RNER PLOT CHANGES HANDS Lawyers Title Insurance and Trust Company CAPITAL - -$4,000,000 SURPLUS - - 6,600,000 100 Droadway, sew York. 188 Montajroe Street. Brooklyn, 3T5 Fulton Street. -'\u25a0maleii^ REAL ESTATE. To make your Real Estate a vain./ able and marketable asset for yourself, your family or heirs, insure the Tirjt with us now. rRKMEXT OV BRIGADIER GEN- ];i;.M, Mill: -After < lifetimo in the firm;.- Kripadi<»r Oeneral Albert ll Myer \u25a0Raa tired from active service to-day be- ams* of '-• General llyer wan his high u-.-mu; by exceptional military efficiency. He did not have- the advantage of West Point training, but *m tered th^ army as a private :3n October. IST-. when «niy nineteen years |o]d. Hir rise in rank was slow but steady. nnd three years apo he was given the \u25a0< .lder straj«s of a brlgaoJer general. Gen- i*ral Myer Is a native of Troy, N. V.. to [•which j.lacc he will reture to spend the re- •inaiiider of his days. Th« Wai Department, on the showing \u25a0sa*V by ihe adjutant Beneral. will adhere t<» its potic) of anprehending deserters, and [\u25a0wIU s=e^k to impress military courts with f h". necessity of imposing qpiate punish- ment, metead of oxen isiiipr clemency on the [theory tha* n affords \u25a0\u25a0 « ulprit an <«ppor- itutity to redeem himself. The adjutant p^ncral «<lds: *-T.he army v.ot r, reformarory for its own criminals or 'or criminals (ram civil Bfe, and it < an- ro rf naadk ana without doinp: great dam- ncp to th* service. If clemency Is to be e.hown 10 th«> \u25a0 nvlcted deserter because of r;is youth and lnexperien«». or for any oth^r Toasnii. Jt should be shown to him after he l^aa been WfiXod from tjbe military Ber- jvie*» and afler he has suff«rejJ some ina- iteral part of the punishment to -which ho jfejeoafßß Fi2bj«v-t<:-d by remsca of hs convic- I«Jon ani sentence." .Adequate Punishment Recom- mended for Army Deserters. f Trmn The Tribtme Pum&] v .ingtotl, S'O"-«dT*t "4. FlTvrrTi DESERTICNTS LAST TKAR.-- Sh his a-cjß.l report Major General F. C. AlnFv-..rr v •>- arljutant general of. the \u25a0tnny. makes a spirited rejoinder to the .--••\u25a0 <. "who hay»» been aepertinjr that de- ipfrtion was crttinc the better of the mlli- tarr authorities and that this state of af- fair* aw> <s'je to sevnritv of punishment and the practice of takinc photographs and Tnaldnp niter print records of recruits. The adjutant general says that the deser- tion* f.>T the last fiscal year were much Ijjuu than in any other year since Mt, an.', J»« f,:'rlhat*>K this entirely to the policy of ri:r=iinK fv*rydeserter and pumatdng him •w-hen he ws apprehended. Th« report shows that where the punisb- moni \u25a0 has boon moderated or omitted the *ffer! was aVtrlmentaU. Of the 4i-t men who «na« MhaJned m sel'tlt'* after havinß be.n tried for desertion 100 have already de. *ert<*J ainoe their trial. Of the six men who wer**arj\Jbt-d and restore to duty wilaV. •at aMiiifln of any ndl four i.aye al- feadv deserted since acquittal. Leniency njanifesAod by a military < orrt Boward de- •*rt»rs h.iF aJniost inv:.ri.ibl;- wrought >)«mi. awl Goncra; Ainsworth »- spedllc lcstantes to fortify this atse.-tion. He points *>:it that desertion **cannot bi iaet success- fully by .i dwplay of that sentimentality that -would coddle and pamper the would-be <:e?erte»- into an observance Of his solemn csth of *»n!i«tnient <>r that would restore the couvicxtHi <i« s-. rf-r. whether young axi«l nhousriiless or old and depraved, with little «r iv* fiunishrnent. to a status of honor in a Fftrvic-e and aader a fiajr upon both of •übioJi Y.f brought diKcrcdit by bis de- rprtion." OFFICER? TO V. \'i>> EXPLOSIVE \u25a0TEST.— A party of prominent na\"y and kermy ilftui '•'\u25a0• Washinpton to-night for 9iorfolli '\u25a0• witness the higii explosive ex- \u25a0t . \u25a0- -••\u25a0 to which the monitor Puritan wfl! \it*< subi'^ie'i 10-moirnw . Amosg the otS- Bl •!« «ier> Admiral Mason, chief of the B| -PHVfiJ bur^ai) of irdranw; Admiral Watt. B# U~ra>f of The naval bureau of onstruction; fr Owners 1 Murray", chief of coast artillery. tend Colonel Bailey, of the cewst artillery rorpf. SANATORIUM FOR PHUJPPINE SOT-- IT'IKRS. States soldiers who are tak- «rn Fick In the Philippines in future will be tr-qt<vj at Bapuio. in the island of I^uzon, •wlierp th*> pove.rnment maintafna a sana- '•Jorium. instead of being brought home. The <if..--c:i<)'- *vas reached to-daj by Secretary .JJickJnson. REAB ADMIRAL. ARNOLD RETIRED.— Tlcar AdmiraJ Conway H. Aunold. 17. F. N.. Mas placed ur«iji the retired list to-day. He rw.ii- born in N- w York City, and is a gcadu- t>u- of the Naval Acadercy. Admiral Arnold iSa pveaWenl of the naval examining and re- ttirinp; board. Illsretirement results in the : \u25a0 ranKNion of Captain Thomas B. Howard to hhe rank at rear admiral. At prcaenl he is 'in command of the fourth division of th< Atlaanfc fleet. aaOVgJtEMTB OF T^'ARPHIPS.-The fo% »4o^"tne- movements of vesFels have l>een ,a»j:or: 'i *" Che Navy Deparunent: ARRIVED. ftCtrv. 12. Hal Prircetcn. hi Panama. th« ' Bailey ar^3 tba Btrlngi a—, at AsmapoHa **C«rr. I':.-— Tb» BailT a::d th« Strinsrham. at Nnr- \u25a0 f'-.lic. th^ Ciia-ifr. at Coronado, OaL; tho i 7*l! arm-*«"*\u25a0. «t Hampton Roai^. •\u25a0JT-rv. IS. Th» Helena, at Siuuighai. \u25a0 OJED. SjC'-- IS \u25a0 Th^ lyonidas. from Bnubam tor I Hampton Head?: th«» Tallahassee, from , "Wa6hing-T<in for Jlarr.i>ion "Road?. flfnrr "' The Eaiipy .--.rd th» 6tringham. rram ' Annapolis for Norfolk; the He* i from 1 Biekwan. for Shanghai. JsAsu**nar>t >. VT. PRUUJI.I irr.Mr»r\ rublsritr Pali an. r.a-. . ztcruiling station. ti*m York; to boow iXfcF'-gT' P COG?U"EU^. oommjsslorfPfl. UPt£?**l Ass;«tar.t Pmacuti r*. M. SHOOK, fla- tached Na-. «J U<nlt«al BdiaaS. WaahtaKtMi; to r.a---s: baapttal. Hew Tort ia.K'7*? Clerk T. 6. VEZTCH «r»lire(D. : p'ac.d apon retirfl Ilst. {a%'..'..8!"^; tack I E COLOORD <.r»tir<-d> <l*v- i tacbeid aa»T ysr«J. Portsmouth; to heaaa. {Tj!TTr;aETer'«< ClerV" K. A- BTCART. srr" < ni'' lo ; <3ufv aattle accounts nmxy pay office, Darjr - lj-z. I attaaoanth. <"iRDF:FS ISStTKD. The fOllO* nr^-T li3i<- been issued: ARMY. =-.-.- JOHN H. STONE. n*-flie«i florpc. from F'vt Sain Hr^jstnri VfH~?m\ier iX>. to Fort Mr- Tntosh. vi^ Major ROBERT B GRUBBS. *rifdic»l f> Fon BH«6 ar>r- -. vnu lm A. BURVSIDE. ',Vh In- fantry, from \u25a0 r and \a". '»••'\u25a0 -al HOS- pita'. Hot fprinpv !" proper elation. iF2rr< L/<»uJesanT. JOHN" M K.KI>?O. Jr.. T-*iir»<l. Oetß ' - -nirh orpani7^>i militia of Arkansas. .fr.zor.i Lieutenant ROGER B. «TH.TON. coast --'•:.-, attache 6Uj Company. 10 Part llor.roe. l>oemb^r I. tSjtmvt of ab**r<c*>: -\u25a0 I l^ierjtriiant SAVES Q TATT>NH. "lh Infantrj-, or.». tnostri. KAVT. JTYPHOID INCREASE IN EROOKLYN. i There w.-. - an i::crer-^e of typhoid fever ' Afceths for preater New Tork for the week I -which ended on Saturday, a.-i compared ! "with Che Bgavea for th» same time a year I *u:o. The increase was in Brooklyn, where 1 Thirteen case-s terminated fatally, as wsrainFt (>e\<n the year before. In Manhat- ' lan there "was the usual decrease. For all Ithe borOOgiMl there were twenty-six deaths, ' sis agafpst nineteen In ir«*. The death rat« vras \u25a0aver, tin l«T«refl showing 1.534 for last Iacvek. as compared with 1*383 in 1909. THE SHIPWRECKERS a powerful story of heroism at the Barne- gat life saving station Ey CHARLES rti&HCiS BGURKE in t) c MAGAZINESECTION OF NEXT SUNDAY'S TRIBUNE Rails are laid from the pi«>r to the fac- tory and the most improved mechanical appliances for lisrhterin^ are installed. It I holds perhaps as strong a position as any i water front property on the East River, j and is excellently adapted for any manu- j facturing: business where Phlppinp facilities are needed. Mor« than 255 feet of riparian rights go with the property. BAY RIDGE LOTS IN DEMAND. Three sales of property in tbei Bay Ridge section at considerations acKTeKatlns: SIS9- .-7.» were closed last week by William IjHemmle. One of the sales affected ten three. story store and flathouses facing the block front east Bide of Third avenue, be- tv.e.-Ti 75th and 76th streets, which Mr. Laemmle sold for Caspar Iba to an investor. The other sales were thirteen lots on the, fust side of Third avenue, between 71st and 72d streets, for H. Schwanewede to a builder, who will «-.rect next spring four story stores and flats, and for the Bay Ridg«' Development Company 22 by 100 feet on the bo itl Bt corner of Third avenue and 73d street, and a lot adjoining in the street, 20 by 100 feet, to P. J. Carlin, who hae broken ground for stores and apart- ments accommodating ten families. m A SUCCESSFUL LOT SALE. On Saturday Joseph P. Day Kold at auc- | tion 100 lots for the Columbia Real Estate I Company at I>?onia Terrace. L<eonla, N. J., lat prices ranging from $4<X) to $600 a lot. j Among »he buycre were R. 11. Reid, "W. I* l,e«ger. illlajn Zm. Drummond. William P. Ricbirds, Alfred Hurtig, I>. .1. Ccover. Au- gust V!lz and Charles Hagelberg. TRADING ON STATEN ISLAND. Th« Cuozzo & G*4?liajio Company has sold for the St. George Realty and Con- struction Coiiipany the following lots at Fingerboard T*rra<-e, Grasmere, Sta.ten lelai.d: Block 1. lots 1. 2. 11. 12. 13. 14, 15, 16 and 17. block 2. lots l. 2. 9. 10. 32 and 33; block 2. lots l, 2. 7 and >\u25a0; block 5, lots 4. 5, 13. 21. 22. 33 and 34. BIG LONG ISLAND TRACT SOLD. It was reported in reaJ estate circles y#-s- terday that William Cooper Procter, of Cin- cinnati, had purchased nine hundred acres ot land bordering on Shinnecock Bay. In Suffolk County, for f1.000,000. Tbe deal. It is said, baa no connaetlan with the six OPPORTUNITY FOR SPECULATORS Old MiJJmg Plant Fronting on East River To Be Sold To-day. The strong demand for water front, dork and factory properly in N*«w York City should be expressed In the sale to-day by .loseph P. Day, at the Vesey street 'ex- chane« sale^ronm. of th«* Heeker-Jones- Jewe.ll milling plant, st Fulton street and the Fia=t River, Brooklyn, adjoining the Jersey City annex and the Martin Stores. It consists of oik six story, one two Ptory and two one story brick buildings, with a two story covered pter. The. property has a frontage of 66.7 f*>et on Furman street «nd about 10) feet on Fulton Ftrert a.nd is Btrongly built. Another Lower Broadway Store Also Reported Leased to Indiana Concern. Frederick Fox & Co. have leased for the ftfarmac Construction Company the seventh and eighth lofts, containing more than 12.- 000 square feet of space, in the new twelve story building nov/ in course of construc- tion at No. 191 to r4r 4 West 22d street, to the Columbia Button Works and D. Salts- ttiHn &- Co.; also, for the Number Twenty West Seventeenth Street Company, the sec- ond and eighth lofts in the new building just completed by l! at No. 28 West 17th street to Pinas, Kimmel & Dorf ajid X. Salpeer; and for the I>ordi & E>e Respins Construction Company the fourth and ' eighth lofts In the. n«"\v twelve story build- ing, just completed ly it. at Nos. S and 10 West 13th street, to tnc Imperial r>re<=s j Company and the Crescent Manufacturing i Company, and for Gerstendorf Bros. the top loft at Nos. 232 and 234 East 43d street to the R. c. Heather Company. The Charles P. Noyes Company and Den- zer Bros, have leased the store and base- ment at No. -)12 Broadway, through to Cortlandt Alloy, to the Columbian Enamel- ling and Stamping Company, of Terre i Haute, 7n«i The premises will be occupied j as an office and salesroom by the leasing company. kouls Bchrag and Henry Brady have leasM the bouse N-t. 432 West 22d street to Ar.nie Cameron, for a tf>rm of years. MORE BIG MIDTOWN RENTALS An announcement «-as made yesterday by ihe rjnited States Etealty and Improvement Company that \V. H. Ctiesebrough. vice- president of that company, had tendered his resisnatfon as vice-president at the laM committee meeting and bad asked that it should be accepted Jn view of the necessity he felt of jriviiiKmore time to his own personal affairs than his active duties as vice-president of the, company permitted. The committee refused 10 accept lfr. Chesebrough's resignation as vice-presi- dent, but in view of his earnest desire to <ievoto mon time to bis personal business affairs consented to relieve him of a<-tiv-» duties on the understanding that he would remain as vice-president without active, <:i;ti<s. but as an adviser and member of the board of directors. Appropriate resolu- tions were passed by the committee com- mending the valuable services rendered by Mr. Chesebroush to ti;.'- company. Mr. Chesebrough has consented to remain as president of the Alliance Kealty Com- pany, in which the United States Realty and Improvement Company has an interest, and it i>- understood that Clarke G. Dailey Is to become vice-president of the Alliance Realty Company. Harry \.. To;>luz boM a plot of six lota on the north si.i. <<f Cathedral Parkrvay, IT" fe<>t w.-st r.t the junction of I^nox and St. Nicholas avenues. The buyer will erect a large apartment house on the site. The plot has a frontase of 150 feet and a depth, of 70.11 feet, facins Central Park. Th<> property to the •\u25a0\u25a0ast. Including th« block front ins on St. Nicholas and Lenox avenues, is owned by J. Sorjreant Cram. The Seymoui Realty Company, acting, It is understood, Cor Urn National <'loak and Suit '"ompany, bougM from Ida Lohrmann and Xosephtne <"!ark the northwest corner of Seventh avenue and "4th street, a four story building, on a lot 22.3x7S feet. The buyers now own the entire block front on Seventh avenue, between 24th and 25th streets the other parcels having been ac- quired at various times since the first of this year. [xtuis Schrag wa« the broker in thr- transaction. Tt was eroete,i in IMS by the Rutland Realty Company <->n .1 plot acquired from the Metropolitan Roalty Company. L». A. GoUstone. arcliitect for the house, esti- mated its cost at $100,000. An Investor boiight from th« I'onunon- wealth Mort?;ag<> Company the L»yndon Arms. \u25a0 six story elevator apartment house, on a plot 7."\S'-. feet.- at No. 524 Riv- ersido Drive. TJl? house was formerly known as tiif Verbnique, and is iocatert at about E2stn str.»t. Realty buyers -.vere active yesterday In many residential hix! business <IlPtrict?. In th«"> upper "West Side a modern apartment hoys<» anrJ a Ms vacant plot rhanped bands, and in lower Beventta avenue a fine corner parcel wrm* .sold. IN THE AUCTION MARKET. The following transactions were recorded yesterday at the Real Eptat^> "Exchange pal '?rr.orn, Kos. 14 and 16 Vesey Ptrept; By Joseph P. Pay. ]<V,r> ST. 44f<. t> B, 27<5 ft' « of Amsterdam aye, 37.f5x112.f1:; 6 sty fiat; sold to the plaintiff for, $38,721: also Ifi3r> ST. 458. n F, T. 12 ft o of Amsterdam f>T-c. 57.6x112.f1; 6 Bty flat; sold to the plain- tiff for *S*.7CM RECORDED LEASES. (V.-lth name and nddres.= of lesf.ee.> NOVEMBER I*. AYE A. 264. store, «r; Henry -T Kahr tr> Samuel Baohsrirk: 5 yrs from Nov 1. 