;}[r:rill<r ST<F rct:l1TIf DEPARTMENT OF POSTS,INDIA ~ q)<fOiIH:, ~ ifiT ~ OFFICEOFTHE CHIEFPOSTMASTERGENERAL, q~fW:1 <i"JTIc'f B~-N! WEST BENGALCIRCLE,q;1,('l'hldl! KOLKATA - 700012. ====== utE To, Ihe Postrr,J5t('r Cenerat, :'olkol,.! i{rglo~, Kolkal.;] 70D0J2/Sou:h f1cnf,all<('gion, Kolkata ·7C0012/M & BD, <orkata .10CC)":.2./North j)(·:ngc H(~glon, Si!:gu~i··/34:_;Ol ·2, I he vostrnastcr G['nrral, Sikkim, (janglok 137:01/1\&N Island,PorllllaIC·744l0] ·3 The General Manager IPII!'). Yogayog Rnawan, Kclkata- 700001 4. lhe Director, Kolka ta C 1'0, kotkata - 70000i .'; The Supdt. Eng;neer, Posta: Civil Circ!«, kolkata ·700012 · fj The Executive i:ngineer, Postal Civil Division No, I & II, Kulkata .. 7()[)017 7. T'1f~lxccutive [nf,In(~er, I'oslal Electric Dlvis'cin, <olkata 7000l7.. E. : he Dv. IIrc:hitRct (P)' kc.kata I00(J12 'l -'''c SSPOs. North Ku!kata i)lvn,Kolka:a-700037/SSI'05,[asr kolkata Oivn.Kolkat a..l0[)014/SSPOs South Kolkata l);vn,Kelk'Hil·!OOO)9/SSI'Os,C2I1tral Kolkatil ilivr1, Kolkata IO()OC)"I/SSPOS,North i'res,dency Divn,KolkJta 70[)])O/SS!'Os South ?I-rs,dency D,vn.llarulporl' ·700144/SSPOs, Asansol Divin, Asansol ""113301/551'05Bankura Divn, ilankura-72.2101/5Si'()s Ilurdwan Dlvn.Burdwan-713101/S5POs Howrah Divn, Howrah/SSPOs Midnapore Divn.rv1idnapore-7n 10ljSSPOs South HooRly uivnShreerampore-712201/SS!'OS Jalpaif,uri Divn,Jalpuigurr 135101. 10, The SP()s South I'residency D,vn, Ilaruipore ·/00144/SI'Os,Nadia North Divn. K(lshnagar/SI'OsNadia South Divn. Kalyani /41235/Si'()s Ilaras,l\ Division, Koika:a 70012'./51'05, lVrufshidabad Divn l3erhampofP :Wd)-/l.nOl/)I'Os 13irbhurn Divn. Suri/SI'Os, r-Jorrh Iloogly Divn. ChinsurahIPI01/SP()5 I'\)rulio Divn Puruilil ·n3101/Si'05, Conta; [livn, Contdi-Oltl()l/S!'Os !amlJk IJivn. farnluk-7I1A01/5f'Os Darjeellng Divn. Darjeellng ""134101/51'05Cooch I)eha' Divn, C:o()chb~hal' -136101/SI'Os Dinajpur lJivn, llalurghat -733101/SPOs Maida i)lvr, Maida-!3?:Ol :n, ["he Supd\., Pestal Store Depol, KolkatJ -700002/Siliguri -734001/C51), Kolkata -i00001/Foreign f'o,t, KoikJta' 100001 "II., '11'e SSqlVrsKolkata I<MS !)Ivn, Kolka!.J 700001/5SiUvlS, A) 5tg [livn Koika!a -7000Ql,/SSRMs WI, I)ivn how"ail rllm 13 '1hp SHMs, 'lMS SfllJivn, HOW'ilil 10000l/RMS S0 i)ivn, Siligufl .. 1.l4001/HIVrS i I Divn, KOlka',) I()JOD~ J4 ["he 5" Manager, i\/MS, KC)lkatil ·jOOOl'; }.) The IViJ'1ager, ill.O, Kolka!J 700001. :IG, !he 'ir, "oslma5ter, Allporf' liO Kolka!J -700017/ Barabazar HP() Kolka!a ·70000""1 }7, The Sr. "5 to [!'MC, W'.l Circle, Kolkata -700017, )8 The Pi\ tD 1)1'5 iHQ), Kolka:J 700012 _19 IIi! Gr()~p Officers, C:rrell'OffiCE',Ko:~atJ -/00012. to. The Office Supdt. Urcle Office, KolKata 700012. No. tst/lj/Z -108/83/1 i I/TllO P/ BCR Dated at Kolkata·-12 the 'L2, .02.2018 Subject: Countl:lf, of induction training period for grant of fir,anclal upgladation undt'" TBOP/BCR Scheme. I(indly find enclosed hE-'rE-'wl\'l the Dir~ctorat[' letter No. 44,2/2011-SPB.11 dated 0701/02.2018 "q;arding the' subject mentlonrd abOVl' for Information, gUidance and necessary action In this connection kindly rder to thiS oWee letter of even no. dated 30,05 2016 ( ! Enelo: /\s stated above. I 'l.."" *"1,?_/;:~ .. ~I'f Y .--- ",)f 'J.:~ I iJ £- "'! ~ (S. K. Sera) Asstt, Director of Postal Services (Staff, Estt & Pig.) O/D the Chief Postmaster General, West Bengal Circle, Kolkata-12, Copy:.?' 'V1" I he I\DI'5 (TO) Circle Office, Kolkata -12. for uploading the copy In Circle webSite ~) I he 55 (Staff)//\&p/I'sn. for information along With a copy of above circular ( ,,-\ r>,';}'\ .... K!."-'1·/1 r Q -" -"I L" 10 (S,K,B:;~i i Asstt, Director of Postal Services (Staff, Estt & Pig,) 0/0 the Chief Postmaster General, West Bengal Circle, Kolkata-12,

