I -A. *v Hi" * ^ /* •* HVS ;n **t 4ti W I i ,) ; i i .1 •V *" V^H f" v ** «• f i If \ i ; ^.u J'kx jyji i 1 1 7 1 £ ! 1 i > r .( * i * r t ! t ~4 <*. if**"*'I swtlwSltSir, <S» ssssssaai a n UP, 1 ww iii|^i)i^jitiii(iitiLiiwiinii»#i»»>iww^«^i«i^!W>iiiwi ^ Ifa^Utlck %ft »m*m»*- l&e ftenspc! Set^Hj of B a s t e s Adsstals. LWt «*etf tr traa Frofessw SsfeSer'a fasaM** on guairantee sf ewfe asd wtgca that gave itae JO rejoic- ing Tab creek it's an easrlier and sttasewhat masr feusaoas psbBaaSon of fee same test* fusion The Social Probisms of ss Endsstrtaj C3vffissttisn," by Elton Mayo. Bath are r* quired reading tor those «faa had teegun to despair about ttee future ol the American eco- nomic system If the National Association of Manufacturer* had the tMd to itself, admittedly t&ere father Biggins would oe sufficient reason for despair. But many ol (to futore member*, and prohahly *om* of the future leaders, of the SJA31 axe studying under Snider end Mayo up at t&mbrtdge- and Snlttrr and Mayo, whesh er consciously or 00J. are effectively undermin trig some of the basic tenets of 'he NAM. Vet'* concentrate tor the mumcot on a single example. The NAM. tn tt» constant empiwais on lite virtues of indtvlduaJism. has left the impression that econonilr society is matte up ot a mass of more or IPSS tsoJated tntlivicliiaJs tw-rtt pftxnarUy on money making S'ot oaly rt<w>s it start from this assumption, but It can onizra the assumption, a s It were, and holds it up as the uncfcangeablr* guiding principle' of nxmomtc Ufe Weil, sajs Dr Ma>o. it's a nice theory ihe calls it the "ratobipfcsypoth«tt»"».bat it Just isnl so in prarttee And t& proves that tt isn't so. He proves it by scientific research Into the wpryday faets of pconomic and social life. Mayo and bis colleagues in the field of Indus trial sociology have been spcrlaluartg for eU most a generation in the- anal\sia of Informal croups, at the work level In a wide varlctj of American factories and Industrial establish menta. Gradually th^- have uncovproi an enormous amomit of Incontrovertible mtdeno' that worker* in Industry lend spontanoousl) 10 form themselves Into tightly knit furrrtionaJ groups. Ctlve them naif a chance and the> cease Instinctively to act like on assimilated horde of Individuals and begin to organize ac- cording to the function which they perform In the Industrial process "If one obwrvecs Industrial workers . . with sumclent rare and continuity" Dr Mayo writes, "one finds that the proportionals num her actuated bv motives of u*lf4ntrre«t lojl- rally eJaboratud Is exrt?edln^l\ small The) have relapsed upon self Interest ionJ> • irhen social organization has Called them This wuuld make it seem that extensive social dl» organization or tack of organization must be postulated before th* so-called laws of eco Jfoftm* ToCoontpation vemder, titen. ®m Car. Msy» |p», twpf ttera with t&tastiaii e&mmSts tteesgs. A S «f tsis patSsstaSsiaig Tess&s^i "tegSsues thty * jsrt- mxsy *ssem$«Sffl8 ©Jf efatf&mffo^eBtm' «s» ttsrasie Sassry is so tas^«r tcssite." "Evw case &sm*«d year* aga* &e u$a> "B « « « JOTJS^I& 'easy eo heas*^" in U » .cssgmlal tt£svm«> *gnl Itro^tety of the prtiss%Je Vta* 8te psra^t ef ur-ilivtesal is^rest is tfe? fsasts of' «o^.?3sif er^ialjafiiHt Bet. «6tfea«gJi lh!s st3sums^"> is atiiJ voiced try t&tgsEimk *sM political £«#*• tiipo are bases} cowasJaya upan a vitally dif- fered eoncepaon ef tesaian ststely."* And tea »aader that fee also resstiisis SES that the "*ra^bft3* hipothesis" hats "fivest m s Slvsse&tl «EKJ Hia?r. and hats confused the wftoJe course of detsacraet* poHth»" A grsftutte stut?ra: ef socj«^)igy at the Caito- oae t»nfvera«y of Asserta, tl» R«w? JcawpJi Seriss. CS-SJl.. ti as already polnte<l out thisJ a geodly portion-of the data of Mayo and otiter tndusti"iai mvtoiojuis "can Irrtfiiement the Isiso? enryclicaia.'' Jaore sp«cU)<saBy be stays tJa^ "resean-h in Industrial sociology tuts uncovesred evidenoe whieh is of vitiaJ import" in diacuw&lng "the very heart of the Papal plan fox loebtl recoaitruetloa'* namely. Pojs« Plus Xl's lndhis» trie* and Professions. "The essential ruarae- tetistu- of the Industries no which we lintis our selves in this dUcusstonl." he adds "Is tfaat they are (^luraL Hortre. the) need not so murh to be fortnesj o s to be reco<r«tseA since tfecy already exist In a (rue swnso bat are prevented from tUBctloalrtjj " Father Hrrias. as a sociologist. Is rtinfliiung his discussion In the present Instance to ^te social fuactions of these natural and aponEJi neous groups. Mow tropwrtsnt to {he lone ran is their economic function about wbirh Mayo and the other fadtutriai sociologlsta naturally have nothing at an 10 s a j But the mduslrtal sociologists will rtave performed their functian wr-H If they can persuadp Ameriean emplayew of the naturatoesa and th*» Innltahflity of these groupings even as anrlal a n l t i In tndustiy Tbe economist* can take up from that point and try to «ork out a system of organized economic cooperation 1 economic planning! between DIPS* groups of workers 1 unions, to call them b> 1 heir proper name* and corresponding groupa of employers. So one can force employers and umons to cooperate between themselves and with th** government. That's true But Mayo thinks thai the alternative is likely to be another uar "So civilization." he rava. "face* the latter part ot the twentieth r-e-ntury divided Into groups «Ith fen bonds of general unity mu tually suapleioua. readv s t any moarmi lo Jevelup mutual hatreds at the toiich of an trre- •ponaible orator or polilirtstn It tn in this situ alton that the Hitlers of this oorld flu- de- •trover* And thew opportunltv - The u well taken. point Tht Literary Cavalcaa]* Build on Rock ! ———— ly |«hn O'Cannar For a long time as art instructor and as a jouraevman r*-vipwer and editor I have been Appalled and enraged at the rtonserw and aheer driveJ that U so often (I nenrh wrote "always'' selected for TiembeTS of book rfubs. guilds. f^undattons and *ha: ha\v* » ''u U'erary ca!