= ·. . "Here ahall the hell the P80!\lea' Bights m&hltaiD, •• Unawed by b!uonco u4 lt7 Gabl, Established in 1833.J A BUSINESS SKETCH OF A. BCSINFS:s hL..\N. 1Y e copy tbe following sketch of the life of n very cxtrnordin:ll'Y m(l.D, from nneditorinl in the New York Sun :- 11 As an illustration of business tact nod talent, we mny point t-0 the career of .Professol' H LLO \VA.V, the proprietor of the m:Os.t populur medicines of the age. '.l'he rise nnd progress of this extrnordinnry m1U1 have hnd oo pnrallol during the present century. He has Yisirod nearly every Court in Europe, o.nd obtained permission for the sale ol' his preparations from most of the crowned huad11 of tho Ohl World. The Queens · f Spnin nnd Portugo.1, tho Kiugs of Noplo11 nod &r- didia, granted him.nudicnccs ; an.I in St. Petersburgh which city be visite<l n short tiwe before tl \e co1u- rucncen, ent of the war, he was' trtntcd \Vith marked co nsideration by the lato Czar nnd 1:1c nobility. '' Tro,·elliog in nn elegant priv:Lto carriage, c. tten. <led by a courier, his equip:igc uttroetod nttcntion in the towns and tll•·ough which ho p11Ssed. The l 1o tcls where Ito lo•l :;:?d were besieged by' persons t ho first 1li ·tinction: nnd the on the co:i- tincot his ncquaint:inco. ,. •: Tho sul)jcct o( these r emarks is unquestionn"ily mnn, and his sldll nnd enterprise bnve pla'i;ed hi :.i far in n l\·anco of a ll his nnd in t hu samo profcssio.i. Ila ,;b\nds nlone ; nnJ the fa ct that Le can ma.intain his bi,...'t 0 positfon, Jcspito tho in tt?rcstod assnults of on \fy nml presumption, proves tlaa.t !tis medicines havo nn in- trinsic value, whkh tho world understands uod uppre. ciat-0s. 1 " The sums expcoded in ruh·ertising by Professor floll oway would be incredible if they were not nu· tbenticated by bl.a books. His po.yment9 to tho pre111 range f'rom $150,000 to $200,000 per annum. Thero iiJ no printed bopge in whiob his do no& appear. " The mmification or bis bnaine11 estend from the f.>Oll point-bis ,vut eatabliabmon' io the Strand, London-<>ter t '•e whole race or Ute eetb. 0 Tbiaatnordinary IDAll i1 no in this coantr - .. ill lltM tily. Tbe '' Ttibooe!" iD a jcm triba&e to bi• mntcble11enterprise,111ye, that haring like Alcnnclcr, aubcluod the Old World, he ia now lo con- quer the Neio. Professor Ilollowuy bu not been tempted thither by a tbint for gatin-for bia wealth ia aafticient to mtisfy the most u( ,rttnll wbrsbipper of roammon- but by a p'•ilanthropic desire to extend the benefit o: his medicines among n people wlJoso eshnracter b.o ad- mires E'verybody is, of c..'Ourse, noxious to see the grct1test lldvcrti.scr in the world. In 1\ 'fery sho1·G tiLUo the American r eputation of Hollor: 11y's Pilla a.id Holloways Oiotu,cnt wi 1 rhnl their Europeal'\ lo.me .' 1 of llJc 1Uoil. ST. · Jo uN , ' MoNDAv, . SEPTEMBEB . . l equipoise or ls to eo:y· far · nb' · worb a that Russia shorld be to miiln&.;n1 ·.a•tone.C-.'66 one to llae- 1 d1Mt ,t . !ti his in the Blook Sen the ff&Dle fleet and the 8""'.3 fortifi. hopett RN oherUhed tha& a&ta6t cnl.ioni which abe po&1eweci at fie once more' bi pn d\e redoaatile l16ilil• .... ..,,,,. P\)rmitting Turk •y w incrcMO ber furce 1h•d Corti&- ..... U.p ua a1, we l!Wof the 1m '°' : je;" •MM to no equipoise, nnd Fnn-:e an4 England to . ...... , ..... 1ntro<luco also a naval force, wi&ti naml R&atlons, u.t , ad'& tfe ,w.-..--.;:il4 which would enahle them tu hotel ihe boJanoe.- Gell Glf ·· O.C,i 'Vfu1t \\'U8 this but an H armecl tfaOe" tloli "'1 itiia standing re. uJy :or a to bW '1 ¥ent.cd only l>y the Woecern nid works Li which 1'0Dhl .. eiie• tory? T/ba\ wne .'Jhia bu' payers to pay the Pr.ic-. of bwitaii •;,1 _... m the Black &..aa' [he or ..... that France Rnd Etti lAn<t won·c1 tireofthe 'rirtwben .. 'lhO quiet shonld Md t! .. ,t &U911& WOOl'd then poiitll iolri, and fi · fiC!!Wltllllf gi> _on wi th her uudenoining process aa •19fore. Mr. aocolllta re i]'1 $ Lung, of course, b!Ul tho of Yr. Gladltoue, Md Uiistea b1 ani1 i. la Qaatfirl who eulogibCd the heroisrn uC the Balliau soldier,. regimente, and !f1' die nunoWOfan mteeW 'i11e ('nveromen& or llltlOTer thrc.ucne<l l·i -. C01.nb'y wi'11 being unable to quell lul exp.."CltLion mnn lCofiaii' to •di pt,.ce, tio 1 'oG8 1'9\'0b .... ,.tioa tile thnt und1\ltnted heru, aodaccusod mi'liat··rs, tbrou•r'1 k1Jowl wb6n, amd . npinn what point ict equilll1 ously g.:ve *<> his in IMS; lY ·w j?u111als, of Rusai:Mi ir\t.elligeace scure. A:ddod r.<> \his, we get 9f 11ew b&ftel'- muob oredw:n• tile time, IJ.lm(IQirJii t" Ho wont 80 6\r 811 to l\CCUSO tho iea being ejhbt.ed which are apeo'8(1 will St'baGe tfie 'l·ARll share or Gennan conre,, ion. fhe IIaQo of not printing that despatch by Count Ru.ssil\n &re-then we team tba &he R'tissian . guuw .t· 10 aUomp& play &boru 4t which WM descrihed h the Jool"lal De$ nro b:>avier and ootter adapted iO lilence out.: '\vhile time •bp,Burtwtburgou have to D t:iKU3, but whi1.:b now osse1·ted by R11sai11.n tl 10 , occ1i.,i 11nal notice of the praence of oat thc.ir govornr.t:m that now is tho to givo to have been n fnbricatioo, tbo foot bein,... ,,hat an onomv the cboleru only serves to heigh. en the ·con- tut 11Jfl to all the Ge1:111uo statoll nccofdiog to " Wild puhlisued in tho LOndoo , fu .. ion of ideas cau'sod by such contro,dict.ory 1.S48; tho of hinting JOllrnals, :\"Id ti111t the dJSpatch does not exist. ' fho rne.1' s. But the worsa mntter or all is that " tlu\t it the pro1>9r Op)Ortu·11ty, QI tho Woatom into a persoo.U nttack RoS!li;' ns thc.:mselves are derhing rar greater ndvnn· p<>\fers tho o'('Ce&si ty or Ger- OD Sh- W 1llmm for decliring tl11\t there tage ll'OUl dela1. thnn ml pi>SSi!lly rinny &gJ1nst eocronch1.1ents :tOSS11L. haul boon 'a •. CO. JIJinntion" ip tha Honso or can. Their ba.ve 1t is 5 ud swollen From 80 e letlc.r lntcly found m 1he possession or on the famo us 'J.'u rkish loan dcb.tte for ·' tho to 170 000 m0'1 while to Oen Genc':'tll Elis, it n;-ipo.1rs tba.t Russi.i. has been .instr•i· '!'he. WllS -for in Jnst pu.'>Jis'1ed, they nre i:eceiring fo tl10 U:O\lbll!.S in S'eain: . in the nbsenc:> of re real IlouQe or Commons' to J'll\terial, &c., from the northom ai4o of $0•lilstopol • , t '!'bo ' OOOU..tU!SlOnl> appointed to Sn.itch ': fah3 vote tf•e n-ntl' tu• eren in quantities. thnn hi hertO, nod nt the .. COl\Juct of tho ;' ol:oe occns1on Of the. provent it C4rry ng on the war thnt tho Ens;lish iluae time nre not on)y the old defences deinoostrauons 10. thmr s1t- d:.!'-1: ·"'. Ancf . Lut euctinti new ones. S}>f'cul.irnon is• at fault under tings week, h:w 111.'t .. a largo num· . p:irty anJ n <•f the Con<;ei.'Vnlivr i>llrty, · '"it a suc.1 circllnisumces, and one ruus' be conto: 1 t to be? o more t.ban \)0 havwg been Called bJ the uli\tlo;to.1:> party. 'l'ho object WM" nefu• im•i ." n •;ui & pnti_sntly c:rn cour-se of events. As,regtu· tJir iho . . . ' there . •· CQ.mbioation" and Sir Willi i>.1n ,\c ual news from the Bl'my of t]e ntllGs it· &im'[lly 1 Mr . M. r .. llaaoes, Pre.;1deot ?f the \\'Ol'tb suiu Ill lll0\ '0, .Af'tor t fll:1b\>IO the IDO• StlltCS tha\I: thC SllpS CODtine to be foo'\'i lurd,' n lll"d )'iJtl!d1' 1 \\m \b'} Mj,ustry. of 8 rot '1eroon, u t'ia.t ti e Ho\1so' rio now that 1 hnt of French ogains ' tlao 1 1foli\k61fia 1 0 hl$ l :i rob';18t to wns 1\ffi!med: debate not being nJ- so closo th :'\. ti 0 the ,r 01 king i'tics lo ennb!o lmli. O dLSol1nrgo oF J.tot•on oocame a '' drovpcd plentiful supplies of hand gaoades ,'9 hell s from coboroi1 Pres1d2n't ot tl 1 10 Poo! I.Al.w· Board, Wl&h order:· nnd t '' brusheunside. nod li ut :,hilt. in ap ioo or this, they piu:h for- the "lumerous. and 1mP.Ortnnt Luin:fl'f conduct h;ts heen attemvted t-0 be ex- ward :;.iUuudy. Ouro- .... ·n aeon .. soi:dvirncod UJ>o.) the }>Bl'llilmens1uy reprcsci.tu.tivo of a borAQgb. ... d hy ·' th at !·o hn.s 'recently Leen no as tho our ally. hut still have ' mnde " pr9grcss. hko' !Ards. -.. : • •. a .. to \ \rbere be wu.s k"l to expect to ob- '!.'wo are to h:we bee!\ completed, and hhs f\t res. olved on the . , t. 1 ? 0 "c.:onccs.,1on of ce r .. f.omburd nnd Venetian pnncipal one in front of Frcnchmnn'a il ill, ia fitted ?f the an ItalWl one on hi"!t ly fi\Vourn .ble terms · nnd where 1il o wi th n very powcrf'!l nrmuwent, embrnhlng SQV.lr.\l ts lrkom ':> sau<l to rruscd.m Sarainm: · ,, been l' •urtod by 'u pentons of dis- lan e! nnd sea fJOl vico 13 inch ml.)rtr.rs. , , &me now. have Willi now episode in of .At tho c\l.mp a belier was nbrood that . nn cxpedi- . war by Ulpt. Dssnoy •• 1ii.uon1o a1us "-een a nmde by TArJ Jo:rn trnn w 1 ui u.bout to tru<e .lln c r.nd wns preptu·iog, th,• . naturo . ol the J'lveot •o!' 1s thnt of n shell,_ which !tuasell on tl 1 e of Italy. Whnt ciin h.. ve the its precise naturo acarcllly kcown-to !Joar out -this n flu!d thnt oo with air fur tbe•!ntu Secretory fo\" thC\ dolunios at surwi 0 it is stntcd t'iat M.immense nuuibor of ., di n'nyth1_ng to barn 1$ touchea.._. , t.ie close of .:h:l SC88l on. when every i:s preci- . vessels are collocrod :·t Kamisch-lur••e 1lh1 strute tb1s, Capi. p1"noy pound of liqwd ou f. ·r the c·msidor-.ujun and ot Lthse fo ceiaents continl!.e to urriYe. . 0 canmsa, lrnen,,tile grcss, and stone; nnd , nln;ndv ?et.)re '1(1 Uou e, to bri1i;_; fc wurt\ the 1'he repo"t"d of Gen. Simpson hils boe. 1 m. ouch case, .•t1 0.t iz_peedtlY. Bo llke- JJuhput at ull 11 C\i ncepLio"l . Bis L\)r t f1t t 1ip drew d.ccriccl by the sc:ni·ofilcinl Post. tl'- ougli 1 t the £. mo 'nse onot!1er f11:11l, wluch on 1 g'? itio!1 (spontanQOaal.Y,) a pu:tu •. _, of the sufl' d",'ngs of Italy uoJ1•r i&I prcsoot that "ill not bo surpri::ing p!oduoes n pnme ti.nit causes bliodnesa tol oll it !'r t..ie treth of which nil ooncade ; 1f he should finrl himself nnnt>t e, :. '1roug.1 ill l' :.-alth, r .. nchoa. •>Ut th111 wiu, mi:ed up c ·iti ci.nn!4 on tl1e \\'1U', and from coping for 11 p\.'..Ot.ect-Od per: 0 4 t'ir•mgh tho ir ct' :;'1u•l and r?mand· about ·he. imml'ose respon.qil>ility at- sant ln l>ours and an:tir •ti es of tho ch i ef command r. c<l,. to bail each in ¥6000, with two tachtog to the :•reaen; governrcent, o.'ld other i rre The Doily Nt1 os states, th:>t should Gt>nernl S' 1 opso 11 sUJities of £3000 enoh. .• , , - occupying t. e whole eve1iin" returu home ho will be succeeded by AlilJur-Genoral On \Vednesdny the meeting, tbi.\ was postnoncd t.Je d.l!!Cll ' _um reaulted in Lord J c1hn uiHUCl' of wl'-o has jnst jotned rro":1 tho e_revi.>u:s week_.in ortbe. ruooss t1e llc is . d : iCOnt.ented with bis posit.ion, no f om Gon. M: wk'1i\m i3 quite n cbilc" coP.lpar- De EVMs, an favour ot formnh?n of a .'" tho 11anLStry nod yet unr.''le t-0 go into ed to t ·e veterans who have recciveil np- P<?hsb took proceadiogs wol'O aomc- he hopes to keep hi1 '18Clf "l:?fore tfie public in tho Crimea, ,nnd mould D?lSy, though_ tho \VtlS Md lmngang H ooh mot:c,ns as thu.t referred to. reallv him tho comm:- .nd, it will bo 111 favour of tho ob,JeOt of tihe meolilig llnnm- hethel:ie Wiil D Ot. damogo himself by Uls absurdity olow 10 routi'1C thnt h1\3 yet bee l ndwiois- MOUSi ' Gr lS noot 11 er mti t t:l r. tered to t '.lat . Rwkwllfd uucl obtrnsiro c1istomcr . The 1 ·Ml business of the Jlouse has been th<\ voting MarkhRl'n is only 47 of age. t1uppfe.. 1011tal estitoAte., which, insi.el\d of being ,consequently considero!>l y younger t.:1 ,m most of ihe (To thl Editor of the Patriot.) l1v. 1ew taxe<J wi ,U be me f. hy exc'\ 'C!. uer ::,cncl ·llls w>lo ba\"'o been· en5 out nsyef. . • 1 Ch o of taxi 1g flrticlcs of is too G !)11erot :9· stnted to balVe declared' tlie LONDON, 11th August, 1855. i' m.101 fo11t Gove: -n''nent to l'3vert t.o this untique sen ·icc <Jf Mn;or- Go:i . Knolloy ns chi,,f of the sb\ff. ' • of nusmg o.ml. 1\fr. Glo.detones plllJl 1\ntl i ' f01 •1• 1eJ ti be Oot.Hndn iJer-in-{)bief ot t bo · · " °' Y givo pl /\co. to rcjo ici- 1 i.;t .• ti fol' hrmtcd J?81'10d , s, r. hicb mukcs the. OunrJs that he wou ld Lho nppoiotment '?f l>ne ings; for success once more <'r :.iwns our-effitrts anJ t im post less rl<'Sirou.s and bus moreover tao l\d\rnntil.!:ro fro;o J ·o i.1 \.ue C.imcn-tho choic6 foil ·viotory cn.sle hor lnure ls oo the b rO\\ a of oul' minio n. · ?f not disturbin·! Anl\tte .. 1 p wns on llarourtl. · Tho s.iccoSjj rt'f, •m' cl to i:t not the less welcome, ii :?;t- t .tbo of Lords t.1 get r i<t of tha Limited Lia.- Oen. U.1Drobert is ro l'JJ 'um to division much as it . come-.. from a. quarter '"here expected b1lity but tho i• 1u 1 0 -, ,1spond the ittnnclmg ia to l'\'? given to M. ' mid disproves tho ' (hilt w9od n wn1hs nre no order bnv1ng been the Bill wM procooded with. 'i'ho erchnngo of ptisonci'a corhinuelt. . • mntoh for ntllSO!'lry-nl lcuijt to a ccrtnin ' thi9 1 ' becc!me law, of t:, 0 fdw mcnaures Tho. flJetfs are in tlte &e, 1 of and P,l'Ql>lerp Ju s. bee.a solved .• We lrnd honrdso i o1h August, \finch have c.>eo .n forwnrrl fo : tho relief of the are .81Ud t.o hnve t\ttncl:cd Tilgi&nfOZ nu(l . Diiqj.aus!: ijom.eibU!6 - b010g •!' w!lded 10 thd Ilaltiq o( st>mt' P.Int;t (T<J tlie .Ed;tor of the Pot;iot ) . nnd stall. no news or nny tl eci- pnne ncknowledged GO be good on' agaan. wlnle •ho μ->o ;_, up 0 l' Amb.L t 13 6ce!l cotl11d o '-<:d t\nd nnd other 11119 operations either JO the Or1mc11 or tlat' l hl• ic, or, nll s d s, n detcrmllled oppnajtinn . hwt beeo mnda by to Hu'l8ittn:J 1a 1king Q8C oF it 11 1 J\' , tjia.t tho pubhc were 5!ck Wltb hope deferred, m fact, any ne\ff from abro1 L<l of pnrticular i:upn rt· a. sua'.ul cl•que to e nd eavour to preveot tt 0 F.11Sing The report. of the rn1 Jr<ler of (.ion. , Bolltoo. bJ th' nnd rcully conohufod that no,hmg \7h\\tcrar would btf anoo; under tliese oircomstarces wo must ngain lovk ; ol tins ltl uUS\l.rl!, b'u it is now snfe and the f<t .S little Bas: 1i Ba .. .ouk11 bas bcj ,, cvntrudict.4)d 1 ci0De, uoJ J(u l'n;.tal'.ing tboug' 1t would intrude nS fo nt homo :Or incidenta to form tho <it t.his Jct- T!1'0"[H 'Ct of'i s e v1•r einr• • The "Bill of lJr "T,\ roru t•·o B-' "io wo 1 e n ' o't'b '· ' l tf' 1 · 1 'he fi Jct ,\uight Ju, it \YnS from tho know· d P rli . . ll • k 1 odif . ., o, x. " ai. 'q.v mil' o nny unpor- 1 ... ,. . . · d A. ter, an " ament ag-..im nffoi-ds tl•e topic. One . ur c ey. m y1og tho \' exntious pro\iciions of the tapee; notwitllstRnClfo,... illBt ror tti'e 't :kcft: H I\.' p, p.;wcr, :ts 1rnpro, ·o 1vrmnt!on more nttempt has. beeu mlldo hy the Glivt stone pnrty fans ( l.)un<l favod' r \Yi th tr.e we have beon iu almost ibourly tis ctatio'hs i of !r, ... •.over of .•, am• ,th .... e uho1 \St disgrace \\"llto .ll to d:image ' '•e goTennn ent beli1re . the close of tlto t 'l. rt 8. -rh1s put 11,!l to ruu .:, irriti1tio11 A nd nttack on tWhicb we worr led to ll•k: uJ,>J II . tc_> Englt \Od, 8e8SlOD ; but 1 s tbnt party tnl.:es no ground in n.llinnce ni-s 1 tut100 this vexed qiAest.ion, and j, is t,c, be h •ped from letters frQ tf fl t l1i ... . · pecq ·Ima i.tsull by. more thnn the with the people, and ns it d()(>s not ru-ruy itself agn.inqt "111 pro.ve satisfactory ta. t¥l nartiea; '!'he pu >lie over, h 1t.s yet takeo Pi,.; .rrsul dcstr u.utiu:-i o( fort.s 1 anil inerch1\nt '. the faults of the government, but ag.iinst thc.oso nets nearly indebted to Mr. Berkely, for the tact judge· of Jiui\(lrodlt Ja h. 11 9 t' ' '· d' 0 But 1t hnsrcJtr1cvod itach&tndtdr,nnJ that which tho public npprot' eS, stnnda without any ment, nod pereeterarlce he iii the ma- fouRd:uion but in tbe re ne . 8 pa nny . '\\' O tthy 1113.nnoi '. 1. 1 I ' 1 support 118 usunl, in enlHog forth tho vintlication of or the bWJit>ess. . ic' mig ht ta'b plt1ce. I J EfSllO . t IO I' •nborg the second or the. Ozan s,trorighotd in i,-uv.:mmentr the attack hn."f enabled Lord Pnhnerston h·om tho Crimea there is notb"ng of "rupo tn F. th d. C6 ili ..., , .. r thi 11lf or1'ntund w. s the pomhelected for 11tL& ck, to slreogthea hilt position. l\lr. L.im"' was tlta taat Fndny the Rolll!lians !DtMie a 1 rorti 1 00 a4i .arb er '?al . the ' n'n ; r. he t <! 1egraphio reports ?rote correct, f) iwn e1JOkesmuo 1 who, on this o<.-ension, plnyed"tl.ie pnrt af r. nrioft' rood . but we're aleed wt he 1 e o- tu r a& 0 P ottiahdbcu1,1e· 11ta lW •!j at u coat td the allies wb olly insig- ::-;ir William Jleathcot.e . In substance, be mo't td R 8idc 1 \Vha&' 0}1inicm thq eree_h i9 whe!t i>1upnNd tho work \'Ute of Ql'lllQl'O OD for n ot ICC9pting the afoge ofSul1.ist0pol-aC Odd time we I d:I) th tMt oc 0 the to be Tho which liild urrh•ed in \Y('ro r f re· • a . .ff, • • • anchored 1u IJ1&t.tle arroy bcfvN Sweabori.; ou tlto 7thl .. :. "f ,,., •4 ,. V •• 'U.. ... ,.,. -" ' .J U I I ) ""' •t l .

