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©CosmicOrderingSecret.com 1...experience happiness. On the contrary, when we feel unworthy of love, we will only attract negative energies, which will create bad experiences, making

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©CosmicOrderingSecret.com 1

©CosmicOrderingSecret.com 2

Copyright © 2015 Success Vantage Group Pte Ltd.

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Published by Zoey Knightley.

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What Is The Book About? ...................................................................... 5

Introduction ..................................................................................... 6

Understanding Cosmic Ordering ........................................................... 7

Overcoming the Seven Energy Blocks ....................................................... 8

Abundance Block ............................................................................... 9

Overcoming the Abundance Block ....................................................... 10

A. Create New and Improved Goals ................................................. 10

B. Design a Plan for Future Obstacles .............................................. 11

C. Don’t Blame Yourself ............................................................... 11

Energy Block ................................................................................... 12

Overcoming the Energy Block ............................................................ 12

A. Distract Yourself .................................................................... 13

B. Shout it out .......................................................................... 13

C. Let go off the Anger ................................................................ 13

Love Block ..................................................................................... 14

Overcoming the Love Block .............................................................. 14

A. See a Therapist ..................................................................... 15

B. Learn to Trust your Intuition ...................................................... 15

C. Continue to Enjoy Life ............................................................. 15

©CosmicOrderingSecret.com 4

Mind Block ..................................................................................... 16

Overcoming the Mind Block .............................................................. 16

A. S – Specific ........................................................................... 17

B. M – Measurable ...................................................................... 17

C. A – Achievable ....................................................................... 17

D. R – Relevant ......................................................................... 18

E. T – Time .............................................................................. 18

Money Block ................................................................................... 19

Overcoming the Money Block ............................................................ 19

A. Focus on Earning .................................................................... 20

B. Avoid Misconceptions about Money .............................................. 20

C. Create Value ......................................................................... 20

Procrastination Block ........................................................................ 21

Overcoming the Procrastination Block ................................................. 21

A. Avoid Distractions .................................................................. 22

B. Consume Healthy Foods ........................................................... 22

C. Adopt Healthy Habits .............................................................. 22

Spiritual Block................................................................................. 23

Overcoming the Spiritual Block .......................................................... 23

A. Practice Visualization .............................................................. 24

B. Believe in the Spiritual World .................................................... 24

Conclusion ..................................................................................... 25

©CosmicOrderingSecret.com 5

What Is The Book About?

Cosmic ordering is related to positive energy.

When we want to achieve something in life, we

have to think positively and truly desire it. If we

stopped desiring or wishing, we would not make

the efforts to achieve anything. A person who

wants to become a millionaire would invest time,

money, and energy in working to create new

opportunities. However, if that person starts to

think that their dreams are mere wishes that will

never come true or if that person loses hope due

to any reason, it means that there are energy

blocks within them. These energy blocks can be in

psychic, emotional, mental, and spiritual forms.

This eBook is written to define in detail what

energy blocks really are and how do they affect

our lives. The main purpose of this book is to help

you find out effective ways to overcome these

blocks that are keeping you from succeeding and

achieving your dreams.

This book will help you learn about cosmic ordering and how energy blocks play a role in our

lives. By reading onto the book, you will be able to understand why you experienced certain

things in life and how you can turn them to you your advantage by following the proper


This book will also teach you to live your life to the fullest without focusing on things that

affect your mind, body, emotions, and spirit. This book will help you unlock hidden meanings

of certain situations and outcomes in life. With the help of this information, you will be able

to look at life with a different, positive perspective, and get whatever you wish for.

This eBook includes the seven different ways which can help remove these energy blocks.

Good Luck!

©CosmicOrderingSecret.com 6


Energy has great power and influence, even on our minds, emotions, and body. When bad

energy gathers inside of us, we start to feel pressurized and stressed. This accumulated

energy is in the form of blocks, as it blocks you from achieving success and happiness.

Problems begin because we are unable to take meaning out of something that is going on in

our lives.

Let’s say there is someone who is giving their best

to lose weight but no matter what they do, they

are unable to achieve success. They face constant

failures, and at one point, they give up. Such a

person would feel stressed and would feel

mentally and emotionally unstable. However, if

the person would’ve known that the failures that

they are facing are due to the energy blocks

present in their minds, they will be able to

overcome them and ultimately achieve success.

These energy blocks can be related to self-worth and self-esteem. People who do not believe

in themselves due to bad experiences in the past are unable to feel happy or successful.

