take net neutrality dispute to court e, J OhU. TUllER ~

1111' AS'-'" 'A rH, I'kl ...... _

WA."'I!I.~( i roN ~ rhe Federal Ct)mfll1l1 L1~,ttl uns lUmmllli)IUn Makl'l l ""t otW I:r" ulld nru rly thn .. · m"tllh~ agu wlll'l1 II began dmn lll~ n.le~ t h ~1 Wlltlltl rl!flull1.' Jnlt'ml'l pr OVIders 1" gl\," f'l jUlil lre .. lm,·m rll .111 da tu n"wUI!: liver Ihl'l! n..r .... . uk,'

N"w the l-n hOjln t"u!>eadl~ ' pull' ~~ rh th" n;ttll!n '~ 1.II'J.:I'!o1 cahll' l V lUILi rnh'nll'l pfU\'ldl'r I" 1')1uh· hh u~ "·j(.,1 :lulhnnlV I" adopl sm h ~n.I~·luk no'lttralny· regula· tlUlh I h.· mIl" 1,IMUld .11 111 In prl" \','l1t pht,lle .tnd cahl~ I;l)mpar'llb fr" 1ll nhu~!r1j( 11I1'l t \'untrul,wer Ih l' m"rk~r ("I 111..:h , ~ pf'.· d Inlernel

,\ 1 .... " ·' .. 1 Jppt'J ls .. .un wa~ h"'lh ll~ I!ral .''1(L'menl~ f nday III l'nml, •. ~1 l'ou,) :~ dra ll el1l(e .)f Ih, ' I · (("~ :tIM)K urd"r hannml( Ihl' ltllllpallY frllm hh ... kmg I I ~ hm:ld· b:llrd surn...nhel'lo from usmg an (mhne file · ~hllnng 11·l.hl1olo,t()' klll ,""'n a.~ 1I11'rum ' 111

Ill/' 'IImnlL~S I"n . al Ihe Wilt' h" ,,,led hy Hepubltcan Kevlll M.' l1m. 1).....&1 lb tlnlef ,Igalll)t ("nK.tSl lin a loI't "Ilkl·nl'utr.tllly pnl ll:lpll'::l It adl/pRod til l orf.i III W, 'I·,·nl hWJdhand Irn ,11lkrs frorm f.llollng III Ihscnnunahnj( agJHt, t u:n:1U1 t~'Jl" ~ IIf I nt~rnl'l lraffJ. Illl l'lt' pnl lt. lpll!!> h~\ ... )CUld('d Iht' ~ l'1 .~ l'nf'lrtem" nt III c"mrnunll .,·

11"11, " '~'li'1I1 ~ • ~'>C· by,c&e ha!,1~

hunr:tlly adupIIII I( thnse gtude. lilli" .1' lunLilllg II'gulntinl1ll is a hlI' pnll flly tnr Ih~ FClli nl' ..... f1 .. nllK ('dll. , h,urman. Juhu~

.( i,·n.lt hu" , k. n Il! lll(eocy \ 'QIed 10 (Jill/h"r II! ~I~n wntinjC t hll ~e mi.·,

1\ 1\11 rlIIW. IoI.'nl\ Cumc:bt appeal. mg th,· FCC tinier agumSI it. ooe key lIueS110n thai could ClIme up 11\ Ihe rllU l1 l'Otlm IS ..... hLilher Ihe t'Onr· mlSS1I11l ha~ legar au thunty If! man· d,oIe nelworil neutralny A ruling hy the US CUII I1 II i Appeals lor Ih,' Ik,tnt1 of {ulumhla CIrulli. ('1i"11t't1ed IhlS spnnl(.ll)Uld bolster Ihl' FCC procet>lllng If Ihe agent)' 1'1 1'I~u ls

"Cumcasl anti "Itk .... ha\<e chal· lelll!~'<i the FCC'~ tlulllllnty to lake 3,1111n II) protec1 tlli'lSumers and ensure thei r accl!l>~ II) :t fret' and open IntemeT: H '<..: General ( ,)Unsel Ausurr Schhl k sardo " I'hl!! ~ prowies Ihe ooun III appeal... an uPI)Ununrty to re,ect those 3fK\J rnents and cunfirm lhal Ihe comllllssion ha~ Ihe 11<1 .... er it needs hI Iltl11mpl t.'i h Ihlr.>t: )lUllls ·

The 1)()liqI dISpUte ""'1.'1' nelworil neulr.I"IY has pmi'd snme of Ihe country's lead lflK InlflT1t'f compa· nl I.'S. IIIclud lllg Internet se~reh I, rol',der GIIIIgII' Jn l and Ihe Inlernel calhn!! ~el'Vlce Skype . aKali'lSl the big phont and cable operatllrs

n le Inlernet cllml)ames s:.y Ihal


Wi thout such ru les. broadband pruviders could become onhne ll;jTekeepers and priorit ize lraffic til,. Ihose who can pay eXfI1l . whrle degradinl( or blockIng cheaper '?terner calling seMel'll or online \1dt ... , SItes lha. compete Wllh Ihei r ,ore buslflesses.

[ n~. BltTorrenl. Ihe onhne flle--s haring IKhnology blocked by <..:nlTlCtil. can be used to II1I n!ifer

files 5UCh as onl ine \'Ideo.

somelhing thai threatens Comcast's con.> aable 1V busines!l.

II\JI bruadhand providen; such as -Corneasl. AT&T Inc. and Veriwn Communlc&ttons Inc. argue Ihat after pounng brlhornl of dollars inlo Iheir net .... ork:; . Iht)'. shoold he able III offer premium se~ 10 differentiaTe themselvel Irom compet itont and earn a healThy refum on their invett· menls

Paid Advenlwment

Holiday Season Leaves Dealership In

Overstocked Position. Dealership to .ell 500 vehicles at

Bloomington Sale Bam thl • . weekend January 7th, 8th, 9th & t 1th

Due to Konornic ~itIoM III fleW C..- ..... " the eond 01 2'IlOi. OM of 8'oomIngoIon ', '..-gut butl_. Extr.me MoIOf'l . II ~1IIIy oVWltockl<l wrlh

Ex1fltmll Motort II ho6dIng !NIr O.,n Sale 10 help .t1eYl.t1 I~r ,",ce.. fleW WId LINd inventory. "W. w.nt.d I piece wn.-. cu"~ ,. ..... oItl __

Page 6: €¦ · \ ,llUNOIS SATUI'IDAY, JANUARY 2...2010 \ DAYBOOK lUbe numbers Jobless may face brutal decade Today i"siturdrf, Jan. 2, tne 2na day ot 2010 There are J63 days lel'l l'l lhe



Area deaths Dor'. Mae Dietz ,\ lr 'br kl'r Tl'1I1l.'d fl1lm Cero SIl'eL (an organWltion 10 promote the fish and Bu';'" 101; 11 be at Walnut Hill Cemelt/)' be in Richmond Grove Cemetery. Ntw "

" 1 l'l 'l ..\." l\ l - Pnn., \J ,"'j)WI ~l, ,,' \\ hl'rt, h .. " ~b ~t'l wr;d , upennh'ndl'nt of hird hfe on Ihe moer he loved} near Will iamsville . Holland, IL . "'''1), I t'l t' !tImlin, " ,l\' I~'ll" ns al1 )akhrnok, " '. '.. '-_ .•. tl r.'1· "" " , .. .. _" '-_, ' 7

.\ 11 "ul,I.,kl. II d lt'l.l "I 5 1, P JI1 J.UlU,II"1 Phil Hawlev ' emon.u:i can"" muut: to ",1:;;~;;;"N'":'=-..,.."rn""';m llon ww UI;: rom't· p.m . • .-------1 II----c":~ , '~:;:~-_:~II:I~.~"~IT~ .. "~,"t,-~I~"~-,~" I~".~"~"~rt::"~'?~:::;;;:--.c;~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~ . """-_ ........ ,..." 111 ~% .. .."..... .... ~ u '!j.ltl..oh\l .. m .. n .w.,\ I .... m ... I ·~ ..... nI F - . '- Ill ,str.:ln .... " .. 'Ul <II " l'mu r13 . Orne I nut$diiYlil r m: IU~ .LdWC" .':, ... "'"u .... 1'1111.:' ,..1.1 II .\ 1.U' 111 .L1" , \ _ I I tin rht: run- \V1Ul ,\MSVIU£ - l'h il ll llwley 11KI.' Servit~s tlospice Funeml ilome In IJocoln. II-

~r nJ.11on uf rh,- n , " f WiJ h am~-"1IJe , 11. passed away (In Z. \1 " 11h'/ !'t'w,-,! h .• _ On-line condolences can be senllo MefTloria15 may be made \0 ' IOn

1'.111, ,"1.1 C mnl January !I, lO ll! a1 ~~ resi""nce. .._. _. . -""h ' , h Ch h S Cia ' M 1101111 [ . 'hn ,lIld h nk www.rnotlalluennlng.com. LUleran UK or , I. ra ! a nor . 1111",11\ II .,111'1' 27 II ,' '*!\'l,\l mlhr Survi.,.ed bf. Wife, ;,',U'" '" "', .... 1<.,. M .. n hant Marines Patricia Duda: De." Fr.nklln U •• ks Ed Fr.ncl. Roher

n.,n~ ..... ,b,' nWIll ' duml~ W.W "2 Ch l ld~n . DanIel Dt>an Franklin Maaks. 79. of u ncoln. IL ~ff. PUIA';;KI _ Ed Francis Rnher. 70. h." .. I Ih,- ,\1 1 PII\,t, kl MfH\1n enloyE.'d ~~;:~;~e~~~ lI e. dlE.'d alll:45 a.m. January I\. 20(0' al 51 of Springfield. formerly of MI. l>ulaskl. \ '1\ \ ' .. \II \ liI~n "h., fi shing. fr,.'(lmg and Timolhy (Vlckie) of Clam's Manor, Uncoln. IL • died at 11 ,22 p.m January 10, 201U al SI .,b" ItJ""d ~"nl"lI lr1~ watt'hlnl<: hlnb. land Wi I1i..lms'~ lIe, l\6>,; n_ Mr Maaks .... 'aS a John's Hospital , Spnn".field. IL [~~~~~~!, .11 1l1 h..r tl,'II" I' '>4:"pmg ami gMUt'll. retired farmer and a 1 1r Roher was a (Nancy) 1If Riven on,

2:', I!I ~I; lI\ ,\I t mg Kay (&011) Faucon !iUb~..tilute mail carriertruckdri .... er. 1'111."kl II t" I ,,\lh.'nd l l,,~,Il· \I ,U'_I,m'·' . I II"I~ I I. I !II ~ I!\' of Elk han and in New l-Iol1and fm m lie was of Ihe \I ,~'n' .... Ilt· m"nll'd 11111 t'f I 11,.", '11 (Jht·I1\'. I t''( ,l~ 10 Arthur :md IJJul\l' K.ltherine (Richard) 1957-1973. Chnstl<ln falth. ~"I" !IIh"1 ~ I!I-I'; m IJtn,. II1 . 11 11,' pi " FilM-lu ll 11,'l' kl'r II .. mamt'(II JUy I IIIUof Round I .. ,ke Re:lch. IL: Brother. Ill' was affiliated Il l' served mthe ",,1,,,111"111\ \I , ,,,lh "11 \;""'mh," t l. .'r~tt h lmlln'lnn " 11 Jill .... .! . HH!) Tn ",'~ Iy . rx Fmnk of New Vi~nnil, Ohio, anu SislI: r. wilh Zion lutheran US r\ rmy .

.... llI' ' 1i1, 'II C\ III I J n ~1l111 S .. lt1dm Whitc lealher (If Indian I~lk e ESI . Church of Uncoin. IL .... \lI\'II'.r... Ill. IlId" h"1 ~hl"1 1<"11\ I Itlh'! ' "l'Il\', 'I' tnl'llld ~ ,'np ~'1Il . ~'onda : 1/; Grandchildren: 10 Greal He was bom

"" II" "I \\"hUIlI):I' .11, II ,'ml '1,1" r 1Ir.l .. 1\ " ,'," ,' 11'" n,'" 1,1'" " , I' ,,'k,-- ,,' ( irandchlld ren ,- and Several Nit.'Ce!l '& He served in Ihe February )9, 1939. in ( 01. ,,11 , \I ,",r.· "I \11 1'III."kl 1! .... !w" .. , Marine Corps from MI Pulaski . II. 10 .,J", _111"",01 to\ I"'-'n): m.·, ", .HHI (, r,lll.lIIl . \\'.L~ hIlI Kt"n , O IlC daul{htl'r. Nephe ..... ~ 19.'i 1-1953, ~1a lioned John CI:II1CY and 11,·,111,'1" ~I ,IIH'o" ' n 1, 1I11l l' "f, 1. ,rtv- ( H" rm~n l Mr Hawley ..... as hum March 6, )937 tn tn Korea He ...... "duale(] from New . ' " _-'

" I , , \~' Ihtlt'n "f I md,'n II , " Ill' '1~ll·r. Wllmulh \\ 'll h"m!)\1Ile the son of Hurl Guy and Holland grade school and high school. · ... . ,Ih' n·" ' Dum,-, 0" ~'m""- "3, ,- '3, ~" Marxuenle I. Guffey noher He mllm"", --' )"" ,"1'1",,<1,·, 111, ,·.,lllIlh'·I I'·1I iii " "' Ll<. .... ""' M :m.. .. nl.\ . hlhh,111(1. I hrnl lll'r... ... \ It~·ll \\, ",1'1', (1- r.M Inl I !.l1l11l lon ,Ii CIlI\! :-'p nnl{~. IX I Ildl,t Ziemer Ililwley lie married He was bom Aug. 12.ot93fl in Uncoln. in Gorman, MD, She su tv1\'e~ in ,

" , '" " ' I 1° 'Ix ).::f.uukhrl,hn, (i rpj(" I!' (Ila ..... n ) f 'al n ct:l Duda onMay 4 . 1 9.~; inNeWinn '1_",,- ", ( ,-, "--'"n·"'ndA"". S . gfi'd IL " \11' ,~m'"n, ,oro" . , .on',.III, "I' \ '" ' 1 '1"" , '"'' ,r, ,,,,~ '''' _pnn e .

t~I' , I ,a ll , Il, ,\\ h·, 1'. '11 1111.- 1 11I~!o on . \ I I 1111. ..... u g ,1I .,11{ . .' . l" ,. (:-'~ r;1 \ F, III ~" ()111O They ..... e re tfI(lmed 5:1 years ' Maillaret Juhanna Rtlt!lke'r Maaks. lie N"wh'n) Wihtlt! n: Emden. 11 _ I <In (e",) Other SU I'I;vors Innule l Daughlers .

l'lllh"'n \\ I I ~, ... k,,, '11. I i,·f.t llhlll' ". hl'J!1l IIt.tl nt'r " , ~('\O.' 1 " ,Il'lIlu. IL ~l lh hvn PhIl IS pll.'('eded III death hy his plIrents marrietlilelen Lo uise Schmid) on Aug. Tina (paul ) Koehnt <:If Springfit!d. II. a.nd .ITl d 1\.,\ I\ ITl lll'tt II )'''',,1) ,\ (]ln ll1 :lIlof Ihll'kl t'\', \\',.\, _Hill ,I bmlher Rick N . 195R al Zion Lutheran Church, Mary (Timothy) Knull of Springfielu. II.; I

),J " 1111'/, 1\l1It·f..! .... Ill I,.. bdd .,1 I t (WI .\1 ,,1".111 tChen) J 1.,( k,'! " f H.; nn~l' 1.lk,·, I I,· , erved 111 the U S Air Force and Uncoln. II _ They ..... ere marriE.'d for 51 Son. John (Tina) Roht r of CUmin. ll.; 1

" I I ,

J " years. She surVives in IJncoln, 5· " '" ", d 'I, M'I ' " " m IIIN .I \" ,I!l\l~I!' I. !I I Ii) "~ I \\',\ .md t 'llIl! IlIriltHJy) I b dier (If I ;,k,· ,' ml), " esen 'es ISler . . m t ""en e I ner 0 r aney ~ n, k,- l·,.! ... ,' rt ..... , hr,ldl'l FlIIlI'l;,1 II" tllI'. I "PI" , \\',\. amI nllle I{ rt·,Ii-)?:mmllhlldren I'hrl o ..... ned several busrnes.'\es in Other 5UlVlVOrs rnclude one son. DeraJd Prairie . II.; I Brother. Lo nme Roher of ,\I t 1'1I1, , ~kl .... 1111 1111' ~" I- \ '.,u,11II 11<..· .. n1ol1l " . " I' 1" 1' "1 \ , n...t., (r\priO Maaks of Uncoln: three daughters, Auhum.lL; \0 ..... andchild ren: a'nd 1 greal-H I~ p,lI"n l ~ .tnt! four hrolher.. D:rn. WI l am~"\1 e: .... 1 lam~V1 e I u 0 '''''''1' ~ .. " llln.,nn, J n l~mll'l\! .... 111 hl' II) ,\1 1 " -m-'" C- Shop' d n , I" 'h RI L'" Darla (Larry) Sianfield of Uncaln. IL, ""'ndchild

H.' lt . 1 .. ~JI1.lrt! ,IOU Roy, and I .... n ~blef'>. "", ,ou ,un . n t 'U n 'J I' ou "~..,.--O°c,,--",,o;;; .. ' "'""""""';;;;,,"";-;;;;;;-----1 If----'~·' ,-kl ("'I11,'Io>I'\' ~ !r I ~ I I " k, . ,_,'On ...... ..i £Ionita n el ,> B"u s of '~ I I ' I _~ ,_, h . ......,_ . . . ...... - _ .. . . __ . 1)\ltoln'·( ml .... cIlJntl Ihelma MarJ(um t~ , e.ml ,"I "ILK'Um. {T, '..., ... ' .... .,111, ' III paren s an s15 erp'~l'u tm \'1\1I.,II OIn " ,11 1)1' jlllor 10 the , r;f\·I(' .. on

l'hur,oJ ,,,' Ir"m ' I 11 .,Itl III Ih,' fW1I'ral h' ''ll.,

\kmun., ]', m.'\' lit' llI ,uJe 11) !'rr.1 l " n,!I,ttl ('hun 11 '.1 \ 11 f'trb ~k l Ill' Ihe y , nd,·dl .. th " .1'\111,·, J),' po.l n m,·n l

J ~anna (Joel) Jacobs'nf Unrein, IL; . d h ptl't l'lled him It1 deal h Phil wnrked for the Sangamon County grandchidren Lauren and Lance Slanfield. Tn eal ,

:-'I r I l a,ker'~ funer.11 ..... lll be held at Sheriffs Departmenl and Williamsville Devin and David Biggs and Derek and Mr. Roher') funeml will be held allO:3O I III P m l'hur.day. Jan 14, 20 10 111 Police Department, Jord8n Jacobs; one broj:her. Donald a,m. Friday, January 15,20 10 at Fricke-

-Fmk e·t.',rll'f,n -,'ichmder Funeml !Iome, He belongs 10 Cool Cruisers & RI. 97 (Margaret) Maaks of Bloomington, IL; Calvert·Schrader Funeral Home, MI. iJl1w in. II \\11h Ihe Rev 'l'hom:L~ Shaw Crusaders. Jlnd one !isler, Diane (Neil) Steffens of Pulaski,lL with Marl!. Weher omdaring, I! lfi l'l illlllg lntemlent \\111 Ix> In Hartsburg Vis!lation wiU be held on Wednesday. Elgin, IL lnle rmenl will be in Mr. Pu]uki Cemetery,

Marvin Sylvester l l,u" n l't>lIl r l .. r .... : 11:l rt \ hll~. II- J~mla '-'-' 1:1,2010 fmm 4:00 PM unlil7',OO '" , od • . ' h' , 0 Ih MI. Pulaski, IL -~ Is paren s prec "" Imlll ea . . r. " "I'"- fro ' ()()'7 00 Hacker VI'l t,II 11I11 Will h .. In nn 5· 7 [l III un PM at Moil & Henmng Funem~Home in • . vlllilation W1 "" m., : : p,m.

