美國人口普查歷史 人口普查(Census)不是現代社會的產物,考古學家發現在主前三千年古埃及已經有人口普查;Census這個字的拉 丁原意是「抽稅」的意思。1787年美國憲法成立,其中第一條第二項規定﹕「代表和直接稅項應該在幾個州按其人 口比例訂立」,憲法並說明點數人口的時間和方法。這是人類歷史中首次在憲法中規定要定期作人口普查。 美國在1790年進行第一次人口普查,國會授權聯邦特警(Federal Marshalls)騎馬逐家逐戶去作普查,用了18個月時 間才將結果呈交華盛頓總統。當時普查只問六條簡單的問題﹕一家之主的姓名、全家人數、16歲以上非奴隸的白種 男子數目、16歲以下的非奴隸男子、其他家中各人的性別與膚色。美國第一次普查的人口總數是3,929,214。 從此美國每十年(在尾數為0的年份)便進行一次人口普查,從未間斷,至今是第23次普查。1810年,美國國會決 定除了點數人口外,也應該同時搜集其他的資料,因此,人口普查也包括了工業、農業、礦業、商業等資料。之後, 人口普查的範圍不斷擴展,但都是用人手去計算,直到1950年電子計算機出現,人口普查便首次不用人手計算。 1960年開始普查表格由郵政局寄出,民眾便要填好表格,然後等待普查員登門拜訪。 時至今天,普查表格還是寄到民眾手中,民眾把表格填好,寄回普查局(Census Bureau)即可,但如果這些表格沒 有在限期內被寄回,普查員便會到這些住戶為他們填寫表格。 普查的重要性 人口普查數據,有以下主要的作用﹕ ‧ 決定聯邦和州政府每年超過4000億元聯邦經費撥款 以及各州政府經費的分配, ‧ 分配美國各州在國會中的席位,和國會議員選區的劃分, ‧ 分配學校、醫院、就業培訓中心、公路補助、住房 建設、橋樑、隧道和公共設施、老人活動中心、緊 急服務等經費, ‧ 影響地方政府或學區或公共服務公司,如電力、煤 氣公司等,提供雙語服務, ‧ 作為撥放為貧窮人口服務經費的指南, ‧ 設計為殘障人士、老年人及兒童服務的設施, ‧ 規劃為殘障人士服務的健康及教育設施, ‧ 制定公平的市場租金標準及執行公平的租屋政策, ‧ 制定為有英語障礙的兒童及成人服務的計劃, ‧ 發展成人教育計劃, ‧ 決定獲得住房補助及復甦貸款的資格。 漏點後果嚴重 若不按時寄回普查表格,便導至漏點的情況 。歷史顯示,某些「較特別」的人口一直被遺漏點 算,其中包括﹕新移民、無證移民、少數族裔、不 諳英語人士及低收入家庭等。 最新資料顯示,2008年聯邦政府撥給每個加州 人的經費為1,700元,故每一個被漏點 的人,每10年便喪失共約17,000元撥款 。據三藩市市府統計,在2000年人口 普查中有10萬人被遺漏點算,導致每年 的聯邦撥款少了1億7千萬元,10年來 便高達17億元。三藩市華人市參事邱信 福先生對此形容是「災難性的影響」。 華裔漏點的後果,是政府對華人 社區的撥款不足,這直接影響我們華 人的福利。故在此呼籲所有華人,不 論您身份如何,都要參加普查,按時將普查表格寄回。 特別一提,即使是留學生、來美探親或工作的訪客,只要在美國居住比較長時 間,都應該填寫人口普查表,因為當他們住在美國會使用道路、水電、煤氣等公共 資源,而政府提供各種服務是根據人數來分配經費。 人口普查程序 踏入2010年,人口普查將按以下程序進行﹕ 3月8-10日 人口普查局會寄出預告信(advance letter) 預告普查問卷即將寄出。 3月15-17日 人口普查局會寄出或派出人口普查問卷到各住宅地址。 4月4月1日 是全國人口普查日(National Census Day) ,居民應填妥人口普查問 卷,並以隨函附上的回郵信封寄回,以免因人口普查局收不到回 覆而需要寄出提醒信件 5至7月 人口普查局派員到訪沒有寄回人口普查問卷的住戶。 12月 人口普查局按法律規定將所得的人口資料呈交總統。 2011年3月 人口普查局按法律規定將完成資料遞交州政府。 從三月開始,許多社區組織或非牟利機構都有專員解答問卷 疑難,「角聲」的屋崙福音中心也按時有專員為您服務, 請電 510-893-3210查詢。 人口普查所問的問題相當簡單,只需要幾分鐘便可完成,絕 不牽涉居留身份或社會安全卡(俗稱「社安卡」) 號碼,普查問卷 僅包括以下10條簡短問題: 住所內的居民人數(Number of residents) 居所屬私人產業或租賃 (If you own or rent) 姓名(Name) 性別(Gender) 電話號碼(Telephone number) 年齡(Age)與出生日期(Date of Birth) 是否是拉美族裔(Hispanic Origin) 種族(Race) 住戶關係(Household Relationship) 是否有其他住址(Any other residence) 問卷不問及社安卡號碼,或永久居民之「綠卡」號碼。 為幫助華人填寫問卷,有一份「語言協助指南」可以索取。 美國憲法規定十年一次的人口普查現已臨近。此次人口普 查的結果將影響聯邦和州政府每年超過4000億元聯邦經 費撥款,以及各州政府經費的分配,甚至少數種族的雙語 服務;並影響各州在國會中的席位,和國會議員選區的劃 分。為國盡責是每位居民的本分,你準備好了嗎? 以上問題將印於表格上,在3月中郵寄給各住戶,填好的問卷只需放在郵費已付的回郵 信封內寄回即可(政府不會另行通知已收郵件與否)。千萬別在電腦上填寫問卷! 政府的承諾與保證 政府向民眾作出以下的承諾與保證1. 您的個人情况以及您所提供的個人資訊將得到聯邦法律的保護和保密。另外,您不會被詢 問您在該國家的法律身份。 2. 所有調查資料只作統計用,與居留或簽證身份沒有任何關係。所獲得的資料亦不會轉交任 何執法機關、國稅局、國土安全局、聯邦調查局(FBI)或中央情報局(CIA)。 3. 假如您按時寄回問卷,便不會有普查員到您的家,或用電話與您聯絡。 4. 如果您沒有將表格寄回,人口普查員將會上門拜訪您。人口普查員是美國人口普查局 的員工,一般是您所在社區的人員。該普查員將造訪您的住所以蒐集普查表格上所需 的資訊。 5. 每位人口普查員均已依法宣誓,必須保護您提供的任何資訊,這是法律規定的。根據 聯邦法例,在非經同意下盜取或公開所得資料,最高刑罰可以是罰款250,000元,或 入獄5年。 6. 所有人口普查員受聘前均經過背景審查,並以指模鑑證作實,務求保障市民的利益和 安全。 我們鼓勵每一個華人,不論是合法抑或非法居留,都安心填寫和遞交問卷,不用擔 心個人的資料被透露。 ?

號角月報 美西北版 一零年 三月號 B刊 Herald Monthly SF March 10 Section A

