Index Titles of books and pamphlets by Sean O'Casey in the English language are cap1taiized; other book and periodical titles are italicized. Titles of poems, essays, etc. are set in quotation marks. For Section A a lower case n following the number indicates the reference is to an item in the Notes section; a lower case r following the number indicates the reference is to an item in the Reviews section. An italicised number indicates the item where the fullest description of a major work may be !ound. A. E., see Russell, George W. A.E.: An Irish Pr01Tll!thean, B28 'A Zhavoronok v Yasnom Nebe Poet, Kak Pel Vsegda', C588 'The Abbey Directors and Mr. Sean O'Casey', A44, B39, CI07, C 109 'Abbey Play Controversy: Statement by Mr O'Casey', CI08 Abbey Theatre, A ton, Alln, Al2n, Al3n, Al4n, A23n, A27n, A30n, B39, B52, B59, B71, CI07, CI08, CI09, Cll4, E25, E58,K2 'The Abbey Theatre' (essay), E58 'The Abbey Theatre' (letter), C378 Abbey Theatre-Dublin 1904-1966, B52 'TheAcademyofLetters', B61, Cl28 'Accident,' E22 Act: The Drama Magazine (Leeds), C431 'Acting More Important than Accent', C346 Adams, P.L., A33r Afinogenov, A. N., C266 'Agaliamh St. Patrick & Peter Paul McUrnee', E58 Agate, James, AIOr, A18, A18r, A20n, C145, C 175, Cl90, Cl91, C276 'Agate, O'Casey and Coward', Al8, C 175 Aguirre, Yolanda, 0167 'Aha, St. Bernard Shaw', ESI Aitken, Ian, A35r Albery, Bronson, Sir, A23n Aldwych Theatre (Londan) Programme, C570, C594,C595 Alexandrescu, Mircea, D 132 Ali Jamal al-Oin 'Izat, 02 'Alice, Where Art Thou', E22 'Alishahi, Mohammed Taqi, D 124 'All Heaven and Harmsworth Too', E22 'All Tapsallteerie 0!', C453 'All Things Delightful Depend on Wages', C578 Allberry, Hilda E., B24 Allgood, Sara, C64 7 Ein Almanach der Au/oren des Verlages Kurt Desch, 1963,054 Almanach des Paul Lists Verlag auf das ]ahr 1959,049 Die alte Dame sagt: Nein!, A25n, B42 'Alterations in The Silver Tassie', ESO 'Always the Plow and the Stars', A34, B27, C417, 023,078, ESI 'The Amazing Mr Coward', E 12 'American and Apollonian Temples: Con- versations and Correspondence with Sean O'Casey', C648 American Russian Institute, B25 American Spectator, C129, Cl52, Cl56 American Spectator Yearbook, B6 AMHRAIN AN DREOILfN (No. 1), A5 AMHRAIN AN DREOILIN (No.2), A6 AMHRAIN AN DREOILfN (MORE WREN SONGS), A1n, A8, A40, E2 'And Evening Star', A3ln, E20, H4 'And Sean O'CaseyWrote', C330 Anders, Gunther, 046

Titles of books and pamphlets by Sean O'Casey in the English

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Titles of books and pamphlets by Sean O'Casey in the English language are cap1taiized; other book and periodical titles are italicized. Titles of poems, essays, etc. are set in quotation marks. For Section A a lower case n following the number indicates the reference is to an item in the Notes section; a lower case r following the number indicates the reference is to an item in the Reviews section. An italicised number indicates the item where the fullest description of a major work may be !ound.

A. E., see Russell, George W. A.E.: An Irish Pr01Tll!thean, B28 'A Zhavoronok v Yasnom Nebe Poet, Kak

Pel Vsegda', C588 'The Abbey Directors and Mr. Sean

O'Casey', A44, B39, CI07, C 109 'Abbey Play Controversy: Statement by Mr

O'Casey', CI08 Abbey Theatre, A ton, Alln, Al2n, Al3n,

Al4n, A23n, A27n, A30n, B39, B52, B59, B71, CI07, CI08, CI09, Cll4, E25, E58,K2

'The Abbey Theatre' (essay), E58 'The Abbey Theatre' (letter), C378 Abbey Theatre-Dublin 1904-1966, B52 'TheAcademyofLetters', B61, Cl28 'Accident,' E22 Act: The Drama Magazine (Leeds), C431 'Acting More Important than Accent', C346 Adams, P.L., A33r Afinogenov, A. N., C266 'Agaliamh St. Patrick & Peter Paul

McUrnee', E58 Agate, James, AIOr, A18, A18r, A20n,

C145, C 175, Cl90, Cl91, C276 'Agate, O'Casey and Coward', Al8, C 175 Aguirre, Yolanda, 0167 'Aha, St. Bernard Shaw', ESI Aitken, Ian, A35r Albery, Bronson, Sir, A23n Aldwych Theatre (Londan) Programme, C570,


Alexandrescu, Mircea, D 132 Ali Jamal al-Oin 'Izat, 02 'Alice, Where Art Thou', E22 'Alishahi, Mohammed Taqi, D 124 'All Heaven and Harmsworth Too', E22 'All Tapsallteerie 0!', C453 'All Things Delightful Depend on

Wages', C578 Allberry, Hilda E., B24 Allgood, Sara, C64 7 Ein Almanach der Au/oren des Verlages Kurt

Desch, 1963,054 Almanach des Paul Lists Verlag auf das ]ahr

1959,049 Die alte Dame sagt: Nein!, A25n, B42 'Alterations in The Silver Tassie', ESO 'Always the Plow and the Stars', A34, B27,

C417, 023,078, ESI 'The Amazing Mr Coward', E 12 'American and Apollonian Temples: Con­

versations and Correspondence with Sean O'Casey', C648

American Russian Institute, B25 American Spectator, C129, Cl52, Cl56 American Spectator Yearbook, B6 AMHRAIN AN DREOILfN (No. 1), A5 AMHRAIN AN DREOILIN (No.2), A6 AMHRAIN AN DREOILfN (MORE

WREN SONGS), A1n, A8, A40, E2 'And Evening Star', A3ln, E20, H4 'And Sean O'CaseyWrote', C330 Anders, Gunther, 046

384 Index

Anderson, Sherwood, AJ9n Anglo-Sovietjournal, C278, C324, C325 Anthias, Tefkros, C475 Antol6gia, DJOO Anton-Pacheco, Ana, D 166 Apollo Theatre (London), A14n 'Apostle of Art', CJ22 'Appeal forSt Laurence O'Toole's Pipers'

Club',BJ Approach Pattern, B24 'EI Arado y las Estrellas', D 162 'L'Aratro e le Stelle', D107, DIll Arden, john, A44r 'An Argument for Peace', C375 Arizona Q.uarterly, C562, C625 'An Army with Banners', A41, D 148 Arnot, R. Page, BIO Aron, Tobias, D96 Aronson, james, C465 Arrivals in the Berg Collection, B7 7 L'Art du Thidtre, D32 'Art is the Song of Life', A44, C527, E58 'Arthur Griffith and Padraic Colum', C371 'Artist's Place in Life', E26, E51 'The Arts Among the Multitude', A34, B26 'As I Wait in the Boreen for Maggie',

A5, A40, C77, E2 'As It Will Be With Us So Shall It Be

with Our Theatre', Bl5, C293 Ashe, Thomas, A2, A3, A4, A25n, A40, E3 'Ashes and Sparks', E58 'Ashe's Oration at Casement's Fort', E3 Asian, Odette, D32 'Astray in Gold Canoe', E12 'At Sea in a Gold Canoe', A22n,

A23n Atkinson, Brooks, AJ3r, A15r, A18r, A19r

A22r, A24r, A27r, A29r, A30r, A3lr, A33r, A34r, A39r, A4lr, A45r, C574, G3

'Atheism a I~ Mode', C207 Atlantic Monthly, C617 'At the Sign of the Pick and Shovel',

El5 Augwtwjohn: The Years of Experience, B 7 3 'Aus den Briefen von Sean O'Casey', C626,

D90 Eine Auswahl aus den Stiicken, D78 Author, C403 'Author Interprets "Within the Gates"',

C157 Autobiographical Note, B50 'Autobiographical Sketch', Bl3 AUTOBIOGRAPHIES, A.J5b AUTOBIOGRAPHY, A.J5c, H7 Autrusseau, Jacqueline, B50, D33, D35,

D36, D44

L'Avant Scene, Fimina Thidtre, (Paris), D40 'The Awakening of Labour', E3 Ayling, Ronald, AI In, A38n, A40n, A40r,

A4ln, A44, B71, B74, C99, C489, C556, C572, C591, C627, C635, C647, C649, C656, C658, C661, D77, D81

'Az. Cukam na Vratata', D5 'Az Eziist Kupa', DJOI

B.B.C., see British Broadcasting Cor-poration

Background and Foreground, B36, C505 'Badtime Story', A44, E58 Baierl, Helmut, D65, D66, D69, D78, D79,

D81 Bain, Bruce, A27r Bairami, Hasan, D 122 'The Bald Primaqueera', A44,

A45,C617 Baldwin, Stanley, A30n Ballou, jenny, A22r Bandeira, Manuel, Dl30 Banks, Paul, CJ33, CJ34 Banta§, Andrei, D 132 Barbera, Manuel, D 162 Barnet, Sylvan, A2ln 'Barr Buadh and Piccolo' A40, C95 'The Battle of the Ford', C29 'Be Bold', C263 'Beat Beat Beat', E58 Beckett, Samuel, A16r BEDTIME STORY, A29, A32, A37, A45,

D24, D27, D40, D59, D71, D95, D120, D129, D142, D145, Dl62, D167, DJ68, El3,E46,Fl

'Bedtime Story' (letter), C545 Beechold, Annraoi, A9r 'Before Curtain-Rise', A32, A44 'Behind a Ban', A44, C589 'Behind the Curtained World', A44, BJ5,


A37n, A.J9, D33, D44, D59, E30, E54, E72,F2

'Behold My Family is Poor', E 15 'Bei W. B. Yeats', D87 Belcev, Ivan, D7 'A Believer? Sean O'Casey Answers the

Q.uestion', C539 The Bell, C307, C339 Belloc, Hilaire, A27n Bentley, Eric, A23r, A30r Berman, Morton, A2Jn 'Bernard Shaw: An Appreciation of a

Fighting Idealist', A34, B27, C399

Index 385

Bernard Shaw and Mrs. Patrick Campbell: Their Correspondence, C416, E58

'Bertrand Russell and Russia', C3!3 'Bertrand Russell and the Yogi',

E58 Betjeman,J., A24r Beyer, Werner, D51, D.52, D55, D57, D61,

D62, D63, D67, D77, D78, D85, D87, D89

'A Bibful ofThanks from O'Casey', C569 'Bfbor Por', D98 'The Big Bomb', C.56! 'The Big Bombs', C560 Bilder in der Vorhalle, D50, D58, D84 Birrell, Augustine, A40n, Ci 'Der Bischofs Freudenfeuer', D46 THE BISHOP'S BONFIRE, A28n, A3ln,

AJJ, A34n, A38n, D28, D46, D59, D70, Dl06,Dl44,Dl54,E30,E50,E70, F3

'The Bishop's Bonfire' Oetters), B48, C434, C436, C437

'The Bishop's Bonfire' (programme notes), B48, C433, C553

'The Black Flag of Fascism', E58 'Black Oxen Passing By', D87 'Black Top Boots and Spurs', C612 Blad, Louis, A33n 'Blasphemy and The Silver Tassie', A44,


A28n, A32n, A44,A45, B5, B6, B8, Bl5, Bl6, Bl7,B37, B38, B39,B44,B45,B59, D77, D102, Dl49,Jl

Blease, Victor, C54 2 Blease, William, C578 'Blessed Bridget o'Coole', A27n, Bl2 'The Blindman Prize', C97 Blitzstein, Marc, A lin, G3 Blythe, Ernest, B48, C652 Boas, Guy, A26, A3lr, B29, C457 Bogan,J.W., A27r Bogoslovskaya, M., D 149 'The Bold Fenian Men', E41 Bol'shintsova, L., Dl44 Bolsover, Philip, A3lr 'The Bonfire', C438 'Bonfire Under a Black Sun', A34, A45,

E51 Bombs' and Their Reverberations, C222 'The Bonnie Bunch of Roses, 0!' (labour

ballad), CIO 'The Bonnie Bunch of Roses, 0!'

(nationalist ballad), AS, A40 'Bonnie Mary', Al6, E36 'Bonnie Winsome Mary', E 7 Book Find Club, A27b, A31 b

Book Find News, C369 Book Society (London), A33n Books Abroad, C241 Boronos, I., Dl42, Dl44 Bossi, Floriana, D 107 Bottiml Dog, C7 4 Bowen, Elizabeth, A22r Bowman, Derek, C594 Boyd, Ernest, Al6r, Ai9n, Al9r, A22r, B6 Braat, L.P.J., D20 Brady, Charles A., A22r Brandstadter, Irmhild, D59, D60 Brandsta.dter, Otto, D59, D60 Branson, Clive, C304 Bref: journal Mensuel du Thidtre National

Populaire, C547, D41 Bregy, Katherine, Al9r Brett, George, Ai6n Brien, Alan, A39r 'Britain with her Back to the Screen', Cl27,

E58 Britansky Soyuznik, C327, C328 British Broadcasting Corporation, Jl, ]2,

]5 British Soldier in India, C304 Brooks, Benjamin, A20r Brophy, john, A22r Brown, Francis, B27 Brown, Ivor, A!Or, Al3r, Al4r(2), Al5r,

Al9r, A20r, A2lr, A22r, A28r, A3lr B74, Cil8, C647

Brown, Susan, B72 Browne, Maurice, C204,Jl,J2 'Bubny Otce Neda', Dl3 Bucknell Review, C568 'Bull ofBashan', E9, E58 Bulletin of the New York Public library, B66,

C576, C628, C635 Burdett, Osbert, Al5r Burco, William, A2ln Butler, R.A., B68 'Buzz, Buzz', Cl91 'By the Camp Fire' (irish Citizen Army

Notes in Irish Worker), C52, C53, C56, C57,C60,C6l,C63,C65

Cabell, James Branch, B6 'The Call of the Tribe', B53 Callery, Sean, A4lr 'Cambridge', E20, E26, E50, E58 Cambridge,]., Al9r Campbell, joseph, A lOr Campbell, Patrick, Mrs., A44 Canadian Tribune (Toronto), C453 Canaris, Volker, D75, D80, D81 Cancogni, Franca, D 107

386 Index

'Canta, Gallo Perseguido', 0166 'The Cap in the Counting House', E22 <;:a pan, Cevat, D I 7 2 Capon, Eric, C648 Cardiff,Jack, K3 'Cardinal Griffin's New Recruit', E58 Carey, Eileen, see O'Casey, Eileen Cargill, Oscar, B41 Carney,Jack, Al3n, A20n, A23n, A37n Carpenter, Charles A., A45 Carroll, joseph, A30r Carroll, Niall, A30r Carter, Huntley, C648 Cary, Richard, C648 Casali, Renzo, D 168 The Case for the Daily Worker, BIO 'Case of Patrick Higgins', C79 Casey, R.J., A9r Casside, Susan, see O'Casey, Susan 'Cat 'n Cage', A22n, C244, E 13, HI The Cathedral, C 189 Cathleen listens In, see Kathleen listens In 'Cause for Which Orange and Green Can

