OF WES ER USTRALIA. L Published by Authority. J No. 12.] PERTH: FRI No. 5991.-C.S.0. Extension of Period for 'l'eml)Ol'al'Y Quarantine Station near Fremantle. 2165 PROCLAMATION I. By His Excellency Sir WILLIA]I CLEAVER F HANCIS l'toBINsoN, Knight Grand Cross of the 1Ylost Distin- fuit. 5 guished Order of Saint lYIichael and W. C. F. ROBINSON. Saint Gem'ge, Governor and Com- (L. s.) mander-in-Chief in and over the Colony of Western Australia and its Dependencies, &c., &0., &c. W HEREAS hI' Proclamation dated the 27th day of Decem bel', 1894, the loc<"hty known as "Davilak Paddock" was declared a Temporary Quarantine Station for Stock, for a period of two (2) months: AND WHEREAS it is necessary to further extend the period for which such place may be used as a Quarantine Station for Stock: Now THERE- J!'ORE I, the said Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, do hereby declare that the said locality known as "Davilak Paddock" may be used, as a Quarantine Station for Stock, for a further period of tluee (3) months from the date hereof. Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the said Colony, at Perth, this 27th clay of February, 1895. By His Excellency's Command, JOHN FORREST, Colonial Treasurer. GOD SA YE THE QUEEN! ! ! Y, MARCH 1. [1895. No. 5992.-C.S.0. Bank IIolic1ay at Northanl. PROCLAMATION m! :Aufitrnlia, 1 to fuiL J vI'. C. F. HODINSON. (r,. s.) By His Excellency Sir WILLIA]I CLEAVER ]'RANCIS ROBINSON, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distin- guished Order of Saint 1VIichael and Saint George, Governor and Com- mander-in-Chief in and over the Colony of Western Australia and its Dependencies, &0., &c., &c. pursuance of the provisions contained in the :fifth section of "The Bank Holidays Act, 1884," I, Sir VVILLIA1YI CLEAVER FRANCIS ROBIN- SON, G.C.:iYI.G., Govel'llol' of the said Colony, do by this my Proclamation appoint Wednesday, the 6th JYla1'ch, 1895, a special day to be observed as a Bank Holiday in the Town of N ortham. Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the said Colony, at Perth, this 27th day of February, 1895. By His Excellency's Command, JOHN FORREST, Colonial Treasurer. GOD SA YE rfHE QUEEN!!!

WES ER USTRALIA. - Western Australian Legislation

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WES ER USTRALIA. L Published by Authority. J

No. 12.] PERTH: FRI

No. 5991.-C.S.0.

Extension of Period for 'l'eml)Ol'al'Y Quarantine

Station near Fremantle.


mt~l£rn ~nlJtralia, I. By His Excellency Sir WILLIA]I CLEAVER F HANCIS l'toBINsoN, Knight Grand Cross of the 1Ylost Distin-

t~ fuit. 5

guished Order of Saint lYIichael and W. C. F. ROBINSON. Saint Gem'ge, Governor and Com-

(L. s.) mander-in-Chief in and over the Colony of Western Australia and its Dependencies, &c., &0., &c.

W HEREAS hI' Proclamation dated the 27th day of Decem bel', 1894, the loc<"hty known

as "Davilak Paddock" was declared a Temporary Quarantine Station for Stock, for a period of two (2) months: AND WHEREAS it is necessary to further extend the period for which such place may be used as a Quarantine Station for Stock: Now THERE­

J!'ORE I, the said Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, do hereby declare that the said locality known as "Davilak Paddock" may be used, as a Quarantine Station for Stock, for a further period of tluee (3) months from the date hereof.

Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the said Colony, at Perth, this 27th clay of February, 1895.

By His Excellency's Command,

JOHN FORREST, Colonial Treasurer.


Y, MARCH 1. [1895.

No. 5992.-C.S.0.

Bank IIolic1ay at Northanl.

PROCLAMATION m! c~lcrn :Aufitrnlia, 1

to fuiL J


(r,. s.)

By His Excellency Sir WILLIA]I CLEAVER ]'RANCIS ROBINSON, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distin­guished Order of Saint 1VIichael and Saint George, Governor and Com­mander-in-Chief in and over the Colony of Western Australia and its Dependencies, &0., &c., &c.

pursuance of the provisions contained in the :fifth section of "The Bank Holidays Act,

1884," I, Sir VVILLIA1YI CLEAVER FRANCIS ROBIN­SON, G.C.:iYI.G., Govel'llol' of the said Colony, do by this my Proclamation appoint

Wednesday, the 6th JYla1'ch, 1895,

a special day to be observed as a Bank Holiday in the Town of N ortham.

Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the said Colony, at Perth, this 27th day of February, 1895.

By His Excellency's Command,


Colonial Treasurer.


322 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, VV.A. [lVL~R. 1, 1895.

"'l'be }'ederal Council of Australasia Act, 1885."


W HEREAS by the Ad of the Imperi,tl P,1rlia,­ment of the ,18 a,nd 49 Vietori,t, Ct,p. 60,

intituled " An Act to constitnte a PecZeral Council of Ansh'alasia," it is elmctecl tha,t the Feclel',tl Coullcil of Austnthtsia, s1ll111 be summoned <1ucl prorogued by the Governor of the Colonv in which the Session slmll be held, <1ud shall be ~'30 sUlllmoned and pro­rogued by Proclmna,tion publi8hed in the Government Gazette of e<1oh of the Colonies in the s(tid Act referred to in respect to which the said Act is in oper<1tion: Anc1 where<1s the present Session of the Setid Fedeml Council1ll1s been held <1t Hobt,rt, in the Colony of T<1smtl,ni<1: And wher8lts it is expec1ient tlmt the sa,id Fedeml Council shall be prorogued: Now, therefore, I, The Right Honoumble JENICO vV IJJLIAlII J OS!<]PH, V ISCOUN'l' GORlIIANS'l'ON, Knight Coml1ll1nc1er of the lYIost Distinguished Order of Saint lYIiclmel <1nd Saint GeOl'ge, Governor and COl1nn<1nc1er-in-Chief in and over the Colony of T,Lsmania and its Dependencies, in pursmLllce of the sn,id Act, tLlld by virtue of the power thereby con­ferred upon me, do, by this my Proclam<1tion, prorogue the said Federal CounciL

Given under my hand, at Hobftrt, in Tasma,nia, aforesttic1, this eighth (by of February, One thousa,nd eight hundred anc1ninety -five,


Dy His Exeollolll:y'S Conummll,

No. iS993.-C.S,O.

vV i\L JYIoOIm, Chief Soerotary.

Oolonial Secreta"y's Office, Perth, 27th Ji'eul'un1'Y, 1895.

IllS Ex(;el1ency the Governor in Exoeut.ive . ~ Coulleil has' been pleased to ttPpOillt ARETAS YOUNG, of Coolgardil', to be a. J llstice of the Pettee for this Colony,

No. 599k-C,S.O.

JOHN FORREST, Colonia,l TrmLsurer,

+'" Oo7.onial Secrcta1'y',< Op;cc, u-,; l'ctlh,27th Ji'cb1'lw.l'Y, 18U6,

I-.IIS ~XCellell(;Y tlll' GoV\~rllOr in I~xe<:l:tive COl:n­cll hetS been pleased to t.ml1l'ontl'lly ,Lppomt

C, I~. PWrfnm to be Government St()relw"pl~r, vice W. A, Stone, resigned, rro tCLke eireet from 11th JanLU1ry, 1895.

No. 5\l>J5.-C.S.O.

JOT-IN FORI1ESrr, Colonial Treasurer.

O(l1011"l~ftl Oflicc~

Vy,~ Perth, 28th [.'1.'16.

I T is hereby l1otifiec1, for genem1 infornmi.ioll, tlmt 1t Return of the Election of GEOIWE BELLING­

IIAlIf, F, W, ELLIS, CHAS. R. CUMnRAE-STEWAl~T, fmd JOHN DEBAUN, ttS Councillors, and KENNE'l'H J, lYICSNODGRASS a,nd W]}I. ,L\.s, COCHRANE as Auditors, of the Coolgardie lYIunicip[tliDY has been received at this Office,

JOHN FORREST, Colol1ia,l Tre<1surer.

~o, 5997,-C,S,O,

2 () 4 7 Oolonial Sec)'et(l.l'Y's ofJiee, -or Pe1'th, 1st ll'Iarch, 1896.

I::::TIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Coun­_J.. cil has been plef1sec1 to <1ppoint the under­

mentioned to be the first Council under "The Plmrma,cy l111d Poisons Act, 1894," (58 Victoria" No, 35) :-








JOHN FOl~HEST, Coloni,tl Trettsurer,

No, 5962,-C,S,O,

3Iunicipality of "Day Dawn," Preparation Ratepayers List.


Oolonial Seel'eta')'Y's OpieD, Pedh, 7th Ji'eu)'na)'y, 1895.

I::::TIS Excellency the Governor, with the a,c1vice _J.. of the Executive Council, 1ms been pleasecl,

uncleI' Section 26 of "The JYIunicipa,l Institutions Act, 1876," to ,'1ppoillt E. P. DOWLEY, Resident :lYfttgistrate of T\1:urchison Goldfield, to do all such a,cts <1lld things a,s unc1er the sa,id Act are required to be done in settling the Electoml List of the lVIunicipality of Da,y Dawn; and His Excellency, with the like a,c1vice, has fixed Thursc1fq, the 7th c1a,y of lVIm'ch, proximo, a,s the time for ll1,tking up such Electoml List, a,ncl Ims a,ppoint.ecl the lYIagis­tmte's Office, Day Dawn, as the place for such purpose,


for Colonial Trel1surer,

No. 5963.-C,S.O,

ilIunicipaJ lnectiolls .. Day Dawn."

Oolonial Secreta)'y's Olliee, Perth, 'i'th .H'ebnuLry, 1895.

is hereby notified, for geneml infornmtion, tha,t uncler the provisions of "The :lYlunicipa,l Insti­

tutions Aet, 1876," His Excellency tho Governor, with the a,c1vice of the Executive Council, has been plettsecl to direct that the first Election of CL Chair-111ttn and Six Councillors for the lVIunicipality of Dny Dawn, procla,imecl under such Act, shttll be held a,t the lVIa,gistmte's Offiee, De1Y Dttwn, on lVIonda,y, the ;!5th clay of M areh, proximo; and His Excellency, with the like l.c1vice, has nominated E. P, DOWLEY, H.l'sident l\1:a,gistmte, JYIurehisoIl Goldfield, to be the Presiding and Heturning Officer a,t such Election.

The poll, if any, to be opened at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, a,nd closed <1t 6 0' clock in the a,fternoon of tha,t cla,y,


f01' Colonia,l Trea,surer.


No. 5990.-C.S.0. Treaty between Great Britain and Japan.

-iOi U1f Colonial SCCl'eta1'Y's Office,

Pel'th, 26th Feb1'1,a1'l/, 1895.

THE following Despatch from the Right Honourable the Secrehl,ry of State for the Colonies to His Excellency the Governor, and its enclosure, are published for general informntion. .

JOHN FOBRES'I', Colonial Trei1SUl'er.

CIRCULAR. (2) Downing Street, 31st December, 1894.

SIR,-I have the honour to transmit to you, for publication in the Colony under your Government, a copy of a Treaty of

Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Japan signed at London on the 16th July, 18fH, the r"tifications of which were exchanged at 'I'6ki6 on the 25th of August last.

I have to call yom' attention to Article XIX. of the Treaty, from which you will observe that, if it is desired that the Colony under your Government should come within the operation of the Treaty, notice to that effcct lllust be given to the Japanese Government within two yea,rs from 25th of August, 1894, the date of the exchange of l'atificrttions of the Treaty.

I have, therefore, to request that you will be good enough to acquaint me of the wishes of your Government in the matter.

I have, &c., The Officer Administering lUPON.

the Government of



[Rc,tijications e~Jchange(l Q,t T()7ciU, August 25, 1894.J

HER lYlajesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India, and His n:Iajesty the E111P01'01' of Japan, being equally desirous of lna.intaining the relations of good under~ standing which ha})pily exist between thenl, hy extending n,nd increasing the intercourse between their respective States, and being convinced that this object cannot better be accomplished than by revising the Treaties hitherto existing between the two countries, have resolved to complete such a revision, based upon principles of equity and mutual benefit, and, for that purpose, have named as their Plenipotentiaries, that is to say:

Her JYIajesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Brihtin [md Ireland, Empress of India, the l~ight Honourable John, Earl of Kiulberley, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, &0., &0., Her Britannic Majesty's Secretary of State for Foreign Aifa,irs;

And IIis Majesty the Emperor of Japan, Viscount Aold Siu7,o, Junii, first class of the Imperial Order of the Sacred Treasure, His llfajesty's Envoy Extraordinary and llIinister Plenipotentiary at the Court of St. James';

"Wfio, after having comnulnicated to each other their Full Po,vers, found to be in good and due form, have agreed upon and concluded the following Articles :-

ARTICLE I. The subjects of each of the two High Contracting Parties shall have

full liberty to enter, travel, or reside in any part of the dominions and possessions of the other Contracting Party, and shall enjoy full a,nu perfect protection for their persons and property.

They shall have free and easy access to the Courts of Justice in pursuit and defence of their rights; they shall be ut liberty equrtlly with native subjects to choose and employ lawyers, advocates, and representatives to pursue and defend theh' rights before snch Courts, and in all other matters connecte(l with the administrut.ion of justice they shall enjoy all the rights and privileges enjoyed by native subjects.

In whatever relates to rights of residence and truvel; to the posses~ sion of goods and effects of any kind; to the succession to personal estate, by will or otherwise, und the disposal of prOl)el'ty of any sort in any Inanner whatsoever which they may h1,vfully acquire, the subjects of each Contracting Party shall enjoy in the dominions and possessions of the other the same privileges, liberties, and rights, anc1 shall be subject to no higher imposts or charges in these respects than native subjects, or subjects or citizens of the most favoured nation, The subjects of each of the Contracting Parties shall enjoy in the d01uiniolls and possessions of the other entire liberty of conscience, and, subject to the Laws, Ordinances, and Regulations, shall enjoy t~1C right of private or public exercise of their worship, and also the right of burying' their respective countrymen according to their religious customs, in such suitable anc1 convenient places as may be established and Inaiu­tallied for that purpose.

They shall not be compelled, uncler any pretext whatsoever, to pay any charges or taxes other or higher than those that are, or may be, lXlid by native subjects, or subjects 01' citizens of the nlost fuvourcclnatioll.


The subjects of either of the Contracting Parties residing ill the dominions and possessions of the other shall bo exernpted from all com~ pulsory military service whatsoever, whether in the army, navy, National Guard, or militia; from ull contributions imposed in lieu of personal service; and from all forced loans or military exactions or contributions.

ARTICLE IU. There shall be reciprocal freedonl of commerce rul(l navigation be­

tween the dominions and possessions of the two High Contructing Parties.

The subjects of each of the High Contracting' Parties may trade in any part of the dominions and possessions of the other by wholesale or retail in all kinds of produce, manufactures, anclmerchandhe of law~ ful commerce, either in person or by agents, singly, or in partnerships with foreigners 01' native subjects; and they may there own or hire and occupy the houses, manufactories, warehouses, shops, and premises which may be necessary for them, and lease land for residential and 00mmercial purposes, conforming themselves to the Laws, Police and Customs RegUlations of the country like native subjects.

rrhe (lwcllillgR, of each of the possesslons of destined for pluposes

It shall not be allowable to proceed domiciliary visit to, such d wclling's and inspect books, papers, or accounts, with the forms prescribed by the J.iaws, vrUllm!'Ceo. for subjects of the country,



No other or higher sh,lll bc nnlloscd ])1 thc d01uinions flnd possessions 0':: the HIgh Contr,tctlng P<u'hes Oll the exportation of any the dOluiniolls and possessions of the othcr than such as are, or ratty be, payable on the exportation of the likc article to any other foreign country; nor shall flny prohibition be llnposec1 on the exportation of any article fro111 the donlinions and possessions of either of the two COlltr,l,cting' Parties to the c1Ol11illions and possessions of the other \YIDch shttll not equallv extend to the exportation of the like article to any othcr countTY. "

ARTICLE VII. The subjects of each of the High Contracting Parties shall enjoy in

the domnnoDs and possessions of the other exemption 11'01n all transit duties, and it perfect equa.lity of trentl11Cllt with mttive subjects in all that relates to warehousing, bounties, facilities, and dra,vbacks.

ARTICLE VIII. All articles w'hich are or lllay be legally imported iuto t.he ports of

the dOlllillions all(l possessions of His n:Iajesty the En1l)el'Or of Ja.l)tlll in Japanese vessels may likewise be ill1l)Qrtcd into those ports in British vessels, without being liable to any other or highel' duties or charges of ,vhatever denOll1ination than if such articles were ilnported ill Japanese yessels; a?-d reciprocally, ::~ll articles. ''Yhich are 01: 111a~~ be legally Imported Into the 1)01'1.$ of the dOllUl1lO11S uncl l)OSSeSSlOllS of Her Britannic 1Ylajesty in British vessels Illft.y likewise be inlported into those ports in .. Tnpanese Yessels, without being lia;)lc to any other or higher duties or charges of whatcvcl' del101nination than"if such articles were ill1I)orted in British vessels, Such reciprocal equality of trerttlnellt shulI take effect without distinctioll: whethel' such articles COlne directly from the place of origin, or from any other place.

In the salne ma.1l11er there shall be perfect equn.lity of treatment in regard to exrortation, so that t1lC smlle export duties shull lJe paid and


the same bounties ftu(l dl'ft,'\vbu,cks ano·wed in the dOlllilliollS and possessions of either of the High Contracting Parties on the exporta­tion of any article which is or may be leg~Llly exported therefrom, whether snch exportation shall take place in Japanese or in British vessels, and whatever ll1ay be the place of destination, whether u port of either of the Contracting Parties or of any third Pov.'er.

ARTICLE IX. No duties of tonnage, harbour, pilotage, lighthouse, (ltutralltine, or

other shnilar or corresponding- duties of whatevet' nature or under whatever clenOlnillatioll, levied in the name or for the profit of the Government, public fUllctionaries, private individuals, COl1)ol'tttions, or establisllll1ents of any kind, shall be inlposed in the ports of the dominions and possessions of either country upon the vessels of the other country which s11all not equally and under the SU,lue conditions 1)0 inlposed in the HIm cases on national ,essels in genera.l, or vessels of the most favourecl nation. Such equality of treatment shall apply reciprocally to the Tespective vessels, from whatever port or place they luay arrive, and whatever may be their placo of destination.

ARTICLE X. In an tha,t rega;rds the stationing, loading', tLnd unloadil)g of vessels

in the ports, basins, docks, roadstends, harbours, or rivers of the domi~ uioHs and possessions of the two countries, uo privilege shall be granted to natiomLl vessels which shall not be equally granted to vessels of the other country; the intention of the High Contracting Parties being that in this l'espect also the respective vessels shall be treatecl on the footing of perfect equality.


The coasting trade of both the High Contracting Parties is excepted fr01n the provisions of the present Treu.ty, and shall be regulated accor(lin~ to the Laws, Ordinances, and Regulations of Ju.pan u.nd of Great Britain respectively. It is, however, understood tluLt Japanese subjects in the domhdons ~Lnd possessions of Her Britu.nnic Majesty, and British subjects in the dominiolls and possessions of His Majesty the Enlperor of Japau, shall enjoy in this respect the rights which are or may be granted under such IJfLws, Ordinances, and Regulations to the subjects or citizens of any other country.

A Japanese vessel laden in a foreign country with cargo destined for two or luore ports ill the uonlinions and possessions of Her Britannic ])fajest.y, and a British vessel laden in a foreign country with cargo destined for two or 11101'0 ports in the dominions and possessions of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, IHay discharge a portion of her cargo at one l)Ort and continue her voyage to t.he other port 01' ports of destination where foreign trade is permitted, for the purpose of landing the remainder of her original cargo there, subject always to the Laws and Custom~house Regulations of the two countries.

rrhe Japanese Government, however, agrees to allow British vessels to continuE', as heretofore, for the period of the dUrtLtioll of the present Treaty, to carry cargo bet\';"een the existing opon ports of the Empire, excepting to or from the ports of OSlLka, Niigata, and Ebisu~minato.

ARTICJ~E XII. .Any ship of war or nlel'chant~ves8el of either of the High Contracting

Parties which lnay be conlpelled by stress of weather, or by reason of aJly other distress. to t"ke shelter in " port of the other, Rhftll he at liberty to refit therein, to l)l'OCllre all necessary supplies, and to put to sea again, without paying any dues other than such as would be payable by national vessels. In case, however, the master of a 1uerchant­yessel should be under the necessity of disposing of a pa.rt of his cargo in order to defray the expenses, he shall be bound to conform to the HeguJations and Tariffs of the place to which he may have come.

If any ship of "war or111erchant-vessel of one of the Contracting Parties shonld run aground 01' be wrecked upon the coasts of the other, the local a.uthorities shall inform the Consul-General, Consul, Vice~Consul, 01' Consular Agent of the district of the occurrence, or if there be no such consulu.r officer, they shall inform the Consul-General, Consul, Vice-Consul, or Consular Agent of the nearest district.

All proceedings relative to the salvage of Japanese vessels wrecked or cast on shore in the territorial w"aters of Her Britannic Majesty shall take place in accordance with the Laws, Ordinances, a.nd RegUlations of Great Britu.in, and reciprocally, all measures of salvage relative to British vessels wrecked or cust on 810re in the territorial waters of Hi.s Majesty the Emperor of Japan shall take place in accordance with the I.Jaws, Ordhmnees, and Regulations of Japan.

Such stranded or 'wrecked ship 01' vessel, and u.U parts thereof, and all fUl'niturestlnd appurtenances belonging ihereunto, and all goods and nwrchane1ize saved therefrom, including those which may have been cast into the sea) or t.he proceeds thereof, if sold, as well as all papers found on board such stranded or wrecked ship or vessel, shall be given UI) to the owners or t.heir agents, when claimed by them. If such owners or agents are not on the spot., the same shall be delivered to the respective Consuls"General, Consuls, Vice-Consuls, or Consnlar Agents upon lJeillg claimed by them within the period fixed by the laws of the country, and such C011sular officers, owners, or agents shall pay only the expenses incurred in tll(~ preservation of the property, together with the s~Llvage or other expenses which would have been payable in the case of a wreck of a national vessel.

The goods anel 111ercbandize saved from the wreck sha,ll be exempt frOlll all the duties of the Customs unless cleared for consnmption, in which case they shall pay the ordinary duties.

'Vhen a ship or vessel belonging" to thc subjects of one of the C011-tracting Parties is stranded or ,vrecked in the territories of the ot,llCr, the respective Consuls~Genel'aJ, Consuls, Vice-Consuls, and Consular Agents shall be authorized, ill case the owner 01' master, or other agent of the owner, is not present, to lend their official assistance ill oruer to a:tford the necessary assistance to the subjects of the rORpective Stu.tes. rrhe same rule shall apply in case the owner, master, or other agent is present, but requires such assistance to be given.

ARTICLE XIII. All vessels whiC'h, according to Japanese law, are to be deemed

Japa.nese vessels, and all vet:sels which, accordil1g to Brit,ish law, are to be deenl6cl British vesscls, shall, for the purposes of this Treats, he deemed Ja,pallese l1nc1 British vessels respectively. .

ARTICI,E XIV. '1.'he Consuls~Gel1eral, Consuls, Vice~Consuls, and Consular Agents of

ea.ch of the Contracting Parties, rcsidingin the dominions and possessions of the other, shall receive from the local authorities such assistance as can by law be given to thenl for the recovery of deserters fr0111 the vessels of theil' respceti,e countries. It is understood that this stipul:1tion shall not apply to the subjccts

of the c?untry where the desertion takes place.

ARTICLE XV. The High Contracting Part.ies agree that, in all thnt concerns corn~

merce allclnfLvigatioll, fLn,Y privilege, favour, or llnmlulit.y, which either Contracting' Party has actually granted, 01' may hereafter grant, to the

GAZETTE, W.A. [JYL~R. 1, 1895.

Goverlll11ent, ships, subjects or citizens of any other State, shall bc extended immediately and uncollditionu.lly to the Governnlent, ships, subjects, or citizens of the other Contracting Pu.rty, it being their intention that the trade and nfl vigatjon of cach country shall be placed, in u.lll'espects, by the other on the footing of the lllost favoured nation.

AR'rICI,E XVI. Each of the High Contracting Parties may appoint Consuls-General,

Consuls, Vice-Consuls, Pro~Consuls, and Consular Agents in all the ports, cities, and places of the other, except in those where it may not be convenient to recognise such officers.

rrhis exception, however, shall not te luade in regard to one of the Contracting Parties without being made likewise in regard to every other Power.

The Consuls~General, Consuls, Vice-Consuls, Pl'o~Consuls, and Con­sular Agents mu.y exercise all functions, and shall enjoy all privileges, exemptions, u.nd immnnities which are, or luay hereafter be, gru.nted to Consular officers of the most fa vourecl nation.

ARTICLE XVII. rrhe subjects of each of the High Contracting Parties shall enjoy in

the dOlllinions and l)OSsessions of the other the smne protection as native subjects in regard to patents, trade n1arks) nnd clesigns, upon fulfilment of the fornmlities prescribed by law.

ARTICI,E XVIII. Her Britannic Majesty's Government, so far as they are concerned,

give their consent to the following arrangCIuent :-The several foreign Settlements ill Japan shall be incorporated with

the respective Japanese Comnnlnes, anel shall thenceforth for111 part of the generallnunicipal system of Japan.

The competent Japanese authorities shall thereupon assume all municipal obligations and duties in respect thereof, and the common funds and property, if any, belonging' to such Settlements, shall at the same time be transferred to the said Japanese u.uthorities.

When such incorporation takes place thc existing leases in perpetuity uncler which property is now helcl in the said Settlements shall be confirll1Cd, and no conditions whatsoever other than those contained in such existing leases shall be imposed in respcct of such property. It is however, understood that the Consular authorities mentioned in the smne are in all cases to be replaced by the Japanese authorities.