1010; S4SO; address. 264 Aye A. BROADWAT. s « cor 43<J st., sth floor; Broad- way and Forty-third Ptreet Building' <"o to '"Jeorge, H Cohan and Samuel H Harris and Frark R Ta.t<? ; 10 yrs from May 1. Is>W; $7,750: nddress. the Kenllworth, 7,' th and Central Park West. PBOSPECT AYR, TOT. storA and banfinrat: Otto Gilcher to Paul Marlier: 6 yrs from Deo 1, l»10; $1,200 to fl,3?0; addre^e, 707 Prcppe« ay«. 2l"> AVB. 1610, north half of store; Charles Hammel, exr. to MU-hael Gutting; 5 yrs from Dec 1. 1910; $600; address, 1610 2<i aye. g4TH ST. 213 East; George Brown to -To>i°rtb y McQuack; 15 yrs from Oct 1, 1910; taxes, etc, ' $f<H>; address. 213 East ,14th Bt. f.OTH ST, 807 Weirt: Cbar> s O My«r* V) Deli* Relllv; 3 \ts from Oct 1. IfXX»; $1,182; address. 307 West JiOth st. 64TH ST, 213 -in<j 215 East. L.t. floor; Loretta. X Di?ken to R'<h>irf| Schmidt: 4 yrt 9 mos from ; July 1, 1310; $1,140; address. 213 East 64th st. j RECORDED TRANSFERS. rWitli nar'ie and address of purchaser.) NOVEMBER 14. MANHATTAN. INTERIOR LOT at C 1 blk b«> SSth and 6&th sts. 2Ti5 ft c of Lexington avw. runs c 51. 0 v aW x n to beg^, sore, Serena Rhinelar.der to Julius J Dukas; b ana f. April 30. 1907; $1; ad- ct'ss- 16 East 96ta st JONES ST. s s. 7».» ft w of 4th Pt. 2T,x100 2: Mlrhl A Rofano to Michael H Murphy (mtg 120.000); Nov 1; $100; address. 123 Cherry st. MADISON AVB, IGT.. 4 sty brk. 24.8x100; 95th st. 7.1 Wf>«, 4 f>ty brk. 18x100.*; Front st. 56, 5 pty brk. n w cor Cuyler's Alley. 18.7x84x lrreg: also personal r-r.ip«Tty, stocks, bonds, etc; trust deed: Eliz M Cro*by to Louisa L Llndley and Fie.derick V 8 Crosby, tnistt-eb; Jan 27. 10O4; re- recorded from Jan 28, 1904; Jl; address. 120 liroadway. PARK AYE. IIKi. 3 sty brk. 18x88.6; Su»s.n- rah W Ftornhoeft to Alfred C Bachman (mts? $12,000); N .v 11; $l<)0; address. 2<is West 121 st st. SAME PROPERTY: Alfred r- Bachman to Theodora T Elliman (mtg $12,000); Nov 11; $10<>. aodress. 177 East 71st st. SPRING ST. 206. 5 sty brk. 25x100; Gaetano Murchesinl to Wat erf ord \V Smith; H p«rt; all title : Nov 10; $1; address. 520 Went 114th st. WASHINGTON ST. n c. cor Horatio st, 18. lrreK: Washington et. c s. 24.2 ft n of Horatio Pt. 18.1 x Irrt-K; Newton (.'on struct ion Co to Chas. O Baese trii'K J85,00O>; Nov 10; $100; address. Si'j St Nicholas avo. IST AYE, 2252. 5 sty brk. 25.7x94; Ameriran Bonding- (A. to Eiizabeth A Brown Cmtfr $17,000); b and 6; ail liens; Oct 31; fl; address. 121 St Nli-h avt-. 7TH AYE, n w oor 24th st. 22.5x75.2; Ida I/ihrman and ano to Qeyiuuur Realty Cr> (tnttr $52,500); Nov »; l> and \u25a0; flOO; address, 25 Broad St. 4TH ST. n c cor Jane st. 29.2xT7.5x irres: Robert H Phlllins to Pit-ire E Gucrin (fatg *10._ <XK)>; Sen- 14; $1; addrese, 23 Jane at. STH ST. n c. 24.3 ft w of Aye P. 21x7R: Leo- pol<l Gottlifb to Herman Gottlieb (rntg $11,000); Au? 11: $100; address, 280 Broadway. BTH ST. 371 East, 5 Bty brk. 25x83.11: Cecelia Bernard to Cornelius Leventhal <mtj? $20,000); Oct 5; $100; address. 15« West 144 th Et. KiTTI ST. 231 Wt-et, r > ety brk, 25x52; 16th st. 333 West, 6 sty brk, 24.10x92x lrreg; Annette Tatrrka tr. Brelnchen "Wallach an<3 others, exrs; all liens; Sept 17; $300; address, 130 East 7&th st. I»TH ST. 37 Ea*t. 3 Bty brk, 20xf12; Minnie A Blancharrl to Chelsea Realty Co (mtg $25,000); Nov 10; $100; addresst 135 Broadway. 22D ST, s s. 404.2 ft \u25a0 c of 7th aye. 20.10 x 298.9; Arco Realty Co to Mayer Sauerbach; all liene; Nov 12: $100;, address, 42 Broadway. 23D ST. 236 East, I Bty brk, 20.1O*98.&: 23d et. 234 East. 20.10x98.9. 3 «y brk; Cornelia A Johnson to Martin Rothschild (mtg $12,000); $100; address. 622 V.'est 112 th St. 27TH ST. 27 and 29 East. 28.&x24.5x lrreg, \u25a0with right tn alley 2.8 on east; M Davis Doughty to E3diidpe T Gerry; Nov 14; $100; «u3dres», 258 Broadway. 61ST ST. s s. 221 ft c of Bth aye. 17x100-5; Walter Keys, exr, to Matthew Beattie (mtgr flO.Oom. Nov 14 $28,000; address, 241 West 54th Bt. SAME PROPERTT; Anna Keys to same; q c, (}i-.w«r, etc; Nov 11; $i addreaa, same as above, f-4TH BT. 113 East. 4 sty brk.. 17.3x100.6; THE PRIVATE SALES MARKET. MANHATTAN EIGHTH AVENUE VliPt &\u25a0 Place have poll for various owners the property Nos. 40 and 42 Kichth avonuß and Nob. Id" an.3 92 Jane ftrr"-,, old bull<linjs*. fronting 45..". feet on Kighth. avenu» and 11.",..", feet on Jane street. I"TH STREET Duross Company has sold for tr>B O'Neill *>stat« No. 271 West 10th street, a three story bulldins. on lot 27x11.") feet. I SEVENTH A.VENUE Louis S<-hrag has «old ! far Ida. Lohrmann and Josephine Clark . the \u25a0 northwest corner of 24th street and Seventh ave- inup. a four story building:, on lot J£.3x7S feet, I to the Seymour Rpaliy company. 58TH .STREET. K. de Forest Simmons '\u25a0 -..in for the Falk estate Xo. SI West OSth street, a four story and basement housp. ' (i4TH STREET E. do Forest Simmons sold < fr.r W. R. Rose to William F. Hav<-mfy*r No. ; U< East «i4th street, a four story house on a | p!.r>t 22x100.5 feet. This property wa« at ona i time owned by A. Xewoold Morris. r.OTH STREET. E. d<> Forest Simmons f=old for Jennie A. Smith Nos. 12S and 130 East <>(>th ptr<-ot. t-wo four story banement d-nrell- inc house?, each on a plot 20-6x100.5 f«*et. THE BRONX. MERRIAM AVENUE The Frown Realty Com- pany has resold to a builder a plot of s»ix and one-half lots on tho vrest side of Merrlam ave- nue, between 170th and 171st street?. The sell- ers acquired the property from Charles J. Smltt* last September. . PRVA_XT AVENUE P. T»»y haa re- sold for Edward H. Kelly the lot. 25x100 feet, on the west aide of Bryant avenue. 100 feet north of ."Randall avenue. In thf* Hunt's Point Estates tract. N. J. HOTEL CHANGES HANDS. Pierre SI. Clear lias sold for the Ham- mond Hotel Company to a client the Amer- ican Hotel, at Farmingdate. N. .T. The property is al the junction of the New Jersey ('Mitral and the Pennsylvania rail- roads, about eight miles north of T^ake- wood. Tho new owners inter.d to spend a large amount in improvements. > SELLS HYDE PARK TRACT. .1. Romaine Brown <S- Co. have sold for Mary E, Lockwood, of Elmira. X. V-, a tract of forty acres in Hyde Park, Dutchess Cocnty. The site commands broad views of tiie Hudson River, and will be improved with a residence by the new owner. The main building will be twenty-six storie? arid the tower nineteen stories and about Sfi feet square, the tip of the tower being G2S feet above the Ptreet. or thirteen feo? higher than the Pinper Building. The parae architectural features of the front of the structure will be carried out 011 the four sides, there bring no blank walls, a departure unusual in commercial buildings. Oth^r features include a swimming pool in the basement, with showers, and it is pos- sible iliat there will be a gymnasium. The plans have been revised several times. Mr "Woolworth wanting more than a mere building, and it is estimated that the. pro- posed structure will cost about $5,000,000. The prround. formirp the. base was accumu- lated recently at a cost of about $2.<XH).000. space on the southerly and westerly ends being subsequently purchased to preserve the light of the lower floors. Plans for the foundation, which are to he carried to bed- rock, were filed last week, the cost being estimated at $500,000. Plans Accepted for Structure of That Height for Park Place. The. Broadway and Park Plare Company. F. w. Woohvorth. prepident. has accepter! the plans of Cass Gilbert for a forty-five story building, the upper nineteen floors of which are to be. in the form of a tower considerably larger in area than the Metro- politan Tower, which is the tallest. Tf the plans ar*> «arried out. ilie Becond tallest s-kysn-aper in the world will he built at the southwest corner of Park Place and Broad- way. A 4^STORY OFFICE PROJECT hundrpd acre purchase in whl<'h Mr. Proc- ter was involved about t^vn years wo be- tween Shhutecock Bay an<i Monta.uk Point. MECHANICS' LIENS. NOVEMBER 1* AM>TRKr).\M AYE. n \u25a0 cor M)th st KX'xlOO: Woth*rm..,,,i Plaatar Mills ,Ino> aKt College of, Physicians and Suncaous an.l trus i > e / >» of Co ~ li-mbta ''..iU-g,. owners- Rob--» * Pfeffer. rcn tractors : ; ,ih..r & M."..hin. nub-contractor,; $1,017 2»5. \u0084- , .KBISS PL, D 1 cor Bronx B,.u£vard. 102 x 102,8; William Bulkin aK t Oeorpe R«IS!>. owner: Henry Jaeger, contractor; $4iK'. BLBMKRB PL 7-..0 to/ 7W, Michaal C"*nis l ast H0,,,., Stre.-t Realty Co, owner and con- tractor; *44i> I«TH BT, 114 n,i IW Ks*t. Atlantic T»rra. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGES. NOVEMBER 14. >Tarv J Oarneau to Thoma -I Couran and ano: $16,000. Manhattan Mortsaga Co to Francis .T Egan; $4,500. William J Scully and ano, executors, to Simon Sichler: $1. Abraham Kisenstein to Charles L WeJker; SIOO. Henry Wiener. trustee, t,-> Henry Wiener; $18,000. Jacob Sternsteln and ano to I/na Stern- stetn: $1. ,T All* Townsend to Edvrin S Townsend; $3,500 Fritz HarLz and ano to Michael J Sullivan; $4,500. Metropolitan Tru*t Co to Title Gaarantee and Trust Co; $8,000. j Lawrence Degnan to Joseph Te«ka; $100 TruM Co of America to Map.ha.ttan Mortgage Co: $1. Manhattan Mortgage Co to Guaranteed Mnrt- gage Co; $54,000 Joseph Cohen to Charlea l.uriow?; 2 assts; $100. Title Guarantee nnd Trust Co to Sigmond Lehman ot al. executors; 2 assts: $29,500. Same to Harold W Benedict; $5.500. Same to Edward A Xlv; $35,(X)0. Jamt-8 Elßar. 2d, t.-> Margaret Blgar: $«.00<>. Cbaxlna Schneldi rman to Abraham H fara- sohn; $2.f«00. John M Hardy to Hvmnn E Coe: $11,000. Morris R Stang 10 Max Horck; $100. Mary Glascheim to Jennie Goldstein: $8,000. John C>n«mnr.n to Kate Dcubert:' $28,f>00. MHrie Stetter t.> Madeline Siotter; $(WW. Chelsea Heitlty <v> tv William V Clare ajid no: $2,400. Annie McGoMrick to Mary C McCauiclicy; $1,800. Morrla Cooper to Valeric r* Cooper: $X Title Guarantee and Truft Co to Bvllo O Bemhelmer et al, exns $22,000. Bame to Klla .V Tiemann: -JIO.OOO. Jennie m Brattle to Henrj' A this: *1(»O. Michael ,1 Sullivan to Herman Wllbko: $4.- OOC Uawvern Tin,. Insurance nnd Trust Co to Lawyer* Mortraga 1 0 - 4 ass>t»: total, *i"»i.o.^o. Cornolia Q chapin to Lawyer! Tntls Insur- ance and Tm«t Co: $00,000. Francis Hoffman to William Rankln; $100. M«rta Uerliart to Lovia B Kink; *i; Lawyers MortgaK" CO to JaMnS* R Roose- velt, jr; $18."00. Matnflde Reltermeyrr el u>. •«.«- to EJlza- neth A Fncan; $23,198 Sn";. 9 SHO: »rtlr» . bond;. ns abOT*. U Barry to sa " 1 " ? K 40: adir^ss. name ns al^-ve. §^^kW. ill t0 WesM2d^ Ol ?' n: •*©: attorns. .1 Krrrll!fin - » Una 2K anl tv p*A N-^ MINFORD PU w P ,-U ft n of 172 d st. 33xWj lT-T Mc - f P*r h-nd ,pr,or VnV* si- ,- T r- aa * ial ' > Realty Co t.> Michael J Bulll»»«: iM - < N »: address. 34.1 East 141 st. PARK VIEW pk n w \u25a0 37.",* ft " » f IfK>th „\u25a0 -f! X( °: Nov II;Fordham R««ity Co to '" r crt? «" Mort Ka « f> Co: $7,500; a-l'-ross. 55 U^ >=AMK PROPERTY (prior mtfl Ho.4»)i_^* j errm "*,** P " r n! : f " n "'" '" WllHaW D Cam- err»": 1.2(i0; a .'<lr^s . 24 7S Psuli View pi- stkphfns AVK. «• \u25a0 17-. ft n of O'Brien atra, •?""^.Hx irr.,-. No, 10 . sVt? : ,v. Pf cent. Pagq.iaie Contl and ,ano to WlUJam F '^^ "t Bloomfield. c«mn.; $000; attorney. Whalen nunn. 20r, Broadway. o , T^ VIX)R AVK c s. 2.V> ft = r>f Columbus aye. 2.,x100 ; Kov 12- 3 ym 5% p*r rent: Marietta I>isenza t-> Andrew' Xebel ; $3,500; address. l-'-> •vi aye. _ TINTON .WE. w s 308.0 f. n »f Wl«« st -. 4i..Xxl.Vi (prior mtc ?::?O.Kt, ; Xov 14 3 jri*. 6 P^r^'' ent: G<-or Ke Rosenweiß to Ttl«« Frank: \u2666».'»»\u25ba; address, 7.57 Prospect aye. WASHINGTON AYE. s w cor Tremont ave- 14.t,x:i1.S irr.R: Xov 14: .-. T9 H«n«nl H Smith to wtiiu.ii r: Rose $12.(00 address, W West Mst st. WALTON AVK. n w cor l«3d st. KxJ**^ 8 * invir: x Ov 12. 2 yrs, -".'•• pei •\u25a0••\u25a0.:. Emllj S and Margaret A Jackson to Amerkan Mcrtga» '\u25a0• $24.<t«Mi; address. 31 Nassau si 151 ST ST. 2'.»2 East 25x118.5; Xov it due a^ r r bond; Antonio Capo to Title Guarantee nn>i Trust Co; $3,000; address, 176 Broadwa; SAME PROPERTY <prtoi mtg $::.(MHi»: Nov 14, 2 yrs. (1 per cent; same to Eleanora C Haus- ler; $1,000; address. 300 rnion st. Brooklyn. 1-'-M> ST, 1 c cor tfelrose aye. 20x1H.4 (prior mtg $2".0(>r.,; n,-vv 14: , yr; Henry Krnse to George Ehret; $2,000; address, 1107 Park aye. 157 TH ST, 9 w s. 15') ft n w of Courtlandl aye, 50x219.3; Nov 14 2 yrs; Marearot Rodney to Annie Oilrs; $2,500 address 238 Gcnese* st, Utica, N Y. I^3D ST. n \u25a0 pft.? ft v: of Wa.-hinKton aye. 4 lots, each 35x100 (4 mtfts. each $22,000): No* 6. 5 yrs; John Rendall to Bronx Boron** Ban*; $88,000; address, -140 Tirmont aye East. SATISFIED MORTGAGES. fV.-irh name and address or lender's attorney-) NOVEMBER 14. MANHATTAN. BOWERY 2!t2. •"> sty bfk. 22.6x78.1x15 lxW.11: Peb 14. 1908: Meyer Meyer an.l Wolt Saort ana l->Hnk R^senstein to Isldor M Kempner; »-..«J<»; attorney, X Kl"in. 2."« Broadway 3D ST. n s. 275 ft w of 2d ay«. 87x25x3.3x25* 83.»x50; July .'•:«». 1907; BJrdle V S^hlesinger tj Edward Kates; $3,000; attorney, A S Hasaj-. •»> Wall st. OTll AVB 111 1, i c ror 9th si. 7 sly brk. 77 •> x20.2x77.7x23.H: Jan 20. l«tt: Emma Edinstnn t<> Joseph C l^-vi. trustee; $20,000; attorney, J C L^vi. .'!7 Liberty bi HTl£ ST. 823 to 681 Bast, 6 stj brk. HR.3x75: Oct 17. li*0»; Abraham Goldschlag and ano to Martha W Welll; $"..".<»<>; attorneys, Kantrowitz & Esberg. 320 Broadway. 171 ST ST s s. 150 ft from s c co» 11th aye. 25x85: July S>. 1904; John C Koopman and ano to William V Simpson; $300; addr««e, 41 I'ark Row. THE BRONX. BRYAXT AYE, 1520. 25x100: Marcli 81, l»J0; Wilfred G Southern and ano to Kathan Hirsn; $2."HH't; attorney. David C Myers, 257 Broadway. BELMOXT AVK. c .-.-. 104.3 ft n of Kapt I^l^t st. 153.11x23.4x156.10x23.6: Nov S, 1006: Angelo De Gatldenzl to Cfesare Pianisani: $-.i<*>. attor- neys, Bergman A Davis, :t2l!> 3d aye. CLJNTON AVK,c s. -J»;4.4 fi n of East 181st Kt. 145.2Z6&1: Xov 11. 1909; Samuel Geller and ano to Charles H Baechler; $4,800; address, ll'- 1 Walker aye. SA.MB PROPKRTY; April \u25a0'\u25a0. 10(U>; sam- to fam»\ $4,500; address, same as above.. DAVIDSON AVK. w *. 31 ft n of 177th st. »4x «o May 28 1909; John Massimino Co, a corpora- tion, to William I Seaman; $1.05"; attorne>-s, Speir ft Bartlett, .V- Wall st. BAGLE: AVK, Ki_. 1S.9x100: Aug 12. T.mi7; r'harles Pinzka an.! ano to Peter Otren and Victor Gerhards; $2,000; attorney. Title Gviar- antee and Trust Co, 170 Broadway. FOREST AYE, c s, 125 ft » of 165tn st. ISxlOO; Oct SI, 1894; James Croughen to Hasthiuß E Pa^e: $J.."00; attorney, Charles A Runk, 2:>7 Broadway. FORDHAM i.l' a s. I.:>OJ ft c of Valentine avH. B«.3x4oxoS.Bx4rt; Julj 13, 1909; Ida M Bonton, Tenafly. X .1. to the Harlem Savins* Bunk; $Tt.OOO; aadress, 124 East 125th st. JEROME AVK, n w enr 177 th st, 221. llx 10. i.:'.x irreg; ,li;:i^ 7. 