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,\', ,"

Committee on Procedures and Organization


















,Dr. Jose Aree •••••••••••••••••••RepresentativeHead of the Delegation

M. Roland Lebeau •••••••••••••••••••RepresentativeCounsellor of Embassy

Mr. Escott Reid .o•••••••••••••••••RepresentativeDepartment of External Affairs

Dr. Rsia Ching-Lin •••••••••••••••••Representative

Dr. Carlos Blanco •••••••••••••••••RepresentativeMinister Counselor

Mr. William Borberg•••••••••••••••••RepresentativePennanent Representative to U.N.

Mr. Alexis Kyrou ••••••••••••••••••AlternatePennanent Representative to U.N. Representative

M. Max H. Dorsinville•••••••••••••••RepresentativeSecretary, Department ofExternal Relations





Mr. C. D. W. O'Neill ••••••••••••••RepresentativeForeign Office

YUGOSLAVIA •••••••• Mr. Leo Mattes ••••••••••••••RepresentativeDirector, Department ofInternational Organizationsof the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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'·FI. k~t~ -fu, .. r. ~ c..Lt~[

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AI388 (Provisional,text)16 September 1941OBIGINAL: matISH

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Nations Uniec.r



United .Natihns

, '







RapporteUr: . }.ito. W. BORBERCL (Denmark)------~-------_._,.-_._.._-_._-- ,-- -------- .



1. On 15 December 1946 the Gen~ral Aa~~bly approved Resolution 102 (I) '.onmeo.sures to economize the, time of the -General Assembly,.

2. 'The ·Conmrl.ttee on Procedures and Organization referred to in the reSolution

met at Lake'Success on 9 September 1947 and elected as Chairman,

Mr. Escott Reid (Canada), as V:).ce-Chairman, Mr. lloguin De Lavalle (PerU), ,

.and as Rallllorteur, Mr. VI. Borberg (Denmark).

3. In conform1ty with the General Assembly·s resolutioJJ, the Comm1ttee had .'

before it a rellort by the s~cretarY-General, based on the memoranda submitted

by the delegation of Canada to the second part of the f:trstsession ,'of the, f ' ,

General Assembly, on the suggeStions which the Secretary..GeIleral'received, fram

the various Members of theUnited Nations, on the Vi~vTS expreased in the

S~o-Co~ttee 'of the General Cemmittee,of'the first session of the General

Assembly during i tscons1deration of this question, and' on the 'experience .. ,

acqu1"re<! and the :PX'pcedents e,stabl1shed during the first session.,

4.' 'The Secretary-Generalta report to the General Assembly (dooument A/p.6)contains:

(a) , A, summary of principal suggestions foreoonOmizing the~me of1the

Gener~l Assembly: PX:oposale wi th' respect to'the .Agenda; SUggestions

With e. view to accelerating the debates and avoiding unnecessary"

repetltions; 'arid recommelldationa' as' 'to ,mater1al arrangements 'whl,cb' would.

\tepd Ito eXlledite the work of the'As'sembly, such ~s the:'lncreaeed ,use of

stmultaneous interpretation~theprepar~tion and' the observance of ~trict

Bchedulesof meetings,' etc~

(b) Proposed re.drafts of a number o~ the prOVisional rules of

pl:')cedureot the General Assembly.

(c) Copies of SUS8.~st1ona received from the Govermnenta"Of Dominican

RapUb~ic I ' Australia, ,G~temala, tb.eNetherland~,' Argent.'"New Zea1e.tld, Demaa.rk, ~e UnitedJ'tingdom an'd Norway •

. i _••

/PMlr ONEI '

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\ '

-,,-' ----------- --- --- ------------_._----- - ------_._._-_...- .,~- --

PAMt Om:' ,'.The Comm1ttee devoted l.ij~ firS\ hleetibs tb a'~iijeussionof its terlbS of

reference and ,the drganizst!ori 6f i te"oi'k~ The :maJority of its members. . .

considered that the termaof re£erenceprescribed by the General Assembly

mad~'~1~e Oommittee responsible 'for a review and study of the Provisional. ,. >f. ., . . . .'

RUles of Procedure of the General Assembly on theoosis of the Secretary-

Ger.eraPs report, as w~ll as of'technica.l and practical measure's t~ economize

the time of the General Assembly which bave'been proposed 'by the Members of

the United Nations,.the Secretary""General·a.nd the members of the Committee

. themselves. Other members of the. Committee, h~wever, were of 'the opinion that

the Committeels responsibilities were limited to a study of methods of work

. and internal organization of the AsseDlply with a view to proposing measures

which ~10uld result in an econ~ of t1Jne., .These membe~s felt that the ,

Committee. should exemrne oply. such rules of procedure ~Thich might be

· instrumental in expediting the work of the Assembly.

6~ PartTuo of this report consists of a/series of suggestions, the

adoption of whioh would, in the opinion of .the Committee, assist considerably

in expeditin~ the work of· the Asee1Jl.bly and permit the full consideration of

¥.J6~tant problema on the agenda without requiring the representatives to

~ay away from their home countries for inconveniently long periods. Part

Three contains a proposed re-draft of the.provisional rules of procedure.

The Committee felt that every improvement in the 'rules which wOUld make

debates on procedures unnecessary would result in a definite economw of


The. draft rules preparea by the Secretary-General ana illcorporated in

document A/316, served as a'basis for the discussions. of the Committee.. .

· 7. 'The Secretary-General communicated, for the infQrmation of the Committee,

a letter from.the Chairman of the Adviso~Cammitteeon Administrative and

BudgetarY, Questions, suggesting changesJ:t.n'QhapterV!I of the Provisional

Rules. of Procedure .which would alter thEt'1ti.tie of the Advisory Committee and

amend certain rules regarding its standing functions. As these' suggestions

were transmitted for information on~Ylthe Committee took note of the

lJroposed ·revisions a~ reviewed Provisional Rules 37 to 40 pnerely fi.om the

roint of view of drafting. The opinion. was expressed that the Fifth·

Cl;,.,~,ttee should study the rules contained1nChapter VII from tl1e point of

. ~'ew 0~8ubstaDce before their final adoption.

q. The Oommittee' refrained from cC?Dsidering the r~es contained in

· Chat;r~er IX - Len~ages and X ..,Records~~ ~e Committee felt ,that, these rules

had political and financial aspects whi~h should be OODsidered by tbe

appropriate Committees of the Aaa&Xll.bl$. The' 0otD1!dttee was ~ntormed that a

special study was being made by the Secreta:r'1e.t of the application of the


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rules on languages and records and- tl'i8t a; full report 'Would ':-'be'made on these

matt'ersto the General Assembly. . --

9. -, .Chapter XVII - Admission of New l1e~bers to the United Nations - was not

ezamtned by the Commltte~. A ~pec1al ebimnittee, entrusted 'With the task ofr

preparing rules governing'the admission of new Members, had been established

by the General Assembly on 15_December 1946 and had, after consultation 'With

'the committee of the Security Council, presented its report direct~1 to the

General Assembly.

10. In the course of its eleven meetings the Committee did not have time to

engage in a detailed study of the probable effects of the applicaticn of each

of the revised Rules of Procedttre and could have desired more time at its

disposal in order to prepare the best possible texts.


11. The COI:lIIlitt.ee 1s of the opinion that wherever possible items proposed for

inclusion in the agenda. should be submitted in time for inclusion in the

provisional agenda which is communicated to Members sixty days in advance of

.the opening of the session. If this is impossible, every effort should be

made· to ensure that they are included in the supplementary list.

12. - It is recogni:;ed that no rigid rule can be establil!hed on this question

but the observance of this principle would lead to a saving of time inasmuch

as Member Governm~nts would have had sufficient notice of proposed agenda

items to enable them to prepare more thoroughly for the debate on those items.

-13 •. A somewhat atricter practice should be f'ollmTed with regard to requestsI

for. the inclusion of acditional items made after the circulation of the

s'l):pplementary list or dur:lng the cour-se of the session. Rule 15 of the

Provisional Rules of ?rocedure has been modified 'With a view to requiring

the General Assembly to examine the tmportance end urgency of an additional

item before agreeing to include it in the agenda. The Committee discussed the

desirahility of a suitable time limit for the submission of re;uests for the

inclusion of additional :.te:ms - for instance the end of the General Debate ­

but d~cided to make no specific recommendation on tllis subject.

Documentation_ ..--......_........-14. The ci't:'culation of essential documents iolell in advance of their

discussion in the General Assembly'or its committees would greatly facilitate

ai. ... e:.=-ed~ te the 'Work of the Assembly. When items are submitted for inclusion

in th~ aGenda supporting documentation should be forwarded at the same time

or shcrtly thereafter, whenever possible. While the Committee fully realizes

that this, is difficult end in some case~ impossible, it wishes to call the

attention of the Genoral Assembly to the desirability Qf this principle as

an objective.

/15. The Secretariat

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A/388Page 4

~l5., The,Secretar1at, should make arr'neements for arap1d and efficl~nt

distribution of documents. It is sug~ested that epebial priority be given

to the Journal and to the progts,1I'mlEk:ot tneetingfi, and tha.t when diapatchod by

the Secretariat they should beer, some distinguishing mark so that

del~tions,_ upon the receipt of their documentation, will be able to identify

th,ese- "!iwo important docuaenbs 'immediately. The COIIlIIlittee noted that the

Sec:~etariat is able to: provide, individual boxes for delegations at -both

Flushing and Lake Success where urgent doctUn6nts'circulated 'during the day

may ~e collected, and Buggests that delegations might avail'themselves more

ful~ of this service.

Organization of Committees

16. v1hile it is desirable to schedule Main Committees to meet simultaneously,

the fact should not be overlooked that too many meetings held at one time may

place too heavy a burden on the representatives of the members of the

General Assemb~, and particularly those members having small delegations.' If

the debates are to be maintained on the high level necessary fer the Assembly

to condu~t its business wisely and efficiently, the schedule of meetings

must be so arranged as to allow the members of delegations attending them the

neceasary time for study and consultation. Failure to do this would be to

underestilnate the importance of the deliberations of the General AS3embly

and of its Committees.

17. rlevertheless; the Committee calls attention to the fact that the\

number of Main Committees meeting simultaneously affects materially the

'lencthof the General Assemb~. A relati"'lely light schedule of meetings in

the early veeks o! the Assembly leads inevitably to an unduly heavy schedule

in its later stages. ,The scheduling of meotings shou;Ld therefore take into

account: (1) the capacity of delegations to cope with~the work involved;

(2) the desirability of establishing a relatively uniform work-load during

the entire session; and (3) the relation 01 the daily schedule to to.8

duration oi' the AgfclenibJ.y.

18. ET'ery effort s:lOuld be made by the officers of the AssembJ.y 8:LJd by the

Secretcriat to announce the schedule of meetings woll in advance, and to

avoid as far as possible any modification therein. During the early

8ta0e~ cf c~mmittge wor~the schedu13 of meetings might be anno~cod for one

. W6el" iL-~ advance , nowevfl,C, the establishmel1t of sub-comatttees, the

tE;.Ul_G.~ion of tho work of, some of tte Main Committees, and the variable

lL~u c_ those sti:l in session may r~~u1re adJust~ents in the schedules in

the l.J.ter stages of tha work of the General Asee:mbJ.,y. It would seem

1!'1.~ra0tica1l1e, durh~g this period, to 'estac1.ish a rigid schedule for more

thanC'tyro, or three da;y-s in advance.

19. The time lost between the hour scheduled for the beginning of a'



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meeting and the 'actual open1rlg ~t the ~stihg i!:Jnot inconsidera.ble. Mambero

or the .General Assembly are urge.a. to arrive promptly, and it is suggested

that the President of- the Assembly and the Chairmen of Committees open the

meetings ~s soon as a quorum is present,

Limitation of Debabe ,_...._--- ,20. ilhe Provisi.onal Rules·of Procedure provide that the General Assembly ':may

at any time -lim!t the ,time allow-ed to' epeakera ,' The COJ!!~ttee recognizes. .

there are ocCaS10:180n which this rule can be applied in the interests of

economizing t1D1e without detriment to the rishts of any mem"berof the

Asse.mb~. The Committee however, desires to call the attention of the

Assembly to the serious difficulties attendant upon any gener-al, rule

limiting the length of speeches, and it did not consider it advisable to

establish such a time limit. To do eo would place in a disadvantageous

position representatives whose limited knowledge of the working languagos

makes it difficult for them to eXPress ~eir points o~ view as concisely

as those who speak fluent English orFre~ch. As a result a tendency might

. develop for these representativel;l to speak in their native languages} which

would require translation into both English and French with a resultant

loss of time.

Establishment of Sub-Committees-----------------..'"""'~-.-...--

21. The Main Conr::uittees shoul.d .consider carsfti.lly at all early stage in.

their work how their programme might be e~pedited b.1 the establishment of

sub-committees. It is of course impossible to adopt fixed rules op this

matter. If the debate in full committee showed that there, was general

agreement on the question under discussion but disagreement on points of

detail, it would clearly be desirable to set up a B~ll drafting c~ttee

to prepare, a resolution for subm;Ls.l?ion to the. Main Committee. Similarly,

a marked division of opinion between t"TO schools of thought, with a number

of alterna.tive proposals on each side, might be the occasion for the

appointment of a Bub-committee com~osed of the main proponents on each side

to prepare an agreed text for submil?sion to the Main Committee. Technical

questions on which there -is no suQ~tantiaJ,. disagreement should be referred

to. Bub-committees as quickly as possible. The work of sub-connnittees

would.be facilitat$d b,y working info~.~~, and on occasion, in private.

Conduct of Business .

22. The Committee noted with interest that the Secretary-Ganeral is

prellaring a handbook containing a record of the applicatt-on of the rules

of procedure in previOUB ees6ion~ of ~4e Genera~ Assembly. ,The Assembly

upon the complet~on of the b~ndbQok} migpt wish to examine it in order to

determine whether or not ~t m1~~t b. u~ef~ in facilitating the conduct of


/83. Close.


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23. 'Close collaboration between tbe'dhai:t1l1.8i1 and tli.~ Secretariat is ,

Qes1rable and the &ssistance of the' Committee Seeretar1es'andLegal Advisers

should be available at. all times. . .'

~r~butl,2P of~geI:dl;,·.I~emt'l ~£~ CO!Ilmtttee~

'24. The reference of :the satllee,genda itc:n to two COllD:nj:~1ia<?s at the same~

time 1'S as a geIJeralrUle undesirable end ,results in unneeeseery duplication

,of the debate. In addition experierlce 'has shown that if an, itmll 1s raferred

aleo to another Committee in genoral tel~, that Co~m1ttee does not always

limit itself to the cons1deratibn of the aspects of the quostion in regard

.to which it is especially competent.

25. The Committ.ee suggests that, as a general rule, a single COIDmittee be

given responsibility for re~orting on a given agenda it~m aDd that, if the

opinion of ancthe:c COIDIllittoeia, needed, the l'atter be seized ,only of a

precise a:1d limHedques'tiol)~;Asuggest:ton, which received sonie support,

was made to the effect that a' ~mall Ad'Vi~Ory Gommittee of Jurists should .be

established to which the first flveMain':Comm1ttees could submit, the legal

aspects of questions under consideration. Other members of the Committee

felt, however, that such a Committee waf;! 'Dot necessary.


26. The COlIlIilittee reco:rm:nends that Rapport.eu:J:"s reports and oth~r documents

which have been circulated to memoers in advanoe shoul.d not be, read· in

plenary end Committee meetjI'lgs. Thil3 should not, of course, li1nit the

right 'of members to read from'such documents such passages as they'may

consider necessary.

S1m.ultaneou~;.t~l'Jlreta;~~27. The Committe~ gave careful consideration to the important-quastionof

the use by the Assembly of simultane9us'interpretatiori which would

contribute greatly to economizing the time of the Assembly and was informed

of certain experimental planning whioh ~d been carried out by the

Secretary-General in this field. As thisqueat10n is on the pro7isional

agenda of the second regular eessi~n of the General Assembly the Cc~ittee

limits itself to 1I18k~g the' observations wnich follow.

28. Experience not only in the United Nations but in other ipternational

. . bodies over. a ,period of years haa, in the 'opinion of the Committee,

demonstrated that altb,ough the systam of a1lllultan°ous int~rpretationp.aa

real merit, its use in al~ circumstances is not withou~ serious

dis8dvaI'ltagee. .Among these are. the following: "

(a)~e ipi;.erprete~is o1?liged to fOllow the speaker ip much the

s6llle word .order .aQ that ;l.n wP;;l.cb the orig-"nal 'speech is given., While

in same ~~guases this q~eate~ ~q ~pe~ountabl~ aifficulty; ;tn

otherlll it rende:r,a t~anil~at;1.on extr.eP1e~ fJ1ff1eu;tt~

I (0) The rules

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'(b) The rUles· of ph:tesi'ilgin·b~th1h·languagesd:J.ffer SO. greatly fiom

those in others· as. to make translation by this S"jstem virtually


(c) The interpretor, not knowing in advance what doc~mentswill

be quoted is unable to have at hand the official texts cited by the

speaker. In consecutive interpretation his colleagues are able to

collect the necessary documents for him dwing the course of the

original speech.

(d) The r-epreeerrtatdve does not hear th\3 translation of his speech and

is unable to control i ts accuracy or coreece the errors of the


(e) A physical and psychological barrier 1s created between the

spe~ker and his colleagues 1 and representatives miss the opport~nity

of familiariz-ing themselves with the languages spoken by other

representatives •

. 29. If a genera.l rule could be stated 1t would be that simultaneous

interpretation could very profitably be used for the translation into tne

remaining official languages duripg the ,consecutive translation of the

, speech into the other working language.

30. Subject to the limitations stated above, the system of simultaneous

interpretation can be used to advarrtage during a general debate in pf.enery

or Committee meetings, but is not suitable when detailed negotiations or the

reconciliation of various drafts are necessary.

31. While favouring the general rules stated above, the Committee feels that,

should simultaneous interpretation be used at any meeting without consecutive

interpretation, members should be permitted to request consecutive

interpretation at any time.

32~The Committee also took note in its discuosions on 6im~taneous

interpretation of the considerable econo~y in time that would result from its

use in the general debate in p;J.enary and committee meetings, and the cousequent

shortening of the length of the sessions Of the General Assembly.

Drafting of resolutions~------ _. --33. Experience has shown that the time of the General Assembly is sometimes

unnecessarily occu~ied by the re-drafting, during the meeting, of draft

resolutions because of unintentional ambiguities in the text. The attention

of members is called by the Committee to the fact that the assistance of the

Legal Department of the SecJ;'etariat is available at any time. It is suggested

that it would be useful., in preJ?8r;tng a draft resolution, to bring both the

English and French texte into contO;l:'mity before the draft is submitted to the

General Assembly,

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A/388Page 8

34. The Committee dXa't'JS the attention of the General Cottmdttee to Rule 36of the Provislo:uil Rules of Procedure whlch empowers it to: change the form

but not the substance of'resolutions and Buggests that the General Co~ttee

might usefully aSElu!l'lG this function, if ocoa8~on so requires.-


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Rule 1

The Geu6:':'al Asaembly sh"111 meet every yea:? in re8~lar

session commencing on the third Tuesday in Se~tem~er.

No Change

Rulfl 2

The General JI.sLembly may fix a c: \te rcr e. ersclals~Bsion.

No change

Rule 3

Speci.;.l S0Sflions of the Gen;.!ral Af.lae1lJ~)1y shall 'be heldwithin fif::;een ci.ays. of the roceipt l'y the Secreta.:t':r-G'"1118:ralof a request f~r such a session from the Security Councilor of a re~uee.t fr.oin a majod.ty of the J,~e!.'i1;,ere of theUnited Nation8~ or of the receipt of the conCUl~rence of amajority of Members as provided in P.ule 4.


The last phrase has been added to cover specialsessions convened in accordance with the procew~

outlined ~n Rule 4.

Rule '4




Rule 1

T~e Ge:o.01ial Assembly e!2nl.l meet every year in regularseaeaon ccomer...cdng on the t~1ird 'ruesd6.y in September.

nu~ .."~>~ Genera.l A~a€!ibly ma:y fix a date for a special


R.uJ.e 3

Sp8(.:1.a.l aeaatons of the Ge!'\,::;ral Assembly sha.Ll, alea be.held. "dt::,i.:U, fiftee!j, o.c.,;yz oft.:b.e rec:-'Jipt ny tbe Scc!.'etary­Oenera'l, of a req"v.c8t fer such a Repsi.on eithe:c fr'om tteSe·;.:~x:ci.ty Councd.L or from a maJ)rity of the Members of theU!ltted l';ations.

Rule 4AI.





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Rule 4--'_._-JuyY .Menf18r of the United. n6~""!.O.:lS lilay re(lt"ieat the

Secreta:c~'··G3~leral to acnmon a spet;iaJ. aeaef.on, TheSecretary-8·eneral shall iinmeAiately inform the other Mem1>ereof the Un1.ted Na.tions, of the ::-et.!'J.6st and 1uqu.:trs w::v~thar theyconcur-in it. If within thirty days of the date of t)ecommunication of the Secretary-Ceneru1 a maJor~l.ty of theMembers conc~ in the reqaest, a epecia1 session of theGeneral ASS6nlDly shall be sunmoned in accordance 'li~h Rul,e 3.

COlv1MEllT :

The word fJ thF)reupon" in line 3 was changed toIt immediatelyII Q '

!!£~.:e 5

Seaaions shall be held at the head'1uartere of theU~1ted Nations unless convened elsewhere in pursuance of adecieion of the G·;;:!l6l'al Assembly at a previcue Session or atthe r-equecb of a ma.jG:clty of the Me:r.ri:Jers of the Un1tedNations a /

No change

Rule 6--..._~

Any Member of the United Nations may, at least oneh'~dxed and twenty days before th€ date fixed for the openingof a regular seesion request that the session lie heldelsewhere thWl at the headquarters of the United Nat1on9.The Secretary-GenereJ. shall CO:uJ!!l:J.11i0'::.te the req,uo!:3t together .~!~th hie recommendations, to the other Members of the UnitedlQations. If within :thirty days of the date of thecOII!Illunioe.tion a major;ity of the Members concur in the



Rule 4

Any MeDl'ter of the Unit.ed N?,,"J~,tons mey r-equest, theSeC'X'ota:ey-General to sunmon a special Beeeio::l~ The SecretarJ'·.Ge:leral shall thereupon i.11i'orm the othe!" MeI!fbe::'s of theUni:ted nations of the rell1..1.eat e~_d inquj.re "Whet.her theyconcur in it. If \11thin th::t!'ty days of th.:. c'.-:?:be of" thecOml.n.un1..cat;!.on a majority of 'tr..8 l1e11'lbers concice ill the reClue3t,a epactal s6Gs1on of the Gencl':?l Assombly shall be eumaoned, inaccordance wi-lih the provisions of Rule 3.

Rl~l~. 5

Sea~iona shall be held at the headquarters of the UnitedNnt'!.c:ls uzil.eas convened. e196vhex'o in pureuonce of. a decision.of t~e Ge11eral Assembly 6.t a p~:'evlous Ge~s:~on or at therequ68t of !l l::l8,jo::-ili;r bf the i<1eill"bars of the United Nations...

Rule 6


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~2:~e 6_{Cont~~~~l

r eques't , the sesE:io;l stall be rtel'l aCGo:rd..i"".:'.gly.


This new 1"11e sets forth the procedure to be fc.L1.o~;ed

in a case of e. requeet for holding of a session e;'sewherethan at the head.9.uarters of the Un1tef. Natiolls.. Iti!ll;ple:n:.ellts the last cIauae of the previous rule.


The General Assembly ma.y decide at e.::JY sesatcn toadjourn temporarily and resume ita meetings s:c a laterdatee

No change

Rule 8

The 8ecreta1'y...coner·a! ehf:l,ll no·tify the !,18:n1;ers of theUn;ited Nati:>ns:J e:t.; least sixty dJ.;;"s in edvance , of theopening ~f a re611a~ seesione

COM1:-1ENT :

Commas have been added af'ter lIUn:l.ted Nations" andafter "In adva..'1ce" e

~ule 9

TbeSec~etal~r·Genera1 shall notify the l1emcers of theUnited Nations, at least fourteen days in advance , of theopening of a special seasion summoned at the request of theSecu:d.ty Council, and at least ten days in advence in a caseof a req,u8s't by a majority of the Members or ,the concurrence

lof a


Rule 6'

T:h.e CI''J:;lsre.1 ASflembly may c.8cid.e e.'~ any session to adJourn.tempc~arily end res~~c its ueetings at a l~ter.datee


Tlle See1'etal'y-Genera1 s:!1a.l1 notify the Me::r:oers of iheU.n1ted. Nai.iiorls at 1ea~-b s5.;~ty de:t-s in advance of the openingof a reg~lar 6eesio~.

Rp.1.e 8

The Secreta.i'y.General shall not~.:'y the M<;illlJers cf the,Unitei Nations at least fou:,~teelJ. days in ad'V8:1Ce of theopezrlag of a specde.L aesElion. coavoked at the request of theSecil~~:ttjT Council, and at Least, ten clays in the case of a.r-equeat by a majority of the Melllberse

mule 9

"d:C­0> ..........~VJ

CD cot:O:>

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of a ~ajority ~~ the re~Dest of aT~ Member~

CONMEl'fl' :

T\To commea have been added in the second 1in,e; the lastclause has been added to take aCcOUilt of the procedareoutlined in Rule 4.

Rule 10

Copies of the notice8ummoni:~lgeach session shall beaddz-eaaed to all o'~her princi.pa1 organs of the United:N'''I,t:i.O'1S and to the specialized agencies referred ,to inArticle 57, paragraph 2, of the Charter.


It was considered th~t notices should be sent to thePl':J:,:c:lp8J.. Organs or-j.y, which 'Would tranemit the notices tosuch of the subeid,i-al"y organs as they may cona:'der necessary.


.. Rule 11

The provisional agenda fora regular session shall bedrawn u~ by the Secretary-General an~ co~unicated to theMeI:l~ar6 of the United Nations at least sixty days beforethe opening (If the Session.


In this chapter provisions concerning regular andspecial eessions have been separated and each'set of



:Hu1e 9I

Copies of the notice si.XCUInon.tng each sess:':..on ahal1 beao.dxessed to all otneJ:' organa EC.1d coxm;u€lflions of the United.Nation8 and to the .specialized &3e~ciea refelTed to inArttcle ')7, :psragra11:1 2, of the Charter.


Rule 10

The provisional agenda fc~ a re~~lar session shall bedrawn up by the Secretary-Ge:neral.


Provision,a! Rule 10 has been incorporated into Rule 11.

kU1e 11:

tU:r:-(j) <..,

et..1..'(\) rv-v




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R~e 11 (qontinued)

provisions has been grouped together.

Rule 12-


Rnle III •

The provisional agenda for a regular session shall beCO:aJIllunicated to t~~e Membera of the Un!ted Nations at leastsixty days before the opening of the eeeaton, Theprovisional agenda of. a spec:l.!:l.l session, sunmoned at therequest of the Security Council, shall be carnmll~icated

at least fourteen days before the opening of ,the session.'The provis1.onal agenda of a spedal seasion'~' eummoned atthe request of a ~ajority of the Members, shal~ becommunicated at leRst ten days before the opening of thesession.

R'1.1e 12

The provioional agenda of a regular session sha.ll :1.nclude:·

(a) report ~f the Secreterj-GeL.eral on the 'Work of the­Organization;

'The ..Provisional agenda of a regular session shallinclude:

(a) report of the Secretary-General on the work of the:Organization;

{b) reports from the Security Council,the Economic and Social Council,the Trusteeship Council,the International Oourt of Justice,the subsidiary _Sans of the General. Assembly,specialized agencies (where such reports

are called for under 8.g1"eementsentered i:rito);

(c) all items .

(b) reports from the Security Council,the Economic and Social Council,

the Trusteeship Cour~cil,

the International Court o£ ~Tust1ce J

the subsidiary organs of the GeneralAssembly,

epec1alizetl agencdes (Where such reportS'8.re called for under a£,'!'eements enteredinto) ;

(c) all items





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-Rule 12 (Continued)

(c) all items whose inclusio:il hes been ordered 'bythe Genro.·al Assembly at a J?reylous session;

( d) all i tems pro:p(I~ed by the other organa of theUnited Nations; ,

{e) all itelil6 proposed by any Member af the UnitEildNations;

{f} all items pertainiT.~ to the budget for the nextfinanc1al year and the report on the accounts for the lastfinancial year;

{g} all items which the SBcretary-General deems itnecessary to put before the General ,Assembly; and

(h) all 1tems proposed under para.g~~aphs 2 and 3of' Art:1cl~ 35 of the 'Charter by States not Mem~)ers

of the United Nations.


Items \ihich may be proposed under Article 35 ofthe Charter by States not Members of the United Nationshave been added to the list (s~e (h»).

mule 1.3


Rule 12 (Continued)

( c) all items whose inclusion has been ordered by'the General Assembly at a previous eeaafonj

. (d) all 1tams proposed by the other o'!'gBnS of theUnited rIa,tions;

( e) all i teIl18 proposed 't.lY .any Member of the Un!tedNations;

(f) all items pertain-ing to the budget, for the nextfi~ancial year an~ the report on the accounts for the lastfinancial year; and

(g) all itemJ lThich the Secretary-General deems it. . .

necessary to put before the General Assembly.<,

kule 13



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Ru~e 13*

Any Member or p'incipal organ of. the United Nations or theSecretary-General may, at least thirty days before the date fixedfor the opening of e regular ~ession~ request the inclusion ofsupplementary items in the agenda. These items shall be ~laced ona supplementarylistj which shall be communicated to the V~mbers

.a/the United Na.tions at least twenty days before the date fixedfor the opening of the session.


, Recognition is gi ven to the fact that circumstances may requirethe incluaiQnof item2 by the other principal organs or theS~cretary~eneralafterthe provisional Agenda has been circulated.See lineal and 2. The word "ad-c.itional" in line 3 Was changed to~t.guPI'lementar'y" to eltminateconfusion in the use of the wordaddiLion~ in connection with items on the supplementary list anditems proposed during a session.

~he rule was adopted by nine votes against three, thexapreaentatives of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics,United States of America, and Yugoslavia dissenting.

Rule 14*




Rule :1:3

Any Member of the United Nations may,. at least twenty-fivedays before the date fixed for the opening of a regular session,request the inclusion of additional items in the agetld9.. Theseitems shall be placed on a supplementary list, which shall becommunicated to the Members of the United Nations at least fifteendays before the date fixed for the opening of the session. TheGenera.l Assembly shell decide 'whether items on the supplementary­list shall be included in the agenda of the session.

Rule 15

During any regular session of the General Assembly items maybe revised 9r Aeleted from the agenda, and .additional items of animportant and urgent character may be placed on the agenda, by amajority of the Members present and~otin8. Consideration ofadditional items shall, .unless the General Assembly, by a two.thirdsmajority of the Members present and voting, decides othe~wi6e, be

* The representative of the UniondiSsented from all proposals toof Procedure 13 to 18.

of 'Soviet Socialist Republicschange the Provisional Rules


Dl!ring any reGular sessiono! the General Assembly items,maybe revised, and may be added to or deleted from the agenda by amajority.of the Members present and voting. Consideration ofadditional items shall, unless tlle General Assembly, by a two­thirds majority of the Members present a~d voting, decidesotherwise, be postponed until four days after thp.y have bee~.

placed on the agenda, and ~~til a committee has reported uponthem.


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Rule 14* (continued)

postponed until seven days after they have been placed on theagenda, and until a committee has reported upon them.

COM!:"ffi.:lIi'T :.

The two changes in the provisional Rule 15 provide, . first,. that onl3 important ana urgent items may be added to the agendaafter the circulation of the supplementary list, and second,more time is given to Delegations for the study of these items-bei'-or-e -discussion.

Rule 15*

The provisional agenda. of a special session, stunIDaned atthe request of the Security CouncLl., sb.allbe comaunt.oated to~e Members of the united Nations at least £ourteen days beforethe opening {)f' the-session. The provisional agenda of a epecial43eooi.QIl eUlllDlOIled. at the requ.est of a majority of the Members,or the concurrence of a majority in the request of any Member, .shall be communicated at least ten days before the opening ofthe Bession.


Apart from consequential drafting changes, this rulereproduces the text of the second part of provisional Rule 11,to which has been added a reference to special sessions convenedin accordance with the procedure eet forth in Rule 4.

* The representative of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republicsdissentei from all proposals to change the Provisional Rulesof Procedure 13 to 18.

I?:.ule 16


Rule 11

The prOVisional agenda for a regular session shall becOmmL~icated to the Members of the United Nations at leastsixty days before the opening of the session. The provisionaLagenda of a special session, summoned at the request of theSecurity Council, shall be communicated at least fourteendays before the opening of the session. The provisional agendaof a special session, summoned at the request of a majorityof the Mecbers, shall be communicated at least ten daysbefore the opening of the session.

.• ; ". .,

fgule 17


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. _ PROPOSED BY 'l'HH: "OMMI'.!"1"'WoE

R1.l1e 16*

The provisional agenda for a special session she.11· consistonly of teose items proposed for consideration in the requestfor the holding of the s6s6ion~ .


This redraft of provisional Rule 17 states with moreprecision the nature of the provisional agenda of specialseSsions.

Rule 17*

-.Any Member or principal organ of the United Nations orthe Secretary-General may, at least four days before the datefixed for the opening of a special session, re~uest the inclusionof supplementary items in the agenda. Such itema shall be placedon a aupplement~~y list which shall be communicated to theMembers of the united Nations as soon as possible.


See comment to Rule 13.

Rule 18*

During a special ses9ion items on the supplementary listand additional items may be added to the aganda by a two-thirdsmajority bf the Members present and voting. .

* The representative of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republicsdissented from all propoaals to change the Provisional Rulesof Procedure 13 to 18.

/gule 18* COMMENT:

~le 1.7

When a epecial Session is called, the agenda for the sessionshall be confined to the items communicated by tho Secratary­Cen~ral to tho Members of the United Nations, miLsss theGeneral ASGembly, by a tvro-thirds majoxoity of th3 tif:lIll:'Jors preaentand voting, decLdea to include additional i berea,

·Ru1.e 18

Any Member of the United Nationa may, at least four daysbefore the date fixed for the opening of a epecial session,request the inclusion of ad.ditional iteIl'.B in the agenda. Such

. item3 shall be placed on a su.pplementary llst '\-Thieh shall becommunicated to the Membero of the United Nations as eoonas possible.

