H 2 THE SUN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1870. , B tonus mkw nuoKt. tBV Pplaeaa's Mara I PkllaseahV. An admirer ot Splnoui, who kIrhs only HHJ fcle Initiate, with the address Kuglewuml. HV It. J.," hn recently produced n Kngiish HH tr natation ol the "Ethloa" of thn famous HH philosopher, under the title of The Klhlct nf HH BtntdktdtaiHniaaiD. Van Nnstran I). It Is HH fod-u- d ootavo, printed In largo type, nn fine HH IHDer, and muet hate cost Ha amhur oonslder- - HHj able money, whlob la nut likelv tu be returned HH; to Mm from Sales. In tbcea days such an out- - HH lay on behalf of a writer lona elnco dp d and gone betokens a disinterested lure of letters HH Which deserves acknowledgment, If nut com- - HH Bend lion, and we moat sincerely thank this unknown New Jeraeyniau for the service he has HH tendered to the public thuiitth we cannot kelp wishing that bia scholarship but been greater than It la, and bis work oetter done. HH Tbe preface to the translation furnishes a sue- - HH glnct account of fldnoxi's ll'u and writings. HH Bis ii .renu were I'ortugu a Jawa. who, ab ut HH tbe ueilliinlnii of th seventeenth eeniurv. w re HH etrlyeii ty peraeuutlii i U t4ke refiieln H illMid. HH ni tettle.l at Ansterdun. here llsnedlct, or, m he was called In Hebrew, flaruch. the blessed the Litin equivalent of thonimo. II ii'dl't. h if- H tn been uiiei i.oitly annuel b v hi u was bom In the e.ir 10-- He euily showed re BB tn .rkible Inlollortii it ulillliy, anl became tnor- - BH ougiilr versed In tlie le .ruing of his race, did HH remit of bla atuti' wis ti.it hi renounced HHj Jjililonat tho age of twenty foir, and wis HHJ publicly exro n m iii c Hei fr im tn symgogiie. BBT He did no-- , however, eiuo.uc ) O.irl tiinlty. but HH aji.iint.ilnod (or iho ros. of his Hie un l.idppeti- - HHv deuce of ell creels. Ills Drat piioliaiicd work BBY Wis n little treatise, written for tin urn of a BBW Pupil, on the philosophy of Dee C tr.es. express HHT liigtlicprlueiplesuflii.ls.ste.il in Hi form ot BBf mathem itleal proposition, to v il. Ii ho aide I BB tome origin il III nl rut. u( his mi. I'lin an- - HH pearedlntlWl, and was followed n l70h lilt col- - HH bruteit Tr ti'f.iti 'Hit. o.;(C(i poll'lt (. In which BB) he criticised tu Jein rl .t ir In a do- - HH true.lveiy ration ili'llc. f .anion, which bos BBj aln'e found u iinroii- - IiiiIcii t-- . Tuln work BBT Was Issued anoivuiomlv, mil he hoa'.llny U BBf provoked aceim to Ii ir ilot irr.id hi u from pun. BB llshlnv aiivliiliii in i.o. Hi hk.i he contluii ...1 BB) Itu lying und wn "J. ami - ut In a dstli. BBT which occiirrpd In li)T. :.'-i- J tn in m Hrrmt BB) ol the "K.hlci," urn .1 ut-- , ik '' a f r.'is BBJ AriMuunaud tlii'Dr Lmi ii ' ifloiic fnMf i.n, allof BBj whlcn. wltn n ske! 'Ii ot a lie ireiv nr.nn in r an I BBL miber of hit loiters. ere ediie I an I prima J BBF ,n ole potthiiiuoje v il.i no oy his frl nlana BBJ pupil, Lulls Meyer, Otit-- r wrs, k'l'v.vo to BBV ia been wrltt-- n ov him, wern either nvef BBJ printed or have perished : tboiiirit a small one In BBJ Dutch, nppiremlv the null draft ot the BBJ " Kioto i," w a dlc iv r I a to ve ir uso. Tbe BBJ en'ire body of hi' 1 I'K1, now extant. ro BBJ co uprlsed in three sn I) I'.iuon il v .1 ih", Bag hpinoz's prlval life nfl 1 ch ir.u ter were sueu BBJ at to ex-it- iKtniiu but reduce: 'i I udmlr - BBJ ti'in. II iMinr been dis iii 'InieJ In liis flrnt love BBJ aff dr he never in irried. o i mill, h i a ne neltlu r BBJ areelihc nor a I, lertuie. lie lived in liuin le BBJ lodulne. simply and n mi "inn ilv, aunpirtliu BBJ himself for i rj rible. ii us By the tr i.le of BBJ arlinr.iu ojil ' .i lu'i-e- s. In w iicli he iMinedvrc .t BBJ roputiliou fir p k ill nil iiueuuKy. A small BBJ peiiHiuu from hla frind I): Vil . und ano.n r BBJ fr'on t eelebriteil lie Wilt, tin ill. relieved Bag hint from llii' n l ol i' intlu itiw fits innti tul BBJ mpljyinent, ' .it otli.r IT ra ol pecuniary as. BBJ elsi i ii d l.e i.ni- - 'l. li'U.J tho appoiutineiit BBJ of rr.'l aioraitne I'niv rsltv of lleideloem. Ids BBJ unw in.lii'i.'n w is .il- -j sliixvn In Ins rellnqui-li- - BBJ mem I i nl- - iters of his abate of ms father's BBJ estate, sftr liavnik'. f r Hie rmnt his ro uti- - BBk tion. e't.i'nis'ie I hi rj i! to It In a a lit at I nr. BBF lie died, as l.e Imd lived, pe celully and resl.n-BB- J BBJ "f I'" "K'hl'i." Its editor. Mover, a.ivi. In BBJ bis pr f " I: N :u e h it if i z BBB Other rltlius, an I in n :e a I red ,im BB7 luto itii'l perfect nrK" i Mm ii HVa If i'M p 'f - iM'ii iir o'w'i'o ' r- - HVA fn'n oji r h i'" lit . i f BBg tur 'd nut .i oi I u i. i . n. . ,:iu HVM flu il t -- stilt i ol io- - i n i .rhi an Ii.... n BBJ tst of live p ,llf I i f J . II s f r , , BBJ and urii'iu of ih I'nl. Ill i. hi BBJ N.H.ir. t I ' .' IV. ill l . i n - BBJ er.'ii i of "'i til' - V. in HVJ the I' ' i or loo In 'it 1 I i n to Li ti .. HH Tihmmi v. r. l.f ..ii a ."'i e n p- - HHJ tlon ,1 ii t ail 'ii :i hi I. til i v tl BBJ ami lie i'i .n.'i: tn -- i.iM " I .11 oi i HHJ the ' I li o.' In' I ,.j Ii e lier t XV 'i HV of t:ie i irti'-li- o olrl ipiv.lt - ai i t i' I ii HHj in it ti in i' f r n, i.i 'i : - t ilv i n Jin BBJ nliur h i'l '.Hi - t nl i x ' n ii i HVA c itnii - if j.i"n'. f mm. . .r HVf lat ." ti - If iin i . r v. .'I BBj Int.. j.ne l.i i ia il.' n t. Hi f rr I fr i u BBJ i'l "I -- 1 ail ir.'i BBJ "l 11 ' ' ' 1,1 I ' u " e-- t a BBJ iro d Idea of tlie II r t I i r i .1 lW v t HHj pl id i.'e ip i.l ll. 0. tu, 11 I' I - BBj ,t4 Ir ''" ' ''' v ' ' ,r- b 'ivey r. HVf t'icr4 u lit "i i ii of tit t'i if ' l.i HVJ ain I i i'ir .'uiti .t .' i .'iii.u 'j . r.ie n i ii in HV Iik . an 1 It i ieiiLj lo aia-,.e- ,iu LiK'.a 14 v II BBJ BV ispliio.i'" id" h r 'i" Tiiln.' (ill, ivlilcli nie HV Ooht 11 Jlii'i'l ot I iii t ' ill.e. weie in lil- - HVf life. i ne, and ar t 1', ih.' tai-- e .f :rc re- - HVJ pru tii to ii. n. n i, cal'it I bun tut reii BBJ ir. itlon ui A ii"i'. I1, in mi. I ii rlih-n- .ii J BBJ K'ltiill-- t, f,n i ti t il in i - j : i ih tu ,t ha BBj ' 'he ' "' " " 'l '. it t i ' tin lieu ton of HVj tho. :r in di ti ' ( i ie " 1'. il i 'i.i.t Ii te the HVa ro-- dt of iti 'i i .i ! i'i i I i x , nut i , m f l.. HVf doi'ln i"J, null i "f tho o li lot alt t ti.-- , HB name nil l.e re n ..ed. l.u .i i It I. dou i'f il BBj Whether he will ever be look ' I m. n liv ill or- - BB thodox h iril with In- - 1. Fair tl.tti utli r Bg tbii, , .i ban ,.tt .I'UeJ p j, ui ir fall e mi BB rel'i.. s oil. J e HH I i" ilu i.l Ii id on'er! ilnd by tho m.i's nf ii lb i. a. iii i fli I pre-u- i I o ! to t'io i tn . v.. i. .fi.. tils ifn-a- t II .t l rim u .1 ail i : t i .le III , Ui . m t ui.- - ri, i i j ui ,m i t ir-- : v t " hi i ii oi i ..t i' n ui. ,t i . i "1. I 01, .1.1 I. . i ; li ti Ii I,, lliuhd' d .M- - i.'. i " mi hi 'i i it, ii I (. ,i ,i ,.t Iiim', ur i'.i i: n- - ' i o t 'i t ,t im .i t, nut . ,', r, ,i ot,. i, it ' i tn. i.' ' t. '. hi, .f, ,, , b it mi rl r i p uvr. n i n fie i L'od 1' ,o e t i r ..i, t i ' :i- - i'i, ur . li II I'I III f Olil. t mll.''l I iVI'l.il ' to tn Il .11 i i', alld k,Xi'' atlliti tilth llili by a.eii 4 I. ,i i.i lln-- a tv iiliuli ui''. i eff.it ilnui. T' ivc, nil only hid ca h rMnininilv in .'i. . hut ivi.h trai i and mut.ii.il oo e li. .d iu nl i tli .ii ai'.iu'iiht l 'i tli i! nN of oth'i r iiiimiiiiili. s, i.i ' i l '"'led t o 1' ' ui i t ve ler ii i.i iti. .1 t,,, ii t a 't ii of Iher w r n I .a J i nln ud t J II i il 'I 'h ii. t i ,1,'liov ih, anil t i i it ii i'i - .ii- ,ite I i il u (th t 'i ir 'ii. ' o I 'i n it mi with n .li i ' i l 111 roll's 't. I'll' t h.'i i 'i in !. f ii i' ne ,iu I is pr .' i'S ' ."'..' i i, i'.' in . ... .. i mi t U t ' " ' ' . - it .,r ,' ,i, ul f,.. Iff' '' ' a f in.. ,iv Inn - ' ' t . , . ,. ' ' 'I.. i ni t i r i "'l - ' ' i l ' l l!. ' i 'f ' . . 'i ', . . i ,i ,. i . . . iu. iii i'i t'i', ' IT' ii' II, , t t I'll ' ' - i i.l o Ii I t f . .ii , it h ' f Hi iu i ..'. . I.i i .' , l ' I C' ' I'I t lit' 11'' J'lll i i n". II or i" - in ,ii I. , - oi i - t i li in n e I In p , oi I . .i. ..... i .. "" -a i, in. i . ' . . , rn ' i , .i'i i. h . of I iv 'i I ,', , ,,,'.,. a I t 0' 1. i n in l.e irt. ( ' I'v, t II tl.' no III I'llIot'i'ilU "' ' i, 'i, in oi 1, i, l.i 'im in'ii ii ii i "i t il t..i: l',. it) Iti ! 1. llo.ieail liJ'l'i.i, u " ' id if in in .' I, ml tha tin. ... .IM I i ,i i i' ulu nl di oi II .1 "1 1.' . ' - , llllc '.ill I i ' I. t . in ' i ii ' ill it irl u I i p . a. o. a, uf tha mat :. r, fr in hi, i, c '! nO.,r n"e und lee t i iu m . t . m a or 'it . ! I euunn'Ctl US l.cte t. j. - ii.'j jldnu tit pleasure life, health, riches, success In buslnoee and i ll other desirable Intniis. liven tha onere- - t ons of namie nro r.'i.irili'd nnlorad by htm, not in aecnrdanco nith Iniiniitatilc lawa, hut In otiedien. o to tho wishes of his vourloa, and men prav to him r r ram and sun-bin- e In full conO-ilonc- o of utit diiiiiit their desires. In short, be Is con 'elved aa a anrt of autocrut iiiion albroue, with auth Tltt of the same kind, tbotieh Ihlliute-l- y urcat In denre, that la nosaeased by the Rus- sian Cx.ir and the niiau ol I'ersla. Aiinlnst this Idui nf (Jod, Hi lnoxs, like other philoiophers. proto-t- a. To any reflecting mind It la t lain that Uod could nut eslat In nature and puasee a no'terlal form, huw. V"r attenuated and ethereal, withuiil bnliiK subjecttto the limita- tions of matter, and thus Incapible of tho litres ary attrloutna of divinity. Nor baa any research Into the realm of space, by tho or otherwise, revealed the preeenca of audi a being. Furthermore, If the relation of (lod to the universe be that cf a kins; tn tils klnitdom, then there le no necessary dep ndence f nature upon him. As a kluc dies, but the uff urs of tilt ktnudom no on all the sauu', so the poimlnr Uod inlaht be annihilated and yet the universe cuntlnti" to maintain Itself, heo mae aa la constantly oeiorted, he has porm men: ly en- dowed both tuliiil and matter mtii the qualities they pos.csa. and tliey now exist and act with- out further assls.anee from III n. Nor doee the unpul r Idea provide for ndeu late inems by winch (lud can ..ffe.'t the uiilversa. A klim h is his tiiltilstors .itnl subordinate oflccra by which he roaches bis subjects atnl enforca nil com- mands, but 0 al has only itoaKluiry belinrs csllsd ana' I'. whom notuxly eees ami wimt-- anencv noliodv in p'rciv,'. In short, from a philoaopnlciil point of vie. t, (loJ, us coniiiiunly Imagine I, Is no (lod al all, but a mere fliuuiit of Slllier-tlttul- l. Tne Oisr lep toward a higher and truer con- cept Inn of II id w .s m nl) by the anuria Mill I ,o aaues, win taught that lie exists, not out-ld- e of nature, but within H, and that the universe is an email itlon from Iiim as the budv la an email from the ami. Tula onvlaes at once tbs illflleulty of e npr men llu hoiv ho cm net upon the world ml renders creation really, nod not In Word", dependent upon him for Its origin and oxis en e. When I Ilu soul le ivei the oody t.ie b idy poil-lie- s. and so were ti 'd. wliu Ii the soul of tho world, tn rtlt.idriwfio.il it, the world wuu'd he aiinlhil .ted. From India the dueti'ino Wis c irriod by J'lttiaguras to K irope, where It was adopted by a c insider ble n.nni. cl- ot theOreek iihllosophers .mil hoc nun a part of the systems ot Pl.ilu and tne St ilc nch ol. So well known was it tint Vlrcil, in his Knei '. makes tbebade uf Anchises tc.ich It to 12 i ,.a . Pnnelpiii cf uni ne tnrrs- - liiuictiu'4 Llleentvuiiple g run u l.ims I il i.oopli i riinrt u mn am, io uii'i'i lam. iu r artu M, u, agltai inol 'in ut marfuo su carpare uiU,o. A piu which Is piraiilmscl Iu Pope's " Uitay on Man," In t lie lines beginning : A .ire lit liirtl rl "lie stupe n! ti wll il ', It hu e tiou) N i ar" is, an Oal the sua Thoaposilo t1 nil. who wis fimlllar with the Greek philoa i h; , ul- - i says In his adJrisi to the AthenUiis. deliver, d nn l Tr's ni l: l . "I. t lint i.i i.. Mewoi l and nit t'.il ic- - trureli i.re-m- e I ist ii" i L im i .tvi. i urn eaoh. a., in e li nut n ttilipesu il i.'.i u is. r H a r.itl.i I ss it i in 'h Iu i , i i u;,i h' n im1,'i S'IMIiI i,'. tj t' o i 'ft tit ii i r. ft '! f oft in i ml i'.i j , an: i.ut i nil i ot liuc liK it 1. on' i,',i nl lih a f r Io ill ll 1. ill llie tie i I'i" , r"i. a t .1 ti iti'ti remi ip .. ted in i Hn bouU'is uf ii. a in .a ii it i , f urn i . in., i. 1. if i .i,., i i y III. ,111' I 'l" I Oil tl'l'l lit II ihVIJ't A ft' I M' , .. a ti t'i v i 'I Oil I i ft a it r I. i mil mm ninj ii i ui it ti j t a ' 1 of our ' U Ji '. - 111 jtil : I or ri alf j ar ler u J rlui " i.Vein xr. . .'s i ll it'hiu.'h thus sail tloucd b an m- - lred nnostlc. and supp irtod livits Intrln-l- c n.irits. the doctrine v.aa oVi.rn helmed by the dark lese which followed the fall of tne Iiom.n Cuiplic. und did no' rc ippe ir until the revival of le an- ion bv the Saracens. Averrufs ta ight It, and it soon began to B id f ivur with CnristiaoH. I una UI rdaii) llriuo. In Ills famous "Ash Wedncs-- it i;i;i. r." writto'i no ml lVt. an : M- - li i the ! "iriti.- in.t i , . ..itiii. riniur fr. .,, our i'Ivi - if i i nn' .1 s i'i ii .i a ii. "t tn ui , .. ir- - i . .ir , .in u ii i , i'i t tu w a - p.i .ii. t ii . ii.'. ill. . ' r, a. r u , b,v i..4 ii i. ti aa i w ' .i.i ui- - n i i. And ii n .tii'-- w " k n ; iv s : ve 'a. i.o'l e n'-- t - ii " t.ir s tlni tr- - i.r ui i ii mi '.! .... i i . u i r.i . .' i .i . i.. i i'. H Uf a i en u f it' i' (In D. I' i l.' .1 .eri oig. Hi hl t ... I ' .'I till .tn ,l : ' ut. ' 1. i . t ev r. ie n "ii t'i t . i - ir . ' 'I i .' a n' . , i ti 'i a , i i i o , i i . i' i I . r 'I ' . i. . l ,f It . " II t i . i 'l 1, o .lilt ualili ll 'I. I tu i.,i s ii inn il .. r rrv .t ui ui l it i u ll i u ij it, ' v rr. ti iv .i, a u n ii , ' it. Leilihliz 11- '.wil ni; Iu 1T11, !l - in ol, " Mo- ll ido Uki " i.iHt i. - i.i ; I. . i a' ie - ' n ti i. i 'ti iv. ii. nn' rifi-- ii fun- - in , .. '. .i Ui ri i or i i i i - ' in. l i .. ..'i ar ,. ui .1.1 .. I j .. ,i. r t i i.i Hi t. And S.v.'d" I'.org iv, In h. ' i ru- - ("lr'.ti.m lie, ,i m, ' pir I,, iril in 1,,1, "li.u underdo is n w, rU coil ring a- - uni'. fiuiu Ur-- to la-- n n I li tuging upon oii. i,od as m budv on us . .nl. ' Indeed, so ru - mi ilile U tho doctrlni ill it vlr. (ilil-'.'i- In mi artici" m tne t'u. '.i(.i'i" a n for i i.l ,1hiio, sp ikitu of I'anih 14,11, 't.,-e d" fiat it " tn iv lie understood t eo . .ve 01 (i d the eeiitr ' of tha v e 11, nv will an 1 iiu.'iit pei'ui.a' .11 : 111 1 pervi n.ig .11 he11.1t it oiiienn t clr ' inifern,'o. un lurn menl .11 e. u thing ali i uci or.'.inUui ill piopnrl! ui t its i ui, cai Klty and n.l. " In iiii-.et- I'tt'ith i.'u is or tutt." he tlio hi.he-- t I riie rln if .;.liii-!- i i.i tll cui uf theoi igi.111- -. co 1. l. , tut so ut i '1 in tie .1', ni 1.1 tint liil I. t.ie inu '. ot all tiing., us 111 the il"ductio.is ha draws it. I'oi 111". anc , Iu 'h l"U 1.11 mi . Dirdi" I to I'ai. 1. of the " Ei oc t," he dei no : I'y (. nl I a. t ji 'li v. , ,1 ir In" 1, li 11. . - .1 ' - '. ' ! tl ii I'.I t U.,.1.,1 X.U a ll.i '.I . ..,! ..I ll t.i. . And a uoiWhe pro,' iin dum m trat m tne a 110 p 11 of the tivatio.' n c 11. : Prip XIV O Jd no i'it.l ill In- i" ' en I'r XV a'lU'rv r Is l 111 I. ' I. i'.'ilii.- - h li ti ,1 i'it 0 I'r V l e ot 111 ill . . ik it i.v e xn in '. As t ic propositi ms stin 1 th"V see n h inn le - eu i.'h, m ami luiitig to l.i. : " i 1 Is 'HorvtMiii," but rever.o l.i" irl-- i( I wor.li. 111a.hu ti.eu r. id : ' I.i'.tv t'iiti. is ii id,' id e li iv a i'a it in 1. 11 1110 t oir.- to tne e xiiii jo mind, r.i .'u:n d ii'i i'i , 11.011 ii'at ei 111 II 1,' fur-u- ..1 ar .igate ludrp 'hu"'ii ' inn.'. L.1: - ui''". Ii i.ii'v.jr - ' ' upun .n.i Ii d I f - " 1 .1 1: 1. . i ln.telielidi.il'. I'jin .old I il Wiiil- - I v r, b si le , In se ' 1 ne ui . p ie- - II '1 '11, 'l"h 11 'Ul id IV ll tl (i d 111 t ' 'o i'i' ', III ill or.l . Hi .t 11 in v t at all ml 1 i'. do. "1 in", t it ti 11 v iir ii v rw a a 1, f.i i as a .1 . 01 , i '. Anotliei I'.r.'i n e vvhle'i ' u , ,1 , f ..ui r In - il .1 .n o( t lie i'i li. Hi , 1, , rr. ali n. 'in I h imii-O- m on , , , ,1 that of th" I'd! "i miry of in' !i . Ij ith in ii' .111 I 11 t ir , an ' h u , 1.: hi ill''V of Mltdillli-- ' ai'tl 1.1. ill- - i ', ..n 1 u.e su'iji et ale the-- e : l'l,.i P. In t'u r i" al t'll.i : ill ilV.itllll ll''l" 'Pllt ' , ' ill . 11.11 n I ,i St I ''J' I '' I'i .'a' ltl I' 1. en li n . i. 111 e' ' a 1) 1. a " . hu t . i" i' pi 1' mi WW Will' . ' we l ill .' .11' t ) lit .11 t ut l i e,, .1 y. II. re. uj 'til, tl.e shork pr ill ! Ii.;un it', ti 111. , d 11 r nil 'toon h utual tn mi 11 ol the iliein ; .11 nn i' - th ih t tu .11 f t'i 'd '. II PS t t'u t'i. " .1 .t itl.'d v the I . ill 'I (i te ni1 n i' '1 . ii' tni'hiii' t t.1111 ll.i hi il ie iu I '. .' It - '' t no ,i'i ui ' .v f Hi ui t nl It '' o. t . Io I; 1. 111 1I1.I e- - t ' l ' I 'I - .1 I ll ..!'. I lip l'" . I' "I 111 II, ' . Mi, ,. f wn, '1 II 01 ' i, II ""' '""'In la. ii ii a il i As .1.1 H . : - , . u .h lot n 10 iv. r 1. ::x 111.. am i ,,.., ,1,.,, M,i , th i'i w ii j. r it .1 inu , ., i,u ,, 1, y h ri 1' l': 't went toil tne will y( . i s'l illl'l tie UtlTI Mil 111 , li'p ir v. I.l f j 1 111 bo i u aer ill "i 1' ir m . ,. 11 , tl ul "Uail U "'I' ll I llltlll.'l'll' ', III - IU,,' ; 1. , . ' ill-- " Ui'llll),i l!J Urol i 'I i 11.' no ill, r th Ul I' he ith - 11 " '. ', thi'i "f ir, "in 1 in' , t no iiio.e th .11 lit lejerti in ol t he p ip.i! 11 un ui title id".l of (1 o.l. hi. 1 tilt hel-i- ll t ' til" a - in. nl l.is iv1. tvii 1 11 lo being, his M .tilslniu in the diiiial tu mutter uf hid "neniuir oxl-t- e nco, and hie Fataltam to hla recognition nf the perfect wtadora by which Providence gov- erns the universe. That his doctrines on thee point conflict Willi established prejudices and are difficult of acceptance by the untrained Iniellrrt la no arg un nt ag ilnst them, and If thev are true they muet eventually trluropn over uppnsltlun In Pirt II. of the hook, wlilc'i t re its nf tho human mind, Pplnozi follows out the prln Iples laid down In Hart I and deel trie (C'jrollarv to I'm XI.) Hi it " tha 11 nn m mind Isnirt of the luOnite Intellect of (lo.l ; ao tb.it when we eay th it the human mln I poreelvea this or thit wo a ty nothing else tli in that Uj I not a ifar .11 He Is the Infinite, hut ao far aa lie Is manifested by the mind of man ur so far as II constitutes the essence ul the human mini bis this or tint idea." Again, he asserts (Prop. XbVIII ) : "In the mind there is no nbioljte or (res) will, but the mind ledetermlnrd to will tbltor that by a cause, which la determined by anotbor cause, this by vet another, md soon to Infinity." It la uselesa to deny that both these propositions clash with tne learnings uf consciousness and require 11 vioroue effort of tho understanding to be even comprehended. If there la anything which we can be certain of.lt Is our sop irate Identity, and our en Iro freedom to do or not to uo thliiia lis wo choose. This however, Splnoxs declares to he a fullucv, and lauurs strenuously toshutv th it Ilia. Ivi lally difflcult nf a linlsslott la hla doctrine (Prop. VII. Scholium) that " thinking auhatanco unJ extended eiibetnnce are one and the s line auostance which Is com- prehended now under the one attribute and now under the other," from whence ho con- cludes aubsoq cully tbat mind and body are one and the same tiling. Iu bis point of view this may lie an liicvltaulo result uf logic, but It so mils uddiv In contr .at with the almost rcrcivo'l opinion that tho mind and body are ot uiffcreut luturjj and different org iniza Ions. P ri III., nn tho origin and nsttire of the af- fections, ts thn leist InteregtliM of tho whole hook. Aa Spin .ai aays liimseif, he diseues human artlons and appetites precisely aa If the question W'-r- c incoming' lines, pl itios, and solids, llowdrvandre uliivvsucha method of irea lint me au' Ject must he, neede no elucida- tion. It ts like describing tho feell us uf a lover ny tho aid of the c or redacitii the con- duct ut 1. 11 nngrv man tu a geometrical curve at ill It in n't be conceded that spin" 1 displays ' rare ability 111 carrying out his p an, and ts insistent with his post il 110, that mind nu.l bodi .ir Identic d, and tli 11 tho order anl eipnceii m vf lluugs are the eiine lu one us iu tin utiier. the pnr.mse of Tart IV. it let forth by Spl-no- z 1 himself thus : lltiinvi itupolrtifp In inn'terattng and restr lining af fer, I es t,vT). Firs initi siitiiiiMoro his tirlc'T'"ii - a a hi osr.i pa vps nut fortwic's. so that tie ii oiMii rn tip 'hPd ui pursap Hie iM.u-- If n."i tie e, t.i it r In tins pari 1 pr.m 10 iif'iinii.'r.ii .si 'Us ut iti 4 thtug. nut ttiu fart i a n..d 11.1s ie And ho proceeds to d Sue wh ,t he means br ocd and evil, und perfection aud luipui fec-tio- ti : m f. Hi rofnri'. in what fullost I null 1111 .'rut I'll t 1..1 a lui le. ku vv I h ' .1 111 .ill 1. toe . ei .uiiT.isi mi - n.i ir.) or .111 .1 t ir ' 1, ti ,...' i. ;i ti ,' 11 . .y ti it t'isl .'hi wr ki isr bin I r. ti tr "ii r u'lillij Hull sti-tnl r.i 'ii'." si' .111 ll .1' 11'.. I . - ' I I . I'. " J. .1" tu re i.r s jpiro.i.'ii l.ils siaue.r I " In conformity with these principles, and with thosHof tne preec ling p'trt. inuielv. that the affeetlons re to be reg riled in the light uf n.iitir I f iti'i'i. he proceeds to ah 'W that vir- tue la oue lieiiee tu tne dictates of rcieoti. and Its opposite disregard uf them. Fur "In so f r as nici live fr mi tho guidance nf reason, In ao f .r 11I v do thev alwivs necosssrlly i.grea with mtnre." (I'r .p. XXXV) ll hy "na'ure" 1.,, utiiletvto it the divine I vv 'four bilng, 11 one will bo Inclined to te this assertion. It la quite plain that lithe evil In tli" e' irl I. mor .1 as well .1. ptiv-l- c 1. i.ns". fr un tnen'M .11 ' 111 r eoiiii'.irv '.he ir.ti.tnal 'er ..f re tion. and that t ta flr-- t i,t"P t ovard v rt'l n t si s 111 learning w I. a' Hi t order t.. vv.il' 1,1" .pcotiil nl u iv ." '. j ni sri' r. , t... uliii a( I i had l tils till il wl.' hh . ll.i ' P. n . VII I.l. "l!t"-'ii'- i ni" g oil "f th tmu .he r ig il- li ill of ' nl. ail the .11; re v .1 . of t lie 111 t CHlilU' tiod." ill h" .a ij '( Is tieaie.1 f n:'ier .out iii..re f llv .1 l"ii. v . ni ; e .ov t of t . Int de : or 1111 Iijtui.i Ir e l"iii. In toi- - i 11. .. uod' rl ke . "I tc hu v 111 . h iu u '1 t e. 11. i.r ti 111 p,, over the .