1905: Charles D Levin to Joseph C Uevi, irus; $15, '. address. «7 Lib< rty st. JEROME AYE, n w cor 177 th st. 105.P.X 221.t1x irrec: June 7. IJWS; Leo M Klein to Esperanto Mortgage Co; $5,000; address, same as abnvu. J2BROME AYE. s v. cor 177th st, 137-SxIOOx 104.5x105..'J: Juno 7, J P«>r. ; $7,000; Jerome aye, n w cor 17«th st. 100x100x103.3x100; Jun«: 7, 1903; $8,000; Emily <; Emanuel to Jos»r>h C l^vi. tnis (2 mtgs>; $15,(>'»; ad>!r>-sB. same as above. MECHANIC ST. s tt .-. bcins most easterly cor of lar.'-l now or late of .\nt.,ph Peeta, J.'>\ 137; Dec 22. 1S!»7; Bernard TSyrn^ and ano to Mopes G Wrisht; $1,500; attorney, T Emory Clocke, 2022 Boston rd. PARK AVK. f \u25a0»• cor 157th st, li7T.S\l4.lOx K>7.0x20.2: Feb 3, 1909: John and Georglna Rendall to Adelbert Becker: *'-.'.'«'. attorney, James Kearney, 220 Broadway. PARK \vi:. w 5, 143. <; ft ? of iSTth s«. 10&6 x 5f1i105.7x38: F«>b :;. 1909; John Rendall an-! ano to Adelbert Becker; $3,300; attorney, .larn«-3 Kearney, 220 Broadway. PARK AYE, tr b 215.8 ft s of l«7th rt. 104. 5^ 38x103.10x36: same to saiiif: F^b 3, 1909; at- torney, Fam» as above: $3,300, PAEK AVK, w 5. 107.8 ft S ot 187tn Bt. 114 11 x36.11x6.ftx80x106.6x36; Feb 3. 1900: same to same: attorney, same as above; $3,300. PARK AYE. w s, 170.8 ft s or 187tn st. 1a'. .7 x36z104.8x36; Feb 3, 1909: same to same; attor- ney, same as above; $3,300. PARK AYE. w 8. 251.8 ft « of I«7th ft, 103.10 \u25a0x36.8x102.Hx36: same to same; attorney, sains as ab<>ve: Feb 3, U»"s>; $3,300. ROGERS PI w BL 408-10 n of TTest<-b»«:t^r aye. 25x72: May 2. 1910; Kat<: Freyer t.. Louis E Fink; fl.ooo. attorney, Joshua L F.vane, ."213 3d aye WHrTK PLAIX3 RD, c s. 795 ft. p. from n « oor Morris Park aye. 25x100. with rights over strip adj, 50 ft wide; Mart* 28, 1010; Paul Kkieffler to Salvatore, Fran'* and Paaqualfl Vasl: $500: attorney. Title Guarantee arid "lrjst Co. 176 Broadway. WHITE PLAIXS RD. 525 ft n from n c cfl» Morris Park av6, 23x100; White Plains rd. P.V) ft n from tie cor Morris Park av>s, runs parallel with c s 'vvTilte Plains rd 850 to n s Morris Park aye x c 50x n KV)y tv B0 to b^a:, bein? lot 412 map section 2. Bronx View Park; April 0. is*>fl: Edward Cahlll to P'-er«« a n.l >tary <"J Rauch: $3,000; attorney. (."has P Ilalloci. 00i> Knf.' iM>th Bt. 1«1ST ST. i! p. 150 ft c of Morris avo. 146x IRS Nov 11. 1003- Kmll Porcke and ano to rT<sderick Dillemuth: $4,000; attorney, Jarob W Winkier. 165 Broadway. 183 D ST, n s. 75 ft " of Park aye, 25x100; Auk 12, IM<6; Michael 1 Dennott to Cnaa \ BfJrian: $1,7t'0; attorneys, Merrill & Rogers. U* Broadway. IS7TH ST. p f, S»':7 ft -w oi Park aye, 33. lf>7 ft Feb 3. 1900: John R?rdan and ano to Adelt*rt Becker; $3.50<>; attorney, James Kear- ney. 220 Broadway. IS7TH FT. t> s. W.ll ft vr of Park aye, K3.4x 107.0; Fe.b' S, 1P0O: sa.tn« to same; fN.TrOO. attor- ney, same as abov<». 387TH XT. k f. 20.2 ft w of Park av«s, 34. 4t 107.0: *>b Pi. 1000. game to sam»: $3,500; attor- ney, same as above. RECORDED MORTGAGES. (With nam<» and address of l«nder'i» attorney.) Tnt»resf. 5 per <jent unless other stated NOVEMBER 14. lIAXHATTAX. COLUMBUS AYE. w s, 78.1 ft n of 106th st. 25-Ixloo fpflor mtg $19,000">: Nov 14: due July 2. 1912. 6 per cent; Louis Lowenfels to Michaal Baris, $2,000; addre«s, 504 "West SOth Bt. MADISON" AYE. 413. n c cor 4^th st. 22x100. 4 Sty brk, leasehold (prior mtar $7,000); Nov 9; de- mand, 6 per cent; l>eslc Realty Oo'to National Reserve Bank; $15,300; addre»s, IRS Broadway. I'ARK AYE, 116S. R sty brk. 38x88.6: Nov 11: r> m; due as per bond; Theodora F ElHman to Title Ouaranteo and Trust Co; $15,000; address. 176 Broadway. IST AVB. c s. 4ao ft n of S4tta et. 20.4x65: Xov 14; (5 yrw, 44 p«r cent; Robert Faming to New York Life Insurance and Trust Co; $3 500 address, fi2 "Wall gt. ' 7TH ST. 67 East. 4 sty brk. 2r>xß2.<? <<prior mt/f $22,000); Nov 14; dv» Feh 1, 1012. 6 per c*nt: Maria Berliant to Louis S Fink; $2,200' eddress. 2205 Aye G, Brooklyn. SoTII ST, c 8. 300 ft «> of 9th, ay«, 25x98.0 Vprior mtg $12,000); July 11: dvi as per bond': Bt Paul's Colored Baptist Church to Albert T Scharps; $3,000; address. 178 Broadway. 4«TH ST. 22 East. 20x100.5; Nov 14- due as per bond: O«o T Stevens to Guaranty Trust Ov $55,000; address, 28 Nassau Bt. 4t)TH ST, sa, 107 ft eof ataAaan aye 21 «x 100.8; Nov 14; 3 yra. 5H per cent; Chns Solelias to Columbia Tr«?t Co; $2,500; address, 355 Broadway. % BIST ST. s s. 221 ft c of Sth aye, 17x100 8 'prior mtg $10,000); Xov 34; 1 r. « per cent; Matthew Beattle 1o Walter Keys; $10,000; at- torney. Wm II Blain. 2T> < ? Broadway. C6TH FT. 60 East, 4 sty brk, 16xl00.R; Xov 14- 5 yrs. 4 \i per cent; Jainee H Anderson to f"h Rtmsen; $30,0fi0: attorney. lawyers Title Insup- enre and Trust Cc. 160 Broadway. 72D ST, 418 East. 5 sty brk. 20x102.2; Nov 14- o yre; Herman Drucker to Bandern H Altmayer and ano, exrs; $18,000; address. 881 Park avo. 72D XT. n 8. 4."> ft c of Lexington av*^. 18.!> x 102.2; Nor 14: 5 yrs: Margaret Lumb to Emt- grmnt Industrial Savings Bank; $12,000; address, 61 Chambers 6t. 07TH ST. 3ft West, 4 sty br:c. 18x100.11; Sept 7; demand. 6 per cent: Eva J Marx and ano tr» V/m E D Stokes; $11,000; attorneys, Hastings & Gleason. 358 Brnadway. 102 D ST. 127 Ba«Jt. « sty brk. 37.8x100.11- D m (prior mtg $35,0u0); Nov 11: 4 yrß. fl p er cnt- Christian A Siebold to C N & S A ruction Co: $5,000; address. 1400 3th avo. WT> ST, 52$ West, 4 sty brk. 17.6x00.11- Oct 11: fl yr» Anna Jankman to Ma,bi»l McClum- s7,W»; addre«s. 358 West 65th i»t THE BRONX. AYE A. s p. lot 1«. map new viiiaKo Jerome 2cxlOO; Nov 12; due as p^r bond; Cuterlna Dl M Ftilrann and others to Mar>' Dunn. $fl,ooo- ad- cieia. 357 West Csth st. ADRIAN AVB. n w a. 10.1.11 ft n o of T»r- race View aye, 100xl07x trr^ff (prior mtg Sir _ 000); Nr r - 10; 1 yr, ft per cent; David H Hvmu'n to Anvlla Stelner; $3,000; address. 112 West 72d st. BROOK AVK. 6 w cor 15Hth at, 44)xlf>7 «i lrrer; Nov U; due Dec 1. I01S; Utility p.qaltv Cc to Ellas Aatai; $^'..000; address. is East 6,3 d et. ELTON AYE, n w e, 60 ft n of K»sth st. 50x 100; Nov 11; 1 yr. S per cent. Julia MeLtun to Adelaide Brandon; $500; addreas. 2f<23 Grand Concourse. LOT 161. map Hunfe Point E«tat«s : Nov 1- 2 yrs: Karl 3alilr!lnf to Hunf» Point Flstattip.- $600; addre«», 165 Bro«d-way. I»T 1 to 8. block 42. map land second part; p m; Nov 9; due as per bond; Wm C Si.alfllnß to Bruce-Brown Land CV>; *14V7.V\ address, 100 6th ay«. LOTS 8. 10. »A and 10A. block 40. *a.rr»- map P m; Kov 9: due b* p«r bond; Klondike Realty Co to ii»ai« $2,400- LOTS 48 and 44. block 40t. «ame nanj; p m. Henry A Robblns to Harry r Rohhlns; O-t 31; $100; address. Southampton . ' i!.|«nd. HatU( , HOT,; addr^s. South&nipt-'- » Ha ,, lr 71ST ST. 117 EMt. 4 sty *™- roniTtl] Building. ; G Frank»l and ano. esr*. ' '... jifxi; n< r ,- <,_ ! Improvement and Investmrni t". « 75TH U^T. 5 237 and 239 '7-fnch 101.7. nil ri&ht.-tHlr «rwj VvlT^mtlv^ As- rtrlp In re«r; the I'crnlclar^ <- $37.H1*); \ sooiatlon to Mariano T^""^» ' "d aye. rart; Nov ,0. |100. addr,^. \u25a0 \£*\^ anrt PAMK PROPERTY wthrm Wlln to lntPreM in 7-Inch ftHp: , " I^rt»ol«; O Glor- Vin-enzo Femlcari: V ' 1p jj- rlr *.tta. a * part fn,^- £ ii p4p 44 a 2a 2 : 1 - sz? iof»^ •**-* i4ni M mit« $13,500); Nov. Ill; $l(l"l (l "- aaares». Greenwich. Torn. , „,._, lii ex M TV.«t 25x102.2: mtg; mpnt and Investment Co; N'" '•• *•"-""• drrss, 149 Cliurrh St. . SAME PKOPFRTY- Tentral HtilldfnK. tm- k«-l nnd nn«'. Nov 14. si'iw. \u25a0 71«=t st WTTH ST ti a KB ft « of M atra, run!" w 25.2 . ne to s bepinnin*. r-loa^e mtp; Winiam W Ratherfurd and ano. truMee S^un'ler deed of truct. to Julius .1 Dukas: May .... «i. address. Hi Kast B<Hh st. SAME PROPBRTT; Jullu« \u25a0' P kas HH t(t (1 O rp . rel ]4 Rhlneland^r; b and s; May 2; $1; address, 14 \u25a0Washington Square North. 102 DST 127 rcn*t. 6 sty brk. S7.6xlO<Ul; C N * S A <"onstrurtlon Cb to rhrl?tlnn A Stebold (mic BM.000): Nov II: *li*>; addi-ee.«. i( West 177th Kt. 111 TH PT. 108 sn.l 11" F.aFt, fl sty brk. 52. 100- Jsaa.- Pnlsteln fi> Senft Realty Co <int? $64,000); .ruti" 22; 510*'): mi:lrp««. 6 East llSth st. I2IST XT. 317 nnd 31T) Kayt. R sty brk. 50x. 100. ] i»; Joseph Berkowitz "t al to Henry Weiss mite $42,000); Nov 1; *lft<>; addreaa, 51 Hamilton ria«-e. 125T11 ST. n t. tO2 ft w of 2d aye. 25x09.11; Solomon Barney to Ptephen .1 .lai-kson OntK $2S. (XpOi: Sep. 10: $10f»: address, ior» I>exlnßton aye. I?,nTH ST. n .<=. 4K> ft c cf !>>nox aye. 20x <><>. II'; t"harle« V i3oopo| to Kannle .1 Goepel: alt tit an:l b and k; Xov 7. $10f>; aijilrr?!;. .11 West 130th st. IS2D ST. n s. 100 f t tr nf Amsterdam aye. 2fsx 99.11: estate of Asher Simon to Mar\- A Thorn- ton a c; Xov 10; .*1; addres?, 30 White Plains I^ad. SAME PROPERTT: Jacob C Hnrris et al to \u25a0tune; <j c: Xov ir>: $1: aiMress, yam? a= above. THE BRONX. ADRIAN AVK. n w «\u25a0. 10fi.ll ft n c of Terrace Vi>w aye. 100x197. 11x Irre^; Alice M Tillenthal and ano to r>^vi<l H Hyman fmtg |15,000>; Xov 10: SIOO. ad.ireis. 067 Madi*on ay». niiACKEN AYE, w s. 4?>7 5> ft •" ef Kinps- bride-* id. 2rixl«»0: Mat'i'la F Aroru^n to l:ay Lewis; '-i part imtß $12." t; Nov 12: SI; address. 401 Gold st. Brooklyn. BRACKEN AYE, w b. «45.0 ft c of Kin»rs- bridß<» r<l, 60x100, Edenwaid; Jacob Shapiro to Enoch Levy; '" part; all title and all | Hens; Nov 11. $1. i SAME PROPERTY; .To B<?r -h V>lx 10 same; nil ritlo and all lior*; Xov 11; v. part (mtg $475>; «1. aJ<]r<=-ss. 15.11 2d aye. CROTONA PARKWAT. c r. -,7<V4 ft s of 177 th Bt. 27.5x10. ': I>enis F Coyl* to Churrh of St Thomas Ao,uinns itniß $3.000>; Xov 11; $100: address. 1000 Crotona Parkway. IAI.T AYE. m«iO. 2.*.Jt4<!.0; Philip Cahtli to John Qulnn (rr.tsr $3,506 74); $100; address. 211 K?st lOlrt st. I.OTS Or, to OS. map Putr.hess I,an.] < n. Ben- son eßt?te at Tliro^'a Keck: Jessie G Sadler to Stephen B Ayres (mtsr $I.4i><">): 1-6 part: Oct 27; $100: address. 112R Broadway. LOTS 4." and 44. blk 40. Bruce-Brown I>and <"*o to Johanna T^ Barrj": Xov f>, $100; address. &42 Castle Hill aye. t.OTS .'\u25a0.•; to r>B. blh 40. same map: Ram" to Esther Armstrong; $160; aadress, 57 West 117th st. I.OT 3f>. same blk. fnm« map: same. to Clarence T P.ogers: Xov f>; $100; a.3.iress, 4.'i9 West 123 dst. LOTS 1. 2 and •". blk 42. Sam« map: nam»> to W'.lliam C Spaldlnsr: Xov 0; $100; address, Freeport, Lonjf I:;Iaj-.ri. LOTS ft. OA. 10. 10A. blk 40. name, map; sane to Klondike ReaJty Co; Nov 0; $100; ad- dress, 2944 3d aye. LOT 2fl, map 144 C. of 297 lots r.wnAd by party first part; Hunt's Point Estates to Utility Realty Co; b and s: Nov 1; $100; ad- dress, ICS BroaJway. LOTS 71 and 72. same map; same to same; b and s; Nov 1; $100. LOT Ifll. same map: rame to JCar! Schwirl- Ing; b an.l c; Xov 1: $100; address. 1981 La- fontaine aye. LOTK 28 and 20, blk 4<X also lots 28A and 29 map Bruce-Brown Land Co; Bru'-e- Brov.-n Land "o to Josephine Reinhardf; Xov 9; ?100, addrPFD. 1341 Franklin aye. LOT 67. map Village of Jerome-: John T>l Matttn to Caterina 1)1 M SaJzano et al (rntß S7.000); Xov 12; $100; address, 643 Holland aye. LOT 1<». same map; same to same <rrttar <T7,000>; Xov 12: $100; addrvas. sajne oa above, I.OT 115, map T>aconla Park; MaT Coh»n et al to ftffchele Tolve and ano; Nov 12; $100- addreES, Garnervilla. N T. PAR< VIEW PL. n -w s. 375.P ft s of IBOth «t. 55x70: William D Cameron «t al to Ford- bam Realty Co fmtf J2.9.50) : Xov 10. $100; ad.lresy. 2.*>Ss Sed^wick aye. BTEPHEXS AYE. r s. 175 fr n of CTRiier. a\-e. 6<)-89.11x lrrej?; William F CHeasoa to Pas- quale Conti and Pellifrrino Moranto; Nov 10- $100: address. High Falls. N T. TINTON AYE. w s, 30.« ft nof 101st s( 41.3x135x irrep; Tillle Frank tn Goorjre Rop»n' •^elgr fTT.tr; $32,000); Nov 14: $100; address. 23 East 124th st. VTPE AYE. 1147. 20*100: j, ia Hillmann U firm of L C "Whit id. a corpri fmtif 15,000); Nov 14; $r.o<): address. IS "U'est 135 th Ftl VAX NEST AYE. a a. 117.1 ft w of Unionport road. 45x100: Gusts Krev to Augustus OarefF« Jr (mtg $3,500); b and s; No- - 9. SI; address 302 : Moshoiu Parkway South. VAN NEST AYE. s r. 1X7.1 ft w of CTntonport m. 45x100. Barbara Qariesa to Custave Frev (tntg $3,500): Xov 7. $1: address. SBS Irvine at. o»^15 j:>ER AYE. eb, 325 ft nof KaTld a!i aye. 25x100. Edenwald; William Schradin and ano to Susanna Mar-Elwaln-; al] Meme; Nov 12: $1- ad- dress, 345 P«nator st. Bay Ridge. Brooklyn. SAMK PROPERTY: Susanna MacßlwatiM to Mary Pchrariin; all l!»n ; Nov 12. $1; address on premises. 167 TH ST, n k. 14f> ft w of Prospect r». 4«t 125: Bertie X Hadwa* to Fred R Holbert Ontjr $87,500); Oct 31; $1; address. Hancock. NT. IS-"?D PT; n s, 124.7 ft w of Washington ay» 50x100: James O'Connell to William C B-?reen (m*g $6,000); June. 13; 1907; ad'lreg.=. <597 East 162 d st. SA^IE PROPERTT: William r R rK»n ti> .Tohn Rende.ll fmtg: ); $100; address, Sf)7 East 162 d st. IS3D ST. n s. 9P.7 ft rr of Washington av\ 25x100. John J Mahony to Kame; June- 26; $1. IS3DST, n s, 174.7 ft v.- of WB«Mn^tonW B«Mn^ton aye 100x100; C Adalbert Becker to same: May 1«- $1; address, 897 Bast 162." Ft. ' BUILDING LOAN CONTRACTS. NOVEMBER 14. PABX VIEW PL. n w s, S7S.B ft 9 af Wot?i : st. BBxiO: Corporate Mortgage Co l.ians Fordham Realty Co $7.5i>0. loSTH ST. n s, 125 ft « of Brr>adway, lOOx W.ll; Lawyers Title Insurance a.rd TTi»-it Co loans Melvin Realty Co $100,000. PROSPECT AYE. c R. 414.1 ft s of IKUh st 75.4x107.7x Jrrejc; same l.iana FYindman <••- structlon Co fl'Wono. 120TTI ST. SS and .127 East; sam« loans cam« PATROLMEN UNDER SUSPICION " Forty \u25a0•' Bike Cops" May Be Sent Back to "Pounding the Pavement." Ifcertain suspicions In tho mind of Dep- uty Commissioner Driscoll have any merit, ir looks like a lon* term at "pavement pounding" in the rural districts for forty bicycle patrolmen. The deputy thinks that a number of vandals, who destroyed fifteen iron cots and a number of blankets beKmg- ing to the national Ruard In the West 30th street station hoUs . recently wer* recruit- ed from the marked forty If there is anythmK a' "bike oop" hates worse than having his pay delayed It is to | be forced to si.«.p in a atatll)n nou For years the rHeq have lorded it over their lens fortunate brethren n foot. They hay« eight hour shifts and gat all sleep ttma at their homes. But th» express drivers strike changed the order of things, a.-, men were neede (i badly, and the t.Kycllsu were for.-d to Mayon reserve. *Jh C °T mOdate ih( overflow at the wm ..Oth street StaMon a tvw days a *o «>ts and blanks re rrow<>d from national guard ,mentß, mentB - The noxt mommß th<j T c TT*., Und to b " of no furthr , r valU(i VVher, M 1* UerP "•' lo^er blankets. decided th Prl9CnllP rl9Cnll heard ot thP affalr h « tiaue at batb a th ° \u25a0'.\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0* in a spirit of ored rleht hfd eprived ° f their time h°- the cttv by S SoV ou ht tt. get reven «" on J u *<'ng themselves bedlesa. LIS PENDENS. N^VBMBEP. J+. ET>IZ.A.BETK ST. \u25a0»- *. 