All lancls which may previously have beeu grantecl by the Japanese Government hee of rent for the public pU1'p08eS of the saicl Settlements shall, subject to the right of eminent d01uain, be permanently reserved free of all taxes aJld charges for the public purposes for which they were originally set apart.

AR'l'ICJ,E XIX. The stipulations of the present Treltty shall be applieahle, so fltr as

the laws permit, to all the Colonies and foreign possessions of Her Britannic Majesty, excepting to those hereinafter named, that is to say, except to-

India. The D01uinioll of Canada . Newfoundland. The Cltpc. Natal. New South ·Wales. Victoria.. Queensland. Tasmania. South Austrrrlift. Westel'll Australia. New Zeahncl.

Proviclecl always that the stipulations of the present Treaty shall he made applicable to any of the above~na.nled Colonics or foreign possessions on whose behalf notice to tlw,t effect shall have beon given to the Jal)anese Government by Her Britu.nnic ~fajesty's Representativ-e at Tokio within two years frolll the date of the exchange of ratifications of the present Treaty.

ARTICLE XX. rrhe present Treaty shall, £roIn the date it comcs into force, be

substituted in place of the Conventions respectivel.Y of the 23rd day of the 8th month of the 7th ye"r of Kayei, corresponcling to the Hth clay of October, 1854, ancl of the 13th day of the 5th month of the 2nd yea1' of K eion, corresponding to the 25th day of J unc, 1866, the Treaty of the. 18th day of the 7th month of the 5th year of Ansei, corresponcling to the 26th day of August, 185R, and all Arrangements and Agreements subsi­uiary thereto concluded or existing between thc High Contracting Paxties; and from the same date such Conventions, Treaty, Arrallge­nlCuts, anel Agreements shun cease to be binding', and, in consequence, the jurisdiction then exercise(l by British Courts in Japan, and all the exceptionali privileges, exelnptions, and inununities then enjoyedl by British subjects as a part of 01' appnrtenant to such jurisdiction, shall absolutely and without notice cease ancl determine, und thereafter all such jurisdiction sl)a11 be assumed and exercised by Japanese Courts.

ARTICLE XXI. The present 'l'reaty shall not take effect until at least five yeftrs afte1'

its signature. It shall COlue into force one year after His Inlperial Japanese JYlajesty's Govcrnnl€nt shall have given notice to Her Britannic Majesty's Government of its wish to have the same brought into opera~ tion. Such notice may be given at any thue after the expiration of four years fr01u the du.te hereof. rrhe Treaty shall remain in force for the period of twelve years from the dide it goes into operation.

Either High Contracting Pa.rty shall have the right) at any time after eleven years shall have elapsed from the (hte this Treaty takes effect, to give notice to the other of its intention to terminate the Salue, and at the expiration of twelve months after such notice is given this Treaty shall wholly cease and determine.

ARTICLE XXII. The present Treftty shall be ratified, and the ratifications thereof shall

be exchanged at 1\'iki() as soon as possible, and not later than six nl0nths from the present elate.

In witness whereof the respcctive Plenipotentiaries have signed the same and have nfHxec1 thereto the seal of their anns.

Done ~Lt Londou, in 1..luplica.te, this sixteenth day of July, in the year of our J..Jord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four.

(T,.S.) (L.S.)


Protocol signed at Lond;)'H) JuJy 16171" 1894. rl'he Government of IIer 1\fajesty t,lle Queen of Great Britain and

I1'e1::111d find Empress of India, and the Government of His 1\fajesty the Eml)CrOr of .Japan, deeming it, H.(l,if'ahle in t,110 inteTeBt of hoth conntries ! 0 rCg"ula.te certain &pocial matters of mutual C011Ce1'n, a.I)a.rt from the Treaty of Commercc and Navigation big-Hed this day, ha.yc, tl:roug11


their respective Plenipotentiaries, agreed upon the following stipula¥ tions:-

1. It is agreed by the Contracting Parties tha.t one lllOllth after the exchange of the l'atifications of the Treaty of Comlnerce and Navigation signed this dn .. y, the Import Tariff hereunto annexed shall, subject to the provisions of Article XXIII of the Treaty of 1858 at present sub­sisting bet"ween the Contracting Parties, as long as the said Treaty remains in force and thereafter, subject to the provisions of Articles Y and XY of the Treaty signed this day, be applicable to the articles therein enumerated, being the gro,yth, In'oeluce, 01' manufacture of the clomillions a11c1 possessions of Her Britannic Majeaty, upon ilnpol'tation into J apau. But nothing cOlltainecl in this Protocol, 01' the TarUf hereunto annexed, shall l)e held to limit 01' qualify the right of the Japanese Goyernment to restrict 01' to prohibit the iJnportation of adulterated drugs, medicines, food, 01' beverages; indecent or obsceno prints, paintings, books, cards, lithographic or other engravings, l)hotographs, 01' any other indecent or obscene articles; articles ill violation of l)atent, trade-mark, or copyright laws of Jalmll; or any other article which for sanitary reasons, or in view of public security or Illorals, Inight offer any danger.

The ad valorem, duties established by the said Tariff shall, so far as may be deemed practicable, be converted into specific duties by a Snp­plen1entary Convention, which shall be concluded between the two Governments within six months frOl]1 the da,te of this Protocol; the medilull prices, as ShOW11 by the J apallose Customs Returns during the six calendar months preceding the date of the present Protocol, with the addition of the cost of insurance l1nc1 transportation from the place of ptu'chase, production, or fa brication, to the port of discharge, as well as comnlission, if ally, shall be taken as the basis for such conversion. In the event of the Supplementary Convention not having COlno into force before the expiration of the period fixecl for the said T,u'iff to take effect, ad vatol'erit duties in confOrluity with the rule recited at the end of the said Tariff shall, ill the meantinle, be levied.

In respect of articles not enuuwrated in thc said rrariir, the General Statutory Tariff of Japan for the time being in force shall, from the same time, apply, subjcct, as aforcsaid, to the provisions of Article XXIII of the Treaty of 1858 anel Articles Y and XY of the Tren,ty signed this day respectively.

From the cl",te the Tnrifl's aforesaid t:1ke ciIect, the Import Tariff now in operation in Japan in respect of goods und lllel'chunclisc hnportcd into Japan by British subjects shall cease to be binding.

In all other rospects thc stipulations of the existing r.rrerLties and Conventions shall be llluintained nnconcUtiolla.lly until the tiIne when the TrCfLty of Con1111erce and Navigation signed this day COlnes into force.

2. 'rhe J apanesc Govcrlllnent, pending the opening of the country to British subjects, agrees to extend the existing passpol't system in sHch a manner as to allmy British subjects, on the production of ft certificatc of recommendation from the British Representatiyc in TiHdu, 01' fr0111 any of Her 1Uajesty's Consuls at the open POl'ts in Jftpan, to obtain upon application passports for any part of the country, ftnd for any period not exceeding twelve DlOnths, fronl the Imperiftl Japftnese }-'ol'cigu Office in T6ld{'1, 01' fron1 the chief authorities in the Prefecture ill which all open port is situated; it being understood that the existing l~ules and Regulations governing British subjects who visit the interior of the Empire are to be maintained.

3. rrhe Japanese Government undertakes, before the cessation of British Consular jurisdiction in Japan, to join the International COllventions for the Protection of Industrial Property and Copyright.

4·. It is understood betwcen the two High COlltl'ftct:.ing P,lrties that, if Japan think it necessllry at any time to levy an ftdditional duty on the production 01' manufacture of refined sugar in Japan, an increftsecl customs duty equivalent in amount may be levied on British refined sugar when imported into Japan, so long as such additional cxcise tax 01' inland duty continues to 1)0 raised.

Pl'ovidecl always that British refined sugar shall in this respect be entitled to the treatment accorded to refined sugar bcing the produce or manufacture of the most favoured nation,

5. rl'he undersigned Plenipotentiaries have agreed that tbis Protocol shall be submitted to the two High Contracting Parties at the same time as the rrreatyof Commerce and NftYigation signed this day, and tlmt when the said Trcaty is ratified the agrcenlents conta,ined in the Protocol sh«ll also eqlULlly be considered as approved, without the necessity of a further formal ratification.

It is also agreed that this Protocol sha.ll terminate at the same tin1C the said rrreaty ceases to be binding.

In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiarie;;; have signed the smne, and have affixed thereto the seal of their arms.

Done at London, in duplicate, this sixteenth day of ~Tuly, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four.

(L. so) (L so)




Caoutchouk, manufactures of Cement, Portland Cotton-

Yarns .,' .,. ... ." ... ... ... . .. Tissues of all sorts, plain or Iuixed ·with tissues of flax,

heInp, 01' other fibre, including wool, the cotton, however, predominating ..

Glass, window, ordinary-(a.) Uncoloured and unstained (b.) Coloured, stained, 01' ground

Hats, including also hats of felt Indigo, dry

Ad valorem Rettes

of Duty,

Per cent, 10 5



8 10 10 10

GAZETTE, 'V.A. 325

ANNEX.-(ContiHw:d.) "~"-""""""~"

Ad valorclf1 Articles. H.ates

of Duty.

Iron anc1 steel- Per cent. Pig and ingot 5 Rails '" ... H. 5 Bar, rod, plate, and sheet 7~ Tinned plates '" 10 Galvanised sheet 10 Pipes aud tubes"", 10

Lead, pig, ingot, and sInb 5 Leather-

Sole 15 Other kinds 10

Linen-Yal'llS 8 Tissues 10

Ivlercury or Quicksil yer .5 lVlilk, condensccl 01' desiccated .5 Nails, iron 10 Oil, paraffin 10 Paint in oil 10 Paper, printing 10 Refined Sugar... 10 Saltpetre "" """ """ 5 Screws, bolts, and nuts, iron ... ... 10 Silk, satin::.;, and silk and cotton mixtnres ] 5 Tin-

Block, pig, and slab 5 Plates 10

,\Vax, paraffin ,5 Wire-

Telegraph ...... ... 5 Iron a.nd steel, and small rod iTon and steel not

exceeding t inch in dianleter 10 Woollen and worsted-

Yarns ... ... .., ... ... ... ...... 8 Tissues of all sorts, plain 01' mixed with other

luaterial, the wool, howevel', prec10lllinating 10 Yarns of all sorts, not specially provided for 10

Zinc-Block, pig, a.nd slab 5 Sheet '7~-

RUI~E FOlt CALCl::iI,ATIXG ad 1)oJorem., DU1'IES. I1l1port duties va.yable ad valO'J'em under this 'J.1uriir shall be calcula.tel1

on the actual cost of the ftrticles at the vlace of purchase, production, or f,lbl'ication, with the addition of the cost of insurance and trftlls. portation froln the place of purchase, production, or fabrication, to the port of discharge, as v,reIl as cOlllmission, if any exists.

ExchanflC of Noies.

'l'Jw Earl of Kiutveyley to Vi~cottnt Aoki. Sir, FOJ'ciUIt Ojjl.ec, Ju.Iy 16, 1894..

W"'lI reference to Article XIX of the Treaty between Great Britaul and Japa.n signed this day, in view of the fact thnt SOlne of the British Colonies and foreign possessions enumerated in thftt Article Inight he prevented f1'Ol11 acceding to the present Treaty by reason of their in<.Lbility to ftccept the stipulations relating' to Inilitary service contained in Article 11 of the said Treaty, und in order to avoid future Inisllnderstanclings, Her Mujesty's Government request fr0111 the Government of Jftpan an assurance that any of the said British Colonies and possessions may accede to the present ':rreaty under the condition tlmt, not'withstftuding such accession, they shall not be bound by the stipulations of Art,icle I1.

I have, &c., (Signetl) Klll'IBERLEY,

Yi.scoHnt Ao7.'i to the Em'I of Kimberley. Japanese Legation,

ll'1. le Comte, London, .h!ll 16th, 1894, IN reply to the note of Her J\ia.jesty's GoverlID1ent, referring to

Article XIX of the Trea,ty between Great Britain auc1 Japan signed this dfty, allclrequesting, for the reasons given in the saiclnote, an assurance that any of the Brit.ish Colonies and foreign possessions enumerated in that Article llmy accecle to the present Treaty under the condition that notwithstanding such accession, they shall not be bound by the stipu~ lations of Article II, the Government of Japan hereby give the assurance desirecl,

I huve, &c., (Signed) AOKI.

YiscoHnt Aohi to the Ead. of J(itnocr70y. THE Undersigned, Envoy Extraordinary ancl l\finistel' Plenipo.

tentiary of His l\iajest.y the EmIJerol' of Japan, in virtue of special authorisat.ion from His IInperial Japanese lYIajesty's Government, has the honour to a11110UllCe to Her Bl'itannic Majesty's Pl'incipal Secretary of State fol' Foreign Affairs, that the Imperial Japanese Government, recognizing the advantage of having the Codes of the Empire which have already been prOlnlllgated in actual opel'H,tion when the Treaty stipulations at present subsisting between the Goyernment of Japan and that of Great Britain cease to be binding, engage not to give the notice provided for by the first paragraph of Article XXI of the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation, signed this clay, until those portions of said Codes which are now in abeyallce nre brought into actual force.

The undersigned avails, &c.

Jrtpanese Legation, London, JulV 16, 1894,

(Signed) AOKI.

826 GOVERNM1~NT GAZETTE, 'V.A. [MAR. 1, 1H95.

No. 59lJG.-C.f3.0.

Regulations under "The Friendly Societies Act, 1894" (58 Vie., No. 23).

[wthorities conferred by [Lnd of every other

him ill that beh~lf, His Exeelleney the Governor of Australia, by and with the advice of the Exeeutive Oouneil thereof, doth make the Regula,tions folhwing, tlmt is to say:-



1. Every [l,pplieatiol1 to register l.L soeiety uncleI' The F'1'iencZZy Socieiies Act, 1894 (in these Regulations termed "the Aet") slmll be sent to the Registrar of Friendly Soeieties (in these ReguhLtions termed" the Registrar "), in Form. A a,nnexed hereto. 9 ([, 2) of the Act. J

(a.) applieation in FOl'm must, when sent to the be aeeompanied hy two eopies of the rult's, ~tS provided ill seetion ~) (5) of the Aet. If the R(~gistrar's eertifie,tte, unc1er the said seetion, to the tables of eontributions is desired, two eopies 01' the rules r1nc1 the fee preseribed by these Regula­tions for his eertifieate, must he forwarded to him prior to Hmking the applieation for registry in Form A. 9 (S).J

(b.) A soeiety or bmneh whieh IEl,S no eentral body within the Oolonv of Vi estcrn Australia must make [l,pplict1tion for i:cgistmtion as [1 seplLrate society. CS. 23 (6).J

2. An amendment of the rules of a soeiety, which includes a resolution reseinding [1 rule or rules, may be either-

(n.) A complete amendment, eOl1sisting of the sub­stitution of an entire set of rules for the existing rules, amI bearing at the beginning words to the efi'eet that " [tll previous rules [ue rescinded;" 01'

Cb.) partinJ amendment, eonsisting of any amend-ment whieh does not substitute an entire set of rules for the rules. CS.

3. An tLpplicl1tion to register a pltrtial amendment of rules must be made bv the seel'etary of the soeietv in Form B ,Lllnexec1 hereto: and the due l~mking thereof ';;'lUst be evideneed by stt1tutory deelara,tions, whieh may be in Forms 0 and D annexed hereto, and the applieation must be aeeompalliecl by a printed eopy of the existing rules marked to show where the [11terations oceur, and what they are, and by two eopies of the amendment eertified, if neeessary, as l)l'ovic1ecl in seetion 11 (3) of the Act. If the Registmr's eertificate, under the said section, to the amend­ment is desired, two copies of the amcndment, with ,1,

printed eopy of the existing rules (luly marked a,s aforesaid, and the fee for his certificn,te, must be forwarded to him prior to lllaking' the applieation in Form B. CS. 11 (I, z,

. Lt. An applieation to a, complete amendment of rules must be ll1i1cle by of the society in Form E annexed. hereto, and the due making thereof must be

cleela,]'[ttiolls, which ma,v be in Forms and the ttpplication must he

of the rules, and by two copie:,; of the new eertifiec1 ltS provided iu seetion 11 (3) of thc Ad, meh copy umrked "P" and signed by three members aml the secretary. If the Registrar's eertifieate, uncleI' the said seetiol1, to the tables of contributiolls is desirec1, two copies of the new rules, and the fee preseribed by these Reg'ulations for his certifieate, must be forwm'ded to him prior to the l1pplication in Form E. [S.11 (r, 2, 3).J


5. Every request to eau eel the registry of a soeiety or branch must be sent to the Registrar in Form F annexed hereto, and shall name some newspaper eireulating in the locality in whieh the registered offiee of the society or braneh is sitmLted, wherein it is desired that the ean­ceIling of registry be published, and sha,ll be a,ccompanied by the sum requisite to defray the expense of sueh publiea­atiol1, as well as of the publielttion of sueh eancelling in the Gazette. CS. 10.J

(CL) -VVhen a society determines to become a brandl of another soeiety, under Section 24 of the Act, no request to cancel the registry or advertisement thereof is neeessm'y, nor further applieation or evidence in eOllnectioll with any required amendment of rules than tlmt providec1uncler Regulation No. 45. CS. 24. J .

6. -VVhere the application is made to eancel registry under the eompulsory powers of the Registrar, the Registrar may require such applielttion to be nlltc1e in duplicate in such f01'1n, and to be supported by sueh statutory dedaration or cledaratiolls as he may direct, ttncl shall transmit one copy of such ttpplication to the Honourable the Colonial Secre-

(in these Regulations termed" the Minister") for his consent. CS. 10 (1, b).J

'1. Notice before eancelling or suspension of registry shall he in Form G allnexed hereto. [S.10 (3).J

8. The eancelling of registry shall be in ]'orm H annexed hereto. CS. 10 (r).J

9. The suspension or renewal of suspension of registry shall be in Form I annexed hereto. CS. 10 (z).J

10. The ~tdvertisement of ca,ncelling or suspension shall he in Form J annexed hereto. CS. 10 (3)· J


n. Notice of a ehange in the registered address of a society shall be sent to the Registrar within fourteen days after every such ehange in duplicate in Form K annexed hereto, and the Registrar shall sign the memorandum of reeeipt thereon lmc1 return one eopy to the soeiety. Notice of the registered address of a society on first registry shall be deemed to be given by the rule providing for the place of offiee. The plaee of business of a soeiety registered be­fore the first day of J annary, 1895, shall be deemed to he the registered office of the s06ety until notiee of ehange, duly sent as herein provided, is reeeivecl by the Registrar.

12 (r, (i).J


12. A copy of every resolution [tppointing or removing a, trustee or trustees shall be sent to the Registrar within fourteen clays alter the meeting at whieh sneh resolution was passed, in duplieate, ill Form L annexed hereto, and the 11,egistrar shall sign the memorandum of reeeipt there­on, l1nd return one eopy to the soeiety. [S.] 2 (r, b).]


13. Every registered soeiety and bralleh shall keep a record or register of all nominations made by members of persons to reeeive money payable on their deaths, and of all revoeations and variations of such nominations; for the reeording or registering of every sueh nomination, re­voeation, or variation, the rules of the society or branch may require the member nominating or revoking or vlLry­ing a nomination to pay a sum not exceeding' sixpence. The form for nomination, revocation, and variation recom­mended is that given in Form M annexed hereto. CS. 14 (3)·J

MAR. 1, 1895.J GOVERNMENT G AJ7;ETTE. 'V.A. 327


14. Societies and branches consisting' whollv of members betw~en three and sixteen years of ag~ may be registered. provIded they are-

(a.) In connection with some institut.ion or school, and managed by the nlCtnagers or teachers thereof, or by a committee appointed wholly or partly by such managers or teachers.

(b.) In connection with some society registered under the Act, or a branch of any such society, c1llClmanaged by the committee or officers of such societv or branch, 01' by persons appointed wholly or pc1l'tly by them.

(c.) Application to register c1 juyenile society or branch, 01' a partial cwd complete amendment of the rules thereof, shall be made in Forms A, B, and E respectively, modified, cLS required by the Registrar. CS. 14 (8, a).]

15. The rules of every such society or branch shall conh1in provisions for the following matters in addition to those required in the case of other societies :-.

(a.) Whether or not pc1rents and glmrdians of members shall be entitled to be present and vote at meetings of the society, and perform ads of member­ship on behalf of their children and w,trds.

(b.) The giying of security by the treasurer. (c.) The investment of the funds in a post office

savings bank, or in Government 0]' real securities of or in the Colony of "Western Austmlia, but not otherwise.

(d.) The acceptance of a membcr into a registered society or branch, or the payment to him of a ;hare of the aeeumulated funds, if any, of the juyenile society or bmnch on his attaining the ltge of Hi years. [So 14 (8, CL).J .


16. The reference of a, dispute to the Registntr shall be written on foolscap paper, in duplicate, in Form N annexed hereto. CS. 19 (1, a b).J

17. The Registrar, upon reeeipt of the reference, shall transmit one copy to the JYIinister for his consent. CS. 19 (r, a).J

18. Every notice of he<1ring by the Registrar, and every requisition for the attendance of parties ltnd witnesses and the production of books and documents, slmll be in }1'or111 0 annexed hereto. [S. 19 (r, b). J

19. When it is necessary to euforee the attendance of a particular witness or the production of a particular document, notice shall be given in Form P lLllnexed heroto. CS. 19 (r, b).J

20. If an order for discovery is necessary it shall be in Form Q annexed hereto. CS. 19 (r, e).]

21. The determination and order of the Registrar 81ut11 be in form R annexed hereto, or as near thereto as the circumstances of the case 111<1,y in his judgment allow. CS. 19 (r, CL).J


22. An application for appointment of inspectors, 01' for !

calling a special meeting, shall be sent to the Registrar, written on foolscap paper, in duplicate, in Form S annexed hereto, and shall be accompanied by a statutory declara­tion in Form T annexed hereto by three at least of the applicants. CS. 20.J

23. The Registrar may, immediately upon receipt of the application, tnmsmit one copy to the Minister for his con­sent, or may, before such transmission, give notice of the application to the society, a,lld transmit to the l\Iinister, with the a,pplication, any answer the society may 111a,1,e. CS. 20.J .

24. The appointment of inspectors shall be in Form U annexed hereto, or as near thereto as eireul11stances may allow. CS. 20 (r).J

25. The notiee of special meeting shall be in Form V annexed hereto, and 811"Jl be giyen either by letter addressed to every member, or by advertisement, or in such other manner as the Registrar may direct. CS. 20 (2).]

26. The clminnan of the special meeting shall make a report thereof to the Registrar in such form as he may direct.


27. Eyery lLppliclttioll for approval of change of name must be made, in duplicate, in Form VV annexed hereto, and must be supported by statutory applicatiolls, which may be in the Forms X and Y annexed hereto. If ap­pr~ved of by the Registrar, the word" approved" shall be wntten at the foot or end of each sueh cop v and the same shall be signed by the Registrar. CS. 21 (;), and s. 9 (3).J

28. Every application to register a speeialresolution for the amalgamation of societies must be made by each of the societies, in dllplieate, in Form Z annexecl hereto, and each applieation must be supported by statutory declarations, which may he in Forms X and Y. No admowledgment of regi~t,ry. slmll be given to either society until a special re801ut1On III the ltbove terms has been submitted for registry by the other or each of the others. CS. 21 (3).J

29. An ,"pplication to register a speeial resolution for tn1nsfer of engag~ment.s to another society or a company, ?r for mnalgmnat.Ioll WIth a eOl11Ixtny, shall be in duplicate, m Form AA annexed hereto, with neeessa,ry modifications to suit the facts, and must be supported bv statutory declamtions, which mav be in Forms X ana" Y and i:iJ. ]'orms AB or Ac 't11l1~xec1 hereto, as the ease 'may be. CS. 21 (3, 4).J

30. Every npplicatiol1 to register a spe(,ial resolution fot' ?onvel'ting a society into It (:ompany must be. in duplieate, III Forlll AD annexed hereto, and must he supported by statutory deelarations, whicb m~ty be in Forms X and Y. CS. 21 (4)·J

31. A speeial resolution slmll he registered by writing at the foot or end of each copy of the same the word "reO'i8-tereel," and by <"flixinst to the sallle the sp,d ltllel sjo'nat~re

• 'J b

of the Registrar (see also Regulation No. 55). [S.21 (6).J 32. vVhen the speci,tl resolution is for conversion into,

am~lgmllation with, 01' transfer of <tll the engLtgemellis of a SOCIety to a C'nnpany, the following words shall be added, together with the signature and seal of the Reg-istrftr :--" The registry of the soeid y known as reo-ister No. : is hereby etLl1cellecl." CS. 21 (8).J ''''


30. The instrument of dissolution of a society shall be in Form AE ftllllexed hereto, and shall be signecl in dupli­cate, and accompanied by a statutory deel<wation in Porm AF annexed hereto, and by a statement in Form AG annexed hereto, naming SOll1~ newspp"per circuh"ting- in the locality in which the registered office of the society is situated wherein it is desired tlmt the notice of dissolu'tion shall be published, and by the smn requisite to defray the expenses of such public,1tion, as wdl as of the publieation of such notice ill the Gazette. CS. 22 (2, 4).J

(CL) The instrument of dissolution of a branch shall he in Form AE (with aceompallying Forms AF and AG) modified, as required, by the Registrar, and shall contain a certificate under the hand of the secretary of the society or central body that its consent has been given thel·eto. [S.22 (I3).J

34. The Registrar shall return one of the duplicates to the soeiety, with an aclmowledg-ment of registry in Form AB: annexed hereto. CS. 22 (5)· J '

35. Alterations in the instrument of dissolution shall be signea, cledal'ecl to, and regi;;terec1 il1 like mallller as the instrument of dissolut,ion. CS. 22 (3).J

36. The adyertisement of dissolution by instrument shall he in Form AI annexed hereto. CS. 22 (6).J

37. Every application for dissolution by award of the Registrar shall be in Form AJ annexed hereto, and shall

328 GOVEllX::\IEXT GAZETTE, 'V.A. [MAR. 1, 1895.

name some newspaper circulating in the locality in which the registered ofiice of the society is situated wherein it is desired that notice of the aVl'ard shall be published, and with it slmll be sent the sum requisite to defray the expenses of such publication, as well as of the pUblication of such notice ill the Gazette. CS. 22 (r 1).J

38. The notice of investigation shall be in Form AI{ fLllllexecl hereto, [tnd the ,cwanlin Forlll AL. 22 ( I I, a.). J

39. 'fhe award of the Registl',tl' for distribution of the funds shall be in Form .A-~r annexed hereto. CS. 22 (11, b.).J

40. The notice of dissolution by award shall be 111

Form AN annexed hereto. CS. 22 (ir, e.).] 41. The notice of a proceeding to set aside a dissolution,

as provided in section 22 of the Act, slmll be in :Forlll Au annexed hereto, fLlld the notice of l\,11 order llside a dissolution, in Form Av annexed hereto. 12). J


42. No society registered, or deemed to bc registered under the Act as a separate society, sha,1l he registered as a bnmch of any other society, 01' included in any list of branehes under section 23 of the Act, until its seplemte registry has been caneelled. CS. 23. J

43. Notice of the establishment of It new bnl,nch by a society under section 23 (3) of the Act shall be sent to 'the Reg-istl'a,r in Form Ao annexec1 hereto. Every such notice sh,tll be accompanied by an application for registry of the branch in Porm A, modified, ll,S requircd, by the Registrar, which slmll bc signed by the secret,try ,wc1 three memhers of the branch and countersigncd bv the secretary of the society. CS. 23 (3).J " .