Divn, ilankura-72.2101/5Si'()s Ilurdwan Dlvn.Burdwan-713101/S5POs Howrah Divn, Howrah/SSPOs Midnapore Divn.rv1idnapore-7n 10ljSSPOs South HooRly uivnShreerampore-712201/SS!'OS Jalpaif,uri

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  • ;}[r:rill

  • No.44-2/20 11-SPB.IIGovernment of India

    Ministry of CommunicationsDepartment of Posts(SPB-II Section)


    Oak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,New Delhi -110001,

    Dated the J~ ~~uary, 2018T Lb-

    All Chief Postmaster( s) General,

    Subject: Counting of induction training period for grant of financial upgradation under TBOP/BCR scheme.


    I am directed to refer to Directorate's letter of even number dated 5.05.2016 whereinit was conveyed to count the period of induction training of Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistants(Direct Recruits) working in operative offices, undergone prior to 1986, for the purpose ofqualifying .service under TBOP/BCR scheme. Various issues in the matter were under examinationin the Dir'~ctorate and clarified as under:

    S.L Clarification sou_g_htby the Circle Comments of the Directoratei) Whether the order dated It is clearly mentioned in the order dated 05.05.2016, I

    5.5.2016 is applicable to Postal induction training of period of PA/SAs working in IAssistants working m operative offices only will be counted.administrative office.

    Jii) Whether the period of induction It has clearly been mentioned in the order dated

    training/pre-appointment 05.05.2016 that the induction training under takentraining of the PA/SA has to be by PAs/SAs (Direct Recruitee), working in operativetaken into account for the offices, pnor to 1986, will be counted forpurpose of qualify service under TBOP/BCR Scheme only.MACP.-

    iii) Whether the order is applicable Induction training of such PA/SAs who recruited forto PA recruited for operative operative offices will be counted (whether workingoffice and working in in circle office or otherwise) subject to fulfilling ofadministrative offices. the condition mentioned in letter dated 05.05.2016.

    iv) Whether the training period of Induction training period of such PA/SAs, who wasthe PA/SAs who previously recruited for operative office and subsequently onworked in operative offices and completion of training period, were transfer orsubsequently absorbed as PA absorbed to Circle Office/Regional Office, will be(CO/RO), will be counted. counted.

    v) Whether the case of retired The case of such officials who covered underofficial IS required to be re- TBOP/BCR scheme will be counted for TBOP/BCRopened. scheme subject to fulfilling of the condition

    mentioned in letter dated 05.05.2016.

  • vi) Whether to count induction RTP Scheme was introduced in the year 1980 as pertraining period of Reserved which a panel of such persons was retained who couldTrained Pool official, not be covered under the number of vacancies declaredundergone prior to 1986 (i.e. for regular appointment as PSIP A. The said RTP1982-83) and their date of personnel were given priority for absorption again ,entry in service 1988/89/1990. vacancies, which occurred subsequently. The RTP

    Scheme was abolished w.e.f. 04.03.1986.

    RTP scheme was a mode of filling up DR vacancies ofPA/SAs. Training period of such RTP official,undertaken prior to 1986 may be counted for thepurpose of TBOP/BCR scheme irrespective of theirdate of entry in service before or after 1986. In case ofthe officials who were appointed after gap, theintervening period i.e. (between date of completion oftraining & date of regular appointment in the Cadre)will not be counted.

    Yours faithfully,

    ~~(Satya Narayana Dash)

    Assistant Director General (SPN)

    Copy to:1. SPG/SPB.l/PE.I/PE.II1Inspection Section! SCT Section! SR Section/PAP

    Section!PCC Section/Guard file.

    2. All recognized Unionsl Associations.

    ~,l4'(Alok Kumar Ti~

    Section Officer (SPB-II)