75 ft » c-f <VRml St. 40x94. Washington Trnst Company cf the City of X^w Tork a«t M=»ry Fuchs »x. al (foredoaurs of mt?); attorney. W M Pott-ell. FOREST AYE, B w <-r>r ISSth st. 100x57.6: Standard Damp Proofing- and Roofinj Co agrt William F Robrig Co (not!c« of lex-y); attorney, 5 Green baum. SILVER ST. n n. ISO ft *«r of "Main st. If>ox 102: Wllliaaa H Beam et aJ asrt G<sorjc» H Klir- itott et al (foreclosure of mttr>; attorney. j Theall. 2*_'7TH ST. n s, 1."<5 ft c of Barnes avu, ZSx H4: Henrietta Mittnacht aj?t Katharina Mascho e.t al (foreclosure of mtg); attorney, C Schwlclc. 7.'.TH ST. S3l East; Max RuMI a«t Lottie H T«fm et al /foreolosur* of mtg>; attorneys. M R 6 W miniiwiliml MORRIS ST. n a, X 1 fr. •* of Washicsrton nve, 18-6*l*l l"-"it;I><vit» Joseph agt Joseph C L Thomas et al •f'-re'-losun* of mtg); attorney, II Swain. I('l>T ST. IPS to 102 Y.ewt: Jutftia Ty»vr- ajrt Martin M r,no.lman et al (foreclosure, of mtgi. torneys. Coapa* & Baer. BTH AYE. w s. 4».ll ft s of 13?th st, 25x100: I^onoro Tanner net Pavid S Kalraan at aj (foreclosure of mtK); attorneys. Lindsay, Kalish, & Palmer. CONCORD AVK. » v cr>r Lexlartorx st. 150x 100. The Bronx; Albert N Crow ajr. JwVwl T Staples «t al <ainend«d foreclosure of tntg); at- torney. W B MeNiece. PROSPECT AYE, « w cor ISOth st. frt.^x 100.2: Freehold Construction Co ajrt Raphael Kurzrok et Bi <speciflc p-rfi>rmanrc> . attorneys, Shapiro & Levy. GREENWICH PT, ««. 130 ft nof Canal <. 44xf10. Liquidation Realization Corporation ajrt »wtown Construction Co et ai «forecrosur» of mtg>: attorney. II B Leary. BIRMINGHAMST. 2: Birmingham «t. c s. V> ft s of Henry st. RSxfiSx lrreg; Pophi« BtoOsS' H*t I>ewis Knilewltch (action to oomp«l cancslla^ Uon 3f mtjt>; attorney. S Bltterman. NEW BUILDING PLANS. THE BRONX •>'»4TM ST \u25a0 a. "41 *> ft ft •* of Paui.Mns: ay»; 2 «y frame" dwlk.^r:.".; Deleo & Bevaciucia «49 B*s;le av-. owners: Georsre P Crosier .-.d st and Wlilte Plains aye, architect; cost, *... OtX>. NTI.SUN AVK. \u25a0•-.• s. 3.'>O ft n of Brandt. pU 5 sty brk tenmt. BtaßT.3; T^nfstafT & Bajch- man, 16911 Nelson ay . <.wn*rs. I.io- d I Pnyte, .\u25a0.:.•.• Aatlersoti aye. architect; cost, $30.(K>0. COSTER ST. 5; 4 sty trk dwlsr, 2.1x73.3: Henry i^owenthaJ, t2*6 sth aye. o»-ner; B L. Kills." 113" Broadway, architect; cost, 55.<>» V WALKS AYE. n o cor lf.lst st; four 1 3TT brk stores and dwIRS, 45x00 and 4&iS7; al-^e Aveono Corstructlon Co, 230 Grand st. wm>r; ,-har!,.? B. Me>ors, I Union Square, architect; cost, $34.000. BROOK AVK, w s. 9«.n ft s of 16?th 8t: r> sty hrk tenmt, 70x7^; Normal Construction. Co flfti Tinton aye. owrer; Chaxles B Meyers. 1 i'nlna Square, architect: rrmU 550.000. KROOK AVK. s c cor l. .fth st; twt> t »ty br j. s«on?s and dwlgs. 34.4x7S and 40x34; Gruenstein & Ma-. CSrt Grand st, nrwners; rharles B Maryera, 1 Union square, architect; cost, $:^.o<:m(. " F«">X ST. w S) 154 ft s of lfl7tTi st: two 5 sty brlc tenmts. 37.6x58; Reliable <"r>nsttvi'-tlon Co. T Wolf. 1128 T'nion aye. president, ow»i«»r; Goldner & Goldberg. 7<>4 .larkson aye. archi- tects: cost. $7"..000. BRYANT AYE. II •«- eef Freeman st; 5 sty brk tenmt. t"\r»O. Clover Construction Co, I^&dor Robinson. 13« Broadway, president. owner: Goldner *- C»oHb*rgr, 704 Jackson ava, nrcliltects: c"St. .So">.000. Cotta r o a jft Eecond Avenue Office Buildlas Co. uwaai. Bliss Jk Griffith, contractors: $2,000. 7TM AYE, n c cor 24th st. '\u25a0>"\*'>. »am* ««t same; 112,500. AICDRSWB AYE. 22f»2 and 2IIH; TwMwM* C Wood a^t .To«i>=fi!r.!n<- C nils? and CoDtaa F BIL«*. owners; Ri:s!> <t Orifflths. \u25a0"•ntrartors; $«» 70. ifiTH ST. 114 and 116 Kast: sam» srt >»rond , Av«ntM Office Buildlri? Co, owner; Bliss & Grlf- \u25a0 flths. contractors: J.".'»7 SAMK ['ROPFRTY. H'rrminn * >rrnr- rr, as:t same; $:•!.:..'«• 7TTI AVK. n f <- ,r 24th -t. 5T.4x79.3: «*ome|lU!» .1 '"tnllaghpr «jrt Manhattan <">fHre Building Co. owner; Bttai Sc OrMMaw. eoatraetav*; $722 TA I«TH ST. 114 ar<l 11« Kurt; Russell & Erwln Mfg Co agt Second Manhattan Office Ruildlnr <:o. ownrr; Blt»s .*.- f.Tlfnthr. contractors: S-'V SAIIR PROPERTY; Nations! Fire pn»hn« Co ust Second Manhattan Office Building •C. owner; BHm &• «'.rlfllths. rontrartors; tl-WJ"* SAME PROPERTY; John .1.^.11s Iron Works. Inc. aj?t rWnjnili Manhattan < ifTi.-o Building Co. own*r. Bliss <<•. OrUßtaa, contractors; 9aVawß 7TH AYE. n <\u25a0\u25a0 <«r 24th st. <V1. 11x79.2; ,7am«l X D»ltton (iK Manhattan Office J<ijildl.-.(? CC. ownvr. Bliss & (irifTlfhs. contractors; |6SO. AIJDUBON AYE. s <\u25a0 -n. 177 th «t. IOOxIOO; Kahn &\u25a0 Malkin Co a«t Height* Town Construc- tion Co an.l l/ouis ••m, uwnon* and rontrJo- tors: ? H" 1 BROOK AYE, 4-->!»: Hn'rWlts .t- Plnkelsteln Iron Works act H >»ni!. owner; Goldstein Bra. contractor*; |2K WlTir ST. •;_' »nd »U K3=t PVo«k» Kncln«» Co rnrt Jacob Ph*nk. owner an.i contractor <re- n wal): 5607.V 217TN ST. s s. VK*ft c of VTaita Mains Rnod. 2£xlOO; OrirTi!, R'ofinj; CO act James Butler. Itf. owner; Gustai \u25a0 SchnaMt. Jr. contractor; |SBS 7TH AVK. Ntn t <nr 24th «t. S7t7J>; Ibafwl D«'- row'i gotta agi Second Manhattan OflV* Buii<J- Ing Co. owner; BUM & i;riJT.ths, contractors; J»,238 10. s\MK PROPERTY; H tt PaaaaVa P<ms a«l ! First Manhattan O0V« Bulldinc Cn.- Manhattan Office HtilMinj; Co. Second Manhattan OKl<-«» i Building Co. owner?; BH i & '.-ifTuhs. coiv- i tractors; J4..MJO. 15TH ST. 1U and lirt Ka*t ; \'atir.r.al £*£»\u25a0: prooflni! •"" ->s. T S"..'i,d Vanhattan '.irTic- Build- ing Co. own r; Bliss &l GritTith?, contractors; 51.24833. WASHINGTON AVK. c s. I«*> ft \u25a0 «*f 2J Pt. .\u25a0.!\u25ba<::>". Barnard Kupferman agrt Jsaapk foi- <low, owner and contractor; $4*5.1. |«TH ST. m and IM East; D—fjrJ H^rner «>t al azt Second Manhattan Offl.e nulldmtc O. owner; Bliss & GrHßtna, contractors: $I.4t>»>. LOXGWOOD AVK. ?>74; Harry Moltzer art | mU 1' Bernstein, o«r>-r and contractor: ->ji-. IST AVK. n w cor 4fh St. 28x100; Staudincee &- 'Refsbert? aRt Aueust WtMi, iwnai; besisez— i fcr & Harrington, contractors; 522T». 1 ' SATISFIED MECHANICS' LIENS. COCRTI*ANDT AYE, Nos Oft «•. and r.2--. : Ortental Ftrspioof Sash anri Poor <• agt Ony* Realty Co el al: -luly 6. lf»l»: fl-.f 1 -.- SAME PROPKRTY; Savoy Glass Co ar- »axn^; July 8, li»lO; J.V4OJ SAME PROPERTY; Josepll Maurice agt same; July '\u25a0: 11*10: $1.20 a S\M!: PROPERTY: Jarob Zimmerman agt same; a>:k 8L 191O; $i,lt-' SAMK PROPBRTTj Alfre-1 RUchings «gt same; July 16, 1910; $<i'"^ SVMK PROPBRTT; Bron Marhl* Works agt same: July -\u25a0-•, it<io; $i.; 540. SV>n-: PROPKKTI; William Blum^nauer agt sa'nif*: ruiy 14. '' >10 s: '-' 7 \u25a0"\u25a0" SAME) PROPKRTY; John F Mason agt aarn*; July 13. 1910; •\u25a0 i; -:i7 2t». SAMB PROPERTT; Hubener & Escher a«t same; July 7. J&10: SB.M& -\^f!; PROPERTY : Bonyer 4. Simon ast same: July 18, 1H10; Jl.'lT.-.. GRANT> BOtTUEVARD and CONCOtTRSK c s. 150 fi n of BornsWe ay*; rr»dert<-k Persth agt Trcm»nt Temple Conpr«>Kation '-a'" B or Mercy ! el al; l>ec 31. 1909; $14T». SAMB PROPKRTY; Peter Borelli agt same; Dec is. 1000: $1.20<>. SAME PROPKRTY; Tasar & Katz aart sam«; Dec ir>. 19i"J: $3,100. SAME PROPERTT; Church X- Gutes & Co. Ast same: Dec l's VJoQ: * 4nl 17. •»°l> ST 1"> Ww»t; Abner P Blarlow et al a^tlfentor Realty Co el al; Au? 24, l^tO tva- cated); $4."> W. \u0084-„». i ityi\tai\T \VK w p. IS*> ft n °* s^« « Ma£T JnT R.fr.^rat.r Co »* Valentine Construction Co. Juno 16, ll>10; $30«>. NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBU>"E. TPESDAY, NOVEMBER 13. 1f)l °- REAL ESTATE BUYERS IN MANY ZONES JUW HO M NOIES -IBT An Investor New Owns the Lyndon Arms, a Six Story Elevator Apartment, in Riverside Drive, Near 125 th Street. LOWER SEVENTH AVENUE CO Geo. R. Read & Go, REAL ESTATE H«t<j Office. 60 Üb«rtT St.. near B'*,, Branrh; 3 East --.ih >f . JLjjJX. RR*T-ESTATT- f*-~jyU>mAjuay 31 Va««au Street. REAL ESTATE for SALE OR T<hF Ct'B.V CUBA A FINE INVESTMENT. \u25a0 r >-m \u25a0• 200 aere3 over all tenc'S.*™ irwijr houj>«. r:»r runs through c?r.rr;:. 4^ irailroad ar.fi station at w»st «nd; rr.a:-<-Mr \u0084. ! hardwood timber; wtl] b«11 cheap new ti tc^ ! during the tourist s*a*cn. For p r '!--'i!i»»( Itr> H. H. STEBBIXG. San DI*S9. '"V. C] Route 2. Bw 154- \u25a0 \u25a0 . BOKOLGH OF UCEOs. f A WATBRTROTT SCBtTI -:T>Ec tlal sit* or unlqw villa pint **aoH| ' *lght city Jots in bw* part o' Orsai-*r York. Mus" b.» bt-1.1 imm«»'llaT«rlr »' halt Tt-J to autek buyer. Hx'-fpttonal npj>ortßmt7 »>n» rpQirtrtafl location for beautiful jverrnc^i hor.w amirt picturesque Ktnerjr and ail mow Imyrovfrn nts. within waa-v T>rr.rv]!i-i £*? tance. QUICK TTON B«* -!' Trib'is.TJj flee. *\u25a0*'\u25a0 j »CKIM.HH I) I tej i Near d»pot. Bu'.ldins lot? on <?'">-fr, Sc^: yards. $10 down, balance $2-- v> p*r -"••nth. V; our plan th« in!>ralrr<" \u25a0'\u25a0•<• ar<? tak»n -jn \u25a0 by us and you can own th<» lit f">r tls» criS JnaJ paym-nt of S!<v W; it" '-r *re« r»5.-»s tickets. W. C. REETEd .< CO.. I-* Zing: Str»»». Manhattan. % CITY nwntn. HHIj I(K> -V *7TH ST 1 thr»<» story "nd «•«\u25a0 r>rrunjiton» r»ald«»nre. with all modern "Til— rn«»nt*. is nfT«"-»>.i for salfi ch»ap. Opgnrfti -M yjwtion 8 "jrt:!I o'clock. "'\u25a0": Ij WXSTCHESTET; (.OC.MV F philippf: MANOR on THE HCDSOS P On» mile unobstructed river frontage: 30 =cJh crn residence" near completion. Addrea jßj PHTT.IPSE V.\yr.R CO.. p Phlllpse Manor. N>» To-fr. m REAL ESTATE WANTIED. I COLORED TENEMENT fj Property Always Pm I If prop* rl, tnanaged. If your* •,- piyl-li Som^thirur Is ri.n: R>-su;:s Guarant«»d* Bond Given. " I . FHII.IP A- PAVTO.V -IR. rOMi'WV \ »ir \ork'"» Moneer Sezrn Real F*tate \]n^ BROKERS APPRAISER*. J H7 vc«t 1 tth *>t.. V V. T»i. Har!-^ MORTGAGE LOANS. 1 A. W. MeLAIGUI I\ & CO.I Brokers and Dealers in Mortgages I 128 BroaJu a> . cor. Cedar \u25a0 STRONGEST AND BEST EQUIPPED | SECOND MORTGAGE OF sS.OO".— H on Hudson propt-rty. rear New York. L* era iterm*. N. C. Box 17. Trtivir.*OSc». fj UNFURNISHED APARTMENTaI \u25a0Hf *IDE. II The Cleveland 1 124-130 East 24th *t. jj Unfurnished apartments of S> rooms, v=* closets. »t.-. Call between 10 and 3. 1 MVA.WANOA. 10S-107 Ea*t 13U* «t I 3 and .5 K/vom-- an<l P-\th. *tO tn jr-i 1 CITATIONS. :: S BCHMBNGER. JOHN' PHILIP— THE PSC.^S of th^ State of New York, by th» •>«»\u25a0 God. Free ar.d lirJ»p-R.ient -T» Elizikfl Frincke. Margaret.-, Streull. Madeira* s±=* K-r. "WUhelmina. Rohr. E!i:a; - -''-"^ Dcra Miller. Philip C. Sefamenser. - Schmengor. Philip Rohr. Eiri! T. Rshr. D. Rohr. Edward J. Rchr. Kar? RoSr. Ritb» Bohr, Henry Rohr. Otto Rol \u25a0 Dora Scbssrw ET;izab«ta Schmenger. Arna K. T. Miller, flj helrr.ina A. E. J»t»ett. Louis vr. M!lier. WlaS A Minor. Loaise Rauch. Chr!«ti-a L. SLS| asd Joseph C. M!ll«r. ar<l to » ' per«c=j \u25a0\u25a0 est«9d in the Estate of John Philip " "•"•«? late of the County of New York. d;ceis«ij!f* creditors. I°ira:e»9. c.6 . of kin or *" r *r \u25a0end sreetiny: *:. Tou and each <jf vti ar* h»reb? cltrf a^i"4 <;ulred personally to be s.n.i appear -fbw '£* Surrogste cf tha County of X*w York. K9\ f*irrogates* Court of said Cbunry. fc»M «• Hall of Records, in th* County of Nsw \q£ on th« 18th day of De<>?Tr.b«r. 1910. at h»2-*™ ten o'clock in the forei of tha: 3ri^» and there to att»nd a ':•!-/»! w.i -ra^nt <<^X account of proceeding of Her.ry I'J*.^B Henrj- Schneider, as Tm:»«. t '»• t!^ -J? Will and Testament of «aM d»ce3?*i: saJ Kff- of you as ar« h»r-^' - cited, a* »r» Js*jl aga of twenty-one v»ars, ar- required to «:?* - by your aruardtan. 1* yon hay» one. cr if r«!J none, to appear end ar- for cv.9 ta t* pointed, or In th«» e^ent of y.-nr Te?srt_3l failure to do '\u25a0>. > guardian Trt], be a??g-» by this auiToga'-e to represent ani act is:rp In the proceeding. . M la testimony -whereof tiari '"vJi Seat of Om Surrogates' Court •:" (i« Mid «^ ty of New York to >• hwranto aff!«d. J| Witness. Hon. Abner C. Thomas. * "' eate of otir sati Couctr. st nCavTorti County of N»^ York. '-\u25a0' '"' . : Surrogates' of October, in the rear of ocr U EeaM one thcisa".l r!r.» : -An*}. aagg ' DANIEL.J. POWDNTT. ; Clerk of the Surrogates' Cot.- SALTER & STEINKAMP. Attorney*.*** tees. N*a l*"* Vmm\u25a0 - . Eoro=si cf " hatrar. y. Y. City. PUBLIC NOTICES. . XOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. DEPABX^ of Finance. Bureau for t»i» Collection of T>- 87 Chamber? «t (3t«««rt Buirdir.?). Masti- —lmportant nctlc^ to taxpayers.— Notice I*3 by given to all pM» whose taxes foi ths J 1910 have not been paid befors the Ist '* November of t.-*>«-** d y->«r that uaiess tS; * shall paid to •-- Re-^i-*r cf fc T *\u25a0• oSce in the Borousb ii which the P«>P*^ located, at. folio-ws: Borough of Maniiittaz Chambers St.; Bcrou?h of The Bror- Ma* Bulldlns. roraer 3d aad Tremont ay«.; . B«* of Brooklyn. Room* 2. 4. ti and V mes Buildin*: Boroueh cf Queons. ' v; " s-f-»"-£. Island Chy: Boionata of Rtrbmond. earn Hall. St. George; he *•\u25a0:\u25a0• \u25a0*-«- "*"T2,I collect upon such taxe, »o rer nJng o-^-. that day. in 3..V to the amount '^J taxes, interest at the rat- cf severs P*J J---; per annum, to be calculated fro-n t_» aw which thf sa!d laxos becairs *^ a^; viz.. Ortobcr 3. as prcvlded In SacWß»| the Charter as «men.3ed by Charter ••\u25a0»•. -*»g of tr>os. H Novomtw 1. 1910. , -.—I?* FREP. H. E. \u25a0-••:>-— -"V Reviver of PROPOSALS. _^J,§ ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL. ROCK **^B Tt!.. N.-.v. 7. 1910.— >-<,a><i priposals- =__*' licate, will received by tho ip-ri^ until 2 o'clock p. m.. r><»<-*«tnb*r .. '.4^-* furnishlnsr and lnstaltin^ an oil » t<>r r_,«>^ tern at Rock Islan.l Arsenal. S P^"^*« with plans »tc. may be ba>? upon »Ffi Ic rr^ F E. HOBB6. I.: Col.. Ord. Pep^ «- J g^' Cnmmanillnn _^^^-^m*^^^Bt LOST BANKBOO--> BANKITocTv: No. 4>- '"•\u25a0»» of the "*-•(_\u25a0 Savings Bank is missin?. Any 'tTLjbbl ii;c a claim to !t l.» hereby ahed «\u25a0 ; H S resent th» Jiame wtthln ten days. ot »• mm ha\»nK salil pasabook cancelled aa« * B one Issued. - -^^B BANKBOOK No.. SftS.*! 1 ! of ths 1" S ~^*;-B Savtnjcs Bank is r: -ssi.-.c A " v . r ,^»*B Ing a claim to it t- hereby .-aliaa " f Wg present th? same within ten .^«y«. »•. , .-B to having said passbook cancelled *=* L»»- «">n« li»«ue t l. —.^mmm^^^Kk " REMEDIES. _-M THOKtu i.ii. r*:KM\>KM ' r «icJß of ni.oou rc'M)x. nkk^ o . l * P_S -_\u25a0 bi «inhK lOMtniv- *a - V_^r=__| e«te«: re'.K-r »f once la dia/reroui^^M cr old: those deslrins pnly_flr»t^U^ •«, |W t»atment »hou!d call. Dr. PO.NJC-U^ « known ' » \u25a0• sow. 3s;h >t. Hour*- —^M JPATENTS. rf_| Xv'i^ir^.hiap patent attcrneyi-. , V^o'J^-fl invention nee.i» the ssr»i--es of Jrl3*t-B firm of Clsxt rv«mer * Co.. •*3wsa^H v*nton m,u!rW »J patenti: -^M »f rvice th*beat: price* moderate gzlL^^^M CHIROPOPISIJL^gJ DR " COOSWELL, »ur eon chiro?^-'^,^ \u25a0 . ire . has moved to more oairsjl', jts »jM - PuUdla__*s-gM - Tribun.. receKe.l at th«r tp"^ « for The TTibono received at th*ir «\u25a0 No. 13C4 Hroidway. between 3 ?^_?, rfO«*^_| nn%t» o'clock : p m Advmf*K»«» tht . (oliowtn* brunch ofiii -e» at wi^ *»^ a o'clock p ni •\u25a0<- \u25a0" 7.^ -\u25a0»*!\u25a0 Tt^ "57 West 4-M st-. between •**.*_ s "W and anj American DJstrtct T«!«^« \u25a0

