A Service of Thanksgiving for the Life of Jo. C.Browning Jr. March20, 1948- Januarl 11,20/ 7 Saturday, Mzy 20,201.7 Two o'clock in the afternoon LorettoChapel 207 OId Santa FeTrail Santa Fe, New Mexico

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A Service of Thanksgiving

for the Life of

Jo. C. Browning Jr.March 20, 1948 - Januarl 11, 20/ 7

Saturday, Mzy 20,201.7Two o'clock in the afternoon

Loretto Chapel207 OId Santa Fe TrailSanta Fe, New Mexico

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Order of Service

PreludeMozart Divertimento in D Major Adante

InvocationThe Rer,'erend Owen I{unkleDeacon, St. Bede's Episcopal Church

Readings"Sleeping in the F'orest" Mary Oliver Laura Ellis

John 14:1 - 4 Janis Rrorvning

RemembrancesOtis Mitchell

Jon Dick

Jack Browning

IntedudeBach Suite No. 3 in D Major Air

Psalm 15 lCn"gt"gation rcads togcther)

l-nrd, who nay dwell in-your sacred tent?

Who nay /iue on-yoar ltoly mounlain?The one who walks with integiry,

wbo does t/te work of jastin,

wlto speaks lhe truth;t'rom his heart;

Tlte one who utlers no s/ander,

who does no wrong lo a neigbbo4

and casts no s/ar on olhertl

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The one who opposes thorc who are corrupt,

but honors those whofear the L,ord;

The one who keeps a promise euen when it huxs,

and does not change his mind;

The one who is generoas to tbe poor;

and honest in all dealings.

Vhoeuer does these things

will neuer be shaken.

Benediction 1By officiant)Book of Common Prayer

Oh God of Grace and Glory

Anima Cristi

Book of Common Pfayef (Congregation reads together)I-,et us prallJnto God's graciows merry and proteclion we conmitlou. The Lard blesslou and kup

yw. The l-nrd nake hisface to shine uponyu, and be gracious unto jou. Tbe L"ord liftwp his countenance upznJlil, and giue-you peace, both now and euermore. Amen.

Recessional fiamily -.rnb.r,

exit first.)

Handel Air from \)7ater Music

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Please join us at a reception following the servicein the garden of the Inn at Loretto, next doclr,

^t 211 Olcl Santa Fe Trail.





l)r'au'ing of Lorettcr

The Rev Orven I(unkle, Deacon,St. Bede's Fipiscopal Churchllerjamin RtodnaxHedrick EllisNfichacl N,{cQuccn

Otis Nlitchell()rcg RobertsThe Primavera Stling Quartet

Chapel byJustin Park