Федеральное агентство по образованию Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования Кузбасский государственный технический университет Кафедра иностранных языков CONDITIONALS УСЛОВНЫЕ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ Методические указания по английскому языку для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы студентов 1−2 курса всех специальностей Составители Т. К. Румас Л. К. Чадина Утверждены на заседании кафедры Протокол № 7 от 19. 05.2010 Рекомендованы к печати учебно-методической комиссией специальности 080502 Протокол № 17 от 01.06.2010 Электронная копия находится в библиотеке ГУ КузГТУ КЕМЕРОВО 20101 Предисловие Методические указания "Conditionals" "Условные Предложения" предназначены для студентов 1–2 курсов всех специальностей, а также может быть использована в качестве дополнительной литературы для факультативных и элективных курсов. Целью данных методических указаний является ознакомление студентов с правилами грамматики, закрепление их на упражнениях, а также текстах и диалогах, что в свою очередь способствует развитию навыков чтения и говорения. Методические указания включают следующие разделы: "Три типа условных предложений", "Смешанный тип условных предложений", "Wish-конструкции", "Read and Talk", "Tests" and "Keys". Для успешного овладения материалом предлагаются грамматические таблицы, схемы, упражнения, тексты и вопросы, диалоги, задания, стимулирующие высказывание. Наличие ключей позволяет студентам самостоятельно работать как в аудитории, так и дома.

федеральное агентство по образованию

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Федеральное агентство по образованиюГосударственное образовательное учреждениевысшего профессионального образованияКузбасский государственный технический университет� �Кафедра иностранных языковCONDITIONALSУСЛОВНЫЕ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯМетодические указания по английскому языку для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы студентов 1−2 курса всех специальностейСоставители Т. К. РумасЛ. К. ЧадинаУтверждены на заседании кафедрыПротокол № 7 от 19. 05.2010Рекомендованы к печати учебно-методической комиссиейспециальности 080502Протокол № 17 от 01.06.2010Электронная копия находитсяв библиотеке ГУ КузГТУКЕМЕРОВО 20101ПредисловиеМетодические указания "Conditionals" "Условные Предложения"предназначены для студентов 1–2 курсов всех специальностей, а также может быть использована в качестве дополнительной литературы для факультативных и элективных курсов.Целью данных методических указаний является ознакомление студентов с правилами грамматики, закрепление их на упражнениях, а также текстах и диалогах, что в свою очередь способствует развитиюнавыков чтения и говорения. Методические указания включают следующие разделы: "Три типа условных предложений", "Смешанный тип условных предложений", "Wish-конструкции", "Read and Talk", "Tests" and "Keys".Для успешного овладения материалом предлагаются грамматические таблицы, схемы, упражнения, тексты и вопросы, диалоги, задания, стимулирующие высказывание. Наличие ключей позволяет студентам самостоятельно работать как в аудитории, так и дома. Авторы надеются, что использование материалов из зарубежных источников, и различного рода творческих заданий будет способствовать достижению поставленной цели.2Part I. CONDITIONAL SENTENCESУСЛОВНЫЕ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯПридаточное предложение Главное предложениеPresent SimpleV / V(e)sPresent Simple V / V(e)sFuture Simplewill + VI типреальное условие

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(относится к будущему)If I meet himЕсли я его встречаю, If I meet him tomorrowЕсли я встречу его завтра,If he is free next weekЕсли он будет свободен на следующей неделе,I usually speak to him.я обычно говорю с ним.I will speak to him.я поговорю с ним.we will go to the sea.мы поедем на море.Past SimpleVed / V2wouldshould + Vcould mightII типнереальное условие(относится к настоящему и будущему)If I saw him today (tomorrow)Если бы я увидел его сегодня(завтра),If he was / were2free now Если бы он был сейчас свободен,I would (I'd 1) speak to him.я бы поговорил с ним.we would go to the sea.мы бы поехали на море.Past Perfecthad + V3would should + have V3couldmight III типнереальное условие(относится к прошлому)If I had seen him yesterday

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Если бы я видел его вчера, If he had been free last weekЕсли бы он был свободен на прошлой неделе,I would have spoken to him.я бы поговорил с ним.we would have gone to the sea.мы бы поехали на море.3Note: 1 В разговорной речи глаголы would, should, couldсокращаются до 'd (например: I'd = I would; I should; I could).2 Часто глагол "be" имеет форму "were" для всех лиц. Сравните:a) If he were free now we'd go to the sea. (форма were звучит более формально);b) If he was free now we'd go to the sea. (является более разговорной формой).I Type. Real Condition (referring to the present and future)I тип. Реальное условие(относящееся к настоящему и будущему)Ex. 1. Choose the right translation from Russian into English. Use the keys below and see your score.1. Я работаю в ресторане, но я мало зарабатываю. Если я найду более хорошую работу, я устроюсь на неё.a) I work in a restaurant, but I don't earn much. If I find a better job, I'll take it.b) I work in a restaurant, but I don't earn much. If I will find a better job, I'll take it.2. Ты не станешь хорошим спортсменом, если не будешь усиленно тренироваться.a) You won't become a good sportsman if you won't train hard.b) You won't become a good sportsman if you don't train hard.3. Если лёд нагреть, то он превращается в воду.a) Ice will turn into water if you heat it.b) Ice turns into water if you heat it.4. Если она не закажет комнату в гостинице, то она остановится у друзей. a) If she doesn't book a room at the hotel she will stay at her

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friends'.b) If she will not book a room at the hotel she will stay at her friends'.5. Муж: Я не собираюсь садиться на диету. С какой стати я буду садиться на диету?a) Husband: I'm not going on a diet. Why should I go on a diet? Wife: But if you go on a diet you 4Жена: Но, если ты сядешь на диету, то похудеешь.will lose weight.b) Husband: I'm not going on a diet. Why should I go on a diet? Wife: But if you will go on a diet you will lose weight.6. Ольга возьмет выходной, если завтра будет чувствовать себя плохо.a) Olga will take a day off if she will not feel well tomorrow.b) Olga will take a day off if she does not feel well tomorrow.7. Если я не позавтракаю, то во время занятий захочу есть.a) If I don't have breakfast I get hungry during class.b) If I don't have breakfast I will get hungry during class.Keys: 1a; 2b; 3b; 4a; 5a; 6b; 7b.Score: If you have 7 right answers you are a very attentive person. Congratulations!If your score is 6 it is good.If it is 5-4 be more attentive. If you have fewer than 4 right answers learn the rule and do the same exercise again.Ex. 2 Translate type I conditional sentences into Russian.1. If you go now, you’ll catch the train. If you don’t go now, you’ll miss the train. 2. If I have a big lunch, it makes me sleepy.3. If you mix yellow and blue, you get green.4. If the bus is overcrowded, they will walk to the station.5. I'll call you tonight if you don't mind.6. His parents will be happy if he marries her.7. What will you do tomorrow if the weather is fine?8. Tell him to ring me up if you see him.9. He is only sixteen but he wants to leave school at the end of the term. – If he leaves school, he will be sorry afterwards.10. I’m not expecting any message, but if someone rings while I am out could you say that I’ll be back by 6.00?511. Our chief will take part in the discussions if he is not busy.

