TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CHAIR AND MEMBERS - PLANNING COMMITTEE R. PANZER GENERAL MANAGER OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT CITY OF LONDON INITIATED APPLICATION EAST SIDE OF CRUMLIN ROAD BETWEEN TRAFALGAR STREET AND THE CNR TRACKS PUBLIC PARTICIPATION MEETING ON MAY 30,2005 at 400 PM - That, in accordance with the previous direction of City Council, the following actions be taken with respect to the City initiated application relating to the property located on the east side of Crumlin Road between Trafalgar Street and The CNR Tracks: (a) a by-law BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting on June 13, 2005 to amend the Official Plan in accordance with the attached amendment to redesignatethe lands on the east side of Crumlin Road between Trafalgar Street and the CNR Tracks FROM Urban Reserve - Industrial Growth which permits existing uses TO Rural Settlement (along the Crumlin Road frontage) to permit single detached dwellings on lots suitably sized to allow for the proper siting and functioning of individual on-site water supply and wastewater treatment systems, small scale institutional uses and commercial and industrial uses subject to specific location criteria; and Agriculture (on the balance of the lands) to permit the cultivation of land and the raising of livestock; and to adjust the Urban Growth boundary to be realigned to follow Crumlin Road from Trafalgar Street to the CNR Tracks; and (b) a by-law BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting on June 13, 2005 to amend Zoning By-law No. Z.-1 in accordance with the attached enacting clause (in conformity with the Official Plan, as amended in part (a) above) to REMOVE a portion of these lands from By-law 20-80 (formerly North Dorchester) and APPLY an Urban Reserve (UR) Zone which permits existing dwellings, farm dwellings and non intensive agricultural uses (excluding mushroom farms and commercial greenhouses) to lands fronting Crumlin Road. (c) staff BE DIRECTED to carry out a review of Crumlin Road to determine if the classification should be changed from arterial road to collector road status. It being noted that should the proposed Official Plan amendment to redesignate a portion of these lands to an Agriculture designation be approved, an application will be initiated to rezone those lands to an appropriate Agriculture Zone after the Annexed Area Zoning By-law has been approved and Agriculture Zones have been created. It also being noted that should the Urban Growth Area be adjusted and the Urban Reserve Industrial Growth Designation be changed, consideration should be given to reallocate this land use to another area of the City. This can be addressed as part of the five year Official Plan review. II 11 RECOMMENDATION PREVIOUS REPORTS PERTINENT TO THIS MATTER Crumlin Road Area Review - Information Report - June 2003 0-6526 - Application to amend the Official Plan from Urban Reserve Industrial Growth to Agriculture - March 2004 1

ofcouncil.london.ca/meetings/Archives/Agendas/Planning...2005/05/30  · Information Report - December 2004 RATIONALE The proposed Official Plan amendments reflect the consensus of

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  • TO:







    That, in accordance with the previous direction of City Council, the following actions be taken with respect to the City initiated application relating to the property located on the east side of Crumlin Road between Trafalgar Street and The CNR Tracks:

    (a) a by-law BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting on June 13, 2005 to amend the Official Plan in accordance with the attached amendment to redesignate the lands on the east side of Crumlin Road between Trafalgar Street and the CNR Tracks FROM Urban Reserve - Industrial Growth which permits existing uses TO Rural Settlement (along the Crumlin Road frontage) to permit single detached dwellings on lots suitably sized to allow for the proper siting and functioning of individual on-site water supply and wastewater treatment systems, small scale institutional uses and commercial and industrial uses subject to specific location criteria; and Agriculture (on the balance of the lands) to permit the cultivation of land and the raising of livestock; and to adjust the Urban Growth boundary to be realigned to follow Crumlin Road from Trafalgar Street to the CNR Tracks; and

    (b) a by-law BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting on June 13, 2005 to amend Zoning By-law No. Z.-1 in accordance with the attached enacting clause (in conformity with the Official Plan, as amended in part (a) above) to REMOVE a portion of these lands from By-law 20-80 (formerly North Dorchester) and APPLY an Urban Reserve (UR) Zone which permits existing dwellings, farm dwellings and non intensive agricultural uses (excluding mushroom farms and commercial greenhouses) to lands fronting Crumlin Road.

    (c) staff BE DIRECTED to carry out a review of Crumlin Road to determine if the classification should be changed from arterial road to collector road status.

    It being noted that should the proposed Official Plan amendment to redesignate a portion of these lands to an Agriculture designation be approved, an application will be initiated to rezone those lands to an appropriate Agriculture Zone after the Annexed Area Zoning By-law has been approved and Agriculture Zones have been created.

    It also being noted that should the Urban Growth Area be adjusted and the Urban Reserve Industrial Growth Designation be changed, consideration should be given to reallocate this land use to another area of the City. This can be addressed as part of the five year Official Plan review.

