_— JW eather- Chilly VOL. 65 NO. 187__________ Murder G Filed InS ~0f-R«per RUPERT — A 39-year-old JlUi tio: -------poct-man-waR-arraignca-Od-a. _ i flrsTtlogrtie murder chnrge Fri- res day morning in connection with bul thc shooling death during lhe ba night 6(, his step-son. Another sor step-son was hospitalized. - wa Daryl Hunter, 24. Rupert, died / about 4_^Tjn^ £riday_at Mini- C_ \ doka Memorial Hospital of bul- wo ------- lec-woundK-rccolved-abouu3:30 upi a.m. at the homo of his stop- dc father, James E. Murphy. A em --------younger brolher, Dean Hunter, to ” 17, is reported in. good condJ- idc ;----------- ne; ~~Olympic Hit -Athletes-^ Ousted 2 MEXICO^CITYlkp)"^™ , U.S. Olympic Committee, sus- 5'/’ ponded star Negro sprinters . Tommie Smith and John Carlos from the U.S. Olympic team af- - • t«r rnidnight Thur.sday for "un- ““ typical exhibilionism” during ^^ " an Olympic victory ceremony ____VWednesday. -■ ___________ The decision followed a., com- n« ------ plaint.— by tho Internationa] Olympic Committee regarding the conduct of Smith when he -------- receivcd-fhe soJdTncdal /or-M'jn- cj •ning the 200-meter event and j^ji • the broiiic medal for finishing a, .third in-tlie 200-mctcr finals Wednosday. ' q I Both Smith and Carlos raised be clenched fists clothed in black Fi 'gloves during the playing of the Star Spangled Danner and also vi wore black knee socks without cr .shoes during thc presentation cr ceremony. They also wore Identical but- Pi (ona on their team uniforms.cit- br JnR dcmands-for rncial equality, la Two members of the U.S. ai Olympic Committee's board of ph consultants, John Sayre, a row- Ri c r in the lOCO Olympics, and Bil- ly Milts, thc 10,000-metor winner at --------- hr-lflM,-wcnH<>-4j>fi-QlympiC;m Ihgc aftcr 'Jrildnlghf lo notify Smilh and Carlos to leave. Tho .staiemenl from the U.S. . Olympic CommKfco sofd' that any repelition of “such incl- donls by other members of Ihc U.S. team can only bo consid- ered n willful disregard of Olympic principles that would wiirrnnt thc imposition, of the suvcre.Ht penalties at the dispos- nl of tho U.S. Olympic Commit- tee/^^ _________________________ U.S, Jeis^i filorth Vie\ j SAKjON (AP) — U.S. flghlcr- / bonihcrs Nln^uked < IhroUj'h Jt heavy inonHoon cloiids agnln n I'ricluy to-c(inlinu« Uu'lr dnily n . bombing of Norlh Victnnm H white the SiilKon jiovornment n •conilnueil lo balk at OKreoIng to U u IxiinbinK hnll. o Norlh Vletnnm’fi lenders In f limit)! wert} rop<irl<;(I aluclyInK a i> new U.S. prnpoHiil !or ceimnllon of nil iHimbinu of tho Norlh In relurn for nerloiiN niovcH toward A pence by Ihu Cominunlslir, Bul li ---------»;ouU»..Vlclnum!*_})remicr,JTian c Vnn lliKing, huUI hin govern- n ment could nccept no such pro- It WHH tnvornbio Jo g South VIelnnm, ll Huong told Iho official Vlct- k niun pruHM any ngreemcnt by n Snl({on wnuld hiivo tn 1)0 n^v li proved by tiro Nullonal Assom- b hly nn well na (hu cxecutlvo t brunch. Top polllicnl fljoirca In- n eluding the Icatlorn nf Iho House li nnd Snniilo huvu discusscd the a ph«h nnd nrn undcrntood (o Iw t cmil townrd ll._______ ______ r Boy See NEW VORK (AP) — airls in r n Hoy .SL'out troop? t 'Hmt's whnt thn Hoy Scouta of Amurica nayn Im In nioro for 1 llHIll, And hoth 'tho hnyn nnd t ;lrln liccm (n Ihink It’n a fine I lien, ' TJmj wroijp'fl M rnillvo board i nnnouiiuuil TIuirHdiiy, aflor n \ iinnnimouH vote, that HtnrlInK I next Jan. 1, the Hoy .Scouin will "ho prepared’* to ndmli girls to \ tho Explorer program for boya j 14 to li - - 1 MWo hovo known All along I thal boyn wore InlorcBted in I glrln," nald n npokcnmnn (or the nit-yeurold orKaiilintlon Which 1 >haH almost <1.S mlllloi) members. i iiicliidinu moro tiiai) 300,000 Jix- i , 08-203 I 610 N. Ju B»Ua» Xd ier . -®e _______ T Charge n Shooting pert Man -old^Ui tion with-gunshot_WQunds._ • { rsh en ttZaiidlialleerbftlccrs-ar- irge Fri- resIed”Mr. M ur^^ at his home, 1 Ion with but tho death weapon has not I ring tiie bceii located. Sheriff Theo John- | Another son said it is presumed a rifle I d. was used. . ^ ert, died According to Coroner Robert j 81 Mini- C. Walk. ParvI Hunler was I 1 of bul- wounded irwiis lower back Und i iouu3:30 UDDCr_chest._b_uLit_has_not been . 1 lis stop- determined whero the bullet | rphy. A entered the body. Mr. Walk was I Hunter, to confer-with-Larry-Duff, Min- I d condi- idoka County prosecuting attoi^ ------------ ney, Friday norin regarding dc- I ^ tails of the shooting. • ■ ^ Mr. Murphy requested a pre- I limlnary hearing'during the ar- . raignment Friday morning bo- I fore Probate Judge LeRoy Blacker. No date for the hearing ----- has-becn-set-and-the"defcndant — was represented by .Roger Ling and Lawrence Duffin. Officers declined to give any - - of the circumstances leading up to the shooting, but it was un- t R o ofliciaily-reported-that-the-vic- tee sus- entered the' door of the j sprinters Murphy home with a jrifle in his n rnrlno hand. team af. Neighbors-flf-the-Mnrphys In- " for "un dilated thoy had been warned I durini^ by officers not to reveal any do* j •eremony might know about the j ; ----------------- Tire— younicr^Huiitcr— boyr ~ 1 a„pm - Dean, had been treated and re* leased from the-Rupert hospital egarding Tuesday when he' was involved when he ^ traffic accidcnt iri which l-for-wJn- Cfyac~Sla»efrTWin-Fat{sr-waff — killed. Daryl Paul Hunter was born Ilnishlng April 23, 1944, in Ruperl. and 5r finals -^ug. 9, 1903, he married -. Glenda Johnson here. Hc had os raised been employed by the Kraft in black Food Co. the past four years, ng of the In addition fo his widow, sur- and also vivors include a son, Scott Hunt- > without cr, and a daughter, -Katie Hunt- isentatlon er, all Rupqrt; mother, Mrs. . - James Murphy, Rupert; father, tical but- Paul Hunter, Burley; three orms cit- brothers. Dennis Hunter, Doug- equality. ]as Hunter and Dean Hunter, the U.S. and two half-sisters, Mary Mur- board of phy nnd Jeanelte Murphy, all e, a row- Rupert. ! , and Bil- Funeral services aro pending _j Jr winner at tho Walk Mortuary. m p ia A U k _______________' _______ t o - n o t l f y ------------------^ --------------- *= ------------------- BVh^i TrafficDeaths Jch inci- Idaho i 1968 ............................230 -i fgard “ i 1967.. ..................... 222 , %TZ Magic Valley )e dispos- 1968 ............................ 35 (i| Commit- 1967 ............................ 42 in c\ sh Clobber s Viet Targets s til 5. fighlcr- Air Forcc, Navy and Marine fu through Jels today kept up Iheir steady g, ds again iiitiick on enemy supply chan- ii, u'ir dnlly nels Kouth of thu lOlh parallel. n| Victnnm Reports on thc raids will not ho X ivernment nvallnbte' until Snturday, but rn i;rcelng to U.S. pilots logged 100 missions over North VIotnnm Thursday, s< •nders In concentrating on Ixiats ‘ nnd e itudylng a bnrne.s along coasmi water- nl ceffsnllon ways. Norlh In U.S. mililnry smircci said tho hi es toward American pilols are concentrul- hi nislif. But Ing moro on Ihe waterways be- »ier,.jrrfln aulaQ-thcrti-ia.Jeaa.trudc.traffic la H gnv^rn- moving soulh. W such pro- Auatrnlla’s nmnll air contin- Ir I'orHblu Jo gent roporlcd Ua biggest kill ol 7 Iho war no far, 40 Viet Cong ei idal Viet- killed by a Canberra Jet l)omber emcnt by nenr Pleiku, In tho central high- b; 0 1)0 n^v Inndfl, A spokesman snld tho w 01 Assem- bomber attacked nn enemy executive troop concentration Wednesday u figures in- nlghl. The pilot roporlcd *'a tl Iho House Inrge secondhry explosion,’* and n :usscd the an observation pilot counled tho c< ood to Iw bodies tho next day. tho spokea- o mnn Bold, o Scout 'Exploi ~ Girls in plorers, "Now, it's nn ncknowl- li edged fact," lie nddcd. c >Scouta of A spot survey nliowcd most sloro for Exnloror ScouIh llkod the plan, d boys nnd ‘‘It’a a good IdeB," said Terry it’s a fine Ruch, 17. of WokI Chicago, III. Ii "A huncli of dizzy dames bal- n live board nnco’’ Iblflfifl, be Mid, nnd / , ofler a would provide nn opportunity r it HtnrlInK (or different types of programs, 0 ficouin will Bill Watson, 16, of Dnllas, c lilt girls to who's i)flcn an Rxploror for one It for boys year, said, "Girls ctnild possibly h fit in If the program were cure- Oil along fully planned... 1 think it might s DfOBted in bo very Intorestlng." a inn tor the Mark Ohanlan, ID, of l)ur> p Ion Which bank, Cnllf., said, "When ynu I members, got to n coriain age.,, ynu 300,000 ILc- tioii’l liBva much time for acout- 7 )8«203 Idaho Stato H istorical llo N. Julia,Davla Or. toUe* Idaho . 63706 TW Ig 3S._ Iccrsia^ — - IS h o m e , has P. -r '^ co'John- ' II' J a rifle jfc- • Robert ler was m ..vHBlZSlSK! iack'~ii’nJ not been . i bullet /alk was Min- ng ' 'ding de- a pre- the ar* bo- ■ ||||j |||M ger any - up un- or the fie rphys any de* . cr~boyr iri which at{sr“was- "3s~born )eri and ^ ^ married - . .in-.....; -£^1 ; . -x. Ho had lie Kraft >- VV S ' u , ^ ;ott Hunt ^ ..a g L .4 —, ^ Itie Hunt .'ta'V & i.r ier, Mrs. - ■ ^ t; father, ' three THEY’LL BE -FAMILY' logcti [ary Mur- Onnssls-mnrry rnhv all ’**'•> sister Caroline, will bo Christina and Alexander Onassis. ) ponding F>a-» In 1901. __________ Apollo Spi In Test Of •222 SPACE CENTER, HOU.STON th< JV Jolting burst of 1 ^ energy, the Apollo 7 astronauts du . 35 fired their steering engine todny wt . 42 in the most powerful maneuver lo! cvcr mado by a manned space- rei ship. oq - "YPbhn-tiininii-tninr'— siroiiica gr M Nnvy Cnpt. Wiilier M. Schlrra — f Jr. as Iho huge engine flnshcd lo life und spurted a .siendy tall of I flame for 6Q sccoiuls ns Apollo 7 J O 'r^ raced 120 miles nijove tiio Gulf [> C /O 0^ Mexico. _ "That wna a real nice to-do, I tho machine performed l>enutl- | id Marine fully," spacecriifi commiviuler jir steady Schirrn reiiorleil at tin* comple- ply chaiy Hon of this vin»i tost of tho cn- cn I parallel, ginc ihal one day wlli guide vlll not ho Americun nsir'onuuia to thc •day, but moon. ' w. missions Minutes earlier, the wives of n; Thursday, Schlrra, Air Forcc MaJ. Domi F. w, lats nnd Elsele and clviiliui Waller Cun- u.s tl water- ningham were disapixiinled nl ro not being able to seo their hus- ct s said the hands zip over Ihelr Houslon oncentral- homes. pg rwnys be* All three gniljcred at n Ixiat f« ick.trafflc landlng-aL.Clcar-.Lake_near_thii i>i Manned Spacecraft Center, hop- tn Ir contin- Ing to cnlch n glimpse (if Apollo cAt kill of 7 aa it dn.ihed ni'ro.'j» the heav- Viot Cong ens south of Houslon. m et l)omber But their view wan obHcurcd cc itral high- by low level clowds In lhe south- m snld tho west, n enemy When Iho burn started. It was ni Vednesday under the nutomatlc control ,of \l X)rlcd *'0 tho spncecruft guidance nnd jo sion,’* and navlgallon tiysiein. Schirrn took oi ounled tho control mnnunlly the last .10 sec- K ho spokea- onds to <lemonslralo Ihe al)llily In of Ihe pilot to take ovor in enw L plorers' To Gi \ ncknowl- ln|| nnd dales too. This jvllt tnko n< 1. care of both." ' pl wed most Tho plun won npproval on Iho bi 1 the plan, dlsl(|f^alde also. )> said Terry Dennn Sullivan, Id, nf Port- ilcngo, 111. land, Ore,, said' "ll sounds llko II lames bal- more Inn" Ihun ihe Girl .Scoikts, Ji fffljd, nnd And DmlA Wnllers, )9, of North- h ipporlunity ridge, Calif,, whocjropped out of fi programs, Bcoutlng u yenr ngo, said, "This t>f Dnllas, could change my mind." b< vsr for one Tliere weru soma dissenters, tl Id possibly however. II wore cnre- Angelo Suran, IS, of Portland, w lk it might said girls would be loo much ot U a diversion, "If wo hnd any k , of l)ur> orojecls to do, we’d'never fin- h When you Inh thorn with girls nround,’’ 2: go.,, ynu Dun Jomes of Wichita Foils, c >for acout- Tex., a former Explorer who’s p Lstorleal Soo* 63706 ooap4 . « - . ' - 'xVx // Magic Valley’s Horn TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, FRIDA'i! IMILY* together when thelf-parenis—Mrs; Joc ry Sunday. Mrs. Kennedy’s two children, In oline, will bo brother and sister by marring ndejr Onassis. Tho Onassis youngsters arc plctu rSpurtsTailC t Of Steering ^ HOU.STON the automatic system failed, T g burst of Hc reported that momcniarily erft astronauts during tho firing, tho astronauts spa gino today were Jolied out of their weight- foui maneuver less world nnd that Iho gravity 7 1 ncd space- rending In the cabin wijs 1 0 — bur equal to the forcc of grovity at am' '— sironnra gr6Uh(nev5r ^ A. Schlrra ------- iiB u h lT h rea icd l)caiitj- Remove Hy lie comple- nu'ill/—Eight residents living of of the cn- cust of Duhl on Hlghwny 30 A will guide |,(,y asHuHsmcnls that nro bo 3 to thc iiHw twi^' yenrs dolinuucnl by up , Nov. 1 or the City of lJuhl will ed. 0 wives of remove. fire hydrants which pla ij. Donn 1'. wore inslallctl In tlml'arcn for the Wniler Cun- u.so In fire proteciion, il was cit\ ]>oinled nl reported during llie lluhl Cily ’I their hus- council meeting, cllj Ir ilouston city officials reported ihnt the not properly owners could not be Bai at n Ixiat forced to pay lhe asHeflsmeiil!!. Toi o-near-thu i)ui_thuy-Hk»-nutud-llioru-was wll en|er, hop- n»)lhing lo force ihn city to re- e (if Apollo nialntain the fire hydrants and urj 1 tho heav- {f,ey could be remHVcd' if pny- Na inenI.H were nol completed nc- Dfi 1 obscured cording lo the original agree- C I the south- ment. dls I-nwrenco Fawcett,'fitreet su-tlei led. It was nervlNor, reported ilie Uuhl Uc control ,of Highway District is planning n pai lance nnd jolnl project with tho city to C chlrrn look oil nnd sealcoal Condensnry ror lafit .10 H(;c- Kond from tho Burley cornor pin the al)llily luncilon north . lo lhe Clear net vor in enw] l.akcs Rond Junction, o distance me ^ Go Coed J lls jvllt tnko now n AcoulmosloV, said, "Peo- rei ' plo hero, ll\lnk scouting should tht oval on Iho bo nn outdoor program, strict- lOl ly." COI fl, of Port- Asked whether ho would hnvo go sounds llko llkod girls In hin Explorer troop, an Girl .Scoiits, Jnmen, «n1d,. 1‘No. I wouldn’t Rc 9, of North- have touched <i girl wllh u ID- an ipped out of foot polo when I was 14." j)0( snld, ‘Thin Glrln would hnvo to bo piem- 1 id." bora of qualified girli orgonizo- to dissenters, tions ;o Join Explorer troops, a va Boy Scout Npokesman lold, ond foi )f Portland, will,. Inlliolly, l)o admitted only ill 00 much ot i(^ "Bppclal Inlereit" posts, or- ^lu D hnd any lenleil toward vocalloni and W. ' never fin- hni>hli!;i, Ahqtil one-third of tho nx nround,” 22,000 Explorer peats In lhe 7tl chiio Foils, country are "vpcclol Inioreil’’ dr loror who’s poM«. • . ■» ly ’s Home Newspaper - ^HO, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 18,-1968 b m j AT KenO' ' ■''' ■■^r, t dqyt~ she'I liV lT ' Thi vate .ers < pern- Andr . \ As ^ the ] to ta ^ ' the land or thcli tour ^ —nair Al carr the 300 Ker Ker kiss tool the her renis—Mrs^Jocqueline Kennedy and-Arls- -strc two children. In top photo, John Kennedy ti ler by marriage to Onassis’ youngsters', her igsters arc pictured durhig h visit (o .PnIm the ______ . _______________ ns.«il to I «f ^ J—V rt -Gre t'i't --------- %A/ w v • JL i/M Plw dng Jets e n failed. The engine was the most pow- nomeniarily erful ever fired on a manned K 3 astronauts space ship. It had been Ignited ^ lieir weight- four limes earlier on the Apollo t Iho gravity 7 mission, wllh a maximum wijs 1 0 — burn , of 15 seconds. Thus, the f gravity at amount of energy produced was ' uTfcnrd: ---------------------------------- fwi -----------------------------------------------------------;----- — vlct real Chreatens To 2 e Hydrants k dents living of thrco-fourths of a mllo. lilRhwny 30 A three-inch oil mat would _.p. Ills that nro bo put on lhe road after a build- ilinuuvnt by up of lhe roadbed wits coihplCl- don of lluhl will ed. Council members iigreed to jj,^ ants which placo lhe >npprnxlniate com to qj,(| iilt'arca for the city of $1,300 In tho ]0Q9 m p ion, il was citv budget. T ! Uuhl Cily 'i1io council volecl lo Invest tior city fu'nds In U.s! Treasury sm rled ihal the notes at tho I'arnier.H National |,„ luld not be Bank lo mature fX'c, 5, lOliB. ^ e r [iRKensmoiil!*, Total amount including Inlorvst of i-thoru-waa wllLbe.Ji5,D(HUIlm.tOUnt:lLllliiO gor thn city to rc-invesiod $5.'),000 in U.S. Treas- wai ydrunts and ury notes nl llm Idaho First jvcd' if pny- Natlonnl I3«»k lo moluro on jj«r iinpleted ac- Dec. 2(1. I. glnal agree- Ordinance M7 reguliitlng tho |cn disposal of wrecked anil dlsmnn- pro I, 'fitreet su- tlo»l molor vehicles on any pub- Uoi llie Uuhl Uc or private property was lo I plonning n passed by thc council. cun the city to Councilman Dale Clirislensen mu Condensary reported that 21 of Ihe concrete um irlcy coniar pliinlorti plnccd In the lluhl biisl- pot the Clearness district by Buhl Klwanls Hoi II, 0 distance members sevcrul years ugo wlll trn ; ------- :— 1)0 removed within the next few — .. weeks at the request of Iho -p r># property owners. Some biiHlness |> E pla<;e« will retain tho plonlers , . and cure for them. _____________ _ ' .............Tlie airporl farm lease iwns | , said, "Peo- renewed -wllh C, W, Tale for V uting should the period ending Oclobor 31, [jrani, slrlcl- lOOO, Card and pool tnblo 11- 1 censes wore Issued to Faux CI- tht I would hnvo gor Sloro for eight curd.tables ml ;plorcr troop, and flVo jxiol lables, Ilol nnd "c. I wouldn't Rein’s Cafe for five card tables nil -I wllh u ID- and tho Sunnet Bowl for otie 1 B 14." i)ool inblo. , , hei lo bo mem- Building |>ermlts wnro Issued Th rll orgonizo- to M. L. Covey, 02R l'alr„ oxco- Ml rer troops, a vato bosement and construct tes an lold, ond foundotlon, JOOO; Rongon, Inc., r dmitled only 115 13lh Avo. S., ronsln«:t groin pel I’* posts, or-^lumn building, tH.OOO;, Joseph Inf collonB ond W. Millor,' lft20 Poplnr, reshlngle to -third of tho roof, S92; Clyde R. Mills, 027 cnl oats In lhe 7th'Ave, N., cniistruci cnncrctc cui lol IniercBl" driveway from houKc to curb, 1 ...................Sm-IIYDRANT» 1% i, CoL 8 po ; 3 ’ taper - 8," 1968 I Jackie ' ■ Rites S [|P ^ ATHENS (AP^ - Jacqueline year Kennedy arrived in Greece Fri- Pres day to marry one of the world’s a W( richest men, Aristotle Onassis, ship; — thcn-w^nt-to-hit-private island sou where they will be married Sun- ‘‘Go d q y ;-----------------r ----------------------------------Or IcaBb, J A spokesman for Onassis, aip.- I960 bouncing the wedding date, said to fJD IK : she'had no further details nor daui MBES: ® giicsf list.—The lioni guests will be ferried by heli- had copter to Scorpios, Onassis’ is- mar land, she added.' Bia; £^■^1 Thc spokesman said Onassis ougl wanted ihe.wcddlng to be as pri- . M vate as possible and on report- wer .ers or photographers would be' Nev permitted. --------------------------------- Hug A -special— Greek— airliner—^ ■M IH brought thc bride-to-be and her M_ 8^^!* family to a military airport at f. Andravida, in southern Greece. \ As Mrs. Kennedy stepped from the plane end walked down the fl k - <»leps, she was greeted by Onas- 71 .2 sis, who,h'ad.flown_from Athens M - "1 to take hls.bride-onao Scorpios, . ,-.■77^ the small scorpion-shaped is- land he owns soulh of Corfu.— They will be married there Saturday “or within three days ■^^^3 at the latest.” Onassis told p " Onassis said they would spend 1' —their ■honeymoon-'on- Scorpios har "unless Jackie wants to make a ^ tour of thc Mediterranean with Chf^stirtai-’-h is—palatial—yacht —named— for— his— IS-year-old - L daughter by his first marriage.- JL Airport police confiscated all cameras and locked newsmen in f— the airport’s wailing room about I 300 yards away just before Mrs. J Kennedy’s Jet landed. Airport employes (^aid Mrs. _ Kennedy was smiling as Onassis I kissed her ,on one check. She f took a deep breath, looked at the bright, warm sun, and took > ■■H H her two children for a brief "‘ walk along <he runway to ^ ond-Arls- -strctch their legs. --------------- , 1 Kennedy Then Onassis, Mrs. Kennedy, _ oungsters', her parly and his sister boarded t (o.PnIm the DC6 which had brought On- ” , as.'ils frorh Athens. It flew them ,,,, to Preveza, on the we.<!t coast of ___________ -Greoooi ■ where-heHeopter»-wflit- P ..........- - ed-torferry-tbo-groupTto Scon ^* ^0 wedding w ill unite tho 39- gui Election Of S C most pow- m I Browning g. 'tx tt Is Reported “'I . Thus, the JL .. mr •oduccd was €hod Browning. Twin Falls ", r our oBt l on dlr**''’*^r. ' vico president of tho Idaho Rec- _ ■■ rcatlon nnd Parks Society flt the T i^ nnnual convention this week, I li He niso received a plnquu for ^ his wnrk as secretnry-treoBurcr of tho group during tho past year. Tlim Is Iho first tiftio such Q an award has l>CQn mndo. wi Tho meeting of the Congress Ijj for Rocrenllon nnd Parks was I ., bold In Scatile nnd tho Idaho *f mat would n^celloH wns'conducted by Jack I |fier a bu id- Rurloy, oulgoing presl- bfus coihplCl- <iont. Other now-officcra are -- rs agreed to jj,„ Pope, Moscow, president, late cof^t to nnd sjoyQ nly, Lewiston, accre- i In thu 1009 ,arv-lronHurer. A This wns Iho largest conven- ( lo Invest tion of its kind in the Unilcd .. >i '1 reasury siHtes. Tho Confsrcss attracted Us jr.H Natlonnl nsllmnted 3,000 people con- tlr K;c, 5, 1008. cerned with the mnny aspects ro Ung InlorcHt of parks, recreation and con- 31' .COUtlclLilbO uorvatiunr-Thu-ftva-day-mootlna -Rl I U.S. Treas- wan siwnscJred by Iho National pr Idaho First Uccreation and t’arkn Asaocla- nioluro on ifnn. cli Under iho Ihemo "Crisis, Chai- tlr gulntlng tho icnj{«, Chnngo." iho Congress nli anil dlsmnn- program focuscii on tho rela- Fl on any pub- tionship of j)arkH nnd r(;crontlon nf operty was (o niajor domesllc Issues. Dis- ar II. cusslon topics Included loss of (ni Clirislensen municipal park space, urhlin or the cnncrclo unrest, nir nnd wnler pollullon, th KI lluhl busi- personnel sliorlngcn nnd Innovo- uhl Klwanls Hons In technlcnl ond ndmlnis- m jars ugo will trntlvo practices. fo the nex t f e w -----------------------------------------------------: S S -P U C O fficial! O h M agicT al' Oclobor 31, - r nol tnblo 11- Ralph Wickberg,'chairman of at to Faux CI- the Idaho Public Utilities Com- of card.tables mission, promised lato [TUurBday U cn, Ilol nnd "early action*’ on the telephone te 1 cnrd tables sliuatlon In Magic Valloy. owl for otie The cniiimlHKlon hold a public m henrlnu at Iho flolidoy Inn pi woro Issued Thursday and officials of the pl 1 Falr„ oxco- Muunioiii Slates Tclephono Co. ’*l id conBiruct testified. oi tangon. Inc., Moro than'l.AOO people had nstruct groin petitioned lhe commlBBlon, ask> w ,000; I Joseph log for extended oreo sorvico pl Inr, rcshinglo to allow toll-froe, long-dlniance ta Mills, 027 cnils belween 14 Magic Volley cl ruci cnncrctc communllloa. r< uKe lo curb, ' In Juno the (olopliono com* to ’g. 2, CoL 8 pony mado « survey of the sllu- w 77“ . if e —'" * ] ie Reveal 5 Schedul lay In Gr acquclino year-old widow of assassinated brief eece Fri- President John F. Kennedy, lefl daug le world’s a weahhy woman by him, ond a dy, i Onassis, shipping mognale 23 years her islotl Ue-i&land srnjnr whn h nften .dubbed-thc —A_ rried Sun- ‘‘Golden Gredk.” nour ------------------tJha'ssIs; 62, Was diPCTCOZniT tWO" assis, an.- I960 after 14 years of marriage Johr date, said to the: former Tina Llvonos, bum stalls nor daughter of another m^timil- Olyr list.—The lionaire Greek shipowner. They took [ by heli- had two children, and she later ncdj nassis’ is- married England’s Marquis, of sis ( Bland/ord, the Duke of MarJbor- • 77 1 Onassis ough’s heir. _ chin be as pri- . Mrs. Kennedy's plans to wed of P )n report- were announced Thursday in Mrs would be' New York by her mother, Mrs. PcU ---------------Hugh- D. Auchincloss, - whose — 5 ^^Onassis^Be )ped from . _ SLMiLliQnam hfM d’Is- — BjrTH^Assocloted-prcss ------ esr Corfu - - Aristotle Socrates Onassis woi ried there old and had $G0 to icat Ihrce days name whcn he arrived in Ar- ow, issis told refugee h ould spend I" his wildest dreams he could sm' • Scorpios hardly have . imagined - that 46 ass' to make a years later, now one of the rich- trai mean with shr tia4—yacht •,—f T t* —1 ------------ hin ’S K S fiig -T ife - ?.s iscated all ^ I lewsmen in . to S e “S! T hreaten wh Mid Mrs. wa cScoT-is F lorida . looked at -i-^w MIAMI, Fla. (AP) - HurrI- |l: - - fi cane Glodys drifted norlh in lhe tin unway to Mexico today just out_of ga wind rench from the ^piilous Wc ;r hn^ri Tampa Bay area but armed 1 rnimhf nn with a deceptive punch. wh said Dr. Robert Simpson, dlrec- ro! .c,.n,- torlof--the_National_Hurrlcane up ip.to Scor, -----------------------^ nitA *hi» 19. Simpson said he feared shore- vo; guard because of weak winds pr nnd then be caught unprepared ob ti^cs flvo feet above normal clu when Gladys mokes landfall. in ForecAster Roy Kraft said s o ' Gladys could turn northeast and Ch _ hit land near Cedar Key In tho 1 nri area of tho Gulf Coast, tar CU But tho storm was barely an rs.,1., T7t.ii« moving. Forward speed was yci c^ctv flt*^t*he * ,(g iLftflU Just one-tenth of o degree—well eni ^r,n.u, for undor 10 mllcs-l>etweon the 6 th« y - t S u S a.m.-nnd.Oa.m..BlghUnas today. Ch I tho past Winds in the area of Tompa he t Urtifi such ond St. Petersburg wero mild wl node. with top gusts clocked at obout bt' 0 Congress 17-25 m.p.h,_____________________Jy Parks was - , ____ £p'’pS E h g i n e F a i. fficcra are ___ : .. .. Blamedi Foi Bst conven- tho United BURLEY—Engine failure wns ty, 9 attracted listed Fridny by Federal Avlo- an people con- tion Agency officials hero as the dr my aspects reason tho twin-ongino Cessna foi 1 nnd con- 310 crashed inlo tho Snnke su »y-mootlno -RivciLTJmrBday-Dn-a.lnnUliiilJtD: :io National proach. P[ kn Associa- I.eo Plcrco, Burley, FAA offi- vl clai, said investigation is con- fo :rlsls. Chai- tlnujng into the crash of the Or n Congress piano owned by tho Casoy Jonei) qu \ tho rela- livlnR Service, Ontario, but thal foi 1 r(;creatlon afler tolkhift to eye wlinosses B< IssiiCH. Dis- and Iho four pasHQjigors .who lh icd loss of fliirvlved, ho- feels the failure ot nji ace, urhlin ono englno wos tho caiiso of ir pollullon, thn crnsh. Id nnd Innovo- All five men aboard the plane pi' tid ndmlnis- mniiaged to get out, hut only ro ____________ four wore nblo to swim to Bnfo- Sc Eicial Promises Ear ic Valley Telephon< rhilrman of ailon nnd sold Thursday results ;llltles Com- of tho survey showed more thon ro toiTliurBday lliOOO poop)o did pot wont ex-or le telephone tended area Bervico, ' wl /alley. However, John Ijitlln, general oi eld a public manager of Ihe telephone com- sc lolidoy Inn pany in Idaiio, snld enougfi peo- lo iois of the pie wanted a (oil-free service lephono Co. ’*io .warrant consideration by wi our compafty.” . , cr people had An oliernale plan, Metropac,i le ilBBlon, osk> WOI proposed. Dy this plan, peo* reo sorvlco pie who want (o coll long dl»- pi ong-dlBiance tance .wltnoiit Iona distance bo [ogle Volley chorgoi may subscribe to Met- cr ropac. Tlie service ollows o cus- pliono Com* tomer to- coll any cxchonfie m ' Of the sllu- wilhin « 31-mile rodlui. H TTHbme - -it I ■Final ' li TEN CENTS j eals d^ed I 3(iEeeee=d 5sassinatcd brief statement said: "My " f| nnedy, lefl daughter, Mrs. John F. Kenne- ?{; him, ond a dy. Is planning to marry Mr. Ar- JL years her isiotle Onassis." ; _ .if iuhbed-.thc _A __fpwhmir* nftpr thtf f an« hounccment, Mrs. Kennedy;; hep-* Tn Hpcrcea-|IT two-chlldrgnrCgrollngr-10. and— ^ f marriage John Jr., 7. ahd a party of-eJghC 1 I Llvonos, bumped 90 passengers from an • [ m^timil- Olympic Ainvays Jetliner and I vner. They took otf from Now York’s Ken- ' I d she later nedy Airport for Greece. On av Vlarquis. of sis owns the airlme. n jf MarJbor- The party included Mrs. Au- | chincloss and her husband; two | ms to' wed of President Kennedy’s sisters— I] lursday in Mrs. Stephen Smith and Mrs. I other, Mrs. Peter Lnwford; Mrs. Lawford’s I ISS, - whose — See-JACKIE,-Pg.-2,-CoI.-S— is Became ] naire A t 2 4 ^ ^ a^Press ------ esi~iiTCn— irt— the— world;— ho” : “ s Onassis would win the hand of an Amer- f 1bad $G0 to icon Prcisideht’s. beautiful Wid------- rived in Ar- ow, Jacqueline Kennedy. t j ek refugee His mother and father had o&- i:--------rr ■nrflt/'H_n_tnhngr.n—buslne.sg In^ ms he could Smyrna. Once in Argentina, On- , u I 1 too turned to the tobacco - of the rich- trade. By tho time he was 24 his shrewd operations had earned ------------ him -hls-firit-'million .an d.he^as _____: — fir<>grr>'s-gnnsul-general-tn biiP. ___ m v O nos Aires. But Onassis wanted above all to be the J master bf a cargo - ----------- He got his chanco In 1930 when he learned that Canada was preparing to sell at scrap Q value ten surplus cargo vessels ' ranging in tonnage from 8,500 to 10,000. Onassis bought sbc for >) — Hurrl- 1120,000 and launched a marl- north in the time career which eventually y Just out_of gave .him control of-much of the lie ^piilous world’s oil tnirtcer'trado. ----- ---------- ^ but armed He marrI6d''Athina Livanos, tich. whose father''Was another big iy Is due to name in Gt'cbk shipping. Her ; to winds," sister,' Eugenie, morried Stav ipson, dlrec- ros Niarchos,'Who also had built riHurrlcane up a puge ocean-fifllrty flufci^ marriages ended In dl- eared shore-vorce. - . ..............................drop their Onassis liked to ploy host to wealc winds p r o m i n e n t peopJe, Owsts unprepared aboard his yacht Christina in- bove normal eluded'many well know nomes landfall. in politics, entertainment and Kraft said s o c i e t y —th e late Winston ortheost and Churchill, for example. • Key In tho Marla Callos, tho Mctropoll- ) Gulf Coast, tan Opera slar, wos. his guest was barely and traveling companion for speed was years. In 1000 his wifo divorccd er hour with him In’ an Alabama court, rwindrxrf-75 chorglng-mental-eruehy. ------ ------------- enter moved Onassis had in recent years degree-well entertained vorlous membera ot tween the 6 thc Kennedy family oboard the itlnas today. Chriatlna._lncludlng-Jocqucllnff, ____ B of Tampa her sister. Princess Lee Radzl- ; were mild will, and her )ate h u s b a n d ’s ked at about brother. Sen. Edward M. Kenne- _____________dy, D-Masa. e Failure Is di For Crash J failure was ty, Gary Clark, 28, son of Mr. ederol Avia- ond Mrs. Rov A. Clark,' Gden, s hore as tho drowned and l]la body - woo iglno Cessna found ol>out 20 feet from tha tho Snake submerged plane, a.lnnUlnilJtD: _^The survivors wero Stan Legg. pilot for (ho Ontario flying ser- !y. FAA offi- vlcc; Polor Helming, Ontario, Itlon is con- fornicr Hurley resident who la rash of the Ore-lda’s general mnnoger for CoHoy Joncfl qiialltv control, and Vern Kbp* irlo, but thal ford, I'ulo Alto, Calif., ond Jack ye wlinosses Beoch, Boise, both employes of WKcrs .who Iho Lord Baltimore Press pock- ’ ho falluro ot nging firm, bo cause of Thu men were (rooted and re< leased at Cassia Memorial Hoo- ird the plane pita; and several of the officials ut, hut only relumed lo Onlarlo ThurqdBy- iwim to safe- See PtJVNE CRASH, P. 2, Col, j es Early Action ephone Situation” : rsdoy results Extended area servlcei w oufd''' ed more than rolao. tho telephone ratet of e v ’ not wont ex-ory subscriber In Iho v a ||« /,' " 3, ' while Metropac would Involva' < oiiln, generol on Increase only to thoa« gub^ ; lephone com- scrlbers who want Ihe ipocliil' ^ I enougfi peo- long-dlBionco-freo Mrvlco.- , . ,'i -free service Those choosing Meurmo, ', Iderotlon by would face o monthly ratft' ta« , . crease of oboul It ; wm : 'V ' n, Metropac,I leomed, ' • • hiB plon, peo- Those who do not want :oll long dls- poo would continue >with, i thiX.'? X distance some M 'oitbhly t»t«v|M|^» to Met-chorged. V ''v ' ollows 0 cus- Mr, Wlckberg sold' ny exchange mlsBlon would molui a.(todjdiuiu/,'i idlus, won, : ' M

newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF257/PDF/1968_10_18.pdf_ — J W e a th e r - Chilly VOL. 65 NO. 187__________ Murder G Filed

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Page 1: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF257/PDF/1968_10_18.pdf_ — J W e a th e r - Chilly VOL. 65 NO. 187__________ Murder G Filed

_ — J W e a t h e r -


V O L . 65 N O . 187__________

Murder G Filed InS

~0f-R«perR U PE R T — A 39-year-old JlU i tio:

-------p o c t-m an -w aR -a rra ig n c a -O d -a . _ iflrsT tlogrtie m urder chnrge F ri- res d ay m orning in connection with bul th c shooling death during lhe b a night 6(, h is step-son. Another sor step-son w as hospitalized. - wa

D ary l H unter, 24. R upert, died / abou t 4_^Tjn^ £ r id a y _ a t Mini- C_

\ doka M em orial Hospital of bul- wo------- lec-w oundK -rccolved-abouu3:30 upi

a .m . a t the homo of his stop- dc fa th e r, Ja m e s E . Murphy. A em

--------younger brolher, Dean Hunter, to” 17, is reported in. good condJ- idc

;----------- ne;

~~Olympic Hit

-A th le te s - ^ Ousted 2

M E X I C O ^ C I T Y lk p )" ^ ™, U.S. Olympic Com m ittee, sus- 5'/’

ponded s ta r Negro sprinters . T om m ie Smith and John Carlos

from the U.S. Olympic team af- - • t« r rnidnight Thur.sday for "un- “ “

typical exhibilionism” during ^ " an Olympic victory ceremony

____V Wednesday . -■ ___________The decision followed a., com- n«

------plaint.— by tho Internationa]O lym pic C om m ittee regard ing the conduct of Smith when he

-------- receivcd-fhe soJdTncdal /or-M'jn- c j•ning the 200-m eter event and j ji

• the bro iiic m edal for finishing a , .th ird i n - t l i e 200-mctcr finals W ednosday. ' q I

Both Sm ith and Carlos ra ised be clenched fists clothed in black Fi

'g loves during the playing of the S ta r Spangled D anner and also vi w ore b lack knee socks without cr .shoes during thc presentation cr cerem ony. j£

T hey also wore Identical but- Pi (ona on the ir team uniform s.cit- br JnR dcm ands-for rncial equality , la

Two m em bers of the U.S. a i O lym pic C om m ittee's board of ph consultants, John Sayre, a row- Ri c r in the lOCO Olympics, and Bil­ly Milts, thc 10,000-metor w inner at

---------hr-lflM,-w cnH<>-4j>fi-QlympiC;m —Ihgc a ftc r 'J r i ld n lg h f lo notify Sm ilh and C arlos to leave.

Tho .staiem enl from the U.S. . O lym pic CommKfco sofd' that a ny repelition of “ such incl- donls by o ther m em bers of Ihc U.S. team can only bo consid­ered n willful disregard of O lym pic principles tha t would w iirrnn t thc imposition, of the suvcre.Ht penalties a t the dispos- nl o f tho U.S. Olympic Commit­t e e / ^ ^ _________________________

U.S, Jeis^i filorth Vie\

j SAKjON (A P) — U.S. flghlcr- / bonihcrs Nln^uked < IhroUj'h Jt

h eavy inonHoon cloiids agnln n I'ricluy to-c(inlinu« Uu'lr dnily n

. bom bing of Norlh Victnnm H w hite the SiilKon jiovornment n

• conilnueil lo balk a t OKreoIng to U u IxiinbinK hnll. o

N orlh Vletnnm’fi lenders In f limit)! wert} rop<irl<;(I aluclyInK a i> new U.S. prnpoHiil !or ceimnllon of nil iHimbinu of tho Norlh In re lu rn for nerloiiN niovcH toward A pence by Ihu Cominunlslir, Bul li

---------»;ouU»..Vlclnum!*_})remicr,JTian cVnn lliKing, huUI hin govern- n m ent could nccept no such pro-

It WHH tnvornbio Jo g South VIelnnm, ll

Huong told Iho official Vlct- k niun pruHM any ngreem cnt by n Snl({on wnuld hiivo tn 1)0 n^v li proved by tiro Nullonal Assom- b hly nn well na (hu cxecutlvo t b runch. Top polllicnl fljoirca In- n eluding the Icatlorn nf Iho House li nnd Snniilo huvu discusscd the a ph«h nnd nrn undcrntood (o Iw t cmil townrd ll._______ ______ r

B oy SeeNEW VORK (A P) — a i r l s in r

n Hoy .SL'out troop? t'H m t's whnt thn Hoy Scouta of

A m urica nayn Im In nioro for 1 llHIll, And hoth ' th o hnyn nnd

t;lrln liccm (n Ihink It’n a fine I lien, '

TJmj wroijp'fl M rn illv o board i nnnouiiuuil TIuirHdiiy, a flo r n \ iinnnimouH vote, th a t HtnrlInK I nex t Jan . 1, the Hoy .Scouin will "ho p repared ’* to ndm li girls to \ tho Explorer p rogram fo r boya j 14 to l i - - 1

MWo hovo known All along I tha l boyn wore InlorcBted in I g lrln ," nald n npokcnmnn (or the nit-yeurold orKaiilintlon Which 1

> haH alm ost <1.S mlllloi) m em bers. i iiicliidinu m oro tiiai) 300,000 Jix- i

, 0 8 - 2 0 3 I 6 1 0 N . J u B » U a » Xd

i e r —

. -® e_______

T Charge n Shooting pert Man-old^U i tion with-gunshot_WQunds._ • {

r s h e n t tZaiidlialleerbftlccrs-ar-irge Fri- resIed”Mr. M ur^^ at his hom e, 1Ion with but tho death weapon has not Iring tiie bceii located. Sheriff Theo John- |Another son said it is presumed a rifle Id. was used. . ert, died According to Coroner Robert j 81 Mini- C. W alk. P arv I Hunler w as I 1 of bul- wounded irwiis lower back Und i iouu3:30 UDDCr_chest._b_uLit_has_not been . 1 lis stop- determined whero the bullet | rphy. A entered the body. Mr. Walk w as I

Hunter, to confer-with-Larry-Duff, Min- I d condi- idoka County prosecuting attoi^ •------------ ney, Friday norin regarding dc- I^ tails of the shooting. •■ Mr. Murphy requested a pre- I

limlnary hearing'during the ar- . raignment Friday morning bo- I

fore Probate Judge LeRoy Blacker. No date for the hearing

----- has-becn-set-and-the"defcndant —was represented by .Roger Ling and Lawrence Duffin.

Officers declined to give any - - of the circumstances leading up to the shooting, but it w as un-

t Ro o flic iaily-reported-that-the-vic- tee sus- entered the' door of the jsprinters Murphy home with a jrifle in his n rnrlno hand.team af. Neighbors-flf-the-Mnrphys In- " for "un dilated thoy had been warned I

durini^ by officers not to reveal any do* j •eremony might know about the j

;----------------- Tire— younicr^H uiitcr— boyr ~1 a „ p m - Dean, had been treated and re*

leased from the-Rupert hospital egarding Tuesday when he' was involved when he ^ traffic accidcnt iri which l-for-wJn- Cfyac~Sla»efrTW in-Fat{sr-waff —

killed.D a ry l P a u l H unter w a s born

Iln ish lng April 23, 1944, in R up erl. a n d 5r fin a ls -^u g. 9, 1903, he m a rr ied - .

Glenda Johnson here. Hc had os raised been employed by the Kraft in black Food Co. the past four years,

ng of the In addition fo his widow, sur- and also vivors include a son, Scott Hunt-

> without cr, and a daughter, -Katie Hunt- isentatlon er, all Rupqrt; mother, Mrs. . -

Jam es Murphy, Rupert; father, tical but- Paul Hunter, Burley; three orms cit- brothers. Dennis Hunter, Doug- equality. ]as Hunter and Dean Hunter,

the U.S. and two half-sisters, Mary Mur- board of phy nnd Jeanelte Murphy, alle, a row- Rupert. !, and Bil- Funeral services aro pending _ j Jr winner at tho Walk Mortuary.m piaA U k_______________' _______to -n o t l fy ------------------ ---------------*=-------------------

BVh i TrafficDeathsJch inci- Idaho i

1 9 6 8 ............................2 3 0 - ifgard “ i 1 9 6 7 . . .....................2 2 2 ,

% T Z ■ M agic V alley)e dispos- 1 9 6 8 ............................ 3 5 (i|

Commit- 1 9 6 7 ............................ 4 2 inc \sh

Clobber s

Viet Targets stil

5. fighlcr- Air Forcc, Navy and Marine fu through Jels today kept up Iheir steady g,

ds again iiitiick on enemy supply chan- ii, u'ir dnlly nels Kouth of thu lOlh parallel. n|

Victnnm Reports on thc raids will not ho X ivernment nvallnbte' until Snturday, but rn i;rcelng to U.S. pilots logged 100 missions

over North VIotnnm Thursday, s< •nders In concentrating on Ixiats ‘ nnd e itudylng a bnrne.s along coasmi water- nl ceffsnllon ways.Norlh In U.S. mililnry smircci said tho hi

es toward American pilols are concentrul- hi nislif. But Ing moro on Ihe waterways be- »ier,.jrrfln aulaQ-thcrti-ia.Jeaa.trudc.traffic la H gnv^rn- moving soulh. Wsuch pro- Auatrnlla’s nmnll air contin- Ir

I'orHblu Jo gent roporlcd Ua biggest kill o l 7 Iho war no far, 40 Viet Cong ei

idal Viet- killed by a Canberra Jet l)omber emcnt by nenr Pleiku, In tho central high- b;0 1)0 n^v Inndfl, A spokesman snld tho w01 Assem- bomber attacked nn enemy executive troop concentration Wednesday u

figures in- nlghl. The pilot roporlcd *'a tl Iho House Inrge secondhry explosion,’* and n :usscd the an observation pilot counled tho c< ood to Iw bodies tho next day. tho spokea- o

mnn Bold, o

Scou t 'Exploi~ Girls in plorers, "Now, it's nn ncknowl- li

edged fact," lie nddcd. c> Scouta of A spot survey nliowcd most

sloro for Exnloror ScouIh llkod the plan, d boys nnd ‘‘It’a a good IdeB," said Terry

it’s a fine Ruch, 17. of WokI Chicago, III. Ii"A huncli of dizzy dam es bal- n

live board nnco’’ Iblflfifl, be Mid, nnd /, ofler a would provide nn opportunity r it HtnrlInK (or different types of programs, 0 ficouin will Bill Watson, 16, of Dnllas, c lilt girls to who's i)flcn an Rxploror for one It for boys year, said, "Girls ctnild possibly h

fit in If the program were cure- Oil along fully planned .. . 1 think it might s

DfOBted in bo very Intorestlng." ainn tor the Mark Ohanlan, ID, of l)ur> p Ion Which bank, Cnllf., said, "When ynu I members, got to n coriain a g e . , , ynu

300,000 ILc- tioii’l liBva much time for acout- 7

) 8 « 2 0 3 I d a h o S t a t o H i s t o r i c a l l l o N . J u l i a , D a v l a O r . t o U e * I d a h o . 6 3 7 0 6

■ TW

Ig3S._ •Iccr s i a ^ — -IS hom e,has P. -r 'co 'John- ' II 'J a rifle ■ jfc-

• Robertler w as m ..vHBlZSlSK!iack'~ii’nJ not been . i bullet /a lk w as

Min- ng ''ding de-

a pre- the ar*


■ | | | | j | | | M


any - up


or the fie


any de* .

c r ~ b o y r

iri which at{sr“was-

"3s~born)eri a n d ^ ^

m arried - . .in-.....; - £ ^ 1;.-x.Ho had

lie K ra ft >- ‘ V V

S ' u , ^;ott Hunt ^ . . a g L . 4 —, ^Itie H unt . ' t a 'V & i . r —ier, M rs. - ■ ^t; fa th er, '

th ree

THEY’LL BE -FAM ILY' logcti[ary Mur- O n n ss ls -m n rryrnhv all ’**'•> sister Caroline, will bo‘ C hristina and Alexander Onassis.

) ponding F>a-» In 1901. __________

“ A pollo Spi In Test Of

• 2 2 2 SPACE CENTER, HOU.STON th< JV Jolting bu rst of 1^ energy , the Apollo 7 astronau ts du. 3 5 fired their steering engine todny wt . 4 2 in the most powerful m aneuver lo!

cv c r mado by a m anned space- rei ship. oq

- "YPbhn-tiininii-tninr'— siroiiica grM Nnvy Cnpt. Wiilier M. Schlrra —f J r . a s Iho huge engine flnshcd lo

life und spurted a .siendy tall of I flam e for 6Q sccoiuls ns Apollo 7 J

O ' r ^ raced 120 miles nijove tiio Gulf [> C / O 0^ Mexico. _

"T hat wna a real nice to-do, I tho machine perform ed l>enutl- |

id M arine fu lly ," spacecriifi commiviuler j ir s teady Schirrn reiiorleil a t tin* comple- ply chaiy Hon of this vin»i tost of tho cn- cn I paralle l, ginc ihal one day wlli guide vlll not ho Am ericun nsir'onuuia to thc •day, but moon. ' w.

m issions M inutes earlier, the wives of n; Thursday , Schlrra, Air Forcc MaJ. Domi F. w, la ts nnd E lsele and clviiliui W aller Cun- u.s tl w ater- ningham w ere disapixiinled nl ro

not being able to seo the ir hus- c t s said the hands zip over Ihelr Houslon oncentral- hom es. pgrw nys be* All three gniljcred a t n Ixiat f« ic k .tra fflc landlng-aL.C lcar-.Lake_near_thii i>i

Manned Spacecraft C enter, hop- tn Ir contin- Ing to cnlch n glim pse (if Apollo cAt kill o f 7 aa it dn.ihed ni'ro.'j» the heav- Viot Cong ens south of Houslon. met l)omber But their view wan obHcurcd cc i tra l high- by low level clowds In lhe south- m

snld tho west, n enem y When Iho burn s ta rted . It was ni Vednesday under the nutom atlc control ,of \l X)rlcd *'0 tho spncecruft guidance nnd jo sion,’* and navlgallon tiysiein. Schirrn took oi ounled tho control mnnunlly the la s t .10 sec- K ho spokea- onds to <lemonslralo Ihe al)llily In

of Ihe pilot to take ovor in enw L

p lo rers ' To Gi\ ncknowl- ln || nnd dales too. This jvllt tnko n< 1. c a re of both." ' plwed m ost Tho plun won npproval on Iho bi 1 the plan, d lsl(|f^alde also. )>said T e rry Dennn Sullivan, Id, nf Port- ilcngo, 111. land, Ore,, said' " l l sounds llko II lam es bal- m ore Inn" Ihun ihe Girl .Scoikts, Ji fffljd, nnd And DmlA W nllers, )9, of North- h ipporlunity ridge, Calif,, w hocjropped out of fi p rog ram s, Bcoutlng u yenr ngo, said , "This t>f Dnllas, could change my m ind ." b<vsr fo r one T liere weru soma d issen ters, tl Id possibly however. IIwore cnre- Angelo Suran, IS, of P ortland , w lk it m igh t said girls would be loo much ot U

a diversion, " If wo hnd any k , of l)ur> oro jecls to do, w e’d 'n e v e r fin- h When you Inh thorn with girls n round,’’ 2: g o . , , ynu Dun Jom es of W ichita Foils, c > for acout- Tex., a form er E x p lo re r who’s p

L s t o r l e a l S o o *

6 3 7 0 6 o o a p 4 . « - • .

' - ' x V x / /

Magic Valley’s HornT W IN F A L L S , ID A H O , F R ID A 'i!

IMILY* together w hen the lf-p a ren is—M rs; J o c ry Sunday. M rs. K ennedy’s two children, In oline, will bo b ro ther and s ister by m arring ndejr Onassis. Tho O nassis youngsters a rc plctu

r S p u r ts T a i lC t O f S teering ^HOU.STON the au tom atic system failed, T g bu rst of Hc reported th a t m om cniarily e rft astronau ts during tho firing, tho astronauts spa gino today w ere Jolied out o f their weight- foui m aneuver less world nnd th a t Iho gravity 7 1

ncd space- rending In the cab in wijs 1 0 — bur equal to the forcc of grovity a t am'

'— sironnra gr6U h(nev5r ^A. Sch lrra -------

i i B u h l T h r e a

icd l)caiitj- R e m o v e H ylie comple- n u 'ill/—E ight residents living of of the cn- cust of Duhl on Hlghwny 30 A will guide |,(,y asHuHsmcnls that nro bo3 to thc iiHw twi^' yenrs dolinuucnl by up

, Nov. 1 o r the City of lJuhl will ed.0 wives of re m o v e . fire hydrants which pla ij. Donn 1'. wore inslallctl In tlm l'a rc n for the Wniler Cun- u.so In fire proteciion, il w as cit\ ]>oinled nl reported during llie lluhl Cily ’Ithe ir hus- council m eeting, cllj

Ir ilouston c ity officials reported ihnt the not properly owners could not be Bai

a t n Ixiat forced to p ay lhe asHeflsmeiil!!. Toi o -n e a r- th u i)u i_ thuy-H k»-nu tud-llio ru -w as wll en |e r, hop- n»)lhing lo force ihn city to re- e (if Apollo n ialntain the fire hydrants and u rj1 tho heav- {f,ey could be remHVcd' if pny- Na

inenI.H w ere nol completed nc- Dfi 1 obscured cording lo the original agree- C I the south- m ent. dls

I-nwrenco F aw cett,'f itreet su -tle i led. It was nervlNor, reported ilie Uuhl Uc control ,of Highway D istric t is planning n pai

lance nnd jolnl project with tho city to C chlrrn look oil nnd sea lcoal Condensnry ror lafit .10 H(;c- Kond from tho Burley cornor pin the al)llily luncilon north . lo lhe C lear net

vor in enw] l.akcs Rond Junction, o distance me

^ Go Coed Jlls jvllt tnko now n AcoulmosloV, said, "Peo- rei

' plo hero, ll\lnk scouting should thtoval on Iho bo nn outdoor program , strict- lOl

ly ." COIfl, of Port- Asked w hether ho would hnvo go sounds llko llkod girls In hin E xplorer troop, an Girl .Scoiits, Jnm en, «n1d,. 1‘No. I wouldn’t Rc 9, of North- have touched <i girl wllh u ID- an ipped out of foot polo w hen I was 14." j)0(snld, ‘Thin Glrln would hnvo to bo piem- 1 id ." bora of qualified g irli orgonizo- tod issenters, tions ;o Join E xp lorer troops, a va

Boy Scout Npokesman lold, ond foi )f P ortland, will,. Inlliolly, l)o adm itted only il l 00 much ot i( "Bppclal In le re it" posts, or- ^lu D hnd any lenleil tow ard vocalloni and W. ' never fin- hni>hli!;i, Ahqtil one-third of tho nx nround,” 22,000 E xplorer peats In lhe 7tl

chiio Foils, country a re "vpcclol In ioreil’’ d r lo ro r who’s poM«. • . ■»

ly ’s Home Newspaper -^HO , F R ID A Y . O C T O B E R 18,-1968

b m j


' ■ ''' ■ ■ ^r, t


she'Il i V l T ' ’


vate .e r s < pern-

Andr. \ As

th e ]

to ta^ ' the


o rthcli


^ — n a ir

Alcarrthe300K er

Kerkisstooltheh e r

renis—M rs^Jo cq u e lin e Kennedy and-A rls- - s t r c two children. In top photo, John Kennedy ti ler by m arriag e to O nassis’ youngsters', her igsters arc p ic tu red durhig h visit (o .PnIm the

______ . _______________ ns.«ilto I

«f ^ J—V rt -Gret ' i ' t ---------%A/ w v • JL i/M Plw

dng Je ts en failed. T he engine was the m ost pow- nom eniarily erfu l ever fired on a m anned K 3 astronauts space ship. It had been Ignited ^ lieir weight- four lim es earlier on the Apollo t Iho gravity 7 m ission, wllh a m axim um wijs 1 0 — b urn , of 15 seconds. Thus, the

f g ravity a t am ount of energy produced w as €' u T fc n rd :---------------------------------- f w i

-----------------------------------------------------------;----- — vlctr e a l

C h r e a t e n s T o 2 e H y d r a n t s k

dents living of thrco-fourths of a mllo. lilRhwny 30 A three-inch oil mat would _.p. Ills that nro bo put on lhe road after a build- ilinuuvnt by up of lhe roadbed wits coihplCl- don of lluhl will ed. Council members iigreed to j j,^ ants which p laco lhe >npprnxlniate com to qj,(| iilt 'a rc a for the city of $1,300 In tho ]0Q9 m p ion, il w as citv budget. T! Uuhl Cily 'i1io council volecl lo Invest tior

c ity fu'nds In U.s! T reasu ry sm rled ihal the notes a t tho I'arnier.H N ational |,„ luld not be Bank lo m ature fX'c, 5, lOliB. ^er [iRKensmoiil!*, T otal am ount including Inlorvst of i- th o ru -w aa wllLbe.Ji5,D(HUIlm.tOUnt:lLllliiO gor thn city to rc-invesiod $5.'),000 in U.S. T reas- wai ydrunts and u ry notes nl llm Idaho F irst jvcd ' if pny- N atlonnl I3«»k lo m oluro on jj«r iinpleted ac- Dec. 2(1. I.glnal agree- O rdinance M7 reguliitlng tho |cn

disposal of wrecked anil dlsm nn- proI, 'fitreet su- tlo»l m olor vehicles on any pub- Uoi

llie Uuhl Uc or private property w as loI plonning n passed by thc council. cunthe city to Councilm an Dale C lirislensen m u Condensary reported that 21 of Ihe concrete um

irlcy con iar pliinlorti plnccd In the lluhl biisl- pot the C le a rn e s s d is tric t by Buhl Klwanls Hoi

II, 0 distance m em bers sevcrul years ugo wlll trn ;------- :— 1)0 rem oved within the nex t few —

. . weeks a t the request of Iho - pr># p roperty owners. Some biiHlness |>E pla<;e« will retain tho plon lers

, . a nd cure for them. _____________ _■ ' .............T lie a irpo rl farm lease iwns |, said, "Peo- renew ed -wllh C, W, T a le for V uting should the period ending Oclobor 31, [jrani, s lrlc l- lOOO, C ard and pool tnblo 11- 1

censes wore Issued to F aux CI- tht I would hnvo g o r Sloro for eight c u rd .ta b le s ml ;plorcr troop, and flVo jxiol lables, Ilo l nnd "c.

I wouldn't R ein’s Cafe for five card tables nil -I wllh u ID- and tho Sunnet Bowl for otie 1 B 14." i)ool inblo. , , hei lo bo m em- Building |>ermlts wnro Issued Th

r l l orgonizo- to M. L. Covey, 02R l'alr„ oxco- Ml rer troops, a va to bosem ent and construc t tes an lold, ond foundotlon, JOOO; Rongon, Inc., r dm itled only 115 13lh Avo. S., ro n sln « :t g ro in pel I’* posts, o r-^ lu m n building, tH.OOO;, Joseph Inf collonB ond W. Millor,' lft20 Poplnr, reshlngle to -third of tho roof, S92; Clyde R. Mills, 027 cnl oats In lhe 7 th 'A ve , N., cniistruci cnncrctc cui lol IniercBl" d rivew ay from houKc to curb, 1

...................Sm-IIYDRANT» 1% i , CoL 8 po

; 3 ’

taper -8," 1968

I Jackie '■ Rites S[ | P ^ ATHENS (AP^ - Jacqueline year • K ennedy a rrived in G reece F ri- Pres

d a y to m arry one of the world’s a W( r ich est men, A ristotle Onassis, ship;

— th c n -w ^ n t- to -h it-p r iv a te island s o u w here they will be m arried Sun- ‘‘God q y ;-----------------r ----------------------------------Or

Ic a B b , J A spokesm an for Onassis, aip.- I960 bouncing the wedding da te , said to

f J D I K : s h e 'h a d no further details nor daui M B E S : ® g iic s f list.—The lioni

gu ests will be ferried by heli- had co p ter to Scorpios, O nassis’ is- m ar land , she added .' Bia;

£ ^ ■ ^ 1 T h c spokesm an said Onassis ougl w an ted ihe.wcddlng to be a s pri- . M v a te a s possible and on report- w er

.e r s o r photographers would be' Nevperm itted .--------------------------------- HugA -sp e c ia l— G reek— a ir l in e r —^

■ M I H b rought thc bride-to-be and her M_ 8 ^ ^ ! * fam ily to a m ilitary a irp o rt at f .

A ndravida, in southern Greece.\ As M rs. Kennedy stepped from

th e p lane end w alked down the fl k - <»leps, she w as greeted by Onas- 71

.2 s is , who,h'ad.flown_from Athens M - "1 to take h ls .b ride-onao Scorpios, — .■ ,-.■77^ th e sm all scorpion-shaped is- ‘

lan d he owns soulh of Corfu.— T hey will be m arried there

Sa tu rday “ or w ithin th ree days ■ ^ ^ ^ 3 a t the la test.” O nassis told p "

O nassis said they would spend 1' — th e ir ■ honeym oon-'on- Scorpios har

"u n le ss Jack ie w ants to m ake a ^ to u r of thc M editerranean with Chf^stirtai-’- h i s —p ala tia l—yacht

— n am ed — for— his— IS-year-old - L d au g h te r by his first m arriage.- J L

A irport police confiscated all c am eras and locked newsm en in f — the a irpo rt’s wailing room about • I 300 yards aw ay ju st before Mrs. J Kennedy’s Jet landed.

A irport employes (^aid M rs. _ K ennedy w as sm iling a s Onassis I k issed her ,on one check. She f took a deep brea th , looked at th e bright, w arm sun, and took >

■ ■ H H h e r two children for a brief ■ " ‘ w a lk along <he runw ay to ^

ond-A rls- - s t r c tc h th e ir leg s .--------------- ,1 K ennedy Then Onassis, M rs. Kennedy, _ oungsters', h e r p a rly and his sis te r boarded t (o .P nIm the DC6 which had brought On- ” ,

as.'ils frorh Athens. It flew them ,,,,■ to Preveza, on the we.<!t coast of___________ -Greoooi ■ where-heHeopter»-wflit-P ..........- - ed -to rfe rry - tb o -g ro u p T to Scon

^ * ^ 0 wedding w ill unite tho 39-


Election Of SC m ost pow- m IBrowning g. ' t x t t Is Reported “'I. Thus, the JL .. mr•oduccd w as €ho d Browning. Tw in Falls ", — rouroBt l on dlr**''’* r.

' v ico president of tho Idaho Rec-_ ■■ rcatlon nnd Parks Society flt the T i ^ nnnual convention th is week,I l i H e niso received a plnquu for

^ h is wnrk a s secretnry-treoBurcrof tho group during tho past ’ y ea r. Tlim Is Iho first tiftio such

Q an aw ard has l>CQn mndo. wi Tho m eeting of the Congress Ijj

for Rocrenllon nnd P a rk s was I . , bold In Scatile nnd tho Idaho *f mat would n^celloH w ns'conducted by Jack I

|fier a bu id- Rurloy, oulgoing presl- bfus coihplCl- <iont. O ther no w -o fficcra a re -- rs agreed to j j , „ Pope, Moscow, president, late cof^t to nnd sjoyQ n ly , Lewiston, accre- i In thu 1009 ,arv-lronHurer. A

This w ns Iho la rg est conven- ( lo Invest tion of its kind in the Unilcd . . >i '1 rea su ry siHtes. Tho Confsrcss a ttrac ted Us jr.H N atlonnl nsllm nted 3,000 people con- tlr K;c, 5, 1008. cerned w ith the mnny aspects ro Ung InlorcHt of parks, recreation and con- 31' .COUtlclLilbO uorvatiunr-Thu-ftva-day-m ootlna -Rl I U.S. T reas- wan siwnscJred by Iho National pr Idaho F irs t U ccreation and t ’arkn Asaocla- n io luro on ifnn. cli

Under iho Ihemo "C risis, Chai- tlr gulntlng tho icnj{«, Chnngo." iho Congress nli anil dlsm nn- program focuscii on tho rela- Fl on any pub- tionship of j)arkH nnd r(;crontlon nf operty w as (o n iajor dom esllc Issues. Dis- ar II. cusslon topics Included loss of (ni C lirislensen m unicipal park space, urhlin or

the cnncrclo unrest, n ir nnd w nler pollullon, th KI lluhl busi- personnel sliorlngcn nnd Innovo- uhl Klwanls Hons In technlcnl ond ndmlnis- m ja rs ugo will trn tlvo practices. fo the nex t f e w -----------------------------------------------------:

S S - P U C O f f i c i a l !

O h M a g i c T a l 'Oclobor 31, - ■ r

nol tnblo 11- Ralph W ickberg ,'chairm an of at to F aux CI- the Idaho Public U tilities Com- of c a rd .ta b le s m ission, prom ised la to [TUurBday U

cn, Ilo l nnd " e a r ly action*’ on the telephone te 1 cnrd tables sliuatlon In Magic Valloy. owl for otie The cniiimlHKlon hold a public m

henrlnu a t Iho flolidoy Inn pi woro Issued T hursday and officials of the pl

1 Falr„ oxco- M uunioiii Slates Tclephono Co. ’*l id conBiruct testified. oitangon. Inc., Moro than'l.AOO people had nstruct g ro in petitioned lhe commlBBlon, ask> w ,000; I Joseph log for extended o reo sorvico pl Inr, rcshinglo to allow toll-froe, long-dlniance ta

Mills, 027 cnils belween 14 Magic Volley cl ruci cnncrctc communllloa. r<uKe lo curb, ' In Juno the (olopliono com* to ’g. 2, CoL 8 pony m ado « survey of the sllu- w

7 7 “ .

i f e —'" *]

ie Reveal 5 Schedul lay In Gracquclino year-old widow of assassinated brief eece F ri- President John F . Kennedy, lefl daug le world’s a w eahhy w om an by him, ond a dy, i

O nassis, shipping m ognale 23 years her islotl Ue-i&land srn jn r whn h nften .dubbed-thc —A_ rried Sun- ‘‘Golden G redk.” nour------------------tJha'ssIs; 62, Was diPCTCOZniT tWO"assis , an.- I960 after 14 yea rs of m arriage Johr date, said to the: fo rm er T ina Llvonos, bum stalls nor daughter of ano th e r m ^tim il- Olyr

list.—The lionaire G reek shipowner. They took [ by heli- had two children, and she later ncdj nassis’ is- m arried England’s Marquis, of sis (

Bland/ord, the Duke of MarJbor- • 77 1 Onassis ough’s heir. _ chin be as pri- . M rs. K ennedy's plans to wed of P )n report- w ere announced Thursday in Mrs would be' New York by her mother, Mrs. PcU ---------------Hugh- D. Auchincloss, - whose — 5

^^O n a ss is^B e)ped from . _

SLM iL liQ namh fM d ’I s - — B jrT H ^A sso c lo ted -p rcss------ e s rCorfu - - A ristotle S o c ra te s Onassis woi ried there old and h ad $G0 to icatIhrce days nam e whcn he a rrived in Ar- ow, iss is told refugee h

ould spend I" his w ildest d ream s he could sm ' • Scorpios hardly have . im agined - tha t 46 ass' to m ake a y ears la te r, now one of the rich- trai m ean with shr tia4—yacht — •,— f T t * —1 ------------ hin

’S K S f i i g - T i f e - ?.siscated all ^ Ilewsmen in . to

S e“S! T h r e a t e nwh

M id M rs. wa

cScoT-is F l o r i d a ■.looked a t - i - ^ wMIAMI, F la . (A P ) - HurrI- | l :

- - f i cane G lodys drifted norlh in lhe tin unw ay to Mexico today just out_of ga

wind rench from the ^ p iilo u s Wc ; r h n ^ r i T am pa Bay a re a but arm ed 1 rnimhf nn with a deceptive punch. wh

said D r. Robert Simpson, dlrec- ro! .c,.n,- to rlo f--th e_ N atio n a l_ H u rrlcan e up ip .to Scor, -----------------------^

nitA *hi» 19. Simpson sa id he feared shore- vo;

guard because o f w eak winds p r nnd then be caught unprepared o b

ti^cs flvo feet above norm al clu when G ladys m okes landfall. in

ForecAster Roy Kraft said s o ' Gladys could tu rn northeast and Ch“ _ h it land n ea r C edar Key In tho 1 n r i a re a o f tho Gulf Coast, tarC U But tho sto rm w as barely anrs.,1., T7t.ii« moving. F o rw ard speed w as yci

c^ctv flt* t*he *,(g iLftflU Just one-tenth of o degree—well eni ^r,n .u , for undor 10 m llcs-l>etw eon the 6 th«

y - t S u S a.m .-nnd.Oa.m ..BlghUnas today. Ch I tho past Winds in the a re a of Tompa he t Urtifi such ond St. P e te rsb u rg wero mild wl node. with top gusts clocked a t obout bt'0 Congress 17-25 m .p.h,_____________________JyP a rk s was - , ____

£p'’pS E h g i n e F a i .fficcra a re ___ : .. . .

B l a m e d i F o iBst conven-tho United BURLEY—E ngine failure wns ty, 9 a ttrac ted listed F ridny by F ederal Avlo- an people con- tion Agency officials hero as the dr my aspects reason tho twin-ongino Cessna foi1 nnd con- 310 c rashed inlo tho Snnke su »y-m ootlno -RivciLTJmrBday-Dn-a.lnnUliiilJtD::io National proach. P[kn Associa- I.eo P lcrco , B urley, FAA offi- v l

clai, sa id investigation is con- fo :r ls ls . Chai- tlnujng into the c rash of the Or n Congress piano owned by tho Casoy Jonei) qu \ tho rela- liv lnR Service, O ntario, but thal foi 1 r(;creatlon afler tolkhift to eye w linosses B< IssiiCH. Dis- and Iho four pasHQjigors .who lh ic d loss of fliirvlved, ho- feels the failure o t nji ace, urhlin ono englno wos tho caiiso of ir pollullon, thn crnsh. Id nnd Innovo- All five m en aboard the plane pi' tid ndmlnis- m niiaged to get out, hut only ro ____________ four wore nblo to swim to Bnfo- Sc

Eicial Promises Ear ic Valley Telephon<rh ilrm an of ailon nnd so ld T hursday results ;llltles Com- of tho survey showed more thon ro toiTliurBday lliOOO poop)o d id pot wont e x -o r le telephone tended a rea Bervico, ' wl/a lley . However, John Ijitlln , general oield a public m anager of Ihe telephone com- sc lolidoy Inn pany in Idaiio, sn ld enougfi peo- lo iois of the pie w anted a (oil-free service lephono Co. ’*io .w a rra n t consideration by wi

our com pafty.” . , crpeople had An o lie rn a le plan , Metropac,i le

ilBBlon, osk> WOI proposed. Dy this plan, peo* reo sorvlco pie who w an t (o coll long dl»- pi ong-dlBiance tance .w ltno iit Iona distance bo [ogle Volley chorgoi m ay subscribe to Met- cr

ropac. Tlie service ollows o cus- pliono Com* tom er to - coll any cxchonfie m ' Of the sllu- w ilhin « 31-mile rodlui. H

TTHbme -’ ” - i t I

■Final ' liT E N C E N T S j

ealsd^ed I3 ( i E e e e e = d5sassinatcd b rief sta tem en t sa id : "M y " f |nnedy, lefl daughter, M rs. John F . K enne- ?{;him, ond a dy. Is planning to m a rry M r. A r- JLyears her isiotle O nassis." ; _ . i f

iuhbed-.thc _ A __fp w h m ir* n f tp r thtf f an«hounccment, Mrs. Kennedy;; hep-* Tn

Hpcrcea-|IT tw o-chlldrgnrC grollngr-10. a n d — ^f m arriage John J r ., 7. ahd a p a rty of-eJghC 1I Llvonos, bumped 90 passengers from a n • [

m ^tim il- Olympic A invays Jetliner an d Ivner. They took otf from Now Y ork’s K en- ' I d she later nedy Airport for Greece. On a vVlarquis. of sis owns the airlm e. nj f MarJbor- The p a rty included M rs. Au- |

chincloss and her husband; tw o |m s to' wed of P residen t Kennedy’s s is te rs— I]lursday in Mrs. Stephen Sm ith and M rs. Iother, Mrs. P e te r Lnwford; Mrs. L aw ford’s I ISS, - whose — See-JACKIE,-Pg.-2,-CoI.-S—

i s Became ]

naire A t 2 4 ^ ^a^P ress------ esi~iiTCn— irt— the— w orld;— ho” : “s Onassis would win the hand of a n A m er- f1 b ad $G0 to icon Prcisideht’s. beautifu l Wid-------rived in Ar- ow, Jacqueline Kennedy. t jek refugee His m other and fa th er h ad o&-

i:--------r r ■nrflt/'H_n_tnhngr.n—buslne.sg In^ms he could Sm yrna. Once in A rgentina, On-

, u I 1 too turned to the tobacco -of the rich- trade. By tho tim e he w as 24 his

shrew d operations h ad earn ed------------ him -hls-firit-'m illion . a n d .h e ^ a s _____:

— fir<>grr>'s-gnnsul-general-tn b iiP . ___m v O nos Aires.

B ut Onassis w anted above all to be the J m as te r b f a ca rg o -

-----------He got h is chanco In 1930 w hen he lea rned th a t Canada w as preparing to sell a t sc rap

Q value ten surp lus cargo vessels' ranging in tonnage from 8,500 to

10,000. O nassis bought sbc for >) — Hurrl- 1120,000 and launched a m arl- north in the tim e c a re e r w hich eventually

y Just out_of gave .him control of-m uch o f thelie ^ p iilo u s world’s oil tn irtcer'trado .----- ---------- ^but arm ed H e m arrI6 d ''A th in a Livanos,

tich. whose fa ther''W as ano ther bigiy Is due to nam e in Gt'cbk shipping. H er ; to w inds," s is te r,' Eugenie, m orried S ta v ipson, dlrec- ros N iarchos,'W ho also had built r iH u rr lc a n e up a puge ocean-fifllrty flufci^— mar r i ages ended In dl-eared sh o re -v o rce . - . ..............................—drop their O nassis liked to p loy host to

wealc w inds p r o m i n e n t peopJe, O w s ts unprepared aboard h is y ach t C hristina in-

bove norm al e lu d ed 'm an y well know nom es landfall. in politics, en te rta inm en t and Kraft said s o c i e t y —t h e la te W inston

ortheost and Churchill, for exam ple.• Key In tho M arla C allos, tho M ctropoll- ) Gulf Coast, tan O pera s la r, wos. his guest w as barely and trav e lin g com panion for speed w as years. In 1000 his wifo d ivorccd

e r hour w ith him In’ an A labam a court,rw indrxrf-75 cho rg lng-m ental-eruehy .------ -------------enter moved O nassis had in recen t y ea rs d egree-w ell en tertained vorlous m em bera o t tween the 6 thc Kennedy fam ily oboard theitlnas today. C hriatlna._lncludlng-Jocqucllnff,____B of Tam pa her siste r. P rincess Lee R adzl- ; w ere mild will, and her )ate husband’s ked a t about bro ther. Sen. E dw ard M. Kenne- _____________dy, D-Masa.

e F a i l u r e I s

di F o r C r a s hJ failure was ty, G ary C lark, 28, son of M r. ederol Avia- ond M rs. Rov A. C lark ,' Gden, s hore as tho drowned and l]la body - woo iglno Cessna found ol>out 20 fee t from th a

tho Snake subm erged plane, a.lnnUlnilJtD: _^The survivors wero Stan Legg.

pilot for (ho O ntario flying ser- !y. FAA offi- vlcc; P olor Helming, O ntario , Itlon is con- forn icr Hurley resident who la rash of the O re-lda’s general m nnoger fo r CoHoy Joncfl qiialltv control, and Vern Kbp*

irlo , but thal ford, I 'u lo Alto, Calif., ond J a c k ye w linosses Beoch, Boise, both em ployes of W K crs .who Iho Lord B altim ore P re s s pock- ’ ho falluro o t nging firm , bo cause of Thu m en w ere (rooted a n d re<

leased a t C assia M em orial Hoo- ird the plane pita; and several of the officials ut, hut only re lum ed lo O nlarlo ThurqdBy- iwim to safe- See PtJVNE CRASH, P . 2, Col, j

es Early Action ephone Situation” :rsdoy results Extended a rea servlcei w o u fd ''' ed more than rolao. tho telephone r a te t o f e v ’ not wont e x -o ry subscriber In Iho v a | | « / , ' " 3, ' while M etropac would In vo lva ' <oiiln, generol on Increase only to thoa« gub^ ; lephone com- scrlbers who w ant Ihe ip o c liil ' I enougfi peo- long-dlBionco-freo M rvlco .- , . ,'i -free service T h o s e choosing M e u rm o , ', Iderotlon by would face o m onthly ra tft' ta« , .

crease of oboul I t ; w m : 'V ' n, Metropac,I leom ed, ‘ ' • •hiB plon, peo- Those who do not w an t :oll long dls- poo would continue > w ith, i th iX .'?

X distance som e M 'o i t b h l y t » t « v | M | ^ » to M et-cho rged . V ''v '

ollows 0 cus- Mr, W lckberg so ld ' ny exchange mlsBlon would molui a .(to d jd iu iu /, 'i idlus, w o n , :

' • M

Page 2: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF257/PDF/1968_10_18.pdf_ — J W e a th e r - Chilly VOL. 65 NO. 187__________ Murder G Filed

—2 ---------Tw in-Folls T lm B S ;N aw s-' Frid

D aily WF r o m T i m e s - N e w s 2 4 - H o u r W

Temperatures-------- P an

N a t i o n a l i t S■ High Low P r .

Albany, cloudy . . . . 79,. 49 . . Albuqcrqoc. clcar . . 5G 28 . .A tlanta, ram ............ 72 65 .21 J®*Bism arck, cloudy . . 43 32 .02 p S h * Boston, c lear 82 63 •Buffalo, c lo u d y ........ 77 G4 . . .Chicago, d e a r ........ 77 45 , .10Cincinnati, rain . . . . 81 65 -12

— Gtevetandr-cloudy— _afl 62, ,..05 - ^ l w c r r c l c a i ~ T .-.-.-.— 50—30-7 VT

Xics Miiincs. cloudy 67 40 ' iD c iro il .ra in ............ 81 6 S ' . 0 3 ^ y

Helena, c lear .......... 55 21Ihdian&poiis. rain . . 80 47 .40Jacksonville, cloudy 80 75 .95K ansas City, c lear . . 60 43 . . "l ^ s Anseles, c lear . . 90 66 . .Xouisvilie, r a i n ......... 82 58 .07M emphis, c lea r . . . . 12 48 .29

— Milwaukee, c le a r . . . . 72” T 3 . . . rooMpls.*St. P ., ra in . . 68 39 .79 ^esle

Orleans, cloudy 83 68 . . . New York, c lea r . . . 81 64 j . . , / .

— ORTaTXitypelenr . . . 6 2 ~ 3 6 ^ ^. O m aha. cl6udy . . . . . 39 .30 ^

Philadelphia, cloudy 80 57 . . Phoenix, c lea r . . . . ; - 8G 51 . . P itlsburR h.-cloudy . 80 60 . .P tlnd , Mg., c lea r . . . 76 52 . .P tlnd . Ore.. ra in . . . 66 40 .41 K apid Ciiy, c lear . . . 50 20 . . . c f 'V

_ J lic h m o n d .j:lo u d y _ .,_ 8 S _ .6 7 _ ,^ fSt. Louis, c l e a r ........ 71 43 . . valle

— S a lfL k T C ily rc le a r— 5 3 -3 0 — c^anj San Diego, c lear . . . 86 55 . . w it San F ran., c lea r . . . 74 54 . . daySeattle, c le a r- ............ 55 44 .48 resui

‘ T am pa, r a i n .............. 82 76 ;53“ W ashington, r a i n ' . . . 82 ,CB .04 any j

--------- groui

- ! - ^ a s k a r C a n a d a " f i■i-w • • , valleH a w a i i - th Q i

Calgary ................... . 63 44Edm onton .................. 62 40O ttaw a ........................VJ -51R egina .......................-46 24 ^

— T o r o n t o ~ 7 ; . 72—55—..........._W innipeg ....................43 35 ., TlVancouver ................ 52 43 .31 J ,

F a T r B a n ^ T r f t t tT r m S HI ~ TVInJtm eau '....................... 44 3R .42Honolulu .................... 88 76 .02

■ ■ . Mr

I d a h o S ;High Low P r . Mrs.

A berdeen ....................52 19 KnatB e a r U k o ..................46 23 GaloBoise ........................... 59 39 pnll:Buhl ........ .................... 54 28 BuhB u r le y ......................... 5G 33 andCaldwell ...................... 58 31

— C astleford ................ . 5 8 - 3 1 - . . - -j„C astleford .................. . 8 28E m m ett ................... . 6 0 32^ a i r f i e ld ......................52 17

>'G ooding ...................... 56 31

iCranB C villc.............. . 54 35.Hailey .......................... 50 28 ^ f

— Id ah o -F a lls ................. . 5 0 - 2 6 - ,,ije rnm c ............ ' . ........ 5D 25 kji- l'K im b e rly :.................... 55 25••Kuna ........................... 5K 28•Malnd ......................... 53 24 ■M ountain Homo . . . . 58 40 “

■ P a rm a ....................... fii 31Pocntello .................... 53 25 ‘P reston ....................... 47 20.Rupert ....................... r.K 25Salniort ....................... 53 . ..Soda SpringH . . . . . . . 4H 16Twin I'nIU . . . . . . . . . 58 25 Sl

------------------------------------- Rob

■ CSIVo^cch i rrogramIs Reviewed < i j

The CollPRe nf Soiiihern Id^- i.hi Iki'm vixMitlonal - K'clinicnl pri>- (jm jjniiii WUH beinp, roviowcil I 'ri- nm dny by iho Hiut(! illrecinn for ijih vucutiotjnlcducnilon,' Rny lrnn«, Oolso, was a t C.Sl .

F riday morjiliiK inaklntj an in- Mri N|K'clion of vuciitlniial fucllilioH, iiKthiiiin}' n newly rcincMlclnl biiilillnj; near Khnberly Rond "W nnd Lnslluiid Drive, Most of V CSI’h votiatiinuil pro|tn '» 'H a re ■ in (iperalldn a t thc facility on | Kiiuburly Hoad, bul a porllon V -

------ of-titr prorrnmsTTinvttl tblB y e a rto thu luldilionid facility. T l

Mr. IronN, iiccnnipnnled by D r, ,lum<iii 1.. Taylor. CSI prc.nl- \ drill', niso loiirird Iho C.Sl cam - jol pun oii Fallx Avenue. wll

-------------------------- lc«:

B a n d i t ‘ H e i s t s ’ l«oi

B u m p e r S t i c k e r s i„:noZlvMAN, Monl, (AIM -

nu> (lallnlln Couniy Rppuhllcan pnrly iica<l(iuarierH 1i»n placc<l a n isti ordor for niiiro liunijwr fltlckLTs and Inpel buUon.s for 0 0 1 * i-niiitldiiK’s. ■"*

Soiiy.'oiiu .lirulic Jn to ihc .head-, clc " (tuiudJM and.Ktiilo ficvoral. lliuii-'

nnnd Ntlcki'rs f” ' ‘i hiiitoiiH, |>arty bii (ifllclnln rrportcd . vc

....................................................... rl<

s u H s c im m o N r a t f ^ .• n i K TlMnS-NKWS Wl

Twin Fnlls, Idaho tin riy Currier

i*c'r inonlh(Dally & Sunday) . . . . $2.25 n l

Uy Moll ncrn ld In Advnnco *’*(Unily & Sundny) »'

,, 1 Monih .......... M.M* M 6 Monlhn 13.00 |

I Y ear .......................... 23.6o wi• Mnll •m ibscrlptlonw -ncropted idpnly wliern c a rr ie r delivery la qinot m aintained. / ry

•mniiKniHiiimimnmniiitmnmittiionM'iiiHM «■*'

i - ' . ' J . . . )

t ’ ’ ■ '

«Jaws-.'.Fridtiy,.Oct.ober_1_8, 196 8 _______

1 W eather Reiil-Hour W eather B u reau Wire

F o r e c a s tP artly cloudy and windy a t FalrfU

(Imes F rid ay w ith a sligh t jS am chance of show ers F rid ay after- ,

- p » noons w arm er F riday , bu t c lear- ., Ing and coolcr F rid ay nigh t and P®r‘« l , ’ ’ Saturday . High F rid ay 55 to 65; g rees; 5 21 low F riday n ight In the 20s, and barom } '02 high S a tu rday In thc lower 50s. w est t j P robability of m easu rab le pro- a.m .J *■ cipitation 20 per ccn t F r id ay and aturcs 5 io per cen t o r less F rid ay night B urca ; • *17 and Saturday . The outlook for humid f 'nn .Sunday Is for. fa ir and a Ilttle ogy L

high F riday In Iho 80s, low FrN H allej ; ' d ay night 15 to 25. and high 29; Fi3__■ Saturday In J h e urocr_40s'. Spo- Soil tcI— x ? » c = fo ? e S s t? = n s lIn ^ lo w ^ r i i ' Burea7 .in d a y nfght and high S atu rday : tach, c ’qe Twin F alls, 2$_and 52‘; G di^Ihg, hich,\ 28 and 55; Je ro m e . 27 ond 57; 38; C Q 1; Burley, 24. 53; R upert 23, 53 ; 40; R8 .07 _ _ --------- ^ .,

Sum niarv E x te n d? I q Cooler a i r moved into thc e rn v? w eslern agricu ltural valleys Fri- In Ce® r •• day morning, following a cold valley

i r o n t ,J 3dngiiig_llmitcd_DiQLsturc chang which -is expected 'to be of no The

? Im portance lo valley areas:— d a y ~,1 *’ C learing conditions a re ex- cates n *■ pected in w estern valleys F riday2 afternoon and F rid ay night, daytlr0 4t spreading to ' E aste rn Idaho by>0 ‘ early Saturday. Cooler tem pera- nights [7 '_*■ tures a re a n ticipated in w estern nofmt 13— ” valleys F riday night, with little ‘" S - ^ ,Q— _ change in E aste rn Idaho valleys.>5 . . With clearing by early Satur- and 3 i4 . . d ay in E aste rn Idaho, and the and I 14 .48 resu ltan t dropping of soil tem- _ 0 n -f8_;53 ^ ^ i u f e s a t tf'c '®Vel, vailccIB ,04 any ^ ta to e s th a t rem ain in the w ith

ground in the h igher valleys i|- , m a y su ffe r d am age. — m orn

n a ^ T ^ ^ r a t u r e s F riday in thc repor , valleys wlll be in the 50s and 17, ai

. thQ lower 60s. and the lows wili of 19. range from th e low 20s in the Rai

In E ost Idaho valleys through thc with 2^____ mid-20s-in_M agtc..Vnllr.y in the, x a ih -24 Tnid an^ upper 20s in the w est and I

1 31 Magic ValleyJ J ;,2 M a g i c V a l l e y M e m o r i a l G76 !o2 Adm itted

M rs. Dale Corbit, Howard Mil--------- B urgm Tin~Candace—Suc“ Booth7 ••*'<’y<

M rs, John A rm er, M rs. Robert w arn Gillette. M rs. J am es / C arver, r^x .

o w P r, Mrs. Edwin Nixon. M rs. Je rry19 Knauss. Billy McVey and M rs. Mr 23 G a lo n ' Christensen, all Twin Stevi50 Falls-. M rs. Sterling M arlin, ‘ng. 28 Buhl: Mable Rawson, Burley,33 and Girlie Tripp.-’ Cooding. g t .

D ism issed----- ■Jcs.sc B crain. Alice M urray, M i

Jcssc Smilh. M rs. H arry D. .Tnmi Karnes. M rs. Rulon Skcepi, M. <

i j M arjorie Dar.*it and Lula D. both “i .Scholl, all Twin F a lls ; Robert F ien" ------ •m r i ' HChriS. K im berly: 'iVIrsT;'o Malwl Rawson. Burley; M rs. J . Ev

A. Brandon, Buhl; M rs. Kerm it Tawi • Douglas;— Hazelton;— and -M rs.- llam

Nick A. Moschetii nnd M ary 23 Jurey , both Wells. Nev.

(5 A daughter w as born to Mr,>1. nnd M rs. T e rry Reeves. Twin25 Fails. Vi20 ' • Mr.

C a s s i a M e m o r i a l (le'uili A dm itted scIh:25 Shnuna Ander.son. Kami Sue y '‘‘”

Robbins. Mr.s. Leonides l.umi, brid----------- M rsrn ffrrM A rtlnozrM rsrtrnm cjr

Hanzel, all Hurley; Joy SclK'nk. d lf f Rupert: Mr.s. E vere tt SnvnRC.I.orl Despnln. M rs. G len 'B our- qnln, all H eyburn. Don

DlsmbisedI Jam es G nrdenshlre. John El-

C l «iulst, M rs. D ale ntKlily, all Bur-Icy; Eugene Philllp.s und (ieorge

rn Idn- l.lHh, Ixith R upert; Mrs. EnrUjuo ,II pr(>- cjiirzn and son, M urtuugh: John '<!il 1t 1- GmKlyeur, Albion; M rs. Mlchncl ion for iiiHQW and siln. A lnorlcan I'alls. '

- H lrlh.1 1 Ti a t C.Sl y\ son w as horn to Mr. nml Cori atl in- Mra. U'ouideji) Luna, Burley. - ... mnj

ic l l l t o , -------------------------- II,ncMlcleil . 1, .

ost of W e d d in g W il l fi'E "lE Z C ost J a c ld eliln-ycBr --jj-’f ' -------- ‘■“fc------------• ------------ “■ 'Wli:L, „y l lc i- P e n s io n p-il |iri:.4. WASIIINcrrON (A l') - Mrs. Sl.51 cum- Jolm I-’. Kcnnedy'H rcni«rri.nKO |i| h,

wlll ct)d her Secret .Service pro- me Icrtion nnd governm ent petplon of $10,01)0 II yenr. govcrninunl A

t i : »oiirces jiny. ASoiTfl S rrv lii ' protciitlon for

her Iwo children, .lohn J r „ 7. I '* Al*) — Caroline. II). will conllnuu, | ouhlicnn I'owevi'r, unlll lh(>y aro 1(1 uu- pin l>lncc<l a protection is decllnrd, {r|.|l)uni|>er ‘•'bo presiiieiuliil wklow'H pen- Ih)|

lon.s for “ I'd t in .Secret Sorvirii pro-tiictlon w ere ainong vnrlous npe- ]||^

iR.head-. chll,.i)rlvilcuca Cungreaa voted . '| rnl lIiuii-- for Mrs. Kennedy n fler her Iuih- “ p IS, im rty bmiil wiih nsMnhHlnuted In N o' dm

vcinlwr Tiioso lwt> privi- ihi; leges wom to end wllh rcinar* the

It.......... rlage. f,uA S50.0II0 paym ent for offico —

• nnd Blaff. Inter cut to J3(l.()()0 ' wnii ended Ju ly I, 1967 wlioii she

0 snid hhu d id n 't iieeil ll nnymoro.

A Pont Offlcn Hpokrnman nald . . . f2.2S n legal declHlon probnhly will Im

needed (0 dclornilne whelher re- m arringn wlll pul nn end In free, m all privllegcN, niso gran ted by

. . . t3.R0 Congrcan.13'52 M rs. K «nncdy eomos from n

. . . 23.00 wenllhy fam ily and her hushiuul ncropted icfl „ J li^nhlo forJune,’Ariidollo ' livory Is OnuhsiH, ,tho mnn fclio in m ar­

rying, in ono of tho world'a iinMiiiiiM nchost ’m en.' L_

■ i

Ar<R eport

v i r e.......... ■» ~~ nto Co

Sen. FC O O L , i"B Wi

ing th« heard

ly a t F airfie ld , 15. 50; and Hailey slight 23 and 48. At noon today, thc m tcnti 'I c a ^ Fnlls W eather B ureau re- hoanst and po rted a tem perature of 44 do- fedora J) 85; g rees; hum idity, 59 per ccn t; ';, and b arom eter, 30.11 Inches, and , r 50s. w est a t 18 m iles on h o u r The 8

pro- o .m . M ogic Valley tem per- y and a tu rc s : Twin F alls W eather nlnht B ureau, 29, w ith. 95 p e r cent An. k for hum idity ; Twin F alls Entomol- little ogy Laboratory , 29, w ith 85 y r ^b^S e

/ FrN H ailey, 29; Buhl, 29';' R 'u ^ ^ t high 29; Fa irfie ld . 29; Castleford, 37. h a t h

, Spo- Soil tc ifiperatures: T .F . W eather ’"fii®" •B ureaul^«I^.^ochr60-40H e^ght^ Wn

rd ay : Inch, 5W fl; 20-lnch. 53-52; 36- silent x llngr h ic h r5 W ff;“Biih!r fo■ur•lnch,^5^ - ‘'I f - d 57; 38; Castleford. thrcc-inch. 55- was ( t, 53; 40; R upert, four-inch, 60-40. Idahoi

.., Churc

x te n d e d O u tlo o k> thc e rn valleys. I t will be coolcr holdin s Fri- In C entral and E astern .Idaho a s I

cold valleys S alurday with liillc every is tu rc changc in th c w estern sections, tho C of no The fivoKlay outlook for Satur^ then - 1

d ay—thspugh W ednesday indi- heard Q cx- ca tes little chancc of nny mois- sion?’ •ridny valley a rea s . The "Seinight daytim e tem pera tu res will bo one t( ho bv vvarm to near norm al but the w ere ip era- nights w ill . continue cool. Thc the s estern nofm al tem peratu re ranges dur- vain.1 little in g -th is -p e rio d ra re :zB o isc ;= fl3 — '' i11pv<: an d 36: Gooding. 62 and- 36:

^ ' Je rom e, 61 and 35; B iirley 61 |4 \ i n Satur- and 32; Idaho F ails, 60 and 31. \ id the and Pocatcllo. 61 and 33. H y f^ I tem- _O n-T hursday fair w eather prc- i f X t

leyel, va iled , throughout the valleys. . in the w ith high te m ^ ra tu re s m ostly A £ 'a lleys In the ,. 50s and lows F riday iiL JL____^ m orning in the 20s. Soda SpringsIn thc r e p o r tc d " ^ o w o r i 6 , Kairfleldr % 1.5 and 17, and A berdeen notched a low vs will of 19.in the Rainfall was brief, occurring gh thc w ith fron tal passage. T races of in _ lh a ja liL J in n - rcp o c laL jL jC aiito c llI w est and Boise F riday morning.

- ~ --------------^ -------- J e ro r

lUey Hospitals sJ — * ' ■ ' ------- ------------ -------drlviio r i a l G o o d i n ? M e m o r i a l

- A dmitted o,loward M ildred L. T urner. Jerom e:Boothr I- 'oyd-M cL cod, Gooding, and Robert W anica Cunningham, Houston.:arver. T ex. ye^ic

Je rry DismissedJ M rs. M rs. J e rry Frick. Ronald

T-win S tevens and Zern Mull, all Good- icrnaMarlin, ing. ------------------- i,.edBurley, “ ■ Butt(E S t . B e n e d i c t ’s , J e r o m e

A dm lllod- . lu rray , M rs. Guy AlLee, Twin I-alls; rry D. .Tames l.entina, Elko, Nev.: L. **' Skcepi, M. Alley and Mr.-?, J a y Little, uia B. both Wendell, and Mra. L arry TRobert F iem lng. Jerom e.______________ ; ___t

MfsT Dismissedvtrs. J . E v ah Stcven.son. G o o d i n g : (( Kerm it Taw nl Blades. F iler, nnd Wil- nfter-M rs.- liam -G lll.- Richfield:------------------ n f - tM ary ■ -------- boro

IV in Falls News "w'i .'"•riJfn InBrief • "K™

Victoria 1.. R oper, daughter of Mr. und M rs. Jolin Roper, Twin . ><|

, F alls, hns l« cn nam ed to the -L .l a l dean 's list nn the basis of her

.scliolnstio average iier freshm an m l Sue y '‘« r a t Radcllffe Colh'ge. Cam- f„ro

l.unn, bridge, Mass, Miss Roppr at--trnmcjT <rnd!r-clns!ies-at-H nrvnrrf'R n«l' iflioiSclK'nk, cllffo. o„,t;Savage, --------- Knvn 'B our- Twin Fnlls Selective Scrvico i-j

Donrd hns recclvcd. nn i.nductlon cd 1 cnii for two men for tim motjlh JkxI

ohn Fl- Novenilier. 'Hiifi com pares n j„ ' all Bur Nivdfjonnn*. '"on th last year. Seven iz<i,|

PMirUmo f'*''*-'*’'* M!,*• t.iwi c .x n m i n n t l o n thi.s <|,,iiMli-hnel com pared with 10 „hom I'alls. _______ P>“ -

1 The Twin F alls Chomlter o f nioi S1r._ nml Cort'imerco urges parlies plan- sn a'■Icy. ..... liin ^ ’ A]>eclnl events lo contact

tlie ir offico n( 733-3974. Tho ph«i IT T « H ' •‘« 'n b e r ' heeps n enienilar o f whi V l l l <^<>nimunlly nellvltles nnd coiw war ” ***■ flicts can bo avoided by cnillnj! wnt

Iho offico, out,[5 ------ - fltai

T he O m aha Woodmen I.odgo n w iii-h n v o ''f l“ c n r f l 'p n r iy -ni n thV

. ) l l p in- Tuesday a t the homo of Till M rs. M ary Bolton, A3fi Bolton mo

— Mrs. St. Everyone Is asked Jo brlnit Ing nnrri.ngo his. own table mirvlcu nnd cach Iln /Ico pro- m cnilw r U to bring a plo. ovc

pension -------------------------- Cln

...."'"Aircraft Lands mFor Road Rites ^

;(nii1nue, 1>OCATI!1.1.0 (Al») - An nlr- PII to uti- plnnn landed on Inter-'ilale 15 | lied lnrd , ir, i,jny ' ,„ ,rt of a rib- O w H pen- tH>n-rultlnn cerem nny noting tiui viru pro- oixining of u new Hiiellon of Ibe lous »pe- higliwny near the airport.ja voted Tho alrplam i lies in wllh n Iier hus- ■•Pocatello's New lll|{hwny lo .j

I In Ni>- Iho Sky" Ihenu} which points init vo privi- Ihat liitiirittiito d r iv in g tim e lo I roinnr- the nuinlclpnl a irpo rt wlll bo ^

fnster.,ir offico i - . — i . r---,r ,- ; ---------- r,- ; ;------0 <3(1.1)00

r : ^ OWN YOUR OM^ w i i i t a ' $ I 5 , 0 0 0 - $ 3 D , (icilicr ro- Rising crimo rnto crantot highly pn id In frco. iiBtlonally famous oloctronic cori: -anted bv aocurlty nlnrm syttoms by eirpi

“ y ofBonliatloo. J2.B&0 capitol raqiili aiiccosi or- refund of lnvo»lment.

: from n W# train you, bushimd «-i . 1 ,Ariiilollo ' in mnr- /world'a r .o . Dan 329 (Dipi, uTW ioia)

■ i


— Area^OELl^- -—~ C oordiiT ator R a p s C h u rch

D avid M ead, a rea coordinator Twin Fi ' - , for lhe G eorge Hansen for Sen- d ay of

nto C om m itlec. F riday accused hom c ir ' .Sen. F ran k Church of hoodwink- Mrs.-

Ing Idaho Sportsm en Into think- Anthohj ing thc ir voice wos going to be al year h eard in the Senate. SutVi'

Uniiou "D u rin g ,th c p ast months Scn. band , tl ' Church gained a g rea t deal of Cn Ter

y* a tten tion w hen he asked Ida- Neil.son au re- hoans to sign petitions opposing la Fink 44 do- federal controls of firearm s. D e 1 b '

O ver 50.000 Idahoans signed in Calif.; nnVi good faith thinking th a t Sen. City.

‘xiT^ R Church would help c a rry (heir Thornoi fight to th e en d ," Mr'. M ead F alls. ; sa id . Lake <

r cent "A nd yet, when the final vote M rs, I itomol- ^vas taken in the Senate on Oct. and Ec «■: fwr 9lh Sen. Church w as absent. He

1., M nhn v...t 'nn thft_rilm - chlldre luoor^ p a 'Ig in ra ll~ p ro m b tln g ^ h c ^ o c T “ '*** ird, 37. th a t h is voice is hcard -ln W ash- In .S t- reo’ther ing lon .'’ . ' , '

__‘'llnfftrtunntelvr-h is-votce-w as j y i •<(»2; 36- silent on Oct. 9th.” ^ T X lkc h ,^ 5 ^ —•■If“ scem s odd tha t in his M rs. ;h. 55- was p rep a red to 'fight to the 87. foi -40. Idahoans in Septem ber Sen. Ave. 1

Church w as quoted as saying he Tw in T I w asp repared to 'figh t to the ing a 1

last ag a in s t federal reg istra tion She

co o k r holding th e Senate floor a s long Charlei .Idaho a s I can s tan d , while read ing cago, 1

litUc every signa tu re , one by one. into June ; :tions. tho Congressional R ecord.‘ and T w in Satur^ then- failing- to m ake h is-vo ice 1018.—

r indi- h e a rd , on th is im portant occa- M rs. r mois- s io n ?" b e r ofs. Thc "S en . C hurch 's action leads is t Chi ^ill be one to believe th a t thc petitions Lodge. )ut the w ere Just a political trick and te rs . N tl. Thc the s igna tu res w ere signed in Phoeni es dur- v a in ." sa id IVIr. M ead. (R uth)isc;=fl3 — ^

' I I Eormer-Ai-ea—s e r SF r i § After Crash

nrfTeW- - JE R O M E —R onald-R oy-Sauerv ----------i n low 26. fo rm er Jorom o resident and ' fCo

curren tly of Missoula, Mont., is daughi n irr in e reported to bo in extrem ely agent aces o? critica l condition - in a Butte. . g,

MonJ^^^^hospitaU^w^^^^ said t

____ M r., Sauer, who moved from |------------ — Je ro m o —severa l m onths” ago; OniT'

w as in jured Saturdny when the foullci' pj, 0 b rakes on th e truck, he w as vvc — -driv ing-failed ;--------- ;;----------------- Scb'rrtI- j j , ! R elatives in Je rom e said th a t na tc 's

M r. S auer w as hauling a load niVn, of lum ber n ea r Butte, and thal hmiffhi

, w hen thc b rakes failed the load 5° “^ "inn^nn "lipped. Rolng through thc cab ^b’ c, louston. „ „ ,| |„ , 1,^ Bcci

vehicle. G reek, , H e is repo rted to have head

.2"? I Injuries and internal nnd ex- wnniri 11 Good- ic rn a l injuries. Ho is hospital- -rn

ir-ed a t St. Jam es Hospital, c a th " Butte. i_ j iy

T O m e H is paren ts nre M r. and M rs.Roy Sauer, Jerom e, and his ji-jj-'

n I-alls; w ife is tho form er K ay C rancrJcv.: L. ______________ natlor/ Little, which

1 ;! ! : !^ : P l n n p C i - n s l i £ ' ichurc

o d i n g : (Continued F rom Page I) a i nd Wil- nfternoon.. Cnsey Joncs, ow ner cxprc------------n f—tim —fiigh t-fic rv icc— arriv ed K enn

horn T hursday nnd flew som e wouk_____ of th e m en hn'ck, her 1G W S M r. P ierco .snid Mr, Jonos did ringc

not indicnio w hnt he pinns to <lo com r ■ nhout getling tho plnno wreck- plicm - • ng(! out of tho river. churc

or- Tw?n chnrturod plnno wns on clnror thn. ^ from Ontnrio to n u riey , vnlid‘ Mr. P ierco snid tho first indi- foi- ^i o lu.r cn tio ,, of triMibIc cnm e over the cess reslnnnn niinuti-.s he-;e. cnm - f„ro the p lane wc*nt down. J l c " opi^r nt- , |,q cnglno fnlled. the" rd 'R n « '^ lo rn i lo m p f f id ’ l(rc irtlf t 'T o rn * ir —

oth e r approach and wnn nble to Knv onlv "Tiio olhor enginii . . ."