Unite: Sean O'Casey Warns Churchill', C396

'Cavalcade', Al8, A34 'Ce n'est pas Dieu qui a cree Falstaff, c'est

Shakespeare', 038 'Censorship', A44, C307 ·~erveni Rozi za Men', 06,08 'Chalfont', E50 Challenge (London), C448 Chanticleer, C455, E39 Chao Lo-jui, 012 'Charles Lever's Stormy Life', A44, C217 'La Charrue et les Etoiles', 028 Chekhov, Anton, A44, C425, C626, E58 'Chelovechestvo Idet Vpered', C520 Chesterton, G.K., A27n 'Chicchiribel', 0107 'Chiefs of the G.N.R.I.', A40, Cll, Cl3,

CIS 'A Child of God', Ai9n, E37 'Childermess', A3ln, C 162, E58 'Choir and Tempest', E58 'Chosen Life', Al6, E36 'Chosen Things', E7, E36 'Christianity and Communism', C484 Chronicle and Echo (Northampton), C345,

C366 ChuYen, Oil Chung Sung-fan, 09 Church and People in Britain, C3 76 'The Church Tries to Close the Gates',

A44,E58 Churchill, Winston, A30n

'Cien Bohatera', D 125 'Cill Cais', A33n 'Citizen Army', C51 'The Citizen Army and National

Volunteers', C64 'The "Citizen" Army and Nationalist

Volunteers', C58 Clancy, P.J., C359 'A Clap from Hands in an Irish Home',

E58 Clark, David R., B49, C609, C610 Clarke, Austin, Al9r, A24r, A27r, A28r,

A30r, A3lr(2) 'Clerical Blackness in the Green Garden:

Heroine as Scapegoat in Cock-a-Doodle Dandy', C641

'Clericalism Gone Loony', C308 Cleveland Playhouse Programme, C446, C5 06 Clew, William]., A45r Clinton, E., Rev., A23n 'The Clock Strikes Twelve', A22n, A24n,

A27n,Ei9 Clurman, Harold, A3lr, A38r 'Coal and Kingfisher', E58 Coates, Ken, B47 Cochran, C. B., B68 COCK-A-DOODLE DANDY, A2in, A25n,

A28, A29, A32n, A33n, A37n, A38n, A44, A45, 021, 031, 059, 065, 078, 0107,0114,0127,0132,0159,0166, El8,E24,E44,E63,F5

'Cock-A-Doodle Dandy' (essay), A44, B37,B38,B39,C503

'Cock-a-Doodle Dandy' Oetters), C383, C384

'Cockadoodledoo' (Cock-a-Doodle Dandy), A28n

'Cock-a-Doodle Doo' (essay), A44, B3 7, B38,B39,C503,E58

Cockermouth Players Theatre Programme, C422 Codman, Florence, Ai5r 'A Coffin Comes to Ireland', El3 Colby Library Quarterly, C648 Cole, Connolly, A44r Cole, Toby, B38 Colgan, Gerald, A44r COLLECTED PLAYS, Al4n, A29, A32n,

A37n, A42n E34, E59, E61, E64, E65, E66,E67

'Collected Plays of O'Casey' (author's note), E25

College English: The First Year, B36, C505 Collier,John, A25r A Collier's Friday Night, Cl54 Collis,J.S., Al8r

Index 387

'Coloured Ribbons in the Cap of Youth', E58

Colum, Padraic, AIOr, Al3r, Al9r, A24r, A31r

'Come Let Us Reason Together', B25 'Come On In', A 19n 'Come to the Fair', A34, C430, E51 Comhar (Dublin), C614 'Coming of Age', E 19 'The Common Reader: Elizabethan

Drama', E15 Common Wealth Review, C320 'Complaint to the Creator', E24 'Comrades', Dl4 Connolly, james, C257, C606 'Connolly Speaks Again', C257 Constitution of the Irish Citiun Army, A9, B2 'The Constitutional Movement Must Go

On', A6n, B67 'Consumption and a Living Wage', C21 Continuity and Innovation in Sean O'Casey's

Drama, B74 'Contradictions', Cl20, Cl21 Il Convegno (Milan), D 109 'A Conversation with Sean O'Casey and

Robert Emmett Ginna', H5,J4, Kl Coogan, T.P., A41r The Cooing of Doves, A13n 'Coole House', B64, C268 Coole Park, A27n 'Coquin de Coq', D31 Corbett, Hugh, A31r 'Cork University and Socialism', C70 Cormie, Robert, A46r 'The Corncrake', A40, C88 'Correspondence, Cumann Tomana

Naomh Lorchain Ui Thuathail', C36 Cosman, Max, A34r Coston, Herbert, B74 'Counter Attack', C386 Country Life, Cl91 'La Coupe d'Argent', D35 Coward, Noel, Al8, A34n, Cl73, Cl75,

El2 'Coward Codology: I-III', Al8, A34,

Cl73 Cowasjee, Saros, Al4n, A23n, A44, B45,

B72, C633 Coxhead, Elizabeth, A44r(2), B44, B54,

B64 'Crabbed Age and Youth', A44, A45, C512 'Cradle of Genius', K2 'Craobh na nDealg', Aln Crawford, Cheryl, A37n 'The Crimson Cornkrakes', E4

'The Crimson in the Tri-colour', A12n, Al3n

'Crimson in the Tricolour' (essay), E58 'Critica Silentio Luna', Al8, A34, Cl83,

E51 'Critici Infallibilibombast', Al8, A34,

Cl83 Cronin, Sean, A44r 'Crossed Guns Crossed Keys', E49 'A Crow for Cockadoodle Dandy', A28n,

E58 'Csillag-Jazz', D 100 'Cuento de Ia Hora de Acostarse', D 162,

Dl67 'Cuento para Ia Hora de Acostarse', D 168 'The Culinary O'Casey', C608 'Culture and Comradeship', E58 Culture and Life, C626 'Culture, Inc.', A41, D45, E57 'La Culture, Societe Anonyme', D45 Cummins, J.D., A23 Curran, C.P., A35b Curtain Up, Bll, 858 'The Curtained World', A44, 815, C293 Curtiss, T. Q.,, A2 4r Cusack, Cyril, Alln, A33n, B30, H2 'The Cutting of an Agate', Al5n, Al8,

Cl45 'Czerwone R6ze Dla Mnie', D 128

Daarlin'juno, Alln, G3 Daiken, Leslie, 817 Daily Express, C 142 Daily News (London), C 105 Daily People's World, C234, C235, C298,

C397, C441, C442 Daily People's World, (Our Times Supple-

ment), C375 Daily Princetonian, C 15 7 Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, C259 Daily Worker, (London), A23n, 89, 810,

821, Cl95, Cl97, C231, C232, C243, C245, C247, C249, C250, C252, C253, C256, C27 7, C280, C289, C290, C292, C294, C295, C298, C299, C300, C304, C305, C308, C309, C312, C335, C338, C352, C360, C362, C367, C377, C382, C391, C393, C404, C413, C523, C525, C559

Daily Worker (New York), C385, C388, C413,C441,C442,C444,C453

'The Daily Worker' (letter), C243, C262 'The Daily Worker and the War', C249 Daily Worker Supplement, C585 Dalhousie Review, C647 Diimmerung und Abendstem, D55, D67, D89

388 Index

Daniel, Walter C., C576 ·oar Pust-E Shir', 0119 D'Arcy, William, A24r ·oark Kaleidoscope', E54 'Darkness this Side, Light on the Other',

E58 Darlington, W.A., Al4r, A20r Daruzes, N., 0135, Di36, Dl40 Davis, Thomas, A40 Dawson, William, A lOr 'A Day in Bodenstown', A40, C66 'The Day the Worker Blows a Bugle', A44,

A45, C495, E58 Day-Lewis, Sean, A46r De Blaghd, Earnan, see Blythe,

Ernest 'The Dead Awakened', E58 Deakin, Seamus, C652 'Dear Son of Memory', E57 'The Death of Mrs Casside', HI 'Death on the Doorstep', E22 'Declenda est Larkinism', A40, C22 'Deep in Devon', E20 'Defender of his Faith', C248 'The Delicate Art of Growing Old', A44,

A45,C512 'The Demi-Semi Home Rule Bill', A5, A40,

El,E2 'Den', Kogda Rabochy Trubit v SboY Rog',

A44, C495 Den' Mira 27 Sentyabrya 1960g., Dl47 Dennis, Nigel, A46r Dent, Alan, A34r, C416, H2 Deri, GyOrgy, D99 'Derriere les Rideaux Verts', D33, D44 'Design for Dying', Al8, A34 Desmond, Thomas C., A44, C512 Deutsches Theater (Berlin) Spielz.eit 1962-

196.3, C577 De Valera, Eamonn, A27n, A28n Devane, Maurice, A22r 'Deyateli Kul'tury 0 Saveshchanii na

Vysshem Urovne', C488 Dialog(Warsaw), Dl27, Dl28, Dl29 Digges, Alec, A20r, A21r, A28r Dinneen, Rev. P., Ci6, C20 'Le Dispensaire', D30, D39 'Distant Point', C266, E58 'The Divil's Recruitin' Campaign', A6, A40,

E3 Dobree, B., AI Or Dr. Quicksilver, A44, C217 Dodd, Martha, C442 'The Dog', A44, Bl6 Dolan, Michael]., A lin 'Dolor Atomnuyv Bombu!', C392

Don Sebastian, A30n Donehue, Vincent]., G3 Donoghue, Denis, A46r 'Don't Be Afraid of Books', C333 'Don't Talk Nonsense, Lady Gibbs!',

C305 Dorothy and Lillian Gish, B60 Dorst, Tankred, D74, D81, D91 Douglas, Donald, A lOr Dowell, George Brendan, C423 'Down with the Gaedhilge!', A40, C81 'Dowzard: The Hector of the Q.uays',

A23n, C43 Drama, C378 'The Drama of the Future', A44, C461 Drama: The Major Genres, B39, C428 Drama Survey, C592 'Dramatic Symbolism in Sean O'Casey's

Dublin Trilogy', C624 'Dramatis Personae Jbsenisensis', A44, B6,

Cl30 'Dramatist O'Casey Replies', C239 'Dramatist on Finland', C232 II Dramma (Turin), D 110, DIll Dransfield, Jane, Al4r 'The Dream Review', E 7 'The Dream School', AI9n, Cl92, E37 'The Dreamer Dreams of God', Al6,

E36 'The Dree Dames', E25 Dreiser, Theodore, Al9n, B6 Dresen, Adolf: D64, D71, D73, D78, D80,

D81, D92, 'Drifting', EIO 'Drink at the Door', E20 'A Drive of Snobs', E20 THE DRUMS OF FATHER NED, A20n,

AJ8, A39n, A45, C532, Dl3, D30, DI07, Dl44, El6, E23, E26, E27, E30, E52, E71, F6

'The Drums of Father Ned' (letters), B37, B70, C487, C496

DRUMS UNDER THE WINDOWS, A24, A35, A45, Dl5, D42, D51, D61, El5, El9, E41, E62, G4

Druzina, M., Dl44, Dl54 Dryden, John, A30n 'Dublin: Epistles of a Saintly O'Casey',

C640 'The Dublin Feis and the Pipers', C6 Dublin Maga:tine, C633 Dublin Saturday Post, C12, C73, C75, C78,

C80, C82 Dublin Song, Al3n, G5 Dublin Theatre Festival, A38n Dubliner Trilogie, D 79

Index 389

'Dublin's Sean O'Casey', C331 Duffield, Brett, A38r 'De Duivelshaan', D21 Dukes, A., Al5r, A20r Dumay, Emile-Jean, C660 'Dum Vivimus Vivamus', A44, C 150 'Dung-dodgers over the Border', E 13 Dunham, Barrows, B68 'Dunyanin Duzeni', D 173 'Dylan Thomas Reading from the Works

ofDjuna Barnes and Sean O'Casey', H6

E. Vilde nim. Rahuateatev (Tartu, Estonia) Prof!!amme, C6 12

'Eamonn a'Chnuic', A23n The Early Life of Sean O'Casey, B67 'The Early Years at Unity', C646 The Easter Lily Aflame, A 13n The Easter Lily: The Story of the IRA, B56,

C466 Eaton, W.P., Al3r, Al5r, Al8r, A21r,

A23r, A25r, A28r, A30r, A31r, A34r 'Ecce Nunc', A40, C38 Edgell, John, A24r 'Education and Culture', A40 Edwards, Brigid, A20, A23 Ef!Yfelvontisosok (Tancsics, Budapest), D95 Eileen, B76 Eire-Ireland, C644, C656 'Eire's Neutrality', C301, C303 Elbert, Janos, D 100 Eliot, T.S. C174, Cl76 Elistratova, A.A., B40, C616, D 143 'Ella', El5 Elliott & Fry, Ltd., Al7 EHmann, Richard, B55 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, A22n Emmet, Robert, A40n 'The Emmet Commemoration Concert',

C3, C4 'Empty Vessels', A44, C27 2, E58 Encore, C452, C531 Encyclopaedia Britannica Films,J4, Kl THE END OF THE BEGINNING, AJ6,

Al7, A29, A37, D31, D59, D73, D78, D81, Dl24, Dl32, Dl42, Dl46, Dl62, E9, E35, E36, F7

'The End of the Beginning' Oetter), C 186 'End the Tramp, Tramp, Tramp, the Boys

are Marching', C448 'Das Ende vom An fang', D7 3 England and Sir Horace Plunkett, C131 'England has Ireland by the Throat:

Ireland Must be United!', C222 'England, Say When', A 18, A34, E 12


English Churchman, C381 English: Magazine of the English Association,

C172 English Studies in Africa, C556 Enquiry (Nottingham), C489, C496 Enright, Tim, A4Ir 'Epic of the Air', C225 'Er Hatte an die Tur Geklopft', D49 The Era, Cl32, Cl39 'Ere Autumn Leaves Fall', E58 Eris, Alfred, A31, A32 Das Emtefest, B71 Ervine, StJohn, A13r, A14r, Al5r, A16r,

A18, A24r, A37n, C138 'Es Klaudzinu Pie Durvim', D118 Esquire, C518 'Essay 3: Radio Eireann', E58 'Essays on the Modern Theatre', A IBn Esslin, Martin, A46r 'L'Etoile Devient Rouge', D31 Etudes irlandaises, C660 '"Euchan" and a Critic', A40, C20 '"Euchan" and Ireland', A40, C 12 '"Euchan" and Ireland, a Challenge to a

Verbal Combat', A40, C 17 Evening Herald (Dublin), C599 Evening Press (Dublin), C544 Evening Telef!!aph, C79, C80, C82 'Everlasting Apple blossom', A16n 'Excelsior Ingenium', A18, A34 'Excerpts !rom a Letter to Frederic

McConnell', C506 'The Exile' ,J5 'Exmouth Ship, Ahoy!', E58 'Das Experimentelle Theater', C419 'Experiments in Communism', C71 The Experiments of Sean O'Casey, Al4n,

A38n, B37, B39 The Explicator, C566, C600, C642 'Extract !rom Letter to Macmillan