--"!!e!!<!!:!!!~--------~·WmnMri;w--anrr-n-lT!"·hm:rpnm-nr!h~-~,th-e n S".1mtwhere rlIrfe ral-wr1T be held>6'h-_Mr>_~faaks s.funeral ~ be.hel~ aLl.:30_ 'Tbur!JdlIy;-Jllmmry-I .. :-20lo--IIt"F" ... ·~ ___ -I \ I.IIYIll "111,"'h'l' I 1_'L k,"] , '1 \ "I _"1' 1' ,. '.n lluJI, d"v ,Ii th .. funt·r.tl hu rnt' l'hursday January 1~.lO !rt at l :OO PM, p.rn Fnday, January 15.1010 al ZIon Cal\'en.Schmder Funeral Home. MI.

I J1II "In II . I, ,rm,"II\',.r BI.iI"n;, I L· \ ." LUlheran.Chull:~ in Uncoln, Il WlIh Ihe Pulaski. /L ~km" n ~i, 111 ., ~' h .. · m.ult ' lu Fncnd~ of Rt:V_ Mike Drake and Rev. Da"';d Beals Rev. DaVId Ramirez ant!lhe Rev. Mark . . 11i "". ' I II'II'IIlI'IIII" I' ~ .!II JII , 'ltr" M , " _ 01 "_ <

11,,· I<II'r r · San Iknr,m1. Br.o,una , Tex,l~ .... ' Il ufficiate Thompson cO-Offici ating. Interment will emona s ~ay "" m~ e 0 tnc r ranct5 tr"llll' __ ' _~ .J:'~2her Family Memori!L...._

The '''J~:{JnJ ,,_ ..... -.-~ _ ... -----------

Page 7: €¦ · \ ,llUNOIS SATUI'IDAY, JANUARY 2...2010 \ DAYBOOK lUbe numbers Jobless may face brutal decade Today i"siturdrf, Jan. 2, tne 2na day ot 2010 There are J63 days lel'l l'l lhe


_~ __ ~D~A~Y~B~O~O~K~ ________________________ _

Area deaths The record Helen M. Newman

th:lt:n M . NC .... l1W1L !l;t uf IJOluln. lI . I.IIN ,11 I W 1'1 m

1.~.~~ .J,1n It. lilll) !!I! "I :\1 John ') H""pll.:c. Spnnpil'kt. lL She W.L"

th" I,LS! of her lmnll'iJl,Jte Llmll\'

lielen n'urt'llfmm Iht- S [:&II'u f

111Ino" S~ \0,'<1._ rhe fiN .... ·oman !Il huh.! Ilw JlI~I­

[11m "r lener fur lhe St,ll e of IllinOis


She was 3 mt.-mht-t (If II"I\' F,lmlt\' Church of IJr..,l.ln lIel('n W;L~ IJ~an C"umy ~"puhlll ,In l ·h,n ...... ·oman fM ,11~

\ , ....... w, 'rkzn)! .... ' ,h Jllp. Sapp '>hl' .... . 1' hon, ~1anh III . 191" zn

".\\, 1I"lland. II III L"ulS and IIrl~n " "nl,cul.uk Berm She

lum'!1 l!I.lti ,n

.... Ur. 1\"'" 1m ludl' ! t.I,lUjthll'n.. '''mh,I \nn - \I ,un · ,ArthUr) "1'llId "I Unt'"ln II .ImtK.lren 11.,m ll .. hn·n: ", lJII,·uln. lI~ ~

j.!r.tod.lulthn I! ~rl·.II·t.'rant!chl l ·

.. hen .,I,t! ! I!n',I' tll't·." ·j!r.lnt!rhll· dn' !1

"nl' .... . 1\ pr ..... t.Il ... 1 In tlf'alh h)' h .. r I",U'nh hu,hand "nf' .... zn. k" h,ud I ~ewm,lI1 . I h!lllher. R .\,Il\'l!i11 ' ~I"'Y " Bern; .• m<l ji \lS' ....... V,ul., \1"m~. ~ nlma 1Il,lum. hin .. H, Im-'lk" Imu W" nh. n ., .. n,.' rr:iil~rl(l J).mQlI !kll ... IIt'm~

\ 11' " 'wm"n, lunl.'rallO.111 he hd<l,11 11 IM ! .J III SMunJ.JY, I.mu,u), Hi. LOlli al Huly F:ullIly Church, IJr\('uln 1O.11 h Ihe Rr\' \nIMn\' Iff ,)ff",annjt Imennenl

.... '11 ~ 111 SI /l.1.u:y'- CemcII·I)'. [Jnl'tlln. II.

\' 1-'. ,1.111I1n wdl be ·1·7 pm Fnlby ,II ~n(k"" .. ll\'f'n,s..hr.uJer Funeral lI" nw, IJlll<l lll . IL ,\ prayl'r M'"'' I", v.,lllw "I i no p m

;\tl'm"fI,lh m,wll+' m.,d,· t" 11,,1 .. ~ , ul1lh ('hUlt h 'Ir l · .. ntJII


Emily F. Reeae UN.UWNSTU\\~ _ Etml¥ F

Nt't'('1'. in. tlf Hrown, p/OYo,.,. IL UII.-d al 9 511 p m Tu{><.day. Janu;uy l'l . 2!l1f) aillN home 10

Ilmv>1ls10v.,.,. ll. ... mh famIly a t h....- "tt.l ...


Humt'. Hmwnslown. wnh Jim nann offk,alln~ lIuft:t! wtll ~ In (inff" h Ccmctl'ry. llnl .... ns' ulO.·n. IL

a m .;('r.'1Ce IInl l! un MemoRub may Ilt, made 10 Ihl'

Unned MelhodlSt Church Youlh FUnd. Hrown""own. II~

She was hom Ault\lst ·1. I !j:m III ~ San Jose. II. 10 Samuel and Ruby

~ , I.tWo't'1 Taylor She mamt'd Charles W Rt't'Ct' un AUIt\lSl K. 19.')11 11\ Brll\\1\.\I\I" \\1'. IL

She had w/l rked , I ~ a nurse\ ali) l~la nl and cafl'j(l"l'r and \\~.!S

Church . "nM''''',.",. wh". , hl' h.ld lx'tn lO\~) I\'ed lhe Unltf'(l Mt.1ilndlst Women's Group as well a.~ a former Sunday School Teacher, She was a member of the Faye" e County 1I0nle ":x1e/t~ l on and a local BUNU I !!l'IlUP

SU!'\1"ofS lOcludc hel Husb.lnd. Charles Rect'e of Hmwnslown. II~ Sol/t\ Juhn Rt't'Ce and .... 1fe Gena of Hr'll' .... ,.,st"wn. [I. and Damel Reece .Iml .... 1fe. ~fhotT4 of lA>dar HIII.-M,ssoun. Dau!!hler Renna Kelly and husband Jeff of Vandalia. Il~ Sisler Ruby Hales of IJncoln. l1 ~ 6 Gr:lIldchlldreQ. Tommy Neece and .... i fe I.ynzi. Mike Re«e and .... 1fe Hr:lOdi. all oj Bloomlnglnn. ll~ Jenna To\\,.,send and husband Z.1ch t)f Ilrowns1own. II ~ Jt'S.'l ica f'-ulk and hu..~band lach of Aurora, Colorado, Jeffrey Kel ly ofVamL,Ua .Jod BenpmlO Ret'« of Cedar Ihll. MI~s"uri

SlI6--W<l/>'IN'K edt'd III dNlh hy twr Parenls, Bruthet·IO,law. 1>onald lIalt's and lJ ll'M Grandson

Area calellIlar

-------------------------------------Police beat Warrant a ...... t

,\ l...ot:an County deputy atT'e!lo1, I'd Sam.lnlha N Goode. 19. of t~ !)(~) hlock vf 11,'iOlh Al'enue al ,t ~S

p m \\'edn~day al Ihe Logan enuol}' SilfelY Compll'x on 3

I.o~an County warranl for fadure 111 appear 111 coun rejCarding pos. seSSlon-3nd ronsumpfion of aJro. hoi by 3 mlllor

Fire calls

W~l'IeSday lit Singleton Drive

Qood Intent call Uncoln fin'fighlel"ll ~nd~

to II good inlenl call al I I :2R a.m. W~nesday at the 300 block of Welch Ori\.'t.

Rescue runs Aid can.

I.Jncoln fin'fight er.. respo~ with logan County Paramedics to medical emell!encies al:

• 1\ ~idence III the 700 block

Wednesday_ and cheese casserole, polato • Cente~ COUIU_ilj:Jtp_f!!=-srick5, loasl. II.pplesa~ __ _

Wedllesday. Ul'IColn ~hlh . Wffi I.Jncoln-• A I'ftIde~ In the 2100 block Broadwell, Ntw Holland·

of Woodlawn Road at 5:55 pm. Middletown, Zion Luthl!ranLunch Wednesday_' - Sloppy joe.~~ tries. aeamy

colHlaw. mixep fruit • A Tl'Sidel'lC@lIllhe 1000 block

of HeItmann Drive at 6:10 pm. Wednesday.

Sch ool m enus Friday, Jan. 15

Mount Pulaski Elementary Lunch - Spaghetli with melt saua:. lettuce salad. applesauce. b~adstick

I!lectrlc.' call ---orwHT Felil;;;anrm;;-e at 11:52 Carroll Catholic Lunch ~

Sausage p~n beans. Frun Roll·Up. fruit

• Moun! Pulaski High lunch -BBQ..rib sandwich, pas1a salad, au grnnn-~afOe5, fnut, cookies

Mount Pulaski Zion Lutheran lunch - FISh slicks, macaroni and chet5e, peal. mixed. fruit , cottage ch~. bmwnie

[Jnooln firefi)! hleo; responded a.m. W~nesdIlY· 10 an electncal .... ' nnjt or equiP' • A ~idence in lhe 100 block uncoln High, West uncoln·

Hroadwfll. Brukfasl - Egg, ham ment problem al 6:41 .p m of lIaif Moon Street at 12:26 p.m. I

Bv the numlJers TodWy I, Thuraday, J ..... 14. !he

14111 day 01 2010 There are lSI days tell onlhe year

TocI8y '. Hlghllghl ln HIIIOtY:

On Jan 101, 1784. tI'Is Unrted Slales ra1ltled a peace 118il1y wt!h Engtilnd. ending thO AlMlIuttonary W"

Wednesday Lottery:

Pido: Three - E'J9Iing: ' ·1·8

Pick Foot - MIdday: 9·7·0·8

Pido: Four - E'.'8I'Irog: 8,3·8· '

lJt1Ie Lono:l ·28·29·38·39

l.Cft): 8·22·38-40·42-48

Lono..Bcl<:pot: $2.15 million Moga MiionsJodtpot: $13 million TocMy" 8W1hdIys: CBS oorn-

mentator IS 91 BkJes

Coootry SIOgI!I Bill ie Jo 59-"' '' 13. SInqer .... JonM IS n. SInger­song.tmtel Allen TOUI.UInt IS n. NAACP Chairman Jul"" Bond IS 10 Actress F.,.. DunewIy IS 69 Actress HoItIndT~ IS 67. ActcM CIrl WNthwI is 62 5Inget1)l'Olb:. or T-8ooI BIIIT.tI is 62. MoYie

direclOf SltIYen ~ IS 47.' Ac10f Mn AtJtJy IS 46. FCIC N8WII'I Ghat'I'IEII anchorman ShepIrd Smfth IS 46. Rawer SKcIt Rid! is 45. AaoI Den SchneIder is 44. Ac:tresa Emly w-.on IS 43 AaoI~ Tom RhodM 15 43. Rodt InJSICiM z.Idr. WyIdI {Ozzy Osbourne Band) Is 43. Rappe,.,lt'tol' U Cool J 15 42 I.ciOf JMOf'I anm.n is 41 Rodo: rl'l.ISIOaI"I DtIYe Otohl











Page 8: €¦ · \ ,llUNOIS SATUI'IDAY, JANUARY 2...2010 \ DAYBOOK lUbe numbers Jobless may face brutal decade Today i"siturdrf, Jan. 2, tne 2na day ot 2010 There are J63 days lel'l l'l lhe


IV the numbers Tacily II Fna.,. Jan. 1 S. tr'Ie 151'1 ~ 01 20 10 There are 350 days 111ft n f'o8 ,.., Too.y'l H6gNIgt111n HIs1ofy:

----~~~ ... ~~3ro~+"~ .. ~~<M~""n, .. ~.,~.,.~~:'~'"';-! ... ~~~ .. ~~-t-erqo&S. iY' 155 people abo.\ttI SUI'\'I'..ed

_ I.onort' PO Three -~ 3-9-6

P.::l\ Throe • Evenrog. 5-4-1

PO Four "'1O:iav 5·2-4·9

P.::l\ FouI - Ewnny 3-11-1

llIII8 LOIIO )- 11).25-2&33

Lono Ja~l S3 mb

"'Iegd Mrllrons J,.tlp:ll $ /3 mrkrn

Today" Blrthdayl : Actress MargIn1 O'Bo.o IS 73 Sr.yer Don van VllIt lat.a "CapliVo Beelh6arf) IS 69 Actress AndrM MartIfl IS 6J N=1or-orec1Or Mario Van PeebIet. os 53 AclO! Ja~ Nnbfn os 45 Srng&r LIU Usa (Lrs.l uS<! i\f1(1 err" Ji,m) rs 43 AClor Ctled Lowe os 42 A1t<:ounlry ~r Wilt 0tcI\am !<1~1 "Bonrve PrInce Drl~ 1S.s() AClrllSS Regina King os 39 Ac10r Eddie Cahill rs J2 Rapper regg.:reton artlSl pitbun IS 29


Area deaths -Ann. bene Klein

Annatlt'lle Kk'rn. P-..l, of Unroll\. passed a ..... lly J,muary 13.2010 III Abraham l.Jnroln

. '-funeral se" 'nS .... "1l1 be

I 00 PM Salurday. January 16. 2111H31 ImmanrrellJllhernn Church in Unrotn wilh Rev And!'e'N Nyren offKi· almg

VisrtaHon .... '11 be from II 00 AM unlrllhe Irme of

the ",J'\'lIe ill~r allhr \ hurl' h on Smurdily

,\nn.,hclle .. '~ hum Seplf'moor 9. 1921;. the d.ll1jth lt' r uf ;\ut-'lCi' (' l.IJhrel1l. and Della (IIdm·mh) Sh .. rllum,'.! GtlOl~e Klern Jr on ,' u~rr~1 Irh HI-I.') rn I Jr\(~lln. 1IlrnolS lie pre· fftkt! h.·r rrr d.· .• th on l\pnI 2:!. I ~)~.

Shl' ... a~ a mrmber nf lmrnanuell.ulheran ChUllh ,mo:! l"SP(~:I<IJly (·nJO)·ed all t'ndrng IDe

~J'\1tes lhere Annabelle , I

WIIII_m Anihonw Lanwl-w of


Al1'angemenl; are pending al Holland Barry & Bennen Funtntl llorne in Unrotn.

Wlnd.1I R. Mlln.r Sr. fANCY PIWRIE - Wmdell R. Milner. Sr .

age 75. of f ,aI"l(:Y ?raine. died Tuesday. January 12. 2010 at Memonal Medical Cenler in Springfield.

lIe is ~"Urvivt!d by Spou5e. linda; Child{"!n. Windell R. (Donna) Milner. Jr of Petersburg, Michael (Ninia) Milntr of f iul<:Y Prairie. Dale (Karen) Milner of Springfield. ~borah

I Marguente : Brothen.

I I!arold

He also was. YOiunfeoef ~fl&hter foe lhe Fancy Prairie fire Depanment.

WindfU loved NASCAR. gardening, i nd tin·

Vi:s rtation will be held on Sunday. January 17th from 4:00 until 1.00 PM at Matt &. Henning funerai llome in Athens.

Funeral ser\')Ces wi ll be held Ihere on Mond./ly. January Iflt h DI 10:30 AM. Rev Owen Englin officiating Burial will be Dt Walnut 11111 Cemetery near WiUianuviIIe.

Memonals can be made to the American Cancer SocIe!y and American DIabetes Association.

On-lrne rol"ldolences can be §entto .... 'WW .mot1andhenni l\l (Urn.

Lola JoAnne Overbey Lois JoAnne Overbey. 78, of Uncoln, passed

away January M. 1010 at Maple RKtge Care Cent re in IJncoln

Graves1de se,,'1CeI WIll be 11:00 AM Monday. January III. 2010 in E1kho r1

Lois JaAnne was born April 12, 193 I in Today Meeting - 31!i 5 Butler 51 . J P m and IlI'T fnctllh Uncoln. illinoIS, the daughler of Ira and MobIle Helnh Unit - Defolal """', AA ,.--tlng . J 10 PulasIY S1, 6 P m N h e ' MyrlJe (McGeath) ()o.oe rbey.

~'r . SU1'\1\1ng ,\ nn .. ht:lle ;tre her ~1~1l'r In Jaw ep ews, & 'ousms. )(od<apoo StrOOt LJI'\COIn unbl 330 Open AA meeting - 507' I Pu\askl "!alJum- l,,,hrcnl uf lJnroln; her Sister in law lie is preceded in dealh hy three grund. She was affil ia ted wilh Untoln ChrU1ian om 51 a a m .' I,jf):.lfI~1 Uo.'f):er uf IJlllllln: I h r~ nll.'(;es: four d.1ugh ter.; and one grandson lind his parents. Church. ~nd oilircoln ~g 80010. AA - 505 NA 410 PuI.lskI 51 8 pm ntphrw,", :md many grtal nlt'WS and \\'indell was bom NO\'!mher 5, 1934 in She WIll employed 111 General E1ecm c in Bro.l(f.,'iIV 6 pm · nephc~ Bloommgton for many yean.