44. In registering branch rules the shall sec-(lst.) 'l.'hat the objects of the braueh l.re not other

tlmn t.hose, or one or more of those, of the society. (2nd.) That provision is made for the control of the

centnd body of the society over the brandl. 4, ,mc1 s. 23 (2).J

(3rd.) 'fhat there is a, separate fund administered by the hmnch, 01' by ,t committee or ofli'"erd a,ppoinLecl by the bmnch,

(4th.) That the matters specified in the 8eco11(1 schedule to the Act, except as to lbllllUa,1 returns to the Registmr, are provided for so far as the S<tll1e arc applicable t.o the branch in l'espeet of any sep'tmte fund or funds. [2nd Seh.]

45. 'When the registry of any is callcelled, with a view to its registry ltS a branch of lmy other notice for such registry must be given in POJ'ln as ill establishment of [t new branch. (Sec l{egulation No. 5 (a). [S.24.J

46. Bmneh rules lodged with the application for registry of a society with bmnches must be signed by three memhers and t.he secrett1ry of the lmmch to which they belong. CS. 23 (r, c.).]

47. All applict1tion to register ,tll t1111encllllent of br~tllch rules must he made bv the secretarY of the bmnch throuo'h the secrettuy of the s~ciety, and m'ust hc eountersignecl b1 the secretary of the society. In 1111 other respects the pro· visions of 'Regulations Nos. 3 lwd ,t lllLUlt be complied with as far as the s,tme a,re applil:ahle. 23 (+).J

48. N otiee of thE' ,tppointmellt of II HeW trnstee of a branch or officer to sue nm1 be sued on behalf of the sa,me, and of ,wy clmnge in the registered ,tddl'ess of the bmllch, shall be sent by the society to the Registntr within three months after such appointment or dmllge, in dup1iC'atc, in Forms Ap and AQ annexed hereto respectively. CS. 23 (7).J

49. The annual returns (A ,wd B) of tL society with branches sha,ll inl.'lude the anllual returns for [tU hmnches of the society. In the case of a society with hmnches, as regards all funds under the control of the central body of such society, the quinquennial valuation shall be caused to be made, or the returns in lieu thereof forwarded hI' the central body, its committee or ofiieers; but as regarcts all funds administered Ly 11ny registered bra,neh, or n,

committee or ofiicel's ltppointed by it, such valuation shall be caused to be made, or the returns in lieu thereof forw,trdecl by such braneh its committee or ofiicers.

12 Cl, cl~ e). J ' 50. No valucttioll of the assets lmc1 liabilities of a

or bmnch shell be deemed to be a valuation under w here the person by w hOlIl the· same is made tt public valuer or not) has audited the accounts

the sOl:iety or bmllC'h for the year llext preceding the elate at \"hich thc soeiety or branch is valued. CS. 12 (I, e).]

51. 'l'hc provisions of subsection 1 of section 12 of the Act shall apply to a registered bmnch as if it were :t registered soc;iety, exeept that every notice, copy of a resolution, and annUltl return required by the subsection to he sent to the Ikgistnl', shall he sent through the society of which the branch forms part. CS. 12 (r). J


AlIIAI,GAlIIATION, &c. 52. Notice of an application that any of the consents

and conditions prescribec1 for an anmlgamation or transfer of engltgements lllay be dispensed with shall be ad vertisecl in the Gazette ltt least one cn1enclar month hefore applica­tion is nmde to the Itegistrar on that behalf. Such notice shall be in Forlll AR alJnexed hereto. CS. 21, proviso (c).J

53. The application, tlmt any of the consents and conditions prescribecl for an mnalgamtttion or transfer of engttgements may be dispensed with, shall bo in Form As, mllll'xed hereto, tmc1 slmll be sent to the Registrar in duplicate, with a copy of the Gazette in which the adver­tisement of the samc is published. CS. 21, proviso Cc).J

54. after helwing the trustees 01' eommittee of management cmd other persons whom he eOllsiders entitled to be heard, ,mcl to whom sucb not.iee slmll be given as the Registrar diree-t.s, the Registrar think fit to make the order [l,ppliec1 for in whole or in part, he slmll write at the foot of

of the ttpplieatioll a memorandulll in words or to the as follows :-" Subject to the consent of the Minister,

I hcrebv order tlmt the consents and conditions mentioned in the f~regoil1g ~tpplication [01' that the consents und con­ditions following mentioncd in thc foregoing applicatIon] be ,yith "-and 811"ll sign sueh memorandum ~mc1 tmnsmit the copy of the applie,ttioll, with such ll1emomnclum to t.he Minister; and if the Minister think fit to conseut to sueh order he sha11 write the words "I eonsent" at the foot thereof, sign the S~tl1lG, and return the Slune to the Registmr. 21, proviso (c). J

55. In ,111y ::;peei,d resolution for amalga-01' tmllsfer of engagements, as prescribed by

No. 31, where allY prescribed consents or C011-

havc been dispensed with, the worcls "and COll-firmed by the " shall bc a,c1cled after the word

"p()·'.~n'l'v·I'( 21 (6), and s. 21, proviso (c).J

CERTH'ICA'l'E 01" Bmnr OR DEA'l'H.

56. Every applieatioll under seetion H (9) of the Act for a eertifiea,te of the birth or death of any person 01' child slmll be in Form AT [l,nnexed hcreto, and slutll be made bv the secretarv of the soeietv or bmnch to whieh such c:rtifkllte is to j)e produr;ed. [S.14 (9), and S. 34 (3).J


Actuarial Fees. 57. The following achmrial fees slmll be payttble

(a.) On lodgmcnt with the Registrar, 01'

an actuary approvcd under the ninth section of the Act, of the rules of a society or bmneh, or a complete amendment thet'eof, for his certifi­cate to the tables of eontributions (unless, ill the case of a branch, the rules submitted are identical with those of lLl.lOther registered branch of the same society). CS. 9 (5),

£ s. d.

S. 11 (3), and S. 44, (l, cl)] 2 10 0






Onlodgmenbvith thenegistrar, 01' an actuary approved under the ninth section of the Act, of a partial amendment of the rules of a society 01' brancl1 affecting the tables of contributions 01' the existing scale of sick and funeral benefits, for his certificate. CS. 11 (3), and s. 44 (r, cl) J

For a table of contributions to be prepared by the Registrar adequate to provide the benefits promised by the rules or proposed rules of a society or branch (to include, in the case of the negistrar .. a certificate under sections 9 (5) or 11 (3) of the Act. CS. 44 (r, d) J

For a valuation of the assets and liabilities of a society or branch under section 12 of the Act by the negistrar, an actuary named by the negistrar, a public valuer, or a valuer appointed by the society or branch:-[S. 12 (1, e), and s. 44 (1, cl)J

FOl·the first 50 members or under, in each branch, or in each society (where the society has no bn1,nches)

For every adc1itional member therein t1,bo-ie 50 members.

Genc1'Ctl Pees.

£ s. d.

o 10 6 i




The following general fees shttll he pa,yt1,ble :­(a.) On the 10c1gment of an t1ppliccLtion

for the registry of CL society. CS. 9 (6)J 2 2 0

(b.) On the 10c1gment of an application for the registry of ,1,11 amendment of the rules of a society or branch. [S.11 (4)J ... 0 10 0

(c.) For a certificate under the lmnd of the Reg'istral' in the form or to the effect ~f the seventh, eighth, or ninth schedules of the Act, in each case. [S.31J 0 2 6

(cl.) FOl' the registry of a special rcsolu­tion by any society (to include, in the case of a change of lt n2,,111e, the approval of the same). [S.21 (6) and s. 44 (1, cl) ] .. . 0 12 6

(e.) ]'01' every appointment of inspectors, or calling of a special meeting by the Registrar. CS. 20 (1, 2) anc1 s. 44 (1, cl) J 1 2 6

Cf.) For the c1etermination of the negis-. trar on a c1ispute or for his awarc1 for c1issolution or distribution of funds. CS. 19 (1, a) anc1 S. 44 (r, cl)] 1 2 6

(g.) For an orc1er of the negistrar dispens­ing with consents anc1 conditions for amalgamation or transfer of engage­men ts. [S. 21, proviso (c) anc1 S. 44 (1 cl) ] ... 1 2 6

(h.) If more than one hearing or ac1journ­ment be necessary m case of any dispute or application for awc1,l'c1 of dissolution or distribution of funds, or order dispensing ,vith consents <tnd conditions for amalgamation or transfer of engagements, for every hearing after the first, anc1 for every ac1jourl1lnent, <tn ac1ditional fee of. LS. 19 (r, a), S. 21, proviso (G), etnc1 s. 44 (1, cl) 1 2 6 i



For an orc1er for discover v bv the nogishar unc1er section 19" (1 :e.) of the Act. CS. 19 (r, e), anc1 s. 44 ( I, cl) J

For every document, except as after mentionec1. requirec1 to be signed by the nogistmr, or to bear the seal of the negistrar, not chargeable with any other fee to the negistrar. CS. 44 (J, cl.) J ...

£ S. d.


o 2 6 (k.) For one or more inspections on the

St1me day of documents in the cus-tocly o{ the negistrar relating to one anc1 the same society. CS. 44

(T, d.)] 0 1 6 (l.) For every copy or extraCt of any

document in the custody of the l~egistrar-llot exceeding 216 words 0 1 6 -·if exceeding 216 words a fee per folio of 72 words for the adc1itional words (in adc1ition to the fee, if any, . for the signature anc1 seal of the negistrar) of CS. 44 (I, cl.) J 0 0 6

59. '1'he foregoing fees for inspection of c1ocuments, ~tlld foJ' copies or extracts of documents, shall be pcLyable cLS well in respect to c10cUlllents in the custody of the negistrar in reference to societies establishec1 uncleI' An Ordinance for the regnlcdion of Benefit Bu~ilcZing Societies, 27 Vie., No. 7, as under the Aet. CS. 3 (3.)J

60. All fees which may be reeeivec1 by the Registrar uncler or bv virtue of the Act and these Regulations shall he paic1 i~to the Trea.sury to the credit ~f the general revenue but all fees pcwable uncleI' these Reguhttions to a,ctua.ri~s, public valuers, ~r valuers other than the negistrar shall be for their own use.

(a.) The negistrar, achmry, and public or other valuer mety in [tny particular case, if they think fit, accept less than . the fees preseribed uncleI' negula­tions Nos. 57 and 58.

61. "Nhere an applicn,tion is mac1e for CUl investiga.tion into the affiLirs of ~1 society with a view to the dissolution thereof, upon the ground that the mtes of contributions fixed in the rules of such society ttddec1 to the funds invested or otherwise possessed by the society are in­sufficient to cover the benefits assured, the negistrar may, if he thinks fit, lLt any time before nmldng his award, require the paY.ment of sucl~ fee as he 1~11L.z deem reason­able, not exeeec1mg thtl scaletixec1 by Regumtwn No. 57 (cl.), with reFtsonable travelling expenses ac1c1ed in any CtLSe in which they may be actnally in<.:urrec1, and if such investi­gation be ma,c1e by the Registrar himself .such fee shall be payable into the Treasury to the credlt of the general revenue, hut if it be made by any other person such fee shall he for use of such person. CS. 22 (1 1), and S. 44 (r, cl.)J

62. No fee is payable under these Regulations for the registry or recorc1ing of-

The eClncelling or suspension of registry of a society. CS. 10.J .

Any notice of ehange of office or place of business, or of the appointment of trustees. CS. 12 (1, a., b.), anc1 S. 23 (7·) J

Any instrument of dissolution or any amendment therein. CS. 22 (S·)J

Notice of establishment of a bmnch, or registry of a branch the rules whereof are identical with the rules of any other registerec1 branch of the same society. CS. 23 (3, 4·)J

Any document or copy of c10cmnent suppliec1 to It

public c1epartment.

Any matter in re;pect of which a fee is chargettble unc1e!' or by virtue of the Act or of any other Statute, in ac1c1ition: to any fee therein prescril>ecl. [S.9 (6), [Lnel S. 11 (4.)J

330 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 'iV.A. [MAR. 1, 1895.

(Cl.) The Registrar mlty dispense with the fee for in­spection of documents in cases where he mav consider , it for the public interest to do so. [S.44 (;, cl.)] ,

(b.) When a fee is payable under the Act on the lodgment with the Registrar of any application to register mly society, or any amendment of rules, no further fee shall be pltyable under the Reguhttions in re sped of the ac1mowledgment of registry of such society or lunendment of rules. CS. 9 (6), and s. 11 (4.)J


63. When [tnything is required to be in any of the forms lLllnexec1 hereto, it shall be sufficient if it be to the like effect, ltnd any of such for111s lllay be modified by the ltuthoJ'it.y of the Registmr to suit pm'ticular eases, ltnd the Registmr may require further evic1ence by stlttutory c1ec1am­tion in ltc1c1ition to tlmt prescribec1 by these Reguhttions in mlyease in which to bim it may seem expedient. The Registrar may dispense with the obliglttion to supply It c1uplieate of auy document where such obligation is imposed only by tbe Regulations.


64. 'rhe seltl of the Registmr shall bear the ROyltl Arms, [Lud the words" Seal of The Registmr of Friendly Soeieties " [J,l'onnd or ltbove, [Uld the words "Western Austntlia" below. CS. 44 (I, Cl.)J


65. Every duty by these Reg'ulations imposed upon ltny society or bmuch, shall be deemed [I, duty imposed upon every officer e1utrged by the rules of the society or hraneh with performing the smne, [Llld by every member of the eOll1lllittee of management thereof who is proved not to luwe been ignorant of or not to lmve endeavoured to pre­vent any brmwh of (tuy such duty complained of.

66. Documents rehttillg to any society in the eu~tody of the Registmr, may he inspected at the Friendly Soeieties' office on l1pplit:ation nmde by <1ny person hewing [tl1 interest in the funds thereof, to the Registmr during ofiice hours lLllc1 on payment of the prescribed fees, subject in every case to the approval of the Registl'ltl'. CS. 44 (I, c.) ]

G7. No society or bmnch which contmcts with any person for the payment at his dmtth, or for defraying the expenses of his buri,11, or for [1ny of the purpose,; of sub­seetion Lt of section 7 of the Act, of a gross sum exceeding twenty pounds, or for [1 like p"yment on the dmth, or for defmying the expenses of the buril11 of a member's wife, or of '111] other person other tlmn the member specified in subsection 1 of section 7 of the Act, of l1 gross sum exceed­ing' fifteen pounds, shall be registered under the Act. CS. 7 (3.), s. 7 (4.), fLllcl s. 44 (1, o.)J

68. Every society or bmnch, and every officer or member thereof, guilty of any act or debult contmr,y to these Reguhttions, i:!h[111 for every such aet or default be li"blo to a pemtlty not exceeding £20. CS. 44 (2.) ]

P Ol'l,li'[ S.

Pomr A (Regs. 1, 14" ·t3, '17).

'J.'hc Friendly Societies Act, .1894. 58 Vic., No. 23.


N lHne of society '1'0 the l~egistrar of Friendly Societies.

Application to register a society uuder the above-named Act under the nnme of is mnde by tcn pBrsons whose nnmes are subscribed at the foot hereof.

l. 'rhe soeiety is one having branches.'*' 2. 'rhe nH1ttors hereilmfter mentioned are provided for in the

rules as follow, that is to S'1y:-(I.) The nmne of the society in rule No. (2.) The plnce of oHice of th~ society in rule No. (3.) 'The wh01e of the objects for which the society is to

be established in rule No. If this is not the caBe a. line should be drawn through this statelllent.

(4.) '1'he purposes for which the funds are to be applicable in rule No.

(5.) '1'he terms of admission of mBmbers in rule No. , lL11d the scale of entrance fees and contributions payable thereby in rule No.

(6.) The conditions uncleI' which any member may become entitled to any benefit in rule No. , and the scale of sick and funeral benefits promised to members in rules Nos.

(7.) The fines, forfeitures, or penalties to be imposed on any member or officer in rule No. , and their destination in rule No.

(S.) 'I'he mode of holding meetings in rule No. (9.) The right of voting in rule No. (lO.) The manner of making, altering, lL11d rescinding

rules in rule No. (I I.) The appointment l1ncl removal of a committee of

nmnagement (by the name of ) in rule No. (12.) 'rhe appointment and romoval of trustees in rule

No. , and the sencling to the Hegistrar notice of evory appointment of a new trustee within H cln,ys in rule No.

(13.) The appointment of a seeretary in rule No. and the appointment of a treasurer in rule No.

(14.) 'rhe appointment of other officers in rule No. (15.) '['he composition of the central body in rule No. " (16.) 'rhe control to be exercised by the centml body over

the bmnches in rule No. (17.) '['he mode of convening geneml meetings for passing

01' confirming specia.lresolutions in accordance with section 21 of the Act in rule No.

(IS.) The investment of the funds in rule No. ,and the manner in which the moneys receivecl are divided between the several funds in rule No.

(19.) The keeping of the lcccounts in rule No. (20.) '1'he keeping of all moneys received 01' paid on

account of ench and every pa,rticuhLl' fund or benefit sepm'ate ancl distinct, nnd entering them in a separate account distinct from the moneys receive cl and paid on account of any other fund or benefit in rule No.

(21.) '['he audit of the ltcCOunts at least once a year in rule No.

(22.) The furnishing of return A to the Itegistrar every year in due time in rule No.

(23.) '['he furnishing of return B to the Hogistrar every year in due time in rule No.

(24.) '['he inspection of the books of the society by every person having an interest in the funds of the society in rule No.

(25.) 'rhe nmnner of settling disputes beLween the society and any of its members, or auy person claiming through a membor 01' under the rules, in rule No.

(26.) '['he provision for the meeting of all claims upon the society existing n,t the time of division hefore any such division t"kes place, in rule No. t

(27.) The provision for the mnalgamation of branches in rule No. , and the provision defining the rights of the members of an mnnlganmted branch in rule No.

(2S.) A valuation onee at least in every five years of the assets and liabilities of the society, including the estimated risks and contributions, in rule No.

(29.) 'rhe provision as to what constitutes the termina­tion of the society or any branch thereof, in rule No.

(30.) The provision fixing the conditions uncleI' which a br,1nch may secede from the society.'*'

(31.) The supplying g'mtuitously any member or person interested on dcmand with a copy of the bst Return A, or other authorised document in lieu thereof, is provided for in rule No.

(32.) The keeping a copy of the last annual balance sheet, with the auditors' roport (if nny) , rmd of the last quinquennial valuation aJways hung up at the registered office is provided for in rule No.

3. The tables of contributions are certified by , Registrar of :B'riendly Societies [01' an actuary approved under the ninth section of The l?riencll1f Societies Act].

4. With this application are sent-(et.) Two copies of the rules, 8<wh nmrkecl " A " and signed

by each of the 11pplicants, together with the certificate of the Registrar [01' an actm1l'Y approved under the ninth section of 'I'he Friendly Societies Act] to the tables of contributions.

,'b.) A list, markecl "13," of the nmncs of the secretary and of every trustee and every officer (if 11ny other than the trustees) t1uthorised to sue '1nd be sued on behalf of the society.

*- If the society is not onc with branches a. liuc should be drawn through the statement.

t If the societr does not diridc its fnnLl::; a linc should be drawn through this statement.


(c.) A list, marked "C," of every branch and of every place wherein the same is established, and of every trustee 'cnd every officer (if any other than the trustees) authorized to sue and be sued on behalf of each branch respectively.~'

(cL) 'fwo copies, marked "D," of the branch rules which are intended to be identical [or two copies of the rules of every branch which are not intended to be identical].

1. JYIember.

Dated this ebyof

2. 3. ,to 5. t).

7. tl. D.



" Secretary.

N.R-If the soeiety intends to avail itself of fmy Or all of the following provisions of the Act, rules therefor must be made, and it should be stated in each case by what rnle or rules effect has been given thereto :-

(Uh) Section 15 (2), as to the power of the society or any branch thereof to purchase and lease land and buildings, ,cnd to erect building's for offices, &c.

(b.) Section 15 (4), as to vesting the property of any branch wholly or partly in the trustees of the pm'ent society.

(c.) Section 15 (6), as to the advis"bility of the society or central body being answerable for a part at least of the benefits promised by the branches thereof.

(d.) Section 15 (9), as to discharg'e of mortgages by cndorsed receipt in a form other tlmn tlmt given in the third schedule to the Act.

(e.) Section W, as to ,ccculllubtioll 'cnd withdr<twal of surplus contributions.

et.) Section 17, [18 to security and rendering of accounts by oflicers.

(g.) Section ID (I, c.), as to referring disputes to justices. (h.) Section 23 (7), [1S to whether tho branches (if any)

shall have trustees distinct from the trustees of the society. (i.) Section 35, "s to power of contributing to or taking

pftrt in the Imtnagement of other societies. (j.) Regulation No. 13, "8 to making' a charge for recording

nominations, &c.

FOlt1I 13 (11egs. 3, H, '1-7).

The Friendly f:focieii,es Acl, 1894.

5tl Vic., No. 23.

AP.PLICA'l'ION '1'0 l{'EGISTEH. A l'Alt'l'IAL A:i\IENDl\IEN'l' OJl' i-tULES.

Name of society 11egister No.

To the Hegistrar of Friendly Societies.

Application to register a partial amendment of the rules of the is nmdB by the person whose namo is subscribed at the foot hereof.

'With this application are sent-(ft.) A copy of the registered rules marked to show where

the alterations occur and what they are.

(b.) Two copies of the amendment, each Imwkocl "0" and signed by the secretary and three members of the society.

(c.) Evidence by statutory dechnttion th"t the n,mendment now submitted for regisLry has been duly made by the society.

As th,,, amendment affects t the sufficiency of the contributions to provicle the benefits, the certificate of , Registmr of Friendly Societies [or an actuary approved under the ninth section of The Friendly Societies Act] is appended to each copy thereof.


Reg'isterecl Office, Dtlted this day of It,

If the l:;oeicLr is not onc with branches n lilte shonld lJC dl'LHVll throngh the

sta\cY}\!~~'Ch is Hot the case a line 811on1d be th'awll thl'ongll t11i~ stutClllCllt.

FORtiI C (l~egs. 3, 4, 't7). The Fl'iendly Societies Act, 1894.

;58 vic., No. 23. DECLAgA'l'ION IX suprORT Ol!~ A1HENDl\IEX'l' O:F RULES BY SECRETARY.

Name of society

Itegister No.

I, of do solemnly and sincerely declare as follows, that is to say :-

1. That I am secretary of the al)ovo-named society, and the signature of to the amendment of rules annexed hereto is my signature.

2. 'fhat the amendment of rules annexed hereto has been duly made by the said society, and to the best of my knowledge and belief the same is not contrary to the provisions of The FrienCU1! Societies Act, and to the best of my knowledge and belief

, the due making thereoI is not disputed by any member of the society, or any person claiming to be a member. [If snch be the case acId, except by , neeming the objecto)"s.]

3. That the amendment annexed hereto was signed in my presence by whose signatures are ,l,ffixed thereto, and they arc all members of the society.

And I make this solemn decbration conscientiously believing the same te be true, ,md by virtue of the provisions of an OrcliIl­,moo made and passed in the eighteellth year of the reign of tIer present JYIajesty, No. 12, intituled " An Ordinance for the Abolition of unnecess,u'y Oa,ths, and to substitute Declarations in lieu thereof."

D eclal'ecl at, lll? thc Colony of ,Vestern Australia, this day of ,18, ( before me J.P.)

];'olm D (Regs. 3, '1,47).

The F"iencUy Societies Act,1894. 58 Vic., No. 23.


SOCIE'I'Y (Ol\, 8ECH,E'J'AnY 0]' CBN'l'L{.AL J30DY).

N mne of society Register No. I, of

do solemnly and sincerely do clare as follows, that is to mty :-1. 'l'hat I am a trustee of the above-named society [0'1", in case of

branch }"t{les, secretary of the society known as of which the above-named society is a branch].

2. That to the best of my knowledge and belief the amendment of rules ,M1l1exed hereto Ims been duly nmde by the above-named society [0)" in the cccse of branch n,/es has been duly made in COll­formity with the rules of the society and branch in that behalf, and is not contrary to the provisions of The Frien(l/;y Societies Act], and the due making thereof is not disputed by any member of the society or any person claiming to be a member. [~f such be the case OAid except by nmning the ob.iectors.]

