يزاسرهش و هار ترازو - unescap.org · Construction of warehouse and storage yard for loading and unloading cargo and ... create parking for recreational vessels and

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وزارت راه و شهرسازي

گزارش ملي جمري اصالمي ايران

جت ارائي بي صمين موفراهس وزراء

خصصي -صرمايي گذاري در زيرصاخت با روش مشارمت ؼممي

صيا ( اصلاپ)اقياهصيي -مميشين اقتصادي اجتماؼي ملن متحد براي ا

تهران -2012نوامبر11-14/ 1391آبان 24لغايت 21

فرصتاي صرمايي گذاري

وزارت راى و شرصازي

فرصت‌ىاي‌سرمايو‌گذاري‌بنادر هام پروژى هام بودر رديف

(رى)بودر امام خميوي 1

احداث اهبار و محطي جت تخليي و بارگيري و هگداري ماالاي تراهزيتي، صادراتي و ● وارداتي

احداث مخازن جت هگداري و تراهزيت محصالت هفتي ●

صوايػ تبديلي و مهتاژ ●

ا صرويس دي و خدمات رصاهي ● بي شواور

ا صخت رصاهي ● بي شواور

بودر شيد رجاي ي 2

مرامز مخابراتي و امثالم -ايوترهت -امشپرس بين الملن در زميوي پشت صرمايي گذاري ●

مين و لجشتيك ● ايجاد خدمات مرتبط با مديريت زهجيرى تا

صيشات مربط بي ارايي خدمات ● اي داخلي و خارجي مردهياز ايجاد تا هغير )شواور

ذوقي رصاهي/ صخت رصاهي ( خدماتي تؽميراتي و امثالم/ ا

وري در زميوي صرمايي گذاري ● ا جمػ ا زايدات شواور

ارزش افزودى در ماالاي وارداتي و صادراتي هغير برش صوگاي ارايي موودى ايجاد مرامز ● ...و خشارت ديدى مجدد ؼدلاي پوبي بشتي بودي / صادراتيمپ

فرصت‌ىاي‌سرمايو‌گذاري‌بنادر... هام پروژى هام بودر رديف

بودر خرمشر 3 هگداري و تراهزيت صوايػ هفت و پتروشيمي ●

و خدمات فوي و مودصي صوؽت هفت پشتيباهي موودى صوايػ ●

بودر بشر 4

احداث ترميوال ماهتيور يخچالي ●

اي خالي ● اي درياي ي و مچوين صاخت مارواش و محن ششتشي ماهتيور ايجاد تؽميرگاى شواور

( ايجاد ارزش افزودى در ماالاي وارداتي و صادراتي)مختلف زميوي اي در مهتاژماري ●

هين بشتي بودي ايجاد صوايػ ●

بودر اهزلي 5

حفظ مقؽيت و بي دلين در اراضي شر بودر اهزلي ( حامالن اهرژي )صاخت مخازن صخت ● تصؽي بازار تراهزيت ماد هفتي

مين بي موغر B.O.Tمتر مربػ بي روش 12000صاخت اهبار صرپشيدى با حداقن متراژ ● تا

ن دصتي هياز صاحبان از ماالاي وارداتي و صادراتي مي هياز بي حفاعت از شرايط هامشاؼد جي ا . موطقي دارهد

اي صبك و صوگين دورى اي اهجام تؽميرات بي موغر صاخت صيولروليفت ● شواور

صاخت اصللي تجاري ●

فرصت‌ىاي‌سرمايو‌گذاري‌بنادر... هام پروژى هام بودر رديف

باد 6 بودر اميرا

احداث صيل و اهبار جت ماالاي غالت و فلي خشك ●

احداث اهبار و محطي جت تخليي و بارگيري و هگداري ماالاي تراهزيتي، صادراتي و وارداتي ●