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(Census)Census17871790(Federal Marshalls)1816163,929,214(0)23181019501960(Census Bureau) 4000 20081,7001017,000200010171017201038-10(advance letter) 315-17 441(National Census Day) 571220113 510-893-3210() 10(Number of residents) (If you own or rent) (Name)(Gender) (Telephone number)(Age)(Date of Birth) (Hispanic Origin) (Race) (Household Relationship)(Any other residence) 4000 31. 2. (FBI)(CIA)3. 4. 5. 250,00056. ?(AGLA) 150 2000 () (GallupPolls)Healthways (Well-BeingIndex) (Colorado)Boulder Santa Rosa, Santa Barbara, San Jose Oxnard (139:23-24) A2 Peter Po Associate Manager Lic # OC41696(408)666-3606 Eva Tam Special Rep. Manager Lic # OE51275(415)608-0750 An Tran Assistant General Manager Lic # OA07622(408)623-4896 Mia Wang Associate Manager Lic # OD84526(408)318-3108 Roger Yan General Manager Lic # OC22676(650)678-6830 Yvonne Yao Associate Manager Lic # OF49396(650)867-5288 Sandra Chu Associate Manager Lic # OE39754(650)393-9292 Tom Nie Special Rep. Manager Lic # OD61028(415)613-0972 2171 Junipero Serra Blvd.,Suite 540, Daly City, CA 94014650-994-6680 4800 Great America Parkway, Suite 415, Santa Clara, CA 95045 408-980-9925 American General Life and Accident Insurance Company, American General Center, Nashville, TN 37250-0001 (AGLA) (AGLA)(AGLA) 2010 All rights reserved Susan Hoang Agent Lic # 0B89204(408)802-8000 Sandy Chang Agent Lic # 0G82303(408)7722-5652 Paula Lau Agent Lic # 0B892040G63039(888)570-0918 Judy Vo Agent Lic # OB80749(209)639-5959 Joe Ma Agent Lic # OF29481 (408)916-8889 Joanne Wan Agent Lic # OG46137(415)867-7747 Emily Liu Agent Lic # 0G49176(408)775-9211 Cona Yan Agent Lic # 0F99238(415)215-7333 Beckie Mai Agent Lic # 0G76688(916)479-9814 Amanda Wu Agent Lic # 0G24221(415)652-1936 Sunnie Hu Special Agent Lic # 0F22235(415)661-7889 Lily Tan Agent Lic # 0E43351(408)839-8596 Brian Tong Agent Lic # 0G05297(408)607-9383 Donna Wu Agent Lic # 0G59371(415)272-8928 Xiao Qing Li Special Agent Lic # 0G67979(415)310-2818 Tiffanie Nguyen Agent Lic # 0C15560(408)718-7099 Donny Allen Agent Lic # 0F85129(408)896-2563 Denise Nguyen Agent Lic # 0E27144(408)655-5473 David Dai Management TraineeLic # 0G36398(415)336-0166 Cherilyn Nguyen Agent Lic # 0D13720(408)568-1132 Victor Ly Agent Lic # 0C32955(408)250-3797 Thuy Nguyen Agent Lic # 0E84837(408)655-6417 Suh Fen Tang Agent Lic # 0F99197(408)621-0384 Paulina Tran Agent Lic # 0G769872(408)515-3931 Nguyet Vu Agent Lic # 0G40160(408)416-1512 Jackson Le Agent Lic # 0G59937(916)897-1588 Thuy Ngo Agent Lic # 0G70499(408)980-9925 Alice Chu Agent Lic # 0G77724(415)513-9336 Tom Hua Agent Lic # 0A27098 (408)823-6571 Steven Liu Associate Manager Lic # OG20733(415)806-9303 Simon Chew Special Rep. Manager Lic # 0752730(415)661-3885 Eva Tran Agent Lic # 0B66991(415)699-5308 29 4,000 2010 (IDBadge)(DepartmentofCommerce)(ExpirationDate) 1-800-923-8383 50 http://2010.census.gov/2010census/ Andy Tran Agent Lic # 0F28248(209)298-4328 An Hoang Associate Manager Lic # OC35497(408)594-2375 A3 PACIFIC JUSTICE INSTITUTE : (510) 834-7232 Fax: 510-834-8784 : [email protected] :www.PacificJustice.org (Massachusetts) 47 09 8 19 (ScottBrown) 30 5 (ScottBrown) ---(Tea Party Movement)MarcoRubio NBCChrisMatthews NewsweekJonMeachamemotion 67% 10% 45% 12%(Independents) 4-5% 40 50 435 34 1994 HarryReid CapandTrade (Tea Party)(Sarah Palin)( a n t i -incumbent) 11 (Deals) 31 (AmericanMedical Association) 800 1 5 09 (CadillacPlan) 600 (Nebraska)BenNelson Medicaid Coakley 06 7 32%7% (Tea Party) A4 BankofAmerica Derek KamSr. Mortgage Loan Officer/Vice President Office: 650.867.8475 Cell:510.676.8883 [email protected] ( )

( )

