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Tuesday• January 30, 2018

KOLKATA, JAN 29 /--/ In-surgency is likely to in-crease in the North East (NE)after the Doklam stand-offwith China and there are al-ready signs of it in the re-gion, former GOC-in-C East-ern Command Lt Gen J RMukherjee said here today.

Whenever India has an-noyed China or there hasbeen a border related issuebetween the two countries, it(China) has aided insurgentsin the NE, Mukherjee toldnewspersons here comment-ing on the possible fall-out ofthe 74-day stand-off with theChinese at Doklam in the

NE insurgency likely to increase

after Doklam: Ex-Army officerSikkim sector.

"Consequent to Doklam,insurgency will increase inthe NEnd signs of these arealready evident," the retiredLt General, who is the vice-president (operations) of stra-tegic thinktank CENERS-K,said.

Mukherjee said thatDoklam is neither the firsttime nor the last that Chinahas made such an attempt. Itsarmy will keep coming andcamp at places of that coun-try's strategic interest.

"In Doklam, the Chinawill eventually try to twistthe Bhutanese state to get

what they want," he said andclaimed that the Chinesehave not left Doklam buthave only stepped back a lit-tle. Centre for East andNorth-East Regional Studies(CENERS), Kolkata, whichhas as its patron formerArmy chief Gen ShankarRoy Chowdhury and advisorformer air chief marshalArup Raha, is organising atwo-day dialogue on Indo-China issues and relationsbetween the two Asian gi-ants.

The seminar, to be heldon February 2 and February3, is scheduled to be attended

by minister of state for exter-nal affairs gen (retd) V KSingh and will delve on is-sues ranging from political,economic and military capa-bilities to problems andprospect relating to bilateralinvestments.

Professor Guo Xetang,director of Institute of Inter-national Strategy and PolicyAnalysis, Shanghai Univer-sity of International Busi-ness and Economics, will bethe lone Chinese speaker atthe event, which is alsoscheduled to be attended byUS and Japanese diplomats.(PTI)

Place: KolkataDate: 29th January, 2018

By Order of the BoardFor J. J. Finance Corporation Limited

Sd/-Anil Jhunjhunwala

DIN: 00128717, Director

Pursuant to Regulation 29 read with Regula-tion 47 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Dis-closure Requirements) Regulations, 2015,NOTICE is hereby given that the meeting ofthe Board of Directors of the Company isscheduled to be held on Tuesday, 06th day ofFebruary, 2018 at the Registered Office of theCompany at 3-C Park Plaza, 71, Park Street,Kolkata – 700 016 at 11:30 A.M., to inter alia,consider and approve the Un-audited Finan-cial Results of the Company for the quarterended 31st December, 2017.The said Notice may be accessed on the Com-pany’s website at www.jjfc.co.in and on thewebsite of CSE & BSE where the shares of theCompany are listed viz., www.cse-india.com& www.bseindia.com respectively.


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KOLKATA, JAN 29/--/ Tak-ing the interaction with thefishing community ofcoastal areas to the nextlevel, the Indian CoastGuard (ICG) today con-ducted a ‘Day at Sea’ eventfor the children of fishinghamlets at Frazerganj, South24 Paraganas. Nineteenyoung boys and girls wereprovided with a unique,thrilling and lifetime expe-rience of travelling on boarda hovercraft that had beenbrought in from the ICGbase at Haldia.

The children, who hadseen a hovercraft but neverbeen on one so far, were ex-cited to be shown the cock-

Frazerganj fishing communitychildren take joyride in hovercraft

pit area and be witness tothe pilots operating the ma-chine. The crew members ofthe Air Cushion Vehicle(technical name for the hov-ercraft) tickled the curiosityof the young children byshowing them various lifesaving and safety equip-ment on board. On culmina-tion of the sortie, the chil-dren were explained as tohow Coast Guard carried outits duty of ensuring coastalsecurity and how the fishingcommunity stood to benefitby becoming the ‘eyes andears’ of the security con-struct in the area.

Inspector GeneralKuldeep Singh Sheoran, theCoast Guard Commander atthe Regional Headquarters

(North East) in Kolkatastated that such outreachprogrammes were abso-lutely essential in the inter-ests of coastal security. ‘Wehave to take the fishing com-munities on board if weneed to be effective. Theyneed to be sensitized timeand again of the role thatthey can play, and be re-minded that their familiesstand to gain as much asanyone else if the coastalareas are safe’, he said.