احداث مخازن جت هگداري و تراهزيت ماالاي فلي مايػ ●

احداث مخازن جت هگداري و تراهزيت محصالت هفتي ●

صوايػ تبديلي و مهتاژ●

صوايػ صاختماهي ●

ن از قبين● ...مارخاهي ماغذ، چيپس چب و : چب و ماغذ و صوايػ وابشتي بي ا

ا ● خدمات رصاهي و صرويس دي بي شواور

ا ● صخت رصاهي بي شواور

فرصت‌ىاي‌سرمايو‌گذاري‌بنادر... هام پروژى هام بودر رديف

بودر چابار 7

احداث اهبار و صيل ●

احداث مخازن روغن خام خرامي ●

ا ● صخت رصاهي و خدمات رصاهي بي شواور

ايجاد صيشتم يلپارچي هگداري ماال، ميشي گيري و حمن و هقن ●

ايجاد خط مشافري درياي ي ●

وري و صادرات مجدد ماال ● فرا

بودر هشر 8

صاختمان مخازن صختي در خارج از محدودى شري و خطط اهتقال ●

پ فراوردى اي هفتي ● تراهزيت و صا

ايجاد پاياهي صادراتي ●

صياي ي مياهي ● اي ا احداث صردخاهي هگداري ميى و ماد غذاي ي با تجي بي بازار مصرف مواصب مشر

و اصتؽداد بالقى اصتان

ايجاد صوايػ تبديلي و ارزش افزودى در موار بودر ●

فرصت‌ىاي‌سرمايو‌گذاري‌آزادراىها مدت اجرا محن پروژى ؼوان پروژى رديف

صال 4 بشر -شيراز ميلمتر 221بشر بي طل -شيراز 1

صال 5 رمزگان -مرمان ميلمتر 300بودرؼباس بي طل -صيرجان 2

صال 4 خزصتان ميلمتر 131ااز بي طل -اهديمشك 3

فرصت‌ىاي‌سرمايو‌گذاري‌شركت‌ فرودگاىهاي‌كشور

مدت اجرا محن پروژى ؼوان پروژى رديف

1 CIP صال 2مدت زمان صاخت فرودگاى اصفان اصفان فرودگاى

صال 2مدت زمان صاخت فرودگاى اصفان فرودگاى اصفان خدمات رفاي مجتمػ 2

3 Airport Multi Storey Parking ( رى)امام خميوي فرودگاى

صال 2مدت زمان صاخت ( رى)امام خميوي فرودگاى

4 Cargo Facilities صال 2مدت زمان صاخت ( رى)امام خميوي فرودگاى ( رى)فرودگاى امام خميوي

صال 2مدت زمان صاخت ( رى)امام خميوي فرودگاى ( رى)امام خميوي فرودگاى 2فاز 5

صال 2مدت زمان صاخت ( رى)امام خميوي فرودگاى ( رى)امام خميوي تشيالت فرودگاي فرودگاى 6