Because they believe that they are incapable or unworthy of happiness, they stress their

minds, which results in poor results. So is the case with a person who is under depression.

Energy has both healing and damaging effect on us. When we let certain events and things

take a toll on us, we create energy blocks. These energy blocks become a prominent part of

everything we do; so much that these blocks start to affect our lives in a way that we often

don’t understand.

When you know that everything depends on will power and positivity, you will understand

that there is nothing that can stop you from achieving something. You will then realize that

there are endless possibilities in this universe.

©CosmicOrderingSecret.com 7

Understanding Cosmic Ordering

Cosmic ordering is one of the most essential concepts that govern every aspect of our life. In

simple words, cosmic ordering is all about positivity. When we feel positive or worthy of love

and success, we are able to attract good energies into our lives. This positivity helps us

experience happiness. On the contrary, when we feel unworthy of love, we will only attract

negative energies, which will create bad experiences, making us believe that we really are

unworthy of happiness.

Just imagine if we believe that we are the creators of our own experiences, we would be

able to achieve anything that we desire. What we need to understand is that our thoughts

are really powerful and they have the ability to give direction to our lives. If we constantly

think about negative stuff and hopelessness, we will experience similar things only. People

who have a positive outlook at life are able to overcome all types of hardships with a smile

on their face. The reason that positive people have good experiences is that they never

believe in the word ‘impossible’. They know that their lives and actions are in their control,

and if they set their minds at something, they can truly overcome any obstacle.

That’s exactly what cosmic ordering is all about. You need to truly desire something to

achieve it. If your wish is not as strong, you will lose hope and give-up on your dreams easily.

However, if you reconnect with the positive energy in the universe, you will be able to

achieve your dreams. We all come across several energy blocks in our lives that keep us from

achieving success. Because we are packed with energy, sometimes this energy is disrupted.

The thing that we fail to realize is that we are much more than just the physical body.

Everything we do is based on our perception of our physical body. However, we neglect the

energy system inside of us, which plays an important role in making us healthier. When we

start to give importance to our energy systems, we will be able to settle things in life and get

answers to things that we did not understand before.

It is also important to know that our thoughts and feelings send out vibrational energies

which are then matched by the energies of the universe. This means that if we have negative

thoughts or feelings, the universe will match it by sending out negative energies towards us

and vice versa. So, if you start putting your mind to positive thinking and feeling happy, you

will attract similar energies which will enhance your life by giving you a chance to experience

nice things in life.

In order to think positive, our energy systems need to be clear. If energy blocks prevail, you

will not be able to attract positive energy or feel its effect. If you fully want to fulfill the law

of attraction, you need to make sure that these energy blocks are eliminated from your


©CosmicOrderingSecret.com 8

Overcoming the Seven Energy Blocks

The universe that we live in is made up of energy. This

means that we contain energy too and when we make

the right use of this energy, we are able to achieve our

purpose in life. If you look at history, you will find that

ancient Greeks were great believers of energy,

spirituality, and emotions. They used to harvest energy

by focusing on positive thoughts, love, and spirituality.

They even cooked the foods that contained the highest

levels of energy and presented it in such a way that it

made them feel happy. Their dishes were also believed

to have healing powers. That’s what law of attraction is

all about. The Greeks did not leave space for negative

thoughts in their lives which made them attract only

positive things.

The concept of energy and law of attraction is that we

all have to focus on attracting positive energies into our

lives. There are times when we want to achieve

something that we truly desire. But after years of trying

and struggling, we are still unable to achieve success.

This happens due to a missing piece in our lives that we

are unable to understand. However, if we understand

what energy is and how it affects our lives, we would be

able to fill those missing gaps. If you really want to

reconnect with the universe, you will need to clear the

energy blocks that are blocking the way for positivity in

your life.

In order to do so, you need to look at each energy block

separately and aim to remove them from your system.

©CosmicOrderingSecret.com 9

Abundance Block

Abundance block often leads to major energy blocks in our lives by keeping us away from

success. Everyone desires success and good things in life. However, when we are blessed

with lots of good stuff, we start to believe that we are unworthy of it. This is exactly what the

abundance block is all about. It makes us fall from a really good place to a really bad one.

When abundant happiness and success makes you feel doubtful, that is when you hit a

downward spiral. You start to believe that you do not deserve this abundance, which

negatively affects your life, leaving you without any positive energy. This is a huge energy

block that can make even the happiest person feel depressed.