-IBT DAILY TRIBU>E. NOVEMBER JUW HO MNOIES …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1910-11-15/ed-1/seq-10.pdf · ncp to th* service. Ifclemency Is to be e.hown 10 th«> \u25a0

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RNER PLOT CHANGES HANDS Lawyers TitleInsurance and Trust




6,600,000100 Droadway, sew York.

188 Montajroe Street. Brooklyn,3T5 Fulton Street. -'\u25a0maleii^


To makeyour Real Estate a vain./able and marketable assetfor yourself, your familyor heirs, insure the Tirjtwith us now.

rRKMEXT OV BRIGADIER GEN-];i;.M, Mill:-After < lifetimo in thefirm;.- Kripadi<»r Oeneral Albert ll Myer

\u25a0Raa tired from active service to-day be-ams* of '-• General llyer wan his highu-.-mu; by exceptional military efficiency. He

did not have- the advantage of West Pointtraining, but *m tered th^ army as a private

:3n October. IST-. when «niy nineteen years|o]d. Hir rise in rank was slow but steady.

nnd three years apo he was given the\u25a0< .lder straj«s of a brlgaoJer general. Gen-

i*ral Myer Is a native of Troy, N. V.. to[•which j.lacc he will reture to spend the re-•inaiiider of his days.

Th« Wai Department, on the showing

\u25a0sa*V by ihe adjutant Beneral. will adhere

t<» its potic) of anprehending deserters, and[\u25a0wIU s=e^k to impress military courts withfh". necessity of imposing qpiate punish-ment, metead of oxen isiiipr clemency on the

[theory tha* n affords \u25a0\u25a0 « ulpritan <«ppor-itutity to redeem himself.

The adjutant p^ncral «<lds: *-T.he army

S» v.ot r, reformarory for its own criminalsor 'or criminals (ram civil Bfe, and it < an-ro rf naadk ana without doinp: great dam-ncp to th* service. If clemency Is to bee.hown 10 th«> \u25a0 nvlcted deserter because ofr;is youth and lnexperien«». or for any oth^rToasnii. Jt should be shown to him after he

l^aa been WfiXod from tjbe military Ber-jvie*» and afler he has suff«rejJ some ina-

iteral part of the punishment to -which hojfejeoafßß Fi2bj«v-t<:-d by remsca of hs convic-I«Jon ani sentence."

.Adequate Punishment Recom-mended for Army Deserters.

fTrmn The Tribtme Pum&]v.ingtotl, S'O"-«dT*t "4.

FlTvrrTi DESERTICNTS LAST TKAR.--Sh his a-cjß.l report Major General F. C.AlnFv-..rr v •>- arljutant general of. the

\u25a0tnny. makes a spirited rejoinder to the.--••\u25a0 <. "who hay»» been aepertinjr that de-

ipfrtion was crttinc the better of the mlli-

tarr authorities and that this state of af-fair* aw> <s'je to sevnritv of punishment andthe practice of takinc photographs and

Tnaldnp niter print records of recruits.The adjutant general says that the deser-

tion* f.>T the last fiscal year were muchIjjuu than in any other year since Mt,an.',

J»« f,:'rlhat*>K this entirely to the policy of

ri:r=iinK fv*rydeserter and pumatdng him

•w-hen he ws apprehended.

Th« report shows that where the punisb-

moni \u25a0 has boon moderated or omitted the

*ffer! was aVtrlmentaU. Of the 4i-t men who

«na« MhaJned m sel'tlt'* after havinß be.n

tried for desertion 100 have already de.*ert<*J ainoe their trial. Of the six men who

wer**arj\Jbt-d and restore to duty wilaV.

•at aMiiifln • of any ndl four i.aye al-

feadv deserted since acquittal. LeniencynjanifesAod by a military < orrt Boward de-•*rt»rs h.iF aJniost inv:.ri.ibl;- wrought>)«mi. awl Goncra; Ainsworth • »- spedllc

lcstantes to fortify this atse.-tion. He points

*>:it that desertion **cannot bi iaet success-fully by .i dwplay of that sentimentality

that -would coddle and pamper the would-be<:e?erte»- into an observance Of his solemn

csth of *»n!i«tnient <>r that would restorethe couvicxtHi <i« s-. rf-r. whether young axi«lnhousriiless or old and depraved, with little«r iv*fiunishrnent. to a status of honor in

a Fftrvic-e and aader a fiajr upon both of

•übioJi Y.f brought diKcrcdit by bis de-rprtion."

OFFICER? TO V. \'i>> EXPLOSIVE\u25a0TEST.— A party of prominent na\"y andkermy ilftui '•'\u25a0• Washinpton to-night for9iorfolli '\u25a0• witness the higii explosive ex-

\u25a0t •. \u25a0- -••\u25a0• to which the monitor Puritan wfl!

\it*< subi'^ie'i 10-moirnw. Amosg the otS-Bl •!« «ier> Admiral Mason, chief of theB| -PHVfiJ bur^ai) of irdranw; Admiral Watt.B# U~ra>f of The naval bureau of onstruction;

fr Owners 1 Murray", chief of coast artillery.tend Colonel Bailey, of the cewst artilleryrorpf.


—States soldiers who are tak-

«rn Fick In the Philippines in future will betr-qt<vj at Bapuio. in the island of I^uzon,•wlierp th*> pove.rnment maintafna a sana-

'•Jorium. instead of being brought home. The<if..--c:i<)'- *vas reached to-daj by Secretary


REAB ADMIRAL.ARNOLD RETIRED.—Tlcar AdmiraJ Conway H. Aunold. 17. F. N..

Mas placed ur«ijithe retired list to-day. Herw.ii- born in N- w York City,and is a gcadu-

t>u- of the Naval Acadercy. Admiral ArnoldiSa pveaWenl of the naval examining and re-ttirinp; board. Illsretirement results in the: \u25a0 ranKNion of Captain Thomas B. Howard to

hhe rank at rear admiral. At prcaenl he is'in command of the fourth division of th<Atlaanfc fleet.

aaOVgJtEMTB OF T^'ARPHIPS.-The fo%»4o^"tne- movements of vesFels have l>een,a»j:or: 'i

*"Che Navy Deparunent:

ARRIVED.ftCtrv. 12. Hal Prircetcn. hi Panama. th«'

Bailey ar^3 tba Btrlngia—, at AsmapoHa**C«rr. I':.-—Tb» BailT a::d th« Strinsrham. at Nnr-

\u25a0 f'-.lic. th^ Ciia-ifr. at Coronado, OaL; tho

i 7*l!arm -*«"*\u25a0. «t Hampton Roai^.•\u25a0JT-rv. IS.

—Th» Helena, at Siuuighai.

\u25a0 OJED.SjC'-- IS \u25a0 Th^ lyonidas. from Bnubam torI Hampton Head?: th«» Tallahassee, from, "Wa6hing-T<in for Jlarr.i>ion "Road?.

flfnrr"' —

The Eaiipy .--.rd th» 6tringham. rram'Annapolis for Norfolk; the He* i from

1 Biekwan. for Shanghai.

JsAsu**nar>t >. VT. PRUUJI.I irr.Mr»r\ rublsritrPali an. r.a-.. ztcruiling station. ti*m York;to boow

iXfcF'-gT' P COG?U"EU^. oommjsslorfPfl.UPt£?**l Ass;«tar.t Pmacuti r*. M. SHOOK, fla-

tached Na-.«J U<nlt«al BdiaaS. WaahtaKtMi;to r.a---s: baapttal. Hew Tort

ia.K'7*? Clerk T. 6. VEZTCH «r»lire(D.: p'ac.d apon retirfl Ilst.{a%'..'..8!"^; • tack IE COLOORD <.r»tir<-d> <l*v-i tacbeid aa»T ysr«J. Portsmouth; to heaaa.{Tj!TTr;aETer'«< ClerV" K. A- BTCART. srr"<ni'' lo; <3ufv aattle accounts nmxy pay office, Darjr-

lj-z. Iattaaoanth.

<"iRDF:FS ISStTKD. The fOllO* nr^-Tli3i<- been issued:

ARMY.=-.-.- JOHN H. STONE. n*-flie«i florpc. from

F'vt Sain Hr^jstnri VfH~?m\ier iX>. to Fort Mr-Tntosh. vi^ Major ROBERT B GRUBBS.*rifdic»l f> Fon BH«6

ar>r- -. vnu lm A. BURVSIDE. ',Vh In-fantry, from \u25a0

—r and \a". '»••'\u25a0 -al HOS-

pita'. Hot fprinpv !" proper elation.iF2rr< L/<»uJesanT. JOHN" M K.KI>?O. Jr.. T-*iir»<l.

Oetß '- -nirh orpani7^>i militia of Arkansas..fr.zor.i Lieutenant ROGER B. «TH.TON. coast

--'•:.-, attache t« 6Uj Company. 10 Partllor.roe. l>oemb^r I.

tSjtmvt of ab**r<c*>: -\u25a0 Il^ierjtriiantSAVES QTATT>NH. "lh Infantrj-, or.». tnostri.



i There w.-. - an i::crer-^e of typhoid fever'Afceths for preater New Tork for the weekI-which ended on Saturday, a.-i compared!"with Che Bgavea for th» same time a year

I*u:o. The increase was in Brooklyn, where1Thirteen case-s terminated fatally, as• wsrainFt (>e\<n the year before. In Manhat-'lan there "was the usual decrease. For allIthe borOOgiMl there were twenty-six deaths,'

sis agafpst nineteen Inir«*. The death rat«

vras \u25a0aver, tin l«T«refl showing 1.534 for last

Iacvek. as compared with 1*383 in 1909.


SHIPWRECKERSa powerful story ofheroism at the Barne-gat life saving station





Rails are laid from the pi«>r to the fac-tory and the most improved mechanicalappliances for lisrhterin^ are installed. ItIholds perhaps as strong a position as any iwater front property on the East River,jand is excellently adapted for any manu- jfacturing: business where Phlppinp facilitiesare needed. Mor« than 255 feet of riparianrights go with the property.

BAY RIDGE LOTS IN DEMAND.Three sales of property in tbei Bay Ridge

section at considerations acKTeKatlns: SIS9-.-7.» were closed last week by WilliamIjHemmle. One of the sales affected tenthree. story store and flathouses facing theblock front east Bide of Third avenue, be-tv.e.-Ti 75th and 76th streets, which Mr.Laemmle sold for Caspar Iba to an investor.The other sales were thirteen lots on the,

fust side of Third avenue, between 71st and72d streets, for H. Schwanewede to abuilder, who will «-.rect next spring fourstory stores and flats, and for the BayRidg«' Development Company 22 by 100 feeton the bo itl Bt corner of Third avenueand 73d street, and a lot adjoining in thestreet, 20 by 100 feet, to P. J. Carlin, whohae broken ground for stores and apart-ments accommodating ten families.


On Saturday Joseph P. Day Kold at auc-|tion 100 lots for the Columbia Real EstateICompany at I>?onia Terrace. L<eonla, N. J.,

lat prices ranging from $4<X) to $600 a lot.jAmong »he buycre were R. 11. Reid, "W. I*l,e«ger. illlajnZm. Drummond. William P.Ricbirds, Alfred Hurtig, I>. .1. Ccover. Au-gust V!lz and Charles Hagelberg.

TRADING ON STATEN ISLAND.Th« Cuozzo & G*4?liajio Company has

sold for the St. George Realty and Con-struction Coiiipany the following lots atFingerboard T*rra<-e, Grasmere, Sta.tenlelai.d: Block 1. lots 1. 2. 11. 12. 13. 14, 15,

16 and 17. block 2. lots l. 2. 9. 10. 32 and 33;block 2. lots l, 2. 7 and >\u25a0; block 5, lots 4.5, 13. 21. 22. 33 and 34.

BIG LONG ISLAND TRACT SOLD.It was reported in reaJ estate circles y#-s-

terday that William Cooper Procter, of Cin-cinnati, had purchased nine hundred acresot land bordering on Shinnecock Bay. InSuffolk County, for f1.000,000. Tbe deal.It is said, baa no connaetlan with the six


Old MiJJmg Plant Fronting on EastRiver To Be Sold To-day.

The strong demand for water front, dorkand factory properly in N*«w York Cityshould be expressed In the sale to-day by.loseph P. Day, at the Vesey street 'ex-chane« sale^ronm. of th«* Heeker-Jones-Jewe.ll milling plant, st Fulton street andthe Fia=t River, Brooklyn, adjoining theJersey City annex and the Martin Stores.It consists of oik six story, one two Ptoryand two one story brick buildings, with atwo story covered pter. The. property hasa frontage of 66.7 f*>et on Furman street«nd about 10) feet on Fulton Ftrert a.nd isBtrongly built.

Another Lower Broadway Store AlsoReported Leased to Indiana Concern.Frederick Fox & Co. have leased for the

ftfarmac Construction Company the seventhand eighth lofts, containing more than 12.-000 square feet of space, in the new twelvestory building nov/ in course of construc-tion at No. 191 to r4r4 West 22d street, tothe Columbia Button Works and D. Salts-ttiHn &- Co.; also, for the Number TwentyWest Seventeenth Street Company, the sec-ond and eighth lofts in the new buildingjust completed by l! at No. 28 West 17thstreet to Pinas, Kimmel & Dorf ajid X.Salpeer; and for the I>ordi & E>e RespinsConstruction Company the fourth and


eighth lofts In the. n«"\v twelve story build-ing, just completed lyit. at Nos. S and 10West 13th street, to tnc Imperial r>re<=s jCompany and the Crescent Manufacturing iCompany, and for Gerstendorf Bros. thetop loft at Nos. 232 and 234 East 43d streetto the R. c. Heather Company.

The Charles P. Noyes Company and Den-zer Bros, have leased the store and base-ment at No. -)12 Broadway, through toCortlandt Alloy, to the Columbian Enamel-ling and Stamping Company, of Terre iHaute, 7n«i The premises will be occupied jas an office and salesroom by the leasingcompany.

kouls Bchrag and Henry Brady haveleasM the bouse N-t. 432 West 22d street toAr.nie Cameron, for a tf>rm of years.


An announcement «-as made yesterday byihe rjnited States Etealty and Improvement

Company that \V. H. Ctiesebrough. vice-president of that company, had tenderedhis resisnatfon as vice-president at the laMcommittee meeting and bad asked that itshould be accepted Jn view of the necessityhe felt of jriviiiKmore time to his ownpersonal affairs than his active duties asvice-president of the, company permitted.The committee refused 10 accept lfr.Chesebrough's resignation as vice-presi-dent, but in view of his earnest desire to

<ievoto mon time to bis personal businessaffairs consented to relieve him of a<-tiv-»duties on the understanding that he wouldremain as vice-president without active,<:i;ti<s. but as an adviser and member ofthe board of directors. Appropriate resolu-tions were passed by the committee com-mending the valuable services rendered byMr. Chesebroush to ti;.'- company.

Mr. Chesebrough has consented to remainas president of the Alliance Kealty Com-pany, in which the United States Realtyand Improvement Company has an interest,and it i>- understood that Clarke G. DaileyIs to become vice-president of the AllianceRealty Company.

Harry \.. To;>luz boM a plot of six lotaon the north si.i. <<f Cathedral Parkrvay,IT" fe<>t w.-st r.t the junction of I^nox andSt. Nicholas avenues. The buyer will erect

a large apartment house on the site.The plot has a frontase of 150 feet and a

depth, of 70.11 feet, facins Central Park.Th<> property to the •\u25a0\u25a0ast. Including th«block front ins on St. Nicholas and Lenoxavenues, is owned by J. Sorjreant Cram.

The Seymoui Realty Company, acting, Itis understood, Cor Urn National <'loak andSuit '"ompany, bougM from Ida Lohrmannand Xosephtne <"!ark the northwest cornerof Seventh avenue and "4th street, a fourstory building, on a lot 22.3x7S feet. Thebuyers now own the entire block front onSeventh avenue, between 24th and 25thstreets the other parcels having been ac-quired at various times since the first ofthis year. [xtuis Schrag wa« the broker inthr- transaction.

Tt was eroete,i in IMS by the RutlandRealty Company <->n .1 plot acquired fromthe Metropolitan Roalty Company. L». A.

GoUstone. arcliitect for the house, esti-mated its cost at $100,000.

An Investor boiight from th« I'onunon-wealth Mort?;ag<> Company the L»yndon

Arms. \u25a0 six story elevator apartmenthouse, on a plot 7."\S'-. feet.- at No. 524 Riv-

ersido Drive. TJl? house was formerly

known as tiif Verbnique, and is iocatert at

about E2stn str.»t.

Realty buyers -.vere active yesterday In

many residential hix! business <IlPtrict?. In

th«"> upper "West Side a modern apartmenthoys<» anrJ a Ms vacant plot rhanped

bands, and in lower Beventta avenue a fine

corner parcel wrm* .sold.

IN THE AUCTION MARKET.The following transactions were recorded

yesterday at the Real Eptat^> "Exchangepal '?rr.orn, Kos. 14 and 16 Vesey Ptrept;

By Joseph P. Pay.

]<V,r> ST. 44f<. t> B, 27<5 ft' « of Amsterdamaye, 37.f5x112.f1:; 6 sty fiat; sold to the plaintifffor, $38,721: also

Ifi3r> ST. 458. n F, T.12 ft o of Amsterdamf>T-c. 57.6x112.f1; 6 Bty flat; sold to the plain-tiff for *S*.7CM

RECORDED LEASES.(V.-lth name and nddres.= of lesf.ee.>


AYE A. 264. store, «r; Henry -T Kahr tr>Samuel Baohsrirk: 5 yrs from Nov 1. 1010; S4SO;address. 264 AyeA.

BROADWAT. s « cor 43<J st., sth floor; Broad-way and Forty-third Ptreet Building' <"o to'"Jeorge, H Cohan and Samuel H Harris andFrark R Ta.t<?;10 yrs from May 1. Is>W; $7,750:

nddress. the Kenllworth, 7,'th s» and CentralPark West.

PBOSPECT AYR, TOT. storA and banfinrat:Otto Gilcher to Paul Marlier: 6 yrs from Deo 1,l»10; $1,200 to fl,3?0; addre^e, 707 Prcppe« ay«.

2l"> AVB. 1610, north half of store; CharlesHammel, exr. to MU-hael Gutting; 5 yrs from

Dec 1. 1910; $600; address, 1610 2<i aye.

g4TH ST. 213 East; George Brown to -To>i°rtby McQuack; 15 yrs from Oct 1, 1910; taxes, etc, '$f<H>; address. 213 East ,14th Bt.

f.OTH ST, 807 Weirt: Cbar> s O My«r*V)Deli*Relllv;3 \ts from Oct 1. IfXX»; $1,182; address.

307 West JiOth st.

64TH ST, 213 -in<j 215 East. L.t. floor; Loretta.X Di?ken to R'<h>irf| Schmidt: 4 yrt 9 mos from;July 1, 1310; $1,140; address. 213 East 64th st.

j RECORDED TRANSFERS.rWitli nar'ie and address of purchaser.)


MANHATTAN.INTERIOR LOT at C 1 blk b«> SSth and

6&th sts. 2Ti5 ft c of Lexington avw. runs c 51.0 vaW


—to beg^, sore, Serena Rhinelar.der to

Julius J Dukas; b ana f. April 30. 1907; $1; ad-ct'ss- 16 East 96ta st

JONES ST. s s. 7».» ft w of 4th Pt. 2T,x100 2:Mlrhl A Rofano to Michael H Murphy (mtg120.000); Nov 1; $100; address. 123 Cherry st.