Scrvico Tlio four Hurvlvors w ere pick- Inducllon cd up by Iniat nnd M r. C lurk 's 10 inotjlh ho<ly wa.s recovered about 11:15 lomparos T hnrsdny n fle r an Inton- I n for tho hIvo s.enrch was being organ- ^ r. .Sevent>(l forces M r. C lark, n nntlvo nf Wen- lo n thl.s hnd .lived In llurlev untilwith lO nhoiit fivo weeks ngo, Ho was

pac-.knging cnuini;or for O rr-Ida. Si>unc»r Tillev. who fnrmn

imlMsr of along tho poulli sido of iho Ics plnn- snnko R iver, witne.ssetj tho » cimtnct crn.sh. Hn .said ho heard tliu )74. Tho plnno engine nputtering nnd enilar o f w hen ho looked up. iho plnno nnd coiw w ns v e ry low. Afler it h it thn ly cniling w nter, lio Hnw the men cllnili

ou t. jum p into tho river and fllart for tho norlh bank,

m I.odgo Mo anid w ithin a few m i n u t e s , __n y "n t n tiu~pintio"H ank noHo' firfitV Mf. homo of T illey said ho could h e a r’ the

15 Bolton mon la lking to each other, iirg- jo bring Ing oach other Iq keen calm ,

nnd cach Iln heard ono mnn call. “ Roll )lo, over und floa t," and then Mr.— C lark dinnppoared,


— An nlr- f®' WotW. - ^ 15* i ir.slato 15 B E S T T E A

n rib- O R C O F F E E .A noling tho P c O ‘"S ' Jlon of llio w i,„ ^ r J

n 'w lih n C u l l iP f tn

' " T 1'; P h o n o 7 3 3 -2 4 2 1 ,. wni no cuiiioAN vyAtfR conditionino

I R O W N B U S I N E S S ^I00-$3D,000 Per Annum "iBtot highly profltnhio opportunity a i Inter- i’,'" dactronic corporation maots domnnd fnr tom* tiy ofoondlnH auln lng Irnnchhcd

capitol required Iwckcd by guarnntea of of hw oilm ent. No exporlonco nocessisfy.

l3TW10ia) f|«lnDf)*lil, N,J, 070B1


r - ™ ^ I V I a g ie ^ al1» __ ’ ]

, Mrs. Bradshaw Fun* l l M rs. M ildred Neilson Brad- M rs. J

Shaw, 67, St. A nthony, form er Saturda; d inn tor Twin F a lls resident, died Thur.i- Chapcl. o r Sen- d ay of a h e o rt a ttack a t her iccused homo ih St.-Anthony. - - „ cnadwink- Mrs.- B radshaw moved lo St.J think- Anthony from Twin F alls sever- I 'rcsbyi B to be al year., nso. . Mrs.

SuW ivors include her hus- j h s Scn. band , th ree daughters, M rs. Hcl- Mortuai deal of <5n T enant, Tw in F a lls ; Ruth 'd Ida- Neil.son, D enver, Colo., and Ver- Robci oposine la F inkc, W ashington; flvc sons. Saturda rea rm s D e l b e r t Neilson, Bellflower, W ard cl cned in Calif.; Ray Neilson, Salt Lake a t Sen. City, U tah ; G rant Neilson, ^ M rs. •y the ir T hornon; D arw in Neilson. Twin Mondaj : M ead F alls, and M orris Neilson. -Solt church.

Lake City, U tah ; two sisters, nnl vnfp M rs, Luro G reen, Twin F alls, • on O ct and fid ith M iller, Kellogg; ?cv- . 1

-ent He ^'■al bro thers an d several grand- o n R i IB cam - ch ildren. - •

n V a y i? In -S I-A n lh llny. - . ._ H om e.'

^rsFBru^emao^in his Mr-s. C lara W. Bruggem an, the LD to the 87. form erly of 2193 -Addison -S u rv l

«r Sen Avc. E ., died Thursday in a are on ly ing he Twin F a lls nursing hom e follow- Roberti

to the ing a long lllnoes. grandpiistra tion She was born Aug. 6. IS^lj e r t^ Bi

a s long C harles E. B ruggem an in Chi- rents, 1 read ing cago. 111., Oct. 11. 1910. Ho died Reed.*

Qne. into June 18'. 1966;- They cam e to g randn rd .’ and T w in F a lls from Chicago In York.is-vo ice 19 I» .-------- ThomSiI t occa- M rs. B ruggem an' w as a mem - pune

b e r of tho F irs t Uniled Method- juc ted n leads is t Church and of thc Rebekoh Joseph petitions Lodge. Surviving a re tw o daugh- jjy Bisl •ick and te rs . M rs. R alph (G race) C lark, y gncd in Phoenix. Ariz.. and M rs. Dean CemcU

(R u th ) Million, P ortland , Orc. Payne- ._ —G ravcsido- s e r v ic e s - f o r - M r s ____ 1___

B ruggem an w ill be conductedi S o ------ Mondny a i- l l - n :m r in thB Sunset - l l v i

M em orial P a rk with Rev. H ar- X I O •> old N. N ye officiating. Twin JER-

f l i F a lls m ortuary is in chargc of 84. die a rrangem en ts . Benedi

, , . s a „ e r , ---------- J . a c k i e ^ien t and (Continued F rom P ag e 1) They r Mont., IS daugh ter; a Secret Service he fan xtrem ely agen t, and two m aids. Edcn-IJ Butte. spokesm an for the airline w ere <

injuries said the p lane’s 90 passenge r s __w ere put on a plane' that left tjred 1

cd from th ree hours la te r. M r. 1hs ago, O nassis’ sister,~M rs. D: Gnro- p re sg i vhen the foull.1. told newsm en In Athens c , , ^ he w as wedding would lake place on fp^ ^

p riva te island* i n ^ ^ I ^ f a ninn se a next week. Onassis and thal ijought the sm all isle six years ♦hn ago.andJlBS-kfiPiJLulLrapiivate..the cab B ecause the wedding will be

r in the c re c c e , G reek law requires a . J G reek O rthodox cercm ony. It

w e head s e e d e d m ost unlikeiv tha t there ® nnd ex- y/ould be a com panion cerem o- ^ Fun HncS ' ny T n 'lM rs. K ennedy's Roman ductec Hospital. Catholic fa ith because O nassis Hovo

, is divorced and the church pro- "®,and M rs. ^ m arriag e unless it W'il '

ami .his finds h is-firs t union Invalid. Ccmci y C rancr onnssis is n m em ber of the c l

national church of Greecc.” ■ w hich approved his divorce by

1 eccic.iinstical decrce in 1961 andI S n thus m ade his rem arriage In thc __ _

church pcissiblc! nge I) A theologian nr thc Vnticnn !s, ow ner expressed tho opinion thnt Mrs,— arriv ed K onncdys“ m nrrlngc-to -O nnssi^ — — lew som e would not be vnlld in thc eyes nf

her church nnd thal the mnr^Jones did rlagc would nulom(iticniiy qx- inns to do com m unicalc h o r However, ap- '10 wreck- plication could ho mado lo ihc

chu rch ’s m nrringe courts to de- ,B wns on cinrc Onn.ssis’ flrsl m arriage In­lo n u riey , vnlid, ns tho Vnlicnn Roln did first indi- foi- M rs. Kennedy'.^ .si-ster, Prin- over the cess Lee Rndiiwlll.

Inutes be- down. J lc

— T w i n - F a l l s — - -nn nble to

-pick' C em ieterylr. Clurk'8 'bout 11:15 an Inten- I

llg organ-

0 nf Wen- 0 ^iirlev until1, iio w as Uir Or«‘-Ida. P |ho fnrmn ^10 of Iho PP.SSRtJ tho Iheard tliu •Jring nnd - A

Iho plnno "ll h it thn k l

men cllnili Nriver and

>ank, I

------------- --------------------1 hen r’ the A other, iirg- V ceen calm ,cnll, "R oll I II then M r. l l


2 Adult Companion Spaces...

$10 A“ 1 J L w Ui C C C 8 « la o t a C o m p a n io n L o t I k O O W hile y o u a r e to g e th * r .n U in W e o f f e r o c h o ic e o f f la tiiM iii m n rk o r . r a i s e d m n rk e r , ora i Inter- p r iv a te a b o v e g ro u n d bu -

nnnd for '"i®**

nntea of I TWN FALLS I cemetery ASSN

, Ptai. ond Mgr.I, 070B1 M a in A venue E.

i ■ ■ ’ ' .

i f c ^ a l l e y O M t a iaw F uneral Services ^I Brad- M rs. A lta P e a r l T aylor. 2 p.m. , ^ 9 l

form er Saturday a t Hove F u n e r a l IH H nI Thur-^ Chapcl.• M rs, Neiiio B. Sudduth, 11 R f rl in Ql a.m . Salurday . King Hill United g ^ ' - s s?ver- P resby te rian C hurch.- g f c

M rs. W. F . (Latonn) . A ndcr-• K i l l son. 1 p.m . Salurday. White ■ I F

s-*’im h chapel.ind Ver- Robert Lee Bowman. 3 p.m. ivc sons. Saturday a t M urtaugh LDS llflower. W ard church.

Nclifon; M rs. Llja M as Slory. 3 p.m. W f )n Twin M onday m Im m anuel Luthctun <;D n,-Salt church. • i :>j

sisters, ,

EEr°«v; In fa n t Boy 'II grand- B yR j^E Y -W illiam Allen Rob- 1

npiiriirtf ert3.:4rmnalh,i0ld.;i,0n Of-Mr.-and .M rs. W esley J .-R o b e rts r-B u r- - Icy, d ie d j^ u r s d a y a t Mouniain ^

H o m e .';* "" 1 --------. . ' snpikcm a n ^ ^ e £ w A S zb eaL :Ju n o -1 3 ,-1 0 6 8 ^ ^_cttin « tu 4 .i.i. . Bariey:-H fr“ w as-a -m em b cK :o r iggeman, the LDS Church. riv e r-Addison -Surviving besides h is-paren ts ay in a are one brother, Wesley John iC follow- Roberts. B urley; his paternal j

g randparents, Charles H. I^ob- ’

, in Chi- rents, M r and M rs. William A.Ho died Reed.* Burley, and his great- pny a

cam e to grandm others, M rs. Cora Luney, J.o^un, Icago in York. Neb., and Mrs. Ellen= = = : : = ThomasTTBurley----- -------J n r r : near-1

a mem - Funera l serv ices will be con- i Method- ducted a t 2 p .m .'M onday ici the u .

R ebekah Joseph P ayne M em orial Chapel u by Bishop C urtis Paskott. Final

e) C lark, ri,eg w jn be held in thc View ‘’_ rs. Dean C em etery under direction of the ,. y .

Payne M ortuary . Oh J ionducted’ — --r^.rrr

^ H o w a f d ' R o g u e s ' " C , "lg. Twin JER O M E—H oward B. Hogue, supcrv ihargc of 84. d ied T hursday night a t Sl. e igh t;

Benedict’s N ursing Home of a had l------ lengtfiy” lllness.

He w as bom Sept. 29, 1884. in ; Cutler, 111., and m arried Ina M.-------- 77- S tevenaon=!(»^ie08= ln=C utlorv ^ . u uage 1) They m oved to Idaho in 1914 and tario;

Service | » farm ed for m any years in the Clark, Edcn-H arelton a rea . They later Mr. a

le airline w ere d ivorced. ' ^ 0

M r. Hogue belonged to theP rese jae r ian church . .........."

Survivors include ono daugh- --and ter. M r^. E dw ard (Helen) Seal. H ailey; IWO sons, H arry B. Hogue. Twin F a lls , and Wnyne gO

e!v K. Hogue. M urtaugh; one broth- . . .f l U Z l e r. F ra n k H ogue.-Jerom e; iwo MO

Kn s is te rs .-M rs .-E d n a -R e id ,-P asa - ^ ^ c rMr®- Maude

monv It M etcalf. E den ; nine grandchil- that iherc great-grandchildren.1 cerem o- F u n era l services wlll be con- I B s Roman ducted a t 2 p.m . Tuesday a t'lh e I BL E O nassis Hovo F u n e ra l 'C h a p e l by Rev: I ' lurch pro- W illiam L. .p a r re tt . Final rites I To* unless it will be h e jd 'l n “ the "Hnzcilon I ' valid Cemetery'. F r ien d s .m ay ca il.n l I . , ler of the ti'® chnpoI-M ondny nnd-Tuesday I

Greecc. servicc.q.iivorco by ^n 1961 and " ■lage In thc __ ■ __

c Vatican that Mrs,

to -O nnssis — ----------------------— ------------------- -----

thc mnr- ticniiy

ap- ' ado lo lhe

to dc- ■ ^ anrrlage In- 1 Rom did Lstcr, Prin-

t r y M i B


N a tu ra

dull 'panion | |

th a n EU


/ { i n u m i t e d Vk o r 'o ! I I

o lln d b u - IDAH

LLSASSN. _ ■ ' ^gr.n ue E. L ___

' A

I b i t u a r i e s ^____ ;_____________________ _____________ Tab-H

_ office .i C e S bark disi2 p.m.

flee ■tth, 11 r a ' ' ' FairfieldUnited 1 ^ ;------: . Mr;

cn lin g V M artin

A w tif ; ' Roberts,W hite appointr

3 p.m. ^

entryp m . Jim K

uthcran windshi'I Brown, 1 ' atI ‘ Grant (

y ■ ' ■ ; age nci

sr-B ur- ■ — GARY CLARK ' ' ounlain T h u rsd ay In the j n y am

. Snpike-R iver n ear B u rley after d o in g 's .BCtang.ou,t=oL:a^lnW nB.planc^ l „ g . : _

i b e r - o l - ^ e - p j a n e —c r f lsh c d -ln to _ lh c _ -iishe-^n r iv e r -F o u r com p an ion s m ade his moi

r ™hn

nrJ Gary ClarklanHnnl ._F un .eraL ^cryL cc^ar_^ j^ nd lng--------

Ham A. 28, son of M r and MrS. 550; Hit S * Roy A. C iark. Eden, who was ^onslru

ci?«n drowned a f te r the c rash of a firepla< • small p lane in .the Snake River <3---------- near- Burlcy-Thursday-niorm ng. u o y t^ He. had lived in Burley lintil n ., cor

1 about fivo w c e ts ago. Mr. Clark acc an r was born June 1, 1940, in Wen- $700; 1'• dell, and attended school in Mainic View gjjgj, Hg graduated from $800; I n of the Valley High School in 19.13. Ave. N

Oh Ju ly 17, 1960, he married buildin R e la -U a v is '- i t- t«o“ E d c n -P re F ^2^131

- _ byterian. c hu rch ......... - ......... ......... $103, _U C S Mr. C lark wa.s mnintennnce Spragii HoEue supervisor a t thc A and P for age, K

t a t Sl! eight yenrs and for the last year ne of a had been packaging <mp-necr __

fo r-H c in r-(O re -Id a ) . Food -Co. — . U ifiu in Ho w as transferred to Ontario.

I Ina’M. Ore.. rcccnlly .:^Cutlorv =Suptw ing.-ra reThls^\yj dow On- , 1914 and inrio; o n e daughter. M a r la . , , rs in the Clark, both Ontario; parQnls, " ev lator M r and M rs. Roy Clark. Eden;^ tWo bro lhers. D a v i d Clark, 26 i" ' , t , . „ Eden, and Ronald Clark. Bur- The Je ro T ^r iev:“ tw o -5tstc r5;-M rsr-R ichnrd regisU tn th ; (Carolyn) Stew art, Ferndaie. Boise

->-9 . , ‘"1 W ash.. and-M rs, Robert (Diane) Southv ^ McKinzie, Orango, Calif., and Orego:

) daugh- grandm other. M rs. B o n n ie all-da; & „ |^ E d c . ■— i

i Wayne SOVIETS NAME ENVOY 'me- ^wo MOSCOW (A P) — The Soviet = d Pasa- Rovemment nam ed Boris Mi-

'MniiHe roshnlchenko' Thursday a s - i t s e i r randchn- new am b assador to Canada. - | ichiidren. I ' i— " - ' — - - j | ,I b e co n -I B L U E A I Iay a t'lh e I B L ^ E I

■nal d tes I T o p Q u a lity A lw ay*-—a t ||T S 7 A WARBERG’? --Tuesday [ ' —7 3 3 - 7 3 7 - 1 - -----------1 | --**


a Natural GsIBHIIEllI

N atu ral G a s H e a ts Wa

1 /3 FA ST E R f o r 2 1

l E S S M O N E Ythan E lectrie -W ate r H oa





m r r m r m io im iT A iN G A S

_ _ ^ . .. . . .

I , '

' 4 ‘ \

S e e n T o d a y V________ T ab-H arding v isiting cham bcr

office . . . M rs. Ruth Vandcn- ^ 1 ' ■ bark discussing Camp F ire Girls

! program . . . .E rv in Hnnd lalk-■ ing on telephone . . . Al Morgon H ' discussing board' m eeting in of- I : ' fice . . . M rs. Nona Reedy. .■ ' Fairfield, visiting in Twin F a lls-

. . Mrs. Carm en Miller. Bofso,-" - ■ J ' - cnling with relatives . . . Mrs.I B - M artin Lulher- and children. « ''

Roberts, talking about dental appointm ents . . Tlm Qualls

W using unusual looking w aste bas- I ket . . . M rs, Villie Jenaen rush-

!ng to m eeting . . M rs. Thod . - m B m Scholes subm itting grid casting

entry , . • G arry Corder and « m l i l Jim KIsller w aiting fo r ca r

windshield to d s T r o s t C l a u d e ' Brown J r . walking down s tree t

■ at early morning hour . . , 'G rant Osterhout carry ing pack­age across Sccond S tree t We^t

. Doug Borah driv ing \o : work . . . M rs. F ra n k Long

---------^ worklBg-nn pQlitica l re ly ses . . . “Woody S^al observing 90th birth- r ;

In the day anniversary . . . Mike G ray ' ty after doing* some political hand shak* i-plane^ Ing- . . j\nd...aveiJteRrd -ito_ihc_ i i c h ^ u s U a a jn a r jy J n j t .h im for 5 made ^[5 m oney." - _

Hydrant.j^nding — _ - — tx

nd Mrs. 550; Harold Surber. 917 'Milner, vho was construct addition to residfehce; . sh of a firenlacc and picture window,cc River j j i w t ____________rtiornmg. u o y d D uncan ,. 317 9th~~Ave. ley until n ., construct ja t-porL ancL slorT .-..:. Ir. Clark acc a rea on north side of house, in Wen- $700; D r O. M. T hurm an. 810

:hool in Main St.. construct c a r port, cd from $800; Otillie Paschen. 313 13th iri 19.13. Ave. N.. construct sm all sto rage married building. $15; Stanley Smutney.

tER-Pres^ B2Fnth'~Ave.~N:;rreahlnBiC3 Cftofr:r=............... $103,- a n d . Jam es . Cech,_.929ntennnce Sprague, construct fram e gar-id P for age. $575.last year -------- ---------------- -

"ood - Co. ' Workshop S e f c - ^' Secretaries. businesswom en

,i«u, On and teachers from M agic Valley “ have been invited to attend the

biennial w orkshop of the Nation- al'- Secretaries Association Oct.

i Clark’ 26 Boise, irk Bur- The w orkshop will begin with -R ichard reg islra ilon^-a t—8JQ —a jn .— PJ— _ Ferndaie Boise College. Women from C (Diane) Southwestern Idaho, and E a stern ilif, and Oregon have been invitctt to tlie B o n n ie all-day m eeting._____________

n v o y w o r l d b o o kh e L i c t E N C Y C L O P E D I A loris Mi- •Oletloc.ory •A lio.

I J L S l 0 - 0 0 s * '® ®



Wrtl* |Q> ALTHA WHtTIHEAt)B o«n75Twin rolli. Malta B3301

Pheni •vvnlnei 731.0175 Sifvlnfl All of S«wlh«m Idpfia— -


i l G a s


i a t s W a te r

f o r 2 5 %

W EYI t e r Hoaters

4 C>A 5 O R A N Y

A n c e d e a l e r


i N G A S c o n m w v

r ' ■

Page 3: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF257/PDF/1968_10_18.pdf_ — J W e a th e r - Chilly VOL. 65 NO. 187__________ Murder G Filed

e E - C « |3 y K

------------ IN -C O M IN O -O F F IC E R S -an d -— ^reaU-W om ciw-Intem a tlonat.of -

• c « t ^ . N an Moon, outgoing pres; Incom ing president, and standlnp B u tle r, secre ta ry ; M rs. C harles \■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ B i


___ THE iUN!

« 1 [ ^ W


s w e e p s t ;

D IN E a n d---------------- d a n c e -

to the Music of


B R A U NPlay lno a n d s ln o ln g y fav o rlta ro q u e ils a t p ia n o a n d o rg a n .


24 J 2 5 i &N O PURCI

W ' ^ ' / )m r ’ /

:ERS—an d -o u t-go Ing -p rosIdcn t_o£_U je___ h« tlona l^ .o f-.T w ln -F a lte -a re, . fcom -le { t,-----s titgolng p residen t; M rs. Owen L. Rowe, In md s ta n d in g J ro m left a rc T e rry ... vl 5. C harles W. Anderson, trea su re r, and___ of

WNN r t J a -------------------------

IJyayZJi / f ^ P y

i W ll


y P ' f l / O N THE



MCE------the fc of

STIE M BUN B Ws ln a ln o y our

lu e ils a t tho rg an .


Ii t i S

flf_ th e ^ ggn. M onroe. H rst vtcc p resid ent.in - le f t ,___ sta lled -d u rin g a banquet held-Thui' Rowe, Inn. GOcst speaker during th e b;

Terry., v ice president of the Tw in F a lls i t , and of the c lub m eet rtgul^ly^^_______

. __ SUNDA7 ^ W ith a ll fh e .trim -

/ / m in g s in c lu d in gSoup, S a lo d a n d

' fj __________ D e s s e r t ....................'.

W ^ S ~ . S E R V E b _ 1 2

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'cc p residen t. The new offlecfs w ere tn« _ luethe ld -T hurB day-nJgh t-a t-the-H o liday during th e banquet w as C urtis Eaton,

Tw in F a lls B ank and T r u s t M embers ;ularly. ______________________________ _

SUNDAY DINNER j11 the. t r im - .• 'in c lu d in g

S P ^ T E I . /

3E R V E b _12 N O O N T O 6 P .M . ; ' T


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lo V tl t a n d Rob«Ha Barton Harvoy o n d H a i« l W rtoht

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*OBUSC o. O O P C « n t. C o m m .f ChaVf Luo}«, C hm r

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fO U R .|R IJ) ‘m I L j




; t h e n t h e — ;r :— —7 -

RICHARD N I X O N -A % ^ ~

iMrge la n se n "


>, L u f ^ . C hm n# ' ' . .

, 1968 Twin Falls T im es-N ow s 3 I r a

Page 4: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF257/PDF/1968_10_18.pdf_ — J W e a th e r - Chilly VOL. 65 NO. 187__________ Murder G Filed

M a g i c V a l l e i f B H o m e N i

Friday, O ciobcr I 's ) 196B

. . AL WESTERGREN • • O. A. lGu«) KELKER .Publiiher Executlv# Edliof

GENe/ cA1!PENTER • DALE THOMPSON PAUL ST., ' CIrculailon Director- Compoting,Room Managaf Preit Roorr

Subtle MlThere would be a lo t le ss lo o se c e r ma;

talk about "polico brutality” if po- .U n less Ilicem en knew how to handle law - ca se he breakers and su sp ects w ith m o r e - -Aii in;

than they custom arily em ploy . ■ . , descent,One man thinks so , and h e ought K oga M

' .to know. H e w orks in th e city -^L os Control A h gelesrH ls n a m e ^ s ^ o g a r He’s - a —bleh'dinicop. : other C

Too often, contends o fficer R o b er t- fense.K. Koga in. ah in terv iew in the L os Take

-—A n geles-T im es, stan dard-.tra in ing naddileaves police w ith no a lternative b ut ■ '

rclY on brute force or fiu n s jn s it- :^eu m m «uations he b eliev es could b e re- / qj.

, solved m uch m ore su rely and sa fe ly ^f owith 'a fe w sim p le hand~and b ody ta c le o

” O ffic ere ^ re not intentbrutal, says K oga, but their in stin ct •for self-preservation is a s strong a s ”anybody e lse 's . . ^ J

Thus when confronted by a m an ^" who “ looks like h e could ea t n a ils “^^randrSays,^ o u iy & ^ o t-to -tak R m e the qocue.. hard w ay,’ w hat do you do under • , Koga

typical training m eth ods?” he asks; ao halfand answ ers, “ You go to an equal- out rescizQr—h' gun or a n igh tstick .” ‘ ' ry .

These,' he sa y s , a re mor& often Even — than not u -hazard'to-the officei^hlm -— bears-16. self. If the su sp ect r e sists , the offi- city .

Medical CM------ M e d ic in e nf.c a s iQ n a l ly l l iD d s . i t s e l f w h o c a r. in a race a ga inst tim e in its efforts This ;— to-control m an ’s a ilm en ts. M ost o f - -to-tho sl• ten such ra ces involve ep idem ics ic propc-- which com o on w ith a suddenness la s t yea’ and severity w hich threaten large that pre

m asses 'of people. feet.Such is the ca se of the Hong. K ong f o r P'

: flu. For weeks-public health o ffic ia ls offers hr have been w arning that a new strain sev en '

of virus would strike the U nited ch ills , iSlates . som etim e th is w inter for pers<which no previous vacc in e would be B9®d he

...cH ective, . I'------ W e llT ^ h e -f ir s t -r a se s -h a v e -b c e n indicate

recorded. Seven m arin es c a m c • ___ i-d o w n w lth-H ong-K ong.’68-in-San_Di=—

egb recently. A lthough these w ere jgijy (52 j the first'cqses reported in the Unit-

; taken a h eavy toll in tho Orient. An jj j■ estim ated h nJf-m illion persons in fore an

A sia—In such w idespread points a s g,; Australia, Hong K ong and the P hil- jg -tin

ipplnes—havo been afflic ted . about.■ Scientists a t seven U . S. drug lab- ‘ • Healtl

oratories are working on develop- flu epidm cnt of an effec tive v a cc in e a ga inst S tates 1

, -the new est strain of virus; none Is does no: expected to be ready for u se beforo b e a ra<

D ec. 1. T his is w hy tho P ublic 27.5 miHonltli Service is particu larly con- risk calcerned about tho sev en m arin es tim e.

_ M R . _ S R E C T A T O R _ ________________

A N e w A n t h e mMr. Sppclfltor, llko a Jot o f A m erJcnn s, Jf y o u c

had n scciirc ncmsc of dlsR ust w tien lie n e r , pert ticnrd Ilio N iilloiiiil A nihetn " J a w e d up” hy .one por(i>riiicr (hiring ono o f ih o na*llonni con ventions nnd o n ly rec en tly h y D en r Mriinnilicr perform er du ring tlie W prla So- Y ou crlcs. K ennedy

In ou r w a y o f ih lnk lnff It w a s o n e o f S t e a l ru (ho m ost disgustlnR exhlb ilion ii w e h avoever h eard w h ich in v o I\« d our N atlon n l p ic^ off iA nthem . Mrn.

WcU, we h ad liis t at>out cooled dovmfron» tha t one whcnTVe • p id ied u p (tie ^ Portland O reconian and read an ed itoria l ^vllc^e (ho ed itor* of th a t Rrent new spapercalled for a new national an them . ' 1 , ^ 1 ,

•'WftMl Btick o u r_ rec lo i o u t ," “ Raid tha " w hat'nnre'ijoiilan e d T l b r s, “ alo'nR w ith "Sen. w rite thThomas J . M cIn tyre (D -N .II.) who sa id . wedncon Iho floor o f (ho Senate ih e .o tlte r duy hig glorthat periiaps the lim e h a s com e to find n( an oliin alternative to Uie S ta r Spangled Dan- w ere 1,(

' lier," for the. Tho cdliorlnl continued hy HlatlnR th n l wJk’ii il

• "tho m nm K coim S cn i\lor , w h o in c iilo n ln lly ' p inrc hii iKn't up tor rcs<‘lcc[ |on thl» yenr, nalil It .Soniu i s nn ‘unnerving' cxp crlcn cu to Ji.nen lo 'i'hcn '

' tho HinRliiR o f (h e n a tion a l A nthem a t pufn -anolhllo RatherinRH.'Ile Added Umt S c n a to m aro por ccnt'lileKWd' w ith m an y m oro opp ortu iiitlra 'th e 'M orHum m ost c it lcc n s 10 a u e n d su c h afralrn. to 5011,

XUthcrj!'he .Ihla • v e r y m ix- In iteaicd hlcftslnn.” ’ ..... ..'llio-ffnifl;

T o w hich M r, .Sncctnlor snvH Ihiit if Ihn w ill condeiir .Sen^lor w ould « lo .h h Job h o wduM n’t w iiu t

' he Jil HO m n n v p u blic RCHsiiinN. Ihn jjpwTill) c illior ln i. nlnnR townrilH th e e n d , nlHiiit ih

poliilH out (a n d . th e y nru nu rcly Rrnclnufi wrlltj ul) I for «1oIm|5 It) IhiU "n citln 'r tho HonK nor

Ilw NllrrInK Incident o f tiio W nr o f IHI'i ((n w nr w o d id n ’t w in o r lone) w h ic h in-n]Hrcd I'rnncln' S c o tt K ey to w rito th e Four vuraon on 11 NCrnp o f pnpor Nhouid h o for- dor pup ROttc-n. H ow ever, (hin cou n try w ill e x h t bIkiui 0 -

t fur n loHR tiniu tn c o iiio , o iio ]|oi>ffl. l ia non St.,patr lollc c itlrcn a nhouid h n v e a n n n lh en i I hiivr titey ruiilly r a n rihiR. M uybe <1 n u tion n l » |v r nw ro»HP»l HinnnK a on g w r i I r r n i)ioj» nl w ould produce nn n c c ep ta b le ■ Iturnullvi',"

W ell, ,M r. .Spectntnr r ead er* , w iin i d o 11 vou think nhout it? Is the S tn r .SjinnRlcd 'I'iio v

. lU n n o r Rood enoURh o r d o y o u w nn l nom e- c u lls nrthinff iiew ? . fa ste r tl

W hy not drop M r. S p ec ln to r n lin e nn Jtcir* tr (0 . w hiit j ( lu r th o u g h ls nre nlonR thin l^ jcn

! lin o? rompliltiA n d ,'J lis t ' t o uDt tho bu ll roiiliiR, M r. c x lra hi

• .S p o c la lo r w o u ld llk o lo p o in t o u t t lio t , M ust^

' I ■■■ ■ , II :

— ^ - R G W L A

H o m e N e w s p a p e r w a s h i n g t c

PHONE 7 3 3 -0 9 3 1 S ^ e ^ 'a r R l c f

Gu.) KELKER WlL£Y OOOOS ' ^tlv9 Edilof .Ad«,H,ing Manotier . i f r

PAUL STANDIEY O. J. SMITHg.f Pr«, Room Monag.r - Wonogina Ediior , -............................................................. I...... ..... political

A fter some : cal oblivion,'L

^ ^ ■ ChoUner-suddMusclefriends in Ca

e c e r m a y b e a c c u s e d o f b r u ta l i ty .) - ' .U n le s s he , lo se s th e f ig h t , in w h ic h . ® Hi? p rivate f- c a s e h e m a y b e d e a d . j^ixoa cam pa e - A n i n s t r u c to r a t t h e L o ? A n g e le s a ___P n lS r f t^ c a d & in v . K o g a . o f J a p ^ e s e ________ .

• - d e s c e n t , h a s c o m e u p w ith “ T h e « ‘t K o g a M e th o d o f P o l i c e .W e a p o n le s s ^ * |S C p n ic o L a n d D e fe n s e T e c h n iq u e s ,“ a ^

b le n d in g o f ju d o , k a r a t e a n d v a r lo i i? ; ^o t h e r O r ie n ta l s y s t e m s ~ ----------------- :--------

■t- f e n s e . ' T a k e th e m a t t e r o f p u ttin g * p e o p le '

f - i n - p a d d y w a g o n s ,. w h ic h o c c u p ie d so ____ _4.” ^ u ch p o lic e e n e r g y in C h ic a g o - th is

^ ; - ^ u m m e r , . Sim p l y l?v s f i f fp n inR h is -------- ; _ ' -------'■ ( o r h e r ) b o d y , a n a r r e s t e e c a n tu r n y t h e 'p r o c e s s in to a s h o c k in g s p e c - y t a c l e o f s e v e r a l b e e f y p o l ic e m e n ^ ir= :ra a n h a n d lin g a d e f e n s e l e s s v ic t im .,? ’ K o g a r e c o m m e n d s a s p e c ia l h a n d ' g r i p w h ic h , b y p r e s s in g o n a c e r t a in

n e r v e , c a n d e l iv e r a n e x q u is i te s e n - ,_ - N a tio n o f p a in w h e n n e c e s s a r y a rid 1* m a k e th o m o s t r e c a l c i t r a n t s u s p e c t p d o c ile .lf-^“^ K o g a “ C ia im s - h t s - m e th o d s -*’c o in d ---------- — — »5/' d o “ h a l f a p o lic e m a n * s “ w o rk ’M v i t h ----------------------------r l o u t r e s o r t to b r u t e f o r c e o r w e a p o n - - r y . ■n E v e n i f i t w o u ld d o a f r a c t io n , i t _ •1-— b c a r s - l6 o k in g -in to -b y -p > o lico -in -cv cry -■------i- c i ty . *

Challenge mIf w h o c a m e d o w n w th th e a i l m e n t . ________;s T h is y e a r 's A s ia n flu is s i m i l a r r a s | Hf - to - th o s t r a i n w h ic h r e a c h e d e p i3 iem - - S ig a Ms ic p r o p o r t io n s in a l l b u t f o u r s ta te s *s l a s t y e a r , b u t i t i s . d i f f e r e n t . e n o u g h •e t h a t p r e v io u s v a c c in e s h a v e l i t t l e ef-

f e e t . y « |g F o r p e r s o n s in g o o d h e a l th , t h e f lu IS o f f e r s l i t t l e d a n g e r e x c e p t fo r tw o to n s e v e n d a y s , o f f e v e r , h e a d a c h e ,(1 c h i l l s , s o re t h r o a t a n d c o u g h . B u t I- i n p e r s o n s o v e r 45 w h o a r e n o t in ,e g o o d h e a l th ,- c o m p l i c a t io n s r e s u l t i n g ?

f r o m th e flu c a n b e ^ la n g e ro u s . ^ O d iSS ta t i s t ic s of p a s t f l u ' e p id e m ic s

i n d i c a t e h o w s e r io u s n n o u tb r e a k J.® c a n b e . D e a th s a t t r i b u t e d to A s ia n P D R C P ' ' -— f h i - i n - 1 9 6 3 - t o t a l e d 57,000, a n d - l n —

1357. 62,000. , ■T h is is a c o n s id e r a b l e im p ro v e - A

w h o ,d i e d in th e 1918 e p id e m ic (b e - f o r e a n t ib io t ic s w o r e a v a lJ o b J e to , w iC H iN m t r e a t c o m p l ic a t io n s ) , b u t th e r i s k sUil a lonR w i s s t i l l n o th in g to t a k e a c h a n c e a n d lip on a b o u t . ' supersonic fl]

1>- ‘ • H e a l th a u th o r i t i e s n r e h o p e fu l th e , ra e l has beei [V f lu e p id e m ic w ill n o t h i t t h c U n ite d ®s t S t a t e s b e fo re C h r i s tm a s . E v e n if i t President J I s d o e s n o t s t r i k e b e f o r e th e n , i t w il l °-o b e a r a c e to th o w ir e ' to .see t h a t t h c A ctually It i c 27 .5 m ill io n A m e r ic a n s in th e h ig h NothlnR in n- r i s k c a t e g o r y r c c c lv e Ih o v n c c in e in a n y w ay co. ; s t im e . p rove the sal

je t aircraft, a tim e limit th e «o-collcd

------------------------------— ---------------------------- --------------- A a -(h o -P rth ree m ore 1

t h e m N e e d e d ? S r- F u rth er," tl

IB, Jf you cn n 'l sinR the S lnr .SpiinRlcd Dan-lie ner, perhaps you cnn hum ill On the hasV* ------------ o rd on thisa - YEA , BOY ngnlnst his;>y D ear Mr. .Spectator: Ho has ci;o- You can tell (hl-i older fellow Mrs. Kclllng super

Kennedy has selected fo r n hushand in a Lsrnel. Des o f g re a t Buy. wllh a biR h ea rt. b lparU san sivo Ho proved th a l wiien ho humped M jWo- inl plc off an a irliner o f tho airline ho owns

BO M rs. Kennedy and hor sm all p a r t y _ could RCt on It a l (lie New York Cily a ir- ANDRE V ' p o r t fo r l l » Jum p 10 Greece,f.” _______. . . U . S . U V . , ,

‘f*" NUTS IS RIGHT• D ea r M r. Speclalor:-

•’?____ W htti'4_Ui4_jnfliicr_wlUi_yQu_.nu(®_tb*t____ - 1Jn. w rite the news? >' WASTTINC•Id , Wednesday, on P ape One, y o u ,ca r ry a H um phrey e‘>y hiR Blory saying tliero was a big snio up donninR ofnd flt an old historic hotel a t Ilullcy; T licro <}eno McCain - w ere 1,(X)0 peop le 'Jam nied -ln to (he p laco fusal lo endi

for the snle, tite sto ry po in trd out, nnd donllnl cnnrt]»t_ when il was all over cvcrylhlnK In tim fo r wornu, Plly place hiid hocn sold. of tho man '

>t .Soniu nalo, wu liioiiRhtl In polllic.i slo 'Ihyu ’I'hiirwiny, ulso on pflgo o n r, (hero rey .

JiH i s ‘another Mory on (ho Knnic nale, 'IVn (erinsiro per ccnt of iho (.luff in llw hotel w as sold, n u tnN irey (lea the'M ory said, Tho Crowd was now down friend andrs . [0 Stlf), tin s o m eI*- Instead of liclnR ovor tho first d a y o f wcaHcM _■"'■■■'iho'ffniflrinnvRrcnnd "Story T rln trsi'tho-fm l^— “iiinnsjfR'nfVli<i wlll conllniio thnniiih .Snturdny. ■ ni'vcr iiavo In’t Wiint Rlvcfi? l>on’l you »uyM who wrllo j,„( whi) nrn

ihn jjow'i loiinv whal M Aro youlid, nhout Hint closii on m ust of tho ihiniiN you nolnliniint. ’I»itt wrlto uhoul? ,n loh • h<i'"5 ,l . , H ailey ReHldont 'i v • walcl

1.?- ' c i v p .A '^ v T i r .P T ,ihe Four female Cieniian .S'horthalr-lJilira- i},,.or- dor puppies nci'd new hom es, ■lliey aro ii.v « rcv«nli;iht alKiui O-wcekn-old. Seo tlwm nt SIO Jetfor-115 ...n S ,„-IV Ii, 1-MlvI'm I havo one whilo nnd ono calico k illen 10 , . l i l J . , inal « |v r nwav. T |,cy m o 3% m onths old, .Sonr N ihojj) nl J03 nnm n«o At. o r call 73.1-5I1M. {fiofiRh

do IT*S l l l l ! M A tT w ilO PAY.S fi?!'led TilO volume of lonR dislnnce telcphnno u ' ,v'^ine- cnIU niiujo on r a ih e r ’s Duy Ik RrowInK ,i!l ;

M .lcr ll i .n 11..,I 1,1 R M . nilni.(fi 5,' ?. ,n s Jlcir« trnffic d cpnnm en t noied recently , ‘ his l^jcn lliey apologiu-d (or (ho delay In

coinplilnR (lie. »('ili.itJci. Jt was due io llm T iih , ll mirlr. ex tra hlllinu involved, (hey I'xphilnrd. prcillclnhin Iin t I M u s t .^ lliQ culls to d ad wora "cu llect.” c r uf (Im ji


R e p o r t r ^WASHINGTON —.W o t j c l n g more im porta

quieUy and com petently b ack - ' * thc innovativ< s ia^e a t R ichard M. Nbcon’s .jGhotincr hascam paign headquarters in -New tcd to tamp<York Is a flRure froni thc da rk - s tra te g y in Uc r regions of Nixon’s p a st: M ur- he has for scray Chotiner, m asterm ind of the pinying a keyea rly Nixon cam paigns and his tion 's nuts -firs t political m entor. b righ t young

A fter some six yea rs In politi-;• cam p who hacal oblivion,'Los Angeles law yer incr only a s aC hoU ner-suddM ly popped up have been deSepl. 19 n t a Nixon fund - ra is- his technical ing dinner in M anhattan. Since , itical pro.then . Chothier has w ritten to old ■ Choliner wifriends in California appea lin s firs t poliiitalfo r contributions to the Nixon, o fflte for.,th< cam paign . ■ . . . . ' .^Congressional

His p riva te role In the cu rrcn t p r o e n. ' imNixon cam paign has been fa r Eoughl. ou t i

“TTavor?"Wliat Sor


_ A . S t a l l B y ^WASHINGTON — T h ere fs hns adam an

still a long w ay to go 'tw lx t cup And so hnan d lip on those 50 P han tom Ru.sk. Bolhsupersonic figh ter - bom bers I.s- ing in theirra e l has been try ing lo buy fo r quiries nndm ore than a year. ways replie

President Johnson’s, announce, still u^ider sm ent of negotiations on such a Signlficnntsa le It largely window d ressing , duct the n(A ctually. It m eans vpry tittle, rael, His si

Nothing In his s ta tem en t In “ ccIa n y w ay com m its h im lo ap - to-eye on tli

firovo the sale of the long-sought Two fnctoct a ircraft. He d id n 't even p u t ncgotiation.i

a tim e lim it on the durn tion of Election poth e so-called negotiations. prodding by

_ A a - ih o - P r tB W o n t- h a s - o n 1 y _ o y e rw h e ln iJ rUiree m ore mornhs In office, it l ' \ J 'owould not bo too difficult fo r llio bil uS tate D epartm ent to p ro long the flRher - hoinegollations beyond (hnt tim e. Under till - F u rth e r ,- the clecUOn \s lens - - p re s s u r in g -

th an one month off. paign nt I(M On the basis of Johnson’s rec* • ‘'‘■“'V l>“‘l

o rd on this Issue, the odds aro m ake somengainst his ai!ilhorizing a sale. W hether i

Ho bas consistently opposed thnn ihni,selling supersonic I’luintonis lo nipnrtlt^aiiLsrnel. Despite overw helm ing sale of thob ipartisan support fo r (ha t, h e licaUy poliu


T h e P a r t y ('w X S T T lN C T O W ^^iru lj-O T t — crB rv 'o f- th

H um phrey should es'Chew t h o demlc com rdonning of sackcloth ovor Sen. plnccd Iho<}eno M cCarthy's petulant re- cracy of tliifusal lo endorso llubo rt's P resi- (hy is of adenllnl cniirtldaoy, I 'o r Iwllor o r Kennolh (iafo r wor/iu, M cCnrlhy's rcJ<;?iion iluir .^chlenlof Ihe man who got him Niiincd lo snipe fnIII polilics ' slioiild liolp Humph- elcfiani dllcrey . Join the ol

In (erin# of populnr appeal. SnllnRor nnllum plirey didn 't lose im o l d R*vlH|| atfrtend and proii'KO, ho pickwl Dcmocrnlic.lip s o m o votes whero he Is McCarlliyw cnkcM ,— nmong the g r «• n t j,o . ‘iiinnsjfR- nf -A m cricnns-w ho-m ay- • iiip pnTty-fnever hnvo iiear/l of T, S,''F.llo|, )ii{„ McIsdibul wiio nrn InUmniely acciuain- (juorjiH ito(<•<1 witli polltlrtil lihnp- «rea(opolnlinent. ’lliey arc the grown- n ick Nixortlip. Joh . holding, hill - paying, y^., ^^ho hn'T V • wnlcliing nro io larh tt |o publicnn cawhom (ionu McCnriliy ra re ly ti,addri'MScil hlniiinlf. Tlii’V also iL,.rImve Ihe most votes, ns ilie polls ' 'V|. '

" ''c n lc d , ll'llUnrll sWhat McCiirlhy hns salil. In coiitemptuoi

rffecl, Is (ha( ho h too good j)nrly politifo r party polltlc-i, llo wlll not Anieilcan cp lay unfeis h« can p lu ii. Al- of a man wlthough MoCartliy iwould ho a n,n„ faceless coiieuQ profcs.sor today i'hooper, Uio w ithoul llie l)eiiim 'rallc pnriy , ' | | k> pin'tnticih c has decldcd Hint llii' pnriy M cCnrthy'sd idn 't ilf). enough for him, It tuai cup ofd idn 't iionilniilo him for i'lOhi* spcnre'a Callenl, aiul no It can go hang, forlntilo an

Tills, ll miglil ho salil, w ni iho wlili thclrprcillclnhio Vfncllon of i Iiq, lend- «i>'l "Bllnklic r uf dm Jicw spurious a rh iu - TlUi ia Uii

1 i ' •


S t y R S t u r r T Cm ore im portant than t h a t W hile C h o t l n e i

’ ■ thc Innovative b u l p r o v o c a liv o - grcaU y to.(C hotiner h as n o t b een perm it- b a itin g U ct i

tcd to tam p er w ith h ig h -le v el C hotin er’ss tr a te g y in lh e .1968 c a m p a ig n , on reach edh e 'h a s for so m e w e e k s b een cam p a ig n v,p inyin g a k e y ro le in the opera- stra teg y usjt ion’s nuts - . a n d - b o lts . T h c “ C heckers ib righ t youn g m en In th e N ixon h o w ev er , Ch

;• ca m p w ho h ad thou ght o f Chot- an em b arrain er only a s a m ud -slin g in g o g re to h is proth a v e b een d e e p ly im p ressed , b y d iscr ee t se lfhis techn ica l co m p etcn ce a s pol- it ica l tactic*it ic a l pro. an t, unsavoi

'■ C holiner w a s , in fa c t , N bton’s A fler Chofirs t politibal p ro . S eek in g p u b lic fore Senateo f f l te for..the fir s t t im e in h is on c o n f l ic t -

..^Congressional race o f 1946, th e th a t he. hadp r o e n. ' im p overish ed N lxon E isen h ow erEOUghl. o u t C holiner fo r help , b eh a lf o f cl

) —

J H e


B v T h e P r e s i d is hns ad a m a n tly r efu se d to n c l. (un ify noli1 And 50 hn s S e c re ta r y D ean T h ey c ite t1 Ru.sk. B olh iiavo b een unyle ld - T h e prici- in g in th e ir s ta n d . T o nil in- lion . Israer q u ir ies nnd p len s th e y h ave a l- that; It Is

w n y s rep lied , 'T h e m a tter is p n y ih at.. Slill u^ider s tu d y ,” flghter4)ona S ign lflcn n tly , R usk w ill con- ’be U .:. du ct the n e g o t ln lio n s w llh Is' “V “I. rael. H is s e le c t io n b y John son transain WHS no iicc ld en t. T h e y se e eye- ‘w een Isrr

to -eye on tills q u estion ,It T w o fa cto rs w er e l>chlnil the il,.,’!!'.® "jliI n eg o tia tion s nnnouncem 'ent: ( 1) V ',",f E lecU on p o lit ic s ; \ 2 ) v igorous

prodding i»y C on gress , w h i c h nssnrvy ^ .Q y g rw h e ln ijn g ly w rolo n p rov i-____ ' t I'/^ sion in tlio foreign nn iiiO T ior i-

znlion hill u rg in g tho »nle o f tliefig lier - hon ih ers lo Israel. „nd the !

?. U nder th is stron g bipnrtlsnn as ' ~ p rcsK u ring~ w lth“ p oH ticn l~ tn n T --------E ventlia

paign nt le v e r p itch , the P rc si- ^vill b o al. . . (leiK h a d -n o a U em u fiv e but (o P h n n iom s.0 m nko so m e kind of g e stu re . (q happen?. W heiher ll am ou n ts to m ore fyiinjstrotkd thnn ihnt, only Iln io w lli tvll. s l l g h t eo ' nipnrtlf^au hupp orlcrs o f tiic P rc s id eo tg sa le of Iho P h an ion in arc c a m - hn ve reioic ' l ic a l ly poltU liig o u i there , lii. v ir- utan^llnK h

a r t y € a i > G o H at ~ c r B r y ‘- o f ' th e - ln r c t t c c r u B l^ n r n r — D urtn R -iho d em ic c<im m unlly w hich h a s rc- plumi>cdn. p lnccd the o ld spurlousi iir is io - " p nrllc lp aB- crn cy o f th e rich , f ien o M cCiir- thero w enli- (hy is o f a p iec e wit'll thc John se r io u slyir K ennolh (ialiiraithK nnd Iho Ar- m ien andMl thur .^chleslnger Jra, whn p re fer nlred lhal■d lo snipe f r o m ‘Iho s id e lin e s a s lion b y ihill- o leg an i d i le t ta n tes , rather Ihnn w llh iJryd

Join the old pro* llko P lcrrn C artiiy iiiJ , Sn llngor nnd I'cd .Sorensen In t lio ie prod g iv in g at lenst lln se rv ic c to liio tlio ohsole><t D cm ocrnlic. co iiu ld a le . try should

I" M cC inhy h uw, ll.nl ...l!; 'i‘ ho Is too K(Kid e v e n lo m u lch ? i

n ic k N lxort's nom in ntlon , anil , J . , ,, K- y e l whn h n ve rallie<l to th e Re*y I’",'’"™ " ‘ " " '" ' '“ lo. ! " . ,U.S

U n in rtu naie iy for llie country , loim y Ionu( ien o M ct^ ir lliy 's proh iciu Is pi<rhno.i tlial — llko Ills In le llcc iu n l eon-leini'iornrli'S — he tends lo lie i^,, « «(rj

i'j coiitem ptiio iis nol on ly o f tw o- iir lac ip les" par ly p o litics hut o f the pla in m oihoil pi'1 A n ie iican c lil/,en . I lls ulr Is that (j,.,,,,‘1-- of a man whn tlflnks he Is lie iie r ],|„ nrofll“ I Ihnn the Nioel worker, tlie book- played hy

'V \ keeper, liio Niiinll Ktoielw^per, o I n I m sy* llie plumlicr. 'Ih ey a ro not oullo Woo<ln>wly McCnrihy'fl precious. Inleliec- vcnxm

tuai cup of len. I.lke m il Shnkr- u„[ j ,|'>* spcnre'a Caesnr, hn In nol coin- Rives Iho

forlntilo am ong the niullKudo i‘[,„ froixi,n wllh Ihelr ••swenly iil(;htcaps" Hounds i ]|(1. Hllll "H tlnk ln ir'b reath ." , w on 't *cj:u- T lili ia Iba M cC arthy paradox . U iaa coroi

MOVAK ------ —

niTOf Miiffale C h o 1 1 n e t ’a help w n trib u ted ^ fronj/o • greaUy to Nixon’s early Red- by NbcoiuIt- baiting U ctics. appear itc l C hotiner's influence with Nix- ' him self ftn, on reached its peak in the 1952 m ary aga :n cam paign when he evolved-^lhe •• cumbenta- s tra tegy used by Nixon in the The Ch'le •'C:heckers speech ." G radually, seem ed tm however, Chodner becam e m ore summone*)t- an em barrassm ent lh an a help cam paignre to his p ro tege because of in- (resultingsy discreet self - revelaUons of pol- against C3l- itical tactics and. m ore Import- .tam paign

ant, unsavory legal c lients. a 1966 plcI's Afler Choliner w as called be- a non-polilie fore Senate investigators in 1956 tiner waslis on conflict - of - In terest charges appcaranihe th a t he. had intervened with the York.3n E isenhow er adm inistration in AlthougIp. behalf of clients, he was drop- Js ag iu tir

Agnew, I; arpcious I

r o i 7 B u b e i -t? ^ ’ V7 ' Donald I

----- • m e m b <, • - . -•..r;—" - " . - .^ nilhTsq

r / / PAUl

V .l------------------------------------------- ----------------Prtsid<' hing for

-------- ------ ---------- policies jo ............— ....... ....... y — Tre'sid<

' V I /---------- ------------------------------- ^wlUr-vi'ol

__ and th e : H a ' "cred iled '

' own part # J ■ tho rug <

He hat

Eugeni more

New nedy am

11,j j ‘ So unp* son polic


MITH , u.V"hl'~ r u j i - t n t l

’r e s i d e n t ? I s------------ -I.,;, ____________________ ed dIsen

let. (unify nothing fo "ncgoUafe.” however cun They cite tliese fac ts : m ade lheld- The price of the F -l Is $4 mil- la r tha t in- lion. Israel Is not dickering on eipctlon al- tha t; It Is ready nnd willing to in vietni is pny thnt p rice . F u rther, t h e t , -o

fighter-bom ber is not produced :0 n- by the U. S. govcrnm eni: it is

mnde by a private company. So „ison the transaction, basically . Is J>e- ‘ ’ ■vn. tween lsrnel nnd this concern.

All thnt .stnnds In the wny of -“ P n „i „ n snle ngreem ent is (hc Pro.*;!- f, ‘ , ? ,

deni’s uuthorUIng of an export < > license for thc planes,

ous •'noRoilalions" nre nec-cssnry on that, only lie knows.

-------U ie .^ g c l3lnn_ Is/, m loly . up _ to__________him'. Apparently, iho P resident is still W lklng n t making It, nnd the negcilinllon announce- ' t ^ c i m ent is a stalling ploy.

sm*------- Even tua lly "! * r n o i pm h ab ly —^sl- w ill bo allowed (o buy tho 50 ’ Pfianiom s. Rut th a t 's not likely

lo hnppcn In tho Johnson Atf* iore.__ fjiinistrallon, T h o r o Isn’t the tvll.* N ) I g h I c s t ln<Mcatlon thnt the llic Prcsiilcfit nnd Secre ta ry Ru,sk ‘un - hnve relented in their l o n g - *7 '^'-'," vir- ulnn^llnK hn.stlllly to such h snlc.

people nnd Ihn rold, gli telling 1 rm kes :

rO H a n g ! ' r £ ;a sm all

jrn:^— D iirln irihc-p rlm aty -scB S ()n --he—rc- plunii>cd lor w h at he called *»yroid

isio- "p n rllc lp a to ry '' dem ocracy, anil , * *■'.'nr- thero wero those who (ook him ■ohn seriously even though bolli h it healthyAr- m ien and his dem eanor em pha- an«wer

efer iil/ed lhal he m ean t participa- a o c ^ r a BB Ilon by Ihnt choaen few fam iliar

hnn wllh Dryden nnd Marlowe. Me- **!irn Carlliy mado hla constituency *I In tlion! people who subscribe to M.I..K.liio tho ohsoliiio notion tha t a coun- , Sound

try shouhi hu ruled by Its elite. V"In a coiiniry w here iportsm an- P l« e ol

H «lil|> l« Mill lino o r Ihc v i r t u e ,McCnrihy also haa revealed «

n rf :(lrenk; IIU T racJc-rh -w t— * r ^ p Uinn , H«nipliroy was a kid who w as of or*'

‘" 'ly pcrniltled lo p lay baseball auccessnml "'I'* ' I'eliihhorhood ganR If venr mi . . . lie lul th em uso his •cnM lbaa

fo r ftecoiul hnM) wns Iho tnste- My niless nnd grnluitoua runiurk of a a

'■•■y. lousy loser, roid trei’’ Periinp.s parly politics Is not n lialnncc

‘■‘’I’- good tiling. Uiiilouhiediy It is of- Trying' <><’ Icn a stra in on an Indivldual’i somethi ‘"'J’- jirlaciples, Dut It’s (ho o n l y

melhoil pre*vntly nvnlinlilo. And D earthat McCarthy nilrilit recall In sighted

his profit that p n riy pollllcs mtbb contnct'»>l<- played hy two m en with sloutcr worn , iper, 0 I n I in s to IntoliecUiniism' — long cau‘'« Wootlniw Wilson and Adlni Ste-, Whnt n

venwm. --W .N.liut I don’l know. M rCar(hy O m ia

gives Ihc impri'Mnlon he's evim mendedloo good lo ho P re s id en t.'H e they cu

'P» «(iun<lsl like a politicinn wiin oyo nniw on 't aejtie fo r anyihlng less lenaes «

lox . U iaa corooatioa b y dlvina rlBlK, ' (o (ha t

--------------------------------- ------------— -------------------------1___

n r r a y G h o t i icd . pcd frorn th a t year*# capipa-ien M a (^ re jid- ^ N fa c o n . N or d id Chotiner re - a rival

appear in 1960. when he ran h o ^ ed bIx- him self for Congress in the p ri- taping. 1152 m ary against a RepubJlcaa in- cbairroa:he cumbent (he lost badly). I» ig n . «he The Chotiner - N b co n -sp l i t r ouslyly. seem ed complete, b u t he_ w as Humphr.ire summoned to work on N lxohs which m•Ip cam paign fo r Governor in w w illiniin- (resulUng la te r in court su its - Rumsfel ol- against O io tiner for doctoring Demo<rt- tam paign literature).,E xcept for faave 'bc

a 1966 plot to haye him k i lM in ov er th. l)e- a non-political controversy. Cho- com m er J56 tiner was invisible until his re- Nbcon's :es appearance last month m New conferen Jie York. ' , . disain Although Sen. Edmund Muskie shown.

5P- Js agitating to debate Gov. Spiro Agnew. he b considerably Jess anxious to mbc i t ' w ith lesser p^ ib ite ,

• R ^ u b lic a n s .- In - fa c tr^hr fjjiHy ■ rejused to appeai* w ith Rep.Donald Rum sfeld of Illinois, a m e m b e r of the Repuobcan »ovemo

= - ^ ’tn i t h z s c i t a d - .- o n ^ c a £ O r S u n .^ ° « ™ «Times colunm ist Jrv ,,K upcm etJ careerl

taiK snow in tHilCBfeo. . 7: H d a t 't Rumsfeld had left the tru th

squad and rushed to Chicago fo r taping of die "K up Show’ poorly O c t 3, only to be informed a t the studio th a t-M u atw - r e fu n d -------

Congressm an seeking reelection- televisio___ (thniigh—pi.m gfplri’sy -suburban___sh o rtsu

Chicago distric t is indomitably conferei-------- Republican)— Rumsfeld—bowed— ^jeci-of-

_ n..t ^nfi ^ Qw_w a 5 .ja p e l^ _ p o lita n .— withoul him . ----------------------------^ 1' '

Curiously. Muskie earlie r tha t O 'Brien day had consented to appear charge with a Republican Congressman, . th a t it

, seeking reelection - Rep. C lark w as uni


------------------ L B J V E o l------------P resident-Johnson-is-not-run-— .son-m i------- ning for rc-election — but his M cCart-------- policies a re . - - ----------------i-conside-----------T re'sideni -Jo h n so n -d id not nam i£

Jump out the window, he w as u rge u; pushed. His inability to cope from A

: -------^w lUr-violenciron-the-war-fronts— strife—and the home fronts had so dis- Could

^ c red ited 'h is leadersh ip -that-h is~ —havo-w own party was preparing to pull from I

• thc rug out from under him . . not casHc had suffered a hum iliating toricall

prim ary defeat and faced o thers, successEugene McCarthy had proved scored

more popular than M r. Johnson_ fectual in New Hampshire. Robert Ken-- ~ ' In 1nedy announced his intention to Johnsooverthrow thc incumbent lead- nomlnaershfp. ■ m ate.

So unpalatable' w ere the John- 0 / esta•. son policies tha t he th rew in llie Then

towel, counted himself o u t.- U lk s"Lyndon Johnson thus becam e son w*

the first P resident in ou r na- positioition’s history ever lo qu it and Rich

-------- ru n ' in ■ tho"f aee-of; an-organized— lacOi-ieffort to replace pim.' get 01

Wherein had hc failed? spilt hHome-front street rioting help- fiub<

______ ed disenchant city dw ellers w ith cuse iitlio tlre u l SWIOiy." Nationwide;— p e a o ^however, th e prim e issue which Or im a^e the PreskJent so unpopu- hoursla r th a t he dared not seek re- could (

: election w as the dead-end w ar —howe5 W in Vietnam. ' his w«M H e ctKild offer nothing m ore on Ihe

if k of "susialned pres- 1 dosure on tho enem y." to co-c

' jX Now, liowever, the Uiree who machii/ Z ' nre Bceking lo take his place Wallac« nf “ Ppcar “ nable lo offer any work- parent

‘ah ic a lternative: one by one So tlnort •“" 'e adopted tha t dis- electio' credited, distasteful, unworkable fully r nec- Po'lcy-

The leaders of tho dum p John- month^ -10____________ _____________ _______...___L _dcnl : It. .

JOSEPH G. MOLNER, Iab ly -------

T r a n s p l athe I ■■■

tusk Molner: Can ' a nerson on n \, hnvo n trnnsplnnt of n thyroid on the

snle gl'uiil? Mine was overaclive■ when 1 wns n teen*nger - nnd j

people told mo I was Ino Ihln covers nnd Ihnt I .slinuid huvo the thy* colore. rold glnnd out. Now they nro |i,ri!er tolling mo to loso weight. This „rm kM m e mad, . ornus

I rend where In neorgln n inrDfr doctor transplanted a lliynuiH in while an infont. If he can handle tiuch take y a sm all inland In a sm all person, ^nd i

j--^e— h a -o u B h t- ilo .b o -a b lo - lu _ d o -a - .- ,r [c ij . | ■llcd •I'?™''’ I" • " , , , n s « I.u n j 1 w ant an ovcractlvo glanil .r., h im ■ person who is otherwlso

, T . t a U h y ^ n d . 1 » I c , p . c l nn .answ er from you. I forgoi tho

'ip a - doctor’s nam e and (lie hospital “l l l , r fn Goorgi*. If It was GeorRia. .If.;®,. •Me- You aec. i can’t even roniein- , "

r ; ; m .!;.k !;oun. Sounda lo me an (houRh you Th«i •lite yo**'' tem per along with n '

piece of your (hyroW {jland. Ami yo* lues probably lost some of TOur senso In fac ^ « of values, too, reading about jj-wt— <ran«t>lantii..bccaiisc ttanHDlaiita. nation

of organs, whilo occasionally T h e ebalj successful, a re (ricky and still f'*» ' J, If very m uch an oxporlinenlnl prJ>* nidivh Ijbag ccduro, <m hnvnste> My ndvico lo you Ih lo cnnniilt ' nn of-a a pljyiilciun about proper Ihy- ‘>0 wo

rold trcB im ent to bring you intp b, ||h.,| ml n balance. It can he done rendlly.A of. Trying to transplant a gland Is Olllcir ual’s som ething else again, ^o l y ------- i-And D ear D r. Mnliwr: I am niinr- ,11 to -sighted and phinning un Iniylng MTBB contnct lenses. Can (hey l>o ’.V

•utcr worn , while B\vlinmlng? liow 1,001 ’ n — long can ihey be worn safely?.Ste*, W hal nro Iholr dlnodvanlages?

03301ir(hy O m tact icniK'a a rt‘n’1 recom - ipr ' Bvim m ended for sWlihmlng because e.,tOT ' He they cun Ret waklied out of (ho Afxii n who oyo nnd lost. A lter' all, coniact Twin r less lenaes a r e not actually o ttached o d o f /

ight, ' to (ha ®y«; (bey re s t o r "Hoat'* I

------------------1____ _______________ _________

l o t i n e r ^ :a ig n M acG regor (ft M lnnesol* —, on, r re - a rival U lk show C h i c a g - o

ran hosted b y Joyn M adigan. In th a t p ri- u p ln g . M acGregor, M I d w e s t

1 in- chairm an of the Nixon c am -.• ) paign. and M uskie • tangled Ju-

»1 i t rlously over V i c e P r ts ld e n l w as Hum phrey’s V ieinam rw ltlo n .

loh’s which m ay partia lly ^ l a l n his 1962 unwillingness to lock h o rn s w ith

su its - Rumsfeld. ^Jring Dem ocratic p artisan s who r tfo r h av e been licking Ihe ir chops ed in ov er th e prospect o f televised |Cho- com m ercials showing R ichard 1s re- Nbton '8 disastrous " la s t ‘ p ress N ew conference of J962 a r e go ing to

■ be disappointed. I t w on’t be. liskie shown. ' ' '

A film o f the sfac-year-old p re ss conference w as privately exhibited l6 top H um phrey stra -

. agreed, sadly, w a i m em ory can p la y tricks. Having lu s t lo st the •

c governorship of California andr f “? ;^ r e s u m a b ly - ended-his-polIU cal^-----------

career: Nixon looked d is traugh t “ T and a t the.point-oLcoItapserBD l

h is m anner ’and w ords w e r e neither so intem perate n o r so

J * poorly chosen as- D em ocrallc l^ d e r s h ad rem em bered . ',

■>i>.aT. ~w it>f~H7m oKrev~in6rtev.'f 0 r ~ icUon- television rom niercials In suchicban___sh o rt supply. was the 19G2 pressitabiy conference really w orth-the sub-lowed— ^ject-of-a-com m ercial?- Joe_N a-..........taped po liuo f D e m o c ra ^ ■ N ^ o n - ______ ^

" th a t O 'B rien 's b right young a id e - in -------------?pear charge of media, recom m ended sm an. . th a t it was not, and hi.i adviceClark w as unanimously accepted.

r .......................................

s P o l i c i e s ^ — —;-run-— jM )n-m ovcm ent_ln_1968._Sen^_______It his M cCarthy and K ennedy,, w ere_____ considered Doves on th c Viet- »

not nam issue. They ap peared toI w as u rge us to disengage ourselves .

cope from A sia 's endless in tcm ecine -fronts— s tr ife .- •--------------------- ----------------------o dis- Could either or both of theih»t-h is— havo-w rested p arty contro l a w ay---------0 pull from L .B .J.? H istory, says it’s m . . not easy but it is T»ssible. His- iating torically five of 10 tr ie s w ere thers. successful. T he successes w ere iroved scored against re la tive ly inei- hnson fcctual Presidents.; K eh -r~ • In 1968, h o w ev e r,-P re s id en t ion to Johnson 'w as ab le to d e liver the

lead- nom ination to h is ow n team ­m ate. tied to the ap rp n strings

John- 0 / established policy .) ■ ■ in thc Then, using the P a r is "peace It.- ta lk s" for leverage, M r. John- :cam e son w as able to intim idate op- ir na- position office-seekers.It and R ichard Nbton o r G eorge WaJ-anized— lacef-urfiing-o ithor— all • o u t-o r ---------

get ou t," would im rnediately ., spilt h ls 'cstab lished following. -1

; help- Hubert H um phrey could ac- s with cuse him of "sabo tag ing P aris

which Or is it possible th a t within x jnpopu- hours of Election D ay L ,B .J.ek re- could coax a smile from Hanoid w ar —however fleeting—dius leaving

' his war-poHcy critics w ith eggm ore on their faces on Elefctlon Day.

1 pres- 1 doubt tha t Hanoi is goingto co-operate In such a political

e who machination, but will Nbcon o r placc W allace gam ble on th a l? Ap- work- parently not.

y one So the nnly justification for an I dis- clectioiv—dissent—has been art* irkable fully neutralized.

Thus wo go to the polls next > John- month to rc-«lect L .D .J.'anyw ny.


n s p l a n t snerson on n very Ihln film of moisliirenyrold on the cyebnll.- • ,raclive There nrc iwo siren of con-■'“ " ' r lucl lenses. Thc siwHIcr s ire ' ‘ •10 Ihln covers Iho iris, which Is thele thy- colore<l portion of the 'eye. A■y ,” '’0 InrRer siro li mndo for peopleI. Ih la „cc<i iQ w ear llicin m vig*

' ornus sports, but even w ith (ho" iarper lonse.n, If yo\i w cnr (hem

niiiH In while swlniinlnR. you 'll haye tolo fiucli your cliances on loiiing onn.iiorson, And in w ater t t B no menn _ d o -a - .- ,r |c i( .jo - r iw l-e u c h -« - lin y -(h ln g ^ —

a s n lem,ie?wlso dlsn’dvanlago of con-,p , - (net looses is thnl in somo pro-.(.I nio (hoy IrMtnlo Iho oychall.*,.,,i,„i' 'I'his cnn vary from Nimpfo red-eolu *" ®P«ro Inflftmmadon.em cin ' whllo not Very com-I ., , , . ' mon, can even lend to loss of

night.[jh you Therefore, any tendency towith n Irritndon should he rojiorled>d. Ami *0 you*" *’y« specialist a l once,r senso I** '*c t. 1 consider It snfo prac-

abuiit *^oe to have a neriodlc e ia m l-snUuua nation by your o o t^o rifo r that. ilonally‘' '—^ C ’'Icn 8 l h - n r r 0 mD- rn n ta c ta -id atlU ^o rn vurJei fm in ononl prj>* individual lo another. It dnpenda

on how quickly Irritation seta In.cnnniilt ' ” ny event, they ar« not .to!r Ihy- bo worn conllnuouHly.ou im p ri-rTrr--n-r-r-----ni ii'Ti - -iiiiiii.ii»n:rBondlly.Und Is Olllclnl Cliy ond County Niwipap*r

M*ml«r el AuJit Dur«nu ol Clitul^Uon (Nwl AT

ri»~<inl to S^lon 60-1 (M Idoh#CrKf., ThWvfay h hm by <to*>oncit*4

■ ff-* <1 on wfrlthnow i.goi nnl|c«i will b« publlilitd,rai)ll»h«d dolly nnd fantlny al 109ungesi'

03901, Iiy Mnok Vollay' NawtpoMii, recom - ipc. '•ecauao entOTad ai itcond dM i moll man*r of (ho Afxil n, 1910, «i Ih* p«.M in

lUiiilact Twin rolli, Idolm, naaOl, undtr III* itached oci o | Mnrth t , \ V 9 ."IJoat” I '

Page 5: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF257/PDF/1968_10_18.pdf_ — J W e a th e r - Chilly VOL. 65 NO. 187__________ Murder G Filed

"AAdfian'MartirTl ^“ “ P a f t e T n "

' ^ ‘ S r V v T - K m — — p

- \ \Mm 9 1 3 6 \ } „ ,'

Jy SI2 ES '

t>Y |„

______ ^ RAJAH TRIOK O garn iaharaJah coatdrcss o r jj,:

tunic a n d 'p n n is — fabulous in 5^ E asle rn . prints, opulcni in bro­cade, sublie in wool blends. Do y o u r own thing, sew now! th

___ . P rin ted P a ttern 9136: New'M is sc s '“ ljize5_8;ilO,‘_12,_r'J,:lG,-

Size 12 (bust 34) d ress takes V*: 2'/4 yards '45-inch fabric.

Slxty-five“ cenis. in coins for . each pattern—add 1 5 'c e n is 'fo r '

cach pa tte rn for first-class mail- ing and special handling. Send to M arian M artin,--Times-Nows, ~

_____ 395. P a tte rn D cpt,. 232 W est 18th .US t.; New York. N. Y. 10011. "

------P rin t n am e, ad d re ss^w ilh -z ip ,size and style number.

W hat’s n ew .fo r fall? .107 an - is sw ers in ou r Fall-W inler P a l- ti tern ^ a ra lo g . F ree p a tte rn cou- si pon In Catalog. Send 50 ccnts. ti

New Instan t Sewing Book — si shows you how to sow It today, w ea r it tom orrow . O ver 500 pic- s< tu re s . O nly .51. • It


“h o★ SATURD


J. W. M«»*nml(h,Btok«r


R. O. M«i>*rtmlth , 731-906? .


n D E A R .A B B y; I f l Jive Jo be)100. I'll never be ab le lo under* p s tand why a m an says he can't

I stand to stay hom e and took T a t the four w a l ls , , y et he can

go to a neiKhborhood b a r and • sii there for hou rs on end. How

about the four w alls Ihcrc? . iV Wc are both 56 and have _aI \ good m arriage', cxcept for this D I \ . • one difference of opinion which a ' \ \ seem s to,R ive u.*; cause for nr- I h. I \ —- gumenl;— I’m— not—a^drinVjing wa:

. w om aiT T 'but" i f - - .r - w c r c r ~ I*d Thc ji in as soon stji'v a t ‘ liomc wh:

I \ ahd drink by myself. Why cou should I go to a b a r and buy Nc:

i \ i / ’iIfiuks“ roF"6thcr~iicopf£r?“r7dt7rrt TfiT \ ca rc for friends th a t m uch. They Iy ' r \ are a . lot of iroutDic ana“ CX= ~7( i \ pcnsc. My husband’s •* not a wei '• \ drunkard , bu t he likes to sit cov ^ In bars. W hy? sur

X Maybe you o r one of your 1 - \ - — V— xcaders-can .g ive. me. an a n s w r . ab<

y " j pos: \ X DEAR LIZ: T he. “ difference get ' V , of opinion” th a t seem s .to give da; 5 you ca u se .fo r argum en t is that 58,

you don’t c a rc fo r friends and a_____ your h u s b ^ d docs. Thc reason 90.

the lielghborhood b a r Is’ so pop* boi ■ _ u lar is tha t people need people, thi

- f« I say m oderation Is essential to tho en joym ent of everything, but the m an who drinks alone •

-5---------- could-bc.a-blggciL :ptoblenL .thaitd rcss o r thc onc who“ se e k s '’compaiilon- P» julous in shin I in bro-ends. Do DEAR ABBY: Tho problem 1 )w! th a l concerns m e right now Is ch36. New the bugging som e of m y bud- mt I -j(j- dies- a re -R iv ing—mo—hcgause_o( hit ■ss talces y °“ '' ‘’cing m y "pin up girl." go r- Yes. tha t is righ t. Abby. I cut wi

^ y o u r - . p i c t u r e _ o u l .of. the STARS if E?Ji>s . [o r a n d STR IPE S , which all the br

mn?l Buys here in South V iet Nam bo got. and I p inned your picture to

ng. Send „p i^^kcr. . '“ f- 'don’t c a re .w h a t the guys fri

/ innVi th in k r -E v e ry -g u y -h a s - himself in •.u - i i ' a pin up girl he likes to dream

w ilh -z ip , a b o u tr^ in d m in e - is -Y O U : The • - thing tha t b u g s m e thc most

? .107 an - is th a t people s a y .th a t , the pic- ar n ter P a l- tiire isn 't re a lly you, Abby. They Ul tern cou- say tbe new spapers ge l a pic- ro 0 ccnts. lu re of a b eau tifu l girl and they Lt

Book — say it 's you.It today, So, please, doi.mc a favor and

:r 500 pic- send m e a p ic tu re of yourself. W ll doesn 't have to be in a bath- rc ing su it like a ll the o th€r guys L<

ANT ADS have in th e ir lockers. Ju s t a cl RESULTS plain p ic tu re of y ou r face so er _ _


F ,.<>»> ,1V


nm lth , ' Jim M tiiin m D h , Jr. 'r J*r«m* 3 2 4 -S O l46

•r»mlfh 1 ■ l«»y Thrtr'pti ««l(? , ' 733-2191

-r ----------------N l

IDuvt'-^bbu^ tlo of I

' andon '

— . ^ Cha

UREN ll. can really show you off.' pcrl vc to be t o u r SE C R ET ADMIRER okc0 under-] A D M IR ER : Your lei-he c a n t ,e r m ade m y d ay . I like s c c r e t |“ ^ ‘ md look a d m ire rs , b u t you 'ro TOO se-

he can good. P leaseb .y and jg n j „ an ,e ad-nd. How jjj j j PU y^u m y pic-c rc . ,u ,e acc

have a . pin!for this DEAR ABBY: I haven’t had t

jn which a well dav In 3 years. F irs t by 2 for nr- I had iroub’le w ith m y back and- lonj -drinVjing w as^-in '-trac lion . ..for_5„w eeks. whi Crer ' I'd Then— J— got— sinus - infection wit' It ‘ liomc wnicn gave m e a heudaclie lljon If. Why couldn’i shake for a. monlh. of and buy Next I . gol a b ad case of the T - t y a r n 7nn i^ jn rw irtch -tiu n E ;^ fo rn ea r~ p^aich. They Iy '3 rhonlhs. V.................. . ' m aand ex= A ltrdf a sudden - m y -h e a rin g •* not a went bad an d m y doctor dis- s to sit covercd 1 had high blood pres- y,j[

sure a n d d iabe tes . cerof vour 1 w as telling iny neighbor

1 answ er, about this and she says. I should ggi — -th row n way=^H-^my-pills , .4 hink, ^

positive, and s tay with, wheat liffercncc germ and yogurt, and in ,30 jjgi 5 .to give days I 'll b e bowling. (She is £ It is that 58, looks like 40,-bowls 3_ nights ends and a week. I’m 53. and look like jjj,, IC reason 90.) Should I listen to m y neigh- S-50 pop* bor? - r m -w i l l in g - lo _ i ry _ a n y - . j d people, thing. hricssentl^if A SICK WOMAN “ Jj*

,k 7 a lo a c D E A r 's IC K : I ’m all for “ pos- chi ilem than th ink ing ,” b u t the b e s t an'

p la M - io T g c t^ c d ic a l- a d v ic e f ls ra. from your .docto r.

problem DEAR* A BBY: T here is a L t u now is cheap little f lir t w ho is a fresh- ar: m y bud- man a t school and shc is the an

ccause_o( h it^an i} -run type. She^likes to nc up girl." go a f le r a boy who is gomg ro by. I cut with ano th e r girl just to see lai le STARS if she can ge t him . After she Mi h all the breaks them up, sjie drops the ed / ic t Nam boy and finds somebody else an j r picture to b reak up . n rr. This g irl is now. a f te r m y boy- athe guj^ friend .-S hou ld I b u s t-h e r , one Th

e-h im se lf in th e -m o u th ? ....................... ...... .... .Gjto dream LAURIE '

fOU: The ........................ ^ ;----- tathc most DEAR L A U R IE : Don’t bust dc

;t the pic- anyone In th e m outh. H a cheap bl bby. They little flirt can b reak up your ta je t a pic- rom ance. I t 's a b reak for you.1 and Ihey Let h e r h av e h im . pr

Hifavor and E verybody h as a problcm .■ yourself. W hat’s you rs? F o r. * personal to in a bath- reply writ® to Abby, Box 68700, Hi )th€r guys Los Angeles, C a l., 90069 and en- s. Ju s t a closc a s tam p ed , self-addressed S:r face so envolppc._____________ _________ IrQQOOQOOOQQOQOOOOQOOOOOQQQOOOOQOOQQOOQQOQQOQQOOl

Gem Sti

• C TOBER 19, 2 TO 6 P

S»,r P. '.‘.'v.V' - . '■'•■•Ci.T ■Biw

----------------------------------------------------------------- -----



DRWt . Bl, ” " .U » n d O r W . N o r th

Ill 's , L vn /ioo '* T -

J r .' l l » n a l f U ' r>■ 733*a033

— .............— -

H jj j l j | j ^ p | | ^ ^ j | | | | j

««>. ia(l< Oanlrv 733-3749

Gii p i G l e h B o ^ B a u m ^

S ' ~ M o y es“Exchange—H — N uptial Vows I

Glenda M arie Baum , d a u g h te r - f l f o f.M r. and Mrs^ Glenn Baum , H

Twin F alls, bccam e the bride B J of Q an Glen Moyes. son of M r. H

• and M rs. A do Moyes, Hazelton, { ■ on Aug. 16 a t the Hazelton LDS [ ■ Chapel!- n

T hc double ring cerem ony w as i H perform ed by Bishop John H; H 9

•DMIRER O kelberry. M rs. Phil B racken- Your let Fairfie ld , aunt of the ■ ■Ikf. si*eretl^'’*dc. Was organistV-Soloisl w as I H TOO Cardw ell. Twin Falls. B

id P ic n « accom panied by Kathy Christen- and ad- '^ ^ in F alls. Paul Juchau

u m v olc- R®''® p rayer. The chapel w as H deco rated w il^ large baskets of pink and w hite gladioli^ | H

ven’t had T he bride, given in m arriage ifs . F jrs i by her fa ther, wore a floor- back and- length princess-slyle gown of 5„w eeks. w hile em bossed_salin. fn sh io n ed _ ^ B infection w i th - a rounded ncckllnc and W

J'adaaiB I jiong tapered sleeves. H c r 'T e iT '^ H a. month, of white net _wqs held by a se of the band embossed w ith s c c d - ^ | r /o r n e a r - pcarlffT I t -w as tJesigntd and - M

. . ■* m ade by M rs. Ross W ard, Twin y~-hearmg FJni577-g rc irna tin t:^ f~ lhe bride., o d o r dis- c a rr ie d a bouquet of gladioli lood pres- ^ i th a detachable- rose corsage 9 1

. . . cen terp iece, neighbor j^ rs . G ene Stump, Twin Falls,

;fi^; shouM cousin of |j___

ith w heat Carolyn Baum . S'nd m ,30 s is ie rs of the bride. I-----■ •» I h ic Jack< Larkin , g :'*.^-1'? 1:1 s c h o o lm a te o f th e br id egroom . Cou

look like u s h e rs w e r e M ike K im b a ll a tte ^ 0 " E ste p , a ll H a z e lto n ., onst

- t r y _ u n j - - L au rie - B au m , s is te r o f th e Thu br id e, w a s in ch a rg c o f the c r ( WOMAN gy(j5^ P jjy , J y . ^

I for “ pos- chau a n d M ary Juchau , Eden, and the b e s t and Cindy Sm ith, H azelton, a r-M o l rad v lco rU ranecd -lhn Bills. . . Rec

A receplion w a s held immedi- tlie a tc ly a f te r the cerem ony in the the

lerc is a LDS C ultural Hall. The cake, dan is a fresh- a rran g ed In th rec double h ea rts hon she is the and topped by a layer of double the le likc.t to h e a r ts ..w as decoratcd_w ith_pjnk jng

1st to see la rg e m irro r. It w as served by GAfter she M rs. J im Christopherson, assist- willdrops the ed ; by~M rs;3:R euben-S telnm etz Goc

jbody else and M rs. Kue B eam es. The Bli;b ride’s._ tab Ic_w as_C 0VQred. by dar

e r m y boy- a lace cloth ov e r plhk* satin , ten. i t-h e r , one T hc jiunch w as se tvcd .by . Jiidy wic ................ .... Giles. • ,

___________ tab les , covered w ith white, and KDon’t bust deco rated w ith pink ' 'gladioli Tin H a cheap blossom s floating in la rge crys- par

k up your ta l sn if te rs .'^ Mrlk for you. M aste r o f ccrem onies for the wit

p rog ram w as Esbee M yler, ten Hunt. Kir

I problcm . G uests a ttended from . Hazel- scli a personal ton, E den , Twin F alls. G annett, yei Box 68700, H agerm an, Burley and R upert. ^

069 and cn- A fter a sh o rt w edding tr ip to [‘addressed S alt Lake City, the couple reside cm

in Hazelton. The bridegroom is 'G u 30oooooooQQOoooonoQooooQQonflf)fit>nn(wnQoooonooooooc

Suite Rc

O 6 P.M.


----------------- 1 2 2 2 - J U N I P E R 5B lu a L a k a s B lvd . N o r th t o Eve . . . t o e n d o f B troa t.

P urn lo lilnR B b y W H sor



MalUry Thhtr, 1 ' ' |

Agcncir *« 793-6177

d a u g h te r - B h nn Baum , the -bride B H

of Mr.

> John H:Bracken-

theSoloist was

Falls,y C hristen- -

Juchau was

baskets of ■ m

I m arriage ..z a floor- .

0 (

ricllnc7 ~ H c r ~ v c i r ~ ^ ~

by a

Vard, Twin vLbride.,

gladioliise corsage B H B ^ B H B B ^ H l - . ..

rw in F alls, M R. AND MRS. DAN G vas m atron , ------- -----------------------------------

'J" Baum, Social Calendar ^c lu L arkin, GLENNS FERRY — Elm ore iridegroom . County women arc Invited” to ke K im ball attend the Unique Zipper Dem- H / a z jU o n ., onstratibn to be given twice' to n te r o f the T hursday-in-B oise 's-ldaho-Pow - who •gc of the c r Co. building. Tbe hours a re this i. P aul Ju- 2 pVm. a t the downtown Igcation Grai hau, Eden, and 8 p.m . tha l day a t the 431 Th azelton, a r- 'Mobley Drive homo of M rs. hom— -------— Reed-^M illar.-Ann Proper from aftcicld immedi- tlie' Unlque' Z i p p f Co. will give with nony in the the dem onstration. M arilyn Jor- men

T he cake, dan, E lm ore Couniy extension Tl )uble h ea rts home economics agent, asked a t 1 : r o f double the 4-H leaders and adult cloth- Skir d_with_plnk jng .leaders to_ancnd ..................... ;___

> served by GOODING — M dody Squares rson. assist- will dancc Salurday nighi a t theI-S te lnm etz Gooding—G range—Hall.—M yron -Gl am es. The Bliss is the caller. All square Shyi covered , by dancers a rc welcom e. Those at* nisr plhk ' satin , tending a r e asked to bring sand- Moi cd .by . Jiidy wiches. o r dessert... Dec- : ( . } ( . ) { . 10

3 at'- qilflrt'er -"— FO RM ER -R ESID EN T— 2&-i white, and KING HILL - M rs. Thom as 0

nk 'gladioli T im bers” h o sted~ a" get-together con la rge crys- p arty .a t her hom e honoring ic a

M rs. N ancy F elts, E lk R iver, ed nies for the w ith fo rm er acquaintances at- Cot 5ce M yler, tending. M rs. F ells Is a foriner ics

King Hill resident and taught T from Hazel- school in King Hill for several act lls. G annett, years. H er son, Joe F elts, Boise, hon md RuDcrt. accom panied her. oldIding tr ip to . and:ouple reside employed a t the Kimberly Road upl •Idegroom is 'G u lf S tation, Twin F alls. ha\

R ealty 1

★ Sl

U N IP E R 5 T R E E T -N 0 R T H —N o rth t o E v e rf iro en D rive , . . tu rn r ig h t

JOt.iloRB b y W llao n -B a to a , T w in Folia



GEM :633 BLUl

P h


M (

I B K - ^ M.■ B g ...B S r^ ' - • them who,

■ S ' - ' ‘B Up?K . . with

B . " r ^ ^ ^ B ^ B g i ^

' - r i m 'I I—— ——1 ben



vfD MRS. DAN GLEN MOYES___________ C

- n d a r M e m b e r s V o t e ™

7 „ v S r ; S T o M a k e G i l t s S "iipper Dem- HAGERMAN—M em bers voled 0 ;iven twice to m ake sm all gifts for those M r Idaho-Pow- who .v isit, the R ebekah_L odge den ; hours a re this w inter a t the P a s t Noble reti wn Igcation G rands Club m eeting recently .

a t the 431 The m eeting w as held a t th e , 0 of M rs. home of M rs. E m m a Sevey. The . ’roper from afternoon w a s . spent -socially,6 . will give wUh M rs. S eveyB erv lng-r^resh- -larilyri Jor- m ents.y extension T he next m eeting is Nov. 7 gent, asked a t thc home of M rs. Charles adult cloth- Skinner.| . _ _ ;____ ♦ » » ____

Squares .Clinic Slated Lta il.-M y ro n -G LEN N S_FERRY - ^ - Willipa. _

All square Shyrack. extension home fur- 1 e . Those at- nishing specialist, w ill be in 1 ' bring sand- Mountain H om e to conduct the . 2

D ecorating l l Clinic from 9:30 • ^ to 11:30 a.m . O c t . '23 through lUI D E N T " - - 2&-in-tho-Gongregational Church.Irs. Thom as Only those women 'w ho have get-together com pleted-the-D ecorating I Clin- -1/ le honoring ic a rc elici.ble to a ttend , remind-

E lk R iver, ed M arilyn Jo rd an , E lm ore . j intances a t- County extension hom e econom- y is .a foriner ics agent. yand taught The w om en-w ill be planning y for several actual color schem es for their

F elts, Boise, hom es, and a re asked to bring ] old m agazines showing- room s su

' and any carpe t, d rap ery and sh mberly Road upholstery fabrics th a t they m ay ba Falls. have or can ob\aln for the clin |c lie

y Present


J i- ,


nib • "">n turn r


F O R A L L O F Y O U R R |^ />


TWIN F A l , l . S

PHONE 7 3 3 -5 3 :

•k . (

| - — Ffiday> O c lo b e r-l 8 ,-1968— Tv/in-

I M alta Social Ca I Club C o n v en es LaiI MALTA — M rs. 31ainc Ander- I son was hosiess 10 m em bers of ' ' ' ' ' I thc Malta Social Club recently B l I when they m et a t h e r home. limc:■ ' .“ How Do Your Shoes Stand Prac■ Up?” w as the lesson discu.sscd, wa.s■ wilh M rs. Ronald W alters lead- cd b■ ing the discussion. Pointers on Men I propcr selection of shoes were . Th I given. ed ii■ M em bers discu.ssed the annual ber I Foreign Foods d inner se t for S a l-o f t I urday. The event will be Poly- Oklo I nesian this year, w ith M rs. Jack. - Tl I - Wight,—M rs. - J iih n -A . --Picrcc, doni ■ " M r s . Alvin Ncddo, M rs. Hall. ^ ^ M rs. W alters and M rs. Lloyd phy

Schorzman a s ^ r ru n i t te c m cm -,be' ' ‘J3 t bers;------ - ' " ' next

- •». ^ .Mrs. Schorzm an 1- co-ho.^ic.M Chic'' • when the group'Tnects next wiih plaq

1 Mrs. Osmer Sm ith. . as i. . - . . J i f H- U U

■ O fficers N a m ed c.si____________W ENDELl. - M rs. ' Gmrgl!

FiilltT tlu c led presideni-of -rgjr >Te. Ihe H bblv C lu b .a t the opening r . fall m eeting held a t the homer r s , of M rs^ e ith _ W £ H ,___________ nupbers voled O ther-officbrs elected includc Coli for those M rs. John W right, vicc prcsi- lool

:ah_L odge den t.-and-M s..A gnes Byce,.scc- her 'a s t Noble re ta ry . , Sherecently . F u lle r is hostess for thc pita

eta a t th e m eeting. Anyone interested and Sevey. The becoming a m em ber o f-the Ho! • socially, Should co n tac t-M rs .-W crt nes n r r ^ r c s h - M'rs. F u l l e r r ^ —T" plo;

is Nov. 7 -------------------------------------------------------

' Magic Valley= = - . ----- -- -----------MRS.jr£RRy_lted 607 g. n t s.. SoU

= -W illip a . EiLiy n ro p D o n u ts_____ Mi:home fur- u cup su g ar teavill be in j egg . cdonduct the . 2 tablcspoons m elled - — thr from 9:30 • vegetable shorten ing brc

23 through i i^ cup-s sifted a l l purpose flour -I ia l Church. Solid a ll-vegetable shorten- ont 'w ho have ing for deep drying mc

iting I Clin- u -c u p -a u g a r --------------------------- waid , rem ind- ^ cup m ilk , . su{1, E lm o re . 2 tea sp o o n s 'b ak in g powder I ne econom- u teaspoon sa lt (

U cup seedless ra is in s - ca( ic planning teaspoon cinnam on or nut- su1 s for their m eg vo:cd lo bring Blend to g e th e r one-third cup ret /ing- room s sugar, milk, egg and m elted D« rapery and shortening. Sift together flour, itc at they m ay baking powder a n d salt. Add to pr ir thc clin|c. liquid m ix ture and s t i r lightly, ca oBwioQi m i b^ ^


OCTOBER, 20 , 2 T(

, r . l


H T R E J; BLVD. NORTH=a i,ls


I Cassia Pirik - nes Ladies H onor i“ bi??SMrs. Laftlm er . ,b recently BURLEY—M rs. D orothy L at- home. timer, Burley N ational L icensed

loes Stand P ractical N urse of the Y ear, discu.sscd, wa.s honored a t a reception host-

iltc rs lead- cd by thc P ink Ladies of C assia >oinlers on Memorial H ospital. " * 'shoes were . Th®. national title w as aw ard- ,

ed 10 M rs.-L a itim er In Septem - . the annual ber during N ational Convention se t for S a l-o f thc F ederation of LPN in • .

II be Poly- Oklahoma City. '1 M rs. Jack .-.T h is is ihe firs t tim e a N a- •

—P icrcc, d o n a l-L P N ~ o f - t h o —Y ^ c a r-^ a s--------^M rs. nan . been selctced. The traveling tro- - Mrs. Lloyd phy M rs. L a ttim er received w ill ' ittee m cm -,be pre.scntcd to -h c r—successor .----------------ncxt-yeai-durin& -<!onventIon.

co^ho. ic.M Chicago, The personnl eng raved s next wilh plaque she received will be k e p t T

as a treasu red trophy by M rs. ; • Lattim er. • f

, Mrs. Hilda Biggs, an LPN a t • n m e a cassia M em orial H ospital, w ro te ,.

\,r. original le tte r subm itting * M r,.-L » » im cr's .

L i • honor ^ t s la te lev61 a B f l - ln " -----f h , h lurn 6n 10 Ihe national. :

I the home L attim er s ta r te d h e r----------------- n u rs in g -ca ree r-e s -an -a ld e -a t'th o -,—:tcd includc Cottage H ospita l. Burley, a n d : ' vicc prcsl- look extension classes to receive

i Byce,.scc- h er-licenso -Q s-a-p rac tlcal-nu rse — She worked a t tbe C ottage H os­

tess for thc pital for 13 and jone-half y e a rs *■ e interested and moved to C assia M em orial : ib e r o f-the Hospital when It o p e n ed fo r b usl- ' -M rs.-W crt ncss_ w h e r c - .she._is s till em - >. . . _________ . ployed. ■ ^

Valley Favorites ,- M R S . TPRRY FISHER ................_ • ^607 g. Tit S.. Soil leVt C»r ’ •

ionuts______ Mix in ra isins. D rop b y h eaping _____leaspoonfuls in shorten ing h ea t­ed to 365 deg rees. F ry tw o o r ’

led ' — th rc e -m in u tc s o r -u n l l l go lden ning brown.urpose flour -D rain on p a p e r towels. M ix i . ble shorten- one-fourth cup su g a r arel n u t- ; ring meg o r cinnam on in-bag. Shake ,----------- w arm dn nut.s in th g -b ag w ith th e .. _

sugar.Ig powder M akes tw o a n d one-half dozen. *

(Tho Tlm es-N ew s will p a y $5 : Isins - eacfi week for th e b est rec ip e non or nut- subm itted fo r M agic V alley F a - »

vorites. If you have a favo rite *: ne-third cup reclpe.-Just m a ll i t to the-R ecipe. .’ . and m elted D epartm ent, W omen’s P a^ e .£ d - ' 5e thcr flour, itor. T he rec ipe becom es thrf salt. Add to property o ( th e Tim cs-News a n d j s t i r lightly, cannot be re tu rn ed .) .________ ,


0, 2 TO 6 pfM. II5

I ■




i NEEDS . . . ___ ^1^

lE A t i l iH ■ . •

8,-1968— Tv/in-'Fc^lls T im es-N ew * — =^-5--------

. ....

Page 6: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF257/PDF/1968_10_18.pdf_ — J W e a th e r - Chilly VOL. 65 NO. 187__________ Murder G Filed

__ ^ ------- Twm -E o lls -I im e s^ N e w j_ ^ E f

Jack H aw ld n s R t A cting A fter Losi

By BOB THOMAS fansAP Mpvie-Tclcvlslon W riter m ess ROME (Af*) —W hen Ja c k “ Ii

Hawkins tost his Jarynx Jn a movi canccr operation early In 1966, “ But Jl appeared to m ark tlic end o f corrn jiis actiijs career. dep r

Yct-he is now in Romc ac ting no lc in two movies sim ultaneously—•'The Adventures- of G e ra rd ” fo^ and "M onte Carlo R ally ." H is sta ri acting future appears unham* ]3 pered by his handicap. only

When Hawkins a p p e a re d -fo r knov an interview at the G rand H otel, six j he seemed to be the sarfie sta l- w nr w a rt symbol of the B ritish E m - pQij,

-p irc as hc appeared In ^‘‘The trqoj

a host ot other films. Ahd then • hc spoke..

H is'speech-ls lhe "b u rp -ta lk "— ^ Ic n m s c i i - b r th o s e 'w h o - i ia v e —

no larynx, it consists o f gulping ,;— air, then forcing it up by com* ,

p ressing thc esophagus. The w ords-are soft but d istinct, arid Hawkins'^ • •'voice” re ta in s h is * - distinctively British Accent.

•------The on ly -a lte ra tio n -in .h is-ap .___ ig thP n jr l^tnko h o le ____________j .

in his nock, over w hich h o . w ears a medallion. The hole , is needed because the larynx regu- „v__ la ted a ir intake through lh ? th roat. .

------- - 'U t. Is ' am azing. how _qulck ly r n uthc hum an body can bccom e ad- Q t j justed to new conditions," he ... commented. " I find I c a n lead ,, , an alm ost norm al life, w ith only a few m inor vaclations.” Am ong

----- them-?-the-inabilHv to-cloar- h i sth roat o r blow his nose: little , sense o t smell, since h a rd ly any a ir enters his nose. .

The return of Ja c k H aw kins Is - . one of the m ore heartw arm ing

stories of show business. H ^ f e l - low perform 'ers Were~sh‘oCked^<r , , ,learn of his operation; D a v id __ L

.Niven, Robert M itchum , G lenn Ford arid o th e r ' costars"qu ick ly offered their services if he

----- should return to film s In a 'p ro -duction capacity . Thousands of

Surgeon Cites , EutnanasiaTN^d

---------ATCANTIC-CITY,- N .J . (A P ) son,—Doctors h iay som eiiriies'h 'avc law to consider "eu thanasia by om- gat) ission of trea tm en t In th c old, N

------helpless, -hopeless ca se ,” a plec-. -p ro m in es t su rgeon^ia ld l.T hurs- NB<

day .nfght. ' ' ' j s iFu rtherm ore , the righ t to 'd ie thai

cannot bc denied the patien t and to : m u st bc considered by the su r- abo geon, said D r. P reston A llen soc W ade of New Y ork City, new era p residen t of the Am erican Gol- " lege of Surgeons. vet

T h e surgeon "cannot sacrifice Sta-------h u m air:a ign ityz~ at-ihc~ tlm e3of hai

d eath if his treatm ent only pro- cor longs tho process of dyJng and fio.s adds 10 the suffering of the pa- cut tien t and his fam ily ," W ade mo

- H e emphasized, "W o canno t hos deliberately end the life of a n cor o ld-person, o r anyone else." bac

A decision to openly end trea t- int( m c n t "seem s to conflict sharp ly 25 V/ith our eth ic tha t euthnnasla' da j by ft positive act, th a t is, an a c t " of com mission, is forbidden." the;

f' iPHONI 733.6326

to it on U.S. 30 l> toillond D tiv ‘

b*iAT ------- iT X rriCTURtS STUDO


-- Hit # 1 ot, 7i3Q — T -A F u n C o m e d y

D I C K V A N D Y K E a n d I

“ D I V O R C E A M E

H iy ^ 2 A T gfZO N I< aH T t.Y ~

C h a r t t o n

J o a n S a c k e t t / B c

H IT ,7 /3 a t l l J l B N IQ H T L Y

MATTHEIA/lin U ll“ -aifflffl'iiiiEiif'

I,'- f> .................

■Newj5__^Friday..OctQbEr.J.8. _196S __

n sR e tu ra sT o V Losing Larynx

fans all over th<; world sent Ite r tnessages of sym palhy.

Ja c k " I t w as ve ry nicc and very - Jn a m oving.” Hawkins recaJJed.

, 1966, "B u t still 1 could scarcely ovcr- jnd o f com e the black m oods of

depression th a t I felt because I ac ting no longer could speak..'usly-^ "A fte r all, I had been in films

u t years, and I hadHis s ta rted a s an ac to r when I 'w a s '

nham - ]3 j knew nothing else. The only o ther em ploym ent I had

^ 'O f known was an pncom fortable • H otel, six yea rs in thc a rm y during the f .

e sta l- w iir, and I couldn 't see m yself , going back in. Not In-charge of ,V’ Iroops, a t any ra te ."

^ tion is a tim e T would very - I ’ n 'u c h J ik e .to forget.” . i . :~ He coriQucrcd Ihe' dcorcsslori and began thc tedious process o f E

^ r n m Icarninft to speak with gulps of a ir . C ham pagne inspired bis

:» i n s ^irst words. His th erap is t sug- ■y gcsted the gas- bubbles In thc s n is help him speak. The. ' . a c to r look a d rink and b u rp e d :.'