If deep down you believe that you do not deserve

this abundance, you will automatically ruin

everything. Even the best of things won’t make a

difference in your life. Because you do not see

yourself as worthy of all that success and

happiness, you start to develop negative thoughts

and feelings which only attract negative energy

towards you. This block is closely related to our

subconscious mind.

Take an example of a guy who is really fat but is unable to lose weight. He tries to get onto a

weight loss routine, but he fails every time. This happens because that guy doesn’t really

believe in himself. Deep down inside he believes that it is impossible for him to lose weight,

because he is unable to picture himself as a normal weight person, it becomes hard for him

to follow any diet plan. However, if this guy believes in his heart that if he set his mind at

something and truly desire it, he can easily achieve it.

By creating conflicts within ourselves, we give a boost to this abundance block which blocks

the flow of energy in our lives. This block of failure can be overcome if we truly believe that

we are worthy of everything.

Failure is very dangerous for our energy systems as it produces bad vibrations and attracts

similar energies from the universe. Sometimes we are so much afraid of something that we

do not even give it a try. We feel that if we try it, we will fail. This thought is extremely

negative and can have bad influence on our lives. How would we know if we can achieve

something unless we try it? The fear of failure often makes us miss the good experiences in

life. If you really want to live a relaxed and happy life, you will need to overcome your

failures to come out stronger.

©CosmicOrderingSecret.com 10

Overcoming the Abundance Block

Failures are a normal part of our lives, but when we let them affect us in an emotional and

mental way, we can get really stressed and make way for negative energies to enter our lives.

People who have a positive outlook on life never let failures get in their way. In fact, they

take failures as an excuse to come out stronger than before. If we start dreading failures and

become afraid of them, we will be unable to perform at our maximum potential. The stress

that comes with the fear of failures can keep us from performing well. If we could all just get

past failures and give ourselves a fresh start, we will feel positive about achieving success,

and failures won’t matter a lot.

When we talk about energies, we need to realize that if our desires are not aligned to our

thoughts, then we will be unable to attract the right kind of energy. If you desire to become

a millionaire but when you launch a new business, you second guess your choices by feeling

doubtful. These negative thoughts create an energy block in your system and even when we

you desire something with full heart, the good energy will be blocked. However, if you know

the technique to clear these blockages, you will achieve your desires. Let’s help you

overcome the energy block in your system.

People usually set complicated or unrealistic goals, which is the biggest reason that they end

up disappointed. Therefore, instead of creating a goal to lose 10 kilos in a month, go for a

more realistic goal like losing 2 kilos. This is a great way to keep yourself motivated. So, when

you lose 2kgs, you will feel glad that you achieved your goals, which will help you stay

focused throughout the month to lose more kilos.

Another important thing to understand is that even if your fail at something, you are

learning something new that can help you form better goals in the future. Let’s a person

launched a business and they adopted the wrong marketing strategy which lead to the

failure of their product’s launch. This failure will help you understand that a certain

marketing tactic is not useful for your product. So, in the future when you will re-launch the

product, you will adopt a different marketing strategy.

The point is that even if you fail, take it as a learning experience and come out stronger.

Form new goals by focusing on the things that you learned from your previous attempt.

When you understand that failures are not meaningless, but they teach you new things, you

will be able to eliminate the fear from your mind.

©CosmicOrderingSecret.com 11

Another great way to avoid failures is to

visualize your goal and think about the

obstacles that you might face. If you

desire to achieve something, think about

it and visualize the obstacle that you are

expecting to face. Now that you have

visualized the obstacle, think of ways to

tackle that obstacle. This is a great way to

prepare yourself for any kind of obstacle.

After you have thought of a way to clear

that obstacle, visualize yourself

overcoming it and achieving your dreams.

This visualization will help you feel

relaxed and comfortable.

So, when you aim to achieve your goals, you will know what you should be expecting and

the right way to deal with problems. Even if a problem comes your way, you will not be

scared of failing. Visualizing yourself succeeding is a great exercise, which can help

strengthen your will-power by making you feel more enthusiastic.

The worst thing that you can do to yourself is blame yourself for the failures that you have

faced in life. When you start to personalize failures, that’s when the real trouble begins. At

this point, we would like you to think about the concept of law of attraction. Blaming

yourself for failures is a negative process, which means it will send out negative vibrational

energy from your system and the universe will respond to it by sending back the same

energy towards you.

