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語言中心 劉詠華老師 December 6, 2012. Whale Rider 這是多年來我所看過最感人的電影,意義深遠 -- 洪蘭

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Page 1: 語言中心 劉詠華老師 December 6, 2012. Whale Rider 這是多年來我所看過最感人的電影,意義深遠 -- 洪蘭

語言中心 劉詠華老師語言中心 劉詠華老師December 6, 2012December 6, 2012

Page 2: 語言中心 劉詠華老師 December 6, 2012. Whale Rider 這是多年來我所看過最感人的電影,意義深遠 -- 洪蘭

Whale Rider

這是多年來我所看過最感人的電影,意義深遠 -- 洪蘭

Page 3: 語言中心 劉詠華老師 December 6, 2012. Whale Rider 這是多年來我所看過最感人的電影,意義深遠 -- 洪蘭

Whangarei, North Island (East coast of New Zealand)

Whale bay,Whangarei

Page 4: 語言中心 劉詠華老師 December 6, 2012. Whale Rider 這是多年來我所看過最感人的電影,意義深遠 -- 洪蘭

Paikea– ancestor “In the old days, the land felt a great emptiness. It was waiting... waiting to be filled up... waiting for someone to love it... waiting for a leader. And he came on the back of a whale... a man to lead a new people. Our ancestor, Paikea.”

The marae– meeting place

Paikea on the back of a whale

Page 5: 語言中心 劉詠華老師 December 6, 2012. Whale Rider 這是多年來我所看過最感人的電影,意義深遠 -- 洪蘭

Koro – chief of the tribe-- direct descendant of Paikea-- desperately looking for a male successor

Porourangi – elder son-- his wife dies after giving birth to twins-- refuses to become the leader-- moves to Europe to pursue a career as an artist

Paikea (Pai)-- narrator of the story-- a 12-year-old-- Leader of the tribe?

Rawiri-- second son-- a real hotshot with the Taiaha

Page 6: 語言中心 劉詠華老師 December 6, 2012. Whale Rider 這是多年來我所看過最感人的電影,意義深遠 -- 洪蘭

“…now we were waiting for the firstborn of the new generation... for the descendant of the whale rider... for the boy who would be chief. Paikea.”“There was no gladness when I was born. My twin brother died and took our mother with him. Everyone was waiting for the firstborn boy to lead us... but he died...and I didn't.”

“For you boys, this will be a sacred school of learning. You'll be taught in the old ways...in all the qualities of a chief. You will be tested for your strength... your courage, your intelligence... and your leadership. Paikea's canoe sank... and he called on the ancient ones for strength. You're going to learn that chant. All of you. Learn it exactly. And if you break the chant, you will suffer the consequences. (Like what? Someone dying or something?) Like your dick'll drop off.”

Page 7: 語言中心 劉詠華老師 December 6, 2012. Whale Rider 這是多年來我所看過最感人的電影,意義深遠 -- 洪蘭

“You've shown me that you've got courage, that you're strong... and that you can learn. But there can only be one... so there's one final test... a test of your spirit.”

Koro: “You will be tested for your strength... your courage, your intelligence... and your leadership…”


Page 8: 語言中心 劉詠華老師 December 6, 2012. Whale Rider 這是多年來我所看過最感人的電影,意義深遠 -- 洪蘭

“Maori women have got to stop smoking. We've got to protect our childbearing properties.”

Fixing the ropeUsing the Taiaha

Recovering Koro’s whale tooth

Saving the beached whales

Page 9: 語言中心 劉詠華老師 December 6, 2012. Whale Rider 這是多年來我所看過最感人的電影,意義深遠 -- 洪蘭

“Wise leader, forgive me. I am just a fledgling new to flight.

“My name is Paikea Apirana, and I come from a long line of chiefs... stretching all the way back to the whale rider. I'm not a prophet... but I know that our people will keep going forward... all together, with all of our strength.”

Page 10: 語言中心 劉詠華老師 December 6, 2012. Whale Rider 這是多年來我所看過最感人的電影,意義深遠 -- 洪蘭

在《鯨騎士》片中,我看到毛利人的無奈,每天喝酒、打撞球,但是一旦找到了生命的目標,酒瓶一丢,振奮起來,片尾那條獨木舟真是好看,充满了民族的風味與驕傲,只有跳得出那種勇士舞的人才刻得出那樣的獨木舟。 -- 洪蘭

Page 11: 語言中心 劉詠華老師 December 6, 2012. Whale Rider 這是多年來我所看過最感人的電影,意義深遠 -- 洪蘭

Using Movies to Learn EnglishFirst Stage Watch the whole movie with Chinese subtitles

Second Stage (Deep Learning Stage) -- Pick a 3-minute segment (or several segments)

-- Watch it with English subtitles

-- Watch it as many times as necessary

-- Pause to check its meaning

-- Pause to imitate



Body Language

Page 12: 語言中心 劉詠華老師 December 6, 2012. Whale Rider 這是多年來我所看過最感人的電影,意義深遠 -- 洪蘭

“Three’s a Charm”

Third Stage (Activity Stage)

-- Watch it with no subtitles and practice

listening comprehension

-- Watch it with “sound off/subtitles on” and

dub for it

-- Watch it with “sound off/subtitles off” and

practice “In Other Words” skill

Page 13: 語言中心 劉詠華老師 December 6, 2012. Whale Rider 這是多年來我所看過最感人的電影,意義深遠 -- 洪蘭

Whale Rider Script - Dialogue Transcript


Whale Rider Movie CLIP


IMDB Whale Rider

