Business Source Complete 商商商商 Textile Technology Complete 商商商商 Education Research Complete 商商商商商商商商 Humanities International Complete 商商商商商商商商商 Academic Source Complete 商商商商 EBSCOHost 2.0 商商商商商商 & 商商 & 商商商商商 Q&A 林林 EBSCO Publishing , 2010 林 10 林 EBSCOhost Resources Subscribed by JIANGNAN

Business Source Complete 商管财经 Textile Technology Complete 纺织科学 Education Research Complete 教育学全文数据库 Humanities International Complete 英语及小语种人文学

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Business Source Complete 商管财经 Textile Technology Complete 纺织科学 Education Research Complete 教育学全文数据库 Humanities International Complete 英语及小语种人文学 Academic Source Complete 综合学科

EBSCOHost 2.0 平台检索方法 & 技巧 & 新功能分享


林卉 EBSCO Publishing , 2010 年 10 月

EBSCOhost Resources Subscribed by JIANGNAN

Business Source Complete

Financial Times Global MBA Rankings 2009

All of the above are Business Source customers

Rank Business School Country

1 London Business School UK

1 University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) USA

3 Harvard Business School USA

4 Columbia Business School USA

5 INSEAD France

6 IE Business School Spain

6 Stanford University (GSB) USA

8 Ceibs China

9 MIT Sloan School of Management USA

10 New York University: Stern USA

11 University of Chicago USA

12 IESE Business School Spain

Business Source Complete

Author Profiles 0 40,000 40,000

Full-Text Books & Monographs 56 945 889

Full-Text Case Studies 4,012 5,538 1,314

Full-Text Company Profiles 10,151 17,651 7,500

Full-Text Conference Papers / Proceedings Collections 5 40 35

Full-Text Country Economic Reports 1,418 1,464 46

Full-Text Faculty Seminars (Videos) 0 55 55

Full-Text Industry Reports 5,159 18,288 13,129

Full-Text Interviews (Executive & Analyst) 0 6,280 6,280

Full-Text Market Research Reports 94 2,144 2,050

Full-Text Peer-Reviewed Journals 1,097 1,789 692

Full-Text SWOT Analyses 3,023 3,078 55

Full-Text Trade Journals & General Business Magazines 1,074 1,680 606

Full-Text Working Papers Collections 2 25 23

Content Type



Compared on January 4, 2010



Management Journals RankedStudy by Coe & Weinstock from Academy of Management Journal

Marketing Journals RankedStudy by Gordon and Heischmidt from Journal of Marketing Education Data from January 4, 2010

Data from January 4, 2010

Administrative Science Quarterly1

Rank Journal Name

Academy of Management Journal2

Harvard Business Review3

Management Science4

Operations Research5

Academy of Management Review6

Industrial & Labor Relations Review7

California Management Review8

Journal of Marketing1

Rank Journal Name

Journal of Marketing Research (JMR)2


Full Text withNO Embargo

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Full Text withNO Embargo

EmbargoedFull Text

EmbargoedFull Text

Full Text withNO Embargo

Full Text withNO Embargo

Full Text withNO Embargo


Full Text withNO Embargo

Full Text withNO Embargo

MIS Journals RankedMylonopoulos & Theoharakis: http://www.bus.ucf.edu/csaunders/newjournal.htm

POM Journals RankedRanking from Barman et al (Relevance): http://www.bus.ucf.edu/csaunders/newjournal.htm

Data (for both of the above) from January 4, 2010

MIS Quarterly1

Rank Journal Name

Communications of the ACM2

Information Systems Research3

Journal of Management Information Systems4

Journal of Operations Management1

Rank Journal Name

International Journal of Production Research2


Full Text withNO Embargo

Full Text withNO Embargo

EmbargoedFull Text

Full Text withNO Embargo


NO Full Text

EmbargoedFull Text

Accounting Journals RankedHasselback et al, appeared in Accounting Forum, Volume 26, Issue 1, Pg 45

Finance Journals RankedStudy by Mabry & Sharplin, “Conclusions, a Final Ranking of Finance Journals”, The Journal of Financial Research

*Active full text is likely to become unique to EBSCO in 2010 Data (for both of the above) from January 4, 2010

