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Copyright © 2017 Naturalislabs Pte Ltd

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Published by Eric Kelly.

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Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 5

Chapter 1 .................................................................................................................................... 6

Preventing Hair Loss with Yoga ..................................................................................................................... 6

13 Best Yoga positions for Avoiding Hair Fall .......................................................................................... 6

1) Adho Mukha Savasana ................................................................................................................................ 7

Position ........................................................................................................................................... 7

2) Uttanasana ........................................................................................................................................................ 8

Position ........................................................................................................................................... 8

3) Vajrasana ........................................................................................................................................................... 9

Position ........................................................................................................................................... 9

4) Apanasana ...................................................................................................................................................... 10

Position ......................................................................................................................................... 10

5) Sarvangasana ................................................................................................................................................ 11

Position ......................................................................................................................................... 11

6) Sasangasana .................................................................................................................................................. 12

Position ......................................................................................................................................... 12

7) Ustrasana ........................................................................................................................................................ 13

Position ......................................................................................................................................... 13

8) Uttanpadasana ............................................................................................................................................. 14

Position ......................................................................................................................................... 14

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9) Pavanamuktasana ........................................................................................................................................ 15

Position ......................................................................................................................................... 15

10) Balayam Yoga ............................................................................................................................................. 16

Position ......................................................................................................................................... 16

11) Kapalbhati Pranayama ............................................................................................................................ 17

Position ......................................................................................................................................... 17

12) Bhastrika Pranayama ............................................................................................................................... 18

Position ......................................................................................................................................... 18

13) Anulom Vilom ............................................................................................................................................ 19

Position ......................................................................................................................................... 19

Chapter 2 .................................................................................................................................. 20

Cardio Exercises for Hair Loss Prevention ............................................................................................... 20

1. Jogging....................................................................................................................................... 20

2. Swimming .................................................................................................................................. 20

3. Cycling ....................................................................................................................................... 20

4. Bench Press ............................................................................................................................... 21

5. Squats ........................................................................................................................................ 21

6. Leg Press .................................................................................................................................... 21

7. Lunges ....................................................................................................................................... 21

8. Dead Lift .................................................................................................................................... 21

Conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 22

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We’ve long known the beneficial effects of a good workout for your health and how

imperative it is for an attractive figure. Much research has shown that exercise is essential

for achieving and maintaining both physical and mental health. Physical exertion burns fat

and tones muscle, while releasing copious amounts of endorphins—also known as the

“happy hormones”—to regulate our moods.

While many significant health benefits are often credited to having a regular exercise regime,

such as lessened risk of various diseases, one little known benefit is this: it can help curb hair

loss and improve hair growth. With its capacity to improve blood circulation in your body,

proper exercise can result in excellent hair health by promoting body health.

However, exercise, when not coupled with a proper, nutritious diet, can lead to several

health issues, especially hair loss. A well-known hair specialist, Jerrold D. Bass, states that

the condition of one’s hair reflects the overall health of the body. When you exercise

without taking care of what you put inside your body every day, your body becomes

depleted of essential nutrients and does not have enough to feed your hair follicles.

While there is considerable proof that a workout routine can work wonders for the hair, an

excess of it can be detrimental as well. Exercising heavily for an extended period of time can

induce chronic stress. According to the American Hair Loss Association, chronic stress is

responsible for causing Telogen Effluvium (TE), which makes the hair follicles go into a

resting phase, resulting in shedding of the hair as opposed to their growth. Add to it the

factor of poor nutrition and it results in thinning of the hair.

In some cases, this shedding may be uneven with some parts of the scalp dropping more

hair than the rest. Another form of hair loss called alopecia is common in female athletes

since they are at a higher risk of iron-deficiency anemia. The affected person may also lose

eyelashes, eyebrows, and pubic hair as well.

Despite being extremely common among the masses, these hair loss problems can actually

be prevented.

To minimize your hair loss and maximize hair growth, Bass suggests a combination of a

restful sleep routine, healthy dietary habits, sufficient hydration, and minimal stress. There

are several other factors contributing to severe hair loss to take note of as well, including a

lack of proper care for your hair, letting sweat build up on the scalp for days, and not rinsing

off chlorinated water after a swim.

But not everyone can change their lifestyle to accommodate one that stops hair loss in its

tracks and accelerates hair growth, so let’s start with baby step

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Chapter 1

Preventing Hair Loss with Yoga Having a head full of thick, luscious hair is every person’s dream. The desire is somewhat

more amplified in women as hair is often considered the essence of a woman’s beauty, but

even men have trouble with self-confidence when their scalps can be easily seen in patches.