« a ails If trtere < ouM be estahfiahed a set of principles «|-nllar to those of !*e Pure Food and Drug Art "i a ll'erarj «.-ale a great deaf n{ mi r published work uould be labelled "tlirfy " "dUcase>d." 'watered" "low grade' »nd to on While cenAOrship •.omethlng I would tight if ne> es»ar> fmm exile I wo»ild re -talnly like lo «ee mmr e<li i o n rlea 1 Vjou«r and i>theri s^>i »0"DC courage Die often urtn ders If theVd rot And (iioSt* afx->u» thefcflTieand headacites lo«i If 'hey printed less irasn aod %pe 11 3 H?Me m o t e time on prorr »inj 'heir good title* Tn a phraw why not give the puhSc «omethlr«2 for Its mofts 1 } * =5ucn a publisher Is not in sight, although I can name one n lb Is terrfbly close to attaining 'hat goal. To cin'tnue to qupst among modery authors ts a n3Ste of time. You 11 live in hope art^ die Irfdespair and turn bacfe to thj radio or cinema whjcfj I* r^n iv-orsr Tlere U SO much to be .-ai|: , i! up with' And if I were bulding a small library on Hnv )'p mean<. I would not for the rdtmenl consider any recent bbfcs A year Is an important Art of an adult's intellectual ffe. and if that year Is to be ipent gathering hooks then It should be a year <and a nun well spent). After the Old and New Tes' amenta. I would obtain two histories - one of the Church and one of Europe There .vould be Karrer's 8e!lz1oas of Mankind and the several 'I think six or cishf works of Oii tstopher Dawson. I would collect several works on the i nlted States, for more apeelall /.itIon Is in order In the case ••>( our own countrv \or « ouid Chapman's classic wort» on South Amerfea he missing nor Murtagh'S recent book on Australia. One or two found * orks on various areas of the Uttent and several on the tech tuques and personalities of world Communism rtould com piete the historical approach for a moment The works of the major efonomiats would be nest. Most ot them are obtainable in cheap editions today. So are oM but classical biographies and auto biographies, essays and plays. i few sound anOjologics and an excellent summary book such as Walah's Thirteenth. Greatest of Centuries. And lest ive forget: You can now- get [>ante in one volume and a portable one at Oiat' Then, of course, a sound his lory 0/ philosophy - or several by such men as DeWuif or (Jllson. Fa*her Farrell's Intro- duction to the Komma nould St. Ambrose . . . Masses Sunday: 6:45. S, 9, 10. 11 A . M „ 12:15 I I tM>IRt I1.VD. 1 «FV FKANK W MASOM. »|H*. be an execflent addition and »o "ouid Dr Anton Pegu' editinj of Ta« lUsIr Works of Tbotnis *jjulna«. .And those sincerely ohet a thorough li- brary vs-ouild do well to start collecting pad) masterpiece of thought to be noon published In fh» monumental aeries that Is under (he direction of Dr. Lud- «1j» Schopp in New York City 1 T o omit Maritain from any modern library la to be without the best of our d a y Introduc- tion to Philosophy. Tho Things that are not CaeaArs. The De- grees of ICaowledge. Ransom- ing the Time. Art and Scholas Mefsm all these and more N'or would the new digest nl Toy nbee's eoloiual survey be •»ut of pUce on the*« mythir.il shelves Poetry-' l*hiio»o|»ny: The "'»gy' HUtoty' The Essay' The Dra.Tjg' j| erf we art , ^m, •he trea»iire« of mankind's In telhvrual lat>oT8 piled up aboul us We do not know how loni It rtiay be b*»fore tre have put them a »-ay. And we con tinue' to i p e n d money- and timr rooting among the sfubblf while the harvest of history literally bursting the walla of the libraries and the good book it ore*. Quickly rurs over the names of the boek c-iut) se-!ectionj of the paat two ypars' Mention the Puiiurer Prrw «inner* of the Last ten. T r y and do It Who is there to compare with Dlckerw* Wllh Scott ? With the slants ct( Sienkiewlcz * With the characters ot fleorjpr Eliot* V\T)pre can we find one to match the aatlrr of Swift or the vigor of Cobbed, the laugh 'er and sting of fheaterton fhe vision of Francis Thomp- stin or the vernal Hi »y of Hi laire Beiloc'' Aside frwro Slgnd Undest tn the field r>f the novel and LJCWIS ID B Wyndham Lewis* in [he field of biogra- phy, trtere are few in the fleid. Th*C 1 *• * '- - li <! - J. -$• -»• irv\ 'S»3-wW^ <ili« tMW l'U^ijtiP|i|i>lti| I'llTl^ti^htti «n;W*yp**Wt lH|!Hli*ljl|ia«miN')lH''.^ w»;milT"iiWi"i»«i»>'ii' , «>im'->ii»i-|lii»«nii'VJ, i|HilBM(lll>|llH'l)i».WH>llll«i wmtwrnzy JJ»- t-s^ii* l^nir^i* Western tH/mmm—mm <S^'ltefelItea^f*asi!asist«rt *^Uf ^ '0(K333Wifet WM&- *W» 'wdplA* pose m> «att- C » O -M »> nisi espcrt# R a a «l»4i*'- of wi»»t it « ei u*lly t . ItWtoi* ' mean* ta be * ^Hnaiunlst, or haw tetuaJJy t&a Sovfet fifth eoiiuirttt flp^ gm. Thts hptajr tt|» cat*. i% Rssdi "set asray «1th htu3filslrk , * as lh# saying gg*ss< Mo» e^r* ful «tu4y of Mm ConMSJjfflJtott and their tactic* ts urftentty de- manded tjy the tfaiois, whea atom narfare haanJa OUT 4<m- Little ehaHenjfe la now t»<tc5P, for instance, K > & 8 ^ j^fen thai they are carrying oat the "Roosevelt pateries te^ty," Without any (!ws.ir© to entej' into a pro- or otUMtoasc^ell dlseusaioa. oar can point out that exactly «even year* «fo, the Reds oflJclally pr<«-latmc*d Franklin D Ro«apwlt "an- other Hliter." I has/o yet lo see anyone raise that matter di- rectty in reply to the Commu- nhn loud shouts oi being "the heir* of tHe Roosevelt policie*." The itortet Aboul-Face At ihe Vatlonal Convention of the Communist Tarty in June I1H0, Earl BroWder de- clared tn hla olllrlal report that Roosevelt's course was "essen- tially for America tho same direct lin « hlrh Hitter gave for German) In 103.1" Thil I* panted (••r