    I I 11



    Crumlin Road Area Review - Information Report - June 2003 0-6526 - Application to amend the Official Plan from Urban Reserve Industrial Growth to Agriculture - March 2004


  • f i . . . . ; ' .

    PreparedBy:.Planning & Dev.elopment Department . . Vegetation . . . . .. .I. '. .. . 1 .. .., ,


  • Information Report - December 2004


    The proposed Official Plan amendments reflect the consensus of the majority of residents within and adjacent to this area along Crumlin Road.

    Removing the Urban Reserve - Industrial Growth designation will reduce neighbourhood concern that this area will develop for industrial uses in the short term.

    Consideration will be given during the 5,year review of the Official Plan to apply the Urban Reserve Industrial Growth designation to another area of the City to ensure that overall there is no reduction in land to be considered for industrial uses.

    The proposed zoning by-law amendment to rezone lands fronting Crumlin Road to an Urban Reserve Zone is appropriate and will be consistent with the amended Official Plan designation.





    The following is a brief chronology of the City's review of lands on the east side of Crumlin Road between Trafalgar Street and the CNR Tracks.

    In October 2002, the Crumlin Homeowners Association and its members formally requested that changes be made to the City of London's Official Plan with respect to lands south of Trafalgar Street east of Crumlin Road and north of the Canadian National Railway tracks. They requested that the City amend the Official Plan to change this designation from Urban Reserve - Industrial Growth(UR1G) to Urban Reserve - Community Growth(UR1G).

    In 2002/2003 staff carried out a review of the designation of these lands. In June 2003 an information report was submitted to Planning Committee for consideration. The report recommended that, subject to the concurrence of all owners of lands within the subject area, an Official Plan amendment to re-designate these lands from URlG to Agriculture be initiated. It also recommended that if all landowners did not concur with the re- designation of their lands to Agriculture, that no action be taken to amend the Official Plan. It was recommended that the report be circulated to all landowners in the area and to all other area residents who expressed an interest in this matter and that a subsequent report be submitted to Planning Committee on the responses to this proposal.

    On November 20, 2003 staff met with area residents, the president of the Crumlin Homeowners Association, Councilor Roger Caranci and Councilor Bill Armstrong to discuss the proposal to remove the URlG designation and apply an Agriculture designation to these lands. Based on the feedback from this meeting it was determined that: the residents do not want the existing URlG designation applied to these lands; the residents do not want Agriculture(a1though many indicated that they would be willing to settle for this designation in place of the URlG designation); the residents do want the area to be designated for residential uses; at least one area resident indicated that he would appeal a change to the designation from URlG to Agriculture to the Ontario Municipal Board(staff also received an additional letter after the community meeting indicating that the URlG designation should not be changed); and a number of residents confirmed that there are compatibility issues between industrial and residential uses.

    As a result of the November 20 meeting staff had further discussions with the Crumlin Homeowners Association and Ward Councilors and it was suggested that a Specific Area Policy could be considered which may allow for this area to develop for non-


  • Agenda Item # Page # r - l r

    - OFFICIAL PLAN DESIGNATION: (refer to map)

    Urban Reserve - Industrial Growth and Open Space EXISTING ZONING: (refer to map )

    Agriculture and Hazard Lands - By-law TWP 20-80 (former Town of North Dorchester)

    industrial uses at some time in the future through the area planning process

    On January 19, 2004 a proposed Specific Area Policy was liaised with the community which indicated that non-industrial land uses may be considered for this area at some time in the future through an area study process. In considering residential or other non- industrial land uses, the area study would be required to address the potential for land use conflicts between sensitive land uses, the industrial areas designated to the west, and agriculturally designated lands to the north and east of these lands. Until such time as an area plan is prepared and the URlG designation is amended, the lands would be limited to agricultural and existing uses. Under this policy approach the existing URlG designation would remain in place and the specific area policy would provide additional guidance for the consideration of future land uses for this area.

    Staff reported to Planning Committee on March 29, 2004 that there was no consensus among land owners regarding the proposed Specific Area Policy. The majority of respondents still request that the URlG designation be removed and a residential land use designation be applied to these lands. Based on the discussion raised at Planning Committee two motions emerged. The first dealt with a referral of the report back to staff to provide additional information on the implications of applying a residential designation to lands fronting Crumlin Road. This motion was defeated. A second motion to determine the implications of applying an agriculture designation to these lands was supported by Planning Committee and subsequently approved by Council on April 5, 2004.

    Council further directed ( in May 2004) that this issue be deferred to a fall 2004 meeting of Planning Committee to allow residents additional time to discuss further options with staff with respect to the future development of these lands. In September, 2004, Council directed staff to include in their report the potential for amending the designation of these lands to a Rural Settlement designation.

    Council direction in January 2005 to initiate an application to amend the designation of lands from Urban Reserve - Industrial Growth to Rural Settlement for properties fronting Crumlin Road and to redesignate the balance of lands Agriculture.