Excessive hair loss is a gruesome reality that happens due to various factors such as genetics,

hormonal imbalances, stress, inappropriate dietary habits, ailments, hair styling products,

smoking, and medications. While there are a number of natural and artificial treatments

available to treat this escalating problem, yoga has shown the fastest and most effective


Yoga includes various postures and positions known as pranayamas, and asanas. These

poses are responsible for improving blood circulation and digestion along with reducing

anxiety and stress levels – all major reasons behind hair loss. They are also great for

improving oxygen absorption by the scalp cells while providing essential nutrients.

13 Best Yoga positions for Avoiding Hair Fall Yoga is famous in most cultures for its capability to connect the mind and soul of a person,

bringing the two major forces in harmony with each other. As such, its use in this context

may sound irrelevant but it is anything but that. In fact, it is the capacity of Yoga asanas and

pranayama to stimulate the process of circulation that rejuvenates the limp and dry hair,

which is turn, promotes proper hair growth.

Here are the 10 asana yoga positions which can help a person achieve the perfect body

balance, when done regularly and correctly, resulting in shiny long hair:

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1) Adho Mukha Savasana

This is one of the best yoga positions for overall body health and especially for improved

blood circulation. Specializing in promoting the blood circulation to the crown region, this

posture can help nourish your hair follicles. This not only prevents hair from falling off but

also speeds up the growth process for the hair follicles as well. Other benefits of this

position also include healing properties for the common cold, as used by sages for centuries.


This position requires you to start on your feet and hands in a way where your hands and

knees touch the ground where the hands are at a perpendicular angle to the shoulders and

knees. Staying in this state, straighten the legs by pushing out your hips and standing on

your toes. Straighten your spine, pushing the floor using your palms. Then pull back your

hips, slowly returning to the original position.

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2) Uttanasana Apart from being an excellent solution for a bulging tummy, the Uttanasana also prevents

hair fall by providing fresh blood to the head region. This position is especially effective in

improving the texture, thickness, and quality of your hair.


This position requires you to close your legs and stand straight. Now inhale deeply and then

exhale as you lift your hands up. Bend forward and try to touch the floor with your hands.

Another way to go about it is to bend forward while holding your hands behind the heels.

Stay in this position for some time, breathing normally. Return to the starting position and

stand back. Take a deep breath while you do that.

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3) Vajrasana Vajrasana is one of the easiest yoga positions that can be done by anyone and does not

require any special prerequisite. Despite its simplicity, this yoga posture is extremely

important when it comes to aiding hair growth. Apart from its follicle-growing abilities, this

yoga position can also help with relieving a bloated abdomen, promoting digestion and

weight loss.


This position requires you to kneel down in a way where your spine is straight while your

heels stay together. Now putting your hands on your thighs, make sure your palms are

facing down, and try to relax as you breathe deeply for around a minute. Lastly, stretch your

legs in the forward direction.

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4) Apanasana Purifying the body and flushing the toxins out of the system, this is an extremely functional

position responsible for preventing hair loss. It works by purifying the blood that improves

hair growth as the hair follicle is stimulated. Termed as one of the most effective yoga

positions, the Apanasana can relieve back pain as well since it relaxes the back and neck

muscles, which are often stressed.


Lying on your back, you are required to pull in your knees in the direction of your chest.

Meanwhile, keep exhaling. Using the strength of your thighs, move your legs in the upward

direction. Make sure that you are not using your hands to pull them up. Stay in this position

for some time. Allow your legs to slowly move away from your chest in the alternate

movement, while inhaling. Your breathing movements are very important in all the yoga

positions. Moreover, closing your eyes and relaxing the mind during yoga can help a lot as


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5) Sarvangasana When it comes to the important yoga tips for improved hair growth, the list will stay

incomplete if Sarvangasana is not on it. This asana yoga is responsible for nourishing your

thyroid gland. Moreover, it helps in the rushing of blood to your brain, which is the ultimate

treatment to stop hair fall. As if that’s not enough, it is also apt at relieving neck pain as well.


Inhale deeply while lying on your back. Then raise your legs to the point that your toes are

pointing at the ceiling. The resting balance of your body must stay on the back of your neck

and the shoulders. Placing your hands at the center of your spine, support your body. Your

spine and legs must stay straight all the while. Keep breathing deeply while directing all your

concentration and focus on your thyroid glands.

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6) Sasangasana Sasangasana requires you to touch your crown to the floor, which also promotes the flow of

blood to the head. This allows for proper blood circulation to the scalp, which is

synonymous with strong and healthy hair.


Resting your hips on your heels, kneel down onto the floor. Bending forward, allow the

crown of your head to touch the floor, while holding your heels, using the hands. Stay in this

position for five breaths before returning to the original position.