Rule 17

When a special session is called, the agenda for thesession shall be confined to the items com~ieated by theSecretary-General to the Members of tbe United Nations,unless the General Assemb13', by a t'lo-third.s majority ofthe Members present and voting, decides to include additionalitems.

/RuJ.e 14


I'd> i\'1Ill .......QtlW, .... '\(l) co· "

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~ Rule 18~ (Continued)

'COMMEIfr: '

This rule makes clear that a two-thirds majority isrequired for inclusion ~n the agenda o£ a special session ofi tew!' 'on the supplementary list as well as of additional i tamep.ropo8e~-in,t~e course of the session.

Rule 19*. ....

,At each session ~hep!ovisiona1 agenda and thesupplementary list, together with the report of theGeneral Comrndttee thereon, shall be submitted to theGeneral Assembly for approval as soon as possible Bfter the

• opening of the session.


Drafting change to bring this ~ule into conformitywiththe requirements. of Rl;l1e" 37-

Rule 20*

_ SUQject to the provisions o£ Rule 14, the GeneralAssembly, unless it decides otherwise, shall not make a"final deedaton upon i t.ems on the agenda until' i thasreceived the report of a committee on these items,


Provisional Rule 109 is 'more appropriately located inthis Chapter j the new first clause meallS that this rule may

* The repl'esentative of the Union of Soviet Soc,ialist Republicsdissented from all proposal~ to change the Provisional Rulesof Procedure 13 to 18•

/Rule 20* COMMENT: be applied


Rule 14'

The provisional agenda, together withtbe supplementarylist, shall be submitted to the General Assembly for approvalas soon as possible after the opening of the session.

\ .. i

Rule 109'

Unless the General Assembly ,itself decides ,otherwise, itshall not make a final decision upon items on the agend3 untilit has received the report of a committee on these items.

~ule 16

Iod:r.:ofll .........nwOeD

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Rule 20* (~ontinued)

be applied in connection with items other than additional items.!

Rule 21*

No proposal for a modification of the acal.e of aseessments,,.fOr the 'tiInS being in force shall be placed on the agenda un.less

, ';i~/has, been cOml:nunic'ated to the Members of the Unl teel NationsatleaS~ sixty aays before the date fixed for the opening of theseBBlon.


Apart from a drafting change , the amended ru..le brings thetime-limit, into conformity with that ,required for the circulationof the provisional agenda.


Rule 22

The delegation of a Member shall consist of not more th~n fiver~presentatiYes and five alternate representatives, and as manyadvisers, technf.cal, advisers, experts and persons of similar statusas may be required by the ~elegation.

No c.tange



Rule 1.6

No proposal for a modification of the allocation ofexpenses for the time being in forc'i3 shall be inserted in 'the agenda,Quleas it has been communicated to the Membersof the United Nations at least ninety days before the datiefixed for the opening of the session.


Rule J.9

The delegation of a Member shall consist of not more thanfive representatives and five alternate representatives, andas many advisers, tecmiical advisers, experts and persous ofsimilar status as may be required by the delegation.

,~ . Rule 23 Rule 20

The credentials of represen'tatives, and the names of members

* The representative of the Union of Soviet Socialist RepublicsdiSSented from all p~oposals to change the Provisional Rulesof Procedure 13 to 18. .

~ul'6 23 of a delegation


The credentials of representatives, and the names, of members

~ule 20 of a delegation


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Rule 23 (Continued)

of a deleg;J.tion shall be submitted to the Secretary-Geners.!if possible not less than one week before the date fixed forthe opening of the session. The credentials may take tha formof a note signed by the Head of the State, the MiniDter forForeign A~fairs or the principal resident representative tothe United Nations.


.; It ieindicated that signed notes be accepted as crede~tials

and the right ,of the principal residant representatives ·of theunited Nations to issue such credentials has been recognized.

Ruler 24

An alternate rep~esentative may act as a representativeupon designation by the Chs) ::..~an of the delegation.

.No change

Rule 25



of a delegation shall be submitted to the Secretary-General if~ossible not less than one week before 'the date fixed f~r theopening of the'session. The credentials shall be issued. eitherby the Head of the State or by tho Minister for Foreign Affairs.


Rule 21

An alternate representative may act as a representative upondesignation, by the Chairman of the delegation•

Rule 22

Upon designation by the Chairmen of the delegation, advisers, Upon deeignation by the Chairman of the delegation, advisers,tecbnic~ adVisers, experts or persons of similarstatu8 may act technical advisers, experts or personso~ similar status IDaJ actas'members of committees. Persons of this status shall not, as members of committees. Persons of this status shall not,however, unless designat.ed as alternate representativos, be eligible however, unless designated as alternate representatives, befor appointment as Chairmen, Vice-Chairmen or Rapporteurs of eligible for appointment as Chairmen, Vice-Chairmen orcommittees or for seate in the General Assembly. Rapporteurs' of committees or for seats in the General Assembly•..

No change


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rv. cr:'[::::\ITI.t\L·S CCi_;!~).ITr.:'-:E

Rule 26

A Credentials CoTlmittee 8hall be appointed at the beginningof each session. It shall consist of' nine members J tv-ho shall beappointed by the Oeneral, Assam-hJ.y on the propo£!al of the Pr6sident.The Comnittee shall elect its o"..:n officers. It sha].l examine thecredentials ofrepresentativee and. repo!'t without delay.


The word "appolrrted" replac~8 "elected" in line 1, to.conform ~rith the second sentence and the pz-act rce of theGeneral A6sombly.

~!!le ~7

Any representative to w~ose admission a member has m~de

objection shall bo seated provisionally with the same ~i&~ts asother r-epreaent.att ves, until the CredentiB:!.s COl!1:nitte0 has,reported and tbe General Aasembly hQ~ given it~ decis:on.

No chenge


Ru2e 28. - --

At the op$ning of each session of the General Asse~bly

the Chairman cf th",t delegation from which the PreSident of.the prevtous Session was elected shall preside untdl, theGeneral Assembly has elected a President for the session.

No change

I~ule 29



~ule. 2~

A Cl"(;"c1entiaJ.e COI."lTIli ttee shall be elected at the beginning ofeach 8sssion. It shall. consist of nine memoez-e , who shall beappcinted by the General Assembly on the'propo~al of the Presiden~

The Co!o:n:ni ttee shal.l, elect 1ts own c,fficera. It shall examine thecredentials o~ representatives end report without delay.

Rule 24

Ar.y representativo to whose ad~ssion a member has ma~e

object:i.on shall be soa+,ed prov:i.si:':>ne.lly ';li th the saae rightsas other representati 'is'], until tl-:-'8 Credentie.ls C'.)Ill!l1i t Gee hasroported and tb.~ General Asc8nibly has given its decision.


~~~~~ 25

At the opening of each session of t~e General Assemblythe Chairman of that aelegation from which the Prs2ident ofthe pre'rio11S session vas elected she,ll ~eside until theGeneral Assembl;T has elected a President for the SeSGion.

IF-tile 2~

1-tJ:t>"' ........OtlUJQ[J)


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Ful~ 29

The General AS86JJ1:hly ehall elect a 2';'93iilBnt and aevenVice-Presidents, who elic.Ll, hoLd office unt.Ll, the close of thesession at which they are elected. The Vice~Pre81dents shallbe elected after the electicn cf the Chairman of the MainCommittees on the basis of enaur.lng the representativecharacter of the Ge~eral CommittAe.


The amended rule stresses the i~portance of giving to themain Committees the widest possible choice in the election oftheir chairmen.

Tl:ti3 ru':e vas adopted. by eleven votes against three.

R).lle 30

If the President finds it necessary to be absent during ameeting or any ~art thereof, he shall appoint 'one of theVice-Prasidents to take his place.

No change

Rule 31:

If the President is unable to perform his functions, anew President shall be elected for the unexpired term.

No change

Rule 32

A Vi0~-President acting as President shall have the samepowers and duties as the President.

No change.~ule 33


Fil} e 26

The Oenez-al, Assel.l1.bly al:811 elf;Gt a President and sevenVicc.·Presi(:tents, who shall hold off1ce~til the close )f ttesession at which they are elected. The~ice-Presid.entsshallbe elected on the basis of ensuring the representativecharacter of the General Co~ittee.

~~le 27

If the President finds it necessary to be absent during ameeti::g 01.' any par-t thereof, 1:0 shal.L arrpoir.t one of theVice-P:,:,esiclen"i:;:3 to toke his place.

Rule 28

If the Presiient 10 unabLe to perform hrs" functions, a newProsident shall be elected for the unexpired term.

RUle 29

A Vice-President acting as President shall have the samepowers e~d duties as the President.

fguJ.e 30

tU:r.­0: .....

iJ"l L ~.(l) C


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Rule 33

The President, or Vice.President acting as President,shall not vote but sh'3.ll appoint another member of hisdelegation to vote in his place.

No change

P;.;~ ,,:-~4

In addition to exercising the powers which are conferredupon himelaewhere by the6e~ules, t~e Pr8si~ent shall declarethe opening and closing of each plenary meeting of thesession, shall direct the discussions in plenary meeting,'.ensnre observaneeof these RUles, accor-d the rIght to speak,put queataona arid announce decisions. He shall rule onpoints o£ order, and subject to thess &Lles, shall haveoom,plete control of ths lJ::ocesdings at any meeting.


Drafting change: deleted words "and at such meetings II

are unnecessary.


!.'£:J.e 35

The General Comrndttee shall consist of fourteen members,no· two of whom shail be nationals of the same State, fu!d shallbe so ~onstituted as to e~sure its representative Gharact~r.

It shall comprise the President of the General Assembly, whoshall preside, the seven Vice-Presidents, and the Chairmen ofthe six Main Committees who shall be nominated and elected bythe Ccmmittees en the basis of e~uitable geographical distribution,experience and personal competence.

tRule 35 COMMENT:


Rule 30.

Tne President, or Vice-President aeting as PreSident, shallnot vote but shall appoint another member of his delegationto vote in his place~

~ule 31

In addition to exercising the powers which are conferred. upon.him elsewhere by these Rules, the President ahall declare the'

'opening mld, closing of each plenary maeting of the session, shalldirect the ~iscussion8 in plenary meeting, and at such meetingsensure observance of these Rules, accord the right to speak,p~t questions andennounce decisions. He shall rule on pointa

. of order , and sl;!b~ect to t.hese RUles, shall have completecontrol of the proceedings at any meeting.


~ule 3gThe Genera~ Comndttee shall consist of fourteen menbers, no

two of whom shall be nationals of the same State, and shall be soconstituted as to ensure its representative character. It shallcomprise the President of the General Asse~bly, who shall preside,seven Vic6~Presidents, who shall be elected on the b~sis ofensuring the representative character of the Committee, and thechairmen of the six Main Committees, who shall be nominated andelected by the Committees on the basis of equitable geographicaldist~1bution, experience and persona~competence.



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Rule 35 (Continued)


The phrase "vho shall be' elected on the' basis ofensuring the representative character of the Committee"has been deleted as it La a repetition of the samephra.ee in Rule 29.

Rule 36

I~ a Vice-~r6aident of the General Assembly findsit necessary to be absent during a meeting of theGeneral Conimittee he 1!JlJ.Y designate a member of hisoolegatl.:an as hlssubBtitute. A chalrIfJan of' aMain Committee shall, in case of absence, designatethe Yi~-Chairmanor the conndttee as his substitute.A.' Vice-Chairman ehal.L not have the right to voteii" 11e ~s of' the same national!ty as another memberofthe~ommittee.


Bule confirms the practice followed duringthepreeeding sessions of the General Assembly.

~ule 37


.. ,

/Ru..1.e .3J, (" p'



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,---'- ====;



T:J.o Ocncr'al. GCrn:J11 ttee shall at t~_'o begin.."1int; of each sessionconsid.er "the provisio.l1a.l agenda, together v:i th the supplementary

~ lis,t, and aha.LL make a report thereon to the General A.sf.'e~bly. It" shall consider requests for the inclusicn of additional 1toms in the

agenda. and ehall report thereon to the General Assembly. Itshallassist the PreSident and the General Assembly in drawing up the

" ~end.a foX' each,plenary meeting, in determining the priority. of. 'lt~ items, and itl the co-o:rdin8,tion of the proceedings of all

.camnitteea:'of the General Aseembiy. Finally, it shall aSfJist the, President·.1n the .general, .conducb of the "Work of the General

Assembly which falls, wi thin the competence of the President. Itshall not, however, decide anY political question.

Rule ~3

The General C'JInmittee shall at the beGir..n':''1.::;~f e;J..cnseesion consider th~,provi8ioDa,1;agenda~ t03ether:w1th thesuppleIilen+..ary list, and 8h3.l1 make a report thereon to theGeneral Aaae~01y. It shall consider applications for theinclusion of additional it~na in the agenda and shall reportthereon to the General Assembly. It eI~all as,sist thePreSident and the General AeBe~ililyin drawing up the agendafor each plenary meeting, in determining the priority of. itsitems) ~ii in the co-ordinaticn of the proc~edings of all~

c~[itteea of the General Aaserr~ly. Finnll~,'it ahall assistthe President in the gene'ra.L conduct of the ,,!ork of theGenere.l Assembly "Jrdch falls vri thin ,the competence of thePrcsit1.ent. Itsha.llnot, hovever, decide .any .politicalqu.estion.







One drafting change in the second' sentence.

Rule 38 ~~34

A Me1Ilber of the General Assembly which has no representative'on the General. Commi ttee, and which has requested the incl'..lsionof an additional item in the agenda; shall be entitled to attend

. any meeting of the General C~lttee at which ita request islliadussed, and may partic:i.pate, wi~hout vote, in thediscu8sionof 'that 1tern.

A Member of the General Aasemblywhich' has norepresentative on the Genoral Cotr..mittee, and which ha.srequested the inclusion of-an additional item in the 6eenda ,shall be entitled to attend e.ny meet.ing of the General .Ccrmdttee at which its request is discussed, ~d mayparti~ipate, without vote, in the discussion of that item.

No change

Rule- 39- ....Proposals to refer any-portion of the report of the Secretary­

Generf'.l to one of the Main Committees without, debate shall bed.ecided upon by the General Assembly without preVious reference to'the Gen~ral Committee. h' l0ule 40. No c ange I~_...., __


"tI"»III <,0::'-""<DCO

ro CO,\J1

Rule 35

Proposals to refer any portion of the report of' theSecretary-General to one ,of. the ~in Committees without debateshall be decided upon by the Gene'rat'Assembly without previousreference to the General Commi+.:ee. ~ule 36

, l(l.~ I

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,~ , - '-. " »: ;:..._.~

'-. "

, ,,


. R'..lJ Po 'or)

_ The General COOl!IJ.ittee maJ revise the resolutions adopted by theGene~1 Assembly,changing their fdrm but not their aubabance , Pnysuch.,che.ngee ehe.ll be reported to the General Assembly for itsconsfderat.1on.


Ch6.IJter VII

The Committee, while making the _ctclb.ftlng changes indicatedbelow, de.cidednot to consider the substance of Chapter VII.

Rule 41

The General Assembly shall establish regulations for thefinancial administration of the United Nations.

No change

Rule 42

No resolution, involving e~"Pend.itUx-e shall be voted by theGeneral AsBembly until the Administre.tive and Buclgete.ry Ccmmitteeof the General Aessmbly has ha.d an opportunity of stating the-effect of the proposal upon the bude.,et of the United Nations.


Provisional Rule 112 was brought forward from Chapter XVI,Committeea.-

jAdviso-":7 Comm.i'C'Cee


Rule ~6_.~-

T:be Oener'al, Corum1ttee may revise the reaolut:';ns adopt.edby the General A9semb1y, changing their fomi but not theirsubstance. Im.y such changes shall be reported to the Gener'alAssembly for Hs conufder'atiLon,



Rule 37

The General Assembly oh~ll establish re~ilations for thefinancial aQmdn1stration of the Uluted Nations.

Rule 1]2.-_.----No resolution in'rolvin.e; expendf.ture shall be voted by 'the ­

General Assem"l:>ly .until the Ad.ministra,tive e..."!dj3v.a,geta.ry Committeeof the. General AaP.e~bly he.s had, 8,j,1 opportun1ty of fJtating the

.effect' of the- proposal upon the budget of the United I~·ations...

jAdviaory Ccn!Ilrl:~tee

I-d»OJ ........

(JQ t..,<D 1'--..,ro !.).:"




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Advisory Corn:n~-2n A~i.;:~.etrative an~ Budg~!iary Questions Aclvisor;y CoPr.D.::' ttee on Ad.m.inietrative and. Buc.C('ltary Gueetions__ .__ Ii _v__


The General Aaaemblyshall appoint an Advisory Committee onAdministrative and rr~,'iG9t8.ry Questions (her!'linafter called the"Advisory COIllIllittee"), with a Membership of nine, incltl~i!lg atleast two financ1~~l experts of recol~ized stal1ding.


The General AG8el!lbly shal.L appoint an A~visory CO!Il'lr~ttee

on .Jl.dminist:;,~o.tiv-:. ,?:1C- ~udgetary Queat{ons (hereinafter calledthe "Advisor;y CO'n<:.\i~tf)an), w:i th a memJorehil1 of nine, includingat least t1"o fina-,oial exports of zecogm zed ata..."lc.ing.

No change

Rule 44 BV~ J9. ..,





. '1. 'Ii





~>. j.....1~......... i

~~ -\,~ ,1

,'I jI1

fgule 40·


The members of the Arlvieory 'Committeo, no tVi'O of whom shall benationals of the same State, shall. be aelscted on the basis of broadgeohra~hical reprege~tation, peracnal q~~fficationa and exper1ence,_and sha].l serve for three ;year's co:rre.epondiug to three f'ina..Tlcialyears) as deiL.'P}.ed in the regulationa for the fina..'1ci/ll adm.inia.tratiCA~..of the United Nations. Members shall retire by rot&tion and shallbe eligible for re-election. Tile 1;",'1"0 financj.al exper-tc shall notr­retireaiInuJ.t<1.:.:eo,",-31y. The Geno;)ral Assembly shall elect themembers of the J\,.,::"neory CO.lTcnittce at the regular seeaton at whichthe term. of members expires 1 or, in cese of vacancies, at the next.­eeasfon,

,mule 45

The change from "re-election" to "re-appointment" in thesecond sentence and f:rom "eLecti'' to "appoint" corresponds tothe practice which has been followed by the General Aseembly.The other change in the last sentence results from theestablishment of the U~)ited. Nations financial ~rea.r Vi'hichbegins on Za.iluarylat.


. The members of the Adviaor;y Co:rm:n.i ttee, no two of whom shallbe nationa.ls of the same Stc:l.te, shall be 813lected on the basis ofbroad geographical representation, fersonal qualifications ande:x;perience, and shall serve for three years correspo!ldiug to three

.financial years, aedefined in the regulatio~s for the finer!cialad!n1nietration of the United Na:tions. Nembers shall rotire 1;yrotation and shall be eligible for re-appoin~ent. The twofinancial experts shell not retire simultaneou6ly. The GeneralAsaem.bly shall appoint the members of the Advisory Com:n1ttee atthe regular session immediately preceding the expiration of the~erm of the members or, in the case of vacancies, at the ne:::tsession.



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~ '1" -r. ""f:'-<;j<. < ..:. ,:;-- .;;; ';::.~;; '-,-Co -:::i',j .:f.-'"" ,.... -s- "'.l, ~;~----~.'-.'

'.'--~'.-..,~ -'


Rule 45 .

The Advisory Committee _shall be responsible for expertexa"llinat1c;m of the b11.dget of the United Nations J and shall assistthe Ad:in1nistratlve and BUdgetary Co!Imiittee of the GeneralAssombly. At the coamencemerrt of each regular seaaton it sh..1.llsubmit to the General Assembly a detailed report on the budgetfor the next financial Jiear and on 'the accourrte of t:.s.e lastfinancial year. It shall also eXamine on behalf of the General.,AssemblJ· the ad:ministrative budgets of 8:pecialized agoncf.ea and:propo!3~s fo~ financial and budgetary azrangemenba with suche,seno1es a It shall perform such other duties as may be assignedto it under there@ilations for the financial administration ofthe United Nations.

No change




. Rule 40

The Ailvieory Committee shall be responsible for expertexamination of the bud.get of the United Nations, and shall assistthe Administrative and Budgetary C~~ittea of the GeneralAssembl:t. At the ccmmencemerrt of each regula.r session it shalleubmt t to the General Assembly a de taf.Led report on the. budgetfor the next financial Jear and on ~le accounts of the lastfinancial year. It shall also examine on behalf of the General.Assembly the adm~listrative bwlgats of specialized agencies andpropoael,s for financial and budgetary 'arrangeDJents with suchagoncf.ea , It shall perform such other d:Qti~.~. as moy be assign.edto it under the regulations for the financial administration ofthe Ui1ited HatioI1s.



ComI!lit.te9 on Contri'butionl3-.- ...'Coim!ttee ,en Contributions

RuJ.e 46

The General Assembly shall appoint an expert COlllIn.i ttee onContributions, consisting of ten members.

~ule 47

RuJ.o !~l'--- The. General.As sembly shall appoint an expert COl.IlDUttee

on'Contributions, consisting of ten members.

Rule 42


. The members of the Comtd.ttee on Contributions, no t ..ro ofwhom shall be nationals of the same State, shall be selectedon the basis of broad. geographf cal, representation; personalqualifications ani experienoe" and shall serve for a period

i' .of three years corresponding to three fina:"-lCial years J as'i defined in t'he reg'J.lation.'3 for the financial administration

Of the Un1.ted'Na"C,iollS.' Members' shall retire by rotation andahall be eligible for re-appointment. The General Assemblyshall appoint the members of the Committee on Contributions atthe regular seseion immediately preceding the expiration of theterm. of otficeof the members or, in the case of vacancies, atthe next session. . ... /cor.1MENT

The members of the Canmdttee on Cont::-ibutiros, no two of whomshall be nationals of the 'same State, shl'..ll be selected on the basisof broad geographf ced, representation, personal qt'lalificationsandexperience, and shalL se*ve for a period of three years .correeponQing to three fin~cial years, as defi~ed in the regulationsfor th'3 financialadmi:J.iatration of the United Natio..'"'ls. Mem.bersshall ret:f.re by rotation and shall be elig1ble for re.eleotion.The General Assembly sh.ul elect the members of the Committee onContributions at the regular session at which the term. of officeof members expires, ..or, incase of. vacancies, at the next session.

fgule 43

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~e '47 (Continueti)


Same comment as to Rule 44.

. RUle 48'w

The Co~ttee on Contributions ehall advise t~e GeneralAssem.bly coneernfng the appor-td onmen't under' Article 17,paragraph 2, of T,he Che,rter of the expenses of the Orclanization

,among Members, broadly according toca.pac!ty to pay. T~.e scaleof aSBeSamBnts vn1en Oilee fixed by the General Assembly shall not beB'UbJectto agerleTal revision for at least threeyelirs, unl.eesit 16 clear thatt~ere have ~e~n substantial changes in relativecapacities to pay. It shall also advt ac the Gei.1s:cal Assembly onthe assessments to be i1xed,.for new Mem.bers; on appeul.a by .r.fe!D.bere

. for a change of assessment; and on ~he action to be taken ~ith regardto the application of Art'icle 19 of the Cherter.


Drafting changea to reduce the variety of terminology; alsothe deletion of the lest clau.se ..


Rule 49

When the Se cur1 ty Counof.L has8u:bmitted 1ts recomnendationon the appointment of the Secretary':Genera1j the General Assemblyshallc011siderthe recommendation and vote'upon it by secret ballotin private meeting. '

No change

mule 50


BtJ~e ~

The Co.tIl1!littee on Contributions shell advfse the GeneralAosembl;r eoncernrng the apportior..:nent under Article IT,paragraph 2, of the Charter of the expenoea of the Ordallizationamong Members, broadly according to capactty ;to pay. Tile scaleof paJ--mar:.ts when once' fixed :by the G&rlera.1A~sembly sl1B.ll nct .be su.bject to 6. gen~'r84. revtaion for at least three years, uni.esa,it is clear that there have been eubstf~tial ~hcnge8 in relativecapacities to pay., It shoul.d a160 advf.ee tile General Assembly OIL

the c()nt:rnutiO!"~8 to be },laid r1Y nww Members; on e.EI)oa1.s by Md:m.bers..,f,or a change of asseaement.j ani OIl the actdon to be taken with ,I

. regard to the app'Ltcatdon of ..:lrticJ.e 19 of the Ch8.rter, which d~::-"",,,,",_j

witb. !wf~rc.bere who are in arreaJ:'9 in the pa;,/11lsnt of th8ir fina..?lcmIcontributions to th9 Organ1za.·t.io~.


Rul.e 44

Ynlen the Security CO'k~cil has submitted its recommendation 'aD

the appoinment of the SecI'eta.:t:ywGeneral, the General Assembly shallconsider the recommcnir..o.tion and vote upon 1t, by secret ballot in ~~'

private meeting. .~ ~

t: cof\)\0,

~e 45;j I)

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The Secretary-General shall acti~ that capacity inall meeti~gs of the General Asseably~ itacornmittees andsu~sidiary org~,a. ne may aesignate a member of the staffto act in hie place at these meetings.


Minor dr~~tiDg change in last clause.

Rule 51,

/'~ ,


Rule 45

The Secretar~-Ceneral shall act in thnt caracity ina:Ll meetings of ~Jl!s General Asse~:::>ly, 1t.e com.ni ttete6 e.:lil6ubiediary org,:,>,,<;. Ile me..y appoint a. mOlU')er ,of the st~ff'

to act in his place at meei;i:13s of ~ha Oener'al, .!\.C'sembl:r.

..,Rule 46

I'd>0) ........


~~Wo .... :i

, .

The Secretary-General'sha:h provide' and direct the staffre!!u1l.·ed by the Gf:In'3ral Assembly any a.nd; conmrlttees or subsidiaryorgans which it my establish.

, . ,

.The Secretary-aEL1oral shall :prOVide and. d~,;rec-t the staff-requiredby tl:~ Ge.,'l~xaJ. ARe>1..'T.bly and any com:llittees or S11bsidiary organswhich it may este.b~i6h.. . ' -' ~'.',




IVo change

!!.ule 52

'.,1 , ~,e Secretary-General shell :make B...1l annual rerort T and suchsupplementary +eports as are required, to the General A8~6~~ly

on the work of the Orga.."1ization. He shall dcmmunicatethe armua.L, report to. the M9mbers' of the United. Nations at least forty-five

days before the opening o~ the seasf on. .,No change

RUle ~l,

The Secretary-General, with the consent of the SecurityCounCil, shall notify the General Assembly at each session of anymatters relative to the I:Jailltenance of iroternat1onal peace andsecurity which e.re being dealt vith by the SecUl·ity Council, andshall similarly notify the, General Assembly, or the Mem~era of theUnited Nations if the General Assembly is not in.sessionJ

immediately the SecurityCo~cil ceases to deal with such matters.'

INo 0~G.,:\o;r3

~11J;.e 1~7

The Secretary-General shall rl,'lke 8..."1 annual. report, and suchsupplemente..ry reports as are re~uired, to the Ge~9rc?lAgeembly onthe work of the OrganiZation. lie shall ccmmunfcate the a...-mualreport to the Merc.bers of the United Na.tions at leaetfort~-.five

daye before the openfng of· the eeaaton,

Rule 48

The Secretary-Genere~, with the consent of the Security Councilshall notify the General Assembly at each aeaaton of any mattersrelative to the mamt.enence of international peace and securitywhich are being'doelt 'With by the Security Council, and shallsimilarly notify the General Assembly, or the Members 'of theTInited Natior!s if the General Assembly 1a not in session, ,immediately the Security Council ceases' to deal with such matters •

/gule 49



-I ~


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fl$aMS""UiiQ,;c!,4,S¥((, S}"x1,,:"t:t;i4JII ,;).. , ] .,> <.,;41, J$ 3; H Q t :$< A t<.t:J <F.' !, .. i"",? ..){t~{}i$ it, ,~~'{' ('1 \ ),,- .. '\ ., I , "~l'~'



i • c'

i .'

Rule 53 (:contin~ed) ,

No change

Rtlle 54,




>/,~:-f': -~e''''-'''':''' ,"-'>'~~~f!;:7~n~,~

'The'Seoretary-General, or a member of the Seoretariat designatedby, ,hiili,maylllake at any time ,elthercral or written statements to the

" ,GeneralAsseInblyconcerning anyquestlon under consideration by it.

COMMENr:, " '

The Secretary-General may at any time, upon invitation, of the Freel'dent, lllBke to- the Oeneral .ABS:6tlbly 'eitheroraJ. (ill'

written statements concerning any <r...testlonwhich is beingconsidered by the General Assembly.


The wording used in Provisional Rule 120 hae bean substituted forthe w~ds "his deputy". The words "upon invitation of the President,"have been deleted as it was coneiQered that the powers of the Presidentwere sUfficiently defined in Rule 34.

Rule 55The Seoretariat, ac-nng under the authority of the Secretary-. '

,General, shB.l~ receive, print, trnnslAte and distribute documents,reports and re901ut~oris of the General Assembly, its committees andorgans; lnterpr~t speeches made at the meetlnas; draft, print andcit'culate the summary recorda of, the session; have the custody' andproperpreeervation of,the documents in the archives of the GeneralAsseIlibly; publish the reports of the meetings; di&;tribute alldooumen:te of, the Genera.l Assembly to the Memberiil of the Uni tedNations, and;, generaliy, perfonn- aJ.l other work which the GeneralA~embiy ma~ require.

No change

R~e 56

The General Assembly shall establish regulations concerningthe 8taf~ of the Secretariat.

No changeIX ~. LANGUAGES


Rule_dQ" The Secretariat, acting under the authority of the Secretary­

,General, shall receive, print, translate and distribute Qocumente~

reports and~maoluti'one of the Genere.l Assembly, its committees. audorgans; interpret epeechesmade at the m~et1nga; draft,. print .and,.'cir{:ulate the sUlllIllary records of the session; have the custody andproper preservation of the documents in the archives of the General.,Assembly; pUblish the reports ,of the meetings; distribute alldocuments of the General Assembly to the Members of the UnitedNations, and,generallyj perform all other work which 'the GeneralAssembly may require.

Rule 51

The General Aseembl~ shall establish regulations concerningthe etaff of the $ecretariat. '



~ \


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i - ~j

~~~<<n,~.' "'::'.-~.' (DCS'I'w .coL

' [1).: .+.

e, '.~ I ',,--


IX., LANGUAGES"",.<' .'



";:'''''~~0''1'7'\'Y''- - ....< ';;""'" '

Chapter IX·

(The Committee.decided not to consider this Chapter.)/

Rule 57/

Chines.e, English, French, Ruaafan and Spanish shall be theottic1~, It;U18Uages'' of the Genel.'al Assembly. English and Fren.chsllaJ.l. be the 'worki:og ,languages., .

Rule 52

Chinese, English, ,French, Russian "and Spanish shall be the official:'languages of the General Assembly. English and French shall be the "working languages. .

~.. ~









.Rue ,3

.RUle 54

Rule 52

Speeches ma.de :tn either of' the working lailguages shall.be'1n~~dinto the other work±:t1g;language. .. ."'., . "\;

Speeches made in. aIJ.T of the other thr-ee official languagesshall be interrlreted into both working languages.

Rule 58,

':Rule 60


.. ;

Rule 59

,~ ;'Sp~echeB made 1~ o:ither~f the. "Working la.nguages shall, be- 1ntei'p-reted+nt(), thc3 other w~rking language.

Speeches made in any olthe other three official languages, ' ehall be :,interpreted into lJ0tll vTOJ:'ki:ng 'languages. '


,.. ,,"-

:, .


Any rep1.'6Selltr.:tive may m~e a speech in a. langllage other.than the official Languages , In this case" he shall himself:?i'o'i"irr~ -!;J.:." int?y"?~etation into one of the working languages.I!lter'p:i~etati\}n ii.1to t~e other working language by an .:interpreter of the SecretariEi,t may be based onthe. 'interpretation givenin' the' first wor;ing language.

Rule 6i

" IRul.e 62

Any .representative may make a speech in a language other tOO·n..'the,official languages. In this case, he shall himself prOVide fori~te:':"9.::'otaticFl into one of the wo:.:."king laLgUages. Inte:i."Pretation.1htothe other wor'king language by an interpreter of .bhe Secretar1at'lDaTbebased on the interpretation given in the firatworking Language:..

Rule 56

'Rule 57,



'j:',. i,-; I




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Rule 62


-r .~'.



~ule 57

/Rule 62

SUll1l1lBrY records shall be drawn up as soon as possible in the.official languages.·

Rule 63

. The Journal of the General Assembly shall be Laaued, in theworking langUages.

Rule E4

All resolutions and other important docyments shall be madeavailable in the official. languages. Upon the request of anyrepreserr:-ative , any othi"r d.ocument shall be made available ina:oy or all of the official languages.

Rule E5

Documents of the General Assembly shall,· if the GeneralAssembly so decides, be pub::'.ished in any languages other thanthe official languages.


.Chapter X .

~~e::.te JommhLee decided not to consider this Chapter)

Rule 66

Verbatim records of all plenary meetings shall be drawn up bythe Secretariat and submitted to the General Assembly afterapproval by the President. Verb~tim records shall also be madeof the proceedings of the Main COmmitteee established by the(}.aneral A&sembly. Other committees or 6ub-cOIllXDittees may decideupon the form of their records.·

- . /No .change

Summary r~cords shall be drawn up as soon as possible in theofficial languages .


The Journal of the General Assembly shall be issued in theworking languages.

Rule 59 ..,All resolutions and other important documents shall be made :

available in the official languages. Upon the request of anyrepresentat1ve, w-y other document shall· be made available 1n :.any or all a!' tne official languages.

.. Rule 60

Docuoomeofthe General Assembly shall, if the GeneralAssembly so decides, be published in any'languages other thanthe official languages.


Rule 61

Verbatim records of all plenary meetings she.ll be drawn up bythe Secretariat and submitted to the General Assembly afterapproval by the President. Verbatim recorda shall also be madeof the proceedings of the Main Committees established by theGeneral Assembly. Other committees or sub-committees may decideupon the formciftheir recorda.

~-': ,OQW ' "(DCO':,IW CO' ")JW /" .j


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. Rule 70

A tnajority of' the Members of the General Assembly shallconstitute a quorum.

No change

Rule 71

11o.re-Pl'Ssentative may address the General Assembly withouthaving prevIously obtained the permission of the President. The£;resident shall call upon speakers in the order in vThich theysignify theIr desire to speak. The Pres-ident may call a speakerto order if :his .remarlcs are not relevant to tne sub ject under-Mseusaion. .