_____ O~Pffi~~A~A~moM:;;,'~~-~~~7;' ~P~~~~~.~~s~u~n~d~a~Y~~::::~::"::_t_~~~~~~~:=~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sl.o.pm

r Uarlrne LllhrclU. NA Meeting J 10 Pula9J 51 9 p m AA meeting Noo.smo~'ng. J 10 She \Io'all precedffi in dea th by her parents,

\1emlln .. 1 oonrolluns may bt> mllde In her AIr Foret' Hese.' rve !lisle- Mil'" M~" '''m, and brol .. - .... lno PlitasI<JSr ,9am I 11 h t h h ' .~ ~ ~u ' ' '' , .. Sa turday . mrmury to mmanue ~n er.m ure He farmed for many year'j With his father in Overbey. Marion Overbey, and John Overbey.

Logan Bible Fellowship Slea ~ t1 Public Trap Shool - lincoln 11"I I,ull! lIarry & I~m lll'rr Funt'",1 1 hlme In the Fancy Pmllie area and worked In secunry Holland Bany & Bennen FunemJ Home in Sportsmen's Club, 1 pm I ml:"ln l~ h,ullllmt.: .arr .. ngemt:nrs f,)r :1.7 ,'ears

Shake 1 d m u ntol" IS handling amangemenls. NA Youth Group - J 10 Pulasl\ l $I,

Unctlln Clinic LCHD 9 10 II JO iKlUn rnOOrlOfed 1 pm

" m InlerdenomlnaUonll1 Chureh AA. meeting Non-smokIng 41 0 ServIce _ Mary Pal Room. llncoln P(da~ r 51 g., m .&.menc.an L&gIOr1 Post 263.~1O FrfttI land 01 Lrncoln AA - ...... 0."'.".....,... <::r J n m ' l'\.'

1r:iiitJ:--" .iIl~"'§""_'C-;-\..-'ffi=~-·A-, ''"'·".:'=>:7.J::. :: .... .,lfII • ., ........ ---......"IIoiII......, • ...--. -_-=~-5-,

Page 9: €¦ · \ ,llUNOIS SATUI'IDAY, JANUARY 2...2010 \ DAYBOOK lUbe numbers Jobless may face brutal decade Today i"siturdrf, Jan. 2, tne 2na day ot 2010 There are J63 days lel'l l'l lhe


()fficers made mistakes with Hasan ' Area deaths By -.,... .. FUHl"" TIl E ASSOClAT1::D PRESS

Robut Gales. the fBI said it

doesn't do ef'lOU8h to share inror· Army offictrs could face discipline malion on ~disatfecled indi'.id\l · for' failing to do anything ,when als" and [hat closer scrutiny of Hasan db.-played ermtic behavior