A couple of failures doesn’t mean that you are not worthy of achieving success or there is a

fault in you. If you constantly try and focus on your goals, there will come a day when you

will achieve what you truly desired for your entire life. However, you need to understand

that for some people success comes early and for others it comes later on in life. It is a test

of patience and if you are not achieving success early on in life, know that there is something

greater for you in store. Refuse to let failures define you instead keep trying until you have

reached the place where you wanted to be. In the end, it is all about harvesting positive

energy. Because when you have good thoughts in your mind, you attract similar energies

towards yourself.

©CosmicOrderingSecret.com 12

Energy Block

Although all seven blocks are closely related to emotions, the energy block is the one that

plays its role in draining us out of energy. This energy block is formed when one feels angry,

sad, or frustrated. Any emotion that comes out as a result of an unpleasant experience or

situation burns our energy.

Anger and frustration can arise due to a number of circumstances. May be you were trying

to achieve something for quite some time and failed to succeed. May be you do not have the

resources to achieve what you desire. May be a situation makes you feel uncomfortable and

you start to feel angry. No matter what the reason might be, the anger that builds up inside

your mind consumes a lot of energy. It not only burns your energy, but it also affects your

healthy negatively.

These feelings and emotions can often keep us from achieving greatness in life. First of all,

because you are constantly emphasizing on anger and frustration which are associated with

negativity, you begin to attract negative energy towards yourself. These emotions put you in

a state of mind in which you are unable to think straight. You are angry and all you can think

about is the situation that made you feel this way.

Apart from this, anger can accelerate your heart rate, blood pressure, breath, and adrenaline

levels. These feelings impact our mind, body, and emotions. When we talk about feelings of

rage, we need to understand that some bad experiences in life can make a permanent place

in our subconscious mind. These experiences are hidden in the back of our minds and

because we don’t want to address to them, they stay there and keep affecting us gradually.

Overcoming the Energy Block

The problem arises when we have unresolved wounds held up in our subconscious. These

emotional wounds need to be processed or else we will continue to get affected by them. A

child who was born in a broken family struggles to get love. Because they are unable to get

love from their family, they form emotional wounds which make a place in their minds. So,

even when they grow old, their subconscious keeps telling them that they are unworthy of

love. These emotions keep them feeling angry, frustrated, and annoyed. These negative

emotions become a block in their system which keeps positive energy to enter their systems.

They connect their bad experiences to everything in their lives. Until you deal with these

emotional feelings, you will not be able to feel good about anything. Let’s find out the ways

with the help of which you can overcome this energy block.

©CosmicOrderingSecret.com 13

The most effective thing to do when you are feeling angry is to distract yourself from such

thoughts and emotions. If you are feeling angry thinking about a hurtful situation you

experienced in the past, try to take your mind away from it. Engage in positive activities or

things that make you happy.

Distractions shouldn’t always be difficult or require a lot of efforts. A change in physical

position can also have a huge impact on your mind. So, if you are feeling frustrated and you

are in a sitting position, stand-up. This change in your physical position will interrupt your

negative state of mind. Any type of sudden physical change will help put your mind off of the

negative thoughts.

If you are feeling angry and frustrated, try relieving yourself by shouting out loud. Shouting

in anger can help throw the anger out of your system. Once this negative energy is thrown

out, you feel extremely light.

When you hold onto hurtful thoughts and experiences, there is a high chance that you will

constantly be hit by them every once in a while. If you want to avoid these feelings of anger,

you need to resolve everything that is stored in your subconscious. If you feel hurt by an

event in the past, then talk to a close one about it. Sharing also helps relieve pain.

Try to dig deep to find out about the root cause of your anger. Let’s say you are feeling

enraged on a person whom you dated in the past. Now, try to find the actual cause of this

annoyance. You might find out that the reason behind this frustration is that you couldn’t

form a successful relationship. Because you did not receive enough love as a teenager, you

are craving for it and when things did not work out between you and your loved one, you

feel angry.

Now that you are aware of the real problem behind your negative emotions, you can find

ways to resolve it. Don’t feel angry on the person because your anger is only because of your

past experiences. When you let go off these feelings and emotions, you instantly feel lighter.

It’s like a burden just swept away from your head and heart. Once you let the anger go by

resolving the issues, you can think about positive emotions. These positive emotions will

attract positive vibrations from the universe, allowing you to focus on other important

matters in life.