(T c 'on- - in - rniii'i ud in ' 1.' ' ' n. t irin. ' 11,, ii ide . t.i .1 v,e m. . 1. ir ivui '. i jnte'ii'il .to our e ii'iii'Ui j - o' j - .' I j.lw' i'. all t) f o ui dl.'.in,.! eon pp ions of then As .n'lii at, we ctiidiio.-- . tie - is. tl.ev eca-- o t b passion.. ft"d i'"iu ' I d"i tni' e ihtr d. He re. oauueiids. ,,l.u, to I ty linvii I'riiiiii prer pts firtti 11 In. 't of 11 ir lives, 1 r mitnll th i.e to nisinori . a id to up Iv I he u . net iv I. ov. 11' s as tlie' u.. . In re .1 I 10 in) im iloiie us. wo m iy s raltie tbe ferlit g ol tit nt win. 'i I'i 'y ur s, .11, , rouieiii-- 1 b ..' that '1, ui, like ah thi.'gs ele, art i the in "sn, of to Ir n itui, . and are therefore to li I'i'ted and tut Ii it d nlieti th y d 1 wrung, l'e - ' "Veir mil hj ioil e ilinl.U r.ilg ai.d ''e .lining faiiiil. tr u I'll d.'.n.sr ; the love of g. 11 v hv niedit ition on its oinp'lnc-i- , 1111 1 thus wi h oltier 1. imaii wv iki.c-.i-- " 11- -. th rcfore. who f .1 1 moderate hi- - aff ictlons and at pe- tite fi 0 n low f freedom at n- vi'l 'live as 1111n.11 as ni--- 1 le to ku ov virtues and tti'ii a nrs, and to fill Ins soul with the Joy will Ui arise-- , from a tru t eoguliion uf ttieui. Least of all vv ill tie 'ii'i'ein plate t ie faults of niPii and .11 s. pa .ige in 1I1U ud. mil rej .ice ui a fal.u upp'ir-ii'ie- e oi . eitooi. And he w o h ia r.refiiilv u 'led tliu i' iliiiii 11 .f difflriil:). an 1 will prai-ti- i tliriti. verilv lis will be ah. a. in a I'I ' tr f tlnlo. to d It''" hi- - til- - iroiu th ni.iil of ie - in nil I j ir let l " 1. un .111 il i.r-..- ii l f inn iiiu"al p iti)- - ,), ts Ilu r,ifo e this : 'h it (i I da el's in 11. . 1.1 11. Ui .0 hi he ill IU i' X 'ie f ' ,1 111 111 'lit "1 ilf,iil"tlt Tl'l t ll It til" Ufa Htli' lit ie 11' ni ml. ir inn iv ith what w ku vv 10 I e - Top n i i.e.. 01. what is th santo th iu '.irl 'o (, ' cM'i In our n.it ore.. lis mil s 1'iin v if i s 11 1. '1C1I va'up - given at th" r. 'In 1,111 .f I" 11 II ot ihu Ivnl,, 111 Ihi'if vi ird-- : .vv .1 r is f ri p ,i ..iu 1, iw itir . . i'f' nun ni it. f ir-- , ut i.l ."..hi, i!i it a ..c .. In 1. .1. tn , I,., n.' It '1 'tl H II ll ll It 111 III II .. .11 , '1 ii ' .iiir ms ri nun t . ' 1, 1.1 1, . 1: 1, r . - "1 I' ,1 ut urn I, li m I ie lilr I I'I "l on In till. tlk P't .1 .. .1 ,11111 Ill 1.. 'I i' . 'lito vv at' led In l.irm ir' l.li' in ) " Wi rfii n t - ' . I'ii . ' tn y ,. ' ii I - In ,...1 ,..!'' I .Till In 111 I. l.'.li, rl f ' ' r I'l'i tin- li l It Ii 11 irl "I Hll III' ll' I' it I'll M 'I I' ll'lt u. 11, r " t p I 11 tm.i ..n' s .111 t III. til rt.e t i'.i t 'mi t, ii ,)x u ,. ir he ir mr ' ll Ml u .if ' ll t ' ' nl lIlllH ' till llll..,l I. 11,1111 i.l ll ' 1' feline Ii .rn hit nil it 11 ' a li t rl f I 'i ' ' 'i '"11 111 ill tUii, lli h 'I '"'I I'r'' " ' lift' IIV is l ll ' ' . .11,1 iti it Mil ie mi . ' ii. ii i. Is ' ' .' ' 4 ' '".it'll! lib . II 11,1 ll' II ' ' ' . . , ' ' " "ll V ' ' - - t 'i" ' '1 11I .. il . ir h . 'I I' ., , ' "I Ii' , Hi, ' ' ' 'I '1 .I'll i'i ll ll Uiti . ' ' 1. .,1 1, litiir ,11. 'li .11 ir ', in 1. - 1' ill - ll ti li If 'i ' Til ," ' ' ll l I, .. .' ,1 .,,, ,1 , , , It - 'o li" ' t th 1' Inn 1. rl, iv i.'te no r ie in t in 111 I h lia , ' I an i the f j l. of pu'ii 'Inu 'nl in a fill ,1 0 III t ir uod 11 in ives miw uihy ol I in li '111. I J ' ' i , i' M it t Ml' lli ill i ,' . I 111 ij e 1, iv ti t . f 11 1. 'i- ii lie. 1' il.ll'id') ;, indeed d t - t t v I ml' III Ih " 11 nun. .11 nil ml 01 II it be d st 111, o with ths ludv , lull 4 ur luilif rl 1 ie lu . 'V a 1. 1" u nil . h it b rl- - vvh'Mv mvs I'I. II , 1'iop Will 1. ' 1 liss III iti I e ii it i'uv , ut, ui K'll '.I t tr as a ti tr .ive. tin. 1.1 i,'f tl, aft'io'l us of tin bill. " .1, 1' . t V , I'i p XX l.i . " Phe 111 in .1 can nil- - jo no ..ii 11 r r iu tnhet ,a-,- ' event ., oxv .'i' ih '1 ly c lui Ah 0x1, ten e w 11 - Olll ..1 . .' 'I ol t 1,1 pi. 01 IliOIII 11 f ol tne nat I tan' un 1. lut to 111 at all, II u ' i.'il p .t nn, Ineiefoie, vii'ii'i i', I .11 iu I. - no ,i, ' tl i ill bi'i iti I the life of nl, I.' I Ih .'. Ilo w. 'I'd r mil 11 It oil tun 1.1 urn iciu 111 er, Uoneiar, ilia'. Mujv and the nropheU likewise make no reference In tneir preoepte an I exhortation to a future) ex- istence, and prorates rewaide and threaten to be eecured and endured In tble world alone. Nor does Christianity utter any clear doctrine on t ie s ihj ict. Whether tha soul paeeei on Imm dlateiy after death Into a new etate of existence, or whether It sleeps In the grave until th gre it aw ikenltig uf siuie re- motely future Judgment D ir.wbettier It e tern si abode le to be on this planet or In eome other P irt of tho universe, and Whether It will poesees the same qua liles It does now or he endowed with new ones, are qioetlona whiob puttie mo .nChrisilaoaqulteaa murb aa they did the aagea of antiquity. It la pretty generally con- ceded, however, that a body of somo kind la ueceeaarv to the conoeptlon of existence of a human being. so that In this respect Splonxe and orthodox Cnrlstlana ar at one. Whether he I Jtiatitled, however, In drawing th Inferenoae be doee from this postulate, le another matter, H tw extensively flplnoii'a philosophy flnda favor In the world It le hard to say. About a century ago he hid students and admirers among the greatest thinkers in Germany, such as Lesalng. .faoobl, Merd-- r, Schilling, Schleler-- icher, and Ooethe. Recently the novelist Derthold Auerbacb has oocii.iled himself with translating hla worka Into Uertn in, and In Eng- land Dr. H. Willis ha published In English, tn handsome style, both tbe "Eihlca" and the Thenlngtoo-polutc- treatise, wltb a selection of Splnoxas letters. In this country be Is little known and leas read, but bis fundamental prln-clpl- have been. Perhaps unconsciously, adopt- ed by n large elaas of scientific men wbnhave cut looae Irom the popular theology. In hla case, aa In that of many other profound thinkere, ao much of his system ae shall be verified by tho Investlg illons of others, will eurvlve und enter Into tbe common mass of human thought, while the rest will be laid aside as a mere matter of curiosity. rirj? .vontvn.v .tr.ver.. Whence 11 I sales. Via lie la. What He Ueea. aad What I he People Pay IIIM. The average antitinl salary of the AiiktI-c- m clergyman Is two hundred and seventy-liv- p iper dollars. And vet he le nut banpvl From the princely revenue of a Cardinal to the wretched pittance of a Presbyterian " llsl.i-or- " the distance ie great, although In point of time, occupation, eonstancy, and devotion, th hl.-hes- t and the lowest occupy a common level. In view of the fact that tbe churches of America cannot accommodate one-lu- lf of th pnpul.1tlen.1nd of the other tact that aa a rule not more thau iw.i-tnir- of the accommoda- tions provided are required or availed of, It would not be the must difficult matter In tbe world to raise a question as to tho actual value of the average lergi man to inanklud. There 1angre1tdoalth.it tiilgil be sail, with truth, on both side', but Instead of that I ah ill pre-- nt. rather, a lea fa ts of lu ores', fraiu n'nlub others nt'.y draw texts for controversy. The forty millions ul people In the United -- 'ales support nntmilly flfiy tbousind clergy- men, at an expnso of thirteen millions, seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars (111.74 ,OJJi ! Fifty thou and men. who are reeognlsid and rei ect'ullv saltimd as "religious teachers." vVuo air tln i r Aro they aeldute 1 for their position ny roison nf obvious fltnses? Do Ihov eleel the .r jfe-.i- l ui nf tholr own volition? Are they silo and w utlly of their trust? Are they happy In their business r Ar they gene- rally (lucre, belling out In t.ielr private lives tue dourines taiubt from the pulpit? I havs lived all my life among clergymen uf nil dcuotiiliutiiins. Catholics, Enisc ipallins, II ipltsls. I'resbvierl aus, aud Congregation .lists I know, as one knows his own family; and of L'nllarl .us, l'nlve. illsts. Dutch Keformed, Lutheran, and I a 11 bv 11 in, aus ik'ii ra it. I'i "tie senteiH-.- ' lit mo say that tu my liar- - uf close ,'erv,itluii e o.v nt mo tint there is a veal am 011 i.l of ha t.i an 11 turr In them. Tlioi are llln. 1. .e the re-- t of Is. "11 lligar, tliu. ', ill e se 11 .Un oi u.' Is a liu ma .num. inn it appli-- s lu the dtseiuhi dUu sai its, if to ai, v. and a' .ill uiunts not In t ie rem tot tu tiic i.v.uk' saluts uf the niiielcpiitti century. In the first pl.iro, It is a tset that men are raielv uiadr nil. listers her vise as children or ids thev manifest ant sperm culling ur tltiiesa f r the profe-s- i n. A ti ule Is airid". a'l tho vv.iildoVT. If u incrrliatit, pr "iiur 1. 111 life, I'.is three . ui, 0110 of wiio.n eirt-- nothliu for bo iks, w hlle t .c other- - at" - udb is or average e.i il .it .'h '"I, he Is opt to 1 ike the one inu his itore or ufTke anil arnd th" others t en'lege. W it er I. the fllthul ll. ol trail-- , .ts il ule, lltius 111 tli it . 11 di v.'tt'. In' ..in. tn eoliovfo, (' .tiling nut. one t, vert likely taken in' buslncs, and the 0II11 110 s n roles. .11'. II ,1 lev vaivv..ve ll ts ll'ioUlU mo 1 'lege, It if . that oik of tne boy may 111 ike . ii l.oer.i a it e of the mini try. an pripaie lo. it. As rule, however, -- uca ah alute cliulce is not In .pient. Int' liili.et'- - o ' ina'1 h, and its cognate to it e .es. Imve linn t do w.'n toe drift wine lu. Utiles 111 a hundred ttoats our vo ing men 11" tr.tile ur pit'.e-.ii'ii- . If n 111 111 Pea Tgi 111 111. w ttb" is veneiallv tne rs.e a lar.e fauulv. iho suns e ministers aiul tin duihters inairv ministers. In urdlnot business life ninety per cent. fall, throe per cent, succee 1 and two per cent, rise tu prunuiint'od and iii'ianle pi isiarily. So It la In thepuliui. I'lu ta-- l maj iriiy of clergymen fail aa preach- ers, fall as I aeUers, fall as coiivuu . r- and sro a iv eu from Itioioiigii ueleaii,e-- s solely bv lea.on ul their qiilitt - nurses, dulni-.ttcUil- and past ,rs. It's n mlatnke to p iy that fluaney nf speech, the gilt f ,b. luces young men to beroin- - 111 in is. I01- -. lie in. ram niesilirr is uui lluent ol h ee li iii .1 M' ii. is j ire the ex. 'ilion.. W" ri eu iet ti n. r v iii v' I'i'ii ire thfiulr. and il fie Mire s ih I'teat I'lirlnti ill ehureh net', lined ui tlie eh aud Uuiu ul the le g,, he iti 11 h'ii tli nut' 11. Ai lioui 11 i r.iint cla-- s may come one Mli'lili.lh. SO ir nil u tin ol iglr cl is' 11,11 1 r.iilio rue Itng une sto.r-, one II ill. one Adans: l ot 1, .il! the West I', '.ins In the world could ir vT liave givttii - lerniaii hla mi itnrj genius, t. vvu .1. 11 lie lai eu a. 1" .im luat iiiv teat let' uf ih'oligt iie.uci the power win li in tin i'v 111 11 named ,:iv . tlu'tu un and lu- ll . . i ittit'i t in"; uui'l. ul iiiiguij dellars In men wsll-llhe- d w illfU. I iiie is .1 wid iiiilerreco bptwoen a p linil ir prr , in and a 'il p slur. 1' tpui.ir pie.r 1.1 is le .un V , tntlrl 'Mr, ntld eloqu'lll in thev ire r if 'ii goo i. lio ,si rs u., kitulli niti'd. - inn iiueile, atfiilive to the 1 ill 01 lit' im Ih v fu, the poor, visii fc irk. C'Uin r vv lin the .ifllti tid, and II'' r.,'tv ii,.l.i.,r I,. II,.. Ii.ni.h,,lili, ,,f I ...I 11... I., l.itl oh nn 11 are in hettd uf. urv,r kiown, li ut ;'!' ul' lhey live bllnibl and die ll II wll all- - i'O ir. I iluu at'e: iieliil urvev of th field, open to . all, th it tlie 111 j uiiy of llvnu' eieigi iuo.i be II tne firh eiiliei t'.rir t.iihers wtu ml orov th, inciesi tn a. leu', I need lull refer to in I'vngs, the ih- - H 'ecliei I be L ird in' 1' titers, un 1'otii r- the 1' 1 , ih" ri II . a u ' of l ie I in nn r I It w is 1.: Iv iiuiuiitl liiiua't 11 v. .oi'a ".nil, t lohiiiv Ihull l.ilh'l - MiU'lis- lie vv. l,. .r. and tiny vvn tor. 1 to htudy ami .uppoit lliell'-e'- u llo'ynll tun itnr i lergy nen. nllle .ii' ivi'tu'lv. iiiinit with ut a pantile of s. And a was wi'.u that lai.nly it is in 111 tii v 0 III I's 111 all l.v iliueit 11 liul lies in ur perio Ural rev iv l , w n t ne y uung i'i. n aim 111 tlilelis 1111, lunotl inally "1 oivl'ltd nl ton .1111 alter an hone.i il delei nv aa are lli'ide llien.l rs ,.f thprlitir h I l.is I .1 .lo ti toi ui ll Uil' irlillp .hd tits P'ld-- i Ull pt.iver nieetiiig. I lie bio. hel ill Ilia iliaii iitlls on the loiiveri tu pi iv. 'i g V' bis ' Xl'i'l ,'f e nn 11 d n wil 11 e lie othi - e ul I tiil, tilt ml tii 1.. 1'. "It, 11 II' I" t nl, j 111 t III se 1'illr 0 ,v lei" li in 1. pti'iit. ilkii.'. nut lit il t a I, lid 't ml-- - tu u l In' Ul'--- , U'l'"'illu' I'I III- IV I, "l 'llll'lL'" ll.r H.1,1, I lui in. i',.ui, u 1, leii vi, 1I1 ii a ft e III pa-- ' i if- in. rn ti.i-- , in vi, ot ei 1," gi.oii (i.r 1, 111 thought'.' ly r u iMlt.l'e- - iMItl ; irott r 'Ihr il ot- - chol "f iiv 'In III. nn I'll n t 11 "tl UUI - 'I 1. 'r in r 1. un ' 10 I .Hit . A 'let in, d It mat , 11111 - uitll itu toiili.' hi 11 In. 111" l.uir II 011 the gi-- , un. p 'i in v ih 'I - li" In in. u 11 I.l u vv 11 the ,U iu Mr tr t b a t ' in flic f id or h iidv,e, bl iia.1,1 .lui 1, I) 111 ' a I le in . ha 1 ,11 ' ri I t in, hs .011 , III t e . " it , Ural , - it, iiv 'Ul-- i ' II" lliv t. Ill bo 1111 .in lit Hi md till.t tmu l"l nl VI Hi '1 li r i o es le, 1, tul, All th Hi ' - Ul ilu; Iji vvi'h ieis 0 mill l lu, lit, Htiu r in llU 111 hi"' '. 'I 'tlliiiVC! ,, I) 'Jt Hi I'lsKlli'Hf 1, l ii 0 .I a. helm lit 101 . in.' a i 1" It rii th d. ', ' r an. tig I he I"' v - W he r 'II ' W II. the . r nil Ir ive .1 ' ' ', fioui ll i r. t- v 1'i.liri' I. tig uipi-l- 'itid ii'.inili".' til tilo ij fl un t ' "I In ir uni ' Xi'eii .t I! the Mm luv t vices ul the v oil' lil'il uviiiigelit. li nig lecie l, the t"ung ui'in goi". Ms is vv.n nitv w luoui j I. On riltl.l, tie III live-- . Ills hi. tilt II ' If il . ts .1 pe'lLltted 1110 III Willi ft lode ri 'mi hi. tn iinph. .111 it will perhaps suffice if I .iui.'li 'P nt hi- - fin I ni aiiiilt il iti in rf al n r iii lux ten l . nit Ins .1 thill' illl i ill . t thn I i vim- - il Ul leiieiilhg I r 0111 eietntii l eloi nit A aiui't, uf etiie llii ns in novvi c d n inloh lue vuuug wall i uui Ah.-- iu luu ftillnoss of time he receives hla diploma, h boldly marches "tit uooo the world and wane hla call A true man would go to worn, but i well-drill- thuulog waits for bia call, llete It is tn t friends atop in to secure a von salary. nd per- haps spoil a good man. Maffli'e f ithar never ob- tained fur mm an audience. Elder Kn ipp never asked a dry goods in lure to s y a good woid fur hi in. Kiniipy. he revivalist, cut ble own swam. Joiiatlt in Kslward- - waa never boosted a step forward by Influenoe. Dr. Spsncer H. Cone, grand (at her nf Kite Claxlon. the Lniiise of me "Two Or.'h ns," did his own fighting. Lvmaii Beocher Wns,liidebled tn no man fr uls platlortn. Ilut there ar hundreds of humdrum preach- - y who h.,ve pululla beoauae tney have Jrs influence. Would vtorgau Dlx b ve Irlnltvp rlsn, with all wt lch that name Iniidlea, if bis lather h.,d been John A.Du-aent.er- ry ineiead of John A, Dlx 1 And, on the other hand, would nut the sealoua Push ot young Tyng B.ive won bint puslnon. vn If he had not been a eon uf the voncraule rector of St. Ueorge's? Horn of the CUrkes aie light, uthe.s are dull, but neither their wit nor the luck nl it mad thstn clergyman j It was In the lain llv. Th aaine is tru of th Potters, both of New York end Pennsylvania. Part uf in famll. bay brains, tncy ..II hay Influence, and those who are mentally deficient ar Just as wall fixed e those who are Justly leaders Io luelr denomi- nation. Tneodor Parker threw off the shackles of th church, nlred th Music Hall, and preach- ed. H attributed ble wonderful succese o mo fact th t he had aumethlng tn say, and said It. Jonathan Edwards thuugnt out a system, and taught It. Lyman Ueeober accepted lb laUu uf bia lathers, and wage . War on all who failed to see It in the eaine light. Dr. Taylor was mor select In his followers, out comtiatte.i with iqu.u energy. All these men wi re verv poor. he prt sent generation oi mill's. ers believe In fat livings. As th bnght-eyeili- rtteti Ifurmar-l- y of tlrooklvu, now of Cnio go) aid, w..en aek rd it he Would gu to can t'lam isi o, "1 will, If tho cad is loud enough." home of the aalurire pat J to-- d y are pbutioinen.il In comparison with llie locusts and wild Doner of the propnetvviio cried In tne wilderness. How Muliuuw, dark. Luke, und John wo .id bave stared ut (KI.UtK) n ye.,r! How tnat aiuruy man, Paul, w.nnd have opened hla eyes, if the lu n of Kpneaus or even iue saluis ui Ibeaaaluiila ha susgcated (So.UUO aa hia tc.ir'a coiiiuens ilnt Yet in our cut s young men i fiiou regard tnost tnidls pro lno wi n a tender eye. the sums annual.)' taiu 10 Dlx, ling, Jiurg .n. Putter, 8 oris, inunipsuu, layur, Co.. pin, Durtea, aim others ate tn .r mous. anil us a tul are easily, veiy eua.lv, eained. I hai lnanJ Ueechora-- , lecturera cuulo euru mucu mure ih u ibtyae tiutv puid, but the Vai in Jurlty nf , l.y preachers uuglu to fall ou their knees mid thank the Lord lor liillueu-tu- l relatives und friends lu puniuou. .Mcthoiilsts, U.ptists, and Preanytertana nrs tbe wor-- l paid lu uiuuty. Elacup..llau and Cungregalluiiulisla uexi. 1 be Catuuilua ta.e wuatlliet need; the rest guts lo the Chutub Uui the cuurcu uVJeer does nut, un the av.r.ige, dud preai.li lug prulltable, Tu Vt esturu aelil-uient- s aie sull mi .iuu..ry gruuud, and a eveu if be be a oigot and ., fau.it le, Is entitled iu iho respect lb world alnaia awaids an earliest, honest man. I presume a luijunty of readers think tbe t'a.li.diis outnumuer any other .iu.le delaouil-naiioiiu- l inemuerahlp. I thuugnt ,o, put 1 llud tb.,t lu 10 the taolo stood as follows : sVxnio. t'Siii-csrs- . mmnf Kai'i.sl 13,U)h) 4,ki ,ia. t ugiegalluual, g 716 1 lll.JU tl IUI.I g,,Klt K1I1.0..1 Mi tliums l,.l,l7 ll.i. J V e bylerisn 7,7t '. io Mi Huoia.t Caitiuiir BajO l,pe,lis Uut the same rating dues not follow In valua- tion of prjperiy : A'.naa. Vatttitt'on 11 .putt ttt.e-si.ifa- Ct,gri'gaii"ual '.o.o si.imsi Kill eelial aO,i.'i,.sl MetiluUlot ltll.s.iiUO fr.vDyi'-r- it itwuisu Isiuuuc uua"i,uuvi All told, there were at the last counting, oi.srttt orgauiiatiuns. eJ.UMe church euitlcvs, auu gi.uiia,-Vi- i train v iliuu at atJjI.tSJvMl. Ibere have been uui four great general re- vivals lu tula country, but iicauy ever,' una been Irom lime to time atiried from the deptna ny "religious prulcaiouals," who go from place to plico creating fecitng. es.aU-lisniii- g cur.onts of a ympstny. .nil i.d ling I rge uuinoera io cuurcu meuioersulp. I'uese i.reoue of tbe liitiuemes tbat lead young uieu in'o Inepuluil. the others are p .terual cK.mple aud deliberate conviction of aim ss. II the ordinary lunii Hud confidence lu tha lu nest) anil the superior knuwlouge of tue or-u- ni rv luiuisier, our ehnrcucs would be lull niii lhey ra inuf full. I iici uro half a dozen newspaper writers In this city alone who c .n mane a fair living hy writing -- erinons tur clergymen tn rent, itiire un cuileti uatli'igs iu tne pnipit .s well ,stu tue fins.', lucre are uypiiritot aud M'a.la-w'a- .s in tnnt trade as lu uil utlitrs. mere uro Ihuusaudsnl caruvft preacner-- , wt.ose su'c quut ill ation is tneir cerncsiiie-e- . Lxau pie. . ud li. int, ,nid cuiijin, tin iiipersiltliiii f rce in.inv a in..u to i nur, p. nu Hunting but ",i..ruii rn una to d bie.uu.g kveu Ui'.l tu.r. nn ihc sei-vu- i'lu-- ,. iiiciiic uf a country clergyman prcputs no cUariu lor t ur st. ri'uod stuiti-n- t ol cil n . If lull liiink 1 am In eirur, iojK at tnvtu. ii.iur Dpo ana cut are u i in t.iKilile I'i i fimu d loess. nt.II vrav.it. fun ot 1 ek. a eh .In ul limr wna a liny pviiuaui e..i.s, unu a gtiu r l ..ir f i rUii iiie"kiie-- . lamp tuein. une ..nn .ul. linw tlie carls ap .a les w ,i..id iiiiin If ti.ej could t.,ku a peep l li.i'ii vuung gcutivnieii uut lur au air-it- i. : F. lucitlmi helps the but the man mint be o rn in Itio Ui.' ut liitoie be rn ie .t li in an) .dvjtitigo. I have lit a d the '.ue .1 H- ide. .Is btiiiit rd the innrcii uf i.tnne; nam. I'l'iilins l'n ie; fulinlu ile agal .s "orrur, an i a n ii ale i nc dev i. and liu an.'i .s. lii.vef.tii I "'ill iu uiu- -t beiiiiu euial guise ussautt mil una piriun the s d ci'iiiiiti ui uf Ad .in aud l.,e nlieriii'v vveie found utit. I liave Known iliein n ith en ire cuntliieiKc to t .k. hold ol the In- tuit ilirriis. aualvze tneui, uitsit.t luoui. mid glvetioir viuvs auu lucir when Lire.. 1 h ivu in ,.rl. and seen .ml known ill t'u from tlie lip i I a .iiipliug vvnu would bu laughed uui id rni.it. and wouldn't 'e ioler.it 'd in tne saur-lui- u uf llir I'lMlUIIK ,.'(('. It .1 no goi lis uiiu iiua as a pr. ai.u.r, lie sates suuis ai a iitughiiui nig i it i ui $',(HA) n tear, Paid by iue lueu, flittered ny me wuiuen. ttlpppted by the girls, und l.tiglud at by tlie uovtl Hu the whole I uui tnciuod lo believe taut tt'Stj ii a large sum lu pa.'ine avtrogc cui-- g uiati. Hie ties, em pioneers vvuu hue, and r .k , and dig. anu sew wooil.ue rve in ue .m i ei less. 