mm wave and THz imaging using very inexpensive neon-indicator lamp detector focal-plane arrays D. Rozban1 a, b , A. Levanon a, b , A. Akram a, b , A. Abramovich a , N. S. Kopeika b , H. Joseph a, b , Y. Yitzthaky b , A. Belenky b and O. Yadid –Pecht b a Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Ariel University Center of Samaria, Ariel, Israel b Department of Electro-Optical Engineering, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel ABSTRACT Development of focal plane arrays (FPA) for mm wavelength and THz radiation is presented in this paper. The FPA is based upon inexpensive neon indicator lamp Glow Discharge Detectors (GDDs) that serve as pixels in the FPA. It was shown in previous investigations that inexpensive neon indicator lamps GDDs are quite sensitive to mm wavelength and THz radiation. The diameter of GDD lamps are typically 3-6 mm and thus the FPA can be diffraction limited. Development of an FPA using such devices as detectors is advantageous since the costs of such a lamp is around 30-50 cents per lamp, and it is a room temperature detector sufficiently fast for video frame rates. Recently a new 8X8 GDD FPA VLSI board was designed, constructed, and experimentally tested. First THz images as well as DSP methods using this GDD FPA are demonstrated. Super resolution was achieved by moving the 8X8 pixel board appropriately in the image plane so that 32X32 pixel images are also obtained and shown here, with much improved image quality because of much reduced pixelization distortion. Keywords: Far infrared; terahertz; Terahertz imaging; Detectors; Plasmas 1. INTRODUCTION Imaging systems in the electromagnetic spectrum between 100 GHz and 10 THz are required for applications in medicine, communications, homeland security, and space technology. This is because there is no known ionization hazard for biological tissue, and atmospheric attenuation of terahertz (THz) radiation is low compared to that of infrared and optical rays. The lack of inexpensive room temperature detectors and FPAs in this spectral region makes it difficult to develop detection and imaging systems, especially real time ones. A candidate for FPA pixel is miniature neon indicator lamp called Glow Discharge Detector (GDD) which was tested experimentally and found to be a very good THz detector and pixel in THz FPA [1]. Later a different GDD device was found to be suitable for THz imaging by others [2]. The NEP of the GDD was found to be on the order of 10 -9 W/Hz 1/2 , and rise time is on the order of a microsecond and less. The detection mechanism of the GDD involves both enhanced ionization [3-8] and enhanced diffusion current [3, 4, 7, 9-11] caused by the incident terahertz wave. The former increases lamp current, while the latter decreases it. The dominant detection mechanism in such devices was found to be the enhanced ionization process leading to increase of lamp current. Detection mechanism effects have been studied in such devices and, indeed, incident THz electric field polarity has a noticeable effect on GDD responsivity [10] according to these opposing effects. In general, best response is obtained when the enhanced ionization is dominant. The lamp is ignited when internal dc bias breaks down the gas. As dc bias voltage may be 60-100 V and dc bias current may be several mA, the bias dc electric field in the lamps is quite high, especially since electrode separation is only about a millimeter or less. Light is emitted from the lamp because the high ionization and excitation collision rates between high kinetic energy free electrons and neutral gas atoms give rise to subsequent recombination and de-excitation. The incident THz electric field serves to increase free electron kinetic energy incrementally. However, this small increase in electron energy is sufficient to convert some inelastic collisions into ionization collisions, and some inelastic collisions into excitation collisions. In the latter case, ionization takes place with subsequent collisions with neutral atoms. In both Terahertz Emitters, Receivers, and Applications II, edited by Manijeh Razeghi, Nicolas Péré-Laperne, Henry O. Everitt, John M. Zavada, Tariq Manzur, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8119, 81190I · © 2011 SPIE · CCC code: 0277-786X/11/$18 · doi: 10.1117/12.892571 Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8119 81190I-1 Downloaded From: http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/ on 03/15/2015 Terms of Use: http://spiedl.org/terms

\u003ctitle\u003emm wave and THz imaging using very inexpensive neon-indicator lamp detector focal-plane arrays\u003c/title\u003e

