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内蒙古赤峰市 孟凡杰

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Unit 4 Green world. 内蒙古赤峰市 孟凡杰. Contents. Warming up and Speaking. Listening. Reading. Language study. Integrating skills. Summing up. Warming up and Speaking. Warming up. Vocabulary about flowers and plants:. flowers:. bud, petals, heart. herbs:. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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内蒙古赤峰市 孟凡杰

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Warming up and Speaking


Language study

Integrating skills

Summing up


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Warming upand


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Vocabulary about flowers and plants:Categor

yExamples of words and




bud, petals, heartherb

s:flowers, leaves, roots, stem, seed, fruittree

s:stem, branches, nuts, barkSha

pe and colour

colours: round, pear-shaped, tall, creeping, climbingleaves:

saw-edged, toothed, lobed, hairy

Warming up

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Examples of words and phrases

Science and geography

vegetation (草木) , pollen (花粉) , genetics, variety, speciespolar, Alpine, Mediterranean, desert, marine


Names of flowers

Names of herbs

Names of trees

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Do you know these flowers?

Flowers Names From Used for


To decorate. The Chinese national flower.


now Holland

A symbol of Holland. Given to people as presents.

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Flowers Names From Used for

Do you know these flowers?



around the world

North and South America

As presents. Different colours represent different feelings.

A symbol of loyal. To produce oil.

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— procedures

Situation 1: Growing soybeans1. Take a pot and clean it well with

hot water. Fill the pot with earth of good quality that does not contain too many stones, mixed with some fertilizer.

2. Prepare the seeds by putting them on wet paper towels for a few days, in a warm place out of the sun. Wait till the seeds swell up and a little root has developed.


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3. Plant two or three seeds in the pot and cover them with some earth. Give some water.

4. Water the young plants every day, but make sure the earth is not too wet.

5. Once the plants have grown up, place the pot in a sunny corner. Regularly water the plant, especially when it starts developing fruit.

Useful expressions:

First(ly), second(ly), third(ly), then, after that, at last…

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Practise speaking

Situation 2: Gardening

Situation 3: Taking care of flowers

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Shape and Size Where it grows Plant families

Have the same type of skin and are made up of parts:



Tropical fruit: Bananas,mango,pineapple…

Have similar flowers and fruit with a hard pit:



…Look similar and have the same type of skin:Apples and pears, …

Fruit which contains a large pit:

Peach,apricot, …

Dry fruit:


s,chestnuts, …


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Question 3: Why do people need to eat fruit?

People need to eat fruit to get the vitamins they need, and because they contain fibre and minerals.Fill in the chart: Fru


Family of oranges

Other fruits



Family of roses







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1. What problems did farmers in old England and sailors in the eighteenth century have in common?They had health problems because they did not eat enough greens, e.g. fresh fruit and vegetables.

He told them to wash their clothes and clean the ship; he told them to take exercise; and he tried to improve their diet.

Exercise 5:

3. Why didn’t ships carry fresh fruit and vegetables on board?

They could not keep them on such long voyages.

2. How did Captain Cook try to improve the health of the sailors?

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pictures names usages fromproduced


coffee beanstea

Chili peppershemp

to make coffeeto make teaa spice

to make food tastyto make rope



Latin AmericaCentral Asia

subtropical regionsChina, Japan, India, Sri Lankatropical countriesall countries


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Questions:1. How many scientists are

mentioned in the passage? And what is the relationship between them?

Fast reading

Carl Linnaeus Daniel Solander Joseph Banks Captain Cook

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Karl Linnaeus the founder of botanical classification

Daniel SolanderA student of Karl

Joseph BanksA friend of Daniel

James Cook

Daniel and Joseph developed the theory of Karl LinnaeusBoth Daniel and Joseph joined the expedition to Oceania led by Captain James Cook

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Fast reading

2. Why was Carl Linnaeus important to the history of botany as a science?Because Carl Linnaeus developed a system to classify plants for scientific purpose.

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Analysis of the text:



The classification of plant species and Linnaeus’ system.What Joseph Banks did to the development of botany.

Careful reading

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1.How did scientists classify plants before Linnaeus?

Before Linnaeus, plants were classified as either herbs or trees, or according to the shape of the fruit or whether they had flowers or not.

Read Para.1-2 and answer questions:

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2.What is the difference between Linnaeus’ system and that of the other scientists?

In Linnaeus’ system, the identification of different species was based on the arrangement of the male and female organs in the flowers, while the other scientists classified plants into herbs and trees, according to the shape of the fruit, or whether they had flowers or not.