information is needed by in his mlITTary career. The


Tho ..... Edward Culn.n

~~~~~~~~~~~'~""~"~W~'~"'~O~"~"~"~( -c~ ----fMl~""''''''''' .... ~·I·'''' ... ·O·" ··I·'''I ~' ... -~I''';;; case. a ler- Of particular concern' bi "self· ;;;;.~;;;;:,. i;;;;;~~Jlblicl)':e1eased IL and ;f~"'~~:'~ ~:';~~'I and 100 little attention being paid rorism IMk roree run FBI radicalization" by individuals The offkers ~ .. tlpervisetl HlISiln dren. Hnenna and Alex to intemal threats, senior with some military personnel seeking out ex1remist views, said w.hen ne was a medical ~1uden[ and . RifSS Key:; and Jtlrdan Flagg

Sur.,\\J1"ll ITI('lude sun tlnan (Anenna) Culnan of Lar,;mle,

dilulI\hler Karen (Jt'tf) CO,two '

Pemagon otrriats said Friday. examined Hasan bUI did noI IUen Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of during his early "\Irk as an Ann)' An intemal im'eStigaiion iOlolhe 1!'Ie Pentagon lhat C01'lCtms had tke Joint Chiefs of Staff. psychialrisl al Walter Reed Anny I hs pal\'nts imd nne mfant

shooting al .he Texas Army post In been raised. "There b; clearty more and more Medical Center,in Washington. Mr, Culnan bnllher preceded him In dea.h November found thaI several of1i · "The FBI a\s() says it will increase of lhat goil'l8 on, and how much of The review diU no! l'Onsider was a retired Mr Culnan 's funer-II will he cenfailedtouse"appropriatejudg. training fur taU fon:e membeB 10 it I"'I! haw in lhe military b; some· whether the shootings were an act ertglneer held at 11100 a m Wedn~y, menntnd staodanls" in overseeing better search bureau databases Ihi1l3 Ihal we oughl 10 realty of IlIrrorism and did not delve mto hum Eaton Jan 20 al Huly Family Church, the caT!er of Army Maj. Nidal whoo conducting in~igations. understand: Mullen said. alJ-..tions that Hasan was in cun. Curp He .... 'aS Uncoln .... 1th Ihe Rev .Ieff l..alble

. - h ' ho" '" w.,_ a \'el)' dedicated employee for 43 ro o ' I'. ' S Hasanand ll .. n eir actKlI\SS wu Lawmakel'.i includillji! Rep, Ike The Hasan case has taken on tact wilh the cleric. Those qUe!>· )'eal'.i. 41 "u8tmg nterment .... ~ u.: In I be inV'eSrigated immediately. Skelton. lhe Missouri Democrat heightened importance in rl!Cenl t"ions aTe part of the separate crim. Mary's Cemetel),: ljTl('oln

h h ' h " Ad .. , He was affilialed with linty Hasan, an Army p!I)'Chiatr1sl. woe all'.i I e ouse Arm.,.. wedts because of its ""' .... Uel.S 10 inaJ case agamst Hasan. VI~lIall"n ..... 111 he :i 1_1-7 (Ill P m 0_ ' C . _.1.-- FamilyChu~h ofUncolnaml ..... as has been cha .... ed with killing 13 ;x1VlCeS ommlttee. allU Texas the attempted bombi"" of a " ,,"" .... ~.lS .I...,rn .... " a l{"'er TueMiay at Fn('ke-Calver1.

'0 R I' h e ·.... ...... u ....... 1"-"\1 ,., a memher nflhe SoclelY of .--v.Je. epub l<:an Sen . • Jo n omyn Detroit·bound ""~-""er .... Both ,.nIh '~nJ " ·n .... · h"'llts "'. :I fix,. f ,,-oL' . 1 Schrolder FUIlt' rJI Hom~ . lJnwln. ~. - 'loJ h ,_.. h' 0--' ... 1""' ~, ,-~ " " ' "'' U Manu al1unn

fo •• ngmeel'.i anu a

..... ould ask all cummantlel'.i ..... I. e IIulngli ulUIC'Cepta e. ClISe!I IlRllinked to a radical deric tion on his Muslim rehguJII lie suppnr1er uf the United Way pTl .. :eded h)' ,I nl~ll)' ilt ~ .4:i P m _.,,:;-.. _ .. """'l' le\'I!l 10 make . ~We cannUl let our guard in Yemen and expose a failure by I from office to . Memun;,b may he made .o Ihe do • ,. f ' I" "" ....:~ , .. L _ He ..... as reculI"llul'l l l fnr "-~nd their day· wn, sa", Comyn. a member 0 . mle IgellC1! 0" "'1d.s 10 prevent 10", ~~~;'-ti~~~~~~~~~!.-_~~::(:",:,~,~o'~'~!~'~':';'h~O ___ _ ""'J" hIS cuntlnued servlI:e " <. ~ be attuned to per· t he SenaTe Judicial)', ~c~o;m;m~;~n;";.,_:'I~"~'~"';"''''I:nr''''".,..,mmFl1r._

" ""'10" "".,"' Appeals U.rgarel Rankin iar with the case, as many as eighT callitnes.s requirements He enjoyed golfing, hiS car and Mal)l"arct Rank!!l . 11K, of Uncoln.

WilS II !u\,ng father and grandfa· II. died at 7 I.; ,1111 Fnday. ther ..... hu enjo~'etl hiS \"lSlIS OUI J;,nu;'I)' l:i . ltllli at St John 's ..... es! til VISit his family Husp!("e. Spnn,.:tield, Il-

lie was hom Jan 22. 1 !~1:l1ll Fun"",1 alTangements are pend. IJnl'Oln. ]1. to Ed ..... ard Thomas and Mane Florence PitH Culnan 1111: al Fnlkl,·t"J!\"en ·Schrnder

Funeral Honw. IJI\fuln

a danger: men. gO\'emmenl


Page 10: €¦ · \ ,llUNOIS SATUI'IDAY, JANUARY 2...2010 \ DAYBOOK lUbe numbers Jobless may face brutal decade Today i"siturdrf, Jan. 2, tne 2na day ot 2010 There are J63 days lel'l l'l lhe


Area deaths WIIII.m Anthony L.ngley • \~'.U~I111 \,. 1>,,1\\ 1.lIIgl ....

."',m' ... ,n ". \ I.ork l.m~I .... , " no.! Jt">Mo.. , " , t .111.11'1\' p.1.'~'''' ,\\,. ,1\ l"nll,'1"\ II ~1I11' ,II \ hl"h.l111 I lno."ln " .. mnn.!II !.",)",,1

\ 'l"l,oI ~ 'n linn I'>t. I I ,_, ,\I WtoJJ\t ..... L,) J,.IIII.", !I I .'111\1 •• 1 11,,1I.1I'I\III.III'\ .t tknrwlt I unt'l,d limn .. 11\ I ,",,,In

tun"I,II ... ·(\\l\·, will h"", I! IMI ~,_.n un W"bh·"I .• 'l ,.1", ,11 Ihe 1\1111'1,11 h"mt' l!un • .I "'ll fullul' U1 ~t' \\ llrn"tl, 'rn'th'l\ IJII\ uln

':::u r'\ '\ 111": \\ ,1I.,ml III' h" I)'Lf ,'nh \ \.ttk l.mKI.·\ ,,' \1 " ,><111 ""v _.011 J •• " .... , \ k t . .u I.ulI l "' I lIlt "Iri. h" 1\.,11 ,hi," 110.'111.111' 1.llIl(leo.'. 1"11"111.,1 j:r.mdll.,wnh \I ,uk .uwj It',t''-II •• mph.-Ji,,' \1. ... /ln l ',l\ . hh p.l1t'm,ll ~rt" • .r KI,.mlfalht'l

hI' IIm!\ I mrl.' •• flU \ nru t .• mph..!I . .1 ... , .. , \I ." •• n l 'll\ h" 111.,10 1I1.,I~, "~II' "I ' II!~ !uli,'n,' .n.! J ~ \1. I .. 1.11"1. , "r 11 ..... "hl IIh! h" un. I. ~ r. ... h .11 111 J"u'll1\ \I. I n1 ,II<I " ! ,"m, "him" .lIId 1,1U1o \1 . 1 ,orl." ,1 ,,,I ,'Ii mo.,ln

II.· I' ,I ' 1" '~ ' ,I, .Im ,1,· .• ,h h\ hi' ,>''',·n\.II t-:"',"I! ' ,IIIIU., h. 11"" " \ ,Im"h.-l l hi' m," " !1~,1 ~" '. 'I ~", nolf. ,' h. ·1 \1. 1,1U \1 .1.111.111<' .,n,1 I n, I "I ",I

h II " ,

Edna D. Miller 11111., J) \"~I'r ~: ,

"III '>lIIl. I." 1.lIIuoll'\ Ii LU III .,1 \I<'mun.,1 \I. ~ II\-11 I ','nkr 111

.... I'nn~"dll ~II O\'f l l

""'/\" '" 1"1 \II' \lt ll." u1f!tJtITll'ld

"" ~lId, 1\ 1.'011 .• " ~1 ~HIII . u 141 111 .1111 ,, , I h· I'",. ~I,·\· I"'II'r.tI

II,on1l'1I1 IJlh" 11 I'un ~'" ,, ·frn ...

Area I""em/at

~~DAYB~O~O~K~ __________ ~ ________ ~ ____ __

I, Il1thk'lfrl\'l,Ill~

Vlloolhilltln wlil t\t' ht>ld fn lnl :,>, _" pm unlll 71\.1 p m 0111 I"hUMI\ . JaIlIL'" .21 , 2111U JIliW' tuffi'r.11 hom,

A Hus:l!" Will bt> ",·11 .... 1.11 ,' .0; pm. pnur to lho> \"lsllall<ln

lIun.tI 1',1I1x> In Nt""> lintlln l'1'rrlt'ltl)' tn I.mo.nln

~dna r.1Iln"hy '\\,l1l'r "" il.\ IM lm un Stl)fetnht'r 20. 191111"1 iJIl,uln Ihl' ,l'ujo\hler oj Ben and C"lelh .• :-.,. t! 1. DUIl,l lh Shl' maml'liiturl MllIf' r "n r\u~_,' 17. I!H-I In

IJIlt.uln II ~ PI'l!("I-ded her tn (\enlh tn July. l!l6Il

SUI'\1\ln~ htor are hf'r son 1>.11\11'1 !IlIurJ) MllIl'r"f Ilum.. .In... UI .. h, ""'0 liaughltrs "'h"">1"1 , \ 1 1b ..... 11Mh of MI J'ubskl. ~'M}!.tl\'l , I);'n..th KO\I\I.·!rsuf ' I"'" ,.I~ Se\'en ~~tfldchlldren'

KnmoltO(. i'rlt' M.ller, Br.lmh ,P"h'l \I,'mll. ~" 'f}!;tn '1lller 1\..,hllJ. ,hlllllul,her. Juhn t"l n.1:l! ,\I'I ........ ·nnh and '101' Im~ h· 1'1 l'.n.I't!.·. IIIII)"n;uh uf I tn. ,',In

I I'n ~it,,'1 ~I .tlllk hll.lr('n ... fIll I" •• ~It' .. ' ~II',II ~r.on,k hlldren

... h., I' •• ~ P'''' I~ 111 lI .... th hy III 1111,,01 ".n 11'1'11 ~I~tl''''' Alm.l I\\ .ml ... ,m!! k ,,:.I' ('lp .... O. 0",' h, ,4 h"1 1\0'11 I , tll1l' gr.mll·

I I W" llt'lf ,\1 Ir~w' lrt h


Ml'mllnah 1fI3)' he made 10 ,\merlC",tn I).ahelt'~ Fnuncbllon tit ltifitcrnlfiin~ Uliollr 11 ("OOM.~

M.rlon a.nJ.mln N.nnen

UFI.,WA>'II - Manun BenJamm N"mlt'n ,7·I, a ~Klpnl oI llenlage 11.111 Nurs10X lIurnt: in Centr.ahn. MO_. dlt't! al l:tlll pm Sitl Jan 16, ~IHtl U1 HoolW Cuunt)' IluspltaJ In Columh1<l, MO

lie was bom June II;, l!j:l~ m lIuynton InwTbhlp, rur~ll)ela\1m. III N Curl aoo Ednn Sunderson Nannen

lit' "''b pr«cdf'd In death by his p;'rl'nl.~ and '"'" bT'Olher

Manon .... ,-,rked fur 40 yea~ fur IltiN 1~1nd;;ca lllniC.n Kan...as City. Mil

• UI'"I1\,ng are IWtl rot rs, (ier .. ld INarn:YI of Fmdl'n and ( ',111 [K.tl\'nt .. t Ut-'I'el.md. "',). 1"'II"'~I(''', H",,' M" I\' IUun) I •• rkm\l.f lIun",'}, I •• ke. \VA, Jnd 1.111r.. F Uerryl 1.1 Fl1n~ .. ' Ihdh",lIe. MO

A J(r.lI'e.Klt· "'1'\11.'1.' ",, 11 t,.. al I illPM Sal , J,tnl,I. 2fllll ;.[ 1T.1ln.· ~r..1 Ct'mt'ft'1}' In ru r .. 1 Ikl;\\~on WIth ke.,. Frank-Pteptr tlfrl(IOlItnj{ llk>n." ",11 he ntl " ~"", lion

I1s.l . ,

, Ilolbnd IL \0 Offie t\. and IJ,:an CooOf}' Food Pantl)': f-1T'!1t ':::,~~:.:;:',:~!:~Rankjn lI l'r Unllf'd MelhodlSt Church EleIlIlor

" ~r.:~'~"":'~h~':;;_~F;;,,;";';;or the church of the dunof's

:: her moIher, H.len Evel," Esther Tre.tch Rllchhan lIe~n E\'l'1}'1"1 Treatch, 96, of Rankin, until IJoculn, ltdit'd al 12 ~ P m her pa"S1IIg January 16. 2010 in Ihe MIlSOn

Ahr.r her CII), r\ll'a mol her. Nun.1IIg Eslher, lIome, Mllslln passed, ( IIY, II. She

Ma~;lrel lived "11h hr. r SI!>1er ",a~ Ihe lasl of Mal)' until ~he fI1Ol'etJ III Maple her Imml!li •. RIdge Care Center 111 19112 ate family

MarJ:arf:1 loved f~h nu"'ers ,"'1"5 and le",ell), She rurkffi and hoi · i'rN/(h wa.~ a I it'd }"l1unger sibilngs and Iltphev."i reta.l salts. and as Iht)' Kft'W W laughtlhtm Clelk. hallng 10 play Old Maid and ~ale heau· worked Oil HoIJens TradlllK Center, IIful rulor crayon artwolk Stentn s, l.Drd's I ;1fld.1Ut'r'~ II

Iler SUI'"l1\'Or.> mclude Ihree rell rum uusm rl"lh .hl1~he~. RK"hard (Janelll H;lnkm She I''ilS affilia ted "'llh 1~I"Il"lIln uf Hllchepor1 , MO, Elmer Chnstl,tn l"hun:h (MimII'll) Ranktn of Peler'.\hur,(, II. She was bum July 1'J. 1!1 1:IJn nnd H.lht'n IIJ.onntelltlnktn of Grand Forks. Nt) 10 MarnlS and Ne,,' lIi.tl,md , IL rhrt'e SI!>II'rs., Nelllf! Ol!>lli"l She mametl Gt'flrge F-'>Iher Uowani of Mlddlel!)',!,'I"I, II . I. "f-'obt<y- ·rrealCh Mal}' I hldehrandt of IJnc:nln and f-rant:es (llonaltl) RanlSil'r "f lIer SUrl1\'Ors '1lClude one son. !-olmll¢"reld, 1I~ threoe SlSll'o;·m, law, JessII' Rankin of um'Oln, c.lrnlyn Rankin of Greoem1ew. 1I. :000 ' 1~lma Rank10 of r I ,

and cuusins. ~1\I1c:e

hlll.1 ~r:ltluated fn>l1ll.lI'Icliln lIer pllrenls: hrolher5 Offie Ih~h ."Hh.M.I , M.rg.,.t H. Rankin IJiml , Kennelh. llaruld and John:

offelln9 ellc:ellen! In an elegllnt atmo,phere Wedding', Reunion"

6I1rhMy<., Annlvf! l!oa,le" Recognition Qlnner"

Office Partie,

Sh,· 1' ," ,I nlemlwr Il f 11"1)' MIt~!II" t II Ranktn, AA, ur ~bl e r, Patricia: and intaws. Ilany ~ "lnll\ I hurrh. bg"" t\u~ll lary. IJ IK.'O ln. lI. lI ted peacefully Iklwurtl . Bernard UiJdebrandt aOO ,\I,wl~ I\ U\". \' FW Amnli.II)' January I:'). :lUlU al St John's M,.nlyn Rankin prKeded her 10

I dllJ "" .rlwI.1 ",IJIll "ln Ihrlo"Ptle. Spnngfield, lL She W~ dealh llot ... . ,I .. ' lm'.11I (" .. nrer imm I!lti7 rhe hldeSI or rweh, .. ch,ldll'n M~ Hankin's fimeral Wa!! held unltl I'li l ,b J ChIlli t: ... 11' Aldt' , MI~~ f{unktn ..... J.) emplo}'ed by 31 III .. m today. Jan 19a1 Fil'5t Ih.'n .. , I "hn Jnd hnk I ..... · fmm ( in'!'n l"humh KOI'emmt>nt l)mJec1 Methlxhsr Church of u nroln ""th

rull rJ,a, 5rrvtce Avallabte c .. roo • • ~, I~S.~ III

~" In 1215

RICtlard L (Nancy) TrffllCh 01 M~own. 11~ one daughrer,lO' law, E\'a T~lch of lmroln, II

· grandchildren: 29 gmt·grnndCh[l. dren, 12 j(reat·gre31·j/r.tndchd· dren; and numemw I\IC'Cn and

""' ....... Iltr parents, hl.l5band, one lIOn

(Fredenck), three SlSIers., three hrothe~ and four gnmtlsons p~ ('t'ded her III deillh

Mrs Treal rh'~ funeral WIll he held ill II flO a m Fnday, Januury 22. 2il lil al Fnrkl'·CaJl'ert, Sr,hrader Funernl linme of i.JnroJn. IL In[ermeIU .... 'lll be m Zl(Jn Cemerery, IJnt:'Oln

Vt\Uilllon "'111 he Ollt' hour pnor \11 the SCT\1Cl'

MellltJn.ais m;,y he -narJe tillhe t\mll!n,.'an IIJlan N.socIaIIOO or dl/nor's chu~

Ron H.rdy Hon lIanly, 59 ... f I.Jnrotn, II.

dledalll ,55pm ~hmda)', Janwl}' 18, 201f1 at hi .. home Wllh hIS family al hIS SIde

Funerdl anangements are pend. 109 al Fncke-Cah.'I'rt·xhrader Funeral !lome, u ncotn

•••••••••••• • /lapfJy Valcnrlnr:_ /)fly. • . .f-!o K., Lit,..Q -"'" • • S'c7.M~.' • • Assoun"E HARMONY • • SAWN AND DAY SrA • • H I 1I" .. J .... y, I .nc"ln • • -67 1 '~:~ S:,~~~047. • • 'IOoff.~Stt¥Iu • • .... 55 off HairRl • • .... ·" ... ctFr ...... m..,/tJ • • ", ..... ----., ,j! ••••••••••••

1'171 unrd her II'llrl'fJ1t' nr In 1!l1« hlr IhI.· menIally handICapped and tl\.e HI!\' Mark Kaley oIfJOallng fur 1..-..:.10 Ma~.n Menlaillealrh Hunaf " 'lb In Allanla Cf'melCI)'.

f oJ n. •• n"I) ... 1 JlI.,}'n~ l.lnh, A I II Cl'ntl'rfurrntl"I'Ih:an3tJ,'ea~ l anta, .

t IUlIrUl~ .md 1" .... '1.l1ht.- "Uldoo,;~'~;", __ _

======:.-,k--t+r·.h · Feb. 2. 2010

pl" nTlnj!~ll .. ".,~tmg1i? .. . Sm-.·w:r.r.lffih:;nrd ..... -nTl Pim--- V",,"allOfl was from +OH·NJO den r"'lh }'t.·,rr !-ohc l~pt ... ally Unltt't! ,\!clhllI.ll .. r Church uf pm Munda)' al Fnc~e·Ca ll·t'n , eIlJ""etl ~pt'ndll1~ tim .. with hel IJ ..... , .. ln Schrnder Funeral Home. Uncnln ~1:tllIk luldn'n .. nd J!'rt';U ~,.lIId, Memonal~ may he made hI


For Logan County 'Trealurer • Bom and Raised in l ogan County • Experienced . .

Page 11: €¦ · \ ,llUNOIS SATUI'IDAY, JANUARY 2...2010 \ DAYBOOK lUbe numbers Jobless may face brutal decade Today i"siturdrf, Jan. 2, tne 2na day ot 2010 There are J63 days lel'l l'l lhe

Give readers the in formdtion they want

and get the results YOU want! 1. BE COMPU:."1·E

[~g~?_~~.z::iI~ 2. DON'T EXAGG ERATE

~= =:-~,:,~P'7'''! ~ ':l."~~ ......... "' . ..,

Feel free 10 ask for help! D .......... hrlp .. It ... h ... I ....... ~,,~ thr C"" ..... , · • .-u..,J,..,J do-J'."""""

WIll br luppy lu hrlp you w",d yoo, .d j",bnoI,....,I"

Place yo ur clu .lfit'd old tod a y!

Call 732-2101


Thef8cord Tubtlayallhe l.Jrl ... ulnC"'fu·h"'wll"t.m:r.'n Re SCllC 'lin ... "-a NiI.'ih~,lIl' I'(>hn~ D,·p..H1tnem ~ "rr;, nl lur

.•.. ~"""', __ .; ,,:.,: :;~;:o..,;==;:;:-:, ;; ~ ~~~if:elll;~Pl'rt~!!~ruuill-'ilun:l,.IL.IO"'--" .. "',~ .... ",,,'",,,lIJ,,Ln.-'" -",-,,,-, -"'-"-"'-"'-"\1-,-"-" -, ,-"-,,,-, -of SOUlh Chw.IIlCll S treet at :l ~7 • A I j'l!:,Hl <-"lImr), dt'11U!\' .lrn·~Il"l1 ~h.ul\l" Cuunt\' 1',u';lI1w·dlt, h. 111,,,11 • . ,I'-nI.,!):.',k It'" _.,

~;kapoo 511ftl a~n l:ed~l~e ~I;~n:!.~';:~ ~nl:!:::!e,4~'1 ';~ .~~~ pl ~j I~~~kd.~~~ :~ ':I~~ k,,~\t'I'.~~I\II':l:,~' ;':h~~:~',,~ ~ .1 1>11 .. k ,,' I'nm", IeI)' l.oj(:m Cuunty Safety Cumplex "n .1 11 1~'U1

• Unroln police arre!o100 Eric E. Smnh. 35, Counl)' Wllrr,Jnl fur failure lu app.'ar lIl,.."ur1 of the 1000 block of Nonh Cul1ege Sl~[ at _ A iJ'K.ln COlijllY Ilt'pUI)' arre.t..u Hdw .... l.d

