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3 4














review 1-2 16

review 5-6 44

review 3-4 30

review 7-8 58

review 9-10 72

GettiNG ready For ColleGe 4

time to set sail 10

HealtHy tHiNkiNG 18

moNey talks 24

Cultures arouNd tHe World 32

it’s a masterpieCe! 38

deCidiNG For yourselF 46

Crime WaVe 52

eat up! 60

learNiNG CurVe 66



1 Read and choose the best words to fill in the blanks.

Good morning, Greg. I’m Jill, the head of the marketing team here at XGen. I’ll be conducting your interview today. 1. ______ of XGen, I’d like to welcome you to our 2. ______.

Thank you, Jill. It’s a great honor for me to be here today. I’ve always been impressed by XGen’s work.

One thing you ought to know is that XGen is highly 3. ______. We believe that a challenging environment encourages and promotes creativity. I hope you’re not intimidated.

Well, I believe that I’m ambitious and hardworking. I’m confident you’ll find that I’m 4. ______ of keeping up. In fact, my skills and talents make me uniquely qualified for this position, so I’m precisely what XGen is looking for.

It says here on your résumé that you recently won a(n) 5. ______ from the 6. ______ of Future Leaders for an essay you wrote about your personality and work habits. Tell me more about that.

Absolutely. In addition to writing about my 7. ______, such as my positive attitude, I also mentioned how I overcame my 8. ______, for instance, my messy desk and my poor study habits. To be honest, I think highlighting my weaknesses and how I overcame them is the reason my essay won the top prize.

Excellent! I think that’s all I need from you for now. Our department head is just finishing up an interview with another candidate. So, sit tight, and she’ll be with you shortly. Good luck!

Thank you so much, Jill. It was a pleasure meeting you.

2 Read and circle the answers.

1. What did Greg likely enjoy the least about XGen?

a. helping his coworkers b. the competitive environment

c. the meetings and paperwork d. his managers tolerating him

2. What does the phrase “go from strength to strength” refer to?

a. Greg becoming more and more capable b. Greg improving on his weaknesses

c. Greg getting promoted to assistant manager d. Greg moving from job to job

3. What is NOT true about Greg’s coworkers?

a. They frequently sought his help. b. Greg’s managers couldn’t overlook his weaknesses.

c. His coworkers thought he was important. d. His managers promoted him rather quickly.

4. What is Greg most likely to do next?

a. go and talk to his superior about an opportunity b. see if his coworkers need help

c. get his managers to write recommendation letters d. fill out some remaining paperwork





Scan for Audio

1. a. On a behalf b. On behalf c. In a behalf d. In the behalf 2. a. competition b. awards c. institution d. behalf3. a. competitive b. capable c. strong d. awarded4. a. more of capable b. most than capable c. most of capable d. more than capable5. a. association b. strength c. institution d. award6. a. Awards b. Institutional c. Association d. Competition7. a. weakness b. awards c. strengths d. competitiveness8. a. strengths b. weaknesses c. capabilities d. awards

Shortly after completing his interview, Greg was offered a job at XGen. He initially had some difficulties with time management and organization; he often turned up late to meetings and forgot to fill out important documents. Nevertheless, his managers tolerated his weaknesses because he always recorded better-than-average sales. His sales record not only helped him to win back-to-back annual awards but also to get an early promotion to assistant manager. The company’s competitive nature kept Greg motivated, and his career continued to go from strength to strength.

Greg was also known for his helpful nature, and coworkers often went to him with tough questions. He was an extremely impressive team member and was highly valued by his coworkers. Now that Greg is ready to move on to other opportunities, he is proud to list his experience at XGen on his résumé. The only thing left for him to do now is get letters of recommendation from his superiors.

1 Read the sentences. Write PP for present perfect or PPC for present perfect continuous.


1. I have lived with these circumstances for ten years now. ____

2. We have been waiting for their response for days. ____

3. John has given us sufficient information. ____

4. She has chosen to commit herself to studying science. ____

5. I have been coping with this anxiety for years. ____

2 Circle the best responses.

1. How’s the interview going? a. I have interviewed here twice before. b. You have been waiting since you asked me. c. We’ve been talking for hours, but now we’re on break. d. They asked for three hours, but they have been kind.