Bi.lle 72

~eChairman and the Rapporteur of a committee may be~ed. precedence for the purpose of. explaining the conclusionarrived at by their committee.

. No change

Rule 73

During the discussion of any matter, a representative mayrise to a point of order and the point of order shall beiminediately decided by the President in accordance vlith the Rulesof Procedure. A repz:esentatiye may appeaf, against the rulingof the President. The aIpeal'shall immediately be put to the vote,and the Preaident 1 s ruling eMU stand unless overruled by amajority of the members present and, voting.

/~'f(' '-"';r.~.. r:~I



llule ~..!.

A maJority of the Members of the General Assembly shall .'constitute a quorum.

Rule 66

No representative may address the GeneraI'Assembly withou~having previously obtiafned the permission of the :President. The: ,_President shall call upon s})eakers in the order in which theysig:lify their desire to speak. The President may call a speakerto order if his remarks are not relevant to the subject unQerdiscussion.

Rule 67

The Chairman and the Rapporteur of a committee may be6ocorcled precedence. for the purpose of explaining the conc'Luafonarrived at by their committee.

. Rule 68

During the discussion of any matter, a representative may.·rise to a point of order and the point CD! order shell beimmediately decided by the President in accordance with the Rulesof Procedure. A revresentative may appeal against tIle rulingof the President. ~he appeal ahall im'nediately be put to the vote,and the Pres.tdent' a' ruling shall stand unless overruled by amajority of the .-members present and voting.

/stt\I8 69



I-d :i> .OJ ........

OQ.W .. 1• (J) .co. i

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Rule.7~ (continue~)


': .."


«r- 1

'r .

c, :f;'"

r;o change

RlJie 74



. t:.

Rule 69

.. r'r' Oil'


..~:.:~~:, ::Of

Dur1ng the discussion of any matter, a representative may move'tbe ad,Jourr:Iment of the debate. In addition to the proposer of the-

:~on, tvo representa.tives may speak in favour of, and tvo against,'~~ti-on, after which, the motion shall be iImnediat~ly put to

. ,~,Vote. .


During the discussion of any matter, a representative may movethe adjour'nment of the debate. Any such motion shall have priorityin the debate. In addition to the proposer of the motion, two.representatives may speak in favour of, end two ,against, the motion •.


, . Drafting -changes resulttng from the adoption of the nev~e,18.Laatphrase revised for purpose of clarification.

< Bule 75:. ....

,~ the discussion of any matter, a representative may',lICi¥e tpe -auapens!.on or th~ adjournment of. ,the meeting. SUch

,,: .. -mo~.sball. not be debated, but shall be immediately put) ,~ the-vote.

'"; ~.-

~~ COMMENl'::':,

'"::'/' " .


" ~. >;






Rule 76

~he provisional Rules of Procedure did not contain arule on suspenston or adjour:mnent of meetings. This rule-1nil1eatt:ts the procedure to be followed.


The General Assembly may limit the tlnJe allowed to each speaker. '

No change


Rule 70

The General Assembly may limit the time allowed to each speaker.

!IJule 71


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J..;J:tltB''l' i?IW?08ED BY 'IRE C0Mi\{['I'l'E'E

Rule 77

A representative may a.t a:ny time move the closure of the deba.tewhe~her or not any other representative has signified his wish tospeak. ,Permission to sp~ak on the closUre of' the debate shall beaccorded only to two speakers opposing the closure, after whichthe in.ot1-on shall .be immediately put to the vote. If the GeneralAsaemb1.yls ;in f'avour of' the closure the President shall declarethee~ of the debate.


Pron.alonal :Rules 71 and 72 have been combined and a slightih'aft1ngehange 'haa been made.

Rule 78~----

During tile cour.seof. a debate the President may announcethe l.1Bt nf $peakers and, with the consent of the GeneraJ.ASsemb~y,¥Clare the list c.Losed., lIe may, however', accord,therigb.t. '0f reply to any member· if a speech, delivered after1le:bas :declared the list closed makes this desirable.


, 'fti'larul.e conflnJ;1s a procedure which has been followedduring previQus. sessions '01' the 'General Aasembly. The PreSidentIs authori~~ ;to p6rmi.t~ a reply to a speech made by one of the

;r speakers on -the list.

Rule 79


Rule 71

A representative may at 8...V time move the c.Loeur-e of the debatewhether or not any other representative has signified his wish-tospeak. If application 1s made for permissioIl to speak against.. theclosure it may be accorded to not more than two speakers. . .

~ule 72,

The President s:!1all take the sense of' the. G6neral Assembly- on amotion for closure. If the General Assembly 1s in :favour. of the,_C'loStu'e _"the President shall declare the closure of the debetie ,

.~ ... '

.....~ /.

SubJeet to the rules governing motions of procedure prOVidedin Rule 80, 'any met.Lon calling for a decision on the jU2'isdicticnof the General Assembly to decide on a question submitted 'to itshall, upon request of the proposer of the motion, be put to thevote immediately befo:re- the vobe on any other proposal relatingto that same motion.

/COMMENT: fn 1·1·'O. 73I ~.;..:.;..~.>~. '...__.

t-d >.O)~

(Jl) <\.U'"


~ :.·.;.:'~'.ic .:J, ;. I~ I

. II



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; ~c " '



. 'J' '--::--0iT.\; ,<'., ,-<,


RulE) 79 (continued), ,


It;! >(t!l~;.,


w~,~.:c;~.. ",.•..•..

'This rule was adopted by eight votes to four J the USSR andYugoslavia making express reservations.

Rule 80

SubJect to Rti.l.e 73, the -following motions shall haveprecedence in the order named over all other resolutions

'Cl;- .mOti~na' before the meeting:' li~.

"." t.

'~lU!!'1'1m.';' •"1..t¥l"'Jl."~J. ..

Rule 81

,"l£atab11shes an order of preced~nce between pro-cedural1JlOti~s referred to in Rules 74,75 and. 71.

Hula 73

to auspendtthe meeting;to adjourn the meet ing;to adJolll'n the debate; ,tor, the c.Losure of'the deba.te.




. "Proposals and amendments shall normally be introduced in/ writing and banded to the SecretarY-General, who shall c1roulEtte

,copl~Bto the delf;lgatlons. As a general rule, no proposal'shalllSe disQussed or put to the vote at any meeting of the,General Assembly unless copies of it have been circulated to'e.ll delegations not later than the day precedins the meeting.The Pl"esidant may, hovever-, '"peI'lDit the discussion and 'consideration of amendments, or of motions as to procedure,even .tihough these amendmenfis and motions have not been, circulatedorha.'ve'oDly been circ~ate,d. the same day.

~.-.., . ,'.- ...", .;.

Resolutions, ezsendmentis and substantive :inotio~ shalL beintroduced in writing and handed to the Secretary-General,. who shallcirculate coptea to the delegations. As a. general rule ,no proposalshall be discussed or put to the vote at any IllGstirlg of the Ganer<Assembly unless copies of it have been circulated to all delegations .not later than the day pz-eceddrg the meetnng; -The President may.Jhowever, permit the discussion and consid..,:;:>atiOn ofemendments orof motionS8S to procedure, without preVious circulation of copies.

COMMElrr: -,

< A few minor changes have been made in order to bring the ruleinto 110nf(il"''ii.i'L:r ':dth the existiD~ n:t'fl.otice. !R111e 82- - . ' ,,...

/Rr~le 74--....."o... ""!'~

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Rule 82

Parts or..e proposal shall be voted on separately if a representativerequests that the proposal be divided. The resulting proposal shall thenbe put to a final vote.


. The xlglJ.t of representatlves to ask that proposals should bedivided £~r the purpose of voting has been strengthened and a second-eentence added to make clear that the vote on the pro]?osal as a w!;.olenaS to 'be taken.

Rule 83


~.e 71~

Parts of a proposal ~ay be voted on separately if arepresenta'cive requests t21at the p;.'oposa! ~e divided•.

.. ,

R'..u.e 75

..when an amendment is moved to ~ propoeaJ.·, the amendment shall be-voted .on first. When two or more amendments are moved to a proposal,1:heOeneral. Assembly shall .first ?o'te on the emendment, furthestTemGved in substance .from the original proposal and then on the~nt next f'ul:'thest removed, and so on, until a.ll the amendmentis~l:leen put to the vote.

If' oneer more ~endIDents are adol1ted, the amended proposalShall then 'be voted upon.


PrOVisional Rules 75 and 76 have been combined and theirtexts made more precise in conformity with the p~actica of the~ralAssembly.

If two oX' mora 8JDendmcnts are moved to a Pl'Oposal,--ttre··Genera.:i. '4,_~1Assembly shall first vobe on: the amendment 1\l!'thest removed in sUbstanOf.ifrom the origi11al pl'"Oposal ani then on the 8I!lsncm:ent next. tBtheatremoved, and so .on,. until all the amendIilents have beellpu'\ U:t:.the vote. '


wllen an an:en1:ment revises, adds to {)r deletes from apropos!'the .amendIiJent shall be voted on first, and if it is adopted, theemended proposal shall then be voted on.

Rule 84

If two or more proposals are moved relating to the. sameqU~Btion, the General Assembly shall first vote on the mostfar-I'saching proposal, and then on' the next most far-reachingpr-opoee.L, a'Jd A0 on. The General Assembly shall, after each

l..,..,~.L. r-

1-0> II1.'11 ..........~.tpGmw .

. \0 .

