© Copyright PremiValor 2008 1 “Innovation and Research on Resources related with the Ocean and the Fishing activity”

© Copyright PremiValor 2008 1 “Innovation and Research on Resources related with the Ocean and the Fishing activity”

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© Copyright PremiValor 2008


“Innovation and Research on Resources related with the Ocean and the Fishing activity”

© Copyright PremiValor 2008



Lotaçor - Serviço de Lotas dos Açores S.A. (www.lotacor.pt) and the consulting firm PremiValor Consulting (www.premivalor.com) present the “Lotaçor Annual Academic Award 2008/09” and whish to invite your Faculty to participate in the presentation of this challenge to the students.

The Lotaçor Annual Academic Award 2008/09

The Lotaçor Annual Academic Award 2008/2009 has the objective of contributing for the development of excellence in the complementary academic education of students at the undergraduate, graduate, masters and post-graduate level.

It is a project objective to promote the academic and scientific assignments presented by the working groups of students that participate in this initiative, while promoting a larger connection between universities and the business world.

© Copyright PremiValor 2008




In this first edition the theme for the Lotaçor Annual Academic Award will be:

“Innovation and Research on Resources related with the Ocean and the Fishing activity”

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The works/projects themes to be developed should be related with the sea and the fishing activity.

As an example, it is presented below some possible themes on which the works/projects may be based on:

Strategic analysis/diagnosis of the fishing sector of the Azores Autonomous Region and Lotaçor – strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats and risks, tendencies, etc;

Technical studies about innovations in fishing methods for deep sea species;

Strategic plan for the development of new tourism concepts in the Azores Autonomous Region, related with the ocean and fishing;

Value creation strategic plan for the Azores fishing sector and for Lotaçor;

Ideas and strategies for new activities/business segments in the Azores Autonomous Region fishing sector and for Lotaçor (Ex.: Aquaculture, fish processing, etc.);

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Preparation of a business plan for a communication campaign of “Peixe dos Açores” (“Azores Fish”) in the national and international markets;

Preparation of technical studies related with innovation on the fish capture devices which permits to increase the environmental sustainability and to capture fish species more valued by the market;

Realization of technical study related with innovations related with the characteristics of the fishing vessels which allows to increase the periods of permanency at sea, to avoid the bacteriologic and enzymatic degradation of the fish and to focus in species of more deep waters with larger stocks available;

Market research to recommend new distribution channels for the Azores fish;

Market research for the adoption of the internet channel for the promotion and distribution of the fish sold by Lotaçor;

Market research and strategic plan for the sale of the fish sold by Lotaçor in the international markets;

New market segments for the commercialization of other products by Lotaçor (i.e. ice, space slots of freeze areas in the freeze cameras, etc).

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Who can apply?

All individuals that are enrolled in undergraduates, post-graduates or master, whose courses programs include subjects such as biology, maritime biology, sea sciences, biological engineering, oceanography or others whose knowledge offered are applied to the contest topic: the sea and the fishing activity.

When will the contest take place?

The contest will occur through the first and second semester of the 2008/2009 academic year.

How can the projects be developed?

The projects to be developed can be assignments produced in the scope of courses in which the students are enrolled or can also be assignments produced outside their curricular projects. In both cases the groups may have the support of a professor.


© Copyright PremiValor 2008


Motivations underlying this AwardPR




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The Lotaçor Annual Academic Award is an innovative academic competition in Portugal, being the first contest of its kind to be applied over these theme: the sea and the fishing activity.

It is pretended to contribute for a greater connection between the academic and the business environments through the creation of an opportunity for contestants to enrich their academic curriculum and to present themselves to the eyes of potential employers, amongst which Lotaçor.

This prize pretends to enhance and reward studies related to resources linked to the sea and the fishing activity, putting emphasis into practical application of knowledge and in the development of original products/services linked to this area.

Moreover, it is intended to boost the investigation and scientific/academic production related to the Azores Autonomous Region and to distinguish the region natural resources efficient management.

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Award Structure

Time schedule

The contest will take place in two moments in which the projects may be developed:

In this way it is intended to adjust the Award structure to the Universities curricular programs, allowing students to chose between producing the project on either semester, therefore being able to select which is the most suited course to produce their assigments.

The first moment corresponds to the first semester of the academic year of 2008/2009. The second moment corresponds to the second semester of the academic year of 2008/2009.