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Page 1: collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/the_patriot/18550910no35... · = ·. . "Here ahall the hell the P80!\lea' Bights m&hltaiD, •• Unawed by b!uonco u4 .~'bribed lt7 Gabl,



. "Here ahall the hell the P80!\lea' Bights m&hltaiD, •• Unawed by b!uonco u4 .~'bribed lt7 Gabl,

Established in 1833.J


1Y e copy tbe following sketch of the life of n very cxtrnordin:ll'Y m(l.D, from nneditorinl in the New York Sun :-

11 As an illustration of business tact nod talent, we

mny point t-0 the career of .Professol' H LLO\VA.V, the

proprietor of the m:Os.t populur medicines of the age. '.l'he rise nnd progress of this extrnordinnry m1U1 have hnd oo pnrallol during the present century. He has

Yisirod nearly every Court in Europe, o.nd obtained permission for the sale ol' his preparations from most of the crowned huad11 of tho Ohl World. The Queens

· f Spnin nnd Portugo.1, tho Kiugs of Noplo11 nod &r­didia, granted him.nudicnccs ; an.I in St. Petersburgh

which city be visite<l n short tiwe before tl\e co1u-rucncen,ent of the war, he was' trtntcd \Vith marked consideration by the lato Czar nnd 1:1c nobility.

'' Tro,·elliog in nn elegant priv:Lto carriage, c.tten. <led by a courier, his equip:igc uttroetod nttcntion in the towns and ~illngcs tll•·ough which ho p11Ssed. The

l1otcls where Ito lo•l:;:?d were besieged by' persons o~ tho first 1li ·tinction: nnd the best~society on the co:i­tincot cour~eJ his ncquaint:inco.

,. •: Tho sul)jcct o( these remarks is unquestionn"ily

1:in~bitious mnn, and his sldll nnd enterprise bnve pla'i;ed hi:.i far in n l\·anco of all his i."reuc~ssors nnd ~ntemponiries in t hu samo profcssio.i. Ila ,;b\nds nlone ; nnJ the fact that Le can ma.intain his bi,...'t


positfon, Jcspito tho in tt?rcstod assnults of on\fy nml presumption, proves tlaa.t !tis medicines havo nn in­

trinsic value, whkh tho world understands uod uppre. ciat-0s.

1 " The sums expcoded in ruh·ertising by Professor flolloway would be incredible if they were not nu·

tbenticated by bl.a books. His po.yment9 to tho pre111 range f'rom $150,000 to $200,000 per annum. Thero iiJ no printed bopge in whiob his o.dvc~mcnts do no& appear.

" The mmification or bis bnaine11 estend from the f.>Oll point-bis ,vut eatabliabmon' io the Strand, London-<>ter t'•e whole race or Ute eetb.

0 Tbiaatnordinary IDAll i1 no in this coantr -.. ill lltM tily. Tbe '' Ttibooe!" iD a jcm triba&e to bi• mntcble11enterprise,111ye, that haring like Alcnnclcr, aubcluod the Old World, he ia now preparin~ lo con­quer the Neio.

Professor Ilollowuy bu not been tempted thither by a tbint for gatin-for bia wealth ia aafticient to mtisfy the most u(,rttnll wbrsbipper of roammon­but by a p'•ilanthropic desire to extend the benefit o: his medicines among n people wlJoso eshnracter b.o ad­mires E'verybody is, of c..'Ourse, noxious to see the grct1test lldvcrti.scr in the world. In 1\ 'fery sho1·G tiLUo the American reputation of Hollor:11y's Pilla a.id

Holloways Oiotu,cnt wi 1 rhnl their Europeal'\ lo.me.' 1

~niual of llJc 1Uoil.


equipoise pro~ or Aastri.-~tmt ls to eo:y·far ·nb'· worb ortri.·&lties~ao ~~qee0fuuttwe111· a <Mni.1MBew~4 ~l·eeing that Russia shorld be ~iUed to miiln&.;n1 ·.a•tone.C-.'66 tbto~.11-om one to llae-1d1Mt,t . !ti his sn':>:tfcUna~ in the Blook Sen the ff&Dle fleet and the 8""'.3 fortifi. hopett RN ~a~~ oherUhed tha& "° a&ta6t noq~ -~ cnl.ioni which abe po&1eweci at fie comna~noement. once more'bi ~ pn d\e redoaatile l16ilil• 1fltiolia~.-"" .... ..,,,,. P\)rmitting Turk •y w incrcMO ber furce 1h•d Corti&- .....U.p ua a1, we l!Wof the 1m , :.:~;UL '°':je;" •MM ~ntions to no equipoise, nnd Fnn-:e an4 England to . ~ ...... , ~ ..... 1ntro<luco also a naval force, wi&ti naml R&atlons, u.t , ad'& tfe,w.-..--.;:il4 which would enahle them tu hotel ihe boJanoe.- Gell Glf ··O.C,i ~

' Vfu1t \\'U8 this but an H armecl tfaOe" tloli "'1 itiia ";;~~11m11w1 standing re.uJy :or a ~8iM; ,ftloh.~ to bW pe;.~Mmao '1 ¥ent.cd only l>y the Woecern Powen~optioea ll~!Ellll nid works Li t~& ~tcr which 1'0Dhl .. eiie• ~ tory? T/ba\ wne .'Jhia bu' Jllm~F.agti4 ~:;~[ilbaiii•t payers to pay aonw~ the Pr.ic-. of bwitaii •;,1 _... !!II.JI~~ m the Black &..aa' [he e~tation or ..... ·~ ~ -~-· that France Rnd Etti lAn<t won·c1 tireofthe 'rirtwben ~ .. 'lhO ~i&Oli•'8lt quiet shonld con~no~. Md t! .. ,t &U911& WOOl'd then poiitll iolri, and • fi ·fiC!!Wltllllf gi> _on with her uudenoining process aa •19fore. Mr. aocolllta ~hl"8il re i]'1 $ • ~~ Lung, of course, b!Ul tho BUppor~ of Yr. Gladltoue, Md S.U'd~ Uiistea b1 ~·tEJ.~ ani1 i. la Gf~ Qaatfirl who eulogibCd the heroisrn uC the Balliau soldier,. regimente, and !f1' die nunoWOfan mteeW ~ 'i11e ('nveromen& or llltlOTer thrc.ucne<l l·i -. C01.nb'y wi'11 being unable to quell lul exp.."CltLion mnn lCofiaii' to •di pt,.ce, tio1'oG8 1'9\'0b .... ,.tioa w~ tile thnt und1\ltnted heru, aodaccusod mi'liat··rs, tbrou•r'1 k1Jowl wb6n, amd.npinn what point ict equilll1 o~ ously g.:ve *<> his ~pie in IMS; lY·w ~he j?u111als, of supp~ing Rusai:Mi ir\t.elligeace a~d scure. A:ddod r.<> \his, we get ~rta 9f 11ew b&ftel'- muob oredw:n• tile time, and~~ IJ.lm(IQirJiit" .itu~sann ~ocuments. Ho wont 80 6\r 811 to l\CCUSO tho iea being ejhbt.ed which are apeo'8(1 will St'baGe tfie 'l·ARll share or Gennan conre,, ion. fhe IIaQo jourl).'lli.:t~ of not printing that despatch by Count Ru.ssil\n &re-then we team tba &he R'tissian .guuw ~is' .t·10 aUomp& ~ play &boru Gibo~ 4t ~he~ He~lrode. which WM descrihed h the Jool"lal De$ nro b:>avier and ootter adapted iO lilence out.: '\vhile time •bp,Burtwtburgou have ro~qially re~nMKI to Dt:iKU3, but whi1.:b i~ now osse1·ted by R11sai11.n or~\n& t l10,occ1i.,i11nal notice of the praence of oat ~ thc.ir govornr.t:m that now is tho ll~ to givo ~:~ti_'-to have been n fnbricatioo, tbo foot bein,... ,,hat an onomv the cboleru only serves to heigh. en the ·con- tut11Jfl to all the Ge1:111uo statoll nccofdiog to prGIDI~ " ~cco1mt oft~ de.~pntch Wild puhlisued in tho LOndoo, fu .. ion of ideas cau'sod by such contro,dict.ory s~tb'.- rnnu~ :~ 1.S48; tho ~nplo of W~ntemb~ hinting JOllrnals, :\"Id ti111t the dJSpatch does not exist. 'fho rne.1's. But the worsa mntter or all is that ~'1e "tlu\t it I~ J~t the pro1>9r Op)Ortu·11ty, QI tho Woatom deh~.t~, ·~)\~·ever,.Aegonoroted into a persoo.U nttack RoS!li;'ns thc.:mselves are derhing rar greater ndvnn· p<>\fers pr!~ivc tho o'('Ce&sity or oonaoli~~ting Ger-OD Sh- W 1llmm :Uo\o~\vorth , for decliring tl11\t there tage ll'OUl Lhi~ un~unL·bte dela1. thnn ml pi>SSi!lly rinny &gJ1nst th~ eocronch1.1ents ~f :tOSS11L. • haul boon 'a •. CO.JIJinntion" ip tha Honso or Common~ can. Their rei11fo~comont;1 ba.ve 1t is 5 ud swollen From 80 e letlc.r lntcly found m 1he possession or on the famo us 'J.'urkish loan dcb.tte for ·' nelari"u~ tho ·~hison to 170 000 m0'1 while nccordi~g to Oen Genc':'tll Elis, it n;-ipo.1rs tba.t Russi.i. has been .instr•i· o; ~ects.,, '!'he. obi.:~ WllS nofurio~s -for ~was in Simp~n's Jnst de$~tch pu.'>Jis'1ed, they nre i:eceiring Dl~ntal fo rev~viog tl10 l1Lt~ U:O\lbll!.S in S'eain: . in the nbsenc:> of re real IlouQe or Commons' to J'll\terial, &c., from the northom ai4o of $0•lilstopol • , t'!'bo ' OOOU..tU!SlOnl> appointed to e~qwre lD~ th~ Sn.itch ': fah3 vote ~cripple tf•e ~eoutivo, n-ntl' tu• eren in gr~ter quantities. t hnn hi hertO, nod nt the .. COl\Juct of tho ;'ol:oe ~n t~e occns1on Of the. ~ta provent it ~roin C4rry ng on the war thnt tho Ens;lish iluae time nre not on)y rep'rUrin~ the old defences ~undny deinoostrauons 10. ij1dopar~ clos~ thmr s1t­p~ople d:.!'-1:·"'. Ancf ~arties di~ co1ohhe-tb~ ~\CO . Lut euctinti new ones. S}>f'cul.irnon is•at fault under tings {c~tcrday week, h:w111.'t .. exnm~ocd a largo num· . p:irty anJ n !'l~rtion <•f the Con<;ei.'Vnlivr i>llrty, · '"it a suc.1 circllnisumces, and one ruus' be conto:1t to be? o w1m~ses, more t.ban \)0 havwg been Called bJ the uli\tlo;to.1:> party. 'l'ho object WM" nefu•im•i ." n •;ui& pnti_sntly c:rn cour-se of events. As,regtu·tJir th~ iho compl~n~: . . . ' there w~ :·. •· CQ.mbioation" and Sir Willii>.1n ~Joh:~- ,\c ual news from the Bl'my of t ] e ntllGs it· &im'[lly 1 Mr . M. r .. llaaoes, Pre.;1deot ?f the P~r ~ • \\'Ol'tb suiu Ill lll0\'0, .Af'tor ~Jon" tfll:1b\>IO the IDO• StlltCS tha\I: thC SllpS CODtine to be cnr~iod' foo'\'ilurd,' n lll"d p~ )'iJtl!d1'1\\m ~ro~\ \b'} Mj,ustry. ~r. ~~ea t~>.n of ~!r· 8rot '1eroon, u t'ia.t tie Ho\1so' rio now l\m~ that 1 hnt of t'~e French ogains 'tlao 1 1foli\k61fia1 sta~s, t.~~t