3. That the signature of to the annexed paper writing is the signature of the secretary of the above­named society.

And I nmke, &e.

Fomr E (Regs. 4" 14, 47). The Friendly Societies Act, 1894.

58 Vic., No. 23.


Name of society

Register No. To the Registrar of Friendly Societies.

Application to register a eOl1ll)lete amendment of the rules of the above-named society is made by the person whose name is subscribed at the foot hereof.

1. '1'he society is one having branches.*

, 2. 'fhe matters hereinafter mentioned are provided for in the l rules as follow, that is to say:-

(I.) The name of the society in rule No. (2.) '1'he registered address of the society in rule No. (3.) 'fhe whole of the objects for which the society is

established in Rule No. (4.) '1'he purposes for which the funds are to be applicable

in rule No.

* If this is llot the case a lino should be dra\Yn through this statement.

332 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, "V.A. [NL~R. 1, 1895.

(5.) 'rhe terms of admission of members in rule No. , and the scale of entrance fees and contributions payable thereby in rule No.

(6.) The conditions under which fLny member l1my hecome entitled to ,my benefit in rule ;So. , and the scale of sick and funera,l benefits promised to members in rules Nos.

(7). 'rhe fines, forfeitul'es, or penalties to be imposed on any member or officer in rule No. , and their destimttioll in rule No.

(8.) The mode of holding' meetings in rule No. (9.) The right of voting in rule No. (10.) 'rhe manner of making, altering, fLnd rescinding rules

in rule No. (I I.) The appointment "nd remova,l of a committee of

management (by name of ) in rule No. (12). '1'he fLppointment fLncl removal of trustees in rule

No. ,and the sending to the negistrar notice of every appointment of a new trustee within 1··1. cla.ys in rule No.

(13.) 'rhe appointment of a secretary in rule No. ,and the appointment of a treasurer in rule No.

(14.) The appointment of other officers in rule No. (IS.) The composition of the centralhody in rule No. * (16.) The control to be exercised by the central body over

the branches in rule No. (I7.) The mode of convening general meetings for passing

01' confirming special resolutions in accordance with section 21 of the Act in rule No.

(18.) The investment of the funds in rule No. , and the manner in which the moneys received are divided between the several funds in rule No.

(19.) 'I'he keeping of the accounts in rule No. (20.) The keeping all moneys received or pa,id on a.cconnt

of each and every particular fund 01' benefit separate and distinct, and entering them in It sep,U'ate aCcolmt, distinct from the moneys received and plticl on account of :lony other fund or benefit in rule No.

(21.) The a,udit of the accounts at lea,st once a year in rule No.

(22.) The furnishing of return A to the Registmr every year in due timc, in rule No.

(23.) 'I'he furnishing of return B to the Registrfl,r every yea,r in due time, in rule No.

(24.) The inspection of the books of the society hy every person having' an interest in the funds of the society in rule No.

(25.) '1'he mD,nner of settling disputes between the society and any of its members, 01' any pcrson clrtiming throngh ,1.

member 01' lUlder the rules, in rule No. (26.) The provision for the meeting of all claims upon the

society existing "t the time of division before "ny such division t"kes place, in rule No. t

(27') '1'he provision for tlw :HllalgallliLtion of branches in rule No. ,and the provision dcfining the rights of the members of an amalgamated branch, in rule No.

(28.) A valuation once at least in every five years of the assets a.nd li,"bilities of the society, including the estimated risks and contributions, in rule No.

(29.) '1'he provision as to what constitutes the termination of the society or any branch thcreof, in rule No.

(30.) The provision fixing the conditions under which <1.

branch may secede from the society.* (31.) The supplying gratuitously any memher or person in­

terested, on demand, with a copy of the bst J1eturn A 01'

other authorised document in lieu tlHlreof, is provided for in rule No.

(32.) 'rhe keeping a copy of the la,st anmml bahnee sheet, with the auditors' report (if any), and of the last quin­quennial valuation, always hung up at the registered offiee, is provided for in rule No.

3. The tables of contributions are certified by , negistrar of Friendly Societies [0)' >1.n actu,wy approved under the ninth section of The Friendl1l Societies Act l

With this application are seut--(a.) A copy of the registered rules. (b.) Two copies of the new rulcs proposed by wa.y of COl11-

plete amenchnent, ea,eh umrked "P," and signed by the secretary a.nd three members of the society, together with the t:1.bles of contributions certified as aforesaid.

(c.) Eviclence by stcttubl'Y cleclanttioll th'Lt the mnenclmont now submitted fur registry 1ms been duly made by the socidy.

Secrctary. negistered Offieo,

Dated this day of 18

* If the society is not onc with brallches fL lino should be drawn through this statement.

t If t,he society does not divide its fnuds a HUG should be dl'<-l\Vll tltroutdl this st",tClllCnl.

N.B. -If the society intends to avail itself of any 01' a.ll of the following' provisions of the Act, rules therefor must be made, and it should be stated in each Ct1se hy what rule or rnles effflct has been given thereto: - .

(ct.) Seetion 15 (2) .• as to the power of the society or any branch Lhereof to pUl'e1mse and lcttse land and buildings, ,met to erect huildings for offices, &c.

(/1.) Seetiol1 15 (4), as to ,esting' the property of any bmnch wholly or lXtrtly in the trustees of the pf1.l'ent society.

(c.) Section 15 (6), as to the advisability of the society or central body being answemble for a part 'Lt least of the benefits promised by the bm11ches thereof.

(cl.) Section 15 (9), as to discharge of l1l0rtgao.os by endorsed receipt in a forlll other tlmn that given in the "'third schedule to the Act.

(e.) Section lG, a.s to accumulation and withdrawal of sur­plus contributions.

(.t.) Section 17, as to security a,nd rendering of aCCOlll1ts by officers. .

(g.) Section 19 (I, c), as to referring disputes to justices. (h.) Section 23 (7), etS to whether the branchos (in any) slmll

have trustees distinct from the trustees of the society. (i.) Section 33, as to power of contributing to or taking pa.rt

in the nmnagement of other societios. (j.) Regulation No. 13, as to nmking a charge for recording

nomil1l,tiollS, &c.

FomI 1<' (l~eg. 5).

The Ihicnclly Societies Act, 1894.

58 Vie., No. 2:3.


Name of society

Hegister No.

'1'0 the Hegistmr of Friendly Societies.

1. 'rhe ftbove-nmned society desires that its registry under 'I'he Friendly Societies Act may be ca.ncelled on the following gl'onnd, viz. :-

And n.t a general meeting' duly held on the day of ,18 , it was resolved as follows :---" That the

trustees he authorised to request the Registrar to cancel the registry of this society."

2. This request is made by the trustees accorcling·ly.

3. It is desired th:tt notice of such c:1l1celling be published in th0 [nconing SOlYLe circuhtting in tho locality in which the rcgistered office of is sitm,ted.

,1. The snm of , being tho eost of publishing such notice in the saiclnewspaper, and the further sum of

, for the cost of publishing the sa,me in the Government G(tzette, a.re herewith transmitted.

} 'rrustees.

Hegistered Otnee,

Dateel this day of ,18

N.R-This form may be used for the l~equest to Cnncell'tegistry of a Branch, but, in that case, n, cel'tificate uuder the hand of the socretary of the society or centr['11 body that its consent has been given thereto must be appended.

FOJUI G (nog. 7).

2'hc F)'ic1HU1l Societies Act, 1894.

58 Vic., No. 2i3.


Nmne of soeiety

l{'cgister No. Notice is horeby given to the ahovo-named society that it is the

intention of the Registrar to proceed on the d~LY of , 18 . to on.nool '0)' to smpon<l for the registry of the socinty, unloss (:[lnsu he sl.lol,vn to the cnl1tra.ry the lnen,ntilne.

The ground of snch proposed cancelling [Dj' suspension] is as follows :-

(by of

Registrar of ]i'l'icndly Societies.


1L.\R. 1, 1895.J GOVERNlvIEKT (xAZETTE, 'V.A. 333

FomII H (Reg. 8). The F1'iendly Societies Act, 1894.

58 Vie., No. 23.

Name of society.

Register No.


The registry of the above-named society is hereby en.ncellecl at its request [0)' as the case may be. If thOlLght fit, the grottncl of the cancelling may be aclded].

Dated this day of Registrar of Friendly Societies.


:FORIII I (Reg. 9). 'Pile Fl'ienclly Societies Act, 1894.

58 Vie., No. 23.


Name of society

Register No. 'l'he registry

suspended for of the above-named society is hereby =furtherJ

from this date, on the ground that

]1egistrar of Friendly Societies. Dntecl this clay of It:

FORM J (I{eg. 10).

The Friendly Societies Act, 1594. 5"1 Vie., No. 23.

An,-rl,iH,'l'ISKjjIl-<;NT 0:F' CANCELLING OR SUSl-'liiNSION.

Notice is hereby g'ivell tlmt the I{egistrar of Friendly Societies 1ms, plmmnnt to Act ;is Vie., No. 2:3, sec. 10, hy Wl'itillg under his Iml1fl, flated the (hW of 18 , crmcelled [0;' sl1sp,mded for the registry of the society known as

register No. held at on the gTOllllcl

following, tlu1t is to say-

The society (subject to the right of fLl)peal given hy the sfLid Aut) ceases to enjoy [during sueh suspension] the privileges of a. registered society, but without prejudice to any liallility incurred by the society, which may be enforced against it as if such cancelling [01' suspension] ha.d not taken place.

:B'riendly Societies Office,

Dated this clay of 18

Registrar of :B'riendly Societies.

FORlII K (Reg. 11). The Ji'riencUy Soc'ieties Act, 1894.

58 Vie., No. 23.


Name of society. H.egister No. Notice is hereby given that the registered address of the above-

named society is changed from and is now Dated this day of 11)

} Trustees.

Secretary. To the Registrar of Friendly Societies.

Received this day of 18 [SeaL ccnd signaho'e of Registm1'.]

FORlII L (Reg. 12). The Friendly Societies Act, 1894.

5H Vic., No. 2il.

NOTICE OF RESOLUTION APP()IN'l'ING TRUSTEES OF SOCIETY. Name of society H.egister No. At a meeting of the above-Ul1mcd

provided hy the rules, ltnd held the society, duly convened as


18 , it was resolved hy a majority of the members present and entitled to vote-

'I'hat of of of of

and of [give ftell names, addresses, and descl'ipi'ionsJ he a trustee (01'

trustees) of the societ.y. [If it is not a first ccppointment add in place of deceased, 01' resigned, M' removed, as the case may vc.]

l~egistered Office of Society, Dated this day of 18

Received this day of 18

Trustee. Trustee. 'l'l'ustee. Trustee, Trustee. Secretary.

[Seal ancl signattwe of Registm?'.] N.B.-This notice mnst be signed by the new Trustee or

Trustees and the Secretary.

PomlI lYI (Reg. 13).

The Fl'ienclly Societies Act, 1894.

;38 Vic., No. 23.


(1.) Nomination.

Branch of the Friendly Society, registered pnrsmmt to" Tho Friendly Societies Act." I here~y l101ninn.te . , of , 111 the Colony of ~Wostern Australia, to receive the money payable at. my deitth under the rules of the brltllCh l1nd society above nmned.

Signutu1·e. Dated this cll1Y of It:

Signahwe of Witness.

(2.) Revocation. I hereby reyoke the above nomination.

Signal1we. Dated this dltyof 18

Signat1L1'c of Witness.

(3.) Va1·iation. r hereby vary the above nomination as follows :-r nomil1l1 te , of , in

the Colony of vVestern Australia, to receive the money payable at my death as aforesl1id, in lieu of the above named.

Dated this Signai1we.

day of 18 i3ignatu're of Witness.

FORlII N (Reg. 16).

The Fl'iencU11 Societies Act, 1894.

58 Vic., No. 28.


Dispute between and [ an officer of] the society known as register No.

The above l)l1rties, by consent, refer the dispute between them to the Registrar of Friendly Societies.

The said states as follows :-

(1.) Thltt he is a member [01' clltims through a member, 01' under the rules] of the sltid society.

(2.) That he cll1ims to be entitled as follows [give pal'tic1~lal's of clo;i1n] :-

(3·) That the claim is proposed to be supported by the evidence of the following witnesses, and by the production of the following books and documents

The sltid as an officer [01' as trustees] of the said society states [or state] as follows

(1.) That he [01' the society] disputes the claim of the said on the following grounds ;-

334 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 'V.A. [MAR. 1, ] 895.

(2.) '1'hat his case [0" the case of the society] is proposed to be supported by the evidence of the following witnesses, and by the production of the following books l'mc1 c1ocl1ments:-

Signature of the claimant Address of elaimant Signatl11'e of the officer or I.

signatures of the trustees ) Registered Office,

Dated this day of 18

FORllI 0 (Reg. 18). The F1'iendZy Societies Act, 1894.


Dispute between l'md [ an officer of] the society known as register No.

'fo Tako notice that I shall proceed to hear and determine the

matter in dispute, which has been referred to me, pursuant to the above nmlled Act, on the clay of

next, at o'clock in the noon, at and that I shall require the attendance there of all parties concerned, and of the witnosses named, and the production of the books ,cnd documents spocified in the statement nmcle by you in the 1'efe1'enoo of the dispute.

RegistrfLr of lhiondly Societies. D:.ted this day of 18

Fomr P (Reg. IH).

The Friendly Societies Act, 18.'14.

58 Yie., No. 23.


Dispute between and :tn officer of] the soeiety known as register No.


Pursu:tnt to section 19 of the above-named Act, you are required to >Lttend >Lt on the day of next, at 0' clock in the noon, to give evidence relating to the matter in question, and to produce the following books and documents :--

Registrar of Friendly Societies. Dated this da,y of 18

N.B.-I£ you do not comply with this requisition yon will be guilty of an oJ:l'ence under the above-named Act and become liable to a pcna,lty.

PORllI Q (Reg. 20).

The Ji'l'ien(lly Societies Act, 18.94.

58 Vie., No. 23.


In the matter of a dispute between and [ an officer of] the society known as register No. referred to me pursuant to the above-named Aet.

T, fo11ows:-

11egistrar of Friendly Societies, order and direct as

(1.) 'flmt within fourteen (1:1ys from the serviee of order do deposit at Illy office [state inspection by the parties the following documents <l oC1l1nents] :-

(2.) 'l'lmt on the o'clock in the society *]

day of noon

next, [Lt [an officer of tho

do appenr before me, at my ofllce above-named, and make dis­covery upon oath of all things within his knowledge [as such oflleer "J relative to the following umtters [state the matte)'s as la which ,lisco1'6)'1/ is gmnted] :---

Given nnder Illy hand this clay of 18

Hegistrar of Friendly Societies. ~.=-~~~~~--~~~~


FORM R (Reg.21).

The Friendly Societies Act, 1894. .58 Vic., No. 28,


In the matter of a dispute between officer of] the society known as


reo'istel' No b Act. '

referred to me pursuant to the above-named

I, R.egistl'ar of Friondly Societies, determine as follows :-[Pa'l'ticu.l(o's of Registmr's tlctcnnination.]

'1'ho expenses hereof are ordered to be paid out of the funds of the Society (01' as the case may be),

Given under my hand this (h1Y 18 Registrar of Friendly Societies.

N.B.-Application for the enforcement of this order may be made to any two or more justices of the pence in the district wherein the parties to the dispute or any of them l'eside.

Porm S (Reg. ll2).

The Friendl1l Societies Act, 18.'J4.

58 Vic., No. 23.


Name of society gegistor No. Application made purslmnt to section 20 of the above-named

Act. 1. The above-named society has members. 2. This application is signed by members. 3. The application is that the Hegistrnr m:1,y ftppoint inspectors

[01' may call a special meeting] pursuant to the said section. 4. The gTounds of the npp1ion.tio11 ,we as follow [state the

grounds fully] :-

5, 'rhe applicants are prepared to support the application by the following evidence, for the pm'pose of showing that they have good reason for making the application, and are not nctuated by malicious motives in doing so, viz., by [1 statutory declaration an­nexed hereto by [state names] three of the present applicants, and [hc)'c state the naturc ~r the cridence }J)'opose(Z to be gi1!en] :-

G. '1'he applicants are prepa~ed, if reqnired, to give security for costs to the extent of L state amonnt].

Signature of applicants.* Address to which cOllllllunications are to be sent

Dated this day of 18

FORm T (Reg. 22). The Fl'iendlll Societies Act, 18.94.



Name of society Register No.

VV 8, three of the members of the nbovc-rlamod society, do ; solemnly and sincerely dechre tlmt the persons whose signatures

are appended to the application, it copy of which is herennto an­nexed, are to the hest of om' knowledge and belief /)owl fitle mem­hers of the soc-iety, :tl1cl that we are not, nor to the best of our knowledge :1.ncl belief is (tuy pcrson whose signatul'e is appended to such application, actuated by malicious lllotiv('s. and that to the best of our knowledge and belief there good roason for making such applicntion.

And we make, &i'.

FOR,1f U (Heg. 24). The p,.ien<lly Societies Act, 1894.

158 Yic., No. 23.

AP})OlN'rl\l1<jN'l' 0]' rNRPli:CTORS.

N nme of society R.egistor No. Pursuance to section 20 of the above named Act I horeby

appoint to examine into report thereol1.

[and ] inspector [01' inspectors] t.he affairs of the above nallled society, and to

* Signature hy mark 11l11St 1)0 Itttested by some oue not Itn applicant.


One copy of the application for inspection is sent herewith for the guidance of the inspector [0;' inspectors].

He [01' they] may require the production of all or any of the books and doclUnents of the society, and may examine on oath its officers, members, agents, and servants in relation to its business, amI may administer such oath accordingly.

This inspection is to commence on the day of next at o'clock in the noon, and is to be held at

Registrar of Friendly Societies.

Dated this day of 18

FORilI V (Reg 25). The Friendly Societies Act, 1894.

58 Vic., No. 23.



Name of society Register No. Notice is hereby given that ,1, special meeting of the above­

named society will be held by direction of the Registrar, pursuant to section 20 of the above-named Act, on the

day of next, at o'clock in the noon, at , which meeting' shall appoint its own chairman, and shall then proceed to discuss and determine on the following matters [state them] :----

Reg'istrllol' of Friendly Societies. Dated this day of 18

FOR?!I W (Reg. 27). The Friendly Societies Act, 1894.



Name already registered Register No.

To the Registrar of Friendly Societies. Application for approval of a change of name of the above­

mentioned society, and for registry of a special resolution to that effect is made by the persons whose names are subscribed at the foot hereof.

The following is a copy of a special resolution passed by the votes of three-fourths of the memhers present ,1,nd entitled to vote at a general meeting of the society [a(ld some being present by proxy whe;'e the "l(les allow proxies] of which notice w,l,s duly given, held on the day of , 18 , and confirmed by a majority of the members present and entitled to vote at a subsequent general meeting [add some being present by proxy whe1'e the 1'nles allow p1'oxies] of which notice was duly given, held on the day of , 18 , pursuant to section 21 of the above-named Act.

[The 1'esolntion to be copie(Z at length.]

Registered Office, Dated this day of , 18

(Chairman of the first l. general meeting.

Secretary. I Chairman of the subse­l. quent genemlmeeting.

FOR1\l X (Regs. 27,28,29,30).

The Friendly Societies Act, 1894. 58 Vic., No. 23.



Name of society

Register No. I, of an officer of the above-

named society, do solemnly and sincerely declare that the state­ments in the annexed application are, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, and that in making the special resolution mentioned in such application the provisions of section 21 of the above-named Act have been duly complied with: And in particular that notice of the meeting held at the day of

, 18 , at which the special resolution, application for registry of which is appended to this declaration, was passed, was

duly given according to the rules of the above-named society in manner following, that is to say :-

And that notice of the meeting held at the day of , 18 , at which such special

resolution w"s confirmed, was duly given according to the rules of the above-named society in manner following, that is to say:-

And I make, &c. N.B.-In the case of an amalgamation with a society, the

declaration must be made by the secretary of each society.

FORilI Y (Regs. 27, 28, 29, 30). The Friendly Societies Act, 1894.

58 Vic., No. 23.



Name of society Register No. I, of , do solemnly and sincerely

declare that I was the chairman of a geneml meeting of the above-named society held at on the day of ,18 ,at the hour of in the noon, at which meeting members were present personally [and members, in addition, were present by proxy], and the resolution, application for registry of which is appended to this declaration, was carried [0;' confirmed] by a majority of members; members voting in hLVour of it, and tu embers voting ag'ainst it [01' unanimously J.

And I make, &c.

FOR1II Z (Reg. 28).

The F1'iendly Societies Act, 1894. 58 Vic., No. 23.



Name of society~' Register No. Name of society Register No.

[And so on ~f mon than two.]

1'0 the Registrar of Friendly Societies.

Application for registry of a special resolution for the amalga­mation of the above-mentioned societies is made by the persons whose names 'wo subscribed at the foot hereof.

1. ']'he following is a copy of a special resolution passed by the votes of three-fourths of the members present and entitled to vote at a general meeting of the first-named society [add, some being present by proxy whe;'e the ",tles allow p1'oxies] of which notice w~"s duly given, held on the day of 18 , and confirmed by a majority of the members present and entitled to vote at a subsequcnt general meeting [add some being present by proxy where the "',les allow p1'oxies] of which notice was duly given, held on the day of 18 , pm'suant to section 21 of the above-named Act :-

[The "esol1tiion to be copiecl at length.] 2. The number of votes [see section 21, p1'oviso (aJ] to which all

the members of the first-named society are entitled, pursuant to section 22 (7) of the above-named Act, is , the numher of votes of the members who assented at the said meeting is , and the written consents of members entitled to votes, and of every person for the time being receiving or entitled to any relief or other benefit from the funds of the society, are appended hereto, except the consents of whose claims have been duly satisfied or have been provided for, [state in whcd manner s,wh p1'ovision has been made J.

Registered Office of the first-named Dated this day of

( Chairman of the first (, general meeting. I Secretary of the first-(, named society. (' Chairman of the subse­t quent general meeting.

society. 18

In the copies of this application by each society, its own nmue should appear first.

336 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 'V.A. [MAR. 1, 1895.

FORM AA (Reg. 29). 'The Friendly Societies ,tt et, 1894.



N aUlC of society transferring' its engagelllents (0) Register :No. N amo of society undertaking to fulfil transferrerl eng'age­

menis (b) Register No.

'ro the Registrar of Friendly Societies. Application for registry of f], specia'! resolution for transfer of

eng>tgelllcnts of the ftbove-named (a) society, register No. is Im1de by the persons whose memes are subscribed hereto.

1. The following ;1 copy of a speci"l resolution passed by the votes of threo-fourths of the members present and entitled to vote at ;1 g-(~nel'al Hlccting of snell (er) society, l'egister No. [add, some being present by proxy ",)w"e the ""les fillo1v proxies] of which notice was duly given, helel at the day of

18 ,and eonfirllled by ;1 lll[LjOl'ity of the members present and entitled to vote nt [], subseq nont genen11 meeting [acld S;)Ble being pro sent hy proxy 'tvhcJ'c the rules rdlow ly,'oxiesJ of which notiC:l' was duly given, held at on the day of 18

['I.'hc resot'/tti"" to vc copied, at lenqth,] 2. The number of votes [see section 2.1, PTO";SO (a)] to which all

the 11100nhors of the first-named (a) sooiety m'o entitled pursllnnt to section 25 (7) of tho abOYO-mtlll()(l Ad is ; the number of votes of the lllelllbors who assentod a,t the snicl meeting is

; and the written consonts of mcmbers Gnti tled to votes, and of every person for the time being receiving or entitled to any reliof or other benefit from the fun(ls of the society, are appended hereto, exeept the consents of ,whose claims lllwe been duly satisfie(l or h;we been provided for i state in ,,,hnt HUtnnCI' s1~ch provision luts been 'inude].

8. The abovc-nauled society, rcgister No. , has L st,de in wh"t undcl'tnJmn to fulfil the ong;Lg0111cnts ',f the ~1bove-nmnod register No. , ftS

t8stificd by the tl'llskes iLnd S('Cl·ct[],ry of the said (b) society, register No. , to this Rpplieation, ,1nd by tho declaration of the secl'etnl'Y of the s;tlne sent with this ",pplicntiol1.

gegistered omeo of (Ci) society.

Dftted this df1yof

I" Chf1irman ef the first ( goneral lllueting. ( Soeretf1ry of the (a) so­l. ciety, register No. I' Chainmen of the second ( general 111ceting. I' Trusteos of the (b) so­t ciety, register No. I' Secretnry of the (b) so­l. ciety, register No.


FORM An (Reg.20). The PricntUy Societies Act" 1"114.



Name of society Hegistor No. r, of SOel'et:ll'Y of the ah0VO-

named society, do solemnly f],ucl sincerclly deehrt) th<tt by ft resolution of a meeting of the society, held on the drty of 18, at r or as the case may vc, st(Ltvng by VJhfit fiuth01'ity the to'finsfe]' is accepted] the society hr]'s undertaken to fnlfil all the engf],gemellts of the socioty known ns

rogister No. And I make, &0.

FORM Aa (Reg.29). The P)'ien(Uy Societies Act, 1894.

;'i8 Vie., No. 2:3. DECLAH,A'l'TON BY SECRE'f'AI"{'Y 01:' CO?1IPANY AGREI<;r:.rG- 'ro AnrAIJL\,,­

"DIA'l'ION OH rl'~·U\.NSFJ~R.

N amo of eompmly I, of

compnlly, do solemnly '111d SiJ"C(31'Eliy abovc··nn,l11ecl

a, resolution of a, special g-ollcl';;tl rnccting of the <cv"up",U)

day of It; nt stcZtiny lOh"t the of enqa(fe1nC)HS an allul,]gallw,tion [01' of] the society known as

And I make, &c.

cnse '1nay ',c, 'is agned to, o}'

the company has ngreed to to fulfil all the eng',gemellts

register No.

FORm An (Heg. 30). 'I.'he Fj'iendlll Societies A et, 1894.