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mm wave and THz imaging using very inexpensive neon-indicator lamp detector focal-plane arrays

D. Rozban1a, b, A. Levanona, b, A. Akrama, b, A. Abramovicha, N. S. Kopeikab, H. Josepha, b, Y. Yitzthakyb, A. Belenkyb and O. Yadid –Pechtb

aDepartment of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Ariel University Center of Samaria, Ariel, Israel

bDepartment of Electro-Optical Engineering, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel


Development of focal plane arrays (FPA) for mm wavelength and THz radiation is presented in this paper. The FPA is based upon inexpensive neon indicator lamp Glow Discharge Detectors (GDDs) that serve as pixels in the FPA. It was shown in previous investigations that inexpensive neon indicator lamps GDDs are quite sensitive to mm wavelength and THz radiation. The diameter of GDD lamps are typically 3-6 mm and thus the FPA can be diffraction limited. Development of an FPA using such devices as detectors is advantageous since the costs of such a lamp is around 30-50 cents per lamp, and it is a room temperature detector sufficiently fast for video frame rates. Recently a new 8X8 GDD FPA VLSI board was designed, constructed, and experimentally tested. First THz images as well as DSP methods using this GDD FPA are demonstrated. Super resolution was achieved by moving the 8X8 pixel board appropriately in the image plane so that 32X32 pixel images are also obtained and shown here, with much improved image quality because of much reduced pixelization distortion. Keywords: Far infrared; terahertz; Terahertz imaging; Detectors; Plasmas

1. INTRODUCTION Imaging systems in the electromagnetic spectrum between 100 GHz and 10 THz are required for applications in

medicine, communications, homeland security, and space technology. This is because there is no known ionization hazard for biological tissue, and atmospheric attenuation of terahertz (THz) radiation is low compared to that of infrared and optical rays. The lack of inexpensive room temperature detectors and FPAs in this spectral region makes it difficult to develop detection and imaging systems, especially real time ones.

A candidate for FPA pixel is miniature neon indicator lamp called Glow Discharge Detector (GDD) which was tested experimentally and found to be a very good THz detector and pixel in THz FPA [1]. Later a different GDD device was found to be suitable for THz imaging by others [2]. The NEP of the GDD was found to be on the order of 10-9 W/Hz1/2, and rise time is on the order of a microsecond and less. The detection mechanism of the GDD involves both enhanced ionization [3-8] and enhanced diffusion current [3, 4, 7, 9-11] caused by the incident terahertz wave. The former increases lamp current, while the latter decreases it. The dominant detection mechanism in such devices was found to be the enhanced ionization process leading to increase of lamp current. Detection mechanism effects have been studied in such devices and, indeed, incident THz electric field polarity has a noticeable effect on GDD responsivity [10] according to these opposing effects. In general, best response is obtained when the enhanced ionization is dominant. The lamp is ignited when internal dc bias breaks down the gas. As dc bias voltage may be 60-100 V and dc bias current may be several mA, the bias dc electric field in the lamps is quite high, especially since electrode separation is only about a millimeter or less. Light is emitted from the lamp because the high ionization and excitation collision rates between high kinetic energy free electrons and neutral gas atoms give rise to subsequent recombination and de-excitation. The incident THz electric field serves to increase free electron kinetic energy incrementally. However, this small increase in electron energy is sufficient to convert some inelastic collisions into ionization collisions, and some inelastic collisions into excitation collisions. In the latter case, ionization takes place with subsequent collisions with neutral atoms. In both

Terahertz Emitters, Receivers, and Applications II, edited by Manijeh Razeghi, Nicolas Péré-Laperne, Henry O. Everitt, John M. Zavada, Tariq Manzur, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8119,

81190I · © 2011 SPIE · CCC code: 0277-786X/11/$18 · doi: 10.1117/12.892571

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cases, the GDmanner are ththus amplifyiwhich the thibe on the ordpower [1, 8].desirable to mis then used t

There arethe side of th1. In [1], NEP

Figure 1: Two in mm. For relatively


= ⋅

where d is thradiation wavconfiguration


where N is thdiameter. An 8X8 FPAconstructed infor an 8 X 8 Gthe system. TFPA and VLresolution are

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modulate the ino distinguish b

two configure lamp, and thP was measure


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he diffraction velength, f is tn (see Fig. 1b)



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pixels in the F

GDD pixel, opnner to the 4XThe board is uscomputer operhown in Fig. 2this work.