Company', C628 'An Eye on Russia', C530

Faauzi al-'Antil, D3 Fagin, N.B., B41 'Faithful Forever', A40, C23 'A Fall from an Irish Tree', A16 'A Fall in a Gentle Wind', AI6, A34, C96,

CI36, D121, D156, E7, E36 Fallon, Gabriel, A13n, Al8r, A27n, A27r,

A30r, A38r, A39r, A40r, A4lr, A46r, B48, B52, C330, C33 I, C356, C433, C434, C436, C457

Fallon, Padraic, A35r

390 Index

'Falls in a Fierce Gale', Al6n 'Falls in a High Wind', Al6 'Falls in an Idle Wind', Al6 'II Falo del Vescovo', DI06 'False Witness Against the Soviet Union',

C289 'II Falso Repubblicano', DI04, DI09 'Far From the Madding Crowd', El3 'Farewell! But Whenever', A23n Farjeon, Annabel, A25r, A27r Farmiloe, T.M., A35b, A42n Farrer, Edward, A21r 'Father of the Man', Al9n Faverty, F. E., A30r, A34r Fay, Gerard, A27r, A28r, A29r(2), A30r,

A31r,A41r Fay, Thomas, A lin, G3 Feo.sta (Dublin), C535 'Feathering his Nest', E24, E25 FEATHERS FROM THE GREEN CROW,

A37n, A40, D57, D78, E7, E31, E32, E56

Feature Magazine, C331, C339, C356 Feibleman,James K., B65, C223 ferreira, Nerina, D I Ferrer, Jose, G3 Festival Theatre (Cambridge), C 135 'Fifty Leading Citizens Wire Brooke­

borough', C543 Fifty Years of Liberty Hall, B2 FIGURO IN THE NIGHT, AJ9, E53, E58,

E72,F8 'ElFin del Comienzo', D 162 'La Fin du Commencement', D31 Findlater, Richard, A31r Finkelstein, S., A24r Finnegans Wake, A22n 'First Fall' (poem), E58 'First Fall' (Windfalls), Al6 'First the Green Blade', H6 Fisher, W.J., B41 Fitzgerald, Barry, K2 Fitzgerald, Geraldine, Alln, G3 FIVE IRISH PLAYS, A17 FIVE ONE-ACT PLAYS, AJ7 'A Flame in Overalls: Mayakovsky and

His Poetry', C27 8 'The Flaming Sunflower', E58 Fletcher, H., Rev., A23n Flight from the Celtic Twilight, B70 The -Flutter of Flags: A Healthy Pride',

A34, C426 THE FLYING WASP, Al8, A34, D57,

DI49,E12,E21,E51 Fonzi, Bruno, Dl07 'Food and Wages', C75

Foot, Michael, A44r 'For All Prisoners', C357 'For Christmas Greetings to Jim Larkin',

C85 'For Irish Drama-Critics', E58 'For Many War is Stupid, for Few

Profitable', C235 Ford, John, Al3n, F24 'Forever Green', C582 'Foreword, a Sprig of Rosemary

Among the Laurel', B44 'Foreword: Before Curtain-Rise', A32 'Form and Content in Sean O'Casey's

Dublin Trilogy', C622 Fm-tnightly Review, C 183, C 184 Forward, Cl96, Cl98, C201, C214, C215,

C313,C315,C318,C376 Four Days, B46 'Four Letters: Sean O'Casey to Oliver St.

John Gogarty', C641 Fowler, Joseph H., C222 Fox, R.M., A24r, C84 'Fragment', E36 France, Ruth C., C651 'Frank Ryan', C407, C409 'Frau Casside Macht Ferien', D85 'A Free State Sphinx', E7 Freedley, George, A25r, A32r, A33r, A35r,

A38r, A39r French, Frances-Jane, A9n 'Ein Freudenfeuer Fur den Bischof', D70 Freundlich, Elisabeth, D46 'A Friar by the Fireside', E20 Friedman, Robert, A29r 'The Friggin Frogs', A30n 'From a Little Window on the World', E58 'From Prison Cell: A Smuggler's journal',

C213 'From Ritual to Romance in Within the

Gates and Cock-a-Doodle Dandy', C650 'From Sean O'Casey, Keep the Flag of

Friendship Flying', C445 'From Within the Gates', A44, B39, Cl55 Fulton, Keith S., A46r Funge, Patrick, A22n, A24n, A27n, G2,

G4, G6 'Further They Go, Nearer They Come',

C277 Fiisi,J6zsef, D97 'The Future of the Daily Worker', C295,


'G.B.S. Speaks out of the Whirlwind', A44,CI48

'G.B. Shaw: The Lord of a Century', A34b,C456

Index 391

Th£ Gael, C84, C85, C86, C88 'The Gaelic Black-Headed Boy', A44,

C314,E58 'The Gaelic League in Dublin: How to

Make it a Great Power', A40, C2 'The Gaelic Movement To-day', A40, C83 Gaiety Theatre (Dublin), A23n Galassi-Beria, Giancarlo, DIll An Gall Fada, A in, C2, C3, C4 An Gall Fadd, see An Gall Fada Gallacher, W., A27r Gannett, Lewis, A22r 'The Garland', Al6, B53, E2, E36 Garrett, John, A29r 'Garrick Club', E25 Gassner,John, A3ln, A32, A35a, B38 'A Gate Clangs Shut', A30n, C400, E20,

E48 Gate Theatre, Cl49 'The Gathering', A40, C35 'The Gathering of Growing Life', E58 Geddes, V., A15r Gelb, Arthur, B41 Gelb, Barbara, B41 Th£ Gems Sh£ Wore, B69 Gendai Sekai Engeki, D 115 Th£ Genius ofth£ Irish Th£ater, A21n 'George Bernard Shaw-An Irish Por-

trait' ,J2 'Ghobar-E Arghavani', D 122 Gilman, Richard, A46r Ginna, Robert Emmett, B33,J4, K3 Gintere, Helga, Dll8 'The Girl From the County Kildare', A8,

A40 'The Girl He Left Behind Him', A16n 'Girl I Left Behind Me', E43 Gish, Lillian, B60, B68 'Giunone e il Pavone', D 105, D 107 GlaUJmi Druur, B35, C481, Dl41 'Global Greetings', C460 'God Rest Yuu Merry, Polish People', E58 Godfrey, Eleanor, Al9r Goetz, Marketa, A38r Gogarty, Oliver Stjohn, A19r, C641 'Gold and Silver Will Not Do', Al6, B68,

E36 Goldberg,Judy, B72 'The Golden Boys', B9, C245 Goldring, Maurice, B50, D33, D34, D35,

D36, D43, D44 'Golha-Ye Sorkhi Bara-Ye Man', D 123 'Good Wishes from O'Casey', C478 'Goodbye at the Door', A27n, A3ln Gorki, Maxim, B34, CI89, C326 'Gornisty Chelovechestva', C511

Gow, R., Cl58 Goyert, George, D47, D48, D49, D50,

D53, D54, D56, D58, D76, D84 Graff, Robert D.,J4, K3 THE GRAND OUL DAME BRITANNIA,

AI, Al6, A40, C68, E2, E3, E7, E36 Grayburn,John, A25n Greacen, Robert, A27r, A28r, A30r, A40r,

A41r 'A Great Entertainment and Fresh Air for

the Workers', C27 'Great Man, Gorki!', A44, B34, C326 'Great Northern Railway', C5 'Great Northern Railway, Ireland:

Some of its Work and Pomps', A40, C7 Green, Peter, A34r 'The Green Blade', AI9n 'The Green Bushes: A Song', A41, E5 7 THE GREEN CROW, Aln, Al3n, AJ4,

A41, A45, B26, B27, D38, D57, D78, DI49,E26,E27,E30,E51

'The Green Crow Caws', A41, E30, E5 7 'The Green Gates', Ai5n 'Green Geese', A38n, E52 'Green Goddess of Realism', Al8, A34,

D38 'The Green Searchlight', A In, E58 'Green Searchlight' (essay), E58 'Green Searchlight: Controversy', E58 'Green Searchlight: Flag of the Soviets',

E58 'Green Skies and Buff', E41 Greene, David H., A35r Greenhalgh, Molly, D I 7 Greenwood, Walter, CI58, CI60, CI61 'Greetings', C581 'Greetings from O'Casey', C558 Gregory, Augusta, Lady, Aln, Alln,

Al4n, A27n, A29n, A40n, A44, Bl9, B44, B54, B58, B68, B77, C68, C339, C647

Gregory, Horace, Al6r, A27r, A31r Grieve, C.M.,see MacDiarmid, Hugh Griffith, Arthur, Al3n, A22n, A23n, A24 Grigson, Geoffrey, A27n, Bl8 'Gulls and Bobbin Testers', A40, C90 Gurova, U., Dl49 'Guth ar an Ngadre', see 'Guth ar an

nGaoith' 'Guth ar an nGaoith', A40, C 18 Guthrie, Tyrone, A33n Gutnachtgesclrichte, D71 Gwynn, Stephen, A22r

Habart, Michel, C547, D27, D28, D29, D30, D31, D32, D38, D39, D40, D41

392 Index

'Hail, Columbia!', A IS, Cl82 'Hajnali Komedia', D95 Haldane,J.B.S., BIO, B21 'Half Gods Go', El3 'Halhatatlan Csillagok', B43, C536, D96 HALL OF HEALING, A29, A37, D30,

D59, D64, D 142, D 172, E25, E45, F9 'Halle der Heilung', D64 Hamburger, Maik, D64, D68, D71, D72,

D73, D78, D80, D81, D92 Hammond, R. M., A30r Handoo, H. K., C475 Hands Off the Daily Worker, B9, C245 Hansen, Kurt Heinrich, D70 Hardy, Thomas, A30n 'The Harp in the Air Still Sings', A41,

B36, C505 'The Harp Still Sings', B36 Harper's, C512 THE HARVEST FESTIVAL, A23n, B71,

C656, C660, D81, E5, E38 Harvey, Anthony, C428 Harwood, H. M., Cl89 'Have You Read?', C463 'The Hawthorn Tree', El3 Hawthornden Prize, A lin Haycraft, Howard, Bl3 'He Paints His First Picture', A22n, Bl6 Head Wind: The Story of Robert Loraine, B8 Healy, Cahir, A41r 'Hearts and Clubs', E20 'Heaven is My Home', El5 'Heavily Hangs the Broad Sunflower',

E20,E49 Heilman, Robert B., A24r Helsingborgs Stadsteater, A25n Henderson, J.P., A34r Hengist, Philip, A35r, A40r 'Here Come the Irish', B 17 Hewitt, B., A18r Hicks, Granville, A31n, A31r, A35r Highlights of Modem Literature, B27 Hildebrandt, Dieter, D70, D75, D80, D81 'Hill of Healing', A29n 'His Father's Dublin Funeral', A19n, Cl72,

E37 'His Father's Funeral', A19n, E37 'His Father's Wake', Cl72 'Histoire de Nuit', D27, D40 Hitchcock, Alfred, A lin, A15n, A30n Hobson, Harold, A21n, A30r Hodek, Bretislav, Dl6 Hodges, john C., B36 Hofer, Evelyn, A35c Hogan. John]., A20r, A21r

Hogan, Robert, Al4n, A37n, A40, A46r, B39,B59,B61,B64,C428

Hogan, William, A34r 'Hojas de Robley Espliego', Dl66 The Holiday Book, B20, E58 Hollis, Christopher, A41r Holloway, Joseph, A40n, B54, B59, B61,

B64 'The Hollywood Ten', C403 Holroyd, Michael, B73 'The Holy Ghost Leaves England', E58 'The Holy Image', El2 'Home of the Living', El5 'Home Rule for Ireland, Ri Tooral Li Ay',

E3 'Hopes for Speedy End for Mannerheim',

C234 'Horace Plunkett's Thousand Year Plan',

Cl31 Horn, Andrew H., A43 'House God', E9 'House of the Dead', El5 House, R. T., C241 Housman, Laurence, Cl89 'How Do You Doodle Do', E2, E3 'How I Grieve for the Time When My

Heart Was Mine Own', A21n 'How Not to Free the Prisoners', C353 'How the War Hits O'Casey', E58 'How to Succeed as a Playwright',

B20,E58 Howard, Milton, A31r Hudson Guild Players of New York,

C657 Hughes, Elinor, Al5r Hughes, Herbert, A15n Humboldt, Charles, A27r, A30r Humphries, Rolfe, A24r Hutchins, Patricia, B32, B55 Hutt, Allen, A24r, A27r 'Hyde Park', E34 'Hyde Park Orator', A44, B5 Hynes, Frank]., A24r

'I Been Workin' on the Railroad', A40 I Did Penal Servitude, C319 I Die in a Good Cause, A3n 'I Don't Believe It, Do You?', A6, E2, E3 'I Go To Coole', El5 I KNOCK AT THE DOOR, Al9, A29n,

A35, A41, A42n, A45, D5, D9, Dl5, D25, D47, D48, D49, D56, D76, D99, Dll8, Dl26, Dl35, Dl37, Dl39, Dl50, Dl51, Dl53, E7, El2, E14, El5, E21, E30, E37, E58, Gl, H4, H6

'IRA and the Flag', C273

Index 393

'I.R.A. Prisoners', C3SO 'I Strike a Blow', A22n 'I Strike a Blow for You, Dear Land', E22 'I Wanna Woman', Al6, A34, A4S, E36 Icarus (Dublin), C4SO, CS42 'IchGlaubeSeit 1917',CS77 'Ich Klopfe An', D4 7, D48, DS6 'Ich Klopfe An: Eine Kindheit in

Irland', D76 'Ideas for Plays and Stories', E 18 'If the Germans Came to Ireland in the

Morning', AS, A40, E2 'II est Temps de Partir', D33 'Immanuel', A41, ES7 Imwlrchemu daetsya, D 136 'In and Out of Books', C368 'In Cellar Cool', E20 'In der Burgerkrieg', CS90 'In New York Now', E20 In Praise of Cmnedy, B6S, C223 'In Thousands They Rallied for the Allies

but Not One Fired a Shot for the Nazis',C311

'In Your Opinion', C474 Inglis, Brian, A30r Independent (Northampton), C346 Indo-Sovietjournal, C324 'The Influence of Melodrama on the Early

Plays of Sean O'Casey', CS73 INISHFALLEN, FARE THEE WELL, A27,

A3S, A4S, Bl2, Bl8, Dl2, Dl4, DIS, DSI, D62, D8S, EIO, EIS, El9, E43, G6, HI

'Inishfallen, Fare Thee Well', (letter), C372

'The Innocents at Home', A40, C94 Inniu (Dublin), C44 1 Inostrannaya Antifashistsko.ya Poeziya, D 134 Inostrannaya Literatura, C462, C468, C479,

C488, C499, CS07, CS26, CS38, CS49, CS64, C616, C617, D IS2

The Inside Story of the Daily Worker, C231 International Forum, C 12S 'The Internationale', C297 Intematsional'naya Literatura, C211, C220,

C227, C230, C231, C247, C2S8, Dl3S, DISO

'Invitation to Mr. Sean O'Casey', C209 Ioffe, Ludmilla, C626 'Ireland-a Dramatist's View', C236 'Ireland at the Peace Conference', E3 'Ireland, Boys, Hurrah!', ES8 'Ireland Hurries Past: The Pattern of Her