Read Para.1-2 and answer questions:

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Read Para.1-2 and answer questions:3. Why was Carl Linnaeus

important to the history of botany as a science?

His system of grouping plants in families was unique, which based on the arrangement of the male and female organs in the flowers.

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Read Para.1-2 and answer questions:

4.Who promoted Linnaeus’ theory?

Daniel Solander and Joseph Banks.

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Read Para.3-7 and answer questions:

1.What were the goals of James Cook’s first voyage around the world?

There are three. First it was to study the passing of the planet Venus. Second was to record and classify all plant and animal life Third was to search for unknown southern land.

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Read Para.3-7 and answer questions:

2.Why did Banks have to supply his own money to equip part of the expedition?

Because the government would not pay for all the equipment and expenses.

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Read Para.3-7 and answer questions:

3.What did Joseph Banks do on the three-year voyage?

On their three-year voyage, Joseph Banks did not only study and describe new plants he found, he also looked out for new economic species and became the first to move crops from one continent to another on a large scale.

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Read Para.3-7 and answer questions:

4.What could be a possible explanation for the name “strawberry”?Maybe strawberries are called strawberries because in old times farmers spread straw under the fruit to reduce the necessary amount of watering.

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Choose the best answer

1. In the sixteenth century, botany was a branch of_______.

A. biology B. physics

C. astronomy

D. medicine

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2. Which of the following sentences is true? A. Linnaeus’ contribution to science was quite small. B. All of Linnaeus’ idea were completely new. C. Before Linnaeus there was no system to classify plants. D. Linnaeus’ system was simple and clear.

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3. Joseph chose a career in sciencebecause__________.

A. he thought that was a good way of making a livingB. he was interested in botanyC. his father died when he was 18 years oldD. he was very wealthy

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4. The members of the Royal Society aboard the Endeavour included ____. A. Joseph Banks and James Gook B. Carl Linnaeus and Joseph Banks C. James Gook and Daniel Solande

D. Daniel Solander and Joseph Banks

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5. Joseph Banks' interests lay in ____. A. astronomy and botanyB. botany and medicineC. agriculture and botanyD. geography and economy

Let’s listen

to the text!

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1. classify (vt.) =arrange in classes or groups

将 ... 分类 ; 将 ... 分等级 (+into)

e.g. People who work in libraries spend a lot of

time classifying books. 在图书馆工作的人花大量的时间为书籍分类。学校的孩子们按年级分班。

Children in school are classified into grades.

Language points

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2. promote (vt.)

1) = to help the process of… 促进

e.g. The organization works to promote friendship between nations. 该组织旨在促进各国之间的友谊。

2) =to publicize sth in order to sell it 促销

e.g. Your job is to promote the new product. 你的工作是促销这一产品。

3) = to raise sb. to a higher position 提升

+ sb. (to sth.)

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e.g. Our teacher has been promoted to headmaster. 3. appetite (n.)

1) 食欲 , 胃口 e.g. Exercise gave her a good (poor) appetite. 运动使她胃口大增。 2) 欲望 , 爱好 短语: have an appetite for … e.g. I have a great appetite for classical music. 我非常爱好古典音乐。

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4. appoint (vt.)

1) 任命 (+sb. as/to be )

e.g. They appointed him as (to be) manager.


2) 约定(时间、地点等)

e.g. Our visitors arrived at the appointed time. 我们的来宾在约定的时间到达了。

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5. As astronomy was one of the most important branches of science, it was the British government that paid for all the equipment and expenses for that part of the expedition. (in Para.5)

注: as 引导原因状语从句,意为“因为,既然”

e.g. As all the seats were full, we had to stand up.

We started off on foot, as David had an appetite for walking.

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6. Banks was the first to move crops from one continent to another on a large scale, helping to develop local economies with new imports. (in Para.6)

1) on a large scale 大规模地

e.g. Some countries are preparing for war on a large scale.

2) helping to develop local economies with new imports 为分词短语作状语,表示结果。

e.g. Her husband died, leaving her with four children.