صال 2مدت زمان صاخت ( رى)امام خميوي فرودگاى ( رى)امام خميوي مرمز تجاري فرودگاى 7

صال 2مدت زمان صاخت ( رى)امام خميوي فرودگاى ( رى)امام خميوي شر فرودگاي فرودگاى 8

صال 2مدت زمان صاخت فرودگاى بودرؼباس ترميوال مارگ فرودگاى بودرؼباس 9

صال 2مدت زمان صاخت فرودگاى بودرؼباس مرمز تجاري فرودگاى بودرؼباس 10

صال 2مدت زمان صاخت فرودگاى بودرؼباس صتارى فرودگاى بودرؼباس 4تن 11

فرصت‌ىاي‌سرمايو‌گذاري‌شركت‌... فرودگاىهاي‌كشور

مدت اجرا محن پروژى ؼوان پروژى رديف

صال 2مدت زمان صاخت فرودگاى بودرؼباس صتارى فرودگاى بودرؼباس 4تن 11

صال 2مدت زمان صاخت فرودگاى تبريز پارميوگ فرودگاى تبريز 12

صال 3مدت زمان صاخت فرودگاى تبريز مرمز تجاري فرودگاى تبريز 13

صال 3مدت زمان صاخت فرودگاى تبريز صتارى فرودگاى تبريز 4تن 14

15 CIP صال 2مدت زمان صاخت فرودگاى زادان فرودگاى زادان

صال 2مدت زمان صاخت فرودگاى شيراز پارميوگ فرودگاى شيراز 16

صال 3مدت زمان صاخت فرودگاى شيراز مرمز تجاري فرودگاى شيراز 17

صال 3مدت زمان صاخت فرودگاى شيراز صتارى فرودگاى شيراز 4تن 18

صال 2مدت زمان صاخت فرودگاى مشد پارميوگ فرودگاي فرودگاى مشد 19

صال 2مدت زمان صاخت فرودگاى مشد ترميوال مارگ فرودگاى مشد 20

صال 3مدت زمان صاخت فرودگاى مشد مرمز تجاري فرودگاى مشد 21

صال 3مدت زمان صاخت فرودگاى مشد صتارى فرودگاى مشد 4تن 22

فرصت‌ىاي‌سرمايو‌گذاري‌شركت‌ساخت‌و‌توسعو‌ زيربناىاي‌حمل‌ونقل راه‌آىن‌و‌آزادراه

محن پروژى مارفرما ؼوان پروژى رديف زيويورد

شدى برا

1 ن

راى ا بودرؼباس -شيراز

تصؽيشرمت صاخت و حمن و هقن مشر زيربوااي

فارس و رمزگان اصتان اي 13000 لاير ميليارد

2 ن

راى ا مشد -زادان

تصؽيشرمت صاخت و حمن و هقن مشر زيربوااي

صيشتان و بلچشتان، اصتان اي خراصان جوبي و خراصان رضي

5200 لاير ميليارد

3 زادراى

ا بجورد -قچان -مشد

تصؽيشرمت صاخت و حمن و هقن مشر زيربوااي

خراصان رضي و خراصان اصتان اي شمالي

120000 لاير ميليارد

4 زادراى

اصتارا -رشت -گرگان


تصؽيشرمت صاخت و حمن و هقن مشر زيربوااي

گلشتان، مازهدران و گيالن اصتان اي 4675 لاير ميليارد

5 زادراى

ا بشر -شيراز

تصؽيشرمت صاخت و حمن و هقن مشر زيربوااي

فارس و بشر اصتان اي 12500 لاير ميليارد

6 زادراى

ا بودرؼباس -صيرجان

تصؽيشرمت صاخت و حمن و هقن مشر زيربوااي

مرمان و رمزگان اصتان اي 1850 لاير ميليارد

زادراى موارگذر شرقي اصفان 7 ا

تصؽيشرمت صاخت و حمن و هقن مشر زيربوااي

اصتان اصفان 1850 لاير ميليارد

Investment Opportunities in Iranian Commercial Ports

Number project title project title

1 Investment opportunities in

Amirabad Port

1. Construction of silos and warehouses for grain and bulk dry

2. Construction of warehouse and storage yard for loading and unloading cargo and also for

Keeping the transit, export and import cargo

3. Construction of fuel tanks for liquid bulk storage and transit of goods

4. Construction of reservoirs for storage and transit of oil products

5. Processing and assembly industries

6. Construction Industry

7. Steel and related industries

8. Wood, paper and related industries such as paper mills, plywood and wood products

9. Provision and services to vessels

10. Bunkering services (fuel for ships)

11. Completion of wagon-Ro-Ro berth

12. Construction of oil berths in North Channel

13. Developing oil transfer pipes

14. Construction of grain silo Construction of tanks for oil and its minor products

15. Value Added Activities such as processing, packaging and assembling for minor

Industrial products

Investment Opportunities in Iranian Commercial Ports Number project title project title

2 Investment Opportunities in Port of


1. Development of port hinterland and supporting areas

2. Construction of open and covered warehouses

3. Swap and transit of fuel

4. Storage and Value Added Activities

5. Construction of Grain Silo

6. Construction of bunkering reserves and connection pumps outside urban areas

7. Construction of terminals for exporting cargo

8. Construction of berths

9. Participation of the private sector to develop tourist and recreational complex in Port


10. Private sector investment to create parking for recreational vessels and Marina in West

Mazandaran province

11. Private sector participation in land acquisition to support the dry port to an area of 200


12. Private sector investment in infrastructure and port infrastructure dry

13. Creating the second basin for Noshahr Port

14. Increasing of commercial jetty for Noshahr port

15. Increasing of incoming ships with higher tonnage capacity through quay of the port which

has a draft of 6 meters

16. Improving the operational capacity of oil - trading up to 7 million tons per year

17. Construction and commercial of oil jetty

18. Strategic investment in order to provide loading and unloading equipments

19. Investment to provide marine equipment (navigation and navigation aids)

20. Construction of outdoor and indoor storage

21. Creating a value-added processing industries in the dry port (pulp into paper products, grain

22. Cereal products, lumber and plywood to wood products, iron ingots and sheet metal products

Packing Requirements Manufacturing Factory (jumbo bags, Pallet, lashing material and

Labeling for export and import cargo)