    ~ 11 D Z Application Initiated: January 2005 I Agent: None II REQUESTED ACTION: to redesignate lands on the east side of Crumlin Road between Trafalgar Street and the CNR Tracks from Urban Reserve - Industrial Growth to Rural Settlement for properties fronting Crumlin Road; to redesignate the balance of lands Agriculture; and to adjust the Urban Growth Boundary to align with Crumlin Road.


  • . . , . :_ . . . ' . , . . :t . I ) . ,LEGEND fORZON/A!G.BY+,4WZ-I. . :.

  • Canadian National Rail

    No objection to the proposed land use change, however, future development would be expected to comply with Principal Main Line Requirements.

    Staff response: Any development for single detached dwellings would require a rezoning application for the affected lands. At that time, the issue of compliance with CNs Principal Main Line Requirements wil be addressed.


    In support of the proposed amendments.

    Environmental and Engineering Services Department (EESD)

    The City of London’s Environmental and Engineering Services Department note that:

    There is no sanitary servicing available in this area. Should the land use under this zoning and OP amendment result in single detached dwellings, lot size must be suitable to allow for the installation of a proper functioning on site wastewater treatment system, professionally designed and constructed.

    Holding provision h-17 should be applied to ensure the adequate provision of municipal services, the “h-17” symbol shall not be deleted until full municipal sanitary sewer and water services are available to service the site. Permitted lnterim Uses: Dry uses on individual sanitary facilities permitted by the applied Zone. (2.-1-97484)

    Transportation Planning & Design Division has concerns that the rural settlement land designation on the east side of Crumlin Road between Trafalgar Street and Gore Road. This designation will permit the construction of single family dwelling units each with separate accesses onto an arterial roadway (Crumlin Road). In accordance with the Official Plan, access to arterial roadways are to be limited or restricted wherever possible to accommodate the efficient movement of traffic. Over time, as development occurs in the area, traffic volume of Crumlin Road will increased creating potential safety and operational concerns if multiple driveways are present. Access to lands to the east will also be limited to either Trafalgar Street or Gore Road which may limit road patterns and access arrangements on these lands.

    Engineering analysis is required to determine external waterworks required, to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Environmental and Engineering Services and the City Engineer.

    These among other engineering issues will be addressed in subsequent rezoning applications for these lands.

    Staff response: The proposed Urban Reserve Zone will permit existing uses and limited farm uses. The h-17 holding provision may be applied as pari of any subsequent rezoning to allow for infill development

    Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA)

    The proposed land use changes have been reviewed with regard to policies and regulations made pursuant to Section 28 of the Conservation Authorities Act and natural hazard policies contained in the Provincial Policy Statement (1996) made pursuant to Section 3 of the Planning Act.

    The UTRCA has no objection to the proposed Official Plan/Zoning By-law amendments as the areas identified as Hazard will remain unchanged. For information purposes they do note that the subject lands include portions of the Crumlin Drain and Wabauno Creek, and UTRCA


  • Agenda Item# r-b


    Registered Fill Lines and Hazardous Slopes associated with these watercourses. The UTRCA regulates development within the Registered Fill Line under Ontario Regulation 170/90 made pursuant to Section 28 of the Conservation Authorities Act. This regulation requires land owners to obtain written approval from the UTRCA prior to undertaking any filling, grading and/or construction within a regulated area. According to Conservation Authority and Provincial flood plain management policies, new development, including the construction of buildings and site alteration are generally restricted in the floodplain.

    Staff response: Although it is recommended that a small portion of the Hazard Zone is to be deleted from By-law TWP 20-80, the proposed zone line is consistent with the zoning recommended through the annexed area zoning by-law. A further analysis of development adjacent to the hazard lands will be carried out at the time of individual rezoning applications.

    London Economic Development Corporation(LEDC)

    These lands to the east of Crumlin Road will most likely be of prime significance to the industrial growth of the City of London one or two decades from now. This parcel has access to a primary artery, Airport Road, and is in the immediate area of other industrial lands. These are solid reasons to leave the current designation as Urban Reserve-Industrial Growth. Considering the importance of manufacturing and the potential growth of our population, we believe that we should preserve and possibly increase the amount of land designated as Urban Reserve- Industrial Growth in the long term interests of the community.

    On February 18, 2005 notice of the proposed amendments were liaised with 77 area residents. Notice’of the Application was also published in the “Living in the City” Section of the London Free Press on February 26,2005.

    14 replies

    Staff response: Should the designation of these lands change from Urban Reserve - Industrial Growth to Rural Settlement and Agriculture consideration to reallocate this designation to another area of the City should be given as part of the City of London 5 year review.

    London International Airport

    The London International Airport objects to any change to the use of these lands unless the uses are Agricultural or Industrial purposes only. As the application is intended to significantly change the occupancy of the lands from Urban Reserve Industrial Growth to Rural Settlement they envision continuing noise and quality of life issues from residents if the application is approved.