all ttenc In the July lOin issue of The Com muni«t i)ien the name of tho theoretic*! organ of Uw party. A» that time William Z. F a * tor said to thai nme conven- tlrm "The war mongers are operating under cover of rton«r»vef''i hypocrf ileal pro- jrom o' nstfonaJ dofcrwe, uhlch is in reality a war pro- pram *" Thew the Reds not only mov nl to do everything which tn ffTert rtould help Hitler to tl^stroy Great Britain, which they proclaimed "the chief war monger," but a 1 a o openly (bunted their position aa a fifth cwlumn ay I c i d l y piedff Ing their sole aJleglaxsce to "the great Stalin" in a n official rr-salutjoa Suth language was toned down only when Hitler broke nith Stalin In 1841. and the iMiessity to cultivate Amer- ican good wtli became risen tial to save Aussfa from the more efficient tierman War ma c-hlne And yet. there »re many people who hern and haw be fore the Reds when the latter shout ' fascist" at anything trwi oppose* Soviet aggression No lorre aided the buiJdlng up of HitleHsm more Ijian the Soviet stale and Its agents. and their cry of "fascism" Is a hallow o n e In rtm; of Ihst ree on] Ajfaln. a hen one <»merges from the Red "prison camp," he U greeted «tth requests "to name names." H e |» supposed to be armed with a host of card* and documents showing who la specifically a Commu- nlss'tTius indicates nurh a lack of understanding of fw.>w the Red conspiracy operates as lo rnakp one Inclined to laugh sardonically at the «ay that *"VP>n the anti-Communists have heen laiwm In. Thc> arlually »»-l£0\-e ftsat the ( ummunint Party is run like a dcm'x-ratlr oriranlzallon and not like a onrwiplracy In th'- fcvi In *!antes where I. for TI_> part. did nndeavor to rump names *s 1 know fscores' of under- i-»A-er Red.t ,-lther publisher r»i publication shyly refused lo pwrmll me to (In •« They fr»ai ed with some good reason o«r libeJ lan« to wrileh I hav»- made wnf prr-vVmn refcTrnce. MAGOE BAKERIES THE TASTE TELLS 1999 Ktat* * * W Cairo 4111 I 43? fsnelts iCsrw 2614 a - CULVER BROWNBILT SHOE STORE 1194 CUlVI* R0A9 (cahinat R O t U i SHOES tm, MtN iUSTW tXOWNS AIRSTIPS fw tar *r CM t*t Wmota ESSa=233 '±£s^£**J aKaasaa^scjacazsa^ssagiioasgsagj SS. PETER'S AND PAUL'S TOT UAIN STRbET W8S1 REV. i EM IX GEi-Et-L Pmmtor MASSES~Stmd*y r ft, 7:15, «J0, 9:43 and II CONNORS REALTY \ Bronke CMatei LISTIMCS •*• VIII1U CHOICI USTtNCS IN AU. SICTIONS CLAIM cutrtsosa anaw IS CH-BERf 0*rVE CULVEB: SOSS M HOS IIWEKt) CUtvn 49ft 1332 ''•«>« 3d WATCKfS flWilRT ftMMONW WATCH aVttCCIt HfrAUIKC \ vcu Wilt Eniov Setatrttrfieaitv Pastiur^zeo BAItCO-ritOTeCftD MILK •Try It" "»lvmouth Dairy- Inc. j. /. KIRCHER Di-v Coar&—Men a, V/tntn't Ch*!*en*» V/ev ««d Notiom 1*0 Csmffccfi St. '!>«*» CfNCSCF; 1222 llEC'LOWERY'Si |1ALP ALDERSONi I iSmSS^ I MARKET I Camptetc Utt* at \ SOCONY PRODUCTS f 1374 CUtVW ROAD .' • ICvrnr 2051 Radwstcr 9. N. Y. ' 980 tay Stnat MEATS . CKOCEttfS VECSTAfUS I t \ Kaa's C£oa»j tnm fasttrr to ten i Cmlr^HT t t# I (AIM SSajfttfy Uttst SUITS Sf (\ , >*** TdrCOATS aitoii ,V J * ... . __ _^_ A «y naJ» «3»« * William 0. ike rVasacr -frari Pharmacttt 4i* lOnnSOH AVtaf MONSOff ItOCHKTllt. M. V. O CONNELL'S OELICATESSCN , *E lAKIO bVhH>IUI>b I rov roRutri ru«KET » 18*4 «AV ST. * c TRY A , COIRIER \DVERTTSRR TODAY v>*t*****iim+*&0**>0*^0**i0^+&im* i **0**v*t*»v»m**M PAT FOiEV'S LIQUOR STOKE: j Can. 2770 J 6551, MAIM SI. rVEKT I «»V1E SUTTER "fXa .MOORING —tt-KEBi.y rKATtite— PAG£lM>o(i't Miss It AMMMIWMNWMMAMWWHMWWMMH »IW9> CftJKifllWMijp. Cltwaaies* ; « pt^s «^-i»«* >m;mmm -«* ia«5«8?«iKa m feeftf $m '.te-tto ,R«# m#&> Ao4'^»» pm&* m •*$$$ -ttH» qim mem "mmtk-^tiMm i^p» «r ; n«^ «r.|tii mm U ts»- •to^e tsaJea tea^aV'ttA' * 'm» m^« ol ffem^BSh^ at»«moBiir thil gman, .yi&Uk ttews ts pmp wifej kiJsWPth^f'jHre »•«*- injs witft tfie ^mraiinisia hwt -%XQ pi ?«» $rat «nJep tel dlseipirs© fmssa^ A tm® ctetwat Is coa^peied of tfti •ttey «t gaod wfll *ad BO hbsaxt «*•- pressing it mpawh Batd-trottt aiiee of »-l«i «wy aw^oirif,- If mom w»$U!> pia mk\u atunuioa lo tf» Worfla vi ^p» Plm XI, they (.voalrj kttaw now tv iudge each twae of Ut«M> at- tlm of tftw Rcdjt wl(too}« great danieuliy A "dfitbaUNa* em- •nlraey - what Plus M rtthV t$ railed Communism I* one that conceal* its objective* un- der pleasant or harmlfssap- neajiag covorfn®R Our OnaT eonalderatlaa in tbl» mtlea is to itresj that vital fact. Through iho diabolical back ground o f the conspiracy of which he is a pari, tho Com- tmtnlat p**t« on a reasonable mask in flni functioning in any organization or commun- ity He worms bJa »ay Into peoplr-'a eonfjtlertcje ana etiab- llshfts hlmsM>lf 'wfeencvw paaal- Wei as one who can be relied upon to d»o certain rjeceajary •hfrtga. Th« jensatlortal school of '•expose and exposure*** has prepared ttje people for aomo. ihtnf quite different. They »uc eurnh to bts vvllaa. and 0 iun\ •arrerHJer to hit control. •Great friend* Tactic The Coramunlat*. In rseejilng with this diabolical character, prelend to be the # » « frtcndj of «he N'egro peoplfi. and then adroeate "saelfdciPrminAilon in the Black GMt.* a policy whjefi »m pal the onaa of racial trotible on the Mesror*. They have only cste purpose tn aueh advwicy. to aerve the Soviet dlctatoMhrf/a aim of enattlnf dixordef In Amrrksi. The Red* loudBy ncelaini ihPHsselv«s chief opponents of anti-Semitism. And yet. when the Sovtel dic- tatorship ims openly hacking ihe Araba in the Palestine la- ana the Communlati Issued some of the most violently antJSemlilc caricatures ever publlahed. T o win tho confl- dene© of Catholic people, the Red* say they tvlil defend the Catholics' right to irorab'p. And yet, they are conducting on a worldwide bask one of the moat mob liar campaigns of faisehood and vituperation ever launched agafrut the Church. Tnfe Being the ca*e every one who wtsjjes to offset the fifth columnists of the Slave State must equip himself with informal!