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7) Ustrasana While some of the yoga exercises are considered best for the hair growth process because

they improve blood circulation, others are considered important by improving thyroid

health. The Ustrasana, however, is a step ahead of all the other yoga positions in providing

both the benefits with a single posture. If you follow this excellent position on a daily basis,

it will act as a natural remedy for controlling hair loss.


In this yoga position, you have to sit on your knees in a manner that the knees form a right

angle whereas the body remains straight. Now arching the spine backwards, make sure your

hands are touching the heels. While you are bending backwards, keep your face tilted

upwards, directing it towards the ceiling. For a few seconds, stay in this posture and keep

your breathing normal. Return to the starting position slowly.

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8) Uttanpadasana This information is mostly overlooked when treating hair loss problems but reproductive

organs have a huge role to play in determining hair loss. In fact, an excess of testosterone—

the male sex hormone—is responsible for inducing hair loss. This yoga position, however,

improves the circulation of the blood to the pelvic region as the feet are raised. This allows

for proper functioning of these systems.


In this position, you have to lie down while keeping the arms resting at your sides. Balance

your whole body on your hip, attempting a V shape. Stretch and lift up your feet while

simultaneously lifting the torso and head away from the floor. Keep this posture for about a

minute, and then return to the original position.

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9) Pavanamuktasana One of the most functional forms of asana yoga positions, it not only prevents hair loss but

also relieves gas, helping the person with their digestion process as well. Moreover, this

exercise is excellent for empowering the lower back and reducing fat from the buttocks and



Lie down on a floor with the face upwards. Now deeply inhale and moving one leg towards

your chest, hold your knee close to your chest. Staying in this position, exhale all the air out

and relax. Now bring the leg to the starting position. Inhale again. Repeat the procedure

with the other leg. Do this exercise for a few times for both legs.

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10) Balayam Yoga Made famous by the efforts of Baba Ramdev, this yoga position is often discussed in relation

with recovering from hair loss. It’s now popular all over the world thanks to how easy it is.

You can do it anywhere—even at the office.


All you have to do is rub the fingernails of both of your hands. Curve your hands in a way so

that the fingers are facing towards the palm. Now align both the hands so they meet at the

fingernails. Each nail should be touching its corresponding nail on the other hand. Now

vigorously, rub the hands for at least 5 minutes. Remember that you do not have to align

the thumbnails.

While these 10 yoga techniques came under the asana division of yoga, the following three

fall under the pranayama technique.

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These techniques are directed at relieving stress and since stress is one of the major driving

forces behind hair fall, such meditation methods can be of huge help:

11) Kapalbhati Pranayama This is a breathing exercise, which is powerful enough to help the brain to receive greater

amounts of oxygen. This in turn improves the nervous system’s functions and cleanses the

body of toxins. It also fights off diseases such as obesity and diabetes.


Fold your legs to sit in the Lotus or Padmasana Pose. Exhale forcefully while inhaling softly.

Keep repeating this breathing pattern for around 5 minutes without stopping. While the

practice may seem easy while reading about it, it is not easy to perform for even one

minute—initially. However, with continuous practice, performing it for 5 minutes becomes

easy too.

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12) Bhastrika Pranayama Bhastrika is another pranayama technique aiding in removing excessive wind, phlegm, and

bile from the body. Additionally, it is responsible for purifying the nervous system and

circulatory system. As a result, hair growth is promoted. It is also responsible for helping you

lose belly fat without leaving the comfort of your house.


This is a breathing technique that requires you to sit in a Vajrasana position. After that, you

are supposed to clench the fists and move them next to your shoulder. With great force,

breathe in while pushing your hands in the upwards direction. Then breathe out when you

bring them down.

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13) Anulom Vilom Also known as Naadi Shodhan Pranayama, this breathing exercise works by fighting off the

free radicals in the system. Apart from lowering stress, the technique helps the nervous

system as well.


Sit in the Lotus pose and close one side of your nostril using your thumb. Keep the index

finger curved while the ring finger must remain straight. In this position, inhale deeply. Use

the ring finger to close the other nostril and remove the thumb from the first one to exhale.

This is one cycle. Repeat the procedure for the other nostril.

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Chapter 2

Cardio Exercises for Hair Loss Prevention As already mentioned, exercise can induce the release of endorphins in your brain, which

are programmed to bind with neuroreceptors. This process provides temporary relief from

pain, strengthens our immunity, and helps to decrease stress levels and elevate our moods.

Since stress is a major culprit behind excessive hair loss, especially in men, adopting a few

appropriate exercises can help with this situation immensely.