©CosmicOrderingSecret.com 14

Love Block

When people get hurt in relationships, they somehow stop

believing in love. They do so by running away from love

because they believe that it will only inflict more pain into their

lives. People tend to open their heart to let someone in, but

when the relationship breaks, the emotions that they feel make

them close their hearts forever. It is normal for people to

become defensive in matters of love. It takes a lot of courage to

open your heart to love once again. However, living a life

without love is really meaningless. The pain that you feel can

go away only if you give yourself another chance. You need to

accept love and learn to say ‘yes’ even if your past experiences

say otherwise.

It is alright to feel defensive, but don’t let one experience ruin your entire life. Every human

needs love and if you deprive yourself of it, you will not be in a happy place. It is also alright

to let the pain and suffering sink in before you build new relations. Your energy system gets

disrupted when you start to blame yourself for getting involved. Trusting someone and

believing in love is a pure feeling. So, stop blaming yourself for the bad experiences that you

have come across in matters of love. Forgive yourself and accept the bitter truth.

It is vital to build enough courage to accept love from others. Do not hold back and if

someone offers love, take it because love can change your life. It can also heal previous


Overcoming the Love Block

Heartbreaks are part of life and instead of making yourself suffer for your experiences; you

need to accept what comes your way. When you close your heart on love, there is a huge

energy block in your system that keeps you from feeling happy or content. Every human

being is designed in a similar way. We yearn for love even if we are not ready for it.

When you keep yourself away from love, you are living a false life. This false behavior is

connected to negative energy. So, your body sends out negative vibrational energy which

attracts negative energy only. Therefore, even if you try to give someone a chance, you will

keep stressing over your past experiences, believing that this relationship will fail just like the

previous one. It has a lot to do with your self-esteem. If you think that you are unworthy of

love, you will convince yourself that you cannot build new relationships, which has negative

effects on your life. Let’s look at the most effective ways to build up the courage to love once

again and clear this crucial block of energy from your system.

©CosmicOrderingSecret.com 15

If you are really confused as to what lead to the end of your relationship, you can meet up

with a relationship coach or therapist. These people are professionals and can help you learn

about the real reason behind the failure of your relationship. They will also help you build

courage by making you understand that you deserve to be loved.

The people who are cheated in love do not really understand that if they trusted themselves,

they would’ve been able to avoid the situation. We often let ourselves be a part of a

relationship that we feel isn’t right. We feel curios and excited to find out how it is going to

go. We love to challenge our intuition and carry on with a relationship that is giving is

serious doubts.

However, if we learn to listen to our intuition, we will be able to avoid heartbreaks like these.

So, trust yourself and your judgment. Sometimes it is best to let go off some relations than

old on to them.

Loss of love should never keep you from enjoying

life. If you let yourself suffer by staying at home

locked up in a room, you will be unable to think

about anything other than those hurtful moments

and memories. Don’t do this to yourself and try to

continue living your life in a fun and healthy way.

Remember, negative thoughts and emotions can

pull us into darkness, where energy is unable to

reach us. When this energy doesn’t reach us, we

stay in our hurtful state, unable to come out of it.

Everyone loses a loved one at some point in their life. It is either in the form of divorce, a

breakup, or death. However, the key to surviving and leading a healthy life is to feel worthy

of love. So what is a couple of relationships didn’t work out the way you had imagined? You

have to make yourself stronger and take every relationship as a learning experience to avoid

making the same mistakes that lead to the end of your relationship. Change the pattern of

love and feel worthy of it, only then you will be able to build courage to open up your heart

once again.

©CosmicOrderingSecret.com 16

Mind Block

One of the greatest blocks of energy in our system is the mind block. This block occurs when

we fail to design goals for our future. Without having a direction and a thought to achieve

something, we cannot really achieve it. If we look at it in the light of law of attraction, we

will find out that if we do not think about achieving our desires, we will not be able to yield

that energy into our lives.

We have the desire and the willpower to achieve our goals, but due to the lack of planning,

we often find ourselves lost. Planning and strategizing goals is essential to achieving a

positive outcome. When we look at a workplace, we find that team leaders often set goals

for the upcoming months. These goals are based on specific criteria known as S.M.A.R.T.

S - Specific

M - Measurable

A – Achievable

R – Result-focused

T – Time-bound

This technique for goal setting is a recipe for success because it not only focuses on aiming at

specific goals but it also helps achieve success. With the help of this technique, one can

avoid failures by setting realistic goals. Goal setting can help give direction, which helps you

stay focused at achieving success without getting lost.

Overcoming the Mind Block

When we do not set clear goals and expectations, we are unable to achieve success.