0hl$ ~e.Llt.1 l :i n~t ~uffioro.ntty rob';18t to

~ ~~urn wns 1\ffi!med: nn~ ~he debate not being nJ- so closo th:'\. ti 0 Rll~iims ~eat the ,r01 king p~ i'tics lo ennb!o lmli. O dLSol1nrgo th~ ~P<?ns11:>~& ~';'tie&. oF Journc~,' ~h-.. ~mg'is J.tot•on oocame a '' drovpcd plentiful supplies of hand gaoades,'9hells from coboroi1 Pres1d2n't ot tl

110 Poo! I.Al.w· Board, 1~ CODJU~chon Wl&h

order:· nnd t '' brusheunside. nod ~rupe, liut :,hilt. in apioo or this, they piu:h for- the "lumerous. and • 1mP.Ortnnt dube~ wlHoh.devol~ ~lr. Luin:fl'f conduct h;ts heen attemvted t-0 be ex- ward :;.iUuudy. Ouro-....·n work~ aeon .. soi:dvirncod UJ>o.) the }>Bl'llilmens1uy reprcsci.tu.tivo of a borAQgb. ...

P~~ d hy ·' s.::~~mer.t that !·o hn.s 'recently Leen no as tho o~f our ally. hut still have ' mnde "pr9grcss. hko' !Ards. • -.. : • •. a ~·lllr .. to \ ica~n., \rbere be wu.s k"l to expect to ob- '!.'wo ?at~eries are ~d to h:we bee!\ completed, and ~~rn~ent hhs f\t ~a.st; res.olved on the IL~CUI . , t.1?0 "c.:onccs.,1on of cer .. ai~1 f.omburd nnd Venetian th~ pnncipal one in front of Frcnchmnn'a ilill, ia fitted ?f ~tnh.~ns m~ the For~1g11 ~egio~, .~d an ItalWl one r.ulw~\.vs on hi"!tly fi\Vourn.ble terms · nnd where 1il o with n very powcrf'!l nrmuwent, embrnhlng SQV.lr.\l ts lrkom ':> sau<l to ~ rruscd.m Sarainm: • · ,, i~e b~ been i~mon.::cly l'• •urtod by 'u pentons of dis- lane! nnd sea fJOl vico 13 inch ml.)rtr.rs. , , • &me now. e~p;mments have ~ Uio~ Willi • now i!"o:~on.",. ~nodtcr episode in ~he proCi'Cdin~ of • .At tho c\l.mp a belier was nbrood that. nn cxpedi- . war pro~ctilo . mvP.~ted. by Ulpt. Dssnoy •• X~o

m· 1ii.uon1o a1us "-een a t1pe~ch nmde by TArJ Jo:rn trnn w1ui u.bout to tru<e .lln c r.nd wns preptu·iog, th,• . naturo .ol the J'lveot•o!' 1s thnt of n shell,_ which o~ !tuasell on tl1e s~1tc of Italy. Whnt ciin h .. ve the its precise naturo i~ acarcllly kcown-to !Joar out-this ~m:stin;; i:p~eafls n flu!d thnt oo con~t with ~e air l~dU<::!UlOn~ fur tbe•!ntu Secretory fo\" thC\ dolunios at surwi 0 it is stntcd t'iat M.immense nuuibor of ., d i ! 1~nires1 cuu~mg, n'nyth1_ng to barn 1$ touchea.._. ~o , t.ie close of .:h:l SC88lon. when every ruomo~ i:s preci- . vessels are '•ein~ collocrod :·t Kamisch-lur••e 1~in- 1lh1strute tb1s, Capi. p1"noy pound s~me of ~e liqwd ou f. ·r the c·msidor-.ujun and p-.18Sin~ ot L thse moa~ fo ceiaents continl!.e to urriYe. . ~ 0 ~n canmsa, c:ai·~e.t, lrnen,, tile grcss, and stone; nnd , su~ nln;ndv ?et.)re '1(1 Uou e, to bri1i;_; fc wurt\ the 1'he repo"t"d r~i~11,uiiln of Gen. Simpson hils boe.1 m. ouch case, i~1 .•t10.t iz_peedtlY. fo~l~w~. Bo ~as llke­JJuhput at ull 11 paot~ C\i ncepLio"l. Bis L\)rtf1t t1ip drew d.ccriccl by the sc:ni·ofilcinl Post. tl'-ougli 1• t the £. mo 'nse onot!1er f11:11l, wluch on 1g'?itio!1 (spontanQOaal.Y,) a pu:tu •. _, of the sufl'd",'ngs of Italy uoJ1•r i&I prcsoot ~unc tha~jl)urnal ~ints that i ~ "ill not bo surpri::ing p!oduoes n pnme ti.nit causes bliodnesa tol oll it ~mns !'r :;o~crnment. t..ie treth of which nil ooncade ; 1f he should finrl himself nnnt>te, :.'1roug.1 ill l':.-alth, r .. nchoa. • •>Ut ~th. th111 wiu, mi:ed up c ·itici.nn!4 on tl1e \\'1U', and from coping for 11 p\.'..Ot.ect-Od per:0 4 t 'ir•mgh tho irct's· Stra.~n. :;'1u•l and ~tcs, b~v~ .bcen.a~m r?mand· enu'!c·~: tuins about ·he. imml'ose respon.qil>ility at- sant lnl>ours and an:tir•ties of tho chief command r. c<l,. ~nL a<1~1tt~ to bail each in ¥6000, with two tachtog to the :•reaen; governrcent, o.'ld other irre The Doily Nt1os states, th:>t should Gt>nernl S'1opso11 sUJities of £3000 enoh. .• , , -vi\len~ mn~ter.-.!i l.l'r occupying t . e whole eve1iin" returu home ho will be succeeded by AlilJur-Genoral On \Vednesdny the meeting, tbi.\ was postnoncd t.Je d.l!!Cll ' _um reaulted in nothin~. Lord J c1hn Ru~ Mnrkh1\1~, n~ uiHUCl' of lll~rit, wl'-o has jnst jotned rro":1 tho e_revi.>u:s week_.in \l?nseq~Cll\:O ortbe. ruooss t1ellc is .cV111~ntly . d: iCOnt.ented with bis posit.ion, no f om I~dia. Gon. M:wk'1i\m i3 quite n cbilc" coP.lpar- of·~ De ~cy EVMs, an favour ot ti~ formnh?n of a lOnJP~ .'" tho 11anLStry nod yet unr.''le t-0 go into ed to t ·e veterans who have hi~hertl.) recciveil np- P<?hsb l~wn took pl~~-the proceadiogs wol'O aomc­bppOt1_ih~o . he hopes to keep hi1'18Clf "l:?fore tfie public -point~ne~te in tho Crimea, ,nnd mould r,ovor9q-teo~ wh~t D?lSy, though_ tho at~ndance \VtlS g~ Md t~ ~ b~ lmngang fo~wa.rd Hooh mot:c,ns as thu.t referred to. reallv ~ivo him tho c~iet' comm:-.nd, it will bo t~io fu~hng 111 favour of tho ob,JeOt of tihe meolilig llnnm­~ hethei· l:ie Wiil DOt. damogo himself by Uls absurdity seve,.e~t olow 10 routi'1C thnt h1\3 yet bee l ndwiois- MOUSi ' Gr lS noot11er mtit t:lr. tered to t '.lat. Rwkwllfd uucl obtrnsiro c1istomcr ~ . The 1·Ml business of the Jlouse has been th<\ voting Afojor-~n. MarkhRl'n is only 47 years~ of age. ~nd \ih~ t1uppfe .. 1011tal estitoAte., which, insi.el\d of being ,consequently considero!>ly younger t.:1,m most of ihe

(To thl Editor of the Patriot. ) •

!o\• 1e~l l1v. 1ew taxe<J wi,U be mef. hy exc'\ 'C!.uer hi~!s. ::,cncl·llls w>lo ba\"'o been· en5 out nsyef. • . • 1 Cho .•~npol1cy of taxi 1g flrticlcs of co,s01;1,~1un is too G!)11erot 8imp~on :9· stnted to balVe declared' tlie LONDON, 11th August, 1855. i'

m.101fo11t ~o.· .o~r Gove:-n''nent to l'3vert t.o this untique sen·icc <Jf Mn;or-Go:i. Knolloy ns chi,,f of the sb\ff. ' • • 8JK.~1_•.1 of nusmg in:in~y, o.ml. 1\fr. Glo.detones plllJl 1\ntl i ' f01•1•1eJ tibe Oot.HndniJer-in-{)bief ot tbo Hots~ · · S0t~-Dismnl proizno~ti~ " °'Y givo pl/\co. to rcjoici- 1

~if i.;t .• m~ ti ~es fol' hrmtcd J?81'10d,s, r.hicb mukcs the. OunrJs that he would ~rc~or Lho nppoiotment '?f l>ne ings; for success once more <'r:.iwns our-effitrts anJ t impost less rl<'Sirou.s and bus moreover tao l\d\rnntil.!:ro fro;o J ·o ~tnJ"all'endy i.1 \.ue C.imcn-tho choic6 foil ·viotory cn.sle hor lnurels oo the brO\\a of oul' minion. · ?f not disturbin·! comm~ tcl. Anl\tte .. 1p wns mt~o on ~fajor-lJen. llarourtl. · • Tho s.iccoSjj rt'f,•m'cl to i:t not the less welcome, ii :?;t- t

1~ .tbo you~o of Lords t .1 get ri<t of tha Limited Lia.- Oen. U.1Drobert is ro l'JJ'um to France~hia division much as it. come-.. from a. quarter '"here l~t expected b1lity .u~ll., but tho ~111 · i•1u 10 -,,1spond the ittnnclmg ia to l'\'? given to M. M1~hon. 'mid disproves tho ~rtion '(hilt w9od n wn1hs nre no order bnv1ng been c:irn~•l the Bill wM procooded with. 'i'ho erchnngo of ptisonci'a corhinuelt. . • mntoh for ntllSO!'lry-nl lcuijt to a ccrtnin brl~nt 'thi9 1


~ nn~ h~ becc!me law, tl1i~ ~ ~me of t:,0 fdw mcnaures Tho. flJetfs are openuin~ in tlte &e,1 of -~tr, and P,l'Ql>lerp J u s. bee.a solved .• We lrnd honrdso lohg 'of~ LONDO~~ i o1h August, 1855~ \finch have c.>eo.n b1<tm~ht forwnrrl fo: tho relief of the are .81Ud t.o hnve t\ttncl:cd Tilgi&nfOZ nu(l . Diiqj.aus!: ijom.eibU!6-b010g •!'w!lded 10 thd Ilaltiq o( st>mt' P.Int;t

(T<J tlie .Ed;tor of the Pot;iot )

. Sra,-Ar;tothe~ wee~ nnd stall. no news or nny tleci- 1ieo~ll' -tho pnne ~le ncknowledged GO be good on' agaan. wlnle •ho µ->o;_,up 0 l' Amb.Lt 13 clo5oly'~:~ru6ci.l ll11\•m~ 6ce!l cotl11do'-<:d t\nd ~dopl?d, nnd other 11119 ~1ve operations either JO the Or1mc11 or tlat' lhl• ic, or, nll s d s, n detcrmllled oppnajtinn.hwt beeo mnda by to ~revenv.the Hu'l8ittn:J •1a 1king Q8C oF it 111 J\' i'oi<d~. , ·,roibnrka~ tjia.t tho pubhc were 5!ck Wltb hope deferred, m fact, any ne\ff from abro1L<l of pnrticular i:upnrt· a. sua'.ul cl•que to endeavour to preveot tt 0 F.11Sing The report. of the rn1Jr<ler of (.ion. , Bolltoo. bJ th' nnd rcully conohufod that no,hmg \7h\\tcrar would btf anoo; under tliese oircomstarces wo must ngain lovk ; ol tins ltluUS\l.rl!, b'u it is now snfe and thef<t .S little Bas:1i Ba .. .ouk11 bas bcj ,, cvntrudict.4)d

1ci0De, uoJ J(u l'n;.tal'.ing tboug'1t would intrude nS fo

nt homo :Or incidenta to form tho sul~ect <it t.his Jct- T!1'0"[H'Ct of'i s ev1•r einr• nbro~nted. • The "Bill of lJr "T,\roru t•·o B-'•"io wo 1 e n' o't'b' · ' l tf' 1 ·1• • nhu~ 'he ~*ic fi Jct ,\uight Ju, it \YnS from tho know·

d P rli . . ll • k 1 odif . ., o, • x . " ai. 'q.v mil' o nny unpor- 1 ... ,. . . · d A. • ter, an " ament ag-..im nffoi-ds t l•e topic. One . ur c ey. m y1og tho \'exntious pro\iciions of the tapee; notwitllstRnClfo,... illBt ror tti'e ' t:kcft: t1'\~ HI\.' cu~o p, a~ ~normous p.;wcr, :ts 1rnpro,·o 1vrmnt!on more nttempt has. beeu mlldo hy the Glivtstone pnrty ~un~1ty ~~r ~t; fans li~ewise (l.)un<l favod'r \Yi th tr.e we have beon iu almost ibourly tis ctatio'hs i of !r, ... •.over ~hut of h~t year~ .•,am• ,th .... e uho1\St disgrace \\"llto.ll to d:image ' '•e goTennnent beli1re . the close of tlto t 'l.rt 8. -rh1s ~11 put 11,!l (j~~ to ruu .:, irriti1tio11 And nttack on Bw~al)()r • tWhicb we worr led to c~ • WO~~ h,!l\'~ ll•k:uJ,>J II. ,rd~a1rn tc_> Englt\Od, \l ~l~ I~. 8e8SlOD ; but 1 s tbnt party tnl.:es no ground in n.llinnce ni-s1tut100 ~n this vexed qiAest.ion, and j , is t,c, be h •ped from letters reoeiY~ frQ • tf fl t l1i ... ~l" . · pecq ·Ima si,~nnh~~tl i.tsull by. ~otnotlung more thnn the with the people, and ns it d()(>s not ru-ruy itself agn.inqt "111 pro.ve satisfactory ta. t¥l nartiea; ~ '!'he pu >lie ru·~ over, h1t.s yet takeo Pi,.; ~ 't~~.· tnnf~rt~i;1~,..,~~ .rrsul ~ dcstru.utiu:-i o( i~. •liltc~ fort.s

1anil inerch1\nt '.

the faults of the government, but ag.iinst thc.oso nets nearly indebted to Mr. Berkely, for the tact judge· of th~ Jiui\(lrodlt of~ Ja h. 11 9 t' ' '· d' 0 ~llfpJHtlK· But 1t hnsrcJtr1cvod itach&tndtdr,nnJ that which tho public npprot'eS, i~ stnnda without any ment, nod pereeterarlce he hu~di.sp!Ayed iii the ma- fouRd:uion but in tbe 9.~~ q~ re ne .8 pa nny. i~ ~ '\\'Otthy 1113.nnoi'. 1.

