+ Connellsville ELA Writing Curriculum K-6 Grade 3 September 24, 2014

+ Connellsville ELA Writing Curriculum K-6 Grade 3 September 24, 2014

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Connellsville ELA Writing Curriculum K-6

Grade 3September 24, 2014


Connellsville Writing Curriculum

PSSA: What’s New? Short-Answer Question Evidenced Based Selected Response

2-Part Questions 2-Answer responses

Stand Alone Grammar Questions Mode Specific Writing Prompts

+Connellsville Writing Curriculum

FeaturesELA IntegratedCore was pulled from Reading StreetFocuses on specific Writing Traits

Next StepDetermine how student work should

drive instruction Integrate writing done in Science, Social

Studies and Math so expectations and quality are similar.

+1.4 Writing: Curriculum Map

Task 21. Due October 222. Clip together 4-square

and final copy3. Send to Admin in manila

envelope (to Anna DeForest)

Task 11. File for reference2. Bring to meetings

Task 3Due January 13

+Writing Rubric

Entire Descriptor

Additional qualifiers in “2” and


Conventions address meaning

+Functional Scoring Rubric




Adequate &



Established &






Weak understanding


Many errors

+1.4 Writing: Curriculum Map

Introduce Paragraphs

Focus Trait: Organization

+Writing Prompt:

Penguin Chick explains how penguins protect their eggs and their baby chicks.

Think about what happens as penguin chicks hatch and grow.

Now write summary of Penguin Chick.



+Summary of Penguin Chick pp. 158-161. The mother penguin slides and pushes herself across the ice. She finally gets to the water and dives in. She finds fish and other seafood.

Meanwhile, the penguin fathers huddle together. Each father keeps his egg at his feet. He keeps the egg there even when he walks, and he sleeps standing up. After two months, the penguin chick pecks its way out of the egg. The father warms the baby in his brood patch. He talks to the baby with trumpet calls, and the chick whistles back.

+2 Column Organizer1. Parents sing together

2. Mother leaves egg with father

3. She toboggans to the water to hunt for food.

4. Fathers watch egg and huddle for warmth

5. Fathers keep eggs on feet even when they walk

6. Sleeps standing up

7. Chick pecks out of egg

8. Moves to father’s patch

9. Father talks by trumpeting

10. This call brings the mother back with food.

1. Detail

2. MI

3. Detail

4. MI

5. Detail

6. Detail

7. Detail

8. Detail

9. Detail

10. detail

What I read Main Idea and Details

+2 Column Organizer1. Parents sing together

2. Mother leaves egg with father

3. She toboggans to the water to hunt for food.

4. Fathers watch egg and huddle for to keep it warm

5. Fathers keep eggs on feet even when they walk

6. Sleeps standing up

7. Chick pecks out of egg

8. Moves to father’s patch

9. Father talks by trumpeting and chick whistles

1. Detail

2. MI

3. Detail

4. MI

5. Detail

6. Detail

7. Detail

8. Detail

9. Detail

What I read Main Idea and Details

+2-Column Entry

Dorothy, Wizard of Oz

Rainbow Real Colorful arc Seen after rain “ mist of hose Can’t touch

Sir Isaac Newton Light

Fast moving bits of energy Moves through air, water,

other stuff

What I Read Main Idea and Details

+2-Column Entry


= wedge shaped piece of clear glass White light passes

through prism came out bent

Refracted = bent Broke light into colors –

spectrum Spectrum = colors of

light =colors of rainbow ROY G. BIV = colors of


What I Read

+2-Column Entry

Dorothy, Wizard of Oz

Rainbow Real Colorful arc Seen after rain “ mist of hose Can’t touch

Sir Isaac Newton Light

Fast moving bits of energy Moves through air, water,

other stuff

M.I. Detail Detail

M.I. Detail - moving

What I Read Main Idea and Details

+2-Column Entry


= wedge shaped piece of clear glass White light passes

through prism came out bent

Refracted = bent Broke light into colors –

spectrum Spectrum = colors of

light =colors of rainbow ROY G. BIV = colors of


M.I. Detail Detail Detail

Important because title of article

What I Read Main Idea and Details


Rainbow Colorful arc Seen after rain

Light (fast moving bits of energy) moving through air

(Prism) Bends - refracted Breaks apart Different colors = spectrum

Spectrum Colors of the rainbow ROY G. BIV

A rainbow is a colorful arc seen in the sky after a rain. It is made when light (fast moving bits of energy) moves through air and is bent or refracted and breaks apart into all of the different colors of the rainbow, called a spectrum. ROY G. BIV is a way to remember the order of colors..

Main Ideas and Important Details


+Using PA Rubric for Assessment

+1.4 Writing: Curriculum Map

Task 3Due January 13



You’ve had a long day at work and have a lot of chores to do at home. But first, you are going to sit for a minute, pour yourself a big glass of cold milk, and eat an OREO cookie.

Everyone has a favorite way to eat an OREO cookie. Write an essay to your teacher to explain how you eat your OREO cookie.

+How to Eat an Oreo Cookie

I like Oreo cookies. First I open the package. Then I take one out. I eat the cookie and lick the inside. Then I eat the other side. I like chocolate. That is why I like Oreo cookies.