12.4%() 1(SalesTax):(StandardDeduction) Sales Tax 2 ( Ca s h f o r Clunker):$3,500 $4,500 3(FirstTimeHome Buyer):$7,500 $8,000 4(NOL):2 0 0 8 2009 2008 2009 (Exchange-tradedfund)(Mutual fund)(diversification) (PassiveManagement)(Index)(IndexMutualFund) (Sell Short)(MarginLoan) (DollarCostAveraging) (RENTERS INSURANCE)(Personal Properties) (Temporary Housing) (Liability Coverage)() () TURBOTAXH&RBLOCK ATHOME(TAXCUT) www.taxact.com www.freetaxusa.com FREEFILE$57,000 www.irs.gov/efile/article/0,,id=118986,00.html Fillable Form() (Donna Wu) Lic # OG59371 1-888-889-8873 415-272-8928 E-Mail: [email protected] 720 1+1 Mr. Kwong () Lowest Price , M-F 8:30am to 5pm, San Francisco2635 N. First Street, Suite 102 San Jose, CA 95134 408-922-0600 A5 Christina Cheung, CIC, CRM, SPHR Principal, ISU Insurance Services Cheung & Associates 09 (TaxCredit) (AmericanOpportunity)$2500 (TaxCredit)$1000 (HopeScholarship)(Lifetime Learning) 1098-T 1 2 5 (QualifiedEducationExpense) 1098-T()$1000 $500 $1500 $2500 $2000 100%$2000 25%.$2500 40% Refundable$250 9 18 () 6.2%$400$800() SCHEDULE M SSI$250 $400 $250 2010 2010 8 $125,000-$145,000$225,000-$245,00080 2009 8 5 3 $6,500 80 $6,500 18 (HUD-1 ) 2009 2010 ( 401-KROTHIRA)$2000($2000) $0- 16,50050% $16,501-18,00020% $18,001- 27,75010% $0- 24,75050% $24,751- 27,00020% $27,001- 41,62010% $0- 33,00050% $33,001- 36,00020% $36,001- 55,50010% $55,500$36,000$36,000 1 0 % $36,000 10% 20%$400 $800 $33,000$33,000, 50%$2,000($2000REFUNDABLE (Tax Deduction) $500()$1,000 () $49,500 (American Opportunity Tax Credit) (Making Work Pay Tax Credit) (First Time Homebuyer Tax Credit) (Retirement Savings ContributionCredit) (Repeat Homebuyer Tax Credit) (Standard Deduction) A6 (motherofnature) () (10 20-21) () ) A7 BobBufordHalfTimePeterDrucker Buford Buford Buford 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. : (Web4Jesus)http://www.web4jesus.org http://www.go2g.com/ A8

(206)200-5087 (206)789-6688 Michael Oh SKYLINE PROPERTIES, INC. E-Mail: [email protected] www.SkylineProperties.com 606 120th Ave., NE, D-204, Bellevue, WA 98005 () 101 Yess Bakery/Caf Home of GourmetFood 101 Yess 12121 Northup Way #205 Bellevue, WA. 98007 Tel: (425)895-8899 www.101yess.com(close Monday) *101 Yess Bakery/Caf Monarch Trading Corp948 S. Doris Seattle (206)763-6161 (StellaLeong) 2002 2003 501(C)(3) : () OCA :h t t p : / /www.wsccna.org/ (425)836-3289 WSCCNA P.O. BOX 15425 SEATTLE, WA98115 (206)850-5914 (TheEmerald City)--MountRain-ier (Sealth) 1850 1916 20 10 1962 - Microsoft--Amazon--StarbucksCostcoAT&T T-Mobile McCawCellular80 1993 McCaw AT&T A Bellevue,MercerIslandIssaquahBellevue () () 26 () 10 925 206-447-9529 A9Beauty Salon 41255 Fremont Blvd, Suite 102, YoungBeauty Salon ( ) 510.683.0709 41255 Fremont Blvd, Suite 102,Fremont, CA 94538 () Young Brothers Painting (Since 1977) 510.508.6531 Community Baptist Church of San Jose408-371-6200www.cbcsj.org2215 Curtner Avenue, Campbell, CA 95008:::::::South Bay RIVER OF LIFE CHRISTIAN CHURCH408-625-4998 510-576-6976 415-593-9280 650-230-0823 916-307-4619503-334-3501 206-279-5939425-606-3682 ():1-888-MY-ROLCC (1-888-69-76522) : www.rolcc.net: 8:30AM / 10:00AM / 11:30AM:11:00AM:10:00AM:Pioneer Kids Sunday School Kids Church:1177 Laurelwood Rd; Santa Clara, CA 95054(101San Tomas Expressway): 408-260-0257 408-748-3377 448-454 Francis Drive, San