S S ::hAii.^’ic Cient w ith his new m o d e - 'o f - ^ rAoit speaking. As his confidence rc-

ium cdJicJncedJlie_cM llonge_of _•" re turniD g.tQ j)ia_pi:P to;sion_H is ^

u t 1 ^irst role w as in '^The G rea t . C atherine” w ith his fricnd -P c te r -

u OToole.’’ "O f course It w as difficult a tI t f r s t , ” Hawkins adm itted . "One th only q^c 's fellow ac to rs be-A m ong cause thev m ust do a lot of lip- • reading,■=^You=aro=TJlBff=itware =

th a t they a re conscious of your » y any difficulty, and you hope you a re [ I

tc not throwing them off their ?K)nS IS g y j J jg y J f, g C VC Cy- tone I have worked with has In


^ N e w R o le ^ A id s IBy JOAN CROSBY cost

'____ _ I ^ A Entorl_alnment E d ito r eighiQ p J NEW ‘ YORD’ - (N E A )-W h e r i 1C p e c u - R aym ond-B urr Was P e r ry Ijfla- tion . (A P ) so n ,-h e-w as so -assoc ia ted w ith the !s'h 'avc law tha t hc often spoke before Bi by om- gatherings of law yers. ‘ whoh c old. Now he is Ironside, thc crip- self e ,” a pled detective on thc popular mail '.Thwis- NBC-TV series. Once agairt* he docs

~ Js ' so^w rappcd up In his ro le lighi , to 'd ie th a t (a ) people an j su rp rised to V« en t and to seo him up and w a l k i n g to b he su r- about, and (b) he is now as- but I A llen soclatcd with thc P aralyzed Vet- thiri y , new crans o t America,. to ran Gol- "D o you know tha t of a1| the

ve te ran 's hospitals in Ihc U nited If ;acrlflce S tales,” he asks ''on ly seven ley t im e ro f haverfac!lltlcs~to“ handio-Epinal you nly pro- cord ch.ses? All tho votcran'.s he fng and ho.spltnls-havc“ hnd7- budge ta ry nam the pa- cutbacks and ihey a r e fictrtng mar

' W ade m ore cases every day , Thc cut- H<----------- b ftck -w aa a r bitra ry ,' too. ' a him

canno t hospital d idn 't have m any .<iplnal with ! of a n cord cases on the day thc cut- Dea ic.” back was decided, no one took Info: d trea t- into consideration thc fnct th a t ish, sharp ly 25 cases m ight a rriv e tlie next a cr hnnasla ' day. cs i, an a c t ‘‘Many parap leg ics need w hat sunt Icn." they call a w ater n in itrcss . They H;

S T T TO N ITE ftGATES OPEN 7 :1 5 'P.M . ^

L m.. ■ CAR Heaters |— t m K I D S

* ^ ' r ‘° * F R E E 1 ^

n C o m e d y H it W ith , , ,K E a n d D E B B I E R E Y N O L D S

i A M E R I C A N S T Y L E "


a r t t o n H e s t o n

e t t / D o n a l d P l e a s e n c e

mTPeany”]N IQ H T L Y

I r i lM I B I H N i lR S '

MEilI'lW!S(M'iin(iiiiiss£s; • fgron-ga g»W CHwcQU?ir

> 68 _____— - f c ^

I1 sent M ii ■

1 very - I | | |i|called. y » M, over- " ? 7 T T V * . ' r * 5 ^ds of H R li •:ause I * L ^ ^ ' x i / ' *

n film s l in ^I had pp.' '

j . 'T h e r - ' ■ • • •I had T 'T ------

ortable • 'in g th e f . ■ .m yself ,. ' ■ .irg e of ,V’ , ‘

"ofl^a^ ~:-Z _1 very . j , j

rcssiori L'VICCSS o f j u , ■ ^ulps of i f . . Jed bis i f v : . , ' • st sug-in thc ■

lk. The •• • ..-jurped:. ■ ....................

s-profi— ^ ^odc~'of ' -Jnee ^enpe of • ' v, •. . ■pn._Hi5 i f B I M B r - ■ ■

G reatd -P c te r ------------

Icult a t . VI. ‘‘One

o t lip- ,

your you a rer the ir .; every- COMEDIAN M A R T ^ ALLEN hcl ith has In the d ressing room before McLali dJielp-- =-wInnctJoc_lhe_D etrok=TJgCra, j a W _________ . (A P w lrephoto),___________________

Jurr B e c o m e s W r a p j 4 id s P a r a ly z e d V e te ik' cost $675*«ach . One hospital had " I(Htor eight of these m attresses and caus —W hen 1C p a tie n ts ,'s o 'lfb c c a m e a qucs- one ry ?i1a- tion ,of w hich eigh t would get "SoBd with the m a ttre sse s .” .....................E n g

before B ufr, a ve ry concerned m an H an ■ who gives a g re a t dea l of hirnt d riv

1C crip- self while s till m anaging to test popular m ain tain his o w n privacy, is ! gairt* he doesh 't take an unfair situation chat tis ro le lightly. H e Js pJannirg a trip boci irp riscd to W ashington w hich sta rted out to I 1 k 1 n g to be, he says, ‘‘a social lunch, reac IOW as- but . . and he tra ils off, H« tcd Vet- thinking about how he is going ren t

to m ake poinls. Angall the V >/■ find

5 U nited If you havo ev e r .seen Stari- Hel( / seven ley M yron H andclm an perform , 11 o -sp lna l y o u -don 't-havc-tO T bc-i« ld -w ho h e - ’otcran'.s he Is. Who can forget a m an nny idgctnry nam cd-Sfan?ey“ M yron~H andci. w o r fictrtng m an? g e r

riic cut- However, if you hnven 't secri ship IJ Q him. In h ig m " ti''

y .spinal w ith ' M erv Grlftfn sr on The you thc cut- Dean M artin Show;’ th is is to I 'd : me took Inform you he’.s n wispy, wusp- Hi net th a t Ish, slight young mnn who w ears d ire lie next a cap, thick horn-rlm m ed glass- brol

cs and ca rr ic s nn um brella on and ed w hat sunny days. • paleS3. They Hi.s nam e ts re a l; a C

It>HONd -/33-S9ia G>

IC Id Wlll on U.S. 30 to O t o n d » U ^ r ^

^ :^ L 2 iH L N io h l ly ____

. : m W m■ M |

j g |

e n c e

r H IT M 2 A T n |U |i S 7 i4 5 N IQ H T L Y Ufllli

■ ■h i t 4«3 A T .

H j g IXlOO P .M . h

!S£9 ^ l l l n i L liO to r I

Ir' A L L E N he lps organlst-pltcher D cnny M cLain before M cLain’s Las Vegas debut W ednesday i t J J g c r a .^ ld ^ a ^ w m j ia k e ^ a b c w t-$2S0.0Q0-tbU

j r i^ p p e d U j r l i i «(V e te r a n s - ■pilal had " I thought of changing it bo- "Di ises and cause I w anted a nam e cvery^ w aite c a ques- one couid-rct7icmber,-” he says.- “ Bctv ould get "S o I decider on Sheldon Lewis nfe ]..... ...........E n g e lb e r t,-B y t -Stanley . M yron i wained m an H andclm an, w as a lready on m y bccai 1 of hirnt d riv e r 's license, and to take a caugl iglng to test again ju st for Sheldon Lew- not 1 privacy, is E ngelbert w as too b ig a to m situation chance. People call mo M yron, decid g a trip because by tbe tim e thoy g e t gUng. ir tcd out to Handclman, . they have al- a me al lunch, ready forgotten S tanley." ctiubc •ails off, H e 's a native of Brooklyn cur- tha t is going ren tly m aking his home In Los busin

Angeles becausc hc could not ____find a place to.Uve In Brooklyn

on Stan- Heights. \perform . H e's in show business because l ' to ld-w ho h e -c o u ld n - t-e n n i.-a - llv in g —a l {— i t a m an anything else. And ho has tried ) J -H andel, w orking variously a s a m ossen- 1 ^

g e r Ixjy (he got lost) nnd a ,{ en 't secri shipping clerk. (Says Stanley, 1, • '

on The you seen tho big broom ?' arid [| | Ms Is to I 'd yell. "W here's It p lay ing?’ ” ) »! ly, wusp- Ho has also been nn ath letic li ho w ears d irec lo r (" I told how a guy | y cd glass- broke his leg playing volleyball | brella on and no one w anted to, partlc i- 1

p a le” ), a real esta te sa lesm an , ‘ a Good Hum or salesm an (on

f l S TO N ITE■ O A l t s OPEN 7 ,15 P.M . ^d » U ^ D r^ ^ ________



• ■ k numbci-Eakbaj haunilr

i m m


i iSEN

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ m i

Denny M cLain g e t Into a N chni Jacket 2c»c» lUt W ednesday night. M cLain, 3irgam e ‘ out-$2S0.0Q0-tbU-winter-wltli hls m u s lc u , —

HJUYai-------------- th e -b each )-B n d -a -sa le s r iian -fo r -------—[1 a com m ercial launderer (“ Do

you know m orgues use 'commer- i_.y c ia l Jaundries?") . c

His firsl job. in show business *7 w as o t a Caiskill resort,

ing it bo- "D uring the day I was a c h e i ric every : w aiter and bus boy,” he says. (^q,-he says.- “ B e tw e e n -lu n c h rtin d -su p p e r ,-a ---------ion Lewis nfe guard a n d , 'o n weekends. IQOQQOC sy M yron i w as-in--tho band.- I got fired K— • iy on m y because after the show they to take a caught m e going to lown andi Idon Lew- not mingling. I was supposed]K) b ig a to m ingle until m idnight. So I ' I 10 M yron, decided to specialize in mln-j

thoy s e t giing, But jt \va.s when I was) have al- a m essenger and I got lost be- :y ." cause I fel) asleep on thc BMTl5klyn cur- th a t I really decided on show ne In Los business.could not __________________Brooklyn — ,j

|» COMPi.ETfc- ll

« l ! i - A U T O - R E P A l R ~ i -

? )” ’a n T a '» * A ulo T ransm lisfon* J S tanley, ! } • C orva ir Sorvlco {j

o m ?' arid [| * by^M astor M o^hank* I]

n^atW etlc I L E E 'S S E R V IC E I ,

v -o l tc y f f l i i “ >«■' C a r . - G r o » , i . . jj

»*N S E N . |1

;m nn (on

3' T H R I L L



ERNATIQNAt^iiiii5-------------------- ---------- ----- -

ia t one won’t do ..the o th er willi



* 'p Z

^ ____V


I '■

Golumnist Says 9 iBadlyCastAsHi

By CYNTHIA LOWRY series.AP Telcvlslon-Radio W riter mischi(

B H NEW YORK (A P) - It there all sect is one thing wrong with CBS’s some

1 ^ ^ "Jona than W inters Show,” it Is someh< tha t the ^tar Is badly cast. Thc glowini inventive, outrageous funnyman secmcc is a better guest lhan hoyt.

' Nothing seem ed to have hap- ■ ■ poned to the v arie ty hou r's for- j „ iq

m at cxccpl tha t anolher distinc- ,^'j^ tive com edian has been added . ^ to tho p ro g ram 's regulars—Cliff KiHjee- Arquette—and he, loo, isn’t giv- eh much of a chancc to do his I

The W ednesday night hour Wedi had its com pensations, however, wou'" Ella Fitzgerald sang several *n Bcv numbers,' a trea t, and Douglas "V £airbank&,— U — mntf »n. tho.kllts^a haunting ' num ber -"C am elo t,” which was w ritten for actors, ■■ ■ not singers..

W inters snent m hst of his 'tlthc ___in s k e tc h e ^ a short-tem percq husband explaining football to his wife: an annoying little kid on an airplane, and an unfuriny spoQf of thc old Ja c k A rm strong


■ - R A M O N A -. - ■ THEATRE ^ ^

5 4 3 -9 9 0 3 BuhlF r i d a y a n d - S a t u r d a y

M B H M J 9 |s H M i

w g g -

J ja ck c t 70»Ctntu(]i-FoiPtn«Dl(^fl^^^S

nuTsxni • OLOI tl MBH

S '* r D o S a t u r d ^ " M a t l n e e - — *

•commer- . . y ^ p a c e s o f D r . L a o ”, h„ein-/.« ■ S e r i a l C h a p t e r 6.^business . < c a p t a l n V i d e C '

I was a C h e c k th e p a p e r o n A d u lt he says. M o v ies f o r M on . & T u e s . L


got fired low they

? S - H U R R Y ]e n I was


I DAVID 0 . S E 1 M ! 1 ^

ico rle i I j ^ ^ J J y T l

■SEN . I ^ K V l i J I i 1 f________

/ /

I c C k G A B L I V M EN LEIG t


1 1 ^ __________ SIE

I Evoa 7 :3 0 p.m .

M n t a ' l ? 3 ^ p . t n .

lANK' __ _______ 1MHUIION" > I I '

; Says Jonathan Wii tAsHostOfHour-LlY series. 'Except tor ari occasional believerlw r mischievous W inters touch, they dnnkinif there all seemed to be the product.? pf coursc,CBS’s some tired -sc r ip t w riter. And fusion

,” it Is somehow W inters in his earnesl, en terla St. The glowing introductions 'of g u es t^ Howemyman seemed out of charac te r. ed itst . - never :™ '1“P- The supply o t Los Ansetes-

lype jokes apparen tly is running ° view i f!.H 'hin bccause for the sccond y ea r S ^ L t

in a row, CBS's "Beverly Hill: billies” are in the m idst of a

B}y' num ber of p rogram s''shot most- a b C do his ,y jjj England. ' m enl (>

t hnur W ednesday night's situation prograi awevcr have been hard to set up Thc pr

in Beverly Hills. Jcd and Gran- evenin{ S as ny see a dronken Scotsman m receive ^ thc .k llts and playing a bagpipe and but low melot,” actors,

l i t -UnlTke-other

" V n r r r n r r o T i 'jo ”

A d u lt i F R E E IN P A R H E A T !T u e s . Ixooooooc

I R Y ! L A S T 5 D



: g a e e "




<313S u n . - I

A M E B B Y _____l Y M I X - V P I h

, H A Y i i f M i i L S - 7 ^


^ B R I W m i T H , Iv j ^ K m S k m ^ q

W mI ' ' .. . - - J w j r o l w i S i . w r c , J rt p ■.iqM M v5AM D5M AM M inE.,»».»w .

an Winters Is [dur-LongShowlaslohal believe It Is n large hairy girl :h. they drinking Irom a bag. This, of luct.s pt coursc, results in p^3nty of con- ;r. And fusion bul, alas, not too much earnesl, enterlalnm ent. guestsi However, thc scries has s ta rt­

ed its .seventh season and bas never slipped down fa r in thc

\nceles- popularity ratings. So millions, rnnninp vicw2rs must find thc imnen- nd v ea r c trab le ignorance of thc Clam- •ly HilU family. ^ weekly tonic.isl of a --------H most- ABC has-extended Its commit-'

m enl (or Dick C avctt's morning jituatipn program to the end of lhe year, .0 set up Thc program , based on thc late d Gran- evening talk-show form at, has sman in received good critical notices )ipc and but low ratings.

"'I ■ .

- x > tJ 7 e r - .e l a ^ i e s — —

vs younger!

w p i c r m rU W inner o f .

i f lB l I Vniiidiniiii

p a n r i * \ . s t a r t s

W ednesday; a r h e a t e r s n i g h t l y |

r 5 D A Y S -


' ' ■ Winner 4ofTen f

A cidetnyl /w trd i J j ^


P I HURRY! •' l U J : « L J D A Y | _

Ihu ti. • ril. Sol- • Sun,

- II P " ' «,43.«,IODeeit Op«n Dosii Optn7i4S p.m. 11)0 p.m.

p t ® ~

1 V Hurryl Lcut 3 '* Day* for tho EfTH ' H ayley Mllia MrnKfi Alike ContoBt MERKtL S o Your P h otos

^ In " N o w ' * . . .Boforo It's too Iqtal

' , 4

Page 7: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF257/PDF/1968_10_18.pdf_ — J W e a th e r - Chilly VOL. 65 NO. 187__________ Murder G Filed

--------- T BOLUINU a FOS iE R -wK!ch tcI C am p F ire G irls is M rs. .Ruth Vc

ta ry of the council. The Camp Fi agcncies w hich receives funds thrc

— ~— each^yenr.------ , , ■ ■

C ost E stim a tes F T o R u p e r t C ity <

------- R U PER T—C ost-estim aM V ^for -p ip rio rity c ity p ro jec ts have been ses p resen ted to the Rupert Cily cit Council b y th e c ity ’s consulting ■] engineers. ‘ ju

......... E stim ates presen ted include in-------$191;000“tDtril"ioi“ to c a l‘Iinprm''e- —j

ment. Di-sirict 12, wliich was or- the iginally se t up a t LID 11, but wh due to technicalities , had (0 be al- begun ag a in ;' J99,&20 total for the sew er and w a te r installation sq, In the. new ly annexed 'G randvlew pa Addition; $83,330 total fo r the ay A stree t trunk sew er; 5106,270 (q total for the storm sewer and j

___ _ sireeLs |n_ the_N orlh Zone; a nd jjqS35.570 to ta l fo r 'th e storm scw ef cqi and s tre e ts in the Southwest p(. Zone,

Thc to tal estim ated , cost of l ‘construction for the various co— :------------------ ;— I---------- 1---------- mi


E c o n o m istsbu

V ie w Increase!^ In U .S . G o o d s I

n6 T S P R IN G S ,'V a . (A P) — A I panel of industry economists ■

-------- p ro d lc tjm n 'increnso of sume Seo- Bbillion in national'outpu^t next ■ yeur, n early m atch ing IQGS's H ginnt s tr id e s desp ite the lax in- I crease . ■

Thc fo recast w as prepared for I thc fall m eeting of thc Dusincss I Council, b lue-ribbon organija- ■ tlnn of Industry executives, hy I ils ndvlsory lenm of some 20 ■

' professionnl ebonomlsts. HTlie grow th estim ate would j r

lift thc G ross. N ational Product lo a to ta l o f nbout $915 blllian. ■

Sources sa ld 'th e forecast s6es ■ continued price inflation. Thus m fa r in lf)H8 price increases have ■ accounted for nbout half (he H G N P ' Increases, which amount- B ctf tn J2I.2 bUIJon In the firsl B ciuiirtcr, S21.7 billion In thc sec- B

_____ m id.._and_iL7.9_biillQ iL J n the Illilrd. H

C liainnan A rlhur H. Okun of ■ the p re s id e n t’s Council of Eco- k

--------- n()irtlc“ A dvtsers,'’who~lS"nttond* ■in g Ihc c lo sc d b u sin ess session ^ a s a g u e s t , h n s Insisted Ihnt Ihc I iid n iiiiistr n llo n 's antl-ln llation H p n ck ngc— stirJflX plu* W do/al |j| npcndlnr; c u tb ack —;wlll be foil ■ w ilh so m e se v er ity in ter th is I y e a r ond e a r ly n ext, I

' USE T IM K s l^ m w rW A l^ ADS I I-OR I'A.ST .SELI.ING RESULT^ ■

C o C o H p (10.Y *ar

]____ w _______. _Excafldt

K H m w ' •


li OVER 80 R i YOUR SEII Why buy ffom small tai I from iho roll and you c I wlll look liko in yoyr h

Claude B lCARPET. IS. OL

n I

p 143 M a in Av«. E . ,




r 'E M m / N E ,the\ ^ - 3 LJ o r casi

n ni n t 113 m e noai ana laeais oi °—i r ^ ^ ^ u i T v m ^ a ^ r k / c x ^ U v e ^ s ^ r t ^ ] 9 he Camp Fire Girls is one of (he nine H j is funds through tbe United Fund Drive S

ates Presented o I City Council B

latifs^for -projccts-is-S565,996ri55T&83^a^ 9 w e been sessed. and $246,431 from the ■ e rt City city. ,. . , ■ Dnsuliing jh g estim ates w ere p resen ted H

during a m eeling of thc council H include in R ugert this week.___________ ■

was or- there a re two secondary roads H 11, but which m ay be eligible for feder- B

? . \° f al-funds. Therefore , thc council ■ total for js planning to m eet w ith repre- Uaimtion scntativcs of thc highw ay de- ■ randvlew p artm en t soon. If the fOnds .are H

K L i / i ! available, another LID will need ■ 5106,270 (0 be form ed far (h a t work. H

wer and M ayor Wendell Johnson re- ■ pnri'pH th a t gravel for the _cUy ■

™ could be obtained from .B ishop’s ■ outhwest Rcadi-Mix and som e agreem ent f l

will be m ade on it. Hcost of In 'o th e r action this week, thc ■ various council approved a rental agree- H

------------m ent w ith the school d is tric t Mfor school use of the civic gym . H and also accepted a Jcase w ith ■

S the school for city use of school ■buses for c ity recreation pur- ■

ease 2= ----------:--------1ods P IP H H |H H |1A P) — A I V f l g H I p I B k H ■:onomists H ■ J 1 ^ 1 I 1 1 1 & 1 ■

next Ilg . iQGS’s p n f lle tax in- f l

pared for IDusincss f l

organiza- f llives, hy Iif ’ [A Isome 20 f l

I 1K I f lic would g^^* !W P nfc7a^ a M iB 4 iB M M f l

Product 9blllian. I r j f l B E S I i r i l l l ^ H f l

cast s^es | W H ^ ^ 9 D S ! A d | ^ ^ D 9 Hon. Thus lO i. .iMiW lKHM i B M | giscs have ' k f l f l E S @half the Pamount- P ^ f l J p P ^ W j f l f f W W P m pthe fir.ft - S

I thc sec- j f c r : ' f

j n V j f 1 ■Okun of ■ B S B w S i W f l r S “* '

1 of Eco- j T ’. X Uts~Qttcnd- tIS session L - ^ W P ^ S SfQyijB »i Ihnt Ihc <,( » >i-lnfhUion t i ' t . |

1 be folt kInter this |

^ ADS i l M W n m i^pf I IRESULTS M l i U i j a i M y

j i C o f t p G t i t ^ g I

10 .Y «ar W e a r C u o ra n lM ' I_Excafldt FHA R equlrom vnU I

* C h o o ia from *' I • « v e ra l colors I

* Eaiy>(o-cl«an I i t t N y lon I


$ E 9 i


I 80 ROLtS FOR }UR SELECTION !n sm all »am plo sw atcho* — b u y i , a n d you c a n seo w h a l y ou r rug } , i n yoyr hom o . i

r i i S w N ^. I S . OUR SPECIAtTY


E. Tw in F a tli j

^ ‘Invisible’ Borde: I As ‘Haves’ Battl<

Dy ATA LLA U ^A N SO U R chan ^ f l BARTA'A. A s r i k (A P) , - thej*

Gone arc thc s n a l^ coils o f price barbed wire; -the deadly land ■''S' m ines! and dragon tccih siniic Mc

W H blocks that divided this all-Arab 42-yc village for.two decades. .Jord

■ • ' .u B a rta 'a w as reunited, a l least raeli ! geographically, in June 19li7 yard

- '. '1 when the Israeli a rlny swept *‘N . through 'Jo rd a n 's w est bank in fath« •.• lhe six-day w ar. das.-: But 16 m onths lalcr this dusty do .

. ■< collection of stone and stucco an a 'M hom es is stiJl divided. ' 'M i

■ • This tim e the bordcr-is Invlsi- a 28 • ble.' • , ■ raeli

.-Q „ one side-of the unseen line iivet . I a re the Arab "‘havcs” of Israel, of h

• 5 On the o ther side a re the sala . i l J "have-nois” of occupicd Jo rdan , and

.• .-'-A T h e ' an.swcr is sim ple: .T h e er li

ye^*r3 enjoys most of ' "V thc benefits of his Jewish neigh- says bor.,He has'a.higher standard of food

_ l iving, is paid more and tiepcfits But ~ J Trom Israel's scmiwellare state, brol

.......These Jsraeli A rabs live on Btthe Avest side of Barta'a. - ^ villa

c*. u Life is far grimmer for thd Aral

B Jo rdan ian A rabs living on the Isra case side under Israeli occupa- Safe tion. T heir standard of living— splil and pay packets—have not self

!als- o fsecre- 'ntu>e nine B | l Drive ^ ^ f l

5Td83=^ rom the ^ ^ f l


~ n u ~ nroads

o r feder- ^ ^ f l council

repre- ^ ^ f l . ^ f l f lde-

Gnds .are ^ ^ f l ^need

nson re- 'J h e .c ity.B ishop’s;reem en t I ^ H . j ^ H

thc ^ ^ 1agree- ^ ^ f l ■

d istric t f l ^ l gym. w ith

school ___ . ____Lion p u r - l ^ f l ^ ^ f l t f J p t % p

H V You

Cuiiom*^ ^ f l lemtr Ir

Ptrion V

R F n H

iH jk

f f i ! ‘ :

S ' j ! '

|" t | il y i » A s i g u


Border Divides Aval> Battle ‘Ha^ve-Nots’ Fc

iOUR changed since the 19C7 w ar. Bui Jewish AP) — thei*- m ust "TTOw pay Israeli But coils o f p rices for Israeli food and cloth- “ In Ily land 'ne- . -- ’ f myth sioric M ohammed, Ali Ku'ndas is a all-Arab 42-year-old farmer* living on tlic n’Ukht

Jo rdan ian side. His bro thers. Is- was . a l least raeli Arabs, live a few hundred nian.

ne 1^7 yards aw ay. . . ■ ''Thy Swept "M y b ro thers u$e p a rt of our nad h bank in fa ther's land ,” explained Kun- arniis

das. " I have nothing to ”Ur v ^is dusty do . I . Under- Israeli Jaw I am " i stucco an abstcen A rab,” • ’ hc

' Mohammed Hussein Kubha is Kuhhf is Invlsi- a 28.yenr-old em ploye in thc Is- ?nd s

raeli M inistry .of Health. He has Jfie "w seen line lived oil but the first eight y ears C> 3f Israel, of his life under the Israelis. Hi* cruel, a re the salary is about S228 a month, The

I Jo rdan , and halt of this goes lo a broth- "’•■rei pie: -T he er living in the Jo rdan ian sector

^> m ost of '"W c go. to the sam o •grocer.’! The sh n'cigh- says Kubha. ."Wc c a t lhe sam e small m dard of food. We p a y the sam e prices. *he v: 1 b'enefits But. I earn , 10 tim es w hat niyire s ta te . lirolhTTi^dOOsr’— -------------- : «x«cn

live on B arta’a w as not thc only Arab In 1 1. .villagg.:.divide^ hy - thf*' Israeli- on-bc

for thd Arab m apm akers following the mittir 3 On the Isracli-A rab w ar of 1948. Beit Arab:

occupa- Safafa -ncar Jo rusaelm a lso was thc o; r living— split in two. And Jeru sa lem it- lager; ive not self w as divided into A rab and well.

F R E E ! 1 9 6 9 F O ISUNDAY, C

Y ou A re Eligible T o Wiri A t Eith<

RULES:1. Cuilomtri o n •nlllltd fo win only 1 ol thit* '

lomtr In Ih* cor ond pickup Clv«owo|r.2 . Parion whoi* nom* hai b«*n drawn muil hav* I

molchlng hoM ol ta r ‘glv*ciwoy licV*l.3 . B* tv it you hny* yeur Cadui Palf'i (n*mh*nhl

•you hov* yoor tlcV«l».to win *llh*r n car or pIcVi




------------------- V ahlclaft-purC haB cd-from -R oy-CIn d o p e n d e n t D o a lo r a n d Loo

•8 , G oodinR .

'»rfnwB>«!fi0v I

s Arab Village — Sots’ For Life pw ar. Bui Jewish sectors for 20 yea rs . | .' Israeli ’ But B arta’a was an e rro r, m d clolh- “ In lhe autum n of 1918 two

a rm y officers visited ou r vil- idas is a l“Ec;” recalled • the v illage’s lg on tlic nm khtar, o r headm an. “ One n hcrs. Is- was Jewish, thc • other, Jofda- r hundred nia»- . . . -

"Xhcy told us a slight m istake , irl of our had been m ade a t the Rhodes ned K un- arm istice conferencc and thal :hing to ^ur village m ust be divided in Jaw I am iwo," .

T hc m ukhlar, H aj'-M ahfouq Kubha is Kubha, 57. s ta red into the past in lhe Is- and sighed; "A s you can Imag- h. He has jne "we v\-cre shocked. We tried ight y ears explain tha t it w as vcry raelis. His c ru e l. . . ”a month, The officers. K ubha said. .10 a broth- nitre ly looked a t the m ap and j ian sector said: "Wc a re so rry , but it is -> f l______ :__ ihe npreem 'eni.'’_________• __ ) ■rg ro c e r .’’ The border w as e re c te d .In a — ■the sam e small, dusty 'vnllcy lhai bisected - H

ne prices. *he vill.Tgc of som e 1,200 Arabs, • f l w hat n iy of th em 'm em b ers of the ^

--------------; extensive-Kubha-fam ilyi--------------- ;------only Arab In the early days, au thorities iS-LUraeli- on-bath-sidcs-w cre lenient, pcr- owing the mitting Jo rd an ian and !sr--->li '194S. Beit Arabs to hold F riday p ra y e rs in h1 aiso 'w as thc one vilJiige mosque. The vil- * jsa lcm it- lagers also shared a communal A rab and well. _______ . __________

• i ^ ^ f l

9 F O R D M U S T A) A Y , O C T O B E R 2 7

> W in A t E i t h e r C a c t u s P e t e ' s o r H o r s e

L E S : _________NWI only 1 ol that* vthlcl*i par cut* HO drawn muil hav* In hli poit*i>lon TUOS., We

6 p .m . &II P*l»’» m*mh*r»hlp cord. Ba »U(0 *llh*r 0 car or plchup fetal____________ _ | F riday on


B ed-from -R av-C obblo_______________:________ja lo r a n d Loo R lco?. - '

__________ ________ UBIE^ li S'

' •' a l l!' vouI I M is C A NIII '


^Sk>nWB>«!fl0V I

b I S

s'ars. I . .r ro r.1918 twoour vil- ' 'Iv illage’s ' V |n R f l S B * ^ i f l J

n. "One •Jorda-

t m istake '. e Rhodes and thal

livided in • '

'■Mahfouq . the past :an Imag- "We tried •

vas very

m ap .is ->

c tc d .In aI -

TSy r - ------------ :-------

per- ^ f l f l ‘ ^ P ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H B | Pid Isrwilip rayers in j.-Ta 3« y W a j l 'J . iJ. The vil- Icommunal

W (^ I N o


or H orse S h u


Tues., W ed. & | | ^ ^ Hp.m. & 11:30 p.m. f e f l^ ^ ^ H

Friday a n d S a tu rd a y. “a i

sp’^ ^ ra p '-n .s with a Goc

■ . . . J ' . r . ...... INT


l | i . . , 1 . 0 0........lj S un day In thq G ala Room


1 ^ ^ ^ 1 ;0 0 TO 61OCE v ary th ln R to m i

b w o n d e rfu l m e

Allfllfs OnlirrI I s e r v e d AT THE H




I ■ ' , , " , ■ ■

I The l i t t l e Profit Sl F m o re than a n y U y o u ev e r bargaii

^ TheLittl£l

~ •• Twir

PHONE- iKw wurti cwKitu tot ne__________ •

wI N o w P l a y i n g

and H er G roup with a G ood M usic Show fo r Everyl


IfNJR^ _ GALA ROOMlBUF^G o u r m e t fo o d a t Ita b e s a a a fo o d e n d co ld oa lada to p e r fo c t lo n e v e r y .F r id

■ ■ ■ n in e . R o a s t; B a ro n o f S e e e n d c u t . m e d iu m o r. ra n

^ y o u llko i t — e a c h S a tu rc

la Room _/^ll you ca n e a t . . . . .


0 0 TO 61OO P.M . S U N D A Yry th lnR to m aU e m m v ^n d o rfu l m e a l.

ilfs“O n ly - :T ^ -" i'y ------VED AT THE HOIISE SHU CLUB

1 C A S H 6 IV E -A W A Y .

J SUNDAYsl On the Big 6 Wheel

^ F f id g y , O c to b e r 18, 1968 Twin

P rof i t saves y o u i hananifth inq “ bargained fo r i

The Little Profifbealer .

" V I dbVViM hdtobco-

500 Block 2nd Ave. So.•• TWIN FALLS ' ~ -------- -

PHONE 733-5776 -=»cl2 2 Z C E IS S I lS 3 C Q tQ C I& S 3 3 B 3 3 f lB _x *

o u p wjB K mw for Everybody .


o d a t ita boBt, F ro sh ll *d co ld s a la d s s e rv e d {1 ^jn e v e r y ,F r id a y ev e - | l J S f l »B a ro n o f B e e f s e rv e d |> - jt

o d iu m o r r a r e — a s |] - »— e a c h S a tu rd a y . i{ a l B ^

n « a t . . . . . $ 2 .9 8 lj. ’ —

f A T | |; |S K p | j ^

, 1968 Tvi/ln Falls T im os-N aw s 7 ' |

Page 8: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF257/PDF/1968_10_18.pdf_ — J W e a th e r - Chilly VOL. 65 NO. 187__________ Murder G Filed

25th Ann: By Buhl I

Rev. Hcriry T reit, p a s to r o f - S t. John’s Lutheran C hurch. ^

- Duhl. nnd - Rev. L. F . W itte. ' Gresham, Neb., f irs t p o s te r o f •St. John’s, will b ring ann lver- ■ sa ry messages on Sunday w hen the consregation observes the 25th anniversary of h s organl-

• zatiati.* Divine Worship w ill h e a t

- 10:30 a.m . A d in n e r-w ill- b e '« served to all a t noon and a tthe afternoon serv icc a t 2:30 p .m . Rev. Witte’s serm on th em e • will be "Christ Jesus O ur Lord.

------peWHanont— In— thc— ,of„—-• ••'chBngc." • _________ J - | j '•

T he church chotrs w ill re n d e r -anthem s, and following . t h e a f- K r tornhon service a ‘*Frli»nd.<;hlp BiJ hour’’ will be held in T Iie 'T H u fc rrB lsocIal'Tiali: R efreshm ents wiU Hbe served and all w ill be g iv e n ■ an opportunity to m ee t the vlsi- H tors and guests, Rev. and M rs. H Witte.' B

A speeially constfucted buiie-' ) H tin board In the V ocla rh a ll wiU^^ have pictures and accoun ts of the many events and p ro g re ss \ during the 25 yea fs . Of the s e v - ti

___en members w ho s igned the f ir s t- c h a r t f c r^ v a ^ f t r e ^ t l l l . ac tive In ^

the Tocal church. W o rs h ip in g ” " f i r s t ' In ren ted build ings, th e , group soon resolved to acqu ire the ir own and to . a lso s t a r t a . parochial school.

Sb a dual pu rpose building —= w a 3 - e r e c t e d - a t - t h e - c o m er—ot^— i

Twelfth and P o p la r jn 1946. J which served for chu rch and school fo r 10 y ears , until 1956

fw h en the brick s tru c tu re w as .- dedicated acro.is the s tre e t from « the first b uilding, and gave th e -c o n g re p H o in h e - i^ 'W re a space-for both church a n d scnool* work.

----------Several~ locations-;scrved—f o r -parsonage until it becam e pos-*

- ilb le to construct a b rick h o u se_In 1960 across’ the s tre e t fro m the church.

Pasto rs vWio have served th e church a re Rev. L. F . W itte,

— -R evTEdw ln-W eibelr R ev—Alvin — Reim nltt. Rev. M. D. H ilgen- ■ dorf and Rev. H enry T re lt (since M arch 1965).

Teachers a re E ugene K riise, Annette Braunschweld, O livia Brandhorst, Lee Roy H oltzen. i

V 'C A rl MUeller, iWarlene M eyer, j ‘ Jan e t Detmer. F reda Rath, Su- .

san Wcssel, F lorence Schw artz, J Carol Anderson, Jean ^H ed rlch , f C arl Spring and M rs. Fraink t Jam es. j

Com m unicant m em bersh ip la •• • 215. Sunday school and B ible

, classes a re held regularly ,, an d j ■ there a r e p rg a r ^ ^ io ns for a ll _ ■

age groups. W e e k -d a y '"B Ib le T , school Is conductcd every W ed- ]

a t 9:45 p.m . following d ism issal from grade school. A s ta ff o f ' six teachers are em ployed fo r Igrades on<j through eight,............ 'mmmH»UBBSSSBBB3Rr7'J f7Q1S9BC9S&SBCCSSE

D i r e c t (mvtwm IWII— ■ ir in -" ' l y r T v m a i

VtCrOMY MISSIONARY BAPTISTBteond Av*. B. •( Locutt St.. It**. 0. I

A. RoblnMM, Mllor, Sundty Mr*lc*il Th<•U l t .n . Sundir ichoel, 11 ■.m,. • pJB. BurWor*lp. ______ «h

rnur ciivrch.of tiir n a z a r e n s 'OliOD. mlnlilir, Sundiy icrTtceii IKI ia.m. Sundiy ichool. lOiat.B.m., « p.tn. , ' Ormip mMiinii, 7 p.m.. Ooipd »«ut.W«da«t4iy. Tlio pm. J.,,

------------------OUR SAVIOR LUTIIF.RAN ' -S«ceM SL N. «t rouciK Av*. H., «•».

BiMiini n. TJiiki, p*ilor. Sunday mi«li>« a.m.;' n a.m. Wnrthip, lilO .

■jr, lOill B,m. Sundiy ichool. >

LOa BRVENT1I WARO “ J‘ Miurlc* SI. N., niihop Ory*l ThAmp-

•On. Sundnv iiivicrti Pdoiiiiood I ■t m. ti]> «.tn. Sunday irhool, ti)0 p.m. S*c- . itmint. Fail and Ttnlmoxy )iJO p m.

.................... LOS ancOND ward 'III Fourih Av*. N., nithop P. Olllxil mi

AndirMD. fiunday <*rvle«ii Ii38 a.m. m<Sund*!' ichool, T p.m. Baciiminl. ur

U)S TIO)rtll WAIID •' IH llarrlion St., Siiihnp a .i:dwln l.ir- ‘ ;

irn. Pdiiihood mnuni, l a.m. Siindar mi ithool li>« a.m. Sicramciil melting M'

\ qiaiSTIAN KIF.NCK ’ niIM NInlh AV*. K., Koaillni .Hnnm, Sn IK

M*in Av*. I!, flundiy iirvicoii IKI * nl Sundir ichool. U a.m..WQrihlD.,S«rmon i Toplei ■'IXrtltln* ot Alon*m«nl.'‘

THiNrrv toim iRRN sA rriT r ci >D» Third Av*. N., H*v. C. W. llf>od, *i

Mllor. Sunday iirvlcui 10 a.m.l niotn- ll Ini worthip, ll a.m.. I l l l p.m., Tialn- int Union] T ill p.m. *v*nln| iirvlc*. Nfd-wiik wtvlc* T pm ,

lASTRIDR WimiRRN DAITIST »<iM< lilliiM lh Blvd.. Riv. Rab*i1 S>

Aclir*ck*nl>iri, raitor, Aunday MrvlMil Ml» am, aun<i*r *<))(»>. II a.m., f il« p.m. yi Worihlp, IJ I p.n. Tralnlni Unlm.

TIIR SALVATtON ARMY aiMl 8*cond Ava, N.. Capt. Uaorfa Olt*<

•r. S|BU1«T MnrlMir •!*» a m, Muajtr , achool. i r a .w , T P.m. Worihlp.

M4 llairlm tf/^op Rey Bal» TjU l Sunday ^MIvlcMI .It a m. Bund.y >'iuiooi.’ ii»'b.»~a*«f*"'«"t*— •— 5.

FIRST ASIRMlLy OP OOn *N. Locuti at Ohoup St., K*v L. 1. l a- *

Mane*, pallor. Sunday i*ivk«it 10 n in Kunday ichool. It R.m. WoriHin, diim p.U). youili m u tln i , 7iao p.m, <t(>*i)olflour. WidnaTdayi 3 p.m . l.ndlsi Jprayor Hour. 7)30 n.m. MI*<I»M‘ nvitei )rin t and ililril W edneiiluy). ij7i90 p.m . Itoyal ita n sa ii. 7149 p.ii), Jmld.waaK lorvlM , ^ i

■ad Douilii Ofltll, mlnlil*ii. Sumlav a , (irvtMii l l i i a.m., Sunday uhool, IDi» a

a.m., woithlp. Sunday a*rmon. *'W)ial'i » Klihl wllli lh* Chucch»" Yfluih ni*t|lrit T p.m, llvinlni i*rvlc* t p.m. Vuuth camp a«(vic«, ''camp liclio**."

. U )l FUURTII WARD !f ' 1(1 reurtii Av«. H., Blihop Claudt .

Drowa i t , Sunday Mrvlc*ii tiO ■,>«. ZSuoday atiool. i pja. aaoram»ni. *

■BviNTtMMy A D viim n ' QraiMivln* Driv*. John W, Boyd, pa*-

tor Sirvlotd Till p.m. W*da**day. Ftar- W

. . . . »> m*r. mlnlnir. Sgndar Mrvleaai Wpr^is »•

II a.n. Sunday tcteel l i a SJik Vowtk H rtuowitj# 1 fj» . ' . ll

i ■ .Jl • .

8 Twin Fblts Tfm ey»New« Frl

nniversary ' ll Lutheran5tor o f - — - . " ':hu rch , ;

W itte . > s to r o f •nn lver- ■ . ' i -f* •y w hen ' ies th e . . 1organi-

h c a tvlll- b e ^ --------------- - ^ U | :and a t .U 2:30 I th em e •r Lord . ■ ■ 1 ^Irfct n f ' . • _______

re n d e r ^th e a fpndshipi li i i i i l i

he vlsi- Id M rs.

lall Will ' — ——unts o f ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCirog ress and m em bers o t the ccngregatloathe s e v - tlon of the event Sunday.the f l r r t :__________ ___________ —ctive In ;i hl ppl ng— - T -

acq u ire : ' ^ ___s t a r t a .

building g - \

n 1 9 4 6 r ^ ^ ^ H H 9 | ^ ^ | | | B ^-ch a n d f l . j ]ttil 1956 V terii

>et from j J, ^;ave th e

^ s c ^ o d - ^ tre

ve d— Pre: mc pos-' Itve

.ticiifro m

tis t

REV. L. F . W r r tE Revir—A lv in ___________- ____ ___ _________*—®

Hllgen- Ingj

Guitarist gLI K riise , terl

O livia Mike Wendllng, recen t win- jH oltzen. n e r from Twin F a lls in the ser

M eyer, N ational U.S.O. contest, will Am-hwartz^ be* a featured .accom panistHedrlchI fo r the Children 's Choir a t “

Fraink tho E piscopal Church of the Ascension Sunday a t thc. 10

Tshlp Is •• a .m . service,id B ib le W endllng wlll'Seave Twin ^irly,. an d F a lls In lato Novem ber to war fa r a l l becom e a m em ber of a trav - his

- o l l n s U.S.O. group w hich, p 'y BlDie . „ | | | Tw in . ™iry W ed- p a lls resident, M iss D ianna ^inl y e a r H O D o e rf lta d ._________Oc<Hsmissal W endllng has gained a ^s ta ff o f wido reputation a s a guitar- ClQ

jyed fo r Ist. rccht,............ ... ........................ ................. .. T n

r e c t o r y O f C h t\PTIST U)S TIIIRD WARnI.. IU*. 0. IM Foorih Av*. H.. Dlihop UVear »• airvlctil Thornock. Prletlhood mttllni. I ' a m. Sun.m.. • pjB. Sunday Mrvlcaii Ii90 a.m. Simday p.m

achool, S p.m. Siciamcnl. • ICnu

— SAve,. ». V. .Shaw, mlnlf

I«r, 1 p.m. puMIc lalk. <ilS p.m. Walrli- ,. )ip*l KOur. Sludy, Thuraday 7:« p.m, Theo- *'

Gi*llc Mlnliiry Sclmnl—follnwtd hy itr- P»‘ .. vir# mB0lln», .Surmnni ‘'Will Uod Jnio'-

1" h . , «*v »*’'• *“ "*'*•* A _ ru i^ :- - - - I'rahio' •*« nroiiOANJiFn i.ns,1. Itei Ellialxth Ulvd., tidft L. II. I'ull-

m*r, pallor, Bur«fay icrv/cur fhi.tch j _ Khool IlO a.m.l pr*ichln| larvlc* 11»*l Thomp- • l.«*iu« I'rldty 1U9 p.m. „o

R»It.K MHSIONARY J*JiVi« n m <** Monro* St,'II. K«nnclh Carlir, pit- l ‘» lor. fiimday .tohool-ll a.i.,.,-. mor^m '■ ynrililp^U ^a.m.i ynuna ptnplt’a MrvicaP. Olllxil m1di>*cli 'pray»r* airvic* 1iia> p.m. 'Sad. ] l i l t a.m. mcn'a. piayqat itrvlc* li>« p.m. Sal* .i^

" r ‘- , _______ illl> ■ ORACH BAITJsr.i;dwln Mr- • JIJ t'outih Avi. »i-, llot-ait J. Sia- j.m. Sunday mifr. paiior. Sundiy *clin«l, OHt k ni.iteillns 4i)l Moriilni wntihl|i, 11 am. Clmlr praclica S..

' J p.m. Tralntni tiuur lor HI ast*, 1:IJ. p.m. Kvtnlni tsrvlc*. I p.m. >‘tayir Ka.

R mMllni. WrTneiday, 1 p.m. Uiolf |uac- „Jtnnm, 111 Hci. Woilntiday. I p.m, {,,,

iiiD.,,s«rmo)i rinirr (initud Mi'-Tiiontsr oiuiicii>ni. jet rilmihon* HL ll.. I(i« lUtuin r4---------------- Hye—r«ilnr'Htv,-K*tlti-M*Kw»1l,-»it»>. —iir r l ir tin* nmor. fiundav iiivlctii • n.ni., y|,

W. Ilnod, and II a.m. woiinlpi Skiidiy >ili»u| w,i.m.i niotn- Il4> a.m. I p.m. Youlh I'llUiwililp. T,'j.m., Tiain- ' i;i,m **rvle*. I.YNWOOIt €IIAI>r.l.

IIH Pllir Av*, I!., II, 1.. MIkil, mln.Iilir. Sunday proir*mt Yuur. Worihlp 4

SAITIST Hour, KAUV llailli) (1100). H30 •. iii.j p.IV. Rab*i1 Sunday ichool IKI a.n>,i (huicli. worahip It ly MrvU«il l*rvlc«* lor adull* and chlldrin. ll a m.i li]V, f i l l p.m. youlh fillowihip, l i » p.m.i adult choir p.t Unlm. i*h*arial, l i l l p.m.) *T*n|illtilg iMiur, ' IMY *S*hl'^j"’ pildw»ik> famity Jioria Bit*. " * ’ . . Ill i m, tiuNft/ immaniibl turiiKRAN ruuncif »ci >blP< IMI l-ll.r Av;. l:, Kiv. X. A. ll>rn , ptilor, Kiv. Th. hrho«nliom iiioclal* .

I!m!''’Bu«d**y w7) \Ll ''simdVy irliM"! Iij'o l»

a o n ' 1,','' l<ioidc*tl otcr KTl'i ai II

■rakln, ni'lil FIRST (AMERICAN) RAPTISTI.m, <i(>i|)0l Ninlh Avo. II., and Slin.hmia Nl. R.m. I.ncllsi JaniK tl. ||ii|hr* and Cliatlii li. (Iravii,. MlailHM* ftun.Uv Mrrlc««( WatMf,edneailuy), },i” , » n d 11 a,m, Cimrth 11I190I,, 7149 p.Ill, Vnulli, 1'p.in., Viipaii, I P.m. Widiiii-’ ^ ' dayi |U*y.(. «.ul llii.li’ it J y . I ,vm.

^ ,, l i l l FIRST WARDlid lloffmaa las Fouilh Av*. It., tllihnp llnratd O A»rln»ion, ftliithooj m iiilni, I a.m.

'• !« SundayS i r . ' s ; . : * = i ' -

Youth ClfuRCII OF OOn '>11 Quincy Sl., luv. Ilariy hiook, pat-

,n >«'■ Sunday aarvlran I f a.m, SiuuUrihon Claud* I* vonhlp, I p m, avitilni

SifSTaV.*’'* '” g

irrtvr tn s F im i ward. Boyd, pa*- Mauiica M. N., IiIiImd Ah»n M. Ala» i*iday. Ftar- W>d«r. 'Sundav **rvlo<ir lilO a m. Su» tay. lUbbalb achool, < ill p.m., Bactamant.Hiblp. . . BijjK LAKU UNITKn PWaRCOITAL

•N ew s Fffcfgy, O c to b e r I8 ,. .l? 6 8 .

^ Is Set I ran Church

• Thi. I muni

S '' Mont

■ t : f o ° ;'/.■ - ' build

m S l i Amo:“ ( j l l J • Phen' I ; ReVD

'— t : ' sp«a'■ '.^Mb Robt


the“ Viow as.the

O K s a g s g a u ^ - . Th

Cour^ "! E cut

RAN CHURCH In Buhl is 25 y ears old ' Th :cngregatloa a ^ planning an observa- of tl »y. _______________________________ p e r

^ ! J i^ m e ^ S e ts ~ 1 ' Bible Sunday1 ^ OhsfiaeKame— cSy W .r ] ; , JE R O M E ,— Jerom e M in is -p a s t

i' te ria i Association will celeb ra te p res . i N ational Bible. Sunday a t 7:30

1 ^ I p .m . Oct. 20 w ith a u n io n '^ o r- * y ■ sh ip servlco lit th e Assembly of 1 —'-)• 'God Uhiirch,' A 'd a m s ^ ^ n d ^Z - next

Rev. W illiam B arre tt, United m o s P resb y tc rlan -G h u rch — w IU -de- —— Itver tho serm on. O ther par- tic lpating clergym en will be Rev. Robert Cooper, F irs t Bapv- tis t church; Rev. John H. Gar- rab ran d t. U n i t e d M ethodist; ^

:E Rev. Lyle Higgins, Church ofthe N azarene; Rev. Harold Liv- ^

uummua m g sto n rF lrs rC h fis tla rrC h o rc h ; 7- “ Rev. Sheldon Schagel, Assembly of God, and Rev. John W. Sre S ears, president of the Minis- P®®'

■ te ria i Association. n tw ln- offering received a t this -rIn the serv ice will be sent to the _ ,

?t, will Am erican Bible Society. The ipanlst PuWlc >» .invited, Rev. G nrra- P, o i r « brand" sm d ____________ _

or the . ^

“ Youths Elect S™> Twin W ENDELL — Tom B ennelt bul b e r to w as elected m odernlor of Ju n io r alsi a trav- high youth group of tho United' t w iS ' P resby terlan -chu rch :-----------------P“

Dianna ' Sisson ig vlco m oderator; devOcorgo Ambrose, stated clerk, thn

ned a l^halrmcn Include U6ri Me- « y guitar- Cloud, w orship; Vicky Behrens,

recreation , and B etly Lou ii.... .... Trounson, refreshm ent. meiiK'MBWj'»i.wri’-WTyL'-r.g irr- ;:!.v';>'j.T~T?ia'i i j reca rg:.i ir .

C h u r c h e s , S e nn a g m n a ryry-rrr^■”r^rrr■■rTy,•m^nr^r.v n w y r ^ ^

FIRST imn-ED BRimiRnN.op UVear m Third Av*. i:. Sunday lervlctii TlI. • ' a m. Sunday irhooI, II a.m.' Worihlp. Illo n*>in. Sunday p.m.- Youth mtciint, 1iJ8 p.m. Ooipcl Sum

knur. Weilneidiy; } p.m. tadjii’ I'rayir *h(phnur. 7;]l) p.m. MImIohcIIci (FIrit and p.m.Thltd Wcdni:»day . 7_:ia p.m. Itoyal Han|- men

D*nT‘ Wa'rrlT- PArril AsTr.Mnl.Y OF OODp m, T h li IT* W“ ' P'l"- Hiv. DIan* Kviitll. 1<til hy lar- pmor. Sunday achogl, |0 a.m.; Mornlni panUod Inia'- "orihlp. II am,, communion. Youth ach<

- *«rTl»»< I t ll pm .,-l'T*n|«llille-*irvlr*,-----7l4S p.m.. Flayer miitlnf. TMI p. n .Ihuriday. ]t

.V; ’ -..’''‘'L' r«KsnYTP.niAN isv«eir fniirch }«t pmh a»«- M.. Hiv. Holierl C.larvlc* 11 „ y , pallor.. SuAd.y lervleiit l ! » a.m.

119 p.m. mamln* worihlp. ciiuith ichool (nr all «y n e i. 111! a.m. Moinlni worihlp. Hanclu- Iiy.

■,i‘- mornlni _______EPISCOPAL CHURCH OP .91 TUO p tn. IHK aSCHNIION »**r

. p.m. Wad. i.ikei tl Sundiy S«^ rt»oi' p.m. Sal- , |r ,„ JIJO «nd 10 a.m. Church ichonl Pn

n i l a.m, Paiiori John D. Mlliy- day

■ , , - TY(.rR ffTHKIir BAIT(ilT« i« C 7** Tylir filrsit, n«», Kennelh lllmnia,

'»| 1 .i"'' !iunday Mrvlccil *il» a.m. hun J®"« d«y ifhoni. Jl a.in,. junlor-SeiitDr yuuni « ‘

••“ ‘l . ’ '!* piopli. T p.m. I p.m.. Wor.lilp, Wrdni.- "‘'Ii.tii. 1‘rayer |,||,|« aliidy and prayer mrrllnB, IUiolr |uac- p.,„. i.|,i„s,r Anana IKiyi ,

itoup 7iJI p.m, Mnn.lay,

^ VAi.i.R7aiHisTiAN J,';iK w e n ^ iw -rn™nif^^!'ii“ ^AvK?^r:''‘‘!.m>dAy l i i *11 I nni.j yi,r«i l i t l a 111. (hutch ichcKil, II am.,ulay »ilii)o| woi.hlp. (I»«ii tpiikrr; l)-.uil*u (Itlili, Illowililp. AMixlaK Mln I *111, I'llK l-htliUin

hilkil, mln. UNnr.D PIINTIXOSTALJur .Worihlp 411 llliihland Ava„ lUV. J. L- Chindkr.

llio n iri.j nmior. .Sunday iirvlcii, Sundiy *chn<i) iitcli. wot*hlp t a m i w»t»tilp ll a.m.l Ooipil hnur. in. II a.m.l l i » p.m. Widn.idiy, Dlbl* iludy. I ili adult choir p.m. I'rlday, youth iirvlcai.

iilltilfl iMiur, - ■week famity COMMUNITY PllsaBYTRRtAN

llollliiir, Riv, II. II. -.Thnmii, njln- lii*r. flundty a*rvlc*ii l« ajn. Sunday

ruuncir «*<»», ii a.m. WarMp.

I ' - ' r ' S r i s r ! " ' " ............ I-.irjimili' liJO 11 ••*»- ’ !>» P " VO'

i i i i % S S S * l i f n Ea<

lAPTIST(fravo' H°

'werih'p! ^ ^ Q j A [ i l M I |^ f l u l l 2A ! l ! ^ H 1><>iiliQDi, «ro

I.m. .Wednif a||ui<

G U N S t S M : | HI.m. Sunday H MUMCAl INITRUMINTS, N O - |

H JICTORS, WATCMIl, RAOrOI, ■ f,, nnn ■ ' B TVFfWIIITiRt, BINOCUIAIS, B | . r hlook nat- B ■ CAMIRAl. lAPI RICORDIRl, B a.m, fim.Vlar B SADDU), CHAIN tAWt, TODIS B J K .V ; : '2 .* B ANOOTHIRIIIMI.Of VAlUl, H


ce'aRCOITAL r ,

>y«r m*«UB|

. Second ■

Forum I

S e t IT he .'«(iond In a serles of Com-

m unity F o rum s will bo held 'I ' ' M onday beginning a t 8 p.m. in

Room 115 of (he C ollege. of H R S o u t h e r n Idaho’s academic

;• building. K - ?. T he subject fo r this second In t- i the stjrfes of four is "The Crisis .

. i Among the Youngl The Hippie Phenom enon and the Student

I ' Revolution." ’ 'I Leading the discussion and

I speaking to the subject will be R obert Flynn, form erly assocl- ^ 'D ate dcan of stud en ts ..S an .F ran - t l < cisco ‘State College; and pre&* ently-coun .'e lor^on the staff, of College, of M arin ,. K e n ^ ld , V y C )

—A tt«ndingvtherfir^-6<ss!o iT -of-^][)'n the se ric s - 'o n the subject of - M .y “ Violence In Am erican Life” w as. an overflow audience from _ ‘ the en tire M agic Valley a rea . Su.nda

T he Com m unity Forum Series Is sponsored by Magic Valley

^ u rn e n lM l ^ a l n ^ ” Council!^ called irs old ■ The public is infrited to any a )serva- of the four, sessions. Cost Is J l 8*ves

p e r session ^ r couple. He. ____ __ - _______-ranch

---------------------- ^ R a l l y - S e t — d f S jSHOSHONE - A “ Speed the fey

I _ _ ^ L ig h t- ra lly will be held a t he I I S y 8 p.m . Oct. 24 a t the R upert ..tn .

• •/ A ssem bly of God Church. J iu \ T he speaker will be Rev. I>on u o llv

6 ^ = X J rA is :^ o o c tB isE n = f irE = R e c : 15 5 - M r. C raig is a fo rm er' Idaho ,

5 Minis- pa sto r and se rved a s distric t mrp

= « w o ■’‘■“ ‘‘‘'111__________ ____ .i S i Z Z t b o a r d t o m e e t ‘he (

_ B O I S E _ ( & a _ = J l e _ [ i I a h o as.HL an a u B oard of E ducation wlll hold lls specti »T I. J m eeting Oct. 30-Nov. 1 In Rouni

■’ m _ ! f M oscow. . - Theher par- '

f g S Churchesf u ? ^ ‘ o[ G EO RG E W. CORNELL 1969 ; rold Liv. A P Religion W rller bettei

.^ E W _ X O R g _ (A E )- .-_ i 'D o n 't lenge \ssem b lv ^eave us out there w ith o u r and 1 John W sreen pow er,’ " pleaded the accot le Minis^ p as to r of a wcIRokIo suburtan room

congregation. “ G et us involvecl Th( A « / thle som ehow ." confr

^ th'o so rt of anxiety Is com- andM.. *^on today In churches pf the Fran, r ' f . r r - i P^'^cld, stab le , ' middJcTclas.*; secrc . u a r ra - com m unities on Ihe lawn:]lned ment

borders of A m erican c ities.' critic “ . Paradoxically , these churches b ro il

, • a re both the backbone of the de- h o 0 C t nom inations and thc butt of "whi

m uch belittling. They put up thc relat B ennett bulk of Ihe budgets, but they 're jnnei

of Ju n io r also often disparaged a s com- ty, 0 bo U nited fcirtable re trea ts from curren t spon-------------- problem s.. -------------------------- ihosi

M any suburban , pastors are odcrator; developing “ a com plex,” feeling nallc cd clerk, th a t (heir w ork Is of little worth, n ion J55J— i9fc7 **y—T*fn^rlp|‘*-^^— nf Kpn Ti«hrAna Am erican M issions of thc Lu- .ho Behrens, theran C hur«h In America. pVes

tly Lou It Is considering an e x p e r i- te rv m ental pInn of conferences In


S e r v i c e siflRa»;aTOr^.zniin:r::?T.*T'-'ttr?:TCTRBajcr.'aJwiIIRISN FIRST UNm:D PFWTRCOSTAI.ly lervlceii Tlilrd Street Mail *nd I'ltih Avinui'orihlp, lllo nail, neoriK Curry, pailnr. Servlcaiip.m. Ooipcl Sunday ichool »:«4 a.m. Mornin* »or-djei’ I'rayer *h(p M a.m. .5un>l<y evenlnf n rrlc i I

(FIrit and p.m. Wrdnetdnyi lllt)l* ilutly and prayerItoyal Kani- meellni I p.m.. Flldayi Youlh iirvic* I

• OOD Binijs n A n inan* Kviiell. I i l Locuil .St., R«v. Ui«il*r Whllili*r,m.: Mornlna paitnr. Sunday nrvlceit II a.m. SundayiMon. Youth achool, 11 a.m., 7ll9 p.m. Worihlp.lille-iirvlr*,--------------- - -■----------------------

JMJ p. m. WES!.r.YAN IIOI.INrSS]0) Midlinn, Sundiy tirvlcei: IS a.m.

Sunday .School, 11 a.m. Worihlp, 7ll0 p.m., ' , a c.It l : » a m. nitTMRL TRMrLK APOSTOLICchool (nr all «» Third Ave. I'... Itiv, J, U Tankir*'nhlp, Hanclu- Iiy, paxor. tiunday aertlciil 'iS a.ta.on. aiiocial* Sunday School. II a.m.. I'p.m. Worihlp.


Sunday Se^ moinmi wnrihlp. I p.m., avenlni worihlp, riiurcli ichofll Prayir litvlc* la hild al I p.m. W*dnii- Rlliy. day. ■ -

!^'ihTlllmnl* « l Wnlilnilon SI., R*V, L. O. ROhlTl-

''Arin'!il'"n;.vl CHURCH OF CHRISTAnana imyi Ilinnl* Whillheid.mtnlilar. Sunday itrvlciti ID a.m. Illhl* claii) l l l l l a.m. worihlp. I'.vining wor-

[AN (I,Ip 7,1(1 p,m. Wtdntidiy Itlbli iludy,'‘!?iMiilAy-|»f. ------- -------- ------ -------.»uillu (llllll,’

* .... PHARMACYPHACTSOoipel hnur.

* Iludy. m i'■ fromYTRRIAN' i T ' k J 5 C r o w I .y , R.Ph.

IIST On* vlinlly-lmpoitnnrfrttt concatn-day iirvleiu |f,g |)„ ptaictlpMon wa (III for you on m , TUI p.B your tJoclor'i older It III liovlno l)««n

■ wflltan by him Jof ’V6ui^(td -V 0u tiloni,Eaclr (iraicllpllon llwdllan by yowr iioc-.| '•■.'(or lo Italp , yo'i '<■qain yot" Itanllh, Tor VOtll raoton 11 li Itl- '

allow on'yw* alia lo ' | ]UK any po't ol Ilia

. *>/t* R "'•‘lltnllon wlilcliwa ...‘ -1 ' 'H l'n v o cIliponnH on ^ /- '? P. . '

'■*'J i t i hll ordar. Moliy Indlvlilunli eta hlfllt,TS, FRO- ■ ly „n,|Hv« lo inaillcnllnni whici) of-

B <*Cl elhari vaiy iMtla, er not.ot nil.B In vour own InVlno nf a iliufl i which hoi N an pmtfll>ad (or on-

* S fMrfort it <7lwayt a iMlnll* iM,r .VAIUI. H I, „ „,v^„oi woiih fl.a Ictkinu,

Par a ll y o u r p ro ic rlp llon n t t d f , w lih f a i t , frU ddly , c e u rN o u i •■rvle« r^ly ■ on

C row lty , Phdrm acyf Down* to w n T w in F a llt, Phon* 7 33-

P g S 9 7 7 1 .

■ P asto John

e l for nam e i here ii asking God c flo t be h ad to a t the being to COI

w°li f

slon and R EV . .LEONARD EILER S Sh»1 t will be “ ■

L “g ^ : i ^ R o i i » r l T i p F n r °?;-S^^

5 1 1 G o d ’ ^Is; S e t : : : SS i r S ^ B y - e i n i r i ^ ^in Life” ■ ' ' • ' -nee from An evangelistic crusade begins 2. A / n rea Su.nday a t Lynwood Chapel w ilh w hy J im lev ies Rev, Leonard E i l e r s , ” the m ost, Ic VallGv P reach in ’ Cowboy,” a s the evan- U ) . ■ and the ,!r n^°Co'

d°'to*^anv the app roach tha t Rev. E ile rs w ill b :ost Is Jl K^ves to h is m essages. every.5. H e. b egan his adult life a s a ^ — jancli.haD d_andJatet-he-becam eJ associated with P aram ount Stu-

_______dips and has continued to m ak e Falls,_ . his hom e iiTSarTTeVnando^Val- d e ro : S p ^ the ley, w hile traveling all a c ro ss will b- U nited S tates as he says, strum le R upert .-in saddle for God.” H e Gospe iP • « still serves os chaplain o f the They

Christian P ray e r Fel- the ,<

lep^Idaho . ° Q c h „r the services will tea - be™ s distric t tu re t h i s m an’s “educated 'Hie

ropes” th a t am azes the young each ■ and old, and his term inology of throu;

iET the Gospel with subjects such also I he—U aho as-iiU pset-W agons;” “ Brand-Jn«- morni ill hold lls spectlon,” and "The IT a 's t day . ' Nov. 1 In Round-Up." The

__^ T he KIng*s_Haryesjers,_Twln_yited.

^ches S e e k in g ^)RNELL 1969 to help p&stors in suburb ia muni, rller b e tte r understand the chai- Rev. —-i 'D o n 't Jengcs, m ntlvatlntw, frtistrfliinnjs nam e i w ith o u r and opportunities- fo r C hristian Coun' laded the accom plishm ent In the mush- *<it

suburban room ing suburban areas. enhui5 Involved T h e suburban pasto r often Is Q^e t

confronted b y w perflclal .values y Is com- and p rejudices, says the Rev. iii> 'i ies pf the Franklin Schott, the b o a rd ’s ’ . iddJcTclas.*) sec re ta ry for church develop- lawn:]lned m enl, and also Is upset by “ the cities.' criticism aim ed a t him b y his ! churches b ro thers.” 'y . <=lO flh e d e - However, Dr. Schott add.-!,J butt of "w h a t takes place In suburbia Is put up thc related to what happens” In thc but they’re inner clly and the rest of socle- 1 a s com- ty, ond pastors there have a re- “ H m current sponslblllty In dealing w llh ehS':--------------- those'W ider tensions. even

u '* ’ A” Indication thnt the denoml- and X, feeling nations a re beglnnlnn to show Stnnl ItUe worth, „ „ |.o concern a ta u t thc subilr- Held - Bnnffl .n t han slliintinn rn r^c recentiv In pnrl' )f the Lu- tho oppotntmenc by the u n ited "nff*” •rlca. P resb y te rian Church of n minis- of n an experi- te r whoso prim ary Job will ho tn erences in deal with whlto > ac lsm In the He [crsi'-ii.'jru stiburb.?, jj.sh

"T he Job calls for. me . . . to ciiy. try lo get suburban whites to borh partic ip a te In tho larg er com- on

RRxaucdflraRCOSTAI.I'llih AvinuiMornlni war- (ni earrlf* Ily and prayer />ulh iirvic* I ' ‘ I

Tl*f Whllili*r, ' f-I a.m. Sunday \Worihlp.Nrss"' ” vlcei: ta a.m. lhlp, 7ll0 p.m.n. VOSTOLICJ, U Tankir*'

s : A . { , r

:hO«l. II a.m., r*nln| worihlp,I p.m. W*dnei-

lArrin- :i*l'l °li«°a'm. iH p.m, Wor-

B g [ t o r 7 ^ <

^ C Y



Intt toncarn-III for you on 'liQvlnu liaan

inll era hlglt, ml which of- >r not. «t. oil.Ill nf a iliiio 'llMd (or on- ' iMlnll* thk, lh tlia liiklnu,

ir s ic r lp llo n ,

, rtU ddly ,r(lii . on

Y, Down*

hon» 7 3 3 .

B y C . W. HOOD and liP as to r, Trinity Baptist Church “ If yi

John 14:12-14 is a p ra y e r mod- my ni e l for all who will call upoif the If. 1 nam e of the Lord, if Christ was achlcN

I ^ ^ ^ B here in person we would a l i 'b e ^^oo : asking for th in g s-w h ich only Here God could give us, we would we kn jio t be listening lo w hat Christ had to sav. But Christ is yonder to Go< a t the right hnnd of God. In r-o 2. ^ being there H e Is challenging us , to com s to Him and ask for . g rea t 'th in g s . “ And whatsosver =

4 you shall ask In m y nam e, thatA % will 1 do . . - If you Khali a fk J . A

anything In my nam e, ihat-w lll of^gre

ILERS Sh»11 we npt pause niid t p Jograsp thc meaning of this nign- „ '

^ e s t of all privileges for a p rayer • ^

J E O t ^ S r ^ L p — 3 1

if- • ; .^ C h r is t make.i Jl very clear I’” " '_____ thQ t_cvery .bclieverJn H im .w ilj • ‘ •

!. .. - be_ ab le_ to .d o .su ch wotiders in C od’s s e rv lc c ra s - th 5-w orld-lia9

de b ec ihs ” *2. And He gives two reasons lanel w ith w hy all Christians will be al- 'J

'V E ile rs w ill be in speaking^ dif^tance ofevery bollever, “ and w hatsoever • you shall ask” shall be done .

i t t S n l He takes oif all lim itations. lount Stu- with1 10 m ak e Falls, will m ake up ' iheTnw rin* -^We ando“Val- d e r o f the-round-up-crew —T hey this 1 ill a c ro ss will be p la y ln s th e ir various in- tures he says', sCrumerts antf.^irigfflg. spcclal acqu;

3od.” H e Gospel songs in every service. Iho 1 in o f the They v/ill be featuring some Of same rayer Fel- tho .old favorites olong with He t

------------sorne-new~oneg^orT>v^iry; mcm-I will fea* b e r of tho fam ily to enjoy.“educated The services w ill b e - a t 7:30 ihe young each ' n i g h t , from Sunday Inology of through Oct. 27. Rev; E llers will CA ects such also be speaking In the 11 a.m . Flor« B£Md-Jn«- m ornIng_vvorsW p_serY ice_Sum g in ae IT a 's t day . ............= ~ the l

Tho public Is cordially in- Buhl e^s^_Twln_yUed.______ __________ .Th.

ing To 'Get In i7 suburb ia m unity around them ,” says Ihe lhan the chai- Rev. Wilbur K. Cox, newly use custra litm i nam ed—ta^ th o -d c n o m rn a tio n 's eche

C hristian Council on Church an d R ate . he m ush- «<n jg im portan t to try to help 2 'SS. suburban people see how they ^ir often is a^e p a r t of the problem s of rac- g :lal v a lues i^m. and w hat they can do about 5

^®.Y- it,” he says. «f d e S i ^ T he U nittd ' M e t h o d 1 s t ^ ot b v ^ S Church’.s c lergy periapical, g s i 1,,. l i e Christian Advocate, also, recent- S " " ly carried j>n a r tic le advising S,f^ir flriri? suburban churches on how they S uburb ia is grappling with S

S ” In the preblem s o t poverty. lace and S 51 of socle- Pc'*ce. . fehave a re- “ H andicaps In the suburban S

tllng w ith chyrch situation nro serious 5 - even wilh the b e s ^ intentions

he denom l- antl motlve.s,” w rites’ the’ Rev. S R to show .‘itnnley J. Menklnp, of Hnddon- S the stibilr- field, fT.J,, noting tha l suburban 9

rccentiv in parishes a re m ostly w hite nnd 6 * Ihe un itod TrffHtCTt7-wi>i}e-44HU rriiplnl nrrna of a minis* of need a ro am ong thp black S b will ho tn and thc poor. ,. • S ism In the He siigpests tha t they estab- g

Ji.sh working partnership.^ with 3 m e . . . to cily. groups In troubled neigh- 6 w hites to borhocKls. thnt thoy concentrate S

irgcr com - on praR m ntIc ' actions rather

F R IC e r e a l s p r p c

I t ' s t h a t s lm p la .

J u s t s a n d u a s e v p u r c h a s e s e a l s f r o r P o s t O r e a l s a n d «

o u r c h e c k t o r * 1 .0 0 S e a l s c a n b e I

b l n a t l o n o f P o s t C g r e a t - t a s t i n g a d u l

G r a p e - N u t s a n d P o e I r o m f u n - t o - a a t c h i

........................ l i k e A lp h a - B l te a n dM a ll y p u r s e a l s

R e f u n d , B o x e o « I l l i n o i s e o s o t . H u r

J a n u a r y 3 t , 1 9 e S .

H The Weekand leaves us without excuse; “ rem e

Church “ If you s h a i r a sk ; anything In to d h e r mod- my nam e, I will do U. ^ Wm ir iporf the If. T he secret of all h«8h th S j rlst was achievem ent In the kingdom of u j‘s u d a li-bo (lod Is found in this p rayer VJ ch only Here a re som e exam ples which J would we know God will do. t Christ 1. EnabFe us to draw nearer q i-yondor to God and, live better. • r n c

I" 2. M ake us powerful hi win- ask ii nging us others to Chrl.'^. , llevinj

3- E nable - us lo find more since mp thnt w orkers and leaders for God. your hali a fk 4. And God will ooen the doors t°daythat-w lll of g rea l fnisslon fields. -

5. And He will send us that '.1 Ir. which we have need of to carry Ih 1 h ifh out-His will.- . *r n r a S r 6- C oncerted p rayer will even _ SI a p rayer nations ond the. course .Bow»unri<.«c- of history. I t has been done be- H ut

57r«‘ wni m .^ T h er e [s stilt a n o t h e r m a i nH?r.T?R th ou gh t abou t-th ls kind of p ray- ^ ^ f r

Inp. T h a t is -w h e n a ll e lse h as T h of a i ^ r h ^ i r s r i i n i f r w c - c f l r rturn lo God and through C hris t a ry

I nl He will h e a r our p ra y e rs . for N} our needs and He..will answer M r.

7 /av en ‘^ iv ! 'M ay b e you' don’t know g r i s t

uoon C h r is t-to sa v i2 -y o r -fr o m - T J - j ynur s in s and from hell. Y es,Christ will hear the prTiyer of Cut tho sinner_w hcn it is ..prayed t s ^ ^ with m oaning from the heart. W edr

iTnwrin* -^We h ave-several examplcs- o f E lem ’w _They th is kind of praying in the scrip- Co? jrious in- tu r ^ ^ O n e that "all o f ' us a re P fe ff '. spcclal acquninied wilh is taken from Smitl ’ service, the thief on Ihe cross a t - th e nelL-. some Of sam e tim e,C hrist was on cross four;

me with He turned: to C hrist and .sold and Tyrmem- • • ------ ■■ — Den. -

' ' 1 - Revival Set 3;ilers will CASTLEFORD — Rcv. Virgil then E 11 a.m . F lorence. Bixby, Okla., will be- activ ’Jce_Sum c in a T cv iv a l m eeting Sunday a t {ous

— ; the F re e w ill^ a p tis t- CHurch“ ln- —Ciil lially in- Buhl. fen v

•pie public Is Invited. —^

t Involved- Wsays the than sim ple idealism, th a t they I M

K, newly use the ir influence in power U ! |n lh ation’s ech e lo n s--------------------------- ------------- ■ !R ace.

S i r I . r WANT TOj d o a b o u t ^ • ^

: h o d l s t S .periapical, S • "so. rccen t-5 . 2. I >

a d v is in g ^

. . v iS D E M O C R /I

W h S CANDIDATE FOR CO“ c c S f e l g ■’ t w i n f a l l s ( ^ f j ^ c r T / r r m M r r w 0 M r r m r w M r M t

s p r p o f - o f - p M r c h a :

Iiat simple.s e n d u a s e v e n ( 7 ) p r o o t - o f - l e s e a l s f r o m y o u r f a v o r l t a s r e a l s a n d w e 'l l s e n d y o u Ksk f o r * 1 .0 0 .Is c a n b e f r o m ' a n y c o m -

>n o f P o a t C e r e a l s . F r o m , , ' a s t l n g a d u l t c e r e a l e l i k e

N u ts a n d P o s t T o a s t l e s . A n d i n - to - e a t c h l l d r e n 'e c e r e a l s i h a - B l te a n d H o n e y c o m b , y p u r s e a l s t o ; P o s t C a s h

d , B o x 6041, K a n k a k e e ,6000). Huiryl Ofter ends

y 31,1969.

J."*.-. •"».

Weekly Sermcirmomtte■. 6 ..............excuse; " rem em b er m e,” and ' C hrist

th ing In told h im th a t “ he would be with' • him -in-paradise.;,’ .-------- -Bll h leh ■ Y es, w hatever your need is In . Vdom of th is life C hrist will J ie a r you if

« T v e r you will cry out to Him with P« which y our heed, and you can be as-e sw m cn th a t : l t w ill be answ ered '

but n o t when yoii m ny w ont It,9 nearer -will answ er. •/

;■ He has never failed w hen.w e hi win- ask in C hrist’s nam 5"faith btj-

lleving. How long has It been id more since you have osked Cod for ■ r God. your needs? Why n 3 t ask Him the doors today? •,

t“ ca‘S F r ie n d s M e e twill even ' SPRINGDALE — R ichard - 10. course . Bowen, so n 'o f M rs. Gladys done be- Hiitchins and the la le Thom-

t-ouF-Hia----- as BoH^‘h , - who. i s - se rv ing----------w ith the U.S. A rm y in 'G e r-

rt 0 t h e r m any , w as su rp rised to m e e t-------- ^. of p ray- ^ a friend from his hom e town,else has T hom as M atthews, who Is.......... _

r^ c 'C f l t r -TscrvingTis-an-LDS*m lsBion-^-------- -Rh C hris t a ry In (Germany, lyers for ' M atthew s is th e -gon' of .1 answer M r. and M rs. T hom as W. '

M atthew s.I’t know ••.l l savior. — . .

H a llo w e e n P a r ty —y;>f&yer of Cub. Scout P ack No. 76 hold s oravcd Its annual Halloween porty-lieart. W ednesday night a t H arrison-------

imples- o f E lem entnr.y. SchOQL,^..p«..._ the scrip- C ostum e .prizes w ent to Doug i f 'u s a re P fe f fe r le ,. .D en.', one; Lance ken from Sm ith, Den two: T im McDoh-i ;s a t ‘>he nelL.Don throe; Mike Legg, Don on cross, fou r; M ike McBride, D en five and .sold and Ted Patterson , W ebeloes

D en.—W. -R—N u ttin g -a n d Don____, M cB ride’w erf 'ih e -ju d g cs :------- ■--------

A fter flag raising cerem briles D en four presented a sk it and

ev. Virgil then the Cubs p a r tic ip a ted ',in .,'w ill be- activ ities sponsored by th e var- Sunday a t {ous dens.:mufch-ln- —C ubm ast(!r~H ow ard-yan-P at-— - - I fen w as in charge o f the event.

power H < w a « * w i e «

NT TO K N O W I- r — ^ . _ ,5

1 .1 wohl lolVnow how much w a t g. . tovad by noi colling (or b id i on S\ (ha flaw tvdlelal building. ^' 2 . I ■woni.lo knew Why lha tom- S

m ltilonart’ Irlpi hov* b**n edvar- W I ' l l t id 'i a itiiich and yat to llllla h a t S '

jAI b*an iold oboul occompllihminlt' 9M _ ond cotl. ^■ a. I wont (0 knew why Ih* cam- S

' mlitlonart hova talked (er >1x i Qmoniht oboul lha oulo |unk pllat S bul hava . dona nelhlng obeul ^

-4 . I wont know If tha cetmlp ^ ! ' raorgonliollen plon w a i ptannad - S

■ H H by WoihlnQlon, D,C. er by (ha |fi pyopta of our county >— and w hat S

son la lha Pton^__________ ___________g





u r c h a s e s e a l s )


!• '

' ' ..........' V

I , ;I

I ' ............... .I, . . , ■



.Vom'HIMe*aM»n»>aaWaa(aHPM O aM bN -M .

Page 9: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF257/PDF/1968_10_18.pdf_ — J W e a th e r - Chilly VOL. 65 NO. 187__________ Murder G Filed

> ^ l i i BOLTON \ . . prc- r T lin e » f fe w i Csrrw p oBdtnti ■ at

. RUPEinVr^th^'J.VR;: ?jnittIot ye« Com pands- H ^ b u m •.operations ?r« are laI>'blt/,of-.a,t«rra'oll ttil* : I

- harvM t.-seasonrbuW oi^ jrgw d 0P< retwon. TW plant h a i lieen .In the fhldst of a PV4 million ex* ):/ pension projiram ,a ll.iu in m er, I and 'the construction wlU piipb* •[I ably, take until next January- to ’ i

• com plete. .. H ; W t h e ' sch ^ u k ^ tb m a ie .tb e jfj

.already ' ] a r ^ ' '^ r a t io a ; ' e r a i f l bigger rapd-Stte/rfi(e:.tt’ .W.(Klp new.parkihgiTof and'pedestrian ',1

' brldw ; C hew Frinch^Pry: pn>-V I d u c tlo n W n e .'e '^ .s fo r ffg e .^ w i house. ah d '& ?fh R !eiT '8torage building ,which'wil)renclo9e' al* v j m ost four, a r t^ /u h d ir oae roof. -A

------ -Tha l jarQralreadyVcdmplate -aad-wiU ■•' I

---be.put-4nto:iusie, by'‘tli'e"51mpl(?t __ cmyqyCTs .thto’w e ^ ^Two-hun- :.j

the n ra ih .'p l^ t,,-aH h ou ^ .'.th e 11 ; area Im V & tf'W p ad ty^ for 400

cars w h*i;,^m pleift.- '.I. P refab ri^ ted ,In‘ A ^ s t Ijy • j Harlaft Jensen, this.- pedestrian ,1 brldge.'tKe. flrst^^ ^lts k l ^ ta H

_ ^ f r o tn th»*piBfffing [iJt r jroom . iDskle - the--i.plant. -, The Ta bridge Is/covered .for protection ]

— tom Jhe-W A ather-M d does not : i ' involve any, additional s t a i r

clim bing workers wmiM h ave .’ (O' clim b s ta ir s ; to .the' cloak '

, room atid adjoining cafeteria - | anyw ay-'.• ' . . •

With a completion, date the first o f November,' ;the aew : 1 F r e n c h ’fry production" line,'Is vl

:==n>felHBzbullc::a^ha«f8tonrr*bP« th e ^main flodr^inslde-.the.regu* -J la r plant.. T h e ;lin e w ill m ean

. a 35 per cent'increase In-ovei^ >' a ll production a t the Heybum '

plant, and w ill m ean ah increase------of. an. iindetftrm ined. JUmhef of

• ■ em ployees!'...... ' r-r —*-rc pF or..the new line,. « . 65,00tt- ..

------poundiier hotu"Steam b6Uer h as .-been ’ added' at', the : ^ a n p T l ie >

— pounds and-^M.'shlppedrdlPOT T" Pennsylvania in June. It meas* .,j ures 25 by .15 by ‘12 feet fn d ■ brings , the total production ca- ' '

' paclty.’.b f . the Heybum''opera* ; tioijs-to^l45,l)00jpband8:of;8tea^ r - per-hiour..- •

Another addition .fb r'th e'n ew ' line is addlUoMl. refrigeration • 1 eq u ip m en t./ip Q lu d ^ 'is 'a com* ; pressor .containing a' 4S/>*bor9e ,

■rotary b0(»ter, and!,a.i,ooOrton -«vapofatiog ,:-eoodenslngv.ua^t ,!. w hich follows .the modem.'trend• In antl-poUutloM Mwch o f the

w ater is evaiiorated .and then « condensed' Jor-re-,use, 'rather '1

. than heing run, into the river. : A n ^ n (^ o u sU ^ r * S e .tA tik Is 1

being installed outside near .the 1 . plant buiidinfl'Anid. wilirstoK^fM ^

for frying qfl^for. the m ew -.pto V •• • - jj^ductioO-jIpe.^— jf-— ^

> m ahi ; lat»rirtory, ' Is ' a lso' new ^ inside the' regular The J

.laboratory Is housed’ t o \ t w o 2 ryponjib te - tor "

line work. P, C overing .an .aren;^ ?p .l)v ,220 . feet,' a dry ' StorAiie^^tehoUsc m i s another addUton.'akrihe’Hey^ «

;i^rnpIant:>l1iatHiikllflg^Ue8.the (n

plant an d .Is tor.the-S torage q( d packaging-r'm aterlals<--lt''W as il'

•• built a t :a ,.t6 ta l,'c o s t ,o t^ o v e r gi tlOO.OOO- and' :la. noi^ cothpletifi except for’the InstatUUm.M the heating,unit. .0 ; T h e .b ig g e ft.’ addition,-to. the

age. S jn d lS r ^ ^ tfw lU V e n c lp se ' nearly f4)^r a c ^ ' o f ' g 1*0 UQ’d

_____ ui^fer. one,' roof.' The bt^ldlng.

. Is rUln0 '-'across/Uie%‘M l]road tracks . to tbe ' northwest from the present'fabiliUes? I t w n I cover 160,000 ' square feet and is. expected to be com plete by the first o f janijary., .

A lth ou B h ,^ Iy ,.'iM .:n op r..M i been poured to d a ta /th e build*

...........in'a willm etal and w ill b e .for'Storing froten potato products; ■ ,•■ Also, to 'a id F llh the'poUu*

Uon problems of the plant,'-•. huge Eim co filter ha^ been ,in*

s ia lled -to help wHhrWaste tdto* posal. T h is filter, will U k e /th e solids ,1rom th« water, s o i i ^ w ill n ot:go lhto tM 'H v e r .;J ^ nearchi and ' expisrlmente' in; ih e

' pQlluifen.jtfi{Maroii:;of.'al1-not«to

.eiaiMW';V k b i i H i n f $ u | ( i | i l i j t f ^ ;

w I t i i O l a i s - C o B t e ^

i Expandinj^ 1' . . . p r o v i n g p iim b w ill 'clirillnuc 960

a t o it* - a t -:a .'tr iced -ra te -thl8,T.cQroiri8 plo: Sinifilot year, with the experlments'i.aU m «

eiaS oM »king .piaca. «t 'Simjaoti. v ' V. ber {oil th is ' In Heyburo,"the J. 'R.''Siiiaplot ptn ^jrgood op«nM ^-'«m .-tcoyetr.abQ ur'.20 plai 1 )M n /b &cre;s of ground i^ d hire\abotit ave llion'ex* c'

iU Pf9b*

&l(30.00<> idestriaq ■,Fry: p r ^ V g e .m i^ o r a K ,e dose'.al* ’. one roof. M

*n d -w iii y r S i"SlmpKjt 'f-M ^^To•hu»

igh .'.th e ;:^.for' m

gust tpy Vsdestrian s^

kind ta J P

trotectlon ' ^ H L does not :

s t a i r4i]diiav8 n R z ^ B ^ u m hle' cloak ' ^ 1Jw S | ^ ^ H kcafeteria '

date the Ithe aew :

line.' Is

m ean ' in-ovei^

Heybum increase ;;

im hef erf

a . 65,00^

tm^' The

i^rdlnnn It meas*

ction-,ca- '

r f i t t S SIMPLOT D PER A lIO N S.«t He] ; .a b d .th e se - |^ to s .sh o w A ^ r t oj

new lu id ^ -w ^ lcb crosM s the m ^ n m j 4w » t fo n p lan t .H i« bridge Is e o v e r ^ fo r ,

i sfm “5 i l :i o f ' th e , •' . ■ • ■ < • , ’ :

r^^WardsvNaiii^dlihe- river. ■ ■ . , Zi

n e l f t h ; DielegateisToIstore'rfet '

3 t ^ t a £ r ^ ^ Ii i £ ? i 2 w - B U H I> ^ r . «n d -‘Mrs^. V.-' R'. ne ! S 5 S V » « l w r e elected n item ate del- ^ ^ t w f l ^ t e s to the state grangp opn- fiJ

:«?>i sIJU^ m e .- '• ,' • ,' •/A'-by 320 Cedar D raw <]e1egates. w ill ra teh ^ se serve onthe-consUtution and'^t^ ^:the'H*y^ U w com m ittee ait th e state m w t; j®

i S l r c h Vstonenietsi ■'reM lutibnl.’twage^ q( < ^ ir m a a ,. p raented 26.' resolu* se ' i t - - w a s d on sr ..ah d , :m embeta.. .o f;..th e «, o t^ over granm acted.on^them .' . ^ p k t e M rt., ■Herman -Relder, chap*

S a m S m r n i s S m S m m S B i

U V e n g j

e 5 ? t n I oI fc w I M ^feef- and ,

nplete ,


I ^ e n j n * 'W H B W B B H H I Mirastetdla* . i B H n H H B B H H I H I

^ i b m b m

aU:not«to f ^ ^ q B * ^ H H l B i

II; f e l# ;I ' a t e i l ; '

i " S l

V mg, 3^,od«v^ T r a n s i M ^ i i i

^ S e » f S t ; f 1 | P ^

® T o22-F (|o» |W ,;^ fisfeT ' "

P ' i S t e

c'Dntiniie 960 . w orl^ rs' dtlrlng 'peak em> t^ro T-comins p loym ent The, new faciUUes.will v.rF. ients;.aU m u h ' jm . increase .Ihvthe''num* mai ts.'.. • .. ber-of employW^and in the size plar

Sirnplot pf rthe payroll which leaves th£ hyd ibaut-.iO plant^reach-weelc'-Tbe-payrplJ star re\abotit a v e r ^ ^ - about $70.000,-weekly tet'o

BPBM lClHg tt iif tW g te M ifc t^ * * R U ijpt

i l S i S S S * i l f f V '* "

g ffip R O , . r.? !, M B f e i d r r ^ -------- T T !

I , > •;* r<, ,

[Tor^-at Heyburn are b .t b « : m ld s t j o f 'a ^ nr A ^ r t o f the .expansion, l h e t o p ' ^ t o the filibw >y in u T th e paridiig lo t i ^ l ^ d s ;

eovered for, p r o t ^ o a from the w eather, l h e ider eonstiDctioa: this tank w ill store fatlfor i H ie new steam boDer iust installed is showi S,000 piqoluls and waB"sUpped from Pennsylv Minds of steam p^r; hour. Other fu tU tles plai age ,warel»ouse and a froieh"»tonigcrbnfldfog

j iain, reported that a plaii| -had25 i m C C l been! sent: to Mrs. Herman Van th

' • , Zante and. cards to E m m et rii Bauet' and Mrs. ,Gene Ruther* B;

X O - • ford. •' • . • - W. - . '1 ‘. , / i t ‘ w as announced that Mrs.

« W R'. needlework fo r ,a n embroidered j ] r ^ t e del* tabiecloth.,,The cloth, ia now ell* JC K o T i glble.for Jitdging.at the National , ,

— • , ' - . « : ■ Thg n ew C ed ar P raw o ffice r s p= atM w ill w ill b e -ln su iled In Twin Falls ^ in a n d 't^ e r a n ^ hall during joint install .

.5reiolution ’ Mrs. ' Hertry DaWquIst pre^ ^ 28' resolu* sented'sn article on'tlps for gun .

of the safety and M rt.-W . R; Ward i i : gave ,;ihe'closing thought. ; th

er, chap^ .The next m eeting Willibe Oct. b<


■ • % > . ' 7 :

l | | | | i M | i ; b w i t x W D Eijjiilii


I m *

M t f p f f l

'\Ateak . em - t i r o u ^ i i t iMt*Vear.‘‘ V iUUes.wlll v.rFj^5iep'-.;F^ch:7rlefl .is' the ; ^ the num* main product, of,, the , Heybum J a 1 the size plant,'aJUu)ugh. a vartely. 'Of de jJ J eaves th£ hydrated. products,(incIudlng;ln- trpayrplj stantT nashed-’p ota tb es^ an a .'^ - - - - - 0,-weekly tatp - ^ r ^ .are also.:produced, •i-rrr

I / B

> H er ' I«* I ? bkbPb ^ I 'KSm H

I f f ” ■


- ' I

- S l



on^-nelcon:h ar

< lst:oi'ajB V i:m im an ,pple- t o p - ^ t o shows the new pedestrian ext< lo t a n d ^ a d s Intb'ft c loak m i n Inslde theV fieliweather, l h e bottom left phb^ shows the ' u store fat Ifor f ^ g o il for tbe new french rea

tailed is s h o ^ in the bottom r l ^ t photo, t . . . rom Pennsylvtmla. T he boiler Is 'jcapable — fu U ltle s planned a t tbe H e y ^ m Opera?:

»n igerbnfl& ^---;r7^ - : ; r- v.T -r-r-rrT n-r • •; .—

plaig -had 25 ‘With the new officers in srman Van their'stations. Hosts for the eve^ a E m m et riing w ill be Mr. and Mrs. W. ne Ruther* B: Stonem ets and Mr. and Mrs. '' .■;• W.-Ri;,Ward._ .. / ;,th a t'M rs. ■' ; ' . •. ' , •. . ^'".'

Faafsg-’S Commercial-Di^ - tSw'iu- Be^n Output U p '

a i5 ' ^' ' ' j l ' S W Livestock.Reporting,Scrvice.

L ? . I; ' >1 rM llasd ,',til» . would-b« up ' o m o m a n d per:, cen t .above last ,ye>r-i ,.

. production, but one per cent be* quirt pre* io ,y .th e-1862«68 average. ,.Ips for gun , Yield per acre, forecast at

R ; Ward 1,600 pounds, is 120 pounds less ■ lught. •; than la st year and 144, pounds r v illibeO ct. b elow 'average;,.'-,' * :

| | g : y ; ; i i s T - -

i J i L ^ p R i i C E ^ i;

* i i 'S r w i i l l f S ^ H >'

{r v '''i

‘s e lE m tr ie .(W II im U f l<

ies ' -

c lu in g ; In- ■iS-^ana.''^ - - — , F .: i>«)duced.

B ^ B . v / ^ ^ ^ H E ^ B j B B

, %A ,C nulU B B ^ • I-' o -»»

■ Sugar Co;, a s trucks haul t e n ir be< K g H r : - t o r y ; y l^ r m e n l ' t h ^ ^ i^ ( h e ^ a fg

' OGDEN — Sugar beet g r o ^ 'T l B ^ B I ' era in the three-staite operating larg

: area.of'the.A m algam ated Sugar fiavt Co., may'h&nrcst an-estim ated age

^ ^ ^ B ^ million tons of beets, Harry and A f-£ lcock ,—vice-p resid en t-an d seas

^ ^ ^ B general a^ icu lturist f o r - the A m i s O gden^A S^ -firm : said this ritoi

^ ^ ^ B v w eek .- .' • gon., ^ e ' io n n a g e estim ate, .b a s ^ ^

on^-:Ama]^ret^ted''field rperso if ^ ^ ^ B oei reports, could: exceed the

com pany’s 2.8. million . ton ■ ■ " ■ V r harvest of Jast year 'J>y nearly H

1 L . : . , 1 8 percent, despite adverse opei

5 ^ ^ ; : erteiMivb?' r e p la n t f^ - - In. m ^ f f i inslde tte v fields.- •. ' .- .* , . Mir

■ ’ W ' >8 e s t im a te d 'y ie ld Is Lev ? 5 realizM , it w lil be the largest pro^ ^ ^ b t o harvest in company hUtory.^ Inue im Opera? •

in - | ^ ^ m i | m i | | | ^ M J j | | ^ _

nd Mrs. W. . ■Ir. and Mrs. ' /

ilDiy — — —

“ t U p ■ 1 \ M

| | 0r e r v lc e . l ^ y W i lvould-be tip ' : H‘ M l i J UZ e c t i t v l | | I H

- k l ------------------

- E ^. • ' ^ 1 :

' . . Ttiere aro a lot of good rt < ■. d ollan cn a David Brown <

vr o f the primary on^s and tl " sea Davld'Browii"0ff dlspL

B B j B T : v ; ■' youirioragobdreabonH^b; ^ H B H Domain ttiat'i unbeatable.M M H ; Comparo Price; A lW ^

I .: *nd t o p t y atatem eht t o bj i M S B y , . r . AraenciuidolIarwlth'l&alEri

' T M w « » n i , B r i t ! * m 9 n a B H H - < (pou iida) to>im>duca'ihios

'tain 's'm anufacturing oosta .'pH9e'lik Ib ^ -^ a ii^ M ih U a

. . . M

V' . .w o r ld 'f .o ld e a t a n d h ig g o | | K |^ H i ; ' 'tr a o to n . Succeoding'gM ^r

-'■'-Every.det^ll o f .d ^ w t.^ i}! 'vl' . tostM.andichedkedagaiu;^^

S ^ ^ B - ‘ ■ '': '- '':C o m

S K , ;

{ j i i i l7 ~ V , \ ‘


T ' \ w t i% H W g g tE B B B m m

l itt bn B

-------- - fr lJ d y , October 18, 19AB Tvyii

fro ttr ite^ ln -F eil^ a ie te ir i^ -A m i^ ^cs haul kugar beets to the dUmp.at'jhe.fae<i..^e^l i i ^ i ^ t h e ^ i i are busy h a r v e st!^ b e e ^ .' Io

rbeet groi^ The increase-:'l8''credlted‘:to rat

e operating larger plantings by farm ers who ,i«. lated Sugar fiave b ^ n unrestricted by. acre« _ / u,estim ated a ge allotments in recent,years^ eets, Harry and by a favorable fall growing »sident-and s e a s i r f - ^ - m ost—sections—ot it f o r - the Ajnal^tnatied’s '' t r l- s ta ie “ ^

said this ritory of Utah,, Idaho and Ore- gon.;.V.Company—estim ates ,ialso

natP call for the sam e beet yield per acre-asiJast.year,-.w h{ch- awr*

e“ iS ™ h e ’“el'l'y «t>ove-2IHoi«nper liu iou. ton : ■ . ' -v: ':■■ ; ■r'J>y nearly Han^est - and .sugai^maklrtg te adverse operations began'Oct.- I a t the Ugh- caused. N ysaa,^O re..:andLN am pa..Ida.58 -in . m any fartories. T h e ': Twin V Falls,

- . .' ■,MinI-Cassla -(hM r; R upert)-and i ' : yield Is Lewiston, Utah factories began

the largest processing last- v,«ek. The an- / history, nual , sugar ‘ .“ campaign'*' w llll

Announcing ou as deal

m mDIESEL 13

\ ^

a lot of good reasons to pMC-your tfw»or> x;,v a David Brown dleML W o^.ioflch on eomo '’ H' nary on^s and thoii bobeiyou'U'drop by tO’ ,''> Browii ‘0ff dUplay.tW e^ mTIu givo ..,j (Obd reabonn^bir DftviaSroW&'-ia A'BrItish~ at'a unbeatable. Compaq f6r ypurM lfl' , / 1; « F r l^ - AlwaVa a ,go^: piaic6 .'to v ta r t 'xt'a.', atatemoht to s«y; you: gat 'mote lor'yrnn ■''' J5naTwlth-lSn:Bfigi&1 i l Britjah money. I t ta k ^ tt'?r«r dollara to >pr(>duca'iheM flno. d i^ l,trn cto tf.' utacturing oosU are lower .so th « tiu r ^ 8 « ;. c j . ♦ w r auto t^htlally Ipweh .O o t i ] ^ pric«l \':, > ire QtuIity/'l^aVid^BVown U 'bhV o t ihb' ' ! deat and biggM t-maDuiAoturerf o l.iJno.,’., ucceoding'gi^rjvrati^iu of David

“°]Ra iic18 , 19AB T w in Foils T i m e s . ^ M y ^ ^ 9 - : ^

Ing b e e ^ In M a ^ Valley.

s R ecord B e e t .redlted rto rah^e'fr6m''tTO“,to ’tive':montlis; , l rmers who depending iin t h e 'd i^ ic ^ Mr. d&:

ill m w in g

^ S l i i G S i i k :r » SUHDAY, OCTOBER 27» tons w i^ s r^ ra r^ u a a iism d u ^ ^ ^

Mri'me.stdfe of:fdoHd; Alf.how' P l ^ r t i e ' :»?ddles;, brld!e8; jdtampa-'Idft-l • .,., >'_Wf*Kh:forfurthar uSertf'iniil JE»0»E A U aipM « m i

algh'*' w ill Bm M M M IIM IM — ■ U M I

cing our appointment


iuraelfl ' , r ; of foiurb^uavHo'syiiu^aiti^tii itart. It'av, 1 • (S ^d^M «lpm m ti^ i),= ;

LubS *'ir , yi’SaMlw :6( g^ti'h^m^^uri

u m o N X ^

Page 10: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF257/PDF/1968_10_18.pdf_ — J W e a th e r - Chilly VOL. 65 NO. 187__________ Murder G Filed

Sugfv Firm I Sees Record I

^ Bi^Hiarvfcst I;: (Contlnoed f m Page •) I

; to tto outlook. , giving , J■ the croM amirte tim«,.to retcE' I

ed farm ers who a r e now tnUlng I — r ^ U f fo r • dflllvw y - to r^Awalga- I

roa ’g 86 beet reQeiving:#ta< I

; N itlo n a lly ,'U .S . D epartm en t I -o f A ^ c u l tu r s estlnu ites ;p lace E . t h e - 1968 cro p a t jiearfy> <me* I . th i rd h igher th a n : la s t.iV e a r , I

• - - »ir t th a n -e m m a ted tgta l n f n ,\ - I jm im o n tons to b e .ha ry w t td - ir^ I

l^ew^WateiF-^ =1 jPlaimmg

li jSiudy Okayed ]•r - f T«UTift Watair Raaoiircit B oardf 'I 'A;tlHrtwtor. Robert-.>Ri;'.Ijee ;:a»- A ; ..-‘jlioan ced ' Tthat- 'A., cooperative I yirU greem ent prtrrfdlag for a .ppw - ;'l ; > )«” ^teed9 Study has b e e h ' ^ i ^ ■;

Ta^h« ;^ E g g e t - C o . — -------

D r. Lee aald^. th e 'n e w ’sfedy ; | ! s one of a se rie s , ofv'statewlde «j

v- iw a te r needs stud ies being con- , j ^ id u c te d b y the^Idaho W ate r Re- ,. V ^T ioufce B o a r d . - ' - t • •■. • .1

T he study , being m ad e a t no

Include,: am ong, other re- fv l la te d I t e m s ; '

; 1 \ ; i t u r v ^ - b r p o te h t i a lh > ^ , •' i) <{08S11/SIIH} oucIecx'.suppU es.;- t ^ 3 BxlsUng a^-probftU e p o w

r t r development. -, analyal»_bLp(nwr-de-. „

rj ;T, B. W ater .needs for hydroe|ec- i_ Jtr ic and ^ r m a l power genera- J

P I POUtTRY ^l i ::.rra(jcKisiNG;:% s

- : W * . - « n l w i ' - - < i n W al'jr r] — G

■ POULTRY 5 il'{ SUPPLY I1 ; j Av*. w.

t B i i w w i m M iM H n i i i r t ^

I S ^ j :

p '

I , i

________i l 2 ,aZ _exclu _12


•' I ■ ■ «h*p 7H 6 p.m. Tmi

= i I GET o rCHE



P r o v e n ,Q u # I |i

I ■iiiiI'i P ; ii

■d! s t« • >

0 reach •

^ r v i i n B H E h w ^ K Mlng:#ta< K

a r tm e u t f *« ')p lac« I

M M Mu te d .— r |

yedtperativt ' r -a .P p w n '- s ig M - id l d ^

r i^ s fe d y ' .': itatewlde



a l h S ^ , ,JL A C IN Q B U l f e R s n c m i t

iWe p o w - F e l d b n ^ Kimberfy. p w l«- ' h im Is S usan BUllngton, T n ^ F i

DWeylB:. -^S o n lh w lcfc .b ;ia f b a rgn -J t Ih n J e “ - ' c o u n ty a r e p lacing th«se stickers req u ire p o ta to es need to b e bandied wlU

J e r o m e N M ) H a s I

> S B i s i | H e l t o n M e e t — £• . ' 'n M ^ t O N — Love Spencer, .'

> '-, ■ p re s id e n t o t th e Je ro m e County j,f

G' -- N FO , presen ted a taped , m e s -p , s ag e , fro m Com ing, Iow a, con* qj c e rn ln g d a iry a n d com prices ^

' *>?!* a t a m eeting In the F ro n tie r ^ G ran g e ha ll. ,„

^ A d iscussion w as held on pos-

r slb le solutions. I t w as announc: 4. e d th e NFO s ta te convention w m b e held Oct. 28 In ,Tvrin F a lls . Selection of d e le ^ te s fro m th is a re a w as discussed. «,

i M U t - T h e ' nex t local m eeting Is n w r o schedu led fo r Nov. H . ^"nmi

■ ■.• -.• ■ - • pce x c h . .

S B ' to

H i 6V0lTBAnERY S H -FR EE INSTALUTION |m P D E P E N D A B L E « w ^ S E R V I C E — L O W P R I C E *“

c c h . . l 2 . - V - o l t . B d f l e i y , | j

FA R C ^ 3 A vi* n>FREE PARKING m

i p -------- , -------- - - o p in -T lff-p jn :------- ~Men.. W«d., Thun-, M . p<





•n.Qiiallly Produoti and 8«rvle« Fi

o m OW hlED AND OPi

^ p u i

i*News -------- ---- 1- --------9 6 8

R STICKER on a .c a r to rem in d everyone to I ib e rh r ,-p w ld e h t o f “th e T w ta F a lls County T t ton, T n ^ F alls. whUe M rs. F ra n k Southwlck, gft i>> Wft T ^ ju A g B r. 4-H CIub.^..M embcrs^:ol tt«se stickers on c a rs , p ickups-and -trucks to 1 bandied with ca re .

