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מבני נתונים

מבני נתונים בסיסיים


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עבור קבוצה מקום אכסון -מבנה נתונים זקוק ל•של ערכים

המכיל קבוצה של זיכרוןמה שעומד לרשותנו זה •תאים הניתנים לגישה ישירה

יכול להיעשות בשתי צורות בסיסיות ארגון -ה•מערך: רצף של תאים–'רשימה מקושרת וכו: תאים בתפזורת–


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מבנה•רצף של תאים–

פעולות•יצירה בגודל נתון–גישה לתא באמצעות אינדקס–

תכונות•גישה ישירה–אינו דינאמי–


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)'גם עצים וכו(רשימות מקושרות מבנה•

התאים מפוזרים בזיכרון–פעולות•

יצירת רשימה ריקה–חיפוש–הוספה–גריעה–

תכונות•דינאמי–אין גישה ישירה–


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Double Linked List

search (k, list) x = head[list] while (x ≠ null &

key[x] ≠ k) do x = next[x]

return x

insert (item, list) next[item] = head[list] if (head[list] ≠ null) then

prev[head[list]] = item head[list] = item prev[item] = null

delete (item, list) if (prev[item] ≠ null) then

next[prev[item]] = next[item] else

head[list] = next[item] if (next[item] ≠ null) then

prev[next[item]] = prev[item]


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Double Linked List with Sentinels

delete (item) next[prev[item]] = next[item] prev[next[item]] = prev[item]


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)ADT(מבני נתונים מופשטים

– a set of values

– a set of operations, which can be applied uniformly to all these values

– a data representation, and the implementation of the operations.



• Sometimes the data type is completely identified with the implementation so we talk about concrete data type.


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Abstract Stack

• A stack is a collection of items, for which the following operations are defined:– create(S) creates an empty stack S.

– isEmpty(S) returns true if S is empty, and falseotherwise.

– push(S, item) adds the given item to the stack S.

– pop(S) removes and returns the most recently added item from the stack S.


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Implementing Stack with Linked List

• create - create empty list

• isEmpty – iff the list is empty

• push - simply adds the item to the head of the list

• pop - returns the head of the list, and replaces the list by its tail


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Implementing (Finite) Stack with Array

• create(S, N)1. Initialize an array of size N2. Initialize an internal pointer top to 0.

• isEmpty(S)1. true iff top = 0

• push(S,item)1. if top = N2. then error “overflow“3. else top top+14. S[top] item;

• pop(S)1. if isEmpty (S)2. then error "underflow"3. else top top-1 4. return(S[top+1]) 10

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Abstract Queue

• A queue is a collection of items, for which the following operations are defined:– create(Q) creates an empty queue Q.

– isEmpty(Q) returns true if Q is empty, and falseotherwise.

– enqueue(Q, item) adds the given item to the queue Q.

– dequeue(Q) removes and returns from the queue Q the least recently added item.


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Implementing Queue with Linked List

• create - create empty list

• isEmpty – true iff the list is empty

• enqueue - simply adds the item to the tail of the list

• dequeue- returns the head of the list, and replaces the list by its tail


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Implementing (Finite) Queue with Array

• create(Q, N)1. Initialize an array of size N // avoid full array 2. Internal pointers head and tail are initialized to point to the first cell in Q.

• isEmpty(Q)1. true iff head = tail

• enqueue(Q, item)1. if tail = N then next 12. else next tail + 13. if next = head // queue is full4. then error “overflow“5. else Q[tail] item; 6. tail ← next

• dequeue(Q)1. if isEmpty (Q)2. then error "underflow“3. else x Q [head]4. if head = N then head 15. else head head + 16. return x


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שימוש בתור

)buffers(חוצצים •