'I ue tender saplings nearer biinevvno lam suit nuililhgs, Uuuk bull tuelr Beru.ou-- , and iiudersiaiid tbe social elements, deserve ices nut g- -i mure. scant is the Income nf the averngn elergy-niai- luat hu is larcud tu cktt It uiu as best no nriy. Minn rati " relii'iou , nevrsuap.'rs ; ' sonic si.np.y tv me for them; some carre pond tvi.h see .Ur p.ipeie ; auiue lake pupils nnd nonic bug. Now and then a pro .cuer hues ahull w Herein tie t .Iks up .untiuv, and lives on iue "cdlc lUns." In Dr. tannage's Talieru let,: u '.ii .ti"ii is t ik n up niorinnir and evenin?. and .is th'i congregation avergei .I..SIU lot.iJUd people, ttiu it'siui inusi oc quite a co.ul"rt. In ,i iii,.joiuy ui my eliuic ie, miiilsurs ur. pud lejut r salines, t.uying Iro in t Ull to I.D,""1 Hi. Dn. Hi itng. In. Luaoili, I'r. Ur. I'ut tu, anil .Mr. lieeilier it .nd tno lugutsi in p nut ul can roeeliil. t'ricg rongieg.itiiinal .mil 1 nitari in i ler) moil iiretno besi uiiid. urn c une the lan:c Indiana and Uut h lteloriu.ul Mellidi.is utld liaptl us gi l loss ui itriu.d r ,nli. Inn im y a ,d in re s i il Iiv a, mil uluc aiuuuu the p irnii inure A lew tttirs ugo there wetp several "liny prrailiels ' win, travelled .lo.itll, drew gloal iiituj-- . and attrae'cil gen i .it ail niion, luu met never I'.imo to anything. As in, n tuev we le ol ii i it, mutt and tuiimil bunue- - in.n-- n Iii lur thi'i ie viied uiaturity. .oing uieu wiiu I'tfei UK l.plsoopal i ' a .i i. i"j '...t little lo ilo ikilnit luev "look vv 11 in un nie t'.,' now and lliuii lead a senteuie, becuuie I'niiliiar vs itu- - i am ', niitl in ti are lt.i lu. itnl. oniig too i w hu entei im pillpl if uy ulin r ilu- - iii i m i ue' i .ti find the burden un their- - nli rs a I on v. i liut it id the lit mn. iu ake ue ex e oi no-r.- u. i riy us, ami pre.i' li tue er mm. I ml i lUC 'III i. .lllflaiu e it I'l.l 0 JU'll at tu llltt'l gtowiti and st. Hire, menial and in Til. tor Bi'iuenoli I don l Unit it , I lit livel ai!e .el ,u ' I is teiy lOiiiotls and ilu nver. ige p: .i er telt biiresonir I'rlliips thit's mo re n lie f r but tn Mid I'v 1 uni aevciilt lite p i'.i a dials n i u Ilapi't ul 1, ' si. "! i hi I i i i'" ' . it." '' ii- -i " Uo 'I'.nii it, un un I r timt I "UuV VI Mil. l.lll ,11 1,1.. 'I t 'It-- s itt.l .1 i ui ii i'i it t n ii n pi ,. ,1 .' . " "I, ,. w .11 ' I" in ml t Ih ' ih' u ' l'l ' ' d ( M Illl ,1 , . .'1 ' Ir VI - iis ,iv,'l t n . 111" li- lt! i l 'I i' ht "i mil ati I tn ii !u III' ,n Iii li i t ) IV I 111"' .t i ih I ni N.i in .11. u i 'h 'h I ! it ' " nn I'll 'I In 'I "I t put . Ml I ll l " '111 I 'hi'' " 'I II Ul 11 Old tl '' r it' ill 'I ", t ' i "' '" II It i ,'f i i, i' ii' 'h. , !" id l " ' h II h I. vv. II li iv. ir. 1. .1 . ,1 n.i v loi' lu r h iti-- i .a i .olden I. pp. s. Sli s i . , i. ii i' in-- , ii .I'm ' tu t i Villi t ii ii n in ll.i' - i l ii i ue si 'i' i . t " i i ri ills, r "t i U" Mi . ii"i il , n- in" s ..ai alt ai il I e . .i' .'i ni . i i i .1 - H , ' ,1 II I'll I'llll 'l I'll - Illl. II. Vi .' ', ' II. v"v JI ,1 II, il ii ,11 il i.i I. " - ) e .1 . i j t ai I ' '. I..U ' ''I," ','1 til ' 111', t ll - ll ) I, , - . S 'I ' 11 Ul ' ' ' I It . f l y ,'U IH, ll'T If' f' '' W '' I tl Hi" .'I '1,1. im Sl .1, If VI' 1' M ' Hi' i' mi. it that t ,i ,e ni'lla r iH'tui- - il A' Ml i. h he its, I i' i ;' t i n ', VI m g in iril I. t l H i t in i , i ri ' 'i i . , v, iir iii " in ii :. .t;, ,' y I" v 1 ..;'..' II. "ii li"n ilu. A fHir 1I MOCtl.tTIV TRICKS. IfWle Hat Mr. Hark when t Caaeet Mall tire vrtih Coma-io- n rsenee. To Tilt" KuiTurt or Tin Pun Sir: Bco hero, I w nt to ask you a qi.cstl in er two In friendly way. I never learned loglo whenlw.iS nt school, seeing as I wont to the plough at fourteen. But mv neighbor Oulllnn ll cbock full of that sort of thing, and 1 a I Ways go lo him when 1 get thlngi mixed. My neighbor llulllon Is rich aa cream, has luts ot bonds and stocks, and he give advice monstrous kindly, all ynu want of It. Dut still, It seems to me a tf-- but what I was going to ask you is this : Are loglo end common sens two different things? If not. will you explain lo me some points In my neighbor Bullion's loglo which I can't make gee with my common sens ? Th other day I ssked million If be thought th count rr was going right. II said It was not going right, by a long shot, which was just vt bat I thought, too. I oskod my neighbor llulllon If he didn't think It would b find for th country to have a chi nge. It for nothing els, only fur th salt of variety, you know. "John Ilurkwheat," tald he, "you echo my sentiments. We need a change. The country ts sick for a change. Ilut. then, John Buckwheat, we cm only change frnm the lleptibllcan party to tho Democratic party ! you must never forget that." "I won't. sir," answered T. "I never did be- lieve much in third ponies. Bo you think w ought to change uur votes from the Itupublleuu p ,rtv to tho Deoiot ratlc parly ? I'm glad to hear you say t hut, air. I've been thinking tbe same lur a right sm..rt whll , Mr. llulllon." "Yes, but, John lluekw boat," aatd Mr. llul- llon. In that One logical way nf his; "the trouble K, the Dcniocr. tic parly la aodreadfullv irlouv. ' "liickv? Do vnu think so, Mr. llulllon? Ilut thov nominated Oov. Tlldrn, though, didu't they?" "Yet, they did. John Iliick wheat, and nn ox cell ni President ho would make. Ilut we must novor forget t hut I Ills nomination ot J'llden was altogether a Democra'lc tuck." " Now, thut'a a pity. ton. Mr. Bullion," saya I, " situ e It's such a good trick! And they nomi- nated Mr. Charles Francis Adams, too, up yuu-do- r In Massuchtiseite." "Hplerdid strategy No bettor man In tbe wni Id Ono of tho host tricks the Democratic lartv ever pl,yedl Uui I beg you to observe, my Irlond John lluckwhout. that this nomina- tion also was altogether a Democratic trick." " And then, tho' turned round and Impeached IlcUhap. ton." "Mo thn did. ind the scoundrel fully deserved It Hut. John lliii'kwhoat. all that liniie.ii'bment business was a Dt'inocrntlo trim. You muat never forget that. It would be Illogical for us to forget tnat." " rto It would, sir," savs I, "and I bellovo in logic. Ilut, Miv how, they didn't acquit him, i.ftor ho was proved guilty. You can't say that Was a Democratic nick." " Wuv. un, John ll.it K wheat," aays ho, doubt-ftillv- .' th tw.is u bad business, tn be sure. H it, then, ovtrynodv knew that the 1'iipcaonmeiit wna all n lleniociatlc tun, Just the aarue sort of trick tnat i nngress p wheu tbey repealed the resuinptloii clau.e." " that ir isa H iiicunihe business, Mr. Bullion." esva I. " Just t'lioiit like the Keaumptlon clauae Itaolf tho aham .vt. Hist wasn't a Democratic trick, w a It. Mr. Hulllnn'r" "No, and n very piece nf busi- ness, John Buckwheat -- a pollileal thlmble-i.- g but t no r tieulul It wits nothing Uut a Deiuu-craii- e trli k." "But tne pater money ain't n Democratic trb'K. unr tne liillaliun of It. nor the refusal to k'cp thi falib ut iue ll icrutucut, Is it, Mr. " ".No. The other side la certainly answerable for all that." " And supDiso tho Domorrats didn't like to be hound up in iTonu-e- s t i ilo truat tney know couldn't be done their consciences not being as well groisod as the It ti.ibli.ain', who are ra'her ua"-- to that aoit of thing " "Oil, If yon put It itiun that ground. John Buckwheat. I giant y il fully thai it was mi icl of i ip Ingiitest morili.y lo Insist upon Iho re-p- e l uf a similoiis plotlgo to do what Was luu bpruuse tlie pu.y I'J tvhuni the pu . Ige was made refused to trotide tbo means fur Its iu en,, i llstin cm ; bit tteiveJ Hi a inattieal, lti-i- n .s tight, Ii was nothing but a Deuioi-r..ii- in Iv." " Well, thnt've cm down the expenses of tbe Government, too, it yen't tiipv, .nr. Ualllou'r" " e ; tinuttie.- - one of theli trli k. rncv'll tie bringing In a heavt ileHokuot l"ll next wlutir." " Ami tut y iiuiitrd to cut ituwn t xnen-- t s sull it'ore. otilv tlie , iibei ide woiililn t let 'em. ui t iv su'l li Democratic trl.'k, n.is it, Mr. II. ti- ll " .n "1 don't expert nnv numonn frum tho DJino-cr- a . Mr. IIui'KwIimi. ' " Hut we uiu t i.'t't ei inuinysome way, uiu.tn't wor" ('ert'ittilv. If the prc-e- se dp f c- -i eudi- - tlil - I, Ke.it Up t , in'," vv ill e tllttrii. ' ' And the lt'i u h. in n i iu iii'lt'-'- i d l.itl li j of i.. .lin ttltli.'l i I. tul -- line the. liave lu.tl tnr iv ing "f ttl' II . e , h iv e t hej " I ! list eiihf' I have i, i ho.-- ol from the faity iiavv iu p 'tvei. John Itoea- - vv e it. ' v i ll now . In, ill 't tu tight to hnvo n lectio hope i f ei on nnv li 'in the liem-.- in'-- , u. II, Tin re' Hie lietti II itse has snv.d H mii i. nil already and .Ir. I'luii'ii he'-c- ut Ins l let x 'S don ii lo hull. 1ml looks as If lhey !.ii'-- hoiv to go ibo'il s iving. if the) were a mind to." " I'snavv ' Kllnis) pretensel Metirvy oloi tlon-eeit- ih'dges! Iietnoi r. tie ttirks ! I tell ton, Juhti lluekw i.e. it. li i lie I h inui r.ilie p iriv comes Im po .er ih v'il baiiUiupt tho (lot'trntiicnt. 1' ev'il swamp n- - iiuin. i noy'li afatimo all the rebel war ni'bt. I'hi'v'll ti"ii-l..- n off all the rcucl nil iters. 'I'het'll I. lit 'ioiiil to pav f r all Ilia - atis. 1 In t il p it ml Hi Miuitic.i v. ar i lauus. 'I ri 'II nun us in a liffi " "And Utt't'll go ..ml reiM'iil the ameiidiuents, ton. won t mot. air. 11 ililo it" " tu. uf course not. luev louldu't touch the iriiei'dllieilis. kiiu'O the , o il.l litvelg'tn I llieo-lou- rl us vote to no It. lleslu.'S. I re illv Ilo iiul bt'ln'Ve the niaiitilt ol tlie lleui'i r.itte p. , it , w ui. the un nd . e 1. never tr is it invmg bustm-as- at.tl as f.ir uei i v.'teis. ttet a vt bint thn planter, will tii, tin wneie we t odd git une. lu rr'i un. ottl il il oi ..itle tru I. 1, a! Will e t at' nt.V . ' " o I no Vule littler. t'tl ll'i'Ml ' iiul il tu tne, sir. Bullion, it Hit litunoi r.itte iuiriv c tu't tun n the Amel i.i.ii-hl.- iru V' I ilon l iv..tll io t ri h the ti, tne'i'll I ave tl.v t nilu'lil, line tl irk lit b'O'l lo g, in all th.'-- e p iv hit 'its vo rpeitkol Ain't all thviC lyinents liiimd in the .itueiiiiineuts t ' " Not i lite all." " Am', t.ie rebol war debt fu!iid tiv bo p lid .' ' " Yes." "Ain't a rebel soldier's pen-tu- n a rebel war dith, " If v nu look il It In th i I'gltt " "Ami in'tielll vv ,11 i il.lls filllud. PXi'iPt where Ihr p rtl's it ll f Ahd tltrir . ll ' tr if th hi lift, li.r th' U I'tlblir ti ave in i.'e ii to I ty I 'inn till If. iv Ittuuil I. ji.itig to i l) int. th,- v.uii iir-- . in iihei ' " 'i I It '1 11 t r "in " ii new one ' " I nen vv 11 vv un o.l. hi ti in t 'tig' i Vol tli"induiin, r. Ib.'lu'it aud n n rtest llriniirlal Ih lilr I'.I i 'ilt ttl t it III. n tin, ..euis I. me. .bjiii piling i .he .1 ill's "I ii milium ol Hum, tu". Jehn lliahwact. II U I 11 II "I'll tit. 1' ill II, ll i'i. if 'el. I. I'll if tin wiiv I iv. .ut' n 'i t a I'i" , ' mii s t i a k, It I'I II hi .Im I it ' .Inst .' ,it li ,t. uet't vi i'iI tt it il "f I h iv it e i'ii ' ".lu-- l so, .l.'lill lti..'ki. ue it. It vv i ih he r ii ' " I'lnrty dollars apt" 'e I r ev it mall, wuiuali an t lln ri t ie i .lillj iln't I . ' Atnitit I'.. it e- - " Ami thoi -6 ut t million uf us, .ilu t tin u ' " to. " " A' d how many si .ve owners wore tlure. Mr. Illlllt il iii't Lu vv John II n kwlie it - ' " ll. nn l vir i.irrhn u ed lo ling tlie . h il ,'0s oh tin l.ig old . 1 OJs.at on dd it a . " in lli'll' r , V"V. Mi. Ilil.i i.i, I put it t.i y.i.l i .illuld. I) ii s v mr kii'd "f logic lea 'h tmi rr Ui) t" I l I .1 Sl' Oh Ull I of I' .pl" !" I'llllil t'i'..! t l..'!t,-"- l , - nt t t lie 111 e.V til I IX IU in i I lo pay nn mi' v l h it - n I vv in t is i x ie. it . iii one , I n il t n 'V oi, 'I i i t t , i i,l hat ii t a .ke lot . auu i.. , t w ill .h t i i .ee t i f i li di, t i.ii . , ii i n.l Ut i .unit .ii'i'i in ,ri eiiuiun lo iv u it a II ii. in i li Un .. ' " I d ui '' 'l, ve I i tn e I il the tl, Hi .t lu t .1 hn lb. nivh ,i ' "Ni I lll .e Villi' ' "lii l' ill Is S Ul, ll' I. " i . ' i und-- . ii !.n - , il i " i l ll - 111 ll L. I.i ut hi- - I'i ' " ' h ,d ,f ai Hi i u " . m " III ''i.i.' i "I , ' . '' ' "I i ' . i ii ,ii i'ii 'i In. i ... o ll. t I. I '1 II 'I '. .1, I, ll 11 . ,'l k ' I l I, ii , "I Ii .1 - I e l.ve , ,I ' .'.ll ' fl.V'. it " , ' 'I , IV ' W I St ui l 1 l s n . il I. II.. lie ml in , ii I .I . Ii i II. Id n.i id- -, ti .1 ,, i , .r ,1" "I t his I o ,'.11 i ' i I.'. vii ll ll i i " if we've g .1 I. b. - i iv i. n in .ill he time t i f e t i i v le ihr itg.it km I of tiekels and to ,1 III 11 III" II 'k'l"l' "If 111'' Illl! ll.llPli- - i' ' I ' nit'" 'in i... i uni tliildren sis t In e ,i. lu iue ' " ' hi, i in, i . .1 ' n 11 i. d,, wheat ! Y u 1. i ill if" "I I ih. I, fll.lplt a llelttoi'l.itl i i 1. 1' l.'o il.i I, " .i iv ni to, Mr. Bulli i. m iy he so! Hut t Xi" hi t.viui hi di. aiul t.i in ,,ii hn ,.,,u n its on i . Miiulci v. sto a lU(.'..i..ini Uu l.i.. j. ,i m.ilir- - IOOO.ttrj worth h's ssH marching round the ftnuth. I "."A1. r. '" '""k after tho d rai vntpa " I I vou dm. i helipvo th, I BaH maajacred? protection?" ii don't bellevs i the I mm " Well, ton see, Vr. Bullion, If th t thn. m fiH blood v .nln waa oetler vmtll ,i0,t 1 n,, i.TiinS gcH a.iuicihliig of if. lint it ,M anieli kitid of gci musty to me, being taken out nf it drawer i.nla .tSgfl once every four tears, I ist before eleetion " dkkm " Yos, hut Jubo, Uavn't tby uubUmu Wsota aansH Hampton?" , "Mo they have, Mr. Ilnlllnni and ttamntn-- a ggH fought right well In t tie War, ao well aa hla er nd. Ingfl father fought agal net the British In Ike Revo. kkm liitlnn. Rut I never did hear nf hla stealing a gaTgaTfl single cent. There's been a good deal of steal" igiH Ina down in Houth Carolina, tne people must be) Hl pretty tired ot u, I gueaa, and It appears likely PPJfl tbe Democrats put up Hampton aa much be. km, osiisne doesn't steal as for anything ela. But WtWk It may be only a Da nooratto trick for this Cn. tennl il tear, though It does kind of w rm tb km heart like io see Massachusetts and Houth Caro. gaTfl Una going nand In hand under ldets taken 1BK from families thai sa ad suou big record tat ! tho revolution." " Of cum se It's a Democratic trlok." "May bean, sir: but anyhow, vou can't call m the nomination of Hank and Dutier to Mass a. chnsetta u Democratic irlok. " Htind fully t Perfect madness, John Ducks wheat K "Just what I think about It, sir. There's bea bH a good deal of that snrt of m dne Hosting around here lately, nd It don't i.uck well gains those heie lioii.ucrouc trlcke you apeak of. 1 flfl should say some nf It hae got Into the bead ol .fB Uiiv. 1 1 ayes, luu, for all tney do ear ' gaTtga softy." "PB "Wh t ar vnu talking about. Jnhn Buck. wheat ? Oov. Haves is one ot tho best anil purest men that over breathed." "Just so. Idon'i duu.iiitin the ieaat. And gaTgaTfi he's going In lively fur reform, tuo, ulut he, i he's elected?" fin " I have tne greatest confidence In Mm. X ' gaBl feel euro no will give us many useful measure kM f reii rm. I ilao ins views on civil setvlcr A (nrin very much." H "Ho lo I. Aud I reckon he's making hi cam. B palgn expreea lo open tne people's eyea to Ih H need ul Kpjpj " Wliat do toil mean '" "By giving over I he oampslgn toChnndler anil ryner aud .spencer aud Bill Kemble aad thai aur ! "(ih. that's a party necessity, John Bucks Wheat," aM "Oh. so I thought I Chandler and Tynr ana H Spencer and Bin K iii'ue mid such, and the bluudi ablit and fhain resumption und dummy e.iiidid tes, and the nriny al tne polls, you ear, are pirty nccosslues ; and llldea and Adams ..nd retreni hmeiit and reft rm and gaffl cutting tiniMi tax s, ami puniahing rogues, ur lleinorriiltr nurtv trlcksl I sat. IlilghberBul-Ho- n. If this here w is a religious c nvns, und vou had lu be - ivt u In iiitiVs tnstc id of iionfs, whlctl suiu would t on i p on. tne aide of ' necessities! or the side ol ,ri k''"' "On. you've In en rending some nf tuelr cams Bslgn uocumentf, John Ihickwboal aoulbel le tiick ) lioud dav." Juiih Ut'cittymcAT. 1 tl irif.fT. H A PreHinhlo Busluess Ikal has llrewa WS) H within the Laot Half Ceaieiy, H Two largo bi coii o.irts, overiluwing wltb "H clean yellow sawdust, stood In front uf Mr. Thomas Hunt's red painted cottage at Mi IsH Eleveulh avenue yesterday, and tbe pmprletort' wno bad just finished his dinner and was In talkative mood, guve this account of his oonneo. tion with tha sawdust busluess: "Il hee," b said, "grown up within the last fifty years, an ot I bave been at work nt It for over ten years. I was Isd Into it by a Mr. Mobert Jackson, wbv spent twenty teats In the dullness and aocumu. lated a handsouiu property. There are about Lf seventy-liv- e men engsgod entirely In th saw. dust buiities who employ about IHO wagons.' H lliesa men do nothing olso, and It is prohabls that tbey avorage the sale of 100 barrels of dust; every day. I don't doubt that, take ll all iu all,' HH New Yurk consumes uu an average 7,500 barrelg of sawdust dully. elakLHI "diwdtist U mod extensively by the Breitliei'Ml wholesale dealers in lard and buttor for packing HI tholr gouds that are to be shipped. It Is In great En demand In torpedo faconae, in furnishing th HI fldliig In the m iiiuliicturlng nf dolls, uni rt Bl miikiiig the p ient as iiistus walls. It Is well Known ih, :t nlii"tv avr per cent, of tho stores in IM llioadw y iho ll In sweeping their ttunrs, aud in dilukiiii salioiis and I., many cat- - fjl ing houses it ia aliiiost iinlver. .Ily em. H Ployod. lu m !,s houses it is suitcrlor ti all other fuel fur 'tultig i iirposps, niul uearlp PJK ail the mii .'.ed li mis utttt noef mil u i.uges tliab Hu .i e lu ll, e in irac's h ivo c ne fioni the till. It. hPiiv'.. funi'-- ui usswiiust Ule riatvdusti ifV lieverlMii ii.wlli.il nie. und i ven u.:it of the tuleh pine duos nut t ko 0imc. It B jusi smouidt-r-- , tmi ac. tiihi iu. kc .i great heatrfj sii'oke. Home ttmc the siwdiii.1 Is inixi'd wilts 0. k wood iu the smuke house. I'liu tliiil of (It rgla plirli i iue i. In gie iter item ml In uns il rgr 'und ,ali ou. ui.d in t.tiier . lenane m HI quarters ui in tuu i'iihi f any t thor vvoo I, 'I hg ie.i-.- f thi'is tha' in those ilan"i uui uns Ht lir.iil.iv pl f, in g,-e- s ure t"ii .. I, gene I tel. an I fou.pthli g w. l'e not l o roilli. H ti rnt ttiem ll .ipur.. net t would net tne unius 1. anil j.ile. I'.ie ,..r i'i the line n utrallen t ese is- unu ui"le l Is li t.i t It is an i xeeliem ul t i 'he lulu;-- , oftntt uos pre-- v tiling ih i. it'i: .ti.l itiiliug In t ue rure ol e Id-- , ih.li'l i li trii: s.liv uns'. that ufers ,H led ny sum' u- - un, . a aim di ii ard.-i- l i v utliers It IS obtained I ,llli lg he ' i ir f. l.e vt Clllp-- Wl pings t hat i a,- - utit vv tin Hie shut lug. final id.tu oaHL lug mills, I'tn , uiinl o iivdiisi u used must. H It fir p e king p ,rpo-- i BfjH "Our l usii.e s i . littltpst from Jan. 1 lu July 1( vB Ubd ,iftrlhal nil- - ftiiv'iiiist ia unu.' or less a tl rig in l li j in ir I. e l u in ift.r Dec. 10. Iho ex- - glfJ planati'tii f thl-- h in ,1 the in.iikeis are closed) at noun every il y and loch, tuu, tho weather I Hl dueriiiost ol iue in v than at ott-e- sea.un. ; H i g un, ,.ll busln s i dull during a part aHl u le ,.t uf lti.it perio I. pjt "flic aawilu t d alar procures his siipply en H tiielv fiuiu the ..w nig and planing nulls. He ll1 8 bound i y aslrii t t uiiiaet tu.it compels blm Id t ,le nil the dust that made every ti. iv. Incus nf lallure to eo. i ,iiy with the-- e terms by th HE Ui.ilei.tlii i . ur nl Iho null is .tl liberty 14 TS tue.ikllioi ir."!. Ou Ilu utiier Ii in I the lats lei tuar.ilili". i t i the in d ust mei. haul that toj n . nl .. r pei-,- n hall any of ihedusluf the mill H be .'!. pjflr "1st rtc.ilv iiiuy day's work, beginning at H' 5 ur "i,,k) o'tli i k n l .e ti, timing, and siiiueliines Bi g,asar u vi, ' .m-- . ham budge, oi fur into BfT Urookltu. II I , , II a' leiail. ol con: se it Is hers IB i.nd there niul t n ivwluie. hut at wholesale ll Hi It always g .rs Iiv Uiu I ad. t o have a ceri H latniiii.be: of .e ml tuilomtrs whom we call H uur nr lit i' ens. "inert, and these men XV nie ill th 1 ii n Mind. Hut, in case of s gl 'allll-l- l III the . le ale honihe . WS liaVS BJE t i iti op i vet v ' .it utli tul I i i leiii. 'Ilia PJft tul isnt-i.iwd- i t nh nit i. s ml l let ill Vara e l. u inly ..' u ding to lh dill! ill , "f lieliv- - civ aim tl.e a ii iiiut th ii l t iketi i.i tn curar4 ol Hie vear. Iheitl- r Ilu in .1 - i. Jarelile Ht a h .I'lel. .iiul ' ni is tin l".vt '. tig ne al vvhicll il Is f Id, l hi'ie vv sell only a banel or two mo-th- .uui ate unp ih d tu deliver the due un ot it ..iv ii .ei oi il in. his uf i ..is, ..u i..argo s gaS, 1:1,1 ,.H i'i ,,l V r "H Mo lu.i usi'.l til lieddiflu hi'Sii 111 bnfi fH t .. s, a- - r eiiuiti he kn uod up in ht.up. like Hi iigl. el liiUltr...!. I ui ilu t ul ru-o- i el iu use4 H t it u i itng i .r, ai d t, wonti fo ii Z r in.u to si si i o,.-ii- i tit- - luar-e- r tin- -' nous lo the iir.- - ol i, iiiic iii. ;it Is f; rinkl ul tipiu t no ,r,t , ,iu i ll nils li, di i goods mi. i. ti. keep "Ijff d ll. n , ,e il mi nyel the louu' it - useil Hfl in all lioteis a v u, us luiiiiuses v. i.i a worn! ayxH - isn-tdi- i. ,j..eili f'il p iki.ii res. spj 1 ...ll I. mi V" "il I. ii , l li I ot I. lark HKfl vv ,lu it, is i.pi l.ri . t. i lui pj c iu. it ,,.i - nl .in I i iiiHiu tin In n un- - i i I i- ..i us i ii'ldina H t ul ihu. h . oi a. l - nil n II tl j.i .s, l..i,i.rs ul t alpni uisii tn HJ Th ' Willi), il iii lll.s (i.llilll.v lli'i vrrl HH, 1.1 - ll It "I . II .1 tpjl ii iii. it it.i ni .,' iv ii.. s I' null .111 n I" ' 'i'i'ii - 'i ' TrsW d'o Hi i " Hb1 ii i i I'lni i iti i' HI " ' .nt iiiit iiit tj U '( Hj Itr. i . in iii i a HHt ir a hV . s ii , i n tint iit mm s v i sufi l ii m Im ' i il i f in ii ill n ith j Ul it. HL I. 4 i . ii. mm w , irr mm i i i , BBJ - in COQlDflfg K HfliHHHHHIHHflHflHfifc x