Name of society l'tegister No.

'1'0 the Registmr of Friendly Societies, Application for regist.ry of t1 spoci'll H,sollltion for conversion of

the above-mtlllerl society into ;e comp,my is nmde by the persons whose names 'wo subscribed at the foot horeof.

'1'he following is a copy of a special resolution pftssed by the votes of three-fourths of the members present mId entitled to vote ;et t1 genemlmecting of the s"id [([cl,l, some boing present by proxy, 'where the "nles al?ow of which notice was duly given, hold on the day of 18, 1Lncl confirmed hy ft majority of the lllomhc'rs pl'()Sent and entitled j 0

vote at a snbsequent genorallneoting. [odd, 801110 being present by proxy,1J,hC1'e till' r,,/e, n.lloUJ proxies] of' which lloticl' was duly given, held on the (lay of 1N, pursuant to section 21 of the a' ove-named Act.

"The resolution to be copied (I,t length.]

Heg-istered Office,

\ Clutirm;m of tho first g(~noral uloeting.

Secretary. (Clmirlllftl] of the subse­, QU(\llt g"onerallllcetillg'.

D;\tE·([ this chy of ]R

FORnr AE (Rpg. 3:1). 'l'he Fl'iendly Societies Act, 189,1.

,,8 Vie., No. 2g. INS1'RUl\I1.jN'L' OF DISSOTJU'l'ION.

NamG of seciety Register No. Instrument of dissolution of the

llmde the day of 18, pursuant to tho Act 58 Vic., No. 28, soo. 22, fmd signod by five-sixths in value of the members (inoluding hono1'>117 m8111bOl'", if any) and by eV<ll'y porson for the timo being receiving 01' (,ntitled to roceive ;1llY relief 0" other bcnefit from thG funds of the society [oxcept

whose claims lmve been duly slttisfiod, or lmve been provided for (state in what manner sl1ch lH'~"i'ion has been made)].

It is ngreed and declared as follows :-


(I.) The liftbilities of the society arc ns follows [hel'e set them Md in detfiilJ :-

(2.) 'I.'he assets of the society are the following [here set them ont in clet"itJ :-

(3.) '['he number of members is (4.) '['he nnture of the interests of the members is as fol-

(5,) The society has no oreditors other than the members [01' the society h"8, besidos its members, the following Cl'edi­tors, to eaoh of whom is owing- the ~L1l1011nt set opposite his nftme, >11uounting on the whole to (set ont list of cl'edito1'S ancl amo1mts oooing to thcm). Provision h"s been nmcle for the pRyment of such creditors in manner following (here set o1d p1'01Jision) :-]

(6,) The funds and property of the society shall be appro­priated and divided in tho following mn,nner [01' in suoh manner as the Registrar may nward (see BeguZedion No. 89)J :-

[He1'c inse1't CL11y other provisions the society cles;res to insel·t cos to the dissol"tion. J

Signature of members. Number of Votes of ef1eh member.

Signatures of persons reoeiving or entitled to receive any relief 01'

, other benofit from the funds of the society. Schedule.

List of membors who have not I No. of votes of each. signeel the foreg'oing instru-ment.

N.B.-All signatures by marks only must be attested by a wit­ness who cloes not sign as a member.

1\ AR. . K,:,.). '1 1 1 )0.- J- GOVERN}IENT GAZETTE, 'Y.:L

FOR}I AF (Reg. 88).

The Friendly Societic" Act, J.'i!J4.

58 Vic., No. 28.


N am8 of society Register No. ,Ye of , and >

of' , and , of ,011e of the trustees i Of' three members] and the secretary respectively of the above-named society, do solemnly and sincerely declare that the facts alleO'ed or recited in the instrument of dissolution '01'

the alterati01::" of the instrument of dissolution] appended to this declaration and the schedule thereto are, to the best of our knowledge 'cnd belief, true; and in making the said instrument the provisions of the .d.ct (58 Vic., No. 28), have been complied with.

.d.nd wo make, &c.

FOR}I .d.G (Heg. 8:3).

'I.'he F,,.iendly Societies Act, 1RiJ4.

58 Vie., No. 2:3.


Name of society Register )f o. The Registnl,l' of Friendly Societies is hereby informed tlmt it

is desired by tho members whose namos are subscribed ,1t the foot hereof tluLt notice of dissolution of the "hove-named society be published in the some newspa,per] rircubting in the 10cl1lity in whieh the office of the society is situc,ted.

The sum of such notice in the

, heillg the cost of pu bli shing s"id 1l0'.\·sp"per, "ncl the further Sllm of

, being the cost of publishing the sm110 in the GoVef'nHwnt Gazette, a,l'e herewith tl'ill1S1uitted to the l~eg·istl'ar.

[S'iynntm'es of membe)'s."

l~egistered office.

D"tocl this ch1yof , l~

FomI .AJ (Reg. 87). The Friendly Societies Act, 1894.

58 Vie., ~o. 23.


N UJlle of socie ty Hegistcl' No.

To the Hegistrar of Friendly Societies. Application for an award of dissolution of the llbove-named

society is made by the lllelll bel'S whose llmnes a·re subscribed at the foot her80f.

1. The societv consists of lllem bel'S , of whom have signed this 'lpplicn,tion.

2. The funds of the society are insl.cfficient to meet the existing claims theroon [0)' the rates of contribution fixed in the rules of the society added to the funds investee: or ot.herwise possessed by the society are insufficient to cover the henefits assured].

:3. The grounds upon which sueh insufficiency is alleged are as follow [state g)'o~mdsJ:-

"t. '1'he RegistnLl' is hereby requested to make, or Ct1USe to be made, purswcnt to the Act 58 Vie., ::\0. 28, section 22, "n investi­ga,tion into the affairs of the society, with a view to the dissolution thereof.

5. It is desired tlmt notice of the '''Yard of dissolution be published in the in the loctllity in which situated.

cil'cuh'tting society is

li. The sum of , being the cost of publishing such notice in the said newspaper, and the] further sum of , being the cost of nublishing' the StUJlC in tbe Gorci'n;neni Ga;;;ette, arc here­with tl';tnslllittec1.

l~egistel'ed Office, Dated this . eby of

]?Ol-DJ AI( (J?"eg. :-1H).

'lThc Pl'ie'Yu .. ll1! SoC'ietrtes Act, [/' .. ;94. 58 Vie., No. 28.

N alue of society Reg'ister No. •

XOrl'ICli: OF Il\VES'L'ldA'l'ION.

Notice is hero by given that the J1egistml' of J;'l'iendly Societies will proceed hy himself [01' by nctuar;), 0;' public lLlulitol',

FOl'''I All (Heg. g,». ! whom such Registrar hereby appoints for the purpose] to investi-

l'he b'i'iendly Societies Act, 1894.

58 Vie., No. 28.

ACK~OWLEDGl\IgN'r oX' REGIS'l'ltY OF I,::\S'l'lUnrI~l\T OF


N "me of society

Rogister No.

The foregoing instrument of dissolution [0)' altemtioll of instrument of dissolution: of the societ.y known as

, register No. , is r0gistered under The F'1'ienclly Societies Act, 1894.

Given under my hand this day of ,18

Registr"l' of Friendly Societies.

FomI AI (lteg. :30).

The Fi'iencUy Societies Act, 1894.

58 Vic., No. 2:3.


Notice is hereby given that the society known as , register No. , held at , is dissolved, by

instl'lll118nt registered at this office the day of ,18 , 1.1l1less within three months from the date of the Gazette in which this advertisement appears proceedings he commenced by some member 01' other person interested ill or having any claim on the funds of the society, to set aside such dissolution, <1ud the , same be set aside accordingly.

Hegistmr of Friendly Societie~. Friendly Societies Office.

Dated this day of ,18

* Any signature by mark only DHlst be attestecl by a witness '\...-ho does not sign as a member.

g"te the "ffnirs of the ttbove-nmlled in compliance with an npplimtioll ill tlmt bclmlf made, to section 22 of the ltbOVe-nmlled Act, on the (hyof 18 at o'clock in the 1100D, aot

llegistl'al' of ]y'1riendly Societies. Hc)gisterecl Address ef Society D,ttod this (by of IH

[To be atldl'essed to the society I:t-i its j'eg"isierefl o.Oice.J

FomI AI, (Heg-. :lH).

'['he Friendly 8ocieti0s Act. J8iJ4.

5H Vie ... No. 2~-3.

Nmno of society Register No. Pursuant to section 22 of the abon'-ll,unecl Act I hereby award

that the societv shall bo dissolved and its affairs wound up as from the' day of 18, and I direct that the t1ssets of the said societv slmll be divided and appropriatecl in the following mmlller :-... "

Registrar of Friendly Societies. l~egistered Address of Society Da,ted this day of IH

J<'omI A:l1 (Reg. :30).

The Fl'iendly Societies Act, 1894. 68 Vie., No. 28.

Name of society Hegister No.


Pursuant to section 22 of the above-named Act, and to the instrument of dissolution of the above-named society, registered

* Any signatnre by mark only must be attested by u: witness who does not sign as a memher.


on the day of 18, I hereby [),ward and direct that the assets of the society s 11>,11 be divided and ap­propriated in the following lll[Lnner :~-~

Registrar of Priendly Societies. Hegistered Address of Society Dated this day of 18

POR)I AN (Reg. 40). '1'he Fri(5neUy Societies Act, 1894.

58 Vic., No. 23. ADVliiR'l'IS}<1l\IEN'l' 0]' DISSOTJU'l'ION BY AvVAltD.

Notice is hereby given that on the day of the R<.·gistrar of Friendly Societies signed an >,ward for the dissolution of the society known as , rt'gistored No. , held at , and that such society is thereby dissolved, unless within three months from the clabe of the Gazette in which this advertisement appoars proceed­ings be commenced by a member or other person interested in or having any ch1im on the funds of the society to set aside sllch dissolution, and the same be set aside accordingly.

Registmr of Priendly Societies. Friendly Societies Office. Dated this day of 18

PORilI Ao (Regs. 43,45). '1'he p,.iendly Societies Act, 1894.

58 Vic., No. 2a. No'rlCl<:: OJ!' ESTABLISll:!}f}f:N'l' OF BRANCH.

Kmlle of society Eegister No.

To the Eegistmr of ]'rienclly Societies. 1. A branch of the above-lutmed society has been established

~ ~~~~ W~ bmnch was fOl'ntel'ly a )"cgistc;-ed society state the name it then held a)/(l its registcreel N o.J

2. The branch is [01' is not] to have trustees [or officers, if cmy other than the tn{stees to sue and he sued on its behaJfl other than those of the society. [If so add, ;md the following m'"(' the names of such trustees 0)' officers] (desc)"ib'ing them)

3. The rules of the branch ,we [01' "re not] identim,l with those of the other bmnchos of the society. [If not so add, and an application for the registry of the same in Porm A, with two copies of the rules of the bmnch, duly signed, arc sent herewith.]

4·. The rnles of the society, Nos. , contain provisions sufficient for the government of its branches.

Secretary of tho Society. Eegistcrecl Office of the Society,

Dated this day of IS

POR"I Ap (I{eg. 48). The Friendly Societies Act, 1894.


Name of society Register No.

Name, register No., and place of branch. To the Registrar of Priendly Societies.

At H, meetiug of the above-named bmnch of the above-named society, <luly con vened as provided by the rules, held the day of 18 ,it was resolved by a majority of the members present and entitled to \-ote,

That of of of of

and of [gfl"; .tiLlZ names, aelcM'esses, a1H1 descriptions], be a trustee [or trustees J of such branch officers to sue and be sued on behalf of such branch]. [If it not a fh'st (J,I'Pointment a,Lld, in place of

deceased OJ' resigned, 01' relllO\-ed, as the case may be]. 'I'rustee 'l'rustee Trustee Trustee Trustee

\" Secretary of above­( named branch.

* rrhis fOl'lll may be adapted, by authority of the Registra.r, so as to include auy lllunber of branches.

Place of business of above- 'I named branch ;

\" Secretarv of above­( namccl society. \" Trustee of above·' ( m1l11ed society.

Registered office of above- I named society )

Dated this day of 18

Received this clay of 18 [Seal anel signatw'e of Registml·.]

N.B.-This notice must be signeel by the new trustee or trustees, or other officers named, and the branch secretary; also by the secretary and one of the trustees of the society or central body.

FORnI AQ (Reg. 48).

The Friendly Societies Act, 1894.

58 Vic., No. 23. N07.'ICE 0]' CHANGE OF REGIS'l'ERED ADDRESS 01<' BltANCH.

To the Registrar of Priendly Societies. Name of Society Register No. Name and register No. of branch Notice is hereby given that the registered address of the above­

named branch is changed from and is now

Dated this day of 18

Received this

Secretary of thu society.

Secretary of the branch.

day of 18

[Seal (m,l signalm'e of Reyistml·.]

j!'OItilI AR (Reg. 52).

The B'rieneUy Societies Act, 1894.

;38 Vie., No. 23.



Notice is hereby given that the society known as , register No. , the

registered office of which is at desires to amalgamate with [0)' transfer all its engagmnents to j the society known [cs register No. [0>' the , a company under The Cmnpcmies Act, 1898, 0)' as the case "'C'11 be]: And that on the day of 18 the trustees [01' committee of management] of the first named society intend to apply to the Registrar of Priendly Societies that the following consents and conditions prescribed by The P"iendLy Socfeties Act, 1894, for an amalgamation [or

I transfer of engagements] may be dispensed with, viz.:-

[State what consents and conditions.]

J Trustees [01' memhers of

S( the committee of manage­

men t] of the said first­named society.

:N.B.-To be published ill thE' Gazette one calendlLl" lllonth, at least, before the application is made.

PORnI As (Reg. 5a).

The PrienclUg Societies Act, 1894·.



Name of society. Hegister No.

To the Eegist!'ar of Priendly Societies. Application is made by the trustees [01' committee of ma.na.ge­

mentJ of the above-nmned society for the purpose hereinafter mentioned

(1.) The abOVe-llaInecl society desires to amalgal1late with [01' transfer all its engagements to] the society known as


, register No. [01' the , ,1, compltny under The Compnnies Act, 1898J.

(2.) The trustees [0)' cOlllmittee of management] of the first-named society hereby apply to the Registrar that the following consents and conditions prescribed by The Frienclly Societies Act, 1894, for an anmlgmnation [0)' transfer of engagements] may be dispensed with, viz.:-

[Stnte consents ancl concZitions.]

(3.) Notice of the intention to m[lke the present application was advertised in the Government Gazette on the day of 18, being one calendar month previous to the date of this application, and a copy of the Gazette in whieh such notice appears is sent herewith.

I 'l'rustees [or members of the ( committee of management] of ) the said first-named society.

Dated this day of IH

FORlU A:l' (Reg GG). The Fl'iemUy Societies Act, 1894.

58 Yic., No. 23.


Name of society or branch To the ILegistrar General [0')' District ILegistmr of Births and

Deaths at J. Application is made by the person whose lHll1l8 is subscribed at

the foot her80f for a certifiCfttel: OJ' cel'tifiC[ltesJ as follows :~-

'Vhen aud where born,

Whenu,llcl where died.

Dat.ed this


Nameund SU1'nallle.

day of

Purpose for 1yhich required.

Age ! Purpose for at death. : which reqnired.



N.B.-In the case of a certific[,te of the death of a child, the sum of money which is sought to be obhtined from the society or branch must be stated in the fifth column of table (B); also the words prescribed by section 34, (3) of the Friendly Societies Act

require to be written by the ILegistrar General or District Regis­trar of Deaths on or at the foot of the certificate of the death of a child when issued ,mder that Act.

Fomr Au (Reg. 41). The F,,.iendly Societies Act, 1894.


Name of society Register No. Name of branch


Registered address of branch To the Registrar of Friendly Societies.

Whereas on the day of 18 the above-named society [01' the above-named branch] was dissolved [01'

purported to be dissolved] by an instrument of dissolution pur­porting to be duly registered [01' by the award of the Registrar]:

I hereby give you notice that I intend, after not less than seven days from this date hereof, to take proceedings for setting aside such dissolution in the Court.

D"ted this day of 18

Fomr Av (Reg. 4-1). The Friendly Societies Act, 1894.

58 Yic., No. 28.

Signature. Address.


Name of society Register No. Name of branch. ILegistered address of branch.

To the Registrar of l<'rienclly Societies. Whereas on the day of , the above-named society [01' the above-named branch] was dissolved [M' purported to bc dissolved] by an instrument of dissolution purporting to be duly registered [01" by the award of the ILegistrarJ :

The above-named society [01' branch] hereby gives you notice that by an order of the Court, dated the

day of 18 ,a copy whereof is heretc' annexed, the dissolution of the said society [01' branchJ was set aside.

5 Trustees.

Registered address, Secretary.

Dated this day of 18 N.B.-'l'his notice must be sent within seven days after the

order to set aside dissolution is made, and it copy of the order must be annexed thereto.

JOHN FORREST, Colonial Treasurer.

Colonial Seeretary's Offiee, Perth, 28th February, 1895.

340 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, '''~.A. [\fAR. 1, 18!/5.

H rl'lle Homestea{ls Act, 1893," aUll "Tbe 1894." Act Amendment

Lots for Selection as "Free Homestead Farms."

Depaytrnent ql' Lands and Sur'wys, Pcr·th, 6th Deccnlb0r, 1894.

is ht~n' by notified, for general informaJion, that His Exeellenq the Governor in Executive

Couneil ha,s been plettsed to orcl,'>r tlu1t the Crmvn Lands ttll'eaclv survevecl into sedions within the following Ag;:ieultur~l in the South-\T\f est and E<tstern Divisions of Colony, be ttvail-able for selection as Free Homeste~tcl Farms, uncleI' the provisions of "The Homeste,"c1s Act, 1893," and" The Homesteitcls Act Amendment Act, 1804" :-

Apperhtrra, Caljie D,trlmn Hi.trvl'Y Koujttn Mullewi" Preston Tenterden \VaO'in


Beverley Boymmp Collie Coolup Doocllttkin Ewlymartup .T<1l1c1akot Ka,hmning Meckering Moonnnhine Narrogin Nonga, Serpentine 'rammin Tweetl Uchw. Wickepin

A. R. RICHARDSON, Commissioner of Crowl1 La,nds.

rr is hereby notified, fur geneml inform,ttioll, thitt J-lis Excellencv the Governor, by virtue of the

powers conferred uI)on him by Sectic;ll 18 of "The lIomesteatls Act, 1893," has been pleased to set a,pitrt all the Crown Lttuds in the South -West Division, ttnd ~1lso the Crown Lands in the Eltstern Division within 40 miles of the Northam-Southern Cross Railway Westward of the ·Western bOUlldttry ()f the Yilg,1rn Goldfield, open for selection as Home­stead Lrases under the said Act, but suhject, with respect to htnds held under Pa,stoml Lease, to the pro::edure required by Chmse 51 or G3 of the I,alld ne~'ulations, as the cn,se ma,y be.

A. R RICHARDSON, Commissioner of Crown Lands.

for State l1mlKa,n own fi.

Depnl't1nent ~f L,olds and Surveys, Perth, 4th ]eilvlwr'y, 18i)?i.

is hereby notified, for geneml inforl1ltttioll, that His Excellency the Governor in Exe(;utive

COHncil has been pleased to order that, from this date, the Crown Lands within ,t ra,clius of two miles from t.he Post Offices at l{,tlgoorlie and Kanowmt, respectively, sh,"11 be Stttte Forests, uncleI' Clat'tse 99 of the Lttnd Regulat.ions, and to prohibit the eutting of all timber within snch areas.


Commissioner of Crown L,tl1Cls.

Unauthorised Occupation of Town Lands.

Dep"i'/'lneni of Lands and Snl'veys, Pel,th, 15th Ji'ebnLaJ')J, 189!5.

I T is hereby notified, for geneml information, tlmt ,lony person entering upon ttnd occupying any

lot within ," declared towllsite, unless with t.he authority of the Commissioner of Crown La,nc1s, is it

trespasser, ,md liable to prosecution f01' unla\,~ful occupation of Crown Lands.

A. R. InCHARDSON, COlnmissioner of Crown 1.1<\,nd8.

Lands within the two-mile limit nhmg the Eastern Railway thrown open for


l)cpC'l'irnent of L"nds and SurTeys, Perth. 28)'(l .Jmmcltll, 1805.

I T is hereby notified, for general infornmtioll, tllttt Hi::; Excellellcy the Governor in Execut.ive

Council has been pleased to order tlmt the Crown Li1ncls within the two-mile limit along the Eastern Railw,loy, with the exception of the blodcs ~lolready sub-divided, as shown on the plans of the Depnrt­ment of Litnc1s and Surveys, shall he open to selection, uncleI' Clauses 54, ,wc1 55 of t.he Land Regulations, 1887.

Not more than 1,000 acres sb1ll he selectetl by one person.

A. R. InCHARDSON, Commissioner of Crown Lands.

New frown Lots open for Sale.

Townsite of Kurnalpi.

Department of Lands and 8nneys, Perth, 2.'11'" .TCLmwr·!I, 18.'16.

Excellencv the Governor in Exeeutive Coun-cil, by virt~e of the powers given him by the

Lttnd Regultttiol1s, has been plettsec1 to order that the Crown Land includec1 within the ttrea hereinttfter pttrticularisec1 be dassed as Tovm [mc1 Suburban, to form <), Townsite within the Ettst Coolgt1rc1ie Gold­field, here,tfter to be known and distinguished a.s "Kurmtlpi," containing 92 acres 2 roods ,md 9 perches.

Bounded on the }Vest ttllcl S01dh by lines extending North 35 clmins GO links ltnd East 26 chitil1s from a post sitlUtte 1,719 chains G6 links North ttl1d 1,533 ehains 73 lillks East from the North-Eat;t eonwr of East Location 42, and by opposite boundaril'8 pi1ral1el and eqlUtl.

The upset price ,Lt which ,111ot111ents within this Towllsite will he offered for s~tle by pu hlie auction, as provided by the La,nel Regulations, will, for the present, be £20 per lot.

The allotments 'lolready survey(cd are lHllnbered from 1 to 122, inclusive.

Town Lots 5, 6, 44, 45, 46, 65, 56, 57, %, 9G, 115, 116, 121, and 122 ha.ve heell reserved for publie utility, hospital site, ,1ud reereatioll ground.

Plans of the same will be obhlinahle at an early date at t.his Office, and ,Lt the Warclens' Offiees, East Coolgarclie, Coolg~trclie, "nel Sonthern Cross.

A. R. RICHARD SON, COlllmissioner of Crown Lands.


Department of Mines, 2'H4 Peyth, 6th November, 1894,

H IS Excellencv the Governor in Executive Council, m{c1er the powers conferred upon

him by Section 79 of "The Goldfields Act" (50 Vic., No. 18), has been pleased to make the following new Regulations thereunder, as shown below; to come into force 1st December, 1894.

W. E. JltfARlYIION, Commissioner of Crown Lands.

Reg7tlation No. 60a,.-Every application for a lease shall be made at the Office of the Registrar of the district within 10 days from the time of marking or pegging off the hLnd re'quired, accompanied by a statutory dechuH,tion as per Schedule 20B, setting forth the day and the hour when such marking or pegging off shall have been completed.

2~lp Reg1clation No. 62a.- 'Where application shall have been made for a lease of land the boundaries of which are presumed to be the same as those of a lease previously applied for or granted ,Lnd surveyed, and subsequently forfeited, caneelled, or otherwise abanuoned, half of thc survey fees shall be refunded to the appliccLnt after the re-survey of the block, if on such re-survey it is found to be the same as the original survey.


Declamtion as to e'rection of Posts 01· Pegs, I of do solemnly ftnct

sincerely declare tlmt I did (by myself or my ftgent) on the dfty IS at thc hour m., com­plete the erection of the four corner posts and notice post on the acres of ground I have this day applied for, to be held ,mder lease, and that the aforesaid pegs and posts have been erected in the manner prescribed by Regulfttion No, 60 of the Regulations for the :iYbnagement of Goldfields; and I make this solemn declaration, conscientiously belioving the same to be tl'lW, ftnd by virtue of the provisions of an Orclinftnce made and passed in the eighteenth year of the reign of Her present Majesty, No. 12, intituled "An Ordinftnce for the abolition of unnecessary Oaths, and to substitute Deciftrations in lieu thereof."

(Signcdure) . Declftred before me ftt this clay of

18 . Vi' arclen.

No'rE.-This cleclaration mCLY be mc(cle b~for·e CLny Justice of the Peace 01" Commissioner· appointed to tuke ajftdavits.

Amendment of Clause 60 of tIle Regulations for tIle :nal1agemel1t of Goldfields (re Applications and Survey, Gold-mining' Leases).

Department of Mines, PC1·th, 30th LiUglcSt, 1894.

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Ooun­cil, under the powers conferred upon him by

Section 79 of the Goldfields Act (50 Vic., No. 18), has been pleased to amend Clause 60 of the Regula­tions thereunder, as shown below; to come into force on the 1st October, 1894.

W. E. MARMION, Commissioner of Crown Lands.

That Sub-section (4.) read as follows :-The applicant shall, previously to making

application for a lease, mark the land intended to be applied for, at each corner, by a post standing three feet out of the ground, and four inches in cliameter, such post to be kept uncovered, and set in L trenches three feet long and six inches deep along each boundary line; and shall at the same time post a notice in the form of No. 20A, hereto annexed, on a con­spicuous part of the land intended to be applied for; and shall, at the time of lodging his appli-

cation at the Warden's Office, post a notice thereat in the form of Schedule 20. Applications for lease8 shall be heard bv the vVarden not less than thirty days after th~ date of lodging of the application at the vVarc1en's Office.

That Sub-section (5.) read <L8 follows Each application must be signed by the party

or parties applying' for a lease, or by his or their accredited agent or agents, and must be accompanied by a sketch plan of the land intended to be applied for, showing it,s position and one boundary line thereof, which line shall be considered as the datum line.

