සේවකයින් 12000ක් අස්කර ඩිපෝ 50ක් විකුණා ශ්රීලංගම වසා දමන ගමන ඇරඹේ!!! - දිනේෂ්

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  • 7/26/2019 12000 50 !!! -


    1 | [email protected]

    2016 10

    2016 10

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    2 | [email protected]


    : 23.(2) . .


    ( )

    (The Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena)


    , .

    (1) Is the Hon. Minister aware that the buses of the Sri

    Lanka Transport Board, which cover a distance of 1.2 million

    kilometers per day, while providing transport to 2.2 million commuters

    daily, generating a revenue approximately of Rs. 69 million per day

    increased the number of passenger-kilometres they operated by 19.6 per

    cent in 2015, compared to an increase of only 6.1 per cent by the privatesector and provide over 40 per cent of all bus services in the country?


    1.2 ,

    2.2 ,

    69 , 2015

    19.6% ,

    6.1% 40% ?)

  • 7/26/2019 12000 50 !!! -


    3 | [email protected]

    Sir, I would like to refer to the Central Bank Report as well as a

    newspaper report of May, 2016.

    ( )

    (2) Is he aware that, according to newspaper reports, theSecretary of the Ministry of Transport has stated that 12,000 employees

    of the Sri Lanka Transport Board are to be discontinued, that

    compensation packages are to be worked out for them and that lands

    and buildings belonging to the 120 depots, which would be reduced to

    70, are to be disposed of or to be sold off?


    12000 ,

    , 120 70


    Sir, this statement of the Secretary appeared in the first page of the

    Sunday Times newspaper a few weeks ago.



    (a) Does, the Hon. Minister plan to discontinue 12,000 employees of the


    ( 12000


    (b) If so, is he aware that this would represent the entire administrative,

    financial and clerical staff of the Board and that a modern organization

    cannot be run without the administrative, financial and clerical staff ofits management?

    ( , --


    (c) If this is done, in which case, how does he propose to carry out the

    essential administrative, financial and clerical tasks required to run

    transport services and does he intend to privatize the entire SLTB?

  • 7/26/2019 12000 50 !!! -


    4 | [email protected]

    ( --



    (d) Is the compensation to these discontinued employees to be madewithout adhering to the terms and conditions laid down by law by

    Parliament, specially on the Gratuity Act and will it be honoured?



    (e) Are the lands of the depots to be sold off, leased out or otherwise

    disposed of illegally, violating all declared policies of the Governmentas well as the Treasury?



    (f) If so, since much of the land of the SLTB is located in urban areas

    which are easily accessible and therefore of greatest utility for

    passenger transport services, will their disposal inconvenience thepublic and together with the problems associated with moving plant and

    equipment, obstruct the efficient running of the transport network

    including the provision of night services, school services, extra special

    services to the villages and special services that are being given today to

    remote urban areas?



    , , ,

    ?)(g) Is the number of depots to be reduced - as announced by the

    Secretary in his press release which appeared in the Sunday Times, is

    newspaper - from 120 to 70. If so, it would be a reduction of 50 depots

    in the country and what action will be taken to organize a modern

    transport service?

  • 7/26/2019 12000 50 !!! -


    5 | [email protected]

    ( 120

    70 50


    (h) If so, is the Hon. Minister aware that the number of deports was

    originallyincreased because it was found practically that there was anoptimal number of buses for the efficient functioning of a depot, and

    that reducing the number of depots would increase the number of buses

    per depot and hence reduce efficiency and that the reduction in the

    number of depots will obstruct the efficient running of the transport

    network, including the provision of night services, school services,

    services to villages and remote urban areas and special services that

    have always been provided only by the SLTB and no other institution?


    , , ,


    , ?)

    Hon. Minister should take action to stop these relevant circulars issued

    in haste and consider the views of the trade unions and the public

    commuters of this country.

    Thank you.


    . !)




    , . .(1) ., 69 ,

    . ,

  • 7/26/2019 12000 50 !!! -


    6 | [email protected]

    1,350 .

    , . 1,350 . 69 , . .

    , 5,532

    1,500 2,148 400 10,000 . , 5 . 16,000 .


    2010 10,250. , 8,900 . , .

    , 2015 .(2) . discontinue

    . option .

  • 7/26/2019 12000 50 !!! -


    7 | [email protected]

    2016/03/08 02/2016 ,

    -VRS , Voluntary Retirement Scheme- . , . . . , . , . .

    . , . .



    , . ? . 6. 4.5 .

    () . 11,000 . .

    , , .

  • 7/26/2019 12000 50 !!! -


    8 | [email protected]

    () . , , . , , ,

    CCTV .


    -SOR- .

    . . . .

    cadre . SOR . .

    . Privatize .

    , . .

    () .

    , .

    40 . Private buses 22,500. 60 . routes 40,

    60 . .

  • 7/26/2019 12000 50 !!! -


    9 | [email protected]


    () . .

    scales 1983 12 . .

    () . . . . 1958

    . , . . , . , . -[]

    , . . , . . 13 . . .

    13 . .

    - a company fully owned by the Treasury- ; . . . , -[] ,

  • 7/26/2019 12000 50 !!! -


    10 | [email protected]


    . Treasury-owned company .

    , . . . ," ." . . , , . .

    () .


    . 2,500 . . . , - [

    ] , . , Indian Line of Credit 500 . . 500 500 . , . , " " . .



    . , .

    (.) , . . .

    70 . .

  • 7/26/2019 12000 50 !!! -


    11 | [email protected]

    night parks , security

    . . , 22 . . .

    , ,


    () . , . .



    2016.06.01 2016.06.30 , . , , . . .

    36,000 .

  • 7/26/2019 12000 50 !!! -


    12 | [email protected]

    , . spare parts

    4,000 arbitrations

    . . . . , , . , . ,

    Treasury . , . , .

    :, , .


    . 36,000 12,000 . , , '' , '' .

    [] , . . . . .

    The Sunday Times .

    . , .

  • 7/26/2019 12000 50 !!! -


    13 | [email protected]

    , ,

    social benefit Treasury

    . . , balance sheet . - social benefit -

    . , . . . . .

    . , . EPF

    . . . . . 1956 , .

    . . . . . . .

    , balance sheet


    , . . , . 70-50 -.


  • 7/26/2019 12000 50 !!! -


    14 | [email protected]

    :. ?



    : , , . . 1,350 .

    , , , . . .

    . . 16,000

    . , . , . . .

    Supreme Court .

    100, 200 . . . . 5, 10 , ,, . , . .

    . . .

  • 7/26/2019 12000 50 !!! -


    15 | [email protected]

    : , ,

    . . ,

    , . . . , .


    . . , . . . . . . , ?



    Rs. 16 billion .



    , .:

    16; Rs. 16,000 million.

    : 16,000 . 16,000 . ,


  • 7/26/2019 12000 50 !!! -


    16 | [email protected]

    . . , . . . ,, . , . . . , .

    . , " " . " " .

    : , - [] . , . .

    . , -

    : . . []




    . , EPF .


  • 7/26/2019 12000 50 !!! -


    17 | [email protected]

    : , . . . , .

    : , . , . . , . . . .


    , . . [] 12 . . ; .

  • 7/26/2019 12000 50 !!! -


    18 | [email protected]

    Dinesh Gunawardena




    Dinesh Gunawardena


    [email protected]


    10/21, , ,


    -,2016 09

    ( 2/3 )

    http://www.youtube.com/0714311163http://www.youtube.com/0714311163mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.youtube.com/0714311163