chroniclingamerica.loc.gov...H 2 THE SUN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1870. , B tonus mkw nuoKt. tBV Pplaeaa's Mara I PkllaseahV. An admirer ot Splnoui, who kIrhs only HHJHV fcle …

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.gov...H 2 THE SUN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1870. , B tonus mkw nuoKt. tBV Pplaeaa's Mara I PkllaseahV. An admirer ot Splnoui, who kIrhs only HHJHV fcle …

H 2 THE SUN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1870. , Btonus mkw nuoKt.

tBV Pplaeaa's Mara I PkllaseahV.An admirer ot Splnoui, who kIrhs only

HHJ fcle Initiate, with the address Kuglewuml.HV It. J.," hn recently produced n KngiishHH tr natation ol the "Ethloa" of thn famousHH philosopher, under the title of The Klhlct nfHH BtntdktdtaiHniaaiD. Van Nnstran I). It Is

HH fod-u- d ootavo, printed In largo type, nn fineHH IHDer, and muet hate cost Ha amhur oonslder- -

HHj able money, whlob la nut likelv tu be returnedHH; to Mm from Sales. In tbcea days such an out- -

HH lay on behalf of a writer lona elnco dp d andgone betokens a disinterested lure of letters

HH Which deserves acknowledgment, If nut com- -

HH Bend lion, and we moat sincerely thank thisunknown New Jeraeyniau for the service he has

HH tendered to the public thuiitth we cannotkelp wishing that bia scholarship but beengreater than It la, and bis work oetter done.

