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沈莒達 2012(A) 版 2012.03.11

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組織危機處理. 《Crisis Management in Organization》. 沈莒達 2012(A) 版 2012.03.11. 壹、前言: 從廣州新地標「方所書店」談前瞻人生遠景. 一、座落在廣州地鐵太古匯商場的「方所書店」散發的知性品味:. 1. 人生何處是方所,尋尋覓覓總錯過:自己回應 。. 2. 「方所書店」是採擷南朝梁代昭明太子蕭統的話:「定是常住,便成方所。」而其延伸的意義是「為懂得文化創意生活的人,打造一個內在渴望歸屬的場所。」相當有其構思。自己則將其在延伸為「忙碌奔波,安置心所;飛逝流過,方有所託。」. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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  • 2012(A)2012.03.11

    Crisis Management in Organization

  • 1.

  • 2.

  • 3. slogan

  • 2011.12.25A14

  • 1.(Charles Dickens)

  • 2.(Irvin Yalom)(Staring at the sun: overcoming the terror of death)(Enkidu)

  • 3.(Erik Erikson)

  • 4.(King Lear)(Men must endure their going hence even as their coming hither.)(John Dryden)(The worlds an inn, and death the journeys end.)

  • 2010.3.24:

  • 1.

  • 2.??????:!

  • 3.

  • 4.??

  • 5.:?:

  • Crisiskriisto decideto decide or to die(Websters Dictionary)

  • .

  • .

  • 1.GPS(Garmin) What if we have a recession? What if competitors come out a killer product?

  • 2. James Baldwin Not everything that is faced can be changed but nothing can be changed until it is faced.

  • 3. angerdanger stresseddesserts. Stressed is just desserts if you can reverse.

  • Are you prepared for the worst? Are you prepared for the best?

  • 1.(short time)1-a,//1-b,1-c,2080/1090/0199 1-d,199let it alone/dramatizationMIS

  • 2.(by accident)2-a,(unexpected) (neglected) ex: ex:2-b, too shocked to response2-c, cool down / cold down / ice down2-d,

  • 3.(high threats)3-a,(fatality)striking at the foundation3-b, the choice between life and death3-c,(improvisation) (instant response) (instant transparency) (instant pay)3-d, quick-through

  • could not happen to meattitudeno person / entity is crisis-free.

  • 2.(luxury beyond our burden)(necessity in our afford)

  • 3.(CMT: crisis management team)

  • 4.delay is not the best policy. non-action

  • Jack Welch

  • 1.!2.!3.!4.!5.!

  • Jack Welch

  • 1. Assumption 1: The problem is worse than it appears.

  • 2. Assumption 2: There are no secrets in the world and everyone will eventually find the truth.

  • 3. Assumption 3: You and your organization handling of the crisis will be portrayed in the worst possible light.

  • 4. Assumption 4: There will be changed in process and people. Almost no crisis ends without blood on the floor.

  • 5. Assumption 5: Your organization will survive, ultimately stronger for what happened.

  • 1.

  • 2.Uniqlo, 2010500201094480813610 Uniqlo

  • 3.

  • 4.

  • (vulnerability study)

  • 1.(Adrian Slywortzky)(Karl Weber)

  • 2.

  • 3. MPL(Maximum Possible Loss)PML(Possible Maximum Loss)

  • 4. .(PML)(MPL) /

  • 5.911

  • (BCP: Business Continunity Planning)

  • 1.2011332011.3.11

  • 2.

  • 3.(speed recovery planning)BCP

  • 4. BCP(recovery strategy) a)(duplicated)(immediate availability) b)(subscribed)(supporting system) c)(purchased)procured d)(substituted)alternatives are possible e)(salvaged)if possible

  • (MAA: Mutual Assistant Accord)

  • 1.(stakeholders)(crisis management strategy alliance)

  • 2.

  • (Disaster management)

  • 1.

  • 2.


  • 4.

  • 5. a) b) c)C3Communication / Control / Command d) e) f)

  • (rumour management)

  • 1. no news, send rumours.

  • 2.

  • 3.

  • 4.

  • (image restoration management)

  • 1.NPOCEO(image value)

  • 2.

  • 3.Obama Razor

  • (Frederick Williams)

  • 1.?(What do we get by participating?):

  • 2.?(What are the risks?)

  • 3.?(Can we get our message across?)

  • 4.?(Is this audience worth it?)reach

  • 5.?(How will management react?)

  • 6.?(Does your legal liability outweigh the public interest?)

  • 7.?(Is there a better way?)

  • (Joseph Pulitzer)

  • (Public Opinion)(Walter Lippmann)

  • 1.?2.?3.?4.?

  • 1. ??? Well-prepared!

  • a. ex:????????

  • b. ! ex: ex:vs.

  • c.d.

  • 2. a. b.NPO

  • 3.

  • a. 1989(Exxon)(Valaez)(Lawrence Rawl)Rawl

  • b. Rawl

  • c. RawlCBSCEO

  • d.

    no action / no comment

  • e. Rawl

  • 4.(Tim Wallace)Exxon

  • a.(Develop a clear, straightward position)b.(Involve top management)c.(Activate third-party support)

  • d.(Establish an on-site presence)(Union carbide)(Bhopal)e.(Centralize communications)f.(Cooperate with the media)

  • g.(Dont ignore employees)h.(Keep the crisis in perspective)

  • i.(Begin positioning the organization for the time when the crisis is over)j.(Continuously monitor and evaluate the process)

  • 1. spokesperson

  • 2.2009 (GBG Partners)4R/4P2.

  • 2.()

  • a.X4R a1.(Responsive) a2.(Responsible) a3.(Result)(Reason)

  • b.Y4P b1.(Priority)(Public) b2.(Precise)(Private)

  • c.(filtering effect) Priority / Public Responsive / Responsible Results / Reasons Precise / Private

  • 3.(Joseph T. Nolan)C

  • a. Confidence:

  • b. Converse:

  • c. Confirm:

  • d. Cease:

  • / / /

  • 2012,2