S.M.A.R.T goal setting is one of the most effective goal setting techniques. The reason that it

is widely used in workplaces is that it includes every aspect of goal setting; from initial steps

to the final result. Another great thing about this technique is that it allows you to keep a

track of time as well.

When you desire something, you do not want to take a whole lifetime to achieve it. That’s

why it is important to make it time specific. Let’s say you want to become a billionaire but

because you did not set a timeframe for achieving your goals, you end up delaying the

process. Instead of becoming a billionaire while you are still young, you end up trying to

achieve your dreams throughout your life. In order to overcome this mind block which keeps

us from connecting with the good energy, take a look below.

©CosmicOrderingSecret.com 17

Goals must be specific because if you don’t

know what it is that you really want, you will be

unable to achieve it. Saying that you want lose

weight is not a specific goal. Losing weight can

mean 1kg or 10kgs. However, if you really want

to be successful at achieving your dreams, then

you have to be specific during goal setting. Do

not say that you want to lose weight. Give

yourself a target by saying that you want to lose

10kgs. This is a great way to feel encouraged

about achieving something that is in front of

you. It will also keep you focused.

If your goals are not measurable, how will you know that you have achieved something?

There should always be solid evidence for the goals that you have successfully achieved. You

cannot just tell everyone that you have lost 10kgs without any explanation. However, if you

say that you worked out every day and got onto a healthy meal plan, this will be called a

measurable goal.

There is nothing more damaging than setting unrealistic goals. So, if

you don’t want to face failures, make sure you set achievable goals.

This simply means that start by establishing small and more

achievable goals because the success that will come out of it will

keep you motivated. In order to find out whether the goal is

attainable or not, you have to find the answer to a few things given


Do you have the resources to achieve this goal?

Do you have enough time?

Do you have enough talent?

If you are answering these questions with a ‘no’, it is better to revise

your goals and set something that you can achieve instead of

moving forward to face misery and failures.

©CosmicOrderingSecret.com 18

It is important to find out whether the goal that you are about to set relevant or not. When

we talk about multi-nationals, they need to focus on the goals that will help them grow. If

they set a goal that will not prove useful, it will be a waste of energy, time, and money.

Similarly, when you are setting goals for yourself, make sure they are relevant. If you want to

study medicine, find out if it is the right thing to do. Ask yourself if you have enough money

to support your education and if this profession will help you in the future. Asking yourself

these questions will help you understand what it is that you truly want. This practice will

keep you from setting goals that will make you feel disappointed in the future.

Because time is precious, you need to set

deadlines for your goals. You cannot say that

you have to lose 10 kilos without mentioning

a timeframe. Without a deadline, you will

feel lazy and find it hard to focus on your

goals. You will also relax because you don’t

have a deadline to meet. However, if you say

that you have to lose 10kilos in two months,

you will know exactly what you need to do to

achieve it in time.

If you set your goals without planning and strategizing, you will face failures and

disappointments, which will block energy from entering your mind. So, try to follow the

principle given above when setting goals for increased energy in your system.

©CosmicOrderingSecret.com 19

Money Block

When it comes to managing finances, it all depends on what

you believe about money. Everyone has a different definition

for money. Some believe that money can never be enough

while other believe that there is always enough money. Any

of these believes related to money can lead to financial harm,

leaving you feel miserable about your life.

Although money is just a currency that we make use of to buy

things that we need or desire, if we have misconceptions

about it, we are left without it. Money often causes a lot of

troubles in our lives. When we have enough, we are unable

to make the right use of it and when we don’t have it at all,

we are stressed and depressed. This has a bad impact on our

lives and our energies. However, if we learn to manage it, we

do wonders with this resource.

Everyone wants to have more money, but have you really

thought about increasing it? It is important to learn the true

value of money if you really want to improve your financial


Overcoming the Money Block

There I a huge difference between the rich, the middle class, and the poor. Everyone has

different concepts for money, which is the reason that they are where they are. Look at the

successful businessmen and billionaires. They know the true value of money and that’s the

reason instead of wasting it on less important things, they invested it in great opportunities.

These billionaires focus on earning instead of wasting because they want to live a luxurious


If you believe that you do not have enough resources to make the most of the money that

you have, you will always belong to the middleclass. In order to earn like the billionaires, you

need to have a similar mindset. If you want to overcome this money block, follow the tips

given below.

©CosmicOrderingSecret.com 20

The most important thing that helps overcome the money block in our lives is to shift our

focus from spending towards earning. When you are focused at earning, you will find new

ways to make more money instead of wasting it on un-important things. Spend money only

on things that you really need and save the rest or invest it in a money-making opportunity.