11 .27 p.m. Tue!ttlay at the 1400 bluck of M I.et'. 21. of MOUn! PulaskI a' 11 11 pm Woodlawn Road on a charge of relail ,heft Tuesday" , ,he IJlj(an CL!untyC'lunhou~t' lLn ••

... . ,\ [,·\lI l1·n,,· III tb,· i lMI hi,,, k IIf .... "ulh "ltk.I I"Io.'~l1t .. ·t." IU 11 •• m lu,·"I."

_ ,\ i"t'MIlt'III1' III tho 11M' hl .... k ,,' ' "l1h S,n:-t'ial !t ;n p m 11""d.1\

• IJncoin pohce arTeSled Joshua M. Mian, l.ogallXuumy warram fur fa,lun! lu appt:.Jr 111 S c h ool Incnu~ Thurs da y, J _n. 21

26. of Pekin 3' 7:13 pm. Tuesday at Ihe :lOll coun block of . Fifth Slreet on charges or decepn\!~ _ A ~an CoonI)' l.Iepul}· ilm:sted Jusl~h D. PmclW. pOSse!ision or canr.ah~ a.oo posses. Wagner. 12. of SpringfiekJ ;1I 4.:1-\ p m "l"ucMia}' sion of paraphemalla. • at tht' SanKumon County Ja.l un a IJ '):.," ( ·.llTuJl ·(·a,huh, I ullIh l hll,k,n n'.ltll.·

:.oIUp. pt·.l1lU' hun, ·t ,. l1uh'l. h. , .,11,,1 ,mol 1,,1 1·J"\·,lI r k.,. u ;u k'·I"'> . !nUI _ unculn pohee arresTed Cole V ShorBKa. County warn,"1 for flllhHl' 'n appear 11l ,'"un

III. of lhe 1(lllhlockof80nd Sllft' llt 1 2:~ 1 a m reganling po!iSeSSion 11ftannnhlS and faIlure til IU\(IIII1 H,·lIIr ll1 .II' Ih'·.lkl .", (,." .• • J.~, .•

h ... n l"fal'k",,, .... uh Ih" )1111 , .• <IId In'" WedlltSday :It the 15(1) block of OlTa'ft'a Street apptar in cuun reganluLg 11t1!>.\h'>It,n L1f I •. ml· on II charge of 11Iqtlll consumption of alrohol phemalill hya minor

Haza rdoua condition IJJl("'lln (m·fi.:h,t'I"'> rl·'I"Io.ml''I1 tu .1 hM'

;tnluu~ l"IJnd,l1l)O ,,' 111111 •• 111 IUt·,Ll.I\· .L1,h.· ~ ()C1 hl",:k Ilf Umoll!""',""

Fa l • • a ' _ rm

~)'STt'm iK1I .... ..I'lIln due tll .l m •• UUnI.1HfJl ,,' 9 1H pm Tut'~dliy :.1 tht' .!.!I~I ht, ... k "f Nnrth KickaptltlSlrec,

I mn,ln 1·1,·nwnl.w., J.mllh "1"111'\ I' ... ·

\\ , 'I' 111\ • • ,ln Ih., •• d .... L'l1

lIulkcl1 .ltH.I nl"all .. ·, Lolllunn., hlt'I,,1 \"jo("'.1_

1>1." tm'.,\I IW.I1'

\lI lunT l>ul .... k. I I. RI,·m.U\ 1 11 11, h t t, ,I ,t.~ Lhllh 1l.1 k,'Il h,·.II1 _ 1'111".111111,.

\l uurn l 'ut .... kl IIL,1l1 I un, h I!'Ulltllll)(l·r wllh fn 'rH h fn. ·, ... It! • )""''' ' , II,, · 11.·, 11 fnul

Muunl l"ul."k" I.,n t ullw, .• u I un, h I "" ,~ .... "h 1, ·nUl"e .mll, h, 'I' " , .ml'" \1' · ~11.'''1 nl'·. p''.lthe .•. \·t'jo(,I(ll" .llld Ihl'

BV the numbers Tcxt.y t. w.dnHMy. J.n. 20. the

20th day ot 20 I 0 There ale 345 Qaya - 1etI 1l'l 1heyea.r

Tooay'SH9lh{1It Il'l HIS!Ory

On JarL21L2OO9_.Batl:D..Obama was 9rM)ffl1ll as !he natlOn's 44th. as wel as Iirst Alncan-Amencan. Pf&Sl'

"'" TUMday Lottery;

PdlThI'9El - Mdd3'f 1·7· 1

F'Icit: Three - EVOIWIIJ 0·0·2

PO Four - MOaay 7-2·4 ·7

Ptdt Four - EWlll illQ 3·0·2·6 LmIa LOIIO' 15·24 26·33·38

1'9\"8 skater Carol Hal .. IS 70 4J A~11t".' Stacey Oath IS 43 TV SInger Eric SIIIIWIIr1 1565 "'-1ovIo peI5Ol1o.t.1; Melina Rlvm IS ~ 2

~ecIO=~~~lSG«;'n~1ry S."YC,Xll.II)IIS 4l Soo!jOl EdWln Mega Ba~ '8 IPocolls 63 Ac10r Daniel Benl.l ll l) McCain I~ ~ fl Ac'OI Skeet Ulrich IS l:otto..l8clqlot-S9 5 mtftnm--60~flocli.~ P. ul Stln'-Y ~all mus1C1dll..1li&StIO'IL.:.!QUeSt·

lion MegaMII1Ioo.lackpoc 586 mil· :=~~~~nB~I\" kMtl!TILe RooTSI1S:I9 RodIlflUSI

Maher (MARl IS s.l ActOI' Lorenzo TocIrf·. Blf1t"1d.Ioy. : Coun,ry u rn .. 15 5Z i\cIol JaIMI Denton

SII"IQIIr Stirn Whitman IS B6 Ac1[ess 15.t7 ROd< mlJ$lCl.11l Greg K. mill Patricia NNI IS 84 Comodsan Ana OttsPMgl '5 45 Country SInger Johnaon 1$ 81 Formel astronaut John Michael Monlgomel)' IS 4!l Bun Aldrin IS 80 Actress Dorothy Sophie. Countess or Wesse. IS 45 PlOYIne 1$ 73 ~ gold meoaJ Actor R. 'nn WII..on (The DIflcells

Arel calendar ""nsda, . Januar, III. VPW_PoI . ,,..

Mobile Hellth Unit . Allanfa. until 330pm

TOPS No. 17&1 - W*n&f1 Louoge. 51 John Unrted Church 01 Ctlnst. 204 SoY8nttI 51. . w&9l·ln. 4 IS to 5 pm . meeong 5 IS pm.

AAlMI'Itng . 410Pula9.J5t 6pm

lion. Cksb · Bonanza. 6 30 P m Open AA meeting - Non·smo!ung 507'') PulasktSI . 7pm Americlr( LtgJon Au,mlry Unit 2&J -PosIHome. 7pm

Knlghll of Cotumbul LadIH AuIUIaty · K oIC Hall. 7pm. ReilapilltlH Coin Club - Fnendstltp ManaI. 7 pm

N ... mMdng . 410 PWSIo 5T . 8 p.rn


MobIle Hullh Unit Mo:JIelOWn, I 10330pm

MeclIcI~IU"1"K* Auil tl1"K* . TheOruils. 210 4 pm AlzhellnIf"I , Rlllt.d Dementll Support Group - Ct"lnSIlaIl V,liago SenIOr ApI Bulking. 1500 SaveflIh 5t.6pm AA Big Book Sludy Group · 4 TO Pulasl<JS! .6T0 73Opm AA meellng - Mouni Pulaski Ch,lStIan Church F~ CeIllel. I1~N latayene 6to730pm LJncoIn Opdmll l Club · filS! Urwled Me!hoasl Church. 630 p m

Lincoln J.VCM. . MamDershLp meetIng. AU..1H. 7pm

Third Thurlday CIOOK SuppOl1 Group . Roorn2'2. AlMH, 7pm N ... · 410Pulasi.151 , 8pm

Frw Blood Pre .. ure Check - n16 Oa$ls. IO'o '1 3Oarn

AA - ~I OPtAlsklST noon

L..tnd of Lincoln Big Book AA - 505 BlOaaway. 6 p m

AAMeetlng · 4!OPuiasklSt 6pm _ ()p«I AA mMtlf19 - 507' 1 Pulaski 51. 6pm

III nfth II. . Lincoln

4:30 to 7:00 pm In clude. colellaw,

cornbrea d. coff ee & tea Second helping. ,,!lowed.

Ca rryoutl Available Handicap ped acclI •• lble

at back doo, .

MobKe Hellth Unit • EM\att. 9 10 Friday 11 3Oa.m

lind of Lincoln AA - 505 BloacM'ay. 9am and6pm

l Ie WlL! born Junuary I. 1955 in McLan Counry. II. IO Wayne R.and l.nu;ClarltGralf

SUMVors rnclude hill 'rum and slepmolher. Wayne (11"IgII Btsth) Graff of IJlcMdd. II ~ :1 brojl"lm. Oou«: Graff 0( Af!.a.JJU. IL. Huldt (KJm) Malhw 0( MI PuiukJ. IL and Curt lSna'NTI) Gl1iff 0( ImcoIn. IL: .nd 3 siI· len:. Jeanni.ne (Chuck) Kakken oIlkuon. Judy lfjarrin) PrbIwood oI8roedwri1. 1I. 1I1d Sw.ttle MafhlU ot Champaign.

'L 1/1$ rnoIher and matemaJ and p."""'-,,...,....

MobIII HMIttt Unit - Dantai orly. KOapoo SIleo! . l..JncoIn. 9 a m to noon and ! t0330pm Lind 01 LIncoln AA - 505 BroaI:May. 9a m

1.A~ . 4TO PutaslY St . 9 am

hlm ln ~ath

A memull:Il ~["\~ .... ~II he held at I 31) P m Salurtlay. January 2.1. ~jJIfJ a' f-rw..ke · CaNen ·Schrad"r FUI ... r.~1 IILlme. MI. Pullbkl. II. wuh I';blur Hoben Iloo\'er"ffJO<j tinlo: IlUl'tlT"Ienl Will be m l.ll('nnll Cemt'lery. t.:tlblnul . IL

Visitallon Will be I hl/ur pnor 10 lhe semc.e Itt Fnckt! .(."alvl'rt · Schrader Furw:raJ lIumt'. MI Pulasks. IL

Memonals may De made It! ,he Humane !'MJoCIefY uf l 4gan CounTY

Suzann MAXHEIMER Republican Candidale lor



{, •• ! II R1j(h. ··

• H&H8l0C K

Logan County Circuit Clerk

"Appointed Circuit Clerk by the County Board 'Leadership in Staff Management. Overseeing Collections of $ 1 Million Plus. Payroll, and Wisely Allocating County Tax Dollars

·WiII work with all department heads to maximize effiCiency and main­tain collection efforts to continue genera ting revenue for our county

Asking For Your Vote, Feb. 2, 2010

Pol. Adv. Paid lor Friends of MBxhelmer. 777 600th Ave .. Elkl1a(t. IL 62634 .

Page 12: €¦ · \ ,llUNOIS SATUI'IDAY, JANUARY 2...2010 \ DAYBOOK lUbe numbers Jobless may face brutal decade Today i"siturdrf, Jan. 2, tne 2na day ot 2010 There are J63 days lel'l l'l lhe


BV Ihe numbelS TocMy.~, JM.21 1hB21siuayol20IO Thereare J.W myslelll'l


Toct.y ', Highlight In ~10tY:

On Jail 21. '910. sNnry ~ 11 a m !toe OIeal Pans F'o.::Id began as r.e 1.11'1 """'l'Ion 5eIoe ftwr tusllIS DMU. St'!I1dI:'og walOlI'lID!he Frerch capIIaI tJr n...:>le tlldn(l~

~Lon.tv ;

r .. k Three - Millty 3 ·9·0

Po. Thrl'le EWOII19 0-72

P,d .. F()uf "~'-5 ·9 ·2

flo FOul - EVOI'IIIl9 Q·8-2·)

lillie t om 02· 17 lO·26·J7 lono 02 · 1) · 15·4, ·48 ·50

LotIO J.~ $J 5 mll~on

Mega MIllIons J.ldlpol $105 nllilian

TodIy', Birthdays: ActIess Ann w.dgeworth IS 76 Wo!td Got Hal 01 faflle' Ja Nldllaul IS 70 OporasrogBf P'-ddo Oomlngo IS 69 ~ Richie HlIIIIflI IS 69 SInger Mac om. IS 58 Actro" Jln Elkenbtny 15 63 Counl.y n1USlCl.ll"l J im Ibbobon (The Ntny Gntry Dwt f3.ar0) 15 63 SInger.song­... ,,;>, BtUy 0cHn IS 60 CoITvn&rce SecfClary Gaty ~ IS 60 "I'omey C*n ..... aI Eric ~ IS 59 "~'0S0h co-lru'lOOr PMiI Allen 11157 AcIof.aux:1Of Robby Bef\.on IS ').I Aclress Geena DevIl IS ~ o.lsMlbaI Hal 01 Fi1fT181

• H.~eem OIIfuwon 1$ ,,7 Adress Ctwlriotle Rou IS 42 Ac10r John Ducey 1$

"I Actres.. .. Karina Lomblrd IS 41 ~ LM1 (B·RoelI and 1hI!I BtujlS 40 no.:." IT\uSICIaIl MaI1tT~ 4{) RoelIWog8f·~ Cal ~1538 Rodo.OJ Chri, 11531 Aaof~1

Area calendar


obs Cent€ Today AAMMtlng · 410NasloSl . 9am

MoOiIe Hettln Unh MKtlelown lA"I~ Ftlil Blood PT'MIIJN Chedl _ The Hick Ayrom, 'rom J 1lI OaSIS. put., ,.,,,,IMI.'

nit; ~ ~"4)(,IATF.O I'ttUS

a tonner hi ... achool teach.r, 10011. tor 'Mhnoiowy ,..,-,", )ob. on a 0 ..... C."'.r I" at.ndat.. Cal".

AIII,'.nee . The0a5lS untJI 4 p m

"" zh.'merl & Reilled Oem, nll. SYj)pOf1 Group - Ctl0!.1Ian Voltage SenoOrApI IludWIg 1500Se.'t!f1!nSI 'Pm AA Big BooII Sluctv Group 410 PIA.\ 51 610 730 pm

i.... meellng - Mourll PUJa5~ 1 Chn5ltarl CllUlW Fi'Iowship Cenler 11 4N ~tayene 610 730pm

UncoIn Optlmlll Club First Ur'IIIe<I Me!llO!l$t Church 6 JO pm

Uncoln JeyceH t..' emDershC) meet rng AU .... ' 7pm .

Third Thurtdl y Clncer Suppon Group Room212 All.!H 7pm

N ... 41 0 Pulasio.l St epm

Friday MobIle Health Unl1 - OenLll only KOapoo 511ee1 ~ 9 am 10 nooo ana 1 1OJJOpm

Land 01 Uncoln AA - 505 Bloa<f'lr.rV

Area deaths Ronald W. Hardy

W.,n,.,JW It,rd) , 'i!'!. uf IJrltuln, l1 dlftl.Jt II SSpm J . .nu .. r. 11'1 11'111 .. , hl~ ~)ldt'I\t.·t'

\If 11 .. lth ... ".kl'd f,wlhe t ll ~' "i IJnt"ln I'ulr~ ,' '''''p,t/1mt'n' fur ~Ii ~t' •• n.

It ...... r...,j In th .. U:.. Manti<! , "'1l"o lIunn~ lh" VU'ln .. m W"r

II" ... ,,~ hum '\Uj(U~1 -I . 19511 m lJ I\I.IIln 1111",/1) II, 1),ItlaJd ,,00 'tt'",IUIII .. ;"uhk ll .. nly II .. mar· nrd I .... h -K" th)"- I ,htrv.'~1d lin 'ut-., ~ I I'IK!.! In IJno..,ln II. ~h" ,ur..1\t',rn Im .... ,'n, IL

1)1I1I' rSuI'\1vl)r..rnclude' .... ., ... In\ \ hJ .... n IAm)'1 Ilardy of Ahrn~ lIn . MA arllll'had fH"I\t'u,' J Il .. rdyuf l·.ast Ilnd,(l'\Io 3!tr. MA . .,ne d:iUK'UI'r. (,,,11""11 !Wllh) ~Mar ul

I-rl l hhurg. MA.lllwhrn.hl'r, I·d ..... rd IrJldyof IJnt:lJln, I .... "'IS­!t'r.. I ·, mnil-twlll l.rml Yt.u lt' uf Al t ,m .• II "nil J"yce tDanl lIanl.'11 ,If ~l,md" , .. nd fllur J(rJnd. lhlki rrn

il L.<. pIIrenh and Ulk' ,1~I 'r pre· It'dt'd hm1 m de~lh

\l r 1I"f(ty'~ funeral ... ,U be htld al II u, J m Monday. Jan 25 Dt Fn(ke C rt\,ert·Schrader Funeral llumt . IJI'Il~,ln II. "',Ih tht RtY Mlchard Htm ... -aJd rrfllo.irlLl'Ig 'mtnnenl ... ,U he In Camp Outltr NallOOoII Cemetery, Spnngf\eld. " " at IOOpm MoncbY "'llI hfull mih· IliT)' nln a.coorded

VlSltal10n ... ,11 be 1lfW! hour pnor '0 Iht ~"1Ce al the fun.e1'2l horne

Mt munal!i rna)' he made.o Iht Amtnan lJJn,g AMoctat)t)n or Hurnaf\e SocJtofy of Uruttd 51ilts

Donald L •• Hlloch.,

Donald II':.e ' hl~her uf [.Jntoln ~ fr ',m Ihl ~ hfe un January 19 :tlllt) , U/T(/IJndt'd by hl~ farruly

A CtMlntlon,/i hIS hft WllJ be Mid \..IIUrda)·. JlInuary 2:1, lO W al 1'1) I'M ullh.e IJfU1In KC'S

So ... ~I ha5 he dllne' IlonakI ..... 8.:> born January J . '19~ In ln~o IIhJlOllli Tn Gltnn and IJIIIMl M'hUt) lhI1l£her

l<i&hl afltr graduallng high ~ he JU,ntd'he Uruled St.a:le6 Na\) 4I1d Sd'o·td dunng 1M Kil r""," (ontlld Upon compLthOn 0( dUI), he alttndtd UncoIn C'-"legl' and ~t~ .... ah an AwKuI~r)/AtU~m 19:'i1· 1!¥.)8

IIl' .dloI) ilntndecltht Unl\~nony 01 M",ml and S1udJaj M4nnt' Hlology and Oc~l1tJIVaphy il lS \aI.'l' ol ~Ledhlmll)teachil IJoolin Collegl' for 43 )""a", mint k1eocl'f\e1d

.,"""" Land 01 lincoln Big BooIr. AA - 505 OroattNay. 6 pm

AA MMdng · 41 0 Pulaslu St . 6 pm

ep.n AA IMetII'WOl - 507', PlAaslu 5t 6pm

N ... · 410 Pu!asluSI 9pm

Saturday Logan Bib!. Fellowship · Sisal< n' Snake 7 11m .

Open AA fnMtlng~ 507'1 PuLlsO" St 8a m

Land 01 lincoln AA - 50S ~ 9am and6pm

...... meeting 410 PlAaskl 51 9 a m

Pel l oopllonl - Logan Counry Arumal Conlfol 1517 N KO.apoo 5t . 10 il m lonooo

LMng Lift on ute'. Ttml. Women', Meetlng -JISS BuGerSt , 4p m

AA meeting · 410 PuIaskl 51. 6 pm

In hl~ )I)jj r~ IIIne he It •• ffit'd to Oy .. nd rt'fnlually p;b~ thai I,)\'e "n lu,,'hcn. hy .eachrng ha..\lC and lHmmt'n:mI )(T'Uund )Choul l>unnl( 11\0> )ummrr dnd ~hool

hr"dlu ht \'l!olltd 1111 of thl' ·19 COIn· . rrn .. nllll Unllt'd Sill ies and moSt of the CanadIan Prm,ncts locloolll,K M(jnlfl:,aI. I~, NtJ\'iI,Scolla. Nl'\Io<fnundl;.rnd. lind Winmlk1( all In a ) lrdt' ln truck cilmptr lie If' .. med hrJo.r.' I" w.1I and ~n' m~ny ~ummt'rs salling on h 'crxrten llike

1), IOoIld Ir:,\'cled all aruund lhe .... nrtd and npentncM th l ng~ many tlf u.~ only dream uf Perhaps lhe mr~1 fMmorahle of hl~ ,uumtr.> IhouJ(h ...... d~ IN- tine ht louk .... "h Miss Mary .... hll hct:amt' h" ... , fe un May 1"1.. 19')7 She ........... he. clI.plllll, hIS ~norkl'l .

inK huddy. and lu~ best fnl'nd r'lj(elh~ r Ihey sa ..... the .... orld

Dlllhlld abo ~lljrtd lour old \'thldc~ mdudrnK a I!HII I/l tun Chew thai he con~'e rtt!d 10 lin Ann\' Huck and drQ\"e lor 30 ytar.. Il l!> .... orid lra\"el.\ also allu .... t'd him ' f) oolll'Cl a ... i!Se vari· tly"fluysfmmalrplant:':!oto Irrndy lors

I/p IS SUtvlved by his WIfe Mary Ihlschtr. sons Jl'ny (Wanda) Ihlschl'r. Donnie liLiJct'M!r. Danny ,Dt~l l hlJchtr, lInd Jl'ff {Ambel'} Ilrlschtr: S1tp chlldrtn ManMY.- (Candy) Wilson .nd Sttplwue (Ryan) 1..aP\ante, I I grandchlldrrn and 7 grtll·grand· chikirrn

Ill' was prtaded In death by IuJ pareN', his I UI\I and uncle Notl

. and Allhea lI illchtr Ind hli grand· son Tm-or Ihlscher.

HoUind Harry & Bennett Funeral Home In Uncoln IS han· dllng amngl'mtl1ll

M~morial donaUQtUi may be made .o lIosprce

Initial, US jobless claims unexpectedly increase

- WASHINGTON - The number of newly Illd-off workl'rs Sl'tlung }oble" bent' fIt s unex· JlK1edly rn5t las! Wf'ek, as the l'OOoomy~· ers lit a slnw lind un~n pace.

backlogs Il'nOYer from Ihl' .... ,ntl'r hohdlys In lha ~'lil e IIgencil'S lhat prouss Ihe Clillms,

Clama havt dropped sttadlly Since 11151 fill, III companies cut fl'\lo"er jobs. That Iwi caUStd some eronoml!>1S 10 hope thaI hlnng mlly increase soon IniTial claims hllve dropped by 50,000, or almolt 10 percl'nt, SIIK"e Ille

include miUIOOli of people ..... 00 haw IJIed up the rtg\llllr 26 "'Ieeks of btnents CUflom.uiJy provided by Sliltes Ind .re now receiving extended benditl lor ' up to 73 additional Wl!l!ks, paid for by the fe«rallJ(l'YmUnf:nt.

More IIlan 5 9 million 'Ntrt receivinl extend· ed btnel'itJ: in the Wl!l!k ending Jan. 2. th!! latest dall aVlilable. I n incrtlse of more Ihln 600.000 lrom the prt'Vious Wl!f:k. The dill for emergency btnel'its lip irutial claims by two .... wks.

Layoffs ha\"e sIov.'td anti the l'Conomy began hi j(nM' m las! Yl'ar's third quartl'r. but compa· nH':'i arr ftllldant 10 h,ft nl' ..... wo11lers Thl' unl'mplo)'ml'nl rot l' I~ 10 perunt and !I'IIny