Jose, CA 95133 408-926-2621 www.scbc.net [email protected] Southbay Chinese Baptist Church:::9:30am 11:00am 7:30pmAWANA CLUB:Larry Tong :Pinnie WuArkBaptistChurch10:00AM11:45AM 7:30PM10:30AM3G7:00PM:(408)526-1312, (408)786-4542:www.arkbaptistchurch.org: : :2340 Harris Way, #2, San Jose, CA 95131(880 Montague Expressway) 977 Shadow Brook DriveSan Jose, CA 951209:45am-10:20am 10:30am-12:00pmGuidepost Gospel Church6345 Janary WaySan Jose, CA 95129: Rev. L. Thomas Wong Tel : (408)927-9257Fax: (408) 997-2665/() () () () () () 415-666-5726 // Attn : SPSC (Ryan Wang)Chinese Grace Bible Church6656 Park Riviera Way, Sacramento, CA 95831Email : [email protected] Light Christian Church 10 Chester Ave., S.F. CA 94132415-585-2306 / 408-253-1910 www.glorious-light.net ()(/)1620 Irving Street, San Francisco (17th 18th Ave) 415-664-3303 www.SFSCBC.org [email protected] Chinese Baptist Church:::::: 11:00am/9:30am 7:30pm 7:30pm 10:00am::2:00pm-6:00pmCumberland Presbyterian Chinese Church865 Jackson Street, San Francisco, CA94133Tel 415-421-1624 Fax 415-421-1874 Website www.cumberlandsf.orgEmail [email protected] 10:00am 11:30am 8:00pm 10:00am () 8:40am 11:30am 9:30am11:00am 415-397-6859 415-397-2828 981 Washington Street, San Francisco, CA 94108 Chinese Independent Baptist Church SF:::: 9:45am 11:15am 9:45am 11:15am19th Ave. Chinese Baptist Church1398 19th Avenue, San Francisco,CA 94122 9:00AM11:10AM 7:00PM(415) 566-1232Tel 415-751-2242Fax 415-751-6389 Address 378-18th Ave., San Francisco, CA94121-2317Website : http//ggcrc.org Golden Gate Christian Church (A Ministry of the Christian Reformed Church)9:15am/11:00am 9:15am 11:00am 1150 Vicente Street, (at 23rd Ave.), San Francisco, CA 94116 Tel:(415)564-3301Fax:(415)564-3627www.sfcac.orgSan Francisco Chinese Alliance Church :: 9:15am 11:00am 9:15am / 11:00am9:15am8:00pm: 11:00am 9:15am 9:15am / 11:00am11:00am ()Website: www.fupcsf.org Email: [email protected] BURLINGAME1740 Sloat Blvd., (at 35th Ave) S.F.()10:451500 Easton Dr., (at El Camino Real) ()11:15 :415-759-3700415-731-0377():: Senior Pastor: Rev. George Sanusi:Time: Sunday 4:00 P.M. 1474 Southgate Avenue, Daly City, CA 94015With Large Parking Lot): 650-892-8230: 415-806-8957Cornerstone Grace Evangelical Baptist Church San Francisco Evangelical Free Church 756 Union St., (Powell & Mason), S.F., CA 94133 (415)391-0699 8:45am 10:00am 11:30am 9:00am12:15pm 3:00pm6:00pm http://www.sfefc.org : website:www.hoc.org , Marcus Givens ()71 Bay road, Menlo Park, ca 94025Tel: 650-323-5550Fax: 650-323-55609:30aM 11:00aM 9:30aM 9:30aM 11:00aM 11:00aM www.hoc1.orG , 465 W. Portal Ave., S.F., CA94127Tel: 415-564-2099: 9:15AM: 10:30AM: 8:00PM : 8:00PM () (), 4248 Solar Way, Fremont, CA94538 Tel: 510-651-9631/510-651-9937: : 9:30AM : 9:30AM11:00AM:1:15PM 10:00-11:30AM 8:00-9:30PM 10:30AM-12:00PM 8:00PM , , , () , , , , , 10340 Bubb Road, Cupertino, CA95014 Tel: 408-996-8208Fax: 408-996-9306: 9:30am, 11:00am 5:00pm: 9:30am 11:00am: 9:30am, 11:00am : 11:00am: 9:30am : 6:30pm : 7:30pm , : 7:30pm , (), , , , , , , : Rev. Eric Maxwell20548 Lomita Ave. Saratoga CA95070 Tel: 408-867-6264Fax: 408-867-6880/: 9:00-9:50am/: 10:00-11:30am : 9:00am : 8:00pm : 10:00am : : 7:30pm , 4:00pm () 6:00pm (), 7:00 () , 35479 Dumbarton Ct., Newark, CA94560Tel: 