The outreach pro-gramme of today was oneamongst the slew of eventsthat the Coast Guard has con-ducted in the recent past inthe run up to the 41st Rais-ing Day that falls on 01 Feb18

GANGTOK, JAN 29 /--/Sikkim Nationalist People'sParty (SNPP) today an-nounced that it will contestthe Assembly polls inSikkim due early next year."We have decided to enterinto electoral fray in Sikkimnext year after abstainingfrom poll process in 2014,"SNPP president BirajAdhikari told reporters.

He alleged that the gov-ernment of Pawan KumarChamling was mired in con-troversy and it was time thepeople give chance to alter-native leadership to take theHimalayan state on the pathof development andprogress. Adhikari urged thepeople to help the SNPP for-mulate its vision documentfor 2019 Assembly polls bycoming forward with theirvaluable suggestionsthrough all available meansof communication. "It is hightime new generation of peo-ple in Sikkim must take theirdestiny in own hands byforcefully articulating theirexpectations from the rulerson issues like employment,education, health, etc," theSNPP president said. On theraging issue of a petition de-

Governor Keshri Nath Tripathy (right) and Kolkatamayor Sovan Chattopadhyay giving away prize to a stu-dent at an event in Narendrapur Ramkrishna Mission---Arijit Ganguly

AIZAWL, JAN 29 /--/ Mizoram government has startedpreparation to repatriate over 32,000 Bru people from sixrelief camps in neighbouring Tripura from the first weekof March, additional secretary to state home departmentLalbiakzama today said. The Centre has released Rs 7.9crore as first installment for the repatriation expenditure,while the state government estimated that over Rs 123 crorewould be required for the purpose, he said.

"Physical repatriation can only begin after the identi-fication of those who wanted to be repatriated,"Lalbiakzama told PTI. An inspection team comprising offi-cials of the Ministry of home affairs and the Mizoram gov-ernment would visit the relief camps in February to iden-tify the Brus who are willing to return to Mizoram and thosewho are not. Thousands of Brus of Mizoram fled to NorthTripura district due to communal tension triggered by themurder of a forest official by Bru militants on October 21,1997. Since then, many of them returned to Mizoram dur-ing repatriation processes or on own their own. (PTI)

AGARTALA, JAN 29 /--/ Chief Minister Manik Sarkar andhis four Cabinet colleagues filed their nominations todayfor the ensuing Assembly elections. Tripura is set to go topolls on February 18 and the results for all 60 Assembly con-stituencies of the state will be announced on March 3.

Sarkar will contest the election from his home turfDhanpur in Sipahijala district. He has been in office since1998, having won the election from this constituency for fourconsecutive terms. "This time, we will win the elections bya wider margin and set an example in the country," Sarkartold reporters after filing the nominations. The Left Fronthas been in power in Tripura since 1993. Sports ministerShahid Chowdhury also filed his nomination from Boxanagarconstituency of the same district. State forest minister NareshJamatiya and Drinking Water Supply minister RatanBhaumick submitted their papers from Bagma (ST) andKakrabon seats of the Gomati district. Tripura educationminister Tapan Chakraborty filed his documents fromChandipur constituency in North Tripura district. BesidesSarkar and his Cabinet ministers, at least 20 MLAs of theruling Left Front filed their nominations today from differentparts of the state. Earlier, on Thursday, PWD minister BadalChowdhury had submitted his papers from Hrishyamukhconstituency in South Tripura district. The last date for filingnominations in the state is January 31. (PTI)

Tripura polls: CM, Cabinetministers file nominations

AGARTALA, JAN 29 /--/The women's wing of the In-digenous People's Front ofTripura (IPFT) has decidedto nominate women candi-dates in all the 20 constituen-cies reserved for ScheduledTribes in the state to protestagainst its parent body'smove to field only malenominees.

The BJP and IPFT haveforged an alliance for elec-tions to the 60-member Housein Tripura to be held on Feb-ruary 18. According to theterms of the alliance, theIPFT would contest nineseats reserved for tribals andthe BJP would field candi-dates in the remaining 51seats. "As an ally of the BJP,the IPFT is fielding nine can-didates and we had soughtonly one seat for a womancandidate. When party presi-dent N C Debbarma turned

IPFT women's wingto field 20 candidates

down our request, we tookthis decision," IndigenousWomen s Front of Tripura(IWFT) presidentSandhyarani Debbarma toldreporters. When contacted,Mewar Jamatiya, the IPFTgeneral secretary said, theparty has fielded candidateswho have winning prospects.