HH Tbe preface to the translation furnishes a sue- -

HH glnct account of fldnoxi's ll'u and writings.HH Bis ii .renu were I'ortugu a Jawa. who, ab utHH tbe ueilliinlnii of th seventeenth eeniurv. w reHH etrlyeii ty peraeuutlii i U t4ke refiieln H illMid.HH ni tettle.l at Ansterdun. here llsnedlct, or,

m he was called In Hebrew, flaruch. the blessedthe Litin equivalent of thonimo. II ii'dl't. h if-

H tn been uiiei i.oitly annuel b v hi u wasbom In the e.ir 10-- He euily showed re

BB tn .rkible Inlollortii it ulillliy, anl became tnor--

BH ougiilr versed In tlie le .ruing of his race, didHH remit of bla atuti' wis ti.it hi renouncedHHj Jjililonat tho age of twenty foir, and wisHHJ publicly exro n m iii c Hei fr im tn symgogiie.BBT He did no--

, however, eiuo.uc ) O.irl tiinlty. butHH aji.iint.ilnod (or iho ros. of his Hie un l.idppeti- -

HHv deuce of ell creels. Ills Drat piioliaiicd workBBY Wis n little treatise, written for tin urn of aBBW Pupil, on the philosophy of Dee C tr.es. expressHHT liigtlicprlueiplesuflii.ls.ste.il in Hi form otBBf mathem itleal proposition, to v il. Ii ho aide I

BB tome origin il III nl rut. u( his mi. I'lin an- -HH pearedlntlWl, and was followed n l70h lilt col- -

HH bruteit Tr ti'f.iti 'Hit. o.;(C(i poll'lt (. In whichBB) he criticised tu Jein rl .t ir In a do- -

HH true.lveiy ration ili'llc. f .anion, which bosBBj aln'e found u iinroii- - IiiiIcii t-- . Tuln workBBT Was Issued anoivuiomlv, mil he hoa'.llny U

BBf provoked aceim to Ii ir ilot irr.id hi u from pun.BB llshlnv aiivliiliii in i.o. Hi hk.i he contluii ...1

BB) Itu lying und wn "J. ami - ut In a dstli.BBT which occiirrpd In li)T. :.'-i- J tn in m HrrmtBB) ol the "K.hlci," urn .1 ut-- , i k '' a f r.'isBBJ AriMuunaud tlii'Dr Lmi ii ' ifloiic fnMf i.n, allofBBj whlcn. wltn n ske! 'Ii ot a lie ireiv nr.nn in r an I

BBL miber of hit loiters. ere ediie I an I prima JBBF ,n ole potthiiiuoje v il.i no oy his frl nlanaBBJ pupil, Lulls Meyer, Otit-- r wrs, k'l'v.vo toBBV ia been wrltt-- n ov him, wern either nvefBBJ printed or have perished : tboiiirit a small one InBBJ Dutch, nppiremlv the null draft ot theBBJ " Kioto i," w a dlc iv r I a to ve ir uso. TbeBBJ en'ire body of hi' 1 I'K1, now extant. roBBJ co uprlsed in three s n I) I'.iuon il v .1 ih",Bag hpinoz's prlval life nfl 1 ch ir.u ter were sueuBBJ at to ex-it- iKtniiu but reduce: 'i I udmlr -BBJ ti'in. II iMinr been dis iii 'InieJ In liis flrnt loveBBJ aff dr he never in irried. o i mill, h i a ne neltlu rBBJ areelihc nor a I, lertuie. lie lived in liuin le

BBJ lodulne. simply and n mi "inn ilv, aunpirtliuBBJ himself for i rj rible. ii us By the tr i.le ofBBJ arlinr.iu ojil ' .i lu'i-e- s. In w iicli he iMinedvrc .tBBJ roputiliou fir p k ill nil iiueuuKy. A smallBBJ peiiHiuu from hla frind I): Vil . und ano.n rBBJ fr'on t eelebriteil lie Wilt, tin ill. relievedBag hint from llii' n l ol i' intlu itiw fits innti tul

BBJ mpljyinent, ' .it otli.r IT ra ol pecuniary as.BBJ elsi i ii d l.e i.ni- - 'l. li'U.J tho appoiutineiitBBJ of rr.'l aioraitne I'niv rsltv of lleideloem. IdsBBJ unw in.lii'i.'n w is .il- -j sliixvn In Ins rellnqui-li- -

BBJ mem I i nl- - iters of his abate of ms father'sBBJ estate, sftr liavnik'. f r Hie rmnt his ro uti- -

BBk tion. e't.i'nis'ie I hi rj i! to It In a a lit at I nr.BBF lie died, as l.e Imd lived, pe celully and resl.n-BB- J

BBJ "f I'" "K'hl'i." Its editor. Mover, a.ivi. In

BBJ bis pr f " I: N :u e h it if i z

BBB Other rltlius, an I in n :e a I red ,im

BB7 luto itii'l perfect nrK" i Mm ii

HVa If i'M p 'f - iM'ii iir o'w'i'o ' r- -

HVA fn'n oji r h i'" lit . i f

BBg tur 'd nut .i oi I u i. i . n. . ,:iuHVM flu il t -- stilt i ol io- - i n i .rhi an Ii.... n

BBJ tst of live p ,llf I i f J . II s f r , ,

BBJ and urii'iu of ih I'nl. Ill i. hiBBJ N.H.ir. t I ' .' IV. ill l . i n -

BBJ er.'ii i of "'i til' - V. inHVJ the I' ' i or loo In 'it 1 I i n to Li ti ..HH Tihmmi v. r. l.f ..ii a ."'i e n p- -

HHJ tlon ,1 ii t ail 'ii :i hi I. til i v tlBBJ ami lie i'i .n.'i: tn -- i.iM " I .11 oi i

HHJ the ' I li o.' In' I ,.j Ii e lier t XV 'iHV of t:ie i irti'-li- o olrl ipiv.lt - ai i t i' I iiHHj in it ti in i' f r n, i.i 'i : - t ilv i n JinBBJ nliur h i'l '.Hi - t nl i x ' n ii i

HVA c itnii - if j.i"n'. f mm. . .r

HVf lat ." ti - If iin i . r v. .'IBBj Int.. j.ne l.i i ia il.' n t. Hi f rr I fr i u

BBJ i'l "I -- 1 ail ir.'iBBJ "l 11 ' ' ' 1,1 I ' u " e-- t aBBJ iro d Idea of tlie II r t I i r i .1 lW v t

HHj pl id i.'e ip i.l ll. 0. tu, 11 I' I -

BBj ,t4 Ir ''" ' ''' v ' ' ,r- b 'ivey r.HVf t'icr4 u lit "i i ii of tit t'i if ' l.iHVJ ain I i i'ir .'uiti .t .' i .'iii.u 'j . r.ie n i ii inHV Iik . an 1 It i ieiiLj lo aia-,.e- ,iu LiK'.a 14 v II

BBJBV ispliio.i'" id" h r 'i" Tiiln.' (ill, ivlilcli nieHV Ooht 11 Jlii'i'l ot I iii t ' ill.e. weie in lil- -

HVf life. i ne, and ar t 1', ih.' tai-- e .f :rc re- -

HVJ pru tii to ii. n. n i, cal'it I bun tut reiiBBJ ir. itlon ui A ii"i'. I1, in mi. I ii rlih-n- .ii J

BBJ K'ltiill-- t, f,n i ti t il in i - j : i ih tu ,t haBBj ' 'he ' "' " " 'l '. it t i ' tin lieu ton ofHVj tho. :r in di ti ' ( i ie " 1'. il i 'i.i.t Ii te theHVa ro-- dt of iti 'i i .i ! i'i i I i x , nut i , m f l..HVf doi'ln i"J, null i "f tho o li lot alt t ti.-- ,

HB name nil l.e re n ..ed. l.u .i i It I. dou i'f ilBBj Whether he will ever be look ' I m. n liv ill or- -

BB thodox h iril with In- - 1. Fair tl.tti utli rBg tbii, , .i ban ,.tt .I'UeJ p j, ui ir fall e miBB rel'i.. s oil. J eHH I i" ilu i.l Ii id on'er! ilnd by tho m.i's nf

ii lb i. a. iii i fli I pre-u- i I o ! to t'ioi tn . v.. i. .fi.. tils ifn-a- t

II .t l rim u .1 ail i : t i .le III ,

Ui . m t ui.- - ri, i i j ui ,m i t ir-- : v t" hi i ii oi i ..t i' n ui. ,t i .

i "1. I 01, .1.1 I. . i ; li ti Ii I,, lliuhd'd .M- - i.'. i " mi hi 'i i it, ii I (. ,i ,i ,.t

Iiim', ur i'.i i: n- - ' i o t 'i t ,tim .i t, nut . ,', r, ,i ot,. i,

it ' i tn. i.' ' t. '. hi, .f, ,,

, b it mi rl r i p uvr. n i n fie i

L'od 1' ,o e t i r ..i, t i ' :i- - i'i, ur .

li II I'I III f Olil. t mll.''l I iVI'l.il ' to tn Il

.11 i i ' , alld k,Xi'' atlliti tilth llili by a.eii 4

I. ,i i.i lln-- a tv iiliuli ui''. i eff.it ilnui.T' ivc, nil only hid ca h rMnininilv in

.'i. . hut ivi.h trai i and mut.ii.ilo o e li. .d iu nl i tli .ii ai'.iu'iiht l

'i tli i! nN of oth'i r iiiimiiiiili. s,

i.i ' i l '"'led t o 1' ' ui i t ve lerii i.i iti. .1 t,,, ii t a 't ii of Iher w r

n I .a J i nln ud t J II i il'I 'h ii. t i ,1,'liov ih, anil t i

i it ii i'i - .ii- ,ite I i il u (th t 'i ir'ii. ' o I 'i n it mi with n .li i

' i l 111 roll's 't. I'll' t h.'ii 'i in !. f ii i' ne ,iu I is pr .' i'S

' ."'..' i i, i'.' in . ... .. i mi t U t

' " ' ' . - it .,r ,' ,i, ul f,..Iff' '' ' a f in.. ,iv Inn -

' ' t . , . ,.' ' 'I.. i n i t i r i "'l

- ' 'i l ' l l!. ' i

'f ' . . 'i ', . . i ,i ,.i . . . iu. iii i'i t'i',

' IT' ii' II, , t t I'll' ' - i i.l o Ii I t f . .ii ,

it h ' f Hi iu i ..'. . I.i i .' ,

l ' I C' ' I'I t lit' 11'' J'llli i n". II or i" - in ,ii

I. , - oi i - t i li in n e I In p , oi


. .i. ..... i ..""

- a i, in. i . '

. . , rn ' i , .i'i i. h . of I iv 'i I

,', , ,,,'.,. a I t 0' 1. i n in l.e irt.( ' I'v, t II tl.' no III I'llIot'i'ilU "' '

i, 'i, in oi 1, i, l.i 'im in'ii ii ii i "it il t..i: l',. it) Iti ! 1. llo.ieail liJ'l'i.i,

u " ' id if in in .' I, ml tha tin.... .IM I i ,i i i' ulu nl di oi

II .1 "1 1.' . ' - , llllc '.ill I

i ' I. t . in ' i ii ' ill it irl u

I i p . a. o. a, uf tha mat :.r, fr in hi, i, c '! nO.,r n"e

und lee t i iu m . t . m a or 'it . ! I

euunn'Ctl US l.cte t. j. - ii.'j jldnu tit

pleasure life, health, riches, success In buslnoeeand i ll other desirable Intniis. liven tha onere--t ons of namie nro r.'i.irili'd nnlorad by htm,not in aecnrdanco nith Iniiniitatilc lawa, hut Inotiedien. o to tho wishes of his vourloa, and menprav to him r r ram and sun-bin- e In full conO-ilonc- o

of utit diiiiiit their desires. In short, be Is

con 'elved aa a anrt of autocrut iiiion albroue,with auth Tltt of the same kind, tbotieh Ihlliute-l- y

urcat In denre, that la nosaeased by the Rus-

sian Cx.ir and the niiau ol I'ersla.Aiinlnst this Idui nf (Jod, Hi lnoxs, like other

philoiophers. proto-t- a. To any reflecting mindIt la t lain that Uod could nut eslat In nature andpuasee a no'terlal form, huw. V"r attenuated andethereal, withuiil bnliiK subjecttto the limita-tions of matter, and thus Incapible of tholitres ary attrloutna of divinity. Nor baa anyresearch Into the realm of space, by tho

or otherwise, revealed the preeenca ofaudi a being. Furthermore, If the relation of(lod to the universe be that cf a kins; tn tilsklnitdom, then there le no necessary dep ndence

f nature upon him. As a kluc dies, but theuff urs of tilt ktnudom no on all the sauu', so thepoimlnr Uod inlaht be annihilated and yet theuniverse cuntlnti" to maintain Itself, heo mae aala constantly oeiorted, he has porm men: ly en-

dowed both tuliiil and matter mtii the qualitiesthey pos.csa. and tliey now exist and act with-out further assls.anee from III n. Nor doee theunpul r Idea provide for ndeu late inems bywinch (lud can ..ffe.'t the uiilversa. A klim h ishis tiiltilstors .itnl subordinate oflccra by whichhe roaches bis subjects atnl enforca nil com-

mands, but 0 al has only itoaKluiry belinrscsllsd ana' I'. whom notuxly eees ami wimt--

anencv noliodv in p'rciv,'. In short, from aphiloaopnlciil point of vie. t, (loJ, us coniiiiunlyImagine I, Is no (lod al all, but a mere fliuuiitof Slllier-tlttul- l.

Tne Oisr lep toward a higher and truer con-cept Inn of II id w .s m nl) by the anuria Mill I ,oaaues, win taught that lie exists, not out-ld- e ofnature, but within H, and that the universe isan email itlon from Iiim as the budv la an email

from the ami. Tula onvlaes at once tbsillflleulty of e npr men llu hoiv ho cm netupon the world ml renders creation really, nodnot In Word", dependent upon him for Its originand oxis en e. When I Ilu soul le ivei the oodyt.ie b idy poil-lie- s. and so were ti 'd. wliu Ii thesoul of tho world, tn rtlt.idriwfio.il it, theworld wuu'd he aiinlhil .ted. From India thedueti'ino Wis c irriod by J'lttiaguras to K irope,where It was adopted by a c insider ble n.nni. cl-

ot theOreek iihllosophers .mil hoc nun a part ofthe systems ot Pl.ilu and tne St ilc nch ol. Sowell known was it tint Vlrcil, in his Knei '.makes tbebade uf Anchises tc.ich It to 12 i ,.a .

Pnnelpiii cf uni ne tnrrs- - liiuictiu'4Llleentvuiiple g run u l.ims I il i.oopli i

riinrt u m n am, io uii'i'i lam. i u r artuM, u, agltai inol 'in ut marfuo su carpare uiU,o.

A piu which Is piraiilmscl Iu Pope's" Uitay on Man," In t lie lines beginning :

A .ire lit liirtl rl "lie stupe n! ti wll il ',It hu e tiou) N i ar" is, an Oal the sua

Thoaposilo t1 nil. who wis fimlllar with theGreek philoa i h; , ul- - i says In his adJrisi tothe AthenUiis. deliver, d nn l Tr's ni l:

l . "I. t lint i.i i.. Mewoi l and nit t'.il ic- - trureli i.re-m- e

I ist ii" i L im i .tvi. i urn eaoh. a., in e li nut nttilipesu il i.'.i u is. r H a r.itl.i I ss it i

in 'h Iu i , i i u;,i h' n im1,'i S'IMIiI i,'. tj t'o i 'ft tit ii i r. ft '! f oft in i ml i'.i j , an: i.ut i

nil i ot liuc liK it 1. on' i,',i nl lih a f r Io ill ll 1.

ill llie tie i I'i" , r"i. a t .1 ti iti'ti remiip .. ted in i Hn bouU'is uf ii. a

in .a ii it i , f urn i . in., i. 1. if i .i,., i i yIII. ,111' I 'l" I Oil tl'l'l lit II ihVIJ't A ft' I M'

, .. a ti t'i v i 'I Oil I i ft a it r I. i mil mm ninjii i ui it ti j t a ' 1 of our ' U Ji '. - 111

jtil : I or ri alf j ar ler u J rlui " i.Vein xr. . .'s i

ll it'hiu.'h thus sail tloucd b an m- - lrednnostlc. and supp irtod livits Intrln-l- c n.irits.the doctrine v.aa oVi.rn helmed by the dark lesewhich followed the fall of tne Iiom.n Cuiplic.und did no' rc ippe ir until the revival of le an-

ion bv the Saracens. Averrufs ta ight It, and itsoon began to B id f ivur with CnristiaoH. I unaUI rdaii) llriuo. In Ills famous "Ash Wedncs--

it i;i;i. r." writto'i no ml lVt. an :M- - li i the ! "iriti.- in.t i , . ..itiii. riniur

fr. .,, our i'Ivi - if i i nn' .1 s i'i ii .i a ii. "ttn ui , .. ir- - i . .ir , .in u ii i , i'i t tuw a - p.i .ii. t ii . ii.'. ill. . ' r, a. r u ,b,v i..4 ii i. ti aa i w ' .i.i ui- - n i i.

And ii n .tii'-- w " k n ; iv s :

ve 'a. i.o'l e n'-- t - ii " t.ir s tlni tr- - i.rui i ii mi '.! .... i i . u i

r.i . .' i .i . i.. i i'.

H Uf a i en u f it' i' (In D. I' i l.'.1 .eri oig. Hi hl t ... I ' .'I till .tn ,l : '

ut. ' 1. i . t ev r. ie n "ii t'i t .

i - ir . ' 'I i .' a n ' . , i ti 'ia , i i i o , i i

. i' i I . r 'I ' . i. .l ,f It . " II t i . i 'l 1, o .lilt ualili ll 'I. Itu i.,i s ii inn il .. r rrv .t ui ui l it i

u ll i u ij it, ' v rr. ti iv .i, a u n ii , ' it.

Leilihliz 11- '.wil ni; Iu 1T11, !l - in ol, " Mo-

ll ido Uki " i.iHt i. - i.i ;

I. . i a' ie - ' n ti i. i 'ti iv. ii. nn' rifi--ii fun- - in , .. '. .i Ui ri i or i i

i i - ' in. l i ....'i ar ,. ui .1.1 .. I j .. ,i. r t i i.i

Hi t.

And S.v.'d" I'.org iv, In h. ' i ru- - ("lr'.ti.mlie, ,i m, ' pir I,, iril in 1,,1, "li.u underdo isn w, rU coil ring a- - uni'. fiuiu Ur-- to la-- n n I

li tuging upon oii. i,od as m budv on us . .nl. '

Indeed, so ru - mi ilile U tho doctrlni ill it vlr.(ilil-'.'i- In mi artici" m tne t'u. '.i(.i'i"

a n for i i.l ,1hiio, sp ikitu of I'anih 14,11, 't.,-e

d" fiat it " tn iv lie understood t eo . .ve01 (i d the eeiitr ' of tha v e 11, nv will an 1

iiu.'iit pei'ui.a' .11 : 111 1 pervi n.ig .11 he11.1t it

oiiienn t clr ' inifern,'o. un lurn menl .11 e . uthing ali i uci or.'.inUui ill piopnrl! ui t its

i ui, cai Klty and n.l. " In iiii-.et-

I'tt'ith i.'u is or tutt." he tlio hi.he-- t I

riie rln if .;.liii-!- i i.i tll cui uftheoi igi.111- -. co 1. l. , tut so ut i '1 intie .1', ni 1.1 tint liil I. t.ie inu '. ot alltiing., us 111 the il"ductio.is ha draws it.I'oi 111". anc , Iu 'h l"U 1.11 mi . Dirdi" I to I'ai.1. of the " Ei oc t," he dei no :

I'y (. nl I a. t ji 'li v. , ,1 ir In" 1,

li 11. . - .1 ' - '. ' ! tl iiI'.I t U.,.1.,1 X.U a ll.i '.I . ..,! ..I llt.i. .

And a uoiWhe pro,' iin dum m trat mtne a 110 p 11 of the tivatio.' n c 11. :

Prip XIV O Jd no i'it.l ill In- i" 'en

I'r XV a'lU'rv r Is l 111 I. ' I. i'.'ilii.--

h li ti ,1 i'it 0I'r V l e ot 111 ill .