History', C219 Ireland, Whose Ireland?, C233 'Ireland's Black-headed Boy', ES8

'Ireland's Future', C78 'Ireland's Silvery Shadow', A44, C332 'Ireland's Tongue of Fire', C218 Iremonger, Valentin, A2Sr, A3Sr, A40r 'Irische Trommeln', D.Sl 'Ein Irisches Drama', C464 'The Irish', C290 'The Irish Are Everywhere', C291 'Irish Badges', C292 Irish Book Lover, A9n 'The Irish Busy-bodies', C28S Irish Cavalcade, C219 Irish Citizen Army, A9, A24n, A40, B2 Irish Citiz.en Army Constitution, B2 'The Irish Citizen Army: Special Parade',

CS4 Irish Civil Liberties Organization,

B7S Irish Democrat, C311, C321, C323, C333,

C341, C347, C353, C359, C397, C410, CS43,C613,C653,C6SS

Irish Digest, C 163 Irish Echo (New York), C582, C611 'Irish Emblems', C269 'Irish Eyes Still Smile on the People's', C602 'Irish Families', C476 'The Irish Fete in Jones Road', C28 Irish Freedom, CIS, C215, C216, C218,

C222, C228, C240, C253, C269, C272, C273, C285, C286, C291, C293

'"Irish Freedom" and the "Irish Nation"', A40, C24

'Irish in the Schools', A40, C91 Irish Independent, C91, CIOI, CI02, Cl04,

CI07, CliO, Cll3, C297, C592, C604, C639, C640

'An Irish Institution', C264, C265 'Irish Literature', E58 Irish Mitchel, C218 'Irish Nannie', A40n, E 7, E32 'Irish Nannie Passes', A40n, E 7, E32 Irish Opinion (Dublin), C69, C70, C71, C76,

C77,C8l,C83 Irish People (Dublin), C340 Irish Press (Dublin), A28n, Cl59, C!60,

C!66, Cl67, Cl76, C209, C242, C254, C306, C351, C433, C434, C436, C437, C438,C443,C49l,C494,C578,C634

'Irish Protestants and Real Home Rule', C69

Irish Renaissance, B49, C609, C610 Irish Republican Army, B56 Irish Statesman, A14n, C89, C90, C91, C94,

C95, C96, C97, Cl09, Cll6, Cl20, Cl21 The Irish Theatre, A44, C336 'Irish Through the Tare and Ages', E51

394 Index

Irish Times, C99, CIOO, CIOI, Cl07, Cl08, CliO, Cll3, CI28, Cl67, Cl86, C205, C207, C264, C265, C268, C302, C337, C344, C349, C372, C383, C384, C395, C404, C405, C406, C407, C409, C410, C436, C439, C467, C469, C470, C472, C476, C484, C487, C500, C50~, C517, C530, C533, C534, C552, C553, C555, C560, C561, C565, C567, C578, C604, C606, C608, C619, C636, C645, C652, C654, C659

Irish Times Weekly Pictorial, C390 Irish Transport and General Workers'

Union, B2 Irish University Review, C643, C64 7 The Irish Uprising 1916-1922, A In Irish Worker, C5, C7, C8, C9, C 10, C II, C 13,

CI4,CI5,CI6,CI7,CI9,C20,C22,C23, C24, C26, C27, C28, C29, C30, C31, C32, C33, C34, C35, C36, C37, C38, C40, C41, C42,C43,C44,C45,C46,C47,C48,C49, C50, C51, C52, C53, C54, C55, C56, C57, C58, C59, C60, C61, C62, C63, C64, C65, C66, Cl26

'Irish Workers and Irish Volunteers', A40, C49

Irish Workers' League, B23 'Irish Writers', C469, C470, C472 Irish Writing, C343, C3 7 I, C400 'An Irishman's Diary', C467, C552, C553,

C606,C636,C646,C654 'An Irishman's Plays', A44, C461, E58 'Irland, Leb Wohl! Autobiographie Band

IV', D62 'Irlandii ne Nado Voennykh Baz', C486 Irlandslrie teatral'nye miniatyury, D 146 Irvine George, C652 Isaacs, Edith]., Al9r 'Iskusstvo-pesn'zhizni', A44, C527, E58 'It's All Very Curious, Isn't It?', Al8, A34 'It's Gonna Rain No-more', El9 Izvestiya, C520, C529

Jack, Peter, Al6r, Al8r Jackson, T.A., A30r, C357 Jacobs, Douglas M., A3n, A5n, B74, C635 james Connolly -A Socialist and War, C25 7 james joyce Quarterly, C641 james joyce's World, B32, B55 'James Larkin, Lion of Irish Labour',

C341, C653 'Jeeps, BeJeepers', A31n, A33n, C420 'Jim Larkin and His Work', C84 The jim Larkin Correspondence Committee, B3,


'The Jim Larkin Correspondence Committee' (letter), B3, C81

'Jim Larkin Dies: Sean O'Casey Tribute', C337

'Jim Larkin's Gone', E58 'The Jittering Gate', E54 'The Job', Al6, A34, Dl55, E36 John, Augustus, A !On, Al3n, Al4n, B73 'John Bull in a Hot Corner', E3 'John Bull's Love Song', E2, E3 'John Millington Synge', A44, C327, E58 john O'London's Weekly, CI90 'John Redmond. Dead. 1918', E3 'Johnny in the Police Court', E22 Johnson, Gerald W., A24r Johnston, Denis, A21r, A46r(2) Jones, Harold D., A4n Jordan, John, A3lr, A33r joseph Holloway's Abbey Theatre, B59 joseph Holloway's Irish Theatre 1926-1931,

B59 joseph Holloway's Irish Theatre 1932-1937,

B61 joseph Holloway's Irish Theatre 1938-1944,

B54,B64 'Josephine Ruagh', E2 The journal (Newcastle-upon-Tyne), C605 Joyce, James, AI9n, A25n, A30n, B32, B53,

C610 'Joxer and Boyle', E21 jugopress Information Bulletin, C485 juno (musical), A lin, G3 JUNO AND THE PAYCOCK, AIO, All,

Al7, A26, A29, A32, A36, A45, B4, Bll, B30, D2, DIO, Dl8, D20, D27, D37, D58, D72, D78, D80, D81, D92, D97, Dl05, Dl07, DllO, Dll3, Dl30, Dl32, Dl33, Dl39, Dl61, Dl63, Dl64, Dl70, Dl73, E7, E21, FlO, F23, G3,"HI, H2

'Juno and the Paycock' (letters), C422, C594, C623

'Juno and the Paycock: A Textual Study', C658


'Juno eo Pavao', Dl30 'Juno en dePauw', D20 'Juno es a Pava', D93, D97 'Junon et le Paon', D27, D37 juno och Pi1f/igeln, B4, D 17 0 'Juno og Pltfuglen', D 18 'Juno To Kujaku', D 113 'Juno und der Pfau', D72, D80, D92 'Juno y el Pavo Real', Dl61, D 163, D 164 'Juno Wa-AI-Ta'Us', D2 'Jus hi no Kage', D 112

Index 395

'K Chitatelyam "Zvezdy": 0 Drame "Koster Episkopa" ', A44, C483

Kaalep, Ain, D22 'Kai-Xi-Di Tai-Tai Xiu-Jia Q.u Liao', Dl2 'Kak Bystro Letit Vremya', C519 Kalashnikova, E., Dl35, D 136, Dl40 'Kamaradi', Dl4 Kamyab, Manizheh, Dl23 Kashkin, I., Dl35, Dl40 KATHLEEN LISTENS IN, A37n, A40,

C55!,D8!, E7, E3l,E56, F4 Katsuta, Takaoki, D 113 Kavanagh, Patrick, A22r Kavanagh, Peter, A44, C336, C398 Kavanagh, Jim, C613, C655 Kealy, Tom, C632 Keating, Maire, A3n, A6n Keel ja Kiryandus, C6 18 Kelleher,John, A23r Kellerson, Philippe, D30, D34 Kelly, Will, A37n Kennedy,John F., A43, B46, C586 Kennedy, Leo, A27r Kernoff, Harry, B24 Kerry Annual 195.3, A2n Khoi, Isma''il, D 119 Kholmskaya, 0., Dl35, Dl40 Khrestomatiia Po Zarubezhnoi Literature XX. V

(1917-1945), Dl34, Dl37 'Kikeriki', D65 Kilkenny Magazine, C591 Kilmainhamjail, A22n Kiltartan History Book, A In, C68 Kiok, Helen, C659 Kirik, I.K., C481 Kirkwood, Hilda, A4lr Knight, G. Wilson, A38r Knopf, A.A., C412 'Kogda Vest' Prishla v Dublin', C479 'Kohut', D !59 'Kojin', D 116 Komarova, I., Dl46 Komsomol'skaya Pravda, C498, C50!, C505,

C5!0, C538 'Konets Nachala' D 146 Konnichi no Eibei Engeki, D 114 Konyushkov, G., D 133 'Koster Episkopa', D !54 Krause, David, A22n, A24n, A27n, A38n,

A44r, A46, B37, B49, B58, B75, Cl58, C569, G2, G4, G6

Kristensen, Tom, D 17 Kronenberger, Louis, Al9r Krutch,Joseph Wood, A27r 'Kukuryku', Dl27 Kultur und Leben, C626, D90

Kultuurja Elu (Tallinn), D24 Kunitz, Stanley, Bl3

Labour Monthly, C242, C257, C266 'Labour and Sinn Fein', C72 'Labour's Awakening', E3 Lady Gregory: A Literary Portrait, B54, B64 Lady Gregory: Selected Plays, B44 Lady Gregory'sjoumals, A14n, B!9, C339 'Lady of Coole', A27n, BIZ, El5 Lafayette Little Theatre Company, A38 Lambert,J.W., A34r LAMENT FOR THOMAS ASHE, A2, A4,

A40,E3 Lancashire for Me: T. Thompson's Little

Biography, C237 'Lancashire in Flashes', C237 'The Lane Pictures', C358, C361, C517 Lang, Anna G., A4n Lanigan, Alice, A16n Lanoix, Annette, D45 'The Lark in the Clear Air Still Sings',

A4l,B36,C477,C505,E57 Larkin; James, A20n, A24n, B3, C84, C85,

C86, C321, C337, C338, C341, C653, C659

'Larkin Dead: Sean O'Casey Writes', C338 'Larkin versus Connolly', C321 'The Lass on the Stamp', C509 'Last Letter from O'Casey', C6!9 Last Plays of Maxim Gorki, C!89 'Laughter Down the Years', B65, C223 'Laurel Leaves and Silver Trumpets',

C129 Lavande et Feuilles de Chine, D35 Lawrence, C.E., A10r Lawrence, D.H., A44, C154 Lawrence, W.J., A10r Leach, Doris, A31n The Leader (Dublin), C!6, C21, C93 Leader Magazine, C374 Leahy, Maurice, C205, C209 Left Review, C199 'Lenin', E58 'Lenin Logos of Russia', E58 Lennon, P., A40 'Lenty na Shapke Molodisti', C501 Leonard, Hugh, A46r 'Let It Rot Where It Lies', C391 'Let the Wheel Turn', A 18, C 17 4 'Let's Make a Play', E20 'Let's Write a Play', C408, E58 Letter Appealing for Funds for St Laurence

O'Toole's Pipers' Club, B1 'Letter from England', C446 'Letter from O'Casey', C99, C542

396 Index

'Letter from Sean O'Casey', C 126, C432 'A Letter !rom Sean O'Casey "Leather

Away With the Wattle 0!"', C548 'Letter to Miss Rose Russell on the Death

of President Kennedy', B46, C586 'A Letter of Thanks', C 162 'Letters from O'Casey', C611 'Letters from Sean O'Casey to a

Randolph-Macon Senior', B39, C428 Letters ofjames]oyce, B55 THE LETTERS OF SEAN O'CASEY, A46 Letters to Macmillan, B5 7, C630 Les Lettres Fran~aises, D42 Lever, Charles, A44 Levin, Bernard, A46r Liberty Book 'C~p, Al9d, A22c, A22n,

A24b, A24n, A30b library Review (Glasgow), C637 'Lt.-Col. Rayner's Three Things', C284 life (New York), C427 'Life' (notes), E25 life and Letters, C 136 'Life and Literature', A40, C89 'Life is More than Meat', E58, H4 'Life: The Chalfonts', E20 'Life. Volume 6: An Cogaidh', E20 'Life's Blossoms', E3 Lifshits, V., Dl44 'The Light of the World', C212 'The Lighted Room', A19n Linati, Carlo, D 104, D 105, D 109 Linden, Gustaf; B4, D 170 Lindsay, jack, C653 listener, Cl27, Cl48, Cl89, C204 literary Digest (New York), Ci09 'Literatura v Irlandii', A44, C227 'Literatura Obozrenie', C231, C245 'Literature in Ireland', A44, C227, E58 Literatumaya Gaz.eta (Moscow), B43, C310,

C363, C392, C394, C481, C486, C497, C502, C504, C511, C519, C521, C527, C530, C536, C546, C550, C554, C55 7, C571, C588, C593, C614, Dl35, Dl41, Dl51, Dl57

litir Chumainn Sheumas Ui Lorcain, B3, C81, C86

'Litir Cumann Shemmais Ui Lorcain', B3, C81, C86

Littlewood, S.R., Al3r liverpool Post and Mercury, C 106 Ljuckanov, Ilija, D6, D8 'London Apprentice', El9, E24, E25 'London Nursing Home', El2 'London Passes By', A44, C 105 'A Long Ashwednesday', A15n, E20 'A Long Long Road', C638, C651

Look (New York), C564 'Look at the Soviet Union', B24 'Look-out Twenty-six Years Ahead', E58 'Look to the Stars', C508 Loraine, Robert, A44, B8, C208 Loraine, Winifred, A44, B8, C208 'Lord of a Century: Shaw', E27 Lorie, M., Dl35, Dl36, Dl40, Dl52 Loseva, N., Dl42, Dl44 Love on the Dole, C 158, C 160, C 161 Lover of the Great Bear, C213 'Lover's Q.uarrels at the Abbey', C356 Low, Ebba, B4, D 170 Lowery, Robert G., A46r Lunari, Gigi, DI06 Lustig, Irma S., C648 Lynd, Sylvia, Al4r 'The Lyons Den', C583 Lyric Players Theatre (Belfast) Programme,

C649 .