Here are some interesting cardio activities that will not only help you lose weight but also

save the hair on your head:

1. Jogging Jogging is considered an extremely important form of cardio, especially when it comes to

losing weight and trimming your body. However, it has been revealed that high-speed

running activities are the most effective way of releasing endorphins in the body. In fact, the

term “runner’s high” was coined after the euphoric and exhilarating experience induced in

the marathon runners after a run. This euphoria works at relieving stress as well, which

decreases the chances of hair loss to a great degree.

2. Swimming Swimming is an excellent way to have some fun, along with burning loads and loads of

calories. In many cases, people who have found it hard to even take a single step on land

enjoyed their swimming experience to the point of euphoria.

Also, you must make sure you’re not just floating around in your backyard pool as that’s not

going to be of much help. Instead, time your laps and make sure your heartbeat is getting

elevated while you’re at it, since that is the sure sign of an effectual cardio activity.

Remember that it is only through proper activity that you will be able to prevent further hair


3. Cycling If you are among those who find simple cardio routines monotonous, then a 20-minute

cycling activity can work wonders for you. Be sure to keep a challenging pace while you

enjoy a ride in the park. In fact, not only will the exercise have a positive effect, the natural

atmosphere can aid in reducing stress as well.

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4. Bench Press A bench press can work a large group of muscles in your body and is responsible for

producing a rush. However, if you’re a beginner, you may want to start off with something

else instead, as this can be physically strenuous. You’ll need to aim for high intensity and

low repetitions with short intervals. Once you get the hang of it, add weights gradually and

build your muscles over time.

5. Squats Squats are bound to leave you gasping for breath, which is the whole purpose of an exercise

regime. Providing an intense workout to a large group of muscles in your body such as

glutes, quadriceps, calf muscles, and hamstrings, squats are perfect when it comes to toning

your body. Moreover, this level of exercise always creates a sense of achievement.

6. Leg Press While the leg press cannot be performed at home if you do not possess the necessary

equipment, it is still highly recommended for its effectiveness. Repeat the exercise for 12 to

15 times in a set and opt for 3 sets. However, if you find that too much for you to handle,

just aim for as many as you can.

7. Lunges For the lower body muscles, lunges are ideal. They can be done free-hand as well as with

weights. Opting for three sets with 20 repetitions in each one is a suitable regime.

Remember that these are all still guidelines; you should strive to find the optimum amount

according to what suits you best.

8. Dead Lift Don’t do a dead lift if you haven’t had proper form-training from a professional. If you’ve

had some training before though, the dead lift is a great exercise to perform for maximum

muscle workout.

Wait for half an hour to one hour and you will feel a steady sense of exhilaration taking over

you. As for your hairline, patience is key. You’re not going to see overnight hair growth once

you do these exercises; this will be a gradual, long-term change and while it may take some

time, its effects will be long-lasting too.

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While hair loss woes are something faced by many, it is still not a be-all, end-all scenario,

especially if you take what you’ve just read to heart and implement it in your everyday life.

Remember, high levels of stress, a deficiency in iron, steroid consumption, sweat buildup on

your scalp, even genetics—among many other reasons—can cause your hair to fall

excessively. You can’t alter your DNA per se, but I’m happy to tell you that even the most

stubborn of DNA will yield to consistent tweaks to your sedentary lifestyle.

Regular exercise, paired with proper nutrition habits, will definitely improve your hair

growth and prevent further hair loss. And when you think of all the other health benefits

that come along with consistent exercise, such as weight loss, pain relief, reduced risk of

heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and many other worrying health conditions, it’s really a no-

brainer for you to start hitting the gym or to get a yoga mat now. What’s more, you’ll be

triggering “happy hormones” each time you exercise and increase your strength, which in

turn helps you adjust better to the active lifestyle—it’ll be a never-ending positive cycle.

But of course, I must reiterate the importance of striking a balance. Excessive exercise can

be hugely detrimental to your cause, especially if you’re trying to cut down on your hair fall.

Remember to always keep your progress in check, and not to overdo things. Moderation is

key here.

Opting for a combination of the exercises mentioned in the above chapters can work

wonders not just for your physical and mental health, but also for your emotional health as


Yoga not only aids your hair growth, but also increase your mental awareness and capacity,

leading to better focus and more energy. You’ll feel well rested more often, and may find

yourself able to stay calm under pressure and solve things with more efficiency.

The more physical exercises will improve your state of health by increasing your lung

capacity and stamina, allowing you to take deeper breaths and send more oxygen-rich blood

in circulation. This in turn leads to more blood flow to your hair follicles.

Over time, you’ll be experiencing a huge improvement in your health and mental state and

of course, thicker, fuller, healthy hair.