I Has Loc^ 4rH’ers H jet— Protect Idaho’sI S ^ n c e r , .' ••Handle w ith c a re ’* is th e c ry ha

of Id ah o 's po tatoes, says Carl po ped. m es- peidhusen , K im berly, president go owa, con- qj th e 'T w ln F a lls County Teen- su ’" I A gers 4-H Club, a s an anti- o t

F ro n tie r ^ru jse cam paign g e ts under w ay pc in th e county. '

id on pos- M em bers of th e Teen-Agers sti announc: 4.JJ ^ lub o re busy placing bump-

:onvemion gj. gUckers on ca rs , -pickups and re trucks th roughout th e county to

delegates renjind everyone to not bruise wJ scuw ed. po tatoes."leeting Is figyeryone know s th a t Idaho ^

potatoes a r e th e rhost fam ous I ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ i kJhBiW orld,-^9Ays^Plan^G<inij. ^

Twin F a lls County agricu ltu ra l n agent. “ O ur soil, conditions plus J

■ / ou r knowhow fo r fertilizing / - - fh»m hnw >n trrlpn tn nnr pnlfl- _J

M . toes and o u r Ideal c lim ate con- Jr. V dition produce the b est nuaiity

potatoes th a n anyw here In.,thc

. . " I t ’ is tru e th a t Idaho p o ta -J "’ 1 toes, a r e fam ous Jn quality w hen ty

Y they com e o u t o f th e ground. but. to d ay ou r po tatoes a r e be- com ing le ss a n d Jess tamoua

flM *rom th e tim e they com e out O' w n of th e -g ro u n d until they a r e o»

peeled b y th e cooks and . h o u s e -” wives—a ll b ecau se o f rough han- V;

0 1 0 1 ? dllng.”M r. G enn s ta ted , ‘T h e y n re .

banged, e leva ted and dropped, “ e r v slacked ond restack ed , p a c k - ”i,

aged a n d ' arfippearrhrow nfT iiT g o th e r w ords th ey n ro bru ised "

V e il nnd th en o ften stored fo r ^ 3 ' m onths. ^;— -i- 'B y th e - U m e n h e y reach a M . point w h e re th ey a re peeled,

often h a lf o f them has to be ^ throw n aw ay . A fter a housewife


t YOU CAN ll ™ S T ! :

SERVICE 1 " - - Y O U U K E - h ^

I------------------------------------------- 1 f


t• • • •

,• ■ ISAPEilEiCALW w ld a From Y p u r—


mSHSi:V '': 'Ca

n eersciflcBoiseN o rtt

■Jfc • • lean

- Th( “ Foo

K im tn j f l ^ B f l W i I r l . tendli

h o ^ yta n a

^ 5 "W iS Fei« i J 0 ^

■ H i f l V ^ W astp f - t h e 'i

rf !'■ id S

B L i l i L s * j A ^ d and^ V f l ' bniic

f B f H m Q l f f i i ? j | a B . ' • tiS S I iB lB M M h W if c vice;

£ M «

Mr^: Pers<

I ' ment Bwai tract men- fessl conti a n d '

1 sloni

helpi n i i i i i i i i i H i i i i ^ M i iw' everyone to h an d le po tatoes w ith c a re Is . gIne ells County Teen-A gers 4-H Cbib.'Helping " to"< ink Southwlck, Castleford^. looks 00. M rs. w e :^M em bers^;of-jibl8 clnb th ro u rto u t th e to 1 Dd-trucks to r e m b ^ t h a t ' l d ^ o V fam ous ~ Vroii

■ “ ]------------ ^ — . _ j-------------------------- - b e a

’ e r s H d p i n g T o f f i

l a h o ’ s J E o t a t o e s — diro

Is th e cry h ^ to throw aw ay half : of J»6r says Carl po tatoes which she thought w ere P'Jj

,. president good qualify, she becomes very unty Teen- susceptible to using rice and p

an anti- o th e r food products instead of F**! u n d e rw a y potatoes.

“ T his Is why lhe b u m . p e r c « » re e ^ A e e rs s tick er cam paign is under w ay a t cInK bump- in T w in F alls County nnd -all Jfui IclwDS and residents, of the county a re re- the J county to m inded to handle the potatoes ot not bruise w ith ten d er loving care.'? Jon

th a t Idaho - r ^

r a . n ‘S ! X ' k . P o m o n a

i S g T a k e s ' T O c I i ^ J S ;fertilizing . _ m u

llmate con- A S ^ l Y j . C i n U t y I / ^

e r a In " the D ole- Wolchi N o r t h v i e w Ins G range, w as ncccpted as a-now E n

daho Tjota- m em ber of tho Twin Fnlls Coun- Uni la llty ^ e n Pom ona Grange during a re - E he ground, c«"‘ m eeting a t t h o ‘Lucerne Ing "es a S b i G « " 8e H all* ph“ia fam ous M em bers of the Pom ona tior

com e out GronBe votcd to have election o f cus . thev a ra O fficers every two years begln- an d house- In 1069 Instead of everyr o u g h h . . K “S t“E^eS A

T h e y o re A“ Btangos w ore requested _

S..rn?eeZ“o=rXv"“l‘l;', S? h n S i? i^ in C ^ W i>lL M ? nnri M » . A. E . _ iro bruised H arper, Pomonn m aster, w ill I , jfored fo r bo delegates from Pomona, w ith J itored fo r ^

r o ” p S e d ‘ ■"■ClWffCOT,'BuhI,“ ravo h a s ^ b«5 hum orous readings. Mrs. R obert *«

, Nelson, League of Women Vot. " ,e rs , oJplainJd tho nine am end- « m ents to the Idnho Constitution * w hich will ap p ear on this y e a r 's ow

= n ballo ts. ca.M r. and M rs. Raymond P o e g®

-: 1 g av e tlielr farm safety spM ches « •1 whl.:h th ey ,will give n t the s ta te1 m eeting. i *I T ho next Pomonn G range P®

— — - m ee^ing-w lll-be held a t-D e e p ovCreek. • ■' , ■ >

IMA ___________________ t h. 71,

Y outh Purchases p— — - 2-Top-Animals— 1___ I GLENNS F E R R Y - H orllo ro

H anke and h is father, H om er fo Hanke, attended tha Pacific In* m te rna tiona l Livestock Expoal-

_ Uon In Portland. 1 o t# H arlie Hnnks, an active 4 -Il'e r, «

pu rchased two top anim als from J t the iVleadow Land D airy H erd. _ Ono an im al Is , the younRcat de- scenden t from the famous Mea> dow Land's Selwopd Dewdrop's |Com m ander F ifth , (hrco-tlnses all-A m erican bull of the Ayr* '■

, shlro^broed.^The other new addi*

a-yoar-old heifer. ' . ^*----------- ^ ^

v i L t l S S y

t ®" ................ f ; : l i » i

^ ; . : 'M b V l N a '. > - : i T b l U q i . ■■

IKU^ricidtiwjal^ng I Praised.

(■ B O ISE i - ' A ^ lcu ltu ra lV eng l- , .I nee rs . fro m throughout the Pa-I c lflc N orthw est g a th e red ,6 InI B oise th is w eek fo r the P ac ific ' ' ^ 1•• N o rthw est Region o f th e Amer*' lean Society of-A grlcu ltural E o > ^ H1 g in e e rs -a n n u a l m e e tin g .in th e - HI D ow ntow ner M oteL < ." ll; T hem e fo r thA. event - w a s : ■I “ F ood E ngineering for the Fu< -■■I : tu r e ," - sta tM . J im B ondurant, ■I ' K im berly , d ta lh n a o . T h o s e a t^ - HI . tend ing cam e from ' A la s ta , Ida* ' HI bo. - W ashlhgton^-O regon, -Mo» - MI ta n a C a i ^ a . HS - F e a tu re d sp eak e r a t th e event: O R3 w as T a lco tt W; E dm lnster.5 W ashington, D .C .,, R e s id e n t o f :•f. the'natTom U society. - rj | i ^ ^ ^ l c ^ t u ^ ^ | i i i | ^ r s ^ ”. Mr.,- ,

a g r t ^ tu f s i - tQ a u s t iy - th a t em*-:- be

^ ^ U U l ^

, a n d h as a y ea rly Incom e o f <21 i bn ilon .”

” *T p p iijperly perform th is ser- S, v ice; t h e , agricaiturail engineer* ^I , Ing profession m u st p tovlde the i

r r ^ a r o h , education, and appll- 1

\fr M ri-E dm Instersald .^^5?S»!tiSes — 11 p erso n a l InvoIviBment Involve- jf | i ' m en t In .developing th e ,p u b lic abou 1 aw aren ess of th e profession. « • dres;

t rac tln g new students both u 3d \— m e n -a n d 'w o m e n -- - - to the -pro- .— ;' fesslonV developlng-ft sound and n

contlnuhig education program , a n d ' streng then ing th e profes- drav

I s iona l leadersh ip .’’ ' . Jstg*' . . *'It is u p to yo u ," he said, o ld i

“ to re f le c t th e agricu ltu ra l e n - in g 1 I— g in ee rra s a-w «ll-educated,^train- I-ha I- e d .-s in c e re , .'public-spirited clti- fron I ■ ie n . O nly .'iw ch a ' pereoii can m a r I help to a tt ra c t m ore young peo- f i l e ; ' p ie in to a profession: in 'w h ic h r « ^

job opportun ities so a r while en: to .b h - c a r e l s . g ineerlng . enroU m erits. continue socii .'H elping - to 'd e c l la e —A t- th e - s a m e tlm e. w ait 00. M rs. w e m u s t find out w hy w e fall >s 1

tfiout th e to a t t r a c t students,: especially t o d « fam ous - VrointtiTTOxBglneering c a re e r s / ' '.'A;

“ I t ’s a n exciting ' profession------ - becau se—thB"T)roblemff..'_ te c h -p o *

I t n lques. an d p rac tices a re con* t*™0 stan tly cluiAglng. I t . i s a satisfy- ®®"'

Ing p rofession because It bene* Tne3 fite mankind^ b y helping pro*5 —— — ^ duce-food-for-the-hungryrhous*

i n s t e a d of fln n ey - . J r . , V ltsv lU e , M i ; J J ?Ja m e s N ielson, head of th e agrl-

b u m.D e r cu ltu ra l- econom ics -departm ent u- h undM w ay a t W ashington S tate 'U niversity .- ^ c l

ltv and -all P u llm an ; H. S. Sm ith, d ean of imy a r e re - the U niversity of Idaho Collcge he potatoes of E ngineering ; D exter 'L . _ q c a r e J o n e s , re sea rch represen tative a b i^ __ , o f In tem atlona l H arv este r Co., mn,

. Chicago, an d R obert R . Lee^ dl* ly , re c to r of th e Idaho R esources aona iB oard . per^•^S petk lng^t= one-banquetr:O tt moi

A l y l ' S Idaho ghost tow ns w as 0..;rA'': ma;(Gu3) K elker. Tw in F a lls . .ex* tha ecutivo ed ito r o f the Tim es- soc

m * - — N6Wri a n a mBtmsgr m i ne lauhu f»hHistoricj^rSoclety B oard. Speak- the

o r t h v l e w ing a t .a n o th e r banquet w as D r. disi id a s a -n cw E rn e s t H artung . president o f the ca r Fnlls C oun-U n iversity , o f 'Id ah o . mo

iurlng a re* D uring the m eeting engineer* . ho 'L ucerne ing developm ents in m any , ^

phases of ag ricu ltu ra l produo- H ;, e Pom ona tion a n d p rocessing w ero dls* ” ' a election o f cussed. ' a ears begin* — -

d of every ................................. ctai

' i -?Nov"“i« Scheduled At

Jerome ,R an^ 1 Dunlop 01 JE R O M E - Tho Mon R epo.a thi,

A ngus .Ranch,..R oute J, Jerom e. D ^ w w ill be offering 1S3 Head of rep

«n Vftt A ngus bulls, heifers, cows and far

" n . u “ ron A ccording to A. P . P a tte r.o n , S |n thla v c a r 'a ow ner, 40 bulls, 47 cows and 6 n thla y e a r , H

wmnnd P oe b« sold. The COWS and bred S etv soeeches heifer* are a ll bred to certlfkd 3 l a ^ f E a S PRI b u lls-a n d -th e -b u lls-h a v e | - I 01 UIO Biuio oyjp foup polndg B>nn G range P®r d a y a n d -3 » M ay weights o f Qe ld -a t-D e e p ovarJ.lO O -pounds........... .. ..........5 .

A fea tu re of th e sale will b e S . - th e se rv ice and get-of Em ulous B

71. th e w orld ’s ' seco n d -fastest I

chases p * » p „ ' ; r ‘ i f d

Is * te s t,l o M l ^ f W r m i l e s * « m h ^ f ”^

f- — H arlie rom e on H ighw ay 78 and then ther, H om er fou r:.'m llaa . w e s t And o n e -h a lf a Pacific In* m ile no rth .Dck Exposl* C atalogs fo r th a sale m a y b e

. . . . . ' obU lned by w riting th e Mon R e­active 4-H e r . posa A ngus Ranch, Route 2, Box anim als frotn Jw , Je ro m e . Idaho BSJM,D airy H erd. - - -younRcat de- famous Men*Id D ew drop's STATBV .

(hreo-tlm es m r m ' or the A yr. ^ . V..

rd J ie re - I s -a .

■" In HamMwtifra

. And n« w«r.4«ri It'i ih r linn* itM lV L K e ■ **•"' ■* • !^ - .1 ■ > CAU MirORlilTAILt ‘


VERL M E P Mg S O '- - ~l43»-fODISON1OTKTrr

S p ^ l ^ i f W f l A R

r j a l ^ n g u i e e r s A r e ^

. t R e g i o n a l M e e t

siral'^’engl* ............... .<......It the-:Pa- ;thered ,6 In .h e P ac ific ' - mmmth e Am er*' .-iltu ra l . .Mi in g .in t h e ' ^ ^ ^ n ^ H I ^ ^ H n H . ' O t t h

a tten^fit'-'^was.:.}r the - MBondurant, . gatA Thosie a t - t r u e

laska, Ida- will gon.

t th e event:E d m ln s te r.' ' b M r s n ^ p i | n a r « iresident o f '- 1 4 S J I H a - ^

e e rsy . M t. . L J F J k ‘ ‘Fi

^ ^ " " L i ■■e rs .sp e n d s . l ^ ^ S f l B H S B K S i l i S B B B V at

o m . o f c i ___" . - — ..j Paa

S o c i r f S e c u r i t y ^

t o ; q u ^ b n . B o x : I I "

7 . ^ -TuInvo lv^ If you have any 'q u esU o n s . J

th e public about y o u r social security , ad- Jesslon jJ it. d ress f te m to J im D avis. Box ts - - both 1239, Tw in F alls, Idaho 83301. "O"to the-pro- .-------- ;---------- -------------------------- •sound and Q . — 'M y husband Is f a rm tis u "

I program , and does n o t'p lon to re tire and J\e profes- d raw U s social security unUl h e **2

I s '65 y ea rs old. I am 62 yea rs " he said, old a n d w ould like to s ta r t d r a w -u q . rultural en- ing m y social security I f 'I can . ^ej, iated,^train- I -n a v e -n ev e r-w o rk ed -o u t-aw ay jnj, plrlted clti- from th e fa rm since I have been peno ii can ih a rrled , b u t m y husband and I £ t young peo- file Joint incom e ta x re tu rn s and “ J n: in ' w hich rep o rt th e Income from th e farm ir while en: to b o th of us. Can I s ta r t 'm y ta .co n tin u e soc ia l.security_ .now ..or..m ust. I {!> sam e tim e; w a it tm U l~ m y -h u sb an d rre tires ih y w e fa ll a s I -have heard I would have _ ‘: especially to d o ? ........ ............. ..................... Ifinig c a re e rs /’ -.'A ,"~-A lthough-you flle-a-Jolnt

profession « ‘« f« *or Income ta x pui^ em » - te c h - P oses ,.- th e -n eU n co m eJro m -ih e * ss flVe con* J* credited to yo iir h us- ^

S iS to B t S baTTd’r fio c la l-sccu rity -accourit 8 “ d S o S f f i »inless th e wife fs doing sub- " s tan tla lly all the w ork and man-Z ' !? « « - w agem ent. You wlll be ab le to .

*?« : receive a wife’s benefit on y ou r , ‘ vlUe» M i ; husband’s social secu rity ac- I o f th e agrl- county b u t you, will have to w ait ff* •deM rtm ent u n ta t e re tires ahd d raw s h is *?, '.University,- jocjg i security before you can'Sl'o M le p "oelve your b e n e f i t . . JJ;

a, . Q* — D o social secu rity d l^ ipresentatlve ab ility paym ents b e g i n the m s u r Co., m onth a person becom es severe-t R . u e ^ d l - l y d isab led? f®0 R esources a . — No. There is a w aiting

period of sbc f u l l ca lendar -banquefcnOtt m on thsihefo re-.benefltrpaym ^ts ",® w as O..JA.: may, s ta r t . We suggw t, though. }‘‘

n F a lls , .ex* th a t you get in touch with the the Times* social secu rity office to dlscu.ss

o f-fflcTdnhff titlnp '■ foniisatJiiity a s so o n 'u s ~ oard. Speak- the d oc to r can teU -you-thtit the [uet w as D r. d isab ility Is so severe th a t you St: a ld en to f the c a n n o t ’w ork for 12 m onths o r do

m ore. bu

"* ln '’“m S tiie d o c to r tre a t m e SirAt nm du ts ^ th e hospital fo r his charges ini1 w e ? rd ta ^ to b e covered by m edical ln su ^ ~ g w ere ou ,„co „ „ d e r M edlcara? . ' ' '

A. — No. Serv ices-of; physl- — ~ c ian s-an d surgeons.ar© covered

1 no m a tte r ; wneM you receivei | a ' tha serv ices Whether a t hcm ^,

tn the-doc to r’s office',' In a clinic, A f - o r In th e h o sp ita l.';,

( d u c l i m ethod o f fa rm^ Income. W ould you, exp la in 'w hat

Mon Reposa thi» Is a ll about?, ' : , . '® 2. Jerom®; i J ^ ;^ T h e _ (» l lQ jj{ a jn e lh W ..o f S3 head of repo rting does ,ijot ap p ly to a 'S, cows and fa rm er whbse ne t.'in co m e ex*V. 9. coeds 11,600.00 In a given year.P. P atterson , c i l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l H I I H I 17 cows and &

• M ALLIS-CHAUJ r t f i l - ....................N o . J 5 P : . 2 5 0 , ;

TANK TYI■ale will b e | m

t-o f Em ulous H H , .econd- fas test

His . ^ P H H fld ay gain on V *

A L th o -n n d u ■' -south of Jo- ■■ ■ ' ,78 and then flflHk.'

Iind one - half ...... .

tnay> b e M h eM o n R e* - ..R o u te 2, Box a B33?8, '

m O N HANDali;im h a im e r i&

i*ran^ . ' ‘ .I ,™ , . •A U.IO N V A TICrRO W .fn

kNCE . . • w J u t T A » > a . l A N l ^i M i a a j .. , at I t a i l 'm o r* I

d n n 'A g a n , ' ' ' AtSb'-NO^''";r A W n r r " “ ''ToaTuB'fpr fMiurB Ailffj

beet ile|di.,

r n ^ m m

I : , " ' i

A l o n g y e n

^ ~ C a n a

H ?a ^ j r i - a H e i c f ^ intncd^Btill

W S M ^ r iAemben. o . * 0 ' E lb a ^ t j e m ^ i^ ^ f l ' gathering their range - catUe and the

trucked to. t h e . w ous .ra s h e s ^ r wM H wlU be put;on fall pasture.

:7Diife Shellv"«5a u ro isU H a n d y ,-P j^ ^ H ' v ehasM the MUtoD Neddo farm at MW W r W ard:in-U iirM «»H «:*M »" I th e achoorvacation t i w , , ^ t h ; t h ^ , 3

a the f e ^ around their ne^ acqau

. ■ - H S a S e b ^l i n t v ‘ “d his been living la Jerom e the w

M n . Carnahan and famUy ,wiq gl' borne. In February[SOX Mr. Carnahan says there arff 17* »

) ! v i? ’ Box io locaU oa The homi


^ t K i h a t " b e S ? « r S ! S t » ^ ^S?‘iSll“h2 wes. 01 Glen». Fern^.____I 62 yearsito rt d raw - However, If his ne t incom e falis

below $1 600.00 o r he even h as a -o u t-aw ay the opUonal -m ethodJw iuld .^V

« ^ r p robably enable him to report Agi •and and I ^ h igher Income for .social se- disi

cu rity purposes without, Increas- l e ^ 8 th e am ount fo r.lncom e tax rye

» . purposes. U nder tho optional gramvithod he - c an pay^ o c l a l s.^ i l a

,«»M h»uA cu rity ta x on tw o ^ l r d s ofT iis T 'Ould have J incom e"lL lt_ j s a t least tint

S600.00: M 'S p ; ib jo _ m b re _ th a n me file a Jo in t 12 400 0 0 'o f '^ ls - e ro s s - In c o m e . - f P“ «: S X b y !hi3 o p tl? S rm e th o d a

p e r so n -^ n -g e t -so c ia l security U f CtCdit Up tO H.600.00 If hlS gTOBS

B income was .S2.400.00 or more , ,r» . by paying self-employment tax

on JI.600T00. Of course. If his : S - S l c S w g r o ss- in cd m e .isJ ess -th a n J2,-. S^in^fiUbi two-thirds? and m a ^ whatever the gross Income Is.

Im S v A . 1? Q- —" I fecenUy w ent to my iJ u r lt l <“ctor* fo r a . routine physfcal ftVe to w ah checkup because I hadn’t 'b een

h/s ‘0 « doctor fo r five yea rs or e m ore. Will this be covered by

M edicare a s a physicians ser- v ic e ? .

•riirliv d J i A- — No. M edical Insurance a / n th e “ "d e r M edicare does n o t.cover • ®® „ „ .V L routine exam inations w hich are . .. tie s severe- purpose of diagnos-I a waltlnB *"8 Cf trw U ng specific sy m ^» \ Z V S tom s: nor, docs i t cover examf- L - f i w S t S n a tio r is -re q u ire d -b y -th lrd -p a r- — £ t tiloSfih tles,:such a s .m su rance compap- ' :h w ith tlie ■' •■ .' . .. ' J! to discuss " ' • i _1

’OU-ih|it the P e a r production in tlie United / ro. th a t you S tates Is forecast a t ’624,350 tons. ^ m onths o r down 3,000 tons from SepL-1 , .

b u t 35 pcr cen t larger- thon the sm oii 1067 crop, accord ing to

o r tre a t m e the C rop and Livestock R epoh- O (lis charges Ing Scrvice. . . ■ . , ,

;-CHALMERS1 5 0 - - - 2 5 0 ‘■ •3 .S 0 ' ------

^ T m l i e ' l l

n r v i i i

HAND - r e a d y TO G O !AI:MEIIS d p S 'A C d M p r o ^» T IC ? R 0 w ',i :IN # tR -^ ; ;v'(4/araulk findir i u' ,to fhe b e e f s . . ' V -J\ m a C A N IN O ROLLS . : . with Atirs>Qh«lrn ^ 0 % c le a n in g a b ili ty ,, iha(> w llh q \ M A LIlBV A T0tl(,If4^

» 0 N O . 3 0 0 & 4 0 0 LIPTlEli

'H. ' ■ 1 " 5k ' ' ' ‘y '■.'■'i'l'!

p E S i M M S Z i

Darrlngton, Elba,.and M r . , ^ Mni. hlerlln .returned S a a - F r t o ^ o w t o f ^ P0Q^:BuD,s^.

Iba ■ Cattiem^’s' As w U t ^ ^ a v e ' finished -cattle arid the herdi^hay* open driven ors ranches'^roughout tlur arMK where they ' <i5ture. ■ •N '-';;,:--"' V':.;-)-:' •biiU Handy, P w lc iH » 8 h ^ ^^ 0 tarm .at Malta.a»dtqt^jr«ive pasture _

S l l y ^ S ^ e S l y Silr ,ne^ »cqnlr*d range

5 ? P r o e tty M ^ v ^ t^ .K [i^

f R : K f n g HUl: ;ieM r ^ 5®*. AlJen B. r. DOnteb lii .» rreU*^ F o tto Oolonel J Jerom e the i ^ ; a e v ^ 5 > p f l t ^ ^ a n d

im' Rbb^ori,' Glennir F'erw.Irs; Mary Knox, in King Hill .and rao>^ this :aUoa The home. Is the former I?, p.. Hopson

'T.—TT'Vr* ■ *tr 'Tnr?.___. ' '. ...t." *sbirry aad Mrs. Chrts payoff, l ^ g HUl. wtatoes at the Sailor ^reek inrojeet cellars,V‘ ■ ■ .

. r~ ,

e v S ' h S a D i s c o n l i h u e d•thodJKOuld ^wASHINGTON?;(AE)ii=^TiTher-.--I to report Agriculture -D e tr im e n t ~.has - • social se- discontinued Its Jan. I and April out Increas- l estimates of . stocks of wheat, income tax rye. corn, oats, ba^ey, sorghum to .optional grain, soybeans,.' fla^eed, and '_sQcIal_s^ j-lce...:___ilrds ofTiis " The reports'are belng dlscon- js at least tlnue<l mainly ;as„an.,economyl .;._ixijorelthan mea3urie..the£fepMtm ent said;-------jss -In c o m e ...........v - i —

Jal”'a*e*5Sritv USE TIMES-NEWS WANT ADS _■ If his gross “)0 or more . . , '

f o o t b a l l . . .ne physical OREGON , r y e ' i r S f r p m E u g e n . .

, s T = L ? s l '? ■ s a t u r d a v ■ . .,slclans ser M . D i T .

II insurance;s not . cover B r o u g h t t o y o u by:s which are .. . • >_ ' •'

of diagnos- C a in s F u rn itu r e:sciflc symp- A m e r ic a n OH M h1r“ “| 2 ^ W ortonah F o n tnce'compap- ' •-■.-----r.-— —

om ’sepL-'i! ,

fccofdfn" % ■S rS |oA“ o n y o u r R A p iO d i a l

» P U M I^ S

> * 5 F J N A N c S S 'A y f t l L ^ ^

; i» L ^ P U M I> J iQ lll li :fO k _l a y t o . i»grti?c : t s w m i

BKi!f l e t i L

T a-G O iT O W o fe ki p r o p l l i l f p E i j f ^ '■ u i i c ' J

Page 11: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF257/PDF/1968_10_18.pdf_ — J W e a th e r - Chilly VOL. 65 NO. 187__________ Murder G Filed


I ^P R E SE N roiG W.«M CHECK lo ,

~T - 'vot 'AKrienltQwrtw=4iMt=c«ni*• imp b Bob HenderUder, admlalstcaUve

S M “S

I d ^ o Beef Goui T^Umversity For (

MOSCOW -r ip is: Wotiij B eet Uy Council recently presented.a has

, OOOvchecK. to. ifte •uniyersuy. or cent Idaho, College of Agriculture for lum

-;-;beef.•:ca^U e-Im provem ent-work and , .and cattle few''••trials using ' s p r o u ts wKeat;-. . alrt

^r::A ccoT gin«lb .B bb ,H enaefltaef^ adrhioistratlve' secretary of the cias

____ Idaho ;.^_ef C o u ncil,-.the ..g ran t tchj- - Irqm thc Idaho 'Beef. Council M tea,

another phase o f the se lf help Kbw program financed and :adminls* aiid tered by, the Begf-’C atflt Indus- tint

Canias^H Builders OuL Gets Placjue ■,

F A I R F I ^ - i Cartas County coi 4-H Builders’ c lub w as j^ esen ted , n a plaque att the Idaho'4*H Com* I ' jin u n l^ V r id e Confei;encp. held on;

Five Idaho counties received special recognition , and, Vvere »„!

-------presentfcd-witti.plaqUealJJiclndft ju,....... Osborne' -.accepted lhe_pl«<W * »b

for „Camaa. County.. M lsa O s-hoi -l)6me:TiUughtt f o f Mr. and . Mrs. hf

— “ DWUflltTTJSBOJAfc, 'Ihd ESRa .nf -•‘Reedy,' son of-'WK- tfnd Mrs. • ,

D ale Reedy: represented Camas. ^ Couniy a t the © ohferente.:'n \e " Standard Oil Co. o f CaUfomla X' in cooperation with;the Univer- ii_ alty ,of Idaho College ■ of, Agri- ..

-.culture' -spohsoted the confer- |S . «nce.'M o3f activities w ere , held U

a t the Elks Club. .Lucinda Osborne described

• som e'of the outstanding C am as y ' County proIe<;ts>that.hBve-.beeo. ^ ' accom pUshed.’She- told about _

vacant, lo u being \c leahed by y ' ■4-H■ groupedInclijding the lot between the post office and the ‘"i

< ASC building, and planting, a , lawn,^ ir l"! and .painted .th e .'tab les and Gi ! benches In ,;th® city p ark-and M '. painted the.-TMtrooms;. .• > 'III

— f — Another •4-H-p.rolftot v«ii-imafc» -( ing'and painting'trasti.cans,that a,

, ¥ s u I l ^ ^ q V / ^ o g

V gWUp! Wflh i» !p f^ n i.the community, r tJ se d 'fu n d s>

, r.have^ a ^ f l r e p h c e ;^ } H ' it « » Soulh Cefltriil:.>HJ^Vcamp:: ht 2

Quudrant Gidch aboVe lCetch^mr ^ l ‘Thls tlfaplftW J a -W 'h ^ r-o f^ h e

;l(He-Ray Aliota. f o ^ r CaipM s<..... I .* .C ourtty ..A gefltL -.j:i^ :ii— lif

i HARRC|>;:i

' j j ' “ *'0^ w w io r.

' Ij I

Hm/M isEEF 'COV»

I )

CHECK to JainM Kraus. lett, d e a n .^ (he Un! I=cani* - Improvemeot-work-and ca ttle f ^ - t r nlalstcaUve seereU ry.bf tbe Idaho Beef.Cou la o(. the s e lf ' l l^ , program ’financed and , a®* ■ ■ • ■' ' ■ '. V '.'

Gouncil Donattes $5 For CattejtoLO B eef tiy of Idaho. Ibe. cattle in d u st^ ca^t d .a J5,t has assessed, them selves 10 in'.g ’Sity. or cents per aiiim al sold to fl- ter;, ure-for nance'beef education,, research duce t -w o r k and-publlcLreIatlQn&-.;pro^m5: a ir s

»“ ing ;/.a^ ..'ld ah d -B eefl C ouncil-has H'.®® ■ al».ady_jsuppJlfil all th_e Idaho U ro

eflldet^ ffl^ ,.Sch,ool .JHonio^Ecbq6in^ t*®!? of the dasises and students w ith an ex; with

’.•8???^ tchslvis■beef.cducation k it which nncii . W teaches yoimg future housewives .A i slf help Kiw to .buy. bMf.' how '.to'cook wilj ‘*ninl5r arid serve beef.’.This is a con- com » Indus- tlflulDR program with film s, recr ed ’

- . - • ipes. charts and'basic informa- «on r— — r tioTT-fpr a • c omplgto’-co u rse • in ture

, . beef education.; . , . : « ac : : ' -.T he Idaho B eef Cpuncir has

I 1 entered into newspaper advertis- . I l l n Ing; television and radlo. adver- ®PJ . . ; tlsbig and. also cdopefated ■with , A

- beefr-councilsvof -other, .western L C "■ sta tes‘to advertise ah'd promote

The/future of the beef cattle industry w ill depend largely ui> o n ^ h e ablUty-of 4he_pQEBbted ^h, breeder, the com m ercial-.oow- man and the cattle ..feeder, t o “ f fulfill the requlremeiita to prc^ ,o f

l ^ ln d f t d u c e --a -^ r c a 8 ^ h tc h -is~ d e s lfe _ p i« ^ * able^to-the-retall-trade-ancm ie S d M ra ' -Wife. This Is the purpoge ^

' pran^h E ^ r im e n r sta U o m trl<

6f, A p i- ' i

rr“ heid O r c h a r d Valley

1^* a t e " ^ N D E L t ^ - O r c h a r d Vajiey ' i , J t i i Grange Installed ^fflcen# for the ,

the !o! wcent.nueet- ,■and the I"*- „•, ' iriting. a Mrs. Frank Ofth wa» I n s U M srr, 5ev - as Junior Gratige Matron. Mrs. d-«*fOft» i t t ■ Klstlef,- ' -Gooding.' st y * les and Grange - lecturer,- assisted .« r k -a n d Mr. Klstlep, serVed a s iM Ul- ;

‘ ■ lliig oTflcers. ‘“OiKer BQjj?t3--we:t:e;: 'ri»n<Speedy,i 'Twin- '.FaU»,>. S t a t e to raBio G r ^ t f ' 6 f f l c « r , and 'Mra:

^ lind^ tS ! Fraitk'dHh'. Grartge ' mastert t “d f t lS in d u c te d the adult,. Grangi •arSn- 'kt mi*tiiig..W.-.H..Nlc<lun W08 elecr j

pr-ofSihe /7Action:'wa(j-utoii' to - iw ,r -t •, ir C^ipM 8<jo,th'.‘Bl(to o iv th e ■'building at


fiiO R iy E -ilR W ^ I

L d i

■ '• ' DairS S H H P 4 n ^ u - ‘ne In

4 j p a m ' '. proven

, Septen- of bul

' j X S ^ ■’ of.'mil« H B H I . aid F.

a ( B y i Ben H

, f f F 1 "1 r / 3 ^j f / X I with t

an. U (he Unhwrslty of Idaho's College :attle f ^ - t r l a l s oslog aprooted w h eat ho B eef .CounclL H ie grant from the n e e d 'a n d , adm inistered-by the b eef .

lies $51,€00 To roveidstrt^ork':^^ =n d u st^ c a ^ t t l e .whlch 'are superior !' /es 10 in'.growth .from birth to slaugh-

to fl- ter;.weight and which will, pro- esearch duce a carcass which w ill .yield j ^ z h s i airsreatec=^rcentBge=:ofr:l£an c i f has meat..M ethods.:bilng.,developed > Idaito tl^rough th is research, work can m o in ia h e lp -ln crease-n jrod u cer-p rofit - 1 I an ex- wlthVut''Ihcrea8lng ;nfim beii’~6ft w h ic h ‘ ttie . . •sew ives .Another part of.;the project .« to cook wilj’ answer needed information

a con- concerning the feeding of sprout, n s recr ed wheat. Although. this condl- nforma- tlon>, caused by. excessive mols- (urse -in tu rt-to -tlie lgra in -asJ t-liecam e

; ready^for harvestlng ..is n o t .a^oii iin« regular Occurance. tn e r e .ls .n o ?S1L.2;. Intorinakion available on feeding

sprouted''grain to'cattie. tr f^ ^ th A .fe e d -te s t in g program w ill wilS he under way* shortly a t C hl^

w ell'io find the aiiswers to. the many: questions'W ought about

rfSrlfder- by'the..thousands rof bushels of » H li sprouted wlheat. In the heads of

»f cattle unharvested grain during this •gely_ui> p a s t August rain. Sprouted puEBbted. wheat-cannot-be'--U86d'-for-mm. -Ia l- .oow -ing. flour. -, ieder, t o Hendcrllder .said; ''We are

to p r^ fortimate to have a growing cat- j » - d e ^ tler-feedlng-lndustTy-lrt-Idaho; - - " ^ i h e whldt-perftaps-win-be^ableM to >- •purpwe utiifeeUhls grain, thereby benernivtreity {M in«4w o^ -of<)dB ho^aio4nd^ .

f the <=attle and wheat."

V S tlltB


.lh;i modern.,pgrlculture,..a.• ■ : formar hos, to ber a mor\-

rt"?!®' * • ♦ ■ ag8monl'’ oxport; ylab- ie'ch*. iilding a i , |gfon^ accountant/, ’ mo-

?,thqp|e-/:r*oll;-onoly#t--qnd- flutomatiijn experi. In mod*

I A ' .<l! :«| n ogficultural'flnanclng,1‘thV. Land'Bdnfc fs thb spor,.

a X''■• 'I They’ve been ..ojj--te'^lna sound, itong tArm

^lAK- 'ii cradlr ■len/lco.- 'lo: 'farmersr r — -<^ftd-V flnehbf«^0 f 7 0 V«i''fit>IP ■"> W years.tA falfmbr has to-ttj.

■ ' . {| .i W s ia m an y, oc*,. • |! ,cvpoiflop</.The Ldpd BankW m 1* ,I*i-v/oirvoried(ln one




^.^ILdSaLDairVib^ Herd lis ts

Ij; ■; A^e;Released'" 1- . Dairy cows on production test- .9‘her T u .. Ing In Unit No*. 2 of rtfie Twin with.bu

Falls County Dairy -Herd-~lm- andinui ; •, provement. Association during | ;> , September averaged -to, pounds i" ® -

of butterfat. and 1,0-74 pounds i V - ' o f .'milk pci-, cow. reportTDon- ««»•

, aid F . Youtr. - and 55, iPrpduction ngures Include all

cow s on t e s t / JncJudlng * d ry■:_i__ pows; The September report of tauRh ;{ j Ben.Hilton and B W L am pe, te s t- G a ry .^ r . - ~ in g -T O p e r v lM r s ,-R l^ sh ow rf 1.131/-J

. th a t 1.036 COWS w ere on te s t; .- 'in th • w ith 882 cows }n production an d ZS-50 c

- l i i i i l i U flC T tw h e a t - - ----- ---------------_____________

v i P W I P W P I P O T P W I..■beef , . r , . ' :—

i l H l MlOfcrlfan .:_----------- —..1..

f rom a [(3yer o u r Store . I ; t i f f l l l te r o f i K ^ e d m er

^ ^ j e « com e s e e , b u j^ ^ d -Mjf.^rout*



All L eng th s . S L t S f : 6 t o 1 6 f o o t • ■heads of ^ 'ring this Reg. $ 1 0 .5 0 S q u a reSprouted __ _ • •_

. ,o r - „ u u _ —

''Ve are S pecia l . . . 7 « 9 Vw in g c a t- ' .■ . ', ••ll%~IdahO —,eby bener ^

, '2x2x4 f t . s ize R egu lar P rice $23 ,80

f l j l ' ' p R K E ; 1 ; . ^ « 5 0 .H B ' o th e r slates pricisi:) "H B B accdrdfngly ioW.t

I p=wSsSSI - P r i c e d p e r H i

k m ’/ 2 ” R eg . 4 . 8 5 . . .

fiC E ;.- . ' % ” Rob. 5 . 4 s . . .

tltu re,..a . . . I M , ' ' a mor\* ’ I i R eg. 9 .0 0 . . .

ab-iechv - —l ___i-. ___n / ; > 0 - I 7 4 . R e g ,: i4 .9 0 . .y sr -q n d . •, In mod*’ ■FeSivfljfarnjen'

<,y.„60 - - : V a « : - r e g i : r - T ; 5 c S " *

iV h y°ii> ; V 4 ’ ” ' r e g . 2 1 c ■.

2 ^ .“°?!: 1 " r e g . 2 8 c .

' r l - V i ' ^ ' r e g ; , 3 8 c J .

' W t ! . i V ^ ' V ' r e g . ' : 4 5 e ' . : ,

m k I

p r■ N V '^ H -tie 'V o it .Q r o u p 1-V

i l l

- d ry cows num bering M3 .cows. FlleV, w -.^In-the-larR O -hofds-of SO-cows

• ^o r-m ore ..T . W. Richm ond. Buhl, 'ah a d 'th e ' high production a v e r - ^ 7

---------- a ie " of .49,: p o u n d s -o fb u t te r f a t• 1 and 1.328- poundsr'nf -m ilk with

e d ' 69 cows of ^ . lO ta ro f TB m ilking. § ? ? ? « nn - o th e r high p ro d u c in g .^ e rd s 837,••.4ft e T ^ in w ith .buUerlat. m ilk.' to ta l cows F ile r.-* « i Tm - an d inum ber in p ro d u c tio n -are , v ey Qu

Irvin E h le w '-Twin--Falls',-h44;1.228, 69; and 61; C lyde W right, 7 ; -

K d s F ile r 42, 1,197. 79 ahd STv' fifalrH all, TVln F alls, 41. U l l . 64. E a r^ W

^ ^ and 55; H arvey G rindstaff, S S S ^ , l„ rt. .11 Buhl. 39, 892, 59 and. 49; W a l l e r l . ; . B l

. 8 - d o - T d " ™ - '

show ed I , 1 3 i , l 8 0 - J i n d _ 6 4 _ - ^ - . , ^ . '^ | j k l T I on te s t: . - I n the m eilu m sire h e ^ o f | , * ” ” tion an d 25-50 cowS, E v e re tt A ndrew s; l„U r^n .

Andm M I S E lour stofe i v vall through our waret iK^ed'merdiandisrtoiuea^outbg^ , buiandjaYel-SafejendsJ^ondai/jii

E S n T OM \m ASPHALT SHiSGLE" ™ - T 235 Ib. .s n g t h s R a g ..10 .80,6 f o o t • S q o a re . . . . . ; . . > * . . i . . . . .

5 0 .Square ROLtiiOOFlNG■ H ^ Ib. w aigh t, g o e t-9i50

'' - : H eated S tg !

' i o o head s ll

f t . size ' :p ,_ v' J L irlco .$23 .80 .' 83.%0 ; . .', O .9J0 V I 2 0 0 head s l 2


W hFmSFl|i p e r K undred fo o t lengtlV '''■ .......... '■ ........................................ “ 7 ” iIg. 4 . 8 5 .......... .. i

»g. 5 .45 . . . . . . . . . . .................... *» ^

> g .9 . 0 0 i

fVAHEEII li.Priced p e r 'fo o t ,

. - ' . - . i i .

I - 2 1 < ; — - • • ■ • - ................ : • • • •

. - : 2 8 c ' ' : . : ;

g ; 3 8 0 . ; . , . . . .........g , .45e'.^ .,v ;..'.. . i . . . ' . . . - .v i .V 6 0 c

ilt.Q roup l'vr:.‘:V '..;-^.---12rY p)tarou^

i i l A ? S S S B. ; . m a n y M A R K E D W /

I ,c6ws. 'y in , as, w i

, f 30: Y e m o n .'U s^ n . FUer. -,38.. -herds 837. - .4M n d 42; D ale Williams. a l cows FUer.-37, 1.057, 38, and 29;.Har^bn . are; v ey Quesnell, ,TwIa Falls', 33;•SVfIt!’ MV.‘-‘55 ,ra n d '3 2 r 'w rH .> ea n o n ,7 ^ X l r «"d;44,'and - j.111, 64, Ea'rV W olts, Murtaugh, 26. 770. i. Po, indstaff, it uiiiiiiii iiuuiiiiumuiiuuniruiiiiiiMiiumiiiii ; w i

SLACK;; S*52. ahd i W 0 »*i: Woihad-OII Ti«a^d R lai i l l s r ^ |:$17:50T J«-'toT n H iM vat«d 7

Ke5?^HKTERM0UiffAIR:S^> .d rew .’ i 7 3 3 . « t m — T w in ■ A a

i r c md e a ^ u tip fd re ^ r :® ^ ^IsjilondayjiigliiJbcioberliath;: . i

MT SHINGLES2 3 5 I b . ' . •

LL ROOFINGV w e ig h t, g o o d B ^ ^ S S

Heated S t e ^ k - ' ' 'N o ; ,B 3 2 : 6 i :/ATERERS - -ioo-head'Slzei''--'-''' ■

J L 0 9 5 STEEl2 0 0 h e e d s i z e

. , . . 1 : 6 f t . H I

>ot len g th s . . . . . . . : 2 . 5 5 ' "

. . . . . . . . . 3 . 8 5 '

. . . r . , . . 5 . 9 5 '

1 0 -5 0 : ' a a a

1 6 c ?

. . ' . . ' 3 , 8 c - ' : S o x a n d: „4 p ' , ; - ' A i l s l a i . : ; :

................. • ■ R E O . r 6 . 7 8

- M n n » h l ’.|r'".;CT, j'.;,;'e r a n t e e , .;v J - Z E J v v ^

. H i i l l E E i w S

’l„?74. 38, and j ; , TwIn-Fm .iF I- • 'In th e sn ia ll’ h s rd s 'u n d e r 25 . Fridi * art«,n ce vs,' : Mnce^onoWajTTTWln 10 and .Falls, w as high; with- 42, l , ? n ^ ' ' nberly. a and .8:. followed-bv Law rence FOR F, WlHam K albflelsch. aiid Son, F lIefT S i; fiKP ti 3 f a n d 949, M, aD d .lU .'C . : . . . r ^ .5 ^ 7 'e r .‘-38. — r r ------ ^ '---------- r-p^------- , !■ t -l U t e , g nre>->,. r : ..r t n T n ™

y ' s H n O N f iE D t o w e aeVson, . U •,7<ni«>Ii^.C«tt4^G^44, and - a y « i ’,ia*i .w e« a Tnm 'foiiRnpn 16. 770; I Pott Cacd. widt nsme i^d « d d i^ '« mSmSTi : ^ o u t .o b U » » t io * i , ih e e o * p l« « * ^

K l - dodbU ftnptor* CootcoL ' Now io diil I 'wy they nm r'dreaowd. posdbl* n d i. . ' , 1 comfortabla .npoutffotecdon ^ Safd • a M i In^ p m e a t i « ttp « , ,wliboot need I

- i-TretMM,:^tonaesting-:q>r{aSi.o(-banh

m M I M !e c h e c l i e d o u t a n d m a r k e d d o w n I

i a l I n w r i l o r y . . . HERE A R f « 2 8 t h . ______________ • _____________

* REG. 7 ^ ~: IM PORTED;,sfiopl

W S B K S ^ '' Q A U G & ■ S p ^ H v i m p o r t e d ; S R ^

••AMERiCAN'i„-.-;-VT;!r;M ADEi,13i4)g4^>


I P I t . . R eg , S W .00..........

t t .V R e g . ’32 il5 ;;

■ ■. -.' ' ' Twin- F alls

nder 25 . Fr|day: 0 c tQ b ^ r ^ > ]6 a )g j^ j^ > j^ li m W ln '-* ■ . . . . . . 'i!,-,.*Jwifc<-,J ftkvr!CT!,• i,?n^iwrence FOR FAST Her, 3i; USE

I T n m fot; Rspnu^'' doa’l t"w -''. 9 1

coL ' Now io d iily m b fc4.posdbl« iudi,iecut«6.-d«#ino|M v!NStHy^'yVH Pfotecdon^ Safdv blocks •rtpCBrf-cpMr.iHhVi.^'-'BI , wliboot fag, balky»Vi.uiub«ltfftm^W fr^jv » rin ss .o erb a o b :.io o s lo » ;» i* * « W " ™

M M - ’ I s

’'H f i i iJL iii.dS; i | l f c v S l : ^

« t i ~

-T E D s p o o l ....................7 . 2 5 | * ® s

“ 1 3 % a a , s p o o l 8 . 5 0 y

1 1

3ST ' M . M f l s 3


I. jH

i p E l i i j i T I

"■ ' ^ 1

Page 12: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF257/PDF/1968_10_18.pdf_ — J W e a th e r - Chilly VOL. 65 NO. 187__________ Murder G Filed

■ 1 2 Twin F«SlU T lm n-N ^W t , . / tiT^Frtd gyrO ctob »^ V B rt968V ^ - | y

;;|2as8ia ASC. ; f i t l o m i i i i t t e e ■; j H

E l e c t s Aidfss,^ f l'r BURLEY — C aN lt :Coun^ f l | | dbmmktee om cew of iH# A « r t ' HciUtur»rsubiUraUOT ^ ' . O O ^ H8ervtUon,were elected wiMi C trl , '^ f l

. Osterttout, Decio, r e f in e d f w H , ^ I n n w . . ■“ T C S n n V y a f r B u f l e y r iO ^ ' ■ •; chairmin: Louis E a n M sf^ 'l^ B ' “ H iiilar'm em W rr-O rM rrE ffnn H

Oikley, Ilrst alternate m d Lyle B _ Durfee. M altt, »econd altehUt** B E

on the courify’ coitiiHIlle#:). ;,r‘; K S e c to r s were farm erai^OM n C *

as convention delegate^ E.*’. c t o t ^ ‘ WHUiim.UtySuim iilitw ■«

• elections h e ld u iro n g h w if^ flw « :cb irov . Electors JncIud.eJUol D \

Adams. Oien Ellson, DAllen U 1 ’ T ^ t . Lyle D u«M i;.laC klEriek '- *on, Oark Ward,\ een Lewis,-LouU Eamea.. Grant

l ;C ir l - N . l w l t t h , l c l , i »

?;’;.|tebInson, and M ax.Blngbatiw

5*. a three year term tbis year and ‘ « '■ Mr. Wyatt, who wa» elected last , ■ ; r. year, oas ^ yeM * rem alolog H I J q | |> Mr Eames liaa o h r yMr*Jeft 7- •- ■i ■■ to serve. The. - a lte tn au s are ' j

elected on an.Annual b a s if - ’8t< TTie ASC county and conwnun* *“j

farpier-coittpiittee# are in i i enarge o r local administration . J ” ;

national farm pi*ograms In* S=±cfadliig^4b»-A8¥toUltUrai; Conser-

vation..programs, -the. ,Cn9 l>ad .M < ^^vrAdJustmeat program, the .feed ^ i

grain progrnm, the wheat , p ro-t^T : a w a g e .aUotm*nH; the j V j

w oolV rtg»aW;' ••

10 a j^ s to ia g e JT(|

-i:_Cpi|Dty-:0fnce:.at J209, 0V«rIand Twli A v e , In-the Overland Shopping aget

The office alsoi s e iy es |^\/r w ., th i farmer’s Ibcal -cohW ct I?., for busineM connected with p i ^ ^

Iti ^ .fp r p g r a m s -ad- , ..j L| :;pilnhtered by the c o iiitn lt t^ this -* Mra. O stierh^t'sUttd.- phoi

' 5 ' • ■ .'. :O ff8 rs:/i i PLANNED PR

. -Fori l CROP FEjCTlLI ; ^ BiLt SPRING

f FARM SERVICE)■ A P lanned Prograi

: ' Sohedulo, Y our L a n d ,' Arid Y our C


8«t Up Vour Pro' w ith

_ — — c o t Y ^ A

^.-.Box 3 9 2 , ' ‘ • *- Klmber;

■ • • S p e c, Inac

3 0 0 H e a d o: ' V 1 3 5 \h e 6 d H erofordi, t7l

• Som a wHh ca lv a s a t side

i: v L _kffii’V; '

I v n i» ■ V ’’T T ?


h Carl

' " ^ M r a i T T

d Lylee h M B n b

cKbwn R f f \ i t Wo i k U ^ ^

i s ' lX ' . - £ L j1 iHla»T9 w J b H B H

ar and Jed las , W J ^ m y w |L> 11 Mlaloipg

ar-Jeft 7 - ----------- --—IS are ' SOC'EARED CORN w as reeentl] >lf . » ev e tls ranch In Rtchneld. H ie coi ^ u n - tuHn# and w as ■ sWWt corn variety. S J " 5; .^«Uo3W to ’mature a s the com w as . tration •> the Ume these, ears #eya tricked ms In- ■

S P a s t u r e s S - i

s f P ^ a i F a U - ^ ^ g

f ^ t i l i z a t i o i r - f f - ;

--Fai!-fe'rtlliiatlon -of-pasUires’ tK roufcwrrW rn’TraU s-C ounty on-;-

« 8 i l a Is reMmmended-fey Clan Genn, J o ?«rland Twin Falls Couniy agricultural ^ topping agent. , - : - ; - ^ ^o_^'serves "Ntw, is the 1 1 m A fo pul J

cobiact nitrogen on the P«,»ture8,'' says ,

i b ^ 3phospnate-if-neeaed. --------..“Most’'of the old pastufBl. In to To

nittw, this county are,deficient in phos- wod - phonia. i&d -for . best ylel& ol

aaS iggB S agga, 1 ' " T - r r ^ ' r - r T r r c

NSiltVlCE; 1prodO ffe rsA -, . ,

IED PJIOGRAM______i}»„■ -For ■ ycM


1V|CE AGRONOMIST id P rogram F its Y our ' Tew j r Land, Y our E qu ipm ent (Jid Y our C rops he■ tlon:


Y our Prog ram N ow mrrw ith

Y ^ A R R 1 S I - F —Arn

F A R M . SSho

E R F IC E :, I,„Kimb«rly________4 2 3 :6 5 8 6 : [J"

l i i :S p e c i a l C o n s i g n m e i

In addition to o u r regular sala

\D C O W Srofbrdi, t7S h ead Black A ngus. Many w

Ivai a t tid e . Som « w ill ba sold by tha pou

^"Waii* ov]*r 4y#ars-oWr--------

: In a a a p a ra ta c o n tlg n i^ tn t

320 HEAD WEANER CALV. ' ] i ' \ 1 i 't '. , ■' ' ' . ' ■ ' '

AlijifbPV* In nddltion tb ou r racu lar

n O y « j r ^ C o n H i

o r W a ^ MayC: -w ’w *fld«u c u u a r , ^ . ^

" " V T "

'I >;

FIL m en's its 29t Bull :

5 E B a l ^ ^ B B ^ H @ ^ a s 3 I W ^ at the | K u U | | B n B B K E i i ^ n a .t

ceivei mans.

^ K £ C T S ^ ^ B S » I B f l B I ^ > Alle H eref hom e

cohsli-islereh b r tIngtoiislere

H V ® 5 ? a ^ E ® H ^ ^ a 6 9 5 8 £ S M class!R i X * n d jal % com n

r . A y

n ThurfwUl-t

PW B it B fecta


■ B B ^ B B I IS':Bcleni

corn varie ty . N o t a ll o t the eArs.w^re . The he com Was ,belo« for sUagft th e l

P lO a l . . . . l» J O

• impol— — y o u r rp a a tu r^ r iw t^o h '-n itro g en Hans' • - and'phosphate now'and then in a •

July add another application of elude nllro^n.*' d im s

t' • not been any' maxlmurt yet on surv«T l ------th^amou}»t-of-niiroRen-to-apply,“ He sa id It Is recom m ended th a t i;. u U u ts 100 ^ n d a to the a c re l>e p u t . g

i^ e n ? ° Tb" - d i t e r m l f l e ' ^ — ’S ^lUitrai o f A pasture,, a soil test needs - I

t o - b e ^ k e n , B*ys-M r.:-Genft.- - I , There are about 500,000 acres . I

of pastures in Idaho that are ' I irrigated and are capable of pro- I

* ducing three to six t d ^ o f air- ' | ~ — ~ d ry ‘hay i)enicti5.“ Yet"only-one — I ufBl. in to'four, tons per. a cre ,are being .. I n ^ s - ij^ ^ uced , . depending on area •■• I Mds of and managem ent practices. ■ B58S3F R ecent research and demon* 9

Blrations on terllllzatlon of ir- I ■ rlgated pastures show, that low . I I fertility is main factor restrict- E I ing' y fe ld -an d -^ u a llty of feed - H

produced. • § AU farm ers are reminded to I

-have a so li test taken now, ap. M ply nitrogen and phosphorous, i

-------- -!f-needed,-for-best resuIU-next - Jyear- ________________' . I

c|> Officer Talks—^ I — ‘ To-Magic-Grange - I--------- A pftH.lA ^In . I

r ner w aa served at the M agic “ 1Grange m eeting after which ■Chief Warrant Officer Henry . JTews spoke on his experiences - .Iin Vietnam the past year: I

Questions were answered and Ihe explained the living condh |

i« a i tions there, describing the peo- I

S ple, living standards clim ate, I dress, bmldlngs and touched I I U ’ som e on the war effort. I JN He has l,S00 flying hours, has I received the bronie star and a ■

. ' Vletnttmese award. He wlll re­turn to Vietnam after Ws le&ve. pi

I ' •

______ ^ t e n d a I l o n £ a J i _ ~SHOSHONE — Onry Freeman, f J

Arnold Ross and Katie Hansen J j w ere delegates to the Idnho Pride Conference held In Boise I j recerttly. ML>

Lt. Gov. Jock M. Murphy. « Shoshone attorney, received the J g

E lbeust tree presented by the.4<H * 1 ' youths, .Others attending from j U ncoln county were David n,,, > Ross, Susan Neher and Val Ur- n ,J COS rutla. Mrs. M aty Lou Ruby, ex- m .tensloh-hom e economlcs agent, abs Accompanied, the youths........ . - ,


iNDAY, OCT. 21 '"5 11 :30 A .M .

ma_ ____________________________ -. J 2

g n m e n t

[u laraala • •

(S. Many will be preg tested,

by tha pound os feeder cowi.

-O ljr------------------— '' „



n rra g u la rru n , ■

w ieM a y e 7 (M 2 2 «

(■iiaMihatt I

g F ile r ^ s ^ EF IL E R T he Idaho Cattle- deputy

m en 's Association will sponsor Twin I its 29th annual F lle r-F a ll R anM nt the.

' Bull Sale on F riday . Oct. 25, Allen a t the fairgrounds, beginning a t sale, ht 11 a .m ., according to w ord rc- of bcln

1 ^ ceived from P a t Allen, C ascadc. R ange I w m anager of th c sale. w est sh 4 A llen s ta te d - there a re 200 fo r Its H j H erefords, b o t h j>ollcd and top qu I ^ B horned , so m e ' C harolais a n d type, I S B Shorthorns, a ll over 16 m onths classifi S ^ n . a n d under 30. m onths of age, ducc.U

consigned to the sale by reg- Man; ^ A v is te red ca ttle b reeders from Ida- workin bEe W - lib rT Jtab r-w y o m ln g -an d Wash- p ro g ra

Ington. All of the bulls a re reg- of the! Istered and will be graded Into Aller classes of A. A-mlnus, B-; lus on the and_B b y Ja c k P ie rce , M alta , Sales com m ercial cattlem an; L e w grown Rbthwell, Arco, purebrcd ibreed- both tl e r , a n d ' Ed D uren, livestock operai nparla l ngpnf, ^TnlversltV of Ida- and Q'? s ^ ^ a ^ 7 m s B ^ l d ^ U i t ^ t l i e i r ^

G rading will begin a t 10 a .m .. Idaho B m T hursday , Oct. 24. E ach bull in Us

w lll-be-4n6pected-for-v isuaI-dc^ -piovin tecta b y D r. D. A. Jackson , beet; >

^ M i n i d v k a A^ B ^ ~ 1 ( D P E R r . A good mahyhlescri]

people ara finding Out'lhat'soU plus- li W ^ M u n ’t Just for farmers — It's foi' tUrial,

a ll of us, Harold Hansen, soli uses, scientist for the U.S. Depart- and di

OMBt*- m e n t-o f_ ^ lc u ltu x « . Soil Con- survey 1 tSa^ servation Service, repofls; — -who .trtre That’s why soil surveys by soil st ■jtaftit the Soli Cbnservatlon Service, on; gr

In cooperation with other agen- excav* " c ies, are becoming increasingly tories,

important in land use planhing, lers, litrogen Hansen- eal d. — ■ Wghwj then In a published so il survey in* foTl,. j

ation of d u d es general Information about leave , ; ^ c l i m a ^ j o i l s ^ ^ ^ ^ p a i ^ ^ c r o g s

yet on survey area. It also Includes us, he

S T f c - 'be put . .


ac re s . a r e '

e pro- air* '

m ly-one —

)n a re a '

demon* S ^ B ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H B B I B ^ Rnth a t low . | ^ ^ ^ ^ I ^ B B 9 B 3 B m ^restrict- '

- - B B [ ^ ^ B B B H | B g



n f e - f l M M B Br wttfch ' ■ B ff lC V tp H enry . ■ w J i ' T ^ ^ K J ? SW len ces ' v Lar. W L ^ * ' 4-i . ► ered andlg condh 'B 'the peo- •clim ate , E f e itouched 1 ^ *

3urs. has i t and a

will rc- ONE OP MANY types of soils Inlis leftve. i^ o to . T his type of soil contains sll— ‘ • hlgn percentage or iim e. a soil si

_ _ aoll Tn th e Minidoka a rea ,ifah —Freem an, T . , systt

sDiscussed At t

M urphy. .V -..iir Th

vIhmIh Jerome -Meet- • S'. “ niSB -ICROME n John .ROTsii»ni. ‘j;;

R uporl, prcnided a t a r e c e n t ‘•'o 1 .:^* . m eeting of the SqhcK C entral ^ G i ^ W«ho- BactcTint Blight • Control Dr- '« agent. A ssociation in Jerom o.

. J . . R / Per« ing ,. m anager, xe- “ ‘? i ' ■ ■ ■ ■ ported th a t there w ere 22,571 ;,7„-

ncres of beans under .the pool- | i j ^ Ing program th is year.’ A commlUee w as appointed Co.,

lo m ake .a s tudy to see It there Seed fare 'arty changes thnt .could be Co., m ade to Improve the presen t cr I

, . T! LET. U S . RECO ................ .. a n d . SEllVICI

mmma ' Novv , . , and bo ready f«

e\d. ^ Wl8con»|n Factorj \ ‘ lea bn hand to serve you

J l ‘ ' ” T -® "


' A 'c . ' . r ' ' . j.:,:’^ A C | I A n | l g Y H

I f / '6 i S ! S » . , - J i W ) t A e E W A V E

i i l t t i w i B i a r t B i i

% F a U r ® a n g <Cattle* deputy s la te ve te rin a rian -fro m ! of the,

sponsor Twin F alls, during the gradingtgan th( 11 Range a t 'th e fa irgrounds. ' I “ TheOct. 25, Allen also s ta led the F iler one ea« nning a t sale, has m ain tained its record brought vord re- of being the la rg es t m ixed breed bulls tt la scad c . R ange Bull Sale In the North- the con

w est and h as long been noted signor a re 200 for Its ou tstanding offering of -The led and top quality bu lls o f excellent on Frid s a n d type, b reeding characteristics, A F rid m onths classification, a n d ab ility to pro- tend, w of age, duce top ca lves. - to s ta jby reg- M any of th e breedei-s a re causc -i

rom Ida- working w ith h e rd im provem ent and de d Wash- p ro g ram s to im prove-the quality a Satui a re reg- of ihelr sa le bulls. . AuctIded into Allen added. "Y ou can depend liam s, i , B -;Ius on the Id ah o . C atttem ert's Bull Emmel , M alta , Sales to g a th e r uniform bulls, Mem ; L e w grown for m ountain ranges, so men*s.- d ib reed - both the sm all and la rg e .ca ttle d u d e livestock operators can pu rchase the type chairm V of Ida- y d Q^^^*ty.^most_SU|tS^ F^Us^^

10 a .m .. Idaho C attlem en 's- Association. Daniel: »ch bull in Us continual, p rogram of Ini- Merldf Isual-de- -proving .-th e..:qu al l nf IdahQ ilQ tn ^ Jackson , beet; and fo r th e convenience) well, J

^ k a A r e a S o i h Sd m sny ldescrlp tions e f each type of soil The ih a t 's o f l p lus' In terp reta tions for agrlcul- of Min - It's foi* lUral, engineering and other compU sen, sol! uses. Also included a re general m ers

D epart- and detailed soils m aps of the sam pll lo ll Con- survey a re a . ciassif;u ru . - - Who” n eed s-in fo rm atlo n -fro m veys by soil surveys? Anyone who lives 3i'''W 0 Service, o n ; grow s cro p s Or livestock on; Mr.

ler agen- excava tes; builds hotpes,- fac- cen t o; reaslngly to ries, • schools, shopping cen- a r e o planhing, le rs , golf cou rses; reservoirs, which

hlghw ays,--or_anyth lng Js lse_ o n s o lla ^ irvev-iti* so il , .p lu s , people w ho w ant to subsoil io iiabout leave th e land l l k e j t i s - t h a f s centagihy, crops w h o ., ; — f kindsL ^ ; ^ t n e P re tty well ■ tak es , in a ll of Area-

includes us, he o b se rv ed .f ^ P au R I

V . » u v .

T ' '■*'1' ' ' ' " -

ypes or to lls In tho M lnU oka a ra a l i the P o rtne i soil contains s ilt loam so ils having a very eom|i •I lim e. A soil su rvey snow a th a t ihere a re a (ou . a re a . _______ . • _ _ _

system of operating the pooling ”^ i p rogram . Tho co/nm ittcu wfH

• ' - mako their recom m endations a t A a. the onnual m eeting with the

[ bean grow ers in January . ........Thc c o n t r o l of bacterial

A A f * ‘ blights of beans In Magic Valley was di.scussscd and plans for

RcmSlKJra. p r o s f a j Jofa r e c e n t tho com ing y ea r w ere rtinde.

h C entral Guetits a t the m eeting were h f Control l^r. Leslie Denn. Beon Research ni Lonrroi Clyde. .Butclw r. .

- s r s i s ' s ? r « r a , , ; , ' R c " p S : - :. , u . ^ i ttttlves of th e Holo Blfght Com-

the pool- idaho-E astern Oregon ' Seed A ssociation, Asgrflw Seed .

appointed Co., G reen G iant Co., Keystorie ee It Ihere Seed Co., NorJhny>-Klng Seed . t .could be Co., C ha rte r Seed Co., and* Rog- le p resen t cr Bro thers S c ^ Co^_______ __ ■

j s Tw c o n d iTi o nLSEllVICE YOUR

V i S C O N S I N

MORS^a bo ready for use when need*<ns|n Factory tra in ed Mechan* j to serve you,

IftVe AUvSlZES in NEW 'ISC O N SllnpO R S , I

^ ia n g e ^ u H k S aan -fro m lb f the cattlem en of Id aho ,-be-Ills ; an gradingtgan these sa les 29 yea rs ago ,! Cons

I “ The fa ll sale a t F lie r and le r m le F iler one each spring a t F lier, have 1 Shelle; s record brought the b e s t of breeding K arl ] ed breed bulls to th is cen tra l point for Breckj e North- the convenience of both the con- Sem B en noted sijinor and th e b u y e r .; .• gard , ering of -T he sa le will a g a in :b e held Sons, excellent on Friday; beginning a t 11 a .m . Kenda terlstics, A F rid ay s a le lots ran ch ers a t- penler ;y to pro- tend, who In prevlous y?a rs h a d Buhl;

to s ta y close to the ranch be- iels.ai lei's a re causc -opening’ d ay of pheasant ell, P rovement and deer hunting is always on Thomile quality a S a tu rd a y /................ -------------------

A uctioneers w lll be Sl Wil- M a l^ n depend liam s, Caldwell, an d Ken Troult, A rtf •n 's Bull E m m ett. , . - Herm:•m bulls. M em bers o f th e Idaho Cattle- n lcorj mges, so m en's.' Bull Sale .Committee in- ley,. I ■ge. cattle d u d e P a t A llen, ‘ Cascade', cor Dougl the type cha irm ah ; D ick Noh, Twin Harp(

tS b le J o r F alls, .eg - c h a irm a n s J a m e » l l c g f

sodation , Dantels.'- M alad;. A lb ^ f ’Wolfklei; llfTg« m of Ini- M eridian; Gus E rickson , AImb: rop. 1 nf Irinhn|Tom .<;haw. N~ampat U w ls Roth- R lgbj ivenienceIw^ll, A rco; Tom -C hlvers, C hair'Jense

h i l ^ S u r v e y C o ipe of soil The la s t a c re or a soil S U W y iiln d a r agrlcul- of Minidoka a re a has ju st W in Altog Id other com pleted. I t requ ired sbc sum - kinds e general m ers of boring, d i g g i n g , "M OS of the sam pling, tes ting , m a p p i n g th a t

c lassifying an d co rre la ting by Hansi lo n -from three soli scien tists to cover the thinkwho llvM 318,0 00 -acrc-area . ---------^ -------- s p o t.stock on; M r. H ansen sa id (hat 40 'per pes, fac- cen t of the M lnldoka A rea soils >lng cen- a ro of the P o rineu f se ries, je jm j eservolK^ which he d e sc r lb e d ^ y s» t loam^

' w ant to subsoil th a t.co n ta ln s a high p er- is—tha t 6 centaee' of lim e. O ther m ajo r

kinds of soil in the Minidoka in a ll of Area- includes Boldt, Minidoka,-- ------- --- P au iq n ie . ' P m avlrr.— Somsen;w -Tyff*"":!’.- ;»' .Tr «. u . " and-!

■> t ^► “ ^ ,-r i^ pcndi' i . r - s : r : i a i l i M B g B S E i g a a - leain

b ^ ^ B b Sb B I D H ^ H r hepp

in 111fo r I

. on Ul c r a d

P B B B i ^ B B B ^ ^ B S I ^ ^ B i M '

favoi ' freev

B r l M W K ^ ? t ^ l i ^ ag^ 3 i ! i B ^ B B i quar ga jM fT ljvT m b^^ causi

iiti - - Citasse; ing a re i

H a B B B l a b i i B B B B I ^ B ^ ^ H ahovn ^ H | B i B 9 B B ^ B ^ ^ H ____*nap

B B ^ ^ ^ B B ^ ^ B ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ E Rupi


i l s ' - ? r^ • ■'q ; o e

s ’ f l

e a I t the P o rtn eu t M rlea a s shown In thla S # ing a very com pact subsoil th a t contains ■ \ I Ihere a re a t o u l o f 2S du fe reo t kinds 0! S q i

’ ■

p r t e S i


,' Bli (ln»l Llltl* tIrMi in v i wl'di trMtvHMl«ni> llTHt Wtilwwillit DtaekwMlil

.. lalMttrwlFttlrMMCordtkMlNvlOi , . . TlMf*'* Sitlr* ta nw*t vwr nMd «M

. ' pockttbooki H u ^ In yew Om

— -

A U T H O R iifeo INDEPt

i W ; p. L | . K I M B e B I ^ B O A t f e - l

11 Sale Set 0(r a f s s i t s lr , have Shelley; A.M. 'B arker, E l b a , ford Rireeding K arl Bedke and Sons, OaWey. |™ e>im for B redienrldKe B r o s . , Tetonla, U U h,the con- Seth Burstedt .and G. C. WMlcr- Ing; .J

C hains: Jim Cahill and R alstlr cnfi4 wpf^er: Callender and m ontj

II a .m . S d a l r S i a e f V l n Car- W ath.;

M f f Fam'li SfnlA,: V P - ^" h be. w in d Sons, N orm an L How. sen. Si iheasant ell Royal B. Jensen, Dale J . Arco, Jays on T & m as, Dee E . willl.ms, A towne

G,_Willie. and W. H. Fallls, all Udy,

' i - r o S ^ a r J . DeVisser, F iler;H erm an E vans, N am pa; Ber* R lchat

. Cattle- nlce-H oggan, E lba; Alyln Had- Inc.. y Ittee in- ley,; M ontour; D. Jay H a r |» r . , ide'. CO-Douglas H arper, Elwin K ^ y

Twin H a rfc r, R. J . H arper,.A slelZol- - - • a m e s linger. H eber Zollinger, .Orson

~I, A lm d: rop. Lorenzo; Irvin V. H arroft

sbc su m - k in d s .o f s o l l s 'ln MinldoRa a rea , g g l n g , " M o s t p eop le think of so il a s

I p p l n g th a t to p layer w o c a ll topso ll,itlng by H anse n . ^ d>.. r.A ctugito w £ _____over the t h l n k ^ T t e so ir in 'a n f= g lv e n — -—----------s p o t .a s .a l l of the soil m ateria! 1r^ 'n w - d o w n to its productive depth." •L l Slope is a k o a factor in de- -

sous term in lng how soli wlll M have. J l .<if he said. O ther im portant factors ? n m ™ 3 are ; texture, erpdablllty, subsoil o

r ^ ^ o r outcrops or stones, salinity and odv<

toldoSa ° '^ y ^ is ’all Ibl' =» Important? SS S S K ^ S i l ^ ^ s e ^ S

and-soHMt-In-placs-becauRe th e lt \ Income, p resen t and future, de-

I.', pends On It. But others haveearned- It.pavs tg.haye_a pre tiy ____

l» o d “ laea •o^ w hat's going to lappen when they do something . _

in o r on soil: ____ ______ . . *A school board learned just . Ai

In Ume th a t the ir proposed site fo r building a new , school was on unstable soil tha t could cause track ingr-A -plpellne-insU llatlon — — waa rerouted because the pro- j posed righ t of vray w as In un- AuctI avorable soil. A m ajor .u rban

freew ay cost w as an ex tra three q u arte r of a million dollars be- • cause of slippage which a soil scientist m ight havo predicted.. City and couniy planning, tax assessm ents, zoning and build- Ad Ing restric tions in niany areas a re now based on s^ll conditions shown by so il survey.

Copies- of the Minidoka area m aps can be seen a t the Soil Conservation Service office in Rupert, Hansen said.


I— M t t^ 5 P E e iA t - 4 —

m O ood Ba«f Halvas . . . 40c * _ S Choica B e tf H alvai . 42V tc ■


I cun iN O . w R A ppiN om eziN o ■• 6 t PER LB. S

'onuta! ! Carter Packing Co. \ °dnda ol

f \ ': f*d.'Eic|it T«»i« • ' C i jg

. r t w a B i i l m i i t


i i i ^i i iS i i i i

‘trO ct;^ -2 5 ^ ^ ^igle. . Shupe,' H a m e iL A jg iB U lW m . tf 25'F i - Tetonla; Glenn ,C. .‘M 1.11 e r.

Ranch, Thayne, Wyo., and'Naugle Here. '• E l b a ; ford Ranch, Nampa. •Oakley; Ernest Olsen and Sops, Logan. -■ Tetonla; Utah; P arkcrand Nelson, Good* . Wester- Ing; .Jay .F.^ Pearson;, Pjpore;

hill and Ralstln Hereford Ranch;'Craig, ler and mont; Sam W ^RW S, ;Rainler;

E. Car- Wash.; ' Lewis Rothwell, Arco:I. Clark, L..X . Rudd, S t .‘Anthony; Tom tex Dan- Shaw. Caldwell; Marlin .Soren.L. How- sen. Sallna; Utah; John Techlck,Dale J. Arco; 0 . Thayne Thom won, ams, A. Downey; .Grand and- Richard allis, all Ud.v, Rockland;.. Art* M. Ward--------------and-Reuben-Ar Ward,-Elba;- A1-----------

Filer; bcrt Wolfklel. Meridian; ■ Herb >a; Ber* Richards, Kimberly,'and. Trail's vln Had- Inc., W elser. / ^’Harper, —:— ^ - ’

c a l e n d a r

•AlLMag ailey,:________ ^

Sales Listed Heref , s u b s d l corfaer Ih* l|m b »-riU f farm .ble.-TO ck —sa i«» -d tp o iiH>«in Twinity and advtniilnB coV«rag* .--of.-your.

larrn »al*. hond bllli, n«wipap« nportant? cav»rBg* (ovBI 70.000 rMdw want to tn Mngle VoiityJ edvonea bill.

ler. ^ d ■“ 'SgTAK o f w m - tp » a a t iw ^ r . ------------luse thete Cve>y ial» tlH«d .In Ihl* Fcm*S u re l d £ - c 5 [ ^ 5 r - R r - i i r - d a » f - b * l « f -----------ers have ,} a p retty ___________ ----------------------------------------going to K. a. WIUIAMS

som ething____ _ tWAti. »IUK. ^Ad»»rtU«tii1ihif0cl.-17-<i-H-:-----------

rned lust ■ AuclleriMMi W»rt, Woll posed site >:hool was>uld cause OCT. J 9istallatlon ------------- JOHN-OAIIOIA----------------—

the pro- AdvtillMmarti Oc»-ia a 17 'as In un- Auctlemtnt 6nat W«it«m Audlen.. ior .u rb a n Sartlc*, Innen dnd Ro« xtrd th ree - -iollars be- • o a i 21 .Ich a soji donaio ••pm" HOWIU . predicted. ^ 1,5. ray iooneynning, tax ond WtutAM DRAflK . ind build- Advtrt1ftm«nli Ocl. I t ond 19 any areas Aucl)en*«rt> Harald Kloat conditions ,ond Jm OufMk/. . , .iokft area ............OCT. 2 5 ,^ - ____ '

■ OUY HollTrNO 'OHIce in Ady*r1li*mint. Oct. 23 ond 34

Auctlontar*! Herald Klao*


I Adykltltimtnlr 0(t. 33. ond 24'.£ Aucllonttrti W*rt, Him, Wall

. . . 4 0 t ; OCT. j r■ UQUIDATtON SAU OP KORSI AND

. 42V*e ■ HIDIK aPPARILn t t s S JHOMI AUCTIpN CINTH>»eD ; AdyirtlurMnh Ocl. 14 end 35MEAT S Au<llent*r*i Herald Klaa* and

I ' ‘ Dulhk FRieziNO ■


fl P a ■ and JOHN OOObHUIy ■ Ad»*rtl»*mtnit Ott. 36 ond i t(3 * 4 B S 9 » AutlUnMri lyl* Mdittr*

L - y r S P r t N o f i i f a i l D d ^ l e r * ^

Page 13: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF257/PDF/1968_10_18.pdf_ — J W e a th e r - Chilly VOL. 65 NO. 187__________ Murder G Filed


p , K ’ 1

■K » . f I

^ k -

C A R C A ^ 6 r d H E IP E R S <--------- w n t t i r w e T r l n r t d - b y - ^ ^ ^

to B re s ttd i i ^ f t ^ t e i w i w4w—ta n z r = n a B t - t w o iw e 1 tt ln T w b - F « n t ^

Carcasses A re . Examined In Beef Gontest

T he 13 ca rcasses en tered In-------- ihB '^'iSoper-Beet'-ccm lest.-spofl- —

sored by the Idaho CatUe Feed* • ■ e rs A ssociation, w ere explained to som e 30 llvestockm eh recent-

-------- ly -jn th e coolers o! IndependentM eat Co.

------------D ?T E eon~ O nnerU nhrersity -of —. Idaho m ea t specialist, to ld of

w h a t type of .ca rcasses a re 4c- .---------^slfed T to d a y -b y ~ su p e rm ark c U -

and how each ca rcass Is graded.--------accordlD g-to. fa t,.m arb lin g a ^------ q u a l l t y - o f - m e a t r - ----- ------------ ; -

T h e placings of the carcasses 'b y D r. O rm e w ere d ifferent from the placings m ade by the

______fli^o -w hfu iL lhe . 13 he ife rs w erejudged on th e hoof. However, the top two an im als rem slned 'the top two in the final placing •: by D r. O rm e. . . .

T he group picked a 960-pound - C harolals-H ereford cross a s . No.1 an im al and a 940-pound Angus , h e ife r a s second ■ place an im al. _ H ow ever, D r. O rm e, a fte r ex* am ln ing the ca rcasses of the 13 heifers, p laced the 940-pound A ngus hejfor a s f ir s t placc. afid

- the-C haro la l9 rH erefo rd -cross a s , second place.

T h e cooler m easurem ents of ______ c a rcasse s and the placings _

cd esllm a te a n d is not the final '

k eep accu ra te -;reco rd s of' the 1 WBicht o f each e u t th a t goes J into th e re ta il c a se a s w ell a s .

----------m e fa t a nd bono-trim -frnm fnnh ica rc a ss . %

A fter the carcasses a re cu t n . Into re ta il cuts, the figures will J

then be moiled out to thoso p a r­tic ipating in tha contest an d lo thoso who viewed the carcasses , t

Cotlle feeders who en te red « he ife rs In th e contest w ere Rich. » a rd Blincoe. H eyburn. p residen t : of th e Idaho C attle F eeders As­sociation ; Independent M eat Co. fced lo t; H oward HUI, Shoshone; B runeau Sheep Co., R upert: Jo h n Feldhusen, K im berly;

_______O lm styod C attle Co.. TwinF a l l s tR u s s e i r L ir id itfo m rP a u lr F rn n k B o d en h am er.' H atelton ; Noy B rackett. H ugerm on;, Jones F eedlo t, E den , a n d R . Nellscn,

- P a u l;-----------------,------------------ FFA President

)Vins ContestKANSAS C lT Y --(A P )-T ho 18-

year-o ld president of tho F u tu re F a trh c rs of A m erica-ln Tenne»* ae« w on-flrs t place.V /ednesday n igh t Irt the FFA N otional P u b ­lic Speaking Contest.

D onald L. P ilklnton of Knox* v llle , a freshm an ill thd Univer'- s ity o f,Tennessee studying a jr l - buslnbss, wo9 one of fou r final­is ts who advanced from local ch ap te rs through s ta te end

___^ o n a i niee ts . H e re c d v e d ■

O ther finallsta w ere ; D ick C rone, ,17. Harvard,.111.,.second, $273: C hnrles HannMm. 17, o f R .v J n .w c ^ , |W .V ) i . , ( U r ( i . to o .

.,«n4 RwlSoy M cC tli; Ms, E w U , c o u . W aih .. foui^, »a5. ; ,

SM O O n^-W A U ., ii^ftioATiNa ;

CORRUGATORS- A c m o rH lf lh v ^ P f^ fli^ fo rru ;-

g f lW r i ' G ut Ddwh -W a ie r W cjiWl C yt Dov^h E r9« (6h r

Down l a fa o r ObW ....... C S f f l r e r s d T u r t^ « D |i i * r - r ^

:■ l a i i

mt* - V L '

^ ..............HEIPERS e o t ^ ill tbe BtM" ' a

Are I H H

e s t -

!St;-8p0Jl- —Ue Feed* :'

s a rc 4^- irm arkets —

bling a ^

carcasses d ifferent

le by the fersHowever,

«sAngus .

ex*the '

940-pound 9]acc. arid

c ro ss «s - d i s c u s s i n g t i i E - T W B o t n . BUncoe, Heyburn, president of t

aments of versity o t J ^ b o m e a t specialist, ) p lacings Co. The th ree go t to ge ther to <U * iredacat» t&iUe, l i f e d e n AwDclatloiT-iipoai l - {h i "P**- O h tte ;^ '^■ andw lll —r-t——— ...................— — —-------^

' . U ' f ? a ' s Idaho W heat Ss well a s . - . . ..............

Growers Form g K ^ilN ationd U n itssst anol to W heat grow ers of Idaho h a v i Ir carcasses, token tho initiative In o rgan iting 0 en tered a nalional ■ group to propoae a were Rich* new form .bill to. Congress next |

p residen t y ear, it has been announced by X' eedcrs As- tho Idaho State W heat G row ers . t M eat Co. Association. ' ' CShoshone; R alph B itter. Worley, IS ^G A **

, R upert: president, said his g roup 's ac* K im berly; don was taken-because iho cur* , ;o.. Twin rentiy effective fa rm bill w ill ; ■omrPHUlr eyp lrg -eav ly In -th y te rm -o f - tr

H ate lton ; n e w national adm inistration, i non;, Jones Idaho g ro w e ra .p ro ^ s e to Jo in i t . Nellscn, w ith tholr coun terparts In Ore*---------- — gon-and-W ashlngtori'to-form -the <^ ' nucleus pf the p lanning effort.

According*. lo B literi ’w hea t Is < e n i one of the m ost d ifficult c o m ^ ,

r t mod{tles for Congres^.-to build ( legislation* around, since a g rea t n —Tho 18- p oP cen l« t« 'o f the. c ro p Is ex*

the F u tu re-In Tenne»* --The^orlglnatpropoaal .far..thia . Wednesday ACl(oQ^^AB_to_HaLEdwarUi j ) f tional Put>- Teased. At) ISWGA b oardm em i i

' ber, Edwards ¥r*s an early pros-1 n of Knox* Ident of. the Western Wheat As< , the Univer'- aocia^es-, foreign marketing oN

t ' K l S t !ffi s r r i " ”k i ? . C T !from local ’ jZdwards sald the cha llen se 'to 'Its end ' '‘V.^i-~^-r,.'i.i.!;.r,'.Li'TTan-T-i‘"rj;received ■ : • • - r - : - - - r 7 ?7 - ~ v t r : r

were; 'D ick ,7 *''BRAKE^Sin., second, i x ' ' C a r i i '«

:*:;|AtTERiE : ' v > '“GREASt::

AXLE'.,’SHto r ,tru ck * « r

r : : f : : ; : i - P b W E k / ^ A lioiihaft^ i

P i p i y '.V, ' ' ' ' ^i i - ’S C tS S Q I t~ b R ^ '|M

£5?15PInri, -Wqlur, •;,*Tll l|e>

y .......................................... ..........................;f e. Bdtl” ; K reaii inu Dr.lMB Dtnt, UBivet

j je tc M r« toU cttto U A wflht t>y. ADXrtste^a

o( m eat-t«qtdred-by-euperaiarUts^t« resident of tbe IdM 9 Cattls Fe«dera Assoela at specialist, and Frank FloMD«e, salea ifliai )gether to d lsciu s retail cuts of n e a ts after c gUitlou fp ouiurft! *|5uper Pf t e P * - ^ t e s t - y e f

^ F reem an 's advisory com m ittee.I 6 d i th e g row er groups would be In ^ . deveroplng -proposed legtslatfoh

^erm a. e rs . He said the group would , ,

I n i ' l ' consult w ith respected econo*m ists and agricu lture educators yl

daho h « v i In p re p « ln 8 Uf« p roposil. o rg an itin g ■ - ■ ' :■ i - f propoae a .

5 S rS Milk Output In September D o ^

;roup 's ac* WASHINGTON (A P) - Milk production in Septem ber Was «»•

Ul »■ 1! pounds,In lstratlon. j i e ^ a n ^ 4 p e r cem less.thari the ISO to Jo in nve-y«ar average . to r ...the rta In m onth, reporU tho Agriculiiire

Doptfrtm ent.-----------------------~sg e rio ri. production In the

flrs i n ine m onths of lOM w as LB ficult M m j p e r cen t less lhan for tho period ij . 'to build jggj y ea r, tho departm ent said, nee B g rea trop Is e x ' --------------------------• . . . PEACH C R O I^U P

a m r U i ■•ras U.S.- p tM b ^ r o p l j esll- c a rd m em i m ated" oT3.fl'6111ion 'poundB7T4 e a r ly p ro s -p e r cen t obove la s t y ea r and

Ihrce pcr cen t m ore than the Irront8r-°> i '» “ « » « '• * • . ' “ I"" lh" Crop ry. Orvlllft find. L ivestock i Reporting S e^ i l w l l ^ B ^ vice B oard . ■ ' . • .

tAKESsftbtS ..” — ^fd t C^ara artd T rucksvrrERiEs.v- ........

REASt'r':KLE SHAFTS•truck* artd tr*!l«r»

jwEft^ take-offs;i'6 ithaftv din'd U .>)6li^fQ t^ ;.

tr^ ^ ra '.a T O fryip^ ^ '

* ; o » : tI w i u l W rd.’ty p M -for^M tyfi'fixa-.truoW .drJob,' V k n o w n > q u q llty -iitnM , d« M n d a b l« ,

I \ , ' p r p v i n '''

riNCHES by “Norco” PlhlJeMiTpk-HITCHES 3A0 BINDERS,4"&6"

y M — ^ef> Snake ■ the a

rleultv . recent

' . L ^ ^ :oth(


r , J

' * I ’ 111', pmiS

, n / _ ! ™

■| /N | f H |l , I liearc

portei. : - atudli

AWht orato

------ -•M r,D m « ,U d v e t t l^ o tI< a h o - ir t» l i ta p M ta l .

1?** h“ dny ^ A t te r t^ ^ a te t t e B q r i d ^ d a y s . . ,

W B M a W B M M m l deve] piuni

- voirsI Iw IT f r T M B B W lfT m i othei


1>em i>r^t»^tod*y-«re^iroQ i-lefr, Richard p r t& ra AssoelaUoa; Dr. Leon Orme» Uoi*(e , sales ib'aaager of lodependeat M«at n e a ts after carcasses of iS heifers In (he ^ c 0 l l t « t - jW 0 r e - x r « ^ V ^ ^ e i q i l a l r ^ - ^ — —

committee. . A W L E CROP DOWN t

'posai. s s B ^ B s a s B e H S B ^ ^ e e S

‘I" i SP®s

' F r o n i ~~V ’. v:....................................... . • -I,' — ■■r‘r7V.'-r':'.'T",'f.'TT;r{

77"^ 'ilits • . . cuito’mToffnuIdlid'

O ^ i ^ e a f e t i g i ^ e ^' R obert y o rs te li, ',T w ih Foils^ i f l i lw a s 'n a m e d 'x h a l n h a n 'o f ' , t h e Snake R ly e r-V a lley . C hap te r. of the A m erican: Society of Ag- rleu ltu ral E ng in ee rs '-d u rin g u H | recen t m eeting In BoUe. : t ' o th e r officers e le c te d -a t- th « m eeting Include J e r ry 3oeae l.^ I s e , v ice chairm an. ' a n d ^ ^ ^ H G alen M cM aster,' Blackfoot, •

.s ec re ta ry .D uring th e ' annual m eeting.

m em bers d i s c u s s ^ J h e ^ f ina l ; • . ] ■ p lans fo r th e society 's Pacific

: forthweac Region annual m vet- ■ l5 r to l> rH e lf l -O c ir l6 * 1 8 -a r th p 7 ^ 0 : pkw ntow ner .M otel .in Bolscf.y ^ ; H

A ccording ' to Jarnes'iB ondur^ . . • s l I f l w t , K im berly, .regloniil .chair* ; g j

’ man.- U ie -p ro g ram Is w ell in , » « V’ ^ - hand>and a la rg e .tu rn o u t U , e x - ' E I V ^ pected ^ H j

J S e a rc h ' -Center, K im berly, r e - --------ported on som e special x es^arch studk^s rnndurtM a t the 8 t. d l U Aiithony F alls. H ydraulic .L ab* « , o ra to ry w hile he w as th ere th e J f | ^ p a s t y e a r . - '

■ M r.' Robinson-, n o t^ ' th a t th e ^ m i ' ^ m i a t laboratory is -well-known; f o r h u i

i d ^ i i g * resea rch and developm ent' o f nuitil: ^ 5 f hyd ra u lic - structures- sucb. - a s - T h (

* ? * • ' ' ',• „ le t___w o rk s / eroBlon c o n ^ l

I s truc tu res a n d, stilling, b asin s , d te g . He also discussed his work in |^ \ s ) conducting m odel studies t o fo ^ j develop design c r i te r ia . fo r « d r plunge pools fo r sm all re se r- h ead voirs. d r a ln a g e .x h a n n e ls -a r id from o ther s tru c tu re s using cu lv e r t ;ss==

VMLtr WOUND'eMSSiNB^^^^Fdrsup<Hlcl«lwoundi.ringw«Tn,|llls.

lU L T A -U ltE A .C ttk iO U S I : F O W D U ■-■

Oiy dm ilM for turfsei VMUWts.T IN C irU U o r lO D I N I I

S i . w S - 'S - —w u l L c i i t J m w i N a . * W

rr.pp!. Hazelton DrugDunds Is two - - - IMck

:T« i i r t M m m uiiiiy.‘D iug . t iB r»-

w t S g ‘i . r ? » . • « ; , « i r i J W M 4 :

H W ^ '

k | w | i | | £

p B |j!U M fe a jfe^

Sfpw C h a i r n ia i r ” iFa n g i^ ee tff^ o U ^ ^ ^ Bf■lh Falls; - a H l l l j j i M ‘j i a, 'o f A th e A lhairter. o f . ,’ of Ag- HAduring a coaails Id -at-th*r ^ o e s e l . / Thi

willaiackfoot, - . Tlck«

: door.

ual m ^ e t'•18-arthf■Bolsci:y II'iBimdut -'It 1 itsMT MSSS'iiil^ h a lg t t I W

c tq r o f jh e HK'F , J .y.

^ S l & » ! ^ a i i n g —

ttor. the In Nevada Drops .V ' . N evada , sheep ',ranching , once I

I th a t th e g; m a jo r , Industry in th e s ta te , lown. f o r h a s now been- in decline fo r a ipment o f n u m b e r ot-yeVfa. '" ‘ ' ~

su cb > M -Th«:Tecentiy-T«Jea8ed'*lennial — rvotr oHf. l eport. of ihe Vfevada State -rrr I— orattol Boardo( eep>mml8BiDners ig. basins, c ite s ith e total: a ssessed number 1 i ” ofxsheep and rams ift' Nevada . jtudies to foP fu ca l year lfi68 .as 200.944 An

« ; . S “S o ^ ' f f l « 4 S S S ••tineJa from.. fU cal IM l.. - - . I

frpm Ja ro m ’e^.Jddho

im B ir . Storting timer ~Wt80 o.mrMACHINEfT

D U S S IN Q 1 9 s b f M A S ^ h a r m s D»tw«m ,|ill». T R A C TO R , alnh la fron t

IM# w om d^ A C M p It B T H A C T o n ' lO D I N I I i s ® '{ ? & r K , m a n u r e l o


MISCELUNEts ta llic o c k a ' ' .'.. 'i'.

= ^

J .:-' DONALD (I

” iFarra Bureau p — Bantjuel Set— ~ H i At Hagerman

HAGERMAN - 'riie> Gooding Th< County. F a rm B ureau-w ill^hold tend.

; its annua l ban q u e t Thursday, Bure I ^ H - Oct..24 a t th e ,K ^ rm a iT ){ o te l .

/.The. sm orgasbord ^style m eal D ^ H will be se rved a t 7:30 p.m .

. T lcke ts.w U l.be a v a i la b le 'a t the door, o r from ^A Ian E | ^ n , Hag* e n h an . .'-Bd G uhning. WendeU. u s n or Gene. B osserm an . Gooding.

C a l i f o r n i a B r c

d-^lennial - — =-------^d a — S ta te . .„ . — ..

d num ber ...... . . . . - ..ii‘ N evada . : v _•a s 200.944 A t io t tw r f ln a M s n ty p ro d u c t f rp m l

«♦ J l « B t i m B o u rh q p .™ i - toKatii.sa>iWrt^ ^

Iorom ’e,, jd 6 h o , 4 m ile# 5outh>>Vj .m lle-W isst

VVONDAY, OCTOBER 2 J iH 1 3 0 o .m . . ^ U im

CHINERY +^ H A R h m D I E S E L : v . : o sintila front with 3 ----- j--:-- - — — ,

8N ijE O o d ; | - ^ ^ | | t f M | | | |

I tftACTOft with I

ELUNEOUS ■K B W. g u'n i^ r p lw i ■ r i f 7


M n r f a l l r l T n O T j W i r ' j B f r i M eaU : , PtWay Odob»tl«,.l?6*.*;£ ^

let -___ :____ ■f u ! S o r i , t t r i i ^ nan >» *>* 'speaker [ »

e> Gooding T he m bU c fa ■ f f ia te a ~ 6 " « t- " ~ w ill.ho ld ttn d . t h o n e n t d ju illy F « r m r

n iu rsd a y . B ureau m eeting v iU b v M U A tM 'N !'■ la C H o ttl . j m . ; Oe< W H g w .W e n ile l tityle .meal a w - hall , V7:30 p .m . ■ ................ ■*

n!Sn,“V a « ' FOR f AST SE L U N O R E SU L T S ’jj^Wiildell, USE TIMES-NEWS W A ljr. A P S : ; ; • .

Page 14: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF257/PDF/1968_10_18.pdf_ — J W e a th e r - Chilly VOL. 65 NO. 187__________ Murder G Filed

f S * r 7 i „ ‘


P ( ^ ~ 1 5 ™ i E i N f f 5 E 5 S o m t f i U or* M r a t^ r a ''« t a m p e f e d 'to a

I h l a - ^ k . T be 4504iead he rd U cti

,:i^oittperariye8 Ar Exporters Of Fa

:V i' F a rm e r’cooperatives a re im- the -V; « ;i» r ta n t m arke ting organizations tlv<

J-' * ^ l e s an 'ldaho i M onomlst. 7 ■ Quentin D . ‘Sknks; U niversity m a ■.or,Waho7extenrion:economfst-on afr

..1- :m arketing ..in form ation , .no tes cou ;• : . th a t m any o f th e cooperatives Tw

. « r e also’ powerW l econ9 m!c~ln- h&\ > ■ -s tltu tlin s i n . o u r . national fa rm aw - i'lnarketing sy s te m .' • tow

. M r. B anks added th a t fa rm e r an ' r f - ^ iw operatives-are-alEo-im portant _C

exporters o f agricu ltural prod- Pai - L f -u c t* frora-th ls-country and .they Po ' t '» h o P ia lo re lg n countries fo r boi

/. i pcoducts to be u s ^ on Am eri- vie vcan f a h n s . ter

.•._ t i_ A n - a r t lc le . ln the--Sept.-23 Is- fe« , t: e ue ofrForeign Agrlcultuce, pub- }»»

'« f lu sh e d by-USDAi entitled "A sa- Jo? ■■ :iu ta ’td"C6d p e ra tiv e sm u .S . Ag- I

, i'r icu ltu ra l- T ra d e ,'’ em phasizes Co

O N E W E E Ki l l Sale Eiids Saturd7^ [ P rf-fIn tahed M ahogany *

PaiiAlinfi? f;ibjd;Soirtfi''‘U t« x W all

h i n t .........( E n tlr» ,f tto ck ... afl sizes.

; Paiirt Brlisli“ Keyrn-knob” Door

! Ldcksz : : tNQRM's

1 24 ^ Iub U K bs Blvd. S

^ f f i : « M i ^ w « w w i j i r 5 B « r A i r i B r i c , bestvaluM In « roally low-prlc«d In

. f tiro. Designed for local cartago and fa ' t ‘ tomsf)(etop6n l)on9,wher«qustilyci

' r atru(ftlon Is vrlinlo9.>t an economl ' I pricfc . DfipondablB porfo ^ ^

; lor most anV short haul DperatlDn..J .. ■' like every Cooper truck tire, It's qua

. vbuilt in eveiy respect.

I f c i H i i i

T w in f a ll» Ttme>-New5 Fr»

0 " ^ ^ f f a l o from th e n a tiona l BIsoo range aei to~M rfal8 ana"86r t ln g p e n r ln - th e 'a im a a lT o i d he rd U c u t b ack to WO an im als to prevent

!£8JkxeJmp.ortant_- S Of Farjn Products Sa re im- the contribution U.S. coopera- . illa tions tives have m ade lo U.S. inter- ‘2“ 'r»uniUto»7 n a t to n a U M d a ,-^ ------^ ^ist. T he a rtic le po in ts o u t th a tilverslty m any of the custom ers who buy g.)mfst-on a fr ic u ltu ra l-p ro d u c ts - fo r -o th f it g . * , .'notes countries also a re cooperatives, teratives Twelve U.S. fa rm cooperatives 5m!(Tln- h a v e - ‘ w o n --p re s id en tia l ‘‘E - Am a l fa rm aw ards for th e ir contributions ^

• • tow ard im proving the U.S. bal- t fa rm e r ance of paym en ts position. npo rtan t ^O ne^Q f_the_aV iard w lnncrs j s ^ al prod- Pacific S u p p l y Cooperauye, ind-they P o rtland . O re.; w hich provides 5 , r ies fo r both supplies and m arketing ser- I Am eri- vices to p roducers in seven Wes- ^

tem s t a t e s . P ac ific Supply iL_M is- serves a large nu m b er of Idaho jce pub- fafm era ah d m ain ta in s business — d "A sa- locations in .Id ah o . - wU.S. Ag- ■ '^ ifis a m em ber of the Idaho iphaslzcs C ooperative .Council. Idaho fa rm r j

V E E K S P E C I A L S \Saturday, Oct. 26th to

" . ' ; '.'.------ ------------ ---— ^ ^ Co

s h o g ^ y 4X8' aneofC" ..........

2.9? II t o x Wall ; ' j ^

............... gallon 3 . 3 0 i, afl sfzos. While th e y la s t

Irushes 10% .. :Door ' un


S Blvd. S . 7 3 3 - 1 5 8 3 80

ea___!______ _______ _

K „ Jfletro Mile

* 1 5 “

• F««luro« ‘ Coop«r "HI 5liock.Ou«ril con«tru[

• Full doplh (lal contour....... apaclnllioatvan(>dah>

running, longor tiro 111S ire rA im n c a 'j— -------- - — ....... — —

a a 'is L-'slienquallly isn - e . 7 0 x 1 5 6 <; in economical Iotformanca and' 7 . 0 0 x 1 5 6 . $MetroMlliWiial , - n n v iR ■ R 2operallon. Just...... , r $

; Ute, It's qualily 6 ; 5 p x l 6 6 ' $


iM R tM O R R IT I R E C O M P A Ii, W a«t (T ruck L a n e ) ,

■N«w» F rid ay . O c to b e r '1 8 . 196B

:.'r: -.5

k S L ; >Jfi Jfi i_ • J fl ftT * 2Sl3SQ • i\i \ *l a r IL N & M V >'

*is ' ^ ^ n P ' '

«. : V' !* ^ ‘ 'iL*,, ' r ^ * A ? « i n v ^

» o range Dear n flte'se ' ing o f tbe l^OOO-sa e'aim aalToundQ pheld— ers.-Tlie'Montana'li Is to prevent overgrar- ment' the bison ren

- coo^ ratives h a v e exported Q . IT lT . large amounts of several oiher o l

• c o h fm o d illern n c lu d ln r^ h ea tr •— products, dried beans,-'A :

. C I S peas and, lentils. s \ .rnoDPra- The article further points out p

™ho b^v S r ? n ,''° i? ^ S esingle buyer, o f U.S grains. One of-the-U.-S.-largest-sales-to-Zen- —T

"^„‘S k o r e n was the sa le - o f 200,000 Dar t tons of grain sorghum by an Sun

American cooperative. Produc- fec< ^ ers Grain Corp:, Amarillo. Tex.in The first shipment made on

,, this sale w as a shipment of 37,-

T S t r s a l t w . s originated .by a . U.S. fJJ W r a t l v e feed grain prom?- ™

Supply I'"” ''‘" “ ”8 . Sir! of Idaho ' — -------- --------- ■' C

: ; r :F a u is : 'G o o d 7 ^S I i m e T o J ^ 2

Lawn W eeds ^I . Fall Is a good tim o to JcUl

I n lawn weeds with chem icals, ad- Clo —T'—' v lsos-j^ n a ld . Youtr. Twin Falls ^

County agent. '' P*i'^WarmHlay*::ofJndiBa:aummfirfavor action of herbicides. While

■ f l grass and weeds are still grow- 1*7 y # i ing, excellent w eed control can ^r - f t

■ Thb kinds o f th em lca l .to use S o governed by tho variety of j

J l | weeds. Dandelion and plantain p . , ■ I I w ill curl up after a shot of Z, p .

4-D. If tho-lawn contains chick- p . weed and others that 2. 4-D does not control, a combination of herbicides Is Indicated, jsllj

fc „ Autum nappllcatlonsareusual* dIi 9 o f f Jy effcctjve. Mr. Voutz; said, be- i

cause weeds are moving- food ani up through their system s more nn vigorously thnn in s u m m e r , oa They nro preparing for winter. Ho

o f f It tho process Is hampered thoy let--------- d io-bnek-m of»~r»ad lly .. than..i«

tho case In other seasons. Even Po....... If.thoy nro not killed, they are ro

ln.poot.8haDSLto,,(}wrvlve_»P.V!?ro sw winter. 1

Most lawns will profit from a fall application of fertilizer.

_____ loo, Mr. Youtr said, Gross will jviL 5 8 3 BO into the winter In thriving ufi

condition nnd havo a green look Lo B B B earlier In the spring.___________

0 Miie? Q C 6 )00x16 . N frT rad o .ln

‘ Cooper "HI-T!V nylon cord'body and lard conatructlon., ■ • '1 flat contour trend dellvcra extra mHeage; sat vented shoulder desfgn etvea a cooler-' longer tiro life.