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12. If the bus is overcrowded, they will walk to the station.13. If she doesn't book accommodation (проживание) at the hotel, she will stay at her friends’.Ex. 3 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Use I Type conditional sentences. (self check)1. If I see him tomorrow I (give) him a lift.2. The table will collapse if you (stand) on it.3. If I find your passport I (telephone) you at once.4. If he (read) in bad light he will ruin his eyes.5. Someone (steal) your car if you leave it unlocked.6. If he (wash) my car I’ll give him 10$.7. What will happen if my parachute (not open).8. If you (not believe) what I say, ask your mother.9. If he (like) the house will he buy it?10. She won’t open the door unless she (know) who it is.11. I expect it will freeze tonight. – If it (freeze) tonight the roads (be) slippery tomorrow.12. If you (not know) the meaning of the words you may use a dictionary.13. If Jack (refuse) to help we’ll have to do without him.14. If you (hear) from Tom will you please let me know?15. Water freezes if temperature (go) down below zero.Ex. 4 Translate into English type I conditional sentences.1. Если он сейчас в городе, он позвонит нам.2. Это будет дешевле, если вы поедете в Москву на поезде.3. Если он прав, тогда не прав я.4. Если они сейчас приедут, что мы им скажем?5. Если завтра будет хорошая погода, мы поедем к нашей бабушке.6. Если ты не придешь вовремя, то мы опоздаем на автобус.7. Если ты не знаешь его адрес, то позвони мне.8. Я куплю билеты, если у меня будет достаточно денег.9. Дорогой, если ты ляжешь спать в 9 часов, я поведу тебя завтра в цирк.10. Если ты не оставишь меня, я позвоню в полицию.611. Если ты будешь интересоваться иностранными языками в школе, тебе будет легко учиться в университете.12. Если ты будешь пользоваться Интернетом, то у тебя будетмного друзей по переписке.13. Если климат изменится, то зима будет более холодная.14. Ребенок заболеет, если будет гулять без кепки.Type II. Unreal Condition (referring to the present or future)Тип II. Нереальное условие(относящиеся к настоящему и будущему)Ex. 5. Choose the right translation. Use the keys below and see your score. 1. Если бы у меня было много денег, я бы открыл свой собственный ресторан.a) If I had a lot of money, I would open my own restaurant. b) If I have a lot of money, I will

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open my own restaurant.2. Если бы он работал более медленно, то он бы не сделал столько много ошибок.a) If he worked more slowly, he would not make so many mistakes.b) If he works more slowly, he will not make so many mistakes.3. Если бы она по-другому причесалась, она бы выглядела действительно красивой.a) If she does her hair differently, she may look quite nice.b) If she did her hair differently she might look quite nice.4. Если бы на земле не было кислорода, то не было бы и жизни.a) If there is no oxygen on earth, life will not exist.b) If there were no oxygen on earth, life would not exist.5. Если бы он был повыше ростом, он бы смог стать полицейским, но он слишком маленького роста.a) If he were taller, he could be a policeman, but he's too short.b) If he is taller, he can be a policeman, but he is too short.6. Почему вы не возьмете кота? Если бы вы держали кота, то a) Why don't you get a cat? If you keep a cat the mice will not 7мыши бы повсюду не бегали. run about everywhere.b) Why don't you get a cat? If you kept a cat the mice would not run about everywhere.7. Если бы я выиграл в лотерею крупный выигрыш, я бы бросил работу.a) If I won a big prize in the lottery I'd give up my job.b) If I win a big prize in the lottery I'll give up my job.Keys: 1a; 2a; 3b; 4b; 5a; 6b; 7a.Score: If you have 7 right answers you are a very attentive person. Congratulations! If your score is 6 it is good. If it is 5-4 be more attentive.

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If you have fewer than 4 right answers learn the rule (page 2) and do the same exercise again.Ex. 6. Translate type II conditional sentences (referring to the present and future).1. If I had a lot of money, I'd travel around the world.2. If the weather were nice now, I would go to the beach.3. If I were you, I'd apply for a job.4. What would you do if you were me?5. If I won a lot of money, I might stop working.6. I could repair the car myself, if I had the right tools.7. That watch wouldn't be so cheap if it were made of gold.8. If I had a computer, I would type the letter myself.10. What would you do, if you failed in an exam?11. If I knew her name, I would tell you.12. If only I had your talent, I would become a film star.Ex. 7. Translate type II conditional sentences and put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms. (self check)1. If I (know) his address I'd give it to you.2. He (look) a lot better if he shaved more often.3. I shouldn't drink that wine if I (be) you.84. More tourists would come to this country if it (have) a better climate.5. If someone (give) you a helicopter what would you do with it?6. I (buy) shares in that company if I had some money.7. He might get fat if he (stop) smoking.8. I could get a job easily if I (have) a degree.9. If you (change) your work, would it affect your pension?10. Of course I'm not going to give her a diamond ring. If I (give) her a diamond ring she (sell) it.11. He is staying at the Savoy in London. − Is he very rich? − I suppose he is. If he (be) a poor man he (not stay) at the Savoy.12. It is cold today. If it (be) not cold today, I (go) swimming.13. Ann: George is fourteen. Tom: He must be older than that. He is in full time job. If he (be) only fourteen he still (be) at school.14. A university degree is a useful thing. If I (have) a university degree I now (sit) in a comfortable office instead of standing at a street corner selling newspapers.Ex. 8. Match English sentences with their Russian translations.I. 1. If he were free now, he could help us.2. If he is free now, he can help us.а) Если он сейчас свободен, то он сможет нам помочь.б) Если бы он был сейчас свободен, он бы смог нам помочь.II. 1. If you press the button, the device will start working.2. If you pressed the button, the device would start working.