2. Tell me about your work experience. a. Well, I have been working in the industry for three years. b. Well, I have been studying it in college. c. Well, I have thought about working in the future. d. Well, I have been planning my career for a while.

3. What’s your plan after graduation? a. I have finished most of my classes. b. I have been planning to graduate this year. c. I have been planning on going into sales. d. I have been working in sales since November.

4. What’s your greatest regret about your time in school? a. Hmm... No one had ever asked me that before. b. Hmm... No one has ever asked me that before. c. Hmm... No one has ever been asking me that before. d. Hmm... No one was ever asking that before.

5. How long have you dreamed of being an engineer? a. I’ve dreamed about it since I’ve been little. b. I have been dreaming about it since a while. c. I have dreamed since I was little about it. d. I’ve been dreaming about it since I was little.

4 Answer the questions with information that is true for you.

1. What strengths would you bring to XGen? _________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. What are your three biggest weaknesses? _________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. How do you cope with stress? _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5

3 Read and fill in the blanks with the words in the box. One word will not be used.

To Whom It May Concern:

My name is Jen Carpenter, and I’m writing this letter with the 1. _______________ of applying for the marketing manager position listed on XGen’s website. I know that the position you listed will be 2. _______________, but I am certain I can 3. _______________ with the challenges. In my current position as assistant manager at Mesquite Zoo, I have dealt quickly and effectively with a wide range of issues. And while my current role isn’t directly related to marketing, I believe I have a(n) 4. _______________ amount of experience to take on a role in the field. My involvement in a campaign to attract more visitors to the zoo is particularly relevant. On top of this, I am a hard-working and dedicated person. No one cares about the animals at our zoo more than I do. Please take a look at my attached résumé for a complete description of my education and work experience. Thank you for your time, and I will await your reply.

Dear Ms. Carpenter,

Thank you for your application. We have just finished reviewing your information. Unfortunately, based on your experience, we don’t feel you would be a good fit at XGen. Since you did not list any formal marketing experience on your résumé, we must 5. _______________ that you don’t have any. You did not list any jobs other than working at the zoo. We do believe that you are 6. _______________ to caring for your animals. However, XGen is not a zoo. Therefore, we will not be considering you for the position. Please do not 7. _______________ to this letter.

assume committed conditions cope intention tough sufficient respond



1. The students ______________________________________________ difficult situations before.

2. The police ______________________________________________ at that suspicious man for hours.

3. She’s ______________________________________________ before.

4. Our company ______________________________________________ many years now.

5. Stella ______________________________________________ several occasions over the last few months.

1 Listen. Fill in the blanks with the words you hear. 1-01

1. When did Ricardo’s encounter happen? a. just after graduating high school b. right before graduating high school c. a while before graduating high school d. a while after graduating high school

2. Why did Ricardo start to become suspicious? a. He heard his friend was going to cheat in the interview. b. He heard his friend say he cheated on the application. c. He heard his friend say he cheated on the essay. d. He heard his friend talking about the interview with someone.

3. Why do you think Antonio said, “Work smarter, not harder”? a. because his friend had a plan to work instead of cheat b. because actually doing the work is easier than cheating c. because cheating isn’t as hard as actually doing the work d. because he knew Ricardo was going to cheat rather than work

4. What is NOT true about Antonio? a. He went to the university of his choice. b. He was known to be honest. c. His other friend didn’t know his full plan. d. He never talked to Ricardo after the interview.

5. What is true about Ricardo? a. He had to study abroad because of his bad reputation. b. He abandoned Antonio before the interview. c. He wouldn’t have passed the interview without Antonio. d. He got into the local university he applied to.

2 Listen and circle the answers. 1-02

3 Listen again. Number the boxes in order (1-4). 1-02

1. What is the correct order of locations?

foreign university


waiting room


local university




3. What is the correct order of events for Ricardo?

moved to a foreigncountry


showed his essay to Antonio


attended an interview


finished high school


Antonio ignored Ricardo.


Antonio got into the university.


Antonio copied Ricardo.


Antonio talked to his friend.