Lyric Theatre (Hammersmith), A25n 'Lyrics of Songs of the Play', E50

MD: Medical Newsmagazine (New York), C540

Mabley, Edward, Al3n, C657, G5 Mac an Bheatha, Proinsias, A9, C645 McAneny, Marguerite, A45r MacAnna, Tomas, A46r Macbeth, C 18 7 McCall, Seamus, C218 McCann, john, A44r McCann, Sean, B53 McCarthy, Desmond, A!Or, Al3r. Al5r,

Al6r(2), Al9r(2), A24r, A27r, B7 '> MacColum,Joe, A34r McConnell, Frederic, C446 MacDhubhain, Aodh, D I 03 MacDiarmid, Hugh, Al5r, A27r, A31 MacDonagh, Donagh, A30r McDonald, Walter, Rev., A27, A38n McEligot, Garry, C604 McFee, William, A24r Mcinerney, Michael, C654 MacKay, L.A., Al8r McKenna, Siobhim, B30, H2 MacMaghnais, Peadar, C619 MacMahon, Sean, A35r MacManus, MJ., A24r, A27r, C219 Macmillan, Daniel, Al4n, B57, B68 Macmillan, Harold, B57, B68, C630 MacNeice, Louis, A24r, A27r, A30r, A4lr Maconcy, Elizabeth, Bl4 McShane, Harry, B21 Madden, Richard, A2ln Magalaner, Marvin, A35r

Index 397

Mah Dar Ka'lanamo Miderakhshad va Khaziini Dar Bahar, Dl21

Mainstream, C49S Maire, see Keating, Maire Mii.jarii.-Ye Nimehshab, Dl20 Malone, A.E., Al0r(3), Al4r Malone, Maureen, B63 Maltby, Richard, A lin, G3 'The Man !rom the "Daily Mail"', AS Manchester Evening News, C118 Manchester Guardian, Cll, C3S8, C361,

C373, C47S Milnes kin over Kylenamoe, D 19 Manifesto to Irish Trades Bodies, B2 Mannheim Nationaltheater, B31 'Marching Through Germany', E2, E3 'Margarita', E36 Margulies, Martin B., B67 Mark, Thomas, BS 1 Maroldo, William J., C661 Marshall, Herbert, C278 Martin, Augustine, A40r, A4lr Martinez de Vivar, Dora, D162 'Mary is Faithful to Me', AS, A40 al-Masrah (Cairo), D4 Massachusetts Review, B49, C609, C610 Masses and Mainstream (New York), C401 Massey, Raymond, Al4n, A29n May, Sheila, A23r 'May Day Greetings', C 199 Mayakovsky and His Poetry, C21 8 'Mayakovsky Immortal', C32S, ES8 Mayberry, George, A23r Maynooth College, see St Patrick's

College, Maynooth Mazia, Florea!, Dl61 Meanjin Quarterly (Melbourne), C401, C61S 'Melpomene an' Thalia Beggin' for

Bread', A44, CSIS, ES8 'Melpomene in Ireland', A44, C336, ES8 'Memories of a Farewell to Ireland', A44,

CS44, C6S7 Meo, Antonio, D107, DI08 Merchant, Francis, B28 Mercier, Vivian, A38r Mercure de France, D41 'The Mermaid Theatre and the Critics', E30 Mermaid Theatre (London) Programme, C553,

C570 Merrell, Patti, C620 'Merrical of Miracles', A41, ES7 Merriman, Brian, A44, C314 'A Message from the Author', C382 'A Message from 0' Casey', C525 'A Message from Sean O'Casey', C342,

C377, C603

Metcalf, Rupert, C 131 'Mezhdunarodnaia Anketa', C499 Midgley, john, A44r The Midnight Court, A44, C314 'Al-Mihrath Wa-Al-Nujum', D3 Mikhail, E.H., B72 Miliband, Ralph, B47 Milin, Sven Eric, C428 Million: New Left Writing, B 16 Milne, Ewart, A25r Milton, A.A., A23r 'Min Halsning till Sverige', B4 Mina Kolkutan, D25 'Minding Me Own Business', E58 'A Miner's Dream of Home', A44, C154 The Mint, A21n, Bl8 MIRROR IN MY HOUSE, A31n, A35a,

K3 'Miscellaneous', E58 Mississippi Quarterly, C5 79 'Mrs Casside Takes a Holiday', A9n, D12,

D85, E43 'Mrs T. Clarke, P.T. Daly, and Sean

O'Cathasaigh', C82 'Mr Agate: A Curt Reply', C27 5 'Mr Ervine's Cry for the Critics', Al8 'Mr O'Casey', C373 'Mr O'Casey and the Abbey Theatre:

Defensive Words on The Silver Tassie', Cl67

'Mr O'Casey Dissents', B39, C158, C16S 'Mr O'Casey Excepts', Cl23 'Mr O'Casey Replies', C316 'Mr O'Casey's New Play', CI07 'Mr O'Casey's Play: Author's Rejoinder',

A44, CI02 'Mr P.T. Daly and Rumours: Relations

with Tom Clarke and Sean MacDermott', C80

'Mr St.John Ervine', Cl38 'Mr Sean O'Casey and Lt.-Col. Rayner's

Speech', C279 'Mr Sean O'Casey and St Patrick's Night',

CI04 'Mr Sean O'Casey Replies to Lieut-Col.

R. Rayner, M.P.', C281 'Mr Sean O'Casey Replies to Mr Agate',

Cl88 'Mr Sean O'Casey's "Last Word":

Crossing the Bridge', Cll3 'Mr Wesker's Goody Wine', E58 'Mr Wesker's March Past', A44, E58 Mitchell,J.F., B76 Mitina, S., Dl48 Miura, Michio, D 113 Mo'ayyed, M. Amin, Dl20

398 Index

'Mobled Hours', A25n Modem Drama, C572, C573, C622, C650 Modernist Studies, C658 Moliere,J.B.P., A41 Molin, Sven Eric, B39 'Mollser', AI6, A34, C96, CI36, E7, E36 Molodezh' mira, D 153 Molodym Dano Mechtat, C538 Der Mond Scheint auf Kylenamoe, D64 Monroe, N.E., A22r THE MOON SHINES ON KYLENA­

MOE, A37n, A39, Dl9, D64, DI21, E55, E72, FII

Moore, Harry T., B63 Moore, Thomas, A23n, A21n Moran,J.F., A4lr MORE WREN SONGS, A8, A40 Morris, Alton C., B36 Morrow, H.L., A3lr 'Mortals and Men', CI89 'Moskovskim Druz' yam', C296 'Most Indispensable Power of All for

Workers', C231 Motley: journal of the Gate Theatre (Dublin),

Cl49 Mourning Becomes Electra, AI5n The Movies, Mr Griffith and Me, B60, B68 Moynihan, Julian, A46r Mueller-Stahl, Hagan, D86 Mulkerns, Val, A30r Murcus, Louis, D4 'Murder in the Cathedral' (letter), CI76 'Murder in the Cathedral' (review), C 174,

E21 'Murdher in the Theatre', AI8, A34, CI85 Murphy, Franklin D., A43, El Murphy, George B., C651 Murphy, Judy, A43 Murray, T.C., A!Or, Al5r, AI7r, AI8r,

A2Ir, A25r, A3In, B64, C242 Musgrove, P.J., C257 'My Friend, Chekhov', C425, E58 'My Friend O'Casey', C613 'My Gentle, Brown-haired Mairin', E3 'My Modest Brown-haired Mary', E3 'My Rejoinder to Mr. Agate', C 190 Myson, M., A38r, A39r 'Mythical Dimensions in O'Casey's Within

the Gates', C631

NBC, see National Broadcasting Company NaPoroge, DI35, DI40 NaSon Gryadushch, D 145 N ag;y Ltisz/6: Dartizskirtily, D I 0 I Nagy, Peter, D93, D94 N ag;yviltig, D 100

'Name of O'Neill Adorns Theater', B41, C516

Nannie Sort ce Soir, D35 NANNIE'S NIGHT OUT, A37n, A40,

D35, D81, E7, E8, E31, E56, FI2 'Nannie's Night Out' (essay), C572 'Nannie's Night Out' (letter), C99 Nasledie Anglirskogo Romantizma

Sovremennost', B40, C616, DI43 Nathan, George Jean, Al3r, Al5r, Al7,

Al9n, A20n, A2ln, A2lr, A22n, A23n, A29n, A33n, A37n, B6, B49, B74, B75, C609, C656

The Nation, C 114 National Affairs, C425 National Broadcasting Company,J4 National Guardian, C465, C539, C580 'National Theatre Bunkum', Al8, A34,

CI68,CI69,CI70,E51 National Theatre (London) Programme, C623 'Nationalism and The Plough and the Stars',

A44, CI02 'Nation-Builders of Babylon', E58 Neri, Nicoletta, Dl07 Nelson, James, B33 Das neue Nationaltheater, B31 Nevin, Donal, C35, C37 'A New Abbey fora New Age', B52 'A New Approach', C389 'A New Challenge', C271 'New Chance for a People's Theatre', E58 New English Weekly, CI33, CI34 New in the Berg Collection, B66 New Masses (New York), C247 New Statesman and Nation, CI54, CI58,

C238, C262, C387, C389, C401, C420, C424, C429, C470

New Theatre, C370 New Times, C495 New World Review, C415, C445, C495, C505,

C513,C548,C593,C598,C627 New York Herald Tribune, C414, C459, C569 New York Post, C583 New York Public Library Berg

Collection, B62, B66, B77 New York Public Library Bulletin, B66 New York State Joint Legislative

Committee on Problems of the Aged, A44, C512

New York Times, B27, C99, CI23, CI55, CI58, CI65, C385, C449, C454, C456, C458, C488, C503, C508, C516, C528, C544, C556, C574, C586, C589, C604, C640,C657

New York Times Book Review, C398, C399, C412, C416, C417

Index 399

New York Times Magazine, B68, C368, C505, C515, C593, C614

Newcastle Evening Chronicle, C602 Newman, W.A., C634 News Chronicle, C463 Newsome, A., A14r Newspaper Guild ol New York, A27n Newton, Michael, A39r Nichita, Radu, D 132 Nichols, Dudley, A13n, F24 Nicolau, Florian, D 132 Nicolson, Harold, A27r The Night is Whispering', A38n, E 16, E23,

E26,E27,E30,E52,E71,F6 'The Night oiWhispering', A38n Nimrod, C620 1913 jim Larkin and the Dublin Lock-out, C35,

C37 Nineteenth Century, C 117 Niwatori, D 114 'No Belfast Hall lor Peace Conference',

C395 'No Flowers lor Films', A15n, A34, C374 'No O'Casey Plays for Ireland', C555 Nolan, Sean, B23 'Non-intrusion ol Officers in "The Silver

Tassie" ', C 135 Nooteboom, Cees, D21 'Northern Star', C370 'Not Waiting for Godot', A44, A45, C452 'Note from Sean O'Casey to a Young Poet',

C620 'A Note on Sean O'Casey's Manuscripts

and His Working Methods', C635 'Notes on the Way', C140, C141, C143,

C146 'Notes and Comments', C357 'Notiz zu "Gockel, der Geck" ', C537 La Nouvelle Critique: Revue du Marxisme

Militant, D45 Novoe Vremya, C495 Novy Mir, C288, C473 Nowell-Smith, Simon, B57, C630 'Nuclear Tests', C475 Nugent, Tom, A46r 'Nursing-Home Snobbery', C162 Nye, Robert, A35r, A40r

'0 Bernarde Shou', D 152 '0 Brothers Lift Your Faces', E3 '0 Vremeni I 0 Sebe', D147 '0 Women, Be Braver Now', C360 '0 Women, Gracious and Gallant, Be


A29, D35, D166, E42, Fl3

Obey, Andre, C 164 Oblonskaya, R., D144, D149 O'Brennan, Kathleen, A24r O'Brien, john Anthony, C648 Observer, A14n, C107, C108, C115, C.S7 5 O'Callaghan, Sean, B56, C466 O'Casey, Alison, A41 O'Casey, Breon, A19, A25n, A31, A33, B62 O'Casey, Eileen, A12n, A14, A15n, A16,

A30,A31,A38n, B68, B76 O'Casey, Michael, A27n, B67 O'Casey, Niall, A 19, A31, A38n, A41n,

B68 O'Casey, Oona, A41 O'Casey, Sean. Will, B68 O'Casey, Shivaun, A31, A33n, A41n O'Casey, Susan, A17n, A27n, A33n 'O'Casey agus Coiste na bPaisti', C535 'O'Casey and Synge: the Irish Hero as

Playbovand Gunman', C625 '0' Casey and the Abbey', C565 'O'Casey and the Abbey Theatre', C 114 'O'Casey and the Archbishop', B70 'O'Casey and the Big Four', C 110 'O'Casey and "The Body Electric"', C634 'O'Casey and the Irish Language', C93 'O'Casey and the Middle Class', Cl34 'O'Caseyand "The Voice"', C103 'O'Casey Answers Churchill: "War ts a

Damned Bad Thing" ', C393 'O'Casey Appeals for I.R.A. in British

Prisons', C344 'O'Casey by O'Casey', C570, E38 'O'Casey es P.G. Wodehouse Nyilatkozata

a Tajekoztat6nak', A44, C482, D102 'O'Casey in Hungarian Costume', A44,

C482, D102, E58 'O'Casey Letters Throw Light on His

Breach with the Abbey Theatre', C621 'O'Casey Makes a Challenge', C491 'O'Casey on Connolly', C606 'O'Casey on Eire and War', C253 'O'Casey on O'Casey', A44 'O'Casey on the Theatre', A44 'O'Casey, O'Neill and Expressionism in

The Silver Tassie', C568 'O'Casey, O'Neill and the Expressionism

in Within the Gates', C563 'O'Casey Play', C494 'O'Casey: Playwright in Exile', A34b,

C449 'O'Casey Q,.uestions Maurice Leahy', C205 'O'Casey Records', C500 'O'Casey Replies', C492 'O'Casey Reports', C385 'O'Casey Sends "Blessing"', C578

400 Index

'O'Casey V. Ervine', C317 'O'Casey Versus the Abbey Theatre', C591,

E58 'O'Casey's Advice to Dramatists', B64,

C254 'O'Casey's Call for Amnesty', C347 'O'Casey's Cocl!-a-Doodle Dandy', C600 'O'Casey's Credo', A28n, AH, B37, B38,

B39, C503 'O'Casey's Drama-Bonfire', AH, C483,

E58 '0' Casey's Hatred of the Middle Class: A

Reply to Paul Banks', C 133 'O'Casey's Letter on His Affinities with

George Bernard Shaw', B45 'O'Casey's Letters', C659 'O'Casey's Liking for Life', C514 'O'Casey's Reply to Brigadier Rayner',

C365 'O'Casey's Telegram to Abbey Theatre',

C599 'O'Casey's The Silver Tassie', C566 'O'Casey's Within the Gates', C642 O'Casside, see O'Casey O'Cathasaigh, P. (sic}, A9n O'Coigligh, Seamus, C530, C614 O'Connor, Fergus, AI, A2, A3, A4 AS,

A6, A7, AS, E2, E3 O'Connor, Frank, A41r, AH, C314, K2 O'Connor, Maude, A4n O'Connor, T.P., Al3r Odashima, Yushi, Dll5, Dll6 'Odd Man Out', C355 'The Oddest Neutrality', E58 'Ode to an Impudent Upstart', A44, A45,

C593 Odets, Clifford, A29r O'Donnell, P.J., A24r O'Donoghue, Florence, A35r O'Duffy, Eimar, A9r O'Duibhginn, Seosamh, C607 'Of Such is the Kingdom of Heaven',

A19n O'Faolain, Sean, A19r, A24r, A27r O'Farach.iin, R., A24r O'Foley, Michael, A8n 'Ognenny Podsolnechnik', C529 Ogonek, Dl36 'Oh, Sailor Tom Came Home to Wed',

A24n 'Oh, What a Beautiful Mornin'', A39n 'Oh, Women, Guide our Feet into the

Way of Peace', E58 O'Hearn, Walter, A27r, A28r O'Hegarty, P.S., A27r

O'Hickey, Michael, Rev., A24 Oine Lugu, D24 Ojamaa, Ott, C612, C618, D22 'The Okay and the One Who Wrote It",