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а) Если ты нажмешь кнопку, то прибор начнет работать.б) Если бы ты нажал кнопку, то прибор бы заработал.III. 1. You will get good results, if you apply new methods of calculation.2. You would get good results, if you used new methods of calculation.а) Если бы вы использовали новые методы вычисления, то получили бы хорошие результаты.б) Если вы будете использовать новые методы вычисления, то получите хорошие результаты.9IV. 1. If you help me, I will repair the car in an hour.2. If you helped me, I would repair my car in an hour.а) Если вы мне поможете, то я отремонтирую машину через час.б) Если бы вы мне помогли, то я бы отремонтировал машину через час.V. 1. We would come to the concert in time, if we took a taxi.2. We will come to the concert in time, if we take ataxi.а) Если мы возьмём такси, то не опоздаем на концерт.б) Если бы мы взяли такси, то не опоздали бы на концерт.VI. 1. If they leave in an hour, they will catch the train.2. If they left in an hour, they would catch the train.а) Если бы они уехали через час, они бы успели на поезд.б) Если они уедут через час, то они успеют на поезд.VII. 1. If I had a dog, I would be the happiest man.2. If have a dog, I will be the happiest man.а) Если бы у меня была собака, я бы был самым

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счастливым.б) Если у меня будет собака, я буду самым счастливым человеком.VIII. 1. If our children knew English well, they would go to the USA.2. If our children know English well, they will go to the USA. а) Если наши дети будут хорошо знать английский, то они поедут в США.б) Если бы наши дети знали английский хорошо, они бы поехали в США.Ex. 9. Translate into English sentences with real and unreal condition referring to the present and future.1. a) Если у меня будет завтра вечером свободное время, я пойду гулять в парк вместе с друзьями. б) Если бы у меня было завтра вечером свободное время, я бы пошла гулять вместе с друзьями в парк.2. а) Если я завтра встречу одноклассников, то мы, конечно, сходим в нашу школу. 10б) Если бы я завтра встретила своих одноклассников, мы бы,конечно, сходили в нашу школу.3. а) Если мои родители поедут в Америку, я поеду с ними. б) Если бы мои родители поехали в Америку, я бы поехал с ними.4. а) Если я буду знать много слов, я буду переводить без словаря. б) Если бы я знал много слов, я бы переводил без словаря.5. а) Если она сейчас находится в офисе, мы обсудим все вопросы. б) Если бы она сейчас находилась в офисе, мы бы обсудили все вопросы.6. а) Мы будем больше знать о художниках и их картинах, если будем ходить в музеи. б) Мы бы больше знали о художниках и их картинах, если бы чаще ходили в музеи.7. а) Я много путешествую, если у меня есть деньги.б) Я бы много путешествовала, если бы у меня были деньги.8. а) Если Виктор позвонит, я приглашу его. б) Если бы Виктор позвонил, я бы пригласил его.III Type. Unreal Condition (referring to the past)III Тип. Нереальное условие (относящееся к прошлому)Ex. 10. Translate III type conditional sentences (referring to the past).1. If the weather had been nice yesterday, I would have gone to the beach.2. If I'd studied hard last term, I would have passed my exam well.3. If you hadn't missed your bus, you wouldn't have been late for

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the lecture.4. I could have repaired the car, if I had had the right tools.5. He was not very happy at school because he was a bookish boy, not at all interested in games. If he had played games like the other boys, he would have had a much better time.6. My wife and I met on a cruise. I was on it because I was recovering from my illness, and she was a doctor. Just think! If I had not been ill, and if she had not been the doctor, we wouldn't 11have met, we wouldn't have got married, and our children wouldn't have been born! What a thought!7. Last night Alex ruined his sweater when he washed it. If he had read the label, he wouldn't have washed it in hot water.8. If I had seen the signal, I would have stopped.9. I would have called you if I had known your telephone number.10. If it hadn't rained I would have taken my children to the beach.11. He wouldn't have locked the car with the keys inside if he had not been in a hurry.Ex. 11. Analyze the sentences and choose the right translation. Use the keys below an see the score.1. Если бы я была старше (тогда), я бы взяла детей своей сестры.a) If I were older, I would take my sister's children.b) If I had been older, I would have taken my sister's children. 2. Если бы у меня был компьютер (тогда), я бы сама все сделала.a) If I had had a computer, I would have done everything myself.b) If I had a computer, I would do everything myself.3. Если бы он был хорошим экономистом, он бы дал нам хороший совет. (когда мы с ним встречались)a) If he had been a good economist, he would have given us a piece of good advice.b) If he were a good economist, he would give us a piece of good advice.4. Если бы вы учились в одной школе (в детстве), вы бы знали друг друга.a) If you had studied at the same school, you would have known each other.b) If you studied at the same school, you would know each other.5. Если бы она тебя любила, то вы

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бы не расстались. (2 года назад)a) If she loved you, you would not part.b) If she had loved you, you wouldn't have parted.126. Если бы я (в тот вечер) был дома, я бы позвонил в полицию.a) If I were at home, I would phone to the police.b) If I had been at home, I would have phoned the police.7. Если бы у них была машина (прошлым летом), они бы могли поехать на юг.a) If they had a car, they could drive to the south.b) If they had had a car, they could have driven to the south.Keys to ex. 11.1b; 2a; 3a; 4a; 5b; 6b; 7b.Score: If you have 7 right answers you are a very attentive person. Congratulations! If your score is 6 it is good. If it is 5-4 be more attentive. If you have fewer than 4 right answers learn the rule (page 2) and do the same exercise again.Ex. 12. Translate type III conditional sentences and put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms. (self check)1. If I had seen the movie, I _______ (tell) you about it last night.2. If Bob had not interfered (вмешиваться) in his sister’s marital problems, there _______ (be) peace between them.3. If they had left the house earlier, they _______ (not be) so late getting to the airport.4. If they had arrived at the sale early, they _______ (find) a better selection.5. If we _______ (know) your address, we would have written youa letter.6. If he _______ (come) already, he would have called us. 7. If they _______ (know) him, they would have talked to him.8. He _______ (understand) it if you had explained it to him more slowly.9. It would have been better if you _______ (learn) to drive a car.10. What would have happened if he _______ (miss) the train?11. If I had known that you needed help I _______ (help) you.13Ex. 13. Analyze the sentences and translate them.1. If you go to the exhibition, you’ll see quite a few masterpieces. If you went to the exhibition, you would see quite a few masterpieces. If you had gone to the exhibition, you would have seen quite a few masterpieces.2. If you confirm my message by letter, I will be grateful to you. If you confirmed my message by letter, I would be grateful to you. If you had confirmed my letter by message, I would have been