510-742-6848 : 9:15am : 11:15am 10:00am: 8:00PM () 8:00pm , , , , , , , !1/8/03, 11:30am 26KTSFCable4:30pm32KMTPCable()Temple United Methodist Church65 Beverly Street, S.F., CA 94132 ()11 a.m.10 a.m. 7:30 (510)709-7632Kitty Siu(415)[email protected] 930 //1100 930 1100, PhD (Edinburgh University),MDiv ()Pastor John Jackson,MDiv (Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary)Pastor Benjamin Chung, MDiv (Fuller Theological Seminary)/1524 Powell Street, San Francisco, CA 94133 : 415-982 0225 1150 Cabrillo Street, San Francisco, CA 94118 : 415-831 2313 13400 W. Middle Road, Tracy, CA 95304 209-835-4673 ext.122 209-833-5350 www.southwinds.org [email protected] Chinese Church, Tracy::::9:00am / 10:30am9:00am / 10:30am10:00am/8:45am / 10:30am: 5327 Jacuzzi St., Unit 3E2 & 3H, Richmond, CA(80 Central Ave )/(510)524-9610 : www.gccubed.orgGreat Commission Christian Church:::: ()()()Silicon Valley Alliance Church @ Newark 10:15am 9:00am 38325 Cedar Blvd., Newark, CA 94560 (510)668-1989 [email protected] :www.svacnewark.orgPeninsula Chinese Alliance Church256 N. El Camino Real, San Mateo, CA94401: (650) 343-7677 : www.p-cac.org: : 9:30AM 9:30AM 11:00AM 11:30AMEast Bay Alliance Church : 9:30am()/11:00am()3755 13 Ave. Oakland,CA 94610510-336-1908www.eastbayalliance.orgForerunner Christian Church39620 Sundale Drive, Fremont, CA 94538Tel 510-656-8900Fax 510-656-8989 (Stevenson Blvd. Sundale Drive ) 9:30am 10:00am (//)7:30pm()www.forerunner.cc 510-657-3800 510-657-3816() 7485 Village Parkway, Dublin, CA 94568 () 925-479-0189 Parkway Chinese Baptist Church():::::9:30 9:3011:00()7:00-8:30() 505 Driscoll Road, Fremont, CA 94539(Bridges Community Church C ) 510-668-0929 www.fcefc.orgFremont Chinese Evangelical Free Church:: 9 10 45Sacramento 3424 Fruitridge Road, Sacramento, CA 95820 916-421-8207 916-421-8029 Maranatha Christian Church:: 10:00am/BillingualRenton Chinese Alliance Church13232 156th Ave SE, Renton,WA98059:www.rcacseattle.org:P O Box 2667 Renton, WA 98056: 12:30 12:30 / : 12:30 (Pastor Henry Wong) (Pastor Ray Choi)(425)802-9878 (425)306-0393 [email protected] [email protected]/EVANGELICAL CHINESE CHURCH 651 NW 81st St., Seattle, WA 98117 2321-173rd Ave., Ne, Redmond, WA 98052Tel: (206) 789-6380Fax: (206)782-3684Email: [email protected]: www. ECCSeattle.org :: 2715 Prince St., Berkeley, CA 94705 510-654-8137 510-658-6135Chinese For Christ Berkeley:::: 9:15am11:00amPeninsula Chinese Alliance Church256 N. El Camino Real, San Mateo, CA94401: (650) 343-7677 : www.p-cac.org: : 9:30AM 9:30AM 11:00AM 11:30AMSan Bruno Chinese Church250 Courtland Drive, San Bruno, CA 94066 Tel. (650)589-9760www.SanBrunoChineseChurch.org: : : 10:00 am11:30 am:8:00 pm:7:30 pm: Faith Community Church of Peninsula, 10:00-11:30amBelmont Community Center20 Twin Pines Lane, Belmont, CA 94002Off Ralston, 2 Block West of El Camino Real : (650) 292-1217: www.faithccp.org GraceGospelChristianChurch Reformed Church in America: :Hilton Garden Inn2000 bridgepointe Circle,San Mateo, CA 94404 : (650) 212-5858:www.gracegospel-rca.org:::Robert Tam 9:30AM 11:00AM:234 9th Ave. San Mateo, CA 94401: (650)570-5877():(650)570-5334 web: www.ccba-sm.orgEmail: [email protected] Chinese Baptist Church: : : : 1951 Sacramento Street, Berkeley, CA 94702: 510-848-8722: http://www.bcbc-berkeley.org/chinese/ www.lifelutheranchurch.org [email protected] Carlson Blvd., Richmond, CA 94804510-526-5304 10 12 71996Graduate Theological Union 1030 ; () (13510-526-5304)1. 