1 I '


support 118 usunl, in enlHog forth tho vintlication of Wl~men't or the bWJit>ess. . ic' might ta'b plt1ce. I J EfSllO . t IO p.ropu~~,, ~h~t. I' ·~· •nborg the second or the. Ozan s,trorighotd in i,-uv.:mmentr the attack hn."f enabled Lord Pnhnerston h·om tho Crimea there is notb"ng of "rupo tn F. th d . C6 ili ltW~ ..., , .. r thi 11lf or1'ntund w. s the pomhelected for 11tL& ck, to slreogthea hilt position. l\lr. L.im"' was tlta taat Fndny the Rolll!lians !DtMie a 1 rorti 1

00 ~h 0~r a4i .arb er :~n ~n , '?al t~ . the Hnn~· ' n'n ; r.he t<!1egraphio reports ?rote correct, b~ f)iwn

e1JOkesmuo1 who, on this o<.-ension, plnyed"tl.ie pnrt af r. nrioft' rood . but we're aleed wt h e 1 e o- • tur a& 0 P abed,an~~moag ottiahdbcu1,1e·11ta lW •!j d~strvveJ at u coat td the allies wbolly insig­::-;ir William Jleathcot.e. In substance, be mo'ttd R 8idc1 \Vha&' 0}1inicm danb~ (onned!r~~: :ut~~d 1 1~euJ. you~tc's le;~·de~IJ~lQg thq eree_h i9 ~t~licQ . ~iftcuut whe!t :·i>1upnNd ~vlth tho work ~c'h~~ved. \'Ute of Ql'lllQl'O OD 1overwu~nL for not ICC9pting the afoge ofSul1.ist0pol-aC Odd time we I d:I) th ~ tMt :~.0 oc U&tl~Da 0 the Ru,.~ ~:..Pr~ct!~~ to be Tho fte~t8 which liild urrh•ed in drri~ibns \Y('ro r

• • f re· • a . .ff, • • • • anchored 1u IJ1&t.tle arroy bcfvN Sweabori.; ou tlto 7thl .. •:. "f ,,., •4 ,. V •• 'U.. ... ,.,. -" ' .J ,~J . ~'iJ U I

I )

• ""' • •t • l .

Page 2: collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/the_patriot/18550910no35... · = ·. . "Here ahall the hell the P80!\lea' Bights m&hltaiD, •• Unawed by b!uonco u4 .~'bribed lt7 Gabl,


' . THE PATRIOT ANl> TERRA-NOVA . HERALD. . .za::===========================~====9==T=~.:===================~====:t:=:===============-===~::=========;======~=~=============· \

l·ut it WM not till 'l~hursday morning the 9th, that Mr. Boo~erie baa been nppointed Prelldent of the "Throe Ruaian Generals are aaid to ~ve been Your Letters piupori M> ~in the rcuon1 wh1 > tlie bowhn1'1ment commenced, nnd WlUI oontinued Poor LawBoard,'f808ted by Mr.liainea. Mr.Bouferiu killed. We morooyer mGde 400 priton••rs. y6o left the lfomim Catholio Ghurch and bel'Wlle" uurin~ 45 hours, not terminating until Saturday foiled as Ch~rmaq. of Committees in the House of 0 Om loes ia 180 killed ed 810 wounded. Prce~jan. Tbe objoctofmiQe will be to review· 11111rmng at doyligM. A more cowph:to doatrucUon Common1, but bla opioiona ore generolly on t~o po- "An Eogliah battery o(p_>8ition on the Piedmont- thoee l'eUOna. If I ahall 8DOOlld in refutio~ &bena, 11f a pluce ~nnuot be ~nooived-not n l1ouse is wd pular ~ide. t ese hill gnve ua moat powerful aaaistance." nnd ~inl othen mON ia tM>Cursf1U1ce 1r1tJa cbu tu lnl\'e becu left standing, Ule <looks and prscnlllo.ro 'fhc Proaldency of the Boord of He11hh wne ofrerod , A detpAtch from General SDIPSO~ of the same date raotaQC• cile.} ~ ~~ w~wim ao­dctndlished, the' botteriea destroJed, n1a~.izin~ Llown to Mr. IIRyter, the government ni t~e..cruup in the atatel cbe number of prisoners at 600, and adda- 1wering> U!Olt ~ar~~ uiader&be head up--in foct such a blow has been iii ll11!ted 011 •he House of Co11Hnnns. Tbe offur Wll8 no Jou hi ,nt.ootlcd " Oonenl .tlead ia killed. A atead1 fire baa been kop' or reaaooa _WhJJCMl clo not ntam. Jr &he ~-t~uemy thnt he \rul 1carccly recover for many a tiny, n11 a rowurd lo Mr. H11y&'lr, but wns dec·Hned by him. up from oar bat&eriel." · from ibe AmUrftaD ~ID the Muiaua -. :ind this nll ncco1Pplished at n. sacri6co on tho pnrt of under tho feeling thl\t he discoTorcd I\ better post. The city of Bweaborg was knocked to pieces (amODg whom, I am 'IQl'!.J W • , w•::_~~~M~ the allies so triiling th~t it almoat surpasse:i ~lief- 'l'he offico Is taken by the Hoo. Mr. Coupor, whose without the flP.eta lOling a. single man! men,) CGll ;.tlf1 tbemter•fblm1JO•~ 1111t a m11q wua killed, nod tho loss in materiel waa family and political oonoect1oos jaatify his looking for We have the -~"-tioo to reoorcl the arrival ~of'thilr oomab:Jf•""1irJ4 absolutely nothing. Tho particulars we hnre ns yet aome pot:1t. ~·- ~:\i&b Tlllla':-:~·-· rl'cci\·ed are extremely meugre, and tho public look For the undel'-SeQretaryahip of the Home .Ollce, by thi.a packet, of several di!tingaiabed per10napa. ~1i ~ rlli with much intert'st for the des!:otchcs detlliling tho two nllIDes have been mentioned, Mr. CD.llier, and digoitanes of the . Calholio Church, namely, His .. ~}9 a1 tli C\'ents of tho bombnrdmcnt. m what is as yet Mr. Mll88ey. Grace the Most Rev. Dr. Huolll8, Archbishop or ~ ~ ~·:)Jllt:\9 known tho gun boats o.nd mortor vessels of the allied The Queen em barb this day for Franco, where New York, the Right Rev. Dr. Ds CllAllDO-"NKLt cban oth8"rile ~ e flquadronsperformed tho lion's share in the work,the immense prcparntioos ttrtl 1.aing made to receive her Bj!Jhop of Toronto, tho liight Rev. Dr. OONll.ILLY, wlail~tbe P.lWl.J .. ..,.~ larger ships being Pesen-ed to finish the work of des- and Prinoo .:\11>..?rt in a manner worthy of the gueeta. Bishop of New Bruuswiok, und the .ll.ig_ht Uov. coneo!"cion &0:.;bOw i.:-..;:..;.A;:

truction. The fleet consisted of English-Duke of From P.Jris we learn &.llat. crowda of foreigners, the Dt. McK:utNoN, Bishop of Arichal These dis- l'UDbebeWrir.1Bam1110fi.ftleacla·a-:.;rbi....-w14i1l..,.t.U'.ilii Wellinrrton, Exmouth, .Edinbur"', Pembroke, Corn- n1u.V.. p • E l' h h t d · ed •- 't e _A_. ... ,h •---

0 o .,-r ar.. n~ 111 , aye I\ rl!a Y arnv iw WI n ss tinguished Prelates did not come unexf"Nwuaj- , ter · • wallis, HVast.ings, EurJalusM. Arro1 gau0 t, Mugicienne, tbe/cles &bat wiU be gi•en ~uring the oen fortnight. but at the invitation of IIUt Lord. :dup the ltiuht n-o0_08~~~-~= ~ ~iili t:qssack, ulture, Cru1zer, er in. u_yaer, Dro~n, A correspondent writes, " the street., jtl\l"()ens .. calee, o ---· · _av~_,.··~~ Jjghtnlng, Locust, Belleisle, (Hospital,) ~lll!I, squ11re11 and muae11ms are thronged "1th English- Rev. Dr. MuLLOCs:, to take plU't JU tho grand aod The Catholic Chure6 laowner a i'8 (runmunltion ship,) a Collier with spare sbella for Englishm¥l monopolise the ot'cbeatra atalla and the sublime ceremou1 of the couecration ot' the Ca- · heart, ud aot a~:•·r .. 'If' d.Na.S.!!.IWtiP~•'. hUpplying mortar vessels, 15 guobonts, llDd 16mortar resblu!enr1. Upon the .wnlle everywhere yoa find thedrnl. by the grace Of~Od,· ~a adaJdllDQl vessefs. .J..'rench-Tourville, (Fl11g) and tender, "Engliah apoken bere'•-yoo· m• a abop baring· The momeni the steamer waa. sigwiliaod-the .!'. ~~nitent, ahe w~d noei_V!..I....oa.;;..u auoli ;cl .:\uatcrlitz, 6 gunboats and 5 morta.r ,·esselli carrying this notice, and find tbat&be11~ Eogliah b1eigos. entire popnlatioo of the city nod 1Uhurbs \V • nuo1co at.1our reetoration. -00~ ~;·~~­two 10-ineh mt:rtara enoh. · London ia no longer in Hyde Palk, in Regent vieet, astir-and their Lordships landed amid the ring- Wioe w~iCh ~ ac&ach to your~ OGf frbifJi{lr

Although the ne\Ts from the Crimea is not equally in Belgrave eq~, oor Orooowich, but a& the 1 \ailer- · f Bella th ,;..;.... f __ ..J th .. L • • oommumon, dUrty Y841'8 •• nner,neYer, to ns&am <lecish·e and important, it is still satisfactory. The iea,upon the Boulenrda and Gt the Cbampe a,., •. " l~g 0 of th' e l&MfS ~ guns, IW\I e eo;USllBUO )'OQ man admi$ di&' she bia borat '-°" ft ...... "orks of the ulliea hnve been stcadilv pusheJ forward All accoruita agree.in deaoribing the suffuringt from 0 een . e peop e. hey were met a.t e wharf great reaigoa&ion ; in .tad, ami4ttili' ~* nnd ha ye renc'1ed a poi11t which tho Engineers declare the war an oog tlie Russian people u nry r:Et. by the Right Rev. Dr • .MuLLOCK, numerous olergy- feotiooe fiom the faith which lonOliD• aul~ it would be imprudent to pass. Dat~ne. of great All hmoch~ of trade and iodaa*!J are oom ete11 men, by the Benevolent Irish Society, the Society entuil on juvenile immipnte and ~ban;:~;;~ }Jower have been erected nt short distances from the parnl.f%ed, the faotoriea closed, and .. thoroug .... of Meohanica, and by all the most eminent of our Iri~h. and Cacb~o paten la tfdi'i ••-~ru\.;;~~A enemy's works, and ooo henvily nrmed with mortars n11tion of busineu of every '°"- EYen 'be enUau. oiDlena; being aeated in carriages provided for ind,rid~ oue like ~ near th• Carrening bny, will, it.is expected, eflOOtually siaatiooldRuasian partynre now abaringtheanivenal their Lordships, they wereeaoor&ed through Wa&or- h8! nouoe. Bu• _,,..-~ prevent tho RussillD shipping from repeating its an- depreeaion whiohtliisatatooCthiogscrea&ee. A.&'8mp'8 atreet, ~CcchraaHtree&,anclbJdtellilital'J :Road :f!ronnoe1_il!. !];a~-~ noynnce ns on the occns1on of tho lo.st B88auf t. The nro mGde by the Oar and government to get up b to the O&&bedral. where &he• knela for a ahOn time .. .__!!I.! !.a:w general opinion in the crunp is thnt llD nttnck will means .of emploJing the people, bat shia, ihucoe.tbl • 'JI -..,~~· G?.":"r.

,·cry shortly be ma do-this the Russians expect, for for a time, cannot lut IOng. before the ~ Altarin .Uen,~yer; after which were Ate a bo.r.,.. • tJ1cy ha\'C hoightencd und increased tho fortitioatiooa The blockade of the Rusei•n Oout ia IO e&cmal the AlohbilbO~thepeople,_~~kiod re- .,. OU cijfji{!IUI of 1 Le Malakoff, but whether they hope te repel the that notbinJ whatever can enrer or lean~. Rusi•0 caption. aacl p HVI.LOCE ~ aid the ~the ~~':l!IM'ti1!'1!1! nss:lult scerus. questionable from the f(L((L of their porta, and m order to form an oullet for &heir pro- same. Th, Arohbi,bc)p and Bishop were then DD OJ~tJ·Of~1~1rtll~ hMing decided oa erecting n bridge between Fort auoe, the goternmen• ha1'8 autl.oriled Uao &ee u- oonclaeted to his palaoe by Dr. MuLLOOL rouaa, he-~, : Uiai Nicholas and Fort Michael to nssist in the retrent portation of corn &o Pruaia ~ the froatier. ~ uem t to · ·c1ea f be ul • 6dttr uAer comeilion dll8 ~. from south Scbn.stopol. "' The Jint trder of Sir B. after hia acceptance 0 a P lS'" an. 1 0 t ~ tadion · inw~ reading ot10~•' "°GNV •!tatAlilill~

Goo. CIUlfobert has left the ormy and returned t.o of the ~.:l of Pre.ident or ~e Board of \Vora, or the ~pie OD &his ~on woal~ ~ vam. We ht.t'8 convinced )'Ull that alrcad,J, _luul antn 10 Fronce. direct.I 200 new eeatl ahal1 be placed in the Deter 'Wltnesaed any&binJr 80 gra&ifymg, yet so younelf, .JOll were a Proteitant boot, dOue up ~

The Duke of Newcastle is at present io camp, public pron:, !oadea or the Regent. Park, and he baa perfectly indescribable. ~e ni~ht wns very dark·, how, by wiatake, in Catholic .binding. ' lod~ with Gen. Bentinck. given olden for the throwing ~o or Kew ordens but an almost universal illumination took pl:ice I houour the man who, under hU. roa~nlibili~ to

'fhe health of the troops is good, though cases of to the publiu during the whole Of Scmdayat. Aoo~r iostantaneoualy, as if by magic, all along the lino Chd, hu the mo~l co~ to cl1J.Ulgu h~ ~igion, cbolcro hnve occurred with th& "ct weather which conventuality broken through was the cauaing the ofmaroh, and a triumphal arch, erected noross tho wh~n, after mnt~e mv~ti~tiOn, hu coD1C1encio~y 11ns lately prevailed. band of one of tho rea;Jmenta Of hone gwuda t.o piny Militar1 Road was decorated ·th ti h behoves tbnt ho 18 pwwng Jiom error tu tru&b. b 1a

All idea. of an e::tpcditioo·ioto the interior seems to in Keoaiog«>o gardens during the afternoon of • . Wl apparen Y. a u.n· n great nnd solewo uct. When it is .attended, oa it hnve been given up. Sunday lll8t--the gentlemen compodiog ihe band, ~red lamps, m~tiplymg theDllC~ves by their bnl- sometimes is, by t.he greatest ancrifieo of \forldly

The allied flotilla ha"o continued the work of dea- however, thought prcper to render themeelves M lia~1-tb~, with nomerous 11~ted :ilambcaus interest, and is mnnifostly done fur tho eour1 and truction in the sen of Azoff, having visited a second unpopular ae posaible by eelecting the moet drenry earned at mtenals by the people, the music of God's, and Trutb's auke, it becomes, in my estima­t1mo tho spots prcvio~ly attacked, · und destroyed all pieces they oould find, in hopes, it is imngioed, tl.aai the Br:i$1 Band of the Royal Ne\lfounclland Com- tion, the most heroic u.nd subliuu:t act tbnr. w119 stores likely to prove of service to tho Russian army. the cust.om may not 'lO continued. · · paoie11 the rapid firing of gulli, nod tho wild is cnl?a?lo of per~or~ing on the eurtb. I do not say