©?) of what the Com- munists an doing ai any par- ticular time. Ttem be a?UJ k n o w their ©xaef tine of lying at arty , tpeeiSe moment. One of their most skillful device*, as has been made clear In tftla recita- tion, fa to shift the character of the> falsehoods they »rv peddliag as they think necessi- ty dictate*. By knowing the line handed down to the Com- munists, through New Times and Political Af?a!r«a»d thence on to the Red-oontroJied pap- er* of more general ttlatribution, the active champion of liberty will be able to spot the Red In his orcanizalion or community more readily. He will also be armed with the knowledge of lu*» '•> defeat the Red strategy One of the (Shlef haudlcapa we have in arriving at this knowledge "the conspiracy of silence In tho press," to which Plua XI s o courageously pointed The appcaser section (Continued on Fare 0) •5 *«* ^rUnr**™ ta?itt la hit jtx w»-w^5M vt^'m-wwSf *!f^»|Hi^ *WPCTM£ m•$&»Is ts&n •&..&&&& ^%i| m PmM nm ®m. st ^ mmrm m* .pHirttt?4 t dasjkJiJifc jtirji. #|'lim . H* Wm> tola tiwi m& «wA ts» |f*W#rt *»• iftv Mm #% B Aas} iMp®* mm Iroft* ncArtas- ithe »eeesd »w^ wnt^ft JWlA-W tli#. Ia»rln . itfee ««t«ijt fmm «#-i# ««^a go> mt ^a? .,. Asa iteif* ;" ' :-' .•.'-. mm a* Ir feii^nm. twt «ttftt anil ttsstt p!ir*se of m* Ikmarda t*«flng' fay hw£r». •WJH^Ka'**** '^WflMW *Wft •; OillllHe,, tDi*v *How; a^'flfi &tjW0!e , '\ y •. - $m£m$mm sfawjifr mm ?u4*' w^'&fia&l' % *! **,-+' •Mil Jma i i-WS ffnant Iflif atinftlinfasfte>aJf «f«##*t " ^ 4a>-ftaa1smttas» mft»< ' FOP ttttt'matter k MM $mtiw 't» &tot& 1%M* *<*m i*Jte^|faf ^ititttoinf *»iw*mr smm vmim «ts4. ipn*cr* # h t tteaifif J TtWtfiiHV 'jiwtsML '1 mMH ; !•• ^aaaB^k ^lasss^''^Br^^BBBBBBBBask C^lBaaBMCBBaaT'*' TurKryr *>r la tt, fea**ri*«/ mmm m m <u * f *t& the Presldtoht hw Irj M l j u t t «rto Hiftf|i- m ^ I; itf^t.; i - \., •, >•; ' ;•• • ^^ Ufcrjiry 5 f | n ^ » t F»»» -•^»»*<*ssWt'n»a)^iF»a<i*rj^\ , jir j IJ|i^||^ f"P MBaiaMaMaaBBa •f^sjaissBia Hkkw'^BVssB^A^alfsst aLinrary rf«Wai Tlio Gdiholfe ByJdeali UU*m will *to oftan fflto& ting aumfflcriAjp^tt^f q»l>' ^ the #v«nlr*a, *t ti«* wt»»i tto« Irom ? t e A Htli ut A jfow oee«l«|i temp- ttftGntfe» to the volunfi*^ Hhrittfluni •-»-•—--— i - i -" 1 -'• wltttsat sfiwm Ji w*«M t»e im« tjottlula" i<» K?^* 4h? Wtrtry i *#*!« tfllj Jn^j % not mu» lit?Jf .thfif wwm»> .torn maim , TmMim* «r to our ittflwr dB^t «»' aprfrtR; by ©r. ftfajy d> p«ia 0a|*air«' A teoff, itrar*titfe»1ir| »»£««« £ m-«i ^hle?t-as& for* <M ftea*}e ; M*ryjMl maim twajs ,-»#• for ft« prleifa, m titm Tfli* DAY, by Afr enact SfclAvcriy^-A iJoftffj«*f« HUT, «eltWi faoUtfO- OrMttl fly* temltm In tltfa reft«ilned but powerful navel abmit «n IrJiit flshiajs wmisttnlik htmWl A«B l{tta«ro7-~'f}l« lite of tho beiaved Kftnt Cte#. tlan A«d*r««a la flaw denfefegd wiut aomc ef tftj lender bciuiy of hia own (mmort** fairy talw. C A P T A I N BOYCOTT, % Philip Hooney. - A *ljfdR»il novel of this mln awo tl&e evegtt $ U ^ s d %5^j j p ^ Ot* 'word *boy*ott , » t^ mt && Uflnartef. ' THE F A ^ e o r Tirs SAINTS by WUhetm Schittsa)- rat—An itaplrtnf coSectton of 120 genuine liigien** of U w aalnfs with rharvclousJy eom- presaed bIo#rap!iI« acjeempany- tng eaeh of them. PARfX)N AJTO PEACE. b> FT Alfred WUsen, CP ~ A moat enlightening hook on hot*? to go to confe*«ten lnfeB.»<mifjr and profliiraly wHtlwi with tm and engaging frlendllnesn). AUTOSlOORAPllr OP THE Bl^^ED VTRQIN. by ft Peter A. Reeeh. 8JM, A help- ful assemblage of scrKJlwrf paaisagea revealing lite Inner life of Our Lady and her mean- ing fo the church; the tiilP la misleading. THIS TREMKNDOtrg LOV- EthlMfion 8ef K»H» tRNSi - An exhibi- tion showing the extent and achievements of Roman Catholic education in France udj! be£:c!dl at Che Porte V«r*aaj«i lit Pari* next September, if waa an- nounced here. OA%tWtri» tmtim «t' 4h*"i»trtr -like UtateaJaiM fe Tirsiliit •aissssjaj asj ^"a*( i^sjsjp^ssr»»»fl - -jPW JHr*P^f^^r f' nwtf --M» # «M|i * ttn^r 'J*9»%«l al4rfaW- # » » • # * til* full m#*»lfl# *f >n4 ap,riUMl aix, an inhaWiiii*! «f »*i »y t)tf HJasiifa ^ Trlaaty tkrtugk Mr ' trMltVMrat list ~ Ua' JeissW *tttW10H «VMK- ! | J B V «r|M| ant fully the *xcitam«rt' |r tllf ^ITOfi ttaftP AtMnlt lkW-IMfln# TitK p*Ar^»ti. *-mm : imm mm- tip wmm .IMMW b-fW'ttM&lt'lMt tofli#H t*fijfli# ^.iCR* «»*vr|Ht»*ibf> ^jw«? --wmum i^ttuuu. «• SaMaaAaltaMlailatiJt i sjpi iimujt aassasssssss^ assa; «BBBBBBB>; MRf^ff fffl* !aftiSttgftffB^^..^ ^ ar^ taoiUuiiy^farW^ aars,. *% •' mm itmmm mt m •» SBBBBBW 'aaUF y^afc , ' l iikaiti khJUb m.f'.j . y 'V j ; W_ a H> "* *" asr*s***s*iis><9BBB] SSSSSSSS^SJJBK : •9jK UW $im*m mmmmm , aaqsaa]ffaasaassasss| .par ajar WRm mmm fltttfttM assjaaWa* lats» -:|^iMa« im$*m* SI' ^ ••-•-*<*#* CHWCM 0f Th* GNVKKn « f tlW ta BESSED SACtMJW apkssMMMaa|a# ' r S14 OalWst Wiitt KIV. THOMAS ». COHWflal - »»*« I«.<#r M«m : 5>45'7-f-Me-ll.U*« HiaJ^ss^ifc^sj^aaYsait^ar^SBM ,lrMil|hia1lf<t fWC^ C0)C»~C0At~fWlt<Ht > »«»t "4 ^ #> uwrtw! - jCisW fAltl Nr« t«ii«i «. fi«ttt»ill Lent* UiH&*» mtmltl Cs*w SwiH» CtMfn.c SturflM * « MOtaat aviNui »»<!li^l^s^^.aysA«»aait»»a*«^^ t »W "^fWaW^^ryK ^ ^ ^ j P l ^ ' g ^ j g -JWtrW % Plumlfinj - HufInj ^ BUHt,4 Moti, WIS SMMo«mAt«v »uy Vour JMnioWnr frrfsji A llaitt&JfBf f m k r ' Oxford Fh«r»Mfy :f. •i s jTeuca Senrice Slitiii -^SSS^»^Sf^»T)Bf^K"SSW^^^*^SB^^^SaS^^PJSSSNSSFT"Sp^WSa _ 'iiij jto'iaa a^Mfaaai.jhiii'iaa*rfial 1 jii'.aat aauiJa i lli> stf toliia ,ti 'a*.Jai afraassiaV St&MUARU BREWING CC\. INC.. ROCHESTER. N.-Y. ««|>«l^»Mil||^|i|l|f».»<M<»'«|,ll>»«i>l«ii.>»l|l|<l|| , « *-7>'- , V j T «fT»a^a¥asss! ^^ ^ "^HH - "*""" 1 *WT^9F ,,»" ^'iWaWI&imMP^ •* i***- *rf , >^BtSKr*l»»i': t 'a* ** * &*1 5ifcS «#,. r '/ te swa,B ^" ^^^agsraa^^^ifS