23. Establishment of an export terminal in order to use the potentials of the country especially

the northern coast of the country for development of container activities

24. Construction of cold storage terminal and related facilities

25. Construction of non-petroleum liquid bulk terminal

Investment Opportunities in Iranian Commercial Ports

Number project title project title


Investment opportunities in

Anzali Port Free Trade-

Industrial Zone

1. Construction of fuel tanks in Anzali port vicinities to maintain market position and

development of oil transit

2. Construction of covered storage area with a minimum of 12000 m with B.O.T contract for the

purpose of imported and export cargo in order to provide a good protection from the weather


3. Making Synchrolift perform periodic repairs to light and heavy vessels

4. Construction of commercial dock

5. Construction of fuel dock dolphin

6. Repair, reconstruction and building regional vessels

7. Multipurpose berth construction

8. Construction of fuel tanks for minor industrial oil products

9. Value added activities such as processing, packaging and assembling for minor

industrial products

Investment Opportunities in Iranian Commercial Ports

Number project title project title

4 Investment Opportunities in

Port of Chabahar

1. implementation of shahid Beheshti port development plans

2. Construction of fuel tanks for bunkering to vessels

3. Construction of warehouses

4. Value Added Activities such as processing, pachaging & assembling for minor

industrial products

5. The construction of silos and warehouses

6. Construction of storage tanks of crude oil, edible

7. Fuel and services to vessels

8. Creating an integrated storage, bagging and transportation system

9. Creating a passenger shipping line

10. Re-export of processed goods

11. Ship Bunkering

Investment Opportunities in Iranian Commercial Ports

Number project title project title

5 Investment Opportunities in Shahid

Rajaee Port Complex

1. Construction and operation of port container terminals

2. Construction of port terminals for transit, swap and export of oil products

3. Construction of port terminals for export of minerals

4. Construction of cargo distribution parks

5. Warehousing and storage of all cargoes especially transit cargo

6. Regional and international transportation of cargo

7. Construction of reefer facilities and storage of perishable cargo

8. Development of cargo re-export

9. Attracting and developing of cargo transshipment

10. Construction of Grain Silo

11. Construction of administration and welfare complex

12. Related transportation

13. Creating value-added service centers (including the establishment of processing industries,

construction and Processing and assembly industries.)

14. The development of Re-exports

15. Attract and develop Transit opportunity

16. Ship Bunkering

17. The processing and export terminals minerals

18. Receive and process waste from ships

19. Construction of grain silos

20. Construction of the food supply - oil - supply the vessels

21. Construction and maintenance of refrigerated perishable goods

22. Terminals for the export - oil products transit and swap

23. Construction of cargo and container terminal logistics

24. Construction of Edible Oils and Oil Tanks

25. Construction of mini-refineries

26. Construction of Shahid Rajaee Freeway

27. Construction and operation of desalination

28. Construction and operation of power plant

Investment Opportunities in Iranian Commercial Ports

Number project title project title

6 Investment opportunities

in Bushehr Port SEZ

1. Construction of berths, facilities and private berth in Negin Island

2. Construction of road connection between the Negin Island and port of Bushehr and main


way of Bushehr city

3. Construction of Terminals for export and import of reefer cargo

4. Construction of fuel tanks and petrochemical terminals

5. Value added activities such as processing, packaging and assembling industrial products

6. Construction of reefer facilities and storage of perishable cargo

7. Construction of berth , facilities and private berth in Negin Island

8. Developing o way connection between the Negin Island and the Port

9. Construction of Terminals for export and import of reefer cargo

10. Construction of fuel tanks and petrochemical terminals

11. Value Added Activities such as processing, packaging and assembling for minor

industrial products

Investment Opportunities in Iranian Commercial Ports

Number project title project title

7 Investment opportunities in Imam

Khomeini Port S.E.Z

1. Construction of Rolling mill Factories

2. Establishment of offshore Installations (Construction of Petroleum Platforms)

3. Construction of Shipbuilding Industries

4. Production of Spare part Industries, Assembly and Car Manufacturing

5. Petrochemical downstream Industries

6. Livestock and Poultry food production and Packing Industries

7. Food Industries related to Fishery Industries

8. Recycling of Solid Waste Industries

9. Oil, Chemical and Industrial Waste Receiving and Recycling Facilities

10. Creating Equipment and Machinery Bank needed for Port Operations

11. Container Manufacturing Factory

12. Packing Requirements Manufacturing Factory (jumbo bags, Pallet, lashing material)

13. Establishment of Grain Corridor. (Conveyor Belt)

14. Agricultural and Foodstuffs Production Centers

15. Installation and Running of Gate X-ray

16. Creating of Concentration of Mineral material factory.

17. Creating of Marine Recreational Centers (restaurant and recreational excursions)

18. Creating of Assembly and Renovation Industries of road construction equipment and Port

strategic and non-strategic facilities (such as shore crane)