Journal of Accounting Research1

Rank Journal Name

Accounting Review2

Journal of Accounting & Economics3

Accounting, Organizations & Society4

Contemporary Accounting Research4

Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance4

Journal of Finance1

Rank Journal Name

Journal of Financial Economics2

Journal of Financial & Quantitative Analysis3

Journal of Money, Credit & Banking4


EmbargoedFull Text

Full Text withNO Embargo

NO Full Text

NO Full Text

EmbargoedFull Text

Full Text withNO Embargo


EmbargoedFull Text

NO Full Text

Full Text withNO Embargo

Full Text withNO Embargo

Comparison as of January 4, 2010

Top General Business Magazines

Business Week

BusinessSource Complete

Active Full Text,NO Embargo

EntrepreneurActive Full Text,

NO Embargo

ForbesActive Full Text,

NO Embargo

FortuneActive Full Text,

NO Embargo

Harvard Business ReviewActive Full Text,

NO Embargo

MoneyActive Full Text,

NO Embargo

ASQ 管理科学季刊 全球管理学者公认的国际一流管理科学学术

期刊,是管理学界历史最悠久、最受尊重、也是最难发表的学术期刊,每年只接受 16 篇左右论文。

AMJ 美国管理学期刊 AOM 出版, AOM 是世界最大也是历史最悠

久的专业致力于管理科学知识传播的学术性组织,成立于 1936 年。 刊载管理科学的经验研究论文和札记,涉及商业政策与计划、管理教育与发展、管理史、组织与管理理论、人事管理、生产管理以及管理活动中的社会问题与妇女问题等。

• Fast Company

风投必读杂志之一,由两位前HBR 编辑创办于 1995 年。


Back to November 2000

• Harvard Business Review

全球顶尖管理杂志,是哈佛商业学院的标志性刊物。创刊于 1922 年。

作为哈佛商学院的重要出版物,哈佛《商业评论》秉承了哈佛商学院的一贯风格,致力于引导和传播工商管理领域中最新的思想、理论、观点和方法,帮助管理者们不断更新理念,开阔视野,适应变化。哈佛《商业评论》一直致力于创造和传播最新的管理思想和方法,帮助商界领袖不断更新理念,领导变革。 Back to October 1922

• 《经济学人》 , 也叫《经济学家》( The Economist )杂志,经济学家的文章不仅涉及时势 , 商业 , 金融和经济 ,还涉及到科学 , 技术和艺术。无论主题是什么 , 经济学家的独立 , 坦率 , 简练和尊重事实的品质任使其与众不同。该杂志所有的文章都不署名 , 皆由集体创作 , 就象它的主编们认为的那样 : 写出了什么东东 , 比出自谁的手笔更重要。 1990-7-1

Back to July 1990

• 《财富》 (FORTUNE) 杂志是全球最知名的商业期刊之一 ,该杂志每年评出的“全球最大五百家公司” ( 世界五百强 ) 排名为中国人所熟知。 “全球 500 强排行榜”从此产生了巨大影响,以至于超越了国家、民族、文化而成为全球经济的一个标准。

Back to January 1992

• 《新闻周刊》为美国三大新闻周刊之一,《新闻周刊》在美国国内一向以时政新闻见长,其时政评论为它赢得了众多的荣誉,是美国时政杂志中因评论优秀获得荣誉最多的周刊 .

Back to January 1990

• 《福布斯》杂志,今天美国主要商业杂志中唯一保持 10 年连续增长的刊物,其受众群在商业杂志众占据魁首。

•福布斯杂志的前瞻性报道为企业高层决策者引导投资方向,提供商业机会,被誉为“美国经济的晴雨表”。 Back to January 1990

EBSCO Business Source CompleteEBSCO Business Source Complete非學術期刊類參考資源非學術期刊類參考資源

• Country Report ( 國家報告 ): 4,000 種• Industry Report ( 產業分析報告 ): 10,000 余 種• Marketing Research Report ( 市場研究報告 ): 600 種• SWOT Analysis (SWOT 分析 ): 2,888 種• 專論書籍、案例分析 (Case Study) 、討論稿 (Working Papers)