2. What is the correct order of events for Antonio?



1 Circle the defining relative clauses. Underline the non-defining relative clauses.

1. Henry, who is truly a unique employee, has worked at the music shop for ten years.

2. Jim’s workplace, which is an ideal distance from his home, closes at 5:00 p.m.

3. Greg is that outstanding employee who won the award for making the most annual sales.

4. I worked at the shoe store that had the widest selection of sneakers.

5. Have you seen Ricardo, whose reputation was ruined, working at the burger restaurant?

Dear XGen, Thank you for allowing me to interview for the Institution Manager position. Please take another look at my résumé. I hope you will note that I has been a manager for three years, where is longer than some of the other interviewees. I know that I don’t have sufficient experience in your industry, but I am a fast learner and very hard-working. I’m sure I can succeed in the position, who is ideal for me, if given the chance. Please take your time to deliberate so you can make the choice when is right for your company. Thanks for your time and consideration. I hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely, Jen

3 Unscramble.

1. the management / Jen, who applied for / position, considered herself / ideal candidate. / to be the


2. for the candidate’s / I wasn’t there / was made a / few weeks ago. / selection, which


3. fit for / a few months ago / that the woman / the job. / who wrote to us / Initially, I thought / wasn’t a good


4. who hired / Do you truly / the right choice? / think the man / him made


2 Read the letter. Underline the errors and write the corrections on a separate piece of paper.

4 Read the sentences. Fill in the blanks with who, which, whose, or where.

1. The company ________ I interviewed at last week has over three thousand employees.

2. Bill, ________ best friend is Ted, recently got accepted to the University of San Dimas.

3. Esteban’s mother, ________ grew up in Caracas, has worked at that company for twenty years.

4. Diana just had an interview at Oklahoma State University, ________ is her ideal place to attend college.

5. Mary, ________ application you’re looking at, is the most outstanding candidate we’ve had all year.

6. The company you work for is the same place ________ Spencer initially applied.



1 Match the words to their antonyms.

1. tough • • a. easy

2. sufficient • • b. lastly

3. respond • • c. terrible

4. initially • • d. ignore

5. ideal • • e. inadequate

6. outstanding • • f. worst

2 Circle the present perfect verbs. Underline the present perfect continuous verbs.

1. I have been working on this essay for hours. It’s about this castle that has stood for hundreds of years.

2. She has read about two universities this morning. She has been reading since she woke up.

3. Greg has been working hard for ten years. He’s been a sales manager for the company since 2010.

4. He’s been preparing for the interview all morning. I’ve heard he’s been to several interviews already.

5. I have gone to twenty interviews in the last month. I’ve not been having any luck!

1. a. Well, from what I’ve heard, this is a good place to work. b. Well, to be honest, I plan to make more money than that. c. Well, I grew up in Denver but went to school at UCLA. d. Well, I’d like to find out more about your company.

2. a. From what I’ve heard, this institution has the highest salaries. b. From what everyone says, this is the best place to study engineering. c. From what I’ve been reading, this is a good place to raise kids. d. From what people say, the association takes care of employees.

3. a. Let me think about that. Well, people say I am not very organized. b. Let me think about that. Well, one of my good points is my dedication. c. Let me think about that. Well, I hope you can answer my questions. d. Let me think about that. Well, is there anything else you need?

4. a. I am very good in competitive environments. b. People say I’m a very tough person. c. It was tough for my friend when I betrayed him. d. I had a hard time in my film studies class.

5. a. I’m not sure how to answer that, but I can look it up for you. b. No one has asked me that before, but my strength lies in my skills. c. Let me think about that. To be honest, this isn’t a stressful situation. d. That’s a tough question. You know, I usually don’t get stressed out.

4 Listen and circle the best responses. 1-03

1. Is it safe to ___________________________ that I’ve got the job?

2. I’m sorry. I don’t know how to ___________________________ to that.

3. Under the ___________________________, I can’t let you take any more vacation.

4. It’s ___________________________ to understand what’s happening here.

5. Don’t worry; I think you’re ___________________________ just fine.

6. Thanks! I’m ___________________________ to doing a good job.

3 Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

respond committed circumstances

tough assume coping

NoteAn antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning of another word.

first / last

ReviewReviewLook at the checklist. Check the things from the unit you can do.