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grateful to you.3. If I didn’t tell him, he would never know about his relatives abroad. If I hadn't told him, he would have never known about his relatives abroad. If I don't tell him, he will never know about his relatives abroad.4. If the international conference takes place next month, I won’t be able to take part in it. If the international conference took part next month, I wouldn't be able to take part in it. If the international conference had taken place last month, I wouldn'thave been able to take part in.5. If he had managed to book the tickets for the match, he’d have given you one. If he will manage to book the tickets for the match, I will give you one. If he managed to book tickets for the match, I would have given you one.6. If their goalkeeper were excellent, they would win the game. If their goalkeeper is excellent, they will win the game. If their goalkeeper had been excellent, they would have won the game.7. If you weren’t so angry, you wouldn’t hurt him. If you aren't so angry, you will not hurt him. If you hadn't been so angry, you wouldn't have hurt him.8. If they guaranteed success, I’d join them. If they guarantee success, I will join them. If they had guaranteed success, I would have joined them.9. If he comes tomorrow, I will have time to see him. If he came tomorrow, I would have time to see him. If he had come yesterday, I would have had time to see him.10. If it were his fault, he would do his best to help them. If it had been his fault, he would have done all his best to help them. If it is his fault, he will do all his best to help them.1411. If he were here, he'd take part in our conference. If he had beenhere, he would have taken part in our conference. If he is here, he will take tart in our conference.Ex. 14. Translate into English. Mind conditionals.1. Если я найду её адрес, я напишу ей. Если бы я сейчас нашёл её адрес, я бы написал ей. Если бы я нашёл её адрес, я бы ей вчера написал.2. Если бы вы знали грамматику лучше, вы бы не делали столько ошибок в ваших упражнениях. (в прошлом)3. Если бы я не был так занят на прошлой неделе, я бы тоже поехал с вами на экскурсию.4. Если завтра будет очень холодно, мы не пойдем на стадион.5. Если бы ты пришел вчера на собрание, ты бы услышал очень интересный доклад.6. Если бы мы вчера взяли такси, мы бы не опоздали на поезд.7. Если я завтра получу зарплату, то я куплю новый ноутбук. Если бы я завтра получил зарплату, я бы купил новый ноутбук.8. На твоём месте я бы сейчас пошла, работать в супермаркет.9. Что ты будешь делать, если не поступишь в университет?10. Ребёнок упал в реку. Этого бы не случилось, если бы вы были там.11. Мне понадобилось много времени, чтобы перевести эту

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статью. Если бы у меня был хороший словарь, я бы перевел её гораздо быстрее.12. Мы посмотрим матч, если купим билеты. Если бы у нас сейчас были билеты, мы бы посмотрели матч на стадионе. Если бы мы вчера купили билеты, мы бы посмотрели матч.Союзы в Условных Придаточных ПредложенияхОсновными союзами условных предложений являются:1. if − если If you wait for me, we will go together.Если ты подождёшь меня, то мы пойдём вместе.2. unless − если … неHe will not write a report in time unless you help him.Он не напишет отчет вовремя, если ты ему не поможешь.153. provided / providing − (при условии) еслиWe will start out at seven sharp, provided everybody come in time.Мы отправимся ровно в 7, (при условии) если все придут вовремя.Ex. 15. Translate into Russian paying attention to conjunctions "if", "provided / providing", "unless".1. If a solid body or a liquid is heated, it will usually expand. 2. Providing mercury did not expand when heated, it would not be used for taking temperatures. 3. The measurements were always correct provided the necessary instruments were used.4. Unless the temperature rises, the speed of the motion of the molecules will not increase. 5. Provided the operator's cabin had been equipped with electronic control, he would have been able to work faster.6. The manned spaceships might not have been launched into the cosmos unless scientists had studied the information received from the space satellites. 7. Provided the Earth's mass were twice as great as it is, it would attract any body twice as strongly. 8. It would have been impossible to send up sputniks unless the laws of motion of planets had been studied.9. You'll fail in your exam unless you work harder.10. Mary will go with us unless she changes her mind.11. I'm playing tennis tomorrow unless it is raining.12. George doesn't trust anybody. He won't lend you money unless you promise in writing to pay him back.13. Children can stay here providing they don't make much noise.14. I wouldn't have gone unless it had been necessary.15. If I were you, I would buy a smaller house.Инверсия в Условных ПредложенияхВ условных предложениях II и III типов союзы if, providedмогут быть опущены, а в придаточном предложении глагол (were, had, could и др.) ставится перед подлежащим. Инверсия встречается в книжно-письменной речи.16Условное предложениес союзомИнверсия.Предложения без союза

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If the engine had been repairedyesterday, we would have left the port. − Если бы двигатель был вчера отремонтирован, мы бы покинули порт.Had the engine been repairedyesterday, we would have left the port. − Если бы двигатель был вчера отремонтирован, мы бы покинули порт.Ex. 16. Change the sentences according to the model:Model: If I were in your place, I would do this work myself.Were I in your place, I would do this work myself.1. If there were any letters from him, his sister would phone me.2. If these books were available in our library, we would be able to make a good report.3. If the earth were not rotating, the satellite would cover 360 degrees in longitude in 1-4 hours.4. If the engineer had been informed of the results before, he would have allowed you to repeat the test.5. If we had used new methods, we would have saved a lot of time.6. If the mechanic were here, he would repair the equipment.7. If they had met with such problems before, they would have known what to do.8. If I were you, I would enter one of the Russian universities.9. If you had planned your time better, you wouldn't have come to the station one minute before the train departure.10. If the road had been better after snowstorms, we would have been here in time.11. If you had left message for me, I would have called you.12. If you had looked after your children, they would have studied better.WISH-Конструкции A) В изъявительном наклонении wish выражает пожелание:to wish somebody something − пожелать кому-то что-тоModel: I wish you health (success, many years of happiness, etc.) Я желаю Вам здоровья (успеха, много счастливых летжизни и т. д.)17I wish you a Happy New Year! Поздравляю с Новым Годом!He wished them a happy journey. Он пожелал им счастливого пути.В) В условных предложениях II и III типов глагол wish в основном своем значении выражает не слишком реальное трудновыполнимое желание, или желание на уровне мечты −"хотел бы", "жаль, что"В условных предложениях wish используется, когда мы хотели бы, чтобы реальность была иной, чем на самом деле (в настоящем, прошлом или будущем).Model: 1) referring (относится) to the present and futureI wish it were summer now. Хотел бы я, чтобы сейчас было лето. (Жаль, что сейчас не лето.)2) referring to the past (относится к прошлому)