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swtlwSltSir, <S» * « ssssssaai a n UP,1 ww iii|^i)i^jitiii(iitiLiiwiinii»#i»»>iww^«^i«i^!W>iiiwi

^ Ifa^Utlck %ft »m*m»*-l&e ftenspc! Set^Hj of B a s t e s Adsstals.

LWt «*etf tr traa Frofessw SsfeSer'a fasaM** on H » guairantee s f ewfe asd wtgca that gave itae JO rejoic­ing Tab creek it's an easrlier and sttasewhat masr feusaoas psbBaaSon of fee same test* fusion T h e Social Probisms of s s Endsstrtaj C3vffissttisn," by Elton Mayo. Bath are r * quired reading tor those «faa had teegun to despair about ttee future ol the American eco­nomic system

If the National Association of Manufacturer* had the tMd to itself, admittedly t&ere

father Biggins would oe sufficient reason for despair. But many ol (to futore member*, and prohahly *om* o f the future leaders, of the SJA31 axe studying under Snider end Mayo up at t&mbrtdge- and Snlttrr and Mayo, whesh er consciously or 00J. are effectively undermin trig some of the basic tenets of 'he NAM.

Vet'* concentrate tor the mumcot on a single example. The NAM. tn tt» constant empiwais on lite virtues of indtvlduaJism. has left the impression that econonilr society is matte up ot a mass of more or IPSS tsoJated tntlivicliiaJs tw-rtt pftxnarUy on money making S'ot oaly rt<w>s it start from this assumption, but It can onizra the assumption, as It were, and holds it up as the uncfcangeablr* guiding principle' of nxmomtc Ufe Weil, sa js Dr Ma>o. it's a nice theory ihe calls it the "ratobip fcsypoth«tt»"». bat it Just isnl so in prarttee And t& proves that tt isn't so. He proves it by scientific research Into the wpryday faets of pconomic and social life.

Mayo and bis colleagues in the field of Indus trial sociology have been spcrlaluartg for eU most a generation in the- anal\sia of Informal croups, at the work level In a wide varlctj of American factories and Industrial establish menta. Gradually th^- have uncovproi an enormous amomit of Incontrovertible mtdeno' that worker* in Industry lend spontanoousl) 10 form themselves Into tightly knit furrrtionaJ groups. Ctlve them naif a chance and the> cease Instinctively to act like on assimilated horde of Individuals and begin to organize ac­cording to the function which they perform In the Industrial process

"If one obwrvecs Industrial workers . . with sumclent rare and continuity" Dr Mayo writes, "one finds that the proportionals num her actuated bv motives of u*lf4ntrre«t lojl-rally eJaboratud Is exrt?edln^l\ small The) have relapsed upon self Interest ionJ> • irhen social organization has Called them This wuuld make it seem that extensive social dl» organization or tack of organization must be postulated before th* so-called laws of eco

Jfoftm* ToCoontpation

N» vemder, titen. ®m Car. Msy» | p » , t w p f ttera with t&tastiaii e&mmSts tteesgs. A S «f tsis patSsstaSsiaig Tess&s^i "tegSsues thty * jsrt-mxsy *ssem$«Sffl8 ©Jf efatf&mffo^eBtm' « s » ttsrasie Sassry i s so tas^«r tcss i te ." "Evw case &sm*«d year* aga* &e u$a> "B « « « JOTJS^I&

'easy eo heas*^" in U » .cssgmlal tt£svm«> *gnl Itro^tety of t h e prtiss%Je Vta* 8te psra^t ef ur-ilivtesal i s^rest is tfe? fsasts o f ' «o^.?3sif er^ialjafiiHt Bet. «6tfea«gJi lh!s st3sums^"> is atiiJ voiced try t&tgsEimk *sM political £«#*• tiipo a re bases} cowasJaya upan a vitally dif­fered eoncepaon ef tesaian ststely."* And tea »aader that fee also resstiisis SES that the "*ra bft3* hipothesis" hats "fivest m s Slvsse&tl «EKJ • Hia?r. and hats confused the wftoJe course of detsacraet* poHth»"

