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プリフレア現象 3 X 線・電波・紫外線

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プリフレア現象 3 X 線・電波・紫外線. 浅井 歩 京大花山天文台 第 4 回太陽圏シンポジウム  2003 年 3 月 3 日@名大. UV 、 SXR 、 radio では ”direct” に分類される現象に関係. プリフレア現象って ?. Simnett (1999) に基づく分類. Direct Filament motion, CME onset, Line broadening, ... Soft X-ray emission Precursor event (CME onset?) Gradual X-ray enhancement - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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  • 3X


  • ?DirectFilament motion, CME onset, Line broadening, ...Soft X-ray emission Precursor event (CME onset?) Gradual X-ray enhancementIndirectEmerging flux, Development of satellite sunspot, velocity patterns or strong sheared magnetic field StatisticalHigh magnetic field gradient, Turbulence in filament, Surges, Active region brightness, ... Simnett (1999)

  • XXXmain5-60!

  • !explosion?

  • X(100K)()(1-200K)()linesensitiveun-sensitive filament


  • XYohkoh/SXT

  • (1)SMMcontents:SMMXXSMM

  • XTappin (1991) A&A(80/86 : ~93%)X(10-60)precursorpreflareprecursorSMM/HXIS

  • X Precursor Gradual Increase Impulsive phase

  • X(Doyle et al. 1985, Solphys.)(~8arcsec)?2?(?)16arcsecXX

  • (Kane & Donnelly 1971, ApJ; Cheng et al. 1981, ApJ)X(~51012cm-3)X

  • Porter et al.(1984) ApJ(transient brightening)?

    (Cheng and Tandberg-Hanssen 1986, ApJ) : (~4km/s) intensityvelocitydensitySMM/UVSP

  • Cheng et al.(1985) ApJHXR(OVFeXXI)HXR

    ?(>4)SMM/HXIS, UVSP

  • CME(Harrison et al. 1985, Solphys)CME()X(precursor)20transientXpreflaremain flareCME~500km/s

  • CME(Simnett and Harrison 1985,Solphys.)precursorX(~105km)?CME?preflare site:Bmain flare site:A

  • ???2??CMEX????

  • (2)Xcontents:YohkohXYohkoh

  • Farnik (1996) Solphys.41/131(~31%)?gray scale: preflare

  • Farnik and Savy (1998) Solphys.gray scale: preflarecontour: flareGOES!

  • Shimojo (1999) in private communication Date:20-Sep-1997 09:30UT GOES C?-class Flare Yohkoh/SXT-PFI in Jet Hunting Campaign High Time Resolution Temperature Mapt9:009:359:31

  • 09:09:09UT09:20:37UT09:27:01UT09:30:31UT09:32:35UTSXT ImageTemp. MapBlue con. : 4MKGreen con. : 5MKRed con. : 6MK

  • 15:Xcanceling region?10: Xflare loopcanceling regionloop6MKCurrent SheetPre-flare Phase

  • Ohyama and Shibata (1997) PASJ

    : ~10MKXmapEM mapmap

  • (3)CMEcontents:CMEX


  • CMECME??2Tether-cuttingBreakout2?


  • Tether-CuttingMoore et al. (2001) ApJ(tether)(cutting)(filament)CME

  • BreakoutbipoleopenCMEAntiochos (1999) ApJ

  • Tether-CuttingMoore et al. (2001) ApJ

  • Tether-CuttingSterling et al. (2001) ApJEIT

  • Canfield (1999) GRLCME83non-50eruption199868Sigmoid (SXTNOAA (200)100

  • Sakurai et al., (1992), PASJ.

  • Amari, et al., 2000Magara and Longcope, 2001 Matsumoto, et al., 1998

  • BreakoutSterling and Moore (2001) ApJ

  • Breakout

  • ()Aulanier et al. (2000) ApJ1600 (core region)

    Warren & Warshall (2001), ApJlight curve::X

  • ()Kurokawa (2003); Saito (2003)1600()?

  • / Tether-cutting Breakout?


  • light curveKai et al. (1983) PASJ17GHz @Nobeyama25/97(~26%)precursor

    Averyaniknina et al. (1990) 612755MHz84/155(~54%)precursor(80%)

  • Simnett and Benz (1986) Solphys.SMM/HXRBSZurich radio telescope15%(radio quiet)42%g?

  • Schmahl et al. (1982) Solphys.VLASMM()brightness temp. ~2-3MKX

  • Kundu et al. (1985) ApJVLAHa1HaactivationeruptedHacompactHa blue

  • Kundu et al. (1985) ApJ30EFR?

  • CMEHori and Culhane (2002) A&AGHz@Nobeyamaprominence eruption


  • X


  • ?()CME

  • ReferencesAmari, et al., 2000, ApJ, 529, L49Antiochos, S.K., et al., 1999, ApJ, 510, 485Aulanier, G., et al., 2000, ApJ, 540, 1126Averyanikhina, Y.A., et al., 1990, Astron.Nachr., 311, vol.6, 367Canfield 1999, GRLCheng, C.-C., et al., 1981, ApJ, 248, L39Cheng, C.-C., et al., 1985, ApJ, 298, 887Cheng, C.-C. & Tandberg-Hanssen, E., 1986, ApJ, 309, 421Doyle, J.G., et al. 1985, Sol.Phys., 98, 141Farnik, F., Hudson, H., & Watanabe, T., 1996, Sol.Phys., 165, 169Farnik, F. & Savy, S.K., 1998, Sol.Phys., 183, 339Harrison, R.A., et al., 1985, Sol.Phys., 97, 387Hori, K. & Culhane, J.L., 2002, A&A, 382, 666Kai, K., Nakajima, H., and Kosugi, T., 1983, PASJ, 35, 285Kane, S.R. & Donnelly, R.F., 1971, ApJ, 164, 151Kundu, M.R., et al., 1985, ApJ Suppl., 57, 621Kurokawa, H., 2002, in private communicationKurokawa, H.,

  • ReferencesMagara, T., and Longcope, 2001, ApJ, 559, L55Matsumoto et al., 1996Moore, R.L., et al., 2001, ApJ, 552, 833Ohyama, M., and Shibata, K., 1997, PASJ, 49, 249Porter, J.G., Toomre, J., and Gebbie, K.B., 1984, ApJ, 283, 879Saito, S., 2003, in private communicationSakurai, T., et al., 1992, PASJ, 44, L123Schmahl, E.J., et al., 1982, Sol.Phys., 80, 233Shimojo, M., 1999, in private communication Simnett, G.M., and Harrison, R.A., 1985, Sol.Phys., 99, 291Simnett, G.M. & Benz, A.O., 1986, A&A, 165, 227Simnett, G.M., 1999, in A Summary of the Results from NASAs Solar Maximum Mission, P.201Sterling, A.C., et al., 2001, ApJ, 532, 628Sterling, A.C. & Moore, R.L., 2001, ApJ, 560, 1045Tappin, S.J., 1991, A&A Suppl., 87, 277Warren, H.P., in Proc. of Yohkoh 10th Meeting, P.239Warren, H.P., and Warshall, A.D., 2001, ApJ, 560, L87