Information Literacy in the Scottish Government Jenny Foreman Lesley Thomson

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 A smarter Scotland is at the heart of everything we want to achieve for this country. We can only build a Scotland that is wealthier and fairer, one that is healthier, safer, stronger and greener, if people are equipped with the skills, expertise and knowledge for success. Fiona Hyslop, MSP Skills for Scotland.

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Information Literacy in the Scottish Government Jenny Foreman Lesley Thomson If Scotland is to remain an advanced economy it is essential that its people should understand how to access information, assess it critically and use it discriminatingly Dr John Crawford A smarter Scotland is at the heart of everything we want to achieve for this country. We can only build a Scotland that is wealthier and fairer, one that is healthier, safer, stronger and greener, if people are equipped with the skills, expertise and knowledge for success. Fiona Hyslop, MSP Skills for Scotland. What we found Civil service culture Introverted information culture Searching for information is a major activity Advanced search techniques not well understood Link between level of work and information skills Colleagues and contacts are primary source of information Challenges (Opportunities?) I borrowed books many years ago but since everything has gone electronic the library has faded into obscurity In the age of the internet I see no need for, or relevance of, Library Services More efficient to search for the information I require myself since I am reasonably IT and internet literate So, what are we doing about it? Most enjoyable, light-hearted and fun. I learnt about Advanced Google, so good Ive used it twice in the last hour and managed to find information Ive been looking for over the last couple of weeks. I hadnt really thought about advanced searches before, so this was really beneficial. Very useful as well as enjoyable should be rolled out to everyone in the SG. Next steps Definition of information literacy for the Scottish Government Information Literacy Strategy Closer working with Corporate Learning Services (CLS) Review existing IL training provision and identify gaps Take a lead on IL within central government Further research Any questions?