MADISON AVB, IGT.. 4 sty brk. 24.8x100; 95thst. 7.1 Wf>«, 4 f>ty brk. 18x100.*; Front st. 56, 5pty brk. n w cor Cuyler's Alley. 18.7x84x lrreg:also personal r-r.ip«Tty, stocks, bonds, etc; trustdeed: Eliz M Cro*by to Louisa L Llndley andFie.derick V 8 Crosby, tnistt-eb; Jan 27. 10O4; re-recorded from Jan 28, 1904; Jl; address. 120liroadway.

PARK AYE. IIKi. 3 sty brk. 18x88.6; Su»s.n-rah W Ftornhoeft to Alfred C Bachman (mts?$12,000); N .v 11; $l<)0; address. 2<is West 121stst.

SAME PROPERTY: Alfred r- Bachman toTheodora T Elliman (mtg $12,000); Nov 11; $10<>.aodress. 177 East 71st st.

SPRING ST. 206. 5 sty brk. 25x100; GaetanoMurchesinl to Wat erford \V Smith; H p«rt; alltitle:Nov 10; $1; address. 520 Went 114th st.

WASHINGTON ST. n c. cor Horatio st, 18.lrreK: Washington et. c s. 24.2 ft n of HoratioPt. 18.1 xIrrt-K; Newton (.'onstruction Co to Chas.O Baese trii'K J85,00O>; Nov 10; $100; address.Si'jSt Nicholas avo.

IST AYE, 2252. 5 sty brk. 25.7x94; AmeriranBonding- (A.to Eiizabeth A Brown Cmtfr $17,000);b and 6; ail liens; Oct 31; fl;address. 121 StNli-h avt-.

7TH AYE, n w oor 24th st. 22.5x75.2; IdaI/ihrman and ano to Qeyiuuur Realty Cr> (tnttr$52,500); Nov »; l> and \u25a0; flOO; address, 25Broad St.

4TH ST. n c cor Jane st. 29.2xT7.5x irres:Robert H Phlllins to Pit-ire E Gucrin (fatg *10._<XK)>; Sen- 14; $1; addrese, 23 Jane at.

STH ST. n c. 24.3 ft w of Aye P. 21x7R: Leo-pol<l Gottlifb to Herman Gottlieb (rntg $11,000);Au? 11: $100; address, 280 Broadway.

BTH ST. 371 East, 5 Btybrk. 25x83.11: CeceliaBernard to Cornelius Leventhal <mtj? $20,000);Oct 5; $100; address. 15« West 144 th Et.

KiTTIST. 231 Wt-et, r> ety brk, 25x52; 16th st.333 West, 6 sty brk, 24.10x92x lrreg; AnnetteTatrrka tr. Brelnchen "Wallach an<3 others, exrs;all liens; Sept 17; $300; address, 130 East 7&thst.

I»TH ST. 37 Ea*t. 3 Bty brk, 20xf12; MinnieA Blancharrl to Chelsea Realty Co (mtg $25,000);Nov 10; $100; addresst 135 Broadway.

22D ST, s s. 404.2 ft \u25a0 c of 7th aye. 20.10 x298.9; Arco Realty Co to Mayer Sauerbach; allliene; Nov 12: $100;, address, 42 Broadway.23D ST. 236 East, IBty brk, 20.1O*98.&: 23d

et. 234 East. 20.10x98.9. 3 «y brk; Cornelia AJohnson to Martin Rothschild (mtg $12,000);$100; address. 622 V.'est 112 th St.

27TH ST. 27 and 29 East. 28.&x24.5x lrreg,\u25a0with right tn alley 2.8 on east; M Davis Doughtyto E3diidpe T Gerry; Nov 14; $100; «u3dres», 258Broadway.

61ST ST. s s. 221 ft c of Bth aye. 17x100-5;Walter Keys, exr, to Matthew Beattie (mtgrflO.Oom. Nov 14 $28,000; address, 241 West54th Bt.

SAME PROPERTT; Anna Keys to same; q c,(}i-.w«r, etc; Nov 11; $i addreaa, same as above,

f-4TH BT. 113 East. 4 sty brk.. 17.3x100.6;



VliPt &\u25a0 Place havepoll for various owners the property Nos. 40and 42 Kichth avonuß and Nob. Id" an.3 92 Janeftrr"-,, old bull<linjs*. fronting 45..". feet on Kighth.

avenu» and 11.",..", feet on Jane street.I"TH STREET Duross Company has sold

for tr>B O'Neill *>stat« No. 271 West 10th street,a three story bulldins. on lot 27x11.") feet.I SEVENTH A.VENUE Louis S<-hrag has «old!far Ida. Lohrmann and Josephine Clark .the

\u25a0 northwest corner of 24th street and Seventh ave-inup. a four story building:, on lot J£.3x7S feet,Ito the Seymour Rpaliy company.


K. de Forest Simmons'\u25a0 -..in for the Falk estate Xo. SI West OSthstreet, a four story and basement housp.


E. do Forest Simmons sold< fr.r W. R. Rose to William F. Hav<-mfy*r No.;U< East «i4th street, a four story house on a| p!.r>t 22x100.5 feet. This property wa« at onaitime owned by A. Xewoold Morris.


E. d<> Forest Simmons f=oldfor Jennie A. Smith Nos. 12S and 130 East<>(>th ptr<-ot. t-wo four story banement d-nrell-inc house?, each on a plot 20-6x100.5 f«*et.


—The Frown Realty Com-

pany has resold to a builder a plot of s»ix andone-half lots on tho vrest side of Merrlam ave-nue, between 170th and 171st street?. The sell-ers acquired the property from Charles J. Smltt*last September. .


P. T»»y haa re-sold for Edward H. Kelly the lot. 25x100 feet,on the west aide of Bryant avenue. 100 feet northof ."Randall avenue. In thf* Hunt's Point Estatestract.

N. J. HOTEL CHANGES HANDS.Pierre SI. Clear lias sold for the Ham-

mond Hotel Company to a client the Amer-ican Hotel, at Farmingdate. N. .T. Theproperty is al the junction of the NewJersey ('Mitral and the Pennsylvania rail-roads, about eight miles north of T^ake-wood. Tho new owners inter.d to spend alarge amount in improvements.


SELLS HYDE PARK TRACT..1. Romaine Brown <S- Co. have sold for

Mary E, Lockwood, of Elmira. X. V-, atract of forty acres in Hyde Park, DutchessCocnty. The site commands broad viewsof tiie Hudson River, and will be improved

with a residence by the new owner.

The main building will be twenty-sixstorie? arid the tower nineteen stories and

about Sfi feet square, the tip of the towerbeing G2S feet above the Ptreet. or thirteenfeo? higher than the Pinper Building. Theparae architectural features of the front ofthe structure will be carried out 011 thefour sides, there bring no blank walls, adeparture unusual in commercial buildings.

Oth^r features include a swimming pool inthe basement, with showers, and it is pos-sible iliat there willbe a gymnasium.

The plans have been revised several times.Mr "Woolworth wanting more than a mere

building, and it is estimated that the. pro-

posed structure will cost about $5,000,000.The prround. formirp the. base was accumu-lated recently at a cost of about $2.<XH).000.

space on the southerly and westerly endsbeing subsequently purchased to preservethe light of the lower floors. Plans for thefoundation, which are to he carried to bed-rock, were filed last week, the cost being

estimated at $500,000.

Plans Accepted for Structure of That

Height for Park Place.The. Broadway and Park Plare Company.

F. w. Woohvorth. prepident. has accepter!

the plans of Cass Gilbert for a forty-five

story building, the upper nineteen floors ofwhich are to be. in the form of a tower

considerably larger in area than the Metro-politan Tower, which is the tallest. Tf theplans ar*> «arried out. ilie Becond tallests-kysn-aper in the world will he built at thesouthwest corner of Park Place and Broad-way.


hundrpd acre purchase in whl<'h Mr. Proc-

ter was involved about t^vn years wo be-tween Shhutecock Bay an<i Monta.uk Point.


AM>TRKr).\M AYE. n \u25a0 cor M)th st KX'xlOO:Woth*rm..,,,i Plaatar Mills ,Ino> aKt College of,Physicians and Suncaous an.l trusi>e/>» of Co~li-mbta ''..iU-g,. owners- Rob--»

* Pfeffer. rcntractors : ;,ih..r & M."..hin. nub-contractor,;$1,017 2»5. \u0084-

,.KBISS PL, D 1 cor Bronx B,.u£vard. 102 x102,8; William Bulkin aKt Oeorpe R«IS!>. owner:Henry Jaeger, contractor; $4iK'.

BLBMKRB PL 7-..0 to/ 7W, Michaal C"*nis last H0,,,., Stre.-t Realty Co, owner and con-tractor; *44i>

I«TH BT, 114 n,i IW Ks*t. Atlantic T»rra.


>Tarv J Oarneau to Thoma -I Couran and ano:$16,000. „

Manhattan Mortsaga Co to Francis .T Egan;

$4,500.William J Scully and ano, executors, to Simon

Sichler: $1.Abraham Kisenstein to Charles LWeJker; SIOO.Henry Wiener. trustee, t,-> Henry Wiener;

$18,000.Jacob Sternsteln and ano to I/na Stern-

stetn: $1.,T All* Townsend to Edvrin S Townsend;

$3,500Fritz HarLz and ano to Michael J Sullivan;

$4,500.Metropolitan Tru*t Co to Title Gaarantee and

Trust Co; $8,000.jLawrence Degnan to Joseph Te«ka; $100TruM Co of America to Map.ha.ttan Mortgage

Co: $1.Manhattan Mortgage Co to Guaranteed Mnrt-

gage Co; $54,000Joseph Cohen to Charlea l.uriow?; 2 assts;

$100.Title Guarantee nnd Trust Co to Sigmond

Lehman ot al. executors; 2 assts: $29,500.Same to Harold W Benedict; $5.500.Same to Edward A Xlv; $35,(X)0.Jamt-8 Elßar. 2d, t.-> Margaret Blgar: $«.00<>.Cbaxlna Schneldi rman to Abraham H fara-

sohn; $2.f«00.John M Hardy to Hvmnn E Coe: $11,000.Morris R Stang 10 Max Horck; $100.Mary Glascheim to Jennie Goldstein: $8,000.John C>n«mnr.n to Kate Dcubert:' $28,f>00.MHrie Stetter t.> Madeline Siotter; $(WW.

Chelsea Heitlty <v> tv William V Clare ajid

no: $2,400.Annie McGoMrick to Mary C McCauiclicy;

$1,800.Morrla Cooper to Valeric r* Cooper: $XTitle Guarantee and Truft Co to Bvllo O

Bemhelmer et al, exns $22,000.Bame to Klla .V Tiemann: -JIO.OOO.Jennie m Brattle to Henrj' A this: *1(»O.Michael ,1 Sullivan to Herman Wllbko: $4.-

OOCUawvern Tin,. Insurance nnd Trust Co to

Lawyer* Mortraga 1 0-

4 ass>t»: total, *i"»i.o.^o.Cornolia Q chapin to Lawyer! Tntls Insur-

ance and Tm«t Co: $00,000.Francis Hoffman to William Rankln; $100.M«rta Uerliart to Lovia B Kink; *i; „Lawyers MortgaK" CO to JaMnS* R Roose-

velt, jr; $18."00.Matnflde Reltermeyrr el u>. •«.«- to EJlza-

neth A Fncan; $23,198

Sn";.9SHO: »rtlr» .bond;.

ns abOT*.U Barry to

sa "1" ?K40: adir^ss. name ns al^-ve.


WesM2d^ Ol?'n: •*©: attorns. .1 Krrrll!fin- »

Una 2K anl tv p*A N-^

MINFORD PU w P ,-U ft nof 172 dst. 33xWjlT-T

Mc- f P*r h-nd ,pr,or VnV*si- ,-Tr-aa*ial'> Realty Co t.> Michael J Bulll»»«:iM

- < N»: address. 34.1 East 141 st.PARK VIEW pk n w \u25a0 37.",* ft " »f IfK>th

„\u25a0 -f!X(°: Nov II;Fordham R««ity Co to'"r

crt? «" MortKa«f> Co: $7,500; a-l'-ross. 55 U^>=AMK PROPERTY (prior mtfl Ho.4»)i_^* j

errm "*,**P"r n!: f

"n"'" '" WllHaW D Cam-err»": 1.2(i0; a.'<lr^s . 24 7S Psuli View pi-

stkphfns AVK. «• \u25a0 17-. ft n of O'Brien atra,•?""^.Hx irr.,-. No, 10. sVt? :,v. Pf cent.Pagq.iaie Contl and ,ano to WlUJam F '^^"t Bloomfield. c«mn.; $000; attorney. Whalen

•nunn. 20r, Broadway.o,T^ VIX)R AVK c s. 2.V> ft = r>f Columbus aye.2.,x100;Kov 12- 3 ym 5% p*r rent: MariettaI>isenza t-> Andrew' Xebel;$3,500; address. l-'->•vi aye.

_TINTON .WE. w s 308.0 f. n »f Wl«« st -.

4i..Xxl.Vi (prior mtc ?::?O.Kt,; Xov 14 3 jri*.6P^r^''ent: G<-orKe Rosenweiß to Ttl«« Frank:\u2666».'»»\u25ba; address, 7.57 Prospect aye.

WASHINGTON AYE. s w cor Tremont ave-14.t,x:i1.S irr.R: Xov 14: .-. T9 H«n«nl HSmith to wtiiu.iir: Rose $12.(00 address, WWest Mst st.

WALTON AVK. n w cor l«3d st. KxJ** 8̂*invir: xOv 12. 2 yrs, -".'•• pei •\u25a0••\u25a0.:. Emllj S andMargaret A Jackson to Amerkan Mcrtga» '\u25a0•$24.<t«Mi; address. 31 Nassau si

151ST ST. 2'.»2 East 25x118.5; Xov it due a^rr bond; Antonio Capo to Title Guarantee nn>iTrust Co; $3,000; address, 176 Broadwa;

SAME PROPERTY <prtoi mtg $::.(MHi»: Nov14, 2 yrs. (1 per cent; same to Eleanora C Haus-ler; $1,000; address. 300 rnion st. Brooklyn.

1-'-M> ST, 1 c cor tfelrose aye. 20x1H.4 (priormtg $2".0(>r.,; n,-vv 14:

,yr; Henry Krnse to

George Ehret; $2,000; address, 1107 Park aye.

157 TH ST, 9 w s. 15') ft n w of Courtlandlaye, 50x219.3; Nov 14 2 yrs; Marearot Rodneyto Annie Oilrs; $2,500 address 238 Gcnese* st,Utica, N Y.

I^3D ST. n \u25a0 pft.? ft v: of Wa.-hinKton aye.4 lots, each 35x100 (4 mtfts. each $22,000): No*6. 5 yrs; John Rendall to Bronx Boron** Ban*;

$88,000; address, -140 Tirmont aye East.

SATISFIED MORTGAGES.fV.-irh name and address or lender's attorney-)


BOWERY 2!t2. •"> sty bfk. 22.6x78.1x15 lxW.11:Peb 14. 1908: Meyer Meyer an.l Wolt Saort anal->Hnk R^senstein to Isldor M Kempner; »-..«J<»;attorney, X Kl"in. 2."« Broadway

3D ST. n s. 275 ft w of 2d ay«. 87x25x3.3x25*83.»x50; July .'•:«». 1907; BJrdle V S^hlesinger tjEdward Kates; $3,000; attorney, A S Hasaj-. •»>Wall st.

OTll AVB 1111,ic ror 9th si. 7 sly brk. 77 •>x20.2x77.7x23.H: Jan 20. l«tt: Emma Edinstnnt<> Joseph C l^-vi. trustee; $20,000; attorney, J C

L^vi. .'!7 Liberty bi

HTl£ ST. 823 to 681 Bast, 6 stj brk. HR.3x75:Oct 17. li*0»; Abraham Goldschlag and ano to

Martha W Welll; $"..".<»<>; attorneys, Kantrowitz

& Esberg. 320 Broadway.

171ST ST s s. 150 ft from s c co» 11th aye.

25x85: July S>. 1904; John C Koopman and anoto William V Simpson; $300; addr««e, 41 I'ark


BRYAXT AYE, 1520. 25x100: Marcli 81, l»J0;Wilfred G Southern and ano to Kathan Hirsn;$2."HH't; attorney. David C Myers, 257 Broadway.

BELMOXT AVK. c .-.-. 104.3 ft n of Kapt I^l^t

st. 153.11x23.4x156.10x23.6: Nov S, 1006: Angelo

De Gatldenzl to Cfesare Pianisani: $-.i<*>. attor-neys, Bergman A Davis, :t2l!> 3d aye.

CLJNTON AVK,c s. -J»;4.4 fi n of East 181stKt. 145.2Z6&1: Xov 11. 1909; Samuel Geller and

ano to Charles H Baechler; $4,800; address, ll'-1

Walker aye.

SA.MB PROPKRTY; April \u25a0'\u25a0. 10(U>; sam- to

fam»\ $4,500; address, same as above..

DAVIDSON AVK. w *.31 ftn of 177th st. »4x«o May 28 1909; John Massimino Co, a corpora-

tion, to William I Seaman; $1.05"; attorne>-s,

Speir ft Bartlett, .V- Wall st.

BAGLE: AVK, Ki_. 1S.9x100: Aug 12. T.mi7;

r'harles Pinzka an.! ano to Peter Otren and

Victor Gerhards; $2,000; attorney. Title Gviar-antee and Trust Co, 170 Broadway.

FOREST AYE, c s, 125 ft » of 165tn st.ISxlOO; Oct SI, 1894; James Croughen to

Hasthiuß E Pa^e: $J.."00; attorney, CharlesA Runk, 2:>7 Broadway.

FORDHAM i.l' a s. I.:>OJ ft c of Valentine

avH. B«.3x4oxoS.Bx4rt; Julj 13, 1909; Ida MBonton, Tenafly. X .1. to the Harlem Savins*Bunk; $Tt.OOO; aadress, 124 East 125th st.

JEROME AVK, n w enr 177 th st, 221. llx10. i.:'.x irreg; ,li;:i^7. 1905: Charles D Levinto Joseph C Uevi, irus; $15, '. address. «7Lib< rty st.

JEROME AYE, n w cor 177 th st. 105.P.X221.t1x irrec: June 7. IJWS; Leo M Klein toEsperanto Mortgage Co; $5,000; address, sameas abnvu.

J2BROME AYE. s v. cor 177th st, 137-SxIOOx104.5x105..'J: Juno 7, J P«>r. ; $7,000; Jerome aye,

n w cor 17«th st. 100x100x103.3x100; Jun«: 7,1903; $8,000; Emily <; Emanuel to Jos»r>h Cl^vi.tnis (2 mtgs>; $15,(>'»; ad>!r>-sB. same asabove.

MECHANIC ST. s tt .-. bcins most easterly

cor of lar.'-l now or late of .\nt.,ph Peeta, J.'>\137; Dec 22. 1S!»7; Bernard TSyrn^ and ano toMopes G Wrisht; $1,500; attorney, T Emory

Clocke, 2022 Boston rd.

PARK AVK. f \u25a0»• cor 157th st, li7T.S\l4.lOxK>7.0x20.2: Feb 3, 1909: John and GeorglnaRendall to Adelbert Becker: *'-.'.'«'. attorney,James Kearney, 220 Broadway.

PARK \vi:. w 5, 143. <; ft ? of iSTth s«. 10&6x5f1i105.7x38: F«>b :;. 1909; John Rendall an-! anoto Adelbert Becker; $3,300; attorney, .larn«-3Kearney, 220 Broadway.

PARK AYE, tr b 215.8 ft s of l«7th rt. 104. 5^38x103.10x36: same to saiiif: F^b 3, 1909; at-torney, Fam» as above: $3,300,

PAEK AVK,w 5. 107.8 ft S ot 187tn Bt. 114 11x36.11x6.ftx80x106.6x36; Feb 3. 1900: same tosame: attorney, same as above; $3,300.

PARK AYE. w s, 170.8 ft s or 187tn st. 1a'..7x36z104.8x36; Feb 3, 1909: same to same; attor-ney, same as above; $3,300.