The decision to fieldwomen candidates was takenby three belligerent leadersof the women's wing andthey have been requested toreview their decision, theIPFT general secretary said.

SNPP to contest 2019 Sikkim Assembly polls

Preparation on for repatriationof Brus from Mizoram


Change of Name


Change of Name

PATNA, JAN 29 /--/ Former governor of Chhattisgarh andTripura Devesh Nandan Sahay died here after prolongedillness, family sources said today. He was 82. He is survivedby a son and two daughters. He breathed his last at a privatehospital late last night, the sources said. Born in 1936, Sahaybegan his career with the Indian Police Service and rose tothe position of the DGP of Bihar. After retirement, he hadjoined the Samata Party and became the first Governor ofChhattisgarh after the state was carved out of MadhyaPradesh in 2000. In 2003, Sahay took over as the Governorof Tripura and held the post till 2009. Condoling the death,Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar described Sahay as "anefficient political figure and police officer and a dedicatedsocial worker". Kumar also visited Sahay's residence hereand consoled the bereaved family members. (PTI)

KOHIMA, JAN 29 /--/ In amajor development in poll-bound Nagaland, 11 partiesincluding the ruling NagaPeople s Front today de-cided not to contest the Feb-ruary 27 elections, agreeingto the demand of tribal bod-ies and civil society groupsto resolve the protractedNaga political problem first.The decision came at a meet-ing called by the core com-mittee of Nagaland TribalHohos and Civil Organisa-tions (CCNTHCO) and at-tended by representatives of11 parties. "It is the unani-mous view of the Naga peo-ple that the political solutionor Naga peace accord is more

Former Chhattisgarh, TripuraGuv D N Sahay passes away

11 political parties in Nagalandnot to contest Assembly polls

important than elections andtherefore, it has become im-perative that the elections tothe legislative Assembly ofNagaland be deferred forpeace and tranquillity," reada joint declaration signed bythe parties.

The parties are -- NagaPeople s Front, Congress, BJP,Nationalist Democratic Peo-ple’s Party, Nagaland Con-gress, United NagalandDemocratic Party, AamAdmi Party, National Con-gress Party, Lok Jan Party,Janata Dal (United) and Na-tional People s Party. "We, onbehalf of all the politicalparties and the intendingcandidates, have in compli-ance with the wishes of thepeople decided not to goahead with the issuance ofparty tickets or filing ofnominations," it read.

manding disqualification of14 MLAs of the rulingSikkim Democratic Front(SDF) on charge of holdingoffice of profit, Adhikari saidthat the Governor NShriniwas Patil has rightlyforwarded the matter to theElection Commission forconsideration, but he shouldhave done it months backwhen the said petition wassubmitted to him.(PTI)

Change of Name

MOHAMMED SHAKIL S/O.ABDUL SATTAR resident of9 E KUSTIA ROAD. P.S.TILJALA, KOLKATA-700039,I have Change my nameSHAKIL SIDDIQUI toMOHAMMED SHAKIL as perNotary Public Kolkata on 29/01/2018.

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11 Óy!íãƒÑ˛úÑ˛yì˛y, õDúÓyÓ˚, 30 ãyò%Î˚y!Ó 2018Kolkata�Tuesday� January 30, 2018Arthik Lipi, Page 11

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www.bseindia.com and www.msei.in ~ ôyÁÎy Îy ÏÓ–˛˛

NOTICE INVITING TENDERA tender has been floated ofthe Supply of building materi-als of 6 nos drain atPurbasthali-I Block, from Re-lief Fund. Ref NIT no: 69, dt:25.01.2018.Look for details in the officenotice board.

Sd/-Executive Officer

Purbasthali-I PanchayatSamity, Srirampur, Purba


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E.mail : [email protected]:www.salarpuriagroup.biz


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E.mail : [email protected]:www.salarpuriagroup.biz