4/17/20106/19/2010(9301130) 2. (I) 4/15/20106/17/2010(730930) (II) (PresbyterianChurchUSA): PNC, The First Chinese Presbyterian Church, 61 Henry Street, New York, NY 10002(212) 566-2974 [email protected] Grace Church Fremont : 9:30am 11:10am : 9:30am 9:30am & 11:10am :510-557-3429 : :36060 Fremont Blvd., Fremont, CA 94536: 523 8th Street,Oakland, CA 94607 510-893-321020102010241 ,, 10:00 4:00 10:00 2:00 : (510) 893 - 3210 2 10:00 4:00 : (510) 893 - 32103 (2/20-3/20)1150 Cabrillo St., San Francisco, CA 94118 10:00 2:00 : (510) 893 - 3210 A134/10/2010 : 4/24/2010FERCAnnie Kim (FERC)3/13/2010: 3/27/2010 (510) 522-0924 () (510) 489-3460 () 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

/ 32 : 4/23-4/25: : (2-12 ) $223$203$193$293 $163$6 : , , : , (), 1 3/3 () 2:00pm-4:00pm100*: 7 $25(8)$15(4) 9:30am-11:30am, , , : (e-mail account)4/19-5/10 () 1:00pm-3:00pm4/21-5/12 () 10:00am-12:00pm$40 $51/16-5/22 2:00pm-4:00pm 4:00-5:151:00-2:454:00-5:15Y0U1U8|.(0M 01(1http://youtube.com/kowkauyeungmay(510) 893-32104:00-5:151:00-2:454:00-5:15Y0U1U8|.(0M 01(1http://youtube.com/kowkauyeungmay(510) 893-3210 326: 4 : 9:00 4:00 : (408) 725 - 1700 $5 ()$53/4-5/22 10:00am-12:00pm* , * () 33/53/123/193/264/24/94/164/234/30 10:00-11:30 : 4/30/2010 10:00 a.m.523, 8th Street, Oakland, CA94607 (): 5/3~7/19 (10 , 5/31 7/5 ): 6pm~8pm : $500: , , * A14 A14 A14 220 ... 18 220 80%* 50%50% 13 16 1-718-359-2030 1408 [email protected], 48 Allen Street,New York, NY 10002477,000 25,000 CCHCPOBox1047,Oakland,CA94604-104720101162010215 $18,701.32 655 Redwood Hwy, # 308 Mill Valley, CA 94941Phone:(415) 381-0681 Fax:(415) 381-0682 Cho F Chan CPA Inc. A Professional Corporation --96 1 90% 1-877-650-6870 [email protected] 2171 Junipero Serra Blvd., #540,Daly City, Ca 94014 Steven Liu Associate Manager Lic# 0G20733 (1)2010 2 14,895.00.K:\CCHC-Herald Monthly\2010-03\G\G10302.doc 3 15 11 A16 Ivan Macau LandscapeArchitect 2008 Goldenmean/ ---- --- Ivan ---. .. B1 (Engineering )60% (FAFSA)(ExpectedFamilyContributionEFC) FAFSA (CostofAttendanceCOA)(AwardLet-ter) A2 7 (BlueandGold OpportunityPlan) Federal Supplemental Educational Oppor-tunityGrant(FSEOG) $100 $4,000 PellGrant (Undergraduate)(TeacherCertifica-tion)2010-2011 PellGrant$5,550()PellGrantPellGrant CalGrant FAFSA GPA CalGrantA B CalGrantA$9,708 GPA 3.0 GPA 2.4 CalGrantB$1,551$1,551 $9,708 GPA 2.0 $7,500 CalGrantCalGrant GrantB $1,551$1,551CalGrantA Cal GrantA$38,832CalGrantB$35,328CalGrant CalGrantCalGrant (SubsidizedLoan)(UnsubsidizedLoan)6 FederalStaffordLoan $3,500-5,500$8,500() 12 () 4.5%2011 3.4% 6.8% FederalPerkinsLoan-$5,500$8,000 9 ( 6 )5% AwardLetter DirectLoan()(Direct Loan Servicing Center)Stafford (MasterPromissoryNote MPN)Perkins Federal Family Education L o a n P r o g r a m FFEL 09 FFEL (PreferredLenders) PLUS(ParentLoanforUndergraduateStu-dents) ( 8.5%) (Award Letter) 10-15 (StudentExpectedSelfHelp)(UCDavis ) 2 3 (Grant) (Student Loan) (Work Study) B2- - Banana Leaf - GazeboChinese Cuisine1310 Noriega Street (20th Avenue)San Francisco, CA 94122Tel : (415) 682-8999(415) 682-8666 YINGKEE