I know about how interviews can go badly.C

I can answer difficult interview questions. B

I can write a follow-up letter. D

I can conduct a mock interview. E

Unit 1: ChecklistI can participate in college interviews.A

No (X)Yes (O)

Score / 5


1 Write a response to the following questions and statements. 1. Tell me about your interests. _______________________________________________________________________

2. What do you want to major in? ____________________________________________________________________

3. What are your strengths? __________________________________________________________________________

4. What are your weaknesses? ________________________________________________________________________

4 Read the questions. Then write your answers on the lines with the given type of clause.

1. Tell me about your family life. (non-defining relative clause)


2. Tell me something impressive about yourself. (defining relative clause)


3. How do you plan to make yourself a better person? (non-defining relative clause)


2 Circle the best responses.1. Why should we hire you over other candidates?

a. Well, my weakness is my inability to cope with stress. b. Well, I plan to major in English literature.

c. Well, I have always dreamed of making a high salary. d. Well, I have more education and experience than others.

2. How would you benefit this university?

a. I think my debate experience will help your debate team. b. I’ve been planning to attend school here for a while.

c. I’m not sure how to respond, but the interview was tough. d. I’ve always been good at coping with tough situations.

3. What’s your greatest regret in life?

a. I’m most proud of my academic performance. b. I’ve always wanted to attend school here.

c. I wish that I had studied harder in high school. d. I’m pretty good at managing my time and work.

4. What are your plans after graduation?

a. I’ve always planned on graduating early. b. I’ve been thinking of traveling for a few months.

c. I’ve been to a few interviews before this one. d. I’ve been practicing interview questions.

3 Read and write D for defining relative clause or ND for non-defining relative clause.

1. Dirk, who is an excellent basketball player, plans to attend Boston College. _____

2. Alice wants to attend the same university that her parents went to. _____

3. Malcolm, who is Angus’s brother, just graduated and plans to find a job now. _____

4. Maria, whose application was already rejected, decided to apply one more time. _____

5. Donnie and Carlos had an interview with the same person that interviewed Chuck. _____





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1 Read and choose the best words to fill in the blanks. Banksy is a famous artist from England who came on to the art 1. ______ in the 1990s. The artist is mostly

known for his 2. ______ street art, which combines political and social issues with dark humor. Banksy’s

3. ______ works of art have been making both art 4. ______ and average people reflect on society since the

beginning of his career. However, one of the most amazing things about the artist is that nobody knows who

Banksy really is. Banksy is known for graffiti, a type of 5. ______ art. His works range from entire scenes to

simple 6. ______. No one has ever seen the artist at work. The world only finds out about new pieces when the

7. ______ reports on them. What’s even more amazing is that Banksy’s art has become so popular that wealthy

fans are willing to pay millions of dollars for it. In the future, Banksy’s style of art may even become a

8. ______ style that other artists try to emulate.

1. a. critic b. portrait c. scene d. media2. a. commercial b. controversial c. portrait d. classic3. a. classic b. media c. lesser known d. striking4. a. critics b. portraits c. media d. creations5. a. visual b. critical c. violent d. unfashionable6. a. classics b. dialogs c. lyrics d. portraits7. a. critic b. media c. novelist d. hoax8. a. striking b. commercial c. classic d. controversial

3 Listen and put a ( ) mark on the correct picture. 6-02

2 Listen and circle the answers. 6-01

1. What will Jane probably do next? a. go to a modern art museum b. book tickets for the festival c. listen to some rock music d. check out a visual art exhibit

2. Why did the critics love the painting? a. A local artist painted it. b. It was a new painting. c. It was very controversial. d. It was quite striking.

3. Who was the portrait painted by? a. It was painted by a friend. b. It was painted by a machine. c. It was painted by Carolina. d. It was painted by Steve.

4. What is NOT true about the art scene in New York? a. It is dominated by classic art. b. Graffiti is popular. c. Performance art is on the rise. d. There are lots of modern art styles.

1. Which painting is the couple looking at?

2. What kinds of cars were used by the artist?

3. Which picture did the man kind of like?



1 Read and choose the best words to fill in the blanks.

2 Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice.1. Van Gogh created this painting when he lived in the South of France.