It is stated thnt n cnuap is to be formed at Varna ~n accident of ratler a eerious nature occurred at cheering of the population, had uo exciting nod thnt 1r. IS nl~vays msm~ro even whon the convert \o be. composed of fh·c French divisiona and eleven Creamorn·e ~DB oo Mooda1 night. A mimic re- novel eilecL . promotes h11:1 temp.oral interests by th.e change. ~u~ Englislut!giuicnts, for the purposo of operating in p~n~tioo,of the ooptu.re of&be Mllmclon was pro- Almoet eve- da • th • al f th • t ill tho la ttcr caso, u, loses much of tho anflucn<.:o wb1oh, another qWU"tcr. oeediog, at whioh 500of 'he GnmaJier Guarda ns- n·iv: ... ..:.. "h .h,, Y 8lD~eed etharriv•t 0

.: ese euid mhcn L~ an ex.omtle, it would cxcrdso on tho public wind. Tb Turl..- r b k f bo t •A • .A.i h la r h' b fth --· • "1 ave rece1v e a" enwons un os.. · 1 d <l ·t · 1 h b L--o JUI, 1or t e an e o economy, are a u "" 111~, w en n p tionu, up w 1c some o 1 troops pitalitit'tt of the more rominent of th 0 b Ji .~ .i: 11t l_er o rcgnr i us iwproper t.1ut e w o cue

dismantle their ships, excepting the stellillers. were ruahing1 gave Wfly, ood mnny were precipitared mu~ d &h h P f 11 e nt 0 13 c.:>m ( ei oencnced sud.1 n ch11Dgc, sbuuld U8s1gn the reasons Omar Pasl.aa ho~ not yet left for the Crimea-poe.. from a oo.oaiderably height, sustninioll injurica of Yct!,:rdaDa.v (~ t .i~m)agtof· o al · d d . tU t Lruugbt it ubou t. .But in uss.ig11ing thew, ull

"bl h.e • be to "' ~· h L.- •-1 •- more o I .. • c..;: t b-..1 hp 1 ~-- - " ounuuy 10 so omn, gran nn im· V. . Id t •h t t1. h uld i.. •• ........ .A s1 y_ may ye" sent Ablll, w ere .LUii wweJha r ell • nous-a o.:ir~~ au 11 eg 1.nACtu· po&ing ceremony of the Conse f f th 'O thcdr. 1 senous meu \mu expo~ • o. uey. s o 1.1\J 0,,.,.. would be found fitting employment. red; another man wns earned off iDBCnsible from in- k 1 d . . 0 1'.'1 100 0 e 11 11 niia truo reusous. ~u\v I propose iu reply ro your

tt:rnal injurieai; a third had a bayonet run throuf;h too .P a~-a csoription of wbic~ we shnl~ cnde~~'".0ur · Letters to pru\'C tl1at. the rcw;qns1 nssigncu by you

'rhe Russio.ns, after threatening Kn.re h11d t>l'Oeeed· hl8 cheek, and tho rest suffered from dislocations, to. f.'lH lD our next. In tho e\'enmg tho city wa::J Jllu- aN not 'gootl reasons in themsches, l1nC1 thnt cn:u if ed to Erzerowo-they are said ngnio to have mvested . ...-" . nunatod. b · •h r ti· b 1-. d die former place, and that n battle ia imminent. eprru.na, ~contusions. ' E7" We understand tb11t th d. r ,., · h d p l t , t cy wcrl!, 1.0 • 0 naLure 0 ungs, t ey ioun . no

will take their dennt e .es:h is mou~ c re a t.s place in tho c1rcuw~tanc~s of your supposed coo\·cnuon The rumour of the intention of Spain to join the r- ur 111 e next. 8 cnmcr · . fr•m " Popcry" to Prcsl>ytcrinnisw. ~ •- all: ... ,. ... 11pC8 ta have had eome flound" Holl-.. -·•1 Pills, the best Remedy in the World These Prelu tea nro not strangers to us-~he1r famo v Le J rd th • "e&Krn .~ .... _..,..Y had long preceded tbQlD. 1'he Aacun1suoP hus had .,. our . tters, so ur 118 rcgu . ~ e gromma.tical tion, for wo now ear thnt the matter wu firat for Female Complaintit·-Tbeee Pilla are particalnrlJ' many nn e~un&er tfith the

0 nenta of tbe Cnt.holi·o construction of phra~.· and u coircc' und nlmoa~

brought up by Manha! O'Donnell and Zabala, who reoomruended to the Newfoundlanders for their ex- Fili th-in all of which ho hifspo cowo off victorious. el cgunt use of An!:!lo l::)J~on words, .iro no~ u.nwortuy atronglyadviaed the Queen to adopt the western al- traordioary eflicaoy in female complaints; and they His celebrated Jotters in reply to ,, Kirwan" hn,·e of the ~ount7, winch proJuced a Denn Swift,, or a • liance; some of the ministers were likewiae favoor- are alike n.luable either to the daughter Yerging into wurked h;.,.,


0 ... m"n of k'"' ... 1 ,. Goldsmith. they nro also perYnded by a silvery

-LtA __ .,a •"t:a"'""tl~nnrtero A,__ u~· womanhood, or the mo•ber nt the tum of 11·lio. lt 1... 08 ... ... .. d ...... n porcopLIOn UD( nr\::Lt b d f ·~ I . I . . I . bl 1 . b b t...:A au.a, MIU .. '"'" r- -...u. :1 powers ol mind. We tako this opportunity to b i \'C t re.I} u w.i", w uc 118' u.omistu.i;:ea. y rU! ! ~t w'™'h 8Upport~En~nn and ceiotbe~,1he beeiJrored !ifiond·all contradiction, that thesecelo- the tirat two oOhc Archbi hop's Jett~~ in this n~m· too o~t~o, rn your Lotte~, ruDs i~to proJ~mty. Aa per~ape &hat ¥ranee and England will auppon her in bin Pills · cure all disor<h:rs to which fownlee her of the Pt1lriot, wLich we uro tiure will ho rcud :', Log1c1.nn, yo_u aro cntttlcd to httlo pr:us~. As a. ZSpeiD 8nd pe_rba~ in Cob&: our go'8rnnieni will oot are ~liarly aubject, and ooubfg lht!m to pon their with deep interest. I~eolol~u~n, O\_en on ~e Protes~ot. sys~m, to leas eommlt iteelf to that pledge critiCal periods of Efe, without exposing tbemseh es t 11 b I t as an up ht did ud h • t.o th do.n th ....... ti · b h 'l'he good Di11bop Dr. D1 tllARBO!'l~"EL, is in his own s 1

1 ; 1" 1 s. raoh~ , cdao . ~-~~1. ryd, 0


Parliament bu broo~t ita laboun to a cloee, and oae ~ra ey wv o too incur y ot er treutr diocese another F utber ~lAnll.Aw-beloTcd 11utl ud- est y c. t,.1urmg to O\'crt ~w octrmes "" iovc to 'We are now enabled to Tiew daework which bu been ment. wired for his kindiwss lllld urbanity. cn;~neouo_, you can luy cln1ru to non~ whatc,·er. . DCCOlllpliahed by &be Legialature dU!ing the P!C>~- Bishop Cos:snL1· stands high ua u scholar, nod his Iwo t.Ju.'1gs,, a' the c.ut:Jet, tell v~y ba.dly~aga1!18t eel lit.&iltg oflSM-5. TJ\e apeech &om the Throne preachings huvo been t-Ormcd truly eloquent. <Jf yo~. . .You rcprcs~n~ me i~ teuclu~g n . doctrine wldclfwu read by oommitsloo, ie. ~ document much lliehop M'Kt.'<~os, we tind him "sroinn ubout doin winch I ao 1iut believe, nnd yet, 111 various ~-ibe ame u generally 1ervett to wind up the aeeeion. vood' -labourin~ luud like Dr \t-uLLOo • • 'r Jg o~pccteJ forms, y,ou_profcss to 1codcr mo the homage -'-- L.-! f _,i to &L.......;:.. • 9 ' • l C~, IO IUUO • l r ~ d • J t t •t...- t :r • RJereDCe u.ung o cqurae UliW.e KIUllll' enactmenta ing schools and \1&iting the out portfona ot his <liocci;o, o your. redpcc .. , - ow' e:u- 31r_, o e sn!' ~ I.,\

ancl ~dil'lg'I oftbe government wbtoh tell fiivoor- " constant in seo.son and out of seuoo"-'l 'hc liigh you bchcvo mo to bo n dece~ver o! my fol ow-vatboli~, ablJ. 'l1aere wu, however, one thing wanting, and honour of a visit fro~ such eminent Personag~ canuot you cannot Jinvo entermmed nny !cspcct for ~y lbal wu the congratulation for aome signal suC0881, be too largely appreciated. chru:ict~r, unlt:ss .Y?ur moral percl'p~ous are~ dim for u yet tho news from Sweaborg had not arrived. to dl.8Co\'cr any d1tlerence between vice and vi tue.-Tbe telegraph, notwithat.4nding, wu at work, and lf yuu·profess a. respect, which you do not feel, it is tl.e nen dny the Jong desired intelligence reached u.e, The Cargo of Rags .'-'Vo hn\·e h11d the nssuroucc equnlly manifest .thnt your standard of morale is nrti-too )ate, indoed, for government to make a point in 0 .. the Hon. S.UiuEL CAnso~. M.D., that there is .no ficiul, subject to the control of your will und your pen •

. the Q11cen'a spaecb, but welcuroe enough to the oe- In t>it.hor cuse you a.ro inconaisleut, und it is, porbups, tioo at large. '1.'ho 8Ct'Sion ju:st closed hos been re- dnogor whateTer to be apprehended from the opcbing wch for you that. you did not writo your Lcttur11 markable from the break up of Cobinets and ab11Dge1 All t.ht aare important Parliamentary papen are publlah• of the h:itches of the " Gn.y Bend" o.nd shifting her under the solcmuit.y of an ooth, in wwic11 cuso some­in the ndministration, no:! the debn&ea which the ed ia thialournal during the Bitting of the Legialatue cnrgo into noother veasel alongside. We hlllc the ti.Jing like perjury would come uut on the ctoss-etrife of parties hll8 called forth, rather than for ita cxamin:uion. legislative 1-nnctmeota. S utmost respect f~r tho medJcalopinioo of Dr. CAnso~, But what right, sir, did you nseume thnt I nm not

The ne.fs.from tho Crimeo. which was published t. J' ohn, llonday, Sept. 10, 1866. Bnd nr43 hnppy, · 00 his nuthority, to relieve sincere io the profession of the Catholic }\ti th~ And fo •Le WWY papers, elicited 8UCh ll burst O( indignn• th 1 • • h if YOU did 0~Um8 it, by What rule Of bypocri, 'J i\nd

""' e very egitunate ap pre ontions of the public in this Ii 1 hood d. d t ltit' If b r · tion Crom the public that we find e:ir!y i11 the aesaioo TJB Steamer Ospro.u,. arrived on Monday last. a so 1 you s u y yourse y pro cssmg rcs-ooe of the mowbers of the administration unable to J matter. Ne\'ertbeleSB, we shoald have been more pcct for my oho.rooted Yua could llnd the premises fuce the voto for on enquiry, llDd the consequena In preceding oolumm will be found our London iJappy to have ncqoaint~d the country tbnt she hod uf such a talso and unohari1able concluaioo only in breo.k up of tho Aberdeen Cabinet-then followoo Correspondent's intereeting epistles. The scai-oity your own beort, or mine. To mine you h&vo bud no nc-the vain ottempts of Lord John nusseli and Lord been sent on hor way without her· swpicious cargo OCiJs,o.nd you should have been cnutiouainfproolaimiog

or our exobanmi papers by this nrrivol mnkes ua ha · L-A d. bed h d. · Id b 1... d · d 1 b Derby to form n p;overoment, which resulted in the o- vmg l.NtlD iatur • sue ascover1es ns cou avo ut:on er1ve , on 1 y formation of tho Palmerston C11binet, with an infuaion feolingly alive to the iniquity of the tax to whioh B.Dulogy, ftom your own.

Tho Executive, however, could do no moro than it I b i' e the tr th f th d trin tan..4..t b th of Peelit.ee. while Lord John was dispatched t.o Vienna the Presa ia subjooted. We were regularly on every t! iev u 0 e oc os ~ Y o aa the representative of Great Brit.a.in, and immedi- baa done-that is, not allowing her to have connec. Holy Catholic Church, as firmly a.s I do my owo ntely aftennmla was mnde \;olooial Minister. The arrivol of the mail, put in possession of some forty tion with tho shore,by keeping a strict guard upon her. oxist.cnce. Nny, more. I believo tbat, Gs cootllioing

' Dew ministry W'M nQt destined to continue long quiet, or fif\y OolooiD.l newspapers ; since the levying of the fuloess OJ Divino revolal.ion, it is tho onl3 tru~ nod the socesaion of the Peetites once more threat- th i ~ r h Church on the enrth-although many true Cutbolio e 01&1DOU8 tax o a penny on eac paper, we d · fi d fl · bo t · · · th ened a.ho government with destruction, a danger • ootnoes ore oun onung a u aa op1mona m e which wua ag:tin iocurre<l when Lord John Rll.18eU, bn.vo received but two 01 thr~ I xmw AN. UNMASKED. Teligious ululoaphere of .Protestnntism. Thia iB my afkr hia Vienna v~iee, once more returned to his The nows ~om the seat of war b1 thia Mail is proteasion of faith, of the eil\cerity of which thO ..oot in Parlfa.meot und bis post in the Ministry-bis 1 A REVIEW OF KIRWAN, Almi~hty is my witne.es; and I nm not nwu.re that I resignation, however, thwarted the designs of hiJ g orioua in the extreme,-& great viot.or1 has been ' have ever given you, or an1 other human being, rea-t.1pponent.s, and fend.cred their attacks poworle91 aad achieved by the allied nrmy, and the allied Aeeta I?\ ea LETTER!. son to in1er, by wol<1 or aotion, that I believed other-illt.iwed. 'fhe power offociion wll8 once moro broagbt have destroyed a oJsiaf oit1. of the Enemy. The wise. . to piny io nn endonvour to overthrow the gavernmeot TO KIRWAN, I must decline, therefore, the teod9r of your rea-on tho loan bill, when the mini.et'"' escape ... annibi· coofiiot it called "the Battle of the Tcbemaya." pcct for my charocter. But I would not bll\'e you

-J ..i Th R ALIAS TB REV. srcnoLAs xvaRAY, D.D., b t t to rd 0 1 Jn~ion by the alighteet possible mnjonty. But theae e UJ8ians were commanded by the renowned un t n ncooun rega mo 08 an Cllemy. · n '1u tnuls h~ve ooly MOl'\'ed lO strengthen the position of Geaeral Prinae GORT80JUKOJI. The loss on both Of El~abtthtoum, Ntt,0 Jersty contrary, I would be. yoar friend; and the highest the Pulmereton CniJinet. anti with tho Premier's proof of this which you hnve lef\ it iL my power to plodgo that the war, during the recess, shall be con- sides ia sta..ted in a Telegraph despatch from Gen. Dan Sra :-So long aa you wore a • mask, which offer, is tho sincere declnrntioo thllt, ns n fetloov-being, <lucced with energy, the publio nre willing tO uphold Pelissier, dAtad 7th August, as foJlows :- no honcat man never need uver weor in a free coun- you buvo my.pity-lllld bes' wishes withal. I ahaU an. d approve it 'l'he government ia now free for a Th n-...J.A..1..l n

1 try like this, I wae excused, on your own admission, begin to nuul.rzo your reasons ncxr. week.

J h " e .n.M..wws e at eaet 2,600 dead on the field ; from any obligation to notice you. Now that you tirne r~m t 0 nttuck.s of ite oppoMnta, and ha. only 38 of their of&oen, and 1,620 men a.re in our ambu- have caat it neiao, 1 feel no longer bound to adhere to t JOHN llUGHES. "'<:ODLmuo the good work to meet witn opproval. luooa. my first reaolution. Bisl1up ef Nt;W Y<>r.~·.