A grsftutte stut?ra: e f socj«^)igy at the Caito-oae t»nfvera«y of Asserta, t l » R«w? JcawpJi Seriss. CS-SJl . . tias already polnte<l out this J a geodly portion-of the data o f Mayo and otiter tndusti"iai mvtoiojuis "can Irrtfiiement the Isiso? enryclicaia.'' Jaore sp«cU)<saBy be stays tJa^ "resean-h in Industrial sociology tuts uncovesred evidenoe whieh i s of vitiaJ import" in diacuw&lng "the very heart of the Papal plan fox loebtl recoaitruetloa'* namely. Pojs« Plus Xl 's lndhis» trie* and Professions. "The essential ruarae-tetistu- o f the Industries no which we lintis our selves in this dUcusstonl." he adds "Is tfaat they are (^luraL Hortre. the) need not so murh to be fortnesj o s to be reco<r«tseA since tfecy already exist In a (rue swnso b a t are prevented from tUBctloalrtjj "

Father Hrrias. as a sociologist. Is rtinfliiung his discussion In the present Instance to ^ te social fuactions of these natural and aponEJi neous groups. Mow tropwrtsnt to {he lone ran is their economic function about wbirh Mayo and the other fadtutriai sociologlsta naturally have nothing at an 10 s a j But the mduslrtal sociologists will rtave performed their functian wr-H If they can persuadp Ameriean emplayew of the naturatoesa and th*» Innltahflity of these groupings even a s anrlal anlt i In tndustiy Tbe economist* can take up from that point and try to «ork out a system o f organized economic cooperation 1 economic planning! between DIPS* groups of workers 1 unions, to call them b> 1 heir proper name* and corresponding groupa of employers.

So one can force employers and umons t o cooperate between themselves and with th** government. That's true But Mayo thinks thai the alternative is likely to be another uar "So civilization." he rava. "face* the latter part ot the twentieth r-e-ntury divided Into groups «Ith fen bonds o f general unity mu tually suapleioua. readv s t any moarmi lo Jevelup mutual hatreds at the toiich of an trre-•ponaible orator or polilirtstn It tn in this situ alton that the Hitlers of this oor ld flu- de-•trover* And thew opportunltv - The u well taken. point

Tht Literary Cavalcaa]* —

Build on Rock! — — — — l y |«hn O'Cannar •

F o r a long t ime as art instructor and as a jouraevman r*-vipwer and editor I h a v e been Appalled a n d enraged a t the rtonserw and aheer driveJ that U s o o f t e n (I nenrh wrote "always'' selected for TiembeTS of book rfubs. guilds. f^undattons and *ha: ha\v* » ''u U'erary ca!« a ails If trtere

< ouM be estahfiahed a set of principles «|-nllar to those of !*e Pure Food and Drug Art " i a ll'erarj «.-ale a great deaf n{ mir published work uould be labelled "tlirfy " "dUcase>d." 'watered" "low grade' »nd to on While cenAOrship t» •.omethlng I would tight if ne> es»ar> fmm exile I wo»ild re -talnly like lo «ee mmr e<li i o n rlea 1 Vjou«r and i>theri s >i »0"DC courage Die often urtn ders If theVd rot And (iioSt* afx->u» the fcflTie and headacites lo«i If 'hey printed less irasn aod %pe 11 3 H?Me mote time on prorr » inj 'heir good title*

Tn a phraw why not give the puhSc «omethlr«2 for Its mofts1} * =5ucn a publisher Is not in sight, although I can name one n lb Is terrfbly close to attaining 'hat goal.

To cin'tnue to qupst among modery authors ts a n3Ste of time. You 11 live in hope art^ die Irfdespair and turn bacfe to thj radio or cinema whjcfj I* r^n iv-orsr

Tlere U SO much to be .-ai|:,i! up with' And if I were bulding a small library on Hnv )'p mean<. I would not for the rdtmenl consider any recent bbfcs A year Is an important Art of an adult's intellectual ffe. and if that year Is to be ipent gathering hooks then It

should be a year <and a nun well spent).

After the Old and New Tes' amenta. I would obtain two histories - • one of the Church and one of Europe There .vould be Karrer's 8e!lz1oas of Mankind and the several 'I think six or c i s h f works of Oi i tstopher Dawson. I would collect several works on the i nlted States, for more apeelall /.itIon Is in order In the case ••>( our own countrv \or « ouid Chapman's classic wort» on South Amerfea he missing

nor Murtagh'S recent book on Australia. One or two found * orks on various areas of the Uttent and several on the tech tuques and personalities of world Communism rtould com piete the historical approach for a moment

• • • The works of the major

efonomiats would be nest. Most ot them are obtainable in cheap editions today. S o are oM but classical biographies and auto biographies, essays and plays. i few sound anOjologics and an excellent summary book such as Walah's Thirteenth. Greatest of Centuries. And lest ive forget: You can now- get [>ante in one volume and a portable one at Oiat'

Then, of course, a sound his lory 0 / philosophy - or several

by such men as DeWuif or (Jllson. Fa*her Farrell's Intro­duction to the Komma nould

St. Ambrose . . . Masses Sunday: 6 :45 . S, 9, 10. 11 A. M „ 12:15

I I tM>IRt I1.VD. 1 «FV FKANK W MASOM. »|H*.

be an execflent addition and »o "ouid Dr Anton Pegu' editinj of Ta« lUsIr Works of Tbotnis *jjulna«. .And those sincerely ohet a thorough li-brary vs-ouild do well to start collecting pad) masterpiece of thought to be noon published In fh» monumental aeries that Is under (he direction of Dr. Lud-«1j» Schopp in New York City 1

T o omit Maritain from any modern library la to be without the best of our d a y Introduc­tion to Philosophy. Tho Things that are not CaeaArs. The De­grees of ICaowledge. Ransom­ing the Time. Art and Scholas Mefsm al l these and more N'or would the new digest nl Toy nbee's eoloiual survey be •»ut of pUce on the*« mythir.il shelves

Poetry-' l*hiio»o|»ny: T h e "'»gy' HUtoty' The Essay' The Dra.Tjg' j | e r f w e a r t , ^m, •he trea»iire« of mankind's In telhvrual lat>oT8 piled up aboul us W e do not know how loni It rtiay be b*»fore tre have t« put them a »-ay. And we con tinue' to ipend money- and timr rooting among t h e sfubblf while the harvest of history i» literally bursting the walla of the libraries and the good book it ore*.

Quickly rurs over the names of the boek c-iut) se-!ectionj of the paat two ypars' Mention the Puiiurer Prrw «inner* of the Last ten. T r y and do It

Who is there to compare with Dlckerw* Wllh Scott ? With the slants ct( Sienkiewlcz * With the characters ot fleorjpr Eliot* V\T)pre can we find one to match the aatlrr of Swift or the vigor of Cobbed, the laugh 'er and sting of fheaterton fhe vision of Francis Thomp-stin or the vernal Hi »y of Hi laire Beiloc'' Aside frwro Slgnd Undest tn the field r>f the novel and LJCWIS I D B Wyndham

Lewis* in [he field of biogra­phy, trtere are few in the fleid.