Harvard Business School Publishing 9,924 273

Reed Elsevier (all imprints) 800 560

Haymarket Business Information 265 258

Datamonitor Plc 215 215

John Wiley & Sons, Inc. / Business 140 140

Blackwell Publishing Limited 143 124

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants 157 114

Routledge Ltd 90 84

American Marketing Association 74 74

Taylor & Francis Ltd 75 55

Business Source Complete Case Studies

Case Studies with Indexing & AbstractsPublisher

Data from January 4, 2010

Case Studies with Full


Association for Business Communication 25 25

M.E. Sharpe Inc. 31 24

INFORMS: Institute for Operations Research 18 18

Springer Science & Business Media B.V. 25 21

Academy of Management 19 19

American Management Association International 15 15

American Accounting Association 12 12

Other 4,968 3,507

Total in Business Source Complete 16,996 5,538

Business Source Complete Case Studies

Case Studies with Indexing & AbstractsPublisher

Data from January 4, 2010

Case Studies with Full


Business Source Premier & Business Source Complete

Author Profiles 0 40,000 40,000

Full-Text Books & Monographs 56 945 889

Full-Text Case Studies 4,012 5,538 1,314

Full-Text Company Profiles 10,151 17,651 7,500

Full-Text Conference Papers / Proceedings Collections 5 40 35

Full-Text Country Economic Reports 1,418 1,464 46

Full-Text Faculty Seminars (Videos) 0 55 55

Full-Text Industry Reports 5,159 18,288 13,129

Full-Text Interviews (Executive & Analyst) 0 6,280 6,280

Full-Text Market Research Reports 94 2,144 2,050

Full-Text Peer-Reviewed Journals 1,097 1,789 692

Full-Text SWOT Analyses 3,023 3,078 55

Full-Text Trade Journals & General Business Magazines 1,074 1,680 606

Full-Text Working Papers Collections 2 25 23

Content Type



Compared on January 4, 2010



55 Harvard Faculty Seminars (Videos)Now Available

The Faculty Seminar Series features the work and research ofprominent professors and experts from Harvard Business School

– Case Method

– Change

– Communications

– Ethics

– Finance and Accounting

– Global Business

– Governance

– Innovation &Entrepreneurship

– Leadership

– Management

– Organizational Behavior

– Organizational Development

– Sales & Marketing

– Social Enterprise

– Strategy

– Technology& Operations

Topics Include:

Business Source Premier & Business Source Complete

Author Profiles 0 40,000 40,000

Full-Text Books & Monographs 56 945 889

Full-Text Case Studies 4,012 5,538 1,314

Full-Text Company Profiles 10,151 17,651 7,500

Full-Text Conference Papers / Proceedings Collections 5 40 35

Full-Text Country Economic Reports 1,418 1,464 46

Full-Text Faculty Seminars (Videos) 0 55 55

Full-Text Industry Reports 5,159 18,288 13,129

Full-Text Interviews (Executive & Analyst) 0 6,280 6,280

Full-Text Market Research Reports 94 2,144 2,050

Full-Text Peer-Reviewed Journals 1,097 1,789 692

Full-Text SWOT Analyses 3,023 3,078 55

Full-Text Trade Journals & General Business Magazines 1,074 1,680 606

Full-Text Working Papers Collections 2 25 23

Content Type



Compared on January 4, 2010



Wall Street TranscriptUnique to Business Source Complete

• Executive & Analyst Interviews

– 6,280 full-text interviewsfrom Wall Street Transcript

– No embargo

AICPA (American Institute ofCertified Public Accountants)

• AICPA AcSEC Update

• AICPA Annual Report

• AICPA Bylaws

Business Source Complete now includes additionalfull-text non-journal content

Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC: • Investment Guides Series: Algorithmic Trading:

Precision, Control, Execution

• Investment Guides Series: Corporate Governance

• Investment Guides Series: Guide to Exchange-Traded Funds I

• Investment Guides Series: Guide to Exchange-Traded Funds II

• Investment Guides Series:Guide to Small Cap Investing

• Investment Guides Series: Transaction Costs

• Investment Guides Series: Transaction Performance

• Investment Guides Series: Transition Management

• Investment Guides Series: Turnaround Management

• Investment Guides Series: Turnaround Management II

• Investment Guides Series: Turnaround Management III


• Investment Data – Full Text from Morningstar

• FundInvestor• GrowthInvestor• StockInvestor

– Embargo of 7 days

• Morningstar Fund FamilyReports: Fidelity

• Morningstar Fund FamilyReports: Vanguard

• Morningstar Fund FamilyReports: American Funds

• PracticalFinance• DividendInvestor

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• http://search.ebscohost.com


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Textile Technology Complete

索引 / 摘要丰富

•来源出处:丰富的索引与摘要源起于超过 480本的期刊,以及数百本源于书本、会议、论文、技术报告和贸易文献的刊物。

• 主题横跨:制造技术、纺织与生产、化学制品与染料、天然 /合成布料与纱线之质料特色、环境污染议题,以及其他与化学、生物学和物理学相关之领域。

•收录来源:源自地区性与国际性重要的织造技术出版品,刊物的主要內容源自与纺织科技相关之主题,例如衣服、家俱 / 家饰、地毯与聚合物工业。

• Biology(生物学)• Chemicals and Dyes(化学制品与染料) • Chemistry(化学) • Environmental Issues(环境污染议题) • Manufacturing Techniques(制造技术) • Physics(物理学) • Textile and Products(纺织与生产) • The Properties of Natural and Synthetic Fibers and Yarns(天然 /合成布料与纱线之质料特色)