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I wish I had known it earlier. Жаль, что я не знал этого раньше.Wish + would − используется:1) когда выражаем недовольство, раздражение из-за того, что что-то происходит или, наоборот, не происходит; в русском языке это передается оборотом "хоть бы".Model: She is too talkative. I wish she would be quiet! Она слишком много говорит. Хоть бы она помолчала!2) при обращении к собеседнику это может означать просьбу, в форме пожелания, чтобы человек перестал делать то, что нам не нравится (но не в приказном тоне) "я бы хотел".I wish you would stop smoking. Я бы хотел, чтобы ты перестал курить.Ex. 17. Translate these "wish" sentences into Russian.a) 1. We congratulate you on your birthday and wish you be healthy, wealthy and wise. 2. We wish you all the happiness in the world. 3. I wish you good health and I wish you merry Christmas. 4. I wish you success in your research. 5. I wish everybody well. I don't wish anybody ill. 6. They wished us good luck. 7. I wish you both a very 18good trip. 8. They wished us all the best in our life. 9. We wished him a happy birthday.b) I wish I were younger. 2. I wish I knew who told you about it. 3. I wish it were not raining now. I wish the weather were fine so that we might go to the country. 4. We all wish you were not leaving. 5. I wish I knew what is wrong with my car. 6. I wish he wouldn't spend so much time on sports. 7. I wish I had a lot of brothers. 8. I wish Oleg had an artistic occupation. 9. I wish I had a better education. 10. I wish she were not so light-minded. 11. I wish it were spring now.12. She wishes she were not so hot-minded. 13. I wish she had a sense of duty. 14. I wish I knew what is happening.c) 1. I wish you hadn't promised them anything. 2. Now she wishes she had gone to college. 3. I wish you had given him my telephone number. 4. They wished they had gone to Moscow by plane; they would have saved a lot of time. 5. I wish they hadn't refused our invitation. 6. I wish they had congratulated him. 7. I wish I had been on holiday last month. 8. I wish I had known about his troubles. 9. I wish you had come earlier. You would have seen the director. 10. I wish I had borrowed some money then and bought the dictionary. It isn't on sale now. 11. I wish I had followed his advice. 12. I wish I had taken part in that excursion. They say it was very interesting. 13. The weather was so bad, that I wished I hadn't left home. 14. I wished you ware a warm coat. 15. I wished you had brought your camera. 16. I wish you could come to the party.Ex. 18. Translate "wish + would" sentences.1. I wish Jack would come soon. 2. I wish somebody would turn that loud music down. 3. I wish you wouldn't drive so fast. It makes me nervous. 4. I wish you wouldn't tell anybody about my future marriage. 5. I wish that rain would stop. 6. I wish that baby would stop crying. 7. I wish my boss would offer me a higher position in the company. 8. I wish my neighbour wouldn't play the piano in the middle of the night. 9. I wish you wouldn't leave the door open. 10. I wish people wouldn't drop litter in the street. 11. I wish you would

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stop interrupting me. 12. I wish you would keep your things in order.) 13. I wish you wouldn't be so absent-minded.19Conditional Sentences: Type II and Type III mixedСмешанный Тип Условных ПредложенийВ условных предложениях смешанного типа условие может относиться к прошлому времени (III тип), а следствие к настоящему или будущему (II тип) или наоборот.Model: If he had taken my advice (III), he would be a famous singer now (II). Если бы он последовал моему совету (в прошлом), он был бы знаменитым певцом сейчас.If he were not so lazy (II), he would have done it long ago.Если бы он не был таким ленивым (вообще), он бы давно сделал это (в прошлом).Ex. 19. Translate the mixed type conditional sentences.1. He wouldn't be making so many mistakes now if he hadn't missed so many lessons.2. You wouldn't be hungry now, if you had had a good breakfast in the morning.3. It was the drug, not the disease, which killed him. He would still be alive today if he hadn't taken that drug. 4. You are not practical. If you were practical, you wouldn't have bought such a useless thing.5. She looks tired. If she hadn't been working so hard all the time she would not look so tired now.6. I overslept; that's why I'm late. If my telephone hadn't rung at 9 o'clock, I might still be in bed.7. If you hadn't helped me, I wouldn't be here now.8. If George had sent a telegram yesterday, I would meet him at the station now.9. You would be feeling well today, if you had taken the medicine yesterday10. If you were me, you would have done the same.11. If he had a sense of humour he wouldn't have got offended(обижаться).12. Why are you in such a bad temper (настроение)? − Because I've been waiting for 40 minutes in an icy wind. If you had been waiting 40 minutes in an ice wind, you would be bad-tempered too.2013. The room is full of mosquitoes because you left the door open. If you had closed the door, there would be no mosquitoes now.14. If you hadn't been late for the plane yesterday, you would swim in a warm sea today.Part II. READ AND TALKEx. 20. Read the text and retell it.IFThere used to be a race named the Laconians. They lived in ancient Greece. Sparta was their capital. They were noted(известный) for their courage and concise (краткий, точный) speech. Their motto (девиз) was "Actions speak louder than words". Once when an Athenian herald (вестник) told them: "If we come to your city we will destroy it completely". The Laconians didn't get frightened (испугаться). Their answer was "If".