C596,E58 'Die Oktoberrevolution', C480, D83 Olivet, 0., Dill O'Luing, Sean, A3n O'Mahoney, Eoin, C344, C349, C351 O'Malley, Mary, C621 L'Ombre d'un Fraru-Tireur, D30, D34 'On Attend un Eveque', D28 'On Books and Writers', A44 'On Chekhov', C425 'On Diverse Subjects', A34 'On Playwriting', A32 'On the Banks of the Ban', A44, C589 'On the Railway', E15 On The Run, Al2n 'The One Journal a Worker can Trust',

C585 'One of the World's Dramatists', A44,

C626,E58 O'Neill, Eugene, Al5n, A19n, B6, B41 O'Neill, Frank, C555 O'Neill, Michael]., B59, B61, B64 O'Neill and His Plays, B41 O'Neill-Barna, Anne, A4lr, A45r 'Only 5 Minutes More', E20 'An Open Letter to Workers in the Volun-

teers', A40, C47 'Open the Prison Gates!', C352 Opera News, Al3n, C638 Opowiadanie na Dobranoc, D 129 O'Riordan,John, A44r, A46r, B72, C638 O'Riordan, Michael, B23 'Orphans of the Storm', E20 Orwell, George, A24r, A31n 'Orwell Pulls the Green Flag Down',

E20 O'Shaughnessy,John, A35r O'Sheel, Shaemas, Al9r(2} Osterman, Lester, B41, C516 'The O'Toole Pipers', C26 'The O'Toole Pipers' Aeridheacht', C9 'Otvet Shona O'Keisi Makkartistam', C468 Ou-Kai-Xi Xi-ju Xuan-ji, D 10 'Our Readers' Opinions: The Emmet

Commemoration Concert', C3, C4 Our Time, C314, C354, C357 'Out, Damned Spot', A41, C531, E57 'Outside an Irish Window', A31n, A33n,

E24, H4 'Overture', Al3n, Al8, A34 Owen,]., BIO

Index 401

'P.T. Daly and the Hibernian Nights Entertainments', C80

Page, Malcolm, C646 Page, Ruth, AI9r Page One Award, A27n 'Pageant of Popes and People', C376 Paiementd Vue,D28 Palace Scenes, C 189 'The Pale Moon was Shining', E55, E72,

FII A Paler Shade of Green, B68, B70 Pange, Comtessejean de, D37 'Les Paques Rouges de Dublin', 042 'The Park', E34 'Parkhurst Prisoners, O'Casey's Plea',

C351 La Parvenza di Un Ribelle, D I 07 'Pasternak and joyce', C533, C534 Patrick, Saint, A27n 'Patterns of Greek Tragedy in O'Casey's

Purple Dwt', C576 'Pax', EIO Piiyiin-E ifghaz, Dl24 Peace Campaign (London), C558 Tk Pea;ant and Irish Ireland, C I, C2 Pen and Brwh, B62 'Penelope's Lovers', AI3n, A40n, E7 'Penelope's Lovers: Scenario', E7 'Pennsylvanian Visit', E20 'Pentru Mine Viata R!lmine Minutatll',

C584 'People and Places', A44 'The People and the Theatre', A41, C322,

D34, D43, D 167, E57 'A People's Army', C282 People's Tkatre Arts Group, B51 People's Tkatre (Newca;tle-upon-Tyne)

Programme, C382, C603 'The Peril of the Streets', C 16 'Perilous Seas', C439 Perry, H.T.E., Al5r 'Personal View', C I 7 8 'Pervasive Patterns m Tk Silver Ta;sie',

C644 P'esy, Dl44, Dl54 Petersen, Jens Louis, D 19 'Le Peuple et le Theatre', D43 Der Pflug und die Sterne, D53, D54, 075,

D80, D82 'Ein Pfund Abheben', D64 Phethean, David, B72 'Philosophy of Despair-A Modern

Sickness', A34, C430 Piasetski, Sergiusz, C213 'Picking Plays for Posterity: What Will

Survive in 1984?', CI39

Picture Post, C221, C226, C236, C239, C246, C248,C255,C263,C287,C402

PICTURES IN THE HALLWAY, A22, A23n, A35, BI6, B62, Dl5, D50, D58, D84, Dl35, DI37, Dl40, £12, EI3, E22, G2, HI, H3

'Pictures in the Hallway' (letter), C270 Pine hot, Ann, B60 Pinchot, Ben, A27b 'Piobairi Naoimh Lorchain Ui Tuathail:

the O'Toole Pipers', C8 'Pisateli Mira Protiv Fashistskor Agressii,

Za Oemokratiyu, Mir I SSSR', C221 'Pis'ma V Redaktsiyu', C220 'Pis'mo iz Anglii', C288 'Pis'mo Shona O'Kelsi', C363, C394 Pitt, David, C4 7 5 Pitt, Donald A., A3Ir 'Plan for Britain', C255 'Plans Gang Agley', E21 Platt, David, C441 'The Play ofldeas', A44, C387 Plays and Players, C440 Tk Plays of Sean O'Casey, B63 'The Plays of Sean O'Casey: A Reply',

A44, CII7 'The Playwright and the Box Office', A44,

C204,JI 'A Playwright from the Slums', C98 'Playwright in Exile', A34b, C449 'Playwright to Critic: Sean O'Casey's

Letters to George Jean Nathan', B49, C609

Playwrights on Playwriting, B3 7, B3 8, B39 'Playwright's Plea for Miner's Children',

CI06 Plaza, J. L., C332 Plebs, C267 Tk Plough (Dublin), C478, C492 THE PLOUGH AND THE STARS, AU,

AI7, A26, A29, A32, A36, A40n, A45, D3, D26, D28, D53, D54, D75, D80, D81, 0107, Dill, DII7, 0132, Dl44, DI62,E7,EIO,EI3,FI4,F24,G5

'The Plough and the Stars' (letters), C302, C423, C595

Tk Plough and tk Stars (opera), C638 'Tk Plough and tk Stars: A Reply to the

Critics', A44, C I 0 I 'Tk Plough and tk Stars in Retrospect',

A44, C544, C657 'The Plough and the Stars: Letter from

the Author', C 10 I 'Ploughing the Star', C Ill Plunkett, Horace, CI31 Plunkett, James, B69

402 Index

An Poblachl, B59, CI04, Cl22 Poblachl na h-Eireann (Dublin), C8 7 Pod Cvetnata ~apk4: Razkaz.i, D7 'Pod Tsvetnol ShapkoJ', Dl48 'Poem', E58 'Poety Kosmosa', C571 'The Political Situation', C380 Pollitt, Harry, C242 Polvere di Porpora, D 107 'Pontiffs ofthe Theatre', Al8, C 138 'Poor Pinero Passes By', A18, A34 'Poor Puzzled Ireland', B56, C466, E58 'Poor Tom's A-Cold', E15 The Pope, the People, and Politics, B21 Pope- Hennessy, Una, A27r The Popes and Social Problems, C376 Popkin, H., A34r 'Pora Sireni', C550 Porcelly, Nina, D 109 'Porgy', Cll9 Portland Symphony journal, C587 'Portrait of Jack London: A Light that

Failed', C210 'Portraits of Four Irishmen as Artists: Veri-

similitude and Vision', C643 'The Ports Controversy', C253 'Poser for a Playwright', C345 'Poslanets Mira V Kosmose', C497 Der Pott, D90 A POUND ON DEMAND, AJ6, A17,

A29, A37, D1, D28, D64, D81, D103, D142,D162,E19,E36,F15

'A Pound on Demand' (story), A16n, E58 Poussiire Pourpre, B50, D33, D36 'Power House God', A16n, E35 'The Power of Laughter: Weapon Against

Evil', A34, C421, D23, D77 Poynter,J.W., C376 Pravda, C404 'Preamble', B30 'Prl"d Vytalenim Opony', C477 'Preface: Look at the Soviet Union', B24 Der Preispok4l, D73, D80 Prentis, Richard, A20r 'Prerumble', A38n, C518 Prescott, Joseph, B49, C610 Prescott, Orville, A24r, A27r 'Press Censorship?', C202, C203 Preston, Hayter, A27r 'Prestuplenie i Nakazanie', D153 Priestley,J.B., A25r Primer Acto (Madrid), D 168, D 169 Pritchett, V.S.,A19r,A31r 'Private Cassidy, V.C.', E2 'Private Stephen Gwynn, M.P.', E3

'Privetstvie Tret'emu S"ezdu Pisatelel SSSR', C507

'Profile of Ireland', E2& 'Programme Note for the World Premiere

of the Bishop's Bonfire', B48 'Pro-per Proscenium', A18, A34, D32,

D38 'A Prophet in the Theatre', A44, B8, C208 'A Protest to Truman', C354 'A Protestant Bridget', A44, B19, C339 'A Protestant Kid Thinks of the Reforma­

tion', A19, Cl52 'The Public Death of Shakespeare', Al8,

A34,CI63,E51 Puck's Fare, C274 'El Pueblo y el Teatro', D 16 7 Puk£lm Do Drzwi, D 126 'Pull that Green Flag Down, Boy', E50 Puma, Fernando, B26 Punaseid Roose Mulle Toob, D22 Punt Ar Eileamh, D103 Purgatory, A24n PURPLE DUST, A21, A23n, A29, A32,

A41n, A42, A45, B50, B64, C455, C465, D4, D10, D16, D33, D36, D66, D79, D81, D88, D98, D107, Dl 16, D122, D144,E13,E19,E25,E39,F16

'Purple Dust', C465 'Purple Dust at the Lyric', C649 'Purple Dust in Their Eyes', A21n, A41,

A45, E57, E73 Purpurouj Prach, D 16 Purpurstaub, D66, D79, D88 Pyat' Odnoaktnykh P'es, D 142

Quennell, Peter, A30r Der Q.uerschnitt (Berlin), D82 Quidnunc, A14r, B64

'R.I.P.', E21, E58 'Rand R: (Time to Go)', E13 'Rabota', D 155 Radio Eireann,J3 Radio Times, C461 'The Raid: An Autobiographical Sketch',

A27, B18, E43 'The Rainbow Ends', A38n, E52 Rallying Songs, A7n, A8 Randolph-Macon Bulletin, C428 Die Rauber, B31 Rayner, R., C279, C281, C284, C364,

C365 Reader's Subscription, A46n Readers Union Ltd., A19 'Real Dubliners', C283 Realisticlli Divadlo ZdenM Nejedeho (Prague)

Programme, C477

Index 403

Reasoru Why the Workers Should Jain the Iri.<h Citizen Army, B2

Reason.< Why You Should join the Irish Citizen Army, B2

'Rebel Orwell', A3ln, E20, E26, E50 Der Rebell, Der Keiner War, D85 Rebell zum Schein. Ausgewiihlte Stiiclre, D59 'The Recent Tragedy on the G.N.R.I.',

C32 'Recruiting!', C67 'Red Envoy to Outer Space', E58 'Red Flag or White', Cl81 'Red Grave in Burma', C304, E58 'Red in the Rainbow', E26 'The Red Lily', E I 0 RED ROSES FOR ME, A2ln, A22n, A23,

A29, A32, A42, A45, D6, D8, D 17, D22, D27, D29, D59, Dl07, Dl08, Dl23, Dl28, Dl32, Dl44, Dl65, Dl69, El2, E40,E58,FI7

'Red Roses for Me' (letters), C329, C597 'Red Roses for Me' (song), A23n 'The Red Star', A20n The Red Star (The Star Turns Red), E 13,

E20,E21 'Red Star Over the Red Hand', E58 'Red Thoughts in a Green Shade', E58 'The Red Ticket', A3ln, C405, C406 'Redaktoru Zhurnala ''Teatr" ', C474 Redmond, john, A6n Reemboloso de una libra, D 162 Rees, Leslie, B72, C615 Rees, Richard, Al5r 'Relief Fund Committee', A40, C39, C40,

C41, C42, C44, C45, C46 'Remembrance ofThings Past: On Meeting

Sean O'Casey', C615 'Resurgam', A44, E57, E58 'Reveries in the Dusk', A4ln Revesz, Ferenc, B43 La Revue de Paris, D37 Reynolds, Horace, Al5r, Al9n, Al9r,

A22r, A23r, A24r, A25r, A27r(2), A28r, A30r, A3lr, A32r

Reynolds News, C224, C283 The Ribbon in Her Hair, Bl4, C286 'Rich and Rare', El3 'The Rich Tapestry of Life', C369 'Riches of the Deep Blue Sea', C443 'Right About Turn: Wage Slaves in the

Volunteers', C59 'Rise o' the Red Star', C324, E58 Ritchie, H.M., B74, C573 'Rival Armies: Challenge to Nationalist

Volunteers', C58 Robert Loraine, A44, B8, C208

Robertson, Archibald, C376 Robinson, Lennox, Bll, Bl9, B37, B58,

B77,CI04,CI07,C339,C647 Robinson, Robert, A41r R;de Roser til Mig, D 17 Rogov, V.V., Dl45 'Robeline Vares', D23 'Roll Out the Barrel', A25n, E42 Rollins, Ronald, C562, C563, C566, C568,

C579, C600, C622, C624, C625, C629, C631, C641, C642, C643, C644, C650, C657

Rolo, Charles J., A27r, A30r, A3lr Rangier, Franc;ois, D31 'Room 15', El3 'Room for the Teachers', A40, C76, D78 Rosas Rojas para Mi, D 165, D 169 'Roscius Unbound', Cll8 ROSE AND CROWN, Al4n, AJO, A35,

A37n, A45, B68, D52, D63, D87, El9, E20,E23,E24,E25,E48,E50,E68,H4

'Rose and Thorn', A30n 'The Rose ofYouth', E58 Rose Rosse per Me, D 107, DI08 'Rose Tattoo Fund', C471 Rose und Krone, D52, D63 Roses Rouges pour Moi, D27, D29 'Roses Rouges pour Moi' (letter), C547,

D41 Rosian, Eugene S., D 159, D 160 Rosier, Edith, D 132 Rote Rosen for Mich: Ausgewiihlte Dramen,

D59 Rotha, Paul, K2 'Rough House', A22n 'Rowdelum Randy: A Postscript on

O'Caseyand His Critics', C489 Royal Court Theatre (London) Programme,-

C514 'Royal Risidence', A22n, C229 Royde-Smith, N.G., Al3r 'Roza Yunosti', C473 Rudin, Seymour, B49, C609 'The Ruined Rowan Tree', A2lr, C455,

E39 Ruiz-Werner,Juan Martin, D 163 Rushe, Desmond, C639, C640 Russell, Francis, A29r Russell, George William (A.E.), A!Or,

Al3r, Al4r, A35b, B28, C 116 Russell, Leonard, Bl2, Bi5 Russell, Rose, B46, C586 'Russell's Rage', C367 'The Russian Trials', C200 Rust, William, B75 Ryan, Desmond, A40r, C233

404 Index

Ryan, Frank, C256, C407, C409


Sadlilr. Yurdu: Oyun, D172 ~ahinba~. irfan, Dl73 Sailor on Horsebaclc, CZIO St Donat's Castle, Glamorgan, B62 Saint-Exupery, Antoine de, C225 St Laurence O'Toole Pipers' Club, B I 'St Laurence O'Toole's Pipers' Club',