PARK AYE. w 8. 251.8 ft « of I«7th ft, 103.10\u25a0x36.8x102.Hx36: same to same; attorney, sains

as ab<>ve: Feb 3, U»"s>; $3,300.ROGERS PI w BL 408-10 n of TTest<-b»«:t^r

aye. 25x72: May 2. 1910; Kat<: Freyer t.. LouisE Fink; fl.ooo. attorney, Joshua LF.vane, ."2133d aye

WHrTK PLAIX3 RD, c s. 795 ft. p. from n «oor Morris Park aye. 25x100. with rights overstrip adj, 50 ft wide; Mart* 28, 1010; PaulKkieffler to Salvatore, Fran'* and PaaqualflVasl: $500: attorney. Title Guarantee arid "lrjst

Co. 176 Broadway.

WHITE PLAIXS RD. 525 ft n from n c cfl»Morris Park av6, 23x100; White Plains rd. P.V) ftn from tie cor Morris Park av>s, runs parallel

with c s 'vvTilte Plains rd 850 to n s MorrisPark aye x c 50x n KV)y tv B0 to b^a:, bein? lot412 map section 2. Bronx View Park; April 0.is*>fl: Edward Cahlll to P'-er«« a n.l >tary <"J

Rauch: $3,000; attorney. (."has P Ilalloci. 00i>Knf.' iM>th Bt.

1«1ST ST. i! p. 150 ft c of Morris avo. 146xIRS Nov 11. 1003- Kmll Porcke and ano to

rT<sderick Dillemuth: $4,000; attorney, Jarob W

Winkier. 165 Broadway.

183 DST, n s. 75 ft " of Park aye, 25x100;Auk 12, IM<6; Michael 1 Dennott to Cnaa \BfJrian: $1,7t'0; attorneys, Merrill & Rogers. U*Broadway.

IS7TH ST. p f, S»':7 ft -w oi Park aye, 33.lf>7 ft Feb 3. 1900: John R?rdan and ano toAdelt*rt Becker; $3.50<>; attorney, James Kear-ney. 220 Broadway.

IS7TH FT. t> s. W.ll ft vr of Park aye, K3.4x107.0; Fe.b' S, 1P0O: sa.tn« to same; fN.TrOO. attor-ney, same as abov<».

387TH XT. k f. 20.2 ft w of Park av«s, 34. 4t107.0: *>b Pi. 1000. game to sam»: $3,500; attor-ney, same as above.

RECORDED MORTGAGES.(With nam<» and address of l«nder'i» attorney.)

Tnt»resf. 5 per <jent unless other statedNOVEMBER 14.lIAXHATTAX.

COLUMBUS AYE. w s, 78.1 ft n of 106th st.25-Ixloo fpflor mtg $19,000">: Nov 14: due July2.1912. 6 per cent; Louis Lowenfels to MichaalBaris, $2,000; addre«s, 504 "West SOth Bt.

MADISON" AYE. 413. n c cor 4^th st. 22x100. 4Sty brk, leasehold (prior mtar $7,000); Nov 9; de-mand, 6 per cent; l>eslc Realty Oo'to NationalReserve Bank; $15,300; addre»s, IRS Broadway.

I'ARK AYE, 116S. R sty brk. 38x88.6: Nov 11:r> m; due as per bond; Theodora F ElHman toTitle Ouaranteo and Trust Co; $15,000; address.176 Broadway.

IST AVB. c s. 4ao ft n of S4tta et. 20.4x65:Xov 14; (5 yrw, 44 p«r cent; Robert Faming toNew York Life Insurance and Trust Co; $3 500address, fi2 "Wall gt.


7TH ST. 67 East. 4 sty brk. 2r>xß2.<? <<priormt/f $22,000); Nov 14; dv» Feh 1, 1012. 6 perc*nt:Maria Berliant to Louis S Fink; $2,200'eddress. 2205 AyeG, Brooklyn.

SoTII ST, c 8. 300 ft «> of 9th, ay«, 25x98.0Vprior mtg $12,000); July 11: dvi as per bond':Bt Paul's Colored Baptist Church to Albert TScharps; $3,000; address. 178 Broadway.

4«TH ST. 22 East. 20x100.5; Nov 14- due asper bond: O«o T Stevens to Guaranty Trust Ov$55,000; address, 28 Nassau Bt.

4t)TH ST, sa, 107 ft eof ataAaan aye 21 «x100.8; Nov 14; 3 yra. 5H per cent; Chns Soleliasto Columbia Tr«?t Co; $2,500; address, 355Broadway.

%BIST ST. s s. 221 ft c of Sth aye, 17x100 8'prior mtg $10,000); Xov 34; 1 r. « per cent;

Matthew Beattle 1o Walter Keys; $10,000; at-torney. Wm IIBlain. 2T><? Broadway.C6TH FT. 60 East, 4 sty brk, 16xl00.R; Xov 14-5 yrs. 4 \i per cent; Jainee H Anderson to f"hRtmsen; $30,0fi0: attorney. lawyers Title Insup-

enre and Trust Cc. 160 Broadway.72D ST, 418 East. 5 sty brk. 20x102.2; Nov 14-o yre; Herman Drucker to Bandern H Altmayer

and ano, exrs; $18,000; address. 881 Park avo.72D XT. n 8. 4."> ft c of Lexington av*^. 18.!> x102.2; Nor 14: 5 yrs: Margaret Lumb to Emt-

grmnt Industrial Savings Bank; $12,000; address,61 Chambers 6t.

07TH ST. 3ft West, 4 sty br:c. 18x100.11; Sept7; demand. 6 per cent: Eva J Marx and ano tr»V/m E D Stokes; $11,000; attorneys, Hastings &Gleason. 358 Brnadway.

102 DST. 127 Ba«Jt. « sty brk. 37.8x100.11- Dm (prior mtg $35,0u0); Nov 11: 4 yrß. fl per cnt-Christian A Siebold to C N & S A ructionCo: $5,000; address. 1400 3th avo.

WT> ST, 52$ West, 4 sty brk. 17.6x00.11- Oct11: fl yr» Anna Jankman to Ma,bi»l McClum-s7,W»; addre«s. 358 West 65th i»t

THE BRONX.AYE A. s p. lot 1«. map new viiiaKo Jerome2cxlOO; Nov 12; due as p^r bond; Cuterlna Dl M

Ftilrann and others to Mar>' Dunn. $fl,ooo- ad-cieia. 357 West Csth st.

ADRIAN AVB. n w a. 10.1.11 ft n o of T»r-race View aye, 100xl07x trr^ff (prior mtg Sir_

000); Nrr-

10; 1yr, ft per cent; David H Hvmu'nto Anvlla Stelner; $3,000; address. 112 West 72dst.

BROOK AVK. 6 w cor 15Hth at, 44)xlf>7 «ilrrer; Nov U; due Dec 1. I01S; Utility p.qaltvCc to Ellas Aatai; $^'..000; address. is East 6,3 det.

ELTON AYE, n w e, 60 ft n of K»sth st. 50x100; Nov 11; 1 yr. S per cent. Julia MeLtun toAdelaide Brandon; $500; addreas. 2f<23 GrandConcourse.

LOT 161. map Hunfe Point E«tat«s :Nov 1- 2yrs: Karl 3alilr!lnf to Hunf» Point Flstattip.-$600; addre«», 165 Bro«d-way.

I»T 1 to 8. block 42. map land second part;p m; Nov 9; due as per bond; Wm C Si.alfllnßto Bruce-Brown Land CV>; *14V7.V\ address, 1006th ay«.

LOTS 8. 10. »A and 10A. block 40. *a.rr»- mapP m; Kov 9: due b* p«r bond; Klondike RealtyCo to ii»ai« $2,400-

LOTS 48 and 44. block 40t. «ame nanj; p m.

Henry A Robblns to Harry r Rohhlns; O-t 31;

$100; address. Southampton. ' i!.|«nd.HatU(,HOT,; addr^s. South&nipt-'- »Ha


71ST ST. 117 EMt. 4 sty*™-

roniTtl] Building.;G Frank»l and ano. esr*.

''... jifxi;n< r,- <,_

!Improvement and Investmrni t". «

75THU^T.5237 and 239 '7-fnch

101.7. nil ri&ht.-tHlr «rwj VvlT^mtlv^ As-rtrlp In re«r; the I'crnlclar^

<-$37.H1*); \

sooiatlon to Mariano T^""^»'

"d aye.rart; Nov ,0. |100. addr,^. \u25a0 \£*\^ anrt

PAMK PROPERTY wthrm Wlln tolntPreM in 7-Inch ftHp:,"I^rt»ol«; O Glor-Vin-enzo Femlcari: V' 1p jj-rlr*.tta. a* partfn,^- £ ii



-sz? iof»^ •**-* i4ni M

mit« $13,500); Nov. Ill; $l(l"l(l"- aaares».Greenwich. Torn. , „,._,liiex M TV.«t 25x102.2: mtg;

mpnt and Investment Co; N'" '•• *•"-""•drrss, 149 Cliurrh St. .

SAME PKOPFRTY- Tentral HtilldfnK. tm-

k«-l nnd nn«'. Nov 14. si'iw. \u25a0

71«=t stWTTH ST ti a KB ft « of M atra, run!" w 25.2. ne to s t« bepinnin*. r-loa^e mtp;

Winiam W Ratherfurd and ano. truMeeS^un'lerdeed of truct. to Julius .1 Dukas: May .... «i.

address. Hi Kast B<Hh st.

SAME PROPBRTT; Jullu« \u25a0' P kasHH

t(t(1Orp. rel]4

Rhlneland^r; b and s; May 2; $1; address, 14\u25a0Washington Square North.

102 DST 127 rcn*t. 6 sty brk. S7.6xlO<Ul; CN*

S A <"onstrurtlon Cb to rhrl?tlnn A Stebold(mic BM.000): Nov II: *li*>;addi-ee.«. i( West

177th Kt.

111TH PT. 108 sn.l 11" F.aFt, fl sty brk. 52.100- Jsaa.- Pnlsteln fi> Senft Realty Co <int?$64,000); .ruti" 22; 510*'): mi:lrp««. 6 East llSth st.

I2IST XT. 317 nnd 31T) Kayt. R sty brk. 50x.100. ]i»; Joseph Berkowitz "t al to Henry Weissmite $42,000); Nov 1; *lft<>; addreaa, 51 Hamiltonria«-e. •

125T11 ST. n t. tO2 ft w of 2d aye. 25x09.11;

Solomon Barney to Ptephen .1.lai-kson OntK $2S.(XpOi: Sep. 10: $10f»: address, ior» I>exlnßton aye.

I?,nTH ST. n .<=. 4K> ft c cf !>>nox aye. 20x<><>.II'; t"harle« V i3oopo| to Kannle .1 Goepel: alttit an:l b and k; Xov 7. $10f>; aijilrr?!;. .11 West130th st.

IS2D ST. n s. 100 ft tr nf Amsterdam aye. 2fsx99.11: estate of Asher Simon to Mar\- A Thorn-ton a c; Xov 10; .*1; addres?, 30 White PlainsI^ad.

SAME PROPERTT: Jacob C Hnrris et al to\u25a0tune; <j c: Xov ir>: $1: aiMress, yam? a= above.


ADRIAN AVK. n w «\u25a0. 10fi.ll ft n c of TerraceVi>w aye. 100x197. 11x Irre^; Alice M Tillenthaland ano to r>^vi<l H Hyman fmtg |15,000>; Xov10: SIOO. ad.ireis. 067 Madi*on ay».

niiACKEN AYE, w s. 4?>7 5> ft •" ef Kinps-bride-* id. 2rixl«»0: Mat'i'la F Aroru^n to l:ayLewis; '-i part imtß $12." t; Nov 12: SI; address.401 Gold st. Brooklyn.

BRACKEN AYE, w b. «45.0 ft c of Kin»rs-bridß<» r<l, 60x100, Edenwaid; Jacob Shapiroto Enoch Levy;

'"part; all title and all

|Hens; Nov 11. $1.

i SAME PROPERTY; .ToB<?r-h V>lx 10 same;nil ritlo and all lior*; Xov 11; v. part (mtg$475>; «1. aJ<]r<=-ss. 15.11 2d aye.

CROTONA PARKWAT. c r. -,7<V4 ft s of177 th Bt. 27.5x10. ': I>enis F Coyl* to Churrhof St Thomas Ao,uinns itniß $3.000>; Xov 11;$100: address. 1000 Crotona Parkway.

IAI.T AYE. m«iO. 2.*.Jt4<!.0; Philip Cahtli toJohn Qulnn (rr.tsr $3,506 74); $100; address.211 K?st lOlrt st.

I.OTS Or, to OS. map Putr.hess I,an.] < n. Ben-son eßt?te at Tliro^'a Keck: Jessie G Sadlerto Stephen B Ayres (mtsr $I.4i><">): 1-6 part:Oct 27; $100: address. 112R Broadway.

LOTS 4." and 44. blk 40. Bruce-Brown I>and<"*o to Johanna T^ Barrj": Xov f>, $100; address.&42 Castle Hill aye.

t.OTS .'\u25a0.•; to r>B. blh 40. same map: Ram" toEsther Armstrong; $160; aadress, 57 West117th st.

I.OT 3f>. same blk. fnm« map: same. toClarence T P.ogers: Xov f>; $100; a.3.iress, 4.'i9West 123 dst.

LOTS 1. 2 and •". blk 42. Sam« map: nam»>to W'.lliam C Spaldlnsr: Xov 0; $100; address,Freeport, Lonjf I:;Iaj-.ri.

LOTS ft. OA. 10. 10A. blk 40. name, map;sane to Klondike ReaJty Co; Nov 0; $100; ad-dress, 2944 3d aye.

LOT 2fl, map 144 C. of 297 lots r.wnAd byparty first part; Hunt's Point Estates toUtilityRealty Co; b and s: Nov 1; $100; ad-dress, ICS BroaJway.

LOTS 71 and 72. same map; same to same;b and s; Nov 1; $100.

LOT Ifll.same map: rame to JCar! Schwirl-Ing; b an.l c; Xov 1: $100; address. 1981 La-fontaine aye.

LOTK 28 and 20, blk 4<X also lots 28A and29 map Bruce-Brown Land Co; Bru'-e-Brov.-n Land "o to Josephine Reinhardf; Xov9; ?100, addrPFD. 1341 Franklin aye.

LOT 67. map Village of Jerome-: John T>lMatttn to Caterina 1)1 M SaJzano et al (rntßS7.000); Xov 12; $100; address, 643 Hollandaye.

LOT 1<». same map; same to same <rrttar<T7,000>; Xov 12: $100; addrvas. sajne oa above,I.OT 115, map T>aconla Park; MaT Coh»net al to ftffchele Tolve and ano; Nov 12; $100-addreES, Garnervilla. N T.PAR< VIEW PL. n -w s. 375.P ft s of IBOth

«t. 55x70: William D Cameron «t al to Ford-bam Realty Co fmtf J2.9.50) :Xov 10. $100;ad.lresy. 2.*>Ss Sed^wick aye.

BTEPHEXS AYE. r s. 175 fr n of CTRiier.a\-e. 6<)-89.11x lrrej?; William F CHeasoa to Pas-quale Conti and Pellifrrino Moranto; Nov 10-$100: address. High Falls. N T.

TINTON AYE. w s, 30.« ft nof 101st s(41.3x135x irrep; Tillle Frank tn Goorjre Rop»n'•^elgr fTT.tr; $32,000); Nov 14: $100; address. 23East 124th st.

VTPE AYE. 1147. 20*100: j,ia Hillmann Ufirm of L C "Whit id. a corpri fmtif 15,000);Nov 14; $r.o<): address. IS "U'est 135 th Ftl

VAX NEST AYE. a a. 117.1 ft w of Unionportroad. 45x100: Gusts Krev to Augustus OarefF«Jr (mtg $3,500); b and s; No-

-9. SI; address 302

:Moshoiu Parkway South.VANNEST AYE. s r. 1X7.1 ft w of CTntonport

m. 45x100. Barbara Qariesa to Custave Frev(tntg $3,500): Xov 7. $1: address. SBS Irvine at.o»^15 j:>ER AYE. eb, 325 ft nof KaTlda!i aye.25x100. Edenwald; William Schradin and ano toSusanna Mar-Elwaln-; al] Meme; Nov 12: $1- ad-dress, 345 P«nator st. Bay Ridge. Brooklyn.

SAMK PROPERTY: Susanna MacßlwatiM toMaryPchrariin; all l!»n ;Nov 12. $1; address onpremises.

167 TH ST, n k. 14f> ft w of Prospect r». 4«t125: Bertie X Hadwa* to Fred R Holbert Ontjr$87,500); Oct 31; $1; address. Hancock. NT.

IS-"?D PT; n s, 124.7 ft w of Washington ay»50x100: James O'Connell to William C B-?reen(m*g $6,000); June. 13; 1907; ad'lreg.=. <597 East162 dst.

SA^IE PROPERTT: William r R rK»n ti>.Tohn Rende.ll fmtg:

—); $100; address, Sf)7 East

162 dst.

IS3D ST. n s. 9P.7 ft rr of Washington av\25x100. John J Mahony to Kame; June- 26; $1.IS3DST, n s, 174.7 ft v.- of WB«Mn^tonWB«Mn^ton aye100x100; C Adalbert Becker to same: May 1«-$1; address, 897 Bast 162." Ft.



PABX VIEW PL. n w s, S7S.B ft 9 af Wot?i:st. BBxiO: Corporate Mortgage Co l.ians FordhamRealty Co $7.5i>0.

loSTH ST. n s, 125 ft « of Brr>adway, lOOxW.ll; Lawyers Title Insurance a.rd TTi»-it Coloans Melvin Realty Co $100,000.

PROSPECT AYE. c R. 414.1 ft s of IKUh st75.4x107.7x Jrrejc; same l.iana FYindman <••-structlon Co fl'Wono.

120TTI ST. SS and .127 East; sam« loans cam«


Forty \u25a0•' Bike Cops" May Be Sent Backto "Pounding the Pavement."

Ifcertain suspicions In tho mind of Dep-uty Commissioner Driscoll have any merit,ir looks like a lon* term at "pavementpounding" in the rural districts for fortybicycle patrolmen. The deputy thinks thata number of vandals, who destroyed fifteeniron cots and a number of blankets beKmg-ing to the national Ruard In the West 30thstreet station hoUs. recently wer* recruit-ed from the marked fortyIfthere is anythmK a' "bike oop" hates

worse than having his pay delayed Itis to|be forced to si.«.p in a atatll)n nou Foryears the rHeq have lorded it over theirlens fortunate brethren n foot. Theyhay« eight hour shifts and gat all sleepttma at their homes. But th» expressdrivers strike changed the order of things,a.-, men were neede (i badly, and the t.Kycllsuwere for.-d to Mayon reserve.

*Jh C°TmOdate ih( overflow at the wm..Oth street StaMon a tvw days a *o «>tsand blanks re rrow<>d from nationalguard,mentß,mentB -

The noxt mommß th<j

T c TT*., Und to b" of no furthr,r valU(i

VVher, M 1* UerP "•' lo^er blankets.

decided th Prl9CnllP rl9Cnll heard ot thP affalr h«tiaue at batb

a th° \u25a0'.\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0* in a spirit ofored rleht hfd eprived °f their time h°-

the cttv by SSoVou ht tt. get reven«" onJ u*<'ng themselves bedlesa.


ET>IZ.A.BETK ST. \u25a0»- *. 75 ft » c-f <VRml St.40x94. Washington Trnst Company cf the Cityof X^w Tork a«t M=»ry Fuchs »x. al (foredoaursof mt?); attorney. W M Pott-ell.

FOREST AYE, B w <-r>r ISSth st. 100x57.6:Standard Damp Proofing- and Roofinj Co agrt

William F Robrig Co (not!c« of lex-y); attorney,5 Green baum.

SILVER ST. n n. ISO ft *«r of "Main st. If>ox102: Wllliaaa H Beam et aJ asrt G<sorjc» H Klir-itott et al (foreclosure of mttr>; attorney. jTheall.

2*_'7TH ST. n s, 1."<5 ft c of Barnes avu, ZSxH4: Henrietta Mittnacht aj?t Katharina Maschoe.t al (foreclosure of mtg); attorney, C Schwlclc.

7.'.TH ST. S3l East; Max RuMI a«t Lottie HT«fm et al /foreolosur* of mtg>; attorneys. M R6 t» W miniiwiliml

MORRIS ST. n a, X1 fr. •* of Washicsrtonnve, 18-6*l*l l"-"it;I><vit» Joseph agt JosephC LThomas et al •f'-re'-losun* of mtg); attorney,IISwain.