That Sub-section (6.) read as follows :-The applicant shall, within three months after

lodging' the application, or within such other extended period of time as the vVardell ma,y see fit to allow, furnish to the Warden a phLn in duplicate and description showing the boun­daries of the land as actually surveyed and marked. Such surveying and marking shall be performed by a licensed surveyor specially appointed by the lYIinister to perform mining surveys. The plan and description of a gold­mining lease shall be executed in accordance with the general directions issued by the Minister, provided that the Minister may at at any time cancel the special a,ppointment of any such licensed surveyor.

That Sub-section (7.) read as follows:-In all cases where the land is so available, the

mean length of the area applied for shall not exceed twice its me,Ln breadth, but when, owing to the positions of adjoining boundaries or natural featnres, this is impossible, any irregu­larly shaped or intervening piece of h)'nd may be applied for, and a lease of such piece may be granted.

Tlmt Sub-section (8.) read as follows:-All leases shall be marked by the surveyor

according to the applicant's posts. Provided that should the area of the land marked by the applicant's posts be in excess of the area applied for, the applicant may either amend his applica­tion to include the excess area, (provided that the total area of the land applied for does not exceed twenty-five acres), or in the event of the area of the land marked by his posts exceeding twenty-five acres, he may amend his application and retain twenty-five acres extending from the line shown in his application as the datulll line; and should the area of the land marked by the applicant's posts be less than the area applied for, such less area only shall be granted. Should the applicant, however, show that by increasing the ,L1"ea to the quantity applied' for there would be no interference with adjoining rights, the surveyor may make the required alteration.


Notice of Ma1'king for Gold-mining Lease. Notice is hereby given that the

undersigned this day marked off this land, for which intend making appli-cation for a lease under the Goldfields Regulations, and that it contains about acres, and that the datum line lies to the of this point.

As witness hand this day of 18

(Signature.) [This notice must be posted for thirty days on the 1r",rl

infended to be ajJplied for.]


Reduction of the Upset Price of Suburban Lots witllin the 'I'ownsites of Pinwernying, W oodanilling, Tenterdel1, and PUl1taping.

Departrnent qf Lands and S'UiI'veys, 3?ttJ

PWfth, 7th F-ebrua1'Y, 1895.

I T is hereby notified, for general information, that His Excellency the Governor in Executive

Council has been pleased to approve of the reduction of the upset price of Suburban Lots within the Towl1sites of Pinwernying, W oodanilling, Tenterden, and Pnntaping, to £2 per acre for front.age on rail­way blocks, and £1 per ~tCre for renHLinde1'.

962 U4

A. R. RICHARDSON, Commissioner of Crown Lands.

Special Area on ~Iyrup Creel{ (Near Esperance).

Depa,'trnent of Lands and Sm'veys, Pco,th, 15th AUff,.st, 1894.

U NDER the provisions of Clause 51 of the Land Reguhttions, His Excellency the Governor in

Executive Council has been pleased to define and set apart the Crown Land, as hereunder particularly described, as a Special Area:- .

A llrlU'allands included within the following bOlmdaries: Bounded on the South and West by lines extending East 220 chains and North 300 chains from a point situate about 300 chains North-East from the North-East corner of East Location 20; the oppo,dte boundaries being para11el and equal.

W. E. MARMION, Commissioner of Crown I,al1Qs.

Department of nlilles.


()N application and payment of the under­

mentioned fees and charges, the following can be obtained at the Head Office, Perth:- -

£ s. d. Miner's R,ights (each) 1 0 0 Mining Licenses (each) 010 0 Goldfields Act and Regulations ... 0 1 0 Mineral Lands Act, 1892, and

Regulations 0 1 0 Plans of Mining Centres, Routes,

etc. (each) Geological Map,


0 1 0 Wcstern Aus-

0 2 6

E. H. WITTENOOM, Minister for Mines.

Surveys of Gold l\lil1ing I,eases and Declarations as to Pegging.

Amendment of Clauses 60 and 60a of the Regu­lations for the Management of Goldfields.

Depcwtment of Mines, Pe,·th, 27th l!'eb,'uMY, 1895.

H IS Excellency the Governor in Executive Coun­cil, under the powers conferred upon him by

Section 79 of "The Goldfields Act" (50 Vict., No. lS), has been pleased to amend ChLUses 60 and 60A of the Regulations thereunder, lLS shown below.

E. H. WI1'TENOOM, Minister for Mines.

Regulation 60, paragraph 6, is amended as follows :­The survey of every Gold Mining Lease shall be made by

a Licensed Surveyor speciltlly ltppointed by the Minister j 0

perform mining surveys.

GAZETTE, W.A. [MAR. 1, 1895.

The instructions for such surveys shall be issued by the "Warden, or Inspecting Surveyor, to the Mining Surveyor, who shall, within three months from the date of fLpplicfLtion, or within such other extended period of time as the vVarden mfLy see fit to ltllow, furnish to the vVarden fL plan, in duplicltte, showing thc boundaries of the htnd as actually surveyed and marked.

The survey fLnd plan of a Gold Mining LefLse shfLll be executed in accordance with the general directions issued by the Minister.

No Surveyor, fLcting as a Mining Agent or Broker, shall be competent to perform surveys of Gold Mining Leases, and the Minister may at any time cancel the special appointment of any Licensed Surveyor to perform mining surveys.

Regulation 60A is amended by thc omission of the words "Statutory declaration as per Schcdule 20B," and the substitution of the word" declaration" in lieu thereof. The Regulation will be read as follows:-

Regulation 60A.-Evcryapplication for fL lease shall be made at the office of the l'l.egistrar of the district within ten days from the time of marking or pegging off the land required, accompanied by a declamtion setting forth the da.y and the hour when such l1lfLrking or pegging off shall have been completed.

(N .B.-'l'he form of applimttion for lea,sc is altered as below, so as to bear the declaration upon it; but where it is found necessary to use old forms, the words in italics in the fourth, fifth, and sixth lines should be inserted.)

:schedule No. 19 under the Regulations for the MfLnag'e­ment of Goldfields is amended fLS below :-


Application f01' A,cr(t"e"o1ts Lease.


Pursuant to the prOVIsIOns of "The Goldfields Act, 18'")6," mlCl to the Regulations established thereunder, I,

do hereby apply for a lease of ac,'es of land ma"ked 01.t /;1/ cd 0' clock .?n.

on the day qt" 189 i,n accm'dance ,vith the provisions of Regulations 60 and situated on the Goldfield (which lemd is more particularly described in the fLnnexed schedule), for the purpose of mining for gold; and

hereby tender thc sum of as deposit, in accordance with the existing Hegulations.


Given under A.D.18

To the Warden,

hand ,this dfLyof



Received this application at o'elock on the dfLY of 18 from with the sum of being the amount of deposit on application for auriferous lease.

Warden, Goldfield.

Hcheclule to accompany Appl'i,cationf01' A1.,·~fe),01is Lease.

.Nmncs ill full and ull<iress

of n .. ppliCllnL.

!5itnat.ioll ami bOllllllaries of the

ground applied for. Area,

'rho term or periorl fOl'whicll the

gl'Ollllll is l'eqnil'ed.

Information on thc following head to be subjoined:­

NOTF..-If the application is lnude by an assoein:tion 01" cOmpttll),:, the COllBtitution of the association or company by wlnch the ground Will be worked, the nUlllbel' of shares, and the munes of the shareholders.

*"1" or "We." All munes to be g'ivenill fnll.

t lIerc follows a signature of applicant. Al)plicatiolls should always be sig'ned by the applicant or applicants, or by his 01' their accredited agents.

lVL-\.R. 1, 1t)95.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 'iV .A. 343


Perth I-Iospi tal.

Fire Extinguishing Appliances Contract.

TENDERS will be received at this Office up to noon on Tuesday, the 5th lYlarch, 1895, for

the above Contract.. . They are to be addressed to "The Hon. the

Director of Public "Works," and marked outside, "Tender for Perth Hospital-Fire Extinguishing Appliances Contract."

Conditions of Contract, Specifications, and Draw· ings may be seen at this Office on and after 26th February.

The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. .

H. VY. VENN, Commissioner of Railways and

Director of Public vYorks. Public Works Office, }

Perth, Western Austl'nJia, 21st February, 1895.

Perth Markets and Cold Storage Contract.

TENDERS will be received at this Office up to noon on Tuesday, the 2nd April, 1895, for

the above Contract. They are to be addressed to "The Hon. the

Director of Public Works," and marked outside, "Tender for Perth lYEtrkets and Cold Storage Contract.."

Conditions of Contract, Specifications, and Draw· ings may be seen at this Office on and after 7th March.

The lowest or ftny tender will not ne<:essaril:r be accepted.

H. W. YENN, Commissioner of Railways and

Director of Publi<: 'Vorks. Public W o1'k8 Office, 1

Perth, Western Australia, f 21st February, 189.5. ,

Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse and Quarters Contract.

TENDERS will be received at this Office up to noon on Tuesday, the 19th March, 1895, for

the above Contract. They a,re to be addressed to "The Hon. the

Director of Public vYorks," ltnd marked outside, " Tender for Cape I~eeuwin Lighthouse and Quarters Contract."

Conditions of Contract, Specifications, and Draw­ings may be seen at this Office, and at Court House, Albany, on and after the 19th February.

The lowest or allY tender will not necessarily be accepted.

H. W. VENN, Commissioner of Railways and

Director of Public Works. Public ,Vor1cs Office, }

Perth, Western Aus.tralia, 17th January, 189.).

East Perth School Contract.

TENDERS will be received at this Office up to noon on Tuesday, the 5th March, 1895, for

tIle above Contract. They are to be addressed to "The HOll. the

Director of Public vYorks," and marked outsidC', "Tender for East Perth School Contract."

Conditions of Oontract, Specifications, and Draw­ings may be seen at this Office on a,nd after 19th February.

The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.

H. W. VENN, Commissioner of Railways and

Director of Public Works. Public Works Office, ")

Perth, Western Australia,) <-7th February, 189.5.


Highgate School Contract.

TENDERS will be received at this Office up to noon on Tuesday, the 5th Mareh, 1895, for

the above Contract. They are to be addressed to "The Hon. the Director

of Pnblie 'IV orks," and marked outside, "Tender for Perth Highgate Sehool Oontract."

Condit.ions of Contract, Specifications, [tnd Draw­ing:; may be seen at this Office on anel after 19th February, 1895.

The lowest or ~tIly tender will not necessarily be accepted.

H. W. VENN, Commissioner of Railways and

Director of Public VYorlrs. Public Works Office, }

Pel:th, West.erll Australia, 7th February, 1895"

Fremantle Drill Shed Contract.

TENDERS will be received at this Office up to noon on Tucschty, the 12t.h M~tl'ch, 1895, for

the above Contntet. They are to be addressed to " The Hon. the Direc­

tor of Publie Works," and marked outside, "Tender for Fremantle Drill Shed Contraet."

Conditions of Contract, Specifications, and Draw­ings mH,y be seen at this Office, and at Court Hou~e, Fremantle, on and after Febrmtry 26th.

The lowest or. any tender will not necessarily be accepted.

H. W. VENN, Commissioner of RailwaYS and

Director of Public Works. Public W orIes Office, }

Perth, Western Australia, 14th February, 1895.

Dardanup Post Office Contract.

rrENDERS will be received at this Office up to noon on Tuesday, the 12t.h March, 1895, for

the above Contract. They are to be addressed to "The Hon. the Director

of Public Works," and marked outside, "Tender for Dardal1up Post Office Contract."

Conditions of Contract, Specifications, and Draw­ings may be seen at this Office, and at Agricultural Hall, Dardanup, and Court HOllse, Bunbury, on February 26th.

The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.

H. W. VENN, Commissioner of Railways and

Director of Public vVorks. Public Works Office, }

Perth, Western Australia, 14th February, 1895.

344 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 'V.A. [);L\R. 1, IH95.



Construction complete, with Permanent Way and Stations (including the providing of all ]YIaterials except the Rails and Fastenings for the Permanent Way, and the Iliaterial for the Telephone Line): Length about 115 miles.

TENDEHS will he receiveu ,Lt this Office up to noon on Tuesd,,,y, the 11th June, 1895, for the

abovc Oontract. They are to be addressed to "'rhe Hon. the

Director of Public vVorks," and mal'ked outside, "Tender fol' Ooolgarc1ie Oontract."

Oonditions of Oontract, Specifications, and Draw­ings may he seen at this Office ttfter I st May next, ,,,lld '" limited number of the same mav also thermfter be ohbined by applic:<ttior; at this . Office on payment of Five pounds per set.

The lowest or <tny tender will not necess,,,rilv be accepted. v

H. W. VENN, Oommissioner of Raihvays and

Director of Puhlic vVorks. Public Works omco, '(

Perth, "\Vestern Australia., \ 1,1; 1>"'1'cl1, ISD5.

Kellerberen Post Office Contract.

TENDERS will be received n,t this Offi('e up to noon on Tuesday, t,he 12th March, 1895, for

the [1bovo Oontmet.

'rhey are to be addressed to "Tho Hon. the Director of Public vVorks," and marked outside, "Tender for Kollerbel'en PORt Office Oontract."

Oonditions of Oontract, Specifications, and Draw­ings may be seen at this Office, and at Oourt House, Nortllf1111, on February 26th.

The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be aceepted.

H. W. VENN, Oommissioner of Railways and

Direetol' of Public Works. Public \Vorks Office, {

Perth, '"\VCStOl'l1 Australia, , 14th l!1ebrnary, 1895. J

Eastern Railway.

Midland Junction Water Service Contract.

I'I"ENDERS will be received at this Office up to noon on Tuesdl"y, the 5th ]\lh1'ch, 1895, for

the above Oontract.

They are to he addressed to "The Hon. the Direct'or of Puhlic vVor1cs," and marked outside, " Tender for Midland JUllction Water Servioe Oon­tnwt."

Oonditions of Oontract, SpecificlLtions, and Draw­ings may be seen at this Office on nnd after 'IVed­llesd"y, 20th Febl'11ary, 18D5.

'fhe lowest or "Hy tender will not uecessa,l'ily be lwcepted.

H. W. VENN, Oommissioner of H,ailways and

Director of PublicW ork,. Pnblic Warks omco, }

Perth, Western AnstT:llia, Uth Pchl'nary, 1895.


Departm.ent of Lands and 8urveys, Perth, 28th Peb1'1ta1'Y, 1895.

T HE undermentIOned .t~llotll1ents of LmHj will be offered for Sale, l1t Public Auction, on the dates and at UH' places specified in the Schedule below; at 11 o'clock, a.m.


Dales of SrLle. Places of Sale. DeSCl-iption of Lots. Number of Lots. UPMt PrIces. r. p.

18%. Marc:h 6 AlballY E~perltl1(;(' ... .. Town 30 0 1 22 £20. Do. 6 Bunbliry Boyanuj) ... Do. 4 0 2 31 I Do. 6 Do. Do. Do. 6 0 'J 20 ) £10 each. d

Do. G Do. Do. Do. 7 1 0 " i)

Do. 7 Gemldton JYIullewll, .. Do. .53 0 1 7 £10 . Do. 9 Oue Oue . Do. 67 0 2 0 Do. 9 Do. Do. , Do. G8 0 2 0 Do. ~I Do. Do. . .. Do. "0 0 .... 0 2 0 £20 e,wh. Do. ~) Do. Di:{;\vn . Do. 5H 0 1 0 Do. g Do. Do. ... Do. 29 0 1 0 Do. 9 Do. Do. Do. 92 0 1 0 Do. 9 Do. Do. ... Do. 91 0 1 0 £20 each, sub-Do. 0 Do. Do. Do. HG 0 1 0 ject to improve-.' Do. 9 Do. Do. Do. 94 0 1 0 ments. April 5 WyncllUL111 Wynclham .. Do. 3% 0 0 14 .. ~-~~~.~~ .. ---~--.-~-~~-.------

A. R. RIOIIARDSON, Oommissioner of Orown Lands.



I T is hereby notified, for general infol'lmLt.ion, that in futl11'e (after the prescribed hours for closing

the Telephone and Telegraph Urgel1tlY[ess~Lges will be received anti transmitted through the RailwtL.I' Telephones, on payment of double the orc1in,cry 'l'elegraph rates.

Payment for Messages to be made by mc,ms of Stamps affixed to the Messages.

(Sd.) H. W. VENN,

COlllmissioner of RaihnLYs.

Public 'rV-orb Office, Perth, 'I'V.A., 1st Ft'bnmry, 1895.

High School }Jutraucc

THESE Scholarships were estahlished in order to emLble boys of superior merit in the Elemen­

tary Schools of the Colony to continue their studies in a Higher Grade School. Unfortunately of hte years th~'se Scholarships have seemed to f'1il in their original object, the bilure being instm1C"ed in the very meagre (;ompetition resulting cot the allllUal ex'Lmination. It has been thought t.hat this apparent backwardness on the part of parents to obtltin for their sons n, superior education may have l'esuItC'd from their imlhility to drord the extm expellses (school fees, tmvelling expenses, &c.) attend,Lut on the residence of the boys at the High Sehoo1.

'With ~t view to remedv this difficultv, the Govern­ment ha.s decided to try 'the experiment, of inc:reasillg the Scholarships offered for competition in 1895 from £50 to £75.

The IVIinister hopes tlmt this generous adi(lll OH

the pm·t of the Government to try a,ud these Sc:holarships will llleet with C:Olll­

petition ,md emulation on the P1Ut of the youth of the Colony.


lVIinister of Ednecttion.

Ed uca.ti.on Department,

31st January, 1895.

R.G. 'l-ii-

Friendly Societies Act, 1894. (58 Vie., No. 23.)

Registrcw General's o'Oicc, Pe1·th, 20th Feun",",.y, 1895.

THE following ExtuLCt from the F'I'iendly Societies Act, 1894, is published for general infor­

m<1,tion :--

SEC'l'ION 45.-All letters and packets relating ex­clusively to the Returns which any Society or Branch has to furnish for the information of the Registrar of Societies, shaH be cC1l'l'ied free of postage: the same shall be left sufIi-eiently open t11?ot the contents thereof may be ascertained, and shall bear the words "];"riendly Societies' R,eturns only."

All communications with the Registmr of ,Friendly Societies must be addressed to the of Friendly Societies, Registrar General's Depn,rtmcnt, Friendly Societies Office, Perth.

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346 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, \V.A. [MAR. 1, 1895.


General Post Qffiee, PM'th, 4th AUg1tst, 18!14.

To avoid delay and ineonvenience, the Publie tLre particularly requested, when forwarding letters

[Lnd telegrams addressed to persons residing within the limits of the newl.y opened Suburban Post and Telegraph Offices at PERTH, N. W., and BEACONS­F'IELD, Fl~EMANTLE, to insert the name of such Suburban Office as part of the ac1dress.

Telegrams simply addressed "Perth" or "Fre­mantle," as the case may be, will be delivered from the Head Office, and will be subject to the usual milofLgo fee if the distance is more than one mile.

R. A. SHOLL, Postmaster General and

General Superintendent of Telegraphs.

Publie W 01'1(8 Dellartment, Pertb.

Duplicate Accounts.

I T is hereby notified, for general information, that from a,nc1 etfter this date all porsons having

claims against the above Department will be required to send in to the proper officers such ch1ims in duplicate, in order to flwilitt1te their prompt pay­ment.

. Accounts should be furnished as elLrly as possible, III order that they may relwh the Department not later than the 24th of elLch month, otherwise there may be delay in payment.

ALPIN F. TH01YISON, Under Secretluy Il,lLilways and vVorks.

Perth, 10th January, 1895.


SO 1

Depctyttnent q/ Lnnds o"nd Surveys, Perth, 80th Jan1u,l'Y, 1895.

H IS Excellency the Governor iu Executive Council has been ploased to appoint VV. L. GIBllS, Esq., to be the Officer to do the acts and things required to be done in tLnd about the settling of the Eleetontl Lists for

the Kelmscott Roads BOlHd District, for Revision of the S[Lme, and to be Returning Officer [Lt the first Election; [11so to a,ppoint the following dates and phLces in connection therewith, viz. ;-


Preparation of Electoml Lists Kelmscott Hall Sntnrday, nth ]'eb., 18n.5. vVednesday, 20th Feb.,

189.5. Additions Or objections to List nmy be posted Do.

by registereclletter to Returning Officer Open COllrt for Revision of Lists... Do. Election of lYIembers Do.

Satmday, 2nd JYIarch, 1895. Sa,turday, nth JYI'lrch, 1895.

A. R. RICHARDSON, Commissioner of Crown Lands.

Applioation £01' a Poison Lease.

'J!,' Department qf Lands and SU1'Vcys, Pcrth, 7th Pcbmary, 1895.

I N aeeorc1ance with the requirements of Clause 76 of the Land Regulations, it is hereby notified that the undenncnt.ioned Application for [L Poison Lease, under Clause 78 of the Regulations, luts been reeeived at

this Office ;-

No. Name. District.

Davies, ,Villiam 'l'homas York


Bounded by lines stal,ting fro111 the South-VV est corner of Avon Location 1DOO, and extending' vYest­:;louth-West to the South-East corl1er of C.P. "lth, thence North-North-vVest 50 chains, vYest-South­West 60 ch,l1ns to its N orth-VV est} corl1er, thence North-North-vVest to the North-East corner of Reserve 207'1, thence ]~ast-North-East about 20 clutins and N orth-North-vVest about 80 chains along pltrts of the South-South-East and Enst-North-East boundaries of Poison Lea,se -1-'<'0' thence East-North­East to the North-vYest corner of C.P. -r'i-h;' thence South-South-East 25 chains rmcl E'cst-N orth-E,cst 40 chains to its South-East C01"110r, thence North-North­vVest and East-North-East to the North-West corner of C.l'. thence South-Sonth-ElCst to the ;\forth boundary said Locatioll H)OO, thence IVest-South-vYest to its North-,Vest corner rmd South-South-East to the si>1rting' point.

A. li.. Inc HARD SON, Commissioner of Crown Lands.

l\Lu. 1, 1895.J GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 347

Port of Vasse.

THE following Licenses for the year 1895 have been granted under "The Boat Licensing Act, 1878," and its amendments;-

No. 1\ a.mc of 130at. i Description. 0'\',.'l101'. Address. I TOll'l Hage. Licensed to carry. :lfaster. Itestl'ictlOllS.


1 Theresa ... Vessel... William Reid Busselton 37 30 tons dead Wm. Reid To ply over the waters of any port in the colony.


2 Blue Bell Do. William & John Do. 8~ 7 tons and 10 John A. To ply over the waters within the Port of Vasse.

Bovell passengers Holgate



Members of the Li<.;ensillg Board.


'I'RANRF.ER Ol<~ LlNJ) ACT, 1893, SIW'l'ION SO.

Land 7'il/es Depa.)'/ment, 28th February, 18.95 .

. L 1ST of Duplicate Cert.ifi<.;ates of Title called III for lLlllCllclment, ,mcl not brought in:-

Proprietor or Person holding Duplicate Certificate.

Ramsay, Grace lYIorrissey, lYlicha,el J oseph lYlcBean, Jl1,mes Harwood, David Willia.m ...

Do. Do.

Hope, J. VV., & lY1yerscough, 1{. Sholl, R. F., & Marlllion, W. E.

Do. Paters on, George Pryde

Do. Robinson, Thomas ... Strickland, W. H. J. Lovegrove, Thos. Henry lYlcGrath, Gilbert ." Gibney, Right Rev. Matthew Hurt, Charles FOl'l'est, Alexander Weelrs, Waiter & Elizftbeth Bancells, John Crampton, John Partridge, J olm

Do. Do.

British & Australasian Trust and Loan I Company, Limited J

lYIcGuinness, Owe11 Sholl, Edward Deimel. J oh11 Paul... Harris,' William Tate, J ames Osborne, M"tilda ::\'1or1'ell, David 'l'homas &; Julia ... Stirling, Horace George ... Hassell, John Frederick 'l'asman


Parts of Leschenault Location 26 Victoria Location 959 ". Portions of Cfmning Location 2, fmd Swan Location 35 Canning Locations 22 and 68

Do. 245 Do. 306 Do. 7 and 8

Portions of Canning Location 5 Do. do. 5

Part of Cockburn Sound Location Hi Do. do. 16

Cockbu1'n Sound Location 291 Bunbury Town Lot 2'71

Do. Building Lot 39 ... Parts of Swan Location 685 Newcastle Town Lot 76 Perth Suburban Lot 217 .. ' Portion of LeschenauJt, Location 26

Do. do. 573 Do. do. 422 Do. do. 1 Do. do. 1 Do. do. 1 Do. do. 1

Do. do.

Victoria Location 1949 Perth Town Lots Z 1. and Z 2 Canning Location 264 Williams Location 38 Part of Perthshire Location A e Geraldton Sub. Lots 21, 22 Part of Avon Loc. P 5 Subdivision li7 of Perth Sub. Lot 74 Plantagenet Locations 12,22,27,36,99 ...

Vol. Fol.

Vln 235 IX 173 XL 260


XXXIII 375 XII 261

XVIII 257 XVIII 258 XXXI 299


V 263 XXX 328 LI 56


XXX 151 XI 100 XI 87 VII 179 XIV 395


XXII 256 LX 83 XV 389

XXVI 97 XLI 132


XX 153 XX 132

LVII 100

ALFH,ED E. BURT, Registrar of Titles.



fl'mn~fer of Land Act, U\!l,l, Section 75.

NOTICE thn,t the Commissioner of 'l'itles hltving been s,,,tisfiec1 of the truth and sufficiencv of certain

c1eeh"mtions setting forth that Certific>tte of 'l'itle VQl. IV. fol. 326 comprising Northam Subul'b,l,U Lot N 74 (Henry MOlTell of Northa,m) Iws been lost:

I shall on the 23rd da,y of lYIa,l'ch next issue It fresh Certifim1,te in lieu thereof.

AL:E'RED E. BUR'r, Registrar of Titles.

Land 'ritles' Office, Perth, ) 21st E'obnmry, 1895. ;

Transfer of Lalld Act. 189;\, Nee. 21~).