RESTAURAN(BUFFET ), 5%; /, , ; , ; : 387 9t hSt reet() ,Oakland,CA 94607 : 9:30AM- 9:30 PM :510-465-1888 $5.25 () 3 - 9:30PM, $15.00,10%! Little Hong KongRestaurant 11 9 10443 San Pablo Avenue, El Cerrito 510-524-0888 B3Ohana & Alohana San Leandro 1933 Davis St. #135A Tel. 510-383-9898 15555 E 14 St. #319Tel. 510-481-88884.95 ; $4.95, , $6.95 !10 ;exp. 3/31/10 20 Ohana & Alohana San Leandro10; exp. 3/31/1020 4.95 ; $4.95$6.95(ShortSale)(TitleCompany) BPO (Broker Price Opinion )3030 3-5 () (Shor t Sale) (Delinquent) (offer)(W-2 (hardshipletter) BPO (updateddocu-ment)counterofferdecline creditback(Y)(VA & FHA)credit 30 perdiem MORTGAGE CENTER CORP. 199 California Drive, Suite 200 Millbrae, California 94030 Cell:650-483-8250 Tel: 650-652-9000 Fax:650-652-9811 [email protected] Simon Kim Lee Broker DRE Lic#00898196

() (SHORT SALE) Mimi Du (RE License # 01304977) Loan Consultant, Realty World SVI Group 408-661-6683 [email protected] Real Estate Financing Of All Types ofProperties Since 1983 , !Sophia Chan, CDPE :: Pleasanton, Dublin, San Ramon,Fremont, Newark, Union City... (925) 719-7033 [email protected] www.SophiaChan.net DRE # 01722769Office: * 5870 Stoneridge Mall Rd. Pleasanton * 39644 Mission Blvd. Fremont B4 HOA HOA HOA HOA HOA HOA HOA HOA (foreclose)HOA HOA HOA HOA CC&RHOA HOA HOA HOA / (Executor)(Beneficiary)SpecificPerform-ance Contingency (LoanContingency)( 17 )(BadFaith ) (InspectionContin-gency) 3 % (HomeownersAssociation HOA) HOA HOA HOA(CC&R) HOA HOA HOA HOA HOA CONDO HOA HOA HOA Robert Chen B.S.(), MBA (Duke), Ph.D.(UGA) Real Estate Broker, Trusty Realty Real Estate License # 01327720 408-835-2455 Email: [email protected] XXXXXXXXXXX Quantum Real Estate 840 Hinckley Road #215 Burlingame, CA 94010 510-797-9222510-552-0938 [email protected] #01313859 Norman Tang Christie Ng Senior Loan Officer, Broker Associate, J C Real Estate Investment Group, INC. Direct:(415) 756-5435 Fax: (415) 680-2311 E-mail:[email protected] 225 Hanover Street,San Francisco, CA 94112 DRE#01331327 Real Estates and Loans B5 Randy Lui Broker, GRI, CRS, SRES,e-Pro, RE Masters Tel: 415-310-9872 Fax: 888-234-5644 Email: [email protected] www.BuyNSellSF.com () (Agnes Chan Low)www.realestateinfo.me : Turbulence :1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. () (Credit)(Income)(Asset)(Employment) (Liquid) (Savi ngs)(RegularInvestment)(non-liquid) (MoneyMarket)(Certificate of Deposit CD) (StockOptions)(Bonds)(MutualFunds) 401-K IRA 30-45 (monthlystatement)60 8 (CaliforniaAssociationof Realtors)(MortgageProtectionProgram)8 3,122$1,500$750 W-2() 2010 www. car . or g/ member s/ haf mai npage/carhafmortgageprotection/ DAVI D CO 510-773-7133 B6 Customer: Hello, I was at your store this morning and I think I lost my cell phone. Assistant A: Please check with our lost and found to see if someone has picked it up. A Customer: Where is the lost and found? Assistant A: It is located on the 2nd floor, close to the elevator.A Customer: (At the lost and found) I lost my cell phone. I wonder if anybody has found it. () Assistant B: Can you describe it?B Customer: Its red and a United Networks phone. Assistant B: Let me look. Here is one that is similar to your descrip-tion. What is the telephone number? B Customer: 333-222-5678 -- Assistant B: Let me dial this number to check. (Phone rings) B() Customer: Thats it Thank you so much! Assistant B:Please complete this form so we may release it back to you. Thank you. B 1-408-263-8585 (Vallejo)YummySushi Sushi-Yu(Francis)?1988 1989 (Oregon),()() , Ebisu (Emily)Ebisu Emily 2002 2002 Sushi-Yu Emily Yummy Sushi Sushi-Yu (55 : 9) 2005 ! 