. ik it i.v e xn in '.

As t ic propositi ms stin 1 th"V see n h innle - eu i.'h, m ami luiitig to l.i. : " i 1

Is 'HorvtMiii," but rever.o l.i" irl-- i( I

wor.li. 111a.hu ti.eu r. id : ' I.i'.tv t'iiti. isii id,' id e li iv a i'a it in 1. 11 1110 t oir.-

to tne e xiiii jo mind, r.i .'u:n d ii'i i'i ,

11.011 ii'at ei 111 II 1,' fur-u- ..1 ar .igateludrp 'hu"'ii ' inn.'. L.1: - ui''". Ii i.ii'v.jr - '

'upun .n.i Ii d I f - " 1 .1 1: 1. .

i ln.telielidi.il'. I'jin .old I il Wiiil- -

I v r, b si le , In se ' 1 ne ui . p ie- -

II '1 '11, 'l"h 11 'Ul id IV ll tl (i d 111 t ' 'o i'i' ', IIIill or.l . Hi .t 11 in v t at all ml 1 i'.do. "1 in", t it ti 11 v iir ii v r w a a 1, f.i ias a .1 . 01 , i '.

Anotliei I'.r.'i n e vvhle'i ' u , ,1 ,

f ..ui r In - il .1 .n o( t lie i'i li. Hi , 1, ,

rr. ali n. 'in I h imii-O- m on , , , ,1

that of th" I'd! "i miry of in' !i .

Ij ith in ii' .111 I 11 t ir , an ' h u , 1.:

hi ill''V of Mltdillli-- ' ai'tl 1.1. ill- - i ', ..n1 u.e su'iji et ale the-- e :

l'l,.i P. In t'u r i" al t'll.i : illilV.itllll ll''l" 'Pllt ' , '

ill . 11.11 n I ,i St I ''J' I''

I'i .'a' ltl I' 1. en li n .

i. 111 e' ' a 1) 1. a " . hu t .i" i' pi

1' mi WW Will' . ' we l ill .' .11' t ) lit .11

t ut l i e,, .1 y.

II. re. uj 'til, tl.e shork pr ill ! Ii.;un it',ti 111. , d 11 r nil 'toon h utual tn mi

11 ol the iliein ; .11 nn i' - th ih t tu.11 f t'i ' d '. II PS t t'u t'i. "

.1 .t itl.'d v the I . ill 'I (i t e ni1 n i' '1 .

ii' tni'hiii' t t.1111 ll.i hi il ie iu I

'. .' It - '' t no ,i'i ui ' .v f Hi ui t nl It

'' o. t . Io I; 1. 111 1I1.I e- -

t ' l ' I 'I - .1 I ll ..!'. I lip l'" .

I' "I 111 II, ' . Mi, ,. f wn, '1 II 01 ' i, II""' '""'In la. ii ii a il i

As .1.1 H . : - , . u .h lot n10 iv. r 1. ::x 111.. am i ,,.., ,1,.,, M,i ,

th i'i w ii j. r it .1 inu , ., i,u ,, 1, y

h ri 1' l': 't went toil tne will y(. i s'l illl'l tie UtlTI Mil 111 , li'p ir v. I.l fj 1 111 bo i u aer ill "i 1' ir m . ,. 11 ,

tl ul "Uail U "'I' ll I llltlll.'l'll' ', III - IU,,' ; 1. ,

. ' ill-- " Ui'llll),i l!J Urol i 'I i 11.' no

ill, r th Ul I'

he ith - 11 " '. ', thi'i "f ir, "in 1 in' ,

t no iiio.e th .11 lit lejerti in ol t he p ip.i! 11 un

ui title id".l of (1 o.l. hi. 1 tilt hel-i- ll t ' til" a -

in. nl l.is iv1. tvii 1 11 lo being, his M

.tilslniu in the diiiial tu mutter uf hid "neniuir

oxl-t- e nco, and hie Fataltam to hla recognition nfthe perfect wtadora by which Providence gov-erns the universe. That his doctrines on theepoint conflict Willi established prejudices andare difficult of acceptance by the untrainedIniellrrt la no arg un nt ag ilnst them, and Ifthev are true they muet eventually trluropnover uppnsltlun

In Pirt II. of the hook, wlilc'i t re its nf thohuman mind, Pplnozi follows out the prln Ipleslaid down In Hart I and deel trie (C'jrollarv toI'm XI.) Hi it " tha 11 nn m mind Isnirt of theluOnite Intellect of (lo.l ; ao tb.it when we eayth it the human mln I poreelvea this or thit woa ty nothing else tli in that Uj I not a ifar .11 HeIs the Infinite, hut ao far aa lie Is manifested bythe mind of man ur so far as II constitutes theessence ul the human mini bis this or tintidea." Again, he asserts (Prop. XbVIII ) : "Inthe mind there is no nbioljte or (res) will, butthe mind ledetermlnrd to will tbltor that by acause, which la determined by anotbor cause,this by vet another, md soon to Infinity." It lauselesa to deny that both these propositionsclash with tne learnings uf consciousness andrequire 11 vioroue effort of tho understandingto be even comprehended. If there la anythingwhich we can be certain of.lt Is our sop irateIdentity, and our en Iro freedom to do or not touo thliiia lis wo choose. This however, Splnoxsdeclares to he a fullucv, and lauurs strenuouslytoshutv th it Ilia. Ivi lally difflcult nf a linlsslottla hla doctrine (Prop. VII. Scholium) that" thinking auhatanco unJ extended eiibetnnceare one and the s line auostance which Is com-

prehended now under the one attribute andnow under the other," from whence ho con-

cludes aubsoq cully tbat mind and body areone and the same tiling. Iu bis point of viewthis may lie an liicvltaulo result uf logic, but Itso mils uddiv In contr .at with the almost

rcrcivo'l opinion that tho mind andbody are ot uiffcreut luturjj and differentorg iniza Ions.

P ri III., nn tho origin and nsttire of the af-

fections, ts thn leist InteregtliM of tho wholehook. Aa Spin .ai aays liimseif, he diseueshuman artlons and appetites precisely aa If thequestion W'-r- c incoming' lines, pl itios, andsolids, llowdrvandre uliivvsucha method ofirea lint me au' Ject must he, neede no elucida-tion. It ts like describing tho feell us uf a loverny tho aid of the c or redacitii the con-

duct ut 1. 11 nngrv man tu a geometrical curveat ill It in n't be conceded that spin" 1 displays' rare ability 111 carrying out his p an, and ts

insistent with his post il 110, that mindnu.l bodi .ir Identic d, and tli 11 tho order anleipnceii m vf lluugs are the eiine lu one us iutin utiier.

the pnr.mse of Tart IV. it let forth by Spl-no- z

1 himself thus :

lltiinvi itupolrtifp In inn'terattng and restr lining affer, I es t,vT). Firs initi siitiiiiMoro histirlc'T'"ii - a a hi osr.i pa vps nut fortwic's. so thattie ii oiMii rn tip 'hPd ui pursap Hie iM.u--

If n."i tie e, t.i it r In tins pari 1 pr.m 10iif'iinii.'r.ii .si 'Us ut iti 4 thtug. nut ttiu fart

i a n..d 11.1s ie

And ho proceeds to d Sue wh ,t he means brocd and evil, und perfection aud luipui fec-tio- ti


m f. Hi rofnri'. in what fullost I null 1111 .'rut I'llt 1..1 a lui le. ku vv I h ' .1 111 .ill 1. toe

. ei .uiiT.isi mi - n.i ir.) or .111 .1 t ir ' 1, ti

,...' i. ;i ti ,' 11 . .y ti it t'isl .'hi wr ki isrbin I r. ti tr "ii r u'lillij Hull sti-tnl r.i 'ii'." si'.111 ll .1' 11'.. I . - ' I I . I'. " J. .1" tu

re i.r s jpiro.i.'ii l.ils siaue.r I "

In conformity with these principles, and withthosHof tne preec ling p'trt. inuielv. that theaffeetlons re to be reg riled in the light ufn.iitir I f iti'i'i. he proceeds to ah 'W that vir-

tue la oue lieiiee tu tne dictates of rcieoti. andIts opposite disregard uf them. Fur "In so f ras nici live fr mi tho guidance nf reason, In aof .r 11I v do thev alwivs necosssrlly i.grea withmtnre." (I'r .p. XXXV) ll hy "na'ure" 1.,,

utiiletvto it the divine I vv 'four bilng, 11 onewill bo Inclined to te this assertion. It la

quite plain that lithe evil In tli" e' irl I. mor .1

as well .1. ptiv-l- c 1. i.ns". fr un tnen'M .11 ' 111 r

eoiiii'.irv '.he ir.ti.tnal 'er ..f re tion. andthat t ta flr-- t i,t"P t ovard v rt'l n t si s 111

learning w I. a' Hi t order t.. vv.il' 1,1" .pcotiilnl u iv ." '. j ni sri' r. , t... uliii a(

I i had l tils till il wl.' h h . ll.i ' P. n . VII I.l."l!t"-'ii'- i ni" g oil "f th tmu .he r ig il-

li ill of ' nl. ail the .11; re v .1 . of t lie111 t CHlilU' tiod."

ill h" .a ij '( Is tieaie.1 f n:'ier .out iii..ref llv .1 l"ii. v . ni ; e .ov t of t . Int de : or1111 Iijtui.i Ir e l"iii. In toi- - i 11. .. uod' rl ke .

"I tc hu v 111 . h iu u '1 t e. 11. i.r ti 111

p,, over the .(T c 'on- - in - rniii'i udin ' 1.' ' ' n. t irin. ' 11,, ii ide . t.i .1 v,em. . 1. ir ivui '. i jnte'ii'il .to our e ii'iii'Ui

j - o' j - .' I j.lw' i'. all t ) f o ui dl.'.in,.! eonpp ions of then As .n'lii at, we ctiidiio.-- .

tie - is. tl.ev eca-- o t b passion.. ft"d i'"iu ' I

d"i tni' e ihtr d. He re. oauueiids. ,,l.u, to I ty

linvii I'riiiiii prer pts firtti 11 In. 't of 11 irlives, 1 r mitnll th i.e to nisinori . a id to up Iv

I he u . net iv I. ov. 11' s as tlie' u.. . In re .1 I

10 in) im iloiie us. wo m iy s raltie tbe ferlit gol tit nt win. 'i I'i 'y ur s, .11, , rouieiii-- 1

b ..' that '1, ui, like ah thi.'gs ele, art i thein "sn, of to Ir n itui, . and are therefore toli I'i'ted and tut Ii it d nlieti th y d 1 wrung,l'e - ' "Veir mil hj ioil e ilinl.U r.ilgai.d ''e .lining faiiiil. tr u I'll d.'.n.sr ; the love ofg. 11 v hv niedit ition on its oinp'lnc-i- , 1111 1 thuswi h oltier 1. imaii wv iki.c-.i-- " 11- -. th rcfore.who f .1 1 moderate hi- - aff ictlons and at pe-

tite fi 0 n low f freedom at n- vi'l 'live as1111n.11 as ni--- 1 le to ku ov virtues and tti'ii

a nrs, and to fill Ins soul with the Joy will Ui

arise-- , from a tru t eoguliion uf ttieui. Least ofall vv ill tie 'ii'i'ein plate t ie faults of niPii and .11 s.pa .ige in 1I1U ud. mil rej .ice ui a fal.u upp'ir-ii'ie- e

oi . eitooi. And he w o h ia r.refiiilvu 'led tliu i' iliiiii 11 .f difflriil:). an 1

will prai-ti- i tliriti. verilv lis will be ah. a. in aI'I ' tr f tlnlo. to d It''" hi- - til- - iroiu

th ni.iil of ie - in nil I j ir let l "1. un .111 il i.r-..- ii l f inn iiiu"al

p iti)- - ,), ts Ilu r,ifo e this : 'h it (i I d a el's in11. . 1.1 11. Ui .0 hi he ill IU i' X 'ie f ' ,1

111 111 'lit "1 ilf,iil"tlt Tl'l t ll It til" Ufa Htli'lit ie 11' ni ml. ir inn iv ith what w ku vv 10I e - T o p n i i.e.. 01. what is th santoth iu '.irl 'o (, ' cM'i In our n.it ore..lis mil s 1'iin v if i s 11 1. '1C1I va'up - given

at th" r. 'In 1,111 .f I" 11 II ot ihu Ivnl,, 111

Ihi'if vi ird-- :

.vv .1 r is f ri p ,i ..iu 1, iw itir. . i'f' nun ni it. fir-- , ut i.l ."..hi, i!i it a ..c ..

In 1. .1. tn , I,., n.'It '1 'tl H II ll ll It 111 III II .. .11 ,

'1 ii ' .iiir ms ri nun t

. ' 1, 1.1 1, . 1: 1, r .- "1 I' ,1 ut urn I, li m I ie lilr

I I'I "l on In till. tlk P't.1 .. .1 ,11111 Ill 1..

'I i' . 'lito vv at' led In l.irmir' l.li' in ) " Wi rfii nt - ' . I'ii . ' tn y ,. ' ii I - In ,...1,..!'' I .Till In 111 I. l.'.li, rl

f ' ' r I'l'i tin- li l It Ii 11 irl"I Hll III' ll' I' it I'll M 'I I' ll'lt u.

11, r " t p I 11 tm.i ..n' s .111 t III. til rt.e ti'.i t 'mi t, ii ,)x u ,. ir he ir mr' ll Ml u .if ' ll t ' ' nl lIlllH '

till llll..,l I. 11,1111 i.l ll' 1' feline Ii .rn hit nil it 11

' a li t rl f I

'i ' ' 'i '"11 111 ill tUii, lli h'I '"'I I'r'' " ' lift' IIV is l

ll ' ' . .11,1 iti it Mil ie mi. ' ii. ii i. Is' ' .' ' 4 ' '".it'll! lib. II 11,1 ll' II

' ' ' . . , ' ' " "ll V' ' - - t'i" ' '1 11I .. il . ir h .

'I I' ., , ' "I Ii' , Hi,' ' ' 'I '1 .I'll i'i ll ll Uiti .

' ' 1. .,1 1, litiir ,11.'li .11 ir ', in 1. - 1'ill - ll ti li If 'i ' Til

," ' ' ll l I, .. .' ,1 .,,, ,1, , ,

It - 'o li" ' t th 1' Inn 1. rl, iv i.'te nor ie in t in 111 I h lia

, ' I an i the f j l. of pu'ii 'Inu 'nl in afill ,1 0 III t ir uod 11 in ives miw uihy olI in li '111. I J ' ' i , i' M it t Ml' lli ill

i ,' . I 111 ij e 1, iv ti t . f 11 1.

'i- ii lie. 1' il.ll'id') ;, indeed d t - t t

v I ml' III Ih " 11 nun. .11 nil ml 01

II it be d st 111, o with ths ludv , lull 4 ur luilifrl 1 ie lu . 'V a 1. 1" u nil . h it b rl- -

vvh'Mv mvs I'I. II , 1'iop Will 1. ' 1 liss III iti I

e ii it i'uv , ut, ui K'll '.I t tr as a ti tr

.ive. tin. 1.1 i,'f tl, aft'io'l us of tin bill. "

.1, 1' . t V , I'i p XX l.i . " Phe 111 in .1 can nil- -

jo no ..ii 11 r r iu tnhet ,a-,- ' event ., oxv .'i'ih '1 ly c lui Ah 0x1, ten e w 11 -

Olll ..1 . .' 'I ol t 1,1 pi. 01 IliOIII 11 f oltne nat I tan' un 1. lut to 111 at all,

II u ' i.'il p .t nn, Ineiefoie, vii'ii'i i',I .11 iu I. - no ,i, ' tl i ill bi'i iti I the life of

nl, I.' I Ih .'. Ilo w. 'I'd r mil 11 It oiltun 1.1 urn iciu 111 er, Uoneiar, ilia'. Mujv

and the nropheU likewise make no reference Intneir preoepte an I exhortation to a future) ex-

istence, and prorates rewaide and threatento be eecured and endured In tble

world alone. Nor does Christianity utter anyclear doctrine on t ie s ihj ict. Whether thasoul paeeei on Imm dlateiy after death Into anew etate of existence, or whether It sleeps Inthe grave until th gre it aw ikenltig uf siuie re-

motely future Judgment D ir.wbettier It e tern siabode le to be on this planet or In eome otherP irt of tho universe, and Whether It will poeseesthe same qua liles It does now or he endowedwith new ones, are qioetlona whiob puttiemo .nChrisilaoaqulteaa murb aa they did theaagea of antiquity. It la pretty generally con-

ceded, however, that a body of somo kindla ueceeaarv to the conoeptlon of existenceof a human being. so that In this respect Splonxeand orthodox Cnrlstlana ar at one. Whether heI Jtiatitled, however, In drawing th Inferenoaebe doee from this postulate, le another matter,

H tw extensively flplnoii'a philosophy flndafavor In the world It le hard to say. About acentury ago he hid students and admirersamong the greatest thinkers in Germany, suchas Lesalng. .faoobl, Merd-- r, Schilling, Schleler--

icher, and Ooethe. Recently the novelistDerthold Auerbacb has oocii.iled himself withtranslating hla worka Into Uertn in, and In Eng-

land Dr. H. Willis ha published In English, tnhandsome style, both tbe "Eihlca" and theThenlngtoo-polutc- treatise, wltb a selection ofSplnoxas letters. In this country be Is littleknown and leas read, but bis fundamental prln-clpl-

have been. Perhaps unconsciously, adopt-ed by n large elaas of scientific men wbnhave cutlooae Irom the popular theology. In hla case, aaIn that of many other profound thinkere, aomuch of his system ae shall be verified by thoInvestlg illons of others, will eurvlve und enterInto tbe common mass of human thought, whilethe rest will be laid aside as a mere matter ofcuriosity.

rirj? .vontvn.v .tr.ver..Whence 11 I sales. Via lie la. What He

Ueea. aad What I he People Pay IIIM.The average antitinl salary of the AiiktI-c- m

clergyman Is two hundred and seventy-liv-

p iper dollars. And vet he le nut banpvlFrom the princely revenue of a Cardinal to

the wretched pittance of a Presbyterian " llsl.i-or- "

the distance ie great, although In point oftime, occupation, eonstancy, and devotion, thhl.-hes-t and the lowest occupy a common level.

In view of the fact that tbe churches ofAmerica cannot accommodate one-lu- lf of thpnpul.1tlen.1nd of the other tact that aa a rulenot more thau iw.i-tnir- of the accommoda-tions provided are required or availed of, Itwould not be the must difficult matter In tbeworld to raise a question as to tho actual valueof the average lergi man to inanklud. There1angre1tdoalth.it tiilgil be sail, with truth,on both side', but Instead of that I ah ill pre--

nt. rather, a lea fa ts of lu ores', fraiu n'nlubothers nt'.y draw texts for controversy.

The forty millions ul people In the United-- 'ales support nntmilly flfiy tbousind clergy-men, at an expnso of thirteen millions, sevenhundred and fifty thousand dollars (111.74 ,OJJi !

Fifty thou and men. who are reeognlsid andrei ect'ullv saltimd as "religious teachers."vVuo air tln i r Aro they aeldute 1 for theirposition ny roison nf obvious fltnses? Do Ihoveleel the .r jfe-.i- l ui nf tholr own volition? Arethey silo and w utlly of their trust? Arethey happy In their business r Ar they gene-

rally (lucre, belling out In t.ielr private livestue dourines taiubt from the pulpit?

I havs lived all my life among clergymen ufnil dcuotiiliutiiins. Catholics, Enisc ipallins,II ipltsls. I'resbvierl aus, aud Congregation .listsI know, as one knows his own family; and ofL'nllarl .us, l'nlve. illsts. Dutch Keformed,Lutheran, and I a 11 bv 11 in, ausik'ii ra it. I'i "tie senteiH-.- ' lit mo say that tu myliar- - uf close ,'erv,itluii e o.v nt mo tintthere is a veal am 011 i.l of ha t.i an 11 turr In them.Tlioi are llln. 1. .e the re-- t of Is. "11 lligar,tliu. ', ill e se 11 .Un oi u.' Is a liu m a .num.inn it appli-- s lu the dtseiuhi dUu sai its, if toai, v. and a' .ill uiunts not In t ie rem tot

tu tiic i.v.uk' saluts uf the niiielcpiitticentury.

In the first pl.iro, It is a tset that men areraielv uiadr nil. listers her vise as children or

ids thev manifest ant sperm culling ur tltiiesaf r the profe-s- i n. A ti ule Is airid". a'l thovv.iildoVT. If u incrrliatit, pr "iiur 1. 111 life,I'.is three . ui, 0110 of wiio.n eirt-- nothliu forbo iks, w hlle t .c other- - at" - udb is or averagee.i il .it .'h '"I, he Is opt to 1 ike the one inu hisitore or ufTke anil arnd th" others t en'lege.W it er I. the fllthul ll. ol trail-- , .ts ilule, lltius 111 tli it . 11 di v.'tt'. In' ..in.

tn eoliovfo, (' .tiling nut. one t, vert likely takenin' buslncs, and the 0II11 110 s n roles..11'. II ,1 lev vaivv..ve ll ts ll'ioUlU mo 1 'lege,It if . that oik of tne boy may 111 ike .

ii l.oer.i a it e of the mini try. an pripaielo. it. As rule, however, -- uca ah alute cliulceis not In .pient.