.A T iM a:" '‘ T " « « - W .I ’"=g t g x A X ~

6 $18.95 *2.43® $ 2 2 . 5 0 S2.8B8 $ i s ; 9 5 S 240 :® $ 1 9 . 9 5 « . t '6 .-I



■ 7 3 3 - l f ? 6 4 ;■

;6B_ . ■ ■r'i

f th e l ^ l» 0 .a c r e ^ m e - i « ^ r w . M ost su rp lus ai l i e M ontana he rd w as estab lished In 1M9 b u t tn th e bison rem a in s a dan g ero u s w ild an im al. (A

r” ^ t o r State.'Key Award At.Gaffii^s:4-H Goi

F A IR F IE L D ^lda 'ho s ta te Key Swee . A w ards w en t . t o . Lucinda, O s-m oni

ains & th e recen t 4-H A w ards P rogram . M rs. • s 'to - ^ n - —T ?»e_^ID are.i Y ou'* aw ard by Mini jf 200 000 D anforth FoundatToir w ent to M rs. m b y 'a n Suhnlt) Sweet;- Lucinda Osborne Rob(

P rM uc- received the Idaho F a rm Safety Ranj rillo Tex. aw ard ; the G eneral Foods Cook, vatic

book w en t to Lori Lee. G regory Davi .n f nr 17 A nderson rece ived the I d a h o Thor

S tate C attlem en’s Association pr ? r ^ n i b e lt-b u ck le .^ T ro p h ies for; -the Mrs" u r ' l T ^ d is tric t H om e Econom ics judg-

In g -.team 'ln th e jiinlor'd lv lslon iink n promp- LeeAnn Osborne. Debbie

Simon and R oxane Gasklll. dgu — ■' County m edal w inners Include Qutc.....--=— A chlevem ent-^F ord . M otor. Co. jq j,,

J fund: Lori Lee, Bevvy KeVan, _ ' v U G a r t h P ack h am and D ana . ’" • T l Reedy. ■ w ink i l l A gricu ltural — International

-----H arvesK r Co. G ree AndersonI B ren t G lesier. Lynden ustJOTrte

» n S _ and U y n e Osborne.c io lh lhg — C oates-arid’ C lark

ia to kill Inc. L aurie St. C lair, Nlkkl St. R' nlcals ad- Clalf- Shirley Gaenzle and Rox- and rvuin F n lli a r ie ^ G a ^ » l .^ D re ^ ^

^ 'c W se n ra H 6tf=;bF^Na S l l sources - John Deere. Mikea g

. ‘ mon, LeeAnn O s ^ rn e , Sandle T ^1 to use w okorslen a n d Roxano Gaskill. I g variety of F o re s try — ■ Am erican F o rest .1 plantain products Industries, Inc. Joel Tl shot of Z, Packham. D ara Reedy. David ers Uns chick- p ^ ^ k and D irk ’Sj> a c k m a n. Its . 4-p does Home Economlcs-Consumcr Ed- con ■nation of ucauoh — Montgomery Ward, ter, “ • . Nlkkl St. Clair, Bevvy Kevan, M I are usual* Diane Prock and Sunnie Sweet, b o i z;sald, be- Home Improvement — The S 5 ai »ving- food and H Foundation. Bevvy Kev- vch em s more on, Roxane Goskill, P a u l a snk lu m m e r . Dau.ichcr and Sunnlo S w e e t , sole 'or winter. Horse—Mcrk & Co. Brent Gles- lo < pered thoy ier, Bill Baldwin. Aly -th a n -ls —i,ead ersh ip ->-^ arR -R oebuok AVh< jons. Even Foundation. R ichard Bauscher, ORc . Ihoy are Randy Bauscher and S u n n i e thoive_»P.V!?ro S w c e u - J - - ............................... _ cr._

P o u ltry — Hcisdorf and Nei- the rn d t from son F arm s. B o b b y Ncwhouse. app

flriUizBr Sn^o‘y - G oncrarM otors. K arl gon fertilize^, Lee and U r r y wh« G rass will ivie, sw ine ~ Moorman Man* - T In thriving iifacturing Co. Lucinda Osborne, a ti nroen look Layno O aborne, Brent C iesler tlor

and K athy Fields. Vclcrlnary Grc ......... Science — .Tlic Upjohn Co. Lana dur

aB rackenbury , - - - ........-... up ." L a u rto ' St.‘ Cinir and .Sunnfe bon

H r B H 5 0 w «■ L . < u reoorc

Ohtonloio, . Idaho sv

‘ you eachpdy and » ? r ............ S0 .,Y E A R 8,;A Q p.'.'.;

mllAiiffii* UHla.4 f**m. bvn«al«w, larg* let ImilOBga, ^ (rvll.IrMi In Ml-b««ilng.BCOOler- ' «l l>ullt4n>atMrai. /ully rumt*l

. , Ufj^Oian.frOO wHI, lwi;(«ll«, bntonc*

___ ' ■ tti« •H lu ' •» County 'Tri«wr*f Hi

i w hov* ra(*nll» lompltltd lh« loik »f ihoarty tw n#tW oni l» n»v.

• |«r In Ih m w 1l« f.'- ,( 2 .4 3 ■ ' «otm»n rr«(i Oialn fmni aUv

• « ! A»»t«nlom'«» fMllnB wpl^ly •• > 2 .8 6 'JJJIQ . 3 0 Y ^ R S AG IO. . , . ' .. Mr. an'rf Mn. /omM'lug* »f Twl

i2 .6 6 ' .*1 »«n. JatM* Otwnlnfi, b»m Satuniay <I ' vral ,H»*|>llial mat«mlly h«m*.

- frfoh* nc*flnli«rf'«* Rm lawt Cant pan m rt MW building.

: Nn»iM ichaWa'wmfli t* Idohi, < |3 0 a.wMk («r p«H»ni vvir 90:.

‘ • 6 7 ' D p n « . ' . , ; ; ' . i . , v .

' million;:pot>y>-«t«*t{f»g„*hpw.j


' Il A ^ A Mosco

« . « • * * • numb(. A vlsltc(t e w * V fields

i own.'Ists. a

r v ^ f E H r u B r - v ^ H u H - - nique ■ L K r A « 1 * :- patho,P T k • ■ ■ a t thi1 L ^ V K v I

i f - v * V 5^**

* 4 nf W route,“ 3 Tl ■T^B th e r<

h 1 » k X ‘. . d i l P artn

m y WhJ S r m m w K ^ taikec

8 g |g l f l H J B n T iinT iJ> riiif l M n W ^ J ^ c -th a t j

&• ^ M ost su rp lu s ao lm a ls a re s M to ranch - T J

id-ln-lM9-but tn Bpite of-years o f m anage-._ w ild an im al. (A P w irephoto) ^-— Gl Awards Given Sj 4-HGdncIaV6 e™I S tate Key Sweet w ere m istresses of cere- .®}. cinda, Os- monies. ,_5^_nM |_X hih .^ .rR rrrR .sen ted Included-the _ m , t . , C lair, a t D anger W atchers Safety . Club, ven t } P rogram , ^ r s . D a r Lee, le a d e r; M ighty whet

aw ard b y Mini S titchers SewlDg Club, necr"w en t“ to' M rs rw n ia ra -W ilso n -a n d -M rs .- ^la Osborne R obert Newhouse, lead ers . L ittle comi arm Safety R angers Forestry ' a n d Conser- gnjo ■oods Cook, vatlon Club. M rs. D ale Reedy, ju d e. G regory D avid ■ Cm kovich a n d - M r s . ja m le I d a h o Thom as Spackm an. leaders . H qq. Assoclollm P o is and cooking O u b ; mitt' s ior-_-me M rs;--D o ran -C lu err-an d —M-r-sr a-w( m ics judg- D wight Osborne, le a d e rs ; Slurp- vent o f 'a jy ls lon ijn;^ K nitting Club. M rs . 'T o m ' Bl me. Debbie w okerseln and M rs. F loyd Cran- woU '“ H * '- . , dall, leaders; B a c l^ a rd B’Q uers ing e rs Include o u tdoor Cooking Club, M rs. tlomMotor. -Co. jo h n -V a s te n ,- le a d e r . '----------- Gro'

The Im provem ent Im ps Home SfOi and D ana Club, w ith M rs. M .'

”s s ' si'Sors'u?'“wts'SssI l o ^ ' i i l u b wim** Mr.™Md 4 ? "

.-arid C lark M rs. H arold Choate as. lcaderjs. ^• Nlkkl St R obert Loucks Is county ag en t 1 ^ ; e and Rox- and M rs. M ary Lou R uby is Icvue—Sim- ho>^® dem onstration a g en t. ^ l i iu i le S t; —* ■' — I ,-

-MiM-Ma3HF= ;bj<man, a n d - • H X ? -Mutritiw - - r v V f t n l :

mo gmS Is P lanned[can F o r e s t ........... . ' *jr(

Inc. Jo e l The Idaho Stato W heat Grow- and edy. David e rs A ssociation h a s announced Hal a c k m a n . Its annua l "M iss Idaho W heat" sho naamcr E d- contcst, accordinff to R alph Bit- Am aery W ard, te r, W orley, ISWGA., President. Bai /vy Kevan, M iss Idaho W heat fo r lOGO wlil her nnie Sweet, bo so lected 'ln finaVJudging Dec. mai It — The S 5 and 6 during th e ISWGA con- 4-H B ow y Kev- vehtloh a t Idaho F ails, B itte r A I, P a u l a snld. F ive flnallr-ts a re to bo due lo S w e 0 1. se lected from om ong a ll en tries Mn B rent Gles- to com pete n t Idaho F alls. Bai

.A cand ida te fo r M Us Idaho Ros »rfi-Roebuok A V h « a t^ m u « -b a -b e tw c c a _ i.lu i jild I B auscher, ages of 16. and 21. single and j S u n n i e tho d augh ter o f a w heat grow- er'fi.............. _ cr._ E n tran ia w in .b o Judged on i,o\rf and Nei- tho basis of poise, personality^ Uni I Ncwiiouse. appearancc, en thusiasm , iniclll- nnc! rotors. K arl gonce and knowledge o t Idaho's sch and U r r y w heat Industry. . . B »

>rman Man* - T he winnor. will receive. $250, da Osborne, a trophy, and a tr ip to tho Na- ent C iesler tional Association of W h e a t

V eterinary G row ers convention In Boise hn Co. Lana d u r in g 'Ja m ia ry . F o u r runners-................ . up.wlltH>»ch .rcc‘?lye.-a.-sayings _and .Sunnielfaond-and a trophy, . •

I50 and 30 YEARS AGO I

, , aa recorded I n ' Tlib, Tw in Falla . H Ohtonlolo, Tw in Pttlla N ew t and R Idalio SveolQg-Tim ea.. D rought to R

■ Bob Reese IA Q 0 . ' > . ; ; ; v ' , , Ingolow. larg* let 4«HlV0, ihUli»n fiarV, ihUkth. BI In MI-b««ilng. M«»l <ami>ltt«;h*Mi«.with a ll .. R •oturai, lully rumt*h«d, Atl lomptata for <3,300. ■ iR-tl;lKii;till«, botoflc* llU .nnt; D. W.'BRUNK.HIAU |D

aunly'Tniflturar H p r ^ C«ggiii» U •»•.'« ( th«' ! H D.n*l»im»uwr-Mrr-CoBBlnr:Bntf"t.li-aMlMont« - - 'H - Itltd lh« loik »f ihQllIno aul >,300 parMnal prap. tR4 I* *Tiy naw.<aliac1lnB,lha,iy7,000 «o|l«| .

lln Crap fmni aUvatar Bln« of Haillitar B .• flltlnB rapldlir «• raiull a( tar i««rtlty. B

'A G O /: ■ ' J lOmat luBa af Twin I’alli aia lha pnranli \ Big, bam Satuniay at tha Twln.falli Caunly Oan> . H,tnlly hama. » ' 8['•* Rata Bawl Candltfafa. ■ Rt naw building. ' ' B(a'mai ta Idahi, CempaiBn launchad la praylda H

nam avar 90:. • ■ B.............. $ 2 2 9 5 : I

'-,-lwnliQp «wpa,n.VO..anolha.^am£imaIit.lroni*__ H -w-alaai>lng,,ihQW.Jocim.xQndll|en,' . ^

REESE MOTOR CO. Ii^' A v tn w Itouifi • ij'* t w i n 'W l r iB

U. Of Pli Returns iFn

UNIVERSITY O F ' ID A H b, of pi Moscow — "A n excellen t cxt ^ince

.v '- 'iM ’ - change-of.ldeaa.” Wilh th is com -m ent. D r . , J am es W. G m hrle , two

tV.r . • U n iv e rsity of. Idaho p laiit path- .qu 9logist, sum m ed u p his recen tly la i^

V concluded five-week v is it w ith o f pj.firwi.i ' - . research w orkers In E u ro p e .' • ers

T h e 't r ip took G u th rie to a rtfsls'■ ' • nu m b er'j)f countries -where • he yarh

visited w ith scientists, w orking of B fie ld s-o t-re sea rch -sim lla r..to jjls o r-t\

■f!'- ’■% own. A num ber of thesis sclent- vinu •"iiM Ists a re e ither In te re s ted . in o r Mac

-arealready-w orW ng-wltb-a-tecb- - nioue -fQr detecting bac te ria l

W B :- pathogens deVelopel by G uthrie < V S a t the University of Idaho .' ' The trip w as financed by the

Idoho .Bean Com m ission in co- A,tl n ^ m ~ ~ opt!ratl6n ffl tll iBtf UlilversiUy. ^

G uthrie left Moscow June 2G _ and flew to Europe via the p o la r

route. H is, f irs t m a jo r s top w as i i ^ ^ l th e research c e n te r fo r the Dp- • n

p artm en t o f - A grlcu ltu re—and u t . ' Plr.h.3ries of ScoUand. avra

While a t th e cen te r, G uthrie life, talked with D r. D ennis G raham , beai

S ^ 9 - . T h e _ _ S co i_ re sea rch e r_ rep o rt.^ _^.d that_he had isolated a s tra in of ana

B B B - H ato 'B U R ht ~ U ^ .a t~ a t^ l« 3 h e capi

b u r d o ? m o r a t t j r c k ^ ( r v a r l ^ e s m ercommonly g row n-in Idaho ...... w

I As G uthrie pointed out, th b Is iRct ------------- ------------------------------— the

I d a h o W H e a t - “ d* ^ .................. _ _ : 'I h t e

G r o w e r i - M e e t

S e t D e c . 5 s !77ie-'Idaho S tate W heat Giiaw-

e r s Association has released Ini- c ‘a ' HQ nf rp r« . tial p lans fo r its 1988 conven- sale BS 01 cere- uon, according to R alph B ltw r, G

, j J W orley, ISWGA presltfen t.' • nor r t l ^ - I d a h o - F a U a - w m - b » - th a - c ^ . a re

ife ty Club, vention site. B itte r said . S tate ver Br; M ^ h ty w heat grow ers w ill m ee t there w it d p g Club, Dec. 5 and 6, ' - • is r

a n d ^ M ^ - c fS ifm tfn of the ■■ convem ion ced iders L ittle com m ittee is Jack - Coles, L o^ Oat

. enzo. C om m ittee m em bers .are by« le Reedy, ju d Neeley, N ewdale, Donovan Ida ind - M r s . Jam es, Idaho F a lls , an d ^ r l abi leaders. Hoopes, R exburg. W ives of com- sor sking Club; m ittee m em bers w ill organize ch{ and—M-r-sr a-w om en's-program -for-the-con- le rs ; Slurp-' ventlonv - . SM rs. 'T o m - B itter noted th a t th e ISWGA sea

Floyd C ran . would also this w in te r be host- Gu ird B’Q uers ing the convention o f the Na- wa :iu b , M rs. tional A ssociation o f W h 'e a t i o r--------------- G ro w ers .-H e -sa ld tho national sg<

Im ps Home group is scheduled to m eet Jan . co w ith M rs. H • 15 a n d 16, a t the Down- *

de r; C am as tow ner In Boise. is t th W esley --------- . wh

4 fl-O u b s-A t- § r £ b f S C a r e y H a v i e

— G e t - T o g e t h e s i :

- CAREY^^------ Local—4-H -cluba

P , -<'g(jt-tegfe'ther recen tly a t th eI ^ V P U l ; C arey LDS cu ltu ra l hall. ,

1 M o sco w ^ v ^ g iv e n b y B?ll Hiintp » n . and Galo Stocking, Connie

G reen explained -W h a t 4-H Is /h e a t Grow- an d docs for m e ;” and J im 1 announced Eakin , B laine D ounw a g e n t , aho W heat" showed a film on Indian end 3 R alph Bit- A m erican exchange students.L, Presiden t. B arbara B aird show ed slides of to r lOCfl wlil her tr ip to Chicago w hich she ludging Dec. m ade la s t y e a r to th e Nntlonal ISWGA con- 4-H Club Congress.•ails. B itte r A rea lead ers Introduced In-

a re to bo elude M rs. G ail H anson, a r t; g a ll en tries M rs. Louis Sparks and M rs.0 F alls. B arney Sparks, • sew ing; M rs. M Us Idaho Ross Young, kn itting ; M rs. Don- itwcco—t-luc j id _ n n lrd ^h nm ft Im orovcm ent;

single and ^4rs. L arry P e le rson . 4-H D'tilld- wheat grow- e r 's Club; Vcrl Sim pson and B Judged on I,ow etl_M echam ,_; bc_^{—-TuH^ porsonallfj^ B nirtf'and Boyd Stocking, s'^'iep,

asm , Inic ll- nnd M rs. Leon P eck , food.. ..nd :e o f Idaho 's sewing. , l a

•ecelvo $250. to tho Na- R

of W h e a t Bn In Bolne R ■ 'Xju r runners- 8 ,Le..a. say ings 8 _ _____ I

= = |

1 W E E K L

FAUS I — W E /I; AGO I ' *

" § S h o w in g d a l ly h i g h 'a n d ought t» I te m p e ra tu re fo r 1 967 a n d Cl

rfc. ihUI.ah. I D a t o ,H l , L o

L'r laUoV""- I ' O c t 9 6 9 " - ' 3 'e u H K ;.m u .. I , — ^ : \ 7 4 \ 1 : : - 3 7

-« .*Itanu ' - Ir - >■ ! ! ■ . '■79-;.:,'.. 3 7 «"a'*|I«p*‘ ' t i " " ' 1 2 . , 9 7 , ' • ■ 3 6 r ’T - V I - , ~ 1 3 ~ - f i9 ~ 7 - 3 3«rt Hainifar ■ g , 1 4 ' 5 5 . ' . . /3 ( 3

I . I S .59>, 27 I . 19 6 7 M e t C T a . i

Irani* at «• \ IBauniy O a n .. g , .....................3 0 y e a r s . B v o n

I A V E R A Q E 'S O lk ^ E

la pravlda' | ' ' '

• I \I Burley-Rupe

' ID A H b, of parilcu l« r~ in terest.-fo f .Idaho bf s« Hent exT ^ince the M iin^ b ean 'i& te in g cludi il ls com - ^ w n dh -a -tria l-b asls ih 'o n e 'o r graii Gfithrle, tw o locailons ln the . s ta te ; • inch

m t path- -G u th rie .a lso stopped In Hoi- Gull recen tly la i^ ; “ One of th e chief concerns Wl

is i t vvith o f patholoplsts and p lan t b reed- GuU jro p e .' e rs in Holland is the . lack of gaai tl® ^o,.® resistance in . A m erlcair bean path vhere he varie ties to all o f thielr s tra in s uses

w ork tag of Bean Virus 1.' They have one Neei Or- 'O-Xls or-tw o additional s tra in s o f th is Kop< M sclent- v irus, one of w hich ihduces the ods :ed . in o r b lack ro t sym ptom ,’’ he said. . pro* K t S i n f * On Ju ly <. G u th rie 'f lew to , f ^ u S S e B udapest.' Hungary,- Two world iah o renown p lan t pathologists, D rs. p ’,"!

iuL Zoltan K lem ent and Zoltan KII- >6^

in % S' ' ' j u n i h a scientists, G u t h r i i ^ l n t e d 01 " 1 ^£ l ^ a r [hey ^ guH

r 'U ^ D ^ ~'Th~ey~fflatntaln~tha r a sclent- ;u re ~ a n d ist. m u st have Ume fo think, ,

aw ay from, the ru sh of modern ^ , , G uthrie life. D r. K lem ent toofc-m e-to-a. ^ G raham , beautiful m ountain a re a bn \h i

.re p o r te d Buda side of th e D anube .R iver .K s tra in of ‘an d showed m e w here B e“ ( ^ . . .

a c l« 3 i e ~ c a p a ~ fo ~ th ln ra M -w rite - l^ ^

r v a r l ^ e s m ented:------- ■— ^ ^ ^daho. - - , - W hile: in B udapest, G uthrie geec ut, th b Is iRctured bn bac te ria l d iseases a t mn^

• the institute fo r phytopatholo?l- h ■ X ca l research . The lecture , by sgs«

n e c e s s ity ^ a s -m a d e -th ro u g h -a ji ^ r In terpreter. A' ra th e r slow but

MeetHe also showed slides of the ggg.

U niverslty-of Idaho cam pus. In-_ cluding:Q ne.oC .'i V andaL football ®|5

e a t G iw - « ? " ' • n n ^ t f tU T p ic tu re m j» - leased lni- cia lly c rea ted g re a t Interest, he and ;8 conven- 'said. . . . ‘ in <iph B itter, G uthrie’s nex t stop w as the q Je n t.' • northern p a r t o f G erm any to the -.qu, i_ th«_con. a rea^oL .G o taoK ni_A t H ieU s!- taid. S tate v ers ity of . G o t t l ^ n , he ^ i t e d -ea n ea t there w ith D r. K. W . E . Rudolph, who

is now usingiChe serological.pro- .. convention cedures-fo r detectlnffThalo-bllght «js Ibles, L o^ pathogens in - beans developed m bers .are bv Guthrie a t the U niversity of , Donovan Idaho. G uthrie reported he was

an d E a rl ab le to provide Dr.. Rudolph w ith j j , , 'e s of co m -so m e of- th e m o re r e c e n t .- - 1 organize changes - a n d im provem ents, or-the-con- \i^ ich -w ere-g rea t1v-appreciatcd.

Still ano th e r E uropean- re- » he ISWGA sea rch e r w ho w as in terested In !r be host- G uthrie’s detection techniques — )f the; Na- w as D r. P a u l ’N eergaard , dlrec- ^ r W h e a t lo r oft D enm ark’s Institu te of I 10 national Seed-P atho logy-fo r-D evelop Ing I

m eet Jan . Countries. Ithe Down- “ D r.-N eergaard Is th e admin- I

Islrative d irec to r o f th e program I — whose purpose is to a ss is t devel- I ,,

A | . oping countries in itia te new te s t - 1^ ! T x X i r ~ ing procedures lo r tfig ^S tee tto irjC

t h e r SEED Gl~ 4-H -c lu b s ‘


S t e i i • c e r t i f ie d LlltHEI h^N B tlonal I • N N-CERTIFIEDHs r J?; • fall rye

and M rs. ■'vlng: M rs.



WEATHER REPOy h ig h 'a n d lov / tom poraturos, prflclpifoDi >r 1967 an d current 1,760.1967 ‘.HI . Lo P recp . D ata .; 6 9 : ‘- * - . 3 8 - - ' ‘-' ■ 6 - '•■•Oct • 9 - ' ••‘7 ^ ' ; 7 “ - 3 7 ■- ^ . 1 0

7 a 3 7 o -__ .11.. .5 7 3 9 , . . , , ’. o 8 ' , ■ P i a , ’ :

I w .v : 3 1 " . ; 4 -. V . . ' l a , - ;B S ' • '■ • '3 0 ., ; ..... -O 1 4 .

■ s 9 ~ ” i ~ (0 . ! i 6 .........

r M e a fv i iB '. iB - ' v"*""; i § i ^

y a a r a . w o r a g o . p r f l c l p i t o t l p r i f o r . O c t o l

a e 'S O l k ^ E M P E R A T U R E 4 1 4 ” o n O

ley r Rupflrl t Jerome -j Hazellon -

Plant Patho

I . .. . .

iropedn Tour.fo f 'idahd of seed b o ra ',i^ 'U ib g en s;'^ l8 1 ,1sr belrig eludes a i r l r u e s « ^ s u c h -A thei ln 'o n e :o r g r a in a :a n d .- :v e g ^ b !e .s c ^ 'a n dta te ; - ■ Include b ean s , in d seed ,”*d In Hoi-•f concerns -While visiting in D enm ark, lant b reed -G u th rie dem onstrated -to Neer- le lack of g aard 'and h is sta ff th e b a c te r ia l . icaff . bean pathogen detection technique he • e ir s tra in s uses a t the U niversity .of^Waho./ have one N eergaard, told G uthrie ItTi? hislins o f th is Kope.lo incorporate these meUi-____hduces the ods In his w orld w ide testing he said. p rogram s. ; ^ . • .iT'-fTSJr-ta -F iM -a to p -in -b h -B u ro p e a a -,-----Tu;n ^ r i r t to u rw a s the F irs t International S X s Congress of P la h t Pathology zo ltan KII- tieW «n London. G u th r e pre- ? a l r w r sented a. paoer a t th is congress h C ° r S l 'descrlb lng^ 'h is deterU dn tech-

S ‘r t l a S ^ w S it^ a tte r id ln g the-Cbngress,-........i ie r e l a x ^ Guthrie re c e iv e l a te legram_______, . from the ' Idaho B ean Commls-

. sion, I ’he CortilHtsslomieeded-in--------0 think, fonriSiron about the ex ten t of

drought c o n d llio i5 T n a iS ~ B a l-" — ® katis. GutHtJe w as ab le to repo rt

from personal observations andfK m ^C bnlacts-w itb'-twoJJungafc____

!?f, f T jap acqua in tances th a t the niriA—

• . ■ , b u t ' the Balkans. T he need^ for '!t. G uthrie seed ' f o r ' n ex t y e a r’s -p la n tin g s—diseases a t n,av- be c ritica l. ....................topatholosi- He also a ttended a nu m b er of lecture, by sessions a l th e Congress Includ-

in g ^ o nes; = o n - p lant p a th o lo g y ., . . r slow b u t problems in * v e lo p in g coun-

•according groups of v iru ses a s path------ ------ ■ o g en s i-su rv lv a l-o f-b ao te rla l-d l-—

Ides of the scases. pathogenesis and path- cam pus. In- ogehlc v ariab ility o f b a c te r ia l . . daLfootball pnthnffena^^^hpst.reacUOns and c tu re specificity in b ac te ria l d is e a s e s . . Interest, he and epidem ic d iseases of p lan ts

. . i n d ry c lim ates, ip w as the Guthrie also attended two many to the -fourg during the congress. One / V t ^ e U ^ tf t_ th a-JJa tio n a l-y fig e tab le_ Re- . he ^ I t e d gearch S tation a t W ellesbourne, :udolph who W arwickshire, jlogical.pro- -W hile th ere I m e t w ith Drs. ^halo bllght M aade“Tind“ T ay lo r—w hcr-have—I ^developed been working on m ethods fo r the nlvereity of detection of one h a lo blight in -’ f J I u fected seed out o f a thousand, .udolph w ith j i j e i r |jnQi identification process o re recent includes th e serological, proce- provem ents, ju r e develooed a t the U niversityappreciated. o f-idnho;"-G uthrie reported .----------

M rs. Guthrie accom panied her n t e r w t^ in husband on the five-week trip .

techniques — —'aa rd , dlrcc-InsUtute of I TsdS-DAY-D eveloping ...ACCIDENT____ 1

I INSURANCE I <SO,000 Air — 125,000 Avta th e program I $15.00 far TaorI IDAHO STATI AUTOMOBILI ASSN. ate new te s t - 1 474 Main. 733^>aa6


I B E ^ m O ^rwin roll. — - .......... - 733-1373____



REI>0RT~ -ro i, prB cIpitatlon a n d w eek ly m s a o §

1968 IO a t » HI L o P r a c p ; IO ct 9 : ■ee'~-.- 22' ' 0 ; ' I

■ 1 0 7 0 2 7 O , , I

. ^ ■ . ,„ - i i - . , ! . 7 i " ~ ' " 3 6 ■ ■ . ■ ■ a :

. s l a . , : . 6 7 -■-r- r f 'a -, . . ' l a , - . .•4 9 , . . " : ’ . 4 P O " . ' B

, . ; r i 4 , . ; S 7 ' ; .4 0 : ' I

' i i s .......... 8 0 - ' . ' a s - V . . 1 7 ' ' a

l o e s l y i a a n 4 7 ; e ^ |

Ipri f o r .p c t o b a r . 1^ . 7 6 " ; ; ■' |

IE f l l 4 ” o n O c l o b a r 1 6 1 * 4 8 * . ' v; ' |

i O l W U I i p E R f — " ~ r

•H azellon-Tw in Falls , r*

Page 15: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF257/PDF/1968_10_18.pdf_ — J W e a th e r - Chilly VOL. 65 NO. 187__________ Murder G Filed

• 1 ^ . M IN ^T O ROSE SMC L E M St M aiiy. rb se .g rbw ers told BROV m e - th e ir 8prIng ',crop .of, rose trco b lo o m s 'w e re fine, bu t tow ard turn Ju ly ahd la te r th e sIm of blooms This 1 and nu m b er dccrcbscd. in spite w ilt (

- o f - feed lnp-jm d watering.:'.W h a t Leave ^ u s e s ro se s to behave th is dbvm.

_ w a y ? a i ^ :

's top a rose Paper from .b loom ing , so ,ru le th is.ou t. COI

• In m o st-c iases , lhe trouble is inflec- d ue to , thef ;rose midge. . a n in- b ranc

and;^in o r nea r^ th e Rrowing'point of po u ft

' a hew s h o o t. ' T he tiny m agpols leet i •which h a tc h a r e barely visible drenc

. to this unaJded eye. but they feed _ a n -thw cfevetQoing bud o r 'shogc line, t

erow th , c ausing lhe shoots to i t : -w ith e r : •; V ■■ ,11®'” °

N ew-biids s ta r t to ddvelop Snd Botry ^ h rsa m e 'th in p rh a o p e n s - to - lh e m r pollin

Thft p lan t becom M very bushv ed yt —M rlt^ 'n o ^ tem g -w itft-d ry -ieav es

CONTROL: Since th e Insect flowe o verw in ters ih th e ’ soil, it’s " a other good idea to d ust the ground sam e around each p lan t wilh Sevin oi; . Wh M ethexychlor,; before vou win-

-riei-l2ei.youpri»seB .-:A lso.--^aiext t^ < T f ib ring , aifter new growth gets billow s ta r te d , keep . young shoots U sua

— 8orayed“ W ith^Sevlni- methoxy- both ch lo r o r m alath ion . I t is Imoort- H y a n t th a t th e sc^l be well trea t- blani

^ ed Jn -o rd e rJ - tD ik U L th e .Ja rv a ,e p a ? ^ w hen th ey d ro p to the soil, a n d ‘ho

- also Wll th e ad i'lls when they smolj e m w g e ab o u t first of Ju n e FO

JT rea tm en t now will, p revent J f R trouble nex t year.- • .. ;<««>

■ ^ ^TRIM M ING - E VERG REEN S; bulbs •fs i t too la te to trim tnem now?No. T rim evergreens anytim e thft sh ea rs a r e sharp. Arbor*

— v ita e s -c a n -h a v e -th e ir-^ to p s-c u t .root_ b ack considerably-If thev a re too ta ll.: Also sp ruce and hem lock. i

• T hese can be sheared . If ceces- oKjy' s a ry . S oreading - and upHght b u lb

. Y ew s (T axus) can bar trim m ed . now , w ithout in jury. . ■------.N i« ly _ p X a jU a d _ H m T O s jis

should b e w atered wflll righ t u p *” S ' im til freeze se ts in . 'I f you-have 3

- ev erg reen s w hich have outgrow n “S®*; : th e ir usefulness, it miRht b e w'uii

sensible to c u t them down to w ort• g round level a nd p lan t new ones m ap ' n ^ r b y i E verg reens which a r e c a n ' . cu t down, do not have to h av e next “ th e ir ro o ts d u g up, since th ey - Ht ' dn n o t sp rln e up again a s do (1)• n o n ^verg reen s . of e

— -T 0 E L P H IN IU M -^ E E D S ;J f^ a s h o isave, seed s from suoerior del- b a d

- phlnium p la n ts , no reason whv (2)i you can ’t s t a r t your own p lan ts o r - i

fro m them ,xK eep seed cool ahd busi ; sow In boxeS .of sand; and Inpat. App 1 nex t M arch .'W, .A orll.\ Y ou’ll sucl 9 g e t b loom inc plants by la ic lbs.

^=CTAuirtlstror-cailvzSeptcm bfit;r=:i A dd -Delphinium- p lants a re h a rd y d rai

' n n d ' need no w in ter protcclioh.' 1,00 ■ • p g n o t m ulch.,. s t c y s ^

: a r e so ft a n d ro t, m ay. se t in. la ls ’ Low tem per& tures '.do not KiU siirf

1 delnhinium s. They a re m ore ra lr ’ likely to be killed by snow. Ice, jim i

" o r w ate r, o r d iseases such a s jom crow n-rot. If ’ vour p lants live th e

! fivo vears .'y o u V e lu'^ky. , ' • jy; T H E V A L U E ' OF WOODS jh S

, 1,' SOIL: D o e s .s o i l - f ^ m a ro tted deii s tu m p o r from tha floor o f a gnn w oods h av e anv value for houae p la n ts and g a rd e rs? -,oi.

You can ’t u se It " s tra ig h t” -on- i becau se It lacks body and nu- j„»j . trien ta , being llko ro tted saw- t»u1 : d u s t w hich no ono would u se S . J fo r poltinjt, u p _a house p lan t,

s tu m p and w obds soils a re rich * i In o rganic m a ile r, out lacK n ian t *

nu trien ts . However, there’s . no f f* '

:■ eAch^tand,iiieat.Bnd woods jw ll. jvand loam, you’d hnve some-

thing good. Vou'd want to u«o { your regular fertilizer to add I Bomo extra nutrients. •wai. Another, good use for stum p'''H n ’and woods so il is to Inoculate a ta tu m p ' In your- own backyard.- '.'Scatter ■ somo*:on top-'of the l>®* : atump. This cxlra charge of

fungi and bacteria helps to ido Mr '•ca y tho stump faster. -There's Be* f no reason whyi yoi\ can’ti scatter y o i 1- som o woods soll-on top of your pul ' -com post.p ilo .tr) enHchen It and w t

help It decay faster. arc[ Incidentally, fall’s a good t|W(

. i tlm o to m ix up a batch of pot- cd,

- KhawJ this winter when . the on ^.around’H froten solid. -------- als

i’rBMffi-?!- ’ ‘

■ 'V;.'i ' • de in an d .ror f a m p o M r la Mw

ROBi- ’SMOKE ' T R E E • T U R N .s 1 B ' \ i to ld BROWN: .W hat causies'a S m oke-■ •

rose trco (C b iin u s ) ' to ’ suddenly ■ ’ iward tu rn brown', In c e r ta in ; parts? ooms This tro u b le 'Is usuaUy d u e .to -a ■ " spite w ilt (F u sa rlu rh o r VorticiUium). H :

/.h a t Leaves w irter, i^ l l t j n d hang ■ _ this dbvm. Branches often , wilt Tast ■ '

and leaves turn yellow, then ■ fa d e -o u t- to -r e s e m b le -p a r e h e d j* -^

rose pap e r. . I M ...s out. CONTROL:. Destroy severely ■>le' is In flected-planish If 'o n ly a few ■ in In -b ra n c h e s a r e affceied, prune H

^ g g 5 a n d ' bu rn . T ry scatteringint of pound of zm eb to 30 square ■ ■igpols leet into, soil around plant, then ■'iaible d rench w ith w ater. Av» '^ t n j i i r .W __>Tfeed Ing ro o ts o r trunk iieai soil ■ 'sh o ^ line, w ith law n m o w i^-' H Its to I f ^ 'u r 's m o K o tree c o es-h o t •. “ sm oke" b lam e it on either (1> , 9 p Snd B o try tls b ligh t o r (2) Lack of S . th em ; pollInatlon.-B!igh^can•bB:check- bushy ed . w ith a sp ray .of Z ln e b .-o r .H Iwvw' B^^^tfane.^ - I n — spring;- - S o m e ^ B —

Insect flow er (m ale o r fem ale), while 9 ; it’s " a o th e rs “ havo 'b o lh - f lo w e rs .-o n ■ ” TOund sa m e tree . • • H -vln oi; .W hen 'both sexes a re presen t, ■1 win- f»lHnat/on takes place and the ■ '■'aiext tree-*‘sm okw ‘-*:or. produ'cM - l h e M — 1 gets billovi^, cloud-liko . - f lo w e r ; s . ■ shoots U suallv the sam e plant has ■ Ihoxv- both flowers,-:bnt .h a t '^ a lw a ^ H ... . nooit- H yours doesn’t , smoke, don't ■ treat- b lam e > ybur - nurseryman be- ■

larvflR cause he h a j n o .w ayjo.contro! ■U. a n d th’oT^'3moRTn'^’"~haBit or th e ■I thev sm oke tree . - ■ -

Ju n e FORCING TU LIPS FOR WINr ■ ^ e n t T E R i If-you pot up tulips, daf- ■

fodfls, hyacin ths and ' o t h e r l H SENS' bu lbs for w in tef .'bloom, sto re ■ - “n 6 ^ 7 them -iirB "coolT >iacO ‘-w here^It m im e <Ioes not freeze. T I» y ;d6 h o t ■ '. Arbor- freezing tem peratures for ■ . i>e roo t form ation . In fact, if the W ire too soil- f r e w s i t ^ ^ r u l iT w ^ mlock w in ter. A celldr w ay Is ■neces- you can 'k eep the p o t t e d M •iDrieht bu lb s in a coidfram o covered ■ ' Immed ‘ ■‘V- ■ QUESTION OF T H E W EEK : M ,

D. E . o f T w in F a lls : " I 'm m a k - i H ' iB g ^ n re w n o w e n sw y e r .M O 'b y

I have 3 f«e t. I s la r t w ith ‘iwo strikes ■ . tgrown ag a in s t -me-: becau se -w h ere - I - j i t h e w o n t the bed there is a n e t * M - rtvn to w brk of roo ts from a nearby ■ w ones m ap le . P lease te ll us w hat w e ■ :H“ a re can~ d o ~ n o w ~ 8 o ~ w e ~ c a n ~ p la n tM - 3 h av e nex t sp rin g ." - ■e th ey - H e n r s w h a t I ’d do. th is fall: ■ a s do (1) D ig up tho a re a to a 'd e p th ■

of e igh t-Inches o r so. Any ro o ts | n- I f ^ a I......Ill III I liii|i|ii ll III! III III! | B>r del- b a c k from .the bed a s possible. M >n whv (2) S ca tte r in som e pea t m oss ■ p lan ts o r-co m p o s t" a t ra le of f . l v e H

K>1 ahd bushels p e r I (K I.6 q u a re .fee t.-(3 )M i ’lnpat. A pply som e ->-mtxed fertilizer ■ - You’ll such>as> M H O ;at)-.ra te of t b r e e l H

y la te Ibs. per 100 square f c e t . ' ^ ( 4 ; H l>»r. ■— /vrfrf-Tihn'nf—?S-~po»nrtA~nf~-thv-i^^B~

ha rd y d ra te d -o r ground lim estone p c r l H Icc llo h .'1,000 sq u a re -fce t. M-s te m s WalfA flit n f _lhfr ahflV i»_w «trr^M .. icTTnT la ls Into the sbil, leveling a h e W lot kill su rface . I f done now, th e -fa ll ■

m ore ra in s w Ill'w o rK th e n u tr le p ts , ■ - >w. Ice, ]im e a n d ’p c a t down to the r o o t H , uch a s to n e w here they^ll be ready fo r ■ » live th e p la n ts . next spring. • } ■

, D uring th e w inter months,-you ■ .P 5 should do som e arm chair M r - ■ ■

, ro tted ({ening and decide if you 'w an t ■ a an nuals and perennials, o r ju s t ■

r nouse gjr e ither. My suggestion ■. I L.ti w ould bo to use 2»th, and add ■ ra lg h t so m e bulbs, su(:h as tulips -and H ind nu- d n ffa ; qs . well a s hyacinths. ■

B u lbs can bti planted I n - f a l l . H lid u se w an t som o good a n n u a l s M

f o r , 'a 's^ow,'- stick ’ to petunias, ■ s i i u i ia » r M t^ r ^ - r « n d M f t1 l - ^ r H H ^

^ gold, s n ^ ^ fa g o n d ; coleus (If.In H

. a lo g wlll:shQW ypu jT)any m ore, ■ (? /# u b u tH h o ja b o v e w PV /glve.you a ■

'c r o ftn ii«A th a t th ere Is a stra in of. h a rd y ■

to add peca'ns. .Wllf they m ake a , good ■ ' to add t re e aiui will , t h e y U a k o H

Btumn w in ter, :'-v. r H:u la te a - >w--(K>^catIedl;northem pecan ■

irgo of eratures « s lo w 'a s .- I S -b e lo w H I to ido- zero. Thffy n eed ;a ioh g growing ■ -T^ero's season to m^turo. tho nuts/, so ■ iscatter you . might, not g e t a crop of ■ of your nuts If yorr«f;tn'an area wnero ■ V It and IheuAeaAh itf-shQrt;Slngle:tree9 ■

aro self-sterile, which m e a n s H % Rood tw o different yarleiles a r e * n e « d -H L of pot c<l,..'fOr .pollinBUon., The P ^ n ■

Isrft^ lo so -re la tlve^ -W -ihe^H jdP '» ten , th« o ry and) native ;h|ckorlea w i lU H

----------a lso pollinate-Pecans.


' -J- ; ■■'.If,'.

n0ke>' ■ ' denly H • '

K i SHOP OUR tOT t n « :$ $ DRIVE'iN $ $

. r $ a n d S A V r f; e r e iy H . . . .


. 1 2 3 3 1 9 6 S IHC S c o u t 4 x 4quare ■ “ ------— —

'in1iir"H S c o u t ^ x 4

f , l a i s 1 9 8 5 IHC m o d * D-:

sr t n f f l 1 9 5 7 IHC S -1 1 2

1 9 S 0

^ 8 — 1 9 6 9 IHC 2 ton , w itf

w M I e H : 1 2 2 4 GIVtC 1 9 6 3 V ^ ^ n . Clrsr.-on ■ "■ -------------------- - .......

■ - 1 2 9 8 1 9 5 3 G M C ^ to n p ' e s e n t ,HId the ■ 1 2 6 7 1 9 5 8 F ord Fafrtane A

■ “ i 2 8 e ^ i 9 B 5 ‘ D o d g a r io o r —I has B . r VS to n LWB pickup

■ - - 1 2 5 5 ; - IHC- K B ^e.-a; to n r lo i n be- I 1 0 6 2 3 5 -ft. FruohaU f aam •ontroi ■ . gra in b f d . unloadinst r : ih : s W “ 7 " — 7"=— ^ -

L WINr ■ . . FAI’’cXter B t r a d e NO. ITE

store ■ '1 2 S 4 ' F -« '60 , a ln g le front.le r e ^ I tM ^ --------- F H ^ o rq u o -« m p » flo <16 not ■ . 1 2 5 3 F -B 60-D , w id e front, es for H . PH ; d u a i valvw, raisoIf-the ■ ___ 1 2 8 8 F -12 0 6 -D . w ld o fron

s s h o w H ■ “ T n i i w ' t l i ^ , ' rS aay -fo way I s Hm w rS ■ F -8 0 6 -D . w k io fron^

/ ^ c v . I 1 3 0 5 F arm all C . wK h 3 pc 1 2 9 0 M M M odal U B U a j

mT-^v .m a c h a n lca lly ^strlkes H .1 1 8 0 . F -S 5b -Q tra c to r , gotere - i M - ____. .i _ ctan n a n d rea d y . .a net* H 1 3 0 is ,P -S 6 (^ b tr a ^ d f , wic nearby ■ . -F H . b lo w er . . . . . . .itat we ■r p l a n t M ' — ^1906— F arm all-C tra cto f

■ 1 1 8 2 A lii* d h a lm era W D 'Is fall: ■ ................. h itc h , m a n u re lo'adeI 'd e p th M 1149 A llla C h alm ara D -lfi y too ts I B - s n a p . c o u p la r . . . .

— ^ 7 4 - ^ o h r » - O M r * - m o d a l - 3ssible. H load ar T nounti

1 9 6 3 Miyi J e t S tar- J t T s M w l t h w ld i y fen t, 3 p

1 0 0 8 S ln g la .front) w h oai, 'f t S S W .' , 2 4 X 7 . 7 fo r Ford J et.-:;'(4)j|B - : ’ ■ -

>ne p c r lH ’’N O y IT I

B a 'w iy S m l-1 r i Q A IH C, u o , 2 boH

t e T o o i l t r . . h - p i . t . . r i i iady for i 1 O O O IHC 6 2 0 , 1 6 Ine

5 ■ I X U U 3 p t. an d T . p iaIhs.-you ■ < 1 1 C Q IHC 3 1 4 , 1 6 Itidi l r ' u r - H ' * " V O o r FH . 3 bottomlU w n t 1 1 O A ' IHC 3 1 4 , 1 4 Incor-just ■ - M O O 3 b o tto m , w ithig c s t lo n U c i L A '' <3hn D e«ra 8 2 0 ,nd add ■ D O O 2 b o tto m . 2 w a)ips and ■ i t / i A J o h n D a a r a , 1 6Qclnths. ■ I l O H w /co u lta ra , 3 P tI n ^ f a l l . n o * 7 0 \ M asaay H arrla 1annuals ■ 8 / 0 2 w a y w ith 3 Pe t u m a s , |_ c « T M aaaay Parguac“ 71? W H -------I t O f 2 w a y w H K 3 p6

■f e l - 1 2 1 0 -. i r . n” ”V mdre H ' 1 0 7 1 D oera , 3 fc?’yoa a B ■ 2 7 1 2 w ay , w ith 3 t

I H . O O i f IHC m o d a l 210, I' h e i r d H - ^ ' - 1 6 -Inch, 2 w ay:f .h a r d y H 1 1 C A C a a * , 3 t ^ o m , 'a good ■ ' ■ I 9 V m o to r a n d traal eyU ake H

/p e c a n B MISCELLA f e " 1 ‘~ t r a d e - n o . • ...- - I T! 'M o w ■ . 7 i - i ~ 4 r - - 2 » « l o n lH C :i growing ■ , ■ 5 , fo o t p a g haiW s o H o f l P IHO M odal 3 7 , crop of H ;' 7 0 0 w h aa lad hydrau a w V r o H ', '1 A O I 4 ' — IHC M oda ( l e : t r e e s H ■ v 7 I c o m p l» t« unlta.. m eans ■ 1 m o row S p a a d y I

r e * n ^ ■ I 1 . 4 0 m lIKa n a w ma» ’ V ■ 0 7 C IHC M odal 8 0 ,

— w tth 'co T fra n d I ‘»®. ■-O A 7 IH C M odal « l

" ' i c ■ o k o iH O M o d a t . l4 ] I ,r , . , y 0 O ) 8 P com bJn* . ,

I H ' I ' O o 1 ' J o h n D a ilw Mo ■ ■ ' I •• ^FJ*,ld,r»a?fy■ v > ,

' V 6 0 O(j bll] P a r n i* H a r td r n 'M I

I H I ' ' j K ' £ H t v F a r m H a n d m e d a l

M l i t i S i i i i SV T a . , m a n u r a - ( p m c l

V ■ •'SiSrS'tSdUf■ p i S S S I B

r T r s r I DON’T MISS Tt ElN $ $ a t “THE


i t e m : .j w a s

z S c o u t 4x4^ » x ca l1 a n t . . . . a i so .^ M )^

C S c o u t >4x4, raal b u y , . . . . . i . 1 2 7 8 .0 0

C m o d * 0 - 1 1 0 0 p ick u p 1 5 9 5 .0 0

3 S -1 1 2 H D , LW B plcK up , . . . . ~ 4 9 » ; 6 t r ~

.-F^ -H -ton-p lekup-.-.->r-.-i-^ »-.^ — 2 9 0 « 0 0 —

C 2 ton, w ith -h o ia t a n d . - 2 2 8 0 . 0 0 -

6 3 V ^ to n , c la a n , g o o d .b u y . . . 9 5 0 .0 0

^C ^ to n p I c K u p ........................ ... 3 1 0 .0 0

rd Fafrtane 4 d r . ^ a n . . . . : . 3 5 0 .0 0id garlO O ;------------- ---------------------------------—LWB pickup, c la a n . 1 5 5 0 .0 0

;6,~2: tori—lo ta -o f-u a * la ft V v v - '4 2 8 i0 0 ' -ruahaUf aam i-trailer With a lu m in u mtd. u n load in g b a it ........... .............. 2 2 5 0 .0 0


ilngla front.^ ua-am plifla r- t - . . . . . . ; . . . . 2 4 7 5 ^ )0 - , w ide; fron t, T A ., •li valvw, r«<:ond. ............... ................. 4 2 5 0 .0 0D . w ld a fron t. 3 p o in t,aa, r a a d y -to g o > . . . . .V . • . . . ' 8 7 5 0 1 0 0 '

). w k ia fron ^ T A , FH , 2 vn h w . . ^ 0 0 . 0 0

C , w ith 3 p o in t h itch . ............... 4 9 S .0 0da l U B U a jg o o d b ig w ork hora«; achan leally .., , . . . . . .. .:1150.Q Q ..I tra c to r , g o o d m a c h ., .n d raad y ................... 1 6 5 0 .0 0I tr i i^ d f , vi^da f i ^ t , 'M!«r . . ......................................... ... 4 2 5 0 . 0 0

-C tra c to r - . . . i . . . . . . * t .......0 9 5 i0 0 -lalm era W O wKh w id e f r o n t ,^ [)t. la h u r o load er m ourttad; . . « 9 5 0 .0 0 ialm ara O -19-D , w ld a fro n t, >s u p l a r ........................... ... 390S .O OM r « -m o d a l-B -------1 ™ ------- :— kad ar /n o u n ta d 5 2 5 .0 0

. . 7 7 .r . . . . .r.V 222^^^front) w h aai,,7 fo r Ford .. ............................................ 1 0 0 .0 0

i ^ t r D w S’ I T E M - W A S

■y plow. 1 7 5 .0 0, 6 2 0 , 2 b o tto m , 1 6 Inch, h " ^ a ta .; - |lk « n * w . . . . . . . . . 8 2 5 .0 0

6 2 0 , 1 6 Inch, 2 w a y w /cy t .,:. an d T . p i a t a a .................................. 7 2 5 .0 0! 3 1 4 , l 6 l r i c h ,2 W a y w / 3 P t . ^14. 3 b o ttom .......................................... 8 7S .0 t»i 3 1 4 , 1 4 Inch,o tto m , w ith F H .................. 8 9 5 .0 0n O e«ra 8 2 0 , 1 6 Inch,itto m , 2 w a y .................. ....................... 1 5 0 .0 0n D aara, 1 6 Inch, 3 b o t t6 m ,'2 w ay , -auttara, 3 P t: ...... .................... .............. 7 5 0 ,0 0 ,laay H arrla 1 6 Inch, 2 bb ttom ,ray w ith 3 P o in t ....... ........................ 1 5 0 .0 0■aav P areu aon 3 b o t t o m /1 6 Inch,a y wHK 3 p6IHt hU c h .................... .. 7 f lB .6 g» H D harrow p lo w h itch ,

n e w . . . . . . . ...... ................................- 7 5 .0 0in O aera, 3 b o tto m , lA Inch,ray. With 3 p o i n t ............... .. .............. 8 8 5 .0 0: m o d a l 2 1 0 , 2 b o tto mInch, 2 w a y : .............................. ..... ..... ... 1 7 5 .0 0I*, 3 b o ttom , 1 6 Inch , w ith hydrau lic - tor a n d traah p ia ta a ........................ 6 9 5 .0 0

ilSCELLANEOUS ITEMS - U». --------- - I T E M ---------- ------------ - W A S >taction IH C rataal': • A r -root p a g h arrow .............................. 4 0 .0 Ci M odal 3 7 , 1 0 fo o t 9 Inch rsalad h yd rau lle d iao ........................... 6 9 5 .0 C- IHC M odal 1 8 5 b M t p lantora , 'n p l» t« u n ita . ....................................... 4 9 5 .0 0o w S p a a d y b a a t th in n a r, , : . . \IKa n a w m a ch ln a . 625iOC3 M odal 5 b , F o raga harvaatar r h -c o n r a n d h a y 'hi>ad t -i- i . -r i r-r«-a778iO C 3 M odal 9 1 B a a n combIn»«Hplrt*".— . - 7; r T T r . r r r . :*2»0;0( 3 M odal .1 4 1 , 1 2 fo o t • , a-

co m b ln a t0OO.Q(in D«4iw M odal 49 8 P o o i^ b ln * .',id, r» a ? iy v ;.

land mod^l 250 ?,row coUptSto witH

lv a r„*tM |':w h f»ttd ' ’ ■ ■■■.■ ih u r o -a p fM d a r . . . . < « « « « . • • , . , 98,,Di

'.fod t I..',.i . . •'f|. 'i. ' ,-fllWlO'




W A S - : , . S A L E : ' . '

1 2 7 B .0 0

7 7 1 5 9 5 .0 0 T 3 9 5 . 0 0 I j -

r r ~ « 5 ; o i r — . •' . -

. . 2a o .o o 1 2 5 . 0 0 -

. . - 2 2 M . O O - 7 - ~ l - 5 - 9 5 . 0 0 - -------

. . 9 5 0 .0 0 7 9 5 . 0 0 1 SS

. . 3 i o , o o 2 2 5 . 0 0

3 5 0 .0 0 2 7 5 . 0 0 , ^ :

. „ 5 o o o 1 4 7 5 . 0 0 O

V . - 4 2 B , 0 0 - --------3 2 5 . 0 0 “ § ^ T - ■

" : ' ." " a 5 o .o o 9 9 5 . 0 0 z _

ORS ■W A S S A L E “ 5

2 1 5 0 . 0 0 m .

. . . 4 2 5 0 . 0 0 3 9 7 5 . 0 0 1 5 1

rrr-875o:oo-^ “ 8 4 9 5 i 0 0> . . w o o . b o 6 4 5 0 . 0 0 1 ^ I

. . . 4 9 5 .0 0 4 2 5 i O p 5 2

JT ?':1150 .0Q _„^ 8 9 5 . 0 0 1 g

. . . 1 6 5 0 .0 0 1 ^ 5 . 0 0 l S l

. . . 4 2 5 0 . 0 0 3 9 5 0 ^ 1 1

„ ^ „ , o o 3 2 5 . 0 0 .

9 5 0 .0 0 795.001 2 1 . . . 3 9 9 5 , 0 0 3 4 5 0 . 0 0 2

t 7 7 5 2 5 .0 0 3 2 5 . 0 07 7 . 2 2 2 5 . 6 0 1 6 5 0 . 0 0 | I

. . . 1 0 0 .0 0 1 5 . 0 0

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1968G LEA l



T R A D E N O , ; IT E t■■ , l o o p IHC M odel ^ 6 -T F

}” — I H C - M 6 d e r 4 6 m■* - V 1 0 4 — tlT -6 g 1 e r -" a a ^ a "

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) ■ A A O -. D earb orn tw in a -tlV 5 L _ i 2 0 p PT Q drlva . ; . . .

1 ^ 4 3 ^

> . ■ ■ . . ■ H A \t f - T R A D E “ N O : ------- — ^ITEl^ . 7 0 0 IHC M odal 5 . 5 fc

, ; f 7 T " r a k o . a a I* . . . . ------ lT j - j r A ~ I H C M odaf-20lT -J

0 I Z / U w ith h a y cond itio i1 A o o IHC M odel 2 0 1 ,

--------- J » « i - ^ : ^ h - h a ^ c o n d l t I i1 0 0 A M aaaay F arguaor

. M i I w ln d ro w a r w ith -■ • i 1 A O C oaa M odal 9 5 0 ; J l I U x ,14 fo o t , w Jhdrow

O W ..... NEW MACHIIy ^ T R A D E N O . IT E

0 • 1 5 4 2 2 S Y F g S J a S '

0 1 6 3 6 8 ,

0 I J J 4 5 0 9 2 fu r ^ u l p p iO A C 1 0 I^*6B6 DiaiaaM

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: I T E M ' W A SM odal ^ 6 -T P U , tw ln a

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M odal 5 S -T P U , tw Jna tl* , c o n d it io n . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7 5 .0 0

M ^ a l GtS-r P U . ----------------- ---------------- ----» tle,^ a a la . . . . . . . JSOiOOborn twlna-tla;^— *drlva .................................... 3 9 5 , 0 aM 6aeT 4S:T 7“tw In o tla , ■ “ : ~

d rlva - ; ; . . . . . . . . . . . — ^95: 00 :M odal 5 7 -T , 1 9 6 6 . P T O drlvo. o t i e ' : T ; T . - . “ . - . - ; y ; T - . . . .-s-.” i 7 9 5 . o o

H A Y M A C H I N E S------ ----- T T E M — - r W A S =M odal 5 , 5 b a r a id . dallvaiy , a a - l» . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 0 .0 0M odal-20lT -l2^footi-w l)W row ar-:------^ - 4 —h a y .con d itionsir . . . . . . i ; . . . ; . . , '3 6 5 0 .0 0 M odel 2 0 1 , 1 2 . ^ , w ln d row ar -

~hay~condItIonT r. :- »-t,»-.-.^ .-^ »-;-31S 0> 00 aay Farguaorir 1 4 ft;Irow ar w ith c o n d ltio n a r • • • 3 5 0 0 .0 0 » M odel 9 5 0 ;oo t, w lh d ro w a r . . ........................ 3 7 5 0 .0 0


C .: ,F '5 0 4 D Iaael tr a c to r , w ld a fr t . f ^ l3;6x38"T «B r,* 3 - p o i n t ; - . ; . - 6 2 0 0 .0 0 S 0 4 D Ieael tra c td r i h jlly o q u lp p ed ;p t . iw ld o f r t . ................ 5768.0,(1

7 0 6 O leatej tr a c to r , 3 p t . w id e fr t . illy a q u lp p ed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 883 5 .0 C•6 5 6 Diaiaal trn c to r , 3 p t . w ld a fr t . \ Illy Q u ip p e d . . . . . . . . i . . . 4 7 7 7 2 .0 C )x lO .S (n g lo fr o n t w h a a l c p t i , ;F -5 0 4 Farm all . . . . . ; . . . . . . 195.0Ci > H A - 3 , 1 6 IhV p lo w b o t ^i t 2 , R H . 2 L H . . . . . . . . . . a ^ ZOOM

IC ^ 0 £ C 0(I /? - . M odal 8 4 h . S n o w b u ek W ' ,I v fo r IH C V 200 load er; r . : '3 7 5 .0 1

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IC ta rra ca o r gradai;. b la d * . . . : , 3 0 3 . 6

i c r S K i r i j s ^ ^

s'W o t f t i jf *1for use. 1

» ....................4 S 4 0 M «

C m odeiiila; 2 row beef horvelter w tthitobpinB units, m euiflefl.and,.. ly .'/K eg.^ilce , i ^

j r N ^ 4 9 V lb ra -a h th k m K lvffU M -*

I t f t . b s ^ fo u h t ta , . . . B 8 0 Ci r * N oi, 2 1 • u b a d l i e r a . f e r . t o o r I V b i v m o u n t l n a a n d i M o . 3.1 0 .Q W 6 tlo H iT l^ rh « fV < 6 W .'8 f t . 4 0 t o o th ^ood b a r f ie v e r t y p * a a . ., 9 2 ,1

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^ V “ 1^ 5.00 1 2 9 5 . 0 0 1 ' ^

MNES ■ WT - - ^ W A 3 = rr—' O C .

.450.00 M . u y

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Page 16: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF257/PDF/1968_10_18.pdf_ — J W e a th e r - Chilly VOL. 65 NO. 187__________ Murder G Filed

b r i d g e ‘U lck * > ; only T NOT ILLUSIVE ‘ It see

The Professor was holding the I forth to a rapt audience of stu-'.clubs, dents Mis subject was tbe 4-3. dlamc

•tru m p fit. One PupH had just s o I complained that he couJd never king,

'CCLto Iirst_base_w h« he heldj. Hness only four trunips opposite three king

' In dummy unless &U t h e ,high more -trumps were among h l£ seven, heart

Th® Professor said,. “The first down stQp In playing a 4-3-trump lit I h i^ .

> :m T K

- T fc-l«-8------- — ♦ ' K t j j — ^ n ~ s t l l- - V A Q 8 2 - ,V K 1 0 « 7 . f o r a

♦ •X 5 4 ♦ 1 0 9 3 , ‘‘W_ j l - i s a _____1 . . * Q 9 g asked

S 0 U T fr(I> 5 ~ ^ “ “ ■ ’'Ri- _ ^ _ _ A A ' J 6 a v _ fcsso _ — yVoB.-f-i:;----- m: nusai

. ♦ A Q J 8 7 ; ■ , the d • ♦ A io e .'S ; . , .

West XoHh B u t South /' ■ 14 • ■ o-

. P a s « ; ' 8 4 ‘ Pass Pass ‘

' .r ~ O p e ^ i^cH-^V A p ^ '' ’ !■ I . _ .■■ *- . Y o

’•• Is to .refuse to panic..-you haye -**1 "rseveTTthsnrpS-IirThrrcimibln .'.‘•Ijahds.-look around tb see h o w ”, ' many , of them you can jnake. . . ^ '(You will be surprised to find « out that you will fulfill som e

hoi»Jess-lookihg part-score con-- r tracts;------------ -^ ^ ^ ------------------------ •~ ‘T ak e-th im an d rW est-go to ff— lns

; to. a most annoying lead, i had trum;- •'■to ;ruff his ace of hearts and spade ^ ! ^ - a 6 w f i ‘ toW ffe-trum ps:-T harW h^

' left the defense with a s many ( tn u n ^ a s I held but' stUl i

l l f f l-----r- gf~L.----- -------------■—

A - i • — -1 -1

' *bMuaUi.ixjJuuiSLimi**lt^8 n o t th a t I d o n 't appr«o1at

— — " d o y o u - f * I U » - h o w ^ f t n y - ^

---------Brcunrtroij 9 l a S n i t . V w rb o i/r A dM lr

ae ^ ■ AceorcfinB lb Ifct— ’ To develop m ossoge fo

------ «od w ord jco fr«p ^ ln j“S rt ofy^'ZodlocWrthslg^v

f e '


v f c ! ? S j r “

isVourMtf 45Craltisg;!SSr"^ 2SK.W

JW.Y34 22Na ■ &3A

^ 1 '^ : l ! S r

® C ~ J

: l i . - I t ' — BfCMvniro

i S S p f e ^ ’ 5 E u‘ir; i i s

ssK i I■ B y J a to b y - , ' ' ■ vo

— ■ '■ ■ F if

V ®; only needed seven, m ore tricks. • .

, * ' I t seem ed silly to t ry to ^ e ^ s : * § Iding th e location of. the queen o f % stu - '.c lu b s..w h en .I. h ad such a nice

6 4-3. d iam ond ' su it to vyotk w ith, g ju s t so I led a c lub U> dum m y 's

lever king, re tu rned a d l ^ o n d and i2 ; heldj. finessed the jBck..W est took his

three "king arid c6uld" flnd 'hO lh ing ” s ' « « h ig h m ore appealing than a secoi^a sven. h e a r t lead . I ru ffed and . w as y . f ir s t down to tw o tru m p s b u t I, h a s ^

ip f i t Ih ree irlcks I n . ' w/ — a^ w a- 'd k m o M Jead s ~eave m e ,

lg r five tricks, r d l s c a r t ed dum m y 's . ^

= —TOond^.- t h e ' t w C t ^ p b s ' w iis ' '—m y -s ix th , tr ick and a t lu b ru ff ^ ; i n dum m y counted seven. I t w as .8 slrhple m a tte r to ruff ano th e r ’S f

■ ^T ia rrT ~ fo r~ n t!Q lg h th T tric fc raad rr: aI s t i in h a d m y a c e of trum ps '• ■

;7 . fo r a ninth.” - , , . ■‘‘W eren 't y o u .a . trifle lucky?” ■

asked the s en ior pupil. . ■^ 'R o t7 a rffll7 '^ > ep fi6 rtH e 'T * r(F -T ^ *

; fessor. * 'l-d id fijid ^two^ su its

the d iam ond 'finesse ,” . Tt'

r - ' -------- CARD SENSE,th •

Q—T he b ldd lns bns been;

* J»ass' ! ♦ P a s s - 1 * ,Pas* , . t a s s 2 VP a ss 2 N .T . P ass- - r

•7 ^ - Y oa. South, hold;

W h at do arou dotnow ? : make. A —BM th re e n o -tro m p . T o n > find poin ts and

I c o n - ■ , , • . . C l-------------W JD A T -S -Q n E S n o N ^ -4 — T O

O to ff— ln s t c a d - o f W d d la g ^ t^ - n o - 'I h ad trumj> your, p a r th e r -b ld s tw o ^ i ^ ^ d ^ d cs^ o ^ ^ : g u r tw o h ea rts . cHll

5 " ^ A nsw er . N ex t Issue ' ' ^ . .TO

• cap:

. . . . . ATO

" I ~

g t - e m w u M .i ig w m y ,; appr«o1ato flowarif Richard, but ^ a n y pIiTBt thla would bny2!!_______

O A Y B . fOIXAW I------s s : —rDal//VtdMl)fGu>ct» IL- • soT.» rHorifJns lb Ih t Slon. oci*.Imossofle fcr.Soturdo'y, . ‘ L

31 Fo1lm» <J1 FW"0 , OCT. I S1 1 ^ ■ gaSJrnmict,

64Pi«o« M 5 ^ 5 i ^ 39COWTKJ - -6 3 e« p l« ----- O-TO-aS-M^ ...............

3 ? r “ i ? a _j i x - , ? !& . ■ .■

' 3 » a■ s S L ls|r"'“ ^

63 Huntb • to Allott flO.' I* T

i: sse ■ SSg.r, :

CLAriLrOLWN---------T— sjr—

op moMOfl® h j u m m M- ''tco fm pondlnotoniM rbon k 5 2 J b ■ J , rftopblrthilfln. • • • —

' ‘I

.••7'. ' '.'''.’Vi '•


lE A 'P O R E L lO , < 3 3 X -' • I . ORPHJN QAL I

• WANTED TO M E E T ^ ^ V ^ r ^ •!

in ll lg -i-R ox-M oraan .-^ M - — - ccona n r -'r 'y j: ^ 1 r- i ^ — S — !• w a s / .J ic LA .I ; h a s

nmy's ■ C

t>.ruf n SItw a s . y w J . ■ ■ •?nother I H .1 .

rumps ■ ■ ^

tlw?’--'; 1 J


- T h f t W iz a r d o i 1 0 -

2 V.V ,.^ - - -^ g v - M A I y.

.T o n 1.—- ^ y A t j j E / -= * * 1 ^ I and ;T—

, - c isD to I rt E a i y

— IBj^Stesw / “wPEepy-wgn..>B—> n o - - l y p S ^ U f o u s T C A a e o from - j = 5 i , T

H ra 9 V '

| : | i t v T i ^ ^ w t hz o agefi l Evergbodu’d ^ J

. E S cince KL busij!• S . I've

K te e n .« gou 1 1£ '

o tsa<ySi vwC/fLS^M^klM I *• MBfl A fa ■ I

i I' i rWltL_io ' 1 r ^

2 . w i n t h r o p '

3 . . ( I T B I O O f S / I D I iN H sse / ~.J I

N _but ^ '


^ ^=b., Mthj II M _ I . - I

- - - '/M t*v O O P .1

^ " ‘ a u w e w a n t v oA t o w s g o i h e

5 4 < r ( EAk^NONlJ ) ANPGETHERC

**'“* ■ '' 1 \

H T ^ M a to n » , . ■

7^0 AvmsMMxm m.M\io(e .Dts ’ ■ UlOPtWSR^SWa.. ATRANSISTOR’W.ATrAcmffrom

- ; « * 1 '■ f r K > - ^ K \ 6{e-.R0VBDQV,

I'J? '» m ! ■' . ■ >JijlljjiHIIJt''gDj >tou >ii J ® : " ' ' W / T O M - iiM . PWuiN® A 0 ^ . r f i itiHI IrTai i i*rnir nn rr ISmT ra^W m W ^V**N O 0O M B

/ f ^ ‘ ■ AAMiU.VUNOOU.AHO

i rnO L P -T H A T . . > \ ' { ■i . jCWt IPOOR-rPLE-ltf^ .. . ■

M g W, , - IS

y I^CCpPERg V/HATs.. - B

L £ i j g


FR0M -l=5ii: . AWUANP ’AWW0B UP MEflTm '0

J :-' W

PB8W|y.. ."

-L I^ X iiU & L S U ^ S -* f< ^ c o m lr id b g t o I . '

^ ■ F fen a n d i X C

.-TOO A B o t v CANT HEAR / iC jisy HiMeBU=THiN(<:/ I "---------------- -> —


W miiewjiiciwaf ctusn? \ 1 wnpwmush i».fHAfMe&.DisAppeMW]osr'. t M \TRAN5ISt>R'’0tJa*' OAtECWfir • WKW ,\mcmoiov<scwsuLs. ■■, ■:6 neRocott?ww FwM . ■ •: ^ A jP f’i T / ^

6URp^ T^MOERf^;

> b u W e i u rO H At ^ K T 6 0 Y / W AM 1 ^ pyuiN® .. MWcOTriHeoor., ^ s w

I v j y 6 Rccofn^R,'

5 V V H U T J ' / mONeTIs N ^;»<s P O V ' ; ( T H E R O O T J > 9 ^

v & y / m

X ., . 'N f l H B R ^ H I B - ’ '

f■vAATfe..: . b V t h b > b « ' 4

■, ^^QVEglHBCT

S i« V 5 v#-tocrtr»MWif/nt#*we^{ s ^ uw cftk s w 5 a :ART..ANP*A»THB71imTE9.:T1ED- K fiNA6.i».'£iU(5 ~ UP MBArm 'OP IT OVHC TWHttl «

^ ^SbSBBiBte . \ / 7

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H E M i r I « N ’r 6 T A N D A u j ^ I T H i K / T H I S N O t‘5 E J ^ M

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X i /k ^ s l i/^ ®

-4NPawe«At fltiit ^ Fmne,~< riHCOOr., 5 aiAMOB/..«cePTTMAT ONBUTTLB-W

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i \ CROSS WORD PUZZL>5E Jtt X ■ I .. " ’ . .................■ . -. *:’•'J . A«

Reading M atte r JTBf

. ACBOBS . ' . 4 z s e t a n e w .V

S . : i t b s r : ; a s s s ^ r ‘ ^. '..K'lutoi: m

/ l iM r t l ’c l i iv . .M l-O lly r . y i j ^

« m ! 2 ! i i» .-geP aM o U c . . . H £ b14IM toiiean , _ i r ^ P («6 .V ,

r i v e r '■ 57 P o r t e n t • .,. _- l B « i 5 * n ' • B ^ E x U t ; . , ; . - 7 K n o

a = ^ - - ^ S c y -------«0.W ld o w -S B U t;-8T og.

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•\- • =’r. h . ...........a a g j ir p i iH ........ .- . I M c n ______ OT«!____ _ ^ a ftVi.fmii»t«, -- a K l n d o l , z a ^ r

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/ m y t h . ) ' I S H a d o a . . . , 2 9 C o d

I ^ ^ M a lb r Hcwpl*

. WOfJpeRFULtJGWS ABOl^rK MET"? ■-----FflTHER"r*AFr^66lN(3H-(-rt3P^H

ALONE 5 0 M m -i V5AR5i-\ HIM F< / ' , ‘ He 6EEM6-n? HAVeFlNALLV}\-— ^

i O u t 6 u r - W a y '

• S I /Oust TURN THB crrHBR-i / WHfeNFi

F(lda/';’q;t'oyer lS ii9 6 8 , ;.


' ' ‘'.-V K n o ck a ' ' ' ' ' ' ( a b .) ' :■!' ow V B U t. - S T o g e ^ e r . j. _____» d . ' •■ '. ’ r(com biorm ) . . ' c i ^ i t ' - . ,d ie . B G eorge , 34P o s se ss ly aa ln £ H o t’« n o v e l p r o n o u a . . .r td u a ls . (2w o rd s ) ■ 3 5 ! ^ - ^i l ■■ ' lO S lm o le K a ra m a z o v "c a h lo x - IZ T o p n e r ly ,43S m a l U ^ r djc ^ y e i 19 H aw a iia n

r ie a ■ ./■ , W M m ln tit1vf t..: 4 a ,a jS c U ^ ^ ____ _

y W l i -23A n im a t • • • ' . f o p n a t l o n ’I .......' p roduct BO R om an cou rtd l > i ~ “ 2 3 » r o a s l r I f l n - “ 8 1 - B ib l l c a l- - 'r '-------------a r —----------^ c r g d ^ > o o te . ; p m p h r t - --------------c t 2 7 “ V anH y ^ . S3 E a rn in g *d o i -------- - ' 64H e a v yn t > . ■ 2BROW m e ta l- -o t t . , ‘. 29G odoflove 65CM IT

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■ A w o s , SO M eriM E S tlttlN K IB O P ‘^ ( HETO 15 AUeflUBD/.WHWOO ^IT w e K'NOW.ASoWTHISWOMANHE BOUTK M Err ^HEMAYHAVeSEEN < NeH'l-fBF*6 t«W .SAR AMP TAKEN v w s i A HIM f o k a k ic h c m c u j j ^= lN A av K _ _ -^ ._ _ :_ ^ f~ 7 ---- ^ip V TTrTm'

'HASHER 6il5na0N3« ,

3R"i /^WHfeNFU»e»4CB /l’n^B IG 7 i T o V j NieynHQW ^ c r r e p ^ & R W 6 Wa ky e , ^ T lB K U R S B A & O N B ^ C A N T A f e


'•) '*' r:

i;U' l- ■,' ‘-‘ I '-'■> i' ■' *' .■' ^

S r a S I S r ? : '

Page 17: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF257/PDF/1968_10_18.pdf_ — J W e a th e r - Chilly VOL. 65 NO. 187__________ Murder G Filed

Montana^ Is First P InB igSk

By The Associated P r«ss Sati -It 's a weekend of decision for to k

Big Sky C ontcrcncc football . Bi learns, especially to r M ontana ed i

• a n d M ontana S tate . [sonThe M ontana S tale Bobcats c o ;

can a ssu re them selves a t least squj n sharci of the league liite by defeating W eber S tate Saturday night In the W ildcats' confer- ence opener. .

Montana, down onc in league (.gtf p lay without a victory, must take the m easu re of Idaho Statc ja y

^ ^ __________ and.

“ VVills~Wmi’r" jj*

Future PlansLAS VEGAS. Nev. (A P) —

__ M aury W ills w as as elusive w ith Larh1^ w ords W e d n e ^ a y night will WhOn^agkM ^atwut h is^ fu W e m TIOI

six yea rs ago_when_he_stolo a iwo m ajo r league record 1(M bases, to

T h e . fiery shortstop w as pen prucked from the P ittsburgh Pi- c ra tes’ rostor b y the expansion Due M ontreal Expos a f te r he had an- Hor nounced he would re tire from tan baseball if he w as m ade avail- v ab le on the N a tiona l' League iis d ra ft list. on

Wills in L as Vegas for the yea — opening-of D ctroJt-T iger-p itcher Ori

Denny M cLain 's nightclub act; and preparing for his own ban- “ jo-playfng show next month, de­clined com m ent when asked if he would repo rt to M ontreal.

Olson Holds National- ^ Offense Lead

NEW YORK (AR) - The 1968 - - foolball_seiistin_ is_ .w eU _oiuJts

w ay to becom ing the m ost prodr uctive offensive y e a r In sm all college history.

In the prev ious h is to ry of .small college .>;tatistics n o ' two p layers e v e r 'h a v e accum ulated m ore lhan 1,40(1 ..irards in total

•offonKC-after-ohly f iv e ' gam es; ' ^ 0 p lay er ev e r has h ad m ore (_ p ia n 50 receptions a t th e sam e

_ stage and no p lay er e v e r h ad ' passed fo r 10 touchdowns In one

gam e.■ But,, j t the five-week m ark

-th is y e a r , - a l l - t h o s c achieve- - m ente have been accompJJshed.

Idaho sophom ore q u arte rback ,SU :vcn-O U on-and-B ruco-Sw an- - son of N orth P a rk both have

— surp aM ed --th a-l,4 0 0 -y ard -m ark w ith 1,-190 and 1,402, respective­ly. And Swanson has becom e the fir.st 10-touchdown m an with

— h is ^ >erfo^mange-^n-o-l<M-32-vk^------to ry over; "North C entral lastweek, ......

M eanwhile. B nice Cerone of E m poria Stato jum ped from th ird lo firs t in p ass receivinR. according to NCAA sta(lsllc:STc- " leased T hursday , w ilh 55 cafch-CH.

Smith W on’t I P redict Any |M o r e P ro tes ts”"I MEXICO CITY (Al^) — Tom- H -~ r r f le Srtillh, who won the Olym- B pic 200 niolcr.s fnr (hi* United n Stiiic.'i nml ilien liciil up n i n bIiick-f]lovi;(^ hinul in p ro test nt ^ Ihu nw nrd ccrcniony. said iffin n u irsd iiy ho did mil know if

thcro would Iw olhor ,prolosl K^siurcs by black U;S, iilliloles.

In a n liunrvli-w wllh ADC tole-vision, .Smilh siiMi

"M y cvi-rils lire flnlshod. Tlii« olher b lack ulhloies have minds

*- nf the ir nwn nnd wJwU Ihi'y will i do 1 don’t know."

-S m ilh .,a niiliVu f)f;»San Jose, Culif,, and hninzo iiTI*'(ln>iNt .Inlin Carl(H cai'li wore tmr black glove, black ficurf und bliu-k Kocki.lij rccolvi) (iK'Ir-iuviirds. They t^xtcntlvd ibi-lr (ilnv«-d

_Jiiin(l» In Iho « lr W hile.lliu-Nrt* . tionnl Anili(^n) wuh pliiyi'd.

Sniilh cxpliilncif hi.-i jicllon.s this wny;

••Ttii! Kiovi! Dli m v rlnht Imiiil Higiiiricil powtir wliliiii black Ainorluu. Tin? (ilcivii tha l iny lonniniiili^ .lohn Ciirldii, wore on his lofl humi Hlgnlfli'tl bhu'k uni* ty . 'T lu i black scarf ihui was worn nboiii niy neck sl|iniri(?d bliicknes!i nnd tho iinckH, our povcrlv."

Smilh lidded; *'I rL'prcscnlcd hlnck A uicrlca and I am very pnnid III bu a black man and iiIm) lo hiive won a gol<l m edal. 1 lhi)ii|iht In th h wny 1 could rep- /n scn t my peoplo by loltinji llic'iii kniiw T am proud lo bo n bhKik num ."

WSU Readies For Stanford Attack

inJI,I.MAN,‘ Wnsh. (A P) — Fliiiil prcpiirittlDnN Woro mndo Tbur.'idny by the Wanlilnfilon Htnio Unlvornlly fonlball team utt thn CouKora p repared for o PaclflcH '.C oiiforenco jtum e In .Spokane ii({alnal S tanford Satur-dnv ................ .............. ............................

<!^oach .Tim /iWonnoy hnd tho offunalvi) unit going over. |{iiiiti)

. p lans wbllii iho jlofeniiivo worked on iiiuIIkhIs to nlop Ihn Indlnnn'

Ipa’iHliig iiltack, Thu ti((iuid also - iiiKnt timo oi\ field goni lidcking , , «n<l pu iu liis.

tia State-Wel t Pivotal Ba Sky League

r«ss Saturday afiernoon in Pocatcllo groui non for to keep any tille hope alive. tal o football . Both M ontana clubs w ere rat- A n lon tana ed likely-lo succeed by prcsea- have

• (son prognoslicators. and both the Bobcats c o a c h e s dow ngraded Iheir than It least squads’ chances. all, 1iMirrTny Webcr.. JS fa r from untested, defer

however, and figures to be a a v e r com er- m ajo r obstacle toi every team Webi,_____looking fo r thc crown. The'W ild- P^>rtileague (.ots are umlefeaiecl a s they en- Wc

. m ust te r league action. Afler Salur- v a in10 Statc £jay Idaho State, Idaho cun’!_______ and Montana in o rd er. - thatn - - ^ ■ Iflnhft tr.nvrl.! tn n m il

a bout w ith Oregon Saturday in on I ^ an' in tersectional contest. The I js t

^ ____ squa^,_newly ae ria l minded un- the 1J - l i — 'der' coach_Y_CIM {-N re*erreaas z l "

the league in 'm o s t statistical 'o ii com pilations. Statc

U S Idaho State figures il found a 20. E quarte rback la s t weekend' while lioni

AP) — losing to M ontana S late 31-14. tnU rry _ K e ry c h u k _w as sidelined ihrei

m ght w ith a bad back when soph»'tu re in more J e r r y Dunne took the cbn- B i ^ e ^ trols to move~th~c~Bcrigals~ ifftO ««ai stole a two touchdowns an d -p ass them Scho I bases, to a th ird th a t w a s 'lo s t on a B®'*" J w as penalty. • . quarirgh Pi- Coach Ed C avanaugh figures hanc pansion Dunne (o s ta r t in the Bengal ^ had an- Honiecoinihg con test with Mon- Wim e from tan a . lione avail- •• M ontana m ay need to Iwlsfer He 1 League iis ae rja l a ttack if. it is to field ^ar,

an effective offense in this Ja for the yea r’s pass-m inded league. The ° the -p itcher O riz rlie i-lc ad -th e -co n feren c^ in

.................'............... - Ihewn ban- luiiummimuuuuunth, de- r i i i . of hisked if - i r a p S u O O t com

-FILER ^ h e - F i l e r lOOF

I q shoot- S u n d a y two‘'m iles ^fon - t s north and one m ile west of ^ ite

Bmumi.iuum.iaiiumininiiiuiium«i»;itmuii |weC

ad ^

m- Here'si .RCAhas'd m ore le sam e ver h ad

M a rk 8 S t e r e o !k m ark

S S : A tta c h m e n tSa'?- -1 Mod.I M1C20______lh haved - m a r k ------- C tLllii .fpbulou>.t>Mntirpjpi««ipective- lops ihrough yovr pr«i«nt ham*becom e a Tap* Plar^rAtlaehmint.Thll e

inn w ith will ploy through on|»iUr«o con+32-Vk)- — I ^ ----- con^»g».nt .pi.m .q«lpp«d wllrnl Inet tur»» imlanl mvilc — itPfiioul

I ■ liln i.rt.d and rjail.r unll lituri■™n» of ;^ on«ornior*lcackt.AIiohailrac•ceivinR. j of bniil|h;iirUWalnutv«n««risiic:s-rc- o-9y4-5 catch- • -

I’t N o r e e i s t o t i i r e a i

»y'ests— Tom- le Olym*

United f g iMrj iI up n ' '

know V

i i s iM m ' T h e A s t e r o i diC blackid black M o d o l YID12• nwards.

f llnvcd S o l id -S ta te C a i te t t i Recoc. I h l ! .Nrt- . - .r« p fd « r /p l« iy * r-¥ < h U h --« i

**jicllon.s . l« v e f-o p « ro ‘ v /a rd . 6u({|-In A utom ailc (.0

uh l hiliiil d i i t o n t voice*. B a H o r11 black cording und playing- EkIai (■><*1 m y b lank caM elta or* lu rn lih i

hut was sllinlflcd

ckH, our

ircsentcdam very mman and ■ ^nioilal. 1 /W

ould rep- f li/ loltinji r n O A * "7 =

S'Forack M S S W bBB(A P) - -

i ' S HOWISTHETIMETO-ed for 0 >

f t v^i Indlnnn'

t , , » l n . C A V . . n , C

W eber Tilt Battle I

,gue Chase=x a te llo ground gains but a r c la s t In io- H ive. . tal offense. ■:rc rat- And on defense, the B ruins H prcsea- have a llow ed’10 touchdowns by ■ d M th thc aeria l route, th ree more H 1 Iheir than the ir league cohorts. Over- H

all. M ontana is sccond in to ta l H ntcstcd. defense, allowing opponents an . H 3 be a average of 234 y a rd s per cam e. ■ y team W eber S ta te le ad s In th is dc- ■ le'Wild- partm cnt. ■hey en- W eber and M ontana S late ri- ■ • Salur- v a lry is strorig under any cir* . ■ i, Idaho cum stances and doubly so now H

tha t title hopes hang on the out* H Rnp for nm ^e t o r thc dcfgirainti chambi- " ■ irday in on Bobcat's. W eber won_in the H 51. The last Ogden tilt. 1965. bu t lost to ' ■ ded un- the Bobcats the nex t tw o yea rs . W rp~rtvis ~ T he~B ofr;at~ loSscs~have been _ ■

aiistical to form idable foes. San DFego “ S tate 34-22 and W est J e x a s 35- f ;

found a 20. But-_Webor,r ra ted seventh na- V,-' ■ d while lionally an iong sm a lle r coJJeses e 31-14. •n th e jjC A A , h as scored nearly Q idelined th rc d ^ Im e s a s m any , points a s a l

sopho^ the fou r c lubs it-has-conquered ; - ■ the C&n- " Ttfram ah a s ia ig m a strOHg ~ M als~ into a tlack M n —the—ru nn ing -o f—pjiul —H ss them Schafer, th c catch ing of Ron ' H st on a Bain and the razzlf-dazzle of H

. q u a rte rb ack D ennis' Erickson*i I figures handling of thc option. HBengal D efensively halfback Dean ■

th Mon- W inder lacks only one ihlerccp- ■ lion of tieing a .schQ pLrecord. . . . ■

l)0l<ircr He has av eraged one a gam e so ' ■ to field ^ar, five for the season. ■in this Idaho’s J e r ry H endren is an- ue. The o ther who is rew riting the rec- . r« n c^ in o rd -b o o k s-E H ch pass-he_snare&

the re s t o f th e season sets a ■muumiu record since he broke his own

t of fast season. H e has 52 so far, com pared w ith th e old m ark of 49. Q uarte rback Steve Olson

■ 5hould_tfim ain-lh(i_nation!& Jeadi .14 ( ‘ e r in . pa ssin g w ith 102 comple-'" ‘tes tions now on th c books in 197 ' M

of a ttem p ts . Us--------------^ T J r c g o r n j e a f ^ g a t t l e ^ - l a s t leaeumiitmun [w eekend. . _______________ rccc

e 's s o m e " ^ ! has what you’reS te r e o T a p e P l a y e r g

le n t I0____________ ,_____________________________

u), tiMntirpjpl«d.*ouncl cf fl.tratk ity«y... ' ur pr«i«nt ham* mutU tyiUm wllh th* Meric itlachminl. Thli conpect modular dick Unll h Dti iUr*e cenMlf, «t*r*e loble radio or >m *qulpp*d wllh top* pluo-Tn lack. F»a-;ilc" - ilarli'aulotnblKQlt^hin miTrldg*-----------■ ■ ■rsa>i*runUliturn*don.UptoBOffllnut*ief •

llcolly, er pi*t( Iratk Mlicter bor I* iklp ckt. AIio hat track litdUolor llghtt.’ Cabln«t Walnut v«n««ri ond **t«cl*<l herdweodi. '',0-9Vi-

s to tiiread With tliis recorder!

l a i te t t i R e c o rd a r /P lo y e r . H e r s I i a c a i te t t t t /• r-V fh U h -c o m b ln e t- lo w -p rU v -a n d -o re a t—. l« v e r- o p s r o l« d c o n lro l t In c lu d e F o il Por«I A ulom allc (.ovei C o n tro l fo a q u o l i i * c(o ia -u fi /olce*. B a lle ry o p e ra t io n fo r " a n y w h e re " re< p la y in g . E x le rn a l ip o a k e r |o ck . D a tle r ie i a n d a o r* lu r n l ih t d . P lo tlic c a b in e t in Light C ro y .


Ol favorite stories fo t/CHILDHEH!

fa ic (n a l0 lha M l r ^ s i ( i l C T v /lth t h e p u r c h a i e o f B B g i i i l B P P la y e r . C o m e i n ^ o r a


G A rn cICA'a BifiQ C re* hyS p«cla t> *< * l« S u e t t B ier

:» '..-.t- 'r»L 'il'jii / ' i l l .

' . . . tl

i l t r / / e TtA/t£ S 'A /£ W S

s e = ^ ^ = =

owns by 'more .Over-

an .

th is dc-

Slate ri- . 'any cir* . 'so now the out* cnumpi-

n -into

'0 years.[ve been in DFego 'cxas 35- r /enth na- coiJeses .


~ strang

Ron ' lazzle


L record.. gam e so '

FA IR FIE L D HUNTERS Jo e Kels ie_snares -.honkers thcy_sho t_over„decoys.S u in t e t s a ''a b W t~ 8 l^ n } ira ro rn V lo rm b irR e s ( r i

his own • , .

mark of Kinder Dies Of SS'r --H eart-Trouble—

<S in 197 MEM PHIS, Tcnn. (A P ) - E l- li»arl Us K inder. - a fo rm er m ajo r Kit

“ 3nj“ la s t leagTJc— pitcher— whose— c a re e r -in-15 __________rccord w as 102'victories and 71 Brow

"SOUNDS'w oil’re looking lot

$ 6 9 ’ *rder! ~ Z Z I Z ^ ~

for looking-;— ' an d listening!

a c a i t e t t e Thli daluaa ti.ploca ponn .,ft f t , i n t •o il*vou t» /rt« iliiilno

■and o r eo t -------------- oifrlilirnCA'-MoiilU---------- r ------> fo i l fo r. c l.l„ .ilo r,. Ju .i chotk om[ i« c(oia-Ufi tlio now HCA TV. flariio

nn<l raitio niodoU anil , , , ttio pnn m l» vou'i'Silt

itlerie* a n d conulni • loiintaln ponLight C roy. with lolill and iwo t>all

point pani wllh lallll.Uaiter huity In. . . tupjily il llmliadi

; . . . C a s s e t te T ape

1 s to r ie s for

! .............. ;.....; ......... .;(nal0 Ihe I t ld d le i . . , a n d It's FREE lurchaie o f a n RCA C a iie tto T ape me in^ or a dom onttratlon. ,


.A _ , I

n o n thth g u e t t Mara B ob H o p e , f l la n a R ots A The

F r id a y , I

■ ;

M I » r 7 * W k ^

T E R S Jo e K elso, D ick B ray sn d Hugh Lewln,. jver„decoys.S unday ._on_ the :C am as p r o l e s . A "M orm on Res(TrvOli'^has^rovldcd~so~me-Boda-o

losses w ith six team s, died Bostc .V /1 . W ednesday in B aptist Hospital stayc1 _____ ______________________

k in d e r , 54. underw ent open In”\ P ) " ^ E 1 - h e a r t su rgery ."’....... ' ........... Louise r m ajo r K inder f irs t m ade the m ajors Leag je— c a re e r -in-1946-w ith-lhe-o ld-S tT -L ouis wUtu ies and 71 Browns, w ho trad ed him to the »oUo>

>" adviceng tor in Tape Re

Get the r U | | h 'whereve

- with' a nev batter)^-;:

B B B H ------ RCA tape»95

I —

C e rd le it p o rtab le w eight le ll Ihar onyw here, any time on lour "C " b t lo p i a n d ila r l t traniport. from mil

■ i B h 1V» Ip i. Complete wllh ba lte rie i, i _____ 3 " reej^ of J a p e , im ply.rt*!# otlfph

ling!)|OCO pon . . . . . . . .'iliiiino ' ' I ' l l - • ' I .i.BTitiT.oiilli----------r --------- ^ t - ^ i i i i i i i i g i i M i i M

QUII, Silt " '.1.1 . V enjey w*. I ,itaIn pon |K W

.. . • u p l i l y

s tH Ii i 'i FREE The Jurist M o d .in H D jto Tape . '>

S o l ld 'S ta la 7 " tle c o rd e r/P la y e r ..‘Thfl t h a n lh a j u d o a 't la c ra ta ry . . . n n e v e r m l i ie i a b e a t . H ere i i a io u r-t ( e r t m a n y p ro fe i i lo n a l- ty p s ffl to -co m * -b y p rlc* .

* 1 ^ See your favorite RCA I ■ I I i for'specia! savings Uil:n o D o lt « T h a S u p r a m o i , - NBC-TV, W * rfn » l

F riday , O c to b e r 18 , 1 9 6 8 1 7 ^

i ,V Mont * favoi

'' Confi —------------------------------------- ------------------------- SatUi------ :--------------------------------------- ----------- -------Univi

— fcg s \L''i Ne

comi> have

L 1 has <

| | M M a | . . TheanauUjSBH'

M H H & . ' ' ' petucom

. boo: chu(

^ bacl

Id Hugh Lewln,. pose w ith seven C anada n a s p ra iries. A population estim a ted a t lcd~some~Bodj'0'pgntog~we«k-8hootlgg.—— —

jm s, died Boston R ed Sox In 1547. He It Hospital stayed w ith thc R ed Sox until _______ 1955.went open n n 9 5 6 r h e " m o v c d - to - th e ‘ i r —

Louis C ard ina ls in th e N ational — the m ajors League a n d ended h is caree r. -S t—Louis w ith -the Chicago White Sox the _ Mm 10 the lollowing y ears .

ipe Recorilerslet the m essage 'herever you go h a new cordless atter)T-powered :A tape recorder— - -

YLsu I.......

I w eigh* le n th a n 5 p o o n J i . . . rec o rd * me on fo u r "C“ b a l l a r l e t . R em ote iw ltch ra n ip o r t.f ro m m ike . T w o i p a a d t — 3 % , a w llh b a l te r ie i , m ic ro p h o n e , n e c k c o rd , im p ly .rte i^ o tifp h o f t* a n d .ip U c I n Q .ta p e ,

SlTSShhwI- 'f

Mod.I yiHDJ ^ 1 2 9 ? *

:o rd e r /P lay e r ..‘Th« J u r l i t l i m o ra o c c u rP t* ila c re ta ry . . . n e v e r d r o p t a ■ y lio b le , I

at. H ere i i a io u r - tro c k In itru m a n l t h o t ef> I fe ii lo n a l-ty p a f a a t u r e t a t , a n ao iy<

favorite RCA Dealer— —)! savings this month.IBC>TV/ W p d n e i d a / / O c to b e r 3 3

“ ’"Grizzlies Fa ^ Over ISU S?m y i j POCATELLO (A P) - . . T h e Big r ' y Montana Grizrllcs w ill c a r ry the G r i«

• favorite’s tag into a Big Sky lege Conference football, b a tlle h e re quart

— — Saturday against Idaho S tale Tony— ____ U niversity.____ _____________ _ _1SI

N either team showj# a vic tory much M l j l l l in league action, but aga inst " s fo

common opposi^ioa the Grizzlies cd tc have fared a little better. gam<

Coach Jack Sw arthout’s club ^ has clobbered P ortland S tale 59-

W ^ M 9, -while losing to Idaho 45-56.The Bengals of coach Ed Cav- J

^ ■ l . . . anaugh-lD elled -.P o rlland s ta tc52-30 and lost to Idaho 15-35, . '

Idaho S tate will ge l some im< '°ot petus since the g a m e 'I s home- ,

| H H coming, but it would g et a b igger. boost if acc p asser L arry Keryc- i i - -

P ^ B ' chuck is able to s e e action. H e’s

back ailm ent and . is a doubtfiif^ ■ 5 — poFfoHner;— ------------- ------;--------

The Bengals 2-2, would like lo ski.. ge t revengo/for la st y e a r 's '20-0 Mill:

Montana victory The visitors hope to snap a three-gam e los- 'BHij Ing-streak. - jh o iI ......— f—

H Penny-Wis«

a“ Sporting to— ----- ONLY

1347. HeSox until BEH S = T ^gfiF T 3nfil

—-----For-Your-GonI H U N T iN G L IC E N S E S -

DEER & E.LM E veryth in g For Thi


ss - illlllllSBBB* 1 SPRiNGFIEI


P 'Tk 3 Inch Mai^ n . 1 2 , . 2 0 ai



c o r d . ' - v B - 'witch m a Iw .

, o p i ' F E D E R A L

Shot Shells i


w UNDERWEAR.......... D R A W ER S “ S H IR T S "

I9S ^a b le , mil'----- j - --'-

e f .

- -


s Favored )U Saturday

- r- ..T h e . B ig_o[fensIve .g u n s fo r the c a r ry the G riu lie s a re fo rm er Junior coJ- Big Sky lege all-American R ay B rum a t

itlle h e re quarterback , and burlyifultt>ftck iho S tale Tony Gabriel.- t ________ _ lS U _ h as ,only gained h a lf ®*a victory m uch yardage on tho ground a s

It aga inst *ts four opponents and is expcct- ! Grizzlies to rely heavily on Its passing Iter. gam e. jnnf’e riiih ^^st wcck Joo P c trone startCQ 1 S t^ e s t quarterback fpr ISU, b u t . ; ihn .I'i.'ifi sophornore J e r iy Dunne gets the-

FH r „ v . nod this week. He passed for one flnH ctnt r. touchdown and nlso scored onc“ “r . a g a i n s t M ontana S tate 'W hlle-re--......... -' , lieving Petrone.,

.Other_bnckfieId s ta r te rs wIU •I Is home- bo fullback Joe C lark , ta ilback e t a b igger Cook and flanker C arlls

HatTis.ction. H e s seniors playing th e ir Jast g a m e •

v .r -for-ihe-bgngaliv-wUI he Clnr^t.------ 1_a doubtful end Rnckley. G uard L a rry------ ;--------TJehdcr, center- C ari Romnnow— —luld like to ski. Uncbacker.<>_Slcve.and-Stan---------year’s'20-0 M illard and denfensW e backs le v isito rs Lc ro y -H a rr is r—J im -G a lla g h e r , • - : - -gam e los- Billy SatterfleH anS L a r t y _________ Thomas. . .

l y - W ise D rugs

»g Goods Dept.ONLY


r o u r - € o h v e n i e n c e ---------- ^ —

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LIST PRICE $ 7 4 .5 0



»r° to 2“«|k ,2 0 2'^

I —,6-G._i2 .. - P aoGo...*2":SHIRTS ^

■ 2 ’

!HOD.. SH O PP IN G fcfeN -T B lR 'w fii i>TR|KE STAMPS, T O Q iB I ^

Page 18: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF257/PDF/1968_10_18.pdf_ — J W e a th e r - Chilly VOL. 65 NO. 187__________ Murder G Filed

U. S. Swini Harvest, E

MEXICO CITY (AP) U.S, Buena swimminp forccs .-iplashod lo a rych porfcct. rccorcl-smashin^ sla rl S p in i in tlte Olvttipics with iw o gold Kcn'^’ medals Thursday a fte r Willie if., sli Davenport won lhe 100-mclcr by nci hurdles and U.S. officials apolo. oac: Rl7.cd for n t ln c li A m erican ra- ouvcr cinl protest in an aw ard cc'rc- ly an m9ny. Viilan

The trio of golds gave thc and s United States n ine-for thc five- dies v

.. day-old Games. The U.S. also versia hns three silvers and /ivc and . bronzes for i total of 17. Stale

A q«arfc{ o! iccn-afic fifrJs is- nited what is cxpectcd lo hc |i|W cdn<

n n.irrf.w hut double record _vjc- hours, lory in thc •JOO-meter m edley rc* n>i(lc( lay. . • ' • • • ^u tt

____ Kayo Hall of Tacom a. Wash., 'v«rnc— C atie -B all^ f .JacBonvillc, Flar; f^iglu

Ellie Daniels of E lk in s-• Park, nieasi P a., nnd Sue Pederson of Sacra- "I i niento. Calif., com plcicd ihc a re e

J racc in - 4:28.3,—cclipsinB--lhe Barm Olympic Tccord and the listed lor ol

__ w atld J iia rk ::_ r------^------------------- our-ci-------THcn. when thc wattirS ftf l^c ^ T h t

Olympic pool had subsided, thc made . m en ’s.400 'm cier freestyle relay cry b

flashed to* a second double cXpcc record, winning in 3:31.7. The

Thc q uarte t of 2ach Zorn of the C

■ 1 8 -’T iT a b y /O d o b e r 18, 1968

“ Olympic^Unir -G e ts^p o lo g ^^°i

From Amei-ica sdMEXICO CITY (A P ) — The wh

United S tates Olympic Congmit- lee form ally apologized to lhe

-- -In ternalional-O lym pic Commit-. . lee and thc Mexican Organizing r p i Committee Thursday for what it X J called the d iscW nesy displayed by two of ils alhlctc.s in an | | . Olympic v ictory cercmony " I Wednesday. _

•• “ In a veiled Ihrca t. lhc com- I |- i • m itte e ^ lso \varned~niiit it would -■••■•J

not stand for a repetition 'o f a 'd isp lay .such as th n i 'b y sprint- Tj„rj, crs Tom m ie Smith and John

•. Carlos. S .Thc two niblcles, nfler finish-

Ing first aw l third, respectively, , . in lh c 200 m eter race, slood-on . , lhe viclory podium with gloved , han d s uprfl].scd in a black power _ .sniulc nnd with eyes fixed on the ground during lhe playing of •

- -the S lar Spangled Danner.E v erc lt Bnrne.';, ncllng cxocii-

- — ttvc-dlrC T R rrT 3rilii“ u;.‘) r c o n vm itlce, cnm c oul of n five-hour Oi m eeting of thc U.S. Olympic Dort Com m ittee, wilh his eyes damp scor from emotion nnd issued a mcr stalem eni. plon

The sinlcm cnt said no formal Pnri nctlon would ho lakcn against U. Smith nnd Carlos at this lime T re ' hilt indicnted thni disciplinary in

• m easures would be tnlicn If |)rai Ihere Is n repetition. loiul

"Thnt is Ihu m essage wc wnnt yen lo gel ac ro ss," n a m e s said.“ We worded the slutcm ent In ^ such n w ay Ihat we hope lhal V j * we will be able lo solve the silii-

-------nTltTn-pcncrfuHyr-l-aTn-goinjtHiul T=1Immediniely to tnlk wilh Pnytnn A -i Jo rdan , iho hi.'a<l irack coach.”

Tho sintem ent said “ the com- \ L....... m ittpc doen-nof h<‘licv«> that ihiK ” 1

Im m nturo hehavinr by the twn g’• m em bers of the U..S. lenm wnr-

ran ts nny form al action nl this j,, , lim e. I,,,

" I f fiirlher Invrsiigntlon over „f subscqiieni events do not hi'ur Ihis mu, Ihp enlire m ailer wlll be rrevnliin li'd ," -j'

Tho .Kiateinenl wilil Ihnt Ihc rom iiillleo 'rej-ardeil llie bt?hav- inr ■>[ lhe nihleles nl ihis lime ,, fts (in IscpIfiK-tl iitcWntl, (I Mtld ,,f that ii ‘‘repetlllon of su fh nn In- ,,,,

"H ile iil wiii be viowctl ns a will- fill /H sregard of Olyniple prlni:l- ,,,|, p i " . " Di.l


, , Allitude Has;^ Cil used . No ta' Kcal Protests d...