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?i";>:'~"- -r:- ;;..~,,:"'':?-~~''iC' ~~t'~-,


~~~;;';~;:?l"!.;f\T.;:.~" '~~,~>-

Rule 84 (continued)•. .



vote, decide whether or not it wishes to vote on the next proposal.The most far-reaching pror:osal means the proposal the adoptdon ofwhich voUld result in the greatest change fram the existingsituation. Amendments to these proposals shall be voted on inaccordance vithRvle 83.


It bas been cOll,s1dered necessary to insert a new rule on the.~ hl-whichtwo or more proposa1.a related. to the same subject

ehou.1.d be put to the vote, and establishes the basis - the~x1et1ng altuation- upon which the criterium of the term~:fsr:""rea.ch1n,gnmaybe'do.fine~. .

Rule 8~l

.A motion Llay be withdra'WIl by its proposer at any t:ilDebe-f'-cre voting on it hae commenced provided that the motionbas -not been amended. A motion which has thus been wlthdra'WIl

: 11I8i7be .re-lntroduced by an;y meDiber.


This rule giv.es the conditions under which a lJ1otion ttl8.y beld.thdraw..

Rule 86

l-Jhen a proposal. has been adopted or rejected it may not bereconeidered unless the General Assembly, by a two-thirds majorityof the Me1llbers present and voting, so' dec tdes . Permission to speakon a mot Lon to reconsider shall be accoz-ded only to t"ro speakersopposing the motion, after wbichit shall be immediately put to thevote.





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,Rule 86 (continuud)


Thi~rule gives the conditions under which a proposal which,~been adopted or rejected can be reconsidered.


Rule 87

. ]:ach }1en:ber of the General Assembly shall have one vote..;~:





Rule 17...,

Each Member of the General Assembly shall have one vote •

): No change

Rule 86 Rule 78

'Decl1iions of the Q.4;Jneral Assembly CJ:l important questions shall be,.mad~:bya. two~thirds majority of the Members present and voting. Thesequestions .shall include recQlIjllJenQ.-ations with respect to the .~enance .of international peace and security1 the election of the~~rmanentmembers of the Security Council, the election ofbleJDbera of the Economic and Social Council, the election of~8 ,of the Trusteeship eo~~cil in accordance with par~a]h~,;u, 'Of' Article 86' of the Charter, the .admission of new Membersto the. United Nations, the suspension of the rights and privileges.o.f' lJIembership, the expulsion of Members, questions relating -to the~ra.tlon olthe trusteeship system, and budgetary. questions.

Rule 89

Decisions of the Gener~.l. Assembly on iI:lportant quesUt.ms:snail be made by actwo...t~:l1rds maJority of the Members presentand voting. ~se.queations shall include recoImlJendatioU8-witb.respect to t):le maintenance of' international peace and securtv."...·the elect:l.oIf of the non-permanent tnembers of the Security:- e{)un~~tIm' Blection of IDembers of the Economic and SOcial C01IDci1, theelection of members of the Trusteeship Council in accordance withparagraph l, c , of Article 86 of the Charter, the admission of' new.Members to the United Nations, the suspension of the rights andp~1vileges of membershiPJ the expUlsion of Members, questions ­relating to the operation of tbe trusteeship system,an~ budgetaryquestions.

Rule 79


~' I

• < ';""'" , ~!

- :'1

" "-lilI~

Decisions of the General Assembly on questions other than thoseprov;ta~ f'or' in Rule 88, In9~uding the determina,tio:l of additiona1categories of questions to be' decided by a two-thirds majorUy, shallbe ma<ie by a maJority of the Members present and voting.

I . . "

INo change


, . 'V...._Decisions of the General Assembly on questions other thiiEI; those &

prOVided for in Rule 1'8, ·iIlcluding the determination of additional.', (I)

categories of questions to be decided by a two-thirds majority, shal.l~, be made by am~jority of the: Members present and voting. . ....

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Rule 89 (continued)J

No change

!l}tie 90

, -i ....~:~';,;;j;.,'.:',




,.: <It~ ,... .f:""/.

ro. .", ~

. 11_ -, 11

For the purposes of these rules, the phrase '.present and votingmeaz+a 'membqra cast.Ing an,affimative or negat1ve vote. Hembers who8.bs-ta.in f'romv:oting are considered as not voting .


'It va,s' considered important that the affect of abstentions onthe 'Oot!.tlting of vot-es should be de;fineil.

·.~s rule was' adopted by nine votes against those of' the"~'S6n1;atiyea t:if USSR, the Ukrainian SSR (and Yugoslavia.

jRuJ.'3 91 .!Hule 80

'. '~1


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Rule 91

The Genore.l Af',;eIllbly shall nor:me,lly vote' by show of hands or byst!Uldi.ng, but aLy repr~sontative 1n plenary or co:mm1ttee meetingsof the General Assembly ooy request a roll;.call which ehall thenbe taken in the English a.lphabetical order of the names of themembers, begiIlDing with the member whose name is drawn by lotby the President. The name of each :member 8hall be called ina.rry roll-call and it shall reply "Yes", "No" or "Abstention".The result of the vote shall be inserted 1n the record in the Englishalphabetical order of the nameS of the Members.


Provisional rules of procedure 80 and 81 have been combined.It vas considered fairer to all Members that the roll-ca.llshould start a.t different parts of the alphabet on each occasion.

1'his rule was adopted by nine votes .against thoee of therepresentative~ of the USSR, the Ukrainian SSR and Yugoslavia.


'Rule 80

The' General Assembly sr.all norIrl£J.1ly vote by 'show of handsor by standing, but any, r6!lrosen'tativG in plenary or committeemeetings of the Genoral Assembly ~ roquest a roll-call-wh1chshell then be takon in the English alphabetical order of thenames of-the Members. '

Rule 81

The vote of each Member participating in any roll-cellshall be inserted in the record.

,.. ~ • ',1" ~~ •

...;".~ -' ;-",' / ,.--:'...:~ : " ,.


Rule 92

, After the Presl dent has announced the begi,nning of a vote,no member sha.1linterrupt the 'vote except on a point of order 1nconnection With the actual. conduct of the vote •. '

Explanations of their votes by members may however be permittedby the Preside~t either before or after the vote.


, It ves considered important that th~ procedure for conductingvoteBBhaul.d be ·defined with precision.

mule 9J.,. /B.uIe 82

'''d :t:­tl) .........~w(DCD.p-CP


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Rule 23

1." A;Li ele;ti.JI1S shall be held by ae'ere t ballot.· There shall be no. nomina.tionB •


Drafting ,change

Rule 94


In add!tion to the provisions.. t"or t1::.o uae of a secret .ballot eet forth elsewhere 1n theae Ru1.ee, all elections and .,all decislona relating to tenure of' africe shall be talmn bysecret ballot. There shall be no nominations.

Rule 8,3-

When t1io or more elective places are to be filled at'one time. Under theaaIne-conditions, those candidates obbafnfng in the firstballot the. ~jority required in Rules 88 or 89 shall be elected.It the number of candidates obtain1ngauch majority is less thanthe number 01' persons or Members to be elected, there shall beadditional ballots to till the rema.ining placos, the voting beingrestricted ~1io .the candidates obtaining tile greatest number of IvotJes

. _ If, when orily one person or Member is to be elected, no candidateobt~inB in th~ firat.ballot the II1flJority required in Ru1.os 88 or 89 a.second. ballot 'shall be taken, confined to the two candidatesoota1iUng the largest. number of votes • If in the second ballot the

.votes are e(].uaJ.ly divided, and a ma.jority is requirod, the Pres1dentsha.1l decidepetween the candidates by draw~ng lots •. When atwo-thirds inajority. 1s reqUired, the bol.lotlng shall be continueduntil one candidate secures. two-thirdS o.f the votes cast; provided1i1J.a,'ti, ~te..r theth1rd inoonclusive ballot, the vote shall not.becontineq. 'to tp,e two candidates between whom the votes wereequally. diVided, but may be cast for any eligible person or Member.

. '0..


. COM<m:N';l':. .

. ProvJ~ion to increase the number of eligible personsti.fte~ a third inconclusive ballot has been added in orderpro~onsed,~alloting.

Rule 95

or Membersto avoid. .

If, when only one peraon or Me~.er 1s to be elected..no candidate obtains in the first ballot the maJorityreqUired in Rule 18 or 19 a second ballot shall be taken,confined to the two candidates ob~aining the largestnumber of votes. If in the second ball.ot the votes areequally diVided, and a maJority i13require-dr, thaPresidentshall decide between the cand1datee by drawing "lo1:s. -When a. two-thirds maJority 1s requireR-, tfre ballating .6~'be continued until one candidate eecure&\·two..:th!t't1£,"of'· thevotes cast.

Rul..e 84t ~ . l ...

When two or more elective. places are to 'b~ filled at.one time under' the same conditions, those cand1datesobtaining in ;the first ballo.tthe major1ty requ:irad inRule 78 or 79 shall be elected. If the number a£ .candidatee obtaining such major1ty is less tll.an the numberof persone or JIl6mbeI's to be elected, there shall beadditiona.l ballots to' till ;the' remaining places, .the IVQt 1'n€

~, 1

. I-~I






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Rule 95 ,(cop:tinued)

Votes in the prev~oUB ballot, the number of candid.ates belng not moretha:b. twice as many as the places remaining to be' filled; providedthat 'after the third 1nconclustve ballot the vote ehall not be

,coDfined to thiS number of, candidates, but votes may be cast for anyell~ble person or Member.

. COlo1MENT:

See cOIllIIl.ent on Rule 94

Rule 96

I:fa vote is equally divided On matters other then elections,'6, second vote shall be taken at a subeequent meeting which shall beheld, wi thin forty-eight hours of the first vote, and it shall beexpreSSly mentioned in the agenda that a second vote will be takenon the matter in question. If thiS vote also results in eqUality,the proposal 'shall be, regarded as rejected.


Change made in order toper)lli t that meetings could be heldduring the forty-eight hours period for purposes other thanth8.t. referred to In the rule.


'General Provisions


Rule §4 (cont~) ,

voting being restricted to the candidates obtaining the greatestnumber of votes in the previous ballot, the Ill.lIllber of candidates:being not aore than twice as many as tqe places .remaining to befilled.

Rule 85

If a vote ie equally divided on :matters other than·elections, a second vote shell be taken at. the.·.ne~mee:t1ll~n·~,·

this meeting shall be held within forty-lI1~-il~'of,-the 'J".":"'::.'_

first vote, and it eha.11 be expressly mentioned, in theagenda t,hat a second vote will be taken orr the matter inquestion. If this vote also results in equal£t;v:". the proposalshall be regarded as rejected.


General Provisions

Rule <f(

The General Assembly shall elect the members of Councils bysecret ballot.

/No Change

Rule 86

The 'General Assembly shall elect the :members of Councilsby secret ballot.

m,uJ.e 87





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;No Change

Rule '98


~. ..i."

Rule 87

1-d;J:>0) "­~w



The term of ofriie of members sQall begin on 1 January followingtheir election by the General Assembly, and shall end on 31 Decemberfollowing the election of their Succe8sors~

No Change

The term of office of members shall begin on 1 JanuaryfollOWing their election by the General Assembly, .and shallend on 31 December following the election of their successors.

Rule 99 Rule 88 .. ,

Should a member cease to belong to a Council before his term ofoffice expires, a by-election 8hall be held separately at the nextaesafon of the General Assembly to elect; a member for the unexpiredterm.

No Change

Bhoukd a member cease to belong to aCouncll before histerm of office expires, a ~y-el~ction shall be heldseparately at the next session of the General..Assembly toelect a member for the unexpired:~er~~ .

·e_; ..'_";

Rule 100 Rule 89 - -:;...--:_~. ,:. s- .



When one seat is to be filled., the General Assembly shall followthe procedure set forth in Rule 94.

When one seat is to be filled, the General Assemblyshall follow the procedure set forth in Rule 83.


No Change

Rule 101


Rule 90

When two or more Seats are to be filled, the General Assemblyshall follow the procedure set forth in Rule 95.

No Change

/The Security Council

When two or more seata are to be filled, the GeneralAssembly shall follow th:e procedure set forth in Rule 84.

/The Security Council


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~l~. Cocpr!ty pouncil

Rule 102~ .-

The General Assembly shall each year, in the course of its regularseesion, elect throe non~permanentmembers of the Security Council for aterm of two years.

No Change

~u1e 103

In the election of non-permanent members of the Security Council,due regard shall be specially paid, in the first instance to thecontribution of Members of the United Nations to the maintenanceof international peace and security and to the other purposes of theOrganiza,tion, and also to equitable geographical distribution.

No Change

Rule 104

A retiring member of the Security Council shall not be eligiblefor immediate re-election.

No Change

The Economic and Social Council

Rule 105


Tho Security Council

RvJ.o 91

The General Assembly shall each year, in the course. of i teregular session, elect three non-permanent members of theSecurity Council for a term of two years.

Rule 92

In the election of non-permanent member.s of the SecurityCouncil, due regard shall be specially paid~. in the firstinstance to the contribution of Members at the United Nationsto the maintenance of international peace and security and tothe other purposes of the Organization, ~allio·t9. equitab~e,geographical distribution. ' . '. . " :

.Rule 93

A retiring member of the Security Council shall not beeligible for immediate re-election.

The Economic and -Social Council

Rule 94








The General Assembly shall each year , in the course of itsregular e~eelon, elect six members of the Econcmic and Social Councilfor a term of three years.

No Chango/Sule 106

. The General Assembly shall each yeer, in the course ofits regtuar session, elect six members of the Economi.c andSocial Council for a term of three years.

fEule ,25

1-0):­OJ .........





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Rule 106



: \<t,:.~:-?

Rule 95



A non-administering member of the Trusteeship Councilshall be elected for a term of three years andehall beeligible for immediate re-election.

,. /XV. ELECTION.. '

Rule 96

The Trusteeship Council

At each aeeaton the General Assembly Shall, inaccordance .with Article 86 of the Chartor, elect membersto fill any vacancies.

:Rule 97


. .

'A retirir..g member of. the Economicand..SocialCounci~shall be eligible for immediate re-election.. , .

When a trusteeship agreement has been approved and aMember of the United Nations has;become- an administeringauthority of a trust territory in accordance'withArticle 83 or 85 of the Charter,; the General. Assembly shalldetermine, in aocordance with Article 86,- whether a Memberwhich Le not an administering authority of a trustterritory shall be elected to the Trusteeship. CotmC11. If1t is determined that an ·additiona!. member of theTrusteeship Council is reqUired, the General AS,sembly shallelect a member at the session lnwhich _tl!e:.. trtt£iteesh1p .agreement is approved.


Rule 109

No Change

The TTustecspip Council

No Change

Rule 108

Rule hae been redraf'ted and simplified

Rule 107


A retiring member of -the Economic and Socia!. Council shill be eligiblefor immediate re-elGction~

A non-administering m£mber of the Trusteeship Council shallbe elected for a term of three years and shall be eligible forimmediate re-election~

. ~When atruateeship agreement has been approved and a Member of theUni ted Nations has become anadmin1atering authority of a trustterritory in accordance with Articles 83 or 85 of the Charter, theGeneral Assembly shall proceed to such elections to the TrusteeshipCounCil as may be necessary, in accordance with article 86.

At each BeSBion the General Assembly shall, in accordance withArticle 86 of the Charter, elect members to fill any vacancie~.

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Rule liO

The 81ection of the members of the International Court of Justiceshall 'take place in accordance with the Statute of the Court.

No Change

Rule III

Any meeting of the General Assembly held in pursuance of theStatute of, .the Irrternataonal, Court of Justice for the purpose 'of theelection of members of, the Court shall continue until as manycandidates as are required for all tho seats to be filled haveobtained in one or more ballo"bs an absolute major1ty of votes.

No Chenge


Rule 112

The General Assembly may set up such colllIllittees and subsidiaryorgans as it deems neceaeary for the performance of itsfunctions.



Rule 99

The eloction of the members of the International Courtof Justice shall take place in accordance With the Statuteof the Court.

R~e .29a*

Any meeting of the General Assembly heMin pursuance ofthe Statute of the International Court of Justice for thepurpose of the election of members of the Court shall continueuntil as many candidates as are required for all the seats tobe filled have obtained in one or more ballots an absolutemajority of votes.


Rule 100

The General Assembly may set up such committees andsubsidiary organs as it deems necessary for theperformance of its functions.


No Change

mule 113

* Adopted prOVisionally by tho General Assembly subjectto the concurrence of the Secur:l.t:r Council.

l3.ule 101




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Items relktirg to the same category of sUbjects shall bereferred to the cOnffilittee or committe~s dealing with thatcategory of subjects. Conmdttees shall not introduce newitems on their own initiative.

No Change

Rule 116

Each committee shall elect ita o~n Chairman, Vice-Chairmanand Rapporteur. These officers shall be elected on the basisof eqUitable geographical distribution, experience and ~ersona1


These elections shall be held by secret ballot. Thereshall be no nominations.


These additions extend the provieion of ?rovisionalRule 82 to committees.

Rule 117

If the Chairman finds it necessary to be absent duringa meeting or part thereof, the Vice-Chairman shall take hisplace. A Vice-Chairman acting as Chairman shall have the samepowers and duties as the Chairman. If any oificer of theCommittee is unable to perform his functions, a new officershall be elected for the unexpired term.


Adaptation to Committees of Rule 30.


!3l!_lae 103

Items relating to the same category of Bubjects shall bereferred to the'c~mmittee or committees dealing with thatcategory of' SUbjects. Committees shall not introduce newitems on their own initiative.

Rule 104,

Each committee shall elect its ovn Chairihan, Vioe-Chairmanand Rapporteur. These officers shall be elected-.on the baarsof eqUitable geographical distribution, experience and personalcompetence. .




/Rule 118 f.gule.115 ~ ,

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Rule li8

The Cheirmall 6..3.J,1 declare the qpcping and cLoetng cr eachmeeting of the cc~:ttoe, shall direct ita dtBcuosicns, ensureobservance of these Rl:1ez, accord the right to speak, putquest.tcna and announce a.ecislcilS. He shall rule on points oforder, and. subject to these Rules, shall have complete controlof the ~roceeding8 01 the covillllttee.


Adaptation to Committees of Rule 34.

Rule 119

Each committee may set up sub-committees, which shall electtheir own of'I'Lcez-a ,

No Change

Rule 120--


Rule 105

Each committee may set up sub-committees, which shall electtheir own officers.

Rule 106.

-t;d :t--g,<,(JQ-W

-~ s\J1ro

The Secretary-General or a member of the Secretariat designated The Secretary-General or a member of the Secretariat designated·by him IIiB.yJ:lake to any ccrmrittee or suh-cotamttrtee any oral or by him. may make to any committee or sub-committee any oral orwritten statement Which the Secretary-General conoidere desirable. written statement which theqecretarY-General considers desirable.

No Change

1;UJ.(, :..2:

Decisions in. t~e committees of the General Assembly shallbe taken by a majority of the members present and voting.

~le 122

~ule 108

Decisions in the committees of the General Assembly shallbe taken by a majority of the members present and voting.

/Rufe 109

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Rule 109

Unl.eas the General Assembly itself ..decides otherwise, itshall not make a final decision upon items on the agenda untJlit bas received the report of a committee on these itenw.


Provisional Rule 109 has been brOUght forward and nowappears as Rule 20.

~ ..~

Rule 122 Rule 110 .. ,

Discussion of a report of a Main Committee in a plenarymeeting of the General Assembly shall take place if at leastone-third o~ the members of the Committee consider such adiscussion to be necessary.

No Change

Rule 123

In addition to the preceding rules in this chapter, theprocedure set i'orth in Rules 70 to 86, 87. 90, 91 , 92, 94, 96shall apply to proceedings of committees of the GeneralAssembly.


The list of rules of the General Assembly applicable tothe committeea has been extended to include further rules.


Discussion of a re~ort of a Main Committee in a plenarymeeting of the General Assembly shall take place if at leastone-third of the members of the Committee consider such adiscussion to be necessary.

Rule 107

The procedure set forth in Rules 65 to 76 shall apply toproceedings of committees of the General Assembly.

Rule 111

Decisions involving expenditure shall be subject to theregulations for the financial administration of theUnited Nations.





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~~~2.J continued!

United Nati()n~ if vhe \leneral Assembly is not in session, ofthe application ..

Rule 12E

Ii the Security Council recommends the applicant State formembership, the General Assamb1y shall consider whether theapplicant is a poace-loving State and is able and. willing to carryout the obligations contained in the Clrerter, and shall decide, bya two-thirds majority of the Members present and voting upon itaapplication for membership.

Rule 1ft

The Secretary··General aha.Ll, inform the applicant State ofthe decision of the Genera1 Assembly. If the application isa~proved, membership will become effective on the date on whichthe applicant State presents to the Secretary-Genera1 aninstrument of adherence.


Rule 128

These Rules of l'rocedure may be amended by a decision of theGener-al, Assembly taken by a majority of the Members present and.vot inS, after a committee has reported on the proposed amendment.

No Change



Rule 114 (continued)-'" .

United Nations if the General Assembly is not in session, ofthe application

Rule 115

If the Security Council recommends the applicant SJvate formembership, the General Assembly shall consider whether theapplicant is a peace-loving State and is able and willint go carryout the obligations contained in the Charter, and shall decide, bya two-thirds majority of the Members preBen~·~d voting, upon itsapplication for membership.

Rule 116---The Secretary-General shall inform the applicant State of

the decision of the General Assembly. If the application isapproved, mem.bership will become effective on the-dat.e on whichthe app1icant State presents to the Secretary-Genera.l·-aninstrument of' adherence.


Rule ill

These ~~es of Procedure may be amended by a decision of theGenera1 Assembly taken by a majority of the Members present andvoting, after a committee has reported on the proposed amendment.




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Pending the adoption, under paragraph 4 of Article 62 ofthe ~harter, of' definite Rules for the calling of internationalconferences, the Economic and Social Council may, after dueconsultation with Members of the Un'Hed Natione,callinternational conferences in conformity with the spirit ofArticle 62 on any matter within the competence of the Council,including the following matters: international trade and

-em.Plo;yment; the equitable adjustment of prices on theinternational market, and 'health.

No Change


This rule has been left unchanged in view of the fact thatthe Economic and Social Council may be expected soon to adoptRules for the calling of international conferences.




Pending the adoption, under paragraph 4 of Article 62, of .the Charter, of definite Rules f or the calling of interne.tional

.conferences, the Economic and SociaL Council may, after dueconsultation with Members of the United Nations, callinternati",nal conferences in conformity with the spirit ofArticle 62 on any matter Within the competence of the Councf.L,inclUding the following matters:, international trade andemployment; the equitable adjustment of pricEfs' on theinternational market, and health.





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In compliance witl'l one of: the directives con~ned in Resolution 102 (I) of'the General

Assembly on Measures to ECOl'.OLi~·e t: 'J Time of the Geneml Assef'bl.;r. the Secretary-Gonerol submits

this draft of Rules of Procedure for the General Assembly to the t,~bers ~ the United llations and

to the Committee on Procedures and Organization of the General Assembly t"b. +J1eir consideration.

For convenience in~cor~paring the text of the Provisional Hulas as they now~ tJiththe draft by the Sceretnr:.r-General. both texts are reJroCueod below in parallel c~.)

Draft Rules of Procedm'o suLnitted by I Provisional Rules of Procedurethe Secreu:ry-Goneral as amended during the First ,ession






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CI.oo- The General. Aasemb17 mall ,meet every year in regular 38s010n''Q,c1ng on the tb1rcl 'luesda.v in September. .

1*2Tile Genernl AsaembJ., --q t1x :l ciatti tor Q epec10l 88oalon.

(secretnl"Y-Generalt a Draft)


1.9 1

(10 chan.>Rw.. 2

(10 chaJl&e)

(Provisional ilWto)


Rule 1


&We 3

special s .... oa10n0 of the GeDlral. AD38IIlbJ.1 sball be heldlIith1u titteea WS of the reoelpt by the secrew,y-Qe.oaralof t1 reque8t tor such B seasion from tlJe secur1.t1 Councll. or

ot a request from a majority of the Members ot t.be Un1tectBaUona, or of the receipt of the concur,,'enoe ot a mnjor.1ty01 Ue:mber8 as prodded in Rula 4.

lulAt It