2006 2006-2007 Sushi-Yu (2008 )YummySushi (Esther) (Ki m) (12:12)2008 (Walnut Creek) 25 B7 Capitol Villa Capitol Villa Capitol Villa Residential Care Homes, Highest Quality Care for over 20 years , 24 1 2.5 1733 Oldtree Court,San Jose, CA 95131 408-729-9019 www.capitolvilla.com Professional Help,Personal Care. 510-790-3366E-mail: [email protected]. www. Family.cchc.org 1. 510/790-3366 2. 5 1 0 / 7 9 0 -3366 3. 4. HFRC 2 13 11 10 300 10-11:30 211TopazSt.,Milpitas,CA 95035 408263-8585x108. 3/23/10.510/790-3366 www.family.cchc.org 1 30 14 14 Sacramento14 (1)(2) (408)263-8585*103 [email protected]. http://cancer.cchc.org(408)263-8585 B9 Law Office of Frank M. Tse AM 1450 MONTGOMERY 550 650 415-781-1588 [email protected] WILLIE LEUNG APPRAISAL SERVICE CRA#007780 415-608-9680 650-878-1947 (WorkersCompensation) www.cslb.ca.gov "" 90 52$100 :(DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS) http://www2.dca.ca.gov/pls/wllpub/wllquery$.startup ,CONTRACTORS STATE LICENSE BOARD (CSLB) 1. 2.(Certificate of Liability Insurance) 5 5 () 5 (habitable) (RentBoard) (Apartmentassociation) 24 (9 5 ) (Clifford E. Fried) () (Apartment) B10 15 6 20 4ACM 15 B11 BMX walkman Band 5 Edward Zhao, DDS 450 Sutter Street, Suite 1640,San Francisco, CA 94108 415-956-7744 B12 : (408) 768-0848WELCARE FINANCIAL GROUPCA License #0734308Anthem Blue Cross, Health Net Kaiser Permanente (650)[email protected] 1668 El Camino Real, San Carlos, CA 94070West Valley Dental Group 18480 Prospect Road Saratoga, CA 95070 www.westvalleydentalgroup.com JAMES K. YU DDS San Francisco Offce490 Post St., Suite 608,San Francisco, CA 94102Tel: (415)956-8010, (415)362-7878Milpitas Offce995 Montague Expwy, Suite 216Milpitas, CA 95035Tel: (408)263-1188 : ADA, CDA, SFDA, NCDA B13FARMERS B14 21:17John 21:17Faith Chinese Alliance Church120 11th Street, Oakland, CA 94607www.fcac-cma.org 510- 835 3222 Chinese Christian Herald CrusadesDo youDo youDateApril 24th, 2010 (Sat.)Time7:00-9:00pmPlaceFaith Chinese Alliance Church12011th St. Oakland, CA 94607Performance BandChinese Christian Herald Crusades 510-8353222Get FREE Tickets by calling 510-835 3222 and leave a message telling us your mailing address and how many tickets you need. You may also come and collect the tickets on Friday night from 7:00 7:30pm and Sunday morning from 9:00 9:30am at 120 11th Street, Oakland, CA 94607Tickets will be given out on a first come,first served basis.Feel free to invite your family and friends! (HOPExpress) () www.cchcsf.org Fred: Macy: Fred: Macy: Dr. AngelGrace:RichardEppie: Grace:RichardEppie:HarryHarry7RichardHarryGrace:RichardEppie:HarryHarry B15

05 (Houston) Jay Jay JayJay Jay Jay JayJayJay Jay Jay Jay Tammy JayJay JayJay Tammy Wong 2010 2 6 MudPie ! 2010 2 7 Max Max (poodle) Max Max , M a x Max , Max MUD PIE ... ... ... ! : (Noodle) :, : 13 :Susan Ng [email protected] 1 Tiffany B16

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