M i;xIC O CITY (A P) —AftiT ',,1, fivo (lays of record-sltiilKnlng y <nni|>cllil(in in MexU'o Ciiy'it ],,, )'/V<ill<’ nllilude, Jii^l nbout the |,(i niiisi serious i)i'oblt'n\ fni:etl by ,„i. Ihe (llyiii|ilc mcilicnl hinff so far lu)f< buen a Hiisslnn nthlule wlio nie a iiieliin, hKIo and ali, f|,ii

Doctor .liiiio Kamos, d liec lo r wn nf the Olyni|ilc Atlili'ili'N Stn- the

• dlmn ■Medfntl C rn iP r,' " ’I T hursday that In spile of all the fo i liiiU idxiul Ihe nltlliidi^'prnbleni, enl Ihe M<'?ilt'o OlyniplcN su fnr hnvo shfiwn no iiiea le r irasuaHy y riiii^ anion); nlliletes Ihnn tlie ’ llill't or llllil) g ]

“ The miiln iiroblein here," he ^ Kiilil, "K Dial the foreinn nIh- / li'les nre eallnit too inncli. 'I'hi-V »iei;tn III be loo fond 'of Mexican lood. .Some of ilieni, liioi the l'>

urtt luil »;w‘d lo tw r /’ri kln<l of fru it." ■ K»'

llnm os reiilnrked ihat nfier nnn of Ihe monl exhiiiiH||n|| ex| r v rn tn ,' fhi*- •2f)-kHort»elep wnlii, foi iheie w i'ro only four conij)eiliorn mii wild hnd lo be tnken Into the iv- Vn rovcry room . Thoy nil recovered Inr AlMinlnneoiinly, ho nnld wllhoul otl reqitlrinn nny nid In nddlllmi 'i Id. Ihu filnndar<l irealnieni wl which Im Ihe inbillalhm of oxy- rm Hen nnd ori>l ntlniinlBlraliiiji of trl Ulucobc. Ill)

. ■ i

vimmers Bej t, Davenporl

U.S. Buena P ark , Calif., SleVc- Rc- the li: lo a rych of Patcr.son;' N .J.;- M ark both s sla rl Spitz of Snnta C lara, C alif., and T |,e gold K c n ^ a ls h of Ponte Vcdr.i, Cal- cclips<

Willie if., shfiticred lhc •‘world rccord 3 :33.2 Tielcr by nearly a full sccond. , 3;32.'5.ipolo- Back a l O lympic S tadium , ijcsi n ra- Duvcnptjrt of Soulhcrn U nivcrsi- Larry ccrc- ly and runner-up E rv Hall o f jf._ \vi

V illanova acccplcd th c ir gold u .'s . i e thc and silver m edals for the bur- a mcc

five- dies w ith n9 'trace of th e contro- go-kilc also versial protest T om m ie • Sm ilh n e r < five and John Carlos of San Jose Germ

Stale staged a fte r th c ir 1-3 fin- K iss c rjs i<j, ish in tbe 200-mcter dash , he a |W edncsday..night.

d_vic- hours, Ihc U.S. O lym pic Coin- tim ed cy rc^ n>i(tcc apologized for tbe cftn- third-• • . duct of Smith and C arlos and i,eon Vash. w arned tha t any s im ila r a c t j^m , !

F la - m ight-rbring-iitern-Hliseiplinar-y- — Park,’ m easures. , ^^m psacra- "I am em b arra ssed ; a ll of us vvon 1 lhc a rc em b arra ssed ," sa id E v e re tt m cda 5—the B arnes, acting" executive d irec- divisi listed lor of lhe com m iitce. “ Il m akes mc;_____ our-coun try -lo o k iik c ith ird cv il;" s ia ’dn(T T ^tr—Thc— jiwiiit itiurs,------howe ver; T m rn .d. the m ade Ibe Uniicd S ta tes look cv- triple relay cry b it as powerful a s had been Sanc}

Joiible expccted. •• •• leap 1The g irls’ titne of 4:28.3 broke Nel

3rn of the Olympic na rk of 4:33.9 and look

T H £ T t

l i t - G am e T o n ig h t— TV*• Twin- Falls- B ru ins w ill'

host thc H ighland R am s u t ' nly -V ^ —S -p .n ir-lo d a y -a t-B w jn -5 Ja -— J | ; < 5 / dium.• Twin Falls c a r r ie s an 0-4 T .__ I C U Soulherii Idaho Confcrcncc- J L l l

■ rccord againsi lh e Ratns - Tlic who a re 3-0. MIingmit- twoto lhc ......................................................mi so fasmmit-. . ------------titlor

Srs Three Shareiplaycd • - r ^ 1

cmony Opemng Lead L w i

I" LAS VEGAS, N ev. (A P) — glov<sprint. Defending cham pion Ja c k Nick- pcri<

‘ laus, big Bill Collins and Dale bofo:f „ i I Douglass knocked four .strokes rio r

n off P:'r G7s T hu rsd ay to Tok;the lead In Ibo firs t round C)'

, “I of tbe $100,000 S ah a ra Invilu- cian tional Golf Toiirnam ent. . J^ur

xed on “ P laying In -dc ligh tfu l-w ca lher ivine of *>1 ll'f-' 7,I()9-yard. p a r 3()-.15—71 r. Pnrnd[sc Valley C ountry Cluh, . 1 cxecii- H'c td o baiUUcmicnl_XDUUil5_Dt *'1 „

T"Com- ■3-P33=^7.ve-hnur One .stroke back w ere Ju lius )lympic Doros and K erm it Zurley. with ? dam p scores of 08. and a for- j,|,n |iucd a m cr Arizona iin ia leu r chum- ..-i-i,.

pkm. youiig- priifcssional Joc formal P o rte r of .Scotlsdiilc’, 32-!!t>—(iH',

against U.S. Oi)0ii chantp lun l.ee is lime Trevino finished w ilh 70 |„ '[iIplinary in the hcnviiy pci))uintc‘d 70- lUen if bracket, whili; Billy .Casper, -ji

leading mimey winiivr f»ir the i.- i,, vc want year, shot :!li-3f)-7l.

'p'lim'l Conrad Says S ’pS HijVTlTrongh- E e With Cards

.ST. I.ODIS (A P) - V elcran f,",., ,m wnr- d u ik e r Hobliy Joe Conrad saitl .i,,,,,

al this „ iiewsiia|MT Inlervievv Kiday he is *'fe<l nj)" and nltiicd miisl of his dh p len so ie at Coach

'. C harley W inner of the Sl. Louis 1,, ,Cardinals. . ‘“J

........... Tlie .SI, lo u ii Ptr.l-niKpalch.1. !, cm irn d wuh embil- . .

Ill uv- ,,,^,,,1 |„,vinj; mi.sM-d ivlni! the caren- |)iiss-,ri'H vlng mark

, " of at least one n-cc])l(<ni In IH '* !'■ consec.utive gam es. f<i a w ll- ^,,,1,1,1 (be 111• P 'Inc l- ,„ | , | 'k —lu 'ld 1)V ( i r e e n lliiy% H oti hi

:)ulsori — In 'lu s t w eek’s ijame aagainsi ('li'vclnnd In which liie 11 Ciirtlinals won 27-2L

i l U ' In till' inti’rvii'w Conrail said. li--------- ... ,!i| Ij. uiiv lu im a i-L t i l i _ JJ

face it, hliii:i‘,he (C oach W inni'r) phas hi'en b i'ie , I haven 't ilniu' wanvihlnr,," • ' «>

I “ M aybe I’m wiislicd ii)) and cS I S don’t krmw il, bu t I ihink the |>

difficullv Is p arlly a jicrMimiliiy

KUimlng '’'winr'il'r wns i|ii li'd a s saving JJI Ciiy'it ],,, (iiiiii'i wiinl lo liei Into a con-boul the iniveriiV over p re sn tl di-velop- ' I ’lacetl by |,h.|,h ,ff so far Contnil ;tal<^ b h rnihiio to ■liile wlio jm iirl, IhiU.on'ti record In-II. fluenci'd lifm In nmnnmeini; ihls sn:d liec lo r wtiiild be Ills final lieaHim wllhh'N Hla- the (.'(U'Ultml.n_______ ...r,‘ i,iii(f "T /ic iu‘w:i|)nptT nti(fd Ihnt Iif all the Conrad Imd m ade sim ila r Indl- In)loblem, callonii hisl Docenilx’r,

V a n d a ls lin B e s t '"'I S h ap e In W eek s I CUI

hill' iiilil MOSCOW. Idnlu) (A P) “ Tlie■ -1 li-v irn iv o n llv of ldalu> foolbali Iln Mexican l»llko lhc I" wci'ks. Thiirsitiiy Wrappeit np i‘dI /jri'pan iliuns fo r Saitinlay'H all

• iinme aiialnut Ortsgon a l HuKone. wn at nfler Coach Y C M cN onw said In- lefl haiiHiiiiii expeclii Jim i ’riiriia ll. oul fot; 11 1 rr wnik, four - w culcu-wllll u liatiiHlrlnu . npeiliorH m iisrlo pull, lo p lay behind l(ol>0 tho IV- Yming wilh Ron IJiivIh rlimain- I ccovered Ing In tbn Hlnrllng lineup iii.th tt Mu

wllhoul other running hack Hp<u, njiinddllloii 'right end (ior<lon DitW annl, vie

roatnieiil wlui hasn’t playctl n fler a pre- we1 of oxy- m-asiin injury, w ill m ako Iho (<n ralliiji of Irip, McNi^nio ».«ld, biil jii'ob- iln

iilily w on't play. Gn

' • 1

Begin Gold; 3ort Takes H♦. R c- th e lis ted world rccorxl o f -4;30 G iu sep M ark both at by U.S. team s. the brg.. and T h e m en ’s ' lim e o f 3.31.7 c sta tilr . Cal- c c lip sc d fhe OJympio m ark of P ^ . '"cc c eord 3 :33.2 and thc world standard ' f y n g .

3 :32.5. , Art \d iu m . • B e s id es Davenport and H all, ish ed f v c r s i- L arry Y oung of San P edro, Cal- ceed ed “11 p f if ., w a s .the on ly 'm em ber of the

s o ld U .S . track and field leam lo w in Hunj : a m ed a l. He finished ih ird In the and P ontro- 50-k ilom cter w alk, behind win- sta g ed Sm ith n e r C hristoph Hohne o f E:isl bam m

J o se G e rm an y ond runner-up A nlel gar ian •3 fin- K is s o f H ungary. ‘ record

In , w inn in g lh e h u rd le s , D av - c s . c n port lied the O lym pic m ark of K lin

C om - t im ed in 13.4, the sa m e a s O lym f r cbn- th ird -p lace Eddy Ottoz of Ita ly . Zsivol; s and Leon C olem an of W inslon-Sa* round, r a c i i2 ,n , N .C ., w as fourW in 13.6. m ark

—In— nie—lilTeSI—wclglnltrilne —Twoc o m p clitio n , thc Sov iet Union an d E

o f u s vvon both lhc g o ld 'a n d s ilv er O lym f ■vcrctt m ed a l.^ in jT ic lig h t.h e a v y w c ig h t ev en ts d ire c- d iv is io n . m arkm a k e s M ean w h ile , back_at_O Jyropic J e a p .c Icvil;" s ia d iu m . all three m ed a lis ts fore N

ok c v - tr ip le ju m p w ilh R uss ia 's V ictor 200-mi i b een S a n cy e v taking thc go ld on a Bari

•• le a p o f 5 7 rbci,'3J in ch es; recor( broke N elso n P rudencio o f B razil a p

.9 and look the s ilver w ilh 50-8 and chopp ------------------------ :— ------------------------------------- end ol

o r f ‘

■ L n ^ ( O M I ' ^ u s s i‘W ^ TWrdr

m u U B? Tun• m oud

■____________________________ m cda.stretc


M is

cn c c . In Olympics T y u s,ia tn s * m inul

M EXICO CITY (A P ) - Only lene two fighter.'? have su ffered c u ts ca n g

....... -so far in O lym pic boxing com p e- Ror----------- titIon.-In-ihe-1964 G am es-in -T ok- S ta te, yo . 46 fighters su ffered cu ts . , E lizalC / ' S o bow com e thc b ig d iffer- can 1

' c n c c? lh c 41feloves,” an sw ered D r. -heat

- '< * U L ew is B lonsic in , sen ior m ed ica l Lee o ffice r 10 thc A inatetir Intern a- team

p | - ___ tional R oxint; A ssociation T h urs- w ho Id a y . “ T h e new W est G orm an o f 44

\ p ) _ g lo v e b ein g used h ere .is far su - the I < N ick- p erior to anything w e'v e used W edr d D a le b e fore—and cerraln ly far supe- rnn n s tro k es rior lo lhe glove u scd in the place ;day tn T ok yo G am es .” a lsoI round D r. B lonsic in , a London phy.si- in 4.'i

In viln - c ian nnd f<ir I.T y e a rs an am a- Ait leu r boxer in h is youth , h as lon g (aret

v c a ih e r intt-rcslod In Ihe deve lop - ppcie(! T i _ 7 i a t a “ pn eu m alic" g lo v e . Well;j ' r i n h i" ‘he testin g s ta g e draw,.n ,u In B r ita ln ^ - fo r - iicvorflr v c ara ia s lu iiuui_Di. T ,o;vr-ln it“ li.s got on e m a jo r B chn

, ,, draw b ack ," ho said o f the a ir- a dc J u liu s Ijoxing g love . - dar

y . w ith - y /p „ sifitnb le m a le^ f*"’* b lad d er for il," he exp la in ed , chum - ..j ijp prnblem hns Iw en w ith tbe

",1 v a lv e , ll leaks a ir w llh tho X | punch, bul it’has grea t ixissib ili- ^ ^ t ie s . We use ii only in Iralning » -« -

. J . E n gland, Its nnl a c cc p le d for | - | ' actu a l con lesls ,"

C asp er, 'j i,,. now West G erm an g lo v e for the Is best liecausu of the .sofinoss of

the Ica iher used tn Its conslrtic- lion . Its Inner filling of sp on ge IK

i / C rubber, and its few er se a m s, ho Ulnli 7 ” sa id , gum

I Dr. n ion slc in said U .S, box in g lo 31 I l d * ! ! ' j;lovi's m'i’ii*i“ tip 'ii) "thf m ia lt ty i»^i,y

5 5 of the now glove being used I'ont ' h ere ,. Ids 1

5 "'J'/io fcalh<'r lit ffir Ain<’rlcHftg love.'* hu exp la in ed , “ is too t j

V e tera n imi'd, and ii has lon m any car -ad sa iil .||,,n„rt, It’s the s e a m s , you jiow w Kiday w hich cause m ost of Ihe niiti

t .oacii iii(.h l-oun cc g lo v es aro used m ile .1, Louis ll, ,i„ , b ly m p lc s , an 1

K yes R ecord '"i:lg m ark l-I l.l-U — M yrl .Schriicdor wvii111 111 ll’f nl'I' tler is .s(;h(f(tiil('<l '{o shool U'l"'

•. f o r '101) m ile s per huur. uii..' 'hoIll'll the Ills iw ln eyllnd or rai'lng raciiy ’ < Hori hiiiiwm olillii .Saturday iilgb l to s'I. i!anie a l Ihe I'lreblrd KiiciHvav hi nge hich Ihe H olse. j|

.W ilh sm nll. rubber wliei-ln | |,e ia il sa id . Instead nf hkls, S ch o red o in 's (w oa i - L t U i -J ij j la i ih J l 'jiiaillLwilUiL-CUUiO:-------- reiW iiiiii'r) ped eiisenlla lly a s It w as la si n't ilinu' w inter whon 'ho w on liio

cmi'n c la ss cliam plonstiip nf u)> and (!l)!bl-slalo WeMern Snow nio-

hliik the liile A ssoclallnn. ,l„n rMimilliy ................................... .......nin.............

, ."Mi l. H ig h la n d S op h s‘ii;;.;,::;:: T rim T .F . 12-1 0 .-ih iio to H ighland's uiidefea led sopho- iibll (lid In- m o res cashed In Ibe .only iw o , |.' e in g ih ls scorin g chiuii'o!! Ih ey had T hiirs- ,|i.n son w llll *I''V nlghl In h ea lin g T w in I 'a lls the

l2 -'in. ..................... ............ .... - ........ rrvc d Ih n t l l l / lh h m l 1:11} Iih lom'hilownH j,r« liar Indl- In Iho second and Ihird igiiarlors rm i

and Ils ih'fonsivo un il hold Iho |i,„ — Itrulns six lim es Inside Iho 20- jiini k o f yard iln<\ nndL t t l 'i-|,ri.|. lin ips T w in r-'alls hnd ^ f v lr t i fii'^l dow ns in sid e . Iho III iml L l i n cm ild ii’l .Ncoro un lll P aul Clark ’ ) —T h e snen ked In from Ibn ono - fmil

foo lb a li llfio nfler n I’i-ynrd n m by Rich--- :nl sliiip o lird Kornh. Roi>ert W iirnor kick - 1' ippeit np otL line of ihii four f ie ld 'g o n l r in iltirdnv'H a lle m p ls , Onu of Hie n l le m p is |,y H ugone. w a s btociied wilh lliree nilniiloH sa id lie left nnd nnoihi’r w ilh Just ovor (j.j oul foi; n in lm ile tn filny stra y e d le fl . j.j)

ain a lr liiu . ' • -Hind Uol) MATCH HI'IT ”

rhm nin- NKW YORK (A P ) — Iliislnr ip n i .th e M alh ls o f (Iriinil Raj)iils, M leh.M, and (ieorKO Cliiivtilii of Clliuulii, |)oW ann l, v ie liir s on a Sept, 211 hea*:^ I T a pre- w eight en n l In M ndison Siiiiaro ' lak o the (inrtleii. worn ninlclii'd T l i i i r f i - i V m l jirob- liny ftir, n J'i-roiind hum In ih e l

Gnrdc'K (J/t i'VidHy iilKiil,’ J^'c,

' • 1

old Medal I f is Hurdles]if-4:30 Giuseppe G entile of Ita ly won

.. lhc b r« iu c w ith 5G-6. Gentile h a d ,3 31.7 estab lished a world and Olym-' !

i r k 'o f Pl rccord of 5G-l'/i in the qual-j I indard ify 'fg .round, j

Art W alker of Los Angeles fin -,Hall, ishcil fourth with 5G-2, which cx-| 1

J Cal* cecded his A m erican record by > - i l tho 1=10 win H ungary’s Gyulia Zsivolzky In the and Rom auld Klim of Russia

J win- staged a s tirrin g b a tlle - in the,; Eiisl h am m er ihrow before thc Hun-,

Anlel g arian won w ith an Olympic I • - ' rccord heave of 240 feet, 8 inch-- •

, Dav- cs.la rk of Klim took lhc silver m edal nl1—w a» 540-*—Bol+M ilhleiei;—br«k<>-4hc. --------ne as O lym pic m ark of 238-2 set by,' Italy. Zsivolsky in. the prelim inary lon-Sa* round. Klim held lhe old G aniis 13.6. m ark of 228-9'/^.[Titfilnp —TR'ir’Ainurluutis. 'R.ilphrBostDTT

Union and B a rb a ra FcrrefI, sm ashed silver O lym pic reco rds in qualifying

■weight events.— B o slo n -b ro k e -h ts -o w n -------m ark in tbe long jum p wilh a

llyinpic Jeap.of--27-fcct,-I}4-inche.s,-bo- -------idallsts fore M iss F erre ll, from. Los Afi-Uin-jh& ge1fl.li— sh atte red the women’s -------Victor 200-meior rccord twice.

1 on a B a rb a ra , f irs t broke thereco rd w ith a 22.9-second run in:

Brazil a p re lim in ary beat, then -8 and chopped a n o th e r lenth of a scc----------- ond off in th e sem ifinals./ f / C M arg a re t Bailcs of Eugene,

O re., finished th ird in M iss-Fer­re ll’s sem ifinal h ea l in 22.9.

M iloslava Rcznova of Czecho- A < | / Slovakia won (h e h ig h ju m p a t 5 ^ I feet, 11% inches w ith two otheri\A 1 ^Russians__ taking sccond a nd

W — ^ rd :^ — • - ............ ................T u n is ia 's M oham m ed Gam*

moudi w o n 'th c 5,000 m clcr gold______ m edal, fighting off a home

stre tch burst by N aftali Teniu of K ipcbogc Kcino of Kenya.

2 -Tem U r~w bo-w on-tbe—first-go ldm edal of thc G am es-on Sunday

a in ibc 10,000 m elcrs, finishedt s ----- th ird-bchind-K cino__ ;__________ ______

M iss F erre ll, a silver m edalist _ in the 100-meler behind Wyomia S T yus, ■ sm ashed the • 200-m ark

m inuies a f te r A ustralia’s Rae-— Only lene Boyle m alched the Ameri- ed cu ts can g ir l’s 22.9.compe* Ron F reem an , an Arizona -in-Tok- S ta te UnlvcrsUy“ .‘>[MCdstcr from uts. . E lizabelh, N .J .. led the Ameri-

diffcr* can Irio inlo thc sem ifinals ot Ihe 400-mCter dash, winning his

•cd Dr. -heat in 45.3 seconds, m edical Lee Evans, a San Jose State interna- te am m alc of Snnth and Carlos 1I Thurs* who has a pending world_re_cprdl ___IGorman of 44 flat in ihe 400, d iscarded; -I

fa r su- the b lack socks he’d worn ini I /c used W ednesday ’s- first round .an d | 1 ir supe- rnn n 45.S bea t—good for sccond I

in the place. L arry Jam es of Villanova also posted a second p lace finish

in physi* in 4.'i.7.tn am n- A m erican freesty le ' w resllcrs | has long (ared he lle r than bnd been cx*l develops p eriod , wllh ligbtweigbt W aync, ; Rlove. Well.s o f Houston earning a I lg stage d raw w ilh Russi.a’s^Znrbeg Ber- I I ' VCflra iashvIllIiind-bnnU im w pighl-John — j

m ajo r Behm of Lansing, Mich., Inking the air- a decision frorn Pnkislnn’s Sar-

d a r M obnm m cd In first round sifitnble m atches.:plaliied. '__w ith tbe

S’snli'ir. 4 liomjjson pled for Hits 300 MPH I

On Salt Flats “:onslr»ic- , .r sponge IIONNI-VILI.E SALT I'LAr.S,Mims, ho U tah (A P) — M ickey Thtm ipsoa'

gunned his b'ord Auioliie .Special >, boxing lo 3110 m iles per hour on a sli|>- , • -q tia lttr p r r y c n i rmg-^l-hursdayi-ilifn-twfct- — - ng used poned unlll Ihe week of Ocl. 2H

his nssiiuli.on-iho--'World‘!r^iH'ed' , re»;(Jr«) for wbeel-ilrJven , I .

“ is trio 'I'jitj gllnicning blue nnd;Rold* ■ It many ca r had run perfectly In sh ak l- |H ■ ns, you jlown cru ises since Sunday. iWillH ! sl of Hie riilti M onday dum ped ^ I 's ' l jM <

enoiigli w ater on the sail’s III-* iro used m ile i.lraigblaw ay to prevoiiil

an a ilem pt on the m ark of 41)!)I""......... m .p.h, by Hob and Bill .Sum- '

rd It Rppenn'il imliUely. tbe iraekjll jiriieiler wviild be rendy i>y laie Snlurday| . a shttdl U'in'ii TJ(o»iip,vo;i hinJ lit viu-iiii' J uur. uii..' 'ho salt for a week of hol-rtKi I rni'Ing racing, So he' on lored his crew •

' iilgbl lo ship lhe ca r baek lo Ills gnr- wny In ni’.e In Long lieaeb. Cnllf,

ll<! .p lans lo rt'io rn Ocl. 2H, whei-l.s Ihen try for Ihe r<!Cord a day ur

ed e in 's iwo hiK^r,.cqulUj------- 'I 'bom psnn— hnd— twn— srnry-;as InsI moinenl.s diirlnK the week, wiio’n

wiml grabbed tho ca r on the ship lit al siK-ed.s of aboul10WI110- 2'i(> m.p.fj, J'ljifh lline ihr n i r

lljiped on Iwo wheol.s, bul did iiol......... oviT lurn,

| \ K q The hioek veldcle, powered liv p i i n ,wo i27-ciible.|nch engines wilb I

I A . a ciimblned 2,0711 horsepower,■ A U '■ i.b()\v,,(| <'very sign of record cap- '(1 sopho- abllily ..""iv IWO , |.-„r,| npiiaronlly was so confl- ltd Thurs- ,|i.nt Tiiompsoii. would achlevu win F alls n,,. |'|.oor<l Ihnl Ils advertising...... - - .............................. rnnv-fiiinort n lunrir v in o ry c i'ip : ~ijchiiownH J,nition /ii llw uiid of « pniriJco

H iiarlers run Tiiesdny. W orkers ruiiliod lo hold Uio n iekpit nnd pounded him on

0 Iho 20- Ills back, while Thompson smiled nnd shook hniids,

r-nlls hnd Usiinlly Ihrro Is <iulle n delay " ' belw eeii the end ol n run nmlnui C lark „{fi,;|„|."l'*y jjl "1" .nnniiiincotiioiil of ihe speed,inor kick- 'I'he ca r Is In the secoiid-faslesi field' goal rhisii i>f rai'liiji, exceeited onlya llem pls |,y J,;t.j,(,vvered vehicles,

[> niiniiloH _______Jnsi ovor TIMl'^.S-t^F.W.S WANT ADS^ d lefl. i-a .sT SKI.LINO Itl-.SUL'I S

~ Iiuster TH INK ' SN O Wds, Mleh. -rff Ciiiuulii, / ^ I

. O l s o n s11 Tluirs-I ^ T H O f M M Imt In ihei Biui lakis BIVD. N. I:t; 1 'v . 0.11 , / ________ __ ______________ l iB m

5 s |tde had, Vi Olym-' -------- --------........... ......... ' - \ f - '*ic qual-j - • ^ii"^ . ^ ' - ' V

r Ti^lcsfin-, I r - J . V ) <hich cx*! Icord by > ------- IrVV V

sivolzky 1 1 k'SjLA 7Russia • l e \ \ *) # I [5 2 ^ 1 1

he Hun-| i % i \ y jOlympic! • ' ■» i ', 8 inch* V- * »

ncdal nl i«* ' «k<j-4hci --------------- 1-------------------- ______________

smashed >ualifyingh ts-ow n --------- ------------------------------ y W ------------> wilh a I;he.s,-bo*j --------Los Afl* M B

Ike the iay ■ c n nid run in; - M n - ------P l B n .

then M m ■of a'see*

l is s F e r*22.9.

Czecho-1 G e t D e p e n d

w*o oilier • w i t h s a f e , r e l i a b l e O.K>nd and

d Gam*

S USED P a s s e

j g i W H E E L S ^

Wyomia FOR FASTER S200-m ark ;

rAS: ;■ n I I O H -Arizona ■ ■ Q

M U . n r u l iifinals of ■ ■ ■ ■

G ET M A X I M U Mose Stale

wornund .andl [ir sccond Villanovaace finish ^

been cx*| m bl Waync,

S nrbcg Ber- ighl-John —


B S p v \

I p hlats WHEELS - W lr I'l.AT.S,Thom pson' ■ D lite .Special' I

______________y i e Jof Ocl. 2H

■"^^1 S ■ ’- Mr;,;!;* n i............... w l iCl W '

sail’s III-* I1 prevent I ^a rk of 41)!) >lllll .Sum- ^

-ffl • Heavlo V iifiilrl * 2of hol-riKi A H R : lflr : l I L L 2

1“ :/; WHEELS - Wlwn— flrn rr -----------

The, Tire ThatI' Ihl' rnr ’

lowered liv will)

I Viidverllslng I Hir io ry ’Ci'i(<: - lU /T lu (>riirlU:i> I B | n i i M f - v r ' v ^

ruiiliod lo | V | V X 'O 'Iled him on l e V M s g l A ' B l l f ' / - n ' l tson smiled ) ) / r l

lie n delay I s fu run aiul ™ ■ i'.-j ia v r f . l .I)'h official ■ .' speed. 1 V w;oiiil-fa'slesl | emtcd only les,




ivi*N . LOCATjIONS:,


G et D ep en d ab le G O a t V2 th e Dough , reliab le O.K. T ra ilm a s te r W inter tre a d

) Passenger Car ^

i l t S ^ r r r ^ ^ ^ F R G M - ^ ^




Ih e _ B ig g e ^W H E


• H eavy Duty • Corr

A L L S I Z E S ! N E


e That Is Taking Ove

E - - - “TRUCK UANE* --------->NS: Floyd a n d Tom

” ' ' ' i


L f f i E c f l

•Kchong* .(oppobl* cailngt

Vinter t re a d re tre a d s

OM 4 ^ t A F E R S f ^ S !



s s t S e l e c t i o n


• Commercidi • True

I N E W & U S E S


ig Over-The Tire Indi


S T A R T R A C K ^

P o l y e s t e r F i b

White on oile side, rjed o Lowest price durini

Anniversary Sal

R SATISFACTION"-JUST ASK YOUPN E*..................QUUE U A K E B . . . . . . . - kc m K enny ond Butch



^ i o e i o f J ,-- ---------------r---------------- ------------d


•Truck ' S

U S E D ! ^


ire Industry . . .


CK^160^ r F i b e r g l a s

le, rjed on the other ce during our rsary Sale

r ASK YOUR NEIGHBOREB..-l.,;...-klM BH R LV.RO AD .-> - ulch Dick Kina '

Page 19: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF257/PDF/1968_10_18.pdf_ — J W e a th e r - Chilly VOL. 65 NO. 187__________ Murder G Filed

S to i2:30 P.M . SUMMARY

NEW YORK (A P) --A 7slec 'py stock m arket rallied -late this nfternoon on news (hat thc Unlt-

, cd States has offered a new , p n c k a ^ peace 'p roposal.'includ-

ing a- halt to thc bombing of I N orth Vfclnam.

Until mld-scsslon, the in a rk c t clung lo a sm all.gain in greatly reduccd. Jradjng from . Thurs-

• day’s "pcacc ra lly ." Then buy­ing interests was sparked by the news. - - : -

Gains outnurribered looses by about 200 . issues on Ihc New York Stock Exchange. T ile Dow. Jones industrial average ra n up about 5 points from a fractional gain earlier. •

AMK Corn, paced thc list on^ - a c l iv i iy ^ rm n g - i i - i rm iO r i_____ .

Among o ther very active is­sues, Seeburg, Montgomery W ard .and C hrysler rose about 2

— points—ciich—while M agnavox, G rea t W estern. F inancial and Ogden Corp. gained a point o r

— s o . ________ _____ ____________. Among the Jes.? active stocks,

— Alcoa and General E lectric rose about 2 eacb. IBM 8. United Air

------- L ia cs’f-A ir ic ric n n C nn a n dnational Telephona -about point* aprece.

G eneral M otors bolstered the averages with an advance of

- • . . about ]}/i. Ford added a frac ­tion.

Steels rem ained unaffected by the new peace move report, los­ing fractions. Aerospace defense issues w ere mixed, G eneral Dy­nam ics dropping more than a point while Boeing rose nearly a point. • .

Prices-w cre-Tnostly-higher-on the A m erican Stock Exchange.


NEW YORK <AP) • Ntw York Slock ZiChangt it)tcin Isle Brlcct:

(hdf.) Jtl|h t-oir l i l i Chn.At.boll L»b I 31 6T t6>, +Ui" " i S ! “ t ' s*

J j S i ,!! s p j ; ^ z HA^sCp j” :5t'. jhl* Jwli t u

U ? J9 «!', 33^ Z ti

__AllliChdl .5»__ IM »v . _

A,\lu\c'.SO II !p ! M i . j 'uAmi'radn 3 JT M « tSU HAmAlfllri ,J8 3U T i 5#M 31 . + HAmtldc.it I.M n in» f.;»i :t»i +lw1Am Can J.M 153 4314 5:' SIU +141/.Atnsufi I,<() :i 35 36n +AmCyan l.:s Ml 3!’i 3 I\ J:«; + HAmni’w I.j: 76 3? 3G»i 3C>i — iiAmllnka 1,3() 1$ SJi; S!‘i SH; —IV,

____A Home I.M Ijr l?‘i i1»i • S?*i — H-.j;5 :5»;-39— :3n-+ »;

AmMFJy ,50 J3S J5‘4 25iJ _ SAMct Cl 1.90 M7 <S’4 <l»i + ?iAm Molori {<4 M 13 H -

p + Ji

i i J i U I Iil 1 ■ ■ .is i!i ii'-‘ s;.'!: ii, AMI'Inc ,« 31 ,30 « . J«ji +1

Ampf* Corp'- 1J« im jt4i — <Anncond 1.59 - • IfS - »JW -»»i -.a:vi-+.». Ankcn Chrm <1 H* I'H — >AcliDnn I,f0 0 5C4 «'4 5«! — (

A>l>lilOll 1,30 14 4}» n u ‘O — I Aivinn 1.10 II f.Di,5 cpi-fAi. +i.i

. s ’s '!i: ’P i iA*rtt Tft 1.70 US -ll! 4(4 + A,j r ; ; ' , : ! ! iIlSl'E,'!' (5 "W s;s iS i;!; t ’;SiKi;;;'. ' s s; s.. ss,! i i,i E r ' i i s s ; a s s t . i s

8 a 8 » « { ’s 1:1 iiii l lil I i i i o i i

! t S % ‘l l ' S j S ’

.....I l-l. •• <1 ii« jn ! 11 - 1..!! i | i s i r ; i !i

i s i i a

! ii '! i f i : V '!i. _t«MlH;i,i. wl IJ 30 ‘ ..33!l .iio:*.. I 5i •

8 i ^CM h(l «Q 71 3:}l 11 J u j .......JwAiii’M rl' " l i V i iI.IO a 4!) i(.............. nr 3 1414 31 34 -

| ; | ? S i i ip i I | i i r | ioliim''".'‘ i:Io 31 "‘‘i Snj sll r \\

i i s a ' . ; ; ” j 3 i i ? i T ' » ” • '!i i i ' * » a a

' i s i S ’S i i l i i s i l i l . ;4'o..Nr.lfl r.10 H »1| 30*1 + ^

CiinlAIII. .>!> ]»3 IM :0|. I1<{ ) H■ l i s ' ? ; ,ii :i« : i " :i! i

IS ;- :m m Mli:;: ■! iii in i i S j i j

.,! i! ill ill I,I4« tl » 3) «

K f t i f i ' ! ! ! ! i l i i l l t l i r 'a V 'V . ,!1 ill !ii ! ! V „ K S " 'i . '„ " 'i! !l i ! i h ! ! ! T !

i : r .K 3 i,!! ,!! !i !1,■ Hikrl'w j.tO 3 3’H in 3:4 - S

' ' i i iSti i! ! « ■ - ! *

!! !•!! I!' l!)i v'ii


MARY MARKETS AT A GLANCE- A .slccpjr —NEW YORK (A P) - M arkets d la te th is a t 'a glancc: a t thc Unit- Slocks ^ H i e h c r in ta irly ac- red a new tive trading?>s'al.'includ- Cotlon—L o w er.' ' bombing of CHICAGO:

Wheui— frregutar; light Iradc. the m a rk e t Corn—Lower; liquidation. ~r 1 in g rea tly Oats—M ixed; light trade.- am . Thurs- Soybeans—Lower; liquidation.

Then buy- Butchers hogs — 25-50 lowcr; rked by the rece ip ts 5,000; top 19.75,

-. S Jau g h tcr-s ieers-.s tead y ;_ i-c - i looses by ce ip ts 5,000; top 30.50. in th cN ewe. Tile Dow. i;iccisp" i.b:i . j j ' j i i - « *•age ra n up ' I-' K’4

“ IH .'V i !S»the list on 5?'’ “ H * '\i

c n m r - ^ „ . ./ active is- + H/fontgomery Fanned inJ* JT J*H jIvI j !v -1*^■ose about 2 -so :o..«:n '4c», <t>'- + i|4M agnavox, ji-Mtofi ,o*. — Z il

anciflf a n d Ktrenn* i.sa cj is' i<‘i «i*; ija pain t o r t l S J . T !i lU Sl'ij S !;. t ii

i S r f i " s ; eS pS y t s s i s s i i .United A ir ‘^4»” i« “ J5U75:l4■5sv4

I'and >nf/>r. -Jl, » .

-abouL ’ a cac’' cp i' o *1 s is 1 '* iiv i ls tc re d th e ctmSHo*’ i;3o.. J i ’! j j j i j j l j - J id v a n c e of J-^nOynam I f« 4Ji4 AiVt ■‘Mi - ! A led a trac - g " % , ! S ‘ S iU i ? ; "* !

n.n Mini ,50 135 40V. J'.ij-ICH + iaffected by ! ; s s Y S « «report, los- g tc ie i t.« 3ci «1, 4jn <3!. + n

ace defenseicnera l Dy- c« i-ncific jb 37, r s jjx. u ] l _ iJ

i ' l ' irh ig h e r -o nExchange. toodyr 1,50 49 to'n 60'{ $6^ ■♦- U

‘‘ KraMCo 1,5# 155 4T>4 CjJ + Un O N S r.ranCSlt .60 191 ISH 3S«i :a _ (J

l l i i l i v l

rPi; Jltl

l0lldylnn..3J 41 :01 St-?1 Toil -fit!I S 5 « W * - S - 8 1 - f t r S P - M

.V,V‘ »0U‘-.1-P 1.13 50 4l’i <IH 4)j; * I.if « n v.'eo ” 1 l k 11- ^ : niiii : ) '} J i:S‘ 'ii

i i l i - I a ‘8 « i t 8* i s S v ii irn«crRanrf 2 113 H i' JCM Jji; -ffi, InlanU SU 3-- Tf-r i~JH(>■ i'** *J " i US « « ......jji ij;.' - i.io . f ! » ! ” S 1 ! .; : ' i i

t J,‘ I"! M r-r .1“ 1 1 Tlii ll!i 3\t/. + t!

I p i ' j ! ! ; ’' ] ? * ? ; ’' : ' : ;

Sjj I f *'s ;:sz”. s if is - iii;

n-iiiSi/’’ ii l i “ zi;ll4 531 _ 1 Kny.frUo ,60 H 3!(i J4 i 35 - '1

m l i s LfMKJrm .£!> 13 ;n 11 IMi - U

s i i i i": iiS*;!) i i ; ± lii: li;; iiii i iJ !;t : : } { i a i ! ‘' : ' . v =ii ! S i!.,11;: iii T i ; i s i . ,v ’!,„ iil !i ! iu : ’!! iili s l i i K S i ^ s ! i i S i i , i i S ; ; : : j i ‘?!i ! i ! : - : i l = i l £ f i i ,;i i i ’' iii! S l t i i

i ' l i illsm«VS’*0 T(',i Illi 73*! - I "

isi ir;l- : i 1; iis iiij iiii':!:S i iSiS v - ii S K - V , l ’S !!'■' S '’ i ; '- .v i .i

10 4r'4 -*■ MlimMM 1.41 lOJ IK.'? I04H If*'.; -<IS I'i'i, 40 . .. ,: Mimii'u I.IO I« i:il nw -jn , - •{Iiii f 1! !1. . l i M ; ” Ttl 3 l|4 ....... Mui.i.n l.tOI IM JJ', 8JH - S

i ; ' : ' | j £ i S . , ’f Ji is! k iiiltiiii a i i ' ' i i i t H L ' i ; . i i 'i i i t

iiiIS ii! 1 ! ; ; sst !iii a n s 111 t \ > k i''.'':i„ '* .5 . s isi iSi!' iii v rs ; iil i i r 'f i ; ; . . : ' i l i'S.iIll ! " VI" l l . ' S . i ' i ’'. i ! ) S'* i;i I 'i 'ilii !ii! K . . l ; v . ^ ' .ii li l a IJI - «

ill i’ii Ii!‘ p ' l ' i i i i i i i iM i ; i i! iii iii* iiiS i;.;'! « iii 1 Ifi iiii|5> NiiAmlUuiW 1 SJ 4t { <f f Ui?' r 'l^ a V V ^ o 4'; Sii

:l4.-UU____W«»lAl.l_JII----- «J, _ u !

11=111if!; ]f j |T 'p E 7 ;l-S 'iiii ir; r.l; | ; i r i | | l i f1^1 ’ t5{ - li u ” IM JS 4 I »«I4 i

iiih!. : .k i 'k -'k! ! ii i i ! h i |7 i i | ! s I t i ; ; r s , T ii i i* i , f i i | -n*; 31 . .. 1-i.Mi. i.r i,«o II 11 f n f Jl { _ « Ml 13ti — 4 I'aikrOiirft I Jrl HH ?U 3(l{ 4 I)

I’^ n n m ^ U r •BT'llijr-niy(i, r : r : r . T » ’ ” 559in i:< - S I'.niiciii, 14B • 71 ;«H4 i«ol{ ie4

i i?i! V [.t K t . - I ITiliMi'-l'liirt «4 e-({ tS«? v-ji i K . v i o * d lu JJI 1 1

t u s ■*■ u l-liilll'd )e» i l l )« II) ' loli -«■ jj

y's Market


D o w -J o n e s , 2 p .m ..OCK.S!GLANCE ;s- - M arkets i! ! i ! 5 : ! ; i ! ,in fairly ac- 'Pitt. SKcl 33 It'i Ifli -,y. 1

. ■ ■ P " p ? , ' S 5 =11 '!i»‘ 'is;tliiihC Iradc. SSL'l K Jf "s “ ’ “ !jt' t To- ~ i ii™"p'”! lil( lili Iiii '.?:t trade.- ruespu i.ss lo jjh 35i.{ 3Ji.i — /iquidation. j.m. « rn ^JMO lowcr; K S „ i . S j . ; ! S !;;■ z 5

steady;!™, S R | . ! | i |. . . i - ' J S r 1:1 iiii iii! iiii i i iJ? 33 - J, MM/.1I ,30b m 4J‘; 43!4 * 'i>!’’i IC'.4 ... , R-ynMci /O 137-3:H 3«VJ J H+l'ii431 44 ,♦ >4 RfynToli 3.30 KS 4;->i 40 41H * V4«SH etv; +1 RltftmM 1,40 153 •« 63 « ...« « ... .Bo»nStl ,6r« 3!» I6»; lOH 10'4 - S33?i 3G',4 + )i Rohr Cp .S» }J JS'i ««,<0_ 47 ♦! RoyCCoU .n 116 44 ,'4H4 44 -H»i

7nr»o(t + H ^«rsyi‘'“s» ‘l* !i'‘ ViiiI'J. I'h - fi S»ttw,y i.;o r.l 374 J7Ji 3:14 ...IIV, 3H', -1 SlJo«Ld 3.!9 46 50‘k 50 S»H - ?4 <5‘. <‘>i- + l'4 SlUtanF :.;0 31 S« !JH 35>i + 'J>i! 5!tj Tofl« •; -t- 5i S«nF»Int .30 Tt JOH 4:»4 <rJi —

ii'ii i i i t i i lK S f:i! i!“ - i1W4 M',4 -t- ‘4 Sco«P«p«r 1 i: 34« ' 141,4 J41/, -sbii.CsiL_2.;o_ 5 _s:>/4_5'ii^.iiiifl; 1.!! 1!

ii iU ’iis » s 8 f < r a s , « a « s t a i ’s iiits rr :,^ » '5 .,;--- is s ' i s ii'^jti Kt iH: :=115S”,.V;.“ S !!!{ S - 13'-!i «H -t- i SouO>lE4.40 110 JJ14 31 3JV4 + H«* ss4i + in southCo t.M M K?, :«<s . . .::!4' J:h... .souNOm 1.40 . ti 4» ’4! 4iv. + r,431* 43'i -t- *1 Sou r»c 1.60 133 <0 <01,4 <C<i — SJJ ',4 South By 3.80 41 61 ' <! «1 *\si>4 5J5i _ !> Spmto Ind 1« 35 34 IJ •«• HSJi S5J4 - H SprrryH .40* ’US 44?4 4Ui 4<', - H311', o:i, _ >, squartO .7fa JOI 33?i .J»k J:*k •*■ H

l i i P i l l M “ i l i l s n■«i>h 4H4 * H Sitrl Drue 1 4SS SO 4rii 50 -t- ( 33V4 uy. — !i Sttv«nij J.33 47 594 5!W .»!4 55*4 •*-l|i SludrWorUt 1 101 59 SHj 5!« — Htj<| Sunr°y-‘l‘-5a._._ 4T1-4-M 4^ 4T 4CH sui-yyW ,6^^ TO-JH—nJ JHrTrrf!

2* « S -f n Swltl Co .60 131 Jtn »W -t- Ui f i g - ! ; s ; s i ' " ii iiinsssiiTiS 8«J i s:h *i'.i TllETn MO J? 3C>i m jeii - KSfi'I 5«; + »t T«VL3‘'.4o'e « 34H J4vj 34Vi - vJM f.ii -f-i;; Tctron-.BO 135 U?. 43?t 4414 >II6>i iMi - *i Thiokoi ,40 3?s i8i{ i;n IJ -f y.•S-ii 70fi -t-lV. Tlmc'Mlr .50 6 4*H 4»‘} 4JV, - ti•:<‘i US'.i - U Trnns.m- !b VS t.H 71* T«>4....?' ... .Tran.llron 141 154 14V, IS'/, 4- ^<H4 41i; + >,i TrlConi-3.i:e 31 H'n 34 34Ji -t- V,36>4 + H TRW lnc I . 131 4« 4S 4S + ^35 35 + !i Twrn Ccnl 1 JJI 3C>4 15 38» 4-lHl5Ji -f ',4 UMC Ind .73 101 :« 35M 3fl + V.Sp S t t s s;'j;.rv:5 *8 ^ Sk-s*-*4H-, ■•B?, -*-314 UnOllCal 1,40 41 ST’V 67 67?4 +

l i s r i i S sis-isss'T-s-a-ss-^

i i i iii-i V H S I S ' ^ % ; ii,t j F r i !5r!?‘ TSi!!l.fiSV,5 =S S« !1’‘ ffiTiS

I l l i i f l - f l ^ lWn’unc 'liio M »l t 41 4|««”.’:KKEi 1;!". !!! !!>'' iili !! h"

47H + Vt WhlflCp I.IO I 63 61 ^ 1 ) «l»',4 IJO',i 41 Whl1« W 1 51 *W 4-H:iu 73»; -l',4 WlnnDlK 1.58 II 34 J3 J»{.......J.'l, 4fl *1 WooJwoflJi I , Ml 31fi. j: };W + 1}« 4Jl, + XfrnitCp l.«» 134 J1IW jeti Jf9»j - *li»5l 5«',4 - \S VnoiLSM 1.80 J37 4lll 4o’ 4l»{ 4- %IM' i i r li Aiioclaleil Ptcu llllir* 121' V'i’ AMr.niCAN stock EXCHANan fi ■; fi-i’ ~|i; Nr,w YORK <AP) - Amtrkin .liock US n*i •- ‘I Ki'cluinn •Irerlcrt nooo prictiiii!‘ :;i i I : • « . * . . . . . ' n ' l u f s s :

iii; 1 : 1 1 ! S £ ' s : i | i ' i i ( £ l

i l ! l : i ! s : s > : i !! ili iii i l r i i

iS i » i;!i ilfi j i | j - i i

i ’il i i i T i:; i : S i u '^ £ , » w |;ii

il. i;i ':i iSit.r..i. -f.' ' . ' r ’S '! 7'A I’Jj ... I'nl Unrrr. 37 13 1l*i 13 ...4* 47 I'''"""'! ‘Ill '0 Jlli r'i 51% + 44 I'roiilirr Air 11 13 KU ;4> + >4I p t ' 1 ii Jlpi’j J r t ' j j 'f 1 ;'! T 'I

• i i i i i - i i i s i s : v p i f i ^ ! !

I ' l l i i i i B ' - j i i r i i i f i i i i i liJit till MM-M"Vln“ d :[{ Jl ? l : I1>'* lii ;jl M-l»rK t>.(. 314 JI-1 m m .1 JJ'i IIW — (! Mnlyli. fti H 1J% 31v 33 —n\\ "(i ... Nrwl-nik Mn lo n«l I'V- H' “ ‘t

i ; ! | . i i l “ i i . i i l i P r l ill i',K '"K;Li' iili si! s f 'i!IJ'.V IJ*.... I'lipyrlgliicil liy 111# A,n.fl»t» PietMud

W i 7Ij .J 'J ----- ---------------------k i‘| rl; SuRar ; ■« : i> Ni:'w Yomc MP)-J:xHno»ijo« es' J i\ niiRur fiiUiriifi No. 10 cliwcil no nnlcn. Hnw Biignr upol

i 'II 11 ...: Wtirlil nllRnr Nn, S clnse.l 0 !i!i 51?- lilR'i'i' 2 lower, Snlej 3,IM 4;j.} 47H - contrncts,C’Ji. _U _Jan_i;2.10._Mar-.X4U2 .JulVl l «■( i 2,fi2r.’i3, Sep/.2.C1, Nnv 2,liH. Maril >, U2,H1. , ■4. 41 Vi S-Nomlni,1; R-A«kctl; Z-m.in im " SOVIKTS MOVE SIIIP.S,’i ...Vk-'H _If)TAfJBUL._-Ti(rhey. ,(AP) -” I ••• Another iinll of (Iiu .'iovlot niaek3tt 1 3iit T pnHBcd througU tlioe: I ?« f Turklsfj A(r/iiM cn m i le to flioi i?li 1 Mcaitorrniicaii Thiirf|<lny. ruln-11 jiJ - ioK tlMJ.number lo 13 In the pantj;i 7 H tiny*. '_____________ .

l i t ' ! Twill Falls

ket And Fi

• s ' , ■ ' , . '

I Financial1 , 2 p . m . Livestock..... 9tl.l»4-4.3B••••• OMAHA •

j i m t i ; " o m a h a - ( a p -)— ( u s d a ) - c<Cattle 1^200. feeders 500, calves d

»;« Jl . . . . . 25. not enough slaughter steers C 'f'.i and heifers on offer for a m ar-MH !S« strong to 25 cents aB8H H‘i - V, h igher; bulls steady ; utility and s is^ conim ercial cows 17.00; utility44U 4<il ...!? cows 17.25-.50; canner and cul- b

” ii cows 15.00-16.00 cu tte r nnd tl 464- z H Utility cows I6.25-.50; utJHty, 1, 33H ij ‘7 U com m ercial and good bulls 21.00- i* 4mI 47 I « 22.00; cu tte r and low utility bulls a

- i w - - +S W-50-21.00. ... ....... _ _ 5ilili 1 Ij “ “BS 10,000; barrow s ahd g ilts b JJS MH - S 25-50 lowcr; 1-3 195-240 Ib.s 17.75-

' •25.- so w s'w eak to 25 Jower; e 40^ 41H I II 1-3 29(M0o lbs 16.50-17,00. 163 fl' . .. --------- I1?? DENVER cW4 D E N V E R (A P-U SD A ) — 6

~s3u~M ‘ ’ + y ^ lau ah tp r rartln ?.‘i- no.calves n r t i7>s 1:14...:! feeders.- Sheep 25nTO gTTioncr t !JH sji; * Not enough sold to te s t prices. \

» f | j o ' i 7 * ' .CH IC A G O«ft 4V Zi<i C H I C A G O 'O T - ^ t J S D A T ^ ■JS . M J ^ _ s Hogs 5,000; butchers 25 to -« 0 \

- t l « low cr;_ lr2 ...so rtcd _ 2 0 5 -.?2 0 _ lb j1414 34'i'. - butchcrs 18.75-29.25; 2-3 190-230 1

>bs 18.25-18.75; 2-4 250-280 lbs v5o'‘ ?«'• I K n:2^17.75VW280;350"lb~5” ie.75; 1«<: 4?.: * i'i 17.25; ]-3 300-400 )b sows 16.5ft-

S -I'MKi;' 2-3 bM-bUil lbs lb.lK>-lii,bl). ~6- t i * ' s C attle 5,000; calves none;

35«; 35?i + ii s laugh ter stee rs steady; prim e:!i* 55, ' i ' t * 1.225-1,375 lb s l a u g h te r 's t e e r s -4‘vi « '? 4- >! yield g rade 3 and 4 30.0l>-30.50:« ,/ ^ m ixed high choice and p rim e •4?‘i 4 v: 1.100-1.350 lbs 28.50-30.00; choicc r4oi;4 «osi - s 1,100-1,325 lbs yield grade 2 to 4 p jiw ij +‘h 28.00-28.75; good 25.50-27,00 :lim . p411J 4< ', - I', fled supply mfxcd high choicg ,

^ and prime'SSO-l.OOO lb slaugh ter c 3TJ t H heifers 26.75-27:00; cholco 825-1.- "« S * ' i 000 Ibs yield g rade 2 to 4 25.75- r

\i 26.75; gqod 23.50-24.75'; com m er- , «•: 64 • -f >i cial cows 16.50-17.50; u tility n.'- '

' fSi‘ 7 ic 25-18.25. i4:71 50 t S h e e p ,100; wooled s laugh ter j58W J»!4 + lam bs steady: choice and prim e -lu -V* “ ^ 90-105 lb wooled slaughter lam bs -

iT 26.50-27.25; good and cholc« 25.- ,

«:i4 UK + ijj CATTLE FUTURES \ *;}) - T h e follow lnR -quo tatlons-arc i

»!« *"k provided by E . W .’ M cRobcrts ‘ 7 ? “ nti Co.. Twin F alls. .

i” v4 ieS'‘ t ii . High Low Close ‘jW. 34Vi-V. October ...S2S.00-527.00 527.92

1 D ecem b er . 26,82 26,62 .26.82 ‘ F eb ru ary . 2.-).90 25.72' 25.87 ;

S i)-* !? “ April .......... 25.60 25.47 25.60 ‘« ‘ riii Ju n e ■ ......-25 .52“ -25.42 25.5214V, IS'/, 4- \\ ■ --------------------- —

JJ « li : , l i M u t u a l F u n d s ,45 45'/, - ^ NcKm 'P r lc e s {« ’• 6?,4 l" v Bid AskedJi« im Af/jJiated Fund 9.75 10,54 ,

-e!; - s !r t - - !v C om m onw ealth . .- .-24 .04 -26 .26 1Mi JJh - H Com pel Cap ............ 10,50 11.91 j

, 11K iJW - Vy Dow Theory ............ 8.82 9.53 1"■• S E ato n and H oward . 18,14 19.70 (

" 3 : > I i 7 s - 4 'E n te rp r ls t r .......... ■. ; '. n ;39 -12 .44 1'l i '‘ F idelity T rend . . . . 32.15 34.94 11H4 3 . ‘ K eystone D-4 .......... 10.35 11.24 1e r «s - 4 K eystone K -l .......... 9.70 10.59 1

K eystone K-2 .......... 7.75 8.464M 4:54 t > Key.'jtono S-2 .......... 12,78 13.94 >

_5J« j4 + 17 Kev.<itono S-3 .......... 9,96 10.87 ■4 iii KcvstoiiD S-4 ■.V...-.'-7,3t)— 7.97 .

_Jf _ r ^ - l s PoJari,9 ........................ C.13 6,71W ^ ^ n / r i n s ' I n v e s t . . . . erri— JTSl '♦I 4 i« « ” .’: M anhattan ................ 11.11 12.13« u M ass Inv G row th . . 13,05 14.20 61I 1 t \ : M ass Inv T ru st . . . 17.6D J9.32 4 r ir« ,c +»{ National Grow th . . 12.13' 13.25 I ii N ational Stock . . . . 10.27 11.22 f

J6t jf9»l - *! Pu tnam Equities . . . 16.10 17.68 i■<# 4i« 4- M Technology ............ .' 10,71 11,67 S

oci.t.dp r...m i Valuo Lino lnc . . . 7.13 7.81 ExcnANan Vnfuo Lino Sp .9lt . 10.71 11.73 Am.rkin .liock ---------------- ----------- ''

‘ s j j P o t a t o e s , O n i o n s 1“ 1*/ + IDAHO FALLS JiU 3 / *■ '• IDAHO FALI-S, Idaho ( A P ) - •jj 6 ....; F-.SMNR for Ocl. 17—All sales I 2^ ; f ■■■;: f o b shipping point nnd deliver- ’

m l 3«4 vtl sale.s tihlpping point basis.— g Q tn tP c a _ ln _ ^D P CL. VaHov. -

I j ^ t i i i o - j li Twin Fnlls and Durley D ratricts: , u s i7|, -) V. offerings lim ited, dem and fulrly , 4«ii 4Dli ” cslaWIsh ,I6J4 M'4 V 'ii a m arket'. .IIS t ‘ I Onions In wcstnrn Idaho and ' «j? 7 44* M n»ic»r Cownty, Ore.. nflorinun

u ...... light, dem and m oderate, m arke tiJik* iii t il ol’fu t Hleady; 50 Ih, sackn No. 1 ' , n Jj'} - (i yollow .nwcel .spunlsb 3 in nnd ,

li !!! ? ' la rg e r 1.40-1.50; 2-3 in 1.10-1,30 ‘ 5•^ Ml V I4 m ostly 1.15-1.25; whites 3 In and ,

Jl.. ’ If Inrger 2,00-2.15: l»4-3 In nnd Inr- ‘- iS'ij 3U; ^ t'i ge r 2.00-2,25 m ostly 2.16-2,26. {

jji CHICAGO "BlJ os V 'ii CniQAOO (A P) -* (USDA) ^ iiiit m 7 li nrrlvnls 20; on Irtlck ,II Sli 4 ll <12; Itital U.S. ahlpincBt3''^2lB: ,

(1* n! t l* ' dem and Hght; 31/ 33! - markcit alm ut Htcady: cnrlot ‘II! snles: North D akota round 1 il! n l 7 l{ '■(•rfs 2.M-2,fl.1; WlicortsJn. round ^

- M- .6' ' t >1 reds 2.20; W isconsin'rusBcl Ilur- ,ji 'j 331 ------------ — -------- J

v'j «*i ~ }f FUTURES Ifi.t» pie.Muti followliifl quotations a re ,-------- provided by Z . W. M cnoborls ,,

and Co,. Twin Follri. ‘jLl I«*lno P 4 ]|itM t f»)-j5oino»IJo , y 'J 'i ' Clone ,

10 clinc.l Nnvem bor ..52.75 |2.72 52.73 Jw Micnr BO.I M arch . . . . . . 3.1S 3,10 3,11 ’w sugar (ipol ............ ^ ^

R rtnsed ' fl M ay ............ 3.08 lOfl ' 3.U1 ^S n lri 1 n « M»h® P o U lo e . fSalPf. 3 ,n a „ „ y ............ „

• 2 .4 U 2 ^ .J u l____I ' ' _____ ilnv2,(iH. M ar SPO T METALa t. . ^ n , . ; n e w YORK (A P )-S p o t non- fl

ikcti; Z-ni(l, ferrous m etal pricen Frltl^^y^ r copper 4J-42'/i cen ls ft pound, I

E RIIIP.S C onnecticut Valley; lead 13 cen l a *7 ^ i3 ‘/ i

.Soviet n laek cento a p b u n d r 'E f llfS tr LouU: " througli tho tin 51,'40 a pound. Now .York. route to flio nolfj |38,2A p e r troy ounce, New irfi<lny. raid- York; iillver $1,85 per troy nnnce i3 In the pant Now York; quicksilver 5539,00 E

nom inal po r fJaak, Now York, n ■■■"■ , — ................. ...... — ll

1 Falls Markets , },7,: r.zj: !‘z;zzz7. ^

. . . , U ; . . . j u j A* .....................•,H ^

............... l . , « i o , . t . . l , i

............... H « y y B9««' il

;ock GrainsA • . CHICAGO (A P ) - Thc m ajor n— (USDA) — com m odities shared a common ni rs 500, calves decline of 1 cen t a bushel on the u lughter stee rs Chicago B oard of T rad e loday. cl ! r for a m ar- T rad e w as fairly, active and 4( ng to 25 cents a ll segm ents w ere noted on both it ly; utility and sides. 0

17.00; utility Some e a r ly selling of soy- aner and cul- beans w as a ttr ibu ted to a rcpfcrt d DO cu tte r and tha t Red China had sold Jap an n 5-.50; utJHty, 125,000 tons of soybeans. Jap an c lod bulls 21.00- is a good b iiyer bf U.S. soybeans n IW utility bulls and th is p ricc w as reportedly ti

------ . 5<?.cen{s u n d e r c o m p arab lo _ as . g,rows and g ilts beans.5-240 lb.s 17.75- At thc close w heat w as % low* j

to 25 Jower; e r to J4 higher, D ecem ber n iO-17,00. 1.25»/4; corn w as >4 to % lower. -

D ecem ber 1.06%; oats w ere un- * ER changed to Yt higher, Decem ber rP-U S D A ) — 66 cents: rye w as Vi-lower to % j, ■;_na.calvefLftt higher._D ecem hor riT O gs noncr b c an s^e rc -V (rtd ^ l4 -lo w er;-N o - ^ ;o te s t p rices, vem ber 2.^1. . . i

iGO • ---------- CHICAGO-GRAIN____-— a-=r^USD'AT== ^F nC A -G O -T 7^P )= W hcarN 5-2 ° \c ts 25 to «0 yellow hard 1.31'^ n ; No 2 soft „ d_205-.220_.lb red_l.'24'/i_n._Corn_No 2 yellow ? 15; 2-3 190-230 1.02>A n. Oats No 2 extra h 'c a ^

calves none; GRAIN RANGE "steady; prim e CHICAGO ( A P ) - ' ,,u g h te r ' .<itccrs_________ pj-cy ‘1 4 30.00-30.50; High L qw Close 'c lose' J:c and p rim e •..'Bfheal . S0-30.00; choicc 1.253^ 1.24i/« 1.25y.-1.251/. ^^ Sradc 2 0 4 M ar 1.31U 1.30]/. 1.31% 1.3lG ^

'Vh" i c e S r - ‘ -’ “y * ! ; « J

!7 V °rn n ,m ’ f Icom m er- . ^ a r 1.11V».1,11^t11«-1,12-® f, ,50. u tility 17- 1.11^ U l i . n a f 1.12 V

lied d a u g h te r « 7 l . l k I ' . n l l l . S j ‘

S h " ? i’. ' S ‘ >»y. Vmd choice 25- a Z .66 .65 .66 ,6G j

M ar .6 6 ^ .66 ' .66% .6655 V

JTU RES S u S ^r M c R S 'r " — “7 tS 8 Tclll/.^ -;

" 'in w Dec I .iS 1.15 1.10 1.15%

■ S j s i ‘ i 'K ! • ! % j-i^vs '25.72 25.87 ' J lf .S ' - ' M ' 25.17 25.60 ®e>> ------ ------‘ H 'A •

“ Over the Counter ! If unds ,

Bid Asked i: i i ' » '* - • \— J H l Albertson'.^ . . . . 16.37J5 17.25 i

Equity O H ^ tt it .18i25-----19 ,25- 1. ..1 0 .9 0 11.91 F irs t SCO C o rp . M.OO 35.00 1V ,? *5 ,?'S? Flrat Sec Invc.it 6.6214 7.00d . 18.14 19.70 G arre tt F re ig h t 37.00 38.00 1~ rd0K rP ow orp fd -60 :0«— e iO O - !. - - 32.15 34.91 In te rm tn Ga.s . , 11.C214 -12,1214■ - >“.35 11,24 Lll, G em Silver 1,90 2 ,u K I■■- H 9 ' “ .s ; M orrison - Knud 26,50 27,00■-- .5-*° R ogers Bros . . ; 26,25 27,25 ■, . . 12,78 15,94 siW cr S ta r Qns ,59 .7H••--,-5.55 J ! ' ! 2 S ierra Llfo . . . . -3,50. 4,25; ; ; J J J J ’ l L ite 8,1214- 8,50- ■

;. n il K2i’ Butter and Eggs ]. . 17.6D 19.32 CHICAGO (A P) - Chicago . . 12.13 13.25 M ercantile Exchange —• Duttcr

. . . 10.27 11.22 steady ; wholenalc buying prlccs I. . I6.ID 17.68 unchanged: 93 score AA G7'X; c

,..'10,71 11,67 92 A 6 7 ^ ; 90 B 68a,i; 89 C COW. a

'! io.'7i i i ' . n ~ ~ '

W ilu am so ii ' H its P r e s e n t ;

Idaho ( A P ) - , , \

, t”n 7 d ''d c i im . C ^ o m m i s s i o n j

W illiamson. Democratic oandidat4>4<>r-Twln Fnlls rnunty. ,v

V [ u h ‘, com m issioner, sta led F r i d a y t“ ’" t he is in com plete agree- I:

.s to c&laWish f,,j running m ate.t,i„» « ..j Von N obeker, in pledging to the f

b ,e t l Z , ■’“ I’''’ 1="™'“ . carefu l cJrniV m f f S ^ouncy monev, and s

?L.. 1 L, car.i to lake th ree men to Scat- r 1 I. i n in w asteful. t

l i 1 I . n ': i Mr. W llllamaon went on to Roy f / ■! iV ^ '*® foelR the holding of a rv ‘5 pu»>|jc .of/Jco aJiould alwiiy.^ be Iy 2.18-2,26. V •■serious-iniflt," and Ihftl- n H

offico ho lder one should nlwuys 1 _ nrcrvA \ conduct h im self flj>d Iho nffnirs in . «« 4p««i, In a m anner .so tl

th a t few quc.4llons involving <1 Jmnnrf ‘" ‘cg rltv could bo ralscdo X - r f f i : unJoratnnd ." »ald Mr. I'

W llllnmnon. " th a t building the li ihn i^ in r n n Z county Judicial building wns n ^ u iK .i I n r ncco .«ary nnd legal, but wfion r

.ihO_cOHn!y_co_riimlflalnners nctcd n an th e ir nwn general conTriu^orflT

rpc m lnua bida, they should be Htipcr "Hinin'finn. cHUtlous lo nvol(j Ony critlci.im “ ^ M SnliflH S concern ing their actions or ron- -V M cnoborts , ,„ c . TI.0 question al«o ar<«ea ' iBiM* Commlnslon Chairman n

lS w CIo«b L oughm lller h iring his own \\M 77 « 71 b ro lh e r to provldo th e dirt fJH ''3 0 a n ^ o r tlw now Judicial building." ‘ i.3 30 3 30 iwen3 00 ' 3 fli done *■ cheaply aa poa;ilblo, hut

atoea ' ' *vor know, especial-

»«•■« '( S r ^ s 'S c r L ; ; ; ; ' . r " c o ? J S f

-------- r " i S “nWn7S?VaSfSfP.WP>—Spot non- and m oney. Regardless of the •Icea F ^lday^ posilb le w aste of monoy, tho n is ft pound, loss o f ronpect for government

lead 13 cen t should never be tolerated."irk! zmc W /i ------------------------ -- .m t s i r Louis; — — ^

'y Bridge Winners>er troy oimce I 'h " Tw in F alls unit Duplicate silver 5539,00 Dridgo cJub m et Tlnirnday cvo* Now York, ning n t tho nik« chib with seven

■ - tab les for m nslerpoliit piny.N orlh And soulh winners wore

l a M rs. L. R. Dunkei) and Mrs. A.I J . ' M eekn, first: Mrs. H. M,

■ —' P ro c to r a n d Mra. C. J . StrniiDim> — W8?o“atfc6rid;‘ W ri; M ,'V .' (SoK

'.{7 « • o . sum , fwrd,......................... E aa t and west whinora Incliule......................... M r, nnd Mra. John F . Miller,tfic B urley, Ural; Dr. antj Mrfl. H.

nu rg e ss . second, and M rs. W- j . King- and D. D. Mcehl. (hiril. .

ial Reportny f B u s in e ss , iiVIirror

» ^ By JO H N CUNNIFF[ U S A P Business Analyst

NEW YORK (A P) — Do you— Thc m ajor rem em ber how d a n le d ' thc

ed a common neighbors-w ere when you rolled I bushel on the up to th c house In your new T rad e loday. chrom e - shlnv automobile, its ly, active and 400 horses res tra in ed but ready, noted on both im In terior a s sum ptuous as an

old-fashioned parlor?!lllng of soy- w in t to rellvii that thrill? Tct tcd to a report d ay you do it w ith a tractor, '. ad sold Jap an perhaps one of th e 14 horsepow- i ybcans. Jap an c r Jobs w ith a ttached lawn U.S. soybeans m ower and snow thrower, elec- :

^as reportedly trie s ta rting , four speeds;, solid mp.arablo U.S. s(ate^radjo,_chrorne hubcaps . ...

. ^ , In suburtila. two ca rs fail lol •at w as low. j ^ y to have the im pact of Just ?r, D ecem ber ono b ic new c a r a few years % to % lower, ngo, jn jQgi 17 p^r cent of oals_w cre un- A m erican fam ilies owned two

her. Decem ber cars: now. lt.s 32 p e r cent, too' lower to % higj, fo r snobberyi

—Tho—U actoc—Instead—ls _ lh c / , en -N o- ifljng to rou3c~lIf<r5nvy~of-yonr

neighbors, to use up th a t leisure r-uATM constructively . and. inci-

MA-T den tttlly rto ge t tjie work done."W e-call it the m an toy," said

4 n . No 2 Mft a ,.;pokesman fo r InternationalH arvester, one-of-thC-biggesLof

J , . c the n early 50 com panies lhal3C ^ns25oJ_>^ m ake.la \ffl_crncto rs of one -size , o r another. "M any buyers don’t_ iL ----------------- nppd fh p n r <hpv PQutd gCC bvriKti-i? ' w ith som elhing s m ^ c r . ” •

. Studying the w arran ty tags' _ tha t com e back to Ihe factory.

r-i.;;- ‘he IH m an finds, the averageClosc close pu rchaser -Is a 512.000-a-year

1/ t 1RV 1 new owning i4 a c re or more. U 1 'iwo-homc/9 owners, pertiaps w ith a vacation« ; r « ; 9 home in the country: • • Yf ; ,n ? ? Another m arketing m an, from% 1.38% 1.3834 Deere & Co., c laim s his outfit • brought out Its blgge.^t lawn

i.ut>‘A 1.071^ trac to r a t 14 h.p. as something , fo r ipo tels-and instUutlons.."But1.1134 1.12 w e .c a n 't stop homeowners from

% buying (hem ,” he said.V* 1.18'4 Not th a t any m anufacturer

1.18>/ 1.18»4 would t r y to stop them . They couldn't. D em and goes up cach

. .66 .66 y ear, and som ething like 300,000 .66% .6655 m iglit 'b e so ld 'Tn 'iS ta r ta w n s

% .66% ,66*4 som eday>, m ight .be thc mosj mechanized real e.state In

— .64*/ .64'7jA A rnerica, aside from " federalhighways.

1.16 1.15?4 One m anufac tu re r estim ates % 1.183S 1.17% th a l n early th ree million riding IA I .W /2 1.18% m ow ers and y a rd trac tq rs now Y* 1-183^ cruise suburban lawns. Make— 1.19 1.19^ tha t figure .25 million If you

' —______ _ j;oiint thC-old m achines, the low

CounterSD •t. appnjximatc- Aiid ju st as On the highway, t iflitrdfujff biijj. there’.? a real horsepower battle ^ commu,loS; oul on the lawn For a while the

Bid Asked Industry seem ed to sta ll a t a top 36,37U 1725 range of 14 h^P. Then this month 18:25->— 19 25— onii_m anttIacfu.rcr^announced_a34.00 35.00 15 h.p. job.

6 62'/i 7 00 Will others now be content37.00 38.00 with th e ir 14 horses? Likely not, 60:00— 04 00— fo r-c a c h -y c a r , m arketing stud- 11.62V4 - 12.1214 Show, people trade up to big-1.90 2 .U U Ecr m odels:

26.50 27.00 --------------------------

3 vi Y o u llis S tir-

^d_Eggs I n B u ffa lojnge - Duttcr BUFFALO, H. Y;- (AP) -5 buying prlccs Rock anti bottle-throwing gangs 59*'®„^A G7'/^: of youths pelted police cars, ?4 :89C C 0 '/i. .smashed windows and looted ■ — several business ploce.s early to­

day fn th is c ity ’s predom inantlyiG rk ’s-i Nci^ro E nst Side,l O V X l Two m ultlple-alarm fires

broke o«t.C om m issioner Robert B.

Howard said ono fire on thc • „ E ast .Side, which caused S150.000

S l O l l dnm age, w as s tnrted by v an ­dals.

1. Dem ocratic Polico said a sccond fire, n-Fa llaXounty. .whlcli_cjiused , *125.000 dam age ttlcd F r i d a y to a. W est SItIFclur«117-wn>r-Bcr )mplcic agree- by hurg lors. . running m ate. Thc disturbances carricd over pledging to thc from Thursday , when hundreds ounty. carefu l of yoimg Negroes left their [y money, and sclinofs (0 partic ipate tn fl rally he uso of three cnilcd by com edian Dick flrcn.o- c men to Scat- ry o r to nltend the funcrni of a

tccn-a/jcd Nffgro who wna «hoI went on lo say fntnlly by nn unidentified moto-

} holding of a rh t a f te r ihlrd-narty prcsid^n- uld alway.i be lJ«l cnndjdnlo George C. Wal- " and Ihat' n Incn cnm paigned hero Oct. 4. should nlwuya The youth died Mondny,

and tho nffnirs G regory 1« a write-in prosl- n m anner .so dentlal cnndldntc of tho Free-

Ions Involving dom nnd Peace parly . , luld bo raised. Some people w ere reported In- :and," yald Mr. 'u rcd during the dfsturlmnces, t building tho hut nono seriously, nl building wns ’nllco mndo nl least 10 ar- gal, but wlien chnrg«s of mol/cloii.i Isalonurs nctcd m isrhlof, resisting a rrest, dlnor- FalcmirrliclorflT dprly-xnndnct ond-posMaBlon of ihould 1)0 super alfllon p roperty ._______________I any criticism _ U o A l . ADVERTISEMENTSrm fllln”flr<KM OIMMfbtiNDItD VIHIICt.K

I'Uho wlll loii m on Chairman nubiio mictlnn nt an .m ,. Ont, no m

Ing his own tlio Ktmn or r<tutm Tlliirlci lllfltmny ie lh e dirt iJH 'T " i ' r 7 ' ‘'i»V ,‘/nor“ lol building." ' liiipounded vahlcl*. 'y hnvo iwcn r>«Mrtment ofla poa;ilblo, but 'know, especial- cnmmii>i<m«r•e novor collcd ,J>V; »"■ »■ « . »II o r conduct — ~ r n l innniii laitin i^ ~ iT---- 1.,CQntlOfiDS« In v-f'm ,n.»nw-- „ -1- ^county nrrnTrs i J V n ■ u i r __ardless of tho T E R)f monoy, thonr government '-m -m m - r a j * m' WOODi^inners f o r V o u r H r ,p l i i c .

* r , W « “ NOW AVAILABLEihib wllh sevenpolitt play. C lean , B u tn i G raat.I winners wnr#m nnd Mra. A. Y ou p ick u p o r w e .

Mrs. H. M, ' \C, J . Sirniiglm Dallvor.a; M ,'V .' (SoK ----------7 ' , ------------------------ r-hird,

Reasonable Pricesind,”1nna^l!^r;!! P h o n e 733*3062D. D. M fchl. and 7 3 3 '‘3 g a i

S u c c e s s f iAnalyst

“ “ . E I n v e s t i n jIn your newjtomobile. hs B y R O G E R E . S P E ^cd but ready.iptuous as an Q — i have s ta rted a modest,! r? portfolio lo w ard T C tlrc tn en t'In !iat thrillTTO : 13 y ears . W hat advice do you 1 th a tractor, n a w on Je rv is ^;ortiT,'McDon-,l 14 horsepow. nell D ouglas. M cLean Indus-1:

tached lawn tries ,'O pen '-R oad Cam pers and,'< thrower, e lec -Z u rn Industries? ' k would alsol speed*;, solid like suggestions foiVfulurc pur-j:

5 hubcaps . . . . chases. — F. H. ' tI c a rs fail to^ A — Y o iT h 'a '^ a n interesting ; m pact of Just list which..5hould rem ain in tact.' a few y ears Careful followup Is a "m iist’’ pcr ccnt of since your holdings have a def-

> owned t w o ______________________________p e r cent, too' ^

D e m o S p e a lts -Ip th a t leisure / \ c

W i p r o g r e s s

’?„^Si™ i'!IniVitf^'alIsthC-biggesLof ___m panics tha l D a rre ll M anning, candidate •s of one -size for Congress, w as in Twin Falls ' buyers don’t F rlday fo r-g ro u n d b rcak in g cerc- could rec by

'^ r a n ty tags paigning in the Twin F alls a rea J the factory, and said , "T he City of Twin . the average Ftjlls and the-M agic Valiev can 512.000-a-year take a g rea t deal of pride in e re or m ore, the new Bonk of Idaho building, ire 'two-home "T h is Is' a fu rther indication ilh a vacation of th e progressive atlitude of ry: • the T w in falls area .".,ng m an, from "T h c new bank Is another for- ims his outfit w ard s tep In developing the blgge.'a lawn com m unity and the sta le . The as something new bank, the new w ater sys-

lUutlons.r"But tc ra ._ n e w __dQwntoiyn_dcvelop-ebwners from m ents and of m ajo r dimension said. the new collcge and civic audl-m nnufacturcr torium artd. o ther new s ta rls arc ) them . They sources of expanding community goes up cach p ride and faith Jn the fu ture Ig like 300,OM of our sta te ."

• iM S rU w n s = ^ r a n n j r o u d ; ‘'-M rrM a n n In g be the mosJ said, " to have worked as a s ta te

estate In legisla to r w llh .local farm ers to from federal help c rea te a n d " ^ s ? lcglslatlon

th a t enables communities to rer estim ates build and develop ’’ million riding “ i w as able In m y four term s tra c tq rs now in th e s la te legislature lo secure awns. Make the passage of m any bills tha t

1, tk used tod&y to develop■ S . r moi? ™ L Stale.!L M r, .M.anjilne .contjn-

h S n - “"*■ ^ ' l “ l pride 16 me ' Is >lie role I Played In securingj l j j l r passage of legislation ou-r a T h r i l i e com m unity colleges in

anlnunSid a F f Way is . the direct’’ result ^annqunced_a of_jeg,siaiion I sponsorcd.ln .lhe

L . 1963 session of tho legislatures-> L(kelv S “ “ ‘horlzing new branches of our

ct.iHl ‘0 enter and con-radc uS to £ to the-econom ic growth

up 10 uig and developm ent of Idaho com-______ m unlties, such ns Twin F alls. I

am pleased to be here lo sco C # - I ‘hQt legislation bear fruit In tho “ H r o f a. new; and expanded

banking facility for Magic Val- ------- Icyj-'-M r. M anning-concluded.- -

t U ' h a n t n e s I i l a[iredomlnandy I

“ s t o r e s l i k e 2ic r Robert B.

p o u r s l i e a5S “ t n , ' i S (andsavesUkecrazy)ir«:li7-wn!r-Bcr •:----------------------- --------- -— --------

1 carricd over hen hundreds 5s left theirate tn fl ra lly /,1 Dick flrcf-o-B funcrni of a [ 'vho wna »hot Icntlflcd moto- - [ 'irty presiden- | iorge C. Wal- fJhero Oct. 4. ........ ............. _ L '

■nday, 'vrite-ln prosi- j ^ M kof tho Free- n y . ,c reported In-

ar- ,

dlnor- -posMSBlon of

>iiD vKincc.K

»irtment of .]ropij)miiat

O D '’•p ip e*

f “ O i i r b e t t e r l i,


w J I . ■

^ g g ' F ridqy , O c to b e r 18. 1.963 T

c e s s f u l - - ,

e s t i n g :E R E . S P E A R

rted a modest rlftitc spoculallvc flavor, rc tlretnent Inj Zurn. m entioned h e rC 'S e v e ra l-

advice do you tim es, offers d ire c t p artlc ipa tioa . CorpT 'M cDoh-,in the growth pred icted fo r pol- • IcLcan Indus-1 lution control. Upon com pletion

Cam pers an d ,o f pending m ergers, Z u rn ’s sales ' h would also will bo In tha 5100 mllUon-dol- loi^fulurc pur- la r - a - y ea r c lass.

I Jerv is Co. jiro d u ces au to and an Interesting avionic com ponents and through” " rem ain Intact, acquisition of H arm on - Kardon Is "a "m ust” m anufactures hl-fi and electron'^'

g s have a def- ic equipm ent.---------------------- Open Road C am pers, a new

Issue In A u g u s t , h a s since 1 doubled in price. W ith 09 le tu p .

p e a l t s -

^ sue continues to have appeal.l ^ r C S S In line w ith Its group* McDon-

^ nell ‘DougTas turned In a ' d l ^ [’■ F £1 1 I c appointing m ark e t p erfo rm ance.‘ A rebound In earn ings coupledng.— candidate w itllJam M W e b ro k e ro w hm fo,. i In Twin Falls r 'PO rts should sp ark a fSSU r^- Jbreaking cenH Eqnce o M j v e s ^ . jn tc re s t.IV Bank of 7do- McLean, o p c ra lo r-o f-a -w o rld --

LLllLlJl i jjM |Wlrlp lrnllnri;hlp freigh t SCrvlCC.■win F alls a rea r?PO«cd a 26 per cen t n s e - in

City of Twin m onths earn ings and a slm-*-- iRlc Valiev can .al of pride in Interesting pu rchase a t th is , Idaho building. F a ra h Mfg. Co.. fabrlca-ther Indication exienslve Ime o f m en 's ,ve a tlitude of hoys’ pants, je p d r te d a 51 cn " per ccnt gain In nine m onths’Is 'another for- c^r^Jngs. P ro fit o f 52.50 a s h a re

ieveloning the estjm atcd for thc fiscal y e a r the sta te Thc n '" " t 'i-lew w ater sys- ^ “ Ten yea rs a g o I w as low n develon- shares of G eneral C asting £ " d i S S '^hlch-.I h a v e -se e n ^ ju o M -in - lh e - and civic audi- P ^P er only once. W hat does this new s ta r ls a rc *"e®n? -— A. W.

Ung com m unity ^ on this Issue a reJn the f u tu r e “ ’' “ ‘'“ hie from a b roker’s "p in k -

sheet’’ over - thc • counter Ilst- ’ M rrM an n ln g jn g s^ B e o a .u s e - t r a d ln g iI» .,o L irked a s a s ta te In terest only and the num - cal fa rm ers to ^^7 ou tstanding sh a re s Ifmlt- ^"s? Icglslatlo^n e d r - p r i c e s - a r e - n o t - g e n e r a l y _ ammunTtles to quoted in new spapers. I .would p •• sell these sh a re s — recen tlym y four te rm s ^ “ Oted a b o u t 6 -— b ecause of th e ature lo secure difficulty In obtaining up-to-date nany bills th a t c o f ^ r a t e news.>d&y to develon (R oger S pear’s 48-page Invest- .lannlng contin- »"ent Guide _ (re w n tly rev ised r pride 16 m e and In lts-lO th-prlnllng) .Js-avalW- /ed In securing “ hie to a ll re ad e rs of th is col- Icglslatlon au- ®end 51 w ith nam e a n d ad-

nity colleaes In to R oger E . Spear, T lm es- nity colleges in C entral

: building s ta rt- S tation, New Y ork, N. Y. 10017.) e d irect resu lt •v»vvwwwwv<«»vwifwwvwvvn(wwvw

I h o ^ f e S a t m H .W a e r a t o n , - F r .« i . r > , . ■ - branches of ou r R an g es, W a sh in g M ach ln v t

?o"Ko' rh U . . « F - r r , t „ . » .; of Idaho com- . B E S T S E L E C T IO N , s Twin Fnlls. I - B E S T P R IC E S

S H I CAMERA CENIEBfor Magic Val- ^0’ Shoihon. ii. 1. 793-493}Ig-concluded.— t . . riruvm rL V '-nrm nri-1.1.........nnr -

lofflBSaBIirl e s l i k e a f i ^ ?

s l i t e a f i ^ ?

e t t e r h a l f .

I W'Thgexc!utiveBt!>tlMn«Piomef ' “Avoids splllmg,

■ It*» two inches thorter, bo ik*t^ le M p handle, easier to stoftf.■ Th« price makes it^ven 'i'


T8, T.963 Tvtfin Falls lim o s-N sw a .i> -

Page 20: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF257/PDF/1968_10_18.pdf_ — J W e a th e r - Chilly VOL. 65 NO. 187__________ Murder G Filed

CONSTRUCTION STARTED this diet’s student priory on FaHs A vcn i of'S(nithern-Idaho.-W orkmen_are_I the foundation. Thc student ccntci

F r i d a y , . O c t o b e r

PROMISING P'RC 6:30 p.m.. 5: Wild Wild W est pr

champ Floyd Patterson in his acting Juggernaut.”

. 8:00 p.m., 7B; Star Trek: “ Is Ther< plot exam ines thc conccpts of beauty

— Jealously form s-the-eatalyst,------— r

5:30 2SL—News: Huntley and Brinkley2B—N ews .o.n,

________3 -N c w s ■ - • _

11—News A—Maverick

-------------7B-N C W S--------------------------------•— 6;0»2Sn—News

3—News5—News lo.flj2B -W ild Wild West 7 S b - U t ’s' Speak English 7B -T h a t Girl l l - N c w s

------en 5-7S b = M i^ roB crs--------:------------6:30 2SL>—Name of thc Game

7B—N am e-of the Game .g .,. - 8--N am c of thc Game

3—Comer Pyle11—Gomcr Pyle - •4 -F c lo n y Squad

____ 5~W ild Wiltl Wc.-;t ____ ^

■ J lo n ^ ^ lo V ie ^ '^ S o d b y c ^Charlie”

........3--N3nyie: ‘;GootlbyeCharlie” in.-in _ M o v ic : “Goodbye

• Charlie"4—Don Rickies 7 S l^ W h a i 's New

7;30 4-G u n s of Will Sonnett

" F u lB r ig lit ^ F a c e s T est n-.s In E le c t io n .. 12:0

LITTLE ROCK, Ark., (AP) —Sen. J. W. FulbriRht, Democrat- _ jc choirmnn of the Senate For- l-c^ eifin Rctnlions Committee, is riinHing one of the hardest raccs ^ of his career nRnlnst a Rcpuhll- I I «;im farnicr-biiHlnp.Hsman seek- «t. in s his first slalcwliie officc,

Thc campalf-n hns piishi’d br- w yo/id ArJ<;t)).sii.s’ liDrdors,, onlisl- „ inK coiilrihiitors for Imth skies

ncadqiiurtcrs for Chnrles T. ? Bernard, Ihc GOP canilidatc, ‘j has miilleil [Jimisumls nf lellors ' scurlni; I'lilbrlt’hi .1 forclKii ]>oll- 'r. i:y n'cojil in>t\ fur rojjlri- ,htiilon^. Uul noniard «li‘nlcs r<’- piuls (hm hc is ri'ct'lviiii’ thc uitl ' . <if larKo con!.i;rviillvQ orgunlza-

Jlornnrd’s It'Urr nnys lilicral {;i'iKi|)s arc “ ixiurlni; tlioiisanilii i,, "

flollJir*) llllll »!»' ii> «Hvel-iilhri|;lit," wlui 1» M-ckiiiK hiii I, liiiirth Siiiiiilc tcnn.

lltiyi j’lirvls, I'lilhrluht’s press hi:, iitiU', denies (hut, liiit says "ono pio ur iwn" iiatiojial (irniinUufii)ns vlsi prnt)ii|)|y have cni'iiurii(;cil lh<‘li' eni| i»rm)mrH Jo fi)i}iri\M v ii> iJip ij sciiaUir. llin

III iKlditliiii, Ictti-rs bi’iirliut ') tlic.-niiinc Ilf I’lH'l Aichlbalil thii

------M'lrlrtnh—iirrlni;—Clintrllmli*iit“ffir I'lilbrlKhl hnvo been luullcd Int; from WnshiiiKlnn,

'■iVlfli (Inrjic W{tlfHCR | |. Uli'hiii'd Nixim diimlnatini; tht! •

Arkiiiisiis prcshlcntlnl piciiirc, nnd wl(h his Uciiiiblii'nn (i])p<i- I v

• ,, lu'iU imwcrflilly liiu;kr<l by Ilm k full finiincliil rcsmirrcti of thn ^ l luhl whin iicroNH ' Ihl) nntion, ,i.,, Srn. l-inhrhOn iwiuh, »,,hslii«lhil „!'• hupiMirl," tho letter mivii. „),i

I'lilbrliihl won n'niiinliiiilli)U in llui .Inly 30 priiimry, riicolv- biR 111 per ('(iiit of the viilo. 'I'hls wns a luiicb clo.'icr niiii'cln lhait m.

........ {Ilf!‘1irhp«>r cent ho-liuii.prcdicL-III,

— — —— — l,Pi

City Ponders i,„' Development ilJ

I'OCATKI.t.O (A P) — Clly ithMiiDiiHi r 7i'i\ Wiilcjmky Wcilni's- t 'nday lirk-rnl Pliinnlii{{ • /(iiiliut '’klIliiiird nicnilicrH oil a jiro|M)saI ti> (iodflhljin n master plan for do- crm vehipnirni for thc ontlro coun- loty nml «>nch of itn cities, 1

.SiKiiiHorlnK the plunnlnft, Wal- nci...__ cnaliy atijd, woijlil Im tho iimi- nil

niii'I< I)iivc|tij>Vncnl CuiuicH — iiti bmor{|iin Irn tlon Including IlnniKick tluCiiimty, tho clly of PiM ntello, aninnd tho cities of Arlino, Downey, ' l4»v« Hut SprhiK" «i‘d McCiiin- ^

Cost of tlie' plan, lo' 1m) clc- III; vi'lnpcd ov«?r a'tw o yeur pcrkifl, /uti Witlennky nnld. would |>o about dei J121.1HM). ,, lov


2 0 ■ Tw in FalVrf T im es-N ew s Fri

RTED (his week on the new St. Bene- • llbr FaJJs Avenue across Irom th e College and km en_are_layinp the^orm s here for the ident center and priory w U r h a v e -a — lt-<

Television ilO c t o b e r 1 8 , 1 9 6 8

USING P'ROGRAMS . . .Id W est prestfnls former heavyweight I his acting debut in "The Night of thc

[; "Is Thsre in Truth No Boauty?" The s of beauty and ugliness, love and hate. ' lyst.----------r -------------6llU

■ 5-G om er Pyle 7:00 7SL—French Chef

, -8:00 2SU-M ovie: “ The Far ‘J I __________ Ho r iz q n s " ____________________--------- — - -i—judd---------------------------------- -

5—Movie: "Goodbye Charlie”

. T SI^^ETTestJval7B—Star Trek 7;308—Thc Outsider

'9:00 2B—My Three Sons 3-rWild Wild West

inglish 4_D eaih Valley Days 7SL—NET Playhouse 7B—Bewitched

. ' „ '8—Rowan and“MarlinIJ-G unsm oko-

'“me ’9:30 2B -P h y llis Diller ^ 4—Olympic Games

7B—Olympic Games 10:00 2SL—News

3—News,____ _____ 1_5=NC1V5____ ____ _ __Vc ' •' 7B -> Icws

8 -N ew s -4 -P erry Maj^on .

11—N e w s ...........I0:30 2SL—Johnny.Carson

7B—Johnny Carson 8—Johnny Carson 2B—News

■ 3—Movie: "Tlie R aces’* r,-Lanccr

....................... ll-rMDvic:_L'0. Henry’s . .._______________ liulL H oiIScl^ J ____ ____________

11:00 2B—Movie: "Once Upon 'S:3( ’ A Honeymoon"

^^NOWSr-Allnn-MolI--------- :-------11:30 4—Joey BIsIiop

' .'i—Movie; "Dial M For Murder”

12:00 2SI-—Movie: "Sciiddn —Hool .Scudda — Hayl"

, ^ ’ral- „ --------------

JJeermakerst races ^

'°S";led be- On H ealthi*^sl!lcs’ n o iS E (AP) — Rcpresenta-

___ lives of Idaho’s heer industry

health departnieni. could'enforcc - T lo r .: proposed reKulniU.n on clean- . . Vw.ll bei-r ^•(nilpnicnt,

'I'lic propi)^<rtl rule would re- - I r,. ‘I'lfro beer lines, lioi.cs « ikI taps

““ and fhislu'd I'lcan with ninnlni; wnter nli<-r cnch kcji has hi'cn

, (Irnwn. -I'lu; cleanlnn niter <‘ueh '““’n il ij,.,, woultl hiivc to 1,,‘ .lunc with-

iiiiianilii |„ 111, ,|,i,nui.;i (if fill Indicutiun li>«ave , ,in|5 hi.. I ,.,, .sriiii, Hoi^e,-public lienr-

hiK Ilf (he llnnrd of lli-alth that >1:3 s prc?is his oijinnl/.atlon bniiKed the (i.s "tnui piop<i:.ed rule exi'i’pl for ttu- pri>- Inifiiins vision nn fluhblnji linns u f l e r ;d th<‘lr cmptylni; nl cnch hcj!,

li> IhP Ut) r/MiU'ixJi'/l 11 iJuilhir ri'/tiiln- Ilon in Orci'on l:i unenlurci-alilc.

benrltm The nriipo:,cil rule will i;o In •clilbnlil the lioii'ril (or apiAovnl nr re- llHilioitK ioy llon -iil-U u Nov. .

mulled Inj!. '_________ __ jj.,

iJ,, li;;,' .fudge Declines KuUns Oh Hair

'’V ll'” NASlIVII.l.K, Tenn. (A P) - A federni Judjtc tetiised Thur>- ^\»y to inject himsidf Inlo nij;o- Ii'

wjaiiiiai luniiH over (lie (<Hii;lh of a skirt or n boy'it hnlr.

nlnatlon ^ l)h(rict Joilj;o I'lnnU 1;: Ornv Jr.. dfcllned lo tinliT ihn

llo. Ih ls reiuhnlKi.lon of two Doneldon 2i' iln lhan m,,], ,school hl»idi-n(s wht» were 2 i .prcdicL- «iiK,M,ndcd_hCCHU:,c 0"’y rl' ll^ell 2 s

In Vlll llielr hiiJr aiiil slmvu IDoIr ■ liparils.

Whiui nn iilloi'ney for tlii' 3: bny!i, Unrry Ilnnieii an<( Mh'lmel .lackiion, both 10, l>roii|itit op (he nrKuniont nbnnt thu leniith of Si

— Clly Jtlrls' sklriN, tirnv said: "IhlH Wcdncs- court cnn’l mil liow hl)ih the

ZonInK skirt Hhould be, Th«(—(hunk \ )|M)snI to (iod—In iiomcthliiK Ilm. federal I for do- cmirln huvo not yet heen nulled I

ro coun- lo determine." I ■•s, Dnrnes nnd Jncknoli N|tld Ihey I Ilift, Wa)- ni'cded Iwnrils nnd lonit hair to I | ho ilan- ninke It ns miiNlcluns in a rock I f. ,.li :_ i in biuitt, nm crfinnl nffU-|n;fi-tn(tf l-fc llaiinock them l<i dccidu lietwevif Mdiool I I* ocntollo, and n Job. IDowney, ' -------—---------------- IMcCnm- LIOMTNING K1I.I.S NINK I

JAI.APA, Mi-xko (A P) — A I - ' 1k) clc- IliOilnlnii l)o1( killed nine fnrm -I I■ pcfkffl, Jutfids wJio li«d aiv<u' »»»- I I>0 about der n tree diirinii n htiirin In the I *

lown of Nopninpni) ThuT.Klny.

N e w s F ridoy , O c to b e r .1S •.^968

Bene- . lib ra ry , lounge, discussion and c allege and p riva te consultation scrvlce. Ul c fo r the con tracto r and the completion tv e - a — ^It-w as lca rn ed .]a st_ sp rin g a priory

n ScheduTe,S a t u r d a y , O c t o b e r

“ PROMISING PRO-weicht 12:15 p .m ., '4. 7B. 7. 11: College foo 7.f m eet W yom ing's Cowboys a t U ra m it

11:00 a .m . lo noon; 4:30 to 5:.10 p.i ?" T he Coverage of thc O lym pics a t Mcxico. d ha te . . -

— ' Wallgfen •6:30 7B—A gricu lture U^S.A. _7:00 2 S L -S u p e r 6 ‘ ' '

73—Super G F a r ■ II—S uper 6

2B—C asper 4:0D----------- - ‘l= C asp c f—•—-----------------^ —

e , . 8—Casper3—Go-Go G ophers

' S i^ a r to o n s7:30 2S U -T 0P C at

7B—Top C at 11—Top Cat 2B—W acky R aces

lys 3—W acky R accsle 5 -W a c k y R aces

4—G ulliver - • q-nr lin 8—G ulliver ’ V —

8:00 2S[«—Flintstoncs .7B—Flinustoncs t .a r11—Flin tstoncs

® • 2B—Archie.1—A rchie ~-5—A rchie • •

—-7~^- — , 4—Spiderinan------------- •8—Spidcrjuan

• 8:30 2 S L -B an an a Splits ' ' 7B—Banana S p lits - , -[ 8 -B a n a n a Splits * "

11—B anana Splits2B—B atm an-Superm an . . . .3—Batm an-Supcrnuin 5—D alnian-Superm nn

. 4—F an ta stic ' Voyage ' , iry ’s “1—Journey to the C enler

'of the E a r ^ i ..... X ,Upon "StSO ^SL-^UndcrcloR r

2B—llercu lo ids 7:01II--------- :---------3=:iIcrculolds

H erculoiSs : ------F o r 4—F an ta sllc F our 7 :3i

H—F an tastic F our . J .:ln'— 7B-^UnderdoR’I " l l —Unjicrdog

10:00 2 S I^ B ird m a n 7B—B irdm an

S S—Blrdm nn11—B irdm an2D - Shnzzain , 8:0',1—Shiiv./nm Tl-.Sha/A(im4—Gcnri’c of the Junj;lo

10:30 2SI.—Super Prcsk len t

Sii;;S i o _____ 3 -Jo h n iw 'q u e s t ________

cirnn-r- - .')—Joliiuiy Q ucsl ~ RtS, - S.m. • l-A in crta iii ................, '711 -A inerlcnn nnnthtnndLil,I rc . ■ H—l-'aiitnstk; Voyage 0:0Z c, t... 11:00 2S I.-M o v ic: "M « niul Pii

. J l ’kc r vuch r.-M nhy DickI... w llh. 11—Olympic (liinuiii

s;s,„i ,],« 3—1.0110 Rnnj’iT

,. ‘ r . -Ui ni ) Knniier 10:11‘ f P'.' r U - t .o n e U angcr

Noon 211- H eatles-riM'iiln- • • l l-n u i! s Ilm in V '-f . _ IO:?r r - a e 4-N C A A I're-Cfnm-- Sluiw.I 7B -N (.:A A l‘re-(inincShiiw

I : H-NC-AA P vc.dnm e Show'm ..m'i.I 11—NCAA l’n^<innie Show 5 ^»- IIIU'I- ..................... _A„.o.Juuix_____ .

I2il5 4—l-oollinll: KedHklns va. CiiwlKiytf

p c 7H—ftectfildni vs.H-He<lNklna vn. Cowboys

•I 1 1* 11—Itcdskliis VH, CowboysI2i30 •JS l^U igh School I'ooibnll ,

_ 2B—CIcoiRo of tbc Jungle I 'I'hurs- .'■(-Dcpiiiy1(0 nruu- IiOO 211—K iblher Hur./. f a Khl'ft .1—Airifrh-(in Hiuiflfilflml '

, 'i-H lp Vnn Wliiklo iI 'rnnk 1;30 2 n -M ovk)

rdiT (he :i—TIJA. ....................Diineldon 2i00 1—Sujn'r 11 ho w ere 2i3r» r>—Pnul lln rvcy ’ rcluM'il 2:30 r>-lnqnlrlHK l ‘diiorivij Iholr .......-,')—.s»r»r i^im idont

• T i-N l-I. This Week • for the 3:00 2K I^C nr nnd Trnck

' M ichael 3 -I.ln im Ilit lip (he f i -N I 'l . fJa inc nf Iho Week i-niith of 3 , IB 4—Wfii ld of .S|«iiIh I: "IhiN 7H—World of SiHirlHhigh t h e ......................• -----------------i(—(hunk fc _

federal I C P P A A F

I j Ccir

ni the I 73a.a#»ir.idny. ^



BUR■ ; were

Rincbt:■ . . . . .for tl'

••• serviniTwin !

' Topi buld il

' quality

and p< ’ Mr.

*'y ofpcettv.


Ceni t

tween of'tu i

I, rclatciisslon and classroom space, chapel m service. Ullman Construction Co. is . e completion Is set for early spring.

rlng a priory was to be built..______ __ size ai to ta l-

' u l e s r ~haulin

/ , O c t o b e r 1 9 . 1 9 6 8 -‘-lorap MISING PROGRAMS’*I: College football: the Redskins of Ulah ys at U ram ie.:30 to 5:.10 p.m., 10;30 lo 11:00 p.m.; 11: cs at Mcxico. City continues.

and c-------------- :-8—W orld-of-Sporls — .— M lil£

„ . 11-W orld of Sports “ Ki r 3:30 2SL -C ollegc Bowl

3—George of tbe Jungle 5 -H a w a ii Calls

4:00 2S^—IIucklelHirry Finn ' or if'---------- ^ - 28—Danrcl -Boonc------------ kjil.' /

3—Dating Game skins5—Twilight Zone- ••aj

. -4':30“2SL -H igh ChLnrairal------- Tlgnli3—URliest. Girl in Town clods4—Olympic Games ' cnoug 7 B -^ lym p ic Games digge 8—Olympic Games bers .5—News: Roger Mudd "Ac 11—Olympic Games. il is c

•______ _ 5 i0 0 .2 B = N e \y s ’, . ____ .3—News '5—Ncws

5:30 2S L -S tar Trek P.8 -S la r Trek /.r ,2B—News ■■ veyor3—J a c k ie Gleason

_____ •l-D atliig ,_G am c ,- -7 B -D a iln E -ca m c ’

r>—Daktari '-Ki! I l-D a k ta r i p^ssil

' - - 6:00 2B—.lorry Lewis. boom4—Newlywed Gaj.ne truck 7B—Newlywed Game from

6:30 2Sl^Adam -12 “ P;3 -D a k ia r i beri?,.

on " liL a w r c n c e W elk— - paddi‘5, . ■ 7B—Lawrencc Welk pers.Cenler R-Lnwrence Welk projc

_____ 11—Lawrencc Welk anda\i ' .■ S^M y'Tiirce Sons' nr br

7:00 2SL—Gel Smart “ Bi' 2B—Blondie so a?

-------------S—Ho/'tui^s-lfcrocs^__ of dr7:30 2SI.—CJhnst and Mrs, Muir TolUn

•. - . R—Ghost nnd Mrs. Muir to Ih11—Ohost and Mrs, Muir *'B'2U—P ellicoal Jiinctlon steps3—Petticoat Junction face .')—Pellicoal Junction **T 7B—noJJywood Pnlnco vke4—Hollywood Palace "D

8:00 2.SI^M ovlc: ‘T he pulpHallelujah 'I'rail" or I'

_ fi—Movie: "’I'he lla||clu]ah wnnkJungle Trail" groe^ilenl . 2 B—Molhers-in-l.aw "II;m , ':i—Mnnnlx oii'-sI • 11—Njjinnix • ber '

.^-Cnriil llurnrll will------------ - ■Bt30“2U=<lunspioltr'^--------------- b**r—idstand 4—Olvmptc (lunies inslcnndstnnd 7 H -0 lvm p ic (iam es will :ige 0:00 ;i—Mv ■|'hri!C Sun'., niul Pii 4 -N ew s; Keith Ashdin 10:!in

r.-JaclUc (ilcasimTH-M ovic; “ The 11:00 Hallelujah Trnll"II—.lai'kle (lli'usnn

ui» ;i—lliii’un's MeriH'ses n;lt:i .l-C n llrgc Tnlunl 11:211 IS n:no 2fl—Jnckle {lleasnnc.1 ^--Iliii'ijn's Heroc'i II;.1(i

fl:3ri 'l-M ovie "Thc Nulty • • •■PrufcsMii” il:3;i

10:00 ;i—News ,'i-News

, II—Newi , >2:01f..' 10:30 ’.!H-N<'w:im<- SImvv. .■{—TMA 12; JIiinic Sliiivv Mniinlxme Show I l-O lv in p ic Cumi'stnie Show w<rjyr^vvv<r/<fi/\rr<ivvww^^^jHnii_____ __ ___ ___ _ __,1.1,„ v , C O Z Y WARMc’<iwf/<»y.s W i n t e r , S p r i n g ;

‘imSp WITH ELECTRII I'lioibnll 1, ^ ,


' bB Im

Mn g J U H M C J


(ho i

You.sliTiply' mount llio tw o units

E p io ion t (ijiruicu, iJiIno yoi-'f atcilu, (iltort ciikI duel nytloni <( o f c( linw liiincico.