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I. T or F:1.The British government paid for all

the equipment and expenses for the expedition.( )

2.Captain Cook received secret instructions to study the passing of the planet Venus across the sun. ( )


F 3. Joseph Banks created the

royal gardens at Kew and developed it into one of the greatest botanical gardens in the world.( )



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4. Before Linnaeus someone had attempted to classify plant species into groups.( )

5. Banks made a living by making a voyage.( )



Ⅱ. Put into English or Chinese:

1. 医学的一个分支 __________________a branch of

medicine 2. make attempts to do _____________试图做某事

3.classify plant species into groups ______________按植物种类分类

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4. promote the new system ________________ 进一步发展这个系统

5.devolop a lifelong friendship with sb. _________________与某人结成终生好友

6.lead a cosy life ______________过着舒适的生活

7.have an appetite for knowledge _________酷爱知识8.make a career in science ______________________在科学领域创造自己的事业

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9. make a first journey to study wild plants __________________________

首次踏上了研究野生植物的征程10. appoint sb. as __________ 任命某人为

11. give instructions to sb. ___________给某人下指示

12. on a large scale _________大规模地

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Language study

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Ⅰ. 可充当宾语的有 :1. 名词 ( 短语 )

e.g. The authority praised Yao Ming at the meeting.

2. 代词e.g. Can you tell the good apples from the bad ones ?

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3. 数词e.g. The old man devoted $5000 to the coastal victims.

4. 动名词e.g. He regretted losing his temper at the meeting.

5. 不定式e.g. He wished to get the job.

6. 从句e.g. I really don’t know what I should do.

特点 : ( 及物 ) 动词和介词后可接宾语

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Ⅱ. 形式宾语

e.g. I don’t think it possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.

He thought it a pity that he missed the film.

在句子中 it 可作形式宾语,而把真正的宾语(不定式短语或宾语从句)置于宾补之后,以避免头重脚轻。

Ⅲ. 宾语从句的几点注意事项1. 介词的宾语从句不可用which 或 if 来引导,而要用what, whatever, whether 等疑问词来引导。e.g. He was worried about whether he passed the English examination.

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She was praised for what she had done.他的行为受到了赞扬。

2. 由 that 引导的名词性从句很少作介词宾语,只有在表示“除……之外”的介词 except, but, besides 后偶尔能见到。e.g. I know nothing about him except that he lives next door.

3. 某些做表语的形容词,如 sure, certain, glad, pleased, happy, surprised 等后可跟宾语从句。e.g. No one can be sure what man will look like in a million years.

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4. 句型:疑问词 +do you think/ believe/ suppose ( + 从句主语) + 从句谓语( +其他)

e.g. — We haven’t heard from Jane for a long time.

— What do you suppose ____ to her?

A. was happening B. to happen

C. has happened D. having happened

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What do you think ____?

A. your father bought there

B. did your father buy there

C. your father buy there

D. bought your father there

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Choose the best answer: 1. — What do you think of the

matter ? — Don’t you remember I have already ____ that it was troublesome ? A. made it clear B. made clear C. took it for granted D. made sure 2. Peter was frustrated. I wonder _____ him. A. What was the matter with B. what the matter was with C. what had happened to D. what has occurred

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3. — What do you think upset him so much? — ___________. A. Because he failed in the exam B. His failing in the exam C. For he failed in the exam D. Him failing in the exam

4. — How many students passed the maths test? — ______, for it was too much for them. A. Nobody B. A few C. None D. No one

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5. After the summer vacation, the professor, together with his fellow teachers, ____ the scientific experiment. A. gets down to B. get down to C. goes down D. go down

6. It is not right to give a child ______ he or she asks for. A. what B. whatever C. that D. no matter what 7. I never doubt ______ he was dedicated to our firm. A. that B. whether C. if D. what

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8. I don’t know when he ____ at the destination. When he _____, please keep me informed. A. will arrive, will arrive B. arrives, arrives C. will arrive, arrives D. arrives, will arrive

9. — Few children are as bright as he is, and he works very hard. — It’s no _____he always comes first in the competitions. A. doubt B. wonder C. wander D. problem

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10. — Do you want to go to the movie? — Not really. I ______ doing something else, perhaps more relaxing. A. feel like B. set about C. go down to D. would like

11. My god, here you are! We were looking for you everywhere. I regret ______ you that your elder brother is in hospital now. A. to tell B. telling C. having told D. and tell

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12. a. The accident took place in ______ was called “death zone”. b. The accident took place in ______ he was too careless. A. what B. that C. where D. when

13. I’m not familiar with this fellow. I don’t know ____ to accept his invitation.

A. weather B. if C. whether D. how



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14. — Did it ever ____ to you that he might turn against you one day?

— To tell the truth, I never came up with the idea that he should have done so!

A. happen B. occur

C. bring about D. remind

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Integrating skills

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Find out the important people mentioned in the text.