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1 N.I.Q. No. -112/Q of 2017-18 " SITC of 1MVA 2X500KVA Sub-station at HajTower Kaikhali, Kolkata---Electricial Installation work ofFlood Light".Critical Dates:-1. Last date of permission &receive application:-05.02.2018up to 4.30.p.m.2. Tender/Quotation willreceive up to:-2 P.M of06.02.2018 2 N.I.Q. No. -113/Q of 2017-18 " Electrical repairing &renovation work at CentralCalcutta Polytechnic----Supply & Delivery of Splittype AC Machines forComputer Lab at 2nd Floor".Critical Dates:-1. Last date of permission &receive application:-05.02.2018up to 4.30.p.m.2. Tender/Quotation willreceive up to:-2 P.M of06.02.20183. Date of Opening Tender:-After 2 p.m. of 6.02.20183 N.I.Q No.-114/Q of 2017-18 "SITC of 1MVA 2X500KVA Sub-station at HajTower Kaikhali, Kolkata---Supply and Installation of LTPanel including modificationof electrical installation workof allied building".Critical Dates:-1. Last date of permission &receive application:-05.02.2018up to 4.30.p.m.2. Tender/Quotation willreceive up to:-2 P.M of06.02.20183. Date of Opening Tender:-After 2 p.m. of 6.02.2018

Executive Engineer,P.W.Dte.

KolKata North ElectcialDivision.


Sealed tenders are invitedby the undersigned for thefollowing work: 1)Guardingof Ghushighata officecompund and 16-Vented &20-vent Outfall Sluice overSWF channel from 15thFebruary-2018 to April-2018under Calcutta DrainageOutfall Sub-Division III ofCalcutta Drainage OutfallDivision during the year2017-18. Amount Put totender:1,54,454/-, 2) Clearingand removing waterhyacinth and other materialsfrom SWF channel fromCh.1000 to up stream side of16-vent & 20-vent sluicesfrom February-2018 toMarch-2018, under CalcuttaDrainage outfall Sub-division-III, of CalcuttaDrainage Outfall Divisionduring year 2017-18. Amountput to tender: 2,50,884/-,Last date of receivingapplication for tender : 13/2/2018(upto 2.00 p.m) & dateof issure of tender papers:13.2.2018 (From 3.00 p.m to5.00 p.m), last date & time forreceiving sealed tenderpapers: 15.2.2018 upto 2.00p.m, date & time of openingtender papers: 15.2.2018 at3.00 p.m. Detail information isavailable from the Office ofthe undersigned on anyworking day.

Sd/-Sub-Divisional Officer

Calcutta Drainage OutfallSub-Division III

Assistant Engineer (PWD),Barrackpur Sub-Division-IIInvite Tender Notice No.-19/BKP-II of 17-18 of Roadwork. Last date ofapplication on 01.02.2018and submission on05.02.2018 details available---------www.pwdwb.in


Notice Inviting e-Tender No. WBMAD/ ULB/ PW/ -NIT-13/ BM/ PW/ 2017-18

Memo no- 1693/ 2017-18Name of the work :- Construction of Masonry Drain in wardno- 17, 16, 15, 14, 02, 05, 06, 07, 08, 10, 11, 17, 19, 20, underBolpur Municipality. Last Date of Submission 15.02.2018,For Details see Wbtenders.gov.in

ChairmanBolpur Municipality.

Date- 29.01.2018

Open tender is invited by theDirector, River Research Insti-tute, Haringhata Central Labo-ratory, Mohanpur, Nadia –741246 on behalf of Governorof West Bengal for the workmentioned here under fromthe eligible and resourcefulcontractors having sufficientcredential and Financial ca-pacity for execution of work ofsimilar nature.e-N.I.T. No - WBIW/DIR/RRI/eNIT- 25/2017-18Name of Work : “Renovation ofExisting Inspection Bungalow,Repairing of ExistingChowkidar Shed and construc-tion of Store Room, Garagewith Drivers Room, PumpRoom, Inner boundary walland paved path in connectionwith Development and Con-struction of Bituminous road3.682km including construc-tion of cross drainage struc-tures, Boundary wall for alength of 4.081km, Main Entrygate, Security room and land-scaping and renovation of ex-isting Inspection Bungalow inconnection with InfrastructuralDevelopment of River Re-search Institute at HaringhataCentral Laboratory,Mohanpur, Nadia.” Phase IRenovation of Inspection Bun-galow.Details of Tender Documentmay be downloaded fromwww.wbiwd.gov.in or https://wbtenders.gov.in on and from29.01.2018 at 17:00 Hrs.


Sd/-Executive Engineer,

Sundarbans Delta Project,River Research Institute.

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NIT/NIQ No 60/TDescription-Renovation of E.Iwork of 4 nos flats atMalbazar RHE in the district ofJalpaiguri Last date forcollection of tender papers :09.02.18 up to 3 PM Date ofOpening : 09.02.18 after 3 PM

Sd/-Executive Engineer,Electrical Division-I

Housing DirectorateBlock B Room No 1

New Secretariat Building1 K.S Roy Road