OUIE j 100% EFFICIENT-cot.IMAM Coll or drop in

Electrical Equlf, _ "Your pciilnors In pronrc^':

P T ^ 3 6 4 2nd Ava, E. Twin FblliIA j|,o. ■ j Homo dom nnilrallon*— FREE InM Jf, W. FREE e t l lm a lo i .3.3091 CONVERSION INSTALLED I

■ ' ' Ge:Gene Rineboltl, A Offers Pointers F(

BURLEY — “ Potato Pointers” handle were recently given by Gene only 3 Rincbold, area potato specialist “ Doi for the UniverJi'ity of Idaho, half ol serving Cassia. Minidoka and and c

rJI . Twin l-'alls counties. _ ihc tu.. Topics' outlined by Mr. Rine- lieVc :

bold includc inainiaining''potaio ready quality, prr-harvcst crop and seakor s o i l conditioning, harvesting. I cold a storage, storage managementjcd up and potato vine malady. niord

’ Mr. Rinebold said. "Thb qual- sary ity of the 19C8 potato crop ir- PiJt th pretty-wclLdcierm ined._now as ter co far as production praclicps. arc "Soi

H Q gB conccrned. Thc number of bot- even.tienccks, pointed ends, and other stored

H | H ' malformations were influenced a;',c fi mainly by carjy a'nd mkl-season puinaf irrigation practices. Tht! pcr "v/c

H | H | | 6eni nf knobbies is mostly re- saiisf; ■ l » | l latcd to poor suirid. light tuber p,-(ivjti

f e w ta tween lop growth and number K S S o f ' tubers, per individual plant.

The size of- the lubcjrs is also (rom related to tuber sel. and al;-o to cellar

chancl SP“‘ '."R- feriiliiy, 1 c n g t h of ] Vft growing season and a host of „,ach cnr in™ ' factots. ' n^e rspring. -R egardless iif the number, nlR^______ __ size and shape of tubers or ihc potato------------- in ta l-v icld—and ner cent No. ;________ one’s in the field, the number of------------- sacks..of_number one'.s tor sale

now depends on how wcll'nhe- -[uijen crop is handled during harvest, ..yQ hauling, storing, rem oval'from ■norage and handling through thc warehQUse. gizQ ’ ,

c or Ulah "AssuminR machinery ' a n d . equipment arc repaired, adjusted

o m ■ 11- «"'* " “"J' sood' ’ portant step .in. ma.ititainmg po- .-------------- pato quality is good deep soil

and crop conditioning prior toIS. , ______ harvest.___________ - _ piataru ' "Kill vines - lO ^ ays lo IW6‘ I weeks prior lo harvest. (This

should already be done). It Jungle (jjjjgs longer if soil- moisture is

. high, if temperaturer. arc coid / Finn or if you get only a.partial vine ° ® „c------------ kill.' Altovv-enough-tlmc for- thc n

skins If) set. /" ““i"Apply a light condilioning ir-

irr'al------- T igalioh-ir-neceSSary-tn-snficnn Town clods arid have HTc soil moist erat i os ■ enough to carry well up on the e -- mes digger chain to cushion the lu- ‘‘“ ‘f'- es bers and' reducc bruising.Mudd "Adjust digger chain speed so

nes il is only slightly, faster lhan tbe " 'forward speed. I suspect there are som e--w ho—should—reduce Iheir field speeds if bruising is r to" be kept w iihin tolerable lim*

"Run all other chains and con- vcyors full'and, as slow as pos- quaii

'f' sible to prevent bouncing. Use '• _ ( carrier links, or otherwise'prc-c' " 'veni r'oU'back".'■ .............. - - bruis

"Keep all drops ar. short ns whicI possible especially from . the boom to tlic . truck, from the M

jjie truck Into the pller hopper, and unusiJame from the piler to the pile. ^nes

“ Pad and protect. Use rub- the r bcri7,cd chain, rubber rollers, jnala

lk — - padded hulk beds, padded hop- »nIor /elk pers. Prolect spuds from sharp of thlk projects cxpn.scd chain link ends interelk ahd anything else that can gouBts ‘leatlis' nr bruise: ----------

"Build thc load In the truck paihi so ns lo have the least amount more

cs __ of drop and the len. t amounf of crnblMrs, Muir 7o1]rn7pfrnm-the-top-nr_the_piic. ing t rs. Muir to (he bottom of (he bed. cansiIrs, Muir “ Build the cellnr pile in r.lair ease mftlon steps to reducc rolling down the invol ction face of Ihe pile. Drction “Train your crows nnd super- ing f.’alnco vJ.se ihein constantly. suitsliace “ Don’t dig unless thc potato "The pulp tonipcraiure is 45 degrees Ihe I

or hlgber, .''.O or rifi degrees .livid lla||clu]nh would be better bul over (jri de- leave

groes Is loo wnriiv. ntfoc,aw "llnril nnd serious bruises, Ihe Icavi

0111‘s Hint mnke culls or num- noi ( ber two’s oui of number one';. ” [i

I will incrcasc .HI per cent if tu- nitro--------------- l),.i--iom pcraluni_ls_JU_dcgu;ci jilfetlies instead of 45 degrees and (hey iiieiu imcs will Increase KKI piT cent If you ri'lal ir> ..................................... ey vv

Ashdm 10:50 2R -M ovie: "I'll Never ly.;m • I'orget You" . "tie H:llO 2.SI.—News . levd

K -llollvwoo(l Pnlace ihu-t'MUI II—Movie: "Dr. Sirangn- lemiH's love"II 11:211 lISI.— Movie: "Kev lo ibii ,------,s(in City" . .nc. II;,1(i .'i—M ov(ev-"Thf .S'anNuity • • •■ Kises" • - ......................

il:35 4 -N ew s; Ketllj Mellce nifiU 4 -M ovie: "llli.ck

. Sahliiitb", >2:00 711-News

H—News 12:IS 71 1 -M w lr: “Thr

TarnlMluM Angrls'' nil's . H-Movier "The Ilnd Seed"

WARM COMFORT j =i t o r . S p r i n g n n d F iil l


nt llio tw o units shpw n o iiovb on your uilncj yoi-'f oKlstlng blow or, llionio- duel nytluni <(t ci f ioc llon o l tlio coi>t


cal Equipment Co. jnor& In pronro^s thru oloclricily" IE, w_,Twln Foil* — Phono 7 3 3 -5535nlloiK— FREE Imal lo t* ca k u lo tlo m -r - ^


bold, Area Potato Spe liters F or Top QualityPointers” handle thc spuds when they arc volve by Gene only 35 degrees. • ‘ trailsspecialist “ Docs it make sense to rcduce duccc if Idaho, half of ihe crop lo number two's symp loka and and culTs by harvesting when 0>

the tubers arc too cold? I be- nana Rine- lieVc ii would be betier to get >ng *

ng-'potaio ready earlier, -dig earlier in thc ihc i :rop and seakon, stay out of the field on other irvesting. I cold mornings until ii has warm- frequ nagcmentjcd up; and even take a few suggt y. niord days to harvest, if ncccs- nariaThb qual- sary to maintain quality, and scatli 1 crop i'-. piJt the crop into storage in bet- lhc.se l._now as ter condition. • vadenicfs. arc "Sound lubcrs store bc.sl. but ; ■r of bot- even bruised potaloes can be p> and olhcr stored fairlv well with good stor- “e P> nflue'nced a;;c facilities and^ood storage vid-season nianagement. - “ ''e 'Tht! per "v/ound healing occurs quite lostly re- satisfactorily at 45 lo 50 degrees ght mber pi-(ivjticcl- (he relnlivc humidity

1 number ^igh a relalivc humidfty • ^jal_ plant. possible be supplied righl •s IS also from the siart. . Wctling down “ en id a lw 10 cellar floors, - using humidifi<irs “ n g t h of keeping doors cloScd a s 1 host of nioch as possible will all .help, ''o vc

Use proper air flow and cool ‘ number, ,emperaiures to cool the

‘rs or Ihc potatoes to ,45 to 50 dcgreer. a s w nil soon as possible to keep water out v

lumber of r,n^ff-n ihY i-Y nts-ffom -cnter,.- ing wounds and destroying ibc 1 ? ^

well—the- -[in5eTir~------—-----------------------------"’ harvest, ..yQ^ the need, ralhf)va frorn n,f,ny times, for adequate air uatio : through Adequate plenum and duct least

size, duct spacing, and fan size, ever -ry •••They arc important along rcasiI, adjusted ^igh relalivc humidity for fectc

first im- good potato storage ventilation, ninmg pi> im poriant-is.lbe job of .deep soil manDgement of the system from

; prior to ibe-polalocs are first N /- pi.ir.ofi in itorgipn onlil- the last Aclo

potato is removed. esl. (Ib is "Qperaie ibc ventilation sys- mag done). It gradually lower thc pile a si

r rnW temperature to 45 dgerccs (40 p u t ar^hl vb e degrees for seed) then operate ^ ariiai vine intermittent basis just long1C ior in each'day to maintain me

“Si™ i'hSLrnn ihP fu- flattening. Oncc thc potatoes are

„ cooled to the desired lempcra-l snced so ‘‘'•'e, intcrmitlcnt fan operation ■r than the maintain that temperature np'ct there Quile constantly, and uniformly Id—reduce add_up 1“ better quaHiy. iniisintz Is r“ Hrfw you handlc’y0 ur“ pota- r?ble fim- iocs, the kind of storage facility

■ you have and how it’s managed ,s and con- ‘‘re major factors Jn how much )w as pos- quality you retain and have for -n icing Use from your I9G8 polaia.crop. i ’ rwise' nre- Evcrylx>dy loses from- potato -.............. - - bruises; handle spuds with TLC; short ns which means T ender Loving

^from Ihe "Many arc still wondering the "] apper, and unusual problcm that hit potato pile. vines across thc state duringUse rub- the rniny period Aug. 9-23. Thc

rollers, m alady was characterized by an - idded hop- Jnlorvelnal tiecro.<iis, or bronzing , 1 rom sharp of the leaves and a flecking ofI link ends intervcinnl tls.sues which caused . can gouBts death of Ihe affected tisRuos."

------ ----------D r .-J , -R .- Davis,—research _____the truck paihologisl, and Eugene Dallh n

1st amount more, pathologist, spent consid- amounf of crnbJe Ume nnd effort allem pl-

nf-tha-piic. ing to determine the causc orbed. causes a iurifpathogenicror-dis*-----

lie in r.lair ease producing organisms were "I (• down the involved. ■*

Dr. Dnvis reports the follow- and super- ing general obscr^ lions and re­

sults of their Investigations, the potato "The more •vigorous ihe plant 45 degrees Ihe less it was affected. On In- )5 degrees dividual plants. Intermediate iver 05 do- leaves were genernlly more

nffocled than Ihe uppermost iruises, Ihe Icnves, The lower leaves were s or num- noi gciii'rally nffecied, nber one';. "In fcrllli/etl plots, the higher cont if lu- nitrogen •ircalnients were less

JU-dcgiicci -uIfci;lcd_lhan_Uiti_liuver_troaLi__ l.s anil (hey ments. ngnin suggesting n vigor cent If you reliillonslilp, Polassium deflclcn-

cv was not the cuusc, apparent-II Never ly.

_ . "fn for(fh/er pliils, (ncreasliig levels of potash priKlucetl no re-

>nlace ihu-tion in s.’verlly of the prob- -, Strangn- lem by ilself,

"Wiiiiir soaking wns noi ln- \cy lo lllll -------------------------------- •

• I.''-'" KI-JACII 2 O U T

.U .scTl:

CLASS I FI]he - Adt iM<iy i.n rr>M<nlr<r wt.Aii tni'I-'" 'Icivi lllll i.il Iku Iii'OI) |iwl)1iili«

I'lid Seed" fmr.ll, UAH roiNI OH lyt'LV/.


T' r I r' V . . ^ 1

Q I g , . . P A Y M E N T E N C L

3n your Publlih ( o r ........... d a y i, bogllionio-li'i co&t Clciaiificcillon ............................

\FE Nciino ................ ........................

.. . J .......

I - c ity .................................................p

5535 • ■

Clip and Mail t o ; ClassifiS ' l l

Ito Specialist, I T . ]

Quality Spuds jStithey arc volved but ultra-violet radiation

trails on greenhouse plants pro- v l 5 rcduce duccd similar, bul not identical:■er two's symptoms. ■ _ Ih'avo'Ig when “Only occasionally was alter- . p I be- nana solani, th: organism caus-' r' lo gel ing Early Blight, isolated from:'^''V“* •r in thc ihe necrotic tissues, bowcver,^ . field on other aliernaria species were ,

sw arm - frequently recovered. Dr. D avisj„.: a few suggests that since many alter-, if ncccs- naria species are generally well rt,ris lily nnd scattered ihroughoui the area, c in bet- lhc.se weak pathogens could

vade injured tissues. We alsO'j,yg|(, je.sl bul had som e early blighuand some.|,rinjT can be these could be cxpccted <o

ood stor- present. • |,ransstorage . "Fic ds lhat w ere ,on prolec- parm

tive blight spray program were up lh ire niilte Rcieraily less severely affected. Mr decrees again, would tie lo general Uie t

humidity P|ai1i ,v'B< r rather than direct^ have

humidftv • no conclusidns as dolls■.rl rir>hi caqso of iho 'dibcasc’ have fire; c

down reached. Thim id ifiv s appears ^hat there were withosed a s many intcr-relatcd factors in-. mm» all help ''olvcd. Early blight in itself was ceive ind cooi causc, n o f were, other deJivicool the disease-organisms. Low nitrogen vehic g reei a s ferliliiy acccnicd the . problem ’■p water but was not the cause where as R p tn-enterr jw iassium levels had little ef-

only su eccsi Ih .t J D j < le need. ralhcl''Complcx-phy3ioIogical-sii,I_LQ uate air uation developed and that the day ; and duct least vigorous plants for what- Bea fan size, ever reason or combination of died It along reasons were most severely af- whicl lidity for fectcd." Th ntilatibn. -------------------------- dcatl

‘L ^ “f?om ACTOR WEDS WIDOW Jl'fa are first NASSAU, Bahamas (AP) — to G• the last Actor Laurence Harvey married few I------------- -Joan Coh n r~ w id o ^ of “movie —Mttion sys- magnate Harry "King'*. Cohn, in "Pet ■ thc pile a simple ceremony - performed serie -•rces (40 Thursday by aTm agistrate at nia i I operate Lyford Cay Club;____________ . al wjust long __________ __________________________

f e s A D P E A Tauses ex- nd tuberaloes are T 7 / ^ ' Ctempera- ■» ^ J J noperation . — _ _

E g _ / ^ C L A S S I;e facility

o T S If you want your alaia.crop. MONDAYn- potato - ■with TLC (Ads m u st b e received by ir Loving

.cr in g .h o TUESDAYlilt potatole ^ d u ^ g (Ads must b e received by S

| | i WEDNESDAY■ ■ (Ads must bo rccelvcd by 5

S - T i n j - R S T ) ^ - ^

'c n m c " ^ ■ < ' '* >‘yicror-d is. — _______ .sm s were F R I D A Y

IS nnd"rT- received by 5illons. .Ihe plant

ermedinle ■ SUNDjSlly more

r r r i ' classifIbe higher

. ■ SECTICig n vigor 1 (Icflclcn-apparent- All nds to apprar In lha 1

increasing Classified Scction must bt

s no( In- , ^ ^

KCl{ -I O U T 01- 3 M A G IC V A L L E Y FA

, ■ U.4C This Handy Timcs-I^c\\

; S r F I E D O R D E R ;iiiinlr<( wtiAii iniulli <iin tacuioc Voii nia cliiiiQerf oi It lii'iii) piil>1iilin<l |A(| mull iui> iciiiia doy cniiceUrll. Dlt>JI OH I'i'CLV/HIUH,

1 3 - w o p s OR UNDGR MINIMUM RAT

:n t e n c l o s e d q s e n d e

. , dciy&, baoliinlrio .........................r»il on!

• • • • • • • • • ol>ov»,plion* I In ■ncll

............................................................................. o( wm.til* llgl

N.wi I...................... I’n o n o ............................... „ p ||„ ,

to; Classified Dept., :

T . F . F i i - e m e n

I S t a r t W o r k — —

O n P r e s e n t sidentical: Municipal firemeno lhavo'siarted earlier this year in

^-...r'rcDairing toys for the needy children for Christmas.

‘ According to Clair Harkins,h o w c v e r , < g f firem ens bene-, ics ''■crc Jjj ij,c firemen have.work- 3r. Davisjj,^ Christmas eve in pastiny alter- vears lo prepare thc toys for rally well as Day.the area,, asks that pcoole wanting

to donate rcoairable toys, bi-.We alsO'j,.,g|(j,_._tj.icvcles and wagons,

and some.|,rjnj, ,h cm 'to the fire dcparl- pected lo If they have no nicans-of

j iranspohin.t' them lo Ihc de- in prolec- parlmcnt, the firemen will pick ram were up ihe items,

affected. Mr. Harkins would like to get0 general nie tovs ns soon asrnossible to an direct have them readv.fo^ihe holiday.

lusidns as dolls , and stu0ed .toys for the ase’ have fire; depnrtmenr.

The. fire denarlmcnt' works lere were with the" Y^^■-YWCA in detcr- ictors in-, min'wp w hat children will re- itself was ceive the toys. Off-duty firemen ere, other deliver Ihe tovs, using their own V nitrogen vehicles, on Christmas morning.

'1 ' ° l l B e a ’ s H u s b a n d

r i h » t j D i e s I t l H o s p H a l = =logical-sii4_LQS_AHGELES (AP) - One

that the day after the funeral oractress for what- Bea Bcnaderet, her husband inalion of died in the sam e hospital in verely af- which she had succumbed.

The coroner's office said the — death Thursday of Eugene —

T w m b ley , 52, was due to naiur- IDOW al causes. He had been'admitted. .

(AP) — to Good Samaritan .Hospital a y married few hours before.of “m ovie —Mtss-Beijaderet;-62, star-of-the--------'*. Cohn, in "Petticoat Junction" television performed series, died Sunday of pneump- listrate at nia and lung canccr. Her funeV- _______ al was Wednesday.____________


F Q R ^ :

^ S S I E I E Dant youi- ad to appear:Y

5 received by noon Saturday)

kY1 received by 6:00 p.m. Monday)

SDAYi received by 8:00 p.m. Tuesday)

D-A'Y---------------“I received by 5:M p.m. Wednesday)

r ' - — — ------------------------------— —

9 received by 5:00 p .m .' Thursday) ■


ipprnr In Iho Tlmen-News Sunday

Scction must bo recclvcd bcforo

p . m . FRIDAY....... .......___________________________________



D E R B L A N I C 'oil ma cliiiiQerf only f<yi ffia niinib«r of na floy tn.iceUril. I'LIASC I>RINI, USINli


Up 10 13 Wntrlii.-i.OO (01 ft ilnyl

________ tn.OQ (01 3 (liiyt .M - 1/ Woi.li

(nr ft ilayi_______ - (or n tl.iyi

" in • ?t Wor.il17,00 (or A cinvi 1 SA.no fnr 3 ili>^23 . ■}', Woiili

• V9,S0 Inr A H'lyi _______ i7,.S0 (nt 3 ilciyt t


Ptil only ona woul In aocli (pnc* oUova, (ncludi yoiif nililiaii or

plinna nuiiiliar, Couni anili wonl In Kicli ir|tmia, Tolol lha orKOunl

'** 'ol wntili iinii chach llii coi( oltlia ilglil.licirul coltiiiin. Arid SOc'

N»wi eoK Sarvlta wllh,' rmllid •apll.i,


Page 21: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF257/PDF/1968_10_18.pdf_ — J W e a th e r - Chilly VOL. 65 NO. 187__________ Murder G Filed

United Fund Century Qub _

------T h e s e C c n l u r y _ a u b . i n e m b c r s _____■ h nve g iv e n SIOO o r m o r e to th e .. U nited F u n d :

D ep o t G ri ll em piio jics Q aD epo t G rillT . P. T r a c to r ' H nN o rth ru n K in g c r

■ T . F . C lin ic ClBS a few ayH ac k n ey A g en c y C iaV nughn’s C o n s tru c tio nR a y J . H o lm e s O il CiaD r, o n d M rs . K e n n e th B r ip g sD r. a n d M r^. V . V . T e lfo rd c iaD r. a n d M rS . H a r r y B ru m -

b a c h J r . C ia' C ity o f T w in F a lls - S h c lb y 's M a rk e t Cia T im e s-N e w s C o. A U n ite d A u to m o tiv e e m p lo y e s c ia G lcn J e n k in s e m p lo y e s G len J e n k in s C h e v ro le t Cia T e m p o --------

- W hite M o r tu a ry L ost M r, a n d M rs . H u g h P h i llip s F o u r U nited A u to m o tiv e • ' <iru.

_____F ir s t S e c u rity E m p lo y e s ' •FiVlt“ S e c u r ity U SnR mhiC h a r te r S eed wu.O ’L e a ry J u n io r H igh S chool = = = W ash in g to n E le m e n ta r y C a rd

S choo l V > WlBoy S c o u ts o f A m e ric a •

e m p lo y e s -------njiiR idd le , R o th , E v a n s "H elen C a n n o n R a y b o rn , R a y b o r n . W ebb

a n d P ik e Pors<K ra m c r a n d P i a n k e y ------------------------

--------S c h w a rtz -a n c l-D o e rr-— _____P a r r y . R o b e r s o n , . D a ly a n d

M ay a n d M o y B enoit, B c n o ir , A le x a n d e r S tep h a n a n d B a lle is e n p uSav -M or D ru gS te r lin g J e w e l r y r—77:

• C los B o o k S to re - • mr M ou n ta in S u i e s - T e lep h o n e Be. . E m p lo y e e sK oto’s C afe

-------- S ic rra J< i£ e ________________________ iszS ie rra L ife E m p lo y e e s M erw ln H e lm b o lt avD r. a n d M r.s. W a lla c e B ond XEci H a r r is o n E le m e n t a r y F aSen io r H ighI n te r s ta te A m u .se m en t 793H r . a n d ”M f s n ia r o r a * F l l I m o r e “ i n G em S ta te O il " ‘8 'T ro v N a t io n a l L a u n d ry

-------- M r ^ d ~ M T s . H erb~ D e rn a < —M r. a n d M r.s. W il la rd - R c e s ck D r . a n d M rs . D e a n 'A m e c k = = D r. a n d M rs . W . M . P e te rs o n

• J . C. P e n n e y C o m p a n y B or J . C . P e n n e y Co. E m p lo y e e sD r. a n d M rs . P a u l H e u s to n j a M r. D . R . Y o u n g =

--------G o lle g e -o f -S o u th e rn - ld a h o -^ — B o aD r. a n d M rs . J a m e s T a y lo r c o w P e p s i C ola va1st F e d e r a l . a?1st F e d e ra l E m p lo y e e s ^M r. a n d M rs . L eo A n d e rso n B ob N e ilsen -M il le r " c hM o rn in g s id e E le m e n ta r y . t®'

S c h o o l f ; ;S chool A d m in is tra t io n tciM r. a n d M rs . J o h n R o p e r D r. a n d M rs . T h a d S c h o le s 'D r. a n d M rs . B i rd s a l l C a r le dc R o p e r C lo th in g S to re _Z!iM ou n ta in S t a te s T e le p h o n e " ^ '1 C ity D ru g reK rc n g e r .s - —A m e ric a n O il C o m p a ijy , E m j A s le tt C o n s tru c tio n JO »

--------S u n s e t M ,emorJQl P a r k S', --------D il l - W o rk m n n - F o rd - — ---------

M r. R . P . P a r r y H oiB u t tre y ’s S u p e r S to re -r -pH u d so n 's - .S e a rs R o e b u c k •L in c oln E le m e n ta r yB rrg~ in su rn7T ce---------------------------- mP & E C o n c re te y*W n g n er T r u c k in g li:R oR crs B r o lh e r s •P . \. E .H a n e y S eed Id ah o P o w e rM r. a n d M rs . J o h n B e r tio M r. a rid M r s . U . N . T e r r y —

■■ M r. n n d M rs . A'. W . Y o u n g M r. a n d M r s . A l B e n k u la M r. o n d M rs . J im S in c la ir M r. n n d M rs . J o h n B ish o p D n n C n v n n n g h

----------M r r - n n d - M rs .-H B r r y -E a to * ---------Id a h o F r o z e n F o o d n M r. a n d M rs . D a r y l A n d er M r. o n d M rs . B o b D a y :tm P e n n y W iso D ru g nV a n 's D e p a r tm e n t S lo re ' J

U.S., Spain ?Resume Parley kI On Base Status j

wViSlilNGTON (A P) — The i' , Utiiled .Stnlep nnd Spain iincx-

ppclediy reopened ncfiodaiions *•'' tm the future of U.S. bnses In „

I Spain w hen Socretory cf Slnle ' Oeiin RlJSk and Fernnndo M aria ^ Cnsllclia, tliu Spanish furclun ,,

. mlnlH/er. conferred for 70 min- f ulcs T hursday a t tho Stnto De- partm ent. v

--------I 'n lk s -b e tw c c n '- th c - tv i 'o -coim*trl(!.s w e re b ro k e n o f f S ep t. 20, r lira d a y th e f o rm e r a e ru c m c n t ._ i ex n lrc d ,

'I 'lie p n c l w h ic h e x p ire d p ro - j v idcs fu r A filx-m onlli coulluR o ff = iw rltid h u t th o e x p e c ta t io n luul He liccn th n t in lk n w o u h l no t ho rn - — ,'iim cd wJiiJo iliD p r e s e n t adm iu* i.'Hrntlon ia In o ffice .

'ih o s ix m o n th s p e rio d e x p ire s . M arch 20, IDOD. If uo n g rec m e iit ciu) tiQ r e a d ie d b e fo re liicn titc U nited Slaie.n m u s t e t 'a c u n lc ih u , iikvni a n d a i r fo rc e baflca w h lc tt It now o p e ra te s In np a in .

States Endorse Livestock Pact \

SA L E M (A P ) — F o u r no l« h - J ImrlnR s la lc s h a v e a j jre c d ,lo n M tiiKK eilfon by lh e Orop.on AArl* c u ltu re D e p a rim o n t th a t Urey > niiikc A c o iic e r tc d e ffo r t _tro l l lv c s io c k th e f t a c r o y » t a t e liiio.n. J /

S ta te A g r l c u l l u m ^ D i r e c to r ' W alte r I x l h a a k U n itir f id u y rop- pi ro « e n t» J lv Q » --^ WashloRton,

__ C i^llforrtK , W ttho a n d N ev a d aw ould if le e t w i t l i 'th p O re g o n 'D e ; ~ ; p a r tm o n t in D e c e m lw r. jj]

He na ld h e h o p e s a p ro n ra m cnu hu w o rk e d o u t fo r Iden tlfl- c n tlo n of liv e n to c k uruuyinK u la to y]

i l . C l a s s i f i e d ^D i R E c r r o R Y '

^ .h n A N N O U f^C E N iE N T S-------------- c o o 'C la s s i lic a lio n 1 th ro u g h 15 SVV’'

E M P L O Y M E N T C JossJfica tion IB th ro u g h 24 mcor

FIN A N C IA L ;C la s s if ic a t io n 30 th ro u g h 38 pioyc

SC H O O L S-lN ST R U C T iO N work C la s s if ic a t io n ^0 th ro u g h 4S

R E A L f iS T A T E asas C la s s if ic a t io n 50 th ro u g h G2 J ig j

_ C la s s if ic a t io n 70 th ro u g h 88B rip g s ..A G R IC U L T U R E sihicip r d C lass if ic a t io n fW th ro u g h DG B ru m - L IV E S T O C K K i

C la s s ific a t io n 100 tlirouR h 116 »P‘m: M ISC E L L A N E O U S

G a s s if ic a t io n J20 th ro u g h ICO p .o ., A IR C R A F T A N D B O A TS ---------

p lo y es C la s s if ic a t io n 1G5 th ro u g h 173A U T O M O T IV E ---------

C lass if ic a t io n 180 th ro u g h 200

L o s t a n d F o u n d 1 cducillips F o u n d . A ~ am w cr to ihopplnB

■ . ■ (irudficryl ..Shop W nril. CatuloR*, .. . . I>hoi»e ortlers in 73.1-340:. or • drop

W urd Snlca Ajicncy. - ---------

■ Card' o f T h a n k j ' 31 WISH 10 lliuiik my rclnilvcs und beet

friends for Ihcir priiy*r«, tovcly d.i}-!flowetJ. cards and tl/t* given me Pl>o

-------.1 w o j.ln the hospital nnd Mes■' sIncc my return home, l i Is greot- MO-'

ly appreciated. "om b b Llva Ritchie. . _

P e r s o n a l s —S p e c i a l N c t ic o s 9

-- ------- N o ^ ^ V a if a te l tA p o r ----------- —T w in F a l l r l ! e a lU i A n d n c"

-----------------------------A th le iie -G lu b -------- — - OurA ll P r iv a te F a c i l i t i e s m a t i Bo lh M en A nd W om en nnd

P h o n e 733-6228 o r 733-8010 ' vriii. Only____________

j- o o u i-UN! Mc-N.iid’» PU iu I 'u r . gmii

ephone Bccky nnd. Sieve. Saturday PuBBy n _ i_- nnd Duryl. Opon every cvemSg

a t s._________________ __________ _ ESTAi ’UKbONAL servinj makes ttrc dif- S'""

__________ fcrrnce. V .- npprcclale your busi- ^ 3 ;ness. MUnTgoraLTy T7nr3» iocnlljpowned Sales Agency, .227 Mnin ^AVenuc lia s l, RliAl

B ond ALCOHOUCS Anonymous - Tw in rep.Fall* Courihouse, Wednesdays n t "es 8:30 p.m . F o r further Information, 733-4030. Al-Anon 2nd Floor. 733- YOU7932. > sell

ll lm o re ~TfnCTO T5” 5X 1TET7~5dr'7rCE”AllBameat. Drakes, Shocks. M ufflers --------

<17 MBln E ast — 733-8213 A a « l L .- . _ JJU V A lE JnvcsU iiatflr-24 .U Q ur-scr^

O j

T r a n ip o c l a l i o n — C a r P o o ls 1 0 la t/ 'BONNEViLLE rXYINO S E n v iC E Cni

A A ';m J= 5 f7 X V c‘a ' , " ' c '£ c . zStOn JoBkpot, N ^ n d n 7U2-755-2M4.

i h o - ^ B o a u t y 'S a l s n s ------------------------ t Sly lo r CO M PLliTli Ucauiy Scrvice by nd- _____

vanced students u t rcduccd priccs. NATI Perm anents $3. B e a u t y A rts sah Academ y. 135 Main West. 733.G.142. net

e rso n B o b y S i t te rs — C h ild C a r e 1 6 “J J"CHILDRIiN'.S V.llluBC Ctiild.Cure. p a

-V ■ 4C1 North Locust, m;ar Lynwood. p .cS tate .- Licensed, d irector Ruby AllHopkins. Nursery - p re-klndergnr. corten . k lndcrsiirtcn • divided c lass . ____C.V 73.V7080, 7;i3-0010. = =

. BO-VEHV Child Care, . luto licensed. F o r rn o ie s , Divided classcs nursery, prc-kln- —

C a r le dergnrten nnd klndcrBarlcn. 1007th Avenuo N orth. TM-r.OD?.______

iliono ‘‘ u S ; f ”K r o ™ ' ■■fenced vurd. iHl-tClK,

■ -■■■= Fll V , E m p !o y m o n » A g e n c ie s 1 7

J O » OPUNINUS lit Personnel Ser- ^

H o lp W a n te d — F o m a lo 1 8 —

^ W : ^ I N ^ F O R “• Cocktiill wiiltrestes T• Keno dealers . ------:

________ • Chnn«o alrls I----------------- N Tusr-nininiirr—nttrnrttve—21-no-----------

ycn ri nf i>Hn. ]>ald v a r.tln n s , L:li

len?o‘ necr«»ary '‘' ' ^• Alin opening for Food wait* n\,

" a p p l y i n p e r s o nG uy K eep f.8i

Cacui.s P e te 's iih a T c r " ; ________ Jn c k p o ., ________ _ J

Y o u n g ' N e a t ‘^,V„

i S c t i r W a i t r e s s e s iish o p W a n t e d

---------------T A ' p l i i r & S -------- ^. . _ C a c t u s P e t e ' s ____

A n d e r _________ jackpo t. Nevada_________

■■ J

ey nf— T h e Piniliicl". IIHH Wiiihiiiglnii S lreel ^

ItnSCR In ' iiKiiel wiirk. I’niith MniRr. nurUty, <>rof Slnle Kini'o- =lo Marla ‘wainll'rnt',i

forclKn )i0Mr»». 'I'llii time, A|'i|)iy Addison -----70 m ill- Aw^niin TAI'. '

S ep t. 20, ^iJiormilB "lirrtr a7- rc c m e n t r'

Dikiiwnthnr. llliin Criihi, Apply In I're d p ro - I.urxm , IKihvixui Ilnilniiriihl, ICIlOllllR o ff = = = = = ^ = A^-l tlo n h » d H o lp W a n le d - .< M a ls 1 9

N E W . J O B S ■ I

I „ s t a r t i n g S a l a r y r a

$ 4 2 8 M o n t h «U lcn th e i„ c< 'iU lv o 'p lan , im icli h l |ih e r n

S t. ,IS 3 " ' “'C(iinp1<’l(i T ralp InK V

C ull 73,t-l«17 ^a n 0 n .m . to 5 p .m . 5 i |

filNALIi lU niii liun'il — year rounii j, work. lioa ra «»4 ro o m 'lu r^ U b td . nS n M n r m ^ n r k j ' i r o m S 5 H

j r no l« h - qj4-23il m mxm ..r n v n ln M ._____ ?■rail , 1 0 II v . 'i 'r —

h a t llicy orrricB ro4uirod. n/i)-ni4a, Har*i-

f t P l ^ i m m i f V .inllrnii..i'l <or"n~ . a i■«*'« ‘'M iosn iun , Ail n|>|i(4niMionis fur- A

J nitlioil, Hc» Iloor' hnimklnji, i :« m =

S . « ! o S : ®N e v a d a o u n ry , Wriift Ainni Irtiiinllon Her. 7

Ririn>i!i>i I '.II ■im.i iiuok ii r i« .» ;

l in g »U W T i l O C r t n T O i l - J . i i i i J —p S i i l l i i «ani) liBOls. I'liiino U7tt-9SSe. <

J t H e lp W a n te d — fAa l e 1 9 S c h o o l

» c i ------------------------O p p o rtu n ity ' ''•m cjut W ESTERN nU V l-RA GE'hnS nn

--------- opening on one of Ils whoU-snlo

________iH a k cL !‘rcBulur .’ .deUvcclw*™ or_COORS beer nnd promotes In.

nnd commission pri.vlde good I 24 tiicrimo tor n W orker. Complete

•hciilih , accldenl and llte Insur-, 38 * ?l"o";«'’,? 'd'"dep%;'dVh»'"l--lv"e dS;-IN w ork wpck. Applicant must b« xMKl

3535 for n ppoinunent._________jio .K‘ P U R C H A S IN G M A T E R IA L o w n

. . M A N A G E M E N T f be,I o!' Excellent opportunlly for respon. M rer

sihlc (jentiemun. wllh experience en «

> SC ‘.“n £ui'l‘n“e?s C uPosition Includes P u rchaslns Re. “ >0,

1 116 spcinsiblllllcs and Pursonnl M at,,anem ent. Good Irlnse benefits, THR

M c o

^ 7 3 O P E N I N G . F O R ' ________- T W O - S A L E S M E N _ _ .» 200 Due to rxpandlng facilities. No--------r experience necessary. C oU en

I education helpful. Monthly sul. a ry plus commission, Must, de-

, *l rc be tter lhan average Income. pelh 'r d i^p Sales M anager a t lidni

----- -T H E IS E N -M O T O R S r-IN O —

• “ ^ A k r E D - Spa

_____ 3 Experienced men to- operatees und beet dlgficrs; A pproximately 30lovely d.i}5 w ork sM rtin* O ctober J4, '"S e

/en me Phone D elbert Clumplll. Dlnck.al nnd Mesu Fa rm s nt Glenns F e rry . Onl> , e rc o t. 360-2319 Into evenlnss or noon

O r «3-S708, Kimberly.

= W A N T E D Real :os 9 livin ---------- N ent nppcurlng man for full men

“ h S ^ w m l n g ' U - T J b ^ - ^ S r ^ -------id N ew s. . - slnU

• • O ur employees kno^v of this ad m a h

'n , nnd A ppliance. 40 hours week, but X .-8010 vrlll include Saturdays. Typing and .J3 ’

filing experience helpful. Apply InI---------- . person. Mr. VanOrden. No phonepr|H “ y ' cnlls please.______________________ mj,5

H e l p — M a le a n d F em aT o 2 0 “ F o t® ESTABLISHUD W atkins r o u t e s ^11

iirc'~dif. ovnilnble. Fu ll o r p a n tim e. Phone i r busi- 733-S9G4 or write W atkins, G88“IocnU7 -'■Washington— Street—NOrlhT— T-#fn- —7 Mnin Full*. - _ p o i_______ REAL ESTATE Sahismnn. full lim e. tuu|

Tu,,_ reputable Twin FaUs (Irm, In busi- to : do-.^ k t ness ovcr 15 years. W rite Boxm atlon, F-14. c o Tlmes-News.___________ r o ior. 733- YOU wlll cnrn J40 a we«k p a rt tim e ol‘ '_______ selling Fulle r Brush. L et m e .show run

• ■- 1201213 A g e n l s - S a l e tm e n W a n t e d 2 2 p |j |

me ' O ^ m n g r S C v a i l a b T e_______2 N e a t A p p e a rin g m e n w ith _______ _

s is 1 0 la te m o d e l c a r lo t p e rm a n -n v T c E e n t s a le s w o rk . A v e r a g e Loi_tion e a r n h ig s 51,200 p e r m o n th .roiiect (jgyg d c s ir c to m o v e me,

•-------------in to m a n a g e m e n t w iih in 6 ove -------M — m o n th s ,-F o r - in tc r .v ie w - c M lf - . ...

______________733-^017 •I prices. NATIONAL FOOU concern desires Cor y A rts salesm an to call on reta il srocery Ne 733.G.142. accounts, College required, how- roo1 1 6 u’ ^ycxcel'cM ’ ^ rl i s e 'S e ^ IU

— — ^ furnished, H eadquarien In G reatlid.Cure. Falls . W rite complete resum e toynwood. p .o . Box 9SS; Salt Lake City. Utnh.<r Ruby All replies wlU b s beld la s tr ic t m m

l lc n .c d . F o rm W o r t W g n l e J 2 3

C O R N C H O P P I N G v .L E O 'S

I"''"” . C U STO M F A R M IN G . r«<= = F ile r ------------------ 320-4703.. .

_ I I C U S T O M F A R M I N G Jf*nel .iie r. ^ PLOWINO •.hoshonc ------- AND ------------------- ---- '. - . ■ . --------------nBE T -JIA R V £SU N G ____ ________' . ■ • M erlo Kauffman_________731-flSlS_____ 1 £ C U STO M

O K ■ = "“' » L ? S " M r ' ”“, ___r h o ne 32»-4010-3^<W63. F l ie r —

C U STO M R O T O -T IL L IN G »,!r-21-nO----------- SW A THlNC-A N IUlALtN Q ________•lions. E lm o Garrison 733.r>03U. 733.K4S8 exper. cU S rO M m anure hauling. U o o d

-H I.- a ; i ' g r v a ' ‘i i i " " A '„ v ° -

)N " s p p V S ' a : i , K ' r s ; r ' 7 > t .

IIHAN COMDININU, Cnae tllH) com- Mne wiiii belt untoader. Phona t

------------ 7.l3'n05l. morninRS or cvcnina. *i; u s T 1) M ■i.'i-iiwmii, m .»

m enl. Phono B.i(l-22ft3,____________

• , 31' ; , . *“ sCUSTOM 1-lowhB, 3.t.ottoni, cull J . I 'r

n . D ^ a r d , 733.MBfl or 7XI O<00,' _ 1>I

W o rk W g r t t e d 2 4 " / . ‘H

________ R O T O -T IL L IN Olo live.In G ardens, lawns, farm s, land*

in " '^ n lis l *V.Wvft‘ OAMniUiL ;iR, 753.B0M> r«l;v 'EXPElUI-:NCir i r i r ^ u T r 7 r .,i.ninij-,rv . MuM Housnnuhlo. 307 Blh Avcnuo Norlii<||A'S not <ir call 733-73B4.__________________Ind refor" SAVIl yoursolf"lKo"rtM and muss. r.i mil re ic r control', Just call us. Oem ki

j ™ n ^ i S S i a ^ ~ " ...... j :?,V.' i-iN». f'"- "mull hu iinen ir . or Srrvl.io »'iMntlm.fl. Phnne 731.7H40, • »!

w S " ! ? ; i i to t i f f i f l ■ar.TTa In .nv hfin.c, ll.w l ' m Slroel |< r^ m iu r. 344 Van Hurcn, I'hnns

i r 'l l v ln u iiX nY SI'ITINO nnd Imnlniih, mv jiiirl limn homi’, I'honr 42:l,4»17 bofuio ;i;00 0 ' f, nurUty, o r a fte r B:30, Maiisrn,___________ sn

‘joy B u l i m i a O p p o r t u n lH e t 3 0 ‘l \

Addison ^QimlTfTcd” lnve!itor‘fl ' ' '

, r .u V ;" C .n i ; ! ‘’" ‘ " "T;!

iit_rrs»-fnr — 'U n ito d ’C n m p R ro iin d s 'U S A '^ " H i 'i

, rrnnchliia avallahln Ihu n trn . ..IwkHiv is . l-or informallon wrila IImk 4’i i i M

fApj-iy in I ''" '" '’ v n \

' ~ A^THH'I'IOH McrnsDd Mfi) mnl A< i:|, in IO ilenl.U nderw illnis, HxtnpllooKl o|>. In 'V poilun lly a v a ils ynu, W rlio llnx il<

-------- V-IH, c.o Tlmei-Nows, 'I win I'n lls, III3 S ' ^

l l l ’V" MAN ANI) W ll'l '. nprr.iliim.“ ftr<K«iy Ianil muals. No H .m duy. A vionry ll:m aker. Ciinsidrr smnll iinrlhslda aifnrm In rxctm nqe, .'innlia lllver M

h iiih e r n m iiv , M3-4«m. «IVlincO* I'OlJl't-UNJV •p a rlin rn l“iiimio. (.'loiu cHj

In, very gimil ronillllon, nm icr w liiiiii I i>«r coni per nuinlli nn ln> ll

'K vcslincnl, Thn l.and nf/lc:o of lila- Cl»i. 7 3 l .< iT l f l .________ _________ KIS

K i S » **• r i" 3 '‘‘>„.S3 BMAH. llolaU In <>l l.uslnc .s ! « . . " re a , lor salo,^ Itiforroatton 07H* li i n i L - — . H80U, Hurley. __________ sin«“ ^ S ' ............ ..............................— = TTr

i'ARM ^^and ranch foaSsj Rmfo. 7

Inu, I 'li in - ............. - *1.nd T3I- l o i i o n i . ^ 0 FlV

s i p ^ f 5l.~ irlv« ri'. S p e c ia l C t a w M - ’ 1 u '« 4 2 ^)i0B<;n V|. v f lV ti^ o N 'K N l t V ^ i r i m u v ^ •'

5 ! i i i - r , , w . ’ : ';" ;„ i : .? i : ; " r i i , '; ; : ; t ?J pul«IuM >

1 9 S c h o o l t 4 4 H o m e s“ — ~ V ~ A — A P P n o v S D flight training

■including helicopters. F ree pUee^ Pts an service. Reader Flying Ser-

I _ . i c 5 ^ ™ . _ ^ _______ _COMPLETE your HlRh School edu. ’ ^0 3rt

------ cattDn-nt-home.-Dlplom a-avnrded.- - A c * - * irhnn Sm all ■nonthly paym ents. F r e e ■'•ji rrC booklet explains how. W r l t a r t .,» ( ■“j f lY American School. Dox 7648. BoUe. O u» o f

Se dSl* H o m e s F o r S a le 5 0 i'l^^ob,•1 b " T H lllili bo ilr im , |on« in t a , cfS V . E S ’ . r - J i ' J S S ; , . * J K s i n

s JIO.OOO. •tIA L OWNCn LEAVING — BeaullfuV •

?-lr'l^rnre" 'e \l^r? r ^ e V n ^klt'e^- <rience en, double garuRe. blB covercd ---------:-------back- pallD. l.ow inx. oviuldc cityment. llm lls. Pflc* cul U.OOO to y:a,.,B R,,l 500. 40 AC

t h r e e bedrooms. 2 balhs.no to fr.nme. Excellent condllion, Don- 74 Ac

ble miruBr, covored pntlo. love. I.ols c— ------ Iy klichcn-Ulninfi. Ctsrpeicd Iutkc piiymc

llvlnR aren Worlds of iloraBc.' Non^ieast locution. SIR.000. nc Ac:M brlli-v

^ c r r o o N E Y n .

r s . " R e a l t o r - S o‘ e- 733*4081 ■

S p a c io u s 4 B e d ro o m H o m e ', r i - o baths, fireplace, full fin-

B'B s S S S f e H s F i L s T I‘o n ,5 & ■ “

CO M B IN A T IO N g “, ; ------------ H o m e A nd In co m e

Real nlcc 2 bedroom hom e, la rs e TrJ.n livins room. carpellnB. Haic-

,r full m ent. fenccd b n c k y u r ^ E x c v l .

own cacn ono bedroom. Henl.'t (or "’" tT t tT lw s ;-------»too-pcT—mntntTr^Bnwmcnn—3--------

slnll curport. Lei thc duplex ?rL ,!, [his ad m ake your paym eats. t l 7,500._______ * _

W : H i \ T a y l o r A g e n c y . mon'u

^PPiy"ln E vening, ^10 Phone Tnvlor . 423.5401 .

Mason Snillh , 733-5S77 Waynlie 2 0 FOUR UNIT npartm cnt house. - Mel. o u , All above ground level. Newly j . pe Phone remodeled. Two Dcdroom homo — -•iA« rsB unit plus 12% -rtiturn on Invest- 401h ^ T w f a m cni. K l .ooo. H a i-c x ls» n it_ lQ u n ^ ___MUp——------- --- FOUR UNIT apartm ent In M ur. |full lim e. tuuBh. SIBO month Income. N cxl n u rd, In busi- to High School. J9.500. cOw rite BOX -________ __FO U R ACRES w ith large solid

m ejhS 'w r i f c h . 5S . Te®rms ava^Uvblc? « > ^— 120 ACRES, well im proved for_________ _'t e d 2 2 S f e f “Re^s^SSbrpr\\S?3^*^

a b l e B R IS T O IT R G E N C Y --------------- “ Ufu1 w.'lh ___ ^ ^ ^r m a n - F H A O R G I trad,/e r a g e Lois of roam. Nice' and clean, o r cn o n th tlirci; bedrooms, tw o buths. C ar.

‘ pcicd «nd fireplucc. L arge base .' 678-9m o v e rncni partly finished. Dulli.in Bob

th in 6 oven a id range. Double n ttaeh- Ed ^ -c a ll f - . ^ ed garage. CaU now to see.

________ ___■ CrOOD L O C A T IO N DomS desires Comfortable, clean older home. mile1 grocery New oil furnace. T hree bed- »nia1ed. how. rooms and sleeping porch. Con- ,ence. sa l- venient to schools and churches. L:flts. auto 112,500. _______ 324.<

. . " u i S r S SHAW R E A L T Y ' ’iity; U tnh. Susan Shaw. 733-0473la . t r ic t E lm er or 3eSnle Som m er. 733.5S97

Ann H offmaster. 733-J8I0

2 3 JU S T L IS T E D 1 ° , /

In bnsement) for only tS,900. I". . . . • ■ Two bcdrM m s and Inrge living 878I N G room a re cnrpeled. Doublo go- "■320-4703.. -gooa -^OTlh*^|S«tlTO.*^l»r*cod-^^ - OneI N G (julck, w ith £ODd tu rm i, wlit

* H a m l e t t _T » I j . M AlRealty ' i-i

, 733M079 — Day or E ven ln f « l ' t. n i c r -------------------------------- ------------------------AeL IN G B R I C K 2 bedroom, basem enl 25% I iN n wllh 2 bedrooms, ba tn and tam .111 i5ri«------- n y ruiiiii, Slia ip l~ A ? itn n g -la r8e--------»■*'

r T n r j - . v a . 1, . ,™ . . . .go. Dave 3 BEDROOM 2 bnlh convenient 5101

L________ __to schools ond shopping. L argo Aullo iu l 3. rooms, A fine h o m u ..........J 21.1C0 topm le r, 733- localed split-level, 3 bed. fa"r°i|

mu, rooms a rt ba ih i, NICE. «a,500, croi

S in .’’' ” " " F E L D T M A N R E A L T O R S f kOW cuulp. B7S Pl^er Ave.___________733.1888 a te,_________ W HO S A ID N O B A R G A IN S ? “ nkI htiuilMK. Owner out of stal* has luduced crs,

nrlfci il.OOO for oulck snle. Thi* --------111, cull J . J'rlch linmii (in Muunlnin Vlnw XI O<00 ' l>rlva has 3 -Iwdrooms, 2 bulhs,

' _ m a in _ f lo « r. Fnm lly room, b e d .^

2 4 /she'd basem ent. H urry on this.--------------- LLO Y D R O B E R SO N 3 tl^ ■ A G E N C Y wni'■ 230 Mnin AventJB Nurtli 733.8833 "wr

■ " i ; , . i j " , i r . " ’,r - ; . i ; ;s 'i ’ . s “’s , ' r ; r a n n i S - a , r------------------- cnrpel, ctriipei; f.uUl-ln rWun nmi ■ 1and muss. riiniN, dUiiwnnhnr, iliipoinl, n ir I’rl11 us. Gem I'ciniliiionini, eovered patio, fencml 21 ^ ynrd! dnubfi «ur«i,e. ^1,1. hoino I.Kl nilii in vacant nnrt rendy tn m nvii.Inlii. i-ni

ir S frviro »TKo *'il,uoO, l.ynwood llealty , 010 r><‘'” llluii Lnki'S N.I., 733.11211. Jnm es c h (7 |

«T-<! J)nnncr, 7.i:i'2240; R. J . Kchwen<il- 41 J“ ■ i.il;S _________ _ £__________ JIKAUTM'UI. -posV furi ;i';00 n i\K K Home In an exriiislvn *y|^ r ;;;'V i:v in .r?!o r n t ^ i . l ^ ; : : . n r ^ ‘.

• 3 0 x i ; ; ; ! ," . '" . i ' , v . ; r ‘f f i , i . ' ' ‘'A ‘n’ 5 r r :

''ir 2rs,‘:...............15‘ U SA '^" — iim 'rilM 'm Sntnro 'i^^^ " i jQ........... : . ' r i . f f i - « ^ a " i r i ? c V ’;^ ^ :!A /4 ''r r v,IlMK 4’i i i Mnunluln Hlalcs Itrally , 7:i3.MI74,

" 1 “ K , ! X ,K i i i . ; ; i \ i , , " ‘! : , r J s ^ ? “) nml A<:>:|, iinlKinini nn mnin fiunr, flnUliril i ,,

-v ii wiM I'n lis, Ilka iiawi carpct, 177 U uchanan,It InrnrmB. I 'lir niiliDlnlmrnt 733-»«lJ. I®

_____ tlY OWNI^Xi r j l ^ r i .m . up.tulr's: *‘™iii.^K K V iy I ilow nilnln, IU tr»a llnn and ulll- . A money Ily 'ro o m i, ia ria »..'.ms, carpeted

MiirlhsUla an if itratHSl, O arage ami palln. nka lllver M ornlntilda flLhnot U lstrlc l. IIS ..

000. 7 j f Juniper,_________________ —imio. Cldiu O l.n iu i Iwo-liedrtHMn m uilrrn hnuse ‘‘inl'l, iln 'ln ’’. h!!'hr?s‘ *r/n 'r t^ fn r “’m nv in^ ''M M .Fl(*fl <if llin Call 324 BOOI Jernm a_________ , R lM lll'!IU .V -tji.« 3.1i.lln'.,„n, ‘ d .,1, , , a l

Lvnwixiil, hio f lrep ia trs—garage. I'u lly c a r . t j j j ^ , Inillvldunf n o t e d , appliances. ApiMallng. * " " iw ner. 733- ’iradns cnniiflared. 733.Mlft, 7.?

ALfiJitAH i)jiIV Tn b rick 3.beii^ On. nf l.ushieis rnnm, family room, flroplae*, tVi tX a'i

_____^ ' p ^ S n V ' i ; : 2 i 5 ^as, Inrir>, 7,i:i^"i4» ' i lJ* iM "M 2fn m rc 'T n x iiN v 4 . b . . i ^ m , ‘ i u i i . s , ^ r. Main

flreplncB, *a |.ln hliclien. Plrrt® « tt j i ' H ired, ow ner 73J-M00,

. ■ *10 tMdiuom, close' in churclias wsahd arUools. Phone 7M-«07l. 411 SU

ll^ lllS T 'm - Wnrih. -----------^ «

f i r ! ! JSS K i i ' i ' ' I s ' ’iH ! ' ' S r ' S S f :1 tl) llkinn"f i r r o w H > U > n^ l l l ^ . y WIcK- W ur i( J 0i ,™ „ „ .„ n , K r , ; r " j : • ‘■•“ ” '1 i :

4 4 H o m e s F o r S a le ______________5 0 F o r m i fn ? lnln« 1.7001..................121.200: NEARLYB n licV IfM POPLAR; culcy ....S I4 .J00 ; Countyina Ser. 1^0« POPLAR: 2 b a ih s .. . .J14.500.-- no ro dill* »er VIEW. Dr.: lux .*29.000; crop ri------------ COS CnESTVIEW DR..........*18.500: ro ta loool edu. ’ 20 3rd W,: Furnished ........*0.500; bedroo)

4 ? ' * ----------S2;s'*'noisV“ O u l o f T o w n H o m e s 51 £ 7 p "

SllAKP r ' bcd^^yms. ta rm stvTc " llin— kitchen, ditcl, wntcr. room for r <0 ncic n horse . No down 10 qualified G .I. 240 a c r5t3 512,500, Globe Renltv. 733-2623. 204 nci

- r r r - — EvenlnsS 733-5457; 733.5045; 733- ' 433 ner, 23<0. .*____________________1453 a<

Ju s t EXCELLENT three bedroom homeIn Ooodlng. Only J14.500. 733-8227, P^one 8

. . . ri3r..2H2G or 530.270B. nnrnc.i Renlly. 1038 ACI autiful , . , -------- ------ , - rights.kltch-’ ' F o n n t f o r S o la 5 2 ' pu,5fp

r V i t y ~ F A L L S P E C I A L Te"rm»"0 V.T8,. ranch.

40 Acrcs, close lo Twin Falls. Lakes ^ Trades considered. ^Mathei

1, Don- 74 Acres, south of Kimberly. nf quj, 1. love. I.ols of potentlul wiih low down Twin 1 J lurKc, Iiiiymcnl. . , „ o p 4 .

no Acres sou lh 'o f Kimberly. We y'g“ ne'’r _________ .mi.eve,. Ihis. w illll-H A ,_____________ jS s r-c

provements. ’IM Acres northwest of Buhl.

733. i 3Kt! ‘ ' ‘“ P- Friced733.0358 ------ :----

~ ^ f O —Aor4>«-^nr<hwc«l—of__Buliti__ ft*O I.£]

J * l l ; ™ "> ', S m ,“ n f S t h e L A N D o f f i c e

. p .w . , O F I D A H O426,Main Avenue North ‘•®’* *”

733.0710 . Harold Kelihly ------- —32ti-4494 • _________ DaVe LuU -

- I , - - "ir;_____C A rrLE-RA N ClLJ120-acrc»-w lth^

private rancc. nl oimeni...J75,000. buliai 7 , ^ triidenble ,. L Ivo -sirenn i. town.

2d6~cbw rcALF Ranch on Snaken e y . ‘

Irabnrly RO C K Y M O U N T A IN ■.la.Siiw . R E A L T Y733-5877 Wayne Bauer. Broker 733-1408 ,

r i io i i s c .” - Mel Moncur ................. 733-3102 SideNewly J . P. -JacK " Smllh . . 733-4534 L ° ^ tinvcM® 400 H E A D COW R A N C H ‘oenti

n g jo u n .--------M L ptlvata-aU otm ent. locnled In-------one of thc Hnest arcns for ra is . ' ^^BVTl

In M ur. log Boef Cows in Idaho. Can be m ust >e. N cxl purchased for less thun *450 per ‘o r s

cow unlL For. m ore Information L

‘ c 'h iS 'JJ ’ h a n d y R E A L T Y ___E5£nl able Soulh Llncolit Jerom e TWO E_____ r __ _______ 321^433!LE.v.cnlnBS. 32*.?M2________ rnent,w ed for ____________ and 324-S456 live 1)d hom e. ]Boo ACRE Farm . IIOO acres 2"™ , p r ic e d .- A-1 row crop, excellent poiulo , ° J 1 ‘

__________a n d -su cnr beg t_areu. Iileul fo r _L l cuttle setup, 25 miles norlh.

w est of Burley. Idaho, *350,000, ,--------------- J.?0,«W dOM’n balance term s. Will

trad e for Income property. Sec FO R : d clean o r call y p >Ihs. c a r : G R IG G R E A L T Yge buse-- 678-9005 Burley FOK 5

U ulll.in Bob Whiling 436.6728 3 be t n ttaeh- E d B ench_____________ 862-3248 733.2’ --------------------------70 A C R E S — •DN Domesllc v^jll nnd hom e. 314T home. miles from Jetom e.- *29,0015.*ee bed- small down.'cil C'on* Feldi lu r c h e s . L & N R E A L E S T A T E =

_______324.4300__________________ Jerom e C o m f

L R E A L T Y ^r W s s 9 7 -»t»37 Btue I /ak e t---- Ha-M «ln W.— — ' -[•'2810 Boulevard N orth WendeU' 733-8227_________53»-:!02«■V 60 ACRES. 2 homes, aood out-r bulldlnBi. t hendsaie . Nona beU

>I le rl »96.doo. . N CX)m (oha NCy tSMO. F E L D T M A N R E A L T O R Sge living 878 F lier Ave .__________ 733-1088

y^^rd ana* • 120 A C R E Si>rlcod-ta.. - O ae .o f. Uio. best. In F i le r a re a . . . -g~1 tu rm i, wllh outstanding set of farm 1 -

buildings. Might trade.4. -------- , D A R N E S R E A L T Y __________t ________________________ T33.8227__________________ ^

so ACRES, 60 shares w aler. 70 IV. farm ing acres , close to Gootllng.Sm all m odern except h e a l housu

venlnK » lih firepluce. cow bam , loaHng NliWahed. g rannry , -ono head gate. *210The buy of Ihe year u t *20.000. cum

basem ent 25% Oo«n- Twtj acre building site waiiand ta m . w'>« deep w ell. One s h a r e o f ^ wi-ojmit-lnroB------- water,— JOO'—rivet— fTOnr*“ O n^»ll 1B!>

* road . Only *2,250, Gooding Really , vISTA - * 034-4231. Bob Keed, Salesm an 934. withonvrnlent 5101._____________________________ pj,o'• . l-nrgo ~iAO ACRES r ^ k - lr e e . a ll Irrigated, 3 p. , *21.200 lop producing soli. T hree seU of n s T ^ . , ^ ' 1*0°“ Improvttmenis, Inys nice, all „ „ v • *<Juaro fields. Lois of con. Add ;. *23,BU0, croiei ditches, alphnn tube irrlgai- 77 i______ • cd. , . W of the best row cropL TO RS farm i. You m u it sea to upprecU

733.1D88 a le , Prlco *240,000, te rm s avail. »«50G A IN S ? ” "nkes V(o!*«3%2V*;"*j7«rloy’ Ma'uv M o b !I reduced crs, 733 8473. ’ - • , ---------''I ’f - J / ’Ii* iiuhl A rea. SO A crci

•J h rn i,. *'«ll w ater right. 70 acrrrs Cultl-om bed.' valed, lurge level fields; ons

------- llfrK'?“in f lP W r T 'g w 2 r - tw T m -------------c n M " "" • -Sputliius newly remodeled,

3 ttrdroom home w ith flreplncB, wnll 10 wull cnrpellng. *4,700 by

I 733.8833 a^poinim ent ca ll if, p,

i?Ti!’''money 12» AClUiK .Slock nnd How Cron, ' *ctlon I 'h li lloiisllnB good corruls nnd iDlIk m 'inu sy iirm , '>»rn, inoJern 7.mom home, I3S %> iWun nmi .SniiUDn Itlver shares plus A.U.M.’s ]iipoinl, m r I’rlLud for Immedlalo sa le a t only „ 'a lo, fenciiil »JS,OCO, Wllh B i.e rten l In lere it V Itils home is coniracl u tte r down pnym enl. Wcisl tm ovi'. inin. iind Itoully, 1012 W est Main, Buhl. ^ ]llealty , 010 _____________________ \

1211. Jnm es cH O lC Ii Soulh aide la iin . 110 acres. M ’] , schwoniil- 41 m iles, from iv in Falls. Very J

riean and pmdiiettve. Also, one of ' ' -»* ----------------- Ihn holler norlhilde IliO's com­

posed ot tw o ad lacen t W a. Two se t of Im prnvem rnis, Show Real- *1

c ; v i r i M L i ^ ; - ^ ^ ^ ^ run.•B'“h y '’4V0 O*’llh . And U eallv, 73.1.fa ll^ 7 ? rij4 0 '''“" " ‘‘ * 733-SOHj _n inoi ^u'lUi: two ACUI'.S deeded fenced ira^ lng . lu i I m *■"*<• »n I 'n lrflelif area,ijniin ,1 .u). Anyone In tnrrsted In svelnil II

S i ’iT sr;733-itUJ4 or IiV *’

" S s l ErHi um lulr's' HOmi n « V ■ ill w rrn ls . J 'ric rd a t only ♦sl,- I'loIS ?ari.et" S?" ‘‘“•'fl- lie. i ‘i " n o a l l y and lnaur«n«o,-(llen Jack*

P5 !'*• aon, llrnlior, 324.4388. Al Luncas.»'®*' i r r , ' B3n.2in4;________ ;___________

,.,1. - - L - , . ; , i^ U A U n u rb e tw e e n Uulit nnd llna -

o"\‘! ,Y '‘ t3U outhiiMdlnis. »m!mo. Nul'h-■nving. *8M. „o„iiy 000 »<iulh Lincoln,

‘iv m R V i i *’ ’*'*“ « o r w"lhout" L af lla .in a . ——rh ln rry , W rite Hnn I'-U , c.o M .l

ma In nice Tlmes.>4nws, ''* ■I’own 'w a i f r » “ ACiritH.‘ i-and lays' loval. l i i i s j ' "lown, c „ ,c r« i , dllchas and Pl|>« line. I 'J■ I'rlced righ t. Must a«e b e ( o r r Lrln . a U iiis , iM ia a re ha rv«sin l. Tha Land

M W d i? m i7 f le V f '* ''" ! : wtf°'^"‘i>ie h,:____ ,___ 1__ noftii««»t XxmtUm. VcMf •r*»in<i ?'*'in churclias w alar, Ideal for siock W rt)W cron, —*,]?7S*.«07I. 411 » U ^ . I» a rn w i Itaa lty , Duhl. W - B o i |

S c o n'e^ny, ^•?tlVnV*?4'm a'*DiBy* n?a^fy?^f»E

OOSI T31'»33l, ' Ar« Really. T3MI27. >n<tW Ic K ' m u ifU fiaY fM lb rf »6 ».«ar ‘iS»in I 'alli', hool, 1 8,000, Large nelda. i.is .tin . Might Irads. HITC1

1 A*a , H aalty . J»iA 2l7. .. • Ilk

5 0 F o r m t f o r Sa>* 5 2 M o b lf*.*21.200: NEARLY 375 acres of best Jerom e ?,.*14,500: County fn rm land. Henvy-sell nnd J.*14.500,.- no rocks. O w ner'has followed 800(1 ,.*29.000; 'c rop rotaU on wllh some cxccllcnt ij.,r>0' ,*18.500: ro ta lo ground nvallable. N ic e ,4 •‘‘ ‘"“i ..*a.500; bedroom m odern home, tenant .

___________ housc .-m achlnc,, shcd,_pcnnlo,_c«liInr. P ricc llSnftOO wlih 2I>«C. down.

-------—r Drydcn Agency, Jerom o 324-5232.5 1 EtI P e tit , Sniesmnn. 324-5234, '

ill style L incoln County Ranches **30m lar 240 nc rc '240 sha re w n)cr IJ3.000

S S : 5;r„'c'-,'cV i,',-;:;r.*Sr‘ S S R jMS; 733- 435 ncrC 343 sha re w ater tCS.OOO J - ' - i

I4S3 a c re Amole w ater *440.000 >m home HARRELL THORNE AGENCY -R/r733.8227. Phone 88fl-207l Box 360 Shoshone

■1 Renlly. 1038 A CRES Deeded. 40 head range .- H ih ts . 250 a r r r s IrrlHuted, Canal ^

M- w ater nnd 2 wells with 50 horse pump and 10 horse pump. Excel-

------------- len t Im provem ents. Price *100,000.Term * o r m ny trade for imaller .ranch. Lyn».ood Realty, 610 Blue TWyfl

Falls. Lake* Blvd. No.; 733-0211. HarleyM athers. 733-8473._______________ _ r

. COUNTRY Squire living. JGO, south 3U nmberly. „f Quhl, w ith finest Improvements. ■Jjs. *r down Twin Fnlls Cnnnl w n le r Rood'row

crops. c*ccUenL..4.bed(^om 'home j j .n y

riy. We ’ e 'ne'r^'cenl” d ^ ^ r 'c n '? Eddy “ f'"" ------------------ B 08 i-o r-M ounU ln -S U t«* -R ea lty . ■

vod“ im-' 40^ ^ T e s and 40 shares of water.Close to boodlna . Small 1-bedrootn NEATI hcm o .o jjd r.bedroojD house. *11.- " jen i

r ^BuhL * Muffley, Ooodlng,

f—B u h l /- R e o l .E * » Q j* 4 ^ r - I f o d « — i— 5 3 - J p I S i 1, 1, ‘■“ no e x c h a n g e whnt y o ^ a v o for wna't lIj you w ant- Rocky MounUIn Realty,

E xchanger. 812 Main North, 73^i r F . _______ 733.T

■---- ------ NICELL ots a n d A c r e a g e s 5 4 Aduij


■ ■‘ ■ X ,:_________________ O N E A C R E ___________. Bluerc»-w lth— _-TwQ_hcdfoom-home.-lol* or-out-— CLEAf -.*75,000. ■ “ " I »«»«>• •« u______ __ tow n. *J.500.. ■ _______ _•_____

,n Snake f^SHAW R E A C T ^ and nlnge. 8 Susan Shaw .' 733-WJ3 Phor

E lm er o r Jenn ie Sommer. 733-SS97 k i t c h - A nn HOftmnsier, 733-MlO____ ” 11 ,

■ A C R E A G E SO U T H O F733-1408 JE R O M E

D7 nc rcs with 57 shares of North Klml733-3102 Side Canal Compnny w ater. q Itt

733-4534 sou?h « VeromV^ Id ah o ‘ V e a l P " "O^CH location for development into _ 2 2 i2,rr't.,< tn a c re a ge homesltes. Owpcr Is O N E -for ra ls . • ~~wt>vnnr~ia i H BiB gr-iToirnifia ' ment. Can be f S r * s o m c 6 n e * " '' '" ‘^5^ai‘iSn L ^ O W E R E A L T Y *'j^o“ ;

:Y P h o n e ^733^>97°4'‘y a V S ^ nightJerom e TWO b e d r o o m , full finished base. pie.

t-?M2_ H vcV loeih^PH e^ '^ irw S ^ TWO* Ijg ncres H nro ld 's Agency, Across from 219 4

i‘“^ noV lh^

;r ty . Sec FO R SA LE: City Lots, 535 High- “ Ec land . O as .and w ater. Call 733- men

FY _________________ __________; appIBurley FOK SALE By Owner; Five acre.

436-6728 3 beflroom. 2 bath homc. Call 343 862-3248 733.2141 a fte r . 9 p jn . LOVE

sme." 314 B u s i n e s s P f ~ ^ ~ o r ~ t ^ ~ ' : ~ 5 6*29,t»w. U im m erclal Property "" der

rA T EJerom e C a m p e r s 6 3

Cam pers! J |WendeU ' H u r r v ! “ P*

. O n ly T w o L eft 1 *

N ew a- 1968 Caveman

LTORS ™A t Cost! 5; ;

B A K E R ^ S ' j■«isw5 —Mobile-Hom GS I n c‘h e aW u "s“o- 112 Addison Ave. W . 733-3338 am , loanng NEW S U e u K irV cab-high cam per ONti head gate. *210, New .Security, c n b .o v c r

u t *26.000. cum per. Ice box. siovts, pressure _ 121 lulldlnc slle w a te r system , *839. Speclul Mils ONE-

share o t vwi-ok, Home >rQw n_T rallcr-Salus, —cormrr-o*T-D» ~ m A 'ffnnroA ^enue Wo.l.___________ or_

V l.srA LlN E R «• calt-over camper. FAR' lesm an n t - w ith jncks. Excellent condlliim, ba t j _ _ _ ------ -- Phono n aae rm an 837.4811 beforo mn

" row "c“ on iJ.sA b ' ' n . r n , m . ' r a y cab^ver. Hu- to r o p w R f " " " refrfgcrntor. sfnve, sleeps 4,

srm s iv n ll . W50. 'Ino Addlaon Wcsl. *JI“

■rley’ Mati). M o b i l e H o m e s ’, , 6 4

IWi lFvnllt r''

firepinCTj! L a t s c s t S e lec tion*4,’/oo by o f “}•

le n t cafl ^ M O B IL E H O M E S PhM a rU tt . — M atnnlla P u r

‘ i . r ! e , '" iS i ♦ ^ ^ a v e l t r a i i I r s p SIIUSA.IJ,M,’S I ra v e le io — A ristocrai

cnt” V P IC K U i" " c a M P E R S in .

Main!’ Bum, tf. l ‘ rC K U P C O V E R S ___________ W Innrba.o Nl'.W

..................... a

.."Sv 't:; g a t e w a yS ta , IW.I. T R A I L E R C E N T E R

.■ -„ i | „ ru„. Addison Wusi 73V2410 —^ S frr» w ii« r IJfnn's illrhfleld MOI

for DAILY 8 a.m , to « p.m. ■» 'ue“.u v , ' 73/ «UN„ I p.m , 10 0 p,m , ^ S7; 733-SOISj ----------------------------------------------------- ONI|

Wo Have A ^ . Few Good ■

- - ^ B u y s - L e f t l ------------^

In cln d ln ij: . ^

w crop Innd. buu\ UalVer"S'OD*our

JP1245 J4im modern TW(oiiihuiidmgs, n0),2j ' w i l l a llima brdrow n m a t only *54,. I'lorlw ood house, a ll aloclilo la miX ' J S

Al A L W A Y S J iilii I..,, liiT.-. B E T T E R B U Y SS S .S S MAGIC VALLEYX . , K l'!; M O B IL E H O M ES «

3>/i miles wcsl of Wcsl B Pninis 20 'J«r<imo.” inri1 * 3 3 ^ 1 — Closed fiaturdiiys Tw ( drofini linme. Shop in l iF in 7 u y ^ f w a >0u buy In

. ■ H & Wi T T O j f T O " “ T R A I L E R S A L E S m

i,o7, y C ianbrook’ mob'll'a'homB,- ,Utason. m

t?[ K S i . 'm S; M o— ::i Call 7U-M8I o r 7U-4MI,' ' U K

n . a l f y ? ^ 2 i i l J n u y U m ^ ir .l le r^ lio l...

“ ftnnhlle htuiM In eacclkMl condl-

' Ywin^ I 'alls", w.^Mlghl trade. J i w u j . * . 41

5 2 M o b i l e H o m e s ________ M T w in F.

“I S .SAVE $1000!.I2'»r.0- two bedroom Nnshua B u * ln e i

s ' ' s ; a i i o , v " s r g „ ' r K r i ;t^ o w n —e «>n«««l-unm y roonr:*wnd:H>nd.------- sc rv in324-5232! S^lyT“ llU*“*/“*----------- 12 Y ears Serving Magic Valley

l i B A K E R ’S ■ | |' ncT tv'/t u m t t d o w n t iMobile Homes1 412 Addison Ave: W. 733-3358 W j ^

” e « 7 ' A L W A Y S - • •*.'mnife- B E T T E R B U Y S = =MAGIC VALLEY_______ M O B I L E H O M E S ’ “ be**?”iO, south 3u miles w est ot West 5 Point* Bnrn. vcmcnls. 733-CI41 - - Closed Saturdays -

W o n le■ddy 733. 6=00 or weekends. COULE-R ealty . .-.npnr.ti_______A p a r tm e n t* — F u rn is h e d 70

'b e d r o ^ NEATLY furnished 3 - room ba»e. ise *11,. w en t apartm ent. Utilities except Ooodlng, * P ">- u

1 CLEAN nlcclv . fuml«ni.<t nnn bril- '- r ----- ^ room. H eat and w ater. Ciosu-ln. ALLI

or -733JO~g—a ftcfc —.t r a t l t

" apartm ent. C a rp « ie ^ private en- CAS?irth, 73^ Good lo?itloi^. 733-6587 or S1930

_______ 733-7713. F U UNICELY furnished 3 rooms, close-m.

5 4 ' A du lu only, no pets. Inquire ^___________ 4lh Avenue East, ________

TWO rooms upstair* pun iy fur”. °

s , ' -*7,500. - THUE^E rooms nnfl balh. .Clenm

or-out"— CLEA N rU asem ent-Bnonm eni. eiose- lose .to to tow n.' Adults. See a t 312 Cth F a r m

Avenue N orth. TW-'ivA.--------------BA kM E^J'^‘ apartm ent. Two t ^ s

and bath . All uillithss furnished. .

k n S g N S i ? ^ ! ' - . . . . r i» o t a r C ir ____ a ll utllllles. Steam heat. Clean. ^ I s

TWO AND THREE rooms. A dului. y, u tilities. No pets. See a t 1530 “ ''i*-'f North K lm berlv Rond i.._ ." “S ' ; ijN E DBUBOOM. r o . f p l » . oHiTr „ „ S

Ideal persons only. 2S5 Shoup. Phone two,t Into 733 2432 or 733.Q244._______ ;_______per is ON E-BED RO O M furnished npnrt. Boxf irn ifla ' m eni; Good location. . A dult* ,-no - - p; ortunllv - ' pels. Phone 733-6028.^ KIMBERLY - Vou ll like lliiT T f ---------TY you’re fussyl One bedroom up art. T

m cm . nice nelshbors. 423.5350. c, night SMALL apartm ents, single or c m :

hed base. pie. *30.00, *35,00. Citll 733-7386 WD

’ w i f i ' s ii-o r.>ss from 219 Clh Avenue EasL FER

— TWO ROOMS, all utilities, ga rage, ,

6.25 east, f tp q r tm e n t s — U n fu r n is h e d • 7153S,.HIgh- LOVELY IW O Bedroom a p a ruCall 733- m e n l, 'A ir omiiUloned, carpvted,

_ _ —>me. Call 343 Blue Lake* North 733.3060 ISO 1

. . LOVELY Three bedroom d u p i e lc 1^Avallable,.»ogn._Carpcied,.two fire , __

K S i , S i ’.‘ '; .S J l. ; . '’a i ; i ! ; n “ S K Mrty d e r 13 no t preferred. Phone 733- »'Tn.iBsa ^B 2 .

.rZ — SPACIOUS one hedroom apartm ent“ ' ^ n e a r Lynwood. Ideal fo r worklnn f

I pe ts. Phone 733.2262. ':___ _____ iiX C EE fiO M A U ^rtew ly remodeled ' ' ' j

„ ■ S.ETM.®-''“™’ATTRACTIVE I m a l l apartm ent, F e r

an clo*e.ln. partly furnished; Ideal fo r den . working couple, single person. 733. (roi ® 4170,--------------------------------------------------HIJ

------- ------------------- Eaif " m l . l , . d 7 3 ■•“ J

) > C ' KL ^ nlshed. *43 p er m onth. fi«w Mr.^ ^ Smllh. Farm and City.___________--------------- W O bedroom s,'^ 'decoriiled. wiiVh-l i e s B ^ T ^ h O T l ”jliT rtc T * M o ‘ Klm- CtJRl

733-3338 __berly . Road. ------------------ ------

, pressure 131 Him. Phone 7.^3-0730.peciul Mils ONE-bedroom house for rcnl or sa le. „Ilcr^Salus, —camplaial><.rumish«<lr-<;alM33-eoor —(r_______ ^ or 4ro J e fa rso n , .r camper. PARTIALLY turnlslied 2 room s and

condlliim, ba th . Suitable for ono adult, *25 S f ' BU beforo m onth. P h _ o n o _ 7 3 3 ;B O g 7 ;_ _ ^ _

' / ’i r a ' ’i s — U n lu r n H h a d 7 4 _ S'• " * s l .n d . . b .J r i» m » » . - ‘ '? T i

*H0. Call before 9 p.m ., Lloyd MOR Rohersnn A r « n c y , 230 M ain lar

^ N orlh. 733.ft8JlS, ' , par— ‘lWO“ ro"om iraiiur plus 2 room*

, , r a . ' t t i r S r , 7 , ° r „ h o v

i - — - i nn tOM J'OllTAULU 3.bedroom home,

S ', /T ,= ,n '* " X u '." 5 ! .f -™ .S S :Phone 733.W23. r rz r-

a V u rV U ilA U two-bearoom. naw

^ R S ^ garaSef'Klm^er “ P h ra e■rnl ■ 733.3228, LOUI

Tw'6“irilDROOM brick duplex, t i a i Ji5b a u

J In, 733.5045.Nl'.WLY Cariwled, 3-bi:droom hnusr,

,n witli large living roohi, flrepiaee,and large kitchen, • » i>or monili,

..........................253 M ariln K lre«(..7Sl-o4*,............. —»»V 6H U bedroom, gas >ie.t, f ; n i e ,^ tlrapes. w ater . sanllnllon furnish. ***

T E R . . . . ■■'ll'iIll.w t i o b u iW i.lim lin o ii . J , . » . lo r r . . i , =

B V - J m , A n n’ UNK bedroom, liewlv decoruled In- ART

— ------------- , sUIe-NUl. Ailulis only. ».« m onth, pnJ \ tnquiro 277 A lexander.' n r , IM ItliE-illiDllO OM , baseniitnl. two- ^

inquire Rellubla ,Shoe Sliup or phono 324-2381 aven ln is . *.*

SMALL o n i^ n il^ in 'h o m e . -E litJa s h»a«, I4D T yler, IW.oe p e r — m onth, 733-0740. A iir

KIMUUItLV," ilii^'e hedriHmi, stoker m T i h eat. *73 per monih. Phone Kim- beily , 423A137 nr 423 a303.

i w i ) m H )H o6M . play«0i>m, H is ^ _ _ btaroDin m enl, wjishcr, u r itm heal. STO.OO ——

iloclilo Is monifi. 201 Asli Wlroei, 733.2703. C c tiCI.I<Ari7m(idBrn 3 bedronm, fencVtl ------

ynrit, some furnllure, MS,' Pliana . 733^011 nr 7.1)03(15

Y .q l o i r i i i l H T . two t^ Jrnom iiou.e,' „t W 5 5 d r r r n M 3 S ; ; 2 . ‘- ‘ ‘-

i V c TTt lCV l M.lU H /(Hir room* aelr t l l b w ith bau t In country, Pho»« t33- ]I B 1‘ninls 2 0 W ^ ________ __________________

■ 1wi>’ K 3 ^ m li«T>e <or rent, d o se ” ------

*S** CL01IB.JH cT iM T pH vafi imfraneo, }»“

n g ,',Reason, montti, c a m w t "cen ter llo te l, ap i *5 riernuons or PHofhorto g ir .sv Houth.

M o b i l . H o r n . P o ,k in g ____ ^ " EI,' UK^ATtiD In beaHtlful Wood r Iv w Wilisa lO ili! Valley a t (oq( of Sawiooili mou*-

Ikwl condl. achool. ld » a l(u rsu n u a s r o r ■U iter otWHcalkM hnms. W rl|e IJo x .U I, lii

rn b id iO M , Ik-Ilevue, Idaho 103)3 b r call 4 tU . .............. 4 « f *U«r.«;jO p ,m , ....................... ......... ta

6 4 T w in F o ils T im e s - N e w s ' 2 1 ’ !“i--------- F r id a y , O c to b o f 1 8 , 1 9 6 8 !

,„ ,hu a B m l n e t i — O ff ic e R e n to U 8 0nlslied O NE or iw o furnished olliccs. p r |.i:lM d.-------i. One nlshed. L a a te d on North Blue

Ltike-I. Cnil Gordon L . CrtK keit.Valley 733-5.1H0, nnvtim e,________________

I'O R rcnl 1500 square feel of com .

S^W N T O W N — 2 private orncca an3

1£3C reception area. U tllllles furnished.'I C a 200 3rd Avenue E ast. 733-2315.r33-3358 WAREllOU.Sli 40.XC0’ Cinder block.------------ Inside 'and outsldo dock. T rack-

- nge. 171 Blue Lake* South.s —

. t ? v F o rm * f o t R e n t 8 4§0~ACRES for rent. G o ^ soil. 3

iS bedroom modern home. G rode APoint* Bnrn. 324-2400, Jerom e.

•days ______________ — ,

-7J30«tH} W a n te d to . R e n t ._ _ .........— . , : 8 8CtTuLUGE student wnm, sm SB.-.npnr.tracni._RQfMciiccs_lL-dcalred._________

j 7 0 Write 601 MnUn. PuHey.

13” exc“ i I n d u s t r i a l E q u ip m e n t________W

■ * P '" - U S E D I N D U S T R I A L , one bed". ' E Q U I P M E N T

A L U S^ CHALMERS .m odel, 160 -Bl tviF- .tr&bliji , lua Jc i bllCKllut» *5.000. '

_________ __CASE, model. 1000 Craw ler trao -bedroom to r wlih dozer. *5500,

•Ivate en- CASE modcl 210 loader t r a c f jr .33-6587 or S1930.________ FULL Line Qf t^ew Jo tw D ee re .

'"“ L L ifoT T S.n iv ' v„,- H i Ovbrland Ave. Burley, Idaho « i t ■ Phene 676-5585 ’0. oco m jjob I,ou5,on s q , „ Reprr4iontaUvo

pels. ^ j3,„ 320-52C8.

enl. close- .t 312 Oth F a r m I m p le m e n t s 9 0

w T ^ ^ s F o u r U sedfurnished. S c lf -P ro p c lledtwo beds. C i rc u la r S p r in k le r S y s te m It. Clean. This raivly happens — yci hero

It U. 1-our oul.of-suie used , AdulU: VALLEYS for snle by Uic mun-

Ions and lrrlg..ite ■; ICO n c ro ...........“ 7 "ex. O^tdcr *f)unre field. One HW?! brie 1900. ' ip. Phone two 10C5 models. Contact:

_______ V a lm o n t P a c if iccd npnrt- Box 10TO ___ Twin FaU» ___kduitt, no Phone 733..1358 o r 733-33U7

■ for Mr, Bmdy

om ‘u p a r" T R A C T O R S F O R S A L E IJ ___ S p e c ia l R c d u c c d P r ic c s ! V

ll 733-7386 WD Allis Chalmers

----- ■ - '_________ FERGUSON 35 Iraclors, ga rage, IZ^fojrt t r u ^ bed w ith.hydraulle__________

ih e d • 7 1 V A L L E Y F O R D & . u a p a r u IM P L E M E N T ^rp « ted , 733-0017 l i l i e s , ------------------------------- -----------------------O R F O R SA L E733.3069 ISO MASSEY-I FERGUSON Irac-

d u n T e T “ >r with pressure control

I ' a T i ’e ^ '^ — -------------PhOTe t o I T mo

FertllU er Spreading

.’r ' l o m . 1 ! - f e W L E S r R " B ,a . ^ ■I—BARBER BED ........ !!! $1500

ishcd. NO i _ t y l ER 6-ton N urse Bed

remodeled * ‘ Ph'o'no' '■n3'.713Y 'o r 423.2764_______fJ*’ sfiii’oS’ t r a d e for 5 to 10 acres lend 5Id. *100,00. n ines-out of Twin, p rac tically new---------------- Form Equipment. T ractor.M asseyapartm ent, Ferguaon-es, 4.row planter. T an .

d; Ideal fo r dem dlsc-4-row m arker. Spray- person. 733- jron t sceder-300 hour* only. O r ' '

High Bid. J . W. W heeler. 2 m llet E as t Sugar Factory— South.

7 3 LOGGING Equipment, D ^ Cat.________i Z hydraulic blade, wlncti and boom.

7ih S i n e t landem axlo trn lle r will) a irIta ion fur- brakes *3000, used with 1953'F -8--- '1 Sea M r ^ o rd trac to r. Jogging bunks, tan-1. SCO KT. t r a i l e r , 'a i r tira k es ., JI250, .. aed . w ash- •-«ajjcrTnan-a37-4fl5»..Dugg«Ji.S«W s___

*ieM Kim- CURL 1063 potato ha rveste r," tnM ei No. 70, wJth blower and brush

, - r t devlner. Has new rubber coated >

- - . - I - TWO.ROW corn head, for Cnse 600 ,

— ^ MOUNTAIN s u te a Implement for' S t ; . Y.S a 5 -a ,i ;! " -n j! s ;5 i.

I 7 4 Finrnl. Phone 733-7547.

------------------ ----n„ Lloyd MORB trac to r horse pow er per dol.230 M ain lar w ith Cose. Roed T rnctor Com*

, pany.________ •

sT iV tC ? H o y , G r a in « n d F e « l 9 4l»ASTtJJtl^ 1 '6r 100 head, also tiay

P f / and faclliiles to v in ie r catUe. Send , is t .„ i.,w .i ■! —i'«sum a-to-C ox-g-l7~-r..< i T lm c n —.:____

r iu ,k . . c . -. j s b i s K " " " “ "S'*. " J S

■ — Twin Vails.llOlUiE pasture In Twin i'a lls . Plen-

....fcnua E as t, IIAI.UI) Huy for aale, Oan Daniel*.

lAI Rniu Ktreet N orlh, 733.2170. ',ne7or ren t, = " ‘^hot,kup, t i i A n im a l B w e d l im 1 0 0ecoruied In- A R T irtC IA l, Slreeding^n AUS g rea t *.U mcMlh, proven sires, n a llo n \ h t ^ s t typa-

- F r :7J3.0iflT“ ' ‘" «»-6^54, llu rle r e T ^ a i ? •

A u c H o n i ,1 0 1 ;k tt^ lunfA H U e s Y arii. A u alo n

f.W a°r\^eV l . , ■

Bh''*733?2?6^ , 1 0 Z ,

"m S; PhSSe “ I-O R S A L E ! ^ #

■nom liouse, j.i p,,r«bred y e a r lln i H en 'ro rd ' o p M , and « a d y • «o

33M02. b read. Oui p f, reg is tered .OOWI, . .onma bouse aelling without u p e ra .

PhOM t33- E D W , C . E A K tN f t S O N S •.. J e rome, rh o ee IM 4 4 H ,

W E S L A U O O T E R T T 'i'drooms, c iin Q a F U f ia -*!tatig>»t»yy<rw - '

-------- ’ - N o rth M a l n w c k e r a '■ ' ■

s u n & ‘5 2 a ir ; i S W i r > J i f f ' ‘f f i ;I’ M onh. loan.Contacti W esters U v e t to c ^ i

^ "• re 'i^ ra rV ^old 'and ^ a t r . 'V S rd W r

................. ta w o t Ktmt>stly. Uafce. . i . y .'

■ - i

■■■ - m

Page 22: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF257/PDF/1968_10_18.pdf_ — J W e a th e r - Chilly VOL. 65 NO. 187__________ Murder G Filed

— R E S U L T S

________________________ , - . . 2 D a y s a n d . S

40-TONS 3 rd c u l l in g h a y ,’ b a le d 423-xxxx; H a n se n .

2 2 T w in F a lls T im c s - N c w s Po>s F r id a y , O c t o b e r 1 8 , 1 9 6 8

C ° lll« _______________J ? ? U BiiYO UNG C A T T L E A N D 1,° '

GRASS C A L V E S F O R 'S A L E kci tlQUU-ln. “ J,” V r 'r nn"'’‘‘hcUcr.'!' = ]m"*o pound*5. "ai'i ihlpplnfi LIvO!IrJcr- v accm nuJ. Top quulliy. -------

R o se B ' F a r o e s - . ...........................Murldlan. Irtalin ' -j— r

In Mnale Vnlley cnll: Ike Dfnn.-------3 3 W m or.P trB -C um p .

Jerome. We Ocllver u.,ywh.;rc- lu .Mnglc Valley. W rlto o r cull Jor _ ‘ :y

Sprm5er..oV bcc7. Hnp or Clyito - t/uahct. Duhl. M3.5825 or 5<3-5S)C9.

fO R SALli: Good baby nnd •1 . -I m e f* a n d black. 3:4-4162 or "alV

4038. Jerom e,____________________riB S T clo»» Angus Bulls, resn tcred «

1 »Bd^2 yenr o ld i. J3M to j mCall a^iernoom . 733-9750. ____

Bl-GISTERl-D choicc BiacK AriRUS EDO bull.- Ready for service. Phone mo423-5519 or 324-4002.______________ JOJ

POR .SALE; T hree head young cut- P«: lit, Phone 733-^167. • .«■

20 HliADjnjIxcd heifers, will calve In. April, nW - 7M.23GC,______________ ‘-OR

-----“ coi

sw r iie ~ ~ T 0 3TWO Y ofl^hlrc D oars. si-rvlccahl^a

age, Wlll trade one for unrelated. _ i £-Archie Mnlonc. 7 norlh, •/, w ujt. USE

_ Jerome,_ 324-M52. — 2?

■ f W ? _____________ 1 0 4liX l'BR T H orjc Shoeing and Trim . j i

itilng. Call <23-1032, H nnien. Je rry. Tw itchtll. _______________ B y .

SECJSTEHIiD Q uarte r horse, sorrel ___filly, 3 ycn rs . Also, buckskin geld-Ing. Phone 733-6894.______________ '

B R r.isT ER iiin q u a r te r Marcs n i^ P G eld ings.-H orsc i ' bought-so ia icx-—t- thanged. Ren H aley 733-6055. Zi

Sheep __ 106 —i:SHHEP -fo r salo. Open and bred

Ewes any age . any amount. 870- 3587. Challls, Idaho .___________ .

P«H a n d P . I S u p p l l o t 1 1 0 Z tDOBERMAN P lnschcr. Hnre Red,

_______ very large . N ine old,gua r'S ^ 'ogT ” M n^ke offer*! ■ " p - K r ®

POODLE GROOMING. Stud service —puppies— Bcoessorlci. Cherl Mil- DU

RE gYc t e r e d G erm an, Shorthand M l..... _ ? ? r e ^ d % u & ; S ? ; ? . ’ii’-do‘T .S .nY n";fa

on dogs of Dll k lnd i. Training "• guaranteed- 320-4GM._____________ )

SALE: 3 fem ale B order Colllc pup< . □irs. 10 w eeks old. $10 cnch. C78> ifM7. Burley._____________________ . „

AKC reg is tered toy sllvcr poodle ITT puppies. AUo w hite nnd illvcrAKC stud scrvlcg. 733-8018._______ ,

SIX-week-old fem ale AKC Cciilie pup. i P ^ ei.-|ab ifl- |ind trl-coior; J2 5 rca il

BEAUTIFUL m arked Germnn Shop- i herd , fem ale , G m onths old. Had ^

tu |.M i!” ° o " l 'm '.s h ,p l .n r a . iiSi ! f also, m ixed Po in ter and Spnnlcl U pups >5. Phone 73n-S223.______ ■

ningi,____________ ■ C'IDACH.SHUND pups, AKC ReRls-

le red . DIack Attd lan . Phons 733.

-------- AKC .lleg la icred-W tilm arancr pup* ^------------ for-ia le;-4-T nonths-old.- '»M ,-G nry G

»Wlnn. Buhl. M3-C934. ________ W^•UKUUUBU Oorm un Shophcril pup-

pies. IIS . Call 733-5223. zaaMBBWSgsgamwMipaaiammg


B e lo w y o u w ill find no.HRC.s. I .ook u n d e r lli ( o r tlio ( in e s t In s e rv i

T W I N F i

AIR CONOITIONINO___________ ' t

caU U k 1‘urnaco Company, 733-i _______________ _____ T

AFPIIANCB ANO TV MPAH •WIv tU'.I'A IH nil iniihr* .)( ivlilKcr'- _

a to r., frB nrrm . wn»hrr«. i1ryrr«, p enlor TV j-ii Hccoiui •

t AW CABB R■ J'O R T in : •hInirM n i r in l"w ". I'jj'" ‘

II 10 ).n w uxr.l for lu .l » » «l Um- Hniitn nf W ax, Mi> Si-n>i>il Avrniiu Kouih oc io iw i 7.11 iii' i v. ';;i:i-7io<,

CABftT ClIANINQ_____________ . sCl.hAN YOlJIt i iti|>cli wllh Um In'' j

c iiljm l CItiiinri'. '• f > ""»m u c k er AopUiinre' iin.1 I'm nllun',r n Haroncl Avcniin l’.»<l,________ _

CAB WASH___________________ _ ]

cH m o rn A C T o * ________________ ■X U M O m u> irr= ^ IT rr(.i .rucT < 7r l^7

N orlh W nsliliigton, ’Jwlit I'Ml*.___ 1‘hiinn 733-474I,

o u r W A i i _ _______________fcin 0 1 i5 l.lo y /" r iry wall cm uatK ir.

a a i . M U ’ AT,r u n OIL '1*or ito v e «n (1 fiirnaca o l ir f a ir r te m

KtalB Olj, 733-flDflJ. Our luol innhes

XIAITM IQ U IP M i^Ji X H iuTi H H tl.o ' n..w -w ” y7'l iT -nF^;

r rc lio amt lion III r<|iiliuiiriil, ■|in>it bike, niassngo rollor, U lt vilinilor, iicilNtirycio. JJannor I'liriilltitc.7 3 3 . H i f . _____________________

KOMI OECORATINO AND SUPPLKS M n ^ ^ y lA n K lW h'T"l'N i»i'ont oilyi

«:%ninlIi"l7lo,’ i^n?|tl}ul'VohJl'^''^ll•__J£^^^ |o llP lfl^_« .^J;^^^IIOHIINO PIXIUK* ________

. Tlio M ght H ousr, Atldlmrt Ave. i:.

n U S I N E S S - S E R V I C I - : •

D I R I - C T O R Y A D S

A N D W A N T A D .S

P H O N E 733-0D31 ,



D ia l D43-4l)in ......................D Iu a78-39S2 ..............................J J ia S 3 0 -2 M !} ............................ ;D in 32(T-3375 ........................... ..

R E S U L T S —

) a y s a n d . S o l d

h a y ,’ b a le d in th e f ie ld . P h o n o

•N e w s Po>s o n d P q i ’S o p p H e i '1 1 0 G o o i 9 6 8 ' H A N -SU K E N N E L S-------- -- BOARDING — GROOMING on,

• O'? ____________ • 733-0512______________ 543.GERMAN shorili.ilr». Choice from fnn>

10 puppies. AKC reg is tered . E very

A L E K 5 n = i;." '‘3 s 2 = . s ; ;Mnck — ----------^pplng L Ivo itocK W a n J o d 1 1 4julity. IDAH6 'n i D E “ & TALLOW ir o n

DEAD ANIMAL PICK U P Lni' ,;.V . > Phone collect 733-CS35_______ „ci

Dfnn" J- • - IIUY products, free pickup — — l-2:i59' scrvlce for useleU cattle u n il . .

re 111' - hor!<e!i.-W11l p n y - lc -a -p o u n d . Cnll A n ti 73.3-7155.

^heifers. A p p l ia n e o * & H H E q u ip . 1 2 0 “p;

“ ^ ’ h r e e " R o w ^ T G ^ o u ppasture . in c lu d in g a n t

------------------A p p l in n r n * ;______________ iu>

^ . ■ O n l y $ 3 9 9 , ,t o * j m C A I N ’S E c o n o m y S t o r e o iJn

______________________7.13.7111 tuit Angus EOGIiD coppt-r. Coofcrafor refrrjjer-

Phanc n tor wllh cold drink d ispenser only PO'_______ son.50. go-doy w nrm nty . Insured KEI-unc cat- pnynicnt plnn, M St Y lilec lrlc Co., trr

,« 1 Maln^Ave.^^E^nM; Twin r a i l s . Ba

L ?om rncr(:l'nL ^w 3shcrs.,lx»’o _ C o a k _J.i* M715 com m ercial ilryer*, Compli'tc ser- __^

- ~nl'i;'lu!vi'iit\:Ll'itfalcr!^l*liun(L^1 0 3 FALL C learance o( gooJ used ------!

rvlccabio tvfrlRcrntors. P rlccd from J29.50. bIXTerm ,. 'V ll.on -D .lc ._____________ ta

■; west. USED household appliances. Scrvlce (l' on all m akes. C am era Center Hall i"

" — of M uil3. 733-1021.. 1 0 4 USED ZEN iTlI so lid M ate portnblg °,' — — — J75, excellent condition. Call 733- Id Trim . H 70 af te r 5 p.m. _____________

F u r n l lu re & H H G o o d s 1 2 2 j'ckin geld. USUD MACHINE________ SALEires and POUTADLES FROM ........................» 4.Mt.solUiCK- —t-AUlNETS - FROM 125,00— —055. ZIO 7.AGS FROM ....................................S64.00 Ul‘l------------ .SINnr.R .SF.WING CENTER lh------ 150 Main Nnrth '_______________ 7.13-33H ’ U|.nrt ••h7r'rt S P O T CASH.u„,. r ; r „ l .u „ - A j g J .n c . .

---------^ . . B A N N E R F U R N IT U R E 5i i n 1;7 ;na A .m u , w , . i m m i -

■ HOUSEFUL ot furniture nnd appll- n,,h , fiiH ances. only MOD. E asiest te rm s a t t

“ o f .Cain’s .Econom y-C orncr-Store. . . ._ _ r r. phone W E BUYt Used furn llu rc . applian-

CCS. babv th lng i. antiques, coal tltd~servlc» stoves. Ha>\:s F u rn itu re . ^

it*Red'cap °^nd'*"rouphnLs’ er.*'*Phnnc'‘7^3-eC37.S4 — ■123. R on's.C usiom U pholstery.________ p

— WHShorthand M usS co l In s tru m o n T a 1 2 4 bo-tralnYnit ^JU U iE__NliW—Dn[dwin--aplmil_BU

T^S Slna nnos. U sed eight weeks a t Sun STiTraining « o o ,001 5Avniluble on ou r rcntal-purchnse _ i

s i v ' s s . & " » , "i i_________ - nuo. E as t.. 733.210B..'.- . - ....... _ L:r poodle 41; ^ Y am aha pianos; Used p ianos: M l nd silver Vox gu itars and am plifiers. KLHl i _______ stereo rccord p layers. W ftfntu ct;oll1e pup. Music. n r .Shoihone N orlh.______ V; « 5 r c a l l r AND in strum en t-ren ta ls . New and_________ used. Conn. Selmer. Bundy. Rey. 1mnn Shop- nolds. W a rn e r Music. 733-7083. I

old. Had ■ - - _»R a d io a n d T V 5o»» 1 2 5 I'S

Id SpnnlVl LARGEST selection of color T V s In i- -'-Idnho. Zenith nnd Curils M athes. 1

■Inr miila Sclect from OU# 75 -scu . Buy nowl ^> TO2 ev*: Cain-*, 733.7IH.___________ ” •

GUARANTEED used TV'S from , tt:— *24.14. T ry before ynu buy. Mel Phone 733: Q uala '* 'Serv ice Co.. J28 2nd Ave. ^

■ S S r -S 'iS C < io d -T li ln g .- lo -E o l - - 1 1 3 3 Ei_________ WHOLESALI-: beef by half o r nuar* _phcril pup. te r. C ut and w rnppcd. Phone North 25

Main Locker*. 733.4D82.7is!ns.v>r!.-x:/Kam!! va.v! 'na/)/ isnii}ia7!.va.<»xs>xae/n.‘a ^


I? DIRECTu w ill find m n n y ficrv ic i's n v n iln b le f ro m M o o k u n d e r th o to w n in y o u r n r e n . . . c o n ta c l i i c s t In B crv lco u n d q u a l l iy p ro d u c ts .

T W I N F A L L S _______________________

PAKTS ANP SeilVICE _________ V.

^ st'se rv lcB ^(^v^rp,‘‘’bVlm"m<t"''n ■’s , " " " ...............