Cl4 'St Lorcan O'Toole Pipers' Band',

C6 'St Pathrick's Day', A34, C418 'St Pathrick's Day in the Morning',

A34,C418,E51 St Patrick's College, Maynooth, A24n, A27 'St. Patrick's Day in London', C 100 'Sainte-Beuve, Patron of Poor Play-

writers, PrayforUs!',AJ8, Cl75, C!79 'Saintly Sinner, Sing for Us', A3ln, C401 Sakata, F., A44n Sastre, Alfonso, Dl65, D 169 Tlu! Saturday Book 1943, B 12 Tlu! Saturday Book, 3, B 15 Saturday Night, C421, C426, C430 Saturday Post (Dublin), see Dublin Saturday

Post Saturday Review, Cll8 Saville, John, B47 'The Scab', A23n Scalera, Alessandra, D II 0 Der Schatten Eines Rebel/en, D68, D80 Scherk, Grete, D82 Schier, Ernest, A46r Schiller,J.C.F. von, B31 Schiller-Tiu!ater (Berlin) Programme, C419 Schlosspark- Tlu!ater (Berlin) Programw, C464,

C590 Schnitzler, Arthur, A29n (v. 4), A37n Schuch, Wolfgang, D81 'Scientific Socialist', C323 'The Seamless Coat of Cathleen', A40,

C87 Sean, A12n, Al4n, A15n, Al6, B60, B68,

B70 'Sean O'Casey', B33, K3 Sean O'Casey ('Serie Teatro Contemporaneo

II'), D!67 Sean O'Casey als Dramatilcer, A12n, B7 'Sean O'Casey and Dublin', C435 'Sean O'Casey and Gordon Beckles at

Loggerheads', Cl42 Sean O'Caseyand His World, B75 'Sean O'Casey and Mr. Worsley', C429

'Sean O'Caseyand Russia', C318 'Sean O'Casey and the Abbey Theatre,

Dublin', C647 Sean O'Casey and tlu! Elections, B23 'Sean O'Casey Answers G. R. Strauss,

M.P.', C249 'Sean O'Casey Appeals for Frank Ryan',

C256 'Sean O'Casey Appeals to Britain to Save

World: Don't Make the Earth a Great Grave', C559

'A Sean O'Casey Bibliography', A45 'Sean O'Casey: Colourful Quixote of the

Drama', C637 'Sean O'Casey Complains', C440 'Sean O'Casey Concerning James Joyce',

B49, C610 'Sean 0 'Casey Defends "The Sword of the

Soviet"', Cl96 'Sean O'Casey: 1880-1964', B49 'Sean O'Casey: Formerly of Dublin',

C414 'Sean O'Casey Greets Gurley Flynn',

C444 'Sean O'Casey Greets Gurley Flynn

Event', C580 'Sean O'Casey Greets New York Connolly

Rally', C388 'Sean O'Casey Greets Vets' Rally', C524 'Sean O'Casey Greets WSP Mission to the

Hague', C598 'Sean O'Casey, Irish Playwright, Sends a

Message for Peace', B25, C413 'Sean O'Casey is an Ghaeilge', C447 'Sean O'Casey Lauds "The Searching

Light'", C442 'Sean O'Casey on Peace and Friendship',

C513 'Sean O'Casey on the Ban', C246 'Sean 0 'Casey Parle', C307, D34 'Sean O'Casey Puts Plea to Americans',


A45 'Sean O'Casey Reading from His Works',

HI 'Sean O'Casey Replies', C3!5 'Sean O'Casey Reports', C241 Sean O'Casey Review, A13n, B2, C341,

C385, C544, C613, C638, C65!, C653, C655,C657,C659,C661

'Sean O'Casey Says', Cl96, C216 Sean O'Casey Stiiclce, 1920-1940, B71, DB! 'Sean O'Casey Takes Up Synge Cudgels',

C366 'Sean O'Casey Talks',J3


Sean O'Casey, the Man and His Work, A38n, B37, B38

Sean O'Casey, the Man Behind the Plays,A14n, A23n,B45

Sean O'Casey, the Man I Knew, A13n, A21n, B48,C330,C433,C434,C436,C437

'Sean O'Casey: The Writer Behind His Critics', C591

'Sean O'Casey Tilts at Cultural Ireland', C592

'Sean O'Casey to Alfred A. Knopf', C412

'Sean O'Casey to Irish Exiles', C240 'Sean O'Casey Urges Release of Repub-

lican Prisoners', C349 'Sean O'Casey Volume Two', H4 'Sean O'CaseyWrites', C359 'Sean O'Casey's Fingal Days', C306 'Sean O'Casey's Greetings', C523 'Sean O'Casey's Letter About Artists Who

"Face Front and Fear Little"', C441 SEAN O'CASEY'S LETTERS,A46, B58 'Sean O'Casey's Mental Pilgrimage', C562 'Sean O'Casey's Message: Ireland Should

be Against the War', C228 'Sean O'Casey's Message on Workers' Debt

to Larkin', C451 'Sean O'Casey's Message to Teachers'

Union', C453 'Sean O'Casey's Reply to Brig. R. Rayner,

M.P.', C281, C364 'Sean O'Casey's The Star Tums Red: A

Political Prophecy', C579 'Sean O'Casey's Tribute', C340 'Sean O'Casey's Vision of World to

Come',C564 'Sean O'Casey's Words Live On', C627 'Sean O'Casey's World' (letter), C427 Sean O'Casey's World (recording), B33, H5 'Sean's Skill as a Caricaturist', B48, C339 The Searching Light, C442 Sears, W.P., A23r 'Seasonable Greetings', C467 'Second Fall', Al6 Segal, Edith, C653 Sekai Gikyoku Zenshu, D 113 SELECTED PLAYS, AJ2 Selected Plays (Lady Gregory), B44, E58 'Self-portrait', Cl84 'Self-portrait' (sketch), C356 A Self-portrait of the Artist as a Man, B II,

B58, C569 'Sentenced to Death', C541 Sepp, Ilmar, D24 Serving My Time, C242 'Serving with the Colours', C242

7 Arts 1 Two, B26 Shackleton, E., Al7r THE SHADOW OF A GUNMAN, AIO,

A/2, Al7, A29, A32, A36, D26, D30, D34, D59, D68, D80, D81, D86, DI04, DI07, Dl09, Dll2, Dll5, Dll9, Dl25, Dl32, Dl33, Dl38, E6, E64, Fl8

'The Shadow of the Vatican', C299, E58 'Shakespeare', E30 Shakespeare, William, Al8, A34n, A35a,

B29,CI63,CI77,CI87,C258,C593 'Shakespeare Among the Flags', A44, A45,

C614, Dl57 Shakespeare and the Young Actor, B29, C457 'Shakespeare Lives in London Lads',

AI8,A34,CI77 Shand, john, A15r 'The Shaping of an Agate', C 145 'Shaw', E27 Shaw, Charlotte, B68 Shaw, George Bernard, AI In, A24, A34,

A44,B45,CI48,DI52,E20,E27 'Shaw and O'Casey: John Bull and His

Other Island', C629 'Shaw-Lord of a Century', A34b, C456 Shaw Review, C556, C629 'Shaw's Corner', E20 'Shaw's Primrose Path', A44, C416, E58 'She Carries a Rich Bunch of Red Roses

for Me', A23n 'She Will Give Me Rest', Al6, Cl53, E36 Sheedy, Morgan, Rev., A38n 'Shekspir Sredi Flagov', D 157 'Shekspir V Anglii IV SSSR.', C258 Shiels, James, B67 Shifulina, L., A19n, Gl Slri-jie wen-xue (Peking), Dll, Dl2 Slringeki (Tokyo), D 116 Slrinko Bungaku Zenshu, D 112 'Ship in Full Sail', E20, E58, H4 Shipp, H., A lOr, A13r 'Shon O'Kelsi o Politike SSSR.', C230 'Shon O'Kelsi o Sebe', C546 'Should We Have a National Order?',

C390 'The Show-Off', E 19 Shyre, Paul, Al9n, A22n, A24n, Gl, G2,

G4,H3 'Sidelighting on Some "Pictures''', Al9n,

C458 Sidnell, M.J., A44r Siegmeister, Elie, Al3n, C638, C651, G5 'Sigma's Notes on the Way', Cl93, Cl94 Sillen, S., A22r THE SILVER TASSIE, A/4, A29, A30n,

A32, A42, A45, B45, B68, B77, D35,

406 Index


D59, D74, DSI, D91, DIOO, D107, DI60,E9,EIO,Ell,EI3,E33,E59,Fl9

'The Silver Tassie' (letters), A44, C 107, Cil7, CI66, CI67, C575

'The Simcox Case', C381 Simmgen, Georg, D65, D66, D78, D79,

D81 Simmonds, Harvey, B62 Simpson, Alan, A39r 'Since Maggie Went Away', A6, A40, E3.

Other titles, in various ms. versions, are 'Since Maura (Mary) Went Away'

'Since MaryWentAway', E3 Sinclair, Arthur, Al6n Sinervo, Elvie, D25 Sing Out!, C460, C486 Singer, John, B16, B20 Sinn Fiin, C3, C4, C6 'Sinn Fein Election Ballad', E3 'Sinn Fein Election Song', E3 Sinn und Form (Berlin), D84, D85, D87 'Sir Barry .Jackson', C115 'Sir Thomas More', C424 Sirp ja Va.sar (Tallinn), D23 Skelton, Robin, B49, C609, C610 Skoumal, Aloys, D 14 Slater, Montagu, A19r 'Slave Krasnol Zvezde!', C557 Slavov, Atanas, D5 Sloane School (London), B29, C187 Smith, Brendan, A38n, B68, B70 Smith College (Northampton, Ma.ss.)

Department of Theatre Programme, C423 'Sob Stuff', E30, E5 7 'Soboleznovanie Po Povodu Smerti

A.N. Tolstoga', C310 Socialist Register 1965, B4 7 SogeiUhei No Kage, Dil5 Solov'ev, D., D155, D156 'Some Slaves of the G.N.R.I. and Others',

A40,C19 'A Son of Granuaile', B45 Sonderheft der Wuppertaler Buhnen (Wupper-

taD, D91 'Song of a Shift', A24n 'The Song of Life', C294 'Song of the Fish Hawker', A24n 'The Song of the Soviets', C415 'Songs:Josephine Ruadh', E2, E3 SONGS OF THE WREN (AMHRAIN AN

DREOILfN), A5, A6, A8, A40, B53, E2, E3

'Songs of the Wren: Home Rule for Ireland', E3

'Songs of the Wren: How Do You Doodle Do?', E3

'Songs of the Wren: When Night's Deep Shadows Darkly Fall', E3

'Songs of the Wren III: John Bull's Love Song', E3

'Songs of the Wren Part III: Marching Through Germany', E3

'Songs of the Wren Part III: My Modest Brown-haired Mary', E3

'Songs of the Wren Part III: Private Stephen Gwynne, M.P.', E3

'Songs: Oh! Brothers Lift Your Faces', E3

'Songs: Strolling with Mary', E3 'Songs: To Mary', E3 Sonntag (Berlin), C480, D83 Sotheby Sale Catalogue, C632 'The Soul of Davis', A40, C50 'The Soul ofMan', A40, El Soulat, Robert, D28 'Sound the Loud Trumpet', A40, C1, E56 'Soviet Literature', E58 'Soviet Move', C224 'A Soviet Play', C266 Sovremennaya irlandskaya novella, D 148 'Specimens of Autographed Title-pages',

B48 Spectaculum VI: Sieben modeme Theaterstiicke,

D53 Spectator, C316, C317, C319 LaSpia,DilO Spinner, Kaspar, A25n, B42 'Spirits in Prison', C319, E10 'A Sprig of Rosemary Among the Laurel',

A44, B44, E58 Sprigge, Elizabeth, B8, C370 Spring, Howard, A15r, AI9r The Stage (London), C119 'Stage and Screen', C144, Cl47 'A Stand on The Silver Ta.ssie', Al4n, A44,

B45,E58 Standard (Dublin), A33n, C315, C329,

C330 The Star (London), C98, C 124 'Star Ascending', E58 'The Star Dance', Al6n 'The Star-Jazz', Al6n 'The Star-Jazzer', Al6, A34, D 100, E36 'Star of the County Down', E20 THE STAR TURNS RED, A20, A25n, A29,

DII, D31, D59, D69, D94, Dl44, El3, E20,E21,E38,E61,F20

'The Star Turns Red' (letter), C238 'Stars and Stripes', E20 'State and Church', E 12

Index 407

'Statement Regarding the Piracy of Ulysses', B55

'Stay in Country', E 19 Stein, joseph, A lin, G3 Steinberg, Madeleine, D28 Stephens, james, A !On, A28n Stern, james, A22n, A22r Der Stern Wird Rot, D69 Stevenson, Lionel, A44, C217 Stewart, Ian, A46r 'Still More Ideals .. .', C27 4 The Sting and the Twinkle, B33, B49, B60,

B72 Stock, A. G., Al5r !>tone, Irving, C210 Stonier, G.W., Al9r, A22r, A23r, A24r,

A25r 'Stop the Drift to War', C411 'Stop This Celtic Twilight', C298 Storey, JR., B68 'Storm Over Asia', C 171 Story of the Abbey Theatre, C397, E25


THE STORY OFTHOMASASHE,A4 The Strange Life of August Strindberg, B8,

C370 Strauss, G.R., C249 'The Street Sings', Al9n Striebomj Poluir, Dl60 'Striking for Liberty', A40, C37 Strindberg, August, C370 'A Stroll with Venus and Her Boy', E 7 'Strolling with Mary', E3 Strong, L.A. G., A21r, A27r Stucke, B71 'Study Course for a Vatican Recruit',

B21, C362 Sudbury, Myles M., C636 Sugawara, Takas hi, D 114 'Sui! Ruiseach ar O'Casey', C614 Suki To Hoshi, D 117 Sullivan, Kevin, A46r Sullivan, Richard, A24r 'The Summer Sun is Tightly Folding', A6,

B53,E3,E36 Sunday Independent, C109, C621 Sunday Press (Dublin), C569, C607 Sunday Telegraph, C630

Sunday Times, Cl45, Cl75, Cl88, C208, C210, C212, C213, C217, C218, C219, C223, C225, C237, C271, C276, C435

Sunday Worker (New York), C360

'Sunlight and Shadow', Al6n 'Sunset', E20

SUNSET AND EVENING STAR, A29n, AJJ, A33n, A35, A45, B66, D55, D67, D89, Dl52, E20, E23, E24, E25, E26, E49,E50,E58,E69,H4

'Sunset and Evening Star' (letter), C 162 'Sunshadows', Al2n, Al6, E36 'Suppressed by the "Daily Worker" ',

C201 Suschitzky, W., A35a, A39, A45, B30, J4,

K2 Sutherland,]., A46r (2) Svenska Dagbladet, C92, D 171 'Svetoch Rossii', C530 'Sweet Innishfallen, Fare Thee Well', A27 'The Sweet Little Town of Kilwirra', E I 'The Sword of Light', E22 'Sword of the Soviet', Cl95, Cl98, E21 'Swords and Old Lavender', E42 'Symbol, Prophecy, Slapstick', C459 Synge, John Millington, A44, C327, C366,