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D FPA and DS

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THz radiationnfigurations ar

GDD lamp N52

DD diameter), aperture. Usin

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minimizing F

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ion. A photo tSP methods in

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n is incident tore given in Fig

23 are

λ is the THzng the head onA is given by:

FOV and pixe

ch GDD, wasand fabricatedall elements othe 8X8 GDDncluding super

s s, n o e s r

o g

z n :


s d f

D r

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Figure 2: A photo of 8X8 FPA with VLSI board.

2. EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP A 100 GHz source was used to illuminate the object in this experimental set-up. The 100 GHz source is based on

GaAs multipliers of Virginia Diodes, Inc. (Charlottesville, VA, USA) that multiply a low frequency source of 12.5 GHz 8 times to 100 GHz [13-15]. The 12.5 GHz signal was generated by an RF synthesizer and it was modulated by a 100 kHz reference signal from the VLSI board of the FPA. The 100 GHz radiation was coupled out to free space by waveguide horn antenna. The quasi optical design of the experimental set-up is shown in Fig. 3. This experimental set up is different from the one used in our previous work [16]. The difference is the additional diagonal mirror that enables us to locate an object horizontally rather than vertically, thus simplifying the holding of the object. Furthermore, it enables to locate powders and liquids in a very flexible manner. Detailed description of the quasi-optics is given in [16].

Figure 3: Experimental set-up of the THz imaging system including the new quasi optical design.


Collimated beam

Diagonal mirror



100 GHz source

Imaging mirror

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We used order to inveZEMAX soft4.


A metal “illuminated wplane produc100 mm. Fig

The “F” shapnonuniform ielectrical circas THz radiaImprovementalgorithms ar

THz imag(PC) F shapeshape is show

ZEMAX optestigate the dtware. The geo

re 4: Simulatie object; midd

“F” shape objewith a 150 mWing 1:0.7 ima5 shows the i

Fig. 5: TH

pe of the objecillumination bcuits. This is nation detectort of the THz ire demonstrate

ging of dielect object was m

wn in Fig. 6 le

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ions of obtaindle: Geometric

ect was placedW collimated aging magnificmage obtaine

Hz image of m

ct is clearly seby the Gaussinot unexpectedrs. Nevertheleimaged can beed in [16].

tric material wmanufactured aeft and in Fig.

ment softwarefects on the ierrations and d

ned “F” shapecal aberration

3. EXPERd in the objec100 GHz be

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metal “F” shap

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was carried ouand located in6 right the sa

e to optimize image, a simudiffraction eff

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quasi optic sraction effects

L RESULTSe quasi optical

OPM. The 8A is about 70

was captured b

The intensity o"F", as well aanufactured axcellent agreealgorithms and

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for minimum “F” shape o

tained “F” sh

system given i(object size i

S l system show8X8 GDD FPAX 70 mm wh

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of the “F” imaas nonuniforms inexpensive

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geometrical aobject was emape image are

in Fig. 3. Lefs 100 mm).

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age is not unifom GDD pixel indicator lamimulation resuution methods

d in Fig 3. A rial. The imagithm that rearr

aberrations. Inmployed usinge given in Fig

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his object wasd in the imagebject is 100 X

orm due to the response and

mps rather thanults of Fig 4. Part of those

polycarbonatee of the PC Frange the grey

n g


s e


e d n

4. e

e F y

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levels values and it is seen especially in

Figure 6:

A super repixalization osize of 1.75 resolution meresolution mresolution msince it is lim

of the image much better ithe original F

: THz image o

esolution methof THz imagemm in order ethod a 32 X ethod. A sma

method. Fig 7mited to very fe

in Fig. 6 leftin Fig. 6 right ig. 6 left.

of polycarbona

hod based on . The FPA wato obtain 16 32 pixel imagall (30X 20 mB shows an ew pixels.

t. The PC F shafter rearrang

ate (PC) F sharearrang

movement ofas moved 4 ste

sub pixels vage is obtainedmm) metal L8X8 pixel im

hape can be dging the levels

ape; left origine the grey lev

f the 8 X 8 FPeps in the horalues instead

d rather than thL shape objecmage of the m



detected very es. Note that th

nal image (no els value.