Int' liili.et'- - o ' ina'1 h, and its cognateto it e .es. Imve linn t do w.'n toe drift wine

lu. Utiles 111 a hundred ttoats ourvo ing men 11" tr.tile ur pit'.e-.ii'ii- . If n 111 111

Pea Tgi 111 111. w ttb" is veneiallv tne rs.ea lar.e fauulv. iho suns e ministers aiultin duihters inairv ministers. In urdlnotbusiness life ninety per cent. fall, throe per cent,succee 1 and two per cent, rise tu prunuiint'odand iii'ianle pi isiarily. So It la In thepuliui.I'lu ta-- l maj iriiy of clergymen fail aa preach-ers, fall as I aeUers, fall as coiivuu . r- and sroa iv eu from Itioioiigii ueleaii,e-- s solely bv lea.onul their qiilitt - nurses, dulni-.ttcUil- andpast ,rs.

It's n mlatnke to p iy that fluaney nf speech, thegilt f ,b. luces young men to beroin- - 111 in is.I01- -. lie in. ram niesilirr is uui lluent olh ee li iii .1 M' ii. is j ire the ex. 'ilion..W" ri eu iet ti n. r v iii v' I'i'ii ire thfiulr.and il fie Mire s ih I'teat I'lirlnti ill ehurehnet', lined ui tlie eh aud Uuiuul the le g,, he iti 11 h'ii tli nut' 11.

Ai lioui 11 i r.iint cla-- s may come oneMli'lili.lh. SO ir nil u tin ol iglr cl is' 11,11 1 r.iiliorue Itng une sto.r-, one II ill. one Adans:l ot 1, .il! the West I', '.ins In the world couldir vT liave givttii - lerniaii hla mi itnrj genius,t. vvu .1. 11 lie lai eu a. 1" .im luat iiiv teat let'uf ih'oligt iie.uci the power win li in tin

i'v 111 11 named ,:iv . tlu'tu un and lu-

ll . . i ittit'i t in"; uui'l. ul iiiiguij dellarsIn men wsll-llhe- d w illfU.

I iiie is .1 wid iiiilerreco bptwoen a p linil irprr , in and a 'il p slur. 1' tpui.ir pie.r 1.1 isle .un V , tntlrl 'Mr, ntld eloqu'lll in

thev ire r if 'ii goo i. lio ,si rs u.,kitulli niti'd. - inn iiueile, atfiilive to the 1 ill01 lit' im Ih v fu, the poor, visiifc irk. C'Uin r vv lin the .ifllti tid, and II'' r.,'tvii,.l.i.,r I,. II,.. Ii.ni.h,,lili, ,,f I ...I 11... I., l.itl

oh nn 11 are in hettd uf. urv,r kiown,li ut ;'!' ul' lhey live bllnibl and die llII wll all- - i'O ir.

I iluu at'e: iieliil urvev of th field, open to. all, th it tlie 111 j uiiy of llvnu' eieigi iuo.i be

II tne firh eiiliei t'.rir t.iihers wtuml orov th, inciesi tn a. leu', I need lullrefer to in I'vngs, the ih- - H 'ecliei I beL ird in' 1' titers, un 1'otii r- the 1' 1 ,

ih" ri II . a u ' of l ie I in nn r I It w is1.: Iv iiuiuiitl liiiua't 11 v. .oi'a ".nil, t

lohiiiv Ihull l.ilh'l - MiU'lis- lie vv. l,. .r.and tiny vvn tor. 1 to htudy ami .uppoitlliell'-e'- u llo'ynll tun itnr i lergy nen. nllle.ii' ivi'tu'lv. iiiinit with ut a pantile of

s. And a was wi'.u that lai.nly it is in111 tii v 0 III I's 111 all l.v iliueit 11 liul lies

in ur perio Ural rev iv l , w n t ne y uung i'i. naim 111 tlilelis 1111, lunotl inally "1 oivl'ltd nlton .1111 alter an hone.i il delei nv aa

are lli'ide llien.l rs ,.f thprlitir h I l.isI .1 .lo ti toi ui ll Uil' irlillp .hd tits P'ld--

i Ull pt.iver nieetiiig. I lie bio. hel illIlia iliaii iitlls on the loiiveri tu pi iv.'i g V' bis ' Xl'i'l ,'f e nn 11 d

n wil 11 e lie othi - e ul I tiil, tilt ml tii1.. 1'. "It, 11 II' I" t nl, j 111 t III se 1'illr

0 ,v lei" li in 1. pti'iit. ilkii.'. nut lit il t aI, lid 't ml-- - tu u l In' Ul'--- , U'l'"'illu' I'I III-

IV I, "l 'llll'lL'" ll.r H.1,1, I luiin. i',.ui, u 1, leii vi, 1I1 ii a ft e III pa-- ' i

if- in. rn ti.i-- , in vi, ot ei 1," gi.oii(i.r 1, 111 thought'.' ly r u iMlt.l'e- - iMItl ;irott r 'Ihr il ot- - chol "f iiv 'In III. nn

I'll n t 11 "tl UUI - 'I 1. 'r in r 1. un ' 10I .Hit . A 'let in, d It mat , 11111 - uitll itu toiili.'hi 11 In. 111" l.uir II 011 the gi-- ,

un. p 'i in v ih 'I - li" In in. u 11 I.lu vv 11 the ,U iu Mr tr t b a t '

in flic f id or h iidv,e, bl iia.1,1 .lui 1,I) 111 ' a I le in . ha 1 ,11 ' ri I t in, hs

.011 , III t e . " it , Ural , - it,iiv 'Ul-- i ' II" lliv t. Ill bo 1111 .in lit

Hi md till.t tmu l"l nl VI Hi '1

li r i o es le, 1, tul, All th Hi ' - Ul

ilu; Iji vvi'h ieis 0 mill l lu, lit, Htiu r inllU 111 hi"' '. 'I 'tlliiiVC! ,,

I) 'Jt Hi I'lsKlli'Hf1, l ii 0 .I a. helm lit 101 . in.' a i

1" It rii th d. ', ' r an. tig I he I"' v -W he r 'II ' W II. the . r nil Ir ive .1 ' '

', fioui ll i r. t - v 1'i.liri' I. tiguipi-l- 'itid ii'.inili".' til tilo ij fl un t ' "I

In ir uni ' Xi'eii .t I! the Mm luv tvices ul the v oil' lil'il uviiiigelit. li nig lecie l,the t"ung ui'in goi". Ms is vv.n nitv w luoui j I.On riltl.l, tie III live-- . Ills hi. tilt II ' If il .

ts .1 pe'lLltted 1110 III Willi ft lode ri 'mi hi.tn iinph. .111 it will perhaps suffice if I .iui.'li

'P nt hi- - fin I ni aiiiilt il iti in rf al n riii lux ten l . nit Ins .1 thill' illl i ill . t

thn I i vim- - il Ul leiieiilhg I r 0111 eietntii leloi nit

A aiui't, uf etiie llii ns in novvi c d n inlohlue vuuug wall i uui Ah.-- iu luu

ftillnoss of time he receives hla diploma, hboldly marches "tit uooo the world and wane hlacall A true man would go to worn, but i well-drill-

thuulog waits for bia call, llete It is tn tfriends atop in to secure a von salary. nd per-haps spoil a good man. Maffli'e f ithar never ob-

tained fur mm an audience. Elder Kn ipp neverasked a dry goods in lure to s y a good woid furhi in. Kiniipy. he revivalist, cut ble own swam.Joiiatlt in Kslward- - waa never boosted a stepforward by Influenoe. Dr. Spsncer H. Cone,grand (at her nf Kite Claxlon. the Lniiise of me"Two Or.'h ns," did his own fighting. LvmaiiBeocher Wns,liidebled tn no man fr uls platlortn.

Ilut there ar hundreds of humdrum preach- -y who h.,ve pululla beoauae tney haveJrs influence. Would vtorgau Dlx b ve

Irlnltvp rlsn, with all wt lch thatname Iniidlea, if bis lather h.,d been John A.Du-aent.er- ry

ineiead of John A, Dlx 1 And, on theother hand, would nut the sealoua Push ot youngTyng B.ive won bint puslnon. vn If he hadnot been a eon uf the voncraule rector of St.Ueorge's? Horn of the CUrkes aie light, uthe.sare dull, but neither their wit nor the luck nl itmad thstn clergyman j It was In the lain llv.Th aaine is tru of th Potters, both of NewYork end Pennsylvania. Part uf in famll. baybrains, tncy ..II hay Influence, and those whoare mentally deficient ar Just as wall fixede those who are Justly leaders Io luelr denomi-nation.

Tneodor Parker threw off the shackles of thchurch, nlred th Music Hall, and preach-ed. H attributed ble wonderful succese o mofact th t he had aumethlng tn say, and said It.Jonathan Edwards thuugnt out a system, andtaught It. Lyman Ueeober accepted lb laUu ufbia lathers, and wage . War on all who failed tosee It in the eaine light. Dr. Taylor was morselect In his followers, out comtiatte.i withiqu.u energy. All these men wi re verv poor.

he prt sent generation oi mill's. ers believe Infat livings. As th bnght-eyeili- rtteti Ifurmar-l-y

of tlrooklvu, now of Cnio go) aid, w..en aekrd it he Would gu to can t'lam isi o, "1 will, Iftho cad is loud enough." home of the aalurirepat J to--d y are pbutioinen.il In comparison withllie locusts and wild Doner of the propnetvviiocried In tne wilderness. How Muliuuw, dark.Luke, und John wo .id bave stared ut (KI.UtK) nye.,r! How tnat aiuruy man, Paul, w.nndhave opened hla eyes, if the lu n of Kpneaus oreven iue saluis ui Ibeaaaluiila ha susgcated(So.UUO aa hia tc.ir'a coiiiuens ilnt Yet in ourcut s young men i fiiou regard tnost tnidls prolno wi n a tender eye. the sums annual.)' taiu10 Dlx, ling, Jiurg .n. Putter, 8 oris, inunipsuu,layur, Co.. pin, Durtea, aim others ate tn .rmous. anil us a tul are easily, veiy eua.lv,eained. I hai lnanJ Ueechora-- , lecturera cuuloeuru mucu mure ih u ibtyae tiutv puid, butthe Vai in Jurlty nf , l.y preachers uuglu to fallou their knees mid thank the Lord lor liillueu-tu- l

relatives und friends lu puniuou..Mcthoiilsts, U.ptists, and Preanytertana nrs

tbe wor-- l paid lu uiuuty. Elacup..llau andCungregalluiiulisla uexi. 1 be Catuuilua ta.ewuatlliet need; the rest guts lo the ChutubUui the cuurcu uVJeer does nut, un the av.r.ige,dud preai.li lug prulltable, Tu Vt esturu aelil-uient- s

aie sull mi .iuu..ry gruuud, and aeveu if be be a oigot and ., fau.it le, Is

entitled iu iho respect lb world alnaia awaidsan earliest, honest man.

I presume a luijunty of readers think tbet'a.li.diis outnumuer any other .iu.le delaouil-naiioiiu- l

inemuerahlp. I thuugnt ,o, put 1 lludtb.,t lu 10 the taolo stood as follows :

sVxnio. t'Siii-csrs- . mmnfKai'i.sl 13,U)h) 4,ki ,ia.t ugiegalluual, g 716 1 lll.JUtl IUI.I g,,Klt K1I1.0..1Mi tliums l,.l,l7 ll.i. JV e bylerisn 7,7t '. io MiHuoia.t Caitiuiir BajO l,pe,lis

Uut the same rating dues not follow In valua-tion of prjperiy :

A'.naa. Vatttitt'on11 .putt ttt.e-si.ifa-

Ct,gri'gaii"ual '.o.o si.imsiKill eelial aO,i.'i,.slMetiluUlot ltll.s.iiUOfr.vDyi'-r- ititwuisu Isiuuuc uua"i,uuvi

All told, there were at the last counting, oi.srtttorgauiiatiuns. eJ.UMe church euitlcvs, auu gi.uiia,-Vi- i

train v iliuu at atJjI.tSJvMl.Ibere have been uui four great general re-

vivals lu tula country, but iicauy ever,'una been Irom lime to time atiried from

the deptna ny "religious prulcaiouals," whogo from place to plico creating fecitng. es.aU-lisniii- g

cur.onts of a ympstny. .nil i.d ling I rgeuuinoera io cuurcu meuioersulp. I'uese i.reoueof tbe liitiuemes tbat lead young uieu in'oInepuluil. the others are p .terual cK.mple auddeliberate conviction of aim ss.

II the ordinary lunii Hud confidence lu thalu nest) anil the superior knuwlouge of tue or-u- ni

rv luiuisier, our ehnrcucs would be lullniii lhey ra inuf full.

I iici uro half a dozen newspaper writers Inthis city alone who c .n mane a fair living hywriting -- erinons tur clergymen tn rent, itiireun cuileti uatli'igs iu tne pnipit .s well ,stutue fins.', lucre are uypiiritot aud M'a.la-w'a- .s

in tnnt trade as lu uil utlitrs. mere uroIhuusaudsnl caruvft preacner-- , wt.ose su'c quutill ation is tneir cerncsiiie-e- . Lxau pie. . udli. int, ,nid cuiijin, tin iiipersiltliiii f rce in.inva in. .u to i nur, p. nu Hunting but ",i..ruii rnuna to d bie.uu.g kveu Ui'.l tu.r. nn ihc sei-vu-

i'lu-- ,.

iiiciiic uf a country clergyman prcputs nocUariu lor t ur st. ri'uod stuiti-n- t ol cil n . Iflull liiink 1 am In eirur, iojK at tnvtu. ii.iurDpo ana cut are u i in t.iKilile I'i i fimu dloess. nt.II vrav.it. fun ot 1 ek. a eh .In ul limrwna a liny pviiuaui e..i.s, unu a gtiu r l ..ir fi rUii iiie"kiie-- . lamp tuein. une ..nn .ul. linwtlie carls ap .a les w ,i..id iiiiin If ti.ej could t.,kua peep l li.i'ii vuung gcutivnieii uut lur au air-it- i.


F. lucitlmi helps the but the man mintbe o rn in Itio Ui.' ut liitoie be rn ie .t li inan) .dvjtitigo. I have lit a d the '.ue .1 H-ide. .Is btiiiit rd the innrcii uf i.tnne; nam.I'l'iilins l'n ie; fulinlu ile agal .s "orrur, an ia n ii ale i nc dev i. and liu an.'i .s. lii.vef.tiiI "'ill iu uiu- -t beiiiiu euial guise ussautt miluna piriun the s d ci'iiiiiti ui uf Ad .in aud l.,enlieriii'v vveie found utit. I liave Known ilieinn ith en ire cuntliieiKc to t .k. hold ol the In-tuit ilirriis. aualvze tneui, uitsit.t luoui. midglvetioir viuvs auu lucir when Lire.. 1 h ivuin ,.rl. and seen .ml known ill t'u from tlielip i I a .iiipliug vvnu would bu laughed uui idrni.it. and wouldn't 'e ioler.it 'd in tne saur-lui- u

uf llir I'lMlUIIK ,.'(('. It .1 no goi lisuiiu iiua as a pr. ai.u.r, lie satessuuis ai a iitughiiui nig i it i ui $',(HA) n tear,Paid by iue lueu, flittered ny me wuiuen.ttlpppted by the girls, und l.tiglud at by tlieuovtl Hu the whole I uui tnciuod lo believetaut tt'Stj ii a large sum lu pa.'ine avtrogc cui-- g

uiati. Hie ties, em pioneers vvuu hue, andr .k , and dig. anu sew wooil.ue rve in ue .m i

ei less. 'I ue tender saplings nearer biinevvnolam suit nuililhgs, Uuuk bull tuelr Beru.ou-- , andiiudersiaiid tbe social elements, deserve ices nutg- -i mure.

scant is the Income nf the averngn elergy-niai-

luat hu is larcud tu cktt It uiu as best nonriy. Minn rati " relii'iou , nevrsuap.'rs ; ' sonicsi.np.y tv me for them; some carre pond tvi.hsee .Ur p.ipeie ; auiue lake pupils nnd nonicbug. Now and then a pro .cuer hues ahullw Herein tie t .Iks up .untiuv, and lives on iue"cdlc lUns." In Dr. tannage's Talieru let,: u'.ii .ti"ii is t ik n up niorinnir and evenin?.

and .is th'i congregation avergei .I..SIU lot.iJUdpeople, ttiu it'siui inusi oc quite a co.ul"rt. In,i iii,.joiuy ui my eliuic ie, miiilsurs ur. pudlejut r salines, t.uying Iro in t Ull to I.D,""1Hi. Dn. Hi itng. In. Luaoili, I'r. Ur.I'ut tu, anil .Mr. lieeilier it .nd tno lugutsi inp nut ul can roeeliil. t'ricg rongieg.itiiinal.mil 1 nitari in i ler) moil iiretno besi uiiid. urnc une the lan:c Indiana and Uut h lteloriu.ulMellidi.is utld liaptl us gi l loss ui itriu.d r ,nli.Inn im y a ,d in re s i il Iiv a, mil uluc aiuuuuthe p irnii inure

A lew tttirs ugo there wetp several "linyprrailiels ' win, travelled .lo.itll, drew gloal

iiituj-- . and attrae'cil gen i .it ail niion, luumet never I'.imo to anything. As in, n tuevwe le ol ii i it, mutt and tuiimil bunue- - in.n-- n

Iii lur thi'i ie viied uiaturity. .oing uieuwiiu I'tfei UK l.plsoopal i ' a .i i. i"j '...t littlelo ilo ikilnit luev "look vv 11 in un nie t'.,'now and lliuii lead a senteuie, becuuie I'niiliiarvs itu-- i am ', niitl in ti are lt.i lu. itnl.

oniig too i w hu entei im pillpl if uy ulin r ilu- -

iii i m i ue' i .ti find the burden un their- - nli rs a I

on v. i liut it id the lit mn. iu ake ue ex e oi no-r.-

u. i riy us, ami pre.i' li tue er mm. I ml ilUC 'III i. .lllflaiu e it I'l.l 0 JU'll at tu llltt'lgtowiti and st. Hire, menial and in Til. torBi'iuenoli I don l Unit it , I lit livel ai!e .el ,u ' I isteiy lOiiiotls and ilu nver. ige p: .i er teltbiiresonir I'rlliips thit's mo re n lie f r

but tn Mid I'v 1 uni aevciilt lite p i'.i a dialsn i u

Ilapi't ul 1, ' si."! i hi I i i i'" ' . it." '' ii- -i "

Uo 'I'.nii it, un un I r timtI "UuV VI Mil. l.lll ,11 1,1.. 'I t 'It-- s itt.l.1 i ui ii i'i it t n ii n pi

,. ,1 .' . " "I, ,. w .11 ' I"in ml t Ih ' ih' u ' l'l ' ' d ( M Illl

,1 , . .'1 ' Ir VI - iis ,iv,'l t n . 111" li-

lt! i l 'I i' ht "i mil ati I tn ii !u III' ,n

Iii li i t ) IV I 111"' .t iih I ni N.i in .11. u i ' h 'h I ! it' " nn I'll 'I In 'I "I t put .Ml I ll l " '111 I 'hi'' " 'I II Ul 11 Old tl '' rit' ill 'I ", t ' i "' '" II It i ,'fi i, i' ii' 'h. , !" id l " ' h II h

I. vv. II li iv. ir. 1. .1 . ,1 n.i v

loi' lu r h iti-- i .a

i .olden I. pp. s.Sli s i . , i. ii i' in--

, ii .I'm ' tu t i

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t " i i ri ills, r "t i U"

Mi . ii"i il , n - in" s ..ai alt ai il

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ll'T If' f' '' W '' I tl Hi" .'I '1,1. im Sl .1, IfVI' 1' M '

Hi' i' mi. it that t ,i ,e ni'lla r iH'tui- -

ilA' Ml i. h he its, I i' i ;' t i n ',

VI m g in iril I. t l

H i t in i , i ri ' 'i i . ,

v, iir iii " in ii :. .t;, ,' y I" v

1 ..;'..' II. "ii li"n ilu.


IfWle Hat Mr. Hark when t Caaeet Malltire vrtih Coma-io- n rsenee.

To Tilt" KuiTurt or Tin Pun Sir: Bcohero, I w nt to ask you a qi.cstl in ertwo In friendly way. I never learned loglowhenlw.iS nt school, seeing as I wont to theplough at fourteen. But mv neighbor Oulllnn llcbock full of that sort of thing, and 1 a I Ways golo him when 1 get thlngi mixed. My neighborllulllon Is rich aa cream, has luts ot bonds andstocks, and he give advice monstrous kindly,all ynu want of It. Dut still, It seems to me atf-- but what I was going to ask you is this :

Are loglo end common sens two differentthings? If not. will you explain lo me somepoints In my neighbor Bullion's loglo which Ican't make gee with my common sens ?

Th other day I ssked million If be thoughtth count rr was going right.

II said It was not going right, by a long shot,which was just vt bat I thought, too.

I oskod my neighbor llulllon If he didn't thinkIt would b find for th country to have achi nge. It for nothing els, only fur th salt ofvariety, you know.

"John Ilurkwheat," tald he, "you echo mysentiments. We need a change. The country tssick for a change. Ilut. then, John Buckwheat,we cm only change frnm the lleptibllcan partyto tho Democratic party ! you must never forgetthat."

"I won't. sir," answered T. "I never did be-

lieve much in third ponies. Bo you think w

ought to change uur votes from the Itupublleuup ,rtv to tho Deoiot ratlc parly ? I'm glad to hearyou say t hut, air. I've been thinking tbe samelur a right sm..rt whll , Mr. llulllon."