    The subject lands have recently been registered as non-residential due to excessive noise as determined by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. This area is expected to experience significant noise as it is on the main approach flight way and residential quality of life is below CMHC national standards. Residential development in this area would result in negative impacts on residents and is a buffer that will face future restrictions. For these reasons the application cannot be supported.

    Staff response: In further discussions with London International Airport sfaK it has been determined that the NEF contours enter the subject lands (in the area to be designated Agriculture) but do not approach the area recommended for the Rural Settlement designation. They do note that the contours are subject to change and should be monitored if additional lands are to be designated for residential use.


  • Agenda Item # r l m On December 20, 2004, Municipal Council directed staff to initiate an amendment to the Official Plan to redesignate the lands on the east side of Crumlin Road between Trafalgar Street and the CNR Tracks FROM Urban Reserve - Industrial Growth which permits existing uses TO Rural Settlement (along the Crumlin Road frontage) to permit single detached dwellings on lots suitably sized to allow for the proper siting and functioning of individual on- site water supply and wastewater treatment systems, small scale institutional uses and commercial and industrial uses subject to specific location criteria; and Agriculture (on the balance of the lands) to permit the cultivation of land and the raising of livestock. It is also proposed that the Urban Growth Area boundary be realigned to follow Crumlin Road from Trafalgar Street to the CNR Tracks.

    As part of this request, staff are also considering corresponding amendments to the Zoning By-law to REMOVE a portion of these lands from By-law 20-80 (formerly North Dorchester) and APPLY an Urban Reserve (UR) Zone which permits existing dwellings, farm dwellings and non intensive agricultural uses(exc1uding mushroom farms and commercial greenhouses) to lands fronting Crumlin Road. Should the proposed Official Plan amendment to redesignate a portion of these lands to an Agriculture designation be approved, consideration will be given to rezone lands to an appropriate Agriculture Zone after the Annexed Area Zoning By-law has been approved and Agriculture Zones have been created.

    Responses: See Analysis Section below



    In December 2004 , staff recommended to Planning Committee that no action be taken to amend the current Official Plan designation for lands on the east side of Crumlin Road between Trafalgar Street and the CNR Tracks, and that the issue of the designation of these lands be deferred and be included as part of the 5 year Official Plan review which is scheduled to commence in 2006. Staff advised the Committee that there is insufficient planning rationale to change the land use designation of these lands from Urban Reserve Industrial Growth to an Agriculture and/or Rural Settlement designation. Notwithstanding staffs recommendation, Council recommended that an application be initiated to amend the designation of lands from Urban Reserve - Industrial Growth to Rural Settlement on the lands fronting Crumlin Road and Agriculture on the balance of the lands and to realign the Urban Growth boundary to follow Crumlin Road.

    Staff also circulated a possible change to remove a portion of these lands from By-law 20-80 (formerly North Dorchester) and apply an Urban Reserve (UR) Zone which permits existing dwellings, farm dwellings and non intensive agricultural uses(exc1uding mushroom farms and commercial greenhouses) to lands fronting Crumlin Road, It is also noted that should the proposed Agriculture designation be approved, consideration will be given to rezone lands to an appropriate Agriculture Zone after the Annexed Area Zoning By-law has been approved and Agriculture Zones have been created.


  • Agenda liem # r - l -

    Proposed Changes to the Official Plan


    In general, the comments received from area residents were positive and they support the proposed designation changes. Issues raised during the public liaison process include: the proposed alignment of the Rural Settlement designation; the appropriateness of the Agriculture designation; the restrictions on building a house within the agriculture designation and the effects the proposed designation will have on land severances.

    Alignment of Rural Settlement Designation

    As noted above, Council directed staff to initiate an application to amend the designation of lands fronting Crumlin Road from Urban Reserve Industrial Growth to Rural Settlement. Based on this direction, staff liaised that the Rural Settlement designation would be at a depth of approximately 95 metres (312 feet) and it would run southerly from Trafalgar Street to the CNR Tracks. This depth is consistent with the Rural Settlement designation which applies to lands on the east side of Crumlin Road north of Trafalgar Street. A number of area residents indicated that it would be preferable to use the Crumlin Drain as the dividing line between Rural Settlement and Agriculture as this is a natural physical boundary.

    For a portion of the area, the designation does in fact follow the Crumlin Drain. At approximately the mid point along Crumlin Road the Crumlin Drain swings to the east and continues meandering southerly to the CNR Tracks. Placing the Rural Settlement designation


  • Agenda Item # Page # r - - - - - l m

    to the limit of the Crumlin Drain would allow for lot creation along both Crumlin Road and Gore Road. Staff do not believe this was the intent Council. The Rural Settlement designation is intended to be applied to areas where there are clusters of existing dwellings. There are no dwellings in this area along the Gore Road frontage nor is there development to the rear of properties fronting Crumlin Road. Also, Rural settlement areas are not intended for subdivision development but rather for infill development. It should also be noted that the Crumlin Drain is not the boundary of the Rural Settlement designation for lands north of Trafalgar Street. As a result staff limited the depth of the proposed Rural Settlement designation to that which was applied to lands the north of Trafalgar Street.