T AKE NO'fICE thn,t J:1ne Dr>tgo of Northampton widow Ims made application to be registel'ed as the propri­

etor of an csi:"te in feo silllple in possession in tho following parc"ls of 1nnd situate in Northnmpton aforesaid viz. :-

Vol. Fo!. NOl'thmnpton 'rown I,ot 108 II 159

n lGO II 161

Do. 109 Do. 112 Do. 113 n,nd 114 XI 30t; Do. 107 (p"rt) XI 307

,'UlD l'Ul"['~l[J<Jle TAKE No'rICE thnt n,li persons other thn,n the n,pplim1nt clr1iilling to hn,ve any est,,,te right title or interest in the ,,,hove pl1reds of It''l1cl Al<E InmEBY l<EQU IRED to lodge in this Oflice on or before tlv:; 281'd ,by of l'IIarch next l1 Cll1;enl forbidding the smne from being registered Itccorclingly.

Land Titles' Ofliee, Perth, '( 21st 1"e 1Jl'u",1'Y, 15195. )

ALPH,ED ID. BUH,'l', H,egistml' of 'J'itles.

l'cL'l'kcl' (~ Pa,l'kcl', Pel'th, Appliccmt's Solicito,.s~

NO'l.'ICE thnt Clmrlcs Lloyd 'l'aylor of Number 22 Sibelln Road Clrtphmll I,ondon in Englt1nd has

made :1Pl,licn,tion to he registered n,s the proprietor of one undivided moiety of >cnd in n,n ost,1,te in fee simplo in pos­sesion in tho following' parcel of land situate in the 'l'own of Fl'elnantlo viy;, ;--

[i1rC1YULnUe Town Lot, 88U

cont:1ining 1 rooel 18 perches rmd Imvint;' It fl'olll,1,ge of 2 c1ll1ins ,H links upon High Street ,md :i clmills ,12 links upon QueLm Street.

AN]) FUl<'l'H[,R 'l'AKIG NO'l'lCIG th,1,t all other tlmn tl}(~ lLpplieant cln,i.millg to hnNc~ a,ny right title or intcl\~st in the above l1~trccl of h1nd AI{,B l-IElniHY ItEQUIH1U)

to lOLl, re in this OHiee 011 01' heforo the :iOth il,,,, of March next ~ C(f.,1)cat forbid",ling- tho s(uno troll1 l)ciilg' brought under the, oper,),tion of the Aet.

Land 'ritles' Office, Porth, ( 2:3l'd );'ebruary, Iml5. )

ALFRED E. BURr, I'i.egistmr of 'fitles.

](idson (f Gawlcl', Perth mul ~E'l'emantlc, Arr1imnt's Solicitors.

H 'rransfer of Land 18H:J, Scc. 219.

T AKE No'rlCE tlU1t Helll'ietb ]'IIari,. Smith of Porth widow sole exeeutrix ,md devisee of ,md under the

will of HCl'lHLl'cl Smith ltcto of Perth gentlonmll deceased hits 111l1de to be registered ,.s the proprietor of an est:1to simple in possession in the following parcels of },1,11(1 vi z~ :-


Perth 'l'own .Lot S 12 I1 1;)2 Pr1rts of Swn,n LOCf1tions 112 11::; and 01:3 IH 47

AND FUlt'rIIER 'rAKE NOTICE that all persons other tlmn the daiming to hlwing l1,l1Y o.stn,to right title or

in the ahove pal'<.:cls of IH,llc1 Al1,E l-n::ltl~BY InX~UIRED to lodge in this OHice on 01' 1)8to1'e the lGth (by of March l1(;~xt <1, cavco,t f01'hi<1<1ing the snrll10 11'0111 being registercd accordingly.

IJ(111d Tit1c~' OlHee, POl't11, I 10th :B'ebl'llltl'Y, 1885, j

ALPRED E. BUl'tT, RC'gistrar of Tit1l~S.

GAZETTE, W.A. [1\L'\'R. 1, 1~95,

211 uT Transfer of Land Act, 1893.

T AKE NOTICE tlmt the Commissioner of 'Titles having been satisfied of the truth n,nd sufficiency of n, declara­

tion of Douglas Goorge Gl1,wlel' of Premalltle Solicitor setting forth that Cortifie'1te of Title Vol. XVI. Po1. 2'14 eomprising Su hdivisions 81 ,wd 82 of SWlW I,ocn,tion 701 (Robert Myerscont;'h) has been lost I shlt11 011 the 16th day of M<1l'ch next issue n, fresh Certiflc",t,e in lieu thereof.


Land 'PitIes' Office, Perth, ( 22nd In,nun,ry, 1885, )

Registmr of Titles.

M. L. Moss, Fremantle, App/:iwnt's Solicit01·.

12 95 Transfer of Land Ad, i~\l;). ;-\eetion 121.

T AKE NO'rICE thn,t Legel'/Joseph Cn,l'llor of Albany musiein,n proprietor of Mortgage No. ''rN) to seeure in

the aggregate £125 and interest n,s therein stated has made n,pplicr1tion to the Commissioner of 'Titles for a Foreclosure Order against Martin Nolnn of Alhn,ny lllastel'or the regis­tered proprietor and that by direction of the sn.id Com­missioner I hereby offer for sn,le the following pn,rcel of land viz.:-

Subclivision 11 of Alb"ny Snb1L1'b"n Lot 67 (Ou. Or. 24p.)

Imving n, frontage of 75 links ul)on Ulster n,0'1cl with n, depth of 2 chn,ins.

AND FUR'rIIER 'rAKE NO'l'IeIG tb1t on and ",fter the 9th cl,1,y of March next I 8hl111 issue to the s,dcl mortgagee ,1,11 order for foreclosing unless in the intcrv",l n sufficient sum has been 0 htainecl by the sale of the hnd to satisfy the principal and interest moneys secured and ,,]] expenses in and nhout such sale and proeooclings.

The Itmount due in respect of principal and interest on the 14th (hty of Jmnmry 1885 was £100 2s. 4,d. excluding clllLrges from 22nd Decem her 1mH.

.L",nd Titles' Office, Perth, 29th January, 189;'.


Registmr of 'J'itles .

H"lH1CS 4' Robinso1L, Albany, Applicwn['s SoLiciim-s.

'l'l'aHsfer of Laml Aet, 18~m, Seetion 222.

I'1-'AKE NOTICE tlmt JmncsKearllev of I,ower Bl'1ck­~ wood Bridge bootm,1,kOl' has mnd~ application to be

registered as the l)roprietor of an esft1tc in fee simple in possession in the following l)<1l'cel of hnd sitlmte in the N 0180n district vi~. :-

Nelson Localion 1B!J l1S comprised in Ccrtificn,tc of 'l'itlo Vol. IX. D'olio 72,

AND Fll R'l'UEle TAKlG NO'l'fCg thl1t :111 other thnn the 11)11)liemlt ch1iming- to have any right title or interest in the above parcel of bud AnI, HI1RJeBV REQUIRED to lodge in this office on or before the ()th clny of April next a caveat forbidding the snme from being registered n,ccordingly.

Lfmd 'l'itles 0 ffice, Perth, -( 17th In,mmry, IS!),). )

AU<'ltED E. BURT, Regist.rn,r of Titles.

Horgan and Moorhca(l, J'crth, Applicant's Sclicit01'S.

26 !)

94 Transfer of Laml Act, 1893.

T "\KE NO,!'1CE thnt George (Hyde of Perth csquire has made applicn,tion to be registered ns the l}l'oprietor of

,,,n esh1te in fee simple in possession in the following pn,rcel of bnd situl1te in Perth aforesn,id vi?', :~~~-

The Sonthern MO'iety ~f' Perth '1'010)1 Lot Y 102 having a frontage of 1 clmill 50 links upon Roe Street with a depth of 2 chains 50 links.

AND FUR'l'HER 'l'AKJ<J NOTICE th:"t all persons other thn,u the applicltnt claiming to have Itny estate right title 01'

interest in the nhove 1:,'1roe1 of laud AleE HEREBY H,EQUIRED to lodge in this Office 011 01' befere the 9th (by of Ma,rch next a c(tvent forbidcling the smne fro111 being brought under the operation of the Aet,

Lltud 'ritle,,' Ofl["c, Perth, ( 0th Fobrll:try, lSDi'. )

AL];'I'tE D E. BUR'r, l~('gistrar of Titles.


2 57 94 'l'ransfer of Laml Act, 1893.

T A.KE NO'l'ICE that Alexander RObel't Richardson of Lowlands Serpentine farmer and grazier has made

application to be registered as the proprietor of an estate in fee simple in possession in the following parcel of land situate in Fremantle viz.:-

PaTt of Fremantle 'l'own Lot 149.

Bounded by lines starting from the South-vI' est corner of Iiot H8.

On the South-East by Lots 138 and 137 measul'inry 1 chain 48 links. '"

On the West by Lot 13135 measm·ing 1 chain G8~ links to Phillimore Street.

On the North-JVest by 49 links of Phillimol\) Street. On the Nodh-East by Lot 148 measuring 1 chain 5Gib

links. A:ND FURTHER TAKE No'rIcE that all persons other than

the applicant claiming to have any estate right title or interest in the above parcel of land ARE HEREBY REQUIRED to lodge in this Office on or before the 9th day of l'ilarch next a caveat forbidding the same from being brought, under the operation of thc Act.

AIJFRED E. BUR,T, l~egistrar of 'PitIes.

Land Titles' Office, Perth, f 13th February, 1895. i

Kidson 0' Gatvle?', Pe'l'th and Jill'emantle, Applicant's Solicitm·s.

2. 4- (} uT Transfer of Land Act, 1893.

T AKE NOTICE that Robert Df'Lvey I-hrdey of Belmont gentlcl1utl1 has Inade apl)Jication to be registered as

the proprietor of an estnte in fee simple in possession in the following pa,reel of land situa,te ill the Swan District viz. :-

Pat·t of S1va.n Location 34.

Bounded on the North-Bast by 200 chains 13 links of Locf'Ltion 3:3,

On the SOldh- West by pm·t of Cmming IJoc:ltion 2 and other portion of mLid Location 34, mensnring' 210 chains 21-i'o lil1ks.

On the NOj·th- West by the Swan Itiver. On the Sotdh-East by a line joining the E[1stem ends of

the North-Ea,st and Sonth-I\-est bOllnctnries measnring 44 chf'Lins 51-Po links.

And on the inner part by the public lW'Ld from Perth to Guildford.

A:ND ]<'UR'I'HER 'l'AKE NOTICE that f'LU persons other thnn the applicant claiming to have [1ny est[1te right title or interest in the ahove pm'cel of land ARE HleRlmy REQUIl<Im to lodge in this Office on or before the lGth da,y of J'IIf'Ll'ch next a caveat forbidding the smne from being bronght under the opemtion of the Act.


Registrar of 'l'itles. Land 'ritlcs' Office, Perth, '(

8th February, 1895. )

106 94-

8tonc 0' Bu)'t, Path, Appliccmt's Solicitors.

'I'rausf'er of Land Act, 1893, and The Reil] PrOI}erty Umitntions A{·.t, !.878.

T AKE NOTICE that Willimn Jnmes Piggott of The Brunswick ne[1r Bunbury farmer has made application

to be registered ns the proprietor of an estate in fee simple in possession in the following parcels of land situate in 'che 1'1" eIlington District and being

PARTS OF WELLINGTO:N LOCATIO:N 1 (containing in the aggregate 9:lGa. ll'. 8p.)

Lot 2 Glltton Road Bounded on the Southward by 27 chains 30} links of a

private rOf'Ldway On the Eastward by Lot 4 measuring 40 chnins 90 links On the N01·thwal'd by the Brunswick River On the Westward by other portion of said Location 1

measuring 39 chains 27,'0 links

Lots 3, 5, and R, Cl{fton Road together having a frontage of 813 chains 18 links upon Clifton Road and lying between said road and the private roadw,lY above mentioned -

GAZETTE, 'V.A. 349

Lots 3,6, and 8, Victoria Road together having f'L frontage of 86 chains 1B links upon said Clifton Road and lying between sf'Lid road and Victoria Road

Also PORTIO:N m' SAID LOCA'l'ION 1 (lying ef'Lst of the Brunswick

River and containing 220a. 21'. 3Gp.) Bounded by lines starting from the intersection of the

right bank of the Brunswick River with the Northern boundary of Victoria Road thence North-Easterly 2350 22' 4 chains 39 links along said Victoria Road thence from said road 2050 2' 10 chf'Lins 72 links thence 1970 5i' 8 chains 9 links thence North-vVesterly 3480 13' 6 chains 81 links thence North-Easterly 2000 22' 9 ehains H links thence Northerly 1790 40' 8 chains 94, links thence North-EastBrly Hllo 39' 11 chains :l5,1- links 2220 15' 19 chains 58 links 2030

213' 213 chains 5,) links 2140 46' 12 chains GO links 2180 2' 6 chains 2G!c links 1990 42' 3 chains 20 links to the Bruns­wick River and bounded on the N01·th f'Lnd West by the said Brunswick Rivor

The aboye parcels of land being more IJf'Lrticularly shown on plan deposited in the Office of Titles No. 906.

A:ND ,'URTHER TAKE NOTICE that all persons other than the applicant claiming to have any estate right title or interest in the above parcels of bnd ARE HEREBY H,EQUIRED to lodge in this Ot'1ce on or before the 18th day of lYlay next a calleat forbidding the same from boing brought uncleI' the operation of the Act.

ALFHED E. BURT, Registrar of Titles.

Laud Titles' Office, Perth, ! Hth ].<'obruary, 1805, 1

Stanley cS' ltloney, B1mbltl'y, 8olicito1's fol' the Applicant.

Vel 'l'rUIJSi'el' of Laud AcL lSIJ:l, anti lhe Real Property Limitatioll1:! Act, vm.;.

rrAKE NOTICE tlu],t the West Anstmlif'Ln 'l'rustee Executor and Agency Company Limited of l'erth

the executor under the will of Clmrles Crowthor deceased has made application to be registered f'LS the proprietor of f'LIl estate in fee simple in l)oSsessioll in the following parcel of land situf'Lte in the town of Gemlclton being:-

Gm-aldton 'Pown Lot 58 containing 1 rood 23 percbes f'Lncl Imving :'L frontnge of 1 chain 57 links upon .l'iIarin8 'l'errace and 1 chain GO links upon Francis Street.

AND FUWl'HER TAKE N onCE that all persons other tlmn the applicant claiming to !lave any estate right title or interest in the nbove parcel of land ARE HEREBY REQUIRED to lodge in this Office on or before the 13th day of April next a caveat forbidding the sam e from being brought under the operation of the Act.

Lf'Lnd Titles' Office, Perth, } 10th January, 1895.

ALFRED E. BURT, Registn'Lr of 'l'it.les.

Stone cl( B,wt, Perth, Applicccnt's Solicito?·s.

The Electoral Act, 1893 (57 Vict., 15, s. 32).

N OTICE is hereby given that a Registmtion Court for revising the Anllual Electoml Lists for this Electoral

District will be held at eleven o'clock, a.m., on Monday, the eighth clay of April, 1895, at the Police Court House, Bnsselton.

February 15th, 1895.

A. R. PRIES, Electoral Registrar for the

Electoral District of Sussex.

The Electoral Act, 1893. (57 Vie., No. 15, Sec. 32.)

N OTICE is hereby given that a Registration Court for revising the Annual Electoral Lists for this Electoral

District will be held at 11 o'clock, a.m., on Monday, the 15th day of April, 1895, at the Police Court Honse, Wyndham.

W. D. CUlYIMINS, Electoral Registrar for the

Electoral District of East Kimberley. 10th Fehruary, 18H;).


Designs and Trade Marks Act, 1884.

I '1' is hereby notifi"d thnt I have received the under­mentioned Applications for the Reg'istmtion of Tmde


Any person or persons intending to oppose any of such apl)lications must leave particulars in writing, in duplicate (on Form F), of his or their objections thereto, within two months of the first publication of such applications.

A fee of £1 is payable with such notice.

IVIALCOLM A. C. FRASER, Registmr of Designs and 'l'mde Marks.

Apl)lication No. P. J}&.-,TOHN I{,OBERTSON & SON, of 6 Citndle Litne, Scngate, Dlmdee, Scotland, whisky mer­chfLnts, to register in class 4,8, in respect of Whisky, fL '1'mdc lV[al'k, of which the following is a representation :-

15th :B'ebrlUwy, lS95,

Application No, p, j~&,-'1'he persons tmding ns "JuAN CUg'l'O Y I-Fo," at No. 1H, Bstrdh. Street, Tbbllna, in the Island of Cuba, cigar manufacturers, to register in class 45, in respect of manuf,wtured tobacco, specially cigars, two 'l'rade lVrarks, of which the following are representations:-


The essentbl particulars of the above '1'rade Mark are :­(1) '1'he spocial and distinotive name" Ln, fior de Naves"; (2) the nmne "Obeso Y Cneto"; (3) the whole devioe n,s lL bmnd. Any right to the exclusive use of the lLddedn1l1tter is disclaimed.


'I'he essentinl plLrticulars of the above 'I'mcle Mark lLre :­(1) The speci!1l n,nd distinctive nallle "Ln flor de NlLves"; (2) tho device of the fellmle and lion; (8) the devioe of the pillars and band joining them: (,1) the lttbel as n, whole. Any right to the exclusive use of the added matter is disclaimer\.

15th }>'phl'lmry, 1SI)5.

Applim1tion No. p. t~.-VVIT,LIA"I PNl'ERSON, of Whitby ]",11s, nen,r In,rrahcln,le, in the Colony of vVestern Austrn,lifL, to register in Ch1SS 3, in respect of ohemicn,l substlLnoes

GAZETTE, W.A. [lVLm. 1, 1895.

prepared for use in medicine and pharmlLcy, suoh as pn,tent medicines, a 'Trade Mm'];: of which the following is a repre­sentation :-



The essentifLl partioulars of the n,bove Tmde ]yInrk n,re :­The word" Blackboy/' and the representation of the tree of that 11l11l1e, the whole as n, distinctive label 01' device. Any right to the exclusive use of the ndc1ed mn,tter is clisobimed.

22nd Februn,ry, lSH5.

Application No. P. 'lji .. -ANNE SOPHIA BRODIE, of Clarence Street, Sydney, in the Colony of Now South Wales, trading n,s "THE SYDNEY GRISTJNG COllIPANY," to register in oln,ss 42, in respect of substances used n,s food or lLS ingredients in food, more particularly manufnctured or prepn,red foods made from oeren,ls, lL Tmde Mark of which the following' is lL representation :-

The essential pn,rticuln,rs of the n,bove Tmde Mn,rk n,re :­A distinctive In,bel oonsisting of the words "Granumn, Porridge," in combinn,tion with the representation of two baby heads, one hooded n,nd the other bare; n, shen,f of when,t, n,nd the words" Summer" n,nd "Winter .;" n,nd n,ny right to the exclusive use of the added mfLtter is dis­olaimed.

22nd February, 1895.

Application No. P. H.·~.J. and W. BA'l'El\IAN, of Fronll1ntle, in the Colony of VV Gstern A ustmlia, merohnn ts, to register in oln,ss 42, in respect of telL, oofIeo, coffee lLnd ohicory, cocon" preserved mc,.ts, preserved fish, oonfectionery, peppers, hops, pickles, vinegn,r, chutney, ourry powder, baking powder, honey, butter, tnble oils, n,l'l'owroot, ground rice, icing' sugar, oabneal, culinary essences, egg povvder, flonr, ginger, groats, lllixecl spice, all::;pice, lllustal'd, nut­megs, bic~11~bonfLte of soda, Cl'e'Ull of tartn,l', tartfLl'ie acid, saltpetr~, cordials and syrups, sn,lt, a 'I'mde Mark of which the following' is a representation:-

I X L :l2nd l!'ebrmll'y, 1895.


Application No. P. H--JOHN JA~IES ROTH, of No. 311 Kent Street, Sydney, in the Colony of New South \'Vales, Importer, to register in class 43, in respect of Beer, a Trade 1Ylark, of which the following is a representation :-

1'he essential particulars of the above Trade 1Ylark are :­(1) The words or name "FranzJosef"; (2) the device of the shield over or in front of double-headed eagle within a eh'cle; (3) the label consisting of the devices and borders arranged diagonally; but any right to the exclusive use of the added matter is disclaimed.

1st March, 1895.

NOTE.-The elate l1tentioneel in each case is that Qf the fij'st (tppecwance of the adt·ertisement.

In the matter of "The Patent Act, 1888" (52 Victoria, No. 5), and of "The Patent Act Amendment., 1892" (55 Victoria, No. 15).

N OTICE is hereby given that the undermentioned Applications for Letters Patent, and the com­

plete Specifications annexed thereto, have been accepted, and are now open to public inspection at the Patent Office.

Any person or persons may oppose any of such applications, by lodging at the Patent Office, within two months from the date of the first appearance of the advertisement thereof in the 1Vestern Australian Gove1'nment Gazette, a notice in writing, in duplicate, stating his name and address, and the nature and ground of his opposition. A fee of 10s. 6d. is payable with such notice.

Application No. 726, P. 397"s·.-RoWLAND MAT­

THEWS, of Forest Hill, Kent, England, Manu­facturer, "Imp1'ovements in the Mamifactt~1'e of White Lead." 4th January, 1895.

Application No. 545, P. H.-HUMAN HENRY SCHLAPP, formerly of Mount Barker, in the Province of South Australia, but now of North British Chambers, Queen Street, Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Metallurgist, and. FRANcIs J AMES ODLING, of No. 70 Queen Street, Melbourne aforesaid, Mining Engineer, "An Imp1'ovecl Cent1'ift~gal H yd1'0-Ext1'act01', p I'inci­pally adapted fOT T1'eating Finely Divided Metallij'e1'ous Mate1·ial." 11th January, 1895.

Application No. 716, P. 3"6"0.-HENRY LIVING­STONE SULMAN, and FRANK LITHERLAND TEED, D. Sc., Analytical Chemists, both of London, England, "Imp1'ovements in 01' 1'elating to the Extmction of PTecious Metals f1'om theiT 01·es." 11th January, 1895.

Application No. 565, P. ;!.-ERNEsT COLLINS CHARD, of 27 Martin's Lane, London, in the County of London, England, Artist, "Imp1'ove­ments in A1domc~tic Scc~le Weighing Machines." 18th January, 1895.

Application No. 733, P. "i'.-WILLIAl\1 McDoN­NELL MACKEY, of 32 Victoria Chambers, South Parade, Leeds, in the County of York, England, Analytical Chemist, "Imp1'ovements in making Potassic Cyanide, and Appa1'ahts the1'efo)'." 18th January, 1895.

Application No. 734, P. "g".-JOHN CARTER, of North Sydney, in the Colony of New South "Vales, Engineer, "Imp1'ovements in Expl08'ive Compounds." 18th January, 1895.

Application No. 731:), P. Z~ .-GEORGE BELLE J ONES, JYIiner, and HARVEY PEIRCE J ONES, Bridge-builder, both of Denver, in the County of Arapahoe, and Stf~te of Colorado, United States of America, "In.pl'ovements in Rock Drills." 25th January, 1895.

Application No. 739, P. H.-HERBERT HAYES NORl\IAN, of Adelaide, in the Province of South Australia, Dental Surgeon, "An 1111-p1'oved Appa1'utus f01' making Gas ft'om Oil 01' Tallow 01' any similar Substance."-lst February, 1895. .

Application No. 574, P. H.-JAlI1Es GODFREY 1V ARNER and ROBERT 1VO'.rHERSPOON, both of Perth, in the Colony of Westel'l1 A ustraJia, Civil Engineers, "A New and I1np1'oved Spar!.; A1'1'este1"" 8th February, 1895.

Application No. 743,P. ~~.-JOHN FELIxJYIARTIN, of Gawler, in the Province of South Australia, Manager for James Martin & Company, Limited, of Gawler aforesaid, Engineers, Machinists, &c., Assignee of CLARENCE JAl\1ES WILSON, of Dundas Hills, in the Colony of Westel'l1 A us­tralia, Prospector, "Improvements in Evapomto1'8 and Condense1'S." 15th February, 1895.

Application No. 744, P. %%.-HuGH THOMPSON REID, of 9 Mill Street, Conduit Street, London, England, Mercantile Agent, "Imp1'ovements in Oil cmcl Gas Engines." 15th February, 1895.

Application No. 746, P. H.·-JOHN JAlIfES HOOD, of 1, Fenchurch Avenue, in the City of London, England, Chemist, " Imp1'ovements 'in Extmcting lJ!Ietals and New Solvent lvIatm'ials the1'ej'01·." 15th February, 1895. .

Application No. 597, P. i'i'j,.--JOHN FEAToN, of Auckland, in the Colony of New Zealand, tem­porarily residing at Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, Mining Agent, "Imp1'oved l1iethod and Appamtus fo1' Ventilating lYlines 01'

Unde-rg1'01~nd Workings." 15th February, 1895.

Application No. 751, P. ;g.-EDwARD 1VATERS, of No. 131, William Street, Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Patent Agent, communi­cated to him by MlDDLETON CRAWFORD, of Colorado Springs, in the State of Colorado, United States of America, "Pt'oCe88 of Ea:tmct­ing Precious jJietals from thei1' 01'es." 22nd February, 1895.

Application No. 752, P. g~.-ABRAHAM MARTIN, of Burgundy Villtts, Pagoda Avenue, Riclunond, in the County of Surrey, England, Engineer, "A new l'fIechanical Toy." 22nd February, 1895.

Application No. 753, P. tt.-OLIVER BLACKBURN SHALLENBERGER, of Rochester, in the County of Beaver, and State of Pennsylvania, United States of. America, Electrician, "In~p1'oved Methods and Appamtu8 fOT Measu1'ing Elect1'ical CU"i'1·ents." 22nd February, 1895.