+Sample Essay

How to Eat An Oreo Cookie

Munch!! Crunch!! Nothing is as good as a scrumptious, creamy, waxy, watering Oreo cookie. I have a special way to eat an Oreo.

First I twist off the top and eat it. It crunches when I eat it. It is very cholaty.

Then I scrape off the smooth vanilla cream. My tongue chipped off the cream. Then I smoothly rubbed the rest off with my tongue.

Lastly, I break the bottom in little pieces. That way the bottom lasts longer. It also makes it more cholaty.

That is how I eat a delicious Oreo cookie. Now, all I need is a glass of warm milk.


Lets take a break!

+Short-Answer Question

What does it look like?

Item Sampler Grade 3 page

+How does it fit?


+How does it fit?


CC.1.4.(_).S Response to LiteratureEligible Content 1.1.1 to 1.1.6

+What do students need be able to understand and do?

PDE ORIGINALItem & Scoring SamplerPg. 24

+ Read Sample Passage and Responses

+Short Answer Question

Score Point 3 Score Point 2

Score Point 1

+How are they going to find the words?

Close Reading

(aka Comprehension Skills)

Look for key words:

Main Idea and Key DetailsCause and Effect


How does the interaction between the family and Mr. Hansen lead to other events in the passage? Use information from the passage to support your answer.

+2-Column Entry

Pa and Mr. Hanson say, “Hello.”

They talk about Mr. H’s dogs

Pa and Mr. Hanson walk toward the stable.

Then Pa is saying he’ll fix up the papers.

He had traded Pet and Patty for the land.

Pa traded Bunny and the wagon-cover for Mr. H’s crops and oxen.

Interactions Events

Look for aKey Event!

+Developing the Key Event

Pa and Mr. Hanson say, “Hello.”

They talk about Mr. H’s dogs

Pa and Mr. Hanson walk toward the stable.

Pa – he’ll fix up the papers

He traded Pet and Patty for the land.

He traded Bunny and the wagon-cover for the crops and oxen.

1. Pet and Patty would be gone but the family had land.

2. They didn’t need a wagon cover any more but would have crops for food this winter.

3. Ma wasn’t happy to live in a dug-out but wanted a house before winter.

4. Soon they would have more money than ever.

5. Laura was sad but Pa made her feel better.

6. The family would have a place to live and Mr. Hanson would move on.

Interactions Other Events

+Selected Response Questions

+What do they look like?

Item Scoring Sampler:Grade 3, page 37

+What do I have to teach?


There can be more than one right answer!

+Look Closely:

Part One:

What is the main idea of the passage?

Part Two:

Which TWO sentences from the passage support the answer in Part One? Choose TWO answers.

Play helps animals in many important ways.

“It promotes brain development and health.”

“At the same time, they were building muscles…”

Question Response

+Stand-Alone Multiple-Choice Questions



+Look Closely: D.1.1.8

(Determine the coordinating conjunction that correctly completes the sentence.)

It just started raining, __ we can’t go outside to play.



+Writing Prompts



1. Topic is introduced, developed, and concluded with awareness of task, purpose and audience

2. Organizational strategies and structures that develop the topic

3. Content that demonstrates clear understanding of purpose

4. Elaboration that includes information and support by choosing facts, examples and concrete details.

5. Transitions between and among ideas

6. Formal style with control of language, vocabulary, style and sentence structure and variety

7. Conventions appropriate to level

If you had to explain to a younger person how to do something that you or someone you know does well, what would it be? It could be something that is done at school, at home, or in your community.

Write an essay for a younger person that explains how to do something that you or someone you know does well. Be sure to use details and examples to explain your idea.

Item and Scoring Sampler Page 69



1. Clear Claim with credible and substantiated argument (no counter-argument at this level)

2. Organizational strategies and structures to support claim

3. Content that demonstrates clear understanding of purpose

4. Elaboration that includes a clear position, supported by evidence.

5. Transitions between and among ideas

6. Formal style with control of language, vocabulary, style and sentence structure and variety

7. Conventions appropriate to level

Think about which part of the school day you think is best. Maybe it is lunch or recess. Maybe it is a class, such as reding or math. Why do you think this is the best part of the school day?

Write an essay for your teacher that states your opinion about what is the best part of the school day and explains why. Be sure to use details and reasons to support your opinion.

Item and Scoring Sampler Page 77

+Focus and Ideas


Word ChoiceOrganization/ Sentence Fluency

Word Choice/

Sentence Fluency



1. Establishes context and point of view that orients reader and introduces narrator and/or characters

2. Story pattern that sequences events and provides a conclusion.

3. Elaboration that supports the purpose

4. Transitional words and phrases

5. Control of literary devices, sensory language, sentence structure

6. Conventions appropriate to level

Look at the picture of a house. What would it be like to visit a friend who lives at this house? Think about what you might do, who else might be there, and what might happen.

Write a story for your teacher about an adventure you could have visiting a friend at this house. Make sure your story has a beginning, middle, and end.

Item and Scoring Sampler Page 81



+In Conclusion:

SupportCindy [email protected]

Writing Workshop Tasks

Anna [email protected]

Assessing Student Responses for Instructional Direction