2. Daniel Radcliffe played Harry Potter in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.


3. My favorite novelist, J. R. R. Tolkien, wrote the Lord of the Rings series.


4. The owner of this gallery should lower the price of admission.


5. Customers can choose all kinds of science fiction novels in this bookstore.


1. a. artist b. critic c. actor d. novelist2. a. scripts b. lyrics c. observations d. reviews3. a. abstract b. observation c. dialogue d. visual4. a. observation b. commercial c. script d. dialogue5. a. is released b. will be released c. will have been released d. was released6. a. visual b. portrait c. abstract d. commercial7. a. violent b. striking c. abstract d. uncommon8. a. script b. controversial c. dialogue d. observation

3 Read the questions. Then write an answer with the passive voice that is true for you. Answers will vary.

Howard, welcome to the show. From what I understand, you’re a(n) 1. ______. How many books have you written?

Well, I do write, but I mainly write 2. ______. I usually write the story as well as the 3. ______ between the different


Do you usually work on 4. ______ films or more independent films?

I usually work on big-budget Hollywood movies. In fact, Ten Million Miles to Saturn was written by me. But my latest movie,

In the Hands of the Celestial, finished shooting a few months ago and it’s more of an indie film. It 5. ______ later this month.

Oh, what kind of movie is it?

It’s a little hard to describe. It started off as a(n) 6. ______ film piece about a man’s search for the meaning of life. I

didn’t want it to be a typical sci-fi film... It’s a very cerebral film because I wanted to avoid the 7. ______ aspects that

are normally seen in the sci-fi genre.

How do you think the film will be received?

I try not to think about how the public receives my work. It’s been my 8. ______ that people who worry too much

about pleasing everyone end up pleasing no one.

1. Who was your favorite novel written by?


3. What book should be read by all students?


2. Who was your favorite painting created by?


4. What kinds of museums can be visited by people in your hometown?




2 Read the statements. Then rephrase the statements as polite and constructive criticisms. Answers will vary.1. Your essay is so long!


2. Your music is way too loud.


3. I hate this painting.


4. Those shoes are really unfashionable.


5. I think that photo is really bizarre.


6. You’re wrong about that abstract painting. It’s about the human condition.


1 Read and fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

context unfashionable feelings rhythm lyrics tone contemporary bizarre

W: Hey, Bruce. How do you like my new jacket?M: I like it. It looks new and 1. __________________. I think I saw something like it in a fashion

magazine last week. But I don’t think I’ll see those shoes in any fashion magazines.W: I know. They belonged to my mom. They’re kind of 2. __________________.M: Well, maybe they’ll come back into style one day.

M: Sarah, did you listen to that new album?W: Yeah. I thought it was pretty 3. __________________. All of the 4. __________________ were

really strange. I had no idea what she was talking about. M: Really? But what about the singer’s voice? I loved the 5. __________________ of her voice!W: She sounded OK, but she didn’t have any 6. __________________. She kept singing offbeat.

M: This review is no good. It’s written totally out of 7. __________________. It reads like the critic is making assumptions based on the first chapter of the book.

W: I agree. I think that critic just likes to write bad reviews to get more article views.M: Exactly! Good. I’m glad we share the same 8. __________________ on this.

3 Look at the paintings. Then write a constructive criticism about each. Answers will vary.











1 Read and fill in the blanks with the words in the box. One word will not be used.

4 Think of a movie, concert, musical, or other performance that you have seen. Then write a review about it on a separate piece of paper. Use the checklist as a guide.

3 Read the sentences. Then rewrite them as stated in the parentheses. Answers will vary.

1. Other people often copy the artist’s style. (passive, agent implied)

→ _____________________________________________________________________

2. They say that you shouldn’t trust an empty restaurant. (impersonal passive)

→ _____________________________________________________________________

3. That album is listened to by fans of all ages. (active, agent stated)

→ _____________________________________________________________________

4. Many people think that Beethoven wrote a secret symphony before he died. (impersonal passive)

→ _____________________________________________________________________

5. The actress’s performances are usually criticized online. (active, agent stated)

→ _____________________________________________________________________

1. I chose an event.

2. I described the event in detail.

3. I clearly described my criticism of the event.

4. I used soft language.

5. I gave constructive criticism.

6. I used one of the structures from the lesson.

7. I summarized my points clearly.

Sonic Tones is made up of four members: Dean, Chucky, Samantha, and Winters. Last night, I

went to one of their concerts. At first 1. _______________, the performance was rather dull. But

suddenly, 2. _______________ streamers shot out from behind the band—it was like a rainbow

exploding in the air. That was when the whole atmosphere changed. The band began to play

more intensely. I became completely 3. _______________ in their performance. The stage

began to transform into a wonderful fairy 4. _______________ land. I was totally engrossed.