    As previously noted, Transportation Planning & Design Division have concerns that the Rural Settlement land designation on the east side of Crumlin Road between Trafalgar Street and Gore Road will permit the construction of single family dwelling units each with separate accesses to an arterial roadway (Crumlin Road). In accordance with the Official Plan, access to arterial roadways are to be limited or restricted wherever possible to accommodate the efficient movement of traffic. Should the designation be changed to allow for infill development, a future review of Crumlin Road should be carried out to determine if the road classification should be changed from an arterial road to a collector road.

    Appropriateness of the Proposed Agriculture Designation

    The majority of residents expressed support for the proposed amendment to the Official Plan to designate the subject lands Rural Settlement and Agriculture. One area resident did not support the proposed change. The respondent indicated that if the community is supportive of the Rural Settlement designation, then it should be applied to all lands in this area.

    Staff are acting on the direction of Council on the designation changes proposed in this area. The proposal to redesignate all of these lands Rural Settlement was not recommended by Council, and is not supported by the Planning and Development Department.

    Restrictions on Building Houses in the Agriculture Area

    As noted in the recommendation clause, should the proposed Official Plan amendment to redesignate a portion of these lands to an Agriculture designation be approved, an application to rezone lands to an appropriate Agriculture Zone after the Annexed Area Zoning By-law has been approved and Agriculture Zones have been created. It is anticipated that the proposed Agriculture zones will allow for the development of one single detached dwelling per property. These zones however, have not been created as of yet. It should be noted that all of these lands within the study area are within an Agriculture and or Agriculture/Hazard Land zone.

    How will the designation change affect the potential for land severances in this area?

    The Official Plan provides policy direction for the severance of land for single detached dwellings on lands within the'Rural Settlement designation. These lands would need to be rezoned and issues dealing with sanitary services , water services; impacts of development in proximity to the existing Industrial uses and potential impacts on the Crumlin Drain (among other issues) must be taken into consideration before the Zoning by-law can be amended to allow for the development of these lands for residential uses.

    With respect to lands which are proposed to be designated Agriculture, there is limited opportunity for land severances. This is very similar to the current Urban Reserve designation which applies to these lands. Severances within the Agriculture(or Urban Reserve) designation can only be considered if the consent is for:

    1. farming operations; 2. mortgage purposes; 3. lot corrections; 4. surplus farm dwellings; and 5. agricultural commercial and industrial uses


  • ./jaenda Item1 ,Page# , Therefore, the proposed designation change of these lands has no more of an impact on severance potential whether the lands are designated Urban Reserve or Agriculture.

    It should be noted that if the lands are redesignated from Urban Reserve - Industrial Growth to Rural Settlement and Agriculture, then Minimum Distance Separation (MDS) guidelines must be reviewed in every application to rezone lands to allow for single detached residential development to ensure that there are no impacts from existing agriculture operations in the area. Also, severances should not be permitted to create land locked parcels east of the Rural Settlement designation (within the proposed Agriculture designation). In addition, all applications for rezoning and severances within this area must be reviewed in conjunction with the new Provincial Policy Statement.


    As noted above the LEDC expressed concerns regarding the potential loss of Industrial designated land in the City. Should the Urban Growth Area be adjusted and the Urban Reserve Industrial Growth Designation be changed, consideration should be given to reallocate this land use to another area of the City. This can be addressed as part of the five year Official Plan review.

    The proposed lands use designation may allow for the development of lands fronting Crumlin Road to be developed for single detached dwellings subject to appropriate Zoning By-law amendments. Rezoning the lands fronting Crumlin Road from Agriculture to Urban Reserve is appropriate and consistent with the proposed annexed area by-law.

    Monday, May 16,2005 AMlam "Attach."

    Y:\shared\implementation\previous years\O-6526\Crumlin Road OPA&ZEL Report.doc


  • Agenda Item # Pa e # m& Responses to Public Liaison Letter and Publication in "Living in the City"

    I Telephone I

    Peter Havaris, 300 Crumlin Road


    Peter and Bess Havaris, 300 Crumlin Road

    Crumlin Homeowners Association, 2345 Trafalgar Street

    Mr & Mrs Matteo Pepe, 3240 Gore Road

    Betty J. Ball, 980 Crumlin Road

    Gordon and Jeanette Rush, 1026 Crumlin Road

    Mr & Mrs John Circelli, 430 Crumlin Road

    Robert and Sandra Neubauer, 250 Crumlin Road

    Chris Havaris

    Richard Morchat, 4 Wedgewood Crt, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

    J. Morris Hurwitz, 385 Huron Street

    Henry and Loretta Marienfeldt, 400 Crumlir Rd .