E58 Szekely, Gyorgy, D98 Szladits, Lola L., B62, B66

TN P C ho.illot Programme, C54 7 'TP and His Invitation', E 19 Tabrizi, Behruz, D 121 TdJikotat6(Budapest), C482, DI02 Takacs, Istvan, D95 Tales By Tolstoy, C348 Les Tambours du Pere Ned, D30 I Tamburi di Padre Ned, D 107 'Tatler's Parade', C639 Taylor, Don,J5 Taylor, Rod, K3 La Tazzo d'Argento, D 107 Teatr (Leningrad), C474, Dl55, D 158 Teatr Dramatyczny m.s.t. Warsuzwy

Programme, C597 Teatro, D 107 Teatro (Tokyo), Dll7 Teatro Irlandis, D 164 Teatro Irlandis Contemporaneo, D 163

Teatro Irlandese, D I 06 Teatru, D 132 'Television Interview', E58 'Ten Best for a Repertory Theatre', A44,

C515 Ten' Strelka, D 133, D 138 'Tender Tears for Poor O'Casey',

A34,C343,E51 Tennyson, Alfred, A30n, A31n, A38n

Tentor, Albert, C648 Tews, Klaus, D81 'Thanks from Sean O'Casey', C454

408 Index

'Thanks on His Eightieth Birthday', C528

That Laurelled Head: A Literary Portrait of Lady Gregory', C556

Theater Heute (Hannover), D86, D88, D89 Theater der Zeit (Berlin), D9 2 'Theatre', E58 Thidtre I, D27 Thidtre II, D28 Thidtre Ill, D30 Thidtre IV, D31 Thidtre V, D33, D44 Thidtre VI, D35 'The Theatre and The Politician', A44,

C320, E58 Theatre Arts, C522, C531, C532 Thidtre d'Hier et d'Aujourd'hui, D26 'The Theatre Festival', C493 Theatre National Populaire, B50, D29,

D36 Thidtre Populaire, C322, D38, D39, D43,

D44 Theatre Quarterly, C646 Theatre Today, C322, D43 Theatre World, C457 'There Are Other More Dangerous

Censorships', C402 'There Go the Irish', A44, B I 7 'There Must Be No More War', C485 These Mortals, Cl89 They Go, the Irish, A44, B 17 'The Thing That Counts', Cl58 Thomas, Dylan, H6 Thomas, Elizabeth, B34 THOMAS ASHE, A.J, E3, C74 (C74 is a

different poem from that with the same title described in A3 and E3)

'Thomas Ashe: Republican and Inter-nationalist', C73

Thompson, Bonar, A44, B5 Thompson, Ralph, A19r, C368 Thompson, T., C237 'Thoughts of Thee', A 16, B53, E36 'Three Cheers for Noah', AlB, Cl64 THREE MORE PLAYS, A42 THREE PLAYS, A.J6 'Tidy the Nazis Up for the Dead', E58 Time and Tide, C131, Cl37, Cl38, Cl40,

Cl41, Cl43, Cl44, Cl46, Cl47, Cl50, Cl51, Cl53, Cl59, Cl60, Cl61, Cl62, C163, Cl64, Cl68, Cl69, Cl70, CI71, Cl73, Cl74, Cl77, Cl79, Cl80, Cl81, CI82, C185, Cl93, Cl94, C200, C202, C203, C206, C212, C270, C301, C303

'The Time the Lilac Blooms', E58

TIME TO GO, A29, A32, A37, D33, Dl42, E13,E47,F21

Times, Cl87, C431, C541, C621 Times Pictorial (Dublin), C432 'The Tired Cow', A 19n Tlucu Na Dve'fe, Dl5 '"To Bring Harmony": Recurrent

Patterns in O'Casey's Drama', C656 'To Him that Hath Shall be Given', E22 'To Maire', Al6, B53, E3, E58 'To Mary', E3, E58 'To the Editor of The Irish Statesman', A40 'To the Editor of The Irish Worker', A40(3) 'To the People oflreland', B2, C52 'To Thomas Ashe', A4n Todd, R. Mary, A15n, A29n Toller, Ernst, Cl58 Tolstoy, Leo, B43, C348, C536, D95, E58 'Tolstoy Tunes In', E58 'Tolstoy's Stories', C348 To/JztojEmlilr.konyv, B43, C536, D96 'Tom Passes Out', El5 'Tone's Grave', A40, C30 'Top Authors Get Down to Business', C630 Toper, V., D135, Dl40 'The Torch of Russia', C530 TOREADOR (Kobunsha ed.), A44n 'Toreador' (story), A44, CJ37, E9, E58 'Torkuei- Perm', C490 Tornai,J6zsef, D99 'Tomes of Gentle Mien', B22, C334, C655 Totnes Times, C260, C261, C279, C281,

C282,C284,C364,C365,C380 'Touched by the Theatre', E22 'Tovarishchi, Vse V Boi', Dl34,

Dl37 Towse,J.R., A lOr, Al3r Traczewska, Maria, D 126 'Travels of the Sun', E36 Treneva, N., Dl33, Dl38 Trewin, J. C., A25r, A31r, A42, A44r,

A46r(2), B22, B68, B76 Tribuna (Bucharest), C584 Tribune, C233, C249, C251, C326, C332,

C336,C348,C350,C355,C466 Tribune 21, B34 'Tribute to Bernard Shaw', C450 'Tribute to O'Neill', B41, C516 Trinity College, Dublin, B76 Trommeln unter den Fenstem, D60 'Truce and Treaty', E 10 Truevtseva, 0., A19n, Gl 'Trumpeters in Man's March', E58 'Tsvety', C51 0 'Tuairimi faoi Shean O'Casey', C607 Tulane Drama Review, A40n, C551

Index 409

'The Tumult and the Pathos', C398 Tuohy, Patrick, Al3n 'Al-Turab Al-Urjuwani', D4 'Tvorcheski Plany Zarubezhnykh

Pisatelei', C549 Twee Rand Trek, D I 'Twelve Famous Writers in Peace Call',

C404 Twentieth Century Authors, Bl3 'Twenty-Five Years Ago', C280 TWO LETTERS, A43 'Two Letters of Sean O'Casey', B47 'Two Marxists', C567 'Two O'Casey Letters', C648 TWO PLAYS, AIO 'Two Unpublished Letters', C651 'Tying Things Together', C 113 Tynan, Kenneth, A2ln The Tyneside Phoenix, C342, C386

l[~LA Playhmt5e Programffll!, C596 'Uhest maailmakirjanduslikust kontak­

tist', C618 'Ulster for Ireland: Home Truths for

Irishmen', C215 UNDER A COLORED CAP, A3In,

A39n, A41, A45, B36, D7, D45, D57, Dl48,Dl49,E57,E58,E73

'Under a Colored Cap, part one: An Army with Banners', A41, Dl48

'Under a Greenwood Tree He Died', A3ln, A41, A45, E57

'Undying Stars', E58 University of Hawaii Theatre Group Pro­

gramffll!, C545 'Unpublished Letters of Sean O'Casey',

C644 'Unrepentant Rebel', C540 Unter Einer Bunten Kappe, D57 Ural (Sverdlovsk), C490 Urquhart, F., A27r Ustinov, V.V., C481

'V Nogu S. Narodom', C502 V serdtsakh narodov, D 134 Valency, Maurice, A30r 'The Value of Violence', C221, E 19 'Vandhering Vindy Vendhor', AI9n Van Gelder, Robert, A22r Van Polen, C., D20 'Vatican and jugo-Slavian Red Star',

E58 'Vatican and Red Star in Yugoslavia', C335 'The Vatican Dictates: Sean O'Casey

Replies to His Critics', C300

'Vatican's Rage at the Red Star of Yugo-Slavia', E58

Vaughan, Stuart, Gl, G2 'Vdokhnovennoe Derzanie', C504 'Vechno Yunaya Boginya Realizma', D 158 'Vechnye Zvezdy', C536 'Veliky Pisatel', Veliky Chelovek', C521 Verschoyle, D., Al5r, AI8r Virtice (Coimbra), C601, Dl31 'Veryu S 1917 Goda! ', C554 'Vesna', Dl56 Vila~. M. de Oliveira, C601, Dl31 Viltigirodalmi Antol6gia, D97 Vilar,Jean, C547, D41 Virginia Quarterly Review, C229, C244 'Virtue and Erin Censorship', E58 Voice of Labour, C 103 'Voice of the Vatican', E58 'A Voice on the Wind', CIS Voks Bulletin, C425 'Volunteers and Workers', A40, C48 Volzhina, N., Dl33, Dl35, Dl36, Dl37,

Dl39, Dl40, Dl44 Viiriisbe Fordul A Csillag, D94 'Voskhodyashcaia zvezda', B35, C481,

Dl41 'Vpolgolosa o Bemarde Shou', A34, C328 Vrba, Frantisek, Dl3, Dl5 'Vy Postroite Novuyu Bol "ShuyuZhizn"',

C462 ' "Vyzyvayuschie" P'esy Dzh. M. Sindzha',

A44, C327

'W.B. Yeats and The Silver Tassie', A44, Cl07

Wain, john, A34r, A35r, A40r, A4lr 'Waiting for Maggie', E 7 Walch, Eva, D81 Waldman, M., Al3r 'A Walk with Eros', Alln, Al2n, Al6, E7,

E36 Walker-Smith, D., Al8r Wall, Mervyn, A44r Walpole, Hugh, Cl89 'Walt Whitman', C206 Walters, Evan, Al4 Wanamaker, Sam, A2ln, B68 'Warald on Wallpaper', A25n Wardle, Irving, A44r A Warld on Wallpaper, A25, A29, E42 Warner, Sylvia Townsend, A23r Warrington, George, Al8r Watanabe, Hiroko, D 117 Watts, Richard, A24r 'We are too Busy with Life', C397 'We Must Be Born Again', C312

410 Index

We Pledge Peace, B25 'We Welcom [sic] the Aid of Japan',

A8, A40 Weales, Gerald, A31r 'The Wearing of the Green', H4 Wellbaum, Sam, A44r Wells, H. G., A30n Wells, Jean, A40r 'We're Lost, We're All Lost', E26 Wesseler, Karl, D74, D91 West, E.J., A31r, A32r, A34r West Country Book, B22 West Country Magazine, C334, C655 West Cumberland Times, C422 West Virginia University Philological Papers,

C563, C624, C631 Western Guardian, C279, C281, C284 'We've Captured the Cave of Machpelah',

A6, A40, E3 Wharton, Will, A40r 'What Are Our War Aims?', C226 'What Does Music Mean to Me?', C587 'What Sean O'Casey Says', C287 'What Thou Seest, Write in a Book',

A44,E58 'When Night's Deep Shadows Darkly

Fall', E3 'When O'Casey Told the People's

Theatre,"You Are a Nuisance"', C605 'When the Irish Will Fight: Ulster for

Ireland', C215 'When the News Came to Dublin',

E58 'When the "Swallas" Came Flying Over',

C544, C604 'Where Wild Swans Nest', A27n, Bl2 'Wherever the Place May Be, the Time is

Now', E58 'A Whisper about Bernard Shaw', A34,

E51 White, Marie A.U., A30r, A31r White, Terence de Vere, A45r Whiting, John, A35n, K3 Whitman, Walt, C206 'Why I Don't Wear Evening Dress',

Cl56 'Why I Joined the Editorial Board',

C247 'Why Ireland is Restless', C233 'Why Irish Workers Should Not Join the

National Volunteers', B2 'Why Not A Church For Shakespeare?',

Cl32 'William Archer Buries the Elizabethans',


'William Archer Defends the Gap of Danger', E58

Willingham, John R., A40r Wilson, Edmund, A23r Wind, Sand, and Stan, C225 WINDFALLS, Al6, A34, A37n, A40, A45,

B53, B68, D78, Dl55, Dl56, E7, E9, E35,E36,E58,E60

Wingfield, Marshall, A27r Wisdom, B33 'Wisdom and Life', Al6, Cl51, E36 Wise,J. Hooper, B36 'With Love and Kisses fi·om Bernard

Shaw', A44, C416, E58 WITHIN THE GATES, Al5, A20n, A29,

A30n, A32, A45, B60, D81, E9, El4, EI6,EI7,EI9,E20,E30,E34,F22

'Within the Gates' (essay), Al8, C 145 'Within the Gates' (letter), Cl49 'Within the Gates and Without', A44, E58 Wittig, Kurt, Al2, B7 Wo Ciao Men, D9 'Wodehouse in Berlin', C259 Wojewoda, Cecylia, Dl27, Dl28, Dl29 'Wolfe Tone Committee', C33 'The Wolfe Tone Memorial Committee',

C25, C31, C34 'Women and Children (of Locked-out

Workers) Relief Fund', C41, C42, C44, C45, C46

'Women and Children's Relief Fund: The Women and Children First!' C40

'Women's Reveille', C655, E58 Wood, Max, Al9r 'A Word Before Curtain-Rise', A32n, A44,

E58 'The Word en-Masse', E58 'A Word From O'Casey: On Playwriting',

A32 'Words', E58 'Work While it is not yet Day', E22 The Worker (New York), C524, C580, C586 Workers Action, C27 5 Workers' Music Association, B14 'Workers' Rally in Bray', C55 The Workers' Republic, C67, C68, C85 World Council of Peace, C513 The World o(George]ean Nathan, C412 The World o(Sean 0 Casey, Al6, B49, B5J 'Worse than Mustard Gas', C 180 Worsley, T.C., A31r Worth, K.J., A44r 'Worthless Leadership in Art', C260, C261 The Wren, A In The Writer, C408

Index 411

Wun;che und Verwtimchungen: Eine Kriti;che Nach/e;e am Vier jahruhnten, D7 7

Wuppertaler Buhnen Prof!!ammbldtter fur die Spieluit 1960161, C537

Wurttemberf!};che Staat;theater (Stuttgart) Prof!!amme, C581

Xing-Xing Bian Hong Liao, D II

Y.O. (pseudonym of George Russell), Al4r, B39, Clll, Cll6

'Y.O. and The Silver Tassie', B39, Cll6 'Ya Goryacho Polyubil Ego', C526 'Ya S Varni, Komsomol'tsy, Eto

Znachit- Ya Za Budushchee!', C498 Ya Stuchu;' V Dver', 0135, 0140, 0150,

0151 Yale Review, C 192 Yamaguchi, K., A44n Yarita, Ken'ichi, D 112

'Year of Victory and Work', E58 Yeats, W. B., Al4n, A24, A27n, A30n, A44,

BII,B37,B45,B77,CI04,CI07,C332 Yingjo-Ch'eng, D II Young, Stark, A lOr 'Young Cassidy', A35n, K3 'Young Shoots on Life's Tree', E58 'Youth is the Bugler', E58 Yunonal Pavlin, 0133,0139

'Za KraT Rodimyl Mol', D 13 7 Za Teatra/'nym Zanave;om: Sbornik State!,

0149 Zadek, Peter, 091 Zenkevich, M., D 134, D 137 Zhantieva, D., 0151 Zins, Celine, 030, 031,042 Znamya, C296, D 156 Zorgettem Az A}t6n, 099 Zschiedrich, Konrad, B71, 081 Zvezda (Leningrad), C483, D 154