19. Creating Rail Transportation Related Industries such as Wagon Manufacturing and

Locomotive Assembly

20. Construction of berths for cargo loading and unloading, docking, and ship building


21. Warehousing of loaded and empty containers as well as container stuffing and


22. Construction of warehouses and cargo storage facilities

23. Construction of grain silo as well as imported edible oil tanks

24. Oil transit through Middle Asian states and Iraq

25. Construction of oil terminals

26. Construction of port facilities and workshops providing technical engineering services

for ships

27. Allocation and leasing of lands, warehouses, equipment and welfare facilities to


28. Value Added Activities such as processing, packaging and assembling for minor

industrial products

Investment Opportunities in Iranian Commercial Ports

Number project title project title

8 Investment opportunities in

Port of Khorramshahr

1. Construction of reefer and warehouses for storing and processing of perishable cargo

2. Construction of liquid bulk tanks (Oil Products)

3. Developing of modern packaging industries

4. Construction of bunkering facilities

5. Providing cargo transit services to Iraq

6. Technical and engineering services including oil and supporting industries

7. Petrochemical industries and related oil products

8. Value Added Activities such as processing, packaging and assembling for minor

industrial products

Number project title Sector Project description Annual capacity (Ton/


1 Bafq - Dizicheh Electrification Transportation Bafq - Dizicheh Electrification 1.595..116.675

2 Double - Tracking Ahvaz- Bandar

Emam Transportation Double - Tracking Ahvaz- Bandar Emam 233.000.000

3 Double - Tracking Ardakan -

Chadormaloo Transportation Double - Tracking Ardakan - Chadormaloo 1.977.000.000

4 Double - Tracking Andimeshk - Ahvaz Transportation Double - Tracking Andimeshk - Ahvaz 526.000.000

5 Opening thd station of Kashan -

Badrood Transportation Opening thd station of Kashan - Badrood 683.373.099

6 Opening thd station of Shourab -

Kashan Transportation Opening thd station of Shourab - Kashan 978.136.315

7 Opening the station of Sistan - Arzhang Transportation Opening the station of Sistan - Arzhang 413.157.994

8 Opening the station of Sirjan - Bandar

Abbas Transportation

Opening the station of Sirjan - Bandar


9 Opening the station of Bafg - Sirjan Transportation Opening the station of Bafg - Sirjan 1.106.789.658

10 Opening the station of Ardakan -

Chadurmaloo Transportation

Opening the station of Ardakan -

Chadurmaloo 312.961.293

11 Opening the station of Ardakan -

Badrood Transportation Opening the station of Ardakan - Badrood 2.435.954.424

12 Opening the station of Ardakan -

Chadurmaloo Transportation

Opening the station of Ardakan -

Chadurmaloo 312.961.293

13 Opening the station of Aprin -

Mohammadieh Transportation

Opening the station of Aprin -

Mohammadieh 1.379.833.978

14 Hormozgan Electrification Transportation Hormozgan Electrification 7.373.410.711

15 Karaj - Qazvin Electrification Transportation Karaj - Qazvin Electrification 100.239.025

16 Doroud - Andimeshk Electrification Transportation Doroud - Andimeshk Electrification 1.356.341.276

Investment opportunities in railway

Investment opportunities in railway

Number project title Sector Project description Annual capacity (Ton/


17 Tehran - Meybod Electrification Transportation Tehran - Meybod Electrification 5.341.808.917

18 Tehran - Mashhad Electrification Transportation Tehran - Mashhad Electrification 7.516.006.774

19 Double - Tracking Meybod - Sistan Transportation Double - Tracking Meybod - Sistan 2.354.000.000

20 Double - Tracking Mohammadieh -

Samangan Transportation

Double - Tracking Mohammadieh -

Samangan 815.000.000

21 Double - tracking Mohammadieh -

Badrood Transportation

Double - tracking Mohammadieh -


22 Double - Tracking Aprin - Bahram Transportation Double - Tracking Aprin - Bahram 105.000.000

23 Double - Tracking Karaj - Qazvin Transportation Double - Tracking Karaj - Qazvin 290.000.000

24 Double - Tracking Kalzard - Tabas Transportation Double - Tracking Kalzard - Tabas 262.000.000