Do""" 51111. lhe l'COoomy is not conslSll'nlty gl'ner·

.tinl nel UlCTuses In jobs. The l..abor Dtplnmenl nid tlrhl'r Ihls monlh Ihlt employers cut 85,000 jobs In Dtcl'mbtr, aftl'r Iddull only 4,000 in NO\"ember NfMmbtr'1 ITiCTI!Ue was the tim In nl'arly tWo years

expect 11 to II'ICrUSe In ,he romin«

The record

Many economISts say Ihe four'''''Itf:k al"trall' of cllims WIll nted to f.1I to btlo ..... ·U5,000 to SJgnalthal tht l'COnomy 15 clost 10 gl'nl' ra tmg nttjohKains

Mean ..... hlil' , lhe number of people continuing 10 cLa1m rtg\llar benl'fits dropped slightly 10

just undl'r 4 fi million. Thl' con"numg clil ims dIIla IIII!' Inmal cllllnlS by a we-ek

Bunhl!'" 5rFCIIUed m nTfnunllfc lJirms iro nOl

The increasing number of people cllimi", extended unemployment inIwance Indicates thai ~n III layolTli Ire dedinina:. hiring hasn't picked up, That ItaVH people out of work lor longer Ind longer periods of time.

Amol'llihe Slales. California laW the Iarxm Incftase In claims, with 16, 160. Texu, florida. Pl'nnsylvanl. and Georgia ....... tht nut tarxe:st Ino'l'&SeI The lillie dl ta IlglIthe initial c1].iml dllia by II ..... eek.

O~on !III ..... Ihe higgest drop in c1llms, of 5,71W, followed by Iowa. Ke~,-Michillln IInll MllSIiIIchUielIl

Pol ice b eat • A residence In lhe 200 block Dar.!, frull (Tl"rny colesla ..... , mixed fruit of 10th Street &1 2:.53 a.m. Uncoln Eleml'nllry Breakfasl _

Multlpl. ch.r... Wedntsdly. Cream of wheal, lout, fruit

ct!'~~~alt~~~~f ~O~I~~ of • p~:!de=t ~~e J~ b!~ Uncoln Ell'mentary I.unch -

Mounl PuI'JId Elementlry lunch - Sloppy joe. potllo .....edgts, fruit coclUlll, chot:o!Ile chip cookie ~~~~~~ty ~~:e~p~;xt:~ Wednesday ::::: ~~~e;,u~~':~I~m::d

a chaf1(l' of 11W'iI"'8.ed banery 8 A residera in .he 1200 block Ortngts Moun. Pulukl HiIh Lunch -

Cheese or pofa.o soup, JrlIled cheese IIndvoich. Plnelpple, cake • u ncoln pollce arJ'h1ed Roger of Finh Slrl'l't al 926 pm Uncoln Ihgh, Welt IJncoln·

J Frankhn, 18, of ChICago at 648 Wednesday Broad"'~ltU , BrukfUi - RrukfMl

~,mK::!~:.a~~h: :~~oco~ School menus P~=rsH igh ' Wl'lt Uncoln.

pos~sion of C4nnablJ with lOtti'll 'rl ... " J.n. 22 Broild ..... ell , Ne..... Ilolland.

Mount Puluki bon lulherln wnch - Chicken patty on bun. dJted poIllotS, peAl, Ippll!SlUC'e, ehocolille pudding desien tl) dtll\~r Carroll CatholIC lJJnch _ MIni Middlelown, Zion unhenln lunch

• A togan County depulY com eSop, french fries, gmIOia _ Tenderloin on bun, O\'I!n hies,

~=e:fJ~~~ho;~l'~:n~nlh:r: ...... l1li ........ l1li .......... l1li .......... . lit 5:28 pm. Wednesday III the 1900 hlock of Nort h K1Ckapoo Sirttl on chtHKI!S 01 dn\'lng ... " h a suspended licenst and possession of drug paraphemolill

• u ncoln pol1Ce 1~led AIImn A. RUlICh. 39, 01 Rayl OWl'l, Mo, li t 5:39 p.m Wednesday al the 100 block of North Oucago 5lreef on I !JJgan County warnnl for fwlure 10 appear in court regarding driv· ~ wrrh 1 suspended l1Censt

Fire calls ~""Icl ••• trlo.tlon

iJncoln nrel'ightm: responded 10 a velticle eXJricallon I I 7:08 I m. Wtdnesdily on Inll'nlale 55lOUth· bound al rruie marker 127 .moll. or odor oell

l.Jnco{n ftrefighlm responded to a smoke or odor relTlOVlll al 11:41 am. WednHday al the 200 block of Nonh Madison Strttl

Rescue runs Aid 0.11.

l.Jncoln nreflghtt " responded with I..ogan County Panmedia to mtdicaI tmergencies at

Referenda for Logan County, Dllnols


Shail lhe lim lt'"& rille undl' r lhe Propen y Tax EXlenslon Llmltalron Law for Ilk Allanlll Pubhc LJhrary Dlilnci. t.llKan CounTy. lII iOOll, be mcreased by an addltional ll n1OUnt equllm .08~% lbol'l' the Irm,"nB rate for levy yur 2009 and he equal 10 26702% of lhe equaIr7.ed lIul'5!>td value of .1k 'lIll1ble properly therern for Itvy yelll 20W"!



Supplemcnlal lnformallon t I ) The IpproJi lmale amount IIf 18J1.n u lendllhle II ltlte mosl recen tl y eUtnded IInlllrng ride u \6S,660, and tlk apprOJlI~lllle amounl o f tue~ u lendahll' If lhe propo~l t lOn

IS approved I) \%J23 121 For.he 2010 levy year Ihe approJilmate amount of Ilk add,IIOnll llU utendabll' aBaln~1 propeny contamlnB iI \i n&ll' fam ily rtSldenct and havln, a fl U marul vaJljC at lhe .une I)Ilhe referendum of \ IOOJXXJ I ~

e ~lImlled to Ix \28 J3. 0) If the propr:Klllon Ij Ippro\·ed. the lurt· Ka.tc nienSlUn for 2010 will Ix detcnnlncd by the IImllln, rite ..cl fonh rn the prllpOSlllon, " ,aiher IIJan the otherwl)l' applicable IImll lnK rate calculiltcd under lhe 'prOYISlon) o f the Proptny Tal ExtenSion L,m,lahon La ..... tcommonly known i/o) the Pr(1fXny Tn


Shali lhe eJl ll'n~lOn hmllallon under the ProperlY Tu EJllenllC!" Llmna llon Le ..... for La ..... ndale Lllhl Dhlnet, Lo&an Coonty, 11 11 1'101\, he rncrl'1l!>td from the leuer of ~% or the ptrctntaKe Incruse In lhe Conlurner Pnce Indel o\·er. the pnor leYy year to 1f)~ . 6'l ptr Yellr for 2010.



t I) For the 20J 0 leyy year the IpproJlimate amounl of Ihe addit ionll !."" l'Jlt.cndable iKaln)t pltlptr1 y cOfl.aiOln, iI , in,le fami ly residence lind havrnll I f, 1f II1 l!.1Ut villue II lhe '1I1l( of lhe: referendum of 5100,000 00, ..... IIhoul C:OO)lderallon for any nemplIOfl), IS e~hmilled 10 Ix 587.911

Sull}' J LiIlU/Y, u )gan Coumy Ct",k

Towne H .. 1e IIeHty IIIoppe 903 Broadway, lincoln 73%-613'

CliP Lo ..... j

Page 13: €¦ · \ ,llUNOIS SATUI'IDAY, JANUARY 2...2010 \ DAYBOOK lUbe numbers Jobless may face brutal decade Today i"siturdrf, Jan. 2, tne 2na day ot 2010 There are J63 days lel'l l'l lhe


By Ihe numbers TociIIw It FrtdIy, Jan. 22. the 22nd day 01 2010 The!fI 8/lI 343 cBys 1&11 II !tie --- - ------- - - - - ---" T~·. ~lIght In "'Iory: On Jan 22 19'7. Pl'esoent ~ WbI:Jn pI&aded lot an ena 10 'N8f ...

EUfOP&, caIIng 101 ~ WIIhoUI voorv." (By ApI1"~' Amenca aI90 was at wa/ )

ThurtdIy Lonery: PO. Thn:le - Md:iay 3·8 ·0

PO Three E\IIlf'OI'OQ 6· ' · ' P1(;. FOUl ~ !.'Ulay 3 353

PICII four EvOOIOll) 3·1·7 Ll1t\I! l ono 04 07·09~Jl ·J2 Lono ..IaO.,)()1 $3 75 mIllIOn

Mega MIII()t'IS ..Iad.pot SIDS millIon

TOCia'f' B I~': FornlOf Sen Olrch 8aytI j[).lnd ) IS 82 Actress PIp" Laurilo IS 78 Aaor Seymour CuMl IS 7S AuIrlOI JoMph WambMlgh IS 73 Ac10r John Hur1 1S 70 SIngO! SI8Ye Petry IS 61 Country s.,oeHTlUSOBn Teddy Gentry (Alabama) IS sa Mc"'l0 arOC1Of JIm .JMmuKh IS 57 Hockey HaJ·of Famer Mike Bouy IS 53 Ac1r~ linda Blllir IS 51 Actress ObI,... Lane ~ 45 At10t rao OJ Jauy.left IS 45 RrIgInI Nidul

,s 45 (Shall IS 41 Ac10!'

.,., .,.

Area calendar Today MeettI"lg -31S S 6utIerSI , 4pm

,MobIle HNrtf'l Unl! - Dental OOV, K.ocI<apoo SIIOO!, l1f1coIn, ~bl J JO ,m

. Land 01 Lincoln Big BooII AA - 505 Broactw"y 6 p m AA Meeting " '0 PWsIu 51 . 6 p m

Open A.A meeting - 501', PtAasIo '-;1 6pm

NA · 4 10P, 51 9pm

Saturday Logan 811M Fellow,hlp . StOoil< n $hake 7 d m

Open AI. meetlng - NOf].SfT'IOO,109, 'i07',PuI.lsiIISI Bam

LAnd 01 Lincoln AA - 505 &oactNay, !JoJm imd6pm

4A meeting -110 PulaskI 51 9 a m

Pill adopllonl . logan County Alumal Conuol 1517 N K~ 51 10,lm 10flOOfl

Uvlng lite on lift·, Tenn, Women',

Area deaths Kenneth aarda. Sr.

C\ IFSTNur - Kt'nnelh (ierdes Sr, 9>1, uf Ch~~tnuI, 1I. dlt'll :1I 7 !'II

Tnu kmg

oJ m Janu.,ry 11. 111111 al Mf'mllnal '''k~ltcal (tnter. Spnngfield, IL

Mr lierul!!i U14'Tltd and opented (jerdcs

Itt' 14';';' :, B"y Sct'Ul leader for many year.. and was a member uf Cll~~In UI Ilun l.lllht'rJn ('hutch

He wru. bum AugUsI 7. 1915 In

PeleMur)l: , II. In Alfred :md F..d,lh Inlson (jenlt·s III' mamed Fmma F\'f'rs un S4!pll'mher~ , 1!1:17 In

1'~ler..bur)l: . 11. She preceded him mur."huO '\llnll~ 1~17

:-'IJr,\W"r., mduul' I l)auKh l ~r,

N" ml .. J~;tII (k,m) I'IIwf'f'S of I',uw 11. I ~"n ... Kennf'lh W tSh.mll1l (, t· rut·~ Jr nl MI Pulaski , 11 _ (jl~'r)l:l' ,( 'alhy) (;f' rue:. IIf ('hl">lnUl, II ,md HllhPn (ierua I,f

The record

AA meeting ' -110 PWSkI 5l. 6 p.tTL

NA . ,ttO PWsIu 51 8 pm

Sunday lind of Uncoln AA • 505 BIoactNay, 9am and6pm

AA meeting Non·smoklng, -lI D

Pwslu SI. gam

Public Trap Shoot - Lincoln Sportsmen's Club. I (l m

NA Youth Glwp - 410 PtAaskJ 51,

adul! monft()(OO, I pm

NondeoomJo.tlor\lI Blbte SetvIceI

• MillY Pat MeetIng Room, Amencan

Lagon Post 263, 17ot{) Frfth 5t . -I pm

NA Big Book meeting · olIO NasI.! 5t , 5pm,

CIoMd Big Book AA ~ng . Nm

smoQ'lg, 507 " PWsIo.t 51 , 1 pm

A11anla, GA, I SISler, Jean Holle of Bearusltwm, 11. 12 Gmndchlldren, 1 II Grl'3t'grnodchlldren: :1 Step great 'wandchlldren, and 1.1 Greal­greal 'lV3ndchlldrl'n

lI is parenlS, Wife, I daUghli'f Jnan Itarben, I gmndson, I St5ter and :1 bn'llhers p~ed him Ifl


Mr Gerdes' funeral Will he held at In a m Salurday, Janwry 2:'1. 21110 at Fricke..(ah'en·Schnder Funeml Home, Mt Pulaskl~Wlth the Rev Jut'! Dielnch offiCIating Inlemtfnt 14111 be In l41enna Cemelery. Cheslnut. IL

Vbual ion Will be I hour prior III St'1'\1Ci'S atlhe funerJI home

Memonals may be made 10 Ch~1nut EMS, -

Kenneth Molt Kenneth Mult, 7,1. of LI1I(;uln, 11.

dlt-dalii:lfipm J3nuaIj'2 I ,~Il I t)

at Memonal Medical Cenler, Springfield, II-

ArmngemenlS :.r .. pendmg .. :11 Frn:kl',Catven·S(hmder Funeml lIome. I mooln

ril E "'SSUCIAT'E1l va l>.\S

Dln.f_ ••• lunch •• WolI.n_kw'_ Ortll, In_Ide the f.med N.w Yortt st •• khous. atnHh a WoU.nsky. 1'lMwsuy.

As Wall Street defers bonuses, others suffer B 'I' R ACHU Bt'CK tm ",c;<;on"I'H' I' IU.S<;

Nt'WV( )RK - II IKlxlflusesare h.1ckun Wall Slrt'f'I , hut thai d"e.~ n't ml!:10 t\'eryhody's dnv, 109 J new Ferran

llu~ year, olmp.lnlh are J{lvmg nul more of the I\!Wllrd~ 10 ~10fk thaT can'l he red~med fur ye.t rs, limiting the ec;nfl(lmlC benefits fnr hU.~I ' nessn Ihlll caler If I the Masltrs oflhe Unl\'efSe

Whf'lher Ihey -;ell $S milhun conuos IIr S50 sleaks, Ihose busmcsse~ IIrt braCIng for a win· ler Wlthoul the Iyr!l~al bonus I\1Sh

~They are laklOg away the prll of cash, anti v.ilhout that ca~h, lhere clln't he a tnckle-down effl'd: s.:' )"S Alan Slillman, ovmer of the New York ~I eak house Smilh & Wnllensky ' -E\'eryone feels It The IlUd dnvers, doormen, walters , ('veryone "

Wllh hanks tamlOg hllhons agalO, Ihey are set h) pay near·rKfnd bonuses for 2009 J USl ThuMay, Guldman Sachs said II rewarded emplo)'rtS with SIIi 2 billion in salary and bonu;,t>~ fnr the year, up almOSI 50 percent from Iht year hef()re

lIullhme same firm s are bOWlO~ ICl political and puhlll pressure lind paYing more of the hontJ.SeS III Muck I hili GlOn .. 1 he redeemtd nght

away Goldman aMounted In December thaI ils lOp :10 executives would g!'t only slock lhal can', he !told for fh'e yean

TyplC:.lly, Wall Streel honuses are paid Ifl a !iI~5I1 spht between cash and siock, 10 tht (onn of rt'Sfncttd !thares or ~1ock up!lOfl~ I~use they can't be cashed in fllr a set lime, the uhi· mate payOUt dl'p!!nds on the nuctual iuns in tht company's 510Ck priet

nilS year, lhe tqUalion IS expecled to be !ill, ed, With 75 percent coming in ~'ock, says Alan Juhnson, who wurks with WIiIJ Sireet compa· mes as they detennine how much to pay Iheir employees,

Wilh less cash to spend, hankers v.i11 he less mdined 10 splurgt at Ihe hIgh-end scores of Madison Avenue. or go for S20,OOO Slainless­STeel stoves and refrigenl()rs, OT \l3C11tkm al five·SlaT resorts in far·flunK locations,

And It won'l be a Iypical year at places like Ferran Masenlll of Centml New Jersey, where Wall Sti'tel types troop in Wllh their eyes on tht pnle· a S125.1WK) Maserall or, If It was a pan ic::­ulafty good )"ear. a Ferran cosling $200.<nl or ~~"

~Af1er the holtdays, afler they'\'e taken care' nf ('\'el)'une else, Ihey are ready 10 lake care 01 lhemseh'es.. ~rhey\'e earned a new lOY: iayli

~enmtl !NIles manager Joe Conado,

Bul nowadays "If Ihty don'l have the same kmd of cash now, Iht)' can't spend as much."

Tax coll~ors in New YQtk ~1and 10 lose tens of miUlons of dollars because deferred stock can'l he ;mmediattly taxed, ThaI will make it mnre diffi~'Ullto plug the Slate's S7 billion budg· et hole,

!here may he a lot 01 good sense in why this change in btlnuses ~ being don! ," says Rob!T1 Whalen, spokesman for the New Vor1l: !lale comptroller "Bul il IS a double~ge IWOru when whal Wall Stfftl eams is an imponant dri\'er oflhe economy."

The actual tax I~ due because of the shift in bonuse.1 isn't yeI known, Ntw York Slate lost nearly S I billion in personal income taxes because of a big decline in uveral1 bonuse.1 for lOO8 in th! financial industry,

The Slalt rouki get sum! o( the moner back when Wall STreet employees' Slock oompensa· tion vests, or when if becomes eligible for sale, Of course, if Ih! Slock price fall s in lhal time, lhat means less money goes 10 Wall Slrm workers - and to the slate Inlaxes,

Brokers at the lUXUry rea l estale company Brown Harris Slevtll5 walched Ihe slock mar·

"1tet rise IIISI fa:n-with a sense Of giddineu,

E~eJon 4 quarter profit down 18 percent B 'I' MA RK Wllll ... .. S

111~ A."S"t. t"lH' I'N ..... ~

I'llwer fumpany ElIelnn ~a ld

loday that liS founh quaner profit fell IH pt'rcefll, as demand farelee· Ino ty In .he U S Il!mulfled soft in Ihe IIIl'ak t'Cu.ltlmy

• FJ[t'lun made S,r,1! 1 mllllOn,or ilS cenls per share, f'lr the qUllnl'r endt'll Dec, :n cumpilred With profit tlf S707 milll.m, or S I 07 per share, m the y~ar:i1g() quaner Ue-,'enue fell tu S,U 2 bllhun from

2 families caught IIll in Virginia killing ramlla ge

APVOMATI'OX, Va JonMh!!n Quar1~ was Ih~ kind of ,l(Uy ..... h() IUllk In flying sqwr­reb and lurtles. then released Ihem h.1ck 10 t~ WIld

Ihe klnd- ()f guy wIlu gulht!fw cl<llhes i1nd fumllure for slrnngers when theIr house burned t:io<ATI

\ ( " ,,, " I ,

S4 '19 billion a yeil r ago EKelon, one of Ihl' nallon's

largel povo'er \itenerUiors and the b.ggest operatnr of nuclear l'JO""'e r piants 10 Ihe U.S, .says demand duong the quaner contlnutd to be weak 3t its Ulihties in the ChiC:' j(lI und PhilllUelphlll areas, It says II also was hurt by outages at liS nuclear power operations because of more scheduled refueling days anil wa!11'ler than normal wUlher In the quaner

Wilhoul cha~es, F..xelon II'IlIde

S6 10 million, or 92 cents per share, for Ihe quarter,

Uke Glher poYo'er genemTOrs, Exelno has heen hun by two Slraight year.f of declining eleclnc· ity usage because of thr recession, with dem,md especially weak from Vldustnal customers Federal ene'ltY ofr1Cla1s upecI industnal oonsumplion 10 rise mode:.1ly this year and next.

Because of 10llier demand, Exelon and Glh!r oompanies ha\'e ·been runing expenses and staff,