Textile Technology Complete (TTC)


Textile Technology Complete (TTC)

提供全文及回溯 200 Full-Text Publications, including:

Academic Journals 30

Books & Monographs 52

Conference Proceeding Collections 1

Industry & Market Research Reports 92

Magazines 6

SWOT Analyses (textile related) 4

Trade Periodicals 12

• AATCC Review(American Associationof Textile Chemists& Colorists)

• Analytical Electrochemistry in Textiles

• Apparel MarketResearch Handbook (Richard K. Miller& Associates)

• Asian Journal of Textile

• Bast & Other Plant Fibres

Textile Technology Complete (TTC)

200 Full-Text Publications, including:

• BTRA Scan(Bombay TextileResearch Association)

• ClothingAppearance & Fit

• Coloration Technology

• Colourage

• Conference Proceedingsof the Textile Institute

• Design & Manufactureof Textile Composites

• 《 AATCC 评论》

是 AATCC(美国纺织化学家与染色家协会)出版的月刊,旨在为会员提供一本包括行业新闻在内的学术期刊。该刊拥有丰富的学术文章来源,包括专家评论和实用技术文章。每月专题报导关注人们感兴趣的主题或行业重大活动。刊物还包括每月常设栏目:纺织行业新闻、新产品、测试方法新进展和 AATCC 活动。

• Handbook ofTechnical Textiles

• Handbook of Textile Design

• Journal of EngineeredFabrics & Fibers (JEFF)

• Journal of Industrial Hemp

• Journal of Natural Fibers

• Journal ofTextile Engineering

• Journal of the Textile Institute

• Man-Made Textiles in India

Textile Technology Complete (TTC)

200 Full-Text Publications, including:

• Synthetic Fibres

• Tekstil: Journal ofTextile & Clothing Technology

• Tekstilec

• Textile Processingwith Enzymes

• Textile Progress

• Textiles inAutomotive Engineering

• Wearable Electronics& Photonics

Textile Technology Complete (TTC)

Deep PDF backfiles were created for this database

For example:

• AATCC Review: full-text backfileto 1/1/2001, volume 1, issue 1

• Textile Chemist & Colorist, American Dyestuff Reporter and its predecessor Textile Chemist & Colorist full text back to 1/1/1969, volume 1, issue 1

• Journal of the Textile Institute full-text backfile to 1910, volume 1, issue 1

PDFs:1910 to Present


Education Research Complete (教育学全文数据库 )

• 教育研究全文数据库是用于教育研究的权威在线资源,是世界上最大和最完善的全文教育期刊数据库之一。涵盖了从儿童教育到高等教育的研究内容,以及一些专业的领域,比如多语教育,特殊教育和考试。

• Education Research Complete 同时也包括了课程指导,教育行政管理及一些相关的内容。共收录了超过 1,500 种期刊的目录和摘要,其中全文期刊超过 100 种(近 160 种全文期刊收录在 SSCI 及 A&HCI ),还有超过 200 种书籍,专论以及大量的全文会议论文。每周更新,部分期刊全文回溯至 1930 年。

Education Research Complete

Full-Text Journals

Full-Text Books

Full-Text Conference Papers





Figures from June 7, 2010

Humanities International Complete

Full-Text Journals

Full-Text Books/Monographs




Figures from June 7, 2010

欧洲语言全文期刊 数量(种)

法语 40

西班牙语 35

德语 30

意大利语 15

葡萄牙语 6

其它 5

Academic Source Complete

Academic Source Premier

Academic Source Complete



Academic Source Complete




Active Full-Text Peer-Reviewed


Updated July 20, 2009

4,625 3,897 3,231

7,130 6,074 5,316

2,505 2,177 2,085

ATLA HistoricalAbstracts

MLA International Bibliography

Active, Full-Text Journals That Overlapwith Leading Social Sciences & Humanities Databases

(These statistics illustrate the extent ofHumanities coverage in each full-text database)

* Figures as of July 20, 2009



Citation Index(ISI)

Academic SourceComplete (ASC)

Academic SourcePremier (ASP)

275 443 297 794 720 709

254 428 271 678 582 630

Academic SourceComplete (EBSCO)

Academic Source Premier (EBSCO)

AGRICOLA ChemicalAbstracts

E.I.Compendex Inspec




CABAbstracts GeoRef

811 350 712 1,043 294 481 407 583 2,955

727 282 560 718 226 381 298 464 2,318


Active, Full-Text Journals That Overlapwith Leading Science Databases(These statistics illustrate the extent of