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Thus, the name Laconia gave birth to the word "laconic"Ex. 21. Read the dialogue and answer the questions below. Mind I type conditional sentences.Don't Worry, MumJack and his friend Anthony are going to fly to Istanbul. Jack's mother is very worried.Mum: Oh, dear! I hope everything will be all right. You've never been abroad before.Jack: Don't worry mum. I'll be OK. I can look after myself. Anyway, I will be with Anthony. We won't do anything stupid.Mum: But what will you do if you run out of money?Jack: We'll get a job of course!Mum: Oh, what about if you get lost (заблудиться)?Jack: If we get lost, we'll ask someone the way, but we won't get lost.Mum! But how will I know that you are all right?Jack: When we get to a big city, I'll send you a postcard.Mum: Oh. But Jack, it's such a long flight to Istanbul!Jack: Mum, as soon as we arrive in Turkey, I'll give you a ring.Mum: I'll be worried until I hear from you.Jack: I'll be OK, Mum. Honest!21Questions:1. Where are Jack and Anthony flying?2. Have they ever been abroad before?3. Is Jack's mother worried?4. What will the boys do if they run out of money?5. What will they do if they get lost?6. What will Jack do as soon as he arrives in Turkey?Ex. 22. Read and say your opinion. Whose part do you agree with? Mind the II type conditionals.If I Were ...− If I were you, I wouldn't see too much of young Brown.− Why shouldn't I Dad? What's wrong with him?− Well, Kate, if you were older, you'd understand.− And if you were younger, perhaps you might like him.− If I were in you place, I'd be very careful in choosing your friends.− If you were in my place, you wouldn't choose differently. − Young people aren't what they used to be. If I were Minister of Education, I'd do something about it.− If I were Queen, I'd have a young Minister of Education.Ex. 23. Read the text and be ready to answer the questions below. Mind the II type conditionals.North Sea OilGood evening. This is London Radio. Welcome to "Man in the Street".Our programme tonight is about North Sea oil. Oil was first discovered beneath the North Sea in the late 1960s. Since then more and more oil has been found off the coasts of Britain and is being brought ashore. We aren't going to become very rich, but we must decide how to spend the oil revenues (годовой доход). Our interviewer went into the streets to ask people their opinion.

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He asked: "If you were the Prime Minister what would you do with the money?"The first speaker: "Well of course. I'm not the Prime Minister, but if I were I'd spend the money on more hospitals and schools. We 22need more doctors, nurses and teachers. Classes are too big. If classes were smaller, children would learn more. And there aren't enough nurses either, because salaries are too low. If the salaries were higher more people would become nurses. Money which is spent on education and health is an investment for the future."The second speaker: "I think the answer is quite simple. Taxes are too high in this country, aren't they? I would reduce them. If we reduced taxes people would have more money. If they had more money, they'd spend more. Industry would have to produce more, so it would need more workers. There would be more jobs, and we would all be richer."The third speaker: "I'm very worried about inflation. I'd try to control prices. If I were the Prime Minister I'd reduce the price of gas, coal and electricity. If we did that, everybody would benefit, wouldn't they? Food is much too expensive. I'd encourage the farmers to produce more food, more cheaply. However there are some things that I certainly wouldn't do: I certainly wouldn't build more roads, and I wouldn't spend money on guns and tanks and warplanes."The forth speaker: "There's too much crime and violence nowadays. There aren't enough policemen on the streets. I'd increase the size of the police force, and I'd increase their salaries. If we had more policemen, we'd all feel safer. I'd also increase old age pensions. I've worked hard all my life and I should have a reasonable standard of living."Questions:1. What radio programme is this? 2. What is tonight's programme about? 3. When was oil discovered beneath the North Sea? 4. What question did the interviewer ask the people in the streets? 5. What did the first / second / third / fourth speaker say? 6. What would you say if you were the Prime Minister?Ex. 24. Read the text and be ready to answer the questions below.What Would You Do If You Won Ten Million Dollars?Radio Reporter: Good morning! I'm Jane Taylor with WELT radio. I'm interviewing people on the street this morning, asking the question: "What would you do if you won ten million dollars in the 23lottery?" Let's start with this person here. Excuse me, what's your name?Linda: Linda.Reporter: Linda, what would you do if you won ten million dollars?Linda: Ten million dollars? Well, first I'd pay for my brother's college education, and then I'd buy a nice house for my parents, and I'd probably give the rest to charity.Reporter: OK. Thank you. And you, sir, what's your name?Robert: My name's Robert.Reporter: Well, Robert, what would you do if you won ten million dollars?

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Robert: Hmmm ... , I think I'd use the money to start my own business. I've always wanted to do that.Reporter: Oh? What kind of business?Robert: I'd start my own recording company.Reporter: That sounds interesting, thanks! And you, sir, could I have your name please?Scott: Scott.Reporter: Scott, what would you do if you won ten million dollars?Scott: Well, first I'd pay for all my credit cards. Then I'd buy a jet and learn to fly it.Answer the following questions:1. What question does the radio reporter ask? 2. What would Linda do if she won ten million dollars? 3. What would Robert do with the money? 4. And what about Scott?5. What would you do if you won a lot of money? Why?Ex. 25. Read the text. Mind the III type conditional sentences. A) Are You Influenced by Advertising?Jenny has asked people if they are influenced by advertising. Here are some of the answers.Bill: No, I don't think so. I bought this watch last week. I had seen a commercial for it on TV, but it's a good reliable (надежный) watch. I would have bought it even if I hadn't seen the commercial.24Rob: Yes, I'm sure that I am. Yesterday I bought these trainers. If I hadn't read about them, I wouldn't have paid so much money if the ad hadn't influenced me.Pat: I think everybody is influenced by advertising. Last week I bought a new shampoo. If I hadn't seen a magazine ad for the product I wouldn't have tried it.Ann: No. I buy whatever is the cheapest. But it's not always a good idea. Last week I bought a cheap red jumper and the colour came out. If I had bought a better jumper, it would have kept its colour.B). Look through the text again and say if the following sentences are true or false. Correct the false statements. Model: Bill wouldn't have bought the watch if he hadn't seen a commercial on TV.False. He would have bought the watch anyway.1. Rob would have bought a cheaper pair of trainers if he hadn't read an ad for the expensive pair.2. Rob would have bought the expensive trainers anyway.3. Pat would have tried a new shampoo, even if she hadn't read about it.4. Ann's jumper would have lost its colour, even if she had paid more.5. Bill would have bought the watch even if he hadn't seen the commercial.6. Rob would have paid more money if he hadn't seen the ad.Ex. 26. Tom is overweight. Write in what cases he would lose weight. Use if-sentences of unreal condition (III type).Model: Tom never gets any exercise.If Tom got some exercise he would (might) lose some weight.