Every guitar 5. _______________ kept me on the edge of my seat. I loved how, despite the bad reviews, this band has

stayed true to their original sound. The fact that they refused to 6. _______________ and change their unique musical

style is what keeps me coming back. This band truly has a lot of heart and 7. _______________.

2 Read the sentences. Then put a ( ) in the correct box.

1. That singer’s music is often uploaded to the internet by fans.

2. Sonic Tones’ new album was released last June.

3. It is well known that Mozart became famous after he died.

4. The book was read by millions of people around the world.

5. It is believed that a giant asteroid killed the dinosaurs.

Personal Passive

Impersonal Passive


tale soul absorbed solo

colorful terrifying compromise glance



1 Match the words to their synonyms. 1. bizarre • • a. astonishing

2. striking • • b. unreal

3. contemporary • • c. brutal

4. violent • • d. vintage

5. abstract • • e. strange

6. classic • • f. modern

2 Read and choose the best words to fill in the blanks.

Tonight’s movie was a(n) 1. __________________ horror film made in 1973. The 2. __________________ date for the

film was Friday the 13th, which was the day I first saw it nearly 50 years ago. The film tells the 3. __________________

of a man who terrorizes a camp full of teenagers. At the time of its release, I was completely 4. __________________

in the film because the characters were acted so well, and the story was so impressive. At first, the villain was simply

portrayed as a bad person. But then you are given deeper reasons for why he was after the campers, which put his

actions in a different 5. __________________. The film was produced by a large studio, so it followed the standards

of most 6. __________________ horror films. There are a lot of 7. __________________ scenes throughout the movie,

which can be hard to watch, so make sure you adhere to the parental advisory. The film may be old, but overall, I’d say

that it’s better than most 8. __________________ horror films. I’d definitely recommend it to any fans of the horror genre.

1. a. contemporary b. visual c. abstract d. classic2. a. release b. released c. releases d. releasing3. a. context b. tale c. media d. dialogue4. a. absorbed b. critical c. observational d. compromised5. a. visuals b. scene c. context d. soul6. a. commercial b. colorful c. classic d. contemporary7. a. violent b. fashionable c. abstract d. contemporary8. a. media b. contemporary c. critic d. striking

3 Change the active voice sentences to passive voice sentences.

1. Taylor made an observation about the painting in the museum.


2. Miles Sketchly created a painting named Consumerisn’t.


3. The artist completely destroyed Ryan’s T-shirt and baseball cap.


4. The artist found Ryan’s old items at the charity depot.


5. Ryan’s mom gave Ryan’s things to the charity depot.


4 Answer the questions with a passive voice statement that is true for you. Answers will vary.

What is the name of your favorite song or movie?

What genre is it?

Who was it created by?

Who else enjoys it?

ReviewReviewLook at the checklist. Check the things from the unit you can do.

I can give a polite criticism.C

I can understand people debating art.B

I can write a critique of some artwork.D

I can give a presentation about a work of art.E

Unit 6: ChecklistI can understand a review.A

No (X)Yes (O)

Score / 5


1 Read and fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

bizarre commercial lyrics released rhythm observation

The album recorded by Vic Romano and Kenny Blankenship was 1. ___________________ online last week.

Yes. I listened to it over the weekend. I was quite impressed by the 2. ___________________ Vic wrote. I also enjoyed

the music’s 3. ___________________. I was dancing to it all night.

I enjoyed the album, too. But when I listened to the album again, I made an interesting 4. ___________________.

The guitar had this 5. ___________________ echo sound effect sometimes. It started to become really distracting.

Yes. I noticed that, too. I kind of disliked how 6. ___________________ their last song was. I bet it’ll be popular, but I

wish they’d stuck to their original sound.

2 Read the sentences. Are they active or passive voice? Write A for active or P for passive in the box. Then rewrite the sentences in the opposite voice.