Charles Darwin

Gregor Mendel

Gote Turesson

From England

From Austria

From Sweden

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Fill in the following blanks:Scienti


Research/ experime




There were differences between the species of the different islands’yet all showed a clear relationship with those of America’ differences in habitat could lead to different species in birds as well as in plants.

The wildlife of Galapagos, many varieties of garden roses

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Research/ experime


Gregor Mendel

Many characteristics were passed on from one generation to the next, without influence by the environment. His research gave birth to the science of genetics.

Flowers and peas

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Research/ experime


Gote Turesson

A wild plant found on the Swedish west coast.

Found evidence for the existence of stable varieties within species in nature. He showed that differences between plants of one species occurred as a result of the environmental conditions in their habitat.

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Read and divide the text into four parts:

Part Ⅰ (1-3) Part Ⅱ (4-5) Part Ⅲ (6) Part Ⅳ (7)

Darwin and his research

Mendel and his experimentTuresson and his study

The importance and significance of the research of the three

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1.What were Darwin’s discoveries based on?

2.Why are Turesson’s discoveries still important to agriculture then?

Darwin’s discoveries were based on observation.

Turesson’s discoveries show that plant species have natural varieties, which may be more or less successful on a poor soil. This means that careful selection of crops that cope well on poor soil may also contribute to a better harvest.


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1.The research by Darwin, Mendel and Turesson shows that ____.

A. genetics is more important than the environment to plants

B. genetics is less important than the environment to plants

C. both genetics and the environment are important to plants

D. neither genetics nor the environment is important to plants

Choose the best answer

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2. Darwin observed that the birds with ___ would eat ____.

A. small beaks l hard seeds B. broad beaks; hard seeds C. hard beaks; hard seeds D. broad beaks; soft seeds

3.Darwin joined the scientific expedition on _____.

A. the Endeavour B. Tahiti C. the Beagle D. space

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4. Scientists of the nineteenth century believed that ____. A. the development of new species was behind the influence of the environment B. the development of new species and the influence of the environment were hand in hand C. the development of new species had nothing to do with the influence of the environment D. the influence of the environment was behind the development of new species .

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5. Darwin studied physics , chemistry and botany because _________.

A. he was invited to join scientific expedition B. he was interested in them C. he could do a lot Of experiments D. he wanted to finish his book “On the Origin of Species”

Let’s listen to

the text!

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Useful words and expressions:

habitant, shapes, species, shadow, shed, flat, vertical position, result in, according to, depend on

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Summing up

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Ⅰ. Choose the best answer:

1.Astronomy is the scientific study of the ____.

A. astronauts B. stars C. earth

2. Cocoa is the main ingredient of _____.

A. cola B. cigarettes C. chocolate

3. Appetite is the ____ for food.

A. study B. desire C. design

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4. Wealth refers to a large amount of ____.

A. money B. power C. knowledge

5. A passport is an official document to prove ____, which you need in order to travel to other countries.

A. who you are B. what you like

C. what you do not like

6. One millimeter is an equal to ____ metres.

A. 0.1 B. 0.01 C. 0.001

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7. A privilege is an advantage that is enjoyed by ____ people.

A. all B. few C. rich and poor

8. A technician is a worker trained with special ____ in a specific technical process.

A. equipment B. methods C. skills

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Ⅱ. Write the verbs or verb phrases according to the definition:

DefinitionVerb or verb

phraseto give up entirelyto increase in quantity over a period of timeto choose (someone) to do a particular jobto do a mathematical calculation




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DefinitionVerb or verb

phraseto put something into groups according to class or categoryto recognize the differences between thingsto support or encourageto try to notice


distinguishpromotelook out


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Ⅰ. Complete the paragraph with proper words or phrases:

A. another expedition B. a career in science C. a wealthy family D. 1761 E. a first journey F. his position G. a cosy life H. James Cook I. an appetite for knowledge J. his wealth Joseph Banks was the son of 1 . When his father died in 2 , Banks was only eighteen years old. Many young men in 3 would have led 4 , but young Banks had 5 . Despite 6 , he worked to make 7 . He made 8 to study wild plants in 1766. Two years later, he went on 9 with 10 .






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Ⅱ. Answers to exercise 4 on page173:

1. They provided them with wood and other products and gave them shade.

2. The third of these is the most important.

3. They have lost their god friends.

4. We would have lost all our tropical forests by 2100.

5. Preventing it from being washed away easily.

6. But a worthless desert.

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