Page 3: collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/the_patriot/18550910no35... · = ·. . "Here ahall the hell the P80!\lea' Bights m&hltaiD, •• Unawed by b!uonco u4 .~'bribed lt7 Gabl,





ALI.U THE REv. N1c HOLAS MORRAY, D. D' Of Eli=alJetli Toum, Neto Jersey.

---Dr An Sin-The merit nt your letters, if they hM·e

nnv in tho C\'eF.of sin\!Crc Protestants, is in the suppo­"'<'d fnct. thnt yC\u wcro brought up nnd instruct<>d in t ho Catholic religion; :mcf thnt your to~timooy is ntnre trm1tworthy, on this ncronnt, thno if you hnd brcn born nnd btOll!!ht. up n Protest.not.

This i.<1, in (:tct, the ground which you hn,·o tnkco. You spenk of !/flUT$(.lf. of -,our knowlecl~e and expe­ri cnce of the C.1tho:ic religion, of your rensons for rc-nooncin~ it, from the hl•cinniog to the end of your l<!t.tcrs. You arc the witness i11 thocnnsc ; you nre the hero of the romnnl·e; :md it will bl! impossible fnrmo ro do justice to tho re\·iew, witllout p:iyin!! atten:ion to tho prominent p<>rsovatity whic·h you hnvo established for yourself, io assigning tho roa-, suns of rour conversion.

Tho tirsl position which I intend to cst:.ibli~h then, i!I, that lrolttnd ne\·e• produced n pon8!'nt moro igno­rnnt of the Catholic· , or of tho ProtcsL<tnt reli!~ion, thnn you were when you rcnouocerl tlt0 creed of your fnthers nnd became nn infidel. For tho proor of this position you sh:lll ho my witness. Tum to your first ' letter nod tend your O\~O words :

·• I fir t bc<>nmo nn infic!ol. Knowing nothing of rieligion but th::it which w :is tnught roe by parents nnd priests. nnd thinldn::r thnt thnt \Hll'\ the sum of it, when that \\'OS n•jPctcd infidelity bcr!lme my only :iltNnnth·"·''-p. 11. '' On renching the y<>nrs of mnturity my mind w:is n

perfect Llunk ns to nll rel igious iostruction."-p. 30. " With my i\tiss:il I wns som"whnt familiar ; I

s:1irl tho Catechism when I was confi1mcd nt the nge of nine or teCJ, nod that wns the nmount of my religi· ous crluc:tlion. At tho nrrc of eighteen yenrs the en. t<'chism w!\s for:?ottcn. nnd the misi::il was neglected, :ind ns mr conscience w:u1 uneducntPd, nod my mind unfurnished with religiou~ principl<>s , tho only test of truth left me W :\S my c·omm C1 n sense."-p. 31.

'This \\' :1s pr<'ciscly the :l!!c nt whi<'h you Jef\ tho Ch ur ch :ind hl.'cnrnc an infidel. Your "mind was :i perfl.'d Ll:mk :is to all rclil!ions instruction." Jc ot ht:r wordt!. p•u wc•e 1wrft•dly i~nor:1:tt of the rcli· gion yon \\' l.' re aLout tn r<'jt•ct, :ind, if we cao trust to your ol\'n l :rn~u:t!!C. t lti..; i ~o 11 r:rnco w:is the only rcn-' son :roini; before aod deter mioing your coo version to iuricieli ty.

'fh1:1 rl':ider mnr l'ttppose that in proclniming your profound i:?nornncc of rclii?ion , your meaning is, thnt you umlerstoo<l the Catholic faith ia which you were oro11~ht up, hut that you were ns yet. i!?OOrnat of Lho -pure e \·:1n~clil•:d doctrines which you hn,·e sine~ em­Lr:i1:ed. But thi11 would b-0 a mistake. Your mcnn· in!! j-; that yon wt•ro l'Dlirely ignornot of t he Catholic rcli!!iun , ns we ll ns ·ot others. For this also we h:we you r t,•i;t imony in the foll owin~ l\'Ords:

"Snmc bouk or lr:1ct , now forgotten, gnvo rise to 1'=•) DlC i11'l uirics ns lo tho muss. 1 :iskcd, \Vhat docs it mean ! I could not l i•ll, though for yours n r<'gulnr :ittrud:mt upun it. \Vhy docs the priest drl'sii :so ! \\"hat hook does ho rend fH1m, when now c:irried to J1ifl right. nnd now to his left ~ What ioenn those cao<l les burn in:? nt noon-day J \Vhy do I say prnycl'9 in Latin, which J understand nol 1. Should I not kn9w what I am saying, when nddrcssin:r my Maker! W hy bow down nnd strike my bre3St whco the little 11<'11 rin~ ! Wh:it does it nl! n1enn ! The dar"neJs of Egypt rcstM upon these questions1'-p. 33.

Never did man fors.'\kc one religion, nod join aoo· ther, whl) hnd co1ttrh1ed to be so prorouudly Igno­rant uf the forsnkeo creed as you, Nicholn." &lurmy, prove yourself to h:we been in regnrd to C ttholiciLy, when you renoonced itnnd bec:ame un infidel. What­ever you know of it. now, true or false, you have )earned ns other Protestants, oul8ide the Church and from her coemit>8.

you to lc~,·o the Roman Catholic Church, and wliich prevent )' OU from rcturnioi? to it. "-~age ll. Now, denr "Kirwan,'• we nre told lo Jog1~ Lhat, of two propositions whi,•h mlltunlly controd1ct eneh other, one must be fnlse. lf your mind was " a perf«l blank ns to all rnlirrioua instruction," us you aasur" Uat

., d h 1 a " · it wus, (p. 30.) how cuul you nvu ln reA109a that iuduccd you to lc:t\'O ~he Church.''-pago 11. Ha\'0 you forgotten io one puge whnt you h:&d nffirm· ed io the othud Nuw, howe,·er, lhnt I hn\'e called your recollection to the 111ist.nke, pr:iy bo serious, and tell tho public which of thesl\ contrndictory atateruen\a you would hnve it to believe. ,'!"by sir, your o~vn great st.and-by " common sense, re,·olta nt the .io­sult of religious "acasons" offered ~rom a mmd which, D.lf to religious instrui;tioo, is a " perfect blank !"

Some persons mny think that you nr(' quizzing the public. · I think not. Your memory :1pptmrs to b!lVC

been but poor from your childhood. .\ ud hero nil ow we to nluck up a noUle which you would have pltln .. ted oC:- the crrn\'es of '' \ ' OU/ pnreow aod priests.'' Th:inkb to llieir chnrit.nb1e efforts tor your ius~ruc, tioa in thu Chri:slinn doctrine, you " knew your cate· ch1sm by hcnrL nt tho age of nine or ten yeus, when you Wijrc coofirmed."-p:ige 31 •. Now I would_call this a good, almost an extraordin:uy memO!Y in a child o' ton years. It had taken in and retamed Lbe waters of Ohristinn know:edge which overapread the page3 of Lhe entire Catei)biam whi.ch you koew by henrt. Tilis w:is no trifle. But tbe firit~ 1.u~queoL evidence of its f&Ulure ia the fact that you bavl! for­gotten to tell os of the and c:it,lstropbo by whiub iL becamP a cracked and leaky cisler~ im~ediately after confirmation; ao that the •• cat.cchltm itself.was for ... gotten" when you arrived at the jumping off period of eighteen yeara.-(lbid.) Pray, miJ:ht I Hk, who. ther it. waa tbia, your precocioua talent of forgdfvl· nu,, which caused you to bts "eweo &alked of ae a uan· diduLe for Mayooolh !"-(lbiJ.)

But nfl.er all, .den air, this memory or youra paz• zlea me amazingly. I turn to page VS. where having gi"eo mo up, you address the Irish Catholic Laity in such tones of winning tenderoeas, that Blaruey Caetle never tipped the human tongae with sweeter. "Your present feelings, as \o your Choroh, I ~ave had, and in all their force. I can entirely appreciate them. I ha\·e cordially haJcd Prutest.llotiam uod Protatanta; I ha,·e seen the tim_, when I re:lnrded the &Dao as my ~rsonnl cuewy who would utter n word "i:,rrniost my re!igion. Ilut thoite were the dnys of my youth nod of my ignornoce. When I becamo a man 1 put awny childish tbings."-page 98. Wby, thia is queer. You had forgotten nt eighU-on who.t the Ohurcb taught you ; nnd voa remember nt nine.·and-forty your ~rtd of Protutaw which slat never taught you at all . You remewbcr, that when you becnm" u mun, yuu " put awny childish thingA" 1tod " becume also an inl del.'J Yet you forget that you hod told us before, thnt when you becamea mnn, tberl' wcru no .. childish things" left to ho put :i.wny-LhnL they h:id "'ready 1loped from your mtlmory-that at the early 1go or ei~hteen you hnd " forgotteo them," and that, ns to r~ligious instruction, your mind wns n ,, rcrfoct. blank! !,,

It is not my busineas to reconcile those fint, palpa­ble C'ontl'lldictions. I have established, frotu your own repeated aTOwal, yonr utt-er ood profound igno­ranoerpf the Catholic roli_gion, when you left the ChurcJ, and became an mfidel. You never came back to finish or rather to begin your Catlwlic educa­tion. Like one of tho winged messengers let looso from the band of the Patriilrcb, you found· more coo­genial austenanoe abroad, nad you returned to the ark no more. In all this you may have beon s'ncere, and if you "ere, in nothing of this do I blame you. But I do blame you for ussuming a cha.meter which does not belong lo you.

Let the publio, then, understand that· yon are to tako rank &motl"'. Ul018 anti-Catholio writen. whq draw from enoh fwntaioa aa tha' mammo*h retenoii' -" 'McGavin's ~Wi,." Ant.i-Catholiozet.ilen like yo\J way trike .from tha.t eource Uleo~ lc:ire to any oxtent, nna deal i~ oul to tboae whO ban a relish for it. It would seem bl euch ~ are $till numerous enou~h to make the nmeteirdli oen~ ashamed or itself, if it were Ula age of Ugh& which it professes to be. .

lo this letter I ban proTed, oo yoor own 1 telti­mooy, that you '"were utterly i~ pl 0.&bolio doctrine when you ~eR tht Chuioh and bNWDe ua infidol. In my nut I aball have the ~ task of trncing yom: ~rogreee out of in8dell iDd • Presbyterianism, wlilcb wae a deciaed imp!Oftmea• on your SJ>irituaJ, and ~bly iii your temP,~ con­dition. Meanwhile, I feel the aame pity aWd beJll'> volence towards 1ou as btf°". · . t JoIJ:N HoOJIJ.S, Biebop 'of New York.

Dm>,-On.. Sunday se ·nwgbir after a ·long nod painful illouss, wl1ic1i she bore with truly Chl")8tian resignation to the Divine will, .Elimbeth, wife of Mr.< Thomas Tobin, 8't'ed M years. ·

At Brooklyn, a. s., OD the 24th ult., nftm a ahon but eevere illne11, a"9d 28, .Hu.ry Ann, the beloved wife of Mr. William "MeJrio, of chat place, and second da~hMloftbe lateJDJUea laDibud, or Sl. John's




·. FANNY HIEB.ON, llroat Positively


gbis @bening, MONDAY, ' ( '

lOrn SEPTEMBER, 1855.

Concerts and Entertainmen~. An enlirt cM:ngt ef PRO,GRAMMEeada em t•g:

s(' Ad.mission 28. 6d. 11nd ls. 3d. . Doors open at _hnlf-past 7, t-0 oommenoe preci

1ely ni

• one quarter past 8. . . GOD SAVE THE -Q UEE.V! Sept-0mber 10.

The Splendid Piano Forte hired by the lliaoN F AmLY to bo sold by l\Ir. Tu.EODO.RB CLll'T.

. For Sale ; or to be Let, (For such a Term of Years as may he agreed vpon.)


MEBCANTllE ESTABLISHMENT, Sit\,\llted ut Great ~fornsheen, (Placenli:l llaf ,) 'f H..bi nbo\'e premises are most <:on9emenLly,.{Jdnpt-

ed for lhe prosecution of the Fi9ht!r)' , o~ • large scale, having a magnificent llarbor and ~ver, ' other appliance, aod being located in lhe neighbo •rhoo<i of numerous Pisbin&r seltlcuienta, ttlK'kly po} .tliited,

The Premises consist of a large, Commodious

DWELLING HOU{~E, STORE, AND 'VHAR:F, · It is imputed to oar countrymen thnt tbev aa 6rat

and r'.fl«l !fterw1trds. I am sorry air, th:il your coo· duct, when you n:nounced the creed ot your bumble, but, I have no doubt, virtuoas and rapeet~ble parente, goes so fnr to ju"tily the imputation. It is certain, on your own te1timony, that when you cented to be :i Catholic. and beca~ "" infidel, the Catholic reli· i:ion might be true, dr might be (alee, for nil you knew :tb4>ut it. · !t is equ1dly cur-bin, that toltcn; iD l8-l7, you published a aerie~ of smart, if not. lt:Arced. rea­sons for vonr conduct thirty ye:ua ago, you have been :igain tltting mDrc llibc-nUCQ-nnd isorry am I that du­ring so long ll period, with the advantages of Ameri" can uod Presbyterian training, you hnve not yet oui. irr<Ywn tho n:itional wenknes~. But, Sir, no geouine Jrishmnn would .attempt tc justiy his act. l>y rc.uons which, in the order of till><', occur t <> hid mind t hirty yenrs nner the net h:\<i l>ccn pl·rformed- ns you have done. A gt!ouine lrish nt.'11 would co11se11t to be iaughed :it, nod would juin in the l:tui,:h with right good humor, rnthcr Omo nttempt t t.e t •ick ot re\'er-11ing the wheel of tim<>, nod nstsigning the reasons of ) 847 ns the motives of his conduct in 1820.

When a man cban~s bis religion he ought to be eerioua and sincere. When he doee it with that di­rect reference to his acoount at the bar of God's eter­nal judgment, whloh leaves no doubt as to the since­rity of his motive, then, as I hnve 1aid once before, I regard it as the grandest and most trul1 heroic net of which a human being is capable on tins earth. To AND ABOU'r asaign the motive for eueh an act, ia equnlly fai.r nod 'one Hundred Acres of L A N D

. Thi} chronology of the events which mnke up n cnse is oftentinies very important. Previous to your con\'ersion you knew nothing ot the Cntholic-oo· tlting of L!le Prote~t.:int-roligioo . The reasons 11s· signed io your reOfut Letters mnv or may not be l{ood re:isoos, b~t whet her good° "or bad, they had nnthin!! to do with your change of religion. You U'tl.TUiered ? ut of tho Cliurt·h nnd into iofideliLy, with­out knowing why or wherefore- and your rcusooH nre nll out of date. T hey might. be styled with rrrc1•t propriety, "An lrishurno'g Motives in becomlng n Protcst11nt, arranged nccordio!!' to the order imputed to h i ~ Countrymen, that of ad i 11g first, nod r1fecting ufl.t!rw:irds. n

You mo y bi:imo your priest.a or your p:irc:nts, ns you plcndl', for the 1>eculiar :ib11eneoof rcli~ious koo'\'­lcdgc which preoedc:d your eonv:irsioo. But the/ad ofyou1 profound ignorance of :ill rel ig ion, nt the pe· riod of your ch11nge, is the material poi1U, a ud you liH t! bet n l:!l r.did eoou~h to cst.abl1sh that point be, yund nll dispute.

Von sccru to be t ronb!cd with n vcouliar:wl' nkne•u~ of 111emory-11nd this is 11 grent rnisfort.une in a Chris­tian m:in wh<• writ,•s fur the ediflcn~ion of tbe pu l>l ic. After what \\'(' hnvl' ju~t seen of yt>ur mental condi. tion al tho lJcri u<i orJ•our npo!il:1Cy fro rn the Church i uto whnt 1111 U\\'k"''nr ex hibition of yourself d.n·it tlti11 bltort mcruCJry bt-t rny you at I ho end of your tirst Lct­L<•r, ·,·ln·ru yvu proles~ .. lo 11t11 le in a St'ries ot Let. l c ri; w wy Hi.:h t fluvcreucc the 1·casons tohich 1~DUC£D

honourable. But, air, I oo.n ooooeivo of nothing more diegustiog to an upright mind, than to discover what ia. VUigarly, but very e1pre88ivoly called " humbug" mixe<f up in the assignment of such motives. T6is Cool admixture is what I charge upon your recent .teeters, and w.bat I blame.