ExeJon said demand in the quar' ler al ils Common_allh Edison utility in the Chiago area fell 3,8 percenl, and 2.3 percenl for its PECO ulility In the Philadelphia

"" The number of residenl ial cus· tomers If) boIh areas also declined in Ihe quarter, something that has happened 10 ulili ties in Glher pans of the Mntry I!.lI the recession h.1.lo forctd children 10 1TX)\'e back In

with parenls and Iw>u5es 10 remain uninhahited aft er foreclosure,


one step at a time~ ...

Page 14: €¦ · \ ,llUNOIS SATUI'IDAY, JANUARY 2...2010 \ DAYBOOK lUbe numbers Jobless may face brutal decade Today i"siturdrf, Jan. 2, tne 2na day ot 2010 There are J63 days lel'l l'l lhe


..... -_ .... ... _ ..... -.......... .

..... I .... I~ .. -..11· ......... liliiii "'''''-'''''-IO.rinJSo><rt.\> """.. ........ '"-"11"doiJ>-' ".. .......... -""'-.Rodt""'-


Armington Fire Dept. Is hosting an Open House

celebrating 40 years of service for

Leesman. January 31· , ...........


Area Kenneth W.,ne lIolt

Kenntth Wayne Molt. 74. of UncoIn. IL ditd . 16:26 p.rn. January .2010 al Memorial

.,ri, ..... C ... ""... -~ " . IL

Mr. Molt was mployed II.! I nrt lighter for tht -City of Uncaln for lhiny )-ea~. He preo."iously .... ."tUd at Stetson China. Brir;h's Candy and Lthn and Fink. Kenny held an lUinol!l barber's lictn.se since 196.l

Ill' was \'try KtM in Lincoln Lodgt 1210: York RiTt Dn:Itr. Whlte Sltrine of Jerusaltm and llidepelKitilt Dn:Itr of Odd Ft ll0W5 ' 20-1. Kenny held. 'pilot 's lictn.se for a number of yeaB and wu a mtmber of ttlt Expt:rimrnta] AiTl:l'ft Association since 1969.

He wu bom FtbT}.L8.ry 16. 1935 in Uncaln. IL to leon loweU and Revill Scrot!gins Moh. He rn.a.rried Lautll Mae Van Fossan on I213 Jfl9S4 tn Uncaln. IL She ~"UMves in Uncoln. '

leon Moh of A. Myen; Beach. Eugene (Usa) Moh of uncaln; half bl'Ofht l"!l !..Dnnie and Kevin Moll of Alabama ; one bl'Ofhe'r. tu.o.--f:U (ShirIty) Molt of Mt. Pulaski. u.; Ont sister. Jacquelyn Lannin of Spnngfield. 11..; th~ ~iId~n. Andrew. Tyler and Damian Moll of Riverton. It.; 1'4"O!it~ grnnd. chiJdrtn. Randy Ba.iley of Cl)atMm. II.. and


~ BaiJt'y of SpringfltJd. IL; one great· grandchild. Jaden Ann Molt: and IhM step ItfeIIt·grandchildrtn. Au5tin and Conntr Ba.il~ anc! ~ Praham.

lIis panmts preceded him in dUlh

Mr. Motrs furotml wilt be held at 10;3(1 a.m Tuesday. Jan. 26 at Frlck~·Cat ... el1 ·Sch",der FUrotral Uome. Uncoln. Imennent Wlil be in C&rtyIe Cemettry. Lake For1L

A Masonk: rit6 selVk:e will be htid at .130 pm. Monday. All Masttr MII.SOI\S •• rt imiled 10 anend. VISitation will be from 4 00-7l(1) p.m. Mondly at tilt funtral home

Memoria1s may be rnatit' 10 the Unroln Masonic Foundation. loc.

O.rald A. I .... rry~ Stout IWOPOUS - Gt!rnkI A -J~ny'" Stout. 71.

of Illiopolis. It.. died Thu1"5/Jay. January 21. 2010 at his reslde~. surrounded by his faml ' ty and friends.

FUntral seT\IIcts will be II A M Monday. January 25. 2010 alt~ nJiopol is Unttf'd Mtlhod.ist Church. whert hitnds may call one

VISitation .... ill be ~ to 8 P.M .. Sunday. January 24. 2010. at Brintlinger nnd F..1T1 FUneral Home. Decatur. IL Bunal will be In Ri\-er.iide Ctmefer)'. IllIOpOI IS. II.

Memorials may be mad(' to IlIlOpOh~ Unnt'd Mtlhodl'it Church. JJliopoll~ Fire Dcpanmenl. Ill inois 4·H Foundal1on.

Jerry ..... u born January 20. 19.19 In r tkm.

Il., lhe ~n of liuv.-atU and Irene lS4:hmngall) SIOUI li t mamed M:ll)One Ann Stone on June 2 I. 1959 III Grttn\1ew. II.

-----JMy-Wil§·.1ft 1M.1~~·nf lihopo-hr United M~hodlSt Chon:h wlCe 1!16O

Il l' ~1 al1ed his hfe In nhopolL~ In 19!)!! wurk· Ing for DeKlilb and relll"l.'d aher lK yea r'.l Wlth unmln land f'"S

Jeny .... 'aS a ... 11 member and sopponer. \'ol · unte.!'1"t'd alllhopohs Fire Dept for 25·yeor.; and was -Santa- for Ihl' l'tmlmufl!{y fur many yean;. He k)\'ed glmkmng and ..... oodworklng

Ht IS suf\·M.'d by hlS .... 1fe 1>1 50 )'ear.> . Morgt oillhopohs. II~ l1aught~r Pam Gaucm and husoond Jot' of Ukeecho~. F1~ son Jell 510UI and .... 1fe Beth of Decatur. II~ t(f3ndchd· dren Allison Decker uf Pon St 1..lJC1t'. FL J~' 3nd Caltlyn Gaucln. of Okeet.:ho~. n~ Tre\'ur Stout . !In.' Tr:lxll'r and husoond Adam. Jeffrey Udlt . Jared Holt . .all of Decatur. bmlh· t'r.> Dave Stout and .... 1fe Molly of Pekin. "_ Rex ~luu' and .... i fe Glenl\,"l III Dt>la\·lIn. II..: Sl~' ler·in·lllw Merlene Stout or l.locoln. II..: 5 nephews and I I . \('\'eral rm'al ml'CeS Ilnd

KI){"h (If Manllo. ll~ :md SI Lucil' . n_

I Ie was Ilrt'(;edecJ In dt'3 th by hill parents antl bn~het Dalt'

Jeny Itlwd hIS faml ty. fnen(l~. commumty and hiS (IIuntry

Olndlllt'ocl"S m;.y be lefl ltllhc famity al ............... bnnthngeramlearl rom

Page 15: €¦ · \ ,llUNOIS SATUI'IDAY, JANUARY 2...2010 \ DAYBOOK lUbe numbers Jobless may face brutal decade Today i"siturdrf, Jan. 2, tne 2na day ot 2010 There are J63 days lel'l l'l lhe


IV the numbers Toda'y Is MonOaoy . ..IIn. 2S. 1he 251!'1 day of 2010 Thefe ate 3-W m,-s left In !he

'w, TOGrll Highlights In Hlaloty: •

On J.UI ."5 H,90 r\lfltJflet Nelle BIy IEuabe«tl Coctu_1 oIltle New '1'orIo:. \\"011(1 l"\.~te..J .1 1~me.MJfId)ClUmsy In 72 GayS, 6 hOo~ iV'd I' ~ The U"rte. I /,I"", WOI ~efS 01 Amelita was Iourdod I"l CWrbIS. ann

Saturday l ontry PIct. Hili!\' 1.\o..UIV 8 3 9

Po. Th.O(' E '\..~liIl9 -I ' · 8

PICi< FllUI ',t"HI,' ·\·1 66

P f uul E\~I,rliJ 52-0 9

I.JT'Dc lotlo .l t " ~ ' 26·33·)8 l l'lM :)~ 1 ,' .1 :\139

Sunday lonery: PO. Tlvoo - M,(1Oay 6 ·7·5

PICl\ FQor - E\IOn.ng 1·2· ' ·9

l.JtIIo lone 8·' ' ·25·30·.)4 Lono ~ $4 milliOn

Mega MoIiOns.JaOo.Dot S 12 1 million

TOOiy" BIrtMay" Joorn.lkSl-aUlhor Edwin Newman 15 9' Baskelb.lI Hal r Fa ..... ·• Dick McGuire IS 14 >\C1or Gregg PMnef IS 83 The Iotmef p!0SI00nI

... I l ';e.. .. {~, Eduard Sl'oeVIIrdiMdze IS 82 Actoi' 0Nn Jones 15 7'9 CounITv ~oOgt! ' Cilluoe GtIIy " 111 BlllEl~ s..nger En.. JlmM IS 72 ~ drodOr Tobe Hooper '~ h~ .\ LI',~~~ leigh Taylor·Young 15 65 AClress Jenlter (cq) LAwlI oS 53 A.clH· .... ~ Oll'lllh ManoIl IS !il COUI.lry rTlI.I5ICIdIl Mikl Buren I~ RooaI IS .w ''''',I Gov Che! Culw>l' IS ·I.I RrIvtrvn·M'(I-tIuM SIOQ8f KII\I IS -I I Aclross China !<antnet' IS 1:1 ~'II!SS Ana 0f11z IS 39 M\JSIC\olf1 Min Odmattt (OHD · JTld l ~<l I J. II "" 01 l-~ty \,~ It, AClrt·~ .... MI.KIl"ItinlH' IS J5 ActTess Christine ukln ..... 1 1 111M"'" "~ tl ... ~~ .... "",,,, •• tlt-l~ I .h..tr::r:: · •• ".''''_'. '' ''''


Araa de81hs Junior Le. Ph.rla

~rr I'UIA'iI\ I - Junltlf Iff Phans.lll , of Mt PuI315 k1, II=-~ at 9J,!7 p.m. Ja nu.11)' n .

1fIlOltthL'Ioonlt" Mr Pharu "''itS It

rt·u re1.! ca rpt'n lt r.

III' 1Oo'aS a m tmber of Chf'Stnul Unllnl Mel hod t\1 Ch urt' h JunIOr lOo'as Oil€' o l lhe founding memben; of th i' ChNo1nui Fill! Depanmenl

Il l' was hom IJtocl'mber 19. 1928 ull \t'arsdale, IL 10 O .... ·en nnd May. t'mht ry Phan~ lit' m.amt>d Maymlt~ Smit h un c~25· I !I·I K In Cllnlon, IL She pl"t(.-nlt'\l him en

The record Police beat

death on September 16,2009.

Survivor.; include 2 101\5. Gal)' (Ptnny) !'ham and Eddie jJane) Phans. boIh of Mt Pulaski, Il. ~ grandchLldI1'n. Launt Pharis. Mandi (Scon) WckhaJ1, Aaron (Jennifer)

Wilham. Joseph (Amanda) Pl\ans and Josh Phans; 9 great.grnndchlldl1'n: 2 brothers, Ray (Pal) Phans of Rt fuj(io, TX and Kenneth and Mary Pharo; of RteTW, Miu1sscPPI, 3 sisten, Itden Fmnk of Refu j(io, TX. Dorothy (Vernel!) Bahn of Mt PulaskI. II. and lou (Gene) Manmit!Y 01 Manta. lL

Ilts palYnis. wife, 1 brolher, (;enid Phans, and 1 St'itl'r. LJlhan P Renlmeiste r, p~ed him In lk'a lh

Mr Phan~'s fune~1 1Oo'il1 be at 2.00 p.m. Tuesd1Y. J.m 26. 20 111 a l Fnck~Cat ... en·

• A IJ Il(un Cuunty dtputy arre;led ~hr hal'1

T Ilnn1"'''''k '\:I nf t " .... ~."' .. ,, ' ? II ' .. -

Schnroder f\Jneral Home in MI. Pulaski wilh tM Rev. Kevin TJ1'PIow otnciating. lnterment will ~ in St<"ellbcllw Cemeiff)'

V\!itllion will be rrom noon to 2:00 p.m. on Tuetday .l lhe funeral home prior 10 lhe se ...... k<

Mtmor\als may be made 10 Chestnut Melhodist Church or Mtmonal !lome liosplCe.

LInD L. _ .. wood LJnda I~ Pnsswuod, age 65. died at 10:19

A.M. Sunday January 2-1, 2010 at lilt Chlisnan Village in Unooln, 11.

Amlngtmenls al1' pendmg at Flicke· Calvert ·Schrader .·uneral lIome m LJncoln, II .

4I=Ufiuj,j, j

• A reSIdence In lhe 100 hlock of Soulhgate , .• __ , _, n."'" _ _ .... _ .. _ ..


Page 16: €¦ · \ ,llUNOIS SATUI'IDAY, JANUARY 2...2010 \ DAYBOOK lUbe numbers Jobless may face brutal decade Today i"siturdrf, Jan. 2, tne 2na day ot 2010 There are J63 days lel'l l'l lhe


that car


an ad


iiF§i.l'l===~~~ "*"ToT .1. ~:;"::::~~~=======;;-1111~ 2, 20'0--- -


a ~~olo in a

Village where she was lo\'ed and cam! for during her rmal five monlhs by Ihe incredible \111age Slaff, memorial hospICe, her ded,· cated husband Ted and famIly.

Unda WIlS bom 1n Lincoln and graduated from l.Jncoln Community II~h School

She ""'Orked and retiml from Lehn & fink as a machme upera· lor and stock clerk.

r Metelko.

g"'" Pres.\wooli,

Pres$\Oo'ood amlK(,)'Kan

She rematns chenshed hy her de\''OIed SISter. carolyn Kelley and , brother Sydney Petro. l.Jnda IS

also survived by her step mother. [)onna Petro and Ihfl.'e sbter:; . Judy Sander:;. Roberta Beecroft. and Phyllis Pt'I'ro

unda w!\s prtCelJed in death by her falher and mother, Robert and Dorolhy Petro. a brother Roger and her treasured in·Ia .... 'S Clyde and SeMie ~ ..... ·ood.

unda wa~ happrest .... ·hen ~he was tendmg her home and amaz· InK nower gardens, ha\ing ice cream. lravelmg to CalifornIa .... 'th Te<I and Sierra, and laugh. I~ .... 'th fomlly and fnends She made a dlffert~ in so many lives with her dfl.'Otion. lo\'e And cumpa .... ~ion Throughout her life lind illness. she kept an amaJ.mg sense of humour and corn.1l1nt caring'appro.,ch.

Friends and family are mviled to a visi tation in Unda's honour , Wednesday. January2ith. from -l to i PM lit Fricke catven Schrader Funeral IIome in IJncoln, li_

The memorial service WIll be held on ThurWaY, Janullry 28th at 10:30 AM atuncoln Southern Baplist Chun:h WIth Rev Hobby "Tessv.ood officiallng.

A celebration of life luncheun will be ser."td at the chun:h immediately following the memo­naI service.

!Jnda WIll fh1 peacefully at the Presswood Memorial Monument 111 ZIon Cemetery, Uncoln. IL

Memonalli may be ffi3de to the fami ly.

Waumta CoUeoen 'Nefe' Shaffer, 79. of Wa)'nesvJlle. illinoIS died at 9:42 p m. Jan 24. 201U al USF S1. Joseph Medical Center. lJloomingron. UlH\Qis.

Mrs. Shaffer had ov."ed and operaTed Shaffer cafe in Wa)'TI1'S'>111e. Ah{'r'\Io'ards she bocame the liouse MOIher·Cllok for Phi Gamma Delta at Ill inois Wesleyan. Ske was \utov." for making tke best pies in ,he coun· Ty She ..... as H canng Wife. MOTher. Gr.mdmOlher & Great·

Blood drives

Grandmother and .... '11 be mlSM'lJ by all

She WIl'l bcrrn!'>l'pt 1 1. I!BUln \\·aYTM!S\111r. IlhnolSto()t~~

~Zt'ke' ~nd

NeIL INaujth'/ F.lltnglOn Shemaml'l.i

---~ Jrrome Hamilton Shaffer un ()(1 29. Ill·11I m Atlllnt:1.IL

SUr.1\1JT'S include her husb.lnu. Jerome lIamdton Shaffe r of Wa)'TIl"!o .. , lIe. IL her Children. , Monty (\IlCky) Shaffer of McI.enrr. II . Unda

Mnr.'t:1 O~~~~~~:i;:I~,

.... '11 be In E\'el')!rt'en Cemetery. Waynesville. IttmUl~

VisitaTion WIlt t,.. from 5,7 PM Wednesday 111 the Calvert Funet;11 lIome. Chntun. lI ,

Memnn;Jl~ m3)" IX' milde TO Wnyne!>'1l1e UniTt>u ;<'lcthodlST Chun:h or Chanty II( n .. nor's Cht1l('e


For Logan ~ounty Treasurer • Bom and Ralsc<11n l O).(JIl Cuun ty • Experienced • Employt.'d by l ogan (oullty Trl'd 'oU1l'T OIH{l'

~ir -rl-r - .I 7'·'" .-' .

450 '''''''''''''' h I" "h" . _ t

,1 '",1.01"" ' ••. ,,,1.

<12 yo.r!l o l luJJo "encc ... .... _ , ..... ..,.... • ... r .. '~ ........ _.~ _,_.t_ .......... _ ....... "' .. .=--,-:'-:,-:="--:- ' -----...... Pa ymo nt p lans avait"blo V •• ,I \j \ .1 ~vww n. 'monlta .... en,"

~. " ~I'" "'_ ~. "~,_ ~ ,, . , ,~" . 'I ••.•

Special Pine Green

• 1-800·252·6547 IEvanlngl bit apPDlntment

1::! !lH N . KU 'k:q l1ur -I. im·tt!tl . II. ~

Sons of Am"i"n~gion


DIl\Tf\TER Friday, January 29, 2010. 5:00pm -7:00pm

d 700 Indudes M" h,d_Pololoel tp ___ & GIO VY, V'g' lobl"

, leo" Coffee

Page 17: €¦ · \ ,llUNOIS SATUI'IDAY, JANUARY 2...2010 \ DAYBOOK lUbe numbers Jobless may face brutal decade Today i"siturdrf, Jan. 2, tne 2na day ot 2010 There are J63 days lel'l l'l lhe



8vlbe numbers

TOOIy .. 'AWl trJ • ..IM. V . the 27Jl !By d 2010 There arB J38 Iii!y$

loll '" !he year TodrJ" Highlight In Hisloty:

On ..m 21. 1880. Tl'oma! Eason r8CeMKI a patMlIol his eIecInc ncan-

""""', """ _LOIIorf, PICk Three - Mt<kIay' '·6·7 PId< Throe - E'.'I)(IIrog' 2·8·0 PO Four - ,.,~. 4-0-5-0

PO Four - EY8I'WY,I 8-0-4- '

l.JtIIe LOno 0 ' ·Os.t16·27·l2 "\ega M6ons.. 07.()8.J8.:548

_e.122 l ono.Jac;l(pot S4 25 mIllIOn

"~~~. $12' million Tod8y" B~: SInger BobOy

" B"-~ Bland IS 80 Ac10l James

The record Police beat MuHlpl. charg ••

• l...Inculn pol~ afTes1N 1>a1\K'1~ N Roouu.on. 21. nf the 700 block of FiDt S rre-el at '2 1-1 a m Wtdnesda), at Delavan and ctucagu meets on a charge nf dnvulg under tht! Influence

• Unroln polICe a~'ed Dtangelo J Sparkm:an. 23, of Chll.'1I!I\U lit 9:56 pm Tue5d;ay at Chnlnn and KK'kapoo SIret'IS on a charge of possenMln of cannabli

• IJf'Il"Oln pohee ann1ed Walter J McC:un. 2:1, of .he SOil block of llllrd Sul"t4 ar II : ~ 9 a.m TutsdJ)' at hIS residence lin II charge of dn\1ll~ " 1,h a suspemJ. td l lCt!lI5e

Fire calls C.rbon mono X'ld. c .1I

I .. mooln firefighter.. responded lu a eMbon mooox, Ilk> lnodenl al I 46 a m Tutsday l llhe 5UO block of Third SlIM

Rescue runs

I.JIl(oln fl~filChl en; respunded WIth Ln!(ftn Cuunty PAmm~LC'i to medical eme'l!encles at

• A l"endel\l.'1' In the 100 block of Keokuk Si refl m 7'56 II m Tutsday

• A l'eSitit!nce in lhe JOO block of Ophir A\'I!nuf' al 12_59 p m Tuesday

• A n'Sulence In th, ' 5(M) hl',I(:k uf South Elm Str't't'l al 10 :16 II m Tul"od:1V

• A rn~T'IC't In I~ nlllt hlock- of St(th Stl'ft'1 at 2 In a m Wf'(i.-Ja\'

School m e nus Thunca.y, J_n. 28

Carroll CatholIC lLlI'Ich Clucken poilty un hun rom. pulkllnlt. frull

III lm Central HreaklllSl - Sausagl" hLSCUIt . IUK" nr mixed frull

Ilhm Cl'ntrnl1.unch - l'aI.~\ salad 1I000h nadlO {hillS, SpanISh ncl' , 11IOt'apple. pumpkin h.'1 1".>

I.JI'It'o ln Flementary nre:lkra.~t - Apple ur praeh fruit pie

iJncoin FJt'mental)' I Ul'I(h • Chll'ken panlll! piJI. k' eI '\.IIndwKh, gfftn ~an.\, T\3\.OO rhtt!,.e Chi llS, Clnna· mon Bpplt'S3ul~

IJnroin 11 1~h, W~I tJncoln·l!roadIIo·ell. IJreak'a,1 -Hreakias1 bumtu ~'th ..uI5.1. pear.!