STM coverage in each full-text database)

* Figures as of July 20, 2009

ASC—— 生物科学ASC 中含 Biological Sciences & Biology 主题的全文期刊约为 700种

American Journal of Bioethics

American Midland Naturalist

American Journal of Biochemistry & Biotechnology

Algorithms for Molecular Biology

Alcohol Research & Health


Analysis & Applications

Annals of Applied Biology

Annals of Internal Medicine


Applied Biochemistry & Microbiology


Bio-Medical Materials & Engineering

BioMagnetic Research & Technology


Biology Direct

British Journal of Pharmacology

Bulletin of the World Health Organization

Cell Communication & Adhesion

Weed Biology & Management

ASC—— 计算机科学期刊ASC 中含 Computer Science 和 Computers & Software 主题的全文期刊约


Annals of Combinatorics

Applied Artificial Intelligence

Archive for Mathematical Logic

Archive for Rational Mechanics & Analysis

Artificial Life

Asymptotic Analysis

Behaviour & Information Technology

Berkeley Technology Law Journal

Biological Cybernetics

Web Intelligence & Agent Systems

Computer Graphics World

Computer Security Update

Computers in Libraries



Education for Information

Electronic Design


Graphic Arts Monthly

Connection Science

ASC—— 食品科学期刊ASC 中含Food Science & Nutrition 主题的全文期刊约 100种

Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica: Section C - Food Economics

Agricultural Research

American Journal of Food Technology

Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism

Biotecnología Vegetal

British Poultry Science

Ciencia y Tecnologia de los Alimentos

Critical Reviews in Food Science & Nutrition

Food & Bioproducts Processing: Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers Part C

International Journal of Food Engineering

South African Journal of Animal Science

Revista Cubana de Higiene y Epidemiología


Pediatric Nephrology

Patologia Revista Latinoamericana

Journal of Sensory Studies

Journal of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine

Journal of Food Science

Journal of Applied Microbiology

Italian Journal of Food Science

ASC—— 艺术学期刊ASC 中含 Arts 主题的文期刊约 100种

Visual Studies

Visual Anthropology

Third Text

Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research

Teaching Artist Journal

South Atlantic Quarterly


Small Axe: A Caribbean Journal of Criticism


Religion & the Arts

Computer Artist

PSA Journal




Museum International

Massachusetts Review

Journal of Visual Art Practice

Journal of Architectural Education

Interior Design

ASC 还涵盖学科主题:

• 化学• 教育•心理• 政治学•区域研究• 国际关系• 文学和文学评论• 法律•制药科学• 工程学• 体育休闲

ASC 收录知名期刊推荐阅读

• 《科学美国人》是美国发行的知名科学类刊物,始创于 1845 年。是全美最具公信力、客观度及影响力的杂志。兼顾深度与权威的Scientific American ,内容涉及所有当前重大科学主题。至今已有120多位诺贝尔奖得主在上面发表过文章。

与国家地理齐名的自然科学杂志。《 DISCOVER 》是资讯最宽广的科学杂志,这本专论科学、科技的美国杂志创刊于 1992 年,通天盖地地谈论人类学、太空、大气科学、数学、医疗、心理学、动物学等领域的智识,以特写和固定单元引领您提前发现问题、探掘真相,培养实事求是的科学概念。

《 SIERRA 》是一份双月刊杂志,由 SIERRA 俱乐部发行。该俱乐部是美国最古老,最有影响力的基层环保组织,目前在美国拥有 713000 名成员。 1893 年, SIERRA 俱乐部发行了第一期《 Sierra 俱乐部公告》, 1977 年,该杂志更名为《 Sierra 》。目前,杂志拥有 110 多万读者。该杂志指导人们关注环境,每期杂志都把读者带入一个耐人寻味的户外地方,并了解如何保护那里的自然环境。同时,读者还会发现过上绿化和幸福生活是件快乐的事情并把自己的环保带进社区。

观看世界史的一扇窗—— History Today 《今日历史》是世界上第一本历史杂志,于 1951 年一月开始在伦敦每月出版。其创始者为 Bredan Bracken ,即第二次世界大战期间的新闻局长以及 Financial Times 的老板。History Today 刊登各个时代与地区,历史上的各种主题相关论述,许多都由著名学者执笔。 文章包括每月专题与书评,其中一个单元还提供当月新闻的相关历史事件,连结过去与现在。 History Today 所使用的英文简洁明了,每篇文章还附上附加读物,很适合有意接角世界史的学生,读这本杂志学生可以学习传记的写法,其内容丰富有趣又平易近人。


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