The American public are generous, and credulooR also, towards thoee who profess to write for their amusement or instruction. Being chiefll .Proteatnnts, little acquainted with the religion wbach you ha\"e forsaken and denounced, they would be-they have been-pa.rticularly generous and credulous towa.rds you. AB an Irishman, it waa unworthy of you to take Bdvantago of theeo noble aeotiments.

It is trae, that if they read your pogea with a cold, impartial c.-iticism, the.r would 1100 enough to put them on their guard. But your profound 1goomnco of the Catholic doctrine, when you·becntne t.n infidel ! which you llBSCrt and repeat, 1U<f1U ad MUSeam, they will coDStrue like yourself, &8 the reproach of your pa.rents u.nd priesta. On tho other band, the mtroduction of yourself aa one brought up in the ·' C:lmp ol the enemy" was obrioualy 10tended to d&­ceivc tu em.• Here is your bow to the publio. " I was bnptizud by a pries~l was confirmed by a bish.op -I oft-Ou w nt. to confessioo-I have worn my amn­lets-and ( bave said my Pater Noet.ers and my Hail Marys, mure rimes thnn I can now enumerate." p. 10.

No\v tbid nnnouucemeot of your oompetenoy to tr<?o.t tho subject iit snfficiently brief, and eufti.cieotly stupid. ~arriog the " amulets," V9ltaire could hnve said the so.mo of himself. But ninety-nine out of every hundred of yotir American readers would aay on r arusing this-'' There, there, at length is a mnn who knows Popery from within : from pers01tal J.:nowMge-a mart, who with 'be modesty of true genius, merely insinuntcs the extent of his informa­tion, n.nd thus nvoide egotiim, and the offensive dis­piny ol bis gifts."

Suoh feelings on the part of the Amerionn publio ought not to bo trifled with by you. Of yvor own knowledge of' Popery, ns you cnU. it, you know no­thio9- nnd you huve avowed it. 'rhea yon a.re no mo:-fl competent to speak Ol" Wl'ite of it than Dr. .Bro rnlee was. What you know of it, true or falae, you, like him, have learned from ite enemies. But there is a difference. Dr. Brownl~ never had the chance lo /~am nod ikn forgu tho C~thoiio cateobiam bcfol•e the ngl! of eighteen. '

' 30 of which nre cultivated. To persons desirpus of carrying on a Jar~e business, a mo,.i fllfouraBle op­portuo ity is affordt!d of ~tabliahiog themselves in the bust part of Plncooti11 Bay for tho prosecution of the Fi11hery, b'cing only t"6'o lengues distan~ from Mernsheeo Dauk.

A pplic..Ltioo to be mndo to REV. JAMES 'WALS :.

S.eptember JO.

Oli1JCr's Cove, Placrnti<. Bay, Or at tl1e o.J/it:e of thi: paptr.

ROYAL Jfnsuranc~ ~ompa~}l.


Special and Important. LARGE LIFE BONUS.

THE AG fNTS.beg to annoonoe to their friends and the Insuring Public generally, that the

Company has doolared a Bonus upon all Life Policies of 'rwo Pounds per cent. for every year the Policies have been in existence.

This]Bonus being fur larger thnn that given by the vast majority of Office!, and not likely to be exceeded permanently by n.ny Assnrance Company in the Uni~ Kingdom or elsowhoro, persons de­sirous of ofl'eoting INSURANCE:J upon their LIVES, are invited to e.xawine the very fa­vourable grounds presented by the ''Royal," guaranteed, as their liabilities aro, by a very large and inoreasin" capital.

. BROCKLEBANK & ANTHONY. St. John's, Newfoundland, l ~tnts.

August_27, 1855. ~ ; r

Aug. 'n.

ftOBOVllCllD U

~ !'OUT.BS





F R I E N D of the NE W P 0 U 1f D L A 1f D BB ! HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. .

Coftf of a Leiter from Wm. Rt.evu, ef Clwrlo~to11111, P. £. I sland, duted 11th Nove.JRb:r, 18.>4.

" '_(I) ProCcssor Holloway, •• Sir,-[ am happy to :.ay tl1at your Pills hAve r"tore<f\ tne to health af:er suffering for nitu: years from ihe molt intense gcn1?r1.1J debility anJ lnngeur, my liver and bowels were nlso much deranged for the whole of lbat time. T tried many n1edicincs, but they were of uo good to me, until r bad r CCOlll'bC to your Pills, by taking which, anJ follov. ing the printed directions for aeten weeks I was cured, after every other means failed, to the •!'t ooi~hment of my neighbours. 11cquainlance11, aod frirnJs. I . shall ever teel gr:itefnl to you for this as­tonishing restoration to 11eal1h, and will recoanmeucl you r Pills IO al I sufTcrcr11, fet ling it my a111y lo do so. 1 remain, Sir, your hurnble nt. (::>igned) \Vw. REEVES.


Arthma (Female lrrtsulari·1 crofi<la or Klug · a Ague tie1. &El. Riliou1 Co.,,,plaint1 'Ftvtri of all lrillds Sol't TAroat Bloteliu on the Sk in Fit1 St011~ ad Graritl Bow.-tl C:ofllplafots Gout Secondary Sg111p"' CJ/ir1 lltad-ach< 101111

·C1•11slipation oj the l11digution Tic Dolournt~ JJ01i:els lrijr'u'mmalio'lt Ttunour1

<:011,.11mpli01J Janndi~ Ulceri Debility Lirtr Complalut1 IPorr~s of a1l llintf1 Dte>psy L 11m'°;ayo Wtalmeu fro11& JJyunlrt !I 1Pi /es u·l1attlP!r cau1t. Ery1iptl<11 I Jlliru111atinn 4·c/ 4·o. ~old at 1he Estobliahm~nt o: PRnFf~oat Hot.­

ow.u 2-'!4 ~trond, (!\ear Temple Bar) Lond'>n, and by nil r~!i pec1at>ld Druegiti ld and Dealers or Medici nes 1hrouehoul the CivilizN 'Vorld, at 1be fol lowing prices :-ls. SJ. 83. SJ. and 59.,. each Bo:t.

Sub~Agents-John McCarthy, Carbontar ; N. & J. JillorJ, Hnrbour Gnce; John Steul•• ·ford, Drigu1:1.

Wholesale and Retail, 1*' T. McOONNOS,

S1. John's, N .F ~ There is a considerab1e saving b1 taking

the laraer sizes. N. B.-D1rectiooa for the 1:ui cfoncti nf oalienn in every disorder, are afti.xed to each Box

... _ . £ . ·-- --

<n'.l)e patriot anb ai'.trra-Noua eeralb: PRINTED and Published eL·ery hi 0 ND A Y

morning, at Saint Jnltn, Newfowufla11d, b!f .f_.OHN R. PARSONS,' for theF.ditor and Proprie­

'.(Jf'. 'l'EPlJs :-Twemy shillings per annum paid in .ufoanu ; quarterly payments, 6s. ad.

CO- A regular fgle ~{The Patriot aud Terra­N ova H era Id is ~pt at tl1~ Reading Roorll OJ Profeuor Holloway's Eatabkshmenl,.No.244,Strand, (ntat· Temple Bar) L<mdo1i.

00- T/10 Patriot aa also reg11./a1ly fi.Jkd at the Office of P. L. Simmoncla, Esq., No. 6, Barge• yard, Buckwahury. London. · At both thus places thu Journal mm.1 ~e con ... 1ttliMl. and all co1m11w1icaJions, gc. for tJu Editor, rletivtd and dul!J transmilud.


. ?\R!TLY U £CUTED AT TlB "PA1RJOT" omCE • .At the shorlest notiu ,

'And on the most Reasonable Terms • Gr Tke PATRIOT hauiJtg J/ic Tar.gut numhcr of readeri

~/any oilier iournal i1' the City, is a ,.upcrivr medium jor Adu rtisemenl$ of rucry d~.•cription . . .

. ..

Page 4: collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/the_patriot/18550910no35... · = ·. . "Here ahall the hell the P80!\lea' Bights m&hltaiD, •• Unawed by b!uonco u4 .~'bribed lt7 Gabl,

.. ... - - -- ·- .

THE=::sP.ATitIOT AND 1'EltRA-NOVA HERALD . . - I • ~~~~r==::r-•==:======~=:==:c:::====~::i:~~~~~ ... ~~~~ii!is4 ---- - "'T" •

. Directions for ~kin_ g and Curing Herr. ll_igs. ~utain, ca•·e being .t~· c~ not to pour ofr1 muoli piolfle, or tit duly &o press ,~uvie':s 49•~1 Jin, it .l7ill in.variably

, r the fuib. The barrola . •liould then be headed up nnd ti'1t.ened in the YP.Utml ·fin. . Pri1utd and (ircu/ntcd by the 11011.onrab!e the Commi55ioner.s,for the Board of .hoops, and laid' oo "tM~if'aide9, and this always under oovet',' ao aa to be , .. 0 4Lb. , ·~oharao t ·

Fi$het ie.s. shaded from the sun's rays, wbfoh nre seriously injurious tO the·fiah ; a'1d tad with &be1cbaraoaer. .. • • .,...._,._,.......,. ( CoTLcluded. )' ' they should be rolJcd MJr over ever1 second or third dav, until they al'8 fewer dirilliom iiDei~til .. ~

PACKERS. bung,pnok~i1. which part of the process or cure should be. ~rrorm6d '!itliio thrill !'Jie fhmit.~'.i~rtl~['.11

" fifteen days from the da~e of' captu~ of tho herrirgs; and· not sooner than bOdy ~Je.JreJOi Tho packin2 of the ri~h should be p111ct!edod Tith as expedition~h· that period, H'it be theobjcotofthe Curer to obtain theoflioiaJ b~ of •• 6wt

u the g1111inir. and iu fort bQth operations sho11lcl he carried on a~ the tho Boord of Brit.1:ih • Fisheries a~ bung packing. W:beo the pickle haa ~ J>ji~!~'WllJ!M; !lllme timfl. 1he \l'lll :tl pr_opottiuo o(periou~ employed l>eini;:»wo in J:ll\'J .been sufficieot.ly·potil'Eidoff,n hnhdtul of salt, if'roqoircd.ahould be throwo ~.rJJRltii till!{ 'P \1l1e in )l:tA kin~. Tbe moment lhe Hut l.ibrrinR" ore. ~llt1t1d, the :iround·t:ac insidcg,oftb~ barrel.El; and" ~be herrings should be preued c1oae ~ ~ cnrin~ Oro'.'e <ih11u ld begin. Tho proportiou of ~"IL to b( 119<>d mun t•';)tbe' insicles.of,tho cask!, ana additioonl Ii.sh of the same description ani tioolioir ~ vim n 1' 1't•r,li11~ to tho sea11on ol thu ycttr and tho 1rn•11re of th~ fish, n· ~te of c11.:e ':;heuld be packed in until the barrel is properly filled, aa'\er nhl1.~ Wt'JI l\S the mn rket fur wl1ich it mH be destine11. The Dutch use one which it·shonld•be l~t beaded, blown, and tightened i and ibe cu- .. ~ •n~ brnel or " " "11 ~Danish or PorhlR· ........ , for •Prinklin2 .1 ... 11 b"'el ring marlc88bould be...atohed OD the side. The baml may Ihm have bu& I . ~ of herrings, in order that they may be more convc1iiently handled, and Us pickle poured io, and befioally bunged up. tha'. one b:irrcl of great salt for packing seven .and ~half or eight bat·rels of I · Hel'DDtCt ma1 ~~~MJ~iP. 11crrin~ for thJ European market; and if this quantity should be found - · RE-PACKING-HERRINGS. do 80.' · mthcr small, nn ttdditiooal plateful of salt is introduced iot-0 t.he m~ddlo of' For tbe purpos'e of pre8e"iog the fish in warm climates, and in order ~ B1 order of tho BObOm~:tl.11 the ·cask to supply the deficiencf. The calculation for each barrel of to enable the .. 1 to be exparteq, out of Europe, nl:l herrings must be re­hcrrings may be about fivc-sixtecnthR of a Mrrcl of coal"Se Spanish Salt packed; and before the repooking oom111enoes, fifteen days must be in­It must be oL~crved, however, that whil!>t the Dutch mode o~ cure may tervene<\ fr9m ti-e dntc'of*heir capture and first salting. For this pW'· , produce a perishable article of luxury for the tnb1e, it i!4 net capable of pose the her ·ingJ must be emptied out. of enoh barrel in which they were. BouL ·lil.srJTU"O~. producing that· imperishable article of commerce required by B1·itish ·and Oiiginally pa.eked. int.o a large tub or· box, filled with clean fresh wa&er. 26th Juno, .J.845. <.'Ontincntal merchr111ts. But the parties employed in tl1e cute mll!t be the where rhey1nro wr..ahod and freed from I'll glut; after whicli they are. ',, ~ b<-$ l judges of the quantity of s:1 lt to ho used for tne d;fi'ercnt m:\rkets for pla.ccd in open haskets, tto aUcnr the water to escape, ond then weighed, nml'.cJ"'ll<UfS FOB G ~i.:.J·~;rr. which. the herrings may h'! intc11dcd. It i.11. morco,·er, di;tlcun to lay wbeu 22-t lbs. of fish are allowed to each Pnokor for 8!f81 barrel. !l.'he · H'.ii'."~~-<lown any well defined rule as to this point, from the circumstance, that fis!l are then ~rlJ .repackecl into the llJD8 barftdr, and Li~ ~ there ::ire several qualities and sizes of' Liveroool fishing tialt, whioh are great SAltil 1we1Qdon eaoh &ier' u Mked, un&il tbe ~l ia lalI; thij M of different degrees. of streqgth. Many Curers use only one k;nd, whHst fisli nre then dunted, t~ ie, tile hiiaCt'i8j1S!~Jii~ P~~f.P~ ~!!:f!,llliltl others me a mb:ture, and very frequently both Lisbon and Live~ when the quantity offisll ,woiJJa'.'!d ~ .-: tile ~-~iJ ~ Ealt a~e jointly used for qur}ng the herrings of the same barrel. Thus the Th~ ba'.rlel is then headed,~ and &igh the ~~~i quantity of salt reqaircd for fish free from the glut, ana earl] wtcd un- end oi t~e barrel hoO~.!'h and an iron ~ ~~ j • dcr co•c!", .would be qu;te in5uffioicnt for fi.~h rui.'\;ed with glut, and doli- breadth, drivcin OD ~eiltll; \)le cllimo hooiiJ' are tlitd .tbllJll vered in the afto:-noon of n. sultry or Tiet d1:1y. It must be rememberecl, complete! the proom or full-binding. ~ ~. are daiQ -~~~i11:~dJQ-ft however, that the use of Spanish or Portui;lt" o. !'alt would produce a tiers--each bored in tht eentre oft.be bnlge-&Jled up Wit!& te ~;, much better cu;:ed artfole tl1an is produced by Liverpool salt. The her.. m_ade from clean salt-add b~f'd; a!X\_ lhoJ are tMii re-.af ~ ~ ~ _rings arc then carried to the rousing tubs, where t.hey rcaeil"e. the first spect.ion, aflicial bOndintJ, and sl11pD181•t to any :>lace outor»Uo~ !Mea.oo ~ii!;t -..... ~~·-.....-~ ..... part of the cure, culled rousing or rolling-that is, working them well to D~rringa are called ~a S&.ioks when they aro ship,ed oft" llOOQ ~r .As it ia an miquePloua lo r . ...... .,.,( ..... :md fro among salt. In performing this oper~tioil, the Packer should being uken and cured,. 9> as to be first in the market for arly CODIWDp- equ\siu and quli'y whoo ~ • I, ti-. l-<tl!IA'