LUll'uln " (lth. Wl"~t IJl'ICOln·Hroadwell , New lIulland·MlddJeI(w'·n. Z"m l.utheran Lunch - Cream

.' .. o .... 11h fruit

Muuln I'ul:!skr Elemenrury Lunch - Peanut hult l'1" ilotl Je ll), :-31lt"",ch. l hlh Wi th ('rockers. bahy cam,,, "", Ih dill, hOi elnnilm"n llpfllf's

Mounl Pull1~kl II rgh l.lInch • Super n3Chtb. nach" chips and ch~ )..'luct' , grt'l'n beans, peacht», 11,.1'

~lIm. brownlf'

Tile for your budget... Service you deserve.

~l(ILE ,:-ao'eM ... ,~ ....... .... y.~.~.-" _~i, .... , JIII.k'~!.

J716 8ft ckler HII .7011 7100 . LlSlII,lIblea mlljramle COlli

DON TRACY for lieutenant Governor

l et 's get back to the basics •• AEVnALlZE Su. lnrn. Jo~ • A[fOA,.. SIoIle CO\lernmenl

-\ ><. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\ ><. \N"TEGR\"T'f

\- X -\MP-A..R-i'P.:\..H'f o..,- ..... ~ " ."" ~ ."' '' ' ~ ~·H'''. " , ' '~-' . ; . ',.,

'h, .. ~"". I'· ... A".R ,' I" , "" R, .. J\ ' " ,,'.

I'OfTtMII I! 70 Actor John Wltheripoon Ifi 68 Roca-ITIll5ICIOO Nick Muon (Plilk FJovdlls 6!j Rhythm-and·b1\J6S 5f108I NMlI1I T.I*'I (The Ronettes) IS 64 Bale! sw MlkNll Barv-nnfkov IS 62 Chlel U S .AlstlCe JoIvr Roberti IS 55 Coootry SI'lOIH Cn.tyI WhItt IS 55 Coootry SII"IOU"IT'U5IC18I\ Richard Young (The I<entuc!Iy Heac:h.rIters) -'---~.Aa_""'uio~~i:::.~hAr88 .. d8.11-------------------+---~--:..!..-- "~~.''".~''_. _''''_''''c.' ____ I_-Aodort'lUSlClM Jank:kGen ilron U" ., , ....... ,." """"""'-'" VOTE FOR QUALIFI ED JUDGES """"""'R tatOi Ketth OIMrmi1nn IS 51 Edith E. Tholen i.an.:le)' 01 IJnroln lind n anny ,LIln) 1.1n,I .. " tlf """ .. 10 .• "' ~ 1'" 1,, I , I. , II .. ".",,~

odt. srogof Mlrgo Tlmmlnl } ICowt.oy Junlues) IS 49. Roc!< ~ IAWNDAI.E - Edilh E. lboll!D, flO, of Ijnroln, II~ I\lnJdletuwn, 11 ~ fnur IIrc:.t·grnndchlldrl!n. MCj(illl Clan Gillian Gilbert 11 49 Actress formerlyn' \1IwnOOle, Il, died at 1104/1 a m January Wnk-ult lInd 7 ... 1chRry. I'luge and Jacuh l.anl(ll'}, . ,Ind BfiOgtt FondI lI 46. AcIDr Alan 25. 2010 01 her daughter's home in IJ llC'Oln Sht' wa.~ tint' jCfeal ' j( rta t.granddauj(hter. Jardcn WOk.l"! Cumming IS "5 ~ SII1glII the las! Ii her Immediate family She .. ..-a.li pr~eded In ~alh by her parents. hu\ TJKY a.-.nc:. IS 42 Rodt srnger Mn Tholen .. -as a bookk~r al Sea~ Moebuck ba~ and one bl'Ulher, Sianley Routson Miki Panon IS 42 Rapp&r Trtdcy IS and Co In iJnroln. IL 112 Rode ITlJSCiV'I MIchMI Kulu Pm-ate fllm lly st'r.'ICts ",, 11 he held for Mr.o. 1111111'11

I " - I' " • _____ ....... She WI5 affihared wllh Sr Petu Lurhernn Church h h It '::::::-, • • , ''':::-~Jooh-'-:::::''', •. "" on :mdf'n ~'I I e ev John I:: Nf'lson nfficlatrng Hunal "",11 lit'

........ .......... ....... In Old Unlnn Ceffif'lery, IJ I1ol·oln. 11-38 ,.. __ ,~ KaoIW\ n-.-.. She .... 'U bom June I. 191 9. In Uncoln, It. 10 Fred

.......... K" _."... ......_-, • •• ,' There "",ILhe no \'tSllallon 34 T9IW'III pIir;ef Ma-M s.nn IS 30 auu , att ll' Wilhams Roulsol"I. She ma.mo:I.l lf'm\lln J.

Tholen on Sept 23. ISH in Emden. II- He flr«'t.ded --Arranl(ements lire by Fncke ·C,lln~ rt ·S\ hr~ d'·1

Area calendar

her In tit!ath May 7, 19112 Funer:lli lome SUl'vjvol"1i include onf' d~ughler. Ca nll (Jerry) Memonnls mny l}(I made 10 SI JuLlc\ HI''>!',,!". 11

McAfee (If I.uleoln. II.. IWO I(rundslln~ . Patnck IIru.pltIIl or [~an Cllunly Ilum:lOe S'K.iety


\\,' r"~f . '''I ,·,· II,.. I,,"n' I'''''· I", Ih,' III ):hc.' 'I,,~I ' I ' "" 'Hlml<,,,I. ,\: . 1"11,,,,., 11 -1111'

MANI.EY MONUi\IENTS \, " ''' ~ / ... "'/" , ,"', , /" 1'

1Il lilt "11\ liN • I I\! 01 " l,I~0.4~ I~

'" h \ 1'1"

... we're just the creative shot ou needl

Page 18: €¦ · \ ,llUNOIS SATUI'IDAY, JANUARY 2...2010 \ DAYBOOK lUbe numbers Jobless may face brutal decade Today i"siturdrf, Jan. 2, tne 2na day ot 2010 There are J63 days lel'l l'l lhe


BV Ihe numhers TCJdaoy II Thul'iday. JIfl, 28 !he 211tt1 Wy 01 20 10 There aro 337 days lett III

"" ,... TOd""" Highlight In HI. tory:

On J,.1Il 28, 1980 on whill became kllOl'in as 1he Canadan Gapef," SI~ US Ilpiomats wOO t\1U d~ t:eng IillUIn hostage al!helr embassy 111 Toruan 111M' ou1 01 Iran WIth It1e nelO 01 CMirlan clplornats.

Wedneldly Lottery:

PId! Three - M!(klily " 9-0

Po. Three - Evenw.g 9·6·0

Po. FO\l, - Moddily 5-4 8·8

Po. FOOI - E...ening 73·8 · 7

i.JttIelotto 03· 12· 14·24·27

Lotto 0 1·24·29·35·4 1·45

Lotto JadlOOl $-1 25 mIllion

Mega MllhorlS ..ladlpol $ 144 mil lion

Today', BIrth(1ay, : 'MUSlCIiIn~r AcItef BIIII is 81 Actor Nicholas ~ IS 75 Actor Alan Aida IS 7-1 Actress Suun Howard 15 68 Actress Marthe (cq) KellM IS 65 Sen Jeanne Shaheoo (D N H ) '5 OJ Actress.slIlgCI Barb! Benton is 60 E~I~1C.11 p • .IS!or Ride Warrnn IS 56 Frt'llCh Pr%ldenl Nicolas Sartlozy (Silhr-koh-ZEE') IS 55 Actress Harley Jane Kozak IS 53 • Movoe director Frank Darabont .s 51 RCICk rnUSlCliln Dave Sha IS 51 R(l().


Araa deaths Frances E. Glick ~rr PU[)\Sh.1 - f'mnces E Glick. !l7, uf

M!. J'ul ilSki, II. dIM al 9:50 a .m. Jll nUIlN 26, • :WIU al Vund('rheth l.i1.i ng Cenler, MI. .

Pulaskj. She .... ·as the Last of her Immedia te family

Mr'j. Glick ..... as a housewife and helped hrr husband on the fann

She ..... a.~ a memht>r of MI . PulaskI St. John's Lutheran Church

She was born July II . 1912 in Lake Fork, 11..10 John anti Delilah

Galloway Ba non. She married Wilbur Glick Sr. on June :'W_ 1929, 10 Mt, Pulaski . 11_ lie prt'eeded her in death on NOvember 10. 1m

Su .... wor; include I Son. Wilbur (B.lrbara) Glick Jr of MI l'ulaski. It.; -I Grandchl ldll!n. Bart l! (i'..ach) I\elley. Nik! Jones. Roddy Jones and LII~ ; .md :l lireal ·Gr.tndchild ll!n_ Aaron. Dypnana "nd Brunke

I h'r hu~hand , l hrot ners and 1 sisler pre­ceJed her 111 dea lh

.... I '~ ' rnusoan an IS ourmy muslCL3n G~ Cook (Arcochel)rs -15 Gospel Singer Mervin Sapp 15 43 Singer Sarah McLachlan 15 -1 2 AappeJ Raklm IS -12 OJ Muggs (CVprO$S HII) IS -12 Actress Kathryn Manis l"Cokl C.rso") IS ,II Rhythm.ar.d tJj, ICS Singer Anthony I\.l~ (ihlk \ runenll Wi ll be held at 2:00

---Hlll'ftlftcm. 3 39 Rock l~erandon-eustrIS"'3-H.ftB pla),,,1 Jeli ita 1m Fnll ;) ' .1,1 mary ;m lU l U jlj FriCke_ Dye ,S 36 Singer JOt!'{ Flltono Jr ( N S\'nC)'5 3J Rapper Rick ROil IS 3J (ahen S( hradcr t unera l Hume. MI Pulaskr .

Actor Eh~111 Wood 15.29 _

Il with Hill Shanle offkimin;:. Interment .... 'n - be in Ihe Mt. Pulaski Cemetery

Vi.'li lnlion wi ll be from ·1:00-7:00 p,m . Thursday January 211. lO lO at Fricke-Calven­Sc~rader funeral Home. Me Pulaski.

Memorials may be made 10 51. John's LUlheran Chun::h of Mt. Pulaski or Donor's Choice.

Barbara R. Craig A'IlANTA - Barbara R. Cra ig, 35, of

.-\llanla. formerly of Mackinaw, passed away on Wednesday, January 27, 20 111 a19:26 a_m. al Advocate BroMenn Regional Ilospiial in Normal.

Funeral t\rrongements are pending al the Quiram Peasley Funeralllome in Atlanla.

S ..... n Eud.Uy SAN JOSE - S, Jean Eudai ly, 70. of San

Jose died al 1:42 am on January 26. 2010 at Memorial M~ical Cenler in Springfield

She was born on May II , 19391he dau hter 10 eager,

West Virginia. She married Paul (Sno Ball)' Eudaily on January 2.1. 195-1 in West Virginill.

Survivors are her husband Paul; four dJughlm:-8rend;r{DanTlllemnymlE Of San Jose, Lee Ann Eudaily of Virginia. Ina (Mike)

Murray of f>t! kin. lisa (Andy) ~I e rbesl of Tremonl;-one son: Paul (Kim) f.:udm ly of S.

Pekin; eight grandchil­dren amJ Ihree greal­grandchildren.

In addit ion 10 ra ising fr.'e children Jean W'Orktd at the local groc"try store (Grahamsl for mony years. She also worked al the San Jose post offICe.

From 1981-1991 SnoBaIl and Jean owned and operaled SnoBa11s

Ice Crea m Shop in San Jose.

Jean enjoyed working in her nower gar­d en.~. taking Willits. and making her ~'peCia1 sp.1gheUl for the family.

Funel1l1 services will be at 11..00 am, on January 29. 2010 al Hurley Funeral Home in San Jnse_ Pastor Slephen King .... ; 11 officiale. Visilal ion wi ll be one hour prior to service. Blmal will be al Green Hill Cemetery.

J\1emonaJ C'O nlnbul ions may be Jehlo the San Jose Fire Depanment.

Hurley Funeral Home ;n San Jose is in charge nf arrangements. ~

Online memorials for Ihe fam ily can be lel't at \\Iww.hurleyfh.oom .\clress Rosamund Pike IS 31 Singer Nleit Cart&r IBado.street BovsS. 30

-Ar~a-c-aletltlBt'- -- ---- -- T~_bl;-;!;!cc~c:=;O:;;:;;rd~::_~::: __ -======_._~_=:_ -=-:=_~-==_::_= ... _===~~I.~".~[Ii~.EliFJI~'I'''i __ _

Page 19: €¦ · \ ,llUNOIS SATUI'IDAY, JANUARY 2...2010 \ DAYBOOK lUbe numbers Jobless may face brutal decade Today i"siturdrf, Jan. 2, tne 2na day ot 2010 There are J63 days lel'l l'l lhe



BV Ihe numbers AreB deaths ~~------------------------~-------,..,

TodIIy', HIghIlghIIn History:

On Jail 29 1860 (~IO!tIe NIM' Sfyie C<11entIiI11. RlISSIafl allltol i\f"(I ~ AnIon Ch8.hOY was bom '" tho POI'1 CITy 01 Tag.'\nIog (TAG ,\Jhn r,II\Q I


PO Thtee - "bcXIay 1'2·8

Po. Thme -E~ 1·0·4

POt Four - MQjay 1·6·6· 9

POFour - EYenI'Ig 2· 1· 1·8

lA!Ie Lotto 02·09· 10·19·34

Lono Jad..pot $2 mIllIon

Mega tvWIIon5./ftdo;poI S 1 .14 m,llIon

TodIoy ', BIrthcYy1,: Actor ..10M Fonythe 15 92 AclO1' Noel HIIf11IOf'1 's 76 Author Germaine 0"'- 1511 Actress Kd\Irtne ROUt IS 70 Actor Tom SeIIc:k OS ~ R/'ly!IYn' aro-~ues SIJ"oQ&I Bettye 1IVen:e 15 6J Ac\Of Marc ~ IS 62 ActrM.s "'nn JIII"n IS 60 fIodo; II'IUSIDan Tommy Rlmont lRam0ne511S 58 Rod< IT'IUSOClaII lovie Pete.z (l os l obosl oS 57 Rhyhn and· IlIIIM1tn< SIlIJIlI Chinle Wilton oS 57 Tillk ShoW hosl Opnth Wlnhy IS 56 Coun\!y sr.gel lnen. ~I IS 5" Actress DIane Delano ,5 53 Ac!rli~

Judy Norton Taylor nne Waltoos1 IS 52 Rock !T'(JSICIoJn Johnny SpwnpINto (NROO) IS 51 Otymp.c goId.moda! aver GIt!g L nls I~ 50.

" "'"""'" ..I.Ic:bon (Oueensrychel IS 49 Ac10r Nichotat Turtwn::l IS 48 Roell SInge!

I'I"USICIafl Rod!tv FrIImI ,Aztec Catneral rs ~ AclOI -difOOOl' E~ Bum, IS 42 Ac!1~ HIIIttMIf G,..ham 's .10 ACIOf Shari! AIkins 's 35 Acu~ Sara Gilbert ,s 35 Actor "'ndrew 1(~ln IS J~ Actor Jasoo Jame, RichIe!" '5 JO

-riiues mUSICI.l n Joony lang 's 29 Poporod< SIfl9I!f Adam lIImber1 r Amcncafl IdcIl 's 28

AreB calendar

Elole Elizabeth Vomachka Martin

SI'WIN( im:1J) - £l~ie Elizabeth \:uma~hk.1 Mllnm. 9 1, of Spnngfleld. dieod

Tuesday JanWiry 26, 2010. al Memorial MI.'dic:a1 Ctnu~r

She 'AlM hom in CtOOr Rapid" lowl •. on July 16. 19111,10 Adolph Mayer and Agnes Rose NO\'l1k

She mamt'd Joe Vomachka In March 1~6 In Chicago I Ie preceded her in demh in July 19119

Sh" mamt"ll Rayburn M:!rtin on October l2 , llll~;, In Spnnl.tfirlt.!

Fl, ... WIl.\ a memht>r o( the t.1di~ FJ k.s .... u:(lh.lr.· Lodtt" I ~, the Ladits faKles AU:(llIar.·, antllhe 1'u1.KA Oub She wa~ a memht'r .,f the Fanh LUlhernn ('''ufCh

StU' is Mlr.,\:<! hy her hu.~oo ntl . Rayhurn :

Spnngfield, and Donna ( MIChael) Benson of IJ nC\lln. lI~ and her grandchildren Rebtkah (Jull) Nt·..",: Machel P"ner and Ryan Penrr

,\ rr.IIl!4I'm"flI8 an' under lhe directIOn of HI ~ch "" :-;n n ~ i')rnrr:ll ilome ~()~ E, Allen. Spnng"dd A m"nmnal serv1t1! und \;)italion were h,'kJ un Fnday January :l9. :lOlO. al Il, .... h I(. ~,'n~ I'UlK'ral Ifume V.srlulion wa~ Irum I UI h. I l~l pm .... " h a memunal stl'\'ICl" "I rUl pm

dolences may be k't'! (or the (armly,

• arbara R. Cr.lg /\TI.ANT A - Barbam R. Cmig . . 1.~. of

AllanTa passed away on Wednesday. January 27,2010819:26 a.m. al Advocate BreMenn Regional ~losplTal m Nonna!.

Funeml ~rvices for Ms. Craig wlil be held on SaIONay. January lfI. 2010 at 10:00 a m at the "tlanta Chrh1ian (''hurch wnh Mr. Malnict! --..... STribling otflClII ting.

VISitaTion will be held on Friday. Jllnuary 29,2010 from ~: OO p m. until 700 P m. at the Allanta Chrjslllln Church AddItional vtS.lallon .... i ll be held fmm 9:00 a.m unllillme of se,,~ ~ on Salurday at tM church

Barbaro RenEle t:rnig was born on July 19. 1974 in Pekin Ihe t.!aughter o(Gaylord G. and

Quiram ~ Funeral Home is ill charge of amngtrMnl5 .

Franc •• E. Glick MT pUlA5ki - Frn~ E. Glick. 97, of

Mr Pulaski, IL ditd at 9.50 a.m. January 26, 2010 at Vonderlleth LIVing Center, Mt PuJaslu She wa.~ the lui of her Immedill te fllmily.

Mr.>. Glick was a house .... ' fe and helped her hushand on the fann.

She .... 'a5 II membtr of Ml PulaskI St. John'! Lutheran Church.

She wa.~ bom July I I, 19 12 In l'lke t"urk. [I. hi John:loo Delilah GaJIowa)' HaMun She mlllTK'd Wilbur Glick Sr on June 26. 1!1:l9, In M1. P'ulaskl.lI_ He preceded her In Ul'alh un NO\1'mber 10, J~.

SUI\WOJ"ll mdude I !'jnn. \~~ lhur (IJ;unam) Glick Jr of Ml Puht~ kL . IL.; -\ (irnndchlldren,

. . Sur.i\ing Ms, Cmig art': he r daughter, and IJI1>\(; and:t (ireal ·Grandchlldren. Aaren.

Cydnie Craig; her son, l£vi Oh ... tr. boIh al Cypnana and 8rookr home: fiance . Erin Hoffman. Allanta; lhree lIer hu.~l)alld. 2 brothers and I sisler p~ bro/he".: Keith Crnlg of Allanla, Mark n'tltd her In deaTh (MicheUr) Craig of Illoomington. lind J1m (1i'l3) Cmig of Mackinaw: one sb1er, Uhh)' Mrs Glick's fun eral was hett.! all.(111 p,m (Kirk) Robison of A1lanta; and her malem.al Friday January 29. 2011) al Fricke,Cil lvel1 · grandparents. Keith and Edith Pope of Schruder Funernl Home, Ml PulaskI. II. "";th u ncoln BIll Shanle nffJdal1ng. InTennenl WIll be in Ihe

MI Pulaski t:emelery She was pteC'l'ded In death by her parenls

and pateroal torllmlpar.tO"IS"-_______ V~\!1a' lrm was (mm 4:00·7:0() p m, Thul'llday .~ January 211, 21110 aT F'rIcke·CnTvert·Sdtruder

Barbai'd grndull ted from Deer Creek - Funeral Home. MT PulaskI

________________________ -+ __ ~i/t""'y lII'k.'I t"f'H:M"'~donMIOm- 'n-

I' blt" n.un,· hi: mnt.!c I" lhl' Flk.~ Cn pplt"ll Today SHARE Food OI,IribuTlon 1m! S'9~ up - Tho Qa.<;rS ,I 10 5 JO p m

lind of Lincoln Big Book AA - 5CY.J Bf~.6pni

()pef'I ...... meeting - 507, Pulaskr 51 6pm

AI. Meeting J 10 Pul.1skl 51 6 P m

N ... MMtlng .I 10 PUlaskI 51 9 p m

Pet adopllona - Logan Counly Mlffi.ltCOI\!fol 1511 N K apooS. lOam 10 noon

living Life on Ufe', Tenn, 'Nomen', Meellng - JI5S Bu!lmSr , 4p m

AA meeting , 41 0 Pulaslu SL 6 p.m.

NA .. l iD Pulaskt 51 , 8 p m

Sunday land of lincoln AA - 505 BroaoNily, ,,-- .-~ ~

l h,ldr,'n AW Il ,;,I I,m Uf Til F,Ulh l.lIlheran I hur~h

I I'lt·:, ... · \ '''11 lilt' "nhnc hf.' ,I"ry.1l ............... h,S'

lhfullt'r.,lh"m.' {"tIm wlll're tnhuli!!> and ron·

Macki"" ..... High School She .... "'s employt'd hy Carf.R. Us In Annmgwn, MtmHnal~ may he made TO 5T John 's

l.u.hel'dn Church lIf MI Pulaski or Donor's Memon,als art' requesled fur her chlldnm's ChOIce

edum!!on fund

r . --------~===------------

! he reCOrd I Polic~ h~~t eflUnl" warrant for failure 10 The Jr ffl'f'iIln (',,"nlV IA",n M" "nr