~ Kembel" ot the Un1ted lIat1Oll3 mat requeot theseoretary-(leneral to &Ulmon a spec1al ae881011. fbB 5eoretuy­GeD8ral shall 1nmediatel11ntorm the otbBr llcbera of U.

ted lations of the reqv.est and lBlulre whether they concur~ It. U w1tb1D. t.h1rtl 4878 of the clat.e ot to. OQIlII%UDJ.oatlona

of the Seoretnry-Qeneral a aaJorIt..Y 01 tb:; »anbers oonem' inthe request, a opec1al 008&100 of tbe General Aaee.Ilbl¥ sballbe S\1I'IIIlO11Cd in accordance wItb Rule 3.

19M 3

Spec1nJ. _s:dons of th~ General AOOfmlbl,y sh~ also be heldwithin IUte.a day. 01 the receipt by the SecretAry-Ge.n.eal ot arequest tor such a "":lion 61ther from the security COUllCU orfrom a major1tQ of the IIImbers of the United IIntl00s.


An3 Member ot the United 1at.10.D8 m83 request the Secretnry­General to 8Ul1IU01l Q spec1aJ. session. the Secret&ry-Ge.neraJ. sballthereupon Warm th.:. other lfemberlJ 01 the United liaUontJ 01 therequest and inqu1re lIlBJtber tbB,y COnDur in it. It witb1n t.h11-t.ydays of the da~ of the comnUD1cat1m1 a majority ot the Jllmbersconcur in the request, a special Dliso1on of the General AS08JnblJaU be summoned in QCcordM.ce w1th the prov1oio.o.a ot Bu.le 3.

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'!'be~~. or hie de"t1i:r -r.r:.r "rake at any t1rJGotther' c:xral or 1lII1.tten statemrmtll: t<~ ·~;.~jC ....3~te>:lb1.7 COlJiC8l"D-1DI Any QWt:rt1on \md8r CX)u1dm"e t1<r.

'"., .. &1..' &h nr.l

The Secrebl:':!,-G ~lCl"al -.u __ an annual repcrt, aDd_ .•__""".,.."-......,A...,I,· ..· ""', ,,""" "' __,.""!,",,,.3 6_.10.- Q--"DUIiMi ....-o.:t"'f"~l\lii.;-<" "" .c,_, _••....; ,ato:.:, ~ u: .~w....a..""""J tA;f ~ ~......

A~:!JemJ::\q Ot: t.hif,' "0'{;\!' a 'the Organ:1aUon. Be Iba1l (W'lMllllca.the arm:aal re'::eJL"t, 'fj,;) , D ;~ or the tJn.1ted Nat1onl!J at 1eantf'0rt7-five daY!' 1;. {!,:" :~ho o~ of' the _d.cm~


The r:.c:ret;;~r: '-f'~Ai!';"&lt W1tb the consect of the Seeur1VCounel1. ..11 rc'~'~' ~~ Ceoo.ni1 Asae1bly at eaeh ..ton or&IV .ttertl re·];:::tiv'·, '1JO Mut .~ce or !Jltematicmal peaceand eecur1V 1i1:1c' [;;;'1&; belng dealt dth by the Secar1t7 Ccune1l.

and slall s1.'5Uarl;; ..o·i:~L~ the G8I'1e1.'fll A..~b11', GI" t.he };~or the Uzdted Uatio:"2: iZ' t.be Gemrrs1 A8iJembly 15 not in Hu1.on.:1JIlIed1ate1l' the. :l(;.'CU'!:·1t:r CGUJ'.t.CJl ClIIlUes to de8l w1th IUCh natt.....


The r;'ec:N.t.t:l1~••'(1C::TV(·,:~IU l.~ at Em:T tJ..me. \mOD iD1'1ta1:J.GlDor the PNtlI1d«lt,. "00 the C.~~l~ 81t1wr oral «'sorltten statE.fft::tta C,(l:':~ &11.7 qaest1011 which :is t.1zlg caD-..... .3-.11 1.- "'...- ",.~,."". "\ ' .._"'''_;:1~ '''''9 ~; ,1;':~-,~-, ,:,_ 1......,... "',~-v"IiI'o~~.)

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, 1:..- • r • , d

I - SESSIOOS...... I .,

The a,:"...."'lere.l Assembly ahall meet t)ve""J ye~in 1'$ctUf:::r ~os3ion conlme';1cin.g on the thirdl'uase::\y in SS};tOl'1ltu~:r.

tat,,- If e. rule re pO:3tponE-:n.Dlltis raqw.rGd 1 :t~ ndgl(>; bedrafted en th6 folllT.7ingl1nes:


',\, It

'r°he Secrat¥1"Y-Genq.ra1 shall corJmUn1cate to tbo other tremOOl"3 of the United

IJAtions, together tlith his rc:cOOIIUlnd&tiQ,na, any request I"eca1ved fl"Q'.:\ f4 Member tor.fi!. .•

poatponement cot: ~.~ l"C~ session. It n1.t.trln t1!teOn (1) cia,y't.1 01' the date of the

cormn.tn1ca:tion a majority of the L!Emlbers concur in the :request, t.he BlYslon shall be

postponed ac.cordingl;v. (ca)

~.2 atlfA 1 - ••i...·ftu) .... .1t...... -

.~ !.lambe of the United Nations me::! requestt!lf) Secretarzr_GenaJ.Oal to ~n a a~1al

qes1cn.· The SOGrCta::-;r-Coo'3I'al oha.l1 thorc­1..!'Pcm '.n!orIiI tho other Uecnbers of the {JyI.1t,edlJst:tQ!'3 ~f t·ho req'!lcs'1:. and inquh-e nl'l-:rther therC;y':Cl.',:" :.t.n it. If t:1.tl".i.."1 th11't)· days of thedAt., of th(: ccm:lU!"dcation a. ajot'it,J" of tbe:.!c,;:'.:e:'s COl1O'm" in the ~equostJ a specials~ss:!..::'tt'. of the G~mflral J\aeOi.Jb4' sl1S21 beeuma~med ill a~oorrJanca ,-d:tIl the prov1s1ansof Hula 3.






IF'te: '!'he OI'~ :\.r~terj.a'e 1;.:.t1on oftl1is rule 10 th~t & opocialS6S81on can })"" eonvoned to


opun f1.ft.oan aa;'!".') f~1 the: date on nI-dch a n~.~1Ori:ty or

afr1.r!llat:~.:va z'Hpliee franllembax-s ~1 been rot:eived.The la.3t '!le_-'r5r~....a...Of the rule '<-£7~.. .udght possibly 00 re-dJ'att~ ~

~ ae foJ..l.t:'m'3, if eon.Did"$red, necea8~J=- j

I A spocial. scasl"" oJ: the a..-,<>rlil~ shall !>Eo ......"'pned 'Iltit!n firtOOl'l

I:;or. the ,.eosipt by the S..,...,t....,.-GeDe::-eJ. of MtUicatiCtlll f!oota .. l1'_'jority 01' tOO !l<lGlbera

Iat th<"y e~ in the request.

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se..... sbIl1 be ba1Jt at. the~ ofthe t1Jd.'Gd ...."""~ OCIID:naed ~be:rein~e o.l' • deo:LelaD II G8run1~ata~~· t.be~of a ~~l' .r~ ua..... 011 tilt fattedNations.


.~.~~ 0IbsU~ to tile ..... 1leI:...1It UIe tlIdItM4

IlILt4.eaa., Mgethor \'4th l1tD N"I"'.s~. IIII:t3~ M8fd:e1te4 beD • ~__.f\.

..~ of a easdon GlI-.e tblU1 at. the~ OIl tile 'W.III 1'attieDI.

It 171tbin .lWS ... daY!' of t~ d.ae c« * .......~ ....... lilt ..~••

ia\! 2Coplos Of the~~ each eesdcaeJaU. be~_ to an o~~ am

. OCQll1es1ons or the United taM.OM mri Mthe spea1a3u.t agontd.ee~ to 111ArtielAi' 'Yl,~ib 2~ fit the~.

r S1Doe the~ of OGI1tooat1C11l~iu6l~ tI18 ...-.~ the tlG-da also be ~.m"~ to tlEt spec1a1'zsd aa~?It is~~ not neGG88a1.7. tostate tb1s 1n tho 1G1e. (ca).





; i


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.. .J ...

II • ACmND.l (~8' :.pta"aM llO~...3 r& .tlDr~ l'ed1cal____ etlalgee "lhioh mj,2,ht ~ ~o).

The provill1.-LL Ap11da,~.. W1t-b \bitS'UJ!PJ.emeetal'7 :J.1Irt,~ 8b&U be -.atD1t.te4 totl1e GEGeIral As6~ t .. ap\Pi'OY&l as~aa possible aft,w tIw opmI:Ag of \he _'don.

: Dotb the ~.t.tr COtQYil GI4the EBonoad.c aM Social eo.mouhave a. rule to the eUcat .thatthe f'1rat. ~Ikt!. OIl toM :s.wamashAll Da tho ~.d,cl!t:tol'l of t.he~. I" th!o l~l)a~~we pouI.bl.e in tho CMe ot th.A8~


Durl!Ic~ regular -.a1on of the GlemdAlJD~.... my be ~m, am may beadded k or Q(JlGt.ecl r.om the~ by ~

m.<;jor1~ c4 tot» 1JeIIb(t~ ;p"13lJ6.!'lt and -.ot1»&­CoD81derat1or~ of add1M.onal 1teme sbal1.1JXileu tba GGIW"4l Aa~ Jnb4r, by a tt1C-tltlrdsma3(')~ty of th6 tIt3mbers present an4 vot.1D&.d~o1doe ot~",'li~~aJ be ~l**i 1¥lW to..Q.~ after \1le.~l hnve been p].a.ce<.l M tI'KlAaortdll, 8l'Jd w.u a <fQalU.'\;~tll)e haG JI'GiFOI'te4upcm tbs.

t (1) PX'opoetd roed1-a.tt,

"D~ aJ."'ty ro~tlEa sec~:t,,~n, or t:1C t'}:\n()~~.f!., A.~;JC'lbly it.., r., 110 rw1f1eli,.....


to l"$~, &3 rojJ.()ll~'

.D~ :X:;I' r::ta'-Wuo CGfJoi.cn or th~ Gono:M1 ASSt"mbly .~t{lr.l$ n~ be r,l')1';U1od or

doleted~ tho :;\[.f~?l:L~ hy a t\'J:!-'h~1i1Kl~ Jl)Qjol"it~" of tho l,k::;.'ber8 Pl~:';::':;i:i:~ l.m.d ".rotlnc.

demaDia t.be !rJIzEdia~e ~ttent1on of tho A:J30i0'b~t. In. Si.\ch ~Jmt J ttl) Assembly sil!lll

dec1d.~J 't:~. a tno-th1rdn major1.t~;· or the 'Uea!lbors pl"e:5C¢lt and~, 11ho~.her OJ.~ n~:.t

tho proposed iten shall be 1nclu«1od.in 1\9 '4.-randa. (~by D~~5..CM Rep'.wl:f.c)

(,3) J1i.., The GEmeral Cocmf,ttee is~~ to repOrt;. on th.~of1t..

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lb propooal tor & 1llOd1!1catioDot tt. allo­a:ation. of ~eo tor the t1me bctf.I'1B into'Ne Dhall be 1Daert.ed 111 tbe AgeSa 1mlaesit bas bean. caDm1oatod t.o tho n I... fillthe UlJited l~aUoM at. leut n1:Mt.y dqsb&ton the cJ.at.e t1:Y..ed tor theo~ of theeaa.1C8.

~~: ~.'h&i; 1s the in.t~l1t1Q1\ -:"of the fJWde l1~jpatia1 .in t.he aJ.locat1cn o£ ~_8tor the time h~~ :L" force"?Tb1s l'Ule l"J'OlIld, on t.b~ taceof 1t, appotU' to t~'3 tooJ"is1d 1mplleatlQna.. ThoGeneral. Committee's 1::.a.l1ct,lIowewr, n...i.gtr~· be 8tI'~enoo.

in do&1..1n.e tdth :re~3t. forthe 1ncJ.IlBion 0'1 n~; 11:,~"ID if'this rule could ha 1r;.v-:~lcod.

l10uld 1tbe !X~o;",i'tl€l tc oin-a:tn44' e.uthor~tati7e intol":;:.ttets:t.iClb?

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_-. c II It.,. fd.

........ .



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.... 6 ..


UouJ.d it be aQvisabla tor sind 1ar rulea to be incha\ed :.Ul Chapter Anas deocriptiv", of the Ch;,1nr.an's tuDat1ons .. etc?

(D.) sea A/IJUR/69 , p.11 arJd 12

(b) :1~ce"l Depo.t"~ eugpst!on -~ 28-31

<c) CR - Rule 28 may DOt 8PP1I'lRule 30 a.ppUM itllJa1n CCIIIII1tt...,but nbt, 1ft ..1..... Ccrntttcea,e.i. rJ6l'1eral C~ttoe.

" &4i .,


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The GeneliU Camttee shall at the bee1DJl1ngor each session ccmsider the~Agenda> together nitll the eupplf.'fDcatal7 l1st;lend e.haU ma'!e a 'report thaI'eon to tho GeneroJ.AaDsably. It shall oons1der appl1C&t1onB forthe inclusion of addit1onaJ.. ltams :In tba A(;Gtxlaand ahall I'Oport thereon to tho GeDera.1 A8acu~.

It. shall aee1st the President and the General.!l.a3dlly in dra,,:U'I..g up thCJ aacnda £or each plenQ'y:neating. 1.n r.l8terminina the p:1orlty of its itOOlB,end in the coor'djr.aUon of the P'OCeecli.rl.Ba of aUQoan1.tteee of the GGneral Af;,embly. Fin&11~', U;.chall aeail4 the Pres1det in tho aeneral conductof the \1Orl~ of the General AeaOOlb~ l,llich fall.'\'J1tl1in the) corupet;enca ot tho 1'1'"es1dent. It dlsll1"J,o'l;} J.l.01.~er, decide any pollt,ical question.

The G.·(.~neral Co::aittee •••••• and all!'.11 Dubm1t ~.;~:i.&!l! th:oI'eon

to the (',eneral AssembJ..y. It shall considr"r I:'.Pl>J.icr.l.tions for thr;; inclue10n ot

the Gt:.neral .\ssOOlbly •••••• etc. (DB).

2. It 1" hi31~ u\.,:{··cb.QJ:)1e thl.1.t t.he Gene:'~\l Ge:;,,;;.itt,e<~ v:ould 1'SCOr.iUlOnd t.ho.t anitem on the pr.o\j'~.d,O;1,:'.J. e.gonda be S'truf;!I: otlt. -;'}"!.eI-afo:r·c, 30 far- ~D the provision­aJ. a.gond~ is CO~CO::'Ilr~d, the f'o.mctiona of the Gc,n~ral Cou.d.ttee aro mBrely inpractice to 'r'3cc":ruood 'Ute culocat5.on of :!.t,e.D.\!J to Ca..itlittca3. tligbt it not {lavatime i.£ -r.ho ~$(:r,'Yt"ry-IJGllcral ~':erQ si~;en pO',?crto l~C')r.1l1end lti.rect to 1;he AsriEJiwl,.the elloc~t!on af itcns, reecTv:!n$ al\Y it-CiT,S ~~i.:hJut, \7hich he nc.s in doubt PQnd:i.ngdecision by the Gene:-al Cot.:mitteo. (A/DUR/69, p.S).

3. The Cc:nGI'al CO:T.1.o'tttf313 oi[;ht be required to subnit it.s l"Oport to the AsBOl':.blyon all tIw itcr:c ~..I". tn.) sU};1p~tart list tdt.h!.l1) say, tour .dqe A1't~r theopening or thE! A$s~~~. A tic.e l1m1t tor contddo:"at:l·on by th~ C(Hlw:'a.l Cor.1:";1..i.t.teeci~ht n1.90 bo 3st. far 1t8IBS tIh1cb al'o Bent. 1%l too JEte to bs incJ..uued in theproTiB~.('na.1 t!,Cov.d.a or the 'rTdpplezrsntary list. ,~ID1J!i/69, p.10)

~.JJ. - L$Pit


!}1"Oroa.us ·too refer ~ portion of the n.eportof thiJ aocl"'~~-Gen~ra1 to one of' tbe IJa:1nCcmn:1ttSOB t'dthout de~t'.te sha.U be decic10d uponby the General MecnbJ..y l71tl1>jtlt ITevious ref<-"rellceto tIle Qenoral Committoe.

P~poaals to re!er any 1"Ort1cn or tho RelX'rl of the Soeretary-General or

of thG P..eporto ot tho CouncUa to one or the !Ia.1.nCOOI:I1ttou... • •• etc. (CR) •

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The GQnaral Cop,t.t;oe~ reri.se the reeoJ.:a.t:i.orw£.doptecl b7 the General Aesemb4r,~~tOJ'm but not 'their oub~_ Any such chro~

;:;haU 00 rOl"JOrted to the GED!Inl Aes~ for it.ac\::m31daratim.

Baa th1$~ 1m3 }'ftCtJ.Q&1.'ft.l.:tIe? In tb1e oonneet1on8M D\1{';.f;G3tions or C~'1,delegation ~N) 8ecrat.s.:o1at s

dretting bv.r63il (A!rnm/69,p.7)

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- 9 -

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.0 .. t.....

'lite Seo~....Qenel'a11f'.JJ.Ye:t 8.11¥ u., UI'QI\:L.-mtation or the Frssidsnt., !nake to tbIGenaral Assemb:q o1thel~ ora1. 01' \1r1tten .tate­mants conGftfl1ng ~ queat1ol1 tlhioh 14~c:ans1.del'ed by t.he Oooeral~.

r-nl!lo as :tcllm:.'J:'- (__.f. !tale a2 at tbe Sec\Jrioty CouneU)

3,11-. Searet~Nl, Qt" h1~ dep.t.y M1~ on h1B })$1"..alJ', ~l'

meko e1'beJ.t <&"l\l 01' \1ri\ten statGmsnt.s to tho ~cu:r:Jiy Counej~ coneendr-a

~ ~9t:ton u!j(hr 0<:ueider4tlon b;y it.

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...... 4t, • . . ......." • .-....-

All naol.utiona -orA otl~ :bll~~ do~~~o

sball be $de a~le in tho olf'1cieJ.1~re8. Upon- the r&.1,UBst, of wry ~r..­;~.ti'W, i!D3' other doct1t"!«tt. eh&ll be mad.e awjJ~~loin ~ or all of the arr.ieiftl~.

e t C~eepOI'.L\1nG Eeon,x,u,c md..)c1al Coundl Rul••

An. l'el:Jolt~ana. ro~t:.!ma.~.JJt~;.J~"qflc.-~!'l.!!!S

':9!J!S* sball be mado .. ·_~1abl. in the oft1cial J.an&ru.s.ges.


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... 12 or.

1 , • • ••

IaII.JiI- ."V6\fbat:1a NQO~ of aU pltn8IT moeUhp 8ha111>,~ up by the Seor~t an4 1n1bDI1tt4Ml tot.h$ Ger.eral Aa6~ a.f'i'Apa~ by t.beh-001d.tmt. V&1'bD.t1m roccNe 8l&1.1 a1eo be __tit the ift'oeed.1nga of the Ma1n CIEi..... eertew' ....by th'J ~al AS...a.q.. otber __tt_ ....QDIIIlJd:tteea IIIa1'~- upon the tCll!l1 tilt thIU rea .

,"b~ that ,,~ ..-d.tAeee or -.....r..m1t.\...,. deo:lde 'UPG'1" ,._'-* tt.poe!U.C ot t1le Beol'~

. in ~oatSDa~ t.~+ I~ &lB!61 a.1s.... wW., hot..-, __1n th1a Jl(JSJ'fJK.

Re20lutl0D8 adopt,ed ltf the o.eral Ase.nb1,. elWlbe ~'lCam1ca.tl!ld by the5eG~ to the!:r~s of the Unit-ed 13at1aaa t4~ f:U'teen d.&.yeaftor the tel'lIT1na~1onOJ:' t.ho seaslan.

• !hlt .....n~ :re-d.raf't:i1'lgas aJ¥i t4Ieh tbrl ~'"I8elibll;J:t•.tee~ G«l"V'i1.cee toO~..1J1g5 bAt...b-a e..~ed..

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·- . -tf' "", .... • p .... " •• , •

XI - rom.ICITY OF UMIUGS'-111 L F .... ' • ,. _


'l'be~ 01 the ~al Amleq _ 1tel.ta..1.n Cf8Iitt;eea ehsJ.l bs ha1..d in publ10 a1.e8sth(1~~d~8 that~.tI'~t....~tM~ the .. b6tAn lJl'lbdt;6. ."" or~.. «IIId~-'"'JMI~~ '" .- be h~ SA pabJJ.cenl~eD U.~ 00DQftI:.s. dc1dcJB eUlere-.


Aooo.'d:t113 to Rule~, 1lh<l~ of~org~.hAJJ. be held

in p.1t)lia ~~ t,he bGd,ye~ 11ec1den Cit~.

In Sub-Co';n1t't.t of tJw l'1l"~ CGI~11tt", it ilU~ bi the

'*.bai,nnan ths.t tb~ !~001:0irrg8 sheuld bfl be.Ld in. print.. en- ~b'b ~ 1laD1, in ~ub­

0IImit\i~. a, it, tvt0~~, .. .".. ot 'f agabat 6.tJmt. tb(l r.~eti.hg. eiwtlld b.

Jleld 1n "JlU1t3.ie.

(a) A sue 1",lajtt. 18 af\Im~.. fir tJ1.e 0 pgrpo~ -.t .eek~ a

eu~ and *»1'0 rarddlY aoea\IPJ.1shed inn i~:'i"lo.te me"~, ainee tlw d.e.'1.eea'­

&1"0 not ahoorbed 1tl mak:1na J..ong Dtet(G(;~t~ for tho press.

(b) The aub--cct'J£i11ttoo caD t¥H'Jt i..~ .9, :.t'lUuler roGrl\ mw.rr.s tlw atmqepbere

18 mora COIl(.\1.:.clvo to 'tb1s t~"PO of t1Ol"k.

lull ~.Ul d.eD1Bions of tbe r....&l AsaambJ.Y take ata Iftvr~ .m.e&t!r-'i 8b&U be .iouaoed at aI\fea::!y pl~c mnt1.n{: of the Oan..u As8EtiJJ.7.At. tho c1oseot each pt-t.....\o ~h'll of thelTn:i.n ~ttee8, ot~ 0IIlJDl-\1ieee am S'QI'>..~1t:t()esJ tho C1Ud1"1'al.n may 18eue & CCIIIIIIIdr.~t~ th" seer~~.

I '!'heeor~ rule 1ri tba 'SecNrtty OOqpeU mUeo ~t. obU­satec'1 ror t~ Clll1l'mD.n to ts,..to. _.I'iQI"'CJ'f4'•.

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xu • COIJDOOT OF nUS"J:NESS...... tJ .w

A~t,. ot thfI Uer.bore of the C1eDen1i\esemb~.l1sJ.l. oanrtUfrute a ~.

m' Seta~ cbaptao mIre~,•• N quDINi.t tarwtJ.»c.

Ho~ .t.attw.r&8f e.r.k.lno8 Y.t.e.~i~~ ba1l1n&~ obtaiAe4tbs ;permission f1l thG Pree1<\etnt.'· .n. Pros~sh&l1 oe.:u \IPOIl speokel. :in the oJt<lv in \1b1d:lthe,- s:t.anify 'heir des~.:ra to :.Jplal. 'i'he Pre.s­i~1lJt, tI18i' ea1l. 11 speaker to oro.. U 148~

I &"$~ Nlsvnnt to the GlIb~ eD1a1' d1~:k!D~

... 1.. (S~,~! C"JI,::d:t~O& - Hr. Ritcht&)1... Aolta~ ~;.a l.i.at or. spen?.-:~!"Somst4.t ..etl ...~ ccnft~m.ot~ ;~tlc .. s~ that s1t.her ~V', ()r~ 'a, speei.tM~, thel~~t or f;PCt~';:X'.';{"'j ~,Gh'li be read ont..~ caDI) "'ill'aN CbAIdalB.r.. ..., the .tloo!" to

. t.b,c Pl:'Cl~c::;()r :x':: ;,.;. :u4d.on. tb. t,o tbit~ ... fII all~, a.1..t~UGh otlw'" MdNq\1IEtS'ted to spoa.k. •

2 .. (~.,*, I'..G'f.11bl'::.c ~r~Ut'\ of 17 I'ebi"!.\'l..71 1947)

Add the fol1ord.n,z ~Iih to Rule 66&

No :'O'P1;'e~Te ~ adm-nSG t,!':.;3. C~l"!,j. }..et'EtZltbly r..d'rc- tlan tvlc$ JJ.'l the

~ at lilt" one debt.f,e a"t.oo~ the r~:opC't~(i.':' of:~ l.:ot.:ton;# thll) ;;ij;::..'JlI ttIt a S'f)~ or

"the rQ;1"!:;;;·~"!t:.!.t:!:','\C= o! t.ho GoTOl"Illl_3 diroc~:\¥ c~ro$d SA tl. ~ion U!l{'or

If the fl..zs~ !'esoJ:.rea. \Goo Ii tt'1\>o-ti~ onjorttT c1 thQ Uembe,... pros~nt..

t1l9 grer;,czt IIOBt1b1o ~vllat!on, thrb ,lcloW\t1!)s ~. speak !AS Of"{·0D. us thq deem.

it nocl!IDucl"jI' \1.~:~~.1 thl,~ elC::w:r6 o!. the 4obs.~, no_t.Mt8l~.na1;':0 prohibit.len 1n

'1110 Chatrm-~ c.."1d '~h& 1JJApra.."?t<,'l.'.2" of a ,CCQ1tteoI:V be aeCk\'l'dod ~1~CO top t.hoF~~eJq)1a!D1ne the con~m;~.oa e.1"l-ivod at by the,.:'

, ca=;lttee ~

t In Coola'lttecm, tbla ruJs PH"eUZMbl~' d.~:>!!l.'i.oo to tho~or RapportC\1r of a sub-oacrm1t.tee.

i'~' ~

D'tt1"1.r'I the diGo'W1s1on of vr:r .tter, & re­preeentative mJJt rlae to a po1nt o£ carder&"'1d tM PQ1nt of Ol'dC1" 8baU be.1med~

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" .j

J.onidod b7 tho President in acco~with theRules or l1rocedure. A re~ent.ative -.v appeal.aga111l'Jt the~ ot the hteed.d4lllt. 'lb.-appealshall ir.n'3Qiate1y be put. to the veto ~ aD1 theFl"e81dent IS r-ilJ.Dg ahall etaDd un19S8~"';)7 a maj011.t~.. o£ the .JDerllbGts ;srescmli aDd 'fOtiD8.

t :r.lL t;-lG a1tperien~Q of noarll' au ~t,tee Secreta.n••, it bad bee~ thatthoro tl~.s So zr-e.;rt. e....I1f'us1on lIB to what cor..st1tutec1 a po1D\ 06 0I'diIIr.

:t.~ dG'b<5'>~$ C'~ a. point of order ilipOee1bJAa aDd theC~ IlIMrt taIIDIt i..Satee.ctiO!l.Il;G.c 6SJ 1ihuet ON, ~.10 ...., as ita .',ube", peiooteot:q olea.r.The liooual etrJlI1d oonta1n iDetl'W'tS~ torC~ C)n tbf.e pOiat.

BIle 9!lLtnri."IJg the diSCN8s1on of !Utf matte-~ a ~fII).t.•at:..1.~"... ma..v·~e 'tbe adjot1l'l1DiiiCJt at the a.b&t.~~ tnllOh mo\1on sball tiAve proior1t7 111 'the debe.;';e.:r'l ttiQit10n to the propose of th6 motlon t 'DCrr.;,pl·$sentlltlwe rrtB:T a~ElID1c. in favour of, and twoaC'lii~ t" tho mat.1an.

I (SCcwl'ld C\_:rttta.o - Ur. Hitchi$) :4. U a !!emer of a Comm1tt.ee o1rllpJ.~' se4lOnda tho~to:.~ ad;j~.:.'r~mtJ does this cona'i1tuto a.~. tm- t.1le lJ»Uon1 IJh!ltma$C».wj:t.7 is riool~.)d? . - Fr~l:nmw.b~" t:-*:'1ty L"1 Camm1tteM and in pl~n:oet1Da~(0'.1'. ~rtr:J Rt:1\3'':; ')! 01'de1", p.S, 3!mple .l7l.1...1:.;.r.ityl~ fur ad30Q1'D011nt).S$e al~ HulQ 71.

2"he QenoraJ. AesQOO~m&i' lim1t the time lI1.osted tooaoh speaker.

A I'Opr()~""lt~,t.1ve~ &t W'l¥ t:1mc l1JITI'& tbe. olo8l'l.reoJ: the ~b&to \"llwt11er or rK't. 8:l¥ other repr'eltCl.tG1ft1Uo1 sl1!Jl1t1ed his \?ish to elle&~. It appl:tcat.i.on 1amrW.G tor })Gl'1u1ecio14 to e:p~~.t t.(J~t the olosure 11;~ be acCJlOl"ded to not mo~"'(~ iJ;':.:::.r~ t\70 speakere.

~ (l) 'l'l\e P!'p,si::l~t c~'.o\11.d. nu..~ out of order aT.",t tJpottCh !2£ closure, "iDol.' pro1Ti31onistJ£'.do O~~· for.' t;ll;CGC}~ f!J"tw1. ..(CR).(2) IIot$ tho diff.ol....:.n(~O 'b9 w"«1 tho ~Wlln9 ot Enloe 69 (adjou:rr:z!L~t - :3 ro~, 2~:Unstt) i;olrA H\lle 71 (c~ -' 1 ,cOl'. :2 ...\,gai:lJ3t). Docs tt.d..s noo(', .'lJJy acljw,rG.':om.? (OR).(3) (S(.t.c.tw. COl'tlc:i.:~t.G3 - Kr~ t1:1t.cll1.) t- Aeku 11docfJ the D.05ence of: 1.:Il~" liltd..ta.t1o..'l ottbo n~.zDhe:;.· ot [,pc,,(}r~. \11\0 trJ£r..j- speak tRE. CloaUN p:'OV'lde an opportunity tor fa minol'1tyto close de~t~~ on Q P:ll'tS.O\~la.."" ~.9we by f.'l'Olongins cl:1.eoUDs1on v4i'..~ aJ.lo\';':1ng~tr:" z peakars to oppoBG the~?.., " . .(4) ;'Jbat ms.jol~it~' 1fJ z"et"'~Gd to"," tUouu."""e? ... ~t'ooumab1,y 1la3c&eit:r ~.n COIJIm1ttf)$Q,but. e.r. llot,}l't::l;\ ~:.S~ in "\Jliic1J it is stato4l that &~. majorlt,7 1s al1~5

ueed~ tor c1olJll}'e.

Thlit PrGs:ldent ehoJ.l to.ko the senso or the oen..aJ.Ae~~ 0# ~ qiotion t(l1:·~lolNX'$. It t.ba ~JIO.1i-..a.wlg 18 intavour of tIw ~1U'.fit'~'Pre8id8lltab&U dec]~o the cJ.osure of the ~te~

~ = The secretariat of C.oa:d.tt. 1.ob.1cetocl to tho ~iQl'ding :ttake

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th.e f>'6nt3~ ():! the 'JS'!1c;,,-,"~3• .l\.ssemb1l"';~t is nc,y, ~ hm'It'j'~:; (i,on:trahl~ toalter tid,s as j.t paI'!lX1.t..s theProsldclt to SBetn9 that, 1n theabsence of 00 jeotiona, & mea.nureis adopted.

Re:;:,l~1ClD8, ~ts and IJUbst..ant1w_~D!o.ll be 1ntredttced 1n \Il"1t.S.na end MDcSed .. ·taeS~'eta1'Y~, who aJIIUo~... tetho Dele&a\iOllS" AD a lJElGel'al n1e, DO Pl'OJIOsalshall bo cU.swesed. or put to the YQt9 at &I\V Ill"'"of the General Aaaemb.13 wosooop1eD of it, haweoeen c1rculated to eJJ. JJclee&-'''',<X1G nat later th3Dthe ~ preced1ne t-he meetiD£, The ProaidQnt ~,11O'1~, p::m1t. the d1eC".uJsiCn m1~ off'JD£'Ulment.a. or ~~~ ~ to proced.., wW\Mprevia. c1nnU&t:JAn of oe$4eu.

9: 1, Oa:i1m.cnta ~C~ <JcM,,, (A/JJ1tI/6&J, p ••>:­(tV I/S1.!.bst<".,r~~l"'Bn ~ppl1oe only to ~kDrlahr.>uld tJw adJect.!ve nat. ~pl.t aJ.eo to ~­luticl'.."l e.nd amendm.et.'(b) ~[1:.~i..r.e-~..?t "22Jld SOU5l'-

"lJn1eSiJ t',.'t;,"tbiF.;3.8 of 'tne Uembe:Mr prE)Hat AI¥1 val;UC deoide tt1iJlerd..za, no

propr.>Ds..1. t:,hal.1. be pn:G t·o thG vote at. 81JY m&eti1.n.1 of t~ C~eraJ. ,/I,aeembly unless

QOplev e.f it. 1¥:r"/O bOt~:n c~ted. to all DDlt:,3A't,5.ona not ~~oa tbE.n the Qa;r prooedina

tile JDMt1n:n"

(e) Pre~~ t.he ,1UdI T1d1oouos1en~cGludderat.ion" 111 the third 3~mte;lOO doMt ef)VQ;" the putt,1ng 01' a _tter. u the'tOw.

The Cc!'...:l(~~.:::.n C':c,·::-JI''nn'aCt 8\18CJtsf, that thet.mb1a'UitJ ~hclJ1J. be l'~ but· 18 'hi.ad'tP!3f-1..ble? no one he,t; J"IIt, objected. 1t t&.m..'\tter has en'~~ beG.:! r.li~, to proceed­ing to &. ~_ on tho~ that tho NlopNCJ.udec: 1hic, c:ltlY')\1,:~L t.hey fiJ23 haft l"'XJ:a::t-ed thct the ms'ttar i)e a.d.jou;'ItCcl. CaR).

1\}''',..'&hrllb of • propG.eal~ be 1O\ed ce ~J~\el3 1£.. 'Nl'N8ent.at1~~,~ the~ M~.

t 1. It. Me botJ1 gM~ felt 'hilt 'M11a~~d remldJl perlUsI1nand net JJ!lPYl...tcay. In~ eaac tlw ~h tEQlt M­qu.Ue1!J m.Qd1t1o.at1an. The~1l1dolGn ~.:-

tl])eo partiee de propoAt100~ fAinl'objet de wtlN d18t1nata 8ii1\~'da1Qn

Page 103: search.archives.un.org...,\', ," Committee on Procedures and Organization ARGENTINA BELGIUM CANADA CHJlU CUBA FRANCE GREECE HAITI PERU

"'·17 .-

2. See llul.o 32 ~ the Seeuritj Counall,­nparts of' a. motion or or-..J,. draft 1"eI!IQI­

lui-ion shall be vot.ed on :separate~ attl18~ of 3II;f l·ePl"G~tatlve, BU1!i1P.iDe ~V.sgH R!iJ!FV""

3. ~n!!l~~bY;!:,tt&1QD~:-

"..... · ....~ "bit. y!! g,1eo\ mattE a.e caR!ble_~ ~i~!l ..

Is it possib'.e to 8tato in the J'Ule &n:T11mifav.tion. of d.ivis'l....cll1?

4- It 16 sugC'E'~~ed that an add1t1DP be m:3deto th1e rul::J, Vl"'C'":/!.clinz thai',a t1nal ~d10 the trl:;;.:.lc r;·:!'orOt;;;J. be taker1. (DB) ..

1910 1£

It tuo or mro amaudl'~1'ltlJ ~l1"e~ to a propcs.E'jl~

the General. Assembly sluU1 first 'VOt. on thG L.V41d,..lD&'1t f"u.1:ot;OOst~ ill subnta.ncc fran. the c«-ig:! f:\~ ..:..

" ~posal mn the.." 011 the~~ DaJ:t turiib~~t zoe­mD"red, and so on, ..mi2. all, the ..JdD:JGnts baV-:3 heQll~t to t.he ~e.

The corro9pO!'!':l1Dg rule 1n tho Secttl··1:t~·

Caunc5.1 !'oa,1.o:- :tPrh.t«Lp&l motions anddraft r(Jzolu.~:.·k'i1a as~ill Mve prf)cedencttin the Ol'Cle~ of their 3\lhlde:Jionlt •

This has oauscd ditfietUi,y.!he J..es.;LL Cemtnlttco) hOt10"lMr, gave t~

tol.:l.Ol'rlr''':; opin'-oD:> l'.t tho requoet at tilePreside.nt. f-

"On Z~ lIovc:(,;.e1." 1?46, tho S1Jlt.h Ccer.t1.-1.:.teo rof'r;:l"rod to S\m·..r';·:·~.itt3fl 2 c. l~te!'l'om the Pre~i!k!it or the (lmt")!\l). An6c.:tll'Jl:t to tho Chs.1.J'man c4 t~r,;S1:!;.th Ca::Jd.~t<Je

reqaootinz th~ ~1;~th Cocmd:ttoe to st~t(: ~.t~~ '['10':1 ~.th :!·age.rd to ;~.h. arda:l" 1,n \'Ih1eh,UDder the P::"J"'J'1Gil~:;:;.t'..l Rclec ot Preeciiuro lor t·hc Cono..~l ~~:Jo~bl:', TOto, shcttJ.d Mtakto in the l~EC'e:~~.ly rend it9 Coorittoeo on va.rioo..l6 ProFOStUa ftC!.~M.J,"1C to ene tm4t,M SIIJOO quoat:ton•.

Tho ,~I.'·,)...cOr.'!'!T.t,t,.,(! ecns1dered whether a !lpoe:l11l 1...<1106 \'135 neCOf;:nry to p:cov1dsfor the ccntir:~rJ.ejr C'..ont«!p1sted ll'\ the latter undQl" considertJ.t~_;m. I' W~ ltvopinion tll!lot ';:.h.e:Nl. c:....t1.d l:>90nQ.9 ono roooluUon 2"ClAtine to one mn tho eo..'!~o (li:~et1tlon.

ill othflr Pl·O!:ooalD dlat b3 in tho nature or~8 to tho [".(~in rosolut:i.;;:1.~erattll"C, l1u.lil 'l~ om be given effect. to in ill cases 'tlhere th,,~:~c are J!Oro r~posw

than one l.-olat1J~ to one Mili the 38IIl.e <l\'..G8\ion.· .

... :PThe Pl'ea1.tlGnt or the A8aG:lb~, or tho Cbatrmm of the ~t'~O$, W01u.u d_et.t't:oj.r.,~

which propoau 1s to be t~~ a& the bl\81\j (\raft t'08Olut1OD to tlh:teh thG ot~ pr0­posals l'dll be eona1dered as am«dmel1to".

-----_.._--------_._----_._--------- . . -~---_ ....._~~-_ ...._-_._._- --.__ .-

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I -1$-

~r.aen an am.andrn8nt rcwiscs ~ adO.s to 01" delat,GlJ.from a proposal, the~t shall be votf..a.an fJ.rat, and if it is a.doJ*.ed., the amenr.\edpropooal shall then be vct.ed OD.

Th1a 14'U.9~ be' uu.tform1.¥ appl1ec18:t."\O& ame.ng the re~;()lUS, :it; provit1e8a definiti'Va cJ..osc to tho dit:lcwsaionCI1 a question t;':x\' l1:!8koo it more .ditfiet\l.t tor the qwu3''-1on toO bereoptmed..

(See C~an mc.~ICU A/IJJ'it/69. p.). SUgge9tion to add rule rroT1d1.nc that amot..iC.rl tel" l"eo(m~ider<\t.1onof' a quest.1o.'l cl.ready decided sh~ be put to theV()to ...·J1:~lv.:ut. della-toe and should roqJ.ire &.~ me.Jority.

:> .:~,);(;£ C;L:.;,.ct~.on S3e Robert.s nul., or c...r, p.1S6 et seq.l"~sgk~~. T'tds mot1on is pecuUar in tbat the ~ing at tile motlon

h40 ~l.~ !:>;g,';ll~ t..~t. its considorat1on, and for a certai..?1 t·:i.me prevents any­tlU,ng b$1ng em>,) ·n.atl'MJ rosult of t.he vote it 16 proposed t.o recor~cler. Itcan be tJ&do O!1J~r or! the dq the voto to he ~orw~ tmD t.3,k$1, or en tMna:di uucceOO1ncr da¥, a leB&J. hol1da.y or & t-acetlo not ~e counted as a dtq.It l1lW!t be r.asds by one '01"1.0 voted \'d:~h tho Fe'lndJing B1de.·· AnT member J11Iq

-__ 1t.. 1\ Gall"" \1I:d.1a ar.w ot.blir~~ .• peDd1Qa.... it m;)t,her8 ....... tIIlr , '. aft.- ..... __ ....... ..,•••, ..srth' ......hDa no\ '*1 t.be.~~.

n.n. 3t\10 lS, p.l, is as to:u..o-t"1. ;Jherl a motiQ."l h&o been made 3tIdCl~;'~:i.i;'):d, or lost, it 1I!bal.1 be ino:rdor 1:01" ,:?.Dr l:Oiabcr or the 1"l8.jorit,y,on t,!-t£ :JMlC f;ZO 3UCC~ dey., t,:)m070 i'o;' '::'hl.~ ~,'cc(~1d(tL-ation thoroot~and. eueh lllOt1.l7ll}. ;,1Ila:n, taka ploo"ed.U1ceor 1ilJ. ,,': ;K".\.~ (P:lsr.j.<>n3 rocoept tho eon­sido...:t":;t::',r' oZ lJ. CU-!"!SC'fl:r..'C,'J report ora motion to c.r; l~.\.:;i'~:" :.;'1d s1".all net bo'·i~.thdl'!\:;u1. aft::::; tlK~' satd sucoeOOiog dSl"J1thO\lt t~1C cc';i''J:S(;::\t of the lh~o, and.tlle:t."Oa:ttCl' l:lJ~i~r me::.,iy::r :':1:J.Y~ it uptor C(.i.\1c:tdarutlrii"l~ r:~dad - '!'ba.t~ ~tioo~ if t.;!;i.(\-.:;-J~.r.1! the 1.aot•~ '" ..:1ft"'''' 0'" ., 1'" -,-.",~ ••. ,.\ s"''''U'''- <"!·i "-..L.A. ~I:' <.L ...~ ":'HJ' ...~'f~'.,....·_·"l.l 'I J,1l...~ ~ :.....-l..t,,;