When you have misconceptions about money, it becomes hard to remove this energy block

from the system.

If you believe that there will always be enough money, you will never be able to make

the most of it. This belief is common amongst both the rich and the middle class.

When you have this belief, you either spend it without realizing that it is going to end

some day or you do not try to create new opportunities to earn more.

If you believe that there will never be enough money, you will wither over spend it or

refrain from trying to earn more.

If you believe that money will make you look greedy or add negativity into your life,

then you are mistaken. Everyone has a different way of earning money and if you are

earning it in an ethical way, you should not feel that it brings evil into your life.

At no point in life you should believe that money will make you more valuable.

Driving luxury cars and wearing designer suits will not make you successful, but smart

use of money will. Forming habits like these will boost your ego and when you will

fail, it will become hard for you to overcome that failure due to the shattered self-


Do not believe in misconceptions like these as they will keep you from earning more money.

Millionaires were not born with a golden spoon in their mouth. They strived hard to achieve

the status that they have. They made use of their money and time to increase their wealth.

So, start creating value by managing your finances. Stop wasting your time and start focusing

on new ways to multiply your wealth.

©CosmicOrderingSecret.com 21

Procrastination Block

What happens when you have a task at hand that makes you feel stressed but has to be

completed within a specific amount of time? What many people do is that they leave

stressful tasks for the end by focusing on things that make them feel relaxed. This is often

known as procrastination.

We procrastinate because we don’t want to feel stressed and leave such tasks for the end

moment. Let’s say you were asked to design a presentation which you kept on delaying and

started working on it just a day before the deadline. Doing so caused the stress to multiply,

which had a negative effect on the quality of your work.

That’s the reason procrastination is often taken in the negative context. People who have

great self-control are able to avoid such practices because they know that doing so will cause

harm. A person who has high self-control will avoid heavy drinking because they realize that

excessive drinking can cause harm. A person with little self-control on the other hand will

not care about the consequences. That’s the importance of self-control in our lives. When

we start to procrastinate, we delay important tasks in life, which leads to disappointments

and failures.

This block of energy can keep you from achieving great things in life. So, if you are unable to

achieve your goals or feel that you are unable to gain success, stop procrastinating and get

things done as they come.

Overcoming the Procrastination Block

When it comes to self-control, you need to master it to reap

its true benefits. Self-control and will-power go hand in hand.

When you have strong will-power to get a task done, you will

be able to control your mind and stay focused on important

things. Procrastination is something that people who lack

self-control and will-power practice. They want everything to

be fed to them on a plate because they don’t want to work


If you will have such a low level of self-control and will-power, you won’t be able to achieve

any success in life. Procrastination block will affect your life greatly and if you really want the

energy to flow in your system properly, you need to follow the tips given below.

©CosmicOrderingSecret.com 22

In order to improve your focus on an important task, you need to avoid distractions. This

means that you need to practice self-control. There are several things around you that will

tempt you and make you want to leave important work. However, if you don’t give attention

to them, you will be able to focus on your work. If you are unable to focus at work, try to

avoid using social networks because once you start using them, you will not want to get back

to work.

Another reason for lack of focus is the lack of energy. You can get this energy by eating

healthy and nutrition packed foods that stimulate the brain and boosts its functions.

Because when you do not have energy in your body, your brain is unable to work.

Self-discipline never comes knocking at your door, but you have to try to achieve it. In order

to avoid losing focus, try making healthier choices like eating nutritional breakfast, involving

in physical exercise, getting enough sleep, and drinking lots of water. This also means that

you have to give-up on habits like watching television all day, staying up late at night,

drinking too much alcohol, and eating fatty foods. Plan your whole day and try to avoid

unhealthy habits that can lead to laziness and fatigue, making it hard for you to focus on

important things in life.

©CosmicOrderingSecret.com 23

Spiritual Block

There are two worlds that we live in, one is the physical world that we can feel and see, and

the other one is the spiritual world, which many of us aren’t even aware of. Because the

physical world is right in front of us, we are focused on it alone. The spiritual world on the

other hand is hidden within us, that’s the reason we neglect it.

The cells in our body are packed with vibrational energy, which means that by feeding them

on positive energy, we can really improve their function, and by feeding negativity we will

cause damage to our body. A spiritual person is the one who is aware of their spiritual world.

They are deeply connected with their spirit, and engage in positive practices to boost energy

in their system.