mi:x a proper quantit~ of snlt nmon"' the fisr as they arc emptied into tho tion, nnd so to obt.'liu a high p1ice. When btinels containing 83P. Si.ick alone, obtain very different. pdc0s in the ao.tno :market, itia rousing tubs, and the bcrrin_;d should ' be turned over continunlly, until a bcrriogs nre oul'ed 011 ·bo!lrd of vessels clMred oot fort.be fishery, or no,OnJy the knowled~, but lho pmoti~ oftbe best mod~or"1li• ult proper portion shall hn::e :-..dhcred to ench. "When this has been done, a shipped to be carred to other station~, if the lower tiers are not. carefully be o~ the most estiCntial irnportance to the i idividual Curers, u weli as to small quantity of salt should be ~cattered in the bcttom .of' each barrel. stowed. and tho barrels well hooped and tightened. tf.ey arc a;>t to 1096 the <ountry from which tho al'•iclo of commerce is to be exported. And and the Pae h r should begi!l by laying the henin~s into the barrel in re- the pickle, and if kep~ for any leagth of time in this state, ti-ny will be sn~ly, when it is understCod, i.!.iat it is not extra e.:pense, but only a little gular tiers, each t~er being composed of rows laid n~roi5 the barrel, ta found on landing to be glided ao<l tuintcd. Sufficient attention and car2 additiontil att3olion, that is neccss~ry to produce this ~pcriority of ox­king care lo kc>cp the he!lJ ·of the herrin~ ·at c:i.ch end of tho row, close will prevent thiis, and if it oo ,properly guarded against, tho cure .of the to the iasi<lc of the staves of the barrel , with their tnils inward, aud ma- herrings will be improved by the v.oyu.ge, ns thoy wil' be fre~ fro1a1 nndue eelleboo in the fish cured, and that.all tho nttcution required may be king up the deficiency io the middle of each row by 1aying herrings in the pressure, and a'i they will be found when opened to be well flooded with ·easily given in the course of tho opc~tions of bleeding, cleaning and dry­snmc line. Care should be ~nkcn to scatter aalt on the heads. The head picklo. Whether the b:lrrels of' herrint,rs nre prepared for tho Official iog, by the fishermen or their ru.milies,-it may be hoped, that Curers or herrings shot:ld then be placed. Tbes.e nre laid ncross the bend:\ of the .lki.nd of tho Bo:ird .. of Br;tish Fi.!')ertes or not, they should be kept hcrrin~ already forming th" tier. and these herrings should nlso receive constant'_v full or pickle, nilci °'here a leak appears, the barre] .. ;tould be their Superintc'ldents, will, for their own sakes, see thntcverything neoes-u sprinklin~ of salt, which should likewise be thrown into the centl·c of made ti~ht, or the fish should. be taken. from it and rcpnc1'cd hto a :;uffi. sary ho p~'Omptly nnd efficiently done, tbnt may emure a ready iuid protit-the tier. The seconJ tier n1u3t be packed iu the same way, t~kirg care cieut barrel. B:irrcls should be rolled hal;' round weekly until sb;pmout. nblo sale for their fish. · that tho hcrriugs shall be placed directly ncross those of the first, and so Herrings must have bceri curcl for fifteen days before the Official JJrantl on nltcmately, the herrings of' each succes5ive tier crossing those of that can b~ -Applied for. U' the Curer \vishes to have the l3nmd, he mast give Perhaps tlie best process of cure is that 'lructised in Yorkshire whero below it. A portion of' salt should oo distributed over e:ich tier, St. the Offie;er notice, stnling ~hat it is bis ~ntention, at such n_ tit1le aid the objeoi of the Onrers is to ~rodnce the fi~est fish for the.Spnnish 10ar-Ube's or Lisbon salt. h<!ing alwt.ys preferred for this purpose. "When tho. plnoc to have so many b:urol.s of Herrings brandcd-M11ties or Full Fish k .As b" affi 'd b fi · barrel is completed, a little addiLiooal salt should be put on the top tier. -aCJ the case mn.y be, nnd as a mattor of cou.-so the officer utteuds. In ·et.. · t 18

' ot ~ Y ar the bighe~t .price for 6sb, .it ou~ht to be the Herrings intended for the Continent should be p:lCked on their backs ; the first placo, ho se<>..s th~~ t the owner's name, with the pl..ce where, a.nd stady, ns i: is obviou~l; in the interest 6t all fish-curers, to bring their but for tho Irish market they are preferred when pac!~cd flat, or more on the year whe.1 cur~d. ar:: bmctd ... d on the bnrrels, all of which ~hou1d be :irtide or commc.co, to s~ch a degree 1 of perfection ns may make sure or their sides. The fish in each b!lrrcl should be all of the some kind and douc_p.ior ,w tho.'. om, cer':1 appcara11ce. The' Officer havi'l'? taken the th' k ' 'Th t t]. '·- 11 h h . L--• r · k" · ,. . h · - ~mar -eh .. a us ww t Vt; we wort y t cir ue:st eodea\"ours, is <tuality throughout. Tue ncfariou practice o pac ·mg 101er1or ernogs requ1retl clecln.rat10n of the Oure1, and gauged tho barrels, crch of \Vhic:1 " iu tho middle of the barrel, or superior berringA at the top, is always dis- ought to be.of' a 11ite c:ipi~ble of containing 32 gullonCJ English w£ne mer- best rrovod by t.be fact, that the Curers ot' Eyemouth, by entering into covered, sooner or later, to the confusion and lnss of the ebarncter or the sure. he proceeds to e:rnnainc die casks and hcrrin~. ~m~ing so many direcL correspondcuco with some of the principal Spanish ruerchnnts in curer. The b.irrels should be filled above the chime or tho ell.Bk, in which the,·eof to be opened for his inspection. taking out the heat's n·ui. the bot- London, are now offcrcu for STAlIP£D 000_ what runounts to£3 n ton more atntc they arc aJlom.-d to stand till the following day, or even looger, toms of' the alternate barrels respectively, so as to satisfy h!r1cielf that when by tho pining or shrinkin~ or the hcrrjngs (1'0m 'the eff<.'Cts of the the he•·...ings ai't in all parts of the barrels perfectly what they ought to be, th~ they got previously. Any Cur.!r, i ~ aoy quarter, 1114Y hove an op-aalt, they fall down so mnch in the :x&rrel. that it reqn:ros to be filled up. before he proceeds to 11pply the brand to them. portunity of opening up such a d~t carrespondence, by application to The moment the bamls are packed, thef sh~uld be properly covered A Cooper should be in constant attendaoce on boo.rd of every vessel Mr. C.impbell, the chief Officer o·f tho lloard of Dritish Fisheries in qver, to prevent the sun's rays or rain penetrating the fish. All vessels daring the time:, hcrrjngs urc shipi)ing. to replace hoops, chirro~ or other which go to care on open beaches or shores should be provided with old dnmage the barreb Jlay hr.ve sustained by cartage. nnd to nail the ch1·110 London, _who will be happy to bf'"rm a.pplioants of' the names or tho firms tai1a. or I01D8 other such cevering, to protect the fish from the sun and hoops, i.f not' pre\•iouSly done. The mru.tcr of every ve3sel siould· be of the different .. pan:sh houses ; but it must be observed, that uo attempt nin ; for if'~ o:i the beac& without any suob protection they will boand to use slingci, and not crane hooks for boi.lting the b:-.rrel~ on to do so need be .. 1::..de unless the fi~h aro of' such qua1ity ns to merit t)10

~ibly beapOilecL COOPERS. ' ~~d, ~nd to;t.o~ ~ver~ barrel bung upwards, without the usoofa .crow- Ol'.:?TCTAL STAllP, :iud thnt they shall have actually recoivod it. from tho

. It i'I the duty of the Coopef to 1ec that all his barrels are properly The superioli.t.y ofl)11roh cured herrings arises C(hiefly from scrupulous Fishery Qfficer of th? District. . { ' • made. and or tbe lega~ sise. It is of the grea~t importance tha.t he attention being given to the different dirootion~ which linve been detni!ed 'l'be momeut a fish is ~iken off the book it should be bled. This mny , should aecertain whether they are suffieicotly tight for .contnining the in this treati!ie, and in a great degree nlso to Lisbon.or ~faint Ube's salt be done· by tllc person who is employed in ta'dng it off the hook. Tho original pickle, because toere is no afte.- remedy for the evil effects pro- only, bein3 used i'l their cure, ns well rui to ~heir being packed into onk du~ in the futh by its c.;c:»ipo. Barrel.a 'bould be constructed of well- barrels alone, whilst ours are cured with Liverpool salt, und pnckcd into fish muc;t then be headed, split up and gutted,-in doing which, the soun~ BC:le<>ncd wood, and be made t :ght in the bottoms and seams, and croze, by barrels mode of birch or nlder. spould be ca;ef'a)ly praserved fot cure. The fish should then ha.vo the introducing the brood-lea\'ed wa~'3r pla'lt . c::ll<;} the sedge or Hag, which A~ it is extremely desim~le, nnd very much for the interest of' fi.qber- bone removed, care bcirig taken that it shall be cut away to within twenty would tend to secure the ori~iual (lickle ur.dc~ aJl circumst:ioces. During men, and all partie.CJ concerned t'l the herring Gsheries, that the practic., · th'J period of the cu.·ing, thl) Cooper's fh~t employment in tho morning ofw.king herring fry, or undArsized herrings, s,honld be put an eod to, or tweoty;two joints of the tail, not direotly ncross, h.!1~ by tho splitter should be. t~ e:taminc evcr:y b:irrel packed on the previous day, in order each fisherman should hold it to be hm <\uty to a!d tbe Board of British pt~'.lLing the knife townrds tho tail. o.nd cutting the bone through#thc two to disco,·cr if any of them have loot the pickle, . o that he may have all Fisheries in stopping it. It is chiefly under tbe ~retence of'tnldng Sprats joints at once, in a sloping"direction, 80 ns to leave the appearance of tho &uch barrels immediat.c1y repnckcd, rnlted aud pickled. 1 very common or Gnrvies that this de.-;huotivo p-.·nctic:l is pursued. It is therefore im-practico is h pour pickle repeate0ly into bnrrels of th previous da.v's portant that trhe distinguishing i.11nks of young Herring, and the Garvie figure S. This looks best, and it has this o.Jvantago, that the fidh arc not packing, which hnve thu8 ron dry, without hrving in the first pince sccu- or Spratt. should be so generally knO\vn n.s to be rcn~ereci fa.mili:l.r to· au. mangled, as they are apt t6 be when the bone is cut square throllgh oue red the lc..'lk ; and then afterwnrd:i t:> use t lie herrin!!S of stich dr:ed These have been described \>Y Mr. J amcs Wilson of -,.v rod ville, the well joint. A slight incisi~n should also bo made along nll tho adhering pnrt barrc1s for fillin

0u up such barrels of berri11

0!!1' a~ are welCcured and tight. known Naturalist, in a commonication m:idct to tue Secretary of the

~his it; :i. praetice which Rbould never be u!lowed, ns tho dist-ibut;ou of oar rom which the following is extracted :- ' • ll ~ f of Lhc·bone, to nllow anJ remaining blood to escape, an4 the splitter should

these dry. :md consequently bad herrings, am011g::;t ~ lie herrings of a num- II st. 'l'be first charncter to which [ voultl direct your attention, is theo drop his fuh into clMn water. The fish should be then thoroughly her of otherwise well cured barrels has a emleucy to destroy the obe "~ioh fs so distinguis~\>le by. ~uc~ ~ well ns by sight, that ~t would · .}lashed in the s~ from nil impuritb.!;( ; but where this cannot be so immc­whole. . be qu1to ensy by :nean:i ~f it" to dm<lc it ltlto tw9_ ,sep~~atc portt~ns the diatel . . r bed the should be dro ped instantly into a lnr tub

As already stated the cooper in chargo sboulU sec that tho gutters nre largest rod most rntet m\Dglcd mass of tbese fishes, even Ul total darkness. Y accomp 15 ' Y P ge

furnished every morning with sharp knives. Ho should be careful to I refer to· the jagged or sp:uey cd~iog which prevails ~along tho lower or \•at full of sea 'Yater, where they stiould ~ caref'ully washed, And tho strew salt amongst tho herrings us they arc turned into tho gutting boxes ~ut.line 9f'the Sprittt or Ga~vi~ almost .1111 t.h~ \Vll.Y from thr~t to tn•.I. water should be poured out o£ it when it gets foul, nnd fresh water sup­-giving a general but strict a~ten·ion to f110 GuLters, in order to insure T?tS cb:i.rncter 18 8?3icely at all percept-,blo m• the true hemog. It 1S pliod. Care must 00 tnkcn U> remo\rAAhe black skin tbnt adheres to the that they do their work propcrly~s.•e th1t the herrings aro pl'operly slightly developed m the fry, bub soon d•sappeats. It seems never .absent , 7 -~ortcd. n.11d that all tbe broken and iojored fidlt nre removed-h'ke o.ire i11 the G .. rvie, but grows w,itu its growtp, nod presents so stiff n toot:iing lnps of the fish. • that tho fislt arc sufficiently a1Jd effcctu:1lly roused. · 'l'hcn he Ghould see a}ong the abdomin~l line, ~br.t if a fish is hel<l not very ti~htly by the If these oporntions-cannot all be performed on boo.rd the fishing emf\ .that every barrel is eeasoned with wntcr, nnd the hoops prop&rly dri\'cn ~ides be~wecn tbe .finger a.nd thu~b, and the~ a. ting.er of the ot~~!' h~11d immediately after ca~ure the fish upon being taken off tho hook, and before th~y n.re given to the PMkers. . Ho should likewise keep his eyes 'is_ pressed along that ~ode~ t.h~ )wo frotu ,tail ~o tli.rqn_t, the ,Pr;c>J.cot1oµs • . . · _ .' ' . . ~ . over the Packers, t:> see that the tier-a of herrings n\'O regularly laid and wall present so. muoli re5istance that the fish itself will be moved for- immediately ble4, wfncb is absolutely CS9ontuil, should be pu,t 10to boxe~, salted, and that a cover is 'placed on every barrel immPdiately after it wards. . . • 1 or some coovenienco, tO kee:_> them from exposure to the air, nod from has been coQlpletoly packed. Tho Cooper bou1d write with red keel or " 2nd: The ey~ of the herring is proi'>o!tionall1 larger t~an that of being trampled on which would be extremely hurtful to them. But it black conl the n!Ullo. of tho Po.eke· on the bottom or quarter of·each barrel tho Gnrv1e, so that ir yoo place n. young Herrmg be.itide a Garvie of' greotor . ' . ._,it is delivered, tof,ether with the dnte of packing, and the lctt-0r M, or size, its cyo· will nevertheless be larger tbnn that of tho Garvie, and if' mo.y be agam repeated,. that the more of ~e nbovo opera.hons that eau ho F, or S., for M~ed, ?ull or .~pen~ ~ish, as the case may be~ Where ~his the fish~ are themselves o~ the same oize, .the di.ffotence of th~ eye' will be performed immedintely after capture,, the bcLter. If tho salting can 00. e:1:001lcnt rcg~lation is practised, it 1S fo~d. to ~ a check to _bad or u~· . or coµrso the moro. pe.rcept1bte., • . . . . , , . done- 00 board the ernft, it will bo of the greatest advantage, as the S{foncr perfect sclect11>n, as well as to bad gu•.bn.g and irregular salt.tug ; and' it ". 3rd. 'l11e third cha.rooter 1s Jess obvious,, till at~nhoq lS ~allcd .to- . . . prc,·ents the different descriptions of herrings f'rom being packed up to~- wa~ ir, tlian the t.we preccdi11g, but it is of equal iJDportapce, being not the fish .. are m snlt after they .are taken out or their nat~vo clement,. the ther, wbcn the barrels ure llllheaded in order to be filled up, or for being le8s consl.ant and diso,~mina\ivo. If you ?beervo ~ positfo~ of the dorsal greater is the emmoo thnt thoii ca.re will ho aucce!Wful. But, whotho'r­b\ing p:icked. • o~ ~ fin o~ th0Jt1u·mg, °in<\ suppoao a I.me dra~n eer.pond1oular~J down- cured at sei>. or on s~ore, thoy ought in no oaso to bo permitted to remain.

Aft.or \he hcrrmgs have been nllowed one, two, or at most., three days ~rdS fr6m its foro01os~ portion where 1t eoteri too·baok, yon Will fiud · . . . . . to pine, the barrels should be filltxl up \Tith herrin~ of the same date ns tliat auoh line will' invarinbly &11. in. advdn~ of!the uritraPor'be'By fin a.1.ongerpenod beforo bemg lard m· salt than forty-c1gb~ hou1'S. w capture aud to cure, :ind of_ tilt l!ame de~riphon wi those which they benc.it~ it. Bu.t if you' dnw· a Bimilar lioe flow. the front purtioQ of :L.

1 (To /Jc continued.)



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