posed ~t 'tlhen Z!'EJIo. '!

Th,;) !f'~t;1.on tQ l"ecoll.ai'\e::' cannot. 1,)0 lllnBll.ded, poet;;.one.dinde!in.1,ttJ1,y., c ....COCL'1itted •


~: Ql"dor that tJ,lO~~ .mq h~~ tlw ~1\ ot th.o mat;m'ed jw!~,'j'r,t::,;,t r.,1't-iw ~Olf)tdf:.te~,a NQ~_~~ton ~ 4 'tQtA' IIIlJClt be:~~ J'~~.(lac 0:; th>l3t~ QlJO of prertol.Lil tocorU:d.~.t.ot~n,f arid it·~ ·be tx>VFJ<1r.r,:r UJW: <me ,,;hQ ~d not.vot$ '''';ith t;.beloa~ ~de ,CV011 if he las &tJ30pt ~lerl t,)1e :r-:'~v1~ v.ot~ '16l3 takl3l1 ;bU~ ;l~ all3U 1"Crl~e ,. t\;Q-tlQ.~6. vote for it.f.i adOpt.;i.QA Wllea~ ~ ':OOI~ \molCt~ t~th ttltl rne..J9~"lt.y j"s either p·~t or I':C~tdv.~~le rv~t~9.e ~ the fIlOat.LJgan9. t«t~ tt16 r.eeon~ldQr!J,t~o!~ ~l&O to Qe ~ve.i. j~4ia ~tl!! \~ adv:~-t~e Qf.tUl? abD(:JnV$ ot ~r~ to l'CVerae 8.Ct~ ~ ~$l~ f~r1i WAlQ \~3,l'e apaent to­~J1.rJG up th(J qu.erstJ,on or I"eco~1de.rut"011".

Page 105: search.archives.un.org...,\', ," Committee on Procedures and Organization ARGENTINA BELGIUM CANADA CHJlU CUBA FRANCE GREECE HAITI PERU

2. 2l9£ t& 'IdalS..

(~) (A/BUR/69, I" .S>. ,A rule 81lOUld be .~ aftIIo~ ?6 ea\abUlI!dIIg \bION" 1ft which raso1At~, ..~ tl'OlI 1tc'J.:I.cl be p..m tothe 'tOM. '(300 s.l9¢ o~l ruls propaeecl b.T ElMuUve o.rd.t'tee .. rc/lnlJ/:f6. p.1D)

(a) tJhM a mII!beZ' tit propasals aN Weftthe~.Aaa~13# tb8~1\'C't1loat~ in substance tn:m t.Pl"inc:fpl OQlS aball.~ ftt,ecl an tlft*.

(b) :tt an~"'lM.~ out,~ fill a~:S.s~, the Geneftl Ae8llJlDbll"aha1.1. fir. llIato en nhethG!" the T:arda inQIlGst10n shan ataad part, oJ: the propoDal.U tile~ !a • the IlII8d1ft, '*~ 8bt\U tlwl be put to the \IOte.

(e) When an amament adda to a propoa&l, l.t.1Jba11 b• ...,. 00 rust, =. it 1~ i.as.dopWd tbe IJIII]d!uc1 prapooal 9hal1 thenbe 10ted on.

Ca) C!~;.g«~i'2!"..:-...~.lij.~.e~)1"l1¥!r& .t?Wl ~.dDmt 1e lIl1.Jdl1 to a~ of a. prororJall'lUst -::.• t:I~t, b~

voted en hereM,~ t4 tIIa1# PJ1lOr.oeeJ,,? At the 24th .~:Ing the Chr..~"\h~, e;~s':tl thJ-~tbat all uaen<!iw.... (,,*..:1ch PM'fiO.la. & reri.e:1on in (~!~pga.g:oaph of the &~1oU1ar J'eSolut~.cn) sho\'.1d be -mtod bere'::'0 [;;,"?:,;' !1C,!,t. of thct~ ...ln sl PZ"f.'"sa).. A ~-...w.'fO ~"el3~ed t;13 vier.7 tL(,:'.:. :':~ 'M3 \'m:.;1'.g t·o.tfd,e"11 'tlitb~ tt-.at f1..ave to do TJith one pht~SQ of the :·~.c'":~n dGlt~

pl"lor to t\ comt!deratton of the pr.acrab3.e and other prt;eOcii'>.'lC r:.'J:"i~ of' tho i2;1')..'trJ.<!e~rt. !..notbel' ~p.r;:'le"..Ittl:ti'?GJ o1:ppo1'tlng t,lds ~1, l,'.,it.bJ',iued ';;bt!t nit!lll'~ be ,...n tor .. to proo~ecl 'J2eic~'.11y co that, JJ' 'Gho title 'c. c l'G~h the poirr'..,. points nhe::-o~8 haw b;'OL :i.xn.l"'OOt:.aOO. ue n-l.ll be e,:.11:> to und~1r~·aoothctn bettm·ll • '2.~h0 Cba.:1rman &Ct."ekitec1 ~~Ids v1(JQ 46 reP1'euenti~:,; 'f:,he eensc of t:1Cmeeting.

(iii) l;;h~n snw~ to ran. amend.~ (or G'fell to an~ motion) j.sinttD,hxl L~ t:'. ,:,m.bfJtltutlJl for t·lle earlier ~r:!en.t. (or lJ¥)t.1c'7l.) and. is Mopt.t'dby the C~~ttGe; dece t·ile Pl~'ViO'l..gJ;:;r ~}l'Oro.:~o<l 8l?:andm.Gnt (ell' r:'.ot1oD) l"poa or.......& I,t "'-~ ...,..,...j.,~,,.\? ·';'~o..,. C'~.""'~"-1<"\""J ~P!1"~ ••.•,,'~ ~·,·,(·th",",~ .........li- ~--.. "1'-'1.4 b....~".. vc# .v·:rw............. .w,.v , ..~ .......~,..... ;}.. ~' ..... ~,\.'" ...~ ... '......Gi.. 'iii~, ,..,.. ~A.a.....O:u"..., ~ ."J~ w

'med eu<l ~-pl.,c::;:cd hie viet! tha:t ~.!r'J,~~.:;::: tb.: :r~p:?()tcnt3tiw 1na1sted he tlouldcozw1d.or th.?,t 111a ~!Idmcn", 1ud b!;~sn ~:.;;~t.or:;;.\t~J~:~11y lod. by tho accoptanec ofthe S~~PCic;~\.i.,m(, ::~~. '1'0 that tho zoot:,'o5ent3.tlve obser,;od tha.t "us 1''''1.....''01Jc, 00 .auid.i?-d J..~. ';:'Lia muttel' bY' tl16 r\.U1~ of F::.-ooec!.u."Gn• The Cha11"1,n1ll 001":.­eluded tlt:):~ "i11 thAt ee.s~ I subtn1t. biz l\"4~~ to t113 'Jot,::n. The Car~ttt$C

tta ,~O{: on tho ar-~ :.:.mo~~j.

3- m~jdI.~E'::;'....?.t.:Q:?~

auJ.a ), t4 "c,ho S~".!'itJ' Co-.mcj,J. ('l~nte13 t'iSt ~ mot.1ca 01" drdt NfJolutioucan et ~ t'!r:d be w1thdre...n, so lot12 as r..c \"'O"~e baa been 'C.~~-een.

(8ee &0 Robgrl:.~ Ruleo of /)r(.\erJ p.100:-

"A. fe(lUest ttlr lea'V'e to \'11tfldra:rt •~'m&7 be made at ~ t,io.e befOJ'G"""1It& 011 tho q"J.ezrt.lon bstJ· cc.t:reanced,eWD though too motion. has ~en amald..-".

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.. 10';

.....The ~e of _ch J.f8Dbe1o pcart.SG!__ !D lmIrall.-caU. ahaJ.l,. be U3eertGd J.n t.hI Ne.D:«.

JL~r {SUtm~~att..~¥ J~ ......),.

Tho~ of eo.ch De.1Apt.1on :abAU .,. c&lla4 1ft 11'0" 1'01.1 ad .. ttl.

,..~ aball r&P1I' rryes", "l~o" or flr~t ve:t1ne"•• nsu1\ Me daU.'

be~~ '-n the x·eoo!'d..

(8ee i.f!IlC.t _6 htQr).

""'8Za ~t_ to th-., prclVie10n8 fer the u. ,ra .... w.w. eat fQrt,he~ !.a·those~.'l.t au. ~lOM GIld a:u d.eois~ l"OlBt!ncto ....~ of otttoe Iht.U • 'tate bT .......ba1.l.ot;. ThEft alB1l " ~ ~ttmw.

t I~~!Rn 11; t~l 'he 1l"'~G ttmt e.rq part 01e.~ nn i.$ ..to t\PPl.?" to CQ:'J'.d.tteel'l,it 13,~(l that~ Rule aMu1d bo_1~, ~ no~.na;t1ollS b~ve :tn fact~ .tS\tt In Co:rdtteee and ·30 tt\r 1~

ebjeetiaft as been Riss!.

~~ ..~It, 'l~~ 8nc ,ot'30n Qr t.aP.bet' is to beclected, no cand1d~te obt~:.:lM in th(t~~t 1;h", .~~y ~1.tt=:'oo in bles 78 '*." a ~ocmd~ 6i'f\ be ta"OI1J~to tho tno car..did'ltoe ~te.:L~.ng the hrpst%UZ2bm. of -rot.ce. Ii' 111 the L~ eeond b&UDt thevot.ee arc~~ c!1rlded, and a mt\.1ofttr 18requ1I~, tJ1t I're::1dont slmll d.JCi4e t.tnecmthe cnncu.datee by drlm1l~ lota. '.Jbop. ti'JO­thirds mjoZ"1ty :Ls reqUir\).1, the~SehalJ. be cont1nued until one c:mdi,t~to :JOcu.......tAIo-th1.~o of the voto3 C3L:t.

t~t ~~:j]lI~~A9.M (A/BUR/69, p.5)

If, l1'1m on~ one ~son 6rt!evbe=- is t.o l:-re elbC\ed, ::"'.0 C:1nd1dr..to obtn:1n~in t!~a ~.~ oo.llot t,M =Jotit~ l'equ,trixl.1i1 ~:l$C 7n c::' 79 ~ ::;~C~ ballot sh!\Jl betaten, conf.'.r..'3t1 to the tmo cdr'.J!ltt4ee obt~.n1nc t.lw J..~soot rr..!r.::':O!.' 01 \IOtC3. !f inthe t$tond h~ot the ~es e.re equa.!l.:' dh'1~JI !'.nd a n'.-,.jm-!~1 ~.s ~qu:!.""". t~Prce1<!ent ~~J1~J. ~~.de betncon th~ e4n1~.dete::; by er~ !t)t,e. rJhcn a t~-th1rd!l!M~~'" :r~-Iledl _~ b!'.llO'M:ne d'lt~J1. bo eo~1!r.i~ tm~l1 or.-:? ~mdtlht. 2~.nstwo4M.'ftta fit ~bs... -.t! ~.~~_t.h~, 1'.rt~ tho thb'd ~r'.:T~~\tt_t~n"~IJL~~~~_~.~~~_1LiJli,!.!!I!..t-~I&_tj,?:2-iE_~~"~!!!L.~...b!.~J'!!r..A!'l't"~·U!d~~ _.~,_ •

blIA ..t"nllm too Cl' lDDrO ~ar~w' ~os ~ to boft1led at onG t1me .UI\dor the S8ZIk'! cond1tS.ODS, .

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'b11OS8 CD.1r.11dntes obt!l1n1na in tJlft f:.~~.'!t

be.1Jm, ttl'", l'jOrS.t,,.~ !rl Rult::.~1 78or 79sbaUbG~. Uta~of e&n4idatu 41bMtld.., ... JIlAjor1ty 18:x.s 1'.bIm tbe 11I__ t6 ,...... Gr'~~to· be e1.eotec1 tbM'e aIa11 _ tddit:t.aaa.'1~a to ii.U the .....,'" plaaes, the't'CPtJxIa 'beingz~ to • ~_{w.teDobte;tn1t18 th.o areatest, zUthr of ._ Uthe prev10uc b&lJq{., t_ ,.Iber <tr amIIJ-&tel bein; nQt. Ql)J'G than tnte. aa lIlarIT ..t.bG r4aces~ to be 1S1'1l'l.

iBda 8~'.,"

1IU1es 7'1, so .. e,.(~co r.:;;tJ~ ~ I"..JlOi ga all:! 8' aoO'lfo t Q't)

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·.- .

..,,-~........... r •••• .. ........

~o cbene~, a'JtCBlJt m Rua e7, 8I'.i1ent1ed CB fol.J.Mm ~y l"eeo1lltlon

or Gen~ Mcemb13I'"


11:'3 tozm at oh·i~.(~ or amb~!'B ol~11 be~ an 1. Je:D:WXI'¥ fo11owb.g


",': -. ~~,"~ ,\. :~t ..... ~~~{,:~ - ::i~'"


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IV • ~(jH (~' f-,wacns OF 1'lm :mf!'f~1.(fl.i»1l'J. COHlrrOF JWJ:'(~E

.\.bil.G 99 ,."

'1'be e1eftia.u at- the l1.leIDbe:N of the 1D"~Court of JuuM.ce shill taka p.1aM 1JI a.ooorcS.attoevt.lth tJw Statut,. ot' t~w COtB"t:"


g2!..li!AA 22W- - (adopt,ecl tv~ AaMlDb3¥tNbject to &PPZWal b7Secr81t.J' Ccw.«U)

A~'1~ of the~A~~ heJ4 111~ ot t.he Sktat..

«,j~' t 00 j.~:tw"";.l&t~~ of Jus\SCo for tJae~ ol 'the Cfleat.iGa. or ~;('3'

~ the C~""l; alA\l. f;ODt.1nu~ !lfxM.:l ae mr~ (18K4idakt't $.$ ~ x"l!tq~1 :r. a.U i~

;g$Q,u t.o 00 £l:U..-ed barw~ in oa.e W mo:'e ball$s an 4".~.b.tt.. ~.." at

~ t,ll~ \'$O',f'il l~ al)1~\'/ rtfJk pro­lorJe;!.zJ« un eleJ:t.J '0'1'1 mct'ltSng :U1det­J.n1.t,(.,J.~r tn el!~ of wn·UJ:.:~~Jd du.Q;1­lOftk?

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Ud ,

lilt ¥A'lbo Ua1n Ccrsd.t.t• .., o£ ii.be Qeaeral Meeb]~&1'81 ;-

(1) PoUt1oal 8Dd Seour1t7 CcIJD1ttee(incl'ld1nB tbe reeu1«tioB of~e)J

(2)~ and F1nD.nc1al CouII1tt••(3) S001aJ., Htnanitarian and Cult\1Nl

CaJID1ttee(4) TlWteeebip ConIlI1\teeJ(5) Adain1,trati'ft mi l3\x1setU7

Corie:1tt,eeJ aDd(6) !Apl Ccadtt.ee

Uould it be e.df1f'l<J.b1e to 1Iloludlt after~h1pCoIm:1\tM the \'lOl"da n~luc:l1:D8 MD...elf....~t~·~ Tbie \'fQS suggested. as a meana of<1et1tWlg the 3tatus 01 the two pemanent \'1Ol'k1D&nb-CalID1tt.ees tJllich it a.pp881'8 l1lceq that thel'oW'th OaMl1ttee tdll CODUnue to haft.

i!I.1-~ ~ 1Q4 1pg}!JSI! .....*=• 8~ ~ p.royis1one trOlJ1 Che.pfieJ" V

resar4iDa JlOU8re of preeldiD« ott1cer I

etro., be 1noluded?(Soo tDl.- Chapter V)

Each coarntttee mq set, "iP sv.b-conIn1tteee, \'1h!Mwll elect thcd..r 0\'1Q. ott1cers.

I 1. ?0l'le..t.~-2.t~b=:9sI!5t'k!!it

.T1d.tJ quesf)iorl \1&l'J rahMJd at the secoa1 meeting of ~t'tee1 orCcud.tt.' I ,'lith~ to nhGthGr "he SUb-CCl!lL!ittee eou1A~ ncr~ and dre..0t reaolutlonG, ubGn its m1ssion 1mB onq to ooordiIatethe draft. l'eaolllliic:mo referred to it. The Sab-Ccalittee decided that itatasl, \'IQe limited by ita terms or rer~ and that OOD8equGn'tJ,y it coul4.DOt ~e ~7 propoaeJJr. .Suh-CQ[;1!d;t,toe 2, at its t:lf't.h moet1na, dec1de4that it. could not Bug_at to Committee I a voting order tor the d1tte~IllllGadmtl/ll'lt.a before it, since thia \'lao outside ita juriad1etion.

2. Sett~ up of Sytd'bllJDjI..'tr-U

It -gaG agreed that in v.!.eP of the varl.able factore atfMting thisquestion, it fIOUld be 'apooe1bJ,e to JDIke artT·baN aDd fast rule.

It :La JDOH a ..tv ot svat.eg thaD or l"Ul.. BD1 m:re prl)pa.:rat;or.yuork on the Dub8taDce ot the c1it't~ 1tem8 abou1d be done for the nextAeaCJb4r.. A great deal of consul.tation 18 nee••uy with DolegD.t1on8 toclear 111 advance ae IIIlCh as posB1ble.. AAor that, it is & questlca ofchosi:J& an appropriate IDaflJlmt for t~ proj)OA1 01 a n1>-CoIa1tte., accordingto thb cOQZ'$e of the debate. (see 1./f1JB169. P.9) . .

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~~: $liIe m'lggem.:l.ons fo~ a.d.d:inG CI1rtainPl'ov1a1oDtJ re votint!, at~.

Deci~1onD in the conraitteea of the GenenlAO(;.«I~ ehaU be taken by So ma~rity oftha .maabero preserit and 'I1OUng.

Ag,:r~1d !~ee (79 an<\) 100 b1~ th$ .'/OZ'd tt~d.opll!lH art~ the \~

rtmajoo:1tr' 1n:'L0 laatlUle.

1::\ orier to obtain a majorit,. that earl'ios :Ju.tr1e1~t; 'lfJight ~ provia1on

should be mde fer eo lIl1n1zInatt~ of affirmative 'JOt..

"ffo doc1eion aMi.l be cons1d'Sr'et1 val1dit it baa not received a nutnbGr otatf1r'.alat,1ve wt.a equ1va1eat t.o atleJ1st a tbrea-toarth.e major1t.y of thoquDrun ~ed by Rule 65.n

fiYbe .l9i

Uniaeea tho ~eral Ms<Dbly itself decWosothel"'td.ae I it shall not malto a f1n&l decieionupon itcs on tbe Agenda um.1l1t haw recoivedthe report. of a CCII1'IU1.ttee an these items.

Diecus;:-;j,on c! a rc?rJO:-~ of a l.!d.n Cc:m;::1ttee ina pleo.'\..'7 meet,i:~ of the G<m~a.l AasembJ.3r shalltako ;/laco -U at lEliiSt ono-tbird ot tho Cl'.ttC'Bof the Ccnnitteo considor such a discuseion tobe necessary.

Hot. ~ 1. 'l1ds rule j.e completGlyuaeless in it,s pr-esent. form..Sea I~/1?.:f../f>126, p.16

(a) Ohen the reports t.mrl resolut.:tQrlB DUbmitted by the vcrious Coornitte..at the C>OI1.&ral Ass~ are 'J:'ou(i-'1t up fer adoption 1.:1 pl~ aes/d.on,the President l except. in the eaee 1nd1cated 1n parao:'~ph. (b) enallroad tho titlee of the reports and put. torthuith to tne vote tlw :''060­lut10ns m-u.cb are proposed.

(b) 'rho proeedUl"¢ prm\led tor- in t.ho procod1na paragraph shall not apply inessee tJMN one-thitd of the~ of the COIlIll1ttee haw declared thattb0Y conaidor a. c11sc'WJsian c;£ tho report; in plS1a17 session to be noc05eer:r.

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- -- -~="--====-.:-.:..:...:=:=.=..:...-:~=========================-

... 26 ...

l!DtecUH'ion of a"~ of & Ua1n CaDottt.. in a ple.aar.r meeting of

too GenerJ;i..1 J..ea~ slla.ll take p.lace on:q TIMn a -3Ol'1t.7 of the~ of

the Com::J1ttoe so d001r:k. n

3. 500 sU€..~est1onB re dratt:l.ng alii tnneJat20n (A/BUIt/69, p.6 t ., & (5)

It- See SU&~st1.orus re ado~ or I"Oport.a. ef:to. - ad.nutes of Second CorottrI;t.·~~..~~eeUefrAng, p.2.

&t.\t W. -At SMar


!~o resolution 1nvo1.'I:lII« ~ture ahIaU be votedby tho Gansl"u Aesembq un:I;U the Admln1 atrs:tiveand Bt¥ia~tm.7 Ccmu1tteG of t.he oenaral AsSECrJU;y buhad an opponun1ty of etatina the ottect. or the P'C'Opoaalut'On tbe Budget of the United 11ationa.

~rk l't)e&.n-tian requ1r1ns tho 8U1rDia$iOQ at a eupplemelUtu':Y e5t.wte

8bal1 be voted by the~ Ms-embly .

2. ;!t:;9r'~:d£}b:'1.'ZdQli'-

l1)io r~l'*lut.1on 1nvolvi.ftl ~"tIl'. not 1ncluded u tho b'Ada't't. est1..tl~:\tos

P"ft'.1ou~ auWittod by tho Sc.:.1'etar-y*Gelleral elk\l1 lie voted b)'" the Gc:Jnaral

Assamb~ untU the Adndnieu·at.ive and Budg6~~ ~ttae of tJ..e General MaC~

baa bad an oppc:r.tu.'1ity of str\t1nz the ~reet ur too PI'OpoAl UfQ!1 tho tat>4l ~1al

obl1gatlone or tho Unite-,,! I~a.tJ.ol'\llll.

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rill·... AmJISSIOU CF tl&l Wit1Bm3 TO 'l'HEum'l"ED NATIONS

a,._ .,..,._. I • I _os. 7J t- ............

Ru1.aG 1.13 to U6 ...

tbleI" ocmaidtft.t1m by Ccdm1tteea of

Qc~ Aeeeab1.y aDd SMurit.)" CouM11."

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nA rule of P'Oceclure may be aaepen4ed lv' tile CouDcU proyicled

that, ~y-tOU1" bouN' notice of the proposal of the~ baa

bela gS.'ml. The notice ma.T be waind 1t no l!M!I!Iber ob~" •

Page 115: search.archives.un.org...,\', ," Committee on Procedures and Organization ARGENTINA BELGIUM CANADA CHJlU CUBA FRANCE GREECE HAITI PERU


P8Dd.1D8 tbe~, UEder~ ,. at Article 62of t.m~, of 4et1Jd,te Rules te the can i• o£1Dt.-raaUaD&1 ccaI.....,., the :r.eorad.c mi Soo1alCouDCU.~ after due OOlIINltat1GD 1d.th Uembera of

. the 'UJ1U,ecl '-t1ClM, oaU~ contereneea 1Dconfani1t;y l11.th tho oplri.t of ArUc1e 62 on aD7 _tt,er\'1i.tIdA the~ of the 00aDeU, 1nolud1D8 \beto1.1cJldDc ..ten,~ trade ad emplqr­MIlt. .. equ1~ ...,..., of )ftoeB em the1ntenat1anal~, aDd 1BIlth.

lias the Council made ~ prosre­t.oMIrcI8 tram:1ng 8DT 1'U1e.? th1e 1'4ll~ remain the aa1.1tal7 supple­JBlt.ar1 l'Ulo, BIJ the ot.he.r'a~poss1b1y Mtl be dI'opped.


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rr '"I


") :.

Becmttar1., ee:.a1t"ee onAuemb17 ProoedUres1JOrldug ;')aper 10.

stDimiQ SJI6lIlm m.mFNL&1 !1! PHOC5?YJRI!2!! tHE9~ t\1SlHLY

(Thie paper iDoludea Clhea4!llte augaaM4 by1II8mbers. CorlJd.,t.4E'e~~~:.u:a£l(:lI ~ 1£.c,U. ~~~~ uu::. u.

r- lbr'aou.. l .... ott1.)


RW8 1 (a)

EXECO'1'IVE on'1C1;

~\ '!'be seozoet~r·~~Ml llbell CGIIIII&D1tsate to tho other ....1'8 or tbe tlb1.e4<...;. c-~~

~Nat!()D8. t,osc'Cher nth 111e ,....-Dt'S.a'1ou. 4fI7 1'89.••1; ,..198& t .... •c~

tor -loatpcmtlmllDt at Il rct8\llar ••100. It nth-a tsne. (!) fit ..

\.-' or the cOlml.lD1oat1on • major1v or tM ...,... OODOl!lr 1'4 t!le ...

'\'~.hell be jlO8~p0as4 ........'1l1agq.

~ ~3~ornca.

Speo!ala ...1on at the OeDeral AHetmbl.Y .ball~ 'be lela W1t;hm tifteen data

or the NOS!pt by tho 3eore"e:y-Ge_ro1 ot & zoeqUltn tor 8W1h a •••100 fran the

Secur1~ Co\mcil or of e. reqUll." ~r OOllO'U:l'ftJl~at a aajorU)' of the MltDbeI'lD of

't;i.. UAlad Nations.

Rule -4

s~o1.al ..allion. The seonta:ry-~ral .Mll tho.l"llupan 1nf'ozm the othar l·~ers

of tM l1Jlited Nations or the roquut an4 1n.!Uir'e whethar til.,- conour ill it. If'

"nhta th1rt7 dII.vtt of the date of the «Il:Illmi••1;101D a -Jon'1 of the~ cem­

our 1n the rcqu.es1;. "spacial susia of ,be GeDa:tal Aa8embJ,y aha1l be sUUIDOned

in aaeo1'd.cnco with Rule 3" vt~-c.......,..,"'-, ...~--~


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$eontarie.t 0Cm1l1ttef;l onAa88mbll" ~"\Il'ea

WoJ'is:1uS Paper ~t}..

RulAI 5 (a)

The 8ecre1oU7-GeDeral shal+. caJllim10ate to tb. olhar Mnlben at tbo t7n1ted

Nu10D8 t t<?"pther with .~ ~Ddat1ou\ll 8tlT req\MIst recelw4 trcm •,(~:;f(~l I~-'-<_'~" .~,~~,::,~.') ,;;"~~,~'~"~:::',*-t,,?:",,,._,,~.:"~.a~ ~ .~,.~:~:':~~~ tor til. CGDWn1q ot""a,~lon el_whens then at the liItll4qu&nen

\ .\ (~ .

of the th1ted uat1ona. It v1th~~l~-t. 44138 of the 4ate of tbe oo:mm1oaUoo.,r:

a major!. at the Membel'll CODCUX' in tbe ftQ.uaa'. tile Masicm .ball be OCIIlWDM

Rule a

n. seoretC&'7....ac.ra1 .}all IlOtU7 tile Mm'''. ot tile UAlte4 RUlou at le.'

t~ dqa 1n lid...... or ... oplID'" ot .....1a1 _slaD cOIl'WJk84 .t the.~..............

1itq:••t or the SHW:"lV 00ura.c11 t aDd .taut teA a.,. 1D the 0.. or .. requsst



1#1no1pa, o.rpna of the th1t8d Nat10u -a to the speoialized ..neies referred

~ in 1,"1010 57. p~h 2, of 10M Choner.

Rule 9 <a>Il:X1iXmTIft OFFICE, . / .; ~ .

." / .r f • J. _~ ~~_.lIAll ."1D~/or 10ha ,9'-r,~ ."'17 a~l1ait~ oO-Ou\1"'17.. "i ,. /;


Rule U

:EXECO'I.'I.1'B OFFIClh ,--~:;k.t::;2._..dIi__ l2l::;/ '/,;(>l!ifl""4lI",~,,&,.J"'~'~""" ""~".~t~"""'·_.~ "..,"","'~

The p1"Oualona1 agenda tor 8 regular sesaiOll~a11 be COIIIIIIm1oated to the t.tabers (,,\;

or the 1JD1ted Ne:t10D8 at le88t sixty dqa befON the opon1%lg of the 8$881cm. ~~" ~

(Note. 'ftIe pro,,1saDU asenda tor a sp&cial ....~ODI8 Malt with 1n ltJ:8out1_ ...~.__.,~ ~-.

Offioe Draft Rule 15 (a).)

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, ~" ..

s.oftf;ar1at CGtamittN CDAaaembJ, .ProoedUl'NWO~ paprt- 100

Rule 13

.W,;cuTIVE OmOE! ..j.f A C"""')~0-4. ~.~ ~r~l } Ij

"'1J:t Melliler~of' tile 17Il1- BaUODII",,__'.' lead • ..:..• .- t10IrlI

bef'o~ the dAte t'1:md tor the OpelWlS or a 1011. request ~e

1Dolwdoa or a4d1t1onal 1wms ln the _ "... items .ball be plaoed

on a mlpp14i11Ilen'ar.Y 11tot. which shall be oCJ'TJlU:A1oa," .0 the t....... of the

United Nlttior.a' at le..t ,~,~ 4e;va betoa the 4ate t~ tor tbe opc1ras

- '11"8* l1Me ohaneo 1ftWl'lV-tl.... W "thlnylt•.nttb. 11ne: olumE!Jlt ltf1tt.-" to "t--t1-•

. "

xacorlVE OF1"tOE~

1)flete RuJA 14 (po Rule 15 (e) below).

(1) Dunng MY :N@uar @'011S1on of the Genoral Aaeembly lHm8 msy be .re'9'1.8ec1.

and may 00 &3de:(~ to or deleteA trom the ..nela by • i:1aJori'7 or the Memben

(2) Du.riU emy regular @sos1oa or the aeneftl Assembly l'eme lIII!('f be tensed,

an4 may " delewd ft'U'JI, or. 1D e:mept1onal e1%"CNJl8f;BDOU, added to the

aaenda b1 • -Jon'7 of the MI!lmI:Iel"ll prGlleDt md "PO'u'Il8.

n&rtf1g ~ NEV-ll.;ar £.....u1on Qr the Qneral 1~17 t .....~ be revised,

and mq be added to or deleted f'rom the apnda by a -jorit7 at the r!8mbens

P~!1t mJd ~'insQ Only lSUllh flldcl1ttcmalltems m~ be placed on the agen1&

• mey ulee from the general deba\e dur1ng tJut ••81Oft. OClDsld3rat10!l or

Page 119: search.archives.un.org...,\', ," Committee on Procedures and Organization ARGENTINA BELGIUM CANADA CHJlU CUBA FRANCE GREECE HAITI PERU

.geeft'krta Qaaad'" CD .M8ambl:r PIoOe4t:rN81'bdclaa P8per 1O~


Dwl'iDl 8J11' wp1.st' ....leo" ~he oa.nl Al8cb17 1... JIIIjf " 1'W1Hd, or

..leW 'from the ~a bJ' ~ ,..,..t.hlrda majonty or the f4e.laben proaent and.r-


No acldlt1QDal 1ts mtq be 1Do11l4ed 1ft the apn4a etter ,be api17 or ,bAt time­

lb1t f1Dd in Rule 13. UD.1.eu. b,y ft..ODof' It...rt.ou Datul'w &Oil tarpn07.

l'~ th.. imlDtod1de .'tent!.- at \he Meemb17. In suoh _..nt, the Aa.sembl,y

shall a.c1,*.~ a tw-'th1rda -J=tt7 or b ....... p1"Waent .4 'VOt1Dg, W'uther

or not thep~ It8ll &ball be 1r.lcluded SA 1~ ...,.,...

RQ1. ~ (.)


'lbe provlolODa1 GfJ'D4a or a epac1al '....... alll8lM4 at the reQ.uest of tbe

security 00'&mG11. shall be OCIIIl'JUDleatDd at leut f'~eeJi«.,. bit... the

~ of the ...~lon. • pro'f1810Da1 .... or a llpee1al _alOll,~

at tbe ftolUG.' or aQ1UNl.ftnt18 ~ • -.1or1W of tIuI~. ahall __ OCDtJlmlcaW

at lean t-. 4rqa btJtQft the opeJ\1Aa ot tbe _a8tell.

1hI1. U (b)

:IIIOC1ffll O!'!'ICI.

'!hi Pl"Y1.1~1 II8Itn4a trzr ••ped.al __loa lIhall IDOl=- tlx)ee Ihma tor wbl.h

<- ". 42, 88, 96, 97)

(NoM I s.e aUo ....W Oh..... 1a RIal.. 11 ... 18).)

Rt4e 15 (0)

:mearm ornClt

J.tq litrIIrIter..(or tbe ttl1te4 Nat 10u ..,. lit 1_.' twr4•• bet~ the date. t1.Je4.

tor the ope_ at • lipeclal ae.101l, Nq\I88t thelncluelon ~ .a41UODal 1__

in the~. Sloh 1... shall be placed OIl a su.ppl-..nt..,. 11.. niGh shall

be oQm1Qlllcated to the 1l!mbers of. the UDitedN&tlona 88 aoon as po£'slble., ....

Page 120: search.archives.un.org...,\', ," Committee on Procedures and Organization ARGENTINA BELGIUM CANADA CHJlU CUBA FRANCE GREECE HAITI PERU

Snntari.t e..t,... _.. I illW.7 JI1!roee4-.Wddq PIlpeZ' 10

... .5-

aa4ltl<ma1 t~.. DI81' De ~,to, '·M 4ItJ aW It_

1b&14 ~ Ca)

TM pl'01"18onal ~a. u4 ,bit ~~.,.U.'. ""ber lIUk iP~~~.....

npori of ifte GeMr&l o..mttMeaheU .. aw.liied '0 ~ a-nl1,

1a(l1"tb11 tar .~al .. *'OIl. ~dw.. anez. tM GpeJUDs or •_alca.

Bu.1a 1.5 (t)

UICtl'mJl Clr:P'1CS,

~I. ,he Qamll1"81 M8WJI)J,T 1 "..1t 400t4o nbeftlA. 1* shall ... __

III tUsal 4MialOQ vpm S.. OIl the -..I. _iU l' .he nou.- ,he ftP01't

of a OOOIlIittN 0Jt thNe t"'!!

(No». ~1D is 1lt4e 1(9)

s::xaRIl:'l"JRr. :rIF'm COltr.r.er:asc

('lb \s rn1stild. \'lid 1. -allolt.tlca·CII -.: ....... budat' or

..e1a or OOAtributllD1'>

RaIle 17

(Delete; IlI08 1IIIft~1.. om.. 4ratt or BIalea 15 (b) ma4 15 (.).)

aale 18

IImC'tfTIU o.rrXOB

(Deleto, 8M BilMut:lft Qtt1C1e CInft or Ru1At l5 (0).)



\~ .

Page 121: search.archives.un.org...,\', ," Committee on Procedures and Organization ARGENTINA BELGIUM CANADA CHJlU CUBA FRANCE GREECE HAITI PERU

ae.s1J..sat a..t. _.... I.l,- ar•••I1....WUI... J" •• 20.


1». csaa of n apee161 -.t.em. a Dote 0: a te.1........., ,-'r Of r-lp

.\ff'aiw oca~4 wU1~

'p,jrm?fD&:ftt ll~~tH -e.n4l,.. to .. tIIl_o.1'ratllaPrI... W ~11" ,......nted

tbelr fi'Oa~l':ttl~ ~o .. 8IIlantal'.Y-~40.. ..a. os.....~8PpOi~t­

nwn$ ~ M1\1~l".


(Tl'u:l p:br'uJ: ". for .ate la l!2a~ha~ bee Diver 13eon ElIIfQ~.

sbou.1d 1t be de1e'W )


1M. to qG ~ RtL1e, ~8MG with 1~ 52 eWaU be st1tld1J' obfslltl'ted.

Page 122: search.archives.un.org...,\', ," Committee on Procedures and Organization ARGENTINA BELGIUM CANADA CHJlU CUBA FRANCE GREECE HAITI PERU


. I

a.a.Mr1at e.:-d,tt.. OIl

Aa~~V1oI'td.na~r 10.

'rb9 Omwrol Q.Mmt4ttee .hall ClIO_1at or toufteen "-ft, 110 'WI) or __ shall

be nationals of the __ state, and shall" 80 OODatltUW4 .. to .~ tts

r.pl'ltll611ta:'1w ohal'aCter. It abaU~ the P:N81.. at tile oe.nl

As..-b17, 91M) 8lla11 prH14e, the If&1f8n vt....P.relJ148ftt., a4 tbo cba1.1.'Jlt1m of

If a Inriturotll" ot the Ger1eral CbIIl~_ t1n48 it .......,. ~ be abaRdlt auri~

a mee1.i'£lg of' tho OCIraDltliM bI Dq sppoi1a., _ nba"1tuM. ths V1ee-O'.b41t'.O:19n

at tb. Main Com1.ttH, 1n ~_ "Mia or a Mldu Oomtdt,.. CbI.I.Umm, s4 It amber1

\ til h1B dcles«t1on 1n 'the use of e. V1~P.t8.1c1aat.


qo~a lUl..1 whan fl rooord of :ita pl'O~£Ia.l~ OJ\. t11l8 IilUbject is available, to the

M.Htllbl~' tV;$uty...;t'out'~ 1¥ato.t... tU -.Ung 4-; \\iaich a r;1GOiBian. is to. be

teJr.en, 'he n~r of speakera shall be Um1ted to ilU'M for 41J4 tb:ree e£8.\nat

the Gell&ir.U ~-oDI1d:ttee4 px'OS\OIIal.


The atl~11l ~,tGe sball at the -l1Daiq or- each a.salon eonsidcr tobe

prO'9'1s1onal 8g3nda. t.th~th th.e 8'l1PplcDen~ list, cd "hall l1!81m a

reporl thel'eOn to the Genoral A.r!S~mbly.· It "hall aonei(l.er np,lics.'t10%ll'J for

t~ illClw.;:1on at addit10nal i'tems :in tho agenda And shall repo%"t~he:e(.ln to the

Genel·al A~iI3nWly.. t' shall aeaist the PrH1dent aud the, GeDa't1il Asaemb.ly in

dra'idq up the agenda fox' aaon plenary meetiDBt in d.t.~1ng the pri'ori~~

or Us itfJIllS and in tile gQ-01'dina-U01f'. of the pnc~dirIp ot all 0c:mm1~t.8 -t.

or tho Gstneral .AssEmbly. It eb.all e.l&o ~st the date an wh1.eh a Yll.8.in

1Cr>mn!t1:eoof' the C-enarul .Assembq,~ whiM an item CIa -.~ has ~nreferr!i,tl! $_1.1 JIIubm.it :ita final npQr'C on that ium to tu (Nunl Ass~.

Page 123: search.archives.un.org...,\', ," Committee on Procedures and Organization ARGENTINA BELGIUM CANADA CHJlU CUBA FRANCE GREECE HAITI PERU

, I



se-.tar1., Cc:8dtteeQli'-SIIb1T .P.ra........ '..,.. ~1O.

n.ulq, l' IIIlmU _18' .. P.reslAe1; ii1 the ..-raJ. OOD4ut of ..

'IRU'k or tMl General 8.,emb1l' wl4ch t~~ witb1n t., ...,.tenee of 1M

Pnc\d.~•. It shall not. how..... ,4eo14a .. PlUU-' P8,s..... f·.", , ' ..1:: .",. "", " ,

EDCU1'J.'1 arnmh

, .

• ~ - ,. co. • "•. ', ..' . ,-'~'~ , '.


m • S!QI~"IUI'IlAII illlSI'IS

BIle" Ca)

DMI.e't... SIml1"1'1~~1tl:la .bal~ '-.....teet to ..~ ~aUQD8: tor tbe. '. .. ' ..

PJ."QpoW& to ~- arq l'C*'*ic 0.' ".. NPOZ" or MIa SIIONkI'T-GeDeI'01~

..... 1'111...." or a, PiMtplll •• ila ttl. d, b MUll CJrJad'''' 1I1a'~. ~ ~ - .. .... '.

,~ .

_~ ahall l.le .~cl&14 ,-.0'7:. b •. ,.....raJ. Au.• .,~~ t1itllov.t pftftoua. . . . ,

ret~e to the .a.e~". "'-I ... ;. , .;. - ""': . ':'

~~l.~1.trat1QD ~ ~"~,,

(Itt.. fid.a appeu.. as R&Ile J.;p: .1/1.... -'. ", -: .,;... ~' ..

~ gro·'~.td01lYll""', .....:.111. ,.. "'1-'~ lS.at. d ahaU• ._, _J -_'~.' .:fl,..': . . :~"; .., . •

maD ~a1~~~o ce a..al .~. It.WJ. caulder.' . '~ ... •• ••• ~k_' '. •

1'VI_8. for~ t--. ......... ..wi .. taI1\Vdaa _ adlttlaul. . ' ".. .,' ~. -~~ \.'" . .. - . ~ ..." ': ..

1-., 1Jl tiba,"'"~ 1lIWl--~..~ '.:NOIl to the ,QeMral" ;.... -•. " .' -.> . t., . l<!;',_. '. .J' \-~ .•• t .• ' • :. " .• ' .. ~ "

M8IW1Ib17. ,~, sbeU _ala.....,~~ .. tbp, 0tlD1ftl .....Ir ....,> • • ., •• " 'f' • .~: • . 'I • • .. .•••• "

4raw1na ", . ·..~ I • • • •~ IIM-b&., ~·i~'.r~ I"',~."... tIt ita~t.., 8D41n. tblt~aD or t~ ~tJ,.ot:'J';;

. • • . It ,r ..::~ • :'1~'.{~'_;'"

..,' tbe~oe~~-. ft._lit........... _t.'-, .. a,....... ". , . . ~ .,. ~ ',' .'. . .'

.' I~ coa'luet o;t the 8m or ,-- ~~~!.:=:-'f.U'l.r\ ,,>.,~ at the Jna14o... D ~ ncn 48d4e ..., PQU..... 't,IlIltat.....,. . . ". . .', •....1~ .: .. " ""l~$!;l"f';:J::~ ,~:",:",."..,.:". ,t.,.'..,:'"

~ ,s . ,1.... -e.:~"';':':'';~;'.;.::, ..

Page 124: search.archives.un.org...,\', ," Committee on Procedures and Organization ARGENTINA BELGIUM CANADA CHJlU CUBA FRANCE GREECE HAITI PERU

~G ea-s.'", OIl.1. 1Jb1l' 1l'ooe4'II.I'N~~1tfl.. ,-

~ n (lJ)


(11Ie ft"f'1aed ralll U2 should ~ 1no11lll1e4 he_ in Gbllptel' VII)

No ruo1uUon requiring the auba1ulea. fit • INiPP~llt8l'7 eds-te ahal1

1» wt. b1 tho~ .8lIIIlbq•••••ete.

SItORm'AR'f. F.tr.Dt~*No NaolU1_ SJr'Iol't'iDs e:qatStuftuot~ ..........' ..~1a. pnwtoua1T

n:bad.tted l:\Y th. 3eOfttc7-oea.Nl u.u. M 'f'O\e4 l.\Y __ a.ual MrmblT until