1 * • * ' - - l i <! -

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<ili« tMW l'U^ijtiP|i|i>lti| I'll Tl^ti^htti «n;W*yp**Wt lH|!Hli*ljl|ia«miN')lH''.^ w»;milT"iiWi"i»«i»>'ii',«>im'->ii»i-|lii»«nii'VJ, i|HilBM (lll>|llH'l)i».WH>llll«i


JJ»- t-s^ii* l^nir^i* Western tH/mmm—mm


*^Uf ^ '0(K333Wifet WM&-

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pose m> «att-C » O -M »> nisi espcrt# R a a «l»4i*'-of wi»»t it « ei u * l l y

t . ItWtoi* ' mean* ta be * ^Hnaiunlst, or haw tetuaJJy t&a Sovfet fifth eoiiuirttt flp^ gm. Thts hptajr tt|» cat*. i% Rssdi "set asray «1th htu3filslrk,* as lh# saying gg*ss< Mo» e^r* ful «tu4y of Mm ConMSJjfflJtott and their tactic* ts urftentty de­manded tjy the tfaiois, whea atom narfare haanJa OUT 4<m-

Little ehaHenjfe la now t»<tc5P, for instance, K > & 8 ^ j^fen thai they are carrying o a t the "Roosevelt pateries te^ty," Without any (!ws.ir© to entej' into a pro- or otUMtoasc^ell dlseusaioa. oar can point out that exactly «even year* « fo , the Reds oflJclally pr<«-latmc*d Franklin D Ro«apwlt "an­other Hliter." I has/o yet l o see anyone raise that matter di-rectty in reply to the Commu-nhn loud shouts o i being "the heir* of tHe Roosevelt policie*."

The itortet Aboul-Face At ihe Vatlonal Convention

of the Communist Tarty in June I1H0, Earl BroWder de­clared tn hla olllrlal report that Roosevelt's course was "essen­tially for America tho same direct lin « hlrh Hitter gave for German) In 103.1" Thil I* panted (••r all ttenc In the July lOin issue of The Com muni«t i)ien the name of tho theoretic*! organ of Uw party. A» that time William Z. F a * tor said to thai n m e conven-tlrm "The war mongers are operating under cover of rton«r»vef''i hypocrf ileal pro-jrom o' nstfonaJ dofcrwe, uhlch is in reality a war pro-pram *"

Thew the Reds not only mov nl to do everything which tn ffTert rtould help Hitler to tl^stroy Great Britain, which they proclaimed "the chief war monger," but a 1 a o openly (bunted their position aa a fifth cwlumn ay Ic id ly piedff Ing their sole aJleglaxsce to "the great Stalin" in a n official rr-salutjoa

Suth language was toned down only when Hitler broke nith Stalin In 1841. and the iMiessity to cultivate Amer­ican good wtli became risen tial to save Aussfa from the more efficient tierman War ma c-hlne And yet. there »re many people who hern and haw be fore the Reds when the latter shout ' fascist" at anything trwi oppose* Soviet aggression No lorre aided the buiJdlng up of HitleHsm more Ijian the Soviet stale and Its agents. and their cry of "fascism" Is a hallow one In rtm; of Ihst ree on]

Ajfaln. a hen one <»merges from the Red "prison camp," he U greeted « t t h requests "to name names." He |» supposed to be armed with a host of card* and documents showing who la specifically a Commu-nlss'tTius indicates nurh a lack of understanding of fw.>w the Red conspiracy operates as lo rnakp one Inclined to laugh sardonically at the «ay that *"VP>n the anti-Communists have heen laiwm In. Thc> arlually »»-l£0\-e ftsat the ( ummunint Party is run like a dcm'x-ratlr oriranlzallon and not like a onrwiplracy In th'- fcvi In *!antes where I. for TI_> part. did nndeavor to rump names * s 1 know fscores' of under-i-»A-er Red.t • ,-lther publisher r»i publication shyly refused lo pwrmll me to (In •« They fr»ai ed with some good reason

o«r libeJ lan« to wrileh I hav»- m a d e w n f prr-vVmn refcTrnce.


1999 Ktat* * * W Cairo 4111

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1194 CUlVI* R0A9 (cahinat

ROtUi SHOES tm, MtN iUSTW tXOWNS AIRSTIPS fw tar *r CM t*t Wmota

ESSa=233 '±£s^£**J aKaasaa^scjacazsa^ssagiioasgsagj


REV. i EM IX GEi-Et-L Pmmtor

MASSES~Stmd*yr ft, 7:15, «J0, 9:43 and I I


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C U t v n 4 9 f t 1332 ''•«>« 3 d



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j Can. 2770 • J 6551, MAIM S I . rVEKT I

«»V1E SUTTER " f X a

.MOORING —tt-KEBi.y r K A T t i t e —

PAG£lM>o(i ' t Miss I t A M M M I W M N W M M A M W W H M W W M M H

»IW9> CftJKifllWMijp. Cltwaaies* ;

« pt^s «^-i»«* >m;mmm -«* ia«5«8?«iKa m feeftf $m '.te-tto ,R«# m#&> Ao4'^»» pm&* m •*$$$ -ttH» qim mem "mmtk-^tiMm i^p» « r ; n«^ «r. |tii mm U ts»-

•to^e tsaJea tea^aV'ttA' * 'm»

m « ol ffem^BSh^ at»«moBiir thil gman,.yi&Uk ttews ts U» pmp wifej kiJsWPth f'jHre »•«*-injs witft tfie ^mraiinisia hwt

-%XQ p i ?«» $rat «nJep tel dlseipirs© fmssa^ A tm® ctetwat Is coa peied of tfti •ttey

«t gaod wfll *ad BO hbsaxt «*•-pressing it mpawh Batd-trottt

aiiee of »-l«i «wy aw^oirif,-If mom w»$U!> p i a mk\u

atunuioa lo t f » Worfla vi ^ p » Plm XI, they (.voalrj kttaw now tv iudge each twae of Ut«M> at-tlm of tftw Rcdjt wl(too}« great danieuliy A "dfitbaUNa* em-•nlraey - what Plus M rtthV t$ railed Communism — I* one that conceal* its objective* un­der pleasant or harmlfssap-neajiag covorfn®R Our OnaT eonalderatlaa in tbl» mtlea is t o itresj that vital fact.