When we face problems in life, we feel stressed. This stress builds negative energy in our

body that blocks the flow of positive energy in our system, leaving us vulnerable to illnesses

and diseases. These negative energy blockages also inhibit the natural healing process.

Whenever we feel sick, we head to the doctor and bring home some medicines. The

medicines prescribed to us are usually helpful in healing physical problems only. However,

sickness is much more than just a physical condition; it is somewhere related to the spiritual

and emotional aspects. That’s the reason stress, anxiety, and depressions are believed to be

the root of all health problems. When you involve in spiritual healing, you are able to

remove these emotional blockages from your system, allowing you to heal. That’s how

important spiritual healing is for leading a healthy life.

Overcoming the Spiritual Block

When we fall ill, we take medicines to heal ourselves. Once we realize that medicines are just

adding more toxins to our system, we will understand the importance of spiritual healing.

When we are connected to our spiritual world, we are aware of whatever that is going on in

our body. We know that this illness is caused due to increased energy blockages in our


Spiritual healing can be practiced personally and by a healer. However, when you are in the

process of getting healed, you need to believe in your heart that it is going to work. If you

have any doubts, the healing process will get blocked and not work for you. By unblocking

the natural energy paths, you can make it easy for positive energy to flow and heal you

illness. Let’s take a look at some effective ways with the help of which you can get connected

to your spiritual world and unblock your energy pathways.

©CosmicOrderingSecret.com 24

Visualizing positive things helps us connect with our

higher purpose in life. We start visualizing things as little

children, and as we grow old, this ability weakens.

Visualization is a powerful tool, which can help turn our

desires into a reality. When we visualize something bad,

we immediately shake our heads to remove those

images from our minds. Have you ever wondered why

do we do so? The reason is simple; we ourselves believe

that by visualizing bad things, bad things will happen.

Now if you treat your visualization in the same way for

good things, you will be able to achieve a lot in life. If

you want to achieve something in life, practice

visualizing it on a daily basis.

Another thing to keep in mind is that it is not always necessary that what you imagine will

come to life. Sometimes it is about your destiny and what the God has kept in store for you.

May be God wants you to try harder or has something better for you. However, thinking

about positive things can really help improve the flow of energy in your system, helping you

turn your dreams into a reality.

The world that we live in is a physical place, which means that everything here is meant to

end. However, the spiritual world will last forever. This means that if we attach our

happiness to worldly things, we will be disappointed at some point in our lives. If we build a

stronger connection with our Creator and our spirits, we will never fail. In order to build

trust in the spiritual world, you need to first believe in God.

When you lay your trust in God, you strengthen your connection with the spiritual world

where nothing can be destroyed. Now whether you achieve success or face failure in life,

you will know that there is something greater for you. Instead of feeling disappointed, you

will feel hopeful that the failures are just learning experiences for you, which will turn you

into a stronger person, and prepare you for the future. This is a great way to unblock the

energy pathways in your system and make it easy for the positive energy to flow and heal


©CosmicOrderingSecret.com 25


The entire universe runs on energy, which means that it is important to attract the right kind

of energy to fulfill our purpose in life. We all know how the law of attraction works. When

we think about good things, good things come to us, and when we think about bad things,

bad things come to us. This means that if we constantly indulge in negative thoughts and

emotions, we will be attracting negative energy that will make its place in our energy

pathway. Due to this blockage in our energy pathway, we are unable to create a flow of

energy that is responsible for healing us and for putting our lives in order.

What we need to understand is that when we make efforts to achieve something or to move

towards betterment, these energy blocks will be cleared from our systems. We also need to

truly believe in good things to make them happen. We also need to trust in the Creator and

the purpose of the universe to get rid of these blocks that cause trouble in our lives.

If you truly believe in making something happen, it will become a piece of cake for you.

Having a powerful connection with the universe depends on your ability and will-power. You

should also have confidence in yourself, because without it you will fall to little failures in

life. You also need to understand that sometimes things don’t go our way, even when we try

to visualize positive things. This happens because our Creator wants us to learn new things.

He wants us to fight and become stronger or maybe He has something greater for us. Take

every failure as a learning experience, because the ones who fail are more passionate about

achieving their dreams.

We should build a strong connection with our spiritual, mental, emotional, and soul body.

This connection will help us be more aware of the things going on around us and within

ourselves. In the end, positive vibrational energies will only find those who have a positive

outlook at life. Have faith in yourself and the Creator, and you will find peace and unblock

the pathways for increased energy flow from the universe.