the J4ndnS.k1Itl.... mt. ..,...,. CcDIll,.. or ,De aa.cal .Aaaemb1.7 !we bill en

Oppo.'L"tUDi't7 fit /lktiUS the ertH& ttl .. ,.JOIa1~ ,., total tm-01a1

0b11ptl.. o~ t. Qllted lIa'ioDlI.

~' ..~~......c'.~b!IJ.:"._Tl' .11'" IIlaftw· .'-':.' '. II~ LT, L ..... 1 (


•• ~~.~.. .e-s.' "......iD•• "IiOlU~iQ1\ 1Jl1'01v1Dfl

-.lll4ltuft .-u ..... 1IJetcaa tM I hd '!..,. .........t.,. oc.dt.. in. .

... to apltda1ll' .....'d4t:.- .. pNJ_J.~ .... 1ta ett_t QG -

....,., of .. Qld.W ••'1caa ... IE .....

1aICOTJD amCl,

(CIa.. "·e1Htlcall to ..........B.'· -. "tt1a... to -lppOlJd·.)


. (Dt1ele f'NI .a. or lid lulln..... -..wtIl ..ala ft. :-..:..:.-.;,.;.... 'IIbo .. 1a ......

ia * M-a' or their t~la1~i.. ,to ~~..ll_·..,)

(Balli l'Wf'1a101X t:It th. to.1J.nJ.2la s............ t •..~'lcu·,. "l\Pporl$.OIDBD'·.

-..BlAt of PiiCPada·, " ". 1Ir. ~, 1••~ i1be pstl00 1I'1t:b 'be

OaaIpUoller. )

Page 125: search.archives.un.org...,\', ," Committee on Procedures and Organization ARGENTINA BELGIUM CANADA CHJlU CUBA FRANCE GREECE HAITI PERU

a.'-U'1at a-a,,- OD

......1¥~1flBid:A8 PIIpW 10.



('!be .1aG1C1l ortb.. se~-OrIMnl ill 'u n.ret S.dCll 414 IM)1i ten

~l' pt- J.- • ¢- -'tD,s. ~ - -~ 'J.- pri- ....iDa· lie

1/4a~W )

:QIi.'Cvl'Z'. amCl.

'DIe se.n'817""c..nl. OZ' b.1a da,.Q'........1.... Oftl or wi'" _\at.­

.... to .. o.-nl All. d 11"~ ., .-'1.. 1IIIlIItr ocmal&eraUon b7

LlQA1. IJIrARDlll'lt

(s.e ra.-l DeO\iG'...., ann· t1111de )#f.)

_ 1a ., OIl 1M o'*' ... ottlda1 l ..'!:....~~,:tazpreM4

iato OM ~ -*!D& 1......, to M ...... \!Ie orator. I

. -


(Delete l_t sentence.. )

Page 126: search.archives.un.org...,\', ," Committee on Procedures and Organization ARGENTINA BELGIUM CANADA CHJlU CUBA FRANCE GREECE HAITI PERU

s.Oftttarla$ CO!:rm1ttee OIlAe,..,QO.1l' Pl'opoIJalBWOd::lDS~ 1041

... 11 GO>


tn-let" ....u. !i1\1eQ}


(Ja 1.-t "~tl aftHt 4theiu-.~ - -an. ot.DmlteUt»."'* th8


...., The ph.'::"8H ~""r app~ ~ ~_ a:.'i""·' 1lM _vel" beIm E9Pl.te4<l


ib&1ft 62

m....£9IPWl.!1l~R1Iltta 6.5." 7T

LmAL :o:£PAR'l'R.EJ!fr,

(Bee Legal~u 4nf't of~ 101)


1M. $be toUodnaP~I No ftpS..-Dtat1w ...~ thct GeMml

AH.mb1:T mt:Jft tbm 'wi. in tta. ooune or ., 0.- "'ba" eaept ... Pl'OPONI"

of • 1IIO*1=. , • .s..\t~ C a~ _ ... ft)~'D'.$1... or tU~~

41......11' 0CD0lmllII4 in the quut10n ""r 41aaueas-.

Page 127: search.archives.un.org...,\', ," Committee on Procedures and Organization ARGENTINA BELGIUM CANADA CHJlU CUBA FRANCE GREECE HAITI PERU

~ta.t"i&t ~tt0'il eft

.A1I.~~ Pr0ce4'ltt'Q1fO.r.lc1D8 papu 100

.. 12-

tt i;h& ....I4W.7 fteol."..b7 a two-~l"t8 aejoriq at the _mbera pzeaent

CUtl "OtlT,.,g, 'Gb~',. 'by reuon of 1" Da~Uft tID4 ..tal. 1rlptn'tanoe, e.

mtIl.Ci;$1" &Jserv.. the ~t:'".t ~.1bla watl1atloa, tle delept.. mqr

qeu as otten all tMy de- 1t.~ouaary \mot!l 'ihe olo.w:re or the &tbate.

DOtlt1i~tW1d11's6~be :PJObtbi\ion lD tba pnce4iUSP~o

to 'the P1'Oi~~ at the motlcm, '110 l'8pReentatl.... meT apeM 1rz. favWZ' or, ClJ4

t\l'O &ga'i1Wt, ~ ~tlaa. actor mioh tk& ~1aa ahall be 1.a.'MllUato17 put to t1le


A repl'NU:lnt..tiwmq at IlIQ' t1w.'t mo'\. -};he~ of 'he a~baw whether or not

erq o1:h$:r l'\'!}jZ'e3't'altaUw hlm s1{fP1t1.a 11.13 w1tob. to epeek. _ such motion 8l1ft11

hava lU:'iorl.~· in the 4ebdeo, ~ulO1l to apeak en, t.he OlOGUh OIl the detl~.t&•.:.'th .c., .. __,.. ::, / "<~: ..~ ." t:" .~, -,..··'~,.:2 >~,,,. ~~ .~l.,dJ.. ': j"y\ilfti. .2".,::,~ ~~ .-1'

shall b~ .e(}~ae(l t~·notmont ,baa t9iO speeikara oppoelzac tM elotlU2.'f.;o 6ft..l' wh1ch~

the motion ehell be im'aediate17 put to ~he vo....

DUe 11 (8)

EXECtttm OW.cOJh1 if ",.,~"«<.",-,.....4.._.,~-".,~"i;\"J.~ . re.: ..,-" <:L ....<:c,J·-ff, 'li';,,,,

. ~.lU· Ml";Cun~.bg the 118t of epeekrtre, b Pree14tm~ JD&,Yt ,,1 th th& 80nsent at;(

the~l M~, deelue tbe 11at elose4.


(JI81e.J see E:m4\tt1ft ott1oe usn or a&la 11.)

Page 128: search.archives.un.org...,\', ," Committee on Procedures and Organization ARGENTINA BELGIUM CANADA CHJlU CUBA FRANCE GREECE HAITI PERU

SHnt...sat o..t..... GO..wMllblT PnMax.1IIiodcias Jlapetr 10.


...h.... aD4~1_ JlDtla. .lIel1 _ a _ral Z'Ulo

1»11 1At~WI«1 U writlq .~ ••• ( )

(2, Llet .......,~ .. ·.41 Sca .e.)

(1. ·SUM'_"...• ..:PUett -.J.r _ .u._. .Jaoa14 tile 8&1JecU... DrK app.l;r to

....olu.tlC!U IlDl1 .1Ik1IiIa_')(2~ 9i t~ .. ~t " ••• 1 1JIIa.. hD-tiIdIU .r PftH'd

lUll~ ANi.,. otbIt:rIl... DO PI'JP"I!M) .ball be pU k 1M ..., ....1Ds

t¥t tllII GcDS'ral .......q tal•••pi.. tit It haw .. olNuletea ">. all DI~..tlQD8

DOt. Je,p tball * hrp~ the .et_(,. P.rw-..m1y tbe ........ ·41......1_· GIS eoou14enlt1oG- in Vi. th1el ..",ta.

te ........... l"It"iaa ott II Jattu to 'the.... ~ c..u_~"au.::au' that 'h.~b' ..... be NIIlft..a.)

R&I1s 14

tbe p2Qpoaal be 4f..,Ue4. The neu1t1a8 PJw,poeal ~l 'MD be put to a t>1D.al VOM.

tiUAL JmiI'~,

Add. \0 the ea4 ot RQle. It 0_ or mora -.1menu ... e4o,\ect, * 8'IlI1m4ed

'PJ/'Opcea18 ehall t:IMIu be Yoted \l.POL

Page 129: search.archives.un.org...,\', ," Committee on Procedures and Organization ARGENTINA BELGIUM CANADA CHJlU CUBA FRANCE GREECE HAITI PERU

~1I1"tat o-d..... _.1111II1J'~~ P'.QHr 10.

• 14-


(~6 additional tw,<t enabl1ah1Dl cm)ar 111 1Ib1oh ruolutlOU. u d1#JUn~t

trtG~... ahcN14 be put to tbe ....~)

(See .O\lleu:tiW ott1_ 4x'att '-1ow).

Mto.re tbe tlolNral Aa.temh1Jr ' '' ••11 be .. •••'.IIDta in _cOl'4anfM~ .

e1th Rule 15-

(N. Vatt 18 1a~ .. 'til letter "'..".~ __ tl.'QI <2lall'meD. ar Sluh

e-.s.ttee41 SIN> \fQJtd.q 1'... RD" 6.)

JiXIOtft'X',1 O1.PItW.

(Dillete, 81M :&'l'I:IM1ltlft Office~ of nul. 15.)

MI. A ~ica. tor: ftICOU1ic1.t1oa of e Q.WJa~:Lrm &1raa4f' 4"1484 should 'be .!lut

to ttbe TOtkD 'd~' o..bstG IIl!4 .1M>u14 nquln Ilk two-thlr&t ma.jor1t7 of t» ~1'$

prwuent tmd 'ftJttns.

Rakt 76 (a)

.~~N. ~t1~ ~Nl ~1! .~ 'i1h~·tJie:~@'t1.(XlbU ~: ..oofSd5l.-. . t- ',' .. •

Md a1;tbe~ at ta Rt\1$;~ lfD,' ,:t .: :..~.,' __Din U. *~l:r Z'OOt.ll without

ftl'1ng.. B'a mq ahetaia:"but" it &O~ hilS~ 111 the l't.omsball DOt be ~Q

into GOilS1i1era~11m b:r thi!l Pl'eat~t •• oa.".-AlatiDs major!tl08.

. .. ; . .

Page 130: search.archives.un.org...,\', ," Committee on Procedures and Organization ARGENTINA BELGIUM CANADA CHJlU CUBA FRANCE GREECE HAITI PERU


Secfttariat Ccaa1tt.. OA

....17~~Peper 10"

R\il. 78 (a)


BM"on a vote ;'e tabm on a quU~iorA 11:1 aoeol'daQll wi'lib. Rule 10, t.he Q.1meral

~mbly hba1.l. d0temiJae~ :by a majority of ~rs p1'lNflnt and 'fOtinjL 1n wb10h

or "too oat$lJ).4'iee" rete1"J."ed to 1n ~9t 78 or. B'l.1.~.Il.'Uat,.,. ~ UDder l'iuJ..6 "(9,

Rule 79

Page 131: search.archives.un.org...,\', ," Committee on Procedures and Organization ARGENTINA BELGIUM CANADA CHJlU CUBA FRANCE GREECE HAITI PERU

... 16.

SltIlQRsr1at ee-l..... aD


--kbc PepNU" 10•

EmJU1-X'. orrIQlt

1h 84tl:u-.~"~"""p:cvftd,,,,-....,at..•,atDd ~1a& .........:a,.lIbNe"'Ii""-""'~;-"" ..-.""';i'" ."

~~"""'T1Ide•• nU elee'l01111 ~1._iMv4i 91..1118 t. tnn.. 01 ...... ab.aU

be bea "'7 t ballot•." ~·,....lftA bT -MJ•• 811_bn

sball _ no 18d:Da'ti " ••'.1•• '" , .

Itt" anq OH pal'S. or Mlaber 1. ~o .. eleo'-4. DO OIlII414ate obtailw iA the

flat 'a11o~ the majoriv Nquind 1JI Ru1N 18 or 7) a ..oOld ballo' .hall 1ae

tebr&. ocmt1_4~o the \1IJO ecd14atea ollta1A1ng the lera.en n\Ullber of 'VOtee. It

1Il 1itM ROod ballot the 'IOte8 are 8':1ual17 41ncl:ed••4. maJOl'1t3" 14 req~

the P.r'eatdnt shaU 4eo1&t bet_. tile cd!4a'" b1 4ftdr1DC lot.. Wbeu a 'WO­th1J'U -.jo:r1'7 1a Nq,U1l'8C1. the balloting .hall be eoni1mMM1 until OM: oaJl414e.te

...,une t1D-fJb1rd8 ot the ~tM ••'. J'Z'"ite4 ,hat after'" ~JlIt lllC~U81V1t

DaU.'t the YO'M 8hall DOt be conti" to tlh. , .....Udete8 Nt..·.. the YOMe

IEJiJitI....,Ml'I'WW""·1VB Ol"J'IOBa

It .... ,.. ~1~ ftride4 CII_t,,-" ·o~·~ eleotS... a a.oaD4 vote ahall. . .De t ... at & 1I\lbeeq;u_nt -'iJt& 111110" -.u • M14 w1~ta r~-.1sh' houra ot tho

~~"~;'t'>'t<1~";j<-,,,.;.-,,,;,,,,,,,,,,""\'~1. ,

tlnt vo'to. and 1. iIbaU .. n;pIlIlIlI17..tnet lA· the ... that. saoona vote will

be 'eitU on Qe Batter 11l queetio*l•. 1ttb1•.'f'Oh a1ao NSUl'e ill equaliV. the pro-­

posal ohall be repl'4e4 _ rejMMd.

Rul. 8.5 <a>I.IUAL DBP~.

For the ptU'p08INJ of til... rules r4 proee4un. the p1Iz"ue 4fpt"Nell'l end YO",iqtr 18

defiDlll4 88 _antng rep1"88_'a~1"_tlq .. att'1:rmat1. or neptl_ ~te.

. ..., ,.'. .. .......Repre.-ntatlft8 who abstain trom YO'lug are ootla14ered .. DOt pfts~

. -<f..P "">'.. ~. . ~ ?";""""'~...,.r#..,..


Page 132: search.archives.un.org...,\', ," Committee on Procedures and Organization ARGENTINA BELGIUM CANADA CHJlU CUBA FRANCE GREECE HAITI PERU

SGeatmd CarM4t_ 0311~PJr••4...~~108


ED*lJtJ1'1fB arnme,Wh9D • tftIttOMbip ~nt 1'!e8 __ ep~ ... ~I' of tbe lIdW

Nl0D8 hu~ aa ~:tSMrini lIL\t1to:'1. ~.~ teftoli0t7 1D

........ tiI'19h A.11. 83 0:," 85 or tM~, th. GeDUIl1 ...~ ..uW'~. ttl~ Vltb ionS. 86, ...tlKlt: 11\~ wb10h 1s _ 8\

~n1~m.~hQ,r1"~ a '-' tIa'1totJ oWl • ~ ",0 ~1W~

d1P C'It~U~ 1:1 it 18 Ga_• ..s tut all:l ad41t1ona1 .,... ~ thl» ~.fl!h'.~

Counou is ~'<t~'1.~ the~ _slIWI' _611 e2M$ •~ at the c,Ju!om.

hl ub10ll th" 'ku$teG-~laI.,....., 1a apPl'QnCl ... AnUle 25 of __ Ch~.,

ad at t.n. 11f)~r.t !leM1a ia the __ fit \bit~ at • ape"- UW16r Ant.1.

63 Of 0. CIt.....

J:'.aDOTD'3 on••(~etTftt'ltoMh1POcJlattee" to -TRlJt~~,_ (SN1\Uls-. ......v.~ t>&vSto::iM)8.)

talAL 1'BPA~•

.l'he pl'CM'.'" 1614 f10't'& ill~ "31. ~60. 6.5-1... 8O-SS ebaU~

_~ot........DNaaJ~ ia tile C$d,tea or tM Qslud ....m1l1,. 1Ib.u be ,~... 1V' • majority

or b ~ ,.-.t ana 'fOttas1 Pl'Ofta.4 that __ JIIla~. 18~ of not

14iue .he at Q.Qi!l"~ of tJ:r.c~ of __ OOl1IdiJ...

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... 18 ...

Bearetartat CbDltt_ 011ANtlnb1)* 1':'oe6~~~.1O•


(IDInft *oiIIpl0· bot'On ,be. wor4 e;majol"ltJ-IIJ. )

A4d to .t4c end of fttale, lfo ~"".1m1 .ball '- oaa.14eft4 'Y&Uti 1t 1. ba

not ..1.. &\ ".r or att'~~i. YOtea .Q.ulywnt; '0 at least a~

tcUl'thlJ lnajort~ at 1lbe qaorum NquSftd by Rule '5.,....


UlCU1'lVE tmnCE.

(SIft Faeutl~ Oft1Oe 4I'at'l 01' RIlle 15 (t).)



awt III

6W lOt .ABiII11;I..9: m _ m,.~


__ 8lN'1"etar,y...0In'1eI'a1 .ball UltOQla \" Qell8ft1 .M~ or the !llllll:en or

WJ,. QIdtud l'ftdlou it tho OsrMral Asaem'b17 1. DOl in ....1... of 1be app11oatlollo

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'-.~. '

· ., .8&Oatad.at~~ a......,lFPn*~WCt*.. ,....Jb

Ift~ .ptiaet:;.;')n i11U be auJ»lttted att<t~ to .. Slift'll'l'Y OOlanoU m~ 'to obtc1D IS J:UG,~t1('ft to.- a4m1sDlon. tor .""'1011 or tor

1)Qf)'~~Ji!~.' 11th ~ ..-.i6D4sl!ca of tl&e SeM1r1t.7 OOW3BU ~ appU...

• lItton. "8tll be pm up ror fiOU1&1tsslOR at 'M tint aMt1DlPf tM

GM!S:'a1 A£:;~:tF. ~ ~a1~ wll the\. "D1d.4~ lihbthor the

a;:lfl{,jl,AOa.~ 5.03 III peaee...::.tJ:wil1g state _ 111 .... _ .Uue 10 eaftf' au

'i;l:8 ~B&t1mm Cltmi~G in.V. ClaanOlr. rai lChaU dHS40. IV a t.,..tid.rt'i&

~OO·jo.l"1\7 Gf' th~ ~1"a Pl'UClilt .d 'fOt1Ds. ~ 1~_~M.0JI tl3lIl.W;)I;)lI;....

eb:i.Pt M t'im.tt·~ wW't t~ ~Clm:lca ~ 'G!1.e Sis.mBr1tl COlmI3U 5iq be$ ~i41

, '~''fC!If··,,~.I'_~,'''rr'':'1\.''"', .....~,: '.t-"'jp; .~"

~1&t1~ 6l..\1!1d " l~~;.i·d.m. ~1iJ-~~. _ ~~,. n&~ 1." ...,~ • • ''1!' ' 4' • ",J

tile .~f.•.'!?3:.it1fa ,'5ht.J.ll lle R";;€£J.% t",~ to thu £!t.~i.Il.·l~· Co1l.'l#11 tOlP'!"14U~ VJ11rh '~ba

'!bll. 111 (a)


A~ or j,.\"'.:l'~ mlf4'" be aUlap&D4tJd b1 tile~ AIlM'Rl1lV p.1'O'f1ded &1;

t~~}.t,y~i"C'm: h(~il.;i;.'"$q !»t1. ct -...~ _ .. Q~!ltOl'a ~E. t.vn e1v~

1b3 lllCt:3.03S 3_ hi» '.Q1Yl14 if' nQ~r ~bjoota;.

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/ - .3 ...


The }:If"OVisional AgenO.a., together w1\b \be8UPP~81711ot, ahall bID 8Ubmttted totbe GenerU _.)yr.. &AlNnl u ..aa poelib1a attar tAe opm1.cg or t.be ...."..

t ~h the~y COUbC11 "Ute~ and SQo!el ao.moUhave a~ to tho GUeot t.hattho tint item oa the apnQashsll be the aD.OphiCl\ of 1;.aieD.d&. Ie thto l'1eceesary- Q;t'

WW1 ~lG in the cVoS\.", • thIAase:ahlt?

Duri%16~ regulato 3Gss1on of tJIe OG!1sralk)$o:Jbl..v 1ti:..~ may be rav18ad, aDd may_addtld to or· 4eleted t:r:o:n the A8end& b7 a~.jor1:07 of ~ llelrhO!:"S J'~IISC1t aDd wf,1JIc.(;ona1derdtJ.on of addit10nal items shall,un.teas tao Genoral M:J.-:q. by L\ t~l11.r'ds

majority of the tlaaIbe:ra present and~~dE>e14es otborr~., be postponed untll towc1Iqs e.tt.sr Vley beve been plt.cec1 QI1 tM~, and. w$U a~ baa NlX*t1e4upcm tha.

t (1) ~ed.~aft:.nD~ l'.Dy l."oguJ.sr sGS~ion of t.ho Ovnaral J.asomblr items .,. be Itft1Sed,'If....


(z) AmenI1 Rul9 15 of the Pr.~.'1a1aDnlRulas of. ?rooOOUIOO at ~ho Gofteral J.aMIilbly

to :read u f'Ql1Of18 a

DuriliC D..Yf¥ regular eeea!ou or tho Genr.,rc.l usanbly itEl!:le !.1:;y bo roviaod 01'

del~ed t!"Qr.' t.he ':'1gC.:lfJ.a by a t'\·l'0-~!'drds mo.jOrit7 ot the 1.1EI:r.1bGra pr03imt and. '\'Ot1.ng.

no r.dd:1.t:"..OllU !:tem lJ!J3 bo inclwlad in tIle aconda art.or the~ of the

t1mcJ..1imt !'1::ted 1."1 Rulo l~, unless, by roo.son of it-a serious nature and uraenC7.. it

clOlDal'lda the tmmedb.t.e attQlltioll of tho ADsed>q. In suoh ovet, the Aaeemb~ shall

decide, by' n tno-thirdo me.jorit,. o:f the I.iaDbGra prosect aDd votinf; I nhotber or not

'the~ 1teLl shall be wlu4ed in its ~endD.. (MI3aIo. c,. DomiDi08ll RepIIb1!c)

. (3) Lll.. The ~n..al Caam1tte. is not~ to repoJ't on the~otitGma

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t«t propooal lor & -.u.a.caUZ' fAt~~catlon o.t expee..o tor thie t1aIe be1ng intorce ohall be 1Deerte4 1n the As" wnles$it bas bee C«lIGUI'11oatod to the Uebera oft.he Unit<Jd tlatiCl'\S at leaot ~1 dqsbafo~ the date fixed tor the oPEJll1na ot~863Sion.

~iha.t is the intarpretat1011of the T&t:rdG ~el.tion

1n t.he alloeatrton of eJtPEmee.,for the time bei.D8 1.."'1 tol'ee"?Th1s rule r:ou1.d, 'on the t~or it, eppea.r to haV'Gtoorigid implications ~ TheGeneral Camdttoo·s hand,lKmvvv, m1gM. be st~henad1n dea.'U.ng tdth roq~,!J::rt.a fOl'the inclUfJion of neu 1f:omo if'this ru1.G could i~e 1.Ttvottod.Uould it be po<,:!~;ible to ol:>ttWlan author1tetive ;u1.terrir et at i Cll1?

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r-........ ~ .... I .....

"'.... t.


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.,. •• •• • • t a.a. • ...


UO:17f1 :!.t hi) adv1138blG ~. tdmt:tar l"Dlea to bo !no3.-:lin Chapter X\'Ias. detJc1*iptivc ot' tho C1udl~'s tu:!Ct!cm:z, t:Jt.c?






Sec A/Di1R/69, p.ll and 12

!~eal Jeprr...mont. WC'JJEtst.im .. Rut. 2S-31

OR .. Me 2JJ~ not apply? ('ItVJ. 11ul& .30 npp.U.es :In trtdn CO(,;:J.J1t't4Mts, \y/'

but not in nmallor ComrJitt.(,:cI;:r.,e.:f.'. General Cam.l1tt'3e ..

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.... '! ..

_.... - ..

iI'he Gonert.J. Ccmn1t.t.e& shall at the ooe;1lm1ngof each session. conEd.der the p.rov1s1onalI\genda.~ "toGt:ith~t 'tiitb the ouppl~ l.i.st ~

;.~;Ji shaD. make Q rap:jl't thereol'l to tho Genm.-alJ'vJ:;.)Cb~?. It shall ~~onaidQ1' Ilpplications forthe i;1ulusion or adtiiti01'1C.1. items in tho A£;01Ua,~d shall report therOOll to 'i;.ih6 GmEll·al MO\aclbly.It 5h~1l ase1sf, the J?ras1dent and the tten.oo.'aJ.AS;JOCJbly in c:1l'.~ning 1..1P tho agenda for ~ch plenara'moeUng, in Uetendni.n.B the Pl"u,r:l:t.y or 1ta itens.t

and i.~ the cool',Unat.lon of U.s Pl'Oceec.iir18a o£ a.llO.o!tll11ttees of tho Geno.:I. Ass~J.vr. Finally, itche.ll a.eaist tl'te f'refr:!,dent in tho zen~:t'~ ec·n\lnctof toile tm"l.t of the G:Jl:,t}X'tJ. Asa;ffi\l~ly which 1'"1.:13l".t1:litn the competence of thl3 P:-eaident. It ~::hJ.ll

not, h0\1ever, dsc1do W"""¥ polit.ical question.

the General ABsElmbly •••••• e'i,e. (DB).

2. It 1D highly it\.:mbllble that tho (\~; \.Jl'Z1 Gor~..::\.0. t,tco "iouJ.d l'~ond that an1W\ 01'1 the !,,!"O\'1.("':to~~.~,l acenda l.li:; trt,ru.{;!-c G~jt. T>.e:-ei"ore, so f~ an tho provi(don­IW. t.1G:.tK'ilt is eCl'.i.C~l~'::f.jd~ thG i\mct.:tor..::: 02 'i;he Q;·m:::::[\..l Corzlittae 2!'~,) mare4r 1nprl\~tice t,o reco:;;nm.:md '~J1e allocation of :i.t:XJ.1C t.o c~]£'l.:ato"3. W11.":.ht it not sa.veti!:ae ~.~ tb':l ':'ee,-ctnl":r·-Gooc,:·,u ner-o gi""M rQPi;:;r to i.'oo~ur£'nd di.l'~~t to the. AasQ!;ib17the ftlJ..oer.t1or. o~ :!_t(.::.rJ.~, 1"aenrving aIv' j,tlW'.s ahout nh~ch hE:: nee in~ FerM..ngdee~JJ1.o~ h:r t.h';7 !~lctl'!U Commttoo. (A/m.'fJ./6CJ, p.S).

3. Th(l (~(;t.~~r8~l Gc~;clt'tee eJieht be requj.l'Cd ~l Sl.lbi:1.t i l'; 8 o:'oport t.o the .A.a/;!lenb~y

on a:L1. fhl3 it,€fi131:n the a".JPpll!m'.entlU"y li.ti't tr.tthi!l, say, i'!..i\i.t' d:!!.y.: [-\rt,er theO~..... ". AU t~~l'" h •• ,...",.,."t-'.. ~ o'\-~q«) , .....-'t ",....,. CO'n··:t.'·,·--......t,.n T"V tl'\':> '"""1''-&1 cor.,.·,.t····,.·,,.,,.)"iiM~, v,l,. 'd~·.. .&1AJO'';'~'.·~.I''·.·i. H. u~,w.~~_ ~ 4 '.•'... ...oiJ .......t.:;.. 'iIl~" .....,1 aJJ ,~'W ..J"'I ...Wr.1. ." •.l..,3" t,,~""'fto:l' ..

.r.tiGht. alec bf.' [Jet, ~or it.sI'JD ';'~1.1ch U'O S6r:'li in too lat.c to be iucJA'J.ded in t.lwpro"rl.si(m.al C;£,;,.,;.;.c12. or thee'1ppldnsntary llct. (A,'Bi.E-:/69, p.lO)

PropOSaJ2 to rater any pe:'tion of the Reportof tho Seoratary...Oe:tcra.l t-o one of tho !JainComal.1ttees tJithout de~atG alWJ. be dec,.dod uponby the Genoral Asaanbly ~J~:t.hout prG'Vious rofe~"enoe

to the Genoral Ca::mitteo.


PL~OI:Osala t9-"refer any portien ot the Report of the Secratary-Genorfu or/

/(or the P..eportn Q too CouncUa to one ot the lTa1n c~tt~ ••...• etc. (OR).

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.1. •.


Has Ud.e N1e C'~ 1'1'ot1oa1'nl'tle? In th1a com1OCt1ClCl$ea8t.t&1estiolAl~ of Ca.~ -4elega.t1on A";J ~~::.."ct.~;.l"3.3.t f

dratt1ng ~\ (JVntiR/69,p.7)

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£ ;

C t •

"', •• .J.

~.lL1? to iIJ lQe1'lIia>~&IlI!!fB •... . .


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...... "I' ••"" • • WIll ....'

l'lXl S_~....('~almy at 8111 t1tae, uponinvi.ttr.t1ah or too President, make \0 theae',n~'s.1 }...,sembly althv Ol"al CIt" lII"1t\en state­ment-a concerning ar~ questton wtd.oh 1a bol1~

eonr-j.d~_ ~! t,M Go!;arl\l Aaaembl,7.

1lBS;.9 etll-..ar~ Ol" n..."it.ten B'tatc~t8 to tho Seem-it;r CO'.ul(~,1.l. ec~~

2¥J.Y' ~J8t1.on ~!f;r Mnai,del'8tion b1J it.

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..... ll ...


~~...i2AU l'Uolut1ons. and otber inlIX'rtent doournentashall be Dada avaUable in the oftlcial~eB. Upon the l'eqU8st ot any represent-..t.ift, 81\Y other doc\lnent. sball be made &val1ablein~ or all of tho oft101al~.

~ f Ctt:'re3POlld1na Ecooooie aDd,)cial C~URvh.

All :recolut.~eatS, I2~!Eaa.~~tEJ·2F.'J¥!.~.q"~\e;t_ it "hi~~ shall be _de .. 'lable in the official laneuagea.

lllQ! 62 -1"-'


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A - RECC'!fl.DS

-.aV~U.. NeoPCbt of &ll plenar;.y ~inB& sha.llba 4rcm up by t.ho $ecretar:la.t ami 8UbIII1ttet tothe Genclral .Aaaemb1¥ attw6~ by thePMSiclct. VGl'batim r600rds shall &lao be -.t\eof the~ or taw Ua.j..n O..m.t.t.ee 68tabllabtldby t;.hc GeDRal Aao~. othe!' COIlftitt-. or alb­cOln!'!l1tt.eae I!WV ddde \1PC$ the t.. of their reccn-da.

I The~ thai M¢tl'lo..­~tt.4tea or a\.~uttt"'BJ'.4.ea4e upOn" ,\1'8ak1M 'tbttI'Qcd.tSM ot u.s S~ari.nin auDcAt.q ~at"Ji('.e. to~. ·Tba s~/61 no\ttawed r...:u, -=:'?V~, bBlpin thU I'S3~-ectt.


I1.Gaelut1one~ by the Qeberal Aasemb17 shallbe oarnmunica1.ec1 bY the SecNt.ar;y-GeDera.t to theUembers of~ United t~at1oa3 \d.th1n titt.een clc;y8after the to..--m1nation of the o~eil)n.

:!I' Tb1~~ ra.eedB :rb-ilraftirJ(;as o.nd uhen the pos$ibilitlcs01 sm"\r!c. to~8 haw~. explored.

At the D1Oi:OOnt \1& are app1;v.inaa m1xt.'Ure of Cb£pt,cut X ant!SUpplC;:OOtl.t..al"'J~ 11\.,100 G, H eo: 1.These latter OO:~., 1 tldnk,bedropped.

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_ au I •• __.'11" ... ....

t.t'he iMet121gs o.f the GtcIoGr8l __q &lid ltelJ.?JJ:l r~t"'"C-eS sba1l be held 111 pub110 'JDlM3t,hn bO.:1y OO::lCat'nOd decides t~~'~i.!."ewstm.t.Cse.re(~:...-o that. tho meet.1ns be heldin :?4~.~~. lie'lt~ Qi other eamd.ttees aD1ffUbai<"~:u~J'- orga..~ shall ulao be held 1:1 pubu.o\,'nu3ss the body concerned doaj.das otmrrd.ae.

1. 'l'htw."lEI !~ ~e::1': t 0 !~ ~ ucn~,;;:·~t.l

:teeli.r.g 1:.hnt ~l~~.J.J. ~or.riJi:l..tooe

should !iXlN t"ra<l'3g;'l~10r be IHi!J.1 inpri.vm.G•

.Ael.d in publlo.

(11,) A ~CDJdtt~ 18 o.tta. &'ppo3.ntod for t.h.e purrooQ of o&ekimg a

eomprcmse !orz~ or of 08.t'ril~J!e out OQllla p;-ACtical. task.. ThS..G \"iOrk 18 moro

4.aslly a..~ l'DOJ'O ra.,p:1dl.y n.~r.:Jp,"itJbo<l In ~ pr:\:w.'te mC4tinB, sinco tile delegate.

aN not. .ubr~o:rt.:~ in ma.ld.ng long ntr.!t\ilZD.rlUto for tho PCe$s.

(b) 'ih£:; ::l:.l,b-eQ'1l,':ittoo oan 11lO>'5t 1n. So .18.3.161" roam "horo the atmoorihere

ft,ll (le<~atons ct the a¢~tarc..1. i\.::;o~'\:'llbly 1;.~_ at3. PJ,"iw't.e meet...'tng sllQll be tatnovn.cU'd at 8t\Y(,;r;;:.1oJ:';f public~ <.'1': t~JlIJ Gi.1ner!'.l Aosembl¥.At fihc close: 01' oaeh rl.t':t?ato m:3oM,ng or thel.Ltln C~tttSos, ot,he::' cO::Jv.'.ittooe a:Jd nub­cOCi*:ilnttoE!:J, tho Clud1"1l1an .!llrl'ly :;~seuc a cQmm'W1:j(f'~tht·cr~ tho Sl)~3Dercl.•

Page 146: search.archives.un.org...,\', ," Committee on Procedures and Organization ARGENTINA BELGIUM CANADA CHJlU CUBA FRANCE GREECE HAITI PERU

11.t .. COlJlJOOl' OF~. t.. a.e _ *

.4 ~tY' of too lteIJhtJ1'6 of the GEtMtNlrulitaDbl¥r eM1.l oonst.1.tut.e .n quorua.

I!:!.~ See urJ:l~ Cbapt.. XlII fer~st1~~ qt.l<)i"\= £evot,1mg..

l'I\e•.RAl~ nprer ~t.rI.U.. flayM~ the Gcw&Lt:saemb1.y n:1t~t h!!.viut; ~o\&Ly obta:1n$d-I:,he pel'In1&non oi' tha P.t"nt'1d<mt,. '.1'110 PnB1d~w.t

Dhall call ...porl speMeN 1n the 'oNer tn ub..tchthey ~d.am.fy t.heir desire t4 spae.k. TtMt Pr0!)...idant may cll11 fl epet;ker to 0!'tlSr U h:l.s l"OOt\Jft:BD,I'a not l'~vant to thD S'llbjcn 't1J!dar d1sC'l.W~.

I 1•.(Becor1t~ Ca'l:I\":;it';,~,$ - Ur. Ritchie) ,.. I.c;~w ~i()\'; :'..13 lJ.at of aperkrY-"S eonat~.tuted ....tJaDe CO!'lt'O.31QQ ;;t:l:'O';;;e.. S',J&.:.~e tha.t "~hor i11i'o~'.l~'V, or \1ntb:r n spoo:J.t!-: rw.a. t.helist o~ (>;Q[':J~:?'t~i:!lc1rl;.b'-l !'OO.d ttUti. Inatanoec ¢aGe \1h.~e Cw,lIm&:l1 iJllYe the f.loor tG

the Pl~O.r,:O:;~;:~ of ,~ lut10n f thGn ~ tbet r~~1J6'l' .f4 an~. tdth;:mch ot14eJ'n hs.dNqUGstcd to s~ak.

~. (Dom:'t.:11llP...D 17A:'Jpub~.a !;.JIk)ralldWll 01 17 F$onU".'7, 1.9J~7)

Add ~ tcQJ.l.l!.'dr.g pe.r.~ph to Rul$ 66t

No roPl-"'E'~t1'V'e ~ M.~c~a t.hoC~ hfs~.bly ~r=r: tbelD 1r.1icc in t..ita

~e of :»~" OO;J d.e'btlote a..'tOe:Jt tho rj~"~~~~~ of f~ mo'~:te(l, b si.s-.:mr of ft. ~i':JOrt (j"['

therePNz-cr..~t::.~..'V;;iS o! the Qo\r'ej.T!J.ettts c'd.::cotJ,y C()ilO:'}1."tted 1n the tJI:tBsticm u.nds-

it nooeem::;'-':i~ ~).:::.:::;'J. ·;:·h~ cloaw.'eJ of t-htl ....~. no'~1'r.ttlltJt~J~tho prohibititlQ in'., :


Tho CM1r~ Q;I~d the J.1aP.~r_ of'. eorilmlttc~mo' be acC<)Ncd proec1.eneo for tho l'UrpOee o.i'apla~tdne ~h<J CCJ"'~(I':O~ 8.!T1"Nd at by th.l.1.l'

, OClIZIDlttee.

,0: In Ccmdtteee. tld.a rulo PN­el.JJlably applios to the Cll81nnl.mor Rapportour' of af.Nb...cOGm1tteo.

D1.D"1na tho discusaion o£ artY .tter, a re­present&tiw mat riS\) to a point ~ .ordeand the~ of ordt)r~ be Snm~:J.ateJ.J

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- 15-

dt.'Oic1ed by tho Pres~t in ac.cordance tUth tlltl

Rules otP~1 A rGPl"(tsenta.t1ve ma.Y &pt'le3l:J.against; the rullna of the Pres1clwt.. Tbe appealshall 1rntl'Y.l1ately be put to tho 'ftJt.., 8IId the.Fres1dent's ~-\l1ni'~ball stand. '19\1e$ ~ed1P,I a majohty:cSt the~.. pr;d~ and mmg.

In tAl5 experlene0 of MarlT all CCXlIlJ1ttee seozretv1_, it b&4 been G'riAiGJ -thattbr.;re TlaB a """Q'l~ c~rJ:ueion as tG \,~lhat. oan.stit¢ecl a po1Dt Ott Olrder.K) debate en a point of orcia" is pc)8Ild bJ8 and the Cl1a.i.man must talco ~Jl!DlIJ(\late

&Ct~on. ltl1J.c 63# t.l~e:rdore;< -~ .10 ~G, as 1ta IllIMn1n.g is }':C't0CtJ.7 ol~a.r.The lic.:Itw. tlhouJJl eontaill 1D.titructions for Cha:l.rmen on·~h18 ~.

D'lrln,g the disc-\J8B1.Qn o! any matter) a l"ept"OSGnt··a.M.;,~~ IXlV,O the adjOUl:'l1l'OODt at the debate.Ar:~r 8UCh [!lOtion shall have prio'rity 1lJ. thet dflba~~.

!!l arldit10n to the pro:poSGl" (;;£ th6 motion 'J t'ljIDr:.'rn·e:3Cltat~.vea trJIq s~eak in, ta"lf:YlJZ or, al'lC1 tlfOagcU,m.1'" tb<t lNItt1Cl1l•

. e: (:~lD'Cond Cor.ll!itt4C - 1h~. RitChifo»:- I1' a U.¢ut~:, of a Comm:l.ttoe "ir4,1:¥ S0~ thon;;;,tiol1. tox' OO.iOl.lZ"I~,{,l:I'·~, dol)s th:i.,3 const1t\!t.(j a E.'P'lwr m tJle mm-.i.on? 1~he.t

SM.jQ:.~tJ 10 r~,~.~ttr, - !-~e."mmah~r ~r1t:f ~,n ooomtttGtJD and ir" 1;'1.~ motJtinl.(~.t • .F!~ota H.u:l.~:~; of Ct1.'der, p.5, eimpl.o mo.jO':"lty Nqui~ tor- wJjC·Ul"U.ller:tt).See ~l!lo nul!! 71.

~~c... 1.:.

IJ:he General Assea:r.bly ~. l1m1t, the t.i.ma. 41..otPad toeach speaker. .

A Npree.....lt.li:t.ivo ~' ,,:,t."", u"y t.ir;l~ l~ tho. closur~

of the aobato Wlwtl~ OJ:" not {'.tV ·()t.har re*4Hnto.t1wb~8 aignii"ie.¥.1 his r.l1sh to 3ptJiJc. If applioat.1..¢.e. U1Jk'WO tor ptU'm1sfd.on to sr."lellk&~ the cloaure itt..\'~, 1;,0 &OCQI'd.ed to not more tht\Ll. t.\10 speakera.

-"S ~ (1) '!h£l Prf'oifle::~ e!,,:.::ld 1:".\:h' Ot:i~ of order mw ~.cjch.ts!. olQsw.-o ~ o1nce ~·4s1oD.

iSlilI'.de ~. £07.: :~1:(;OCr4c.~ 5Nt"1s!.. . (aR) •(2) Uate th{l diffol'('ncc bet:ncn the p.t"Qv1r.d011!J c,t r~uJ.e 69 ~oojm.rr:-Mt\t - :3 fe, 2aaa1fiat)· i:lt"".d R\t.l~ 71 {clc-t;l\.':fI ... 1 for, 2 .'l;:.~.l.r;,~·t). Doc,~ th~.a J1~ ~ .t.djut.mfJnt? (CR).(3) (Sec.or..a Cornr,:j:.. t~ttl - Mr. t~i"l:.chit'l):- A,'3k.o It\lc;;:;:; the abSlm.\\',,:;, or 'm;y lli..d.tstlon oftho!) n:uwbet· of ZJf'':~k')r~ \'sh(~ ~,. :::P€'.cl.~ ~g..Y:' 010R;:r~.t-U !:a:'ov1d'" IUl OH;ortU;l~:t.7 for a rdnortt:rto clo.J~ ..'..~b'-l.tc on a rxU't1c\llm: :'.~a~ b)· ;.q·olongU:lB discussion titUlo al.lmJin,g on1¥t\110 s peake::-s to O~';lE;. t.he lnotiou~'" .(!y) \!lest majorit:r u requiJ"ed £01,1> cl.ouUl'e'f - rr(xJw;u.bJ,y m!\jorS.t:Y' :n Oomm1t.tMs,but c. f. Ito} Jrtg l' p, 5, 1n Ylhich It is otat,'O~ th.1l:t a t:JO-th:l.:rd.8 me.jol'l'tty iJS 9lu~

needed to!" e1031fio''e.

The 11.-ss1dent ah&1l tako the BfJfWC Q£ the General.c\eaombly on a me.tion tor closure a Ii: thll Ge%xlrsJ.AaDerIb4r is in f.av'OUl" or the ~J.oatuoo th+) Preaid.mt,shall declare the cloG~ of the debst•••

61 The Secrctlil"iat. r4 Carutttee 1objOctod to the -:1crd1ng "take

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the D;;WWt;j ~)f t,h(;~ Ga.u·,::-.l·~~l Aasombl:";j:r." :i.e r.1(\t ~ ba.1~, (h~irshl'; t..oalter t.!li.~ ea it patld,ta tbePrOSidClt to a.eSUlD<il t.he.t, in theabsence d ob.1c~tiQ,\.'!Jj, a~18 ~.dopt,ecJ.•