"Yes, but, John lluekw boat," aatd Mr. llul-

llon. In that One logical way nf his; "the troubleK, the Dcniocr. tic parly la aodreadfullv irlouv. '

"liickv? Do vnu think so, Mr. llulllon? Ilutthov nominated Oov. Tlldrn, though, didu'tthey?"

"Yet, they did. John Iliick wheat, and nn oxcell ni President ho would make. Ilut we mustnovor forget t hut I Ills nomination ot J'llden wasaltogether a Democra'lc tuck."

" Now, thut'a a pity. ton. Mr. Bullion," saya I," situ e It's such a good trick! And they nomi-nated Mr. Charles Francis Adams, too, up yuu-do- r

In Massuchtiseite.""Hplerdid strategy No bettor man In tbe

wni Id Ono of tho host tricks the Democraticlartv ever pl,yedl Uui I beg you to observe,my Irlond John lluckwhout. that this nomina-tion also was altogether a Democratic trick."

" And then, tho' turned round and ImpeachedIlcUhap. ton."

"Mo thn did. ind the scoundrel fully deservedIt Hut. John lliii'kwhoat. all that liniie.ii'bmentbusiness was a Dt'inocrntlo trim. You muatnever forget that. It would be Illogical for usto forget tnat."

" rto It would, sir," savs I, "and I bellovo inlogic. Ilut, Miv how, they didn't acquit him,i.ftor ho was proved guilty. You can't say thatWas a Democratic nick."

" Wuv. un, John ll.it K wheat," aays ho, doubt-ftillv- .'th tw.is u bad business, tn be sure. H it,

then, ovtrynodv knew that the 1'iipcaonmeiitwna all n lleniociatlc tun, Just the aarue sortof trick tnat i nngress p wheu tbey repealedthe resuinptloii clau.e."

" that ir isa H iiicunihe business, Mr. Bullion."esva I. " Just t'lioiit like the Keaumptlon clauaeItaolf tho aham .vt. Hist wasn't a Democratictrick, w a It. Mr. Hulllnn'r"

"No, and n very piece nf busi-ness, John Buckwheat -- a pollileal thlmble-i.- g

but t no r tieulul It wits nothing Uut a Deiuu-craii- e

trli k.""But tne pater money ain't n Democratic

trb'K. unr tne liillaliun of It. nor the refusal tok'cp thi falib ut iue ll icrutucut, Is it, Mr. "

".No. The other side la certainly answerablefor all that."

" And supDiso tho Domorrats didn't like tobe hound up in iTonu-e- s t i ilo truat tney knowcouldn't be done their consciences not beingas well groisod as the It ti.ibli.ain', who arera'her ua"-- to that aoit of thing "

"Oil, If yon put It itiun that ground. JohnBuckwheat. I giant y il fully thai it was mi iclof i ip Ingiitest morili.y lo Insist upon Iho re-p- e

l uf a similoiis plotlgo to do what Was luubpruuse tlie pu.y I'J tvhuni the pu . Ige

was made refused to trotide tbo means fur Itsiu en,, i llstin cm ; bit tteiveJ Hi a inattieal,lti-i- n .s tight, Ii was nothing but a Deuioi-r..ii-

in Iv."" Well, thnt've cm down the expenses of tbe

Government, too, it yen't tiipv, .nr. Ualllou'r"" e ; tinuttie.- - one of theli trli k. rncv'll tie

bringing In a heavt ileHokuot l"ll next wlutir."" Ami tut y iiuiitrd to cut ituwn t xnen-- t s sull

it'ore. otilv tlie , iibei ide woiililn t let 'em.ui t iv su'l li Democratic trl.'k, n.is it, Mr. II. ti-

ll ".n"1 don't expert nnv numonn frum tho DJino-cr- a

. Mr. IIui'KwIimi. '

" Hut we uiu t i.'t't ei inuinysome way, uiu.tn'twor"

('ert'ittilv. If the prc-e- se dp f c- -i eudi- -tlil - I, Ke.it Up t , in'," vv ill e tllttrii. '

' And the lt'i u h. in n i iu iii'lt'-'- i d l.itl lij of i.. .lin ttltli.'l i I. tul -- line the. liave lu.tl

tnr iv ing "f ttl' II . e , h iv e t hej" I ! list eiihf' I have i, i ho.-- ol

from the faity iiavv iu p 'tvei. John Itoea- -vv e it. '

v i ll now . In, ill 't tu tight to hnvo n lectiohope i f ei on nnv li 'in the liem-.- in'-- , u. II,

Tin re' Hie lietti II itse has snv.dH mii i. nil already and .Ir. I'luii'ii he'-c- ut Ins

l let x 'S don ii lo hull. 1ml looks as If lhey!.ii'-- hoiv to go ibo'il s iving. if the) were amind to."

" I'snavv ' Kllnis) pretensel Metirvy oloi tlon-eeit-

ih'dges! Iietnoi r. tie ttirks ! I tell ton,Juhti lluekw i.e. it. li i lie I h inui r.ilie p iriv comesIm po .er ih v'il baiiUiupt tho (lot'trntiicnt.1' ev'il swamp n- - iiuin. i noy'li afatimo all therebel war ni'bt. I'hi'v'll ti"ii-l..- n off all the rcuclnil iters. 'I'het'll I. lit 'ioiiil to pav f r all Ilia- atis. 1 In t il p it ml Hi Miuitic.i v. ar i lauus.'I ri 'II nun us in a liffi "

"And Utt't'll go ..ml reiM'iil the ameiidiuents,ton. won t mot. air. 11 ililo it"

" tu. uf course not. luev louldu't touchthe iriiei'dllieilis. kiiu'O the , o il.l litvelg'tnI llieo-lou- rl us vote to no It. lleslu.'S. I re illv Iloiiul bt'ln'Ve the niaiitilt ol tlie lleui'i r.ittep. , it , w ui. the un nd . e 1.never tr is it invmg bustm-as- at.tl as f.ir uei i

v.'teis. ttet a vt bint thn planter, willtii, tin wneie we t odd git une. lu rr'i un.ottl il il oi ..itle tru I. 1, a! Will e t at' nt.V . '

" o I no Vule littler. t'tl ll'i'Ml ' iiul iltu tne, sir. Bullion, it Hit litunoi r.itte iuiriv c tu'ttun n the Amel i.i.ii-hl.- iru V' I ilon l iv..tll iot ri h the ti, tne'i'll I ave tl.v t nilu'lil, linetl irk lit b'O'l lo g, in all th.'-- e p iv hit 'its vorpeitkol Ain't all thviC lyinents liiimd in the.itueiiiiineuts t '

" Not i lite all."" Am', t.ie rebol war debt fu!iid tiv bo p lid .'


" Yes.""Ain't a rebel soldier's pen-tu- n a rebel war

dith, "If v nu look il It In th i I'gltt "

"Ami in'tielll vv ,11 i il.lls filllud. PXi'iPtwhere Ihr p rtl's it ll f Ahd tltrir . ll ' tr ifth hi lift, li.r th' U I'tlblir ti ave in i.'e iito I ty I 'inn till If. iv Ittuuil I. ji.itig to i l)

int. th,- v.uii iir-- . in iihei '

" 'i I It '1 11 t r "in " ii new one '

" I nen vv 11 vv un o.l. hi ti in t 'tig' iVol tli"induiin, r. Ib.'lu'it aud n n rtestllriniirlal Ih lilr I'.I i 'ilt ttl t it III. n

tin, ..euis I. me. .bjiii piling i .he.1 ill's

"I ii milium ol Hum, tu". Jehn lliahwact.I I U I 11 II

"I'll tit. 1' ill II, ll i'i. if 'el. I. I'll if tinwiiv I iv. .ut' n 'i t a I'i" , ' mii s t i

a k, It I'I II hi .Im I it ' .Inst .' ,it li ,t.uet't vi i'iI tt it il "f I h iv it e i'ii '

".lu-- l so, .l.'lill lti..'ki. ue it. It vv i ih her ii '

" I'lnrty dollars apt" 'e I r ev it mall, wuiualian t lln ri t ie i .lillj iln't I .


Atnitit I'.. it e- -" Ami thoi - 6 ut t million uf us, .ilu t tin u '

" to. "" A' d how many si .ve owners wore tlure. Mr.

Illllltil iii't Lu vv John II n kwlie it - '

" ll. nn l vir i.irrhn u ed lo ling tlie . h il ,'0soh tin l.ig old . 1 OJs.at on dd it a .

" in lli'll' r ,

V"V. Mi. Ilil.i i.i, I put it t.i y.i.l i .illuld.I) ii s v mr kii'd "f logic lea 'h tmi rr Ui) t"I l I .1 Sl' Oh Ull I of I' .pl" !" I'llllil t'i'..!t l..'!t,-"- l , - nt t t lie 111 e.V til I IX IU

in i I lo pay nn mi' v l h it - n I vv in t is i x

ie. it . iii one , I n il t n 'V oi, 'I i i t t , i i,lhat ii t a .ke lot . auu i.. , t w ill .h t i

i .ee t i f i li di, t i.ii . , ii i n.lUt i .unit .ii'i'i in ,ri eiiuiun lo iv u it aII ii. in i li Un .. '

" I d ui ' ' 'l, ve I i tn e I il the tl,Hi .t lu t .1 hn lb. nivh ,i '

"Ni I lll .e Villi' ' "lii l'ill Is S Ul, ll' I. " i . '

i und-- . ii !.n - , il i " il ll - 111 ll L. I.i

ut hi- - I'i ' " '

h ,d ,f ai Hi i u " . m "III ''i.i.' i

"I , ' . '' '

"I i ' . i ii ,iii'ii 'iIn. i... o ll. t I. I

'1 II 'I '. .1,I, ll 11

. ,'l k ' I l

I, ii , "I Ii .1 - I e l.ve, ,I ' .'.ll ' fl.V'.

it " , ' 'I , IV ' W I St

ui l 1 l s n . il I. II.. lie ml in ,

ii I .I . Ii i II. Id n.i id- -, ti .1

,, i , .r ,1" "I t his I o ,'.11 i' i I.'. vii ll ll i i " if we've g .1 I. b.

- i iv i. n in .ill he time t i f et i i v le ihr itg.it km I of tiekels and to

,1 III 11 III" II 'k'l"l' "If 111'' Illl! ll.llPli- -

i' ' I ' nit'" 'in i... i uni tliildren sist In e ,i. lu iue '

" ' hi, i in, i . .1 ' n 11 i. d,, wheat ! Y u1. i ill if" "I I ih. I, fll.lplt a llelttoi'l.itli i 1. 1' l.'o il.i I,

" .i iv ni to, Mr. Bulli i. m iy he so! Hut t Xi"hi t.viui hi di. aiul t.i in ,,ii hn ,.,,u n its on i .

Miiulci v. sto a lU(.'..i..ini Uu l.i.. j. ,i m.ilir- -

IOOO.ttrj worth h's ssHmarching round the ftnuth. I"."A1. r. '" '""k after tho d rai vntpa " II vou dm. i helipvo th, I BaHmaajacred?protection?"

ii don't bellevs i the I mm" Well, ton see, Vr. Bullion, If th t thn. m fiHblood v .nln waa oetler vmtll ,i0,t 1 n,, i.TiinS gcHa.iuicihliig of if. lint it ,M anieli kitid of gcimusty to me, being taken out nf it drawer i.nla .tSgfl

once every four tears, I ist before eleetion " dkkm" Yos, hut Jubo, Uavn't tby uubUmu Wsota aansHHampton?" ,"Mo they have, Mr. Ilnlllnni and ttamntn-- a ggH

fought right well In t tie War, ao well aa hla er nd. Ingflfather fought agal net the British In Ike Revo. kkmliitlnn. Rut I never did hear nf hla stealing a gaTgaTflsingle cent. There's been a good deal of steal" igiHIna down in Houth Carolina, tne people must be) Hlpretty tired ot u, I gueaa, and It appears likely PPJfltbe Democrats put up Hampton aa much be. km,osiisne doesn't steal as for anything ela. But WtWkIt may be only a Da nooratto trick for this Cn.tennl il tear, though It does kind of w rm tb kmheart like io see Massachusetts and Houth Caro. gaTflUna going nand In hand under ldets taken 1BKfrom families thai sa ad suou big record tat !

tho revolution."" Of cum se It's a Democratic trlok.""May bean, sir: but anyhow, vou can't call m

the nomination of Hank and Dutier to Massa.chnsetta u Democratic irlok.

" Htind fully t Perfect madness, John Duckswheat K

"Just what I think about It, sir. There's bea bHa good deal of that snrt of m dne Hostingaround here lately, nd It don't i.uck well gainsthose heie lioii.ucrouc trlcke you apeak of. 1 flflshould say some nf It hae got Into the bead ol .fBUiiv. 1 1 ayes, luu, for all tney do ear ' gaTtgasofty." "PB"Wh t ar vnu talking about. Jnhn Buck.wheat ? Oov. Haves is one ot tho best anilpurest men that over breathed.""Just so. Idon'i duu.iiitin the ieaat. And gaTgaTfihe's going In lively fur reform, tuo, ulut he, ihe's elected?" fin" I have tne greatest confidence In Mm. X ' gaBlfeel euro no will give us many useful measure kMf reii rm. I ilao ins views on civil setvlcr A(nrin very much." H

"Ho lo I. Aud I reckon he's making hi cam. Bpalgn expreea lo open tne people's eyea to Ih Hneed ul Kpjpj

" Wliat do toil mean '""By giving over I he oampslgn toChnndler anilryner aud .spencer aud Bill Kemble aad thai

aur !"(ih. that's a party necessity, John BucksWheat," aM

"Oh. so I thought I Chandler and Tynr ana HSpencer and Bin K iii'ue mid such, and thebluudi ablit and fhain resumption und dummye.iiidid tes, and the nriny al tne polls, you ear,are pirty nccosslues ; and llldeaand Adams ..nd retreni hmeiit and reft rm and gafflcutting tiniMi tax s, ami puniahing rogues, urlleinorriiltr nurtv trlcksl I sat. IlilghberBul-Ho- n.

If this here w is a religious c nvns, und vouhad lu be - ivt u In iiitiVs tnstc id of iionfs, whlctlsuiu would t on i p on. tne aide of ' necessities!or the side ol ,ri k''"'"On. you've In en rending some nf tuelr camsBslgn uocumentf, John Ihickwboal aoulbel

le tiick ) lioud dav."Juiih Ut'cittymcAT. 1

tl irif.fT. HA PreHinhlo Busluess Ikal has llrewa WS) H

within the Laot Half Ceaieiy, HTwo largo bi coii o.irts, overiluwing wltb "H

clean yellow sawdust, stood In front uf Mr.Thomas Hunt's red painted cottage at Mi IsHEleveulh avenue yesterday, and tbe pmprletort'wno bad just finished his dinner and was Intalkative mood, guve this account of his oonneo.tion with tha sawdust busluess: "Il hee," bsaid, "grown up within the last fifty years, an otI bave been at work nt It for over ten years. Iwas Isd Into it by a Mr. Mobert Jackson, wbvspent twenty teats In the dullness and aocumu.lated a handsouiu property. There are about Lfseventy-liv- e men engsgod entirely In th saw.dust buiities who employ about IHO wagons.' Hlliesa men do nothing olso, and It is prohablsthat tbey avorage the sale of 100 barrels of dust;every day. I don't doubt that, take ll all iu all,' HHNew Yurk consumes uu an average 7,500 barrelgof sawdust dully. elakLHI

"diwdtist U mod extensively by the Breitliei'Mlwholesale dealers in lard and buttor for packing HItholr gouds that are to be shipped. It Is In great Endemand In torpedo faconae, in furnishing th HIfldliig In the m iiiuliicturlng nf dolls, uni rt Blmiikiiig the p ient as iiistus walls. It Is wellKnown ih, :t nlii"tv avr per cent, of tho stores in IMllioadw y iho ll In sweeping their ttunrs, audin dilukiiii salioiis and I., many cat- - fjling houses it ia aliiiost iinlver. .Ily em. HPloyod. lu m !,s houses it is suitcrlor tiall other fuel fur 'tultig i iirposps, niul uearlp PJKail the mii .'.ed li mis utttt noef mil u i.uges tliabHu .i e lu ll, e in irac's h ivo c ne fioni thetill. It. hPiiv'.. funi'-- ui usswiiust Ule riatvdusti ifVlieverlMii ii.wlli.il nie. und i ven u.:it of the

tuleh pine duos nut t ko 0imc. It Bjusi smouidt-r-- , tmi ac. tiihi iu. kc .i great heatrfjsii'oke. Home ttmc the siwdiii.1 Is inixi'd wilts0. k wood iu the smuke house. I'liu tliiil of(It rgla plirli i iue i. In gie iter item ml In unsil rgr 'und ,ali ou. ui.d in t.tiier . lenane m HIquarters ui in tuu i'iihi f any t thor vvoo I, 'I hgie.i-.- f thi'is tha' in those ilan"i uui uns Htlir.iil.iv pl f, in g,-e- s ure t"ii .. I, geneI tel. an I fou.pthli g w. l'e not l o roilli. Hti r n t ttiem ll .ipur.. net t would net tne unius1. anil j.ile. I'.ie ,..r i'i the line n utrallent ese is- unu ui"le l Is li t.i t It isan i xeeliem ul t i 'he lulu;-- , oftntt uos pre-- v

tiling ih i. it'i: .ti.l itiiliug In t ue rure ole Id-- , ih.li'l i li trii: s.liv uns'. that ufers ,Hled ny sum' u- - un, . a aim di ii ard.-i- l i v utliersIt IS obtained I ,llli lg he ' i ir f. l.e vt Clllp-- Wlpings t hat i a,- - utit vv tin Hie shut lug. final id.tu oaHLlug mills, I'tn , uiinl o iivdiisi u used must. HIt fir p e king p ,rpo-- i BfjH

"Our l usii.e s i . littltpst from Jan. 1 lu July 1( vBUbd ,iftrlhal nil- - ftiiv'iiiist ia unu.' or less atl rig in l li j in ir I. e l u in ift.r Dec. 10. Iho ex- - glfJplanati'tii f thl-- h in ,1 the in.iikeis are closed)at noun every il y and loch, tuu, tho weather I Hldueriiiost ol iue in v than at ott-e- sea.un. ; Hi g un, ,.ll busln s i dull during a part aHlu le ,.t uf lti.it perio I. pjt

"flic aawilu t d alar procures his siipply en Htiielv fiuiu the ..w nig and planing nulls. He ll1 8bound i y aslrii t t uiiiaet tu.it compels blm Idt ,le nil the dust that made every ti. iv. Incusnf lallure to eo. i ,iiy with the-- e terms by th HEUi.ilei.tlii i . ur nl Iho null is .tl liberty 14 TStue.ikllioi ir."!. Ou Ilu utiier Ii in I the latslei tuar.ilili". i t i the in d ust mei. haul that tojn . nl .. r pei-,- n hall any of ihedusluf the mill Hbe .'!. pjflr

"1st rtc.ilv iiiuy day's work, beginning at H'5 ur "i,,k) o'tli i k n l .e ti, timing, and siiiueliines Big,asar u vi, ' .m-- . ham budge, oi fur into BfTUrookltu. II I , , II a' leiail. ol con: se it Is hers IBi.nd there niul t n ivwluie. hut at wholesale ll HiIt always g .rs Iiv Uiu I ad. t o have a ceri Hlatniiii.be: of .e ml tuilomtrs whom we call Huur nr lit i' ens. "inert, and these men XVnie ill th 1 ii n Mind. Hut, in case of sgl 'allll-l- l III the . le ale honihe . WS liaVS BJEt i iti op i vet v ' .it utli tul I i i leiii. 'Ilia PJfttul isnt-i.iwd- i t nh nit i. s ml l let ill Varae l. u inly ..' u ding to lh dill! ill , "f lieliv- -

civ aim tl.e a ii iiiut th ii l t iketi i.i tn curar4ol Hie vear. Iheitl- r Ilu in .1 - i. Jarelile Hta h .I'lel. .iiul ' ni is tin l".vt '. tig ne al vvhicllil Is f Id, l hi'ie vv sell only a banel or twomo-th- .uui ate unp ih d tu deliver the dueun ot it ..iv ii .ei oi il in. his uf i ..is, ..u i..argo s gaS,1:1,1 ,.H i'i ,,l V r "H

Mo lu.i usi'.l til lieddiflu hi'Sii 111 bnfi fHt .. s, a- - r eiiuiti he kn uod up in ht.up. like Hi

iigl. el liiUltr...!. I ui ilu t ul ru-o- i el iu use4 Ht it u i itng i .r, ai d t, wonti f o ii Z r in.u tosi si i o,.-ii- i tit-- luar-e- r tin- -' nous lo theiir.- - ol i, iiiic iii. ;it Is f; rinkl ul tipiu t no,r,t , ,iu i ll nils li, di i goods mi. i. ti. keep "Ijff

d ll. n , ,e il mi nyel the louu' it - useil Hflin all lioteis a v u, us luiiiiuses v. i.i a worn! ayxH

- isn-tdi- i. ,j..eili f'il p iki.ii res. spj1 ...ll I. mi V" "il I. ii , l li I ot I. lark HKflvv ,lu it, is i.pi l.ri . t. i lui pjc iu. it ,,.i - nl .in I i iiiHiu tinIn n un- - i i I i - ..i us i ii'ldina Ht ul ihu. h . oi a. l - nil n II tl j.i .s,

l..i,i.rs ul t alpni uisiitn HJ

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ii iii. it it.i ni .,' iv ii.. sI' null .111 n I" '

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