25 Double - Tracking Qazvin - Zanjan Transportation Double - Tracking Qazvin - Zanjan 681.000.000

26 Double - Tracking Tabas - Torbate

Heydariyeh Transportation

Double - Tracking Tabas - Torbate

Heydariyeh 1.517.000.000

27 Double - Tracking Sistan - Hassan

Abad Transportation

Double - Tracking Sistan - Hassan

Abad 1.946.000.000

28 Double - Tracking Samangan -

Doroud Transportation

Double - Tracking Samangan -

Doroud 816.000.000

29 Double - Tracking Kashmar -

Fariman Transportation Double - Tracking Kashmar - Fariman 540.000.000

30 Double - Tracking Jandagh -

Kalzard Transportation Double - Tracking Jandagh - Kalzard 555.000.000

31 Double - Tracking Torbate

Heydarieh - Kasmar Transportation

Double - Tracking Torbate Heydarieh

- Kasmar 4888.000.000

32 Double - Traking Bafq - Meybod Transportation Double - Traking Bafq - Meybod 1.855.000.000

Investment Opportunities in Airport Number project Title Project Location Expected Time of Implementation

1 CIP Isfahan Intl Airport Isfahan Intl Airport construction Period two Year

2 welfare Complex Isfahan Intl Airport Isfahan Intl Airporf construction Period two Year

3 Airpirt Multi Storey Parking Imam Imam Khomeini Intl Airport construction Period two Year


Cargo Fecilities including: Main Air Cargo Terminal -

Express Freight Cago Facilities - Mail Terminal -

Forwarder cargo Facilities - Air Cargo Agent Facilities -

Air Cargo Aporon Imam Khomeini Intl Airport

Imam Khomeini Intl l Airport construction Period two Year


Phase 2 including: Passenger Terminal Building and

Related Facilities - Pilgrimage Terminal - Metro Station

- fuel Station - Power Plant- Sewage Treatment -

Helipad - Medical Centers - Heating and Cooling Plant -

Bus Station - Taxi Waiting Area - Rental Car Facilities -

Flight Catering Facilities - Hydrant System Gse Fuel

Station - GSE Maintenance Area

Imam Khomeini Intl Airport construction Period two Year


Airport Facilities including: Airside Maintenance

Facilities - Airport Food Supply Centre - Medical Centre

- Airport Services - Airport Warehouse

Imam Khomeini Intl Airport construction Period two Year


IKIA Centre inckuding: Shopping Malls and Hotels -

Commercial Office Buildings, Banks and Restaurants -

Retail, Fast food, Recreational, Fountatians

Imam Khomeini Intl Airport construction Period two Year


Airport City including: Commercial Avenues - Sport

City - Media City - Business City Internet City -

Conterence City - Eco tourist Park - Eco Industrial Park

- Sustainable Energy Resources - Knowledge City -

Logistics City - centre of Islimic Cilture and Art

Imam Khomeini Intl Airport construction Period two Year

9 Cargo Terminal Bandar Abbas Intl Bandar Abbas Intl Airport construction Period two Year

10 Commercial & Service Center Bandar Bandar Abbas Intl Airport construction Period three Year

Investment Opportunities in Airport

Number project Title Project Location Expected Time of Implementation

11 4 - Star Hotel Bandar Abbas Intl Airport Bandar Abbas Intl Airport construction Period three Year

12 Airport Parking Tabrize Intl Airport Tabrize Intl Airport construction Period two Year

13 Commercial & Service Center Tabrize Tabrize Intl Airport construction Period three Year

14 4 - Star Hotel Tabriz Intl Airport Tabrize Intl Airport construction Period three Year

15 CIP Zahedan Intl Airport Zahedan Intl Airport construction Period two Year

16 Airport Parking Shiraz Intl Airport Shiraz Intl Airport construction Period two Year

17 Commercial & Service Center Shiraz Shiraz Intl aAirport construction Period three Year

18 4 - Star Hotel Shiraz Intl Airport Shiraz Intl Airport construction Period three Year

19 Airport Parking Mashhad Intl Airport Mashhad Intl Airport construction Period two Year

20 Cargo Teminal Mashhad Intl Airport Mashhad Intle Airport construction Period two Year

21 Commercial & Service Center Mashhad Mashhad Intl Airport construction Period three Year

22 4 - Star Hotel Mashhad Intl Airport Mashhad Intl Airport construction Period three Year

Investment opportunities in Constriction & Development of Transport Infrastructures company





















