I('l>T ST. IPS to 102 Y.ewt: Jutftia Ty»vr- ajrt

Martin M r,no.lman et al (foreclosure, of mtgi.torneys. Coapa* & Baer.BTH AYE. w s. 4».ll ft s of 13?th st, 25x100:

I^onoro Tanner net Pavid S Kalraan at aj(foreclosure of mtK); attorneys. Lindsay, Kalish,& Palmer.

CONCORD AVK. » v cr>r Lexlartorx st. 150x100. The Bronx; Albert N Crow ajr. JwVwl TStaples «t al <ainend«d foreclosure of tntg); at-torney. W B MeNiece.

PROSPECT AYE, « w cor ISOth st. frt.^x100.2: Freehold Construction Co ajrt RaphaelKurzrok et Bi <speciflc p-rfi>rmanrc> . attorneys,Shapiro & Levy.

GREENWICH PT, ««. 130 ft nof Canal <.44xf10. Liquidation Realization Corporation ajrt»wtown Construction Co et ai «forecrosur» ofmtg>: attorney. IIBLeary.

BIRMINGHAMST. 2: Birmingham «t. c s. V>ft s of Henry st. RSxfiSx lrreg; Pophi« BtoOsS'H*t I>ewis Knilewltch (action to oomp«l cancslla^Uon 3f mtjt>; attorney. S Bltterman.


THE BRONX•>'»4TM ST \u25a0 a. "41 *>ft ft •* of Paui.Mns: ay»;

2 «y frame" dwlk.^r:.".; Deleo & Bevaciucia«49 B*s;le av-. owners: Georsre P Crosier .-.dst and Wlilte Plains aye, architect; cost, *...

OtX>.NTI.SUN AVK. \u25a0•-.• s. 3.'>O ft n of Brandt. pU

5 sty brk tenmt. BtaßT.3; T^nfstafT & Bajch-man, 16911 Nelson ay . <.wn*rs. I.io- d IPnyte,

.\u25a0.:.•.• Aatlersoti aye. architect; cost, $30.(K>0.

COSTER ST. 5; 4 sty trk dwlsr, 2.1x73.3:Henry i^owenthaJ, t2*6 sth aye. o»-ner; B L.

Kills."113" Broadway, architect; cost, 55.<>» VWALKS AYE. n o cor lf.lst st; four 1 3TT

brk stores and dwIRS, 45x00 and 4&iS7; al-^e

Aveono Corstructlon Co, 230 Grand st. wm>r;

,-har!,.? B. Me>ors, IUnion Square, architect;cost, $34.000.

BROOK AVK, w s. 9«.n ft s of 16?th 8t:r> sty hrk tenmt, 70x7^; Normal Construction.Co flfti Tinton aye. owrer; Chaxles B Meyers.1 i'nlna Square, architect: rrmU 550.000.

KROOK AVK. s c cor l..fth st; twt> t »ty

brj. s«on?s and dwlgs. 34.4x7S and 40x34;

Gruenstein & Ma-. CSrt Grand st, nrwners;

rharles B Maryera, 1 Union square, architect;cost, $:^.o<:m(.


F«">X ST. w S) 154 ft s of lfl7tTi st: two 5

sty brlc tenmts. 37.6x58; Reliable <"r>nsttvi'-tlonCo. T Wolf. 1128 T'nion aye. president, ow»i«»r;

Goldner & Goldberg. 7<>4 .larkson aye. archi-tects: cost. $7"..000.

BRYANT AYE. II •«- eef Freeman st; 5 sty

brk tenmt. t"\r»O. Clover Construction Co,

I^&dor Robinson. 13« Broadway, president.owner: Goldner *- C»oHb*rgr, 704 Jackson ava,nrcliltects: c"St. .So">.000.

Cotta ro a jft Eecond Avenue Office Buildlas Co.uwaai. Bliss Jk Griffith, contractors: $2,000.

7TM AYE, n c cor 24th st. '\u25a0>"\*'>. »am* ««tsame; 112,500.

AICDRSWB AYE. 22f»2 and 2IIH; TwMwM* CWood a^t .To«i>=fi!r.!n<- C nils? and CoDtaa F BIL«*.owners; Ri:s!> <t Orifflths. \u25a0"•ntrartors; $«» 70.

ifiTH ST. 114 and 116 Kast: sam» srt >»rond ,Av«ntM Office Buildlri? Co, owner; Bliss & Grlf-\u25a0

flths. contractors: J.".'»7 o«SAMK ['ROPFRTY. H'rrminn *

>rrnr- rr,

as:t same; $:•!.:..'«•

7TTI AVK.n f <- ,r 24th -t. 5T.4x79.3: «*ome|lU!».1 '"tnllaghpr «jrt Manhattan <">fHre Building Co.owner; Bttai Sc OrMMaw. eoatraetav*; $722 TA

I«TH ST. 114 ar<l 11« Kurt; Russell & ErwlnMfg Co agt Second Manhattan Office Ruildlnr<:o. ownrr; Blt»s .*.- f.Tlfnthr. contractors: S-'V

SAIIR PROPERTY; Nations! Fire pn»hn«Co ust Second Manhattan Office Building •C.owner; BHm &• «'.rlfllths. rontrartors; tl-WJ"*

SAME PROPERTY; John .1.^.11s Iron Works.Inc. aj?t rWnjnili Manhattan <ifTi.-o Building Co.

own*r. Bliss <<•. OrUßtaa, contractors; 9aVawß7TH AYE. n <\u25a0\u25a0 <«r 24th st. <V1.11x79.2; ,7am«l

X D»ltton (iK Manhattan Office J<ijildl.-.(? CC.ownvr. Bliss & (irifTlfhs. contractors; |6SO.

AIJDUBON AYE. s <\u25a0 -n. 177 th «t. IOOxIOO;Kahn &\u25a0 Malkin Co a«t Height* Town Construc-tion Co an.l l/ouis ••m, uwnon* and rontrJo-tors: ? H"1

BROOK AYE, 4-->!»: Hn'rWlts .t- PlnkelstelnIron Works act H >»ni!. owner; Goldstein Bra.contractor*; |2K

WlTir ST. •;_' »nd »U K3=t PVo«k» Kncln«» Cornrt Jacob Ph*nk. owner an.i contractor <re-n wal): 5607.V

217TN ST. s s. VK*ft c of VTaita Mains Rnod.2£xlOO; OrirTi!, R'ofinj; CO act James Butler.Itf. owner; Gustai \u25a0 SchnaMt. Jr. contractor;|SBS

7TH AVK. Ntn t <nr 24th «t. S7t7J>; Ibafwl D«'-row'i gotta agi Second Manhattan OflV* Buii<J-

Ing Co. owner; BUM & i;riJT.ths, contractors;J»,238 10.

s\MK PROPERTY; H tt PaaaaVa P<ms a«l!First Manhattan O0V« Bulldinc Cn.- ManhattanOffice HtilMinj; Co. Second Manhattan OKl<-«»iBuilding Co. owner?; BH i & '.-ifTuhs. coiv-

itractors; J4..MJO.15TH ST. 1U and lirt Ka*t; \'atir.r.al £*£»\u25a0:

prooflni! •""->s.T S"..'i,d Vanhattan '.irTic- Build-

ing Co. own r; Bliss &l GritTith?, contractors;

51.24833.WASHINGTON AVK. c s. I«*> ft \u25a0 «*f 2J

Pt. .\u25a0.!\u25ba<::>". Barnard Kupferman agrt Jsaapk foi-<low, owner and contractor; $4*5.1.

|«TH ST. m and IMEast; D—fjrJ H^rner

«>t al azt Second Manhattan Offl.e nulldmtc O.

owner; Bliss & GrHßtna, contractors: $I.4t>»>.

LOXGWOOD AVK. ?>74; Harry Moltzer art|mU 1' Bernstein, o«r>-r and contractor: ->ji-.

IST AVK. n w cor 4fh St. 28x100; Staudincee

&- 'Refsbert? aRt Aueust WtMi, iwnai; besisez—ifcr & Harrington, contractors; 522T».1



r.2--.:Ortental Ftrspioof Sash anri Poor <• agt

Ony* Realty Co el al: -luly 6. lf»l»: fl-.f1-.-SAME PROPKRTY; Savoy Glass Co ar- »axn^;

July 8, li»lO; J.V4OJSAME PROPERTY; Josepll Maurice agt same;

July '\u25a0: 11*10: $1.20 aS\M!: PROPERTY: Jarob Zimmerman agt

same; a>:k 8L 191O; $i,lt-'SAMK PROPBRTTj Alfre-1 RUchings «gt

same; July 16, 1910; $<i'"^

SVMK PROPBRTT; Bron Marhl* Works agt

same: July -\u25a0-•, it<io; $i.;540.SV>n-: PROPKKTI; William Blum^nauer agt

sa'nif*: ruiy 14.''>10 s: '-'7 \u25a0"\u25a0"

SAME) PROPKRTY; John F Mason agt aarn*;

July 13. 1910; •\u25a0i;-:i7 2t».

SAMB PROPERTT; Hubener & Escher a«tsame; July 7. J&10: SB.M&

-\^f!;PROPERTY :Bonyer 4. Simon ast same:July 18, 1H10; Jl.'lT.-..


150 fi n of BornsWe ay*; rr»dert<-k Persth agt

Trcm»nt Temple Conpr«>Kation '-a'"B or Mercy!el al; l>ec 31. 1909; $14T».

SAMB PROPKRTY; Peter Borelli agt same;

Dec is. 1000: $1.20<>.SAME PROPKRTY; Tasar & Katz aart sam«;

Dec ir>. 19i"J: $3,100.

SAME PROPERTT; Church X- Gutes & Co.

Ast same: Dec l's VJoQ:*4nl 17.

•»°l> ST 1"> Ww»t; Abner P Blarlow• et al

a^tlfentor Realty Co el al; Au? 24, l^tO tva-

cated); $4.">W. \u0084-„».

iityi\tai\T \VK w p. IS*> ft n °*'«s^«

« Ma£T JnT R.fr.^rat.r Co »* ValentineConstruction Co. Juno 16, ll>10; $30«>.



An Investor New Owns the Lyndon Arms, a Six Story ElevatorApartment, in Riverside Drive, Near 125th Street.


Geo. R. Read &Go,REAL ESTATE

H«t<j Office. 60 Üb«rtT St.. near B'*,,Branrh; 3 East --.ih >f .

JLjjJX. RR*T-ESTATT-f*-~jyU>mAjuay 31 Va««au Street.



\u25a0r>-m \u25a0• 200 aere3 over all tenc'S.*™irwijr houj>«. r:»r runs through c?r.rr;:. 4^irailroad ar.fi station at w»st «nd; rr.a:-<-Mr \u0084.

!hardwood timber; wtl] b«11 cheap new titc^!during the tourist s*a*cn. For pr'!--'i!i»»(Itr> H. H. STEBBIXG. San DI*S9. '"V. C]Route 2. Bw 154- \u25a0

\u25a0• .


A WATBRTROTT SCBtTI -:T>Ectlal sit* or unlqw villa pint **aoH|'

*lght city Jots in bw* part o' Orsai-*r s«York. Mus" b.» bt-1.1 imm«»'llaT«rlr »' halt Tt-Jto autek buyer. Hx'-fpttonal npj>ortßmt7»>n» rpQirtrtafl location for beautiful jverrnc^ihor.w amirt picturesque Ktnerjr and ailmowImyrovfrn nts. within waa-v T>rr.rv]!i-i£*?tance. QUICK TTON B«* -!' Trib'is.TJjflee. *\u25a0*'\u25a0 j

»CKIM.HH I) I tejiNear d»pot. Bu'.ldins lot? on <?'">-fr, Sc^:yards. $10 down, balance $2--v> p*r -"••nth. V;

our plan th« in!>ralrr<" \u25a0'\u25a0•<• ar<? tak»n -jn \u25a0

by us and you can own th<» lit f">r tls» criSJnaJ paym-nt of S!<v W; it" '-r *re« r»5.-»stickets. W. C. REETEd .< CO.. I-*Zing:Str»»». Manhattan. %

CITY nwntn. HHIjI(K> -V *7TH ST 1 thr»<» story "nd «•«\u25a0

r>rrunjiton» r»ald«»nre. with all modern "Til—rn«»nt*. is nfT«"-»>.i for salfi ch»ap. Opgnrfti -Myjwtion 8 "jrt:!Io'clock. "'\u25a0": Ij


On» mile unobstructed river frontage: 30 =cJhcrn residence" near completion. Addrea jßj

PHTT.IPSE V.\yr.R CO.. pPhlllpse Manor. N>» To-fr. m


Property Always PmIIf prop* rl, tnanaged. If your* i» •,- piyl-liSom^thirur Is ri.n: R>-su;:s Guarant«»d*Bond Given.


FHII.IP A- PAVTO.V -IR. rOMi'WV \»ir \ork'"» Moneer Sezrn Real F*tate \]n^


APPRAISER*. JH7 vc«t 1 tth *>t.. V V. T»i. Har!-^


Brokers and Dealers in Mortgages I128 BroaJu a> . cor. Cedar \u25a0


on Hudson propt-rty. rear New York. L*era iterm*. N. C. Box 17. Trtivir.*OSc». fj


The Cleveland 1124-130 East 24th *t. jj

Unfurnished apartments of S> rooms, v=*closets. »t.-. Call between 10 and 3. 1

MVA.WANOA. 10S-107 Ea*t 13U* «tI3 and .5 K/vom-- an<l P-\th. *tO tn jr-i1


of th^ State of New York, by th» •>«»\u25a0God. Free ar.d lirJ»p-R.ient -T» ElizikflFrincke. Margaret.-, Streull. Madeira* s±=*K-r. "WUhelmina. Rohr. E!i:a;

- -''-"^Dcra Miller. Philip C. Sefamenser. - •Schmengor. Philip Rohr. Eiri! T. Rshr. E»D. Rohr. Edward J. Rchr. Kar? RoSr. Ritb»Bohr, Henry Rohr. Otto Rol \u25a0 Dora ScbssrwET;izab«ta Schmenger. Arna K. T. Miller, fljhelrr.ina A. E. J»t»ett. Louis vr. M!lier. WlaSA Minor. Loaise Rauch. Chr!«ti-a L. SLS|asd Joseph C. M!ll«r. ar<l to »'per«c=j \u25a0\u25a0est«9d in the Estate of John Philip " "•"•«?late of the County of New York. d;ceis«ij!f*creditors. I°ira:e»9. c.6 . of kin or *"r*r\u25a0end sreetiny: *:.

Tou and each <jf vti ar* h»reb? cltrf a^i"4<;ulred personally to be s.n.i appear -fbw '£*Surrogste cf tha County of X*w York. K9\f*irrogates* Court of said Cbunry. fc»M «•Hall of Records, in th* County of Nsw \q£on th« 18th day of De<>?Tr.b«r. 1910. at h»2-*™ten o'clock in the forei of tha: 3ri^»and there to att»nd a ':•!-/»! w.i -ra^nt<<^Xaccount of proceeding of Her.ry I'J*.^BHenrj- Schneider, as Tm:»«. t '»• t!^-J?Will and Testament of «aM d»ce3?*i: saJ Kff-of you as ar« h»r-^'

-cited, a* »r» Js*jl

aga of twenty-one v»ars, ar- required to «:?*-

by your aruardtan. 1* yon hay» one. cr ifr«!Jnone, to appear end ar- for cv.9 ta t*pointed, or In th«» e^ent of y.-nr Te?srt_3lfailure to do '\u25a0>. > guardian Trt], be a??g-»by this auiToga'-e to represent ani act is:rpIn the proceeding. .M

la testimony -whereof w« tiari '"vJiSeat of Om Surrogates' Court •:" (i«Mid«^ty of New York to >• hwranto aff!«d. J|

Witness. Hon. Abner C. Thomas. * "'eate of otir sati Couctr. st

nCavTorti County of N»^ York. '-\u25a0''"' .:

Surrogates' of October, in the rear of ocr U

EeaM one thcisa".l r!r.» : -An*}.aagg 'DANIEL.J. POWDNTT. ;

Clerk of the Surrogates' Cot.-SALTER & STEINKAMP. Attorney*.***

tees. N*a l*"* Vmm \u25a0- . Eoro=si cf "

hatrar. y. Y. City.



of Finance. Bureau for t»i» Collection of T>-

87 Chamber? «t (3t«««rt Buirdir.?). Masti-—lmportant nctlc^ to taxpayers.— Notice I*3

by given to all pM» whose taxes foi ths J1910 have not been paid befors the Ist '*November of t.-*>«-**d y->«r that uaiess tS; *shall b« paid to

•-- Re-^i-*r cffc

T *\u25a0•

oSce in the Borousb ii which the P«>P*^located, at. folio-ws: Borough of ManiiittazChambers St.; Bcrou?h of The Bror- Ma*Bulldlns. roraer 3d aad Tremont ay«.;. B«*

of Brooklyn. Room* 2. 4. ti and V mesBuildin*: Boroueh cf Queons.

' v;"s-f-»"-£.Island Chy: Boionata of Rtrbmond. earnHall. St. George; he *•\u25a0:\u25a0• \u25a0*-«- "*"T2,Icollect upon such taxe, »o rer nJng o-^-.that day. in 3..V

—to the amount '^J

taxes, interest at the rat- cf severs P*J J---;per annum, to be calculated fro-n t_» aw

which thf sa!d laxos becairs *^a^;viz.. Ortobcr 3. as prcvlded In SacWß»|the Charter as «men.3ed by Charter ••\u25a0»•. -*»gof tr>os. H

Novomtw 1. 1910. ,-.—I?*FREP. H. E. \u25a0-••:>-—-"V Reviver of


Tt!.. N.-.v. 7. 1910.— >-<,a><i priposals- =__*'licate, will b« received by tho ip-ri^until 2 o'clock p. m.. r><»<-*«tnb*r .. '.4^-*furnishlnsr and lnstaltin^ an oil » t<>rr_,«>^tern at Rock Islan.l Arsenal. SP^"^*«with plans »tc. may be ba>? upon »FfiIcrr^F E. HOBB6. I.: Col.. Ord. Pep^ «- J g^'Cnmmanillnn _^^^-^m*^^^Bt

LOST BANKBOO-->BANKITocTv: No. 4>- '"•\u25a0»» of the "*-•(_\u25a0

Savings Bank is missin?. Any 'tTLjbblii;c a claim to !t l.» hereby ahed «\u25a0 ;H

Sresent th» Jiame wtthln ten days. ot »• mmha\»nK salil pasabook cancelled aa« *

Bone Issued.


BANKBOOK No.. SftS.*!1!of ths 1" S~^*;-BSavtnjcs Bank is r:-ssi.-.c A

"v.r,^»*BIng a claim to it t- hereby .-aliaa• "

f Wgpresent th? same within ten .^«y«. »•.,.-Bto having said passbook cancelled *=*

L»»-«">n« li»«ue tl. —.^mmm^^^Kk


REMEDIES. _-MTHOKtu i.ii. r*:KM\>KM 'r «icJß

of ni.oou rc'M)x. nkk^ o.l*P_S -_\u25a0bi «inhK lOMtniv- *a - V_^r=__|e«te«: re'.K-r »f once la dia/reroui^^Mcr old: those deslrins pnly_flr»t^U^ •«,|Wt»atment »hou!d call. Dr. PO.NJC-U^ «known .»

'» \u25a0• sow. 3s;h >t. Hour*- —^M


Xv'i^ir^.hiap patent attcrneyi-.,V^o'J^-flinvention nee.i» the ssr»i--es ofJrl3*t-B

firm of Clsxt rv«mer * Co.. •*3wsa^Hv*nton m,u!rW »Jpatenti: -^M»frvice th*beat: price* moderate gzlL^^^M


"COOSWELL, »ur eon chiro?^-'^,^ \u25a0.ire. has moved to more oairsjl', •

jts»jM -PuUdla__*s-gM -

Tribun.. receKe.l at th«r tp"^«for The TTibono received at th*ir «\u25a0

No. 13C4 Hroidway. between 3?^_?, rfO«*^_|nn%t» o'clock:p m Advmf*K»«»tht. (oliowtn* brunch ofiii-e» at wi^ *»^a o'clock p ni •\u25a0<- \u25a0" 7.^ -\u25a0»*!\u25a0

Tt^ "57 West 4-M st-. between •**.*_s S» "W

and anj American DJstrtct T«!«^« \u25a0