    Sergio E. Pompilii, acting on behalf of John Brun, owner of 488 Crumlin Road


  • CRUMLIN HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION 2342 Trafalgar Street London, Ontario N5V 426

    March 4,2005

    Mr. Allister MacLean Senior Planner City of London

    Dear Mi-. MacLean,

    The Crumlin Homeowners Association supports an amendment to the Onicial Plan that would redesignate lands fionting on the east side of Crumlin Road between Trafalgar Street and the CNR tracks from Urban Reserve - Industrial Growth to Rural Settlement and easterly lands fiom Urban Reserve - Industrial Growth to Agricultural. We also support the realignment of the Urban Growth Boundary to Crumlin Road.

    While we support the above amendments our Association has consistently requested, prior to and at the December 13, 2004 Planning Committee meeting, that the desired Rural Settlement designation be aligned with the Crumlin Drain &om Trafalgar Street south to the CNR tracks. As previously stated, this adjustment would both recognize and utilize an existing physical boundary and simplify land use designations.

    The proposed above amendments best address the wishes of property owners in the Crumlin Road area. In addition, they hrther serve to recognize existing land uses and constitute a logical extension of established residential development along Crumlin Road north of Trafalgar Street.

    Our Association has worked diligently to explore various designations for the lands south of Trafalgar Street and east of CrumIin Road. Mer countless hours of effort we are certain the proposed amendments represent the ideal designations for these lands.


    Drew Jolliffe, President

    C.C. Bud Polhill Roger Caranci Bill Armstrong

  • ?

    5 1 9 - 4 5 3 - 4 3 6 3 P . 1 Mar 07 OS 12:4Sp Loretta Marienfeldt

    FAX: 661-5397 February 28,2005

    Mi. A. MacLean 300 Dufferin Avenue P.O. Box 5035 London, Ontario N6A 4L9

  • . .

    J. Morris Hurwitz 385 Huron Street London

    Alistair Maclean Plannin Department

    London 300 Du w erin Avenue Mr. Maclean:

    I highly support the proposed designation of the “Crumlin Lands” East of Crumlin Road to agriculture. The city already has an excess of industrial land and the lands in question not only did not need to be designated for future industrial growth, but were unlikely to be developed for such anyhow. Therefore, agriculture is the most logical use.

    Submitted respectfully.

    J. Morris Humitz

    P.S. I request that this letter be included in any reports to Planning Committee pertaining to this site.

  • MAR.15.2005 1:23PM DREWDLA \

    N0.5R2 P.2/4

    15 March 2005

    The Corporation of die City of London 300 Dflerin Avenue P .0 , Box 5035 London, ON N6A 4L9

    4 Wedgewood Cit Da~tmouth, NS B2W 6A2

    Re: CON 2 NRT N PT LOT 1

    Notice of Application to Amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law File 02-6526 Pebruary 18.2005)

    Reference A: My letter dated 22 Nov 2003 (attached) B; My letter dated 16 Feb 2004 (attached)

    This note is to inform you t h a t I do not suppofi tlie current amendment to the City’s Official Plan and Zoning By-law &5 outlined in the Notice of Application dated. IS Feb 2005. The re-designation of a portion (land along tlie Crumlin Road frontage) oftlie subject lands in this review from Urban Reserve - Industrial @owtIi to Rural Settlement, and Agriculture (on die balaice oftlie lands) is not acceptable to me.

    As stated in past correspondence (ref A&B) I believe that the presence of the Trafalglgar Industrial Park, in the most easterly portion of the City of London’s annexed lands, and the proxiinity to Airport Road with easy access to the London Airport and Ilwy 40 1 and Toronto ~:esults in the lands to the east of the Trafalgar Industrial Park as being very attractive to industry.

    Notwithstanding the above, I understand there has been coiitinued interest by the Cmnlin I-lomeowiers Associatioii to have the affected area lands zoning amended to allow for the building of single detaclid dwellings for this area. If the correct designation for this to occur were “Rural Sehlement” then I would suppoit this notion; however, this designation would have to be applied to the total acreage of properties along the Ciwnlin Road frontage. Having a row of homes with industry on one side and a farm on the other side is far less appealing than an entire 100-acre subdivision. Additionally, I bel.ieve the City 1ias.plenty of agriculturally zoned lands, for example, the lands offlie former Town of Westminster to the city’s south,

    As my property represents a significant percentage of the lands that are affected by this proposed amendment, I request that my comments be appended to the staff report.

    Respec ,fdly; k- , Richard Morchst

    .. .

    .. .