PA was emplorizontal directi

of one (pixelhe 8X8 originct was used (

metal L in whic

easily in the ohe pixalization

DSP); right w

yed in order tion and in thel size is 7 mmnal image. Fig(see Fig. 7A)ch we canno

original imagen of the image

with DSP algo

to improve ane vertical direcm diameter). g. 7 demonstra) to demonstrt detect the L



e in Fig. 6 lefes is disturbing

orithm that

d decrease thection with step In this superates this superrate the super

L shape image

ft g

e p r r r e

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Figure 7: Depixel image o(C); The sam

However, embased on rear

In orin which we bath and lockshown in FigPolyethylene the water hasin the same pis no evidencwhich means

Fig. 8: Investthe metal ruleand 8D is the

emonstration oof this object i

me image of (C

mploying the rranging the gr

rder to investitried to imag

ked it in the obg. 8B. The mbath to about relatively hig

position of Fige of the metalthat 5 mm of

tigation of the er inside of it ae THz image o

of super resoluis seen in (B);

C) after DSP b

super resolutirey levels valu

igate the watege a metal objbject plane. Ametal ruler is t 5mm height gh reflectance g. 8A as can bel ruler in the Tf water absorb

influence of wand 8B is the

of it. 8E is the

ution method. A 32 X32 pixased on rearra

ion method enues improves

er absorption iject under few

A metal ruler wseen very c

(see Fig 8C) as can be see

e seen in Fig. THz image (Fied almost all t

water absorbaTHz image ofsame as 8C w

The L shape xel image afteanging the gre

nables us to designificantly t

influence on Mw millimeter owas inserted inlearly in the and a THz im

en in Fig. 8D. 9E. The THz ig. 8G) and it the THz radia

ance in THz imf it; 8C is the

with a metal ru






object is seener employing tey level values

etect the L shathe image as c

MMW and THof water. For nto the bath asTHz image

mage of it was At this point wimage in thisis very simila

ation incident

maging. 8A is Polyethylene

uler inside and

in (A) (insidethe super resos.

ape of the objecan be seen in

Hz imaging wthis experime

s shown in Fig(Fig. 8B). Wobtained as cwe inserted th

s case is shownar to the case oto the ruler an

a photo of thebath with 5 m

d 8F is the TH





e the dashed clution method

ect (Fig 7C). Fn Fig. 7D.

we conducted ent we built ag. 8A and the

Water was inscan be seen in he metal ruler n in Fig. 8F. Nof Fig. 8D wind back.

e polyethylen

mm height watHz image of it.





circle) ; A 8X8d is given in

Further DSP

an experimena polyethylene THz image iserted into the8D. Note thainto the water

Note that therethout the ruler

e bath with ter inside of it


nt e s e

at r e r


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However, when the ruler was merely wet without such a long path through water for the 100 GHz radiation, it was imagable.

4. CONCLUSIONS THz imaging using the 8X8 GDD FPA was demonstrated in this work. This proof of concept suggests that use of very inexpensive miniature gas discharge indicator lamps as pixels can greatly reduce the cost of millimeter wave and THz imaging systems while still obtaining good image quality. The experimental results of the “F” shape images are with excellent agreement to simulation results of Fig. 4. The quasi optical design and components prove themselves and minimize the diffraction effects in the images, as can be viewed in Figs. 6,7 and 8. It was shown in fig. 8 that 5 mm of water blocked the image almost completely. The quality of the 32X32 pixel images obtained using super resolution method improves significantly THz image of relatively small objects as was shown in Fig. 7. Although it has been shown recently that plasmas can be used for mm wave imaging by recording the spatial and temporal variations in glow intensity as in the positive column for example [17], the electronic technique shown here seems to be much more sensitive and simple while still retaining similar speed of response.


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