1. Every year, the Louvre is visited by thousands of people from around the world.


2. Mozart originally wrote the symphony when he lived in Salzburg.


3. Picasso painted Guernica, which Museo Reina Sofia displays daily, in 1937.


4. People often say that a book shouldn’t be judged by its cover.


5. Most of the director’s more contemporary films were highly criticized by moviegoers and critics.


3 Look at the artwork. Think about what you like and dislike. Write two pieces of polite, constructive criticism for each artwork on a separate piece of paper. Answers will vary.



1 Match the words to their antonyms.

4 Read and choose the best words to fill in the blanks.

1. abstract • • a. similar2. reserved • • b. gentle3. diverse • • c. usual4. violent • • d. pleasant5. colorful • • e. outgoing6. terrifying • • f. easy-going7. exceptional • • g. dull8. strict • • h. definite

1. a. most visual striking b. visually striking c. visual striking d. most visually striking2. a. classic b. violent c. abstract d. familiar3. a. peculiar b. terrifying c. commercial d. abstract4. a. hosts b. media c. critics d. criticizers5. a. tone b. risk c. rhythm d. manner6. a. look b. scene c. glance d. observation7. a. observation b. glance c. look d. concept

2 Listen and circle the words you hear. R3-01

criticized compromised observation overwhelmed

aspects exceptional specific context

One of the 1. _________ paintings I’ve ever seen was painted by an artist named Guy Le

Flours. The painting, which is shown in this article, is quite 2. _________ and surreal. It is

titled The Face of Man. In the painting, behind the man, there are sand dunes covered

with chess pieces. To me, the most 3. _________ part of the painting is the chess pieces.

At first, they don’t seem to make any sense, but most art 4. _________ say that they

represent the chances humans take throughout their lives. Each piece represents a

5. _________. Behind the man’s empty face, a figure of a lost man can be seen. The

figure is easy to miss at a(n) 6. _________. I remember the first 7. _________ I had about the painting was how fascinating

the empty face was. But now, I can mostly picture the lonely figure in the background.

3 Listen again and circle the answers. R3-01

1. What is the report supposed to be about?

a. Korean education

b. Sumi’s high school graduation

c. Studying abroad

d. Korean study habits

3. Why might Korean students be stressed?

a. There are not enough teachers in Korea.

b. There aren’t enough good teachers available.

c. They spend a lot of time studying.

d. They’re criticized by certain people.

2. What is NOT true about Sumi?

a. She thinks Korean teachers shouldn’t be criticized.

b. She thinks schools in America can be strict.

c. She thinks Koreans study harder each year.

d. She likes Korea’s education system.

4. What is true about Sumi?

a. She thinks that Korean teachers are stressed.

b. She harshly criticizes the Korean system.

c. She thinks teachers need to be more creative.

d. She thinks Korean schools have some advantages.



5 Unscramble.

1. getting higher and / People say / that the / price of / higher. / groceries keeps


2. ever seen. / painting was / far and / most bizarre / The peculiar / thing I’d / away the


3. the world. / one of / in / Singapore is / cities / the cleanest


4. the most terrifying / written by / That was / the author. / tale


5. is getting / People say / the art made / complex. / less / by Banksy / and less


7 Change the active voice sentences to passive voice sentences. Use a mixture of personal and impersonal passives. Answers will vary.

1. The Beatles recorded many popular classic rock songs.


2. Famous novelists release new books every year.


3. People from all over the world enjoy contemporary art.


4. A lot of critics wrote positive reviews of the artist’s latest exhibition.


5. Van Gogh painted this famous self-portrait after he left Holland.


6 Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. One word will not be used.

Where Are You in Seoul?, written by In Print magazine’s favorite 1. ________________, S. K. Ahn, was a

remarkable success. Most 2. ________________ agree that it’s an exceptional book. “Without a doubt, the most

magical 3. ________________ this year,” one reviewer commented. The book’s 4. ________________ writing style

did cause some confusion and controversy, though. “The story never did 5. ________________ where the character

was in Seoul,” was one 6. ________________ made by a frustrated Ahn fan. Others complained about the long

sections of 7. ________________ between the protagonist and the best friend, since they did little to enhance the


tale dialogue novelist classic

bizarre indicate critics observation