  • MRR, 15.2005 1 : 23PM DREWDLR ’\

    N0.5A2 P.3/4

    22 Novenibcr 2003

    The Corporation of the City of London 300 Dufferin Avenue P,O. Box 5035 London, ON N6A 4L9

    4 Wedgewood Ciz Datniouth, NS B2W 6A2

    Re: CON 2 NRT N PT LOT I

    Cnunlin Road. Area Revi.ew and Notice of Intent to Change die Official Plan and Zoning J3y.Law File 0-6526

    This note is to infonn you that I do not concur with the conclusion and recommendation oftlie planning staff reporl: (dated June 6,2003) carried out to review the Crumlin Road area. The re-designation of the subject:lands in this.review fiom Urban Reserve - Iiiduslrial Growth to Apiculture is not supported.

    The reasons provid.ed in the surmnary for option one (leave the designation as ~ r b a n reserve industrial growth) are speculative at best. One cannot predict what future influences will make the notion “no municipal services being extended for ten years” invalid. I would suggest that the presence oftlie Trafalgar Industrial Park, in the most easterly portion of the City of London’s a.nnexed lands, and the proximity to Airport Road with easy access to the London Airport and Hwy 4.01 and Toronto results in the lands to the ea.st of the Trdalgar Industrial Park as being very attractive to new industry.

    I also would suggest that the presence of the Crumlin Drain is not a constraint on the potential of these lands to development. With judicious design the presence ofthis waterway can become a sought after feature of high-tech companies that wish to provide a natural area for the eiijoyrnent of employees.


    Richard Morc1ia.t

  • __


    MRF. 15.2005 1 : 24PM DRE!WDLR . >

    N0.582 P.4/4

    16 February 2004

    The Corl)oratioii of the City of London 300 Dufferin Avenue P.O. Box SO35 London, ON NGA 4L9

    4 Wedgewood Crt Dartmouth, NS B2W 6A2

    Re: CON 2 NRT N IT LOT 1

    Notice of Application to Amend the Official Plan File 0-6526 (January 19.20041

    It is with interest to note that tlie meeting on November 20,2003 with “Cmmlin Area” residents was mixed towards the proposal to amend the Offi.ci,al Plan designation fiom Urban Reserve - Industrial GrowUi to Agriculture [A notion t!mt I do not support (lewer dated 22 Nov 2003)].

    The proposal to table a Specific Area Policy h t would allow for consideration of residential or other non-induduswial land uses for the “lands south of Trdalgat Skeet, east of Cmmlin Road and north of tlie CNR traclcs” is potentially appropriate for tlie development of these lands.

    The application states ?hat “this specific area. policy would provide additional guidance” to the “existing Urban Reserve - Industrial Growth designation”; however it also states “until such t h e as an a k a plan is prepaxed and the Urban Reserve - Industrial Growth designation is amended these land,s will be limited to agrjcultural and existing uses”.

    Since tliere is no indication how long it might take for such an area policy to be prepared, discussed, approved mid subsequent cliange to the area’s designation to Le made, I suggest it would be more appropriate to allow die Urban Reserve - Industrial Growth designation to continue to be in force rather than put it on hold.

    Respectfill y;

    Richard Morchat

  • .. .

    . ..

    Mar 09 05 04:27p Loretta MarienCeldt

    \ 519-453-4363


    FAX: 661-5397 March 1, 2005

    Mr. A. MacLean 300 Dufferin Avenue P.O. Box 5035 London, Ontario N6A 4L9

    Re: Notice of Application to Amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Lands south of Trafalgar Street, east of Crumlin Road and north of the Canadian National Railway Tracks

    We are in favour of the proposed redesignations that are being considered by The Municipal Council for the City of London for the above noted lands as stated on the February 18, 2005 "Notice of Application to Amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-Law'' that we recently received.

    We support: 1) Realign Urban Growth Area Boundary to Crumlin Road 2) Proposed designation change from Urban'Reserve -

    3) Proposed designation change from Urban Reserve - Industrial Growth to Agriculture

    Industrial Growth to Rural Settlement

    . ... We do not support Industrial zoning for our area.

    Mr & MKS. John Circelli 430 Crumiin Side Road, London, Ontario / p, ~ ,

  • FROM : G 8 J RIJSH

    March 7, 2005

    Mr. Allister MacLean Senior Planner City of London


    PHONE NO. : 519 451 3236 Mar. OB ZOOS 01:07FIM Pi

    Subject: Xotice of auplication to amend the Official P h n and Zoninv Bvzlaw for lands south of Trafalcar Street. east of Crumlin Road and north of the C.N.R. Tracks.

    This is in response to your notice of February 1 S", 2005 regarding this amendment.

    We are homeowners on Crumlin Road, north or Trafalgar and members of the Crumlin Homeowners Association. We have been to several neighbourhood meetings OVOI the past year, and signed a petition opposirrg the Urban Reservc-Industrial Growth designation ofthese lands as being detrimental to property values rind quality of life due to the proximity to established residences.