Through iho diabolical back ground o f the conspiracy o f which he is a pari, tho Com-tmtnlat p**t« on a reasonable mask in flni functioning in any organization or commun­ity He worms bJa » a y Into peoplr-'a eonfjtlertcje ana etiab-llshfts hlmsM>lf 'wfeencvw paaal-Wei as one who can be relied upon to d»o certain rjeceajary •hfrtga. Th« jensatlortal school of '•expose and exposure*** has prepared ttje people for aomo. ihtnf quite different. They »uc eurnh to bts vvllaa. and 0iun\ •arrerHJer t o hit control. •Great friend* Tactic

The Coramunlat*. In rseejilng with this diabolical character, prelend to be the # » « frtcndj of «he N'egro peoplfi. and then adroeate "saelfdciPrminAilon in the Black GMt.* a policy whjefi » m pal the onaa of racial trotible on the Mesror*. They have only cste purpose tn aueh advwicy . t o aerve the Soviet dlctatoMhrf/a aim of enattlnf dixordef In Amrrksi. The Red* loudBy ncelaini ihPHsselv«s chief opponents of anti-Semitism. And yet. when the Sovtel dic­tatorship i m s openly hacking ihe Araba in the Palestine la-ana the Communlati Issued some of the most violently antJSemlilc caricatures ever publlahed. T o win tho confl-dene© of Catholic people, the Red* say they tvlil defend the Catholics' right to irorab'p. And yet, they are conducting on a worldwide b a s k one of the moat mob liar campaigns of faisehood and vituperation ever launched agafrut t h e Church.

Tnfe Being the ca*e every one who wtsjjes to offset the fifth columnists of the Slave State must equip himself with informal!©?) o f what the Com­munists an doing ai any par­ticular time. Ttem be a?UJ know their ©xaef tine of lying at arty , tpeeiSe moment. One of their most skillful device*, as has been made clear In tftla recita­tion, fa to shift the character of the> falsehoods they »rv peddliag as they think necessi­ty dictate*. By knowing the line handed down to the Com­munists, through New Times and Political Af?a!r«a»d thence on to the Red-oontroJied pap­er* of more general ttlatribution, the active champion of liberty will be able to spot the Red In his orcanizalion or community more readily. He will also be armed with the knowledge of lu*» '•> defeat the Red strategy

One of the (Shlef haudlcapa we have in arriving at this knowledge |» "the conspiracy of silence In tho press," to which Plua XI s o courageously pointed The appcaser section

(Continued o n Fare 0)


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the Presldtoht hw Irj M l j u t t «rto Hiftf|i- m ^ I; itf^t.; i - \., •, >•; ' ;•• • • ^

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aLinrary rf «Wai Tlio Gdiholfe ByJdeali UU*m will * t o oftan fflto&

ting aumfflcriAjp^tt^f q»l>' the #v«nlr*a, *t ti«* wt»»i tto« Irom ? t e A Htli ut A jfow oee«l«|i temp- ttftGntfe» to the volunfi*^ Hhrittfluni •-»-•—--— i- i-"1 -'• wltttsat sfiwm Ji w*«M t»e im« tjottlula" i<» K?^* 4h? Wtrtry

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.torn maim , TmMim*

«r to our ittflwr dB t «»' aprfrtR;

by ©r. ftfajy d> p « i a 0a|*a i r« ' A teoff, itrar*titfe»1ir| »»£«««

£m-«i ^hle?t-as& for* <M ftea*}e ; M*ryjMl maim twajs ,-»#• for ft« prleifa,

m titm Tfli* DAY, by Afr enact SfclAvcriy^-A iJoftffj«*f« HUT, «eltWi faoUtfO- OrMtt l fly* temltm In tltfa reft«ilned but powerful navel abmit «n IrJiit flshiajs wmisttnlik

htmWl A«B l{tta«ro7-~'f}l« lite of tho beiaved Kftnt Cte#. tlan A«d*r««a la flaw denfefegd wiut aomc ef tftj lender bciuiy of hia own (mmort** fairy talw.

C A P T A I N BOYCOTT, % Philip Hooney. - A *ljfdR»il novel of this mln awo tl&e evegtt $ U ^ s d % 5 ^ j j p ^ Ot* 'word *boy*ott,» t ^ mt && Uflnartef. '

THE F A ^ e o r Tirs SAINTS by WUhetm Schittsa)-rat—An itaplrtnf coSectton o f 120 genuine l i igien** of U w aalnfs with rharvclousJy eom-presaed bIo#rap!iI« acjeempany-tng eaeh of them.

PARfX)N AJTO PEACE. b> FT Alfred WUsen, CP ~ A moat enlightening hook on hot*? to go to confe*«ten lnfeB.»<mifjr and profliiraly wHtlwi with t m and engaging frlendllnesn).

AUTOSlOORAPllr OP THE B l ^ ^ E D VTRQIN. by ft Peter A. Reeeh. 8JM, A help­ful assemblage of scrKJlwrf paaisagea revealing lite Inner life of Our Lady and her mean­ing fo the church; the tiilP la misleading.


EthlMfion 8ef K»H» tRNSi - An exhibi­

tion showing the extent and achievements of Roman Catholic education in France udj! be£:c!dl at Che Porte d » V«r*aaj«i l it Pari* next September, if waa an­nounced here.

OA%tWtri» tmtim «t' 4h*"i»trtr -like UtateaJaiM fe Tirsiliit •aissssjaj asj "a*( i sjsjp^ssr»»»fl - -jPW JHr*P^f^^ r f '

nwt f --M»#«M|i * ttn^r 'J*9»%«l al4rfaW- # » » • # * t i l * full m#*»lfl# * f >n4 ap,riUMl aix, an inhaWiiii*! «f »*i »y t)tf HJasiifa ^ Trlaaty tkrtugk

M r ' trMltVMrat list ~ U a ' JeissW

*tttW10H «VMK- !|JBV «r|M| ant fully the *xcitam«rt' | r tllf ^ITOfi ttaftP AtMnlt lkW-IMfln#

TitK p*Ar »ti. *-mm:imm mm- tip wmm .IMMW b-fW'ttM&lt'lMt tofli#H t*fijfli# ^.iCR* «»*vr|Ht»*ibf>

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• • - • - *< *# * CHWCM 0 f Th* GNVKKn « f t lW ta

BESSED SACtMJW apkssMMMaa|a# '

r S14 OalWst Wiitt

KIV. THOMAS ». COHWflal - » » * « I«.<#r M « m : 5 > 4 5 ' 7 - f - M e - l l . U * «

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Nr« t«i i«i «. fi«ttt»ill Lent* UiH&*» mtmltl Cs*w

SwiH» CtMfn.c SturflM * « MOtaat aviNui

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Plumlf inj - Huf Inj

^ BUHt,4

Moti, WIS S M M o « m A t « v »uy Vour JMnioWnr frrfsji

A llaitt&JfBf f m k r '

Oxford Fh«r»Mfy


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jTeuca Senrice Slitiii

-^SSS^»^Sf^»T)Bf^K"SSW^^^*^SB^^^SaS^^PJSSSNSSFT"Sp^WSa _

'iiij jto'iaa a^Mfaaai. jhiii 'iaa* rfial1 jii'.aat aauiJa i lli> stf toliia ,ti 'a*. Jai afraassiaV

S t & M U A R U B R E W I N G CC\. I N C . . ROCHESTER. N.-Y.


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