—. J'niM .nnil »i,i vli hiK. i>H tnalies «ni)w.* mcihlli'S, M(itotrsc:lr« iinil Iil1ir«,7,1 ivlilKcr' tnn, llln .tun. KImt.prlv H»nil, _■r«. ilryrrs, pROPANE V ' IJcml'j l ’™ii,n.o u I . . . , T»(. r.ullc. .ll.nM.J. Vjt.i ne t 1, licks. Hulk clrllviirv, V-t Oil nntl

— Prpim nn Ciimpiinv. 7.i3,min._______________RtNTAtS_________________________ _ =

lU -iN T -A L l. t ( ) “1,1 AvVmlu Wo I trn t Mn»l H v.irythlng = ■■ •;;i:i-7i04,_ ■'"''Tn'im'iiy'’ •""’" ‘'i- c

______ StPllC TANK SERVICE . *wllh Uii'liii' iuiliT-iTiHiior iuVc'r sn'vli-o^ S rw rr

________ _ {iopllo tiiiiM rlutinnil, powor ociulp. .cninrorlnl'le m cnt for ilriillliiiin tiHlorrs. iTco lit hUrlliy 'i, lna|>aciliii). l.inyil i:ravPli«, 713.30.M,


~n77iui»cl'i~ ROOM IQUIPMINT jUKIC •iiiay". tr;.ir»” »>Vr;Wfi(f” i7?iPme Ninth. innnl, n i iK h r i . wiiIIkts (mi tvni 1— — .......- n r ■llle. Klnii>biiiy'a I'lim m iiry,

___ __ H7 Main r i i i l , 7:i:i-rfS74 <ir 7;i:i.lUM, .iriTceirO om nci»'iiiliiriiVili,'"wliiTl r lnilrs, rom- ‘ r fuel makes ,„ iu |r i . n u t r h o , r l r . H nit^or inlo,

___ , ______ __TEIEPHONC ANSWERING SERVICE <u,lr .'.‘’''.‘Mcml V.iurtrlniilM ilio 1. n<iv«V -a ln n o r iT -I’olt vllm'.l.ir! ______'

I 'lin illu te . l u j j ju v iC B ___

, . r “ ” K iiNii i : i r n < i ' i r h i ’HVH:V:> SUPPLIES llniK.vinu, r<>l'|ilMH, T ilm m lnn, ,I,',,I,IU j.ii .; , M- A rrial » u rk r |, h l.li rrd , I-i p " •

iMwihl'i'i'''"!!! I. 'III Avoii..e », . VAl.I.r.V Tlil-;ii s 'l '.i t 'V it 'ir' _______ .'J iliiiiiiiim .. Ttiniiiiig. Kiiiiiiivinu,I'lNill, iniila. CiililliiK »i»1 Miimii lloniiiviil,itllalliiilliiii. I 'i f i ' r iiliiiiiii'iv Inniirnt

Imn Ave. i:. )Iiik «;i. 1 . l '„ 7.i.l-:i.13l

w i c i ; ----------------------------- 2 4 - H (

A D S A iinw crin jt h o rv liir , 'r iin ntA D 't tit c u ll vou . If (ho In lrn lliiilt

; D IK I'X V d UY h iiDl' iil.fiw.003i . iiiiiinn AnNWuriiift .Sorvlcu

; S I F I E D I > '■ _______________ __

M A G I C V A L L l - Y T O L L l - H l - I i N U P

............. ......................................................... Hurlt-'v. R u |

......................; ......................................... W/vhJWI, (h>

............. ................................................ F i le r , i lo l llH ln

■ ! ' ~

W I L L Y (ino

•1 1 0 G o o d T h in g* to E at________ 1 3 3 |fAI»c5---------- APPLUSU orr "orchnr<irYrllow De. EAi’ . Ilclou*. Red Dcllcluus and Romc. frINC One mllo norlh Green Glunt. Buhl. 3 I

:e from n iiD SPUDS, sTiuush, cnbbiiicv;. pep. ■' I. Every irvln uidcnstnb. 73‘J.0188. 2Larrys ,niics north on Washington, en t ji'*

- j»0 M T0 ES, tarrols, p u m p k i n * . c 6 .

''LnnB^*'Nur^e^y?733.4^^ ^

nd.'*Cnl1 A n t iq u e s - . - — ------------- 1 3 9 . s

= = ^V^ c"'‘j'u;nl.^r"^'"ms^^es“ ^ ' “v1 2 0 cou's Items, Open Monday thrnuKh p

• Friday. Saturday nnd Sunday by 3by appolntmi'nt. 1241 Colorado. „OoodlnK. 031-4058. c

ANTigUES ^usi “rn«d^(rom^^^u.c 23^

JtO re ODD LllA lllS . Exprrlcntcd Hurm-ture-. Dlgnltled Junk. Pctc Johns. •

rrfrreerl Ion. JPi South Washington, (air- ‘onl^ pori rond). 7.U.2315. ________ j;«

Insured KEFINISHINO. restoring, buy. sen r •irlc Co., trade ' OnK tables-chnlr-v Red •• in I'alls. Barn, 1'.; miles north on Washing- i-'p

;*o™Coak i^lal?m^anc^^lA^UlqUl.•J,^_cornc^-Of — DL ■ etc ser- AOnms and C. 324-2730. Jeronu-. _

M ijc e t lo n e o U s 'F o r S a te 1 4 0 7 ^

" ^ /tn^^hn-li.'h 'i —

fo‘n > o “ubr“ b s r ^ c J i i^ ‘;? .c^ ro r . : iDter Hall jQcrlflce for quickest sale. . j---------^ OSCO . DRUG, Blue Lakes Shop-

mng Ccnter. Twin F.ills.________ jCall 733- r e n t camping trailers, lawn • j

i.nriMim< . swr<>nrr». ccment mix- • -------^ ers TOWLES. Unlin 70, 324-5151.

------------- ilOST cleans~earpcts without «T-’t • 1shampoo problems. Use rooms In- • <

• 4 ns Btantly. Rtnt machine, J l. Wilson- . ;: M sibo- - J it f t c s -------- -- -- . ^ ------ - ' - J. S64.00 UPHOLSTERY dirty? t .ct »JTER Ihe easy way with our l-.lecir c7.^i-33il • UpholsU'ry Shampooer.^ Rem^^ lt

U R E 5'® Jerry's TV. 229 Shoshone ------

SAVE llmcl Clcun carpcts with md appll- MOST nnd walk on Immedlali'ly. terms at Tate Furnllurc. 1920 Kimberly

>re. . . . ____Road____ - . _______________ ___. applian- CARPETS and life loo can be beau- ues, coal , kuI if you use Blue Lustre, Rent . e lectric shampooer Sl. Krcngcl-i.e. Rebuild t h r IFTHX 0'xl2’ llneolum rugs”.

733-CC37. JO.OS. Ajsoned pattern*. Banner•• Furniture. 733.1121.--------------- ^-------------- WE rebuild hydraulic lacks uc Ab- WJf

1 2 4 bott-s AUIO "supply. i 2i 3rd A vc Oi nue West. Seo Us todnv._________ th

‘o'" »200*00" i i ^ n S »■I-purchnse 733.1421- . J

Main Aw'i ^U nes. New Boumntic pipelines. '• _ Lnswoirs, -lerome. 324-4381. p,

cd pianos: MUFFLERS instnlled while you lers. KLH wnlt. Complete mufller service n-

Wftfntii c udlng custom duals. Anbolt s hh . Auto supply. 121 3rd West.. New and WANTED TO Buyr I'ickup or Stu- f indy R ey. tion Wagon m good condition. 3. 13.7083: ^ ’n'ftVn"""

1 5 5 FOR SAI.E; Hoy's 10.speed tilcyelc-. ., 525: t:ohn clarinet. J05; S-plrce \

lor T V s In lipht onk dlnrtie set. J15, CallIs M athes. after 5. 733.6408._________________

nuy nowl uHiiD riTriirrntors, f r e e z e r s .__________ ranges, washing mnchlncj, nl» ,iV's from stoves. All gunrantecd. Cai^era {

buy. Mel Center Hall of Music. /3?.1H;l, ,5 Ave. SHOP for rcnt-33Kl3'. wired lor HO fij;

vnlf 1038 Ptvmouth. runs gnnd!~ 7.~'3-lfll<. __________________ ______ /

•1 —1 3 3 cu.Ni-Jradmc_iiini:.-_^Nc\y.j'nd.^Mi'''''

hone l?orth 25 c u i i i c i-o (yr unrinht Amana" m1 frcficr. Phnna 733'20J0. JlfiO, i

------------- ----------------- • P l

. L E Y ' , : j

CTORY Iib le 'fr o m M iirIc V nllpy nitnl- _ , '

. . c o n ta c l onu of th ese f irm s ' ^;ts .

e ’


iillalliui a n . 1)1;a|,I;U I'OK KriiUY.“ ri..civrr mi'l «iihii(-nn; - -I 'litrx ,-rn n s nnd n/rvlre li.r all '

Supply, 121 iiiiik.'. nf vai-uuiii .'l.-annv tlood _

VuVnil liaal.. Plioiie 7.i;i-H)2V.WINDOWS ■

Ilio dlsuntch YlT^in n liTIikeii wliujiiw iilaM now!V-l Oil nn>l ni:N N i:i I'S Twin I'alU llhms h .nun. iMini, ,im;:i Addimui East. 7;i;i.:i:iiiH,

' i l ' i i A n i - ; i ! M A Nrvthlng ----- ------•""’“‘'i. CONTRACTORS '------------------ J'CHt'laiiil iVvi-iliig, il(i/lnn,' liiiiMdiim

----- --------- w.ii h, sllKKK i<lt Ixillilliiii <ir ........ .vli-o, hrwrr iiiimp tiiiLk rniiul <iilvr-wiiv jimv. r il( Llnaitlng,______ n,i><'i<<i,< uii’vrl and tun xiil vntloii. John ■ i,|| iimi Oiiv>|iiiiidrn, tdr-llii?, ____________llngounai..lowar equip. , - , =,11,"!^^3.•I0M! JF .R O M ii: s------------------- ---- ------ I-

_____l“'T~iT * Training____________r* 'iri'u Vlalii (]ri)rRi''s Ki-anrla. Knurdinu nil

. . . ..tjij,yj^'ili|.-ljiiliUiiB..ftll-l)reiiil>.. 021. J.

________ -__MIIKINO EQUIPMIIIIiTi"*fMi"‘tunl' Hulk milk tank nnd pIpcllno'sorvlVo ;•

Pli.umiiry. -»»I«». l.aiwall's, Jaiuma. 314.4:iHI. '■ 4 <ir 7;i:i.»ll4, ____________

I ' mV S n l" :___________ i u j i ^ i ' : i n ’___________ “

SfRVtCE____ _ HOUSE MOVING ^.V ’Blnno. i i - M,.Xui.T.ir l lu u .i^ u ^ r i^ u r * r > I ^ .

------- Viiil.iii, MniilH'r uf Itiukv ^ioun. _

IjUVHJ :^ 4;i(i-llliii ~ 4:iH.(m»7. Ilui.mi,


w S a T F liono .733-0»31 n'lliiln'l’ ' Ahlc fo r CJUHAlflClli.i.:i,i3i

- 2 4 - H O U R — --------------1 r

vl>:r, Tlm ntlviTllHcr w lll Iin niiliriiMl (lie (f)li!i)lmiit> (if nny iidvortlMor In llil i h m u' iiiifiwori^d, ditt| V.i:i-‘,i!W(1. Tolt!- liijt .SorvlcH ill T w in 1-«IINj D a y iir

. • _________ J_________ r

- R l £ I - ; 'N U M l i I - l t S

............................................. nr ih !,“ Ciifilll’roid \Hurlt-'y. Ru|><'il,,ncnli>. I'a iil. Nurliiml ' W/vHJrII. .Ji’rojiii!

I|(T, ilolllH lor, Uni;crst)ii, .liick p o l, N rv. l'>

. Y O U R E A I


1 3 3 |f r t l ic o l lo n o o u s F o r S a lo 1 4 0 Truck;

id'^Rotlic! s'^m S'a 'itd only' slVa'sS T^nt. Buhl. 3 PIECE scetlunnl ’rose hciiie J-

,dp. j ’lS li 'tc 'iV n c 'M S V lV 'V o tS S Ji’to n '^ e n t TRA O n iONAL nora,'b row n n'l.djion, uac J tap cJlry . like i>e«, J— ........ SD'i.!ir)i p k l n * . c o i.O }:iir)y Amvrlcuii swivellan s. li<0 J rockcr, solid m a p I e trim■ 733.BHa:,. I* ........... ...........................jnn,95ed spuds. C CHAIllK. M uliogany IBIh Ccn- fl103 d a rd . tury styling ................ '. . . S4S,00

5 PliX'l-; grey pearl and chrcimu■ d ln i'H e '............................... - J2n.95- 7T7TT7--------82 - WALNUT finished wall en-____ 1 3 9 . scmblc w llh 'shelves, bookcase, ,_______ _ and desk withi d raw er . . . SIS . , “ hte rt Oem <g IUJC rem nants and roll endsmlscellan. with <Usecunis ,i„ to 50Vi somo n 'vy throuKh p-,kr<l as luw „» S3 each'c^‘lorado^ 3 K 'drooin set j lre s se r Q

irth’ Mnln. K ' CE 3-doi>r refrigera to r fruez- . ■ cr. reconditioned and guaran- •

r;). 30” S-R if;i‘bA IR E ' V anrc Vlilu'xcf,'® I 'l- iinil c le a n ,re c o n d itio n e d and!ton. ta ir g„aranl'T<-e/

--------- -- FRIGIDAIRE nutom atlc w asher, I^ u y . sell. reconditioned und guaranteed.Ir.s, Red • .................................................... $78 .

Wnsliing- FRIGIDAIRE e lcc trlc d ryer, rc- --

'a nd ' new!co rn c r-o f -..D U O -T llIiR M -oll-h ..u l.-rr-U M ..l-----------1lerom e, one seas<m, 45.1)00 UTU . . SSS r^r

-CAIMIS-------- ffi> . 733-7111__________ ^ T M iln FnJIs^_______

—'^ H U N T I N G B O O T S nKS, 5 (eel . Heavy Duty W ork Hoots Jthe room. • .surplus Jung le IJools SO.a'i p r. , .ke“ Shop- ‘ A?my

lers, lawn • ?.og«rr‘’ linols ..........JI1.9S pr. _____'nen t mlx^ • Surplus' Com bat Boots, nar- I, 324-5151, row sues only .......... S5,05 pr.__________ — W A R M C O A T S —thout «T-’t • Navy .Style P-Coats . . SIC.'.lX rooms In. . c j i-'ield Ja c k e ts . . . . S2-!i5 up

» . Wilson- . Insulated Z ipper Covc-rall*• ._».i>urkas_-Coat5..Ja L k c i4_______________

K o p p e i ’s . ' , ™

B r o w z e v i l l e — ^“like ‘‘new'! l -'-2 2nd Avc. So. 733-74U OM I Shoshone — ---------------------------------------------------

K o p p e l s

I T m n S ■ B r o w z e v i l l e1. 2 2nd Avc. S. 7.33.T411

cks uc Ab- W ltl’i'U Hcwlnii Mnchliii} Two-t or-I 3rd Ave- Ono Spcclal. Model Hi5 machine f thnt has a ll the p rac tical slltehes nf—S3 OO-a - you need phis 20 m agic designs

“s " s ; , s . ’ » "v ,£— 'J ■■■■■,— . JU.ST Sllll.ur. with trade, complete inn

M V . Jn console cabinet. At SKINNER'S VS. pipelines. sliWINU -SHOPPl-, Savc-On Shop- hci

« ? L ---------- ping Cem er. ,,nP

— E S S “ il. ’ m S 'n i lm .”' s.;,';;<up or Slu- prv W urds. 227 Mam Ensij- 733- 77777 condition. 3.,^■ lauu 14' ROAIJ Runner, camp and nx____ ____ — irnvpt tra ile r , S7.',«. inilH 10 horse CiI'Cd nlcycU-. iiower Helena garden trac tor. jTjvf !05; .'>.pli'te i ',01) Costs Sl.uno new. Lull Rent- * V. *15. Call 1,1 C l.. Kcichum, 7;!0-51^l._______----------------- N IW l tirc a tl lleau illa ll 'Ihn hesl In Michlncj, nil tinVe 'riir ritiillli'iysVAl T h r ’’rjaBle's * '? ' Sd. Catflcra ,17 E as t 7Ht. 324.2800. Je- I".

733-11121, rome. Idaho,_____________________

' S ' ‘S , S '___________ AIM), v-«lu'.-l Iiililty liiiiler, 7:i:i- — L

• B P n^ra rly m nrn(ni;s r.r la le rv r. .'^1

ght Amaiia" MM.I.ION.S of riTit* have tiHm I. Jino, cleaned w ith llluo L ustre. U's 10.|J

a1mmnmiLT_tl?_‘u K .f u i PUMP.S: Irrlgn tion and domesllc. __U

Any size. Slepl pipellnci'.'Q uIrk In- -----sinllniloii. K llllnger E lcctrlc . phono A u'

. liOlJI) .SI-Kil.lJK oil fuMMrc ,“ M;i , Smith l.ocust. Phone 7:i:i-flrtl7.

M I s c o l la n o o u s W a n t e d 141 '

Clooe 10 tow n. hKiulru a t J5'i Van 'lliiten. anvlline, _____

Wa NI I-.H I<» IIUVI <-noil liil>I<‘ haw,...... nr. ii'H-IVl7, tiaiulll'it._________

, W AN'flil): i^Trnlluro, i.tmllanccs, e nnylhlng of value. Call 7^.7754.

" = H oQ tIn g E q u lp f n o n t 1 4 4 'W ANl'lil) TO IIUY: ;i5,IHI0 In MMIlill ^

IM IS “i«"’i'>f* icili'imi S p o r l i n g G o o d s 1 5 9‘I D i- i - . i r A N iy K iT in n b Y - s 1------------------- , . W.mteil rV iiliiM now! Idaho 'I’jldV ai'iil 'l al'low Co, '

la s '. 7;i'l'.':iliH! _______ ^tiiV /ir'OLi,\y'’i" ‘.I'iaT . ■I-IIII sAi.i'.: wiiin,i-,h;- r.' \

---- :------------- shot gan. nii.ilel MOn nulomaiii-. ‘\ N _______ l la |o l'l I

“ V riV '" i 'r jv n " (iu ;\v ii) i;~ l< A ^i.'i," iii '''■hut,' lilTiMdiim ,lit.nnl\1oV'l'lujiMl, rl'e, l‘V-nnv-w'l'«''

n ’l irNiAN h i i '1 .kh“ liranirTirw'Mirr.’- and top "Oil, ,„ .I,,, r,,iii.u;iiiii riiiilii'i ’ Viioii I irn, p l/.l liij , „ ..,„i.,„(..a M.ih„ uo.ti'il. I2]3,

I'limie 47I.M1H1 or I j.'MllO._______

li; S n o w M a c h ln o t 1 6 0= = ^ = ^ n i r w r N - .r U - |m n l l^ ^ I

[____________ '•»Vli?»UM'7y' ,,t’'i 'l^ 'm I.n'.‘ru i'v " l) li '; ‘nihatoiK, __T«1ii |-|ill->. .’O lliii«c"

.b rem i... M l. i;inn / n nT\- n r !!''!-'i'i!; ••

------------------- = ' : ■ Xi‘' ’'i i i 'a :ii ; .

M r '- |(.-|ih lini, Idnho._________________

J____________ A irc ra f t f o r S a lo 1 6 5V r 'A ~ 'P l* T u V i'. l ) flluhl lialiiln'ir, 1

Ini'liiillnH irllrnptios, (mfl plaie. ------- 7 “ r — - nioiK »i>i v c-e. liendnr Flying Jlri. ,

Moun. V“" ' ---------------------'‘ 'AMal'iatuml B o a t* F o r S a lo 1 6 9 ,

' ' A r i 'K N I'lO N '------------------- O D'I IJO A R D O W N ia tSD S U's ( lin o to ( iliirt tiilnkliiK

iitiiiiit w ln lti r httirn{{(i for 0D31 Y"'H‘ i>ii(>>o'irtl iii<>|<tc, MUI.X 1

A N D MAHIC, a i7 M nln J 'lim fllflcil w ill r lu 'c k , c li'i in , w liilcrl/.a

(intl Kiift.‘1y >i(oru yn iii ' m o to r.7111101,________________________

I M o lo r c y c lo i lO O

■ n U A .S T I C H lM H U C T lO N .SII lliiih rnd nt y.oir snla nn nil

lo it '- lloii.ta’i . Knwasiikl'a, nml Til-‘y o r ’;,:;v-mo1„ln H rndM ua.In . '

'H L A S I U S M O T O R .S ,'*•' l)^_Klinlirilji_H<)iiiI_____^73:i^JJ2 |

I ftinT Tlt^(^^tl■'H. iray iiiiin '5(10, iViiul 'I ■ m^w'ci'iiiiufm^^^ »iiijii,'"m.


;n i.rn i.i T ruck* 1 9 6tlriim 1Hv^^i,•^^I-^i;n;r;T.^^^^l^^^4‘7^,mm

I, Ni-v. roi:i((ip:■■•.:hi.vV..roT'~bi«r“ v,vi.m; .Ili'iivv lUilv, I'OIII aliri'il. wllh i KilIi„ c h , (lood. USO. ob3.4;H;i,


: t y e a r ?

a 1 4 0 T ru c k s 1 9 6 T rucks

L=S; TAKE OVER T •His PAYMENTS' IK c; 1 9 6 4 C h e v r o l e t ___ _ii’ swivel p i c k u p!.'s j'n '5S $ 4 1 .4 9 p e r m o n t h , ■ 'iBih Ccn. n o do w n p a y m e n t O A C sion.icifrom" "

CHIiVROLET. llli;:i. New 327 V-H en..n.^k Tandem with ---------’ookcast, hutch suspension. l8‘/,.fool potato . . l „ ; r 7 1 • bulker. Ext.-llent condltloii.. S-'iiy.'’..•m" i ••‘">ae 321.r,-jj2 or sw ut 520 Norlh New

-’crome, 4-doi


I '^L anm .’ • o f $ 5 7 .3 9 OR'

i ' diiu” 1 9 6 3 C h e v r o l e ti w V2‘t o n p i c k u p

cw 'nsher’ BO do w n p a y m e n t OA Carimtet.^1. Call John^J^eaklqs -

S X lJ S S : C H R Y s t E R -......... S''-’ B o a ts a n d ''M o tp r.s __ ^ ___ —

-----------STAnCRAl’T 30A TS ANDIU . . 5s» FOLDING CAMP TRAILERS,___________ J E R O M E - IM P I .E M E N T & - —•win F a J I ^ M A R INA _____


S ! --------- 1 9 6 5 - C h e v r o l e t. S5,05 pr. p i c k u p --------

$ 5 6 .9 2 p e r m o n t h A u to ’s'* Mi lio >10 p a y m 'c n t O A C , --------

verui s ‘' t -Jenkins____________________ 7.i.i-no:i3______________ ______5 ■ IH C T R U C K S = G a s & D ie se l p |5 . , •• CHARLIE’S TRUCK & EQ UIP. ' : 1 1 q Jerom o — Phone 321.4302


----------------- n o s s , . c . r «


° 1 9 6 2 C h e v r o l e tl i e _ p i c k u p — ■ S 5 2 .3 4 p e r m o n t hli's machine’ ' . no do w n p a y m e n t O A C aooleal sHlehes Call Bruce Cnughey COMiRlC designs ■_________733-1033______________le was $lo!).- JtUN I ERS .Speclall luoS UMC Vi-ton SA

^;M>ecd sh a rp . J1250. c h I eUe- complete iDn> International li-ton pickup. r,ul

•’ VS. 1-sp«ed wUh cum pcr. Bed. cn- .vc-O nbhop. heater.^ S1150.. 324.

I y o u ' Shop i s KU-7 INTERNATIONAL truck )g way. lVr- with fourteen foot W estern spread.5. Moa'tgom. spreader box. V’io n e " >■“' cmCVROI.UT PJC7 »;.ton pickup =

: camp and ; a ^ ? r ' » I c n " t ° " ^ ’oSdl[f;!n'’.nilH 10 horse Cixxl flnancln«. Phone 733-3307. -----

FOR '.SAI.IC; l!i52 Chevrolet ^ -to n - ;. Lull Rent. Moek‘ rnck, Runs good. I.argrH il l :----------- nchool hus for cam per. 432-27G0.I 'M»! hesl in Murlaunh.___________J____________

n r lale^jwf- I'Inn-JSSit—M ii-it-arc-to-np-

Lus'lre. '’ll'B I B T T e KP DlcUuii \v7ii~V.wheH icn t electric drive. S:ion. l»hone 733-42011,

lid domestic. tires, (or nulek sale 73:'.'j:iri(l, pnci-.-QuIrk I n - ------------------------ i '»icctrlc . phono A u lo s f o r S a lo 2 0 0 peu

S ' STOP! =• A n d T a k o Y o u r

I l i c i - o r O n e O t c ,„

ll. T h e s e F i n e U s e d i----------- j-44 - C a r B u y s

l O l i l i 'F O R D r A I I i l . A N F .piupuiiu t-nk, .. r:imr. iliiur nlaimu wngi'ii. |t iv l - _____

........ ................................................ _ _ Stn

IC n iD i-s inn.') c i i i - v r o l i - . t t i . rr.i.ir^ .Ua.r^^s. jlan, VR, .......

...... ■

C f l E V R O L l - ’r d illHer. :ij.i-iiiiiii 1' a ll'l’o''

r ' g : g ; | , ..... . i f i o i i R ' IV

m o s I 'A I .C O Nralllier: Vinni > ‘' “r door .ae.laa, Rndlo, iiualcr,

a , ■ ■ .fUDG

, ( , 0 in » :i c i i K V R O i . i v i -

s s i ) , ' - ) i '"H4 per month. 1 • ' ,,j^|

‘ 'm i r c K ^ i i A R n ' i 'o p<a. Kimhelly ...... .. door, ia,Ho. hen lrr. aalo.

'ui'e.T.iuivvTTiTn '”‘H. ’in 'W iT hiahrv"' - I '" ’"- ijiilDf) “

1 6 5 in ( i2 , r ;M c : s u n u u n A N

................o"r !ri';"in,i”;,'er . ' .:f ;K i) r ) .

1 6 9 •»'>! I 'O R D F C O N O M N i-__________— P l e k u p . ; .u cyllndrr, im ,,,,ON)W N i^u .s , S 2 9 5r t thlnkliiKuiruHii fo r 111(11 P O N T . 'I 'l iM P I- l.S T *'> |ttr, MUI.X . . I 'v ii r .lJu u u ....................................M nln J 'lim |K / i n n , w liilc rk o'm u 'm o lo r . . T

IBO j L v x v ^ J i i

C h e v r o l e t , I n e .................. V K ; : ‘'''i'lir:,d iiu n i lr ii PhiMii) ,'i;i1'4H|‘i

B & w ' t a k e oVJ® = = PAYMENTS.....^ n r n '- T r ™ , ] ! ) ( i 5 M e r c u r y 'p , i . v , n . i i . . . , MU,2B p o r m n n l h ■

i.l«. Vr-ii.ii; ,m i V liiw iinnynK iiii OAC ri'il, with ilnck ( llll l.einihaid. i'liiiliui j .4;h ;i, ■ ■' 'M.I..10JJ


1 9 6 Trucks 1 9 6 A uto

E R T A K E - O V E R ”

. T S P A Y M E N T So l e t ____ o f S37.21 o n ' .

, _ ' ' 1 9 6 3 B u i c k

S c ' ■ “. no down paym ent OAC ____

________ _ -Cull Larry-Sackell CME'oid^emVim-------------------7.13 303,1--------------------foot potato . . . ■ MILLER AUTQ . •--■ ' itlon.. S-3-iy.'’.. HO.NDA SALES----------------—— , 51. N .r.h T'OC

----- ulr. -taoo .- ioo7r -loos—Models ------E R s r - i i ’& ' . K h . ' i S ' a ' - f r i -

d.Ti'iJ-il'-S! iS S ’

L E A S l ^ ^

fp A '.'j-ton long wheel haseOAC pfi^up ror

»° V $69.75 »a - ■

r ^ N n ----------------- T * E I S E - N ; ------------

i e o t ' s, - — ..... l e a s i n g ________-------------------------- TPr.wom niciimi'- iin'n:-----------------, ----- FOR SALE:~rDC7 Scoui~S'jo'Ciismm K' ^ E R -j r p g

• o l e t

>nth A u to s fo r Salo 2 0 0 .....t OAC , -------------- _______ _______________IS WORKMAN -------------- ------------------BROTHERS-------------- 1CS' P O N T IA C -C A D IL L A C121.4302 ' G M C ^ ------------------ Rupert. Idaho_________ 136-3170

-WANT t o SAVE MONEY?"”'■ p Como To Leo RICe Chcvyland,

I .. -Gooding..-..Chevrolcia.__Oldsmo---------1.1Tt S t D - biles. Dulcka Pontlacs. OK / r ' j K , C "" “" 'i Trucks.___ Open_Sundavs_and EN’CnlngsnI T S ------------- b 6 n a n z a - m 6 t 6 r s “ - -

, , Pontiac-Dodcc-Opcl-Buick___L’O l e t B U R L E Y . I D A H O ____ ~

,. I n d e p e n d e n t M o to rsSHARP CARS

it OAC 300 West Main Jerome. IdahoShey COMPARE our prices, we always_____________ itmlcrscll.- KL'AL__DEAL ' -A-U -ro ___UMC H-ton SALES. IMO Klmherlv Road.

sharp. J1250- CHISHOLM Brothen. Durley. your .ton pickup. nuthorlzed Rambler dealer (or ‘"’per. Bed. Cassia. Minldoka'coumies. C7R.5~ri-l,. 511.,0..3.4. TRADE. lOSl Cadil-p — -— lac- offer. Phone 733-7li-1S.

" running* condlilon, ‘32li-4'l27!' I-Uor.*' i>n pickup, 4- -----~nt° *c<indiiuin A u to s fo r Solo 2 0 0 At.

t good. I.arge por. 432-27G0.

........................ (

i S ■ UJM-»rc-tl.-np- ...........

3M20B, *------- If l t t7 -B U IC K -E lc c tra -C iis t ip „ „ r door, linrdltip. All power, full

2 0 0 pcd, a ir condilloiiin};,-------- ;--------- S37ns .

\ " P > I B U I c k S p o r l W npnI I Nine passcncer, fully eiiiiipped, 1S),«* J L • onu awiaT,


IflfiR F O R D C Salnxic 1)01 n o O t Convertlhlii. All power, lik«; iic\

> U s e d

lonii O L D .s M o n i i .i ':IR L A N l.', Dyniiiiilc HK ci)nv<'rtil)l<.-. All ]) iiuoii.^ll^ol-.................. ................... ...S1!)!)0__________

) 1984 r o u n C m in l iy .SoiljStiilldii wiijion, VK, .Miiiiiiiinl iniii;

.I-.T ti.jiahsi'iii^i.T.anbt'nl";!!!,';’' ,> Ifldl P O N T IA C n m iiie v il

l''‘>iir diHir linrdlop. All power,^ L T dlltonfni:. Ioil I'ad'l'o"

1»(12 r i l l - ;V R O l.I ':T Im p n I'oiii' jlimr rivdaii, VH. hUniduid. .S Milu and oni,

iidlo, heater, ■ SVriO

iniiO O L D S M O n iL K 1)8

........... ' ' " “ ‘"“ “ S i ; ' ' " ....... ..

................... IMII m i K ’ K l.c.SA D IU -, l''iilly ottiilppi'd, liicaj oiu; iiwnc

i.'Mni f.hni'p IA K D T O P ........; 5'1R[)---------------r Z ! , ' m n j - o j i D .s jty jjn iT


' “ lOrifi c i i i - v K O i . i : rlU R H A N '>‘''<"'1, 1-Mni I'l.ter. iwo.iviio,

H)(i7 n U IC K S p i-c iiil D irl. l-'niir Iliior m'tlaii, VH, (lulim ialk

indrr, ihiii.1 $21!)!l' IflliO F O R D r a l c o i t

........................ ........ F O i t A . B l

. Wo Him Jmvn «—ll)IW

: e - ifldp 0 1 , i s M o n i L i 'Twti tloiir liiirdlDp. 'I'lils n

• I n c . powiM', Illr n i ilinii I).iiiirr Iilcreo (a|Hi. Ueliill, Sri72.1,ri<

N O W .f-irjH !K'nrn I'nllnii,

I 'V E ii T T T Z r T '»s ABBI]r c u r . Y 'n o n th , Idnho’

ri'iiiiioi 7ia Muln Aveium .Soulh '

' .. . M A G I C V A L L E Y T O L L fB u hl, C astlcford

D ia l 543-1G48 1B u rley , R u p ert, D ec lo

P a u l, N o rla n d F licDlQl 678-2552 -J a d

1 9 6 A u to s fo r S a lo 2 0 0 A uto

' " S A L E S - G I M M I C K S ” ~ & HIGH P R IC E S

T ' Q ' M U ST S T O P l •i O . SA V E A T

H A R B A U G H I , M O T O R S

- Chrysler Plyntoutti _____Dudgo ‘ Dodge Trucks- oARi

ransmls., Oqodlilg.. Idano “ „i\,' T w in F a lls 733-2022 . lim

» CHEVROLET inS?.''J‘)2 euhlc Ineh • int;• eniihie, • I-uel pistons nod heads. Chi

T rucks- 1 9 6 I r u e l—Models -------------------- ---------------- -------------------------

” 1 .HT-VA'' ' % -fhase P i c k u p s

1965 C h e v r o l e t . . S1795 19li-lon lling wide hed. Six

•hW i'‘ cW r'.’‘'

1SG3 In te r n a t io n a l S 'a 3 5 'f - Z ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

I t1959 F o r d ; . ................ $ .595

?uoo miles' '/i • ion.- Lonr. bed. four 'Sales. Inc.' speed. Mechanically good.

S i 'm l l S l , a n d T r ua. 078-5051. •.

■ 19G4 G M C I!

^ -__________ vo, (Ivc speed, two speed

axle, 0.00x;iq tlivs.

, r r . f , - 19G1- I H C B c f - 1 8 0 . $4 5 0 0 - 1!ll^L.rtO Tandem drive Truck, Good

IS' spud bed. Pivc speed

"ry."' V«''“ cngine‘’ “.ow"; lO N E Y ? steering. A sharp unil.

^ o ? ^ m i_____ 19G2_ChCYr.Olct_____ _ $ 2 2 9 5acs. OK Kn Series tlll-ciib trarl .r. 1

Air brakes. 315 V8, flvvi . •N’Cnlngs speed, two speed axle.T O R S -----------:— -LE uick___________________ _________________________ ;A H O _____

a,. Magic ^:a L .'A-UOIQ._____ . . . . . . . - . . .

, I n t e r n a t i o i, inr,i Cadil.

. - N igIU ph one. Bud T

4-1--7!'I-Uer!‘‘ T ru ck L an e W e s t —

2 0 0 A u to s for S a lo 2 0 0 Au


U s e d C a r s I n

'I c c lT .i-C iis tn m ---------------------------------- r-l!)ll7-A ll p ow er, tully et|uip- I'mir lioor lii>

c (|iilppod, nir1795 .

S p o r l W n p o n |t)(e iiiiipp cd , lS),imO m ill's, t w ,, fn

S|»'>'il li'iiii.'llll

I C S a ln x ic 500AVer, lik e new lii-.lile lillil

I wfi door Imn(igO n id io , lu'iiier,

) . s M o n i i . i ' :/I'rtihle. A ll ])iiwi'r • Iflfi,')

--------------------------------------- - .■ ...Twii-dtiur-hun

C m in d -y .SLMlan ..Miiiiiiiird in iiiiiiiilssio ii.

lOBO ■ ' ----------- --------------, 7 ' - ’ ™ 0 1 :I'Diir tliMir I)

A C n n i i i ie v l lk ! owiii'r.A ll p ow er, Illr enn-

1180 19(5

:0 1 .I ':T I m p u la M'lTrln'i'*'’''H. hluiK luid. .Slitirp, In.

;7fiO .............» ■ ■ 15

i M O I l lU i im S l , n u ^in. It ruiil liiiv for;:i(io

K I .c .S A I iR l- I'oitr diinr ficd•III oiu; ow ner, c x irii,

MRO--------------- ------ -....................- - - - - (

? D .SJtyJjniT iK-,j. TJiI.i rill;2 -io

K V R O l.li l- Inn, liN ln i I'leiin

19(15 mS p n c l i i l D ir l . i ix c ■ IHj? "H",'II, n iiiD in iiiir iriinsnilM.

2 i iS ” IHI

i 17.t

' O i i - A .J M I V O K - A I , I P F / , m V H i l

111 Jmvn «— IDIIH OldMiiiohllo iiiut UiilckH, pnd .1-1

.n S M O n iL I - ': OR 10(J8 IrdlDp, T h is ear In loiitl. ,iw<M', Illr niiiilltionliii!,' '-''lir 'l""r «'!<U eliill, Sri72.1,r><), comlllloiiliiK.

m . f - ir j H ! ) _ N C

5BIEIdiihn'.i l.nr/jrMt O ldhinolillivJliiIrk Dofil

no .Soulli T w in I'lillii

L E Y TO LL F R E E N U M B E R S ) r d “ W en d e ll, G o o d in g ,8 H a g e rm a n . J e ro m oD e c lo D ia l 536-2535 - 'Id F i le r , H o ll is te r . R o g e rso n ,2 - J a c k p o t, N ev . D ia l i26-537i

2 0 0 A u !o s f o r S a lo ___________ ^

I C K S ” “ ’~ W E B U Y C A R S •ES. O R E Q U I T Y

W I L L SH Used C ar D epartm ent -

254 4th Avcnuo West Twin Falls

(yntoutti — ------Trucks- , oARCiER MATSON Auto Salvage

o •-' now dlsm anlllng: 1033 Pontiac.733-2022 l«r,5 I-ord. 1004 Opel K adetl, 1M5

___________ ■ Mu',tang, 1004 Chrysler, I0G4 Ford.euhle Ineh • int;:.- Tort, 1004 Opel Kadct. 1005 . .

nnd heads. Chevrolet Pickup. 1007 Buick. 733- ______________ 374|K_______________________■

19 6 Iru ek > ’______________ ^ ^

VALUEP i c k u p s . . .

. S1795 . 1961 T n tern a tio n a l $ 9 9 5t! hed. Six T ravelall. V8. (our s ^ e d ,

■ ^ ‘ clean;

I 9 5 5 ~ F o r d — 7 . T r r $ ' 395v s four ij-ton . Long bed. V8. (our_______

e. etvc 19^3 I n t e r n a t i o n a l $1595. . s 595 li-lon . low wide bed. V8.bed. four four sp ied , w llh 8‘ camp,

cally good. cr covcr.

a n d T r u c k s ”I9G4 F o r d F - 6 0 0 . $2 2 9 5 ,

•actor.. j \ l r _______ ^Truck__ V 8 _ en 8 lnc ._ flve .J____ :• new 101 speed, two speed, NCWtvs. ' • ‘

. $4 5 0 0 - I9C 4 I H C - F '1 8 0 0 - v - $ 2 6 9 5 -----------ruck. Good Tnndem -drlvc truck. AirPivo speed brakes, 345. VB engine,eed uuxlll. five speed m a i n threenc power speed auxiliary. 10:00x20irp unil. . tires, pow er steering.

■ „ b S S ------1 9 5 l ) - I H e - l .r i r r ^ $ I 9 9 5 -----------15 V8, flvvi . Diesel trac tor. Cumminspocd axle. 180 engine, f i v e speed,echunlcully Thrve s p e e d ouxlllnry. • ■

- ....... — ------ --------------Runs-good.---------------- — ........ ...........

ic Valleyr n a t i o n a l I n c .

p h o n e . B ud T e a s lc y , 733-4843

L a n e W est P h o n o 733-1266

' ' 2 0 0 A u io s f o r S a lo 2 0 0


i r s I n T o w n ! _

--------------T - l< )n 7 - O L D S M O B I I : i r 9 8 ^ -------------- -—Fiiitr <ionr lu x u ry se d iin . A ll p o w er , fuH y c (|ii lppod , n ir c oH d iiion ing .


I9G7 O P E L K n d e t T w o d o o r fa s l lm ck . B u c k e l .sen ls, fo u r sp e e d iran .sn ilss io n ,


Iflnii B U I C K S p c c i l i l - 'T w n -d o o r liiiriltoi>, A iilo m u d c tr,'iii';m l‘!'?lnn,

n id io , lu 'iiie r,$I7(iO

Ifld.-i P O N T I A C C a t a l i n a...T w ii-diiijr-hurdt<»p,--(illp<»w eT T fully-rn»lppert;------

<itio ow ner.$1740

----------- in f i4 0 i ; D S M 0 B i r : r r s u p c r s r ^l''i)iir tliMir lii ir iilop , n il p o w er , loc iil ono


19(54 F O R D G a l a x l e I ''n iir d o o r a iiitn i in llc t r iin sn i ls s lo n , p o w er iili'c rlnj!,

•- - $ 890

1991 C H R Y S L E R « liiir..ti W iiiinn, A ll A ir cond llion lnR .

19fiO D O D G E r'D itr iliinr firdiin, VK. h tiin ila ri l Irnnsin lH slo ii.


--------------O i ; i : ) S M O H I h E - “ f l8 " ----------------------------Jw iitr-iltm r M’diin . A ll |>ow er, f iillv (‘qu ip - inul. TJiI.i r i i r llko /t f jn id d new one,

19.')7 C n r W R O L E T S l a l l o n 'W a K o i i $ 2 7 0 -

19(15 n O D G E •■’/ i - T n n P i c k u p , IHk "H ", fo u r iipc ftl transinlH filim .


itinr> o i . D S M o n i L E'D y n ii in lu KK, 1-imr d o o r H etlun., l .u | |y r q i i lp .

. jH 'tl, In rn l 0110 ow iir-r, tt)W m llcnuo .$1 0 8 0

m m M I ' ] — ......

HiilckH, e n d .1-10(18 O pel ICndelB •

1008 l i u i C K W i l d c a t

l-'o)ir d o u r nediin . A ll p o w e r nn tl n ir eondllionliiK . K etiill,

N O W P 7 9 2

RieUEN ->lilli!-Jliilr|{ Dd/ilPi-

l i b 733 8721'

Page 23: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF257/PDF/1968_10_18.pdf_ — J W e a th e r - Chilly VOL. 65 NO. 187__________ Murder G Filed

— R E S U L T S -

7 D a y s a n d Sol

U -T O N pick up .'105T F o rd . F o u r - s p c fos-xxxx



p /c s c n ls

O ^ J P e n r y ’s F u l l

Starrin g M arilyn M onroe, Ann

F rc^ A lien an d o il T o n ig h t — C hann

19G8 C H E V R O L E T i/j-T O N

four sp ee d , lo ts o f e x tr a s ........... .

19GG P A R K L A N E H A R D T O P

tw o-door, fu lly equipp ed , one ow i

1965 C H E V R O L E T IM P A L A V8, a u to m a tic tra n sm issio n , ] in g . o n e 'o w n e r ...................................

' 1965 P O N T IA C V E N T U R A

______ all y in y l .inte r io r , new c a r tradt

— 196G R A M B Ii^ER rSED A N -^---------a u to m a tic tr a n sm issio n , lo w it

19G5 C O M E T C A L IE N T E

tw o-door h ardtop , V8, s t ic k , pow

- -19G 2-O L D SM O B IL E *'88” - - nine p a s sen g er sta tion w agon , for, M lch elin t ir e s ..........................

i963 C H E V R O L E T S E D A N “ ^ ‘'

four-d oor, s tan d ard tran sm ission

1962 O L D S M O B IL E S E D A N

A u tom atic tr a n sm issio n , pow er

___ 1 9 5 6 .0 L D S M 0 B IL E _ S E D A N

G ood tran sportation ............. ..


T h e E a s ie s t P la c e in th e W o 733-7700 ( 701 M ain A v en u e 1

T h e L i t t l e P r o

T H I S I S t H E'67 P O N T IA C . . . . $2495 '64

Veniura hajatop coupe. Au- . tomatic tranim liilon. pow- 'er steering nnd brnkcs. ,

-------------- VlnyJ— lopi— --------

*65 C H E V R O L E T $1495^_____automatic t r n n * m illion, power fleering, ’ real nice, rebuilt engine.

’C5 F O R D ............... $1395Fairlane SOO italinn wagon. •(•’j VH engine, aulomatle Irani- m Uilon, excellent.

’CG P L Y M O U T H $1795I'ury 4-iloar lectan. VH en- ainu, nutfimatlc tram mli- , _ ■ton, power ileerlng, lac- 'G5 torjr air, itiarp.

• 'CG D O D G E . . . . . $18D5]>nlara 4-(lbor ledan. Aiiin- malic tranimUiInn, power fleering and brakei. nlr confllilonlng. extra ihnrp. U4

•67 D O D G E : .......... $2495----------------i’nmra'hiir<iiop“«nuii«:''nm' .

rnKino, iiiiliimi.llc irnnsinli- ' lUm, power iteering iiiiil hrtiken, I'nctnry nlr conill- tlimlng. ono owner. U!l

'()G M E R C U R Y . . $1495CnmiH ilnllon wngnn, nig'a cnKlnc. miinilnril iranimli- r/jr lion, uKira gooil.

•00 D O D G E ............ $ 295W a k o i i , VB, nuliiinnllc tr«nnm|i»lnii, power iiunr- Ing. Very lOuil conilllKin. - .

'65 T -B lR D ............ $2195l.nnrtnu co.ip*. I-'iill powor and (actnry air rondlllcin- Ing, Mlchelin X tira*. n«al


'03 C H E V U O L E T $1225 ^S-inn, lunil w ld ., I»r n en. Ul ulnr. 4-ipfnit iriiniiiiliiUin, hnnvy <1 u I y llrci nml wlineli, cxirn good.

w iE T r p 'T 7 ." .;" .T " $ r 4 0 5^•wlieel rtflvn, pickup, I'rro wlinellng hull!, exita Inw lilllrnge.

•55 D O D G E ..........$ 250Telo|>linne Company pick.

•C5 F O R D .............. $1595W-ton. long wirto pickup,V)i, S .ip o e il, OKlra good whlta wall llrei, r«al nice.

TRUCKS —a' J9R4 In tc r n n tlo n n l Ifl

J.lon, va englna. M pead .................... and a-ipaaU, Urea...........

lOOG D o d g o3-lnn, Va englna, 4 -ipeiil l l and iipaecl.liJSxJO tln i..

1005 G M C .a.lon, V« angina, cotttpiela ovarhaul, H-ipeid and ». ] ( ipM d, 8iaax20 U rn.

1901 .D o d g o 'M on. VS anglm. B-ipeed and 3-ipaii). li2Sx30 llrei. ]{

10(i5 F o rdI Kin, VR englna. 4-ip«ni1

^ani] j-ipeed, Bi2Si20 llrof, •

7 B o b R e e s e DO p o n ’T i l

K enny M oon ~ W inn E l SOO D Iock 2nd Avoi

i S U L T S -

/ s a n d S o l d .

. F o u r - s p e e d , n e e d s m otor , $75.

■ 2 0 0 A u lo i f

N THEATERp /e sc n ts

’s F u l l H o u s e . '

S tarrin gn roe , A nne B axter •vllen an d other.s *t — C h a n n e l U


« r a , ............... $2288R D T O P ' - AUT

>ed, ono o w n e r .................... $ i y y b


ism issio n , p ow er stee r - ^^488-U R A 1 _____V ____

!W c a r trade -in . . . .............$1380 ___ _^ --------------

!ion, lo w m ile a g e , looks

t, s t ic k , p ow er s tee r in g t p l U t J O

'88” - - . 1066 ion wogon. Well eared- ^ g 9 5 ■

iD A N ^

tra n sm issio n , tw o-lon e . . . ' $6951965


iion , p ow er s te e r in g ......... -$69S-h»«-lE D A N

$ 1 0 0 -

E I S E N “

T O R Sin t h e W o r ld t o B u y a C a r !

in A v en u e E a s t T w in F a lls jggg


! P r o f i t D e a l e r

: 'H E ‘T R U T H n j ?►495 '6 4 G A L A X I E . . . $ 1 0 9 5 =. Au- . SOO 4-door lednn. V8 cn-pow- ' glne, auiomatlc tran im li.- nkcs. flon. power iteering and

IS ! ._____:e i i -R A M B L E R ....... S1895________■ lon. Ambaiiador DPL hardtop nice. a-door. bucket tea ti. con.

lole, Dower iteering and brakei. ilka new.

3 9 5 I r ln i: '6 7 D O D G E ...........$ 2 3 9 5 X

polara 4-door, radio, heat­er, power fleering, new Cirei. air conditioning, very

1795 dean,fl en-

'05 C O M E T ............ S1295ilutlon wflgon, vn engine, innii(indar<t tranim liilon, rn- i,'’”

loH a ^ <llci, henler. reul gnocl Ml. KOIAuin- chelln whlto yrall tlre i. },eQ

filo'nrp. . »C4 C H E V R O L E T $ D952495 4-door iedan, 327 VS 'bn-■'nm'— iion,’~piiwer'''Meo^ng''an*d sinli- ' brnkci,' ona owner. |g(j

'05_C O M E T _. ............ J 1 2 9 5 . ,_ l ; | ‘,:Coiivenlhle VH, 4 - 1 p o e d '

1495 trnniniUilon. A Top Car.nig-a

'03 C H R Y S L E R $ 995• Newport 4-c1oor. I'ull pow- Jflf

o n i air ciuidlllunlng. Hxira ...

ll,m . . r jy D O D G E ............ $22952 195 C o r o n e t ‘'4<0” hardinplowor coupo, VA enuliie. aulumal-llllcin- Ic irnnim liilon. p o w o r

n ea l Ileerlng, ihow rnnm condl. l i l tHim. , Nl,

’ I C K U P S '• Z

' '01 C M C ................... $ 8 9 5■111"", I.ong wlrln <Vlon, 4-ipecd

nnd iianiinK ilon.and good. ] g |Nt)

;T405------- * f l 4 - D 0 D 0 E 3 4 - to n .....................HnI'rro Piiwrr wagon, VR engine, (ra

k low 4.ipeiu1, 4-whonl drive, lochnut hul>i, excpllnnt cnndl- linn.

; 250

'6 7 D O D G E\V«oni lung wide, Vfl rn-

• ii>u.> gina, auliiinailci iraniml«-Ickup. il'in, ciiiuim rah, lulono,

good l>l»n and white, trailerI nice. hllch, Inw mileage.

K S — T R U C K S ,

1955 D o d fio

•ip eiii 10C a.C heY ,rD lO t t j

ipead, tiaaxio lira*.

1 9 0 3 I n t e r n a t i o n a la-lon. VS angina, comptata ovarhaul, 4-ipead and 2<

.ipaad, tiOOxJb Ilrai,

I'tUM. 19(JB C h e v r o l e tTracior. aoa va angina,Oipeed and a-ip«ad, full _

■ip«ni1 *lr nnd piiwnr ileArlng, [V) llroi. • Blh w hiel, fli00i30 llrei.

s e D o d g e G i t y

p o n ’T i l 8 : 0 0W inn E l l is J o o B u tler , ,

c k 2nd A vonu o Sou th


0 A u lo i fo r Sole____________ 2 0 0 A u tos f

TAKEOVER PAYMENTS ,1 9 6 7 T r i u m p h

S p o r t s C a r J l ; ; " "l i t Llaii condlllon ^

$66.60 p e r m o n th no■ no down paym ent OAC * ^

- J . Call Bill Meeker733-3033 conillllCHRYSLER New Yorker. 1063. Air '«'00-

conditioning, power ileerlng. pow- TilUNDI er brakei, 4-door icdan. I1.45U, no whi'tls

-JO iradc. Phone 733-0740 or 733-4840. ' IlriRcri

AUTOS FOR SALE = = _ _ _ _ -

: Y O U R_ _ ^ M O X O - R ^

------ SHOP-FReM-THI


^{5 au tom atic transm ission, power sl Sharp] ...................... '. ........................


5 , "328” ,• V8, s tan d ard transm issic'a n d w hite finish .............................

------------1965-BUlCK W lI-DCAT-Four door sed

5 transm ission , pow er steering an a ir condilioning ............ .................

1965 COMET SEDAN Four door, six s tan d ard transm ission . A rea l i

5 : 1964 O LD SM O B lLt. ’'88” 'f o u F d 6 o r « ing and brakes. F ac to ry a ir co

nice ono ..........................s . . ...........

A 19G3 FO RD GALAXIE 5D0 H ard top S| v / ' VSTTour spced ' lransm ission7~Pi

bral^^es ................................................

1962 OLDSMOBILE "aS’' four door s M atic transm ission , pow er stee ve ry nice, ono ow ner ..................

‘ ' P IC K U P S

1965 CHEVROLET Vi-ton long whee P ickup . V8 m otor, four speed t

• rack .- Needs a little body work, ■alls 1360 CHEVROLET 'A to n long whet

' - P ickup . - Six cylinder m otor, m ission, six ply tire s ..............

“ 1* G e t T h e N e w 1!

$ 6 8 . D o w n — $ 6 8 ; 1J - l ------ Befl-ElilrMBO------------------ CharllB-H». X • 664 M ain Avenue South Open I

1095 ---------

i z m m'dtopand

ZJ195 T o p Q u a l i t ;

U S E D C1295

1968 P ly m o u th "3 8 3 ” 196 :{ Ml. R oadriinner coupe. Radio. Ron >*• hea te r, au tom atic transm ls- elet

slon. U ke new.995 S P E C IA L

$ 2 6 9 5 •and ' - ' ----------------- ---------- ■•“ T96

1968 P o n t i a c F i r e b i r d p n ,Radio, hea te r and stick shift. {rai

1295 - C le a n . ........“ O N L Y

$ 2 6 9 5995 ' . ,p»»; 1905 Volksw Q RCii

Two door Krdun. Riuliit, j,.,’ Iioiuer. four speed. '

(2295»nmip i} )9 y o

S 5 i : 1904 C h o v ro lc t V8Nino ph'sKtinRcr Slnllon Wn* • uon. Radio, heoter, over- ' ' 7 Ililve. '"I'

J U S T1 895 ! ] ;1 4 4 0-Ipeed"• 1902 C h e v r o le t 11 ;0 I

Novft 400. iMHir tloor scdnn. I'w...................Rndtn, hen te r nnd ntnndiird • <*r,mgine. trunnmisslnir.-' nlo

, S P E C IA L

$ 4 9 8

1961 F o r d T h tu u Two (Idor nnnltnp

n.mii'. lienter, pow er nicerluiono, r r brnkcn nnd iIrallar trilll.HnihHloit

■ R E D U C E D■ $ 8 9 5

-ffl; . W I ^ L - s _ U S E

jiina .r B p t h l o c a t i o n s o p e n M o

T ruck iJino Went

mnlata B O Y D.Td‘*a“ 733.a.-i42

W O O D Y T U R L E Y 82Q-903S


hi- NEW CAR DEP.230 .Shoshona S tree t Wc

L - ^ . . ......................R fttnb lcr.— Je e p ~ . r i y p

L O U IE S L IM A N733-81M

n u tle r , , D A N J O H N S O N 733-21M


2 0 0 A utos fo r Sole 2 0 0 fcutog fo


; P A Y M E N T S P i ^

1 9 6 4 F o r d —F a i r l a n e 500 * i

H.'irrttop. VB, aulomallc. power . . •“■•"ing. , _

$49.92 p e r m o n th powur u - no down paym ent OAC '

, .. ------tjaii Bruce-Thomnion ------

UA'l'SUN IQCG converilblL-, exccIJcnl CHEVROl condlllon. Wanl quick snlc. Je- cnnrt

_____ rome.-Dayi. 324-5522, nlghti. 324- p5„ jr iTMu“ 'LlliKBI>m.' 1.5S. < trade!”

150, no whi'ols exira. JIOOO. Cnn be seen CASH Io-4840. ' IlriRcrmnn on Enit Avenue. hoapltal

., ---------- AiJlo W


lUREErO JR ._ G 0 : ________ ________

) M - T H E - F I N E S T — ^ —

R S A V A I L A B L E ^

■ 111 H ardlop Sport Coupo. V8. ., };sion, power steering, vinyl top.

ST CUSTOM Two door coupo................................ J d transm ission . Beautiful red . i ....................................... ....................... $1795 *Four’door s e d a n r V Srautom atic--------------- i958 .Ir steering and brakes, fac to ry . ........ .................................................... .. S1895 5

3ur door, six cylinder m otor, inte nlion. A rea l nice gas sav e r . . $1195 ^

” *fo'ur~d6br scdnn. l^ower s ffc r- " ...... .... ^'a c to ry a ir conditioning. A re a l '............ •.................. .............................. *1395 igg5(iPO H ard top Spo rt Coupe. “ 390**__________ . ^nsm ission7~Pow er steering and J ..................................................... . S 895

’’ four door sedan. V8, H ydra- 1, pow er s teering and b rak es, ner ....................................................... S 995 •


an long wheel base. F lectsidc , four speed transmi-ssion, stock le body work. S P E C IA L ............. $1295

on long wheel base, F lectsidc id e r m otor, four sj>eed tran s- tire s ............................................... $ 895

e N e w 1 9 6 9 B u g - '1 — $ 6 8 ; P e r M o n t h -----------— C harlte 'H atch-^---------------- Ja c k -C o x -------------

Open Evenings, Closed Sundays ^

L i a l i t y S e l e c t

ID C A R S1966 A u s tin H e a l e y 19G6

Indln. R oadster with rad io , hen ter, ismis- e lectric overdrive. Shnrp.

J U S TJ p 2 2 9 8 ,

.. . • -T 9 6 5 B u ic k C o u p e ............T d Radio, hen ter nnd ntnndiird 1960 : shift. iransniisslon. R eal c lcnn.


$ 1 1 9 5 . .,(,(,4

J964 C h e v ro le t Im p iifn0 11,. V8, rout* door nedun. Radio, 1062

. henter, ovcnlrlve,R E A L S H A R P

$ 1 3 4 0 looi

1963 C h o v ro li2t M o n z a ’„ V/a. door Keilnn, radio, lOBc

ov er ' hcaU'r. nnd au to m atic trans- rnlsAloni

O N L Y$ 6 9 0

19()2 V o lk s w a g e n nednn. I'wn dnor sedan. Riidln, hent-m diird • <*r. nnd four p p o « d -tran g m lg * ---------

nion. , 196''lO D A Y

J} ;6 9 8

r n r t l T h tu u le r h l r d (Idor ilnn ltop . Rnillo,r, pow er nlcorinK, pow- ]06rakc!i nnd aiilom utic

r K u C E D t o 100• ij;89r>

•1 0 6

U S E - D - G A tR S ‘IDB1 o p e n M o n . t l i r u F r i . , ’ t i l 9 ioo

Rt OffIca Phona 73:^-7M5

N IC K N i a i O L S O N733-dl39 ' T \

E Y S T E V E M I L L E R D733-0030

^ D E P A R T M E N TlOna S tree t West — 733-2801 .Je e p ~ . r iym o u U i-r-:J l 'o y a ia_____—

\ N D E A N E A R L J. , 733-BI08 .

)N D O M P F E F F E R L E •. 733-2820 , HO


2 0 0 H u lo . fo r Sol . _________ 2 0 0 A uio» fo

R TAKEOVER TA 3 PAYMENTS— o f $69.56 o n -a — (

1 9 6 3 , B u i c kh a r d to p shi

,tlas nnfy IS.OOO ncluid mites, full . $7puuur und air condlilontng.

,C ■ no down' paym ent OAC ^.......................... Call.Lorry Sackelt. ____ _______733-3033 ________

CHEVROLUT. Impala. MD67, Super '171: Sport. Ducket lenli, 306 engine, t l . 324- power Ileerlng. tnch, one owner. ' igcg po

______ All vinyl (Inish-Interior. J1.8C5, no F ^ d ichrome trade. Phone 733-0748 or 733-4MC. Vlwn*; CA2>li ror can , P in t place pa<t

hoapltal cn Hlway 30. OUcount Heriz .. AIJIO Wrecking 733.S«91_________ 210

North. ----- . llem. P

G O O D E M (

H a s A B e t t (

, 1958 LINCOLN C ontinental 2-door har. tor, a ir conditioning, vinyl roof. 4.

j jg g j Spanking new condition. Was $7,8(

1968 MERCURY V8 co m m uter 9-pa • wagon. 390 engine, pow er steerin t

$1795 ‘2,000 m \ ^ s ............................................

_________ J9S8.FORD&.V8-Galaxie SOOls.-Executdoor hardtop, one 4-door hardtop, engine, C ruiseom atic. pow er stee 10,000 miles. New c a r w a rra n ty .

* , , 01- 1966 THUNDERBIRD V8 L andau 2-do< with a black vinyl roof. H as evi

— " ...... — — in g -B lr” conditioning;~32,000"mil(condition ........ .....................................

1985 CORVAIR C o rs ; 2.door hardlop. engine. T u rb o ^ a rg e s , 4-speed tra

---------------------- m ilesrlo ca l o fH row nerr-R educcd-

GOODE MO':$ 995 • F o r d — M e r c u r y I

Rupcrtj ldaho .......... ~ ' ~

- E V E R Y!

S P E C I i ?: M o x ---------------.-------- -------■ --------a tundays

= - B i l l W o r k m £1968 F O R D T O R IN O -----------

------------------- F o u r-d o o r7 -au toniB iIe~ trahSm I5800 miles, rem a in d e r of w arrai

------------------lO C S T ^O R D lW U S rA N G -------- ^ ------Two door hardtop. V8, au tom a steering, low m ileage. New wai

1967 C H E V R O L E T C A P R I C E po „r hard top , V8, nutom a steering.

1067 F O R D T H U N D E R B IR D , Two door hardtop. V8, nutom a steering, power b rak es, pow er

' 19G6 F A L C O N.j.-oiir door, au tom atic Iransm i henler. Sharp.

1065 M U S T A N GV0, au tom atic transm ission , po

-.- - —..... - owner, A rea l beauty.--- -

nndnrd 1966 M E R C U R Y C A L I E N T E •cnn. V8. nyloniatlc transm ission , po

tlonlng. Just like new.

1064 C H E V R O L E T IM P A L A , Two door hard top , Vfi, power .it'

*Radio, 1062 F A L C O NFour door, s tan d a rd trnnsm issli

P Tine.

1962 V O L K S W A G E N .............Two d oo r four speed , radlii, hei

’" rad io , 1065 C H R Y S L E R 3 trail's- Four door, VB, niitom ntic trans

power broken, n roal (Ino c u r ..

lOCO F O R D L T DFour door hiinUop. Vfi, nutomi steering , pow er bralwB, n lr con

. .i .« « t- T R U C K fa n g m lg - - ................... ............. ..............— ..........

1067 D O D G E «^-T O NLong wheel b ase , V8, four «r

' rubber.

106R F O R D B R O N C O4 x 4 Pickup, l.ock-out hiibi, i

1066 IN T E R N A T IO N A L^,i-ton, four speed, Vfl, fiat bed,

1061 G M C ‘’1 - T 0 N ’VO, four (lual (Ipes, rcu

•> . 1063 E C O N O L IN E V A NjTtundnrd tranHminslDn, 8, now

:R S ' ‘IDffiTi'A'NCIIKRO-----------P k lu i|i. SlBndanl (ransm lssior

, ’ t i l 9 1903 IN T E R N A T IO N A L S C O U l Full cab . Hubs, new llre s , im



N T F O R" c ia re n c F Y ln H iir r r rS f 'O ff f ll

Dick O illo im nlrr . . 731IS87 I.. I

'R L E • I-flrry M cM urdie . . . •140 Second Avcnuo U ast

V I C E ? ■' men

2 0 0 A ulo« fo r Sol*_________ ^ 2 0 0 ___ F i ^

R ~ T A K E O V E R S P A Y M E N T S ,1 . ' 1 9 6 6 O l d s ,

4 -d o o rSharp'Wlth full power

«. full . $70.26 p e r m o n th

‘C ' J o (----- — ---------------- - 733.3033-

' engrne! ' 'owner. ' igcg Pontlaci — Chevroleii and

JWMo" Pora*. Very low mileage and

3Ucount HerIz Rent-A-Car. LtceniM "I

°Avenue ^Llk^ '^new . througho'ui' " <?o"le«^ • llem. Phone 733-4000 or 4 2 3 - ^ .

------------------------------------------------------------- >C5 Cl............. , . 4 . bt

E M O T O R N,

B e t t e r I d e a'65 B

^ntfll 2-door hardtop demonstrn- ig. Vinyl roof. 4.000 miles, brand dition. Was $7,800 ......................... $5,995 p J l

co m m uter 9-passenger stalion __!, pow er steering , power brakes, '60 C................................................................ $3,395 aiie 500!.s.-Executive-cars.- one-2--^----------• ------- 1’I 4-door hardtop. Both have 390 Uic. pow er steering, and about

c a r w a rra n ty .................................$2,995

V8 L andau 2-door hardtop. Redi'l roof. H as everything, includ- ^Jng;~32,000-m ilcs^arrd ‘liT lfiih l-------- '--------.............. .... '•.......S2-door hard top . 180 Horse powerrges, 4 ' ^ ^ d transmission.^ 35,000 ^ ...... ^

) D E M O T O R— M e r c u r y D e a le r “

R Y D A Y - " i

E C I A L S . f

--------a t — ~ —

o r k m a n F o r d ^N O ^ \ .........- '« « ,toniBiIe~trahSm lssIon“ p6w e r '8leerIng;--------- — ia in d er of w arran ty .

A N G -------- ^op. V8, au tom atic transm ission, power lleage. New w arranty.

60 '■ C A P R I C E , 1top, V8, ou tom atic transm ission, power

I'D E R B IR D ,op. V8, au tom atic trnnsmlsslon, power ’fiS

b rak es , pow er sea t, a i r conditioning. .

tom atic transm ission, Dig "0 ” , radio,

transm ission , power steering, local ono w auty.-— .................... - ........... .........

: a l i e n t exansm lsslon , power sloerlng, n ir condl. IS0 new . ^

: I M P A L A ' '04op, Vfi, power .iteering, stick, reul sporty.

idard trnnsm isslon, fl. radio, hontor runs

’ N '™Speed, rad io , healer, giiiKl rubber, ^

niitom ntic transm ission, power steering, n roal (Ino c u r .- - - »(jg

Hop. Vfi, nuKimnlie trnnsmlsslon, pow er ..• bralwB, a ir comlltidning. • p


'O N ..... ■' ...... "ise , V8, four speed, low mileago, gootl njfi

>JCOl.ock-out hubs, nuiny nxlras, ..

O N A L , ^!cd, Vfl, flat bed, locking axle.


I, dua l tipes, ready to go.

: V A N I 'iniiiislDit, 6, nuw rubber, shnrp.

--------1 ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ■—’-------------------- ------------------------aril (ransm lssion, fl, rndlo, hea le r, good

O N A L S C O U TIS, new llre s , m any exirna. j

V \ ^ O R K M A N "

F O R D p“ S f a n f d — 1 ^^^^fyn'i^po^v:“ “ "733:aft80"■ * t

733-1&87 I.. K. Chub Miller . 733 ft041

/ M oM urdie .......... 733-2073

H as t . ' Phonq 733-1010 13

^ ' — -R E S U L T S - 3 D a y s a n d Rent'

WILL ren t for $97.50 per m onth or •m o n th .- 3 bedroom home, tully cariksti

m ent. 21C M oreland. Call 733-xxxx. .

2 0 0 F ridoy , O c to b e r 18, 1968 Twin Fa

^ • A uto< fo r Solo - ■_______ 2 0 0 A utos fc

B - B -

B o n a n z a - B e :

r U S E D eand

-5800. ' .

--------- ’C5 CHEVROLET BelAir 4-door sedan.4 . b rakes, V8 engine, au tom atic tran

■ JanilJy car. ■ _

^ NOW ONLY’65 PONTIAC 2x2, bucket .scats. 421

--------- --------- ste^ririg,-e.\cellent-low-m ileage' c a r

~ N O W ONLY-'65 BUICK W.ILDCAT 2-door Hardtop.■ brakes.. Excellent white w all tires.

5,0,5 NOW o n l y -~"’6G*CADILLA^ Sedan DcVilic.' Powcf

3,395 autom atic transm ission. Factory m atic cruise control. Real, leal

----------■-------Like-New.------- ---------- --------•

NOW ONLY,------ ,-------- 'CC-CIiEVR0LET-lnipaIa-2>daor H an;2 <19'5 standard with overdrive iransmis

■ wilh rea l economy.’

’62 CHEVROLET BefAir 4-door Sed . standard transm ission. N ear new

and d r iv e s 're a l good. Fu lly guar

s ^ N O W O N L Y - ^'65 FORD G A L \X IE 500 H ardtop

transm ission, M52' V5 .engine,_ J,rakes. Gleaming white cx loriorT

Very Sharpi


--POwcr brakes, cruise-o-m alic Iran: ----------------------A-Real-Sporty Auto!


---------- -— W-afion.'. Pbwec-3lcedng,-pQWCt-J3cring, jyy, mileage. Excellent Condition

— 'T ^ G W O N L T ^'60 GTO ‘1-specd transm ission, 3.15 hoi

sea ts , console. You can ’t te ll thispower

NOW ONLYpower '05 PONTIAC CATALINA 4-drioi; S onlng. power brnkcs nnd nutom ntic

C lean I'am iiy Car.

NOW ONLY '1 '64 PONTIAC .STARCniFJ-’ 4-door ;* “ ___ power_brakes,_}(ulomullQ_lrHl)ai

- dition. -------

000... n Q W -O N L Y ;-' ’M OtD.S DYNAMIC 88 l-door Sciinn

iporty. b rakes, und autoniatic trannm iss

r runs NOW ONLY'CO VOLKSWAGUN, 4-Hpced Irnnsinl

NOW ONLYlering,

'CO FORD 4-donr V8 engineRunii (lOoil.

NOW ONLY------------------ -------- g g m m e r g :

. fiootj (iMC u -lo n Pickup. Long wido------ . ..-trNnninlnNliin, brand new CSUxlfl

actual inlliiH.

NOW ONLY ...'00 (iMC '/l ion pickup. Custom i;a!

ginu, Mlchelin lives. This pickup

NOW ONLY” ! trmisnJuHliin. Cuntijiii calif'7l)0xl", Rood Good Condlllon.

NOW ONLY'60 DODOl! ^-to n Pickup. 4-npccd

. ~ V T gino, OSOxfO coinnicrclul tlrea. :


»» B o n a n z a ]733-8041 b u r l o y D o n lo

• DodgcH — ttillckii — PoNUW CARS .......... V i733-1010 1350 Ovorlaiu^ 078-0480 \ i

-R E S U L T S — a y s u n d R e n te d .

per m onth o r sell fo r $108.06 pcrne . tully cariksted, c a rp o r t, 'n o b a s e - ..............T ~Call 733-xxxx. . ' •

i9 6 8 Twin Falls T im es-N ew s 2 3

~ 260~ ^ ^ » ~ fo r ''S a le 2 0 ^

B - B

- B e s t - B u y

D C A R g

URLEY —,r 4-door sedan. Pow er s teering , pow er au lom atic transm ission.- A re a l fine-

fLY $ 1 3 1 0 I;kct .scats. 421 cubic” engine, pow er • ow -m ileage' car^-----------------------------------------------

ILY- $ 1 8 1 02-door Hardtop, power steering, pow er ■vhite w all tires. Local onc owner. J

C y ^ - $ 1 7 7 7 - ^DcVlllc.' Power steering, power b rakes,ision. Factory a ir condilioning, auto- ;•rol. Real. Icaiher in terior. E xactly

LY $ 3 7 8 5aIa-2>daor Hardtiap, V8. 'rngine.------------ -rdrive transm ission. P len ty of c la ss

LY $ 1 6 4 3Air 4-door Sedan. ‘283’, V8 engine, sion. N ear new w ide oval tires, runs x)d. Fully guaran teed .

L Y ^ ~ $-5 5 9 —500 H ardtop Sedan. ' Cruise-o-m atlc

' V5 engine, pow er .steering, power white cx torior'w ilh-G old in terior. V c r y r .......... -

ILY $ 1 2 9 9500 H ardtop Coupc. P o w er 's tee r in g ,

ise-o-matic transm ission . ‘352’ V8 engine. ,,0 ! ----- --------- — :

ILY_____$ 1 U 1 ^ :{■ Sedan 4-door 9 _ .p asse n g e r-S ta tio n ----------i;ednB_pflw cr_brakc3,_y.a_finfiinQ ^i!ry_______ :ellent Condition. 1

TLY $ 1 6 9 9imission, 3.15 horse pow er engine,-bucket lu can ’t te ll this q a r from new. .

ihY $ 2 2 4 5 ;LINA 4-drior Sedan. P o w er. Blccrlng.___ .nd au tom atic transm ission . A R ea l.- .

ILY $ 1 4 9 9: n iE I ’ 4-door Sedan. P ow er steering, uiomuyQ_irHi)amisaIoni—IiXcclIent_Con------------ -

iL Y ^ $ - 1 - 2 8 9 ^ -88 4-d(K>r Sedan. P ow er steering, pow er ■ iiatio irannm isslon. Ueuutiful Condition.

^LY - $ H : 8 9 - -4-.specd irnnsinl-sslon.

)LY $ 3 9 9dun, Vfi engine, Klandard transm ission! -

^LY . $ 7 7 .^ M M E R G I A L S ------------ ------------------------

up. Long wide box, Vfl englno, 4-8pccd md new OSUxlfl tlrcjir-C usiom - Cflb. OOOq

^;LY . $ 2 3 9 9(ip. Custom t;ab, radio, 4*«pecd, V# en* es. This pickup needs u llUlo body wprk«

NLY $ 1 0 1 0 C

'^LY' $ 1 3 1 3 f e ''Ickiip. 4-npccd Irnnsm lnnlon,'31B '.V 8 eiv> < iincrclal tlrea. Stock ruck . J .

^ , L Y , , • „ '$ 5 5 5 , ^ : .

n z a M o t d M Iriurloy Dculor fo r . ■• Biilcku — Pontlucs — O peli ; ;v-.1

......... U SE D CARS & T R U C K ^ h v ^1480 - KtOLE. M ain SU

■ ' .....................■

Page 24: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF257/PDF/1968_10_18.pdf_ — J W e a th e r - Chilly VOL. 65 NO. 187__________ Murder G Filed

2 4 Twirl Falls T Im os-N ew s F,

------- — ^A -SILV ER -PtA TTER -lnscribcdto P a n J . O benchaln. rifiht, a t the ihdcpendcct insu rance ARcms. in< presen ted the aw ard to M r, Obcm A ssociation on thc basis of tho ag patlon in civic activ ities.

Gripes Qf Tittle Pi

M anning 1By T he A ssociated P re ss • I

Sen. M ike M ansfield, D-Mon(., Ud the Senate m ajo rity -lender. has ton been rescheduled (o v isit Idaho for FaUs F ridoy , Oct. 25, and not trii

____ W ednesday—as_prcvlpusly ._ 'anr Istinounced.-------- ......................... . bv(

The sw itch in dales was an- dV nounced Thursday by Edw ard I

------- W:— Pike,— Bonneville— Couniy cai

---- ---------^ ^ d a ;pol

U .S.ToH alt • Production i

Of $ 5 ‘Notes’ '»!WASHINGTON (A P) — t h c nw

T reasu ry announced Thursday it wc will stop issuing $5 bills tha t ha c a rry th e dcsiRnatlon "U niied nn S tates N ote”—thereby assuring m; th a t collectors a ll over the coun- he t ry w ill begin squirreling thtJm c r aw ay. ca

-It-happens whenever any type sp of cu rrency is disconUaued. w. T h ere a re , fo r instance, S135 ct

_ m illion worth of J2_bills slill in — tho public’s hands, ihbugli they w ore la s t issued in lOGfi. |

“ Wo don’fg e t-m a n y of lliesc--------tw o s-b ack ," a T reasury source T,

sold. "A ll over Ihe country peo- Ai-------- p lfr-a re -h an p in B -o n -to -lh o m -in f i

nopes they 'll turn out lo be V w orth somelhinH big to give lo th e ir grandchildren. The sam e fii th ing will probably happen-w ith wl thcflc fives ." F(

T hc S5 U.S. Noles o re a lready hi a mino;* ra rity , nmounlinr, to rii only $IG7 million in circulation sl' com pared wllh 52.5 billion worth ui of F ed era l Reserve Note fives.

C ulling hack to Just one typo t)i o f SS bill m akes economic sense. <if the T reasu ry explalni;<l. As hi th ings stand nnw tho pro«!ss of dj re tir in g old worn-out bills ns they flow llirouKh thu banking cl sy slcn i rc(|ulres ex tra sorting n

--------- an d -se p n ro ie -h n n d iln R -fo r- th c 51tw o c ia sse .1 of fives. |.-

■ - \V

Death Sentence R Given Killer ‘ i;

FO R T WORTH, Tcx. (A P) - A 27-ycar-otd m an chHrRod In n k

_____ hro bom bing tha t rcKuilcd In ihe eld ea th s of cIkIiI persons 1ms iii!i-n tl .sentenced to dio in Ihe e lciitrlr 11.

. , c h a ir. cA Ju ry found I'reddio Me*

K onzio gulllv a fic r ‘15 luinutcH ilelllw raiion 'rhursdiiy night nnil deni>er«led anot))er »»ur Jinil it) minutOK boforo sentencing lilin to dentil.

M cKenzie, An em ploye of n concrelo compiiny, wns churned w ith m u rd e r In the (toiilh of one of Iho vlcllmH, WilUo C. Dtivis. .Seven o ther per.sons diCii May Ti

--------- |n - Ihe flro n t - Ihe • night- «i‘ihcalled 'T h n ( '.rave."

'Ih o proHcciitlnn charged thnl M cKenr.le threw « hiicia't <if gnsolino throi>{dilhe ciuli'n front door nnd tOHsedln n m aich.

C h rliY m af

1^.; WARD'S

CATALOG WAY!S liop n o w , . . » ta il p ay n io n tJ in T ab .

3 'd a y Sorvlco

PH. 733-3405o r corns In to i to re


7J7 Mnln I., Twin folU

i-N ew s F rid ay , O c to b e r 1 8 , 196 8

l i - ' £

Bk-—--' ^8

iR -ln sc rib cd -w Ith -“ Idoho-A gen t-o f-tho -'ycai right, a t th e annual Sun Vailcy convention of "AgCnlsVnife pi‘6filc ienfm th a t urgunlzatiwir r ’0 lUr, O benchain. I t is aw arded by the Idahi lls of tho ag en t’s contribution to tho insurancIS. _______________________________________

ttle P re ss Coverage’

ng Warns O f IPress In te rio r Secretary Stew art the >M onl., Udall will be the gue.st of Comp- age der. has ton White, D em ocratic nominee c il Idaho for Congress in Idaho’s IM Dis- clu and not tric t, Saturday in a visit a t Lew- elei Sly._'anr iston._UdalI will socnk S atu rday gpo- ' evening- a t a d in n e r-in Coeur ^cs was an- d ’Alene for Sen. F rank Church, prc Edw ard D a rre ll’ Manning, D em o cra tic . ^ -C ouniy can d id a te -fo r-C o n g r£ ss_ in _ th e:----------- 2nd-© t9triel7-4o-Tw 4n-PallR -lo-------- :— d ay renew ed his call for w ater

pollution controls. - ’ In i1 | . . "T he nauseating-slench of ihe1 1 - A m erican F alls R eservoir should

w arn u s th a t w.e m ust take the q ,1 -... ... p rofit_out_of_p(5llutionjpim edi-

a te ly instead of passing it on lo fu tu re generations,” M anning „j.g sa id in a prepared lext.

, “ Despite thc fact lh a t I have— Thc m entioned, this every day for a

jrsday it week in public assem bly thereIlls tha t has .been littlo press coverage — : "U niied and m y opponents have / e - _ assuring m ained strangely silent; ye t my ;he coun- h eadquarte rs indicalcs an in­ng thtJm crensing stream of tcJephone

ca lls by concerned c i t i z e n s , nny type spQrlsmcn.._InrmCLs_and _qther __ onUnued. w a tc r 'u s e rs , protesting ihe, in­ico. S135 creasing ly pulrid condition of Is s l i l l jn — — _ i

D anger Of F ire ’ „"try p™. Is Limited B ut i'"r te e a u tio ir lsU rg e d - -) give to Although thc donger of forest ,he sam e fires has decreased considerably mipen-with w ith tho rcccnt, .rainy w eather, ■

F o rest Sorvlce officials rem ind ■1 a lready h un te rs tha t the possibility of ■ in ting to fire Is nlways prcHent nnd, care ■ Irculatlon should be used with cam pfires I lon worth and w arm ing fires. I e fives. ThOTiIvnrinJltnirowtfiR' srnson m one typo th is yea r ims caused nn nhun-

lie sense. <innce of vegciation, which could ne<l. As burn i;npidiy under ccrtn in con- , , T0rt!ss of dillons. ».

bills as The flro closures p laced in ‘ banking effect earlier this veiir on thc

' sorting Boise. CarilHHi. Cha'lils. P ayellc , ‘ r~ fo r- th c ^almbit77itrd” Sirwioolh NaliiTnal

1'orosls ill idalio, and along the " — W asatch Front in U tah—from ,n r p north rod of . W elbviilo J .I l L v Mountain west of l.ngan, .south p

' (o .SViJt Creeli Ijclow Nephl—J«ive been liltfd .

( / \p ) — VlsltiiTH to tlipse nrean tfre no rgod In n longer rc(|iilred lo c a rry a sliov- ted In.lim el.-u.'c._uiid-bui:lteLor_lu.':<>!!f!|l?l _ Iins ii(!i‘n th r ir fIri'K 10 ilic specially (k'sig-

0 e lcc trlr natcd a rea s liullcalcd In ihc firerio.suix's. ^

litllo Me- w v v v v v v w v v ^ ^> lulnute.H

e d u c anye of n

IS Y O U R B ESTC. Dtivis.ICii Mav ft - .w. .1.1. - SPECIALIZEDE ' / ' h S lnnonrtip lin r — SocroliiHdlI K irmu - Clod- l y p h i - Hool<k™nich. Biiilno&s A clinlnislfcillon — I

Ccilciildlor — pankkoup ln 'u,. — C9 py ltin , r ju p lirn lln o

• ‘clilnus — liloclrl'c'Typuwilloi

iO liO l SERVK

! 'L ow i(iloro!,|, g o v o in iiu in l tJ*0 v o u r '■■■ i ln iii in g — l’“r l i tm a » - tn iH loyiiiun i:.f’kn:oiii‘>n! .—o p n in o •

n a t i o n a l l y J SECRETARIAL FINIS

W EXTRA-CURRICUUI c f nowlitif) — Tlinntro DIsrout

Socials — Sliiriont Ciioir • , ' Sfijdoiitl)0 (/y A iioinl)K os —

4 0 5 T w in F a l ls B u s i“ ™ . » P S a to n d Slraol Cd iI^

IERY> A ccro d lfid a t a i y o a r ich A ccrod lllna .C o m m l* tion for


9 6 8

. ■■ ...... " ■ B:


„* .. ■ , . jQhn. ___ 7 ^ ^ ........... ______________________ ing h




• V : ' ' t h e

' - surathe '

U.S.— l i ng«

■ ■ Han-o f-tho -V carll-w aK -rccenU y . p re se n te d ^ a_s£ lonvcntlqn of j th e .Jd a h o Association of negc

by thc Idaho Insu rance U nderw riters’ the tho insurance industry and h is partic i- polii

guei---------------------- ---------------------------- :---------- was

by t

; e ’ ^----- - day

Of P o llu tion i |Stew art tiie U p p e r~ S riak ^ R iv e r drain- pea

>f Comp- age.’:, tlonnominee Church and Rep. Jam es Me- tion IM Dis- c iu rc , a Republican seeking re- P a r a t Lew- election in Jh o 1st D istrict, both rejc

j^ u rd a y spoke-H iursday_nbeyU hc_Som hi in.t; n Coour wcst'^ldaho W aler- Developmont - J( Church. P ro ject. beei

n o c ra iic . M cClure told a N am pa audi- ra ti ^ _ t ^ e -cnce-“ l- in n -co n fid o n rth a ri-w ill bei>

v ler*’ M l coaperatioil Uf m y n a n>r w u iti commitieg^cpUrfaeues next ycnr u f .Ur. in co m p ltF tn i^h e extensive stu-

. of 'h e ic a d in g ^ o passage of thep ro jec t authorization bills.’’. «

^ ® Church said in Boise hc hopes | j^ m e d i- p ro ject bill w .ill-be-on-tho g It on 10 jQp of agenda ' when Con- =

Manning convenes next year. He =. sa id the proposal " is ready to' s

t 1 nave forw ard to final congres- Eay or a gionnl authorization and then to ' 5 ,iy there conslructjon.’' Ecoverage ------------- i---------------------------------- 5,avc j-e-; ye i m y ' 1

icJephonei z c n s , , ‘ i

nd _ o th c r____ • | l i 'e , in-

dition of . ' . . . .

forest s idcrably w eather,

rem ind Ibility of ' nnd. care uim pflres

ig-season -

Trh r iu ld IR E N E OLIVERnin n. • . • adm ln ls tro to r of Magic

tnin um - M em orial llospliol.In **'"'50 I'a lJs, h a s been nam ed

r nn tlw 6 th rco-yenr term on tho I i C c c Ilosp lln l A »m cla lta , P

-WiYfiiiniii -» w n rd -o r—tru s lc c s_ S b a _ w a a - . f nam ed nl Iho annuni m eeting /

, ,_ frn m Dclcgnlc.l of VW elbviilo - O'g nsHncintlnn n t j j nn Vnlloy. ^ an, .south C

p l a n t , t (

,(ro m o r f o e t l “ — . Ilu c f f l i t i r t ___ G L O B E S E E D ___ I;l'v * , t : w i l l h a v e I t l j

ix A T K ^B E n IN V ESTM EN T

L I Z E D T R A I N I N G :• Socrolciikil 7 - I;xocullvo Socroltiricil- — nookkwnfJijJf; — AfrcounfJno — > ■slfcillon — IIIM — ComploHKitor — ookkoopln'o titicI I’o iil i ig Mdc.lilniis 'plirrillnn nnd M im ooorcipliino Mci* • c'T ypuw illoii.

S E R V I C E S :voininoD l {JtKirnntoorl iitiiriont locins 'i in g — l’(irt-llnt(i iiinp loym iitit — 1C0|I1‘>!)!.:— Giifciciiico Toillnn.


URRICULAR ACTIVITIES: 'ntro D Isrount’Tlckoli — Plciiici — lont Ciioir — • Stiicionl Coyncll — scinl)Kos — SK/cforif N ow spo()or.

Is B u s in e s s C o l le g elo l Ca»t^ 7 3 3 -6 5 2 2

2 year ich oo l o f b u iin o i i by Ih* \tm lttion for Du»ln«tt Ssltooli. .


Viet BomBy Thc Associated P ress it worl

Reports of a possible develop^ m ond- . m ent In the P a ris jwace talks —w arr

have revived em phasis on Viet- delude , nam In the presiUiintial cam- will er

paign. Dom R epublican R ichard M. Nixon phrey

says he’ll not criticize President bombii Johnson’s decision for a bomb- runnin

_____ ing holt.ove.r .North Vietnam, if Muskii

^ Reds Believed Dis H On Response To 1

WASHINGTON J A P ) — Dis- n isi fi ngreefneni' be tw een ' "H aw ks" a n ' ei and “ Doves” in Hanoi m ay be South delaying a response to Washing.^ towns ton proposals fo r. ending all u .s , bombing of North Vietnam, dip- range lom atic au thorities here believe, have 1

T hese au thorities suercsI a mnQit d eb a te 'h a rb eeh 'g o liig on wUniir allied tho North V ietnamese leader^ south sh ip-over the issye^of giving as- and t

- suranccs of lim illrig thc w ar on en tire the C om m unist side if President p _ . Johnson h a lts a ttacks on thc i , „ _ . North.

Thc P a r is sources said thc U.S. proposals w ere m ade con- tingent on firm acceptance by . Hanoi of the Saigon government

ascnted_ a s a part y to any ultim ate peace _____tlon of negotiations. . C U I-Boise;-------J>ftftidpaHon-in-90me-form-of- ■ ------vriters’ th c N ational Liberation Front, J partici- political a rm of the Viet Cong ■

gu errillas in South Vietnam, g---------- w as said to have been conceded « . •.

by thc U nited States. JJ........... The offJcJai North Vietnamese «. new spaper. Nhan Dan, Thurs- ■

d ay denounced Johnson’s, de- ■ m and fo r w hat the North Viet- ■

m%Wm nam ese- ca ll " reciprocily" for S ” ■ * ' ending the bombing. ■

. . B u l U.S. officials said this a p - S _ . . . e r drain- peared to be .m ore a coniinua- a

tlon of the fam iliar Hanoi i» si- 3 imes Me- t io n -s ta ted m any tim es, in t h e * icking r e - P a r i s ^ a c e ta lks thnn actual ■ rict, both rejection of thc U.S. proposals ■:he South- in .th e j> re sen t s i tu a t io n ._______■ ____'elopmont - Johnson’s requirom enis have ■

been repo rted to includo resto- ■ ip a audi- ra tion of- the dem ilitarized zone S h a ri-w iil beiw een-N orih-and-Soulh-V iel- ■ —

next ycnr ■nsivc Slu.- **

con Jres- ■ .



j rLIfVl ITED i^ A N T IT Y

H l ~■ W A T C H B A N D |

m I

^ h a _ w a a _ 5 —

: E D _


ic tn it on lc lc v lilo n 7 N o ^ ^ fi 3 ', , com eicolllnaellon.The ^ g

(Itiricil- DilcfinderC«1cnd*rWilchb»nd 910 — 3to r — onyptifW flil — ami Ihcn inme. S'.Ii Imiis Handtome Twitl-O-ricK* ilylci. ■ ', M ci- . SUiniei* iloci, $8.93. Yellow S

I gold-filled, $11.95. For any man. ■fo r any gill occailnn. S



n ^ J E W a H Y CO. B I

,‘ Z “ H CHINA I


g e -hV fA T C H E S I

■6522 I

y t J O w m o w r T y K lS S L 3TWIN rAtt> 3

xatnoooot . ^^11

Bombing StiiP ress it w orks. But Sen. S trom Thur- he kno' develop- mond—Nixon’s a lly In thc South talks,

ice talks - w a rn e d Am ericans not lo be ^ eo r on Vlel- deluded into ihinking the w ar p arty

lal cam- will end before election dny. sold h« D em ocrat Hubert H. Hum- ponded

Vj. Nixon ph rey hasn ’t mentioned thc runnini Prc.sldent bom bing ha lt rum ors, and his re tu ^ j a bomb- running m ate. Sen. Edm und S.

etnam, if Muskie, .refused to discuss what “ facfore,

!ved Disagreeing u»p“O O pccis f

use To Peace PleaI — Dis- n ist fo rces from thc zone, and ing ha "H aw ks" an 'e h d ' to" te rro r a ttacks on Nixon i m ay be South V ietnam ese cities and Nixo Washing- tow ns. onc m id ing all u . s . officials say th a t .ar- ‘ermin nam, dip- rangem cn ls for a bombing halt make e believe; have been thoroughly covercd in "We uEgest a consultations w ith governm ents tics wl ?irwUnilT “allied in the" w ar. including tne “ xhui e leader- sou th V ietnam ese governm ent, itinibir giving as- and tha t the ' “ hangup" is now “ jt wi le w ar on en tire ly in Hanoi." poiiliq ; .k„ P re s s reports from .Saigon, iHes s on tne j,owover, have s tressed objec- people

. . tions by P resident Nguyen Van will ci Thfcu lo any term ination of the “ i t ’j

r/. h J bom bing of the North w ithout a minisl guaran tee-of-C om m unisU de-es- new _i cala tion . ■ w ar," lale peace _________ _________________ :________

on Front, S ■ i/iel Cong ■

conceded 3 D A R R E L i >ictnam ese 5 ' -------

M M - f l

coniinua- a[anoi posi- H | f l Vies, in thc ■ an actual 3 proposals ■

e n i r 'h ' i ^ 3 “ ■ ’ T h © - - - Wudo r e s to -■ , rized zone 3 _ oulh-VieU 3 ------ -------- Z__II-------Z 1 ------ ;___ r - ’

I ^ 5A ■ " ------ 'ili l = ' 3Ki " ^

f l s 3w = 3' ^ ^ f l a f l1 ^ 3

rE D

.LAR 3 ■ H H H i

" 3. ,3 f l H ^ n H n f l

................... .

H E ~^ N D I ' ■ ■ ■ ■


3 ......—m . •M , . ' ^

' 3 "

M I '

3 ^ '* ' ° “ '’ly, a m o ro h n n d fu t o f m t tio O u ta to n d ln R. Y ounft M on

y I V jV /^ ~ 2 ro ll MormTnK~H<?t tti l“ 'lo n d r '3 lo sa ly fo r you In th o Idnho HcB y e a r a - ln t h a log la ln tu ro , 4 v

a lo n d o r . H o w n o n po w o rfu j n h o 'a RivinR oil t h n t u p to m t

S U n lto d S t a t e s C o n n ro su .M V ^h y ? 'B o cn u o o h o c n ro s w h t

^ f l f l N 5 Id n h o c itlzo n o . I-Io ' b w orrloiS am n ll f n rm a rn c n n n o lonpM k n o w s th o b o o f m o n o ro hn

y f l H H f l S p u t o n th n m by Im p o rto . M<■ / '^ ^ d f lf l S d u a tr la l d o v o lo p m o n t, w h o n I

i i flou rloh .5 A n d h o 'o n Ruy w/ho h n n n 't pli

, 3 . w ith i l i a ,o w n p o rso n u l polltlNow 5 h lo o ffo r t to Rot o lo c to d . l lo ’Tho ^ 3 conao rv tU ivo n t tim on . A b o u tiValchband 3 o p o n t. A b o u t n tr lc to r Inw opwhole ve»T 3 f lo v o rn m o n t R o t t ln R uo d n rnIhcninm e. 3 ^ n o o d a n n d doulron nrole»* ilylci. 3 ' B u t h o 'o .w o n oom o goo d fiRl)3. Yellow M to o . H e o p o n rh o o d o d oom o>ranymaru m rn n d o It 0 h o c k u v o ’ lo t s n fo r '1. 5 r ld o ncliool buodo. l-to h'ol

3 tio n w h lc ii Rnvu th o hnnditH b r o n k n n d p iio liod fho f l r a t

' ' 3 r lR h ta n e t in t ) io o n t i r o c- , J « n 3 *'1® a tiic k h la n o c k o u t by tn '

W i l iV J t 9 b u sln o sB o a bncinuilo lio fn it th 3 h la 'fn lr ohn ro .

■ n S M f 3 S o u n d Ilko th e o ld cnm pniR nj i 5 fo r n m ln u to n n d llaton.

>1 H 3 M '^nnlng >ina boo n n poralntciI M / I 9 9 p ro v o d o d u c n tlo n In Idnho;

* * l I ■ « n o w h o 'a b o o n fn lr. It nhnul„ II 3 b o d y th n t ro c o n tly h o rocolvo

<Y'Co. U 3 tio n fro m fivo h u n d ro d pnroi

i I

HES V o t e 1

P li D A R R E t li f I 2 n d DISTRICT - DEMC

: Stirs Debate>m Thur- he knows about the P a ris p cace |~ N ew .he South talks. . • in Chiot to be George C. W allacc, the Ihird- 1*1° V the w ar p a rty candidate for president, Muski

1 dny. sold he’s feeling tired and sus- to, i}® Hum- ponded cam paigning unlil his w hat

nod tiie running m ate, C urtis E. LeMay, on *n and his retuh is from a to u r of Vieinam . have

Imund S. ^ ra lly in Johns- Hunw hat Pa.,...W ednesday tha t, as w ar ®

facfore,.hc supports a bombing , ^ hall if it doesn 't endanger U.S. d riflir i w troops and would im prove pros- The

” , pects for peace; — - hands I p f l He said thfi Republicans will Co.’s

support the P resident if a bomb- troit ;one, and ing halt is ca lftd and it m eets w alla lacks on Nixon's conditions. - - - erngc ties and Nixon said Johnson is " th e Hur

one man who can m ake th a t dc- parcn th a t a r- term ination . . . le t’s le t him Negrc

ibing halt m ake tiiat determ ination .” Walja overed in "W e do not w an t to play poli- ‘f*' 'c rnm cnts tics with peace,"^said Nixon. “ O ai uding tne “ Thurm ond, R-S.C., told a U h wirnmcnt, itinibia, S.C., news conference; g - - - . " is now “ Jt would be d ow nrigh t cheap ,u . .

poiiliqs if - the adm in i^ra llon i .Saigon, iHes to confuse the American cd objec- people" into thinking the w ar uyen Van will end soon. ^ralition of the “ it's, going to take a new ad- m h i w ithout a m inistration w ilh firm ness and be pilist-de-es- new _pQ licies_to__wind up the Carth

w ar," he said. , gd pc

[El l V .


r h e M a n = l i i = « = . ^


-------------- 1

) hnndful o f m on a re ch ooon aa yig. Younw Mon in A m oricn . Dar- . ngt thiu liondr” by worklnR tiro- ^In tho Idnho Houoo. Ho aorvod 8 ORlalnturo, 4 yonrs ea m inority [D n pow erful m nn in B o lso , but Sth n t up to m ako n run for th o ' ConRrosu. J

1 ho cn r c s w hnt'a happoninR to /,. I-|o 'b w orried b u cn u sa ao m a aI cnn no lonRor c o m p o te . l-|o ii□f m on oro hnvinR th o oq u oozo b by Importn. Ho doonn't so o In- , Iipm ont, w hon ho Itnowa It co u ld £

f/ vi/ho hnnn't pinyod iin'riky-pnnky ’ >porsonul polltloMi p h lloeop h v In -I

e t o loctod . i lo ’s boon dow nrlR ht rit timoB. A bout how your m on oy c t ntrlctor Inw on forcom on t. A bout ottlnR uo dnrn blR tlm t th s poo>Id doulron nro iR norod , |

oom o good flRhto na n cruondor, r I'hoodod Qomo loRlalntlon w hioh Ik uvn’ lot sn fo r 'fo r Idnho kids to II buBOQ. l-to holpod d ra ft loRloln. Iivu th o hnndlcnppod n d o cen t Iohnd (ho first m nnonnblo atnta *in tho ontiro cou n try . ,,

nock o u t by tnklnR on ao m o bln , ip -nuilo I10 fnIt tho littlo Ruy w a sn t ft' shnro. I

» old cnmpniRn bnlonoy? S it atlll Ind llaton. I

boon n poralntont fiRhtor for Im* Iitlon In Idnho; Idnho ten ch ora Iin fnlr. It nhouldn’t aurprlnb nny* Ijntly ho rocolvod n otnndlnR ovo- I

hundrod pnronto, and tpach ara ,, I

i te F o r : I t R E U V . M f t iICT - DEMOCRAT !

bate In Cams p eace |~ N ew sm cn questiq ried 'H usk le A n"

in Chicago on developments in indusi c Ihird- l i 's V ietnam peace lalks. but ing 41 csident M uskie rep lied : "Would you like newsp md sus^ to i^ave a frank exposure of on. 93 nlil his w hat I know aboul what's going and 1( LeMay, on in P a r is o r would you ra th er n , e

'ielnam . have a ceasefiro?" Usher,1 Johns- H um phrey ,d idn 't menllon Ihe heavil tha t as w a r 'a s he cam paigned for labor he los wmbi'ng votes, which hc adm itted nre 5cr U.S. d rifting to W allace. paignve pros- The v ice 'p rc sid en t went on a “ Who:

handshaking lour of Ford Motor can Ii ans will Co.’s R iver Rouge plant near Dc- 5, yp a bomb- tro it and told 0 noontime rally hood it m eets W allace is a "union-busling gov- your

- erngc^L _ -------- ---------------------- ^Is " th e H um phrey said union, m en ap- th a t dc- paren tly fe a r they’ll lose jobs to le t him N egroes unless they vole for J." W allace, but Hum phrey predict- g , lav nnli. «d there w ill be plenty of jobs to \ Ixon SO around under a Dem ocratic™— L _ _ adm inistra tio n.------------ -------------- ------Id a U h H um phrey 's cam paign got a fercnce. jn ^ e w York state, w here It cheap sm te Suprem e Court struck itstrallon Eugene J . ' M cCarthy'sAmerican ballot,the w ar M cCarthy, who lost the Demo­

cra tic p residential nomination ^ new ad- to H um phrey, had asked he not H

less and be p laced on the ballot but Mc- up the C arlhy -supporte rs had circulat-

ed petitions, anyway.

I N l l l


________United Sta

ki CongvH Secorfd" ttisfi

H D arreir M anning th inks H m en t should be on a first

H e w o n ’t forget h e's a fa P resto n ’w hen ybu’p tjfh ih

H to n . But h e 's b een su cce B t ic s , so he w on 't en ib arn

th e re either. M anning car ^ . c a n fight, and h e p o s se ss ^*1 e d g e o f th e leg isla tive | ^53 co n v er t p rom ises Into pri

m an, a .m a n In m otion, :jMil s tra ted clearly during h is i

I th e idahio Legislature tha Id eas into fact; he can ch Ing into reality: ho can 1

, ' .j o u t o f Inertia. M anning ------------thIngB-happeni — —

I . ........ - ★ ★ iw h e n h o dOBcrlbod w h n t wfi?

' B du cQ to ra to e x p e c t f ro m |d a h tc ro w d fo r Idaho!

ty D id y o u k n o w th a t D a r re ll 's beu t S /le tn a rn d o ie n s o f tim oo . ,

A n d lla to n — H o 'o n o d e s k loc th o s o p la n e s In to oil th e h o t o r

to A s ia . H e flow m o ro m llop In c^o a lo n s la a t y e n r th o n a n y o f u alo i lfo tlm o o , T h a ro 'a a po o d c h oto b o fo ro you rood th is , o r w hllin- „ It. o r to m o rro w M nnnlnR willId S n iR o n fro m s e v e ra l th o u s a n d

fo r c le o ro n c o to lan d .

^y Y o a h l i-lo 'a Rot a tronR foellnRBIn -H o a o t t iio m fro m th a a u y s Irh t n o t b e e n a p a m p e ra d po litic a lny q u ia t c o u ra g e , u t o-


ly* ..

M A N N I N G - <- Tnid (lolltlcdl

,. I , Monning Coinn

Campaign"H u sk le A m agazine, o f Uie publishing ments in industry released a tally show- ilks. but ing 483 of the nation’s daily I you like new spapers have endorsed Nix- osure of on. 93 have endorsed Humphrey it's going and 10 have endorsed W allace. ■JU ralhcr The moEazInc, Edilor & 'Pub-

Usher, noted Nbcon w as also , ntlon Ihe heavily pre fe rred in 1960, when for labor he lost.to John F. Kennedy, itted nre W allace said daring a cam ­

paign sw ing through T exas 'ent on a “ When you vole for the Ameri- ird Motor can Independent. P a rly on Nov. ;nearD e- 5, you 've a sserted your man- ime rally hood in T exas. Ypu'vc asserted Sling gov- your m anhood in bur region."


-----60NS-^ -te. w here V W M *i^ ,ir l struckcC arthy 's RED’So m i S ^ n

n g I■

B t io n = = j=■B

___________________________________ ■

~ F o r ^ ------------------ ------------------- 1■

[ed S ta te s |

igress r■

5 r td " t t is t r ic t SMS

ling th in k s -th a t -g o v e r n ------------33e on a fir st nam e, b a sis . . 3jet h e's a farm boy from 3I ybu’ptjt'him liTWashing* ■been su c c ess fu l'In poll- 3

an't em b arr a ss you back 3vlanning can talk , and he ■ “I h e p o s s e s s e s th e knowi- 3leg isla tive p r o c e sse s to 3ise s into p rogram s. T h is SIn m otion, h a s dem on- 3

/ during h is e ig h t y ears In 3^islature th a t h e ca n turn . St; he can c h a n g e reason - 3ty: ho can crea te action g). M anning m a k e s good S

- 5 -H

Ir ★ ★ im

■ ' E■I

bod w h n t w n s ro n s o n a b lo fo r ■e c t fro m Id a h o 's b u d g e t . Q iilto ;■IOl ma t D arro ll'8 b o o n in o n d o u t o f m

o f t im o o . .................— ,............. — ,. 30 n o d o a k io ck o y . H o'B flow n S> all t i ie h o t s p o t s In S o u th e n s t ■o ro m llop In c o m b o t z o n o m la- ■h o n a n y o f u a w ilt d r iv e In o u r Ss a Rood c h o n c o 't h o t sh o r tly m

th is , o r w h llo y o u ’ro rond lnR gM nnnlnR will b o o p p ro n c h in R g

o ra l th o u s a n d fo o t a n d a sk in g mla n d . 3itronR foellngB a b o u t th o pInco . 3im th a H uys In V ie tn a m — h o 'a . «>orad p o litic a l to u r i s t — H o h o a m




' Tnid (lolltlcdl oilvartliemeni, Hit Ooriall V. 3 Monning Coinmlli«i, K«n Roundy, Clifilmitin, B