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Award Structure


Applications for each project development moment will take place three to four weeks preceding the project’s development starting date.

Group Constitution

Projects may be developed in groups with a minimum of three elements and a maximum of five elements.


The student groups may chose a professor to guide them and to provide assistance. The professor will be the person that will support the project production and clarify the students on how to execute their studies and research.

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Winning Project

• 6.000€ Scholarship for the winner group.• 2.500€ Investigation scholarship for the professor.

The students of the winner group will also have the possibility to do a three month internship in Lotaçor in the Azores islands.

Remaining Projects

• Award participation certificate

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Preliminary Evaluation Jury

The preliminary evaluation jury will be composed by individuals of Lotaçor and of Premivalor Consulting.  It is the responsibility of the Preliminary Evaluation Jury to assess all projects and to select the 5 best that will go through to the final evaluation phase.

Responsible entities

Award Attribution Jury

The Award Attribution Jury has the responsibility to do the final project evaluation. It will be constituted by elements of Lotaçor and Premivalor Consulting and by personalities with relevant scientific and technical qualifications to the projects assessment.

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Projects Assessment

The project evaluation will be made in two phases:

First phase:

All received projects (independently of which developed moment it was produced – 1st or 2nd semester) will be analyzed by the Preliminary Evaluation Jury. The 5 best projects will be chosen to be assessed in the second phase.

Second phase:

The Award Attribution Jury will determine the best project amongst the 5 that have passed to the second phase.

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Assessment criteria

The works/projects evaluation will be defined by the following criteria (whenever the criteria can be applied):

• Project goal

• Methodology (information sources, analysis method, etc)

• Strategic definition

• Creativity

• Innovation

• Implementation plan (if applicable)

• Budget (technical support and base)

• Contingency plan

• Project practical application possibility

• Project sustainability (economical, social, environmental, etc.)

• Project presentation (formal report)

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1. Formal presentation of the project in the schools should occur in the 1st semester of the academic year 2008/2009 in October;

2. First moment applications procedure which should be performed in the month previous to the applications deadline (will start in October 2008 and end in November 7rd 2008;

3. The groups enrolled in the first phase will elaborate the projects within a time limit of three months (from November 2008 to February 2nd 2009);

1st moment

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4. Project presentation in the schools for the second moment enrolments. It will take place between January and February of 2009;

5. Second moment applications procedure which should performed in the month previous to the applications deadline (will start in February and end in March 9th 2008);

6. The groups enrolled in the second phase will elaborate the projects within a time limit of three months (from March 2009 to June 1st 2009).

2nd moment

The decision to attribute the “Lotaçor Annual Academic Award” will be announced in an ceremony for that specific purpose.

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Activities Months 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

2) Presentation of the contest in Universities

3) First moment application reception

4) First moment project development

01/09/08 – 30/10/08

8) Project evaluation

9) Award attribution ceremony

1) Preliminary contacts with the universities

01/05/08 – 01/09/08


01/10/08 – 03/Nov./08

04/11/08 – 02 /0Febr./09

01/02/09 – 09/Marc/09

5) Presentation in Universities of the second moment

6) Second moment application reception

7) Second moment project development

02/01/09 – 01 /03/09

10/03/09 – 01/June/09

To be communicated

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The participation of students on a inter-university challenge will give public exposure to the respective universities (with special relevance to the courses that teach under the Award theme). It will also affect positively the promotion that universities undertake next to future candidates to study.

The project will permit a greater proximity with the business environment, having reflexes on the perception that hiring companies have on the university graduates.

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Alongside with the prizes, the contestants have the possibility to develop a work with visibility outside the academic environment, throughout the Award's promotion and media exposure.

having contact with a company that is a reference in the area in which it is involved - Lotaçor.

being able to create a project that suits their own personal interests while still developing it for a specific sector: the sea and the fishing activities, being this a sector with a strategic importance.

Students will have a different experience by:

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Articulation with Universities

To optimize the success of this initiative we intend to establish a cooperation with universities that are a reference in the project theme.


We are open to suggestions and opinions that universities and professors may have towards the enhancement to the Award.

Possible integration in the scope of specific courses/masters and pos-graduatesConsidering the levels of demand and time required to students, we believe that it would be more interesting to integrate the projects in the scope of courses that the students are enrolled at in the university.

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[email protected]@premivalor.com, [email protected]

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(Project promotor)