    We are in support of the proposed amendment to redesignate the lands to R m l Settlement (along the Crunilin Road frontage) to permit single detached dwellings on lots suitably sized ro allow for proper functioning o f individual on-site water supply and septic systems: and A!giculhire on the balance ofThe lands. We believe this is a suitable and acceptable designation.

    Gordon 81 Jeanette Rush 1026 Crumlin Road London, Ontario

  • %. . , __


    . . .

    ., .. . .


    . . .- Loretta Marienfeldt - 519-453-4363 p. 1 Mar 07 05 01:39p

    FAX: 661-5397 March 1,2005

    Mr. A. MacLean 300 Dufferin Avenue P.O. Box 5035 London, Ontario N6A 4L9

    Re: Notice of Application to Amend the Official Plan and Zonlng By-Law ,.. - Lands south of Trafalgar Street, east of Crumlin Road and north of the Canadian National Railwav Tracks

    i. . , .. . ... . , . .

    ,.. .. .

    n : ... ; . .,

    , . , .. I,.. We are in favour of the proposed redesignations that are being considered by .,. .

    The Municipal Council for the City of London for the above noted lands as stated on the February 18, 2005 "Notice of Application to Amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-Law'' that we recently received.

    We support: 1) Realign Urbkn Growth Area Boundary to Crumlin Road 2) Proposed designation,change from Urban Reserve - Industrial Growth to


    Rural Settlement 3) Proposed designation change from Urban Reserve.- Industrial Growth to . . _ .

    .. . . .

    .. . The worst zoning designation would be industrial.

    ... . . . . ._I.

    -l*._ ... ".

    Mr & Mrs. Matteo Pepe

    . .. .., . ~.. . -

    ..;I-- ' ' 'n.

    . .

    , ,, ~.

  • Agenda Item # r l r " " "


    to the



    The purpose of this Amendment is:

    1. To change the designation of certain lands described herein from Urban Reserve Industrial Growth to Rural Settlement and Agriculture on Schedule "A. Land Use, to the Official Plan for the City of London.

    To adjust the Urban Growth Area boundary to align with Crumlin Road from Trafalgar Street southerly to the CNR Tracks for the City of London.



    1. This Amendment applies to lands located on the east side of Crumlin Road between Trafalgar Street and the CNR Tracks in the City of London.


    Council directed staff in January 2005 to initiate an application to amend the designation of lands from Urban Reserve - Industrial Growth to Rural Settlement for properties fronting Crumlin Road and to redesignate the balance of lands Agriculture. The proposed Official Plan amendments are consistent with the wishes of the majority of residents within and adjacent to this area along Crumlin Road. Removing the Urban Reserve - Industrial Growth designation will reduce neighbourhood concern that this area will develop for industrial uses in the short term.

    Although it is proposed to adjust the Urban Growth Boundary and remove the Industrial Growth designation from these lands, as part of the five year Official Plan review the boundary can be readjusted and the Urban Reserve Industrial Growth designation can be reapplied to ensure that overall there is no reduction in potential Industrial land in the City of London.


    The Official Plan for the City of London is hereby amended as follows:

    1. Schedule "A, Land Use, to the Official Plan for the City of London Planning Area is amended by designating those lands located on the east side of Crumlin Road in the City of London, as indicated on "Schedule 1" attached hereto from Urban Reserve Industrial Growth to Rural Settlement and Agriculture.

    Schedule "A", to the Official Plan for the City of London is amended by realigning the Urban Growth Area boundary to align with Crumlin Road from Trafalgar Street southerly to the CNR Tracks.



  • ~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~ - ~ . ~ ~~~














    May 18,2005





    . -

    Amendment No.

  • Agenda Item # Page # Fl CITY OF LONDON ZONING BY-LAW



    Kevin Bain CITY CLERK

    Schedule "A" to By-law No. 20-80 is amended by deleting the Agriculture (A) Zone and a portion of the Hazard (H) Zone applicable to lands fronting Crumlin Road between Trafalgar Street and the CNR Tracks, as shown on the map below comprising part of Key Map Nos. 1 & 4, and removing these sites from the By-law.


    File Number: 02-6526

    Planner: AM

    Date Prepared: 2005 May 10

    Technician: CMH


    SCALE 1:lOO

    100 0 100 1

  • I Agenda ;Item # Page #



    . Schedule “A” to By-law No. 2.-I is amended by applying an Urban ReJerve (UR) Zone to lands located at the east side of Crumlin Road from Trafalgar Street tb the CNR Tracks, ak shown on the map below comprising part of Key Map Nos. 100 and 106. I

    File Number: 02-6526

    Planner: AM

    Date Prepared 2005 May 10

    Technician: CMH

    ’ SUBJECT SITE I SCALE 1 : I O O ~ +E ‘1 100 o 100 heters

    - I