Application No. 735, P. n.-THOMAS HowsON, of Fremantle, in the Colony of Western Aus­tralia, Carpenter, " 'The Little Wondet·' House­hold Washing Machine." 1st March, 1895,


Application No. 754, P. H.-CHAnLEs JACOB HARnIs, of }<'rem'tntle, in the Colon, of "vVestel"ll. Aust.ralia, Mel'eh~Lllt, "A ColZaJ).~ib7e Red or 8l'l·etcher." 1st IVlctt"ch, 1895. J.

Applica,tion No. 756, P.t\c.---JA~IES DANIEL BAInD, of Perth, in the Colony of -Western AUtl­

tmlh, Oivil Engineer, '.tnd HORTON VVILLIAM

A'l'KINSON, (Ll8o- of Perth aforesn.id, Estctte Agvnt, "An Adveri7:,sing 'L'abl" Plate." 1st Ma.rd1, 1895.

MALCOLM A. C. Fli,ASER, Registrlu of P;Lh'lltS.

N O'l'lG.-'l'he dale mentionecl in each C(tsc is that Q/ the fVi"st appecwancc Qi" lhe adveri'isement.

B ALANCE SHEE'r, Phntn.h.yenet I101Lds Bon.rd, ending 3bt December, 18H4:-

Trcasnry Accml1lt.

189· •. Du. J; s. ,1. £ s. d. lU 1I 10

0 ()

0 0 () 0 () 0

Jan. lo,_rro Bn,ht.nce brollg'ht f'orw:lrd ... .,. " Government Grant as IJel' Stllt-cmcnt

attnchccl . Feb.- " Do. do. (10.

" Do. do. do. Do. do. do. ])0. do. do. 0 0

fiOO (I 0

.til·l H 10

189-1. CH. J; s. d. .r cl. By Amounts expended 011 Hoads and Bridges as

pC'l' deltlils n;LtllchOll '" '" ... " AmOllnl.1 expe1111ed on SUI'veys

Labollr Salaries '" Ad VCl'Lising' Sunddes.

·ID" 1G 1 ill 1!1 11

7 G 11 fI 7

'( 7 .'J ;) 0 11

National Hank Acconnt.

55D 1 ;} 16.5 13 7

£711. H 10

1891·. Du. C s. ,1. et s. d. Jan. l._~rro

1'eb.-­Ang.- "

Nov.·~ "

7 1011

80 :2 :}

By Amounl's expclluccl 011 Rond::; mHl H1'idgcs ... .r s. d. J; s. d. .1-1 8 II

" " " Lttbour ... ... . Sunclries Salaries

" Balance

Law Charge;.; Advertising

Treasury Balallco... '" Nn.tiounl Bf111k BnJance .

S G 0 a 2 G

",1811 o 11 8 o 11 0

81 In 0 5 1·1, 2

.£87 13 2

J;155 1:3 7 £5 H 2

Audited and found corred,

ROWLEY C. LOJo''l'm, R JIiI ) .' ., \' AU(liiors. A. McDoNAI,D, c

16th February, 18H5.

TIlE Hon. t.he Colonin.l Trpasurer III Account with the Pln.ntagenet Ho,vls Board.

Oash Aceo/tnt. 189J. Du. .Tun. I.-To B::t1allce ... . ..

H 23.-" A.l11ount allotted from Feb. 2.-" 2nd 11101etYallllUal Mar.2H.-" E."{tra graut .Aug. 6.-" 1st part of Dec. 31.-" Special

rro balance carded fonvartl

,C s. d.

150 0 0 lOO 0 0 200 0 0 50 0 0

100 0 0

,c. s. d. 1101 l·t 10

600 0 0


155 18 7

GAZETTE, W.A. [MAR. 1, 1895.

1891. Jan. :n.~-By

Fob. ~S.-"

" April 2.5.---"

May :~O.-" July 2.:5.-~"

Aug. 2f)'-~"

Sep. 2G.-.,

rl'o bah111cc

Cn. £ s. d. 16 7 7 '2,5 17 G

2 ;3 1 19 2

30 0 0 22 12 2 o l'J 6

43 6 2 2 9 292

:32 1 3 27 17 G 250 326 2 8 1 100 OH 4

97 15 0 11511 1 19 8 o 12 6 010 0

,15 16 7 23 1 0 1 7 0 o 15 0 2 13 6

31 10 0 40 HI 11 25 0 0

6810 0

5,;9 1 3 155 13 7

£711 It 10

Auditod and 10nD,1 C01'1'001,

I/'owLEY O. LOI'''l'm, A. ]l.i[eDoNALD, '; Auditors.

lGth Februa,1',Y, 18%.

THE Nn.tional lhnk of Anstnt\lt"i:t in A"COllllt with the Phntagf'llet H.oac1s Bortnl :

189!. Bakmce

" HosoI've

" "

0118h Accollnt.


" C,tl't licenses

Hoserve fees.

2D.--- "


To l)f1J:lllcC

1891. Cu.

May 30.-By J. JYI. nfol'ris, aCCollnt Nauoru)} road " Hn,yllcs &' Rolnnsoll 1 lttW charges " 'V. F. FOl'ster &- Co., ,ulvcrtiflin,g'

C. F. Aul)cry, Hay Jlin)' bridge '" J. E. Browno, salary and petties .

June 27.-:: J. In. Brownc, do. n \V. H. B'itzpat.l'ick, Hay River Bridge " rr. D. Beere, repa;rs Euchl well ... " Jas. Gormnn, rt:'pah~; Perth 1'0.'1(1


2 11 1 1~ (;

fI ·t 3 11 :{

7 0 0 6 10 0

11 0 0 l:I 11 0 [) 10 0 8 11 11 2 10 0 ·1 !O 0 ., (; n I 15 I)

:; 17 1 " 11

P. 1,:Ionaghull, commission collecting' Jnly lG.-:: Green & NwllOls, repairs Kin::,;: HiveI' rOll,l

Cheque book Sept. 26.·-" Secrehtry, :mlary! &c.

" 'l'assell J31'os., notice hoards ... ... ,., ~O\T. !l SecrBtary, salary and pctties, Nov. :tilll DCI}. Deer. " Loose cheques sent to Esperancc

J. T.etchford, labour " P. lY[onag-han, c01nmissioll"


Letchford .. Monaghan,

ChC!lHCS oHtstan(Iina.

Audited n.nd found correct,

o 15 0 1 0 6

J2 8. (1. I 10 11

80 2 3

<C8i 13 2

5 1<~ 2

£ s. d.

12 18 11 o 11 8 o 11 0 1 4 0 2 13 2 2 2 2 300 ,116 0

27 G 0 5 15 7 3 10 0 050 8 7 G 1 0 0 G 0 6 020 015 0 106 5 14 2

£87 13 2

R C. LOJo'TIE, RM"l Auditors. A. McDoNALD, I

10th FebnHtl'Y, 1895.


NI ELSON Roads Board in Account with the Gov-.1 ernment of vVeste1'l1 Australia.

Bettm~ of ExpencZitu1'e fOT the Year 18,<)8. DR.

Jan. l.-BaJance to Credit from General Account ". April 7.-Colonial Treasurer Nov. 20.-Coloni:tl Trca~~ul'er .,_ Dec. 31.-Cart and Carriage Licenses

CR. Jun. 5.-G. l\fas1in, Upkeep 1\0. 1 Section, half-year

H. Doust, Supervisor to date... ... . .. G. Crowd, Balance If pkeep No. 2 Section ... J. ]Hay, Advance No. 3 Section ... ].fechallics' Institute, Ront of HalJ, 1892 SOHthern Thncfl, Advertising

J:1eb. 2.-lVlay, J., Advance on Contract , .. Doust &; Needs, Deesicle-Gorc1on Hoad Doust, C., No. 4 Section .. , '" .,. ."

]'fa1'. 30.-0. rroole, on account Contract No.;3 Section, and Lid to DOlll1elly Well... ... . .. Reeves, for J.l\lay, ta-king Trees out

ApJ. 27.-H. Doust, Supervisor to date... . .. ]Iay 25.- - Reading, Advertising, half-year,

J. May, No. 2 Section ", G. Ma-slill, No. 1 Section Stalnps and Stat.ionery .,' ...

JUlle 2S.-H. Doust, Supervisor to date,. O. Toole, No. 3 Sectioll. .. ... . J. l\Iay, Advance 16 chains Gravelling, No. :2

Section ". .., '" ,., Aug. 81.-J. JYlay, Grayelling, No. 2 Section Oct. 12.-Sonthcl"il Timc~, Advertising'

Secretary... ... . .. O. Toole, No. 3 Section... .,' ... ..' , .. IL Doust, SU1)ervisor to date... ... ... . .. J. l'tiay, Balance No. 3 Sectioll, and Upkcc!) half-

year ." .. , Nov. 24.-J. May, No. 2 Section... ... ...

G. :IYlaslin, on account No. 1 Section C. Donst, No. 4. Section... ... . .. Doust and Needs, Deeside-Gordoll Road O. Toole, Upkeep No. :3 Seetioll O. Toolc, Secretary, etc. . ..

Dec. 28.-13H.nlJHry Herald, Advertising ." H. Doust, Supervisor to elate,., L. Reevo, removing Trees ,.. ... . .. R. & 'N. Jones, £) miles BY-Toad, uJ, 7s. Gel .... .T. Inglis, 9 miles BY-l'oad, at 7s. 6d.... '" J. Grovel', 6 miles By-road, ,,1. 7s. Gel. J. Blechynden, 51niles By-road .. .J. Giblett, 1 mile By-road ." F. V{heat-Icy, 2 miles By-road ". C. Abel, 9 mHes By~road ... ... :Th1:echanics' Institute, Hall Reut, 1893 ... ." J. Ma.y, Upkeep No. 2 Section, and 1 Dine BY·l'oad Sonthcrn 'l'imc!'>, Advertising Credit Balance

£ s. cl. 2(>0 16 2 150 0 0 125 0 0 69 9 9

£545 511

£ s. d. 1210 0 750

15 0 0 12 11 4 200 200

10 0 0 5210 0 27 12 G

;J 8 0 0 8 C 7 0 0 1 15 0

18 9 0 32 17 ()

310 0 3 15 0

33 3 0

12 0 0 12 5 0 015 0 2 12 3

16 2 1 600

17 11 0 956

26 16 10 30 2 7 52 12 9 ,,10 0 240 200 .5 15 0 o 1G 0 :3 7 G ;; 7 6 2 .) () 1 17 G 076 o 15 0 ;) 7 6 200

21 13 3 o 15 0

29'12 1

£5J5 511

J. ALLNUTT, Chairman Nelson Roctds Boarel.

We have examined these Acuounts, ~wd comparecl the same with Vouuhers a,nd BalIk and Tl'ea,sury Books, and find the same correct.

~ JAS. FARRELL, ~ Auditors. IV. A. G. WALTER, R.M.,)

Plantagenet Roads Board.

A T a Meeting of the Plantagenet Hoac1s Boarel, held at Mount Barker on the 31st October,

1894, it was resolved that a strip of land be taken, one chain wide, for the purpose of opening a ne,,­line of communication, starting from the South­East corner of Plantagenet Louation No. 2, thence North along its Eastern boundary to the N orth­East corner of said Louation, thence vVest along the Northern bonndary to the N ol'th-VV est corner of same.


Plantagenet Itoads Uoard.

A T a Meeting of the Plal1tagenet Roads Board, held at Mount Ba,rker on the 31st October,

1894, it was resolved that a strip of lanel, one c1min wide, be ta,ken for the purpose of opening up a line of communication, starting from the North-East corner of Location No. 122, and extending along its Eastern boundary to McDollalcl Road.


Jamlakot Roads Board.

;\ T a JYleeting of the Jandakot Roads Boa.rd, held ....c.l.. on 6th February, 1895, a ResolutIOn was passed that the following :iYIinor Roads be de­dared :-

1. A Road, one chain wide, the North side extending from Amhel'st Road, and passing along the South-East bonndaries of Jan­da,kot Agricultural Area Lots 114, Jl5, 116, and 117, in a South-West direction to Clifton Road.

2. A Road, one chain wide, the South side starting from a point on the North boundary of Canning Location 209, situate 31 chains 41 links East from the North­East corner of Canning Location 278, and extending due East, passing through Canning Location 314, to join Bull's Creek Roa,el.


20th J1"ebruary, 1895.

Sussex Roads Iloar{l.

AT a, Meeting of the above Board, held on the 12th January, 1895, it was resolved to declare

a, New Road, half-a-chain wide, starting from West cnd of vVol1nel'up Inlet, Bridge, extending in a vVestel'ly diredion across vV onnel'up townsite, to ad­join the Lockeville Road, as surveyed by Mr. Surveyor Denl1Y.


Busselton, 12th January, 1895. Secretary.

Beverley Roads Board.

I N accordance with a Resolution passed at a JYleet­ing of the above Board held at the Freemason's

Hotel, Bevel'ley, on 6th December, it was decided to resume a strip of land one chain wide (for the purpose of opening a line of communication) starting from the S.W. corner of Block ifo through Block 2, being portion of Loc. 14, in a vVesterly direction crossing N.W. line of Loc. 14, through portion of Loc. K, taking a N.W. course to Waterhatch crossing, thence trending in a Westerly direction throngh Loc. 1, terminating at Block No. 1988, joining present surveyed road.

R. B. SMITH, Chairman Beverley Roads Board.

Kojonup Roads Boal'{l.

Opening of New Road.

A T a Meeting of the above Board, held on 20th December, 1894, it was resolved to declare a

Minor Roa,d, half-uhain wide, startillg from the North corner of Kojonup Location 5, the North­West side of said road extending along the N orth­West boundary of said Location 5 to the Perth­Albany Road.

(Signed) JOHN DEARLE, Chairman Kojonup R,oads BocLl'd.



The New81)(Lpe1' Libel and Registmtion Act, 1884.

I T is hereby notified that non-compliance with the provisions of Sections 9 and 10 of the above

Act, relating to Annual Returns, renders Printers and Publishers liable to a penalty not exceeding Twenty-five pounds.

F. A. MOSELEY, Registrar Supreme Court.

Supreme Court Office, Perth, 28th ]'ebruary, 1895.

"'l'lte Companies Act, 1893."

l\.T OTICE is hereby given that the Office or Place -L ~ of Business of " The Ernest Giles West Aus­trali~tl1 Gold Prospecting Company (No-Ijiability)" is situated at Mutual Provident Chambers, St. George's Terrace, Pert.h.

Dated the 20th d~Ly of February, 1895.

J. S. READ, Attorney for the said Company

in Western Australia.

The Nil Desperandum Gold Mining Company (N o-Liability).

A CALL (the first) of 10s. per Share has this day been made on the Contributing Shares of this

Company, pay~Lble to me at this Office on 01' before Thursd~ty, the 14th day of March, 1895.

Sbwes are forfeitable 14 days after clue clate of Call.

J. S. READ, 1 A.M.P. Buildings, Secretary.

Perth, 26th February, 1895.

"'l'lw Companies Act, 1893."

The Great Dundas Goldmining Company, Limited.

THE Office or Place of Business of this Company is situated at Messrs. H. J. Saunders & Co.'s

offices, St. George's Terrace, Perth.

Dated this 27th day of Febrnary, 1895.

Wu"LIAM DRIFFIELD, Attorney for the Oompany

in Western Australia. Parke?' 0' Parker, SolicitOl'S to the Company.

"'l'he Companies Act, 1893."

The Emerald (Reward) Goldmining Company, Limited.

nlHE Offiee of this Oompany is at Messrs. Parker l & PeLl'leer's offices, Barrack Street, Perth, and its Attorneys for Western Australia are STEPHEN HENRY PARKER, HARRY ,VHITTALL VENN, EDMUND KNOLT,YS OHARRINGTON, JOSEPH HENRY STANLEY, [tncl HENRY EDWIN OAMPBELL.

Detted this 27th da,y of February, 1895. PARKER & PARKER,

Solicitors for the said Oompany ancl its said Attorneys,

In the medter of" The Oompanies Act, 1893." (56 Vie., No. 8.)

NOTICE is hereby given that, under the pro­visions of Section 20 of the above Act, a

Oertificate of Incorporation, as a "Limited Oompany," has this day been issued to "The Hope's Hill Gold Mining Company, Limited."

Dated this 2nd February, 1895.

Supreme Oourt Office, Perth, W.A.

F. A. MOSELEY, Registrar of Oompanies.

In the 1natte1' of" The OMnpanies Act, 1898," and in the matter of "The Bayley's West Extendecl Gold Mining Oompany, Limited."

I T is hereby notified the Office or Place of Business of this Company will be situate at the Mine,

Ooolgardie, in the Oolony of 'Western Australia, in terms of" The Oompanies Act, 1893."

Datecl this 21st clay of February, 1895.

W. TAYLOR BEGELHOLE, Attorney for the Company in

Western Australia.

"'fhe Companies Act, 189:3."

Great Boulder Proprietary Gold Mines, Limited.

THE Office or Place of Business of this Oompany is situated upon the Oompany's Gold Mining

Lease 82 A, known [1S the Great Boulder, in the East Ooolgardie Goldfield; and ZEBINA LANE is the duly appointed Attorney of the Oompany.

Dated 16th February, 1895.

PARKER & P ARKE1~, Solicitors for the said Zebina Lane.

In the matte?' of "The Oom]Jnnies Act, 1898," ancl in the matter of "The Hmnpton Plains Estate, Limited."

N OTICE is hereby given that the Office or Place ..l. of Business of " The Hampton Plains Estate, Limited," is situate~in Bayley Strect, Ooolgl1rc1ie, in the Oolony of Western Australia.

Dated this 18th day of Febnmry, 1895.

ALEO P. MATHESON, Attorney for the said Oompany

in Western Australia. Stone g- B1Wt, Solicito?'s, PC1·th.

In the matter of " The Oompanies Act, 1893," and in the matter of" The A?Lstin Gold Mines, Limited."

N OTIOE is hereby given that the Office or Place of Business of "The Austin Gold Mines,

Limited," is at the Office of Messieurs McIlwraith, McEacharn and Oom.pany, Limited, ill Henry Street, Fremantle, in the Oolony of Western Australia.

Dated this 8th day of February, 1895.

JAMES OOWEN, Attorney for the said OOmpftlly in

Western Australia.

Stone 0' Butt, Solicitol'S, Perth,


NOTIOE is hereby given that the partnership which has for some time past been carried on

under the firm of EDMUND DEAN &; 00., at Fre­mftntle, Perth, and Guildford, in the trade or business of Ohemists, was this dav dissolved bv mutual consent, so far as regards Edmund Olappel~­ton Dean, who retires from the said business, which will hereafter be carried on by the remaining partners, under the firm of" Edmund Dean &; 00.," at the before mentioned places.

As witness my hand this twenty-fifth day of Febnmry, One thousand eight hundred and ninety­five.

E. O. DEAN. Witness-

A. BOWMAN KIDSON, Solicitor, Fremantle.

Dissolution of' Partnersbip.

N OTIOE is hereby given that the Partnership 1.. heretofore existing' between us, the under­signed, THOJJIAS INNES CRUICKSHANK and n![AGGIE ORUICKSHANK, in the tntde or business of Produce Merchants, carried on by us at Fremantle, in the colony of WeRtern Australia, under the style of "Oruickshank &; 00.," was dissolved on the 19th day of J annary, 1895, by mutual e0nsent. .

All debts due to and owing by the htte firm will be received and paid by the uudersigned, Thomas InneR Oruickshank, by whom the business will in future be carried on at Fremantle under the style of " Oruickshank &; 00."

Dated this 29th day of January, 1895. (Sgd.) T. 1. ORUICKSHANK.


'Witness to signature of) ~L L. Moss, Solicitor, T. 1. Oruickshank, 5 Jhema,ntle.

vVitness to signature of) J W l\/r • 0 . 1 h k ? OHN A'I.'T. 1.'1.aggle rUlC rs an , )

Re William Patrick Jeifries, (lect'ased.


P URSUANT to an Act of the Imperial Parlia­ment, made and passed in the 22nd and 23rd

years of the Reign of Her present Majesty, Ohapter 35, intituled " An Act to further amend the Law of Property and to relieve Trustees" (adopted by Local Ordinance, 31 Vie., No. 8), Notice is hereby given that all creditors and other persons having any claims or demands upon or against the estate of William Patrick J effries, late of 13-Mile Rode, near Southern Oross, carrier, dece,Lsed (who died at Fremantle on the 30th day of January, 1895, and whose will was duly provecl by vVilliam vVoods, of Southern Oross aforesaid, saddler, the sole executor of the said will), ,tre hereby required to send in particulars, in writing, of their claims and demands to the said William Woods on or before the 18th dav of March next. And notice is hereby given that a:t the expiration of such time the said William Woods will proceed to distri­bute the assets of the deceased among the persons

. entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims and demands of which the said W illiam vV oods shall then have had notice, and that he will not be liable for the assets of the said deceased or any part thereof so distributed to any person or persons of whose claim or demand he shall not then have had notice.

Dated this 18th day of l<'ebruary, 1895.

KIDS ON & GA WLER, Fremantle,

Solicitors for the said Executor.

Re P A'rRICK LENNON, deceased.


PURSUANT to an A~t of the Imperial Parliament, made and passed III the 22nd and 23rd years

of the Reign of Her present lVlajesty, Ohapte~' 35, intituled "An Act to further amend the Law of Property and to relieve Trustees" (adopted by Loca,l Ordinance 31 Victoria, No. 8): Notice is hereby given that all creditors and other persons h,wing any claims or demands upon or against the estate of Patrick Lennon, late of N ortham, in the Oolony of Western Australia (who died at N ortham afore;aid, intestate, on the twentieth da,y of January, 1895, and Letters of Administra,tion of whose estate were granted by the Supreme Oourt to John Lenllon, of N ortham, in the said Oolony, hl,bourer, the natuml and htwful brother, [Lnd next of kin of the said deceased, on the 12th day of February, 1895), nre hereby required to send in pl1rticulars, in writin o', of their claims and demands to the said John LClrnon, on or before the 20th day of lVIarch next. And Notice is hereby given that at the expimtion of such time the said John Lennon will proceed to distribute t,he ass~ts of the said .deceased among the persons entItled thereto, h,wmg regard only to the claims and demands of which the s,Lid John Lennon shall then have had notice, and that he will not be liable for the assets of the said c1eccctsed or any part thereof so . distributed to any persoll or persons of whose clann or den1t1nd he shall not then have hac1notice.

Dated this 20th day of February, 18%.

KIDSON &; GAWLER, Fremantle,

Solicitors for the Executor.

Ite IIarry VOl1thein, deeNtScd.


PURSUANT to an Aet of the Imperial Pltrli(1-ment, made and p8,ssed in the 2·2nd ,1nd 23rd

ye[LrS of the Reign of Her present lVIltjesty, 01ll1pter 35, intitulecl "An Act to further [Lmenc1 the Law of Property [1nd to relieve Trnstees" (,"doptec1 by Local Ordinance 31 Victoria, No. 8) : Notice is' hereby given that all creditors and other persons having any claims or demands upon or against the est.ate of Harry Vonthein, late of Coolgardie, but lately of Fremantle, in the Oolony of Western AustralilL, miner, deceased (who died at Frenmntlt' aforesaid on the 15th day of January, 1895, and whose will was duly proved by J ames N ewman, of Fremantel, in the said Oolony, miner, the sole executor of the said will), are her~by required to send in particulars, in writing, of their claims and demands to the said James NeWmll,n on or before the 18th day of JllIftrch next. And notice is hereby given that at the ex­piration of such term the said James Newman will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the per~ons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claIms and demands of which the said J ames N ewman shall then have had notiee, and that he will not be liable for the assets of the s[Lid deceased or any part thereof so distributed to any person or persol)s of whose claim or dc'mand he shall not then have had notice.

Dated this 18th day of February, 1895.

KIDSON &; GAWLER, Fremantle,

Solicitors for the saicl Executor.

b;j "<i


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S· ~ (0 p.­,.., H ;::;. Z .... U1 tdo '" 0 ~..8 2

'z::i M­C> ';i

tj I .Alexander lIIorrison Kemphty. ~ (0


c+ ~ rJl

t-:) 00

""' p-'


~ ? H>


& ,..,

'" I" ,.., ':;<1

Perth, Intely residing nt Reen's Soak.


Supreme Court of "\Vesteru Australia.

No. 8 of 1895.

28th day of :E'ebl'lmry, 18H5.

'-' 00 g:; I 27th day ofJ!'ebruary, 18H5.


Debtor's Petition.

Debtor's name. AcIdress.

FltEDERICK I Fremautle

Debtor's name.




No. of IYhtter.


Dlltc of Petition.

Aet or Acts of Bankruptcy.



Dated this 28th day of l"ebruary, 1895.

to-; "'~ et;

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~ I .Alexander llIorrison Kemplay.

it ~ c+

ifl Perth, lately residing at Reen's Soak. l~ 00

~ ~

~ I Hotelkeeper. o H>

f,:j go ,.., r= I" ,..,

':"i 1-' 00 <:0

Supreme Court of "\Yestern Australia.

No. 8 of 1895.

~ I 28th day of February, 1895.

27th day of February, 1895.

~¥ SS ? :"

I> p., p.,


2i o

h:it! ~" ~S-00


The Bankruptcy Act, 1892.

First Meeting and Public Examination.

1-3 p­(1)

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i::.. :;;. N I'i

':':;. ::: §:I~ '" (~ ~ '<I 2:­;::; il>

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Court. NUlllber. meetIng. I Dltte o~ first I Hour. Place.

Supreme Court of No. 2 of 1895 1I10ndlLY, the 13 0' cloek I Supreme Court of "\Vestern Aus- 11th dl1yof in the ·Western Aus-tralia Mareh, 1895 afternoon tmlia, Perth

o Si o p' ,.....

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~ 'l'homas Frcclerick 'I'n.pper. ct-CD ~

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Slllweme Court of "\Yestern Australia.

No. 2 of lS95.

ll8th clay of Februt1l'y,lSH5.

5th day of February, 1895.

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Supreme Court of Western A us­tralia, Perth



27th dlty of February, Ul95.

Official Receiver in Bill1kruptcy.

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