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1. Tom never walks to his work.2. Tom never plays football.3. Tom likes cakes and sweets.4. Tom puts a lot of sugar into his coffee and tea.5. He eats a lot of chocolate and jam.6. Tom often drinks beer.257. Tom always eats a lot of fattening things.8. Tom is used of eating after 9 o'clock in the evening.9. Tom avoids going for outings on Sundays.10. Tom doesn't like swimming in the waterpool.11. He never plays outdoor games.12. Tom likes to lie on the sofa.13. Tom usually has his dinner in good restaurants.Ex. 27. A) Complete the sentences on the left with the information on the right;1. If they banned smoking on all planes,a) …the streets will be a lot cleaner.2. If people used their cars only on week days,b) …some people would travel by train.3. If they build a good subway system,c) …they would probably be a lot healthier.4. If people ate less meat, d) …there would be less pollution in cities.5. If the city passes a law against keeping dogs as pets,e) … more people might get rid of (избавляться) of their cars.B) Complete the sentences on the left with your own information.Ex. 28. Read the dialoque and do the task below.Jane: I just got a postcard from a friend who lost all his money on vacation in Europe. Isn't it terrible?Burt: Yeah, that's horrible.Kate: Jane, what would you do if you were on vacation overseas and lost all your money and credit cards?Jane: Well, I'd probably phone my parents and ask them to send some money right away.Burt: Yeah, I'd probably do the same thing ... although maybe I'd try going to American Express Office to see if I could get a loan or something. What about you, Kate?Kate: Well, I think I'd probably sell my watch and camera... or I might get a job as a waitress somewhere till I made enough money to buy a plane ticket.26Ex. 29. Now advise these people using the second conditional.Model: −I've got a headache.−If I were you, I’d take an aspirin.see a doctor.

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have a rest.go for a walk, etc.1. I can't sleep at night. 2. I've been bitten by a snake (змея). 3. I've lost my passport. 4. I want to win an Olympic medal.5. I've cut myself.6. I've just seen an accident.7. I need some money and the banks are shut.8. I want to stop smoking.9. I want to be a millionaire.10. I've been robbed (грабить).11. I want to buy a pet. 12. I want to buy a car.13. I have a high temperature.14. I’ve found a new mobile telephone in a lecture room.15. I forgot to send birthday greetings to my boy / girlfriend and he / she got offended.Ex. 30. Give your advice to the following people:Use: “If I were you, I’d…”1. A woman who always goes to bed very late.2. A friend who smokes more than 50 cigarettes a day.3. A man who is very thin and unhealthy.4. A man who is very thick and unhealthy.5. A friend with a bicycle that often goes wrong (ломается).6. A man who is very unhappy in his job.7. Someone with very bad toothache.8. A friend who has just bought a new car and the car has just broken down.9. A man who wants a job in Sweden, but can’t speak Swedish.10.Your best friend who fell in love with the boy / girl you love?27Ex. 31. Group work.What would you do in the situations below? Begin like this:A: What would you do if …?B: I think I’d… .C: I’m not sure, but I might… .− you were on vacation overseas and lost all your money and credit cards− you won a lot of money in a lottery− a friend borrowed money from you and didn’t return it− you found a valuable piece of jewelry on a park bench− you saw two people fighting on the street− you discovered your friend had a drinking problem− someone stole your clothes on the beach while you were swimming− you left your handbag in a taxi.− you lost your airticket− you lost your passport− you found a wallet (кошелёк) full of money on a bus− you found a photo of a beautiful girl / boy in a lecture room− your friends were attacked by hooligans in the street.Ex. 32. Answer the questions.

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1. Where would you be right now if you weren't in class now?2. What would you have done yesterday if you hadn't come to class?3. What would you do if there were a fire in the building?4. If you had a private plane, where would you go for dinner tonight?5. Could ships go around the world if the earth were flat?6. What would happen if there were a nuclear war?7. If you could have a free service for the rest of your life from a chauffeur, cook, housekeeper, or gardener, which would you choose? Why?8. If you had to leave your country and build a new life elsewhere, where would you go? Why?9. If you could stay one particular age for a span of 50 years, what age would you choose? Why?2810. You have promised to spend an evening with your best friend. But you discover you have the chance to spend the evening with a film star. Your friend is not invited. What would you do? Why?11. Assume (допустим) that you have a good job. Your boss told you to do something that you think is wrong, would you do it? Why or why not? You understand that if you don't do it, you'll lose your job.12. You had to choose among good health, a loving family, and wealth (and you could have only one of the three during your life) which would you choose? Why?13. Under what conditions, if any, would you ...a) exceed (превышать) the speed limit while driving?b) lie (лгать) to your best friend?c) disobey an order from your boss?d) steal food?e) carry a friend on your back for a long distance?f) not pay your rent (плата за аренду жилья)?g) cry and laugh in the street at nighth) cross the street when the light is redi) miss your English classj) write a e-mail letter to the President of Russiak) make up other conditions for your groupmates to discuss.TESTS ON CONDITIONALSEx. 33. Do the following test.Test Ia) Translate the sentences. Mind the conditionals.1. If we had any trouble with the equipment, we would replace it.2. If you had given me this book before, my report would have been much better.3. If you had informed us before about it, we would not have reserved the hotel.4. If you had made an appointment with Mr. Bentley last week, it would be possible to settle the matter today.5. If the weather doesn't change, we'll go boating tomorrow.296. "Were he talented, I would teach him", said the old pianist.