1'1et301ut4&11ltl, ~tl::; c-:J1(l rm.bstlllt1ft ..u.0RIll(iha.U be 1ntroduec<1 in '!;\"'.i."itil1,1 snd h&tlded to "beSecx..~t~~eral, Who ~11511 ei:t'01.l!&.t& oop1es 1;6U~O DalegatioI)Jl.. A1J a. BO'oon\3. 1'U1e, UO proposaJ.shaJJ. bo diaCWlSfJd or put. to the wt. at auy m~1I2c

of 't.he GtnoreJ. AGfler:b\."rf w'l1oao copiaa of it havebeen. a.1roulate<l to all J),'31~t!,O%lQ r~ la;liar thanthe Ct.e.y pr~.n~ the D::;:rtinG,. 1'ha President 1~ J

haiie\'"Sr I porni.t 'the d1sOlZsOO.on BCd oona.l<16rat.1oa .rr.m~Clto, or of .mt:*lotJrJ as t.o p:IOC4K1U&', \'d.'t;hca'pt'0"l;1•.o\1S e1J:'culat1anot cop1ete.

1 .. Oomm.ents by C:t',~d1(U., Go~. (A/U01V('9, P.4)'­(tlo) tll~1.:bat~.Y~~:;i:,"Un ~pplisa only to tJat,i.QM;ah..,uld the erljecti..."'O !lat ap~r Wo to t'eSO­lutl0!1l1 Mel 1}::n.0l"'~tt1? .(b) .~'p'~CJfJt",{~. ~;'::t-d.:.'{\ft.· Ar !'lrecond f,JAint.e-n¢At-

~'~~~"""""~'~.~lo""i.,~ _~ ~~ - -= ~ ~

(c) Pl-i.:::sumsbly' the '\101"dJJ "dil.il'r..t11tS1w andeonaldErot1onfl 1n the third 3I3l1tcn~() dol'tOt,~eYGr i",h. p.tc,t,1r.Jg of a mattsr to toovote.

Pl\rts of n }?i'or..oe&l 11UJ.y btl vot::r.l 00 sapn,rately ita l'c~eaei1'tat1w requoat.::1 the;~ the proposal be41~.idOO.

1. 1\ hall boon ge11El~~ felt that till1f;l ;'l:,le4thoW.d. rema.1n pe.ndsc1VCl and not rnat'.de.­toI7. In th1a ease the French text re­~D ~cat1on. Tha ~1.t.~D1viDion SUggest. ,-

uDuo parties de proposiUon~t!i\r~

l'objet de votes d18t1DOta el'iiid1v1a:Lon

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('Den pal't,iea de proposition~ ,fit!~ aux. '\"Ou Scf~ efllidiiisianest da"awlM paz- un representant".

2. See Rul$ 32 of th3 Seev!t.7 Couno11z­"Pa.rt3 or a motion w of So dratt l"'$8()­

lutioll ~~.11 be voted on separately atthe l~lMt. o.f any 1"etres«l~t1ve, .1WJ,11!!b~ 2Gl9J'!l-1; ..!1!'J~11£ .o~~ ..

s. :S.YGeC!at~~1.r.i;~~t.1?z_1~~D.!'~l1!1!\:-

If •••••• Ji!'.~l1.~_tbt1\_~o sub3eqt !!t,ttor Is oaE!Rl:!..~u ..

Is it pcf.!G5.h~.c to etate 1n t.he ru.l.e any11mtr..;\;.ifm c;t;:;.iv:UJ5..on?

4. It 13 aue.ge<.~.·.id th~t an ~dit,1Ga be madetel thio rt1..!.fJ 1 r:,rev:;,oillg thai· & final -rotein the ,';ho1c :x:'{}.~oa..1. 1» taken. (DB) ..

Ii' t\'10 ar ~o amCltlc1ll lElt:\t 3 .....""'0 :.1O'V8d to & propr.':3:".J.rthe General .'\ssGl'llbly sll£\ll firat vote 011 the ,7;l;Wnt',­mont. i\rrt.heat removed 1n S"'.mct~)ce !:tOm the 0];':\) ',..:,~

-, pxot)posal ar...:t then on til!: ~JlI.onc1.l:m1t ne.tl. turt,ll(; ~.:t re­~, tmd O~ en, \,mi.1. ~u.:L t.:"ie~s h.tV,~ been~t to thB vote.

~ eO",j,~o~!'Dn<\1r.I-3 I"\Lto in the Securityco".ncn. r(m~s l- "PrL.--w1p;,1 mot.looD m'lt\d!"::~:, rcaolu+"1.Cl18 .hill l'.an l"':.~dmc(t

~.n tho O~d9!" of 1lhatr lNl'Jmiseiofl".This ba5 ca'l:..w~d difficulty.The Leeel CO:'''t':'1ttea.~ hoTIovarI gave tn.tolloui..~ opi.r!1.'),n, t.\t ,~ho roqU~Ert. of thePreaidE".nt t-

"On 22 l!c:~",~.?:l)\)l~ '!.91~6, 'the S1n.h Ccmt.d.ttee roto~"'rod to St;b··Gc,,~1'C..ttee :2 IJ. lctt.(l:'~--- the 'r;,... ,."..l,.',...;.'- ",'" +""0 /'0."....<:,...... , ~ ....D.,........'''. to tho' C",,_.t_- _. I·too.-, f"'1·~h r'...:r-.·~+~ ...,,,...~ L.t:•....,.. "-.~,...~~ .....;... ...;:l ur~.\If.~ "',,.. ~.I"'" ~~ 1.-.l. ......r :.1 ....~ ...... .A ,.J'-'&J.•~....... 'I#."I.y..,

:roquo:rt.~ tn·~ ~:b~,:.L: COf.W.tt~ to state its '71.,:1 mth r~ard to '~hc 0:''d.o~ i.."'l ,:nu.ch}UDder t,he Pr\.l'::t.~::!.o::n.:.. :::'W.6::; of Procedure for the G-«lm:oU .il3SeIl-:'''',y", rotett chot".J,l betakea in th~ f~:;Qi:.~~~~':';.~' and ita Coocitt.eea on vc..r1"."w propose.la J."l:~~t~tlnc to .:)~ e.Qdt.he same q'.16'Stion•.

.- -_.._- ,- _ _---._.~ -~._ -_..•.._------...,._.._- _._-._-----_.----"--_..__.-

ThB S;J.b....Gdr;~:rl.tt ::\~ con:;rj.d~1:·ei'i ,'jh~~~h€:l' a t:pGc::l";\l rule TIg,c nee3Ss~.ry to p&-e-;idctor tbe .c·:;mtingcn:jr Gcx:t.eapl:tt.o:l ;rt "!itc l~~t't$r l.l;:~d~l' conai<:lorc.tj,on. It. ":j~ !.t~

I'... op1rdon th~t thc~'\:~ co'tll~ 4~ OTJ1;r enb rr)~·:>1~:t:\6n l"Olat:L'18 to cne om the ~~amo <?:·QS't.i~n.I All otll~ i4'0;OS~IJ.;;: ::~ftst be ~..rl the nat1r."n or' ~,ts to tho ~.a.1n roooluticn.

1hGl"etoro, P.'ulG 75 C~l bfl a1ven '9f..fe<* to in 3J~ C&.10S l'lhere there m'13 moro ~POSll..tathan one rcla.t1r~ to one and tl» :Z$l.Q qtlGa1;lon. .

. __,,1't'l'be Frosidont of t.baiJ .\esa:JbJ.,y, or tho Clm.1man of. the CODIiJittoo. "lNQ,W. detoo.'l!r"~.e

which pro,p03"'-.l 1.3 to be ts.ken as. tho bu'.Q 4raft rosolut1011 to tJh1eb the otho!" ~'i)••

I i~E.'.a \'3ill be considered aB cL"Il.CrxUoonts".

I------·----·---·-·-----·~-_·_------- ----.-..-.--.....i!


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~mon en amendmat ...s-a, adc.\a to G1" deleteafrom a proposal, the~ sba1l be 'VOtedon fb"St, and it it is ~ec.\, the am&4e4propooal shall tmn be vote CIIl.

~: This rule~ be lmitorI~ appUaclainee 8I'lOI13 ttw :r,;!k~SCl18, ito prcrd~

a. d.e1'initiw close to the Q:'\,Douasionon a que....""t~l arxl makee it mored.1tfw.11~. lor tho questlO11 to bereopm,ed.

1. .r.eofl!D'!:ng..~f,,_4s1~t-.!1-

(see Canad1.'V, L",~"'<a .~/fNit./69, p.3). ~ost.1on t.o ew.:i rule provid1.nG that, a.~t1on fa::' z-cce;.....El5.der~t.1on of a qua~on ~.lready d8eUlod sh.,\Al4 DO put to thevm,l) t,cttlumt< dc'bat~ arA should l'fJl.1Uira a t~ro-th1rc:lo majority.

!u t.rj.;~ ¢iJrt~".ctlon see P.obex-to nulo~ of Order, p.1S6 et Slag.

nl!W,g:£~. This motiOl\ is pecul.i9.r' in that the m.~lr:l.%13 of the motionbas ~\ ltlg.her :-.·&rU~ that ~.ts coo.eiderc.t1or11 and tor .. certain t1n8 preventn aa;y­tbLi,g b'lin.g doo() uo the Jl98U1t of the -,ot. it is ~F'osed. to recone1der. .Itcan h~ ll1B.de a-:"1ly on the dq t1'Mt .... W be l"eo.ewA. w.- t.ake, or- on tINtna.:t'-6 :::uCC(iO'.1!:.'lG dayt a lenal bt-1£day CI' a r9CMl8 ... bat.ng eount.~yl.ns a dq.It lJ1L\St. be madIG b1 .. tlbo \'Ota;;i t4th the Fre7alJJ.ns sido. :,~ny Ine.mW:," I1IQ"sGCQC'lCl it. It em be ..". ~~~ other qllaet.1oa is pa.."lding, .... :!.f a;."1othermec.w hE\S t.he ~, or attar it h8D boen voted to QdJown" ~diId ;be chairh;~3 110t d&eJ.ared tho ~soobl1 edj()~.

!t{~:::.: Ii.R.. nl~r.; l~, p.l, is as lol1.o'f;m:"l. ribm!t. UiOt.ion hl".!! bsen m.de ~carried, or lc.:;t.J '.-1;; :t\2.U b~ inorele:- far &ny l11Or..bo::- of. 1~he mjority,on the Demc (j,t' S'!lcco,1(J_ir~L~ O!'.y, tomove tor the :'cccr~s~dul"~tian thoreo:,a.."'ld such i.1Ct1c'J1. <:;:-l~~ll t<:.ke Pl~oo.enoe

of DlJ. ctl16:'c (l'<1.a1.:'~/! ..:ns ~~~eapt lihe eon-s1dersUoll of & co,·,.!;'e~( »r.ce 1. (; .(l.)rt. 0 ..'

11 motion to &..1jo~x;'aJl ~,~Jrl eh DJ. not beTdthJM.wn a.t"to:;: tb) "",d.d suec~l3ding d~"

l7i.thoUtU10 ;:-:~nfl~.mt. ,,')f thl) Uouse, a:~

therea.ttor 8:t!:y m.."nlbOl' 1.''1.'" e,:~1 it uptor eon~.dG1"at:'L4m~ Frovld~ - That

. - .... I Ii

~ m!,)tioo, i f Jr.,~~.do dur.U'il! the 1...1.8tsix:' da~·1:'l o.r '" SC:lF,,;:'l.on I shall be dis­pO;>Gd. I.U~ :'Jheo :~;":.dr;:. u

l'hq lo'Y.itlon to 1"OCQn:3ider ca.~i.:r:, 00 8ln8IXiod, po:~1:.p>ned .indafi.n.l,t'Ql;r 1 Ot'.~1;.tC'd.


;lil ONr)r that tl.- i)~3_1y r.ir1\V :'ilV'3 the 'benefit. of tho mat,u-ed j~t ort~u r.:~u.tt~p So reccnd,~.1ert1:t1QD oJ !4 wte lJ'lUpi:. be aJJ.orl~d. l"~:'J~aI"dl$38 ot tbt.J·~ilDn ~ at ,iI~~q. :rec(m:~~..dA:ra.t.ion,·:,n\l it, ~~ be m.~d by ~''3 C)M 'tlhQ cU.d net.vote ~tJ\.~~~ :J~6tOVCr~ it llg ~jt1·':: aI,sent:.~ tllC pt,~,~1U:? '~-ote VJa:;s tak~H

but 1.~ ~t~e ? t\10-th1.:.;'ds vote tor Jt!! acloi1~cm unl'i)9o;1 "~Y~Y ffiGjlnbe;:' whovot~ ,~th 1J~~ ma~9~~Y 1,0 .~,it!ha1· FO~d CY...t' ~~~ ~e U'l~1~ IJ~;~h':i ;£looting~ t-.~ ~\1,e ~~rt;).tion tlS.;:\ to bt ~~. Wi\is ~Mt,f. ti::'CJ..;·ll:~ ':!,ti:~~tf.'.ge Qftl~ lJ.b~~t1ee or~~ to rw~ ~~~11 a."!~i. .·),.~,h'.~ ~r;:: ~"}v,) lIei"~ [-.\:tssent to~i.r~ up the queotion 'of NCO%~ttr_~09~'.

. . . . • ~ • '\ '. . t', " :

Page 151: search.archives.un.org...,\', ," Committee on Procedures and Organization ARGENTINA BELGIUM CANADA CHJlU CUBA FRANCE GREECE HAITI PERU

(~) (tJBunl69i ~<:J). A x-o.J1e m1OU.ld be a&.\ed dter Ru.l.e 76 aftabl'*na tJ:IItCl"dArl' in 't,ai.eh X'CSt:ah.."t.:!.ona:!t QD~ !rQru a.b9«lt:llUGte. e:.'V>t~td be pat, tothG 'V"CJb6.(See £tteo orlg;tnal NJ.GIe~ by Q1eouU:,o Ccnmd.ttee - PCf$lIA/~, 1'.10)

(e.) UhCG a t1D"&beI' or. 1~11OS4ls sr. betenthe_~al .A.ssembl,y, tOO~~~~ in 8~lQ. trcm theprl!1c1pa1 OQCt abtJ.l b8 .,. on t'kat.

(0) l.t sn~~r;t.kL.,& .O¥A puwt. of &

prol~ is ~'1' th~ GeIr1val Aensnbqshall t:I.ft1t vote On \'t1E1tbsr t.he~ inquostJ.Qn ui1&ll stand ~..t. or the pt-opos!'J,.If the deo1slon 13 1D 'the ftel&Un, t.boama1dm.ant eb&1l then be ptlt to the vote.

(e) t1heD an ~t. add., to ~ Pf~~a1, 1~3h~..ll be l'Ot~d on f:trot, Md if it 10~..dopt,'Od t.~ rmacdt:xl rro.PO-nel ·')haJ.l th.O:1be 'V'Ote-d on.

(1!) ~~;gQ..£tSP:;1.~lt!-=...~t .. Ri~ll.t.2)

mwn ~.U !lAl~:J,:i~t is Zl:Lado to a iXLl"t. ef r::. ~·c:·r:\).;I1.1. r;11~;:";', ";!:Ct! a..'Mnt1t',.'mt 0­'t,'Oted on 'b,;,;':'m,'f) ;j,rJ:lr !Je ot that lTJ'Ol";~'!:'~1 At t~~ 21..ti:4 m'.N)'i:<L"1.;~ the Cbt·.m,.~~1".,,~ ~- ..·" 't·,,,,<.,,~, ''''1-''' ..- t ...~.." ...... 03_,_ .... (""h"'Ah l'mtATINI..........._ .............. 1- " .... ""';:"'1'-'> \ :; ~.I;;-~ ~, ~ ;,.~~ w",,'$' -1.~t.\t~.. ~~1IIlJ 7:".••t..... ..r--~Qir4 I.\. .. "'1I~'W'~ iit ""'••..:..,..,

y'tlr~:>~.:p1:.l of ·~htf pa.rt:louln.r l'a$oll¢,j.cn) S.~o\,:J.c1 b...e vet:C"J. be.f{1·I~ Q!lY' port. f);l.' th.~

o~~-eU. :P1"oE~~aeL A NP~)w~.t1ve G:l.p):e:;'~-:ld the vJ.'!:':.J t.~.~;-', :':t ~\3 m"t1l.S to"deal nitb ~i~\.r!l-$:t.O tht\t h2'.v.o to d~· ·i,~;t,-~,h ono 11..~1l80 oJ: t.~:!.i:: :)J:.ln 1o:l\~prior toO a eC);.~::.::~mt.1ou of. ~te Fe=~j,;Ilc ,?1;YJ, (,ll~hor lWl~t,1':': ~m:"'~~l O'i.: the rJ&1nc1~1t. !.noth~· re!=:::'::J.oe:l':is-r.:h"!), S'.~?l:V.J!<.~::.rl.L-; 'tahlc vlow; ...:·;·u.rJt.-!i.i.i.led. th.,t. flit,lD~'q bo ~:u!l ror ua tv r.»..eeeed loC:'Lc.~~.1.1y ~;o t,'';Jtt :;{r the t1l~~') '; ::, l'oc~h t.oo pr>intCIt polr:.ts n!t13!'O~6 havo :)'-:,0::. :,?\':.l"Cd".;8'::O. ';fi:' w.L1.1 ~-rJ ,,'::1!,t" to ~m1~Sl~

them. b$ttern• '?:le Cha!..~ i!.CGc:;'''::'c!.~ ·:~hJ.::! \'~'..C";T tee X'e:~I,~."XlIrlt~.l:~ UJe lSi.mCO r,r. the~.:lg.

(ii1.) \','hcn an to."Aendroont to an !~~en(:u~~~t (or eVe'il 'tr., an or-t~ l!lOt~.Qn) 1.eint';ll1dcd. ~.O .~::. st1i.jr;tltut<-: :ror th3 ear]..1or ~1'1t. (~Dt':-s.tln) enr:, 10 ;'J!~Or<l:·t:~l'b-.i ~Jh() Corntlittoo, d~s the F!"f'Ji"1oI,~J!Sly lJl"O;.:'i;·(\OO ..:u,:;.~fZl1\\ (<<r r·J:)t~.)n) l',;?co ,~!'~rt; it be 't"OtGd? n» C~"Ul inl'.-..ot,1;·,:z{l ~:ltKlt.h~· ~l:t!3r::;;''nr:':1!:~~oo..''lts r:.k,:-:J.d hewbed wd &.-p1'OO3eQ his rletl thAt urs,18.'J:' the :'t,r::;::'OG~:ilti-,r~ :lr~~~..."lted ho r:o"J.2.{lcc'r. ·... -t·~....... -!-h",,"" L>t .....-.~.,.,.,... ?_~l ,~..., .."" ;,~·.. , ~",... JtC,~1·1 .... ., .......t b~'·· t~1'" ",r>c'-"J~!!I"t""" ",,"...... ,.;...,.,J.~ ..,......~II 1&J;"..,..,1 ~~_v wJtW W'........... ~~ ~\J~. t,M..o-".~,~ -J"Vy II "'~""'-.J __'r.J ~ rf"\"'l'.(.\'~·,,. 1.1IJ,.

tbe S-i.~(,J('1u.c'n1i a:~. To t.I'1at the r~r)rG.nent:l.tiv~ (lb:'$e!":":~~ tl"D.t "t10 hP',TJ'!'3to be Lr~tld().' in th..u natte~ by the r.;.-.Ji.oo of f':."Ocr;v.:lu;::-a". ~:h;) C:-l,:U.l~.l'l oon.­C~ed tihD.t n5.ll tr.at case ! sulxrdt 1:.10 ~r~ t.o- th~ ~tt::t • The CCU't'!':x.:ttscthen voto<.~ on th~ oritinal !WJG~lt.

Rule 3' of tho Scct'U'it~r Council stntr.·a PlAt e.~ C::.' \.lr~.ft Y.'-tlc:~)1.:;,:t::~ro.

can ~t anv time 00 withd!'~r~'}" .00 J.on:o; a.o no\) ,vf;.e h1J3 btJEm ·~,,:~~n.

(See &1Yo &aborts ~G of Order, p.:;.COt-

hI.. JtlSQV.08\ tor lGa.'fC 'to 1.".i:ttht'l..l'ai1 B.~ m.t.¥ be mm:k: a.t tJrJY time barer.vot1l'lg on the q\.'.,~i.m be.s' com:tl.E!noed,ft02'l though tM zrotion has beec a.mcrad--". ..

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,. Jl4IJA'

'1'I'e 'felts ~ .m t\vober pat't~~ mJ31ULl....u aball be 1JIec't,«1 in tbe~.

~:. (~~od~~~ tw I.d~~ Deplrtr»Qt)t-

The: r~, or each D7J1e~1t1C1ll.I:;,JJ._ caJ.lGl. ia ... l'01l-ea.U. 6Wr.l one ot

'its l.Ier»bOrtl shmll rep!:! "YstJtl JI "No- 01 IfNat ~!ng"II .'!'he J'IbU1~ or the "'~e eb~

be ~orted 1n the ~Gocl"d.

P'.S1Jll,w1t.U;t~on to tb~ ~e1ons tor the '1:" ofII .-.et bG.UDt e·:rt. t0J"'4.h &1s~ m 1;.1';,:::0';'~le~J all elect10. ~ aLl dec1a1.ons }."!:1':r'1n:t.o to!rora of offico $bal.l \)4». t~cm by G~c:~(;'~

ba.Ucrt.. Towe eba.1.,l be no Dd::4natiOM •.. .

'N"t,~,:................. 1:t !"XJnt~'OJl if: to be m~ tAl-'~t azq pan l)fC~~~I 'fA t<t 4Ppl.,v to COClTI.1tt.ees,it 'is ~~le th·~,.t th!s RulG tmotlld boOy.c'.'~> ro.nc~ rt1rtir. ,!:'.t:\one h~1Ve !n ~act

'been !!£de 1n Cr.b"rit~e-~ and eo tttJ.~ noob3ect1oo Me been !"n.Ued.


It, T1hsu ~J.3 one lJersc~~ O~' Z:·~.~-,ber 18 to beo1ockd, no ciI;,ndid·::lta obt.E!.irm in. taG I1rothe..t.lot ttl) ~~o~t'7 !'aG.....~;~. 1.n W. '11 CIl'.

19 " second b!'J.~, -stmn ~e t.!ll..~., coaf'1nodte tho ~~~ ~tll:J~.n3 th'J largocctm.be!" or tct~. ~ 1i~. tho a~ "allot theve'tIJe l'..1"e~d.~..d.e, tmd a mm.jo1"1ty isre<r:4red I t.he Pr.oenidont 19M"! d.ec1de 'bGtt7e<Jntbe ~de.tf)',!l b'J dr~nC~ ~8. ~1hGn a t\-..o­thirds mjat-J,ty is ~U1redJt the ba.11ot~.n~

slull be cont'1rmed UlStil. 0d8 cmtt1\11lte eec~1!"Og

t~-th1..~e ot the ft)tos .n.: U2t~r Psll'ij,?~l::}T~.l:-;t..S:;~:;j,"?~~~l (A/fJIJR/69, p.S)

1."41 .·,'10,.1.•" ""l""- on" ~~- 0"1 H""""'l,e'' ~.: 1 0 ~ ,""-..... '""/"I c··.'!".... •......&.r> ....hlt.,~ ...~, ~ o;"III;4'" ,..··'L~ u ~ ....,.,. .. , ,. , \J I~ t,,01t;..~t;,:R,,L,, J ."\oIi:~\.L~.;".\.,'l.. "".,'~__ .a~

.a-. tl~ 4"4 '1.."'11040 ... ~.,. ,.,.~~ .....,... _ _ ~/' ~ ')')\.'1":1'" ',"'" I'M .. ~__.... "'..." ",'-",'" "'.;&.:11 ll'U -Io~.~:\1 1Ji;.~•. ,... _ "oJ t..I •• \7 .. ", ........,,,.,, \..1;/ ""'lJ'1."""' '4J. _,J). ~ ....•... l• .,.~ ;;,l We 17 Q .....;;;...,~..... &\4 rJCIL.l.....:, uLt li.d.~........a..:l. iJ

tatM: e-o~'~ ~ th<'3 t't1O c:~Jv..\id!.tea o~.it'drl.\n7. tIle 3.?!~~ot n'~le:' of V'!Ittoa. I.f intb&~W,J.~t, tbeJ wtes IU·O&.'!\lcJJ.y di1,.'1ded, !.\."'\d n!l'.t'.jm.t~r !a %'~.t thePrG~j,d.-;m.t nhaJJ.. d&ett\ebtrfm~., t"'" en!lf;1:k1c.tt'\:3 b~r c1~.~~ 10M. rJh«1 t\ ~~..M.!"d~

~jm:-i. 18 !"O<!ld.'l"tJl1, 'tile b~.1ot!ne ehl~:-~l b~ ~O!rt;i.~-' unt,!.l o!'~ ~'!'.M1Mtw!t e~'.~

......Mrda of tlw votes east, ~*!!4.t~t.!11~_~~~.!J:.~1::!:1~_~1.:;":<!Jt~~_~~!tl.~~"!....1>!lJ..t.'! ~tJ:r..!

.!$~~.~~!..»_~.Q.~,q~_\!>].~~ ~:~_~.11.!tt.1-.1~t~~~.~.v.!.tEt'! ..~_.t~~1~.~!P!.e..!..~~!':?.~'.L.k.~~~.i... ~_Ir!WL~"'.JR.r_~~,Q:l~~~ ~Jl_.9-lJ:1!!"-!!!:.

Ulvm tU() G"" mora elective pla~es are t.o bet1lled a.t one t~ under the 0...,. oonI:S.t1ons,

Page 153: search.archives.un.org...,\', ," Committee on Procedures and Organization ARGENTINA BELGIUM CANADA CHJlU CUBA FRANCE GREECE HAITI PERU

'VlO3e CE..."1did..."f~tW Qbt~;Ln~be .t""~..~1tbGJJ..ot. thl': major.i.ty~ !n lNl08 76o'l" '19 ehaJ.J. be cloc-l:,ed. U t.bo mmf.:.~~

or cc1d.1datfNs o~DjDC 8UOb ajOr~:~~·1a

let18 t;Mi1tba 'DUIJIbV ot pereou or m61!2bereto be o1ected. tbero'abaU be add1\~ cma:L~ to 'tih the :I , .I,:lnIabc p1aaea, ,he~ beJ.ag~ to t.he ~teoo~ tho #(JI.te8't;. marber of .t~ 1Dt.ho 11re".r10!!r.: ba.'1.JQt. t.ho tunbeJ' of c~u.di­

det.c. boll't& r.ot mare than~ U t'l'.tt.n;y' aathe plaeoo ramdn1af; '0 be ttl) tel.


It a vote 1:1 equ::'.1.l;r d.1vid~ Oft. ;utt..,. .....t..bu:1 eleetil'i;-.o, a (;~,cond 'VO'tKl aba.U~ "*-'at. thB !l8llt.~lio 1lIDOIUIlll ebRU beheld i11thb& hdII&'e fit the tiNtvoto, d tt s ',be~ mmlt10rwu inthe~ th&\ a eeeend ~o ~tJJ..l be tr.k•.n the IIlatte,.. 10 question. If th5.tl t··~a a180l"eBulta h1 ~UBJ.1t7, the pto:pooal ~h;;;11 bere~ed. U l'Ojeated.

'l'h1.e r·,'.:.~: :',:'~ e;~n~:~'lt:ction. ~tl.t,h RulG:r.ooI l~~ be :;'": f:!,.~:,~~f.,:'~~~g(l. to mr:!fIJ\ tJl&.tJiO eec<m(l --If." '.: ::;~,\",. t,,:o tA.>J\8n :tnG~t.t.e¢'1;. Iii t;\:'.i"1,~1!J. Y"ot ther$foJ'ebe 1Mln~~. In ~'~'.\!, y!'Cv131Ofi forCM~l~ tIT! to ::lpply to Conrdtteu.


aulos 77, eo - as.

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-22 ..

•. ( ..........,....'--_.--_._--._-----iJo etaan.ue. f3XOOl~ :1n~ 8'1, ..dod M ioU.. b7 rt'!~'lutlor.l

of~ usembq.-IaJ&.§Z

The tea fJ6.et1co c.f CSI~ 81~ bes1n on l' J~'11!J.l7 t~.1'26. . .

th£d.r 01ec~~:T.cn b:t the' llmt'!!'U ft..soem.blT and ahall ena. 011 31D~ to~"w;rin;

t.h$ election o~ tb~.r suecefo7801le.

1. .


:.'. " ,',' ,

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.iV' ... !~~9:,:,r:rQl.i OF mZBD:lS OF TItI:: !l71"liiUM.TIONAL COlmOF JU1fICB

au ..... • • • •Ne ••T_ii'.......-------------------_.-IWle 99 .....

Tbe ~1Gn at th&1~ of the bltelDat~Coct -.t Jv.rit1ce shall take p,1,uo 11\ &C~oe'nitb \be Statute cat: the Cc\ll"t..

lE!.£Sl.t 2!(fJ. - (adopt,ecl tv' Gt.-at Me..",.subject; to ap~ b7Secm91t7 Coufto:i1)

A1q fU(;1et1ng ot t,he Geaerel ~ly h614 1n~ or to. St.atut08

of the Intornat:lDaal CCNl't. 01' JuaUoo tor tIle pal'pc.wG fit the el~1.. tJt~fj

of' the C~.l~ :sb4JJ.~.. UDtU as m&t'\Y c8rdtd.&.too 6JJ ~ J:-equ,1,rud t~ ,U1.~

s_a t,r.. '00 £U.1.ed r,e;?e obt.a.tned Sn eDe .. mare ball.. en ~.b8O'l\Jte ~~t.1 of

Dou the 1'O!'-!1 Ii 6i:lall:''j l"".tak ,pi."O­

~ rill. I!:t I.Wd,OJ1 laQat:tDg 1IIdef­1n1tel,Y in ,asH "f' ~1r...Uiid dead.....look?

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_ J ta

!litJt )Ql

~ Ua1n CCmm1tteee or the Ger101"Al Aaeemb1y'Rei ';

(l) Political and Secur.1t;y Ccun1t.t..(1ncll1<l1ng the reeuJ,.ation of~e)J

(2) Eoon:md.c and F1zIaDcial Coard.t.w.J(,3) Social, HllJUlldtarlan 8Q1 Cultural.

CQClDitte.0..) 'l'rwlteeehip CanndtteeJ(;) Administrative and Du<lptar1

CorimLtteo; and(6) Legal. Ccilrdttee

Uould ~ be t\dvie~bJ..e to ine1:ude aft&" Trusteush1pCam:rl.t~e t.h'] wordQn~ludil18 non-8.lt~

tel"'J1,.toriee" " ?'his W4.CJ suaae:Jted as 8. meana ofdefining the eta.tuc a! the t.wo~ \'cl'Id.ngsub-Ooomittees nuich it, appears likely that theFourth Corr.l1ttee vliU continuo to haft"

lliltf W H Rt,i(w4B!4~ - a3£fmlShould 861Y prodiI1one ir01l1 Chapl:.er Vre~ ~181"8 ot pr~:~1d.1ng officer t

~'" be locluded'l(See undes- ChaP;..- V)

Each eotmnittoee llay set up ctm-c-:4lil:d.ttees1 wb10hshall Gleet t.hoir Q-rJn o£ficel"a.

poto~, 1. f'~r~~;)1:"~i.tM!r

Th1D qu(Jtrtion tm!! ra1sed at. the $EtCOIldm~ of Sub-Ganll:d.ttee ~ ofCQ:Jr.dttee I rdth NPrd to mether tha Sub-canr.iittee coul.d~ .,.,proposals :.L~ draft resolutiono J ~lhGD it,8 mission \las onl7 to ~rd1nat4il

the draft resolutions referred to it. The Sub-Cc:n-".l1ttee docj.ded t.hat itstank 'n.:l.S l:tm,1Jioo by lte tBl'lIlB of reference nnd that cooaequeoltly it could.not examine ne\J proposals. SUb-Couulttee 2, at. its f'Uth It'.O~t1.nB, decidedthat. it could i.et ~,.gast t.o Cormtteo I a vatit'l« ONe1" for tJl$ dittm·em.amandmonts be.forc it, since thb waD outside ite jur:LJd1etion.

2. Setttnc; uR 2t S)1b:Cs4tt !M

It 'ClaD agrc9ed that in v18\1 o£ the variable factors af1'K"t,1ng tb.~s

queet.lon, it would be impoosiblo to ma.1te any hard and fast ruJ.. ..

It is more a Etter of mateQ them or ru.les and IQQ:'S pre:pa.rato,r,y~ on the substance ot the different i'tems should be done lor the nextAesel:lbl¥• A great deal ot eonsultation is necessary tdth Delegations toclear in adVRDce as much as possible" After that, it is a quest.ion atcnos1ng an appropriate ~t for tho proposal. of a sub-COOIDitt.ee, aceordinsto the course ot tt:. debate. (See A/BOR/69, 1'.9)

I~, 122 - m.PM

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.. 25 ...

~y}.••JUJ.'l1ie proMw-o set tGt"th 111 Rults 6.5 to 16sball app1¥ to r.roceedines of OC81.i.tt_of the General AsS«Clbq.

i?!!!l See slIgge8tlons £01' ad4:lDg t"41'taiaprovisions 1"0 voting, etc.


Dfjc1S1ona 1n the OOIIII1tteea of the OeIIealAssemb~ a1a1l 'be taIrs1 b1' & majol'lt)" ofthe JllEIllbcta~ aDd~.

!2tdI!: 1.. see 8~~1OM under Chapt,er nu2. A/5Ja/69, p ..6. br~~:

Doois1cms in 'the CClOIIittees of the GenenJ. A8$Oabl~ eb&U be taken by

? JB&jorit-7 of too~s }n'sont and wt1llg;~ that the ajority uCOIIJPOeecl at not. loss than & quarter o£ tho~~ the C«1Jd.ttee.

3. Sugg6BtiQn8 by Mr. ProtiteJu-

Amend. R1.Ilea (19 ad) J.Ce by adding the uord IIs~lcf.f aft.. the \'lord

"majc:rr!t~t 1n the laat JJ.ne.

In order to obtain • majorit7 tha~ can--1Ga suf.r1oi~ 'ft1&bt.: prori.a!01l

shoulcl be made f~ a tldnu- mIJIbca of at.tt.t:.tiw ....

nJlo dec1e1aD .hall be 0CIbe148Nd val1411 it baa DOt. received & muabcir ofa.tt1rMt1". wtee equ1valel1t to at.least a three-fourths majority ot tIMquorum required b7 Rule 65.D

DJWt )Q2

UnJr.eea tho Gceral AaSGDbl3 itself dec14eeGt.bem1ae, 1t sball not mako a .t1nal c1ee1alonupon it&:us on tbe jgeD1a \UltU it. bae rctCo1n4tbe report. ~ & OGIlIDitt.. em tbue it...

D1G~a1oDof a roport; of 11 Ua1n CQIIIJ1ttoo ina pJ.an&%7 meet1:ng of tho GoneraJ. Aae«Dbly" sh&llt&ko phoe it at least ono-t.h1rd of tho mOOlber:sof the Oarm1ttee conside.r nell .. d1sQJSslon tobo necesaa:r;y.

1. Tb18 rule 18 COIIPlAt.~uaeleas 1n its preoent. !onrt.See I!C/UIA/26, p.16: . f

'. . i .

(4) \'Ibm the repcwt,s GOd ·resolut1ona aubm1tted'bi the vnr1ou.s_tteeaof the Gct.eral Asa~ are bl'ought up for adoption 1.n pl~ _.s1on,tbe Pree14ent,~ in the cue 1Dl1lcatod 1n psragrath (b) ohallread the titles ot the reports and fQt. fonbP1th to the '9Gt.e the "80­~ 121l1oh .. propoeed.

(b) Tho procCUl"G~ lw in tho poeoed1Dc~ 8ha1l not appl.r incas" where one-th1tIC1 of the Uembers of the Oaaalttee haw declared thattM.'7 consider eo 41scuaa1GD of tho l'8port, m P1.sMu7 sees10n to be neeOSll~;''':;··.

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... 26-

2.. S~YsB...h'Lj2.m4P..~S1~ (l~ter of 17 Fabl"\.lBJ"T 1911/7:;

IIIJ1ecU8CfJn of a report or & Ua1n CClllld.tt.. 11' 0. plew..,. Jleet~ of

tbe ael»1"al Ass«nb~ -sbaJ.l take p.l.aoe onq m.n a -jQr1t7 ot tM~8 of

the Cam1tteG so doo1de."

,. See suggeet10ns zoe dra1't1l18 aD1 tl'8l\8lfltioD (A/IMfII69, p ..6, 7 & 8)

4. See sur.sest.1cno 1'9 adop'1on of rePQl"t8, etc. -.lldJmtu or Secoad Ccmrd:,teeSeereta:riee AlctS'Mng, p~2.

lbi.\e U&No rMOlution 1D9ol'f1.D4 tllXPQUtUN aba1l be 'VVted.by tho Gellera1 AsaembJir unt.U tbeMalldatNUftand~ CClllld.t.t.e of t.be G8nereL1.~ huhad an opport,unitT of st&t1D8 tho e.ttoot. of the propoealui'Qn the Bldg""- of the Uzdted llatians.

!.!\!!: 1. ~Y.L~~~kt P.D~

I1ISo reBOlt\ticm 1"OQU1rina the a\1bDisa1on of a. suppl'!t'ent&r7 e:l'.;,3m&te

aball be 'tOted by the~ AesGDbJy ••••••

2. J1~1A lt~)!rt nrJ,sbia-RHo reso3Att1oo 1nvol'rinc ~'1t=G not :t.nelw1ed 10. the b::.dgl!lt eetimateB

preywueq aubmlttod by tb& Soc.retar~ra.lshall tie voted by the Ge.nex·a1

Aaetla!bq untU tbe Adminiatrat1"fO and Budgetary COImI1t.tee of tha GeMral AIllSedJly

bas had an opp6l"'t.unit7 of statina tJio -eftect or the ~poeal UiiQn tho tCJt.a1.. t1mmc1al

ohUgat1.onJJ 0;'- the Un1t.ed na.t.10M.

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ftu1M 113 to 116 -

UDder cona1deration by CoIIa1tteee ot

Qene.Nl A8881b1¥ aI¥l sec.:L\7 CouPGU.

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Rule ll7

These Rules of Procedure lf8:J' be aaaended by adecision of the General .Assembly taktm by amajorit.y of the members present and vvting,

. after a eoamittee has reported on the propoaod~.

S~ion tor rule re suapeneianr­A/OOR/69, p.4·

nA rule of procedure ms:r be suapcmded b¥ the Coune11 provided

that t,;:entyo-fOU' hoUl"S' notice of the p:oposal or the suspension baa

been Biven. The notice lLlIq' be \1&ived it no mmber objects".

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- 29-

Pend1ne the adoptiCll, UD1er par&gl"&ph .. at Article 62of tho CbaaotfllO, of detiD1te Rules for the oa'J11ng of1ntemational canterenceo, the Eeonomtc ami Soe1a1CouneJ.Jr~ atter due consultation \'lith UanberB ofthe UD1ted NatiQllS, call. 1ntemat1cnal cont...ces illeonf'onn1t7 m.th the sp:l.r1t at Art1cle 62 on 8IJl' matter\'J1th:1n the canpet,ence of the COUDOil; inclnd1ns tbato1.lotl1ng matters, 1ntemat1onal trade aDi ~­I!BItJ b equtt&b1s~ of prices em the1nte:t'aIGional maztcst, aDd health.

. ~"!t.!s I:ta.s t.he Councj~ made 8JrT~tovrvdD frem1ng BJT l'U1As? This \'I11lp.rcbably rSl!dn the solitary suppJs­lOOZ1tar~1' rule, as the. ot.h~ mq.Pfl5e~b4r 00\1 be dropped.

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10 M£.rch 19417


.- r • t


- .Rlil." 1'............

The G·~ora.l flBsembly shal.l meet IY'f'ery yearin X'ezu,12r sasslon O<mlmerldng on the tb1rdTueoda.y in SElptomber.

t£ a rule re ~~Jtr'O~..1Gl1t

is reqid.rod, j:t udght bedrafted on th::.; folli.'I\:Tinglinee~

lmlf! I{c.l

Uationu I t,og",thor nith his roccmnend&tione, ~ request rece1ved tr«J a !1emba.r for.post.ponement of ~. ro{3U1ar aeos1on. If tTlth1n .fit'teOn (1) dayD of the date of' the

coc:mnmicatlon u majorlty of the~e concur- 1.'1 the l"eque~t, too seesion shall be

postponed accor~ly. (eR)

.Ar.ty Ur;:mbar of the Un,1.too Ns.t1~.na mtII3 requestthe s<~eretarJ"-C'renora1to rlti.l!Di\,;:.n a s~lal

ee.s3ion. The S'Cc!'ata.-:::T-{!··,nc~;'l ~:htI,D. thortJ­'llP'n ~ rl.tor2'.u the t,)t,~,):t !J!arrl;t:l'l"'! o:!: tlUb Unitedn.~tiono of: tho !."CcpJ.eot and. :\.rY'.l'i,I.i:~'3 \1hothf;r theyC,(ll,"a!' :b1. it. If' mthin th1rt.y d~ of thod.!lta of the C«Tr.zn:lC"-M.ou a p..at~C~"'it,. of t.hoUG."'.lb~1."e concur in thIS roqucst, :11 spoeiulsass'~o:n of thtJ C"lf'J!'£!'M Ae~e::lb1:y she,tl be~ned iJ:l acc(,l!"dE.nca tlittl the l:;'C-l1Dianso£ Rula 3.

it ~ ~ The only il'lt.$r~~·etationot

thin 1~.(J is that a speoialsession c..'U1 ha cpn"1ened to:1p:m f5.:tirX1n d.a,"J'S !'ram thedato on l'tdoh 11 m~jor1tl' ofarr1nnat;1ve roplies from.t1embers h1~ rac':d.v«i.The 1ut·~8 of the rule ~

:1 ~ poe3ib~ 00 ~c-<1.!'attod&0 tolloua, it eo~.dered

neoessaryr- '\

lA sl~j.n.l session or t.he G<nl~'a:!, A:Js<£bly shall bet c\Dfjon~d ':~'it/b.n fi.1'tec1

of the receipt by t.M Se'Cretnri--~C:1C:·~.1 c~ ::1·)·~J.::'::'cat1cn3 from a I!'.!ij(}rl.t.y of the 1Jer-.:bera

!tat ~k~,.... the-I" c~c.U!' in the request. ~ ,

Page 163: search.archives.un.org...,\', ," Committee on Procedures and Organization ARGENTINA BELGIUM CANADA CHJlU CUBA FRANCE GREECE HAITI PERU


!1W ~

Bees!QDe sb4ll be hIl1.d at the~8 ofth. Urd~ Nat1ms unless ~ed·o1:ltcIherein f-1.l.rS\W10e ot a de01s1o:n ai' \be. Qene.t"alAssembly at a provioua sess1cm CD,' at the~of a. llDjor1~~1' of the l.tambera of 1;0. Un1te4lle.tiana.

T"nel"O 1$ no tiIoo-JJzrd.t in tb1anlft.. An 8dditiOn nd.aht poSs1bl:rbe made on t.ho 11o.e8 of suagast.­GO. ~J.le l(a), 60 £o11o'W8:-


12le S~~:.r"t~r&l shall OC?.!lm'Unicat.o to the ot_t~ ~tbaUrd.ted .

-t1ationa, toge.thc!" w1.th Ills ~OnBJ cq~ i'ecMive6~ ".'r;~. fop",

tht cozrremng o;? D. st9ssion .,le~r(t thtm at tJle llend~.1"3 of t.he tkJ1t«1·ht~.."

U fd:thin ••••.• d~'!l of the drtte ot the IXX:~cation a IllBjO,x1.ty ot the llembsrs

(CR) •



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