№ 2(7) October 2013 In this issue: \\OUR OPINIONS....1-2 \\POETRY CORNER..2 \\AT LEASURE…………3 \\HAVE FUN WITH ENGLISH…………………….4 OUR OPINIONS If I were a teacher,I don’t know how could I remain in a good mood when the children do not hear what I say (but they listen) and sometimes just disturb my lessons. As an example of a strong teacher and at the same time nice, I can talk about all my teachers but the special one is, of course, my mother. She was a teacher and taught little children but at the moment she has left this job and now is working in another country. I think a professional teacher always knows how to make first impression on the students, be funny, interesting and at the same time teaching with humor. Nika Bicher, form 9-C I like my school. It is big and the classrooms are spacious. You can find classrooms for different subjects such as English, History, Physics, Chemistry, Geography, Biology, Literature etc. There is a computer class in our school. It has got the most modern equipment and the Internet access. We’ve also got an assembly hall which is situated on the second floor. Meetings, conferences, concerts and other celebrations are held here. We prepare different performances for all holidays. We sing songs, recite poetry, dance and participate in theatre performances. There are many opportunities to go in for sport in our school. Our school 1

№ 2 ( 7 ) October 2013

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№ 2 ( 7 ) October 2013. In this issue : \\OUR OPINIONS....1-2 \\POETRY CORNER..2 \\AT LEASURE …… … … 3 \\HAVE FUN WITH ENGLISH ………………… ….4. OUR OPINIONS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: № 2 ( 7 ) October 2013

№ 2(7)October 2013

In this issue:\\OUR OPINIONS....1-2\\POETRY CORNER..2\\AT LEASURE…………3\\HAVE FUN WITH ENGLISH…………………….4


If I were a teacher,I don’t know how could I remain in a good mood when the children do not hear what I say (but they listen) and sometimes just disturb my lessons.As an example of a strong teacher and at the same time nice, I can talk about all my teachers but the special one is, of course, my mother. She was a teacher and taught little children but at the moment she has left this job and now is working in another country.

I think a professional teacher always knows how to make first impression on the students, be funny, interesting and at the same time teaching with humor.

Nika Bicher, form 9-C

I like my school. It is big and the classrooms are spacious. You can find classrooms for different subjects such as English, History, Physics, Chemistry, Geography, Biology, Literature etc. There is a computer class in our school. It has got the most modern equipment and the Internet access. We’ve also got an assembly hall which is situated on the second floor. Meetings, conferences, concerts and other celebrations are held here. We prepare different performances for all holidays. We sing songs, recite poetry, dance and participate in theatre performances.There are many opportunities to go in for sport in our school. Our school has got a gym, a sports ground, a football field. Many pupils attend sport clubs.


Page 2: № 2 ( 7 ) October 2013

The teachers in our school are very skilled. They try to give us all their knowledge and awake our interest to their subjects and self-education. Besides the school subjects our teachers tell us about everything, about different problems of world such as ecology, nature protection, climate change etc.There is a good tradition in our school. Every year people who have graduated from our school come here to meet their teachers and classmates. These meetings take place every first Saturday of February.In my opinion, school plays an important role in life. This is the period when you become adult, achieve knowledge and choose your way in life. Often school friends remain friends for all your life. I think it will be the same with me. OlenaSerman, form 9-C

Our school teachers …You caress us sweet.You embrace us allUnder the wings like a dove.You will teach us allHow to avoid evil.It’s a good act.Like bees on the flowers,Little children at school.They gather wisdomAs bees honey in the field.

Natasha Penzar, form 9-C

Again you can see the golden parkBut school is like a ship at berthWhere teachers are waiting for the pupils To start this new life. No wonder. You cannot find more generous and richerThan those people, forever young.We remember all the teachers Although we are too adult. They are in the life of each of us,They are like a red thread in it.We proudly pronounce every timeThree simple words: “This is my teacher”. We are all in his safe hands:A scientist, physician politician or a builder…Let you live in your studentsAnd be happy, our captain – our teacher.

Mary Crulicovska, form 9-A



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The story of the pencilBy Paulo Coelho

The little boy was watching his grandfather writing a letter. At a certain moment he asked:

“Are you writing a story that happened to us? And is it by any chance a story about me?”

The grandfather stopped writing, smiled and said to his grandson:

“I’m writing about you, that’s true. But the pencil I’m using is more important than the words I’m writing. I hope you are like it when you grow up”.

The boy looked at the pencil with curiosity, but did not see anything special about it.

“But this is just like all the other pencils I have ever seen in my life!”

“It all depends on how you look at things. There are five qualities in it that if you can manage to keep in yourself will make you a person at peace with the world.

The first quality: you can do great things but you must never forget that there nis a hand that guides our steps. This hand we call God, and he must always guide it according to His will.

The second quality: from time to time I need to stop what I’m writing and use a sharpener. This makes the pencil suffer a little, but in the end it becomes sharper. So, learn how to bear some pains, because they will make you a better person.

The third quality: the pencil always lets you use an eraser to rub out what was wrong. Understand that correcting something that we have done is not necessarily bad, but rather something important to keep us on the path of justice.

The fourth quality: what really matters in the pencil is not the wood or its outer shape but rather the lead that is inside it. So, always take care of what happens inside you.

Lastly, the pencil’s fifth quality: it always leaves a mark. In the same way, know that everything you do in life will leave traces, and try to be aware of each and every action.”


Page 4: № 2 ( 7 ) October 2013

HAVE FUN WITH ENGLISHTEACHER: Ellen, give me a sentence starting with "I".

ELLEN: I is...

TEACHER:No, Ellen. Always say, "I am."

ELLEN: All right... "I am the ninth letter of the alphabet."

Father: How were the exam questions ?

Son: Easy

Father: Then why look so unhappy ?

Son: The questions didn't give me any trouble, just the answers !

Teacher: Why have you got cotton wool in your ears, do you have an infection ?Pupil: Well you keep saying that things go in one ear and out the other so I am trying to keep them it all in!

Teacher: Why are you late, Joseph?Joseph: Because of a sign down the road.Teacher: What does a sign have to do with your being late?Joseph: The sign said, "School Ahead, Go Slow!"


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