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7. If it hadn't been raining last Saturday, we could have gone on a picnic.b) Open the brackets. Mind the conditionals.1. If we _______ (apply) this method, the productivity will grow.2. If we applied this method, the productivity _______ (grow).3. If we had applied this method, the productivity _______ (grow).4. I wish they _______ (know) about your arrival.5. He smokes too much. If he smoked less, he _______ (be) healthier.c) Translate into English. Mind the conditionals.1. Если она напишет статью, то она принесёт её.2. Если бы она написала статью завтра, она бы принесла её.3. Если бы она написала статью на прошлой неделе, она бы её тогда и отправила. Ex. 34. Do the following test.Test IIa) Translate the sentences. Mind the conditionals.1. Everything might have been settled yesterday if you had come.2. If you had lent him the textbook the day before yesterday, he would be prepared for today's lesson.3. It was the drug, not the disease, that killed him. He would still be alive today if he hadn't taken that drug.4. Had one of the engines failed, the plane would have been able to continue the flight.5. Would you recognize your friend at once if you hadn't seen him for ten years?6. If you had told me we had run out of bread I'd have bought some.7. He didn't tell me that he was a vegetarian. If he had told me earlier, I would have cooked something suitable for him.b) Open the brackets. Mind the conditionals.1. If he (study) English well, he will not fail in his exam.2. If he studied English well, he (not fail) in his exam.303. If he had (study) English well, he would not have failed in his exam.4. Mike wishes that the teacher _______ (permit) him to take his exam.5. My dog always wakes me up if he _______ (hear) strange noises.c) Translate into English. Mind the conditionals.1. Если ты его попросишь, то он сделает это.2. Если бы ты его сейчас попросил, он бы сделал это.3. Если бы ты его попросил, то он бы сделал это еще вчера.KEYSEx. 35. Keys to ex. 31. will give 2. stand 3. will telephone 4. reads5. will steal 6. washes 7. doesn't open 8. don't believe9. likes 10. knows 11. freezes; will be 12. don't know13. refuses 14. hear 15. goesEx. 36. Keys to ex. 41. If he is in town now, he will call us.2. It will be cheaper if you go to Moscow by train.

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3. If he is right, then I am not.4. If they come now, what will we tell them?5. If the weather will be fine tomorrow, we will go to our granny.6. If you don't come in time, we will be late for the bus.7. If you don't know his address, ring me up.8. I'll buy tickets, if I have enough money.9. Darling, if you go to bed at 9 o'clock, I'll take you to the circus tomorrow.10. If you don't leave me, I'll call the police.11. If you're interested in foreign languages at school, it will be easier for you to study at the university.12. If you use internet, you will have a lot of pen-friends.13. If the climate changes, then winter will be colder.14. The child will get cold, if he walks without a cap.31Ex. 37. Keys to ex. 71. knew 2. would look 3. were / was4. had 5. gave 6. would buy7. stopped 8. had 9. changed10. gave; would sell 11. were / was;would not stay12. were / was;would go13. were; would still be 14. had, would sitEx. 38. Key to ex. 8I. 1б, 2а II. 1a, 2б III. 1б, 2а IV. 1a, 2бV. 1б, 2а VI. 1б, 2а VII. 1a, 2б VIII. 1б, 2аЕx. 39. Keys to ex. 91. a) If I have free time tomorrow evening, I will go with my friends for a walk to the park.б) If I had free time tomorrow evening, I would go with my friends for a walk to the park.2. а) If I meet my classmates tomorrow, we'll certainly go to our school. б) If I met my classmates tomorrow, we would certainly go to our school.3. а) If my parents go to America, I will go with them. б) If my parents went to America, I would go with them.4. a) If I know many words, I will translate without a dictionary.б) If I knew many words, I would translate without a dictionary.5. a) If she is at the office now, we'll discuss all the questions.б) If she were at the office now, we would discuss all the questions now.6. a) We will know more about painters and their paintings if we go to museums. б) We would know more about painters and their paintings if we went to museums7. a) I travel a lot, if I have money.б) I would travel a lot, if I had money.8. a) If Victor calls, I will invite him.б) If Victor called, I would invite him.32Ex. 40. Keys to ex. 121. would have told you 2. would have been

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3. would not have been 4. would have found5. had known 6. had come7. had known 8. would have understood9. had learned 10. had missed11. would have helpedEx. 41. Keys to ex. 141. If I find her address, I will write to her. If I found her address now, I would write to her. If I had found her address, I would have written to her yesterday.2. If you had known grammar better, you wouldn' have done so many mistakes.3. If I hadn't been so busy last week, I would have gone with you to the excursion too.4. If it is very cold tomorrow, we will not go to the stadium.5. If you had come to the meeting yesterday, you would have heard a very interesting story.6. If we had taken a taxi yesterday, we wouldn't have been late for a train.7. If I get a salary tomorrow, I will buy a new notebook. If I got a salary tomorrow, I would buy a new notebook.8. If I were you, I would work in a supermarket now.9. What will you do if you don't enter a university?10. A child fell down into the river. It wouldn't have happened if you had been there.11. It took me a lot of time to translate this article. If I had a good dictionary I would have translated it much quicker.12. We will see the match if we buy tickets. If we had tickets now, we would see the match on the stadium. If we had bought tickets yesterday, we would have seen the match.33List of books used by the authors for ideas and examples:1. Murphy, Raymond. English Grammar in Use. – Cambridge University Press, 1988. – 328 c.2. Христорождественская, Л. П. Intermidiate English Course 1. –Минск, ПЛОПРЕСС, 1998. – 462 с.3. Игнатова, Т. Н. Английский язык. Интенсивный курс. – М. ВШ., 1988. – 254 с.4. Блинова, С. И. Практика английского языка. Сборник упражнений по грамматике / С. И. Блинова, Е. П. Чарекова, Г. С. Чернышева, Е. И. Синицкая. – С.-Петербург : Феникс, 1999. –384 с.5. Моисеев, М. Д. Справочник школьника по английскому языку. – Киров: ГИППВ, 1997. – 270 с.6. Полякова, Т. Ю. Английский язык для инженеров. / Т. Ю. Полякова, Е. В. Синявская, О. И. Тынкова, Э. С. Улановская. –М.: Высшая школа, 2008. 463 с.7. Хведченя, Л. В. Английский язык для поступающих в вузы. –Минск: Вышейшая Школа, 2000. 431 с.34СоставителиТамара Кузьминична РумасЛюбовь Кузьминична ЧадинаCONDITIONALSУСЛОВНЫЕ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ

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Методические указания по английскому языку для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы студентов 1−2 курса всех специальностейРецензентИрина Витальевна ГраборскаяПодписано в печать 22.05.2010. Формат 60Â84/16.Бумага офсетная. Отпечатано на ризографе.Уч.-изд. л. 1,8. Тираж 150 экз. Заказ ГУ КузГТУ. 650000, Кемерово, ул. Весенняя, 28.Типография ГУ КузГТУ. 650000, Кемерово, ул. Д. Бедного, 4а